#but now that i remembered. how the hell will i do that without using a dating app?
muffinsin · 2 days
How do you think the sisters would react if their s/o has modern technology(Phone, Apple Watch, computer, etc.)? Like maybe their s/o moved to the village and had brought all of their modern tech with them to the village.
(the idea of them trying to figure out modern technology is funny as hell to me)
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Now, normally I’m not one for modern requests, but I very much like this one! Putting this together with a more recent one as they both go hand in hand!
Let’s get into it ;)!
When you return from your hometown with a suitcase full of electronics, she is visibly confused
And at first, she doesn’t pay much mind to it
She doesn’t like technology, deems it unnecessary
After all, she’s done perfectly well without it all these years
You don’t introduce her to electronics, but don’t need to, either
The first item she discovers- quite suddenly- is your phone
And oh dear, what a sight that is…
You’re in the bathroom, drying off after a bath when you hear your phone ringing, followed by a high pitched shriek and the loud buzzing of flies
The next thing you know, Bela swarms into the bathroom, stumbles, and lands chest first in the tub that is still not fully drained
Her eyes are wide, her expression one of shock
Her hair and clothing is dripping wet, her expression adorably cute
You’ve never seen her with a puppy eyed expression and can’t help but smile widely as you cup her wet cheeks
In her hand, she holds your phone, which she must’ve picked up right when it started ringing
You take it from her wet fingers, gently kiss the top of her head, then raise the phone
Confused, she stares at the device held by you
And when you swipe to the camera app and take a picture, and you forget to disable the flash, the poor thing jumps yet again
Too wet to dissolve into her swarm and get away, she squirms and slips in the wet tub instead, her facial expression becoming even more frustrated and pouty
Even as you nearly roll on the floor with laughter, you remember to turn the flash off for any future pictures you (partly sneakily) take of her
After this incident, it’s incredibly hard for you to get her close to your phone again
When it rings, she rolls her eyes, when you talk to it, she keeps looking around, as though finding who could be talking to you
She takes a surprising while understanding that your phone has no wire to it, too
Then, one day, you do manage to have her come around;
She hums quietly as you brush her hair for her, her eyes closed, the book in her hand shut. Her index finger slipped inside, serving as a bookmark
You glance at it; the tragic love in Romeo and Juliet. You smile a little. Didn’t Daniela ask her to engage a little more in her interests lately?
Using your free hand to fish for your phone, you quickly find bits and pieces to the topic
You press a gentle kiss to her exposed neck, then, as to not disturb the comfortable atmosphere set up between the two of you, whisper gently
“Did you consider Shakespeare explored love not only mainly at Romeo and Juliet’s first meeting and their deaths, but also by writing of Romeo’s friendship with Mercutio?”
She turns to you, her eyes wide
“No..I haven’t considered that”, she admits. “What do you know of Romeo and Juliet interpretations?”, she asks, then, her eyebrow raised a little
You nearly giggle
When you flash her the phone screen, her eyes widen
“It knows?!”, she wonders out loud, as though shocked
That day, dinner is delayed significantly
The next couple of hours are spent with Bela sat on top of your lap, her eyes wide as she takes in every word of your rant
You explain not only phones, but rather the internet to her as a whole
And really? She’s fascinated!
So she can truly learn all she wants, whenever she wants!
You try to explain she doesn’t necessarily have to learn everything to look it up, but in the end only smile fondly when she refuses this
Why would she pass up on such opportunities, after all!
Soon, you end up tending to hobbies while she is sat next to you, your phone in her hand, paper and pencil next to it as she copies notes
At other times, you introduce her to YouTube and help her learn a new skill
Within weeks only she has gathered an impressive amount of knowledge on various topics. Animals. Economy. History. Urban legends. Geography. Interpretations. Social studies. Psychology topics
And, with that come also a vast amount of skills she has picked up
Pottery, carving wood (and humans, her own addition to this skill), skinning properly, baking, playing the flute, moving along to songs and different type of dances
And to Bela’s greatest delight not only you, but also Alcina picks up on this and all but showers her eldest in praise regarding her newfound knowledge
As it comes to other technology, Bela shares different views. Despite her grown fondness of the Internet
She cares little for your Apple Watch and strongly advises you to flat out refuse Daniela and Cassandra’s requests of getting them one
After all, the two of you know it would be broken or smeared of blood within hours already
Bela is a big fan of your laptop
Within months, she convinces Alcina of its use and all ledgers and business-related information is digitalized
This makes your girlfriend’s work by far easier, so you can convince her to take breaks more often
Of course, with her laptop, Bela also is granted a phone by her mother, unlike her sisters (for a decent amount of time, at least)
You grin whenever you send texts and receive some in return
Despite her youthful appearance, Bela has not quite mastered the art of modern texting
You can’t help but giggle every so often when receiving one from her
As it comes to video games; Bela is not a fan. She doesn’t quite see the appeal of them, especially the more brutal they become
She merely rolls her eyes when she sees someone, you, or her sisters, playing them
Though; she likes herself smaller, calmer games
Animal crossing-style of games, mystery games, point and click, discover, build, farm
It grants her a nice alternative to her usually so brutal and bloody daytime
And lastly, a tv
She likes it, really, and finds it makes for interesting evenings. Especially when she gets the two of you to watch some documentaries
Though, she bans it from the bedroom
She still wants to remain technology-free in this aspect to ensure your attention is hers and hers only
When you go on a trip back to your homeland to retrieve some of your things, she jokingly tells you to bring you some of this “modern technology” you often speak so fondly about
Really, she isn’t quite sure it’s as exciting as you make it out to be
She certainly doesn’t feel like she’s missing out!
Ah, but she is painfully curious about the outside, the world that lies outside the castle grounds, outside the village, far beyond the forest
Then, though, you to return with a couple of large suitcases
Curiosity killed the cat fly, no?
She opens one of your suitcases the moment you drop it on the bed, head first, her hand reaching in
You watch from across the room, amused. She almost looks like a curious cat trying to reach it’s paw inside
The pulls out your phone charger, it turns out, and immediately it seems as though all hell breaks loose
Startled as though it was a snake, she jumps and snarls loudly, her hiss almost high pitched, her hand twitching with the effort of pushing the charger, which has wrapped itself around her, off and away
You laugh loudly as she swarms brokenly, bumping into the bed and chairs, tables and walls, her teeth bared at the charging cable, her arm attempting to yank itself away every few seconds
“Come here, baby!”, you plead with tears of laughter forming at your eyes
She sits relatively still for you as you unwrap the charger from her hand, a bright pink blush set on her cheeks, a growl passing her throat every couple of seconds
The moment it’s off, you already catch her sniffing and slapping at it. She sits with her head tilted, confused
What is this strange cable? Do you have need for it? What need could you have for it?
Then, she blinks, as though in understanding
You squeal when you feel her on you in an instant, then, the floor
She sits on top of you as she is done tackling you, your wrists pushed together as the cable is wrapped around them
Again, she only blushes when you laugh loudly. No, this certainly is no toy to tie someone up
She snarls, and you manage to pull away the white charger barely in time before her sharp, claw-like nails cut through it
With some effort, you explain to her what it is, and what it for
You show her your phone, and while the beginning is tough, she eventually understands
That’s not to say you don’t still catch her mid-fight with Siri, yelling, arguing, insulting the voice in your phone, so much so you must intervene when Siri suggests calling local authorities
At other times, you giggle to yourself when you hear her talk to the voice, asking questions such as how she was put inside your phone and where she goes when she stops talking
You don’t have the heart to explain Siri to Cassandra, or the patience
Something she is, of course, immediately fascinated by is the opportunity for her to explore the outside world
The first time you turn on the tv and show a mere documentary about the Amazon rainforest, you can see her eyes sparkle with adoration and tears of yearning
She watches for hours, taking in every view and occasionally even the words that come with it
She asks- begs- you to let her watch more, every day. She’s so very curious! If Mother only let her out, only let her see for herself, just once!
Surprisingly, with this new way of exploring the world, come nightmares she would never admit she has
Nightmares of cold lands, of being stuck under the ice at the north or South Pole, mauled by bears and birds when she has no way of defending herself against the harsh cold biting into her skin
Sometimes, you find her tucked especially close during those times, whimpering about being cold in her sleep until you shush her and calm her worried mind
At other times, she’s missing from bed entirely. You calm after the third time, having found out that it’s Bela’s bed she retreats to, her words of wisdom and light scolds surprisingly calming to her younger sister
With this newfound knowledge comes also a hunger for new prey. She learns a lot about different types of animals found all around the world
For example, she loves to brag she could beat a cheetah in a race. You only giggle and smile lovingly at her. She certainly has the spirit for it
At other times, she talks of how very curious she is of hunting and catching a lion. Then again, she speaks of wanting one as a pet
At the breakfast and dinner table, she loves to tell Alcina all she has seen and learned
Often, this comes with a plea to let her see the world, which is always shut down with a loving, but pitying smile and a genuine apology
Deep down she knows, she cannot travel. And still, she asks. Perhaps it will change, after all
She likes to receive praise from you and Alcina, and most of all, surprisingly; Bela, when sharing facts she picks up from the numerous movies and documentaries she watches on different biomes and regions of the world
As it comes to your Apple Watch..she’s undecided
She wears one herself to follow your lead, but doesn’t quite understand the purpose of it. To her, it’s pretty much a standard watch and a fashion accessory
Should you attempt to call her using you, you will find deep slashes alongside it and her arm from when she jumped in surprise and automatically- instinctively- slashed at it
When having her arm cupped in your hands and your fingers recently tending to the wounds left at her wrist, she only blushes and grumbles about it not being that bad and about wanting to keep the watch
Perhaps, she will learn to use it in time, though it’s unlikely
Unlike her older sister, Cassandra is quite fond of video games
While she still prefers hunting, gutting, chasing and hurting people, she likes to indulge in video games every once in a while
These usually are the combat type of games, such as mortal combat or even games like red dead redemption
Ironically, she would’ve liked resident evil games
She cares little for your laptop and finds it particularly annoying when she hears the clicking of the keys as you type
Often, she glares when you pick it up
At other times, she only snarls, but curls up next to you anyway
She does find it funny when you accidentally spill water over it once, though
Electronics?! Yes!
She’s very enthusiastic when she hears you’ll bring home some technology!
She doesn’t know much about it, really, only bits and pieces she didn’t fully understand from intruders taken prisoner by her just after they got lost in the village
And still, their shiny toys and fancy words- while they certainly stuck to her- barely make sense to her
She begs you to take as much as you can!
Once, she held a phone. Once, she was entertained by the buttons she was able to push and the noises that came from the little thing
Then, she wrestled with her sister, fought a lycan for fun during a hunt and rewarded herself with a blood bath, and there went “her” phone…
When you return, she is immensely confused, but enthralled by your smartphone
She takes it immediately, her eyes wide and her lips parted slightly in concentration when you remind her to be careful with the fragile little thing
And careful she is
She keeps it just above her pillows, her touches so light you’re surprised the screen even picks them up
Surprisingly, Daniela figures out the foreign phone relatively fast
Although, you have a good laugh at the beginning, when she somehow ends up in the calculator app and pushes buttons here and there, like in a game
After about half an hour she figures out it’s a calculator and eagerly runs off, excited to show Bela what useful tool she found her
Continuing on, you teach her how to use the phone properly
She discovers Siri in no time and…very well…it leads to long nights of pressing the pillow to your ear as she speaks to her “new best friend”
Usually, you end up grabbing your eager girlfriend and cuddling her to your chest, stroking her hair and scratching her scalp just right until she falls asleep at last
Some peace and quiet, at last
That is, until she awakens to tell Siri about her dream and, perhaps accidentally, ends up at a google search regarding dreams and their meanings
Though, you can’t be annoyed when she jumps and buzzes excitedly like a puppy wagging its tail as she elaborates on what her dream might’ve meant, eager to show off her newly acquired wisdom and insight
It’s such an adorable sight, you even forgive her rants to Siri in the middle of the night
Now, she is a very fast learner as it comes to electronics, especially your phone
She manages to understand and use it quickly, and after weeks of debating with Alcina that she will not immediately break hers, she receives one of her own
While she has many purposes for her phone, some of them include:
Using it as a camera. You treasure your little nightly ritual, when Daniela drags you to bed, jumps in and cuddles close to you. She opens her phone and shows you the many pictures she took that day
Often, these include flowers, prey, animals, trees, the sun, the moon, selfies, pictures with her family (in which Bela and Cassandra usually look particularly displeased with their younger sister), pictures of dresses and book quotes
She gets incredibly excited showing them to you and adds a little story to most of them
Another use she has for her phone is to text and make calls
She gets surprisingly good and up to date surprisingly fast, texting you back whenever you message her, calling you at times to check in on you when she’s out hunting
One time, you nearly fell out your chair being put in face time while she was down in the dungeons “playing” with one of the prisoners with Cassandra
And, lastly, Daniela loves having games on her phone
She plays them whenever she has spare time left or takes little breaks from reading, and likes to keep you updated on her scores of her favorite games
While she certainly thinks laptops are fun, she has little use for one
Again, she enjoys being able to play, or watch you play, games on it
Should it be an online game, you can bet you have your girlfriend right by your side, insulting all who cause you misfortune while you game
In turn, she likes to game herself, but prefers sticking to her books and photography. She isn’t one to get too absorbed in the electronic devices, despite having them figured out already
Daniela loves your Apple Watch!
She likes to wear it for “style”, as she calls it and usually allows you to cover it up before she goes hunting
Often, she brags about hers to her sisters and to the staff, sometimes even to the weeping prisoners, as you hear whenever she forgets to hang up and starts rambling to whatever unfortunate soul she finds
She uses it to make calls, read messages, and, her favorite use; checking the weather
She never knew this was a thing!
When you introduce her to it, she immediately runs off to find Bela and Cassandra
Just a day after the three stand in front of Alcina, Bela and Cassandra tucked behind their younger sister, holding onto her as Daniela pulls her famous puppy eyes on their mother
They plead to go out another day. Yes, winter is approaching. Yes, it’s getting colder. Oh! But the “magic app” knows they will be fine!
Since then, they always check the weather before heading out. Or rather, Alcina does, tugging them back and dressing them appropriately for the estimated temperatures before sending them off with a kiss to their foreheads
You grin when Daniela returns, the brightest smile on her lips
She’s eternally grateful to be able to spend another few days of the year outside, and shows you this in the form of a lot of praise and kisses pressed all over your face
As it comes to video games for herself, she is willing to try them out
Playing online games such as GTA, she likes to cuss out all others, throwing insults nearly every player’s way
And still, she likes single-player games, investigation ones, combat ones, farming ones
She’s the type to give nearly any game a shot
She loves the electronics, but is sure to stick to traditional ways and actions to show you how much you mean to her
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teojira · 17 hours
Hey teddy! I recently read the Caesar hcs and actually fell in love with you writing! I was wondering if you could do some more general Caesar hcs
Thank youuu 🫶🏽🫶🏽🫶🏽
[General Caesar headcanons!] [PT2]
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Summary: Caesar x reader general headcanons!
Warnings: Romance between Caesar and You, takes place after War! Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: Hi!!! I hope these are good, I've been brainrotting about him and Noa all day today,,, idk if this counts as general but i got into the groove and now we are here. Hope you enjoy 🫶
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Caesar who claims he wants nothing to do with you romantically, lying to himself that just because he cares for humans, that he took you in, let you stay and become one of them, doesn't mean he wants one as a mate.
He is the Ape king, it'd be a bad example, it'd never work, so he pushes it down and says it doesn't bother him when you're out with other male apes alone.
He's a fucking liar because he gets jealous. So jealous to the point, he gets territorial.
Caesar is not opposed to scenting you without your knowledge, everytime he brushes against you, it's a deliberate act to make sure other apes know he's been with you. It's a primal need in him to stake his claim. Whenever you explain that you're off to help the others, he makes sure you're walking off reeking of him. It's kinda obnoxious, no one is gonna steal you away from him, even if they wanted to.
Not alot of apes in current day do settle into a monogamous relationship with one mate, and no one really expects Caesar to stay in one himself, but he's pretty stuck onto you before he even realizes.
He tries to take up your time so it leaves little for others. He thinks he's being slick, but alas, Maurice knows. Maurice knew from the second you appeared on their doorstep that it'd be sure that Caesar would get attached to you.
He hasn't been expecting Caesar to want you as a mate, but he isn't against it. As he sees it, you two balance one another, and he knows Caesar still grieves losing his first family. You're good for the Ape king.
Caesar keeps you close, your nest is near his, when it is time for meals, it's typically you both with Cornelius in your lap, 'secretly' stealing berries from your pile.
"Stop it." Caesar signs, staring down at the little chimp on your arms, his nostrils flared ever so slightly.
Cornelius stops in his tracks, glancing up at his father, then to you.
You can't help but let out a giggle, which makes Caesar look up at you, his heart clenching beneath all the fur and muscle.
"It's okay honey, take as much as you want."
It's the way you say it so gently, readjusting yourself to Cornelius can reach easier to grab a fistful.
It makes the ape want to see you as a full-fledged mother (he sits up at night after this, staring into the ceiling with a "Oh shit." Look once he remembers)
He wants to be the one to teach you more ASL, yes he's aware Maurice can teach you, hell, he knows he himself has other duties that are at a higher priority. But he still takes the time, bringing you into his nest to have one on one time.
Watching your hands as you fumble is entertaining to me, taking in the size difference. He uses your mishaps as a reason to correct you, his much larger hands cradling your own and showing you how to form new words.
If you're hoping he doesn't see your face reddening, he does. He just won't tell you. God forbid someone else sees your blushing face that isn't him, though. He'll immediately shut it down and tell them to leave you be, that you aren't to be messed with.
He's a hypocrite.
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animeshotsh · 2 days
Let me show you Crazy - Various x Jinx!Reader
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Warnings: Jinx is a complex character herself. Im only using a small part of her personality to write this small piece. There is not connection to the events of arcane.
HH Violence - Cursing - Various!xReader - Platonic - Mentions of mental breakdown - Hallucinations - Past Abuse - Vaggie seems bad but she wishes the best -
The normal red sky of hell was tainted in blues and purples as laugh filled up the streeets.
Sinner who knew better took a step aside as bullet flew past them.
The target?
No one in particular.
You were just bored, and the voices kept whispering to you, if you closed your eyes silouhets of now nameless faces would appear.
Thats why you needed this.
Cherri will for sure be pissed at you for have not inviting her to your little outbrust, but hell was alywas up for another bombing so you were not so worried over it.
Just as the last bombs exploted and your gun was hot from shooting you decided to stop and find a place for the night, your hideout was too far away now to go back.
You entered Angel Dust aparment without a problem, all his pink colors made you want to puke but you hold back, soon his little pet came to welcome you, seeing you as a parent figure of sorts.
Even if you have joked that you could made some good meat with it.
"Hey, who is the bitch that-" Angel stopped his cursing and lowered his guns seeing you.
"Oh, hey Spidy" You joked seeing his pet go back to him.
"(Y/N), I thought these were your bombs"
"Hell yeah they were" you responded, passing by him and getting onto his bed. "Had a sweet time shooting these fuckers off"
"Yeah...thanks for the invitation" Angel joked back getting on the side of the bed. He knew how unestable you could be, but he could figure when you were out having fun and when you just needed to be out.
Maybe his way to cope with trauma was sex, yours was violence, this was hell, everyone did what they could.
"I thought you were being re made Spidy, the Princess got a nice place? I might just crash there next time"
Angel had to sight to himself imagining the chaos you would make, not only that, you would for sure make Alastor lose his cool the second you set foot into the hotel.
"Yeah well, you get a room, food, all free, i think you should try it" Angel said seeing you play with your hair. Now he did think you should try it, maybe it could help you, maybe you could get better.
"Uh, it seems too good to be true" You responded looking past Angel to nameless figures now behind him, one of them biting Angels neck and the other one just staring at the roof.
"N-no, i dont need help. Hey! shut up, who said that i was considering it? NO!! IM NOT WEAK" Angel stood aside as you passed by his aparment, your hands on your hair pulling pieces of it, talking to things that were not there. "SHUT UP, YOU KNOW NOTHING".
"(Y/N)...." Angel tried when he saw you fall to your knees, memories of a terrible past revealing itself to you.
"I SAID, SHUT UP" Angel found himself with a gun to his face. Your gun, with trembling hands, you were not looking at him but at someone else, someone who had hurt you at some point.
Angel had to thank whatever was above him by his agility, because not a second later you shoot to now an empy space. He quickly moved to take the gun from you and get you in a hold.
"Shh, its me, Angel Dust, remember? Its me, your friend, you little blue flare, you got nothing to be scared of" Angel told you half screaming, and having just enough emotion in his voice to break you from your episode.
"Yes Y/N?"
"Are you real?" You asked not knowing what was going on anymore, Angel felt his eyes tear up as he let go of you to hug you properly.
"Of course Im you idiot, why do you want to be alone so much?"
You did not respond, these were the few times your mind was quiet. No voices, no images, just the present, you still did not know if he was real, if he was talking to you, or if he was other one of your friends.
"Hey, what are you thinking about?" Angel asked easily picking you up and taking you to his bed.
"I- I dont want to be alone" was all you said as he pulled the blankets up to you and took your hand in his.
"You wont"
"Do you know who that is?" Vaggie asked pointing at you and Angel. You were looking at everything in the loby of the hotel with Angel trying to keep you in check.
"Yes, they are a sinner who needs help" Charlie responded her girlfriend also looking at your somehow childish behaviour.
"Thats Jinx, is one of the most unestable and unpredictable sinners from the circle, and thats is something to say with how many we got"
"Vaggie, I offer salvation to anyone, I dont care who they are as long as they want to be saved"
"And you think they want to be saved?" Vaggie asked somehow exasperated by now.
Before Charlie could respond you appear besides her, giving her a crushing hug.
"I must say Princess, Spidy said this place was neat but he did not mention it was this good, where is my room? oh! can i decor it? I love blue you see, and I paint, you wanna see some of them? SHH, WHO SAID SHE WONT LIKE IT?"
"Jinx!!" Charlie said not noticing you almost having another episode but pulling you right back into the hug. "Yes! of course you can decorate, and i would love to see your art"
This made you smile, taking her hand and pulling her towards a near table where your stuff was.
"Can my room be besides Spidy?"
Charlie just nodded already exploring your odd draws.
"I need to talk with you" Vaggie said, not happy to have come to this but seeing it as necesary.
"Oh? and what will you need from me?" Alstor asked smirking at her.
"Jinx, if she does something to hurt Charlie or the hotel purpose..."
"What?" Alastor knew what Vaggie wanted, and knew who you were. True to be told, he did not like you being in the hotel, you could ruin everything, but he also liked a good show, and that needed good characters, and you were for sure one hell of one. So he could let you stay and watch you and your actions.
"...Stop them, however you need to do it" Was all Vaggie said. Now wanting to listen to Alastor moral speech she went back to her and Charlies room.
Now, Alastor would not let himself be ordered like that ny anyone, but he knew Vaggie wishes and his own reasons did aline this time. He will let it pass, and maybe use it for the future.
If Charlie knew Vaggie was going behind her back, telling Alastor to dispose of troublemaker sinners....well she would be heartbroken.
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teledild0nix · 9 months
i see way way way more posts yelling about how wrong it is to tell middle aged women that they’re too old for fandom or tumblr than I see people saying anything of the sort to middle aged women. Like I’m 36 and I’ve never had anyone tell me I’m too old to be here 🤷🏽‍♂️
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timeisacephalopod · 1 year
You know as a horror fan "cultural Christianity" is such a useful term because as an atheist as well as a horror fan and a fan of haunted house stuff if it's done well I very, very quickly noticed how many horror movies are Christian propaganda. So few horror movies involving religion (which is a shocking amount of them btw) pick any religion that's not Christianity to center itself around and when they do that religion is bad and evil, not the cause of evil and the savior from it (because the demons may be Christian, but God and the bible are also the solutions in a way other religions aren't granted. Bonus points if it's an indigenous religion being portrayed as Evil and Bad).
Pretty much any exceptions I can think of to that rule use Judaism and the Holocaust as a backdrop and never in like a normal, the Holocaust is horrible way it's always playing on myths of Nazi Germany's experimentation on the Jewish population. Which I find highly troubling and disturbing, but regardless nothing like being a horror fan to convince you of cultural Christianity because no other genre leans on religion as a plot device so much unless it's straight up a Christian movie for a Christian audience using Christianity as it's main theme and through line.
#winters ramblings#side note i ALWAYS hear about how we learned SO MUCH about medicine and the body from nazi Germany and i KNOW that has to be#at least SOMEWHAT untrue because the methodologies nazis would have used in CONCENTRATION CAMPS do not seem#like theyd yeild USEFUL information about anything. people criticize studies now for being overly populated with undergrads#because THAT skews your results theres NO WAY the camps had conditions good enough to yeild useful information#and theres NO FUCKING WAY IN ALL HELL that nazis had good enough methodologies and treatments of their PRISONERS#to be getting any result worth using. maybe we learned a lot on how to TORTURE people but medical sciences??#i think body snatchers orobably taught us a lot LOT more than the fucked up things the nazis did to the jewish population#and i find it DEEPLY DEEPLY troubling that we seem to remember the nazis like the NAZIS want us to remember them#and not as the scum of the earth they were- they werent useful DOCTORS even if there were olenty of useful engineers but they werent good#engineers BECAUSE they were nazis they were just good at their jobs WHY do we attribute their intelligence to BEING A NAZI#if anything thats proof all their smart at is building shit but anyway something tells me nazi germany didnt teach us NEAR#as much about medical anything as the myths lead us all to believe and WHY are we myth making about FUCKING NAZIS#time to start myth making the jewish people who survived or did uprisings or literally ANYTHING but the fucking nazis#now on the flipside as a horror fan Christianity is SO BAKED IN to how certian genres of horror run#if you had a haunted house movie WITHOUT Christianity id be genuinely surprised. if it wasnt at least Judaism with Weird Holocaust shit#id be even MORE surprised. ive never seen a weesterm horror flick that centered around like. Sikh people or even Muslims#and youd think being an abrahamic religion Muslims would make the cut but no even THEY get shunted because brown#like you CANNOT convince me culture Christianity doesnt exist because as an athiest horror fan BOY do i know thats not true#its actually one of my LEAST favorite things about the horror genre and WHY i have a hard time with haunted house movies#sure i LOVE james wans work but its STILL uses Christianity as a plot device and i HATE Christianity in my horror cheerios#plus you got shows like supernatural who LITERALLY wrote a show of bible fanfiction and uts very clear they never read the bible#i know this because i have a good friend who is religious and even CHRISTIANS find the Christianity in that show baffling and overbearing#and hilariously inaccurate but still lmao. anyway cultural Christianity is 100% a thing as an athiest its IMPOSSIBLE not to notice#so i find it REALLY WEIRD that athiests deny its existence as if weve not been victims of it out whole lives#and religious people who arent Christian too!! we should team up to beat the christians back to where they should be!!#just as invisible as the rest of us OR the rest of us just as visible as christians!!
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gatun-gatunesco · 1 year
#that post about meeting people in the wild reminds me what my therapist said#“you should meet another person. after some healing of course” and at that time i did not thought so much about it#i was crying and sobbing so bad for me to process that information#but now that i remembered. how the hell will i do that without using a dating app?#imagining that i am already healed without trauma and willing to open my heart again for someone else#how would i: an asexual neurodivergent introvert. would find a compatible person in the wild? that is kind of impossible!#using a dating app? ugh. that is very wack. i do not know a single person who had a good experience using one of those#and truly. would i ever be fine to have romance again? the remaining romantic love i have is dying#the trauma changed me from greysexual to fully asexual. after years of self hate i was comfortable with my naked body#now that i am sex repulsed. i can not tolerate see my body. even in this hellish heat of summer i must have clothes. showering is a torture#would not be better to be Aroace and that is it? being free of all that partner stuff? just having more friends would not do the trick?#i can try to find a way to change and not want to have physical affection nor physical love. It always brought me trouble#but i doubt my therapist agrees. she was kind of serious about having another person with me#why i am not strong enough to do everything alone? why do i have to be prone to sickness? why the hell do i need physical love?!#is so gross and awful. i hate my body so much. why do you need that fucker? we can hug ourselfs! settle for that
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kind of funny to me how no one can agree on if toss boys is in swing or not. the conclusion i came to is that the cues sound the same either way so i didn't actually come to a conclusion but tengoku only has one swing game section and toss boys is fairly far from it so my guess is no-
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theophagie-remade · 2 years
Extremely cringy that Symptoms get worse when they go ignored
#(--_--)#mytext#like. i'm not comfortable with playing guessing games but i've long made peace with the fact that clearly there's Something going on#now if only that Something would in turn make peace with the fact that we cannot afford therapy that'd be great -~-#it's so annoying... this summer was hell because for the whole time i lived with a perpetual sensation of *things* crawling on my skin#which i'm sure was the result of a bad mix of my entomophobia + having lots of skin exposed + generally worsening mental health#in fact ever since it got colder and i began wearing more covering stuff it has passed but every so often now i get this. terrible sensatio#my chest feels tight. my head gets super on edge as if there were something dangerous or to be scared of. my arms and hands start trembling#and my legs get super weak and it's hard to remain upright or walk or anything. it doesn't last long but it's very intense and i hate it#and then the whole. feeling like i'm not breathing thing is still coming and going. some days it's bad some days not so much#-_- and it suuucks. i do realise that it all points to some anxiety thing obviously but the thing is. idk.#again i personally don't feel comfortable with just naming things myself and what makes me even more reluctant is that these are mostly#recent developments. just things that have and are piling up on top of other things. so. idk.#what messes me up the most i think is the awareness that things that are routine for me aren't ''normal'' for most people#and i just wish it was like that for me too. idk. sometimes i get really... not jealous but bitter? about the fact that i ended up#having to deal with myself. and i hate how certain things are just part of my daily life despite how unhealthy they are#i think that getting used to the suicidal thoughts was the worst. i've never gotten close to trying anything and i don't Want want to#but they're so draining. i don't remember what it's like to go a day without my mind just going there on its own#and i hate the days when i just don't feel anything or nothing Good and all i can do is try to distract myself with any random thing#wack. i think that something i really struggle with... is that i don't know what to blame. on a rational level I Know that there is not#one ultimate answer but at the same time. idk. is my head just like that. is it some mental illness. is it the result of past experiences#and Things. is it my current situation#everything together most likely because people are Complex and there are no easy answers yeah yeah. but still. mmmh#i want a refund. tmi-ing over
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hearties-circus · 2 years
Hate how all my motor functions and sight just fuck off when I get tired
#gamer txt.#my eyesight gets worse im more prone to headaches walking is more of a chore and i become significantly more stumbly#i dont trust myself to walk up stairs without holding onto a railing but i get tired and pulling myself up with the railing is not possible#i just slam myself into the side of a wall and hope my not holding onto anything wont fuck me when i inevitably stumble#twice today ive stood up and immediately fallen back down wnd had to take a moment to try again#the last time that happened was during the punishment when i was literally too physically weak to do it! what the fuck is my body doing??#i know i talk about my little penguin waddle in a humorous way but it is so upsetting that that is the only fuvking way i can walk safely#and even then i still stumble sometimes! the danger control is just easier#its noticeable and people dont take me seriously because im legitimately waddling and it sucks bc i just dont want to hurt myself#and when i walk normal my legs constantly veer off and get in eachothers way and that also looks stupid#but i genuinely cant fucking do anything about it and i cant walk fast bc i Cant and bc when i try i become more accident prone#and then i get tired and my already poor motor skills just shut the fuck off#i keep thinking im going to fall down the stairs and i keep nearly doing it via stumbling or suddenly losing balance#oh! and my balance! it used to be so good now i fucking fall over when im just standing still! what the fuck is thst about??#why the hell am i going to a crowded public place that requires a lot of walking tomorrow#i really really didnt think about tgat did i#vent#ig?#sorry i just. i remember that i never used to think about how i move and i get really upset that now i have to or i hurt myself#although ive gotten better about veering off into door frames so. thats something
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platitudinalteen · 3 months
A really random Batfamily HC I like to think about is Dick winning the Olympics a few years ago, never telling anyone, and all hell breaking loose when they find out.
Jason: You did not win gold in the Olympics.... Say sike, right now.
Dick: I'm not saying sike. I did win.
Tim: How? You're too famous, you'd be recognized!
Bruce: And more importantly, what about your secret identity?!
Dick: I wore a prosthetic nose, and entered under a fake name.
Stephanie: Do you have proof of that? And maybe a picture of that nose by any chance?
Dick: It was broadcast on television in over two hundred countries, I'm sure you could find it pretty easy.
Bruce: Back to the fake name-
Dick: It wasn't hard to make an alias, I just did what we do for undercover jobs.
Tim: You used my program without telling me!
Dick: I asked! You said I could.
Tim: I did? Ohhh...yeah, now that you mention it I think I vaguely remember you saying something about going to England and needing a new ID a few years ago.
Jason: You did all of that, just to...perform? Just...just because you wanted to?
Dick: ...Yeah, pretty much. I still have the medal sitting on a shelf in my apartment and a picture of me with some other competitors hanging on the wall.
Alfred: I for one, appreciated finally getting to see the Olympics from the front row. And in my own country, no less.
Bruce: What- what does that mean? Tell me you did not go with him to the Olympics...
Alfred: I was his accompaniment for the event. It was quite a good time.
Bruce: Dick...
Dick: What? He said he always wanted to go!
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finniestoncrane · 2 months
Virginal vault dweller reader you say?? I'd eat that up (and so would Cooper, heh) but seriously I would read the hell out of that if you're up for it <3
Different Up Here
Cooper Howard x Fem!Reader, word count: 6.3k anon thank you lmao i had already started drafting this, so vault dweller reader isn't quite a virgin but they are definitely inexperienced and have never known pleasure like the kind that cooper can offer 🤎 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: power imbalance, dubious consent because once you've said yes to cooper you can't change your mind, overstimulation, crying, oral sex, fingering, instructional, full penetration babiessss i realised i never tag that shit but yeah it's in here lmao, cumming inside, no protection, sweet coop afterwards but only briefly
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If anyone else had asked you in that moment how you were, you couldn't have answered accurately without any hint of sarcasm and irritation. You were being worn down, like buildings by the sands of the desert. Each little molecule of your optimism being torn away from you, painful like plucking a hair. But when Cooper asked you, you tried your best to push down your knee jerk response.
"Let's see, shall we? Since leaving the vault a month ago, bravely in search of resources and supplies for my friends, I have killed, maimed, and eaten things I hope to never think of again. I'm in a constant cycle of very, very stressed and then very, very bored where there is no happy medium between fearing for my life and wishing for death. And oh, by the way, I'm sweating buckets the whole time because it's deathly fucking warm. Thank you for asking, Cooper!"
Instead, you shrugged and offered him at least a partial truth.
"It sounds silly... but I'm kind of bored."
A dry chuckle passed over Cooper's lips.
"Heh, that's a new one for out here."
Sensing an opportunity to at least get some conversation out of him, you sat up on the rusty bed frame, your body sinking into the almost entirely flattened mattress as you crossed your legs and did your best to get Cooper to talk more than a sentence at a time.
"Really? I would have thought you'd be bored a lot, especially when there's no raiders, or mirelurks, or scavengers, or feral ghouls, or super mutants, or roving gangs of-"
"See, this is why I'm never bored. Always somethin' or someone to be killin'."
"But what about like... now? When there's nothing else to do. There's no magazines, no books, no TV."
You watched as Cooper turned from you with a slight smile. You knew the one, the familiar grin that meant you'd divulged some information about your life in the vaults, something he always found so amusing. It was your naivety, your optimism. He was endlessly fascinated by it, as though listening to you talk about it reminded him of something he had before.
That fascinated you. It made you want to stay around him, the way he listened silently as you talked about the old films that were on the holotapes, the food that was still fresh and available, the music you could hear whenever you wanted to, not reliant on some two-bit radio host. He paid attention to you. And any time his deep, brown eyes focused on your lips it made your heart flutter in an admittedly unexpected manner.
Remembering that feeling, you tried again, hoping that your next approach might be something that interested him a little more than just conversation.
"You know how we used to pass time in the vaults?"
Over the sound of the evening breezes that whipped up the sand you could still hear Cooper sigh before he spoke.
"Now if you tell me that you wanna go out there again tonight to find an old blast radius board... well I am just going to have to shoot you."
You laughed at what you hoped was a joke and waved him off, despite the fact that he was still turned away from you, unable to see your gesture as he tried ignoring you in what you assumed was the hope that you might shut up and leave him alone.
"No, no no no no no. Just..."
The lump in your throat felt like it was about to choke you, so you swallowed the clump of nerves quietly, your voice trembling as you finished your sentence.
"... fooling around... y'know?"
Cooper turned to face you. You had piqued his interest, and you couldn't help but show the giddy glee on your face, the smallest smile crossing your lips as your eyes widened. But his words wiped away all hope that you had garnered in that short span of time.
"Oh... oh darlin'."
He laughed a little, each little sound of the short, sharp giggle like a slap to the face.
"I don't think you're ready for that at all."
You raised an eyebrow, defiant, irritated, and keen to know how he thought he had you pegged so quickly. You'd never talked about anything like that with him before. Was he assuming that you were a virgin based on how you behaved around him alone? Maybe he figured that the lack of flirting on your part was down to a complete lack of experience, when in reality, it was because every flirtatious quip he threw your way made you so nervous and flustered you felt like you might throw up.
"How come I'm not ready? I mean, I've... I've done stuff... I've done it!"
"The fat you're not saying it how it is makes me think that you are absolut-"
"I've had sex, Cooper. I've fucked before. I've been fucked."
Blinking off the irritation at being interrupted by you, Cooper pushed up the brim of his hat and stared directly at you, as though he was examining your, to see if you would stand up for yourself any further.
"By who? One of your little buddies underground? Fucking like little bunnies? I don't think that qualifies you, sweetheart."
"Why? Sex is sex..."
You said it with such confidence. As if you really knew. As if you hadn't spent your teenage years practising on your hand, holding a pillow close, lining up for that one girl in the vault who would sell practice kisses for extra bubble-gum. You'd had sex before, of course. You weren't a liar. Just because you'd only ever done it once didn't render it nonfactual. Just because it had only lasted for all of four minutes. Just because you weren't sure you even orgasmed, and your friend had told you that you'd know if you'd orgasmed. Just because it was all over so quickly, and he'd run off before anyone could catch you both, avoiding you at every opportunity after that.
"... Isn't it?"
"Oh no it ain't. Besides, like I keep telling you, it's different up here. Everything's different up here. And that includes fuckin'."
The way he said the word, consonants enunciated with such grit and vigour, filled your stomach with knots that began to tighten as you considered in what way things were so different.
"What exactly do you mean by that?"
Cooper sighed, exasperated, resigning himself to the fact that you were going to keep talking to him regardless of his short replies and attempts to end the conversation.
"You are a dog with a bone, huh? Ain't gonna let it go."
His yellowed teeth were exposed as his lips pulled back in a baring, mischievous smile. Those knots doubled, the ends being pulled by tension in your nervous system as Cooper's smirk put you into a dazed stupor.
"No, sir."
"Now, I don't remember signing on to be your personal tutor in all things apocalypse. Do I really need to show you how everything works up here?"
As your cheeks began to blush, you nodded enthusiastically.
"Yes, sir."
You were hopeful for just a bit of a distraction. Something to help take the stress away. To relieve the tension that had been building up between you and Cooper as of late. You'd been studying him, watching the way he looked at you, fascinated by your perceived, and frankly obvious, innocence. The way his fingers moved, contributing to the skilful way he handled his gun and his ropes. The confidence, the charisma, the charms.
You wanted him, but you weren't quite sure how to broach the situation without it seeming desperate. But you were past that now. You were desperate For anything, just something. Something to cure the monotony of walking and hiding and fighting and surviving. You didn't want to just survive. You wanted to at least find a semblance of fun and pleasure in this nightmare you had found yourself in. And in the vaults, when board games and books and debates got boring, there was always fucking. That was what you desired most right now. The fact that Cooper happened to be the closest target for your desires was just a sweet miracle, or a cruel tease depending on how willing he was.
And luckily, he seemed agreeable.
"Well then, how about you come over here and let ol' Coop show you a little thing or two about how dirty you can really get up here in the mean, dusty Wasteland, hm?"
Your excitement was palpable, even though you were trying to keep your composure. There was no escaping the echo of the giddy squeal you let out as you jumped up from the bed and made your way over to Cooper. He waited in the far corner of the room, setting himself down on an old armchair as you stepped towards him, slapping his thighs as an indication of where he wanted you. And you did as you were told, following his instructions, knowing they hadn't led you astray so far in your time together.
It felt awkward at first, being so close to him. You shifted your weight nervously, trying to get comfortable while making sure Cooper was still at ease, which of course, he was. He always was. Nothing stirred him, he was forever at peace. Competent in any situation. Quick to adapt. And as you fidgeted and fussed, you felt his strong hands pushing you forward on his lap, until your chests were practically pressed together, his hands skirting over your lower back as he held you still. In command. In control. The sudden sensation of his hands on your body made your breath hitch, a soft, surprised squeal on the inhale that had Cooper raising his brow at you.
"Now... you agree that you asked for this, alright? Because I am not going to put my effort into entertaining your little whims if you're gonna get fussy and decide it's too much for you. I did warn you."
"Yes, you did, and I really don't think you needed to. I doubt there's too much different about it, and I've picked up what I needed to know pretty quickly from your other lessons, haven't I?"
Your retaliation to his insistence that you needed him to teach you everything, and that some things just might prove themselves a little too hard even for your levels of enthusiasm, had irritated him when he'd first met you. But now your optimism and sheer refusal to believe anything was too much for you were a source of entertainment for him. A challenge.
"That's fine then, darlin'. But I'll remember that."
His eyes bore into your soul, keeping your focus on him as he dared you to look away. They sparkled as he ran his tongue over his lips, the pretence of preparing for his next words covering the obvious flirtation in the way he dragged the flat muscle along his chapped skin.
"So, gimme a benchmark here, lil lady. How much foreplay was involved in your previous encounters? I'd hate to leave you high and dry."
"Foreplay...? What... uh, what is that?"
Cooper sighed, rolling his eyes before closing his eyelids over gently.
"Well, it's something like this."
He pushed a loose strand of hair back behind your ear, rough fingers following the curve and grazing over your neck as he let them drift down the front of your chest, tickling the exposed skin as far as your jumpsuit would allow before he took a hold of the zip at the front. A quick flit of his eyes up to you seemed to ask for permission, and your small, almost imperceptible nod, told him to keep going.
Slowly, painfully so, he pulled the zip down, watching as the centre of your torso was slowly revealed to him. Smooth skin, in comparison to his anyway, clear of any unnatural blemishes or war wounds. One calloused digit followed down your sternum to your stomach and back up, hooking under the left side of the fabric and pulling it over, then the other, exposing the top half of your body to him.
Cooper traced his fingertips over the top of your breasts, watching as your chest moved in and out, slowly, but exaggeratedly. The knots in your stomach felt like they might burst with the tension as his sharp, ragged nails crossed over your hardening nipples, a gentle tingle coursing through your veins.
"No... n-nothing like that... just grabbing..."
"Oh yeah? You like that? How about this?"
He closed two fingers around your nipple, one hand still on your back to keep you balanced as your body reacted to his touch. Between the two digits, you felt your nipples heating up, the slight, burning pain from the way he squeezed them sending a signal down your spine that seemed to affect every part of you. Tighter, tighter, and then as your eyes closed a little more, eyelids pressed tight, he would ease up to offer some relief.
"You like that? Like it rough?"
"I think... I think I like both."
"So, something like this?"
He teased your nipples once more, pressing harder with his fingertips, pulling them out and jiggling your breasts as he tugged at them, this lewder act interspersed with a gentle caress as he held your breast against the palm of his hand, carefully cupping it as he flicked his thumb over the sensitive and completely erect nipple.
You bit your lip, trying to keep quiet, Coop's hand moved swiftly from your body to your cheeks, popping the lip back out as he pressed his thumb and forefinger into your face. Understanding the message, and seemingly showing this in your wide-eyed gaze, he let his rough, leathery hand make its way back down to your breast, cupping it once more as he spoke.
"Different, see? Pleasure is hard to come by out here. You gotta do it right when you've got the chance."
Cooper leaned into your neck, whispering the words low and slowly, his dry, chapped lips skimming over your skin as he continued.
"I bet down there they didn't know the first thing about real pleasure. Takes time, something like that. You gotta learn the body, gotta make it feel good."
His teeth grazed over your shoulder and back up along your neck before he pulled back, watching your eyes refocus from the haze of arousal.
"Did they make you feel good?"
You were confident in that statement. It hadn't felt good. It felt rushed. Clumsy. Shameful. And as you pondered it, your mouth remained open in a slight pout which trembled as Cooper asked his next question.
"And what about your pretty lips... did they kiss them?"
"A little..."
Cooper leaned in, his rough lips pressing onto yours with firm contact, his tongue staying in place as though he imagined that might be a bit too much for you right now. But that same level of restraint didn't keep him from letting his teeth catch onto your bottom lip, pulling it out, only letting go when you winced in surprise as the suddenness of the action.
"Didn't bite them either. Of course not, what am I thinking? That would be a little too adventurous for your kind."
His face took on a darker tone as he smiled knowingly towards you.
“And what about these pretty lips?”
Before you could piece together the question, his hand was diving into your jumpsuit, pushing down the front and past the waist, stroking against the front of your underwear which, by now, was soaking wet with your arousal.
“They touch these lips, huh?”
You gasped as he pushed your underwear to the side, stroking his fingers along your slick, plump pussy lips, withdrawing them soon after to taste you on his tongue, the way you had watched him taste the blood of enemies, the blood of victims.
“Stand up, darlin’… Why don’t you take that suit off, hm? Get yourself comfy.”
As you raised yourself up from his hips, your legs wobbled under you, not quite steady enough to support you so soon after being reduced to jelly by Cooper’s touch, his caramelised words that filled your ears, the sharp twang of his accent, the delicate cadence, the power rumbling underneath like an almost silent bassline.
“Do it slowly though.”
Cooper watched carefully as you stood nervously before him, shuffling out of your suit, stripping for him, your hips moving from side to side slow and steady, unintentionally sultry in the way you moved. Without taking his eyes from you he reached for his canteen, taking a long sip from it as you let your suit fall down over your legs, stepping out of it and pushing it to the side with your feet.
“That’s it, darlin’. Can’t do this half-hearted. I need to have access to all of you there. Now come sit back down.”
You held your arms in front of you, feeling far too exposed for the shelter you’d found for the evening. No windows, no locks on the doors. But it was difficult to focus on that worry for too long as you watched Cooper’s tongue flit back out over his lips, clear strands of drool sparkling in the light as he took you in, hungrily, dreamily.
“Turn around though. You face that way.”
The metal buttons on the front of his duster coat were cold against the skin of your back, but you leaned into them anyway. Cooper’s hand curved around your neck and up under your chin, holding your face forward.
“You keep an eye out, holler if you see anything coming. I’ll do everything else.”
A faint clicking sound, the safety on his gun being flicked to off, before those same fingers draped over your mound and down on to your lips, spreading them apart, the cool air of the decrepit room cooling the heat of your hot, aching cunt. With two fingers holding your lips apart, he let the middle digit tap against your clit, each tiny sensation turning your blood cold before heating it exponentially, a cold sweat beginning to form on your brow as you felt a tingle in your abdomen.
The finger that tapped the sensitive bud began stroking it from side to side, laying flat against it length wise as Cooper strummed your body, still holding your chin in his hands, smiling to himself every time your back arched away from him in intense pleasure. Every nerve-ending was at his mercy. He was right, it was different up here. But you wondered how much of that was the Wasteland and it’s effect on sexuality and pleasure, and how much of it was just him. Cooper Howard, Wasteland bounty hunter, a past life he refused to talk about, the most charismatic monster you had ever met. His fingers, daintily crossing over your clit, as you felt his breath, silent except for an occasional hum of satisfaction in the form of a long moan. Maybe it was just Cooper who was different.
It was hard to focus on this new line of though as his hard fingertips clamped down on your clit, pinching it as he rolled it between his fingers. Even harder when he let his hand drop from your neck and instead began teasing at your nipples once more. Soft, cruel flicks over the hardened bumps, his fingers at work on your body, his lips kissing at the back of your neck. Moans growing louder, more frequent, as he let himself enjoy the act of making you squirm. You could tell he was having fun, as you rolled your hips back a little, feeling the thick bulge of his stiffening cock against your rear. You wondered how it might feel, how it might look, and what he could do differently with it.
“Cooper… Coop… I think I’m going to cum…”
His movements quickened, cock twitching against your body as he pinched tighter and pressed his fingers harder against your cunt.
“Don’t you dare, little lady.”
“Ok I’ll… I’ll try but… you have to… stop… please stop… Coop…”
He ignored your please, the whining, desperate begging as you tried to stop your body from the natural, encouraged reaction.
“Have some self-control, sweetheart.”
“Cooper, I really can’t… please… please stop touching me…”
“I absolutely will not.”
Your fingers dug into his thighs, but you noticed that you refused to move away from him. You wanted to do as he asked, wanted to hold yourself back from the brink of orgasm to prolong his touch, but you couldn’t risk him actually stopping, fearing that your body might crumble if his fingers left your quivering, pathetic body for only a second.
Each stroke against your increasingly wet and sensitive pussy had you trembling and shaking, and Cooper had to remove his hand from your breast to keep you steady, placing it under your chin and holding you steady by the neck.
“I am warning you, missy.”
“Cooper… I can’t stop…”
You shuddered and whined as your body gave in to the temptation, feeling a rush of heat and relief as you came on his lap, your arousal coating his pants, adding to the collection of stains and wear on them. But he didn’t stop then.
“No wait… seriously, Cooper… I can’t… I can’t take much more, honestly…”
“Listen, I told you. I said you better not cum. I wasn’t done with you yet.”
Your eyes began to sting with tears of exasperation as your body kept on pushing to its limits, conjuring up another wave of climax, tormenting you with never-ending bouts of arousal that kept you rutting against him, despite how painful it was to keep writhing into his body. You could feel your stomach knotting again, not much time between each orgasm to relax, and you dug your hands into his thighs, pushing your body up off of him as you tensed completely.
“Ok, this time, you do it on my command. You do it when I say you can, alright?”
“Don’t give me that pleading shit, you asked me to show you how things are done. Well this is how Cooper fuckin’ Howard does things. So are you ready? You gonna come for me?”
“C-coop… I’ll… I’ll try…”
“Good girl, now you keep that mouth making those whines and moans. I don’t need you to call out my name or anything, I know I’m all you’re thinking about.”
The praise, the self-confidence, the way his fingers seemed to be pulling your orgasm out, motioning for it to come closer to him.
“Come on, darlin’, come on…”
Your vision blurred as the climax came over you, body rolling and convulsing as you came once more at Cooper’s insistence, your cheeks stained with tears, salted water rolling through the layers of grime and clearing paths to your chin.
As you settled back down onto his lap with a shudder, you felt Cooper’s fingers stroking through your hair. He was surprisingly gentle, oddly calm, but you supposed that you deserved his kindness as you had done as he had asked, making up for your previous indiscretion. He was almost cooing, shushing you as you found your breath, establishing your sense of self once more after the overstimulating orgasm that shook your core.
“You seen enough of the big bad world for one day then?”
You probably had, but you still found yourself shaking your head, ignoring the way your body reacted with a violent twitch at the notion of Cooper’s hands delivering intense pleasure.
“A glutton for punishment, hm? Or just keen to learn?”
As you pondered your answer, Cooper seemed to have come to the conclusion for you, as he tapped your hips and began to shift underneath you.
“Alright then, get onto your knees.”
Positioning yourself at his feet, you couldn’t help but look up at him, catching his eyes as he looked down at you with that unique brand of disdain and intrigue he had somehow mastered. You knew what was coming, what was about to happen, and your mouth began watering at the thought. What he might taste like. What he might look like.
You didn’t have to imagine for long though, as you could see his fingers working the belt of his pants, loosening it, unzipping his fly, and gripping his semi-erect cock at the base as he took it out, brandishing it. He kept close attention on your own eyes, a soft sigh of relief imperceptibly escaping his chest as he noticed your pupils widen, your mouth opening in preparation for him.
It was exactly as you had expected. The texture of the shaft was similar to that of his cheeks and his forearms, a similar colouring, though darker at the base and on the shaft which was tinted red. Thick, purple tinged veins covered it, winding around the length, cutting across the ridges of the scars.
“You can come closer, darlin’. I don’t know what they told you about mutations and radiation effects down there in your little utopia, but I can assure you… it doesn’t bite.”
The fear was palpable, clearly, but it was nothing to do with Cooper’s body and everything to do with your lack of experience, which, despite you arguing otherwise, was becoming plainly obvious even to you. You had only ever touched a cock with your hands outside of being quickly fucked. Several times you’d been cajoled into quickly stroking an erection under the blankets before your partner ran off to the bathroom, clean and tidy, flushing away the sins. And you were very well aware that there was always the option to suck on one, but it had never presented itself. It had never seemed that appealing to you. Until you were faced with Cooper’s.
He hadn’t even asked you to do either yet, but you found yourself curious, salivating over the thought of him, mind racing as you imagined how he might feel against your tongue.
“Can I taste it… you?”
Cooper smiled warmly, one of the few times you had seen him look at you with genuine pride.
“Now that is using your initiative. Of course you can.”
You kept your hands to yourself as you leaned in towards his body, content to let Cooper wield his length at you, his hand firm around the base as you inched closer, tongue pressed out over your lips. A strand of drool collected and spilled forward, hitting the floor in a soft patter just before the tip of your tongue came into contact with the tip of his cock.
A lot of the movements were instinctual, following your desires more than what you thought might be protocol as you dragged your tongue up the shaft and swirled over the blushing head of his cock. It tasted bitter, but in a pleasant way.  Savoury, not sweet. Salted, a tang that stayed there for a few seconds after your tongue had moved on to another spot. A flavour you found yourself craving now.
Cooper gripped tighter and pushed forward, taking you by surprise as he slid himself into your mouth, his free hand moving to the back of your head, fingers curling into your hair. As the taste of him hit the back of your tongue, cock almost touching your throat, you coughed and spluttered a little.
“Fuck me, darlin’… do you need me to show you how to do this too?”
He looked down at you, filled with pity as he saw your face. Red cheeks, puffed out, lips stretched over the girth of his cock, tears welling up in your eyes as you struggled to breathe.
“Breath through your nose… breathe in…”
You followed his instructions, instantly calmed when you found your lungs filling with air once more. Almost immediately back to enjoying yourself, the feeling of Cooper inside of you, the control he had as he held your head against him.
“Now… you don’t want to choke too much, so keep your tongue flat… yeah, just like that…”
It was so much easier like that, and you could feel your cheeks getting warmer and redder as you realised that not only had you embarrassed yourself with your spluttering and lack of knowledge, but that Cooper had clearly done this a lot.
“And your teeth… well, usually they’ll tell you to keep ‘em outta the way, but you know me… gotta be different…”
Taking the hint, you let your jaw close slightly, the pain of the stretch lessened, your teeth scraping along the top of his shaft as your tongue worked the underneath, sucking and rolling as much as you could while keeping it flat.
He didn’t say much else, and you couldn’t tell if he was particularly enjoying himself. It worried you, the fact that he had specific preferences, the way it was so clear how much more experienced he was than you. How many others had there been? And were they all better than you? As your mind wandered to your anxieties, you completely missed the fact that you had begun to drool all over yourself until Cooper relaxed his grip on your head and wiped at your chin with his thumb. Catching your eyes and sensing some of your worries, he was surprisingly quick to soothe you.
“You can swallow or spit or let it all spill out, I don’t mind makin’ a mess darlin’. But whatever you’re doing, you keep that up.”
You were so pathetically grateful for the encouragement, for the tiniest semblance of praise, that you felt yourself moaning involuntarily. The soothing motion of sucking on his cock, the taste of something new, the comforting knowledge that he was happy with your efforts. You could feel your clit throbbing, aroused by Cooper’s satisfaction, how pleased he was with the way you worked him over.
Which is why it surprised you so much when he pulled his cock from your mouth, your lips slipping off of it with a disgustingly lewd popping sound, drool spilling onto your chin in long strands which stretched from your lips to his cock and tore apart as he distanced himself from you.
And again, that sympathetic gaze, the way he could tell what you were thinking before you even said it.
“Oh, don’t you look at me with those big, sad eyes. You got nothin’ to worry about, sweetheart. That was good, ‘specially for a first try…”
He winked to you as he spoke, causing your heart to skip enough beats that you thought you might die there and then.
“… It’s just that I’m all slicked up and ready to go now… so you wanna bend over for me? Or do you wanna come sit on my lap?”
“Uh… lap, please… I was kinda bent over for the last… first time.”
“Well, you come and take a seat then, darlin’, let ol’ Coop show you something new.”
You nervously settled your entirely nude body back down onto his thighs. Cooper’s hands were gentle against your shoulders as he pulled you backwards with him, leaning at a slight angle in the chair, his cock rigid and firm as it sat against your waiting cunt, coated in your drool which almost seemed to shimmer with the dancing light of the fire.
Then, so carefully, so gently, far more than you’d ever seen him be before, Cooper took hold of his cock at the base and slid it inside of you, one hand on your stomach as he braced you, keeping your body steady as he inserted himself further and further between your clenching walls.
“Bigger than before?”
You nodded, biting your lip as you felt the distinct stretch, his rough, textured cock forcing its way inside your cunt, pressed up to the hilt, testing your limits.
“Speak up, darlin’.”
With your voice strained and breathy, you managed to form some words.
“Yes… it’s better.”
“That’s it, good girl. Now, I’m gonna buck my hips, ok? You just try and keep your balance.”
Below you, Cooper shifted a little, his hips rolling backwards, inches of his cock escaping your tight, aching cunt, before he rolled them forwards and upwards, back into you. A slow, steady pace that he focused on keeping until you felt warmer, more relaxed.
“You got this, it’s like riding a horse.”
“I’ve never… hm… ridden a horse…”
Cooper chuckled, a low and rasping sound that sent shivers over your skin and seemed close enough to you that it was coming from inside of your body.
“Never ridden a ghoul before either, but you’re handling it alright for a first timer.”
You were coping ok, you had to admit, but you could feel your stomach muscles tensing, the knots back in full force as they tensed and tightened, loosened and frayed with each pump of his cock within you.
“Ah… Cooper…”
“Too much, darlin’? Does it hurt?”
There was a sense of genuine care in his tone, as though he had taken it upon himself to show you that yes, things were different up there in the Wasteland, but that didn’t always mean they were worse. Some things were good, if not a little bit difficult to take at first.
“A little…”
Cooper tilted your chin up, forcing your head to lean back completely against his shoulder. In a delicate move, one far more romantic than you imagined from him, he ran his thumb over your lips, angling his neck to look at them, his own mouth open ever so slightly, a monotonous panting as he kept his hips moving, increasing the speed and the force at which he entered you.
His eyes flicked up suddenly, looking into yours, catching your gaze and holding unblinking eye contact as he spoke.
“I know… I know… Just a little longer, though…”
He closed his eyes, focusing on the feeling of his cock pushing against your body, enveloped in your hot, wet, velvety interior.
“I know it hurts… but I ain’t stopping, so don’t even ask… here…”
You watched as he brought a finger to your lips, offering it up to you.
“…you bite down on that if it gets too much, ok… but don’t hold back on those sweet sounds… I wanna hear you scream.”
With that vaguely threatening remark, he thrust up into you, banging against your body, spurring on your orgasm but unleashing a dull ache that spread through every sensitive part of you.
“Won’t… be long… keep it together… good girl…  good girl…”
It felt good, the pain, the sting, the ache, the shivers. The fact that he was using you, finding pleasure in you. All of it culminating in Cooper’s nearing orgasm which you could sense was closing in on him. His movements were becoming more frantic, sloppier, and he was mouthing all manner of sweet nothings as he let his façade slip away.
And those soft mumbles opened up into a wide roar as he clung to your body, the hand on your neck cutting off the air to your lungs only briefly, one hand on your lap pressing sharp indents into your skin as he forced himself into you. The last few moments of his fevered thrusting, fucking you wildly, drool pooling in the corner of his mouth as he rutted into you in a dazed stupor before his body gave in. His cock throbbed, each pulse sending another rope of cum against your insides, filling you with his seed as he shuddered finally, slinking backwards into the chair and taking in a deep breath as you removed yourself from him.
You’d only managed to take a few steps forward before Cooper addressed you, opening his eyes to watch you standing there awkwardly, his cum dripping down your thighs, a warmth that quickly turned cool in the air of the room.
“Did I say you could get up?”
Panic settled in your chest, aware that you had waited until you felt his muscles relax, his body retreating from you, before you slid off his cock, expecting him to push you away anyway, like your first time. You assumed he was finished, and you weren’t sure you were ready for the idea that he might not be done with you.
“Are we… oh, Cooper, I really can’t take anymore.”
Even as you stood, you could feel your legs shaking, weakened by the intense orgasms, the way they tightened against his every movement.
“That’s different up here too then, I suppose.”
Cooper stood up from the chair, pacing towards you with a purposeful stride as he pushed his cock back into his pants, zipping them up as he reached you. You inhaled sharply as he placed his hand at the back of your head, those knots in your stomach beginning to form again, worried that a further, albeit pleasurable punishment was on the cards. But you were surprised as he slid his free hand around your back, tugging at your waist as he pulled you in close to him. A quick smile before his lips were on yours, the brim of his hat pushed upwards as he leaned into the kiss. Warm, gentle, the kind of kiss you’d seen in movies. Practised and confident, meaningful, sincere.
When he pulled back, your body following him a little before you settled back onto your feet, he smiled warmly.
“Sweet with the sour, darlin’. You gotta keep ‘em wanting more.”
More as in now? Or more as in the idea that Cooper had enjoyed himself and would be willing to offer that kind of pleasure to you again. And he answered with a wink.
“Definitely. There’s a still a lot you’ve got to learn.”
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Norn9 final thoughts
I figured before I dive into Winter’s Wish: Spirit of Edo, I should wrap up my thoughts and feelings about the characters/routes/plot of Norn9 as a whole. I tried to be somewhat brief, but know that I’ve devoted at least one long paragraph to each guy, and the ones that really hold my attention (for better or worse...) got a lot more. I’ll be going through in the order that I played.
Senri:  First off, I really love the contrast of how he’s meek and wants to be left alone... but can be absolutely SAVAGE. His verbal sparring game is unmatched. I enjoyed his romance with Koharu quite a lot. It was sweet and wholesome, and I did not expect but DID enjoy how brave he was about trying to pursue her. Although due to Koharu’s general naivety and lack of knowledge/experience, he thought she rejected him like three separate times.
Despite the miscommunications, I think he’s my favorite guy for Koharu. They’re well suited for each other and she brings him out of his shell in a way I can get behind (as opposed to what Kakeru is attempting). My biggest issue with this route was actually just me being frustrated about how Koharu was being manipulated by Shiro in the end. It makes sense to her character and the fact that she knew and trusted him already... but it was still very frustrating to see her be used and isolated from her friends like that.
Heishi: This route was SO GOOD. A lot of the romances, even the ones I kind of liked (for instance Senri) felt a bit rushed or otherwise had some major problems, but the pacing felt REALLY good here. I genuinely loved basically all the relationship-building scenes and could gush about any of them if given the opportunity. It’s also interesting that he basically got two exclusive music tracks that only played in his route (since they were connected to the flute), despite not being the “canon” choice for her.
I think it’s easy to look back in hindsight and say the conflict of the route isn’t great, considering what they were concerned about and what nearly kept them apart... was never an issue at all. But they didn’t know that and the emotions and concerns make perfect sense with what they DO know. I just hope the other espers track them down in the end and tell them the truth so they don’t have that issue weighing on them forever.
Itsuki: I’m torn about him. I think he’s one of my favorite CHARACTERS and he’s a wonderful friend for Heishi and Nanami, but boy does his route have some things that I take umbrage with. The biggest issue is that he CONSISTENTLY makes assumptions and does things “for” Mikoto that are just wrong and against what she herself wants. He spends nearly the first half of his route actually trying to force her towards Sakuya, and she calls him out on this MULTIPLE times.
And yet he NEVER learns. There’s definitely a theme/idea of dreams vs. reality in his route, and even though Mikoto establishes early on in the FIRST dream sequence that she prefers to face reality instead of embrace a false dream... Itsuki STILL tries to trap her in a dream for what he thinks is her benefit. And you find out in Sakuya’s route that his power stays in effect even if he DIES, so in the bad end she’s literally trapped FOREVER with no chance of waking up. Is effectively KILLING her better than letting her face the reality and move on?
You also find out near the end out the route that he’s apparently spent the entire route being threatened by Ron. It’s not clear how this started, but Itsuki spent weeks if not MONTHS under Ron’s thumb without trying to do anything about it, which infuriates me. Especially as, again in Sakuya’s route, we see he can use his powers as a safe place to gather trustworthy people and share information. He had ALL the opportunity to do something, and didn’t. I was a bit frustrated when Ron manipulated Nanami in Heishi’s route, but that was NOTHING compared to this, considering this spanned the WHOLE route as opposed to like 2 days - and Nanami actually WANTED to tell someone!
Even more damning is that Itsuki steals Mikoto’s powers though. Again, this is ostensibly for her benefit, but it sours what happens just beforehand. Mikoto coming to see him and them having sex SHOULD have been a sweet moment, but knowing that immediately after he takes her power, it comes across like he wanted her vulnerable so he could do that, which ruins the moment. It’s sex as a means to an end rather than for its own sake out of love.
And then Mikoto is HAPPY AND RELIEVED to have her power gone because it was a burden, so it’s totally fine that he did that without her knowledge or consent. They straight up leave the group to go live happily ever after, all while Ron and Natsuhiko are going to go after and KILL the others. What a great ending...
Kakeru: I think his route and romance are solid. The pacing and story is pretty good here, and I like the twist of him being brainwashed by Shiro. That said I just don’t like Kakeru himself much, and it’s mainly because I cannot accept how he treats basically anyone that isn’t Koharu, but especially Senri. Akito and Nanami’s fighting annoys him, so he HANDCUFFS THEM TOGETHER - with special cuffs that will ELECTROCUTE Akito? And he outright abuses Senri in an attempt to “help” him come outside and interact with people. He just goes way too far. I think he’s actually a good leader and great at charming/manipulating people into what he wants, but I can’t accept his treatment of people outside Koharu. Doesn’t matter how nice he is to HER if he’s awful to everyone else.
Akito: He starts out as the inverse of Kakeru where he’s VERY antagonistic towards Nanami (but for fairly understandable reasons once the backstory is revealed) but underneath the gruff exterior he’s actually very sweet and kind to everyone else. Based on appearance and personality alone, I liked him A LOT before I’d even begun his route, and I was excited to find out what the heck was going on between him and Nanami. I wasn’t disappointed.
I think if this is your FIRST route, his behavior might be upsetting or make you uncomfortable, but having seen him in several other routes by now I KNEW he was a good guy and thus could patiently wait to find out WHY he hated Nanami. And honestly the gradual change once he started getting to know her was GREAT. He didn’t WANT to know and like her, but when they were FORCED together he didn’t have a choice. I LOVE the scene where he basically BEGS her to leave him alone, because it’s clear the more he gets to know her the harder it is for him to hate her, but he WANTS to hate her.
And then the next choice you get with him, if you make the right choice and raise his affection, he looks pained/unhappy, because again, he likes her more now but HE DOESN’T WANT TO.
The way this route handled guilt and blame was just... so good, too. He starts out hating and blaming her for what happened back then, and as he gets to know her he sees how much she hates and blames HERSELF - which comes to a head in the dream sequence when he sees she would passively let him KILL her if he wanted. After that, there’s no way he can hate her, and he starts blaming himself both for what happened in the past (even though he was just a child and he was just trying to protect his brother) and for Nanami’s hangups.
His forgiveness and love saves Nanami from her self-hatred, and in turn her forgiveness and love saves him from his. It’s beautiful.
Finally, I appreciate that his good ending allows Senri to remember. Even if we don’t get to see the brothers actually talking it out, we can be content with the knowledge that it WILL happen and they’ll be happy together.
Sakuya: I think the conflict behind this route (and Sakuya and Mikoto’s relationship as a whole, which is present to an extent in all routes) is really  compelling. He’s “destined” to die for the one he loves, and while he’s okay with that, Mikoto is NOT. So she distances herself and tries so hard NOT to love him in hopes that it somehow saves him.
Honestly I think this route implies that deep down, Mikoto DOES already love Sakuya, and is just repressing and denying it as hard as possible, which frustratingly makes Itsuki right. But I don’t think that negatively impacts other routes - if anything it makes sense that she would be almost eager to fall in love with someone ELSE.
I appreciate that Sakuya as a character and his relationship with Mikoto is clearly contrasted to Itsuki. While Itsuki thinks Mikoto is weak and needs to be protected (even against her will), Sakuya trusts that she is strong, and in the end, his faith in her wins out as she overcomes the challenge and saves not just herself and him but EVERYONE with her power - and then she VOLUNTARILY gives it up since it’s no longer needed. A much more satisfying outcome than Itsuki’s, personally.
To be clear, Sakuya also does worry about her and thinks she’s taking on too much, and he certainly WANTS to protect her, even at the cost of his life... but unlike Itsuki he respects her wishes and lets her fight. And that trust and faith is rewarded in the end.
Ironically it is once again Itsuki that I have a major issue with in this route, since it’s revealed that AGAIN he was threatened by/working for Ron the entire route. In this case things work out well and no one (aside from Natsuhiko, I guess) is hurt by it. But just because everything turned out okay doesn’t mean I think Itsuki’s lack of action was anything other than stupid.
As for Sakuya, I quite like him. That said, I feel like there a sense of... entitlement, maybe, regarding Mikoto. Because he’s seen the future and knows he’s “destined” to die for the girl he loves, and he’s so sure of his own feelings, he KNOWS that Mikoto is just delaying the inevitable. He DOES NOT like other guys (particularly Itsuki, but also guys in general) getting close to Mikoto, because he’s convinced that eventually she WILL be with him. He gets VERY upset at the misunderstanding in the dream where he thinks Mikoto is confessing to Itsuki and practically forces himself on her, which was a big yikes from me.
Masamune: Most of his route was decent but I didn’t feel strongly about it. I think the “getting drunk off sweets” thing is frankly ridiculous and wish it wasn’t a fairly major part of his route. That said, any goodwill I had towards the route went out the window in the end when he enlisted Nanami and Itsuki to ERASE KOHARU’S MEMORY AND PUT HER IN A DREAM so he could take her away from the conflict.
I understand that Koharu would have been a bit reluctant to leave since she feels like she HAS to help, but knocking her out, making her forget everyone (except him of course) and KIDNAPPING HER was not the answer. This was a more extreme version of what Itsuki did in his route, and as much as I hated that, this was ten times worse. At least Mikoto was AWARE of what he did and could call him out on it. Koharu has no idea what’s been done to her and what she’s lost! She’s just obliviously happy with Masamune all while forgetting all the other friends she’s made. Literally HOW is this a happy ending?
Ron: I know he’s a controversial, love him or hate him kind of guy. I was surprisingly indifferent to him. I kind of like his lazy, chill personality, but I don’t think he’s well suited for Nanami. It probably doesn’t help that the romance just feels awkwardly forced and/or rushed, especially since Nanami’s other two love interests are the best in the game, personally. I have two issues with the route - first, I don’t like that he ends the route with his memory wiped. I understand that he CHOSE to have Nanami do that, which is leagues better than Masamune’s ending, but I guess I don’t get why he couldn’t CHOOSE to start over and do better. Was erasing his memory really necessary?
Second, I don’t like that in this route Nanami straight-up protects/covers for him. She learns he’s the traitor fairly early on and just... doesn’t do anything with that info. And unlike Heishi’s route, Ron isn’t threatening her to keep it quiet. She does it of her own volition, I guess just because she likes him. I can’t justify putting your romantic feelings towards one guy over the well-being of everyone else on board.
Overall Ron was better than I feared (I’d heard some Yang Piofiore comparisons so I was honestly expecting rape, but every time Ron had her in a situation like that he backed off or let her get away, thankfully) but didn’t do much for me anyway.
Natsuhiko: His route was fine but a little underwhelming, personally. He suffers from getting less time to build up a romance (as Mikoto doesn’t end up alone with him until 2-ish chapters into his route, and then spends another one thoroughly afraid of him, which isn’t exactly romantic), so it felt pretty rushed to me. Probably doesn’t help that on my first run of his route (which I played blindly, like all first runs of routes) I missed A LOT of affection and CGs for him.
I feel like a lot of the “right” answers for him are a violation of common sense. WHY would I be combative/testing towards a guy who kidnapped me and has already threatened my life? And why, once we’re actually very close, would I lie instead of honestly telling him what’s on my mind?
Even after a second run through, which certainly HELPED me understand and accept the romance, I still think it’s a bit rushed/forced. Again not helping is that on HIS end of things, the hiyoko he made (and is controlling himself?) does a lot of the heavy lifting regarding him getting to know and like her. She opens up to the hiyoko which is how HE comes to know and like her, but she still doesn’t know or like him. There’s just not enough build up to justify her falling for him, IMO.
I like Natsuhiko as a character but he has seriously skewed priorities. I personally cannot get behind him valuing knowledge over peace and the lives of everyone on Earth. The Reset may not always be necessary, but sometimes it might have been and humanity might have DIED OUT without it. All the knowledge in the world is useless if there’s no one left to use it.
He also kind of seems to change his mind about killing the espers JUST because he loves Mikoto. It’s not so much that he thinks they’re innocent humans and deserve to live, but rather he’s willing to take the risk of letting them live... because he knows Mikoto would hate him otherwise.
I do like his ending though. Him being forced to acknowledge that he was part of the problem and giving up on his weapons in a bid for peace was good!
Epilogue: I like Sorata a lot as a character. He’s very smart and sassy for a kid. That said, he feels unnecessary to the plot. His epilogue with Aion felt like the writers created a problem so he could be the solution to it. Aion itself needs to exist as the Reset is a huge part of the story, but the backstory and Sorata’s tenuous connection to it could ALL be cut and nothing would be lost, as Sorata barely exists in the routes outside of the beginning of Natsuhiko’s. Rather than Aion sticking around longer than expected (because she was hanging on specifically to see Sorata), she could have just been intended to last that long.
Other/Misc.: Overall I really enjoyed this game, although the non-romance aspects of the plot (and sometimes the romances too) could get pretty messy. I like all three heroines, though I do have issues with Koharu being so easily manipulated. I appreciate how sweet and caring she is though.
I think the biggest missed opportunity in the game is not having three distinct timelines with set pairings. Some of the routes SEEM to connect or coincide as the other girls are clearly hinting at or outright talking about things that happened in THOSE routes, but by the end things have clearly diverged in ways that the routes can’t coexist.
This certainly isn’t the case for all routes, but sometimes the “side” pairings with the other girls REALLY matter in a route. For instance Itsuki/Mikoto is a BIG part of Heishi’s route, and I really loved it. I was excited at the time to see “their” side of the story play out in Itsuki’s route... which obviously didn’t happen. Perhaps no one else feels this way, but I just think it would have been Neat to play three sides to an interconnected story rather than every route being separate but still occasionally nodding to other routes.
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luxuourr · 1 month
Why manifesting is your best friend + society is a bitch.
manifesting ?? my best friend ? hell no. i need to work so hard...
pookie it's not your work hard thing , your society you live in, we collectively live in , has told us fucked up shit we don't need to believe in, nothing of it is true. The only thing true is what's from the heart and it's the feeling , you didn't and god didn't and universe didn't send time upon us , we used our brains to create it ,
laws don't fail. laws are made laws because they're undeniable.
understand time is not linear , scientists found alphabets otherwise let's be honest , who would have known what's English is?? If Greeks and Egyptians didn't work on time. would we know today?
nuh uh! so I suggest you to remember, don't look at how much time or date you're at, don't look at how many hours until he (sp ) surprises ur enemy with date , how you fail
no time to think of this, think the best of every possible circumstance, I know and you should too, you're doing a great job
even if the last conversation with him ended in a divorce, breakup or failed situation ship, you can get it all back, even if life has not been kind to you and you could not keep up with the most important exam of your life AND you're a victim of domestic abuse or parental abuse. it's not too late, you're not doing anything right or wrong , just because you could not do more than you could because of circumstances, it'll not change your results , it'll not change you getting 100%, if you did everything positively and tried to slap your negative thoughts there's always hope. i say this as I have not prepared anything for the most important math exam of my life and it's 5 pm rn , I have 14 chapters and have the most biggest exam of my life tommorow at 1 pm, have severe depression and the most toxic and hurtful family you could ever imagine to have.
believe me, no one will care about you, until you make it happen.
do you know what your job is ?
- know what you want + assume you're that version, that super model , famous celeb, have that desired body s/o or whatever , fullfill yourself after that and BOOM you wake up in it, won't even take less than a 2-3 days if your belief is good enough, you're doing shit in a fun way to manifest everything you want
- failure doesn't exist , no you're not delusional for attempting nothing in exam and wanting 96% ,you're god remember. the others who have the exam aren't , if you assume you'll know everything without studying that's going to happen, it only depends on what you feed yourself with.
- gone is gone , it's like it'll never come back, if there is something attached , like up coming results from what happened, i suggest assume + accept and move on
- if you script, mediate, robotically affirm, visualize or do whatever, it is meant to happen
- do not worry, you're doing a good job, just try your best for certain things or assume , everything works in the best possible outcomes
- mountains and clouds , centuries and the equator will move for you to get your desires.
- no you're not cursed and shit, life's a rainbow sparkle colors it's all a roses of bed and not what society taught us, just assume and you'll wake up with it
- for example if you have important exams of your life , there's this girl in front of you doing so well in exams , u don't wanna cheat and there's no chances anyway but you realize, the best you're doing right now is trying your level best in the exam and if you have time or not , time doesn't matter it's just created by us, remember she's not better she has no idea about LOA It's , you it's me it's us. Why would she be better, she had to study 24/7 and then still assume about average grades and stress over what's wrong and right , instead you , who could visualize given it well, be the person who got 96% in these exams isn't it much more fun, less tiring and entertaining??
- you got to know manifesting for a reason, trust people who posted their success stories, trust yourself , be kind to yourself and don't let the old story walk over you, it was never there , failure never existed , you've always been the new story you created for yourself, understood.?
- beating yourself up is not going to reverse time again honey, it's gone , it's not coming back , like never so focus on yourself, your feelings , your intentions , your life. Try to know that manifesting is not about trying to get and doing methods to recieve , it's about KNOWING and feeling.
e. g Aliyah is a girl who's a manifestor she wants good grades, she has issues she cannot study because of and cause her to be burn out at home , so she decides , the night before finals.
she thinks " i will try my best and even if it's the point where it wasn't good enough, universe and manifesting has my back, the time that'll be taken by the institute to check my exams , I'll revise everything including all my wrong parts of exam and unfilled parts to fully filled correct answers because crying and whining won't do shit, but this feeling will change everything" , even her bsf in this case supported her and told her that she's manifesting for her and everything plays out in the best possible circumstances. You only assumed like that and made it happen
e. g there's another manifestor called Sara she is also giving the same exam as aliyah , but instead of working on her self concept , believing in herself
, she'd cry for hours everyday for three months so instead of reality giving her the 100% she's been hoping for , she fails she thinks 3D is everything( it's not ) , she doesn't believe in bloggers she's impulsive, thinks crying is the solution to everything , she spends 3 months crying and shitting about herself to achieve nothing in life
prior to this aliyah the master manifestor slays in everything she does, she accepts and moves on , every time bad thoughts get to her , she slaps them with " NO THIS IS MY WORLD IM AN ACCURATE PERFECT MANIFESTOR"
so who of them saved themselves despite abusive household and everything??? Sarah just spent all the time crying and whining.
you can either be her. ( Sarah) or HER (aliyah)
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daloy-politsey · 2 years
“They’re trying to discharge her constructively. Do you know what Constructive Discharge means?” She asked.
As soon as I heard the term ‘Constructive Discharge,’ I knew I’d never seen it on a vocabulary quiz.
“No. What does it mean?” I asked.
She explained.
“Constructive discharge is a fancy way of saying “being forced out.” It’s not good. And if you’re not a lawyer or in human resources, you’ll probably learn what it means when it’s happening to you.”
“Oh my God. I’ve seen this my entire career and never knew it even had a name.” I thought.
You’ve seen constructive Discharge too. You may have experienced it. We’ve all made choices to avoid it.
Constructive discharge defined
“We can’t fire you, but we’ll make you so miserable you’ll quit, and then we won’t have to pay your unemployment.”
Then there’s the textbook definition:
“A constructive discharge occurs when your employer has made working conditions unbearable, forcing you to resign.”
Or as one person put it.
“I didn’t get handed a pink slip, but when you’re not wanted, people have a way of letting you know.”
HR isn’t always the secret police.
Employees aren’t always victims of evil-doers.
However, employers push employees out all the time to maintain and protect the, “We didn’t do anything wrong, YOU did,” power structure.
Constructive Discharge looks like this:
— Meeting invitations slow to a trickle, and you’re excluded from emails and generally looped out of what’s going on.
— People stop talking to you or stop talking when you walk in.
— Your emails don’t get answers, or they arrive too late to be of value.
— Suddenly, your work is not good enough, though nothing about your work has changed.
— Reviews, once good or even glowing, are now mediocre or bad.
— Instead of a bonus, you get a Performance Improvement Plan.
— Warnings and write-ups start so they can justify your eventual termination with documentation of your “poor performance”
— Your work, clients, assignments go away, or they overwhelm you with work.
— The words “Set up to fail” were practically invented to describe this scenario.
Constructive Discharge is illegal
It isn’t easy to prove you’re a target, and it’s even more challenging if you don’t even know constructive discharge is a real thing.
If you’ve ever experienced this and don’t fully understand what’s happening to you beyond knowing you’re in the process of being excommunicated, it can be hell. It’s not uncommon for the experience to leave long-lasting scars.
Talk to anyone who’s ever been through it. They’ll tell you.
Knowing constructive discharge exists and how it’s used gives you power to predict what’s coming and to protect yourself.
Seeing the endgame helps you in two ways.
You know what to expect. Having a sense of what’s coming next is enormously empowering. You can go on the offensive and protect yourself. Constructive discharge works to crush your ego, making you feel you did something wrong and deserve this treatment.
Without strategy, you end up being a miserable pawn in your employer’s endgame.
Remember, they’re almost certainly building a case to fire you in the event the hellscape they create for you doesn’t persuade you to quit.
If you’re getting pushed out, and you know what to look for you can prove constructive discharge and you can get unemployment benefits, be released from payback obligations on a signing bonus, and protect your mental health.
You’re not crazy, incompetent, or a failure. This is real and it’s carefully executed to leave you holding the bag and feeling like you did something wrong.
If they force you out, in addition to feeling horrible, you lose your paycheck, benefits health insurance, and possibly owe them money.
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Yeah like what’s the point of even having anon features if they can’t use your website?????? Like on certain blogs I can’t even view them without being blocked????? I don’t understand????
And I can’t talk to people if they don’t have a submission box which is awkward because not many people have a submission box that I can see! -🌟
well the blog thing is most likely that some people have set it to not be visible outside the tumblr dashboard; some people just don’t want their blog viewable to anyone outside of tumblr and there’s a number of reasons why that could be, it’s their own personal decision
the submission/ask box thing can sometimes be a case i know of new users forgetting to turn it on, but sometimes too its deliberately turned off (or limited, like anons being turned off and only other users can ask qs) for, again, a number of different reasons (︶︿︶)
#submission#i forgot to answer this one sorry#the askbox being disabled entirely now if you dont have an acc is so so shitty tho ugh#also cause in general asks are the more popular thing i dont really know too many people who even remember the submission box exists#maybe ive been here too long. idk not that long but even before having an acc i was familiar w/ how the site worked and memes and such#i def get the frustration but there are valid reasons why some people limit who can contact them/view their stuff#that also being said though it is really shitty that modern internetscape basically forces you to make accs you might never use just to#view things or save images or whatever. in some cases i definitely do get why they do that#but like for newspaper sites lets say thats really fcking annoying. can i not know wtf is happening without paying up so much bruh#this is also a random nitpick but i HATE the new tumblr.com/(blogname) compared to the old (blogname).tumblr.com#ik new users might have no idea that you are able to turn that off and get ur own custom domain. but like its so annoying how this is forced#they butchered the link sharing stuff too its fucking hell if i wanna send tumblr links on mobile now. so annoying ugh#if anything age of website managements fcking shit up when it was fine before and legit nobody asked for change. its just like that sometime#sorry for randomly ranting and kinda negative vibes??? ill get to the playlist thing later again sorry its taking a while 😭#ollie the star anon
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unkreativstermensch · 9 months
"Still super jealous as hell by the way.“
"Okay, now, can you…get outta my face?“ Steve annoyedly swats a hand at Eddie’s chest and ducks out of his space.
Eddie sighs and shakes his head. "Why are you-" He purses his lips, thinks. "You don’t…you still don’t like me very much, do you?"
At that Steve stops walking, huffs out an annoyed breath and presses his eyes closed. He turns to Eddie, looks at him with an expression Eddie can’t read and says, "No, Eddie. No, I don’t."
Eddie just watches him for a second, not sure what to do, studies his face, the furrow between his brows, the clear discomfort in his expression.
He scoffs. Getting a little angry. "Jesus, man,“ he says. "You just can’t get over it, huh? And here I was rambling on about how you were actually a good dude after all, but…no, turns out Steve Harrington is still just as much stuck in his stupid high school mindset as I would have thought.“
Steve just looks more annoyed now, a slight shift in his eyebrow and…he looks…frustrated? A little? How does that make sense?
"You,“ Steve says, voice low, but not because of the monsters, Eddie knows that much, "are unbelievable.“
Eddie blinks. "What?“
"Eddie, you’re the one who can’t get over it,“ Steve accuses him. "You always talk about that non-conformist shit and how people should just stop with the categories and drawers and labels but, dude, you’ve never judged people that way yourself! I have been saved in your brain as this dumb idiot jock ever since you’ve known me and…“ Steve huffs out an unbelieving breath. "And Eddie, I don’t know what to tell you…but you’ve never been nice to me. Ever. And when Lucas made the basketball team, which is amazing, by the way, you weren’t proud of him or supported him for that incredible achievement like you should have if he’s really one of your 'little sheep‘.“ He draws quotation marks in the air. "You punished him for it. You said you can’t make Hellfire? Fuck you. I’m just gonna have the most important part of the campaign without you, because you know what, you don’t deserve us anymore now that you’ve joined the dark side. Now that you’ve taken up a…a jock game. Because god forbid, somebody could actually ever enjoy playing sports.“
Eddie can’t follow. His mind’s lagging behind, still stuck on Steve apparently knowing DnD terms and saying he was never nice to him and-
Steve takes another step back.
"Eddie, for as long as I can remember you hated me. And yeah, sure, I was stupid and I did some stupid things, but…“ he shrugs one sided. "But I don’t think I deserve to be treated that way. I think I at least deserved a chance. And you never gave me one.“
Eddie blinks. "What do you mean I never gave you a chance, I-"
"Biology, sophomore year,“ Steve interrupts him. "We were assigned lab partners. I tried to really…put all of it aside, tried to get to know you, because actually, Eddie, you know what? I was sort of obsessed with you. Because you were so…loud and so unashamedly yourself, I admired you so much. You didn’t care about anything and you stood up for yourself and that’s something I’ve never been able to do, my whole life. I…“ Steve looks down, sighs a little. "I let people push me around because it’s the only way I feel like I can be of use. But you…you made me believe that maybe actually I…could do it, you know? Like, tell Tommy H. off or something…“ He looks so hurt. Eddie kind of wants to die. "But you…you acted like it was the worst thing ever, getting partnered with me. You didn’t even look at me. You…never gave me a chance, Eddie. So…sorry if one 'you’re actually a good dude, Harrington' doesn’t make me forget all of that, make up for it. Because I’m not so sure I believe you.“
Oh no.
Eddie fucked up.
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