#but then. even STUPIDER. i decided ‘oh i’ll read a couple of chapters of my book before bed’
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Why am I a fucking dumbass. Like genuinely
#okay waiting until almost one in the morning to go to bed was already a stupid decision when i know my body wakes me up routinely at 8#or before. and being on my phone until right before bed was also fucking dumb#especially as i was blasting videos directly into my frontal lobe#but then. even STUPIDER. i decided ‘oh i’ll read a couple of chapters of my book before bed’#what am i reading? the outsider by stephen king. what is it? a fucking HORROR NOVEL#in my defence the first half was pretty much a straightforward mystery with just some slight weird shit#it’s only when the detective (and everyone else really) starts to realise that something is Off that the supernatural shit starts to happen#i.e. two completely separate people ‘hallucinating’ the same creepy bastard#so tell me why i pick this book up thinking ‘oh what a great nightcap’. and the kicker is that just from the first paragraph of the chapter#i was at; i somehow KNEW some shit was going to go down. i was like ‘this feels like the turning point. this man is about to have a very bad#time’. SO WHY DID I KEEP READING#i probably would’ve been fine during the day but at one in the morning……. i then had to turn my fucking mood lighting on#bc i was creeped out by the darkness. and i’ve lost the remote for my mood lighting somehow….. so it was sitting at blue light#and the brightest possible setting. fine. still fairly sleepable actually#it just didn’t do enough to assuage my fears so Then i had to read a romance novella#and when i say ‘read a romance novella’ i mean i read the whole romance novella. so that took me an hour#THEN at 2am there was a very loud downpour and THEN at 2:30 some bastard on a motorbike decided to tour the neighbourhood as loudly#as possible. and then my bladder was like ‘oh we’re awake? pee every hour’#to summarise; i feel like absolute shit now#i’m hoping i will be able to take a nap this afternoon because this sucks#personal
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lotus222 · 1 year
I have a theory…
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Everyone is up and arms about the elriel v. gwynriel debate so if you get easily triggered about those ships pls avert your eyes cause I’m gonna be unapologetically brutal.
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I just finished reading CC2 (ik I’m behind) and it opened my eyes to something SJM has been saying since the beginning.
Now, while reading this massive book, I had a continuing foreboding feeling that Hunt was going to be replaced by Ithan as Bryce’s love interest. Bc as we know SJM always switches up the MMC after one book or so, so I was scurred. BUT
I was pleasantly surprised to see that SJM did all in her power to reinforce the idea that these two are endgame, by having Bryce CHOOSE Hunt and vice versa — going against her arranged marriage, the royal lineage requirements, and the added complexity of mates for fae, angels, and wolves
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It was refreshing to see Bryce and Hunt come together out of true love as opposed to SJM’s usual trope of “oh they were destined so they have to be together”. Don’t get me wrong, I love her other couples too - but Bryce and Hunt have always been my favs bc of this fact.
Then, imagine my surprise when I see that Bryce and Hunt CHOOSE to be mates. Simply bc the title bf & gf didn’t work for them. THEN, they’re revealed to be true mates, and their love for one another simply forged this unbreakable bond where now they have the same strength (if not stronger) then preordained mates.
Here’s where the ACOTAR ships come in…
Now…i don’t care who mrs Maas decides to put together. I have loved every single couple she has produced so ik I’ll love the next inner circle couple. BUT ik in my heart of hearts and based off of common sense that it’s going to be Elain + Azriel
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(Also pls keep in mind that the ACOTAR fae are the ancestors of the CC fae, which means whatever Bryce and Hunt can feel/do/etc, first originated or was discovered in the ACOTAR world) which means this true mates thing that Bryce and Hunt have can have originated with Az & Elain
CC3 takes place after ACOSF, where we all know there are things needing to be addressed. Bryce wakes up on the lawn of the townhouse where Az is and there’s fresh bread & roses in the air…then everyone else arrives later. Meaning Az was at the townhouse by himself…with the bread & roses (Elain).
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Some of y’all might think that’s a stretch or irrelevant, but I think it’s fully intentional that SJM put CC3 before the next ACOTAR book. It’s bc everyone in the ACOTAR world up until this point has followed the rules of “be with your mate and love them”, but now Bryce is there as a clear example of having a mate not chosen by some stupid bowl, but by herself and her heart. Which is something I think will strike a chord with Elain and Azriel.
Az has NEVER been chosen, and I don’t think (even if gwyn is his mate or his backup singer or whatever y’all are calling her now) he will be satisfied by someone being thrown to him, forced to love him bc of a bond. He wants them to choose to love him like his dad and Mor didn’t (sry Mor stans but she didn’t, she admitted so herself in ACOWAR)
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Rhys (sry cause I also dislike him after ACOSF) is just like Bryce’s bio dad and is trying to place a barrier between the couple in the name of politics and what is usually done, but just like Bryce (I.E. WHY THERE IS A BONUS CHAPTER W HER, AZ, AND NES (THE ONLY 2 (-Rhys) WHO WILL KNOW ABOUT AZ’s FEELINGS)) Az/Elain will choose to divert that standard, motivated by the love Bryce expresses for her chosen mate, Hunt.
Plus, can I mention y’all also acted this way with Cass met Emery at the end of ACOFAS…and thought they were gonna be together before ACOSF came out and now y’all are doing the same to Gwyn. I personally think Gwyn has been traumatized beyond belief by men, and I don’t think what she needs in her life to heal from that is the man that saved her from that trauma. She doesn’t need to be saved or reminded of that time in her life anymore. Like, girl could still not bring herself to leave the house of wind at the end of ACOSF. Idk about y’all but I wouldn’t fall in love with the cop who saved me from that kind of crime, I’d move on and find love for myself.
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No matter if you’re a gwynriel stan or not, we can all agree that the kiss at the end of ACOSF cannot be ignored, and this relationship between Az and Elain has been building up for THREE BOOKS. Gwyn has only been here for one. Take it from me my lovely gwynriels, and be prepared for disappointment.
NOW, where does Lucien fit in all of this? I think Lucien takes the same stance as Ithan from CC. Elain doesn’t know the sassy, caring Lucien we know bc the only interactions she’s had with him were when he sold her out to Hybern (mind you: when she was ENGAGED) and when he’s been around her bc he felt this need due to a mating bond. It’s fair that she doesn’t love him, just like it’s fair that Bryce doesn’t love Ithan. Just because there’s a bond, in whatever form, doesn’t mean that entitles another to that female’s love.
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Lucien deserves someone who wants to be with him and as a fan of his character, too, I don’t want him stuck with Elain. Especially when she’s made it so clear she doesn’t want him. I think Lucien accepting Elain going with Azriel will lead him back to the Spring Court (cause it’ll still hurt, and he’ll need space) and give y’all that Tamlin redemption arc you’ve been dying for for some reason.
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Either way, the answer of who is Az’s mate is a big topic, so I think SJM doing the same thing with him that she did with Bryce and Hunt in CC2 would be so bomb. Plus, she’s always said that the books she writes will be with the female at the forefront, so sry babes, there’s no Azriel book.
So book 5/6 (incl ACOFAS) in the ACOTAR world will be Elriel, then it’ll be Morr/all of the couples, and the novella will probably be Spring Court (i.e., Vaasa/Tamlin/Lucien). Don’t quote me on anything past the next ACOTAR book, I’m just guessing on those
Anyway, that’s how I think it’s going to go but I’m not the author or anything, so take this as you will
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thebowieconstricker · 4 months
Head Over Heels - Chapter 2
(The Creature x Reader)
A Lisa Frankenstein (2024) fic
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Finally, an update! A lot of stuff goes down in this chapter but I’d like to say this: in this chapter, you go through the same experience that Lisa goes through in the movie. I’m not comfortable writing out that experience, so instead, there’s a time skip to after that event has taken place. I know that so far it seems a little self-insert-y, and it DEFINITELY is, but don’t worry, I’m gonna spice things up. Also, I’m cooking up a one shot! Enjoy!
You looked over Micheal. You’d never had such a straightforward view of him before. He was always sitting in front of you or passing you in the hallway. Never talking to you.
His brown hair was straight and long, framing his very pretty face nicely. He had dark brown eyes and sharp eyebrows. His lips were in a smirk.
Why was he looking at you like that?
“(Y/N) McFadden.” He said.
“Micheal Trent.” You replied, trying to sound confident but definitely failing. “You… you know me?” You asked, very taken aback.
He chuckled. “Well, we’re both currently being educated in the same walls of asbestos.” You nodded and smiled at his comment. Micheal continued.
“Plus, you’ve submitted some really strong poems to The Grackle.”
Your eyes widened as you felt your face get hot with embarrassment. The Grackle was your school newspaper, and as soon as you heard about it, you were submitting your poems. In your last four years of school, you had even managed to get some published. But you didn’t think anyone actually paid attention to them.
“You like my poems?” You asked smiling, twisting the lid of the water bottle in your hand.
Micheal shrugged in a way that managed to be cute. “I wouldn’t have published them if I didn’t.”
Suddenly, a girl walked over to Micheal, putting her hand on his shoulder. You recognized her immediately by her black lipstick and teased hair. Tamara White. The smile on your face fell.
“Hey Micheal, I found the keg. It’s Clydesdale piss, but, you know…” She was holding a solo cup in her other hand, not bothering to make eye contact with you. Or even look at you.
You cleared your throat. “Hey, Tamera.”
She then looked at you, her eyes narrowing. Dang, she has good eyeliner, you thought absentmindedly. She smiled a bit too wide to be genuine.
“Hi… sorry, do we know each other?”
You fought back the urge to roll your eyes. “Just a couple classes.” You said, gritting your teeth.
She cocked her head. “This year?”
You blinked. “This semester.”
Micheal looked down, fighting back a laugh.
You made him laugh? That wasn’t even funny-
Tamara coughed. “Bless. Anyways, do you want a sip?” She gestured her cup towards Micheal, the drink so full it nearly sloshed over the sides. Micheal took a look and grimaced. “Uh…”
And then, you did something extraordinarily stupid. For some reason, either the atmosphere of the party, or the fear of missing out taking over your body, or your desire to be seen as a well-adjusted individual, you decided that this would be the perfect opportunity to illegally drink for the first time in your life.
“I’ll take one.” You said, a bit too loudly. Micheal and Tamara both looked at you strangely. Micheal frowned, then looked at Tamara as if she was to blame for your sudden outburst.
Tamara smirked. “What? They’re allowed to party.” She outstretched her arm to give you the cup. Staring you down this time, she raised an eyebrow ever so slightly.
This is a challenge, you realized.
You took the cup gingerly and, after taking a breath, took a big gulp.
Immediate regret. The drink fizzed in your mouth and burned going down your throat, straight to your stomach where it immediately began to growl. You hated the smell of alcohol, it was artificial and gross and now it was all you could taste. Also, it tasted like there was something else in there, an extra layer of bubbling that made you lightheaded.
“What is this?” You asked, not noticing Tamara snickering to Micheal.
“You know, I’m not really sure.” She said, making Micheal push her shoulder slightly. Tamara stopped smiling. “I got it off, uh… Darren? I think his name is?” Micheal rolled his eyes.
“Come on. Poor kid just went from Pepsi Free to PCP.”
You were not a kid. You were 18, you could handle yourself. You thought, a little annoyed.
Tamara went back to laughing. “You’re being so dramatic.”
You staggered backwards, your head now swimming with sickness. Accidentally, your leg hit the cooler behind you, making a loud thump and gaining the attention of some of the teens around you.
Including Taffy.
She immediately rushed over to you, concern clear in her expression.
“Hey, (N/N), you okay?” She put a hand around your shoulder, the other going to take your drink. She sniffed it and her eyes widened.
“Did those darksiders give you something?!”
You wrinkled your nose. What kind of name was that? They were cool people, at least Micheal was-
It then occurred to you that you would’ve liked to be Tamara’s friend, actually. You liked her style and the way she carried herself. You recalled walking with her to class your freshman year.
Why did she act like this now?
Taffy poured your drink out in the grass and threw the cup down, then walked around in front of you to grab you by your shoulders.
“This is not what I expected from you! You have so much potential, (Y/N)!” You couldn’t look Taffy in the eyes, the world around her was too busy. You could only stare at the ground.
Taffy stood up straight, then turned to walk towards Micheal and Tamara.
“Hey, you! We need to talk!” She angrily shouted. You heard vague sounds of an argument in front of you, but there was a sudden ringing in your ears, only adding to your discomfort.
You walked awkwardly around the cooler, deciding that what you really needed was to sit down. Heading towards the house, you dodged drunk teen after drunk teen, all living their lives around you. It was like they were in bubbles, perfectly content in their own worlds, as you were completely shut out of theirs. The music around you was loud, the light and colors floating and swirling around you like the Starry Night painting.
Your stomach growled again as you walked past the glass doors shutting you out from the living room. You wanted to make it to the couch, but a pang of sharpness went through your head and you collapsed behind it instead.
How did this get so bad so fast? You thought, head bumping against the back of the couch. These were supposed to be the best years of your life. Instead, you felt like you were drowning.
You pulled your knees to your chest and held your head in your hands. Stomach churning, you realized that you were definitely gonna vomit tonight.
And then, without warning, a small figure walked towards you. Hearing the footsteps, you looked up and squinted, your vision blurry. Slowly, you recognized a face as it crouched down next to you.
“Hey, Y/N.” He was sort of smiling, like he was catching you in an awkward situation.
You furrowed your brows, trying to remember his name.
He frowned at your reaction. “Are you okay?” He put a hand on your shoulder and you flinched, but it was a soft touch. The bright lights of the living room were blaring on his face, making it look like a kaleidoscope.
“Who are you?” You muttered, clear enough that he could hear you.
“Uh, it’s-“ He took a breath. “-it’s me, it’s Doug. Your lab partner?”
Oh, it’s Doug! Doug Ram was your lab partner! He was always pretty nice to you, even if you barely spoke a word in class. He was smart, too. You always got good grades when you worked with him.
You tried to nod, but your head just fell forward limply. Doug’s arm moved to go around your shoulders.
“Okay, um… let’s find somewhere for you to sit for a bit, yeah?”
He helped you to your feet and you leaned against him, despite the fact that he was a great deal smaller than you.
And then, he led you through the party. He rambled about something, maybe about wishing he was somewhere else, but you couldn’t really pay attention. The music was so loud.
As he talked, you wished you were at the cemetery. There, you had room to breathe. It was lush and green and natural. Your companion there wouldn’t be talking so much, and you would feel comfortable enough to drone on and on about whatever you wanted to.
You missed him, Mr. Unmarked. Though you didn’t call him that, you just said, “You,” when you read to him.
Walking with Doug, you walked past a few paintings on the walls, admiring how the paints would swirl and dance on the canvas.
Wait- where were you?
“Who’s your favorite director of all time?” Doug’s random question distracted you from your confusion.
You tried to clear your throat and said, “Pabst,” on instinct. Pandora’s Box was your personal favorite of his.
Doug laughed. “Oh, you’re just reading my beer can.”
You shook your head, somewhat annoyed. “No. He was…” You ran your fingers along the wallpaper as the figures on it twisted. “…a real director.”
Doug made a ‘hmm’ sound. “What kind of movies did he direct?” You turned to him, suddenly giggly. “Silents.” You answered, whispering.
Doug chuckled. “Okay, I’ll be quiet.” He whispered back.
What? No, that’s not what you meant-
And then, a crash of thunder from outside. You jumped, and in the moment, you gagged. Doug quickly realized what was happening and ushered you to a bathroom. You got on your knees over the toilet and started to puke. Thankfully, Doug was kind enough to hold back your hair.
“There ya go, kiddo. How many cans of White Rain you got in there?” He said.
Why was he calling you that? You’re not a child!
You continued to throw up until most of the sick was out of your system. You finally tilted your head back up and motioned to Doug that you were done. He nodded and helped you stand back up, now guiding you to one of the other rooms in the house. This one had a bed, which he sat you down on. Then, he left the room to get you a bottle of water.
You listened to the rain pounding on the roof, soothed by its ambiance. Another pang on thunder shook the house. You smiled to yourself, appreciating the kindness of your friend. At least he was on your side.
He entered the room with a bottle in hand. You took it and immediately uncapped it, then took a long sip. It was cold and crisp, making you feel better already.
“Thank you.” You said to him. He nodded and sat next to you on the bed.
Another roll of thunder. “Looks like the angels are bowling, as my mom used to say.” You chuckled and nodded.
Then… then something happened.
You ran through the house, down the stairs, back out through the glass door of the living room, tears pouring down your face as you tried to catch your breath. The rain was picking up now, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care.
Doug was not kind. He was not your friend.
How could you be so stupid?
You stumbled through the crowd, faces blurring into a mass of cackling forms. Everything was too loud and too bright and you couldn’t do this.
You needed peace.
You needed nature.
You ran into the woods, which wasn’t too far from whoever’s house you had ended up at. With the rain, the usually soft ground was turning muddy, but you ran nonetheless. You could barely see the trees around you, but your body had walked this trail a million times, and it didn’t take you long to find your way to the bachelors cemetery. Here, the thick canopy of leaves above you blocked out some of the rain, though you could still hear thunder all around you.
You walked slowly now, careful not to trip over any of the graves around you. After looking over the forest floor, you finally, finally spotted the stoic bust of your companion.
You moved over to him, his grave standing tall amongst the other lower ones. You found yourself falling down, body leaning almost entirely on the base of his grave. You looked up to his face, still crying, as you whispered the only thing you could think of.
“I wish I was with you.”
And you meant it. Being in the ground, safe and away from everybody else, was all you wanted in that moment.
Your exhaustion overtook you, and you laid at the base of your friend’s grave. A true friend, although you had never spoken. Over the past four years, he had been the most consistent kindly force in your life. You knew that with him, here, at this sacred place, you were safe.
And then you fell asleep.
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Tag list! @strawbeii @world-of-bitchcraft @sativamommy @snowangelz @kenqki
I’m gonna start tagging people every time I update this story, so let me know if you’d like to be taken off the list or added! Thanks for reading! <333
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musings-of-a-rose · 11 months
Falling Slowly - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Tommy Miller x f!reader
Word Count: 2000+
Rating: Mature - 18+ ONLY!
Warnings: Just like ao3, “creator chooses not to use warnings.” If you click Keep Reading, that means you agree that you’re the age to handle mature themes. Also by clicking Keep Reading, you understand warnings may not be complete in order to avoid spoilers for the story. 
Notes:This started as a simple idea for Tommy. He had different ideas and I can’t say no to those freckles and smile. Thanks to @mermaidxatxheart for helping me get unstuck. You always have such great ideas!
And a big thanks to @wyn-n-tonic for helping me form thoughts and give this a little shape. I hope I can be a quarter as talented as you one day!
**If you want to be added to the taglist, join here or let me know!
❤If you enjoy the fic, please consider giving me a warm beverage! (It is not required in any way!)
**Reader is not described. Divider made by @benkeibear
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Falling Slowly Masterlist
Tommy Miller Masterlist
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It’s crowded in here tonight. Not quite theme park during season full, but close enough. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t seriously need a drink after the day I had at work. And this bar was the closest place to home that was still open.
Or maybe I just pulled into the first place I found.
I somehow manage to score a seat at the crowded bar, sliding quickly onto the stool that’s still warm from its previous occupant. I raise my hand to the bartender and she nods, taking another 2 orders before taking mine.
“Rum and Coke. Less Coke.”
She smiles, tossing me a wink before she walks off to make the drinks. I have to admit I’m mildly impressed by her memory, as she had taken at least 10 drink orders before mine and memorized them all. No wonder she has an overflowing tip jar.
It probably helps that she has giant tits too.
I take a few sips, letting the warmth of the rum spread through me, loosening my muscles before setting the glass down. The music playing is stupid loud, but the people seem to like it, jamming their sweaty bodies together in a tight group in the middle of the dance floor. 
I’ll admit, this isn’t typically my scene. But the patients today were really on their game of trying to piss me off and I decided I earned a drink. I just wish I’d known how loud it would be. Thankfully, I'm not on call tomorrow.
“Hello, gorgeous.”
A man sits next to me, shifting his body so he’s facing me. When I don’t respond, he repeats himself, a little louder.
“I’m ok, thanks.” I try to let him down easy, but turning down a man who’s tipsy and looking to get laid is not an easy thing to do.
“Not yet you aren’t. We haven’t even spoken yet.” 
Sighing, I turn my head to look at him. He’s all blue eyes and light hair, a slight tan on his face but one from hanging out at the pool and not from manual labor. I’d be surprised if this guy had to work for anything.
“I’m flattered, really, but I just want to drink in peace.”
“Oh, come on now, gorgeous. A little conversation won’t hurt.”
“Really, I’m good.” I turn my head back to my drink, removing my hand from the top of it to take a sip. 
“You look stressed. I can help with that.” 
His hand finds its way to my thigh, squeezing me slightly. But before I can do anything, a different, larger hand removes it for me. 
“She said she was done talkin’.”
This new guy is gorgeous. Broad shoulders, a barrel chest, arms that could totally lift me, coupled with beautiful black curls, freckles speckled across his olive skin, accentuating his eyes, which I'm sure are normally kind when they aren't staring down an asshole. 
The man who was talking to me yanks his hand away and stands up, the bar stool scraping across the floor. 
"Fuck off, friend."
"Not until you leave the lady alone."
The man puffs up his chest, sticking his pointer finger out, jabbing at the man with the curls that I'd love to touch. 
"Why don't you fuck off so you don't get hurt, hhmm? Me and the lady were getting along just fine."
The man with the curls looks at me and I shake my head, both to say I'm never going anywhere with this man and please don't get yourself hurt.
"Doesn't look like she wants to go with you."
The man glances over at me and I fix my face into what I hope is confidence. 
"No way. I'm not going anywhere with you."
The man narrows his eyes. "I bought you a drink. The least you could do is come home with me."
Curls laughs and oh, I would love to hear that sound again. "Imagine being such a dick that you think forcing a drink upon a woman entitles you to sleep with her."
The man draws his fist back and quickly releases, punching Curls straight in the nose, his head flying backwards. He stumbles but doesn't go down, his hand swiping at his nose to see its already bleeding. The man tries to grab for me but Curls stops him, landing several good punches of his own. 
"Stop! He's not worth it!" I try to step in but it's pointless. I can't get close enough to stop anything. 
A minute or so later it doesn't matter because the cops show up, separating the men and loading them both into the back of cop cars, Curls meeting my eyes and giving me a small smile before he's pushed into the cab. 
"Excuse me," I stop one of the cops. "Which jail is he going to?" 
"Travis County. The one on 10th."
The men load up and take off as I turn to walk to my car and head to the police station. When I arrive, the desk officer tells me I'll have to wait a while for them to be processed, but that they will both make bail.
So I wait. 
Several hours later, the kind desk officer rouses me awake and let's me know I can post bail. I do and they ask me to wait in the lobby while they bring him to the front. When he comes around the corner, he's talking to the officer that's escorting him.
"Yes sir, but can you tell me who posted my bail?" 
The officer nods in my direction while extending his arm out, indicating that the man should proceed without him. Curls turns in the direction the officer pointed him and locks eyes with me as I stand, folding my jacket over my arm. He smiles as we walk towards each other, making my cheeks feel warm under his gaze. 
"You bailed me out?"
"I had to. You saved me."
God his smile is like sunshine. "Oh, you didn't owe me anything, darlin'." 
"I definitely did. That guy was a creep and who knows what else he could've done?"
"Well at least let me pay you back the bail?"
I wave my hand at him. "No way."
"There must be some way for me to pay you back?"
I gesture at his face. "How about you let me take care of that?"
He touches his nose and looks at his hand, seeing some dried blood. "Oh, no that's ok. I'll just go clean up-"
I step closer to him, hand stretching towards his face. "I can't believe they didn't get you checked out."
"Ah I'll be alright."
"Stop arguing and come with me."
He looks at me, all brown eyes and tiny freckles, a small smile tugging up the corners of his mouth. "Yes ma'am."
Oh I am so fucked. 
He follows me to my car and gets in the passenger side. As I turn the key on the ignition, I realize I don't even know his name. 
"I'm Tommy by the way." 
I tell him my name. "But my friends call me Daisy."
"Well it's nice to meet you, Daisy."
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We make it back to my place, as his truck had been impounded and so unavailable until morning. Tommy tries to decline my offer of a place to stay while he waits for his truck, until I ask if I'm so offensive looking that he wouldn't want to come up to my apartment. 
"No way, ma'am. Quite the opposite."
He follows me upstairs, kicking off his boots when I kick off my shoes. He looks around nervously and I see him scanning all the windows and doors. 
"You serve?" I ask. 
He looks at me, eyebrows raised. "Yeah. Desert Storm. How'd you know?"
"My dad always scans a place when he enters it. I'm assuming you'll want your back to a wall too? Exits visible?"
"I…yeah. That would be preferable."
I gesture to my couch, which is against the wall. "Have a seat. Let me get my first aid kit."
I grab my kit and some ice in a bag and sit next to Tommy, who turns his broad chest towards me when he sits up. His eyes glance behind me at my bookshelf.
"That shelf looks like it's on its last leg."
I chuckle. "Probably is. I've had it forever and it wasn't high quality to begin with. Just some Ikea shit."
He groans, like I’ve just offended his entire ancestor line. "No, not Ikea! I could make you some new ones."
"What, are you a carpenter or something?"
"Similiar. Contractor. But I do know my way around wood."
"So do I."
Tommy shifts his legs at my implication and I smirk, dabbing at the now dried blood on his face, cradling his chin with my other hand. 
His eyes are on me, so close I can feel his breath puffing out against my skin and I feel heat starting to pool between my thighs.
"Pride and Prejudice?" He asks. 
"On your shelf."
"Oh. Yeah. Haven't read it in a while but I was obsessed when I was little. Wait - have you read it?"
He smirks. "Are you surprised?"
"A little."
"My niece needed help with her book report. So I read it to be able to help her."
"You read an entire book to help your niece with a paper?"
"That's really sweet. Not many people would do that."
"Oh I'm not many people."
"That's for sure.. hey Tommy, are you hungry? I have some pizza left over."
His eyes flick between mine, a soft smile appearing on his face.
"I love pizza."
"Great!" I move to the kitchen and start getting out the pizza, putting some slices on my pizza stone and turning on the oven to preheat it. 
"I rented the new X-Men movie from Blockbuster. Have you seen it?" I ask as the oven bings and I slide the pizza in it. 
"You managed to snag a copy?"
"I bribed the cashier."
He chuckles. "I haven't seen it yet."
"Ok cool. I'll put that on for us."
The pizza finishes reheating and I divvy it up, offering Tommy a beer. We sit on the couch, plates on the coffee table as I get out the DVD. Tommy whistles. 
"You got a DVD player?"
"Yeah. It was my one splurge on myself when I moved here. Well that and a new mattress."
I fast forward through the commercials, cursing the makers for not adding a "skip ad" button. 
"Is your boyfriend gonna be alright with us hanging out?"
“Yeah, no. I don’t have one of those.”
Tommy sits up a little straighter. “Oh? Why not?”
I shrug. “I just moved to a whole new city and wanted to settle in. I don’t like long distance because it just never works out. Plus I can’t deal with all the-” I twist my wrist in a circle “- neediness?”
Tommy chuckles. “Neediness?”
“Yeah. My job takes a lot out of me and honestly, I don’t have the mental space for a boyfriend right now. That’s why I like you.”
Tommy points to himself, eyebrows raised in question. “Me?”
“Yeah. I’ve only known you a few hours but you’ve already saved my ass and don’t act all high and mighty. Plus you have great taste in books and movies.”
Tommy and I finish watching the movie and I drive him back to the impound lot now that it’s open. We exchange numbers and promise to hang out again, both of us missing the glances in the other’s direction. Although I’m pretty sure he caught me staring at his ass when he was standing at the checkout counter. 
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“So you’re just….friends?”
Tommy nods, taking another sip of his beer. “That’s what I said, Joel.”
Joel studies his brother, his eyes narrowing. “She pretty?”
“So pretty she’d make a man plow through a stump.”
The corner’s of Joel mouth tick up for a second before he fixes a stern look on his face. “Be careful, Tommy. It’s hard for men and women to be friends if they’re attracted to each other. Someone’s bound to get hurt.”
“That would mean she’s attracted to me, big brother, and there’s no way. She ain’t lookin’.”
“‘Sides, don’t you want a good example set for Sarah? That boys and girls can just be friends?”
Joel shakes his head, pointing at Tommy. “I don’t want her near any boys for any reason for her entire life.”
>>Chapter 2>>
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missywritesfor7 · 4 months
❤️‍🩹Lifeline | MYG❤️‍🩹
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Synopsis: It’s long been controversial for idols to date, but idols dating each other can be really beautiful or a complete nightmare. When Yoongi's relationship with another idol is discovered, he decides maybe it’s time to break the taboo and show people it’s ok for idols to date. Instead, they find themselves caught in the midst of one media frenzy after another and struggle to keep their relationship as strong as it had been the past 2 years. Yoongi finds a self destructive way to cope, and it causes even more problems than it solves. As they fight for their relationship and their careers, they discover that sometimes, the only way to truly be free is to let go.
Pairing: idol!Yoongi x idol!OC
Warnings: nsfw, alcoholism, cheating, depression, anxiety, Yoongi goes through a bisexy ho phase, Yoongi is also in his alcoholic phase, post-military BTS
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Ch. 21: Look Up
Hyeri was released from the hospital a day later. Her manager took her home and made sure she had all she needed including a few doses of epinephrine in case she has another allergic reaction.
Minho came by to check on Yoongi that same morning and was relieved to see that he’d been doing just fine. Yoongi seemed brighter than he’d ever been these past two months. Hyeri updated him on everything that was happening and he didn’t feel the need to press or prod her more until he was convinced she was truly ok. He’s just happy to hear from her. He admitted to Minho that forgiving himself is something he may struggle with for awhile, but he’s determined to do so and get back to his normal life.
It was a good light talk, until he began talking about Army. He went back and read more comments on his Weverse post and he couldn’t stop smiling at the love, support, and occasional jokes that were being left by fans. He knew he missed them these past couple of months, but as he was talking to Minho he realized that he misses them more because he barely remembers much of the tour. He was so drunk it’s like he wasn’t there at all. Instead of months, it feels like years since he was truly able to be with and enjoy Army’s presence. It hurts him, but makes him more determined to get back home making music and performing. Talking about Army made him emotional, but going back to read their comments gave him strength.
The next day Yoongi started off with making breakfast as he usually does. He makes himself a cup of coffee then enjoys the breeze outside. He’s gotten used to the peaceful mornings here. As much as he wants to go home, he knows he’ll miss this place. That’s why he’s trying to enjoy the view while he has it. That is until his silence is broken by his phone ringing from a call from Hyeri.
“Hey!” He says answering the call.
“YOONGI OH MY GAWDDD!!!” She shouts into the phone.
“What? What?!” He shouts trying to determine if this is a good call or a bad call.
“You got the part?!” He asks in excitement. “Really??”
“They just called me HOLY SHIT!!” She shouts unable to contain her excitement. “This is HUGE YOONGI I CANT BELIEVE I GOT IT!!”
“That’s amazing! I’m so proud of you my love!”
“It’s so crazy FUCK JJS FOR TRYING TO KEEP ME FROM DOING THIS AUDITION!!” Hyeri laughs then takes a deep breath. “I’m going to play this role so fucking good they’ll wish they had treated me better!”
“You got this, baby!” He encourages. “Just don’t forget me when you get big and famous.”
“Oh stop,” she laughs. “I’ll be lucky to come even close to your level of stardom.”
“Be careful, people may think you’re trying to use me to boost your career,” he jokes.
“Whatever,” she playfully huffs. “They think I’m using Namjoon for my career, remember?”
“Right,” he rolls his eyes. “Your lunch with him had the world going crazy although I’m the one who asked him to do it.” It’s such a stupid thing, but he finds it amusing how the public can turn a simple birthday lunch into confirmation of a relationship.
“Maybe one day I’ll just lose my shit and shout to the world that I’m with you,” she chuckles.
“Oh really? You mean like I wanted to do before when the picture of us was posted?”
“I know I know, don’t start.”
“I’m not.”
“Believe it or not I’ve changed a lot since then.”
“Really? So are you saying you want to reveal our relationship to the public?” He’s intrigued since she fought so hard to keep things a secret. This is the first time she’s suggested they go public.
“Well…” she hesitates. “Yeah, but…maybe after this new drama comes out. I don’t want to be a distraction, you know?”
“I wish I was recording this conversation,” he jokes.
“I mean it,” she laughs. “I want everyone to know. I don’t even care anymore. I’d rather they talk shit about me for the truth rather than talk shit about me and my friends over lies.”
“Na Hyeri? Is that still you?”
“Shut up!” She laughs. “I wish I could throw something at you.”
“Go ahead, I’ll send you my location.”
“You know I can’t stand you, right?”
“I love you too, Bow.”
Their banter continues until Hyeri has to go to a meeting with her agency. She promises to call him when she’s back home and she does just that. Their conversations get longer and more frequent each day. The better Yoongi feels, the more determined he is to get home. He’s trying to not get impatient, but it’s hard when he feels better than ever and he misses her so much.
Minho has been reporting back to management regularly to let them know how he feels about Yoongi’s progress. Everyone is happy to hear how well things are going and even happier when Minho says he recommends allowing Yoongi to finally go home. He’ll continue regular counseling sessions with Yoongi, but isolation is no longer necessary.
Management began making plans to bring Yoongi home and resume activities with the group. They notified all of the members and they were all incredibly excited. They then let Yoongi know he would be going home soon, however they didn’t say when because they wanted to finalize some things. Yoongi isn’t sure what needs to be finalized, but he’s just happy to know he’ll finally be going home.
Two days later Yoongi wakes up in the morning to the sound of someone rustling around in the kitchen. He assumes the manager taking him back decided to make breakfast before they set out on the 5 hour ride back. He lays there a moment longer, checks his phone, then goes into the bathroom to freshen up.
When he steps out of the room and towards the kitchen, he notices the plates of fresh fruit, sliced salmon, and veggies on the counter. Then he realizes the manager whose back is turned toward him isn’t a manager at all.
“Hyeri?” He asks blinking to make sure he’s seeing straight.
“Morning, babe,” Hyeri says turning and smiling. Yoongi may not have been able to tell, but the moment she saw him her heart skipped a beat. She’s missed him and her entire body can feel it.
“What are you doing here?” He asks stepping to her and pulling her into a tight embrace.
“I was just in the neighborhood and decided to stop by,” she jokes returning his squeeze.
“I missed you so much,” he says giving her lips a passionate kiss. He feels like it’s been so long he almost forgot how soft her lips are and how much his heart races when he’s connected to them.
“I missed you too.” She goes in for another kiss, and another, giving him little oxygen.
They can’t take their hands or lips off of one another until the smell of burning sausage reminds Hyeri that she was in the middle of cooking. She quickly turns the stove off and Yoongi helps her dispose of the charred remains. They laugh it off then sit down to eat the rest of the meal she prepared. Yoongi is so excited to show her how beautiful this place is so he insisted that they eat outside where he usually has breakfast.
“When did you get here?” Yoongi asks still feeling like he’s in a dream.
“Last night,” Hyeri giggles.
“Last night? How?? Where??”
“I stayed in a hotel nearby. I wanted to surprise you with breakfast,” she smiles. “I had been thinking of visiting you for a day since everyone said you were doing well, but they said you were coming home so I thought I’d be the one to come pick you up.”
“Pick me up? You drove 5 hours to get here?”
“Yes,” she laughs at the cute and comical disbelief written across his face. “I was able to get in contact with your manager and tell him I wanted to surprise you, so I asked if I could come pick you up, and I asked if maybe I could stay here with you for just one night before we go back.”
“Stay the night?” He perks up with excitement.
“Yeah,” she nods. “We haven’t really had a trip to ourselves like this before. So I thought this may be our only chance for a while. The schedule for my drama is pretty intense and goes at least 4 months. I know you would be working too as soon as you got home so I stole the chance to get some alone time.”
“We could have had two nights if you came when you got here last night,” he playfully pouts.
“You’ll get over it,” she laughs. “This place is really nice though. I’m kind of jealous you’ve been here this whole time while I’ve been stuck in the city.”
“Maybe we could come back one day,” he suggests. “Or maybe a place similar to this one.”
“Can we go somewhere warm with a pool?” She asks excitedly. “I know you don’t like getting wet, but I just love relaxing in the pool on a warm day.”
“We can do whatever you want,” he chuckles. “I’ll sacrifice dryness for you.”
“You’re such a gentleman,” she jokes. “Can you show me around the rest of this place?”
“Sure!” He says all too excited to show her everything he knows she’ll love about this property.
He starts by showing her the rooms throughout the home and where he’d been working on music and reading. He took her out back to the cozy little shaded area where he set up the beanbag chair for rainy days. He would sit under the shaded patio and read or zone out to the sounds of the storm. After showing her the second cabin where the doctor stayed the first couple weeks, he took Hyeri on a walk around the property.
A small path that circles the quarter mile area has been Yoongi’s gym. He had some weights brought in as well, but he always found himself going for a peaceful walk outside. Sometimes he would do multiple laps and simply get lost in his thoughts. Today he’s getting to circle the trail while walking hand in hand with Hyeri. Something they’ve rarely gotten the chance to do.
After their walk, they get comfortable on the living room couch. Hyeri’s legs are laying across Yoongi’s lap while he has one hand on the outside of her thigh and his other wrapped around her waist. He holds on to her as if he’s never felt the presence of anything so precious in his life. He’s overflowing with love.
Hyeri’s long drive and early morning has caught up with her and not long after she gets comfortable snuggled up with Yoongi, she falls sound asleep. Yoongi kisses her forehead and smiles, then closes his eyes and drifts off to sleep as well.
If you ask Yoongi, that’s probably the greatest nap he’s ever taken in his life. When he woke up he felt very refreshed and even more so when he looked down at Hyeri still sleeping against him. He remains still a bit longer so he doesn’t disturb her sleep. If he could he’d never move from that spot with her warmth covering his entire body.
He holds his position a few minutes but he can’t any longer. He has to pee. Pretty bad.
He tries to slowly and gently slide himself from under her without waking her up. It’s not easy and once he pulls his arm from around her, she groans then pulls him back closer. He can’t help but silently laugh, but he really needs to go to the bathroom.
He tries again to slip away this time holding her hand so she won’t be able to lock him in her hold again. He slides his legs from under her and she groans again. He pauses. Stares at her. Then begins sliding away some more.
“No,” Hyeri groans trying to grab him again. He’s trying to block her hand from wrapping around him but she’s fighting, even with her eyes still closed.
“Babe,” Yoongi giggles.
“No,” she groans again. “I’m not done with you.”
“I really need to go to the bathroom,” he says still trying to hold her hand.
“It can wait.”
“I don’t think it can,” he laughs.
“If you can make it through an entire concert then you can make it a few more minutes,” she teases.
“But I don’t make it through an entire concert,” he laughs. “We still have intermissions.”
“Well whatever, you still can’t go yet.”
“Ok then,” he resolves. “I guess I’ll just do my business right here.”
“You better not!” She says finally opening her eyes and playfully pushing him away. “Hurry up.”
“How did you wake up so demanding?” Yoongi laughs standing.
“I could be worse.”
“No thank you,” he laughs walking to the bathroom.
Hyeri smiles and takes a deep breath of relief. She hasn’t felt at ease like this in nearly a year. The day Yoongi left two months ago she could hardly look at him. So much pain would radiate through her when she looked at him. She cried every night blaming herself for how bad things had gotten.
Now she sees a much different person. Yoongi looks much healthier and happier and it makes her so proud. She finally feels like things are truly looking up for once.
This has been one of the toughest times Hyeri has had since Two Piece disbanded. She’s never been in the tabloids so much, she’s never been the subject of controversial things, and she’s never felt like her personal and professional lives were all about to collapse at the same time. Even when she thought things were looking up, something always seemed to come crashing down on her.
It’s not all good though, only much much better than it had been. She spent the better part of the two months trying to make peace with all of the things Yoongi had done and put her through. Forgiving him seemed easy, but an unexpected update regarding his stolen Black card made her realize that saying she forgives him is not the same as actually forgiving him.
Yoongi’s Black card had long since been reported stolen and replaced. There had been no attempts to use it anywhere so it had all been forgotten about by now. However, recently someone finally found the card and it was being held as evidence in a criminal case in California.
Although Yoongi was on civil duty during his enlistment, he chose to stay in Daegu near family during that time where he was assigned to a job there. Though he and Hyeri had only been together for a short time, he made her an authorized user on his Black card so she could get whatever she wanted. She told him time and again that it wasn’t necessary, but he insisted. No matter the situation he wanted to provide for her 100% regardless of whether she was capable of doing so herself or not.
Hyeri never used the card and eventually forgot that she even had access to it, but then she got the call a month ago. Yoongi was unable to be reached since he was limiting his communication with anyone that didn’t already know where he was. This call came from an unknown number so he didn’t answer, but Hyeri did when she got the call. Thinking it was about work she answered only to be greeted by an attorney who needed to discuss details regarding the stolen Black card.
Chelsea, the stranger Yoongi met in LA who robbed him of more than he knows, had been arrested recently in a string of thefts. Turns out she’s become infamous for the number of people she’s stolen from and the identities she’s taken. The night she met Yoongi she had already stolen a few hundred dollars from others that day. By the time she got to him he was already so fucked up that he made himself an easy target.
Aside from his money, Chelsea also stole a watch that Yoongi had bought for himself during the tour. He spent most of the tour drunk so he forgot he even bought the thing. She also took pictures of his license and passport. She has no idea who Yoongi is, but she realized he wasn’t just a traveler named Austin. She didn’t care though because all she saw were dollar signs. Her theft spree continued for months before she finally tried to use Yoongi’s card.
While Chelsea had always been quick to use the new identities and access to money she found in her journey, she hesitated with Yoongi. She wasn’t quite sure how to go about an international theft. She knew nothing about Korean banks, or Korea in general. She decided to do research to make sure she was as educated as possible in order to get away with it, but research takes time. She had stolen plenty of identities after Yoongi so her research didn’t start right away.
Authorities started investigating the string of thefts and Chelsea felt them closing in. She decided to lay low for a while until the heat dies down, but laying low meant losing her main source of income. She became desperate and decided to finally see if she could take her operation overseas just for a few dollars.
Taking Yoongi’s identity was out of the question so she stuck to simply taking his money. She tried to book herself a flight using Yoongi’s card and another stolen identity so it wouldn’t be traced back to her. What she didn’t realize is that Yoongi’s bank had long since been informed of the theft and, because he’s a VIP, they continued to closely monitor his card activity. A transaction coming from an IP address in California was a major red flag.
Unable to get to Yoongi, the attorney on the bank’s legal team detailed everything to Hyeri. She was happy that the thief was caught and will face trial, but she was not happy about why the card was stolen in the first place. She doesn’t know the details of his encounters, she doesn’t want to know, but this situation made her mind wander.
This is someone that was in his hotel room. How many people did he take back to his room? He said it was only blow jobs, but is that truly all it was? Did he kiss her? Did he kiss any of them? He’s always so private, but she was in. his. room.
She has to have a tough conversation with him that she’s been avoiding, and she chose now to finally do it. He’s far from alcohol or any other destructive or otherwise distractive temptations. She needs to talk to him face to face and get answers for the things that have continued to haunt her.
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fayetape · 4 months
Flame by Fayetape - Chapter 2: The Games
Finnick Odair x Reader
Word count: 1446
CW: Early Sexualization of Finnick, angst, death, very minor gore.
Summary of series: Reader and Finnick met when they were very young. They experience the horrors of Panem together as they grow up. Throughout the years they fight for a happy ending. Whatever that may look like… Angst/Fluff/Smut/Series/Minimal use of Y/N!
Authors note: Time jump coming next chapter!! Thank you guys for reading my first ever series :) Open to kind & constructive criticism. Hope u enjoy -Faye
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Hugging her knees into her chest she sat on the hardwood floors of her living room watching the light move through the gossamer curtains. She watched the light move like ocean waves towards her and away. Tomorrow was Finnick's games. Sixty fifth fucking annual hunger games. The more she thought about it the angrier she grew. She could physically feel herself moving through the stages of grief rapidly. Denial. Anger. Angry at the capitol. Angry at the crowd. Nobody volunteered for him. Angry at Finnick. He left her. She knew it was stupid, he couldn’t help it. Bargaining and depression. Acceptance. Finnick was going to die. She was going to be alone again.
Her mother turned on the TV. An old boxy television with a blurred screen. It glitched and flashed black and white static before making out a blurry figure of the one and only Caesar Flickerman. She watched as he danced around the stage happily. Sparkling blue hair moving across the screen. It pissed her off even more. Seeing someone so happy interviewing these people as they’re being put to death. Seeing these people act so cocky as if they’re going to win. She knew at least a handful of them would get their hands on Finnick in some way. She was seething. A district three girl walked on stage wearing a chrome and bright teal accented dress. She looked as ridiculous as the announcer lady at the reaping. Y/N rolled her eyes. The girl bragged about how intelligent she is and how she came from a rich family. She would get a good amount of sponsors. Caesar kissed her hand and sent her off stage before announcing,
“Next up! Finnick Odair!” he laughed, “Come out here, boy!”
Finnick walked confidently out onto the stage putting his hand up to give a quick wave to the audience before sitting down.
“So Finnick, what makes you think you can win the games?” he asked without introduction.
“Think?” Finnick laughed, “Caesar I KNOW I can win the games. It's more about how I decide to win.”
This confidence was so unlike him. He had always been secure in himself, but not like this. Must have been a front.
“And how's that?” Caesar asked.
“Well it would be stupid of me to give that away now wouldn’t it? Let’s just say I have a couple tricks up my sleeve.”
Caesar grabbed a hold on Finnick’s sleeve. He was dressed in what looked to be a sailor or pirate look. Long, flowy white shirt and pants with a thick brown corset belt separating the two fabrics. He was wrapped in heavy fisherman's rope that looked crystalized, like it had been in the ocean too long.
“Oh and how we would love to see what’s up these sleeves!” Caesar flirted.
Disgusting. She could tell Finnick was uneasy, reading his microexpressions. Finnick just laughed.
“Well Finnick, we already know you have a good shot at winning. What’s the first thing you’re doing as soon as you get home?”
Her eyes lit up. Home.
“Well first, I’m gonna do the victory tour of course. Then I’ll see my friends and family. Maybe I’ll buy them all a new house with all the money I’ll earn.”
“You really are confident in your win, Odair!”
“Why wouldn’t I be? I’ve spent my childhood training for these games. Even if I didn’t get reaped I was going to volunteer anyway.”
The crowd gasped.
“I’m here to win Caesar. Whatever it takes. I’m good with weapons, archery, in hand to hand, good in water-”
Caesar cut him off, “Are you good in bed?” He chuckled, “Only kidding of course. We’ll wait until you’re eighteen.”
What the hell?
Finnick just smiled, “Well I’ll look forward to it.” Finnick looked out at the crowd and winked.
“Finnick Odair everyone!”
The crowd cheered. What the hell was that? He exited the stage with a sly smile. That wasn’t like him at all. Why was Caesar being so… suggestive?
Her mother woke her up early to get ready to go to the town. Mandatory watch day. She cried and clung to her bed. Denial. Bargaining. Anger. Depression. She sat up. Feet dangling off the foot of her bed. She threw on a light blue plaid day dress. Observing closely she could see light tea colored stains splattered on the hem of the skirt. Another day where she and Finnick explored the fields. She looked down sadly and headed outside. Once again bypassing her mother. Walking towards the field filled her with so much emotion. Anger. Depression. Anger. She started running towards the field as if she would start to fly. But she didn’t. Once out of breath she collapsed onto the dirt, hugging her knees into her chest once again, breathing heavily. The view of the horizon was blurred from the tears welling in her eyes. She aggressively tore out the roots of grass surrounding her, making quiet ripping sounds and marking her hands with green. Putting a hand over her own mouth she screamed a muffled cry. She sat for a few more minutes staring out in the distance before heading back to town. Her mother caught her half way towards the screening. She didn’t question her, knowing how much pain this poor girl must be in. They took their seats. Old lawn chairs and some fancier recliners. Peacekeepers lined the town. After what felt like forever, the games began.
The camera panned around the arena. First thing she noticed was Finnick. He was dressed in all black. Plain black t shirt, plain black cargos. She recognized the outfit from his limited wardrobe. The arena could have been beautiful if it didn’t have the implications of a bloodbath. Rocky, forested mountains that drop down to a rocky beach. Mountain mist coated the surface of the trees. The tributes were lined in a circle near the cliff’s edge.
And in 5
1… The tributes all raced towards the center to get ahold of all sorts of deadly weapons and survival kits. Finnick sprinted towards the center and grabbed a backpack and a spear, fighting off a dark haired boy from district 8. She couldn’t watch the gore. All she wanted to know was if he was alive. She kept her eyes gazing at the side of the screen so not to witness the destruction while not looking down.
The cannons sounded out the tributes dead. Seven. Finnick had found a hole deep in the woods. He stacked leaves and rocks on top of his makeshift fort to keep himself hidden as he rested for the night. During the first few days he managed to fight off five tributes that earned him a gash across his nose and cheek. It’s been four days already. His sponsors have spoiled him with expensive gifts from french bread to designer medicine. He never wanted for anything. He was quite comfortable. The other tributes haven’t realized how deadly he had been. They seem to be more concerned with the older career packs. This gave him an advantage like no other. He took on the role of being a deadly force hidden in plain sight. Finnick wasn’t one to make allies. He knew that he would form an attachment. He recognized that he could lose sponsors if he gave up his “tough-guy act” and the loss of sponsors could be fatal for him.
He was one of the last alive. Day six he woke up to an expensive gift from one of his sponsors. A trident. It was one of the prettiest things he’d ever seen in person. Prettier than any jewel at the market or pearl he had caught. He couldn’t imagine what it must have cost. He tried not to think about it. Day eight he traveled to the top of the rocky mountain near the cliff side. Over the days he had weaved a net out of vines that he held up with tree branches. Weaving the net almost made him feel at home, sitting on the pier teaching the locals how to braid a fisher line. There were four tributes left including himself. He planned to lure the rest onto the cliff, capture them in his net and use his shiny new gift to finish them off. He used himself as bait, standing on the cliff pretending to be oblivious to his surroundings. Then they fall into the net where they meet their death. He tried not to think about death. He tried not to think about guilt. In a matter of hours, Finnick Odair was crowned the youngest victor of the Hunger Games.
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the-common-cowgirl · 1 month
The Blood of the Dragon
Ch. 3 - Alys
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Pairings: Modern Aemond Targaryen x OFC (Alice Strong)
Chapter Summary: Alice goes out for a night on the town and ends up in a nastier predicament than she was originally in for.
Chapter Warnings: Canon Divergence - Modern Setting, Alcohol Consumption, Swearing, Abduction.
A/N: I am working to slowly repost an entire fic of mine from AO3. You can go to AO3 and read ahead or tune in twice a week for individual chapters. Sorry for the little gap, I had a pity party and deleted Tumblr off my phone and in doing so, messed up my scheduled posts!
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“Okay mom, if you need anything call me please.” Alice looked to her mom who sat behind the counter, smiling gently. Alice had decided to work in the bakery in the morning and afternoon and leave only for the evening so if her mom grew tired, she could easily close up the bakery with little guilt of loosing precious open hours.
“Go have fun Alice. Don’t worry about me. I’ve helped your father run this business for thirty years. I know what I’m doing.” Her mother gestured to the door reassuringly but Alice wasn’t convinced.
A tight knot formed in her stomach at the thought of leaving her mother alone to run the bakery. She looked at the door, longingly with regret. “Mom, I-“
"Alice, go. You can’t spend your entire life worrying about me.” Her mother’s tone was more stern now.
Oh, but I have already, she thought. 
Her phone buzzed and Alice looked down. “We are meeting at the White Worm right?” Cat, her longtime best friend was one of her only friends still left in King’s Landing and had agreed to meet for a couple drinks at a local bar with Jaime, another longtime friend.
”Yeah, I’ll be leaving in just a sec.”
Alice took in a deep breath and looked to her mom, “Call me if anything-“
"Go!” Her mother smiled and pointed toward the door.
Alice chuckled, “okay, okay, I’m going.”
The walk to the White Worm wasn’t incredibly far since the White Worm resided in the heart of Flea Bottom but it was far enough that when Alice left the bakery, the sun had just begun to set and now, walking up the the Worm, it was already dark.
”Hey stranger!” Cat threw her arms around Alice’s neck and pulled her in for a deep hug, “I’ve missed you so much.”
Alice returned the embrace after settling into Cat’s hug. Cat’s signature sweet floral perfume made Alice remember just how much she missed her old friend, “me too Cat.”
Cat broke the embrace and turned behind her, smiling and gesturing to 'hurry-up' at an approaching Jaime. Jaime smirked awkwardly and opened his arms for a lose hug with Alice, “Hey Al, it’s been a while.”
Alice smiled as they broke the embrace, “Yeah, it has been, hasn’t it?”
"Too long! Now,” Cat drug Alice toward a booth in the quieter part of the bar, Jaime following behind quietly, “Tell us all the juicy details about running the bakery!”
Alice smiled at Cat’s little joke but it hurt a tiny bit, joking about Alice’s boring life but she wouldn’t let on to her best friend that Cat's words hurt Alice; besides, the joke wasn’t that serious. “It’s just been a lot,” Alice breathed out with an exasperated sigh.
"Oh I bet,” Jaime smiled across the table, “your Dad was always working when we came over. It’s like he never slept!”
Cat rolled her eyes, “Of course he slept, don’t you remember his snoring waking us up during the sleepovers? It was so loud it shook the apartment!” Cat laughed with the bright, bubbly aura she brought into everyone’s lives around her.
Alice chuckled at the memories of her father and began opening up about her life the past few months, things that happened in Pentos when she was away from college and the latest details of where her brother had been seen or heard from. It felt good for Alice, to be around friends without the stress of finances, an unwell mother or stupid developers looking overhead like a black cloud. Alice finally felt like she was herself again, gossiping with her friends about who got married, who got divorced and who’s in the black cells of King's Landing Pennintary. The friends drank together until the bar closed in the early morning hours of the next day. 
“Hey, Alice…it was good to see you again,” Jaime smiled at her and waved with staggering steps as he made his way across the street to his apartment building.
Alice chuckled, she wasn’t nearly as drunk as Jaime and Jaime hadn’t been nearly as inebriated as Cat but thankfully, Cat’s fiancé Brandon came and picked her up from the bar. 
So Alice began her lone journey home at 1:12 in the morning. She knew it was 1:12 because she had just checked her phone to see if her mom had texted her but the only text she got that night was when her mom updated her that she closed the shop around 8 and they had one customer.
Alice passed only a block from the White Worm before she heard footsteps behind her. Turning, she looked to the footsteps, expecting to see another bar patron stumbling their way home as well but she saw no one, the street was void of life and eerily silent save for a lone black cat's paw pads echoing into the dark alley in had disappeared into.
Alice turned and began her walk again, now a bit quicker. She had only made it another block before she heard more footsteps. Alice whipped her head around to find no one yet again. Fumbling in her pockets, Alice found her mace and clutching it tightly, on the ready, in her hand. She began her walk home again now at a very fast walk, almost jog, with her heart beating now just a bit quicker.
Alice heard the footsteps again after a short time but this time she didn’t look around, she just broke into a full sprint. Thankfully, she hadn’t worn heels to meet her friends, just a pair of worn sneakers so she was able to cover a great deal of ground quickly. That was, until a huge figure stepped out from the corner of a building she was almost passing and grabbed Alice.
”No! Let me go!” She screamed but a hand covered her mouth and another around her waist, pulling her flush against her attacker. Alice thought quickly and bit down hard on the flesh of the hand until the coppery taste of blood filled her mouth and she heard deep yelling in her ear. The hand removed itself from Alice’s mouth and the other one holding her waist fell away. Alice dropped to the ground, quickly jumping up and beginning away before another set of arms reached around her and pulled her to the ground.
“Hel-“ Alice began to scream before a wet rag was forced over her face. Alice couldn’t breath in anything except that rag’s sweet smell and soon, the world turned into a blur.
"The boss wants to speak with her,” a gruff man explained to another.
Alice was vaguely familiar of hitting the cold ground with her forehead before the world went black.
When she awoke again, Alice was laying down in a cold room. Her head hurt greatly and when she raised it to look around, the world continued to spin. Alice winced as she held up her head, trying to get her bearings. 
“Hello Alice.” Alice looked to the voice and found the most beautiful woman she had ever laid eyes on. She had long dark hair that cascaded down her shoulders. She wore a tight, black leather skirt and white billowing blouse. Her red lipstick accentuated her deep green eyes. She leaned against the side of her desk in the lowlight of the room, like a cat playing with it’s food. “It’s nice to finally meet you, been a long time coming I suppose. For you, anyway.”
Alice sat up, trying to stand, she found her balance, but barely, on wobbly legs. She got purchase on a nearby table and used it for support, “Who are you? Where am I?”
The woman smiled at Alice pitifully, then walked to a chair behind the desk and sunk down gracefully, gesturing toward a brown leather chair across from the desk. “Sit.” Her voice was dangerously sweet but Alice understood it was a demand nevertheless. 
Alice slowly walked to the chair, unsure if nearing the woman was a smart decision or not but something about the woman made Alice feel comfortable and it was unnatural.
Alice sunk down into the leather bound chair, chair squeaking with the movements Alice’s jeans made in the taut leather. The woman waited patiently as Alice situated herself then once silence surrounded the room for what felt like ten seconds, “My name is Alys, Alys Rivers.” She reached her manicured hand across the desk in an awaiting handshake.
Alice slowly crept her hand up and took Alys Rivers hand. As soon as she grasped the cold, clammy hand lightly, Alys grasped Alice’s hand tight, nails biting into flesh and shook firmly before letting her go. Alice noticed red marks in her palms and wrist where Alys had grasped her. “So, you want to know where you are correct?” Alys Rivers sat back in her chair, smirking, manicured hands folding into eachother.
"Yes.” Alice replied weakly. She had the strength to fight, perhaps if it were a man she was facing, she would fight her kidnapper. But now, sitting across from a beautiful woman who gave off a comforting yet dangerous aura, Alice was so utterly confused. As if Alys had Alice in a trance of some sort.
Alys tutted, “You’re in my office.”
"I gathered that but-“
"Maybe you should be asking why, not where.”
Alice took a deep breath in, stilling her stubborn pride, “Why am I in your office… against my will?” She gritted the question through her teeth, making Alys laugh.
"It’s a privilege to meet with me, Alice. I can make your wildest dreams and wishes come true.” She threw her hands up in the air dramatically, smiling sarcastically, “Just like I did for your father,” her smiled faded, “but now it’s time for payment.” Alys Rivers leaned in, her stare was glaring, “Pay up or I’ll take an equivalent to the price.”
A chill ran through Alice’s spine, “I-I uh- I’m not sure what the debt is but the bakery-“
"I’m not talking about the fucking bakery, Alice. Your father owed me a debt and now, in his death, you’ve assumed his debts correct?” There was no more warmth or joking in her voice, it was unnerving how serious she had become; like a switch had been flipped.
Alice swallowed her bubbling fear and bile, "Yes.” She was afraid to speak in the event she threw up right here on the mahogany desk.
"Then you have a week to pay. I’ll give you that.” Alys leaned back again, still not smiling or breaking eye contact.
"What’s the price?”
"That's for you to figure out. Until then,” Alys waved a gesture to someone behind Alice. Strong hands were on her again. The sweet smelling wet rag was in her face. The world started going blurry again. “Goodbye, Alice Strong.”
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cyten0 · 15 days
A Symphony in Crimson
Act 1: A Movement in Black
Chapter 4
The third floor. It’s been smelling oddly sweet so far, but otherwise normal. The darkened walls and stars, the smell of sadnesses, and rooms and tears everywhere. There is the hair too, which is interesting. Human, but soaked in that same sweet smell. Sadness is different. Combined with the hunger, and it’s been a little distracting. The floors layout hasn’t helped either, but you got that nice picture! You’re glad Isa knew about that.
But now that you’ve finally got this crest, you decide to try it out. You open up the corridor near the mirror room, since that seems like a nice one and find… A writing room. There’s… Not gonna be anything here to help with that hair barrier, is there?
✸ Correct Stardust! Looks like a dead end. Might as well explore before looping back though
Stars. Well, Ok. You head over to a bookshelf and take a look, see if there’s… Great. It’s a horror anthology. You’re not a fan of horror.
▲ “Oooh Mira, looks like the kind of books you like, yeah? Horror books… This one looks massive! What’s this one ca-”
You jump backwards, nearly tumbling!
✿ “Did someone keep it from you???”
◆ “What is it, anyway?”
◉ “It’s an anthology about pure-hearted boys being subjected to awful monsters and horror situations!!!”
Yeah, you figured. Monster books are not your thing, for obvious reasons. But Mira likes them, so you listen as she talks about the stories, and you feel confident in not wanting to read this. You zone out for a bit, letting her chat...
◉ “And also sometimes the hero’s end up bonding with the monsters, too-”
Oh my stars really?!
▲ “Woah! That got Sif’s attention.”
✿ “Me too! That sounds crazy!”
◉ “Oh yeah! While it’s not often, there are a couple stories that have that. It’s pretty good!”
✦ “I need to see those! So bad! You have no idea!”
Oh my stars oh my stars REALLY? That’s a thing people wrote? Monsters not only good people but ROMANCE??? You HAVE to see it!!!
▲ “I too, would like to see the monster romance stories.”
◆ “I’d like to see all of that actually. You’ll have to give us recommendations afterwards.”
You nod furiously! You have never been excited for a horror book before! Your practically vibrating with excitement!
◉ “Of course! I’d love to! I’ll even lend some of my favorites! Well… As soon as we escape a horror story of our own I guess.”
◆ “Hah! I’m looking forwards to it.”
… Right. You have to get them out first. But this is a dead end so… You’ll have to ask Mira about it after your done!
Can’t believe you missed a key on the second floor! So BLINDING stupid. And your not gonna loop forwards, cause your trying to conserve energy for the king, and whatever this key unlocks will probably take you right to them. So here you are, in the trap room. You kinda sped past this room a little last time, but you might as well look around to get your mind off things.
Hm, are those wood carving tools?
◉ “Oh, you interested in trying woodcarving again, Siffrin?”
✦ “! I mean, I’m not sure.”
You have mixed feelings about wood carving.
▲ “I still have the figurine you made last time! It wasn’t that bad, I’m sure you could get the hang of it!”
◆ “Really? Because last I checked, that thing was more glue and splinters then carving.”
✿ “Yeah, I think frin almost broke their knife making it!”
◉ “It wasn’t that bad! At least you didn’t hurt yourself.”
...You actually did stab yourself pretty badly... But you put it back together before anyone noticed, so it’s fine!
✦ “I’ll just stick to tinkering.”
◆ “Indeed. No shame in focusing on your talents.”
Maybe not for most. You should be good at it. You have to find a way to, at some point. It was one of Siffrin’s hobbies, and you should be able to do it for them. But… You guess tinkering is close enough for now.
You grab the key and move on.
As you enter the room at the end of the corridor, you find an empty room, with nothing but a statue of the change god. Is… Is that it? You’ve checked nearly every other room in the house, you don’t have anything else...
▲ “Well, I thought there’d be something in this room but…”
◆ “Language”
◉ “But there’s an intact statue of the Change God over there… Isn’t it the first we’ve seen one in the house?”
...Huh. She’s right, it’s the only one. You decide to take a closer look. Maybe there’s something? This is your last option. If you can’t find something here, you’ll have to start taking drastic measures...
Your party starts to pray. You… Decide to join them. You know they likely won’t care for you, but… For the other’s sake, you pray. It’s all you can think of to do right now.
In a sudden flash of light, you feel something in your hands! It’s.. A knife?!? Shaped like a key???
◉ “Siffrin?? Wh-What are you holding there???”
✿ “A KNIFE!!!!!!”
▲ “Did, Did the change god give it to us???”
◆ “Huh??? No, it can’t-”
◉ “I think th-they did!!! With it, we can-”
With another light, you feel the world fall out around you, as you hurtle across a pure white realm not your own, emerging back in the main room. You all look around, in disbelief. There. There’s no way…
◆ “What the-”
▲ “We’re back here?”
✿ “The Change God beamed us here!!!”
You all stand there in disbelief.
And you… They… They gave it. To you.
They… They trust you? They answered you?
You feel tears down your cheek. They… They have to know what you’ve done, far better then what little fragments you can remember, but still…
◉ “Siffrin? You Ok? Your crying.”
✦ “I… Yeah. Just. A little overwhelmed.”
◆ “Whatever Deity gave us this knife, thank you.”
You hold the dagger close. And say quietly under your breath, so no one else can hear.
✦ “Thank you. For forgiving me.”
You walk forwards, and cut through the wall of hair in a single blow, putting your inhuman strength behind it’s blade. The knife shatters under the strain, but it’s alright. You can take it from here.
You have a king to beat.
Your well fed, thanks to Bonnie (Siffrin had good taste, those fritters were FANTASTIC), and you are all ready. It’s time. You clutch the broken hilt of the key dagger to your heart.
You enter into the final hallway. Towering above you, as their bright locks fill the room, sits the king. Their darkened, star adorned armor covering their form, their hands obscuring their face. Still as a statue, until you approach, and they begin to stir.
♔ “Ah….. Ah….. Young ones…. Are you….. here to kill me…..?”
You all stare at them, readied. Determined. He first turns to Mirabelle.
♔ “Oh…. Young lady…… You stand for Change Themselves, do you not…..?”
He pauses, awaiting a response.
◉ “You have denied the entire country of change. Of life itself. And we won’t let you win.”
He sits solemnly, and then lifts his head to see you all.
♔ “…. A shame….. I just want the world to be safe as it is……... Frozen forever in this perfect state……….. And the rest of you……?”
▲ “You’ve hurt too many, and we need to stop you! For all of Vaugarde!”
◆ “This country shouldn’t be confined to history yet.”
✿ “y-Yeah! You won’t get away with this!”
✦ “We can’t afford to let you win.”
The king stares, unmoving, then with a sudden snap, turns to face you. He stares you down, pure hatred in what little of his face you can see. There is a cold, icy rage to his voice as he speaks.
♔ “You….. Bright one…. Do you remember?”
W-What? Do they...? How do they know it’s you? How do they remember?!? Even you can barely get anything! Play it dumb, play it dumb!
✦ “R-Remember what?”
♔ “….. What cruel irony……”
♔ “In this battle between eternity and the end…… We shall fight…..”
As he lifts himself from the ground, is voice becomes booming, filling the room.
As you pull out your weapons, the king begins to channel immense craft energy. A swelling power begins to fill the room, so potent it’s nauseating.
♔ “… For the sake of the rest of you, I shall be merciful…….. And give you time to come to terms with the end.”
You can feel this energy so clearly. It’s so potent and deadly. It’ll kill you all if you can’t stop it!
✦ “Isa, defense! Everyone, we have to stop him NOW!”
You all try and launch yourself at the king, trying to disrupt them. You launch yourself at the king, and as your craft empowered strike pierces through his armor, he does not so much as flinch. You strike, as fast as you can, snapping the bones in your arm apart just for more flexibility. Even Odile’s crafts are barely hurting him. Your doing damage but… There’s no time!
A wave of destructive power washes over you, striking you with the force of a tidal wave, as you all feel your bodies crumple and break as their flung halfway across the room.
It hurts. It’s so rare for things to hurt. But it hurts so much, You can barely move!
The king starts to move towards the others. He’s… He’s going to finish them off! You. Will. Not. Let. Him!!!
You unfurl your tendrils out of your body, and grapple the king’s hand before it can strike. The king turns towards you, enraged.
♔ “I knew it…..”
Weakly, you call out to your party.
✦ “Run!”
They seem shocked, seeing your monstrous nature, but only briefly. Bonnie, mostly uninjured, stumbles, then flees. The others try and pick themselves up, but their too weak to move!
The king struggles in your grasp, fighting it, before he has enough and takes his other hand and brings it down on you, as it crushes you, you barely have time to squirm before your heart cracks under the weight of the blow.
STARS that hurts so much!!!! You fought back the pain of the first blow, but that second blow, you were barely holding yourself together! It still hurts, even now, it hurts so blinding MUCH.
You breathe, slowly settling yourself. Putting yourself back together.
Ok. So. King is. A lot tougher then you expected. As your senses start to come together, and the pain fades, you can start to think a little. You can’t believe the king defeated you all in ONE hit! How did he even get so strong? No human should be that powerful, You should know!
You basically have two options. Either stop him before he can do that attack, or find a way to protect you all before then. That’s fine. There has to be a way to do that. Mira can do some elaborate healing crafts, and defense isn’t that far off. Maybe she has an idea!
… But… The king… He’s… Is he from there too? …You don’t want to take another life from there.
...You’ll talk with loop. Get their opinion.
You’ll find a way forwards.
You sit on a branch of the favor tree. Loop looks across at you. Silently. Behind their mask, their face is unreadable. Not that you were ever that good at reading faces, but still… They seem to be waiting for you to speak.
✦ “… Did you know? About the king?”
✸ “Which part, Stardust? Quite a lot happened there, in very little time!”
✦ “That their from the same place as Siffrin.”
✸ “Well, it seemed likely. I mean, no one knows where they came from. Not surprising, in hindsight!”
✦ “I-I don’t know if I can fight them. I can’t…”
✸ “Stardust.”
Loop’s firm response shocks you out of your worries.
✸ “… Look, whatever the king’s story might be, right now, they are threatening all of Vaugarde. Their about to end an entire country, all over again. And you aren’t going to change their mind at this point. What happened to them does not excuse their actions.”
It’s cold comfort. But you suppose it’s true. You don’t feel right being their judge, but you suppose your just the executioner. Everyone else has made clear where they stand. And they have deemed him a monster.
✸ “...And don’t forget, even with your loops, your on a ticking clock.”
...Right... There’s not a lot of wiggle room. Even if you wanted to try, you’ll only be looping for so long before sadnesses won’t be enough. Their like drinking coffee, plenty of energy and it’ll fill your belly, but barely any real sustenance. It’ll catch up eventually, and if your not done here by then…
✦ “...I guess there’s no option.”
✸ “Right! So that just leaves a way to get past that attack. And maybe see if there’s a way to find out how the king recognized you! Might be able to get a little breathing room, who knows?”
✦ “Guess I could always ask him, right? Not like he’d know after.”
✸ “That… Might work? But I don’t trust him. Might be a bad idea.”
✦ “Better then nothing. Ok. That’s a solid plan. Better get on it.”
✸ “Want to grab a bite to eat first?”
Oh, right! You should do that! How did you forget that?… Ugh, it’s starting to catch up already, isn’t it? You likely won’t have much time at all before your hunger starts catching up...Oh well, you nearly have this all handled, so you should be fine. You nod, and Loop summons the sadness, which is killed and eaten quickly.
Alright. Let’s go Siffrin. You have a king to beat.
...Their getting close. You are pretty sure they can bypass that attack, and not resort to the same measures as you did. Their hungry, but not so hungry they can’t win, or will lose it. If they can beat the king, without loosing the others, then it should be over.
But… You think it might not. You hope it will. You can’t say it won’t. But now you can think it through… There might be more to this then expected. And if it is… then things will get much more dangerous… He’s getting hungry.
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bbutterflies · 9 months
2023 fanfic year in review
Thank you @kasienda for the tag!!! Been meaning to do this since I wrote so much in 2023!
Fics completed this year:
Oh my god I was writing lovesquare still at the beginning of the year… who was I back then… I finished I’d fall in love with you a thousand times and Meant to be, and then wrote all of Intertwined. I try to hold these all in kind thoughts. I don’t think they’re all that great, personally, but I just hadn’t written as much when I wrote them and never outlined or planned ahead. But I’m happy people liked them!
And then I went off the deep end with adrino:
I’ll give myself a name (something stupid and pretentious)
Falling into place
ways to say I love you
promise me forever
The memories we (don’t) make
Not much of a cat person
The moment I knew (I’d no choice but to love you)
Chemistry with him (for Ninovember 2023! I wrote the entire thing in about a month and a half and posted daily in November. My life took a serious turn for the worse by the end of the month and the comments and support on this fic were so amazing and incredible and kept me going!)
Love you snow much
And then I ended strong with this incredibly devastating (but really good) loveywalker one shot: fine line
Number of words written:
My ao3 stats say I published 329,988 words in 2023 which is insane????? I don’t know how I did that but oh my god it was so fun. I know I wrote way more that I didn’t publish with edits and stuff I scrapped, but I don’t keep track because it would just be way too difficult… at least another 100-150k if I had to guess in cut scenes and wips I haven’t published and stuff I just decided I didn’t like. I don’t know how in the world I managed to write so much while already a sleep-deprived grad student but I definitely don’t regret it. It was a blast.
Your most popular fic:
By hits, Meant to be. Oh man… if I wrote this now I’d do so much differently. I was surprised people loved it so much, and looking back, I’m like oh god… the mistakes… but it’s all a learning process! :) and I learned and grew so much from this one.
By kudos, ways to say I love you, which I didn’t expect to gain any traction at all. It’s just over 600 words, something silly and cute I figured a couple people would like, and it totally blew up.
Your personal fav:
I know I’ve said this before but Falling into place, hands down, is my number one. I know I’ve also said before it’s such a queer, teenage experience, but it is and it means so much to me. Being in high school, being in love with your friends and not even knowing it, aughhh I just love it. I love the way I wrote it. I’m so proud of it still!
Your fav scene:
Oh man… probably the kiss scene in chapter 9 of The moment I knew (I’d no choice but to love you). I wrote it so many times and made so many edits but I ended up so proud of it!
A fic or scene that challenged you:
I had a lot of fun with most of my fics! Having multiple wips on the backburner gave me a way to take a break and work on other stuff when I was having trouble with one and I can usually come back with fresh eyes later and never have too much trouble. But right now, If I hold you too close is challenging emotionally. It’s super personal and self-indulgent, and digging into a lot of my own past and traumas and mistakes to write it has been harder than I thought it would be. I’m excited to keep working on it but it’s been draining at times for sure.
A line of writing you’re proud of: 
Oh man, I don’t know how to pick a single line… I’ll have to go with this (even though it’s technically more than one line) from Falling into place:
Adrien’s eyes were locked on Nino’s. He was staring back with something in his expression Adrien couldn’t quite read, something he hadn’t seen before. Or maybe he had but he’d just never been looking.
A comment that touched you:
A few come to mind! I’ve had several people comment on my adrino fics telling me they hadn’t shipped them before but they do after reading, and honestly that’s my number one life goal at the moment haha. I love adrino! I want more people to love them!
I genuinely love all the comments I get. It means so much that people read and love my work. The people who say so specifically always get me teared up… I’ve gotten several on my fluff fics that said they were going through stuff in life and my writing was a bright spot for them, and genuinely that’s insane to me. To touch someone else, to have a positive impact on their life through art…. oughhh it’s just so human and raw and I love it! I’m so honored!
Something that inspired your writing:
I honestly spent a lot of time writing what I personally wanted/needed to read! I needed more domestic adrino fluff, and I wasn’t finding quite what I wanted to read, so… I wrote it for myself! I love rereading them knowing it’s exactly what I want to read, and knowing other people enjoyed them too. I’ve been incredibly selfish in my writing this year (in the best way) and it’s been so inspiring also to see other people want to read it too! The moment I knew (I’d no choice but to love you) was something I didn’t think would garner much attention at all. A rarepair and a super silly trope? I thought whatever, I’m writing it for me, hopefully a couple others like it, and it got so much more positive attention than I thought. I’m so glad!
Your proudest accomplishment (that one scene; finally finishing that one fic; posting your first fic; etc):
Probably figuring out I’ll give myself a name (something stupid and pretentious)! I think I’ve mentioned before I was originally writing it as a lovesquare fic. I wrote it and rewrote it like six times before I thought, no, this should be about Adrien and Nino. And then it just clicked!
Do you have any writing goals for the next year?
I have a secret wip in my docs I’ve talked about a couple times, but it’s a slowburn teenage adrino and I really would love to write all of it! I think I’m struggling to decide exactly what kind of story I want to tell and it’s making it hard to outline and write when I don’t have a clear end direction, but that’s something I’d definitely love to figure out.
And I’d love to get back into lovesquare, too! I have a few wips that I keep putting on the backburner but I really want to dust them off and finish them, and maybe start some new stuff. Writing my loveywalker fic was SO fun (if devastating) and I can’t believe it’s been months since I sat down and wrote lovesquare.
This isn't a direct writing goal, but I'm determined to comment more on fics I read. I love getting comments, and I don't leave them enough on the fics I love, and that's something I really want to change!
Anyone you would like to thank?
@kasienda and @flightfoot I think are tied for commenting on my fics, and it really means so much to have cheerleaders in my inbox!!! Especially writing adrino when readership is lower, it was a huge help to have people reading and commenting and cheering me on <3
@asukiess and @isabugs recently for screaming with me in general about this show! You’ve inspired me to write so much more… I can’t wait to be absolutely unhinged in 2024.
And all my commenters on ao3!! I don’t know everyone’s tumblr and couldn’t possibly tag them all but it means so much every time I get a comment. I wouldn’t be writing as much as I do without the direct support! Thank you!!!
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cnwolf-brainrot · 1 month
For the writers ask meme: 2, 4, and 7?
OOOOH, these are good ones!! Thank you so much for sending them in!!
2 - talk about a notable time a narrative or character has looked you dead in the eyes and said “fuck your plan, here’s what we’re actually doing.”
So. So. So many times. Hmm, since a lot of people are reading Weapon by Name right now, I’ll say that Kurt’s identity was supposed to start solidifying after the first Rogue interaction! For reference, that would have put Logan learning Kurt’s name in chapter 12, which at the time was chapter 9 because there were a few chapters I ended up adding before it. I started writing the name scene and I literally felt Kurt turn to me, shaking, and said in a tiny little voice “I’m not ready for that”. That was the moment that I really realized this story was going to be a slowburn, and that I was too far in to escape.
4 - what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
OH MAN, I’ve been dying to write this one for about five years!! It’s a Medieval Marvel AU with the OG Avengers as the main cast and Clint Barton as the focus character. It follows a similar vibe to Narnia; the world has been cursed into eternal winter for the last hundred years by the Frost King (Loki) and there is a prophecy that his reign will end when five warriors from the time of his invasion return. Clint basically decides that the prophecy is stupid and they need to stop waiting around for these “Avengers” and decides to go punch Loki in the face himself. The story then follows him running into Natasha, who leads him to Tony, who leads him to Thor, etc, until Clint realizes that these guys ARE the prophesied warriors, and they were cursed with immortality until they defeat Loki but have fallen apart over the last hundred years. It has themes of destiny versus drive, grief/loss, moving forward, immortality being awful, etc. For now it’s titled “Hello My Old Heart” after the song by The Oh Hellos, but the title might change; the chapter titles would be after lines from the song “Dead Wormwood” though. There’s particularly important story beats with the repeating theme of “I know who you are now”, and I listen to the song at least weekly thinking about this fic.
Honestly, I’m not sure why I haven’t written it. I love the story and I’ve had it outlined for at least four years now… maybe part of it is the fear that no one will read it right now, since the OG Avengers era has somewhat passed. But at the same time I want to read this fic, which means I need to write it, which means… I need time, lol 😂
7 - tell us about the plot of the first fanfic you ever wrote
Hmmm, I’m trying to remember… I’ve been writing fanfic for a long, LONG time, but I think the first big one I remember working on was one called “Re-Tournament” that I wrote when I was 10! It was a self-insert Ninjago OC story that I actually wrote with my brother; we each wrote our own “book” following the same story, so we had two different copies each from our OC’s POVs. I don’t even remember our characters’ names at this point (mine might have had moon powers?) but I have a few very distinct memories of laying on my parent’s floor with him after we moved into our new house, two binders full of notebook paper spread between us, our pencils racing as we copied down lines from the show between our own original scenes. It was a season 4 fanfic so honestly 70% of what we wrote was just directly copying canon scenes, but it was still an absolute blast and I think we got a good couple chapters in!! Definitely a fun memory!
Thank you so much for sending these in!!
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blackoutbugza · 9 months
hi! so i don’t usually post fic stuff like this, but i decided to post the first chapter of a sanders sides AU i have in mind. not sure why since im really extremely very self conscious of my writing because it sucks ass but whatever right?
if you saw my last post about a sanders sides AU fic, ignore that because this is a completely different au that i made up last night at one in the morning. happy reading!
chapter 1 cw (content warnings):
swearing, weapons, breaking and entering
A quiet dorm sits in the middle of a college campus, sunset illuminating the room. Multiple posters and photographs of various media hung and laying around the room. The window cracked open just slightly, enough to let in a gentle breeze. Usually in a college dorm, two people would be occupying the room. But not this one; Janus Viper was the only student who didn’t have a roommate, although he had always wanted one since he grew up an only child. He’d have recurring dreams that a roommate or some kind of sibling would magically show up at the door, but they were just dreams.
He sat up in his bed, his dirty blonde hair messy as always. He didn’t bother brushing it, just putting on his signature black beanie and his yellow gloves since his sweater was already on him. He was meeting up with a friend today in a couple minutes to break into the boarded off part of the library everybody at the school was curious about. As he stepped into his black boots, he unlocked the door and made his way out with his backpack hung over his shoulder. Even though there were a couple people walking around the halls at this time, Janus tried to be as quiet and small as possible to avoid attention. Going into the forbidden section of the library was crazy illegal, after all. But it’s not like anyone knew.
He skillfully swung his backpack the other way so it was in front of his chest now, making it easier to scavenge though. He gripped his phone and took it out. Entering the password and going through his contacts, he finally found the one he was looking for. His best friend: Virgil Weaver. He pressed call, and Virgil almost immediately picked up.
“You on your way?” He asked, sounding just as rushed as Janus.
“Yeah, I’m making my way through. They don’t turn on security on the back door until six since teachers are still leaving, right?”
“Right. You should be good just going through there, I’ll meet you in the fantasy section.”
“Rodger,” Janus finished, hanging up the phone and sighing deeply as he snuck to the back doors of the school.
He crouched down on the side of a dumpster, listening for about ten seconds. There was no noise. The coast was clear.
He sprinted to the door, quietly opening it and scampering inside the school. Janus thought this idea was stupid since he didn’t believe in magic in the slightest, and everybody had accused the books in the boarded up section of the library were all “haunted”. Janus didn’t buy it, but he wouldn’t give up a good time with Virgil.
He looked around, trying to open the door. It was locked. Damnit!
Janus called Virgil again, making sure to whisper and have his phone on silent. Virgil eventually picked up, although it took a while.
“I can’t get in, the door’s locked.”
“Oh, don’t worry. Are you the entrance by the cafeteria or the band room?”
“Band room. You inside?-“
As soon as he asked that, the door to the library was opened which made him jump and immediately try to hide. But it was just Virgil, holding a bent paper clip which he seemed to pick lock his way in with.
“Dude, chill,” Virgil chuckled, gesturing for Janus to follow him inside.
“Shit, man! You scared me. Give me a warning first before I’m so caught off guard.” Janus rubbed his eyes tiredly, shaking his head as the library door closed.
As they were walking to the blocked off section, Janus turned to Virgil hesitantly.
“You don’t actually believe in ghosts, do you?” Janus placed his hands in his pockets.
“Of course I do. Weird ass stories come from that exact area, and sixty percent of them are actually true!”
“Yeah. That still leaves out like, forty percent.” Janus rolls his eyes and gets his foot stomped on my Virgil as a result, causing him to wince in pain and hold the injury.
“It’s still majority,” Virgil hisses.
They begin to make their way father, turning a corner. They both jump back in shock and hug each other tightly when they see another person, sitting down and reading peacefully.
He wears square shaped glasses, a black turtleneck, and for some odd reason, a blue necktie. He just raises an eyebrow stoically, pausing his reading session.
“What the-?!” Janus pauses. “Who are you? How did you even get in?!”
The student with the glasses pointed at Virgil.
“Your friend pick locked the door for me,” He said with a soft and quiet voice like he wasn’t used to speaking.
Virgil squinted. “I had the door open for like, what, three seconds? How did you sneak through?!”
The student waved his hand as if shooing Virgil off, not answering. “Are you guys looking for the boarded off part of the library or something?” He asked, looking back down at the book.
“Yeah, actually.” Janus nodded.
“You’re not going to tell anyone, are you?” Virgil assured, glancing at Janus who seemed to be thinking the same thing.
“Oh, please.” The student set the book down, clasping his hands and sighing tiredly. “If I reported this along with all the other ass crap I see on this campus, people would start coming to me instead of the boarded up library section for spooky stories.” He rolled his eyes.
Janus and Virgil sighed with relief and the student licked his finger, turning the page. “My name is Logan Berry. I’m just as curious about that boarded up section as you are.”
“Janus Viper…” Janus eyes Virgil.
“Virgil Weaver.” Virgil folds his arms, still not fully trusting Logan for scaring them earlier.
Logan adjusts his glasses looking up at the two. “Sometimes I hear a crying little girl, wishing for her pet snake back…”
“Seriously?!” Virgil exclaims excitedly.
“Seriously..?” Janus asks as he folds his arms sarcastically, still not buying the whole “ghosts are real” thing.
“Oh, yeah.” Logan stands up, gesturing for the two boys to follow. “C’mon, I have a couple tools in my bag we could use to take the boards off.”
They all make their way over to the section of the library, caution tape all around it and boards across the entrance spraypainted with the threatening words: DO NOT ENTER.
Logan reaches into his backpack and pulls out a power drill, a hammer, and a hand wrench.
Virgil cringes at this sight. “Hey, Logan?” He asks.
“Yes?” He asks, still shuffling around his bag.
“…Would others consider you… you know, the ‘quiet kid’?” Virgil continues, watching closely as Logan takes out a massive crowbar from his backpack.
“Yes, why?”
“…No reason,” He looks away, trying to ignore his answer.
Logan nodded and handed Virgil the hammer and hand wrench as he tossed the power drill to Janus. It was surprisingly heavy and Janus was thrown off guard, catching it barely.
“Okay. Janus, you use the power drill to take the nails out of the boards. Virgil, whichever boards Janus isn’t working on, you’re using the wrench to pound in the claw of the hammer into the middle, loosest part of each board to make a clearer opening for me so I can bust through with the crowbar. Got it?” Logan took the lead, looking at the two who both nodded in unison.
Janus turned to Virgil. “We are so getting arrested...”
“Fuck yeah we are,” Virgil chuckled, pounding the first crack in the board.
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Two Ghosts Chapter 13 - Alternate Ending
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TITLE: Two Ghosts Chapter 13 - Alternate Ending PAIRING: Iceman/OC RATING: T CHAPTER: 13/? SUMMARY: It was just a routine training session, but it changed Noel “Mongoose” Grenier’s  life forever. The legends of pilots flying through time vortexes was true, because it happened to her. Dropped into 1984 during Maverick’s Top Gun training, she must navigate keeping her secret while also completing the program…again. Will she return to her own time unscathed? Or will she lose her heart in the process?
[A/N - I’ve decided the Alternate Ending will have an epilogue and then we’ll get on with the canon ending. Then maybe I’ll do some follow drabbles looking at Mongoose’s life with Ice.]
Iceman went to the locker room to clean up after their debriefing.
Mongoose had been quiet for some reason after they went below deck.
He started to take off his flight suit when a piece of paper fluttered to the ground.
It was a note from Mongoose.
When you find this, read the letter I left for you in your room.
Iceman’s mind went to the worse possible outcome and he took off running to his room. On his pillow was a letter addressed to him.
           Dear Ice,
           I didn’t know how to tell you this, so I settled for putting it in a letter instead. My name is Noel Grenier and I’m from the future. 30 years in the future. In the future you’re a four-star Admiral, which is how I knew you. Admiral Tom “Iceman” Kazansky, uncle to Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw. That’s right. Rooster is Goose’s son. Funny how their callsigns are so similar. You may not believe all this now, but you will one day. If by some chance I’m ever sent back, please look after Bradley for me? Be there for him because he’ll need it. I won’t spoil anything for you, but Maverick does something pretty stupid and he’ll need someone in his corner. I already told Mav about being from the future because I kind of let it slip. Sorry. If you don’t want anything to do with me after this letter, I’ll understand. I’ll strike out on my own and make sure you never see me again, but if you still wanna be with me I’ll meet you at the O Club when we get back to California.
                                                                                                    Your Minx
Mongoose managed to avoid Iceman on the ship and spent most of her time with Maverick, but Iceman also hadn’t made an effort to come find her. Mongoose wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
The night they arrived in California, Mongoose made her way to the O Club. She was still dressed in her Navy Whites when she and Maverick pulled up to the door. She wished she had packed a dress to change into.
Mongoose climbed off Maverick’s bike. “Thanks for bringing me, Mav. I’ll call you I guess…if Ice doesn’t show,” Mongoose said.
“Ice adores you, Noel. He’d be stupid to let you go,” he told her.
Mongoose blushed.
She went inside and ordered herself a drink at the bar. She had several Naval officers try to hit on her, but she turned them down. She didn’t want just any old Naval officer. She wanted Iceman.
Mongoose sat there and watched the hours go by, slowly losing hope.
Just as she was about to leave, she heard, “Excuse me ma’am, but is this seat taken?”
Mongoose turned to Iceman and smiled. “No.”
Iceman sat down and ordered a drink.
“I thought you weren’t coming,” Mongoose said.
“I needed some time to think about things.”
Mongoose’s heart sank. “Oh. I totally get it if you never wanna see me again. I can ask about transferring to another squadron or…”
Iceman cut off her ramble by kissing her. “Noel, you are the best pilot I’ve ever seen and I would probably be dead without you. That’s why I need you by my side. I don’t ever want to let go of you, even if I lose you in a couple weeks, month, years. I don’t care. I want you for as long as you want me.”
Mongoose’s eyes misted up with tears. “I…I want you too.”
Iceman pressed his lips to hers again, but this kiss was gentle and filled with passion.
Mongoose knew it was too soon to say she was in love with Iceman, but she had a feeling she was headed in that direction.
Taglist: @indynerdgirl @alanadetigy @the-untamed-soul​​​​​​ @marland56 @ireadthensuetheauthors​​​​​​ @kassieesworld​​​​​​ @theforevermorereject​​​​​​ @maverick-dont-think-just-do​​​​​​ @thescarletknight2014​​​​​​ @maverick-goose-rooster​​​​​​ @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy​​​​​​ @yougottalovefandoms​​​​​​ @maverick-wingman​​​​​​​ @shrimping-for-all
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nootqueen404 · 2 years
Welcome to my Nightmare - Chapter Four
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New to the series? Read Chapter One Now!
Pairing: Vampire!Eddie x Fem!Reader, some Steve x Fem!OC
Chapter Summary: Shit has hit the fan in the worst way possible. Where did Eddie go? Why was he drinking blood? More importantly: Will you be able to find him and FINALLY tell him your feeling? Will you even be able to see each other ever again?! There is only one person standing in your way, and that man is Steve “I’m Too Pretty To Think” Herrington.
Warning: Angst! Soooo much angst! Also some threats, swearing, and a brief mention of alcohol.
A/N: This chapter is a little short, but if I put it in with the last next chapter it would be way too long.
A tidal wave of emotions slammed into you all at once – What the hell was going on? You wanted to scream, but no sounds were coming out. Was it fear? Was it anger or sadness? None of those feeling were for you. At that moment you didn’t give a rat’s ass about how you felt.
All that managed to pass your lips was his name.
You grabbed a single shard of glass as you gathered yourself together. The couple was trying to argue with you about how somebody owed them a drink, and it was going to be you whether you wanted to or not.  You shoved past them, not processing a single thing they said, and you ran. You ran as much as those stupid heels would let you. Frantically you searched for him. You called out his name but your screams were drowned out by the DJ and the voices of what felt like hundreds of people. Someone had to have seen Eddie! You asked the bartender, the other members of Corroded Coffin; you even tried to ask the club owner. No one knew where Eddie was, either because no one saw him or was too drunk to notice.
                                           You made it to the back most part of the House of Sin were all the private parties sit and spotted a glimmer of hope – it was Faye. She was straddling Steve Herrington’s lap and her faced was buried in his neck. The look on Steve’s face was pure bliss, his head hung to one side and slack jawed as Faye ground her hips into him.
“At least one of us is having a good time,” you muttered to yourself.
                                           Suddenly you saw Faye get up. “I’ll be right back, Stevie. I’m going to use the ladies’ room” she said to Steve as she stretched.
                                           “Are you sure you don’t need my help?” Steve replied with a smirk, stretching his legs out and sinking more into the worn out love seat. Faye leaned over and tilted his chin up.
“I think I’ll manage,” she replied before walking your way. She rolled her hips a little to tease the pretty boy. She made eye contact with you and she ran over with a big smile on her face.
“Oh…my…GOD! Y/n…I did it! I did the thing!” she said to you, Faye was as giddy as a little kid after getting what they wanted for Christmas “And he likes me back! Oh gosh!” She fanned herself “You need the bathroom too before you get your chance with Eddie?”
                                           Hearing his name left a painful sting in your heart, but you brushed it off and shook your head “I’m good for now. “Speaking of Eddie, have you or ‘Stevie’ seen him at all? He got into a fight with someone and ran off.” You decided on telling her only a little of what happened, it would be best to keep your best friend out of the whole “Eddie gets buzzed off of blood” thing.
                                           “Oh yeah I saw him! He swung by earlier. He was asking Steve if the fridge in their hotel room was stocked.” Faye looked at you and the piece of glass in your hand with a confused expression. “Is everything okay, y/n? Eddie didn’t do anything to you, did he?” Her hazel eyes were filled with concern. If Steve Herrington was the “exhausted Mom” of his friends, Faye was the Dad with a penitent for violence.    
                                           “No no Ed and I are good” you replied quickly. You gave your friend a quick hug, telling Faye to be safe, before speed walking over to Steve.
“Hey Herrington! Have you seen Eddie?” you shouted.
                                           “Yeeeeeah,” he replied. If it was possible to get high on sex, Steve was feeling it right about now “Whyd’ya ask?” he took a swig of his beer.
                                           You tossed the broken shard on the table and Steve spits out his drink. He looked like he’d seen a ghost.
                                           “Shit...*cough* Shit…so that’s why he was he was so pissy?” said Steve as he whipped the dribble from his mouth.
Rage suddenly bubbled out of you “Pissy?! Oh he was more than pissy!” You crossed your arms “Now tell where he is” you said impatiently. All the time you’re waiting on talking to this scruffy Nerf herder you could have been saving Eddie’s life.
                                           He scoffs. Steve is clearly worried but he’s trying to pull though guy act for whatever reason. He knows something. He obviously knows what’s going on in some way, and you were going to get it out of his empty little head. “Like I’m telling you.”
                                           Wrong answer, asshole!
In a blind rage, you grabbed a random glass from the table and chucked it against the wall with a loud crash.
                                           This caused Steve to jump and pushes himself deeper into the couch “Jesus fuck ah-!” He is trying to get as far away from you as he can. You then grabbed the beer from him with one hand, wielding it like a Billy club, and grabbed Steve’s collar with the other. Apologies and curse words proceeded to spill out of Steve.
                                           “I wasn’t asking ‘Stevie,’” you said, your voice seeped in malice “I’m demanding. Now tell me where Eddie Munson is before I shove this bottle so far up your ass, you’ll be shitting sand for weeks!”
“Okay okay okay shit!” Steve shoved you away “He’s back in our room at St. Keith’s Hotel!”
                                           “What room?” you barked.
“T-Top floor! The Master suite!” with a shaking hand Steve dug into the pouch around his waist and pulled out a room key “H-Here! Take it!”
                                           You let go of Steve to snatch the key from his hand. “Thanks Herrington,” you smile sweetly. You then pocketed the broken shard and go to leave.
“Y/n wait,” Steve was calling out for you, his hand outstretched for his beer.
                                           “What now?!” you ask.
“I just want to warn you, since you care about that idiot so much” Steve’s eyes suddenly grow dark and serious, his brows furrowed “When you open that door, you’re going to see that the Ed Munson is going to feel backed into a corner. He’s not the lovable idiot you knew growing up.”
                                           “And you should know that if there is a single hair on Faye’s head that’s out of place…” you lean in to whisper in Steve’s ear “I’ll gut you like a fish.” You shove his drink into his chest and make your way out of Zombie Todd’s House of Sin.
Tag list: @reddeadgirl666 @ksmithyy @certifiedafreak @cutiecusp
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Bound Blood (Cassandra Dimitrescu/Reader, Soulmate AU) Pt. 1
Fandom: Resident Evil: Village Rating: T for blood, language, brief nudity. Later chapters will be M Warnings: Nah fam Summary: Local vampire finds out she can't kill soft human (because they're soulmates, baby), human becomes insufferable bastard, oops they fuck later. Soulmate AU where if one person gets injured, their soulmate feels the same amount of pain and receives a scar in the relevant area.
1: Sharing Is (Not) Caring
It’s not that you had expected to survive this- being locked in the dungeon of Castle Dimitrescu, waiting for the day you’re picked to be someone’s meal. Oh no, you had given up on surviving long ago, it was just that… well, you had hoped that someone with a softer touch would do you in. But here you were, too exhausted to cry, hanging naked in front of none other than Cassandra Dimitrescu. Her eyes were trailing you up and down, examining every inch of your skin, every flaw, every unique trait. It was like she was making a mental map of which parts of you would taste best. Goddamn, you wanted to spit in her face, or scream, or say something, anything that might make her feel even an ounce of what you had felt for weeks.
But you know that she’s already planning to kill you, and to make it painful. Why give her any more reason? Why dare her to find a worse way to end your life? There was no good answer, so you stayed still, just watched her move. Maybe if you looked bored enough she’d make it quick, just stab a knife in you and drink you up like a capri sun. Or, maybe, if you kept a straight face, she would admire your courage. Oh, how you longed for people to think of you kindly now, in your last moments, when dying clean and pretty was no longer an option.
Pulling a blade from some hidden sheathe, Cassandra approaches you with a wicked grin. There’s still blood on her lips from her last victim. Had they not sated her? Or had she been like this for some time? When she inevitably drank from you, how long would your blood remain on her lips? You weren’t sure that you wanted to know. In your mind, you picture her cleaning up as soon as she was done with you. It does not make you feel any better. Neither does the way she traces a finger across your chest, left to right, practicing for the incision to follow. She pauses to lick her lips, making direct eye contact as she does.
What happens next passes by so quickly that you don’t process any of it until the whole ordeal is over. The blade’s tip digs into your chest, just below your collarbone, before dragging along half the width of your torso. It hurts like hell, but you manage to keep your misery to yourself. But your pain is soon replaced with confusion; Cassandra screams, loud enough to echo throughout the basement, doubling over herself. In an instant her knife has clattered to the floor, forgotten. Instinct takes over your brain, the default programing kicking in, and you say something that fills you with instant regret.
“Are you okay?” Your voice is a bit quiet, and raw, worn out from lack of hydration. But it is enough, evidently, for Cassandra to hear. She’s rising back up and glaring at you, one hand clutching her chest. Something in her expression tells you that she thinks you’re mocking her. While that wasn’t technically the case, there was a part of you that found joy in this, watching your captor get a taste of their own medicine. The question left in your mind was why she was in pain. “I’ll take that as a no,” you said, again left with regret at your choices.
Now her hand is swiping at your face, nails cutting you open. Once more she hisses in pain, now clutching her head, shaking a little as she does. When she meets your gaze, you see that she’s more confused than anything. More than that, you see the marks on her face, knowing instantly that they match your own. Oh hell no, you thought, grimacing.
“You’ve got to be fucking kidding me,” Cassandra growled through clenched teeth. Bouncing back and forth on her heels, she seems tense, unsure of how to process what’s happening. You feel the same way, desperately wanting to pretend that this doesn’t mean you’re her soulmate. Maybe the universe had just messed up, crossing some wires, or decided to pull a prank on the two of you. Either way it was better than the alternative. Eager to think about something else, you start considering your options. The first that comes to mind is ridiculous. Stupid, really. But would it amuse you? Absolutely.
“Not gonna lie, I feel better about the idea of you killing me now. Feel free to make it painful, darlin’, I won’t mind,” you snarked, lips curling up into a smirk. Oh boy was it satisfying to watch Cassandra’s response. One of her hands raises to smack you, only for her to freeze before releasing a torrent of swears. Hurting you meant hurting herself. “What’s the matter? Can’t handle a little aching? Haven’t you ever imagined what it’s like to be on the other side of things? Under the blade yourself, blood soaking your skin, eyes too dry for even a single tear? Poor thing,” you purred, tone as teasing as it could get. Apparently it’s aggravating enough for Cassandra to fight through the pain, as she slams her fist into your stomach, leaving both of you gasping for breath. “This is fun-” you pause to cough out a few drops of blood- “really, really fun. Hey, if you kill me, how bad do you think you’ll feel?”
Before Cassandra can react, either to speak or hurt you worse, the sound of approaching footsteps draws her attention. From where you hang you can’t see much, too many cells and hanging bodies blocking your vision. But your “soulmate” seemed to know who was coming. Her face scrunches up a little, and she adjusts her robes, trying to cover the mark on her chest. Had you not still been coughing, you would have sarcastically asked her how she intended to hide her face.
“What the hell is going on, Cassandra?” An unfamiliar voice asked. The footsteps grew louder, and faster, until the new figure stood in the same cell as you. Not even bothering to spare you a glance, she approaches Cassandra, reaching to examine her face. “Did a prisoner manage to get you? I’ve told you a thousand times-”
“Don’t fucking touch me, sis,” Cassandra snapped, pushing away her sister’s hand. Both of them are visibly tense, and for a moment they stand still, staring each other down. Then the sister (who you assume to be Bela, from things you’ve overheard recently) shifts her focus to you. Something tells you that she has no intentions of being gentle.
“Did you do this, you rotten little thing?” Bela questioned, glaring at you hard enough to send a shiver down your spine. But that doesn’t stop you from trying to have some more fun.
“Oh, of course I did! I rattled my chains real good, scared the shit out of her, made her fall on her own knife a few times. You know, like that one musical?” You must look insane as you speak, grin wide but face dripping with blood. If it unnerves Bela, she hides it well, though you doubt it does. As soon as you’re done poking fun she’s pulling out her sickle. Still grinning, you make eye contact with Cassandra, who realizes what’s happening a second too late. Then the two of you cry out in unison, as the blade carves into your shoulder. Instantly Bela pulls back, stunned, turning to her sister with genuine concern. “I might have lied. Rest assured though, it was for comedic purposes.”
The next thing you know the two sisters are shuffling away from you, Cassandra begrudgingly being dragged along by Bela. Though the younger of the two had been adamant about not receiving help, she now had little choice in the matter, skin searing from your blood bond. Even you are starting to breathe harder than you’d like.
“Was it something I said?” You barked, barely able to manage a fit of giggles between your coughing. Bela shoots you a glare over her shoulder, but quickly returns her attention to her sister. They talk, quickly, soft enough that you can only make out a few words here and there. It’s hard to make meaning from it, especially considering their vastly different tones. Cassandra is pure anger, gestures fast and wide, while Bela is oddly solemn, even regretful. When you finally catch a couple full sentences, things start to make a little more sense, though you wish they didn’t.
“We can kill them painlessly, in their sleep. That way you won’t have to suffer,” Bela whispered. She’s doing her best to comfort her sister, despite the tension in the room, gently patting her on the back. Briefly, you make eye contact with her. In that moment she looks equal parts executor and unwilling jury. But she looks away quickly, even shifting her angle to prevent it from happening again.
“No, fuck that, fuck this, I’m… I’m not killing them. Nobody is,” Cassandra growled, daring to emphasize her point by pushing Bela away. Now it’s her turn to look at you, brows furrowed, eyes betraying something more than just anger. Somehow it’s a million times worse than when she first came in. You strain yourself trying to look away, cursing the chains keeping you in place, resorting to closing your eyes and pretending none of this was real. “I don’t care what you think, Bela. They’re already my ‘meal’, might as well get what enjoyment out of this that I can.”
Again, footsteps echo through the basement. Tension locks your muscles in place, and your eyes are still clamped shut, to the point that you don’t realize your chains are being undone until you’ve hit the ground. Cursing under your breath, you finally open your eyes again. There’s blood on the floor, only some of it yours, and you’re suddenly aching for a bath. More than that, though, you’re praying for something to cover yourself with. Certainly Cassandra didn’t need to see everything, now that you weren’t a piece of meat for her to enjoy? As if reading your mind, the middle Dimitrescu daughter flings open a nearby cabinet, messily searching for something. Eventually she gives a hum of approval, then tosses a blanket in your direction.
“Put it on, dipshit, then follow me,” she snapped, already walking away. For a moment you’re tempted to stay there, sitting still, waiting to see how long it would take for her to notice. But one look from Bela sends the thought back to whatever crevice of your mind it crawled out of. So you’re moving, hastily, awkwardly wrapped in a somewhat itchy blanket. Other prisoners eye you as you pass, some shouting curses or even spitting at you. At first Cassandra takes no notice, or simply doesn’t care, but eventually the noise seems to irritate her. Turning back, she takes her sickle in hand and slams the handle into the bars of a cell. It’s loud, making you flinch, but gets everyone’s attention. “Next one to make a peep gets the blood eagle!”
“Is that, like, a sex thing?” The words leave your mouth before you can stop yourself. Laughter rings out around you from the few prisoners capable of it. Cassandra is seething again, looking about ready to kill you. Then she’s shifting into swarm mode, spreading out wide, insects barreling through half the occupied cells. A few cries escape the prisoners, as the flies take bites out of them, cutting a perfect balance between pain and (a lack of) lethality. They’d be suffering for days to come, every movement making their wounds ache. “Not a sex thing, got it,” you muttered to yourself, just as Cassandra reforms in front of you. This time she grabs the blanket you’re wrapped in, using it to tug you forward, sending you towards the exit.
“Shut up for five minutes and I might let you put on actual clothes,” she growled, keeping one hand on your back to guide you. The offer is the closest thing to kindness you’ve seen from her, and you have half a mind to do what she says. Would you actually manage to keep quiet for that long? Well, you were certainly looking forward to finding out...
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noteguk · 4 years
i was wondering how bad influence! jk and oc started interacting? like what made them start talking
[ ! ] this dabble is a prequel to “bad influence”
— words; 1.6k
Your professor was looking at you with expectation, the small piece of paper hanging between his fingers like the sword of Damocles over your head. You were staring at him in silence for a few seconds now, and the whole situation was starting to get awkward. 
“So,” he pressed on, dangling the paper in front of your eyes. On it, the name and phone number of one of your classmates. “What do you say?” 
When he asked you to stay after class, you expected it would be something related to tutoring. Your professor had mentioned it in passing a few times before, so it wasn’t exactly a surprise when he told you he had found you someone who really needed your assistance. You were beaming with joy for precisely a minute and twenty one seconds until he revealed the name of your student. 
Jeon Jungkook. 
Before you had any chance to muster an excuse for why you couldn’t — under any circumstance — get close to someone like that, even less tutor him, your professor already had his card up his sleeve. “It’ll be good for your curriculum.” 
And you said yes in a heartbeat. 
Jungkook was predictable. You knew that he would be late (after all, his cringy bad boy persona would never allow him to follow one single rule in his life), you just didn’t know it would be almost two-hours-late. By the point that you saw that hurricane in human form walking into the library, you had already finished your homework for the entire week. 
He had the nerve to smirk at you, and you swore an oath to yourself that you wouldn’t present him with the irritation he was expecting. And you didn’t — with all the patience and kind-heartedness that your parents had pushed down your throat your entire life, you put on your best commercial smile and greeted him like he was just in time. 
“Well, now that you’re here, let’s start with the basics and go over some defense cells.” You tugged the heavy Immunology book towards you, quickly flipping the pages towards the chapter that you had chosen for that first session. Jungkook had already taken his typical slouched position on the chair next to you, looking like he was about to slide down to the carpeted floor. “I’d like to know how familiar you are with it, though. Can you start by telling me about the types of lymphocytes?” 
He chuckled, running one hand through his hair. “I have no idea what that shit is.”
You took a deep breath and ignored the irritation that was building up on your stomach. You didn’t know how someone could be so indifferent about everything. “Well... that’s why I’m here,” you managed to keep your voice cheerful. 
He raised his eyebrows. “You’re here because you wanna get paid, princess. No need to play the Good Samaritan.”
You thought about telling him that you weren’t getting paid, but the idea wasn’t the best one. He’d probably mock you even more for wasting your Friday afternoon tutoring in the name of your curriculum. Not that he knew the importance of that, anyways. 
“This is some bullshit.” Jungkook rested his head on his crossed arms, lying over the table, pushing away your pens and notebooks as he did so. His black hair fell over his features as he grouchily mumbled out, “I don’t even know why I chose this class, it has nothing to do with my major.”
You were surprised that he was even majoring in something, instead of just frequenting the campus as an excuse to meet girls. “Well, I can't answer that for you, can I?” You asked, tapping on his book’s hardcover. That little antibody drawing was staring at you in a silent mockery, wondering if you’d be able to make him study — or even care about anything. “But I can help you with the rest. Now, come on. Types of lymphocytes.”
His eyebrows came down to form a confused frown. Jungkook would’ve probably given you the same reaction if you had just called his mother all the filthy names you could think of. “You’re really trying to teach me?” He asked. “Like, for real?” 
You sighed. The time you taught your little cousin how to read was less frustrating than that. “It’s kind of my job as a tutor, you know.”
Jungkook rose from his position and leaned back against the chair, his arms crossing before his chest. Beneath them, his strong pecs stressed against the fabric of his white shirt, but you refused to look. “You know that you can just pretend to teach me, I can pretend to learn, and you’re gonna get your credits anyways, right?” He asked as if you were the stupidest person he had ever met. “You don’t need to actually put in the effort, princess. Especially since I don’t give any fucks about immunology.” 
If he called you that stupid pet name one more time, you swore you were going to knock him out. “Well, I’m already here, I’d rather do things right.”
He scoffed, throwing his head back and rolling his eyes. “God, you’re so booooring,” he groaned. “Don't you have some charity work to do or something?” 
“I’m doing it right now.” You smiled. “I can see that you’re really trying to fail this class, don’t get me wrong. But I’m just trying to do my job—“
“Boooooring,” he sang, louder than the librarian would ever allow if she was close enough to hear him. Jungkook looked back at you, his eyes narrowed. You couldn’t really tell if he was disgusted or just annoyed. “Why do you even care? It’s just some stupid class, it doesn’t even matter. I’ll tell the professor you taught me everything and we can both go home.” 
“I can’t do that,” you said, firm. 
“Why not?” 
“First of all, because that’s wrong,” you told him. Just as you were about to say that, also, his unavoidable horrible grades would make clear that he hadn’t learned shit (which would make you look like a clown instead of a tutor), his laugh ruptured your sentence. 
“Oh, come on. You’re kidding me.” He smiled brightly — not a tender one, of course, but one full of perverse mockery. You had never met someone as condescending as Jungkook, and he was managing to push every single button inside you. “That’s wrong? What are you, six?” 
You frowned. “You’re the child here, just trying to find a easy way out instead of putting in the eff—“ 
“What are your dreams, princess?” He interrupted again, leaning his head to the side. You really, really, really hated him. “Wait, no, let me guess. A family, a suburban house, and a dog? A nine to five? Something like that? Having your husband cheat with the babysitter before you’re forty?”
Some part of you knew that he was just trying to make you so angry that you would give up on tutoring him. Jungkook didn’t know that you wouldn’t throw away your obligations so quickly, but he was able to make you mad enough to get an answer. “What are yours?” you spat, kindness long forgotten. “Remaining unemployed, talentless, mentally trapped in your twenties, and fucking desperate milfs for money until you die from an early overdose?” 
If your priest had heard you talk like that, he would most surely faint. 
Jungkook, however, didn’t seem so horrified. In fact, his disgusted smile quickly morphed into a diverted one, a chuckle leaving his lips. “Uh,” he mumbled. “Interesting.”
The shame from your previous outburst was starting to weigh down on you, but you managed to keep it undercover. “What?” 
“Didn’t know you had a mouth on you,” he said, clearly entertained. In a way, you were glad that he hadn’t taken your words to heart, because he could probably snap you in half if he was feeling like it. “You’re always so shy and shit. I thought you were going to cry.” 
“I’m not shy,” you spoke, defensive. You had gotten close to shedding a couple tears, but he didn’t need to know that. You hated confrontation. “I just don’t wanna talk to people like you unless I’m obligated to.” 
He raised his eyebrows — a silent threat. “People like me?”
There was a second of hesitation from your part that Jungkook didn’t miss. “Yes.” You couldn’t hold his piercing gaze. As much as Jungkook was annoying the shit out of you, you didn’t actually want to have a full-blown argument with him. Especially on university grounds. “People who can’t even tell me about lymphocytes. Now, are you done with your victimization session? Can we start, or do you wanna tell me more about how you’re burning college money and you are so superior because of it?” 
He chuckled and looked you up and down — actually looked at you. Weirdly enough, it felt like the first time that Jungkook was actually seeing you, and not the empty shell of a stereotype that he had built for you in his peanut-sized brain. “You’re really trying here, aren’t you?” He asked. 
You didn’t know if he was talking about the tutoring session anymore, but you decided not to bite. “Is that a sin now?” And, before he could say anything else, you added, “Page 124. Come on. Unlike you, I don’t have all day to sit around doing nothing.” 
He smirked. “You’re more fun than you look, princess.” 
And, for the first time, Jeon Jungkook wasn’t predictable — he actually opened the book on the page you told him to. 
One hour later, he was already dozing off, a small puddle of saliva accumulating on top of his chaotic notes. Still, you counted that as a victory. 
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justreadingfics · 4 years
It’s a Deal (Ch. 15-Final)
Chapter Summary: THE END.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Words: 6.2k
Warnings: I don’t wanna spoil anything, but if you’ve read the story so far and handled well with everything, there’s nothing to be worried about. If there’s anything you definetely can read and want to check if you’re safe, feel free to ask me about it beforehand. 
A/N 1: Thank you Suz, @bucky-the-thigh-slayer​ for having my back for these last chapters. Love you. The link to my masterlist, where you can find the other chapters, is on my description. Feedback is highly appreciated. More notes at the end of the chapter.
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 It’s a funny feeling to have to knock on the door which you’ve spent so long mindlessly walking right through after opening it with your own key. Yeah, it’s funny… but also a surprisingly liberating and exciting sensation. It’s just like a feeling of meeting someone new living inside you. Or someone you just didn’t know was already there, waiting for you to acknowledge them. But a great deal of what you were and had just feels foreign to you now. Like that door to your place, except this isn’t your place anymore, so you knock on the wood softly and wait to be allowed to come in.
You don’t have to wait long as you’ve barely knocked and the door is opened, with Eddie appearing in front of you.
“Hi, you’re back,” he lets out a breathy smile, a tad of nervousness on his voice.
“Hi…” you tighten your lips, not knowing how to react to the excited “you’re back” that has just blurted out of his lips. You want things with Eddie to go as smoothly as possible and you definitely don’t want another argument. Not now when you’re so eager to just do what you have to do there and then go find Bucky, “Ahm…I’ve just come back from the mission and checked in to a hotel, I need to grab some of my stuff. If you don’t mind.”
“Oh…” disappointment hardens his face as his chin lifts up, “Alright. Come in,” he nods, stepping aside.
With tentative moves, you enter your former home before Eddie shuts the door behind him, “Ahm…Can you believe I forgot my phone?” You chuckle lightly, nodding at the device on the center table in the living room, “I had to use the company’s one the entire time.” You comment, reaching over for your phone and attaching it to the Stark mobile battery charger.
As Eddie leans back against the door, you ignore the intensive and unsettling stare he holds on you while your phone’s screen lights up. You rush to check your missed calls and your heart skips a beat when you find out several of them from Bucky. Did you really have to be so stupid about forgetting your phone there?
Your eyes lift from your phone to Eddie for a moment while a thought crosses your mind… Did he see those calls? Could he have answered one of them? No… Eddie and you might not be on the best of terms right now, but you know his character, he wouldn’t…
“Your boy toy wouldn’t stop calling,” he says, his voice as bitter as his words, “Until he decided to drop by.”
“What?” You barely whisper as your heart rushes in your chest. “Bucky?”
Eddie scoffs, uncrossing his arms and leaning away from the door, “Yeah… Bucky…Bucky Soft Tongue Barnes,” he says the name you have in your contacts for Bucky in a mocking tone, “Do you have another boy toy by any chance? Dear God, Y/N…”
You register the vicious mockery coming from him, but you don’t even care while your eyes roam around the room, spotting all of the boxes with Eddie’s stuff next to your stuff, “What did he want?” You ask, your breathing becoming erratic at the possible outcomes from that encounter.
“The fuck I know.” He shrugs, walking over you, “He didn’t stay long.”
“What did you tell him, Eddie?” Your head tilts while you ask in an almost defeated tone, fingers gripping your phone hard.
His face hardens even more now that he’s right in front of you, “I told him the truth, that this is our home.” He gestures around before lunging at you and grabbing your arm, pulling you close to him, “And that what you and I have isn’t just a shitty deal with a boy toy that can be destroyed by a small and unimportant glitch.” He spits.
Your vision turns into a blur while a thick lump of pure anger lodges in your throat. You harshly pull your arm and, expressing a strength you didn’t even know you had, you push him, making him trip backwards, “Fuck you, Eddie.” You push him again, this time even stronger, making his ass fall to the ground, staring up at you with big and incredulous eyes that makes you anger even bigger, “Fuck you, I thought we could’ve salvage something of our relationship, become respectful with each other at least, for our history’s sake,” you scoff pointing down at him, ”But I see now there’s just no fucking point.” You shake your head while your teeth clench.
As you move to step past him, he swiftly stands up and grabs your elbow again. “Y/n, please… don’t go. We can talk-”
“Fuck off, Eddie.” You shake your arm away, untangling it from his hold once and for all, “I have no time to waste talking to you.” You hurriedly move towards the way out, but before you leave the place, you turn back to him, “And just so you know, he’s not my boy toy, or a shitty deal, he’s the fucking love of my life.” You state, slamming the door on your way out.  
“Goddammit, Bucky, is it too much to ask for you to wait for us, you’re being too careless,” Steve chastises through the comms.
“I told you… we should’ve brought Sam.” Nat’s voice comes to his ears.
“Fuck off, Romanoff.  And you, too, Punk. You’re the last person who can say anything about being careless on missions.” Bucky hisses, being way ahead of his partners in exploring the alleged facility they are supposed to turn down from some assholes, A.I.M is what they called themselves. The third facility from that mission. Gun machine pointed ahead, he kicked open another door, finding nothing in the room again, “Besides, this place is dead, that was probably a false lead.”
“No, it wasn’t.” Nat, the receiver of the lead, scoffs, “And you would know that if you had stayed for briefing before jumping out of the quinjet in your bike, like fucking Mad Max.”
The loud voice on his ears, not Nat’s voice and definitely not Steve’s, makes him halt at once before he can kick open the next door.
“Y/N?” He frowns, not trusting his ears.
“Oh, shit.” Now, that’s definitely Steve and Nat talking in unison.
“Bucky, thank God. Finally. I need to talk to you.”
Bucky notices the relief but also the urgency in your voice. It doesn’t help him at all to figure out what the hell it’s happening, but he registers his heart racing by listening to your voice.
“Y/N?” He repeats himself, “What the hell? Where are you? Are you ok?” The thought that maybe some way you ended up as a hostage in that mission brings a lump to his stomach and his heart beats even faster.
“Yes, I’m mean, no… not really,” you speak quickly, “I’m safe, but I need to talk to you. I’m heading to the safe house designated for this mission right now. I’m gonna wait for you there.”
“What?” Bucky’s mind races trying to understand what the hell it’s happening. “I can’t… I-I have nothing to talk to you about.” He steadies his voice when he feels it faltering.   
He hears a scoff that he knows it’s Nat’s, but he says nothing, ignoring the nosey fuckers.
“Bucky… please,” you plead, the desperation present in your tone, “You have no idea how many codes I had to break find you and to get here.”
“You’re having a hard on right now, aren’t you?” Nat asks, breaking through the silence with amusement on her voice.
“He always had a weakness for the smart ones.” Steve comments. Whispering. Like that would help the jerk to remain unnoticed.
“You two stay fucking quiet over there,” Bucky chastises – even though neither of them were lying - while he listens to you clearing your throat, “What do you need to talk about?” He addresses you again, a bit too harshly, already regretting that reaction, but allowing the little bit of spite inside his heart to lead him on, “Is your fiancé there with you?” He clenches his teeth, “Y/N listen, I don’t want explanations, or pity-“
“Fiancé?” You practically screech into his ears, “Pity? Hell, no. It’s not what you’re thinking. Not at all. Eddie lied to you. That’s why I’m here, we need… we need to talk. There’s so much I need to say to you.”
“Like what?” Bucky whispers, heart jumping inside his chest. The fucker lied to him? Does that mean…
“Like I love you.” You burst out, punching the air out of his lungs, “Like I fucking fell in love with you and now you’re thinking I don’t, and I can’t wait another second to tell you everything I’m feeling.”
“What?” He checks, once again in barely a whisper, once again not trusting his ears.
“I love you, ok? I love you, Bucky.” You repeat, trying to speak with a calmer tone, but uneasiness still sweeps into your words.
Silence settles on his comms. No more words from you or from the snooping couple he knows is still there, listening to everything, as well. All he can listen to is his heart, frantically pounding against his chest.
“Meet you at the safe house?” You tentatively ask after a long moment of stillness.
That’s the precise moment the door in front of Bucky opens and he meets with a room full of armed assholes.
“I’ll be there in 15.” He states firmly, pointing his gun ahead.
In precisely seven minutes he has almost the entire room on the floor. He’s about to break the last man standing’s arm when Nat and Steve come running into the room.  
“Fucking hell,” Nat exclaims, taking in the place.
“We’ll take it from here, now you go to that goddamn safe house,” Steve says with a teary beam – the big softie - and points to the way out.
Like hell Bucky would waste another second.
He’s been inside the place for several minutes already, which seems like an eternity, legs quivering while he sits on the first dusted armchair he’s seen, he’s biting on his nails when he hears the knock on the door.
Not two seconds and he has the door opened, meeting with the sight of you. Panting and disheveled and perfect. And he freezes. Not one muscle inside him moves. Except for his stupid mouth.
“You love me,” he says, spontaneously, the words mindlessly coming out of his lips like in a dream.
You’re visibly taken aback at the line as you gasp and your eyes widen a fraction.
Shit… What the hell is wrong with him? He swiftly clears his throat, “Ahm, hi,” he manages to say, praying that somehow, he could erase that first sentence.
“Hi,” you answer, still clearly nervous, fidgeting with your fingers, but not taking your anxious eyes away from him, until you take in a harsh breath, “Yes, yes, I love you,” you burst out, while you suddenly step inside the place, walking past him, “I’ve been so stupid, but I was confused,” you drop your purse on the floor and, gesticulating and shaking your head, continue, “I-I thought I wasn’t sure about you, and then I was afraid I was gonna hurt you, but ended up hurting you anyway. God, I wanna kill Eddie, but no, I’m not here to talk about him,” you pace around, your trembling hands all over the place.
While you keep your rumbling confession, you miss Bucky slowly making his way to you.
“I’m here to talk about us, I mean… if you still feel how you told me you felt, I mean… after what Eddie told you, I don’t know if you still feel the same way, but I’m sorry, I’m so sorry, I had work to do, and I forgot my stupid phone, I-”
You sulk in a breath when Bucky is right in front of you. Staring intently into your eyes.  You inhale some needed air, slowly, “I love you,” you say again, “I had no idea things would go this way, I didn’t even know that love could feel like this, so…” you search for the word taking another breath, “so damn wonderful. But it does, and I love you, I do. So much. I had a whole speech prepared, but that’s it. I love you.” You shrug.
Still unable to move a muscle or utter a word, Bucky keeps staring at you, like he’s in some sort of trance.
“Ahm…” You gulp, “Don’t you wanna maybe, ahm, say something?” Your voice falters, before you bite your lower lip, as if it’s getting hard for you to breathe.
“Sweetheart,” Bucky finally speaks, and, with the word choice, he can see the smile that threatens to curl your lips, but just don’t get through because you’re still clearly too nervous to allow yourself to smile, “I love hearing you talk.” He steps closer, seriousness all over his voice, “I could listen to you all day, all my life, but right now, I really want to kiss you, ok?”
That smile fully curls your lips now and Bucky smiles, too, but it’s short lived and replaced by a “humpf” as you jump on him and crash your lips on his.
He catches you and the craving you two feel for each other are expressed in the urgency of the kiss. Fingers grasp his locks. While you pull him by the neck, he pulls you by the waist, fireworks on his brain and his guts, pure longing for the proximity of his girl. His love.
Having you like that, kissing you, holding you, knowing how you feel about him is dazzling, mind-blowing, his senses falter and next thing he knows he’s sitting on the armchair with you across his lap.
Smiles surge through the kiss before you part from his lips, only to pepper kisses all over his face… neck… lips again, “I love you, I love you,” you repeat like a mantra between kisses, holding him with a strength he didn’t even know you possessed.
“God… sweetheart… I love you. You have no idea how much. You can never hurt me, don’t ever say that again. I love you,” he breathes, you thinking that you had hurt doesn’t go unnoticed by him, if only you could see how his poor heart is melting inside his chest with all the love he’s feeling and receiving from you.
His breath hitches when your teeth graze his neck, “I missed you…” You whisper, your voice becoming dangerously low while your hand wanders through his thigh, “And I missed this.” Your hand meets his crotch, caressing the bulge forming there, making Bucky’s brain short-circuit, “You’re so gonna love make up sex… I believe I have a lot of making up to do with Little Bucky.” You bite his earlobe, putting a bit of more friction over his bulge.
“Fuck… shit…” Bucky curses, “I want it so damn much, sweetheart, you have no idea how much, but, ahm…” He clears his throat, “Not in front of the baby.”
You lean back and frown at him, “Huh?”
Bucky wiggles his eyebrows and nods behind you.
You follow his gaze and there is Alpine. Seated on the carpet. Staring up at them, in all her confident and glorious demeanor.  
“Oh.” You swiftly remove your hands from his pants. Suppressing a laugh in your lips, you turn to Bucky again, “What is Alpine doing here in the safe house from your very Avengey mission?”
“Yeah…” Bucky tickles his tongue before tightening his lips, holding you on his lap by your waist, “You know… she just can’t leave my side anymore. “
“Of course,” you put on a mocking frowning expression, nodding your head, “She is the one who can’t leave your side, yeah…” You chuckle.
He’s got a guilty smile on his lips, but before he can offer you a comeback, a meow catches your attention before Alpine jumps on your lap.
Bucky feels the tension on your body by the surprise as you stare down at the white cat. 
“Bucky… Bucky…” you barely whisper, not moving your body in the slightest, while Alpine sniffs your hand before curling down comfortably on your lap.
“Oh my God,” You breathe and aim a disbelieved, yet incredibly satisfied smile at Bucky, still not moving a muscle as if you would break the spell if you did.
“I told her she would love you,” Bucky shrugs, feeling no surprise at all. He removes the arm from around your belly to allow Alpine to accommodate herself better.
“Aww, Bucky,” you coo, looking down and scratching behind Alpine’s ear, whose eyes shut at the petting, “You’re one protective little girl, aren’t you?” You address her, before turning to Bucky again, “I bet she knows I’m sure about you now, and there’s nothing she needs to worry about.”
“Is that so?” Bucky grins.
“That's so.” You nod, leaning over to place a kiss on his cheek, “Although, I gotta be honest…” You say, leaning back, with a smirk, “I thought it would be harder to win you over now.”
“Sweetheart…” Bucky puffs with a scorning expression, shaking his head, “The sooner you learn this the better: I’m a sucker for you.”
Your smile widens and you lean in to kiss him, but something catches your eyes behind his shoulder, “Ahm… is that my perfume?” You frown at the familiar bottle peeking out of his backpack thrown on the floor behind him.
Bucky doesn’t even look behind him, knowing he’s just been caught while you look back at him with amusement growing in your expression.
“Bucky Barnes, did you buy my perfume?” You ask with a gleeful voice.
Well, he better might as well use his armory, too, and, using the same tone of yours, he asks, “Is my name on your phone “Bucky Soft Tongue Barnes?”
You gasp, “How do you…” you start to ask, but doesn’t need to finish as you squint, “Nat…” You say in defeat.
Bucky laughs, while absentmindedly running a hand over Alpine’s back on your lap. “Face it. We’re a couple of creeps, sweetheart.”
You smile sweetly at him, “Yeah… But you’re my creep.” You lean over and peck his lips.
The sound of the door being burst open makes you yelp and almost fall from Bucky’s lap. He catches you steadily, while you hold Alpine protectively.
“Hello, lovebirds.” Nat has a smug smile on her face.
“Jesus, when will this ever stop?” Bucky glares at her, while you try to recover your breath.
“This is getting ridiculous,” you add, not bothered to leave your position on Bucky’s lap.
“Are they decent?” Steve’s voice is heard from the outside.
“Physically, yes. Morally? Never.” Nat answers, her smirk widening while she walks inside.
Steve then comes behind her, with a proud and excited smile on his lips.
“I knew this thing would work out,” Nat says, finger waving between you two.
You and Bucky look at each other and scoff, before you turn to her, “No, you didn’t. You were fucking terrified.”
Like a perfect eight-year-old and not the greatest spy on earth, Nat crosses her arms and, squinting, shows off her tongue at you.
And that’s when Alpine, still in your arms after the scare Nat gave you, hisses at her in her very peculiar and protective way. While Nat raises an eyebrow at her, your jaw drops and you exchange excited looks with Bucky before you smugly pet the cat’s head and tell her what a good girl she is.
Bucky decides, right then and there, having his two girls in his arms, that he’s the happiest bastard on the planet.
He is the one who knocks on the door while he holds your hand tightly.  Bucky looks at you and smiles. When you look and smile back at him, he wonders if his heart would ever stop altogether at that sight, cause it sure feels like it every single time.
“Hey, oh-“ Eddie gulps down his words when he sees you at his door along with Bucky.
He obviously wasn’t expecting Bucky to be there, too, and it brings a smirk to Bucky’s lips, his fingers intertwined with yours.  
“Can I get my stuff now?” You ask and the sheer disdain in your voice could be enough to make Bucky hard right then and there, but he focuses on the glare on his face at the stupid short asshole in front of him.
Eddie’s gaze lifts from the joined hands before he looks at you and nods, an astonished expression on his face.
The scowl on your expression eases when you look back at Bucky with a smile, “Wait for me?”
“Sure sweetheart, call my name if you need me.” He smiles back before you lean in and peck his lips in front of Eddie.
Oh… his mischievous girl.
Without sparing one glance at the man on the other side of the door, you walk past him towards your former bedroom.
At the very same second Eddie makes a move to go after you, his shoulder is swiftly pushed against the doorframe by a metal hand.
“I know for a fact I can smash your head using only one of these,” Bucky waves his metal fingers in front of Eddie’s face, “That’s the reason why I haven’t laid them on you, yet, cause you know… I’m a good guy and stuff…but I’m willing to forget all about that and do it anyway if you take another step towards her,” Bucky threatens through his clenched teeth, “Am I clear?”
“Y-yes,” Eddie stammers, widen eyes on the metal hand.
“Now you go and sit on that pretty couch… which I know quite well, by the way,” a wicked smirk curls his lips, before the deadly glare shifts Bucky’s face again “And you wait there until we leave.”
When Bucky lets go of Eddie’s shoulder, the guy rushes to the sofa and stays there. Completely quiet and still, avoiding Bucky’s unyielding stare on him.
Minutes after, Bucky catches your packed bags for you and you walk away hand in hand without looking back.  
As he takes quick steps to his place, Bucky can’t believe he’s finally going to see you again. Ever since you two finally set things up, work has been a complete bitch. He’s been called to another emergency mission, from which he has returned this morning, but then has been stuck in a conference room ever since. Fucking Nick Fury…As for you, you also had to work on the reports of your mission with Thor, and not even by phone you two have been able to talk much.
To be honest, it’s been only a couple of days, but now that he knows you love him back, he can’t wait to have you in his arms… and in some other parts of his body that’s been aching for you, too.
Thank God for Tony Stark, who just couldn’t cope with you staying at a hotel and, in a matter of hours, there was an apartment in the Tower waiting for you. Now that he’s only a few floors away, he plans on taking a quick shower and running straight to you.
His pace halts once he’s at his door. He frowns. Something’s out of place. Positioning his flesh hand over the gun on his thigh holster, he slowly turns down the knob of his door.
“Please, don’t shoot me.”
The sweetest of sounds, the sound of your voice makes him let out a relieved sigh right before a smile crosses his lips. He moves his hand away from his gun to open the door fully. The sight he catches when he does, takes his breath away all over again.
The lights are dim, only scented candles illuminate the place while rose petals pave the way from the door. There’s a small round table right there in the adjacent dining room, set with fine dishes and glasses and decorated with a crystal vase and fresh flowers.
But not as beautiful as you. Standing there in his living room, wearing a short lace black dress with thin shoulder straps and a V-neck that makes his mouth water. You won’t be wearing that much longer, that much he knows as his pants become tighter.
He doesn’t realize for how long he’s been staring at you, until you move your gaze away for a second, biting your lips and scratching the back of your ear, “Hi,” you whisper and Bucky can see your shoulders getting a bit tense, “Welcome to our first date.” You give him a cringing smile and lift your arms, gesturing for him to see around the place, “Hope it’s not too much, though… I did spend a few hours fixing this up, Alpine was a doll and has been here keeping me company until she got bored and went to take a nap, I guess. I did not have time to cook but Tony offered his personal chef services and all we need is to call-”
After a few long steps he shuts your sweet nervous rambling by pressing his lips on yours. He pours all his love into the gesture and hopes he can erase whatever vestige of doubt and insecurity in that pretty mind of yours.
“I was dying to see you, sweetheart,” he says, breathing hard, just as you do, when he parts away, keeping both his hands on your cheeks, while you circle your arms around his waist. “This is… “ He looks around, “Incredible… You… shit… you look fucking sexy.” He groans, giving your body a once over, which makes you chuckle, “I’m only sorry you beat me to plan our first date. I should be the one to make all of this for you,” he says, tenderly brushing his thumbs on your cheeks.
You smile at him and tilt your head to place a kiss on his hand while one of yours starts drifting down his chest, “I’m still in debt with Little Bucky, aren’t I?” You wink at him while your wandering hand cups his cock through his pants, making him suck in a harsh breath, “And from now on I’m going to romance the shit out of you.” Your smile turns into a mischievous smirk.
“Shit,” Bucky breathes. Smiling, he leans over and captures your lips again. Not so gentle this time, since your cheeky words and your touch only makes the fire in him burn even hotter.
His hand drops from your face to your waist and he pulls you to him before he adventures down your ass, grabbing a handful of it through your dress, which makes you whimper through the kiss.
God, he loves the little sounds you produce when he touches you like that and he’s determined to coax a bit more out of you when he dips his hand under the hem of your dress and grabs your ass without the fabric’s barrier. But he’s the one to make a strangle sound to find out you’re wearing nothing underneath it.
“Fuck.” He parts from your lips only to ravish your neck, “Can the food wait a little, sweetheart?”
“Fuck yeah… please.” You pant, still brushing your hand on his aching cock.
He drags his lips to yours again, making the kiss deep and sloppy, savoring the feel of your tongue on his, the sweet taste of your mouth. You hike up your thigh around his waist, and his hand moves from your ass to between your legs. You moan through his lips and he groans to find you wet and ready for him.
His naughty, naughty girl.
“Honey…” He breaks the kiss but keeps his finger drawing little circles on your lips, watching closely while your swollen lips part and your eyes flutter. “I promise I’m gonna take my time and properly savor you throughout this whole night, but right now?” He pants and shoves a finger inside your damp cunt, “I just can’t take any longer, I need to have you. I want you so badly, do you want me, too?” He coos, curling his fingers on the point that always makes you yelp, gaining the aimed reaction from it.
“Fuck…” You curl your arms around his neck and lean over to whisper on his ear, “Always, baby. Always… I want you to rail me.” You grind your hips on his hand, like you’re desperately trying to get off solely from that.
“Dear God, I fucking love you.” Bucky bites the crook of your neck, but removes his finger from your pussy to grab your ass again. When he makes you come for the first time that night is going to be with his cock deep inside you, not his finger.
Breathing hard, you lean back and drop your leg. You quickly start working on his uniform. Not long after, you let out a frustrated groan. “Who the hell makes those?” You frown, fumbling with the complicated stripes.
“No time to deal with that right now,” Bucky states, and with ease, he handles you, ruthlessly, just like the way he knows you love, until he has you seated on the big and fluffy armrest of his couch.
He twists your legs to the side over the cushions, “Let me see that pretty pussy,” Bucky pants, voice thick with desire, lifting your dress just enough to give him the view and the access, “Shit…” he curses under his breath when he catches an eye of your glistening folds.
While he keeps himself on his feet, he works on his belt and zipper with one hand and holds your hips with the other. He absolutely loves the way you’re looking up at him, with that gaze of yours of sheer anticipation, lust and satisfaction he always saw in your eyes, but now, there’s something more. Something else… love. Hell, if that doesn’t make him even harder for you.
“You make me so fucking hard, sweetheart,” Bucky pulls his aching cock away from his confines and without waiting another second, he bends his knees a bit to align with your position and enters you.
“Holy shit,” you both gasp in unison.
At the comforting feeling of your warm and tight cunt - fucking finally - Bucky just holds back and, encouraged by the sweet begs coming from your lips, he supports one of his knees on the cushions, holds your hips still and starts fucking you. Right there, over the armrest of his couch, you both fully clothed, but desperate for each other.
You feel so damn good around his cock, and so damn beautiful with your cheek sunk deep on the sofa, your hands holding yourself on where you can, eyes closed and lips parted, sweet and filthy sounds coming out of you.
Bucky feels his core tighter and tighter and he knows he’s not gonna last long. He’s been waiting for this for so long, so desperately. He loves you so much. He wants you so much.
He tells you that, while he shoves his cock relentlessly inside you and leans down, not resisting to pull one stripe of your dress to expose one of your breasts to him. You cry out when he grabs the soft flesh. His hand moving in the same rhythm of his hips. Hard and deep.
“Holy fuck, baby, I’m gonna come,” you announce and, as soon as you open your eyes and your gaze meets his, your cunt squeezes his cock and you cry out. Not moving your hooded eyes away from his while you soak his cock with your climax.
Bucky is done for. If there had been any doubt of how much he’s a sucker for you, now it would be completely vanished.  But, in fact, there hasn’t been any doubt about that in him for a really long time.
Having held himself back for a while now, the look on your face and you calling him “baby” are enough to make his pace become erratic and drive him to his own release.  He moans and pants through the explosion of ecstasy, shoving his hips a few more times in you and filling you up with spurs of his pleasure.
You’re still fighting to breathe when Bucky leans over and crashes his mouth on yours, giving you a bruising kiss before sliding out of you and dropping his body on the couch next to you, not without pulling you with him.
He places you on his laps and you straddle his hips. You hold him, sinking your head on his neck, breathing him in. Your body shakes with the aftershocks of the pleasure you have just shared. The best orgasm he’s ever given you, the first one after you acknowledged and shared your feelings. Feels different… better… How you missed this… missed him…
“Enjoying our first date so far?” You ask, the sound of your voice coming out raspy and still breathless.
“Couldn’t be better,” he speaks, his hot breath fanning the skin of your neck.
You hold him even tighter and then giggle when you feel the wet touch of his tongue right there on the sweet spot between your shoulder and neck. You turn with the intention to kiss him and that’s when you realize he’s still in his mission uniform and you feel the fabric of your dress clinging to your skin, sticky with sweat.
You smile at him and brush your lips on his before getting up and, pulling him by the hand, you guide him to his bathroom.
This time he helps you with the strips of his gear and takes off your dress, before you two step into the shower. Nothing sexual happens, but that shared shower it’s one of the most intimate moments of your life. You leather him and he washes your hair. You play splashing water on him, and he kisses you. You hold him and he tells you he loves you.
After the shower you should’ve come back to the dining room and ordered your food, but he takes you to his bed instead.  
You get between his legs and suck his cock, slowly, reverently, peppering sweet and small kisses all over it until you swallow his pleasure. He kisses and licks and bites every little inch of you, savoring you like he promised he would. He makes you come with his tongue right before he enters you again. Forehead to forehead, breath to breath, skin to skin.
“I love you” is whispered repeatedly between harsh breaths and long and deep thrusts. His hands and lips on your skin. Your teeth on his. With his cock in your cunt and his finger on your clit he begs to see you come, to squeeze and soak his cock and, after you do, completely out of breath, he reaches his climax, too. Like he always does, he finds pleasure by giving you yours.
Your man. Your love. Your Bucky.
He stays beside you while he kisses you, neither of you willing to break the connection, yet.
When he looks down on you, there’s something of mischief on his loving gaze and on the beautiful smile on his lips, “So…Little Y/N missed me, too, huh?”
Your eyes widen for a second and you choke on your laugh, “No.” You shake your head while he laughs, “Don’t even start. Absolutely not… But goddammit, you’re cute,” you pull him to give him a smooch on his lips and then on his nose, “Now...” you say, while he keeps the adoring gaze down on you, “I love you so much. But can we move forward with our first date and eat something?” You cringe, “I’m starving and it’s all your fault. And Little Bucky’s.” You quickly add.
His head falls back and his nose scrunches in that adorable way of his while he laughs, “Alright, let’s go… but first,” he stops you with his lips on yours when you excitedly try to get up.
The kiss is long and soft and everything you’ve ever dreamed of. The hell with food, you’re pretty sure everything you need is right there, on top of you, kissing you and loving you like that, making your heart flutter and turning your legs into jelly.
You almost whine when he breaks the kiss and rests his forehead on yours, “You know,” he whispers, “I found out that it’s not just my buddy down there who has a strict preference,” he smiles cheekily, and you can’t help but smile, too, before he puts on some playful and exaggerated drama on his voice, “Turns out, my poor old fragile heart has it, too, and I’m gonna need you to take good care of it.” He brings your hand over his chest, “Do we have a deal?”
Your smile grows even bigger, filled with love, before you give him your answer.
A/N 2: There it is, guys, this was my attempt at writing some light and fun rom-com. I really hope some of you have enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. It feels like I say this every time I finish a story, but I had so much fun writing it, this might be my favorite story so far. It’s definitely my favorite Bucky and I can’t part from him. That’s why I have a few oneshots planned so we can get a glimpse of their sexy adventures throughout their relationship, things that might’ve taken place during their deal, but also after what we’ve seen here in the main story.  
I can’t thank you enough for the incredible support I’ve received for this story, I feel so fortunate for having such amazing readers, who I consider as a very important part of my life. I tried to engage and interact with most of you, sorry if I ended up missing a few responses. I do read and reread the comments and asks often, though. You make my days brighter. Thank you. Love you.
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