#but then when you actually look at the content it's just '???? op should be on medication if they're this delusional' perhaps u are right.
mysteryshoptls · 12 hours
SSR Idia Shroud - Tsumsitter Vignette
"A Moment with Idiatsum I"
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[Main Street]
―Idia and Vil, immediately after encountering their look-alike tsums…
Vil: Honestly, what a handful they are… Idia, we must capture those tsums.
Idia: Eeh…!? Wh-why do I have to go with you…?
Vil: Are you content with having those peanuts outfox us? Quickly, now!
Idia: Urrgh, why is this happening to me…? I shouldn't've gone outside…
[Idia and Vil start searching]
Idia: Not like we even know where the tsums ran off too…
Vil: Oh! I found a tsum! Idia, help me capture it.
Idia: Eep…! As you wish…!
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Vil: Good thing we were able to capture it fairly quickly. Be good, now, peanut.
Idia: Can't believe we found it posing under a lamp light… Fuheehee, Vil-shi, your tsum's real silly~
Vil: And do you think you have any time to be prattling away, still? Hurry and find your tsum already.
Vil: I'll be heading off to the Headmage's office now.
Idia: HUH!? Why…?
Vil: Well, why not? There's no reason for me to stay here longer than I need to.
Idia: B-But…! I came in as reinforcements to capture your tsum!
Vil: All you did was follow many paces behind me. So, goodbye.
Idia: W-Wait, wait, wait a moment! We just took our eyes off the tsums for a sec and they vanished, right!?
Idia: That means their speed stats are way too OP! There's no way I can catch them with my own weak skill set…
Vil: I understand what you're trying to say, but… It would just be a waste of my time to go searching for it without any plan.
Idia: I-I think I can guess where Tsum-shi would be… And I have a strat forming.
Vil: What are you thinking?
Idia: J-Just hear me out.
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[Interior Hallway]
Vil: If this tsum takes after the introverted Idia, of course it would run indoors… Makes perfect sense.
Vil: Now it comes down to whether your ace strategy will succeed…
Idia: And, here we go. Pretty good for something I just slapped together with what I had on hand.
Vil: All you did was lean a basket on a vertical stick and laid a tablet underneath it. What's "pretty good" about it?
Vil: And the tablet is just playing some weird music on loop. What an eerie noise.
Idia: Huh? You seriously doesn't get how good this BGM is? This is why I just can't with normies…
Vil: You're planning to lure the tsum here with this music, yes? We should go hide ourselves in the shadows now.
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[Idia's tsum follows the sound to the tablet]
Idia: Ah…
Vil: I can't believe it actually appeared…
Idia: Perf, it's checking out the tablet. Now all I have to do is pull the string attached to the string, and…
Idia: It's under the basket!
[the tsum starts running frantically]
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Idia: Wait, it's trying to run away even with the basket over it! Vil-shi, help!
Vil: Fine. You owe me for this, Idia.
[the tsum continues running]
[the tsum slows and finally stops]
Vil: …Oh, it stopped running. Perhaps it's accepted defeat.
Idia: I-I bet… It's just out of energy. It's kind of unsettling to see that it lacks stamina like me, too...
Vil: Well, at least your plan worked. Now then, we should hurry on to the Headmage's office.
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[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: Whew~ …Finally got to escape. I can't deal being stuck in the Headmage's office with that many people.
Idia: But still…
Idia: Tsum-shi, you've just been trying to avoid looking at anything, huh. …I mean, I definitely get it, tho.
Idia: I'm just as uncomfortable as you, you know… Didn't think the day would come that I'd let anyone else other than Ortho in here.
Idia: I guess if you're really like me, then you won't try to go outside anytime soon, so… Just gotta chill for now.
Idia: Think I'll just jump back into grinding in my online game to get outta this funk. 'Specially since we're in the middle of a EXP UP event.
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Idia: Ugh, I fell asleep in the middle of my game again… Oh, it's 4:00 already. Gotta snag my login bonuses.
Idia: Hmm, where's my tablet? …Huh? I swear I threw it on my bed when I got back to my room…
Idia: More importantly, what's with this cardboard box? It's just sitting in the middle of my room, getting in my way…
Idia: EEK!? The box moved on its own!?
Idia: Oh… I think I see what's happening… But I think I'll take a peek inside just in case.
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[Idiatsum is under the box playing with the tablet]
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Idia: Yuup, that was a given. So, Tsum-shi, what 're you doing with my tablet…?
Idia: …You're just re-rolling tutorial banners in some game??
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"A Moment with Idiatsum II"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: I showed it Premo merch, and the computer I built myself… Even showed it a ton of my other prized stuff…
Idia: But after all that, it got mad over MMORPG class roles. I'm so over this Tsum-shi.
Idia: Ugggh~ I was dumb, thinkin' I could take care of it myself. I'm not gonna do anything for it anymore.
Ortho: But you have to, the Headmage gave it to you to look after.
Idia: It'll be fine on its own. Or what, you wanna look after it?
Ortho: Hmmm, I don't really mind, but… I have to get going to my Film Research Club after this.
Idia: Eh!? You're heading out!?
Ortho: It'll be alright! I'm sure you and the tsum'll patch things up! See you later!
Idia: Be safe…
[Ortho leaves]
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Ortho left… And now I'm stuck all alone with Tsum-shi, even though we're not getting along… THIS SUCKS!!!
Idia: Ughhh, I don't want to deal with it anymore, but I gotta at least get my tablet back from it…
Idia: U-Um… Think you could give my tablet back anytime soon?
Idia: Eeep!? N-Nevermind…
Idia: Wait, why am I backing off, anyway? That's my tablet, isn’t it?
[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: At this rate, I'll lose my consecutive login streak… I have to get that tablet back somehow!
Idia: What can I do to grab its attention…? I've already shown every Premo thing I have, and my custom build computer…
Idia: What else would catch my eye…? Ah! I got it.
Idia: …Cool. Let's get it done.
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[Idiatsum pings on the tablet…]
Idia: Hey, Tsum-shi~ can I bug you for a sec?
[Idiatsum gives Idia a grumpy stare]
Idia: It's still cranky, huh. Hey, come on, I'm the one that wants to be upset here… No, wait, I mean…
Idia: I made something pretty cool for you, Tsum-shi.
Idia: Think of it as a peace offering… This is for you.
[Idiatsum perks up]
Idia: Ohoo~ Do you like it? You see, this is…
[room door opens]
Ortho: I'm back! Were you two able to patch things up?
Idia: Perfect timing, Ortho~! We're just about to come to a compromise.
Ortho: What do you mean, compromise?
Idia: I built a super amazing multi-functional sofa to pull the Tsum-shi in… Or more aptly named, "Tsum-Melting Sofa"!
Ortho: You're going to… melt the tsum?
[the tsum happily hops]
Idia: Ooh. Looks like it gets just how awesome this sofa is.
Idia: Come on, Tsum-shi, sit, sit!
Idia: Time to show the features off ASAP. First... We have this!
[sofa shines brightly]
Ortho: Woah, the sofa lit up like a rainbow!
Idia: That's a must for gamers, you know. As for why it's gotta light up like that, no comment.
[the massage function is activated]
Idia: Then there's the massage function. Nerds like us tend to get tension all up in our shoulders and backs and such.
Idia: Next is this: Inside the sofa is a 7.1 surround sound system with an amp and woofer embedded with it.
[tsum hops to music]
Ortho: Nice, looks like the tsum is pretty into it!
Idia: Use this alongside the massager function and it'll sooth both your mind and body.
Idia: There's a bunch of other functions, too, like a monitor extension, unfolding footrest, easy reclining…
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
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"A Moment with Idiatsum III"
[Ignihyde Dorm – Idia's Room]
Idia: But that's not enough for you, right, Tsum-shi? Oh, I know.
Idia: Everything until now has just been the prologue. From here on out… We'll tackle the true face of this sofa!
Idia: Let's turn it… ON!
Idia: Fhee hee hee hee! Looking at Tsum-shi's reaction, it's super effective!
Ortho: The tsum is really excited. Nii-san, what kind of function is that supposed to be?
Idia: Listen and be amazed, this sofa is integrated with MR… a Mixed Reality display!!
Ortho: Huh!? MR is that function that combines the real world with anchored virtual elements, right?
Ortho: The tsum doesn't even have a headset… You're amazing!!
Idia: I mean~ At first I thought about making it come with a headset, but I just kinda found my groove while making it.
Idia: This kind of tech is basically still in beta, but yeah, I rocked it… Oh man, that's a W for me. Heehee!
[the tsum hops happily]
Ortho: The tsum is overjoyed, too. I wonder what it's seeing.
Idia: The default setting is a live performance vide of Premo, so I bet Tsum-shi feels like its right there in the action.
Ortho: Makes sense. Hehe, it looks so happy.
Idia: Yeaaah, glad it's happy with it. Let me grab my tablet before anything else happens…
Idia: Perf, I finally got it back. Now I can keep my consecutive login streak going.
Ortho: Was that your goal here all along?
Idia: Obviously?
Ortho: Yeah, I definitely couldn't believe my eyes when it looked like you had made a real cool sofa to reconcile with the tsum, but…
Ortho: Now that I know it was for the sake of your games, it makes so much more sense!
Idia: See, you get me, Ortho~
Idia: Sides, that sofa is basically just a prototype. I adjusted a blueprint that I had made for myself down to Tsum-shi's size…
Idia: Then I just made it with whatever I had on hand, so there's a ton of functions still missing.
Idia: I'll make sure to collect as much data as possible before it heads back home.
[tsum hops off the sofa]
Ortho: Oh hey, the tsum jumped off the sofa.
Idia: HUH!?
Ortho: It's all smiles. Maybe it's trying to thank you?
Idia: Ah, is that it…?
Idia: Fuheehee! I knew you'd get how cool all those functions were, Tsum-shi.
Ortho: It's great that you and the tsum are getting along again!
Idia: …I guess so. We might've bumped heads, but we're both nerds in the end.
Idia: Guess it's not totally a bad thing that we'll part on good terms, especially since I got to meet someone just like me…
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Requested by @farfalla049.
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3vocatio · 2 years
there are days when i believe that i've come to a profound conclusion about the obey me narrative, old or new, and days where i sit myself down and accept that were it not for the piss poor writing then my profoundness would have no basis because everything in obey me can be delved into so deeply but is rarely handled properly.
at the very least, said piss poor writing is the best medicine for a lack of inspiration. i recreate works that rival that of homer and virgil and i witness the birth of other glorious creations that others offer upon the feasting table—and i thoroughly enjoy it (when i am hungry for it...)
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osaemu · 7 months
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.ೃ࿐ streamer!au: the user "gojoslittleslut" tries to make a move on your boyfriend, but she doesn't stand a chance
contents: fem!reader. it's not too serious, nobody gets angry/jealous (except the comments lol). if u haven't already read the other streamer!gojo works u probably should so u understand the dynamic between satoru and his commenters !
author's note: reader is actually a mature person who doesn't pick fights with random ppl on the internet and i think we should all be more like her ꨄ︎
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satoru leans back in his chair, idly chatting with people who pop up in his comments after he finishes his last round of the co-op game. his viewers are eager to chat, and some even shoot money satoru's way to draw his attention. whenever someone donates money, he gives them a quick shoutout and has a small back-and-forth with them, and he does that for everyone.
that is, until a user with a questionable username donates to his stream.
gojoslittleslut has donated $100.00!
gojoslittleslut: notice me pls
"shit, a hundred dollars?" satoru says, raising his eyebrows in mild surprise. "thanks, gojoslittl— oh, fuck, what is that?"
you look up from your laptop and see the way your boyfriend's cheeks have gone bright red. satoru laughs a bit nervously, so you get up and walk over, making sure to stay out of sight of the camera. you sit on satoru's desk beside his computer and peer at his screen curiously.
gojoslittleslut: im ur number one fan~
satoru's eyes flicker to yours for a second before he looks back at his monitor. "ah, well, thanks for the donation!" he replies, completely ignoring the user's advances.
suguru-geto: he has a gf ...
gojoslittleslut: yeah
gojoslittleslut: me
you cover your mouth to suppress a giggle, scrunching up your nose at satoru to let him know that you really weren't taking it too seriously. after all, it's just some random person on the internet—they don't stand a chance with your boyfriend. 
satoru reaches over and takes your hand, twining his fingers with yours off-camera. he ignores the sudden burst of comments that litter the corner of his screen, instead watching you intently. in response, you roll your eyes playfully and blow him a kiss, snickering when satoru pretends to faint.
eventually, he turns back to his screen, cerulean eyes doing a quick once-over of his new comments.
toji-fushiguro: ill take his gf any day
inumaki: we know gtfo
gojoslittleslut: toji i get gojo and u take his girl. deal?
toji-fushiguro: bet
"alright guys, settle down," satoru huffs, rolling his eyes. "for the record, i still have a girlfriend and i don't plan on changing that anytime soon," he clarifies, addressing the current feud going on in his comments. 
satoru's a good streamer—he does his best to keep things cordial and lighthearted with his audience, but he also knows his limits. one of his limits involves people trying to separate you and him, his one true pairing (of course satoru's otp is his own relationship).
your boyfriend leans closer to the screen and scowls good-naturedly, holding up the hand still wrapped around yours. "this isn't gonna change, so don't even think about it!"
satoru says his goodbyes and then ends the stream, turning to you with a sigh. "how down bad do you have to be to name yourself 'gojo's little slut?'" he grumbles, clicking through his stream analytics and finding the user. he opens gojoslittleslut's profile and studies it for a moment before hovering his mouse over the block button.
he leans back in his chair and tilting his chin up at you. "she just gave me a hundred dollars, so i kinda feel bad about blocking her," satoru muses, tapping his foot on the floor. he looks up at where you still sit on his desk, twirling a strand of hair around your finger. "c'mere," he mumbles, slipping his hands around your waist and hoisting you into his lap with a soft grunt.
satoru rests his chin on your shoulder and nudges his face into your neck, breath tickling your skin. "you know that i'm all yours, right?"
"of course i do," you murmur, settling into his arms. he's warm and comfortable, like always. satoru smiles warmly and kisses the side of your face, letting his lips linger.
"good. 'cause no fan account's ever gonna change that."
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penkura · 1 month
First Mother's Day
Note: I decided to do a special post in what is now my OP Men as Dads series, and do a Mother's Day headcanon/blurb post. I understand this day can be rough for some, but I hope that whether you celebrate or not, whether your mom is in your life or not, that you have a lovely day otherwise and if this isn't your cup of tea, I hope there's something else that can entertain you today. <3
If you'd like my thoughts on other OP men as dads (Shanks, Kid, Usopp, etc.), please just ask and I'll give an answer! I'll include Luffy in this despite my viewing him as a son or brother, but it probably won't be x Reader based. Requests are being worked on as well.
I am using baby Ace image to break up this and the actual content from now on lol. He's just so cute. 🥺
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Ace is going to go all out for your first Mother’s Day. He’s buying flowers, candies, and cards, all from him and your daughter. Even if you tell him you don’t want anything except a quiet day at home with the two of them, he’s buying you gifts.
He’ll likely buy you a bracelet with your daughter’s name on it, or maybe a charm bracelet with her birthstone, so you can add any more in the future if/when you have more children. Ace will try to make you breakfast in bed, but he ends up burning the bacon to the point your smoke alarm goes off, and you have to open all the windows to air out the house the rest of the day (at least it’s a nice day out). He orders out breakfast from a nearby diner to make sure you have something that morning, he’ll even try to take your daughter out for a walk or to Luffy and Sabo’s place for the day to give you a break, but you insist on going along.
“You should have the day off though!”
“Ace, I don’t want a day off. Rogue is only three month’s old, and I’d much rather spend the day with you and her than alone. That’s not a fun Mother’s Day to me.”
The three of you end up at Luffy and Sabo’s place, the two uncles absolutely adoring their niece as she coos and lets them hold her without any crying or fussing. When you get home later that night, Ace watches you get Rogue ready for bed. He knew from the start that you would be a great mother, and sometimes, he just wishes his own mother was around to see it, and to meet her granddaughter.
Law has a plan that gets thrown off when your son decides to be born a week earlier than expected, on Mother’s Day itself. He still tries to do something for you, even though the original plan of taking you out for brunch and giving you a quiet day at home while you waited for your baby to be born was now out the window. He should’ve known, ever since he met Luffy all his plans go haywire at some point. At least it led to you two meeting eventually.
Once you’ve gone to sleep and your son Rosi is in the nursery at the hospital, Law slips out to quickly put something together. He has a gift for you, a mother’s ring that will fit into your wedding band, he just needs flowers, or chocolate, or something to add to it. He doesn’t really like to be cliché, but he ends up with flowers, at least they’re something pretty you can have in your hospital room and when you’re released to take your baby boy home.
The girl in the hospital gift shops tells him he looks happy, even if Law doesn’t really show it. She swears it’s just something in the way he speaks while he asks her to pull together a small bouquet for you. He is happy, beyond that actually, knowing you two have a son, you both are healthy and safe. He has a family again, his very own. The flowers and ring aren’t enough to convey his gratitude to you for giving him a family to call his own, but it’s a start. There will be plenty more times for him to do so in the future.
When Law gets back to your room, you’re awake again and in the middle of nursing your son, a nurse helping you when you need it. She notices the flowers he’s brought and leaves you both with a smile, saying she’ll come back in a few minutes.
“Where’d you get off to?”
“Had to get something,” Law comes over and presses a kiss to your forehead, giving you a smile, “Happy Mother’s Day.”
Penguin has thought of what to do every day since your daughter Wren was born. He’s come up with multiple ways to celebrate your first Mother’s Day, but nothing seems just right to him. He’s thought of brunch, breakfast in bed, giving you a day out with your friends while he watches your daughter, or even a weekend trip away, leaving your baby with her grandparents, but nothing works out. Restaurants and diners he calls are all booked up already, you hate eating in bed because of crumbs, your friends all had plans either with their own mothers or their spouses and kids, and your own parents were out of town for the next two weeks.
He ends up with no real plans for the day and feels terrible about it as it approaches. Its going to be another normal Sunday for the three of you, he hates the idea of that because it’s your first Mother’s Day, it should be special, shouldn’t it?
When the day finally comes around, Penguin is up first, hearing Wren’s little babbles through the baby monitor, and going to pick her up. At nine-months-old she’s figured out how to stand up on her own, still no steps being taken by herself, but when she sees Penguin enter the nursery, she grins and starts bouncing up and down, holding the rail of her crib and shouting “da” over and over. It makes Penguin smile as he picks her up, kissing her chubby cheek which makes her squeal.
“Good morning, Wren! Let’s keep quiet, mommy’s still asleep, okay?”
He laughs a bit, lifting her up over his head to make her giggle again, as she reaches her little hands towards his face.
“You know…a great gift would be for you to say ‘mama’ for the first time, yeah?”
“Yeah, you’re close! Now, just say ‘mama’.”
Wren sticks her tongue out while she tries to speak, Penguin helping her along for several minutes until she finally says something close to ‘mama’.
Penguin sighs a bit, but nods as he brings Wren down and kisses her cheek again, making her giggle as she wraps her arms around his neck.
“You two sure have been having fun.”
Both look to you in the doorway, no shortage of smiles among the three of you, as Wren lights up and starts to reach for you, trying to say she wants you to hold her. You both take just a moment too long to get her to you, and it makes her fuss and kick her legs a bit.
You didn’t even get her in your arms, you and Penguin both freezing in place for a moment while Wren continues to fuss and whine, almost in tears since you haven’t held her yet.
“Her first word!!” You quickly take Wren from Penguin and hug her close, kissing her cheeks and forehead telling her how proud you are of your little girl. “This is the best Mother’s Day gift!”
At least that worked out, even if he didn’t have a plan in mind.
Sanji wouldn’t have waited nearly a year to celebrate you as a mother if you hadn’t forced him to. With fraternal twins to now take care of and raise, you’ve both been through bouts of exhaustion and elation over the two babies you brought into the world. Sora and Angel, your precious blessings, were nearly a year old, and you’d already started planning a birthday party for them, completely ignoring the fact Mother’s Day was a few weeks prior to their turning one-year-old.
Sanji didn’t forget, he had a plan, one that included your twins scribbling away to make cards for you, though he didn’t expect the two to be so fussy about it and mark each other up more than the papers. He learned very quickly to not give babies or toddlers markers, unless they were washable. You still don’t fully realize how Sora ended up with a bright green mark over his right eye and Angel had a hot pink line down her left arm.
The rest was simple, breakfast in bed, made by your professional chef husband of course, and whatever else you wanted for the rest of the day. If you want to lay in bed and watch TV without interruption, he’d put your twins in the stroller and take them to the park. If you wanted to turn your phone off and sleep the day away, he’d take over and leave you alone until you needed anything. Whatever you want, it’s a day to celebrate you as the mother of his children, he wasn’t going to deny you anything.
But when you do tell him what you want, after finishing off breakfast, Sanji’s a bit surprised.
“Are you…sure?”
“Mm-hm,” you nod and try to keep Sora from grabbing the butter knife on the tray, making him whine while Angel slept in Sanji’s arms, “I want to spend the day with the three of you.”
“You…do that every day though, my love.”
“So?” smiling, you kiss the top of Sora’s head and watch Angel as she starts to stir awake, rubbing her eyes with her tiny hands, “You guys are my family. I hate the idea of not being with the three of you today, so I’d rather just spend it like we always do.”
Sanji nods a bit, seeming to understand, greeting Angel when she wakes up fully with a kiss to the forehead. It makes you happy to watch him with both your children, but especially your daughter. How could he ever think you’d want to spend the day alone? Not when you had these two blessings as your children and Sanji as your husband.
“We could still take these two to the park later, maybe burn off some energy so they nap at a decent time.”
“Of course! Whatever you want, my love.”
Zoro doesn’t even fully realize that its Mother’s Day until Nami says something to him. The past few weeks with your son have been exhausting for both of you, but he can’t believe he forgot that this was a thing. He has nothing planned and isn’t sure what to do. He’s running out of time, it’s literally just a few hours away before Nami offers to take you out for the day wherever the Sunny docks in the morning. Zoro will stay with your son on the ship, and you’ll get a day off from being a mom and wife, the two think it’s the best thing to give you on such short notice, though Nami does up the interest on his debt again for this.
You don’t even get to say good morning to your husband or son before Nami has dragged you off to whatever she has planned, its really just a normal girl’s day out with shopping and lunch. Most of what you buy isn’t even for you, it’s baby items that you need or clothes you think are adorable. It just ended up making you miss your son more as the day went on.
When you do get back to the ship, your son is wailing and no one has been able to calm him down, not even Zoro while he tries his hardest and lightly bounces your baby as he shushes him gently. As soon as you drop your bags you’re taking him from your husband and holding him close to calm him down.
“Shh, shh, it’s okay, mommy’s here, Keitaro. I’m back.”
He slowly calms down once he realizes its you, burying his little face in your shoulder and keeping a tight grip on your shirt. When you ask Zoro what the deal was with Nami dragging you off the ship so early, before you even had the chance to hold Keitaro that day, he explains the situation and it just makes you tilt your head.
“…it’s Mother’s Day?”
You hadn’t even realized it. That just makes Zoro feel bad that it caused your son such distress, and he and Nami both apologize for not talking to you about it beforehand. They both assumed the other had discussed it with you. You didn’t really care to celebrate, all that mattered was being with your husband and son, the rest of your day spent with just the two of them.
Note 2: Out here dropping names like I didn't say I'd make a post about that at some point lol. So, the firstborns in order of character are Portgas D. Rogue, Trafalgar D. Rosinante (called Rosi cause it's too damn cute), Wren, Sora and Angel, and Roronoa Keitaro.
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hausofneptune · 5 months
"spicy" takes / unpopular opinions [2]
[astro notes no. 005]
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・ :*:・゚bAck at iT agAiN at kriSpy kREme・ :*:・゚ part one of this "spicy" series did really well so thank y'all <3 i appreciate it! i don't wanna center too many of my posts around dragging people or placements bc i feel like there's enough of that type of astro content on here. but i do enjoy mess and i do thrive off of negativity! so here's part two :D
as i mentioned before, every aspect/placement and sign will manifest differently from person to person, pls do not take offense on behalf of something that does not resonate w you. ty.
disclaimers | masterlist | ask
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༄ i’m sorry but i gotta ruin the fun, the “pisces men are trash”, “libra men are whorish”, “sagittarius men are the devil” takes are so tired. a lot of y’all just don’t like men. which is understandable! but that shit don’t be having anything to do with astrology, and that type of surface-level discourse is why people tend to not take astrology seriously in the first place
༄ lowkey piggybacking off of the last point, but i’ve had enough of y’all using y’alls exes, moms, ex-friends, 7th grade math teachers, the bitches who bullied you in high school, etc. as legitimate reasons to have predisposed hatred and bias against certain signs/placements. go book an appointment with your therapist and work it out with them. leave astrology out of it.
༄ aries, leo, sag placements come to the front, we gotta address the whole fire signs = confidence thing. fire signs are driven to get shit done, but that doesn't equate to innate confidence. if anything, fire signs have to evolve and work towards being confident in their work and appearance. i'm a leo descendant, and it's funny bc i've known so many people with prominent leo in their chart who could never relate to any of the superficial stereotypes about leo, especially not when they were growing up
༄ this is a point @seemycee actually brought up to me, but i will never understand why y’all bring up the correlation between placements/aspects and certain physical traits… and then use a celebrity (typically white or light-skinned) who has obviously gotten work done as an example…? at least use pictures of them pre-op before they had a face full of filler. y'all got 16-year-old girls on this app wondering why they don't look like ariana grande if they share the same placements as her, when in reality, ariana grande don't even look like ariana grande.
༄ we should go back to identifying as our rising signs instead of our sun signs. i’m not discrediting the importance of our sun signs or the role it plays in our charts, but i can definitely see why traditional astrologers prioritized the role our ascendant plays in our charts over the sun’s, especially considering the fact that it dictates the entirety of your chart in a sense. i’m also biased tho bc i’ve personally always related more to my rising than my sun for the most part
༄ this is more so something i’ve noticed with how astrology is perceived in popular culture and less in the astro community, but i wish people recognized the importance of the planets as much as they did the zodiac signs. and this isn’t to imply that the signs aren’t important at all bc they definitely are, but in terms of how astrology is generally perceived, i feel like the planets (and aspects as well) are often left out of the conversation when they can give you so much more context than the signs can in some, if not most cases
༄ i wish y'all addressed venus' association with creativity and artistic abilities as much as y'all acknowledge it's association with physical beauty, romance, and aesthetics. venus is also indicative of the values you hold and the things that you assign worth to, and i lowkey hate the way that those attributes tend to get swept under the rug most of the time
༄ speaking of venus, i feel like there should be more inclusive language used surrounding the archetypes of venus and mars (and astrology in general). not everyone resonates with "feminine" and "masculine" terminology, and i think it's always worth mentioning that this phrasing is interchangeable with terms like "light" and "dark", "yin" and "yang", etc. this is also important not just in terms of inclusivity, but also because some of y'all (whether consciously or subconsciously) use these gendered-archetypes to validate unhealthy ideologies/standards surrounding gender expression. a lot of you bitches be on here sounding just like them podcast bros and i don't even think y'all realize it
༄ i feel like the moon phase you’re born under holds a lot more significance than people tend to acknowledge at times, it should be brought up more often in conversations regarding the moon and it’s influence in a chart
༄ i don’t want to shit on the asteroid girlies bc i feel like y’all get dragged enough by the traditional astrologers, and i personally have no problem with anyone wanting to learn about asteroids. but i will say, modern/younger astrologers would benefit more from acknowledging the planets and asteroids through the context of astronomy, instead of going based off of “vibes” and “aesthetic archetypes”. i feel like acknowledging the fact that there are ~1.7 million asteroids and they’re all just specks of dust in comparison to the large, personal planets, actually helps to put things into perspective when understanding how their energy in your chart is actually playing out
༄ i’ve seen this point being made for the past couple of days on my timeline and i thought i’d note it here as well, fatalistic interpretations of certain aspects and placements is extremely dangerous and insensitive. i have no issue with acknowledging a “pattern” in terms of how certain aspects/placements in a chart can manifest, and i would even argue it’s disingenuous to disregard the negative ways that they might potentially show up in someone's life. but blatantly being like “you have xyz aspecting neptune, pluto in [insert house here], nessus square whatever-the-fuck, and so therefore you’re definitely going to experience addiction, mental illness, sexual abuse, death, etc.” is weird and irresponsible
i don't want this post to be too long so i'll end it here, as always let me know if y’all have any aspects/placements mentioned and tell me how they manifest in your life/personality! and if you have any insight feel free to let me know as well. keep it cute!
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ohara-n-brown · 4 months
Hey everyone,
'The New ThoughtCrime' is an anti-trans community detransitioner essay
Just wanted to give a heads up to the FTM community on here that a user named @mewthoughtcrime is trying to repost the 'New ThoughtCrime' think piece from 2017 - tagging it with this such as 'trans man', 'nonbinary' and 'transandrophobia'.
However this blog fails to mention that the main author of said piece is a lesbian who considers herself a detransitioner. While there is nothing at all wrong with that -
the problem more comes from the fact that said author also believes the trans community is a cult.
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This quote comes from the author's interview with Genspec - an organization that pretends to be trans supportive, while also believing trans kids are a myth, trans men are just confused teen girls, and pushing the book Irreversible Damage.
The author also believe in the idea of 'cotton-cieling' - a terf dog whistle that implies trans women intend to force lesbians to sleep with 'males who identify as lesbians'.
The think piece is NOT at all about trans men or transandrophobia.
It's about detransitioning from a woman who believes the trans community engages in 'thought reform' - in a way akin to cults.
The piece reads largely inspired by 'Irreversible Damage' - an anti-FTM shred-piece. This is basically J.K Rowling ideology.
They're in their right to repost whatever they want, especially if that piece of writing specifically spoke to them and other detransitioning folk.
However I do think it's incredibly disingenuous and sneaky to not include this information - or the true nature and intention of the work - in the Tumblr post, as the original author was very clear in stating so.
To post such a piece without tagging the detrans community is a disservice to them and a deliberate choice towards us.
The piece is not at all about transandrophobia - the OP is simply mistagging it to target particular groups - mainly, actively transitioning FTM who are looking for community.
This isn't to say you can't read and enjoy the piece, or connect to it. You absolutely can, it's about someones valid personal experience (well - some parts.) that's eloquently written.
What I do not support however is posting such material, purposely and vaguely mistagging it, while not explaining the contents, the context, and the intent of the author clearly.
I believe readers should always be informed about the source and intention of the writers of the information they received.
People should be allowed to make informed choices about what they read and involve themselves in - whether that be trans politics, or reading think pieces online.
That's why I am making this post.
'The New ThoughtCrime' is an Anti-Trans Community think-piece that targets trans men and lesbians by supporting TERF ideology.
Read with that information in mind. With the situation going on now with staff, I think it's important to be on high alert for indoctrination or misleading literature like this.
By all means, read if you like. I was just not at all impressed with the lack of transparency from @mewthoughtcrime when it comes to detailing the actual contents and source of that information.
It's one thing to call the trans community a cult - before turning around and releasing anonymous faceless think-pieces that you spread around without sources or actively informing others of its contents, in order to purposely get a demographic of people who do not wish to interact with you to unwillingly engage in your rhetoric.
As a essay that calls for 'transparency in the trans community' we can first start by lending some transparency to THIS essay.
Stay safe and stay informed y'all ✌🏾
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kanekoii · 8 months
How do you think Luxiem and Noctyx would react to collabing with the Reader who is a popular indie vtuber and their kamaoshi?
lyra’s notes -> methinks…you should read and find out
pairings -> luxiem, noctyx x gn! indie vtuber! kamioshi! reader
!! since this is intended to be romantic sorta, reader is male in uki’s part !!
genre -> scenario
song -> don’t wake me up - jonas blue & why don’t we
warnings -> they all have a crush on u, food in mysta’s part, joking mention of death in fuglur’s
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he’s going full adorable fanboy about it, screaming with joy when you agree to collab with him and freaking out over it on his twitter- i mean x. xitter. he will be so stoked about the opportunity to talk to you in person when he usually just lurks in your chat. he’ll take the opportunity to flirt with you and try to show off a little bit, only to fail miserably and be met with a laugh. yet he still made you laugh, so mission accomplished. he was so excited to collaborate with you and make you laugh, and he’s sure to ask to collab in the future.
compliments. so many compliments. he’ll straight up tell you how excited he is to work with you and how you’re his kamioshi. ike will be sure to tell you how adorable he thinks you are and just how much he genuinely admires you. he is so absolutely smitten that poor boy can barely handle talking to you without blushing or getting flustered. the more times you collaborate, the more used to it he’ll become and the more he’ll start to hint at his crush on you.
he didn’t even believe you’d ask. you’re his literal kamioshi and you asked to collaborate with HIM of all people? he’s absolutely grateful for the opportunity to work with you and be able to talk to you more than just occasional comments in your chat when he’s not streaming. it was an off-collab too, so you’d be seeing him in person to see if he was just as pretty off camera as he was on. someone (me) akasupa’d and asked to give opinions on each other and the revelation that you loved his content just as much as or even more than he loved yours had his heart soaring.
he would get SO flustered and nervous before you hop on call together to play the horror game he had chosen. it would likely lead to poor boy getting more scared than usual just because he’s nervous to be talking to someone he admires that much for the first time. he would most definitely try to flex his math skills too as some weird way of trying to gain your attention. every time he makes you even smile with his silly comments, his heart will soar out of pure pride.
he’s keeping it cool. or at the very least, he’s trying to. he knows his personality type doesn’t appeal to everyone and he’s so happy when he finds that you actually enjoy his loud yet introverted personality and his weird antics. the stream you did together was you teaching him how to cook without poisoning everyone. please teach him how to wash rice properly and how to cook it without the starch water. please i’m begging teach him how to cook and he will be so happy, bragging to chat that he learned this recipe from you.
hooligan wants to play co-op rage games with you just to see you mald and absolutely lose it. hear me out, what if he invites you to a crab game or among us collab and introduces you to everyone and he gets teased for teaming with you and trying to essentially carry you. instead of die for nari it’s die for you. he will see to it personally that you win every game you play together just as a little chance to impress you and get you to smile. that would make him SO happy.
cutie will be so taken aback to see you in his chats sometimes, so a collaboration would be more than heaven to him. he looks up to you and your content so much that he’s sure he’s dreaming when he has a full conversation with you on stream. your collective chats ship it SO much. imagine all the ship edits when you do a stream together in person as an off-collab.
(male reader for this one) he would definitely do a baking stream! much like the ones he’s done with his fellow nijisanji en members, he gives vague instructions and you try to figure it out from there. while uki is muted, his viewers would be subject to comments about oh my god he’s adorable he’s trying so hard to make me happy. ugh boy is down bad and let’s just say there will be so many more streams like that in the near future <3
he’s SO insanely shy and nervous it’s adorable. though, as the stream with you goes on, he becomes less nervous and goes back to his normal silly self. if he needs to, he’ll break out the mickey voice to make you laugh but that’s a last resort. his personality compliments yours in such a way that it’s just so enjoyable to watch, and he’s such a comforting person to be around as well.
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yesimwriting · 2 months
we need more felix and lovie content i miss themmm
i miss them too,, i have so many drafts and half finished fics with them but i've had so little energy/time to actually finish any of them bc of finals
but i'm pretty caught up with school rn (by tuesday i'll be on summer break!!) so here's a bit of an i'm-sorry-for-being-absent drabble :)
The nail of your thumb drags against the edge of the page, finally getting the glue to fully adhere to the page.
You press your back against the wood surface of your desk chair to admire your handiwork. The background of your latest scrapbook page has come together just the way you wanted it to. You pick up the book carefully before turning your body.
"Lex," you beam.
Felix doesn't sit up fully, but he does lift his head. The arm holding up his copy of the latest Harry Potter relaxing. "Oh," he mumbles it in that way that reminds you of one of the things you like best about him. He has this talent for giving attention. Where other people would just be polite without a second thought, Felix takes the time to really look before commending.
He pushes himself up in a way that awkwardly squishes your pillow. "That's good." Felix straightens, legs crossing beneath him. "That's really good, Lovie." His thumb tucks itself between the pages of his book, a make shift bookmark. "The edges, the paper..."
"Thank you." Another thing you love about Felix is the fact that you can always tell he means his praise. You turn forward, setting your scrapbook back onto your desk. "You should make one."
The corner of his mouth pulls itself into a version of a smile that's so soft you almost miss it. "Yeah?" You nod. Felix's smile shifts into something more assured. "Maybe tomorrow night."
You try to picture Felix spending a Saturday night in either your room or his, cutting up scraps of paper and gluing them down instead of at a bar or some party. The thought makes your feel warm in that way that's so exclusively Felix. It also feels blurry, intangible in its unlikeliness.
As happy as it'd make you, tonight was already surprising enough. It's not like Felix goes out every night, and this isn't the first time the two of you have stayed in on a Friday, but nights like these are rare. You can't picture two of these in a row.
"Tomorrow?" You pull your legs out from under your desk, entire body angling itself to the side so that it's easier to look at him. "Tomorrow's Saturday."
He lets out a partial laugh. "And you're dying for a rager?"
"No," you mumble, dragging out the vowel sound in an attempt to sound more sarcastic. "But you like going out." You lean forward, resting your chin against the chair's back. "And it's not like I hate going out, especially with you..." You trail off, eyes shifting away from Felix and towards the bed post closest to you. "And I don't want to be the reason you don't do things you like."
For a beat, the only sound is the low, rhythmic tapping of Felix's pointer finger against the spine of his book. "I like a lot of things."
You lift your head. "I know."
"I like doing things with you."
The warmth comes back with a vengeance. You tap your thumb against the side of your seat for the sake of doing something. "Me too."
Felix shifts, extending one leg to make himself more comfortable. "Good." He's so quiet for a second, you almost think that might be the end of the conversation. You're about to go back to picking out the pictures to finish off the page you'd been working on when he starts again, "So you don't need to worry about me resenting you."
Your eyes narrow. "I didn't say anything about you resenting me." Your chin lifts slightly, an attempt at displaying your indignation. "Why are you saying it like that was an option?"
He grins, dropping himself back onto your pillow. "No reason."
You roll your eyes at his sarcasm. He's the one that came over to your room without being asked to. "Sure."
"What?" His tone implies nothing but perfect innocence. He picks up his book, opening it as if he's done nothing wrong. "Y'should come over here before the resentment sets in and I lose all interest."
You let out a loud sigh, but move to stand regardless. "Yeah, that feels like a real possibility."
When you don't move, Felix glances away from his book. "You're not gonna come over here?" He looks up at you, a hint of a pout playing at his expression. "I was kidding."
You cross your arms, fighting against a smile. "I just stood up." That's not enough to convince him to stop looking at you like that. You take a few steps forward with a sigh that's more out of habit than anything else. "You are so dramatic."
You sit on your bed, crossing your legs beneath you. Felix shifts onto his side. His freehand finds your knee. "You cried because of this book."
Eyes narrowing, you lean forward to get a better sense of how far into the book he's gotten. "Wait a few chapters."
Felix snaps his head in your direction, "Lovie. You said you wouldn't--" Your sentence runs into his, "I didn't--I didn't spoil it."
He frowns, watching you skeptically. "That was mean."
"You started it." You're aware that you sound like a little kid, but you can't help it. With a sigh, you give up, laying down. He's taking up most of your bed, but you're far from uncomfortable. "Fine. I'm sorry."
With little warning, Felix leans forward and presses a kiss against your temple. "Want me to read to you?"
You're used to Felix's random displays of affection, but every once in awhile something will take you by so much surprise you feel it more than you should. You blink. "Yeah," you mumble, hoping that your voice comes out even, "Sounds nice."
Felix shifts onto his back, one hand finding your arm and the other holding his book.
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains @ker0senebunny @lilyrachelcassidy @khxna @imbabycowboy
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dinocanid · 5 months
If you read Xem's post, you will see that she states you should know the basics about that animal before confirming it. You should know that a wolf is a canine that is a pack hunter that lives mostly in the northern hemisphere. That they howl and usually hunt deer or some deer relative. The have fur and are pursuit predators. Those are the basics. No one except you and your friends said you're only a real wolf therian if you can name top ten unusual facts about wolves. How can someone confirm a wolf if they do not know what a wolf is? You yourself said that you differ from wild wolf behaviours. So you know you're not a wild wolf because of that. But twist words and play the victim I guess.
The OP claimed, very blatantly, that if you make a mistake about some species fact that someone else considers "basic knowledge" then they shouldn't be allowed to identify as that species anymore and should be gatekept from the label. Said basic knowledge included very common and easy-to-make mistakes. Someone can identify as a hyena without knowing at first they are feliforms and not caniforms, the OP said that they can't. Someone can identify as a wolfdog or a leopard, and mistake a wolfdog for a husky mix or a jaguar for a leopard in a photo. That happens, they can look very similar to each other. Idk how to explain that a hyena looks like a dog(canine), just like a thylacine looks like a dog. You can go most of your life before finding out the former is related to cats and the latter is related to kangaroos. You can put a leopard and a jaguar next to each other and it is difficult as hell to tell the difference a lot of times. Not all wolfdogs look like wolves, some just look like dogs especially if they're low content. Some dogs just look like wolfdogs or wolves without being wolf hybrids. See: the pile of movies and shows with "wolves" in it (it's wolf-like dogs being casted as wolves, lots of people don't notice). It's not common knowledge, it's fun facts you might stumble across in a "10 Things You Didn't Know About These Strange Animals" YouTube compilation at 3am.
The OP was stating very clearly that your identity becomes invalid the moment you fail a game of spot-the-difference. The OP post is capped off with:
"So yeah. You should know a lot about the animal you claim to be. If not? Don’t claim it."
I'm gonna be blunt that the OP had one of the most rancid takes I'd seen in a while. Knowing the creature exists was not stated anywhere in the post to be enough, you have to "know a lot".
Someone might not know that animal's realistic behaviors, or where they all live geologically, or what all of their body language means. Someone can know their theriotype before they figure out that later stuff, it's happened all the time and continues to happen. This also isn't covering non-earthly animal identities and how you can't even do ecological research on those. Someone can't go on wikipedia and read up on the ecology of their specific dragon species that has zero record of ever existing. Plenty of those with non-earthly animal identities are not less real as a result, it is an absolute buckwild take that earthly animal identities are somehow different with a higher bar of entry. That's not even mentioning people that identify as earthly animals with unrealistic ecology, because that's also a thing.
For the second part of your ask, I'm guessing you're referring to this recent one. You missed this entire chunk of the post:
"...I do not know most things about wolves off the top of my head. Don't ask me anything about wolf ecology outside the bare basics, I couldn't tell you. When I was really young I thought my nonhuman identity was a dog until one day I had the epiphany that I was actually a wolf. I didn't have to bury my head in research to figure that out, I just knew for not much reason. Any information on wolves I know today is stuff I picked up here and there over the years, independent of my identity"
To condense all of that into something shorter: I just knew I was a wolf before I knew much of anything about wolves. I didn't know I wasn't a wild wolf because I know a lot about wild wolf behavior. I genuinely don't know how that conclusion was drawn after reading that.
"Wolves are canines that live in packs and eat deer" isn't research, that's "I watched a movie once that had wolves in it", which is honestly the extent of what a lot of people know about wolves unless they're invested or something. That's not enough according to the OP, and if that's not what was meant then the entirety of the post was worded extremely poorly.
And this last part isn't related to anon, but I've seen a lot of responses since yesterday about "but why is research bad"? No one has said that it was, and I scroll the alterhuman tags almost daily. That's not something people are arguing. The point isn't "research bad, grr learning about animals sucks", the point is that this discourse is old. Like, old as hell. We're not gatekeeping nonhuman identities based on if you "know a lot" going in. We're not going to claim someone isn't a "real therian" if they get one thing wrong about their theriotype.
Let's say that someone is a leopard therian and posts a picture of a jaguar in some moodboard or something. You know the decent thing to do? You might let them know one of the photos is actually a jaguar, which will usually get you a "oh huh, thanks. didn't catch that". At no point do you suddenly have imply they aren't a "real" leopard therian. You can ask if they've maybe considered jaguars, but they are fully able to respond "yeah but no, I'm a leopard". And that's fine. Someone can be a hyena therian, accidentally say that hyenas are canines. It is absolutely fine and possible to say that hyenas are feliforms without pointing fingers and going "you're not a real hyena, because real hyenas would've known that already".
It's not 2012 anymore, we've grown past this. It is the strangest thing ever to see in the year two-thousand-twenty-four.
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theflyindutchwoman · 6 months
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Well, I mean, we could come clean. Are you ready for that? Are you ready for Smitty's commentary on us dating or the "oohs" every time we walk into the roll call room together? Or we could lie. Okay, I have an idea. I heard from a C.I. that there were drugs coming out of the kitchen. And -- And you asked me to join as backup. Right. Like a soft undercover infiltration. Not bad. Thank you.
This moment is actually the perfect introduction of the 'secret relationship' era… of what makes it so good, really : how bad they are at this secrecy thing. Embarrassingly (and hilariously) so. And the irony is that there's no reason for them to be this terrible. They usually thrive under pressure, undercover or not. They're naturally reserved when it comes to their personal life, shying away from PDAs and all… And they already spend so much time together, have a shorthand… And yet, they are downright awful at trying to conceal and pretend that nothing has changed between them.
Just the way they are standing in the bull pen gives them away… The whispering, the awkward smiles, checking every five seconds if anyone is watching them… Tim grinning when Officer Jan passes by… As if that's not suspicious in itself. Honestly, anyone who didn't know they were together before they went official should give their badges back on principle. And then, there's the content of their brainstorming… With Lucy trying to come up with a good reason as to why they were together at the 'most romantic restaurant in town' - other than the real reason. And let's talk about this for a second. It's never been confirmed but I'd like to think that it was Tim's idea to try this place for their first date. As much as he was uncomfortable at the pop-up restaurant at the beach, he doesn't mind going to fancy places either. Like the one he chose for his bet. So I could see him picking this restaurant, especially if Lucy had talked about it beforehand, wanting only the best for her… She's worth the effort after all.
For all the humor in this scene, there's also a more serious side. Starting with Lucy who is ready to come clean right away… Which is quite the statement from her, considering how she used to refuse to even put a label on her previous relationships. And the implications behind this… She is fine with disclosing their relationship to their superior officers after only one date. One that they didn't get to finish. Her certainty in them is so precious. And Tim's face… There are so many different emotions here. But mostly, he's taken aback by her readiness. It's clear he isn't yet - but it doesn't mean that he is less committed. As unserious as his comments about Smitty or the 'ooohs' are, it does reveal underneath what his concerns are : gossip. That their colleagues would be talking about them. About Lucy. And that's quite telling that this was his first thought. Not the issue of the chain of command, not that it could be too soon...
And to be fair, Lucy isn't any more keen to face their colleagues' judgements. Hence her choice to go for a cover story. And this is such a good callback to her approach to their undercover op… The one that started it all. Tim's smile when she tells him her story… I do wonder if his mind went back to her previous cover story, the one that broke his brain… Either way, he is looking so proud. Both of them for that matter. That is, until Nolan comes over… They barely make it a few seconds before blowing it up. All it took was for John to say hi. That's it. They're so worried on getting caught that they end up raising suspicion. Luckily for them, he is just befuddled, wondering what they are even talking about. Their faces once they realise that he doesn't have a clue as to what's going on and they were giving themselves away… They are so transparent. These two are a complete disaster and I love every second of this.
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butwhatifidothis · 5 months
It really is strange how Edelstans simultaneously dig hard into people that don't agree with their specific interpretation of 3H to the point of being happy they manage to drive those people away... and be so upset and baffled that people become generally disinterested/actively hostile towards 3H content.
If folks get repeatedly driven out of a fandom, and that group of people repeatedly calls anyone who disagrees with their specific interpretation of 3H stupid/illiterate/"acting in bad faith"/sexist/racist/homophobic/etc., and it is repeatedly done by a group of people who insist that 3H's fandom problem is a "both sides" thing, with all of this being dragged into spaces that have nothing to do with 3H, well... obviously people are then going to start to dislike interacting with either 3H in general or its fandom in particular?
Edelstans are the ones spreading the idea that 3H's fandom in totality is shit. They keep trying to make their hands look cleaner than they are by claiming that everyone else's hands are just dirty as/even dirtier than theirs. Of course people who are unaware of everything are going to then assume that everyone's hands are dirty, thus making people not exactly want to shake hands with anyone.
Like, really now. What did they think was going to happen when they directly go after fanartists/fanfic writers who create/say things that go against the Approved Edelstan Status Quo, to the point that a non-zero amount of these creators just up and leave social media entirely? Or after they nitpick every single Disapproved Post and then lie about the post's OP? Or after it becomes a consistent pattern that people who even remotely disagree with Edelstans' opinions are always, without fail, buried with insulting and harassing anons? Or after they're shown time and time again to defend their worst actors with "well their/our victims deserved it because they said a 3H opinion we didn't agree with"? Or when they say that everyone does this shit in 3H's fandom except for them (which is either not believed because it's demonstrably untrue or is actually believed and now those people think the overwhelming majority of 3H's fandom is filled with shit)? Or when they drag 3H discourse into literally actually everything no matter how unrelated?
That with less fandom creators within the fandom space they'd get more content? That harassing and insulting people and accusing them of being this-and-that bigot is going to magically "correct" their minds into seeing The One Truth about 3H? That people are going to just look over all the shit they did just because they allocate the blame of their action on all of 3H's fandom? That people would like 3H more if they constantly remind people of the inarguable worst thing to come from 3H? That this would help 3H's general perception?
Fuckin' no, of course that's just going to make everyone fuck off from 3H. And would you look at that, a shit ton of people have fucked off from 3H since everything has been swept under a "well it'sth a bolth thides ithue tho what can ya do?" rug. And it's been swept under that rug by pretty much the only people who are pulling this shit, who then get shocked - utterly gobsmacked! - that that made them look bad too. That crying "both sides!" included themselves too and not just the people they've been harassing. That saying that the entire fandom is bad everywhere made the entire fandom look bad everywhere.
If Edelstans are really so upset that no one talks about 3H positively anymore, then maybe they should stop being the reason no one likes 3H anymore. Just a thought
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saltysplayt00ns · 8 months
Home. PG 820 - Oh boy here we go
I don't think audience realize how serious the latest page is of Home comic without the dopamine clouding them about more puppies/kittens. I will update on this when this now added plot if shown more through the public viewing. So we got a " golden lioness" WRONG despite the Wiki stating the lion was actually golden we have instead ANOTHER black colored character with Pixie dust. No it's not speculated or perceived, it is stated that the Lioness IS golden. So either Kique forgot, wanted to do an april fools joke in the middle of October or he really is just lazy that he can't even look up a simple Google search of " Golden Lions/Lionesses"
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So We got an entity that only aids the Feline kind and not Canids, This means the deity will not associate with other dogs' prayers of any kind but will for the Felidae kind. It is the reason why they’ve received the bow & arrows. To protect their people from said canines, and from the track record I would not be surprised if she is vengeful and possibly judgmental of them.
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This character already is an OP character ( OP = overpowering ), one with no flaws or buffers to compete with her powers except she will ghost canids. She can easily destroy the canines by giving the cats the upper and, and be the top of the food chain, she can easily kill a canine if a feline prays for it, cause havoc and whatnot...you see what I am getting here?? heck she can do it without the people's prayers cause she literally just did it twice. The reason why I stated this?? This is because, on the Latest Home page, Feaf is now bearing a Hybrid from fornicating with Rhovanion instead of aiding Ronja and the tribe. Her having kids isn’t wrong?? But it is unnecessary and irrelevant to the story ( I will get to that in a bit ), it's the fact the Deity did it WITHOUT CONSENT. 
Everyone with a brain knows what consent is, even kids, elders, writers, etc. learned to ask something for permission of approval or business with contracts,  which is a form of consent. An agreement upon something to happen or commence, The lioness is already trying to ‘ bless’ the pregnancy without even talking to them in a dream or privately to the Taiga.
We have seen Horror media content and writing of this trope and people forcing others to child bear without their knowledge or even up to know about it. That is nightmare fuel. Whose to say The lioness just gives other inter-species couples children without their whereabouts, and not solely on a Male dog with a female cat but a MALE cat and female dog can end up in the same fate cause there is a cat in the mix to bless their spouse to bear. Like seriously people instead of them working their differences and hurdles, they easily got the situation handled in under 1-3 pages like every conflict kique tries to put in his comic. -----
Now on the pregnancy aspect, Feaf becoming pregnant is very irrelevant to the plot of Home. Now Home doesn’t really have a plot after Rogio was saved, it's just broken pieces stitched together and being overinflated with unfinished, reoccurring, and new plot lines. Feaf should NOT be having children for;
1. Feaf and Rhov are two different species.
2. Feaf and Rhovanion barely got the time to get to know each other and grow but now we have this osmosis litter on the way.
3. Rhov and Feaf have not shown them to be good parents to rear as we didn’t have screen time for them to show it. At least Kainen and Raela from Asmundr proved to be good parental figures and individuals. Rhovanion so far had lied, stayed complacent despite having free reign to search for his family, and tried to get one of the guild members in trouble and/or fired for sneaking off and is very inconsiderate more so forgotten what his tasks were. Feaf has so far been gaslighted 3 times when Rhov stated time and time again that he was leaving to find his family and mate, is also forgetful and inconsiderate of her tasks and if given is willing to do anything Rhovanion asks or initiates to her.
4. There are 4 wars happening in Home so far; Southspear x The Capitol, Ranach x Meteor, Ranach x The Capitol, and Rohgir.
5.  The deity is being rather inconsiderate and unfair, since Raimo and Zaharia were already an interspecies couple who lost their Son. If the golden lioness was that powerful they should have revived Zilas or led to a spirit that can do it. Rogio did it for Kargo despite his body being burned…. Why not Zilas???
6.  Kique is only doing this to have a reason for  Rhovanion and Feaf to stay in one spot instead of going to Ronja or Jahla. It's also obviouse he doesn't know what to do with Feaf or Rhov except be parents, when they could...oh - I don't know, GO AND SAVE RONJA FROM THE RAID WITH ASMUNDR!!!!
7. The author is out of ideas and boredom while also trying to bring more audiences. ------
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If you stated “ WelL FEaf GrAB tHe FeATher sO ShE CoNSenTEd “ if that’s the case it is STILL wrong for the spirit basically deceive Feaf to grab the feather and not know the consequences, again they did not disclose that to Feaf. Rhov and Feaf probably didn’t even know what it meant and Rhovanion is not one to dabble on cultural deity knowledge.
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If Feaf did know about it, then it’s scummy on her cause she just hid something important that Rhov should definitely know about. Kids and pregnancy should not be a tool/leverage to keep someone from leaving you. " MaYbE thEy WAntEd iT” WHERE IS IT!!!, WHERE’S THE PROOF!?. You can’t have this left field and expect people to accept it and not be confused. No where has Feaf nor Rhov had discussed nor thought about having kids. THEY BOTH AGREED TO JOIN THE GUILD. which states they can not have mates nor children ( although the guild rules are just bluntly stupid ) so they already knew from start of that and didn't express concerns...especially Rhov who is the one to question stuff. At this point the deities and spirits in Home are a parody and NOT taking seriously of moral, consequences and the dangers. The characters are literally heavily plot armored and the beings are second thought of a joke in worldbuilding.
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qaraxuanzenith · 23 days
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I've been saying this for a while, but finding this post on my dash has, I feel, given me more tools to express this thought about why Jews (especially in the US and American-dominated online spaces) are feeling increasingly alienated by their leftist friends. Why many Jews who otherwise lean left will vote right, much to the dismay and even revulsion of their leftist friends. Why many Jews end up feeling "safer" leaning right. Why it is not fair or reasonable to "blame" these Jews for exercising their democratic right of secret ballot in such a way.
I'm screenshotting the post because (a) it's long, and (b) most of its content is not actually the point here. I'm not trying to argue with the OP or with my acquaintance who reblogged it onto my dash. I just want to explain what I find troubling about it.
The post is, as I said, long. I'll be honest: I only skimmed it. I'm not American. So skimming past - scrolling past to see the rest of my dash - I saw a lot of things where my brain went "Oh, that looks bad," but, you know, in a vague sort of way. Bad, but doesn't impact me directly. Or bad, but not in a way I can do anything about it either way (especially since I can't vote in the US). Or bad-ish, but that's not an issue of deep importance to me personally. And then I saw this:
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And suddenly I felt hostile to the OP, because oh look, they just lumped in supporting my homeland, where my family live, which is currently under attack and in dire need of support, as a "bad" thing. Suddenly I feel like OP hates me, or at least, considers my continued existence on their own list of "bad-ish, but that's not an issue of deep importance to me personally."
But you know what? I kept scrolling. It felt like such a mild lip-service anti-Israel line that I thought, "Maybe this person doesn't hate Jews and Israel so much." I reevaluated my initial hostile response and decided to give OP a second chance, to walk it back. It sickens me that I've gotten so used to racism against my people that some expressions of it just don't register anymore. But I kept scrolling, and it got worse.
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So what I'm reading here is an excerpt from the document that sounds, to me as a Jewish person, eminently reasonable and reassuring. Couched in language and context from OP that wants to paint it as a bad thing that the writers of this document believe that Israel, the Jewish state and Jewish indigenous homeland, should be able to defend itself against... *checks notes* three terrorist organizations with genocide against Jews explicitly in their mandate, and one dictatorship country which has repeatedly expressed that it has the desire and is working on having the means to "wipe Israel off the map."
Perhaps OP has been living under a rock (or, like me, only really focuses on political updates that hit close to home) for the past 7 and a half months and is unaware of Hamas's horrific attack of October 7, 2023 against Israel, in which civilians were brutally slaughtered, young women raped, mutilated bodies paraded through the streets, and dozens abducted - many of whom are still in captivity to the terrorist organization which has not allowed any humanitarian visits to the hostages or even confirmed proof of life for those it still holds.
But when I read the above excerpted paragraph, I went from "I'm not American but I guess most of this sounds vaguely bad" to "I hope this party wins." "I hope that this specific part of this platform is implemented because it is offering support, protection, and safety for me and my family."
You - OP and people who share their views; you as non-Jews who do not share in our unique suffering - you have no right to blame us for choosing our own survival. I would expect you to prioritize yours, as well.
It is things like this - not this platform, but this post, lumping in support of Israel against three terrorist organizations and a genocidal dictatorship with all the other "bad" things like deforestation and nuclear weapons, that push Jews to the right, or at least away from this part of the left. It is reading things like this, that take it for granted that my family and I should not be protected, should not have a right to live in our home, that radicalize people like me.
You're right: most of the other things here are things I would deem as "bad," but if I embrace this platform with open arms at least I get to survive, to fight against the rest another day. Better than rejecting it in favour of someone who has otherwise wonderful ideals but wants me dead.
I want to be able to care about all the other "bad" things in that post, in that document, but right now, we are bleeding. If I had to vote on it right now, I would choose whoever penned this document or stands behind it, because I need to prioritize my safety and continued survival over any other platform issue, and if I am not for myself, who will be for me?
Not my friends on the left who decry support of Israel against genocidal terrorists as a bad thing, that's for sure.
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theculturedmarxist · 1 year
Being labeled a Russian propagandist all day every day for criticizing US foreign policy is really weird, but one advantage it comes with is a useful perspective on what people have really been talking about all these years when they warn of the dangers of “Russian propaganda”.
I know I’m not a Russian propagandist. I’m not paid by Russia, I have no connections to Russia, and until I started this political commentary gig in 2016 I thought very little about Russia. My opinions about the western empire sometimes turn up on Russian media because I let anyone use my work who wants to, but that was always something they did on their own without my submitting it to them and without any payment or solicitation of any kind. I’m literally just some random westerner sharing political opinions on the internet; those opinions just happen to disagree with the US empire and its stories about itself and its behavior.
Yet for years I’ve watched people pointing at me as an example of what “Russian propaganda” looks like. This has helped inform my understanding of all the panic about “Russian influence” that’s been circulating these last six years, and given me some insight into how seriously it should be taken.
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That’s one reason why I wasn’t surprised by Matt Taibbi’s reporting on the Twitter Files revelations about Hamilton 68, an information op run by DC swamp monsters and backed by imperialist think tanks which generated hundreds if not thousands of completely bogus mainstream news reports about online Russian influence over the years.
Hamilton 68 purported to track Russian attempts to influence western thought on social media, but Twitter eventually figured out that the “Russians” the operation has been tracking were actually mostly real, mostly American accounts who just happened to say things that didn’t perfectly align with the official Beltway consensus. These accounts were often right-leaning, but also included people like Consortium News editor Joe Lauria, who’s about as far from a rightist as you can get.
They played a massive role in fanning the flames of public hysteria about online Russian influence, but while they did this by pretending to track the behavior of Russian influence ops, in reality they were tracking dissent.
One of the craziest things happening in the world today is the way westerners are being brainwashed by western propaganda into panicking about Russian propaganda, something that has no meaningful existence in the west. Before RT was shut down it was drawing a whopping 0.04 percent of the UK’s total TV audience. The much-touted Russian election interference campaign on Facebook was mostly unrelated to the election and affected “approximately 1 out of 23,000 pieces of content” according o Facebook. Research by New York University into Russian trolling behavior on Twitter in the lead-up to the 2016 election has found “no evidence of a meaningful relationship between exposure to the Russian foreign influence campaign and changes in attitudes, polarization, or voting behavior.” A study by the University of Adelaide found that despite all the warnings of Russian bots and trolls following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the overwhelming majority of inauthentic behavior on Twitter during that time was anti-Russian in nature.
Russia exerts essentially zero influence over what westerners think, yet we’re all meant to freak out about “Russian propaganda” while western oligarchs and government agencies continually hammer our minds with propaganda designed to manufacture our consent for the status quo which benefits them.
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All this and we’re still seeing calls for more narrative management from the western empire, like the recent American Purpose article “The Long War of Ideas” being promoted by people like Bill Kristol which calls for a resurrection of CIA culture war tactics like those used during the last cold war. Every day there’s some new liberal politician sermonizing about the need to do more to fight Russian influence and protect American minds from “disinformation”, even as we are shown over and over again that what they really want is to shut down dissident voices.
That’s what we’re seeing in the continual efforts to increase online censorship, in the bogus new “fact-checking” industry, in calls to increase the output of formal US government propaganda operations like Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty and Radio Free Asia, in the way all dissent about Russia has been forcefully purged from the western media in recent years, in the way empire-amplified trolling operations have been shouting down and drowning out critics of US foreign policy online, in the way censorship via algorithm has emerged as one of the major methods of restricting dissident speech.
They claim there needs to be a massive escalation in propaganda, censorship and online psyops in order to fight “Russian influence”, while the only influence operations we’re being subjected to in any meaningful way are only ever of the western variety. They just want to do more of that.
Our rulers aren’t actually worried about “Russian influence”, they’re worried about dissent. They’re worried the public won’t consent to the “great power competition” they plan to subject us to for the foreseeable future unless they can exert massive influence over our minds, because they know that otherwise we will recognize that our interests are directly harmed by the economic warfare, exploding military spending and nuclear brinkmanship which necessarily accompanies that campaign to reign in Russia and stop the rise of China.
They’re propagandizing us about the threat of foreign propaganda in order to justify propagandizing us more. We’re being manipulated into consenting to agendas that no healthy person would ever consent to without copious amounts of manipulation.
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woodsfae · 2 months
B5 S03E19 Grey 17 Is Missing previous episode - table of contents
I'm not sure how this episode is going to go, because prior to this I have always watched B5 high (I started this saga while taking hydrocodone pain meds I was allergic to post-wisdom teeth removal) or sober (which I quickly stopped doing, because the recaps were a dry and stale recounting of the plot in a most unpleasant way), but now I can't have THC for awhile (pre-op instructions for what will hopefully be my last surgery for awhile) and so I am experimenting with liveblogging while tipsy. 
So far I thimk that tipsy b5 blogging may be the era of run-on sentences. play video. 
Harry Sanders says in response to the question "are you a telepath,": "sure." 
I am guessing that Mr Sanders is not a telepath. But I am a huge fan of people fucking with Zack Allen. Queer icon Harry Sanders tries to flirt his way into the job. sadly, he fails.
Unnamed maintenance worker gets sucked into a maintenance tunnel with random wires trailing out of it. That probably won't be relevant later :)
Someone, I am assuming Sinclair, spoke of Delenn "with great reverence" to his Minbari friend regularly. I LOVE THAT OMG. *shipping intensifies* 
Harlan Ellison consulted on this one, too?? That's so cool. My Eepectations just went up. Minbari With The Nose thinks that Delenn should take over as Ranger One. Are they going out of their way to not say his name? 
Calling a gun with bullets a slugthrower is a pretty amusing thing to share with Star Wars. I once read a crossover fic where Han Solo (iirc) went on smuggling runs to B5 to pick up kyber crystals, which the B5 people have been using for mere data storage. 
"I swear it's like the Centauri triangle in there - something's always going wrong."
I only support Garibaldi's casual racism because actually, everything IS always going wrong with the Centauri....but has the Bermuda Triangle myth been supplanted with a centauri space equivalent?? And what makes it a triangle in 3d space?
Stephen Franklin is looking rough. Withdrawl. Withdrawal? Sad plotline. Space AA is not my favorite plotline. Also, Mr Dr Franklin, maybe don't compain about people following you around when you haven't even left Babylon Five???? That's a cry for help if ever I saw one in metaphor. If you wanna be alone like...barter some medical attention for a ride to an abandoned planetoid. 
Gray 17 is a level of b5? Cool. I thought it was going to be a person that disappeared. And it is several of them at least. But there's also thirty official grey levels but only 29 accessible. I like it. 
Delenn looks extra pretty today. 
Why does this Minbari know about siren songs? Convergent cultural evolution, or does this guy like Earth ancient-greek sailor myths? 
It's genuinly hilarious (and apropos) for a Minbari Ranger to think it pollutes the rangers for humans to be admitted. This warrior class Minbari thinks it's heretical for Delenn-of-the-clerics to consider taking command of the Rangers, which he thinks are the rightful domain of the warrior caste. 
hm. Where'd he go. That won't come up later, either. 
Garibaldi is leaning into one of his strengths: investigation. He's counting the seconds the elevator takes between Grey levels. Grey  like the grey council, or pure coincidence?
ALSO. no minbari has killed another minbari for a thousand years?? I find that very hard to believe. Domestic violence? manslaughter?? What kind of statistical fuckery are they employing to make that something Delenn can say without winking??
Delenn: "I want your word that you will not tell [Sheridan] about [the warrior class dick threatening to kill me]. Your. Word." 
*cue Lennier hinting unsubtly about Delenn's life being in danger*
I did not expect Level 17 Grey to come up. Where is the missing number if Grey 17 is missing, it goes to Grey 30, but there's only 29 levels? This mystery is deeper than I expected it to be!
 The missing floor, once Garibaldi rules-lawyers the lift into stopping there, is trashed. And it says Grey 17 in a different place than the other floors. AND there's what looks like a technical diagram for a trash can where the other floors have their designation signs. Idk what this means, but it's a data point!! 
Well. I would drop kick that puppet if it talked to me on a trashed level. But Michael Garibaldi let it DART him. like a SCHMUCK. Don't let it do that. hit the follow button for more HOT TIPS FROM MICHAL. (pronounced like McCalll, not like Michael).
Lennier!!!! YES HE IS TELLING SOMEONE. But not Sheridan. Love his rules-lawyering. Super cute. My guy. Lancelot (purely platonic version).
I would kiss Lennier all over his sweet face. And he would not like it. I am sure. 
Garibaldi has recovered-ish from his darting of unknown substance. FUCK THAT PUPPET. burn it with fire or smth. 
Who is this council of lost persons?? Jim Henson's dream?????!
"My name is Jeremiah. Welcome to the end of the world." 
YES PLEASE. This is good plot, and I like it. 
Delenn is really beautiful this episode. I think the red/blue rich, saturated colors particularly flatter her. But she is always unfairly pretty and generally lickable.
Delenn's mother entered the sisters of valeria soon after Delenn was born, and she's only seen her twice. TWICE. And Delenn's father died ten years ago. She does not mention siblings. How old is Delenn? If it isn't a plot-relevant spoiler, please let me know if you know it. 
Her thoughts on missing her father are both relatable and wistful. It made me thoughtful about the same topic. 
Jeremiah says the reason the Minbari almost defeated the humans in the war was because the Minbari are closer to the truth than humans. AND we have learned that the people on Grey Level 17 is because they hacked the system and detached themselves from the rest of B5. Isolationists being isolationist on a tiny little level of a space station is illogical and funny and very, very human.
The Minbari offended by Delenn running the Rangers is called Neroon! That's super familiar and I think I've met him before. He says "During the war I killed fifty thousand of you....what's one more?" Well my dude. I bet you didn't kill fifty thousand humans in one-on-one combat. And I'm gonna go ahead and bet on Marcus's staff-fighting prowess over his. 
This is a well-choreographed and filmed staff fight. 
Jeremiah on Grey Level 17 actually is super aligned with Delenn's philosophy on the universe. But is far more freaky about the practical side of the philosophy. tbh. I think Jeremiah did LSD one too many times. 
Garibaldi isn't super serious about his threat because his choke hold lacks a fulcrum...Jeremiah could break it anytime he liked if he knew how to identify what wrestling hold he was in....signed...someone whose father wrestled in highschool and taught them from a young age to identify and break choke holds by neck-feel....
Neroon: "Why? You must have known you could not win....so why do it?" Marcus: "For [Delenn]. [...] In Valen's name." 
Jeremiah: "Listen. Listen. The only way out is-is to find a purity of thought. A purity of belief! That is the door! The door of the mind." 
Hm. This dude is craycray. And his further speech does nothing to dispel the notion. What is screeching?? 
If Sinclair was Entil'Zha, wthen what was this Minbari Ranger going to designate Delenn?
Damn it, Neroon lives. Bring! Back! Galahad! fuck u neroon. You don't deserve a capitalized proper noun name.
wtf is this thing hunting on level 17 grey?? I don't recognize its silhouette. 
Michael Garibaldi (paraphrased): HOW DO WE HURT THIS THING??? *looks at .38 bullets in hand*
(yes I did this shit for fun as a child and I am EXTREMELY LUCKY I did not have a mishap of a permanent injury variety)
hmm. Garibaldi sorta used my childhood fun trick but with a pipe to protect his fragile hands.. UNLIKE ME AND MY PLAIN PLIERS AND HAMMER
Neroon kicked Marcus's ass but Marcus is going to recover -a relief. But Neroon!! FUCK OFF. 
"you are more noble than I" - Neroon (paraphrased)
THAT'S A GALAHAD MOVE. psych. Marcus got you with his ideological purity and ironic wit!!
The murderous thing on Grey level 17 was a "zarg." OK. Please, if it isn't spoilery, remind me what that is. 
This episode feels a bit more disjointed than they usually are, but I liked it. And fuck Neroon!!! Get behind Delenn or shut the fuck up. 
*a perfectly good episode. but also. GET BEHIND DELENN OR STFU!!
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how-to-t-u-m-b-l-r · 1 year
Chapter 2. High Society
A beginner’s guide to tumblr etiquette
— How the algorithm works —
Ok so maybe that’s a misnomer. Tumblr doesn’t actually have an algorithm, and so the way all things circulate is reblogs. If you see a post that you like give it a reblog so that more people will see it.
This doesn’t mean liking the post is useless! If you like the post the op gets a notification that somebody liked their post and that would understandably make them happy. Give the post a like! It’s like giving the op a pat and going ‘Nice post!’
If you see somebody post a poem or a fanfiction or a sketch or a drawing and you think it’s nice like and reblog it! Artists struggle to circulate on here and it’s SO helpful to creators of all types!
Don’t try and get famous, you won’t. If you’re not already a content creator on another site you won’t get far with trying for fame. If you post something it will either blow up or not, it’s up to the people.
Brands don’t make it far here and neither do celebrities so the odds are we’ll push them out if they get here.
— Discorse —
Maybe you don’t like something somebody posted, maybe it’s problematic, whatever the case you don’t interact. Don’t reblog it with your opinion or even comment on the post. Block the person that posted it and move on. If they said something truly problematic (Something illegal or against the guidelines) then report them and block them.
So now let’s say you have a pet peeve about a fandom and you want to post about it. In this case let’s use a ship you hate as an example. Don’t use the main tags of the ship use a discorse tag. (they exist you just need to look a bit more.) If you don’t use a discourse tag then expect to be blocked.
— Friends? —
You reblog a post with a funny comment and somebody adds to that. You lead into a back and forth of commenting and laughing, you fallow them back, they fallow you back. This is a mutual!
When you fallow somebody and they fallow you back their your mutual. Mutuals tend to exchange dms and reblog each other’s posts. Their a generally nice thing to have and it’s like having friends that actually texts you back- *begins crying*
— What else you can do with tags —
When you reblog something and you want to comment but don’t care if more people see the what you said then put it in the tags. When somebody reblogs the post your tags will not appear under their post.
If you see somebody posted tags you like you can screenshot the tags and reblog the post with the tags you screenshoted. This is called peer review.
— If you do this I’ll maul you. —
If you repost art credit the artist but generally don’t repost art. Reblog don’t repost. If I add a funny caption though… NO! Credit the artist even if it’s a meme!
— tw ₩h@t d03$ th@t $@¥?? —
If you for whatever reason need to use a trigger warning for a post don’t censor yourself when you tag it.
When you need to use a trigger warning you should tag it with the triggering topic without censoring. Example:
Correct: #tw Suicide
Incorrect: #tw $u!¢!d3
If when you tag a trigger warning censoring the tag will prevent the people who need the trigger warning from being protected.
If you’re posting something with flashing lights don’t tag it as “#Photosensitive, #Photosensitivity, #Epilepsy” these are where photosensitive people talk about their experiences. Tag it as “#tw flashing lights” or “#flashing lights”
— Sorry, I’m cringe! —
Don’t worry about seeming cringe when you post! Tumblr is the reason cringe culture is dead, post about your empty or hated fandom! Do whatever you want! These are free lands!
More advice here!
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