#but the fact that we were completely oblivious is hilarious actually
drulalovescas · 4 months
"spn fandom has the worst gaydar ever"
"the supernatual cast have been so openly affectionate and horny for each other that we failed to see the obvious signs"
"we were told for years that the gayest love story that ever graced our screens was only platonic so we're preconditioned to think they're just buddies"
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biboomerangboi · 7 months
Hua Cheng essentially cockblocking himself for possibly all of eternity will literally never not be the funniest thing MXTX ever wrote.
Xie Lian was pretty much completely in love with him the second he saw those lanterns (and completely oblivious about it) and then we get the wonderful first kiss underwater moment and Xie Lian is basically drawing hearts around Hua Cheng every time he sees him. While like quietly dying cause he literally has no idea what to do with it. Like at this point he doesn’t even really understand that he is head over heels totally gone for this man.
Until Hua Cheng is like I have a beloved I just haven’t won them over yet. Which he thinks is perfectly reasonable because his self esteem is the worst and he doesn’t understand how he could have won Xie Lian over yet. (He’s only on step 22 of his Marrying Dianxia 3000 step Master Plan ((that he debates throwing out on a regular basis because he doesn’t deserve to even dream about wanting Xie Lian)). So course he’s like yeah I have this wonderful noble beautiful beloved I just haven’t won them over yet wink wink nudge nudge.
But Xie Lian is like oh of course obviously I don’t deserve nice things and fuck I actually wanted him so badly I’m actually in love with him and now I will resign myself to never being happy for his sake. (Their combined self esteem is truly a so low it’s a hole in the ground which is hilarious because they think the other person is to good for them and unattainable forever because they literally have the same neurosis.) So he starts boxing up his feelings forever constantly wanting Hua Cheng and feeling guilty about it and literally dying inside because he wants Hua Cheng like he’s never wanted anyone.
Like essentially books 3 and 5 only happen because Hua Cheng has now cursed them both by saying he has a beloved because Xie Lian believes he isn’t wanted and therefore any nice thing Hua Cheng does is just him being nice and not Hua Cheng pulling out steps 23-34 of his plan thinking he still hasn’t won Xie Lian over. (He has he so has but he shot himself in the foot so badly it’s painful to read).
Like thank the Gods Hua Cheng is so unhinged and created the cave of 10000 Gods cause Xie Lian would literally be at his own wedding to Hua Cheng still convinced he wanted someone else and this was in fact a thing they were doing to solve a case together otherwise.
Like he needed something that unhinged to put 2 and 2 together otherwise he never would have caught on he’s Hua Cheng’s beloved. Meanwhile Hua cheng is like 🥺 he’s going to think I’m a weirdo now and I’m only on step 50 of the plan 🥺 like the two of them wouldn’t have been fucking nasty 2 books ago if he just kept his mouth shut and didn’t cockblock himself so violently.
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ingravinoveritas · 10 months
Hoo, boy. Well, I just watched the second of the DW 60th anniversary specials ("Wild Blue Yonder"), and let me say...that was fucking awesome. As I've mentioned previously, I am a very casual Doctor Who viewer, but this felt so much tighter and stronger than "Star Beast" by several orders of measure. I know everyone talks about DW being owned by Disney now and how that has affected the budget, but this episode more than proved that you do not need fancy special effects or over-the-top action sequences when you have two actors who can just do what David and Catherine did.
I've only seen a few other DW eps, but I was amazed at how creepy this was, and having it be so intensely character-driven--that is, having the antagonists be copies of the Doctor and Donna and allowing David and Catherine to create two completely different other characters so that it felt like there actually were four different people on screen--was sheer genius. Absolutely brilliant and hilarious but also wildly unnerving at the same time.
Which then brings me to the moment you mentioned, which is thoroughly delicious on its own:
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Right off the bat, what surprised me is how very not surprising this is, at least to anyone paying attention. We know the Doctor is an alien who transcends time and space, so there is no reason to think that he/she/they wouldn't also transcend sexuality. And again, not having seen as many episodes of other incarnations (Nine, Eleven, etc.), I have always seen Ten as being bi or pan, without any question. There was something about Fourteen saying this, however, that felt very akin to 57 academics punching the air, and I am just beyond thrilled that this made it into the show.
What's also been interesting to me is seeing the negative response to this development on Twitter, and the subsequent pushback to said response. I've seen a lot of folks saying the Doctor can't possibly be gay (nevermind that being into men doesn't necessarily make the Doctor gay, since bi/pansexuality is A Thing That Exists) because of Rose, and then other folks responding with examples from Ten's era showing all the ways in which Ten is not/has never been 100% straight. But as easy it is for these pushback people to see this as a possibility for fictional characters, they seem to have a very difficult time seeing that same possibility in real people.
To wit: I saw a tweet yesterday from someone who thought that Russell T. Davies was straight--much to my disbelief--and a subsequent reply on that tweet from another person who thought he was married to Julie Gardner. And sure, I'll grant you that not everyone is interested in the personal life of a DW showrunner/writer...but we are talking about the man who wrote the UK version of Queer As Folk, and gave the world Captain Jack Harkness, for crying out loud. The same man who made David/Ten look and act like the biggest bottom ever to bottom and earned the moniker "Russell T. Daddy" for a reason. Yet the grip of compulsory heterosexuality is so strong that all of these things (as well as the fact that he had an actual husband, who sadly passed away a few years ago) ceased to matter.
But...it also suddenly makes sense why so many people are oblivious to the fact that David (and Michael) are most likely not 100% straight.
If we are going to say that the Doctor is not necessarily automatically straight because of having previously dalliances with women, then it makes sense to say that David is not necessarily automatically straight for the same reason. I've talked previously on my blog about how assuming straightness when someone hasn't come out as straight or because someone is in a straight-passing relationship is a problem, and that people don't need to label themselves specifically to be who they are. Yet as willing as so many fans are to let fictional characters step outside of that confining box, those fans are equally willing to push the actors right back into it.
I still see people calling David a "straight man" when that very well might not be the case. When this year in particular, David has been more vocal than ever before about numerous facets of queerness in a multitude of forms (wearing badges, gay pride boots, t-shirts, etc). I've talked about how the clothes David wears seem to be reflecting who he really is more and more, and thinking about the roles he's played this year--Crowley, Fourteen--I see a similar pattern. And I keep thinking about that little boy in Paisley who was afraid to ask for a DW Leelah doll because he didn't want to be a "sissy." I keep thinking of David likely being told that his career would be destroyed if he was anything other than publicly straight, and especially while playing a beloved character like the Doctor.
For him to come back as the Doctor now--in the midst of a deeply charged period in history, with homophobia and transphobia spiking dramatically in the UK--and to mention finding another man hot in the most completely casual way is nothing short of astounding. And what better vehicle to potentially guide David toward opening up about himself than something he has loved for so long? What better show to serve as a lighted pathway, of sorts? Nothing Russell writes is not deliberate. Nothing being done in these specials is not deliberate. And if 900 years isn't too old to discover or become more open about a part of yourself, then why should 52 be?
So yes, those are my thoughts on this new DW 60th anniversary special, and this particular moment with Fourteen (Ten-Four) and Donna. It really does feel as though this is all leading toward something, and I am definitely looking forward to seeing the third and final special next weekend...
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milfp1lled · 1 year
hi! i'd love to request a chessy x reader fic where reader is a friend of the twins when they're all in college ish times (of age) and reader is crushing on chess
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The Chessy Trap
Pairing: Chessy x Reader
Summary: After noticing the chemistry between you and their housekeeper Chessy, your college friends Hallie and Annie decide to try and set the two of you up
Two times Hallie and Annie try to set an oblivious Y/N and Chessy up with each other and the third time it actually works
Warnings: Mostly just fluff. Very brief mention of homophobia, mentions of drinking/underage drinking, strong language.
Words: 6975
Note: The word count on this is absolutely atrocious and I have no idea how that happened. Sorry/You're welcome (depending how you feel about it haha). Hope you enjoyed it anyway!
Sorry for any mistakes! It's not been proofread (yet!).
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"Parker-James family vineyards" you read aloud with a dreamy sigh as Annie drives the car beneath the archway sign at the entrance of the estate- there was lush greenery as far as the eye could see...miles away from the concrete jungle that was Atlanta, or the loud hustle and bustle of LA. You tilt your head skywards, closing your eyes to take in deep breaths of clean air and to revel in the feeling of the sun on your skin...it was even more beautiful than the way they had described it.
It'd been a long 6 and a half hour drive up to Napa (the three of you deciding to split the drive between you in two hour increments) but you were finally on the last stretch.
Hallie let out a leisurely sigh from the back seat of the jeep, stretching her arms up to cradle the back of her head.
"I know we're only here for a week, but trust me when I say this Thanksgiving break will be a blast...not to mention it's so needed! We have a pool, and there'll be music...also Chessy and Mom make the best thanksgiving dinner" she rambled talking at 50 miles a minute (as per usual).
You'd not had the pleasure of meeting Chessy before. Sure you heard of lots of stories about her and their butler Martin before, but you'd only gotten the chance to meet the second half of the duo when you were down in London.
Beside you, Annie nodded in agreement with her sister, eyes still trained on the road;
"It really will...and our Mum and Dad quite literally live on a vineyard so there's no need for Hallie and I to crack out those ridiculous fake IDs either" she grumbled in mock irritation.
You let out a hearty chuckle at that, "No fake IDs...are you sure?" You grin.
"Because I would like to see Hallie bring out 28 year old London expat 'Philomena Crocker' for a night out in Napa Valley" you quip, mimicking a British accent.
Taking one hand off of the wheel of the car, the Brit gives you a playful shove in response, Hallie on the other hand snorting with laughter,
"I have class and you don't!"
Back in your first year of college, Annie had (mistakenly) tasked you and Hallie with finding someone to make some fake IDs for the three of you so you could get into this trendy bar, which lead to the two of you selecting the most ridiculous aliases you could think of...it would be fair to say the Annie didn't take kindly to having to assume the identity of  'Talulah Higginsbottom' for the next two years.
The three of you had been friends for a while now, having met during your first year of college at UCLA.
Annie was a fellow English major and her abundant enthusiasm and charm meant that you quickly became fast friends and Hallie was your volleyball teammate; effortlessly hilarious and always bouncing with energy.
You first met her at volleyball tryouts mistaking her for Annie, the only other freshman trying out who you recognised, so you'd waltzed up to her to engage in conversation...only to find out that she'd all of a sudden adopted an American accept and in fact went by Hallie...because she was a completely different person who had no idea who you were.
In hindsight...after two seconds of conversation (accent aside) you should've seen it coming...where Annie was prim and proper, Hallie cursed like a sailor and said whatever she was thinking at any given moment. After that mix up you were mortified (Annie found it hilarious)...safe to say the three of you had been inseparable ever since.
You were known as 'The Three Musketeers' around campus—you'd taken a big sister role in their lives and you'd do everything together; study, go shopping, eat...get embarrassingly drunk at frat parties.
So when it came down to holidays, of course they'd offered to extend an invitation for you to spend it with them and their family...they'd considered you as such anyway at this point.
Before college you'd taken a year out post highschool to work and save up to move states after getting your dream spot at UCLA, but it just wasn't enough to cover everything, which meant you'd come to terms with the fact that you'd spend most of your time outside of the semester in California.
To fly from LA to Atlanta for thanksgiving just wasn't feasible...well that and the fact that you weren't exactly jumping at the chance to go home seeing as things between you and your conservative parents were on the rocks ever since you'd come out as a lesbian.
Your original plan for Thanksgiving was to spend it back in your dorm with some Seinfeld reruns and a Turkey microwave dinner to keep you company and you'd actually grown to accept that...it wasn't like you had any emotional tie to such a pointless holiday anyway...not to mention there were much worse places to be spending it than LA.
But of course, the twins weren't having it; outraged upon hearing this, demanding you spend it with them in Napa. You loved them and appreciated their offer, but first denied the invite, feeling guilty for intruding on their family thanksgiving...you knew that they came from wealth but regardless having them incur further expenses because of you made you feel like you were taking advantage.
Following this Hallie had barged into your room complaining and pouting about how not coming with them to California was 'so unfair' because they really wanted you there. Annie on the other hand, always leading with logic, had given you a stern 'talking to' about how not coming with them would be a "disservice to yourself" as they were making the journey regardless of whether you tagged along or not...not to mention you'd be able to join in with the driving which was a relief to Annie as she hated driving on "the other side of the road".
...eventually you gave in.
How could you possibly argue with that?
It wasn't like the stakes would be too high anyway. This would be the third time you'd met their parents as you'd spent the final months of last summer with them at their townhouse in London, (Their parents being convinced for some bizarre reason that you were Annie's girlfriend for the entire duration of the trip).
As you near the house, you could already see someone standing in the archway of the door, clearly waiting for the car to arrive. Annie turns down the Britney Spears song playing on the radio to focus as she squints to see who it is before it dawns on her and she haphazardly parks the car, bounding into action to greet them.
"Chessy!" She squeals, uncharacteristically excited as she jumps out of the car, Hallie following closely behind as they sandwich the shorter woman in a hug.
"My gorgeous gorgeous girls! Every time I see you you've grown taller, there's gotta be something in that LA air I'm telling 'ya!"
"How was the drive up?"
Hiking her duffel pack further up her shoulder, Hallie raises her eyebrows up to her hairline,
"Oh it was just riveting...Annie forgot what damn country she was in and nearly wiped out a deer changing sides on the road!" she smirks with a chuckle,
Annie fake laughs in reply,
"Oh Yeah? Wow that's so funny Hal, how about you tell Chessy about the fact you made us take an hour-and-a-half detour to find a gas station because you needed another pack of smokes?"
At least to their credit...both of their claims were in fact true...your turn behind the wheel had probably the most peaceful time of the whole trip. You chose to put it down to the fact that you had the latest Gorillaz album playing on repeat, (But honestly, it was probably just because you didn't have a raging nic addiction and knew which side of the road to drive on).
Watching the exchange on from a distance you let out a breath of laughter that seemed to catch the attention of the trio, three pairs of eyes turning to look at you leaning against Hallie's jeep.
That was when you really saw her.
She seemed slightly shorter than you (you put that down to the pair of 6-inch wedges you had on) and was dressed casually, wearing a pair of beige Chinos, her button-up tucked askew into them, but regardless she had that kind of beauty that you couldn't help but notice.
To put it simply she was gorgeous. And boy, were you starstruck.
Shiny brown hair flying in the California breeze, the older woman shoots you a smirk before sliding her sunglasses onto of her head to get a better look at you. You hold your breath at the way her gaze rakes up and down your form as she walks over to you before holding her hand out for you to shake:
"And who is this? She asks without averting her stare from your face.
"Chessy this is Y/n...Y/n, Chessy"
This was Chessy? You friends had not given you the heads up that she was this...hot. Honestly, you didn't know what you'd expected.
"This is the famous Y/n!?" Chessy beams, her unwavering gaze rooting you on the spot.
"I've heard a lot about you"
"Uhh...I'm y/n" you gawk, mouth opening and closing like a fish.
Real smooth.
Chessy chuckles as she lets go of your hand before giving your forearm a gentle squeeze.
"Yeah...I gathered that hon."
Hallie and Annie look between the two of you before exchanging a glance...you had no idea what for.
That damn twin intuition.
They could sometimes have entire conversations between them without saying a word and you were left clueless every time.
Elizabeth runs down the stairs, Nick hot on her heels and the twins head towards them, enveloping them each in a hug too, before the two parents turn to you.
"And y/n! so good to see you again!"
"Great to see you again Mr and Mrs Parker-James"
Elizabeth gives you a look and you correct yourself sheepishly,
"Sorry I keep on forgetting...Liz and Nick" before she pulls you into a hug.
"So how is college girls?" She asks the twins, and Hallie bursts into action, animatedly telling her parents about some scientific field trip she went on last week,
You and Annie look at each other holding back laughter.
Here she goes
This was about to be a long conversation, the twin would talk all day about her environmental science degree if you let her.
Then a blur of yellow runs out of the still ajar door, crashing into you and sending you teetering backwards slightly on your heels.
You manage to catch yourself (thank God).
Falling in front of a beautiful woman right after stumbling over your words like an idiot would've been the nail in the coffin for your ego.
You look down to see the sweetest looking golden retriever you've ever seen, pawing at your capris for your attention. Without hesitation you quickly crouch down to your knees in the gravel, letting him jump up and lick your face,
"Oh hi!" You coo in a baby voice, as you begin fawning over him,
"You must be Sammy!" You exclaim, leaning down to scratch his belly.
"Aren't you just such a good boy!"
"Huh..." Chessy states in confusion,
You shield your eyes against the sun to peer up at her through your fingers, the sun haloing around her chocolate brown hair,
It seemed fitting... Chessy had to be an angel.
"Sammy doesn't usually like strangers but he came to greet you first..." she explains,
"...Guess you must be special"
You bite your lip with a shy smile as you feel a slight blush tinting your cheeks,
Oh, Chessy.
"...I am."
"Hey." you smile softly, hip leaning against the doorway of the kitchen,
It'd been two days since you'd arrived here and sure you'd obviously seen Chessy around (as expected embarrassing yourself each time by being a fumbling mess), but only now had you finally managed to work up the courage and confidence to say something to her without short-circuiting.
Chessy startles momentarily before turning away from the pot in front of her expecting to see Annie or Hallie,
"You scared the shit out of m- Oh! How you doing hon?" she smiles softly.
"You looking for one of the twins?" She offers.
"No it's okay...Annie is reading by the pool and Hallie will probably be knocked out taking her afternoon nap right about now..." you share a laugh with Chessy,
"I..." you smile shyly at the ground with a nervous giggle before looking back up to meet her gaze "I, uh, actually came here to see if you needed any help with anything?"
The housekeeper tucks a strand of messy hair behind her ear, a small smile blooming across her lips,
"Do you even know how to cook?"
"Do I know how to cook!?...I'll have you know I worked at an Olive Garden in my teens!" you joke back pretending to toss your updoed hair over your shoulder.
Chessy pauses before bursting into loud laughter, clutching her stomach slightly. You noted how her entire face crinkled up, like her laugh was trying to force its way out of her, when she smiled unabashedly like that and you couldn't help but feel some sort of weird pride swell in your chest at being the cause of it.
...all you'd really done was tell a joke.
But making her laugh was addicting and you all of a sudden wanted more.
"Who am I to refuse the help of someone with such high expertise?" She quips grabbing another apron from the hook behind her and tossing it your way, as you grab it with a seamless catch.
"You can start on chopping the onions for the sauce" she points, and with a salute, you move to stand at the counter.
That you could do.
Surprisingly, you get a good rhythm going between the two of you, smoothly manoeuvring around each other as you focus on chopping and dicing, whilst Chessy takes the ingredients to the pot after you're done.
The only thing was you hadn't said a word to one another yet.
You opened your mouth to speak before clamping it shut immediately.
What did you say to her? What if you said something weird? That would be a nightmare; You didn't want her to think you were weird.
"So...you're an English major like Annie huh?" Chessy starts after a while, and you're thankful she's the one to fill the silence,
"Ya' planning on going to law school like She is?".
You let out an amused snort in reply,
"God no! After I graduate next year I'm not going back! Annie is as smart as anything but law school is not for me..." you state moving on to dice up some carrots.
"I think wanna teach kids: I'm pretty good with them and love being around them, so...but honestly I think I originally chose to major in it because I love to read...it's all I do."
You pause, reaching out your hand to pretend to smack yourself, "Sorry...I'm rambling.".
It was a habit of yours when you were nervous...Chessy made you nervous. Which you knew was ridiculous because she was so incredibly warm.
She was so disarming and open and welcoming and kind...so why couldn't you look her in the eye?
Chessy smiles, "No...it's cute."
She thought you were cute.
"I like to read too...I'm a sucker for a good romance novel..." she starts,
"I've been at this house so long though I think I've already read my way through all of the books on the shelves here so I'm starting to read the same ones over and over".
"I love romance novels too,” you begin, feeling a slow blush spreading across your cheeks,
"I brought some books from my collection with me this week so I could lend you some of mine?" you don’t look at her when you make the offer, trying to seem unbothered despite your heart beating out of your chest.
Chessy beams at you, "I'd love that.".
"So...do you think that love like in the books actually exists like that? ...in the real world?"
She pauses with a frown and you can tell she’s really mulling your question over, "I don't know...I mean I've been around for a while now and I haven't seen it yet but who knows".
"That's kind of a deep question to ask me over some pasta...you got your eye on a boy at your college?"
You laugh like its the funniest thing you’ve ever heard,
"I mean...I'm a lesbian so no boys...no 'girls' at the moment either though, I've not really clicked with anyone "
She gives you a look like she wants to say something but doesn't.
"What about you...I'm sure someone must've snapped you up by now."
You mean...look at her.
Chessy rolls her eyes at you as though taking what you said as a joke,
"Not at the moment...been on a couple of dates but nothing stuck...the dating pool in Napa is quite small let's just say"
Chessy turns to look at you pensively with a tilt of her head,
"I know you want to ask...I can see you've got that look in your eyes"
You relent immediately,
"I heard that you and the butler, Martin were engaged a while back..."
This time it's Chessy's time to laugh and you're thrown off.
That wasn't the reaction you were expecting.
"That's what you were to afraid to ask me?" She looks up with a contemplative pause,
"It was around 10 years back now but, there's not really much to tell...we realised neither of us were exactly each other's type... I'm assuming you met Martin's partner Edward?".
You nod in understanding.
"Anyway..." she begins with a clap of her hands to change the subject,
"I'd say we just need to leave the sauce to simmer now, so I don't really need your help with chopping anymore...It could be useful to have someone roll out the pasta for me though"
Turns out that was something you in fact could not do.
"Is this how they had you kneading dough at Olive Garden?"she teases with a bump of her hip
"Here let me show you how to do it..." she offers gently, standing closely beside you
"Can I?" She asks hands hovering above yours, and you nod as she weaves your fingers together guiding you to follow her actions,
"You have to work the dough, see like th-"   Naturally of course, you tune her out completely. Too dazed by your proximity to her and the entrancing flex of her fingers as she kneads.
You weren't even going to let your mind go to that place... you refused.
But she did seem to know what she was doing. Chessy was really good with her hands…
The woman herself pauses before turning her head around to face you eyebrows raised.
"Did you get that?"
"Yeah...but I think I'm better off being on pasta sauce duty." You mutter, shaking yourself out of your daze as you walk back over to the pot,
"You're gonna quit just like that?" She chuckles and you shrug with a smirk as she gets back to work.
You look at across Chessy, the older woman trying to blow away a stray wisp of hair as she wipes her hands on her apron to no avail,
She mutters an expletive under her breath, opting to tuck her hair behind her ear with the side of her hand, leaving a huge white flour mark on her face (Chessy of course none the wiser)
With a chuckle, you lean forward to wipe the flour off her cheek with your thumb, pausing to admire how the flecks of light shining through the window twinkle in her sparkling green eyes.
"Thanks..." she smiles staring back at you just as intensely.
"You're welcome"
You drag your gaze from those piercing green eyes down to her lips and back up again. You were so close. It would be so easy to kiss her if you wanted to.
And you really really did. At that moment you wanted to kiss her more than you've ever wanted anything in your life.
"Shit! The pasta sauce is bubbling over " exclaims Chessy and suddenly the moment is gone as you both spring into action.
____________________________ 1.
Turning to the next page of your book, Annie punctuates the silence with an exhausted sigh,
You ignore her.
She sighs again, this one even louder and more obnoxious than the last,
You slam your book closed throwing it onto your lap,
"Hmm...something the matter Annie?" You grin,
"Well...Chessy left her glasses on the table and is blind as a bat without them...do me a huge favour and go give them to her?"
You raise your eyebrow, Seriously?
"Well...I can't be bothered to go!?" Explains the Brit as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
Hallie looks away from the tv to join in on your conversation, frowning at her sister as though she had lost her mind, "Huh? Those glasses aren't eve-"
Annie cuts her off with a look.
Something was up here...but if you were being honest you were too happy to have an excuse to see Chessy to even bother to even attempt to figure out what.
You hesitate, before looking at your outfit, smoothing down your T-shirt,
You'd been laying around all afternoon...you didn't want to go in there looking like a mess.
"Well go on! If you take too long she's gonna confuse the salt with the sugar again" Nudges Hallie.
You don't move.
"Sorry it's just.." you shake your head, feeling like an idiot, you knew deep down you were being ridiculous but you couldn't help it.
"...do I look okay?"
The twins look at you, nonplussed and you can't say you can blame them, you normally oozed confidence so suddenly being flustered like this was even scaring you a little.
There was just something about Chessy that made you feel like you a teenager having your first schoolgirl crush again.
You laugh at yourself, discreetly fanning your face,
"It's just...you guys didn't tell me that..."
Hallie looks even more confused "Didn't tell you what?"
"You know...that Chessy was so.." a blush creeps up on your cheeks and realisation appears on Hallie's face as she turns to look at her sister, eyes wide.
Oh. Your best friend gives you an encouraging smile,
"You look amazing as usual...go and give Chessy her glasses princess charming" and you're shooed out of the room before you can even protest.
You don't even fully register the sensation of your feet moving until you find yourself in the entryway of the kitchen.
"You okay y/n?" begins Chessy, peering up at you from over her cup of coffee,
First thing you notice was the fact that she in fact already had a pair of glasses on.
You frown. "Uh...we saw you forgot your glasses so I was gonna bring these over to you"
She holds them up to her face to inspect them for a moment, perplexed before folding them again to place in her breast pocket.
"Huh. These are actually an old prescription so I'm not sure how they got there..."
You look liked a kicked puppy.
"But...thanks anyway Hon!" she smiles giving your shoulder a squeeze upon seeing the look on your face,
"Whilst you're here, I need someone to taste test this chilli for me...I mean I think it's the best thing I've ever tasted but who knows, I could be biased"
Loading up a spoon, she blows on it momentarily, hand cupped beneath it, before holding it up to you.
"Come on...I'm not gonna stand here all day!" she states with a snicker and you lean forward to allow her to slip the spoon into your mouth,
She shoots you an enchanting smile as you swallow.
"Good girl...was that so hard?"
You chastise yourself for the place you just went to mentally before closing your eyes and taking a deep breath to compose yourself.
God, she was so hot.
"Come again?"
You'd said that out loud.
"The chilli I mean. The chili is so hot. But so good! I mean it's hot but it's like hot just to the right level. I think you'r--it's perfect!"
"The chilli! Really good"
You run a hand through your hair, face beet red as you turn around to flee the kitchen before things could possibly get any more embarrassing for you.
Chessy shakes her head with an empty chuckle as she turns to resume stirring the ladle in the pot,
God she was losing her mind. _________________
"Honestly don't worry about it sweetheart, do you want me to make you some soup?" You hear muttering outside your door and you poke your head out of the doorway, towel still wrapped around your hair to see what's going on.
"Sorry, did I wake you?" Whispers the older woman as she turns around to look at you, her gaze wandering with a blush as she sees what you're wearing,
You look down at yourself realising you're wearing the skimpiest pair of pyjamas you own and scratch the back of your neck in embarrassment
"No it's okay...I'm an early riser, what's going on?"
"Annie was supposed to lend me an extra hand and tag along with me to the market to get stuff for the house and some last bits ready for the Thanksgiving dinner but she's not feeling well..."
You raise an eyebrow, Annie? Sick? That girl was never sick.
She shrugs throwing her hands in the air
"Never mind... I'll see if Hal is up to getting out of bed"
Both of you knew that hell would freeze over before Hallie 'don't bother me unless someone's dying' Parker-James got out of bed before eleven.
"No! No, I mean, you don't have to...I could go with you?" You offer, trying to hide the fact your heart was racing out of your chest.
"Chessy's face lights up
"I mean...if you're sure?"
"Yeah...you're in luck: I've got strong volleyball player arms so I can do all the heavy lifting for you too" you jest holding your arms up with a flex,
"Just give me a moment to change and I'll be down." ___
As you and Chessy walk back into the house arm in arm and rosy-cheeked from a day in the Californian sunshine, you're thankful that the others don't acknowledge how a trip to the market that should've taken an hour instead took you four. In return, neither of you opts to say anything about the fact that Annie who this morning was on her deathbed, seemed to have miraculously been cured of her illness upon your return.
And if the others catch you mooning over Chessy, whose smile was that little bit brighter that day, at the dinner table, they decide to chalk it up to coincidence and not say anything.
Chessy catches you after dinner, appearing slightly nervous as her hands are held behind her back.
"Hey I got you a little...you know, something to say thanks for your help today?"
she holds out a bouquet to you and you smile at her like you've just won the lottery.
You feel like you have.
"Freesias!" you exclaim giving them a sniff, practically bursting with joy,
"...you really didn't have to Chess" you beam, "I honestly had fun today...the market was fun.".
The housekeeper shrugs, eyes somehow managing to look even more glazed over over than yours.
"...they're gorgeous..." you begin shyly "...almost as gorgeous as you"
Chessy bursts into laughter,
"Real smooth. Do you use that trick on all your college girls?" She quips
You look back at her, eyes shining with reverence,
"Nope...freesias are my favourite so that's a compliment that I'd reserve for only the most beautiful of women" You state with a nod of your head.
Chessy giggles uncharacteristically before placing a hand over her mouth as though she didn't realise where the sound had come from.
Her laughter sounded like the tinkling of bells...you felt like your heart was going explode.
She shakes her head with a chuckle, "That's sweet" she murmurs, not believing you,
"I mean it. You really are! So beautiful…just gorgeous.”
You sigh, feeling yourself get lost again in those kind, soft green eyes.
You wondered what it would be like to kiss her...would she give you that same sweet laugh again? Or couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to trail your lips down her neck and see what kind of sounds she'd make.
You were getting ahead of yourself.
You've only known this woman for a couple of days and you were already acting head over heels for her.
"Sleep well Chessy." You smile sweetly with a sigh, before hurriedly turning to make your way up the stairs.
You miss the longing gaze directed at your retreating form as Chessy lets out a dreamy sigh.
"Hey, so I saw you helping Chess cook dinner again this afternoon...." Annie quips perching on the end of the bed,
"Oh Chessy! I'm so clueless I don't know how to roll pizza dough...can you show me how...with your mouth?" she mocks you, speaking in a high pitched voice and a faux American accent.
"That doesn't even make any sense." You deadpan,
Hallie bursts into laughter before joining in, giving you her best attempt of Chessy,
"Oh y/n hon, you're such a good helper! Can I sleep in your bed tonight so you can hold me with your big strong hands?" She jumps in, wrapping her arms around herself before launching into a round of kissing noises.
You bite your lip trying to stop yourself from laughing at your friends' theatrics...
"Real fucking mature guys...you're in your 20s by the way, just in case you forgot" you chuckle giving in to the humour of it.
Hallie ignores you, continuing with the kissing noises and you throw a pillow at her, the throw landing perfectly on her head with a satisfying thud,
Volleyball came in handy sometimes
"If you keep on fucking with me, I'm gonna put strawberries in your smoothies tomorrow morning when Chessy isn't looking" you tease, eyes narrowed as you give Annie a gentle shove
Your friend laughs, an inquisitive look on her face, "So what you're saying is....you're planning on waking up at the crack of dawn to help her cook breakfast..."
"Isn't that so interesting Hal?"
Hallie taps her chin, "Very Interesting..."
"You know what else is interesting Annie? The fact that Chessy has been making our friend over here special cups of peach tea like some kind of barista"
"...we don't even have peach tea in our pantry but I do know that it's y/n's favourite"
You pout, suddenly fascinated by a piece of lint on your sweater.
"Well...maybe she was just being nice and appreciated the help I gave her..."
Hallie placed her hands on her knees like she was sitting on a piece of top secret information before turning to face the group,
"Or...what about the fact that I saw Chessy reading y/n's copy of Great expectations yesterday"
"What!?" yells Annie in shock, jumping up with so much force she knocks her blackberry on the floor, the battery within it clattering to the floor beside it.
She looks at her sister mouth agape and Hallie nods her head enthusiastically in reply, "It's true! She was holding that book like it was a fucking bible or something"
"You tried to crucify me for even looking at your antiquarian book collection and Chessy has free reign over it after a couple of days!?"
"Oh you really do like her"
"What? No, I just lent them to her because she a- I was being nice! It was just a-...shut up." You stutter in resignation, face turning as red as the twins' hair
"Look anyway...does Chessy even swing that way?" You question inspecting your nails to fake casualness again.
Your friends look as you as though you were stupid.
"Seriously y/n? Do you know any straight women who own that many buttons ups? That's exclusively been her wardrobe for over 20 years by the way"
"she literally drives a pick up"
"Did she not tell you the story of why she and Martin split up?"
"Yeah because Martin was gay...so?" You question being met with a collective of groans at your obliviousness,
"Look y/n...none of us care that you've obviously got the hots for our nanny...but the tension between you guys at the dinner table is getting weird to the point that I feel like for everyone's sake you need to just go for it" explains Annie crouching down to talk to you the way a kindergarten teacher would to a student.
"Look we're all grown women here! Just sleep together and be done with it...you're grossing me out" adds Hallie with a playful eye roll
Your best friends had the worst delivery you'd ever heard but maybe they had a point. Maybe you did just need to go for it. _____________________________
It's just gone 13:30 when you pad softly into the kitchen, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes as you're still waking up from your nap.
"You? You're still here?" Snorts Chessy at the kitchen island, nose deep in today's paper but somehow still sensing you before you could even got a word out.
You perk up as you walk over to where she's stood.
"Oh please, you love having me around! You're definitely gonna miss me" You bite back, laughter in your tone
The truth is you and Chessy had been spending a lot of time together and tomorrow was your last day in Napa. You'd be lying if the thought of leaving the place, no, the thought of leaving Chessy didn't make your heart ache.
"You seem really invested in that paper...haven't even looked at me once...How'd you even know it was me?"
With a dramatic sigh, she neatly folds the newspaper before placing it on the table in front of her with a flourish and you grin as you finally get to see her face...it was quickly becoming the highlight of your day.
She was glowing... she probably had no makeup on either and still looked breathtaking. But that was just Chessy; stunning,even without trying.
"I don't know...just did." She explains simply, looking at you with a warm smile.
And boy was it warm.
You felt your insides turning to mush again and you lean against the countertop behind you to keep yourself upright.
Sure you were in California but Chessy had one of those smiles that you think could warm you up even on the coldest day...heck you reckoned her smile could probably melt the ice caps.
She casts an appraising look at your outfit, and you ask yourself if you imagined the lingering gaze on your chest,
"Where are you off to looking so sharp?" She asks after a while, eyes darkening,
Oblivious, you give her a twirl with your arms out by your sides before tucking your sunhat back under your arm
"You like?"
"you look gorgeous y/n" She remarks sincerely, gaze unwavering and you turn around momentarily, tucking your lips into your mouth to suppress your grin.
"I was supposed to go out for a picnic with the girls but, I overslept a little and now can't find them...I need your help with that actually..."
"I'm supposed to meet them at some spot by a tree? I was gonna walk down but I don't know where it is."
Her eyes light up in recognition,
"I know where they mean...but walk!?"
"It's at least a mile and a half out...on the trails...you're better off riding there"
Chessy watches on with her hands in her pockets as you reach out to gingerly to pet the horse,
Sure you were good with animals...but by that you meant ones that were a little...smaller. Like house pets.
Take dogs for example, (especially sweethearts like Sammy) they were easy; give them belly rubs and slide them a couple pieces of chicken and they'd be anyone's best friend.
"Hmm...that's Annie's horse..." The housekeeper states after a while,
"Hallie's horse is gone so I'm assuming they're waiting for you to catch up with them"
"I feel like I already know the answer, but do you know how to ride a horse?" Chessy asks softly,
"Uh, no" You reply incredulous with a head shake.
She sighs, a small smile on her lips before climbing on
"Guess I'm gonna have to give you a ride then...hop on hon" She starts holding a hand out and you look anywhere but at Chessy,
You had a feeling this wouldn't end well
"Today hopefully," she nudges and you sigh softly, taking her hand with a sheepish grin as she helps you get on the horse behind her,
"Never ridden a horse?...You city slickers" she playfully mumbles to herself with a soft shake of her head grabbing your hands to place them on her waist,
"Look it'll be fine...I'll take care of you" she reminds you, clearly sensing your nerves and you barely manage to suppress a shudder,
Take care of you huh?
"Actually I'm from a small town in Georgia." you quip in reply, refusing to acknowledge her first statement and admit your fear.
Chessy teasingly scoffs and you feel her shoulders shake with laughter, giving away the fact that she's joking,
"Yeah, yeah...that's what they all say. You holding on tight?"
You do as told, tightening your grip to wrap your arms around her waist as you lean your head against the older woman's back,
And the two of you take off.
As the wind blows through your hair you take deep breaths to inhale the musky, floral scent of her perfume closing your eyes and as if it would somehow burn it into your memory.
She smelt like wood fire , and lilies and coffee and you suddenly feel that same pang in your chest at the thought of going home in a couple of days time.
You seriously really needed to get it together...it'd been 10 days. But you don't know if you could.
As you stop to a halt, Chessy expertly dismounts the horse, turning around to hold a hand out to help lift you down after her:
Or course you completely tumble head first and Chessy helps you to your feet, non-judging and patient as per usual.
"How are you so good at that?" You ask with a blush,
"I live and work on a 60 acre vineyard so I had to learn" she explains with a gentle shrug.
You turn to survey the scene:
There was absolutely no sign of Hallie and Annie.
The apple tree that Annie and Hallie had advised you to meet them at was indeed there, a picnic blanket laid on the lush green grass, adorned with a spread that you think belonged on a lifestyle magazine; candles nestled amongst a display of grapes and chocolate coloured strawberries, and fancy cheeses and glasses of wine.
It looked really romantic. Oh.
Hold on a minute...romantic candlelit meal? That sounded familiar.
Chessy crouches down to pick up a piece of paper wedged beneath the basket and unfolds it leaning closer so the two of you could read it:
Chessy and Y/N,
Enjoy your picnic! Thank us later :)
-Annie and Hal xx p.s don't do anything I wouldn't do! ;) -Hal
You look at each other in realisation clearly having just come to the same conclusion.
Hallie and Annie's matchmaking trap.
You really should’ve known...The twins had told you about how they got their parents (back together) when they were 10.... you'd even helped Hallie reenact a similar plan like this to set Annie up with a girl on the cheer team she had a crush on.
Step 1 and 2 were "spontaneous" meet-cutes and step 3 was a romantic candlelit dinner.
The only thing was...what had been step 1 and 2 of the girls' plan?
Chessy bursts into laughter
"They set us up on a picnic date huh?" She smiles shaking her head looking at the spread,
"We've been parent trapped..."
You look across at Chessy and for the first time since you've met her, she looks unsure of what to do.
"Look..." you begin,
"we might aswell enjoy their effort before we head back...I suppose the food does look good" You smile and Chessy relents, her hand sitting on the small of your back as she guides you to sit down beside her.
She gives you a look you can't quite recognise before picking up one of the glasses of red wine, and downing it in a single gulp.
It you didn't know any better you'd say she looked...nervous.
That made two of you.
For the second time today you have to stop yourself from losing your cool. The goosebumps forming on your arms give you away regardless.
"You cold?" Whispers Chessy, taking off her button up without a second thought and draping it over your shoulders
"I get to wear one of the Chessy's famous button ups?" you hum as the taller woman smooths it down over your shoulders 
"I know," she agrees playing into your joke, "Guess you must be really special."
She's wearing a tight tank top beneath it and you give an appraising glance at the cleavage now on show, in turn earning a smirk from Chessy. Your gaze then drifts down to the freckles dusted on her arms and you reach out to skate your fingers across them, smirking at the way Chessy shivers.
"...I am."
"...I'm really gonna miss you when I go." You sigh sadly after a while,
Chessy takes your hand in hers, "I'm really gonna miss you too."
You look up at her in surprise, being met with a pensive look from the older woman.
Just go for it y/n. Fuck it.
With a shuddering breath you allow yourself one last glance at her plump lips before leaning in an-
Chessy places her hands on your sternum to stop you a sheepish look on her face,
You frown.
Were you being rejected? Oh, God this was humiliating.
You quickly began to pull away to stand up but she doesn't release her grip on your arm,
"wait...please?" she begs, looking at you conflicted
"Look, you're in your 20s...you sure you want this?”she explains
“Don't you want a nice college girl who's your age? That would be a lot less complicated..."
"I'm sure a hot young thing like you wouldn't have any issues finding someone in your class."
That's all this was about?
You shake your head with a smile, looking at her like she'd just said the most ridiculous thing in the world,
"Sure, I'm young. But Im also a grown woman. I know what I want and I want you."
"You're witty, outspoken and gorgeous , and compassionate...I've just...I've never met anyone like you and I won't forgive myself if I don't at least tr-"
you're interrupted as Chessy cuts you off with a bruising kiss and you let out a squeak of surprise before relaxing into it with a whimper,
You push her onto her back with a giggle, straddling her waist as you lift your hands to her cup her face, trying to pull her as close to you as possible.
Her lips were soft and warm against yours and she parted them slightly with a groan to allow your tongue to slip inside. Chessy tasted sweet; like red wine and strawberries and future lazy afternoons spent cuddling beneath the napa sun...like hope.
Breathless, you begrudgingly pull away from her, leaning your forehead against hers, up close like this you could see every single little detail on her face;
The laughter lines that were deepest beside her eyes, the way the slithers of sunlight, peeking through the leaves of the tree illuminated little specks of brown that danced around in her eyes, her swollen pouty lips that now had your lipstick all over them
She was the most gorgeous thing you'd ever seen.
You let out an airy laugh but you couldn't pinpoint what at...relief, happiness,just general amusement at the situation?
You got the girl. You really did need to thank the twins later.
Chessy chuckles too, turning to press a soft kiss against your palm, hands slowly snaking up your thighs.
"...Just incase we haven't covered it already...I want you too."
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hogwartseighthyear · 2 years
lessons in apparition
“your girl” series: part 1 | part 2 | (part 3) | part 4
(can be read as a standalone)
pairing: neville longbottom x fem!reader word count: 1.9k tags: rated G, house-neutral reader, outsider POV, fluff, pre-relationship, injury mentioned but not in explicit detail, Y/N used summary: neville jumps to your rescue during an apparition lesson gone wrong. note: set in sixth year, it’s less neville’s friends knowing he’s stupidly in love with you and more so neville’s friends knowing you’re both stupidly in love with each other. i skimmed over chapter 18 of HBP for canon compliancy’s sake, and i had a lot of fun writing this one. enjoy and thanks for reading!   request: (anon) “Can I ask for a part 3 of your girl/part 2 of crush where we get more moments of nevilles friends knowing he's in love but in later years?″ [x]   (cross-posted here to AO3)
“I’m just saying, Ronald, it wouldn’t kill you to be a little more—”
“Ronald, it wouldn’t kill you to be a little more—”
“Oh, mocking me again? Hilarious, really. That one certainly never gets old.”
“It’s not my fault you’re too bloody uptight to take a joke!”
“And it’s not my fault you’re too empty-headed to come up with anything original!”
Harry sighed as Ron and Hermione descended into yet another petty fight. They’d been at each other’s throats for months now, ever since Lavender had firmly attached herself to Ron’s side (and attached her mouth to his mouth, constantly), and Harry was getting quite tired of it.
It was Saturday morning—the morning of their second Apparition lesson—and despite the fact that the three of them had walked to the Great Hall together, Ron and Hermione had been so busy having a spat that they hadn’t said a single word to Harry the whole way there. So it wasn’t at all surprising that neither of them seemed to notice when Harry stepped away and swiftly headed off in the opposite direction.
He loved Ron and Hermione dearly, of course, but if he had to listen to them fight for a single minute longer he was certain he’d go insane.
The wooden hoops were already spread out on the floor and all the other sixth years chattered amongst themselves as they filtered into the Hall and found their places. Harry was careful not to trip as he weaved through the room, scanning his classmates for a friendly face. He would’ve liked to have taken the chance to eavesdrop on Malfoy again, just like the previous lesson, but he and his Slytherin cronies weren’t present yet.
“Oh, hello, Harry!”
Harry turned to find Neville waving happily at him. You were also there at Neville’s side, as you often were, and you sent Harry a smile. Harry let out a breath of relief and walked over. Perhaps he was only trading one pair of oblivious friends for another, but at least the two of you were actually pleasant to be around.
“Hey, Neville, Y/N. Mind if I stand with you guys?” Harry asked.
“‘Course not, you’re always welcome. Are Ron and Hermione still…?” Neville trailed off with a grimace.
“Being complete dunderheads?” Harry filled in. “Yes, unfortunately.”
You and Neville peered across the Great Hall over Harry’s shoulder, where said dunderheads were still arguing. Ron’s face was flushed red with anger and Hermione’s hand gestures had become increasingly animated. People were starting to cast odd looks their way, and Professor McGonagall was already approaching with a stern expression. Presumably to break up their squabble and take away house points.
“Goodness. They fight like an old married couple,” you commented.
“A miserable old married couple,” Neville said.
Harry thought the comparison was a bit ironic. If any two students at Hogwarts acted like an old married couple, it was you and Neville—but in a more wholesome and heartwarming way. So much so that it was a little sickening at times.
Neville made your tea for you each morning at breakfast, just the way you like it. You straightened his tie and fixed his hair without being asked. You finished each other’s sentences and cry-laughed at inside jokes no one else could ever hope to understand.
Frankly, Harry thought it was almost offensive that you and Neville weren’t dating already, as did everyone else who knew the two of you. But whatever. It wasn’t exactly any of his business. And anyway, these days Harry already had to deal with enough unresolved romantic tension just by being in proximity of Ron and Hermione.
“Do either of you reckon anyone will actually manage to Apparate today?” Harry asked conversationally as the Heads of Houses gathered at the front of the Great Hall and began calling for everyone to ready up and find a hoop.
“Well it certainly won’t be me. But Padma told me she felt a ‘tugging sensation’ during the last lesson. She seems really determined,” you offered. “What about you, Harry? Nev said you’ve done it once before. Maybe you’ll pick it up quicker since you already know what it’s like.”
“Only a Side-Along,” Harry clarified. “I’m not keen to do it again, honestly. It felt awful. I’d rather take a broom if I need to go anywhere. Or, y’know, use my legs.”
“That’s understandable,” you said, nodding. “I’m still excited to learn how to Apparate, though. It must be so useful to pop from one place to another just like”—you snapped your fingers—“that.”
“I just hope no one gets Splinched again this time around,” Neville said with a little shudder. “Seeing Susan’s leg like that was—”
“—ghastly,” you finished. “Poor Susan.”
The sixth years in the Hall quieted down as Wilkie Twycross, the Apparition instructor from the Ministry, stepped forward and welcomed everyone to their second lesson. Without anymore preamble, he dove straight into the same lecture he had given a week before. Remember the three D’s! Destination, Determination, Deliberation!
Neville sarcastically mouthed along, making you giggle. In turn, Neville beamed at you like you’d hung all the stars in the sky. And Harry, watching the whole display, didn’t know whether the sugary sweetness of it made him want to smile or throw up. Still, your and Neville’s affection was leagues better than Ron and Hermione’s antagonism. So he really couldn’t complain.
Just like the week prior, the first few Apparition attempts yielded a great deal of staggering and stumbling, but nothing more. Harry still didn’t feel any sort of tugging or tingling. He just felt a bit silly, staring at a wooden hoop and spinning in place time after time to absolutely no avail.
“Merlin!” you huffed after the seventh attempt. “Why do we even have to twirl like this? I swear I’ve seen people Disapparate without twirling.”
Standing between you and Harry, Neville had squeezed his eyes shut and bent forward to rest his hands on his knees, trying to ride out his dizziness. “I dunno. Aesthetic and flare?” he guessed.
You snorted. “Imagine!”
“Determination!” Twycross was reminding everyone from the front of the Hall. “Feel the yearning to occupy the hoop throughout your body, mind, and soul. Let it overcome you.”
Nearby, Seamus had sprawled out on the floor with a defeated expression, and Professor Flitwick was worriedly holding a conjured bin in front of Terry’s face, which had turned a concerning shade of green.
After a short recess, the sixth years collected themselves as best they could and readied up for another go. There was a distinct, mounting tension in the air. This would be the class’s eighth attempt. Nothing had happened yet, but the trend had to break eventually. The question was who would be the first, and how.
Though Harry knew the universe had a penchant for repeatedly placing him in extraordinary situations at the center of everyone’s attention, he really, really hoped it wouldn’t be him. He would be just fine if he never Apparated again in his life, thank you very much.
“Alright, students. Once again, on my count,” Twycross announced. “One… two… THREE!”
There was a loud CRACK, followed by a shriek of pain.
Harry whipped around to see you standing in your hoop, teetering in place, with one of your shoes sitting a short distance away. But it wasn’t just your shoe. It was your shoe with the foot still inside, just past the ankle.
Neville shouted in alarm. There was a second CRACK. And all of the sudden, Neville was also standing in your hoop, wrapping his arms around you to keep you from toppling over.
“PROFESSOR!” he yelled as you held onto him with a death grip, crying into the front of his sweater.
It was unclear which professor Neville was calling out for, but it didn’t seem to matter. Out of the four Heads of Houses in the Great Hall, it was Snape who happened to be the closest, and he quickly strode over in a great billowing mass of black robes. To general astonishment, Neville didn’t flinch or shrink away. He barely even glanced at Snape. All of his care and concern was focused entirely on you.
With a sharp wave of his wand, Professor Snape cast the proper spell, which shot off with a bang and a puff of purple smoke. Once the smoke cleared, Harry saw that your foot had been firmly reattached to your leg, though you still whimpered and clung to Neville.
The rest of the sixth years in the Hall, who had all been watching in silent shock, started to murmur. Harry rushed over to you and Neville.
“Y/N! Are you okay?” he asked.
“I-I think— I think I need to sit down,” you stammered through your tears.
Neville immediately lowered you to the floor, not releasing his hold on you. Harry followed, dropping to his knee as the three of you huddled together. You trembled fiercely.
“Do you need to be escorted to the hospital wing, Miss L/N?” Snape asked, his voice even and unexpressive. You had been one of his more competent Potions students when he was still teaching the subject, which was enough to spare you from his usual nastiness, apparently, despite Neville and Harry’s presence: Snape’s two least favorite students.
You shook your head, sniffling and wiping at your cheeks.
“Are you sure? Even for a Calming Draught?” Neville asked worriedly, patting you down as if checking for any other missing pieces.
“No, no. Just… give me a minute,” you breathed. “I’m okay. I’ll be okay.”
Snape stepped away, allowing you to collect yourself. Neville rubbed his hands up and down the sides of your arms, and Harry placed one of his own hands on your knee, giving it a supportive little pat. He wasn’t too adept at comforting other people, but he tried.
“Sir! I think Longbottom just Apparated!” someone from the crowd finally called out to Twycross, and the murmurs exploded into excited, noisy chatter.
“Longbottom? No way!”
“Are you kidding me?”
“Oh, come on!”
“I saw it! He Apparated!”
“It’s true, Longbottom Apparated!”
Neville frowned and glanced around at all the gawking students. “What? No I didn’t.”
“Yeah you did, mate,” Harry said. Despite the fact that he still felt rather shaken by the whole ordeal, a wide grin had worked its way onto his face. “You didn’t even have to do a spin.”
You laughed wetly in Neville’s arms. “I knew it. The twirls are useless.”
Twycross had wandered over to peer at the lot of you on the floor, his hands clasped behind his back. 
“Ah, yes. An excellent example of sufficient determination at work,” he said. He turned to address the other sixth years. “Your whole entire being must want to move to your desired location, and you must be unwavering in that want. Now, while Apparition may come easier in moments of high emotion, it will do all of you well to remember…”
Harry tuned out the rest of Twycross’s lecture, suppressing an eye roll, and looked back to you and Neville.
Neville had turned quite pink, and the enamored smile you were directing his way certainly didn’t help matters. Harry’s own face heated in embarrassment at the sight, feeling as though he was suddenly intruding on something far too tender for his own eyes. He quickly removed his hand from your knee. You didn’t seem to notice.
“You know you’re amazing, right?” you said to Neville.
“I didn’t really do anything—”
“Don’t,” you said gently, and reeled him in for a hug. Harry heard a muffled thank you against Neville’s shoulder. He took a shaky breath and held you tighter in response.
Harry stood and returned to his hoop, leaving you and Neville behind for a moment of privacy. Yeah, that was enough unresolved romantic tension for him today.
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thesokovianaccords · 11 months
(press you to) the pages of my heart
four: "come here. let me fix it."
a steggy friends to lovers au (also on ao3)
They were going to be late. Even for them.
(Though Steve would swear up and down it wasn’t his fault. Peggy would swear that he was lying.)
“It’s basically the same costume, anyway. How are you still not ready?”
“I had to send Tony an angry voice note first,” Steve shouted from his bedroom. “Really, it’s his fault we’ll be late.”
Peggy tapped their new and improved badges against the kitchen table. “Pepper’s a natural redhead. It makes more sense for them to be Mulder and Scully. Also, I somehow managed to make new badges, find realistic neuralyzers, and fix my costume before you tied your tie.”
“Well, I got into an in-depth debate with both of them over who deserved a quote-unquote ‘couple’s costume.’ That ate up some time.” Steve walked out into the living room, his eye roll audible across the apartment. “They both had lots of unsolicited opinions, so you’re welcome for sparing you from that.”
“My hero,” Peggy scoffed, grabbing their drinks and dropping next to Steve on the sofa, as he tied his shoes. “Hopefully the party will still be going when we get there.”
Steve sent her an incredulous look, and they both laughed. “Yes, right, fine. It was impossible to even think that with a straight face.”
“Sometimes I still feel hungover from their 4th of July party.”
“Ah yes, the Steve Rogers Birthday Bash, T-M,” Peggy said, holding up her hands in brackets to showcase the trademark with the aplomb it deserved. And because he always glared at her when she did it.
“Yeah, yeah, hilarious. So funny. I’m dying of laughter.” Steve pushed himself to his feet and pulled Peggy up to hers too. “Are you ready, Agent P?”
“What are you saying, Agent S? Don’t I pass muster?”
He gave her a once-over so quick she might have been insulted, if the warm weight of his gaze hadn’t pinned her in place for those few seconds. Her breath caught for an embarrassing moment as his eyes returned to hers. “You look beautiful. And deadly. Perfect, as always—except your tie is crooked.”
“It is not.” Peggy had no idea whether that was true—Steve’s compliments had thrown her for a loop, and recalibrating herself to focus on what he was actually saying was taking longer than it normally did.
He set their glasses on the coffee table and pulled her to their entryway. “Would I lie to you?”
“Yes,” she retorted, but unfortunately her tie was, in fact, listing to one side. “I swear I had it sorted—it must have gotten bored waiting for you to be ready too and decided to relax.”
Steve snorted as she loosened the knot and began to loop the fabric over itself again, but no retort came. He just watched her hands in the mirror as she pulled the long end of the tie through and tightened the knot. But once again, it hung slightly off to the side, and she groaned at her reflection. “These things are bloody impossible. I don’t know how you wear them every day.”
“It just means I have a lot of practice. Come here,” he said, dropping his hands to her shoulders and spinning her around. “Let me fix it.”
Peggy considered the possibility, with Steve’s knuckles brushing against her neck as he re-knotted her black tie, that she was dreaming. Or that she had taken complete leave of her senses. She and Steve were so often in sync—and naturally so, without any conscious thought behind it—that when they weren’t, when they seemed to be in the midst of wildly diverging experiences of the same event, Peggy felt unmoored. Speechless, even. How else could she explain Steve’s efficiency, his apparent immoveabiity, while she was left breathless at the sweep of his hands across her collar? And how was she meant to deal with this new reality, the one where she and her best friend were horribly, perhaps permanently, out of sync, and one wrong word or move could tear everything down?
Steve, oblivious to Peggy’s personal crisis, stepped back and placed his hands on her shoulders again. “There,” he said, a soft smile on his face. “Perfect. As always.”
Peggy placed a hand over the knot and cleared her throat. “As are you, Steve,” she said, relieved her voice stayed steady. “Now, let’s go save the universe. With tequila shots, preferably.”
He laughed and ran his hands down her arms, before taking a single step back. “Yes, ma’am.”
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aftgficrec · 2 years
Hey, do you have any fics were Andrew is just petty.
Annoyed/mildly stroppy, rolling his eyes a lot/pouting/glaring in mild annoyance at the foxes just being the foxes and everyone on the team (from the book, any freshmen from Neil's second year are the same as always) knows that he doesn't mean it and it just a grumpy little gremlin?
So sorry about how long it took to get back to you with this!  Life for all of us got really busy and demanding in all sorts of ways for some reason, so these fic recs had to go on the backburner for a bit.  Hopefully some of the fics we gathered together below are even remotely what you had in mind. - S
Some previous recs:
‘Witching You A Happy Holiday’ here
‘If I Tried’ here
‘Glencaster Lodge’ here
'Creatures We Find in the Forest’ here
‘The Sweetest Leaves’ here
‘Pinch of Salt.’  here
‘Friday Night Big Screen’ here
‘Since The Last Nonsense’ here
Surrounded By You: Andreil by cwatson13 [Rated T, 3066 words, complete, 2022]
Andrew is going to kill someone before this season is over, he’s sure of it. He hates every single one of the new recruits, especially the one Neil chose.
Andrew is sick and tired of Neil being so god damn oblivious to the fact that most of them are constantly flirting with him. A couple of them do give Neil the oogly eyes far to much for Andrews liking but they don’t actually say anything or do anything so they hardly are under Andrews radar.
Nicky finds it hilarious that Neil is so oblivious to the freshman’s obvious flirting, and it’s even funnier when he sees Andrew glowering at them from across the court
tw:  violence
Little Fox by jaydreamz [Rated G, 1738 words, complete, 2022]
Neil finds a dog in a pile of leaves and takes it to the dorms.
Andrew is not impressed. The dog is definitely not staying. Na-ah. Nope. Not even a little. 😆
suffering from forehead kisses deficiency by winterjxsmine [Not Rated, 1128 words, complete, 2022]
andreil and forehead kisses
The End Is Up To Us by mostly_maudlin [Rated T, 32759 words, complete, Aftg Fall Exchange 2022]
Andrew Minyard has never cared much for destiny.
tw:  implied/referenced abuse, tw: implied/referenced self harm, tw: ptsd
"Wrong Minyard" - Aaron Minyard by LFMH021 [Rated T, 2605 words, complete, 2020]
Aaron Minyard is exhausted. He wants to be anywhere else except here because his twin is being his asshole self, as usual.
(Andrew stole and hid Aaron’s clothes so he looks exactly like his twin that people thought he is dating Neil Josten. Andrew is petty. Neil is having so much fun. Katelyn isn’t any help whatsoever.)
I am not a library by HonoraryFox [Rated G, 2395 words, complete, 2018]
Nicky borrowed a book from Andrew once. This is how Andrew gets the book and revenge.
Not Another Valentine by justdk [Rated T, 805 words, complete, 2018]
Neil tries to romance Andrew on Valentine's but Andrew's not having it
Empty Threat by orphan_account [Rated T, 940 words, complete, 2017]
Andrew doesn’t hate his new look, but he does hate everyone’s reactions. As usual, Neil is the exception.
Let’s round it off with some crack:
giddy up by mostly_maudlin [Rated T, 677 words, complete, 2022]
You're probably wondering how I ended up here.
A horseback ride in the Blue Ridge mountains sounds idyllic, if you're the kind of person that takes vacations straight out of the free tourist pamphlets at gas stations. I am not that person.
Andrew vs. the cats by @alcego [tumblr, 2022]
pretty sure King wakes Andrew up by smacking him in the face
andrew minyard: not a morning person art by @i-am-weis
Andrew Minyard and better luck next time art by @girubato
andrew!! what a cutie and andrew watercolor art by @hersomethingmore
when it's like 100° but you gotta keep your 'aesthetic' art by @rainbowd00dles
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bonesandthebees · 9 months
Overhearing Tomys talk is so fun. 1. The kid is hilarious. 2. It gives us a lot of insight about how he works. He’s just a kid hanging with his friends. (I hope they do the explosions some time, I want to see Wilbur try and hide the fact that he’s loosing his shit about it).
Side note: [“What else is the point of your dad being a Duke if you can’t get your best friend out of jail?”] and Tobyn to the list of Rose characters I love. (Also, I fear for his life with that execution tag and cannon).
[“You know whose reaction to that I’d really want to see though? Lord Willum.”] on the bright side, Tomys is already thinking about Wilbur and clearly thinks him to be an interesting person. Also, he’s insulted his height twice now, I think someone’s jealous.
And he just got to the quickest way to learn that you should not randomly speak your mind where people could overhear you. Also, we get to see Wilbur thinking on his feet and turning the situation around. Though I’d argue Niki is better at it, but in Wilbur!s defense, she’s didn’t get insulted.
I feel like Tomys half says yes to Niki’ invite because Wilbur clearly doesn’t want him there and he wants to piss him of and half because he looks up to Niki, who is The Heir (or one of the options).
Oh Niki is going to be so screwed when Tomys gets chosen (don’t mind me putting my bets in early). She’ll have no home (in her mother’s defense, there was no other option when she sent her daughter off). Also, having Niki talk about what she actually think of Tomys to then have her be That nice to him is a very good show about her cleverness.
I do love that Niki playing the game does shake Wilbur up about playing it too, and I’m interested to see what he can do once he starts trying, because we already see him starting to drop the etiquette more to get in Tomys good books.
god writing that whole convo between tommy and tubbo and jack was so fun. I love their banter so much. they're all just kids!! tommy is a goofy kid who likes to play pranks and cause mischief and is completely oblivious to the violent game he's been thrown into
oh yeah tommy is so jealous of wilbur's height
lol yeah both niki and wilbur do a solid job at turning the conversation around back on tommy, but it's definitely niki who does it better. wilbur still would've been able to do it on his own but niki wins at social graces in situations like that.
in my mind tommy said yes to niki's offer for both those reasons. like, it was definitely at least somewhat because he wanted to annoy wilbur. but it was mostly because niki is the expected heir. she's spent nearly her entire life in the palace. she actually holds the rank of princess. not duke/duchess like quackity, but a princess. technically speaking, she's the second highest ranked person in the palace under sam. tommy is very intimidated by her but also wants to get to know her. also, he might be oblivious to most of the games, but he's not a total idiot. when the (likely) future queen invites you to talk, you talk.
I mean technically speaking niki could go back to Summerdam if things were to go to shit, it just wouldn't feel like home to her. it would keep her safe, but she wouldn't be happy there. partially because of the place, but mostly because wilbur wouldn't be there. he's been her closest friend nearly her entire life so far. she wouldn't do well if she were suddenly pulled away from him.
niki playing the game and inspiring wilbur to do the same was so satisfying to write. again, it's her propriety. she's learned how to be a lady and interact with people she dislikes. while wilbur knows he should do the same, he struggles more with it. so niki is leading by example, and wilbur is able to suck it up and go along with it.
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greygullhaven · 1 year
How Drunk Was I? - A Primeval FanFic
Pairing: Connor Temple and Hilary Becker Rating: Teen and Up Tags: fluff, kissing, hangover, flirting, teasing, PDA
There were many things the ARC team was good about keeping under wraps- anomalies, dinosaurs, creature incursions, and destruction of public property.... One thing they were not so good at was keeping a certain relationship under wraps.
In fact, the quickly growing relationship between the resident team genius and the head of security was perhaps the worst-kept secret the ARC had ever attempted to keep hush-hush. Not that it mattered to Becker and Connor, or to anyone really. It was just one of those things everyone knew and accepted, and for the most part, seemed to actually encourage more than anything.
So, it was no surprise when Becker walked into the break room early Monday morning after a rare weekend off, a huge grin on his face. He was almost whistling to himself as he made his coffee, completely oblivious to the looks Danny and Matt were giving him and the giggles coming from Jenny and Sarah.
It wasn't until Becker turned around with his cup of coffee in and hand and found all four staring at him that anything even registered.
"What? Do I have something on my face?"
"Yeah as a matter of fact you do" Danny said with a smirk as he looked at Matt and then back to Becker. "That shit-eating-grin for one thing!"
"What are you..."
"Oh don't pretend like you don't know what we are talking about," Jenny said with a sigh as she rolled her eyes. 
"It's a Monday and you are acting like it's Friday afternoon," Sarah pointed out with a knowing grin and a gleam in her eyes. "What's going on?"
"Nothing is going on" Becker said maybe a little too quickly and firmly. "Nothing is going on at all."
Jenny and Sarah exchanged looks and shook their heads.
"Denial," all four of them said at the same time as they all gave Becker a knowing look.
"Come on Hils, spill it," Matt said with a grin as he dropped the nickname that really one of them ever used, the flush that appeared on Becker's cheeks confirming everyone's suspicions.... Keep reading :)
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elsecrytt · 3 years
Demon Culture P2
So what DOES it mean in demon courting when your partner ignores you? If they didn't like it they would make it VERY clear. So they are interested....
...they just want you to impress them some. It's why someone like Diavolo would enjoy being ignored - no one's ever done that to him before! What an amazing opportunity for him to show off to you!
Naturally, from the perspective of many human cultures, a LOT of that could come off as uncomfortable and threatening.
Diavolo casually displays his power after you politely ignore his advances, cheerfully oblivious to the fact that you're not into it, or just intimidated and his efforts to impress you are exacerbating that.
What other demon flirting methods should there be, hmmmm~
So. Surprise Guest interactions. What's another thing that all the pure demons we know of - Diavolo, Barbatos, and Satan - have in common in their surprise guest interactions?
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All three of our romancable demons who were (presumably?) born demons have BIG HEARTS reactions to the Whip of Love. So does Simeon, actually.
So the next obvious thought, of course, is that whipping/physical violence is actually a pretty normal part of demon courting rituals.
And hey - why wouldn't it be? Mammon mentions early on that if Lucifer would "completely destroy" him or smth, it'd take him 200 million years to recover... from? Being completely destroyed???
It feels pretty strongly implied that demons can recover from pretty much ANY kind of injury, and Mammon more or less confirms they have much higher tolerances for pain.
They're all thousands of years old and though they don't get into it now, early Devilgrams and chats have mentions of the brothers straight up murdering lesser demons for minor offenses.
Every so often you'll get the chance to call Lucifer or someone else out on being wicked or evil (usually when they're just being a dick). And they will often respond with "I'm a demon"
Demons!!! As DEMONS!! Let them be lustful! Let them be depraved! Let them be kinky!! Let these assholes be the reason BDSM has a bad rap!!!
You think it just got a bad rap on its own? Bro all the BDSM folks I know are genuinely lovely folks who are more aware of consent than ordinary people, not less!
Now ofc the demons do all know that you're a human, and you're super fragile, which definitely keeps them from accidentally murdering you in a flirting attempt (it WOULD be a funny way to die tho).
But WHEN YOU WHIP THEM??? Barbatos, Diavolo, and Satan are enchanted. You're speaking his language!!!
This also puts an absolutely HILARIOUS spin on the sequence leading up to the lesson 16 event.
Lucifer comes downstairs to rescue you all from Cerberus and you have the option to hug him... or to hit him.
Secretly though. Either option is flirting. The hug is just more platonic. No wonder everyone is shocked by it, huh?
Lucifer grabbing your arm extra hard at the dance bc he wants to threaten you but also flirt. He's saying he thinks you're strong! You can take it! You are worth threatening <3
Satan's threat to cut you up and feed you to lower level demons? That's just pillow talk babe. ...do human limbs grow back...?
When Diavolo imprisons Belphie you'll notice he DOESN'T make any threats. He isn't even being tortured, as far as we know, just imprisoned. No flirting for him!
And hey, Lesson 16 makes a lot more sense now, doesn't it!!
Solomon feeding demons his cooking comes across as an extremely crass manner of flirting but he's so endearing about it.
;kljdfgdghj OH MY GOD AND THAT'S RIGHT. Remember Mammon's absolutely pathetic tough guy act when we first meet him?
Don't be a pain or he'll EAT you! He's a big bad demon! He could devour your soul without a second thought, you know!
No wonder everyone realizes Mammon has a crush on you - he is blatantly flirting with you from the very start.
You ignore him so he steps up his game by turning into your sidekick and helping you out with literally everything you ask.
But even in a culture of directness (where you decline/destroy unsatisfactory advances) there will be points of awkwardness. And misunderstandings. GOD the misunderstandings!!! I LOVE EM!!
So much!! Cultural exchange!!! To be done! Stop flirting with threats you massive douchebags! XD
And ofc they do after season 1 which is such a shame bc I could take some more threatening flirting. Just... a little. And I'd be happy to DO some threatening flirting, too, which will maybe be Part 3 (with some season 2/3 spoilers) SOOO...
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morallygay · 2 years
🟩⬜️⬛️ Animes for aro/ace people - Part 1 ⬛️⬜️🟪
part 2 here
-shows in which (a) character(s) has/have shown lack of interest or disinterest in romance and/or sex🔻
-shows that as a whole have little to no romance and/or sex in them or are not romance focused🔹
I encourage anyone to reply/reblog with ideas/suggestions of animes that could qualify (especially aroallo people since you are the least represented and, basically being the opposite myself, I will not necessarily notice it). This is an ever expanding list (in theory. when i remember to come back to it) :)
This is a completely personal list based on what animes made me consciously think “aspec vibes”; it’s not guaranteed that you vibe with my taste, but surely a few people will, and this is for them. Since I’ve seen a lot of animes while aroace, I’m one of the few people who could make this post, so here, finally I made it.
To me canon and the intentions of the author are very important and obviously change completely the context of the ‘representation’. The worst feeling is expecting representation and being disappointed and invalidated, so I will make clear what kind and level of representation it is and if intended (to my understanding/intuition) or not. Let’s start by saying that, in case you were born yesterday, we don’t exist according to media and anime is no exception so expect most of those to not canonically be aromantic or asexual, and that even if the author intended in some cases to make them in practice aro/ace, it is most likely in a way that is oblivious to the actual existence of these orientations (the words are never used for sure), ex. it’s supposed to be a quirk / personality trait and not an actual sexuality. Also I have a taste for seinen so there will be an overrepresentation of that. With that said, let’s go.
"Saiki Kusuo No Psi Nan" / "The Disastrous Life Of Saiki K" (like 50 episodes but you will not see the time pass)🔻
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Definitely the n.1 aroace anime. It’s a comedy. The protagonist is an absolute aroace icon. He explicitly expressed multiple times that he doesn't get and is disinterested in romance/sex and those facts are pillars of the show and the comedy. He loves sweets. You can also see him as demi. However the (aro/ace) label is obviously never used since the author is probably unaware of this sexuality's existence. It's the kind of representation that is not intended as representation. He is ‘nonhuman’ aroace rep; the fact that he is a psychic and basically a god is intended as the reason for his lack of interest/attraction.
warning: in season 3 he loses his powers and it is implied that because of that he is now a Normal boy and therefore allo. and he shows attraction for the first and only time in the commercial breaks animations lmao. traumatizing 😔. that didn’t happen in the manga anyway so just bear with it and ignore it.
Otherwise there is a lot of romance in this show and instances of sexual attraction, and it has a lot of other problems. It probably doesn’t pass the bechdel test for like the first and a half season. But it really is funny— hilarious even. It’s also very problematic. Still definitely recommend and it is very empowering to watch as an aroace, but keeping all that in mind.
“Barakamon” (12 episodes)🔻
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The protagonist is canonically asexual in the manga apparently. I haven’t read it but in the anime at least he did in fact show disinterest and confusion over sexual attraction. No info romantic orientation-wise. It isn’t perfect (there was a whole thing about a character that is a homophobic fujoshi and other instances of unfunny humor like that) but it’s an cute slice of life I suppose.
“Dr Stone” (35 episodes + 3rd season coming soon)🔻
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The protagonist never showed romantic or sexual attraction and explicitly showed disinterest to both at times. He literally got married for practical reasons and divorced hours later. Aroace king. Here too his lack of interest may be intended as a joke to show that he is Logical and too busy with Science to have time for bullshit like “love”, but it’s not like he can’t be both so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. There is some annoying fanservice and the female characters have terrifying eyes as you can see above but I digress, overall it’s really good + there’s other types of queer rep in the manga apparently but I haven’t read it yet.
“Ore Monogatari” / “My Love Story” (24 episodes)🔻
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A very sweet and good romance anime. In this one the side character (on the right) is heavily implied to be on both the aromantic and asexual spectrums, and there was a whole mini-arc about him and that near the end of the anime. Very wholesome.
“Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun” / “Monthly Girls’ Nozaki-kun” (12 episodes + 1 OVA)🔻
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A hilarious romantic comedy that I highly recommend in general. The protagonist’s crush is super aroace in the anime and it’s very funny and validating/empowering. It’s supposed to be read as him being oblivious for the sake of comedy, and he still is her love interest so in the manga — which goes much further — he slowly starts to develop feelings too. I see him as demiromantic. There are 2 other characters that have shown confusion / lack of interest about sexual attraction (one only appears in the manga) that I see as alloace. Also everyone (yes the aroace guy included) is bi. Not canonically of course but yeah. Watch it (unless you’re the type that doesn’t do ships, then you can pass on this one).
“Shingeki No Kyojin” / “Attack On Titan” (87 episodes + the last season coming soon)🔹
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Classic masterpiece in the making but I’m not here to talk about that. Romance exists in the show in the way that it exists in real life so it would be unrealistic to not have it. The show itself is not focused on romance at all, and there is no unnecessary forced romance either. The female characters are not sexualized at all and there are virtually no comment/scene that show sexual attraction, to the point where I wonder if isayama (the author) is not asexual as well. This is a show where it’s hard to find any characters who you can prove are allo; this is how irrelevant both romance and sexual attraction are.
“Beelzebub” (60 episodes)🔻
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This one is a mostly episodic comedy. The protagonist has big aroace vibes. He is supposed to be read as oblivious (which he also definitely is, but I see him as both) and too dumb to be horny or something. There is a lot of fanservice (respectful one though (well, as respectful as fanservice can be??)) and his best friend’s entire personality is being a pervert and that’s really annoying. Plus one of the main recurring characters is a ‘predatory gay’ walking joke. Despite my very low tolerance for stuff like that I still personally somehow love this anime and find it very funny in the end. I haven’t read the manga.
“Yagate Kimi Ni Naru” / “Bloom Into You” (13 episodes)🔻
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A wlw romance in which the protagonist is aspec, and this is obviously relevant and touched upon. Definitely arospec and most likely acespec too (can’t remember exactly). There is also an aromantic side character that enjoys consuming romance but has zero interest in personally participating in it.
“Banana Fish” (24 episodes)🔹(🔻)
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The 2 main characters are mlm love interests, and their relationship isn’t sexual at all. The show itself does deal with the theme of sexual abuse, and it’s a recurring relevant topic so trigger warning for that (but not in a romanticized/fetishized way at all). Their relationship being romantic is technically not canon either but it’s subtext (the kind that if it was straight no one would question it). They’re called “best friends 😊” to the end lol so. yeah. It can be frustrating from a gay rep standpoint but at the same time also right up your alley if you want queerplatonic greyromantic (asexual) stuff.
This one is a bit of a tangent but mlm rep in anime that isn’t sexual is so rare so I wanted to include it since I’m an mlm aspec and this is just like me fr. Also it’s a must watch in general.
“Paripi Koumei” / “Ya Boy Kongming” (12 episodes)🔹
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This anime is wild (complimentary). The main theme is music, but this description can’t do it justice. Anyway the show is completely devoid of romance (at least as of now with 1 season. I haven’t read the manga) but full of sweet friendships and heartwarming interactions. The kind of thing to show to someone who says that romance is a necessary part of humanity and that life is less meaningful without it. I totally headcanon the protag (blonde girl) as aro.
“Acca 13” (12 episodes)🔹
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A seriously underrated show. This one is on this list because it was very satisfying to watch as an aroace person. There is no focus on romance. There are characters who are attracted to other characters but it’s not relevant or used for frustrating unnecessary drama or anything, it’s actually in a very refreshingly chill, matter-of-fact way, and it never goes farther than that. It’s so unique in this way I can’t really explain it well, but it’s pretty cool.
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simpywhore · 3 years
Obey me characters getting jealous
Lucifer - Seems fine on the outside but on the inside, he’s trying his best to not kill that person on spot because it would cause a huge chaos. So instead, he decided to give the person death glares till they got the hint and leave in one whole piece if he thinks they deserve his merciness. But if they’re intentionally ignoring his threats warnings, he will take matters into his own hands. (might not come back out in one whole piece <3)  Would not hesitate to demolish them right where they are, if they are acting inappropriately towards you. 
Mammon - Ah yes your lil tsundere puppy is here to save the day. He only barks but he doesn’t bite. He’ll make up excuses for you to leave with him like “Come on mc, help me with my homework, I don’t understand it”  or “How about leaving that loser and coming with me instead yea?” or “I’ll get your favorite snack, just leave them”. Would literally get offended if you insist on staying with whoever you’re with. He’d go like “HUHHHH? Why stay with them when you have The Great Mammon to accompany you??” Oh yea if you tease him about it, he would deny it to his grave.  “You should grateful that The Great Mammon is with you human >:0″ and “JEALOUS?! I’M NOT JEALOUS- I JUST DON’T THINK THEY’RE UP TO ANY GOOD”.
Leviathan -  Well...he is the Avatar Of Envy afterall, soooo I hope you’re expecting someone to go missing that day. Defo went back to his room as if nothing had happened. He even tried to persuade you to study from home, which didn’t really work since Lucifer literally dragged you back to school. But guess what? He actually forced himself to GO TO SCHOOL just so he can keep a close eye on you. (just in case, a normie tries to flirt with you like last time, you were a bit too oblivious to their flirts so you thought they were just being friendly.) “Hey mc check out this new game/anime I found” “You should go watch it with me instead” “Come by my room, I’ve just received my new akuzon delivery”.
Satan - Yea no, trying to bottle up his anger ended up in him exploding from rage. Oh he’s not even shameful that he decided to straight went feral on that student who just flirted with you just a moment ago. Manz was proud too. 🕺 Guess you have a new scary dog privilege now. The fact that he got into detention and meet Lucifer is hilarious tho. Lucifer sighed and gave him a 2 hour lecture back home, which should’ve been 5 hours at first but he changed his mind since it’s for you. Lucifer thinks it’s not as bad as the pranks Satan pulled on him, so 2 hours should be enough. Satan on the other hand was completely ignorant of Lucifer’s lecture, all the words went form one ear and out the other. 
Asmodeus - Some basic and not so fabulous, and also not to mention low ranking demon trying to date you? Please don’t make him laugh, he’s literally the Avatar Of Lust himself. They should be aware that he’s YOURS and you’re HIS and ONLY his.  “Awe and what do we have here? Ahahaha YOU, with mc?” “Oh that’s just funny, no way you’d be suit for mc.” “Hmm isn’t it quite obvious that me and mc are together already?”  He kept on that “Imma end this man’s whole career” smile while talking to the shaking demon who was this close 🤏 to shitting their pants. 
Beelzebub - Okay so this precious giant teddy bear doesn’t really mind people being clingy or a bit flirty with you, he’s a uhhh little oblivious that’s all. But if they ever cross the line, he won’t hesitate to yeet their ass. Actually all he has to do is walk up to them and they’d be bolting away, no one wants to mess with 6′4 foot tall muscular giant. (He’s so sweet tho ~(TヘT)~) Just his appearance alone is enough to scare them all away lmao.
Belphagor - Since he doesn’t really get out that much, he’s not involved in those scenarios but there’s this one time when he went to the human world and some creep was staring at you. Ooooooh boy he went all out. And return back to napping on your lap as if he didn’t just beat the crap out of a person (for a good reason tho). Mc = Is that blood on your face Belphie? Belphie =  Mhm what do you mean? No it’s not. Mc = What is it then? Belphie = Ketchup.
Solomon - Being the powerful sorcerer he is, he cursed their asses lmao. Made them do embarrassing things everytime they meet you. While he be having the time of his life enjoying them humiliate themselves right in front of you. For example: Slipping and falling flat on their faces while you stood there grabbing your books and staring at them like 👁️👄👁️💧. 2nd example: Walking to school and waving at you when they oh so unfortunately stepped on some caca. 3rd example:  They always seem to fart out of nowhere when you’re with them. 4th example: Ripped pants and walking around R.A.D with their spiderman boxers.
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kaypeace21 · 2 years
i think with noah's interview and confirming that will's gay and in love with mike; and that the duffer brothers have been building it up since season 1, i'll be anticipating for a big payoff in s5. they can just build up byler and make it unrequited. it doesn't make sense plus it completely deviates from all the subtexts and hints they've given us for four seasons already.
I agree that it wouldn't make sense to not have byler endgame. And to do all this set up just for it to be unrequited. I've been pointing out all the subtext for years. And yes , there is alot of queer subtext in s1. That made it pretty obvious Will was gay and even hinted that mike wasn't straight either. Which my followers know I've talked about extensively. I also pointed out how most of the byler scenes were initiated by mike in s1-2. And how s1, 2, 3 and 4 still had a bunch of byler subtext for both Will and Mike. One of the positive aspects about s4 byler is that they showed it's not simply mike always taking care of Will. But that it's mutual: Will also takes care of and checks on mike's emotions too. The best part of their relationship: is that they actually talk to eachother about their feelings . And s4 pretty much confirmed Will is gay and in love with Mike (to the oblivious fans who missed all the prior hints in past seasons- but hilariously there were still "gay- Will" deniers after s4).
Which is why I need byler to not just be subtext anymore (because alot of queerbaits are subtext). Byler may be endgame in s5. But it's tiring that we only get subtext,and m*leven gets a whole love confession (even if behind the subtext we know mike didn't fall in love right after seeing her, the vines tightening around El as mike spoke, the fact some of mike's line were literally identical to brenner's speech to el , not even getting into the superhero line again, or how awkward the 2's dynamic is after the confession .) Plus, in s4 (and prior seasons) they constantly show Elmike parallel familial dynamics - probably to hint it's familial love (not romantic love). But, in spite of that, plenty of people will take the romantic confession as straight forward confirmation for m*leven.
Right now if they wanted they could theoretically still sell out- and go the cliche route (with m*leven etc). They retcon all the time anyways. And alot of the general audience wouldn't question how it contradicts - the narrative, character arcs ,the background details, subtext/dialogue, etc.
So at this point- I really think the love confession was a poor choice. Even if it's meant to subvert expectations . They just lost a lot of queer fans' trust and m*levens would have some right to be upset in s5 (if byler is canon.)
And yeah the fact El (originally) In s1 was supposed to die and be 2 years younger than mike .Doesn't scream romantic endgame. Not to mention how unhealthy they are as a couple - but I can't always expect people not to sell out. Or even write healthy romances.
I'm hoping for the best... but they still lost my trust a lot (given certain elements in s4). The way they handled certain story beats besides byler /m*leven (but also the whole lucas /erica fights + how they planned on k*lling max originally- going against the whole vecna allegory of max "running up that hill" to overcome her su*cidal thoughts). It just made me question their writing. Did s4 have alot of positive elements though- yeah, it would be a lie to say otherwise.
Do I still think byler was the original plan, and could possibly still be endgame- yes. Alot of evidence points to byler being endgame: the byler subtext in literal every season (even making direct contrasts/parallels of byler to m*leven).While m*leven has relationahip issues every season they date. And mike/el dating brings out the worst in eachother, and literally every season when they get back together they undo all their past character arcs/lessons. They don't improve. M*even in s3 and 4: they ignore their friends for eachother, lie to eachother, fight, say I love you. Wash and repeat. Mike in the beginning of s4 is hero worshiping el- is it solved in s4 , nope. Just double downed on that mike hero worships rather than sees her as his gf. And even before dating it was hinted it wouldn't be healthy (el's spying , jealousy,etc)- so I'm not surprised. Plus, how s4 ended, and how alot of the films that inspired s4 -have couples that parallel byler. And also because Will in s5 is "supposedly" a primary focus again. But do I 100% trust the duffers to actually give us endgame byler like I used to - no.
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thejolteonmastertj · 3 years
Daida & Bojji
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to be honest, at first I was a little disappointed when it seemed like they might be going down a “becomes a nicer person because they experience pain” type of schtick with Daida.
But. Then episode 11 happened. Holy heck.
Oh my actual god, I legitimately did not expect this show to go this hard, to hit this nail so directly on the head.
Um, CW, for literal eugenics.
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So, basically.. um.. what this strongly implies... is... Daida was ok with his brother being assassinated... probably... because... he thought death would be mercy for his brother. That’s what I’m getting from this whole development.
This... is not exactly what I expected, but wow. Wow. This show is not holding anything back. Nada. They’re going all in.
Daida was simultaneously jealous of, yet also pitied his brother, and he faced pressure from all directions to be not just his brother’s guardian, but to be a strong king to protect the weak... the latter he seems to be beginning to internalize only now?
The idea that his brother has a stronger will to be able to go on living is a seed likely planted for later (usually I’d be concerned about this idea becoming problematic, but given the show’s track record so far, especially in how ableism is focused on much more than the disability itself, I’m not too worried.)
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Nonetheless, to sum it all up, it’s clear that his feelings towards his brother are complex, nuanced, and changing.
We know he cared enough for his brother to reflect and begin feeling guilty once he realized his mistakes in the mindrealm or whatever it is he’s stuck in...
Yet not everything is explained yet. There’s still a little ambiguity, we don’t know explicitly what his thoughts are on all the ideas he was confronted with during that walk through town. Many seeds were planted, and of/c the story may have a few twists & surprises in-store.
In-fact most of the clues we got way back in episode 1 and 2 have yet to be outright confirmed or expanded on. There’s evidently much, much more to come in the ways of development and flashbacks, likely being saved for later in the story.
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For starters, right from the beginning it was evident that
Daida knew Bojji could lip-read.
That one scene when he tried to challenge Bojji? Pay close attention. Although directly addressing Domas, he also had his body and head turned subtly towards Bojji the whole time, even made prolonged eye contact, ensuring Bojji could understand what he’s saying.
Further, he was also completely unsurprised when Bojji responded affirmatively to “I won’t go easy on you brother,” even seemed to expect a response.
Right from the beginning It was clear these two were very close at one point.
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The story’s avoided confirming whether or not Daida knows Sign Language
The only reason he had to ask what Domas signed one time is his back was pointedly turned to Daida at the time, Daida couldn’t see. Perhaps they’re saving the reveal for an emotional moment?
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Nonetheless I am on board af with the hilariously obvious foreshadowing to a future struggle where Daida, despite expecting, even being literally raised to protect his brother, ultimately being the one saved by Bojji.
Yes Daida, your stubborn ass is gonna need to accept help from ur disabled brother.
This is awesome, y’all have no idea. Main reason I liked Kimetsu No Yaiba is I got to laugh at all the times the obliviously stubborn “I must protect my sister!” Tanjirro would be saved by said sister, but for this sort of plot to be intentional? Holding absolutely nothing back in worldbuilding the ablest society, and in setting up the dramatic context for the characters? hell yes.
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cheerscoops · 2 years
You Be Me and I’ll Be You
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Eddie Munson
Summary: Inspired by a tiktok that I saw a few nights ago and can’t stop thinking about  by user: ladythugs - Steve and Eddie decide to dress up as each other for Halloween and turn it into a competition.
CW/TW: None. This is pure fluff and silliness and oblivious pining
Word Count: 3K
* * *
“You’ve lost your mind, Munson,” Steve said with a small laugh.
The group had been discussing their upcoming Halloween plans, and when Steve admitted that he didn’t have a costume planned out, Eddie had the brilliant idea that they should dress as each other.
“C’mon. It’ll be fun,” Eddie said as he nudged Steve with his elbow. “And haven’t you always wanted to get in my pants anyway?”
Steve didn’t know if he wanted to slap the smirk off of Eddie’s face or kiss it away. All he knew was that the way Eddie was looking at him was making him blush, and he hated it. Or he hated the fact that he didn’t hate it. The metalhead had always been somewhat flirtatious with his banter, but he’d grown more and more bold with it lately. Steve was surprised to find that he wasn’t completely opposed to flirting with him, but he was too chicken to actually act on it in any way.
Before his brain could restart and come up with an adequate response, Robin interjected herself into the conversation.
“He’s right,” she said. “It would be hilarious, and you could turn it into a competition.”
“A competition?”
“Yeah. The best costume of the other wins something. We could all vote on it. And, think of all the joy it would bring your friends to see this precious face pretending to be a badass.” She reached over to lovingly pinch Steve’s cheek.
“Okay, so if I agree to this,” he started after swatting Robin’s hand away, “And I’m not saying that I agree to this. But if I were to agree to this, and we did turn it into a competition, I think we’d need to set some ground rules.”
“Such as?”
“Well, I don’t think either of us really wants to have to go out and buy clothes for this, so it only makes sense that we’d be able to raid each other’s closets for our costumes. And, we wouldn’t be able to show what we’ve chosen to anyone until the party because it would be more entertaining if it was a surprise.”
“Does that mean you wouldn’t be allowed in your own room while I’m going through your clothes?”
“As long as you’re not doing anything pervy in there, yeah. Our costumes should be a surprise to each other, too.”
“Relax, Harrington. I’m not gonna steal your tighty whities if that’s what you’re thinking. I can agree to your conditions though. Anything else?”
“What do I win when I end up having a better costume than you?”
“How about a dare?”
“A dare? Are we still in middle school?”
“You’re just scared of what I’ll make you do when I win.”
“I’m not scared.”
“Then you’ll have no problem agreeing to this competition.”
“Fine,” Steve said as he stuck out his hand for Eddie to shake. “You’re on. But, when I win, you’re streaking across the football field during the next home game.”
“Aww, Steve,” Eddie said with a devilish smirk as he gripped his hand, “If you wanted to see me naked, all you had to do was ask.”
* * *
Two days before the Halloween party, Eddie showed up on Steve’s doorstep.
“I’m here on a mission to collect my costume Harrington,” he said as he leaned against the doorframe. “Lead the way to your room and then make yourself scarce so I can grab what I need.”
Steve stepped aside to make room for Eddie to enter his house before making his way upstairs and down the hall to his room. He hadn’t realized it when he initially agreed to it, but the idea of Eddie having unsupervised access to his bedroom made him nervous for reasons he couldn’t fully explain. He was pretty sure he didn’t have anything to hide, but that didn’t stop him from worrying about what Eddie might find.
“Okay, so pretty much everything is in the closet,” Steve said as he opened his bedroom door, “but there’s some stuff in the dresser, and there’s a basket of laundry I haven’t put away yet, too.”
“Anything off limits?” Eddie asked. He tossed the duffle bag he was carrying onto Steve’s bed and made his way over to the closet.
“I’ve gotta work tomorrow, so you can’t take my Family Video vest, but anything else should be okay.” He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the wall.
“Noted. Now get out so I can get started.” Eddie made a shooing motion with his hands.
“I’ll be down in the den if you need anything. Just let me know when you’re done.”
Once he was back downstairs, Steve tried to focus on the movie that he’d been watching, but his mind kept wandering back upstairs to where Eddie was combing through his closet and drawers looking for who knows what to make his costume. This definitely wasn’t what he’d imagined Eddie would be doing the first time he entered his room. Not that Steve ever thought about that. Or at least, he didn’t think about it often.
So, instead of following along with whatever was happening in the slasher film in front of him, he thought about Eddie finding the drawer full of sweaters that his mom bought him to wear for the family Christmas card every year, and Eddie making snarky comments about how neat and organized his closet was, and just Eddie.
He was so lost in thought that he didn’t realize that Eddie had made his way back downstairs until the older boy had gripped his shoulder from behind, causing him to jump at least a foot off the couch.
“Jesus, Munson. Don’t do that.”
“You’re jumpier than I thought you’d be for someone who’s battled monsters on more than one occasion,” Eddie said as he climbed over the back of the couch to take a seat next to Steve.
“Yeah, well, I didn’t hear you coming, and it’s only because I’m watching a scary movie. If it had been anything else, I wouldn’t have reacted that way.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night.”
"So, did you find what you were looking for?" Steve asked, trying to change the subject.
Eddie held up his duffle bag. "Got everything I need right here. Get ready for the dare of your life, Harrington. I've got this competition in the bag."
"In your dreams."
Steve watched as Eddie turned his attention toward the TV. Nightmare on Elm Street was playing, and the scene where Nancy's boyfriend was about to meet his demise had just started.
"You know, if we hadn't made this bet, I'd suggest you be him for Halloween," Eddie said as he pointed at the screen. "I think you could pull off a crop top."
"I'm pretty sure my crop top days are behind me. The demobats kinda ruined the appeal."
"What are you talking about? You could still pull it off. Besides, ladies love scars."
What about you? Do you love scars? Steve was surprised by his thoughts, but he was still too afraid to say them out loud. He didn't understand what he was feeling, and he didn't know if Eddie was even actually into him anyway. He couldn't tell if it was flirting or if that was just the way that Eddie was. He didn't know if Eddie even liked guys. Hell, Steve didn't know if he liked guys himself. All he knew was that he was starting to think that he liked Eddie.
So, instead of saying what he was still too afraid to say, he turned his attention back towards the TV again, and watched the rest of the movie in silence.
* * *
The next day, Steve headed to Eddie's trailer as soon as his shift at Family Video was over. He realized that he probably shouldn't have waited until the last minute to come and get a costume, but he was never all that great about planning for things in advance, so it was a late night visit to the trailer park for him.
“Finally come to pick out a costume?” Eddie asked when he saw that it was Steve at his door. “I was kind of hoping you’d forget to come over and let me win by default.”
“Sorry to disappoint,” Steve said with a shrug as he stepped into the trailer.
“Don’t be. It’ll be more fun for me when I win if you actually try.”
Eddie led the way back to his bedroom and stood aside to let Steve enter the room.
“Anything off limits?” Steve asked.
“Go nuts.”
Steve shut Eddie out of the room and stood back trying to determine where to start. There was a part of him that wanted nothing more than to snoop around the room and see what he could learn about the boy who wouldn’t leave his thoughts. But it looked like Eddie hadn’t snooped through his room when he’d left, so he was trying to give him the same courtesy.
Instead, Steve moved about the room grabbing the clothes that he needed to put together the look he was going for and shoving them in his backpack. Despite the chaos that was Eddie’s room, he found pretty much everything that he needed relatively quickly. There was just one thing he still needed.
“Finished already?” Eddie asked from his spot lounging on the sofa when Steve exited his bedroom.
“Almost.” Steve walked towards the couch and stood over Eddie. “Give me your hand.”
“You wanna hold my hand, Stevie? I didn’t realize you were such a romantic.”
“I just wanted your rings,” Steve said, trying not to let his brain short circuit.
“You wound me.” Eddie feigned offense and placed his hands over his heart. “I guess you can have the rings, too. But, if you lose any of them, I might have to kill you.”
“I promise I won’t lose them.”
Steve watched as Eddie slowly took off his rings trying to memorize where he wore each one. On his right ring finger, he wore a simple silver ring, and in order from his index finger to his ring finger, he wore a cross with skulls, a hog’s head, and a fanged skull on the left hand. He had never been so mesmerized by the simple act of someone taking off their rings, but then again, no one had ever really caught his attention in the way that Eddie had before.
Eddie took Steve’s hand in his and placed his rings on Steve’s upturned palm before curling his fingers around them. Steve felt a jolt of electricity surge through his body as their fingers brushed together, and he couldn’t help but wonder if he was the only one feeling it.
He took the rings and carefully zipped them into the front pocket of his backpack.
“I’ll guard these with my life,” he promised.
“You better. So, you wanna stay and hang out for a while? Maybe watch a movie?”
“As much as I’d like to, I probably shouldn’t. I’ve gotta open tomorrow, and I’m sick of Keith yelling at me for coming in late.”
“Yeah, I get it. I’ll see you at the party then?”
“Definitely. Prepare to lose, Munson.”
“In your dreams, Harrington.”
* * *
When Steve arrived at the Halloween party, Eddie was the only one left to arrive. Somehow, Robin had convinced Nancy to dress as the Magenta to her Riff Raff, and the two were deep in conversation with Will the Wise and Jonathan who had once again dressed as a guy who didn’t care about Halloween. El was wearing a witch’s outfit that would have looked somewhat juvenile on anyone else but suited her perfectly, and Mike was dressed as Luke Skywalker. Lucas was sitting in the corner pouting next to Max. Both of them were dressed as Han Solo.
“All I’m saying is that if you’re going to ask me to wear a couple’s costume with you, you should maybe specify which part of the couple you wanted to be,” Max said with a smirk.
“And all I’m saying is that it’s pretty obvious that I would want to be Han Solo when given the choice between him and Princess Leia.”
Steve had to suppress a laugh at that one. Only Max would choose to mess with Lucas in that way.
“Alright, let me see the costume,” Dustin said as he approached Steve, grabbing the attention of everyone in the room. From the amount of time he’d spent with Dustin and Eddie, he knew that his friend was dressed up as some sort of DnD character, but he couldn’t have told you which one if his life depended on it.
Steve took a step forward and slowly turned in front of friends. He had Eddie’s look nailed perfectly. He had started with a pair of Eddie’s ripped jeans and his Hellfire Club shirt. On top of that went the leather jacket and the battle vest. He’d even tried to get all of his accessories in from the chain on his jeans and the bandana in his back pocket to the rings and his guitar pick necklace.
“I’m actually impressed,�� Robin told him. “I really didn’t think you were going to be able to pull this off.”
“Your lack of faith in me is shocking.”
“She’s got a point,” Dustin added. “We all kind of figured that you’d forget to go and get a costume.”
“I’m deeply offended.”
“So, when did you remember to pick up your costume then?” Robin asked.
“I rest my case.”
The general consensus from the group was that Steve went above and beyond their expectations, and he was pretty sure that it was going to be impossible for Eddie to beat him now. What was he going to do? Show up in a striped polo? There was no typical look of Steve’s that could compete with how well he’d nailed Eddie’s day to day appearance. He had this competition in the bag.
And then, Eddie arrived at the party. He took one step into the room and twirled the ice cream scoop in his hand before sticking it in the holster on his shorts. Steve buried his face in the palm of his hand as the rest of the group started to cheer. Eddie Munson had shown up in his Scoops Ahoy uniform.
“You came as Popeye!” Robin said, trying and failing to hold in her laughter.
“You’ve gotta be kidding me,” Steve groaned. “Out of everything in my closet, you had to pick that? How did you even know that existed?”
“You think I never saw you wearing this while you were working?” Eddie asked. “Just because I never actually went into that ice cream shop doesn’t mean I was never at the mall. I just preferred the cheap Chinese food when I was in the food court.”
Eddie adjusted the sailor hat on his head and gave a little spin to show off his outfit before he grabbed Steve’s hand and pulled him to the stand in the center of the room with him.
“I think we should put Steve here out of his misery and conduct our vote already. I’m ready to be declared the winner and collect my prize.”
“They could still vote for me,” Steve insisted. “I still have a chance.”
“No, you don’t,” Dustin said. “All in favor of Steve winning, raise your hand.”
No one moved.
“Now, all in favor of Eddie winning.”
Everyone’s hands shot up.
“Eddie Munson is the winner!” The group applauded as Eddie made a show of bowing.
“Thank you. Thank you. Your votes mean the world to me,” he said. “I have so many people to thank for this award. Robin for suggesting this be a competition in the first place because without her there’d be nothing for me to win. And Harrington over here for not throwing away this gem of a uniform. This honor is as much yours as it is mine because I don’t think I could have won in any other outfit.”
“I don’t know,” Nancy said as she sipped her drink. “I probably still would have voted for you if you showed up in that one yellow sweater.”
“You all are a bunch of traitors,” Steve said as he walked over to where they’d set up the refreshments. “I’ll remember this betrayal the next time any of you want me to drive you anywhere or ignore your late fees at Family Video.”
“I can’t help with the car, but I can also ignore your late fees if he won’t,” Robin interjected.
“Double betrayer.”
“I’ve gotta say,” Eddie said as he joined Steve at the refreshments table, “You don’t look half bad in my clothes. I think they’d look better on my bedroom floor though.”
“I’m pretty sure half of your clothes were already there,” Steve said with a smirk.
“You might be right about that.” Eddie looked down at his hands, and Steve thought that this was maybe the first time he didn’t look confident about what he was going to say next.
“So, I think I know what I want my dare to be.”
“You came up with one that quickly?”
“Says the guy who had a dare picked out the second I said that should be the prize.”
“Fair enough. So, what’s the dare?”
“I dare you to go out with me.”
“Like, on a date?”
“Yeah,” Eddie said as he made eye contact. “A date. I dare you to go on a date with me next Friday. Work schedule permitting.”
If Steve hadn’t known whether or not Eddie was really flirting with him before, he certainly had his answer now.
“Alright,” Steve said. “You’re on. Pick me up at seven.”
“Seven it is.”
Steve took a sip of the drink he’d poured and smirked over at Eddie.
“You know, you wasted your dare. Could have made me do something really juicy.”
“I could have?”
“Eddie, if you wanted to go out with me, all you had to do was ask.”
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gamergirl929 · 3 years
Your Obliviousness Knows No Bounds  (Preath x Reader)
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Never did Christen Press or Tobin Heath expect that they’d fall for someone else as they had with Y/N, now if only the couple could bypass the reader’s obliviousness to let her know how they feel. 
Though they’d find that, that would be a rather daunting task. 
You were completely and utterly clueless to their intentions, which annoyed Tobin and Christen to no end, though your obliviousness was actually adorable to the two of them.  
The pair had been equally interested in you since you’d joined the USWNT, over a year ago, though they’d known you since their time at Manchester United, where you’d also been their teammate.  
You were skilled, incredibly skilled, and had a personality much like Emily’s and Kelley’s, which meant you fit right in when it came to the USWNT.  
You were prone to hilarious antics along with the other babies of the team, even though you were considerably older, but it was okay considering Kelley was also in on the antics as well, despite her age.  
Both Christen and Tobin found themselves equally drawn to you when you met, and soon that interest developed into something far more, something the pair had discussed at length.
The moment you joined the USWNT, you were drawn to the two, considering you knew them more so than you did the others.  
The more time you spent together, the closer you’d gotten, though Christen and Tobin’s advances had gone unnoticed, cluing them in to your utter obliviousness. 
Once when Tobin put an arm around you, you’d blushed, thinking that Tobin had mistaken you for Christen and swapping seats with the forward.  
The two had blatantly flirted with you, and as to be expected, it completely went over your head, which meant the two had to step up their game.  
The night the team decided to go out for a night on the town and you declined, Christen and Tobin had shared a glance, the two seeing this as their chance to finally tell you how they’d felt about you and express the fact that they wanted you to join their relationship.  
“Hey, we’ll stay with you.” Christen gives you a nudge and you grin.  
You’d enjoyed not only her company, but Tobin’s as well, more so than you’d admit when asked.  
Tobin throws an arm around you, her hand resting on your side.  
“Yeah, why not?” She grins and your cheeks flush.  
The others send Christen and Tobin a knowing smirk, each and every one of them knowing full-well what they had planned, it seemed as if you were the only one who didn’t know they were interested in you.  
“Just try and keep it PG13.” Kelley smirks, Tobin and Christen’s eyes widening.  
Again though, it completely goes over your head.  
“PG13 is boring.” You snort, completely thrown off when Kelley barks out a laugh.  
Alex grabs the defender’s wrist, tugging her away from the three of you, the defender still snickering.  
“Come on, let’s leave these three alone.” Alex sends Tobin a wink, the forward’s cheeks flushing.  
You watch the team make their way out of the hotel before you turn towards Tobin and Christen, a grin plastered on your face.  
“So, what's the plan?"  
The yawn you let out is lengthy as you make your way out of the bathroom and into the room where Christen and Tobin are waiting for you, the pair turning your way with matching grins.  
You make your way towards the bed, about to sit beside Christen, but before you can she grabs your wrist.  
“Here.” She smiles, tugging you in between the two of them, your cheeks flushing when you feel Christen’s thumb caress the back of your hand.  
“Th-Thanks.” You stammer, turning to Tobin with a smile, the corners of the forward’s eyes crinkling as she grins your and Christen’s way.  
“Are we smashing?” You ask, Christen and Tobin freezing, their eyes wide as they lock before they turn their attention back to you.  
“Wh-What!?” Tobin stutters and your brows furrow.  
“Smash?” You point towards the controllers on the bed and Tobin chuckles, her cheeks flushing bright red.  
“O-O-Oh, ye-yeah.”  
Christen bites her bottom lip, the woman sending her girlfriend a wink, letting her know, wordlessly, that she’d thought exactly the same thing she’d been thinking.
Tobin pouts.  
Smash had never disappointed her until this very moment, that disappointment melts away when you grab the controller, your eyes narrowed.  
“Ummm, I don’t know how to...” You hold the controller up and Tobin smiles, scooting closer, the smell of her perfume clouding your senses.  
“Let me teach you.”  
You didn’t know teaching meant Tobin held your hand so much, you didn’t mind, but you worried Christen did, considering she kept glaring in Tobin’s direction, but that was only because she was getting to hold your hand and Christen wasn’t.  
The longer the game went on, the closer the pair had gotten to you, their thighs touching your own, your shoulders bumping theirs every so often.  
You surmised that meant the two wanted to be closer, so when you started to get up, the two turned to you in confusion.  
“Where are you going?” Tobin asks, visibly pouting and you shrug.  
“I figured you two wanted to sit closer together, I was going to-
“Ugh, for fucks sake Y/N.” Christen growls, the woman face palming.  
“Wh-What?” You ask in confusion, your head on a swivel as you look between the two women.  
“You’re so clueless Y/N.” Tobin pinches the bridge of her nose, the wrinkle between your brows deepening.  
“What do you mean...?”  
Christen stares at you for a moment, simply stares, before she lurches forwards, cupping your cheeks and pulling you into a kiss, something that catches you completely off guard, the remote in your hand falling to the bed as your hands hover in mid-air.  
Tobin’s eyes widen, the woman trying to decipher the look on your face, but all she can see is your wide eyes and unmoving lips.  
Christen pulls back abruptly, the forward cringing.  
“I-I-I'm so sorry, I-
You stare at Christen blankly, forgetting to blink as your mind races.  
Tobin was stiff, the forward’s brown orbs locking with Christen’s green, the brunette still rambling nervously.  
Meanwhile you’re lost in your thoughts, thinking back to all the fleeting touches from the pair currently sitting on either side of you, the linger gazes, and soft smiles they’d direct at you and only you.  
“Chris.” Tobin places a hand on her girlfriend’s shoulder, trying to calm the stammering woman down.  
Suddenly, you bark out a laugh, your hands moving to cover your face, which is growing redder and redder by the second.  
“All this time you were trying to make a pass at me?” You ask, voice muffled by the palms of your hands, the couple glancing at one another before turning towards you.  
“I think you know the answer to that question.” Christen lets out a nervous giggle and you chuckle.  
Christen and Tobin share another glance, Tobin’s mouth opening and closing before she clears her throat.  
“So???” She asks, looking at you nervously and your brows furrow, your hands leaving your blood red face.  
“So what?” You ask, still oblivious.  
Tobin chuckles.  
“What did you uhh, think?” She asks, glancing at Christen who’s looking anywhere but at you.  
“Wait.” You still, your eyes widening.  
“B-Both of you, were making a pass at me...”  
You scoff.  
“Of course, you were, Christen would never cheat on you.” You shake your head, nervously rubbing the back of your neck.  
“I-I think...”  
You clear your throat in an attempt to keep yourself calm.  
You swallow.  
“I think that I didn’t really get a chance to enjoy that kiss.”  
Christen is unable to bite back her smile as she glances Tobin’s way, the forward smirking.  
“Does that mean you want a chance to?”  
Your mouth falls open, your cheeks heating up as you turn away from the two.  
“I mean, I wouldn’t be opposed to it-
You’re cut off mid-sentence by a pair of familiar lips, lips belonging to Christen Press.  
The kiss is soft, something that takes your breath away, Christen’s hands cupping your cheeks tenderly as your lips continue to meet again and again.  
As the two of you part, Christen rests her forehead against yours, the woman’s green orbs fluttering open well before your own.  
She can’t help but grin when she sees the blissed out smile on your face.  
“So?” Christen whispers, her forehead reluctantly leaving yours as she turns to Tobin who’s grinning at the stunned look on your face.  
Your eyes flutter open, locking with Christen’s green orbs before they dart to Tobin’s browns, the woman grinning.  
You clear your throat, still unable to find your voice.  
“I-I don’t know what to s-say...”  
Tobin hums, the forward leaning towards you.  
“And what about after this?”  
Tobin’s hand slips behind your head, the woman pulling you in for a kiss, one that takes your breath away.  
You could in no way compare the two kisses, because they were so vastly different that it couldn’t be described, much like Christen’s kiss, you craved for more, actually chasing Tobin’s lips to steal another kiss before you pull away, your eyes slowly fluttering open.  
Tobin rests her forehead against yours, her massive grin making the corners of her eyes crinkle.  
“So?” She asks, laughing when Christen’s chin rests on her shoulder, the two watching you inquisitively.  
You shake your head, chuckling, as you rest your forehead against Tobin’s.  
“I’m an idiot for not realizing what was happening sooner.”  
Christen giggles.  
“Your obliviousness is absolutely adorable.” She bumps her nose against yours and you chuckle.  
“Yeah, but if I wasn’t so oblivious, I would’ve figured it out before now...” You blush, gently taking Christen and Tobin’s hand.  
Christen caresses your hand with her fingertips.  
“That’s the past.” She bites her bottom lip.
Tobin nods.  
“Let’s focus on what you want now...”  
You pull your attention away from Christen’s hand smiling when Tobin cups your face, her thumb running along your bottom lip.  
Your tongue slips out of your mouth, swiping at your dry lips as your heart races in your chest.  
“Wh-What do you want, Y/N?” Tobin asks.  
You smile.  
“I want...”  
You pause, giving their hands a squeeze.  
“I want this.”  
You pick your head up, looking at the two women with a grin.  
“I want you.”  
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