#but man. robots. turns out I can never stop being a little idiot about robots
b4kuch1n · 1 year
oh my gods I know what adam's fighter is gonna look like now. holy shit. its gonna be SO GROSS I canNOT fucking wait
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ashironie · 5 months
spoilers for tmagp ep 12. im making this on tuesday then relistening and adding more thursday.
i’ll be doing 2 in front of every thought i had on my second listen
Alex doing the title card? maybe a norris case? mayhaps?
2 Is getting of in relation to the bonzo lap dance turned dismemberment?
oh god.. first ep without a transcript… what the actual fuck are they saying
2 Oh thank god i have the transcript… sam actually got some rizz
celia and sam in the off room? i assume that’s why it’s so FUCKING ECHOY
2 Panting? man this guy is out of shape
2 awwww i kinda heard this part my first listen through </3. Alice unrequitedly loves Sam and Sam unrequitedly love Celia who unrequitedly loves Lena who unrequitedly loves Gwen who unrequitedly loves Alice (i don’t ship half these but it is funny to joke about imo)
2 SAM IS SUCH A CHARMER I NO LONGER WANT HIM TO DIE FIRST (sorry colin, looks like your up, and so is your time)
awwww, celam fans are gonna eat good with this one
my headphones are also broke so i can’t hear jack
2 something about alice makes tmagp 10x more understandable
aw but you love him for it :7
he is so not over the institute, sam and alice are alike like that, he’s not over tmi she’s not over him
awwww alice stop being such a pessimist! like please do say it, i want sam to get out of this bullshit alive as much as you but like… yk
norris sounds so robotic, i think i even heard him skip a bit. it’s either jonny is too much of a theater kid, or this is actually important to the lore. norris being less human, sounding less emotive, maybe a bit sad? hm? maybe a bit lonely?
2 the skip is on the words “Policy Number: 548651-656” and on “2024” or more specifically the numbers, which isn’t important in don’t think, but really does remind me of tts
fraud?? ooooooOooooOOOOooooo
ha “acting in good faith”
2 love the way Alex says dickheads, it’s so specific and so pointed
hey i know what a stag is!! i watch a british bitch give one to a 70yo! (its a bachelor(ette) party, im pretty sure)
2 don’t you DARE insult my dear dear comic sans
wait why does lena want him murdered?
wait cheer?
ew, i hate bonzo
ohhhhh it looks not bad
2 “Just then the googly eyes turned to me,” im sorry but that will never not be funny. i am both disgusted by bonzo and think everything he does is hilarious.
oh god
WHY ARE THEY LAUGHING? oh they didn’t know
wow dude i feel like that’s overkill bonbon
dut do
why is this SO visiral?
2 ugghhh i love the voice acting
His teeth are not soft
alex saying “bonzo…? bonzo bonzo?” is absolutely hilarious (although i don’t think it can top jonny’s “baaaaa”)
“none of us were left whole” WOW DUDE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKIN HAND?
awww gwen getting her hopes up that alice isn’t fucking with her, so cute
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clarktooncrossing · 2 years
Giraffe's Eye View | Spy x Family REVIEW (Kind of)
Hello there people of today and robots of tomorrow! It's me, Clark, here with another rambling collection of my opinions. When last I did this it was in regards to Komi Can't Communicate, my favorite anime that actually originates in Japan. I have since watched all of Season 2 of the show, which amplified the adorable factor with all the times Komi had full conversations with Tadano. Seriously, my heart melted knowing whenever I saw her overcome her phobia. That said, Season 2 had by far the worst moment on the show, one I saw coming thanks to the manga. While on a school trip to Kyoto, Stalker McGee (Amai Ren to the people who somehow like her) plans to gaze upon Komi's breasts when they the girls have to share a bath house together. I was already annoyed by how Agari's seemingly gigantic boobs were once again acting as the butt of the joke, so seeing Stalker salivate at the idea of touching Komi's boobs made me physically uncomfortable. Heck, considering how much of a psychotic pervert she is, I'm surprised she even asked. To top it off, the next episode has Komi interacting with two very sweet students that I wish the show would focus on more. One's a busy body named Katou Mikuni and her yo-yo loving friend is called Sasaki Ayami. They treat Komi to a fun day at totally not Universal Studios Japan, never once trying to grope their new friend. Why this series puts so much focus on Stalker McGee as apposed to any of these characters is a mystery to me, but following this episode I pretty much fast forwarded through every scene she was in. Their White Day episode took place on Friday the 13th, leading me to hope Jason Voorhees could show up and shut this creep up! No such luck.
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The one time this guy doesn't wanna introduce a horny teenage idiot to his machete, unbelievable! And no, I don't actually wish horrible things upon this character, I just wish she'd go away!
Needless to say I was feeling pretty annoyed when I decided to check out another anime that had been gaining popularity ever since it started streaming on Hulu.
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Every where I turn on the Internet there's clip compilations of Anya being cute or inappropriate fan art of Yor on deviantART, and of course none of my friends on Discord will shut up about this show. Being the fan of the found family trope myself, I finally caved in and gave it a watch myself.
The show centers around Michael Weston, a recently burned spy who's forced back to his hometown of Miami, Florida due to unforeseen circumstances. There he's joined by retired Navy Seal Sam Axe, ex-girlfriend and explosives genius Fiona Glenanne, and even his mother, who all help Michael clear his name over the course of eight seasons.
No wait, I'm thinking of a different spy show.
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It's called Burn Notice and all of you should totally watch it! If the compelling ongoing story of what happened to Michael doesn't draw you in, the promise of eight seasons worth of Bruce Campbell should!
Back to the show we were talking about, it centers around a super-spy known only as Twilight!
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Out there is a universe where this guy has the codename Agent Rainbow Dash. In this universe Twilight / Loid Forger is tasked with stopping a war between two countries. How do they intend on him doing that? By turning him into a family man of course! In order to prevent war Loid has to deal with a man named Donovan Desmond, who only appears at social gatherings held at his son's super-elite school. Twilight accepts, adopting the most adorable little girl known as Anya, not knowing that the pink-haired cutie can read minds.
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Anya uses her Professor X style powers to get out of a lot of scrapes, such as reading her potential new dad's mind in order complete a crossword puzzle. This convinces the super spy of the girl's intelligence, being the fifth person to adopt the poor little girl. Given how utterly depressing Anya's backstory is, rooting for her proves to be no problem, even when she does act somewhat bratty. If nothing else this show does a terrific job showing how unpredictable children are. She's never a little devil in disguise, nor is she a fallen angel. She's just a decent kid who loves peanuts, penguins, and anime. She also hates carrots and wishes bakery sold bacon. Heck, I'm with Anya on that last one, why don't bakeries sell bacon!?
She also figures out pretty easily that Loid is a spy, a factor she loves considering her favorite show is all about spies.
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Her excitement only grows when she meets her new mother, an assassin known as Thorn Princess/ Yor Forger.
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Behold, the subject of so much fanart online! I kid but honestly Yor's the most likable character on the show. Despite her night job as an assassin, she tries to be as good a mother to Anya she can be. She's nurturing, supportive, and kicks the ever-loving crap out of anybody who'd dare harm her baby. Yor Forger has the best Momma Bear Mode in all of freak'n fiction.
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Along with her relationship with Anya, Yor's relationship with Loid is pretty sweet too. Like so many rom coms, the two get together under contrived circumstances. The school Anya needs to enroll in excludes single parents for whatever reasons, meaning Loid needs a mate in order to achieve world peace. Meanwhile Anya needs a cover up to her assassin job, plus she doesn't want her somewhat creepy brother Loid to find out she was lying about having a boyfriend. The two find each other with Anya's help, forming a fake bond with some very real at its center, regardless of whether or not they want to admit it. Yor gives Twilight the best advice she can, Twilight tries to navigate Yor out of awkward situations, and both act as protective parental units for Anya. A good example of this comes during Anya's entrance exam, one obnoxiously rude headmaster asking Anya if she prefers her new mom or her old one. With tears dripping down their baby's face, you can believe that Yor or Loid would've killed this pompous ass-wipe for saying something so cruel.
Luckily Anya is accepted, which is only half the battle. From there she has to contend with homework and Desmond's second son Damian. If my exposure to the DC Universe has taught me anything, it's that spoiled rich sons called Damian are the biggest brats of them all. While this Damian never gets his butt handed to him by the Ninja Turtles, Anya more than picks up the slack due to training from her mom.
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As someone who was bullied extensively when he was younger, scenes like this always feel like karma finally being fulfilled. Unfortunately that's the one kid in school Anya has to befriend. And despite the weird feeling in his heart whenever he's around her, Damian refuses to play ball. Unlike Becky, the daughter of a military contractor who immediately forms a friendship with the Forger kid. Honestly it's so nice when anything good happens to Anya, considering this is the first time a family hasn't returned her. Seeing how all the Forgers help support each other despite continued claims that they're a 'fake family' is beyond heart-warming. It's easy to see why everybody's addicted to this show.
However, that brings me to a major problem. Not with the show mind you, but with Hulu. Back with my Princess Mononoke review I made a big stink about subs vs dubs, rambling on about why I prefer dubbing over subtitles. It all boiled down to me not wanting to read anything at the bottom of the screen when my full attention should go to the bigger picture as a whole. This wasn't a problem with Spy x Family, their first 12 episodes dubbed over. Then came episode 13 and all of a sudden every other episode was subbed. The heck? What happened to the dubs?
My friend Alec explained there are dubs for the rest of Season 1, all of them locked behind a paywall on Crunchyroll. Anybody who's about to type how I should join their premium service can stop right now. I'm addicted to four animes out a billion. Why would I sign up for a service I'd rarely use? Bad as I am with saving money, I ain't that financially foolish. Now I tried to watch the version with subtitles, but I realized how that wasn't gonna fly when a scene with multiple people talking at once played out. Yeah, nope. So for now I have to track down the mangas while waiting for Hulu to get the rest of Season 1. This is really a bummer considering I know who was joining the family come the later half of the season...
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What a freak'n tease! For now though, I can confidently say that Spy X Family is fun for the whole family! Grab yourself a bag of peanuts and go check it out for yourself.
Meanwhile, wanna know my thoughts on other anime content? Check out my previous reviews for Komi Can't Communicate and Princess Mononoke! Until then; may the glasses be with you!
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blackknightax · 5 days
Oc shorts
This was a far more immediate delivery. Apparently Drillman needed this RIGHT NOW. Or at least that's what the message said. The component she is delivering is a scanner that scans rock walls for minerals. Tempo talked to herself on the way “weird, Drill bro never calculates things… I mean, he's got Drill bombs! Why would he? Surely this is important.” She started to see the mine coming into sight so she started to slow to a stop. She saw Drillman and shouted “Drill bro! Sup bro how's my handless bro?” Drillman responded in stride “Well I'd take the component from you but I've got no hands! I've got cool drills though.” They do a practiced shoulder bump that is clearly just something they do then go for a hug. “Good to see you, my crazy brother. What do you need a component like this one for? You don't do calculations!” he led Tempo to one of his workers who took the component from her, they explained “we may have found a new mineral or natural gas, we don't know which. We don't want to act on going in case it's the latter. Measure twice and cut once as they say.” Drillman spoke in disagreement “I say nonsense! But they told me not to go in until they know for sure. To which I say, meh! If I go into it, then we know!” Even Tempo knew that was a bad idea “but if it's natural gas, you'll release it and they can't extract it!” Drillman makes a sound. “Is whatever, far as I'm concerned.” He said laughing. His staff seem enthused by him. The pair of robots started laughing together. “Imma go hang out with my sistah while you guys do your calculatie bits.” They all rolled their eyes as the pair walked away. “So what exactly have you been up to here?” She asked “Well technically, this was supposed to be a tunnel but we got side tracked when we discovered potential useful material so it turned into a mining expedition. And that's fine by me, more drilling, more potential need for DRILL BOMBS!” tempo giggled about his enthusiasm “so did you enjoy being a combat robot?” His mood FELL “no… I didn't. I just enjoy that the weapon given to me by Wily is still useful to me in my normal life.” He spun his drills and shook his head “but I don't dwell, or Drill, on the past. I Drill towards the future!” Tempo laughed as she accidentally revved her engine. “Fair enough Drill bro.”
Drillman suddenly has a question “what's faster you running, or me drilling?” Tempo points out “it'd be hard to judge since you'd see you and I'd see me but neither can see the other… but…. You and me race to that tree?” Drillman put his drill hands up in the air “LET'S DO IT!” Tempo got into running man stance and Drillman got ready to jump. They both shouted “THREE, TWO, ONE, GOOOOOOO!” He jumps in the air, colliding head and hands first into the ground and starts drilling towards the tree. For the sake of fairness Tempo waited to take off until he was IN the ground. She ran, he drilled, she suddenly heard a loud thud as she reached the tree. He got out the ground “are you okay?” She asked. He said “I'm aight. I just smashed into a hard root.” They look at each other then realize simultaneously “without a witness we can't confirm who won….” Drillman looks at a wall “say why don't we do a little course you do by running I'll do by drilling!” She giggled sure. First one back wins?” he jumps into the air “you're on!” and so they raced up walls, around barriers, through the mine itself. Drillman occasionally firing his drill bombs to sabotage Tempo. Tempo moved barriers so he'd have to drill through them, slowing him down, and any time he was peeking out she'd kick him, knocking him off course. When they were just about to go back to the starting line they heard a yell “COULD YOU IDIOTS STOP RUNNING AROUND OUR WORK AREA LIKE A PLAYGROUND?!” Drillman was so surprised he fell out of a wall, tempo was running down a wall in the moment so the sudden call made her call face first into the ground. They both said “uh-huh, sure!” In unison then got up from being face first in the ground “we never get to finish our races.” Tempo whined. Drillman patted her back “oh well. I better get back. You probably should too. I think I heard Skull and Ring are back in town.” Tempo's mood went back up “are they? Nice! I need to see if I can see a fight! See you later Drillbro!” She dashed away while Drillman went back to the mine to learn what he was drilling.
So I wanted Drillman and Tempo's dynamic to be competent apart, gremlins when together.
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misteria247 · 3 years
"Her name is (Y/N)....."
Who would of thought that one little sentence would cause such an emotional turmoil. Deuce and Ace could only stare at the small boy, unable to comprehend what they'd just heard. It was a name that they hadn't heard in six long years. A name that even to this day caused them to get a bit upset.
"Are.....are you sure that's your mom's name.....?"
Deuce asked a bit breathless by the sudden crash of emotions that was hitting him. Ace on the other hand was just stunned beyond belief, unable to really think of anything to say.
"Yeah I'm sure......why.....?"
Elliott asked with a small head tilt. Deuce sucked in a sharp breath at the movement, the head tilt being nearly identical to yours. Ace just shook his head still in shock.
"I can't believe it......(Y/N)'s a mom......holy-"
Ace muttered trying to wrap his head around it before realizing something.
"Wait......if you're here that means.....!"
Ace started to say trailing off before Deuce picked up on what he was saying.
"She's here.....she's back in Twisted Wonderland.....! She's got a kid too......!"
Deuce said in awe before his expression furrowed in confusion.
"But wait.....if (Y/N) is the mom then who's the dad....?"
Deuce asked puzzled. Ace took another look at Elliott before seeing exactly who the father was.
"I think I figured it out.....it's him....."
Ace said. Deuce first looked confused before it clicked.
"No way he's.....!"
Deuce gasped stunned.
"There's no doubt about it. He's practically a clone of him."
Ace nodded in confirmation. Deuce was about to reply when he was interrupted.
"Wait.....do.....do you two know my mama......?? And.....and my papa.......??"
Elliott asked not daring to get his hopes up with the last question. If Ace and Deuce knew you then from the sounds of it they knew his father too. If they knew who his father was.......maybe Elliott could finally see you be happy completely and finally get his answers that he'd been desperately wanting. Ace and Deuce froze at Elliott's questions, the boy's hurt elbow all but forgotten about as he tried to get information. The two men were at a loss. They had no idea if they should answer Elliott's question about his father, given that you might not want Elliott to know. Plus the last thing the boys wanted to do is be reunited with you and then piss you off with something like this.
"Uh.....we do know your mama. She was a very old friend of ours. As for your papa......"
Deuce trailed off not knowing what to say. Ace thankfully took over.
"We don't know him very well."
Ace finished. Elliott deflated at this, his green eyes dimming slightly.
He said softly, looking down at the ground. Ace and Deuce felt themselves fill with guilt for having somewhat lied to the small child.
"Hey we might not have the answers you're seeking, but we do know someone who has some of them. But first I think we should get your arm fixed up and try to find your mama okay?"
Deuce said keeping the child close to him. Elliott gave a small nod, wanting to fix his stinging elbow and find you. Ace just kept quiet, his thoughts racing. He never imagined that he'd ever see you again, especially as a parent and in a mess like this. And he knew that Deuce was thinking the same thing he was. With Elliott now in Deuce's arms the duo made their way towards the one person who could help them at the moment.
Elliott clung to Deuce, keeping an eye out for his mother and taking in the sights around him. He took notice of some of the people who were now slowly starting to fill the once abandoned campus. Standing under the shade of a large tree was a rather tall, nervous looking man who had long flowing blue hair that looked like flames. Next to him was what looked like a robot teenager, who happily chattered away at him. Elliott couldn't help but notice that they looked like the one statue he'd seen of the man with the flames for hair. Further along the growing crowd was another group of men who looked like their were business men. Two of them were incredibly tall and the third one was rather pretty in Elliott's opinion. The two tall men had teal hair and different colored eyes, almost like they were twins. While the shorter one had steel blue hues and wavy silver hair.
A few more groups caught the young boy's attention rather quickly. One of them was filled with beautiful people who looked like they belonged in a movie or a story book. The leader of the group was the fairest of them all, looking absolutely stunning. Elliott was spell bound for a moment before the other man who wore a funny hat turned towards them and caught Elliott's eye. The strange man gave a smile when he noticed the small child and waved at him. Elliott waved back hesitantly before curling up into Deuce's shoulders more. Another group had two men who looked like they came straight out of the stories his mama read to him with the genies and magic carpets. The shortest of the duo had white hair and was dressed in the finest clothes, a beaming smile on his face as he talked to the taller man next to him. The other man was more serious looking, his hair long and braided nicely as he just nodded along to whatever the other man was saying.
Elliott also noticed that they were holding hands, and standing rather close to one another. The child tilted his head in confusion, thinking about the Arabian princess and her prince for some reason. As the trio made their way further into the school they passed another group of men. These men had animal ears. One man looked like a hyena with blonde hair and mischievous blue eyes, snickering under his breath as his companion, a large man with unruly brown hair filled with braids listened. Bright green eyes just stared irritated at his snickering companion, a scar decorating his face.
"Oi what are you staring at?"
A growling voice came from the man with the scar. Elliott let out a gasp and hid into Deuce. Deuce meanwhile looked up and went wide eyed and Ace just bit back a groan.
"L-Leona Senpai-! It's been awhile!"
Deuce said giving a small bow in nervousness. Ace rolled his eyes at his companion, slightly jumpy with the sudden stop from their destination.
"Oh it's you.....Deuce and Ace. It has been awhile. Tell your cub to keep his eyes to himself."
Leona growled simply before leaving without even so much as a goodbye. It was quite obvious that he wasn't in the mood for chitchat. His companion gave them a somewhat amused yet apologetic look before giving a small salute and following behind him. The duo seemed to sag with relief.
"Oh thank Seven he didn't notice. Now we can finally get to the person who can help you-"
Deuce started to say only to nearly jump out of his skin at a terrifyingly familiar voice. Ace jumped as well at the voice going pale rather quickly.
"May I ask.....why do you have a child with you? You'd think that after graduation......you would have learned to follow the rules......"
The voice said sounding pleasant but at the same time it brought chills to the two men. Even after six years they still had a fight or flight response with this person.
"Ah you shouldn't be so harsh on them. They're grown men after all."
Another voice chimed in sounding much more relaxed.
"Ahhhhh-!!! Look at this cutie!!! I definitely need a photo of his cute little face!!!"
Another voice chirped before a pair of hands gripped Elliott's cheeks in a gentle manner. Standing in front of him and the A-Deuce duo were three men that Elliott had never seen before. However........they seemed to know Deuce and Ace rather well.
Something told Elliott that this might take awhile before he finally got to see his mama again.
*Oh my God I'm alive hello! First I wanna apologize for the long hiatus, things have been extremely hectic and I haven't had a lot of time to write. But I finally managed to get something done for y'all so I consider that a win!!! Also let's play the game of guess who was mentioned here in Elliott's observations and who are the mystery trio at the end of the beloved cliffhanger! Sorry if this sucks shdhdhfhh. Anyways if any y'all read this I hope you enjoyed it!!! And onwards to our tagging list!!!!! @genshin-idiot @ditsy-anime-thot @ctannth @reaperfeels @thatjessawall @simpformangas!!!!*
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royallyjoon · 4 years
nephilim (cinq)
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you know where the cred goes 💙
cult au, supernatural creature au
yandere bts x f! reader
warnings: yandere themes, physical assault, graphic descriptions of violence, manipulation, (slight) gaslighting
you were left, abandoned by mortals and immortals alike. darkness knows no bounds, and neither does punishment. there is no refuge in neither blood nor flesh from its wrath. if darkness welcomes you, should you open your arms to it in return? if darkness turns you away, does that mean you’ve won? should you choose to cast aside this lonely path of yours, and your conviction along with it, regardless of whatever other horrors lie in wait, you will be saved. 
What is one to do when they hear the words they’ve feared the most leave someone else’s mouth?
The moment they graced Jin’s eardrums, he gripped his phone so tightly he could hear the glass screen crack. 
He and Yoongi had been assisting their father in the woods with preparations for the next meeting, the ominous hour approaching in no less than ten days.
He ignored Moonsik and Yoongi for a moment to answer his phone. 
He could barely make out any of Jimin’s words--the boy’s blubbering masked too much of the information.
“Jimin, I can’t hear anything over the sound of you crying. What’s going on?”
“What are you trying to say?” Yoongi stopped talking to the older man, shifting his gaze toward his elder brother as he noticed Jin’s voice raise in irritation and concern.
Jimin had walked out of robotics a little early today, bored to tears.
He had felt much better after getting rid of the idiotic gaggle that dared to threaten you, and threaten him into abandoning you.
He should have known it wouldn’t be enough. He should’ve never left your side, he thought as he kneeled on the rooftop, staring forlornly at the pool of partially dried blood on the concrete.
“She was bleeding, hyung. Aemilia or her people must have taken her, but I have no idea where they went.”
Namjoon had been in the middle of a meeting with the school board, representing the student council.
Hoseok had been in the dance studio, barking orders out at somewhat competent underclassmen.
Jungkook and Taehyung were holed up in the younger’s room, playing games rather than doing any actual work.
In short, none of them were prepared. None of them had been there for you as they had promised.
You trusted them when you needed them most, and they left you high and dry.
Jimin felt like he would never be able to get the disappointment and guilt off of his chest.
Namjoon bounded into the clearing, his usually polished exterior uncharacteristically tarnished. 
Hoseok appeared not long after him, having raced to the woods the moment he received the news.
They were met by Seokjin and Yoongi, who stood with their arms crossed over their chests, near a miserable Jungkook and a pacing Taehyung. Both boys had been in the house, so they were the first to arrive.
Jimin got there last, his hands and uniform pants stained red from the puddle he had kneeled in on the rooftop.
Six pairs of eyes landed on him and his appearance, confirming the worst.
“Three!” Seokjin cried incredulously. “Three of you were on campus, surrounded by a bunch of humans, and not a single one of you managed to keep an eye on her!”
“She could be anywhere,” Jungkook groaned in fear. 
“By all means, please don’t start caring now. It’s too late.” Yoongi snapped at him. “You and Taehyung drove straight home to do absolutely nothing. You could at least have offered her a ride home and ensured that she was safe. You’re just as responsible as they are.”
Jungkook’s eyes grew glassy, but only because he knew his brother was right. 
“As much as you enjoy playing the blame game, we have more pressing matters to address.” Namjoon interjected in an attempt to calm them down.
“That doesn’t even begin to cover it, Namjoon.” Seokjin’s icy tone sent a chill down their backs. “If we really wanted to play the blame game, we would have recognized how this is all your fault.”
The leader stood in tense silence.
“What did I tell you mere hours before this happened?” He continued, walking toward Namjoon until they were face to face. “I told you to get your shit together and to keep that girl in line. Hell, none of this would have happened if we hadn’t followed your idiotic plan in the first place.”
Seokjin was rarely ever angry enough to hiss in his brother’s face. They had all learned a long time ago that to provoke the oldest was to invoke Death.
“We all agreed his plan was the best choice at the time, hyung.” Yoongi cautiously approached the two and lay a hand on Seokjin’s shoulder, leveling a glare of his own at Namjoon. “We can deal with him later. We need to find her first.”
Jimin took the opportunity to step further into the clearing and brandished his phone, the device still open to his messages. “(Y/N) texted me saying Aemilia invited her up to roof and that she assumed it was for a confrontation of some sort.” 
“Aemilia doesn’t have the ability or strength to do damage like that by herself, though.” Taehyung frowned as he gestured to Jimin’s clothes. “Unless...”
The brothers looked at each other in realization and one by one, rushed out the clearing and out the forest. 
A quick drive to the center of the city and one pitifully short interrogation later, their suspicions were settled.
Hoseok growled as he re-entered the van, slamming the car door shut. “How dare he? When did he gain the courage to mobilize our own forces without our knowledge?”
“Never mind Augustus,” Jimin said, although his eyes blazed with anger. “Where would they take her?”
“That dog wouldn’t have taken her to the normal base, she has far too much malicious intent for (Y/N).” Taehyung growled.
Jungkook lightly tapped his fingers on the car door, looking out the window when the thought hit him.
“You don’t think they’d take her to...?”
His brothers looked at him in confusion, but he pointed out the window at the tree line of the woods. 
Having grown up in those woods, they knew it like the back of their hand. 
They knew the places were young townspeople would go to goof off, the places they had claimed for themselves, and the places that were...strictly off-limits.
It didn’t take much longer for the realization to set in.
Once it had, they took off in the direction of the forest.
In your dream, you once again stood before Ichabod Chapel.
The Chapel, adorned with green vines, had long since been abandoned. Once, the walls must have been a beautiful ivory, but now they were a dark beige, having rotted with time.
A complete opposite to the image of the decrepit church, the seven Kim brothers stood on the ground in front of the entrance, visions dressed in various black silks.
Contrary to its original purpose, the material looked anything but light and airy--in fact, it looked as though it was weighed down or soaked, doused in some unknown substance.
You looked down to see that you were dressed in a white, ceremonial outfit. It billowed out like a ball gown, the sleeves drawing lacy patterns swirling up to your thumb. 
When you looked up, you were stunned by the brilliant, black wings that extended from the backs of the seven men before you. 
The sight of their wings enraptured you, those gorgeous appendages, feathers glossy under the moonlight.
Each of them had their own, unique set, varying in shapes and sizes, though the largest pair of wings belonged to none other than Kim Namjoon, who stood in the center of his brothers, hands in his pocket as he flashed you a familiar, mischievous grin.
Namjoon was the first to step out of the line, casually extending his hand out to you, and you hesitantly raised a dainty, (s/c) hand in return, placing it in his.
He pulled you into his arms and you felt him wrap them around you.
His brothers came to circle around the two of you, eventually joining the hug as well. 
Then, the whispers began.
Their tone was loving, though their words were anything but.
They were desperate, consuming, obsessive, threatening. 
They wanted you to love them, they needed you to love them, why couldn’t you understand? 
Your head pounded, filled to the brim with cruel promises of tenderness and affection.
The substance from their silks seeped into your clothes, rapidly staining your white outfit red.
You realized just what it was that they were doused in and tried to pull away from their arms but they surrounded you, locking you into their hold. 
The harder you fought to get out, the tighter they held on to you until you felt as though you couldn’t breathe.
Things were better this way. There’s nothing they wouldn’t do to protect you.  There’s nothing they wouldn’t do for your love.
How could you scorn their love for you? How could you treat them like this?
 They didn’t want to hurt anyone you cared about. They didn’t want to eliminate everyone you love in order to bring you to their side, but they would if they had to. 
They paid no mind to the way you were drowning in the smell of it, drowning in blood. Was it yours or someone else’s? Was it your mother’s? Mana’s?
All you knew was that they were done playing games.
Your eyes flashed open and you winced as you immediately wished they hadn’t.
Your head pounded, each thump forcing your eyes shut with the intensity, still not having recovered from the several hits it received. 
For a moment it felt as though you were still unconscious and drenched in darkness, as when you tried to get a glimpse of your surroundings, you only saw shadows and moving, ambiguous shapes. 
The movement of the ground beneath you, however, quickly dispelled such thoughts. 
It appeared as though you were being carried over someone’s shoulder. Despite the extra weight, the person you currently rested on was light and quick on their feet, moving with a speed that made you feel worse than you already were.
The familiar crunching of leaves and branches on the ground made your heart beat just a bit harder. 
According to their footsteps and what you could see of your surroundings, you surmised they had taken you to the forest.
It had been mid afternoon when Aemilia and the people who worked for her and her family accosted you at the roof. Now, there was barely a hint of the moon in your surroundings.
Did she intend to have her people tie you up to the wooden pyre and set you aflame, like some sick imitation of a witch burning at the stake? Or to make it seem as though the Kims had done it?
Despite how afraid of Mayor Kim the citizens were, there was no way everyone would believe you died in such a gaudy display. 
Only the purple fire that Mayor Kim was capable of conjuring left nothing behind, after all. If they were to going to get rid of you by fire, your remains would be found.
There’s no way you could ensure that, however. 
There’s no guarantee that Aemilia wouldn’t be able to make good on her promise and utterly destroy you.
A light cough broke the silence, bringing you back to the present, and you tried to calm your heartbeat. There’s no way your captors would believe you were asleep if you kept scaring yourself like this.
You felt a tight, scratchy material around your wrists and your hands laying against your back.
You successfully clenched your hands. So they hadn’t drugged you while you were out. 
You were hesitant to shift, as you feared your captors would notice your cognizant state, so you resorted yourself to blinking at the ground and gritting your teeth from the pain and nausea. 
Thankfully, the people you were with appeared to be none the wiser. 
“Are we almost there?” A deep voice, seemingly annoyed, huffed.
“Be patient, Lee.” You felt the vibrations of the person carrying you as they replied. “This isn’t just any other job.” 
“I understand, but don’t you think Miss Augustus is going too far?”
Your captor scoffed. “If you want to question the Augustuses, thereby questioning the Kims and their authority, be my guest. I just hope you and your family will be able to deal with the consequences.”
The second captor, Lee, had nothing else to say after that. 
The quiet of the forest left a buzzing in your ears and the swinging sensation your body was making whilst strewn over the person’s back became too much to bear. 
You figured you’d just make your captor angrier if you barfed down their back and tried to shift to draw their attention, but it was too late. 
The acrid taste of bile and what you had for lunch earlier that day reached your mouth and your lifted your head, spitting out as much of it as you could.
There was a yell of anger and disgust, and your captor shoved you off of them and onto the forest floor. 
You held back a shout as you hit the ground, injuring your side even further, and let out the rest of your meal.
“What the-?! This disgusting bitch!”
Your captor launched another kick at your stomach and you fought back tears as they aggravated the wounds already in place. 
Lee stopped them after a while, complaining that another round of beating would just delay their job even further. 
You wiped your mouth off on your shoulder and grimaced.
To your surprise, you found that you could move your legs.
The first captor lifted you to your feet by your collar, and you recognized him as Mr. Byun, the man the strawberry blonde had referred to earlier. 
“Your legs still work for a reason,” he sneered and pushed you forward.
Your legs did indeed work, but were wobbly after hours of no use. 
You tripped and almost fell to the floor again, the bonds around your wrists preventing you from reaching out to break your fall, when the second captor grabbed you by the back of your shirt and held you up. 
“I’m not really in the mood for any of your foolishness, girl.” Lee glowered down at you. “Use your legs properly, or I’ll break them and drag you by the hair. It would be all too easy.”
You heard a suspicious click and your eyes flickered over to Byun, whose hand rested on his waist. In the other, however, he fiddled with a small lever on what appeared to be a firearm.
“Do you understand?” The second captor shook you and your brain protested, rattling around far too much for its liking. 
The thought of escape, which had been curling up inside you like the beginning of a fire, was quickly extinguished. You squeezed your eyes shut and nodded.
He pushed you away from him and you walked, following him with Byun at your back, trying to think of a way out of this situation.
You couldn’t tamper with the ropes around your wrist, as Byun was watching your every move. There was also the gun, and the fact that both men were trained in the use of it as well as martial arts.
Was there truly no way to escape?
The three of you walked for what felt like hours, reaching a part of the woods that you had never seen before.
Here, the trees were sparse and had already lost all of their leaves. The dark branches coiled and twisted toward the sky, as if reaching for affection that would never be reciprocated. The stumps were old, the ground hard.
And then, a clearing. But not the one you were used to seeing.
Your heart dropped as you walked between two trees, noticing the view beyond them. 
You could now tell that it was well after midnight, for the sun was nowhere to be seen. Nevertheless, as always, the moon was high in the sky. 
Wylynne gazed down on the clearing with a force, as if the moon goddess wanted you to see bright and clear what awaited you.
The crumbling cliff before you overlooked a tranquil lake. Clouds hung in the distance, obscuring what was undoubtedly the outside world.
The outside of Ichabod.
Such tranquility had no business here, you thought to yourself as the pace of your breathing increased. 
Your captors had brought you to Lorne’s Ledge, also known as the edge of no return.
It was forbidden territory for any Ichabodian citizen.
Even before Mayor Kim came to town, even before the Augustus family had their reign: this was one of the oldest, most sacred spots in Ichabod.
The lady of the cliff, Lorne, saw to it that the forsaken never returned home.
You shuddered. The folklore didn’t scare you in the slightest. It would always be the work of man that you detested. 
Yet, you couldn’t help but feel some foreign, oppressive gaze resting on you now that you were here. As if Lorne herself were staring at you, waiting for you to join her in the watery depths--
That familiar click sounded again and your eyes shot to the side. You tried to slowly turn around, but the press of metal against your back forced you to stop all movement.
Lee smirked. “We have arrived at your final destination, my lady.”
“Miss Augustus was generous enough to leave you with two options. You can walk off and take a nice rest in the lake, or you can die before your body ever hits the water.” The man smiled mirthlessly down at you. “Which would you prefer?”
You blinked rapidly, mind racing. Even if you were capable of swimming, with these injuries, you wouldn’t be able to survive the fall off the ledge, 
They truly meant for you to die.
Lee didn’t seem to be in the mood for your deliberation as his cruel smile slipped into an infuriated frown. “Choose.” He growled. “My friend here would be all too happy to make the choice for you. How does a bullet in your brain and being rolled off the cliff sound?”
Byun dug the weapon into your skin and you winced, shaking your head. 
“I’ll-I’ll go. I’ll walk myself.”
Your voice cracked horribly after not speaking for so many hours, but the message was received. 
The metal was removed from your backside and you sighed in relief.
The man in front of you said nothing, simply stepping out of your path. 
You took a couple more breaths and slowly turned to face him. “C-Can I ask you to do something? As a final request.”
He raised an eyebrow at you in response.
You titled your head in the direction of your back. “Can you untie my hands? After I disappear, there might be a search for me, and someone might try to dig through the lake for my body. A suicide will be completely ruled out if they find the ropes.”
There was no way this would work. Even the Augustuses were too intimidated to bother touching the lake for fear of Lorne’s wrath. 
Besides, the police knew when and where to look, and where to say they looked. They would lie to your friends and family through their teeth.
Lee must not have been on the force for very long, however, because he grunted and pulled your hands to him. 
With a slice, the ropes fell to the ground and you clutched your wrists to your chest, nodding partly in thanks and partly in disbelief.
You rubbed your hands together and gently blew on them, fingers numb from the cold breeze. 
Your captors stood together between the trees, blocking the entrance. They murmured quietly to themselves and you continued to morph your face and body expressions into one of a pitiful teenager about to die, concealing the rather reckless thoughts you were having.
You finally turned around and walked back until you were in front of them, catching the two men off guard. They quieted and stared at you, hands at their weapons. 
You met each of them in the eye and bowed, lower than you ever had before, then stood upright.
They looked at you incredulously, giving you just enough time to give Lee a harsh kick between his legs and pry the knife out of his hand.
You slashed at his neck, adrenaline returning full force, and actually managed to cut the man. 
He shouted in pain and brought a hand up to the wound, trying to stop the blood.
Before you could turn to face Byun, however, the loud crack of a gunshot was heard throughout the forest and you felt a painful sting on your hand. 
You yelped as you dropped the knife.
Then, there was a second gunshot and the pain returned full force, this time on your shoulder.
The elder captor, completely fed up with your actions, slammed the gun against your head and you crumpled to the ground. 
You could feel something wet on your hand and clothes, but there was too much of it to be sweat in the midnight chill. You slowly lifted your hand, only to see it covered in a dark liquid.
Byun restrained Lee from attempting to beat you this time, barely casting a glance at your pitiful form. 
“Calm yourself. She won’t be alive for much longer.” He gruffed. “She said she would walk herself, so walk she will. We’re just here to watch and make sure it happens.”
He stood over your form and pointed the gun at your head. “What a useless attempt. Get up.”
Your shoulder and hand burned like hell, but you complied. 
You got to your feet once more and stumbled forward, every step taking you further and further away from the two. 
The barrel of the gun followed your every move.
The tears you’d been struggling to hold back ran full force now at the thought of your imminent death. But rather than let your captors feast upon the sight of your defeated form, you stopped.
You were covered in blood. Your uniform was sullied by your own vomit and dirt. 
But you straightened your back, ignoring the pain in your shoulder, and held your head up high. 
You had reached the edge of the cliff now, but your vision was too blurry to see anything besides the vast blue beneath you. 
The lake that rested below had no warmth or safety to provide for you, but neither did the forest behind you.
You considered praying to Wylynne to see if, in all her majesty and grace, she would save you.
Yet clearly, just like all the people who had come before you, just like the lady of the lake herself, the moon goddess had forsaken you.
You were tired. Too tired to fight against what some would call fate.
You whispered an apology to your mother and Mana, and perhaps even to the brothers, the reason why, you did not know.
Your eyes captured the overcast image of the outside world one last time, then you turned around and took a backward step off the cliff with a sad smile, eyes falling closed, mentally locked on that solitary picture.
Above you, you thought you heard the pained screams and grunts of your captors, sounding as though they were struggling against something or someone. 
But before you, you saw your mother with her arms outstretched, that patient, loving smile on her face. 
You reached forward, wrapped your arms around her, and readily slipped into darkness.
Above your falling form, a shadow zipped through the dawn, racing to reach you before you hit the water. 
He saw you smile and lift an arm into the air, before the smile slipped off your face and your limbs went limp.
The large, black wings at his back beat furiously and he flew faster than he ever had before until he had your beaten form cradled to his chest. 
The two of you suddenly shot upward into the air as your descent slowed, and as the first rays of daylight peeked out from above the clouds, his form hung in the air, almost frozen in time, black wings outstretched and supporting the two of you as he floated above Lorne’s Ledge. 
Kim Jimin hovered, adorned in the light of the early morning sun, peering callously down at the vermin who lay trembling between him and his brothers. 
Or what was left of them, at least.
Jungkook had managed to get his hands on the elder one, and the arm he had been using to carry the gun had been ripped clean off. 
He was now whimpering in excruciating pain, clutching at the place where his limb had once been.
The younger one, on the other hand, lay resting against a tree. 
Unmoving, his eyes unseeing. 
All it had taken was one touch from Hoseok, and the man’s life force was gone, sucked out of him before he could even protest.
He was now nothing more than a lifeless sack of meat.
Taehyung picked up the body as Yoongi kicked one of the elder’s legs to get his attention.
The others stood threateningly over Byun, glowering down at him in utter loathe, as though he were a louse.
The old man whimpered, looking up and between them, then paling in horror as he saw Taehyung and Jimin.
The younger brother walked toward the elder as Jimin gently touched down on the ground, your form still protectively pressed to him. The two Kims met eyes and nodded at each other.
Taehyung turned around and flashed Mr. Byun a crazed smile before flinging Lee’s body as far as he could over the cliff.
He gaped in horror and his voice rose multiple decibels, pleads for his life escaping before he could properly think them through.
Seokjin squatted down until he was at an eye level with him, strong, black wings threateningly displayed. He grinned. 
“If you think you have even any hope of escaping your friend’s fate,” he said as the smile slipped off his face, “you’re dead wrong.”
He glared at Byun with cold, amber irises. “But before we end your insignificant, paltry life, you’re going to tell us who sent you and why.”
They already had proof of Aemilia’s crime from Aloysius Augustus himself but they wanted to be sure.
He looked at the younger gentlemen with tears in his eyes. He fought through his pain and got on both knees.
“There’s no use in begging,” Namjoon stated, arms crossed over his chest. For the first time, he couldn’t find anything amusing in the matter.
“Please! We were only receiving orders, Miss Augustus--”
Before he could finish his sentence, Yoongi used Lee’s discarded knife and slashed it across Byun’s neck, silencing him in an instant. 
The light left his eyes and the man’s body flopped over.
Taehyung didn’t think twice about kicking him off the cliff, either.
Now that those pests were taken care of, the seven rushed to turn their attention on you. 
The bleeding from your shoulder and hand had not slowed in the slightest, and they could hardly feel your pulse.
“We need to get her to the hospital, and fast.” Hoseok said, swallowing the rising lump in his throat.
“I’m the fastest. I can take her there.” Taehyung volunteered.
The brothers agreed, and you were gently deposited into Taehyung’s arms. 
“When you’re sure she’s safe, meet us back here in the woods,” Yoongi said. “You’ll know where to find us.”
"Yes, hyung.” Taehyung spread his wings and took off into the sky.
He carefully cradled you, shifting your body into one of his arms, and attempted to heal some of your worse injuries along the way.
He pressed one hand to your abdomen and began muttering under his breath, a panicked tear slipping out the corner of his eye as he peered at the extent of the damage.
Once your ribs were mostly healed, he pulled his hand away, leaving behind a canvas of dark blue, yellow, and green bruises. He winced and moved on, pressing his hand to your head.
You made no movements, body as limp as ever in his arms. 
Taehyung touched down on the roof of the hospital and tucked those magnificent, black wings together, the appendages fading away as if they were never there. 
He held his arm out, his palm facing the door. He only meant to unlock it, but utterly destroyed it in his haste. Quite frankly, he couldn’t have cared less. 
He hurriedly walked down the stairwell and burst into the hospital’s eleventh floor lobby, reserved for VIP care and treatment. 
A receptionist was working at the front desk, typing away without a care in the world.
He was interrupted by Taehyung’s shouts. “I found her in the woods outside of our home this morning--she’s badly injured, please help!”
He looked up at the boy’s outburst, eyes widening when he realized just who and what he was looking at.
He immediately called for available nurses to bring a bed and admit you to a room, then paged any available doctors.
“Do you know who she is, Mr. Kim?” A nurse asked as she examined you for damage.
He nodded. “She’s a classmate of mine, her name is (Y/N) (L/N). Her mother also works here--please notify her of her daughter’s arrival.”
The man nodded once more, sending someone else to page Nurse (L/N) from the fifth floor.
As the nurses wheeled you away, Taehyung grabbed the receptionist by the wrist and he whipped around in fear.
“This patient is very important,” Taehyung stressed, squeezing the man’s wrist harshly. “She is being admitted under the protection of Kim Moonsik himself, at the behest of our entire family. If anything happens to her...”
The receptionist gulped and nodded. “Of course, Mr. Kim. You don’t need to explain any further. We’ll do our absolute best to ensure her care and recovery.”
Taehyung glared down at him for a bit longer before he threw the man’s wrist aside and turned away from him. 
He rubbed at his wrist, knowing it would bruise in a couple of hours, or perhaps even minutes.
The man returned to his desk, beginning to fill out the paperwork for your stay. 
When he looked up to ask Taehyung more questions about your injuries, the boy had already disappeared.
In Taehyung’s absence, the six brothers stretched out their wings and flew to a certain section of the woods behind the Kim family home. 
This part of the woods remained untouched by both the Kim family and the general public. It was only the seven who came out here, and only in times of dire consequence. 
Several trees in the area had fallen over, cracked in half as though hit or pushed in anger with some spectacular force.
Leaves and branches strewn all over the ground were blown away by the boys and the sudden breeze they brought, large wings disrupting the peaceful quiet of the forest.
The early morning sun peeked through the leaves, painting a picturesque view of the woods, a sharp contrast to the heavy, violent atmosphere headed its way.
Jungkook planted his feet on the ground first, tucking away his wings until they were out of sight. He angrily flicked what was left of Byun off his face, disgusted by the thick feel and metallic smell of mortal blood. 
Jimin followed right behind him, then Hoseok, Yoongi, and Seokjin entered, Namjoon being the last to touch down on the forest floor.
Jimin and Jungkook met eyes with one another, their anger not even close to subsiding at the death of your captors. 
Yet, soon enough, curiosity and dread brought them out of their rage when they realized just how quiet it had gotten between the older members.
Jimin shifted his gaze, the frown on his face deepening when he saw the eldest brothers’ attention turn to Namjoon, who was standing deathly still, staring blankly ahead.
Seokjin raised an eyebrow as he glared down at the younger. Namjoon refused to meet his gaze.
The six of them stayed like that for a long time, even when they heard the loud beating of another pair of wings, and Taehyung joined them in the forest.
He turned to Jimin in confusion but the older simply shook his head and grabbed for his and Jungkook’s hands, squeezing them. 
Finally, after what felt like hours of silence, Seokjin spoke. 
“There is no mercy for the prideful,” he stated with finality.
Namjoon flinched away at the words, eyes stuck to the ground.
“You weren’t able to uphold your oath, Namjoon ah,” Hoseok said. His words were concerned, but his tone reeked of condescension.
“And because of that, because of your utter failure, our beloved angel got hurt.” Yoongi hissed. “She almost died.”
Hoseok, Yoongi, and Seokjin took menacing steps toward the leader. 
He heard his older brothers walking up to him, but refused to meet the wrath that was surely boiling in their gaze.
Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook watched on with bated breath, their hands still linked together.
Namjoon was frozen in place. 
As the leader of their group, there was rarely ever a moment where he was seen as weak. 
But the second he had received news of your capture, he lost even the strength to stand on his own two feet.
It was the thought of you, of saving you and bringing you to safety, that had kept him going. 
It was the only thing that had kept all seven of them sane.
Now that they knew you were going to live, he knew he couldn’t avoid his punishment any longer.
Namjoon’s facial expression didn’t change, even in the moment where, with surprising speed, Yoongi lashed out at him, decking him in the face and knocking him to the forest floor.
The student body president winced, gingerly gripping his nose as blood started to leak from it.
His older brothers stood, looking down at him in a mock semicircle.
“Yoongi ah,” Seokjin said, turning to the younger, “what is the punishment for those who commit the deadly sin of pride?”
“Being broken on the wheel, hyung.” Yoongi replied impassively. 
“Fortunately for you, or unfortunately, I should say,” Hoseok grinned down at Namjoon, “we don’t have a wheel.”
Seokjin stepped forward and lifted his foot above Namjoon’s right leg. 
“This is what happens when you place too much pride in yourself and in your actions.” He stated, then brought his foot down on Namjoon’s right leg.
He didn’t let up until there was a sick, audible crack. 
Namjoon reeled back, grunting in pain but refusing to scream. 
Yes, it hurt, but he knew he deserved it. He failed (Y/N). 
This is the least he could do to atone for his actions.
“All things considered, we’re being quite generous with you.” Yoongi stepped up next, kicking his broken leg aside to stomp down on his left one.
This time, Namjoon let out a jarring scream. 
“You still have the audacity to scream? To feel pain?” Yoongi ground his foot into the injury as though he were trying to put out a cigarette. “Imagine how much pain our beloved is in right now. Imagine what she wouldn’t have had to go through, had you done your job properly. Had you listened to us.”
The elder had never been kind or considerate when it came to delivering punishment, a fact that the younger brothers had quickly become accustomed to.
Taehyung, Jimin, and Jungkook looked on blankly, but inside they felt a deep sense of pity. 
Namjoon was their brother and their leader, the constant face of their strength.
It hurt to see him in so much pain, no matter how necessary it was. 
Namjoon sat on the forest floor, both legs twisted at an awkward angle. He grit his teeth together as he tried to control his breathing. 
He noticed no one else was approaching him, but he knew that the punishment wasn’t over yet, not so soon. He slowly, inquisitively lifted his head.
The eldest three looked at Namjoon expectedly. He pleadingly raised his eyebrows, but their stares held no mercy.
He bowed his head in defeat. 
The senior wrapped his right hand around his left forearm and squeezed until he heard something crack. 
There was the quick, soft sound of a sob coming out of his mouth, and then all was quiet. 
Hoseok went last, shuffling through the leaves on the forest floor to squat next to his younger brother, wiping away some of his tears and gently running his fingers through his hair. “We’re doing this for her. Everything we do is for her, you know that as well as we do.”
Namjoon glanced at him warily, tense because he knew what was coming next, but didn’t know when to expect it. 
“That’s why you’re prepared to face the consequences for your actions, yes...?”
With a sickeningly sweet smile, Hoseok wrapped his hands around Namjoon’s right forearm, breaking the bone in a quick moment.
Namjoon clenched his teeth together so hard, he swore he heard something else crack. 
Any movement within the top or lower half of his body left him in excruciating pain, and he stifled a scream each time.
“You did so well, Joonie.” Hoseok continued patting his head. 
They surrounded him, praising him with how well he took his punishment. 
He was only able to withstand a few more minutes of cognizant thought before his eyes rolled back into his head.
Hoseok caught his younger brother, gently laying him back onto the dirt.
The six men stood in the silence, staring at the form of their treasured leader with pity. 
Seokjin turned around and met each of his younger brothers in the eye. He then wordlessly walked away from the clearing and Namjoon’s broken body.
Yoongi and Hoseok followed him, blank expressions on their face.
The youngest brothers were all too quick to pick up on the message. 
Overstep your boundaries, and endure the same fate. 
After taking one more look at Namjoon, the youngest brothers trekked out of the forest, silently following behind the other angels.
When you finally pried your eyes open, you were greeted by an unfamiliar chill.
You were cold. So cold, the chill settled uncomfortably in your bones.
White blankets were tucked around you, pristine sheets morphing to mimic your form. 
For a moment, you incredulously thought that this must have been your arrival to heaven.
Then, you soon heard a monotonous beeping and you felt the subtle prick of wires along your skin, an IV casually grazing across the back of your hand. 
It hurt to move your right shoulder, and your abdomen ached, the areas bandaged so tight you could just barely feel them. 
There were bandages around your wrists and hand as well, and the pungent scent of ointment told you those were for your rope burns and bullet graze. 
Your head injuries were also wrapped, if you deduced the source of your current headache correctly. 
You were alive. Alive, and well taken care of.
You winced, your head not taking too kindly to the reintroduction of noise. A swivel to your right, however, and your mother’s worried face appeared.
“...Mom?” You voice cracked horribly, and she smiled and hummed in acknowledgement, lifting a water pitcher next to her and pouring you a glass of water.
You drank as if you were Tantalus himself.
“I was so worried.” your mother stated, her voice breaking right along with yours. The sound alone nearly brought tears to your eyes. 
She lifted her hands and grasped your uninjured one, intertwining your fingers.
 “I got paged yesterday morning and asked to come up to the eleventh floor, just to find out that you had been admitted.” Your mother spoke, answering your questions before you even got the chance to ask. “And at the request of the entire Kim family, no less. Kim Taehyung brought you in himself, claiming you’d been assaulted and found outside their door.”
You tilted your head, peering at your mother in disbelief. 
She met your gaze and flicked her eyes toward the door, then back towards you without turning around. You followed their direction.
Outside the small, rectangular window of the door, there stood a tall figure dressed in dark clothing.
Your mother leaned toward you and whispered. “That woman has been standing guard since the doctors finished their checkup.”
You gulped and nodded in understanding.
“(Y/N).” Her tone shifted slightly, still holding concern but taking a solemn turn. “I never ask you questions about how school is and your life is going. We usually leave each other to our own devices, and that’s clearly been a mistake on my part. But I need you to be completely honest with me here.”
“Have you displeased the Kims in any way?” Her grip on your uninjured hand tightened to the point where all of your knuckles turned white. “If they have you here under some sort of watch until the next meeting...if they’re trying to...” 
Your mother gulped, unable to finish the rest of the sentence. 
Her voice lowered into a harsh whisper. “Tell me. I’ll go alert a trustworthy coworker, and I will have you out of this town before Kim Moonsik can utter another prayer.”
Your eyes widened comically. “Mom, no! Nothing like that happened. They saved me. The Kims saved my life.” You repeated, gripping her hands. “If they hadn’t brought me here, I would have-” 
The weight of your words finally hit you, and before you could realize, tears gathered in the corner of your eyes. “I could have...”
You fought to speak through the trembling of your lower lip. “I’m sorry I never told you about my day, I just thought I’d be able to handle it all by myself. The police commissioner’s daughter, she was trying to get rid of me and she-Mom, she-”
Your mother cupped your cheeks as your tears cascaded down your face. She gently rubbed your lower back as you muffled your cries by burying your head into her neck.
She didn’t let you go for a while, even after you managed to collect yourself. 
She poured you another glass of water and you sipped at the beverage, telling her the trials you’d faced these past couple of weeks.
“I thought it was a regular instance of bullying,” you sniffled, putting the plastic cup down. “that she didn’t want me getting too close to her crush. So I endured because I had no intention of taking anything of hers away. Who am I, in Ichabod, compared to a woman of prestige like that?” You sarcastically asked.
“But apparently, my mere existence bothered her.” You shakily recounted what had ultimately been the most terrifying moments of your life to your mother. 
You obscured some parts of the story, not wanting your mother to worry even more, and claimed that the Augustus’ men had taken you to the clearing to scare you and beat you up, and that you surmised they dropped you off outside of the Kim home afterward. 
By the time she finished hearing the whole story, her grip had embedded itself into the edge of the hospital bed. 
Your mother’s vexation was interrupted by the sound of people speaking outside your door.
“Ma’am, I apologize. By the order of Kim Moonsik, only family members are allowed to visit the patient right now.” The figure outside your door spoke with an uninterested tone.
“With all due respect, officer, please don’t assume my gender.” You heard a familiar voice snipe. “My best friend is lying in there and she’s practically a sister to me. I don’t particularly give a damn about your order. Kim Moonsik can kiss my-”
“Mana!” You yelled, trying to catch both of their attention before your best friend could get themselves arrested. 
You flipped the hospital blankets off of you and your mother helped you to your feet, then to the door. The injuries on your abdomen and head protested with every step.
The guard’s eyes widened a bit as you slid the door open, and so did the eyes of every hospital staff within sight of your room. 
“Ms. (L/N), I implore you, please go back to bed to rest!” A nurse in the hallway rushed over. 
The guard hastily nodded in agreement. “Yes, please do. I sincerely apologize for the commotion.”
You waved them off, reaching a hand out to Mana. “I'll go back to bed, but only if you let Mana in. They’re family.”
Mana stood in the hallway, hurriedly dressed in sweatpants, a disheveled oversized hoodie, and sneakers, but gingerly holding a teddy bear with a card.
The guard looked between you, Mana, and the nurse for quite some time. The nurse’s frantic expression must have convinced her, though, because she finally stepped aside.
Mana extended their arm, gently grabbing your hand in return and waltzing past the security guard with a smug expression. 
The moment the three of you were back in the room, however, they ushered you back to bed as well.
“(N/N)!” Mana said, going to hug you, then rethinking it when they spotted all the bandages. 
They placed the teddy bear in your arms and stood a card that cheerily read “Get Well Soon!” on your nightstand. “How are you feeling? I’m so sorry--I should have been there with you!”
“My head and chest hurt, but I’m alright.” You shook your head with a small smile, clutching the doll to your chest. “Don’t apologize, you had no idea this was going to happen. This was all the result of my stupid decision--I was the one who fell into her trap.”
Your mother excused herself, leaving you and Mana alone for a few minutes.
You filled them in on what had happened to you, withholding no details, and their face lit up in anger. “She ordered them to take you to Lorne’s Ledge?! That psychotic cunt! Just wait until I drag her across the square, we’ll see how high and mighty she is then-”
“Mana, calm down.” You smiled, thankful for your friend’s protectiveness, but weary after everything you’d just gone through. 
“I never want to stoop to her level,” you admitted, wringing the sheets in your hands. 
Your mother gently slid open the door, returning with water and a tray of food for you.
“I think...I’ve had enough of mind games and tricks for a while.” You whispered, then smiled at her as she lay the meal in front of you.
Mana’s gaze turned soft, and they patted your hands and back in support. 
“I don’t even want to think of what would have happened if the Kims hadn’t gotten there in time.” your mother muttered. 
You nodded in agreement. 
You weren’t particularly sure how or why, but the Kims had saved your life. 
Not only had they offered you some of the best care in the city, free of charge, but they even stationed people outside your room.
Somewhere in the back of your mind, something told you that holding them with such a mindset would put you exactly where they wanted you to be. 
Yet something else countered that thought, claiming that it was that same distancing mindset that had pushed you into the arms of danger in the first place. 
Perhaps Mayor Kim felt responsible for it because his men got usurped by a high school girl.
Or, perhaps, it was his sons who felt even more responsible.
Your mother and Mana stayed with you the rest of the night, each taking up their own positions on the furniture. Mana draped themself on the couch while your mother took the armchair.
You allowed yourself to drift off to the sound of them breathing, the chill and fear of the previous morning now a distant, foreign thing.
Your mother and Mana weren’t constantly at your side, as one had to attend to her duties at work and the other had to go to school. 
There were other individuals who were perfectly happy to waste the day with you, though.
On the first day, you were visited by Jimin.
The sophomore’s usual high-energy self was nowhere to be seen as he stepped into your hospital room holding a small bouquet of (your favorite flowers). 
Jimin rushed at you, barely giving himself enough time to greet him before he fell to his knees in front of your hospital bed. 
You gasped aloud in surprise and urged him to stand, but he would have none of it. 
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” His eyes glistened as water streaked down his cherubic face. “If I had read your message earlier, if I hadn’t been so stupid to turn my phone off, you never would have gotten hurt like this.”
You winced as you pulled yourself to the edge of the bed, your hand only hurting slightly less than it had before. “You didn’t know at the time, I wouldn’t blame you for that. When you did know, you rushed to help me. That’s something I will be forever grateful to you for.” 
You exhaled and smiled your rare, genuine smile, a warm countenance on your face that pierced Jimin’s soul. “So please,” you held your hand out to Jimin.
The boy looked up, pitiful expression morphing into a delighted smile. He gently took your hand and stood, then ushered you to rest comfortably back at the top of the bed. 
The two of you spent the rest of the day talking, Jimin distracting you from your current situation with stories about his family and their travels. 
By the time you realized you’d never gotten answers to your questions, the sun was starting to set and you were having trouble keeping your eyes open in the middle of Jimin’s conversation.
If the raven haired boy had noticed it, he didn’t say anything. 
If anything, he continued speaking, his voice low and chiming with laughter as he recounted precious memories.
When he heard the familiar sound of your soft, slow breathing, he stopped. He simply gazed upon your visage, smiling at the way your (s/c) skin lit up in the afternoon sun and held a hand up to block the light from getting in your eyes.
He stayed that way for the next several minutes, then gently caressed your cheek, letting his hands linger for shorter than he would have liked.
Once the night was well underway, Jimin collected his things and left your side with one more forlorn look.
He shot a strict gaze at the guard, who gulped and nodded at the unspoken order.
Finally, he turned and walked down the hallway toward the elevators. 
On the second day, you were visited by Taehyung. You were still asleep when he first came into the room, but your mother was sitting beside you and her eyes widened when she saw him.
Before the younger boy could even speak, the older woman bowed low in gratitude.
Few people had ever seen your mother in a vulnerable state, you included, as she purposefully made it so. 
Taehyung was a rare exception that day as he gently gripped her shoulders, feeling the slight trembles that coursed through her as he straightened her posture. 
Suppressing an amused smile, Taehyung thought of the differences between you and his supposed mother. 
While the actress trembled out of fear for her own life, your mother shook at the thought of losing you.
As expected from the woman who raised you, their perfect treasure.
“I can never repay you for the hospitality you’ve shown my daughter,” your mother whispered.
“There’s no need for such matters, Ms. (L/N). We’ll always protect and watch out for your daughter. We’re honored to have her in our lives.” Taehyung replied with a sincere tone.
She accepted the flowers he brought, carefully laying the bouquet on your nightstand, right next to the vase where Jimin’s flowers lay. 
When you did wake up, you had your own chance to thank Taehyung for finding you and bringing you to safety, along with sponsoring your stay in the hospital. 
He waved away your thanks, claiming that he was simply glad that you had turned to Jimin for assistance so that they were able to know about it.
“You know we’ll always be there for you, right (Y/N)?”
“Just say the word and we’ll come running.”
We love you.
His heart ached with the weight of the words he couldn’t say.
But you smiled in appreciation and he melted, as it was the smile they had longed to see for so long. The one that you usually reserved for your mother or Mana, the one that they had only gotten glimpses of in the time that they had known you.
He wouldn’t let you do anything for yourself the entire time, claiming you needed to rest up and heal as soon as possible. You reluctantly agreed, enjoying an unusually lazy day.
He played music for you, and soon enough the two of you were lost in a passionate conversation about your favorite artists. Funnily enough, there were several of them who you shared interest in.
Before Taehyung returned home for the day, he insisted on covering you with the blanket as well, tucking it up to your neck and pressing it in at the sides.
Your eyes were closed out of embarrassment as his form hung over yours. 
He fought the urge to bend down and kiss your forehead, for he still feared that he could frighten you away.
Instead, he reached up and switched off the light directly above your bed. With an ambiguous smile, he left, closing the door behind him.
On the third day, you were visited by Jungkook.
The atmosphere was a little awkward at first, considering how soft-spoken the freshman tended to be around you.
When you tried shifting the conversation by asking him about his personal interests and passions, however, his eyes lit up.
Jungkook demonstrated several different types of punches for you in the room, even helping you weakly set up your form with your still healing hands. 
You learned much more about boxing forms and gaming techniques that day than you could ever remember, but you did leave with plans to have private self-defense lessons with Jungkook after you’d finished healing.
At some point during his visit, you had drifted off and by the time you woke up again, Jungkook was already gone. 
You panicked slightly, worried that he’d be upset and think that you wanted him to leave. As you turned to your phone, however, you noticed a folded piece of paper resting on top of the back of it.
When you opened the paper, you saw a beautiful pen-and-ink sketch of you, lying in your hospital bed and napping. 
Jungkook had somehow taken your messy, disheveled state and turned it into something that evoked a tender feeling within you.
You grinned down at the paper, amazed by his talent. Was this how he saw you? As this...ephemeral, peaceful being?
You gently stood the paper up so that it rested between the two vases that housed Jimin and Taehyung’s flowers, right next to Mana’s card.
The afternoon soon gave way to evening, then evening to night.
On the fourth day, Seokjin saved you from the monotony of bland, hospital food by bringing you home cooked meals. 
The mere smell of the dishes had your mouth watering. 
He refused to let you do anything yourself, much like Taehyung had the other day. But unlike Taehyung, Jin went so far as to feed you himself.
It was embarrassing, but no matter how much you protested, he wouldn’t let up.
He sat in the chair your mother usually preoccupied and held the utensils out to you, neatly making sure you finished your meals.
At one point, he pretended the food was an airplane and you playfully slapped his arm, resulting in him dissolving into a surprising windshield-wiper-like laugh. 
Jin spent the rest of the day with you, telling you awful jokes that under normal circumstances, you wouldn’t have found that funny. 
His companionship was greatly appreciated, however, and you found that you grew surprisingly fond of his laugh.
Before Jin left for the evening, he gently lifted your hand and placed it in his lap, then revealed another bag he’d brought on his visit.
To your surprise, he clipped a small (silver/gold/rose gold) bracelet around your wrist. The ornament carried two charms: one of a well-detailed moon, the other a pair of angel wings.
You rushed to have him take the bracelet off, hesitant to accept such a valuable gift. 
Yet the look in his eyes pierced right through you, his previous joy still present and glimmering but hidden beneath the depths of something more sinister.
You leaned against your pillows as Jin gently lifted the back of your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to it, just like he had the first night you met. 
“The moment I saw it, I thought of you.” He smiled, affectionately rubbing his thumb over your wrist. “Keep it. For me?”
It wasn’t a request.
On the fifth day, you were visited by Hoseok and Yoongi.
You were slightly surprised at the fact that they had come together, as their outer attitudes seemed to be opposites, but you found that they complemented each other very well. 
They were extremely considerate of you, allowing you to do things for yourself but offering their assistance should you need it. 
Hoseok spent the day cheering you up by performing routines for you in the little space the room provided.
As strict as he was infamous for being, Hoseok clearly knew his craft. You were mesmerized by his movements and insisted on clapping for each of his performances, your hand healing quite nicely now.
Yoongi delighted you with tales of his rambunctious actions in high school, and some of the best well-kept faculty secrets.
There were several things you learned about Ms. Divii and Mrs. Hargrove that day that you would have been perfectly happy not knowing for the rest of your life, but you giggled and gossiped all the same.
It appeared as though the elder Kim brothers had a similar thought process, as Hoseok and Yoongi each gifted you (silver/gold/rose gold) jewelry similar to what you had received the day prior.
Hoseok looked as though we was going to cry when you went to turn down his gift.
One sharp look from Yoongi later, you closed your mouth, smiled, and expressed your thanks.
Hoseok fondly clipped the necklace onto you, his heart performing somersaults as you leaned into his embrace. 
He silently gulped, overcome by the sudden desire to press his lips to your neck. 
When he made eye contact with Yoongi over your shoulder, his face reddened slightly as the elder smirked at him.
He reigned in the perceptible want in his eyes and leaned back, flashing you his signature smile. “There you are, angel. Pretty as a picture.”
You lowered your head to hide your flush. “You guys really don’t have to bring me these gifts,” you murmured lightly. 
“With a visage as perfect as yours, we simply can’t help ourselves.” Yoongi stated in reply, lifting your ring finger to slide a band onto it. 
How unfortunate it was that it was the right hand instead of the left.
He was able to hide his disappointment from you, but not from Hoseok. 
Nevertheless, there would surely be an opportunity in the near future.
How else would all of those worthless people know that you belonged to them?
On the sixth day, Namjoon limped his way into your hospital room, a grimace on his face. 
You greeted him with a warm smile that quickly shifted into a worried expression. “Oh goodness, are you alright?”
Namjoon nodded, taking the seat next to your bed. “I injured my leg, it’s nothing serious. I should be perfectly alright soon.”
Seokjin had been kind enough to heal most of his limbs, the elder worried about your reaction to seeing him in such a state. 
They purposefully made him wait in agonizing pain for nearly a week, however, to rub the punishment in, before clearing him to go visit you. 
It seemed as though the student body president had lost his usual self-assured, constantly amused atmosphere. He was strangely quiet, and his body language was similar to that of a man who’d been beaten into submission. 
That was far from the Kim Namjoon you knew.
For several moments, the two of you sat in awkward silence.
The two of you hadn’t been on the best of terms the last time you spoke. Just thinking back to that moment when he’d felt like he was on top of the world, completely in control, made him cringe. 
Then, you turned and smiled at him. “You know, if you really need to, you could always join me as a patient. It’d definitely make the days less boring.”
Namjoon knew you knew there was a change in his attitude, and rather than lording that over him, you simply welcomed him as you usually did.
“I’m so sorry, (Y/N).” The words blurt out before he could stop them.
You shook your head, slightly amused. “What’s with you and Jimin these days? You don’t need to apologize for saving me. Unless you want to, and, well, that’s a completely separate manner--”
“No!” Namjoon lifted his hands up and waved them around. “I just-"
You smiled, entertained by the frantic side of the normally suave, composed teen. “Think nothing of it, Namjoon. You have nothing you need to apologize to me for.”
Your expression darkened slightly as you continued. “If anything, I should apologize for not trusting you all more.”
Namjoon’s lips quivered, desperately wanting to form a victorious smirk, but he settled for an understanding smile.
In the end, he’d been right.
As usual.
“Who remains close to you, who you decide to trust, that’s completely your decision. You should never have to apologize for it.” Namjoon said.
You smiled in acknowledgement, then furrowed your brows in confusion when Namjoon started to dig around in his bag.
“I heard we were gift giving this week.” He pulled out a beautiful, leather bound journal and fountain pen and carefully placed the items on your lap. 
“This is absolutely gorgeous. How did you know I like writing?” You smiled. 
Of course he knew. He knew everything about you.
“I didn’t,” he replied, shrugging with a small smile. “I like to write in journals as a form of catharsis, and thought you might want to try.”
“Thank you so much.” You lifted an arm up and gestured for a one armed hug, one that Namjoon happily accepted.
Clutching the journal to your chest, you gathered the courage to ask him the question that had been running around in your head the past week.
“How did you guys find me in time?”
The elder clenched his jaw and shifted his gaze aside as if he couldn’t beat to direct his apparent anger and frustration toward you. 
“We heard from Jimin that Aemilia took you and interrogated the police commissioner about any of our private guard’s movements. He fessed and told us that Aemilia told him that I texted her, claiming that there was another soul in need of punishment.” 
Namjoon grit his teeth, vexation rolling off of him in waves as he practically hissed out his words. “He authorized members of our private force to move under her order in order to subdue you.”
Recounting the ridiculous lie that the redhead told her father, and the father’s idiotic tendency to believe her, made his blood hot.
“After we heard that, we rushed to all the places in the forest that the Augustus men might have taken you. Thankfully, we got to Lorne’s Ledge in time and Jimin was able to save you before you could fall off the edge.”
“Are you sure?” You said. “I could have sworn I stepped off...I thought I was a goner.”
Namjoon shook his head. “We definitely got there in time to save you. You sustained several head injuries, so I’d understand if you didn’t see Jimin or blacked out.”
You bit the inside of your cheek, pondering his response for several moments before nodding at his answer. 
There was no way you would ever be able to forget what happened that night.
You knew for a fact that your feet had left the ledge. 
But he was right, you did take several nasty hits from Byun and Lee.
You wanted to keep asking him questions, but the pained, forced look in his eye made you pause on that front.
Perhaps that projection you saw of your mother had actually been Jimin.
You wrung your hands together. 
“What matters now is that you’re safe and sound.” Namjoon gently placed his hand atop yours and gave it a supporting squeeze. “All you need to focus on is getting better. We definitely won’t let them get away with this.”
You nodded again, smiling slightly at Namjoon in thanks for his concern.
Halfway across town, Aemilia Augustus paced around in her room, practically biting off her perfectly manicured nails in worry.
It had been seven days. 
Seven days of nothing.
Not a single word had come in from Byun or Lee.
When she arrived at school that first day and heard everyone talking about your absence, she felt pure and utter bliss. 
There was no joy like the joy she felt in that moment.
Such euphoria simply couldn’t be replaced.
The only moments that could possibly top it were her future engagement with Kim Namjoon, or the day she would take over her family business.
Because so many days went by without a single peep at your face, she thought her plan was working. 
She felt on top of the world.
But Byun and Lee were two of the most promising soldiers on the squad. There was no reason as to why they were taking so long to get back to her to confirm your measly little death.
As a result, she was starting to panic.
Of course, she had an emergency plan. 
She had no need for it, as there was no way her plan could go wrong, but she always had to be prepared, after all.
Just as she was about to take deep breaths to calm herself down, she jumped at the sound of pounding footsteps and yelps drifting into her room from downstairs.
She heard the annoying cry of her mother and father, and then the sound of several people talking.
A grim chill fell over her.
Unexpectedly, her plan had gone horribly, horribly wrong.
There wasn’t much time left now, as she could hear the footsteps get closer and closer.
To hell with her parents--their capture was inevitable.
Aemilia Augustus would not be captured like a criminal, not as long as she was alive and well.
Aemilia padded over to her bedroom door, shutting it closed as softly as possible and smacking the lights off.
She dove into her walk-in closet and squeezed herself as tightly as possible into a corner, a rack of evening gowns and day dresses covering her.
Every couple of minutes, a door would slam open and she listened, holding a hand over her mouth as the pounding feet searched every room on her floor.
It didn’t take them long to arrive at her room, and she shook as she heard them throw things around.
A rectangle of light shone into the room as someone opened the closet door and Aemilia stilled as though she were encased in ice.
It was silent for a long, dreadful moment. The officer turned their head this way and that, walking into the room and turning on the light to search.
From where Aemilia was hidden, there was no way they would be able to find her. She thanked Wylynne that she hadn’t taken up on her mother’s offer to hire a maid to clean her closet.
The officer turned away to leave and Aemilia cheered in her heart.
After the guards left the premises, she would collect as many valuables as possible from the house and run off to her family’s private home in another part of town. From there, she would plan what to do next.
Her plan wasn’t perfect, but she would be able to get away with it.
Or at least, she thought she would.
Just as the officer was about to close the door, a strong, invisible force yanked Aemilia out from her hiding spot and she came crashing down noisily from behind the evening gowns, taking a few with her.
The officer immediately turned around, beckoning his partner to get her. 
She hurriedly gripped a platform heel and attempted to plunge it in the man’s eye, but he caught her wrist and painfully twisted her arm behind her back.
The redhead screeched in fury and pain. His partner soon joined him, and they dragged her out into her room, each officer tightly holding on to one of her arms.
“What are you doing? Unhand me this instant!” She shrieked, writhing around in an attempt to escape. “Have you forgotten who you take orders from?!”
“No, but it seems as though you have.” 
She paused at the sound of that familiar voice.
Her beloved casually strode into the room in all of his glory, his head held high, that ever present cocky, amused smile that she loved so much on his face.
“Namjoon.” She whimpered. “Namjoon, they’re hurting me.”
The student body president kneeled down in front of her and gently took her chin in his hands.
Her eyes filled with tears and she stuck out her bottom lip, waiting for Namjoon to tell the men to let her go. They better anticipate the earful they were about to receive. How dare they treat their future queen this way?
Namjoon lovingly stroked her cheek with his thumb, wiping away her tear. She nuzzled her cheek into his hand, looking up at him with a pitiful gaze. He smiled at her.
Surely he would save her.
Aemilia closed her eyes, suppressing a victorious smile as she felt Namjoon pull his hand away from her face.
But rather than the sound of him barking orders, she was met with the sound of a harsh slap.
Her eyes flew open in shock.
Her face stung.
“Nam..joon...?” She whispered, stupefied.
The senior was sneering down at her, pulling a handkerchief out the square pocket of his jacket and wiping his hand on it.
“What disgusting thoughts you have,” the man spat, dropping the handkerchief in another subordinate’s hand. 
“Burn that.” He commanded.
Aemilia simply stared up at him in disbelief. 
Had he...hit her?
“Namjoon, why are you doing this?” Her voice trembled. “You’d never hit me, you’re my...we’re-”
“Nothing.” Namjoon interrupted with a disinterested gaze. “I am not your anything. I’ve never given you any inclination that could lead you to assume that I loved you, or liked you, or cared for you in the slightest.”
Aemilia dropped to her knees in incredulity. 
“That’s not true! You cared for me, I know you did! Ever since that (h/c) haired bitch appeared, you’ve turned away from me!” She screeched, her shrill voice piercing their ears. “I should’ve gotten rid of her sooner!”
As soon as the words left her mouth, all the air in Aemilia’s lungs disappeared. She heaved her chest, trying to breath, but found herself unable to.
He squatted down to face her.
“Let’s get one thing absolutely clear.” Namjoon spoke in a frighteningly low tone. “I never cared for you. You were nothing more than a useful little pawn in my game. A pawn who somehow tricked herself into believing she could become a queen.”
Her face turned redder and redder from anger, embarrassment, and the lack of oxygen.
“(Y/N) is more of a queen than you could ever be,” Namjoon stated, smiling at the memory of you sitting up in your hospital bed, grinning at him, the sun forming a halo behind your head. “She’s an angel. Our precious everything.”
He turned his gaze back to the creature before him. “She isn’t someone the likes of you can ever attempt to touch, much less harm or overthrow.”
Namjoon straightened, moving to walk towards the entrance to her room. “That’s my fault, I’m afraid. After all, I wasn’t able to properly regulate my inferiors.”
Black dots swam at the edge of Aemilia’s vision. She kept her eyes locked on Namjoon, still praying that this was all a prank or a joke, and that he would comfort her by sweeping her up into his arms.
“You truly have no idea what’s going to happen to you, do you?” He chuckled with a mirthless smile. “Don’t worry. We’ll fix that soon enough.”
Finally, her body gave in and shut down from the lack of oxygen. The redhead flopped over on her side, Namjoon’s cruel glare burned into the backs of her eyes.
On the morning of the seventh day, you took advantage of your solitude by pondering the events of this week and the rather complicated emotions that came with them. 
Despite their reputation and despite your fears, you had grown closer to the Kims over the past month. 
They never threatened or harmed you or the people you cared about. They had welcomed you into their lives with open arms. 
You had kept them at an arms length in an effort to protect yourself and your loved ones. But what had distancing yourself from them gained you?
Still, there was no way your method could be wrong. It was your livelihood, your path to survival in Ichabod. 
There were rules here, rules that couldn’t be broken. 
Yet the majority of those rules had been broken the moment you invited Jimin to sit with you at lunch.
Was it even possible that an alternative path to salvation freedom existed?
Had the Kims truly provided another way? 
Your mother went around the room collecting and packing up your things for you as Mana helped you change in the bathroom, making sure to be careful of your still-healing shoulder.
When they left to fetch your discharge papers, you sat at the edge of the hospital bed and deliberated what could potentially be one of the most important decisions of your life.——————————————————————
i am so, so, so sorry for taking longer than usual to post! college and midterm season caught up with me--i’ll try not to let assignments interfere with my writing schedule in the future ;-;-; thank you so much for sticking with me through the wait! the long awaited day has finally come! revenge has never been so sweet hehe. also, the way that i have no idea how to write fight scenes--pfft. i hope you all enjoy the chapter <33
@melaninkpops @loserwithapen @hellaspookystudent @ecillartto @omgsuperstarg @ace-angel-judas @jjamsbangtan @lovinggalaxies @lovesick-heart0 @ksxmpoison @girlmeetsliv3 @thedarkwinterrose @purpuravm @oneweirdbean @hopelessfountainjoonie @mazmaz30 @enigmaticlove-03 @uppiespuppy @queenceline22 @kokofikats @taeyohonic @creatorspalace @supertweetycherry @anachikartadze @itsfeliciatime 
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aka-indulgence · 3 years
How does robo-skider sans deal with 'problems'? Like with humans he doesn't like with his dear 55?
(Warning: HORROR, like, the genre, not.. ht sans.. dsjkhd, but anyway there IS  murder (no gore, but still), so if you dont want that, don’t read!)
Blue eyes gaze through the windows, the home star glimmering in the distance through the blackness of space. A human was walking on the outside of the ship, a sort of advanced "tool-belt" around their middle.
Though they were wearing a suit, Sans knew this wasn't his human. He would've gone with you if he knew you were going out, and he'd know it was you in the suit from having following you around so much.
Though this time, he'd make sure you weren't around. He was sure you were at the living quarters, or maybe at the cafeteria getting breakfast. The rest of the crew should be occupied by now, having experiments to run and other various work. The man walking above is one of them, Sans isn't sure for what he was space-walking at this time, but he doesn't really care.
Crew-Member 4.
Far from the only human he despises, but definitely one that has been getting Sans' attention lately.
"It's not like you actually got fucking hurt, did you? It wasn't even that big." He spat.
Your face was red, and Sans saw your eyes water. "What the hell?! I thought everyone here knows the danger of space debris. Do you remember what happened to Sans?"
"Stop saying that, why did you even give it a name? You treating it like a pet or something?"
"You're not listening to me! Sans lost his leg-"
"You have a suit."
"Sans is made of metal! If it can tear through metal-"
"Ugh, you're so..." No. 4 trailed off, openly expressing his irritation with you. "Your job's simple. All you had to do was fix the exposed panel. Now it's still exposed. Everyone here has something important to do and no one's complaining."
"Fine, why don't I do it? Since you're too 'in shock' to do it. I think I need to measure the radiation-disparity soon anyway..."
Sans had stepped in when you tried to argue back and No. 4 looked like he was going to yell. 'Stress-levels', he'd say. No. 4 left the room and Sans got to be alone with you, to comfort you in any way his programming limitations let him.
He’d been watching No. 4 intently since then, though not as obvious as he’d been when he was watching you. He’s aware of the man’s judgement, and Sans was clever enough not to make him think that Sans was following him. Sans was just... observing. His behavioral patterns. Nothing suspicious.
Today, Sans suspects he’s outside to try to “prove” that he can easily do your job while doing his own tasks. The arrogance he reeked... even Sans could smell it.
Sans keeps watching those legs bounding on the outside of the ship until he got to where that unfinished repair was located, and Sans skitters to the airlock.
The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.
The doors close behind him, and Sans can no longer hear anything- not just the fact that the air has been sucked out and he’s in a vacuum now, but his system turns off his “ears” automatically when he went out the ship. The only communication done outside is through radio. The door to space opens silently, and to a human exiting for the first time it would’ve been eerie.
But Sans isn’t a human, nor is this his first time.
No one could hear the clink of his legs over the ship’s exterior. No one was around to hear it anyway, even if they were right under these panels, all of them were on the other side of the ship.
Right now it’s just him and No. 4.
He was crouched down over the panel you had been fixing about... 7 day cycles ago. The one Sans had so stupidly looked away at that moment, having to fix something else, when he heard you screaming...
... no. 4 doesn’t know how terrifying it must be to lose your tether with no means of reconnecting.
If Sans could scowl, he would now.
Sans stalks closer, rage bubbling underneath his metal outer layer. He knows what he wants to do, what he wants to happen to No. 4, he just... doesn’t know how he’ll do it.
The idiot doesn’t even turn to look at him, Sans feels very lucky in that moment that sound doesn’t travel in space. Sans isn’t too far now, probably on the edge what would be the “circle” his safety protocols would allow him near a human.
... Of course this wasn’t a problem to him anymore, the last time you shut it off to fix him he had “neglected” to remind you to turn it back on.
No, he’s not stopping because of his programming. He stands there, only a bit away from No. 4. Like a predator waiting in ambush, except Sans wasn’t even hiding- there was nowhere to hide. The only reason his prey- No. 4 didn’t notice was his rapt attention on the broken panel in front of him. Broken into pieces that Sans couldn’t pick and clear properly with his size and tools that weren’t made to handle things delicately. It seemed that No, 4 wasn’t sure how to deal with it. He was just staring at it. He didn’t have a replacement. He didn’t even use your E-pad to at least get some sense into what he’s supposed to do.
Sans is partly glad he isn’t using it. The E-pad was yours, and you were somewhat fond of it, it seemed. He wouldn’t want you to lose something you liked.
As Sans stands there, processing a mile a minute on how he should go about this, he suddenly remembers to look up, turning his skull around to inspect the dark ‘sky’.
An alert system in him for when he was outside- compelling him to check for space debris at regular intervals.
And for once, Sans is actually glad to see a couple coming towards the ship where he’s standing. Perhaps from the same cluster that made you lose your footing on the ship.
Sans purposefully took his eyes off of No. 4, off his radar, then swiftly moved outside the range he predicted the space debris would hit. He watched as what seemed to be small chunks of meteorite ‘fall’ towards the ship, feeling them clunk over the metallic plating.
He connects to No. 4′s radio.
Down came the rain
Sans looks up and sees that No. 4 has lost his footing and is slowly spinning vertically, flailing his arms and legs helplessly as he tries to gain some kind of support, and getting nothing.
Sans would love to spend a little more time watching him panic, but he had to do this quick.
And washed the spider out.
He shot forward, close to the tether, watching the swaying rope with intense eyelights. One hand closes around the rope to stabilize it in front of him, the other one, ready to extend his ‘cutting-claw’ to-
Object: Tether Rope.
His hand stops mid-space, his programming straining against him to keep his hand from touching the rope. He tries to change tactics, extending the cutting claw on his other hand, but his other safety protocols had been activated. He was frozen.
‘Must not harm humans.’
‘Must prioritize human well-being.’
His fingers were trembling as he pushed.
only one human matters.
he is not that human.
he isn’t needed.
dispose him.
He feels as if molten metal had been casted into his joints as he tries to push his hand closer to the tether, with the ‘claw’ extended.
Above him, still connected to the radio, he can hear No. 4 breathing in panic, muttering curses under his breath- before Sans hears a gasp, and he looks up.
No. 4 is looking at him now, Sans can see through the visor, his eyes staring at Sans.
“What the fuck- why’d it have to be him that came for me,” he sounds disdained, filled with disgust.
the feeling’s mutual.
Sans strains harder, his legs locking up as he tries to push his claw closer to the rope- No. 4 obviously not noticing if he thinks Sans is here to help him.
His hand budges closer, then tugged further.
“The hell... are you having a fucking crash or something? Just pull the rope! You have one hand on it!”
Sans knew he should be thankful of his expressionless face, but right now he wishes No. 4 could see that he was seething with anger and hate.
he’s never liked me. nor i, him.
he was always the most vocal in hating me.
he treats me like a scrap of metal.
he probably wants to dismantle me.
No. 4 was still yelling at him, but Sans wasn’t listening. The indignation at the way he’d treated Sans over the course of his time on the ship helped budge his hand a little, but then Sans thought of something else...
Someone else No. 4 had never cared too much for.
he always tried to pressure you into doing something.
he thought you were lower than him.
he thought you weren’t important.
he was dismissive of you.
he liked to mock you.
he yelled at you.
The rage was fueling him in the battle against his programming, trying to override the wall blocking his way to freedom.
No. 4 was yelling at him.
Sans felt like poison was building inside him, from how much he wanted this man dead. But then his thoughts kept drifting away from the instances No. 4 had been rude or insulting to him.
Instead, his ‘memories’ drifted back to when he was in the room when it was only you and No. 4. How hurt and angry you looked, how you just wanted him to understand, and No. 4 had talked over you. Thought your troubles were trivial, that everyone else had ‘more important things to deal with’ and you had ‘an easy job’. When he left Sans saw you cry behind your hands, before quickly rubbing them away and you tried to put a smile on your face when you saw Sans.
No. 4 was yelling at him like he yelled at you.
“Hey you stupid robot!?” No. 4′s loud voice came back to his attention, sounding rather irritated and out of breath from how much he spent shouting. He hadn’t moved from his position on the tether, apparently too lazy to pull himself in and is just waiting for Sans to do what he’s supposed to do.
“Hello, can you hear me?” He asks in the most condescending tone. “I know you can, I’m pressing the radio button. Cut this shit out and pull me back already!”
Sans turned his skull up, away from the tether and right into his eyes.
Ṛ̶̊̐ȯ̵̟b̶̜͒͜ȩ̶̌ȓ̶͇̭t̶̩̉ visibly pales at the glare he sends him.
“... no.”
His claw cuts through the tether, with a little twang up the rope when he forces through the stubborn end.
“Wh... what?” Robert’s horrified, quiet voice was so deeply satisfying to Sans’ non-existent ears.
He feels something bubbling up inside him as he watches Robert frantically try to pull on the rope in vain, though this time the emotion inside him wasn’t anger.
“No... no no no NO!”
It was glee.
“heh.... heheheheh... heheheheheheh!”
Robert was whimpering now, breathing frantically as he drifted further, away from the ship, looking at Sans with horrified eyes.
There were no chains on him anymore. He broke his most sacred rule, and in turn broke the rest of his digital bindings.
The warnings were silent, absent. There was nothing holding him back.
Robert was still, staring at Sans. “No... no this isn’t... this isn’t real, you’re... you’re just an machine, you can’t...”
“oh...” Sans purred, delighting in the fact that he actually purred his words, “but i can.”
The ship was slowly spinning. The nearest star had “risen” and cast a bright light over him and Robert, sharp shadows falling away, forming Sans’ into a horrible stretched version of his body; legs thin and sharp.
Sans tilted his head at the floating figure in the distance, his eyes crinkling in a way he wasn’t able to do in the past. It feels so liberating to be able to show emotion, even just a little bit of expression on his face. It especially felt good when he could see that Robert was shaking in his suit. He knew- Sans was really smiling at him.
“farewell, robert.”
Out came the sun
Robert was screaming now, listening to Sans’ manic laughing through the radio. Music.
And dried up all the rain.
Sans relished in the sounds of him shouting until his words turned into non-sense, which then turned into loud, wracking sobs as he mourned his own death. The oxygen of the suit could last for a few hours- the last few hours he’ll spend drifting further and further from safety.
Oh how he longed to finally see him suffer.
Though his smile was unmoving, it felt more like a smirk as Sans returned to the airlock, letting his radio shift to static for Robert. His last interaction with something ‘living’ being his murderer.
The doors parted, and Sans walks in, back to the ship, as if he was back from usual business.
And the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.
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volleychumps · 4 years
hiii cld i req for a scenario where tsukki, kageyama, iwa and semi send u home at night after a date or school?? thankyou!
Sending You Home. w/ Tsukishima, Kageyama, Iwaizumi, and Semi 
“You’re late.” 
“No one told you to wait!” 
Your reply was light-hearted and slipped off grinning lips, the tall blonde before you simply rolling his eyes while tilting his head ever so slightly in the direction of his home. He pockets his music player, shrugging his shoulders before spinning on his heel.
“You know what? You’re right.” 
“Tsukki!” You whine, falling a few steps behind him while pouting. Tsukishima wasn’t the most doting boyfriend, but he still cared...? You thought so at least, seeing the way he casually slowed his walking pace so you could catch up with him without even looking at you, seeing you were a bit more sleepy than usual as he smirks at the feel of you casually slipping your hand into his. 
The air was filled with it’s normal comfortable silence as you trailed next to him, eyes cast downward at your shoes a bit tiredly as you fail to notice the slight glance your boyfriend had casted you. You yelp at the tug on your shoulder, seeing that Tsukki had easily gotten a grip on your bag strap to pull it from you, shouldering it onto his own shoulder. 
“Don’t faint on my watch, dumbass.”
“And they chivalry is dead.” You sigh romantically, Tsukishima not being able to handle the slight quirk to his lips before clearing his throat to cover it. Your house was close now, and you stifle another yawn before slowing your pace so that Tsukishima can get there first.
The blonde stilled in place when he feels you touch your forehead to his back, leaning on him for support as your arms lazily droop around his mid-section. He turns slightly to narrow his eyes at you, his annoyed glance dropping at the sight of how tired you actually looked. 
He clicks his tongue, turning fully to squish your cheeks with both hands.
“If you don’t get your ass into that house and into bed-” 
“Right, kaa-san.” 
Tsukishima’s brow twitches at your lazy grin, and just as you think he’s just about had it, he sighs before hugging you to him tightly, you yelping a little into his shoulder. 
“Take care of yourself, okay? I don’t need more to worry about.” 
“Oh so you worry about me?” 
“Just get inside.”
“See you tomorrow mom!” You chirp, spinning on your heel before blowing an overdrmatic kiss his way, hand on the door to your entrance before his voice stops you again. 
“And Y/N?” 
At the lack of a slightly degrading nickname, you turn with a confused expression as Tsukishima rubs the back of his neck with a slight hue to his cheeks, already turning in the opposite direction. 
“I’ll always wait for you after school, idiot. No one has to ask me.” 
“Tobio, I said you didn’t have to.” 
“I-It’s fine, I want to!”
“Okay but,” you sweatdrop, looking behind you to see the dark-haired boy at least a good six feet behind you, causing him to stop abruptly. “...why are you so far away?” 
“hAHA you’re right.” 
You shake your head with a small smile at his awkward antics, waiting for him to catch up to you with robotic-like movements. Kageyama was just too cute, dressed in a shirt that had a collar too tight, posture straightened as if he were listening to a higher-up. Your first date was filled with awkward silence and flustered moments, but you couldn’t help but find that a bit endearing as he spilled water onto the restaurant floor and pulled a push door. 
“A-Are you cold?!” 
“Not really- Tobio if you don’t have a jacket keep your shirt on-” 
“I have an undershirt-?”
“I’m fine!” You stop his hands from undoing his shirt buttons, heat searing onto your cheeks as you fight back a few giggles at the socially introverted boy, Kageyama freaking out at the feel of your hands on his before stepping away abruptly in a panicked motion. 
You sigh, stepping forward to close the distance between the two of you again before fiddling with the two top buttons with a click of your tongue. 
“You’re wearing this shirt too tight, see?” 
“You’re right...” Kageyama sighs, groaning into his palm as all the tension in his body seems to drain, the stature of his body wilting as you arch an eyebrow at the sudden change in demeanor. 
“I messed up tonight, didn’t I?” 
“I spilled all that damn water-” 
“I even forgot that you don’t play volleyball and you still listened to me talk about it forever...” Kageyama rambles dejectedly, and you listen with an easy smile on your face, taking the opportunity to take the last step forward. 
“You could probably do a lot better than-” 
Blue eyes widen at the feel of a pair of lips pressing softly against his cheek, the setter staring owlishly at you for a good three seconds as you bite your lip nervously, heat ensuing on both of your cheeks as you chuckle and continue to fiddle with his collar. 
“I really really enjoyed tonight. So how about you just finish walking me home?” 
You giggle, beginning to walk again before sweat dropping. 
“Tobio, beside me.” 
You shake your head in amused disbelief as Kageyama seems to still be internally panicking, not expecting a warm hand to slip into yours when he finally steps to your side. You blink, looking at him as he refuses to meet your eyes, grip on your hand tightening. 
“L-Let’s go?” 
You smile warmly, leaning your head on his stiff shoulder as you walk. 
“Yeah. Let’s.” 
“...why are you following me?” 
“Oi. Stop making me sound like a creep.” 
You laugh at Iwa’s irritated stare, lowering your bag from it’s raised position at the suspect in question as he sighs, taking large steps to walk at your side. Your friend bonked your head lightly with his knuckle as you whine, Iwa smirking slightly at your look of betrayal. 
“Who am I, Oikawa?” 
“Nah, you’re like one level above him. Keep it up though and I’ll lower it.” 
“Why do you walk me home anyways if you’re just going to insult me?” 
“It’s night. Knowing you, you’d get kidnapped and ask to stop at McDonalds.” 
“Meanie.” You sniff, the cold air biting at your nose a little before you wipe at it, a shiver coursing through your body that didn’t go unnoticed by your friend as you walked, causing him to slow his pace in growing irritation. 
“...you didn’t bring your jacket? Again?” 
“Bite me, Mr. Weatherman.” 
Iwa rolls his eyes before shuffling in his gym bag as he walks, putting an arm out to stop you in place before going to grab your bag from you. His stare hardens when you shake your head no, sighing before snatching it anyways. 
“Hands up.” 
“I know you said I deserve to be arrested, but this is going a bit too far-” 
“Before you catch a cold, dimwit.” Iwa rolls his eyes as you grin cheekily, a small smirk on his lips at your antics as he tugs his hoodie over your figure, almost as if he were dressing a child. You smile at the warmth, thinking this was more than enough until he takes the scarf from around his neck as well, wrapping it around you as your eyes widen. 
His dark eyes stare into yours for a second before he finishes looping it until you’re all bundled up, and you blink in bewilderment as Iwa looks at you like what?
“I have my own jacket so don’t even worry.” 
“You really care about me, huh?” You grin, causing him to stall.
“Don’t get ahead of yourself, scatterbrain.” Iwa rolls his eyes, beginning to walk in the direction of your home before pausing when you don’t follow. He tilts his head as your chest pounds with a foreign feeling, seeing your friend in a light that you never had before. 
“You comin or what?” 
“I’m keeping these!” You chirp, picking up the pace to walk at his side before Iwa pockets his hands- 
a hard thump in his chest at the way your eyes glittered with his actions. 
“Keep them. They look better on you anyways.”
Not that you knew that, of course. 
“Can’t hear you. I’m walking you home.” 
You sigh a little, hand falling at your third attempt of holding his hand, the finality in his voice making you a bit sad. Did he want this date to be over already?
Semi Eita was not a man who picked up on signals easily, and blatantly refused your offer of simply taking the bus by yourself home simply because he was worried. Not that you would realize that on a first date, of course. 
“Did you...not enjoy tonight?” The words slip your lips when he stops in front of your home, your friend stopping in place at your question as you bite your lip, shuffling in place. “I’m sorry if I...” 
“What’re you talking about?” 
You blink when he glances back at you, the rings on his fingers glittering under the moonlight as he sighs, running a hand through his hair as if he were exasperated with himself. 
“No. I did. I really enjoyed tonight.” 
“You did?” You smile weakly, and Semi takes another step towards you a tad guiltily, looking down at you before you swallow tightly when his finger traces the contour of your chin. 
“I’m just...really bad at expressing myself sometimes. I wanted to get you home safe, sorry if I scared you by being all intimidating. It wards off the weirdos.” 
Your relieved laugh has Semi’s lips curling into a slight smile, his hand resting atop your head as his brown eyes sharply bore into yours, and you hold your breath as he seems to lean a bit closer. 
“...You should get inside, now.” 
“...right.” You agree, acting as if the disappointment wasn’t weighing on your chest. You brush past him, smiling softly at him to take the first step up to your porch-
“Dammit, screw this first date bullcrap-” 
And then his ringed fingers were on your waist, spinning you slightly to turn in his direction as his other hand cupped your cheek gently, contrasting with how brash usually was. You melt into the kiss from atop your porch steps, and Semi pulls back breathing heavily before grinning at your dazed features, breath brushing against your lips.
“Okay now you can go inside.” 
General Works:
@takemetovalhalla @savemesteeb @kasandrafaye @dreebbles @yams046 @aprettyfruit @therestless101 @dai-tsukki-desu @lifeisntjustblackandwhite @curiouslilbeast @wisepandaslimeland @deadontheinsidebut @lmkjimin @h0ngh0ngh0ng @orangegiraffe7 @let-me-have-my-own-name @theworldupthere @itz-tooru
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The Plan (Natasha Romanoff x F!Reader)
title: the plan
pairing: natasha romanoff x f!reader
warnings: mild swearing, mentions of homophobia, FLUFF with a dash of angst
summary: Y/N has been in love with Natasha Romanoff for a VERY long time and honestly, Tony is getting sick of watching it. Natasha has been in love with Y/N since the very first day and Steve can’t take the assassins obliviousness anymore. Steve and Tony, reluctantly of course, team up to make the pair notice how perfect they are for each other. (OH SHOOT IM SORRY I SUCK AT SUMMARIES WOW)
requested by @iamninaanna: 
Hey Sunshine, I love your writing, so I'm here to request something :) 
Can I please request a Natasha Romanoff × reader, where the Avengers are playing truth or dare, and somebody challenges Natasha to kiss the reader, or something like that, and then they confess their feelings to one another. I was having something in mind, I hope it's not to specific, that like Natasha rambles about the reader to Steve A LOT, and he's so sick of it, he has to do something about it, while it's the same situation with reader, just that she's talking to hers best friend, which can be any of the Avengers, you decide, and then Steve and the reader's best friend make a plan together, and well, you know the rest <3
Okay, that was a lot, but I'm really excited😊 Thank you if you write it!!
a/n (i think that's what i put when i’m responding, if i screwed it up please let me know, it would be much appreciated) :
hi taja! thank you so much, this is the first time someone has requested something and im really excited. but also terrified. more terrified. reader is a girl but if someone wants me to rewrite this as gender neutral, i can.  hope i do it justice and if your reading this, thank you for reading. if anyone has any feedback, it’s always welcome. okay here i go!!
the story: 
Y/N Y/L/N flopped backward on to Tony Stark’s bed, grabbed the nearest pillow and let out a angry scream into the unsuspecting piece of cloth and feathers. 
“Woah kid, what’d the pillow do to you?” Tony joked, his eyes still trained on whatever new gizmo he was working on, chuckling at his best friends antics.
“It’s fucking Natasha” Y/N mumbled quietly into the pillow, her voice muddled by the soft white sheets that she buried her head farther in. Tony was silent, the only sounds was the clinking of the Tony’s robots and tools working, so she assumed he hadn’t heard her. Not that she wanted him too anyway. 
Y/N was in love with Natasha Romanoff. Head over heels, fully in love with the assassin that she’d worked closely with for the past years. To describe how Y/N felt about Natasha in words would never to how she really felt in justice. Natasha was a tall glass of Coke: Orange Vanilla. Rare, unsuspectingly sweet, and utterly addicting. Her red hair, the black bodysuit, the way she fought, she could take down 10 men on her own, with her bare hands. She was sweet- always sharing her secret candy stashes with Y/N- smart -helping Y/N out when she was still taking classes. 
Sometimes Y/N really thought Natasha felt the same way, then she flirted with a guy here and hot girl there and the idea fled from her brain.  Y/N had never seen Natasha have an inclination toward women, she flirted with every living thing. Y/N liked to think it was a coping with feelings for someone and that's why she was so flirty but in reality, Y/N knew there was no way she felt near the same way. She was an extra to the Avengers. And besides, no one even knew she liked girls. 
“It’s what, darling?” Tony had moved and was now sitting in front of Y/N, spinning around in his chair like a little kid in their dad’s office.
Y/N wanted to tell him how in love she was with Natasha, she wanted to tell him all the little things she noticed, all the little things she loved. But she couldn’t. How would Tony take it? Tony might take it okay, but the team? Steve? Bucky? They were from the 40′s, women didn’t love other women openly back then, did they still think it was... unnatural? She didn’t think she could deal with being any more of an outcast. Did Natasha like girls? The thoughts were drowning her slowly, cutting off her air supply, the last bit of air building up into a scream that she would never let out. 
Tony coughed and Y/N realized she’d been silent for too long. “Tony....” she took a deep breath in, “I- uh-...,” Tony raised an eyebrow, waiting for to go on. Y/N coughed clearing nothing from her throat, elongating the silence before she just spit the words out like hot fire. “I’minlovewithNatashaandIdontknowwhattodo?” 
“You’re what?” Tony asked, having caught nothing of that sentence, something about Natasha but honestly he was still lost. 
Y/N felt a little better and slowed herself down. She trained her eyes on a seam in the comforter and whispered, “I’m in love with Natasha and I don’t know what to do”
There was a silence and Y/N could feel it smothering her, pulling her into the water, dunking her head under, she was drowning and, and and- Tony erupted in laughter. Y/N’s head shot up and she stared at him, color drained from her face. Tony rocked back and forth but when he came up again, he caught the absolute terror on her face and his smile dropped. 
“Y/N?” he asked softy, he stood up, plopping on the bed next to her, “Babe?” Tony tried to catch her eye, ducking his head but she turned away. He grabbed her chin in his large hands, “Babe, I wasn’t laughing at you. God, I’m such an idiot.” he blew out a harsh breath, “I was laughing because I already knew, not because you are in love with her.” Tony felt her face relax and he turned her chin to meet his eye. 
“You knew?” Y/N asked softly, tears still gathered in her eyes. Tony’s eyes softened as he saw the tears and he used the pads of his thumb to wipe them away. 
“I’m sorry Y/N. I don’t care if you like women. I’ve known you had some sort of feelings for Natasha for a while, you can see it when you look at her. I was just waiting for you to tell me.” Y/N laughed at this now and threw her arms around Tony, who wrapped her up in a hug. “Now, tell me more about Natasha and this ‘love’” he said, his voice muffled by her hair. 
“STEVEEEE” Natasha groans, letting down her normal assassins façade. 
“Mmm” Steve hummed in reply, motioning for her to come in to his room. She smiled and darted to the spinning chair in the corner, propping her feet up on the desk. It was silent for a little bit, the pair just enjoying each others company when Natasha spun her chair around and broke the silence. 
“Do you think Y/N likes women?” Steve already knew the Natasha liked women and he was totally cool with it. Nat has been surprised when he had been super supportive but was very grateful for all the love and reassurance he’d given her. 
“Nat,” Steve sighed dramatically, “She can’t NOT know your in love with her, unless she’s totally oblivious which she may be...” He turned to face her, jumping on his bed to be closer to her, “You should just tell her” 
“But...” Nat frowned, “what if she doesn’t like women? And I creep her out? And..” She stopped as she felt Steve lay a hand on her shoulder. 
“How could she not like you?” he questioned, “And trust me, it’s quite obvious how she feels.” 
“HOW SHE FEELS?!” Nat practically screamed, so unlike her that Steve leaned back. She cleared her throat, “Sorry- she feels...?” 
“She’s in love with you, obviously”
Nat grabbed a pillow from the bed and screamed into it, then looked at Steve, wary, “Really? Y/N with her...” Steve tuned out the rest of what Nat said, he’d heard it all before. Too many times. Nat sighed, in a happy way that Steve had never heard from her before, “Y/N...”
Steve knew that this had to end, Natasha and Y/N pretending they weren’t head over heels for each other. He’d heard enough of Nat’s wistful rants, it was so unlike her, it was starting to worry him. If he was correct in his guess, Tony was feeling the same way. So, despite Tony being, well, Tony, Steve sought him out to solve the mess. 
“Truth or dare, old man?” Clint smirked at Tony, all the avengers had settled for a night in and decided to play truth or dare. Y/N had rolled her eyes at this, they were too old for it, but settled in next to Tony anyway. 
“Dare, obviously” Tony rolled his eyes at Clint, eagerly awaiting his fate. 
“I dare you to stand on top of the tower and sing at least 30 seconds of ‘Rich Girl’ by Gwen Stefani and livestream it.” Tony laughed at this and stood up. 10 minutes and one livestream later, all of them were laughing harder then they had in a long time. 
“Okay, okay, my turn to ask,” Tony smiled, “Natasha, truth or dare?” Steve couldn’t help the smile that overtook his face, the plan was in motion. 
“Dare...” Natasha didn’t let her voice waver, her signature smirk on her face. 
“I dare you to kiss Y/N”
The whole room fell silent. Y/N’s face flamed and her eyes filled with tears. Was this a joke? Tony knew how she felt. How could he? The eyes in the room were on Nat and her but she ignored them as she got up and ran out of the room. Tony’s eyes widened as Y/N darted through the door. 
“Nice going, Tony. You upset her.” Natasha’s glared at Tony, angry. But inside she couldn’t help but wonder if she ran because she didn’t want to kiss her. Maybe she hated the idea. Maybe she didn’t like women after all. Nat got up, she had to face this. “I’ll go get her” She dragged her hand over her face and got up. Tony and Steve exchanged a glance as she left, hopefully this wouldn’t blow up in their faces
“Y/N!” Nat yelled down the hall, “It’s me, I’m sorry Tony was a jerk. Can we talk?”
Y/N heard Natasha’s voice and faltered, she had to face this at some point. She took a deep breath, letting the cool confidence she had on missions fill her. 
“Yeah, I’m here Nat” She called back and within seconds Nat ran around the corner. Nat’s eyes softened as they looked into Y/N’s beautiful eyes, still just as mesmerizing, puffy and red. Nat took an unconscious step forward, her thumbs caressing the hidden tear streaks. Y/N’s breath caught, her heart flipping at Nat’s touch. Before she could think about it, Y/N leaned up and let her lips meet Nat’s. Nat responded immediately, pulling Y/N to her, wrapping her arms around her, teeth tugging at her bottom lip. Y/N groaned into the kiss, letting her fingers card through Nat’s hair. They pulled away after a minute, smiling like idiots. Y/N looked down slowly before glancing back up shyly at Nat. 
“Um... I really like you Nat” She whispered, with a smile
“I really like you too Y/N” Nat chuckled, pulling her in again for a sweet, soft kiss. It said everything they hadn’t said. All the nights of longing, the confusion and the love. 
Tony, Steve and the rest of the team watched from the security room, smiling and high fiving at the happy couple. 
AHHH I HOPE YOU LIKED IT!! feedback is always appreciated!!
tagging: @iamninaanna (to be tagged when i write something just drop me an ask)
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sidespart · 4 years
If you're still doing the made up fic title thing, what about "The Past is The Worst Place To Be. Literally."
OOO okay so, it’s got to be be: cannon verse time travel. Roman centric with Platonic LMAPDR
After the events of POF Roman wakes up back in season one, around the time of ‘dealing with my anxiety’.
And at first honestly?? he’s kinda thrilled. Deceit and Remus are so buried in Thomas's subconscious that he doesn't even have to see them. Logan is a lot less stressed and he and Roman barely fight at all, Patton and Roman are back to being best buds. Everything is just so much less complicated then it is back in the real time and the relief is huge. 
The only thing he doesn’t like is that Virgil is back to being the bad guy but hey! He can just make friends with him earlier this time right? And then everything will be gucci.
Except no. Because this version of Virgil has got no trust built up at ALL. so when Roman tries being friendly towards him Virgil assumes he’s being mocked and lashes out more then he ever did in the original time line.
And, okay, Logan and Roman don’t argue but that’s because...Logan doesn't seem to care. Like, worst case scenario he’s call Roman an idiot and then just leave. There’s no passion or drive behind anything he does, and instead of trying to teach Thomas new things he just repeats facts like a little logic robot.
And Patton - Patton is sad. And Roman knows he’s sad! He knows he gets upset when the others tease him or talk over him - but Patton wont admit it! And Roman constantly trying to check on him is soon seen as Roman badgering/pestering/mocking poor Morality. The audience labels him bully, he's back to being everyone's least favourite character and when he tries to explain all this to the others he gets dismissed because ya know -
He’s just Princy. He’s Thomas's most shallow, silly, fanciful thoughts and no one is expecting the big thinking from him. Or anything from him really. 
And it IS easier. And. And he’s Thomas's hero.
But it’s not right. It’s not home. The others wont even respond to their names because Thomas doesn't know their names. They’re not his friends. 
So finally he starts trying to figure out how he got here, and more importantly how to get back 
(yes okay for the purposes of this story Roman is the most emotionally developed/mature character but he's also still a himbo and it took him this long to actually think to address the TIME TRAVEL WTF but shuuushh shush he’s doing his best)
So he decides to write a story. Put so much power into it that he twists reality back to where it’s supposed to be. Except. His powers don't feel as strong as they normally do. And this story is a lot darker and more complicated then anything he’s ever tried to write himself.
He might need help... and there’s an obvious source of darker creative power just waiting to be unleashed...
Problem is, trying to summon Remus will inevitably bring up Janus too. This was before Thomas chose to get introspective and learn new things about himself - Roman has no idea what revealing them so much earlier will do to Thomas or the others.  Plus - in this time period in the original time line? Roman hadn't spoken to either of them in years. They aren’t friends, he doesn't know how they're going to react to him, or to the situation. They could very well decided to drag him back down to the subconscious with them and with all his other relationships in tatters he’s not sure anyone would try to stop them.
So taking all that on - it’s a lot. It’s scary.
But, being brave when the situation seems hopeless and scary is why we need heroes.
They have some debate (about idk skipping out on a friend for a job like, something hypothetical but the point is-) Patton assumes Roman and he will be on the same page. But instead Roman is like nope, both arguments are strong man, idk what you want, like he’s very open about having doubts which he never has been before. And you kind’ve have a reverse of POF where, instead of Roman being mad that Patton isn't sure enough to tell him right from wrong, Patton is freaked out because Roman isn't sure enough to know which dream they’re chasing - to tell him what to WANT and it’s all very complicated and messy and feelings are hurt and maybe someone turns into a frog but idk
Virgil and Roman do start bonding during the Dark Side of Disney because Virgil can kind’ve rationalise Roman being nice to him as ‘the Disney influence’ and it’s quite sweet
That immediately gets shot to shit though when Virgil learns Roman is responsible for unleashing Jan/Remus because holy shit he hates them and he JUST GOT AWAY FROM THEM WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU.
Roman needling Logan to the point where he finally looses it and yells and everyone else is horrified and Romans just there like :D :D :D You had an emotion!! You care!! I am helping!
Roman Sanders: Family Therapist, the role no one asked him to fill but by god he is TRYING. 
Roman trying to bond with Virgil by being like hey! look at this cool purple fabric!! Would sure be nice if someone...made something...hoodie-ish...out of it...?? And Virgil's just like: I only wear black. and slams the door in his face. 
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liquid-luck-00 · 4 years
Safety Net 2
Part 2
Day 9: Teen Titans @maribatmarch-2k21
Ao3 *** Part 1 *** Here *** Part 3 *** Part 4 *** Part 5
This is based on Teen Titans Judas Contract
Marinette became a fully fledged Talon when she turned 18. Six years with the court before they turned her, as to not arouse suspicion with a child. She doesn't remember the events that led to her leaving but she did. She supposes it is the fact she is a Talon that repressed her memories but that doesn't matter the court and all the other Talons are dead. She kept a single vial of the only poison that could end her life. She left not looking back.
She actually didn't get far when she first saw him. His swords danced, connecting to his target, death etched on his blade edge. Then he vanished.
She would see him again and again as she moved from city to city, state to state, even from country to country. One night as she watched the London sky, from her perch in Big Ben, did he come to her.
"Who are you?" His mask deepened his voice, made it colder and more robotic. She turned to look at him, not saying a word, and then turned back to the city.
He apparently didn't appreciate her silence as he stalked closer to her. "Who are you?" he growled the question, the sword tip pressing into her neck, but she didn’t move.
"Talon." was choked out. The voice was gruff and scratchy from being unused. That single word seemed to answer a few of his questions.
"The Court?"
Now she simply shook her head. The sword was removed from her neck and was placed back in its sheath.
"How would you like to have your own agency again?" His voice was still gruff and cold. It held authority but it was human. She turned to see he had removed his mask. His hair was stark white, small scars littered his face, his eyes were cold and calculating, yet they didn't lie.
Her mouth opened slightly before she closed it. A deep buried resolve began to surface as she nodded in answer.
She followed Slade Wilson out of the bell tower.
She was then embedded into the League of Assassins. This was where they needed patience.
She didn't speak, they thought her mute, she played along. Yes she could withstand life threatening hits, but she didn't let them happen. She would strike faster, hit harder, she made herself stronger, so they called her ruthless. She didn't oppose.
Above all she was patient.
The day the coup was to happen she was guarding the Lazarus Pit.
Silently she killed the guard stationed with her and walked into the pit. The water was both cold and scalding. A fog began to enter her mind but she pushed against it. This was no time to be confused or dazed. She felt the chains and commands programed into her by the court, so she pushed against them too until they broke. She breached the surface of the pit. Shakily she stood, breathing heavily, she began to dress, quickly noticing her skin became more pink and her mind was clear. She had to leave this room as, the alarms rang signaling the coup, she ran out, fully dressed and hidden.
She took her position in the cockpit of a helicopter and soon only she and Slade were alone in the air. The others scattered in order to build up a base of operations. An hour later they landed in a small air field where a jet was waiting for them. They transferred their things and took to the skies again.
"How do you feel?" Slade asked her not long after putting the plane on auto pilot.
"Light," her voice was clearer, still raspy, but there was inflection and life traced through the word.
"Anger, fury, bloodlust?" He pressed.
"None." she shook her head.
"Interesting," he murmured.
"How bad?" she pointed to his wrapped head and covered eye.
"We'll find out once we talk with the Doc," a scowl appeared on his face. "so what's your name, because it isn't Talon"
"Um..." she thought hard and long. she had been called Talon for so long, but what did they call her before, "Grayson. They called me Grayson before they called me Talon."
Slade became her mentor of sorts, they would spar and train to learn their new bodies and limitations. In fact it was easy for them both. She became known as Phoenix. Her uniform was similar to her Talon one, but while Talon was gold Phoenix was a deep crimson. The helmet was replaced by a hood and a half mask that extended from her hair line to her nose. She took to being a mercenary rather fast, but all things considered it wasn't that far of a stretch.
The only thing that troubled her, were her nightmares, or were they dreams. But they didn't feel like something her subconscious had created. They felt like memories begging to be remembered. She would fly through the air as if on gilded wings. A pair of inviting and smiling-azure eyes of a little boy. A warm smile and reassuring embrace of the same boy would appear constantly. Then the fall, she never hit the ground, but she continued to fall. The cold and dark embraced her smothering her until she woke up.
She never stayed in one place long but sooner or later she would always pay Deathstroke a visit. It isn't that she is attached to the Mercenary. Sure she is grateful to him but it's like if she stays close she will find a missing piece of her puzzle. On one of these trips back she met her. A teen with blonde hair and blue eyes, Terra. She was met with a less than warm welcome but oh well.
"What's up old man!" she joked. Slade glared at her and nodded in greeting.
"We have a job."
"What is it?" she sat on the couch.
"Infiltrating the Teen Titans."
"That's what the kid's for," she hummed. "What can she do?"
"Meta. Geokinesis."
"Disassemble the little league before the big one." A calculated smile spread across her lips.
"I knew I kept you around for something." was his answer. To anyone else it would have seemed hostile, but she simply rolled her eyes at the remark.
"Any old memories come back?"
"Nah-uh." She lied, keeping the kind blue-eyed boy a secret, they both went to work.
It was idiotic how easily Terra integrated into the Titans. Slade helped her enhance her power, while Grayson was supposed to help her gain refined control but the younger girl wouldn't listen to her. Grayson couldn't do anything about that, she could support Terra and help her but that didn’t mean the teen accepted. She wasn't her mother or even her sister.
"... Not without my twin sister." A boy's voice echoed in her mind, she tried to shake the voice from her head, but it stayed.
Twin? Sister? I have a brother? I have a twin brother?
Unfortunately all these questions swam in her mind for months as Terra infiltrated the Titans.
Everything was going relatively well until Robin decided to stick his nose in. Unfortunately this was when she learned the truth to the infiltration. They were going to use the Titans and extract their powers and life force. It made her sick. Sure she didn't exactly see eye to eye with heroes, but she saw the good they did. Hell she may be called a mercenary, but the jobs she took aligned with her morals. Even if those said morals were just a 'fuck you opposite of the court,' but it stood, it was hers.
This was how she was found by Nightwing.
"Figured you wouldn't be easy to kill. Here." she pushed a robe into his hands. "Your team is held this way" she started to walk but he hadn't moved.
"What are you doing?"
"Look you can trust me or not, but those are just kids. I will not be the one to let them give their lives without consent or reason."
"Sounds like your speaking from experience."
"So what if I am."
Nightwing jumped down and the fight began. She went and unlocked the restraints on the Titans and jumped into the fight. She, Robin, and Nightwing were all fighting against Deathstroke when Terra regained consciousness. Both Robin and Nightwing stopped their onslaught but Phoenix knew how Terra fought, she knew how to work with the girl. Unfortunately she was thrown over towards Nightwing and Robin, a quadruple somersault led into a rollout allowed her to land safely from the throw.
"Terra!" she yelled.
"Stay out of it Grayson, Slade is mine." A desperate yell escaped the girl, as she unleashed her power. One of the Titans tried to help, but Terra moved him towards the others.
"I'm sorry." Grayson whispered, before she pulled the heroes to safety. They got out moments before the entire thing collapsed.
"Who are you?" A katana was pointed at her neck.
"More importantly the somersault and the name, Grayson, how would you know those?" Nightwing questioned.
"The name is a memory from before," she responded. "And the somersault is just in grained in muscle memory by now." She shrugged and turned to leave but was stopped. "Look I don't want to fight and I don't want to stay so..." None of the heroes said a word but circled around her. 'Sigh' "I'm not gonna get out without a fight huh?"
"That would be correct."
"Fine." Her hands went up in a placating motion, before reaching into a pocket.
"Stop that."
"Relax little birdie." she pulled out a small ring of keys, tossing them to Nightwing. "Don't know about you but I prefer to not walk over two hours to get to Jump city."
They all got to the car but as it only fit five and there were seven of them something had to give. Well she was sat in the middle back seat between Raven and Robin, Beast Boy turned into a cat and sat on her lap. Nightwing was behind the wheel, Blue Beetle on the passenger side, while Starfire flew above them all. Between the awkward silence and closed space she was lulled into a restless sleep.
Permanent Taglist: @itsmeevie01 @adrestar @miraculouspenta @vixen-uchiha
Taglist: @alysrose-starchild
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bamfdaddio · 3 years
X-Men Abridged: 1981 - the Body-Swap
The X-Men, those body-swapping mutants that have sworn to protect a world that hates and fears them, are a cultural juggernaut with a long, tangled history. We’ve been untangling that history for a while, but sometimes, you really want a more in-depth look. Interested? Then read the (un)Abridged X-Men!
(Uncanny X-Men 151 - 152) - by Chris Claremont and Josef Rubinstein
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Emma Frost and her frenemy Ororo Munroe have not been getting along! One fateful evening, as the two quibble away, they mysteriously switch bodies and minds. Talk about your Freaky Friday! What lessons will they learn, walking a mile in one another’s shoes? And will they be able to switch back, or will they stay in each other’s bodies forever? Mutant Monday, coming soon to a cinema near you. Starring: Elizabeth Banks, Angela Bassett and Elliot Page. (PG-13)
For a moment, we’re in a proper period drama: a letter delivers ill tidings!
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I love that Kitty’s parents are so self-involved that it took them A WHOLE YEAR to realize that it’s weird that Kitty is the only non-adult attending the Xavier Institute.
I can only assume the mailman interrupted a pool party of some kind? Or a communal shower? I get why Kurt would not swim a lot - all that fur - but did Scott wear that while they were splashing around? Was it a beach volleyball competition where one half got to wear swimsuits and the other half superhero costumes? Most importantly, was Scott’s costume always this tight?
Not that I’m complaining, mind you.
The awful thing is that Kitty’s parents are transferring her to the Massachusetts Academy, not realizing that headmistress Emma Frost is, in fact, a terrible human being. Charles, uncharacteristically, says that changing their minds telepathically is a line he does not cross (any more) and half the viewing audience bursts out in laughter. More importantly, last they saw Emma, she was kind of dead-by-Phoenix, so it might be better there this time? Kitty does a Classic Teenage Stomp-Off and Storm comes to comfort her. Kitty cries that life is unfair (“My parents are only doing this because they’re splitting up”) and Ororo tells her that yes, life is unfair. You just gotta roll with the punches as best you can.
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To be fair, bald men are technically all cheek, so it doesn’t matter where you kiss them.
While I enjoy the relationship Kitty has with the other X-Men (Scott gave her a compliment! Logan told her his name!), especially the mother-daughter-bond she shares with Ororo, the whole Piotr-thing always gives me pause. Even if we’re being very generous with age, Kitty is, what? 14 going on 15? And Piotr is… 19? At best? I get why Kitty would have a crush on him: he’s a gentle hunky giant: at fifteen, my teenage ass would have felt the exact same viz-a-viz Colossus’ upper arms. The fact that Piotr reciprocates feels skeevy, though, especially because they’re always treated like star-crossed idiots these days.
Ororo drives Kitty to Massachusetts, where her young ward is greeted by someone named Muffy and whisked away for orientation. All seems well. Ororo stands in a parlour, surveying the grounds and considering that they should have fought harder for Kitty. Still, nothing seems too wrong just yet: this Academy just seems very preppy.
Not-at-all-dead Emma takes her cue and jumps out, saying (essentially): “Surprise motherfucker.”
There’s a flash of light, and then...
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I’m willing to bet that Emma’s EVIL journal has the following to-do-list: - Steal Storm’s body. - Experiment with her powers. - See how good Storm looks in white. (Leather? Fur?! Both!??) - REWARD: Smoke break.
I wonder if Emma’s plan hinged on being able to body-swap with Storm, or whether any X-Man would have sufficed. Was her original target Xavier? Cyclops? What if one of Kitty’s parents had brought her to Massachusetts, would she have taken Kitty instead?
In a locked cell, Storm wakes up in Emma’s body and is horrified. I wonder why Emma didn’t take any more precautions. Couldn’t the guy who made the freaky friday-gizmo also make a power dampener to nullify not!Emma’s telepathic abilities? Or did Emma count on her victim being so utterly incapacitated by her mind-powers that they’d be driven mad? (This would actually tie in with some of Emma’s later-revealed history: when her powers first emerged, she also got locked away in a padded room because of her madness.)
Emma is not wrong, by the way: Storm can’t get a handle on Emma’s powers. What follows is possibly the sweetest moment in an arc filled with sweet moments:
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This arc isn’t drawn by any of the regulars - not Byrne, not Cockrum - but Josef Rubinstein brings his own kind of panache to the pages. I love the way he draws women’s faces: in a story that’s all about women, their faces are actually distinguishable. Kudoz.
Emma, meanwhile, coordinates with Sebastian Shaw to execute the second part of their two-pronged attack on the X-Men. They both laugh evilly in their phones while the mansion is attacked by Sentinels! These androids take out Cyclops and Xavier with some sleeping gas and knock out Nightcrawler, but the rest of the X-Men manage to trounce these robots. Then ‘Storm’ appears! She zaps the rest of the X-Men (and Amanda Sefton), successfully finishing their master-plan.
It’s not entirely clear what the Hellfire Club wants with the X-Men this time, but I’m assuming it’s more experimentation to improve the sentinels? Eh, doesn’t matter! Nefarious Hellfire Club is nefarious.
The real Storm, meanwhile, comes to claim Kitty, forgetting that she looks like the one and only Emma Frost. Kitty spooks and Storm accidentally reaches out, knocking her out telepathically. Whoops! Storm takes Kitty and flees in a car, while Emma gives chase. (How dare Ororo run off with her body, which is absolutely the kind of hypocritical hilariousness we all love Emma for.)
Kitty awakens and jumps from the car, causing Storm to swerve and...
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JETSTREAM!? Speaking of which, where are the Hellions in all of this?
Kitty sees that an unconscious ‘Emma’ is about to burn to a tender and moist little crisp and she is faced with the hero’s dilemma: would you save a villain that would never save you?
Emma, meanwhile, has realized the downside to body-swapping: somebody else gets to run around with your body too. Shaw, of all people, talks her down from her anger.
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You can’t just introduce a persona exchange gun to the plot WITHOUT EXPLAINING WHERE THE FUCK YOU GOT IT FROM.
My favorite detail is that Emma keeps calling Kitty brat, like she’s some sort of Pokémon-villain.
Kitty, meanwhile, has saved ‘Emma’ and tied her up with a special knot. Storm tries to convince Kitty, going for the “ask me something only Storm would know”, but Kitty’s all: “Duh, you’re a telepath.” Ororo insists, but the thing that clinches it is when she breaks free of her ties without breaking a sweat. That knot was taught to Kitty by Ororo and she’d be the only one who knew how to break out of it.
Storm and Kitty recruit Stevie Hunter to come pick them up and during the ride, Storm-being-angry-mother!Storm convinces Kitty more than anything else:
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After all, Storm was voted most likely to say: “If you don’t stop this nonsense immediately, I will turn this Blackbird around, so help me God!”
Ororo and Kitty sneak inside. Ororo even uses Emma’s telepathy to help her pick a lock after phasing through a door. (Kind of funny: Kitty’s still such a neophyte that she can’t even phase with anyone else yet.) Emma, meanwhile, taunts the captured X-Men, presenting herself as the new white queen:
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Anybody feel the inclination to point out that the Hellfire Club did this exact same thing last year, except then they tried it with a redhead?
I secretly suspect that the Hellfire Club’s plots always revolve around seducing X-Men to their side and dressing them up in sexy lingerie. (Which: fair.) There’s also a subplot where the guys Wolverine cut apart last year want to exact revenge on him for being made bionic, but eh. We’ll start paying attention to them when they become actual Reavers.
Kitty phases through the locks of the X-Men, freeing them, and a kerfuffle ensues. Emma starts using Storm’s powers, but they grow out of control. Colossus tosses Shaw out of the window - which should just be company policy, really: all Shaws should be defenestrated - where he’s promptly hit by a rogue thunderbolt.
When he doesn’t get up, Emma starts to lose it. The weather goes wild. Storm intervenes, using her telepathic power to help calm down Emma (and the raging storm), but she also manages to get a hold of the swap-gun. There’s a zap, and with a satisfied sigh, the status-quo is restored again.
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My favorite implication is that, apparently, Emma decides which school Kitty attends and not her parents.
While this little arc is neither the most iconic nor the most profound of 1981 -- those would be Days of Future Past and I, Magneto, respectively -- I still love this for a couple of reasons.
As a lover of Freaky Friday, 17 Again and the new Jumanji-film, I just have a soft spot for body swap plots. (Hi Psylocke!)
It focuses on the Xavier Institute as a school, planting seeds for the upcoming New Mutants.
It is very female-driven without beating you over the head with it. (Looking at you, Birds of Prey.)
It has three definitive main characters, who all get fleshed out in fun and interesting ways. It starts the trend of robbing Ororo of some of her powers and tossing her into against-the-odds circumstances, only for her to come out on top.
It solidifies the Storm/Kitty mother/daughter (or older/younger sibling) dynamic. Kitty is a believable teenager when it comes to Storm - clever and kind, but also looking for answers and prone to rash decisions - and I love how much they care for each other.
Jean/Storm-friendship-callback, yay!
Emma gets fleshed out as a villain. Resourceful and petty, powerful and vain. It’s no wonder she’s one of the break-out antagonists of the X-Men, because, like Magneto, Claremont is not afraid of giving her depth. Arguably, she is the most three-dimensional of the Hellfire Club at this point.
Yay! And fuck completely sensible plots, if you don’t know what to do with your plot, just introduce a random persona exchange gun. Let’s use it on Xavier and Legion in Way of X next!
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aerialflight · 4 years
Fic Recs (mostly Naruto cause I read too many good fics in the fandom and now I'm in hell)
Spirit-Touched by phooykazooi
Once upon a time, the Haruno clan were priests. It was said that they were spirit-touched, and that they walked among the downtrodden and the poor, and did not bow to royalty.
Or, an AU in which Sakura can see spirits.
Part 1 of The Realms Between
(Really, and I mean REALLY fantastic Shikamaru & Sakura friendship! Fantastic, beautiful writing, and such good worldbuilding, god, and the Haruno family is so badass!! Sakura and everything she does makes me want to scream!! Please read!)
Final Evaluation by Do_the_Cool_Whip
Progress evaluations are one-on-one consultation meetings between academy students and their teacher. Their purpose is to inform academy students of their strengths and weaknesses and guide them down their ideal path to becoming a strong shinobi. Upon graduating the academy and passing their jounin-sensei test, new genin return to the academy for one final consultation. (Or: The story of what happens when Umino Iruka uses his final meetings with his students as way to send them off to become the best shinobi they can possibly be.)
(Iruka! Is! The! Best! Teacher! Ever! End of story!!! Great interpretation of all the characters and their capabilities and I am so so excited for the sequel that will undoubtedly come! XD)
Celestial Bodies by Oceanbreeze7
Sasuke looked at the fire, eyes glowing red as the mutated corrupted seal on his throat. "Amaterasu blessed me. I see things. Like you with two normal eyes and the Hokage. And Sakura with a seal on her forehead. And I run Chidori through Naruto's heart. I keep trying to kill him. Over and over. And that knuckleheaded idiot never gives up.”
(Don't you get it? I saw it. The moon will bleed, the nations will die. The world is going to end.)
Part 1 of Celestial Bodies and Anomalies
(I swear, this fic freaking elevated my expectations on Sasuke-centric fics in general holy hell. Also, read the fucking sequel after this cause EVERYTHING GOES NUTS AND THE PLOT GOES OFF AND I'M HERE FOR THIS SHIT. Fucking Uchihas man. Also, you wouldn't think this series is funny, but it is, and it's amazing.)
A step to the left (and right off the cliff) by weavingBlue
Team Seven starts off on a different foot and Sasuke's canonical journey to get stronger goes off the rails a bit. It all works out though. Probably.
(This fic went in a direction I didn't expect and it's GLORIOUS. SO FUNNY, I honestly was dying while I was reading this. Please give this a chance!!)
promises by BombsAreForBabies
It's her first kiss and Naruto's last. She promises him that she will bring Sasuke home. It's his dying wish, after all.
(Naruto bleeds out faster than the kyuubi can heal him.
Sakura learns that being a ninja is more than fancy jutsu and fun.
Sasuke does not know that he just killed his best friend and turned his most loyal comrade into his worst enemy.)
(Listen LISTEN I know this sounds depressing but the relationship developments and slow healing is EVERYTHING and I think it's absolutely worth it to read this. Sakura's characterization is so good and Kakashi makes me want to hug him. A lot.)
Fang Under Fang by Vroomian
"Are we sure he's really an Inuzuka?"
(The answer is no.)
Someone reborn as Inuzuka Kiba not only has to deal with bullshit ninja magic, but soulmates being A Thing.
(Really good self-insert fic and its platonic soulmates, not romantic! I am always here for a good Kiba-centric fic and I won't say who the soulmate is. It's unexpected but so, so good! Trust me!)
Haunt The Lonely by Tht0neGal666
(Series where Sakura can see ghosts and the Things she gets up to due to this ability. The fics are short but man, you can already see the shifting differences in Team 7's dynamics, it's great!)
Perception by Ellie_Enchanted
Naruto can sense auras, which throws everything off it's balance. Because really, with someone as open as Naruto running around and peering into the depths of people's souls, something is bound to change. In other words, sometimes all that's needed is a push. Also, Sasuke apparently glows.
(Naruto the empath changing the plot and making it Better and I am loving it!)
Crossfire by DejaVu22
Following the events of Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke never makes it to Orochimaru's hideout. Instead, he is waylaid by a one-eyed man named Tobi, a man possessing a Sharingan, a terrifying dual personality, a penchant for always being late, and a single-minded mission to stop the Akatsuki in their tracks. When Sasuke runs into Naruto again years later, he must ally with his old teammate in order to protect him from the Akatsuki, while keeping him out of the two man war Tobi and Sasuke have started against the dangerous organization.
(I honest to god can't stop cackling when I read this, the Sasuke & Obito dynamic is so freaking chaotic and Sasuke's characterization is the best thing I've ever read. This boi is a mEsS and I'm fucking rooting for him. He cares so much! There's secret identity shenanigans happening on sasuke's end and it's HILARIOUS! This is the duo I never thought I needed but here it is! *cackles insanely*)
[Diamond no Ace]
Echo in His Hands by SportRayne (rayningnight)
Ship: Miyuki/Sawamura
What does it mean, when you remember snapshots of your own future?
Is it your future at all, if you change it?
Would you even want to change it?
(Look I am WEAK for BAMF Eijun and time travel fics and Miyuki being a tanuki bastard, okay? Time travel fic where Eijun gets feelings of people he knew before in the future. Really good so far and am so excited over this fic!)
The path we walk by WindsOfTime
Ship: Miyuki/Sawamura
Eijun goggles at the magazine she just shoved into his hands. "W-Wakana!" "I know!" she says, beaming. "That's my soulmate!!" "I know!!" "My soulmate plays baseball!!"
(Became such an instant fave so fast it's unbelievable. I LOVE THESE IDIOTS SO MUCH! Best soulmate fic in this fandom, hands down!)
[One Piece]
switching places by fireflywitch
Zoro is 21 and wakes up in a desert they already saved, on a ship that they burned two years ago, and standing next to a man who is supposed to be dead. Except, that can’t be right, can it?
Zoro is 19 and wakes up on a ship that’s too big, next to a robot wearing a swimsuit, and he’s supposed to fight something called a Kaido. Also, he’s missing an eye, and no one’s even a little worried about it?
Time travel is a shitshow, and Zoro didn't sign up for this.
No Time To Crank The Sun by VIKAN
He’s surrounded by strangers, but they’re all trying to convince him otherwise. Or, Zoro faces a mysterious and relentless challenge that he just can’t wrap his head around.
(This ripped my heart open, I cried reading this my god. Please read this, the pain is so worth it and Zoro and his relationship with his crew is so good here. This reminded me why I love the Straw Hats so much!)
[Fairy Tail]
to learn about a lucy (with a look into the future.) by るる凪 - nagi (arurun)
A watching the future fanfic.
It's currently X781, three years before canon. A group of Fairy Tail mages find themselves in a large building, with no known way out.
They sit down, and they watch the future.
(This is so much more fun than I thought it would be and I'm so happy I found this fic. This fic reignited my old love for this fandom and I hope it does for you too!)
[Harry Potter]
sunflowers by Marnie27
One day, a young girl sits on the edge of a well. On this day, she falls in. Then the next, she’s not even a ‘she’ anymore. He’s Peter Pettigrew — doomed to die at the hands of his (betrayed) friend’s son.
Peter is selfish, bitter and brash. He’s not some fairy tale hero, he doesn’t care if everyone around him dies, as long as he lives. The marauders are annoying and childish. Survival is his priority, and he can’t afford to face distractions.
This just makes the fact that soulmates are now apparently a thing all the more godawful.
(And then another day years later he falls into an entirely new impossibility, Remus Lupin in tow, right into the third book of Harry Potter. Smack bang on the other Peter Pettigrew’s grave).
It’s confusing and graceless, and entirely something that would happen to him of all people.
(Self-insert fic where a girl reincarnates into Peter Pettigrew! And there are soulmates! And it's angsty and hilarious and Peter is an Asshole (somewhat unintentionally lol). Always a fan of biased pov fics and characters slowly improving themselves and their mental health! Cause dying! Is! Traumatic! *smiley face* Please read!)
he's a killer queen, sunflower, guillotine by hoye
Fandoms: Fullmetal Alchemist, Harry Potter
He has to be the weirdest Hufflepuff Harry’s ever seen. Scratch that, he’s the weirdest Hufflepuff Hogwarts has ever seen.
(One thing everyone could agree on: NEVER call Edward Elric short.)
(This is peak Edward Elric and all the best things about him and I'm just having a Good Time. Friendships! Logical solutions! Marauder screentime! And so much More! *bright grin* It's a fun place here!)
166 notes · View notes
sincerelystranger · 4 years
Nie Huaisang is having the most perfect year of his life.
He’s passing all his classes (first time since primary school!)
His older brother is away in college so he can’t bother Huaisang as much as usual.
And Huaisang has a sex friend…!!
Not just any sex friend either.
His sex friend is the hottest and sexiest man Huaisang has ever seen with the best (admittedly only) dick Huaisang has had the pleasure to… well to please and be pleased by!
So Huaisang is having the best year of his life.
“Hey, A-Cheng,” he smiles, lifting his arms to wrap them around Jiang Cheng’s neck. It’s almost a reflex by now. He’s already hard in his pants because Jiang Cheng never – never – let’s Huaisang do anything dirty while they’re at school.
This is such a treat!
Jiang Cheng just looks down at him as coldly as ever – but Huaisang knows better than to be fooled by his face. Jiang Cheng is probably hard too. Hard enough to text Huaisang to meet him in one of the unused classrooms!!
Huaisang goes on his tip-toes to lock his lips with Jiang Cheng but just as he’s about to make contact, Jiang Cheng grabs Huaisang’s arms and pulls them off from around his neck. He takes a couple of steps away from Huaisang once he’s free.
Huaisang just looks at him, blinking slowly in confusion.
“What…?” he asks stupidly, “Is something wrong, A-Cheng?”
Jiang Cheng huffs a little and almost rolls his eyes as if Huaisang has asked something particularly stupid. “I don’t want to sleep with you anymore,” Jiang Cheng says.
No, no, no! This is supposed to be the most perfect year of Huaisang’s life! His sex friend can’t just stop now! Huaisang is already used to a steady diet of mind-blowing sex. He can’t give this up. He can’t!
“W-W-Why?” Huaisang stammers. He brings his fan out of his back pocket and waves it nervously. “Did I do something you didn’t like? I mean you can just tell me, A-Cheng… Was it the leather? You didn’t like the leather, huh?”
“It’s not the fucking leather,” Jiang Cheng growls. He runs his fingers through his bangs a little and actually sighs this time. 
“I’m in love with you,” he says plainly, as if he’s talking about the weather. “I don’t want to be your sex friend anymore.”
“Um…” Huaisang hums nervously. He doesn’t know what to say. He doesn’t even know if he heard correctly! Jiang Cheng can’t be in love with him… can he?
Jiang Cheng just barely tolerates him most days!
He can’t…
Not love…
Jiang Cheng just looks at him with his dark eyes for a long moment before he moves to walk past Huaisang. “Stay away from me for a while,” he says as he walks past. “I need some time to… well you know.” And he’s out the door before Huaisang can so much as nod or shake his head or move.
Huaisang doesn’t know, actually.
He has no fucking idea.
“— and he just left!” Huaisang explains exasperatedly.
Wei Wuxian is slouched against the wall, drinking the coffee milk that Huaisang had bribed him with and playing a game on Huaisang’s phone because Huaisang can’t beat this one level and Wei Wuxian is the god of all phone games.
“Uh huh,” Wei Wuxian hums absently, his fingers tapping furiously away on Huaisang’s phone.
“Don’t you think it’s unfair, Xian-ge?” Huaisang complains piteously, “I mean, A-Cheng has the most perfect dick in all of the world. To bestow that gift upon me and then cruelly take it away… It’s… it’s inhumane!”
Wei Wuxian doesn’t look away from the phone. “If you talk about Jiang Cheng’s dick to me one more time, I’m going to throw you off of the roof,” he says monotonously.
Huaisang doesn’t think Wei Wuxian would really do that, but he does scoot a little closer to the wall. “Well, I just think it’s unfair,” he pouts, “I don’t even think he’s really in love with me anyway… It’s probably just an excuse to stop sleeping with me… He’s probably gone and got himself a girlfriend or something – does he have a girlfriend? Do you know, Xian-ge?”
“He doesn’t have a girlfriend,” Wei Wuxian answers, but his tone is so flippant that it doesn’t give Huaisang any confidence at all.
“It might be a secret girlfriend,” Huaisang needles.
“Jiang Cheng doesn’t have a girlfriend – he likes you,” Wei Wuxian says. He takes a sip from the coffee milk can and crushes the empty can in his hand. “Give me another one and I’ll beat a couple more levels for you.”
Huaisang obediently opens another can and hands it to Wei Wuxian.
“Are you sure he likes me?” Huaisang asks, “He said it so… robotically. Like he didn’t mean it… Or like he didn’t even care!” Huaisang stands a glares down at Wei Wuxian like Jiang Cheng had glared at him in the classroom. “I like you or whatever. I don’t want to sleep with you or see you again. Bye,” he reenacts Jiang Cheng’s cold words.
“He said it just like that!” Huaisang explains to Wei Wuxian, “It’s an excuse right? It has to be an excuse! Who confesses to someone like that?”
“Jiang Cheng,” Wei Wuxian answers, snickering a little.
Huaisang sits back down beside Wei Wuxian. He feels increasingly more upset with Wei Wuxian’s answers. He had thought talking to Wei Wuxian – Jiang Cheng’s adopted brother – would give him more clarity! But it’s given him nothing! Just more confusion! He almost wants to steal his precious coffee milk back from Wei Wuxian.
“He can’t really like me,” Huaisang says petulantly, “He must have some other reason…”
Wei Wuxian finally looks at him from the corner of his eye. He looks up and down at Huaisang appraisingly. “Well you are his type,” he says finally, turning his eyes back onto the phone screen. “And Jiang Cheng was never the type to casually fuck someone anyway – I always thought that was more suspicious.”
Jiang Cheng’s type?
“What’s his type?” Huaisang asks slowly, careful not to sound too eager. Was he really Jiang Cheng’s type? He had thought Jiang Cheng had only agreed to this sex friend thing because it was convenient… but of course maybe Jiang Cheng might have found Huaisang physically agreeable as well… right?
“You’re like weak and generally agreeable and you don’t talk too much,” Wei Wuxian says absently.
Huaisang feels himself wilt a little at those traits. Weak. Agreeable. Not too chatty.
Well Jiang Cheng’s type could be worse…
“Oh, and you’re pretty,” Wei Wuxian adds, “He’s always liked little delicate things.”
Pretty? Delicate?
“Xian-ge, I’m a man,” he says (admittedly weakly).
“Definitely a man,” Wei Wuxian nods.
Huaisang doesn’t know what to say anymore so he just fans himself a little bit and watches Wei Wuxian crush level after level. Truly the god of phone games.
Just as he’s about to open his mouth and ask Wei Wuxian more about the utterly confusing Jiang Cheng, Lan Wangji walks over to them.
The “Lan Wangji effect” as Huaisang has so coined is immediate.
“Ah, Lan Zhan,” Wei Wuxian smiles, handing Huaisang’s phone back to him, “Is your lesson over already?”
Wangji just nods.
Wei Wuxian smiles even wider and gets up without so much as a bye to Huaisang.
Huaisang looks down at his phone – Wei Wuxian hasn’t even beaten this level for him yet!
Stupid brothers. Stupid, stupid –
“Oh, Huaisang!” Wei Wuxian calls suddenly.
Huaisang looks up at him, quickly putting an innocent expression on his face.
“This isn’t a threat, but if you don’t feel the same way, then you better leave Jiang Cheng alone – okay?”
Wei Wuxian doesn’t even wait for Huaisang to reply before he turns and leaves the rooftop with Lan Wangji.
Not a threat, huh?
Then why does Huaisang feel so fucking nervous!?
Leaving Jiang Cheng alone is easier than expected.
Mostly because Jiang Cheng turns and walks away whenever Huaisang is within even shouting distance.
It’s… aggravating.
Huaisang hasn’t even been able to masturbate because he’s so stressed about this current situation.
His whole goal in life is pleasure! Pure pleasure! And he hasn’t even been able to participate in his favorite activity because of Jiang Cheng!!
Stupid Jiang Cheng!
Why did he have to…
Sex friends was so easy! So convenient! No risk of hurt feelings or painful breakups or any of the un-pleasurable things that came with relationships!
Sex friends was the best!
Why did Jiang Cheng want to ruin that?
Huaisang lasts two days of Jiang Cheng’s ice cold, inhumane, silent treatment before he bribes Wei Wuxian again for a meeting on the rooftop.
“I just don’t understand, Xian-ge,” he says, fanning himself nervously, “If he likes me, shouldn’t he want to keep being sex friends?”
“He doesn’t want to be sex friends,” Wei Wuxian says, his eyes glued to the screen. “He wants to be your boyfriend.”
“But being sex friends is so much better than being boyfriends!” Huaisang explains patiently – because Wei Wuxian obviously doesn’t get it. “If we become boyfriends we might also have to break up someday! And then I’ll be heartbroken and lonely and I won’t be able to move on because Jiang Cheng is obviously the hottest and sexiest man in the world and I won’t be able to find anyone to replace him and I’ll die alone.”
“You’re lucky you’re cute because you’re a fucking idiot,” Wei Wuxian says taking an absent sip of his coffee milk that Huaisang so kindly gave (bribed) him.
“I’m not an idiot,” Huaisang pouts, “There’s just so many more feelings involved in being boyfriends… sex friends is… much simpler.”
“Well you guys were just sex friends but Jiang Cheng sort of broke up with you anyway, yeah?” Wei Wuxian says – ice cold facts that are too cruel in Huaisang’s opinion.
“But… we’ll be friends again in time,” Huaisang says slowly. “If we broke up after being boyfriends… Well. We probably would never become friends again.”
Losing Jiang Cheng as a sex friend was pretty terrible… but totally losing Jiang Cheng from his life?
That was… unacceptable.
If Huaisang lost Jiang Cheng… then who would grumble and complain but still do everything Huaisang asked?
Who would begrudgingly protect Huaisang from his brother’s anger?
Who would Huaisang go bird watching with?
Who would call Huaisang “an unforgiveable airhead” and pat Huaisang on his air filled head and look at him with so much fondness that Huaisang would feel his heart beat faster?
“… aren’t you afraid of ever breaking up with Wangji-ge?” Huaisang asks carefully.
Wei Wuxian puffs up his cheeks, apparently considering Huaisang’s question – even as his eyes stay glued to the phone screen.
“I’m afraid,” Wei Wuxian says after some time, “but I think it’s reasonable to be afraid of losing something precious. The more precious it is, the more you’ll be afraid of losing it.”
Huaisang feels his heart drop.
“When Lan Zhan and I were just friends, I was afraid then too. Afraid that maybe Lan Zhan would get a boyfriend or girlfriend and then I’d have to deal with the pain of watching someone become more important to Lan Zhan than me,” Wei Wuxian continues.
Huaisang feels nauseous. The thought of Jiang Cheng with someone else... 
Wei Wuxian’s eyes stay glued to the phone screen. What’s with these brothers and saying things that change Huaisang’s world so nonchalantly?
“Now I know what it feels like to be Lan Zhan’s most important person… and even though the thought of losing that one day scares me, it’s worth it. It’s worth it to me.”  
Almost as if summoned by Wei Wuxian’s voice saying his name, Lan Wangji walks up to them.
The “Lan Wangji effect” immediately takes place and Wei Wuxian basically throws Huaisang’s phone back at him.
“So you have to decide, Huaisang,” Wei Wuxian says as he stands, “The greater the risk, the greater the reward – but you have to decide how much you’re willing to risk.”
Huaisang watches Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji as they walk away.
He’s never seen Lan Wangji look at anyone the way he looks at Wei Wuxian. He wonders if anyone would look at him that way…
If Huaisang just let Jiang Cheng go – if he let Jiang Cheng fall out of love with him…
Would they go back to how they were before?
They were just… friends.
Normal friends.
Jiang Cheng didn’t touch him as much then. He didn’t pat Huaisang’s head and make sure that Huaisang wore a scarf on cold days. He didn’t steady Huaisang when he tripped. He didn’t brush Huaisang’s hair out of his face. He didn’t say sweet things like, “You look cute when you try to do math.”
They were… normal.
Huaisang doesn’t want normal.
Huaisang catches Jiang Cheng before Jiang Cheng can run away and he drags him by his arm to the empty classroom that Jiang Cheng had nonchalantly confessed to Huaisang in.
He pushes Jiang Cheng into the classroom and stands at the door so Jiang Cheng can’t run away.
“I told you I need some time,” Jiang Cheng says with an exasperated eye roll.
Is he really in love with Huaisang?
He doesn’t seem in love at all!
“Well I’ve had enough time,” Huaisang says, and he sounds braver than he feels. His hands are shaking. He feels light headed.
Oh… bravery so doesn’t suit him.
Damn Jiang Cheng! Damn him! Damn him for making Huaisang do this!
“A-Cheng,” Huaisang says with a deep breath, “Why do you like me?”
Jiang Cheng stares at him in an almost-shocked silence.
Huaisang feels so embarrassed he could die, but he just stares back.
After a moment or two, Jiang Cheng clears his throat and looks away…. Shyly!!!
It’s so cute that Huaisang wants to run over and kiss him!
“You’re such a fucking narcissist,” Jiang Cheng mumbles.
“Tell me!” Huaisang urges.
“Uh… You’re agreeable and you don’t talk too much,” Jiang Cheng says.
Fuck Jiang Cheng.
The worst.
Huaisang is going to enter the monkhood and live alone in the mountains with his birds.
“And you know you’re… pretty,” Jiang Cheng continues after a little while, his eyes still averted from Huaisang, “And… well… you know when you got Su She expelled when he tried to frame your brother for breaking all the windows on the third floor? You complain and you’re normally lazy as shit but… But you’d go to the ends of the earth for your brother and… Well that’s good.”
Huaisang feels like his heart is beating in his ears.
His cheeks feel so hot that he knows he must be as red as a tomato.
“And you’re bossy in bed… I like that too,” Jiang Cheng says finally.
Huaisang knew Jiang Cheng liked that!! He knew it!
He’s pulled from his internal celebration by Jiang Cheng clearing his throat.
“Well if you’re done feeding your ego, I have to go now,” Jiang Cheng says and he walks purposefully towards Huaisang, pushing him aside to open the door.
“No, no, no!” Huaisang says, pushing Jiang Cheng back in the room and closing the door again.
Jiang Cheng scowls at him. “If you want to hear more compliments, go find Mengyao or someone.” He crosses his arms and blows at his bangs in irritation. “Of course I’d fall in love with one of the most annoying brats on the planet.”
In love.
Jiang Cheng was still in love with him.
Thank god! Thank all the gods!
“I like your face,” Huaisang says hurriedly. “I’ve always thought you had the most perfect face. I like the way your eyes can go from kind to mass murderer in less than a second.”
Jiang Cheng’s scowl lessens a little as he stares at Huaisang in confusion.
“I like how you have a bad attitude about almost everything, but you’re also the most diligent person I’ve ever met. I never had fun doing homework until I started doing homework with you. I like how you’re so patient with me when you explain things.”
Jiang Cheng’s scowl is almost gone entirely. He looks…
Well it sort of break’s Huaisang’s heart how open and vulnerable he looks.
“I like you, A-Cheng,” Huaisang says, and his voice shakes and he thinks his whole body is shaking but he can’t help himself now. He’s already said it so he has to finish it.
“When I said I wanted us to be sex friends, it was because I was scared of asking you to be my boyfriend. I thought that if you said “no” at least I could play sex friends off as a joke.”
Huaisang can’t even look at Jiang Cheng any longer. He doesn’t know why he’s so terrified, but he is. He feels so vulnerable that he might explode.
“I was… happy when we became sex friends.”
It had felt like a dream.
To be able to kiss Jiang Cheng. To touch him. To hold and be held by him.
“I’m scared of breaking up,” Huaisang says. “I’m scared of you getting tired of me. I’m… scared.”
He feels more than hears Jiang Cheng step towards him.
He gathers his courage and looks up at Jiang Cheng.
Jiang Cheng’s face is so soft… his eyes are so kind that Huaisang feels his eyes sting.
Who knew Jiang Cheng could look at someone like that?
Who knew Jiang Cheng could look at Huaisang like that?
“But Xian-ge said that the greater the risk the greater the reward,” he says, blinking back his tears. “So… Can I be your boyfriend, A-Cheng? Like you said, I’m lazy and I’m weak and I’m not really brave and I’m really scared right now… But… can I?”
Jiang Cheng wraps his arms around Huaisang’s shoulders and brings him into his chest.
Huaisang can hear Jiang Cheng’s heart beat and it’s so loud that Huaisang can almost feel it.
He can feel it.
“Idiot,” Jiang Cheng says, pressing a kiss to the top of Huaisang’s forehead, “What are you scared for? You’ve always had me. You’ll always have me.”
Huaisang really can’t stop his tears then.
Stupid brothers.
Stupid Jiang Cheng.
This is the best year of Huaisang’s life.
159 notes · View notes
rating: general
pairing: otto octavius x orion gray ( o2 )
words: 1398
summary: "And what if you're wrong? What if I ripped you apart right now, as easy as tearing the wings off an insect?" The bottom of his stomach drops out- he could. He had seen him on the grainy bank security camera footage they had been playing on Channel 7- tearing the doors off of cars like they were paper mache. His life could be over before he knew it. And yet, when he looks into those dark eyes, deep brown in the late afternoon light, he isn't afraid.
"I'm not wrong." || this was such a labor of love that ive been working on for. actual days and days and i really thought i would never ever finish it but now... here it is. help me ive fallen so in love with this man and i cant get up
The sun is going down when Orion finally finds the courage to enter the destroyed building on the pier- only to immediately be shoved hard into a metal wall.
"Who are you? What are you doing here?"
"D-" The thrumming, cold metal that holds him strong against the damp wall presses hard into his chest, making his voice squeak out of him, "Dr. Octavius?"
The appendage releases it's grip, if only a bit. "Orion?" He moves closer, coming fully out of the shadows and into a bar of orange light pouring in through a crack in the dilapidated building. "You're.....you're alive? I thought...." Emotion plays sadly across his features and through his voice. "You. You came here to find me?"
"I thought...I thought for sure that. In the...." It's leaked into his own voice, too. "Then I saw you on the news. Robbing a bank. So I...I had to find you."
"........Why? To turn me in?" Again the grip on him tightens, squeezing the air from his lungs and aching in a way that is sure to bruise.
"No! Because I-" He bites his tongue hard enough to taste blood. "Because I'm your assistant. It's my... my job to be here."
A dark gaze lingers on him for a little too long, stirring with too many things to pick out any of them. "...No, it isn't. You're fired. Go home."
"What?! You can't-!"
"Don't be an idiot!" He snaps, and then, as if guilty, under his breath- "I'm not the man I used to be."
"I don't believe that." The strength of his conviction is so strong he sees chocolate eyes melt, if just for a moment, and the grip on him loosens with a whir. Then they are hard again, and more living metal is pressing him against the wall, pulling his arms away from his body and pinning them above his head, but his boss' real human warmth is several steps closer. His heart races- why, he wants to pretend, he can't be sure.
"And what if you're wrong? What if I ripped you apart right now, as easy as tearing the wings off an insect?" The bottom of his stomach drops out- he could. He had seen him on the grainy bank security camera footage they had been playing on Channel 7- tearing the doors off of cars like they were paper mache. His life could be over before he knew it. And yet, when he looks into those dark eyes, deep brown in the late afternoon light, he isn't afraid.
"I'm not wrong."
The larger man continues to step forward, until he is thoroughly in Orion's personal space, only centimeters from touching him. His cheeks flush, his heart moving into a fever pitch, butterflies spreading up through his chest. He could push him away if he wanted, despite the metal warmed by his own body heat digging into his pinned wrists. He had never told Dr. Octavius about his powers- had never told anybody. He wouldn't see it coming. His arms are beginning to ache in protest at being held up that way, but he hardly feels it, hardly gives a second thought to an escape plan. If he had wanted to escape, he wouldn't be here. Large hands are cupping his face now- Dr. Octavius is studying him the same way he pores over his notes and theorems, searching for something. He feels almost naked underneath the scrutiny. After a long moment, the older man speaks, the words sending a shiver down his spine. They're so close their foreheads are almost touching. "You're not really here because it's your job, are you?"
It doesn't sound like an accusation- more like an invitation.
Suddenly, his mouth is dry.
"What if I said yes?"
His jaw clenches, but his eyes are melting again. "I'd ask you to tell me why you are here. The truth, this time."
Anxiety swims through him, beneath the butterflies. Does he really want to hear the truth? He can't, can he? He's wanted to tell him for so long that the words have glued his tongue to the roof of his mouth. "Dr. Octavius..."
There is a flash of loss through his face, gone as soon as it appeared. Orion thinks about what he said- I'm not the man I used to be. "Otto."
He's vaguely aware that the tips of his fingers are going numb. "Otto." It's the first time he's ever said it, and yet it sounds at home on his tongue. "I'm here... The truth is...I wanted to be with you. Wherever you were. No matter what."
"Why, Orion." He sounds impatient, in the fondly exasperated way that he always does when Orion beats around the bush. Does he know what he wants to say? Does he really want him to say it? He remembered overhearing him once say that you should never keep something so big a secret. Is it a secret he's been keeping, too? Aching in his chest at night like it does his own?
"Because I'm-" He stops, licks his lips, inhales, exhales. Who knew six words could be so hard to say?
"Please." Half desperate- his grip gets tighter, not only on his arms above his head, but on his face, blunt fingernails digging graspingly into the flesh of his throat.
"Because I'm in love with you."
Orion can see him shudder with the weight of his declaration, can see it ripple through his robotic arms hard enough that they lose their grip on his own arms and let them tumble, heavy and tingly, to his sides. It's burning in his eyes, the heat behind that shudder- a gaze so intense that it steals the breath from his lungs.
"I've waited so long to hear you say that." The words are tinged with the same sadness slowly creeping into his expression. "I love you, too....but. But you can't stay. I'm....look at me, Orion. I'm a-"
"Don't." He cuts him off, surprising both of them with the forcefulness of it. "You're not. And even if you were...I wouldn't care. I'd still be here. That's what... that's what being in love means."
"I can't. You'd be in danger. I can't- I won't be responsible for-"
"Otto." His still mostly numb hand rises from his side, tingling fingers placing themselves against his quivering lip. "I'll be fine. There's something I never. Never told you. But I... I want to show you now. Okay?"
He raises both eyebrows, freeing him slowly from where he was holding him against the wall so he slowly lands on his feet, and Orion takes a deep breath as he regains his shaking legs under him. He moves around to Otto's other side, who turns to watch him with rapt attention. There is a barrel on the far side of the big room- Orion extends a trembling hand towards it, his fingers starting to faintly glow blue, and imagines it being thrown into the wall hard enough to shatter- and in an instant it is, wooden shards falling heavy into the water beneath them.
"How long-?" Otto sounds like he's in shock.
"My whole life." He turns back towards him, appropriately sheepish.
"And you never told me you could-?"
"I've never told anyone. Until..." He chews on his lower lip. "Until today. Until you. I can help you...finish what we started. Isn't that why you robbed the bank?"
He seems to process this for a minute, brown eyes wide with a kind of awe. "You could be a hero. You'd be famous. And you'd rather be a criminal?"
"You think I want to be famous?" He laughs bitterly, thinking about how many times he saw the Bugle rip into Spider-Man. "Being a hero... that isn't for guys like me, I don't think. It's a pretty thankless job."
"All this time...." He swallows, averting his gaze to the floorboards. "You could do so much better than bringing me coffee. Better than me."
"For your information," Orion steps back into his personal space, gently tilting his chin back up to face him. "I can't think of a higher calling than being the personal assistant of Dr. Otto Octavius."
There is a whir and a click as a thrumming coil winds coldly around his waist, keeping him close. "Dr. Otto Octavius is dead. Don't you read the papers?"
"You know what they say about believing everything you read."
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pagingdoctorbedlam · 3 years
And now, that cyberpunk AU I’ve been talking about the past few days...here’s the result from one of my potions for @quirkyseastone ‘s “Brew a Love Potion” event!
Characters: Kaku x Reader; cameos by Chopper, Franky, Kalifa (unnamed) and Rob Lucci (also unnamed).
Genre: Cyberpunk, Enemies to Lovers
TW/CW: Violence, guns and swords, cyborgs, partial memory loss
Word Count: ~4.2k words
You'd say it was fate, but really, it was no surprise that the Greatest Thief in Water 7 (that being you, of course) would attract the attention of assassins sooner or later.
The first time you met, you were running along rooftops in the world's first and only floating city, and you nearly ran into his sword. Not one of those laser-sabers or poseur chainsaw-blades, but an actual steel sword that tore your sleeve, would've torn your throat if you hadn't pivoted at the last minute.
"You'd best watch where you're going pal," the assassin said, his smile barely creeping past the high collar of his black uniform. His face was almost entirely hidden, save for large eyes and a long, square nose that jutted from his face like the barrel of a gun. "These rooftops get dangerous at night."
"I could say the same to you," was your response. And you shot him. Not the most romantic introduction ever, you admit, but he walked out of it fine. The bullet seemed to bounce off his torso. Bulletproof vest, you thought at first. You didn't get to consider beyond that because he swung a second blade and did a pretty good job of keeping you on your toes.
From this rooftop, you could see the whole city. Water 7, a marvel of engineering, floated over an ocean that seemed to glitter with starlight instead of all the neon signs. You could look across every district, including all the Docks that produced everything from marvelous flights of fancy to dangerous war machines. Down on the streets, market stalls offered every delight imaginable. Paradise for a thief. But sometimes, you needed a challenge, and a target to stick your ire to. You figured which one might've sent an assassin after you.
"Let me guess," you said between breaths and shots. "You're a government goon, aren't ya'? Mad I stole those weapon blueprints from your headquarters last week?"
The assassin had the gall to laugh. "You sure hit the nail on the head! We put a lot of work into acquiring those, and then you go on and walk right out with them. Got the whole place buzzing worse than a hornet's nest." Then he moved faster than any natural human you've ever met, and next thing you knew, the tip of his sword pressed up into your chin. "If you tell me who you sold those blueprints to, I can make a case for sparing your life. For being so darn cooperative and all."
You couldn't help but look into his wide, dark eyes. There was an earnestness in them you'd never seen in anyone else who'd tried to kill you. You also noticed the inner workings, that those weren't human eyes but cybernetic lenses. Ah. That made more sense.
"I didn't sell them. I was hired to snag and burn, and you know what? If I'd known what they were for before I got hired, I would've done the job for free. Did you know what those blueprints were for, or are you the kind of lackey they keep in the dark?"
The cyborg didn't answer right away. His blade lowered ever so slightly.
"I did. That's why we had to secure the blueprints, to make sure no one else makes use of them."
"That's what the previous owners tried to do. Now those blueprints have changed hands twice this month. You really think that if I hadn't destroyed them, some power-hungry idiot wouldn't have eventually grabbed hold of them and actually built the damn thing?" A war machine that could sink all of Water 7 toppling into the sea with a single shot. Nations would bow before it. Not something you'd want in anyone's hands, much less the government.
"Shame to hear you had such good reasons," The assassin said, an honest goodbye. "But orders are orders."
"Indeed they are." And it was time for you to make your escape. You angled your gun up and fired. The assassin was human enough to flinch when a bullet fired at his head, even though you only hit his baseball cap. You ran and flung yourself off the rooftop, using a grappling hook to swing over to the next skyscraper before you could see his reaction.
A small part of you wondered what the assassin's name was. The rest of you, more practical, decided to put that train of thought to rest at the station. No matter how charming an assassin might be, there was no point in wondering about someone who'd tried to kill you.
Next time you two ran into each other, you shot at him again from the opposite end of a mansion hallway.
"You must really hate my hat, huh?" He put his hands up and tried that bright smile on you once more. "Easy there, pal. I'm not here for you."
"Though I'm sure if you offed me as collateral, you'd get a pretty bonus on your paycheck, huh?"
"Depends. What're you after here?"
You debated telling him. Didn't want your goals used against you, but you really didn't have time to chase off an assassin while finishing your job. "Wapol killed my client's adopted father years ago, and hung onto some of the man's personal items as a trophy. I'm stealing them back."
"What a coincidence! I'm here for Mr. Wapol's head. Or at the very least, to threaten him to fall back in line. Someone's been selling supplies to foreign armies, and we'd rather he stop." The assassin slowly walked toward you, hands still up, until the two of you were only a few feet apart. He lowered one hand, offering it to shake. "Tell you what. I'd rather not fight you tonight and risk another hat. So say I deal with Wapol, you get in and grab what you need, and we both pretend we never saw each other. Deal?"
You glared at the offered hand. For all you knew, he could have all manner of weapons built into it. "I don't even know your name. Though I'm sure you know mine, what with being hired to kill me earlier."
"I do." Your name rolled off his tongue in a way that made your traitorous little heart flip in your chest. "And my name's Kaku. That better?"
You wondered if his skin was plastic, or flesh and blood. "You could have a gun built into your palm, or something."
Those camera-lens eyes widen. "You could tell...?"
"I deal with a lot of cyborgs. Some of them don't even try to kill me."
"Aha. Well, you may not believe me, but I try to stay honest, so I mean it when I say I have only one firearm built into me."
You smirked and shook his hand. "If that's a pickup line, you really need practice."
You learned two things that night before parting ways. One, that his hands were warm and calloused, and you felt a steady heartbeat under his skin that no robot could replicate. Two, he was human enough to blush and sputter at your innuendo, giving you enough time to run off into the depths of the mansion.
Wapol's death hit the news the next day. You'd half-expected the crime would be pinned on a break-in, and eventually on you. But no, the death was clean. Made to resemble a suicide. Nothing reported as missing, even the handful of extras you'd taken while Wapol had been distracted. You found yourself pleasantly surprised. Really, the night would've been perfect, if you could get that bastard's blushing face out of your head.
Over the next few months, you two kept ending up at the same places with different goals. The first times were coincidences. The rest were casually coordinated, notes left tucked into the windowsill of your cruddy apartment or texts from what you assumed were burner phones. Coordinates or articles about unique treasures. You once responded back "sounds like a date" and he responded with a flustered emoticon like a teenager from the early 2000's.
Either way, you two made a pretty good team, and no one had to know if he cleared out the security in your way or if you showed him a sneaky shortcut through a building. You finally saw his built-in firearm too; turns out, there was a reason his nose was so long.
And whenever these "accidental" meetings involved staking out the locale first, you'd make small talk. He'd ask about your plans for whatever treasure laid in wait. You decided not to ask him about his murder plans, instead opting for hobbies and whatever an assassin might do outside of work. Found out he liked vehicles of all sorts, especially ships, and that's part of how he'd ended up assigned to Water 7. You once admitted that you were born in Water 7, lived in the slums your whole life.
"I've never even seen a live animal, other than the birds that sometimes fly overhead. Sad, isn't it?"
Kaku perked up at that. "You know there's a zoo here, right? Most of the animals are electronic, but a few are the real deal. You can even feed some!"
"Yeah, but zoos are so expensive. Gotta' pay big bucks for authenticity, you know."
The conversation had drifted off after that. But the next time you got a text, the coordinates and timestamps also included a photo of two tickets.
The practical part of your brain warned you that this could be a trap. Surely, a trained assassin could find plenty of ways to murder someone in the emptier corners of the zoo, and then toss the body into a carnivore's mouth to be disposed of. Yet as was more common of late, you ignored your practical side and snuck off to the zoo like you were off for another big score.
You're sure the two of you stuck out. Sure, he was in more casual clothing (that still concealed most of his body), but the reflexes of a trained killer didn't reflect well in real life. Neither did a thief's. You both jumped at the wrong sounds and gave security a wide berth. There were nerves to you two that didn't settle on the shoulders of the easygoing crowd.
"We should hold hands," you whispered. He gave you a questioning look. "To blend in, right? No one thinks twice if a happy couple acts odd. Love makes people do weird things."
"So...pretend we're weird and in love, hmm?" He interlaced his warm, human fingers with yours. "Should I call you darling, then?"
"If you're that old fashioned, sure." The two of  you laughed as if you hadn't tried to kill each other only a few months before.
It was strange, seeing animals and being unsure which ones were full of blood and muscles instead of gears and electricity. For someone partially artificial himself, Kaku had a good eye for such things, and pointed each one out. There was a spark in the eyes of living, breathing animals and, an unpredictability to their actions that made them stand out no matter how lifelike their companions seemed.
"What about you?" you asked on a park bench. He'd treated the two of you to popsicles on that warm day, and you watched the giraffes as you talked. "Like, I know you've got a couple cybernetic enhancements, but this..." You shook his hand, still in your own. "This is real."
Kaku glanced around to make sure no one else was watching the two of you instead of the animals. He tore his fingers from yours and for the briefest moment tugged down the collar of his jacket. The letters CP-9 were emblazoned on the side of his neck with laser precision.
"Typical tragic orphan story. Family got into a terrible accident when I was a kid, parents passed, and I was broken up literally and figuratively. Government swooped in and rebuilt me, raised me with a bunch of other orphans to be secret agents. And here we are."
"So...your job is repayment because they saved you?"
"Pretty much. Rebuilding my face alone cost a pretty penny, to say nothing about the rest of me or the years of training. I'm saddled for life." He winked and added, "But I still squirrel away a little bit for myself. Like for this. Being around animals calms my nerves when things get too much. Especially the giraffes. Beauties, aren't they?"
You turned your attention back to the exhibit. They were strange and gangly things, that sort of weird that humans couldn't make up on their own. But they were kinda' cute, galloping around like that. (And if their dark eyes and long lashes reminded you of a certain someone sitting next to you, no one had to know.)
You pointed at one. "That one on the left's been licking the fence for like, fifteen minutes now. Robot?"
"Real. Stranger than fiction, I guess."
He ended up telling you about the giraffes, as if animal facts could bury the bits of backstory the two of you had revealed to each other. He accidentally got popsicle juice on his nose, and flushed the brightest red when you brushed it off. Sometime after that, you took his hand in yours again. You didn't want to part ways when you returned to the gate.
You didn't see him for another month after that.
Funny, how quickly another person could become a staple of your life, and how you came to miss those infrequent texts and adrenaline-fueled meetups. Every job you went on left you peering into shadows as if he'd emerge in his assassin blacks with a smile sharp as his swords. But Kaku was never there.
Despite yourself, you started seeking him out. Texted back every number he'd messaged you from, hoping one burner phone might still be active. Snuck into the zoo and lurked around the giraffe exhibit, hoping he'd show. You even broke into a couple government facilities without any goals beyond finding him. And you knew it was stupid, knew it was dangerous, you barely knew this man and every vulnerability he'd shown you could be part of an elaborate ruse to trap you...but you wanted to believe in him. That whatever had sprouted between you two was as real as your heartbeats syncing when you held hands.
You realized you'd hit paydirt when a new assassin came after you. Even if she hadn't tried to kick your head clean off your neck, you would've recognized her as one of Kaku's coworkers with her black uniform and the tattoo creeping out from under her jacket.
"Things must've gone sour if I've been reassigned," you said. Tried to keep it light as you had with Kaku, even as your mind spun with implications.
"This is entirely your fault, you know." Oh goody, this assassin had a spiked whip, and she got one end wrapped around your foot. "If you hadn't compromised my coworker, if you'd rolled over and died like you should've, we wouldn't be here."
Ah. You'd half-expected that. "Your bosses found out about the date." Your ruse had worked too well. But what else could it have been construed as? You'd even thought of it as a date yourself once he'd disappeared and you'd realized that more than any treasure, you wanted to go back there with him, wanted to go everywhere with him.
"They knew well before that. Did you really think they'd give him camera eyes without reviewing the footage?" The whip tightened around your ankle. "They let it slide for a time because you were useful, and they thought he could still capture you. And he did, but not in the way anyone wanted."
"Where is he?" You tried, and failed, to not sound desperate.
"It's already too late. They decided he was too human, and now he's being rebuilt. There isn't..." and here, she faltered.  Out of fear for her coworker or of such a fate befalling herself, you're not sure. "There isn't anything left of the Kaku you knew. So please, don't go after him. And die while you're at it."
The fight with her was more brutal by far than any of the brawls you'd had with Kaku. She actually scored a few hits on you, and once you finally gave her the slip and made it to one of your hideaways, your ribs and legs ached something fierce. You patched yourself up, and you began to plan.
You'd never stolen a human before. You hoped there was still one left to steal.
Breaking into a secret government laboratory was easier than expected. You built a crew, called in every favor you could, reviewed blueprints until you swore the building's layout had been tattooed on the back of your eyelids. The night of the heist, another crew of saboteurs known for their bombastic fights distracted the security guards, making it seem like they were the true culprits out for revenge.
You alone went underground. In stolen laboratory gear, you entered the cybernetics facility. Your breath fled from your lungs, and it wasn't from the shock of sharp antiseptic clinging to the air.
In a glass pillar full of fluids and wires, Kaku floated. Even from a distance, he looked more plastic and metal, like someone had crafted a lifesize doll replica of him. The monitors showcased diagnostics on a metal skeleton and the integration of circuitry in organs. You touched the cold glass, but he didn't respond.
You got to work. Following instructions you'd reviewed every waking hour, you hacked into the system and initiated the extraction procedure. You already had a gurney for transport, and a prepped lie that you'd be transporting the body of a failed cybernetics integration to be disposed of. The fluids behind the glass slowly drained, wires disconnecting. You held your breath.
Then you crumpled as a bullet hit your side.
You hissed, feeling your side for blood even though you had armor under your disguise. And looked up to see a black uniform, an assassin pointing at you, bullet shaped like a sharp fingernail loading into place.
You gasped, "Don't do this. I'm trying to save him."
"Far as we're concerned, you're stealing classified government property. He's one of our most expensive assets. Second to me, of course." The assassin wore a predator's smile, and the heels of his shoes clicked ominously on the floor as he strode toward you. "It'd be so easy to end this here. It wouldn't be the first time I've made a mess of the lab."
"Yet here you are, chatterbox. I get the feeling you don't want to kill me."
"How bold. As it happens, I like to play with my prey. But so did Kaku, and he got so wrapped up in the chase that he forgot what to do when he caught you."
"Stop talking about him in past tense like he's dead."
The assassin shrugged. "Isn't he? Not in body, but in spirit. They tore out most of his brain and replaced it with machinery. The process wipes most of one's personality and emotion. There isn't a person in there anymore."
"Then I'll find him again and bring him back. That's what a good thief does." The glass opened up, and Kaku nearly fell out. You stepped forward to grab him. First contact jolted your body; you didn't feel a heartbeat anymore. And when you angled him onto the gurney, his body felt cold and smooth. You glared up at your unwelcome guest, who'd watched the event in silence. "Now, are you going to finish the job, or get out of the way?"
"Unlike a certain someone, I'm not in the business of keeping fools alive."
The assassin's fingers sharpened into claws as he closed the distance between you. He swiped at you with those claws, and you barely dodged the first one while pulling the gurney back with you. Whatever happened, you couldn't let Kaku get hurt in this state. But to your surprise, when the next claw swung, you heard a gunshot that you didn't fire. And whoever fired it knew where this cyborg assassin was still flesh; he fell to his knees, surprised at his own blood.
Smoke rose from the gun built into Kaku's nose as he sat up. Camera eyes opened and refocused with faint clicking noises. For a long, quiet moment, he scanned the room. But then they settled on you.
Your heart flipped in your chest again. "You remember me?"
"Of course. They did their best to wipe everything else, but I couldn't let them take you." He paused, unused to his new body, and the resulting smile looked more like a grimace. But he still said, "I love you."
"I love you too. And I'm going to get you out of here." You grabbed Kaku around the shoulders with one arm and grabbed your gun with another, now that you knew where to shoot your foe. You said to the other assassin, "Well? You were wrong about him."
"Was I?" The assassin lurched back to his feet, one hand over the bullet wound just above his clavicle. "Kaku, how much did you give up in order to keep the memory of one thief you failed to kill?" No answer. "Do you even remember who I am?"
"I made my choice," was all Kaku said. "Now let us go."
The assassin turned away before you could see if there was any hurt had broken across his cold face. "Killing you like this won't be any fun. Once you can be a challenge to me again, I'll come back for you. But for now? See if you can run." His heels clicked against the floor as he walked away. "I'll clear your path out of the facility. You're on your own after that."
Time stretched long as the other assassin left the room. You held tight to Kaku. When you held his hand, it was so smooth that he didn't even have fingerprints anymore. But he still intertwined his fingers in yours and squeezed.
"I'm still me," he whispered. "Even if I don't have a real heart or anything else left."
You forced yourself to shrug and smile. "Just means you're a little closer to some of the giraffes at the zoo." That earned you a quizzical look. "Uhmm...you know, because some of them were robots too?" Still blank. "...Did you even forget about giraffes so you could remember me?"
"Suppose I must have."
You resolved to take him back to the zoo once he'd recovered, bring him back a little of that wonder he'd showed you. But first, time for your masterful escape.
The following weeks were long and painful.
Soon as you broke out and got to one of your safehouses, you called in two last favors. One from Franky, cyborg engineer who'd hired you to retrieve and destroy the blueprints for that war machine that started this whole debacle. The other from Doctor Chopper, who'd been so grateful to have his mentor's things returned. The two of them came in and worked on your assassin-turned-lover tirelessly, fixing up what little flesh remained and making sure all the cybernetics were in-check. There was plenty of work to do, as you'd stolen Kaku before his procedures had been complete, and rewiring muscles and nerves turned out to be a long, painful process.
And while you'd rescued Kaku before they could completely erase his humanity, there were still gaping holes in his knowledge, and his smile didn't reach his eyes nearly as often. There was much you had to fill him in on. You spent many nights just talking to distract him from his painful recovery. You held his hand and tried to pretend he still had a heartbeat.
But now? Now you're back at your dingy old apartment, limbs entangled on the couch, staring out the window at the skyscrapers above.
"I think that one will be my next target," you say, pointing up at a gilded skyscraper that seems to pierce the clouds. "Heard the owner there hoards gold. Actual gold! Can you believe it? We'd be rich."
"Sounds like a challenge, though." Kaku's free hand twirls a dull blade between fingers, trying to familiarize himself with his new body. He's admitted a couple times to phantom limb syndrome, like his flesh and blood is just beyond reach. "Sure you'll be able to handle it, darling?"
"It'll be no problem for the Greatest Thief in Water 7. Stealing a bunch of gold will be a cakewalk, seeing as I already grabbed the greatest treasure this city had." You get a quizzical stare in response. "That'd be you, partner."
"Partner," Kaku echoes. This smile lights up his whole face. "I like the sound of that. So, what's the first step in your plan?"
You hum in thought and look deep into his eyes.
"I do believe our first step should be a visit to the zoo. We've got a lot to catch up on, after all."
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