#but she’s is much more gentle and basically teaches him to enjoy little things with her and others
watermelonlovershigh · 10 months
The Birds and the Bees /blurb/
AN: i randomly thought of this concept and finally decided to write it out. hope you enjoy and please make sure to leave your feedback.
This story contains: mentions of sex, slight angst, mostly fluff
{ dadrry - soft!harry - au harry - daughters Jane (10) and Juniper (5) }
word count- 874
While you announce your pregnancy to your two daughters, your oldest decides to blurt out the word sex in regards to how babies are made and that leads to your curious five year old asking a million questions.
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This was not how you intended on having the sex talk with your five year old daughter. You meant to explain how a baby got in your tummy on a more kid friendly level but your oldest, Jane, just had to blurt out the word sex as you were announcing your pregnancy and it kind of forced you and Harry to give a brief explanation as to what sex was.
"Your mummy has a baby growin' in her belly. She's gonna have another baby." Harry shares to your kids as they sat at the dinner table. You wanted the pregnancy announcement to be simple so doing it over dinner just felt right.
Your ten year old Jane jumps for joy. "Yay, gonna be a big sister again." Your five year old, Juniper, sits there with a bit of confusion on her face.
"But mummy," Juniper begins to ask, "how did a baby get in your tummy?"
"Well......" you start but get interrupted by Jane blurting out, "They had sex." Both you and Harry's face pales over. How does your ten year old know what sex is and why did she blurt it out for your overly curious youngest child to hear.
"Mummy, daddy, what's sex?" Juniper questions.
Let's just say you and Harry tried explaining what sex was without getting too graphic and hope that satisfied her little brain.
Now, a week later, Juniper's teacher has called Harry and yourself into the school for a parent-teacher meeting. You hope everything is alright. Juniper is usually very well behaved. Just sometimes you know she can get a little hyperactive and she does talk a bit too much at the wrong times but she gets that from her daddy.
You and Harry shake Juniper's teachers hand as you enter the small private room. "Hello, Mrs and Mr Styles. Welcome, come in."
"Is everythin' alright?" Harry questions as you both sit down across from Ms. White.
Ms. White has a gentle smile on her face and answers honestly, "Oh, well, almost alright. See, Juniper is a bright young student. She has a very bright imagination. Loves learning new things. But, over this past week she's been overly sharing that well, her parents had sex and are having a baby. Even telling other students what sex is. I'm all for sex education and teaching them young but for her to be sharing it with other five and sex year olds, it can become a problem."
You and Harry sit there, faces going pale as embarrassment washes over your features. "Um, well me and my husband announced to our children we are having another baby and um..."
Ms. White interrupts with a small, "Congratulations." which you both reply with, "Thank you." at the same time.
Then you continue, "Basically our oldest daughter Jane, she sorta blurted out the word sex when Juniper asked how the baby got in my stomach. So of course we had her asking questions of what sex was and we thought it was only right to give her answers so she wouldn't have to hear it from her peers later on. We had no idea she'd come to school and share the information we told her."
"We will definitely have a talk with her when we get home." Harry adds and that was the end of the meeting.
Now later in the day at home, Harry and yourself sit down with Juniper to discuss what Ms. White had talked to you about earlier.
"Juniper baby," Harry starts softly, "you know how we explained to you a few days ago how the baby got inside mummy's tummy?"
Sitting across from him on the couch, she nods and rambles, "Yes, you and mummy had sex. When you put your magical wand inside mummy and gave her seeds that grow a baby."
You roll your eyes at how Harry had explained sex to your five year old the other day. Like you said earlier, you didn't want to be too graphic so you dumbed it down for her little brain to hear. But you also didn't want to lie and say a stork brought a baby to you.
"Yes," Harry answers, "you're right. But, that's something you don't share with your friends at school, okay. It's private. You can tell them your mummy is havin' a baby but you can not tell them your parents had sex. That's totally inappropriate for school. Sex is NOT a bad word but it is a word that refers to somethin' grown ups do in private. Understand?"
Juniper looks a bit confused but nods her head anyways and replies, "Okay, I got it."
"Thank you, sweetheart. Me and daddy loves you alot and we don't want you to get in trouble again at school for speaking and sharing that word with your classmates." you say, reaching out to hug your daughter. Harry joins in and you three have a group hug.
You're sure that when Juniper is older you and Harry can greatly embarrass her with the story of the time she found out what sex was and shared it with all her peers. But for now, you wish Juniper can stay small forever and be your baby for a while longer.
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tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @itfeelslikemytherapisthatesme // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet  // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
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The Dangers of Hope Ch. 5
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Series Summary: When Y/N shows up at Camp Chitaqua with her little girl in tow, her bloodshot eyes leave no doubt that she's infected. Or is she? Everything Dean has come to know for certain over the last five hellish years, is about to be challenged.
Pairings/Characters in the series: Endverse!Dean x Reader, Emma (OFC), Castiel, Sam Winchester, Lucifer, Michael, Zachariah, Risa, Johnston (OMC), Patrick (OMC), Theresa (OFC), other survivors and soldiers.
Series Explicit 18 +/Warnings: Show level violence, some gore, angst, smut, fluff all the usual for a series of mine. ❤️ Endverse!Dean (that's a warning for his anger and callousness as well as his extreme hotness. 😁) Each chapter will have their own specific warnings.
Chapter Warnings: Nothing major.
Word Count: 5,402
A/N: So, I've had this idea for quite a while. Basically since I watched The Last of Us. I loved Pedro in the role of Joel, but I kept thinking how incredible Jensen would have been. Which then made me think of how amazing he was as Endverse!Dean which then led me to this idea. Lol! I've stolen the premise of Ellie's storyline from TLOU, but made her a grown up, a reader insert, and a love interest for Dean.
If you've never seen TLOU, don't worry - you don't need to have seen it to understand this story. 😊
I've taken some liberties with the Endverse in my story, changed a few things from canon, but kept lots of things too.
I sincerely hope you enjoy the story. It will be ten chapters and I will do my very best to post one chapter every weekend. ❤️
A/N 2: Sorry, this chapter is a bit longer than usual, but I hope you enjoy it anyway. 😘
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Over the next two weeks, Dean did whatever he could to avoid being around Y/N.  He was determined that the morning at the river was simply going to be a weird one off. It was some kind of reaction to Y/N’s unfamiliar presence. Her emotions and her rose-colored outlook on the world had contaminated him somehow. 
He didn’t know why, but there was something about her that always made him question his decisions, constantly rework his plans. She just brought something out in him, so he stayed the hell away from her as much as possible.
He knew she’d set up the school and begun teaching. But there again, she’d made him change his plans. The plan had been to use the sheds behind the cabin for storage; that was the whole reason for building them! 
But apparently Y/N had worked her magic with Brandy and before he knew it the sensible, practical woman had him convinced to let Y/N and the kids take up one of their very limited storage spaces, just to sit around doing algebra and reading poetry - or whatever she was teaching them. 
It was ridiculous. 
But even though he avoided her during the day, there was no turning off his brain at night, when he closed his eyes and visions of her soft curves and the memory of her silky skin beneath his fingers plagued his thoughts. He told himself to smarten up, that he had so many more important things to be thinking about. 
He decided he just needed sex; it had been too long. So one night he showed up in Risa’s tent after midnight and she opened her arms to him the way she always did. 
But as he kissed her and moved his hands over her body, her gentle sighs and soft moans weren’t doing what he needed them to, and he realized he was being an asshole trying to replace one woman with another. Risa was a good soldier and she’d been a soft place for him to land too many times to just use her as a distraction. 
So he got up and left, giving her a lame excuse, “I forgot I have to be up early tomorrow to…go over things with Johnston.” He tried not to notice Risa’s frown. He couldn't tell if she was mad or sad, and he didn't really want to stick around to find out. 
As the days moved on, he realized it was next to impossible to completely avoid Y/N, whether day or night. Because no matter how he tried to ignore her, he saw her influence everywhere. He could sense a shift in the air, he swore people were smiling more and every once in a while, he could hear kids laughing loudly.
That was a foreign sound nowadays, and it unnerved him. And smiling seemed foolish. What was there to smile about? Being happy just invited tragedy. He knew in the old days he would have been called a pessimist. But he was simply being a realist as he'd always been. He called things as they were, and he wasn't about to let a pretty smile and a bouncy attitude change that.
One evening, about a month after Y/N arrived at the camp, Dean was headed to the storage shed to take a thorough inventory before they left the next day on a raid - one of their last before the snows came in mid November. He knew they were gonna need more propane than what they had stored in order to run the generator over the winter. The generator ran the fridge and freezer where they kept their food stored. 
It could also power the electricity in the big cabin for a little while if needed. There had been nearly a week last winter that had been so piercingly cold that they’d all needed to jam themselves into the cabin and run the electric heat as much as possible. It had simply been too cold for the little camp stoves in the tents; the wood-burning stoves just couldn’t generate enough heat to combat the intense cold that seeped through the thick canvas walls. 
So their generator had saved them, and it ran on propane, which meant they needed more than enough to last through another possible cold snap.
Dean had deliberately waited to start the task until it was nearly sundown since the school would be empty by then and he could avoid running into the teacher that worked there. 
But as he approached the small building he could see a wavering light in the window - a lamp moving towards him. Before he could turn and leave (he wasn’t going to call it running away) Y/N stepped out into the semi-darkness and gasped as she saw him standing there.
She put the hand not holding the kerosene lamp to her chest. “Oh my lord!” She breathed out raggedly. “You scared me half to death.” But she was chuckling as she said it and walked closer to him.
He cleared his throat. “Yeah, I uh…I thought you’d be gone.” He knew he sounded slightly accusatory. “Why are you still here? Haven’t the kids been gone for hours?”
Y/N nodded. “Yeah. I came back to put up the gift we got from Tom Richardson.” She waved him towards the building behind her. “You should come see the school.”
Dean shook his head. “No, I’ve got…I have to -”
She cut him off with wide, pleading eyes. “Please?” She added a bright, imploring smile and Dean shook his head. Why was he even bothering to say no to her at this point? He gestured for her to lead the way into the little building and he followed at a distance. 
They walked in and she set the lamp on the small table in the corner and turned it up full so that it completely lit up the tiny room. She held her arms out to the sides, showing off her little schoolroom with pride.
“What do you think?”
He shook his head. “It’s uh…pretty empty.” He said looking around. 
Y/N shrugged and seemed a little deflated. “It’s a work in progress.”
Dean grunted his acknowledgement and continued his sweep of the room. On the floor against the back, Northern, wall were a couple of piles of wool blankets, and right above them was a mural of multicolored leaves stuck to the wall. 
When she saw him looking at it and frowning, Y/N explained. “I got the kids to find a bunch of pretty, fallen leaves, and then we used some tree sap as glue to stick them up. I got to teach them a little bit about trees and ecosystems, and we also made something pretty to hang on the wall.”
He nodded at the blankets. “Is that where the kids sit?”
“Yeah.” She said with another shrug. “We’re a little packed in, but it keeps us warm. The blankets just take the chill out of the floor and make it a bit softer to sit on.”
Dean nodded absently and looked left, his eye catching on the only other object in the room. It was a paper map hanging on the western wall, held in place by two small nails. 
Dean frowned again. “Is that a map of America?”
Y/N nodded excitedly. “Yeah, that was the gift from Tom Richardson. It was so kind of him. His son, Jonah is a sweet little guy, but I guess he’s been pretty quiet over the last year or so. He lost his mom just before he and Tom got to Chitaqua?” She said, clearly using the words as a question to see if he knew who she was talking about.
Dean nodded, a vague recollection coming to his mind of a big burly guy and a scrawny little kid. He remembered thinking the guy would be a hard worker, and the kid probably wasn’t gonna make it. He’d looked pretty sick.
Y/N continued. “Well, I guess since he started school he’s been talking more in the evenings, even asking Tom questions about The Knights of the Round Table. I’ve been sharing some of the legends with them this week. So, Tom was grateful and as a thank you, he gave us this map that he’d kept tucked away in his backpack all this time. Said it made him feel peaceful to look at it and remember better times. But he thought we could use it more.”
She smiled wistfully and gazed at the slightly ratty map.
“Why?” Dean asked with a slight jolt in his gut. He waved at the map. “It’s not like this anymore.”
Y/N nodded and lowered her gaze to the ground. “Yeah, I know, but the general shape of the country is still the same, and I can use it as half geography, half history.”
When she looked back up at him, her face was set in lines of disappointment. She waved her hand to encompass the whole hundred and fifty square feet. “You don’t like it?” She asked with a weak chuckle.
Dean shrugged. “No it's, I mean, it’s fine. You know, work in progress, like you said.”
Y/N nodded and smiled, looking a little bolstered. “Yeah, slow but sure. And you know,” her smile turned shy, “I’ve really wanted to thank you for giving up the space for the school, I know this wasn’t what the shed was earmarked for.”
Dean cleared his throat. “Yeah, well, Brandy made sense. Can’t have the kids wandering around outside after the cold comes.”
Y/N frowned. “I’ve wanted to thank you, but every time I’ve looked for you, I seem to have just missed you.”
Dean scowled defensively. “Just busy.” 
Y/N nodded.
“Well look,” Dean said, backing away, “I gotta get to…stuff.” He shook his head. “I mean, we’re leaving on a raid tomorrow and I gotta prepare for it.”
“Oh, be careful.” Y/N said, biting her lip in concern.
It was far too hard for Dean to rip his eyes away from where her teeth sunk into the satiny sweep of her bottom lip. But he jerked his head up and then spun away as he answered her. “Always am.”
The raid was successful; in fact it was one of the most successful ones they’d ever had. They’d traveled all the way to St. Louis, hoping to find some gas stations there that hadn’t been picked clean. But they had no luck. Since going home empty-handed wasn’t an option, they went North to Springfield and hit the jackpot. 
They found an old Costco on the outskirts of the city that had barely been hit. They filled and loaded up enough propane tanks to see them through the winter and then some. 
They also loaded up as much food as they could, and even found some usable meds left in the pharmacy there. They grabbed clothes and kitchen things like plates and pots, utensils, also managing to find a few things that had become rare and quite precious, like eyeglasses and sunglasses. They also found spare tires and car parts, and a few simple pieces of practical furniture. They took as much as they could load into the back of two trucks and a Jeep. 
Dean packed up one more big box, setting it on top of the others; it was just something he thought might come in handy. He refused to think too long about why he’d gathered together the things in the box.
They made it back to camp less than two days after they left, a record for a raid. They usually took a week or more because they had to scavenge through a bunch of different cities, and fight off masses of Croats. But this time, they didn't see any Croats at all, and they'd scored an incredible haul quickly, which meant that, barring some kind of catastrophe, they wouldn't have to go out again until the snow melted. 
They pulled into the camp around noon and Dean spent a few hours helping to unload the trucks and organize where everything went. When the campers saw the piles of booty in the trucks, people actually started clapping. An air of joviality pervaded as they all worked together to put things away until the next day. At which point they'd begin accounting for it all, sharing what was needed immediately, and then safely storing away the rest. 
Y/N and her students left their little schoolroom to come help as well and the kid’s eyes were wide and excited, looking at everything that had been brought back as though it was Christmas Eve. 
When everything was unloaded, Dean grabbed the box he’d put aside and brought it to Y/N who’d returned to the school to drop off the two folding chairs she’d claimed for the classroom.
He knocked on the open door, grateful for the hard wood beneath his knuckles this time. Y/N turned to face him and her eyes were almost as bright and excited as the kids’.
“Hi!” She said enthusiastically. “Wow, you guys sure brought home the bacon on this raid!”
Dean shook his head. “No bacon. It was fairly rancid.”
Y/N chuckled lightly and scrunched up her nose. “Yeah, wise decision to leave that behind.”
Dean nodded and set the big box on the plywood floor with a heavy thump. “This is for you. For the school.” He amended.
Y/N looked a bit dumbfounded for a moment and her eyes got even rounder before she dropped to her knees and pulled open the flaps of the box. 
When she saw what was inside her gasp was deep and her hands flew to her mouth. She looked up at him in complete shock before reaching reverently into the box to take out one of the books that sat inside.
“Books.” She whispered, as she stared at the paperback in her hands. She reached into the box again and pulled out another book and then another and another until her arms were full of them.
She looked up at him, tears falling and her gaze rapturous. “Oh my god, Dean.”
Dean felt his face flush and he looked away, crossing his arms over his chest. “Just figured the classroom could use ‘em and they were just sitting there on the shelves. There’s a bunch of kids books underneath,” he said pointing inside the box. “And paper and pencils and some crayons, a few coloring books. There weren’t many of them so-”
He was interrupted as Y/N dropped the books back into the box and launched herself at him. She wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed tight. He stood stock still for a minute before he patted her back awkwardly and dropped his arms back to his side.
She pulled back and brushed away her happy tears, sniffling loudly. “Sorry. I just…” She knelt down again and picked up another book, holding it tight to her chest. She shook her head. “You have no idea how much I’ve missed books. It’s been years since I’ve even seen one let alone had the chance to read one.”
She reached in for one of the children’s books and laughed. “Oh my gosh, the kids are gonna be ecstatic.”
Dean shrugged, thoroughly embarrassed by Y/N’s joy and gratitude. He cleared his throat before speaking. “There’s a limited supply of paper and pencils, and I have no idea how long it will be before we find more, if we ever do, so…”
He trailed off and Y/N put the books back into the box and folded the flaps closed again. “So, we’ll be sure to write very tiny, erase a lot, and wear the pencils down to little nubs.” She said as she stood and bent to heft the box up from the floor. Dean stepped forward to grab it from her as she staggered slightly beneath its weight.
“You’ll break your back.” Dean barked at her as he reached for the box. 
But she just shook her head and turned away with the box still in her arms. “N’ah I’m stronger than I look.” She said, huffing and puffing as she dropped it onto the table. 
Dean shook his head. Yeah, I bet you are. He thought.
After a moment Y/N turned and walked slowly back towards him. “So, I can’t exactly buy you dinner as a thank you. But if you bring your rations over to our tent, I can cook them all up for us.”
She smiled at him, friendly and sweet, but Dean was backing away. “No, that’s not necessary.”
“I know it isn’t, but it will make me feel good to do this one small favor for you in return for this amazingness.” She said with a wave towards the box.
Dean planned to say no, had it on the tip of his tongue but when he opened his mouth what came out was, “Okay.”
So barely an hour later he found himself sitting at her table with dinner laid out in front of him. It was a sufficiently celebratory meal of salted venison from an eight point buck the camp hunters had taken down in early summer, boiled potatoes, and a can of green beans that was older than Emma.
It was the best meal Dean had eaten in a long time.  
After the food was finished and the dishes were washed, Y/N made them a cup of coffee and he sat drinking it as she settled Emma into bed with a kiss. His stomach was full of decent food, the coffee smelled old but still strong, and the sound of Y/N’s soft voice as she tucked her daughter in, was incredibly soothing. He found himself relaxing into his chair in a way he hadn’t in a very long time. His muscles lost some of their rigidity and he breathed out a long sigh, as though he’d been holding his breath for too long.
After a few minutes Y/N came back to the table and sat down with her own soft exhale. She took a sip of her coffee and then looked at Dean over the rim of her tin cup. “You know, I don’t think you really understand what you’ve done here.”
Dean cocked his head and raised an eyebrow, questioning her. She smiled and set down her cup, shifting slightly in her chair.
“Since all of this started, we’ve been on the move, Emma and I. In the beginning, when Emma was still a baby, I’d come across different groups of people and we’d travel together for a while or we’d manage to hole up somewhere for the winter and wait out the cold together. But inevitably the groups always fell away; sometimes we’d just decide to go in separate directions, but sometimes animosity or greed would take over and violence would erupt. People would fight over who was in charge and they’d fight over resources.” Y/N shook her head. “It almost always ended up a disaster.”
She shrugged. “So after a while, I just lit out on my own with Emma. It was scary as hell, of course - no back up, no partners, all on my own with a four year old. But it also meant no one stealing my stuff, or throwing me to the wolves at the first sign of trouble.” 
She took another sip of coffee and Dean wondered at the shadows in her usually bright eyes. What stories in her past had created them?
Her voice was soft when she continued. “It’s been incredibly hard and there’s been,” her eyelashes fluttered and closed, “there's been a lot of bad.” 
She set down her cup and sat back in her chair, rubbing at her eyes with her fingers like she was scratching out the images behind her eyelids.
When she looked at him again, her eyes were soft and warm. “So, to come here, to see what you’ve accomplished in just a few years?” Her voice was full of wonder. “Dean, it’s like a miracle. I mean you’ve made it safe here, at least a hell of a lot safer than anywhere else out there - there are guards protecting us! People work together, contribute their skills and strengths for the benefit of the group as well as themselves.”
She shook her head. “I haven’t seen anything like it in a very long time. What you’ve created here is an oasis.”
Dean snorted at that. “Oasis?” He asked incredulously. Her praise and wonderment made him feel an itchy kind of awkwardness. He didn’t deserve it.
But Y/N was nodding solemnly. “Yes. It’s a safe haven in a world filled with evil. What would you call it?”
Dean took a gulp of coffee and then licked his lips, looking at her for a moment before speaking. “Y/N this is only an oasis in the sense that it’s a mirage in a desert; it’s an illusion. We’re managing to get by through lucky choices and good timing. We push through from day to day, but I’m telling you this whole place could fall apart in an instant. One long, bad, winter, or one coordinated attack from another camp or a pack of Croats, and we’re done.”
He paused to try and let that sink in before continuing. “And the survivors here work together because it’s beneficial to them. But if things get desperate again,” he looked at her pointedly, “don’t think for one second that they'll hesitate to throw you to the wolves like all the others.” He shrugged. “It’s human nature, survival of the fittest, and anyone who thinks otherwise is gonna get trampled.”
He said it as a warning, still determined to dislodge the Pollyanna ideal of good and virtuous humanity from her mind.
But Y/N just smiled and leaned across the table to squeeze his hand. “Guess we’ll see. But in the meantime, you should be proud. No matter what happens, you’ve done good.”
Dean swallowed down the rest of his coffee in one gulp and stood up, pulling his hand away from her warm touch. He was desperate to get away from the softness and understanding in her gaze. He thanked her for cooking dinner and left quickly, promising himself as he walked back to his tent that he wasn’t going to do that again.
But as with most things to do with Y/N that decision didn’t last long, and soon enough that one evening turned into a bit of a ritual. Every few days or so Dean would show up with some of his rations and Y/N would combine them with what they had, and they’d all eat together at their tiny table.
Every time he left her tent, he told himself he’d had his last meal there with Y/N and Emma. Yet within a few days, he’d be back again. He told himself it was just something to break the monotony of camp life, just something a little different from the ordinary.
But the truth was he was beginning to crave the evenings spent across from Y/N, listening to her rattle on about her students and their achievements, or else answering her seemingly endless questions about the camp and how it had come to be. He even enjoyed listening to her talk to Emma, telling her stories before she tucked her in for the night. 
Once the little girl was asleep, Dean usually hightailed it out of there, because without the kid as a buffer it became much harder to ignore Y/N’s inviting lips and tempting curves.
But one night, three weeks after returning home from the raid, Y/N followed him outside as he abruptly left the tent. 
“Dean.” She called after him. 
The sun had set almost an hour before and the night was dark and cold; Dean returned to her side and admonished her. “It’s freezing out here, go back inside.”
Y/N just rubbed her hands up and down her arms and shrugged. “I’m fine.”
He shook his head at her stubbornness, and then waited silently. When she didn’t say anything right away he spread his arms wide.
“What?” He asked impatiently. 
“I just…” Y/N stuttered for a moment. “I just wanted to say that I really like when you come for dinner.”
Dean clenched his jaw as she looked up at him with heat in her gaze, an invitation in her eyes, plain as day. He told himself to walk away but instead, he raised his hand to trail his fingers down her cheek. 
“You should go inside.” He warned her again, even as he lowered his head towards her. “S’cold.”
Y/N shook her head. “I’m very warm.” She smiled and licked her lips and it was his undoing.
He yanked her up against him and crushed her lips with his own. He plundered her mouth with his tongue, inhaling her sweet scent and hardening at the way she clutched the front of his jacket and whimpered softly. He moved his hands so that one clutched at her waist and the other one grabbed hold of the back of her head so he could keep her pressed to him tightly.
He didn't know how long he would have continued kissing her, or whether he might have taken things even further. But luckily there was a loud noise of something crashing somewhere in camp, followed by laughter. 
The sound was like a bucket of cold water being poured on him and Dean ripped himself away from Y/N's mouth. They were both breathing heavily, panting really.
“Fuck.” Dean swore roughly before he turned abruptly and left. He fully admitted to himself that this time, he was definitely running away.
Dean barely slept and woke up the next day berating himself for the night before. For fuck’s sake he’d been making out with Y/N with her kid just on the other side of a canvas wall - kissing her in the wide open, where any other camper might have walked by. He didn’t need things to be more complicated than they were already. 
As the morning wore on, he made up his mind to talk to Y/N that very afternoon. He'd just tell her straight out that what happened between them just couldn't happen again. It was only going to confuse things and make everything harder than it needed to be. 
He nodded; he could do this. He was practical and he didn't hem and haw or tiptoe around things. He'd just tell her straight out how things were going to be. 
He knew she'd be in the big cabin as the school day ended, so he walked over and stepped inside the door, hoping she'd be almost done for the day.
Ever since he brought her the books, she'd been reading to the kids at the end of every school day. Parents had started swinging by the school, ostensibly to meet their kids, but really, they wanted to watch their kids' faces and listen to their giggles as Y/N read the stories in funny voices and occasionally got the kids to join her in acting out silliness from the books. 
But the crowd of parents and kids had gotten a bit too big for the tiny schoolroom, so on the last day of every week, Y/N had taken to reading to the kids and parents together in the big cabin. The adults usually sat on the floor behind the kids, keeping their hands busy with mending clothes or knitting, or else they stood at a table and worked on something like repairing holes in tents or making snares for the hunters. The work allowed them to justify their enjoyment of the stories. 
As Dean walked inside now, Y/N was finishing up the storybook in her hand. He could see it was The Paper Bag Princess and Y/N was on the last page.
“‘Ronald’, said Elizabeth, ‘your clothes are really pretty and your hair is very neat.” Y/N read aloud in Elizabeth’s decisive voice. 
“You look like a real prince. But you,” Y/N paused for effect, “are a bum.’”
All the kids were giggling as she read the last line. 
“They didn't get married after all.”
The kids clapped and even the parents were chuckling at the way the paper bag princess had put the snooty prince in his place.
“I love that story!!” A little redheaded girl in the front gushed. 
“It's my mommy's favorite story.” Emma said loudly. “Right Mommy?”
Y/N nodded. “When I was your age for sure.”
Dean pushed away from the wall he was leaning on, trying to signal Y/N so she'd hurry up and finish. But the little girl in the front demanded her full attention as she bounced up to lean against Y/N's knees where she sat in the chair.
“Cause your mommy read it to you?”
Dean was seriously considering ordering everyone out. He wanted to get this over with.
But Y/N's next words stopped him dead in his tracks. 
She was shaking her head as she tucked the little girl's red hair behind her ear. “No, my mommy passed away a long time ago when I was just a baby. So she never really got to read me stories.”
Y/N kept talking, but Dean only heard a hot, pulsing, rushing sound in his ears. A million thoughts were slamming through his mind at once as he felt a cold shiver run through him.
He yelled over the sound of the people around him beginning to chatter and get ready to leave.
Y/N looked up at his bellow, her face shocked. “What?”
Dean was aware of his surroundings only just enough to brusquely order everyone out of the cabin.
“Now!” He barked and the mood in the room shifted quickly as parents grabbed up their children and gave The Boss a wide berth as his eyes burned at Y/N like green fire.
Everyone disappeared and it was just Y/N, Dean and Emma left. 
Dean felt his heart hammering in his chest as he took a step back from where she stood. 
Y/N's face was completely confused and clearly perplexed. “Dean what-”
He cut her off. “How?” He bellowed again before swallowing and asking in a slightly quieter tone. “How did your mother die when you were a baby?”
Y/N shook her head. “Why? What are you-”
“Answer me.” Dean's voice wasn't loud, but his words were clipped and he could hear the steel behind his words, feel the cold seeping into his bones as the tumblers in his mind fell into place, opening the lock concealing the reason behind Y/N’s miraculous survival of the virus.
Y/N blinked rapidly for a moment before exhaling slowly. “It was a - a fire. Some kind of electrical short or something.”
“In your nursery.” Dean said softly.
Y/N shrugged, her face scrunched up in confusion. “I'm not sure. My dad didn't really like to talk about it.”
As he stood staring at the woman with the bloodshot eyes, a moment from so long ago, once again from that first time they'd faced the Croatoan virus, materialized in his memory.
Again his brother's face bloomed in his mind, and he heard his own voice speaking.
“I swear I'm gonna lose sleep over this one. I mean why here, why now?”
And Sam's bewildered reply. “And why was I immune?”
Well now he knew why his brother had been immune. Because Yellow Eyes had wanted him to be, to make him a better soldier, a better, more powerful psychic to lead his demon army. And of course, he’d needed to be sure Lucifer's true vessel was strong and able enough to withstand the demon germ warfare he planned to release upon the world as a way to kickstart the apocalypse.
Dean stared at Y/N, angry beyond belief. Angry at her and what she really was, angry at himself for taking so long to figure it out and for falling for her game, and unbelievably angry at the universe for proving once again that it was laughing at him. 
His voice was ice when he spoke. “What kind of psychic are you? What can you do?” He shook his head. “What have you done already?"
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters:
Dean Fics Only:
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom:
Everything Incl. Fan Edits:
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hanniluvi · 1 year
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S ☆ — Heeseung has liked you for ages, too long for him to even recall how. Sure, he should be confessing now, but he couldn’t. He couldn’t, especially if you have a boyfriend. So how is he going to tell you his feelings in only a span of a year before he leaves?
2 LOVERS? — best-friend!heeseung x best-friend!fem!reader
GENRE — high school au, bsfs to lovers to ???, he fell first, she fell harder (+ sort of right person, wrong time), angst, fluff
WARNINGS — some curse words possibly, insecurities (abt looks, way they act, etc), some ppl might act shitty .. (will add more if any in actual post for the fic)
FEATURING — beomgyu from txt, sunghoon from enhypen, yoon from stayc
SOPH — since lyfad had the most votes in the poll, here is the long fic that i will be working on 😊 hope you guys think you made a good choice on picking this!! enjoy this little snippet 🤭 + thank u sona fans (or u guys) for picking one on sonas poll, as promised, here is the teaser <3
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"Dang, you're good. Never knew you could play," you exclaimed as he finished playing the guitar.
Heeseung smiled and put the guitar down beside him. "You know me, always good at everything, but I don't mean to boast," he said. “You really don't know your best friend, do you?"
"Seriously, you're good at everything. It's hard to keep up with you," you joked, thinking about all the skills he possessed. "I wish I could play like you."
"It's not that difficult to learn. You're a quick learner," he reassured.
Eagerly, you suggested, "Could you teach me?"
"Sure, why not?" he agreed with a smile.
Excited about the opportunity to learn from Heeseung, you both decided to take some time for a quick guitar lesson. You sat right beside him, preparing to learn a few tips.
"Alright, let's start with the basics," Heeseung said, holding the guitar and showing you how to hold it properly. He hands you his guitar, allowing you to copy what he did.
You watched attentively, eager to learn everything you can. "Like this?" you asked, mimicking his hand position.
“Exactly, just position that slightly a bit more towards this way,” he scoots closer to you, propping the item correctly in your hand. “You’re doing great!”
"Now, let's learn how to strum the strings." He demonstrated a gentle strumming motion. "Try it yourself." He hands you the pick, watching over you as you try it out.
You nervously held the guitar and attempted to replicate his strumming. The sound was a bit off, but you kept trying.
Heeseung smiled reassuringly. "You’re doing great! Perfect for a first timer."
He patiently taught you the chords, giving you encouragement and guidance that you needed. Even if you fumbled a bit, you gradually started improving the sounds. "Wow, that sounds much better now," you exclaimed, surprised by your progress.
Heeseung chuckled. "See? You're a fast learner. Just keep practicing, and you'll be playing like a pro in no time."
"I just have to teach you a few more basic chords before I can teach you a song," Heeseung said, reaching over to take the guitar from your hands. However, before he could proceed, the door swung open, revealing Beomgyu. He greeted you both with a warm smile.
"You know," Beomgyu chimed in cheerfully, "if you really wanted to learn guitar, you should've asked me." He plopped down beside you, extending a hand towards Heeseung. "Hand me that guitar, Hee."
You exchanged surprised glances, amazed by the unexpected turn of events. Handing the guitar over to Beomgyu, you watched as he effortlessly adjusted his posture and strummed a few chords.
"I've been playing for a while now," Beomgyu continued, "and I'd love to share what I've learned with you."
"You know how to play guitar too?" you asked Beomgyu in surprise.
"Of course I do. Your boyfriend knows a thing or two," Beomgyu replied cheesily, earning a giggle from you. As the playful banter continued, Heeseung couldn't help but feel a twinge of discomfort, sensing himself becoming the third wheel. However, it wasn't an entirely unfamiliar situation.
Gradually distancing himself from the two of you, Heeseung settled into a corner, observing your interaction. He wore a gentle smile, occasionally chuckling at your playful mistakes and Beomgyu's teasing scolds.
In that moment, Heeseung couldn't deny the bittersweet longing within him. He wished he could be more than just your best friend, wishing for something more.
In the corner, Heeseung's heart felt conflicted as he watched your interaction with Beomgyu. Part of him wished he could be the one making you laugh and sharing those playful moments together. He couldn't help but wonder what it would be like if he were the one holding the guitar, strumming strings that would make your heart skip a beat.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST — @flwoie @ixomiyu @yenavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @starcubes @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @woon2u @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @tnyhees @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @flwrshee
LYFAD TAGLIST — @misoxhappy @vizstars @junzwrld @whippedforbeomgyu @rikisly
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Reach Out a Hand (Azriel x Fem!reader)
azriel x reader
how azriel reaches out to you in the midst of your insecurity to find you where you are
warnings: adoption, insecurity talk
author: sj
part two
an: part two will be coming sometime soon! enjoy!
Moving to the House with Nesta, Cassian, and Azriel had it perks, but it also had its drawbacks. You were new Fae. Made also by the Cauldron with Nesta and Elain but weren't adjusting as well as they were. You had always been an awkward girl from when you were little, but when you were Made, it definitely didn't get better. Although now technically more graceful, you didn't feel like it. You were short for being a Fae and you still hadn't gotten used to how your body worked with the whole not human thing anymore.
Being with the others felt great, comfortable even. The only person that kept their distance from you was Azriel, but he was like that with mostly everyone besides the Inner Circle. You thought he would just have to get more comfortable with you being around and that was totally okay with you. When you would eat with them, he wouldn't say much, sometimes grunting in response or his lips tilting up to respond to something being said at the table. But every once in a while, you would meet his eyes across the table, his hazel eyes burning into with a sense of curiosity to them.
No matter where you were and when you interacted, you would always find him distantly watching you from the doorway, corner, or where ever he had a good vantage point. You always met his eyes though, making sure to give him a small smile, letting him know that you aren't trying to be deceptive and won't hurt his friends.
It was a morning at breakfast that set in motion things that would shift your entire world. You were sitting with the other three residents of the house just like you had for the last few months. It was quite as normal, until Nesta broke the silence.
"Y/n, you should join us for training. The priestesses have started to come and I think you'd find it fun." She gave you a tight lipped smile as she stirred her oatmeal, glancing up at you.
"Oh, um..." You had been invited to train before, earlier, when it was just Nesta. Cassian had gracefully told you, that you might want to sit training out unless you wanted a private lesson because your, skills, shall we call them were... awkward. You were the opposite of graceful. The training had caused you a lot of shame and caused you to retract into yourself for a while, insecurities overwhelming you for a while. But Nesta had reached out a hand to you. And that was progress. So you decided to take it, even though you really didn't want to train. "Sure. Is it right after this?"
"Yes! You're going to love all the women there, you'd get a long great!"
You smiled back brightly at her and desperately hoped it was worth it.
You then found yourself at training. Watching women all around you jab wooden swords back and forth to each other. Seeming to have a purpose in every move. As you looked around you, you could feel your cheeks turning red, your head filling with noise as the overwhelming sense of not belonging crashed over you. You felt like you had been transported back to your human body, feeling severely inferior to all the women standing around you demonstrating their power. As you took it all in, you failed to notice the Shadowsinger in the corner of the ring, staring at you with curious eyes. Noticing how your face flushed and your eyes darted around. How your breathing slightly picked up and how your hands instinctively found each other and started picking at the skin by your nails, drawing blood.
"Y/n! Good of you to join us! Wanna grab a sword? I can teach you the basics before we begin. We can maybe get together later and start from the beginning." Cassian offered with a gentle smile, doing his best to make you comfortable.
"Oh, no. I'm good. I think I'll watch." You dismissed, taking a step back and sitting on one of the many benches on the side.
"Are you sure?" He asked.
"Yeah. I'm sure." You nodded, trying to come off as cool as possible for him not to notice you slowly starting to panic. You felt like everyone was watching you. Like they could all feel what was different about you. You weren't like them. They were built to be strong and powerful and you had never felt like that in your life. As the lesson started in front of you, your ears started ringing and you started to zone out, only thinking about how to get out of the space. You needed an out, you needed to breath somewhere safe.
You suddenly stood and forced yourself to walk as calmly as possible to the exit, trying desperately not to draw attention to yourself. As you hit the door, you realized you had bumped into something, more like someone. You murmured your apology and continued to fast walk stiffly out of sight.
Azriel had watched you rush out of training, in fact, he was the one you bumped into on the way out. He didn't understand what the reason was for your panic attack in training. But he sure was going to find out.
He approached Cassian later that day and asked if he knew why you panicked and left.
"I'm afraid that would be my fault." He winced. "The first few times she had trained with Nesta and I, I was still up tight about Nesta not fully cooperating and so I didn't really give her what she needed to suceed. I may have also discouraged her from coming back." Cassian admitted. Azriel had to refrain from letting out a low growl.
"What do you mean discouraged her from coming back?"
"I got frustrated and didn't mean for it to come out like this, but I told her that she lacked the grace of a warrior and maybe should try a different hobby. I should never have said it and I already apologized for it, I just feel awful about it." Cassian shook his head with shame.
Azriel gave him a few choice words and decided to gather a little more information about her before he tried to fix the situation. So he went to Feyre and told her of the situation and asked if she knew what was bothering her.
"Y/n was always different than us. Physically. She was a lot shorter and awkward. When she was small, we took her in off the street where she was left and so I think it was always a place for insecurity for her that deep down she knew she wasn't were she belonged.. She was mostly overlooked in our family and was never very... graceful. She would often trip and bump into things. I once tried to teach her to hunt and I think she scared off every living thing in proximity for the next few days. She felt so guilty it was hard to get her to talk for the next few days. I think she was just reminded of how she felt as a human and it sent her back into that head space." Feyre explained.
Azriel nodded and thanked her before he left to go back to the House, getting a plan together to build your confidence. He wasn't quite sure why he felt the need to make it right, but he was willing to do anything for you and so he would.
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blackbackedjackal · 2 years
In comparison to other GSDs, is Lobo's energy level any different? The only ones I've known have been high-strung and very, very driven (tho probably due to poor breeding)
Lobo is a little freak (affectionate). He's nothing like I planned for when I started looking into GSDs and nothing like any of the ones I've seen or interacted with.
Both his parents were Euro working lines. I met his mom and she was super jumpy and hyper and loud (very sweet tho). His brother is apparently a big rough and tough guard dog, don't know much about his sister or his dad.
But Lobo is basically the opposite of any GSD you'll meet. He is SUPER mellow, absolute couch potato. He hardly barks and basically makes a series of 'ooo' sounds. He does that thing where dogs mimic thier owners words and that's the main way he communicates, by making those sounds then running to the front door or kitchen depending if he wants food or wants to go out. I walk him a lot but anytime I'm sick or busy I can just let him out to go to the bathroom and substitute exercise with something for him to chew on and he's pretty satisfied. He's really good with other animals, especially cats. His owner told me he was very gentle with his puppies when they were born and 100% believe that seeing him interact with the baby goats.
He's perma nervous but not like in a bad way. I've worked with him a lot to build his confidence so he's really good with most strangers and enjoys attention from other people. There was this one time this woman was in the same aisle as us and he kinda crept up to her and made and 'ooo' noise to get her attention. He startled her because she wasn't paying attention but she fell in love with him immediately because of how polite he was being (she had GSDs as well just not with her).
He has some drive and knows how to do basic herding tasks but it's not his thing or the only thing he wants to do. He'd honestly make a better cadaver dog then anything because he's really good at scenting out things and finding dead animals on our property, including tiny stuff I would miss otherwise. He's also the kind of dog where like, say if he accidentally knocks over a piece of paper, he will run away and then turn around to check and make sure the paper is OK. He picks up on changes super well too! My dad had a stoke earlier this year and he LOVES my dad. They used to chase eachother around to play but now he can't run or be as active anymore, and Lobo completely changed when he noticed that and is now very gentle and calmer with him. Even let's my dad lean on him while he walks. We didn't teach him that, I just told him to 'be gentle with Grandpaw' and he was and has been since ;-:
He's just not normal in the slightest lol. I'd compare him more to like, a rough collie in personality, and a border collie in intelligence. He's insanely smart. He knows at least 60 words now, probably more because I've never counted, and is constantly picking up on my behaviors so I have to change things up a lot to keep him guessing 😭
I got a GSD because I wanted a guard dog when I moved out here but instead I got the smartest and sweetest dog I could have asked for ❤️
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solar-halos · 19 days
please forgive me bc even though i won’t be planet of the apes posting i WILL be apes posting which i think is arguably worse
i am like so obsessed w learning abt apes rn. which is probably bc of how much i’ve been enjoying the planet of the apes movies but also they’re just interesting in general. so here are my thoughts
1. ok so i literally just learned the difference between an ape and a monkey just a couple weeks ago (most notable difference is that *most* monkeys have tails and no apes have tails) but it’s still a pet peeve of mine when there’s a youtube thumbnail that’s like “monkey reacts to [whatever human is going]” and it’s literally a shot of like a gorilla or chimpanzee or something. but also im a hypocrite bc i still use those terms interchangeably in my head
2. chimpanzees are fucking crazy. maybe this will be a bit about planet of the apes bc why’d they switch the personalities of caesar and koba 😭😭 like were they tryna bring up a nature vs nurture debate or WHAT bc koba was stacking up BODIES and not in a sexual way. which might sound weird until you realize that bonobos (aka koba) settle all their problems with sex. two bonobos want the same piece of fruit? sex. two bonobos having an argument? hug it out. two neighboring bonobo societies? the meetup is fucking obscene. chimpanzees on the other hand will literally create organized groups and if they see a lone male they will beat the shit out of him. infantcide is also rlly common (against neighboring societies i mean, chimpanzees live in a polygynandrous (or however tf u spell it??) to avoid that problem). also did u know that bonobos were originally called “pygmy chimpanzees” bc they looked so much like a smaller branch of chimpanzees we just thought they were the same species? i literally thought that koba was a chimpanzee too lol
3. gorillas are literally chill as hellll. take what im saying w a grain of salt though bc i’ve only done research on chimpanzees (in my defense it was for an assignment ok im not THAT obsessed) but i think it’s so cool that they’re not only aware of how strong they are but that they know how much force to use around smaller animals so they won’t hurt them. im explaining that horribly but basically let’s take koko as an example. ill get into the ethical issues w koko later but basically she was a gorilla born and raised in captivity that was taught sign language and there was one handler that she spent ALL her time with. she was also fed a human diet but that’s beside the point 😭😭 she was like 300 or 400 pounds (something like that…) and like even when she got excited when she was playing or leaned on her handler to give her a hug she was SO gentle about it. i think there was only one instance i saw where her handler was like “gentle, koko, gentle” but i think that’s when koko was little. also, her obsessions w kittens was cute but it did make me anxious watching her hold them. not cos i thought she’d crush/hurt them, just cos it reminded me of that kid that invades a kittens personal space until that kitten snaps, which koko was very much giving
4. with that being said, i don’t believe koko could actually talk. i get that if gorillas/apes in general could speak english they probably would just say “i would like food, please” but to me i feel like koko signing that she wants food is the same as when my dog used to wake me up and tug at the seal of her dog food. like, koko is absolutely communicating her needs, but she’d do that with or without sign language. also, the handler does do a good job of explaining kokos vague signs and assigning more complex meaning to them. like, do i think koko was smart? absolutely! do i think she needs to know human language to be smart? no. also i read something that was like “research about teaching apes asl has been declining recently” like.. yeah. i sure hope it has. like i’m not gonna sit here and say that koko was abused or whatever bc at the end of the day the only thing i know about her handler (aka penny) is that she was a fucking weirdo and bought michael (kokos bestie) and another female gorilla through some SKETCH poacher, but idk how she treated koko specifically. i do think it’s fucked up that koko spent her whole life basically alone though, esp since gorillas are such social animals. i think we base so much worth around if an ape is smart “like a human” that we ignore the fact that gorillas will never be human and humans will never be gorillas. again im not explaining this well but even though we’re human that doesn’t automatically mean we’re gonna be better caretakers for a literal gorilla. also about koko wanting a baby… girl i have no doubt that she did and i think it’s rlly sad that she never got one. but at the same time i think it’s so funny that her handler was like “we negotiated hella with other zoos but they just WOULDNT send over a male gorilla” um yeah girl prob cos you’re sketch as fuck… just a thought
5. anyway enough about koko. orangutans are so chill. like the chillest. maurice is my fav ape from planet of the apes and its literally cos he says so much yet so little. male orangutans have fatty cheeks but some males choose not to have them so i convinced my family that raka was a female orangutan. idk why they literally didn’t care one way or another so that was kinda fucked up. they’re also the epitome of solitary creatures they kinda only meet up when they wanna reproduce.
6. tbh that’s it. i had more to say when i was in my very fleeting lions and tigers era so like maybe im not as obsessed w apes as i thought. but looking back i did type a lot of stuff so i guess that’s just the consequence of being single. i’m kinda like an orangutan that way. also here’s my fav orangutan video bc imagine you’re just a single mother trying to provide for ur family and some fucking freak of nature tries to conspire against u. it’s like the fnaf of the animal kingdom
7. i guess there’s something else i wanna bring up. the original planet of the apes movies focus on three apes in particular: gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans. the gorillas are soldiers, portrayed as aggressive and brutish and dumb, which… i get it. guerrilla (aka gorilla) warfare. clever. very smart. i’m still clutching the stitch at my side. then the orangutans are political leaders, which… huh? like i remember in divergent the author was like “it’s best to give power to those who don’t want it bc then they’re least likely to abuse it” but like… that orangutan bitch was so obsessed w keeping the power exactly where it was. and then the chimpanzees being pacifists… what? like idk maybe they were making a joke or something bc they had to know that chimpanzees are brutal asf for no reason. or maybe they just needed to pick an ape to be a pacifist and they chose that one
8. speaking of the movie… the bit where they all worshipped the atomic bomb was crazyyyy. rlly shows u where their heads were at in the 60s. what i think is interesting tho is that the original planet of the apes are rated G (at least where i watched it) and then the new ones are pg-13 even though taylor literally was like “ummm yeah we had a female astronaut with us and lucky for her she died bc if she did survive we all would have had sex with her and made her have all our children.��� um… okay! now that i’m thinking abt it modern planet of the ape beastality enthusiasts need to get on the original movies bc there’s literally three separate instances of apes kissing humans! but maybe they wouldn’t like that bc the ape characters are obviously just humans in costumes, which i bet would ruin the appeal for them. with that being said, im done with this rant now
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bluiex · 1 year
Have this cute Ariana Griande and Mumbo scenario,I hope you like it.
Ariana smiled sweetly as the two young teens that were thanking her for her wonderful performance. She got a quick picture with them and they left, giggling all the while.She had just finished her concert for the night,and was now doing a meet and greet, which could be tiring, especially after a performance as outstanding as hers,but Ariana still loved to meet her fans face to face and hear what they enjoyed about her music.It made her feel good,to know the positive impact her music had on people.
The next person in the line certainly stood out from the rest,and not just because he was wearing a suit or had an impressive mustache.He walked up to her,clearly nervous,in the way that he avoided eye contact with her and was fidgeting with his hands. It kind of felt like he was being forced to talk to her. But when he opened his mouth,all that came out was a soft,gentle voice saying "Uh,hi,I-I really enjoyed your show."
"Thank you."she replied,keeping her hands out in case he wanted to shake them,which was a standard thing with these meet and greet."I'm glad you had fun."
"Yeah,well,didn't really see myself coming to an Ariana Griande concert,in fairness."
"Oh,why's that?"Ariana couldn't stop gazing into the man's eyes.In fact,the more she looked at him, the more she realised that he was really cute and handsome."Well my friends say that I've been really stressed and lonely lately,and they suggested that I find someone to,like,casually date,but I have no idea what kind of person I'm attracted to.But my friend,Pearl,insisted that I needed someone like Ariana Griande,and bought me a ticket to your concert to show me.I was a little unsure,but after seeing your performance,yeah,I'm very much blown away.So I guess,thanks,for helping me and giving me a good night."
Ariana could feel the heat on her cheeks,and could clearly see that this handsome man was in a similar state.Pearl!That nosy friend of theirs,constantly playing matchmaker for them.Although,she may be right with this one.He was handsome,sweet,and basically said that she was the type of person he'd be attracted to.
She gently took the man's hands,feeling how long and thin and calloused they were compared to hers, and gently tugged him closer to her.He had to lean down as she guided him down until her lips were next to his cheek.She whispered "What's your name,sweetheart?"
"Well then,Mumbo,I'm glad I could help you learn more about yourself.I'd be happy to teach you again,sometime."and then pressed a kiss to his cheek.She almost laughed at Mumbo's appearance as he straightened up again,panting,a dark blush on his face,and a bright pink lipstick mark for the world to see.She giggled and waved goodbye as Mumbo stuttered out a farewell and stumbled away from her.
Mumbo.She's definitely gonna be seeing him again.
AWW OMG. Griande would definitly try to get Mumbo some more tickets to her shows, and some VIP ones hehe
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mikareo · 9 months
hi hi!! hope you’re doing well! thank you for opening match ups! i haven’t done any in a long time so it’s a bit exciting (≧▽≦)
may i have a blue lock personality matchup please?
desired gender/general age of the match: a guy please! 17 so we’d be the same age, but a more general bracket would be 16-18 (/∇\*)
major personality traits: clumsy, hopeless romantic, smiley, chatty, and bubbly (especially around ppl im close to), shy, but i also like to mess around and have fun, creating a bit of chaos, and being a bit of tease,, i do get anxious and constantly stuck in the mindset of “fuck it” and “why did i do that”
um um also im an infp, a sagittarius, and i go by she/her ⸜( ˙˘˙)⸝
fav hobbies/activities: reading books and manga (and fanfiction but shhh), watching anime and kpop, listening to music, organizing, scrapbooking/card making, decorating, just anything crafty really, volunteering to teach little kids ⸜( ˙˘˙)⸝
ideal first date/dream date: smth not so uptight or high stress, smth kind of casual! so things like going to a mall/town center to shop and look through different stores (bonus points for books, stationery, and anime things hehe), maybe hit a cafe, but i also love the idea of aquarium or carnival/festival/theme park dates ∗˚(* ˃̤൬˂̤ *)˚∗
thank you thank you!! i hope this wasn’t too much, but im excited for whatever you come up with!!💓
💌 ✮⋆˙ love letter to...starglow-xx!
hellooooo!! here's your personality matchup! girl you sound like such an amazing person from your personality traits omgggggg i hope you enjoy this!!!! <3
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[ ꒰ᐢ. .ᐢ꒱₊˚⊹ ᰔ ] your personality matchup results!
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congratulations . . .‧₊˚🎧✩KENYU YUKIMIYA₊˚🫧⊹♡
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⋆⭒˚。⋆ chemistry analysis . . .
okay, i know there are a lot of yuki haters out there...but i think this man is so underrated. he's basically canonically the most attractive character in all of blue lock and his back story is so sad, it makes me just want to hug him and i think the two of you would be so compatible— let me explain!!!
yuki's generally known as the more gentle and calm one amongst all of the blue lock player (though he obviously gets a little aggressive on the field, but we all have our moments right?). i think this calm demeanor would be a great trait to balance your anxious mindset. while you're struggling with post-action anxiety, he would be able to talk you through what's going on and help you understand that everything you do if okay! he's made his fair share of mistakes in the past, and he knows that the only way to move forward is to acknowledge that what's done is done— what matters today will likely not matter tomorrow, and he's an ace at comforting you on that subject.
he can also be a bit of a downer sometimes...or a lot of the time. i think that your upbeat attitude could challenge this negativity that he usually feels about himself. as i said before, he would be there for you when your having difficult times and you would also return the favor. when he's in the dumps because he lost a game or feels like his football career may be over, you're the person who's there to lift him up and make him laugh. to be frank, your laugh is probably his favorite sound and he'd think of it whenever he needs to focus and remember the things that bring him joy.
the two of you would be able to be yourselves around each other with no fear of judgement. you can share hobbies— such as you showing him your favorite manga or him taking you shopping for designer clothes— and enjoy the sweet bliss of being in each other's company. any kind of date or experience you'd like to have, he'd be sure to make it happen and blow your expectations out of the roof. yuki's a romantic...and a handsome one at that, but no matter how many girls fall at his feet, you're the one for him. he has eyes on no one except you, and as long as his eyesight remains in tact— you're the most important beauty he wishes to admire.
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this was so fun to do bc of how much i love yuki. i'm such an isagi fan and seeing everyone hate on yuki bc of the rivalry between them is so sad since they're just two boys who want to play soccer ajskl so it's such a treat to be able to write about him in a positive way! pls let me know what u think :)
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m-jelly · 2 years
Angel Levi x Angel reader! So imagine that there is a ceremony for new Angel creation where god or the universe or whatever higher power there may be, creates a new Angel the reader and Levi is at the ceremony because he’s like basically forced to come because it’s like a requirement. Anyways~ it’s like a whole thing where there is like energy and sparkles and the reader is born and she is like this whole different type of Angel like she blew away everyone. But especially Levi! She was tall(and thick asf like renaissance type of body yk) and she had long curly hair and beautiful skin and there was just something about her. And let’s just say when angels are born they serve a specific purpose of good that’s appointed to them through like a test where you go in a ring and whichever item in the ring goes to you is your divine nature and the reader gets one no one has gotten before which is like staff or something and that means that she is the head Angel that has been waited upon for thousands of years which means we can really do anything on earth that is for the greater good and anyways since we were literally just born we know a lot of things but we are appointed to Hange to teach us what we don’t know like flying(which we get really good at) and then like everyone wants to be with her or be her friend and Levi gets kinda jealous like bro… I want her… and when we were created we instantly saw him and knew we wanted him and yeah…. You can finish it however you would like with him crushing or pining or whatnot I just liked this idea a lot :)
Sure thing. I won't use your descriptions of the reader as I don't describe the reader much otherwise it becomes OC or me describing the actual person who asked for it. I like to be as inclusive as possible so everyone can imagine themselves as the reader.
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@kenkopanda-art <3
Linked wings
Pairing: Angel!Levi x Angel!Reader
Genre and tags: Alternative AU, fluff, romance, falling in love, cute, becoming a couple.
Concept: You've recently come into being as an angel. Hange is training you how to be one for your ceremony. While you train, you can't help but think about one angel. You and Levi flirt a little and get close. When the ceremony happens it is revealed you are the head angel. More people show interest in you, but you keep going back to Levi.
Tag list: @levisbrat25 @ladycheesington @skittlelover69 @li-anne @nyxiieluna @strawberrybunny123 @nbinairyn @galactict3a @notgoodforlife @demonsimp6
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You sat listening to Hange as they talked about things you needed to know about being an angel. You were many lessons in now and your flying ability was even better than theirs. You pouted a little as you jotted down in your notebook as Hange continued their speech.
You smiled softly as your head flooded with thoughts of Levi. You started sketching him in your book as your skin began to sparkle. You jumped when Hange called your name. You looked up at them and felt nervous.
Hange smiled softly. "You're glowing. What you thinking about?"
You looked away and covered your book. "N-Nothing."
"Must be something special because you're glowing." Hange walked over and looked at your notebook. "That Levi?"
You whined a little. "Yes. I like him. I know there are other angels, but there's just something about him."
"You're in love."
You nibbled your lip in thought. "I can't stop thinking about him. We've talked often, but I want more."
Hange looked over at the open window to see Levi trying to hide. "I think he wants you too. Hey Levi!? Come on in."
Levi climbed through the window. "I umm...hi."
You stood up and smiled at Levi. "Hello."
He gulped hard as he stared at you. "Do...do you...do you want to go for a walk?" He blushed. "O-Only if you're free."
You nodded shyly. "I would. Can I Hange?"
Hange grinned. "Lessons are over. Enjoy your time together."
You walked over to Levi and held his hand. "Let's go."
Levi walked with you as he felt his heart flutter in his chest. He gave your hand a gentle squeeze. "You're becoming a fine angel. Are you looking forward to the ceremony?"
You nodded. "I want to get to work right away. I find it strange how we're all adults making our way through this all." You looked over at Levi. "Today Hange told me that two angels can have children, they don't have to make an adult angel in the summoning circle."
Levi's cheeks burned. "Only powerful angels have children."
You smiled a little. "You're a powerful angel, right?"
He nodded. "I am. I command all of the armies."
You looked at Levi's sword and shield. "You're amazing."
He groaned as he felt flustered. "Thanks. So, what are you hoping you get?"
You shrugged. "I don't know. I want to get a job where I get to work close to you."
Levi stopped a moment. "Tch, damn brat."
You sat down on the stone bench and gazed at the rolling hills. "I'm sorry."
He sat with you. "I didn't mean it in a bad way. I like you."
You stared at Levi. "I like you too."
He looked down at you. "No matter what happens at the ceremony, I will still like you."
You tapped your forehead against his shoulder. "Me too."
Levi played with your hand a little. You stayed together for a while before he took you home. He kissed your cheek and parted ways. Levi came back a few days later and collected you for the ceremony. He gave you encouraging words before he guided you into the ring.
Levi kissed your forehead. "Good luck."
You nodded and walked further into the ring. You felt nervous about what your ability would be. You held your hands out as pillars raised from the ground with four objects on. You closed your eyes and held your hands out and let your light glow brightly.
You opened your eyes as a warm gust of wind hit you. Other angels watching from their seats were in awe of you. They gazed as a staff raised in the air and flew into your hand. You smiled brightly at having been gifted a power. You held it close and heard people become hushed.
You raised up as power surged through you. A tiara grew on your head slowly as a white dress flowed off your body. You lowered down and felt confused at what you were, but there was a strong flow of power going through you.
You turned to Hange as they raced over. "Hange? What am I?"
Hange held your upper arms. "You're the head of all angels. We've waited for thousands of years for you."
You blushed. "Wow."
"I'll get you to your new home. You'll be living in the palace." Hange guided you out of the ring as angels tried to crowd you. "This will happen a lot. Get used to being surrounded by angels."
You looked around for Levi. "Y-Yes. Mmm..." You felt sad when you couldn't spot him. "Levi..."
You felt sad as you were moved to the palace. You felt so lonely learning how to lead the angels. You hated how everyone was showering you with gifts and marriage proposals. You rejected everything because you only wanted one person in your life.
You sat in your window in your office rubbing your tears away. You missed Levi. You hadn't seen Levi in a whole week. You wanted him back, but you were scared that maybe you becoming the head of angels had scared him away.
Levi flew up and appeared in the window. "Finally, you're alone."
You gasped in delight. "Levi!" You threw yourself into his arms and almost fell out the window. "I missed you!"
Levi grunted. "Careful" He flew with you into your office. "I missed you too." He released you and walked around your office. "How are you finding your job?"
"Okay." You followed him like a puppy. "So, are we umm...working together?"
He nodded. "You have command over me."
You fiddled with your dress a little. "Are you..."
Levi turned to you. "What's wrong?"
You whined. "Are you scared of me? Do you not want me anymore?"
Levi's eyes widened as you started crying. He knelt in front of you and hushed you as he held your hands. "Please don't cry."
You sobbed. "B-But."
He kissed your hands. "Of course I want you. I've been trying to get to you and see you, but you've been overwhelmed with work and people needing you." He growled. "Tch, and stupid suitors. They can piss off because you're mine." He stood up and kissed your lips. "Mine."
You blushed at Levi's declaration. "I am."
He rubbed your tears away. "Can I keep you as mine for eternity?"
You nodded shyly. "I would love that."
He held your hips and yanked you against him. "Mine." He crashed his lips against yours. "No one else can have you."
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coffeeew · 2 years
genre: fluff, puppy love, cheesy, lots of love.
pairing: fem! reader x non idol soobin
warnings!: none :)
word count: 840 words
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Soobin was in love with her.
The way she laughed loud and cried silently. The way her hair puffed off when it rained and how she frowned and looked up and down at him when he made a comment she didn't liked.
The way she laughed at every single joke Taehyun made and how she didn't know what she wanted but she did know what she didn't want.
How she loved to play board games and jumped on her seat when she beat everyone at them.
How she could watch the same old movie and still laugh, or cry or get excited or disgusted like it was her first time watching it.
How her eyes sparkled when someone started talking about cats and when they asked her if she had any.
Of course she had a cat, his name is Rumbles and he is brown and fluffy... but he was at her mom's house because she was allergic to cats and couldn't spend too much time with them until having a sneeze attack and her eyes puffing up.
But she still did it anyway, life was short and her love for her cat was eternal.
Y/n was a what Soobin likes to call "easy to love."
I mean, how could let alone someone hate her?
She was kind and gentle with everyone. Didn't matter how cruel or bad you were to her, she would treat you right without disrespect.
She was giggly but awkward in public.
And God, so pretty. Pretty to Soobin, obviously. He didn't really care if everyone else found her as gorgeous as he did. Because they should.
Y/n was someone that you could feel comfortable with really quickly. She had a rather mature turn when things got serious but knew exactly how to lighten the mood with a stupid joke.
Soobin had seen the pile of guys that have asked her on a date or for her number and it all ended up terribly.
Y/n was easy to love and easy to make her fall in love. She appreciated little things and if the boy did the right thing, she would simply fall straight.
But when things don't end up as planned and they broke up with her, it was all soft cries and journal entries.
And then she decided she didn't want to date anymore, at least not for the rest of the year that passed.
She still believed love existed. She knew it existed because she loved her friends, her mother, her cat!... And well, she loved Soobin.
God Y/n was in love with that boy.
The way his fluffy black hair would jump around when he laughed and the way his eyes turned into half moons as he did.
His cute bunny teeth and his eternal love for bread.
The way he looked so skinny but had a little squishy tummy she liked to hug.
The way he started using more cotton shirts when Y/n told her how soft they were to the touch.
The nose scrunches he did as he concentrated or the way his hands could perfectly fidget with rings and pens without any concentration.
The way he was so introverted he faked a fever to not attend to a school festival that was obligatory for the biology class but still managed to get a C-.
How he's soft spoken and only says little words in public that perfectly matched with how you basically had a verbal vomit when you had to socialize.
But it is also complimented when in private he talked nonestop and you stayed quiet to listen to him carefully. To enjoy his deep velvety voice while you could because the moment some stranger entered the room his mouth was shout quiet.
You were in love with his expressive eyes and his pretty soft lips.
With the way he became so anxious and worried when you two kissed for the first time because he thought you didn't wanted it.
In love with how he cared as much for you as you did for him. In love with knowing he wasn't bothered with being cared for or babied or with being the little spoon.
In love with how much he knew about areas that you were completely clueless about and how he was happy to teach you.
The kind of love you two had for each other was the purest and prettiest thing you had ever felt for anyone.
It all started as silly puppy love on middle school... then you switched schools and lost contact, thinking the feeling had passed.
But when you two met again in university, it all merged into a long lasting love. One that was well hidden and started blooming out once you two starting seeing eachother again with a more mature perspective of love and affection.
And maybe nothing was clear right now.
I mean, you were 21 years old. You had barely started living and didn't had anything garanteed but death. And perhaps you two weren't going to last more than a year.
Soobin just knew that having your arms around his waist and your head on his chest felt right. And you knew that the warmth your chest felt when he held you close and kissed the top of your head was something you wanted to feel for life.
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niceandspicehotel · 3 years
Dating Headcanons With The Fun Gang! (Kyra)
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✒ Being constantly controlled by the player, sometimes Kris will wonder if their feelings are truly real or just another one of the players sick games. So expect them to have some doubts throughout the relationship as they don’t wish for you to love them as someone they are not.
✒ Kris is quiet no matter how close the two of you are, it’s how they are. They do speak but it’s rare, they prefer to express themselves through their actions rather than words. So be prepared to carry a lot of the conversations. 
✒ Kris would first take you to QC’s Diner to enjoy a hot chocolate together since that’s their favourite place to go with their family.
✒ Another thing Kris loves doing with you is playing the piano as you watch them, it gives them a sort of comfort when they are doing something they love with a person they really care about.
✒ Kris is still a kid in the end so both of you would be pranking people or stealing Toriel’s chocolate kisses when she isn’t looking. Usually they wouldn’t share the chocolate with others but you’re an exception.
✒ PDA is not their style, they will hold hands occasionally or rest on your shoulder when they are tired, but nothing too much. When you two are alone, they like to cuddle with you because it calms them down knowing you are right there with them.
✒ They don’t mind you giving them nicknames, just don’t expect the same thing as them. Like I said, they are quiet. They do feel fuzzy when you call them through the nickname you gave them, like a sort of determination.
✒ Despite their neutral expressions and little emotions shown, they are easily flare up at compliments so if you wish to tease them till they turn red tomato, go ahead. They won’t be mad, instead just more quiet.
✒ Susie is  extremely slightly thickheaded, so there is a chance she might not realised you two are together until you directly tell her.
✒ She will stick to you very often, making sure no one says anything bad about you or she will kick their ass. You guys are basically the most feared couple in the school.
✒ Although she is rough with everyone around her, she turns into a giant softie when you two are alone. She truly does try to be gentle with you, taking care with anything you need and spending lots of time with you.
✒ Susie will actually try to take you into the Dark World since that is her favourite place, she will want to introduce you to Ralsei and Lancer. You will either watch Susie and Lancer cause chaos in the town or join them.
✒ If someone hurts you, she will go berserk and make sure the person experience your pain 10x worse. After that, she will try to treat you but if it’s serious, she will carry you and run like a maniac to Ralsei.
✒ When heading out to eat, she lets you pick since most of the things she eats are...not exactly edible. From there, she will go on about her adventures and it is fun to listen.
✒ If you’re lucky, you will see her tail wagging often when you’re around but she will try her best to hide it and will hardcore deny it when you point it out.
✒ Ralsei is fluffy boy, he may be a prince but he is just straight up adorable and wholesome. 
✒ Ralsei will make sure you’re alright 24/7. Whatever you need, he will fulfil. He just wants to make sure you’re happy and comfortable in the relationship. No matter how much you tell him he doesn’t need to take care of you constantly, he’s pretty stubborn about that and won’t budge.
✒ He will be happy if you guys spend time doing things together whether that is baking a cake or splitting up the chores. Just any moment with yours makes his day 100x better.
✒ His eyes will light up if you ask him to teach you magic, he will definitely go all out to make sure you can do it. Even the smallest achievements makes him extremely happy.
✒ Expect a lot of nagging, Ralsei only wants what’s best for you and that means stripping away cake privileges until you finish your tasks. He will go as far to even strip away cuddle privileges.
✒ Ralsei actually doesn’t mind PDA, but he will still be flustered nevertheless. Hugging him from behind or giving a cheek on the kiss turns him into a stuttering mess.
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its-deputy-caleb · 3 years
How would the Lord’s be with a s/o who’s short like 5’0 but they’re super sweet but can be feisty
Heyy so i’ve been sick recently so this may not be as good as always and it’s a little rushed but i hope it’s not too bad! but this was still always enjoyable to write as always! enjoy
Alcina Dimitrescu
Alcina is lecturing one of the maidens for leaving one of the windows open when she feels something tapping on her leg.
Her eyebrow raises when she finds you tugging on the fabric of her dress, your hands covered in blood.
She picks you up by the back of your shirt as you give her the brightest but cheekiest smile.
“Now what have you been up to in these castle walls that has led you to put blood all over my dress.”
Your legs dangle in the air as you explain that you’ve spend the last four hours running around in the cellars and dungeons trying to find hidden trinkets. You didn’t anticipate to run into an array of grim reaper type creatures but you never turned down a challenge.
“My my, it seems you have been busy.”
Alcina throws you over her shoulder and carries you into her private quarters before she practically dumps you in the bath that swallows you.
“You, my dear are not coming to dinner looking like that.”
She’s seated on the edge of the tub, gloves removed as she rubs her expensive rose scented shampoo in your hair. For a moment it’s quite peaceful.
You’re ever the troublemaker and considering Alcina’s dress was already dirty you couldn’t help but splash water on her.
She grasps but plays into your cheeky ways and splashes you back just as playfully until you’re both soapy and covered in water.
You both dress for dinner with Alcina insisting you wear some of your more finer clothes but you still manage to pull some buttons loose here and there.
Although you’re a wild one, bouncing down the hallway and nearly knocking over one of Alcina’s fine porcelain vases, you still take her hand in yours and walk proudly into the dinner room with your lady.
You take your place at the dining table next to Alcina, your chair significantly higher to sit comfortably but she definitely pampered you with some of the finest cushions to boost you up.
Still you can’t help but feel happy and full of joy to see your family and that only lifts your mood further.
Donna Beneviento
Donna walks into the lounge room to find you chasing angie around, trying to get to her from behind the couch.
“You’ll never take me alive!!”
You’re just as crazy and rambunctious as Angie, the two of you instantly getting along. Donna smiles when she finds that Angie finally found a friend and she’s thrilled that Angie is taken with you.
“Will you two calm down before you break something!”
The two of you stop to stare at Donna who is holding a porcelain doll in her hands to stop it from being broken as you practically jump around the room.
But somehow through all your wildness you have a soft spot for Donna. Slowing your movements and walking up to her, you wrap your arms around her neck and hide your head under her chin.
“I’m sorry Dons, will you come exploring with Angie and I in the mountains??”
With you and Angie on either side of Donna, the three of you spend your afternoon exploring the caves near the waterfall.
Jumping over pools of rocks and mini cliffs, you always go first holding your hand out to Donna each time so she can hold onto while she jumps.
You’re always there to catch her too. It’s a little hard when you’re smaller than her but you’d never let her fall.
Eventually you come to an opening in one of the caves. The view is spectacular, with the waterfall cascading down and catching the fading light beautifully.
Your hand is in Donna’s gently rubbing your thumb on the back of her hand. However in a split second Angie comes up and surprises her with a loud BOO.
Donna’s surprised shriek rings in the cave she thinks she’s going to fall from the height of the cave, Angie’s creepy laughter eventually drowns it out.
You wrap your arms around her, keeping a calm but gentle hand on the back of her head to steady her.
“It’s alright, I gotcha now”
You hug Donna tightly, death glaring Angie behind her shoulder. When you pull away, you take Donna’s face and cradle it gently in your hands.
“Common, lets go home I could do with a nice warm cup of tea to go with a good book.”
Even though Donna was less adventurous as you were, she always enjoyed running around with you and Angie but you always spoiled her afterwards with a warm night in under blankets and warm tea while you read to her.
Salvatore Moreau
Salvatore was walking around the windmill trying to find you when he’s interrupted by a rather loud noise.
He audibly grasps when he sees you sitting on the wooden sail of windmill, smiling down on him.
You jump down and land in front of him, giggling at the small scream that leaves him. Stepping forward and into his space you place a kiss on his cheek.
“It’s me!!”
You take Salvatore’s hand in your own and lead him to explore all the nooks and crannies of the windmill with him.
Eventually you run off from him and hide behind one of the wooden crates stacked in the corner.
Poor Salvatore is confused by where you’ve gone trying to find you frantically as he runs around looking for you. You had the advantage however, being small had its perks sometimes.
When he’s not looking you run up and jump him from behind, your hands wrapping around his neck as you cling to him.
His laugh bounces off the valley and he spins around with you in a piggyback. One of your favourite things is making him laugh.
You spend the next few hours playing what is basically hide and seek as you run around all through the windmills, reservoir and mines doing your best to stay clear of any lycans.
You’re a wild card in Salvatore’s otherwise quiet life, but he loves you nonetheless. But you don’t miss the way his hand clings to yours in a death grip.
However, sometimes you’re a little too wild for his comfort zone and he definitely refused to do the zip line with you. But he cheered for you from his place on the ground because he never wants you to change the way you are. To him, you’re perfect.
Karl Heisenberg
Karl is always used to strange noises and loud bangs within the factory, but after living there for as long as he had; he can always tell when somethings out of place.
A rather large crash rings throughout the halls of the factory and Karl begrudgingly puts out his cigar, hoping that one of the Soldats hadn’t broken any of his equipment.
When he walks into a smelting room he finds you on the floor with metal boxes all over you and you buried under the toppled over shelf.
Karl flicks his wrist and all the metal moves to the corner of the room to reveal you huffing your hair out of your face.
You were looking for a mould to craft a new dagger with, sorting through the assortment of boxes when it all came falling down on top of you.
Karl moves his wrist once more, moving the mould you were looking for to his hand, a smug look on his face. He knew. For the last few weeks he’d seen you eyeing out that mould when you came to sit with him while he worked.
“Looking for something?”
You stand to your feet and try to snatch it out of his hand. Karl sees you coming from a mile away and holds it above your head, he doesn’t even need to use his powers for this one, his arm will do just fine.
He’s cocky and can’t help but torment the thing over your head like a child but in an instant you have him tackled to the ground. Now that one he didn’t see coming.
“Don’t think for a moment Heisenberg that just because I’m small that i couldn’t totally kick your ass if i needed to.”
Now you’re the one to be cocky as Karl stares in awe up at you, it took a lot of strength and maybe a hint of luck to bring down someone as powerful as him.
Eventually you let him up from his kindly uncomfortable position on the floor, his back strained against the metal grates. You totally don’t threaten to throw him at Alcina’s doorstep if he doesn’t make that new dagger for you.
Karl loved that about you, how feisty and wild you could be. It meant you were a great training partner and both of you either trained together often. Being small had its too. One thing Karl lacked was finesse and you were much more agile and skilled in your movements.
Other times you’d help Karl out in the factory by lifting boxes of scrap metal or even welding some of the weapons. He absolutely loved that about you, how he could easily be comfortable with you and his heart swelled when he could teach you all that he knew about metal. For the first time in a long time it felt like someone was on his side.
One day Karl saw you take a Soldat out with your new dagger and to say that it didn’t scare the shit out of him would be a fucking lie. Soldats were taller than him for christ sake.
Karl loved you though. He loved how fierce you were but you had the heart of gold and to him, you were this perfect little being that made his heart beat twice as fast when he was with you.
He loved that you could hold your own and would stand up to anyone but in the closed doors of the factory he got to see a softer more tender side of you filled with tender kisses and tight hugs.
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bellatrixscurls · 3 years
girls edition
Hermione Granger
• biggest sub.
• she's really hesitant and shy at first, but the praises and moans you provide her with, make her gain more confidence.
• she's the softest and cutest little thing.
• her body is just as amazing as all of her and her titties slowly become your personal pillow.
• she doesn't really use any other nicknames but 'gorgeous' and 'y/n/n'. but you call her lots of sweet things, and she adores it.
• when you make her cum ? a literal angel she is. her face's so pretty, you could just cum from seeing her like that. and afterwards, she thanks you so many times like 'thank you, thank you, thank you, so so much, y/n/n, i love you-' and she won't stop blubbering until you kiss her to shut her up.
• she's so grateful for having you, and not inly for sex. you're practically the apple of her eye.
• tbh, when she first met you, she was so vanilla. and you don't even know how. but she got into all the freaky things, making you feel quite proud of yourself.
• she likes to edge you sometimes, even if she knows that you'll punish her right away. she just lives for the sight of you squirming under her, because of her.
• loves to be used by you and only you. if you say you need her now ? she'll be naked in less than 10 seconds.
• lots of pda as well. because yes. and because you're her whole entire world.
• kinks : bondage, dom/sub, anal play, sm.
Ginny Weasley ( personal favourite )
• she's def a dom.
• has lots of rules and expects you to follow each and one of them.
• and if you don't ? she'll punish you badly, by edging you for hours and hours.
• this woman is the kinkiest little shit out there. she's into literally everything. like, there's absolutely nothing she'll say no when it comes to trying new things.
• public sex. like, lots of it. wherever you can be caught, even in snape's classroom with him teaching only a few meters away. she just loves to see you bite back moan after moan as she's knuckles deep inside of you.
• her brothers like to flirt with you just to annoy her, and who's fault is it ? still yours. you don't know why, but it just is. she'll motion for you to wait for her in her room, and when she comes, better expect your arse to be crimson in no more than a couple of minutes.
• she's just so rough, but obviously makes sure that you enjoy every second of it, even of your punishments.
• ginny just makes them enjoyable. like, she would spank you while cooing dirty things to you, that have your cunt sopping wet and ready for everything she wants to give you.
• she won't share you with anyone BUT pansy. and with pansy being a rough dom too, you just know it's going to feel incredible.
• most likely to say something like 'so wet, princess. this f' me ? oh, you shouldn't have' and she's just basically mocking you, while still trying to comprehend how can you get this wet just from her words.
• post quidditch sex in the showers. and maybe gin's angry because she lost the game, so she fucks you against the cold wall, water wetting both of you.
• kinks : pretty much everything. hair pulling, choking, edging, overstimulation, knife play, face sitting, dirty talk and much more.
Pansy Parkinson
• prettiest dom.
• she'll fuck you for hours and hours, with her mouth, fingers and pussy.
• she's basically a sex goddess so she makes you cum in no time. but ofc, you have to ask for permission first. and if you don't, she'll tie you up and leave you in her dorm for hours.
• overstimulation. she loves to overstimulate you, even when you're being good and obedient, because she adores the look of pure pleasure on your pretty face.
• pansy'll punish you just because she can. you don't even have a say in it, and if you do complain, she'll punish you even harder.
• she's a literal bitch to everyone but you. and draco complains about it everytime, receiving the same response from pansy : 'i believe i didn't ask you anything, malfoy. so why are you talking to me ?'
• she's soft and gentle with you (during sex) only and only when you're having a bad day or you're tired/stressed. otherwise, she'll fuck you senseless until you're squirting.
• major mommy kink!!
• pans might be a mean, rough dom but she won't do anything if you are uncomfortable or simply not in the mood.
• nicknames : mommy (for her) and bunny (for you) - when she's not degrading you.
• kinks : pure degradation, dom/sub, choking and basically everything out there.
Narcissa Black
• dom and i don't care about other opinions here ok.
• she likes to be called mommy and cissy during sex, just because it sounds so lovely coming from your little mouth. and likes to call you 'her sweet/pretty girl'.
• loves when you make grabby hands at her and ask for kisses when she's grinding roughly against you.
• it drives her crazy how innocent you look and are even when she's fucking you.
• will let you take control at times just because you look so cute trying to grind against her while on top of her.
• won't hurt you. so that means only slight hair pulling, slight choking and spanking only when you're not behaving.
• cissy doesn't really punish you because she makes you want to be good for her. and also, you don't like seeing her disappointed face.
• main kinks : praising, bondage, dirty talk.
Bellatrix Black
• dom.
• rough and mean as fuck. will make you feel bad about being needy.
• will make fun of you (in the bedroom and outside) but won't let others even glare at you.
• bella's known for saying things like 'that sounded like a lot of attitude', 'show me you're a good girl' and 'beg for me, you slut'.
• she likes a bratty sub, even though she punishes you for it.
• the list is neverrr ending. she basically has rules for anything and everything.
• she punishes you even though you've done nothing to directly upset her. like, maybe if you feel like skipping breakfast/lunch/dinner one day, she'll give you a warning glare, and if you still don't obey, she'll punish you.
• sex with bella and siri. no incest, of course. but they'll make you feel soo good, you won't be able to walk for hours. sirius is a switch, so he can either be a mean dom or a bratty sub, but anyway it is, he makes you feel really good.
• you call her mommy, or you keep your mouth shut. period.
• she will share you with cissy sometimes too. and the contrast between bella's mean attitude and cissy's sweet, gentle one, will make your vision go white.
• like, bella will degrade you, say bad things to you, spank you, and then there's cissy, being all sweet and rubbing your bum in order to soothe the red, alarmed skin.
• main kinks : dirty talk, degradation, biting kink, spitting kink, choking, hair pulling, bdsm.
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hello. it is i. so! i was wondering if you could do a little ditty abt nail polish with the company and/or the fellowship? basically like modern girl in middle earth type stuff, and she realizes that she has nail polish on her which is something they totally don't have in middle earth. basically headcanons abt like how they would react to painted nails and which one of these mfs would let me paint their nails. cuz like - they dont know its just a "fem" thing here so no toxic masculinity. ty <3
OMFG I'M SO HYPED FOR THIS! I just picked a few random Tolkien characters that seem to have a lot of attention, so I hope you like this!!
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I feel like Frodo would be very skeptical at first
Because, come on, a girl falling into Middle Earth out of nowhere??
However, his interest is certainly peaked, seeing you twist the brush away from it's blue colored bottle as you smile down at it
"What's that, you've got there?"
"Oh, just some nail polish!"
He watches with curiosity as you perfectly decorate your nails with the periwinkle color
"How interesting..."
He may not want to have his nails painted at first, but has this deep fascination with how perfectly you can paint them without screwing up
Soon, he forgets all about the ring as you paint your nails, sitting cross-legged and starting with those huge blue eyes with interest
If he allows you to paint his nails, he would smile the whole time
What a bean 🥺
Tries his best not to chip the color when he leaves for Mordor with Sam
Gollum is actually really interested with his nails
"whAT IS IT prECI0us?!?1!1?"
But Frodo will swat his hands away, because "it's a gift from someone important."
The one thing that keeps him smiling along the way 😊
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Elf prince is so interested!!
He thinks the spring green color looks so pretty in the bottle
He's obviously not used to most thing from your world
Asks politely;
"How do you use this?"
"...can I show you?"
So whenever the Fellowship stops for the night, he watches with amusement as your brows furrow and you stick your tongue out in concentration
Legolas sits very still, so it's easy for you to paint his nails
How does he keep them so clean?!
He's low-key obsessed with how satisfying it is...
Now HE wants to paint YOUR nails?
He's so good at it!
Legolas is so patient and calm
He says it reminded him of making flower crowns I guess?
And he doesn't even mess up once 😳
He gets so happy with how the color matches him!
Forgets that you have to let it dry at first, so it gets a bit smudged when he draws his bow
Upset Legolas :(
But you fix it for him, and he's happy again!
He's amazed!!
And so proud!
Pretty Elf 🥰✨
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Pippin is very confused, to say the least
He though it would be something relatively close to a nail filer
But once he sees the pastel yellow color, on your own fingers, he has to have some!!
While you're trying to paint his hands and feet (by request), he's telling you great tales of the shire, a throwing his limbs around to exaggerate his story
You've to clonked him on the head and scolded him quite a few times
For some reason, he's saying it tickles??
"It does! The brush is like feather!"
Painting his toes it a lot easier, seeing he can't really feel much on his feet
The color goes perfect with his green eyes 🥴
Also, let's not forget that Pip is the definition of "disaster-on-legs"
After the polish dries, it immediately chips, since he's busy causing trouble with merry or practicing his hand with Boromir
He really wants to paint your nails, and you let him do so...
Poor hobbit has zero clue with how this shit works 🤦‍♀️
He feels so bad about getting it all over your fingers, but you assure him it'll be fine and that it will eventually wash off in a few days
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Pink, as cliche as it sounds, suits him so well
He's just amazed!
Also, really likes the smell 🤔🤔
Is grinning like an idiot while you're painting his nails
"Such talent and patience you have!"
"Pfft, it's really nothing. Takes a bit of practice is all."
Afterward, is flashing his bright pink nails at everyone
"Look at Y/N's spectacular skill of hand!"
I think Boromir would have a habit of picking at the polish after it dries
But that's okay, he doesn't mind too much
It gives him more time to spend with you while you repaint them!!
He's afraid he'll screw up your nails if he tries to paint them, so he never offers
That's alright though, since you know he only means well 😊
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Oh he's so regal
You were in Rivendell, digging through your purse, and suddenly
A deep navy blue bottle, probably about half empty was revealed
He was curious, but tried not to let it show, since that would damage his royal ego 🙄
"What is that?"
"Oh, just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Thorin would insist that you show him how it works first
And so, you did
He definitely admires the color
But defied any suggestion of you painting his own nails
That would be "un-kingly" 😤
Okay so maybe he lets you paint his pinky finger when nobody is around
But he smiles (a rare sight) while watching you paint your nails
And does give a somewhat compliment at your articulate handwork
"It looks exceptional as artwork."
"Erm... Thanks?"
He definitely thinks the color matches you beautiful skin tone 😌
Kili ~
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Prince Dumbass LOVES red
It reminds him of Tauriel 🥰
One night, you left your bag opened on the ground as you went off to get some food from Bombur, and Kili couldn't help but notice the glittering ruby bottle inside
He grabbed it, being the nosy prince he was, and examined its glow in the firelight
"What kind of jewel is this?"
"Oh hey, my nail polish!!"
Very confused
"Why does it smell so strange?"
Thankfully, being a dwarf, his fingernails are a bit bigger, so there's more room and it's easier to paint
He, like Pippin, has issues with sitting still and gets you really annoyed
"I swear to all things fluffy, if you don't sit still I will cut off all of that hair in your sleep-"
He immediately smudges them, and then you have to paint them AGAIN
Once they FINALLY dry, he won't let anyone touch them
"Stop it, Fili! You'll damage them!"
He can't stop touching them, since it's so smooth!
The others tease him, but he doesn't mind, as long as they stay nice and clean
Turns into a whiny toddler the MINUTE they chip
"Y/nnn! I need you to repaint them!"
"I just painted them yESTERDAY-"
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A mix of Thorin and Kili when it comes down to it
Definitely prefers gold 😌✨
Sees you painting your nails one night in the library in Erebor
"What have you got there sagh (friend)?"
"Just some nail polish. Wanna try some?"
Once again, he wants to see what it does like Thorin
And you of course happily oblige
Admires the color greatly
He says it reminds him of the gold floors in his kingdom, and it makes you chuckle
Fili loves to have his nails painted, and especially with such a regal hue 💅😌
DAMN does it bring out those baby blues 🥴
After that, you stare at his hands a lot, proceeded by his flirtatious teasing
Shows up Kili's sparkly red polish with his "more extravagant" color
He is also very protective of his nails and tries his very best to keep them from chipping
You love watching him hold his weapons and spar with his pretty nails 😳
Even with his larger hands, made for forging and wielding huge swords and axes and smelting, he had an incredibly steady and gentle hand when it comes to this subject, so he's AMAZING at painting his and your nails
Fili insists that you have matching nails all the time, and it's a regular thing for you to hang out and talk about your day while you paint each others nails 🥺
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Have you MET this man?!
At first, he's very weirded out
"What do you have in your hand, mellon (friend)?"
"Oh, just some nail polish."
Thranduil watches intently over your shoulder as you carefully decorate your nails with a glossy black polish, sitting directly next to his throne
"Do you want me to paint your nails?"
He reluctantly agrees, placing his BEAUTIFUL hand in yours and stares down at your gentle talented work
He loves the color more than he cares to admit, and much like his son sits very still as you lead the brush over his clean nails
The elf king loves seeing your tongue stick out in concentration
You remind him that it'll need time to dry out
And as he says in his notoriously sassy voice;
"I thousand years is a mere blink in the life of an elf... I'm patient... I can wait."
Ofc, you just scoff at this and tell him it'll only take about five to ten minutes
He just nods and stares back down at them with admiration
Thranduil doesn't do much around his kingdom, except maybe get a bit drunk and direct orders to his guards, so it's no worry about him chipping or ruining his nails
I hope you liked this, just as much as I enjoyed writing it!! Have a lovely day, and don't forget that requests are open as always!! ❤❤😊
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𝘾𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚𝙨 -【Rodrick Heffley x F!Reader】- One-Shot
rating: pg
word count: 6.2k
summary: [y/n], daughter from a wealthy family from New York City, has been keeping her relationship with rodrick heffley a secret from her parents, though what happens if it’s brought up and her parents want to meet the secret boyfriend?
author’s note: here it is! hope you guys all enjoy it!! though i did want to let you know that i wrote this originally as a piece of work for my original character, which is why it is in third person! if you want to request anything feel free to!! once again, thank you for reading it!
keys: [y/nn] - your nickname
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“I didn’t mean to tell them, [Y/NN].” Caleb spoke in hushed tones, as he attempted to prevent any outburst that he doubted would come from his younger sister, but it was still something that he felt that needed to be stopped, “But I’m sure neither you or Rodrick would exactly be thrilled if you ended up going to homecoming with David or Chad, and you know how dad-.”
 “Listens to you, yes, I do know that, Caleb,” [Y/N] began, though her train of thought was shooting off in a million different directions, “And I do appreciate you trying to stick up for my happiness, but now we have to deal with what comes with doing that.”
 It did not take long for Caleb to know what [Y/N] meant, because their father did bring it up in the conversation that started this whole situation. 
 “Father and Mother want to meet him.”
 “And I don’t know if I can teach Rodrick to have the manners and social know-how that we and whoever Father believes would be more acceptable.”
 “Maybe it’s for the best that’s the case, [Y/NN],” Caleb pointed out, placing a gentle hand on his 
sister’s shoulder, “Give yourself the chance to step out of the spotlight for once, your happiness is what’s important.”
 [Y/N] merely just nodded, because she knew that the standards their father placed on both of them were vastly different. Caleb could afford some level of security in the notion of not being worried about what their father thinks, because he does not have to work so hard to make their father happy. 
 This was something the teenager always had to grapple with growing up. Eventually, coming to terms with since she was the youngest, her future compared to her older brother’s was uncertain, unclear, and too many factors were up in the air: where was she going to college? What would her major be? What would her future career be? What sort of family would she have? Who would she marry?
 Whereas Caleb had his future planned from the moment he was born: attend an ivy league for business then take over the family company, marry a family friend/one of the daughters of their father’s business associates or a family that would be useful to merge with and have a family. It was always clear and never questioned, even when they were kids. It took little effort on his part to make their father happy, because the expectations were clear as day and never took a moment of thought to figure out.
 It was her burden to bear, and never had the strength in her to expect anyone to understand the judging gaze always cast her way, as if waiting for her to mess up or make a mistake to remind her of her failures no matter how perfect she appeared to the public eye. To her own boyfriend, even.
 And part of her subconscious wished it would remain that way forever. But life has a funny way of working out in the end.
 Her parents at dinner the same night her and Caleb conferred, they brought up having this mystery boy their daughter had been seeing secret over for dinner so they could have a chance to finally meet. [Y/N] had little say in the matter and the Saturday before Homecoming was agreed upon.
 As soon as she returned to her bedroom for the night, [Y/N] knew she had to bring it up to Rodrick as soon as she could if they were to have any chance of staying together after that Saturday. The week they just about had was not going to be enough, but [Y/N] still felt she had to put the effort into trying to teach Rodrick at least table manners her parents would expect. But perhaps even that was pushing it.
“Your parents want to meet me?”
 “Well, they did say they want to meet you, but I don’t think it’s because they know it’s you, Rodrick.” 
 Perhaps on their near nightly phone call was not the ideal place to tell Rodrick about the dinner, but it was the first instance she could get it out without her anxiety getting the better of her about telling him in the first place. It saved her having to tell him in person and save herself from seeing how he reacted in real time. 
 “And dinner was the best place for that to happen?” Rodrick questioned after a brief moment of silence and a familiar squeak of some springs faintly resounded into the speaker on his end. He must have 
 “With my family, yes,” The blonde confirmed, “With all things considered, with the holidays too far away and Homecoming approaching sooner, and they specifically said they wanted to meet you before the dance, a dinner is the only way.” 
 “Okay…” Rodrick trailed off, going silent for a moment, “When is dinner anyway?”
 “Next Saturday,” [Y/N] replied, though quickly added before her boyfriend could speak, “We’re gonna have to have etiquette lessons, Rod, so I can teach you everything that you’re gonna need if you’re gonna make it through the night.”
 “What do you mean etiquette, babe?” 
 “Like how to sit at a table, which fork and spoon to use and when to use them, what you can and can’t say, that sort of stuff. The basics.” 
 “Do you think a week is enough time to teach me all that junk?”
 “Luckily for you, you have a great teacher and someone who has been taught this stuff her whole life, I think something will stick.”
 “Alright, whatever you say babe,”
 “I’ll even help you get ready,” [Y/N] promised, though had to amend it with, “I’ll try to, anyway, I'll at least come over to make sure you have an appropriate outfit because t-shirts won’t cut it.”
 There was a clear groan of annoyance on the other end of the line before the teenager spoke, “You know I hate wearing ties, [Y/N], and I’m already pushin’ wearing it for Homecoming and not to church.” 
 “I know, I know,” [Y/N] sighed as she brought a hand up to her face as she stood from her bed to start pacing her room, “But it’s just for one more night than normal, Rodrick, I promise.”
 “And what do I get in return, huh?”
 “A girlfriend?”
 “Okay, yeah, that’s a pretty solid deal.”
 “So lessons start tomorrow, okay?”
 “After the band practice,”
 “After the band practice then.” [Y/N] confirmed as she sat on her bed once more, “Good night, sweetheart.”
 “Night, babe.” 
Okay, so the lessons did not go great, but they went about as well as [Y/N] expected. Teaching Rodrick how to behave and act as closely to the way she and her brother had grown up being taught was like pulling teeth, and much like chemistry, it was looking like nothing was sticking. And if anything was sticking, it was gone by the next day and they had to start over.
Meaning, come that fateful Saturday, [Y/N] could only hope that her very quick rundown of the basics, the true basics of what Rodrick needed to know the night before when she went over the Heffley’s house the previous night to get possible outfit choices ready and wrinkle free knowing the state of his bedroom and how clothes could be just...existing on the floor and if it was a process for her to find clean t-shirts of his to steal, then she figured the dressier clothes he owned were living the same way.
“What’s troubling you, little bird?” Her mother asked her daughter, as she had noticed that [Y/N] had been a little distracted in chopping the vegetables up. Not only that, she had been on edge since had left her bedroom that morning.
 “I’m worried about dinner tonight, Mother,” [Y/N] answered, shaking her head a bit to refocus her attention on chopping the vegetables.
 “I’m sure your Father will be on his best behavior, there’s no reason to be worried.” Helena spoke softly, reassuring her daughter with the soothing tones and having set the spoon down beside the stove top to go over and gently brush [Y/N]’s hair back, “Everything will be fine, little bird.”
 As much as [Y/N] wanted to believe her mother was right, that things would be fine and everything would go smoothly,she also had to remind herself of her father’s constant attempts to control her life, and everything in her life. That included who she dates and there had been plenty of failed attempts in the past because of this meddling, and [Y/N], for once, just wanted to be free of the constant puppet strings attached to her that her father controlled. 
 “Father’s best behavior is turbulent, Mother, you know this,” [Y/N] pointed out with a sigh, “Rodrick isn’t exactly what Father believes to be best for me, and I’m afraid if Rodrick says one thing he doesn’t like, that's it, we’re through.” 
 “Your father’s opinion does not always matter, remember that his say is not final-”
 “It’s been final before.” [Y/N] interjected, “Remember he wouldn’t let me try out for the cheer team?”
 “He’s just looking out for what's best for you, that’s all.” 
 After that, the kitchen was silent save for the sounds of cooking, because once more [Y/N]’s anxiety took over and Helena simply did not know how to comfort her daughter anymore. It was easiest to just finish dinner and then go get ready for it, adn say nothing else on the matter for fear of making things worse.
 However, just as [Y/N] was finishing up getting ready when she heard the familiar sound of an engine rumbling up the driveway. And gazing out of one of her bedroom windows that overlooked the front of the house, she saw the familiar van park in front of the garage.
 So that is a good thing, Rodrick managed to remember to get there early as she insisted numerous times upon. Not that much earlier than the time she said dinner would start, but it was something, at least. 
 Next came the issue of watching Rodrick getting out of the van. While he did dress the part, the part was also distracting her that she kept her eyes trained on him before he disappeared under the roof that covered the front porch. It was indeed a rare instance for [Y/N] to see her boyfriend dressed up, considering she never exactly went with the Heffley family to church on Sundays. 
 So it was easy to understand as to why she had zoned out, nearly daydreaming and ogling over what she saw from a distance what her boyfriend was wearing. Though before she could fully dive into the daydream, the echoing sound of the ring of the doorbell echoed across the house and it was enough to snap [Y/N] out of her head and she was quick to stand from her vanity, hoping to make it to the front door before her parents or brother could open the door.
 However, her attempts were in vain because of the delay it took her to stand and began the mad dash to the front of the house and the size of the home itself, and by the time she had reached the top of the stairs, she saw her mother already at the front door and as [Y/N] made her descent down the staircase, she heard what was spoken.
 “Ah, so you must Rodrick,” Helena spoke, though [Y/N] could get a hint of confusion from the tone used, which [Y/N] assumed was because her mother had recognized Rodrick from the couple times she had seen him before when she first started to tutor the boy, but that was not brought up when Helen added, “Come in, come in.”
 “Uh, thank you, Mrs. Clemens.” [Y/N] heard Rodrick speak as she continued her descent down the staircase, smiling to herself because at least something else stuck: always use formalities, never call my parents by their actual names. 
 As soon as she reached the bottom of the stairs, she was met with a beat of silence and then Rodrick saying without much hesitation, “You look beautiful,” 
 A dust of pink appeared on her cheeks and she briefly looked towards her mother away from Rodrick, who looked between the teenagers before taking the steps towards the dining room, allowing the young couple a moment alone before the dinner began.
 “I have to admit, I know you hate getting all dressed up,” [Y/N] spoke as she neared Rodrick, reaching up to gently adjust the tie around his neck, “But I wouldn’t be opposed to you dressing up more often.”
 “There isn’t a chance of that happening, babe, you know that.” Rodrick pointed out, though a teasing smile graced his face, which [Y/N] mirrored.
 “A girl can dream, can’t she?” 
 Just as Rodrick was about to lean down to give [Y/N] a quick peck on the lips, he froze in his movements as he both heard a voice from down the hall echo around them and the fact he felt [Y/N] slightly tense up.
 “Ah, [Y/N], dinner is about to start, I expected you to be in the dining room already.”
 [Y/N] took a deep breath as she began to speak as she stepped to stand beside Rodrick instead, “Father, we were just heading there n-”
 “This must be the secret boyfriend, then, Rodrick, wasn’t it?” Charlie interrupted, which was something [Y/N] was used to by then, and held a hand out to Rodrick (another thing [Y/N] could see right through--the charm of a businessman), “Charles.”
 “Yeah, that’s me,” Rodrick said as he briefly glanced at his girlfriend to see what to do, before [Y/N] replied with a glance down to her father’s extended hand, which Rodrick took with a little too much fervor, “Nice to meet you, Mr. Clemens.”
 The energy behind Rodrick’s hand shake with her father was something that would not be much of an issue, but [Y/N] never had a how to shake a hand lesson herself, so it was overlooked when she was teaching her boyfriend what he would need to know. She was a girl, and the only thing she ever got on the subject matter was to be light and certain in the handshake, and that was all. So one look at her father’s face said all that she needed to know.
 It was already off to a bad start and they had not even sat down for dinner yet.
 Luckily her mother had called them into the dinning room before much more could already add to the poor outcome [Y/N] could start to sense coming already, no matter the words that echoed to counter the notion, hoping that things would look up from there forward.
 And for the first part of dinner, it was as her mind had hoped it would be, as everything went smoothly. Any questions her parents asked to Rodrick, it took a moment, but he was always to pull something out that also did not make him nor his family look bad. The looks shared between the Clemens siblings were a mix of relief and happiness as the dinner progressed, because the lessons and seemingly did in the end stick with Rodrick more than [Y/N] previously had suspected they did. 
 “So, what is it you want to do with your life after you finish up high school, Rodrick?”
 That was the question she was dreading, and one she was hoping for once her father would overlook and just accept that fact, move on that the future did not matter as much as the happiness of his children. 
 And the question must have also thrown Rodrick off for some reason, as he glanced once more at [Y/N] and in turn [Y/N] glanced at Caleb, a look of panic settling on her face.
 “I think the team has a good chance of winning the game next week.” Caleb brought up, “So Homecoming may be a celebration for that win, too.”
 “The football team has won every year the past several years, Caleb,” Charles pointed out, sighing as he set his fork down on the plate before him, “But that is not what we are talking about now, my boy.” 
 “The marching band is probably the best we’ve had in years, Father,” [Y/N] quickly added, clearly buying Rodrick enough time to try and find an answer to Charles’ question, “It’ll be worth going to the game for more than just the football team this year.”
 “[Y/N], I believed I asked Rodrick a question, so I would appreciate it if you would allow him to answer.” Charles said, his tone rising from calm coolness, to slight agitation as he took a deep breath to calm down once more, “Now, Rodrick, what do you want to do with your future?”
 “To be a musician.” 
 “Oh, a musician,” Helena tried to express some happiness in the discovery, “Are you in the school orchestra with [Y/N]?”
 “N-no, Mrs. Clemens,” Rodrick realized his mistake of bringing up the fact he wanted to be a musician, but at the same time, if he said he didn’t know, he was sure he and [Y/N] would be over then and there, “I’m in a band with some of my friends.”
 “What type of music do you play then?” Charles asked and [Y/N] and Caleb once more exchanged looks before [Y/N] looked to Rodrick once again. A look that said there was no point in lying about it now.
 “Heavy metal.”
 “Oh…” Charles began, glancing between [Y/N] and Rodrick, before his eyes landed once again on Rodrick, “That’s an interesting choice, have you not considered going to college or another career path?”
 “Charles,” Helena interjected, giving her husband a look from across the table, “Now is not the time.”
 “What?” Charles asked, clearly confused as to what his wife could mean, “What’s so wrong about getting to know the boy who my little princess is dating?”
 From there, Helena merely just shook her head and dinner continued in silence, The only sound was the clatter of utensils as they hit the plate. [Y/N] kept her gaze down at the plate in front of her, merely just pushing what food was left around on her plate. Though, at some point, under the table, she reached over to gently grab a hold of Rodrick’s hand. To which, Rodrick merely just briefly looked over to [Y/N] and the only thing he could really do in reaction to it, was to let go of the tension in his shoulders before attempting to finish the meal before him.
 As expected, her mother announced that she would go and get dessert not too long after, but it would be a few minutes to warm it up once again. So as [Y/N] stood to start clearing the table, her father also stood.
 “[Y/N], could I speak to you for a moment?” Was all he said before he started his way towards the office he had at home.
 [Y/N] knew what would come from this conversation, and she had to try to be strong this time. She knew that this conversation would be her dad trying to get [Y/N] to break things off with Rodrick--something she knew was going to happen as soon as her father brought up the question of what Rodrick wanted to do with the future. His dream was not to be anything her father expected the man [Y/N] to be with. And it was time for her to take her own life into her own hands after so long of being looked down upon and controlled by the plan her father had for her.
 “What is it you see in that boy, [Y/N]?” Charles questioned as soon as the door to the office was shut behind [Y/N].
 “I can assure you that Rodrick is someone with more than meets the eye, Father.” [Y/N] answered clearly as she rose to stand up a little straighter.
 “But you are aware that he is not ideal, don’t you?” Her father spoke as he folded his arms behind his back, taking the strides to stand in front of his daughter, “You should be with someone like Edward Vill or Chad Danford. Not someone who you met tutoring, and someone who believes his heavy metal band will take off.” 
 He waited a moment for [Y/N] to speak, but all she did instead was lower her head and folded her hands at her front, so Charles continued, “All you have to do is end things with Rodrick and your future already looks brighter, my princess.”
 “That’s your plan for my life, though,” [Y/N] pointed out, her tone quieter than she wanted it to come out, but she soon found her confidence once more as she added, “For once I want to do things my way, so with all due respect father, I don’t think I will break things off with Rodrick no matter what your standards are for me.”
 “The standards I hold for you are meant to ensure you have a future.” Charles began, using a variation of the same speech [Y/N] heard time and time again, “As you know, your brother will take over the company, so I just want to make sure your foundation is strong in whatever ways I can provide. You’re young, you know little of how the world works.”
 “Have you not realized that in trying to live up to your expectations, I’m putting my own happiness at stake?”
 “The real world knows nothing of individual happiness, [Y/N], success is the only thing that will cultivate any sense of the word.”
 “I’m doing my best as I am right now, and then some, trying to gain the success you wish from me,” [Y/N] finally lifted her gaze up, though the tears starting to well in her eyes as soon as she did, looking at the man she called father, but had not felt like one in years, “But even with all that I have accomplished and juggled since we moved, you still think I’m a failure, and nothing I ever do is right.”
 “There’s always more, you never have to stop working and aiming high.” Charles’s voice began to rise once again, “And being with that boy is going to prevent you from doing such.” 
 [Y/N] shook her head just as the tears started to fall from her eyes, “I’m done trying to be what you think I am, because I’ll never be good enough for you.”
 “Young lady, you listen-” Charles began, but [Y/N] was quick to interrupt for once.
 “No, I’m done listening and following whatever it is you say for me to do, I’m choosing my happiness for once, which means I am not breaking up with Rodrick just because you do not approve of him.”
 And while Charles attempted to persuade [Y/N] otherwise, he did try to get her to understand why he does what he does, but [Y/N] was not having it. And despite his efforts to also get her to stay, [Y/N] was quick to make her leave, knowing if she stayed any longer it would turn out uglier than it had already become. And they did not need that to happen.
 Instead, [Y/N] tried her best to compose herself, keep herself together, as she went back into the dining room to get Rodrick. She did not need her brother or her boyfriend doting on her immediately, and she had to stay strong as she left the family home because she could not afford any more signs of weakness. 
 Though the soft hand on Rodrick’s shoulder and her quiet yet slightly quivering voice as [Y/N] asked, “Can we leave now?” was all Rodrick needed to have to know things did not go well when she talked with her dad, but he didn’t know what was discussed. 
 “See you around, Caleb,” Rodrick said before he stood from the dining table and [Y/N] was quick to grab a hold of his hand to walk out of the house. 
 “Young lady, you stay in this house or you’ll be grounded for the rest of your life!” She heard her father call out as he was approaching the foyer, but Helena was quick to hold him back.
“Charles, let her go,” She tried to reason with her fuming husband, “You two need some space right now,”
 [Y/N] shot a quick apologetic look to her mother as she grabbed her purse hanging by the front door before opening the large wooden door and stepped outside.
 “Thanks for dinner, Mrs. Clemens, it was real good!” Rodrick felt like he needed to say something before he shut the door behind him, and that was what happened to come out. Perhaps it was nerves talking and not filtering his thoughts that were not filled with concern for his girlfriend. And when they cleared the steps of the front porch, the boy was quick to make the steps to walk side by side, gently squeezing [Y/N]’s hand as they got to the van.
 As soon as everything was unlocked, and both were in their respective spots, Rodrick turned the noisy van on, backed up, and began the drive down the long driveway and back onto the street. [Y/N], meanwhile, just leaned her head against the window, staring mindlessly out the side view mirror and watched as the house she had started to call home grew smaller and smaller as they moved away from it, and she could see two figures standing on the porch but soon as they turned the corner onto the street, they were out of sight. 
Rodrick did not know what [Y/N] wanted to do, and she had been silent since asking him to leave her house. So he assumed it best to play it safe and drive around town as she calmed down enough to tell him what she wanted to do, or at least, he felt like she could answer when asked what she wanted to do. He knew by then to not push [Y/N], let her do things at her own time, because of his experience during finals last year and how she got so stressed out she shut down for a few hours. 
 Though after an hour of driving, from the corner of his eye, Rodrick could see that [Y/N] made an effort to lift her head off of the window and that was the sign that she was calming down and he made the choice to ask a question.
 “Wanna hit up the convenience store since we bailed on dessert?”
 There was a moment of silence, then two, then three, before Rodrick heard the defeated voice of his girlfriend come from her mouth, “Yeah, I’d like that.”
 And with that guidance and direction on what to do next, Rodrick complied and drove to the nearest convenience store. 
 The next thirty minutes or so of the evening for the young couple were spent attempting to rid themselves of the pain and sorrow of the evening that had happened earlier. Trying to be young once more without any burdens or cares. And with this attempt to change how the night progressed, came the night chill and while Rodrick was fine, [Y/N] was not. Luckily, or unluckily, Rodrick had left one of his sweatshirts in the back of the van--which was the unlucky part, because it was found in the back of the van and who knows when it was last washed. But it was better than nothing, so [Y/N] accepted it and was grateful it at least smelled of him--the cologne he started to wear more frequently, that is. Once inside the shop, they moved through the snack and candy aisles with careful thought and consideration of what they wanted, with [Y/N] clinging onto Rodrick’s arm, her head resting upon his upper arm as they moved through the aisles and made their decisions of what felt appropriate for the evening--for Rodrick, a bag of chips and for [Y/N] a bag of sour gummy candy, as well as a bag of chocolate to share between them, and went to check out. 
 They chose to just sit and eat in the back of the van, still parked in the parking lot of the convenience store, as it was easier than finding somewhere else to go. They also sat in considerable silence once again, the only sounds this time were the bags crinkling and the sound of the crunch of the chip whenever Rodrick ate one, side by side as close as they could be and eat with ease at the same time. 
 “I’m tired of trying to be good enough,” [Y/N] suddenly spoke, breaking the silence that fell over them once she had decided she had finished with her candy for now. 
 Rodrick, who had been in the middle of eating a chip when [Y/N] decided to speak up, was grateful that he had something in his mouth as it allowed him the time to process what his girlfriend just said and figure out what he was going to say in return. In the meantime, he set aside his bag of chips and shifted enough to reach out and grab a hold of [Y/N]’s hand.
 “I’m tired of tryin’, too,” Was what he apparently settled with, having never exactly been good at the whole comforting thing, “So we can be tired of it together.”
 There was no verbal response from [Y/N], but she responded to this statement by gently rolling her head onto his shoulder, her other hand also came up to start playing with his fingers after setting the bag of candy down. So Rodrick took this that she was listening to what he was saying, but wasn’t sure in what way.
 “Buuuut, one of the smartest girls I know taught me once that having two negatives together ends up canceling out the other, so we can just be tired together, instead.”
 With this addition, a breathy laugh was heard in his ears and a proud little half smile appeared on his face as he heard her voice once again not being plagued by anxiety, but simply by sleepiness.
 “I don’t think you understood that full lesson, sweetheart, remember how you almost flopped that test because you didn’t?”
 With her statement being made, Rodrick’s smile grew into a full one before he tilted his head to place a gentle but loving kiss to the top of her head, before he murmured against her hair, “But I would have totally failed without you, babe.”
 “We can just be tired together, Rodrick,” [Y/N] confirmed after a moment of quiet enjoyment of the moment, “And deal with all the teenage bullshit together.”
“Wow, did you just swear, babe?” Rodrick said in joking disbelief as he leaned away to look at [Y/N] head on.
 “It’s been a long night, sweetheart.”
 “My place?”
 “I don’t think either of our parents would appreciate us sleeping in the back of your van, so yes, your place.”
“Where have you two been?” Was what they were greeted with as soon as they arrived at the Heffley family home, “We’ve been worried sick!”
 “Sorry, mom,” Rodrick began, stepping in front of [Y/N] as he added, “We just went on a drive and stopped to get snacks, that’s all.”
 “Your mother called, [Y/N], and she was worried when I said you weren’t here, but I’ll go call her to come get you, okay?”
 “N-no,” [Y/N] began, the stammer in her voice stopped Susan from going to the phone in the living room, and Frank just looked at her confused, “I, uh, don’t want to go back home tonight, can I please stay?”
 “What happened at the dinner that made you not want to go home?” Frank questioned.
 “Just some family stuff,” [Y/N] covered easily, though she took a step to stand closer to Rodrick as she continued, “...Didn’t leave on the best of terms.” 
 “Oh, then of course you can stay, and we can figure this all out tomorrow, but I am going to call your mom back and let her know you’re safe, okay?” Susan said with a gentle smile and [Y/N] reciprocated the smile with a quiet, thank you, before Mrs. Heffley added, “You can sleep on the couch, after I make the call I’ll go get you a blanket,”
 “Can she actually sleep in my room?” Rodrick brought up, his tone rushed, to which both his parents gave him a stern look but before his mom could even get the answer of no out, he added, “I don’t want her to be alone after what happened, is all.”
 Susan and Frank gave each other a look, before they looked at Rodrick and [Y/N], and they caught the young couple glancing at each other and they saw the softest expression on Rodrick’s face they have ever seen on their son and once more looked back at each other.
 “On an air mattress.” Frank said, pointing a finger at the both of them, to which the pair nodded before Mr. Heffley turned to go get the air mattress from the basement. 
So [Y/N] never ended up sleeping on the air mattress. 
 She started out there, trying to do right by Rodrick’s parents since they allowed her to sleep in their son’s bedroom, which she could not be in past 8:30 on a school night usually. But sleeping in some of Rodrick’s clothes and with him only feet away, she was crawling in right beside him not even five minutes in of trying to fall asleep.
 When she awoke the next morning, [Y/N] felt a weight on her chest, and not the emotional kind. No, it was almost the entire dead weight of her sound asleep boyfriend sleeping over top of her, his head resting on her shoulder, his wild bed hair tickling her neck. She did not move him off or attempt anything, instead choosing to bask in this moment they rarely got to have and enjoy a quiet Rodrick for once, a version of him totally at peace. Gently, she started to run her fingers along his back through the t-shirt he was wearing, before the fingers of her other hand started to gently card through his hair, which only settled the sleeping teenager deeper into her.
 When he settled a little deeper into rest, this was when she had a slight struggle with breathing, and [Y/N] knew that she had to do what was usually impossible: waking Rodrick up.
 But luckily for her, she knew a solid weak point that often got him up if he ended up falling asleep before one of their tutoring sessions: tickling his sides.
 The action did not shoot him straight awake, but it was enough to shock his brain into making him open his eyes, and groggily lift his head up. 
 At first, it was clear he was about to settle back into the sleep he just awoke from, but before his eyes fully shut, they opened once more as he processed he was not laying on his mattress, but instead his girlfriend and the sleepy grin that appeared as he lifted his head once more and gazed down at her with half-lidded eyes was a sight [Y/N] would never get used to no matter how much she saw it. 
 “Good mornin’ babe…” Rodrick mumbled as he began to lean down to give her a good morning kiss too, before he was promptly pushed away with a gentle hand.
 “Your morning breath is atrocious, sweetheart,” [Y/N] pointed out with a quiet laugh, “It could kill.”
 “C’mon, you know I would never kill you, babe.” Rodrick pouted, “Now c’mon and give me a good morning kiss.”
 Rodrick instead kissed all over her face as [Y/N] kept moving her head to avoid Rodrick meeting her lips, but their playfulness was cut short as they heard Susan’s voice from down the staircase calling up to them: 
 “Rodrick! [Y/N]! It’s time for breakfast!” 
 And fearing that Susan would come in to check on things, the pair moved--Rodrick faster than he ever had in the morning--to get [Y/N] into the air mattress. It was a bit of a scramble and [Y/N] nearly tripped getting off the twin bed, but she had slipped under the throw blanket on the air mattress just as Susan began her descent up the staircase, and the teenagers pretended to be asleep.
 Until they heard the sigh and Susan making her way back down the stairs, their eyes were shut but the moment she heard his mother’s voice away from the attic door, [Y/N] quietly slipped off the air mattress and made her way back to Rodrick’s bed, where she leaned down to give his a soft kiss on the lips.
 “We should probably go down stairs soon, sweetheart.”
 Rodrick opened his eyes at the feeling and smiled up at [Y/N], who smiled down at him in return. 
 “I hate it when you’re right, babe.”
 It was this moment they both realized something very important, very pivotal.
 They both loved the other, and it was a somewhat scary yet exciting thought.
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k1ngtok1 · 2 years
kai + M? heavy thunderstorm maybz
M. When it rains/snows/storms
(Send me a character and a letter and I’ll write a short fic!)
Kai didn’t know what to make of the kid.
The little gremlin, son of the dark lord, prankster, and general annoyance that was Lloyd Garmadon had caused him nothing but frustration. He was so hard to understand and even harder to connect with. It didn’t help that Kai was the most frequent victim of his pranks and mischief. What was he doing wrong?
The others didn’t seem to have as much of a problem with him after their initial irritation in response to the first series of pranks. They hardly reacted anymore, unless he did something truly harmful, but Lloyd never seemed to cross that line between (mostly) harmless fun and truly harmful actions. If anything, they started treating him like a- dare he say it- a friend.
Jay supervised and taught Lloyd how to repair the training machine he had broken with gentle hands and a light tone. They played video games and geeked out over every new issue of the comics they both enjoyed. Lloyd became so much more open when he was with Jay. He couldn’t talk quite as fast, but he could go on for just as long and just as passionately. (Kai wondered if it was another neurodivergent thing like what Jay had told them about. It wasn’t long before he started noticing some of those traits in himself as well.)
“He’s a quick learner!” Jay exclaimed, “It’s a shame Darkly’s didn’t give him more than a basic education. Maybe I should start tutoring him instead.”
Lloyd was quieter around Cole. Their time was spent simply existing in the same room together. Maybe Cole doodled on the small sketchbook propped against his legs while Lloyd worked to beat Kai’s high score. It was hard not to raise an eyebrow at the grin that overtook Cole’s face as he carried a sleeping Lloyd back to the Bounty, or when Lloyd walked around the store with him, list in hand as they gathered more ingredients for the meal that he had ruined in his prank. He was so physically receptive when it came to Cole. He melted into each touch- each hair ruffle, high five, or linked hand when they crossed the street.
“He’s just a little kid, Kai,” he said, “Kinda reminds me of myself, before mom- well, y’know.”
Zane was much the same around him. Every day came a new lesson, though not the kind Sensei Wu would teach on the deck. Lloyd would peak over the counter as Zane idly described the chemical process of yeast and dough, though by the look on his face, Lloyd didn’t understand a lot of it. There was a furrow in his brow as he sat at the table while Zane read aloud from a book about mythology. It wasn’t a look of anger, but rather one of focus. Lloyd listened more with Zane. The kid was observant for a ten-year-old, but he opened his ears more than his eyes when they were together.
“I am attempting to form a positive connection between us,” he stated, “Sensei said the best way to defeat your enemy is to make him your friend, and while Lloyd is not exactly a foe to be bested, I would still like to heed his words.”
Even Nya had more luck than him, which was surprising, as her temper was much more volatile than his own. He would hang around with her on the bridge and she would teach him how to steer the bounty. They were left alone together while the ninja were off on missions, and often they returned to the two laughing at inside jokes that baffled the rest of the crew. She seemed to be a real friend to him, not in the way the others were. She wasn’t a mentor figure or a teacher. She was closer to his age, and Kai could see their bond being forged like one of his father’s pristine swords.
“He’s cool when you get past the pranks,” she told him, “You’ve just gotta lighten up a bit. You’ll get it eventually.”
With Kai things were different. He couldn’t put a label on their relationship no matter how hard he tried, and as far as he knew, Lloyd hadn’t done so either.
Even so, Kai couldn’t help but take note of how he always made sure to pick up the messes left behind by his mischief. He was left stunned as Lloyd rushed over to him when one of his pranks caused Kai to hit his head on the counter. He looked so concerned yet so unequipped to handle the situation, so Kai wasn’t quite as shocked when Lloyd left the room only to come back tugging Zane by the sleeve of his shirt. While Zane checked for symptoms of concussion, he fiddled anxiously with the sleeve of that old, raggedy hoodie that he refused to get rid of, despite being offered warmer clothes time and time again. Lloyd only relaxed when Zane announced that Kai only had a small abrasion that would need to be monitored closely.
Kai tried to block out the sounds that came through the thin wooden walls at night- those of muffled sobs and quick, panicked breaths with which he was all too familiar. The barely-there cries for his dad in that high, childish voice of his reminded Kai of times long since passed, when crying out for his parents was the only thing he could think of to call them home.
So maybe it was a coincidence that Kai would bump shoulders with him as they passed each other in the hall, or how his voice stayed low on the mornings when Lloyd couldn’t do much other than stare blankly at his cereal with eye bags deep enough to carry his burdens.
And maybe it was a coincidence he happened to walk out of the ninja’s shared room that stormy night, having been awoken to the boom of thunder and the pitter-patter of rain. Using the skills he had learned over the past months, Kai expertly avoided the planks that creaked loud enough to wake the dead or the ones that splintered particularly easily against his bare feet. The Bounty listed from side to side as it was hit by gale after gale from the storm, straining against the chain of the anchor. Looking through the windows of the main cabin below the bridge from his spot at the dining table, Kai could barely make out the mast he knew to be only so many yards away. The downpour was torrential- cynical and psychotic in its fury and need to drown the sky with its tears. He knew they weren’t in danger of a lightning strike blowing the Bounty apart since Jay had the foresight to add a lightning rod to the top of the mast, which led to the generator to store extra power. Despite this, the crack of thunder still shook him to his core.
Despite his loathing of water, Kai found a sort of nostalgic comfort in storms like these. Ignacia, a village that survived off its abundance of rice crop, experienced rains like this in the monsoon season every year. The heat and humidity cultured the crops, and the rains gave them life. While storms often caused Kai great annoyance in his childhood and early teens due to damages to the shop, he remembered times before that- when things were so simple.
“You see that?” whispered his mother into his ear, “Oh, how I love the rain. Don’t you, dear?”
The downpour played a staccato melody against the shingles on the rooftop, though they did nothing to muffle the sounds of glee from his father and little sister as they splashed around in the mud puddles and opened their arms to accept the cloud’s embrace. There was no thunder today, only rain and mud and the shadows that blanketed the sky.
Nya loved the water. She had taken to it like a fish the moment she was old enough to know what it was. His father was much like him and preferred staying dry, but he was helpless against the wishes of his daughter, who tugged him into his boots and pulled him into the rain.
Kai, however, did not like water. Sometimes he could deal with it, like when he needed to get clean or his parents asked him to help them scrub the dishes. Other times, though, the droplets felt disgusting against his skin. He imagined they felt a lot like the red-hot metal liquid his father sometimes worked with. His skin felt too tight wherever it ran, and he could never feel safe and warm until his clothes and thick hair was dry.
He shook his head and pushed against his mother’s chest, “‘s scary.” Rain was always so heavy in Ignacia. He was sure that one day he would be washed away with the flowing mud.
Her arms tightened around him and a gentle hand stroked through his hair, making it poke out in all directions, “That’s alright, mijo.” He closed his eyes and listened to the sound of her heartbeat with his hands clutched to her shirt, “But something tells me that one day you’ll find a way to love dancing in the rain like your sister.”
There was no way he could argue with that, despite the pout that graced his lips. Mother was always right, after all. Even father couldn’t argue against her, “…okay, mom.” One day, she said. That day was not today, but one day he would be able to call the rain home, too.
Kai was pulled from the memory by the boom of thunder and a squeak from the hall. He turned in his seat and a flash of lightning illuminated the culprit.
“What are you doing up, kid?” he kept his voice soft as to not startle him, but Lloyd flinched anyway. His sleeve was held to his mouth, so Kai figured he was anxiously chewing on it as he was wont to do with those sharp chompers of his.
Lloyd’s only response was to stare at the legs of Kai’s chair with those curious red eyes. Had he not known any better, Kai would have thought they glowed in the way a cat’s would when faced with light in the dead of night.
Kai spoke again, “Nightmares?”
The was rewarded with a hesitant nod, though Lloyd’s eyes had not yet met his own. Instead, he murmured something a bit too soft for Kai to hear.
“Can you say that again, kid?”
Those red eyes were trained against his face. Lloyd pulled his sleeve from his mouth and spoke a decibel louder than before, “I can leave if you wan’ me to.” The stuffiness in his voice spoke volumes as to the effects the dream must have had on him, because a voice only sounds like that after a long, dissatisfying cry. How had Kai not heard him when he passed by Lloyd’s door?
He shook his head and tried for a kind smile, but he felt as though his face was made for frowns, “No, no. You can come sit by me if you’d like.” He patted the cushioned seat beside him. As Lloyd hesitated in his choice to slowly shuffle forward, Kai vowed to comfort this child when the sun set, no matter their relationship in waking life. Life was difficult enough without nightmares.
Lloyd hopped himself into the seat beside him, and Kai found himself reaching an arm for his shoulders before he realized. He was about to pull his arm back, but Lloyd, who loved to make Kai ask questions he would never be able to answer, sniffled before reaching to press against Kai’s side and grip his shirt. There was no hesitation in holding him after that. Silent sniffles were pressed into his pajama top as Kai ran his fingers through soft blond hair.
It hit Kai all at once that he was doing what his mother would do on nights like these when the shadows of his room crept up the walls and his favorite blanket wasn’t strong enough of a shield to make them go away.
Time passed- though Kai couldn’t tell how long it had been since Lloyd pressed himself against him. The sniffles petered out, replaced by the occasional hitch of breath and the sound of heavy rains.
“Do you want to talk about it?” He didn’t know if it would help, but he offered so that Lloyd may have chosen to take it if he wished.
The face in his chest turned so its features were not hidden. Lloyd released a shaky exhale and a barely audible mumble, “Snakes.”
Kai moved the serpentine to the top of his mental hit list, right above the skulkin that stole his sister.
He continued to run his fingers through Lloyd’s hair, amused by how he seemed to melt into it like a cat. Was this how the others felt? To hold this child close enough to comfort? His jealousy was palpable.
“Well,” he started, listening to Lloyd’s soft, more contented breaths, “What do you usually do on nights like these?” As soon as he finished speaking, he had to hold back a whine of complaint as Lloyd moved from his hold, shifting so that he was leaning into his side rather than pressing into his chest. Kai’s skin was so cold without him acting as a temporary blanket. Nonetheless, he moved his hand back to the kid’s hair and watched his bright eyes stare out the window with intensity. There was a sort of longing to them, like the gaze Nya used to bear as she walked past a candy stall in the market. They never had enough money to buy such delicacies. Lloyd was fixed on the window leading out to the deck, and Kai had an idea that filled him with a bit of anxiety. He pushed it away to give Lloyd a grin.
“Do you wanna go outside?” Lloyd whipped to face him. Kai almost laughed at the pure and shocked eagerness on his face, “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Lloyd nodded, “I’ve- Darkly’s would never let us outside when it rained. I can’t remember the last time I-“
Another member was added to his mental hitlist as Kai chuckled softly, “Well this ain’t Darkly’s, kid.” He stood from his chair and pulled Lloyd up with him, “C’mon. Let’s go get wet.”
As Kai pulled him outside and stood under the dark ended sky in wet pajamas, it was hard not to remember that night spent in his mother’s arms. The way Lloyd slid across the deck with childish glee and whooped into the open air made Kai think of Nya and his Father splashing in mud puddles. Gripping the railing and shouting into the night, laughing until their throats begged for water and their lungs heaved- this is what his mother meant about loving the rain. Laying on the deck beside Lloyd while the rain kissed his cheeks, panting and out of breath and making a game out of trying to catch the pieces of the falling sky on his tongue, Kai felt none of the tightness in his skin as he had before. There was no discomfort apart from the hard wood on his back and the ache in his throat.
The rain persisted into the morning with barely any light to show the sun’s effort. The crew of the Bounty found them lying on that deck, sleep-deprived and laughing. As they pulled the two of them inside and towel-dried their hair, Kai smiled at the little gremlin and received a smile in turn. Maybe that was what his relationship with Lloyd could be based on- the opening of heart and lungs- to confide and to laugh until your last breath. He couldn’t keep the smile off his face as he remembered his mother’s words.
He had finally found a way to love dancing in the rain: a little brother that matched him for every step.
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