#but u can say that to me without being rude because now i just feel WORSE FKDJF
trentskis · 2 years
you sound really condescending after matches like this. why can’t fans be annoyed at their teams lack of performance? i understand you’re trying to be positive but it doesn’t make you a better football fan for not being annoyed.
believe me i am annoyed i just prefer to support the team and hope for better. that is just my way of approaching it and it makes me feel better after losses. just because i don't post about feeling negative doesn't mean i don't have thoughts like that, just like 2 try and have a different outlook esp when the whole dash is v negative. not trying to be condescending or "better fan" at all so sorry if it comes across that way, i just find i feed into negative stuff v easily and im trying not to let it effect me that way. its just the perspective i am trying to have! usually i log off when it's effecting me and i did today as well about 40 mins in. i understand your pov though and its not my intention at all, i just don't want ppl to be so sad after a match bcus i know it can really affect them! also you can be annoyed as much as you want and i never said you couldn't be, it is just better for me personally to have my kind of approach
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space-matt · 6 months
Could I request a Matt x reader.They have been dating for a while but the reader has never left that honey moon stage.One day Matt is not having a good day and the readers presence make him on edge.He ends up blowing up on her calling her overbearing and clingy.Things shift and she becomes more distant,for a while he feels ok but he starts to miss the relationship they way it was before.when he tries to talk to the reader she cries to him about the whole situation.He is really sorry and does his best to make it up to her.
I’ll make it up to you 
matt.sturniolo x fem.reader
summary: It's really true that you understand the value of things when you lose them.. Matt figured it out too late, but will he be able to make up for it?
request: yes 
author’s note: thank u so much for the request!! I hope you’ll enjoy it ♡ I added the song that helped me to write it. For everything I’m here!
English is not my first language, if you see grammar and typing mistakes, I apologize in advance! I just ask you not to be rude to me ♡
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Still lying in bed you feel the heat coming from the window left half open in Matt’s room, with your eyes closed you stretch by turning to the other side meeting a boulder of a blanket, you reach out your hand in search of your favorite person but to your surprise, your hand leans on the mattress, so you open your eyes trying to focus and notice that half of the bed is empty.
You've been together for seven months and thirteen days now, and you have to say that they are the best months of your life; Having never had previous relationships, it can be said that Matt is your first true and actual relationship in your 20 years of life. 
Everything had started as a pure joke between you two to make fun of Chris and his girlfriend Maddy, but the more time passed, the more you began to feel real feelings towards the boy who unlike you had liked you for a long time, but for fear of being considered only and solely a friend, he wanted to avoid putting his heart in the foreground and listening to the rational part of his brain. 
But fate wanted that one evening while you were saying goodbye to go to your own house, the moment you were about to press a kiss against his cheek, Matt turned earlier than expected causing your lips to collide, making you immediately move away but when you stopped to look into his eyes you saw in both of them a spark to burst a breathless kiss.
It must be said, from that moment you have been together, indeed perhaps precisely because it is your first relationship that you try to always make everything go for the best unlike Matt who still had his first relationships during his adolescence that, however, according to him, ''they can't compete with you''. Of course, it scares you that sooner or later it may get bored or otherwise lose interest in you, but you still try to eliminate this thought and be the best girlfriend in the world. 
So you get out of bed by completely opening the window so that the room can change air, leaving the bed undone; Take your change in the drawer that Matt has free so that you can put some of your things when you stay at his house to sleep, and you head to the next bathroom without noticing who is in the open space connected by a small corridor to his room.
Meanwhile Matt was lying on the sofa, the TV turned on in the background, with the phone in his hand looking at the various social networks but his mind was elsewhere, indeed the day had started in the wrong direction.
All night you did nothing but stay attached to him not making him move, which didn't make him sleep a wink and that's why he was quite nervous.
His brothers were still in their respective rooms changing, as they would then be out all day under your precise instructions, as you wanted to spend a day entirely with Matt before leaving for spring break in two weeks. 
When Nick and Chris find themselves in the living room ready to go out, Matt pulls up his head ''Do we have any meetings today?'' He asks confused getting up and putting the phone in his pocket ''The two of us yes, you have the day off today.. enjoy it'' Chris replies with a grin on his face which vanishes when he hears a puff from him ''Wow I didn't expect all this enthusiasm '' exclaims ironic Nick going to the door of the house ''Please let me come with you, I need to disconnect, I need air'' Matt responds whispering so as not to be heard by you ''Sorry MattyB but no'' says Chris taking a can of Pepsi from the fridge and then he goes out too.
Another puff comes out of his lips knowing he has to stay with you all day, and resignedly throws himself back on the couch closing his eyes.
When he feels your steps approaching a sense of annoyance and nervousness pervades his body, he can't even understand the reason for all this but it's already been a couple of days that he just wants to have a moment for him, but with you in the middle it's almost completely impossible.
On the other hand, you do not notice anything different, perhaps because taken by too much love even the most obvious things go unnoticed by your eyes in the shape of a little heart. 
All happy you go to the kitchen take water pouring it into a glass, you notice Matt on the sofa, you leave the glass on the counter and go in his direction lowering yourself to his height ''Babe, let's go out for breakfast?'' you ask trying to caress his hair but at your touch, he moves by sitting down looking at you ''I can't, I have to go out'' he responds annoyed without even looking at you, leaving you a little surprised but doesn't give up trying with a ''Then when you come back we can go for a ride at Lake Hollywood Park, right?'' hopeful in one of his answers but the only thing he pronounces is a ''See you later'' without greeting you and leaving the house, leaving you standing in the middle of the living room. 
The hours go by and so does your enthusiasm, you start thinking about the worst situations in your mind, which do nothing but increase your paranoia;
Okay maybe you recognize that in the last period, you have always been with them but although it has been almost a year since you moved to Los Angeles, you have not been able to make many friends due to your armor that you tend to raise when it comes to new people. But with Nick, Chris, and Matt it's different, you've known them since you were little, and with them, there was never a need to create a wall to protect you, because they are your guardian angels.
You've always gotten along, except for a few quarrels which is normal, but you've never noticed before behaviors so distant from Matt, as if your presence wasn't welcome.
When you hear the door open you hope that your boyfriend's figure will come out of the stairs but you recognize the voices of Chris and Nick, you resign yourself completely on the couch with your pajamas and the tray of ice cream on your legs.
''Ookay... why are you at home? Didn't you have to go out?'' Nick asks looking at you confused ''By the way where is Matt?'' Keep looking around ''I have no idea'' you answer him in a subtle voice while you eat a spoonful of vanilla ice cream, you feel the tears stop at the corners of your eyes, so you don't see you turn your head on the other side putting the teaspoon in the tray ''He came out this morning and never came back, I tried to text him and call him a couple of times but I didn't receive an answer'' you keep whispering closing your eyes making the tears fall.
You feel the package of ice cream being removed from your legs and two arms that surround you, from the essence that envelops you, you recognize that is Chris and with your eyes still closed you abandon yourself in a liberating cry after holding it all day ''Shh, it's okay'' he whispers massaging your back ''You know that now and then he has its relapses and behaves like this'' he keeps trying to reassure you.
You pull up with your nose and detach yourself from his arms ''But with me, he had never behaved this way.. at all he always came to me'' you explain looking in his direction receiving almost an expression of pity on his face ''What do you say if we order something and watch a movie here all together? We will make you choose'' announces trying to cheer you up But on your part, he only receives a nod with your head.
Even though he had spent the whole day outside walking around the crowded streets of Santa Monica, his mind did nothing but think about the time to get home, the only thought of having you always stuck made him take his breath away, of course he cared you but this so much physical contact, at that time, was leading him to detach himself from everything, but especially from you.
That's why he had waited for a late time to come back, so as not to have to face you trying to postpone everything to the day of your departure. But you know how his thought works more than yourself, in this way after finishing watching your comfort movie together with the two boys, you decide not to go to sleep right away but to stay on the couch not being able to stay alone in bed without Matt by your side, with the knowledge of having done something wrong. 
The fact that there was no communication between the two of you was new, you have always been the anchor of each other, and not being it in a short time has completely upset you, especially not understanding how to act, and consequently how to find a solution. 
The silence that reigns in the house is broken by the noise of the keys that are inserted into the door patch, your heart begins to beat quickly but you remain motionless sitting with your gaze turned in his direction, while he tries to slowly climb the entrance stairs but when it reaches the last one, he stops seeing you pulling his eyes up ''you shouldn’t have waited up for me, there was no need'' he says changing towards the fridge taking a bottle of water but no longer being able to hold back your thoughts for you ''What have I done? It's all day that you avoid me indeed it's days that you behave strangely'' you blurt out getting up to get closer to him, and given your height difference you are forced to pull up your head to look him better in the eyes.
As you stand in front of Matt, you can feel the bitterness in his words cutting deep into your heart. "What did you do to me?" he asks, his voice laced with anger and frustration. "There's that you've become overbearing and clingy. I can't take it anymore. You're always sticky, I never have a free moment, and if I have it, you're always there" he exclaims with clenched teeth and a hard look.
His words strike you like a bolt of lightning, and you take a step back, not believing what you're hearing. "We weren't like that before, and now I understand why no one has ever wanted you" he adds with wickedness, making you feel small and insignificant.
You try to speak, but your voice catches in your throat. You know what you've been through, and you've always hoped that Matt would understand. But instead, he holds it against you, making you feel like an outcast.
"You're an asshole" you finally manage to say, raising your voice as tears slide down your face. It's not like you to use such harsh words, but you're hurt and angry, and you can't help it.
At that moment, Matt opens his eyes, and you can see the surprise and shock on his face. He had never heard you say such a thing to him. Among all people, it was always you who used a calm tone, even in the most difficult situations.
Seeing you rush into his room, he follows you around, but when he sees that you start to take your bags, he realizes that he has exaggerated. "What do you do?" he asks, trying to take your arm. But with all the anger that you had in your body, in very little, you wriggle from his grip. "Let go of me" you say in a dry tone.
"I'm not going to stay in the room with you anymore. I'll go to Nick's, and I'll bring all my stuff" you finish, closing the zip and dragging the bag on the ground. As you come out of his room, you find yourself facing the two guys who, from the screams, immediately catapulted to see what had happened.
As you ask Nick for help, you feel exhausted and drained from the situation at home. Without even turning to see him, his hand takes the bag from yours and you head up to the room with the older brother. In the distance, you hear Chris saying, "Dude you have already done too much damage, let her be."
Days pass by, but the situation at home remains the same.
After receiving some harsh words, you decide to build a wall between you and Matt and try to avoid being alone with him.
You attempt to behave like a mature person, spending more time with the two brothers and going out on your own when they can't accompany you.
Matt, on the other hand, feels good when you're not around. However, as time passes, guilt starts to creep in, and he realizes that he doesn't want to push away the one person who means the world to him.
He understands this even more when you don't even look at him at the airport and leave without a single glance. "Why did I do wrong to her?" he says to himself as he watches you go through security checks. "Because you're a jerk, that's why" answers Nick, watching him with a serious expression.
Although he regrets his actions, Matt is determined to make things right between you two. Without telling anyone, he packs his backpack with only the bare minimum and heads off to the other side of the country.
Spring break is coming to an end, and leaving your family and friends in Boston again feels like a stab in the heart. This time, it hurts even more because you know that once you get back, you'll have to fend for yourself completely, starting with finding an apartment.
You and your family were having a pleasant evening playing board games when you heard the doorbell ring. "Were you expecting someone?" you asked, moving your pawns on the board. "No, we weren't. Why don't you go and answer it?" your mother replied, gazing at you with a gentle expression. You got up from your spot, a little confused.
As you reached the door, you saw Matt standing outside with a bouquet of your favorite tulips and a puppet with the words <I'm stupid> written on it. The sight of the flowers made you smile, but you didn't let your guard down completely.
''Please, I have to talk to you''
"You have five minutes" you told him as you closed the door behind you and sat on the porch, keeping a distance. He handed you the flowers and the puppet, and you accepted them, putting the flowers next to you and holding the puppet in your hands.
"I'm sorry" he began, fiddling with your fingers. "I know I'm not good with words, but I realize now that I was wrong to say what I said.
I shouldn't have blamed you like that. I just wanted to talk to you and explain my side of things."
He paused, looking down, and when he looked up again, his eyes were watery. You felt your own eyes fill up with tears, too.
"I don't want to lose you" he said, touching your cheek. You closed your eyes and put your hand on his. "I was an asshole, but I understand that now that you're gone."
You spoke up, your voice barely above a whisper. "It was a low blow. You've never made me feel so small and helpless before. But I have to admit, I've been clingier than usual lately. That's just my way of showing you love, and if you don't like it, we can end it here."
"No way" he said, taking a step closer. "I flew over 2,500 miles to see you and tell you I love you more than anything. We just need to communicate better and make sure we're both happy. I'm here because I want to be and make it up to you." concludes by looking into your eyes '' I love you too... but please let's not hurt ourself anymore'' you leaned your forehead against his and felt his lips on yours in a gentle kiss.
When you pulled away, you grinned and grabbed the puppet. "Would you be him?" you asked, laughing together.
Taglist:  @sturniolosreads @mayhem-72 @dracoflaco @lyzsaphrodite @ifilwtmfc @xoxo4chrisss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @inlovewithmattstur @sturniolobendystrawsposts @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07
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23starii · 3 months
Pleasant Surprise - tendo x reader
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Summary: He's used to girls trying to get through him to get to Ushiwaka. He knows no girl actually wants to be with him or get to know him. None of the gifts he receives are ever actually for him. Until you approach him one day after practice.
Warnings/notes: insecurity, speculation, rudeness, but, tbh not that much, short reader (shorter than Tendo). Chat I literally wrote all of day two and left to find a divider AND TURNS OUT EVERYTHING DELETED SO I HAD TO REWRITE THE WHOLE THING 😆😆😆😆😆
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Day one
Practice was finally over.
Tendo loved it. It was another good day for him and the team.
What he didn't quite loves was-
"E-excuse me?" A tiny feminine voice to his left.
"Can I help you?" He answered, almost rudely. He knew what was to come, especially with the way you held the small, neatly wrapped gift box in between your hands.
"I'm really sorry to bother you, Tendo.." You began, shyly looking up at the taller male.
Tendo almost rolled his eyes. He wanted to just tell you to go away. He couldn't take it anymore. He just wanted to go home, but here you were, a cute girl saying his name with the sweetest voice trying to use him to get to his buddy.
It would be nice not to be looked over for once. Not only was it annoying to have to go through this nearly every day but painful, too. You were so cute and pretty. He recalled seeing you around and watching their practice several times.
"I made this for you. I was wondering if you'd accept it?" The girl brought her arms up higher, showing off the tiny box to the volleyball player.
"Listen-" Tendo almost answered in his usual way, telling girls to just go away because Ushiwaka didn't want their gifts anyway but then he realized what you said.
A gift for him? This was new. You wanted to earn his trust and get close to him just so he could introduce you to Ushiwaka. Didn't you?
"U-um, you don't have to.. if you don't want to." You spoke up after Tendo was quiet for some time, thinking.
"Is it for me?" He wondered.
"Yes! It's for you! I made this just for you, Tendo."
Before he could say anything, you decided to keep speaking your mind, making sure he understood the extent of your purpose for being in front of him today.
"I've been coming to watch you practice for some time now.. you're amazing. You're so tall and a great blocker! I can tell you enjoy playing the game very much.. you always have a smile on your face when you play. And I enjoy watching you..very much as well."
Tendo was stunned, to say the least. You spoke without even looking at him. What you said didn't sound rehearsed or bogusly put together.
He wasn't sure what to say or do. He didn't know if he was convinced either.
"I took the time to learn that you really like chocolate too.. so that's why I made it for you. It took me a while to get the recipe right, but I did it just for you.. so I would really appreciate it if you could accept my hard work." You stared at the floor, face flushed and embarrassed, arms stretched out. You couldn't believe you poured nearly your whole heart out to him when he hadn't even said more than one word to you.
"Um.. okay. Thank you very much. I'll make sure to have these later." Tendo took the small box from your pretty hands. He had never been in a situation like this before - he hoped his answer wasn't too blunt or that he made you feel dumb for being here.
"Please! Let me know if you like them! Or if you dont.. I'd be very happy to make more for you!" You bowed quickly before speeding off in the opposite direction, cheeks burning.
You really hopped you hadn't said too much.
Tendo watched you walk away, cocking his head slightly to the his right, puzzled.
Could it be that you really did make it for him because you wanted to give it to him?
Could it be true that you really had been watching him and not Ushiwaka?
"Damn. That girl was really nervous." He hears Semi from his left speak.
"Aw man! You're so lucky, Tendo! She was cute.." Goshiki gushes from his right.
"Yeah, she was.."
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Day two
The next day, Tendo walked the halls with the knowledge that somewhere in the same building, there was a girl who made the best chocolates he's ever had.
He hardly thought of anything else since he popped one of the treats into his mouth the night prior. He couldn't believe something so delicious could be made. And just for him nonetheless.
He hoped your words were truthful. He hoped he would see you again that afternoon so he could thank you.
Tendo made his way toward the gym, where he would be partaking in the usual practice routine.
When he arrived and was fully changed into his gym clothes, he made sure to warm up with his teammates.
He stretched and received a few balls, making sure to keep an eye out for you.
The redhead made sure to glance over at the students' section every so often.
Tendo was quite disillusioned to find you nowhere to be seen.
An hour into practice, he figured you just weren't coming. He had been tricked, hadn't he.
Oh well.
There's no way a girl like you would seriously be into him.
He decided to go on as if nothing had happened, as per usual. He continued giving it his all during practice as was expected from him.
Tendo exited the changing room, having his regular school uniform on now. He could hear his younger teammates messing about in the room behind him while he bent down low, grabbing his shows and placing them in front of himself.
"Tendo." He hears the firm, stoic voice of his best buddy call out.
"Hey! Wakaaa!" The lankier boy teased with the nickname, looking off in Ushijima's direction whilst putting his left shoe on.
"There was a girl looking for you." The barely taller male spoke.
"A girl?" Tendo repeated, moving on to his right shoe.
"I thought she was gonna ask me for my autograph. Instead, she asked me about you." Ushiwaka informed, with his usual straight face.
Tendo straightened up his body, finishing up with his shoes he turned his full attention to his friend.
"Where is she?" The redhead asked, picturing your shaky figure holding out the gift he enjoyed so much.
Ushiwaka shrugged.
"She was outside the gym, last time I saw her."
Tendo thanked his friend and quickly made his way back to the gym, hoping he hadn't missed you.
He was relieved to find you curiously standing about right outside the gym.
"Excuse me?" He spoke, stepping to you.
You quickly turn around to meet the boy, your hair whipping the air from the speed.
"Tendo!" You spoke, surprised.
"I'm shocked, I didn't think I'd see you again or have the chance to thank you for those chocolates." Tendo teased, reffering to your absence earlier.
He watched your face twist into guilt.
"I am only able to see you when my club activities end early. I'm so sorry! Did you like the gift then..?" You ramble, apologetically, your cheeks flushing.
Tendo suddenly found it increasingly difficult to hide how flattered he is by your presence.
You took the time to come see him after your own club activities and even asked Ushiwaka about him. And the way you messed with your uniform nervously as you spoke was adorable in his eyes.
"Like it? I loved it!! I've never had anything so good before." His face warmed up.
"Really?? It was a family recipe.. I barely learned it, so I'm glad you enjoyed them!" You gave another sweet smile, almost as sweet as the treats the boy had last night.
"You'll have to teach me that recipe some time, cause seriously, I've never had anything like that before!" He gushed, hoping he didn't sound too enthusiastic.
You blush at his compliments.
"So.. do you enjoy making sweets too, Tendo?" You wonder, hoping the two of you might find something in common, it would be beneficial to keep the conversation going which you hoped would happen.
"Actually, I've never baked or anything like that. But, if it's possible to make something that good, I'd like to learn it."
You were happy that he took such interest in you. You honestly hadn't expected it. You were just some girl after all. It warmed your heart and the tips of your ears.
"By the way, you were looking for me? Ushiwaka told me."
Again, your cheeks flushed and you stiffened up.
"Well, I wanted to see you! I am a fan of yours, you know!" You laughed awkwardly admitting you truly did just want to see him.
Tendo's cheeks warmed further equal to yours now.
You wanted to see him? His fan? A pretty girl?
Could words be ever more flattering? Could you make him any more embarrassed? He seriously couldn't believe it.
You really called yourself his fan.
"Oh, wow. I didn't know I had such a beautiful fan." He sputtered, relieved that he hadn't stuttered. He almost missed your expression after those words.
Your face dropped, and he could see the visible pink hue that coated your pretty cheeks.
"I-Well, you know, I mean.. you're awesome and like also super! And beautiful.. too.." Your eyes widened from your own words. How could one stumble over themselves so damn much?
You internally beat the shit out of yourself. There's no way you didn't totally just blow it.
You almost missed how his eyes widened, too, and he blushed. Tendo looked as if you could eat him right up right then and there.
"Jeez.. you really came here just to flatter me." Tendo couldn't ignore the fact that no one had ever called him beautiful before. You were the first. And damn, it was a really nice feeling.
He couldn't believe it. This had to be a dream.
You couldn't really reply after how badly you stuttered you were surely traumatized from the embarrassment.
"So, how about that recipe?"
The boy eased your nerves by not turning away or insinuating that he disliked you. He wouldn't anyway. No way in a million years would he walk away.
You smiled, taking a deep breath to calm yourself before continuing the conversation.
You gave him a social media account of your choosing so he could contact you.
Tendo asked about your club, and the two of you spoke of your many interests. He even walked with you to your bus stop.
You found that the two of you didn't have much in common, but his interest in your hobby of baking and making sweets just might change that.
It might even create a duo of married chocolatiers.
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m1sa-w1sa · 4 months
Oooh~ can I get a third round of that Reader S/O that's a reincarnated dark lord With Yae Miko, Lisa, Cloud retainer and Ganyu? I loved the previous two you did for this but omg the second hit me in the feels
(Hi!!! So I saw your other request with lumine and just to make it more easier for me I just mushed them together! Hope you enjoy!^^ TW ASWELL!!)
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Yae Miko
She was actually hard to write for because I do not like Yae AT ALL
•So when she found out she was a little conflicted yes, but she frustrated at you she didnt understand and that made her frustrated based on lore wise
•When she confronted you about it she teased you, saying that its your fault that all the archons were split you felt uncomfortable..you didnt like when Yae acted like this and you told her to stop but she kept going, she told you its all fun and games but it hurt being teased so you left, without a trace just with a note
•Yae Miko thought this was some type of prank! But when she realized you were gone her dace dropped where the hell were you?? What if you get hurt? She cant let that happen
“Darling..?! Darling where are you?!”
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•She most likely found out in books while she was in the library
•It caught her eye that you and the dark lord had so many similarities together..still she didnt judge just yet to see what you said
•She went to go ask you some questions, calmly and not to upfront to make you stressed, when you told her you didnt know she wasnt mad, disrespectful, rude, she understood, not every person reborn remembers and since that was the only book about the dark lord (in mondstat) she hid it from others so no one else can know about it and question it
“Dont worry darling I believe you… now why dont you be my little helper again in the library Hm?”
Cloud Retainer/XianYun
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•Found out through the traveler while they were snooping around for whatever reason
•She was surprised and didn’t believe at first she went on her own way and researched herself, when all the features were almost perfect she quickly went to go ask you about this
•She knew that if she stayed with you that means that everyone would find out, and how you say you dont remember is even worse
“We will split paths..”
“Wait what? But——“
“Leave… traitor”
•Those words slapped you in the face a thousands times you were heart broken, the only thing you could do was leave with your head down, rather quickly at that, traveling alone
•Xianyun never forgot you,, and will never forgive herself in a million years seeing your lifless body on the floor with cuts, bruises, and a malnourished body
“I was foolish my love..Please forgive me..”
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•She was quite confused when she heard the news she spent no time going to you and asking a whole bunch of questions
•Needless to say she would panic but also calm down when you say you dont know anything about that
•Yes she thought about leaving but that quickly got overrun by how you two were together through thick and thin, through wars and battles no mortal can fathom, and she vowed to stay and thats what she will do forever and for eternity
“I wont leave you until the world burns down..”
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•When she broke up with you she regretted it, you were the one that helped her, didnt use her, LOVED her for HER and not for her skills
•She quickly tried to find you to apologize beg for forgiveness no one as kind, sweet, beautiful, she be with someone as shitty as her she thought, and she had to make it right
•so she bought your favorite snacks, flowers, and sweets then quickly found out in the same garden you two met at
•Quickly running up to you with a teared stained face holding out the gifts
“Im sorry… can we maybe talk it put and get back together?..”
(FINSIHED!! >:3 hope u enjoyed! And do u want to get back together?)
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sixeyescurseuser · 9 months
Geto had sensed Gojo’s presence ever since the alpha entered the infirmary. Because his heat symptoms mainly consist of nausea and muscle cramps, Geto can do nothing more than lie on his side facing away from the door, dying on the inside while the best friend he’s trying to hide from barges into the room like he owns it.
The omega lets out a shaky sigh. 
“What, did you come here to gloat about how you were right this entire time? That’s pretty shitty, even for you, Satoru,” Geto mutters. He doesn’t receive a response. 
The thing is, Gojo isn’t thinking that at all. While he’s admittedly quite dumbfounded at the turn of events, Gojo just knows that Suguru is the only other person who can keep up with him. 
And Suguru is an omega, who is currently very much in heat, in PAIN.
Frozen in the doorway, Gojo doesn’t have time to rethink everything he’s ever been taught. Belatedly, he realizes what his instincts have been yelling at him this whole time.
Suguru’s in heat!
Help him!
Comfort him!
As the silence drags on, Geto becomes more resigned to the fact that Gojo is witnessing him like this. Pathetic. Weak. Vulnerable.
Whatever, Geto feels like vomiting and hiding away forever anyway. Fucking heats, man. 
But Gojo doesn’t leave. Frankly, the alpha still doesn’t say anything, and Geto is just about to tell him to leave when footsteps sound across the tiled floor. Geto tenses up as the alpha rounds the bed. 
Then, a mop of soft, white hair comes into Geto’s view. Gojo kneels down, face at level with Geto’s. Gojo’s expression looks…concerned. No smugness in sight.
Not something Geto was expecting at all.
Gojo uses one hand to brush aside Geto’s bangs that had fallen into his eyes.
Amidst the stomach cramps and pounding headache, Geto’s heart swells. 
“Tell me how I can help,” Gojo pleads. Geto’s glazed eyes widen in disbelief. He almost doesn’t register the question enough to answer. 
Luckily, Gojo repeats, “I’m serious. Suguru, please, let me help you. I don’t like seeing you in pain.”
Without wasting another moment, Geto grabs at the hand that had brushed away his bangs.
“Take off your shirt,” he rasps out, then as a second thought, “And your pants.”
One minute later, Gojo stands like 🧍🏻in his pink heart-patterned briefs while Geto happily puts the newly-acquired shirt and pants in his nest. Unbeknownst to Geto, he lets out content rumbles during the process. 
Gojo finds it very cute. However, he’s also very aware of how rudely he intruded into Geto’s heat room; the alpha begins to fidget, unsure if he’s allowed to stay any longer. 
“Well, if that’s all, I’ll get going-“
“Shut up and get in my nest,” Geto growls. Gojo immediately moves to comply.
As soon as Gojo climbs in, Geto plops himself half on-top of the alpha, and then drags the sheets on top of them both.
“This is your penance for talking shit about omegas,” Geto states, pillowing himself on Gojo’s pecs. His heat-muddled brain tells him to bite the skin.
“I didn’t- OUCH, that hurt," Gojo cries out, but he still wraps his arms around the omega's waist. "Suguru, I never meant any of that about you. I would never say you’re a burden."
Geto continues nibbling on Gojo's chest.
“Doesn’t matter, I don’t want you taking back what you said only because I fit into that category,” Geto snarls. He noses his way to Gojo’s neck and doesn’t hesitate to lick over Gojo’s scent gland.
Which was kind of a mistake because now Gojo’s cotton-candy scent mixes deliciously with Geto’s chocolate and lavender scent.
(Oh, they’re both only in their underwear, Gojo thinks. How…nice.
(Gojo @ his dick: “Don’t u fucking dare”)
Geto feels himself slick a little. Luckily, beneath him, Gojo is too preoccupied with the way Geto’s tongue feels on his neck.
“F-fuck- oh my god,” Gojo whines, breathing heavily. Astonishingly, his alpha isn’t roaring at him to flip Geto over and switch places. In fact, it feels more like being pampered than being challenged.
Alas, Gojo is still very sensitive. No one has ever so much as touched his scent gland and Geto is just going to town on it, kissing and sucking on the delicate skin. He tries pushing the omega back but Geto growls at him in warning before going back to his task.
“Suguru, slow down,” Gojo coaxes, lightly pulling at Geto’s hair. Geto raises his head slightly, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. 
But before he can protest, a pair of lips gently presses to the spot between his cheek and eye.
Gojo’s cheeks turn pink, crystal-blue eyes shifting to the side.
“Sorry, that was supposed to be to your forehead,” he admits.
Geto blinks once, then twice, pupils dilating by the second.
“Try again.”
Gojo nods. He leans up and lands a peck on Geto’s eyebrow. 
Geto laughs freely at that. Gojo feels like a goddamn saint for causing that.
The alpha begins littering Geto’s face with kisses: on his nose, his cheeks, his chin, finally his forehead, and then once at the corner of his lips.
Geto purrs deeply, the deep vibrations steady between them.
Gojo now cups both of Geto’s cheeks. The omega’s expression is relaxed, world’s different compared to when Gojo had first entered the room.
Looking at him like this, Gojo yearns to be somehow even closer to Geto. 
“I want to kiss you,” Gojo confesses, caressing his thumb against Geto’s cheekbone. “Will you let me?”
If possible, Geto’s purring even louder. He completely melts into Gojo’s large hands, then wavers a bit as he nods his assent.
But before Gojo can bring their lips together, a knock sounds on the doorframe, startling both of them.
“Geto, I brought the juice pouches you wanted,” Shoko interrupts, placing a carton on the table. She slams a sack down as well. “And stole more clothes from Gojo’s room, because you two will definitely need it.”
She side-eyes her friends, who are frozen in their compromising position. Geto doesn’t move more so because he’s really comfy. He opts for hiding his face in Gojo’s neck.
Gojo, on the other hand, can’t manage anything other than a viscous snarl in Shoko’s direction.
“Woah, calm down, lover boy. He’s all yours,” Shoko says, holding her hands up in surrender. 
“You went through my closet?” Gojo bites out.
“Yep, Geto asked me to,” Shoko answers. “Later.”
With a salute, she walks out and closes the door.
“You really told her to?” Gojo can’t help but ask, urging Geto to come out from his hiding spot. 
Geto nuzzles against Gojo’s scent gland.
“Just in case you reacted badly,” he said. “Cause you know, I lied to you and everything. I wouldn’t have blamed you if you left.”
Gojo flinches so hard, he jostles Geto into lifting his head. 
“You thought I would leave you? In this state?” Gojo asks, a bit hurt. Geto shrugs, eyelids lowering. 
“I don’t know. I can’t think straight when in heat, Satoru. It’s easy for my thoughts to spiral,” he says.
Gojo scoffs, but he understands. Ruts can get like that too.
“Well, I’m telling you right now, I’m staying here for as long as you’ll have me,” Gojo declares, cupping Geto’s cheeks again. “You’ll never have to deal with another heat alone again, not if I can help it.”
Gojo pauses, uncertainty flashing across his features.
"If- if that's what you want."
Geto stares down at Gojo with a twinkle in his eyes.
Gojo thinks he’s never looked so beautiful.
Without repyling, Geto surges forward and kisses Gojo’s soft lips, pressing down for a long moment before parting.
But Gojo doesn’t let him go far. The alpha guides Geto down into a second kiss, then a third, and a fourth-
Geto hums in approval, feeling like the luckiest omega in the world with such a strong and caring alpha underneath him, providing kiss after kiss. 
Gojo’s eyes have slipped shut, allowing Geto to control the kiss. A swipe of the omega’s tongue and Gojo is opening his mouth, moaning when Geto boldly licks in.
Their combined pheromones swirl in the air, clogging the room with their scents. They keep kissing, bruising their lips and working their jaws until they’re sore. 
A new energy spreads from their lips all the way to the tips of their toes, and they begin to paw at each other under the covers. 
In the next hour, Geto’s heat officially escalates for the first time.
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loser-jpg · 3 months
this is the silliest reader ive ever written
The most annoying thing about attending a prestigious academy is without a doubt, pride. The deadly sin curses every individual at NRC, all of them having been told that they are destined for greatness, fate being on their side.
This obviously leads to some of the most egotistical bastards this side of the Shaftlands being cooped up all together in the same space. Also at the age where the dumbest decisions of maintaining self confidence are made.
To you, one of the many young adults cursed with being a general annoyance was Idia Shroud. You also happened to be sat right next to him.
Funnily enough Ortho was able to convince his older brother to begin attending his classes in person, a thoughtful gesture to his brother, but not to you!
Now you had to spend every day face to face with one of the most bothersome people at the school. You made your annoyance of him very clear, too. He was an anti-social shut in who somehow still thought himself better than everyone else despite being so pathetic he couldn't speak to someone face to face. How in the world was he supposed to be a talented mage?!
The most annoying part of it all was ever since he had started going out of his comfort zone he had also seemingly started to become slightly less of an ass. It was unfair. People aren't allowed to just change out of nowhere when you hate them, you're supposed to hate them!
It didn't matter anyway, Idia Shroud hated you so you were allowed to hate him, even if you suddenly started to see that he was a troubled man, untrusting because the world had wronged him before. It didn't matter if he was simply confident because of his talent that was truly better than others, he was rude anyway.
Idia Shroud hated you, so you hated hi-
"Um, hey?" A soft voice came from your left.
"Hm?" You were so caught up in your annoyance you hadn't noticed your surroundings at all. The rest of the class had already left. And Trein too for some reason? "Crap I was not paying attention for the end of the lecture."
You had said it to yourself, but the firey haired boy with his hood pulled over his head responded anyway. "Ah, I uh... I could share my notes with you...?"
"...Uh, yeah sure, thanks. That'd...that'd be helpful."
You stood up from your chair, still dazed at the peculiar situation you found yourself in. Idia tapped on his tablet a bit before your phone pinged in your pocket, a notification of a shared document bright on the screen. Since when did Idia Shroud have your number? And since when did he help out others for no reason?!
You opened the document to skim through it quickly when something near the bottom caught your eye. A small footnote about a project. A group project. A group project without pre assigned partners.
Ah, that's it.
Once again you were proven right, Idia Shroud being his typical self. He didn't speak to anyone in the class so it's inevitable he had no one to do the project with, and was sharing his notes to try and guilt you into doing it with him by making you feel in his debt-
"The uh, the project at the bottom is groups of two. I think some of the people in the row who sit behind us don't have partners yet." Idia held his tablet close to him, glancing at the door.
"You already have a partner?" Impossible, he was probably just saying that to make you to be the one to ask to be in his group, to safe himself the embarrassment of having to ask.
"Yeah, Cater had already asked me to join his group. He said Trey had grouped up before he could ask him. Well, uhm, I have to go. Uh- you- you can message me if you have questions about the notes!" Idia ran out the door before you could say anything.
Something about that made your blood boil. It wasn't jealousy though, it couldn't be. No, no it was disrespect! He said that to be condescending, to brag! To shove it in your face that even a shut in like him could join a group before you. That was his plan all along! To share his notes to get you to ask about the project just to laugh at you for trying to ask to join his group. Well the joke was on him, you'd never be his partner, group project or otherwise!
You weren't able to join a group. Stupid Idia Shroud neglected to tell you that those 'people in the row who sit behind us who have partners' joined up outside of class time. And then he had the gall to apologize about you not joining a group as if he hadn't totally 100% planned this.
Suffering was endless and you were ready to give up. That was until Cater Diamond came waltzing up to your row, passing by you to talk to Idia.
"Change of plans, sorry Idia, Trey's partner joined a different group so I'm gonna work with him now. Good luck on the project!"
"Huh?! Wha-?! Cater, wait-!" Idia stared in dumbfounded shock as Cater skipped away leaving both you and Idia groupless. Well at least Idia was just as pathetic as you now.
Idia turned toward you after a moment. "Uh, did you want to be group partners...? Since...since neither of us have anyone to work with?"
Not on your life, Shroud.
"Yeah, sure."
Truthfully this was the best situation with the cards you had been dealt, likely you could get him to do any of the work you didn't want to, and you'd get a good grade with him as your partner. Doesn't mean you liked the situation, but still.
"Ah, there's a relatively new cafe nearby we could work at? It- it could be better than working in any of the dorms. If you want." Idia shifted a bit, and you couldn't tell what his goal with this was. Was he planning to force you to pay or something? Suggesting leaving and going anywhere was very unlike him. Something had to be up.
Eventually the two of you did go to the cafe to work on your project, and when you insisted on not getting anything and just focusing on working Idia bought you a drink anyway.
"I said I didn't want anything?" You pushed the cup away an inch, the drink was colorful, fading from a deep blue at the top to a light pink at the bottom. You weren't sure what flavor it could be.
Idia drank out of his own cup, a bright red drink that looked fizzier than your own. He added something to your project on his tablet at the same time. "I know but I, uhm, I felt uncomfortable being the only one with a drink. You don't have to drink it, just keep it in front of you." Idia paused a moment before adding a rushed "please" at the end.
So you did. For maybe a minute before you couldn't help taking a sip. It was fruitier tasting than you expected, but not citrus or sour. You pulled the cup toward you to move the straw from the pink section to the blue, noticing that the darker color tasted more like some berry you couldn't pinpoint than the pink had. Overall it tasted good. So good, in fact, you drank almost half of it before you remembered you were supposed to be working.
You glanced up at Idia to see if he had noticed you absolutely chugging whatever drink it was he had gotten you, but either he was pretending he hadn't, or he was really into this project. You noticed only a small amount had been drank from Idia's cup.
You were about to say something until you decided that if Idia wanted to waste his own drink, and his own money, than so be it. And with that you stuck your head back down to finish up this project and finally be rid of having to converse with the shut in outside of class hours.
Sure enough your project raked in a well needed high grade, even going so far as to be personally complimented by Trein himself. You figured that'd be the end of having to talk to Idia Shroud but Seven forbid because the universe had other plans for you.
'Would you like to go see a movie'
That wasn't exactly the way he had said it, it was a lot more unconfident, and there were a few pauses halfway through, but in the end phrasing didn't matter because now you were walking down the street in the middle of a surprise spring heat spell returning from seeing a movie with your number one enemy ever. It was a good movie too which made you even more mad. Now you'd have to think of him every time you saw it which is not what you wanted to happen.
"I am about to pass out from this heat. I'm sitting down a moment." You quickly flopped down on the nearest bench, fanning yourself with your hand. "How in the world are you not burning up in that hood, Shroud?"
Idia shrugged, slowly stepping away from where you were sitting. "I'll get you a drink, wait here."
"Huh, wha?" Once again Idia had left you before you could argue. He had paid for you guys to go to the movie, refusing to accept you paying him back much to your annoyance. You didn't want to be any more in his debt than you already were. You looked down, attempting to form at least a small shadow over your face, at the price of your neck, when a cold cup lightly touched the side of your face.
You jumped a moment before realizing it was Idia, and took the cup with a small 'thank you'. Once you looked at the cup properly you recognized the blue and pink colors of the cold drink, which felt particularly nice in your hands. You hadn't realized the two of you were near that cafe again, much less that they made drinks to-go.
"You, uh, you seemed to like it last time so I figured it was better to get you something I knew you'd enjoy." Idia's fingers played with the sleeve of his sweatshirt, as he glanced in every direction except for you. You looked back down at the drink again, noticing a small resemblance between the light pink if the drink and a light pink dusting the ends of Idia's bright hair.
"Stop being nice, I'm supposed to hate you." You couldn't stop yourself before you blurted out words without thinking, but you quickly caught yourself just a moment too late, slapping a hand across your mouth in shock of your own harshness.
"Huh-! I- what!?" Idia looked just as confused and shocked as anyone would, which made you rethink if he ever actually disliked you as much as you had thought. He quickly shook off his surprised state and gave you probably the most sarcastic look you had seen from him in weeks. "If you hate me why did you agree to be here...?"
"Ah...I dunno." The both of you stared at each other, growing more confused by the second. You couldn't explain your strange decisions and thought process even to yourself, let alone another person.
Though through starring at his face, admitting your difficulty in keeping up your one sided rivalry, and being exposed to what you now could only see as genuine acts of generosity and kindness you were hit with a very quick, and very mind shattering realization.
You had feelings for Idia Shroud.
Romantic ones. You thought they were hatred but no, thinking now you found certain aspects of him so endearing it made you angry in cuteness aggression. This asshole actually had the capacity to be very nice and kind and helpful and it was so charming it made you want to smack your head into a wall from overstimulation of good feelings.
You had just went to the movies with him, where he paid, and now he just got you a drink from a cafe the two of you had already went to together. Activities that required exiting Idia's comfort zone for extended periods of time.
You couldn't help yourself, you had to ask. "Is this a date?" You almost shouted the question at him upon considering the possibility, and you half believed Idia was about to run away with how loud and generally chaotic you were currently being in your extremely confused state.
"Huh!? A- a wha-!?" Idia was giving you the same look you were giving him now both of you more confused than ever. This was definitely quite the confrontation.
"A date! Is it!? I mean it feels like it!" You set your drink down on the bench to stand up. You hadn't even gotten to take a sip yet, but there were more pressing matters.
Idia stuttered a moment longer, before falling silent and seemingly considering your question. "Did, did you want it to be?"
Ah, a counter. You could play this game. "Did you? You're the one who asked me to go see a movie with you."
And a perfect follow up, from here there was no way for Idia to counter your counter of his counter of your attack. He would have to take the hit with at least 3 times the damage now.
And he definitely knew, his eyes squinted in slight annoyance as he considered his answer, finally admitting defeat with a sigh. "Uh," he looked away from you, "sort of? I mean. I'd like that, but...but I'm sure you wouldn't so it's fine, it's nothing."
You were hit with another wave of shock, despite prodding him with the question expecting this exact answer. You quickly responded before he could continue to convince himself you wouldn't return his feelings.
"I'd like it to be a date too!" You stepped forward, reaching to grab his hand before hesitating. He might have wanted to be on a date with you, but that didn't mean he'd be comfortable with you touching him.
"I- you- uh- I thought you hated me?"
"Did, past tense, also the possibility I didn't and was just angry because I liked you, the human mind is difficult to comprehend." You waved your hand as though you could physically wave away his doubts with more than just your roundabout answers to his very solid questions. Despite this you watched as he let out a small laugh, causing you to crack a grin yourself.
You picked up your drink, looking at the horizon as the sun started to set, painting the sky in pinks and oranges that made the street extremely pretty, and drew out the blue of Idias fiery hair, painted with more pink than earlier.
A silent invitation to continue heading back to campus, the two of you began to walk, before Idia hesitantly slipped his hand in your own, intertwining your fingers with his.
"Did- did you want to go on another date next week?" Idia couldn't keep a straight face, failing to hide an excited grin as he asked his question.
You responded with the most sure and prideful answer you had that day. "Yes, definitely."
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doodlegirl1998 · 3 months
I'm honestly appalled at the ending of this manga.
It's so mean-spirited of Horikoshi to drill it into the narrative that Izuku can't be a hero without a Quirk, and when he does have a Quirk, he's only a liability with it so he should just give up. Then for him to take that Quirk away from him when that's all he ever wanted is just a slap in the face to Izuku and what little character development he had.
Not only that, but for how much 1A is supposedly close to one another, they sure were quick to forget about Aoyama when discount Goob replaced him. He's been nothing but an asshole to them, so why are they so excited to see him?
Why can't the adults get off of their asses and be the primary ones helping with rebuilding? Why rope the second years into it? Furthermore, why the fuck are they having school so soon after a near apocalyptic war?
Also, I love how Bakugou is supposedly praised for his "effort" when all he did was nearly get himself killed because AS USUAL, he charged ahead without a plan, and just waited for AFO to rewind out of existence. Meanwhile, Izuku's just left by himself with All Might, because God fucking forbid anybody actually give Izuku the time of day for the right reasons.
Bakugou can go fuck himself for making Izuku's Quirklessness about himself and their "rIvAlRy", and Horikoshi can go fuck himself for making Izuku's attitude towards losing the thing he dreamed of having for 12 years: 🤷.
PS: So much for Aizawa's "apology" towards Izuku meaning anything. All he said was sorry, used Izuku's first name without earning the privilege, and then onto the next scene.
Hi @nutzgunray-lvt 👋
You and me both.
Hori hates Izuku. It is as plain a fact as the sky being blue at this point. It is intensely mean to have Izuku suffer for being quirkless (especially at the hands of Bkg*), gain OFA and work so hard with it only to lose it by the end of the story and then Hori doesn't allow Izu to have any form of upset about this. Instead, he is forced to comfort BAKUGOU about this*- the same Bakugou who calls him Deku (useless) for being quirkless! The same Bakugou who abused him for a decade largely for this!?! What the fuck is this Hori? Get boo-hoo'ing Bak-U-Go out the damn door! Focus on Izuku for once! This is traumatising! Let Izuku actually feel it instead of being puppeteered to make Bkg look good!
This is one of the reasons Izuku feels kind of flat now (I hate to say it as an Izuku fan but he doesn't react in a way that makes sense and we haven't seen in his head in so long...)
I don't buy "Class 1A is a Family," not after they chased down Izuku in the Dark Deku arc and certainly not now. Look at how easily they let Aoyama go! No crying or anything? Like wow...
And for Shinsou? Who has canonically only been an asshole to all of 1A this whole time? And no one has a problem with him or is gutted about Aoyama leaving? Nah... that's some B.S. right there.
To add Ochaco, making fun of Izuku's new hair and saying not to talk to her with that hair was in very poor taste. They were all in a WAR, Izuku didn't just have poor luck with barbers. She comes off like a bitch here not gonna lie...
Having school so soon after a whole WAR and floating UA occurring is so unrealistic... 😑 The fact that students are helping proves the school shouldn't be open yet. But Nedzu gives no shit - who is one of Japan's smartest beings, apparently...
Bakugou being praised for his "effort" over Izuku is simply laughable but sadly nothing new.
Aizawa's "apology" was hollow, simply an item on the checklist for Hori, and it shows. Also, using Izuku's first name was OOC for him and rude for him to use without asking.
In addition, we have seen the Bakugou's, but where is Inko? Hori gives no shit to her, clearly. At least she isn't there for Izuku to be forced to comfort alongside Bakugou - about a traumatic thing that happened to HIM! What is this mess Hori?!
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atelierlili · 4 months
Katniss, Peeta, and the messy in between.
For a while I've been seeing the sentiment of blaming the distance between Katniss and Peeta after the 74th games on Peeta entirely and I think it's rather unfair. It's a messy situation involving two teenagers who are both valid in their feelings at this point in time.
There's multiple things going on at the end of book 1 in regards to Peeta's relationship with both Katniss AND Haymitch that it feel unfair to blame him, when Peeta, like Katniss, more often than not, is the last one to find out other people's intentions/plans, even from his own allies.
Now before I start, I feel like I must preface this by saying I'm not bashing anyone in this analysis so if you're gonna say something rude and mean about my babies, make that U turn cause I aint having it. Also I'm a yapper so this is gonna be really long lol.
It begins on the train tracks. Katniss and Peeta are walking along the tracks when Peeta picks her a small bouquet of wildflowers as Katniss is struggling to convey the kind of danger they are in, while also being paranoid that they're being watched. At this time, she also connects Gale to the wild flowers Peeta has picked for her and its adding her anxiety to the point where she can't even pretend to be happy at Peeta's gift. And that's something he picks up on.
When the train makes a brief stop for fuel, we’re allowed to go outside for some fresh air. There’s no longer any need to guard us. Peeta and I walk down along the track, hand in hand, and I can’t find anything to say now that we’re alone. He stops to gather a bunch of wildflowers for me. When he presents them, I work hard to look pleased. Because he can’t know that the pink and-white flowers are the tops of wild onions and only remind me of the hours I’ve spent gathering them with Gale.
“What’s wrong?” Peeta asks. “Nothing,” I answer. We continue walking, past the end of the train, out where even I’m fairly sure there are no cameras hidden in the scrubby bushes along the track. Still no words come. -THG - Chapter 27
Its not until Haymitch appears and drop the bomb and bows out that Peeta finally catches on that Katniss and Haymitch are still playing up the lover act without his knowledge.
Haymitch startles me when he lays a hand on my back. Even now, in the middle of nowhere, he keeps his voice down. “Great job, you two. Just keep it up in the district until the cameras are gone. We should be okay.” I watch him head back to the train, avoiding Peeta’s eyes. “What’s he mean?” Peeta asks me. “It’s the Capitol. They didn’t like our stunt with the berries,” I blurt out. “What? What are you talking about?”
“So, what you’re saying is, these last few days and then I guess . . . back in the arena . . . that was just some strategy you two worked out.” “No. I mean, I couldn’t even talk to him in the arena, could I?” I stammer. “But you knew what he wanted you to do, didn’t you?” says Peeta. I bite my lip. “Katniss?” He drops my hand and I take a step, as if to catch my balance. “It was all for the Games,” Peeta says. “How you acted.”
-THG - Chapter 27
The truth comes out. Uh oh. It seems this star crossed lovers act when on longer than Peeta expected. Granted, I don't recall him or Katniss ever making their status official, but somewhere between the cave and now, Peeta thought both him and Katniss were on the same page about their feelings. He's not wrong for thinking Katniss liked him back, she does, what he didn't account for is Katniss not knowing herself that she liked him back.
I think Peeta learning the truth through Haymitch and not Katniss starts them on the wrong foot. Because she isn't honest with him for a majority of the time in this scene. Yes, Katniss was worried if the capitol could hear them, but even after Haymitch lets them know they can talk freely, she's still isn't 100% honest with Peeta.
Now here comes the big question.
“It was all for the Games,” Peeta says. “How you acted.” “Not all of it,” I say, tightly holding on to my flowers. “Then how much? No, forget that. I guess the real question is what’s going to be left when we get home?” he says. “I don’t know. The closer we get to District Twelve, the more confused I get,” I say. He waits, for further explanation, but none’s forthcoming
I'd be more than happy to dump all the blame on him for being a pissy baby after the revelation if it weren't for that last part at the end.
Peeta's hurt, yes, but he can rationalize that Katniss had to play lovers for the games, but here, right now, he's asking what he should be expecting when they get home. The words aren't there, but the subtext is loud and clear.
This is a confession. I'm hurt. But I still like you. Do you like me? Will we have something when we go home and the cameras are gone?
Katniss gives him her most honest answer yet. She doesn't know. She's confused and she's getting more confused as they get closer to home. And that's it. That's her answer. But it isn't enough.
Peeta explicitly waits for more of an explanation from Katniss. He hears nothing about her thoughts, feelings, fears. He only knows what she tells him. And when he doesn't get it, there's no other way to take it as a rejection.
So now what?
“Well, let me know when you work it out,” he says, and the pain in his voice is palpable. -THG- Chapter 27-
“No, I ate at the Hob,” I say. “But thank you.” My voice doesn’t sound like my own, it’s so formal. Just as it’s been every time I’ve spoken to Peeta since the cameras finished filming our happy homecoming and we returned to our real lives. -CF- Chapter 1
The camera crews and reporters packed up and went home. Peeta and I assumed the cool relationship we’ve had ever since. -CF- Chapter 2
And this is why I feel like it's so unfair to solely blame Peeta for their distance between THG and CF. This distance came from both sides.
Peeta ends Book one asking Katniss to be honest with him once she figures her own feelings out. But she never does. She just picks up her life and tries go back to what it was before the games.
Was he waiting for an answer? How long did he wait? When did he give up and accept that whatever was the 74th was something his mind made up while he lying half dead in a cave?
Katniss has a valid list of a million things that are clouding her feelings for Peeta. We know them because we're stuck in her head. But Peeta isn't. And to be honest, I don't think he ever knows all of them throughout the trilogy.
I want to tell him that he’s not being fair. That we were strangers. That I did what it took to stay alive, to keep us both alive in the arena. That I can’t explain how things are with Gale because I don’t know myself. That it’s no good loving me because I’m never going to get married anyway and he’d just end up hating me later instead of sooner. That if I do have feelings for him, it doesn’t matter because I’ll never be able to afford the kind of love that leads to a family, to children. And how can he? How can he after what we’ve just been through? -THG- Chapter 27-
And this isn't a silly little fling for Peeta. He's liked Katniss since forever. Has there been other girls that caught his eye? Yes, maybe, but Katniss Everdeen has always been a soft spot for him.
Now, there is a part of him that now as to wonder WTF was going on in the Games, in the Cave and the Interview that followed after. You know the one, where Katniss cries into his chest, buries her face into his chest and practically sits on him the entire time.
Unlike Katniss, Peeta now has to question everything because the rug has just been pulled from underneath him. Yes, he's aware about the lover act and playing it up for the audience, but he isn't aware that Katniss and Haymitch have some crazy telepathic connection to each other that was guiding how Katniss would act towards Peeta in the games. He was even delirious half the time. How far did that go? When did it even begin? He knew that Haymitch was sending packages to Katniss instead of him.
I'm not making this shit up because it's the one thing that Peeta outwardly expresses frustration at (especially) Katniss and Haymitch.
“This has to stop. Right now. This — this — game you two play, where you tell each other secrets but keep them from me like I’m too inconsequential or stupid or weak to handle them.” “It’s not like that, Peeta —” I begin. “It’s exactly like that!” he yells at me. “I have people I care about, too, Katniss! Family and friends back in District Twelve who will be just as dead as yours if we don’t pull this thing off. So, after all we went through in the arena, don’t I even rate the truth from you?” - CF - Chapter 5 -
So what is the point i'm making here? Oh right. I think Peeta is 1000% justified in withdrawing from Katniss after the train tracks. What else is he suppose to do? This isn't something he can bounce back and recover from right away. Taking a step back is the most mature thing to do in this situation. For his sake and hers.
I dislike the notion that his apology denotes complete wrong doing on his part. He's having a human moment and he navigates it better than most would. Yes, he freezes her out, but he doesn't berate her, blame her or is mean to her. He just fucks off and deals with his own emotions and only shows up to play the perfect boyfriend. (And when he does, he never does it with malice OR resentment, at least to from Katniss' obervation.) What other alternative is there? He's genuinely hurt and I feel like expecting him to be comforting and supportive on and off camera when he's hurting inside to be unfair.
We sympathize with Katniss because we're in her head 24/7. We can get to hear her yearn and pine for Peeta after the train tracks. But Katniss also just doesn't mention her every trying to fix her relationship with Peeta between books. She lets the ice freeze over until Peeta comes back to ofter friendship instead. Yes, she has trauma and more hang ups than the average modern day person, but so does Peeta. Trauma is an explanation, not an excuse. If Katniss is allowed three books to figure out her feelings for Peeta, Peeta should be allowed the in between of Book 1 and 2 to figure out his with Katniss.
There should be more nuance when we look at this point in time where Peeta and Katniss' relationship is estranged. Peeta has a lot of reasons why he might want distance from her and I think it's unfair to blame him for it. From him questioning the games, Katniss and Haymitch's involvement with each other and Katniss non-answer of a rejection to his feelings, there's a lot of things he needs to sort out himself. Yes, she saved his life, but she also doesn't answer a lot of questions he asks of her. Katniss doesn't owe him a relationship for what happened in the games, or even her reasons why she's not ready for a relationship. But in turn, we shouldn't blame Peeta if he personally needs time to pick himself up, to figure things out himself. And this is just one thing on top of the trauma that follows both of them after the games. He also just fucking lost his leg LMAO
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luveline · 2 years
do you think you could do a hurt comfort with sirius where reader is upset / in a bad mood and keeps snapping at people but she just needs a hug
hi tysm for your request! sirius knows u well
You can't wait to go home. Today has been a thousand feelings and none of them nice, your head heavy as a dumbell. You pack your notebooks in a hurry and say a quick goodbye to your friends. 
I'll be lucky if I have friends after this, you think, bumping down the lecture hall steps as quickly as you can. 
The cool air feels good on your hot cheeks, and your frustration is soothed but certainly not erased as you begin the walk back to your dorm. You live on campus, and it won't take long. You can be home behind a locked door in the next fifteen minutes. 
"Hey, wait! Hey," Sirius calls, his voice impossible to mistake for anyone else's. "Hey, angel, what's the rush?" 
You don't look at him as he falls into step. "Sirius, I'm sorry but I'm really not in the mood right now." 
"I noticed. Do you wanna go get food? Maybe you're hungry." 
You try not to scowl. You fail. "I'm not hungry." 
Sirius hesitates and then catches up with you, his cologne buffeted toward you by the breeze. You wince at the heavy smell. 
"Hey, well maybe we could catch a film. The odeon has-" 
"No, thank you." 
"Whatever's wrong, just let me try and fix it," he insists. 
You don't look up still, still, which is awful and rude because he's your friend and he's kind but you're really at the end of your rope here. Sirius makes it all worse when he hops in front of you, cutting you off. You almost walk into him. 
"Hey," he says again, extending his hands between you. "Sorry, but I don't like seeing you like this, that's all." 
"I don't like being like this," you snap, "this sucks for me." 
"You're right. I bet it does." 
"It does." You feel a little awkward at having snapped, and you can't make yourself meet his dark gaze. You drop your eyes to his pretty mouth instead and the stubble surrounding it, his jaw and his curls and his jumper. 
"Just… I'm gonna go home," you say sullenly. 
You try to work around him. 
"Tell me if I need to back off," he says.
You frown, perplexed, and suddenly he's in front of you and pushing his arms under yours, his hands crossing behind your shoulders. You hold your breath as he tugs your front to his, his chest solid, his abdomen softer. One of his hands rises high between your shoulder blades and encourages you near, your face toward his neck, your hands hanging limp at your sides. 
"Oh," you say uselessly. 
"It's okay to have a bad day," Sirius says, "but I wasn't gonna let you walk away without trying to fix it." 
"Oh," you say again. 
Slowly, you return his hug. Your arms slide over his shoulders, a hand disappearing into his mess of pitch hair. He leans back under your weight, a small groan escaping his lips and tickling the skin under your ear. 
"Come for food with me. Whatever you want, I'm buying." He pats your shoulder and pulls back, his face so close you can see the different shades in his irises like shattered, stained glass. "I don't want you to be alone." 
You swallow harshly. 
"Okay," you say. 
He offers you a grateful smile. "Okay. Good." 
"Sorry for, uh, being mean." 
"It's okay. Forgiven immediately," he says swiftly, giving your back one last pat. You're shocked doubly when he offers you his arm. "What? You need an escort." 
You thread your arm through his. 
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newwavesylviaplath · 1 month
more dumb music opinions!! this is long and ik most of u don't care but whatever this is my platform i will post how i see fit. also im not proofreading this at all its 1:26 in the morning and im literally falling asleep as im writing this so apologies in advance if this isn't the most well written or coherent post ive ever made
okay yall i fell down a rabbit hole of people on tiktok criticizing chappell roan and now im all worked up so here i am giving my opinions no one asked for;
so something i've been noticing a real influx of is people bringing up her hot to go performance at outside lands (a festival) where she says something along the lines of "vip thinks they're way too cool to do this.. you're not fun!" mfs have been getting online to talk about how chappell was being SO RUDE!!! and NOT EVERYONE KNOWS HER MUSIC WHO DOES SHE THINK SHE IS!!!! but like anyone with common sense who has seen the vid/heard the audio can tell she was being playful?? like come on now. i also saw someone post abt how she was being mean to jimmy fallon?? 😭 first off, while im not sure abt this one in particular late night shows are usually scripted and secondly im starting to believe more and more that these people have just never interacted with a drag queen before. chappell roan is a STAGE PERSONA and the majority of drag queens are characterized by having this larger than life attitude- take for example that one rupaul /jimmy fallon interview (u guys know which one) like idk i feel like it's very obvious that chappell is playing it up for the sake of entertainment, not cuz she genuinely believes she's above everyone else.
the other thing i've seen ppl whining about is how a) she doesn't wanna take a picture with fans, therefore she believes her shit doesn't stink and b) the two tiktoks she posted a day ago where she was voicing her struggles openly without policing her tone. first off, CELEBRITIES DONT OWE U PICTURES. don't get me wrong, taking a picture with a celeb u are a fan of can be a great experience and a fun story- but people are acting as if it is their god given right to get a photo with whoever they want whenever they want. "oh well she brought this on herself it's the price of being famous" are u stupid omfg acting like chappell signed a contract giving up her autonomy in order to get on the billboard charts. she quite literally did not choose this and even if she did that doesn't mean ur automatically entitled to a pic with her as if she's some kind of zoo animal like?? the two vids she posted to tiktok essentially telling ppl to leave her alone was met with backlash because she 'sounded rude' again im going to put this in perspective for everyone. her family is being stalked. she is being harassed both online and in real life. being upset because she comes off a little brash in a video where she is practically begging yall to stop with the harassment should be the least of your concerns. this is a twenty six year old who was virtually unknown six months ago- her meteoric rise to fame was not something she could have been prepped for in anyway possible. i feel like some people just aren't trying to wrap their heads around how insane the reality of this situation really is. the phrase "fifteen minutes of fame" used to be a lot more hyperbolic than it is now. i'm exhausted
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okkalo · 1 year
the waiting game
sae x reader
genre(s): angst
tw: none
ive been writing too much fluff recently so
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you’ve known sae for years now. you knew him before he left for spain for the first time, the days where he was only interested in soccer and his little brother. you became one of his only friends, seeing how he pushed everyone else away without a thought.
you got to know a different side of sae no one else got to see as a kid. the side of him that showed his care for his younger brother, the side of him tried his best to hide his embarrassment from losing a trade (he traded a quater for two nickels. he thought he had won the trade until you had to tell him he didn’t). you also got to see the side of him that held his dreams above anything else, that side was your favorite.
it didn’t take you long to fall for him. the problem being that he was soon to leave. the situation drove you to chase him down before soccer practice, wanting to confess before he left for good. you easily caught up to him, dragging him to a more secluded place.
“i know you leave soon,” you start out, nervous under his full attention, “and-and i know this might be selfish of me but—.”
“save it.” he cut off.
“w-what? that’s rude, y’know!” bewildered, you tried to bite back, embarrassment evident on your face.
“i know what you’re about to say. save it for when i come back for you,” he finished, his bored eyes piercing into yours.
and so you saved it and waited, ignoring the ache your heart gave from the lack of his presence.
and you waited.
he finally came back. sure, it had been awhile but your feelings never did wear off. not after he told you he’d be coming back for you. and that he did.
he arrived with a knock at your door. you weren’t aware of when he would be back, so seeing him all of a sudden took you by surprise. the bigger surprise is when he’d shown up with tears welled up in his eyes. you immediately welcomed him in to an embrace.
he had told you about the fight with rin, how his brother thought he was a loser and that sae had lost his cool, saying things he couldn’t take back. you listened, rubbing his back through it all.
was it wrong to think of how he didn’t even smile when he saw you? the way he used to? after all these years?
you did your best to live off the thoughts, ignoring the way he left in a blur once again. ignoring the way he told you to wait once again before you confessed.
and so, you waited.
this time you saw him a week after the u-20 game with blue lock. you figured that he was so hung up over the loss to even meet with you. this time you didn’t hug him hello, his demeanor different from the one you once loved.
“my parents want you over for a dinner sometime,” he mentioned, which drew your attention back to the topic at hand.
“don’t think i can,” you replied, eyes avoiding his. you could. you just don’t think you could keep trying to put yourself in the life of sae itoshi.
“are you stupid? did you think i forgot about your habit to look away when you lie?” he gruffed, something in your heart hurting in the way he said it so casually. “what’s wrong?”
“sae…i might be selfish for this but—.”
“save it.” there it was.
“sae i don’t feel the same as i used to.” you stated firmly, eyes meeting back up with his, this time more glassy. he stood silent, shock apparent in his raised brows. “m-maybe it’s because—.”
“what?” he exhaled out an unknown breathe that caught in his throat. it was clear he was still hung up on your declaration.
“i don’t know. i’ve just gotten tired of waiting,” you state, voice breaking the more you spoke. you watched as he reacted, scared to say anymore with a shaky voice. his disbelief soon turned to furrowed brows, making him seem angry.
it’s not like he put in enough effort to be mad in the first place.
it’s not like he was the one who had to wait.
his response finally came in the form of a scoff. he knew what would happen if he said anything else, flashbacks throwing him back to the fight with his brother. he settled for a simple, “alright.” he wasted no time in getting up from his spot from across of you, making big and quick steps to leave your house with a light slam of the door.
even though he had left the house, the tension he brought still stayed. and you sat in silence, letting the scene take over your mind. did he really not care enough to make more of a deal about it? should you be grateful that was all he said?
even though you hadn’t felt the same way you had used to you still felt the wound he had left behind.
the waiting game was now over, at least.
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unedited thanks for reading!
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princessbrunette · 10 months
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♡ this is a given, but minors do not interact! i can’t stop you from doing what you want to do. but respect my boundaries, you will be blocked otherwise.
♡ i will not engage with hate in my ask box about myself or other tumblr writers. its not the place for that.
♡ please don’t just ask to be an emoji anon without having anything else to say in the message! this sounds harsh, but a lot of people ask to be an emoji anon and i add them to the list and i never hear from them again. from now on i will be mostly ignoring asks that are just asking to be an emoji with nothing else to the message.
♡ i only reply to what i have inspiration for! if i don’t answer the request pls don’t take it personally or spam my inbox asking again and again, it will be ignored!
♡ to add to the point above, please don’t send asks / messages asking if i’m receiving your requests. i likely am ! i will either get to them eventually or i just don’t vibe with it enough to write about it. i kindly ask you don’t take it personally as i try my best to get through as many asks as i can. no i dont hate you!
♡ whilst i’d love to be there for you, i am not a therapist and i have my own problems too. please do not trauma dump in my ask box. to add; please do not request a character dealing with very specific or deep issues as i don’t want to write that kind of thing in fear of not doing it justice esp if its not something i struggle with!
♡ my blog caters to hyper fem!reader simply because that’s who i am, and what i enjoy. therefore, that’s all i will be writing and i apologise if you do not identify this way and cannot connect to my reader! its honestly all i know, as i put myself in readers shoes. other than that however i do not race / weight code my reader, or physically describe them in any way aside from clothes / nails / accessories etc :)
♡ please do not demand i write certain things, demand a part 2, or express disappointment in where i choose to end the piece of writing! pressuring me to write in general generally doesn’t sit well with me n will only motivate me to do the opposite !
♡ alongside this, i know it sounds petty but i get it all the time and honestly it’s quite annoying — if you spam asks saying “i miss *insert character or au that i write* :(” but offer no ideas about them to write, i’m just going to take that as you complaining and not write them for you.
♡ there is dark theming on this blog! for example stepcest / fauxcest. do not reblog or reply with things like ‘i find X part weird but i liked everything else’ etc because i wont take kindly to it ! without sounding like a total bitch, i don’t care what u don’t like ! this is my blog hehe , if u feel like you won’t enjoy a certain fic i have no issue w you scrolling past!
♡ i write for a handful of people, but usually fixate on one or two characters whilst i’m in a certain ‘phase’. if this doesn’t interest you, feel free to unfollow or mute! but understand my blog is catered to my current interests.
♡ i do not write for rape, self harm/suicide, insecurity issues/ mental health issues.
♡ please don’t make your writing, layout of your writing, or blog look identical to mine. i find it disrespectful when my theming etc gets copied so i will probably limit my interaction with you! i can’t tell you what to do and i dont ‘own’ certain things but if you have enough respect for me to be inspired, have enough respect to make your blog your own !! this being said pls credit ideas from me too !
♡ please don’t send requests to my dms or dm me personal questions / anything inappropriate.
♡ please no super long super specific requests. if i see an ask that starts with ‘could you write’ and the ask is multiple paragraphs it will probably be ignored unfortunately !
♡ friendly reminder that i’m not forcing you to follow me !! if you’re upset with me enforcing boundaries i suggest you don’t follow. i will likely not give attention to u voicing this or being rude to me for doing so.
if you have any questions or feel i missed out anything vital, don’t be afraid to ask or let me know!
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angwlhr3t · 6 months
How to be a bad bitch ˚₊‧ guide ‧₊˚
no borax, no glue <3
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Hey babes.. have you been feeling down lately? not yourself?? unconfident???? Lucky for you I have a step by step guide on how to gain your confidence back ..
so prepare yourself a snack, get comfy, and read on ~ 🩷
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so ur feeling sad over what others have been saying? why girl?? you are a literal QUEEN
now, we have ALL had that one girl or group of girls that are complete bitches for no reason at all.. wondering why ?
first you need to realize a few things .. NEVER waste your time on people that are lower then u, they just want to see you sad.. and guess what. you are doing exactly. what. they. want. 90% of the time we get upset over other peoples actions or words.. just think.. "are they really worth my time"..? now if a bitch is talking bad about you behind your back just know.. she is intimidated by you girl. you have beauty and confidence that she dreams of. theres a reason shes talking behind your back. Another thing, if another girl calls you ugly.. she is insecure and you are NOT ugly just think .. has she ever called u ugly or made fun of you for something and then turned around and did the same thing? yup that's a jealous bitch for ya.. she is completely jealous of you!! take everthing she says like a grain of salt because that bitch just wants to see you down!! you have something she doesn't which intimidates her!! and remember, you will always be ahead of that girl. nobody can replace the original.
think of it like like shein and their lulu dupes.. sure they get the job done for a little while.. but after a few washes they are run down and good for nothing!! you are worth way more than a jealous bitch trust me.
there is a HUGE difference between a bad bitch. and a bitch.
you can be a bad bitch without being rude.. and I'ma tell you how!!
okay so in the last section we talked about how to keep your confidence going even though there are people trying to let you down. first off It's good to have confidence but that cocky attitude where you think you are better than everybody is not at all. even if you think you are better than everybody you don't have to put others down to gain your confidence.. karma is 100% real and the energy that you reflect on others will come back and bite you in the ass and that's a fact..
thats another reason why you shouldnt get involved in school drama because it's honestly pointless. always be kind to people even if you don't really like them..
also something I have been struggling with personally and may help u is that not everybody has the same views as you.. nobody is the same and people view things differently than you almost always.. so always be open to others opinions because you can learn a lot and gain some listening skills
okay so just about every girl loves anything beauty..
so heres some tips and ideas for u <33
hair: okay so for hair I wouldn't wash my hair everyday because it can strip your hair of its natural oils.. I highly recommend hair masks. they are absolutely amazing .. expecially the natural ones !! you can always look on Pinterest for recipes on what you are trying to fix and they almost always work or help.
(for example- hair mask for split ends)
now I live by this.. silk pillow cases.. they are amazing and super beneficial to the skin and hair so are scalp scrubbers!! scalp scrubbers help get rid of dandruff and build up. AND even if you don't have dandruff or buildup they can help get healthy hair !!
makeup: if you are looking to switch up your makeup routine or try something new don't be scared !! try something new on the weekend to see if you like it first!
if you struggle with eyeliner don't give up! use an angled brush and brown eyeshadow instead of liquid eyeliner.. it is so much easier to use and saves so much time.
lips are important girl ! you want your lips to stand out so find your own lip combo that suits u!! aquaphor or Vaseline helps tons with blending out your lip liner.
my opinion but I think everybody looks good with blush on their nose and a little tiny bit of highlighter. it tops the look off and it doesn't leave your nose looking so dull. Also if you havent you should try layering mascaras ! putting on more than one mascara can create a fuller and prettier look. Always remember that makeup is to enhance your features not cover them.. your unique features are what makes you, you !
pinterest is the perfect place to look for makeup inspo.. try something new you might like it <33
skincare: everybodys skin is different.. so never follow just anybody's skincare routine because they have a different skin type than u. what works on their skin might not work on yours.. so be careful what you use and do your research before anything.
Natural ingredients are the best thing for your skin. they are packed with good oils that feed your skin into looking healthy and glowy !
if u want a sharp jawline or to reduce swelling in your face get a gua sha! or you could look up on Pinterest face massages that help with a better jawline they work almost the same. so you want to find a essential oil that targets what you are wanting to fix.
heres some examples <33
oils ᡣ𐭩
avocado oil - helps with preventing signs of premature aging skin, like dark spots
tea tree oil - (used best for acne)
jojoba oil - helps with smooth dry skin, prevent flakiness, and improve skin elasticity
argan oil - helps reduce the appearance of spots, acne scars, dark spots and pigmentation, and dark circles under the eyes.
after you have found the oil for you put a small amount all over your face and massage it In. There is a correct way to use a gua sha so I would look up a YouTube tutorial on how to use it.
Acne is a whole other story.. there are different kinds of acne and not every kind of acne can be treated with the same thing.
but remember acne doesn't make you ugly <3 almost everybody goes through it and it will not last forever.
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<3 love -angwl
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wondershopett · 4 months
this blog is where i just reblog things and rant and talk to people and whatnot. go to @wonderiswondering to send requests and ask me about my stuff!
pls read my pronouns page btw
also here’s my sona
hi, i’m wonder. you can refer to me using any pronouns (like i seriously don’t care) but if you’re really not sure you can just use he/him idrc. i like drawing and writing and playing silly games. i’m also a minor!!! i also really like it when i get asks please send an ask i’ll do anything🙏🙏🙏 /np /hj
proshippers are on very, very thin ice. you can like my posts/reblog my shit or whatever but i’m not looking to befriend you and if you try to befriend me it might be an instant block
nsfw blogs
anyone over like 21 trying to interact with me makes me kind of uncomfortable, and that’s just being generous. i’m not saying that i don’t want to have anything to do with you at all, but i’d rather my friends be minors. just know that one wrong move will lead to being blocked (basically if you act like a creep i’m blocking you, that goes for both minors and adults)
if you ship rottmnt april w/ any of the turtles idrc just don’t bring it up around me because i consider it proship
the basic dni, racists, homophobes, pedophiles etc
other than that you’re good and you should totes be my moot 👍 /hj
rottmnt (#1 rn)
little nightmares
at dead of night
and a bunch more that i’ll add eventually
this is different from the dni list, this is just for when you’re interacting w/ me
please try to be consistent with pronouns when referring to me, because i get confused really easily. i don’t care which ones you use for me (just no neos) but if you want a specific set then refer to me as he/him. it doesn’t make me uncomfortable or anything it’s just kind of annoying but it’s totally fine if you make a mistake now and then
don’t try to convince me to say my age/age range, this happened a couple days ago and it will lead to an instant block. i’m really just not comfortable revealing that kind of stuff. hope u understand
i really don’t care if you make sex jokes, just know when to stop and how far to go, and never let it be anything visual
don’t be rude. that should go without saying but it’ll be an instant block unless you directly apologize. do it again and i’ll be merciless😃
don’t try show me anything nsfw, but it’s more on the sexual side that i’m trying to lean away from. gore is okay at any level
don’t rant/vent to me unless i say you can. it doesn’t bother me too much but i think you’d be better off finding professional help👍
please don’t flirt with me unless we’re friends, and even then, i’d much prefer that you do it jokingly because if you’re being serious then it’s just awkward😭🙏 and don’t even think abt doing that if you’re an adult for obvious reasons
don’t make fun of/make discriminatory comments about other fandoms i’m in or interests i have that you don’t like, just stay silent abt that pls
if we’re friends than i’m totally fine with you being (JOKINGLY) rude to me. me and my bsf insult each other all the time🔥🔥🔥 but on the rare occasion that i tell you to stop, please comply, otherwise i might not talk to you for a while
don’t reach out to me if i’m having a hard time/going on hiatus and i ask for people to not reach out to me. if i don’t explicitly say that though, then feel free idrc (if you’re not sure then ask)
PLEASE tell me if i’m being offensive bc i don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. the people on here are really different from the ppl i know irl and i don’t want anyone to take anything offensive that i say seriously
i recently realized that slurs of any kind make me uncomfortable. please don’t use them around me i really don’t like it
that’s kind of it… i’ll add more when i feel like it
discord: wonderett
c.ai: wonderforsaken
youtube: Wonderett (there’s nothing there because i deleted everything but i’m planning to start fresh again soon!)
pinterest: wondershop711
roblox: wonder (if the link doesn’t work, my username is Cookie_Gamerz101)
artfight: wondershopett
pronouns page: wondershopett
spotify: wonder (i don’t use it i just make playlists there for no reason😋)
that’s the end! this whole thing is totally subject 2 change btw…
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restinslices · 7 months
Could u do Earth realm guys doing karaoke?
My headcanons aren’t long because I don’t think they’d be that different so imma do it like this instead.
Overall I think they’d all have a nice time. Karaoke is supposed to be fun and you’re supposed to laugh and have a good time. I can see them doing karaoke when they have free time or any other activity where they can spend quality time together. Their relationship was rocky at first but by the end we see them enjoying a meal together and not making rude comments towards each other. Karaoke would also be a nice break from all the chaos that is sure to come.
Johnny and Kung Lao are probably having the most fun. They’re just different fonts of each other when it comes to how cocky they are. Johnny and Kung Lao would say how terrible someone’s voice sounds, get on the mic, then sound like the apocalypse. They either don’t care or don’t hear how bad they sound. Like the girl that would sing in class loud as shit even though she sounded like a train wreck (and y’all are awful for letting her humiliate herself like that). They’re the most fun loving so something as chill and free as late night karaoke would be something they’d really enjoy. They’re either doing a duet or having a battle and imma stand on it. Probably makes everyone vote on who’s better.
I don’t think Kenshi would do much singing. I just don’t see him as a singer and I don’t think peer pressure works on him. He’d probably be the one suggesting songs. Probably also says how terrible the other two sound and is rolling his eyes the entire time (or maybe not. Depends on if Mileena got him by now). Honestly Raiden and Liu Kang probably aren’t doing much singing either. The mics are being hogged. Raiden and Kung Lao give me the vibe that Kung Lao does dumb shit and Raiden watches (probably warns him but he’s hardheaded so now he’s just watching things play out). I’m not saying Raiden isn’t fun and that Karaoke is dumb. I’m just explaining the vibes I get as best as I can. Raiden does a few songs, otherwise, like Kenshi, he’s content with mainly watching the other two go head to head. Liu Kang wouldn’t sing as much because he’s just enjoying the moment. I think Kenshi and Raiden would still make commentary and sing from time to time, but Liu Kang would be so quiet that they might forget he’s there.
Liu Kang doesn’t give me “loudest in the room” vibes. They have this small moment of peace so he’s gonna watch and enjoy the scene. I know I bring up the past timeline and how he feels a lot but I think it’s important to his character. Remember, he’s watched humanity evolve without his friends. I think having them so close and seeing them have fun like regular people would be heartwarming. He doesn’t necessarily have to participate to have a good time. He’s just letting himself relax (as best as he can while listening to Johnny and Kung Lao arguing). Idk. Liu Kang just seems like the type to sit back and watch things play out. He’s probably used to living life this way since he couldn’t really interfere with a lot of human activity. It kinda feels like he’s back at the hour glass watching time pass, but it’s different this time and he likes that.
Rereading this made me realize I didn’t write this as an X Reader type of thing but uhhhh… damn. I think this still works fine. The only difference is I’m not referring to the audience a lot.
As a side note, Tumblr thinks I’m spelling their names wrong and on my side, Kenshi and Raiden’s names don’t look like they’re colored. So ignore that if it stays like that.
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Your daily dose of Nocorro angst, good eats:
I'm not putting in @spicymiilk 's ideas in case he uses them, but dear god I would pay real money for my accidentally mated au to be written thank u.
-Part of me thinks there should be a fucking medieval au type thing where Neteyam is the next prince to take over the kingdom passed down via Neytiri's line. I just love the idea of Spider as a fucking Theon Greyjoy type son of the enemy raised by the family, and that’s why Neytiri doesn’t trust him or some shit it’s so juicy. Can't you all see it now it's so good, the star crossed horror of it all.
-The additional Neytiri/Neteyam parallel that comes out in nocorro. They both have forbidden alien romances, and yet Neytiri wouldn't respect or understand Neteyam's without a lot of work. THE SYMBOLIC T R A G E D Y. We could have a moment of Mo'at being like, "Get it together, I accepted your freak. I even like him better than you now sometimes."
-I am currently deeply obsessed with the bonds Na'vi form with their mates. Every author has played with bonds differently, but I feel like a lot of fics have mentioned this concept of being able to feel each others emotions. The fact that the bond is like, more raw and important in the beginning. So Spider and Neteyam keeping their relationship hidden, being separate and secret would be like almost painful. I am so so invested in that idea I want to know More. Like they Have to be near each other, like touch and shit is essential for a healthy bond at first and they’re just like fucking it up. I want to explore Na'vi bond concepts so bad, with some lovely hurt comfort of nocorro being forced apart at the worst time.
-I even like the concept of them being in a healthy, normal relationship, right? They are newly bonded, and everyone loved and supported them from the beginning or what not. They wanted to get mated before the train raid just in case, and then Spider gets fucking taken lol. Tragedy, they AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE APART, the drama of it all.
-I made that soulmate au post where I did all the different types of soulmate aus I could think of and with the one where they can feel and take each others pain I WENT STRAIGHT TO NOCORRO RIGHT AWAY. There’s something so funny and horrifying about spider getting taken and Jake being like “alright go learn an entire new culture” and Neteyam's like on the ground half dead like “but dad I feel like I’m being brain tortured”.
-Neteyam would be so fucking angsty and reckless at Awa'atlu in this au. He feels all of Spider's pain, so he's terrified and scared BUT ALSO CRANKY. He’s saying slightly rude things to his parents and he’s beating the shit out of Ao’nung before Lo’ak can even try. Man is testy. And he's shit at learning to breathe, he is not feeling calm or patient.
-The soulmate au where you can take the others wounds, imagine Spider taking the bullet wound even after they have a (spider inflicted cause he gets hurt more often) pact to not take each others wounds and pain. Horrifying. I have been wondering about the logistics tho, because Spider's body is proportionally different than Neteyam's, would the wound appear somewhere else on his body that would help him possibly survive? I can't decide.
-Oh my god also a version where they hadn't realized yet they were soulmates. Neteyam's all of a sudden devastated and horrified that he's alive at the cost of his soulmate, one he never got to meet, only to look over and notice Spider keeling over. TRAGEDY. pLS I need comfort fics too.
-There’s enough torture porn in this fandom I’m waiting for my Spider romcom. I want to be surprised by how right things start going for my boy, it's never surprising when all the things go bad all the time for him. I want that fucking fast food nocorro au I got so into. I want my soulmate au but they notice from the beginning so they accept him and raise him or something.
-Speaking of a little modern nocorro romcom (still with plenty of angst tho) I’m telling you I’m right Neteyam is P E A K I can fix him. He clocks Spider and is like “now there’s a boy I can fix (sexual).” His sexuality is will my dick cure him? Yes.
-Spider like, coughs once and Neteyam's like that sickly little loser of a man is Mine now, wow. Wow I am going to Save him and it'll be so satisfying. The man has a savior complex you can't convince me otherwise. That meme like "if I had a lame ass boyfriend I would hype him up so hard," that's Neteyam.
-I've always thought that Neteyam and Spider's problems and fights would always be over Neteyam trying to fix all of Spider's problems. Like Spider is just venting about his dad and Neteyam is like "so I'm on the phone with CPS and we're filing a report" and Spider's like "oh my fucking god I just wanted you to listen??" And Neteyam's like but babe I can fix it.
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-Neteyam's GROWTH is him like learning to grit his teeth and literally sit on his hands as he forces himself to let Spider have his own problem instead of Babygirl-ifying him. He's literally Too Pure Too Good For This World in the most annoying way possible, he thinks everything can be fixed but maybe Spider's just gotta be broke, we can't superglue this one back together.
-Then Spider's like what if he won't like me if I'm not broken anyway? And it's a whole other complex and a whole other set of issues.
I hope you've enjoyed this word vomit of terrible angst, I need help and I need fluff.
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