#but then anya comforting damian was so good
I'm late to chp 71 but DAMIAN?!😭😭😭
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hey!! Can i request a spy x family x child reader?
Let's assume that Twilight needed 2 children for this mission and basically the reader gets adopted at the same time as Anya and the reader is actually a 6 year old. The reader is very smart and has a personality similar to Twilight
(you can ignore if it's too much)
This will be interesting. Sorry if I made Reader too serious
Forger family x child! Reader
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Let's say you and Anya were in seperate adoption centers, and you were the last one to be adopted hence your almost always stoic expression and pretty serious manner for a 6 year old . But Loid thought you were perfect, a quiet calm child who won't cause any trouble and plus your intelligence.
And when you and anya met a few hours later she was lowkey scared of you and thought you'd be like atleast 10-12 with just a short and quite small body but when she read your mind it was mostly innocent stuff like "I really want candy right now." Or "I hope I will have a good home."
Yor absolutely adored you and Loid, when she saw you and Loid together studying she was melting at how you two were so similar in personality and appearance! (meaning your facial expression)
You two are basically. "🗿"
You are also protective of Anya and telling off Damian and his friends when they pick on her but noticed how he would blush at Anya doing basically anything. And you thought this would actually be a great chance to make them closer somehow.
And you and Anya's scores difference are probably very drastic and Loid would do the good ol' comparing like "look at Y/N's score and yours, why can't you be like them?" Ofc Anya would later get sad and gloomy and Loid would later apologize and comfort Anya. You didn't like it either.
Yor would sometimes worry at how serious you are sometimes and would think something bad has happened. But there would also be times where you assure her and smile which would relieve Yor greatly. She really wants to make a good impression for both her children so whenever you smile when she does something for you or give you something she's practically liquid.
When Yuri first saw you and your calm manner he thought you were the biological child of Loid. (If your appearances are different from Loid's then he'll just think you took more of your previous mother's genes.) And was pretty embarrassed when you weren't since he probably made a fuss about it.
Anya may or may not tell you about her telepathic abilities, very unlikely since she's scared you'll be scared of her and snitch but there's always a possibility.
You'll be stuck like glue 90% of the time and if she decides to tell you about her secret? You're stuck together 100% of the time, she'll treat you like an older sibling (because you are) and talk to you about all her problems and troubles and you guys probably fall asleep together watching TV with the dog. (Yor and Loid have both become slime.)
Oh talking about the dog you and Anya will both play with bond 24/7, and bond will protect you both from any future danger. (Good boy bond!)
You sometimes scold Anya at her risky and unwise decisions she makes when in public and then she'll be at the brink of tears because you're supposed to support her and care for her, not scold her! And then you'll also have to apologize.
Loid will treat you no lesser or better than Anya but he does leave you in charge of both Anya and Yor while he's gone because he knows Yor will to do whatever Anya says. At this point you and Loid are the head of the family.
If you suddenly cry or break down the whole family will absolutely panic. Yor would try to calm you down but she's also almost close to crying so it isn't helping at all. Anya would cry with you. Loid would try to bribe you with candy or your favorite food to stop crying because he doesn't know what the hell to do. If someone made you cry the whole family will be mad. But if it's just some accident like bruising your leg or body on some furniture you can bet your hair (or head if you're bald) Yor and Loid will baby proof that furniture.
Overall your life with the forgers are colorful and full of surprises. Very risky though.
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briefhottubcoffee · 6 months
Let me talk about Becky. Can I talk about Becky?
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Right from the start, she has been such a good friend to our little Anya. Let’s face it. Anya’s a freaking dork. And first impressions are important on the first days of schools. Everyone is mean to Anya at first and keep her at a distance. Damian bullies her immediately. But Becky?? Becky Blackbell??? The spoiled daughter of a mega corporation?? She’s not gonna go with the crowd. She sees this strange little commoner girl and is immediately like “this is my new best friend. I’m gonna love and support her, take care of her, stick up to the bullies for her, comfort her, flirt with her dad, etc.”
Think about all the weird shit Anya is already doing at Eden. She’s obsessed with hanging out with Damian, her bully, and Becky is like “okay girl! Go get him! I’ll support you!” She gets bad grades and Becky is right there going “man this school is so tough! I love your positive outlook! You’ll do great next time!” And Anya gets a Stella and Becky is immediately there hugging her and congratulating her like she had no doubt Anya could do it. By aligning herself with Anya immediately, Becky ostracizes herself from the rest of the class. But she doesn’t care at. all.
Also! On the first day, we see that Becky ran home and told Martha about this weird girl in her class and she says “maybe school won’t be so bad after all!” Are you kidding?!?
This is also Anya’s first introduction to school presumably. She was scared and already an outsider. She was pressured to go to a school she’s not prepared for because of Loids mission. But Becky was there. Becky is the first friend she’s had. And look at this!! She’s ride or die.
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And in turn, Anya is Becky’s first friend! This is one of my favorite Becky panels:
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This is the first time we ever see her kinda.. sad?? She’s insecure and worried Anya didn’t have fun shopping with her, cuz Becky is pushy and bossy. She’s already unsure if she’s worthy of having a friend. But Anya had an awesome time! And Becky is so freaking happy!! I can’t! Waaaaahhhh!!!
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Listen, I don’t know what’s going to happen with the rest of the series. But we keep Becky. We stand with Becky. Anya is a happy girl now, but she had a presumably very difficult life before The Forgers. She has her parents, of course. And they live and die for Anya, of course. But they are traumatized adults with impossible jobs and (with Loid specifically) outward love and affection are difficult for traumatized people. Anya is young and she needs that devotion and love and safety and security. Becky gives it to her so freely. There’s nothing holding her back. Becky is a source of happy and fun no matter what. And she’s so freaking funny too.
Like Loid said: cherish friendships. It’s so important to me that Becky and Anya are such best friends. Things could go to hell, but I KNOW they will be there for each other no matter what. It’s so special.
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fairyv-ice · 3 months
Love Wins All
Here is chapter 1
~ Seeing him peaceful is what makes her happy was this always the case? ~
Chapter 2
~Further away from earth to mars will you please go with me? wherever it may be we’ll search endlessly where loneliness doesn’t exist~
Anya was quiet. Just sitting slightly up in the infirmary bed looking out the window. Her sniffles calmed down. She turned to look at a sleeping sy-on boy. He had rested his head near the edge of the bed while holding an ice pack at her swollen ankle that the nurse had told him to hold for Anya so she can rest and it looks like he dozed off. Funny Anya thought she was supposed to be the one resting but here they were and all she could do was look at sy-on boy with a bit of sadness in her eyes while he slept so comfortably by her. 
She didn’t understand why she felt this bad. Growing up she always knew what the mission was. Become friends with Damian Desmond so papa could get closer to his papa to end the war. Maybe because she never fully understood that to “end the war” meant that Papa had to take away the one thing that was important to Damian. She also never understood why Damian loved his father when he really didn’t seem like a good one. In all honesty he seemed to hurt him more than anything, yet sy-on boy always tried SO hard to make his papa happy. Anya shook her head thinking why does she even care this much? It’s not like this will affect her. This is all for the mission, always has been ... but still seeing sy-on boy this peaceful so close to her made her smile with still that bit of sadness in her eyes. All she wanted was for him to feel this peaceful, she didn't want to be the cause for his pain or anger (even though she knows she makes him mad ... a lot..).
She sat up a bit more trying not to make too much noise and reached her hand to his cheek. She gently caressed his cheek while watching him breathe. She thought back to his thought from earlier, of not receiving hugs from anyone except her and not really wanting anyone to hug him but her. What did that even mean? Did he like her hugs? Did he like… her? She shook her head at that possibility, how could he like her when he teases her so much? Anyways it’s not like she liked him or anything, it's not like she tends to blush when she reads his thoughts ~unintentionally~ and hears how beautiful her eyes are or how cute her face is in them.  Lost in thought she didn’t notice that he was starting to wake until he grabbed her hand. She still had her eyes on him and his on her now. 
“Is there something on my face?” he said, with a light hue of pink by his ears still holding her hand in his. 
“oh. Uhm. Well no, you just looked comfortable and cute and I just couldn't help it. I just wanted to.. I don't really know why I did that. I'm sorry.” she said as she looked away, hand still in his. 
~Did she just call me cute? Does she think I'm cute? Are we holding hands? what is happening.. okay just play it cool~ she heard his thoughts and her face turned red.
“Hey, it's not a big deal, thanks.. I guess? If that's a compliment?” he said, looking away as well now. 
“oh uhh yeah I guess it was, well I mean it’s not a lie, every girl in the school says you are cute sy-on boy,” she said, still looking away.
  ~oh it’s because she heard the other girls say that… maybe if I ~ his thought cut off, he looked at her and he said -
“Do YOU think I'm cute?”
~WHAT THE HELL DID I JUST SAY~ he thought and face completely red like a tomato 
Anya heard everything, in his head and what he just asked. She turned to look at him, eyes wide. Thinking why would he ask her that her and his thoughts both going a thousand miles a minute. She was about to respond. 
“I-” she was cut off
“FORGET I SAID THAT- Haha Anyways, How are you feeling? How is your ankle? Do you think we should head back to class? I think we missed the chem test, we probably have to stay after classes today to make it up.” he said awkwardly 
~that was so stupid of me, I can't believe I actually said that, what the hell is wrong with me. Wait.. we are still holding hands… I shouldn't have grabbed it in the first place. Maybe if I let go she wont notice~ 
Anya looked at him and gave his hand a light squeeze and placed it gently on the bed.  She looked a bit sad after letting go he thought, and she knew what he thought. Why was she sad to let go? They have held hands before so why was this feeling a bit different? She didn’t want him to think she was sad so she sat up all the way and smiled at him and said,
“I think I will be okay. it doesn't hurt that bad anymore! But yah we should get back to class.. I’m gonna have to tell Becky that I won't be able to hang out with her today, that's no fun.”
“Oh, did you guys have plans after school?” he asked, as he was getting up to stretch and then grabbed their bags.
“Yah, we were supposed to go to that new bakery that opened down the street. But it's okay it’s not going anywhere. Plus I actually studied really hard for this dumb test so I need to take it before I forget everything!” she said as she got out of the bed and added “you know i can carry my bag right? It’s my ankle that hurts, not my hands'' she said teasingly.
He shook his head and opened the door for her and said “What kind of gentlemen would I be if I allowed an injured young lady to carry an oh so heavy bag?” with a smirk.
She walked out to the hall eyeing him with a teasing smile and said “Oh.. why Mr. Desmond, how can a refined young lady like myself ever repay a chivalrous man like yourself? hehe” with a smug face.
He looked at her with a serious face and a bit of pink on the tip of his ears and said 
“Two big words in one sentence? Do you even know what they mean?” 
~She actually has grown up a lot, it's been a while since her and I had an actual conversation like this. It's nice~ he thought.
She was about to get upset and then she heard that thought and turned her head forward and continued walking a hue of pink on her cheeks now. 
He giggled “I jest Forger, you are very smart! You are literally an imperial scholar” he got nervous . ~She isn't responding. Did I say something wrong? She knows it was a joke right?~  They were almost back at the classroom, he didn't want this to end on a bad note though. He grabbed her arm and pulled her to face him.  He leaned forward to get closer to her face to look into her eyes “You know I was joking right Anya?” 
~her big green eyes, how can something so simple be so pretty~  he thought and again she heard.
“Yes sy-on boy, I know it was a joke. Can we please go to class? I am oh so eager to learn today hee hee” as she pushed him to the side to continue to class. She said still has pink on her face. 
He looked at her with a small smile and followed.
By the time they got to class the chemistry Professor was walking out. He told them not to worry and they can take the test in the library after school. Lunch was about to start so the pair went to their seats while EVERYONE  was staring at them. 
Damian of course ignored it and went to sit with Emile and Ewen who were discussing what food would be in the dining hall today.
Anya sat next to Becky “Why are they all looking at me?” she said quietly
“Anya… sweetie.. You can't be this dense? You literally showed up to school on Damian’s back and spent half the day with him in the infirmary. I know he is I guess what we can call a “frienemy” but you have to understand to everyone else here he is like a prince. So the girls are all over the place right now. Don’t worry though. I got most of them to shut up. Desmond was just being a good friend.. but anyways I CANNOT wait to talk about all this after school AWAY FROM NOSY PEOPLE LIKE ALICE, You know I can see you right? Lit-” Becky got cut off
*** Bell for lunch rings ***
 Becky smirks and waves bye to Alice, Alice runs out of class.
“Becky, was that necessary? annnndddd about after school…”  Anya said a bit nervously 
“Yes, very. and OMG Anya you have to stay after classes because of the test! I heard the professor saying that. It’s okay we can go tomorrow??” Becky said while grabbing her bag and started to head to the door. Anya followed,  with the three boys behind them.
“ Yes, Sy-on boy and I have to go to the library to take it after school.” Anya
Becky looked back at Ewen knowing he heard Anya say that she and Damian will be in the library afterschool together basically alone since no one else from their class missed the test. 
“You have to stay after too, boss man?” Emile said
“ Yeah. But it's no big deal. I had no plans anyways. How was the test? Was it hard?” Damian asked. The five were all together at this point, in line in the dining hall.
“ Not too bad, I think you guys should be fine.” Ewen said with a smile.
Becky whispered to him “Do you think we should tell them it was a partner test??”
“No, it may give them a chance to get a bit closer… or he will just get annoyed cause he will do all the work so they don't fail.” Ewen said.
Becky let out a soft giggle “ well I won’t be able to talk to her today but you guys still have a chance… YOU HAVE TO UPDATE ME.. and i think i have an idea but i will tell you later”
Ewen smiled “ okok.. now please act normal you are so obnoxious”
She pushed him a bit too hard and he bumped into Emile who dropped his ice cream.
“Bro, i was really excited about that…” Emile said with utmost disappointment.
The other four laughed and Becky handed him her ice cream.
They walked out to the courtyard and sat where they usually do to eat lunch. 
Anya looked back to where she was this morning when she ran into Damian then turned to look at him with a smile. ~maybe things are starting to change? In a good way I hope.~  she thought to herself.
He noticed her gaze and turned to look at her and gave her a small smile ~ Gosh why is she so cute. Why do I think she is cute? Do I-? No she is just cute she always has been.~ he thought and as always she heard and she lightly giggled and smiled bigger and that caused him to blush a bit and look away.
That didn't go unnoticed by Becky, Ewen, and Emile who were all staring at the pair, and then looked at eachother. Apparently all think that ~this is the year, they will finally be get together.~ Anya heard that and looked around trying to figure out who they were talking about.
A/N: this chapter is a little shorter than the last but i hope you guys enjoy, the next chapter will be a little more juicy so look forward to that it will be exciting ! LMK what you guys think pls!
If you guys want me to start a tag list I can do that as well!
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itstimetotheorize · 2 years
SpyxFamily, Damian’s cruel fate.
Yor meeting Damian’s mother was definitely something a lot of us never though to consider, but knowing how Anya met Damian and how Loid met Donovan , it was only a mater of time before someone in the forger family met Damian’s Mother and who better to met her than Yor.
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Damian’s mother is introduced as a very energetic and fun loving person, she is devoted to the “Lady Patriots Society”  and enjoys spending time with all her fellow mother friends. All goes well with Yor and Melinda...until Melinda finds out Yor is a Forger and the mother of Anya. Melinda obviously found out about the little spat Anya and Damián had at school but all the while Yor tries to explain how guilty she feels about causing such a situation between their two kids, we see Melinda’s tone change to a more serious one as she explains to Yor that she does not care about the situation that Anya and Damian were in. 
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Of course, her sudden change in attitude would alarm not just Yor, but the entire Spyxfamily fandom, especially in the final scene when Melinda looks at Yor with a very peculiar face as she remarks how she hopes Anya and Damian can stay friends. 
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And I know what you are thinking, “oh, she was laughing at Yor over Anya being friends with Damien, she doesn’t care about her son, she’s just as bad as Donovan”, and yeah, its understandable people feel alarmed by Melinda and are eager to mark her as a bad parent for not caring about Anya punching Damian, the only problem was...it didn’t make sense...where am I going with this? well, if she was truly as bad a parent as Donovan and if  she truly did not care about her son just as everyone believes, then...why did she ask Yor about whether or not Damian was happy at Eden?
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When Loid met Donovan he discovers that Donovan has little interest in his sons lives and this is something even Damian’s older brother clarifies to him when they talk over the phone. In chapter 38, we discover that Donovan considers all children as nothing more than strangers he cant sympathies with and although Damian was eager to meet his father at a meet up spot to tell him about how he got a stella star, we see that Donovan genuinely didn't care much to ask about his sons life at Eden, let alone feel eager to meet Damián at the meet up spot, instead, he simply says it was on a whim.
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When Damian shows frustration over how little his father cares about his own sons well being and safety, we see that Loid has taken note of Damian’s frustration and is quick to understand the type of person Donovan is and understands that Damián is upset over his fathers lack of acknowledgement and sympathy as Donovan continuously expresses how little he cares for anything his son has to say. 
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And so Loid interferes, not only to comfort Damian, but to explain  to Donovan that as a parent to Anya and as a psychologist to others, he understood that sometimes, despite not understanding what they are doing or saying, all people and kids want is to be met somewhere in the middle and be given at least a little acknowledgement to get them talking and feel like they are being heard and a slight bond is being formed. Despite his words helping Donovan understand his sons situation, Loid knows that Donovan remains unsympathetic towards his son and the lives he is about to ruin in a neighboring country he is so eagerly attempting to rekindle war with. And although we now understand that Donovan is by no means a good father...the same may not be so easily said towards his wife.
When Yor joins Melinda and her friends at the lady’s association for a game of volleyball, we see that Melinda is very patient and is willing to forgive and understand another persons blunders when Yor joined their volleyball match, Yor made so many mistakes during the game but Melinda never criticized her, why?, because she knew this was Yor’s first time playing and she understood that Yor only got involved because of her. And regardless of how many mistakes Yor made, Melinda was willing to take the time to inform her there was no shame in making those mistakes and was even willing to take the time to help her learn about the rules of the game and praise her strengths to encourage her to try again.
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Damian has always been eager to obtain his fathers recognition, but he never says anything about his mother, and maybe this is because he never really needed to gain her attention and recognition, because maybe...just maybe...Damián has already gain an understanding that his mother loves him and his brother. But all the while we look at the type of family the Desmond’s are, I and many others, realized that we had all forgotten one very crucial, and very unfortunate thing, something so well known within the SpyxFamily fandom that we never really thought to consider just how bad it truly was, despite it being obvious from the start, and that something....is the Fact that Damian and his brother are the sons of the man who will be held responsible for abusing his power to start a war!
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In the midst of enjoying the SpyxFamily story, we had all forgotten the severity of the situation, which is the fact that Loid is attempting to stop Donovan from starting the war, we forgot that Donovan has a family and we had forgotten that whatever it is that Donovan is about to do to restart this war, is something that will likely not only ruin him, but ruin the entire Desmond name! When Loid does stop him, the SSS and WISE, will not simply let him return to his life, no, if and when they do stop him, Donovan will face imprisonment just as any other person who had attempted to play a part in causing conflict between the two countries, and to make matters worse....Melinda may face the same fate! 
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We honestly have no idea yet if Melinda is involving in her husbands schemes, be it willingly or against her will, but even if she was innocent in the matter, when you consider the fact that she lives in a time where woman can be easily turned over to the police under suspicions, which is something Yor has always feared, Melinda may still face imprisonment simply under the suspicions that she was somehow involved.
We know Melinda has a strained relationship with her sons, and yet from the way she talks to Yor, it’s as if she is trying to find what little way she can to get closer to them and learn about their lives, not just because she has realized how little time she has spent with them...but because she knows that there will soon come a time where she will never be able to see them again.
The entire student body is eager to be friends with Damian simply because he is a Desmond, unfortunately if what we theorize is true, then this could potentially mean that the moment Donovan executes his plan to restart the war...will be the moment the entire Desmond legacy comes crumbling down and all those kids who were so eager to befriend Damian... will just as easily and very quickly shun him and turn against him simply because he bares the Desmond name. And with his parents potential imprisonment, this would essentially mean that the only family Damian will have left to rely on... is his older brother, Demetrius.
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War is no laughing matter, we see it haunt and destroy the lives of so many people in the world and it is precisely in those times of war, that people are so very easily willing to point fingers at the ones they believe are linked to it all, so all those friends Melinda has in the “Lady Patriot Society” , may quickly deny any connections they had to her in an effort to protect their families from the SSS.
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So when Melinda told Yor how she hoped Damian and Anya could stay friends with that odd look on her face, she may not have been saying it out of some twisted humor...no, Melinda didn't find anything funny at all...she was afraid! That forced smile, her trembling hands and face as she nervously sweat, might have always been an indication that Melinda knows what her husband is about to do, she knows the boundaries that Donovan is about to break, not just as a Desmond...but as a human being. Melinda knows exactly what her family is about to be thrown into and because of this...she knows her children will be the ones to receive the worst fate of it all.. Damian and his older brother... will suffer the consequences of their fathers mistakes. But if and when that day comes, someone needs to be there by Damian’s side when the entire world turns its back on him and that someone is Anya and the very few people around him who will be willing to stay beside him no matter what, or at very least, long enough till Loid, Yor and Yuri decide to come together to help. But hey, its just a theory, a SpyxFamily theory!
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amozon28 · 2 years
something im really enjoying about the events happening in the latest chapters is that because Twilight isnt able to get involved because he isnt being informed and hes a full city away. is that in the aftermath hes going to be confronted with his two ideologies clashing. because yes, hes a spy that prioritizes getting the mission done for the greater good, his greater good being creating a world were kids wont have to cry alone like he did. in this stance his and WISE goals align. however he also cares about children on the micro level. he cares about the safety and well being of each kid he comes across. and this comes into direct conflict with WISE, who are willing to disregard the safety of kids if it doesnt help aide them in their greater plans of peace
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Here WISE not caring about a busload of kids. saying that the police can handle this. and this is something Twilight himself tried (and ultimately failed to do) to prioritize his mission over the safety of one child when Anya was kidnapped in the beginning of the story.
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Had it not been for the fact that Anya and Damian were on that bus, which jeopardized Operation Strix, WISE would have left it to the police. which isnt a bad thing its just where WISE and Twilight's desires dont always agree.
So when Twilight finally does learn about what happened with the bus and Anya hes going to be DEVASTATED. because as Twilight he was useless, being on a different mission, and a Wise agent he was useless, by not having a buss full of kids be on WISE radar. Hes Westalias GREATEST spy and he couldnt protect his little girl when she needs him most. thats going to HURT him, especially a man who tries to control and account for every possible outcome and blames himself for every failing.
however where hes going to fail as a Spy i feel like hes going to be reminded that being a spy isnt the only way to protect and make Anya feel safe.
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Twilights mother wasnt a soldier or combat vet or spy or anyone of note. she wasnt someone who could physically protect twilight from the bombs raining down on them every night. yet as a child he felt SAFE with his mother because he inspired that feeling in him just by being there for him. sure it was a false sense of security, but as a child thats all he needed. and its still true to him years later as an adult when he cant even remember his mothers face, he still remembers how safe she made him feel in those scary moments.
and i think post this arc Twilight is going to be reminded how important this kind of strength will be for Anya. because while he couldnt protect her from the terrorists, or the bombs or the SSS police, he can hold her and comfort her and tell her “everything is going to be ok” as she falls alseep.
honestly i wouldnt be surprised if this arc ended with Anya asking if she can sleep is Papa’s bed with him because she doesnt want to sleep alone. and Twilight letting her, remembering how it made him feel as a child, and allowing Anya into his room, being another metaphor for slowly letting his walls.down.
because sure he failed to protect Anya as the spy Twilght, but he will succeed to protect her as her father Loid. because “Thats the sort of strength that will finish the job”
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ao3feed-twiyor · 7 months
Anya Forger's Matchmaking Mission
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/w0AmCvW by JulesThief By reading their thoughts, Anya knows that Mama and Papa love each other. So why can’t they just get together already? After deciding enough is enough, Anya starts her own mission to help lead her parents in the right direction. Five times Anya Forger tried to set her parents up, and the one time she (unintentionally) succeeded. Words: 5784, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: SPY x FAMILY (Manga), SPY x FAMILY (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/M Characters: Anya Forger, Loid Forger | Twilight, Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Bond (SPY x FAMILY), Franky Franklin, Becky Blackbell Relationships: Loid Forger | Twilight/Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Anya Forger & Loid Forger | Twilight & Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Anya Forger & Franky Franklin Additional Tags: 5+1 Things, minor manga spoilers, Good Parent Loid Forger | Twilight, Good Parent Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Protective Loid Forger | Twilight, Protective Yor Briar Forger | Thorn Princess, Cute Anya Forger, Anya Forger Loves Her Family, Mutual Pining, Identity Reveal, Dancing, Jealousy, a little cracky, Fluff, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Rescue Missions, Minor Damian Desmond/Anya Forger, Sharing a Bed, Mild Innuendo, How do I tag? read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/w0AmCvW
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sister-cna-reader · 1 year
I hope you don’t mind, I head canon that Bill has a crush on Anya but fails to get her heart because she is trying to get with Damian. And Bill is heart broken after a failed attempted and Becky comforts him. And then Bill develops a new crush. Do you think that is a good idea or head canon?
Let your ideas run free!
Anya is a very easy person to love, and I'm sure as a teen she would be breaking a few hearts unknowingly (getting close to Damian or not).
I think Bill is a more logical kid than the others so it may take some time between crushes. He doesn't seem like an immediate rebound guy.
And Becky would absolutely give her condolences and comfort Bill after the gentle rejection from Anya.
These are good ideas and headcanons! They would make an interesting fic to read for sure!
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ath3nasc4f3 · 2 years
A mutual understanding. (Chp 1)
       After the unfortunate and unexpected passing of Demetrius Desmond, Damien is suddenly thrust into the position of heir. Giving the young boy exactly what he wanted, his fathers attention, with the new title of heir coming right along with it.
That stupid sound was what 12 Year old damien heard. The sound that changed the course of his life. God, that terrifying sound. 
The day of the Incident damien was having a relatively good day. Anya had seemed to be paying way more attention to the boy than what was normal.  Damien hadn’t been so mean to everyone around him that day either. He’d been relatively polite to everyone. (except the occasional snarky remark that slipped out.) 
Something was off that day. Anya had seemed on edge that entire day, making a point to stick close to the boy, as if she knew something was bound to happen. He’d even caught Anya crying in the library. 
He’d gone looking for the girl, since neither Becky nor him had seen her in a while. Not that he missed her or anything! (he did.) He’d found her under a table hidden away in a far corner of the library. Her favorite hiding spot, and by extension, his own. 
He found her with her knees up to her chest. Quiet sobs escaping her lips. Her face was hot with tears. Tears of which, damien couldn't decipher. And that scared him. Damien was one of the only people who could really tell what anya was thinking, He could usually decipher that look in her eye. Those crocodile tears she used to get out of things. So when he couldn't tell what her tears were about, he freaked out. 
He rushed to her side as she would for him. 
“Anya? Are you okay? What's wrong??” A hiccup erupted from the small girl. She looked even smaller all curled up like that. 
“A-anya c-can't tell you!” She sobbed even harder. Breaking the boy's heart even further. “Anya it's okay please tell me!” Damien mustered up the most comforting voice he could, and considering Damien hadn’t heard such a voice as a kid, it wasn’t a very good one. Though, Anya could really care less due to their circumstances.
Anya wouldn’t tell him, but eventually they fell into a comforting silence. She clung to the boy for dear life. That morning, Bond had come to her with a terrifying premonition. One of the two Desmond boys would die. Seeing as one of the Desmonds was her dear friend, she was obviously terrified. She came to school that day, basically in a trance. Everyone looked at anya like she was about to pass out, and to be honest  she probably was. She looked sickly, pale and frail. 
Becky was just about to comment about her unwell state, when anya had run out of the room in order to puke. Everyone had turned to stare as she ran. The clacks of her heels were like hearing a pin drop in the completely silent room. 
Of all the stares she had received that day, the one that burned the most, was damians. Be it the chance that today was to be his last day on this plane of existence, or just her regular awareness of his stares. 
Damian glare towards the door lingered minutes after the pink haired esper had run out. 
Emile and ewen had definitely noticed it, just as they had noticed every single smile, and blush that the boy had directed at anya. At this point they were used to teasing him over it, at damiens dismay.
“Boss man, If you’re really worried about stubby legs THAT much, why don’t you check on her?” Ewen smirked. He knew she was ill, but that wouldn't stop him from teasing the poor girl, let alone pass up the opportunity to tease damien. 
Damien rolled his eyes. “This isn't the time for that, Ewen. Anya’s ill. Let's treat her with kindness… At least till she's well.” he sighed. He was used to the constant teasing, but when it was towards her while she was in such a vulnerable state, it riled something up within him.
Once anya had returned, the prior attention to her had returned full blast, except this time, people were whispering. Childishly giggling about the fact she had vomited. They were twelve for god's sake, not six again. Damien groaned before slinking back into his seat to pay attention to their teacher. Only to quickly turn around, feeling as if he was being stared at. Clearly he was, as Anya was looking at the boy, eyes filled with tears. 
He quietly raised his hand. “Teacher, anya’s clearly ill, may i take her to the infirmary?” He spoke with little volume, not wanting to bring more attention to the poor girl. The teacher nodded, so Damian packed up, pulling Anya along with him. 
“Alright what's wrong.” He sighed as soon as they were in a more secluded area. His usual defensive aura being placed down in turn for a genuinely concerned one. But the girl just ran. 
And for the rest of the day (until she’d been found in the library.) No one had seen Anya since. 
That worried the group of kids who’d grown to love anya’s silly demeanor. Three of which used to relentlessly make fun of the poor girl. In the moment though, till they’d find anya, they’d pass up the opportunity to tease her, instead opting to help track the girl down. Afterall, what's the fun in making fun of someone who wouldn't even be there to witness the teasing?
Anya still wasn't letting up what was wrong. And so they sat. And they sat for a while. Until anya finally decided to speak. 
“Damien? Can you stay with me for another while?“
“I already am, Aren't I?” He sighed. His heart felt like it was going to burst in the few moments that passed. 
Anya leaned into his side. Desperate to know he was real and alive. Desperate to know he was well and breathing. If not for his own sake, for her own. A selfish thought, if she thought about it. But she didn’t care. She just cared that he was alive. She cared that the boy who’d been in love with her since they were six was okay. 
Anya didn’t like damian. At least that's what she told herself. Trying to convince herself of such, because damien desmond, would never love a commoner like her. 
And that's when they heard it. 
In the midst of her slowing breaths, she sharply inhaled. Looking at the boy who she was told was destined to die that very day. Except he was alive and well. If not only startled and afraid. 
It wasn't a moment to remain calm though. The kids knew what the bang was. They were smart enough to know what the sound was. And in turn, they heard the library doors shut. As the kids inside were instructed to hide. Told that they would be let out soon. And that everything would be alright. 
But the school that held children of such high societal positions was being targeted, which meant families in turn were being targeted. 
And so Damian quickly pulled out his cell phone, quickly texting his brother, then ewen and emile. Making sure to look back at anya every so often. Making sure the small girl was alright. 
“Anya are you alright?” He whispered. Careful not to disturb the dead silence of the library. Anya’s already broken composure, only deteriorating more as she spoke. 
Well that wasn’t reassuring. 
“Anya, if it's about the gunshot, we should be fine. We’re safe in here okay?” Logically he knew it wasn't only about the gun shot. But he ignored it, for his sake at least. 
“No! I-it’s not that! You don't understand damian!” His name burned on her tongue. She almost never said his first name, to her he was always sy-on boy, not Damien Desmond. 
And then for what felt like the 100th time, they fell into a comforting silence, the only sound escaping from the two were the quiet sobs escaping anya's mouth. 
It’d taken them 2 hours for everyone to be evacuated. 
It’d taken him 5 to find out of his brother's death. 
Those three hours in between was the calm before the storm. He and Anya had ended up finding the rest of their little group. Anya seemed on edge still, but was calmer, at least in comparison to what had happened in the library. 
“Anya, where were you all day? We’ve been worried sick…” Becky sighed as she rushed over to hug the pink haired esper. “Even Emile and Ewen were worried! Are you ill?? Did you get hurt?” The girl began to ramble. Much to anya’s dismay, since her head was still hurting quite a bit, due to all of the thoughts of the people in the library.  
About an hour later, after everyone's parents had been called, Becky's driver had come to pick her up, and then went Emile and Ewen, leaving Anya and Desmond alone and sitting on a patch of grass. Damian's parents hadn’t even picked up the phone, leaving him sitting there. Unsurprised by the lack of care on his fathers part. Careful not to place blame on his mother. 
“Anya? Do you want to talk about what you were upset about earlier?” Careful with his volume. He was always able to tell when anya was having a headache.
“I… I had a bad dream.” 
“That's it?” Damian scoffed, his typical teasing tone back in full force at the moment. But it dissipated as soon as he saw her face. He wanted to take back his words, because to her, it wasn’t just a bad dream. 
“I, I had a dream you died…” Anya sighed. She hated withholding the fact that it wasn’t a dream. It was a premonition. And it was either him or his brother. 
“Oh. Well, I’m alive, no?” He chuckled. He knew it wasn’t funny, but he at least wanted to try to be comforting. Even if he had no clue what that was supposed to look like. 
But that only panicked Anya further. The day isn't over yet. He still needed to be protected.  
“Damian, do you want to come to Anya's house while you wait for your papa?” Anya looked up at the boy. That was it! If she could keep him within arms reach, he would be safe! Especially with mama and papa being a spy and an assassin!
“Uh, I don’t know. Would your parents be okay with that?” He fidgeted. She was so persistent about coming to HIS house, that he never thought he’d be invited to hers. 
“Of course! Mama and Papa wouldn’t mind at all!” And for the first time that day, she finally cheered up a little. Even if it was just a front. Even if Damian could see right through it, he wouldn’t dare say anything about it. Of course it was to not get sucker punched in the cheek again. Though, if it were coming from her, he wouldn’t mind her doing it again.
By the time Loid had shown up at the school to pick up anya, Damian had already let his family know of his whereabouts, but he knew they probably wouldn't see it anyways.
“Papa! Can we take sy-on boy with us while he waits for his parents?” Anya was attached to her fathers hip. 
Loid began to think. ‘If I bring the Desmond boy with us, I'll be able to meet his father. Therefore, eliminating the need for the imperial scholar scheme. And also improving anya’s relationship with the boy, giving me another entrance to the boy’s father…’ 
Anya stared at her father while he was lost in thought, quickly tugging on his pant leg to get his attention again.
“Papa?” Anya looked up at him with her puppy eyes she knew he couldn't resist. 
Loid sighed, before looking at the both of them. “Sure, Damian, I'm assuming you’ve let your family know about your whereabouts?” Loid looked at the boy with sad eyes, as if he knew something the boy didn’t, and he did.  
Anya automatically knew what her father knew. Given the premonition of the morning. She knew.
Anya was so thankful that it wasn’t him. Of course she felt guilty of the fact she was practically celebrating while his very own brother had passed. 
But he didn’t know that. Not yet at least. 
Anya knew her father knew. And she knew why too, he’d most likely been on the scene,trying to take down the boy's assassin. Or gathering intel on the incident. Since one could assume that after the death of Desmond's most prized son, that a war would break out.
It was only a matter of time till Damian found out. 
And anya was determined to make the wait in between as comfortable as possible. 
As the three of them began the journey to the forger house, anya was adamant to holding damians hand, much to Loid and Damian's dismay.  
“Anya has to hold your hand so you don’t get lost!” Anya giggled when she saw Damians tomato red face. It totally wasn’t out of fear that the boy's life would be ripped away from her! Why would that be the case at all!
By the time they had gotten home, yor was already beginning to prepare boiling water for that night's dinner. And while she had been aware of what had happened at the school, she wasn’t aware they’d bring the Desmond boy along. 
Now both Loid and Yor were aware of each others true professions, but they weren’t aware of anya’s abilities. 
Not only did this give anya the upper hand, it also had led to the discovery of their true identities. 
So when Loid left the home in a hurry, he’d quickly explained what had happened, before rushing out of the door. He’d love to say the rush was for the mission, but he knew that the rush to leave and get on the scene was to keep his anya safe. 
“Oh hello there! You must be sy-on boy! Miss Anya had told us so much about you!” Yor smiled, the sight of the two children holding hands not going ignored. Though for the moment, especially for Anya’s sake, she let it slide. After all, they were only 12, not like anything weird was going on. 
“Mama! His name is damian!” Anya blushed furiously, embarrassed by the words of her mother. 
It seemed as if Damian was flustered too, but for other reasons. It seemed as if Anya was the only one allowed to call him that, not that he minded of course. 
“Oh I'm sorry!” Yor chuckled. “Well Damian, are you going to be staying for dinner?” She smiled politely at the boy. 
“Um I think so? I don't know when my driver's coming…” Damian sighed. Not that he minded being in the girls house. He just knew that, it’d probably be a while, if not all night, that it’d take his father to note of his absence. 
His state of reverie was disturbed by anya. 
“ C’mon sy-on boy! Let's go to my room so we can do our homework!” Anya smiled. Quickly afterwards, Loid lent a reminder to anya that might’ve just made the two kids' faces combust.
“Keep the door open. I don't want to hear any smooching from 12 year olds.”
Both Anya and Damian shot around to stare at the older man before them. Yor was busy giggling in the background to tell Loid off for teasing them. “Well then run along you two! Have fun! But not too much!” Yor smiled before going back into a laughing fit, this time with Loid by her side. 
The adults voices began to muffle when the children entered the girls room. 
“Damian? I’m glad you're safe.” Anya’s voice trembled. As if she were going to burst into tears for the umpteenth time that day. 
“So am I, would want the world's living without me, Damian Desmond am I right?” His lazy attempt at humor in the moment, seemed to work on the young esper. He was sure that if the girl's parents heard her cry, his head would be on the chopping block, awaiting a quick execution for making their beloved daughter cry. 
“Sy-on boy? Do you wanna help me with my math work?” Anya grinned. 
“Hold on, was this a ploy for me to do your homework??”
After the pair were finished with their school work, they were called into the dining room for dinner. Perfect timing on the adults part.
“Well Damian, Miss Anya tells us a lot about you! How's school going for you two?” Yor smiled as she put down her glass of water. Loid ended up taking over dinner. Not wanting to disappoint the high standards the wealthy child had. For the mission of course!
“Um, It’s going well. Anya still doesn’t really get the math that well though… Though I've been trying to help her with it.” Damian felt a sheen of sweat pool on his forehead, not liking the amount of attention he was receiving. Even though he preferred to be the center of attention, when it was the parents of his cr- sorry sworn ‘enemy’. 
“That's awfully nice of you damian!” Yor smiled. Loid also smiled. The picture of a happy family with two loving parents, made him slightly jealous of the girl. He could have almost anything he wanted. But two loving, caring parents, was something the boy was sure he would never have.
“So Damian, I take it you and Anya were together when it happened?” Loid was unsure if the boy knew what had happened during the events of the lockdown. So he wanted to test the waters before letting it slip. 
“Uhm, we were in the library, me and Anya were kinda just sitting there when the gunshot went off…” Damian tried to leave out the fact that the girl was crying, not wanting to face the possible wrath of her parents.
By the time they had wrapped up dinner, Damian and Anya had taken up washing the dishes themselves. That's when the doorbell rang.
When loid had opened it, he sighed heavily before turning to the children. “Damian? Can you come here please?” The face at the door was an unusual one for Damian to see. His father, with a grim face, was at the door. Since when did his father care enough to come pick him up? 
Something had to be wrong. He knew that at the very least. 
“Damian. We have to go. We can talk about this in the car. It's important.” His stern voice gave no hints to the boy. 
“Can’t you tell me now? I want to say goodbye to Anya…” Damian fidgeted unconsciously. “Damian, your brothers dead. Is that what you wanted?” Donovan desmond let the bomb drop on his son.  
A wave of grief and guilt hit Damian like a ton of bricks. Was this what Anya’s dream was about? Was that why she was so upset all day? The boy felt tears well up in his eyes. Wiping them before any could escape his grasp. He quickly turned around and grabbed his bag, before saying a quiet goodbye to Anya. And a quick thank you to the forgers for having him.
Damian followed his father to the car. In which his mother was hysterically sobbing. The sight of his two parents in the same room as him, at the same time. Filled him with some sort of comfort. Even though it all went away when he remembered the reason for them all being together. 
“Damian, things are going to be different from now on. Since your brother is no longer with us. That makes you the new heir. There will be a grand change to your life, boy.”
“Yes father.”
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Okay, quick chapter 75 thoughts (spoiler warning)
- Not at all surprised that they got Stellas but woo!!! Still
- Damian called Anya his friend!! And Anya told him he was heroic too! wahh!!
- Sad he didn’t seem to take it to heart :(
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- Yor fucking BOOKING it there djsjsksk she’s so good ❤️
- So glad Anya got to cry and be comforted by Yor in the end. I doubt that there will be much after this that realistically goes deep into the lasting trauma something like this would do to somebody (especially a young child) -and honestly it makes sense that it wouldn’t considering the general tone of the series and the fact that we know Anya is already quite traumatized but stays relatively positive- but I would have been upset if Endo didn’t give her a moment to show that she’s just a child. Even with her powers and how brave she is, having the world on her shoulders, and then something like this on top of it, would get to anyone.
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- He came “racing back” 🥺😭
- Like, poor Damian genuinely, but I really hope Melinda’s role isn’t just to show how fucked up his relationship with his parents is. It’s not bad that that’s a part of it (as sad as it is) but I really want Melinda to have some direct-ish relevance to operation strix so Yor can connect more to the plot.
- That being said intrigued by the complicated/contradictory nature of her thoughts. I just hope it goes in a “woman feels pressured to have kids she doesn’t want because husband wants an heir to his name and it’s just expected of her by society, which is sad for her, but also not an excuse to be neglectful/abusive to her children, so it’s bad all around” way and not in a “She has [insert mental illness] which makes people evil and crazy” way. I think it will probably be the first because that makes the most sense, but I have seen enough things do go the second way to just be a bit worried about it.
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casliveblog · 8 months
Custom Toonami Block Week 150 Rundown
Spy X Family: So yeah contrary to my theory from last time there really WAS a political rival trying to make the Desmond kids fail but it’s just a little kid buying a discount Spy from the Spy equivalent of Wish dot com, still feel like we should foreshadow stuff like that instead of bringing it up after the fact but okay. But yeah this kid looks like one of the Addams Family had a kid with one of The Oblongs and they made this weird off-model goth child. Though surprisingly enough they don’t go for the ‘he keeps trying lame attempts to get Damian expelled’ like the sabotage gets revealed pretty early thanks to Anya and Damian is way cooler to this kid for trying to get him expelled than he is to Anya for… being short. But yeah we have a pretty big swerve from a plotting hijinks plot to a Max Keeble’s Big Move plot where this kid is trying to do everything he ever wanted before he’s forced to leave the school because his family’s company was bought out, he starts out just taking advantage of the situation but genuinely starts enjoying himself when Anya genuinely comforts him about his fears and the punch line for all this should be ridiculously obvious for how they spread this joke over ten minutes but turns out his family’s only gonna be like 10% less rich and effectively nothing will change for him. The second plot is about Yor parkouring her way into Anya’s school after she believes Anya forgot her gym clothes, it’s pretty damn funny how Yor always jumps to the most extreme conclusion and thus takes the most extreme actions and the obvious punchline for this one isn’t as dragged out as the other so that’s cool, plus it ends with her and Loid going on a lunch date so that’s pretty nice, like they kinda skip over Loid explaining to Yor WHY she’s not a bad mother but I assume they discuss it at lunch so it’s fine.
Inuyasha: Naraku’s Baby-heart has just kinda nestled in at a new castle town where all the attendants died while the Lady was going into labor and the Lady’s just like ‘man that baby is sus and everyone died’ but the Lord’s just like ‘oh shit, free baby’ and assumes it’s his wife despite it being perfectly albino and them being generic feudal dudes, like even the Lady is like ‘I’m not sure that’s mine and there was a ghost girl with a mirror that was standing over me while I was giving birth but I’m sure it’s fine…’ I mean technically Kanna didn’t even need to keep the mom alive but Baby!Naraku does like snuggling some titties I guess so it’s okay, but like did they… kill the real baby she was having? Like Naraku’s up to some dark shit but that’s pretty dark for a shonen from the 90s. Anyway Kagome’s here to save Kikyo and her Shikikami are like ‘do you wanna save her?’ and Kagome’s like ‘is there literally any downside to doing so?’ and they say no so she’s like ‘well duh’ because Kagome’s character is literally built around always wanting to help people. I like to think that since the two kids are Kikyo’s Shikikami they’re projecting Kikyo’s self-esteem issues onto Kagome and asking here that like she may just want to let her die but Kagome’s a good girl so of course she will. I think the filler episode with Kikyo and Kagome in the cave kinda came and ate this one’s lunch because we’ve already had the ‘Kagome has complicated feelings about Kikyo but doesn’t want her to literally die’ moral and it always felt weird to retread it here even if this one is the canon version. Kagome dives in to save Kikyo and gets the abridged version of the two part special from a few weeks ago and gets to do her Rifftracks of ‘No Kikyo don’t go in there that’s where the demon spider is’ which is kinda funny but yeah, Kikyo gets saved and talks to Kagome again about why she saved her when all she’s ever been to her is a romantic rival and a cold-hearted zombie girl stringing along her boyfriend and Kagome’s so dense she doesn’t even get that letting her rival die was an option until after Kikyo leaves, like I hesitate to call Kagome ‘pure-hearted’ like they said when she was having her confrontation with the Baby but she’s a good girl and isn’t going to even think of doing something like that. Now we get our post-Kikyo ‘Kagome’s kinda snippy for a while and Inuyasha doesn’t know how to deal with it’ but it does get a nice resolution with Inuyasha saying he trusts Kagome that she saved Kikyo and her being alive and fine is enough for right now and he doesn’t need to see her right away because Kagome did a good job saving her and they have shit to do.
Yu Yu Hakusho: This one’s kind of a ‘Yusuke mopes around’ episode because Raizen’s three messengers give him a week to get his affairs in order and of course he waits till the last fucking day to tell anybody. Meanwhile Hiei and Kurama have become big enough demon world celebrities that they get offers from the other two Demon Kings and they both agree to each other to not actually serve their respective kings but kinda go undercover and see what they can find out, though Hiei also gives his usual ‘maybe this is the time I betray you for real’ shtick even though at this point we know it never is. Also Kuwabara’s getting ready to face the greatest Demon King of all… high school entrance exams (Always really found it fucking weird how Japan breaks up high school but I guess in the end it’s just adding one year to middle school and cutting one from High School it just always threw me off when anime characters are like ‘yeah I’m 15 in middle school). But yeah, Yusuke does finally tell Keiko that he’s going and he won’t know if he can get back and she tells him she’s sick of his shit and isn’t going to wait around for him even though she probably couldn’t help doing so anyway. Yusuke comes by her family diner and gives her a better proposal, literally, he says he’s gonna use all his shonen protagonist determination to find a way to get back before he’s 18 and he’s going to marry her, which is apparently something he used to say all the time as a kid, guess Yusuke wasn’t always a closed-off as he was at the start of the series, at least around Keiko but yeah it’s really cute and he reassures her everything will be alright and gets ready to head out.
Jujutsu Kaisen: So Megumi, Riceball Boy and Blind Dude are fighting Hanami, well sort of, they’re basically trying for a stunlock loop to run away enough to go get help and it works until Riceball Boy runs out of words to shout but Maki’s here to help so she and Megumi fight Hanami off for a bit and more importantly knock her into the forest, just when it looks like she has them dead to rights with her Kurama death seeds, Yuji gets his first Shonen Protagnist post-training badass entrance and storms in with Todo, a classic. Todo gets Panda to get the others to safety and tells Yuji he ain’t gonna do shit until he sees Yuji do the new thing they talk about. So yeah Yuji gets a new punch which I can only describe as kinda like Hit’s Time Skip punch mixed with Kakashi’s Kamui distortion but also a punch, idk if I’m just having a hard time wrapping my head around the power system or if the fast pace of the anime is bad at explaining them but I don’t quite understand the full extent of some of these, but point being Yuji has a new punch and it’s a black punch so it’s automatically better than all other color punches. So yeah now that Yuji can do a thing Todo joins in and they have the weird symmetrical choreography of those High School Musical kids that can break out in dance at a moment’s notice and do some fucking up of Hanami who unleashes her second arm because no one in Shonent Anime who has an eye/appendage covered is actually injured they’re all just hiding badass shit they have on their body parts. She remembers Mahito telling her about how violence is part of a Cursed Spirit’s base nature despite how Hanami acts like a rational version of Captain Planet and she agrees that fighting people with both arms and being matched blow for blow makes her enjoy fighting. Also Todo’s gonna do his secret thing now so that’s cool.
Zom 100: Reflecting on his decision to follow his childhood dream last episode Akira decides to… become a superhero, I mean okay, guess ‘find what you wanted to do before capitalism shoved you down a money pipeline’ is kind of hard so you’re probably gonna have to go back to when you’re like six to actually get there, though the end result is pretty cool. They get a jumpsuit from the aquarium that is meant to resist shark attacks so while Akira’s wearing it it’s basically impossible for zombie bites to infect him (though it still hurts like hell). I kinda really like this idea because we run into our Risk Analyst Shizuka again and it shows how Akira with his out of the box deranged thinking came up with something safer than her boneheaded plan of getting on the teacher’s bus from Highschool of the Dead was. That being said she’s still tsundere as hell and pulls the ‘you’re just being a hero for the satisfaction of it’ card like that isn’t how good deeds universally work anyway. Like this is probably the safest Akira could be but the marginal risk he’s putting Kencho in still pisses her off despite her goal-oriented thought process not analyzing her idea of getting on a bus with the worst group of zombie survivors properly. Anyway the plot dumps a zombie shark with scuba diver spider legs on the situation and that goes about as well as you’d expect. I think what’s going on is that the shark ate zombies and the zombies ate the shark from the inside and also just so happen to have symmetrical leg holes and be working in unison with the shark despite not being able to see from inside but best not to think about it too hard. Shizuka gets thrown under the bus by one of said bus-riders and Akira has to help her out and we run through the whole ‘live versus survive’ debate again but both of them team up to electrocute the shark with flashlight batteries while Akira’s standing in water which I’m pretty sure would kill him too or not work at all but really fight a stupid problem with a stupid solution so it’s fine, Kencho’s ass even gets to help out and while Shizuka doesn’t officially join the party she at least concedes that working with a small task force is better than throwing in with any randos who own a bus and she and Akira make a pretty good team so they exchange phone numbers. Meanwhile Akira sets his next goal, to see his family who are in a rural town around where the safe zone is supposed to be, so that’ll be fun.
Ranking of Kings: We start off with Ouken stabbing right through Kage after he swallowed him which I feel like should’ve been the cliffhanger last time instead of putting weight on if Kage had some weird man-eating transformation or something. Daida!Bosse finishes telling Snake Guy the story of Miranjo’s horrible backstory and the long and the short of it is she got her hands cut off and her face flayed open like how Daida found her in the sunken place and Bosse got her fixed up but that damage was never undone and he blames himself for never being able to help her soul heal. Now Ouken has everyone dead to rights and stabs Bojji for good measure, though surprisingly Miranjo leaves her mirror and possesses one of the unconscious prisoners to heal Kage. Despa grabs her arm and is touching Bojji at the same time so they both get to watch Kage about to cross over to see his dead mom again before Miranjo reminds him of Bojji and he comes back to life. He says he shouldn’t thank her because it’s her fault she let a Dark Souls Man into the kingdom and got him stabbed but he thanks her anyway and the combination of events causes Miranjo’s wounded avatar in Daida’s body to disappear, showing those wounds in her soul and her resentment is finally starting to evaporate. Meanwhile the Big Four show up to fight Ouken and Snake Guy, Sword Guy, Shield Guy and Spear Guy all work as a team as they were presumably intended to before all the dark souls mirror Get Out bodysnatching shenanigans happened, it kind reminds me of the Furious Five vs Tai-Lung fight in Kung Fu Panda because like you know they’re gonna lose but the teamwork is cool to see. Still oddly enough Ouken is able to remember Despa’s lessons and turn the tables on them, so I guess there is part of his soul still in there after all, idk if this means he’s starting to heal too or what, still it’s a good time.
Vinland Saga: Thorfinn wakes up from his post-flight nap and finds his arms bending the wrong fucking way so Thorkell tells him a story about Thors while Askeladd sets his arm and they wait for his ears to stop ringing. So Thorkell’s Thorfinn’s mom’s uncle and as we know Thors was really good at killing people until one day he’s like ‘man I don’t wanna kill people anymore’ and fakes his own death. Apparently three months after that, Thorkell’s bumming around Thors’ house in a battleboner-induced state of depression and finds Thors and Helga and baby Ylva sneaking into the house to get some of their shit I guess before going to Iceland. Thorkell tries to convince him to come a’murdering again but Thors shuts him down and kinda doesn’t explain his new pacifist lifestyle very well and instead makes it sound like he just doesn’t think Thorkell’s hot shit and beats him down bare-handed. Meanwhile Askeladd tries being the Doc Louis to Thorfinn’s Little Mac and tells him how to beat Thorkell based on how he saw him downed in a big battle previously. So they go for round two and Thorfinn’s down an arm and in a lot of pain but thanks to some help from Askeladd he manages to land a hit to Thorkell’s jaw which if you know anything about fighting pretty much scrambles anyone’s brain for a few seconds (kinda accurate to the Little Mac analogy too) and disregarding all Askeladd’s advice to think before he fights, Thorfinn just jumps Thorkell’s body and jams his eye out with his bare hand. His men at this point are like ‘oh shit wait Thorkell wasn’t supposed to lose’ and jump Thorfinn to kill him anyway, luckily Thorkell’s a more honorable man than Askeladd is and is actually willing to honor the duel, though his men aren’t having it and still want Thorfinn dead. I mean yeah Thorkell’s men kinda interfered but so did Askeladd and Thorfinn was unconscious for a minute too so at this point they have one assist and one brief nap each so I’d make them as tied but Thorkell’s had enough and concedes defeat so it’s up to him I guess. Meanwhile Canute shows up and is just like ‘Yo my dad never loved me and I don’t fear death so I’mma go kill him so either kill me or get out of my fucking way’ and this new show of ballsiness does impress Thorkell and even Askeladd admits he killed Ragnar and offers his life to Canute which Canute takes and the whole team joins the party to go kill the king, awesome. It’s kind of funny like that whole shakeup, we find out Bjorn’s alive, the two brother guys are alive (though the one is in shock and may have amnesia) Priest dude’s alive, Askeladd’s alive, basically all the named characters are still alive and we just traded Askeladd’s mooks for Thorkell’s mooks, except… The Ear I guess? Was anyone’s favorite character The Ear? If so rip I guess but yeah for how earth-shattering that conflict was surprisingly little has changed as far as party structure goes.
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Reverse Batfam au but Damian still has a metal spine pt. 2
((ok I'm somewhat awake and now I'm ready to ramble))
continuation from this pt. 1
As much as Damian is very much different from his father, he also inherited the inability to admit his own injuries unless it's life-threatening
So he only takes the medicine and drinks water before going to his father's study, ignoring Alfred's (very judging) stare, where he has a very good ergonomic office chair with lumbar support (a very welcome gift from his mother) and a spare heating blanket he keeps in the event any of the children (or even the rare visit from Timothy) wishes to accompany him
From there he works, reading up any information that he missed from initial meetings (not that there are any, but one must never be too careful), and keeping up with the family group chat (with the occasional admonishment to those who are supposed to be in classes Jason, Richard, Duke)
(If he also replies to Jon's sappy messages with his own, it was no one's business but his (Stop hacking into his phone Timothy, Stephanie) )
Cass is the only one in this house he could trust (no Jon has not moved in and probably hopefully do so in the future)
Speaking of
He and Cass have to leave now, if they want to be there on time
So he gets up
At least he tries to, because, apperently, his legs has forgotten how to stand
and now he was on the floor, if he said ("Yelled to be more appropirate, Master Damian" Alfred said later) anything inapporpirate when it happened, he was glad no one could hear him
Any hopes of that were dashed when Cass running into the room
He tries to get up to assure her that he was alright
However Cass insitent that he lays down and adjust his position (any protest he has dies when he sees her glare one does not simply protest against Cassandra Wayne of all people)
He cannot see what she is doing but he knows she is definitely calling someone
oh god
she wouldn't
she did
she called Jon, the mother hen better than him on a good day, worse than him on a bad day
When Jon lifted him (despite his many many protests that he was fine "Dami, love, darlin', your back spasms are happening again, and you didn't say anything?")
When he tries to protest, but he was overruled when Cass lays down beside him and opening his Netflix, and Jon brings in some food to make him eat
If he falls asleep watching Agent Twilight is adopting Anya with Jon's warmth beside him, and Cass' soft breaths on the other, what else can he say? he was comfortable
When he wakes up, he sees his brood in various positions on the bed, with Richard next to him in Jon's previous spot, Jason spooning Cass, Duke texting on his phone on a chair next to his bed
His younger brother notices his wakefullness, he grinned and scowled playfully "Awake now old man?"
"I resent that Duke, I am merely an old man on the inside. Unlike you apparently."
Duke's teasing grin died when he sees his older brother wince trying to shift positions so that Dickie-bird and Cass can get more comfortable positions
((if i have enough energy later we're hitting drama avenue guys))
continuation pt.3
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sy-on-boy · 3 years
Spy x Family predictions
These are just my personal thoughts ^_^
Yor will be assigned to kill Twilight / Twilight will be assigned to kill Thorn Princess. That was actually what I expected when I started reading, in the classic Mr and Mrs Smith style. I would be surprised if the manga ends without this arc :D
The origin of Anya and Bond’s superpowers are connected. I think this is made obvious because the same scientist(s) was shown in both of their flashbacks, but I think we’ll get a full Anya backstory some time later when she gets kidnapped or something
If Anya does get kidnapped, it’ll be the perfect opportunity for Thorn Princess and Twilight to work together. They both love Anya, and it fits in with the themes of secret identifies and family. A spy and an assassin united by their adopted daughter. Accidentally (or not) revealing their secret identities for the sake of their family.
There will be an arc in which Twilight is forced to choose between his fake family and his career. Throughout the manga, especially in the beginning, Twilight mentions how this family will all end once the mission is over. However, we know his true feelings are starting to see through and he feels genuine attachment to Yor and Anya. I’m guessing it will be like: Twilight chooses his spy career at first, then starts to feel uneasy and guilty, and sweet talks his way with WISE so he can continue to stay with Yor and Anya while keeping his mission.
Someone will find out Anya’s powers. Damian finding out has been somewhat foreshadowed twice, so he’s a likely candidate (and also it’s hilarious). Becky also makes a lot of sense because she’s Anya’s BFF and not involved in the main plot (Operation Strix), so lower stakes.
Demetrius will be somewhat of an asshole. I mean, we don’t know much about him other than 1) he has an awful hairstyle 2) he’s the perfect student 3) did I mention his awful hairstyle but through Damian we know he’s never hit Damian, but Damian also sounded nervous when calling Demetrius and even apologised for calling. Demetrius was also very blunt with his brother and said things like “you know Father is busy”. I don’t necessarily think they have a bad relationship, maybe just detached and strained.
Damian will greatly contribute to Operation Strix. I mean, this is already canon with Twilight crashing the family reunion to introduce himself to Donovan, but I think Damian will play a bigger part in the main plot. He’s connected to one of the main characters (Anya) and most of his appearances are with her at school, but he’s not just the “tsundere jerk”. He has an independent arc (the field trip with his lackeys) which shows his determination to get Stellar Stars and impress his father. Iirc not even Becky, Anya’s best friend, has an independent arc (the most is when Martha had a flashback to Becky being ostracised but even that is in a chapter with Anya). It seems like Endo is building up Damian’s character for something later.
Anya is from Westalis. Dark haired characters like Yor and Yuri are from Ostania, light haired characters like Twilight and Fiona are from Westalis. Anya has light hair. Also, during the George arc, when Anya comforted him by saying the West was good, George thought something like “she hasn’t even been to the West” which again feels like foreshadowing. (We know Anya thinks the West is good because her Pa is from the West, but man it just feels like foreshadowing.) ALSO, Twilight noted Anya was unusually proficient in classical language and mentioned something about how that language wasn’t used nowadays. Possible hint to Anya’s background in another country?
Anya’s grades didn’t improve much, so she’ll likely be in a different class from Becky and Damian next term. How will she carry out Operation Best Buddies then? The manga seems to not be focusing on this (because there are other arcs) but it’s been in the back of my mind since Ch42. Will we see a new cast of classmates for Anya? I think this is unlikely because Endo spent a lot of time establishing the Cecil kids. So unless Anya somehow does extremely well in the finals, she’ll be in another class. And because it’s annoying (plot-wise) for Anya to be in another class from the gang, I suppose there will be an arc about how Anya is going to ace her finals.
Gonna make some stretches here:
Anya’s unique hairstyle is related to her powers. In the flashbacks, we see her hair in two buns but without the black/gold cover thing. Maybe Anya added them after she ran away, or maybe one of her foster families gave them to her and she kept them as a gift. They kind of remind me of antennas to like, aid with mind reading, so maybe the hair buns are a decoy for that lmao.
That’s all I have today, may add more later :D what do you think?
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thefourthvulpix · 2 years
Ok, so Damianya is cute and all, but you do have to remember... they're first graders. They've got their whole life ahead of them, and they haven't even reached puberty yet, let alone gotten to the point where they might start exploring their... preferences, so to say.
Not saying you can't ship them. Just coming up with different "what if" scenarios, involving their sexual or romantic orientations.
Scenario 1; Damian is interested, Anya is not.
Damian finally finds the courage to confess his crush to Anya. Except Anya doesn't feel the same way, either because she'sace or a lesbian or maybe he's just not her type, so Anya just stands there screaming internally because what if he gets mad at her for rejecting him and thus ruins the friendship scheme??? Damian sees Anya just standing there stunned, and he starts to get nervous and also starts screaming internally because oh god she hates me I knew I shouldn't have said anything which just makes things worse for Anya and now she's hyperventilating and Damian feels like such an ass for putting her on the spot and then Anya faints and Damian starts panicking and in the background Becky had been silently watching them the whole time and this is not what she expected but she immediately jumps into action when Anya faints so Becky and Damian are dragging an unconscious Anya to the Nurse's office. Half and hour later Loid and Yor show up and nearly tear down Eden Academy's front door after they hear about Anya fainting at school. They see Becky and Damian sitting in the waiting area outside the Nurse's office, with Becky managing to remain calm and Damian crying his eyes out. Henderson is also there, giving Damian a comforting shoulder squeeze before explaining everything he knows about the situation to the Forger parents. Damian sees how worried Anya's parents are and he immediately feels ten times worse so he gets on his knees in front of them and apologizes profusely, telling them about how he had confessed to Anya. Yor immediately slips into the nurse's office to check on Anya, while Loid very gingerly takes Damian's shaky, whimpering form into his arms and just lets him cry. Loid doesn't say anything, but he feels like such an idiot for not foreseeing something like this happening. Friendships can easily broken if they aren't healthy, and he had been so silently pressuring his daughter to stay in good terms with Donovan Desmond's youngest son for the sake of Operation Strix. He's had enough. He's not going to force Anya to play her part anymore. Loid gives Damian a comforting pat on the head, silently apologizing for setting him up for failure before stepping in to check on Anya. Henderson gives Damian some very good advice on how to handle heartbreak and rejection with elegance, and making sure he understands no one is obligated to return his feelings, and Damian takes it to heart. (I wonder if Henderson would consider giving Becky a Stella Star for how calmly she managed to handle the situation at hand?) Anya is crying in her mother's arms as her father drives the family home, and how do things go when they get home? I don't think it really changes all that much whether or not Loid already knows about his daughter's telepathy. What matters is that Loid and Yor are there for their daughter, and they assure her that no one is allowed to force her into a relationship she doesn't want, not even big shots like Damian Desmond. The following day, Anya is dreading having to face Damian again, and Becky is ready to be there for her emotionally. Damian and Anya spend weeks not feeling ready to even face each other, let alone talk. But one day Anya sees that Damian is sitting by himself while everyone is having lunch, and she cautiously approaches him. They say nothing for a while, it's simply too awkward. Then, Damian apologizes to Anya. Not just for putting her on the spot like that, but also for all the times he had acted like such a snobby jerk to her in their first year together. In turn, Anya apologizes for all the times that she had acted so clingy towards him. He doesn't know what she means by that, as she's always seened pretty independent to him. They make up and hug, and he wants to be friends with her forever.
Scenario 2: Damian isn't interested, but Anya is.
Damian didn't exactly grow up with a good understanding of what it means to like a girl romantically. When he saw Anya, he thought she was the cutest thing ever, but it wasn't a puppy-love kind of infatuation. It was more like, "Oh my god that girl is like a tiny little kitten and she is so precious and sweet and I want to protect her." But he knows he can't just ask his father if he can randomly adopt Anya into the family so that's why he's so angry and tsudere the first year they attend school together. Still, it takes a while for him to understand that he mistook this adoration for infatuation, so when Anya confesses that she likes him, he has no idea what to do and just kind of confusedly agrees to a date. But because this is Anya, she catches on to the fact that he's not actually in love with her way before he realizes it. And she's heartbroken, but she simply smiles and hides her pain, and apologizes to Damian for making him feel pressured to date her. (And she's annoyed over the fact that her dad had been following them the entire time she was holding his hand, but that conversation can wait until they get home) Anya doesn't cry until she gets home, and when she does cry she ends up hyperventilating because what if he doesn't want to be my friend anymore??? And I feel like if Anya didn't tell Loid about her telepathy before, she certainly may bave to now for him to understand just exactly why she's so upset right now. Heck, maybe it slips out when Loid realizes Anya was about to attempt running away and she's forced to explain herself to him because she's so worried she's done more harm than good for Operation Strix. And Loid has to calm down his daughter as she starts having a panic attack from all the stress she's been under for all these years. And Loid is suddenly feeling all the emotions at this revelation. He's happy to finally have some clarity over certain things that he jyst couldn't explain until now. He's sad to learn of all the things she had to learn to suffer through alone because it was just too risky to consider reaching out. He's horrified to know all the things his daughter hears every day, the things that no child should ever be subjected to. And most of all he's angry. Not at his daughter but at the circumstances she was in. Angry at himself for setting her up for failure. He promises her that she doesn't need to play her part anymore, before making a plan that will reach Operation Strix's final stage. And he also promises that this will be his last mission, not because he'll die but because he wants to be a more involved dad in her life.
And finally, Scenario 3: Neither are interested.
It sucks when you are born into a very prestigious family that have way too many expectations for all the children to live up to, and the way you are born makes it hard for you to fit those expectations. That's part of the reason why Damian is so bratty in the first year he spends at Eden Academy. He starts to feel a strange sense of comfort when he's around Anya. It's like she's the only person in the world he feels like he can be himself, and once he realizes this, he starts telling her things that no one else knows. And she tells him some of her own secrets. With how close knit they are, it doesn't surprise them that everyone just assumes they are dating. Damian is intially angry at these assumptions, but Anya puts a stop to his anger by quietly asking him, "Would you rather they know the truth?" Obviously the answer is no. So he'll play along... for now. He invites Anya and her family to his house for birthday parties and other very special occasions he might be expected to bring a partner over. And he starts paying closer attention to his father's line of work. He starts spending a lot of time with Anya's family, that he accidentally gets caught up in their craziness and becomes privy to ALL the secrets. He's so terrified of this family for a second, and they're terrified that he might snitch them all out. Eventually, Anya approaches Damian and shows him what kind of world Loid Forger is fighting to make. A world where children don't have to cry anymore... honestly Damian wishes that was possible, but so long as people like his family exist, it's not. He confides in the Forgers, and they unofficially make him one of them. He starts paying much closer attention to his father's line of work, and his political agenda. He wants to make the world a better place for people like him, and now it might be possible with all of these insanely valuable allies he's gained through Anya's trust. Damian starts planning to come out to the rest of the world once he's certain that Operation Strix has reached it's final conclusion.
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manikas-whims · 3 years
Unbeknownst to his own self, Loid has such good fatherly characteristics.
Even if only for the sake of his mission he exploited Damian's meeting, he still ended up supporting Damian, like the little boy deserves.
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Look at this jerk of a father sighing rudely, treating his own son's feelings so insignificantly.
But then look at Loid's sharp gaze
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But Donovan Desmond just won't budge so easily..
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Look at Loid's comforting hand on Damian's small shoulder
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..maybe there's a chance Donovan can change
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Loid truly tries to boost Damian's confidence as well as image in his father's eyes (albeit with a personal agenda involved)
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And he unintentionally also ends up acting as a sort of catalyst for the fluffy Anya X Damian ship
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Both Loid & Donovan part with another solemn eye contact, as if analysing the other.
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nonokoko13 · 4 years
Made when I was bored, don't take this seriously.
In some posts people have deduced Damian's eyes are from his mother. At first I though in how she could look, but later I started to think what type of person she would be, Donovan's marriage and the role of a mother in a family.
Desmond's family dynamic isn't as good as it should be, mostly because of Donovan, who apparently decided to raise Demetrius as the heir, being too busy Damian only wants his father's attention. But what about his mother?
Many ignored kids want both parents attention; maybe he's only focus in his father because he's important, or because the ideal father-son relationship he searches. Being the wife of someone like Donovan makes me think in two posible options: both are similar, and Damian can think "If the most influential approves me, both will do"... Or he already has his mom's love and attention.
I mean, maybe she saw Donovan's lack of attention towards Damian and worried he could feel less loved than Demetrius, she could have decided to make her best in Damian's happiness, therefore he doesn't feel the need to make anything to obtain her love.
Something interesting of this is the reaction that could provoke in her older son. Having the previous theory in mind, this could be what's called "chain reaction":
Donovan focus himself in his work and Demetrius, expecting him to be his heir → Mrs Desmond see this and tries to occupant both places so Damian doesn't feel bad → Damian envies Demetrius because he's dad's favorite, while Demetrius envies his little brother because he's "mommy's baby"
However, I think he simply ignores Damian and most of the world without complicated reasons.
Also, based on many families with a bad relationship, nearly always there's a member which role is unify the group, the "glue" and probably one of the few reasons why they call themselves a family.
In Forger's case is definitely Anya. Loid and Yor wouldn't have married each other if Anya hadn't made a movement. She can fix situations due the fact she read their minds. How can you do that without powers? Answer: The art of knowing their feelings by getting along with them.
Furthermore, to bear Donovan's paranoias, whose caliber we ignore, and Damian's suddenly tsundere reactions towards sweet acts for himself and still love them you have to be really patient, calm, comprehensive or all of them.
How could end Donovan with someone like that?
Well, I don't know either, but many opposites persons fall in love when they spend a lot of time together. I would like to think that they're not a forced marriage ok
This means they've known each other for a long time. The "childhood friend" story doesn't fit with Donovan; mainly because Twilight has said he's cautious.
Let's imagine Mrs Desmond was previously daughter of another important family and the marriage it's merely a unification of two powerful groups. If Donovan is intelligent enough to know the possibility that, once married, she would eliminate him to keep his fortune and all without divorcing (if his family is better) or vice-versa, the marriage doesn't have future.
Mrs Desmond could come from a humble family and be someone trustful to make Donovan feel comfortable enough to open himself to her.
Donovan only appears in public when it's necessary, with bodyguards probably chosen by him, so the possibility of Mrs Desmond being at first part of his protection crew or servants makes sense, it's the most logic way an average person have contact with a important figure frequently.
What's more, it would add a posible scenary when Mrs Desmond is as physical or strategical prepared as a spy with the purpose of protecting her family from any potential danger.
I know she doesn't have to be a good mother or person but they have many problems to add more with a cold, harsh or indifferent mother.
+ Bonus
I have to style her, but I don't know what hairstyle or clothes fit her. I can't even decide if she looks better with short, medium or long hair. Anyways, hope you had enjoyed; tell what do you think about it or if you have additional headcanons for this soft wifey
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Edit: Now that we have Mrs Desmond appearance I can say this looks far from her actual face lmao. Anyway, I made these doodles based on Damian but next time I have to remember that looks usually ages, at least I got the first idea of Melinda with short hair right. Also, F because my hopes for a loving parent in the Desmond family seems to have faded away.
Edit 2: Hopes restored, she seems kinda insane but love Damian so alright
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