#but roughly it’s like “hey thanks for making this it looks cool. i’m gonna eat it now :)”
john-smiths-jawline · 5 months
growing up nonwhite in america is just like *your white friends don’t do this* *your white friends have never heard of your favorite food* *your white friends think the way you celebrate this holiday is weird* *your white friends still don’t pronounce your last name right even though it’s been literal years* *your white friends
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atom-writings · 1 year
Hey hellooo! Can I have one g8 with a friend who one day sees a cool pigeon and then just mf manhandles it and shows it too them cause they thought it looked cool??
(platonic please!! Also can I have some ketchup w it thanks :D!)
(Main 8 X Reader) Manhandling a Pigeon?
(Gender Neutral, Platonic) Scenarios ~ A/N sorry we’re out of ketchup does mustard work?
Trigger Warning: None, just fluff!
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There’s nothing more relaxing than a nice, quiet walk through a city park. At least, that’s what he’s always thought. The city's ruckus melts into a relaxing background noise, a calming assurance of humanity’s presence. That, mixed with lush green surroundings, is always the best break from the stress of international politics. The only thing that could make that little vacation better is the company of one of his closest friends, you.
At least, that’s what he had thought before today. Before you had shattered the peace and quiet of his trip to the park by running forward and grabbing a pigeon. Before he could react, you ran back to him, roughly showing off the bird and insisting, “Isn’t it cool?”
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“Woah!” He exclaims, leaning in closer to see the bird, “That is cool! Can I hold it too?”
You nod, awkwardly handing him the pigeon that’s desperately trying to escape the two maniacs that grabbed it. When he takes it, his eyes light up with excitement, holding it less like a living creature and more like an action figure.
“Great job on grabbing it. What do we name it?” He gushes.
“Hm… I don’t know. You choose.”He pauses for a moment,
“... Simon.”
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“Uh- what!?” He steps back from you, his face disgusted.
“Look at how pretty it is!” You insist, thrusting the bird closer to him.
“No bloody way, you have no idea where that thing’s been!” As your face falls, he sighs. Resting his hands on his hips, he looks at you, exhausted. “Yes, yes, it’s very pretty. Now let it go, please? I don’t want you or it getting hurt.”
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“Don’t handle them so roughly, my dear,” He scolds gently, tsking at you like a mother at her child.
“Can you do better?” You tease, but he simply laughs in response. He brings your hands up with his, coaxing you to open your palms to release the bird. As you do, the pigeon gently coos at the both of you before climbing onto his arm.
“Woah, you’re like… a pigeon tamer…” 
“Yes, I trained them for many years. Back in my time, they weren’t seen as street trash,” He says solemnly before smiling, “I’m glad you appreciate them too.”
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“Ah-huh, very funny. Put that thing down, it’s gonna make you sick!” He scolds, desperately backpedalling to get away from you and the pigeon.
“Yao, come on! It’s just a little pretty creature!”
“It’s not pretty, it shits on the ground!”
“You did that for centuries!”
“I don’t anymore, unlike that beast!” He exclaims, scaring the bird. Before you can react, it flies out of your hands, escaping the two of yours bickering. You stare at him, dumbfounded and a little angry, while all he can do is sheepishly turn and start walking again.
“Rude, you scared away my friend!”
“Well, your human friend will buy you something to eat to make up for it. Just wash your hands first.”
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He nods, peering over to see the trapped pigeon in your grasp. As you look up at him, a soft smile grows on his face, “Good catch,” he remarks.
“Thanks. Always wanted to be a pigeon catcher.”
He giggles at your comment, reaching out to gently rub the top of the pigeon's head, “You know, these used to be used for a lot more than just public nuisances,”
“They aren’t nuisances, they’re friends!”
“You are right.” He says softly, turning to look you in the eyes, “Now we are three friends on a walk!”
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“Huh? Did you really just steal a bird?” Feliciano asks, clearly mortified at your random actions.
“It’s not stealing. Birds are public domain! And look at their cute face…” You gush, thrusting the bird up to his face. He recoils for a moment before leaning back in, the fear draining from his face.
“Hm… looks like one of big brother Francis’ old pigeons! I bet they’re related!”
You smile as he starts to pet the bird’s head. He could never resist an animal.
“Did Francis’ pigeon smell this terrible though?”
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Ludwig doesn’t respond immediately, his expression unreadable as he steps closer to view the bird more closely. 
“Oh, yes. Very cool. I believe it’s a… tippler pigeon? These ones are incredible fliers.” He states quickly, a smile growing on his face.
“I didn’t know you knew so much about birds.”
“You learn a lot of things when you’re like me.” He says, before resting a hand on your shoulder.
“Should I let it go now?”
“Yeah. Personally, I wouldn’t like being grabbed by you like that. It’s a little cruel.” He chuckles.
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“Ah!” Kiku jumps back in surprise. As you look at him with confusion, he tries to calm himself down.
“D-Don’t touch those. They’ve had diseases, Y/N!” He exclaims exasperatedly, leaning backwards away from the pigeon you grabbed.
“Only some of them!”
“I still do not like those odds! Please, put it down.”
“Jeez, you’re so boring.” You tease, releasing your grip on the pigeon which quickly escapes and flies away.
“I’m not boring, I just do not want to die from bird sickness.”
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Play Ground Days
pairing - carl gallagher x fem!reader
type - fluff
note / request - “ughh FINALLY someone that writes good imagines abt carl from shameless! could you write one where you two grew up together and you've always been close n stuff and then at some point he realizes he loves the reader and he talks to ian and lip (maybe mickey too bc i love him) about it? (fem!reader btw if that's cool) thanks babe xx” thanks for inspo on the beginning @poesflygirl​ <3 ,,, carl and you are 16 also pls dont come for me ive only played COD 2 times last year so lmao i dont remember a lot about it, enjoy!
summary - carl has liked you since you two were young, and seeks advice from his brothers and mickey
warnings - strong language, drugs and alcohol, little talk about bad body imagine 
*gif isnt mine*
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“I fucking knew it!” Lip exclaimed.
“Why are you telling us? We’ve known this.” Ian commented, smirking at his little brother.  
“How the hell—” Carl started. 
“You’re not exactly great at hiding your crush on her,” Mickey chuckled. 
Carl’s eyes were the size of saucers. “You knew?”
“Of course I did. I’m not fucking Helen Keller,” Mickey rolled his eyes. 
Carl groaned and ran his hands roughly through his hair. “I can’t believe this. Well, secret’s out, I guess. What do I do?”
“Just go tell her you like her. It’s not like she’s going to turn you down.” Lip shrugged, putting his cigarette to his lips. 
“Lip!” Ian hit his brother’s shoulder. 
“What?” Lip asked. 
“You weren’t supposed to say that, dumbass,” Mickey said.
 “What does that mean?” Carl asked, looking in-between his brother’s and Mickey. 
Lip sighed. “Ah, shit, right. I’ve already said too much.”
4 hours earlier: 2:00 PM
“Hey, shit head!” She called out, throwing rocks against the window. 
Carl got up from his bed, shocked but happy to see her. He opened his window, leaning against the frame. 
“What’re you doing here?” He asked.
She threw the rocks to the ground. “Escaping from my druggie dad, duh. What’re you doing?”
“Nothing,” Carl shrugged. 
She did her signature smirk that always made Carl’s heart flutter. “Wanna go and stuff our faces at Patsy’s Pies?”
Carl’s eyes lit up at the mention of fatty, greasy food. “Hell yeah. I’ll come down.”
She nodded, going to the front of their house. Carl ran down the stairs, putting on his shoes and opening the door to find her on the steps. 
“Hey, why didn’t you just come into the house?” Carl asked, shutting the door behind him. 
“Putting damage on your window seemed more fun. Oh, hey! Do you have an extra bed I can sleep in tonight?” She asked. 
Carl nodded. “Yeah, of course. Your dad is that bad, huh?”
“Yep, he relapsed. Super fun,” she laughed sarcastically. 
“I’m sorry. That shit sucks,” Carl said.
She shrugged. “Yeah, well, it’s life. Anyways, ready to go?”
Carl nodded. They got into her car, the girl starting it and driving fast to the dinner. As she was driving, humming to the songs on the radio, Carl stared at her. She was absolutely gorgeous. 
Her name was Y/n L/n. Carl’s oldest and only real friend. They had grown up together, Y/n living only a few houses away from him. They had met in detention in 1st grade and had been close ever since. 
“What’re you staring at?” Y/n asked, glancing over to him. 
Carl blushed. “Nothing.”
“Alright,” Y/n sang.
Carl had often been caught staring at her. It was something he usually did from time to time, but now it was more often. He couldn’t help it. There was something about her. Maybe flawless her skin was, how pretty and bright her smile and eyes were, the way she would make him feel secure and loved, something he had never got from anyone consitently. 
He never really knew why he thought those things about her. People had told him that he probably had a crush on her, but he knew that wasn’t right. He had crushes on girls before and the things he was feeling for Y/n were a lot different than what he had felt for his past girlfriends. He figured it was just that she was his closest friend and he happened to be a horny teenager, so naturally, he just thought those things about her. But oh, how wrong he actually was. 
Y/n parked her car at Patsy’s Pies. They walked into the diner, seeing Fiona at the register. 
“Hey, Fi,” Y/n smiled. 
“Hey, Y/n, Carl! Long time, no see. How are ya?” Fiona asked. 
“Good, good,” Y/n smiled. 
“Good,” Carl said. 
“Great! Well, get yourself seated and someone will be right with you,” she smiled. 
Y/n and walked off to a small booth and sat down. They picked up the menus that were already on the table. 
“You gonna get your usual?” Y/n asked. 
Carl shrugged. “Maybe. Should I change it up?”
“Yes. The double bacon cheeseburger looks good,” Y/n said. 
“Are you getting that?” Carl asked. 
“Maybe. I’ll probably get a salad or something. Gotta watch those calories, you know?” She half-joked, putting a hand on her stomach. 
“I think you look good. You don’t need to worry,” Carl smiled. 
Y/n’s eyes widened. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Carl nodded. 
Y/n looked back at the menu, hiding her embarrassment.
Carl complimenting her was something that was rare, but did happen. Y/n never remembered Carl as a romantic type of guy, but it seems that he had developed  those traits from having a few girlfriends. She liked that, actually. She liked him complimenting her, staring at her for minutes at a time, the way his ears would turn red when she teased him. She liked all of that. 
Y/n would never admit it to anyone, but she had a crush on Carl. She had a crush on him since their freshman year of high school. Well, in reality, she probably has always had one, but the first time she really realised she liked him was in biology when he got in trouble in one of the labs. She remembered when the teacher was yelling at him and he looked at her, smiling at her mischievously and winking at her. That wink had her heart racing and mind go foggy. From then on, she had liked him as more than a friend. Yet, she never said anything because well, as cliche as it was, she was afraid of ruining their friendship. He was really the only one who got her and who never abandoned her. She couldn’t lose him, so she just kept her feelings and gestures to him as friendly as she could.  
“Hi, I’m Carly and I’ll be serving you today. What can I get you today?” The waitress asked. 
“Hi, can I get the philly cheesesteak with a medium coke and fries,” Carl ordered. 
Carly nodded and wrote his order down, turning to Y/n. 
“Um, I’ll get the bacon cheeseburger with a small sprite and fries. Thanks,” Y/n ordered. 
Carly took their menus. “Great. I’ll have your drinks out soon.”
Y/n and Carl smiled at the waitress as she walked away. 
“Hey, so I thought your dad was in rehab,” Carl said. 
Y/n sighed. “He was, but I guess his girlfriend got him drunk, then convinced him to do some lines. God, I can’t believe he's even with her still.”
Carl frowned. “What about your mom? Where’s she?”
“She’s going to nursing school right now. She’s the only one responsible in this family, yet she never calls or anything,” she scoffed.
“You’re really responsible,” Carl said. 
Y/n smiled. “Thanks, C. You are, too.”
Carl laughed, “Me? I sold drugs on the streets once.”
She giggled. “True. But you’ve really shaped. I'm proud.”
Carl smiled sheepishly. “Thanks.”
Y/n hummed a ‘you’re welcome’. Carly came back with their food quickly and they dug in. Carl and Y/n spent their time talking and eating, spending about 2 hours there as they just kept talking. 
“Are you two finished?” Carly asked, gesturing to their empty plates. 
“Yeah,” Carl nodded. 
“Great. Here’s your bill, pay whenever you’re ready,” Carly smiled and took their dirty dishes. 
“Ready to go?” Y/n asked. 
Carl nodded and got out his wallet that he had in his shorts. Meanwhile, Y/n also got out her wallet. They both looked up at each other, awkward expressions on their faces. 
“Oh, I was gonna pay,” Carl said. “No, no, my treat. I invited you here,” Y/n said. 
“You sure?” Carl asked. 
She smiled and put a hand on his arm. “Yes, I am, Carl.”
Butterflies irrupted in Carl’s stomach as she touched him. He nodded slowly, putting his credit card away. Y/n and him walked up to the register and paid for their meal. They then went back to Y/n car. 
“What do you wanna do now?” Y/n asked. 
“Wanna play COD Black Ops 3?” Carl asked. 
“Yes!” Y/n smiled. She drove them back to his house, parking haphazardly on the street. 
The two hurried into the house, grabbing a seat on the couch. Carl got the controllers, turning onto the playstation. Y/n logged onto her account, selecting the gun she wanted to use. Carl then started the game. 
“Where are you?” Y/n squinted her eyes at the screen. 
“Right behind you,” Carl smirked. 
Y/n turned around, gasping as Carl shot her. 
“Fuck you!” Y/n exclaimed. 
“Little rusty, huh?” Carl teased. She rolled her eyes. “I’m gonna kill you next round.”
“I’d like to see you try,” Carl said. 
“Winner gets to pick what’s for dinner,” Y/n said. 
“Deal,” Carl nodded. 
The pair played for a couple hours, the game ending with Y/n getting the last kill. 
“Good game,” she smirked, setting the controller down. 
“I forgot how good you were at this,” Carl frowned. Y/n giggled, “I forgot how bad you were.”
Carl rolled his eyes with a smile. “Alright, where do you want to eat?”
“Hm… Noodles n Company?” She suggested. 
“Sure,” Carl nodded. 
“Alright, I’m gonna use the bathroom and then order. Text me what you want,” Y/n said, getting up from the couch. 
Carl nodded and watched her go upstairs to use the bathroom. Then that’s when Lip, Ian, and Mickey all came into the house. 
“Hey, guys,” Carl said. 
“Hey,” Ian smiled. 
“Is Y/n here? We saw her car out front,” Lip said. “Yeah, she is,” Carl nodded. 
“Asked her out yet?” Lip smirked. Carl’s face turned red. “Wh-What?”
“Oh, you’re not in love with her then?” Ian furrowed his brows. 
“I… am I?” Carl asked. 
Ian chuckled. “Yeah. You always are always happy around her, blush whenever she teases you.”
“And you’re always staring at her,” Lip added.
“That doesn’t mean I like her,” Carl said.
“Do feel dizzy and nauseous when she touches you? Does your heart race when she gets close? Do you see yourself kissing her? Would you do anything for her?” Ian asked. 
Carl furrowed his brows. They were right, all those things did happen when she was near. She was his best friend. He also sometimes think about kissing her and being with her in a romantic way. And yeah, of course he would do anything for her. Maybe… Maybe he did love her. 
“Oh, shit,” he muttered. “I… I guess I am in love with her.”
And that, ladies and gents, is where we left off. Lip, Ian, and Mickey teased Carl until Carl begged them for real help. 
“What do you mean?” Carl asked anxiously. 
Lip looked to Ian and Mickey for help on what to say. Little did Carl know, Y/n actually did admit her crush to someone. And that someone, or someones, were Lip, Ian, and Mickey. 
“Don’t worry about it, man,” Mickey said. 
“Did she say something to you?” Carl asked. “No,” Ian shook his head. “Like Mick said, don’t worry.”
“I… fine. Well, what do I do then?” Carl asked in slight distress.
“Give her some flowers and chocolate. Girls love that shit,” Lip suggested. 
“Alright,” Carl nodded. “I don’t know what her favourite flowers are, though.”
“Just get her roses. That’s really romantic,” Lip said. 
Carl smiled, “Alright. Awesome. Thanks, guys.”
He decided to get the flowers early morning tomorrow before Y/n woke up. 
Carl sneaked back into the house, hoping not to wake Y/n up. As he walked into the kitchen, he was shocked to see her at the table drinking coffee. 
“Hey, Carl!” Y/n smiled. 
Carl’s eyes were blown wide. “I.. uh…”
“Who are those for?” Y/n got up and pointed to the flowers and chocolate in his hand. 
“Um… you?” Carl said. Y/n smiled. “Me? What did I do to deserve this?”
Carl knew that he couldn’t make up an excuse. He was horrible at lying to her. So, he decided to just have his confession here. 
“I.. I’m in love with you,” Carl said. Y/n’s jaw dropped and she froze. “Wha-What?”
“My brothers and Mickey helped me realise I was yesterday when you were ordering dinner. They told me I should get you flowers and stuff so I did. I hope you like roses,” Carl explained and held up the gifts. 
Y/n’s lips upturned in a wide smile. “How long have you liked me?”
“Honestly, probably since we were little,” Carl shrugged sheepishly. 
Y/n giggled. “Me, too.”
“Really?” Carl smiled. 
Y/n waked up to him and took the gifts, setting them on the kitchen counter. She went up to him and put her arms around his neck. 
“Yep. I always have,” she grinned. 
“Oh, sick!” Carl exclaimed. “Oh wait.”
“What?” Y/n asked in confusion. 
“That’s what they meant!” Carl exclaimed in realisation.
“Who? What?” “Oh, Lip, Mickey, and Ian kind of told me yesterday when I asked for help,” Carl explained. 
Y/n’s eyes widened and she turned to the stairs, glaring. “Mickey, Lip, Ian! You better fucking run!”  
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marcnutz · 3 years
Little Friend Part.2
Tags: Dream x Voodoo Dick (Its George's), 1.5k words, Dream solo, Masturbation, Dubcon (sorta, just to be safe)
Masterlist and Info (includes link to p.1)
Dream finds himself affected by a strange force in his ass.
A/N: Thank you guys so much for all the support for p.1 and on the rest of my fics! <3
"Oh come on!" Dream and Sapnap sat in their house, nachos on the table and the Gator's game on the tv. "Why's he flagging them? This is fucking ridiculous!"
"Haha, get fucked, looser," Sapnap replied, happy that Atlantic was doing well. Not that he liked them, he just wanted to win against Dream.
"Shut up. I'm getting more drinks, want anything?" Dream asked, Patches hopping off his lap and scurrying over to Sapnap as he stood up. Sapnap just shook his head as he nuzzled Patches.
Walking over to the fridge, Dream felt his phone vibrate in his pocket. Oh, it's George.
George: Hey, did you send me this weird doll?
Doll? Dream doesn't know anything about a doll.
Dream: What doll?
George: The one that looks like your Minecraft character. It’s small and white and it moves.
"Dream! The game's back on!" Sapnap yelled from the living room.
"Coming!" Dream yelled back, shooting George one last text before stuffing his phone back in his pocket and hurrying back to the couch to see what the referees had to say.
Dream was content just sitting there, eating ships and soda and bantering with Sapnap every once in a while, but he couldn't shake the feeling that he was forgetting about something.
George's text bothered him, he had only skimmed his last text, maybe he misread something.
He took his phone out again and re-read the last text George had sent him. It moves? Small... White...
That's when he felt it. A light touch on his asshole, when he put two and two together. He knew about the blob, the one he had. Whenever he put his dick in it he felt it inside, allowing him to literally fuck himself. But how did George get one? Did he know what it was doing to him?
Dream gasped when he felt something long and slender enter him, making his knees weak.
"You okay dude?" Sapnap asked.
"I-I have to go to the bathroom." Dream stood up and rushed to his room, locking the door behind him.
Dream: Wait send me a picture of the doll.
Luckily nothing was inside him anymore. Maybe George would just leave the blob alone if that's really what's going on. He sat on his bed, staring at his phone waiting for a read receipt to pop up.
Dream: George, send me a picture.
He had to keep his cool, what if George already knew what it was, and then he figured out the Dream knew what it was as well. How would he explain to his best friend that there are fleshlights that are somehow connected to his ass when he himself didn't understand it either.
Should he call? No. That would make him sound too concerned when he should be watching football with Sapnap.
But then something entered him again, and then another something. Were these George's fingers? Whatever was in him felt long and thin, just like what he'd seen of George's hand. Dream let out a pornographic moan as a third maybe-finger entered him.
He couldn't do this, he couldn't sit here and allow himself to be fingered by his best friend. Even if said friend was super hot, and he may or may not have a crush on him. It was wrong. But dear lord, the fingers were stretching him out so nicely.
No. Dream shook his head, picking up his phone and calling George. Dream was panting as he listened to his phone ring once, twice, three times, click, voice mail.
The fingers finally came out of Dream's ass, and he sighed. Good, George was gonna call him back and be too weirded out to continue fucking the blob. They would laugh and chalk it up to some weird fan or something and never speak of it again.
Another minute passed by, and there was no response and no fingers in his ass. His anxiety over knowing George most likely just fingered him, and the ache from his raging hardon between his legs made his head spin.
Dream tried once more to call George but was sent to voice mail once more.
That's not fingers.
Oh god, that is definitely not fingers. Something much thicker than the three fingers that were previously inside of him entered Dream's ass. It was very obviously just the tip, but it stretched him out so well.
Dream couldn't take this. It was wrong and he knew it, but his body's needs quickly overtook his mind. He kicked his pants and boxers off and rolled onto his stomach, ass in the air and face pressed against his pillow to muffle the inevitable noises he was going to let out. If he was going to be fucked by his best friend he might as well enjoy it.
The teasing continued for a few minutes, just the phantom head going in and out of Dream, making his whine and push his hips back, wanting it to go deeper. It didn't work, of course. He was completely at George's control, assuming it was George and not some weird coincidence with some random man putting his dick in his ass. It was nicer to think it was George, and it's not like he hadn't thought of it before.
Suddenly, the cock inside of him slammed deep inside, shock waves travelling up Dream's spine as it hit his prostate head-on. Dream let out more high-pitched whines as the dick pulled out ever so slightly before pushing back up against his prostate again and again.
And then it was gone. "Huh?" Dream let out, turning his head around to see nothing there, before letting out a loud yell when the cock was roughly shoved back inside of him.
The cock fucked into Dream at a brutal pace, every time it entered him it hit his prostate. Dream's own cock was leaking profusely, cum dripping down his thighs and onto his bed. His tip was bright red, begging to be touched.
Dream ran a hand down his chest and stopped when he neared his cock. Right above his pelvis, he could feel the dick inside of him forming a bulge in his stomach with every thrust. Dream left his hand there, feeling it press against his hand every time it hit his prostate.
Tears began to flow freely down Dream's cheeks as his first orgasm racked through his body. Cum painted his chest and bedsheets white. He felt himself tighten around the pseudo-cock inside of him, biting down on his pillows to stop himself from being too loud, almost yelling from the overstimulation.
It was so good and so wrong, cumming from his best friend's cock without him even knowing. But it's not like he could do anything about it. He did even have to touch his own cock to cum, so it's not like he could have avoided all of this.
The dick didn't stop pounding into him. Dream felt himself begin to harden once more as the slight pain from overstimulation turned back into blinding pleasure.
He couldn't help it anymore. Dream reached down and wrapped a hand around his aching cock, thrusting into his hand at the same pace the cock inside of him hit his prostate.
Dream was already so close again. There was no way Sapnap didn't hear him. He tried his best to muffle his sobs of pleasure into his pillow but he was still being loud. The cock inside of him started to lose its pace, it was close. Dream was too, and he wanted to cum at the same time as, to the best of his knowledge, George.
With one final thrust, he felt the cock spill into his guts, sending Dream over the edge as well, all the while the dick inside of him continued to fuck up into his prostate.
Dream felt almost pathetic, covered in his tears, sweat, and cum, but he was too fucked out to care. The dick paused inside of him, before slowly pulling out. Dream felt even more of its cum seep out of his ass and down his thighs into the puddle that was forming between his knees.
Dream did his best to roll over onto his back, chest heaving with overexertion. In the back of his mind, he felt ashamed for getting fucked by George, but he was too happy and tired to care.
He laid there for a few minutes, basking in the afterglow before his phone began to ring. It was George. He debated picking it up, before taking a few more deep breathes and pressing the green button.
"G-George?" Oh no, that was much too breathy and sounded too close to a moan. There was no way George didn't know what just happened.
"Dream? What happened?" Hmm, George seemed more concerned than anything. "What's wrong? It sounds like you just ran a marathon."
"I-" Dream had to stop himself from moaning at the sound of George's voice. "George. Did you say something about a doll?"
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wisteriashouse · 3 years
three pointer.
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pairing: rengoku kyoujurou x reader
genre: fluff, romance, college!au
word count: 2453
remarks: for @kyojoroo​ who mentioned something about a college!au for kyojuro!! this is a bit of an ugly draft, but i just wanted to post it anyway (because i spent too much time on it) i hope you enjoy it!
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“Great game!” 
“Yeah, you were a beast on the court, captain!”
“That last shot was insane! We wouldn’t have won without you!”
“Thanks, everyone,” Kyoujurou laughs as he steps into the communal showers, peeling off his basketball jersey as he goes. After a whole after non of so called friendly matches against a rival college, Kyoujurou can’t wait to get into the showers to wash all the sweat and grime that has accumulated off his body. “We all did great today, not just me. It’s our victory.”
“Oh, stop it with the humility, Rengoku, it’s embarrassing to watch,” someone shoves his shoulder playfully from the back - Kyoujurou turns around to see Tengen grinning at him as he steps into the shower next to his, tossing his own jersey to the side. “I’ll eat my gym socks if the headhunters aren’t brawling over you at this year’s nationals. They’ll be like a bunch of piranhas trying to get a piece of that ass.”
Kyoujurou shakes his head, but there’s a pleased smile curling at the corners of his lips. “Let’s just focus on making it to the finals firsts,” he says with a quick laugh, stripping off his shorts and stepping into the shower. Cold water runs down his back, splashes over his face. He glances at the clock hanging on the wall.
Five minutes to eight.
He reaches for the soap just as one of his teammates starts asking around where the rest want to head to for dinner. There’s a smattering of replies from the team, consisting of answers ranging from Wendy’s to the sushi place down the street, punctuated by the sound of running water. Kyoujurou, however, does not answer, focusing his attention on rinsing his hair clean of any soap suds before he’s reaching for his towel to dry himself off. 
Tengen, who’s in the shower next to him, notices how quickly he’s moving.
“What’s with the rush?” Tengen calls as Kyoujurou roughly dries his hair. “Are you that eager to head to dinner? Or,” his smile turns sly, “is it because of the cute waitress there who has the hots for you?”
“What? Don’t be stupid,” Kyoujurou reaches for his shirt, tugging it over his head and casting another glance at the clock. Eight o’ clock now. Damn, he’s late. “Besides, I’m not having dinner with you guys today. I have something else on.”
Tengen raises his eyebrows so fast Kyoujurou thinks that they might just fly off his forehead. “You have something else on?” He repeats, so loudly he might as well be trying to broadcast it to Mars. And to nobody’s surprise, least of all Kyoujurou’s, everyone in the showers is immediately aware of Kyoujurou’s dinner plans.
“Ehh? Captain, you’re not coming with us for dinner?”
“Yeah, we were gonna treat you and have some drinks after!”
“No, no, everyone, let him go,” Tengen’s eyes glint, and instantly Kyoujurou knows that his thoughts are ballooning far beyond the reaches of reality. “He’s definitely got himself a date, fucking finally-” Kyoujurou slaps a hand over Tengen’s mouth to shut him up before another word can leave him. The man might be one of his best friends, but god can he be annoying sometimes.
“I am going to dinner with a friend.” Kyoujurou emphasizes on the word ‘friend’. Tengen waggles his eyebrows very suggestively at him.
“A very… flamboyant type of friend?” He suggests, and Kyoujurou throws his towel at him. This, unfortunately, only serves to make Tengen all the more insufferable than he already is, the man dissolving into a bout of uncontrollable laughter. Kyoujurou groans.
“Stop it.” Sending one last look at the clock, he gathers up his things and shoves them into his backpack before pulling on his varsity jacket as fast as he can. “I’m meeting a very friend sort of friend for dinner, so don’t get any funny ideas. And stop it with the moaning noises,” he directs his last comment at Tengen, who’s still laughing at him. “I’ll see you guys for training tomorrow!”
As expected, a few shout goodbye in return while the rest hoot and holler for him to introduce them to his ‘special friend’ soon. With a quiet laugh and a shake of the head, Kyoujurou steps out of the sports hall, grateful for the cool evening air against his warm cheeks. Really, why do they feel the need to tease him like that?
He’s just about to take off at a light jog when his phone vibrates in the front pocket of his jeans.
Wincing around a slight smile, he hits ‘answer’ and raises the phone to his ear without a glance at the caller ID, the soles of the shoes slapping lightly against the pavement as he picks up a steady pace.
“Hey.” Kyojuro says. He hopes his voice doesn’t sound too breathless.
“You’re late.”
“We went into overtime and the match ended late.” The lights are red when he reaches the crossroads, so he slows his pace and takes a moment to catch his breath. A car honks loudly opposite him. “Sorry about that.”
“Hmm.” A noncommittal noise, and then a pause. “What do you want for dinner?”
“Dinner?” He repeats. The lights turn green, and he begins to jog once more. “Uhh… a double cheeseburger set and a coke zero.” It’s difficult to run and talk at the same time, more so over the phone with his backpack jostling with every step he takes. 
“Tempura side?”
A short bark of laughter leaves him. “You know me too well.” There’s a smile stubbornly clinging to his lips. He doesn’t want to get rid of it.
“You’re about as easy to read as a piece of paper.” A snort, then quieter, “I’ll be waiting for you at the diner.” Before Kyoujurou has the chance to say his own goodbye, the call hangs up on him. He holds the phone up, looks at it for a moment in amusement and laughs, before shoving his phone back into his pocket and quickening his pace, a new spring in his step.
You’re not a person who likes to be kept waiting.
The distance to the diner isn’t very far from the sports hall, so Kyoujurou takes only about ten minutes, at a light jog, to make it there. Slightly out of breath from the exertion, he takes a moment to catch his breath and collect himself, before he pushes open the door to the diner, eyes immediately searching the inside for-
You’re seated at one of the booths, dressed in a comfy oversized hoodie and idly scrolling through your phone as you wait for him, two trays of untouched food on the table in front of you. At the sight of you, his mood lifts instantly - you don’t seem to have noticed him yet, so he waits for a moment before he makes his way over to you, sliding into the seat opposite.
You look up from your phone, and Kyoujurou beams, shucking his bag to the side.
You raise an eyebrow at his chipper attitude, glancing at the screen of your phone as you set it to the side. “You are,” your tongue pokes at the inside of your cheek, “twenty minutes late.”
Kyojuro puts his palms flat on the table and bows his head sincerely. “I am very sorry,” he says, suitably chastened. “Please forgive me.” You look at him for a moment, then open your mouth to speak.
“Did you win?”
At that, the smile that Kyoujurou has been trying so hard to keep down inevitably breaks through. “Mmhmm,” he says, and he swears he catches a ghost of a smile touching your lips as well.
“Then I’ll let you off this time.” You push his tray towards him, condensation gathering on the outside of his drink. You’ve been waiting twenty minutes for him, after all. 
“You could have started eating first, you know?” Kyoujurou says, slightly worried as he begins unwrapping his burger. “It’s not healthy to eat too late, and I know you skipped lunch for your project today.”
You shrug off his concern, lazily stealing a fry from his tray before he can stop you (not that he would, even if he could). “Wanted to eat together.” Is all you say in form of an answer, before popping it into your mouth.
Kyoujurou blinks at you, then reaches over to put a few more fries on your tray. He really needs to work on hiding his smile.
“Have some more, then.”
The two of you eat in comfortable silence amidst the chatter and noise ongoing behind you. Occasionally, Kyoujurou pauses between bites to ask you about your day, how your tests went. Conversation swells and ebbs easily between the two of you, never awkward, and the silence is always comfortable.
He finishes his meal first, demolishing the entire tray of food in a few big bites that would make Godzilla proud. Calling for an ice cream (because he’s still hungry), Kyoujurou settles his head on his hands, content to watch you eat, but to his surprise, you’re the one who speaks up first with an unexpected question.
“So, nationals.” You say, slowly. “When are they?”
Kyoujurou pauses, then blinks up at you, unsure if he’s mistaken the word ‘finals’ for ‘nationals’. You’ve never showed an interest in any of his basketball matches before, due to your dislike of large crowds and excessive screaming - hence, almost every basketball game ever. As far as he remembers, you’ve never even been to a game since… well, ever. Still, you asked, so Kyoujurou will answer. 
“They start next month.” Kyoujurou sits up, back a little more straight. “Why?”
Ignoring his question, you simply continue. “It’s a big deal for you, isn’t it?” You lift your burger and take a bite out of it. “Your future, and all that.”
Kyoujurou exhales a bit before he smiles again. “Yeah, it’s huge. All the headhunters from the professional teams will be watching. I can’t afford to show them anything but my best if I’m serious about becoming a professional athlete in the future.”
You make a face. “That sounds… awful, to be honest.” Kyoujurou laughs at that. Instead of taking another bite of your burger, you take a breath, set it to the side and look at Kyoujurou seriously. Confused by the sudden change in mood, Kyoujurou looks back at you, back straightening subconsciously and leaning forward more so that he can hear you better. “Since that’s the case, do you…” you pause for a second, seemingly hesitant, which really piques Kyoujurou’s interest. “Do you want me to-”
Kyoujurou never does find out what it is that you’re suggesting, because in the next second you’re interrupted by an ice cream being set down on the table between you. You, as usual, fall silent in the presence of an unexpected stranger, and Kyoujurou wants to groan. Talk about bad timing. It had seemed serious.
“Oh, it’s you again, captain.” Kyoujurou looks up to see the waitress smiling at him - she’s the one who usually serves his team when they stop by here for team dinners. He returns her smile politely. “It’s surprising to see you here with someone other than your team.”
“I had plans with a friend,” Kyoujurou gestures at you, not noticing the slight frown that tugs at your mouth. The waitress’ mouth forms a slight ‘o’ of realisation at the word ‘friend’, fidgeting with the serving tray in her hands before she speaks again.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your time with your friend here,” she says, suddenly, and her nervous tone gives Kyoujurou pause. Was Tengen right somehow? Did she really have a crush on him? “But you’re a sweet person and I think you’re really cute, so… if it’s alright… may I have your number to get to know you better?”
Kyoujurou blinks up at her, caught off guard by the sudden question - yet he finds his eyes instinctively straying to you. Your expression is neutral, both hands wrapped around his sundae as you begin digging into it, seemingly paying no attention at all to his business with the waitress.
Pressing his lips together, Kyoujurou turns back to the waitress, giving her a smile. “Thank you for your affection, I’m deeply honoured. However,” he pauses, making sure that his voice is carefully gentle before he continues, “I’m afraid that I already have someone else I am interested in. My deepest apologies.”
“Oh.” Her voice comes out tiny. Her eyes dart towards you, just for a moment, but once again you don’t seem to notice, attention still completely riveted on his ice cream. “No, no, it was my fault. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable.” 
“Not at all!” Kyoujurou is quick to reassure her. “I think you’re a lovely woman, surely soon you will meet a partner worthy of you who returns your feelings.”
The waitress squeaks out a ‘thank you’ before she escapes into the kitchen, serving tray clutched to her chest. With that over, Kyoujurou turns back to you with an apology on his lips, only to be surprised to see that you’re staring at the kitchen door the waitress has just disappeared through.
“That happens often,” you comment lightly, taking another bite of his sundae. “You must be used to rejecting them by now. Did you come up with that excuse on your own?”
I’m afraid I already have someone else I am interested in.
Kyoujurou’s mouth opens, lips parting slightly and an answer hanging from the tip of his tongue, but before the words can escape him he closes his mouth firmly. He looks at you, watching as you swirl a fry in his ice cream before popping it into your mouth, before you look up at him expectantly. It is not in his nature to lie, so…
“You’ve finished all my ice cream,” he says, tone lighthearted. “I wanted dessert, you know.”
You glance at him, eyes narrowing slightly, but you don’t press the issue, looking down at his ice cream again. “I’ll buy you another one if you want.” You shrug. “Food always tastes better when stolen from someone else.”
Kyoujurou has to shake off a smile before he rises to his feet, hiking his bag over his shoulder. “Come on, I’ll walk you back to your dorm.” Although the stroll is done so in comfortable silence, the topic of the waitress does not resurface, and Kyoujurou can’t help but feel just a hint disappointed. When you bid him goodbye at the door, your expression is just as unreadable as ever, and Kyoujurou does not know what to make of it.
He never manages to find out what it was that you wanted to talk about, either.
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boundtosydney · 3 years
I posted the screenshots of me talking about it on discord but I wanted to elaborate because it’s such a cool concept. Kylar and Sydney have a few interactions like the lunch scene but Whitney and Kylar don’t (at least to my knowledge). I think that giving Whitney an opportunity to drag you off Kylar’s table like he does with Robin can open up a bunch of scenarios to raise Kylar’s love or jealousy, and Whitney’s love, lust, or dominance - all of it depending on where their stats are to begin with. Sorry ahead of time if this is a bit long but I have so many ideas @^@
High Love Kylar would be more than happy to have you sit besides him. Your company is a blessing to him, and every you’re moment near him is a moment he treasures. While you chat to him about mundane things, Whitney approaches your table, sliding besides you and grabbing your face roughly.
“Hey freak, I’m gonna borrow this girl off your table for a while. She has an… oral exam I need to help her study for.” Whitney grins at you, ignoring the death stare Kylar is shooting his way for even daring to touch your perfect skin.
If you reject him: “No, thank you,” you say. “I’m a bit busy.” Whitney frowns at your response, annoyed that you would even dare to reject him. “Funny of you to think you have a choice,” the bully retorts. He moves his hand from your face to your arm, holding it with enough force to make you wince. Whitney makes a motion to get you off your feet, but you feel a hand on your other arm - Kylar was holding you down. Up to now, he had been ignored by Whitney, who had forgotten Kylar existed.
“She said no. Let PC’s arm go. You’re hurting her.” Kylar spoke softly, holding you firmly enough to prevent Whitney from lifting you, yet gently enough to not hurt you. Whitney stared at Kylar for a moment before bursting into laughter. “Aw! Look! The freak is going to protect his bitch! This is the most hilarious thing I’ve seen in a while.” With one swift pull, Whitney manages to free you from Kylar and you get pushed onto his chest. “Nice try! Maybe next time it’ll go your way.”
With no hesitation, Kylar stands up and swings at Whitney, hitting the bully square in the face. The surprise and the force of the impact is enough to make Whitney fall on the ground, leaving you shocked that Kylar even had enough strength to do that. After a few moments, Whitney stands again, his face twisted with anger at Kylar. “You bitch! Oh, you’re going to regret ever even looking at me!” He stands, preparing to strike back at Kylar, but the commotion has brought Leighton into the cafeteria.
“What is going on here! Whitney, attacking students again? To the office with you! Kylar, you too, come along!” He screeches at the two students, who begrudgingly follow. Whitney hangs back for a moment to speak to you. “I’m going to make you regret this, bitch.” His words are full of poison, you shiver. - - - Whitney’s Love
Hysteric Kylar would react differently. At this point, you wouldn’t be sitting near someone who has made you more than uncomfortable. Instead, he watches you eat and giggle next to Robin, watching how you move your hands to his thigh, and then higher. Thankfully, today would be different. Today, Kylar wouldn’t be watching Robin pull you into a bathroom stall to defile you. No, today he’d be recoiling in pain for daring to touch someone like you.
As he began to move towards you and Robin, he was surprised to see Whitney grab a hold of you. The bully dragged out of your seat with ease, Robin watching you leave with a conflicted look on his face. Kylar shot the orphan one last look before moving to follow you and Whitney. After a moment, he peeks to look at you and Whitney, the scene before him making his eyes widen in dismay.
“Good girl,” Whitney groans, enjoying the way your tongue coils around him. His rough hands ran through your hair, holding your head firmly as he continued thrusting into your mouth. You closed your eyes, trying to concentrate on not gagging. But suddenly, he stops moving. Your eyes open to Whitney staring at you with wide eyes. The bully looks at his side - a knife stuck out, blood beginning to pour onto his white shirt. He fell over, screaming and recoiling in pain.
Kylar stood behind the bully, a crazed look in his eyes and a horrifying smile on his face. “Don’t worry PC! I’ll save you! You don’t have to worry about Whitney ever again! Or Robin! Or Sydney! Or anyone! I’ll save you, always!” You fall back, shaking your head and crawling backwards in fear. “Kylar you’re fucking insane!” you screech, looking over at Whitney. His screams have begun to garner a crowd. Kylar doesn’t care, he moves to grab you with surprising strength, trying to drag you away from the scene. “I know you’re scared, but it’s okay! It was to protect you! With me, you’ll never have to worry about something like that again!”
You pulled yourself away from Kylar, who looked at you with sadness. “I did it for you PC. I’m helping you, let me help you!” Before he could say anything else, the loner was tackled by police men. Someone in the crowd had alerted the staff, who had begun helping a wailing Whitney out of the school and into an ambulance. Kylar sobbed as he was handcuffed, making sure that you were the last thing he saw before being taken away by police. “PC I’ll save you, I’ll always save you!”
School was dismissed early that day, everyone in shock by the stabbing. Robin spent all evening comforting you, mentioning that you’d be able to visit Whitney at the hospital once he was stitched up. It was a horrifying feeling to know that it might’ve been Robin over Whitney, and it killed you that it would’ve all been because of you.
I’ll elaborate a bit more on the Whitney hospital scenes in another post, sorry for how long this one was @~@
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pfreadsandwrites · 3 years
九つの命/9 Lives Translation
Hi!! So, @foxy-and-tales asked me to tell her what was going on in the comic mentioned in this post. After skimming through it, I thought it'd be good practice - and it'd be easier to answer her question - if I just went through it and told her what it all meant. I realised by that point I was doing a translation, and since I was going to the trouble anyway, I thought I'd post it publicly.
So, the full comic is here. It's basically a comic that has 7 little stories about Kakashi's ninja hounds and their lives with Kakashi. It's an adorable, heartfelt story and I absolutely love the personalities that the artist gave all the ninja hounds and the depictions of their relationships with Kakashi.
My translation will be this post, follow it as a script. I don't have the skill or knowledge to edit and typeset and change the images myself - and I wouldn't do that anyway, as it would involve reposting the art and changing it without the artist's consent. But I do think that not referring to the pictures as you're reading through the script really harms how sweet this story is, so if you can go through the comic slowly whilst referring to my (amateur) translation of it, I hope you can get a glimpse of that!
WARNINGS: There is a depiction of an already dead dog in part 4 😢, and some (human!) male partial nudity in part 6 (😉)
Tagging: @scaredlittlefoxy @lemony-snickers @backalleykat @whatshernameis @gwedosuns @topsyturvy-dream @ice-icebaby @cosmiclattes
This is also the artist’s note that follows after the comic, that I’m putting here:
(Artist’s note translation)
"This is a story about the daily life of Kakashi and the eight ninken.
The ninja dogs’ personalities etc mightn’t be faithful to the source material.
The dogs live free range in Kakashi’s house.
There is an illustration of a dog dying, though it isn’t any of the ninken. Please take note.
You don’t have to read it, but below this are the dogs’ personalities:
Shiba: Friendly and sensitive
Biscuit: Childish and Selfish
Akino: Calm and cool demeanour
Bull: Timid and Quiet
Urushi: Ladykiller. A little bit dim. (Note: Himbo!)
Guruko: Annoyingly helpful and naggy
Uhei: Pure-hearted and cheerful
Pakkun: Same as in the series"
Some notes and then onwards into the translation under the cut:
Please take heed before continuing:
I’m not a professional translator, in fact I’ve done very little of this, so there’s some guesswork and liberties taken, and I don't claim that that there’ll be no mistakes.
I’ve separated it out by sections and pages, so you should be able to follow the story from following the speech bubbles (right to left) and referencing the lines here by speaker
Each space between a line denotes that it’s the next speech bubble
A new line but no change in speaker will denote that it’s the same character talking, but in the next panel or speech bubble
Italics means the character is thinking or flashbacks. I'll try and make this obvious as I go but the artwork should make that clear too.
Brackets are my additions, or me translating things like signs etc, or brackets will have smaller background dialogue not in speech bubbles. I'll try to make this clear as I go.
Stuff surrounded by * denotes actions or onomatopoeic actions/words in panels
Ask me if there’s any parts that confuse you about the story!! The way I’ve done this isn’t easy to follow but it's the best my dumb brain could come up with
Title page
9 Lives
1. ‘I won’t tell anyone’
(SFX: dogs playing and wagging tails)
Kakashi: Hm? You’re not gonna play, Shiba?
Shiba: …No. …Hey, Kakashi’
Kakashi: Hm? What?’
Shiba: There’s a girl I like’
Kakashi: Ohhh… I won’t tell anybody.
I won’t tell ~ I won’t tell ~
(p. 3)
Shiba: She’s really cute…
Kakashi: That’s great ~
Shiba: But I haven’t even spoken to her once
Kakashi: You should go for it ~
(SFX: *happy dog panting*)
Shiba: I’ll come back as soon as I’ve talked to her!’
Kakashi: Yep!
Shiba: I’ll be right back, definitely!
Kakashi: Ok, ok (lit. Yes yes)
Shiba: She’s already got someone (lit. she’s already in a couple/has a mate)
Kakashi: I see…
Shiba: She said her mate hurt his leg and can’t walk so he's staying at home…
Kakashi: Shiba, you know.. have feet that can walk anywhere…
So maybe you’ll meet an amazing girl again, won’t you?
(*dog cries*)
Kakashi: ...I won’t tell anyone. (*Comforting doggy*)
I won’t say anything. I won’t say anything.
(Kakashi: Aw, Shiba is pretty sweet to me, huh?)
2. Biscuit’s Sausage (note: I know his name is technically Bisuke in Japanese, but Biscuit is his dub name and it’s too adorable so that’s what I’m going with here! Also suits the personality he has in this story. What a biscuithead this boy is)
Biscuit: -You’re so sneaky, Kakashi! I wanted to eat sausages!
*crying dog noises*
(Uhei: Sorry, Kakashi…
Guruko: I told you!!)
Kakashi: You know if you eat sausages, Biscuit, your tummy will get sick, right? I’m boiling cod for you right now
(*tantrum noises, pounding feet and barking*)
Biscuit: *angry puppy noises* I hate fish, you idiot! I said I want to eat sausages! Sausages! Sausages!
Kakashi: *sternly* Biscuit
Biscuit: *whimper*
Biscuit: Kakashi, you IDIOT!
(2. Biscuit’s Sausage)
Biscuit: *sniff*
(Sign says Konoha Pet Food)
Biscuit: This is the store that sells the dog food Kakashi buys! Wow, maybe they have sausages here too!
Biscuit: I wonder if I'll be able to eat as much as I want… *gulp*
But if I did that, Kakashi would get in trouble
No, maybe…
*heart pounding*
Kakashi kept it (this) a secret just from me, because I'll get sick...
(Apron says Konoha Pet Food)
Shop Lady: *shuffles*
Biscuit: I didn't do anything yet!!! * heart pounding*
Shop Lady: Oh my… you really just talked!
Shop lady: You’re Kakashi’s pup, aren’t you?
Shop lady: Kakashi got you to come here, huh?
(Shop lady: you’re a good boy!)
Bisuke: Oh, no-
Shop lady: Though, he shouldn't have made you come pick it up without contacting us, huh? Here, sausages!
Biscuit: Sausages?!
Shop lady: There’s a pup among you guys that can’t have normal sausages, right?
It was a request from Kakashi.
He said he wanted me to make some especially for the puppy who can’t handle meat.
Shop lady: Well, here you go!! You’ll tell Kakashi we’re sorry for making him wait, won’t you?
Biscuit: Oh, um… But I don’t have any money…
Shop lady: It’s fine, because it’s Kakashi!
Whenever he has free time, he comes to pay.
I have a deal with him, you see. And he can't get the food if he's not here...
Next time, come together with Kakashi, okay?
(p. 11)
Kakashi: *casually picks up Bisuke* Thank you! This is for you ~
Shop lady: Thank you, come again!
Biscuit: Kakashi…
Kakashi: Hm?
Biscuit: Sorry…
Kakashi: Yeah…
I’m sorry too. I gave everyone else sausages while keeping it a secret from you.
I thought you’d definitely want some if you saw…
(Kakashi: But I got caught.)
(p. 12)
Kakashi: But…. Everyone’ll want some if they see this, too.
How about stopping by the park and eating it there?
We’ll keep it a secret from everyone 😊
Bisuke: *happy face licking and barking* When we get home, I’ll eat the cod too!!
Kakashi: Uhh… Well, Uhei and Guruko already ate it…
Bisuke: WHAT?!!!
(Flashback, Uhei and Guruko saying ‘Cod! Me too!! Me too! I want to eat some too!’)
3. Kakashi’s smile
(p. 13)
*paws thudding on ground/running away*
Kakashi: …Got you.
Akino: Ack!
It’s always only me that you brush so roughly, Kakashi!
Kakashi: It can’t be helped, can it? You have the thickest fur, Akino
*brushing softly* It’ll be over soon, it’ll be over soon…
Other doggies: That seems nice to me, Akino…
Kakashi: Hey, it’s falling out, it’s falling out ~
Akino: !!!
Kakashi: Look, it’s a mini Akino!! So much fur…
Akino: That’s too much hair off the bottom, Kakashi! Wha…
(p. 14)
*Kakashi continuing to laugh at his mini Akino*
Akino: There are times now where Kakashi summons us, even if he doesn’t have any business for us to take care of…
(Back then) he never ever summoned us outside of missions…
(p. 15)
Akino: He was doing all kinds of things, but he was the kind of person who never had a smile on his face…
Kakashi: If I had more time, I could make an even hairier one, you know
(Other dogs: *laughing* Akino: That’s a lie!)
Akino: Kakashi…. You're having fun?
Kakashi: *genuine smile* Yep, I am!
Akino: *smile* If you feel like it, you can keep going…
Kakashi: Oh?
(Later, Akino notices Kakashi has put sunglasses on the mini Akino)
4. Timid Bull (CW Animal Death)
(p. 16)
Bull: I’m the last ninja hound that came to Kakashi’s home.
Before that, I was living in a training centre for ninja hounds.
(4. Timid Bull)
The dogs I lived together with there… were all adopted when they were puppies.
But I still lived at the training centre, even as I became fully grown.
Ninja Hey, that dog looks tough, doesn’t he?
Centre manager: Yes, but… he’s not all that suited for battling…
Despite how he looks, he’s actually a timid dog.
Bull: I… I’m scared of insects. I’m scared of noises.
I’m scared of blood.
Centre manager: Because he can understand the stories of troubled humans, you see…
Bull: I’m scared of anything other than myself.
(p. 17)
Bull: Nobody would want a dog like me, right?
Kakashi: I found a good boy ~
Bull: *panicking* There’s no manager here!
Kakashi: Hello ~
Bull: …Hello… *heart pounding*
Kakashi: Ah, one that talks, huh…
Would you like to become one of my pups?
(p. 18)
Bull: Me…? Me, really? Quit it… That’s enough joking around.
Kakashi: What do you mean?
Bull: No-one wants me (😢)
Kakashi: No-one?
I want you, though.
Bull: What kind of a strange person would want me, I thought
(p. 19)
Bull: There were lots of dogs at Kakashi’s house
(Happy barking doggy noises)
Uhei: Woah, you’re huge! But among these guys, I have the fastest legs, you know!!!
Guruko: And I have the best nose!!
Biscuit: And I’m whiny!! (Note: lit. ‘I’m selfish!’)
Shiba: I have the sharpest bite!
Pakkun: I am the wisest. (Note: Pakkun I think uses Kansai-dialect Japanese lol so he sounds kinda... distinct. This is hard to convey for me lol)
Urushi: I’m popular with the ladies ;)
(Akino: I’m the fluffiest!)
Bull: I was so confused
You… you’re not scared of me?
I’m huge, and I have a scary face… So no one comes near me.
They all said they weren’t scared.
The reason, they said together, was…
(p. 20)
‘Because Kakashi brought you, Bull!’
Everyone was totally relaxed, as if they had no worries at all.
They all clung to me as if it was completely natural to do so.
I realised that there’d always be someone beside me.
(p. 21)
*sounds of paws scuffling against ground in first two panels*
*jumping to the ground noise in third panel*
Kakashi: …Bull, this way is a dead end.
Bull: …Sorry.
I couldn’t go back to where you were, and I thought so, but -
Bull: *looking at dog* He asked me to stay by his side.
…He was an enemy, but he was already dying.
That’s why, Kakashi….
Kakashi: …Yep.
Let’s give him a send-off together.
(Note: this was a tricky one because Kakashi says 送る, which means send, and is used with mail etc, but can mean to say farewells to the deceased, which is why Bull comments on it on the next page)
(p. 23)
Bull: He wanted to say ‘I want to bury him’
But Kakashi said ‘send-off’.
Lightly, as if his life force was still there
There… there are a lot of things that scare me.
When I was waiting for this dog, I was scared.
But I couldn’t refuse his request.
(p. 24)
Bull: …I’m spineless.
Kakashi: Everyone else has lots of things they’re scared of, you know.
That’s why they all stay by your side, Bull.
If you’re there, everything will be alright. That’s how everyone feels.
If you’re close by, everyone’s able to feel safe.
(p. 25)
Kakashi: ….This puppy, too.
Dying dog: …Please…
Bull: That dog…
Dying dog: Stay with me, until the end…
Kakashi: Because you stayed with him, Bull, he felt at peace, didn’t he?
Bull: I don’t think that dog was happy…
He was very thin, and he also smelt like he was sick
To protect themselves, his owner didn’t treasure this [this dog’s] life.
Kakashi, I…
Somehow, I..
I’m very…
(p. 26)
Bull: I wanted to cry out as loud as I could..
Kakashi: Yeah… (I’m not sure who’s saying this line)
Bull: For feeling guilty towards that dog, and for knowing Kakashi…
For my life being here now.
For my life, I wanted to cry it out until the blood came out of my throat.
(p. 27)
Bull: That dog…
I wonder, was that dog ever able to feel like this, even once?
(Flashback) Doggies: Because Kakashi brought you, Bull!
Uhei: Hey!!! Bull!!
Shiba: You’re late!!
I was worried, you know!
Guruko: (to others) Hey, Bull came back!!
Bull: I’m Bull. The dog that Kakashi found.
5. Urushi’s scales
Urushi: I think I’m good looking
(5. Urushi’s scales)
Girl pups: Ahh~ Urushi…~
Urushi: I’m popular with the ladies
(note: he uses メス, which means bitch in the literal sense - a female dog - and all the puppers use it to refer to human women too. So I just left it as ladies, as I don't think the pups mean it to be crass, they just use dog language and apply it to humans as well as themselves)
Sometimes I’m told ‘it’s probably because you’re one of Kakashi’s ninken’, but…
(Background lettering over the other dogs says ‘Unstylish/Uncool/Lame’)
But my other friends aren’t all that popular, really.
Still, I think it’s because I really am good-looking after all.
(Choruses of ‘Urushi~’, ‘Ahh…; and ‘Let’s play together, Urushi)
Urushi: Hehehe…
Being good-looking is a great thing.
Guruko: Hey, Kakashi!
(p. 29)
Guruko: You got hit by a girl again, didn’t you?!
Kakashi: *laughing* No…
Akino: Why were you hit by a girl? Do girls not like you?
Uhei: It looks like it hurts…
Kakashi: Nooo ~
Shiba: You’re so strong, Kakashi, why were you hit?
Biscuit: You couldn’t avoid it?
Guruko: *Steam from nostrils* I’ll fight her for you!
Kakashi: It’s fine, it’s fine ~
What are you saying?
(p. 30.)
Urushi: Kakashi said ‘I took responsibility’.
Sometimes humans say things I don’t understand…
Girl dog: Urushi… pair up with me.
Urushi: If Kakashi’s saying it, it must be important…
Be… Because I’m one of Kakashi’s ninken?
Girl dog: It has nothing to do with that. I like you, Urushi
Urushi: Wow… *heart pounding*
Girl dog: Pair up with me, and…
I want you to leave the ninken. (Lit. Stop being a ninken)
(p. 31)
Girl dog: I love you, Urushi, but what if, on a mission, you…
I can’t stand the thought of that!
Leave the ninken, and… always stay in the village with me?
Urushi: This girl’s a beauty, and has a kind personality…
I think that I might want to be with her…
Should I leave the ninken?
(p. 32)
Urushi: *perplexed*
Kakashi, Bull and Biscuit: *zzz, sleeping sounds*
Urushi: If I said I wanted to leave the ninken…
Kakashi: (in Urushi’s imagination) If that’s what you want, Urushi
It’s fine with me! (Background: It would be a shame, though…)
Urushi: I feel like Kakashi would say something like that…
Do I want to do that…? Not really, but… *sigh*
Hey, Pakkun.
(p. 33)
Pakkun: Something bothering you?
Urushi: Yeah, there is
I have to decide between two things, but it’s difficult…
I want both of them, but I can’t have them.
Pakkun: … Is it a girl problem?
Urushi: Yep ~
Pakkun: That’s just like you, Urushi. (Pakkun’s imagination shows two girl pups arguing:
Urushi!! Which one will you choose, me or her?! *indignant barking*)
When making a decision about something, one needs to think about what’s most.
...important to oneself.
Let’s say you balance both sides on your scales…
Urushi: My scales?
Pakkun: For example….
(p. 34)
It’s not the physical weight, but the weight of what you think is precious and important. It’s the weight of those feelings.
If you think about which is heavier, you’ll find the answer.
Kakashi: You guys are having a kinda complicated conversation, huh…?
Pakkun: Oh, Kakashi, you woke up, did you?
Urushi: *heart pounding*
Kakashi: My scales lean towards sleep, you know..
Let’s eat soon, okay? Please…
Urushi: Kakashi…. Are you happy that I’m here?
(p. 35)
Kakashi: Hm? Yeah, I’m happy!
Urushi, of course I’m happy ~
(Note: the word Kakashi uses is 嬉しい, which is ‘ureshii’ so Kakashi is making a pun with Urushi’s name here.)
Urushi: *blush* Okay!
Pakkun: What we were just talking about… Don’t talk about it in front of Shiba.
Urushi: Huh? Why?
Pakkun: Seems like he recently had his heart broken…
(p. 36)
Urushi: The thing that’s most important and precious to me… isn’t you.
That’s why I can’t be with you.
I can’t be with you, but… you’re a beautiful and amazing lady.
So, let’s meet again one day ~
Biscuit: Kakashi! Kakashiiiii! It’s awful!!
(p. 37)
(*throbbing pain*)
Biscuit: Urushi’s hurt!!
(*dogs barking*)
Guruko: Let’s go fight them!! *steam from nostrils*
Shiba: No way, is it a girl? Kakashi, you better tell him off!!!
Kakashi: Did you get into a fight with a dog from the village?
Urushi: No, it’s not that…
I took responsibility.
I’ve got a manly mark on my face, heh~
Shiba: You better tell him off!! *bark*
Pakkun: That’s it…
6. Kakashi’s Helper Team!
(p. 38)
Kakashi: I’m home~!!!
Guruko: ?!!! Kakashi, you stink!!
Kakashi: *sweetly smiling* Oh, stop it…
I saw Asuma after a long time, and we talked and ended up getting some drinks… It was nice to see him… *flops down on floor*
Guruko: Take a bath!!!
Don’t go to sleep!!
(*soundly sleeping*)
(p. 39.)
Guruko: Uhei! Uheiii!
Uhei: What is it?
Guruko: Let’s clean up Kakashi!
(6. Kakashi’s Helper Team!)
Uhei: Ehh… But if he wakes up, he’ll take a bath himself, won’t he?
(SFX: Heave-ho! Heave-ho!)
Guruko: We can’t leave Kakashi as he is when he’s this stinky! It’s fine, take it off!
Uhei: Uh, this is stuck half way, I can’t take it off
Guruko: Because you haven’t taken off his leg bandages!
(p. 40)
Guruko: Damn, this is stuck half way *pulling*
Uhei: Isn’t that because you haven’t taken off his headband?!
Guruko: This is enough, let’s carry him to the bath like this!
(*dragging noises*)
Uhei: Won’t his clothes get wet?
Guruko: It’s fine, because we’re going to wash them anyway!
Uhei: It’s amazing… Kakashi still hasn’t woken up!
Guruko: Okay, let’s wash him!
Uhei: Isn’t that… the shampoo that we use?
Guruko: It’s totally safe!!
If it’s fine for us to use, it’ll be fine for Kakashi too, right?
Uhei: I guess…
(p. 41)
Uhei: We can wash his body, but what about his clothes?
(SFX: *scrub scrub*)
Guruko: If we wash them together, it’ll be fine! Hey, pour some hot water over here ~
Uhei: Okay!
(SFX: *splash*)
Kakashi: *suddenly yelling* I’m gonna die!!
Guruko: *screaming*
Kakashi: Even with my face covered, if you pour hot water on me, I can’t breathe, you know!! You really can’t do that.
Guruko: You woke up…
(SFX: *heart pounding*)
Uhei: You really scared me…
(p. 42)
Kakashi: You’d started something, and I wondered how far you’d carry on… Ah, I’m drenched.
Guruko: Ah, I’m sorry, Kakashi!!
Kakashi: Well, anyway.. you guys ended up cleaning yourselves pretty good too. You’re all drenched, too.
Guruko: Then I’ll go get some towels!!
Uhei: Kakashi, Kakashi
Guruko acts the way he does, but he really loves looking after you!
Kakashi: I know.
Biscuit: I want to have a bath with Kakashi too ~
Guruko: That’s not it! It’s just all slippery (note: not accurate, but the gist is that Biscuit misunderstands and Guruko puts him straight)
7. I’ll always love you
(p. 43)
Sakumo: Pakkun…
I have a favour to ask.
(SFX: Snoring)
Kakashi: Pakkun..
(SFX: Gasp)
Pakkun: Huh?
Kakashi: It’s time to eat.
(p. 44)
Pakkun: Alright.
(Other dogs: Food~ Food ~
Kakashi: Yes ~ Yes ~)
Sakumo: Pakkun…
(p. 45)
Pakkun: Kakashi?
Kakashi: Hm?
Pakkun: For the mission report before… You didn't need me, did you?
Why did you bring me?
Other dogs: We want to come too!!
Kakashi: It’s just Pakkun for today
Kakashi: Hmm…
Hey, let’s relax here for a little while.
Pakkun: What’s this…
Kakashi: Come on…
(p. 46)
Kakashi: I want to talk about Dad.
…No. Maybe it’s a confession?
Talking about Dad…. Felt like something we couldn’t even broach. Ever.
I think you felt this way too, right, Pakkun?
I couldn’t tell you earlier that ‘it’s all right now’. Even though it was.
It was just a matter of timing, I guess…
Pakkun: But I wasn’t waiting for you to say that… Even if you’d have said it earlier, that’d have been good, but..
Why, out of the blue like this?
A change like that… Just like…
Just like…
(p. 47)
Sakumo: I have a favour.
Kakashi: The day Dad died…
Ever since then, for a long time, now… I became strange.
I’ve been nothing but trouble for you.
Pakkun: Kakashi-
Kakashi: Even though… you were hurting over Dad not being here too.
(p. 48)
Kakashi: Dad was your first master, right?
You really were precious to him.
….The other day, when you were having a nap, I woke you up, didn’t I?
It might have been because of the food, but your nose was twitching.
At first, I thought you were growling.
When I woke you up, you had a really startled expression when you looked at me.
I understood right away.
You were thinking about Dad, right?
(p. 49)
Kakashi: You were having a dream about Dad that time, right?
Thank you for always being considerate towards me…
But it’s alright now.
From now on, I want you to tell me…
The things about Dad that only you know.
(p. 50)
Pakkun: Sakumo…
(Sakumo: Pakkun…)
Pakkun: …really was a loving, kind man.
Kind, and…
(Sakumo: Pakkun…)
Pakkun: Kind, and…
I’ll tell you about Sakumo.
The things I’ve always wanted to tell you
I’ll tell you now.
Kakashi: Okay.
(p. 51)
Kakashi: Thank you for telling me about Dad, Pakkun.
Pakkun: …Don’t you dare die.
I’ve had enough now.
Yeah. Enough.
(p. 52)
(Sakumo: I’m asking.…)
Pakkun: Sakumo…
The two of you are exactly alike.
Kakashi: Oh, really?
Pakkun: Everything’s alright now.
(p. 53)
(p. 54)
(No text)
(p. 55)
(p. 56)
(Note: I think the favour Sakumo asked of Pakkun was to take care of and be mindful of Kakashi always. This isn't outright stated)
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cherryonigiri · 4 years
S/O that thirsts over anime/game guys
reposted bc wasn’t showing up in the tags + I want to keep nsfw under the cut
@nononononojustno asked: Okay so could you write a headcanon where 2 random boys (can you pick then? I love all of boys from hq) and Ushi-kun where they walk on their gfs fangirling or thirsting over another anime/game character?And she was talking how hot he is? How they would react?👀😂 have a great day/night and dont forget to eat and get rest, love you💕
A/N: hahahahaha i laughed while writing this. FYI these are all based on legit crushes i had on anime/game characters at some point in my life - see if you’ve watched the shows i’ve watched :) ILY I PROMISE I’M DOING MY BEST TO EAT THREE MEALS A DAY AND GET ADEQUATE SLEEP MWAH. also i went overboard and added an extra boy bc why not. These are a little shorter since there were 4 characters but I hope you enjoy!
Content warning: implied nsfw for Atsumu + slight nsfw hcs for Matsukawa (both are under the cut)
PS: If anyone wants a spicy sequel/one shot for matsukawa i’m open to the idea 👀👀 let me know in my inbox!
Ushijima Wakatoshi
Ushijima definitely knows you’re into anime + games
Having visited your dorm room on multiple occasions he’s seen your extensive collection of manga, anime posters and you always seem to be playing on your switch whenever you have free time
Of course, he notices a significant portion of your collection is centered on male characters
And you’ve definitely mentioned a few games to him - Ikemen Sengoku, Code:Realize, Hakuouki (wow i’m really out here exposing myself) etc.
He doesn’t really mind though? Like - at the end of the day these are 2D men, whereas he is a very real boyfriend
At least he thinks he doesn’t mind
Recently, he notices that you seem to be on your phone a lot, and you seem to be texting the same group chat very often
He asks why and you laugh - it’s not actual text messages you’re just trying out a new otome/simulation game called Mystic Messenger. He finds the name silly but he just brushes it off he’s definitely J E A L O U S
Until one day he walks into your room while you’re calling one of your friends to freak out about that specific game
He’s like who TF is Jumin and immediately bursts into your room looking pissed off
Poor babie is all like “you’re married?” and “if you had someone else you were interested in you should have told me.” “Who is this Jumin Han???” 🧐
Oh my god you start cackling, but you manage to tell him that NO you are not married and that Jumin Han is a fictional character from the game you’re playing
Ushijima looks confused after you explain - why would you find fictional men attractive when you’re already dating him?
Tendou almost dies laughing the next day when Ushijima tells him about what happened
Oikawa Tooru
Since practice finishes pretty late he usually goes to see you at your house at night, but tonight things wrapped up earlier - he’s excited to spend more time with you
You’ve finished up most of your homework so you’ve just been rewatching Attack on Titan since you’re super excited for the new season
You’re kinda distracted/have headphones on so you don’t hear your boyfriend knock on the front door. Your mom answers it and lets him in and he climbs the stairs
He can hear your fangirling (freaking out) over something as he walks towards your room
You jump in surprise when he opens the door, because you thought he would be a bit later but immediately release your pent up excitement
“Tooru just LOOK at him he’s such a bad ass like oh my gosh he literally has swords and he’s still running around slaying the MPs who have guns. God whenever he gets angry he looks so hot,” etc. etc.
You’re shoving your laptop in his face, showing him gifs and video of attack on titan, specifically the captain of the survey corps that you are obsessed with
Tooru gets it - for him its space, shitty alien films and astronomy. For you it’s video games and anime - or more specifically, handsome characters from said franchises
Even though he understand that it’s something you’re passionate about he still makes a whole show about whining how you’re in love with Levi Ackerman (lmao i still thirst over our favorite captain) instead of him
“y/n i’m taller than him! And more handsome! He has blood on him all the time! And he’s super annoying because he’s obsessed with cleaning.” *cue pouty Tooru*
You probably shouldn’t tell him that you are an avid follower of the levi x reader tag on tumblr
Tooru still somehow finds out you’re also reading reader insert fanfic and goes BERSERK with his pouting and whining - literally everyone and their mothers have heard his sob story about how “his darling y/n is leaving me for a short germaphobic asshole”
The rest of the team finds it hilarious - the end up pranking him by posting pictures of Levi in his school locker or texting them in the volleyball groupchat (Oikawa is Suffering™)
Makki and Mattsun get him a Levi keychain for his birthday and cackle when he chucks it violently into the nearest trash can
Miya Atsumu
Doesn’t really know you’re into anime/gaming at first
I don’t think that’s on purpose - Atsumu just has such a one track mind when it comes to volleyball and he’s always busy with practice
so he just kinda doesn’t really give all the anime merch in your room a second glance even though it’s a dead giveaway
I bet Atsumu secretly watches some superhero anime - probably shounen stuff like My Hero Academia, one punch man etc.
He probably starts to notice you’re into anime/games because you’ll play games on your phone/gaming device all the time
One day he notices you’re giggling + blushing while looking at your screen. He’s curious to he heads over to you when coach says they can have a break
Peeks over your shoulder because he wants to know what you’re playing - but instead he’s greeted by some 2D samurai guy called Harada Sanosuke asking you to marry him
“Huh, I didn’t know you were into this kinda stuff y/n” tries to sound playful but internally he is screaming / ?????? WOT I DIDN’T KNOW MY S/O WAS INTO OTOME GAMES
Atsumus pretty chill about it at first, he probably teases you a lot about playing the game but isn’t really bugged about it
“Maybe you should thirst over your boyfriend instead of a fictional character babe~”
I mean - he knows he’s attractive and why be jealous? You only really play the game when he’s busy and you don’t really let the game play seep into your dates/hangouts
But one time he walks in on you reading some ~spicy~ hakuouki x reader fanfic and he’s like are u serious
Like you were lowkey quiet screaming to yourself and muttering “omg omg omg” when he walked in and you definitely tried to close your laptop so he couldn’t see what was open in your browser
Too bad Atsumu has mad reflexes and manages to prevent you from making your computer go to sleep
Briefly skims whatever it was that you were reading and smirks at you
“Hey, if you really want something like this, why don’t you let your real boyfriend deliver” before kissing you
Matsukawa Issei
Look, Issei just wants a chill movie/tv show night where the two of you can bundle up on the couch and binge whatever anime you feel like
Has everything set up - this man is ready to go: snacks? he has all of your favorites, couch? filled with soft pillows + multiple pillows. Attire? Comfy sweatpants shirtless 🥵
Last time he chose the series for your binge sleepover so he let you choose what the two of you were gonna watch this time
Turns out you decided to watch Psycho-Pass - it seemed like a pretty cool show, he was down with the whole dystopia/psychological concept
Starts out pretty normal, is appreciating the action + mystery elements and is glad that you chose that show
About halfway through the anime you two decide to take a break - he goes to the kitchen to refill your snacks, leaving to stretch you back.
When he comes back with more food, he notices that you’re hunched over your phone, typing something
He sneaks up behind you after he puts the food down, “Whatcha reading there babe?” You squeak and try to hide your phone, but not before he sees the words kougami x reader typed into your tumblr search bar
Lit-rally exCuSE me what - he’s not mad (more amused than anything else) but he also kind wants to tease you (bc Mattsun is a little shit)
“Is that the reason you wanted to watch this show?” he asks playfully. “He’s pretty hot tho, I kinda agree with you there babe.”
Now that he’s released the floodgate, he can’t stop your occasional comments like “omg how does he look so GOOD when he’s punching someone” or “he could shoot me with his dominator and i’d still say thank you”
The thirst comments are kinda getting to him, so he decides to take things in a different direction
“Let me what I can show you with my dominator~” L M A O I’M SORRY THIS EXISTS
Suddenly you’re being pulled onto his lap, and pressed against his bare chest, Issei barely gives you time to adjust before he’s kissing you roughly, tongue plunging into your mouth
His hands wrap around your hips pressing your core closer to his own, and you can feel his hard-on pressing into your stomach
He’ll be sure to suck a dark hickey onto the side of your neck and his hands travel under your shirt, just to remind you who your real boyfriend is
Needless to say, you won’t remember a single thing about the second half of the show after the night is over couch sex? Couch sex 😏
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wireddless · 4 years
Codeine Scene (Five H. x Reader) [3]
Codeine Scene Masterlist
Authors Note: First off, I am SO sorry. New Years is always a slow time for me, and I did not mean to take this long to publish. Second of all, this chapter is a transition chapter into a much more fucked up story. I’m warning you now that the rest of this fic will get really really dark. I don’t recommend reading after this chapter if you can’t handle depictions of r*pe, murder, heavy drug use (cocaine, etc,) and other disturbing topics . I’m basing this story off of personal experiences, and in no way do I want someone who isn’t ready to read something like this to read this. This is like the last safe chapter, please do not read after this if you can’t handle the topics mentioned above
Summary: Klaus moves Reader up to Ben’s old room early in the morning. Afterwards, they eat breakfast and decide to trip on acid together. Five learns more about her than he expected to today
Warnings: Drug use (LSD[acid],) mentions of suicide, mentions of sex
Word Count: 3777
Taglist: @alexander-hamilhoe @dumdumsun
Tumblr media
The gentle shaking of (Y/n)’s shoulder pulled her from her sleep. Klaus stood over her, harshly whispering her name. Looking towards his window, she could see the sky was just barely starting to light up, it was still early. 
“Klaus it’s like 7:30!” She quickly grabbed the sheet that was covering her from the waist down and yanked it over her head. A small groan left Klaus’s mouth and he yanked it back off of her. “It’s Sunday!” She tried convincing him to let her sleep in, but it was no use. 
“I talked to Ben and he said you could stay in his room!” Klaus wrestled with (Y/n) over the blanket, knowing she was still tired. Ever the impatient man he was, Klaus spoke again, “We gotta get you settled in right now!” 
“Fine! Fine. I’m up.” (Y/n) sat up and shoved her matted hair out of her face.  “Why right now?” Klaus looked at her like the answer was obvious. It wasn’t, of course. 
“Because trauma can be associated with places! Coming in here right after what happened yesterday could be an issue.” He grabbed a hair brush off of his dresser and pushed her to sit on the bed. Climbing behind her, he started to brush her hair. “Even if you aren’t reminded of it in here, it’s always good to be able to have some privacy.” He made valid points. 
“I guess you're right.” Klaus was extraordinarily gentle with her hair, pulling out all of the mats and even putting in the effort to put it in a low ponytail to keep it out of her face.  “Thank you.” (Y/n) turned and smiled at Klaus, pulling him into a quick, tight, hug. 
Ben's room was up the green stairway, across from Five’s room. (Y/n)’s face scrunched a little when she realized Five would be right across the hallway, but she didn’t complain. Her arms were a little tired from carrying her suitcase and heavier back pack up the stairs so early in the morning, but it would fade rather quickly.
Klaus opened the door and stepped aside, letting (Y/n) rush to the bed with her heavy luggage. “Dad replaced everything in this room a week after Ben died.” Klaus sat on the bed next to her luggage, and she plopped next to him. “He said old reminders would only set us back, so he made this one of many guest rooms.” Klaus peered in the closet, knowing that Ben’s academy uniforms were no longer hanging pristinely on the rack. 
“He didn’t die in here, did he?” (Y/n) turned to look at Klaus, feeling heavy sympathy. 
“Oh no! A mission went wrong, and I suppose we all messed up, but the monster inside his chest started tearing him apart.” Klaus’s usual, very happy energy, was replaced by a solemn, cold one. “He died in the infirmary.” Klaus looked down at the bedsheets. They weren’t the one that Ben had used. “I still talk to him every day, but it still makes me a little sad.” Klaus sniffled and rubbed his eyes. 
(Y/n) pulled Klaus into a bone crushing hug, knowing he needed the comfort. “That’s terrible.” She was a very empathetic person, relying more on feeling than thinking, so she was struggling to hold back her own tears. “Are you sure he’s ok with this?” 
“Yeah! He said something about moving on, and finally attempting to find peace.” Klaus clapped his hands once as he stood. “He’s kind of started meditating too, which is kind of weird, because he’s a ghost and all.” He stood and glanced around the room, getting a good look at it before (Y/n) would make it her own. “Let’s go get some breakfast after we unpack, huh?” 
“That sounds nice.” (Y/n) stood and hugged Klaus again, silently letting him know that she was there for him. 
The walk all the way down to the basement kitchen was unexpectedly exhausting. Six flights of stairs later, two flights between every floor, they were sitting at the table, staring at Five scrape his eggs off the skillet and onto his toast. 
“I’m not making eggs for you two.” His voice was monotone and annoyed. He wasn’t a morning person. “Take some responsibility and make them yourself.” Five grabbed his food and coffee, and looked at both of them before giving his usual tight-lipped smirk and blipping away, presumably to his room. 
Klaus released a few small giggles he was holding in and hopped off the island. “He always seems to add a little spice to life.”
As he was making his way over to the fridge to grab some eggs, (Y/n) asked; “Is he like this every morning?” Not wasting a second after her question, Klaus replied. 
“Yep!” He pulled out four eggs and set them in a clean bowl on the counter. “Without a doubt. It’s worse on weekdays too, because the classes he teaches are all early in the morning. Now do you want scrambled, fried, or boiled?” 
“Scrambled, please.” As Klaus got to work on making breakfast for the two of them, she thought about what Five might teach. “Hey Klaus?” 
“Yeah?” Klaus was stirring the already scrambled eggs in the skillet. 
“What does Five teach? I mean it makes sense that he’s a teacher, but I just can’t think of what he’d be so willing to teach for a living.” Klaus looked back at (Y/n) before down at the eggs again. Her chin was resting in her hands, and she stared over at him, waiting for his answer. 
“I think some sort of ethics class, like there’s different types of ethics, but that’s all I really know. He doesn’t really talk about work, and it’s a bit weird considering he was an assassin.” Klaus split the scrambled eggs in two separate bowls with forks in them and gave one to (Y/n). 
“He killed people?” (Y/n) dug into the eggs, shoving them in her mouth, listening for Klaus. 
“We’ve all dabbled with a little murder before, it’s not really that big of a deal for us, but he swore never to kill for someone else again, I’m pretty sure.” Klaus fillet out a little moan of joy as he started filling his own stomach with the eggs. 
“That must be why he was so unphased about what happened yesterday, that makes me feel a lot better.” She concluded, trying not to remember the way she nearly beat the life out of the man in Five’s car as she shoved more of Klaus’s eggs in her mouth. “These are really good!” 
“Danke!” Klaus thanked her in German, with a mouth full of eggs. He swallowed them and continued speaking. “That actually reminds me- you’ve done acid right?” (Y/n) thought on the question for a moment before answering. 
“No actually, but I did do shrooms a lot with my friends before I dropped out.” Her fork scraped the bowl, trying to get the last of the eggs. 
“Good! You have experience.” Klaus poured the last of his eggs in his mouth, straight from the bowl, before swallowing. “Would you like to do acid with me? You don’t have to, but I feel like this would definitely raise your spirits.” Klaus leaned toward her, waiting for her answer. 
“I’d love to actually.” (Y/n) swallowed the last of her eggs, and stacked her bowl with Klaus’s, before taking them to the sink to wash them. Klaus stood and followed her, digging in the breast pocket of his half-unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt and pulling out a small square of folded tin foil. 
“Great! Now stick your tongue out.” Klaus unfolded the foil and pulled a tiny white square of paper, roughly the size of a phone keyboard key, out from the six-ish others in it. (Y/n) stuck her tongue out as she rinsed the now-clean bowls and Klaus placed the piece of paper on it, before sticking one on his own tongue.
(Y/n) stuck her tongue back in her mouth and sucked a bit on the paper. “So do I swallow it, or…?” The tab didn’t make it any harder to talk, thank god. 
“If you want to, but you absorb it faster when it’s in your mouth.” Klaus picked up the bowls and started drying them. “It’s not bitter at all is it?” Klaus asked, checking to make sure she didn’t take a laced tab.
(Y/n) focused on the tab again, not really noticing any taste. “Not that I can notice.” Klaus smiled as he shut the cabinet where he placed the bowls. 
“That means we’re all good! You can swallow it when the paper feels soggy enough, though, you’ve probably absorbed most of it by now.” Klaus led her back upstairs to his room, practically dragging her by her wrist. “Things are gonna get really funny for a little bit before you actually start tripping.” Klaus shut the door behind them and plopped on his bed. 
“Doesn’t it take like an hour to kick in?” This wasn’t her first rodeo, so she knew her way around at least a bit. 
“Yeah yeah, it’s kinda like shrooms? But the visuals and the trip are just a bit different, you’ll see what I mean.” Klaus grabbed a joint he had rolled earlier and lit up, taking a few puffs before passing it to (Y/n). “Just settle in for like half an hour and then get up to see how you feel.” 
Tripping on LSD was a profound experience. (Y/n) wasn’t able to go outside, as it was raining cold, so she stayed inside, wandering around the house. She and Klaus made some really cool art, and Klaus held it over the vents to dry while she was walking around the house. 
Tripping felt like seeing the universe fully for the first time, and she could somewhat understand Klaus’s view of the world. Many times throughout the last three hours, she thought she saw Five blipping away out of the corner of her eye. She had dismissed it every time, of course.
Now the trip was peaking, and the visuals were insane. The air around (Y/n) felt like breathable, transparent, clay, and it was a little overwhelming with all the visuals, so she opened the door in front of her and quietly sat next to it, letting out a long, happy sigh. Closing her eyes, she paid attention to the gorgeous visuals she could see behind her eyelids. 
(Y/n) didn’t even notice Five sitting on his bed, staring at her from over his book. She was too focused on the movement behind her eyelids, and the euphoric feeling surrounding her, so when Five spoke, she nearly jumped out of her skin.
“I think you have the wrong room.” The sound of Five closing his book reached her ears. 
“Oh my god I’m so sorry, I- I wasn’t paying attention I’ll leave.” (Y/n) stumbled over her words as she tried to stand, clearly embarrassed.
“No, no, it’s fine actually.” Five spoke, rather out of character. “A little company once in a while feels nice, and I see no harm when you’re being quiet.” His face was beyond distorted, but she could still recognize his permanent scowl. 
“Really?” (Y/n) settled back down, more relaxed and at ease. 
“Yeah, I don’t really care.” Five grabbed his book again, opening it back to where he was. “Just don’t be too annoying.”  
“I won’t don’t worry.” Five grunted quietly at her response. A smile painted itself on her face, and she slid all the way down the wall, with her head now on the floor with the rest of her. 
And she was quiet. Five watched for like an hour and a half as her eyes slowly focused on something new in his room every few moments. She was quite taken by the math equations across his wall, and he found it rather cute. He started to find her less annoying, now understanding that she coped the way his brother did. 
He was alone once again in his room now, no longer accompanied by (Y/n). In fact, she was accompanied by one of her “friends.” She barely even knew the guy. 
Five could hear everything. Every moan. Every word spoken with the intent of being quiet, but wasn’t held under the gentle guise of a whisper. It infuriated him. 
Of course, he understood that she didn’t grow up in a particularly healthy home, given that she was in a homeless shelter at almost 18, so she didn’t understand healthy coping habits. It genuinely hurt his heart, if just a little bit, that he could watch another hurt soul walk down the same path as his brother. 
Klaus had gotten help for his addictions, and was off addictive drugs completely, but even Five understood that not everyone will be able to get the help they need. He wouldn’t say he had any feelings for her, but he still felt sympathy. 
Knowing that it was how she coped made hearing all of it a little easier, but he still wasn’t able to handle it after hearing it for fifteen minutes, so he jumped down to the kitchen, brewed himself some herbal tea, added a little vodka, and read his book, criss cross, on the table in the center of the room, attempting to ignore what was happening right across from his room. 
Bailey had just left, and (Y/n) was exhausted. He was kind of an ass, and he treated her like shit in middle school, but he was a horny teen, and it was really easy to just invite him over.
The trip was fading out now. She was no longer peaking, and the visuals were far less intense. (Y/n), after standing at the stairs, staring at them for a couple minutes, deemed it safe to be able to walk down them. She knew it was normally safe to go down the steps while tripping, but something in her head told her to wait, so she did. 
These particular steps were a little steep, as well, so she made her way down slowly, leading herself to the kitchen in the basement. Her bare feet padded quietly on the floor as she walked to the stove, turning the heating element under the tea kettle on. The bags under her eyes felt so beyond heavy, and she knew she’d be sleeping deeply tonight. 
“You done up there?” Five’s voice pulled her out of her thoughts. (Y/n) turned and leaned on the counter to face him. 
“Yeah, yeah, he left like ten minutes ago. I’m just really tired and want some tea to relax I guess.” Her arms were crossed, comfortably holding each other up. 
Five hummed in response. “Well I see we both thought of the same thing.” He lifted his mug of tea, peppermint maybe, and put it to his lips. 
“I thought you only drank coffee.” (Y/n) chuckled a little feeling the heat of the stove begin to reach her back. 
“Well it wouldn’t be very logical to drink caffeine so late in the day, especially when I have to teach an early class tomorrow.” Five flipped the page of his book, continuing to read while talking to her. 
“Makes sense.” Her words were drowned out by the high whistling of the tea kettle, letting her know she could pour it into the cup. Grabbing the tin of loose leaf tea, she hummed as she scooped it into the reusable tea bag that was next to it. 
(Y/n) dropped the tea bag in the cup, following up with the boiling water. She turned, bringing her and her cup to the table, now sitting next to Five. Five was a grumpy, annoying, old, man who has to grow up all over again, but his company was enjoyable, it contrasted hers in such a way that it comforted her. It made her feel like her ADHD was less severe, like her inability to focus was matched by someone who could do nothing but focus. 
Only a day had gone by since they met, and she was already comforted by him. 
Five shut his book and looked over at her. The more he got to know her, the more subtly enjoyable he found her. Her sitting not two feet from him didn’t bother him as much as it usually would. He was kind of ok with that. 
“You drink peppermint?” (Y/n)’s voice was scratchy and hoarse. She really did need the tea. 
“Yeah, it’s the least fruity from what I’ve tried.” He took another sip. “Simple classic.” He set it down and looked over at her, engaging in an unexpected conversation.
“I tend to prefer fruitier teas, I’ve noticed.” She looked down at the cup that she’d been drinking out of for a couple minutes now. “They go down easier and really comfort me. Reminds me of my mom, she only ever made fruity teas.” She took another sip, letting the warmth fill her up. 
“What happened to your mom?” Five looked back down at his drink, then back up at the girl next to him. “I noticed that you didn’t exactly live with her when we picked up your stuff.” 
“Yeah..” (Y/n) hesitated a little. He was awfully blunt. “I was like seven when it happened, but I’m told it was a double suicide, between her and dad.” Her legs were swinging a little nervously. “Mom sent me up to my room one night and told me not to come out until she opened the door, no matter what. The next day a detective came into my room and carried me out screaming. They were both dead on the floor. I lived with my aunt and uncle after that.”
“Oh shit.” Five didn’t expect her answer to be this upsetting. 
“Yeah. My uncle told me it was a double suicide, my aunt said the same thing, she manipulated me and made me think they did it because of me.” (Y/n) sighed into her drink, her distorted reflection staring back at her. “I don’t even remember what the scene looked like, just a lot of blood. I don’t look at anything about it either, don’t really want to relive it.” 
“That’s really tough, wow.” Five chuckled uncomfortably and finished his drink. “I didn’t know my mother, but my mom was a robot. She was pretty much indestructible, but she was fully shut off when our house was being attacked a long time ago.”
“Oh my.” (Y/n)’s voice was soft, hoarse, and tired. Her hand gently moved to rest atop his, not really knowing how else to reassure him, if he even needed it, of course. “I’m sorry about that.” 
Five didn’t even seem to notice his hand being covered. “No it’s fine, I got over it long long ago.” His words were just slightly slurred, and his eyes had reddened slightly.
“Well I’m here if you ever need like, a hug or something.” (Y/n) laughed. “I don’t really know how else to comfort anyone.” 
“It shouldn’t be your job to comfort anyone, that’s not your responsibility.” Five chuckled and smiled slightly. (Y/n) hadn’t expected him to smile, and it wasn’t as weird as she thought it would be.
Before she could even mention it though, Klaus’s happy, booming voice echoed in the kitchen as he practically skipped to the fridge. As she yanked her hand away from Five, she noticed the way he pulled his arm away as well. Maybe he did notice?
Klaus and Five started talking about something as he got off the table and placed his cup in the sink, but she wasn’t paying attention. Before her attention was quickly pulled to the floor, she thought on the way Five had wrenched his arm away. 
As anxiety inducing as it was, the LSD that was still in her system made it easy to quickly move onto the next thought. Before she knew it, a flash of blue wrenched her out of her head and she looked up at Klaus, now alone with her in the kitchen. 
“Hey, sweetie.” Klaus kissed her cheek and led her gently off the table and to the stairs. “Your trip going good?” He popped a black olive in his mouth. 
“Yeah it’s going fine, I really like it. It’s kinda different from shrooms, but not like a bad different.” She was just two steps behind him, trying to keep the same pace as him. 
“That’s great.” Klaus hummed as he popped another olive in his mouth. “These are absolutely amazing. I figured you would like it, it’s really calming and stuff for me. Makes the sad feeling kinda disappear for weeks after.” 
“Oh same, I’ve just felt creative and warm all day.” They stopped in front of Klaus’s room, Klaus still eating his olives. “I’m actually exhausted too, the trip felt really nice.” 
“Well I’m glad I could have helped.” Klaus pulled her into a tight hug, humming loudly. Hugs felt great on psychedelics, she had noticed. 
“You helped so much.” (Y/n)’s voice was slightly muffled by Klaus’s chest. She pulled out of Klaus’s chest, speaking again. “I’m gonna go to bed now, if that’s ok, I’m so so tired.” She laughed a little. 
“That’s fine, I’m gonna crash the moment I hit my bed, so..” Klaus smiled down at her, thankful for this mini-him. 
“Night night, Klaus.” (Y/n) and Klaus both separated to head to their rooms, both about to sleep deeply enough to miss a train going through the house. 
The stairs up to her new room were an almost pastel green color, covered by what looked to be years of grime and nicotine stains. It added character, she thought. The checkerboard floor at the top of the stairs seemed to lead her straight to her new room, which she was really thankful for, she was exhausted. 
Her fingers wrapped around the doorknob, twisting the old carved crystal just enough to open it. She closed it the same way, with just enough effort for it to work, she could have sworn she saw something blue flash near her, but she doubted herself immediately. Once she plopped on the bed, her fingers dragged her phone across the sheets towards her. 
It took (Y/n) two full minutes to open her phone, not remembering her password and then not being able to type the right letters slowed her down significantly. It wouldn’t matter though, because once she turned on some quiet music, she was fast asleep.
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ur-jinji · 4 years
wallflowers: part three
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zuko x f!reader modern au
summary: things get heated and tense when zuko gets jealous at a party with you
warning: alcohol consumption, angst :(
a/n: @teelagurl558 and i had a good discussion about zuko & alcohol and i really wanted to make a part three lmao
You gazed out the car window, watching the passing houses and streetlights. You turned towards the driver, Zuko, and he moved his head to look at you for a quick moment, smiling softly. He took one hand off of the wheel and placed it on your thigh, giving it a squeeze before resting it there. Your heart melted completely. This guy made you into putty every time he touched you.
You spent the last month with him and your friends so happily. But sadly, the long break was coming to an end. A new semester was starting in a few days, so this was your last night together; you were leaving tomorrow afternoon to head back to your town. You had been staying at both Suki’s apartment and Zuko’s. Your relationship with him had blossomed so naturally. He asked you to be his girlfriend about a week before. You two weren’t rushing things, and took the time to really get to know each other, go out, spend time together, and even sleeping over at his house. You were willing to do long distance, but you weren’t sure if Zuko was, so you had been afraid that this would simply be a fling. But when he asked you to be his girlfriend, he told you he was more than happy to have a long distance relationship. He told you how special you were to him and even started planning the next time he would want to see you after you left. You really, really liked him.
“I wish you could stay one more day,” Zuko spoke, breaking the comfortable silence.
“I know, me too. I just have so much packing and preparing to do for the new semester,” You replied sadly.
The two of you were headed to Suki apartment. She and Katara had planned a surprise going away party for you. One last hoorah. You were under the impression that it was a simple get together that would include ordering pizza and hanging out. Little did you know, they invited about ten other people you befriended through them during your stay, Toph brought a big ol’ speaker, and Sokka bought a bunch of alcohol (everyone who planned on drinking helped pitch in money for it, of course). And obviously there would still be pizza, among other snacks.
Zuko pulled up outside of Suki’s apartment building. The two of you made your way inside and a couple flights of stairs until you made it to her door. He put his hand on the handle and slowly opened it. Your eyes widened when you saw it was completely dark inside, not a soul in sight.
“What the hell?” You said, very confused. Zuko shrugged in response before grabbing your hand and walking inside. As you did so, the lights flickered on, and a bunch of familiar faces jumped out of nowhere.
“Surprise!” They all yelled somewhat in unison.
You felt your soul leave your body as you flinched.
“Holy shit, is it someone’s birthday?” You asked in response, gaining some laughs.
“No, dummy! It’s our ‘y/n-going-away-and-we-are-sad’ party!” Suki said, appearing from the crowd of people.
“I’m celebrating!” You heard Sokka say from across the room.
“I love you, oh my god! You guys didn’t have to do this,” You said before hugging her and planting a kiss on her cheek. You turned to Zuko. “Did you know about this?!”
Zuko nodded and smirked. You pulled away from Suki and hugged him tight. “Might as well have some fun before you go,” He said, a hint of sadness in his tone.
“Well, thank you, everyone!” You yelled as you pulled away from your boyfriend, but not before giving him a peck on the lips. You made your way around the room, hugging and thanking everyone who was there. Toph surprised you the most by hugging you the tightest and the longest. You swore you could hear her sniffle a little. You eventually made your way back to Zuko, who was holding a wine cooler out for you.
“Thank you, hun,” You replied before cracking it open and taking a swig.
You spent the night eating snacks, talking with your friends, listening to music, playing card games, etc. It was the most fun you’ve had in a while. Zuko was attached at your hip all night, which you were fine with, but it made you a little concerned. Something seemed off with him. He slammed a few drinks with Sokka and went through more pretty quickly after. When you suggested he slowed down, he mumbled an excuse like, ‘I thought this was a party’ and shrug it off. You eventually found yourself on the couch, feeling the alcohol hitting you, but you felt fine. Just a little dizzy. Zuko had drunkenly walked away for a moment to get you some water. Sokka plopped down next you, placing a hand over his eyes.
“I should’ve stopped a few drinks ago,” He grumbled.
“Are we gonna have a repeat of the last party?” You asked jokingly.
“God, I hope not,” Sokka replied under this breath. He slouched over, his head accidentally falling onto your shoulder. You heard some snores. You decided to let him stay there since he clearly was feeling sick. You looked up and saw Zuko enter the room, tripping slightly. His eyes landed on you and then glanced over at Sokka’s head on your shoulder. He gripped the water in his hand tightly.
“Hey, baby, mind giving the water to Sokka? He doesn’t feel too good,” You asked, sitting up forward. Sokka’s limp, sleeping body fell behind you. Zuko suddenly tossed the water bottle at Sokka and walked away. What the fuck?
You got up, letting the drunk boy fall roughly onto the couch, causing him to wake up.
“What happened?” Sokka asked, slurring his words.
“I don’t know. He came in and threw that water at you and left,” You explained. Sokka sat up and rubbed his eyes.
“Maybe he got jealous. He gets weird sometimes when he drink. I can go talk to him,” He said, surprising you at how level headed he was suddenly being. He got off the couch and walked down the hallway, and you followed closely. You found Zuko standing at the bathroom vanity, gripping the sink hard and holding himself up. His head hung low.
“Zuko, buddy, what’s wrong?” Sokka asked the weirdly angered boy.
“I don’t know. Maybe don’t make moves on my girlfriend?” Zuko replied nastily as his head shot up, glaring at the two of you through the mirror. He turned around, falling slightly but catching himself.
“Dude, what?” Sokka questioned, confusion in his tone. He walked towards his friend. “I’d never do that to you, bro. Plus I have a girlfriend? Who I love more than anything?”
“Zuko, what are you talking about?” You pitched in from the bathroom doorway.
“Go put your head on Suki then, buddy. Don’t touch my fucking girlfriend,” Zuko snapped, suddenly charging the other boy and pressing his puffed out chest against his aggressively.
“Hey! What has gotten into you?!” You yelled, running over to break them up.
“Yeah. What has gotten into you, dude? Don’t pull this shit right now,” Sokka replied with a bit of an attitude, but trying to keep his cool to not make the situation worse. “You’re drunk. You don’t know what you’re saying.”
“I know what I saw!” Zuko sneered, pushing Sokka away roughly. His eyes were filled with rage. You backed away in shock, not liking this side of him. Why was he being like this?
“Really, Zuko? My last fucking night here and you want to start a fight over nothing? Sokka is fucking drunk and wasn’t feeling good, and fell on me,” You explained angrily.
“Yeah, man, what the hell,” Sokka added, sounding disappointed. “I’m not fighting you, dude. This is ridiculous.”
Zuko suddenly pushed Sokka again, causing you to break.
“Zuko! Enough!” You screamed before grabbing Sokka by the collar of his shirt and dragging him out of the bathroom. You pushed him away once you exited the bathroom and stormed to Suki’s room, slamming and locking the door behind you. You sat on the edge of the bed, anxiously running your hands through your hair before fishing your phone from your pocket. You bounced your leg nervously, trying to busy yourself and calm down. You couldn’t believe this was happening.
A few minutes later, a knock at the bedroom door startled you.
“Y/N? It’s Suki and Katara! Can you let us in?” A voice from the other side of the door asked worriedly.
You got up and unlocked the door for them. Two worried looking girls strolled in, closing the door behind them.
“What happened?” Katara asked.
“Sokka’s drunk as fuck, his head fell on my shoulder, Zuko walked in, stormed out, and then we confronted him about it what was wrong, and then he tried to fight Sokka!” You explained irritatedly.
“What? Why would he get so mad about that? Sokka always falls on people when he’s drunk?” Suki questioned. “He falls asleep!”
“I’m just so pissed. You should’ve seen him. He was being so irrational. I didn’t even recognize him,” You muttered, replaying the scene in your head. The girls sat down beside you at the edge of the bed, rubbing circles on your back.
“I’m sorry, honey. For what it’s worth, Zuko sounds like he feels awful,” Katara offered with a light smile.
“I don’t care. I hated seeing him like that,” You mumbled. “I just need to be away from him right now.”
“Sokka told me he’s been feeling down knowing you leaving. Maybe that has something to do with tipping him over,” Suki suggested. You shrugged and buried your face in your hands. The image of the anger in his eyes was stuck in your head.
“Can you guys leave me alone for a bit?” You asked. “I need to cool off and think.”
The girls nodded sadly before getting up and exiting the room. You fell backwards on the bed, staring at the ceiling miserably. A couple minutes later, a few knocks sounded and the door knob started to jiggle. They must’ve locked it on their way out.
“What?” You yelled at whoever was at the door.
“Y/N?” It was Zuko. His voice sounded scared and worried. “Please let me in.”
On the other side of the door, Zuko was leaning against the wood, his hands pressed against it. He felt horrible. He didn’t know what had gotten into him. After you left the bathroom, Sokka got Katara and Suki and reasoned with him, calming him down. After the intervention, he realized what he had done. He felt terrible knowing he had hurt you. He couldn’t imagine how scared and upset you were to see him like that. He hadn’t acted like that in a very long time.
“Y/N, baby, please,” Zuko begged. “Please open the door for me. I’m so sorry.”
The quiet from the other side was deafening. A pit formed in Zuko’s stomach. Was he going to lose you?
a/n: don’t hate me pwease🥺 part four is coming soon! ah!! thanks for reading!!!
taglist: @teelagurl558 @complainsalot @coldlilheart
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Riding High
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Ch3: Chicken wings and Confessions.
Chapter Summary: Fliss heads to Frank and Mary’s for a cookout, and they both learn a little bit more about the other’s troubled past.
Chapter Warnings: Bad Language words. Talks of domestic violence and suicide.
Chapter Pairings:  Frank Adler x OFC Fliss Gallagher
A/N: Again, as you will all know I’m a Brit so apologies if too much British horsey lingo slips into this…ASK away if you don’t understand. Tagging all my SSB/CSI readers…if you want in or off the list PLEASE just tell me.
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Fliss Gallagher and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Riding High Masterlist // Main Masterlist
Chapter 2
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“Frank goes out most Fridays, but Saturday we hang out.” Mary explained about her weekends to Fliss as she sat on the chair with her juice box. Mary had finished her riding lesson roughly fifteen minutes ago and they were now sat in Fliss’ office waiting for Frank to finish working on the tractor. Fliss had noticed instantly that Mary’s demeanour around the two other girls on her lesson had changed, she had become a lot more introvert. Almost like the children bored her so to speak.
It had surprised Fliss a little, as normally it was the other way round, kids happy to be outgoing with people their own age and more reserved with grown-ups. But she had ignored it and introduced the three girls to one another, simply carrying on as normal. Mary had completely focussed on her riding, not really speaking to the other kids and Fliss was starting to understand now why Frank thought she needed to socially interact a little more with children.
“That’s cool.” Fliss smiled. “So what are you doing tonight then?”
“He said he was gonna do a BBQ.” Mary looked at her. “Roberta’s coming over. She’s our neighbour. She turns up uninvited all the time so Frank said we might as well ask her if she wanted to come as she’d just rock up anyway.”
Fliss grinned “Is Frank any good with BBQs?”
“He BBQs better than he cooks.” Mary answered and Fliss chuckled. “But that’s because it’s not really cooking is it? It’s just heating meat to a temperature so that all the bacteria is killed.”
“Talking about me again?” Frank leaned in the doorway of the office, wiping his hands on an old rag and Fliss looked up, smiling at him.
“Mary was just telling me about your cooking.”
Frank snorted “Yeah it’s not much to write home about.”
“It’s bad.” Mary grimaced. “Unless you get it out of a jar.”
At that Fliss tipped her head back in a loud laugh. “Oh God!”
Frank shook his head smiling to himself before he changed the subject. “Tractor’s all done.”
“You, Sailor, are a God send.” she smiled “What do I owe you?”
“Nothing” Frank shook his head “I had the parts lying around so…”
Fliss frowned, before she smirked at him, “Okay then, today’s lesson is on me again.”
Frank looked away shaking his head before he turned back, smiling “That’s how it is?”
“That’s how it is.” she nodded.
“Alright, quid-pro-quo.” he shrugged, tucking the rag he had been using into his back pocket.
“What are you doing tonight?” Mary asked and Fliss smiled.
“Well my Mum and Dad are away so I have the house to myself. I’ll probably grab a beer, lay by the pool for a bit and then…”
“You have a pool?” Mary’s eyes widened, cutting her off.
“My mum and dad do.”
“That’s so cool.” Mary looked at Frank “Why can’t we have a pool?”
“We do.”
“A communal one.” Mary rolled her eyes. “A private one is way better.”
“Yeah, well, sorry life is such a disappointment to you.” Frank looked at her, Mary pouted a little at him and Fliss smiled at the easy to-and-froing that was going on between the two. “And here’s another disappointment, time to go.”
“Because you’ve taken up enough of Miss Gallagher’s…”
“Fliss, please.”
“Fliss’ time, and I need to get to the store if you wanna eat anything tonight.”
Mary grumbled but stood up and trudged slowly towards the door.
“Before you go do you wanna book in for next week?” Fliss asked.
“You gonna let me pay for that one?” Frank looked at her.
“Depends if I find anything else for you to fix.” she shot back, Frank snorted and shook his head. “Same time?”
He nodded “That’s great, thanks.”
“No problem.”
She bid them both goodbye and Frank and Mary made their way to the truck, Frank’s hand dropping to the back of Mary’s head as they walked, keeping her from diverting her attention as she spotted Joanne bringing in one of the horses from the pasture.
“Do you not think Miss Gallagher might be lonely?” Mary asked Frank suddenly.
“Lonely?”  Frank looked at her, “Why do you think she might be lonely?”
“Because she’s on her own, at home.” Mary shrugged
“She lives near her parents.” Frank replied.
“Yeah but her parents have been away since Tuesday. And she told me that she doesn’t have a lot of friends round here.”
“Neither do you.” Frank looked at Mary.
Mary scoffed “I have you and Roberta, and Fred.”
“Well then Fliss has her family, her horses.”
“But why not us?”
“I’m not following?” Frank shook his head. “I mean why can’t we be her friends?”
“Well, we are.” he said, “Sorta, anyway.”
“So why doesn’t she come round tonight as well?”
“Well, I…” Frank paused and looked up. He’d only know the woman a week but he couldn’t deny he liked her company. They’d chatted over text most nights since, and in person it was just as easy to talk to her as it was behind a phone screen, but he didn’t know her in any detail… well, not yet anyway. He was hoping he would in time, because he found her a breath of fresh air to be around. She was someone who didn’t know anything about him, his life. She took him for who he was and he liked that.
Taking a breath he looked back down at Mary. “You think she’d wanna come?”
Mary shrugged before she hopped round to the other side of the truck.  Frank patted the roof and leaned through the open window of the driver’s side. “Wait her a minute.” he instructed, before he turned and walked back onto the yard.
“Fliss?” he called and she turned to face him.
“Forget something?” she asked, smiling.
“No, well kinda, look. If you want, and that’s only if, there’s no obligation at all but you’re welcome to join us tonight.”
“When I said I was alone, I wasn’t angling for an invite.” she explained and Frank shook his head.
“No, I know…” he assured her “But the offer’s there if you fancy it. Although my limits are burgers, sausages and steak.”
“No chicken wings?” she frowned “What kind of sorry ass BBQ is that?”
“You want chicken wings, you can bring them.” he laughed.
She looked at him for a second before she smiled “Alright, deal.”
“Say about half five? Will you be done here or…”
“I can get one of the girls to close up.” she smiled. “Half five is fine.”
“Ok, well I’ll text you the address.” he said with a nod “It’s not hard to find, we live near the dock not far from St Pete’s beach. It’s the little trailer-slash-prefab park.”
He paused, waiting for the usual judgmental look that came whenever he explained where he lived but it never arrived. Instead, Fliss smiled and nodded.
“Near the dock huh?” she grinned “That’s pretty cool.”
“Well it means the commute to work is acceptable” he shrugged and Fliss laughed.
“I bet the views are amazing.”
“Well, sadly we only have a single storey apartment so can’t see much.”
“Shame.” Fliss nodded. “I could quite happily lose a day watching sailors.”
There was a pause as Frank arched an eyebrow, as she held his gaze, smirking a little and he found his neck and cheeks going warm.
Was she flirting with him?
“Unfortunately you’ll have to make do with me.” He replied, testing the water.
“Yeah, that is a bummer.” She sighed. “Not sure how I’ll cope.”
There was a twinkle in her eye and Frank shook his head, giving a little chuckle.
Yup, definitely flirting.
“Okay, so I guess I’ll see you later.” He asked and she nodded, smiling.
“Yeah, you will.”
***** “Hi guys!” Fliss waved at the screen as her mom and dad squeezed in to say hello.
“Hey Titch!” her Dad grinned back “How’s it going? Burnt the house down yet?” “Yeah, fire brigade are dealing with it now” she rolled her eyes. “How’s Seattle?”
“Hot, like muggy hot, and full of people.” her dad grimaced and she heard her mum tssk in the background before she too appeared on the screen.
“Ignore him!”  Verity appeared on the screen, smiling “It’s wonderful!”
“Hmmmm” Bill rolled his eyes “I tell you what won’t be wonderful, my bank statement when I get it. You’ve hit every shop going.”
Fliss laughed as her parents began to bicker affectionately.
“So what are you up to tonight?” Verity turned to her daughter “Making the most of the peace and quiet?”
“Actually I’m going out.” she said, ignoring but not missing, the surprised look her parents exchanged. “Well, to a BBQ”
“A BBQ?” Bill asked.
“Yeah, Frank and Mary invited me so,” she shrugged, “I thought it beat sitting at home alone.”
Another significant look was exchanged between the parents.
“Oh and he fixed the tractor” Fliss said, in a hope that would divert her Dad’s attention. Luckily for her, Bill was a tactful man and could recognise when she was trying to change the subject so, to avoid her mother digging further, he took the initiative and began to ask her a few questions about it, which she answered as best she could. The call lasted for another ten minutes or so before the oven sounded, telling her the marinated chicken wings she had cooked to take with her were ready so she bid them both goodbye, promising to be at the airport to pick them up the following evening, and headed into the kitchen.
Once the wings were out cooling, she took a shower then set about trying to decide what to wear. Her stomach was churning a little, she was nervous for a number of reasons, the main one being she actually kinda liked Frank. He was easy to talk with, funny, flirty and even better to look at. Fliss had never imagined post her husband she’d ever feel as comfortable with a man so easily as she had with Frank, which could only be a good sign, right?
In the end she settled on a pair of cut-off jeans which grazed her ankles, a pair of brown, strappy flat sandals and a light green checked sleeveless button down. She kept her make up light, and pulled her long hair back into a loose bun. Once she had made sure the dogs were okay she grabbed the chicken wings and the beer she had also bought to take with her, double checked the directions and set off.
It wasn’t a long drive to the park Frank and Mary lived on. Fliss slowed down carefully, looking for the number she had been given and soon spotted Frank’s truck parked up in a space just off the little road. She stopped her Jeep behind it and clambered out, only to be almost bowled over by a flurry of blonde hair.
“Hi!” Mary said, giving her a hug. Fliss chuckled and bent down to hug her back.
“Mary you saw me like a few hours ago.” she laughed.
“I know but, I’m glad you came.” she beamed, letting go. Mary then reached down to pick up a ginger one-eyed cat which was following her. “This is Fred.” “Nice to meet you Fred.” Fliss grinned, giving the cat a scratch behind his ear.
“Mary for God’s sake give it a moment before you start bugging her half to death.” Frank’s voice sounded and Fliss looked up, smiling at him as he appeared from the side of the house. Fliss gave him the once over from behind her sunglasses. He was dressed in a pair of light blue jeans, a white T-shirt, and a pair of grubby white sneakers. As he crossed the lawn area towards them, he gave Fliss a smile which made her stomach twist and to distract herself she turned and opened the passenger side of the car, reaching in for the ceramic dish covered in foil
“You told me to bring chicken wings.” she smiled as she handed him the dish “I also brought beer.”
Frank laughed and shook his head “I wasn’t being serious…”
“Well, I did them anyway. And they’re already cooked so you just need to char them. No chance of food poisoning.”
“Good to know.” Frank nodded, before he gestured with his head “You err, wanna come in?”
Fliss looked over to their apartment and nodded. “Sure.”
Together they walked round to the back of the house and up a set of steps into a small kitchen.
“I’ll show you round!” Mary said, grabbing her hand. Fliss let the girl lead her into the main room of the house.
She looked around smiling softly, taking it all in. It was small, cluttered and packed with personal touches which gave it a homely feel. A small desk in the corner by another door, which she assumed led to a bedroom, which was loaded with books and school supplies. Underneath a window sat a small leather couch, and the walls were adorned a slightly shabby light coloured wooden panelling which gave the place the feel of a beach hut. It might not have been fancy, but it was nice, the vibe was good and Fliss could tell this was a home that saw a lot of love. And she instantly felt at ease.  
“Probably not what you’re used to huh?” Frank watched her as she looked around, suddenly a little conscious that she was more than likely coming from a fairly opulent background with the job she did and her family and sporting heritage.
“No, but,” she smiled at him,“I love it, feels like a home.”
“It’s not much but it does us.” Frank smiled at her comment as he moved back to the fridge. “Beer or…”
“Yeah, beer’s good.” she followed him back to the kitchen, standing in the doorway and nodding to the carrier bag of bottles she had put on the table.
“You know you didn’t need to bring any more.” he said, as he glanced inside it “I got plenty”
“I’m sure you do but my Mum always told me it was polite to take something with me when I go to someone’s for dinner.”
Frank smiled and began to place the bottles in the fridge before he pulled out two already chilled Bud Light and flipped the tops off before passing her one.
“Thanks” she smiled.
Mary walked past the pair of them, Fred shooting ahead of her as she tossed a ping pong ball into the grass of the yard and, with the hand that had just grabbed his aviators off the table, Frank gestured after her, questioningly. Fliss nodded and they stepped back outside onto the lawn area, where a BBQ and a small table and a few chairs sat were set up.
Fliss took a seat as Mary flopped onto a beanbag to their left on the grass.
“Frank bought the special burgers” she stated “Said if we had company that wasn’t just Roberta we should wheel out the good stuff.”
Frank groaned at his niece as he slid on his sunglasses. “Mary.”
“What?” she asked, and Fliss laughed.
“I’m glad you think I’m worthy of good burgers” she teased, and Frank noticed the corners of her eyes that weren’t hidden by her Oakley’s crinkling up as she smiled.
“And I’m offended to know I’m not.” A voice said, and Frank jumped slightly. Fliss turned to see a kindly faced black woman with chin lengthy curly dark hair rounding the side of the house. Mary jumped up to give her a hug and the woman greeted her before she smiled at Fliss who had stood up.
“You must be Fliss.”
“Roberta, yeah?” Fliss asked nodding as she shook the ladies hand “I’ve heard a lot about you.”
“Same here.” The woman nodded before she turned to Frank. “You going to get me a beer?”
“Get one yourself.” Frank shot back “Make yourself at home. You usually do.”
Fliss grinned as Roberta aimed a slap to his head and he dodged the hit as if he knew it was coming. Which he probably did, Fliss realised. There was a comfortable familiarity between the two of them, a mother-son kind of vibe, even if Frank was trying to be all gruff about it.
Roberta came back and dropped into a chair and they all settled into a comfortable chat. Roberta asked Fliss questions about her Yard, Mary interjecting comments here and there as Frank stood by the grill observing their food. Any tension that Fliss had been feeling quickly evaporated as she became even more comfortable in her surroundings, and she happily chatted away, instantly warming to Roberta as well. She told them about her brother, Steve and his twin boys Charlie and Joel who were both Mary’s age, where she was from in England, and her parents, revealing to Frank’s surprise that Bill wasn’t actually her biological father.
“I didn’t know that.” Frank looked at her.
“Why would you?” Fliss shrugged “It’s not important really. My actual dad left my mum before she had me and then he died when I was four months old. I never met him. Bill brought me up from the age of 2 and adopted me when he married mum, so he is my dad, in everything but blood.”
“You said they were out of town?” Roberta asked. “Anywhere nice?”
“Seattle.” Fliss smiled “Mum’s always wanted to go and, well last year they didn’t get much chance to travel what with everything that was going on so they’re just starting to get round to it. Kinda strange them not being here, it’s the first time since I’ve been in Florida that they haven’t.”
She pondered that for a moment, her nails lightly tapping on her beer bottle before she gave a grin and looked up at Frank. “I face timed them before. Their reaction when I told them I wasn’t simply sitting at home tonight like a total loser was priceless. I thought Mum was going to tell me to give her a ring when I got back home safely.”
Frank gave a little laugh and was about to reply when Mary cut in.
“Why’s that? You’re a grown up.”
Frank rolled his eyes at Mary’s nosey demeanour but Fliss didn’t seem to mind.
"Well like I told you, hun, I don't really have many friends here so I don’t go out a lot” Fliss shrugged "I only really know the guys from the yard and a few people through my parents. My friends are all in the UK, even the people I knew in Boston were more…” she trailed off before she took a breath and smiled “Well, I left them all behind when I moved."
"Well now you got us, right Frank?" Mary said simply as she sat on the large bean bag as she tossed a ping pong ball for Fred who obligingly chased it across the lawn.
"Sure does." Frank smiled, apologetically. “And we’re kinda hard to shake off. "
"Like a dose of the clap." Roberta dropped her voice so only Fliss and Frank could hear. Fliss choked on her beer, sputtering a laugh as Frank flipped the woman off.
"Fuck you" 
Fliss wiped the beer she had slopped onto the front of her blouse, taking a little longer than she needed as her eyes had watered up at the sudden sentiment of the moment. She had only known Frank and Mary a week, yet here she was in their home as if she’d known them forever. Friendship was something she had been aching to feel again for months and now she found herself suddenly surrounded by it and she was a little overwhelmed, but in a good way.
When she finally looked up, Frank was surprised to see there was a shine in her eyes as they had watered over. He shot her a wink, tactful enough not to mention it and then asked her if she would mind grabbing him a beer from the fridge whilst he kept an eye on the steaks, giving her chance to escape and compose herself. She shot him a grateful nod and headed inside, taking a deep breath.
“She alright?” Robert asked, standing up and moving to the grill “She looked a little upset.”
Frank shrugged, focussing on the grill before he looked at Roberta “Think I should go after her?”
Roberta shot him a look as if he had just asked the most stupid question in the world. “Dur.”
“Watch that.” he instructed, handing Roberta the tongs before he headed inside and Fliss turned to look at him, gesturing to the beer on the side.
“Was just about to try and find the bottle opener.” She spoke quietly and, reaching into his pocket Frank handed it to her and smiled.
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” She nodded, before she took a deep breath. “It’s just, well, I’ve not done anything like this in a while, other than with my family so…” “Overwhelming?” he smiled softly and she gave a little shrug.
“A little, maybe. But it’s nice.”
“You might not be saying that when you taste my cooking.” Frank deadpanned and Fliss laughed, following him back outside.
To Frank’s delight the food was actually pretty damned good. Roberta had brought a potato salad with her and everything got eaten, there wasn’t a scrap left which was why he and Fliss were now sat on the chairs in the garden, Fliss groaning about being in a food coma. Roberta had left half an hour ago and Mary was now flat out on the bean bag, covered by a fleece blanket. Frank had moved the grill away and lit the small portable fire pit before he had retrieved another blanket for Fliss and himself from the stash down the side of the sofa.
Their conversation had turned to Frank’s work and he was telling Fliss about some of the people he had met, the pair of them giggling as he spoke about a real stuck up couple he had fixed a boat for, who had then only gone and crashed it into the side of another boat on the first day of them taking it back out.
“What a waste.” Fliss laughed, “All your hard work gone up in smoke.”
“Well I got paid.” Frank shrugged “And it was a nice boat to drive”
“Sail.” Fliss corrected him and he rolled his eyes.
"I'm as much of a sailor as you are a cowgirl."
Fliss grinned as she took another swig from her beer bottle before she turned to him, the reflection of the fire pit flashing in her eyes. “Well, if the boots fit" Frank laughed "Do you actually have a pair of cowboy boots?"
"I used to." She took a deep breath. "I spent a week in Texas one summer on a ranch, just to try my hand at Western riding. They gave me a pair of boots and a hat when I left. And then my husband burned them one night after I was late home, also breaking three of my Pandora bracelets that I spent years collecting charms for because I also brought back the wrong brand of coffee.”
Frank bowed his head.
"Sorry." Fliss sighed. "That kinda killed the conversation didn't it?"
Frank shook his head softly "In all honesty I was just thinking about what a prick he is. Something I'll never understand, a man laying hands on a woman."
"I tried to understand it for years." Fliss bit her lip. “Even after he was sent down I still wonder sometimes what I did to make him behave like that but I know it’s him with the problem not me." she paused and shook her head again “I have no idea why I’m telling you all this, sorry.”
“Don’t apologise.” Frank looked at her. “Like I said the other night, I’m a good listener.”
“Yeah, you are. You don’t talk much though.” she looked at him.
“What do you think I’m doing now?”
“That’s not what I mean.” she looked at him. “Just a pity I can’t google you like you did to me.” Frank took a deep breath and grimaced as he looked at her “My dad told me” she smiled.
“Yeah, sorry about that, Mary was curious”
“Its fine.” she sighed. “How much did you read?”
“Not much.” He replied honestly. “It isn’t really any of our business.”
“I wish most people thought like that.” She picked at the label on her bottle. “It attracted a lot of interest amongst the circuit. The main reason I left Boston was to get away from all of it but it seems it just follows me all over.”
“Well, no matter how much you try and leave the past behind it always has a habit of catching up on you.” Frank spoke, glancing at Mary. He hesitated before he turned to Fliss.
“Give me your phone.”
“My phone?” she frowned, reaching into her pocket. “I’m not…”
“Well, you might not be able to google me, specifically, but you can google my story.” He said as she unlocked it. “I’d do it but my phone isn’t geared for that type of thing, not really.”
She swiped at a screen then handed it to him where he hesitated for a second. Was he really sure he wanted to do this?
He supposed it was only fair so he typed in what he wanted before holding it out to her.
“The first day we met you asked me what I was running from.” He took a deep breath as Fliss took the phone from him with a questioning look before she glanced down at the article on display.
It was from the Boston Herald.com and her eyes were immediately drawn to the black and white picture of a pretty woman with short, light hair. She was the double of Mary. Across the top the headline read “A Mind for math: Is Diane Adler the missing female variable that finally solves the Navier-Stokes Equation?”
“That’s my sister.” Frank supplied “Mary’s mom. She was basically a genius. The Navier–Stokes equation they’re talking about, well, it’s of huge interest in a purely mathematical sense. It hasn’t yet been proven whether solutions always exist in three dimensions and, if they do exist, whether they are smooth or…”
“You’ve lost me.” Fliss shrugged “I was an English major, numbers and maths really not my strong point.”
Frank chuckled “Sorry, force of habit.” he smiled as Fliss handed him the phone back.
“So, what happened to her?” Fliss asked softly. “I mean, I figure something must have for you to end up with Mary but…”
“She killed herself.”
“Shit.” Fliss sighed, “I’m sorry Frank.”
He took a deep breath. “She was only 27. I was running late for a date of all things. She just showed up, on my doorstep. And she never did that unannounced, and more to the point she never simply showed up with Mary either.” Frank swallowed and Fliss waited patiently for him to continue. “She said she needed to talk. I told her I would talk to her when I got back and I left. I mean, couldn’t be late for a date could I? God forbid it damage my chances of getting’ laid.” Fliss noticed the bitter edge in his voice as he continued “Came home that night. Mary was on the couch…and I found Diane on the bathroom floor.”
Fliss gently touched his arm “Frank, there’s no way you could have known.”
“But I should have.” Frank shook his head, his voice soft. “She was my little sister, you know, I was two years older than her and when my Dad died but I promised then I’d always look after her but…”He shook his head. “Anyway, when she died as soon as I could we moved here. Fast forward 6 and a half years and, well, we’re still here.”
“I take it Mary’s father isn’t about?”
Frank snorted “No.”
“And your mom?”
“She turned her back on Diane when she got pregnant. Didn’t fit with her plan. That’s part of the reason I moved Mary and me here. She’s a very exacting woman, uncompromising, very British.”
At that Fliss raised an eyebrow and Frank looked at her, suddenly realising what he had said. 
“She’s from England.” he added, and Fliss smiled. “She hated the fact I gave up my job and, well we don’t speak.”
“What did you do before becoming a Sailor?” Fliss smiled and Frank chuckled slightly.
“I was an assistant professor at Boston University” he said. “Philosophy.”
“Wow.” Fliss smiled “That’s pretty smart.”
“You sound surprised?” he looked at her
“No, not at all.” Fliss protested.
He smiled again, “You know, sometimes I see so much of Diane in Mary, and she’s just a child. She comes out with stuff that’s way beyond her years. I mean earlier this week she asked me what I thought Executive Order 13769 was going to mean for all those refugees being refused entry…what seven year old talks about stuff like that?”
“A very smart one.” Fliss replied
“Exactly.” Frank nodded “I don’t want that life for her, the pressure associated with being a childhood genius like Diane was. Which is why she’s going to a normal school in September, where she’ll hopefully learn how to be a kid.”
Fliss looked at him.
“Don’t tell me you didn’t notice it before when she was with the other kids on the lesson.” Frank eyed her and Fliss looked down a little “See, she doesn’t know how to a normal seven year old, well, very rarely anyway. In fact the only time I’ve seen it recently is when she’s at the yard with you.
“She’s just a little socially awkward, that’s nothing to worry about.” Fliss looked at him.
“But I do worry.” Frank sighed
“Yeah, because you care.” Fliss said gently, her hand falling to his arm. “I think you’re being a little hard on yourself and her. She’s a good kid.”
“Yeah, considering I brought her up.” Frank chuckled.
“I think you’ve done a good job so far.” Fliss shrugged “It can’t have been easy.”
“Still isn’t” Frank sighed. “It’s not how I envisaged my life panning out that’s for sure.”
“Tell me about it.” Fliss snorted “If you’d have told me ten years ago that by the time I was thirty-three I’d have had my dreams cut short at the age of twenty-eight, then divorced after being hospitalised by the very man I moved thousands of miles to be with by the age of thirty-two, I’d probably have laughed but here we are.”
“He hospitalised you?” Frank frowned, suddenly feeling an inexplicable surge of anger towards this fucker, one which he really shouldn't feel so strongly considering he had known Fliss for all of a week.
“Did you not read that bit?”
Frank shook his head “No I stopped reading after it mentioned domestic abuse. Like I said, none of our business.”
“He wanted us to have a baby and frankly the thought of bringing a kid up, with him, in that environment…so when I found out I was pregnant I got rid of it. He found out and he beat me so hard he broke three of my ribs, ruptured my spleen and fractured my eye socket. I was in hospital for over a week.” 
“Shit, Fliss, I had no idea…”
She waved his apology away “In a sick, twisted way I’m almost glad it happened. It was the final push I needed to leave him for good. Wasn’t easy mind, I was low. Very low for a while and when the trial was going on…” she stopped again and shook her head “You know he plea bargained? Pleaded guilty to a lesser level of assault and got four years last summer. He’ll be out next June I expect if he applies for parole, which he will because, well, that’s John all over.”
“Fucker.” Frank bit out between gritted teeth.
“Yeah, well it’s behind me now.” she shrugged “I’m in a good place. I’m happy, my business is taking off and it’s a job I love. I have my family and, well, some friends.”
Frank smiled and nodded “What Roberta said before is true you know. We’re harder to get rid of than an STD.”
Fliss laughed loudly and drained her beer bottle “Well I’m glad to hear it, because I kinda like you Sailor.”
“Back at you Cowgirl.”
They changed the subject then, Fliss talking about her horses, in particular her chestnut mare that was her pride and joy, and then when Mary stirred Frank glanced at his watch and realised it was past midnight. He didn’t want to kick Fliss out but when he stood saying he should get the little girl in bed, Fliss nodded and agreed she should be going as it was late.
Frank told her to wait whilst he swept Mary up and carried her into the house before he came back out to walk her down to her car.
“We should do this again.” Fliss offered, “Only this time you can come to me. Although I’m a better cook than BBQ chef.”
“You’re on.” Frank said, “Although don’t mention it to Mary. It’s all I’ll hear about.” Fliss grinned and then leaned up on her toes to press a soft kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you, Frank. I had a lovely evening.”
He smiled as she climbed into her car and as she set off he tossed a hand at the tailgate as she rounded the corner. Once she was out of view, he turned and headed back inside, contemplating the evening. The chat had been hard going in some places, he hadn’t told anyone about Diane in a long time. Hell, Mary didn’t know a lot about her mother, he tried to keep her sheltered but he knew that as she grew older that was going to get harder to do and justify. With that in mind, he knew exactly how much it must have taken Fliss to open up the way she did.
It left him with a puzzlingly warm feeling in his chest, one he couldn’t really explain. And he had a feeling it was to do with the fact that he actually wanted to spend time with the woman and get to know her, instead of simply fucking her into his mattress.
Yup, for the first time in his life, Frank realised he’d extended an offer of no strings attached friendship to a woman.
And he couldn’t deny, it was nice.
**** Chapter 4
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nowoyas · 4 years
Stop Counting
A/N: day 27 of the Izumonth server collab hosted by @birds-have-teeth​! this one is pretty much just a lovechild of me and my absolute adoration for Skies of Arcadia, an old JRPG and one of my favorite games of all time, hence *sky* pirate instead of just, like, regular pirate Izuku. this fic was initially intended to end with a big old NSFW sequence but I couldn’t make myself like it. if I ever make myself like it I’ll probably post that section as a sequel/alternate ending!
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Summary: You are one of many captured by the Empire and forced to work dangerous jobs aboard their ships. Izuku and the other members of his crew raid your ship in search of things to sell and gold to take, and leave with you. (sky pirate!izuku x reader)
Warnings: angst. there’s a sad dog. at this point you can assume if I wrote a fic there is probably swearing somewhere.
Word count: 4700+
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Something is wrong.
You don't know what. You can't know what. But the men holding you aboard this ship are running and shouting even more than usual (which is saying a lot). The ship shook about sixty breaths ago, which is becoming less of a good method of time-keeping now that you're starting to feel more scared than you're used to and your breathing is quickening.
You live in this engine room. When you are told, you add fuel to the fire for the men on the ship. You try to keep time. You count your breaths as best you can. Every eleven thousand breaths or so, with steady breathing, you receive food. You sleep only when a guard allows it. You thank the moons that they aren't working you to your total death.
You have worked in this ship for a very long time.
A very long time, and yet, no time at all, because you no longer have a way to tell the time, other than your breaths. And in this very long time, you've never once heard the men running around like this.
Footsteps are approaching your door. Many, lighter than those of the armored men who feed you or guard you. And it isn't time for you to receive food.
So who is approaching your door, you wonder?
The footsteps stop in front of your door, and after a moment, you hear muffled voices.
"I don't know, maybe we can get some extra fuel for our ship while we're here, too."
The voice is unfamiliar. So unfamiliar, in fact, that familiar feelings well up in you. You're no amnesiac: you remember what life used to be like for you, what the sky looked like, how it felt to talk and have friends and family, though you've long forgotten who those friends and family were. Most importantly, you remember hearing stories of (and even once meeting!) rogue pirates who raid Empire ships.
Empire ships like the one you have lived on for so long you only mostly remember what it felt like to gaze upon the moons.
"I think you're wasting time. How are we going to get the door open, anyway?"
"I-I think I can pick the lock!"
Your body moves without thinking, and you nearly launch yourself at the door, raising your fists to pound against the metal as you search for your voice. "A-are you guys rogues? Please get me out of here! Please!" The strain on your throat forces you to cough, and you fall to the floor, landing roughly on your knees as you cough up a lung from sheer stress.
"Someone's in there!"
"I'm working on it!"
You don't realize you're sobbing in your spot, not when the door swings open wide, not until you're being cradled against someone's chest and helped to your feet.
"Hey, you're okay. You're free now. We're taking over this ship."
The dam officially breaks. Clutching at this kind stranger's top, you begin to sob. He struggles a bit in your hold, wriggling around until he's shucked off his jacket and draped it over your nearly bare shoulders. "For now, come with us, and we'll help you decide what to do from there, okay?"
You whimper pathetically, subconsciously snuggling into his hold and his jacket as you look up at his face and nod. Your savior is a man with a boyish face, unruly green hair, and freckles across his cheeks the way you remember the stars. He smiles down at you as reassuringly as he can.
"My name's Izuku. Can you walk?"
Another nod. "I-I don't know the way out," you borderline whisper, voice unbearably hoarse. "I haven't been outside of this room in... a long time."
He nods. "We're gonna gather up some of this ship's fuel. Stay close to me, I'll protect you. The Empire can't touch you now."
Izuku Midoriya isn't quite sure how to feel about the latest raid. The Empire ship was full of guards, full of fuel and food, not so full of gold. They took what was valuable, and left.
And then there's you.
This is hardly the first time Izuku's boarded a ship in his time. He's done plenty with his crew, and learned quite a lot. But it never truly hit him just how unjust the Empire was until he found you. You're obviously malnourished, dressed in tattered clothes that barely cover anything important and covered in a layer of grime that stubbornly remained even after your first attempts to clean it off. The girl who'd gone with you to help you wash up must have scrubbed the skin raw, and yet you still look shaken, skin stained from skies only know how long you spent locked in that engine room. Your hair, precariously long from time spent with no way to cut it, has been drawn back into a bun.
Now, while the rest of the crew is drinking and feasting, you stand off in the corner, hands at your sides as you breathe slowly. You're not even watching the fun, eyes closed. Izuku's jacket swamps your malnourished form–how long it must have been since you had a decent meal, and you're just standing in the corner while the others eat.
He's heard stories, sure. The Empire captures people from conquered settlements, usually the healthiest, and puts them to work in manufacturing or dangerous, unfun jobs like adding fuel to ship furnaces. Usually, these people go mad after not much time, or when they're freed, they throw themselves into the sky or refuse to leave the engine rooms. You'd hesitated at first, but once you were out of the room, he kept you close at hand, one point of contact at all times until you were safely below decks of The Crescent.
With a huff, Izuku stands, grabbing a plate of food and walking over to you. "H-hey, um."
You open your eyes, watching him curiously as he thrusts the plate of food towards you in offering. 
"I know it's scary right now, but everyone on the crew really is good. You should eat something, and come sit down, i-if you want? I don't even know your name yet; I'd like to talk to you, if I can."
You look down at the plate of food for a long moment, and then back up to him. You speak in a meek voice, so quiet and hoarse that he has to lean in to hear you. "[Name]..."
"[Name]," he repeats, testing it on his tongue. "Your name?"
"I think so. It's been... A very long time. Since I had one."
"It's a good name. D-do you want to come up to the deck with me to eat? It's probably been a while since you saw the sky, and I bet these guys are pretty overwhelming when they're drinking."
"Okay, I-Izuku."
Without another word, you follow him up to the deck of the ship. He'll get you out of your shell yet.
Before long, you find yourself cleaning the ship whenever you can to help out. You've been aboard the Crescent for a week now—Izuku is sure to check in on you often, and with his help, you've started to integrate yourself into talking more with the rest of the crew, and last night, you even ate with everyone. After a week of baths and attempts to scrub yourself clean of engine room grime, you finally feel clean, light in a way you're sure you've never experienced. 
Some of the crew members banded together to find you a full outfit to wear instead of your previous rags–you look rather like a street rat wearing a rogue's clothes now, instead of your previous pure rattiness. Izuku hasn't asked for his jacket back, and so it remains with you, a strange source of comfort as you find new places on the ship to hide.
Right now, though, you aren't hiding. When Izuku comes looking for you, he finds you cleaning the bridge, eyes glued to the sky rather than your work. It's a cool night–a sniff of the air suggests incoming rain.
"Hey, [name]," he says as he approaches. He's learned quickly to approach slowly—you tend towards the startled animal around sudden noises, and no one wants that. You nod your acknowledgement. "The Captain's looking for you. You should get inside, anyways, I think it's gonna rain soon."
You stand, tearing your eyes away from the sky regretfully. "I-I see."
"Sorry to tear you from your stargazing." He offers an apologetic smile, which you take with your usual nod. "It must be strange, to be able to just look at the sky after everything that's happened to you."
"Mm. It's prettier than I remember. I missed it."
"You seem to be recovering well, though! I'm impressed by how well you're doing already."
"Recovering," you breathe. "Right."
You find the captain in his own cabin, where he's poring over some maps and marking something down that you don't know enough about to comment on. He looks up at your intrusion, and instinctively, you step closer to Izuku. 
You're not sure how to feel about the captain. Sometimes, he's larger than life itself, loud and showy. When he's not, it's as though he compensates, becoming small, sharp, and calculating. No matter how he's acting, he looks at you in a way that scares you even though there's always compassion there. Granted, you feel vaguely uncomfortable around literally everyone aboard the Crescent, but somehow it's worse around Captain Yagi.
"Ah, [name], come in!" He seems to be in his soft-spoken mode—you stay rooted to the spot, hands coming up to pull your jacket tighter around your shoulders. Izuku telegraphs his movements, placing a hand on the small of your back to help you understand that you're being asked to come stand at the table with Captain Yagi.
'What did you ask to see me for?', you want to say. Instead, you manage a painfully quiet, "you looked for me."
He nods sheepishly. "Please, sit down. Izuku, my boy, you may stay if you wish. If I'm not mistaken, [name] seems a bit more comfortable with you around."
The two of you take your seats, and Captain Yagi sits across from you. "Now then. I'm not sure how much you've been told, [name], but typically, when we find captives such as yourself aboard Empire ships, we try to return them to their homes or, if we can't, bring them someplace to start a new life. But, from what I've heard from the other crew members, you don't have any place to go, is that right?"
You nod, biting your lip. Your eyes scan the map on the table. None of it looks remotely familiar to you. "I don't remember enough. Um... Maybe a harbor town. There were lots of boats. But that was so long ago, even if I were to return, I don't remember anyone who was there."
He sighs. "I figured you might have spent too long in captivity to remember much. Did they ever once let you out of that room?"
"If I wanted to eat, I had to go wait in the side room I slept in until they put my food down and left."
Izuku's eyes flash in recognition. "Are you talking about that broom closet in the engine room? You slept there?" he asks, his voice pitching with anger.
You cringe, moving to hide in your jacket. "I'm sorry."
The hand resting on your back smooths over carefully in small circular motions. It's almost calming. "Hey, I'm not mad at you. I'm mad at the people who did that to you. You're okay."
"I apologize if I've brought up unpleasant memories, child. We could use someone aboard the Crescent to help keep things clean, and our cooks could use the helping hand. If you're aboard the ship, you help out. That's our main rule. If you'd like, we can let you onto our crew for a time, so you can leave if we happen to find your old home to return to."
"My boy, young [name] here is the most comfortable around you. Can I formally ask that you show them the ropes and help them get accustomed to the ship?"
"I can help with the engines if you need it," you say. "If the Crescent has a similar engine."
He smiles, shakes his head. "No, my dear. If possible, we'd like to keep you from ever entering an engine room again. You've spent quite enough time around them, for sure."
"Oh. Alright. Thank you, Captain."
"If I may ask, how often did those Imperials actually feed you? You don't have to answer, I'm just curious."
"Every eleven thousand breaths," you reply automatically. "If I was lucky. Sometimes, they forgot."
"Eleven thousand... Breaths?"
You nod. "I keep steady breathing. I needed some semblance of time. No natural light in the engine room. So I count my breaths, always. The people on this ship seem to sleep after around six thousand, seven hundred breaths, based on what I've seen. Eleven thousand breaths seems to be about one day cycle."
"You're still counting?" Captain Yagi raises an eyebrow.
"Yes. It's... A little compulsive at this point. I start over at eleven thousand, make a mark on the wall of my sleep room to keep track. Or did."
Izuku shifts uncomfortably in his seat. "[Name], the walls of that room were covered in marks. I don't think any of us could have counted how many there were, even if we did have the time. Were those the number of days you spent there?"
"I'm lucky," you say, shrugging. "One of the others said that on other Empire ships, you're lucky to be fed half as often."
"Well, you can stop counting now. You're free to do whatever you want, so long as you offer us a helping hand as you have been, and we eat several times a day."
For the longest moment, you don't respond. You simply watch Captain Yagi's face in disbelief. You're not sure what to do with freedom.
"Did you hear me, [name]?"
"Yeah. I can stop counting. I can finally... Stop counting."
It isn't long before Izuku begins teaching you your way around a sword in his spare time. You blend in to the crew beautifully, and as time goes, you begin to actually fill your clothes and your skin, starting to occupy any amount of space in the room. You come out of your shell, start to wear Izuku's jacket instead of hiding in it. You come ashore when they stop at various islands, never straying far from the crew, but you never recognize the places that you're taken to. After several months, you ask to join in on a raid, your skills with a sword becoming admirable, and captain Yagi agrees to let you take part.
The raid goes swimmingly. In celebration and to fence off the goods retrieved from yet another Empire ship, the Crescent docks at a harbor town Izuku told you was one of his favorites to visit.
The moment you step off the ship, you know where you are. The streets are familiar, the faces moreso, but you're not delighted at your return home. You let your hair (having been cropped short for function some time ago, but still more than long enough) fall in your face, keep your eyes on your feet, and stick close to Izuku as always.
"About three years back, the Empire hit this place pretty hard," Izuku says, walking you down the streets. The buildings around you aren't quite as familiar; they're in the wrong places, the wrong colors, too new and too... different. "That was right after my first time visiting here. We had no idea until months later, when we came back to re-visit and the place had been nearly burnt to the ground."
Your voice doesn't want to come when you call on it to respond, as though speaking will break the magic and send you all the way back to the engine room. Still, you must respond. You don't want to be rude, even if Izuku has been nothing but patient and caring with you. "Did you ever find out what happened?"
"We got the general gist of it, but there's not a lot to tell." Izuku's brow is creased with something a lot like pain that quickly fades away when he continues to speak. "The Empire heard this was a place that was friendly to pirates, and they decided to show them what happens to pirates and their friends. If you've ever questioned what we're doing, going against the Empire... this is a pretty good reminder of why."
"Right." Faces come up in your memory, dusty from disuse, but some of them almost seem to match those you see in market stalls, selling fruit to strangers.
"It's been amazing, watching this place rebuild since then. They've got a lovely little community here, y'know? We've been helping when we can, sometimes when we board we help out with labor or money, if they need it. Every time I come back, they've fixed up a different building or there's new faces settling down. One thing hasn't really changed since they started rebuilding, though."
Izuku comes to a stop at the end of a street, and you feel your chest restrict at the sight. What he's looking at, and now what you're looking at, is the rubble of what was once a very familiar house. You can almost see the house that used to stand there, simple and unassuming but so much like home. You can almost see a younger sibling running out of the door, one of the few remaining things standing among the rubble.
Izuku watches as you step forward, almost in a trance as you stand in the rubble and trace your fingers along what's left of the walls, what used to be a living room, still with a dusty old chair sitting near a fireplace in near-perfect condition.
"[name]? Are you okay?" Izuku asks, following you into the remains of the house.
"What do you think happened to the people who used to live here?" you ask, voice quiet. Quiet even for the you that's timid, even for the you that's waiting for everything to go wrong again.
He frowns. "There was no one willing to rebuild this house. I remember hearing the daughter was dragged away aboard an Imperial ship, but I never heard anything about the rest of the family."
A sudden bark snaps both of you out of your somber mood, followed shortly by your own shriek as a large, fluffy dog tackles you to the ground. "H-hey! Get off of me!" you whine, pushing the torrent of fur and drool off so you can sit up.
"Are you alright?" Izuku asks as he helps you up, brushing dust off you carefully.
"Harley! Harley, where did you run off to?" a familiar voice calls. A painful, familiar girl enters the room—you know her face, know her voice too well. You let your hair fall in your face and pull your jacket around your shoulders, keeping your eyes locked on the dog. "Oh? What are you two pirates doing in the old [surname] house? There's nothing here for you."
Izuku steps forward. Looking at his back, you almost feel calm. "Sorry, my friend wanted to explore a bit. We didn't mean to intrude."
The girl sighs—you can't remember her name. Why can't you remember her name? "Sorry about Harley. His family owned this place, so I think he gets protective of it."
"What happened to his family?" you ask, instinctively forcing your voice into a lower tone than normal.
She frowns, eyes roaming the mottled walls, the broken-down furniture. "My best friend and her family used to live here. We're not sure where they are now, honest. They all got taken away or killed during an Empire raid."
Your stomach flips. "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe they're still alive out there." Harley jumps up, placing his paws on your waist and barking. You pet his head to soothe him.
"We've got graves for all of them. Everyone knows no one comes back after the Empire takes 'em, after all. There's no bodies for them, but we left this house up to honor them. A reminder, I guess. Of what we're fightin' for."
But I came back, you want to say. I'm here, not in a grave, not fallen into the sky. I'm here.
You don't respond. Izuku apologizes to the girl again, and when she goes to leave, Harley whines and stays by your side.
"Harley, come on," she insists. Harley whines again, licking your hand and following her to the door. The large dog pauses, looking back at you with sad eyes, before finally turning and leaving.
The crew stays in the town overnight. You find yourself sleepless and restless as you stare at the ceiling of the inn. You need a better view if you're going to relax.
You throw on your clothes and go for a walk.
The night is cool, and although you've grown a little dependent on Izuku's presence, these streets are familiar. You know why, now, without a degree of doubt.
You lived here once. Your feet take you, aimlessly, but perhaps not so aimlessly, to the orchard, without need for lights or a map. It's intrinsic to you—you never had much cause to visit the orchard itself, but you can almost remember making this walk before, the memory brushing against your fingertips. A hundred and twenty breaths finds you standing in a secluded overlook filled with fruit trees, each tree bearing a plaque with a name and age.
Natural headstones.
The headstones bear fruit. The fruit feeds the town for free, and, thanks to the Empire raid, there's likely enough fruit to trade, too. The dead are cremated, their ashes used to bolster the growth of the trees, and they continue to support the community while the community honors them.
Your grave is easy to find. It's the first among a stretch of trees of similar age, bearing [favorite fruit] even now. They're even ripe—you delicately pull one off, reading the plaque with a somber glance as you rub the fruit clean with your sleeve. 
[Full Name]
Age 24
Taken away in an Empire Raid.
With a sigh, you venture to the back of the orchard, where the overlook provides a beautiful view of the sky. The horizon stretches out endlessly, dotted occasionally with distant islands. You never dreamed you'd actually get to be part of that horizon someday. You're not sure you wanted it the way you eventually got it.
"I kinda thought I'd find you here."
You don't turn to greet him, leaning on the fencing with a sigh. "Izuku. Shouldn't you be getting some rest?"
"Couldn't sleep."
"Me neither." You wonder if you should tell him. Surely Izuku could sort through the conflict bubbling in your heart. Instead, you offer him the [favorite fruit] you picked without an explanation. "Do you want to see the most peaceful place in town?"
"It's not the graveyard?" he asks. He accepts the fruit, slipping it into his pocket.
You shake your head. "No. There's a place to stargaze near here."
"Lead the way." He raises an eyebrow, expression almost not visible under the dark of night. The light of the moon guides you, and you take Izuku through a small cave not far from town. It leads out into a small grotto, not a sign of human life in sight, simply grass and the light of the moon and the stars filtering through an opening overhead. 
"Wow," he exhales, staring up at the sky. "This place is beautiful."
You nod. "Did you want to talk about what's keeping you up?"
"Well, for one thing, I got worried," he admits. "About you, I mean. Ah! N-not that you can't take care of yourself or anything like that. You've just been... Off, today. I was just gonna check on you, since you were off to sleep before most everyone got back from the tavern, but then you... Weren't there."
"Thanks for worrying about me." You take a seat in the grass, which quickly becomes laying down. Izuku lays on his back next to you, and you begin to watch the stars. "...can I ask you kind of a weird question?"
"What... What do you want to do?" You're unsure of yourself even in asking the question, but you ask it all the same.
"R-right now, or in general?"
"In general."
He exhales a sigh, only the moon could tell you why, and answers thoughtfully. "I want to captain my own ship someday. Someday soon. Captain Yagi is amazing, but when I look at you and I look at towns like this, I can't help but feel like we need to do more. We may have stopped one ship in a raid, but how many more do you think there are?"
"Thousands," you answer. "Tens of thousands, even."
"I want to get my own ship, and take out the problem from the top. The Empire hurts so many people, more than it helps."
"I'd go with you," you say. 
He sighs. "I don't think I'd like to risk you like that. Are you sure you'd be able to handle it?"
"I'm strong, you know. Usually, the people they take don't survive, right? They never return to their hometowns. But I'm here. I returned."
The smallest gasp leaves him, eyes flicking to you. "Are you saying—"
You nod quietly. "This isn't the first time I've been here. I know these streets, know these people. They even planted a grave for me, with my name on it."
"[name], that's great! You can finally go home, you can—"
"I don't want to."
And there it is.
Just saying the words feels like a punch to the gut, but for some reason, you keep going. "You've been so kind to me, always looking out for me, teaching me how to fit in to the crew and act like a pirate. You've helped me a lot, and my days are better because you are always in them. I don't want to go back. My family was taken by the Empire, and I... I don't have anything to go back to. I don't even remember who I was the last time I was here."
You drag your eyes from the stars to Izuku, sighing as you find within yourself what you need to admit—to yourself, to him, to the world as you know it.
"I want to stay with you. I want to sail the world with you, fight back against the Empire that ruined my life but gave me a new one at your side. I don't remember much about myself, but I know I always longed for adventure. And now adventure's here, but the Captain probably wants me to return to my home. I don't belong in a sleepy little harbor rebuilding from the rubble, Izuku. I belong in the skies."
He's silent for a long moment. When he speaks, one warm hand searches for yours, fingers slotting among your own with a gentle squeeze. "H-how do you mean you want to stay with me?
"I'd follow you to the depths of the sky, to the farthest reaches, if only you'll let me." You squeeze his hand back. "Not because you're the one who eventually saved me. You're an amazing person. One who cares. I don't know if you'll ever stop caring, not before you die. I'll stay by your side in whatever capacity you'll have me."
"T-then... Can I kiss you?" He props himself up on one elbow, moonlight casting an almost ethereal glow on him.
You nod, and he closes the distance between you, letting go of your hand to gently caress your cheek. 
One small kiss turns to two. Two quickly becomes uncountable, until you're melting and gasping beneath him, his lips trailing your jaw, your neck, along the neckline of the jacket you're wearing (his jacket, always his jacket), until he's forced to pause.
"How far do you want to take this?" he whispers, as if there's any reason to keep quiet. 
You press a sweet kiss to his lips, threading a hand through his hair. "Didn't I already say that I'd follow wherever you'll lead me?"
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Tags: @tooloudarts​ @sapid-rose​ @xxangelpridexx​ @birds-have-teeth​ @icythotsenpai @warmchoccymilk @wesparklebitch @izoodles​ @fujimoribaby​ @my-bnha-things​ @denise-the-death-goddess​ @themerpenguin​ @sincerebubbles​ @fudobaby​
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cosmcqt · 4 years
I’m here: garou x fem!reader
    “C’mon let’s go already, you’re talking too long” The tall male announced grabbing the girl’s house keys while exiting out the door. The girl gasped and quickly threw on her scarf, which complimented her outfit. She rushed out the door as he stood there waiting for her. “Okay, let’s go” She smiled, but frowned at her boyfriend, “Garou, are you sure that’s enough layers for you? It gets pretty chilly here especially at this time” She explained with concern laced in her voice, eyeing his choice of clothing, that being his usual style. He shook his head, “I’m fine, let’s go” he said, grabbing her hand. “Hmph fine but you have to let me know when you’re cold” She pouted, intertwining her fingers with his. Garou blushed at her actions, letting out a huff in response, “whatever”
      Walking around the semi-empty streets, the two stayed silent, enjoying each other’s company. “So where are we going?” Y/n asked, as they entered a well-lit part of the city. “Just hold on we’re almost there” He stated, still keeping a firm grasp on her hand, passing through the crowded streets. Making a slight turn, the two found the entrance to a festival. Y/n’s eyes widened in surprise, “wow” she mumbled to herself, analyzing all the bright lights and booths. “Garou, this is so cool!” She beamed, letting go of his hand, she engulfs him in a hug. The male’s eyes widened in surprise, not realizing this was something she was interested in. Thankful he had found the flyer to this festival during his hero hunting activities. “Hm, yeah I guess it is” He replied, kissing her forehead, letting go of the hug. The girl smiled, holding his hand, “Let’s go get some tickets!” She said, as the silver haired male nodded in agreement. Rushing towards the ticket booth, Y/n purchases the two tickets, while Garou waits from afar, watching her. Once the girl equips the two tickets, she rushes to Garou, “let’s go!” she eagerly demanded in excitement. Garou softly smiled at her, without any realization he patted her head, “Alright, let’s go” he agreed, clasping their hands together once again, entering the huge festival. Y/n blushed at the slight affection he had given her, not quite used it since it came from him but welcomed the slight change nonetheless. “Okay” She softly grinned 
      As time flies by, the two had enjoyed themselves, by playing multiple games, watching the live shows, going on different rides, and so much more. The two finally got to enjoy each other's company without anything coming in their way. (Regarding Garou’s hero hunting activities and Y/n’s college courses.) The two finally relaxed, until one of their occupations decided to interfere with their date. Walking around the two hand in hand, while Garou had held the stuffed prizes they had won together with the other. They began to debate what they should do next. “Hm should we go grab a bite, Garou?” Y/n suggested, looking up at her boyfriend. He shrugged, “Doesn’t matter to me” He stated, looking down at her smaller form. The girl nodded, “Okay! Let’s do that then we’ll go on the...f-ferris wheel after” She blushed, remembering the little romantic legend, one of the booth caters had told her while Garou was occupied with one of the games they had played. Garou stared at her in slight confusion, wondering why she had gotten shy all of a sudden. ‘Is this too much?’ He thought to himself, shaking his head soon dismissing that thought as she regained her composure. “Okay, let’s go” She grinned happily, guiding him to the areas where different food booths were presented. “I’ll go grab us some seats and you can pick what we eat”She explained, Garou nodded. “Okay, I’ll be back” He said walking towards the multiple food booths, “Oh and if you get lost, just text me!” She said loudly, earning a thumbs up from her boyfriend in return. 
     After looking around for a couple of minutes, she found a table with two seats, it was pretty secluded so she knew she had to text Garou her location, after doing just that, she finally situated herself down on one of the empty chairs, she patiently waited for Garou, passing the time using her phone. Until two shadows loomed over her, looking up her eyes widened, feeling slight dread. “Hey Y/n, didn’t think we’d see you here” A male had stated, with another beside him. “U-uh hey Theo and...sam” She awkwardly greeted, putting her guard up around these two men unaware of what they’ll do. “Aw what's the matter, aren’t you glad to see us?” Sam grinned, caressing her cheek, “Please don’t touch me” She demanded, feeling discomfort. These two males in particular happen to be in a few of Y/n’s classes, typically known to be the biggest perverts many have come to know in her class, awful enough they’ve gotten away with their past actions regarding sexual harassment thanks to their families wealth. “Aw don’t be shy~ We won’t hurt ya” Theo teased, taking the seat that was meant for Garou. He moved the seat closer to her with a huge smirk, “Yeah it just us~” Sam agreed, inching closer to her. Y/n began to panic, ,soon gasping in shock as one of the males, groped her breast. “Haha nic-” Sam was cut off as he was hit with a hard slap to the face. “L-leave me alone!” Y/n demanded shakenly, tear threatening to spill from her eyes. “Hey what the fuck!” Sam growled. Theo then took a hold of one of her arms forcefully, “I guess we gotta teach you some manners, little pet” He smirked, “N-no let me go!” She shrieked as Sam took a hold of her other arm. One of the males began to trace their fingers from her thigh up to her slightly higher region, tears spilling from her eyes, she looked around to see if she could get any help but no one had seemed to take notice of her current situation. “Get the fuck away from her!!” A familiar voice had shouted, Y/n turned to see Garou, who was holding their meals. The two guys who were surrounding her, let go of her to take a look at Garou. Taking the opportunity, Y/n ran towards Garou, hiding behind him, shaking in fear. “G-garou they wouldn't leave me alone a-and... they t-touched me” She explained shamefully, after hearing that Garou was beyond furious. “Yeah so what? I bet you liked it you fucking slut!” Sam mocked her while Theo laughed loudly.  “Hey Y/n” Garou began, the girl looked up at him with teary eyes, “close your eyes, I don’t want you to see this” He ordered, she nodded and placed her hands over her eyes. Garou then placed the food down on one of the nearby tables. The two males looked at him quizzically until Garou sprinted towards them, grabbing them by the hair and roughly clashing their heads together causing the two males to yelp in pain. Garou then proceeded to beat up the two perverts, by using his mixed martial arts that he commonly uses towards beating up heroes. Although he did do a rougher job on these two than any hero he’s gone up against. After feeling satisfied with his work , seeing the two males barely breathing and then suddenly seeing a huge crowd forming around them, Garou decides it’s  time for them to leave before any heroes arrive at the scene. Grabbing the plate of food and swiftly grabbing Y/n’s hand, he leads her away from the crowd. Eyes still closed, she finally opens them when Garou took a hold of one of her hands, turning her head back slightly, she saw the bloodied mess her lover had made. Heading towards the exit the two walk out in a rush after hearing sirens in the distance, luckily the couple’s apartment was pretty close by, so it was quicker to get home. 
  The walk home was met with nothing but silence, until the two had made it infront of their door. Getting out her keys Garou had held for her, he unlocks the door for both of them to enter. Upon swiftly walking inside and locking the door, Garou turns around only to be engulfed in a hug by the  shorter girl. “G-garou” She said, beginning to sob at what had happened. He sighed and held her close to him hugging her back. Caressing her head softly in an attempt to calm her down. “It’s okay, I won’t let them near you again” He stated in a promising tone. This had made the girl sobs more, “I-i’m sorry I was too weak and ruined our date” She cried gripping onto his black long sleeve shirt, his eyes widened, he looked down at her with a soft glare. “You didn’t ruin anything dumbass, it’s not your fault.” He reassured her, “And don’t ever say you were too weak, you held them off as best you could” He stated, he pulled away from the hug and picked up her chin, looking into her teary eyes, he slowly kissed her. Y/n’s eyes widened in response but kissed him back, after a minute or so the two had pulled away. “I don’t wanna hear you ever blame yourself, that’s just stupid, hell I would’ve still kicked their asses again if people didn’t show up” He claimed rustling his own hair in slight frustration. Y/n smiled and nuzzled her head against his chest, hugging him once more. “Thank you Garou, I love you” She said, allowing him to sigh in relief, happy at the fact she was safe in his arms. “Don’t worry about it, and….I love you too” He blushed, “Now let’s go eat those tacos, I’m not gonna waste them after waiting in that huge line” He announced, the girl smiled and nodded her head, “Ok!”  
Hi, hope you liked this small fic, I decided I’d post more of my writings on here. I’m a huge garou simp so you’ll probably see more of these on this account. He’s probably a bit ooc but nonetheless hope you enjoyed, thanks for reading! 
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weeb-writor · 4 years
Thanksgiving Dinner with Aizawa’s and... Bakugou????
Hey, sorry for the short MIA! I found and fell in love with this game called Cattails!! Anyway next part in the Aizawa’s series (Don't worry it can act as a stand alone!) and my love for Bakugou decided he is now a staple in the series soo have this chaotic piece! Reader is as neutral as possible! Didnt get to proof read it because I wanted to get out before Thanksgiving was over! Also when and if you celebrate remember its history! This one is written as they are celebrating Japanese Thanksgiving and not Colonizer day. Hope you enjoy!
Aizawa Shouta x Reader
You and Aizawa get a surprise from his family and Bakugou
Words: 1219
Part One  Part Two  Part Three  Part Four  Part Five
“Shouta, are you sure you don't want to do anything for Thanksgiving? You do have two days off you know.” You said as he snuggled you from behind.
“Yeah, I want to lay in bed with you and eat greasy takeout, do nothing. Doesn't it sound perfect?” He said into your neck. You giggled at your cat like boyfriend.
“Sounds good to me. I don't trust your cooking and I don't feel like making anything.”
“You shouldn't.” You giggled some more and turned around in his grasp to face him.
“I already said I didn't you goof, at least let's watch something.” You said playing with his hair.
“You mean sleep for a few hours and let the TV watch us.” He said as he put the blanket over your heads with a chuckle. You knew how tired the man was due to his lifestyle so instead of forcing him to watch ‘It's Thanksgiving Charlie Brown’ like you planned you embraced him and drifted to sleep. Maybe it would become your tradition to sleep until 2pm on thanksgiving but you didn't quite make it due to the banging on your door.
“...Don't get it Shouta, it's not important. This is what you could say if you didn't make the idiotic decision of becoming a hero. But you did and now this could be the end of the world if you don't answer it, and you're not even being dramatic.” He Talked to himself as you both went to get the door. You answer to reveal a tall black haired man.
“When you did answer the first few knocks I thought for once my cute little brother did something for Thanksgiving but nope, which is fine we brought the party to you and cute little y/n.” Shiori said with his signature big grin.
“No.” Shouta glared at his brother and began to shut his door but before he could a little voice rang out.
“Hey uncle sho! We cames to say t’anks for watching Jun!” Haru said, rushing to Shouta and bumping into his leg.
“You're a villain Shiori, an absolute tyrant.” Shouta said with a small smile as he opened the door wide to let everyone in. Everyone being Shiori, Jun, Haru, Maki and what you assumed was his wife. Oh and also 3 of the other brothers. One was Sora, he stuck out from his brothers. The side of his head shaved and his hair pulled back, tattoos as far as your eyes could see and piercings. The other two however you knew were Shinji and Shijiro, you just didn't know who was who.
“All of you?” Aizawa said with a sigh.
“No just the brothers! Saika and Shizumi are gonna plan something to do with you two before Christmas. We think it’ll be good for L/N to meet us all one more time before they meet the parents and stay with us all for a week. By the looks of it they don't even know which brother I am.” The shorter of the two you didn't know said. The group laughed at you, kindly.
“I do, to know who you are!” You huffed at the chuckling man.
“Alright then feisty, who are they and who am I?” He said through his laughter.
“That's Sora, that's Shinji, and your Shojiro the other baby and incurable flirt.” You said with complete confidence.
“Yeah almost right, that IS Sora and I am the resident flirt but I am not the other baby brother. The name is Shinji and that is Shojiro but don't sweat the small stuff buttercup, there's always next time.” He said booping your nose.
“Shinji you dirty dog, you cannot be hitting on your little brother’s partner!” Shojiro said, knocking his brother over the head.
“Yeah, Ji they don't need you drooling all on them. They got Shouta for that, but come on I wanna get cooking. We still have one more guest coming, but y/n, a tip for you. Shinji has shorter hair and gray tips and Shojiro looks the most like Shouta. We used to call them twins, his hair is just longer.” Shiori said, moving to the kitchen.
“What do you mean a guest? Who invites someone to someone else's house” Aizawa said following his brother.
“Don't worry about it, they should be here just as we finish. Now, Shinji your on cutting, Shojiro your on cutting and plating, Sora your on cooking the deserts, Me and y/n will cook the snacks and main dishes! Oh and honey and Sho your on entertain the kids team and setting the table of course. No way i'm letting either of you in this kitchen.” Shiori said rolling up his selves. You laughed at Shouta who groaned scooping up Jun and Haru.
“Yeah yeah just hurry I haven't eaten yet.” Shouta said with a smile.
“Alright then, y/n, time to learn some Aizawa family secrets!” He said grasping your hands smiling. He did put you to work thoroughly and just as you guys began setting the table with the food the doorbell rang.
“I’ll get it.” Sora said going to get the door, the person came in but you didn't get to see them before Jun was running and yelling to meet the person.
“Bak’go!!” He said running as fast as his legs could take him. You looked over and sure enough the loud blonde was there in his casual clothes.
“Bakugou?” Aizawa questioned looking at the man.
“We told you we were thanking you for watching Jun but so did Sora and Bakugo. Of course they get a thank you too.” Shiori said, patting his brother on the back.
“Well then welcome to my house Bakugou.” Shouta said with a monotone voice.
“Thank you for having me.” The blonde said roughly not meeting anyones eyes.
“Omg that's what you meant!” Shiori said laughing, the brothers except Shouta joined in.
“What?” You said wanting to know the joke.
“Its just he is so much like Shouta when he was younger...but just louder.” Shojiro said, still laughing.
“No way! I'm not like this old man!” Bakugou exploded, you could almost see smoke billow from his ears.
“You so are, it’s kinda cute, you've definitely got to meet Saika and Shizumi, they'll love you.” Shinji said.
“Even now they’re the same, Bakugou is just more vocal and less honest with himself.” You said as you thought more about it.
“The hell! I am not like him, you dumbass!” The blonde roared at you.
“See Haru, Maki! He da bess hero!” Jun said, shaking his brother with sparkling eyes.
“Damn Sho, got demoted by and compared to an angry Pomeranian, all in one day. If you don’t get back cool, I'll steal that cutie right from under you.” Shinji said, ruffling Shouta hair.
“I hate you guys, let's eat you so we can all get out of my house.” Shouta said with a small smile. You all laughed and then a flash was seen.
“That smile on your face says something else Uncle Shouta!! Can't wait to show Aunt Saika, this ones for the family photobook!” Maki shouted with pure joy. The rest of the day was as exciting and fun as the earlier part of the day. It was easily your favorite thanksgiving so far.
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seanfalco · 4 years
Date Night Part 2 | Misfits Timeline Anomaly’verse
a/n: More of the collab with @super-unpredictable98 featuring our girls: Win & Lydia 💚 We split this one up into two parts, just in time for Thirsty Thursday.
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: smut (orgy), language
Read Part One Here
Suddenly the timer went off in the kitchen and Win nearly jumped up to go get it before her Nathan wrapped his arms tightly around her waist, holding her in place.
“I think it’s the hostess’s job to get the food.”
Lydia slowly uncrossed her legs and got up, strutting towards the kitchen provocatively. She came back a second later and placed the tray on the coffee table.
Finally able to get her little revenge, she dropped to her knees and leaned over the table, letting her cleavage show even more while slicing the pizza.
"Dig in," she smiled innocently at the trio.
Win and her Nathan took a slice, Nathan nearly burning his mouth in his haste while Win blew lightly on hers before taking a bite and moaning softly.
“Oh Lyds, this is so good,” she purred, pulling a long string of cheese off with her fingers to place in her mouth.
Lyddie's Nathan took a second to snap out of his trance and start eating as well while Lydia joined the others on the couch, trying not to stare at Win.
"I'm glad you like it," she said, taking a bite. For a second she forgot the built-up desire and felt legitimately happy with the praise.
“Mhmm, maybe you’ll hafta teach me how to make more stuff, since I’m pretty hopeless in the kitchen,” Win murmured, finishing off her piece.
"Yeah, I can do that..." Lyddie looked away, knowing one look from her was enough to send shivers through her spine.
“Oh, thank goodness, even if th’only thing y’learn t’make is this, I’ll be happy,” Win’s Nathan exclaimed, picking up a fresh slice and flopping back on the couch.
“Oh, I’m sure there are loads of things we could teach each other,” Win said, licking her fingers clean.
"Yeah, there are a few things I could teach ya," Lyddie's Nathan started with a shit-eating smirk. "I reckon you'll love t'know that..."
"SHUT UP!" Lydia exclaimed suddenly, covering his mouth. "You don't need to make things worse."
“Hey now, let th’man speak,” Win said with a laugh, leaning again Lyddie’s Nathan’s shoulder. “I’m sure you could fill me in on a lot of helpful tips.”
“Somehow I don’t think we’re talkin’ bout cookin’ anymore,” the other Nathan grumbled.
"Right!" Lyddie looked at him "I have a lot of recipes, I could totally..."
"You have no idea," Lyddie's Nathan chuckled. "The steps might be tricky, but the results are certainly worth it."
Win smiled, half listening to the Nathan next to her as she realized for the moment, they were all getting along and it made her smile.
Lydia's rant about food in a desperate attempt to stop her Nathan from talking was cut short when she caught Win's smile.
I guess we're really becoming a couple... Or better said, a quad, Lydia thought to herself.
“So,” Win murmured, leaning in closer to Lyddie’s Nathan, unconsciously resting her hand on his thigh. “You gunna let me in on one of Lyddie’s secrets?”
"Lyds 101, the basics..." he whispered mischievously. "First thing y'need t'know is she likes when I'm crude, it gets her off, do with that what you will..."
“Crude, right, got it. Like, dirty talk, or—?”
"Yeah, but y'know... Inappropriate comments, shit that most people would find obnoxious or-or gross, she loves it.”
“Okay, that explains a lot actually,” Win said with a laugh, finally realizing how close she’d gotten to Lyddie’s Nathan and quickly cleared her throat, making to move away.
Lydia was only half aware of the conversation happening next to her, as she was distracted talking to Win's Nathan about her movie collection. She was enjoying his company. After all, he was a clone of her fiancé.
"There's a thing..." Lyddie's Nathan swallowed nervously when he noticed Win's hand on his thigh. "But she's gotta tell you herself, she'd kill me if I did."
“Not even a hint?” she pouted, batting her eyelashes at him
"Um..." Nathan mused for a second, definitely smitten with Win's charms. "If y'look in the fridge there's a hint, but if she finds out I told ya..."
Win scrunched up her face in thought, thinking of anything you kept in the fridge that could turn someone on.
“Well, thanks anyways,” she murmured with a sigh. For a moment Nathan thought she was gonna pull away, when suddenly she pressed her lips to his cheek.
Meanwhile, Win’s Nathan was gaping at Lydia’s future movie collection. “That’s so cool. I wonder what th’porn’s like in th’future,” he mused with a soft snort, glancing over at her.
"In the future girls make their own porn and sell it, it's this thing called Only Fans, I think it's pretty cool," Lydia chuckled, tempted to run her fingers through his hair. "I wanted to make one for extra cash, but I'm a little shy..."
Nathan’s eyes widened slightly, his mouth going dry.
“You totally should! I mean... if you wanted to,” he exclaimed. “Sometimes Win and I make our own home videos, maybe she could... I dunno, help yeh with that.”
"It only comes out in six years, but it wouldn’t hurt to practice... I’d love to watch one of these videos," Lydia mused, finally gathering the nerve to bury her fingers in his hair.
Nathan froze, his brows shooting up. “I-I mean... as long as Win’s okay with it, although what am I sayin’? For you, she’d def—“ his words cut off as he leaned in suddenly, taking Lydia and himself by surprise as he kissed her.
Lyddie's heart jumped in her chest. She kissed him back, this time knowing it wasn't her Nathan, but past caring about that.
"Don't say anything," she murmured, discreetly grinding against his thigh, trying to get some relief after the endless teasing.
Lyddie's Nathan was ready to interrupt them, but instead, he pulled Win closer and did the same, pressing his lips to hers.
"Oh!" Win gasped against his mouth, tensing at the suddenness, but her gasp quickly melted to a soft moan and she clutched at Lyddie's Nathan's shirt throwing her leg over his hips, and settling in his lap.
This was certainly not what she had envisioned earlier as she'd teased Lydia in the kitchen, but she wasn't complaining, having started to get rather pent up herself from teasing her new girlfriend.
Lydia rolled her hips more eagerly, a breathy moan leaving her lips in between kisses.
"Hmm," she noticed his bulge and bit her lip while looking up at the familiar face in front of her that somehow felt completely different. "Dinner is over, isn't it? I think that means I won..."
"Won what?" Win's Nathan asked, groaning, his eyes flicking to his girlfriend and the other Nathan going at it on the couch.
"Win challenged me. If I could stand her teasing until dinner was over, I win a special prize..." Lyddie explained while kissing Nathan's neck, rubbing herself against his bulge. "I did, so now I want my prize."
Win pulled back though Lyddie's Nathan chased her retreating lips. "You did resist, didn't you," she mused, moaning as Nathan didn't let her get far, nipping at her neck. "I suppose I could give you your prize now babe, but I wonder what our boys will do while we're indisposed..."
Lyddie's Nathan had never felt so confused, he wanted to keep snogging Win, but he also wanted to see her making Lyds scream.
"I wonder if they would rather watch, or help you..." Lydia ran her fingers teasingly over Win's Nathan's erection. "What do you wanna do, Natty?"
"Ohhhh, fuck," he groaned, glancing from her to Win and back. "I wanna help. I'm so good at helpin'."
At his words Win laughed, her breath hitching as she accidentally ground against the Nathan underneath her, feeling how aroused he was as well.
"And what about you?" she murmured, whining softly as she rolled her hips again, this time on purpose.
"I can't miss out on the fun... 'Course I wanna help," Lyddie's Nathan drawled. "You've been such a good girl, you deserve t'be spoiled a bit, Lollipop.”
"Great," Lydia exclaimed, getting up and looking back before heading to the room. "Which one of you is gonna help me get out of this dress? Or should I do it myself?"
Win quickly leapt from Lyddie's Nathan's lap to follow her. "Don't you dare touch that zipper," she exclaimed, taking Lydia's hand and pulling her to the bedroom, "I wanna be th'one to undress you."
Both Nathans gaped at each other for a moment before scrambling up to follow the girls.
"Anything you say, baby," Lydia sat down with a smirk, imagining what Win had in mind.
The two Nathans stared at them, not knowing exactly what to do, until Lyddie's Nathan climbed on the bed behind her, kissing her shoulders and the exposed portion of her back.
Win grasped the zipper of her dress and slowly eased it down as Nathan continued to kiss her, Win's hands slipping under the fabric as she reached around her front, groping her tits as she lifted her chin to catch her own Nathan's gaze over Lydia's shoulder, drawing him to the bed with her eyes.
"I think this has got t'be the hottest thing I've ever seen," he murmured, leaning in to kiss Win as he rested his hand on Lydia's thigh.
"Y'can be rougher with her, Win," Lyddie's Nathan laughed, reaching for her other thigh. "She likes it, don't you, Lollipop?"
Win threw him a disdainful look for a moment before yanking Lydia’s dress down, pinching her nipples and playing roughly with her piercings.
"Oh, Winnie!" Lydia hissed, parting her legs and leaning against her Nathan, her hand stroking Win's hair softly. "Just like that..."
“Mmm, I like hearing you moan my name like that,” Win purred in her ear. “Can you stand up for me, so we can get this dress off you?”
Lydia obediently stood up, letting the dress slide off her body. "Do you get naked as well?" she asked with a cheeky grin.
“Do you want us to?” Win asked, admiring Lyddie, arousal pooling between her legs at the thought of all of them getting naked together.
"Yes, I wanna feel you, all of you," Lydia murmured, pulling her in for a kiss, squeezing her ass firmly. "I don't think I've ever been so horny in my life.”
“God, that’s so hot,” Win murmured. “Are you gunna undress me? Or should I—?” she asked, lifting her shirt teasingly.
"It's my prize, I should unwrap it..." Lydia quickly ripped the other woman's shirt off before pulling her in again, this time onto her lap, as she sat back down.
The Nathans exchanged a quick awkward look before starting to undress, cautiously keeping a safe distance from one another.
“Damn, Lyddie,” Win gasped. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen this side of you before.”
"I'm burning up, it's been so hard to resist you..." she nearly growled. "I want you so bad."
“Me too, fuck,” Win groaned. “I wanna have my dessert now,” she moaned, kissing Lydia roughly while the two Nathan’s watched, swallowing thickly, awkwardly trying not to look at each other, while still slightly curious to see if they were bigger than the other.
Lydia couldn't resist the curiosity and glanced over at the boys. Yep... two exact copies in every aspect.
"Come and get it," she said, laying down. "Do whatever you want to me, I'm yours."
“Nathan...” Win drawled, turning behind her to look at both of them, her eyes flicking down and back up, feeling their eyes on her. Even without any identifying features to physically tell them apart, she knew exactly which Nathan was hers just with the way he looked at her.
“Are you gunna come help me?” she asked, trailing her hands down her body before reaching down to touch Lyddie, suddenly feeling a spike of nerves as both Nathans approached, hers settling next to her, his hands finding her body and she shuddered.
"You come here." Lydia brought her Nathan close, their lips crashing as she squirmed under Win's touch and she quickly reached down to stroke his length. She was a little intimidated being naked in front of so many people at the same time, but it felt so good, she had no time to think too much about it.
Leaning over her, Win kissed Lyddie’s neck, taking Nathan’s advice and not being gentle, this time leaving a trail of dark hickeys along her neck and down her chest. Pausing to take one of Lydia’s pierced nipples in her mouth her own Nathan fondled her breasts from behind, his arms wrapping around her, drawing a moan from her.
“Babe, you should get your tits pierced,” he murmured, unable to tear his eyes from the scene in front of him. “That’d be so hot.”
"I think so too," Lydia giggled. The sharp pain that Win's relentless mouth left behind quickly turning into pleasure.
Lyddie's Nathan also had his eyes glued to the action as her hand worked his cock. "Fuck, Lollipop," he hissed, his breath catching in his throat as she picked up her pace. "You feel good? Is that what you wanted?"
"Uhum," she moaned, overwhelmed with desire.
“Just you wait, babygirl, cuz it’s gunna get a whole lot better,” Win said, parting her thighs and settling between them, already feeling her own arousal dripping down her leg and coating her skin, her own cunt aching as she lightly blew on Lyddie’s glistening sex.
Moaning softly, she parted Lydia’s folds to run the tip of her tongue along her slit to her clit, moaning louder at the taste of her, her fingers digging into the other woman’s thighs.
“Holy shit,” Win’s Nathan whispered, his voice hoarse. “That’s right Win baby, I bet she tastes so good.”
As he egged her on, his hand slid over her backside, giving her ass a firm slap and Win moaned into Lydia’s pussy before Nathan’s hand moved farther down, his fingers delving his girlfriend’s folds.
Lyddie gasped as a jolt of pleasure struck her. Win's mouth felt even better than she remembered, her skilled tongue was like heaven after such a long, torturous wait. "Oh, please," she arched her back, looking down to watch as Win's Nathan fingered her, wanting to see her feeling just as good.
"So sensitive, aren'tcha?" Lydia's Nathan moved to kiss his fiancé's neck and squeeze her tits before taking her nipple between his plump lips.
Trying to concentrate with Nathan’s fingers moving in and out of her, Win lapped desperately at Lydia, the other woman’s sweet sounds only serving to turn her on more.
“Win,” her Nathan groaned, his fingers slowing and she lifted her face to look back at him. “I’m dyin’ here,” he whined and a slow grin spread across her face as she wriggled her ass at him.
“Go ahead,” she purred, pausing to bite her lip before resuming her exploration of Lyddie’s pussy with her tongue, but as soon as she felt the tip of Nathan’s cock brush her entrance she shuddered, arching her back as he slowly slid into her, her tongue freezing for a moment as she inhaled sharply while Nathan’s hips snapped into her backside, rocking her forward slightly, pressing her face harder into Lydia’s cunt.
Lyddie nearly came just from the sight of Nathan fucking Win from behind. She looked up at her own Nathan and raised her eyebrows as if asking ‘do you want it too?’ to which he enthusiastically nodded.
"Fuck my face, Natty," she begged through her helpless moaning.
Her Nathan quickly jumped off the bed and positioned himself so she could turn her head and take his cock in her mouth.
"Jesus..." he groaned, mirroring his clone's reaction almost identically, as Lydia hummed, swallowing every inch of him. "Good girl, you're so good t'me."
Win could feel Lydia getting wetter as she lapped at her, made slightly more difficult with her Nathan pounding into her from behind and she had to brace herself with one hand, pressing into the mattress to the side of Lyddie’s hip while her other hand continued spreading her lips.
The lewd slap of skin on skin nearly drowned out the chorus of moans and the wet sounds of Win’s tongue and Lyddie’s Nathan fucking her mouth.
Feeling her climax nearing with each smooth thrust of her boyfriend’s cock Win moved her tongue desperately against Lyddie’s bundle of nerves, lapping broad forceful strokes despite the ache growing in her jaw. She wanted her to come at the same time she did, if she could.
Lydia tried to concentrate on both giving and receiving pleasure, it was hard, but it also made her feel complete in a way.
She wasn't sure how much longer she could stand before coming, after all the build-up she could've easily orgasmed within a minute or less. Feeling Win's moans against her cunt just drove Lydia even closer to the edge, her eyes slowly tearing up with the overstimulation.
"That's right, baby..." her Nathan moaned, bucking his hips, his fingers tangled in her long hair. "I'm gettin' close, d'you want it in your mouth?" he asked already knowing the answer.
A high-pitched whine echoed in Win’s throat as her orgasm hit her and she tensed as Nathan rut erratically into her, his thrusts growing shallower as he came. But she didn’t stop though tears pricked her eyes until a loud muffled moan ripped from her as Lyddie began to shake beneath her, her hands clutching at Win and she finally stopped, giving her one last lick before collapsing atop her as Nathan buried himself to the hilt one last time with a groan.
Lydia quickly swallowed her Nathan's load as he finished in her mouth, her new enhanced lung capacity proving to be very useful in situations like that.
"God, that was amazing," Lyddie’s Nathan groaned as he let his body relax, laying next to her and placing a soft kiss on her temple.
"That... was quite the prize," Lydia purred, pulling Win into her arms and running one hand over her back.
Win hummed contently, snuggling against Lyddie as the other woman pulled her close. “You deserved it babe,” she murmured, completely relaxed, her eyes fluttering shut until she felt her Nathan crawl atop the bed next to her, fitting himself to her body and pressing a tender kiss to her shoulder.
“I think next time we should spoil you,” he whispered, drawing a tired laugh to her swollen lips.
"That sounds amazing," Lydia sighed. "But I'll mercilessly tease you first, just so you get the full experience."
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you have a what?! pt.3
sorry this is so late I was making a hinata cake for my friend and then remembered I was planning to update today of well. thank you for the likes now enjoy 
chapter 3: body shots and body rolls
Daichi’s POV
Daichi was disappointed when he woke up without Sugawara close to him. He looked over to see Suga tightly holding his pillow and snoring lightly. Daichi decided that he loved both things just as much. 
It was lunch by the time everyone, even Suga and Kageyama, were awake. The all lazed around the kitchen or on the rear boat deck eating. Suga sat next to Daichi on the couch sipping a pink monster. Asahi and Noya made a salad in the kitchen for the group. 
“Hinata,” Asahi called, “will you being me another bowl.” 
Hinata went to get the bowl. On his way back, he got to distracted talking to Kageyama and dropped the bowl, breaking it. 
“Ah Suga I’m so so so sorry,” Hinata cried, “I didn’t mean to.”
“Oh don’t worry it’s totally fine.” Suga shrugged it off.
“Oi dumbass, why don’t you watch your step next time. Wouldn’t want you to break anything else.” Kageyama snapped.
“Don’t forget you were the one distracting me Bakayama.” Hinata snapped back.
Daichi wondered if he should intervene. He had before when their fights got too bad, but they argued so often he had learned to pick his battles.
“Well I wasn’t the one that dropped the bowl stupid,” Kageyama gave Hinata a small shove towards the kitchen counter.
Asahi quickly picked up the glass salad bowl, trying to prevent anything else from getting damaged. Daichi should definitely intervene. He didn’t want them to get cut on the glass.
“Take it easy Kageyama.” said Daichi.
“I will when he learns to not be such a fucking klutz.” Kageyama pinned him against the counter.
Hinata didn’t say a word. He kept his eyes fixed in Kageyama. Daichi stepped forward when Kageyama grabbed Hinata’s chin. Instead of hitting him, Kageyama kissed Hinata roughly. Daichi definitely shouldn’t intervene.
Kageyama and Hinata where now full on making out against the counter.
“Right in front of my salad,” Asahi deadpanned, “Jesus Christ.”
“Oh get a room!” called Suga.
Kageyama pulled back, remembering he was in public. 
“Sorry.” he said quickly and pulled Hinata off towards their room.
“Asahi will you bring me my salad on the deck? I don’t want to hear what’s gonna happen in there.” Suga lauged and Asahi nodded, “oh and everyone be ready by 4 for dinner, dress fancy.”
Noya, Suga, and Daichi had gone shopping as soon as the boat docked. Noya was dragged along because of his constant snacking. Daichi thought there was something so domestic about pushing the cart while Suga reprimanded Noya for sneaking snakes into the cart. Suga would ultimately give in after complaining it wasn’t on the list. At the checkout, Daichi and Suga were asked how long they had been together. They blushed as they explained they weren’t dating, and the girl apologized profusely.
“What is taking them so long?” Suga nervously tapped his foot. 
They were waiting on Kei and Tadashi to finish getting ready for dinner. It was a short walk, but Suga didn’t want to push it. 
“Suga,” Daichi said calmly, “they will be fine.”
Daichi reached out to hold his arm. He always did this when Suga was visibly nervous. Suga shuddered at the touch, another thing he did when he was nervous.
“Ok,” Kei walked out into the living room/kitchen, “if anyone days one bad thing I will kick your ass.”
Daichi was confused. There was nothing different about Kei’s appearance. He wore brown pants, a matching brown blazer, and a white turtleneck. Sure it was a little too warm for it, but it was normal Tsukishima attire. Then, Tadashi stepped out from behind him.
He wore a black, floral sundress paired with a leather jacket, combat boots, and earrings. He bit his lip, worried his friends might not approve. 
Suga’s eyes lit up, “Tadashi you look so cool.”
Nods and farther words of affirmation came from the rest of the group.
“Alright gang, time for dinner.” Suga turned to lead the way.
Tadashi took Kei’s outstretched arm and followed him out the door. 
Daichi and Suga walked side by side. He couldn’t stop staring at Suga. He always looked beautiful but there were some outfits that made him look even more beautiful, if that was even possible. This was definitely one of them. Suga wore a short sleeve white button up and well fitting black pants. His outfit left him breathless but the kicker was the fact that Suga’s shirt was mostly unbuttoned revealing sliver chains. 
“Daichi? Are you ok, you look a little red. We are almost there, I promise.” Suga smiled.
Yep, Daichi was gonna pass out.
They all sat at a long table on a private balcony. Daichi scanned the menu of the sushi restaurant. Suga had said to order whatever they wanted, but something was wrong
“Suga?” He tapped the boy on his right, “Where are the prices?”
“What do you mean?” Suga laughed.
“Like the prices of the rolls”
“Oh they aren’t there.” Suga said like it was normal.
“But then-“
“Daichi, I said get what you want and I mean that. I really don’t care. My parents gave me their card for a reason.” Suga said, “Do you want me to order for you?”
“Or you could get a few things, and I’ll share.” Daichi really needed to keep his brain from speaking freely.
“That’s even better.” Suga smiled.
Daichi looked around the table at his friends. Noya and Tanaka caused chaos as normal. Kei stared lovingly as Tadashi talk on and on about a video game. Daichi had always thought they felt like his family. Not like they were his kids, no. It was more like he and Suga were the uncles that let the kids do whatever they want. Daichi liked things like this. He had really missed them since he, Suga, and Asahi had graduated. 
“Food’s here.” Suga’s voice pulled Daichi from his thoughts.
“This looks so good.” Daichi surveyed what Suga had ordered.
“Oh I forgot to tell you but there is a surprise for everyone when we get back on the boat.” Suga yelled.
Daichi swore he say Ennoshita smirk into his drink.
After dinner, walked out to the boat deck. Their mouths fell open.
There stood Yachi and Kiyoko by a large bar pulled out from the wall with Doja Cat blasting through the speakers.
“Go have fun everybody!” Suga called.
Daichi stood there awe struck.
“Did I not tell you the boat did this?” Suga laughed.
Daichi watched the dance floor. Suga, Tanaka, and Ennoshita jumped and sang along to kiss me more with Yachi. Kei stood bobbing his head while holding hands with Tadashi while swaying and slightly dancing. Kiyoko laughed as Noya tried to figure out how to do body shots off Asahi. Daichi perked up as Suga went to whisper something to Kiyoko.
Tanaka sat down next to Daichi, “bro I can’t breath, they can really dance forever.”
Daichi nodded as the long changed to the Tap In remix. Suga swayed his hits and Ennoshita followed his lead. Suga reached forward to grab his hips and pulled Ennoshita toward him. 
Daichi mouth went dry, “are they..”
“Dancing on each other,” Tanaka finished,” yeah.”
I’ll blow your fucking back out
At that line, Suga rolled his hips forward and Ennoshita leaned back onto him.
An electric shock ran through Daichi’s body.
“That was hot.” Tanaka muttered.
“Yeah...” Daichi whispered back.
The song changed to Skiing in Japan by Yung Gravy. Noya yelped and pulled Asahi to the dance floor. Suga let go Ennoshita and Daichi sighed.
Daichi couldn’t be more wrong in his relief as the song got to the chorus.
Lean back
Suga began to lean back cover a bit of his face with one had and slapping the hair in front of his stomach with the other, like he was pushing someone’s head.
Lean back, lean back, lean back bitch 
‘Shit’ Daichi though. This can’t be happening. He shifted uncomfortably as Suga repeated the movements. 
At the next song, Suga ran over and grabbed Daichi’s arm.
“Come dance.” Suga shouted over the music.
Daichi let himself be pulled to the dance floor. Hinata and Kagayama danced awkwardly with each other, not yet knowing were to touch or hold each other. Suga danced beside Daichi. He was very away of all of Suga’s body rolls and hip movements. 
He swore Suga was inching closer to him. This was in fact true but Daichi’s feelings were taking over. Suga made slight contact with Daichi’s body and a shiver went up his spin. Suga looked up at him, laughing, then bite his lip.
Daich snapped.
“Inside now,” Daichi leaned down to say in Suga’s here.
Suga followed him inside. Daichi didn’t know what he was doing. His body was moving for him, and he wasn’t in control.
As soon as they got inside and out of eyesight, Daichi pushed him you against the wall. 
“What are you doing?” Suga raised an eyebrow.
“What I should have done a while ago.” Daichi leaned forward, “can I kiss you?”
“Please,” Suga leaned in to close the gap. 
Daichi pulled back first.
Suga nodded. Daichi grabbed him at the knees, and threw him over his shoulder.
“Hey, I can walk myself.” Suga fake pouted.
“I know but you are just so cute like this.”
“I love you Daichi and I have since first year.” Suga kissed the top of his head.
“I love you too.”
tune in next week for daisuga cuddling, more awkward kagehina, and more Tadashi/Suga/Ennoshita gossiping time
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