#but no matter what a few days into my cycle I'd feel like I was getting a Yeastie and I was not I was just irritated!! so I had to stop ;_;
aprillikesthings · 8 months
if you have period underwear
and/or re-usable fabric pads, a lot of people will tell you rinse them the moment you take them off, or soak them before washing. I have never managed to do this consistently??
(Also the times I rinsed them out I was like...okay but now I have soaking wet, still not-clean period undies. Now what.)
But if you just toss them (dried blood and all) into your normal cold-water wash they don't always get clean enough plus, I dunno, it feels Icky to me. (YMMV, if you're using them only for backup to tampons/cups it's not a big deal; but when I've worn just period undies on a heavier day....oof.)
But what DOES work for me:
First, I just wash them in a normal (low-water) cold water wash by themselves.
Then, when that cycle is over, I add the rest of my cold water load and run it normally. So the pads/undies get washed twice: once by themselves, and once with a normal load of clothes.
(And I always air-dry them.)
Obviously this isn't a great option if you pay for every load you wash--I have laundry hook-ups and own my washer.
ALSO I have ADHD if I'm not sitting in the living room where I can hear the washing machine sing its little "I'm done!" song, I set a timer to remind me to flip the laundry otherwise I would NEVER REMEMBER
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boowritess · 2 months
notsobaddasssoldier!reader who is kinda a cunt
reader who just doesn't give a shit about the 141 rank or title.
"you think just cause your captain of some lil task force i'm gonna bend over backwards for you? be serious."
"cool you're lieutenant...and.... anything else interesting? like how you think halloween is 24/7, or...?"
"oh so it's a big accomplishment you're sergeant at your big age? tell someone who cares."
you're just so... eh about their ranks. but they get some power trip when you call them said rank. makes them feel some sort of way that depsite your snark, you still call them by rank. showing the clear difference of inferiority and superiority between you and them.
till you notice and shut that shet down.
"your so fucking stupid. it's like if i met The Pope. I'm gonna call him Pope because he's The Pope. I still don't give a shit though."
"or like meeting a Doctor and calling them Doctor. I don't give a fuck that the persons a Doctor. I'll still call em it."
"better yet. hate the king. hate the queen. but i still call them the queen and king. because their dumbassary is just linked to their 'ranks'. if you keep annoying me the same is gonna go for you."
you have so much sass and snark that it becomes a truly humbling experience. and it's like - damn. they could put you over their knee and really put you in your place but reader takes things from 0-100 real fucking quick.
"you wanna what you fucking freak?"
"excuse me-?"
"you're so fucking dumb. get a braincell dumb bitch. do it and fucking find out what happens."
"shot me in the head and watch my corpse not give a fuck because I don't."
and when the guys get a lil too fucking serious about putting reader in their place. reader suddenly has a gun pointed at their face. you see what I mean by taking things to 0-100 real quick?
"dummy. really tryna fuck with me when we're surrounded by guns? fuck outta here with that bullshit."
"matter fact I'd just kill myself-"
"NO!" *141*
it's obvious you may be young and perhaps a little too mouthy for your own good but it's clear you're not going to be pushed around.
but it's obvious you ain't here for the 'greater good' and just doing the work to get the paycheck. while the guys find your snark to be really fucking annoying.
it turns out that you definitely have some perks.
you may not be able to hold yourself very long in battle, just a very basic solider with basic skill sets- your mouth and attitude can really work wonders on people.
in particular, the egotistical rookie who things they're all that. taking their sweet time with basic tasks, belittling other recruits who can do the bare minimum. just in general, an asshole. that's when you step in.
"you ain't shit bitch cause at the end of the fucking day turdface, you ain't bullet proof. i can shoot you right now, and all your running and yapping will cease to exist. your corspe will rot. people will stop knowing you as the loudmouth rookie, and you will just become nothing. infact. you are nothing."
*the recruit opens their mouth. you interrupt.*
*recruit tries again.*
it's an endless cycle that ceases when your hardened glare doesn't stop and you pick up a rock intending to throw it at the recruit. the blank, dead, serious look in your eyes showing you are more than fucking serious.
what really works wonders though, is they way you aren't worried about putting a superior in their place. the other 141 have basically been beaten in and to not question anything. they have been made to believe they are weapons more than human.
that gets shut down real quick.
you all have just come back from mission, that was grueling. a couple of you were injured. everyone looked worse for wear. dirts, scratches, blood. someone no longer had their vest. a few lost weapons. barely had any inventory. needing food, sleep, and then a long shower shower.
but instead waiting for the task force, was a superior officer, holding the next mission file. a mission they were supposed to be getting ready for and practically leave as soon as they got back.
before price could grab for it, you intercept. grabbing the mission file and throwing it at the superior officers face.
"you giant fucking anal peice of dried solid dog shit. we're not fucking doing that. we just got back from hiding in a fucking forest for three weeks with enemy surrounding us to get intel from a camp- THAT WASN'T FUCKING THERE. so you better turn and take those pretty polished shoes to another task force."
"what is your name, soldier?" *superior officer growls.*
"Dolly Parton. Now Dolly has just worked longer than a nine to five and Dolly ain't got the patience for dealing with a man like you. i got two bullets left. one for you and one for me. and if you think i won't do it- well we can put it to the test now-"
perhaps it was the utter dead look in your eyes, or the gentle yet seething venom in your tone. the superior officer simply growls and turns on their feet, leaving the task force.
it's funny cause you do get the respect, you are barely a good soldier but dang you can get shit done when need be. so price doesn't transfer you. he still keeps you close.
ghost is the one who loves the feral little shit you are. gaz and you talk mad shit about everyone on base. soap just absolutely adores you, you're the little sibling he's always wanted.
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a/n: inspired by the feral nature of gen z.
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beomiracles · 18 days
hi not too sure if u write hybrid so feel free to ignore this if u don’t! but could i request taking care of whiny and desperate cat hybrid taehyun during his heat?
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DREAM RECALL “I am”, he admits, his voice low and shaky as he inhales against your skin. His almost entirely blacked-out eyes meet yours and in a split second his pupils narrowed down into their usual sharp vertical slits. You gulp, gripping the sheets either side of you as your lips part in bewilderment. His tongue darts out to drag across the bottom row of canines, his attention remaining solely on you as he says; “I need you.” 
wc. 3.2k
pairings cat!hybrid taehyun x fem!reader warnings well um, unprotected sex + creampie, heavy breeding kink, heat-cycles?, marking, brief kissing, vaginal fingering, taehyun wears a collar, switch!taehyun, whiny/desperate taehyun, mentions of ownership.. lmk if I missed something (most definitely did)
#serene adds ✎.. eek this is my very first hybrid fic, apologies of it's ass. hmm might've gotten slightly carried away but I'd say he's pretty desperate n whiny still :3 it might be a little rushed at the end but.. let's rock with it
@thetxtdevil the way I promised to do this over a week (two weeks?) ago. oopsies.
this is not proofread, I gotta get up early tomorrow so we have no time for such trivial matters as proofreading.
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With a deflated sigh, you heave the last step of the staircase leading to your small apartment. Throwing a glance toward the heavy bags clutched in your hands, your wallet painfully empty after today’s purchases. — If this doesn’t win him over… 
When your colleagues had described their experience of owning a doberman hybrid, your heart practically melted. Soobin was both kind and handsome, politely thanking you for the meal you’d cooked for him as he offered to help with the dishes. And he was social too, providing you with the companionship you so lacked in your life. In all, Soobin was perfect and suddenly your colleagues' promising words all made sense.  — So naturally, you thought that acquiring one of your own wouldn’t be much different. 
Since the day he’d first stepped foot inside your home, Taehyun had been nothing but a nuisance, and that was putting it lightly. From tearing your couch cushions apart to leaving heaps of dirty plates in the sink as he struts back to his room, the door slamming shut behind him. Not to mention how near heartless and cold he was. Refusing to even coexist in the same room as you apart from when absolutely necessary. 
But you had tried your hardest to prepare yourself, taking measure of every need he might have. From allergies to sleeping and eating habits, scents he might like or dislike, you’d even stocked up on both movies and books for him to indulge in, none of which he ever did for the record. — In all, you had done everything you could to accommodate your new housemate, and how were you repaid? With nothing but the short glare of his sharp feline eyes as Taehyun’s lips curled into a small scowl. 
At your wits end, you resorted to buying him gifts, spending the little money left from your monthly salary as you brought home new clothes, expensive jewelry, more books and even a brand new phone. — But Taehyun didn’t even raise a brow in the direction of your offerings, and now they all lay discarded in a corner of his room. The heavy ipad in your hands was your last piece of hope, and with a small sigh, you turned the key in the lock, pushing the door to your flat open. 
It’s quiet, eerily so, which isn’t unusual and so you venture forward. Not bothering to announce your arrival back home, because you never got a response back. Instead you head for your room, planning on spending a few more minutes by yourself before attempting what you thought to be your last shot at winning the sour cat over. 
It is therefore with much surprise that you halt in the middle of the hallway, eyes landing on the door leading to your bedroom, ajar. That in itself wasn’t too alarming, you would ever so often forget to close it, and you weren’t exactly worried about Taehyun sneaking inside, for he seemed to have no interest in doing so… Except today he did. 
Rocking back and forth on your heels, you listen to the soft pants carrying out into the air with a confused frown. What on earth was he up to? With a hand on the wood, you push the door open as your lips part, “Taehyun what are..” 
The words get stuck in your throat, suddenly feeling thick and constricted as your gaze trains on the sight of the feline before you. You think he might’ve seen your room once, the day you brought him home and gave a half-assed tour, in which he’d paid your personal space very little mind. — But right now, he was everywhere, the mess he’d left in his wake evident as you eye the open drawers, your clothes scattered across the floor and your desk practically turned upside down. 
A strangled noise coming from the bed averts your attention in its direction. Taehyun is drenched in a sheen layer of sweat, making one of the very few sweaters he’d obliged to wear, cling to his toned chest. His dark hair falls in front of his flushed face and your jaw might as well dislocate as you behold the leather collar you’d bought for him, which he had bluntly refused to even acknowledge, wrapped around his neck. 
Clutched tightly between his fingers is a familiar piece of garment, and as you squint you recognize it as one of your sleep-shirts. Confused, you watch as he brings the fabric to his nose, fervently inhaling your scent with a small groan as his hips twitch. — “Taehyun..?” You speak up, feebly trying to make your presence known. And you do. 
You think he might crack a bone with the speed he snaps his head your way. His eyes seize on you, narrowing at the sight of your figure by the doorframe, and for a moment, you think, almost hope, that he will revert back to his usual self, giving a small grunt as he slips back into his own room. — But he doesn’t, if anything he becomes worse as he tears the shirt in his hands, the cotton ripping under his fingers and you wince at the loss of one of your favorite pieces. 
“Come here”, he practically snarls and you respond by dumbfoundedly blinking back at him, turning your head to see if there was possibly anyone else he might be addressing. With the small roll of his eyes, Taehyun lets out huff as he beckons you over. — “Are you sick?” You hesitantly wonder as you carefully creep forward, baffled by his sudden initiating behavior. The hybrid merely gives a twitch of his jaw as his gaze narrows down on you. 
As soon as you’re within arms reach you feel the steel-like grip of his hand around yours as he yanks you onto your bed. The sudden force takes you by surprise and you let out a startled yelp as you go crashing against the cushion. Within milliseconds does he have you caged against the mattress, knees sinking in place either side of your hips as his arms close you in. “Taehyun what-” But the question is swallowed by the raspy whine coming from his throat as his eyes hurriedly search yours. 
It’s when your gazes meet that you finally notice his pupils, blown wide to the point where they might as well swallow his entire iris, completely lacking their usual vertical slits. Frantically you scavenge your mind for answers as you note his near panting frame, from the flushness of his face and neck, to the copious amount of sweat pooling on his forehead. You’d read about this…somewhere…But your mind remains blank as you squirm beneath him. 
This couldn’t possibly be the same hybrid you’d brought home a few weeks prior, the one who did his utterly best to avoid you, who scrunched his nose in disgust whenever he caught a whiff of your scent. — This wasn’t the Taehyun you knew, and the uncertainty of your current situation terrified you. “I think you’re unwell..” You try and coax him off of you, but it was useless as Taehyun pressed himself near impossibly close, nose nudging the juncture of your neck. 
“I am”, he admits, his voice low and shaky as he inhales against your skin. His almost entirely blacked-out eyes meet yours and in a split second his pupils narrowed down into their usual sharp vertical slits. You gulp, gripping the sheets either side of you as your lips part in bewilderment. His tongue darts out to drag across the bottom row of canines, his attention remaining solely on you as he says; “I need you.” 
Needs…you? You? Had he not had you locked beneath his large frame and on your bed, panting like he’d ran a mile, his statement would’ve been a laughing matter. But there was nothing humorous about the way his expression practically ate you whole as his eyes roamed your mundanely dressed body; from the plain leggings you wore to the far too big t-shirt draped over your chest. 
“You’re sick, Taehyun. We need to-” — “No.” He cuts you off, it’s abrupt and he suddenly sounds stern as he shakes his head. “I know what I need”, he murmurs as he dives for your neck once more, hot tongue darting out to drag across your exposed skin. — With a small shriek your hands fly to his shoulders as you attempt to push him off. But the feline merely groans against you, hips grinding into your own and when the prominent bulge, straining in his sweats, reaches your thigh, you freeze. 
Suddenly, it was as if a lightbulb had been turned on within you and your eyes widened in horror as you realized what was going on. His heat, of course. How careless of you, you should’ve gotten him suppressants, asked him about it in advance. This was all your fault and now…now he was.. — “No!” You exclaim, trashing against him as you try to separate the two of you, earning a displeased whine from the hybrid. 
As a last resort, your fingers clasp around the leather on his neck as you give it a harsh tug. The action sends a shiver through him as Taehyun moans into your neck, though finally tearing himself from you, if only a mere two inches. — “This isn’t..” You begin, biting the inside of your cheek as you release your grip on the collar, “I mean this…This isn’t how it was supposed to go!” 
The crease of his forehead as Taehyun frowns is prominent and he sends a warm puff of air your way as he exhales. Blinking rapidly, you try to come up with a solution for the situation at hand, eyes darting across the room. “There’s a procedure for this and I’m sure it’s written somewhere I just-” 
Sharp teeth scraping against your shoulder jolts you from whatever meek thought process you had managed to accumulate. The feline scoffs against you, one of his hands traveling up your loose shirt, causing goosebumps to ripples across your stomach as he groans; “You and your fucking books.” All too familiar with your frantic researching habits, always feeling the need to learn as much as possible, just in case. 
Your face is contorted into a mixture of surprise and pleasure as Taehyun refocuses his attention to your clothed cunt, moving intently as he emits soft moans and whines. “B-But this isn’t how it’s supposed to- H-ah.. to be..” — Not paying your meek protests much mind, your hybrid continues to litter you in reddish marks, undoubtedly ones that would blossom into something far darker when given the time. 
“Been waiting for you to come home for so long”, he sighs as his lips travel up your neck, finally reaching your jaw as he plants soft kisses and licks to the skin there. — “Don’t want to wait any longer”, he whines, hips jerking forward and you gasp, “need you now.” 
He wasn’t thinking straight because of his heat, that had to be it, because in no universe would your Taehyun be acting like this on a normal Thursday afternoon. With that in mind, you try to be a bit more understanding before speaking again. — “I-I’m sorry, I would’ve been home earlier if… If I knew”, you murmur, tentatively reaching your hands up to rest on his shoulders. 
The small action seemed to spur him on even further as he immediately went to tug your leggings down. Alarmed, you seal your legs shut but his desperate fingers are already hooked around the fabric as he pulls it down. — “Taehyun, wait! Isn’t this..Isn’t this all a little too fast?” You shriek, feeling hesitant as his hand wedges itself between your thighs, dangerously close to your already damp panties. 
Subtly shaking his head, the feline bites his bottom lip as he lets his gaze drop to your spread legs, kept apart by him as you squirm. “Smell so good”, he squeaks, nostrils flaring as he inhales, eyes fluttering at the overwhelming sensation. — You bite back a small whimper when he ventures beneath the sticky fabric covering you, fingers immediately swiping across your clit before circling your hole. 
You tried your best not to think about the fact that this was your hybrid, your cat hybrid, the one who seemed to loathe you like you were the deadliest curse to walk the earth. — “S-Soft”, he breathes, almost drawing blood with the way his sharp teeth sank into his lip. It was impossible not to flush at the subtle praise, and you were unable to hide the wanton moan slipping past your guards as he curled a finger inside of you. 
Taehyun’s arm was near trembling as he watched his fingers disappear in your slick and pretty cunt, his jaw slacked as he inhaled your prominent arousal. Your nails dig into his biceps, he felt scorching hot to the touch and you wondered just how long he’d been in here, on your bed, doing god knows what. The thought in itself made you dizzy as you clung into him. 
He looks conflicted as he licks his lips, torn between tasting you and needing to be inside of you. In the end he shoves his soiled fingers in his mouth, a high pitched moan ripping from deep within his throat as he lets his eyes roll back. “More, more, more”, he drawls, hands feverishly tugging at his sweats as he pries them down. 
Given a small moment to catch your breath, the reality of your situation sets in and as his hard cock springs free, slapping uncomfortably against his shirt-covered stomach, your heart drops. Were you really about to do this right now? — Your gaze gets stuck on the obscene amount of precum that leaked from his flushed tip, sliding down the large veins and you swallow. 
He was still your hybrid…and you were still technically his owner…was this really right? — “Fuck, you’re so pretty”, he whines, a large hand fisting himself as he watches your fluttering cunt. Whatever doubt and guilt that lingered in your mind simmered once you felt him align himself, the head of his cock sliding between your folds before nudging your swollen clit and you cry out. 
Suddenly, your eyes meet once more, but this time there’s a quiet question lingering within his. “Please”, he pleads and it catches you off guard, “please, please, wan’ breed you please.” The bluntness of his request makes your jaw drop, but you couldn’t deny the way it made you clench as your hips raise in an attempt to seek him. Timidly, you nod and as if a switch had been flipped within him does Taehyun ease himself inside with one deliberate thrust. 
The stretch of his thick cock makes you wail as your nails scrape across his arms. And despite his soft pleas, the hybrid gives you little time to adjust before relentlessly rutting himself against you, blabbering nonsense into your ear as he does. — Part of you doesn’t register half the things he’s saying, and you’re pretty certain he isn’t either as his lips chase yours. 
He kisses you hungirly, sloppily but with desire; like he’d been longing to do so all his life, like this kiss was the air he breathed. In a way, the kiss made you feel empowered and within seconds you found your hands by the hem of his shirt, tugging it over his head as you do. — It was no secret that the cat hybrid was fit, because when he wasn’t avoiding you, he would spend his time working out, whether that was in his room or the living room. The equipment you’d gifted him were the only ones of your presents that he’d actually used. 
Shamelessly, you let your fingers trail his stomach, the outline of taut muscles, flexing beneath the pads of your fingers as he thrust forward. His pace was jagged, uncalculated and desperate, like that of an overly horny teenage boy who had little clue of what he was doing. — Yet he managed to make you feel absolutely insane. You didn’t know if it was because of the near burning stretch of his cock or his teeth dragging across your sensitive neck. 
Your eyes glue to the leather around his neck, the collar making a small jiggling sound with each move of his and you find yourself completely entranced. It might be why your hand moves on its own, reaching up and clasping around the collar lightly. Taehyun emits a strangled moan as his hips jerks forward uncontrollably. “Hmnpf, more” He gasps and it takes you aback as your gaze flits between his pleading and flushed face to the fingers around his collar. 
Another pull makes him whimper as a pleasant purr builds in his chest, something you’d never heard him do before. And much less had you ever caught a glimpse of his long and soft tail, the very same tail that currently curled around your body as Taehyun hoists you from the mattress. — “Wanna give you kittens, my kittens”, he grunts, hands clawing at every part of your body that he managed to access. 
You knew better than to listen to his words, that it was just his heat controlling the nonsense slipping past his unguarded lips. But the idea still made your heart flutter and you felt yourself clench around his cock, drawing a sharp hiss from him. — His fingers are on your clit, rough and all over the place but the raw and sheer need he emits is more than enough to have you spiraling as you cling to him, legs wrapping around his waists as you feel your climax pulsate through you with a loud cry. 
Taehyun continues to rut against you despite your wails of overstimulation, his hips jerking into you with such vigor that you thought you might break in half. His whines are near ear piercing as they ring out in the hot air of your bedroom, teeth threatening to break skin as he anchors himself on your neck. 
When he releases inside of you, it’s with a drawn out mewl, rocking himself close to you as he sloppily continues to fuck his cum back inside, ensuring that you have his kittens. “So pretty with my kittens”, he hums, his voice is near drowsy as his trembling arms give out. — With a low grunt he pulls you against him, flopping down on the mattress, his cock still nestled deep inside your sensitive cunt and you shift uncomfortably, the small movement immediately met by an irritated whine as Taehyun’s tail curls around you.  
“Stay”, is all he says, strong arms wrapping across your body as he locks you in place. The feeling is surprisingly comforting and you find yourself relaxing in his embrace. A small part of you wishes to stay like this forever worried that he might revert back to his old self as soon as this heat passes. 
But as you wake the next morning you find that Taehyun is more than ready to show his need for you once again, and the day after that. 
And the collar stayed on.
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storm-angel989 · 5 months
hihiiiiii!! I'd liek to request val w reader and reader on her period/being sick jus fluffy comfort w that ?? I'm going through it and oml its terrible and I wanna b coddled by my comfort character lmao, thanks if u do do it. if not totally ok!!! hope u have a nice dayyyyy <3
I feel that pain in my soul! Enjoy and I hope this story brings you the comfort you crave. <3
He knew it was coming before she did. 
So when he came home from another long day and found her curled up in her bed with a heating pad, he wasn’t surprised in the slightest. 
“Princessa, why are you in here?” He asked, as if he didn’t know the answer. 
She was embarrassed. He knew it, she knew it and they both pretended that wasn’t why she curled up in her own bed on the seventh day of each month. He wasn’t sure if it was the event itself or the fear of ruining his bedsheets that led her to crawl away from him, only for him to chase after her, reassure her each month that yes, he loved her, and no, he didn’t want her to sleep away from him. A little blood never hurt anyone, after all- it was the gift that would allow them to have children someday, if they so desired. 
But he didn’t say that- he knew better. The last time he tried to make a positive comment on the event, by telling her that his videos starring actresses on their period made the most profit, was met with general resistance and quite a bit of accusations about the stupidity of men. 
“It’s a curse,” she had proclaimed with tears streaming down her face. “And it hurts, Val!”
And so, he resigned himself to privately tracking her cycle- simply so he could be prepared for when the time inevitably hit. 
“I’m here,” she muttered in response. “Go away. I don’t feel good.” 
He knew she didn’t mean that. 
“I know, mi amore.” He replied as he sat on the bed next to her. “How can I make it better?”
“Something for the pain, and chocolate. Please. Lots of it.” She replied listlessly. 
Unease settled in Valentino’s chest. She never took painkillers- let alone asked for them. He pushed his hand against her forehead and to his relief, his palm was met with coolness. Probably just a bad bout of cramps. 
Carefully, he helped her sit up and held the heating pad in position while she swallowed down the pink pills. Once they were safely in her system, she tucked herself willingly into his arms. 
The weight of her head on his chest as she curled into a tighter ball made him wonder how she could handle this each month, handle the pain and continue to go about her life as if she wasn’t actively fighting her own biological battle. He tucked her head under his chin and kissed her forehead softly. She needed to understand that she didn’t have to be miserable by herself each month. That he loved her, no matter what was going on in her life. 
“Will you let me take you to our room, reader?” he asked gently, “I have your favorite stashed away. And I can order in dinner for us both, if you feel like eating. But you belong in there- next to me. Not hidden away in darkness.” 
That, at least, seemed to pique her interest. But as quickly as she considered it, her head rested back against him and she shook her head.
“It hurts to walk,” she whined quietly. “I don’t want to move.”
“Then allow me,” he responded. 
He wrapped her into his arms and, making sure the heating pad came with them, carried her off to the safety and comfort of their bedroom. He settled her against the overstuffed pillows and gently tugged the now cool heating pad out of her hands, replacing  it with a bar of chocolate and the television remote. 
She tore into the wrapper and took a bite. He raised an eyebrow at her. Had she eaten anything yet today? He mentally kicked himself for not checking on her earlier. He knew she had a tendency to not eat for the first few hours and then eat everything in sight. That usually resulted in a tummy ache in addition to the pain. His poor princessa didn’t need anymore pain. 
“I’m going to warm this up for you, you decide what you want for dinner,” he said slowly. “Can I convince you to drink something in the meantime?”
“Water, milk, I don’t care. And I know what I want for dinner.”
“Then text it to me, princessa, so I get it right,” he replied as he walked back towards the kitchen. 
Out of the corner of his eye he saw her settle back and flip on the television. Good, if nothing else, she seemed to be more content. 
In the kitchen, he tossed the heating pad into the microwave and checked his phone. Ah. Of course, she wanted her favorite meal from her favorite restaurant. He could have guessed that, but better to let her tell him.  He placed the order and pulled the now warm pad from the microwave. He carried it back to her and to his relief, she looked a little brighter. 
“What did you give me, Val? This is the best I’ve felt all day,” she demanded.
His eyes met hers. “Nothing you would object to, Princessa. I promise. Just relax. Dinner is on its way.” He laid the heating pad against her belly and smoothed back her hair, pressing his lips to her forehead. 
“Snuggles while we wait?” She asked as she reached for him. 
He gave her a smile and wrapped her into his arms as he climbed into bed with her. She snuggled into him and he held her gently, careful to keep the heating pad in place. Whatever his princessa wanted, he would make damn well sure she got. As he reached to rub her back, a realization came to mind. 
She asked to snuggle with him. That never happened during her time of the month. Maybe, just maybe, she was starting to trust his love for her after all.
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lookingforhappy · 2 months
Hi! I just wanted to say I really like your blog and the ideas you have for TUA. I have a question if you don't mind? If you've read the comics (I just got to read You Look Like Death and....my head hurt alot after) is there anything you wished they had kept from the comics for the show or vice versa? Personally I wish they had kept Luther and Five being twins in the show. I get why they chose not to do so but come on.
Five doesn't get his dog and then he also doesn't get his biological brother? I love the Pub scene from season 2 and it would have fit really well for them to learn it (just my opinion)
Thank you and I hope you have a lovely day! :)
Thank you, I'm glad you enjoy my ideas!! I love asks lmao so no problem at all!
I have read the mainline comics and a few spin offs (the Diego & Vanya band AU one comes to mind??) but I'm a show main sadly. I like the comics as an informant to the show, so generally I prefer how the show depicted things.
I do want to briefly (edit: it was not brief... i am so sorry) talk about the Five DNA thing because that's one of the things I love in the show.
in the comics Five is genetically altered by the commission
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this only works in the comics for me because every character is an asshole, Five especially (he literally prefaces this moment by bragging that he's fucked a lot of women). So for Five to have this excuse? to show horror at the very idea? that's a redeeming quality.
but in the show, they make every character likeable to an extent (recall that in the comics Allison rumours Luther into loving her), so this wouldn't have the same impact because it just makes Five less of his own person - removes the agency from his actions.
Five in the show is someone forced into a corner, and his actions in accepting and carrying out his job as an assassin, as well as his willingness to kill innocents and his own brother throughout s1 show how his experiences have made him desperate and ruthless in his pursuit of love and happiness.
it's a psychological exploration/study.
which to me, is infinitely more interesting. Five doesn't kill the board because his DNA dictates he will, he kills them because he chooses to. He is not cruel because his DNA dictates it, he is cruel because his experiences have made him that way.
and I think overall, this approach is adapted very nicely to fit the tone of the show, as all the same beats are hit. Five has been made into the Commission's killing machine against his will, and he is resentful of it,
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but that doesn't mean he can undo the damage done, his psyche is forever attuned to this line of thinking no matter how much he hates it he doesn't know how to break the cycle of violence inflicted on him,
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but because Five hasn't been genetically altered, he is fully responsible for his actions and he has to live with that.
the DNA altering in the show would feel like a cop out to me. and also the interesting aspect from the DNA altering is that he is essentially made into a psychopath (most famous serial killers are - Charles Manson, Ted Bundy, Jeffery Dahmer, etc.), which means removing his empathy.
because despite his dislike of the non-consenual genetic surgery, comics!five doesn't have empathy.
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and show!Five is interesting because he has so much empathy, yet he remains a killer. he is never given the opportunity to use that for good.
without that empathy we wouldn't get scenes like this where he admits guilt,
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and in all honesty, isn't it more interesting that the best and most prolific killer in the show possesses a large amount of empathy?
idk sorry I got sidetracked - I've seen a lot of people who say they prefer the DNA plot of the comics and I just feel like it's very contradictory to what a lot of people love about Five.
anyway, the only element of the DNA plotline that i'd want to see adapted further is the non-consenual surgery itself
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largely because I love Five!whump and despite comics!Five claiming it was painless it's fairly obvious to see that it wasn't (and I love when this is expanded on in fics so much - no time, no time, dear brother o' mine is an amazing read because it deals with this)
but I also think it would do a good job at reinstating the commission as the villians they are rather than the weird, nebulous thing it currently sits as (Five would never entrust Herb or Dot to the Commission it's so ooc and it's canon??? Dot and Herb were both 100% in support of the commission's ethos, even if Herb was a bit shit at his job. Dot literally was in charge of the apocalypse and saw Five arrive & at no point thought that this was fucked actually).
plus, we already know they waited until Five was hopeless, alcoholic potentially passively suicidal, weak both physically and mentally, desperate. all likely to better control him.
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what's to say they didn't also pick up him just in time to prevent his death? 45 years in a polluted wasteland can't be good on the body - and I don't about the general population, but most of the people I know in their 50s aren't fully grey. the stress was probably killing him all on its own.
they could have seen his death and gone back a few years/months/days to recruit him. but then that would mean they still have to fix whatever illness was killing him, and how do you do that? surgery.
perhaps that's how they recuit all of their agents. maybe that's how they get away with it not disturbing the timeline, take someone who was going to die anyway, and then force them into a debt of gratitude for saving their lives. idk.
I also think AJ was criminally underused. He's supposed to be the big bad of the commission, his character was originally adapted into the Handler but then they decided they wanted his design in the show or something.
I think his role in the comics is much more interesting, as a person who selected Five from a line up of assassins already in the commission and gave Five personal training, and assigned him to the JFK case,
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I think he could have been adapted a lot better than he was, and like the surgery, he could have steered the commission back towards the villains they were always supposed to be - instead of The Handler (as amazing as Kate Walsh is to watch on screen I love her) we could have had AJ manipulating Five throughout s2.
as for Five & Luther, I don't mind them not being twins, because honestly their genetics are so different (Aidan is 20 something and he's probably going to stay at 5'5" while Tom is like 6'5", plus hair colour, skin tone, bone structure etc.) and we already know that they weren't planning on making them twins from the pilot script (Five is born a singleton to a polish teenager I believe).
I do think it would have been fun to repurpose this plotpoint for another pair. of the Umbrella's I actually think Five and Viktor pair quite well as they both have similar heights, hair colour, they both have that square jaw too. but I also think that this could have been an interesting way to give depth to the sparrows - Jayme and Alphonso could have been the twins.
Pennycrumb was... a let down? I don't think he should have been a big part of Five's character, but I also don't think he should have had 0 affect on it either.
otherwise??? honestly Hotel Oblivion was wayyy more interesting in the comics than in the show. I would have preferred something more in line with the comics but I think they were afraid of the classic horror elements and the classic superhero elements.
like the faceless bus boy guards
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the hotel rooms, seemingly ordinary, being prison cells
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the prisoners having enough freedom to move around the hotel and have relationships with each other but not enough to feel safe hanging around the hotel
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i just.. i wish more of this had been incorporated into the show.
also.. art deco buildings.. my beloveds
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this could have been the hotel Oblivion..
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like ik they planned to go to japan to film s3 and that got fucked over by covid but like.. art deco is such a good aesthetic for a horror setting compared to the japanese style hotel we got (i've heard it called hotel orientalism as well so, theres that too).
if I had been in charge I would have had s3 focus on the mothers, develop their stories & why the umbrellas were given up for adoption & then linked this all to the 43 being the 16 instead. have the reveal be not that theyre dead but missing, non existant. because the children were taken by hargreeves to power Oblivion. if we somehow keep the kugelblitz then we use that as a distraction as to where and why all the sparrows keep going missing, and eventually the umbrella's numbers start to dwindle. until Oblivion is discovered and we find that every hotel room corresponds to a member of the 43 - maybe even have the brellies/sparrows numbers correspond to their door numbers somehow, or floor level.
idk I'm not a good writer but thats a bit of how i feel about the comics being adapted into the show..
sorry idk if i even answered your question? thank you again for the lovely ask!
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nakachuchu · 1 year
Enjoyment | Gojo Satoru
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SYNOPSIS: You didn't enjoy things in life until meeting Gojo.
READER: female
WORDS: 1.1k
WRITTEN: 07/24/2023
NOTE: Thank you for requesting! Sorry this is more "I don't care" than "I'm ditzy." Feel free to request again for anything!
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You just could not give a fuck. You really could not. You hated responsibility. You hated having to bear the weight of a million mountains, just to die regretful in the end.
The world of Jujutsu was full of drama and hierarchies that would always put you below because of your gender.
No matter how powerful you were, you would never hold the same status as a man. That was a reason that continued to your personality.
People higher-up didn't like to meet with you in person or even talk to you over the phone because you just didn't care.
Your brain was numb and you found no enjoyment in things. No matter how much you slept or how many vitamins you swallowed like drugs, you were always so tired.
You did your job. You did what you were commanded and you would repeat the cycle over and over again.
Most things were deaf to you. Whatever people said, if it wasn't of utmost importance relating to your job as a sorceress, then your ears would fold over.
Maybe you had heard of the name Gojo or Satoru, but never Gojo Satoru, the holder of the Six Eyes. You never heard his full title, so you had no clue who he was until you saw him.
It was cliche to say that his beauty captured your attention. His beauty captured every women's attention, but it was a miracle for your attention span to be held.
You shrugged him off when you saw his sparkling blue eyes and white eyelashes flutter on his date with a woman in a cafe.
You carried on with your day for weeks until you saw him again at the Tokyo Prefectural Jujutsu High School.
As a student from the Kyoto Prefectural Jujutsu High School, you never crossed paths with him. The slight age gap helped that as well. You were five years older than him at the time.
You were at the Tokyo site to have a meeting with Yaga on the subject of Itadori Yuuji. The subject of Gojo Satoru came into the conversation, and all you could respond with was "Who?"
Your question was so dead serious that Yaga couldn't tell if you were pulling his leg or not. When he finally realized you were being serious, he stood up without a word and dragged you over to Gojo before he could leave campus.
"This is Gojo Satoru," said Yaga.
You tilted your head. "I'm L/N Y/N."
"No, he's Gojo Satoru, the Six Eyes holder," Yaga said, exhausted by the limited space in your brain.
You hummed and leaned forward, looking up at Gojo who had an amused smile on his face. "Do you really have six eyes or what? Is that why you wear a blindfold?"
"Actually, I do have six eyes. The sun hurts, you know, if I don't wear my blindfold."
Yaga smacked Gojo — as much as he possibly could due to his infinity being turned on. "Be serious."
"Yeah, yeah," he muttered. "I only have two eyes."
You leaned back. "Boring. I'll be going now. See you whenever, Yaga."
You walked away with a lazy wave, yawning in the process. Gojo watched you walk away, intrigued by your nonchalant attitude and apparent lack of interest in him.
As one of the most powerful sorcerers alive, he was used to people fawning over him or being intimidated by his presence. But you seemed completely unfazed.
Over the next few weeks, Gojo found himself thinking about you more often than he expected. He learned your name was Y/N and that you were a talented jujutsu sorceress from Kyoto, despite your bored disposition. He started finding excuses to be around Kyoto more often, hoping to run into you again.
One day, Gojo "happened" to show up at the Kyoto Jujutsu High School while you were teaching a class. As your students whispered excitedly about the unexpected guest, you raised an eyebrow.
"To what do I owe the pleasure, Gojo-san?" you asked dryly after class.
Gojo grinned. "I was in the neighborhood and thought I'd stop by to see you."
You stared at him. "Is that so? Well, I'm afraid I'm quite busy today." You started to walk away.
Gojo felt challenged by your continued indifference to him. "Let me take you out for tea," he offered.
You paused, contemplating his request.
"Tea's boring," you said pointedly before walking off.
"I want ice cream."
"Deal," he said.
"You're buying."
Over ice cream that afternoon, the two of you slowly opened up more to each other. Underneath your bored facade, Gojo was surprised to find a sharp intellect and wry sense of humor.
That day marked the start of an unlikely relationship between you both. Your contrasts balanced each other out in ways neither expected.
Because of Gojo, you began to find enjoyment in certain things. You liked going out for sweets with him, but you liked it even more when he paid for things.
The man was loaded and nothing was stopping you from taking advantage of that old money he had in his pockets.
"I feel a bit hurt you're using me for money," he said as he watched you eat dango.
"You should be honored," you said through a mouthful.
Gojo let out an exaggerated sigh. "I suppose I should be honored that a beauty like yourself wants to spend time with me, even if it is just for my money."
You rolled your eyes as you finished up the last dango stick. "Don't flatter yourself too much. I'm mostly here for the free food."
"But you don't deny you find me handsome," Gojo said with a smirk.
"I never said that."
"You didn't have to. I can tell."
You gave him an irritated look, though amusement shone in your eyes. As much as you hated to admit it, you were starting to enjoy Gojo's company. His confidence bordering on arrogance used to annoy you, but now you found it almost endearing.
After finishing the dango, the two of you took a stroll through the park. The weather was pleasant, with cherry blossoms in full bloom.
You talked about nothing in particular, simply enjoying each other's presence. As the sun began to set, Gojo walked you home. At your door, he paused.
"I had a nice time today," he said.
You nodded. "I guess you can take me out again, as long as you keep paying."
Gojo grinned. "It's a deal."
He started to lean in, then stopped, waiting for permission. You closed the distance between you and pressed a quick kiss to his lips.
When you pulled back, Gojo looked pleased.
"So does this mean I get to call you my girlfriend now?"
"Don't push it," you said.
But you did squeeze his hand before disappearing inside your apartment.
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rc-imagines · 11 months
welcome to the tumblr, bestie!! i'm really excited for your blog 💌
is it okay if i request for flirty luis sierra as your co-worker? like he's so smitten with you but at the same time he's tryna act chill and unbothered with it 🤭
I love Luis sm! You absolutely can request him, because I feel like he needs more love tbh!!
Luis as your flirty co-worker!
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Luis is the type of man to just act on impulse all the time, change my mind. He is just used to how he handles things at this point in his life.
Luis always greeted you every morning, sometimes he'd even bring you a coffee. He remembered your favorite, and to say it was a surprise to you would be an understatement.
"Oh, thank you, Luis. You're always so nice to me." You replied, gently taking the drink from him and swivelling around in your old office chair to set it on your desk.
"Ah, well," He smiles a bit when your back is to him, "You know me, Tesoro."
You perked up at the nickname and swloly swivelled back to look at him, "Oh?"
Now, Luis was absolutely no stranger to playfully hitting on you, half-jokingly asking you out, and the works...But it seemed likee he hardly ever gave you a nickname.
"Hmm?" He raised an eyebrow, actling clueless, "Yes? See something you like?"
You quickly look him up and down before smiling a bit, "You're in a good mood today?"
"Always in a good mood when I see you." He realized how soft or awkward that might sound, "Because- ...Ah, you make work feel less like work."
You felt your face heat up a bit- You weren't going to lie, you may have harbored feelings for the goofy man, but you were afraid to tell him. He probably wasn't the type to acting be serious about relationship stuff. You turned away from him again and stared at the drink he had given you.
Luis awkwardly cleared his throat and shuffled over to his little area to look over his notes, "Anyhow...It's...You." He shrugged a bit, gathering himself, "No more horsing around."
He did his best to act normal about it. He figured it really was no big deal. He tried to convince himself that he flirted with everyone. But he didn't.
He put it at the back of his mind so he could focus on today's to do list. But the whole time he was thinking of you. No matter how much he tried to keep his head cleared and focused.
After a few hours of agonizing silence, he backed away from the table he was occupying he decided to check in with you, "Wanna take a break? Lunch is on me."
You looked over at him with a playful smile, "Is that so? So is it like a date then?"
"What? A date..." He scoffs playfully, "I'm a gentleman. I'd ask you to dinner."
You chuckle a bit and look over your notes briefly, "Okay, lunch it is."
Luis watched as you stood up and stretched and his shoved his hands into the pockets of his lab coat, fidgetting with his lighter. He kept scolding himself to just act normal- "Your labcoat looks nice on you. I never noticed that."
You stopped midstretch and couldn't help but laugh, "Whatever you say."
The walk was quiet as Luis tried to act like this was nothing, "I wanted to apologize for being weird."
"Bit of a late apology, Luis." You grinned, "But I accept."
And thus, it's as if the cycle continued.
Day in and day out his flirtatiousness seemed to ramped up more and more with each passing day, yet when asked about why he was doing it- It suddenly became no big deal. He'd shrug off any explaination and resume his work.
That's how it was until one day he'd brought you a miriad of little gifts. Mostly snacks that you mentioned liking, and your usual favorite drink..
He'd set them on your desk, being careful to not disturb you too much, but when you had noticed it, it's as if a switch was flipped. You spun in your seat and just watched him fix his labcoat, back turned to you as he sifted through his papers.
He hummed nonchalantly.
You opted to just cut to the chase, "Do you...Like me or something?"
You saw him visibly tense a bit, and the sound of shuffling papers ceased. He didn't look at you, he stared dead ahead, "What?"
"Do you have a thing for me?"
"I have no idea what you're talking about."
You shrugged a bit, turning back to your work. Two could play at this game, "Okay, I was going to say I liked you too...Even thought about asking you to dinner."
Luis has never turned around so fast in his life, "How did you know."
You just gestured to the gift he'd left in your workspace.
"Oh." He cleared his throat, "That...That's just.. That's- Okay, okay..You got me."
"Looks like I'm taking you out to dinner after work." You smirked at him a bit.
"I wouldn't mind. I'm paying though. Beca-"
"Because," You interjected, "A true gentleman pays. Isn't that right?"
"Damn. I'm an open book."
"Lucky for you...I love reading."
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helixobesity · 2 months
So, I gained a significant amount of weight, to the point of going from about average to what I'd call properly fat. I then discovered this kink, and have decided to actively try to gain some more. I think the most attractive part to me is the restrictions: the fatter I get, the less fit I am and the less I can physically do, the more sedentary and lazy I get, and the more "dumbed down" I can be, all in a self-reinforcing cycle. I get a secret thrill about outgrowing clothes, or realizing I'm never going to run a 5k again, or exceeding the weight limit of my office chair, or realizing that hours have gone by watching mindless shows.
I work a high-stress, long-hours job, and the permission to let go, eat, laze around, and fatten up in a way that actually makes it physically and mentally harder to keep stressing myself out so much is such a release. Embracing my piggy side and letting go of the expectations has been a genuine source of self-care.
But it's hard to do sometimes! The doubts can creep in; even if this fatter, slower me is happier, it's still hard to make the leap. So my question is, do you have any tips, any reminders or mantras or practices, for aspiring fatties to use, to remind me that it's ok to let go? Any ways I can reward myself for embracing the pig life? Thanks (and sorry for the essay)!
In the most basic of ways, letting go is the greatest way to get fatter
“Letting go”
To stop worrying about how you used to act
How you used to be considered athletic
How you could’ve been celebrated for your intelligence
But letting go means forgetting who you used to be
The acceptance that you were meant to be fat
To be lazy
To heave around the house
Waddling like a pig
Each step making you out of breath on your way to the fridge a hollow reminder of the miles you used to run in a few hours
Now? Piggy you wouldn’t be able to last a mile in your condition
Doubts are normal! Feedism isn’t a kink you can just forget about
A heavy, wobbly belly following your every move is a reminder of the life you’re committing to
And every time it growls to be fed, you can’t help but realize how it’s totally corrupted your way of life
Try not to worry about numbers, the scale going up, calorie counting, sure it can seriously be a big help, especially those that struggle to stay focused. But I know it can be demoralizing to others to see the scale fluctuating day to day, but there’s no avoiding that
What matters is your mentality
To look at yourself in the mirror and tell yourself
You’re beautiful this way
To jiggle your fatter belly
Grab your new rolls
Your thicker arms
Thighs that are beginning to rub together
A butt that can’t be forced into those skinny jeans anymore
And tell yourself you’re beautiful
And with every day you gorge yourself to feeling like you could burst
You look more beautiful
And every time you do happen to look at that scale
You’ll be shocked at how fast you’ve really been gaining
You don’t need to think
You need to eat
You have me to keep you in check
To make sure you forget who you used to be
Let go
And get fatter
You’re certainly on the right path piggy~
And I absolutely look forward to your progress!!!
Thank you very much for the “essay” :)
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candyrockpop · 1 year
Howdy Pillar X Gender Neutral Reader Part 2
CW/TW— None, just cute Howdy Pillar content!
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
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Howdy couldn't help but think of how pretty you looked, but he didn't like that you looked so upset. So when he went up to you and you told him about your date standing you up he just knew he had to help you. He was happy you were willing to go on a date with him, in the end. He didn't think you would since people usually don't like him since he's a puppet. They try, then they end up standing him up since they can't come to terms with him being a puppet.
Gods, he almost couldn't stop looking at you the whole night, even when you teased him about what he ordered from the restaurant. He loved the slight flush that appeared on your cheeks when he teased you back, and how you smiled and laughed. You were so kind, and you were just everything he ever wanted.
Both of you were sad when the night came to an end, him walking you home. He didn't care how far it was, he wanted to make sure you were safe. You talked the entire way, asking questions and telling stories back and forth. He had to catch you before you fell from laughing too hard when he told of Wally taking apples from his store. He didn't see what was so amusing, but he was just happy to hear your laughter so he didn't mind.
He went home that night with your phone number in his phone and a promise to message or call you. He was advised to text, since you didn't care for calls that much, so he did just that. Two nights later, after building his confidence and calming his nerves, he messaged you.
[304-672-9961] Hello! It's me, Howdy!
[Bug] Oh, hey Howdy! You waited an awful long time, almost didn't think you'd message.
  [Bug] changed [304-672-9961]'s name to
Pillar Man🐛
[Pillar Man🐛] I'm sorry, I was very nervous!
[Bug] Oh gee, it's alright! I was nervous myself.
[Pillar Man🐛] You were? Golly that's nice to hear. I was hoping that maybe we could go on another date?
[Pillar Man🐛] Only if you're comfortable, of course!
[Bug] I'd love to go on another date with you! When and where?
His face flushed and he smiled. He actually got to go on another date with you!
[Pillar Man🐛] You choose, since I chose last time!
[Bug] Okay, how about Thursday at, maybe 7 o'clock? P.M. I feel I should clarify. We can meet nearby, at the park?
[Pillar Man🐛] Oh, that sounds lovely! I shouldn't dress up fancy, should I?
[Bug] Oh, gods no! No matter how good you look in a suit, they just aren't all that comfortable.
[Pillar Man🐛] Oh my, well alright! I'll see you then, I suppose!
[Bug] Bye, Howdy.
His face was so flushed, oh dear! You thought he looked good in a suit! Two of his hands came up to hide his face, but the other two couldn't help but stim. He was so happy and excited! He hoped he could keep going on dates with you, maybe be in a relationship one day. He sighed at the thought, being able to just be happy with you and give you hugs and kisses and-
Oh dear, he didn't know his cheeks could get any warmer. He needed to calm down a moment so his cheeks could cool down, too.
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Hello! Sorry it took me so long to get this part out despite it being so short. I didn't know what to do for it, and I ended up cycling through a few ideas before this came into existence.
I will be making a part three, and I hope you enjoyed!
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crusty-chronicles · 10 months
Hiiiiii, been following I’m just shy. Ur awesome haha. I have a Kite request. Could you do some headcanons of things he might say to you in bed or what he would do if his s/o had really awful/painful menstrual cycles. Maybe other weird lil things about him he doesn’t want anyone to know. I know that’s a lot, appreciate you
Not at all, here you go 🫴. Some Sfw and NSFW Headcannons
Kite Taking Care Of his S/O On Their Period
Literally the sweetest man
He's well aware of how painful cramps can be, having gone through the experience numerous times with the girls on his team.
Extremely understanding and intuitive to your needs.
If you wanna stay in bed and need a heating pad, you bet your ass he's stopping by a convenience store on his way home and buying you one.
You want some pain killers to help?
Don't worry, he's got some in stock already.
But if you're a person who still wants still wanna get up and be active, he's not gonna stop you.
He'll just keep a close eye to make sure you're okay.
Either way, whatever you need he's there.
Kite has the patience of a saint, so if you're moodier than usual he's got it handled.
You wanna cling to him and want his full attention?
He's gonna give it to you as long as it's not too distracting from his work.
And a part of him finds that endearing.
To have you love him so much that you need him to find some comfort.
If the pain's to the point where you're completely bed ridden, he'll take a few days off from work to look after you.
Not the best cook so most of the time he's ordering takeout.
Kisses and cuddles are a must during this time.
Whether you're the one to initiate it or not, you end up spooning by the end of the day.
Overall a 10/10.
Now, Kite's a gentleman by nature. And he's also extremely shy when it comes to intimacy.
He won't bring up sex to help your cramps if you don't do it first.
It's not that he doesn't want to, but he just wants you feel as comfortable as possible.
If you'd prefer to take care of your cramps through other means, he's not gonna be the one to push for splitting you open on his cock.
No matter how badly he wants to.
But if by chance you do suggest period sex, good luck prying him away from your thighs.
He's already naturally in love with your scent.
But to have it combined with your blood does things to him.
Makes him a little bit feral because it's you. It's your body undergoing a process he thinks is fascinating.
He's completely in love with you and your very being. Anything your body does, he adores.
"You shouldn't be embarrassed. Do you know how beautiful you are right now? How hard it's been to keep my hands off you this week? You shouldn't feel ashamed of what your body naturally does. Now let me worship you."
He coaxes from between your legs, thumbing your clit in the hopes that you'll let him eat you out.
And don't you dare complain about making a mess.
He'll take care of it.
So just relax and let him make you feel good.
King of Protection.
He doesn't want any happy accidents like a certain ruins hunter
Buuuut, if you've already convinced him to pull out, chances are it'll be easier to convince him to finish inside.
Anything to soothe those cramps, right?
An: The things I'd let this man do to me are we unspeakable.
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winchesterhymns · 3 months
Guard Dog
Day 1: Ethel Cain, Cycles / Ouroboros
801 words of samdean fic for the mini event for @holyfreaks birthday!!
Take the Ethel Cain prompt with a grain of salt (an inbred grain of salt) I think if she wrote a song, it'd be like this fr. I tried to keep this short and sweet, and I succeeded (can I get some applause please)!!
Inspired by this post! As well as this post and reblog, except instead of Sam being a voyeur, it's Dean >:3
Please enjoy! (Also I am NOT late, it's 11pm where I am, so ha)
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The sound of dogs barking startles me awake. It's those damn pit bulls on the other side of the road, I hear their chains rattle. I wouldn't really care about them or give them a second thought if it weren't for Sammy. Every time we walk home from school he sees them, he worries about their necks and how the chains might snap or how they might choke. I find myself thinking something similar from time to time now.
The wind breaks into our room and settles on my skin, my blanket must've come off during the night. The days have been getting hotter and hotter as summer approaches, it always surprises just how hot it can get in Nebraska. Sammy begged dad to let us stay so he could at least finish grade 9 here. I say it's a pain in the ass. 
Speaking of the little brat, I don't see him in his bed. I get up and look around the dark room, the lock on the door is still on its side and the keys are on the dresser, he hasn’t gone out. That's when I hear the sound of running water coming from the bathroom, and all of a sudden, I gotta piss.
I stumble my way over to the worn, wooden door. The room is as shitty as all the others we've been in, only difference is there's two beds. Usually there would only be one, since it was cheaper and it'd just be me and Sammy. Of course though, Sammy's a growing boy, and growing boys need their own space, so he says. Most we could manage was another bed, no way in hell dad would let us spend money on a whole other room when we're already struggling with what we have.
I stop before my fist pounds away at the door. It's creaked open. 
I look in and see Sammy’s reflection in the mirror. He’s just sitting on the toilet, his pants down.
But… His hand is busy, swiftly moving up and down. There's sweat dripping down his forehead and his mouth is parted open, he almost looks…
His features have always been sharper than mine, and his hair longer, he liked it that way – and no matter how much I hassled him about it – I did too.
I watch a little longer before quietly going back to bed. 
I'm proud of him. 
Everything seems to be in working order, as his older brother I gotta watch out for these things. I roll to my side and ignore the pain between my legs.
I was out getting some chips and soda for Sammy and I. We'd be having a movie marathon tonight, dad let us rent some movies, so we did. And since it was Friday, Sammy agreed. 
I'd been gone for too long, and Sammy said he wasn't feeling well, so I hurry and pay before going back to our room.
Three weeks.
I've been watching him for three weeks. 
Every night. 
Or well, every night he does it, which is only a few times a week. 
Just to make sure everything works, dad told me to look out for him, so that's what I'm doing. Honestly it'd be better if he were doing it with a girl. He's old enough now, why he's sitting around in the bathroom and diddling himself alone is beyond me. 
A girl has been stopping by though. She blonde with green eyes, some light freckles here and there, looks almost like a doll. Sammy says she's just there to work on a project. But sometimes I catch her pushing Sammy's hair from his face. Or Sammy touching her leg. They're bold doing that while I'm there, I'll give ‘em that. 
I take my keys out as my eyes land on our door, lucky room 13. 
The dogs are yapping away like always. But beyond that, I hear a moan…coming from inside.
My throat goes dry, my stomach tightens, and I immediately know what’s happening. 
I feel proud.
I peak through a crack in the curtains. Sammy's sitting on the floor with his back against the bed, he's facing me, his eyes closed. I watch his hands and the way they sit on the girls naked hips, he's helping her move. 
She's on top, moving like this is a rodeo and she's just tamed her first wild horse. She's persistent with her moves, and I can feel the pride surge within me. 
I see Sammy scrunch up his little nose, and from weeks of observation, I know he's close.
My baby brother’s healthy, and his body’s working the way it's supposed to, he's getting it on with girls. 
I'm truly proud.
I hear the dogs barking.
The chain snaps. 
And then I'm inside, pushing her off of him.
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istumpysk · 1 year
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Asha's pregnant
Possible: These theories could be true, but additional evidence is needed, as different interpretations or errors are possible.
[Tier list overview.]
The first time we meet Asha (Esgred), she makes an unusual remark.
"Poor lordling." She released him and stepped back. "As it happens, I'm a woman wed, and new with child." - Theon II, ACOK
Asha shows off her axe and dagger.
Theon had time for a choked gasp before Asha snatched the axe from the air and slammed it down into the table, splitting his trencher in two and splattering his mantle with drippings. "There's my lord husband." His sister reached down inside her gown and drew a dirk from between her breasts. "And here's my sweet suckling babe." - Theon II, ACOK
Later in the story, Asha (symbolically?) loses her axe and dagger during a moment of passion.
"I'd sooner fuck you." One quick slash unlaced her jerkin. Asha reached for her axe, but Qarl dropped his knife and caught her wrist, twisting back her arm until the weapon fell from her fingers. - The Wayward Bride, ADWD
When she slipped back beneath the furs, Qarl was asleep. "Now your life is mine. Where did I put my dagger?" Asha pressed herself against his back and slid her arms about him. - The Wayward Bride, ADWD
Asha is quickly captured by Stannis, leaving her no opportunity to brew the moon tea.
Her breasts were sore, and Qarl's seed was trickling down her thigh. She would need to brew some moon tea or risk bringing another kraken into the world. What does it matter? My father's dead, my mother's dying, my brother's being flayed, and there's naught that I can do about any of it. And I'm married. Wedded and bedded … though not by the same man. - The Wayward Bride, ADWD
At a minimum, Asha has been with Stannis for 32 days (it's much longer than that), and there has been no mention of her menstrual cycle.
On the twenty-sixth day of the fifteen-day march, the last of the vegetables was consumed. On the thirty-second day, the last of the grain and fodder. Asha wondered how long a man could live on raw, half-frozen horse meat. - The King's Prize, ADWD
Out of the blue, the formidable fighter and mother, Alysane Mormont, cautions Asha about waiting too long to start a family.
"Aye." Alysane stared at Asha for a moment. "I have a son. He's only two. My daughter's nine." "You started young." "Too young. But better that than wait too late." A stab at me, Asha thought, but let it be. "You are wed." "No. My children were fathered by a bear." Alysane smiled. Her teeth were crooked, but there was something ingratiating about that smile. "Mormont women are skinchangers. We turn into bears and find mates in the woods. Everyone knows." Asha smiled back. "Mormont women are all fighters too." - The King's Prize, ADWD
The author prevents Asha from having more than a sip.
Ser Justin found them places on the bench and fetched supper for the both of them—ale and chunks of horsemeat, charred black outside and red within. Asha took a sip of ale and fell upon the horse flesh. […] Broken quick as that, thought Asha. My champion is made of suet. Even so, Ser Justin was one of the few who might object should the queen's men try to burn her. So she rose to her feet, donned her own cloak, and followed him out into the blizzard. - The Sacrifice, ADWD
[If there's any evidence I've overlooked, please bring it to my attention.]
This is like knowing someone is guilty, but having only circumstantial evidence.
I welcome discussions. Feel free to reblog, respond, or challenge my perspective — I won't be offended by any of it.
Please note, if "no" is the eventual winner (or it's close), there will be a second poll to determine the proper location.
Daario Naharis = Euron Greyjoy
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the-oc-lass · 8 months
Cody Day 2024
So APPARENTLY it's Cody day and I just missed that, but if you think I'm going to skip out on an opportunity to write about one of my favorite little clone guys, you'd be SORELY mistaken.
I'd love to draw him too but there's like 6 hours left in the day and I have other things to do, like eat and shower and homework.
ANYWAY, those of you who know me know that I'm the OC lady and for that reason, I'm going to write a little drabbly thing about Cody and my OC, who is like an adoptive mom to him and many other clones (see this post if you want to learn more about her). If you aren't interested in ocs, feel free to skip, the drabbly thing will be under the cut. Oh and also, the clones call her "mum" because Temuera is from New Zealand and that's how they refer to their moms (or, that's at least how my old friend referred to her New Zealander mom). Also, no idea if it's ooc, it's been a while since I watched anything with Cody in it.
Anyway, happy Cody day to all, now enjoy the first bit of Star Wars content I've written in months. Btw @langsnscraps since you've been asking for SW content for a while.
It's late in the night cycle. So late that The Negotiator is practically silent. His general and most of his brothers are blissfully asleep in their barracks, but Cody can't bring himself to do the same. He can't sleep yet. There's a cup of caf nearby, though he can't remember when he got it or if he finished its contents. Doesn't matter. He's too focused on the work in front of him, ignoring the insistent tug from his eyelids. When he hears something behind him—the door opening followed by footsteps, he quickly realizes—his hand jumps to his blaster and he whips around, ready to draw it if he needs to. But as quickly as his fight reaction was triggered, it's soothed. Onteile Tiax is standing a few feet away, a calm expression on her face even as she holds up her hands. He exhales, hand falling back to his side.
"Sorry, mum," he mutters. She lowers her hands as well, folding them in front of her as she tilts her head.
"It's alright, Cody. I should know better than to creep up behind you," she says. He frowns slightly at her.
"I could've hurt you." The calm expression shifts to one of soft amusement, and she raises her eyebrow slightly. Alright, that's probably not true. He sighs and turns away from her, looking back at the holotable in front of him. He can hear her moving again, and she eventually appears at his side.
"Can you not sleep, Cody?" she asks, voice gentle and concerned. He shakes his head and looks down at his data pad.
"I just have a few things I need to do," he mutters. Her gaze weighs on him, but he resolutely keeps his eyes on the information in front of him.
"I worry for you," she says suddenly. He lifts his head to look at her, met with a look of apprehension. She lifts a hand, gently cupping his face. "You put far too much on yourself. I just want to make sure you're alright." He leans into the affectionate touch, just a bit, and offers what he hopes is a comforting smile.
"I'm fine, mum," he says. Bright eyes inspect him carefully, and he feels her stroke her thumb across his cheek for a moment before her hand falls away again.
"Would you like some help?" He considers denying her offer, telling her that she should go back to bed, but he admits that company sounds nice. So, he nods, and she smiles softly before picking up a data pad of her own.
When the work is done—or, at least acceptably lessened—she finally convinces him to go to bed. He walks at her side through the empty halls, The Negotiator humming around them. He takes a moment to look at her as they walk. She's not much taller than Cody himself, but the way that she carries herself makes her seem towering and important. She doesn't hold any official military rank, but she looks like she holds a great deal of authority. People respect her most everywhere she goes. Walking at her side always makes him try to stand just a bit straighter, hold himself with more confidence. A small, unspoken of part of him wants to make her proud. They stop outside of her room—because Cody is a gentleman and promised to walk her to her door—and she turns toward him.
"Promise me you'll rest, Cody," she says. He smiles slightly at her.
"I'll do my best, mum." She smiles back at him.
"That's all I ask." She reaches out, and he allows her to tilt his head down slightly so that she can press a warm kiss to his forehead. "I'll see you in a few hours, Cody." When she releases him, he looks her in the eye again, nodding.
"Sleep well, mum." She nods as well, and he steps around her to walk to his own room.
"I love you, Cody." He pauses, looking back at her. "I just wanted to remind you." His chest is filled with warmth at the affectionate look on her face, and he smiles at her again.
"I love you too, mum."
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lychniis · 2 years
me : *stares at a sleeping zhongli intensely*
zhongli : ...is there something you need, dear?
me : you're immortal, right?
zhongli : tentatively so, yes-
me : so i've been thinking about how i'd feel if i was immortal, you know? and honestly, the more i think about it, the more torn i feel. one part of me wants to live forever, to see the world change, to witness the next trend, the newest book fifty years from now, a new discovery in another hundred years, some great technological shift that changes the lives of everyone, to see people finally witness the stars up close and see the universe for what it is. I want to be there, i want to meet the grandkids of my friends and their grandkids and watch them grow up, i'd want to learn about every tiny thing, every aspect the world has to offer. to be this infinite being that sees and experiences more than my short life could ever offer, to witness humanity advance, to see if they drive themselves to the ground or at least live with the assurance knowing that we are capable of changing and growing. and when that's all over and the last few stars fade away and the universe is finally consumed, i could reflect on what i'd look back at it all and think that the millions of years leading up that point; it all happened.
me : ...
me : but a part of me is also not as hot on the idea either...to live for millennia would mean to forget about humanity. would i be strong enough to experience loss after loss? would i withdraw into a shell if the pain is too much to bear? would i grow so numb, i stop feeling happiness for the little things i once loved? what if i change? i know there are a lot of parts about myself that i don't like, but there are still parts that i like too, that i want to keep because they let me know that i'm human and i'm a pretty okay human at that. what if i lose my empathy and everything just...ceases to matter. if i want to witness and experience, how would it amount to anything if i feel nothing for it? what about the terrible days, what if they keep spanning for centuries on end? what if i find myself in this never ending cycle of hurt because every bad day, the ones that hurt, that bring out the worst in me, pile up and places me in a spot where i completely regret choosing to live forever? what if, years from now, humans go extinct and i will wander the earth knowing i'm the only one left, to be lonely for the rest of my life as i watch evolution slowly bring in a new species to replace us? what if change, in itself proves to be so dastardly that i break before i could even start running?
zhongli : ...please don't tell me you spent the last four hours thinking of this instead of sleeping.
me : if i DID sleep, i'd probably have some surreal nightmare about me meeting humanoid mutant ducks with chainsaw wings after an apocalyptic event.
zhongli : i think i need to start brewing stronger tea for you and cut down on the sugar-
@meimeimeirin @silentmoths @x-zho @dustofthedailylife @ofoceansandtombsanew
the concept of immortality kept me awake last night.
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sasha199 · 2 months
Read all of me on A03
Gale/ Rolan drama pt. 11
Y’all…this game hits different when your Tav is a stand in for yourself.
My sister and I are playing a multiplayer as ourselves, as sisters. I was romancing/flirting with both Gale and Wyll. I made a move on Lae’zel too but THAT ended in tears. Sister is pulling both Astarion and Shadowheart
(I’m Sasha, sister is Marlie.)
Part 11
Astarion's laughter is infectious, there's no other way to describe it. Once he starts giggling it's only a matter of time before everyone around the camp fire joins in. And if he's decided to make you laugh, nine hells help you, there is no resisting it. 
Our sleep cycles are starting to get wonky after being in the Underdark and then these Shadow Cursed lands. There's nothing for it, so we all collectivley decide to sit at the camp fire until we can't keep our eyes open any longer. Marlie passes around the wine bottles and before long a game has started. Karlach and Wyll are always the most enthusiastic, it's great fun to see them become childlike and competative. I usually prefer to cheer from the sidelines, but tonight I'm all in. The past few days have lit a fire under me, and I don't want the fun to end. 
As the mirth dies down and everyone stars drifting towards their bedrolls, Karlach catches my eye. I stifle a yawn as I make my way over to her tent. 
"Pop a squat, soldier." She has Clive, the bear, tucked up under one arm. I sit criss-cross at the end of her bedroll leaning back on a pile of miscellaneous clothing.
Karlach stretches out on her side, a fiery hand propped under her chin. "I noticed something when you came back to camp," her voice is low, for my ears alone. 
I raise my eyebrows, my eye lids feel heavy. They keep drifting shut as I get comfortable, but I try my best to pay attention
"It's nothing I expect anyone but me to pick up on, " she says, "and I'm not trying to pry. I love you and I just want to check in."
"Of course, Mama K," I reply smiling, "I love you more."
"Have you been...marked?"
My eyes fly open, "What?"
Karlach inhales deeply through her nose, she takes a moment as if planning her next words carefully. "I'm not trying to sniff around, but I noticed it. There's a...sort of scent."
"Sorry," I mutter, "I do need to wash more."
"No!" she laughs in an exasperated way, "we're all a little grimy from sleeping rough, but it's not that kind of scent. I'm not saying you stink, I'm saying you smell...different."
"Is it...uh a tiefling thing?"
Her yellow eyes focus on me for a moment, I know I've told on myself but I am curious. "Well, not ALL tieflings do it. And it's nothing negative, truly. I don't want you to worry. But...you have gotten...physical with one recently haven't you?"
I look down at my lap, my hands are folded there. I touch the two scratches on the back of my right hand. They're still red, the swelling hasn't gone down much.
"What does it mean?" I ask.
"Well, it's slightly different for everybody." Karlach's eyes follow Wyll as he exits his tent in his ragged camp clothes. He kicks some extra sand on the fire pit as he passes. She turns back to me. "I've never marked anyone. Maybe I will, now that I've got my ability to touch back. If I meet someone that is."
"It's not something you'd do to a...a friend? Or an enemy?"
Karlach shrugs, snuggling Clive closer. "I mean, I wouldn't. Thing is when you mark someone, it's like leaving a bit of yourself with them. Any other tiefling who spends time with that person will pick up on it after a while. Some more old fashioned folks would say it's a claim, but I think it's much more...nuanced. It’s a pretty personal thing."
"N-nuanced?" I'm trying so hard to keep my face neutral, but I needn’t bother. Karlach is miles away, caught up in her explanation, she subconsciously picks lint off Clive as she continues. 
"My parents would do it. Dad would have to hit the road for work and I'd notice a mark or two on him before he left. Nothing salacious, you understand. It can be a very sweet thing, but there is usually a level of...intimacy involved." She turns her head up to look at me, "I just want to make sure you're alright."
I sigh and rest my head in my hands, rubbing my temples. Her eyes flick away from mine for a second, and a knowing grin blooms on her face. I hold out my right hand. "This?"
"Oh Sasha," Karlach's eyes go tender, her voice softens. "That's a lovely mark."
"Looks like scratches."
"What do you see?"
"A lot."
"A lot of what?"
She takes my hand in hers and examines the two parallel lines. "Hard to put into Common." She says after a moment.
"Is there a word in Infernal?"
"Well what is it?"
Her cheeks burn red, well redder. "Maybe they should be the one to tell you."
"I'm pretty sure that's not going to happen."
"And why not?"
"Couldn't you just tell me? As a friend?"
Karlach purses her lips and gives my hand back. "Well, it's not as meaningful coming from me, but the closest translation I can think of off top is: a bittersweet longing for something that may or may not have happened. It could be something you’ve loved and lost or something you only thought you had." She glances at my hand again, "There's a melancholy around it, like this thing you long for has passed, and may never happen again."
I close my mouth. "Wow."
"I told you. Nuanced. The infernal word is dalqulq."
I don't even try to say it. "Well, thank you Karlach. You've uh, given me a lot to think about."
"If you get some looks at Last Light, you'll know why."
I glance at her sideways, "Aren't you going to ask me who it is?"
"If you want me to know you'll tell me."
"You already know don't you?"
She smiles, flashing her fangs, "I think I've known for a while, soldier."
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luveline · 1 year
do you know why the ao3 reader praised you and at the same time charged for a continuation? because at least here on tumblr that's what you do: come back answering some questions and posting some fics, then you get a bad comment and you insist on replying giving even more visibility to the person (pretending that what they said doesn't affect you when it really does), people stick up for you and you say thank you and always apologize, you slowly stop posting and disappear for a few days and then come back saying you had a hard time even though you said those comments wouldn't ruin your day. You're not under contract and you post and write whatever you want and what makes you happy, you're a human being and you have the right to have hobbies and do whatever you want, but I can't deny that it's frustrating for you to post something, then post countless fics of other characters and after a while say “I intend to continue that story, I just don't know when”. Do you know why people even praise and charge you? because your writing is good, and some people only follow you for that, for your writing. It's no use for you to think you're the best and say to stop following you because that's not what will happen. I repeat again that you are in a cycle and that your writing is the only thing that saves you. And you can come as many people as you want to defend you or say that I hide behind the anonymous, I don't care, these people should stop being hypocrites because when you come back after a long time away one of the first things they ask is when will you post again
�� do you know why the ao3 reader praised you and at the same time charged for a continuation?
As I said in my post, I'm unsure! I think perhaps they hadn't stopped to think about why I may not have updated, though the answer to that was that I hadn't posted them on ao3.
—because at least here on tumblr that's what you do: come back answering some questions and posting some fics, then you get a bad comment
Unsure why this matters, like you say a little further down, I have a life, hobbies, responsibilities, and autonomy.
—you get a bad comment and you insist on replying giving even more visibility to the person
The majority of mean or abusive asks I receive go unanswered and blocked, but when I do share them, it isn't to insist on visibility, but to give myself an opportunity to share my thoughts. The anon passed judgement, I used my voice and my space to give my own opinion. Also, there isn't any shame in wanting comfort from others. I'm sorry if that doesn't seem fair to you, or maybe I look like an attention seeker! But I'm in a privileged situation to be comforted and reassured, so sometimes I do want to be comforted, hence sharing the ask!!
—(pretending that what they said doesn't affect you when it really does)
was this supposed to be like a GOTCHA moment where you humbled me, or is this just an observation you didn't think anyone else made? Yeah, half the time I lie and say hate comments don't bother me, because I don't want the person who sent it to know they made me miserable, and I don't want people here worrying about me. It is a very normal human thing to do
—people stick up for you and you say thank you and always apologize
—you slowly stop posting and disappear for a few days and then come back saying you had a hard time even though you said those comments wouldn't ruin your day
Another GOTCHA! Although I'd like to stick up for myself here, considering how breathtakingly observational you are, you seem to have completely ignored the multiple instances where they did in fact not ruin my day, as well as other reasons I might take time away, like my underlying health problems that I've mentioned, which are often the root of the problem. I'm not saying you're totally wrong though, of course you aren't, people say mean shit to me and I don't want to write anymore and I'm not gonna villanise myself for that nor am I going to berate anyone else who feels discouraged at their hobby. Feedback affects the way you look at your craft, it always has, so I don't feel bad for taking time to myself.
—You're not under contract and you post and write whatever you want and what makes you happy, you're a human being and you have the right to have hobbies and do whatever you want, but
I'm definitely being unfair to you in saying this but I literally could've made money betting on the 'but' at the end of this sentence. You're right though!! I do post and write whatever makes me happy
—but I can't deny that it's frustrating for you to post something, then post countless fics of other characters and after a while say “I intend to continue that story, I just don't know when”.
Sub points. 1. I genuinely do not think that it is my responsibility to control how frustrated you become, because like you said, I can write whatever I want. I am so, so grateful that people read my work, that they enjoy it, that they continue to support me while what I want to write changes and goes back and forth, but I won't force myself to only post that one thing because it might mitigate frustration. 2. You say it's okay for me to write whatever I want, but when you mention my posting countless other fics of other characters, I get the sense that you don't truly think it's okay. 3. I do say that! It's actually in my FAQ and has been for months and months and months, because it's true, and I don't see a problem with that answer.
If it is frustrating to you to begin a story that may not have a guaranteed ending, or further installments, don't read it. I don't see why I get the blame here for your actions, why your frustration becomes my fault. My actions are my own, and all I can read from your sentence here is that you're frustrated that I'm doing what I want and writing what I want, which doesn't make much sense, because only a few lines before that, you say I'm a human being with the right... to do whatever I want. So would you like me to do what I want, or would you like me to do what I want only if it coincides with what you want?
—Do you know why people even praise and charge you? because your writing is good, and some people only follow you for that, for your writing
'Charge' I'm sorry genuinely that I don't know what you mean by that, I'm not poking fun here I really just don't know, apologies. I'm glad my writing is good in your eyes! Some people praise me because they think that the writing I post is good, it's entertaining, and because they have genuinely good hearts. And I know that some people only follow me for my writing, but... [see next point (section 2.)]
—It's no use for you to think you're the best and say to stop following you because that's not what will happen.
1.I do not think I'm the best, and I'm not sure what that has to do with it. 2. It's no use to say to stop following you because that's not what will happen— what would you have me do? My writing and my life aren't two separate things, and I'll keep saying it when others try to separate them. I actually think this is where you're getting tripped up. I'm a person, and I'm affected by the way people treat me, how they percieve me, and their expectations. So yes, some people follow me solely for my writing (which is kind of my entire appeal to be fair), and I'm glad they do despite if they might like me or not, but I'm not going to say Yes, please, keep enjoying my hard work, my passion projects, while simultaneously resenting me for the emotions and life experiences that so heavily influence that very writing!
—I repeat again that you are in a cycle and that your writing is the only thing that saves you
Like, my writing is the only good thing about me because my taking breaks from tumblr when hate asks pile on is embarrassing, or makes me a write off? Or that my writing actually saves me? Is it fair to be mad at me for being in that 'cycle', which consists of me getting a bad message and then me doing what ever it is I need to digest or cope with it?
—And you can come as many people as you want to defend you or say that I hide behind the anonymous, I don't care, these people should stop being hypocrites because when you come back after a long time away one of the first things they ask is when will you post again
You seem kind of self aware but not really 😭 you arguments against my– what? Against my not understanding why people complain? I definitely understand why people complain, even if I don't agree, and it is a mixture of a lack of self awareness, parasocial closeness, and genuine critique. Your arguments against me are extremely odd (at least in my opinion). I think that you have complained before about fics not being updated fast enough for your liking, or you've had those thoughts, and that my post has struck a nerve and you've come to set things right in your eyes, because how could you be wrong?
But the dreaded E word, entitlement! It's easy when a writer says the word entitled for you to scoff or roll your eyes. You're not entitled!! You want something, sorry to say this, but free, something free that you personally had little hand in creating, and when you don't get it you feel frustrated and leave a message explaining why– well, I'm not sure what you were trying to explain. That I'm a huge loser or something 😭 but that's not entitlement or anything. I'm not sure if you were under the impression that I didn't know lots of this stuff about myself and that by telling me I was going to change my rotten ways and give you the new chapter of fanfic you deserve because I tricked you into reading and enjoying the first one, but I'm going to keep doing things how I'm doing them! Like you said, like I've said, I write because I really fucking love doing it, the one and only downside is when people like you start to think you know everything about me from the single facet of my life you see online, and decide that's grounds to talk down at me, or attempt to dictate how I am.
And yeah some people are hypocrites like that, but so is literally everyone on the entire planet, me and you included 😭 you're literally a hypocrite in this message as I pointed out, explaining that I'm a person with rights to do as I want to, but also that to some I'm like a sophisticated chatGPT bot who should sit down, shut up, and write what others want, lest they become upset with me, and I should be okay with that.
I try not to attach malicious intentions to anonymous messages even when I know they're cruel on purpose, but this just couldn't be abided by. You've embarrassed yourself by assuming multiple things about me, and you've outed yourself as a dick — your precursory and oh so generous paragraph about how I'm not under contract didn't really work when you couldn't resist your 'countless other fics' comment afterward. It's obvious that you expect things from me, and it's obvious you look down on me.
I realise that nothing I could've said here would satisfy you. You have me figured out, and this will just seem like a defensive and hostile message to your well-meaning advice or something, but I really don't care anymore. I'm not solely a 'content maker' or a fanfic writer, and I don't owe you things just because you've decided you want more.
If anyone has sat here reading this all the way to the end, I just want to say that although I stand by everything I've said, this is in NO WAY meant to be a dig at people who ask me when the next part of something or other is coming out, nor is it a brand on every follower of entitlement. I KNOW that it can be frustrating when you grow used to the things you enjoy, but I genuinely cannot help being affected by things in my life, and I also won't put what other people want over my own happiness on a regular basis, and while I regret that you're frustrated by wanting something and not getting it I really think that this life is about doing what you love when you love it. Writing is my escape, and I'm so privileged, so thankful, and so grateful to be able to share it with people who are so amazingly kind hearted, patient, and loving. So so happy that the vast majority of you are okay with me writing what I'm in the mood for and what's fun for me. I really mean this without malice, anyone who doesn't like the way that I operate is more than allowed to continue reading in silence and resenting me, but please do it quietly, cos I won't be answering a message like this again, or to unfollow me, block me, whatever makes you feel better.
I may not owe anyone certain pieces of writing, but I do owe my kindness and understanding to the people who have shown it to me. Thank you so much if you're someone who has reassured me after a mean anon, or who's defended me, or who's waited between those long gaps of my posting chapters just as eager as when they started. Writing is so much more fun when I get to share it with people like you!! I don't like letting people down, I don't like knowing that someone who's sent me a long kind anon message or reblogged the first chapter of a fic is upset that there isn't more, I doubt the person who sent this ask has ever done either, I promise I don’t relish in disappointing you.
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