#but the post got too long and I wanted to keep it relatively short and sweet
multicolour-ink · 11 months
Mario x Mermaid AU
Takes a little bit of inspiration from The Little Mermaid. Contains some Mareach and (platonic) brotherly love.
🐚 Mario and Luigi are merman who live in the seas of the Mushroom Kingdom. Their father, Pio, the strongest and most magic equipped of their family, has always forbid the brothers from going to the surface.
🐚 "The beings above have their own concerns. And neither do they care for ours. Our worlds are not meant to co-exist."
🐚 But Mario especially has always had an interest in the surface, and along with his brother Luigi, loves to explore old shipwrecks, collect objects from the surface that they have no idea what they are but they are cool, and playing in the various small coves on the beaches of the Mushroom Kingdom.
🐚 One day while having one of these bonding moments, the brothers notice a ship coming in, and swim up closer to investigate. Luigi is hesitant to go any further, but Mario is curious about the celebration on board. It turns out it's a birthday party for the Mushroom Kingdom's princess, Peach.
🐚 The moment Mario sees her, he's instantly entranced by her. She's the most beautiful being he has ever seen. And her voice is almost like a siren call.
🐚 Mario dares to get closer, and happens to eavesdrop on a conversation between Peach and her supervisor, Toadsworth. Peach is quite worried as a threat from the sea, the sea monster Bowser, is starting to show itself, and Peach is certain this monster wants to claim her kingdom.
🐚 Suddenly the party is interrupted by the arrival of a thunder storm. It proves to be stronger than the surface dwellers realise, and very soon the ship is overpowered and is forced to retreat.
🐚 In the chaos, Peach tries to rescue a toad subject who is about to fall in, but is thrown overboard herself. Without even thinking, Mario dives after her, with Luigi yelling after him. He pulls her unconscious body up to the surface, and swims with all the strength he has to get her to safety.
🐚 Mario manages to get the princess to a nearby beach, and stays with her until the storm subsides. During this time, he notes about how kind she was to put her subjects before herself, reflected so much in her beauty that he can't seem to draw his eyes away from...
🐚 Soon after Luigi shows up (after an almost panic induced meltdown for his brother!).
🐚 "She's so beautiful, Luigi...", Mario whispers, his eyes not leaving Peach. Luigi looks at his brother. He knows that look his older brother has. And he's both happy, and worried for him.
🐚 Just as Peach begins to wake up, the brothers hear the cries of her subjects looking for her, and quickly dive back into the sea before they are spotted.
🐚 "Princess!", Toadsworth pants, nearly beside himself. "Are you right?!"
🐚 "Oh Toadsworth...", says Peach. "A man...rescued me. He was so kind to me..."
🐚 Toadsworth and her subjects take her away to be tended to, and meanwhile Mario is on cloud nine. He drifts through the sea in a goofy daze, and Luigi smirks as he takes in the look on his brother's face.
🐚 "You're in love with her 😏", he says. Mario blushes and tells him that he's wrong!
🐚 Returning to their home, the brothers arrive to find everyone in a state of panic. The sea monster Bowser has been seen nearby, and appears to be making its way to the surface.
🐚 Mario's heart freezes, for he realises that Bowser is heading to the Mushroom Kingdom - just like Peach said!
🐚 He tells his father that they needs to go up to the surface and save them. Pio refuses, not wanting his family, and especially his sons, to get involved. But then he realises...
🐚 "There is another...", Pio says, voice shaking.
🐚 "You cannot be with them", Pio says firmly before Mario can speak. "There is nothing we can do. And don't you dare bring your brother with you. You've dragged him into this obsession long enough! Don't you dare hurt him any more!"
🐚 Mario is hurt, and flees from the room before anyone can see his tears. Luigi follows, and finds Mario frustrated and broken over what to do. He wants to help so bad, but like his father said, he can't risk putting anyone on danger, especially his brother.
🐚 After everyone is asleep, Mario sneaks out to think things over, and runs into a sea witch called Kammy.
🐚 "You want to save those on the surface, right?", asks Kammy. "I can help you with that."
🐚 Mario is not foolish, but he is desperate to help Peach and the Mushroom Kingdom in any way he can. He follows Kammy to her cave, and she proposes a plan: If Mario can give up a part of himself, then she will turn him into a human so he can walk on the surface and meet Peach.
🐚 Thus, Mario makes a brash decision to try and save the Mushroom Kingdom, and the seas...
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vashtijoy · 10 months
Something I've noticed for a while is that Akechi doesn't appear to say that he was in foster care in the Japanese script.
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Akechi おかげで僕は、色んな所を転々とさせられて、まあ、今じゃ気ままな一人暮らしだけどね。 okage de boku wa, ironna tokoro o tenten to saserarete, maa, ima ja kimamana hitori kurashi da kedo ne Thanks to him, I was passed from foster home to foster home. But, I do quite well by myself these days. After that, nobody would keep me for too long, so I got moved about a lot. But now I'm alone and free to live as I choose.
There are a few interesting points here:
おかげで okage de, "thanks to"
Akechi does not specify what or who he's crediting here; the translator has glossed in "thanks to him". IMO it's more likely to be "because of the death of my mother"—the thing he was just speaking of. Shido is responsible, but (at least according to Akechi's flow of speech) he is slightly indirectly responsible.
転々とさせられて tenten to saserarete
tenten to suru, in this context, means moving around often from place to place; living at a lot of different addresses. But note the passive-causative on suru here, saserareru. This is something that was done to Akechi, something others inflicted on him, something he experienced as a profound negative. This was bad. Looking at what he goes on to say later—"so someone would want me around!"—I've tried to capture this with "nobody would keep me".
Also note that tenten to suru, while not usually violent in this "moving about" context, is also a term for e.g. kicking a ball around, which again makes it an interesting choice of words.
気ままな一人暮らし kimamana hitori kurashi
This is a set phrase, essentially meaning "a free and carefree life alone"; it's used, often with a little irony, to describe the joys of living alone, or of being single. Note that Akechi does not mean this—he sounds (JP audio) miserable as fuck, and he's brought this up, rather ineffectively, to try and lighten the mood.
It comes across as "I was alone, and I'm still alone, but at least now I'm alone on my own terms and can do as I please"—which he knows is untrue, and we know is untrue, and Ren and Futaba can surely tell is untrue.
By the way, this quick use of a throwaway stereotype, as if it explains everything—ima ja kimamana hitori kurashi da kedo ne—is one of Akechi's verbal tricks; he becomes laconic in this way when he touches on things he doesn't want to discuss, things that are sensitive to him.
This is how he explains to the others in the engine room that he's illegitimate, for instance—tsumari kakushigo sa, "In short, I'm his secret child", kakushigo ("hidden child") here being a popular term, with no real English parallel, for the secret or unacknowledged child of someone famous or powerful.
You could maybe render his line here as a detached-sounding "but now I'm footloose and fancy-free", for the same effect.
色んな所 ironna tokoro
This is what has been translated "foster homes", but it just means "all sorts of different places":
Akechi 色んな所を転々とさせられた ironna tokoro o tenten to saserareta I was passed around from pillar to post.
So: he was passed from place to place, from pillar to post. Like a pebble rolling on a beach, or a ball being kicked around a field. Do we know what any of those places might have been? No; he doesn't tell us. There's IMO nothing here to suggest that he was in the care of the state—but equally, there's nothing that excludes it.
But Akechi returns to this in the anime, in Proof of Justice—and he is far more specific:
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Akechi だから、母が死んだあとは、親戚の間を転々として行ったね。 dakara, haha ga shinda ato wa, shinseki no aida o tenten to shite itta ne After my mother died, I was passed around my relatives.
Anime Akechi gives us more detail, again with tenten to suru, but he removes a lot of the emphatic force—we gain the detail that he was with his relatives, but we lose that outraged passive-causative, that makes it clear this hurt him—what I've tried to capture with "nobody would keep me for long" up at the top. It's possible, of course, that the difference in tone is to do with the different tone in the two scenes—game Akechi is at a very low point, while anime Akechi seems reflective and chill.
But is this canon? Well, usually when the game and the anime contradict, I prefer the game for its lack of adaptation drift. But there are a couple of occasions when the anime seems to clarify things that were not clear in the game text—and IMO, this is one. Per the game, Akechi was passed from place to place; the anime clarifies that those "places" were with his relatives.
TBH, even the localisation's "foster home" doesn't necessarily imply state foster care; a relative who takes you in is a foster parent. Of course, if you want a backdoor here (which is in no way required, I'm not your mum), he never suggests how long he stayed with his relatives....
does anything in-game support this?
Well, there's one thing in the game that supports this reading, and it's actually on 8/28 itself. Immediately after Akechi says he was passed around after his mother's death, Futaba does this:
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Remember, Futaba already does not like Akechi. She resents him for his pursuit of the Phantom Thieves, even before she suspects him of killing her mother. Yet when he mentions his sad past, she connects with him.
Why is that? It's because Futaba, too, was passed between her relatives—with the results we all know: they were abusive, exploitative and cruel, leading to her being rescued by Sojiro. The game draws an explicit connection here between Futaba and Akechi—suggesting that they have this backstory in common, of being passed between abusive relatives. It suggests we can glean a little more about Akechi's past by looking at what we learn about Futaba's.
And she was rescued; he was not. They both turned to crime to work off some of what they endured—but Futaba retained her moral centre, while Akechi fell off the edge. This is why she tells him what she does in the engine room: "You thought [being alone and not trusting anyone] was enough, right? That part I totally get."
but isn't he just lying his ass off here?
BTW, as to whether Akechi is just trying to ingratiate himself with Futaba (or with Ren) on 8/28—I don't think so; I think he tries, and then gives up after his performative cut-in. We just saw him trying to ingratiate himself with Sojiro—his failure there, at the start of the scene, is what upsets him and opens him up. So far, so good.
Is he trying to get in with Wakaba Isshiki's daughter, to continue his pursuit of her research on Sae's behalf?—the reason he was at Leblanc in the first place? No, because he never mentions it to Futaba, ever again.
What Akechi will do later is stand up for her, on 9/13, protesting Sae's threat to remove her from Sojiro's custody:
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Sae: There have been frequent occurrences of mental shutdowns surrounding Okumura recently. Sae: If only there was a clear connection between him and the Phantom Thieves… Sae: Well, it would be problematic if there wasn't one. Akechi: So you're jumping the gun here. Akechi: You really told a man you would terminate his parental authority based purely on your speculation?
... and notice what he's doing here. Akechi clearly already knows about Sae's threats to Sojiro; she does not explain them in this scene. And Akechi has clearly not questioned her on it, as long as he thinks there's a reason for it. When it turns out there isn't one? He calls Sae out. Because Akechi knows what's it's like to be a child with nowhere to go.
Sure, it's not beneath him to throw Futaba to the wolves—or, ultimately, to try to kill her in the engine room. But he views it as distasteful, as unjustified, and as wrong. He knows gratuitous cruelty when he sees it—and it repels him. He knows the difference between right and wrong—he's just elected to ignore it.
And he expects far better than this from Sae.
revision history
click here for the latest version.
v1.2 (2023/11/21)—typos, plus extra context for the game and anime scenes.
v1.1 (2023/11/20)—reblog w/ additional commentary.
v1.0 (2023/11/20)—first posted.
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theillustraitor · 4 months
My human Dan design! Plus some ghost Dan to practice drawing him.
I'll explain more in depth below the cut for those who are curious, but the basic ideas for why he looks this way is that his human half is a mix of Danny and Dan(with a small sprinkle of Vlad). It was supposed to eventually match his ghost form more, but things had to be cut short on that path so he got kinda stuck with a middle of the road body(he's roughly late teens).
I'm desperate for him to not look exactly like Danny, but I also had this funny idea that he would somehow end up attending Casper High after he is decently redeemed(so his human body had to be younger than his ghost form). Like just imagine the interactions. Dan would *definitely* get revenge on Dash lol
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More detailed explanation:
The clone Dan was stuck in was pretty much constantly destabilizing post AGIT. This was due to the imperfect nature of them, Dan's high power, and the physical difference between the two forms. Vlad and Danny kept it from totally falling apart by using the ecto-dejecto. They had to use it *a lot* though.
Vlad tweaked the clone to be able to be shaped by Dan's ghost(to fix the incongruence of the bodies, and to possibly make it so the body could handle Dan's power better). This is what led to the mixing of Dan and Danny; the body was going from Danny to Dan in terms of appearance. It was taking some time though and they were definitely going to run out of the ecto-dejecto, *especially* since Dani also needs it(I like to think that the ecto-dejecto wasn't a permanent fix, so she has to use it on occasion. There's also no way Danny would give a mid-morph sample at this point cause he and Dani are still pretty distrustful of Vlad.)
Since Jack had originally made the ecto-dejecto Vlad could not figure out how tf to replicate it. Jack had also forgotten how he made it because, I mean, it’s Jack(nevermind that he wouldn’t even have a reason to remember how to make something that’d help ghosts/was a failed version of an experiment)
Vlad then developed a way to convert the ectoplasmic nature of the clones to good ol’ human meat(aka permanent stabilization for Dan). Vlad ended up having to do that to Dan before his human form could completely match his ghost form, hence the mix and being physically younger than his ghost form(a note: the bodies not matching remains a problem, but not a crippling/kill him kind of one. Dan is usually in pain after going ghost, especially if he used his powers a lot, but it fades relatively fast. Additionally, he(unrelated to body stuff) cannot be ghostly for too long because the ghost half will destabilize(not goopy, time/reality)).
I also had this idea that the ghost catcher could be used to permanently fuse Dan's ghost to the human body. I doubt he's fused with the clone body in AGIT, and this would continue to be a problem with my idea; Dan is basically just puppeting/overshadowing the bodies. The catcher has a merge side, sooooo
Finally, some design stuff(and a bit about him going to Casper). As mentioned Dan looks younger, which means he is capable of attending Casper High, and he does so because he never actually finished school(and he would be able to stalk/keep an eye on Danny and the others better. By this point he no longer wants to kill them, and is instead paranoid about the possibility of them dying, so yup, stalking). He'd be put in the same grade as Jazz so they could hang out and what not.
Vlad is also glad to have any time away from Dan because they fight a lot lol
But once at Casper due to his Vlad half he plays football(Vlad fusion aside, it’s a sport where he can be violent w/o problem). Dan got a letterman jacket from that, but he still hates the popular kids so he had Sam dye it black.
The hair streak is also from Vlad, but Dan's hair style is just his ghost form's minus the whole fire thing.
His clothing style is a mix of Vlad and Danny’s(except the jacket). Shirt is from Danny, pants from Vlad, then sneakers + dress shoes = boots.
Finally, it’s a bit subtle but he has heterochromia; one eye is Danny's color, the other Vlad’s.
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dixons-sunshine · 3 months
Pillow Fort—Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader.
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Summary: Daryl was nowhere to be found during the day. Everyone was worried, considering the man never missed meetings, no matter how unimportant they were. However, your worries got soothed when you saw what he had been up to that day.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Alexandria, post Saviour arc (bridge explosion doesn't happen.)
Warnings: Swearing.
Word count: 860.
A/n: Here's this. I don't know what this is but it's something. Hope y'all like it!
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“I'll see you tomorrow for a check-up, Michonne.” You slung your bag over your shoulder as you addressed your newly pregnant friend, Michonne standing on the porch of her home with Rick by her side. “I think Siddiq's brining an ultrasound machine with him from the Hilltop. That would give us a relative idea of how far along you are.”
Michonne gave you a smile as she tenderly rubbed her flat stomach—that wouldn't stay flat for long—with one hand, her other hand tightly holding on to her husband's. “Thank you.” She stopped momentarily to share a look with Rick, before continuing. “Keep us updated once you find out why Daryl hasn't been seen all day?”
You nodded. “Of course.” You took a step back and sent them another smile. “Goodnight, guys. See you tomorrow.” With parting greetings, you turned around and made your way to your own home. The short walk soon came to an end when you walked up the steps and into your home, and instantly you could see something was up. The small chair that stood by the door was devoid of any cushioning, the pillows taken and not to be seen anywhere.
You frowned as you discarded of your bag by placing it on the floor, your jacket and shoes following suite. As you walked further into the home and into the living room, you could hear the voices of your husband and daughter fill the air, laughter soon being heard as well. As the living room came into view, you were met by quite the sight—seemingly every pillow and blanket you owned was being used to hold a rather impressive pillow fort upright. And sitting in the very fort in question was your husband and daughter, cuddled up together while Daryl was busy reading some book to her. A fond smile spread across your lips at the sight. Unwillingly, a small chuckle left you, catching your small family's attention.
Your three year old daughter perked up when she saw you, a huge smile spreading across her chubby cheeks. “Mama!” She excitedly exclaimed, but made no effort to run into your arms like she usually would, way too content in her father's arms. You couldn't blame her, though. Daryl was the best person to cuddle and you rarely wanted to leave his hold yourself.
You smiled and stepped forward. “Hi, baby.” Your eyes drifted to Daryl, meeting his fond gaze. “Hey, Dar. You two mind if I come in?” Hazel shook her head, scooting over in the makeshift bed to make room for you. You crawled into space and got comfortable beside Hazel, wrapping an arm around her and sharing a smile with Daryl. “I didn't mean to interrupt storytime. Please, continue.”
Daryl nodded and shifted his attention back down to the book. “As ya wish.” He cleared his throat and started reading again, his deep, soothing voice successfully lulling your daughter into slumber. In seemingly no time at all, Hazel was out like a light, leaving you and Daryl to yourselves. He placed the book down next to him and turned his attention back to you. “How was yer day, Peach?”
“Not as eventful as yours, I'm guessing,” you giggled, rubbing Hazel's head affectionately. “Is this what you've been up to all day?”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah. Made 'er some breakfast this mornin' and she took great interest in makin' lil' forts with the small pillows. Decided to show her how to make the real deal.”
“Boring meetings be damned, right?”
Realization dawned on the archer's face, a look of guilt spreading across his face. “Shit, I forgot 'bout tha'. I promised Rick I'd be there and I got distracted. Fuck, I—”
“Babe, relax,” you chuckled, reaching over to grab one of his hands in yours. “Rick isn't mad. He was just worried because it isn't like you to miss a meeting. I bet he'll understand you wanting to spend the day with your daughter instead of discussing who stole Jeremy's tomatoes from his garden. It's okay. Besides.” You stopped to regard the fort for a moment, nodding in approval. “Once he sees this fort, I bet he'll be hella impressed. It's amazing craftsmanship, if I do say so myself.”
Daryl gave you a small smile. “Think Rick'll be jealous?”
You nodded. “Once he sees this, a fort-off is sure to commence.” You leaned over to share a soft, tender kiss with Daryl, pulling away soon after as to not disturb your little girl. “I love you, Daryl.”
“Love ya more, Darlin'.”
Little did either of you know, not only would a fort-off begin, but the greatest gift-finding, playset-building competition would commence between the two found brothers. And you and Michonne didn't know whether to find it amusing or annoying.
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lady-raziel · 5 months
long reaction to the update
ok. so they put out an update video! since i've been commentating for the last three days i might as well subject you all to more of my thoughts today.
main takeaway: this was a good apology video. i mean it. short and to the point, no overproduction, heartfelt and honest (and not a ukelele to be seen. thank god.) they took ownership of the situation, apologized, and restated how much they value their relationship with the fandom.
their solution is to make the watcher tv platform into kind of an iteration of patreon where content is available for early access before it is released onto youtube later. this is clearly a better option than paywalling everything for everyone. i'm not sure what the relative breakdown of costs turns out to be when you compare how much they were making on patreon after the platform took their cut VS how much it costs in overhead to run and maintain their own platform (how much it costs annually to contract via Vimeo, essentially). but i'm sure that's part of the calculation.
all things considered, that does seem like the best option out of all the alternatives. it allows them to not completely abandon any of the pans they have simmering over the fire for the time being. i don't think i ever thought they were going to just say "oops, forget about the streaming thing! let's pretend that never happened!" because at this point they've invested quite a lot of time and money into it, and i don't disagree that keeping it in some iteration may help them make up some of the funds they're lacking.
i would say, it's fine to keep the streamer. this is one of the ok outcomes, all things considered-- but if they're going to do it, they've GOT to do it smart from this point forward. listen to both the fans and the consultants intimately. both are going to have valid points, and both are going to be right. listening to too much of either side will sink this thing because each has motives and expertise that the other doesn't. if the fans say $6 is too much, listen to them-- but have conversations with business consultants about how much you realistically need to charge to make things work.
also, i'd use this whole situation as a learning experience. watcher is a young company, and it's literally inevitable that mistakes will happen. what's different is that the watcher crew haven't really been in a position before where they've been on the receiving end of the internet-angry-justice-hammer to this extent. it's one thing to watch it happen to others, but it's a position of extreme privilege (and a bit of hubris) to think "but that won't happen to me, because i'm built different." naw, man-- two things in life are inevitable: death and fuckups. the callout posts get us all in the end.
what's really important is that they use this as a wakeup call that even the most loyal fandoms will only follow you so far to the cliff's edge, and you don't want to push that. you have to strike a balance between the passion projects that you think are worthy and the stuff that maybe doesn't excite you as much anymore but the people want to see. a little fanservice keeps the lights on, as unfair as that might seem. i'm gonna make 50 markiplier choccy milk memes just so i can make one niche political joke once and a while for 6 likes. it is what it is.
i'd also use this as a chance to take a very careful look at company structure and finances. it's not fun to do and nobody likes it. trust me-- this is hard whether you're a single adult trying to pay the bills or the freaking US government (speaking from experience on both-- i have to read the president's budget for work frequently). but you all have to ask hard questions about the ratio of creative staff you take on VS staff for administrative and other business roles, as well as the costs and benefits of everything you spend money on. how many staff members are essential to location shoots? can this video be shot with 2 cameras instead of 3 and thus you don't need another cameraperson? you might even have to come to the decision that instead of pitching a new show it makes more sense to use those funds to hire your essential non-creative roles or contract firms or freelancers.
paying staff a fair wage with benefits speaks highly of what watcher wants their values to be. it's hard to find such a position in a creative role and still actually get to work on things you care about. but it would be much worse if watcher didn't make realistic decisions about finances and it lead to the death of the company and everyone losing their jobs. the whole watcher company can work, in my opinion, but not without some sacrifices. they're going to have to run it more like a business and less like a youtube-channel-turned-business in the future if they want to survive.
last thing i'll add is that while i do think this was a good apology video, i still think they hurt themselves by not putting out some sort of statement on Friday or Saturday just to say that they were formulating a response. As i've said in other posts, it's ok and in fact beneficial to not make a kneejerk reaction, but it's also very important to communicate that you SEE what's happening. you SEE what people are saying and THAT'S why you need more time to respond. saying nothing and leaving the angry public to wonder if you dropped your phone off the Hoover Dam or just don't care? that's a fumble. it's a common mistake companies make in a crisis, but that doesn't mean it doesn't erode trust fast.
this could have been handled better in many ways. we see that, and i'm glad watcher says they see that too. crucial going forward is taking all this and patching the errors that caused all this to fall apart and learning from the experience.
tbh at this point what i'm most sad about is that the watcher crew have probably been too stressed out and upset to appreciate some of the absolute bangers people have been laying down to clown on them. i think if it wasn't about them they might be touched by the collective attitude and creative spirit. /j
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luvfy0dor · 8 months
since requests are open can i request like just lazy mornings with fyodor?? obviously, take your time with it!
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“Sleep in Half the Day” ♡⁠˖” Fyodor Dostoevsky x GN! Reader ੈ✩‧₊˚
Warnings; None
Description; Sleeping in and savoring a Saturday morning with your lover.
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A/n; AHHHH this is so cute, I'm so sorry it's so short, but I really wanted to put emphasis on lazy mornings. I'm so so sorry it took me so long!! Its so cold in my bedroom and it makes it hard to sit up and write and I have so much school work to do OMG 😮‍💨
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It was the average Saturday morning for you and your lover, basking in the sun as it shines through the blinds like lizards on rocks in the desert. One of his arms was draped over your waist with his other curled into his own body, the blanket strewn every which way but directly on top of both of you. Neither of you cared, it wasn't particularly cold this morning, and his body heat did a fine job at keeping you relatively warm anyway. Fyodors hand ran up and down your side before slipping under your top and rubbing circles into your skin. You could feel his soft exhales, the cool air hitting the nape of your neck while he holds you close, your back to his chest.
"Are you awake, myshka?" His sleepy voice pierces the silence and you nod, reaching and interlocking your fingers with his. He hums quietly and props himself up with his elbow and his eyes scan over your still sleepy face. His eyelids droop and he leans down to kiss your forehead. "Good morning." He murmurs against your skin, his Russian accent as present as ever when he speaks. You smile and gather all the energy it takes to roll over so that you're facing him. "Good morning. You look so refreshed." You mumble, your hand cupping his cheek and your thumb swiping underneath his eyes where he had dark circles. They contrasted his skin, but they did so beautifully. His flushed cheeks and nose did the same.
"Do I? I've been sleeping a lot, recently." He admits, returning to his position of lying down at your side with his eyes closed again. "I could go back to sleep right now." His chin rested on the top of your head. "Then go back to sleep. I'm still tired, too." You say, your breathing steady and your nose pressed against his neck. "Mmm, okay." He softly sighs and his fingers play with the fabric of your shirt while his own sleepiness pulls him back into unconsciousness. You run your fingers through his hair with your own eyes closed, making an attempt to fall back asleep yourself. "I love you, Fedya." You murmur quietly against his skin. He obviously hadn't replied, already being knocked out cold and snoring quietly. You couldn't help but smile a little, holding back a snicker at the sound. It's not long before you also end up asleep, cherishing the lack of plans in the day and therefore ability to laze around for as long as the two of you want.
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A/n; I'm really sorry that posts have been few and far apart!! I got midterms next week, but I know the topics pretty well so I'll definitely have some free time in between them to write more.
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lexo-is-pesto · 2 months
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I'm so excited to finally post this.
My full Murder Drones reference! so hopefully I can keep up consistency
Obviously, this is full of my own head canons so close ups and explanations under the cut (it's a LOT) >;]
To be totally honest my focus was on the main characters, and I think that shows in the designs of the Manor Drones and Cabin Fever Squad. BUT I'll still do my best to explain my process here.
For the Disassemblers I decided to do very different builds for each but the same color pallet.
My idea here was that since each have a different designation letter, that was akin to their model type. That's also why "the company" was able to clone J so easily, they just had her model on file. (also like to imagine there are 26 different forms of the Disassemblers Imao).
I had all the colors remain the same to show their unity and of course the Absolute Solver-ification of the basic Worker Drone color scheme. Essentially, I just took the monochromatic WD colors and put the highlighter yellow over it that Cyn loves so much.
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For J I did a more lean and strong build. I wanted her to exude that leader energy. I also made her Core a star shape for similar reasons and then I also noticed that N and V had caution stripes at the top of their legs but as far as I could see J didn't, so I decided to add those to the very top of her legs to finish the garter belt look she's got going on. For her hair, I actually really like the pigtails I just flattened them out a bit because the big cutesy poof they had didn't fit her style in my opinion. I brought it back for her worker form though.
With V I gave her a round yet sharp look. (My favorite added detail is the sharp shoulders) I did make her the shortest of the DD because everyone loves the small but vicious archetype. For her core I made it a sword or spear shape, because she's extra violent. And finally, I made her legs a little more pointed than J's to finish off the sharp look.
Last but CERTAINLY not least, N's design is meant to be soft and plushy but still has a little edge to it. His hair is fluffy but the tufts curl to be sharp, His core is meant to look like a heart but it's upside down so the point is still facing the top (which makes it look more like a club but whatever) I gave him a rounder torso than the other two and his elbow and kneecaps are softer too. His general construction is still menacing, though, so don't get too comfortable with all the fluff. I also spent a LONG time contemplating if I should make his thighs black to look like little biker shorts to contrast with J and V's sock looks but went against it because I love how the hazard stripes stand out against the white.
For N and V's worker forms I basically took out all the sharp edges and rounded them out. J's still a little sharp though not as much.
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With the Workers I did the opposite of the DD. They have the EXACT same body types (minus Uzi because she's little) and instead I changed their color schemes to all be unique to their eye lights
Since Worker Drones were made to... well... WORK I think their initial manufacturing would be pretty uniform. A copy and paste if you will. It was only when they were left to their own devices that the WD started to customize themselves. Thus came the wigs and clothes.
I like to think the color started with those infected with the Solver, so Yeva and Nori gained color and then passed that on to their kids. Thats also why Alice has color, but Khan, The Manor Squad, and some other drones in the colony don't. Does not explain Lizzy and Thad though (maybe they have a distant relative that had the solver idk)
It was a lot harder to infer about what a base WD body would look like Maybe I was just looking in the wrong places, but I had to infer with things like the worker helmets, we see every WD except Uzi wear one but they seem more coordinated with their outfits so I decided to just continue my color head-canon that its naturally monochrome and you can customize it if you want to!
I added a light to the feet of the worker drones to match the hand lights. I don't think there's a canon reason for the lights but, on the workers at least. I think they're there to help them do grunt work in the dark! to light their ways in caves or tight spaces so they could do their job better. Now they're just another robot cosmetic
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For the Parents, I gave them wrinkles because I thought it was unfair that Khan was the only one who got them. So, Nori gets crow's feet hurray! No but I probably had the most difficult time with these drones. It was hard to separate the canon from fanon since we know so little about them, but I fought off all the demons to keep their designs relatively grounded. Minus Khan's scar. And Alice's more natural horns. and-
I also gave some drones eyelashes. just cause. if I thought it fit, I added it and if it didn't, I didn't add it.
Now you may be wondering "Lexo what's up with all the cracks!?" the idea here is that it's the solver taking over. We see in Cabin Fever and Home that the solver virus fundamentally changes the body of a drone. The crack in the casing is basically this process. Depending on the stage of which your drone is at it changes the intensity. We see Cyn being the main host and essentially patient 0, so she has the most cracks. It starts at the core then spreads until it reshapes you entirely and you become a Disassembly Drone. Unless you stop it in time. Thats why J, V, and N have the pale lines on the bottom of their torso, they're more pretty and cleaner since they achieved the solvers "final form" so to speak. Nori and Yeva on the other hand, have repaired cracks but they're still messy since they were stopped mid-way. Alice, however, did not stop the spread with the solver cure since she was "abandoned" so instead she just cut out her core entirely. Yup. Shes functioning on pure insanity and spite at this point. And then of course with the new hosts, there is light spreading. TL: DR the cracks are a zombie bite.
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But that's it for my Murder Drones head canons and designs! If you read all the way to the end, you're a champ and I love you. Have a cookie superstar <3🍪
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fletchingbrilliant · 26 days
🌙some wildly cheap commissions!🌙
🙃 for some even wilder reasons 🙃
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hey y'all. long post thingie but it's got cute pictures so please check it out
hey frens got something kinda somber to talk about. most of you are very aware of the existence of my beautiful fiance and co-creator of basically everything i do. zae and i are getting handfasted (marriage for pagans) in october, and have been living together for about 10 years. in 2021, zae got really fucking sick, and after a few false starts, was diagnosed with a rare for of vasculitis called granulomatosis with polyangiitis, GPA for short. it’s an autoimmune disease that causes inflammation in blood vessels and other tissues, ultimately stopping blood from getting to the parts of the body that need it, affecting many areas, but primarily the respiratory system. while the cause isn’t known, it usually presents in people in their 50’s or 60’s, but complications from a third bout of covid-19 appears to have made it emerge way earlier for our boy. at least, that’s what we think. his case is extremely aggressive, advancing faster than anyone could have expected. in zae’s case, it actually attacked his kidneys first, and then went after his lungs, causing both to threaten shutting down for good. he was extremely anemic and needed a ton of transfusions, narrowly avoiding dialysis, and we spent weeks in the hospital keeping him alive. he was placed on two different kinds of chemotherapy to combat the disorder. he lost his hair, went through even more fatigue and pain on top of what the disease had already put him through, and had to accept a plethora of changes to his life that will last forever. a lot of you out there have harrowing experiences of your own when it comes to chronic and potentially terminal conditions, too, I’m certain. “it’s not fun” is an understatement. though there were a couple of really fucking close calls, zae’s GPA went into remission. his hair grew back fuller and more luscious than it had ever been before. (i later learned these are affectionately referred to as “chemo curls.”) remission for gpa is usually expected to last at least 5 years, potentially up to 20, before any symptoms resurface. but zae’s case was particularly aggressive, so of course he’s not so lucky. he’s relapsing now. his symptoms have been slowly returning, and it’s been decided that he’s going back on chemo. it’s no surprise that this shit is expensive, even with insurance. we’re still paying off the care he received last time because ‘murca. being disabled myself, work has been… let’s call it inconsistent, yeah? yeah, that’s a nice and comfortable thing to call it. no one’s doing well financially these days, so we of course have to get creative. long story short(er), i’m doing a commission special! for the next MONTH, i am offering fast commissions at crazy-low prices to try and help us create a cushion to keep us afloat and relatively comfortable while we begin the chemo process again. there’s several options for a variety of budgets, because i really hate the idea of seeking something for nothing, and i absolutely abhor having to reach out in this way. it makes me feel vulnerable and icky and… i’m sure you all understand that, too. i can’t thank you all enough just for following me, and engaging with mine and zae’s work. it may sound trite, but that really makes a difference to us, especially when we’re dealing with something so painful. so if you can’t or don’t want to partake of the sale, please know that you are still a huge help to us, and we seriously appreciate each and every one of you. like, so fucking much. thanks y’all love, fletch
Commission Options:
Flash Sketches: $5USD/character
Comics: $5USD/panel - flat color
Comics: $10USD/panel - shaded color
Screenshot Redraws - $15USD/character (complex bgs, add $20)
all of this is posted with @zaebeecee's knowledge and blessing
please DM me if you're interested in something, and thank you again
more Hungry Games, fic fanart, and Persona stuff coming soon too
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sinner-sunflower · 6 months
A HH Lucifer-centric AU 22/22
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3, PART 4, PART 5, PART 6, PART 7, PART 8, PART 9, PART 10, PART 11, PART 12, PART 13, PART 14, PART 15, PART 16, PART 17, PART 18, PART 19, PART 20, PART 21
STORY 2 - Sequel
I can't believe it?? I made it, Ma!
Luci's General Suit inspired by this FANART on twt by @kajina_97
This is the COMIC that inspired me to write the whole thing because I wanted this ending so bad klajdklsa it's by @Sandranetta_13 on twt
Dk what tomorrow might entai. Might be the first chapter for the sequel?
Let me know what you guys think! Please, I'm very desperate.
I'm willing to do a Q&A regarding your thoughts. DMs and Asks are OPEN! <3
Will link the sequel here once posted
Everything was relatively normal the following week. His and Charlie's long overdue moment with no more miscommunication made Lucifer feel a whole lot better. He couldn't ask for a better daughter.
Dressing himself in one of his battle suits, he felt like he could take on the world. Nothing says King of Hell like your best warrior outfit and a badass sword in full display.
Lucifer: Looking pretty dapper there, me.
Lucifer doesn't even bother to style his hair- it now flows animatedly like that of Lilith's.
Flowers were still being sent to him especially when he was first spotted roaming around the hotel after a week-ish long recovery. Charlie had the amazing idea of making a greenhouse or some sort of garden to put all the flowers and keep them alive as long as possible.
They got rid of any red ones after someone sent a buttload of them which then caused him to have a mini panic attack. Alastor is subtly trying to take that moment off his mind by leaving Marigolds everywhere. It's sweet but soon they're going to need a separate greenhouse for just the Marigolds. Where'd he even get these??
Finding his first Marigold of the day, in the bathroom of all places really Alastor??, he makes his way to the lobby. Everyone was there doing their own thing.
Husk and Angel are at the bar as usual, with the latter talking animatedly about something that puts an endearing expression on Husk's face. Nifty is putting on roach puppet shows for Alastor. The radio demon notices him and conveys his most 'help me' face but he just chuckled and gives him a thumbs up. The cyclops named Cherri is today's gift screener, grumbling about the pollen and the shitty taste some demons have.
Charlie and Vaggie were talking to a small group of demons by the entrance. As soon as his daughter sees him, she said something to the group then walked over to him.
Charlie: Good morning, dad!
Lucifer: You look busy.
Charlie: They're sinners who are asking about the hotel! I'm so happy that people are at least coming here to check it out. Did you have a good sleep?
Lucifer: Well, I don't feel like passing out today. So pretty good!
Charlie: That's great, dad!
Angel: Short king! Looking good in that fit!
Cherri: Yeah! Do a spin, hot stuff!
He blushes at the sudden attention. Everyone is looking at him in awe- maybe it was too much?
Alastor: Nonsense, dear.
Alastor appeared beside him in a flurry of shadows, seemingly reading his mind. He bends down at Lucifer's level to whisper in his ear. He plucked the Marigold Lucifer was holding, putting it behind the King's hair.
Alastor: I, for one, think you never looked so.. raveshing~
Damn him.
Lucifer: Shut up.
Lucifer hisses in response. Like, seriously? In front of his daughter? Thank Father, Charlie didn't hear that.
Charlie: Yeah! You look so cool. I don't think I've seen you wear that except for when there's a banquet.
Lucifer: Yeah, well, I wanted to look put together after everything.
Charlie softens at his words.
Alastor: No need for that, sire. I'm sure no one is foolish enough to comment negatively on what the King of Hell chooses to look like.
Lucifer: What does that make you then?
Alastor: Privileged, my King~
Lucifer rolls his eyes at the audacity but he can't help but smile. Man, he never thought he'd miss their constant banter.
Charlie: You look awesome, dad, okay? Al, please slow down with the Marigolds, Nifty's going crazy. Oh! Dad, right, Aunt Bel called said that the Sloth Ring is making incredible progress and that she'll visit again soon. I think Aunt Bee is planning a party with the other Sins and would like it to be held here in Pride! At the hotel! It would be so cool and of course if you're not ready I can tell them and maybe a little get together would be better. I'll even invite Sev! He gave flowers for you too and Vaggie was so jealous when I said he was my ex and thought the flowers were for me, she was so cute-
Lucifer tried, but he stopped listening halfway through his daughter's talk. It was a bit of an information overload but he kept a small, genuine smile on his face for her.
Then something caught his eye that made him stopped smiling altogether.
Charlie notices this causing her to stop talking.
Charlie: Dad?
He should answer but his eyes were locked on the wall behind Charlie. Plastered on the higher part of the lobby's wall was a glowing mark- gold wings with a dot on the center.
Lucifer turns around so fast to look outside the hotel's window. Heaven looks so out of place up there, sticking out like a sore thumb upon Hell's red skies.
A glint in the distance made him act. Without warning, he took off with such force that those inside the hotel were knocked down by the gust of his wings.
He breaks the window on his way out and pulls out Lightbringer. Lucifer brings the sword up and-
A powerful explosion lit up the sky. The sky split in two and fire appeared high and wide over Pride. At that moment, everyone became so hot that they couldn't bear it, as if their whole body was on fire. They wanted to rip their skin off just to get a sense of relief but then the sky shut closed. A strong thump was heard by every demon in the vicinity and then they were all thrown a few meters.
It felt like an eternity before Charlie and the others could get their bearings. Those that didn't get knocked out went outside, once there, they see Lucifer far up in the sky, holding up a flaming sword. The signature pentagram of the city has been fractured by whatever happened and demons all around were either hurt or unconscious.
Charlie: Dad!
Charlie calls out to her dad but he doesn't acknowledge her. His gaze never leaving Heaven, as if he's seeing something that no one else can.
A screen locked on Hell zooms out as the machine's voice rang out 'target disengaged'.
An angel looking similarly to Lucifer, except there's blue tints on the spots where Lucifer had reds, was looking down at Hell pulling back a large, golden gun. They blew the smoke residue and sighed.
Michael: Hello, Lucifer... Still causing trouble, I see.
it's done??
cliffhanger but don't worry, there's a sequel!
I spent 30 minutes looking for that comic that inspired this ending.
Did y'all catch that Lemmino reference? I'd have that description in my head rent free ever since I watched Grazed by the Apocalypse
Again, I'd love to hear your thoughts on this! This was my first published baby and I'm so proud !
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lurkingshan · 5 months
Hii, hope you're doing well!! I've been meaning to check out more c-dramas. I've never really watched any, but I keep seeing them on my dash and want to start giving some a shot since I watch every other type of drama (BL or otherwise lol). I saw you post often about c-dramas, so I wanted to ask if you had any other recs besides Tender Light (which I'm planning on watching when it's done)? I'm more curious about c-dramas in general rather than any specific genre, since I'm so new to them
Hello, thank you for the ask! I'm glad my obsessive Tender Light posting has got you curious about cdramas. Some of my all time favorite dramas are from Mainland China, and I would be happy to share some recs! Since you are looking for a general sense, I am just going to give you a sampling of some of my personal favs.
Tender Light
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Obviously I will be taking this opportunity to talk up this drama some more, which will be ending its run this weekend. This is, hands down, my favorite drama of the year and easily going on my top 10 dramas of all time list. It's one of the most gorgeous and precise and unflinching pieces of media I have ever seen. This is definitely one for people who love smart mystery writing, dark themes (I mean this for real, if you have a lot of triggers ask for CWs), and explorations of the human condition. It will be staying with me for a long time.
Go Ahead
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Another of my all time favs (and with cast crossover from Tender Light), this is a family drama that digs deep on the meaning of family, finding your people, and resilience through intergenerational trauma. I love it so so much (I am actually rewatching it right now).
Lighter & Princess
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A fantastic romance and owner of a coveted spot on the ride or die drama couples list. In this story you get to watch these two fall in love twice, first in college and then as adults, and both times it's epic.
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How about a time loop thriller? This is one of the best I have ever seen, and its relatively short run keeps it tight and tense all the way through. There's a romance in this one, too, but kissing is definitely secondary to finding their way out of this death trap.
The Rebel Princess
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Let's dip our toe into historicals! Granted, I still have plenty of gaps in my historical cdrama watch list (there are just so many and they're so long, I am doing my best people!) but this remains my all time favorite to date. It's epic, it's shockingly well written and paced for its length, the characters are excellent and compelling all around, and it has one of my all time favorite male leads and drama couples (another from the ride or die list!). Don't let the episode number intimidate you, it will fly by much faster than you think.
The Untamed
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You watch bl so I am assuming you already know about Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji, but just in case I will also include this drama as a much watch. It's likely the best live action danmei we will ever get.
Love Between Fairy and Devil
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Have you ever wondered what it would be like if a show put all your favorite fanfic tropes in a blender, cast beautiful people to act them out, and put them in lavish costumes? Well, here is your answer.
Love and Redemption
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This one's for us angst with a happy ending girlies. An epic love story with lots of pining and struggle and strife, and it's so worth it.
Falling Into You
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Back to the modern era, this is a classic sports drama with a noona romance. Very unassuming but full of charm and very well executed.
Fake It Till You Make It
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An unusually mature take on adult romance from a cdrama, this one is about two career focused permasingle love skeptics who meet, realize they actually like each other, and try to figure out what the hell to do with that. I love it a lot.
That should be enough to get you started! There are many many more recs to be had, so once you give some of these a try and figure out what you like, feel free to hit me up for more!
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burnyourtrains · 3 months
SDV Bachelor/ette Headcanons!!
I was peer pressured by @jessibbb into posting these <3 (also I'm on mobile so if it looks bad no it doesn't.)
ALso divider credits to the lovely @thecutestgrotto and @saradika
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Done in alphabetical order, because we're not playing favorites here
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I feel like he was into band when he was younger and in school, but he got bullied for it, so he switched to gridball instead. He loves gridball, but sometimes he wonders what would have happened if he stuck with the trumpet.
Jess thinks he's short, but I don't think he'd have as much arrogance/confidence that he does in game if he were short. I think he does the hands on top of the doorframe thing.
To me, he was one of those semi-annoying popular guys in high school who would interrupt the class of the younger grade and ask the teacher if she missed him.
Takes skincare seriously (ty Haley)
Helps Evelyn in the kitchen and around the house
Shockingly handy? He's good at fixing things (doesn't want to be a burden on his grandparents, and he knows George feels bad that he can't do maintenance around the house.)
He and Haley have matching friendship bracelets
(To the Elliot stans, I'm so sorry, but I cannot stand his character. Initially I was gonna marry him but then he started talking and I just Couldn't. So here's how I thought he was going to be. (I try to keep it somewhat similar to how he is in game but I just,,,,,,,))
Very romantic
Comes on too strong at first, but once he realizes he apologizes and learns how to be one of your really close friends (unless you ever want to be more, obvs)
Loves the drama of a historical romance
Adores Jane Austen
I feel like the game suggests that he isn't very tidy, but in my mind he keeps himself and his space neat and clean. (He might have a depression pit when he's feeling morose or lacking creativity, but he gets it together after a shower or a walk)
He's not egotistical (I also feel the game implies some of this), but he's not entirely humble, either. Very self-assured, but that could possibly be to mask that he really worries about whether or not his writing career will take off.
(Jess drew little hearts around my notes for this one lmao)
Actually very sickly as a child, which I think had a huge factor in driving him into medicine.
Likes when the farmer does his nails. It's nice to have someone want to dote on him. (He ends up taking the polish off when he has to work for sanitary purposes, but that just means you can do them again later <3)
Secretly had a piercing at one point, but he was relatively anxious about having it, even though it made him feel good about himself. Possibly anxious because it didn't fit his "image"; he doesn't have it anymore. (He was So crazy in college literally what was he thinking??????) (it was a bellybutton piercing btw)
His guilty pleasure food is ice cream don't tell
Podcast lover. (Mainly medical and aerospace)
Mans has a mullet. I will not be accepting arguments at this time
He doesn't have a favorite color, but he really loves bright ones
Definitely has ear and possibly facial piercings
Idk where I'm getting this from, it's kind of based solely on vibes, but I feel like he might be colorblind?
Loves having his makeup done
Wears minimal jewelry, but is always wearing at least one ring, whether that's on a chain or on his finger depends on the day.
He gets called emo but I get more punk vibes from him
When you meet him he's just starting on his second sleeve tattoo
He uses candy cigarettes when he's trying to quit smoking, partially because he thinks it's funny, and partially just because he likes the sugar
I think he feels very stuck in the persona the town has given him, so he kind of just gives up after living there for so long on trying to convince people otherwise
Ear and eyebrow piercings, at least. Very willing to accept constructive criticism here.
Probably has the chain belt thing
Rings rings rings
I feel like he's either very tall, or very short, and I cannot decide which one
Cleans up very nice after he gets sober
Raises Jas more than Marnie does (Concerning bc alcoholism, but I can't stand Marnie so. The lesser of two evils I guess?)
Regularly takes walks to ward off dark thoughts
Keg king back in his college days
These are more look-based, since Jess and I were trying to do a redesign situation. The men I was struck with sudden inspiration and clarity for how to flesh out their personalities more, but I'll have to update the character work for the women when the creativity strikes.
I kind of get undercut vibes from her
I think she has gages, for sure
Facial piercings but idk what most of them are called. Specifically a lip piercing
She has a small stick and poke that she, Sam, and Seb designed together
The big overlined lips that were popular in 2020 (might still be popular now but I'm no longer chronically online God bless)
Tattoo choker that was popular in the early 2000s
Big shaggy wolfcut
Elevated HotTopic vibes
Mixed metal jewelry queen
Wears multiple necklaces
Hippie-esque style (they really did her dirty with her game design she looks like s clown but she's so sweet that it's Criminal)
Crystal girly (a given)
Definitely has some sort of altar set up. Idk much about witchcraft so very loosely assigning her as a crystal witch
Really likes incense
Alice Cullen haircut, y'all know the one
She has such pretty lashes, I just know it
Big yabos
Her nails are always immaculate. Despite thinking her sister is weird, I think Emily is the one who learned how to give her acrylics
Alex is definitely the person she's closest to
I don't really have that many ides for her I'm sorry :(
Very wispy, ethereal hair (1908s aogg vibes)
Former hairdresser. While she still lived in the city, she went into cosmetology since it had the opportunity to be a creative career, and her partner at the time didn't really support her in her art (I think the partner bit is canon). Ultimately, she came to resent her job, and she left the city for Stardew Valley. I think she still uses the skills and knowledge she acquired when doing her own hair, and occasionally the hair of some of the residents in the valley.
Howl's Moving Castle earrings
Honestly Howl's Moving Castle vibes overall for her style I think
Dresses masc. but in a way that still comes off as feminine, if that makes sense. Think billowy white shirt from the male lead of a period drama
Most likely covered in some sort of art medium, (acrylics, wood shavings, oil paints, etc.), in a charming way, not an unclean way.
Minimal makeup, if any at all
She has cute little stud earrings she got as a kid (they're stars)
Has an astronomy charm bracelet, but it's only worn on special occasions. I think she'd be wearing it when she shows you the telescope and tries to confess her feelings for the first time.
She's a silver girly
Little baby hairs. Give my girl Maru better hair
Lowkey loves Hello Kitty (idk where this one came from but I feel it)
Bumper bangs. In general I get very 50s vibes for style
Doesn't think she'll ever leave Stardew Valley, so she doesn't really have any huge aspirations for herself anymore.
She mostly invests herself in teaching Vincent and Jas to the best of her ability.
Would have loved to be a teacher if she were to leave, but she worries about her mother, so she's never left
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I know there are some ideas on here that seem insubstantial compared to others, but this is the best I can do currently! I'd love feedback, since I'm relatively new to the fandom and the game, but I hope you enjoyed!!
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heyidkyay · 7 months
And I'm petrified of being alone, now |
Part Sixteen
Matty Healy x reader
Summary: She’s just trying to get by, really. What with being a single parent to her four year old son whilst simultaneously trying to kick start a successful career as a radio presenter. She’s got everything she’s ever wanted though, friends close by, a mum who’s merely a phone call away, and of course her baby boy. What else is there to wish for? But then, it’s not long before her relatively normal life gets upended and turned on its head, and she’s suddenly forced to deal with situations she’s never even thought to imagine.
What happens when one mention of a certain controversial singer on her show sends a flood of unexpected challenges her way? 
Authors Note: let the drama commence.
> Last update: look back here if you'd like!
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Everything fell apart in those first few short minutes. 
It felt as though the entire world had just gone mad. Drunk on the very idea of Matty having a family, of growing up, of suddenly becoming this new man, this father figure. As if anything like that had even occurred here at all. The thought of it had my stomach rolling, bewildered by these possible fantasies and the images being conjured up. How idiotic it all appeared, and how incredibly stupid I felt to have figured that any sort of connection to Matty would’ve worked out.
I blinked back the sting of my tears, rolling my bottom lip between my teeth as I slowly set the phone back down onto the settee cushion.
“I’m sorry.”
I frowned, startled by the unexpected apology I’d been gifted, and glanced back up to find Matty still sat there, waiting. For what, I didn’t know. “Why are you sorry? There’s nothing to say sorry for. You didn’t tell people to do this shit. You didn’t take the pictures and post them on the fucking internet.” I waved a frustrated hand out, gesturing towards the phone between us. “So don’t say you’re sorry.”
Matty locked his jaw, as though he was trying to bite back whatever answer that wanted to spew right back out at me. He kissed his teeth quietly though as he dragged his tongue out in thought, still wringing his hands together as though they were a wet cloth he needed to dry.
“Stop that too.” I told him, tilting my head back to heave a sigh up at the ceiling, like that would force the majority of my frustrations out instead of consuming me whole. “I can’t fucking believe this.” I murmured, letting my eyes fall shut.
It was at that that Matty scoffed and the sound of it had me whipping my head back around to catch sight of him.
“What? You can’t honestly believe that I’m overreacting here, can you?” I immediately asked him, so quick to jump on the defence, even though I had only just told him not to apologise for anything a second ago, seeing as he had done nothing wrong. 
“I’m not fucking sayin’ that.” Matty ground out, eyes trained on one of the blank walls laid out before us. He’d stopped his fidgeting but continued to keep his hands in a tight hold.
I rolled my eyes, grinding my teeth together. “Then why the noise? Why aren’t you more bothered about this? This is my kid, Matty. This is his face and his life being plastered all over these stupid fucking magazines!”
“It’s not his face.”
I paused, mouth falling open in shock. “You didn’t just say that.”
Matty turned to look at me then, “What? It’s not! Best picture they got was of us at the til.”
Blinking, I reeled away from him. Hurt by his nonchalance. “Oh and that’s alright then, I 'spose? It’s fine, ‘cause they only managed to get a picture of the back of his head!”
Matty released a heavy sigh and then lifted a hand to rub at his eyes, growing impatient or frustrated now too, I wasn’t sure. “I don’t mean it like that!”
“Then how do you mean it!” I shouted back at him, standing up from the settee in hopes to diminish the ever rising panic that had shaken me to my core. “How the fuck do you mean it then, Matty! Because this, whatever this is, isn’t what I signed up for!”
“Signed up for?” 
His voice was thick like tar, gritting and deep, pulling my attention as quickly as his eyes snapped up to meet my own. Filled with an anger I hadn’t actually expected.
“The fuck is that meant to mean then, Mouse?” He provoked, jerking his chin outwards as he watched me slow in my pacing of his living room, his voice giving off an eerie calm he didn’t truly feel. “No, go on. See, ‘cause I’d honestly love to hear it. Get it off your chest and all that, tell me how you really feel.”
I slumped, guilt washing over me. “I-” I looked away, throat suddenly tight, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
He chuckled, a low and pitiful thing that showed me just how hurt he really was. “Yeah, right.”
But before I could go on, Teddy was suddenly there, in the dim light of the doorway, somehow having toddled his way across the house and into the room with us. My guilt intensified by tenfold.
“Ghetti now?” He asked with a slight pout, staring up at me with those big beautiful eyes of his, brows dipped in utter confusion. What must we have looked like?
“Shit.” I hissed under my breath, turning away from him to keep the tears that had rapidly gathered in the corners of my eyes from spilling down my face. God, how had I managed to fuck things up this bad? Why had I let it get this far?
I sniffed at the thought when it hit me, but only after a moment did I somehow manage to pull myself together quickly enough to put on a brave smile for my son. But it seemed that within the few short seconds I’d stolen, Teddy had wandered his way on over to the settee, close enough to Matty that he was now looking up at the man instead of me.
And Matty was looking back.
“Okay, Matty?”
I choked on a silent cry, shaking my head at Teddy's question before I let it fall into my hands. How, how, how had I fucked this all up so badly?
There was a long stretch of silence before I finally heard him speak, before Matty finally answered. I squeezed my eyes tightly shut and then opened them again to glance over and see that the man had gone and done the very thing I should have as soon as I’d seen Teddy walk in, pulled him up onto his knee to comfort him as best as he could.
“I’m alright, monster.” Matty told him weakly, gazing down at my son with the same fondness he had always held for him, that previous anger of his, that hurt, swallowed up whole by his doting need to always put a smile on Teddy’s face. “Just lots of people annoyin’ me today, you know?”
I expected Teds to just frown up at him or blink confusedly at the response, but instead he dipped his chin in a slight nod and placed his little hand on the collar of Matty’s hoodie. Looking up at Matty, Teddy said, “Like when Leo takes my truck.”
Matty huffed out an amused chuckle, smiling down at him with the softest expression I’d ever witnessed.
How had I managed to hurt Matty so easily when all he had done was treat me so kindly? When he doted on my son the way he did, when he went above and beyond?
“Exactly, mate. Just one of them things I reckon. But we’ll sort it, won't we?” Matty replied, thumb stroking along the cuff of Teddy’s sleeve whilst my son continued to toy with the fraying edge of Matty’s hoodie.
“Matty sort it.” Teddy whispered with another nod, so sure of that fact.
The sight broke me, enough that I could no longer just watch. I sniffed again, willing myself not to cry anymore than I already had, and instead moved to cross the floor, ready to tell Matty that we’d be best leaving now. Desperate to get away, to give him some space. Only, he glanced up at me at that exact moment and must’ve seen the utter devastation that painted my face.
“Yeah,” He whispered back to Teddy, although the words seemed to be meant for me. “Matty will sort it.”
It was later now. Much later. The house was quiet even with its current occupants roaming around, the walls just seemed to absorb the sound. Matty had managed to wash up for once, doing it by hand instead of just tossing the plates in the dishwasher or leaving it for the cleaner to get to tomorrow morning. He’d just needed some time is all. To clear his head, he reckoned. 
They’d dished up the spaghetti together in silence, with only the low patter of rain pouring outside and the hum of the record player to fill it. Teddy had moved on from their earlier altercation, more worried over his tea than the shift in mood, but Matty supposed that was just kids. He’d been the same growing up. At least until he’d been old enough to understand, to remember the shouting, the sharp looks, the hissed words.
Mouse hadn’t been able to meet his eye throughout the entire affair. Not when they’d sat down, or as they’d eaten, or even when they’d wrapped up. Teddy had kept up a current of conversation though, talking of their previous trip to the zoo and then to the park, mentioning his recent waltz around the studio as well as the phone call he’d received from his grandmother.
Matty had gone along with it, letting her stew. Her words from earlier had fucking hurt, but not because he hadn’t heard them a thousand times before. With earlier girlfriends, mates, even relatives. No, he could deal with shit like that, this life had fucking hardened his skin. The words had only managed to tear away at him now because they had come from her.
“Cab should be here soon enough.” Matty spoke after a long moment, giving way to the fact that he’d been standing in the living room doorway for a short while now, watching as she fussed over her tired toddler.
She’d made her quick escape whilst he’d started tidying away the kitchen, claiming the need to clean Teddy up, and so he’d just let her go with only a hollow dip of his chin. 
In truth, it had given him the time and space to mull the whole situation over, to see her side of things- a trait he knew he had never really been any good at. He had wondered over the way she’d reacted too, not just to the allegations that had been plastered all over every webpage and news outlet, but to seeing how much his presence could also affect somebody else’s life.
She’d hurt him, yeah. But that was only because all of that shit had scared her, so he couldn’t really find it in himself to blame her. Not when he’d seen the obvious regret on her face the second she had realised what she’d gone and said.
Mouse looked up at him then, a little startled, the lamp that stood in the corner of the living room illuminated the open space, shrouding one side of her face in orange shadows. Teddy was already falling asleep against the settee cushions beside her, wrapped up in his winter coat. 
“Thank you.” She replied after a second. 
Her voice was too quiet, too soft.
Matty pushed off the wall to draw closer to them both, his socked feet pausing only a step or two before her. 
He knew he’d miss her once she was gone, he always did. But now that she’d been here, in his home, he knew that he’d never be able to escape the thoughts of her that would linger. He’d look at that settee now and only picture the way she was currently staring up at him.
He swallowed at the thought. 
“Are we good?” He asked her gently, scared to push her too far, or to wake Teddy.
Slowly, she blinked up at him, and in that moment the shadows danced, cutting pieces of her skin into shapes and framing her tired eyes.
“It’s fine.” She whispered, wearing a sad sort of smile, her jacket laid out to the left of her. “I’m sorry, for before. I didn’t mean-”
He cut her off with a slow shake of his head and moved to sit down beside her, bold in the way he let his hand settle over her own. She shifted, knee knocking against his. “I know.” He told her, because he truly did, “I’ll sort it, alright? I’ll clear things up, talk to Jamie or something, whatever it takes.”
He felt her hand clasp his more firmly and squeeze.
“I don’t want to lose you.” He added, thoughtlessly. Carelessly. 
She squeezed again, pulling their hands into her lap. “You won’t.”
Matty wanted to question it, ask her how she knew and if she was certain, but he couldn’t force the words out. “I’ll sort it.” He said again instead, letting his thumb brush the back of her hand. Retracing the length of it again and again. Whilst he still could.
“I know.”
He looked over to her then, seeing the exhausted smile she gave him in return and the warmth hidden behind her eyes. He wanted to kiss her then. 
“We’ll take it one day at a time, alright?” He murmured instead, unable to tear his eyes away from her, from the way she stared back at him. 
She nodded, hold tightening once more.
Matty wondered what she was thinking at that very moment, if she could see all the messy thoughts and feelings she forced up out of him. If she could feel them, too.
February seemed to fly by. Pancake day came and went with a sugar loaded toddler and too much leftover mixture, and then quickly fell into the next. 
Valentine’s day had never been a holiday I’d favoured, too young, too hungover, too single, too pregnant, too busy. I’d never really celebrated it, and only had very vague memories of the ones my mum and dad had made together. Because they had been happy at one point, a very long time ago.
So it was safe to say I was promptly ignoring it again this year too. Seeing as I had no prospects, no secret lover, and no cupcake covered cupid flying over my head. 
Things felt worse this time around though, and I knew why. Because of course I did. But it didn’t make knowing it any fucking easier.
“Matty come ‘day?” Teddy asked for the umpteenth time since we’d seen him last.
My eyes slipped closed at the question, my back to him, but only for a second before I carried on like normal. “Not today, bub.” I answered, wiping down the kitchen counter before completely changing the subject, “How’s your fruit then, hey?”
It had been a little over a week since I’d last seen Matty. We had texted, once or twice, mostly him asking after Teddy and the show, or me wondering how the album was coming on, but that was it.
The whole fiasco resulting in Matty’s apparent ‘found family’ had ebbed slightly but hadn’t died out. There was still the odd article, the mass of tweets, although none of it compared to those first few days. 
I shook my head thinking back to it. The way I’d been accosted in the bakery near the studio and on the way into work, the nonstop calls I’d gotten to be interviewed, the way the show’s ratings had skyrocketed and its comments had been overwhelmed by the same exact question.
So yeah, I had pulled away from him a little. Or, I guess a lot.
But I didn’t know what else I could do. We’d gotten lucky last time, whatever idiot had snapped those photos of us hadn’t managed to get a glimpse of Teddy’s face. But what if the next time they did? And what if I couldn’t protect him from whatever backlash or fallout followed?
Because I knew how people saw me. Single mum, young and disfigured. I caught the way they watched me wherever I went. How they stared. The looks I garnered.
And Matty, well, Matty was good and sweet, and he was everything I hadn’t known I’d needed. I’d let him in so easily and had hardly even had a second to question it. And now I was left in the ruins of it all, on my own because it felt easier that way. Because it should have felt easier that way.
Like it had before.
Before Matty.
It was only when the doorbell went that I realised I’d been staring off into space again, Teddy happily munching away on his mango whilst watching a new episode of his current favourite show. 
I sighed and dropped the cloth I’d been using to wipe the sides, puttering out into the hallway to answer it.
I paused at the sight of our usual postie, having thought that we’d already received the morning post through the letterbox only a half an hour earlier.
“Package for you.” He said with his accustomed smile, holding out an odd little device for me to sign.
“Um,” I fumbled, trying to remember whether or not I’d ordered anything whilst reaching out to scribble a halfhearted signature for him. “Where from?” I asked, letting him take the pen back and hand me a rather large brown box in return.
He shrugged, “Sorry, love. I just deliver them. But I suppose you can always look for the return address if you’re unsure.”
I smiled in response, shifting the box in my arms with a slight furrow to my brow whilst he descended the few steps, “Right, thank you.”
He waved me off inside and carried on down the pavement to his van. I let the door rattle close behind me.
Standing in the hallway, I frowned down at the package, certain that I hadn't ordered anything to the flat. Then decided to double check it was in fact for me, peering down at the address label, still sort of surprised to see my name written there just like the postie had said.
I guessed that there was no better way to work the mystery out than just diving head first, so I picked at the brown parcel tape on one side of the box and ripped it off in one fell swoop. 
The rest came off pretty easily after that, letting me open up the top flaps of the box. Peering inside, I was confused by the array of items I found.
Socks, slippers, an expensive set of pjs… chocolates, an arrangement full of tea bags and my favourite hard boiled sweets, there was even a pretty watercolour vase safely secured in bubble wrap, as well as a bundle of face masks and a little teddy bear in the form of a cow.
I stared blankly down at the items before the doorbell went once more. Bewildered, I turned on autopilot and unlocked the latch, only to be met by a huge bouquet of wildflowers.
My face must have made a right picture, so startled by the odd occurrence I'd been met with, but the delivery person only beamed at me and wished me a happy day. I nodded dumbly, unable to reply due to the apple sized lump in my throat. 
The door closed quietly behind me that time around and frowning I took the box and the bouquet and walked down the hallway into the kitchen, glad to have Teddy so preoccupied by the tele for once.
I set the box down on the table, as well as the flowers, and then simply stood and stared at them for a little bit.
Dragging a hand through my hair, I knew I couldn’t just stand about all day in confusion and so took a small step, and then another, before I slowly pulled all of the items from out of the box and settled them down. Searching for any sort of message from the sender.
Could it be Adi? Finn, or my mam?
I licked at my lower lip, not finding any sort of hint as to who it could have possibly been from in the bottom of the now empty box, and so, with a small exhale, I then let my eyes drift on over to the bouquet.
It was a big arrangement. 
Actually that was an understatement. It was massive, completely unnecessary and utterly, utterly, beautiful. 
I was scared to even reach out and touch them, they were so gorgeous. Never had I seen a bunch so perfectly well-crafted, they must've been really expensive…
Which only left-
My heart clenched at the very thought, because no, he wouldn’t have. 
I was quick to reach out then, fingers brushing along dainty petals and verdant leaves to find an elegant ivory coloured card buried amongst the colourful array.
Squeaks, Happy Valentine’s Day, love. If anyone deserves anything on a day that celebrates love, it’s you. The one person I know who’s so very full of it. I know this’ll be a bit strange, especially as we’ve not been on typical talking terms as of late, but Teds and I decided on this a while ago, and I couldn’t let him down, could I? Anyway, I hope you got the care package too, it was all the monster’s idea, see, so don’t get too huffy over the price of ‘em, yeah? You deserve it.  Enjoy today and when you find the time, check your email. Matty x
I must have stood there for far too long. Long enough for my fingertips to chill in the early afternoon breeze, which swept in through the window, and for Teddy to wander over in search of me.
I startled at the sound of his excited little voice and the way he was quick to wiggle his way up onto a chair to get a good look at the various items which littered the table.
“See? See it?” He asked me, positively beaming at the sight.
I swallowed thickly and smiled, and although my mind struggled to catch up with what was happening, my heart had not. It beat rapidly in my chest, pounding against my ribcage, demanding to be heard.
“Yeah,” I croaked out, before I cleared my throat and let go of the breath I’d been holding. “Yeah, I do. Did you do all this then, monster?” I asked him, running a hand through his mane of curls and hardly even noticing the use of Matty’s given nickname.
Teddy did though. “Matty, mama! I picks! Matty picks!”
Smiling, I leaned in closer to kiss his cheek. “I love it. Thank you, baby.”
I received an all but beaming grin.
“Call! Call, peas!”
My forehead pinched, “Call?”
“Matty! Call! Can we?"
My heart swelled at the thought before it quickly felt like it wouldn’t stop, constricting in my chest and consuming whatever space my ribs had to offer. 
Call Matty.
I could do that, I could call him.
I should call him.
Shouldn’t I?
Yeah, I had to. Of course I did, I mean, how could I not? When he was mental enough to do.. all this!
God. What the fuck was I even gonna say?
But then Teddy was bouncing in his chair, hands grabbing at everything he could touch and I was swiftly picking up the bouquet and pressing on Matty’s contact.
I was calling Matty.
My eyes widened when the ringing stopped and I heard him pick up. He was quiet for one, two seconds, and then, “Mouse?”
He heard her soft breaths break up the silence that came through the speaker, he let her have a moment. Unsure on what reaction he’d get right then.
Matty had felt confident a little over two weeks ago, when he and Teddy had been scheming and planning. But now? 
Now he had to face the storm he’d called upon, anticipating the questions and the uncomfortable thoughts over whether or not she thought the whole thing had been too weird.
Who the fuck did he think he was? Gifts on Valentines day, what was he playing at, being her boyfriend?
Matty felt the urge to defend himself, or to just brush the whole thing off and sweep it under the rug, and then set said rug alight, but instead he simply rubbed at his forehead to still his shaking hands.
They’d been doing that all morning, shaking. Reminding him of when he had been desperate for a good hit, as well as the few months he’d spent in rehab. The withdrawals had always been the worst bit. They plagued his thoughts even now, a year clean.
“Thank you.”
Matty dropped his hand at the sound of her whisper, echoing in his ear. He wished it would hollow a space out in there somewhere and just settle, live there for a while. If only to soothe him.
He hadn’t realised he’d forgotten to breathe until right then and sucked in a rather deep breath. He then swallowed and felt his lips quirk up into a sheepish smile, thankful that she wasn’t there to see it or the pinking of his neck. “You got it then?” He replied, skipping over the ‘your welcomes’ and other pleasantries. That just wasn’t him, it wasn’t them.
It was like he could feel her smile, even from down the phone. “I did. I,” She paused then and he could hear the slight rustling of paper, he hoped that she was looking down at the flowers, toying with them. “I love them. I love it all. I can’t believe you did this.”
Matty pulled a pack of Marlboros from out of his back pocket, and with one hand struggled to put one to his lips and light it.
“It was all Teddy.” He told her, grateful for the way the nicotine ebbed some of that anxiety he’d been latching onto as of late, though not the shake of his hands.
She chuckled, a light soft thing that he probably hadn’t meant to hear, that she probably hadn’t meant to let escape. “I’ve never been given anything like it.”
The truth seemed to tinge her voice into an octave lower, so quiet too that he struggled to hear each syllable she made. 
His heart constricted in his chest, pulled and stuttered and stretched.
Matty took a long drag.
“Did you check your email yet?” He asked her, his eyes surveying the brick wall of the side street he’d slipped into when he’d seen her call. He knew the area well enough, had been walking around just for something to do until their studio time started. He had lots of spare time as of recently.
“Not yet,” She answered him, her voice softening the chaos that was his mind. “What is it?”
He found himself smiling, blowing out a billow of smoke and squinting around the edges of it. “That would be telling.”
Her laughter warmed the coldness that had seeped its way into his bones the night she’d left. Then he heard the call of a familiar voice, one that seemed so excited and was growing closer.
“Matty? Matty?” Teddy sounded through the phone, a little breathless although Matty could picture his bright grin.
“Hey, monster.”
“Matty! They came!” Teddy informed him, obviously talking about the presents Squeaks had received.
“Did they? Just in time then, hey?”
He chuckled when Teddy started to ramble away, telling him what he’d found laid out on the kitchen table and the ‘big pretty flowers’ his mum was still holding. Matty’s chest warmed at the thought.
“She happy then?” He heard himself ask once the toddler had stopped to breathe.
Teddy must’ve nodded then because Matty heard Mouse laugh and then mumble something or other. “Yeah! Like very much.” Came the actual answer and the skin around Matty’s mouth stretched.
“I’m glad.” He said to the boy, hoping that she could still somehow hear him. Hear the truth in his words, the things he hadn’t said but wanted to.
They spoke for a little while longer, Teddy taking up the majority of it seeing as they hadn’t phoned in a while. Something he hadn’t wanted to linger too long on whilst still on the call. Desperate to understand everything and anything that had happened in the short time he’d been waiting for her to come to terms with things. 
She managed to wrangle the thing back off him when he got distracted by something happening outside of the kitchen window and a part of Matty settled when he finally heard her voice. 
“Hey,” She exhaled, he hoped she was smiling.
“Hey.” Matty mimicked, and he definitely was smiling.
“Hi.” She chuckled again, and he rolled his eyes.
“Yeah, you said that.”
“Oh, shut it.” 
He laughed, the sound of it echoed down the side street, bouncing off bricks and crawling to the very edge. “I’ve missed you.” He murmured, and as true as that fact was, he wished he hadn’t. Because a second passed, and then four.
But then, “I’ve missed you, too.”
Matty inhaled sharply, licking at his lower lip, feeling how he’d practically chewed it almost raw during the last few days. “Make sure you put those flowers in a vase or something, yeah?” He said, still jittery with her admission, like a little kid on the school playground. “I wanna see them soon.” See you.
“I will.” She answered him, ever so soft. 
“I’ll look at that email, too.”
Matty grinned, although his pulse jumped at the very thought.
“Call me after?”
She went quiet, and he was stuck waiting again.
“Yeah, okay.”
He breathed a little easier at that, having heard the smile in her voice.
“After, then.”
When their call finally ended, Matty went to drop his cigarette and noticed then that his hands had given up their constant tremble. 
He shook his head and wandered back out onto the main street. Everything seemed to come back to her.
It had taken me ages to finally get around to opening up my email. My day had been jam packed full of mishaps, from a giant spillage of Teddy’s doing, to sorting out a mistake in the show’s upcoming itinerary. 
It was only once I’d put Teddy to sleep and cleaned up what mess he’d made of my living room, that I got the chance to grab my laptop and climb into my own bed.
I was met with an email from Matty’s personal account when I logged in, one which contained a single file. 
This feeling (demo).
For a long time I just stared down at the tiny clip, my cursor hovering over the tail end of it, because I knew what it was, what it could have only been. But he’d been so adamant about me hearing the album with everyone else, would even get into a right huff about it whenever I’d accidentally catch him humming or singing a tune he hadn’t realised he’d even been making.
And now this?
It left me feeling all sorts of emotions, a majority of which I couldn’t quite make out. But the one I definitely did was all too obvious. Though it had been a long time since I'd last felt anything like it.
My stomach swarmed with them and as I clicked to open up the file they only grew bigger, distracting me, until finally, I heard his voice.
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Hello! I'm Cauts, and I'm the official court artist for the many stars and celestial bodies! My pronouns are he/him and e/em, though I won't bash you for not using the latter.
When I post serious art, my reblogs are off due to third-party AI systems using images for training databases, and while I have it turned off and most of the celestial same picverse does too, anyone who reblogs images without having it turned off will be used in training databases, and I don't want to risk it.
(ooc // I'm aromantic and a minor, so any shipping is not allowed, and any anons with weird undertones will be deleted)
Side note: Please do not tag me in any sort of “reblog this if you support [x]” or “reblog if you’re not a [x]”. My personal belief is that do what you want, so long as you do no harm. This is a blog about having conversations with planets and stars, and drawing them when I have the time. I’m not going to bring in discussions about potentially triggering topics. Got it?
All the other CSP blogs are below the cut, to keep this post relatively short!
Kiss kiss (/p)!
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nori-the-cat · 2 months
Boynextdoor Member's Ideal Type; Hyung Line ♡
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Remember, tarot readings should be taken with a grain of salt. This tarot reading post is for entertainment purposes only.
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Disclaimer: The members are relatively still young and some are in their early 20s. Their ideal type can change over time. This tarot reading reads the member's current ideal type.
This tarot reading post focuses on each member's ideal type based on the personality they like and what their person potentially looks like.
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♡ Myung Jaehyun ♡
cards pulled: the world, eight of wands, and and nine of cups
Myung Jaehyun's ideal partner is someone who's confident, outgoing, sociable, kind, friendly, and conversational. He also likes people who can keep up with his energetic personality.
cards pulled: the devil reversed, king of pentacles, and page of cups reversed
In terms of their looks, he doesn't really have much to say. He's not into the Korean beauty standard. As long as they are neat, proper, and clean. He also finds people who exude a mature aura charming.
Myung Jaehyun is pretty straightforward. So, this is what I got from him.
♡ Sungho ♡
cards pulled: the moon reversed, the emperor, five of wands reversed, eight of cups, and the chariot
Sungho’s ideal type is most likely someone older than him or the same age but they’re more mature than him. He finds people who are confident, honest, ambitious, and has a calm demeanour attractive.
He wants his partner to make his life easier. Hence, he prefers someone who knows what they want and is driven.
cards pulled: five of wands and five of swords
As for their appearance and physical appearance he likes sporty looking people. Someone who appears athletic and has a striking features like sharp eyes, nose, or jawline. The kind of face that stands out in the crowd.
Sungho is somewhat picky. He has things he specifically like and dislike. However, the things I mainly pick up from him is that he’s into people who are as perfectionist as him.
♡ Riwoo ♡
cards pulled: the empress, queen of wands, the tower reversed, justice reversed, and seven of swords
Riwoo likes people who feels warm, friendly and approachable. He also likes them even more if they has the qualities he looks for in a partner. The qualities he looks for in someone are passionate, smart and charismatic. He also thinks that people who can stand on their own feet is admirable.
In short, someone who can appear soft and elegant, and knows themselves well is what he finds attractive. Ideally, they should also be smart, cunning, and calculating.
He also likes talking. To him, a person who can hold a conversation is important. Hence, their ability to know a wide range of topics and hold a conversation is going to keep him wanting to get to know them more.
cards pulled: king of wands, ten of wands, wheel of fortune, the magician reversed, and three of swords reversed
Their appearance might have a strong, confident, and magnetic appearance. Physically, his ideal type is similar to Sungho’s. However, Sunho likes athletes. So, imagine Volleyball players or track athletes. Whereas Riwoo likes people who takes care of themselves, goes to the gym, and eat healthy. Basically, someone who pays attention to their appearance.
As I’ve said before, he likes people who are friendly and approachable. This reflects in his ideal type. He’s not into people who are conventionally and socially attractive. He likes them to look friendly, approachable, and kind. But with a bit of twist that keeps him on his toes.
Similar to Sungho, Riwoo is also picky. But he’s indecisive. He has too many things he wants in a partner that he’s got a long list of things he likes and wants in a partner. During the tarot reading I can hear him say, “I want this…and this…oh and this too!” He can’t decide what he’s interested in. However, I mainly pickup that he likes people who makes him feel curious.
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rilli-luci · 11 months
Belos wasn't a child when Caleb left
Okay great now that I have your attention, I will state that of course this is a big thing of speculation between most people in the TOH fandom because quite frankly we only got to see SOME of the portraits in Belos' mind during the episode of Hollow Mind. But since the portraits have been posted for some time now on Twitter, it's about time we look at the facts.
Starting with what we know is true, yes Caleb is Phillip's older brother. We all know this. It's just fact. However there is something that some people overlook and it's that Caleb is not that much older than Philip.
The reason we know this is because of this portrait here.
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And this one here
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The boys are not that far apart in age. So Caleb probably just took on the role of a parental figure because that is a very common thing to do between siblings with either no parents or abusive ones. The older siblings parentifies themselves to protect the younger sibling.
That being said they were young when they met Evelyn but Caleb didn't just leave immediately. The reason for that is cause when Caleb leaves, Philip looks like this.
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Phillip now has a ponytail and a cowlick. He's at an age where he wants to emulate the person he looks up to most and that's Caleb. There are some who argue "Well Phillip could've been a teen" Well so was Caleb. They were both teens then.
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In this picture, he still has the ponytail but he has extra stuff. The best bet is Phillip went back to their home to grab things he may have needed (note the lack of mask) but I don't think he stayed behind for years. That's too long to go without looking for his brother. He would want to find him immediately. So he grabbed his things then left. And the Boiling Isles is big. Walking on foot would take time. He's in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people and he doesn't trust anything there. So it takes him enough time to grow a short beard to find Caleb. Cause at the dame time, Caleb is going around with his new witch friend and learning about magic.
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This same beard is just longer when Luz and Lilith met him. We don't know how long Caleb had been dead by that point but he was most certainly dead at that time. And Belos looks to be about maybe his early 30s by then. He doesn't too much older than when he killed Caleb. Because of this I believe Phillip Wittebane as at the very least a young adult when Caleb left. He doesn't need to be a child for that event to have deeply affect him. His only family left with who he was told was an enemy for a good chunk of his life. It's not just heart breaking but belief shattering for him.
I know with what Masha told the others during Thanks to Them it looks like there was a sizable age gap but keep in mind this is a story that has been told and retold and retold again and again for like 400 years. There will be exaggerations, there will be incorrect retellings that mix with the real ones. Its more dramatic if Belos was a child its more dramatic if a witch kidnapped the older brother and the younger went to save him but neither returned cause of the witch. They are telling a story that isn't theirs that they’ve been told before. Of course the details would change. And it's really our only evidence that Belos was left as a child if I recall correctly. But considering the fact the town has 2 statues of the brothers AS ADULTS.
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There is no way Caleb left him while he was a child. Not really. The portraits and the statues suggest otherwise. There's no reason to make statues of the brothers without being the correct ages relative to each other when they're like with each other. This is the evidence I found and if anyone has anymore evidence to back it up, add onto the post I don't mind. But everything suggests that Belos was an adult when Caleb left and he followed shortly after to save him.
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headingalaxys-spicy · 2 months
About citizenship post what if they don't know they're being used
How about they get married and after darling get citizenship she wants to divorce them?
I’ll be frank right now, dear reader: YOU AIN’T getting that divorce. 
But let’s break down how that happens. (Also probably not my best work but here we go. I didn’t want this sitting in my ask box forever in purgatory) 
You’re going to have to be a stellar actor/actress because that's a facade that will be difficult to maintain if you don’t love him. He does demand a lot of affection from you & just because he’s bubbly most of the time does not mean he lacks a bullshit detector. 
Alfred will want to know what's up & why you’re being so cold towards him. If you’re unable to dispel his doubts, he’ll know that divorce is a possible outcome. Before you can even get to that, he’s going to play mind with you. He will be hot & cold. Alfred will say offhanded and unprompted things like: 
“You know it's a shame that this one married partner here wasn’t able to naturalize since they divorced so soon… & it was later found out the marriage was fraudulent.” A playful hand wandered up your arm as he got close to your ear and said: 
“Then they were arrested and deported.” 
That sent fire to your ears. Fear rushes into your heart, making it run at high speed. An ice bucket splashed over your head, sending a shockwave down your spine. 
‘Deported?’ Not after all of your hard work….effort…and being able to manage a man while fun to be around; you knew he had a terrifying underneath even though he doesn’t usually let it show. 
“Living with you is like a daydream Y/N. I never want it to end.” As he places pointed kisses at your cheek. 
He’s toying with you. Making sure you stay on edge. 
If you do somehow manage to fool him long enough to get divorce papers served to him….OOOOOHHHH boy, there will be hell to pay. You’re going to be hunted down. Your lawyer who assisted you will be given an undisclosed sum to throw your case out & forget they ever met you. 
When the papers have been served Arthur’s blood will be boiling like the water he uses to make his tea. 
There are many factors to the visas but I’ll stick with the two that are the most important. 
The Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) & the Spouse Visa. 
You have to obtain the Spouse Visa first before you can obtain the (ILR) status. 
Your ability to stay will be dependent on your marriage, and he will make sure that you don’t even know what your (ILR) status is. Arthur has always liked having the upper hand. He’ll maintain it by monitoring you constantly. 
There will be trackers in your car, and he will keep close eyes on your browsing history, credit/debit card transactions, etc. He may even lightly interrogate you over afternoon tea if he feels you are beginning to stray away from him. Since you’re in a different country from all of your close bonds (friends, family, co-workers, etc.), isolation is relatively easy. He’s also going to demand that you spend more time with him so that the relationship can work. Depleting most if not all social time with others you have in England. You won’t have time to build bonds to talk to others and maybe catch red flags that would go unnoticed. 
You will be blamed for any of the issues you have within your marriage or your feelings will be undermined. 
“Y/N darling! You’re overreacting! It’s just a cat! We can always get another! You smothered it too much that’s why it’s run off!” He’ll kiss your forehead in an attempt to comfort you and then continue to tell you why you’re weak and failing to uphold your part in the marriage. Of course, he’s not going to take responsibility for the short comings in the relationship; that’s what he’s married you for. 
And if you try to run away: Congrats his secret agents will be all over you within mere hours. It won’t be long till you’re brought back to him. Then it will be a long time before you see the light of day ever again. 
He’d done all that he could so that getting a “visa de long sejour valant titre de sejour” (VLS-TS) was seamless & easy for you. Francis also ensured that you were aware of the renewal dates, had the money you needed, insurance, and whatever demands the French government had in order for you to stay in his country, he ensured you could meet them exceptionally. So when he receives divorce papers on his desk…tears, apologies, fancy dinners,  flowers, and make-up sex will be among his first line of defense to make you stay.
Francis will do anything for you to reconsider your decision to divorce. 
He will interrogate you on what he’s not doing right. 
Was their a habit that he had that displeased you? He can change! 
Is it his performance in bed? He can do better! He can learn! 
Not enough kisses to the neck and cheeks? He can do more!
What is it? He NEEDS to know! 
Francis will corner you in the kitchen as you’re making your morning coffee. 
“Y/N please….” He approaches you from behind and brings you into a hug. “What has made you this way? What did I do? Was it something I said?” 
Francis is going to want to get to the bottom of what made you want the divorce. He will force you into couples therapy. Yes, it will be a therapist who has some unscrupulous morals. They’ll tell you why you should stay together and how the two of you are “Perfect” and “Soul Mates”. The therapist will gloss over any complaints you may have during the session & that you be okay with Francis’ Yandere tendencies. 
12-Weeks, like all the others, is how long it will take to obtain your visa. You’d been fully integrated into his structured lifestyle that he’s slightly adjusted to accommodate you. Normally, he’s up at 5 am to go for his early morning jog to 6 am. He will help you make coffee just so you’d be able to get more accustomed to being up so early. 
Since you must function within his rigid structure, you’ll have to be sneaky in various ways. 
Emotionally, it's the delicate way you treat him, take care of him, make promises you keep or don’t keep, and hug and kiss him that matters. If subtle changes compound over time, he will inquire about them at some point if he feels that the changes have become too great. He will interrogate you about it while you’re vulnerable, like in his lap, and he has a death grip on your thighs. 
Physically, I know I mentioned hugging and kissing already, but how intentional, how often, and how much passion there is? He will notice the lack when it comes to you not feeling it in bed. He will pause in whatever the two of you are doing & will ask “What’s wrong Y/N?” while his stony cold blues will pierce your eyes. If you don’t have a satisfactory answer you will be handcuffed to the bed as he will search the room for evidence of infidelity & divorce papers. 
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