#but this one's still in the back of my mind bc well uh. I live in Tornado Alley lmao.
thelastspeecher · 1 month
Working on some other stuff but got sidetracked to do this instead, so enjoy.
                 Stan’s fingers frantically scrabbled for his seat belt.
                 “What do ya mean yer not buckled?!” Angie shouted over the pounding rain.  “We’ve been over this!”
                 “Look, just help me and then-” was all that Stan managed to get out before they collided with something.  As his body flew through the windshield, above the sound of the storm, he heard Angie’s scream.
                 Stan sat bolt upright with a gasp.
                 “Oh, good.  You’re awake.”  Stan looked over.  Sitting in a nearby armchair was a redheaded and bearded muscular man.  He looked like the lumberjacks that they had come across while going through the area before.  Though Stan wasn’t used to seeing a lumberjack knitting a sweater.  “You’re lucky,” the lumberjack continued.  He set down the in-progress sweater.  “Bill doesn’t normally go out in the storms, but when he saw you crash in the yard, he ran outside to rescue you right away.”  Stan looked around the room, taking in his surroundings. 
                 He was in a large bed with a flannel bedspread.  The bedroom was cozy, full of clearly handmade furniture.  Despite the furniture being handmade, it was obviously high-quality.  Even nicer than Stan had at home.  A lamp by the side of the bed filled the room with warm light.  The lumberjack in the armchair raised an eyebrow at him.
                 “Did you hear me?”
                 “Uh, yeah.  I did.”  Stan cleared his throat.  “…Thanks.”
                 “Like I said, the person you should be thanking is Bill.”
                 “Bill is…?”
                 “My partner.  He’s out chopping wood right now.  The storm took away most of our stockpile.”
                 “Ah.”  Stan swung his legs over the side of the bed.  “I’ll thank him, then.  But, uh, first, do you have a phone?  I’ve gotta call my fiancée and make sure she’s all right.”
                 “Of course.  Come with me.”  Stan got up and followed the lumberjack, who introduced himself as, funnily enough, Jack, out of the room.  They went down a hallway, passing by a few children’s rooms and a nursery.  When they got to the kitchen, Jack gestured towards the phone.  Stan quickly picked it up and dialed the number for the motel they were staying at.
                 Angie picked up on the second ring.
                 “Stanley?” she said breathlessly.  Stan leaned against the wall, relief washing over him at the sound of her voice.
                 “Yeah, Ang, it’s me.”
                 “Oh, thank the Lord!” Angie sobbed.  Tears pricked the corners of Stan’s eyes.  “I was- I was so worried!  We hit that tree and- and ya went through the windshield and- Fidds was screamin’ at me that I couldn’t put myself in more danger, sayin’ I needed to find cover now, we’d look fer ya once the storm died down.”
                 “He was right,” Stan teased.  He discreetly rubbed away the tears before they had a chance to fall.
                 “Yer my fiancé.  Yer not s’pposed to agree with my overprotective big brother.”
                 “Yeah, yeah.”
                 “How- where are ya?” Angie asked tentatively.
                 “I guess I crashed in someone’s yard and they brought me in.”
                 “Geez.  Are ya injured?”
                 “Uh.”  As if summoned by Angie’s question, pain suddenly sprouted all over Stan’s body.  He barely stifled an agonized groan.  “I dunno about injured, but I’m definitely beat up.”
                 “No broken bones or anything?”
                 “Not that I know of.”
                 “We’ll have ya see a medical professional just in case.”  Angie hesitated.  “Um.  I’d say we’d fetch ya, but our car got wrecked in the storm and Pa won’t be here with the truck fer another couple hours…”
                 “I’ll see if I can bum a ride,” Stan said.  He looked at Jack, who gave a thumbs up.  “Yeah, they can drop me off at the motel.”  Angie sighed.
                 “Good.  We’ll have to send ‘em a gift basket or somethin’ in thanks.  I’ll see ya soon, darlin’.  Love ya.”
                 “I love you, too,” Stan said softly.  The line went dead.  Stan hung up the phone.
                 “Bill or I can give you a ride,” Jack confirmed.
                 “If I can ask…”  Jack tilted his head.  “How did you wind up in that storm, anyways?  Didn’t you hear the sirens go off?”
                 “That’s why we were here, actually,” Stan said.  Jack frowned.  “My fiancée and I are storm chasers.”  Jack let out a low whistle.
                 “That’s a dangerous job.”
                 “Somebody’s gotta do it.”
                 “Yeah…”  Jack didn’t seem to believe Stan, but he merely cleared his throat.  “Maybe avoid mentioning storm chasing to Bill?  He’s got a pretty severe fear of storms.”
                 “You said he was the one who brought me inside.”
                 “It took a lot for him to do that,” Jack said stiffly.
                 All right.  Back off.
                 “I appreciate it.  You said he was outside?  I should go thank him myself,” Stan said smoothly.  Tension left Jack’s shoulders.
                 “Yes.  He’s in the backyard.”  Jack nodded at the door in the kitchen.  “Just through there.  I’ll get the truck ready while you’re talking to him.”
                 “Got it.”  Stan exited through the kitchen door.  The backyard consisted of a large clearing with some stray toys and play equipment.  Near the back of the clearing was a man in flannel chopping logs.
                 That must be Bill.  Stan idly strolled up to Bill, silently noting that he looked more sturdily built than Jack.  Bill had broad shoulders, incredibly muscular arms and legs, a full beard, and long, curly, brown hair.  Now, that’s a lumberjack if I’ve ever seen one.  He looks like he could take me out with one punch.  Stan cleared his throat.  Bill paused to look over.  He was wearing thick, wire-framed glasses, though not thick enough to hide that his right iris was a much lighter brown than his left.  It likely had something to do with the scar that stretched across his right eye.  Bill smiled lazily at Stan.  Huh.  He looks…familiar.
                 “Glad you’re awake,” Bill rumbled.  Stan frowned.
                 That voice…
                 “That was a nasty storm.”
                 “Yeah, uh,” Stan said, trying to shake off the nagging feeling he had heard Bill’s voice before.  He coughed.  “Thanks for bringing me inside.  My fiancée woulda killed me if I wound up in the hospital.”  Bill chuckled.
                 “Glad to be of help in preventing marital discord.  Or, rather, pre-marital discord.”
                 “Heh.  Yeah.”  Stan held out a hand.  Bill clasped it with his own.  Stan’s heart plummeted to his feet.  He knew that handshake.  He swallowed and looked down.  A six-fingered hand was wrapped around his.  “You- you-”
                 “Twelve fingers isn’t the weirdest thing around here,” Bill said with a laugh.  Stan looked squarely into Bill’s eyes.  Something like recognition flickered in them.
                 “Stanford?” he asked weakly.  “Bill” stared at him.  His eyes slowly widened.
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autistic-shaiapouf · 3 months
Beginning to really wonder how much of my financial concern is manufactured and handed to me as opposed to something I'm genuinely concerned by
#bc like. i'm getting by just fine. i don't have anything to be reasonably worried about#but also when i was a kid my father would break down my mother's paycheck and basically explain how broke we were#and that May Have Affected Me Somewhat#as well as just. the way you consistently see the advice to just save! don't get takeout! necessities! and i'm not intent on living like#a monk nor am i intent on being on that grindset for financial gain#it's like i don't intrinsically care but i have so many messages given to me about how i need to care a lot and it puts me in a weird spot#i am simultaneously standing still and moving at mach speeds#i mean right now i just need a safety net while in between jobs; after that i need to save up to move out of state bc the uh#political situation and upcoming presidential election don't seem very sustainable for someone like me anymore#they weren't to begin with but i don't wanna stick around to see how bad it's gonna get#but it's like. okay and then what? save for what? going back to school i guess? idk#i feel like i keep asking myself what i'm trying to accomplish and keep trying to force myself to have answers#here and now when i have to be okay with taking things one step at a time instead of having everything here and now#it's simultaneously fine and terrible and i am holding two conflicting yet equal truths#i feel i may have a clearer head once i leave my current job. i'm trying to look but nothing feels appealing given how#burnt out i already feel. i dread going back into my workplace and i fear it's showing to the patients and i don't want that#i want a month off to rediscover who i am as a person outside of getting yelled at in retail and then pick something back up#could be feasible. genuinely could be. i need to sort out the health insurance aspect but. that's lowkey the plan?#to construct a financial safety net and then slam on the breaks for a while; see if i can strike up a deal with the staff about me#coming in for specific tasks bc we already know i'm quick and efficient with the inventory so i do have a little leverage#you know what. this is getting some of it off my chest and i'm starting to feel confident again lmao#i won't be doing weekends starting either next week or the week after so that's a start! i just think i want everything done right now#bc i'm afraid i won't have the chance again but i will. i definitely will#i just need to let myself get to that point; it's just the immense drain from the register work and the Everything that comes with retail#also having to accept that it's okay to leave this; there's not something wrong with me like. ''not being able to handle it'' or w/e#no mindfulness or detachment could've saved me; it was shit and i'm hitting the bricks and that's all there is to it#i've been thinking a lot about it all lately bc it's what's most prominent in my life rn of course#idk. pondering. introspecting. as i am wont to do#anyways if you've read all this you're a real mvp and i am kissing you on the hand#shai speaks
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seonghwaddict · 2 months
save a horse, ride your best friend — song mingi
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in which your best friend can’t believe you’ve never ridden a dick before, so he takes it upon himself to teach you.
best friend!song mingi x fem!reader. requested by anon. genre. slight fluff. smut. best friends to friends with benefits. warnings. explicit sexual content mdni, inexperienced!reader, thigh riding, fingering, use of a dildo, big dick!mingi, multiple orgasms, unprotected, creampie, swearing, nicknames (baby, angel, pretty). wc. 4k. rating. mature.
lilo’s notes. this was requested a while ago but i’ve been putting it off because… i’ve never written anything about toys being used so uh, i was worried about the pacing and stuff. i wasn’t sure if you meant for them to be in an established relationship, so i went for the fwb route. IMPORTANT!!!! i lost access to my google account bc of a stupid mistake, if you sent in a request through my google form and would still like me to see it, please send it as an ask <33 i remember a few of them, but do send yours in just in case!!
listening to. need to know, doja cat // if u think i’m pretty, artemas // moonlight, kali uchis
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it was a regular saturday evening. you were on a video call with your best friend, mingi, talking about anything that came to mind as you each ate a bowl of ramen as if you were really in the same room. he really only lived a couple buildings away, a two minute walk at most, but actually joining you in your apartment didn’t cross his mind until something interesting was brought up.
you weren’t sure what led to the conversation, but somehow it steered into the direction of something less innocent as you found yourself talking about an embarrassing date you’d gone on a while ago. recounting the story, laughing together, soon turned into a conversation about what each of you like in bed.
“oh, it’s just amazing,” mingi laughed as he gulped down a mouthful of water, momentarily pausing his rambling about how much he loves it when someone rides his dick. he ran a his hand through his short, washed-out pink hair, “honestly, my favourite thing ever since it probably feels just as good for whoever is, y’know, riding.”
based on everything he’s said so far, you came to the conclusion that he was more into giving than receiving, that he got off on seeing all the pleasure he can give his partner. so, it made sense he’d choose to mention the fact that riding him would feel good. not that you would know.
“can i admit something?”
he looked up from his bowl, sharp eyes looking almost hopeful as he nodded.
you looked around your kitchen jokingly, pretending to make sure no one sense was listened as you leaned closer a whispered, your hand cupping the side of your mouth.
“i’ve never done that before.”
his jaw dropped at that, letting out a small laugh. “you’re kidding.”
“no, really,” you insisted, going back to eating casually as if you were having the most normal conversation in the world with your best friend, “i really haven’t done… much, so i can’t confirm or deny your theory.”
“huh.” he leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms as he thought for a moment. his head tilted and it was then that you felt how warm your cheeks felt, how your thighs were pressed together under the counter. of course, he was well aware of the fact that you had much less experience than him, only knowing about two people you had slept with. but damn. he clicked his tongue and shook his head ever so slightly. “that won’t do.”
furrowing your eyebrows, you opened your mouth to ask him what he had meant by that. he beat you to it before you could get a word out.
“i can… teach you, if you want?”
you blinked at your screen, resting your wrist on your countertop and gripping your chopsticks a little too hard. a silence followed his offer, though it wasn’t awkward. in fact, he could see you genuinely considering it as you thought it over. eventually, you gave him a tiny nod.
“i mean,” you shrugged, shifting your eyes away shyly, “sure, i guess. why not?”
he grinned, trying to hide it as he shoved a mouthful of noodles into his mouth and shoved his bowl aside. he chewed, swallowed then got up and made sure to bring his phone with him. you recognised his hallways then bedroom as he walked through his apartment. “i’ll be there in like 15, i need to buy something on the way. just wait there, and where something comfortable and… um, accessible.”
you nodded, despite your confusion, and he hung up. accessible? you looked down at your clothing—or rather, lack thereof. since you were home and not expecting anyone, you’d settled on wearing just a shirt you stole from mingi that was too large for him and much larger for you, and panties. you lifted the hem of the worn shirt, assessing how much of your dignity you’d lose if he saw your pink hello kitty undergarments that you only wore if you were doing laundry.
you could already hear him giggling at the sight.
groaning and cursing under your breath, you dropped the shirt and sped to your bedroom to dig through your closet in hopes of finding something a little more appealing. after making a mess of one of your closet’s drawers, you finally pulled out a pair of less offensive panties. they were made of soft cotton; a muted light blue with thin white lace trim, the cut shaped more like a bikini than what you call your grandma underwear.
deciding they were flattering enough, you slipped off your hello kitty pair—ignoring the embarrassing amount of wetness creating a wet patch right where it was pressed against your core—and replaced it with the new pair. as you untwisted the waistband and adjusted it to fit properly, your doorbell rang and you froze on the spot before pulling yourself together and heading to open the door.
the walk to the door felt abnormally long as you stumbled over on wobbly knees. admittedly, you were a little nervous. sure, there have been times where you wanted to do some more than friendly activities with mingi, but you never actually thought it was happen. yet here you were, opening the door for him so he could come in and show you what being a cowgirl feels like.
“hey,” he greeted you softly, stepping into your home and closing the door behind him. you noticed a small plastic bag in his hand, eying it curiously as you watched him kick off his shoes and hang up his coat. once that was of the way, he took one of your hands in your free one and pulled you to where he knew your bedroom was.
once there, he set the bag down on your bedside table and dragged you to stand between his knees as he took a seat on the edge of your bed. he looked you over, lingering on the familiar t-shirt.
“so you’re the one that took this shirt, huh?” he quirked an eyebrow, glancing up at you as he released your hand and brought both of his to your hips. his thumbs caressed the curve of your waist over the shirt. “it was my favourite.”
you laughed softly, “clearly you didn’t care enough if i was able to keep it for three years without you noticing.”
“you little thief.” his nose scrunched as he glared at you jokingly, giving you a gentle squeeze.
“if you really want it back, you can always take it.”
“nah, it’s fine, keep it. it looks cuter on you anyway.” he took a breath and gave you another once over, humming appreciatively when he moved his hands up higher, dragging the shirt with it until he caught a glimpse of your panties. you tensed, caught off guard by how close he felt. “i need you to relax a little, how about i help you loosen up, yeah?”
you nodded, averting your gaze but returning it to him when you felt him pull you onto his lap. he slotted one of his legs between yours, easing you down to straddle his thigh. his hands ran up and down your sides and few times before resting on your bare thighs, your breath stuttered and he held back a smile.
“are you still okay with this?” he asked quietly, absentmindedly playing with the hem of his your shirt. “if i do anything that makes you uncomfortable, just tell me and i’ll stop immediately and we can just watch a movie or something, okay?” when you only nodded, he continued, “i need you to say it, please.”
“i’m okay with this,” you muttered in return, resting you hands on his biceps, “and i’ll let you know if i need you to stop.”
“good, now…” without waiting any longer, he leaned forward to attach his lips to your neck, his hands slowly beginning to rock you back and forth on his lap.
you sucked in a sharp breath and clung into his arms a little tighter, your stomach fluttering at the feeling of your clothed cunt on his firm thigh, your panties dragging against your clit with ease thanks to how wet you already were. he lifted you slightly as he pulled you towards him, pushing you down as he pushed, the varying pressure making your lips part in a soft whimper. he nearly groaned at the sound, moving his lips right below your ear.
“you know,” he rasped between the licks and kisses, “i can’t deny that i’ve wanted to fuck you for a long, long time now.”
mingi chuckled as he pulled back to look at your face, half surprised and half needy. he noticed that if he relaxed his hands, you’d continue grinding against his thigh.
“yeah, really. i mean, look at you,” he glanced down, one of his hands lifting the hem of your shirt to watch you ride his thigh slowly, a dark wet patch forming right where your leaking pussy sat. he bit his lip, “you look so perfect… and i bet you’d feel perfect, too.”
you nearly whined at that, fucking yourself on his thigh just a little faster as he sucked a dark mark right above your collarbone before returning to mutter dirty words into your ear.
“i know practically everything about you and your cute little body, you know. better than anyone else,” one of his hands inched it’s way up your thighs, brushing against the edge of your panties, “i’ll make you feel so good, angel, i promise.”
“mingi?” you whimpered, prompting him to lean back a little to look at you with a curious tilt of his head and a raised brow. “if you don’t shut up and kiss me right now, i might lose my mind so… please.”
his beautifully plump lips stretched into a smile as he wasted no time in practically pouncing forward and smashing his lips against yours. it started a little slow as you got acquainted with each other, despite the fact you could feel a nearing orgasm as a knot in your stomach drew tighter with each roll of your hips, but soon the kiss turned hungry.
he groaned into your mouth as you let his tongue explore, making you let out a quiet moan. mingi knew he wouldn’t be able to kiss anyone ever again. you, his best friend of all people, had the most inviting lips he’s ever felt. so inviting, so perfect and so soft. he thought everything about was soft. his hand slipped just under the edge of your panties as his other one made your grinds slow down.
you didn’t mind the slow pace, knowing just a few more rocks of your hips would have you tipping over the edge. but he evidently had other plans as he finally made your hips still completely. you pulled away from his lips with a pout. if you were trying to make him feel bad, it backfired terribly.
all he could think of as he looks at your swollen, red, wet, pouty lips is how much prettier they’d look wrapped around his cock. but he could save that for another time.
“there’s no need to rush, baby,” he chuckled, wiping some saliva away from your bottom lip.
eventually, when he was sure you had calmed down enough, he lifted you off his lap a little and turned to lay you down on your back, pressed against the comfortable mattress as he kneeled on the edge. he gripped your knees and bent them, pushing them closer to your chest with his eyes zeroed in on where your slick was leaking through your panties.
with one hand keeping your knees together and elevated, he ran his other over the fabric, pressing down on where he knew your clot would be and elicit a sweet little moan as you squirmed beneath him. he thought you were so cute like this, you looked so flustered as he gave you nothing but featherlight touches where you needed him most. for now.
“don’t get all shy on me now,” he cooed as he glanced up and noticed you covering your face with your hands, “let me see you, pretty.”
he didn’t continue his touches until you finally removed your hands, giving him a nice view of your abused lips and round eyes, pupils blown wide with lust in a way that had something stirring in his abdomen. and his pants.
he let down your knees for a moment so both of his hands could slip under the waistband of your panties, slowly pulling them down your legs. he actually moaned when he saw the strings of arousal clutching onto the fabric as he dragged it away, snapping when he got too far.
“you’re so pretty, baby,” he murmured, watching your entrance squeeze around nothing, making more slick drip out.
after tossing it aside, he wasted no time in getting your knees back to the previous position and running his fingers through your folds.
“oh, fuck,” he groaned, eyes squeezing shut for a moment as you let out a moan when he tapped against your clit, “you’re soaked.”
he glanced up at you, wanting to see your face as he slowly pushed in too fingers and catching a glimpse of your hard nipples poking through your shirt. your face contorted for s fraction of s second before relaxing, your head tipping back against the mattress as you let out a whine.
he choked back a moan at the tight walls around his middle and ring fingers, the fingers of his other hand digging into your thighs. “sh-shit… you’re so tight. i’m gonna have to stretch you out first, okay?”
you nodded mindlessly, too distracted by his fingers prodding at your sweet spot to care about any words he may have said. but you furrowed your eyebrows and lifted your head when you felt both his hands leave you, finding him reaching for the bag. your curiosity outweighed your disappointment as he pulled something out.
it was a dildo. about as thick and long as the biggest person you had before, and made of what looked to be transparent silicon. your insides tightened at the sight, somehow the thought of him seemingly buying this just for you turning you on even more.
he returned to kneeling at the edge of your bed, leaning down to loop his arm around your waist and lift you up to place a pillow under your hips before letting lay back down.
“couldn’t find one my size, but this should be fine,” he held the dildo and ran the tip through your pussy, collecting wetness as you shuddered, “my cock will just have to stretch you the rest of the way.”
you breath hitched at the implication of his words. so he was bigger than that? your thighs pressed together at the thought of being completely stuffed by him. he chuckled, separating your knees enough for him to have a clear view of your pussy, pulsing and dripping and begging for his attention.
he began slipping the toy into you, filling you up inch by inch and watching your needy hole stretch around it and swallow it up. the sight had him choking back a moan, biting down on his bottom lip.
the stretch had your back arching and pushing yourself against it desperately, feeling like that alone could get you to finish. it only took a few deep strokes for your pussy to get used to the size, squeezing and writhing around it until you couldn’t handle it anymore. your arousal coated it quickly and seeped out with each stroke, squelching sounds filling the room that shot straight to his dick.
when you finally came, your toes curled and your body twitched as you let out a string of and whines and moans, little curses slipping between. he watched with fascination as you came undone right beneath him, not wanting to wait any longer to be inside you. he shoved the toy deep inside you, leaving it there as he leaned back for a moment to discard his clothes, slipping his hoodie and sweatpants off.
when you were brought back to your senses, you found yourself on his lap again, straddling his hips this time as he sat with his back against your headboard. you felt his erectile straining against his boxers and pressing against your core. you couldn’t help but rock your hips against his slowly.
“do you ever ride your pillow?” he asked suddenly, voice dropped what felt like two octaves lower than his regular tone. your eyes widened at the question but you nodded. he nodded too, his hands finding your ass and helping you grind against his clothes length. “this is a lot like that, except you have something in you… and it’s more of an up and down movement… and i’m obviously not a pillow… still, there’s really no right way to do it, just go slow and you’ll figure out what works and what doesn’t. plus, i’m here to guide you.”
he gave your ass a squeeze as if to punctuate his sentence, massaging the soft flesh in his palms. when you felt ready, you dropped your hands from his shoulders to his boxers, palming his length a few times before hooking your fingers into the fabric and dragging it down until his cock sprung out.
he definitely wasn’t lying when he said it would stretch you more than the already-big dildo. he was definitely a lot bigger than anyone else you’ve been with, well over average. you nearly dropped at the sight, wrapping your hand around him and jerking him off, eyes fixated on the angry red tip leaking precum as you passed your thumb over it.
the muscles of his abs rippled and squeezed as your worked your hands on his cock, his head thrown back against the headboard and letting out stuttering moans. all the sounds he made encourage you to sit up on your knees, guiding him through your folds and whimpering as you finally sank down on him carefully.
the two of you moaned at the same time, him at how well you squeezed around him and you at how well he stretched you. you stopped when you reached just halfway, unsure whether or not you’d be able to fit more. his hips jerked slightly as his hands squeezed your hips.
“come on, baby,” he moaned softly, looking up at you with encouraging eyes, “just a little more… we can make it fit, right? just breathe.”
you nodded and as you took a deep breath, he used his hold on your to sink you further down until he finally bottomed out. he cursed silently, the back of his head finding the headboard again as you whined and dropped yours onto his shoulder.
you felt his tip pushing against your cervix, the new feeling making a lump form in your throat as you blinked back tears. this time it took a while to get used to the stretch before you tried grinding back and forth. it was slow, almost painfully so. he was amazed that despite stretching you with two different things, you were still so unbelievably tight, hugging him in a death grip as your raised your hips an inch before dropping down again.
your soft noises were muffled by his shoulder as your hands rested on his biceps, panting and squeezing gently as every inch of him dragged against the sensitive spongy patch in your walls every time you grinded on him. soon enough you were able to lift yourself to his tip and drop all the way down, your wetness letting him slip in and out with ease.
still, you kept the pace torturously slow, savouring each bounce and grind. his hands had left your hips at some point, exploring your body under your shirt, massaging your breasts and tweaking your nipples. he lifted the fabric but kept it on your as he watched your tits bounce temptingly, your puffy pink nipples making his mouth water as he pushed himself forward to take one into his mouth.
your hips stuttered as he sucked and nibbled at your nipples, throwing your head back and arching into his touch as your grinds grew sloppy. he felt your decreasing pace, using the hand that wasn’t teasing your other breast to guide your hips once more. he angled you slightly differently in a way that made your clit press against his pelvis each time he bottomed out, the speed of your grinds picking up quickly as his hips bucked up to meet yours.
his lips detached from your bruised breasts with a popping sound as he leaned up to capture your lips in his once again. it wasn’t much of a kiss, more teeth and tongue and moans and groans than anything else as you swallowed each other’s sounds.
you finished first, pushing yourself down hard and stilling, filling yourself with his throbbing cock and pressing your clit against him. he held you tightly, burying his face in your neck to suck at all the spot he knew would get your to writhe. many tickling fights contributed to his knowledge on all your sensitive spots.
your body twitched as you returned to bouncing on his length, your juices looking at his base. the overstimulation burned a little, making your thighs and knees quiver, but you were determined to get him to finish too. and by the looks of it, it shouldn’t take much longer.
“shit, baby,” he said, halfway between a whimper and a moan, fingertips digging into your hips as he threw his head back in bliss, “‘m so close— fuck, you feel s-so good.”
his chest rose and fell with shallow breaths, bottom lip caught between his teeth. his cheeks and the tip of his ears flushed a deep red, his plush lips a few shades darker and coated in your mixed saliva from your kisses. as you adjusted the angle of your hips, something in him snapped, grabbing your hips tighter and taking over. he took over your movements, thrusting his hips up desperately as you fell forward onto his chest with the sudden change in intensity. his tip pushed itself against your g-spot continually, another knot tightening in your stomach.
the wet sounds of your cunt and your skin slapping against his egged him on until finally he felt like he couldn’t hold back any longer.
“baby, p-please— fuck— please, can i cum i-inside you?” he begged through a groan, “i— please, angel, i-i can’t wait any longer.”
you nodded against his chest with a whine, you were on the pill anyway. not a second later, he released into you, filling you up with stuttering hips. he pulled you down, flush against him and keeping you there as he emptied himself with softly muttered curses, his head dropping to press open-mouthed kisses to your shoulder.
it felt new to you, the warmth making you squirm until you came again without warning. it was much weaker this time but still enough to make you shake in his arms, panting softly after letting out a strangled moan against his skin.
after a few long moments of trying to recover from the shared orgasm, he lifted his head, one of his hands cupping your chin to tilt your head to look at him.
“so,” he started, lips stretched into a smile, “how’d that feel?”
“fucking amazing.” you rolled your eyes at how smug he looked after your confession, not protesting as he leaned forward to kiss you.
this one was much softer than the previous kisses you shared, much more tender. it was a lot shorter too, he pulled away first to rest his forehead against yours.
“yeah?” he whispered, kissing the corner of your lips, “just wait until i hit it from the back.”
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networks. @cromernet @wonderlandnet @cultofdionysusnet @pirateeznet
permanent taglist. @ad0rechuu @sankatchu @mlink64 @yeosangsbb @seonghwasbbgirl @likexaxdaydream @dreamingofyeo @yalyallic @yunhoswrldddd @coffee-addict-kitten @thunderous-wolf @chngbnwf
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visionofhope04 · 6 months
Here for the angst of neglected batsis, imagine or hc them of moving out if the house when they are 18 and let's say they meet some spirit and they have their memory wiped and transfer to the marvel universe to restart their life and more happy, then the dc/marvel merge together because of a big threat and batfam sees batsis is heavily pregnant and married to our favorite deadpool charater Colossus?
How would they reached if batsis just can't remember them and keeps on telling them they have the wrong person?
I LIKE THE WAY YOU THINK. Guess who's back!! Sorry it took me so long to get this out, I haven't had the motivation to write until recently. Also OOC warning bc I don't really know him well besides the Deadpool movies. I almost freaked out bc I haven't used the tumblr website in so long and it got updated so I thought I lost all my drafts. So glad they're still here, whew. Not beta read so I'm sorry if there are any mistakes!
It's been a year since moving into your apartment and you couldn't be happier. College was going well and you were taking classes you enjoyed. However, you haven't made any friends yet which led you to spend your free time reading or surfing the web. Jason didn't come by much due to having his own life and vigilante things, which you understood. It didn't mean you couldn't be a little bit sad about it though.
Even though you were enjoying your life, you still felt as if there was something missing. You'd been trying to figure out why you had felt this way but nothing came to mind. Any time you tried to brush off the feeling, it came back stronger. You did your best to ignore it and continue on with life, but it was always there, nagging you.
It had been a long day. College was so stressful. Your professors kept hurling projects at you that had deadlines that were practically impossible to meet. You just wanted it to end already and be on summer break. Then, you’d be able to sleep how long you wanted to without the fear of being late for class or forgetting to complete an assignment.
You sat down at your desk and pulled out your laptop, preparing to continue an essay that was due in three days. Suddenly, you began to feel nauseous. Confused, you attempted to ignore the feeling in favor of completing the essay. A few seconds after trying to focus on your laptop screen, you saw a bright light.
"My child, you will be saved from this life." A strangely comforting voice said.
Then everything faded to black.
A voice. A voice? But you live alone and no one has the spare key to your apartment. You slowly opened your eyes, groaning and quickly shutting them again once a bright light blinded you.
"Oh you're alive, thank God. Can you speak?" Whoever this was seemed to have been panicking before, slightly less though now that you had indicated you were alive. You groan as you push yourself up off of what seems to be concrete. Concrete? You're definitely not in your apartment. You crack your eyes open again, this time with less difficulty, and come face to face with white lenses of a mask. Blinking again, you register that the lenses are attached to a red material with black lines.
"AH!" The figure yells and jumps back, startled by your sudden surprise.
"What the hell are you supposed to be?" You asked, tilting your head slightly to the side.
"What do you mean? I'm Spiderman." His voice was a bit high pitched, he sounded like a teen at most.
"Spiderman? You've got to be joking. There is no Spiderman. Go home kid, crime fighting isn't a game." Sure, you may be a hypocrite, seeing as you are an ex-assassin who began learning how to kill at around 5, but at least you had training. What did this Spiderman have? From how startled he was, you assumed he had barely been trained, if at all.
“What? I'm literally Spiderman! I'm Queens' hero!"
"Queens, New York?" You thought you'd still be in New Jersey at least.
"Uh yeah. I don't think there are any other places called Queens that have a Spiderman."
"Again, Spiderman? Seriously? You couldn't think of a better name at least?"
"Hey! There's nothing wrong with Spiderman!"
"Sure kid, keep telling yourself that."
He was about to protest when suddenly, someone else dropped into the alley.
"Hey Spidey, who's this lovely lady?" A person in an all red with black suit with two swords on his back and guns strapped to his waist called out. The person seemed to be a male, around 30 years old.
"This 'lovely lady' is very confused. Who are you?" They keep multiplying, and you'd never seen this person either.
"Did you hit your head or something? You've never heard of or seen Deadpool? The most handsomest, most awesomest, funniest, killer crime fighter?"
"Uh nope. Also, I'm from Jersey, how did I end up here?"
"Good question. What's your name?"
"Oh, it's-" You stopped in confusion. "I actually don't remember. It was just at the tip of my tongue but I don't remember."
"Oh great! Amnesia! Just what we need. I'll let you handle her Spidey and I'll go stop some bad guys, 'kay?"
"What! No, don't leave me here!" Deadpool was already sprinting away.
"Let's get you to the base. Colossus and the others will know what to do."
They did not, in fact, know what to do. Colossus sent Negasonic and Yukio to contact Professor X, while Spiderman went to contact Tony Stark (I'm still emotionally scarred from Endgame so no, he won't be dead, this is my fanfic and I can keep him alive if I want to) and Deadpool went back out to patrol. You were left alone with Colossus.
Uncomfortable silence sat between you. Just as you were beginning to get antsy, Colossus broke it first.
"Do you remember anything at all?"
"I'm... a college student. I live alone in an apartment in New Jersey, I think. I used to fight crime until... I don't know, it's fuzzy. I'm an ex-assassin who has been training since I was 5. That's all I remember."
"You can remember that but not your name?"
"Look, I don't know okay? I don't know what's happening or why I can't remember anything else. I want to remember who I am, but I can't. And it's so... so frustrating! Your suspicion is understandable, but it is not helping."
"I apologize. This is a stressful situation for you. I will be more considerate."
"Thank you."
They could not figure out what happened to you or why you suddenly appeared in Queens one day. Your memory remained fuzzy, so you were stuck. As time passed, you and Colossus grew closer. You became so close that he told you his real name, you became a couple, and you got married. Seven years passed, you were 25 and you'd been trying for a baby. You both felt the time was right and that you'd be able to handle parenting.
Colossus came home from work one day, spent and tired. There you were, waiting for him at the door as usual.
"Hi my love, long day?" You fiddled with the positive pregnancy test behind your back.
"Yes darling, when is it not?"
"Well, we're going to have to figure something out, because there's no way I'll wake up every night to take care of our baby."
He looked confused, then realization hit. "You're..?" He looked so happy and hopeful, you couldn't contain your happiness. A huge smile lit up your face.
"Yes, we're finally going to be parents!" You pulled out the pregnancy test and held it up to him.
He laughed a joyful laugh, tears began to fall from the corners of his eyes as he embraced you. It must've been infectious because you began to tear up too. You remained in each other's embrace for a while, just existing in the moment. Time felt irrelevant as you basked in your shared delight.
8 months later, your belly had swollen and grown. Everyone was happy for the both of you. You and Colossus were both eager for your little one to arrive. You'd both decided to wait for birth to find out the gender. It didn't matter to you whether it was a boy or girl, just that they were healthy (gender's a construct anyway). The pregnancy had been going great so far, but this time of easy-going was about to get ruined by your husband's job.
Your world had merged with another because of some cosmic threat. Great! Your husband would be preoccupied trying to fix the situation, which meant that you'd be alone. Selfishly, you wished that they could let your husband stay with you so close to your due date, but you knew he had a role to play in saving two worlds.
Seeing your loneliness, Colossus decided to bring you with him to the Avengers' base. He hoped you'd be able to befriend some of the people there. You entered the compound and your eyes were drawn to some men standing beside a set of double doors. They all had suits on, black hair (one guy had two white streaks in his hair) and most had blue eyes, except for one man who had green eyes. He was also noticeably the darkest of the group. They felt familiar to you, especially the man with green eyes. Have you met them before? Who were they?
As your husband was discussing some details about the meeting, you couldn't help but watch the group of men. Not knowing why you thought you knew them annoyed you. As if they could feel your eyes on them (they could), they turned around in sync and locked eyes with you.
Their eyes widened and they all exclaimed your name in various degrees of disbelief. They rushed over to you and your husband protectively stepped in front of you
"How do you know my wife?"
"Wife?!" Some of them shouted. They were beginning to cause a scene.
"You're pregnant." The one with green eyes observed. He seemed to be having some sort of crisis.
All their eyes darted to your belly, making you uncomfortable. You placed your hand over your stomach and attempted to discretely hide behind your husband. This did not go unnoticed by them.
"You don't remember us?" The shortest of them questioned.
"No, I've never met you guys." You were very confused.
The man who appeared to be the oldest said your name. You stared at him as he studied your eyes, presumably to see if you were lying. It made you feel vulnerable and unsettled, couldn't they leave you alone?
"We're your family."
The guy with the white streaks in his hair scoffed. "You didn't treat her like she was family. I was the only one who cared for her when she was younger while you all ignored her and let her suffer. I'm glad she doesn't remember what you all did to her. She's clearly living a much better life without you lot in it."
This was getting more confusing by the second, although you felt there was truth to his words. Did you forget these people? They seemed very convincing if they were lying.
"I'm sorry but I really don't remember you guys. Maybe you have the wrong person?"
"No we don't! You disappeared one day and now that we've finally found you, you're saying you forgot everything!"
"That is enough. Please leave my wife alone, she does not know you, and she does not need the unnecessary stress of trying to remember people she's never met. Do not approach her anymore." Colossus guided you away from the men, who stared longingly at you. The heartbroken expressions they had after your husband's speech would follow you often. Were you sure you'd never met them before?
Words: 1,847
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talaok · 11 months
Hey. I have an idea for pedro and reader
The reader's ex calls her in the middle of the night begging her back to him and the reader gets out the bedroom trying not to wake pedro up and avoid any fight but he wakes up and gets jealous and angry
Jealous Pedro is my own personal curse lol, I genuinely don’t get why you like him. But for you? Anything babes. Also, happy ending won in the poll, but thanks to an anon I've decided to write both endings bc I'm an asshole
warnings: jealousy, angst
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Oh fuck please not again.
Your phone buzzed on the nightstand, and you didn’t even need to look at the caller to know who it was.
Only one person would call you at 4:45 am. the same one that had been flooding you with texts and calls for a week now.
You had been ignoring him, telling yourself that “It’s just a phase” and “it’ll pass”, but god, had you been wrong.
You and Jason had broken up two years ago now, and casually, just when you had finally made your relationship with Pedro public, he felt the need to connect with you again.
That's not how Jason had always been, he was once caring and fun and everything you needed... until he wasn't.
He hadn't taken your breaking up with him well, and you tried to be understanding of it, god knows you had been in the same position too once or twice, your heart broken, your mind confused- but then when after two months he'd still call you crying, you decided to give him a little tough love by texting him something that could be summarized in "I know you're hurt but this is getting kind of ridiculous at this point" and by blocking him.
Somewhere after that, for some godforsaken reason, you had decided to unblock him, and to really show off your decision-making skills, you even answered the phone when he had called you last week, finding him in tears, begging for a second chance.
If you were anyone to judge, this call wasn't gonna be much different, but this story had to end at one point, and as you got up from the bed, sneaking out of the room as Pedro breathed soft snores into the air, you decided the time had come.
"Jason?" you whispered, tiptoeing to the living room.
"baby? Oh my god it's really you, I've been trying to call you"
"yeah I saw" you stated, not short of sarcasm
"Oh t-that's ok, you were busy I jus-"
"no Jason I wasn't busy, this is inappropriate"
"Wha-what are you talking about baby, I love you" 
there went the tears again
"Jason I'm sorry alright, but I don't, I have a boyfriend, I'm happy"
"no you don't understand babe I can't live without you, I love you more than life y/n, more than anything... I- I need you"
"Jason we broke up a long time ago. It's over. It has been for a while now"
"you don't mean that baby, we love each other, remember how good we were together? I know you do"
"stop calling me baby and stop calling me in general Jason. I don't love you and I don't want to get back together" Your voice raised to a whispery-yell as you got more frustrated.
"Why are you whispering- Is he there? Let me talk to him"
"why would I do that? What would you even want to tell him?"
"I'm sure I can make him understand, man to man y'konw-"
"oh shut up" you rolled your eyes "Jason stop calling me"
"but bab-"
"No. No buts, it's over. we're never getting back together. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going back to sleep, and I suggest you do the same"
"y/n please- I love you, I need you I-"
"goodnight Jason. Don't call me again" You didn't give him time to finish as you hung up, throwing your phone on the couch and closing your eyes as you took a very well-deserved deep breath.
Fuck this shit man.
"Who was it?"
You jumped on your feet, a shiver of fear running down your spine as you turned towards the ominous voice.
"Pedro-" you sighed, taking in his sleep-filled expression.
"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he apologized, with a soft chuckle "Who were you talking to?"
"uh- don't worry, it was no one"
"I don't think it was no one if you got up at 4 in the morning to answer, did something happen?"
"no-no nothing like that, it's stupid, don't worry"
He frowned as he studied your expression, clearly confused at your secrecy.
"Who was it?"
Your eyes focused behind him at the glimpse of your room the opened door granted.
Everything was fine just 10 minutes ago...
"It was Jason"
Pedro paused a moment, taken aback by your answer
"Jason as in your ex-boyfriend Jason?" he asked "And why exactly was Jason calling you in the middle of the night?"
"it's not what you think" 
This was why you didn't want him to know.
He had a history with unfaithfulness, the woman before you had cheated on him multiple times and left him hurt and bruised, and it was hard for him to fully trust you - or anyone for that matter- after that.
you didn't want him to close off again, you trusted each other, and you feared this would have given him a reason to get back to old habits.
"It's not? 'cause it sure looks like it"
"no, let me explain-" you got closer to him.
"I'm so fucking stupid" he huffed, not listening to you 
"no you're not, just-listen to me" you said, putting a hand on his chest in an attempt to calm him down
He watched you, hurt and anger in his eyes, but he took a breath, nodding as he grumbled a "fine"
"He's been calling me for a while-"
"is that supposed to make me feel better?"
"Baby, let me talk" you reminded him, and he gave you another non-enthusiastic nod "He's been calling me since I made our relationship public, saying that he wants to get back with me and that he loves me..." you paused, glancing at the way he tightened his fists by his side "and I've been ignoring him because-" your lips turned into a soft smile as you reached for his hand "...well because I've got you, and I don't want anybody else in the world except you"
You intertwined your fingers with his and brought his hand up to your mouth to leave a quick kiss on it.
"and the only reason why I answered tonight is because I was sick of it, and I wanted to tell him once and for all that we're done because I love you, and only you Pedro" You stood on your tiptoes to kiss his cheek "I promise"
You saw the way your words affected him.
And as much as he tried to fight it, you were always the only one able to calm him down, even when his worst fear came to life. Because he loved you, but most importantly... he trusted you.
"are you telling the truth?" he finally asked, as if in his mind he wasn't praying for you to be doing just that.
He didn't want to lose you, he couldn't.
"I am baby. I swear" 
His eyes left yours for a second as he took a deep breath
"why didn't you tell me? I would have done something, I would have gone have a talk with that asshole"
You let out a small laugh
"yeah, a talk" you teased, raising your eyebrows "And besides it didn't matter, it was just a stupid thing not worth your time"
he took your other hand in his, shaking his head
"if he, or anybody else, does this again you tell me, ok?" 
As much as you wanted to joke about how many crazy exes he believed you had, you decided this wasn't the time.
"ok" you smiled "I promise"
"good" he nodded, bending down to ghost your lips "Now let's go to bed so I can remind you of a few things I'm sure I'm better at than Jason"
__ __ __
or... (angst with no happy ending)
__ __ __
"It's not what you think"
"It's not? 'cause it sure looks like it"
"It was just a phone call Pedro, just let me explain"
"A phone call with your ex-boyfriend"
"yes, exactly my ex-boyfriend"
"This is unbelievable," he huffed, passing a hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture "I fucking trusted you. You made me trust you, and then... then you go screw that fucking asshole behind my back"
"I'm not screwing anybody"
"sure you aren't" he turned to walk away, but you grabbed his arm.
"Listen to me"
"To what? more lies?" he snapped 
"No Pedro I can explain if you just let me talk"
"I don't need an explanation, I know exactly what's going on, just- leave me, I'll go"
"Just like that?" you questioned "You don't even wanna hear me out for a second? You so easily lose all the trust you had in me?"
"Can you blame me?" 
"This is ridiculous, I've answered the phone to tell him to stop calling, that's the only reason why! I'm not cheating on you" you spoke, your tone getting louder "And the fact that you came to that conclusion so quickly is fucking insulting"
"right" he snickered "so you answered the phone at four in the morning to tell him to stop calling, very believable y/n" he shook his head "and to think you're a fucking actress"
"fuck you Pedro" you spat out "You know what? I deserve someone who trusts me, who lets me fucking speak and explain myself, not someone who at the first mistake throws me out like trash"
"And I deserve someone who's not a cheater. Guess we both deserve better"
"I guess we do"
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bobby-r2d2-floyd · 1 year
The Nanny (Hangman x Reader)
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authors note: so, hangman won by a long shot in the poll, but for the few that voted for the rest, they're still coming! i have to deal with the bs with my basement and i am a college student, so i have to deal with my coursework as well.
inspired by @roosterforme
this will be a mutli part series, im not sure how many parts though
pairing: jake "hangman" seresin x benjamin niece!reader; established mav x penny
warnings: some swear words and an inaccurate depiction of how social workers handle dropping a baby off to its living, absent father. also cyclone is a dad bc jon hamm if a dilf.
not proof or beta read, we die like men.
summary: Hangman wakes up one day to a social worker and an infant on his doorstep. the infant? his 3 month old daughter.
word count: 1.9k
It was the one day that the Dagger squad had a later morning (11am, per Maverick’s request), so when the pounding on Jake’s door woke him up at 8:45, he was a little pissed.
He stumbled out of bed and the arms of some red head whose name he definitely doesn’t remember, throwing on a shirt along the way to his front door where the pounding is originating from and reverberating through his skull. “I heard you the first fucking time,” he curses out, throwing the door open and preparing to unleash verbal hell on the person standing at his doorstep.
All the words die out though when he sees an older woman standing there with a sleeping baby in a car seat at her feet. “Jacob Seresin?” she asks and his eyes bounce between the infant and the woman.
“Yes?” he asks, voice cracking a bit as he looks back to the woman.
“Do you mind if I come in?” he nods and moves aside as she picks up the car seat and steps inside. “My name is Caroline Husband, I’m a social worker for the state of California.” she tells him as she sets the seat down on his coffee table, “and this is Avery. Your daughter.” 
Jake feels his heart stop as he looks down at the little girl, “what, what do you mean?” he sinks down to the floor on his knees, heart racing and Caroline gives him a small smile.
“Her mother-” she looks down at the paperwork she was holding, “Samantha Barnes, passed away from complications shortly after birth, you were listed as father on the birth certificate.” 
Samantha Barnes… Jake remembered her with a small smile. They were briefly exclusive before she had disappeared one night, leaving behind the memories and a note saying she needed to go back home to help with her ailing father, her last living relative that she still spoke to.
“H-how uh, how old is she?” he asks, taking her small, but definitely bigger than a newborn, hand in between his finger and thumb.
“She spent some time with a foster while the state was waiting for you to return stateside. She just turned 3 months old.” Caroline forms him, which makes sense as he was just in the middle of the ocean for the last five months. “I have some supplies in my car that her foster mom put together for you, should you choose to keep her.” 
“Choose to?” he asks, as if there was any other option for him. The second he found out Avery was his, there was never any other option.
“You can alway sign your parental rights away, there’s plenty of families looking to adopt babies.” she says and he shakes his head.
“No, she stays with me,” Jake says as he stands and Caroline smiles up at him.
“Well then, there’s all the information that you need. Her old foster mom made a list of information for you, her pediatrician, what formula she was feeding, how to prepare bottles...” she goes on to tell him more necessary information about Avery but tunes her out as he watches the little girl start to wake up and look around, well, as much as a 3 month old can, he supposed. “Here’s my card, it has my personal cell phone number on the back should you not be able to reach me at my office in the event of an emergency.” 
He takes it with a smile and a thank you before walking Caroline to the door to help her bring the items in from her car and as quickly as she was here, she was gone. Leaving Jake to sit on his couch as he stares into the eyes of his daughter. 
He kicks out his guest after 15 minutes of sitting there before he’s googling how to put a car seat base securely into the back seat of a F-150. After fighting for what felt like an hour (only 10 minutes) he has his daughter secured in his car before driving way under the speed limit to The Hard Deck, only 45 minutes late to meeting up with the rest of the Daggers but as soon as they see him walk into the bar with a car seat, all the teasing for being late blows out of there mind. 
“Do we need to call the police?” Bradley teases and Jake lets out a nervous laugh.
“No.. no police needed.” Jake says as he sets his daughter’s car seat and diaper bag in the middle of the pool table the team was surrounding.
“Well, then who is this?” 
Jake takes a deep breath before answering, “this is my daughter, Avery Seresin.”
Immediately the team has plenty of questions for the team’s resident playboy. He explains the situation as best he can with the information he got from Caroline.
“I never even knew Sam was pregnant. She never said anything and then she was gone.” Jake says softly as he looks down as his daughter in his arms, sleepily drinking from the bottle he made and Penny gives him a smile.
“You seem like a natural already.” she says, snapping a photo of the daddy-daughter moment and he smiles.
“Yeah, I was still around when my sisters started having their own kids, all girls too, ironically.” he responds with a small laugh and the movement of his chest startled Avery awake and she starts drinking more steadily again.
The squad takes the rest of the day before the bar opens with turns holding the newest member of the team. Aside from Jake, Bob and Natasha were the only other two who seemed comfortable enough to hold her without needing any instruction on support for her head. 
“Does Cyclone know you have a kid yet?” Mav asks as he takes his turn holding Avery, seasoned from when Bradley was a baby and he used to watch him while Carole and Goose needed alone time. 
“Fuck, no not yet.” Jake groans as he rubs his hands over his face. “I need to go see him.”
“Go see him now, between Penny being a mom and me dealing with Bradley as a baby there’s plenty of experience here to watch Avery for a bit while you try to get some time to adjust to dad-life.” Mav says and Jake looks over at him.
“You’re serious?” 
“Yeah, besides, Avery is already better at 3 months than Rooster ever was.” Mav teases and Bradley makes a couple of offended noises before being slapped in the chest by Natasha. 
Jake nods, “okay well here’s her-”
“Hangman, get out of here. I did all this with Amelia.” Penny says as she pushes him towards the door and Jake pulls her into a hug.
“Thank you so much, Pen.” he says, meaning it too since Penny is the closest thing to a mom that he has since he hasn’t talked to his real mom in years. 
The drive into base wasn’t a long one, but felt like it was with how often he was checking his backseat and not seeing his daughter before remembering she was safe with Penny and Maverick at the bar. 
Walking into Admiral Simpson’s office, Jake broke out into a nervous sweat. “Um, excuse me, sir.” he says as he knocks on the open door.
Both Admiral Simpson and Admiral Bates looked up at him from where they were sitting at the desk discussing some news that they received from higher ups. 
“Can I help you, Lieutenant?” Cyclone asks and Jake nods, taking that as an ‘okay’ to walk into the office.
“Yes actually, I uh.. I was wondering if I would be able to get leave, sir. I had a surprise visit from a social worker this morning and-and my infant daughter.” he says as he straightens out his back and rolls his shoulders back.
“You have a child?” Cyclone asks, closing the folder that he had open to focus more on Jake. “Since when?” 
“Well, as of 9am this morning, sir. Her mother passed away after she was born and no other living relatives so… She’s currently with me. Well, not with me Captain Mitchell and Penny Benjamin are currently watching her.. sir.” 
Warlock and Cyclone share a look and Jake stands there nervously, “I know that this is short notices but all I’m asking for is a week to figure things out, find a sitter, get some kind of a routine started for-”
“Okay.” Cyclone says and Jake looks at him instead of the spot that he had been looking at on the wall. “You only want just one week?”
“I can have more, sir?” Cyclone nods, having recently become a father himself and knows how important bonding is for parents. 
“Unless something urgent comes, how does three weeks sound?” he asks as he pulls something up on his computer and begins to type.
“I would greatly appreciate that.” Jake says with a small smile and Cyclone nods, ending the conversation and Jake starts to walk out of the office.
“Seresin?” Warlock calls out and Jake turns around, “congratulations.”
“Thank you, sirs.” 
Jake drives back to the bar already feeling lighter than he had in the last 6 hours, and upon walking back into the watering hole, he sees a red faced Avery and a panicked Rooster.
“Bradshaw what did you do to my daughter?” 
“What did I do? She threw up on me!” he says, holding the infant safely, and at an arm's length away. 
The rest of the team is laughing behind him and Jake just takes Avery and lays her against him so her head is on his shoulder, “well I’m sure you deserved it.” 
Bradley glares at him before wandering away to the bathroom to clean up. Jake smiles and rubs his daughters back as she babbles in his ear.
“How did talking to the boss go?” Penny asks and Jake smiles.
“Really good, actually. Said I can have three weeks as long as nothing urgent comes up that’ll need the full team's attention.” 
“Well, if you ever need a nanny so you can have a break and none of us are available, my niece just moved to the area and is looking for work.” Penny says with a small smile as Jake moves to sit next to her. “Plus she has a degree in early childhood and special education.” 
“Okay, yeah I’ll let you know.” he says with a nod.
“Well, you can meet her tonight, she’s supposed to come and help me out here for the night since Jimmy can’t make it in.” Jake just nods and Penny pats his shoulder that Avery isn’t sleeping on while she stands to start opening duties for the bar. 
Jake didn’t end up meeting Penny’s niece that night, or any time in the following week. In fact, it wasn’t until the last week of his leave that he met her. 
Jake was holding Avery as he walked into the bar before it opened, she was babbling up a storm and he took his sunglasses off to put on the top of his head when he saw someone new behind the bar, head thrown back and laughing at something that Bob had said. 
You look over at him and he swears his heart stopped, “Hi! I’m Y/N Benjamin, but you can call me Saturn.”
next part
taglist: if you want to join the taglist for all my future works, shoot me a message and i'll be happy to add you :)
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huramuna · 6 months
selkie's song - chapter 1.
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night's watch aemond x wildling shapeshifter ofc work is 18+, minors do not interact, lest ye be smited.
this is wholly inspired by @lonelymagpies depiction of Night's Watch Aemond. please go check out their beautiful work here!
i am also partial to selkies bc irish 🤭 i'm going to take some liberties with wildling lore since we don't know too too much about them and mix some of my own heritage into it (indigenous american and irish) , which i feel would meld really well.
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word count: 2.2k
content: smut (eventually, specifics will be under the cut of chapters with it), enemies to lovers, canon typical violence, canon divergence, ofc is a menace to Aemond and he kind of likes it
who is she? - I MONSTER • dead! - my chemical romance
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The blood of the dragon runs hot and thick, pulsing through Targaryen veins like molten lava. His mother always snuggled him as a child, citing him as her own personal furnace. 
If only that would come in handy now. Aemond thought he knew cold, way up in the skies, skimming the clouds upon Vhagar’s back, feeling the chill away from the heat of the earth. A frigid autumn breeze going through his window, causing him to bundle up in two blankets— although he usually kicked them off sometime during the night. 
But this— this was cold. Ball freezing, bone chilling, blue lipped cold. He was stuck up in the ass of the North, stationed at the wall, dressed all in black. He puffed up the collar of his cloak, trying to find some respite from the gales of glacial air. 
“Saddle up, Targaryen,” the lord commander grunted. He was a broad man, some disgraced Northman who rose his way up the ranks of the Night’s watch. Aemond could hardly remember his name, “We’re goin’ beyond the wall. Scouts said wildlings gettin’ too close.” 
“Mm.” Aemond grumbled in response, not wanting to waste his energy talking to the ogre of a man when it could be better used for warmth.
The stable boy, no older than nine name days, tugged his palfrey to him, “I’ve got ‘em all tacked  up for ya, prince.” 
“Oy, Ryam,” the lord commander snapped. Lord Ennard Fir, that was the commander’s name, “He ain’t no prince anymore, so stop callin’ him as such. He’s just one of us now, eh? A man in black.” 
Ryam nodded slowly, handing the reins to Aemond. The boy’s face was tinged red as he puffed air into his cupped hands, trying to keep warm. He was a boy from the south, just like Aemond— a butcher’s bastard boy, Ryam Waters. He had accompanied the now scorned prince on his ride up the Kingsroad. He reminded Aemond greatly of Daeron.
“Stay warm, boy,” Aemond said, giving the youngster a stiff nod of his head, “Take the fur from my bed, it’ll help.” 
Ryam puffed out his chest, “Uh huh, your grace,” he giggled, speaking the title in secret. 
It almost made a smile come to Aemond’s lips. Almost. He tried to remember the last time he smiled– it was on that fateful day near Storm’s End, over Shipbreaker’s bay. He was taunting Lucerys, finally being the stronger one, the one who had control. He laughed and smiled like a madman, chasing his nephew on his puny hatchling of a dragon. He felt like a god.
Then Vhagar snapped her jaws, ignoring Aemond’s commands. The sickening crunch of Lucerys Velaryon and his dragon still lived in his mind. It played in his dreams, making them into nightmares. He constantly woke up in a cold sweat, muttering, “It was an accident, it was an accident, I didn’t mean it.”
His eye began to ache and he clenched his jaw as he mounted his horse. Glancing around, he saw that five other men were joining him. He tugged his hood up slightly before his hand rested on his blade. He donned two weapons; a standard issue castle-steel short sword, and the Catspaw blade. He had watched his father carry it for years, he watched his mother brandish it in his name and cut Rhaenyra— and now it was his. 
Not by precedent or bestowment, he actually stole it. When he was being sent to take the black, he pilfered it from Daemon’s chambers. The old fucker already had one ancestral blade, he didn’t need two. It was the only thing he had left of home, besides the sapphire in his socket and his eyepatch. It was gorgeous crafted Valyrian steel and he always kept it on his person. 
His thumb grazed over the ruby gem on the hilt of the dagger absentmindedly as they descended on their journey, spurring their horses further across the threshold of the wall. Lord Fir was at the front, with Aemond holding up the back in their procession of ingrates and outcasts. 
If he told his younger self that he was to be lumped in with bastards, thieves, rapers and ne’er-do-wells, he would’ve laughed in his own face. It was a ridiculous notion for a Targaryen prince to be even entertaining the idea. And yet, here he was. Living it out. 
He wondered what his mother was doing currently. Had she taken Helaena and Aegon to Oldtown with the children? Did she stay in the Red Keep to be squashed under Rhaenyra’s heel? 
“Aemond Targaryen, you stand before Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar and the First Men, protector of the realm,” Ser Westerling had shouted, “You stand accused of treason, conspiracy to commit usurpation, and nepoticide. You murdered Lucerys Velaryon in cold blood above the skies of Shipbreaker Bay.” 
Aemond had been in chains, his face haggard and stubbled from not being able to shave. They stripped him of his eyepatch and sapphire at the hearing, sending him down to his knees with his barren eye socket to behold. 
“How do you plead to these charges?” Ser Harrold asked. 
Aemond said nothing. 
Rhaenyra sat upon the Iron Throne, tapping her finger incessantly against the metal, “Brother. I’ve granted you the courtesy of allowing a hearing to your… crimes, rather than simply sending you to the block. Mayhaps I was too lenient on my decision to let you say your piece.” 
Aemond still said nothing, looking down at the ground. He heard his mother shuffling near him, off to the side in the throne room, murmuring something hurriedly to someone. 
“I have nothing to say. Lucerys is dead— nothing I can say will bring him back or undo what’s been done.” he finally grit out, his voice hoarse from disuse. 
“So, you have no objection to being punished for your crimes? The crime of Kinslaying is the most cursed,” Rhaenyra said, leaning forward, “Mayhaps I will grant you a death by dragon— I would honor you the same way you so graciously honored Lucerys, hm? Mayhaps have Syrax and Caraxes rip you limb from limb and scatter your parts over Blackwater Bay.” 
Aemond didn’t respond.
“Y-your grace,” Alicent spoke up, walking to Aemond and standing in front of him, “Please, have mercy upon him. Your son wouldn’t have wanted this—“
“DON’T YOU DARE TELL ME WHAT MY SON WOULD’VE WANTED,” Rhaenyra bellowed, standing up from her seat, “Your son took away his ability to want anything, and for that there should be repercussions! A son for a son.” 
“Rhaenyra, please,” Alicent murmured, “Please, I can’t lose him— it… it was an accident. Aemond, tell her it was an accident!”
He squeezed his eyes shut, not wanting to admit their family’s greatest fear was true; they did not have complete control over their dragons. 
Rhaenyra gazed at Aemond’s pained expression, then at Alicent, “He will be punished. But I would not become a Kinslayer— I do not wish to be as accursed as you, brother,” she strode back to the throne, twisting the rings on her fingers, “He will take the black and be sent to the wall. He will have no titles, no land, no wife or children. He will have nothing for the rest of his life except for the Night’s Watch.” 
Alicent was stunned, as was Aemond. He wondered if he would’ve preferred death. 
“In addition,” Rhaenyra continued, “His claim to his dragon, Vhagar, will be severed. He will undergo the Valyrian ceremony for it.” 
“You can’t,” Aemond growled, “You can’t!” he panicked— Vhagar had been the only thing he ever achieved in his life, truly. He lost his eye for her. 
“Take him back to his cell and prepare him for the ride up the Kingsroad.” she said with finality, looking down at her hand as she sat back on the throne. 
Aemond saw— she had been pricked by the throne, blood beading at the tip of her finger. 
Mayhaps there are still small mercies in this world. 
A particularly strong gust of cold air snapped him back to reality, his hand still itching over his dagger. They reached the thick treeline that stretched out for miles, their horses trudging through the snow. 
They were at least ten miles out from the wall now, the Seven Kingdoms left truly well behind them. A small river trickled near them and Aemond saw the shadows of fish— large ones at that. 
He had been in the Night’s Watch for at least seven moons now, and this was his first expedition outside of the wall. It felt like a whole different world— a world without laws, without political duty, without fights of succession over a throne made of swords— there was something freeing about being here. It was only a remnant of what he felt soaring the skies on Vhagar, but it would have to do. 
The wind whistled through the branches of the trees, fresh snow beginning to fall. He heard a fly buzzing near his ear. No, that couldn’t be right. Surely there weren’t flies in the cold? 
It wasn’t right— another fly whizzed past him, sticking into the man in front of him. Those were the arrows. 
“Ambush! Wildlings!” Lord Fir shouted, reeling in his horse. 
Aemond went to unsheathe his sword when his horse went haywire, rearing up on its hind legs. “Lykiri, lykiri!” Be calm, be calm. He shouted at the horse, tugging at the reins as the wildlings descended upon them. He felt like he was above Storm’s End once more, screaming for Vhagar to heed his commands—
His horse bucked him off, sending him tumbling into a deep snow drift. He dropped his sword somewhere aside— his hand immediately went to his waist, gripping around the Catspaw dagger. 
A breath of relief washed over him as he rolled and hid behind a tree, unsheathing the dagger. He twirled it around, waiting for someone, anyone to cross his path. 
He then felt the cool pressure of a blade against his throat. 
“Don’t move, crow,” a voice said. It was almost diminutive, soft in tone— but it was threatening all the same, “I don’t need to paint the snow red with your blood just yet. Drop the dagger.” 
Begrudgingly, he dropped the Valyrian steel into the snow. 
“Now turn around, slowly. Keep your hands out.” 
He turned around, expecting to see an ugly wildling in his gaze. He had only heard the tales of them, that they were more ugly than not. 
His breath caught in his throat as he looked upon her— she was small, much smaller than he, her skin somewhat pale and cool toned, freckles dotting the bridge of her nose. It was her eyes that caught him— one was a deep, rich brown, and the other was a light blue, with fragments and shards of brown in it, like a mountain against a clear sky. Her hair, dark chocolate brown with one streak of white in it, was tied into a haphazard braid. She wore earrings made of the lower jaw of some small mammal, inlaid with opals. She was holding a dragonglass dagger to his throat, the hilt of it carved from a deer’s antler, encrusted with a matching moonstone. 
She wore a long, white coat— it looked to be the skin of some animal, but Aemond couldn’t tell which. It was spotted and fluffed. 
His brow narrowed as he noticed that she was soaking wet, dripping water from her nose and hair, the sheen of moisture shining from her skin.
He could only imagine how astonished he looked staring at her— but she stared back at him in the same manner, her eyes wide. She had huge eyes, Gods be good. 
“Fucking hell, you’ve got a purple eye.” she murmured. 
“You should see my other eye.”
A harsh crack across his face— she had slapped him, “Don’t be a pig.” 
Aemond blinked profusely, “By the Seven— I meant my actual other eye,” he grunted, “May I?” he gestured to his eyepatch. 
“… better be worth it, crow.” she murmured, nodding slowly. 
He lifted his eyepatch off, revealing the sapphire underneath. 
Her lips were slightly agape as she ogled at him, “You’re a fancy crow, aren’t you?”
“Hm.” he grumbled. 
She retrieved the Catspaw dagger from the ground, stowing it at her hip, “I’ll be keepin’ this for right now.” 
“Aren’t you going to kill me?” he asked, perplexed as to why he wasn’t dead yet. 
“Not yet— you got interesting eyes, I wanna show my papa,” she retrieved a leather cord from her belt and wrapped it keenly around his wrists, “Caught myself a crow.” she hummed, seemingly entertained with herself. 
Aemond rolled his eye, letting her hoist him up into a standing position. He towered over her, to which she didn’t seem too bothered about. 
She led him past the battle, which was now over. He saw three of his Night’s Watch brothers slain, and it looks like two others had run off like cravens, including Lord Commander Fir. 
“Where are you taking me?” 
“My tribe,” she replied, stringing him along. 
“Your… tribe,” he repeated, “And what is your name?”
“Euna. And you, crow?” 
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thermitetermite · 7 months
I return from the grave for one night only to post a Helluva Boss AU. Enjoy my delulu AU about a Christmas tree capitalist clown spider demon and his adopted cyborg clown son.
Also there is swearing and mentions of Fizzaroli's accident.
Mammon being a half decent step-dad AU
Mammon hears about Fizz much earlier though the grapevine (Paimon complaining to all royal demons about how his son got rid of all their shit bc of some clown kid)
Interested, he attends a show in disguise.
He finds that Fizz is good. Like, really good! Dollar signs start popping up in his head. Also the little bugger kind of reminds him of himself.
Immediately asks to buy Fizz from Cash Buckzo. He refuses at first because Fizz is his star but with strong negotiating tactics (money and threats) he caves.
Fizz is nervous about leaving his only home behind but is excited to be "adopted" by Mammon! His hero!
It's giving bought by One Direction vibes
At first Mammon was planning to just train him to be a child actor/clown, give him a TV show and pawn him off to someone to actually raise full-time. He wanted to be the convenient step-dad, not a full time parent!
That changed after the first couple nights with Fizz living in his mansion.
It started with Fizz handing him a red balloon horse.
"Alright, not bad kid, but can ya make a balloon unicorn?"
Fizz ran off to attempt to make it. That'll keep him busy for a few hours, guess that meant he could make some calls and... He was back already with the completed unicorn.
"Give me another!"
"Uh, alright ya little bugger, why dontcha make a Quevie?"
This back and forth happened for the next few hours, with Mammon judging the balloon animal, giving a few pointers when he messed up, and Fizz making the next animal he asked for.
Damn, this parenting shit is easy.
It eventually got so late that Fizz fell asleep on the couch trying to complete a kangaroo.
Sighing, Mammon picked Fizz up and carried him to the bedroom he hired someone to decorate. He tucked him into bed and finally after an entire day was able to make a call.
However, the first call he made wasn't to the networking company or his broadcasting station. Instead, it was to Lucifer, his self proclaimed best friend and a successful parent.
"What is it Mammon? Do you have any idea how late it is?"
"Yeah, yeah. I just had a quick question for ya. What do children eat? Cereal? Oats? Ice cream?"
Needless to say, Lucifer had a long talk with Mammon about how to raise a kid, stating it'd be hard work.
After hanging up and going to bed, Mammon had only one thought on his mind. To raise this kid better than any of the other Sins could. His boy would be talk of the town and the best clown in all of Hell.
That first week of parenting went about as well as you'd expect.
Mammon had the approach of being "The fun step-dad" which included eating candy for every meal, teaching him swear words and showing him how to do all the tricks he thought a capable child could do.
(These tricks may or may not have included tax evasion and driving)
Speaking of, Mammon insisted on bringing Fizzaroli everywhere. Including work.
"Mammon, sir, I'm sorry for filing the paperwork for the expansion of LooLoo Land wrong- is that a child?"
"Yeah, this is my boy. Look attem. Ain't he talented!" Cue Fizz hanging off one of his arms. "Whatdya think Fizzie? Should we keep or fire him?"
"You heard the boy! Off withya, ya bloody cunt!"
"Bloody cunt!"
Mammon would belly laugh whenever Fizzaroli would copy his swearing or accent. When is children swearing NOT funny?
Mammon's definitely the type to have tons of pictures in his wallet of his kid. Fizzaroli does get a TV show, lots of interviews and the spotlight often but whenever someone asks Mammon about him he immediately opens the photo wallet.
(He would kill anyone who even touched it)
Of course he still has some of the Mammon-ness we know, bribing and pushing Fizz to do shows, acts, commercials and more, causing Fizz to start getting overwhelmed.
Then one day Fizz's accident happened (it's a canon event)
Mammon practically broke down Belphagor's door when he got the news Fizz was hurt, demanding his boy get the best treatment in Hell.
Mammon didn't sleep for the entire time Fizz was in that hospital bed, sitting beside him for days at a time just thinking about how he nearly lost him. He couldn't lose him.
When Fizz woke up/was stable, Mammon was there during his emotional moments. When Fizz asked if Mammon would replace him he scoffed.
"Fizzie, why would I replace you? You're in recovery right now. A break. Yer fans are dying to see that Fizzie face when you get outta here. You're more popular and more in demand than ever. You do the recoverin and I'll show you the huge profit we return."
Mammon to English translation: It's stupid to think I'll leave. You'll be able to return to the stage, I'll make sure of it. You'll get better and I'll be here with you.
Fizz eventually recovered but needed limbs so Mammon sent a request (demand) to the best mechanic in Hell, Asmodeus. If anyone could make limbs for his boy it'd be that rooster fuck.
Of course just because Mammon had faith in him didn't mean he wasn't picky in what he delivered.
"Can ya loop your arm like a bendy straw?"
"Uh, no."
"Then it's not good enough for you!"
Mammon practically sent Asmodeus a list of limb adjustments and upgrades that needed to be done every other week. All other times he had Fizzie trying all these different therapies, practicing with his limbs, and occasionally try doing a trick. (Not clown car driving after last time). Eventually he was mostly satisfied with the work and to celebrate "Ozzie not *HONK*-ing up" he started teaching Fizz how to play the guitar.
Cue a bit of a time skip of say 7 years.
Fizz has his hands in nearly every facet of entertainment. News, sports, cooking competitions (which he surprisingly sucked at), and of course comedy. Fizz didn't want to say it but doing so much had him tired, stressed, and anxious. He was doing this for Mammon, the person who gave him everything. He couldn't just let him down. He'd seen what happened to those that failed him. All those people who got fired for mistakes they made. He couldn't fail.
At the same time Mammon wants to get into the robot doll industry. Not sex dolls because he can't stand the thought of his (boy) brand being sold like that. Instead personal assistance robots that have all the features. It can make coffee, teach you yoga, be a parent, etc. but of course he needs the mechanical help of Asmodeus again.
Once again Fizz is taking trips to Lust to oversee the production of the robots. After 2 years of this the robots are completed (a huge financial success) and Fizz asks Mammon if he can stay with Ozzie.
Mammon is surprised but ok with it as long as he visits and does a show every now and again. Especially guest judging the Clown Pageant.
He doesn't realize Fizz and Oz have a thing until the Clown Pageant (his final one in canon)
Once it comes out, oh boy, Mammon goes full demon mode. Shit gets ugly. Mammon goes on his normal rant (minus the "raised you like the son I didn't want" part) and Fizz, unwaivering because he's seen this a million times, retorts back with all the anxiety Mammon caused. The acting and shows. How it weighed on him. How he was so scared of fucking something up and getting kicked out.
"I'd never kick you out! You're the crown jewel of my empire! My runt turned pick of the litta! I made you in my image! If I pushed you hard it was because you could be better! I raised you! You've got my training in your back pocket so I knew you could be a better clown than I ever was! All of this was for you!"
Eventually Mammon breaks down and asks why Asmodeus. He's worried about their relationship considering he's known Asmodeus since the beginning of hell.
"Why do you need to date him when you have my empire! If you need money, we have it! If you need companionship, we can buy it! If you need power we have that too! We built this empire! Your talent brought in a fortune and you've seen how to run the business! If you need your own power or your own space you can have it!"
"I'm not with him for any of those things! I know I have everything else here! But I love him Mammon! He takes care of me. He's kind, sweet, handsome, and supports me even on my roughest days. I love him."
"...he makes you feel safe?"
"He treats you good?"
"He treats me amazingly."
"You love him?"
"With all my heart."
"I... Respect your decision. I'm going to make it about me but please bear with me. I know I haven't been the best at raising you. I can be overbearing. And clingy. And I pushed you to do a lot of things that were hard or uncomfortable or er... greedy. I haven't been the best influence on your life but I did my best and if I had to I'd do it all over again."
"Up up up, let me finish ya little shit. You know I have a hard time letting go of things. And I was kidding myself when I thought I'd have ya forever. I forgot how fast ya implings grow up. I thought I could keep ya safe and smilin but I couldn't even do that right. The second most painful thing I experienced in my life was gettin kicked from heaven. The most was seein you in that hospital bed. I've been smotherin ya since. Yer my boy and I wanted better for ya. Thought I could protect ya if I pushed harder. Taught ya more. Did more shit with ya. But in the end you were always gonna have ta leave ta find a life of yer own.
Mammon paused, taking a familiar but heavily deflated remnant of a red horse balloon from under his hat
"I'm at least glad ya took somethin after me. Yer greedy like me and ya landed the best bachelor Hell has ta offer. I... I don't want to let ya go but... Ya need to do this. Live yer life kid, and live it better than me."
The fucking stadium was in tears (me too tbh)
Before Fizz could say anything (he was choking on his words) Mammon extended a card with his sigil on it.
"Remember I'm always here. Please... Call me if ya need me."
Fizz wrapped his robotic limbs around Mammon, bringing him in for a tight hug.
"I love you, Dad."
Mammon cried on that stage, hugging the son he always wanted.
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wonillaa · 1 year
dumb in love with you — jungwon one shot
summary . for the first time, jungwon struggles to speak and it’s all because of you and the way you smile at him as you take his coffee order. genre . fluff
jungwon x gn reader (this is a gift so the name veena is used once hehe)
notes . nyangi dearest i hope you enjoy <3 i changed the whole plot of this like ten million times but i decided on him just being an idiot in love bc he is too cute @nyangified ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
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jungwon has always thought of himself to be calm and confident in how he speaks and acts, but now, he's not so sure.
two of his friends, sunghoon and jake, lived up to half of their dream and finally opened a coffee shop together. was jay behind the process of it all? most definitely. but it's still theirs and they claim it very proud.
they've been telling jungwon to come in almost every day now, so he can "taste heaven" but the phrase alone made his want in going a zero.
but now that he thinks about it, he feels like a horrible friend. he should be supporting them, right? before he even thinks about how coffee never sits well with him he's on his way.
the bells on the door jingle as he walks in. sunghoon glances over and immediately puts his hands on his hips and calls out, "a lost kitten? are you here for some milk?" jungwon scoffs and goes to leave until jake claps happily and smiles as bright as the sun; jungwon sighs in defeat and walks back in.
"i'm here to support jake, do you hear me?" jungwon points a finger at sunghoon and he puts his hands up in surrender, going back to making drinks.
while he's distracted looking around the place he doesn't notice you standing at the register. he turns his head to look at the menu and for the first time, his most annoying friend sees him speechless.
sunghoon only sighs at his young friend in endearment and minds his business. he loves jungwon, and after working with you for some time, he’s grown to adore you too. him and jake have made plans on setting you up with jungwon like the best matchmakers ever but, he guesses you’re already ahead of him.
jungwon swallows harshly and walks up to order. "hi. can i get uh... um, a coffee? please?" his shoulders tense and eyes shut immediately. he already hears his friends choked laughter, he will not acknowledge them. "sorry. an iced vanilla latte with uh, almond milk.. my stomach doesn't take regular milk well haha it's like, really bad." oh my god.
"no problem!" your smile is going to make him word vomit even more. "i'm the same way actually, i get it. what size would you like?"  "a medium pretty please."
he stands distraught by the counter as sunghoon makes his drink in tears. jake comes up and pats his back a few times, "i appreciate you coming in won. but oh my god, maybe you shouldn't have." he leans his head into jungwons shoulder and laughs until he's hiccuping. he really can't wait for niki to get ahold of this information.
"hey sunghoon, can i see his drink?" you whisper to him with a sharpie. "knock yourself out." he leaves to crowd a mourning jungwon and you write a message on his cup,  ' visit us more!! jake and sunghoon would like it, i would too :) ♡ '
jake and sunghoon go back to their coffee shop duties and he steps up to take his drink from you. "thank you," he glances at the note, "oh. sure, i'll definitely come back. and i will probably keep this cup forever."
jungwon coming in becomes a daily thing now. he hates the way coffee makes him feel, but the way you smile and call the most simple drink the “jungwon special”, he lets his stomach suffer. and his bank account.
today he ordered two drinks. you think you’re good enough friends now to ask who it’s for but honestly you didn’t think you wanted to know. you liked his dimples that came out when he slipped on his words, the way his eyes only fixate on you even when his best friends are right there, the way he consistently comes in early and makes your mornings.
and he’s ordering two drinks, the second being so specific without looking at a note or text, he must really like this person. you can only nod and say your usual, “right away loyal customer” maybe he isn’t as loyal as you wished. does he look at other people-
“veena? um.. last week you mentioned this crazy order you like. i made a song in my head to not forget it, i’m assuming thats why you looked at me a certain way. anyway. this is for you.” he shakily hands you the drink back after discreetly writing his own note on it. he’s hoping it was discreet.
you frown unknowingly and whisper the note out loud, ‘ please keep making me coffee forever, no one does the jungwon special like you. oh wow .. this is embarrassing im sorry, i really just wanted to ask for a date ㅠㅠ ’
“yes, date. yes.” you look up at him happily and a little shocked. he jumps up and walks to the counter and sets his drink down, cupping both of your cheeks with his freezing hands. “this is the best day of my life. i’m sorry my hands are wet um, i was nervous you’d say no. oh i’m a mess i’m sorry.” you smile regardless and pull his hands off to hold them, “i’m happy jungwon, so happy. i promise to make you coffee forever.”
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the-penguinspy · 1 year
Also, not me not realizing you rbed a prompt post until now :( ONLY if you want to bc I'm like ten years late or smth!
27: I can't think when you keep looking at me like that.” for whoever strikes ur fancy :)
not me, replying, 10 years late as well...thank u for the prompt smo, 'twas truly lovely to write for :)
The living room still smells like the remnants of their breakfast. American-style this morning – maple sausages and fried eggs, waffles and coffee; something Ava had been craving, something Beatrice had given in to. 
She’s sated and full, the meal sitting heavy in her belly, and she’d love nothing more than to indulge herself in some mid-morning cuddles with Beatrice, maybe even make out a little bit. Instead, she’s sitting on Beatrice’s lap on the couch, knees bracketing hips. Not a bad place to be in, not at all! But her hands are occupied with a stack of multi-coloured flashcards and she’s studying.
“Bea, don’t we have fake licenses expressly for this purpose? Don’t these rules go out the window when it’s my turn to drive, anyway?”
“You don’t have to take the test, but most of the time we won’t be having dramatic car escapades. You’ll have to learn the rules of the road.”
“I think a little rule breaking is healthy sometimes. Necessary, even.”
Beatrice hums. “You can’t break the rules if you don’t know what they are.”
Ava groans and throws her head back dramatically, Beatrice’s hands coming up to hold her by the waist to prevent her from falling backwards. “I think I'll know when the rules are broken when I get five honks in a row,” she says, addressing the ceiling. “Bonus points for prolonged honks that sound like harmony.”
“Please don’t cause unnecessary grievances for your fellow drivers,” Beatrice says. Ava straightens up at that. Narrows her eyes at Beatrice. She opens her mouth and is about to dispute the accusation when the hands at her waist squeeze hard, once, and the air in her lungs leave her in a stint of breathless laughter. 
Beatrice leans in close. “What was that you were going to say?” she asks, fingers digging into Ava’s waist, making her laughter burst out unchecked.
“I said–” Another warning squeeze, and Ava’s cut off as she wheezes. “Okay, okay! I won’t– Bea, stop– I won’t cause unnecessary grievances for my fellow drivers.”
“Thank you, darling.” Beatrice reaches out to tuck a stray hair behind Ava’s ear, smiling when Ava presses a kiss to her palm. She goes back to her stack of flashcards – written by her own hand, thank you very much – reading each question out loud and pairing it with an answer before flipping to the back to check. Beatrice’s hands rest on her thighs, and she hums encouragingly. 
Ava scans the newest question. “What should you do – uh oh, this doesn’t sound good – in the event of a fire in a tunnel?” The stack has lessened by half. Cards are scattered beside her on the couch, a few of them making a home between the cushions. 
She narrows her eyes and tries to pry the answer from her mind. Step one: don’t get close to the fire, obviously, otherwise the car would explode. Step two: stop the car. Step three: find and use the SOS phone, or get out using the emergency exit. Wait, should she use the SOS phone before leaving for the exit? Maybe someone else had already reported the fire, but then again, what if nobody hadn’t? 
She mouths the question to herself silently, fingers itching to turn the card over to get the answer. She squints at the question and traces the words, following the swoops and curves of the lettering, but it’s quite difficult to focus when there’s a more enticing view in her periphery. 
Try as she might, but her gaze keeps getting drawn back to Beatrice’s face. In her defence, it’s a very pretty face – Beatrice’s eyes are a rich, dark brown, focus intense on her, and the way the morning light shines on her face makes her freckles stand out; not stars, but still constellations in their own right. 
It all falls away, is the thing – the stack of cards is held in front of her and she can see the hard-practiced cursive of her penmanship that graces the paper, but it all melts away in the face of Beatrice’s attention on her. It’s thrilling. Addictive. The answer to the question eludes her, slips out of her grasp, driving theory all but forgotten.
A huff and a pout, and Ava’s crossing her arms, hand gripped tight onto the cards to keep them from spilling everywhere. “Bea, I can't think when you keep looking at me like that.”
The blush that blooms on Beatrice’s cheeks is so pretty, even now. Ava feels her teeth ache with it. “My sincerest apologies. Let me remedy that immediately,” Beatrice says, the corners of her mouth twitching. She furrows her brows and frowns in mock-seriousness, and shuts her eyes. 
Ava privately laments her loss but this, at least, is more conducive to her focus.
She’s about to read the flashcard again to remember what the question was exactly, when she feels calloused fingers gently slide up her thighs. Beatrice’s hands reach the bottom of her cotton shorts, fingers barely dipping underneath the hems, before they rest there. She’s used to the frequency of Beatrice’s tactility now, but her chest still warms whenever Beatrice initiates the contact. 
It would have been fine if those hands had stayed, but no – they make their way down her thighs slowly, fingertips dragging, before moving upwards once again with a more pronounced pressure. 
Ava’s breath hitches. The smirk that graces Beatrice’s face is indicative that she caught it, her smile growing wider as Ava’s hands migrate to rest on her shoulders. Ava pitches her hips forward to lean into the contact, and she lets out a whine as Beatrice retracts her hands ever so slightly. “You’re such a tease. Aren’t you supposed to be helping me study?”
“I recall that you’re the one who suggested this method of studying,” Beatrice points out. Her tone wobbles slightly, laughter barely held in check, and Ava shoots her a half-hearted glare – not that Beatrice can see it. “Call it a sneak peek,” Beatrice says, “twenty more questions, then we’ll take a short break.”
“Ten.” “Fifteen.”
Ava beams. “Deal. Although, I think I need a little something to help jumpstart the studying process again. You know, to remind me of why I’m doing this in the first place.”
An eye cracks open at that, and Ava flutters her eyelashes for good measure. The coaxing is unneeded, though – Beatrice lets out a quick huff of laughter as she leans in, and Ava meets her in the middle. 
The kiss is slow and sweet; a delicious sample of what’s to come. But Ava’s never been particularly good at waiting – she’s harboured an itching sense of impatience ever since the Halo had been embedded onto her back, the feeling only exacerbated by the blue-shifted timeline of the Holy War. Thus, the desire to take life by the reins, to devour its offerings, had become a habit formed quickly by will and necessity. Every facet of life she’d missed out on – she’d wanted it all, had always been hungry for it. 
But – the war is over now. The life she’s building together with Beatrice is never going to be snatched away by divine hand, by demons or monsters or duty or sacrifice, not anymore. Ava’s still oh-so-hungry for it, and she can afford to linger now, but still, in moments like these? Where it’s just the two of them, unhurried, where love permeates every breath, every look, every gesture? It’s hers, it’s Beatrice’s, it’s theirs for all time, but somehow it’s moments like these where Ava can’t help but feel the most greedy; can’t help but give in to the urge to take, to hold between the canines of her teeth. 
She tilts her head to deepen the kiss, fingers twitching against Beatrice’s shoulders. The hands on her thighs tighten their grip in approval, and the feeling sparks a hot thrill up her spine that disperses rapidly through her veins. 
But all too soon, Beatrice pulls back. She doesn’t move far though; her lips ghost over Ava’s chin, her jaw. Ava holds herself still, waits until Beatrice’s mouth brushes against hers in one last kiss. Only then does Beatrice lean back. And only then, in the gift of this space, does Ava let her composure crumble, body and spirit rejuvenating with a harsh and shaky inhale. 
“Can I open my eyes now, or will that be too distracting for you?” Beatrice’s voice is low and sweet with the tease, the cadence of her breathing unfairly even; this close, her breaths fall damp over Ava’s lips and taunt her with their proximity, and Ava has to fight to loosen her muscles, to not give in to the chase.
Tempting as always, but – Ava stays strong. She places a small kiss on the tip of Beatrice’s nose, revels in the warmth of her smile and how her eyes crinkle at the corners, before settling in place and returning to her flashcards once more. “Keep them closed, please, or I’ll never learn how to drive normally.”
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awmancreeper · 11 months
♡Lonely Boy Will Stay Lonely?. 19 - PP Gang
--❣︎ StayC’s Y/n is notorious for being K-pop’s social butterfly and making friends comes rather easy for her. When she’s asked to be an MC for Inkigayo, one of her co-hosts doesn’t seem too pleased to be working with her. This unknown feeling sparks a drive to become the bestest of friends with him but from the looks of it, he’ll fight her the whole way there.
Masterlist / prev / next
!!written parts!!
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Kai watched as Taehyun juggled trying to dry his wet hair with a towel and brush his teeth. Seeing his best friend so stressed out was both amusing and nerve-wracking for his panic makes Kai feel like he’s completely under stressing this.
Kai looked down at himself as he was only wearing a hoodie and sweats whereas Taehyun had put on a pair of jeans and a loose-knitted sweater. Kai laughed “Aren’t you forgetting shoes?” He said as a joke but that made Tae quickly shut off the water “Holy shit you’re right!” Tae yelled running into their shared room.
Hyuka shook his head looking at his phone “I’m still so confused” Beomgyu said sitting on the couch. “I already told you I have a friend coming over” Kai told him but all it did was make Gyu more confused. “Two things. 1. It’s 10 at night 2. You never let anyone come over”
Kai nodded “Well I’m making an exception”. Beomgyu’s eyebrow rose, “Are you sure this isn’t a booty call? And Tae is going out bc he doesn’t want to deal with it?” Kai’s ears turned red “W-what no!”
Just then the intercom buzzed, Kai quickly went to it and accepted “Hello?”
It was a person but their cap covered the camera’s view of their face.
“Hi I have a delivery for Hyuka,” Kai smiled “Is that right?” He answered back “Yeah it's a pizza with EXTRA large sausages and a lot of sauce” The female voice rang through the living room. Beomgyu laughed “disgusting keep it down” he laughed getting up to go to his room.
Kai buzzed you in “Stop being dumb I already texted you the code, come on up” You looked up and smiled at the camera “You’re so grumpy” His heart skipped a beat feeling excited “Yeah yeah, and try to keep it down” he reminded you
Beomgyu was right, Kai rarely lets people come over, for his dorms is the place he can relax and do his own thing. Knowing you’re currently coming up made the nervousness finally kick in. Does he have to brush his teeth too? Should he hide his stuffy collection? What does he even plan on doing to keep you entertained?
His mind raced as Taehyun stumbled out of the room with two different shoes on “Which one? The converses give it a casual look but the dress shoes show I put effort” he explained but all Kai did was shake his head “Dude neither-“ suddenly the front door opens up
“Where’s my baby girl at?” Your voice rang through the dorm both Kai and Tae froze. You step into view with a pizza box, but you freeze “There you are- uh Hi” You said awkwardly greeting the new person that stood next to Kai “Taehyun!” You smiled at him.
Taehyun didn’t respond instead he quickly fell to his knees as his legs gave up on him “Oh my god!”
Tae lay stiffly in his bed while Kai took a breather after having to practically carry his best friend into their room for Tae's legs were like noodles. “Is he okay?” You asked putting the box of pizza on the desk, Kai looked at Taehyun “Um…yeah, he’s just a really big fan of you”
“Hmm, you don’t say” you said happily admiring all the Stayc posters on the wall even with your SWITH fan club individual members poster at the center. “You’re not weird out right?” Kai asked but you quickly shook your head “Nah my room is the same but just of you guys”
You turned to Taehyun who was still stunned “It’s great to meet you Taehyun, Hyuk- uh Kai has told me a lot about you” You extended your hand out. Just then a calloused-filled hand softly gripped yours, you looked up to see Tae sitting up looking away with pink cheeks “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you too, Kai has also told me a lot about you too” you buffered before looking back at kai with a smudged face “I see~”
“I’m a huge fan,” Tae said you put your hand on top of both hands “Likewise, your vocals are next level!” You said with a smile
Taehyun softly bowed his head in gratitude “Are you going somewhere?” You asked him referring to the two different shoes he had on but he quickly began to take off the shoes “Nah I was just uh… trying some things out”
You laughed “Well in that case, Taehyun you can officially join Kai and I on our pizza date!” You said happily “D-date?!” Kai stammered out but you ignored him “I wish I brought more pizza” Your lips went straight “You guys like pineapple pizza right?” “Oh we don’t just like it,” Tae began while Kai finished it “We believe in it”
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Taglist: @txtbrainrot @azinwo @mackjestic @mangobee @ggggghost @adajoemaya @kainkhemistry @suzirumas @amareoverall @owotalks @justemalove @kaisdefender @aloverga @myahwritesss @justiceya @loopycorn1123 @amara-mars @samvagejkflxhrt @iraa567 @liinori @reinahwanggg @bangchansbae @heyitssarah63 @txtmetonight @lilyidk03 @roseidol @heymickyy (OPEN: comment or ask to be added) LAST CHAPTER THAT THE TAGLIST WILL BE OPEN if you want to be added last call
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nickfowlerrr · 2 years
keeping secrets -
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series masterlist / chapter one
pairing: bucky barnes x curvy!reader (dark!soulmate au)
warnings: this is going to be a very angsty/sad/smutty series. 18+ ONLY. reader has to get a physical done, mentions of weight (not explicit).
words: 1.2k
notes: this isn’t edited. and don’t let the gif fool you, this is a bucky x reader fic lol. we’re just starting slow and steady. i wasn’t gonna start posting this series yet but everyone is so excited and so am i so i figured what the hell. but no one is allowed to rush me for updates now bc you were all warned and you all know it takes me forever to update lol.
anyway! i really hope you all enjoy this little chapter. as always, feedback and comments are more than welcome. thank you in advance for reading and reblogging. let me know what you think 🖤
It was a Monday. You arrived at the compound at 5 in the morning, greeted by Steve Rogers himself. To say you were a little star stuck would have been an understatement, but you kept your composure and introduced yourself to the way taller and way more gorgeous in person man stood before you.
“It’s nice to finally meet you,” he smiled as he shook your hand.
“Likewise, Captain,”
“Please, Steve is fine. We’re all like family here, no need for formalities. I’m sure you’re gonna fit right in,” he reassured you as he led you through the entrance. Still, the compound was expansive and just as intimidating as you thought it might be. You listened intently as Steve led you around, showing you the gym, the lab area, the kitchen, meeting rooms, med bay, training areas, the hangers, the common room, and everywhere else before he eventually brought you to your room.
“This is yours. It’s fully furnished, and feel free to decorate however you like. I know it seems kinda lifeless right now, but the other’s should be getting up soon and permitted staff start showing up around 8am, but they’re not always here. And none of them are allowed to just enter in our living quarters unless it’s an emergency. Guests are allowed, but they have to be cleared first, for safety reasons. Tony should be calling for you in a little while to get your gear all suited and then someone from med will get you to do your physical. We have a training scheduled for 10, you’ll get to meet everyone then if you don’t happen to cross paths before that. I’ll uh, I’ll leave you to get settled in then. Unless you need any help?” he offered.
“Really, it’s just clothes and toiletries. Thank you, though. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course. Just tell FRIDAY if you need anything, she can call people for you, too. If you have any questions about it, though, I’d ask Tony. He knows a lot more than I do about it,” he said as he rubbed his neck almost nervously. “Well, I’ll be seeing you. Again, if you need any help, just call me,” he smiled again.
“I will, thanks,” you nodded with a smile in return. “See ya,” you said as he left your room.
Your meeting with Stark was quick, he seemed to be moving a mile a minute, not that you minded. He gave you your new and improved tact suit, explained the in and outs of it to you, had you try it on to make sure it fit well, and you said your thanks as he sent you on your merry way.
As you were walking back down the corridor to return to your room, you were stopped by a pretty blonde in a lab coat and glasses calling your name. You looked to her and she motioned for you to follow her back in the opposite direction you had been heading.
“Hi, my name’s Brittany, everyone calls me Brit, though. First day, huh?” she smiled at you.
“Uh, yeah. First day,” you laughed lightly. “Um..Where..are you taking me?” you asked confused.
“Oh, sorry! I should have led with that. Dr. Cho is waiting for you, just need to get your physical done and run some tests is all.”
“Cool,” you breathed, “let’s get it over with, then.”
You hated the doctors. You knew this was necessary, obviously, but that didn’t change the way you felt about having to get it done. You were thankful for Brit, though. Her chatter was distracting enough to help you not stress out so much. And she seemed really nice, you only hoped the rest of the staff would be, too.
As she walked you into the med bay, you were greeted by Dr. Cho who was waiting for you. After introducing yourselves, she led you to one of the back rooms to begin the exam.
You stepped out of your shoes before she took your height and as you were dreading the next part of the exam, she asked you a question you’d never been asked in a doctor's office before.
“I’m going to take your weight next, do you care to know it or would you like me to just record it and not show you?”
You stood there a moment, almost in shock at the simple question. You blinked a few times before you looked at her and finally answered.
“I- uh, I think I’d rather not know.. Thank you,” you said earnestly.
“Of course, not a problem.”
You stepped on the scale backwards so as not to see the number that in the grand scheme of things, you knew meant nothing. But you also knew how much damage knowing said number could do to your mental health. You breathed a sigh of relief as you stepped off and Dr.Cho continued on with the exam.
Before you knew it, you were on your way out of the med bay. As you walked into the lobby, you saw Brit talking animatedly to someone who leaned against the counter she was sitting behind. There were two cups of coffee before them and you saw a glimmer of metal as the person reached out to move the cups over so he could lean further without knocking them over. You pieced together from the hand and well built frame who it must have been. You didn’t need to see his face to know she was talking to the Winter Soldier. No, you corrected yourself, not the winter soldier. What was his name again? Barnes? Something Barnes. Sergeant something Barnes, you weren’t sure.
Not wanting to interrupt, or embarrass yourself, you slipped out of the office without saying a goodbye. You were sure you’d see her around, anyway.
As you left, your head was down while you stared at the floor, not wanting to draw any attention. Unfortunately, you didn’t see Steve walking right in front of you until you were already walking straight into him.
“Oh my god, I’m so sorry, I wasn’t watching where I was going,” you were quick to apologize as his hands steadied you while you threatened to fall. He was a hell of a lot sturdier than he looked, it almost felt like you walked right into a wall.
“No, I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking, either.”
As you straightened up, he pulled his hands off you and gave you a sheepish smile.
“I actually was looking for you, though. There are a few things I forgot to show you,” he said.
As Steve was talking, you could feel eyes on you, but refused to turn around and meet them. From inside the med bay, Bucky was watching the interaction between you and Steve with intent eyes. He hadn’t seen you around before, yet something about your presence seemed familiar.. Your back was to him, so he couldn’t see your face, but the way Steve was smiling so much was making him even more curious about you. He continued watching and eventually caught himself admiring the sway of your hips as you and Steve left walking back down the hallway together. Brit came back around from Dr.Cho’s office and brought his attention back to her with more of her idle chatter, though somewhere in the back of his mind, he couldn’t seem to shake the nagging thoughts that kept coming back around to you.
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pray4saint · 9 months
crush culture
masterlist & descrip. pg-13. 13+. fem!reader. swearing. toxic, manipulative, near abusive ex mention. use of 'y/n'. lyrics are out of order. crush denial. 1.5k words. in reponse to @ghostworrjed 's ask bc i accidentally wrote it wrong & posted it lmao.
a/n. STOP IT ILY. first fic for this event is a conan gray song n im living for it | the last paragraph was rushed bc the song was starting to give me a headache
crush culture by conan gray | this is apart of my 500 follower event!
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”i'm done! okay, i'm done! are you fucking happy now?!” you'd screamed, reaching for your keys off the dresser. your boyfriend stared up at you from the couch, a dark look in his eye that made your hands tremble in just the slightest. behind you, you'd already started to turn the door handle and pull it, opening the door, still facing him. ”yeah, i am. you know why?” you didn't want to say anything, you wanted to leave. but as if his words were a drug, you responded, ”why?” breathless, your eyes giving way to your fear. the man sat far from you smiled, the same smile that always told you things weren't going to end well. ”because you'll come back. because we love each other.” despite how he meant it sound, you could still feel the venom spat from his mouth. you could feel it tingle against your skin, you could feel it in the air as you slammed the door shut, anger and sadness fighting to stay behind your eyes, you could feel it on the hoodie you were wearing that was actually his.
you'd gone to stay with your cousin that night. she doubled as one of your best friends and stayed up with you the entire night. she wasn't amazing at providing comfort, but she let your cry it out on her couch, she let you sleep in her guest bedroom, she took the next morning off work to stay with you. she also convinced you, along with the ill intent behind your boyfriend's words, not to go back to him.
”y/n, my dearest cousin and best friend in the entire world, can i offer you a piece of advice?” she'd asked, pulling english muffins from the toaster onto her plate. for the first time since you'd sat down to eat, you looked up from your plate. ”yeah, go ahead.”
”why don't you try.. not dating, just for a few months?” you knew to take everything your cousin said with a grain of salt, but maybe she was onto something. every time you'd gotten out of a major relationship, there was a cycle that you never strayed from, and that was; breakup, then have a rebound, then go on two dates with different people, and then dive into another long-term relationship. ”uh, yeah, i'll give it a try.” it came out more sarcastic than you meant it, but by the smile you got from her, you assumed she could tell.
by the time you'd left her house that day and were on your way back to your own place, you'd decided to take the time off from dating.
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yes, it had been a few months since your breakup with your ex. yes, your ex was still texting you, every other goddamned day.
after news of your breakup had travelled throughout your friend group and your cousin's friend group, it was a mutual friend – one neither of you had heard from in a long time – who reached out. sapnap. and recently, you'd been spending more time than you would've liked to admit with him. it slowly went from one coffee out to cheer you up a few weeks after the breakup, which mind you, took a couple of cancellations to get set up, to you texting him whenever you wanted to go out and get away from everything. the next month you were telling him what your ex would say in the texts he'd send you.
in your mind, there were no sirens, no flags raised at how much time you'd spent talking to sapnap. even when he started coming over to your place or you started going over to his place, you didn't think anything of it, because at least you had him to distract you.
i'm not falling for you, 'cause this baby is love-proof.
yes, you'd been spending a lot of time with your friend sapnap. yes, he'd started to become apart of your daily routine to talk to. yes, your cousin had raised concerns over your weekly dinner together. no, you didn't feel anything for him. you didn't feel much of anything for anyone. but when you were with him, much like when you were with your cousin or your other friends, you were smiling and laughing. you were happy.
”do you want me to order something in tonight?” sapnap asked from your couch, head hung over the back to look at you in your kitchen. lifting your head up from your fridge for the fifth time in the hour with a sigh, your head turns to him. ”yeah. can we do ubereats this time? the last time i doordashed, they forgot my sauce.” you pushed the door shut lazily, taking steps back toward the living room as he pulled his head back over the edge and opened the ubereats app on his phone. ”whatever you want.” he offhandedly smiled at you and you've could've sworn your heart stopped for a split second.
oh. shit.
the whole rest of that day you went on as if you weren't on high alert. you couldn't have a crush, not yet, because your six months weren't quite up yet. by the time it was time for him to go, you were internally panicking. just don't see him for a week, that'll fix it, that's what you told yourself.
and initially, it did work. you told sapnap you were sick, and your cousin brought your groceries over that week and all was well in the world. and when you did hang out with him next? there was no heart stopping of any kind, and so you resumed your hanging out with him how you had been for months.
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”what do you think of this?” you'd asked him over facetime, stepping back from the camera to show off the new hoodie and jeans you'd bought that you thought paired really well together. ”i like it, but i think it would look better on my floor.” your heart stopped, but not in the same way as before. this time it was from how outrageous this sounded to you.
”excuse me?” you asked, picking up the phone to bring it up really close to your face. ”you heard me.” he replied simply. nonchalantly.
oh no, don't look in their eyes, 'cause that's how they get you, kiss you then forget you
your cousin stared at you, wide-eyed, jaw slack at your story. ”listen, y/n–” you cut her off. ”i know what you're gonna say, and no, i don't have a crush on him. he's just messing with me, obviously. anyways, i can't wait to be done with these months of being crush-free.”
after giving you a minute to catch your breath, your cousin speaks again. ”so what i was gonna ask, y/n is, are you fighting it? you know, having a crush?” she asked, pulling her mug of tea back up to her lips. she took a long sip in while you mulled over her words. ”no, i don't think so.” your words were flat out simple, but the way your fingertips tapped into your palm gave away your lie. ”uh huh, sure. let me know how this whole thing with sap goes.” she responds, taking another sip from her mug.
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ok, maybe your cousin was right. maybe you were fighting having a crush. maybe you were fighting having a crush on sapnap.
crush culture makes me wanna spill my guts out, spill my guts out, spill my guts out
every time you went out on drives later into the night, every time you called him at midnight and he picked up, every time he texted you about something interesting that'd happened to him throughout his day, every time he flirted with you, you felt heart your stop. you also felt it flip and spin and your stomach twirl and flutter as if butterflies were locked inside.
still, you didn't do anything about it, because you couldn't. you made a promise to yourself, and you wanted to see it through.
what you didn't know, was that sapnap was feeling very similarly. he'd started flirting with you moments before he realises he had a crush on you. but he couldn't do anything about it, because you told him a week later about your deal with yourself, and he knew how badly you wanted to get through it. so, of course, he wanted that for you too.
in the mean time, he flirted but would stop himself short of anything truly meaningful and he would avoid going for the hugs he oh so badly wanted, and he would take advantage of every minute he had with you. oh, what a shame it was to feel so much, and repress it for your sake and for the sake of the person you felt so much for.
.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆. ︶꒦꒷♡꒷꒦︶ .⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.⋆。⋆˚。⋆。˚。⋆.
to say he was happy when you'd called him at 12:01am one night to tell him that you were officially through your six months was an understatement. to say he was ecstatic when you told him how you felt about him moments afterwards was an understatement.
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pray4saint© do not copy, translate or repost my work without my express permission.
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a little Welcome Home theory that's probably me looking entirely too much into a single line <3
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so i was clicking through the site for the thousandth time and this line caught my eye. maybe its 4 am and i haven't slept, maybe i'm onto something. who knows!
but this little thing... "and lively sets unlike anything seen before!". yeah, it could just be them propping up the show. OR maybe the puppets have been alive the whole time, fully autonomous but entirely unaware that they are puppets on a show. maybe to them, the neighborhood is real, and they simply cannot comprehend the presence of humans so their puppet minds don't register them. this could make for a "cosmic horror but for puppets" spin, which would be sick as fuck
their daytime is when the studio lights are on and people are around. idk how the people would teach them the scripts - maybe they did it at "night"? or maybe there was no script, and the puppets would automatically come up with their own shenanigans, dialogue, and segments that aligned with the show, bc that's what they were made for.
bc its not like the whrp team have physical puppets, or much other than art & reports, right? any information on the puppets - like Howdy being rotated between live-hand and walk-around - could've easily been a lie by the creators of the Welcome Home show. i mean, i don't think it would've gone down well if they came out and said "yeah the puppets are alive"
and now that i'm wondering how they could have living puppets, weren't the 60s/70s chock full of cults? could the WH creators have dipped into the occult to create living puppets for a ground breaking, popular, lucrative show, using minimal effort because "the show writes itself"? all they have to do is film and maybe change the puppets' costumes. if that - they could have set up hidden cameras or something.
and this is gonna sound even more far-fetched, but what if creating the puppets required human souls to power them? im not suggesting that the puppets have locked away memories from a "human life", bc that would be uh... a lot. but it's enough that given time and the right prompts, they could gain awareness, and maybe the soul does influence them in minor ways - in likes and dislikes etc.
and Wally being aware means that he fully saw the humans running the show. and maybe the occult thing is what's under Home - the source of black magic that brought the puppets to life seeping out. and he's aware because he looked into that source and it flipped a switch in his lil cotton brain
maybex2 this is what caused the show to not only shut down, but be wiped from existence. the magic seeped into Home, maybe killing someone in the process, and Wally was revealed as aware. maybe on live television. so the creators panicked and shut it all down, tried to destroy everything and gaslight the country into forgetting it ever existed. maybe in the hopes that once no one remembers the puppets, the magic will leech out of them and leave them lifeless
and that loops back into Wally being the only one referred to in present tense in the neighborhood bios. he's still aware, maybe trapped in the studio, alone. i mean, i sure hope he's not alone - i hope he has his friends with him. unless they're all decommissioned (dead)... maybe Wally is trying to bring them all back or "fix" them?
but then there's the case of all of this currently going down online. have the puppets' consciousness somehow been transferred to the internet? or has Wally gotten his little felt mittens on a computer? something else? and then there's the whrp team... could they be fake, and its really just Wally trying to cobble together the remains of his life/friends? i mean, the Question-Answerer sounds like a title a kid or naive puppet would come up with. people would've called them the Curator or somethin?
i have too many thoughts
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fuck-customers · 6 months
Pls tell me someone else has been through something similar.
TL;DR: Paid for a strangers groceries. Got asked out by him through his friend. Denied coz Idk why he did that & uh... he was deff not femme presenting so not my preference (& I still feel bad about it lmao). 🥲 #rip
I don't hate this customer, but I constantly wonder if anyone has had a shared experience like this so if you have, PLEASE leave it in the comments (or reblogs).
(*Shared experience as in... a stranger/customer asking you out for something you did for them while on the clock or something you showed them at work that's a work perk.)
When I was a cashier at the american grocery store "English en Español", I was in a low income area. I constantly had cis men hitting on me for no valid reason, as I'm not the socially accepted aesthetic for "attractive" (probably because it was a small town so there wasn't much selection & I live in cities so I dressed/acted differently than most? Idk. I'm a transman, pre-t & pre-surgery, but present as femme for safety reasons, espec in small towns). I often didn't notice until coworkers told me after they had left or until the man, himself, told me straight up. It was common enough that we had a signal bc apparently I suck at picking up on people hitting on me. NO ONE working that night signaled for this one, despite several of my coworkers seeing this.
So needless to say, I did NOT see this coming.
There was a guy with two girls checking out their groceries at my register. It was late at night, close to closing. When it came to the guys portion of the groceries, he split things up to afford everything. (I feel that lol.) His card declined on the last part. He was maybe $25ish(?) short (idr exact amount). He asked to take off a few things & I was like "Wait, wait." & jumped around & slid my own card & paid for his stuff. At that time (about a decade ago) my finances were mostly stable. I was doing what I could for anyone who needed it. It wasn't abnormal for me to pay for people whose groceries got declined by under $50 if I had it that month. I was stuck at a grocery store all day & people quite literally need food. It's the *least* I could do while financially stable, yknow? He wasn't someone I singled out... just someone else I managed to have the privilege of helping.
But this guy looked like he was both a) about to cry & b) incredibly embarrassed. He barely whispered thank you to me before grabbing everything & RUNNING out the door. His two friends thanked me profusely & followed him out *normally*. Lol.
I didn't have anyone else to check out coz it was almost 10pm at that point, so I was just vibing at my register. Maybe 5 whole minutes later (yes, THAT LONG) one of the girls the guy was with comes back in & runs up to my register.
I didn't say anything coz I was confused. Why is everyone running? Why does everyone have so much energy? Jeeze. 💀
She said, quickly & excitedly, "Remember the guy you just saw that you paid for his groceries?"
Me: "👁👄👁... yeah?"
Her: "Well, he wanted to know if you wanted to go out with him. Like, on a date."
Me, confused, not knowing what to say, stalling: "Uhhhhhhm."
In my mind, I'm thinking: 'Why would he want that? Because I paid for his groceries? Does he think I'm one of those dommes that gives money to their subs? Oh no. I'm a sub, not a dom! Maybe he just thinks I'm nice? Oh god, he's gonna find out I'm NOT nice if we date... but I really only like femme presenting people. How tf do I say that in a small town where I don't want that to get out? I don't know what's happening here, but-"
Me, without hesitation: "Sorry, but ...I like women?"
Her: "👁👄👁... Was that a question?"
Me: "...No?"
Her: "... 👁👄👁 ...Okay, I'll tell him. Thanks!"
Again, with the running. Running out the door. To the car. They looked about the same age as me. Early 20s. Like... where are they getting this ENERGY??? 😭
He NEVER came into the location I worked at again while I was there for 3 years lmao. The two girls did. Ik he lived in the area. This was before the time of grocery delivery. So uh... I feel awful lol.
I also feel awful because I never really say no to anyone in that context or break up with anyone. I always force *them* to say no or break up with me so that I don't have to do it. 😅 I'd never in a million years lead anyone on coz that's completely unfair, but I really just need the other person to do it & I couldn't in that situation so it still sits in the back of my mind like, "oh my god what have I done" kind of catastrophic thoughts spiraling from there. Meanwhile, he probably doesn't even remember I exist. 💀
So rip to me, I guess.
Please tell me someone else has had some kind of interaction where a stranger/customer has asked you out or tried to get with you based on something you did (or did for them) on the clock or a work perk you showed them/they saw. 😭 Pls make me feel less alone in this lmao.
Also make sure to give the follow up tea! Did you go out? Did it work? Are you married? ☕️ 🦊
When I was 19 I gave a lady a coupon for money off (I'm 50 I forget how much it was for.) and this lady tried to hook me up with her 13yo daughter. I dunno if that counts.
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reidsaurora · 2 years
"Never" ~ S. Reid
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Summary: When Y/N doesn't show up for work multiple days in a row, Spencer Reid is determined to find out why. Though, when he finds out the reason, Y/N never expected him to stay… much less help her through it.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem!BAU!Reader (no pronouns used but Fem!Reader is somewhat implied)
Word Count: 2,127
Content Warning: heavy BPD content, mentions of food, mentions of binge eating, mentions of medications, very mild swearing, lmk if i missed anything!
Genre: mostly Hurt/Comfort and Angst mixed with Fluff
Extra Notes: i hope this is OK and somewhat accurate. i do not have BPD (or at least, not that i know of anyway) so i attempted to do some research and make this as accurate as possible!
Based On the Request: "hii! request for spencer reid, reader has bpd and goes into a depressive spiral and spencer realizes and takes care of her and gives reassurance and comforts her, hugs cuddles kisses all of that. maybe also he helps her take a bath bc she struggles with hygiene when she's spiraling and it's all sweet n stuff, just very very fluff."
Features the One-Liner: "Aren't you getting tired of taking care of me?" - "Never."
Originally Written: 06/28/2022
Criminal Minds masterlist can be found here!
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"𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐬 𝐣𝐮𝐬𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐝𝐨𝐥𝐥, 𝐝𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐨𝐟 𝐚 𝐛𝐨𝐲 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐠𝐥𝐮𝐞." - 𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐮𝐬
"Y/N? It's Reid, open up!" Reid shouted outside my front door.
I supposed I should've let him in by that point. After all, he'd been knocking for three whole minutes.
As I slowly plodded toward the door, I wondered why he'd knocked for so long. I wondered what was so important, but more importantly, I wondered why I was so important.
"Yeah?" I asked sarcastically as I opened the door.
He took a second to look me over. Rightly so, considering I hadn't been to work in three days, and I hadn't showered since at least the weekend. I thought for a moment as I tried to remember the last time I'd changed clothes, the last time I did something as simple as brush my teeth or comb my hair.
Reid could tell, too. I figured that out when his face fell. Hesitantly, he asked, "Are you feeling OK?"
"I'm fine," I insisted. "I was a little busy though," I lied.
"Uh…" he uttered nervously. "Don't take this the wrong way, but were you too busy to call in and tell Hotch you were taking a couple days off?"
I ran a hand through my hair, only just having realized how oily it must've been. "Is that why you came—to reprimand me in Hotch's place?"
"No, no!" he exclaimed as he held his hands up. "I actually wanted to check on you. For myself."
"Really?" I asked, genuinely surprised.
I tried to process his words. Who would want to check on me? Who would go out of their way to make sure I was OK?
He nodded silently. "May I come in?"
I stepped aside before warning him, "Brace yourself."
He took a look around my apartment. I was surprised he didn't run away at the smell of old food on the counter and the sight of the trash lying around.
He turned back to face me with furrowed brows. "I'm assuming your place doesn't always look like this?"
I shook my head. "Only when-" I stopped myself, wondering how I could've let that slip.
I felt a wave of guilt come over my stomach. Surely, he didn't care why my apartment looked and smelled that way. I was surprised he was even still standing in my living room after what he'd viewed upon his arrival.
After an awkward moment of silence, he spoke up again. "Don't take this the wrong way, but have you been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder?"
Leave it to Spencer Reid to figure that out within a minute of entering my home.
Despite the fact that he was correct in saying so, I tried to argue by saying, "That's crazy. Why would you think-"
"Well," he cut me off, "I just thought the symptoms kind of added up. The first sign was that you didn't call to tell us you'd be out of work, which would fall under 'impulsive behavior'. Then, there's the fact that you tried to push me away when I first got here, which could have to do with fear of abandonment. All of the junk food wrappers would tell me you've been eating a lot. Binge eating is another common symptom among people with BPD. Then-"
"Yes, Reid," I cut him off this time. "I have BPD." That felt weird to say out loud.
"I noticed an empty bottle of Fluoxetine on the counter. Is that what you take for it?" he questioned.
I slowly nodded as tears began brimming up my eyes. "It was."
"When was the last time you took it?"
The tears finally started to fall from my eyes as I answered, "Over a month ago."
His lips pressed together before he wrapped me in a hug. "I'm sorry you're going through this."
My tears started to fall more rapidly when he said this. "Why is he being so nice to me? Does he really care that much about me?" I contemplated.
He held me for a few minutes. God knows I needed it. It was nice to hold something that wasn't my pillow. It was nice to smell something that wasn't my own, awful stench.
For a moment, I pondered what it would be like to taste something that wasn't cheap pizza or Chinese take-out. I quickly stopped myself. Like hell he'd wanna kiss me in the first place, much less in these conditions.
"I promise I don't mean this in a rude way. I'm just curious, I swear," he started, "But, when was the last time you took a bath? Like a nice, long, hot bath?"
I chuckled sarcastically. "In this place? Never."
He pulled away as he asked, "Is there a reason why?"
I wiped my cheeks with the pads of my fingers, but it was pointless. My cries just continued on. "I never felt I deserved it."
He looked to the floor, his face somewhere between sympathizing and wondering. After a moment, he said, "I have an idea."
"I'm all ears, I suppose."
"You can say no, of course. But, I thought, maybe I could help you. I used to wash my mom's hair a lot when she would have really bad episodes," he explained. "I know it would be a little weird, but you can wear a bathing suit. I'll step out when you're ready to wash everything else," he said awkwardly.
For the first time in what felt like an eon, I cracked a smile. Sure, it was only a partial smile, but Spencer Reid had managed to make my lips turn upward for a split second. That was an accomplishment I never thought would happen again.
I nodded. "Yeah, I'll go change."
And so, the next thing I knew, I was sitting in my bathtub, wearing my favorite pink bikini, and feeling Spencer Reid of all people lather my hair up with coconut-scented shampoo.
"Can you close your eyes for a minute?" he instructed softly. He spoke almost as softly as the music he'd started to play on my speaker.
That was the second time I cracked a smile. It took him nearly ten minutes to figure out how to connect my phone to the speaker, another five to figure out how Spotify worked.
I broke myself from my memories, quickly squeezing my eyes shut. The feeling of warm water trickling down my face soothed me—something I hadn't felt that whole week.
After a couple minutes, he stood up. "I'm gonna go so you can finish up in here, but please take all the time you need," he told me.
That was the first time I'd ever heard those words and actually wanted to listen to them. I'd been diagnosed for years, but not once had I actually wanted to give myself the time and care that I needed.
Reid had that effect on me. He could've told me to do anything in the world and I would've done it. I was convinced he could've told me to drive to Alaska and my reaction would've been, "Where are my keys?"
"I promise I won't leave you," he said. "I'll still be here. Just call for me and I'll be there."
Normally, I would've assumed it was a lie. Who would want to stay and help? But, his words seemed truthful, so I felt that there was no reason to doubt him.
As he walked out, I leaned back into the water. It had been forever since I fully submerged myself in hot water, taking in the steam and the serenity of it.
I sat there like that for at least an hour before finally getting up to strip down and actually take a bath. By the time I did it, my fingers and toes had already pruned up and the water was nearly cold.
I took longer than I normally did when I took a shower, savoring the feeling of body wash on my skin. It was like I could feel the filth leaving my body as I rinsed off.
Finally, I stood up before letting the water out. I dried off rather quickly before throwing on some fresh pajamas.
Almost as soon as I finished dressing, Reid tapped his knuckles lightly on the door. "May I come in?"
"Mhm," I hummed.
He noticed me holding my comb in one hand before taking it from me. "May I?"
I nodded, but still asked, "Why are you being so nice to me?"
"Because you'd do the same if I were in your position."
He ran the comb through my hair carefully, so as to not rip any knots out. I was surprised at first that he'd know how to brush it so carefully, but then remembered the times he'd let his hair grow out.
We stayed silent for a few moments as he finished combing through my hair. I took a couple deep but silent breaths, taking in the feeling of euphoria all this self-care was giving me.
Silently, he took me by the hand and led me out of the bathroom. As we walked down the hallway, he repeated my sentence from earlier. "Brace yourself."
Three was the new record for how many times I'd smiled that day.
As we rounded the corner, my jaw nearly fell to the floor.
He'd taken the time to not only clean up the trash, but also wipe all my counters down, mop the floors, and it looked as though the living room had been vacuumed.
"I'm not the best cook in the world, but I found some bacon and eggs in the fridge. I thought maybe I could make you an omelet or something."
I knew I should've thanked him first. Instead, a couple tears fell from my eyes as I asked, "Aren't you getting tired of taking care of me?"
I could hear empathy in his voice as he answered, "I could never get tired of taking care of you."
I wrapped my arms around his midsection, which was followed by the feeling of his hands meeting my back. We stood like that for a while, basking in the feeling of each other. I listened intently to his breath, his chest vibrating every so often as he hummed contently.
"Whaddaya say?" he asked as he unraveled his arms. "I'll make us some dinner, you can put on your favorite movie, and we can just hang out together?" In a panic, he said, "Only if you want to, of course."
I nodded with my fourth smile of the day. "I'd like that a lot."
And so, after a half hour of watching him struggle to make an omelet, various shouts of "I promise I'll clean all this up!", and an almost burnt batch of bacon, Reid finally presented me with my dinner.
"I hope the presentation makes up for the taste," he said awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck.
"I'm sure it'll be fine, Spencer," I smiled back.
His face turned to a soft expression. "That's the first time you've ever called me Spencer."
My face nearly dropped when I realized the accuracy of his statement. "Yeah, I guess it was."
He swallowed nervously before saying, "I have a question. You don't have to answer if you don't want to, though."
I nodded slowly, hesitantly preparing myself for his question.
"Is there a reason why you never refer to us by our first names? Even when we're off duty, you always call us the same way you would on the field."
"Well, as you know, fear of abandonment is very common in people with BPD," I said apprehensively. "Ever since I first showed signs of BPD, I became hesitant to use nicknames," I explained. "I thought that if I used nicknames, I'd get too close and then someone else would leave me again."
Spencer took a deep sigh before hugging me again. I'd had a hard time believing that he'd hugged me the first time, much less multiple times in one day.
"I-I thought," I stuttered before swallowing hard, "I thought that if I ever called you guys by your first names that I'd lose you too." By this point, I was in tears again. "I've lost so many people because of this illness. I couldn't risk losing you guys too."
He hugged me tighter than he was before. "I promise I'm not going anywhere."
"Well, there's only one way to prove it," I said with another smile, though my tone was sort of daring.
"What's that?"
"Show me you really mean it."
He must've understood what I was implying, because the next thing I knew, his lips were on mine and his arms were wrapped around me tightly.
If there was one thing I knew after that kiss, it was that he wasn't planning on leaving any time soon.
"𝐈 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐥𝐲 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝, 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐚𝐥𝐬𝐨 𝐭𝐨 𝐛𝐞 𝐭𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐈 𝐚𝐦 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐝." - 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐫𝐠𝐞 𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐨𝐭
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Hi, everyone!! Welcome to my @foxy-eva's milestone challenge/@lunar-affection's imagine request hodgepodge!!
I saw the one-liner prompt I used and it immediately felt right for this request so I just mixed the two together and got this! I hope this was OK on both accounts :)
anyway, i'm really proud of the way this turned out and i hope you guys like it too!!
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