#but this is like solo shit based on a fictional character
eddienashtonn · 9 months
ok y’all i have 4 riddler songs written they are called riddle me this, puzzle king, rat race, and (un)mask and i am currently making a beat for riddle me this
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codyjey · 4 months
So, we're really still on this whole, "Roman is abuser, he abused his cousins" train, huh? You know, I'm really trying my best not to make this a racial issue, but a lot of you have been telling on yourselves and showing your true colors quite a lot ever since all this stuff with Cody and The Rock has gone down. Because I never white wrestlers who have played heel and whose characters have done way worse than what Roman has done get this level of criticism. Everyone gives them a pass. But I guess because Roman isn't a white man, that's why he doesn't get one and why everyone just loves to shit on him in general. I really just can't with people anymore.
okay first of all, where did I ever mention that he *abused" them in my post? second of all, sure there's a really bad racism problem in the wrestling fan base, just like there is in every fanbase but I don't think this is one of those cases. It's a storyline. there are other storylines where it was "abusive" relationships. (I put abusive in quotes because it's more manipultive than anything) . he was constantly convincing both Jimmy and jey to do whatever he wanted, and he still does that with solo and Jimmy! like if you have fucking eyes you would see thats just how the storyline is! it's manipulation, not abuse and I could agree that we need to be careful throwing around the word abuse in any context, fictional or not. and yes, wrestling has a racism problem but imo, this is not one of the problems. it's just people anylazing their storyline. I don't have any malicious intent with my words, and I sincerely hope anyone who does have bad intention when talking about this storyline gets mental fucking help and gets the hell away from me and everyone else. thanks.
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@lasalebete more sio infodumping now wahoo *crowd goes fucking silent*
May as well start from the beginning...
To put some backstory context in, her family is from a long line of Coruscentian (the kingdoms name) Emperors since like....the year 625 (clarification that this is a fictional place and ADs and BCs aren't actually determined just yet cuz we haven't needed to do anything abt that) (and extra clarification that the current year in The Realghms is approx 1380).
If you were to imagine Sio race-wise then she's mixing between a slight middle-eastern (maternal) and a white Mediterranean (paternal)
Basically imagine pretty much Turkish and Greece
Cuz like...her ginger hair is SO common in Turkey and Greeceeeeeee (my only defense is that her features are entirely based on me I'm so sorry)
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(Shit drawing but ah well)
*ehem* anyway
Her dad, Demetrius (*insert surname that I won't use for personal reasons here*) was a traumatised war veteran who likely fought in the same war that Sio fought in when she was 16 (99 Years War). He came home veryyyyy traumatised, he was depressed, a heavy drinkerrrr, VERY victim-blaming, especially on Sio. Sio's Siblings, Zehraei and Bayezid were infinitely more favoured than her, even though Bayezid died of an illness when he was still little. As the years went on Demetrius went on to continue abusing her (via manipulation and guilt tripping), whereas her mother, Aylinei, seemed to be completely oblivious to his behaviour (I think that she knew all along but since she prefered Zehraei to Sio, and that she didn't want to be hurt by her husband, then she just never stood up for it HAHA GREAT MUM INNIT) !!!
Fast forward to 1361. VERYYYY important year for Sio and Elias (some reasons I won't indulge in yet cuz the essays would be far too long). In the capital city that they both resided in, called Annen, was sieged by the opposition army (Malusians) from the 99 Years War. During this time, Zehraei is brutally murdered by a soldier, and the family is destraught (obviously, icl Zehraei was actually a good person unlike many blursed characters). Her parents (and grandfather Orpheus) are SO destraught, not only because they're favourite daughter had died but also because this meant that all they could now rely on to continue their family tree was from this odd little teen who never found any interest in men whatsoever (oh how untrue that is mwahahah).
Then. Some bomb (or sumn like that) went off on the street while the family was fleeing the city, which knocked down the city watchtower. Fortunately, Sio was quite a bit further than them, having not noticed the large falling tower noises going on in the background since she was trying to calm herself via Stairway to Heaven playing in her headphones (long story as to why she's got access to both modern technology and led zeppelin that I won't go into yet).
So yeah, basically. Errrr maybe sound effects might put gjbe a better insight as to what happened to the rest of the family afterwsrds
*CRASH BANG WAP CARDI. B.* *body-crushing noises*
dw, sio noticed her family had all just been killed by that watchtower eventually, however she was a little disappointed that she had to pause jimmy page's guitar solo nearing the end of the song (cuz it's banging).
After all this she is hella sad tho she's also a bit relieved they're dead cuz now she has some actual freedom (elias probably helped her get grounded numerous times for like, time travelling).
Then there's a bit of a gap in timelines from where her family dies and where she signs up for the army BUT THATS FOR ANOTHER ESSAY CUZ GODAMN THAT WAR GOT SOME IMPORTANT SHIT
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hahahax30 · 1 year
Today I was talking about (nonexistent) Spanish rep with one of my friends, and I suddenly remembered one of the things that bother me the most about tsc. This is going to be a rant lol.
I don't actually mind not having Spanish characters in books, even though it would be nice, because I live in Spain and can read Spanish books if I want Spanish rep. However, I do think cc should've written a handful of Spanish characters.
You know Alicante? As in Alicante, the capital of Idris aka the shadowhunters' home country? Well, it's an actual city in Spain, cc liked its name and decided to use it, which is perfectly fine but I feel like she should've offered some degree of payback in the shape of some Spanish representation. It's only natural: you take a name (not get inspiration from) from a country that's not yours, you give them something back and even mention in passing that hey, there's another city in Spain called Alicante.
No matter how much I adore tsc, I'm still salty that it took her a decade to write a Spanish character in one of her books. And that character turned out to be Manuel fucking Villalobos. You make the character of the country whose name you gratuitously appropriated --again I don't necessarily mind that-- a sadistic villain who only cares about himself? Come on, Manuel reads like a worse person than Spain's fascist dictator.
I really, really hope there's a Spanish character in twp that has a half-prominent role, because it's not fair that we have to make do with Manuel Franco Villalobos. Especially since, you know, a prominent element of shadowhunter worldbuilding is Spanish. Also there's literally no Spanish representation in English YA fiction, nothing, besides Manuel. Spain was systematically horrible throughout history, and I won't deny that, but if authors can write good British/French/Japanese/etc characters, they can also write Spanish characters that aren't fundamentally awful. It's just so frustrating that literally the only Spanish character in YA is a piece of shit, and that his author based her holy capital in a Spanish city. So, yeah, cc better give us Spanish jesus or something in twp or I will riot.
Also, something that fundamentally has little to do with Spain particularly and more to do with the hispanic world as a whole: why the fuck do the hispanic characters refer to themselves by their maternal/second surname? It makes no sense whatsoever. In any case they would use the first surname since that's what happens irl. @littlx-songbxrd tu lo entiendes pq yo no (also lee este párrafo solo q sino te aburres lol).
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This is the LAST Goddamned Time I'm Snitching on Witchtok
Hi, gang. It's me again. 
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Witchtok has come onto my damn feed once again, when I should be simping over fictional characters and questioning my life choices from said fictional characters and also learning my aesthetic in people's WIP worlds they made based on my FYP alone. Cause that's fun. People are so damn creative~ But this ain't about that sadly!
Now, I'm not gonna sit here and continue to snitch on fucking Witchtok like y'all don't know witchtok is bad. This isn't gonna be my platform.
Witchtok is fucking bad. Just...rule of thumb.
But we here are and the title says what it says so—!!
Just checking really quick...y'all know not to do spells intending to make people fall in love with you...right?
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It's...not nice. To say the very least.
And by love spell I don't mean making yourself more attractive and you know just catching someone. By all means you're just enchanting your net to cast wider. Just be careful with what you reel in you know...Florida water and the like, whatever you know...that's not what this is about.
By all means if your partner is consenting to a love spell where you two (or more, polyamory and all that, so long as everyone is enthusiastically consenting) can grow closer with each other where the shit is mutual, or just flat out consenting to sex magic and reaping the benefits to that, go right ahead. Get your freak on.
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But using magic to make a random person or someone of your affections look at you romantically? Not cool. Massive ethic no no. Don't fucking do it.
Also... menstrual blood in people's food is...gross to say the very least. Don't do that. Don't listen to people who advise you to do those things. For a time, it was going around my feed, telling you how to strategically hide it from your partner so they don't know and just...it gives me roofie vibes you know? Lemme bind this person to me for good because I want them.
Sounds real healthy...
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Yes, it was a method used back in older times to keep a man from cheating. But that's was like 1800 early 1900's Voodoo/Hoodoo shit and that's where it should stay. Times back then were not as aware as the contaminants and health risks that kind of shit brings like we are today. Let it be a product of its time, please for fucks sake.
Also...no... No, it will not work on a deity to fall in love with you (tf is with people trying to get at the deities all of a sudden?). No you cannot love spell a god to be at your beck and call. 
Godspousing is a huge commitment and should get the respect it deserves. This ain't the way to do it! Also just...massive kudos to godspouses in general. Y'all some real ones.
It's not just the previous idiot from my other post about witchtok, though I believe they did some dumbshit regarding this too, going after Loki. But also there are other people are messing with shit they have no business in and then telling others to do the same. That is where I draw the line. Get fucked by your own consequences if you want to, but do not drag others down with you in your fuckery.
And for those who have been like, 'oh its just satire its meant to be funny.' I fail to see what joking about shit like that is funny. And if it is truly meant to be a joke where witches who believe they can do some massive disrespect like that are the punchline, they need to be much clearer and work on their humor execution. Cause, this ain't it.
Bottom line: Love Spells (without consent of all parties) are just wrong. As an experienced witch on here once said,
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Just don't do stupid shit. For the love of everything. Please. Especially don't try some shit on the gods. They will solo you, without effort.
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The nerve to insinuate that Brian & Roger were waiting for Freddie to die to have their solo careers is.... something. It's like these people live in their own make-believe world, where these two are some evil men who hated and resented Freddie with everything they had when it couldn't be further from the truth.
Freddie was also always supportive of the solo works I can find a handwritten note from Freddie to fans telling them he hopes they enjoy Roger's solo work as much as he does. And he gave Brian his blessings. In what universe would either of them take that and say... yeah we don't want that support. They could atleast make shit up that is somewhat based in reality.
The last para was just me trying to rationalize the words because I don't want to admit some people just want their evil ass scenarios to be true.
It reminds me of an ask I got this past week pointing out how weird it is for people to prefer to think Brian and Roger were secretly homophobic and disgusted by Freddie the whole time—why do these people want some of Freddie’s closest friends to have actually hated him? It’s freak behavior, but to me, it makes sense if you consider that these people become detached from the fact that they’re talking about real humans and not fictional characters. They don’t care about how terrible it would be for Freddie if Brian and Roger were disgusted by him and wanted him dead, because they’re not thinking of Freddie as a real person anymore, but as an entity to project their weird grudges onto and to give them legitimacy, as I said previously.
It’s also why some of the worst fandom takes (“Brian and Roger hated Freddie! Brian is projecting onto Freddie! Brian and Freddie weren’t actually close! Brian and Roger prefer Adam to Freddie!”) are detached from reality, because none of this is about what’s really happened, but internet randos’ weird grievances that are borderline fanfiction. They also feel weirdly possessive of Freddie and get angry when people he knew do something they dislike (such as collaborate with Adam) or say something about Freddie which goes against their headcanon (this is the root of the “Brian is projecting!” takes), so they feel like they have more of a right to speak on Freddie’s behalf than the people who knew him (“Freddie would hate Brian now!”) and act like they care about their rock god fantasy character more than the people who knew the real man do.
It’s all so maladjusted.
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museenkuss · 1 year
Thank you for your nonjudgmental and thorough response.
I guess you can say I started reading that stuff last summer, unplanned. I was looking thru some tags and I stumbled upon a Rey/Ben solo one. Just clicked and read it without even realizing what I was getting into.
And after I saw the tags, I was scared tbh. I felt gross but it only made me curious to know why a big chunk of authors were writing this trope. And even more people reading it. So I got into it.
After awhile it became cathartic. I read it not because I found sexual pleasure in it, but I could see my naive self as a teenager in these characters. I was sexually assaulted a lot by strangers and related men. Till the point that I didn’t even physically react after awhile. This was me growing up in a 3rd world country. Consent was an alien concept and still is.
So now my head normalizes all the dark, gore and taboo topics. For me I feel freer everytime I read some fucked up shit. But I’d KILL someone if they went after someone young IRL. I’d protect them with my life. I don’t okay that shit IRL.
I just get lost in the fictional world. And I know it’s bad, trying to get outside that mental state but whenever I read fluffy stuff I don’t find enjoyment in it.
Sorry this got a lot. And I hope it doesn’t weird you out. I just felt like sharing it with you.
Thank you for sharing! I'm incredibly sorry you've had these experiences, that's beyond horrible. My heart goes out to you and I hope you're at a safe place where you can heal and grow.
In general - but especially with this context - I just need to say again that reading dark stories (or engaging with dark topics in fiction in general) doesn't make you a bad person. Fluffy stories aren't for everyone. There's a little webcomic that came to mind that you might've come across on tumblr already with the caption "different stories resonate with different people". Maybe it's a little more focused on the writer, but it's still very relevant here I think. To me, it really summarised the whole question of "why do you read/write stuff like that????" - Because sometimes, it helps.
That's why it made me sad when you said you "know it's bad", because really, reading those stories isn't a bad thing. You're reading something, that's all. That's not hurting anyone. I know I keep repeating myself but I know we can feel shame or guilt about things we engage with or have an interest in and I don't want you to feel that way. It seems that you found yourself reading something that resonated with you based on your experiences. That doesn't make you a bad person.
Also, you're not alone in this. Finding certain tags and being shocked, intrigued, curious or scared, and then doing research, reading some more, reading a lot more - it's not uncommon at all. It happened to me, too. Sometimes, I look back at stories I was super invested in and liked a lot and am surprised at how dark they are. But then I think that at the time, they helped me in some way. I read them for a reason, maybe I needed to read them. I don't feel guilty for that. Maybe in the future I'll look back at stuff I'm reading right now and will be equally shocked, but right now that's what I want to read for one reason or another.
If you start to notice that it's actively making you miserable, I'd advise you to switch gears for a while because sometimes, we can be stuck in a downward spiral and (intentionally, maybe) make ourselves miserable. I've been there before and found myself binge watching south park (of all things) because it made me feel horrible and I was sad and stressed. In that case, I had to tell myself at some point "this isn't helping me, I just end up feeling worse about myself, also I'm procrastinating doing things I have to do or enjoy doing by doing something I don't enjoy." - if that sounds familiar, maybe try stepping away. In either case, be kind with yourself.
This got SO long again, but I hope it was still a little helpful. Again, I'm sending a lot of love!
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thattimdrakeguy · 2 years
I Love Tim A Lot Which Makes Things Hurt
I care about Tim as a character way more than I should. There is no denying that.
That said, I am legitimately depressed, after having a day that I was mostly feeling good in until I visited the Tim Drake tag. That’s where I found out Tim was going to get a solo. And most people are excited, and again I’m happy for them. But I have no interest in it. That makes me upset.
But now I have to look at my favorite character and realize that I’m going to have to deal with half-assed content that only gets a pass based on something that happened last year, is going to drive me insane.
But this fandom, and his current writer that looks like he’s stuck with for the foreseeable future has just driven all my enthusiasm away. Fans that clearly don’t really care too much bitching. Like saying “They’re making Tim Robin again???” when he’s been Robin for a couple years now, like, oh yes, I truly feel the passion.
And it sucks. I see Tim has a solo, my heart sinks, I see who’s writing it, it’s the person who makes Bernard the least interesting love interests in a long ass time despite the fact she made Tim and him a couple, it’s the person who ignores everything Steph and Tim went through together that made them at odds with one another to pretend everything's all cute, the person who clearly can’t write Young Justice well, that’s his writer.
Then I read the summary, it takes a dig at Damian. Holy shit, fuck.
That’s just asking for people to shit on Tim. Who the hell thought that was a good idea? Everybody’s favorite Robin? I LOVE TIM. HE IS MY FAVORITE ROBIN. But oh my gosh, shut the fuck up, that’s such a shitty thing to write into his summary. That’s asking for people to hate on him.
And then I see the fandom, cheering on bottom of the barrel content, making a big deal out of things that aren’t that great, because they’re just happy to see their characters no matter what.
I don’t hate these people. I am truly happy they’re happy, but it’s overshadowed by my dislike of how this is the situation. Bad content being cheered on. Meaning we’re pretty much stuck with this now.
There’s no part of me that truly wants to sit through reading content that plays dumb to things, and gets stuff blatantly wrong, or honestly causes offense because of how stereotypical and trivial Tim’s gay romance is, despite the fact I do love them as a fictional couple--It’s just that I can’t tell the truth and say that I’m happy Bernard is a stereotypical twink that gets nothing to work with.
I can’t deal with another writer who thinks Tim and Steph are soul mates when it’s been obvious since the start that they’re not. I don’t hate Steph, I just hate their fucking relationship because it’s written so poorly. But now because she usually shows up because writers think she’s something she’s not, I get sick to my stomach seeing a character I used to love because I know it’s going to be written horribly like a possession.
I can’t deal with a writer that didn’t even seem to do basic research into Young Justice to figure them out. Instead coming off like they read some fan fictions or some crap.
And I can’t with a fandom that treats every crumb like it’s gold, or hates on shit that doesn’t need to be hated on, and keep saying stuff that doesn’t mean what they think it does.
It’s such an unhappy environment for me, but I really don’t want to leave Tumblr. I been on this site for so many years. I’ve made a lot of friends, and lost a lot of friends. As much as I don’t like it I still love it. I don’t want to leave.
But I can’t deal with this kind of stuff anymore. And I’m not likely to leave.
So I’m just asking for like, anyone that like, genuinely likes discussing comics and probably won’t want to fight me to like--talk, because I love this character, and his universe. I just hate what it’s become, and I can’t take seeing what it’s became anymore. What I love isn’t around anymore, and having one of my greatest passions become a peace of sorrow is just devastating. It’s a simple piece of fiction, but I’ve dedicated an unhealthy amount of time to it. So it’s really been effecting me.
It’s too much.
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chaos0pikachu · 1 year
My unpopular opinion. Why people stuck on one pairing of actors, in a way that if A and B breaks, they mourn or grieve. I really would be bored of seeing same couple in different dramas. Just like in straight dramas actors work with different co actresses and their chemistry works. I would love to see my faves ramming different actors out there. Work new pairings, bring old pairing back some dramas later.
This is really unpopular. People ship a pair of actors. I can ship all different pairings.
okay points for saying "ramming" that shit knocked me out lmao
It's all connected to para-social relationships which I, personally, am thoroughly against like cat hissing noises against lol I hate them ppl have forgotten that Stan came from an Eminem song about a violent stalker obsessed with the objection of their idolization
Like, based solely on a capitalistic perspective, I see why both studios and actors push "pairings". Fans get attached to the characters/ships ergo they will extend that idolization onto the actors and follow them to the next project especially if the actors participate in marketing that builds up said fanbase. So the fan transference happened: fans like The Fictional Ship --> marketing happens pushing the actors as "a ship" --> fans like The "Real" Ship -> fans follow the actors into their next show/brand endorsement/what have you
Like, I get it~~~ and I get why actors like it and benefit from it too b/c being in "a pair" clearly leads to more sponsorships, brand deals, etc like, I see stuff for OffGun all the time in terms of magazines, photoshoots, brands, etc but I don't see a lot of stuff for First solo ya know? Of course I don't follow either of these three separately or apart so I could be wrong there. But like, I remember people were "celebrating" First finally having a "ship" with Khao and I was low-key pretty eh about it? Like, I like First and Khao they've got great chemistry but fuck First has great chemistry with a ton of his on-screen partners and it's a blast to go through his filmography and see what each of them bring out in him as an actor. As a fan first and foremost of cinema/film making that shit is crack to me I love it gobble gobble bitches
I also don't "ship" real life people, I can appreciate friendships and find them sweet and what not (I'm a sucker for BTS after all) but I don't ship real folks. I'm pretty neutral on RPF cause I'm to fucking lazy to care but tin hatting? Fuck that, tin hats are invasive and rude and delusional. Tin hats straight up are on the island from Lost and still managed to lose the plot along the way. Stop harassing people and talking them and making wild ass assumption these people are strangers to you.
Anyway, hope we see more change ups in the future tbh, Zee's the type of actor who has chemistry with like, everybody so why not ya know? Fluke's an amazing actor give him a different actor to work against, I think it sucks Cooheart and Kao will probably never act together again b/c Kao is in a "pair" now (they were my favorite part of UWMA tbh) so yeah, switch things up.
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dragonbookhoard · 2 years
A Few Worries
I think I’ve come to a conclusion about something.
I used to write.  A lot.  All the time.  And I got such joy out of it.
And now. . .I don’t.  I haven’t managed to eek much joy out of it in around a decade now - and I think I finally figured out why.
I care too much.
I’m worried about it being shit so I get all tangled up in all those fears.  I worry no one will enjoy it compared to the effort I put into it.
Instead of writing solo projects (original fiction, fanfiction), Back in 2008, I started to do text-based rp/cooperative writing on a forum.  I loved it.  It was instant gratification for a hell of a lot less work.  It was writing with people who cared about my characters because they interacted with their characters.  It’s why I adore D&D now.
But I miss writing.  I miss not having to rely on other people to enjoy myself.
I’m honestly not sure what to do about this, mind you.  Best guess is just to try throwing words at paper and see where it gets me without caring whether or not it’s “good writing”.  But then, I’m still not getting feedback from people who care, and maybe that’s what I miss...  Fanfiction used to give me that, but the whole community feels like it’s changed so much.  Kudos are nice, but don’t really do much for me, not like comments did back in the day.
Anyway...I just felt like speaking into the void, I suppose.  Maybe because I’m working on a oneshot I’m going to try to run on Monday and it’s got me thinking about my paralysis to work on it.
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kainisticinstincts · 7 months
I'm a big fan of Military Fiction that straddles the line between sci fi and something supernatural. Like there are drones, rogue military AI and political intrigue along with high tech gadgets but characters also merge with shadows not metaphorically but literally, Reservist Benchwarmers take on entire armies and do shit they shouldn't be able to and the enemies start considering the Main characters a supernatural and undefeatable force and maybe they are right.
The biggest examples of this for me are Metal Gear, Gundam and Ace Combat. Like Metal Gear is obvious with Psychic mediums and Psycho Mantis and Throwing a burning whale at a helicopter but Ace Combat has a lot of weird implications between the Aces of Razgriz, Cipher being King Arthur in an F-15C and the soundtrack literally calling Mobius 1 the lamb of god. Gundam as well with basically everything involving Newtypes even if the transhumanist themes are downplayed in later iterations.
I'm writing a fic set in 40K about a PDF squad holding out against an planetary invasion and turning the tide and this is the exact vibe I want. The protagonist going from Benchwarmers to fighting through entire bases solo and Killing an fucking Astartes squad in an equal fight with the implication that something is off about them.
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dimiclaudeblaigan · 1 year
Scrolling through the fe tag and getting Annoyed bc I just saw a post that was a very thinly-veiled dig at dimitri/blue lions fans for the cardinal sin of *gasp* enjoying characters for their characterization and not, like, purely for their ideologies lol. also had the classic “D is pro-monarchy and therefore conservative and bad 😥🤢🤮” and “E is anti-monarchy and therefore progressive and good 😄🔥👍” spiel that we’ve all seen a billion times, which is obvs an extremely reductive take that ignores context and other crucial aspects of E and D’s characters but whatever
I myself don’t really engage in fe3h discourse, and mostly operate under the notion that your favorite fictional characters aren’t necessarily indicative of your irl morals/politics (no matter what people say, this is, at the end of the day, a fucking video game with no actual stakes. you can like and support whoever you want idgaf). However i just wanna say that i find it genuinely astonishing that, instead of just embracing their fave’s flaws and telling everyone else to fuck off, a certain part of this fanbase has effectively gaslit themselves into believing that the openly imperialistic, warmongering, and borderline authoritarian character (tmw your cartoonishly evil henchman has a secret police force created for the sole purpose of killing people who rebel against your rule/regime 🥴) is like, an uber leftist revolutionary hero. probably so they can pat themselves on the back for being True Activists™️ bc god knows they don’t do shit irl lol
People need to get out more lol. It’s not like you have to love the characters for strictly what they believe in or I’d actually like Edelgard considering my frequent comparing of her and Ashnard and the fact that I actually like Ashnard.
Really, I don’t think Dimitri is pro any kind of governing system as long as the people are happy and living well. Like, if I recall, Gilbert’s solo ending only mentions that he trained the next prince and not that it was actually strictly Dimitri’s blood child. Like, given that there’s no mention of him being married or having a kid in a good chunk of his endings, you could actually argue that he just adopted a kid. Sure, it would mean his child was crowned for being his child, but it also doesn’t specify that the next king was also a Blaiddyd.
Obviously people are going to assume it was simply because “That’s How Faerghus Works”, but when there’s no mention of it, there’s no confirmation for us to go by. How do we know he didn’t just adopt some orphan that took to him considering he’s good with children? How do we know he didn’t decide to not have a Blaiddyd as king because of the emotional range they have on top of their physical strength? What if he decided it was a dangerous combination and he didn’t want his child to live with that, so decided to adopt?
The thing is, we don’t know much about Faerghus post game except that there’s another prince after Dimitri, and Edelgard would have a similar ending. It doesn’t have to be her child or even an adopted child, but eventually another emperor would have to take her place. Considering all Dimitri cares about is that his land has a guide for the people, he wouldn’t really care about who the leader was as long as his people were happy and healthy.
Which, like, if you look at irl situations, that’s not being conservative. Irl people who are in power don’t give a flying fuck about the people they have power over. You get decrepit straight rich white men who make decisions for the populace without consulting them, and they have a small group of such people who decide everyone’s fate based on what they want or think is right.
Considering how Dimitri is king because of his bloodline but actually only sees himself as a guide to help his people, seeing the people themselves as the real rulers of their own land, I’d say that’s... very unique and specific to him. In all FE games you get bloodline based leadership, but it doesn’t mean the leader is bad. Eliwood is next in line for leadership based strictly on a bloodline, but so what? He’s just a nice dude who hates war. Just because he was born into a ruling bloodline doesn’t mean he’s a bad ruler or shouldn’t be any sort of leader. Saying Dimitri is bad or conservative for living what he knows is the same saying that yeah, Eliwood is a trash conservative and horrible leader to his people simply because he’s leading based on inheritance and not uwu merit.
When you look at Dimitri and Rufus, both candidates in line for the throne (i.e. if Lambert died without any kids, the throne would automatically be given to Rufus because he’d be the only royal left), Dimitri is an amazing “ruler” (which I use in quotes because he really doesn’t rule so much as figure out what his people want and base his final decisions on that. He’s basically there to keep the peace and keep organization while letting the people have a say in how they live, which is extremely different than any other lord or royal we’ve ever had in the franchise).
Rufus on the other hand doesn’t even really rule, but instead lets the country fall apart through his lack of ruling. He may not be a crazy tyrant, but he certainly doesn’t care about the country or the state it’s in. They’re both in the same bloodline and both have immediate claim to the throne (i.e. if anything happened to Dimitri, Rufus is immediately next in line), but despite both being born into that possibility, they both have very different ways of handling it; that being, Rufus doesn’t handle it at all, so he doesn’t go by “I’m next in line after Dimitri if he has no children but I don’t care to rule even if it tears the country apart”. Does that make him better than Dimitri simply because he isn’t ruling when he could be when Dimitri hadn’t come of age? By these people’s arguments, yeah, he’s the better ruler because he’s not being “conservative”. Fact is, he’s not ruling at all, so they’re seeing a Blaiddyd who could rule deciding not to. So, by their standards... Rufus is good and progressive.
You could be “progressive” and not go by a monarchy and still be a horrible ruler. You could have people vote in a new leader who sounds great when they tell you their plans, then they get into their new position of power and it’s all downhill from there. I’m not just saying that because of my feelings for Edelgard and Dimitri either - I’m saying that because I’m living in a country where that shit actually happens. Potential leaders will make everything sound good, and then once they’re in power, people might turn around and realize well oh shit, that was a Bad Choice.
And, you guessed it, I’m going back to my old buddy Ashnard. He’s the “last in time Tee Em” as far as anyone knows in-universe. Once he’s dead, there’s nobody to take his place because he killed everyone else in the royal family indirectly through use of the Blood Pact. So, is he now progressive and good because he knows once he’s dead that the next Stronkers person will take over for him? Knows that he Has No Children Tee Em and so the monarchy is finished? By their argument, well, Ashnard is progressive and good, all the actions he took before and after be damned. You hear that, Ashnard? You’re a good man now!
Mind you, the only surviving Daein royal wouldn’t rule anyway, so I guess he’s good and progressive too because he just wouldn't wouldn’t want to or care about that. He’s not as easily pulled into something as Pelleas, where Pelleas was just told “you’re the prince” and he was like “oh okay guess I’ll just rule or something”.
If my favorite characters reflected my morals, that would be a WILD ride. If you tried to learn about me from knowing my favorite FE7 character is Ephidel, then tried to form a solid basis about me knowing my favorite from Houses is Dimitri, I’d like to see what nonsense they cook up with that. Ephidel doesn’t even have morals or ideals but he’s still my favorite.
What you’re describing is people who can’t see flaws in their favorite(s) and are totally blind to it, which is... well, not a good thing. One thing that says a lot about someone’s favorites is how they view them and if they bash other people for not liking their favorites, yet argue all negative things about another character (for me, as an example of someone I don’t like: Ionius. I don’t like him as a person, but I do see him as a good father to Edelgard in the sense that he loves her and cares about her. I think what he’s done is shitty and I would never like him as a person, but I wouldn’t say he’s devoid of any good qualities whatsoever, because hell, at least he loves his child and just wants the best for her. Just because I don’t like what he’s done doesn’t mean I shut myself off from seeing and accepting any good traits in his character). It’s also disturbing when people think it’s good and okay for innocent people to be sacrificed/killed for a rich person in power’s goals. That’s exactly what rich people in power want. They see the people below them as pawns and see us as faceless, nameless numbers that they rule over.
Also, I believe it says a lot about someone’s maturity when they can’t accept flaws in their fictional favorites to the point of having to target another group of people and put down their own favorites in any stretched, possibly way because they can’t handle their favorites having flaws and those flaws being discussed. To me it says a lot about a person based on how they act. I feel differently about a person when I see them behave with a completely closed mind, attacking other people who enjoy a form of media and its writing, while refusing to take criticism for the things they enjoy. Some of my favorites don’t always say or do the best shit, but for some reason Edelgard stans just... can’t accept nor fathom the idea that she’s anything but perfect and firmly believe she has no negative traits and is always completely right. There’s no “that’s bad”. It’s always “sure, that’s bad, BUT”.
a certain part of this fanbase has effectively gaslit themselves into believing that the openly imperialistic, warmongering, and borderline authoritarian character (tmw your cartoonishly evil henchman has a secret police force created for the sole purpose of killing people who rebel against your rule/regime 🥴) is like, an uber leftist revolutionary hero. probably so they can pat themselves on the back for being True Activists™️ bc god knows they don’t do shit irl lol
This is basically the best way of putting it, tbh. I also agree that yeah, these are the exact people who will harass and bully people online until they delete their accounts and leave because these stans can’t tolerate anyone except their hivemind existing on this planet (and yes, you might be aware this actually has recently happened in this fandom, very specifically and noticeably being Edelgard stans who incited it for LITERALLY no reason other than to do it, and to upset someone who liked Faerghus and not their uwu girlboss who was just posting their thoughts and headcanons about Faerghus and its characters. the stans in question ignored everything that was actually happening and dragged stupid ass politics into it over a totally fiction matter and think that’s called “fucking around and finding out”. Yes, that’s how obscenely stupid these “activists” are), and these are the exact people who do nothing irl to help the real world. These are the people who cry activism, but all they do is use bullying and forceful words and don’t do a damn thing irl. The saddest part is, the leaders of the world do more for the world than they do and most of what they do isn’t even good, yet it’s still better than what these children do.
Normally I wouldn’t say their favorites equal their ideals and shit, but they literally argue about politics and what they think is right in a political setting rather than argue reasons for actually enjoying their favorites. In other words, they’re not defending their reasons for liking a character. They’re defending their political views and trying to point at a video game and say “see? hot waifu chick who fawns over you wants these things too, so I’m obviously right!”
It was never about Edelgard as a character. That’s the whole problem. It was always about defending their extreme political views and violently, aggressively hating anyone who doesn’t agree with their political views.
They just happen to like that their views fall in line with a sexy, pretty looking uwu girlboss who paints “them” and gets flustered about it. They just figured they had a hot chick who had the same views as them and liked that.
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xevishi · 2 years
The retcon was never a retcon since sotd is another universe. Everything that happened in that story never happened in the main universe because they're not the same characters just variants. Morrison borrowed some ideas for main universe but the actual story never was canon. Therefore Talia is and always was a rapist main universe. even in deathstroke's solo he called her a rapist to her face and she didn't deny it and he would know since he's one too. And in the red robin solo when Tim was getting sexually assaulted his first thought was this was what talia did to bruce to get damian.
Holding characters accountable isn't racist honey stop justifying rape because shes your fav no matter how much you try convincing people it doesn't count. It does. shes still a horrible person. only on tumblr are people so stupid to try turn a rapist, abusive, mass murderer into a good person and excuse it all because she's not caucasian. She's a rapist. She's been named a rapist several times in main canon. Enjoy your character but don't act like she's not a shit person
where do i even begin to answer this…
first off, i’m referring to morrison’s rendition of damian’s conception no longer being considered canon in the main universe; to my knowledge, it has been retconned to be consensual.
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batman and robin #2 (2011)
regardless of whether or not son of the demon was considered canon at the time of morrison’s run, it was still a depiction of talia and bruce’s relationship, and was much more accurate than whatever the hell morrison decided to write. also, talia already had many canonical interactions with bruce that displayed genuine romance between the two. morrison could’ve used those to base their portrayal of talia around. unfortunately for us, they did not.
her not denying being a r*pist in the comics you are referencing are, again, more examples of lazy writing based off of morrison’s run, rather than other appearances of talia—examples of how mischaracterization is so damaging.
the only consistent part of this trope talia’s character carries is the racism, so while i am not holding fictional characters responsible for stereotypes that are damaging to woc, i am holding authors accountable for writing bullshit stories that push said stereotypes. and never have i, or will i, justify r*pe, honey.
your argument of “only on tumblr are people so stupid to try turn a rapist, abusive, mass murderer into a good person and excuse it all because she's not caucasian” is stupid, like, really stupid. especially when white characters don’t have their shitty actions stick with them. the abuse bruce has inflicted on his kids? bad writing. your favorite rogues sleeping with the bat kids? bad writing. let’s ignore it, it’s out of character. which, yes, i agree—by all means, ignore out of character writing—but have the same energy for characters of color.
i never said—at least in a serious manner—that talia is an angel, because she’s not. no one is! talia is morally ambiguous, an anti-hero, willing to risk heaven and earth for the people she loves. her conflicting paths make for an interesting character arc; especially when it carries over into her dynamic with bruce. all of that was thrown out the window due to the morrison run. even when we get an author who knows talia and portrays her correctly, her character will be forever tainted with the idea of a “predatory woc” because of the morrison run—whether or not that was intentional on morrison’s part is not for me to discuss.
i apologize if this post—or any of my other posts—have been worded improperly. and, as always, feel free to add on, as those who add on tend convey this opinion far better than i can.
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ripperdaddy · 3 years
the viktor vector romance path + ending we deserve
Disclaimer: This is definitely something I came up with in my head. There will be a few instances that are solely made up so it can tie in with the “story.” This is purely fictional; something I wished happened if there was a possible Vik romance 🥰 This is based on my general knowledge of the game & Vik’s life. All gifs + images are from my own personal play through, but wouldn’t be possible without the help of the Appearance Menu Mod, found on Nexus Mods by the creators, MaximiliumM and CtrlAltDaz. And the shirtless Vik mod by the lovely samsnak ♡
It would start after completing the Paid In Full quest where you pay Vik back the eddies you owe him.
I feel like realistically, the general player would have to be at least halfway through the story to have collected enough eddies. I would say that a good point in the story where we can begin the romance is that you’ve already established a connection to Alt and have dealt with the VDB’s.
I think it would be a short side quest like River’s. Vik already plays a big part in the story overall on his own, so I don’t think it’s necessary to make his “side quest” too long. His romance would just be an addition to the ending.
And as much as I would love for him to be a bisexual option for both male/female V, if we’re sticking with the game’s standard with limiting partners to only one kind of partner, he would only be romance-able by a female V with a feminine voice.
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V: Finally scrounged up enough eddies to pay you back in full.
Vik: Hold on to ‘em just in case - you need ‘em more than me.
V: I’m not taking them all the way to my grave, Vik. Here. And.. thanks again for doing so much work on me ‘thout ever seein’ an enny.
Vik: That’s what friends are for.
Then, there is an additional option for dialogue to trigger the romance path.
V: Friends? I think you’ve been in and out of my body more than anyone else I’ve hooked up with in Night City.
He laughs, with a coy smile. “Well, can’t argue with you there. Why don’t we take some of these eddies and grab a drink. You know, to celebrate. Catch up on old times. Haven’t seen you round here much lately, kid.”
You agree to meet at the El Coyote Cojo tomorrow evening.
You meet around 9 PM and you are welcomed by the sight of Pepe and Vik at the bar.
V: Nice choice of venue.
Vik: Thought you’d like it. Haven't been here since.. well, you know.
V: I miss him, Vik.
Vik: I know, V. Me too.
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You immediately take a seat and tinker with a few dialogue options, where you can either have a sweet moment talking about Jackie or some surface questions to ask, like how he’s doing, what kind of drink he likes, etc. But it all winds down to Jackie anyway, where Vik confides in you about his past. Judging by how Vik was so affected by Jackie’s death, and V’s (if you chose the suicide ending), you can tell that he has lost a lot in his life, and keeps his circle very small.
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You then achieve an even closer, more personal relationship with him. But, ultimately nothing happens other than the usual, wait 24 hours in game for a text/phone call from Vik to head into the next stage. At least now, you have established the foundation for a future romance.
Halfway through the 24 hour period, you get a text from Vik thanking you for the lovely evening. No reply needed, as he calls you once the 24 hour mark hits and invites you out for another date.
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You meet at Tom’s Diner for coffee in the afternoon. It starts off with him apologizing for being emotional the previous night and asks if you’re open to hanging out again and going down to Pacifica to watch a fight with him.
Vik: Hey, V. I just wanted to apologize about last night. I didn’t mean to be such a downer.
V: It’s okay, Vik. We share the same grief.
Vik: I was going to head down to Pacifica and catch a real good match later on today. I was wondering if you’d like to come along, think it’d be great for the both of us, you know, as a distraction.
pssst even Johnny’s rooting for y’all ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Johnny: Hmm, interesting.
V: What?
Johnny: Never thought you'd be going out with this guy.
V: Vik's amazing. And I mean--we basically owe it to him since he practically saved our life.
Johnny: Don't tell me you're going out with him out of pity.
V: I'm not.
Johnny: I know, I can feel you get all mushy-gushy. It's almost repulsive. Just wanted to hear you admit it.
V: Eat a dick, Johnny.
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You arrive before the GIM and blend into the crowd.
V: Nothin’ like watching guys beat the shit out of each other to get your blood pumpin’, huh?
Vik: This is a real good matchup, V. This kid’s fresh, young talent.
V: You miss it, don’t you?
Before the fight begins, Vik shares a story about his time in the ring and coming in second in the Watson Boxing Grand Prix.
There’s some extra fun options in the dialogue, you can bet some eddies on who’s gonna win, or side with him. The fight ends, and you two head outside.
Since you’re already out in Pacifica, you head over to the boardwalk (where you would ride the roller coaster with Johnny) and he starts telling you about the last days of his boxing career and how he transitioned from the sport to being a ripperdoc.
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You both share a sweet moment with each other, reminiscing about old times and talking about V’s future with the relic. This is where I would see Vik confessing how he feels about you, mentioning how grateful he is for Jackie introducing you to him.
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The evening ends and Vik asks you to give him some time to try and dig up some footage from his storage and have you come over to watch. You can kiss him then wait another 24 in game hours before the last quest. Halfway through, he texts you and asks you what you’d like for dinner. You can opt for pizza or chinese.
I haven’t seen or read anything about how or where Vik lives. If I overlooked something, please let me know! But for the sake of the story, let’s say he does actually have his own place that’s now introduced in the game. Personally, I think he has a typical bachelor pad, like a really nice apartment. Not too far from his clinic either. He looks like he would just walk to work. Vik definitely has a lot of money, but he’s so humble I doubt he would choose to live lavishly. As mentioned in the beginning, he typically just “sleeps nights” ever since he was over “being a legend” so I’m guessing his lifestyle is very routine. He goes to work, goes home, sleep. Seems unlikely he has a place like the Peralez’s. It would probably be just the same as V’s but decorated to his taste.
The evening comes and you are over at his place. He’s dressed in just a white undershirt, no exo-glove. You get to know more about his family, how he grew up — scanning things around his place. Then he plays some footage of one of his fights for you, while you two have a conversation and share a beer. As you two sit on the couch, you get close, then have an opportunity to kiss him.
then this is where da sex happen hihihi (ノ・ω・)ノ
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The next morning you wake up and you two have a heartfelt conversation about where this is going. He already knows your situation, so I would assume he is very accepting and supportive. And with Vik, he seems like the kind of guy who would still want to be in your life and keep the friendship the same way despite no longer being together romantically. So it’s official. He’s your man 🥵 !!11!1!
Like how River gives you the “fuck the police” tank top after sleeping with him, I think Vik would give you his Night City Devils t-shirt that provides you with a significant amount of armor or some kind of cyberware upgrade that makes you invulnerable for a brief moment while using your hands to fight enemies.
Note: I was thinking of Vik giving V his boxing glove necklace, but because it's part of his character's appearance in the game, I don't think we would be able to essentially "take it" from him - unless he gives you a replica as a keepsake. Which I think would also work.
If you successfully romance, during the rooftop scene near the end of Nocturne OP55N1 (despite Vik’s disposition of him telling you to take matters in your own hands and being a little closed off), you still have an option to reach out to him when Johnny advises you to call a loved one.
V: Hey, Vik. I just wanted to say, thanks for hanging with me, until the end.
Vik: Quit talking like it is, V. Just do what you need to do.
V: I mean, think of it. It’s like I’m heading into the last round of this whole thing.
Vik: Well, in that case.. remember—keep your hands up, guarded at all times. It ain’t over just yet.
V: Heh.. I can feel it, just a few more punches.
Vik: Now look at you - the new welterweight champ of Night City.
V: Thanks, coach.
Vik: Last piece of advice from the coach's corner. Just.. be careful, kid. Remember, I’m with you.
Okayyyy, soooo I’m not the biggest fan of how CDPR gave us two of the same endings (Path of Glory). The only difference is that Rogue’s life is spared. I would have assumed that not only would we get to keep Rogue around, things should have played a bit more differently for V if we took the route of going solo against the corpos. So let’s tweak it.
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This specific ending; it should be after getting through Don’t Fear The Reaper where you single-handedly manage to rip through Arasaka by yourself. Johnny goes back to Alt & Rogue is still alive. Yes nobody dies!!!
(honestly this ending can apply to any love interest you choose)
Vik and V are now living together in a lavish penthouse, entertaining an upcoming merc to do their work for them (which is now the current POV of the player.) You were recruited by Rogue at the Afterlife, who told you to visit this couple for a real, preem job.
They give you some vague details about the gig and go on for a brief moment about what you will be doing and what you should expect. Vik emphasizes to you that it’s important you get what they need because it’s for his wife, V, as her life depends on it.
As Never Gonna Fade Away is playing in the background, they tell you to break into Arasaka HQ.
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Then the game officially ends.
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cosmic-herbal-tea · 2 years
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Tell me you don’t read Doctor Fate without telling me you don’t read Doctor Fate.
Im really not surprised Bendis has absolutely no idea about how to write characters such as this when he practically butchers them no matter what. The way he does butcher them is mild compared to most other titles he kills admittingly but still, he misses the bare minimum.
First off, his OC Xanadoth is literally basically a female Mordru. Both of those characters literally require a physical host, are intimidating to both Lords of Order & Chaos, actually attacks both, and have the “IM THE ORIGINAL” shtick going on. Ironically, this OC /can/ be tolerable because Xanadoth’s character is still a Bendis character and unintentionally, Xanadoth’s writing can be somewhat amusing due to her dialogue as a smarmy woman despite being ancient as shit.
His characterization of Khalid is pretty bare bones too and I wanna take the time to say this: not every young character has to be so inherently insecure about their mantle because it’s getting old & silly when Khalid has been Doctor Fate since DCYou (seven years in real time) & Batman’s timeline established about 4 or 5 years has passed since that timeframe give or take. Khalid was minimally 22 based on the fact he was EMT (an adult before the series) & just graduated undergrad school (assuming he started minimally 18, he graduated at 22).
He’s been mentored by Kent Nelson since his own solo. How much more mentoring does he need? Kent Nelson hardly is characterized as that despite BEING literally magically aged up & everything he learned from Nabu was sufficient enough. Khalid has been guided and chosen LITERALLY by EGYPTIAN GODS AND NABU & taught by Kent Nelson. That’s some solid ass training & guidance into his role. He was more concerned IF he was a good choice versus what is he really supposed to do. He’s not a NEW Doctor Fate considering he’s been at it for 5+ years so let’s drop that. Funny how the Doctor Fate that actually fits the Egyptian aesthetic is treated as the “new guy”. Also the “What would Kent Nelson so” line….unnecessary. Khalid’s character doesn’t need to be needlessly compared to Kent Nelson & i’m glad for the most part of his history, he has RARELY had a storyline that depicts that. That’s why I have an issue with Bendis pulling it up.
Compared to Nelson, Khalid was seen as having good potential by the Gods affiliated with HIS lineage & was chosen due to his pharaoh bloodline. That was made pretty clear so why would Khalid’s character question IF he’s meant for being Doctor Fate when his origin story comes to terms with WHY he was chosen. This type of characterization would make more sense at the very start….except 5 years has passed & he’s been Doctor Fate concurrently with Kent Nelson & mentored. This reads as an assumption on Khalod due to the character occupying a mantle usually held by Nelson but it’s past time that. The character himself didn’t need to fucking die but it was a good move for him to support a new Doctor Fate & they have done very nice moments & I wished they had more!
Also, the Wizard Shazam is a Lord of Order, not Chaos, and i’m not keen on throwing that character down the chute over morality issues, in & out of universe, when you have Batman and ALL the Robins running around and SUDDENLY, Billy Batson being a kid with magical powers & huge responsibilities is an issue. Not that the Robins don’t get bull from it but don’t talk about child endangerment in fiction when practically every DC hero endorses it actively or silently and cherry-pick when it’s right & wrong. Good job for jabbing Shazam/Captain Marvel lore.
Tldr; Bendis obviously doesn’t read Doctor Fate & falls prey to assumptions on the one of the two Doctor Fates to actually fit the Egyptian aesthetic.
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P.S: He likely got his information of Doctor Fate on WIKIPEDIA. How do I know? Im the one editing those pages myself. Osiris & Amon-Ra were RARELY mentioned as Lords of Order in universe to the point DC wiki just has them as Egyptian Gods & their designation is mentioned in PASSING. I doubt Bendis read the original DF.
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floralb0t · 2 years
ok i like cliche’s and am ignoring writers block.  here’s a list of scifi narrative cliches that i think would be fun to explore in the apex fancreationverse- i got a little rambly but here we are (no ship suggestions or anything of the like, just plot pitches)
(this is just things that jump to mind as ‘logical’, but like.... who cares? It’s a piece of fiction first and foremost, but it’s also set in a future time where science has done incredible and almost magical shit. do whatever you want if you like an idea off here(but please ping me i wanna see👁👁))
Bodyswapping - makes the most sense between the simulacra and if we push it, mrvns. Ash / Revenant / Pathfinder bodyswap? I think Path running around in Revenant’s body could be fucking hilarious. But imagine Rev with Ash’s giant ass knife.
Time loop - ok ive started a fic for this but - It makes the most sense if you use a digital gamespace playing on loop for a technological reason. Maybe a system error or something, could be group wide or specific to some people! In TV its the easiest sort of Sci Fi Bottle Episode to justify imo, so it works GREAT here. A classic escape room in the most techy of spaces really forces someone or a group of someones to come together or break apart.
Lie Detector - A heavily character driven plot where two or more people are put in a (usually) life or death situation relying on Someone to tell the truth of a situation. example below bc i think it helps it make sense why this is on the list
Stargate SG1 did this in an episode where to confirm two character’s story of an event, they both had to undergo an alien lie detector. But because the two characters were both in MEGA denial about being in love with one another, they continued to show as lying about the events until they confronted it and accepted that that was influencing why they made their choices.
The syndicate wanting to check people’s story of a an event, say the teleporting of Olympus or a rebellion against the syndicate would work well here.
Space Beach Episode - In classic sci fi, I think this would most often be getting stranded on an alien planet but I think it could work just as well as being stuck in the ring without a way out - if you take the games to be fully physical that could take hours to days depending on how long you assume a game lasts. . i’ve actually seen a couple fics like this and they’re all AMAZING.
Time Travel - you know it, you love it! Horizon is working on this bad boy, who is to say that she doesn’t get it working! A little too well in fact! Have you considered what would happen if you accidentally sent some or all of the legends lineup to the (19)90s? Or what if you sent them even further into the future?
Classic Miscommunication - This one is not Sci Fi based, but it still would work all the same. Who is to say with so many different language speaking legends we don’t get a little miscommunication? Might be tech related or it might not! Could work as a neat little oneshot or something longer depending.
Mind wipe - Self explanitory, somebody gets more or less reset. I think this could work really well with like a drama or angst heavy plot, though it may require some setup. Someone is rebelling against the syndicate either solo or in a group, and gets captured. Perhaps before every match the syndicate takes a brainscan or makes a copy of the legend. What if that captured soul got reset back to and old scan by some means? Re educated to be the perfect little lapdog? I think there’s potential there!
Doubling up - What’s a good story with simulacra and good future science without somebody ending up getting duplicated for some reason or another? It may be accidental! Whoops i just put this 1 to 1 brain scan of XYZ legend inside this mrvn. What’re they gonna do next? Or it might be intentional - no better way to be in two places at once for hyjinks than to be two persons at once!
ok thats all ive got rn but !!! hey. here they are. let me know if you like them or especially if you’re inspired by any of them!
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