#but that's not how we landed
neverevan · 9 months
WIP Wednesday 🍸
I'm always late so now I decided to try and post early and start the day off with a snippet from the drunk and stupid fic – which is almost finished, currently standing at 11k and hopefully will be posted on Friday at the latest~
Eddie nodded, his hair an absolute mess and falling over Buck’s face as he moved. His hands finally found their way under Buck’s shirt and he ran them over his abs, then his pecks, lingering over his nipples, rubbing his thumbs in circles around them and – fuck, Buck was always so much more sensitive when drunk.
He bit his bottom lip, but it did little to stifle the high-pitched moan ripping out of his throat. He pushed his chest into Eddie's hands, his breath catching as his nipples hardened under Eddie’s touch.
“Fuck… Eddie.” If you’d ask Buck, he’d say it was absolutely not a whine, but since no one was asking he was quite content on letting Eddie’s name twist off of his tongue in any manner of sound.
Eddie pushed Buck’s shirt up as far as it went with his jacket still wrapped around his shoulders and slid lower over his body to exchange his right hand to his mouth and o-kay. Buck was definitely whining now.
If he had the composure he might’ve made a mental note about how no one ever took him apart with so little, but right now all he could pay attention to was the route of Eddie’s tongue around his nipple and the way his wet and overly-warm lips wrapped around it, sucking after every few laps.
Buck’s hands went to Eddie’s back, suddenly too aware of how overdressed they both were. He fisted the fabric of his Henley, pulling and tugging, not coordinated or coherent enough to make Eddie lift himself up long enough to actually take it off of him.
No pressure tagging: @forthewolves @eddiediaztho @daffi-990 @jesuisici33 @callaplums @ladydorian05
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calling my lover "mine" but not in the way that my toothbrush or notebook are mine, mine in the way my neighborhood is mine, and also everybody else's, "mine" like mine to tend to, mine to care for, mine to love. "mine" not like possession but devotion.
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egophiliac · 7 months
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messing around with techniques! I...like the foxman and the catboy a lot okay
also, a couple of quickies that honestly don't deserve any more effort than I've already given them:
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lilybug-02 · 2 months
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Eimmet High...temmiE high. OMG!
Part 28 || First || Previous || Next...
--Full Series--
Next update may take...much longer! I have finals and an internship and not to mention I have to draw- A LOT :')
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laddertek · 4 months
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desperation at the postal service
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 13 days
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The penisest of tunes.
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polter-heist · 1 year
Dp x Dc prompt 7
(most likely a limital!amity park)
a feud between Amity Park residents and the Justice League but it's one sided.
any time an Amity Parker goes out of town and ends up in a location where the Justice League gets called or any member gets called, an Amity Parker Will Take Care Of It.
Amity Parkers have dropped-kicked Lex Luther, ganged up on the Joker, punted Mister Mind, and more.
The Justice League and Villains are desperately trying to find out What Their Problem Is for different reasons.
When confronted, the answers vary but a concerning consistency is "If our dead teenage superhero can take care of world-ending threats by himself, we can take care of the little things."
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vegaseatsass · 1 month
Sorry sorry I'm supposed to be doing something else but I'm still spiralling over
Tay Tawan: Gun kissing me made me lose my videogame and now youre complaining at me on the internet? Was I put on this earth to suffer? Anyway it's not possible to be friends with Gun and NOT kiss him. Get real
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ruporas · 1 year
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can’t talk about it
[ID: Black and white comic of Vash and Wolfwood from Trigun Maximum. The comic starts with the sounds "thud, thud, click". Vash, mid-action of peeling an apple, turns to the sound, noticing who it was that entered, and says, "Oh, Wolfwood, you're back." He resumes back to his apple in the next panel as he speaks, "Where'd you go? You snuck out of bed quickly this morning..." Wolfwood's hand then enters the panel, hovering over Vash's cheek and Vash looks up as Wolfwood asks, "Can I?" Vash responds, "Not going to talk about it?" while using a hand to gently hold Wolfwood's hovering hand and presses a kiss to his inner palm.
Vash then gets up fully, setting down the knife down on the table and the apple onto a plate, He leans into Wolfwood as Wolfwood explains, "Had to meet someone. Nothing interesting to talk about." Vash kisses Wolfwood's left cheek and a hand moves to cup his other cheek while muttering, "You're being vague." Wolfwood says neutrally, "If yer really that curious, keep askin'. We  can talk about that instead of doing this." Vash leans back and responds, "Let's talk after, since... You look so tired."
The panel pans to a close up of Wolfwood's downcast eyes, bags heavy underneath his eyes. He doesn't allow Vash to sit in that moment for long though, then saying, "Yer not helping, Spikey. Being all slow with it... I could fall asleep right now." He moves his hand to start unclasping Vash's coat, starting from his collar. Vash with red cheeks, responds briskly, "Oh, shut up. I'm worried about you. I can't be worried?"
The final shot shows Wolfwood's back to the viewer while Vash's softened expression can be seen as he holds gently onto the side of Wolfwood's face and a hand firm on his waist. Wolfwood responds, "I'm fine, seriously," pausing for a moment before continuing, "Is it okay to still..?" Vash responds, "Yeah, it's okay."
The next image is a shot from later that night after the previous comic. Vash and Wolfwood are now in bed, half naked. Wolfwood's buries his face into Vash's chest, his arms wrapped around him, while Vash is petting at his hair. Vash reminds him, "Hey. You said we'd talk about it." Wolfwood pauses for a moment before piping up, "In the morning? I'm sleepy." Vash says, "Okay..."
The next two pages start from the morning after. Wolfwood is already fully awake, pulling on his outer jacket as he says to Vash, whos' still bundled in his blankets, "Breakfast is on the table. Make sure to eat it. I'm going to grab some things in town and then we're leavin'. Got it?" Vash says, "Mh." Wolfwood responds, "Good. See ya in a bit." The dialogue starts to shift into Vash's inner thoughts now, as he gets up and eats toast, thinking, "Wait. Weren't we supposed to... talk about it?" The next shot then shows him fully up, meeting Wolfwood in town. He carries a half worried expression with him while Wolfwood slides on his glasses for him. A quick panel shows Wolfwood's tired expression from the night before and quickly juxtaposes with Wolfwood in front of him who's smiling gently, the shades covering his eye bags. Wolfwood asks him, "Still not awake yet?" Vash pauses, his thoughts stirring, thinking, "Oh. I guess I was getting ahead of myself... thinking you owe me that kind of honesty." He smiles at Wolfwood and responds, "I'm awake!" His thoughts continue, "Maybe one day, you'd trust me enough to share your burdens."
The final image shows Wolfwood pulling at Vash's cheek and Vash complains, "Owwwww why..." Wolfwood quickly says, "You were thinking something stupid, right? It's all over yer face." Vash mutters, "Nooo, I wasn't..." END ID]
#vashwood#trigun#trigun maximum#vash the stampede#nicholas d wolfwood#Theyre both thoroughly exhausted tired individuals -- vash having to fight this lonely battle for over a hundred years and getting dragged#back into inevitable situation with knives after a 2 years hiatus of being a gunslinger. they both need so much Rest and comfort in this#department... .SIGHS. BUT I JUST THINK ABOUT WOLFWOOD . AND HOW... LITTLE He has existed on no man's land. how majority of his years being#alive is being used as a weapon and to kill when him at his very core is the most giving and selfless individual ever#badlands rumble inspired me a bit but i do think wolfwood gets dragged into occasional tasks from the eye of michael while on his duty of#guiding vash -- or i think that one chapter where we got to see other members of eom -- there's like a clear division within the eom too#i think.... so i figured similarly to vash but not to the same amount -- there are people that look for wolfwood too. but most of the time#it's probably wolfwood that has to look for someone else and take them out. i feel like it happens ever so occasionally.#evidentially these two don't talk enough canonically but they always know how to express things properly to affirm that they're okay#they have the worst time ever sharing burdens - can't willingly burden the other and has neeever asked for help or reprieve in their#desperate situations... vw is a huge case of right person wrong time syndrome so they just. in the time they get to spend together -- even#if romantically - they don't have enough time to heal to get over that kind of hurdle. They've just never asked for help in all the years#they've been alive -- they don't even know how to and its just aughhhsgskg#and well! they don't even need to ask! because they'll be there for each other anyway at the end of the day -- company and presence alone.#ruporas art
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lil-lemon-snails · 5 months
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Tentatively sliding this across the table-- more divine circus brainstorming anyone??
Accidentally flipped the pattern on the pants please don't look at this one too closely
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genericpuff · 24 days
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hi this is your obligatory reminder from a Mi'kmaq-Saulteaux pal that:
1.) the ribbon skirt is a traditional ceremonial garment worn by many First Nations women to celebrate their connection to Mother Earth and reclaim their Indigenous identity from and in spite of colonization;
2.) the RCMP was literally founded as a colonial police force meant to drive Indigenous / First Nations peoples out of their territory to make way for settlers (see: the "starlight tours")
3.) racism towards indigenous people in Canada is still alive and well (the last residential school didn't close until 1996) and so the RCMP adopting ribbon skirts is not only incredibly tone deaf towards their own history and the role they played in wiping out Indigenous culture, but insulting to the practice of ribbon skirts and what they mean to many Indigenous people across the country
4.) when a government entity limits who can comment on their posts, that should tell you exactly where their priorities and intentions lie.
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mysterycitrus · 1 month
i wish we got to see the quad actually used in combat more like. it generates a truly absurd amount of force against opponents. bruce is throwing batarangs around willy nilly and dick is turning himself into a sports car and ramming people off their feet in the bg
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agentc0rn · 9 months
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Oh? Looks like Ogerpon wants to give you a flower! Will you accept?
>No (you'd better not click this)
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pulledrounder · 9 months
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Mitski, "I'm Your Man" // Donna Haraway, The Companion Species Manifesto: Dogs, People, and Significant Otherness // Andrew Kane, "How to Be a Dog" // // Soccer Mommy, Your Dog // "this is the last time i beg for devotion" by violenttradwife // Anne Carson, Preface to Hekabe from Grief Lessons
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iswearimahuman · 1 month
y’know you could do a lot with Edwin’s age. And I’m not just talking about gay repression. I mean like dude died before women were even aloud to vote. You could come up with some fun stuff with that. I’m sure he’s partially up to date with modern times but like there’s probably a lot he doesn’t know about. Like he missed out on 70 years of pop culture.
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bakudekublogblog · 15 days
i know i watched mha specifically bc it looked like something homoerotic was happening but like oh my god??? something homoerotic is happening??? like how is this chapter real i’m
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