#but then he proceeds to say things like this
izzystizzys · 3 days
There is a scratch mark on the floor of the Council chambers that Mace has never noticed before. Not a deep one, mind, quite shallow. This matters because it’s making the white-hot pulse of agony stabbing through his eyeballs ebb momentarily. Then, he chances a glance upwards at the fidgeting Knight in front of them, and it returns in full force.
Huh, he’s never seen Oppo Rancisis’ face turn that colour before.
“Hmm”, Master Yoda hums, deep and scratchy. His expression is unreadable even to Mace beyond a baseline gremlinness, and the force with which he grips the edges of his seat is making his bones creak. Master of the Order you should become, they said. Follow the calling of the Force, you should. A fulfilling purpose, it will be. Mace is going to hunt the little goblin for sport when this is all over, and he’s going to laugh the whole time.
“Show us the livestream again, could you, Knight Parvo?” Yoda asks. Mace bursts a capillary, he’s pretty sure, and so does poor Knight Parvo, whose orange Mon Cala skin tips all the way into blood red with stress. “Most unusual, this is.”
“Absolutely not!”, Ki Adi intervenes before Mace has to, thank the Force for little mercies. Plo Koon’s tusks tremble slightly with either suppressed laughter or abject horror, maybe both, and Stass Allie has her head in her hands. “The holo stills should be enough”, Ki Adi proceeds to add, and Mace has to reconsider all feelings of grace he just felt towards his fellow Councillor.
He never wants to watch Yoda zoom in on someone’s abs again. Or Depa raise her eyebrows at the curve of thighs bent over the dripping front of a speeder.
“Speeder Wash For Our Troops”, his former padawan reads out loud from a still of what has to be hundreds of the things gathered in the public senate parking lot. “Fund Our Boys And Get A Wet Seeing-To!” The series of images features dozens of Coruscant Guard troopers in various stages of unkitted, gleaming and shining with soap suds and water. The fact that the whole thing is also massive shatterpoint after massive shatterpoint is, quite frankly, insulting.
“Well hello- oh dear”, Obi-Wan’s blue form crackles to life in his chair, followed by several sounds of choking that are definitely not him. Good, Mace thinks acidly. If he has to deal with this, then so does kriffing Skywalker. “I’m sorry, why am I looking at Commander Thorn using a washrag like a lasso on top of a speeder?”
“Oh, the Guard’s little fundraising project”, Bail Organa says, as he steps into the Council chambers. Normally, Mace likes the man well enough. Now, he just smiles and adds on, “I’ve already donated, in mine and Breha’s name. Remotely, of course.”
“The Guard’s fundraising speeder wash?”, Obi-Wan repeats, edges of his holo form flickering with what Mace suspects is Skywalker very unsubtly trying to edge in. Force, but the man really is horrible at any and all stealth, like kissing his secret wife in an open arena in front of his Master. “And they are fundraising for…?”
“GAR budget allocations have to come from somewhere”, Organa shrugs. “And with the tide of public opinion turning, they’ve been tending towards cuts. The Guard feels them more keenly than any other sector - they’ve been reduced from half to quarter rations, and medical supplies have not made more than a token appearance in the last draft. The Chancellor has cancelled three consecutive meetings on the matter, and thus it was agreed that a more hands-on approach was needed. Any surplus will go into the Army fund.”
“Surely it can’t be that dire”, Oppo protests, a slightly less concerning shade of purple now. Senator Organa shrugs again, jostling the smattering of cracks slowly building around his person in a way that makes Mace wince quietly. “It’s all publicly available data, Masters.”
It really can be that dire, as it turns out. And quarter rations is only scratching the surface of how dire, considering the Guard has apparently never had access to bacta in all their posting, and also includes requisitioning forms available to the Senate for reconditionings and decommissionings, two words Mace has only heard Ponds whispers amidst shuddering in the early days of the war before Shaak Ti went off and just about tore some throats out over it.
“Alright”, he concedes, rubbing at his temples. “Fair enough, we have failed to tackle a massive blind spot in the Guard’s well being. There is no Jedi assigned to Coruscant, and that’s an oversight on our behalf. But how in the everloving kriff did this get past the Chancellor and Commander Fox?!”
Who have both signed, black on white. Bail Organa smiles cryptically. “Well, if you scroll a bit past that one image, up to the industrial speeder in the back - Commander Fox is currently having credits stuffed into his codpiece in the back, I believe.”
“HE’S WHAT IN THE WHAT NOW”, Commander Cody screeches through the speaker of Obi-Wan’s holo image, and Mace has to summon every bit of Jedi-serenity he possesses in his body to keep from dropkicking a cackling Yoda through the chamber windows.
#fox forged palpatine’s signature is how it got past him#it’s not like anyone can admit to that considering the backlog of official reports he’s been forced to do it on#‘come for me and we’re both going down bitch’ fox says#triple dog dare#fox himself is in such a constant state of sleep deprivation delirium that a sexy speeder wash sounded fair enough#or not worse than anything else that happens on the daily on coruscant anyways#padmé’s handmaidens make it rain with whoops of joy and take a commemoration selfie with all the commanders#‘wait. where’s kit?’ obi wan asks halfway through the meeting ‘wasn’t he supposed to land on coruscant an hour ago?’#‘oh No’ says the council collectively#‘coruscant daily breaking news: residents are horrified by half-naked nautolan streaking through the city apparently making for thr senate’#‘wait that appears to be JEDI MASTER KIT FISTO-‘#it’s very good advertising it turns out#the vod who suggested it (nuisance) gets promoted against his will#the remaining clone commanders have to be restrained first from dogpiling civilians launching their credits at corries#‘BUT GENERAL THEY’RE OBJECTIFYING FOX’ wolffe cries to plo koon#then from murdering several senators aides and the chancellor when certain records surface#‘this is all public knowledge??’ fox asks very confused and still dripping water under six robes his ori’vode launched at him on sight#‘i don’t understand where this is coming from?’#cody is too busy making slitting throat motions at anyone who looks at his vod’ika too long to bother responding#palpatine chokes on a raisin in shock and dies#‘BREAKING BREAKING NEWS: CHANCELLOR EXPLODES IN A BLACK CLOUD AT SIGHT OF WASHBOARD ABS’#and thus the galaxy is foxed#i’m leaving that typo#commander fox#corrie guard deserves better#coruscant guard#jedi high council#mace windu#oh mace my beloved i am so sorry but it’s so funny putting you in Situations#sw tcw fic ideas
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"Do you love me?" {part. 10} (housemate!harry series) (SMUT)
In Sickness and in Health {part. 9} (housemate!harry series)
AN: at this point idk where to go from here. they'd shared their feelings, started a relationship, and now, dropped the L bomb. so if you'd like, send me some ideas in my inbox for something you'd like to see housemate!h and reader do.
This story contains: slight angst, couch sex, riding cock, mentions of female dominance, love making, dropping the L bomb, happy crying
{ housemate!harry - boyfriend!harry - softrry - teacher!h }
word count- 2,423
All week, Harry has noticed a difference in your demeanor, and by Friday, it's finally revealed to him why you've been acting so strange.
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All week, Harry's been aware of a shift in your demeanor. You've been giving him peculiar glances and have been a bit short with him on a few different occasions. He's uncertain if he's done something to upset you or said something that may have accidentally offended you. Ever since Monday night, when you fell asleep after taking care of him all day while he had that stomach virus, you haven't been acting the same.
The thing is, you haven't purposely been acting out of the ordinary, but upon hearing Harry accidentally say he loves you whilsts succumbing to sleep, you can't help but react. You've been wanting to discuss it with him on several different occasions this week, but the right moment has yet to come. As you've said before, the last thing you want is to embarrass him or bring up the topic for him to deny his true feelings towards you just yet.
Harry became aware of your unusual behavior when he awoke on Tuesday morning, finding his head resting upon your chest. Gradually awakening to the sight of the sunrise, he traced his fingers along your arm, connecting your freckles like a dot-to-dot game. As you stirred from his gentle touch, the recollection of his words from the previous night flooded your mind, causing your body to tense up and prompting Harry to sit up and ask if something was wrong.
"Nope, nu-hu, nothing's wrong. Just gotta pee, is all." you spoke before jumping out of bed without making any eye contact with him. It left Harry laying in bed, confused. The day before, you were super nurturing, taking care of his sick self. Now he wondered if you're suddenly scared you'd catch his virus, or maybe you already have. Which he prayed you didn't.
On Wednesday, after his first day back at work post-recovery from the virus, Harry noticed you cooking at the stove while listening to Fleetwood Mac on the kitchen speakers. After setting down his teachers satchel and keys, he sneaked up behind you and hugged you from behind. Surprised by his sudden appearance, you cried out, "Harry, don't scare me like that. You almost gave me a heart attack." and not in a playful tone either.
Upon noticing your real distress, he promptly apologized for unintentionally frightening you, expressing remorse for his sudden actions. "M'sorry, baby. Didn't realize it'd scare you that much. Just wanted to hug my girlfriend while she's makin' us a delicious lookin' dinner." He then backed away with a frown and headed out of the kitchen to take a shower.
Later that night, you apologized for shouting at him, to which Harry readily accepted. And by readily accepted, you mean he chose to fuck you for the first time since overcoming his sickness, technically the second time overall. He had you on all fours, fucking you from behind, on the living room couch. He can now check fucking you on the couch off his imaginary list.
During your bedtime routine on Thursday, you came across a heavenly sight: Harry lying in your bed, wearing his reading glasses, deeply engrossed in a book. The image of him being so hot yet nerdy ignited a strong desire within you, prompting you to act upon it without hesitation. Although he was initially taken aback, he swiftly set his book aside and granted you permission to proceed as you pleased. You kissed his lips until your mouth was sore, and grinded back and forth over his clothed cock until you came from that alone.
After you had came, both of you swiftly discarded your remaining clothes and you rode his cock with a sense of urgency. Harry couldn't help but notice your dominant demeanor. He knew you were a switch from you confessing it during that rated R card game a few weeks back, but witnessing it firsthand aroused him more than he cared to admit.
When Friday arrived, Harry still had a feeling that something was being hidden from him, yet he attempted to dismiss it. Maybe it was just his imagination making it up. After ordering your typical Friday night Chinese take-out and watching a film, you both headed to bed. You asked whether Harry wanted to sleep in his room or yours, and he selected yours, mentioning that he enjoyed the scent of your perfume that lingered on your bed sheets.
Knowing that it was getting late and you were both incredibly tired, Harry had no intentions of starting anything sexual. Nevertheless, when you intertwined your fingers in his hair to pull him closer to you, he couldn't resist rolling over your body and softly kissing down your neck. This time, it felt different compared to the previous occasions this week, except for your first sexual encounter on Sunday. His actions were unhurried and cautious, almost as if expressing his love for you without words.
As he reached the waistband of your shorts, you shook your head in disagreement, understanding his intentions to eat you out but not wanting that at the moment. Although the thought was enticing, it wasn't what you craved at this particular moment. You only desired him inside you. "Nu-hu, not now. Just want you inside me."
Harry nodded, indicating he understood, and proceeded to climb back up your body. He smoothly slid off his briefs as you pulled down your panties, which disappeared beneath the covers. With Harry's assistance, you raised your shirt off your upper body, and he casually tossed it onto the floor for handling later. Leaning down, he pressed his naked body tightly against yours and whispered, "Do you need any lube or foreplay? Wanna make sure I don't hurt you." Undoubtedly, he is a very thoughtful man.
"No, I'm good. I'm wet enough, promise." you replied, assuring Harry that you were already wet. He believed you and proceeded to reach down and grip his erect cock. After a few strokes, he positioned it at your moist entrance. You really could get wet fairly quickly, especially when the right person was the one turning you on. As he began to enter you, you let out a quiet gasp and held onto his back even tighter than before.
Gradually, Harry inched closer until your pelvic bones made contact, allowing him to rest on top of you. He positioned his head against your shoulder and positioned his knees on either side of your hips, before he gently withdrew and smoothly moved forward with his initial thrust. When you got a desire for clitoral stimulation, you wrapped your legs around his hips and moved upwards, subtly rocking your clit into his trimmed mound. That caught Harry's attention, sparking an idea to come into his mind.
"Y/n, you still have that suction vibrator, right?"
Out of breath from his continuous strokes, you answered, "Yeah...... why?" You have used your vibrators during sex before but rarely. Especially with one-night stands because most men felt emasculated when you brought out your toys to help you along. But Harry, when he found out you had vibrators that time he had to retrieve your medicine from your nightstand drawer, he's been excited to see them in use ever since.
Pausing momentarily, Harry sat up and reached for the drawer of your bedside table. Upon opening it, he carefully searched until he found what he was seeking, paying no mind to the purple dildo he hoped you'll use on him someday. As you turned your head, you observed Harry holding your pink clit sucking vibrator. In the dimly lit room, he pressed the power button and brought it down to stimulate your clit.
He had no experience using this type of vibrator on a woman, so by using context clues he assumed that you position the suction cup part over the woman's clitoris. While that's accurate, Harry was unaware that the suction becomes less effective the harder you press down. You reached down to guide him, lifting his hand slightly. "Lightly press down or I won't feel it as much. Just let it sit over my clit and the suction will do its job."
Raising his gaze, Harry's expression turned into an embarrassed smile, as if he should have been aware of that fact. However, as he leaned down again, he soon realized that managing to hold the vibrator against you while also maintaining a consistent thrusting motion would not be easy. "Let me hold it in place," you suggested when you realized his dilemma.
Speaking softly your ear, Harry asked, "Are you sure?" He typically disliked it when the women he slept with had to pleasure themselves during sex, wanting to be the one giving all the pleasure. But what he needed to understand was that sometimes, teamwork can make the dream work.
"Yeah, just focus on fucking me." and that he did. But his actions were far from what one might label as 'fucking'. His thrusts were unhurried yet firm, displaying remarkable precision. He kept his chest pressed against yours, while his hand tenderly held your unoccupied hand against your pillow. The intensity of the moment was so profound that it almost resembled "love making". However, the question remained: does he genuinely love you, or was his previous statement a mere accident in his feverish delusions? The not knowing is eating you up inside.
Several minutes passed of Harry gently thrusting in and out of your cunt while you held onto the vibrator that was stimulating your clit, nestled between your bodies. Your neck was damp from Harry's heavy breathing against your skin, and your hands were moist from the tight grip they held with each others. As his long cock rubbed against your g-spot during each thrust and the vibrator worked its magic on your clit, you could feel your orgasm approaching swiftly.
"Harry, baby, m' gonna come."
Harry held you tighter and replied, "Go ahead, baby. Come f' me." With his confirmation that you technically didn't even need, your orgasm crashed down on your body in one of the biggest releases of your life.
"Oh, fuck, fuck, fuck!" you moaned as your clit pulsated inside the suctioning head and your walls fluttered around Harry's shaft. Your legs shook and your hand left Harry's to grab onto his smooth back, trying to press him impossibly close to you. The orgasm was so intense that you didn't even realize you had tears streaming down your face. And Harry's orgasm soon followed yours.
His thrusts became uncoordinated as his body started to shake and it felt like the air had been knocked out of his lungs. Spurts of his come shot out his dick and filled your pussy up, making you all warm inside. Once both of your orgasms had started to leave, you quickly removed your vibrator from your overly sensitive clit and tossed it to the side. You wrapped your legs around Harry's waist again, as if you were afraid he'd get up and leave you.
Harry's face stayed nestled between your shoulder and neck until he perceived what sounded like a muffled cry coming from you. Sitting up straight, he looked down with a concerned look written all over his face. "My love, what's the matter? Why'r you cryin'?" he inquired, afraid he may have accidentally hurt you.
You glanced up with watery eyes, knowing what the two of you did felt different from typical sex but wondered if Harry felt the same too. You wondered if Harry felt the love that poured from you minutes ago and truly felt the same. You had to know. You're tired of ignoring the fact he told you he loved you a few nights ago, though he doesn't remember.
With a wobbly lip, you asked, "Do you love me?"
Harry's breath caught in his throat, startled by your question. "Baby, why're you...."
You cut him off to repeat, "Do you love me? Because the other night, the night you were sick, you accidently said, "I love you". But you were on the cusp of sleep and never brought it back up, so all week I've just assumed you didn't realize what you'd said and didn't mean it. Now though, after the sex we just had, that didn't feel like just sex to me. It may have to you, but to me, it felt like what love making is and now I'm questioning everything again, and, and..."
With a gentle laugh, Harry moved closer until his forehead met yours, his gaze slightly unfocused. "Y/n, m' gonna be completely honest with you. While I may not recall confessin' my love for you the other night, it doesn't change the fact that I meant every word of it. I love you, I have loved you for a long time, even before we transitioned from friends to somethin' more. I was simply waitin' for the perfect moment to express my feelings. It seems my sleepy mind beat me to it." he lazily smiled, still very much inside you, just soft by now.
Harry now comprehend the situation much better. Throughout the entire week, he had a feeling that something was off with your behavior, but he couldn't identify the exact difference. Now that he realized it originated from his unintentional confession of love to you the other night, without any memory of it himself, everything is falling into place. However, he does regret not expressing his love for you in a more memorable way, one that he would actually recall.
A soft sob escaped your throat, not from sadness but from relief. Harry loved you, he really loved you. Though technically he didn't mean to say it when he did, he still meant those three words and knowing that has you very emotional. "I'm sorry, I'm just..... really happy. I love you too." Harry wrapped his arms around your upper body tightly, holding you as close to him as possible.
Mummering against your skin, Harry whispered, "Don't ever apologize for cryin', baby. It's alright. I've got you. M' also very happy you love me back, otherwise this would have turned awkward."
After now having confessed your love for one another, consciously this time, you laid in peace on this Friday night, knowing how Harry truly felt about you. And Harry, he can also rest in peace knowing where your behavior this week stemmed from. Plus, you reacting positively to his confessions of love for you. The future for the two of you is looking very bright and you hope nothing gets in your way.
(no more tags are allowed because i've hit my number limit. sorry : ( )
tag list: @one-sweet-gubler // @harryscherrysugar // @hsfanficsrecss // @lollypopsx // @harrycanyonmoonn // @allthelovehes // @damnasstyles  // @mrsstylesharry // @softmullet // @meetmyblondemuffins  // @thegirlnextdoorssister // @stanleystyles  // @haarrrys // @michellekstyles  // @skyangel57   // @the-gardener-31 // @lhharrylilpumpkin // @yousunshine-youtemptress // @clairestylessss  // @kissmyaxe140  // @goldenmelonsugar-hi // @kaitieskidmore97 // @florencepughily  // @alienorknight //@dancearoundthelivingroom  // @swiftmendeshoran
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My Masterlist Masterpost
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Summary: Even though you and Soldier Boy had a happy relationship for a year, Butcher and his team deceived him and sent him back to the lab, where he was tortured for decades in Russia. You decide to go there and save him, but things don't go the way you think. 
Pairing: Soldier Boy / Reader
Warnings: dark fiction!, heavy angst, hurt, violence, language, suspense, tragedy, death
Word Count: 3545
A/N: English is not my first language.
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You turned to face Ben and rubbed your eyes as you came up from sleep, sensing him slowly lowering the bed. After a while, you became aware that you were not covered by a blanket, and the chill from the window caused you to tremble. You put some warmth into your arms by rubbing them.
He removed his shirt and placed his large arms beneath his head before saying, “Go back to sleep,” in a harsh manner.
“Ben?” you whispered in a quiet voice as you drew nearer to his stiff body.
He mumbled, “Sleep,” once more, but you quickly ignored his displeased demeanor and rested your head on his sturdy, warm chest.
You murmured, “But I'm cold,” closing your eyes and placing a leg against his thigh in the hopes that he wouldn't push you away.
You felt a little worried since his chest felt warmer than normal, but it wasn't too hot to touch, so you put your hand on it and listened to his powerful heartbeats.
“Of course you're cold; you're fucking half naked, and all windows are opened.”
“Why are you treating me so cruelly and mean tonight?” you asked, gently massaging his chest with your fingertips as a way to express your affection for him.
Ben was still like a secret box, and even though you two had been together for almost a year, it was clear that he wasn't very keen to open up to you. But there were moments when he was so tender and caring toward you that you knew, whether or not he realized it, that he cared about you on a deep level.
“You're a naive one if you think this is my mean or cruel version, sweetheart.”
Additionally, he expressed his disapproval of you telling him you love him on an ongoing basis after you did so for the first time. He didn't change his mind and silenced you each time you parted your lips to express your love for him, despite your attempts to ease him up by telling him he didn't have to say it back and that you didn't have any expectations about his expressing his emotions verbally.
“Is it because of Butcher?” you asked him. “Or Homelander? I'm thinking that you might be a little nervous about tomorrow,” You said in an effort to change the subject.
You tried not to seem cruel and carefully considered your remarks, knowing that his nerves were vulnerable these days, so as not to irritate him. There was a long moment of stillness between you before he opened his eyes and met your gaze.
With a sour tone, he questioned, “Do I look uneasy? Not me, sweetie, but that fucking cheap blonde product should feel uneasy. He won't be able to sleep soundly again after tonight.”
With confidence, he looked into your eyes and stated that he would murder Homelander the next day. You didn't enjoy the pressure Ben must be under, and it troubled you that you couldn't know exactly how he felt. Rather than expressing your sympathies, you wanted to show your sympathy through your actions. After all, he wasn't a man of words.
You rested your head on his large, warm chest, closed your eyes, and listened to his strong, slow heartbeat, thinking he was feeling the same way about you. Instead, he simply kept his arms folded beneath his head, undisturbed by your movements.
Despite your physical closeness, you felt a little hesitant and upset by the distance that lingered between you, so you raised your head and gave him a loving kiss while placing your fingertips on his thick neck. As he gave you back a powerful, passionate kiss and dominated your mouth with his tongue, your heart was flooded with joy.
As he was about to proceed farther, you pulled back to catch your breath because you knew he had previously touched you quite a bit in a rough and painful way lately, and though you wanted to go beyond, you knew you couldn't for that moment.
Ben looked perplexed as he gazed at you and hoped that before going to bed, he could spill inside you and relax once again.
You mumbled, “I feel sore,” before he continued. “You were quite rough today.”
“I've just fucked you three or four times, and you were already on Temp-V,” he said.
“However, the effects have worn off, and I'm now really sore. Give me a day to relax,” you playfully remarked. You were aware that he wouldn't press you on this. He didn't ever.
He murmured, “Alright, as you wish,” and planted a firm yet tender kiss on your forehead that right away melted your heart. You instantly realized that if he truly wanted it, you would give him your heart, ripping it from your chest.
You whispered, “I love you,” and hoped that he would simply ignore you rather than warn you once more. Thankfully, he remained silent and let you rest blissfully on his chest. You were aware that you would require time to earn his trust in every way. “We’ll be alright.”
Because of the stress and anxiety, you woke up hours before him, even before the sun came up. You told him you had had enough sleep and were sitting on a coach next to his bed, watching the sunrise outside the window.
Before they went to meet Homelander, Butcher and Soldier Boy imprisoned you and every other member of the team who wasn't a supe behind an extremely thick, iron door. Ben refused to change his mind, and you two ended up having a brief argument despite your insistence on using Temp-V and supporting him. Ben stopped listening to you and allowed Butcher to lock you up.
But in a short while, Annie tore off the door, releasing all of you. She was not the type of person to be kept in a cage for so long and to be unknown for her patience.
“Please let me join you,” you immediately plead, Annie.
Annie politely remarked, “Look, I don't think it's a good idea. You already know that we are not on their level. Not to mention that your presence would drive Soldier Boy even more insane; you could die between all of them in less than a second.”
“Please allow me to accompany you. I understand that what is going on is beyond everyone's strength, but I'll use Temp-V. And I'll keep my distance, cross my heart, and hope to die. I just want to be there because I have a bad feeling about all of this. That's it. I would never become involved, never.”
You sounded like you meant every word of that last sentence, even though you weren't quite honest. Even if Butcher and Ben's combined might were stronger than Homelander's, you had the feeling that something would go wrong.
Fortunately, Annie stopped arguing with you and came to terms with your presence as long as you were apart from Ben, at least until Homelander was dead. Knowing that you would receive fatal damage from one more shot, you took the Temp-V on the way. But this would be the final instance. It was just the last time for both Ben and you.
You watched everything in a large room where there were lots of cameras. As you sat in the chair quickly, you'd seen Ben touching Homelander's shoulder and telling him how much of a disappointment he was and that if he had been there for him from the start, he would have grown him like a true father. It wrenched your heart to know that Ben was being sincere at that precise time. The tragedy stemmed from how accurate the story was—Ben was being tortured in Russia while Homelander was just a baby, and everyone was attempting to turn him into a monster, and they were successful in doing so.
Now, in order for him to stop hurting and causing grief to other people and their children, his own father had to murder him. It was kind of a Shakespearean tragedy.
But instead of being hostile, Homelander showed Ben his son Ryan and told him Ryan was his grandson in order to win Ben over. Having been unaware of this, your lips parted in disbelief. With your tension-filled body, you watched the events taking place in the room and were unable to see Ben's response to them all, but you knew he wouldn't be kind at all.
Knowing that chaos was about to break out, you swiftly stepped out of the camera room after witnessing Ben strike Homelander's child and throw him away with anger.
Homelander checked his son and kneeled before him, while Butcher spoke in a harsh voice, “Not him. He's my wife's son.”
Ben remained silent while he noticed you standing there, bewildered by what Butcher had said. “Homelander fucked your wife, and you want to save the breed?” he asked, clearly confused.
That's when you realized that Ben was willing to do whatever it took to kill Ryan and Homelander. He burst at Butcher, anger shining in his eyes.
Butcher said, “Stand down,” in a controlled yet menacing tone.
“Fuck you.”
Ben stared at everyone with a heart full of wrath and a sense of betrayal engulfing his soul. He was honoring his word, but his own team had deceived him once more. Though he had planned to form his own team, start over, or do something else entirely, he realized at that very moment that ordinary people were cunning and treacherous; they were never satisfied and had no concept of loyalty. He was mistaken to believe otherwise.
You said, “Ben, please,” at a loss for words to help him become a little calmer. Of course, he had every right to be furious at Butcher, but there was no need for him to kill the child because he was innocent and hadn't chosen to be born as Homelander's son in the first place. “He's only a kid.”
“You shut the fuck up,” he angrily yelled at you. “How dare you fucking betray me for the son of a bitch?”
When you saw Ben's hate-filled eyes set on you as if you were nothing more than a foe, Butcher warned him once more to back off.
With a quivering voice, you defended yourself, saying, “I'm not betraying you.”
You felt a little bold because of the Temp-V in your blood and the confidence that he wouldn't physically harm you, even though you were frightened. You approached him, put your hand on his cheek, and gently stated, “I would never betray you. He is only a young child who has done no wrong to anyone, and Butcher obviously cares for him. Why do you feel the need to kill him so strongly all of a sudden?”
“Why do you even defend a little shit against me for him?” With an outrage so intense that it left you stunned and speechless, “Did you fucking get railed by Butcher?” your eyes began to water. He abruptly interrupted you by yelling, “Get the fuck out of my sight before I hurt you too,” as you opened your mouth to explain yourself and say something to ease his anger.
With a look of despair and frustration on your face, you muttered, “You're hurting me already,” and you moved away. The bridge you had worked so hard to build seemed to crumble in an instant, as if it had been made up of paper. “How are you even able to speak to me in this way?”
You desired to provide support, but Kimiko stopped you from going between Homelander and Butcher, who were trying their hardest to defeat Ben, by pushing you against the other side of the room with a rough touch, forcing you to go through a desk. Ben was holding his shield in front of him, his eyes full of madness and rigidity. Even if you were only a supe for a day, you groaned in agony since the amount you took was lower this time and your health had begun to decline daily.
“So this is it,” he muttered, his tone harsh as he watched you retreat terrified from him. “You've decided to abandon me in this. For fucking nothing.”
Before you even told him how much he meant to you and how wrong he was, Ben tried to attack Homelander's son, but Homelander used his laser eyes to force Ben away through the glass, pushing him away from his child. Standing side by side, Butcher and Homelander teamed up against Ben as they exchanged looks.
You tried to keep up your head while you cursed in agony and saw Ben battle Butcher for a while, dumping his shattered shield into the ground while wearing a deadly expression. Thankfully, Butcher's laser eyes did not affect Ben while he used them.
The situation worsened when Ben attempted to choke Kimiko, rendering her still beneath his grip, and then threw her away. When they all attacked Ben, attempting to put him to sleep with the same poisonous gas to which he had been exposed for decades, you stood up and yelled at Butcher.
You yelled, “What the hell are you all doing?” to MM, who was attempting to keep the mask on Ben's face while others were holding his arm. As soon as you moved to stop them, Homelander lasered you, sending you flying across the room once more. This time, you had some skin burns that hurt so much that your eyes were burning.
Ben roared, pushing everyone across the room in an eruption of rage. He also felt strong smoke coming from his body, which caused his eyes to close in an act of pain and rage. He clenched his jaw, hoping to find some relief. You were aware of the extent of his anguish while trying to get rid of the pain his body was causing. After all, his new powers were a punishment rather than a reward.
Annie glanced at you and Maeve, realizing that everything was messed up, either because of Homelander or Butcher—you were all failures—but Ben would not listen to you at all. The only person you had to worry about was Ben, who was aware of how much he was feeling let down and deceived at the moment. They were all attempting desperately to put him to sleep using the same gas that had put him to sleep in the first place as though he meant nothing to anyone.
Ben blacked out once more when Maeve jumped on him to save you all, and the CIA put the mask back on his face, taking advantage of his unconscious body as you stared at Butcher with hate and contempt. You watched Ben sleep with a heavy heart, knowing that he was getting ready to be sent back to Russia by the real monsters who were around him and intended to torment him for years to come. To not get attention, you made yourself stop crying and act unwise.
“You knew this was coming. You planned this from the very beginning,” you remarked to Butcher, who put his hands in his pockets as if nothing had happened. “You betrayed him by using him.”
“What were you expecting me to be doing right now?” Butcher looked at you and questioned you in a sharp tone. “He wouldn't stop after killing Homelander, and he was going to kill an innocent child. Do you believe the CIA agreed to release him only to force him into retirement and seize control of Vought? Sweetie, I thought you were wiser than this.”
Your hand balled into a fist, and you had to force yourself not to punch his silly, haughty face as he was speaking nonsense and attempting to defend his behavior.
“You may be trying your hardest to beat Homelander because you believe you are better than him, but you are not. You're just another narcist piece of shit,” you exclaimed angrily as he gave you one of his smirks, as if he wanted you to beat him to death. “You used me and Ben, and you're using everyone around you for your own sake, not anyone else's.”
“You should not have fallen so deeply in love with Soldier Boy,” he observed, arching an eyebrow. “Before he knocked you up, I really did save you too.”
Pushing him by the chest and you cursed, “I hope you rot in hell, Butcher,” walking out of the tower without listening to anything he or anybody else had to say.
After everything that transpired at Vought Tower, you parted ways with Butcher and the other members of the team, and you waited for three months to avoid drawing attention from either of them or from anybody else. You couldn't go into the lab where Ben was being held without a supe or being a supe, so you waited in pain along with longing for Ben as you searched for Temp-V to save him from Russia once more.
Fortunately, Annie had helped you in finding some after you had pleaded to her for hours and you had stopped caring about what would happen to you despite her warnings about how deadly it was. You were aware that one more dose would put your life in a critical situation. Love was blind indeed, but you were blinder.
You felt terrible pain this time, crawling in agony and crying for about thirty minutes after taking the last shot of Temp-V and allowing it to pass through into your body and blood. Despite the pain, you chose to focus on the lovely and tender memories you shared with Ben, hoping that everything would get better soon after you saved him. You knew everything was going to work out. When he realized you were the only one who had come to help him that day, he would have forgiven you for everything that had occurred in Vought Tower.
Upon entering the lab where he was being held after you easily overcame the guards thanks to the Temp-V in your blood, you stood in front of the box containing him, and your heart melted upon seeing that he was chained and defenseless due to the mask and gas covering his face. Just like the day you and Butcher found him a year prior to his first rescue, he was handcuffed.
As you saw him slowly open his eyes, you took a deep breath and, with your pulse pounding with excitement and anxiety, tore off the door and gently removed the mask from his face.
When you saw that he was awake once more, your heart warmed up, but as soon as he gave you a fierce look that made you shudder in fear, your smile gradually disappeared, and you immediately closed your mouth.
Ben's jaw clenched when he saw you again; he knew that Butcher had deceived him and that months had passed in the lab while you were free. He made a huge mistake by giving you just a single chance to show that you were not like the rest. He should have known people didn't deserve anything.
As soon as he emerged from the box and started walking toward you, your body stiffened, and you remained motionless, hoping for his understanding and sympathy. Knowing full well the hazards associated with taking the final shot of Temp-V, you thought he would recognize your undying love for him.
Ben stood in front of you, and he slowly and cruelly slid his fist through your chest, covering his hand in your blood as you gasped in pain and disbelief. You've got too much to tell him, but his hands reached out and grasped your heart, once caressing your cheeks and hair and erasing the things you were trying to say.
You were struggling to catch your breath as he dropped your heart, and your eyes went blurry with tears and nothingness. Your body then fell to the cold ground. As you watched him leave the room, your vision began to fade, and the last thing you saw were his bloodied hands covered in your blood.
You could never be certain of anything when you decided to love him, but you knew you had forgiven him and didn't blame him. Perhaps you were too naive to imagine he would forgive you, too reckless to believe him, or too close to let yourself burn in his warmth or melt in his affection for you months ago. Maybe you could be happy in another universe, but just not in this one.
A/N: I warned you.
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dryonsenpai · 1 day
If u do headcanons can I please ask for headcanons for the kings + Zagan and Belial (or only the kings if is easier) going to the pool with the mc?
If you don't take headcanons I understand. Thank you. <3
First time someone's ever asked me for headcannons hahaha. Thank you, I'll do my best 😊
Headcannons for the kings, Zagan and Belial on the pool with MC (you)
Warning: NSFW, like, almost too NSFW for a headcannon/gender neutral MC
Pools in Gehenna aren't a big thing due to the country's poverty, but that doesn't mean that you won't have a good time with Satan
You know how pale this guy is? You're gonna enjoy applying sunscreen on him, feeling even the slightest details on his muscled body
He's gonna do the same thing to you later on, even though he doesn't really need the excuse of the sunscreen to touch you
Inside the water, his white wet hair shines under the sun, you just can't help but touch it and caress it as if it was a treasure
Then Satan would hug you tight and start touching you on an even more lewd way
Now is the time when you can leave scars and marks all over Satan's body, so he follows your orders and let you do whatever you want to him
There's only one issue, water doesn't let him spank you properly. Problem solved! He's strong enough to lift you up and keep spanking you
Pools in Tartaros are just like palaces, full of gold and oriental decorations. If you sunburn easily, Mammon would demand to build a special indoor pool just for you
No matter if you're indoors or outdoors, Mammon wants to protect his master at all costs. That's why he would demand servants (even the nobles if you want to) to apply sunscreen to you
If you want the very own king to do it, he'll gladly oblige. He'll be very careful to not hurt you with his strong, beautiful and veiny hands
Then, he would just grab you with one arm without difficulty to the pool and get you inside
He won't swim, he would just cuddle with you while touching your butt. But if you do want to swim for a bit, he would be happily looking at you (and your butt) waiting for your return to his arms
Even if he's a golden (no pun intended) retriever, he still wants to do... Things to you, the swimsuit perfectly captures your curves and body shape (again, butt)
And so does his. Sir, where are you going with that? That should be illegal. Still you want to touch it, so both of you succumb to your desires
Mammon's huge cock normally would have a hard time (again no pun intended) fitting inside you, but water made the job much easier
Drying up time! You're tired after the passionate time on the pool, he wouldn't let you move an inch so that you can rest, he is the one drying you up and then probably let you to sleep
"Pool? Are you a child or what?... Ok, but ONLY I will be with you". No matter if you try to say that you want to be alone, he just won't let you, he wants to be with you but won't say it
The only pool you're going to on his watch is a pool inside the Hades palace. Servants are there watching and doing maintenance, Levi just kicks them out cuz only him can see you in a swimsuit
Have you seen Diabolik lovers? The scene where Ayato throws Yui on the pool?... Yup, that's Levi
Water is perfect for his breath control fetish. You don't even have time to reach out to the surface before he gets your head back under the water, seeing you grasp for air turns him on
He wasn't thinking on getting into the water on the first place, but that sight of you? He doesn't have a swimsuit so he just got naked and got in with you
Now Levi makes you give him a blowjob under the water. The water is so crystal clear that he can perfectly see you. Then you would proceed to have sex until both of you are tired
He would take you to a club at night time. You can either get in with swimsuit or naked. Most likely naked, Beelzebub would just tear the swimsuit out of you so that he enjoys aaall your views
The water of the pool cannot get rid of your body odor. Beel then starts to smell you, your neck, your armpits... And his favourite, your private parts
He can't do what he wants to do under water, so he sits you on the border of the pool and gets your legs open. Surprise! You're not exactly sitting on the floor, you're sitting on the lap of a copy of Beel
Beelzebub 1 burries his face on your private parts, then starts licking it. Beel 2 takes care of your nipples by pinching and pulling at them
People in the club are watching, their king having sex with the new fella? Turns all of them on, if you let Beel know that makes you uncomfortable then he would take you to a private pool, which is better cuz now you're only his
This guy is literally a sex machine, you have sex on almost every position in the Kamasutra and outside of it
When he dries you up, he's still touching you on your "pleasure areas". What? You thought he'd be done? He's Beelzebub!
Unluckily, the water finally removed your natural odor from you, but now there's an almost even better smell... Sex smell
How can you stop Beelzebub? Good luck
Before going, he's going to give you a safety lecture. He doesn't know your name but he does care about you
He won't take you to a pool. Instead, he would take you to a river/lake in Paradise lost full of beautiful flowers and animals, comparable to the very same Eden. Don't worry, nobody really goes there
If there happens to be any dangerous animals in there, he would command them to go somewhere else until you leave the place
He doesn't like that either of you wear swimsuits. After all, he wants to be with you just as God brought both of you to the world
Bro burns fast af so you offer to apply sunscreen on him. At first he declines, but then he accepts on one condition: don't touch his scar or wings
Congratulations! Your touch turned him on, but he can hide it for now... FOR NOW
Lucifer's a doctor, so he would be anatomically studying your perfect body while applying you sunscreen. He can still hide that he's hot
Water time! When you submerged your head and then came out, he can't control himself anymore. Those water drops on your face look like the tears he loves
If you happen to have long black hair & light color eyes, you'll inevitably remind him of Michael. Does that stop him? Oh Hell no!
Remember his bite? You ain't escaping that, it hurt for a little but then it felt like incredible pleasure that let down real tears. Water would carry your blood away, which also happens to turn Lucifer on
Let's remember that the slightest penetration of an angel causes an orgasm, imagine what would happen to you being on Lucifer's hands
The thought of both of you being together makes Zagan happy, but he's really shy to ask you out. So he tells you to go together to the pool because it's summer and it's really hot, you obviously accept
When he sees you in a swimsuit he can't help but blush, you're the most beautiful creature he's ever seen
You suggest playing volley, you had to explain to him what that is cuz they don't call it that way in Hell
You soon find out that he's an excellent player, but he's letting you win cuz he wants you to be happy
After a while, you're both sweaty. You notice he's blushing, but it's not because of the heat, remember he has kinesophilia
Still you decide to go to the pool to cool down. When you swim, it triggers back his kinesophilia
Zagan wants it, but he's not going to ask you. You notice and tell him that you want it too
When you're done & it's time to get out, he'll carry you on his arms because he can't let you slip and get hurt
Pool day? Okay! But Jjyuu stays at home playing videogames and watching anime, a habit he took from Belial
You suggest playing music on your phone, but he declines because he wants to listen to you singing, if you can't sing or you're too shy then humming is okay too
He lays down on your lap & listens to your beautiful voice, you know he's staring at you with shiny eyes even if you can't see them
"I love your voice", he writes with his finger on your tummy. You may sound like a donkey with diarrhea, he's still gonna love your voice and truly mean it
When you get in the water & keep singing, you remind him of a mermaid
Suddenly, those words on your tummy get marked red (like in his h-scene), it turns you on and you just can't control your heat. Don't worry, he can't control it either
When you're done, he's gonna ask you to sing for him again
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bridgettesheaven · 1 day
I'm the sweetest girl in town, so why are you so mean? a. skywalker x reader
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synopsis: you love his brutality and aggressiveness, he loves your delicacy and sensitivity.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ He knows he's no good for you, you know it too, but you loved him anyway. He was violent and aggressive, very reckless.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ You didn't know if that made him even more attractive, his strength, his anger, how wild he was. 
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ Every time he moved you roughly out of the way in some emergency, you bit you lower lip and blushed hard.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ He loved to get your little ass out of the way, or just haven a escuse to touch you.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ When he would get furious with you in training, whatever the reason, he loves to mistreat you, your delicate body and the angel face you had :(<3
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ He loves it when you stress over a little thing and he sees your big doe eyes tear up.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ He loves, loves, how  your little body looks next to his, he can move you back and forth like you're his little doll. He could kidnap you at any time of the day.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ When you question him, he always responds with: "Because I say so" and proceeds to squeeze your cheeks, and he goes crazy for your plump lips and those doe eyes you give him.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ You're practically begging him to fuck you.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ He's always picturing you in skirts that are too short, with strawberry-flavored gum, and with socks that go above your knee.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ Finally, he persuades you that what they'll do is just another apprenticeship, every knows it's natural. You tenderly agree, and it drives him crazy.
౨ৎ⋆⁺₊ Anakin becomes addicted to you. Your pussy was sweeter than sugar, and he loved watching you cry under him because you couldn't stand the size of him. You were his cry baby <3
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yuesya · 19 hours
100% complete. No errors found. All systems are operational. Proceed with activation?
Control unit will be activated in 3… 2… 1…
AR-000 wakes up.
Her body does not move. Her breathing does not change. Her eyes do not open.
But all the same, awareness floods her senses –an abstract awareness consisting of the myriad mechanisms feeding input of the surrounding environment into her mind. It is only instinct, then, to grasp control of these external devices intricately linked to her systems, the knowledge of how to do so flowing automatically from instructions in her core.
The first thing that she ‘sees’ is the sight of her creators. Men and women wearing white lab coats, outfitted with various mechanical devices and other such technological augmentations. Their gazes are collectively fixated on a single point in the bright, sterile room–
On her, AR-000 realizes, turning her gaze in the same direction as her creators.
Curiosity. A vague sense of something being out of place, except she doesn’t know what it is. Confusion, and befuddlement.
Unit AR-000, designation Titania, looks at the white-haired girl sleeping behind the reinforced glass casing of an experimental capsule, countless wires connected into her body, and wonders why there’s a strange trickle of dissonance that she feels, echoing faintly in the back of her mind. As if there’s something that’s–
“Did it work?” One of the scientists, a woman with a robotic eye, leans forward anxiously. “I’m not seeing any response from her.”
“That’s because she has zero mobility, you know the schematics of her design.” Beside her, a man rolls his eyes. The woman scowls.
“You know that’s not what I mean,” she snaps tartly. “The previous attempts failed because the subject couldn’t properly develop a consciousness and maintain its sense of self in the ‘hivemind.’ Based on our data, the tuning should be right this time… but if she’s still not responding…”
… To what?
Another scientist coughs. “U-um! Good morning, Titania…?”
“… What are you doing? Like that’s actually going to–”
The voice that echoes out with her quiet greeting to her creators is strange. Artificial. She thinks that her voice shouldn’t sound like this, but why would she–?
“Oh, by the Aeons.” Movement fills the room. The scientists explode into a flurry of movement, rushing to check various contraptions and devices. “It worked! Gelos, it worked! Ha, who was the one saying that–”
“I get it, I get it! Less talking, more recording! We need to collect the data for–”
“Thank goodness, thank the heavens, thank the Monarch of Myriad Machines…”
In contrast to the other scientists who rush about the room like busy bees in a hive, with varying degrees of excitement and elation, there is one who approaches AR-000 silently. It takes only a fraction of a second to identify him: Chief Scientist Polus Meliseus.
He does not say anything. For a moment, the Chief Scientist only looks up towards AR-000’s unmoving body silently. He gently places a hand against the glass, and the movement is familiar, somehow.
The Chief Scientist blinks. A clear liquid trickles down from his eyes.
Tears, AR-000 identifies. A sign of sadness. Is there an error in her that he is upset with?
[Why are you crying, Chief Scientist?]
“Because I’m happy,” he tells her with a choked voice, thick with emotion. “Finally… it’s finally done. Thank you for being born, Titania.”
… Titania thinks that she is happy to be born, too.
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when they've got interpreting spiderman noir under a specific cultural lens at the function [picture of me going insane]
I cant help myself.. what can i say. And since you've mentioned some research going on behind the scenes.. do you have any fun interpretations? Or even anything fun about the 1800s!
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Hm. I don't have anything as fun as historical dancing, but I suppose this does give me the excuse (thabk u) to blab about Noir's childishness.
(wow putting this under the cut bc it got longer than I thought it would LMAO)
I think what a lot of people (including Noir's contemporary writers and yes even the spiderverse interpretation) fall for when trying to read Noir's character is the imitation of his idea of what an adult is, that he hides behind. Like Noir's persona is incredibly exaggerated. He's playing pretend. Look here, he's practicing.
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A lot of his persona as Noir is imitation! Imitation of his uncle, of Urich, of the violence he's been exposed to. He's running around in his uncle's old uniform. Fundamentally misunderstanding WHY his uncle had been ashamed of it and his role in the war.
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And then he goes ahead and steals Urich's alias because it sounds Cool (which is such a teenage thing to do jesus christ).
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But like that imitation of The Adult isn't something that's limited to that exaggerated persona that Noir encapsulates. Peter himself is trying So Hard to be grown up and tough and responsible that it loops back around to him being a brat who would try the three guys in a trench coat trick. He even gets beat up for it when trying to defend his aunt. And I mean I've posted about him being a brat.
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About how he looks at Urich as a Prime Example of what a strong and knowledgeable adult is (which is part of why he reacts so volatile in response to Urich showing he's not exactly as morally righteous as himself, he's wounded and let down). Whiskey? Whiskey sounds like someone Mature and Cool would drink, I'll have it too. And then proceeds to throw his drink at Osborn and laugh about it. The illusion was broken for me then.
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But well it's not broken for everyone. I mean like obviously I poked at the contemporary writers, but I'm more talking about the other characters in the narrative. Mainly Urich and Felicia.
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Urich taking Peter under his wing isn't entirely under the motivation to nurture Peter. I think it Becomes that, but he's really envious of that kid. He wants to see him lose that hope that he once had (ruh roh the opposite thing happened, being around the kid made YOU more hopeful Ben. Guess you gotta be good. Hope you don't die now).
Urich really is exposing him to an extremely harsh reality, and taking him places where adults are typically only allowed. He's letting Peter get a glimpse into what it's like, which will eventually enable Noir's tool of violence. All these tests will accumulate into what Peter thinks someone powerful and strong can be and do.
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Then his problematic relationship with Felicia (writers I'm malleting you for this). He's clinging to her adulthood and the safety she represents, and he's young but she sees some adult strength in him. I mean she trusts him with the blackmail Urich gave her, which she really. Shouldn't, even if that's what Urich wanted.
Anyway, strength is something she's been consistently drawn to her in her partners. Strength to feel as her own. Even if it's to hers and others' detriment. There's also a part of Peter that's drawn to Felicia because Urich was. He's still honing in the good parts of Urich he wants to be.
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I think the one person in the narrative who doesn't fall for it? Is Aunt May. You could argue it's just her being naturally motherly, but for someone who was about to be eaten alive she's pretty frank with Noir. I think she can see that that violence and exaggerated grittiness comes from someone inexperienced and young. Even if she can't consciously recognize the similarities between Noir's persona and Peter's protectiveness of her. I don't think she wants to see that. I actually have a short comic script about that, but it probably will never see the light of day.
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Ugh he's like a cat puffing up to scare away a predator. It's fake!!!!! It's all fake!!!!!! He gets intimidated by JJ, he never ties his shoes, gets powers and then immediately guns to beat the shit out of Osborn, sings about the sandman when he's getting his face bashed in, crawls to Felicia all pathetic and sad, and he made a costume to run over roofs at night in.
And it's funny how he's forcing himself to grow up, but also really sad because all the things he's being exposed to is already forcing him to grow up. He's witnessing things no kid should ever see or experience.
Then there's the time period to consider. The aftermath of WWI, being in the midst of the Great Depression, and WWII just around the corner. He's faced incredible hardship and is going to continue to face so much hardship, and he's going to mature faster than he ever should have. It should have made him crash and burn Hard when he became an adult, and to me he still does because I'm ignoring everyone after ewaof LMAO.
As for my research on the 1800s NY that's for my own spider iteration run I'm working on, so not too related to Noir until I reach the 30's :3
Hope that was satisfying!!
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The Fandom & Unhealthy Shipping
Hello. In light of all the uproar and recent focus on Austin’s relationship. I felt moved to post this. As someone who isn’t exactly a fan of the relationship he has with Kaia Gerber, I feel like this is needed. Us “fake fans” as some may call it are tired of being silenced and bullied.
I will like to start off with that I love Austin. I want, as well as other fans like myself to see him thrive. Not just in his career , but in his love life too. I am in a very serious relationship myself , and see myself spending the rest of my life with the man I am with right now. I want that for Austin , I want him to have the love he deserves, that I am sure he craves. I want to see him happy again. The same way he was when he was with Vanessa Hudgens.
As we all know Austin began dating Kaia December 2021. From jump…I knew something was very odd about them. We all did , including those who call themselves “shippers” now. That itself should tell you something when a fanbase as a whole damn near feel something was off about the relationship. None of us were “jealous”. I have been in a few fan bases in my lifetime. Typically you can tell when there is pure jealousy vs genuinely getting a bad feeling about a person.Normally when people are “jealous”, it’s only a select few. A handful of unhinged weirdos who no one really cares for anyways.I have never seen it where the majority of the fanbase are on the same level. The same thoughts and uneasy feelings.I also wanna add when people are just jealous they never give a detailed, logical answer on why they feel a certain way about their favorite’s partner.It’s always some blind rage and childish reasons to be against a relationship.I don’t get that with the people from this fandom who side eye whatever Austin has with Kaia. We all knew something was just not right with them from the get go. Between Kaia breaking it off with Jacob Elordi a month before she got with Austin, and snatching him up before all his Elvis craze. We knew there some shady shit at play here. Especially since her and Jacob dressed as Elvis and Pricilla the Halloween before they broke up.It’s like she had some creepy Elvis fetish.Also, let’s not get started on how no one really knows the true story on how Kaia and Austin met,which is quite unusual. Almost every Hollywood couple has some story on how they met, even the bs PR relationships do. 2-3 years later and we still don’t know anything. Very peculiar to say the least.
As Austin grew bigger, the relationship progressed more. Kaia’s name was always attached to him some way , some how. There were pap walks, her being with him at events. No matter what Austin did , Kaia’s name was somewhere in the mix. That’s when people started to suspect that the relationship had to be PR. Not saying they definitely are PR BUT the way they moved , there was something just so unnatural about it. People started calling it out and voicing their concerns. However somewhere along the line certain fans began to do a 180, out of no where people started shipping them together and actually liking Kaia. Which was extremely questioning.
If you changed your mind about something/someone okay…that’s one thing. But to change your thinking and then proceed to bully others is a no go. Ever since then multiple people have been ran out the fandom, or bullied into to silence for still upholding the same thoughts on Kaia. Not being a fan of her and this relationship, thinking that Austin can do better. It’s like it suddenly became a golden rule to ship the relationship or get backed into a corner and harassed and have people assume that you’re some jealous bitch.
Lately though, some of us are beginning to speak out and stand on what we think. We are simply sick and tired of not being able to enjoy Austin without other fans making everything about Kaia. Everything he says and does. He smiles…it must be about Kaia. He wears a purple hoodie…must be Kaia’s…he mentions a damn dog….ooop he is really talking about mf Kaia. This man is 10 years older than her, he is his own person. Not everything he does is about his “girlfriend.” He has his own thoughts and feelings. His own personality. His own identity. He is not a puppet Kaia controls that just abides by what she says and has her mannerisms.
Us who do not ship this relationship have a right to do so in peace. We have a right to our opinions and a right to discuss them. We have a right to voice our validated concerns for what we see. It’s not like we are reaching and pulling things out of our asses. After all, the whole fanbase almost as a whole all thought the same thing at first about this relationship. Some of us just kept our opinions the same.We didn’t sit there and change it for the sake of followers and clout…like some. We are actually concerned for Austin’s well being.
With that being said. Stop harassing people and bitching because they do not want to ship this relationship. Stop bugging people when they say that he has good chemistry with someone else other than Kaia. Stop coming into people’s inboxes pretending like you are someone else but really you’re just trying to aggravate people by the questions you ask. People are not dumb , they know they know it be shippers low key on anons. Us here on this side do not come bugging and bitching about your opinions so why do that to us? Why does it matter to you so much that we be on board with what this bs? We are fans of AUSTIN BUTLER..not Kaia.
It shouldn’t matter if we do not support the relationship or not. We are here for his work. Half of y’all do not even care about Austin it seems outside that damn relationship anyway. Which…says a lot. Yet you have the AUDACITY to say we can’t be a real fan just because we don’t care for Kaia Gerber.Just know if you were so confident in Kaia and Austin’s relationship you will not be pressing others about their outlook on it just because it’s opposite of yours. It’s ridiculous you are this uptight like the relationship is yours. You guys are not Kaia Gerber so stop trying to live through her by projecting your raggedy ass delusions on everyone. All you’re doing is creating a divide in the fandom no one wants.
Just stay in your lane and let people who don’t want to make this relationship their entire life stay in their own. While we may disagree with y’all…we let you have your space to discuss your thoughts & feelings on your own platforms , so please do the same for us.
Note: Shipping real life people is weird. It’s fine to think two people are cute together and have good chemistry. It’s okay to do little cute fan edits and such. But when your shipping starts disturbing the peace in a fandom there is an issue. These are real people not a Prince and a Princess in a Disney fairytale. Calm down when people don’t agree with you and let it go!
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dearly-somber · 23 hours
a…s…m…r | | m.jh
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-> pairing. boyfriend!myung jaehyun x f!reader
-> genre. established relationship, (domestic) fluff
-> rating. 13+
-> w/c. 858
-> warnings. None!
-> a/n. Inspired by the Tingle Salon interview he did with Woonhak. I think they both have very calming voices 😪 PSA: this ended up not including anything about what this whole thing was inspired by (aka: the asmr) but oh well 🤷🏻‍♀️
-> bnd drabble, oneshot and series m.list!
-> started. May 28th, 2024 @ 22:29
-> fin. Mon., Jun. 10th, 2024 @ 23:41
-> edited. Thurs., Jun. 13th, 2024 @ 23:38
-> divider credit. @plutism
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You and Jaehyun have, more than once, been told that your relationship is peak “black cat x golden retriever”. And honestly?
You wholeheartedly agree ((─‿─)).
You’d hated it at first—you don’t even remember why; maybe because you didn’t like people trying to box your relationship into a fixed dynamic, but nowadays you embrace it with open arms.
Really the only reason you don’t mind it is because Jaehyun’s started calling you “kitty” and, as much as you hate to admit it, you think it’s kinda cute. And also a little hot, but that’s a whole different thing. You just recently changed his contact name on your phone from “Loml💕” to “Puppy😻”, actually—mostly because you don’t have the guts to call him puppy out of your own mouth just yet…
…but that doesn’t mean you don’t think about it!
Anyway, that’s beside the point. The only reason you brought it up was to (very amaturely) segue into what you actually wanted to talk about via some strange, semi-related metaphor(?).
Imagine this: you’re planning on sleeping over at your boyfriend’s house Friday to Sunday (because school and work have been keeping you apart and you miss him); you arrive late Friday evening tired as fuck from a twelve hour shift and ready to pass the fuck out—but wait!—your sweetest Myungjae waited up for you the entire night and is coming to greet you before you’ve gotten your foot halfway through the door!
“Hey, kitty.” Jaehyun takes your duffle bag and drops it somewhere next to the shoe rack, pulling you into his chest with his arms around your shoulders.
You hum into his chest as your hands slide around his waist, closing your eyes and burying your nose in his shoulder (where you proceed to deeply and unabashedly inhale his natural smell mixed with the vanilla of his shower gel, letting out a satisfied sigh after which makes him snort). Your hands slide from his waist to the small of his back, your fingers naturally running over the muscles in his back.
“I missed you,” you mumble.
Jaehyun hums sympathetically, cupping your face and tilting your head back to look at you proper. You catch a glimpse of the soft smile on his face before he leans in and kisses you all over, your eyes fluttering shut at the loving onslaught. “Missed you too,” he says against your cheek, giving you one last peck on the lips before taking you by the hand to lead you to his room.
“How long have you been waiting?” you ask as he crawls into bed, letting out an old-man groan when he’s settled under the covers on his back.
“Not long,” he assures you noncommittally, patting his chest in invitation for you to join him, visibly eager to have you close.
“Let me change first,” you laugh, shaking your head at the overdramatic whine he lets out as you turn around to dig through his cupboard for something comfortable to wear.
“How was work?” he asks.
You groan, throwing your work shirt to the floor as you pull one of Jaehyun’s looser shirts over your head. “Don’t get me started on work,” you grumble, kicking off your slippers.
“Not good?”
“When is it ever,” you sigh, waving a dismissive hand when the fluffy grey sweatpants you pulled on at random starts slipping down your hips—you can’t be bothered to change into something that fits.
Finally turning around, you’re greeted once again by the highly inviting scene of your boyfriend patiently waiting for you to join him, bedsheets pooled around his hips.
You climb up the bed and into his warmth with a soft grin, throwing your leg over his waist and resting your hands above his shoulders. You hover over him as his hands gravitate to your hips, tenderly pulling your waistband a little higher up your stomach before focusing his eyes on your face.
You stare at him long enough for him to smile and raises his brow at you in that probing, flirtatious way he used to before you got together—it’s an expression you like to tease him for whenever you can (except you’re too tired to come up with anything good to say).
“What is it?” he asks, letting his fingers drum against your side while his eyes sparkle at you questioningly.
“Nothing,” you mumble. “Jus’ pretty.”
“Me?” he laughs.
You hum with a tired grin, leaning down to tuck your head under his chin while moving your hands to rest on top of his head. “Puppy.”
“Puppy?” he repeats, high-pitched and squeaky.
“Puppy,” you confirm, turning your head to place a loving kiss against his throat. “‘M tired now, Jae… can we talk in the morning?”
“S-sure, babe,” Jaehyun stumbles over his words (probably because he’s still stuck on the whole puppy thing) before he kisses the crown of your head, wrapping you up in his arms.
“Love you,” he whispers.
“Love you, too,” you whisper back, letting out a long, satisfied exhale and smiling into his neck as you immediately doze off to the sound of his heartbeat and the gentle rise and fall of his chest.
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labyrinthhofmymind · 18 hours
some jily 7th year stuff cause we need more of them and i’m obsessed:
the marauders officially initiate lily into their nerdy group (this involves them ominously inviting her into their dorm like they’re some sort of cult) and showing her the marauders map and the invisibility cloak (she proceeds to have a full on existential crisis because she cannot believe the four idiots in front of her have such powerful objects in their possession) they also try and give her a nickname but she refuses (they ignore her)
lily practically lives in the boys dorm room. she sleeps in james’ bed most nights, and has become so accustomed to them all walking around half naked. she always wakes up when james goes to early quidditch practice, but she’s never annoyed about it, only giving him a kiss and telling him to kick butt on the field (she obviously then goes back to sleep afterwards) during the times james is up late or up early, lily will literally just sleep in his bed alone, something the marauders also get accustomed to quite quickly (one night sirius jumped into james’ bed cause he wanted some cuddles but was horrified to find lily there instead, it only took a couple of minutes before sirius wound up sleeping beside lily, an activity they would end up doing quite often, both of them just wanting a sibling that loves them)
lily is the biggest cheerleader for james at all of his quidditch games, painting cute little gryffindor coloured flags on her face and making banners. it gets to the big quidditch game at the end of the year and james is so nervous, but lily makes it her personal mission to get him a good breakfast, an early night in bed, and as calm as possible (it works cause it’s lily evans obviously) and every single time james wins (or loses) a game he will fly over to lily and give her a kiss
for james’ 17th birthday, lily decided she wants to throw the biggest party in hogwarts history for him. using her connections from all the houses, as well as her good graces with the teachers and excellent leadership (and bribery) skills, she creates a whole committee dedicated to throwing james the best party ever. the party has everything james loves, even his parents (lily got them to appear in the fireplace via the floo network so he could talk to them on his birthday) and nearly the whole school rocks up (because everyone loves james potter) at some point during the night james takes lily and hides out in the astronomy tower so they can have a moment alone. lily’s worried that it’s because james doesn’t like his party but james assures her that that’s not it, and even starts getting emotional, saying that no one’s ever cared for him like she does, and that even after everything, he feels like he doesn’t deserve her. lily ofc also gets emotional, and they both just sit there stargazing for the rest of the night, gushing about how much they love each other (and talk about all the embarrassing moments of the night)
- james is determined to get into marlene and mary’s good graces, so he takes them out for a day at hogesmade (it the most chaotic and hilarious thing ever, mary and marlene tease him mercilessly and make the whole experience torturous for james)
- when lily meets effie and monty for the first time, she is terrified out of her mind that they won’t like her and therefore james won’t like her anymore (effie and monty ofc love her, and turns out lily is shell shocked about how good looking monty is, teasing james about it and saying how she might’ve picked the wrong potter)
- in the later half of 7th year when the war takes a turn, james takes it upon himself to do as much research on muggles as possible, wanting to be informed and not accidentally be prejudiced or arrogant in any way (lily has no idea he does this)
- james serenades lily on valentine’s day by singing ‘I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do, I Do’ by ABBA (sirius, remus, and peter are his backup dancers and mary and marlene are his backup singers)
- lily is the only one who knows about the marauders being animagus (she already knows about remus being a werewolf) and at first was really angry they did something so reckless but eventually came around and took it upon herself to cover their tracks as much as possible (because they’re way too obvious about their secret)
- james is lily’s date to petunia’s wedding (lily was dreading the entire night and james was determined to make it fun) and so they ended up extremely drunk, leaving early and crashing a muggle club where they danced right in the middle of together
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babydollitzel · 2 days
two-bit mathews dating hc’s 🧸🤍
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ᯓᡣ𐭩 Two-bit x Fem!reader
warnings/extra; mention of Keith smacking reader’s butt and being drunk. Sorry if I missed something. Also I calli him Keith in this one because I’m not calling him no goofy ah ‘Two-bit’ 😭
˗ˏˋ ꒰ a/n ꒱ ˎˊ˗ this is the first ff that I actually 𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵 so be patient and bare with me omg😢 but anyways feel free to send reqs once I actually make some rules and open the req box! ♡
⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆ ⋆ ˚。⋆୨♡୧⋆ ˚。⋆
𐙚 ok so I’m just gonna get straight into it, you can’t tell me this man doesn’t call you the most 𝙘𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙞𝙚𝙨𝙩 nicknames ever
𐙚 all jokes of course but it doesn’t make it any less embarrassing. especially when he says them around your friends, family, etc
𐙚 I mean occasionally he’d be a normal human being and call you baby or something but when he wants to be extra he’ll call you babycheeks, muffin, or honey bear LIKE WHAT
𐙚 Sometimes you wonder if he’s joking or if he’s actually being serious cause there’s no way
𐙚 makes the most dirtiest jokes anywhere anytime. Like yall saw that once scene where he lifted that girl’s skirt or where he made that dirty joke to the girl sitting in the car? Guaranteed he didn’t even know them, so let’s just say around you, his girlfriend, he gets pretty.. 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴𝔂 (sorry omg)
𐙚 he has an 𝗼𝘂𝘁𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲𝗼𝘂𝘀 laugh. Just picture it, yall are having a cute little date and what not at the diner and he just pulls out one of his jokes, starts laughing like crazy. By himself too, you let out a fake giggle or two to ease the second hand embarrassment.
𐙚 you almost ditched him then and there when people’s heads started turning, looking for the source of sound
𐙚 when yall are over at the curtis house he forces you to watch mickey mouse with him whether you like it or not
𐙚 atleast he’ll share some chocolate cake with you that one of the curtis brothers made.
𐙚 *jealousy zone* he gets pretty jealous easily. let’s say there’s some guy trying to talk you up. Keith’ll just pop out of nowhere and wrap an arm around your shoulder, staring down that guy like this 🤨
𐙚 he’ll play that whole ‘tough guy act’ and intimidate the guy, maybe even swing out his switchblade
𐙚 like who does bro think he is 😭🔥
𐙚 he’ll either make some remark or just stare the guy down. Which leads to an awkward atmosphere, eventually the guy got the message and just walked away, grumbling under his breath.
𐙚 don’t get me wrong though, you can still have guy friends. Just as long as they don’t get too close to home
𐙚 but he is pretty protective just in general. Someone talking crap about you? He’s already on them with some snarky remark. He’s so quick with it too omg. Like he’s genuinely good at putting someone in their place
𐙚 as for affection, I feel like he’d be into it but not CRAZY into it. He’d have an arm slung around your shoulder, smack your butt, have an arm around your waist, yk the basics
𐙚 but when he happens to be drunk he’s way more lovey dovey and flirty than usual.
𐙚 drunk or not, he does like to leave purposeful sloppy kisses on your cheek just to gross you out. You can just smell the alcohol on him which makes you all the more grossed out so you proceed to “wipe off” his kiss. He gets pretty butt hurt
𐙚 he got you a minnie mouse shirt to match his mickey one. You haven’t worn that thing outside the house once. may or may not have stolen it for you
𐙚 if you get along with his little sister then he’s more head over heels than before, she looks up to you a lot and it’s just one of the couple things that warms Keith’s heart
𐙚 overall he’s a pretty decent boyfriend, would definitely recommend. 10/10
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quil12 · 1 year
Slowly replaying P4G and this is legitimately my favorite line in the whole game
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It will just randomly pop into my head sometimes.
It's also why I really love Yosuke as a character - he's just so relatable. Genuinely just the want to be special - the want to be something more than yourself - that's something that I can very deeply empathize with - and I feel like it's something a lot of people can relate to. It goes along with what his Shadow says at the start of the game about wanting to be a hero. And then I just love the conclusion that he reaches here, which is that you don't need to try actively to be special to someone because you already are just by living life and forming connections with people.
I just love Yosuke lmao
Bonus: One of the gayest lines in the game said directly after
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(Emphasized by the fact that this is also when you get the ability for him to take a mortal blow for you)
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anna-scribbles · 3 months
h-how do you ever finish any of your work? genuine question because you seem to be productive despite your agreste syndrome and I need to learn your ways. but also how do you ever finish any of your work
unclear. last night i stayed up and finished a report worth 25% of my grade at about 5am, arrived on time for my 9am lecture, and spent about half of it zoned out while thinking about seventeen year old emilie agreste. and i was one of the most active participants in the class discussion
#in some ways it IS the move to go to grad school right out of undergrad#because your body can still sort of operate like a college kid#i’m on about 3ish hours of sleep rn and this morning it felt SO over but now i’ve eaten something and we’re so back#i also don’t really do caffeine. except sometimes i’ll go get one of those panera death lemonades#i might be able to snag a short nap before work#but anyway about seventeen year old emilie. i was thinking abt how she was in that movie solitude and adrien said she was seventeen#WAIT. NO. HE SAID SHE WAS SEVENTEEN IN THAT PHOTO ON HIS DESKTOP NOT IN THE MOVIE#well. okay whatever i’m gonna tell you what i was thinking about anyway#OKAY i’m back i just checked the wikipedia page and then i watched the end of gorizilla. to make sure i’m not lying. because i’m normal.#anyway i was thinking about the solitude film and how it’s super rare and old and obscure and whatever. and how apparently#emilie wrote it herself and andre produced it#and i’m thinking about how gabe was discovered by audrey and that’s how he got his start in the fashion industry#so now i’m like?? did gabe and emilie first meet on the set of solitude? because gabe was designing costumes or whatever?#and that’s how audrey found him? have people already thought about this??#also i just checked and it doesn’t say emilie’s last name in the credits and also it’s ‘graham films’ with the twin rings logo m#so i’m assuming she’s still emilie graham de vanily at that point#anyway it comes back to seventeen year old emilie because i started imagining seventeen year old runaway emilie having her new life in pari#after escaping her british nobility life#and the first thing she does is write and star in an original movie. of course.#and she meets this repressed bisexual punk upstart costume designer who is so the opposite of everyone she’s ever known#and he’s immediately so unhealthily obsessed with her. which she appreciates.#and then they proceed to have the most toxic doomed evil relationship of all time#also she gets cheated because once gabe gets money he represses himself SO hard that he is now exactly like all the people emilie grew up w#but at least he’s still obsessed with her#this is what i was thinking about during class today. i don’t know how i get anything done either.#ml#anna rambles#asks
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bumblingbabooshka · 4 months
Tom & B'Elanna give off closeted gay vibes in that I think if you asked them to describe their ideal woman and man they would respectively describe a swimsuit model (bonus: who's Not Like Other Girls) and the lead in some sort of romantic novel. Nothing even close to a real person. The most generic you can get about straight romantic and sexual attraction.
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moeblob · 7 months
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Alright I told someone I would give propaganda for these two so here we go. As a warning, I didn't play mobile or Re-Mind soooooooo. Yeah there's that. I know they're apparently involved in past stuff but shhh.
So first off, everyone's weapon is super useful! Except theirs. Which I always thought was really funny? Even in Re:CoM Zexion's book was more direct than these two. I really enjoyed them just as the most indirect fighters? And figured they'd be pretty chill and after playing KH2 as a kid I'm like. I think Luxord would be most tolerable to music while vibing. He could play Solitaire or something while Demyx played music and possibly chatted. Therefore, my younger self was like "it's perfect".
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ALSO CONSIDERING THEIR NUMBERS! And the line in KH3 during the scene where Demyx is like "yup I got benched", they've probably got a history. However, the number they get originally is supposed to be the order they joined. So with Marluxia and Larxene obviously tied together in the past, all I can think of is these two just being absolute bums wandering around pre-Organization and just hitch hiking their way into a cult. Which is also REALLY funny to me because what if they joined at the same time but Demyx got to be IX and Luxord is X.
Demyx would hold his rank over his head for the dumbest stuff (in my head canons of the past).
Like there's so many things we specifically do not know about these two so basically, until I'm proven absolutely incorrect in game (which might have happened and I just don't know) ! I think they'd be a good match.
And I mean, it's also just (gestures) LOOK AT HOW CUTE THEY ARE. Great designs and I think that's good enough for me!
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dayraiser · 2 years
listen jedtavius nation i know we love the melodramatic roman octavius who waxes poetic about jed at any given opportunity and emotionally constipated jedediah who is so bad with words that he just goes "hrbghbsf!!!!!!! i!!!! i love he!!!!!! when octy does!!!! does the thing!!!!!"
but have we considered melodramatic roman octavius who can absolutely bust out the longest speech ever about anything else but when it comes to jedediah? sputtering, blushy mess
and what about a jedediah that really can't quite put words to his thoughts or feelings for anything else but when it comes to octavius? hoo boy sit down lad cus youre in for it.
like, look:
Nicky (kid): Jed, how did you know you like, /liked/ Octavius?
Jedediah: Same as I know that the sun's gon' set tomorrow, boy! I'll tell ya now, I ain't never felt nothin' like it before... When he turns and notices me there and his expression changes from this stern glare that's cold and hard like steel to this softer look that feels like a warm blanket on a cold night, or, or like how a good whiskey settles in yer stomach. Then, he calls out to me, and- and, listen, kid- it's like being beckoned to by the sun itself, ya know? I can't quite look at 'im head on, 'cus if I do I feel like I might just burn up and die, seein' all that beauty all at once. I'd die a happy man, though, lemme tell ya...
Nicky: That's cool! A boy gave me a cool rock yesterday and that's why I asked
juxtaposed with
Lancelot: I'm curious, what /do/ you see in that little smelly cowstead?
Octavius: I.
Octavius: Um. He...
Octavius, rapidly shutting down, face extremely flushed: He... hrhgjjhhh..... //////// ;;;;;;;; he.... he make me;;;;;; the warm and the///////// the fuzzy.... hshdhwhdhwkfhjed !!!!! /////////////;;;;;; (curls up into a ball like a pillbug)
Lancelot: Oh dear. Nightguard! I appear to have broken Octavius!
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