#but wouldn’t it be nice if he wasn’t?
savanir · 3 days
continuation of this thank you again @mynameisjag for the inspiration, this prompt currently has me by the throat
Death of the Father, Death of the Son
The evening is dreary, rain pouring from the skies like tears. Typical Gotham fare to be honest.
This evening was the stage of the latest gala in the crime filled city, another fundraiser for something, or at least pretending to be. 
Vlad brought his dear Madeline as well as Jasmine with him, he was planning to do some light networking but this was also his latest attempt to cheer his sweetheart up. The new experience might distract her a bit.
She had not taken the news well… when the search party found Daniel’s clone corpse in the woods.
It’s been months since the funeral, but her spark for life still has not yet reignited.
And in those past few months Jasmine has seemingly taken over Daniel’s job and has become a most persistent thorn in Vlad’s side, absolutely refusing to let him make any sort of progress with Maddie.
But this evening wasn’t about any of that. There would be no bickering between Vlad and Jazz about him aiding her in finding her lost brother. Not like she even needed his help, she and Daniel’s old friends were probably doing the best job possible in finding the boy.
And it’s not like he could tell her he knew her brother was probably being kept by one of the world's greatest mercenaries. 
Revealing that would open a whole new can of worms he didn’t want to explain.
Maddie was mostly distracted at the gala, staring morosely at Wayne and his brood.
The sight fills Vlad with an insidious sort of anger, the kind that lays heavy and molten on the bottom of your stomach. She better not get it in her head to try and replace one bumbling oaf for the next.
Also… getting rid of a Wayne is apparently a weirdly difficult thing to do… Vlad would rather not bother.
And even though he feels bitter, it is rather nice to see Madeline cheer up when she gets to introduce herself to the boys. Vlad again thinks about his plan of conceiving a new son of their own, not to replace Daniel of course, the boy is irreplaceable but… well, yeah to replace him.
After all, is it really worth it to find Daniel anymore at this point?
—✧・゚: *✧・゚:*---*:・゚✧*:・゚✧—
The gala is uneventful right up until Vlad leaves the main area for a breath of fresh air, hopefully find the designated smoking area and have a cigarette (it’s not like those things can kill him anymore anyway) but on the way there he saw a shadow darting around the corner and he just couldn’t help himself.
If there was any illegal activity afoot, he rather be on top of it himself, that way he’ll know what he can pull and get away with.
It wasn't until he entered a room and promptly got ambushed that he thought that maybe he had walked into a trap of sorts, oh well, nothing Plasmius wouldn’t be able to fix.
Gotham is a city of freaks but none of them are on his power level after all.
Still, precious decisive reaction time got wasted because he’s thinking of an approach that would not result in him having to permanently silence his assailant. Murder is probably rough to cover up in the city that’s home to the world’s greatest detective and bribing the corrupt police force is such a hassle… a scuffle of a mugging/abduction or whatever gone wrong is much easier to explain.
Instead Vlad finds himself tazed, tazed of all things. Perhaps an ecto infused blast into the nearby wall isn’t such a bad idea after all.
But then he finds he can’t access his powers anymore, and a mild sense of dread takes root in his chest.
That taser… it couldn’t have been….
He isn't given much time to think about it as he’s expertly incapacitated and worked against the ground.
Vlad thinks he hears the faintest mutterings, something along the lines of “we do rely too much on our powers” perhaps it’s some veiled insult directed at his current situation. Uncalled for in his opinion…
Of course he struggles, he fights back. His attacker is way smaller than him, lighter and quick with their moves, whomever this is they certainly know what they are doing and Vlad hates to admit it, but without Plasmius he’s actually outmatched.
That leaves plain ol’ shouting for help.
An idea that quickly got snuffed out when a big army knife that crackles with sickly neon green energy gets pressed against his throat and a detonator gets shown off in his assailant’s hand.
“Quiet now, or I’ll blow this place sky high”
“That seems counterproductive” Vlad can’t help but snarl.
“aww, worried about me? there is no need I’ll be just fine, them on the other hand…”
the attacker puts a tablet down that shows a video feed of the main gala area with all the people milling about.
None of them matter to Vlad, but his Madeline and her daughter are there as well, he easily spots them too.
“What do you want, money? I’m sure there are better targets for that out there”
All of a sudden there is a strangely familiar staticy growl in his attacker’s voice, “I want two things from you, I want you to suffer and then I want you to die”
this is personal then… not good.
His attacker takes a moment to more firmly incapacitate Vlad against the floor before redirecting his attention to the video feed on the tablet screen. In the main gala area a big screen of it’s own has come down from the ceiling, usually meant for big fancy presentations (but those had already been carried out for the evening) and was now showing Vlad’s latest illegal activity for all the people to see.
Inside the room people are worriedly looking to and fro, wondering what rogue attack this will lead to, others are already gleefully taking to social media and broadcasting the events happening to the rest of the world.
Personnel are scrambling about to figure out what’s going on, and a couple Wayne’s have now subtly left the area.
“There we go, all out in the open. No more secrets”
Vlad’s eyes darted over the screen in horror.
“I like this right here,” his attacker zooms in on Maddie’s face as she’s realizing in real time that Vlad paid someone to kill her husband, “that’s a good face”
People are looking around and starting to notice Vlad is not among them anymore.
“You cannot possibly expect to get away with this, the Gotham bats are most likely already aware and hunting you down”
“I know-” His attacker shushes, “don’t spoil my fun, at least let me enjoy this show. Even if you somehow manage to get away from me now your life is completely ruined” 
Vlad makes another attempt to escape, growling, “who are you and why are you doing this, how do you even know about half of these things-”
He gets his hands ran through and pinned down fully on the ground with the knives in return.
Vlad figures he must have made some noise but the painful pressure that his assailant keeps on his back is also making it harder to breathe.
“C’mon now, you always boasted about how you’re better and more experienced in every way. Surely you can use that big brain of yours and figure this mystery out, here I’ll help-” the attacker painfully twists his head to the side, “have a look”
It’s dark and the figure is still very much in the shadows but the first thing that catches Vlad’s eyes is the mask over his assailant’s mouth that’s black on the right and orange on the left, a rather obvious hint towards ties with a certain mercenary.
The dark hair styled in that one familiar way brings someone else to mind.
The boy doesn’t hesitate to twist one of the knives in his hand.
“Don’t call me that”
“Danny-” Vlad doesn’t hesitate to correct even though it does come out rather strangled because of the pain, this is a bad situation and he’s not stupid, “whatever he said-”
there is a faint crackle and it’s only through Vlad’s still slightly enhanced senses that he hears the gruff voice talking to Daniel.
“Wrap it up Memento”
Danny glances at the live feed on the tablet. Proper security is starting to swarm around.
Maddie is holding Jazz close and appears to be talking to someone in charge. One of the Wayne brood has decided to stick with her, the eldest son. How kind of him.
Vlad is still trying to get Danny to listen to him.
Danny sighs, “I kind of wish I could drag this out longer, but this is fine” he twists his knee against Vlad’s neck and now properly restrains Vlad’s legs before pulling out something new.
“This is something my dad was working on before you got him killed, I was planning on sabotaging it and getting rid of the blueprints but... things change”
Danny puts it in the middle of Vlad’s upper back, “I’m sure you’re dying to know what it does. Well, it’s the Fenton Ghost Core Crusher. A bit of a mouthful admittedly. I’m still workshopping a better name, but at the very least the purpose is obvious”
“Daniel-” Vlad is starting to sound like a parent who is realizing that their kid is about to do something dangerous and stupid. It's honestly too bad that he’s not a parent and Danny is not his kid, otherwise it might have actually had it’s intended effect.
“I would have loved to see you deal with the full aftermath and consequences of your horrible choices in life but I don’t really feel like dealing with you as a full ghost so I guess this is it, goodbye forever, it really sucked to have known you”
Vlad has a second to fully regret Deathstroke taking Daniel and not taking it as seriously as he should have and then he’s too busy feeling what must be a supernova and a blackhole manifesting in his chest at the same time somehow.
After that he hears, or perhaps he just feels… a sickening crack and everything fades away.
—✧・゚: *✧・゚:*---*:・゚✧*:・゚✧—
There is a corpse at Danny’s feet. It’s Vlad, fully dead, the not coming back kind.
Danny figured he’d feel different, there is some vindication, and the slight satisfaction of a death avenged, but other than that he just feels rather empty, and kind of tired.
Danny doesn’t realize he’s getting a little lost in his head until Slade’s voice cuts through his mental spiral and snaps him out of it.
“Memento, time to move” 
A part of Danny wants to stay, be found. As he goes invisible and floats right through the ceiling he takes some time to fantasize about it. Would it be a bat? or perhaps one of the security guards checking the rooms, maybe it would even be one of the attendees, they would probably scream once they noticed Vlad on the ground. A security guard would be smarter about the situation, but not by much.
A bat would probably attack him once they realized Vlad was already dead.
Later on they would put a little addendum in their rogue list at Deathstroke’s name, a little side file that’s just for Danny, affiliated with Slade Wilson, name; ???, gender; male, age; somewhere between 14 and 18, threat level; capable of killing people, something like that.
A few buildings away Danny catches up with Slade on the roof.
“Did you have fun? did you get it all out of your system?” Slade folds his arms over his chest.
Danny just growls at him.
“In that case it’s time to move on” The man is already turning away.
Well, Danny can agree on that, so he follows Deathstroke away from the mess he caused at the gala and away from his mother and sister.
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And here is my idea for a Deathstroke affiliated Danny
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 days
I’m obsessed with Beetlejuice now, and the original film came out in ‘88, so that means Ford didn’t get to see it. So what if the reader, after he came back, asked him to the theaters to go see a rerun of it? And ofc he says yes, but it doesn’t click until a little bit later that he basically just agreed to go on a date with you
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Halloween was a beloved holiday to the townsfolk of gravity falls, for you however your favourite part about this was that the local movie theatre would host reruns of beloved movies, but not more beloved to you then the movie Beetlejuice.
You’ve watched it countless times and countless times more when the theatre first started doing their re runs, so much so that every summerween and Halloween the employees had come to expect your arrival without fail. You were pretty certain you were single-handedly saving the theatre with your constant visits but you didn’t care, for as long as they kept the tradition of keeping Beetlejuice on their list of reruns, you would be there to throw your hard earned money at them.
So when you found out through Stanley that Ford hasn’t ever seen Beetlejuice due to…certain circumstances that he had just gotten out of, and finding it criminal before deciding to take matters into your own hands as you quickly ventured into Ford’s room; completely forgoing knocking as you found him sat on his bed reading a book…well was before you burst through his door, triggering him into reaching for his gun that he kept on the bedside table out of instinct.
‘Y/n you scared me my dear.’ Ford said in relief as he sets the gun back down on the bedside table.
‘Sorry Ford but I’ve got something really important to ask of you.’ You said as you rubbed the back of your head sheepishly.
Ford sets down his book to give you his full attention as his kind, wise eyes looked deep into your own. ‘Ask away my dear.’
‘So the theatre is playing some reruns of some movies for Halloween, and I was thinking if you’d like to come with me, tonight?’ You asked as you found yourself playing with the hem of your shirt out of nervousness, hoping that you weren’t bothering him by asking or preventing him from doing something important.
Ford on the other hand only smiled wider at your request, feeling a warm, fuzzy feeling within his chest that he wouldn’t acknowledge until after your minor interaction. ‘I don’t see why not, I would love to join you tonight my dear.’ He agrees and your eyes brightened as you exited his room, poorly concealing your excitement, as he heard your celebratory yell of ‘yes!!’ from inside his room. He was happy that you were happy, however you wasn’t the only visitor Ford has that day as soon after, Stanley was stood at his doorway with a smug look.
‘Heard you agreed to go on a date with y/n tonight.’ Stan said, Ford furrowed his brows.
‘A date? When did I-oh’ then it hit him, when you asked him to accompany you to the theatre. He assumed that you meant as a family outing with the kids and Stan, only to remember that you didn’t mention the kids or Stan but only yourself and him. Poor Ford must’ve looked red as a tomato as he buried his head into his book, much to Stanley’s amusement as he cackled, holding his sides while his face became beat red.
‘Have fun on your date! Make sure you give me all the details when you get back lover boy!’ Stan cooed as he left his flustered brother, who was now ripping apart his wardrobe in hopes of finding something nice to wear for your date tonight. ‘Y/n is going to eat him alive.’ Stanley added as he high-fived Mabel on his way towards the living room, the two of them having succeeded in masterfully pulled off the greatest match making of their lives.
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pedroscurls · 3 days
secret crushes (pt. 2)
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summary: you thought you would be leaving this trip with hugh, but the feelings he has for you is just too much that it scares him. so, you rely on ryan and blake, unsure of what to do next. pairing: ryan reynolds x fem!reader, blake lively x fem!reader, hugh jackman x fem!reader word count: 6.8k warnings: this is pure filth y'all, smut (f/f, m/f, fingering, oral sex - f receiving), bit of angst but i promise there's a happy ending, unconventional throuple, no use of y/n. a/n: shout out to this anon and @celestiamour / @celestiaras for this idea! i'm definitely out of my comfort zone with this, but i just love this dynamic so much. i hope i did this justice - they're just all good looking people and how can you not be attracted to all of them??? this is purely fictional! i mean no disrespect to blake lively, ryan reynolds, and hugh jackman. prev. part
“He actually left,” Ryan says, entering your hotel room to see you leaning against Blake in the middle of your bed. The entire week was spent with Hugh and you both barely left each other’s side, but it wasn’t until last night where he admitted that he was scared. The potential of the possibility of committing himself to you scared him. He had just gotten out of a marriage with someone who he thought he would be with until the end of his days and he had originally agreed to go to Hawaii to figure things out. To decide whether he was ready or not to be with you, but he hadn’t expected you to be here too. 
“I thought he was supposed to be a nice guy,” you whisper, hands wringing on your lap. “We had such an amazing week and… He just said he needed time to think, needed some space.” 
Blake’s rubbing your back, her cheek resting on the crown of your head. “He’s newly divorced, babe.” Blake says softly. “Give him time.”
You sigh and lie back on the bed with Blake whose arms wrap around you. She brushes your hair away from your face as you snuggle against her. She and Ryan had always brought you just as much comfort as Hugh did. 
“I can’t believe you guys thought it would work,” you mumble, feeling the bed dip as you look over at Ryan who sits at the foot of the bed. 
“Well,” he shrugs. “It did.” 
“For a week, Ryan.”
“I bet the sex was good though,” he grins. You narrow your eyes and grab a pillow to toss it in his direction, seeing it hit his face. Then, he tosses the pillow back in your direction as he lies on the other side of you. “He’ll come around, trust me.”
“I trusted you and came here,” you say, gently hitting his chest. “And now look what happened.”
“Yeah, you had the best sex of your life for an entire week. You are welcome.” 
Blake lets out a quiet laugh and stands up from the bed, hands on her hips as she looks down at you and Ryan. “Get up. We’re here for another week. Let’s make the most of it.”
Ryan nods, gently nudging you and pinching your side. 
“Come on, baby. Whatever Blake says, goes,” he winks. 
“You’re both so lucky that I love you both,” you groan, sitting up as you stand from the bed. You would be lying to yourself if you said you didn’t think about Blake and Ryan in a way other than friends. You had always been intrigued by Blake– her confidence was alluring, captivating, and her deep blue eyes always made you feel like you were the only one she saw. You wouldn’t tell Hugh or Ryan, but there was a brief moment where you and Blake shared a kiss on New Year’s Eve. 
And Ryan – well, you always imagined that the best way to shut him up was to just sit on his face. You were sure he’d devour you until you couldn’t handle it anymore and you wondered if he would talk during sex as much as he does now. 
Ryan comes up behind you and wraps his arms around your waist, holding you tight against him as Blake leans against the wall, biting her lower lip as she watches the both of you. 
“Well, it’s a good thing we love you too.” He grins, kissing your cheek. “Can you imagine if we didn’t? My god, you wouldn’t even be here with us right now.” 
Ryan’s arms are so strong around you, but all you can focus on is the look on Blake’s face. She’s staring directly into your eyes and while you can feel Ryan’s length press against your backside, you can’t help but want to walk towards Blake. 
“Babe,” Blake calls out to Ryan. “Take the kids to the beach?” 
Ryan nods, brushing his lips against the side of your neck before he pulls away. “Yeah, baby. Take care of her.”
“Wait, wait,” you say, looking between Ryan and Blake. “Are you guys– Is this…” you bite your lower lip. “I don’t want to get in the middle of this and–”
“You won’t,” they both say simultaneously. 
“We both want this. Do you?” Ryan asks, looking over at Blake and then back at you. 
“I do, yeah,” you mumble, surprising yourself. “I just don’t want things to change between us.” 
“If anything, it’ll make us stronger.” Blake smiles reassuringly and then walks over to you, bringing her soft hands to your cheeks as she leans down to capture your lips. You melt into her, hands resting on her hips as you slowly move your lips with hers. 
Ryan can’t help the tightness in the middle of his pants, his manhood pressing against the fabric almost uncomfortably. He watches Blake’s hands move from your cheeks down your back, pulling you flush against her front. She darts out her tongue to flick against you, your lips parting for her.
“Okay, okay,” Ryan calls out, clapping his hands together as you and Blake pull away from each other. You don’t look at Ryan and neither does she, both of your eyes staring into each other’s. 
“I’ll be leaving now,” Ryan says. 
“Okay, bye, babe,” Blake says, twirling a strand of your hair between her fingers. “See you tonight.”
“Bye, Ryan.” You grin, glancing over at him as your eyes move from top to bottom, noticing how his hand moves the center of his pants to squeeze himself. He finally leaves your room and leaves you and Blake standing in front of each other. 
“You know, Ryan and Hugh do know about our kiss.” Blake smiles, breaking the silence. 
“They do?” you ask, biting your lower lip. 
“Oh yeah. The look on their faces,” she says, brushing her thumb across your lower lip. “Is this okay? Ryan and I don’t do this, but you– You’re really something.” 
“Well, I’m extremely attracted to you and to Ryan,” you admit. “And Hugh, obviously.”
“Hugh’s gonna come around,” she reassures you. “In the meantime, wanna have some fun?”
You grin, “you did say to have fun on this trip and be open. I just–” you say quietly. “I’ve never been with another woman before. It’s always been something I’ve been curious about, but–”
Blake kisses your lips, gently nipping at your lower lip. “Oh, I’ll be your first?”
“And probably my last,” you answer. 
“Good, I like that.” Blake grins. “But before anything can happen, how about we go and grab some drinks?”
“I can’t believe this trip,” you laugh, grabbing your bag off the counter and following Blake out of your hotel room.
A couple of hours later and you and Blake are facing each other at the counter of the hotel bar. You’re dressed in a pair of denim cut-off shorts and a white tank-top while Blake is wearing a spaghetti strapped, loose white summer dress. You’ve both had a shot of tequila and two drinks each and as the hours pass, you become increasingly more comfortable with her as you anticipate what will happen once you bring her back to your hotel room. 
“So, tell me,” she says, looking at you from the rim of her glass. “Hugh? Is he…”
“A very generous lover,” you tease, winking in her direction. “I’m still hoping that the space he needs will give him clarity and I’m hoping that he sees how good this can be.”
“He will,” Blake says matter-of-factly. “You don’t see the way he looks at you, but me and Ryan do. He’ll come around.”
“For right now, though,” you begin, biting the tip of your straw. “Do you wanna head back up?” 
Blake grins. “Yeah, that sounds like a great plan.”
Once you and Blake both pay for the drinks you’ve bought, you lead her away from the bar and back to your hotel room. You’re still very aware of her high profile status, so if anyone were to have captured any candid photographs of the both of you, it would certainly look like two really good friends enjoying a drink together. Besides, she is still married.
As you get closer to your hotel room and there are less and less people passing by, Blake’s arm snakes around your waist. You lean back against her as you swipe your key card to open the door to your hotel room. Once inside, Blake then leans down to press soft kisses along your neck, turning you around in her arms. You drop your bag on the floor and stare into her eyes, wrapping your arms around her shoulders. 
The gaze that she holds has you captivated. You can feel your heart beating out of your chest as your mind focuses solely on Blake. You’re nervous, but she provides a sense of calm and reassurance that you need. 
Then, you both slowly lean into each other, lips beginning to part as mere inches separate your mouths. You can feel Blake’s hot breath against yours, the smell of liquor mixes between you and you’re the first to lean in further, brushing your lips against hers. 
Blake moves her hands to your waist and brings you flush against her as she presses her lips firmly against your own. It intensifies within seconds, whimpers and moans bouncing off the walls, tongue grazing each other, teeth nipping and biting at lower lips. 
You walk backwards with Blake leading you until the back of your knees touch your bed. Slowly, you lie back down and bring Blake atop of you, your legs spreading apart for her to settle between them. Blake’s lips are so soft, so smooth as she moves her lips from your own to graze along your jawline. Her hands move to the button of your shorts, undoing it quickly as she begins to unzip. Your eyes roll back at the feeling of her teeth grazing your skin at your neck, brushing against one of your many hot spots. You feel the wetness begin to pool between your legs, staining your panties and you reach down to push your shorts off your legs. 
Blake has to pull away, leaning back on her knees as she grabs the ends of her dress to lift over her head. She’s kneeling in front of you in a pair of white lace panties and bra. You lick your lower lip, grabbing your own tank top to lift over your head as you toss it to the side. 
Blake’s eyes darken with desire, realizing that you hadn’t worn a bra with your white tank top. Your chest is exposed for her and without hesitation, she leans down to pepper kisses along your chest, moving her lips closer to your peak. When her soft lips wrap around your nipple, you arch your back up into her, hand moving to rest on her shoulder. 
She then moves her focus onto your other breast as you reach up to undo her bra. You watch it fall from her frame and immediately, you gasp at the sight of her exposed front. Blake then begins to place light kisses up your chest until her lips hover above yours. Your chests press against one another and you feel Blake reach down to run her fingers across your throbbing heat, your panties completely soaked.
“I’m just as wet,” Blake whispers, pushing your panties to the side to run a finger across your folds. 
A shiver runs down your back as you part your legs even further for her, rolling your hips anxiously. Blake smiles to herself, her own heat throbbing in anticipation. From the moment Blake met you, she had always been so attracted to you. Your work ethic, your dedication, your kindness… She always felt drawn to you. 
You reach between your bodies and gently tug on her panties, feeling her wiggle them free from her legs as she hovers above you completely exposed. You slowly roll her onto her back, biting your lower lip at the sight of her. You pull your own panties off and then reach between her legs, slowly sliding a finger past her folds. 
It excites you, knowing that you’re making Blake feel this way. You watch as she rolls her eyes shut, biting her lower lip as a quiet whimper escapes her. You lean down, pressing soft kisses along her jawline as you begin to pump your finger in and out of her, slowly sliding in a second one. 
Before you can even continue and bring Blake closer to the edge, she pulls your hand away. She’s about to say something, but is ultimately left speechless when she sees you bring your fingers to your mouth and suck the remnants of her off. 
“Wow, you’re naughty,” she grins. Then, Blake pulls you down and gently moves you to rest on your abdomen. You’re about to turn over on your back, but she instead lies on her side next to you, reaching down to spread your legs. You rest your cheek against the mattress, lifting one leg up against the bed, opening yourself up for her. “I would have never guessed,” she says, moving one hand down to run along your back and down to your backside, giving it a tight squeeze. 
Blake then reaches between your legs and slides two fingers in without warning. You push back against her, a loud moan escaping your lips as she wastes no time in beginning to pump her fingers in and out of your depths. You’re so wet that the sounds of squelching echo off the walls. She rests her lips against the back of your shoulder, using her other hand to wrap around you and reach down to grasp your breast, massaging it into the pit of her palm.
She can feel you getting close. You’re squirming against her, trying to break free from the sensation because she knows that when you reach your high, you’re going to shake and tremble against her. So, Blake keeps a tight hold on you, gently biting down on the back of your shoulder as she pulls her fingers out of you and rolls you onto your back. Without waiting for you to catch your breath, she brings her hand back down and rubs your clit so fast that your hand shoots out to hold onto her wrist. 
“Oh, you’re almost there,” she grins. Your free hand grips the sheets of the mattress, knuckles turning white from the tight grip as your back begins to arch in the air, toes curling at the sensation.
“Blake,” you whimper. “Oh god, Blake!” As you begin to reach your high, Blake then thrusts two fingers back inside of you, pumping them in and out at a fast pace to allow you to ride out your orgasm. 
After a few seconds, Blake lies back down next to you and brings her fingers to her lips to suck off your release. She grins in your direction, seeing your chest heave up and down as you try to catch your breath. She then reaches for her phone and snaps a picture of the both of you. The photo isn’t revealing much– it’s just a photo of the both of you obviously lying down in bed, hair messy against the white sheets as you look completely fucked. You look so spent, so satisfied and your lower lip is caught between your teeth when she takes the picture. It’s very obvious that you two were having sex, completely naked, the frame stopping just a bit past each of your collarbones. 
You hear a quiet whoosh sound and look at her. “Did you just send that to–” Then, your phone vibrates and you reach for it on the nightstand. A few more vibrations come through and you hear her quietly whisper, shit. 
Furrowing a brow, you look down at your phone and widen your eyes. “You sent that to our group chat?! With Hugh?! Blake!” 
It’s a group chat with you, Blake, Ryan, and Hugh. Ryan loved the photograph and sent a snarky remark, but Hugh… All Hugh said was Damn. 
You toss your phone to the side and then climb on top of Blake, looking down at her. “I can’t believe you just did that.” 
“Hey,” she grins, hands resting on your hips. “As much as I enjoyed this – and we aren’t even yet done – Hugh’s the person for you… and he’s gonna certainly regret leaving you the way he did.”
You roll your eyes and lean down to peck her lips. “You’re insane,” you chuckle.
Blake shrugs, “Maybe, but you love me.”
“I do,” you chuckle, moving your lips to her jawline. “And I’m gonna show you just how much I do.” Then, you lower yourself even further until you're at eye level with her heat, leaning in instantly to lick a stripe across her folds. Oh, the night was only just beginning.
After a couple of days since sleeping with Blake, Ryan decides to take you out. You’re feeling a lot better since Hugh left and you had Blake and Ryan to thank. After that picture that Blake sent to the group chat, Hugh had only reached out to you once. He didn’t say much or didn’t give any indication that he had made up his mind of what he wanted, but it was enough for you. 
HUGH: I’ll see you when you get back to New York. 
One simple text unnerved you. You were excited, but nervous. Hopeful, but anxious. At least it gave you peace of mind that you would at least have a conversation with him. 
You only had a few more days left in Hawaii, so Ryan had something special planned. He didn’t say exactly what, but he did say to wear a bathing suit. So, you’re dressed in a yellow floral two-piece. Similarly to the same bikini that you wore when you saw Hugh for the first time since the trip, you tie the knots of your bottom, letting it rest on your hips as you tie your bikini top at the base of your neck and back. 
You slip on an oversized white t-shirt and grab your bag, stepping out of your hotel room to see Ryan at the end of the hall. He’s dressed in a white tank-top and light blue board shorts, paired with a baseball cap and his sunglasses hooked on his tank top. You approach him and smile, wrapping your arms around his large frame. 
“Hey, naughty girl,” he teases with a wink, pressing a gentle kiss on your temple. “I heard amazing things.”
You roll your eyes and gently slap his chest, feeling him reach for your hand to pull you against his side as he leads you back towards the elevators. “Not even a hi, good morning, how are you doing today? from you, huh?”
Ryan scoffs. “Not a chance.” He lets out a quiet laugh and then enters the elevator with you, pressing the button to the lobby as he looks at you. “But fine, hi, good morning. How are you doing today?”
You laugh with him and shake your head. “I’m okay. Hugh texted me last night.” 
Ryan’s arms cross over his chest and you notice the muscles at his arms. You bite your lower lip and then catch his gaze, a knowing smirk on his lips. “And what did our dear friend Hughie say?” 
“He said he’d see me when I get back to New York.”
“Ominous,” Ryan points out, leading you out of the elevators and towards the lobby where a car was waiting for the both of you. 
“You’re such a bad liar,” you repeat. “You already know he texted me, didn’t you?”
“Maybe,” Ryan shrugs. “But maybe not.”
“You two are best friends. I’m sure you guys talk about everything.”
Ryan smirks. “Oh, we were definitely talking about that picture though.”
Heat rises in your cheeks as you climb into the car with him. He tells the driver the beach that he was going to take you to and leans back in his seat, looking over at you. 
“Blake had nothing but great things to say,” he tells you. “Did you have fun? Did you like it?”
You arch a brow in his direction and nod. “I’d do it all over again.”
Ryan clears his throat, feeling his manhood stir awake as he thinks back to what Blake said about her time with you and the picture that she sent of you both in bed. He knew he liked you the minute he realized you could keep up with him. It’s also surprising at how good you can put him in his place. 
“Mm, I’d like to see that.” 
You bite your lower lip and then look up at him. “Maybe you can,” you wink teasingly. 
“No way,” he says quietly. “Really?”
A quiet silence engulfs the two of you as Ryan waits patiently for you to answer. Then, he sees you let out a quiet giggle as he reaches out to poke your side. 
“You little tease!” 
“What me and Blake do behind closed doors will only be for me and Blake’s eyes.” 
“Fine,” he says. “But at least I’ll get to have my own way with you,” Ryan whispers in your direction, seeing you lick your lower lip in anticipation.
“You’ll have to work for it,” you wink. 
“Did you give this much of a hard time for Hugh? Or is it just me?”
“Just you,” you grin. “But I do have something in mind.” 
Ryan sighs dramatically and leans against your side, looking up at you as he bats his eyelashes in your direction. “Care to share?”
“No, where’s the fun in that?” 
Ryan shakes his head and sits back up, arm draping around your shoulders. “Fine, fine. You’re worth the wait.”
Your cheeks heat up and you lean into him, shutting your eyes. You’re grateful for Blake and Ryan because they are taking your mind off Hugh and you aren’t sure where this will leave you, but you’re trying to just live in the moment. You know that you’ll be a bundle of nerves when you’re heading back to New York, anxious of the conversation that you and Hugh will have. 
“Ryan?” you ask, feeling his hand gently run along your arm. 
“Are you sure you and Blake are okay with this?” 
Ryan hooks a finger under your chin to look up at him, his deep brown eyes staring into yours. “It’s more than okay,” he reassures you. “Even if it’s just a one time thing. We’re always gonna be here for you. No matter what.” 
You sigh contentedly and then lean back into his side. “What are we doing today?”
“Paddleboarding. Private beach. Just you and me.” 
“Oh, you’re gonna put me through a workout?” 
Ryan smirks. “Maybe afterwards.”
“If anyone’s gonna be put through a workout, Ryan, it’s gonna be you.” you wink, feeling the car stop. 
Ryan chuckles and undoes his seat belt. “Blake was right. You are naughty.” 
He climbs out of the car and walks around to your side, helping you out with a gentle hand. You climb out and stumble over your feet, falling into his chest as you look up at him, biting your lower lip as you bat your eyelashes up at him innocently. 
“Oh, don’t give me that look. We all know that you’re far from innocent,” Ryan points out, one hand resting on your waist. “Come on. Let’s at least do something that I planned.” 
You chuckle and then gently push him away, closing the car door behind you as you follow Ryan to the beach where two paddleboards are resting on the sand. The waves are calm, which should make it a bit easier. You pull off your oversized shirt and then begin reapplying sunscreen on your body, seeing Ryan’s eyes focused solely on you. He clears his throat and removes his shirt, dropping his eyes momentarily to the boards. 
“Ryan, can you get my back?” you ask, turning your back to him as you hold up your sunscreen and move your hair off to the side. 
Ryan steps up to you and takes the sunscreen, spraying it along your back as his large hands move to spread it around evenly. His front hovers dangerously close to your backside and it isn’t until you push back against him that he lets out a quiet groan. 
“We’re not gonna end up in the water if you keep doing that,” Ryan threatens playfully, moving his hands to your hips and gently giving them a squeeze. “We can always skip it and you know, move to something else.”
“Nope,” you smile, turning around to look up at him. “Let’s at least get wet.”
“You’re telling me you aren’t yet?” he winks. 
“Why don’t you check?”
Ryan bites his lower lip and reaches down between you, large hand moving into the bottom of your bikini as he drags the tip of his finger across your folders, eyes staring deeply into yours. 
“Oh,” he whispers. “Oh.” 
You lean up and run your fingertips across his chest, hands resting on his shoulders as your eyes flutter when he continues to run his finger across the length of your sex, feeling your wetness begin to pool between your legs. 
“Are you sure,” he says quietly. “You don’t want to just take this…”
“I’m sure,” you interrupt him, taking his wrist and gently pulling his hand away. You then lean up to wrap your mouth around his finger, swirling your tongue as you taste yourself. 
“Fuck,” he groans. “Come on then or else I’m gonna take you on the sand.” 
“Wouldn’t be my first time on the beach,” you wink, taking your paddleboard and following him into the water.
Ryan knows that you and Hugh had sex on the beach last week. He didn’t have to even ask Hugh because his face said it all – and the marks you left along his body too. 
You and Ryan spend the next thirty minutes on the paddleboards and it calms you, even though Ryan wouldn’t stop making you laugh. It isn’t until you lose your balance that you fall into the water. When you come up and lean over your paddleboard, you see Ryan who is laughing hysterically at you. 
“Not funny!” you exclaim, moving back onto your paddleboard and lying on your back, chest heaving up and down as you shut your eyes. “I don’t have core strength like you.”
Ryan subconsciously flexes and lets his eyes rake over your frame, feeling the center of his board shorts tighten. “I mean, it was kind of funny.” 
He then jumps into the water, swimming over to you. He gently takes your paddleboard with you lying atop of it closer to him, moving one hand down your abdomen. 
“What?” you ask quietly, biting your lower lip as you look over at him. 
“Wanna head back?” Ryan asks, his voice deep and laced with desire and want. 
“Only if you say sorry,” you smirk.
“Fine,” he huffs. “I’m sorry, though, you look good all wet and–”
You then jump into the water with him, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and your legs snake around his waist. His hands move to link at your lower back, forehead resting against yours. 
“You never shut up, do you?” you whisper, lips brushing against his. 
“Never,” Ryan grins. Then, he leans in to press his lips against yours. He wastes no time in gripping your backside roughly, forcing your hips to move and roll against his growing erection. You gasp against his lips, which Ryan then takes advantage by sliding his tongue past your lips. When he releases his hold on your backside, you continue to roll your hips, yearning for more friction as you feel your walls begin to throb anxiously. 
“How about I make you?” you finally say, pulling away from him. 
“And how’s that? You gonna sit on my face?” 
You bite your lower lip, looking into his eyes as the silence engulfs you. You notice his eyes begin to widen when he realizes just exactly what you had planned and without waiting for you to respond, he begins swimming back to shore with you trailing behind. Once the water reaches your shins, Ryan takes your hand and pulls you fully out of the water with him. 
“Come on,” he says over his shoulder. Ryan takes you to a shaded area covered by trees and then lies back on the sand, not bothered by the fact that your bodies were still completely wet from the ocean. He takes you down with him, motioning for you to hover over his lips. 
“Ryan, wait,” you whisper, hands moving down to rest on the sand above his head. “I was just– We’re at the beach.”
“Thought you already had sex on the beach,” Ryan says, gazing up at you. “And I thought you wanted to shut me up. This is the only way how.” 
Your eyes narrow and then kneel at either side of him, your core hovering inches above his lips. You then undo the knots at your bikini and take it off from your body, letting it rest on the side as you feel Ryan’s hot breath against your core. He reaches up to run his thumb across the length of your sex before resting on your clit, applying firm pressure as he slowly moves the pad of his thumb in circles. 
You bite your lower lip, letting out a quiet moan. He doesn’t waste any time before he moves his lips to your core, licking a stripe along the length of your sex. You tremble against him, hands curling into fists in the sand as you slowly roll your hips against his mouth, feeling his tongue where you need him the most. 
“Mmm, goddamn,” he mumbles against you, arms hooking underneath your legs as his hands move to rest on your hips. He holds you still against him as he begins sucking at your clit, darting his tongue out to flick against your bundle of nerves. He can feel you shake against him and Ryan holds you firmly against him. He knows you want to move away, knows that the sensations are becoming too much. He then moves his hand between your legs, sliding one finger past your folds as he slowly pumps it in and out of you, tongue moving in circles around your clit. 
“Oh god,” you moan aloud, head tilting back as you bring a hand up to his hair, gripping it in a tight hold. Sand gets into his hair, but you can’t help yourself. Ryan knew just exactly what he was doing, his tongue and finger moving in time with each other. 
Then, he slides in another finger, the sounds of your wetness and his lapping it up with his mouth sounds almost filthy, paired with the backdrop of the waves clashing with each other. Your body begins to quiver, knowing that you’re about to reach your high because your walls slowly begin to tighten. 
Ryan doesn’t let up. He only pulls away to catch his breath before his mouth is back on your core. Fingers move at a faster pace, tongue firmly pressed against your clit as he moves his head in circles. 
“Ry– Ryan!” you moan aloud, pressing firmly onto him as your walls clench around his fingers, wetness pooling between your legs and down his chest. 
Ryan laps at your juices like a starved man, licking you clean as he pulls his fingers out of you. He sits up and pulls you down onto his lap, watching as your chest heaves up and down as you try to catch your breath. You look down at him, his chin glistening with your slickness and a smirk lining his lips. 
“You taste fucking good, you know that?” he grins, licking his lips as his manhood presses firmly against the fabric of his shorts. “But if I’m gonna fuck you, I want to do it on a bed.” 
That sends shivers down your back as you wrap your arms around his shoulders, nodding in agreement. “Take me back to the hotel then, Ryan.”
“Only if you admit how good that was,” he smirks proudly.
“Oh, it was amazing,” you reply. “Not only because you shut up, but because you definitely know what you’re doing.”
“And we still have the rest of the night,” he winks. 
It’s the last day in Hawaii and you’re packed and ready to go. The rest of the trip was a dream. You were truly spent after an eventful two weeks. You don’t remember having so much sex before Hugh, before Blake, and before Ryan. You crave more of it though. Crave more of it with each of them individually. 
And even when you’re in the plan with Blake and Ryan, they don’t make things awkward. It’s like nothing has changed except for the lingering stares, the soft touches. Their kids are fast asleep and you’re sitting across from them, eyes darted out the window. 
It isn’t until Ryan speaks first that you turn your attention to them both.
“So,” he says, leaning forward. “Blake and I want to just tell you how amazing this trip has been. This last week, especially.”
Blake nods in agreement, flashing you a smile. “And we also want to tell you that we’re always going to be here,” she adds. “In whatever way you need or want.” 
“And it won’t mess with our friendship? Your marriage?” you ask hesitantly, biting your lower lip. 
Blake and Ryan shake their heads simultaneously. “If anything, I think it’ll just make us stronger,” Ryan points out.
Blake agrees. “You just bring something… Animalistic out of us.”
You smile shyly, biting your lower lip. “These last two weeks have been a dream,” you admit. “I don’t know how I’m going to go back to work and the real world after that.” 
“Well, our door is always open,” Ryan winks. 
“But I bet you’re ready to see Hugh,” Blake comments. 
“I’m nervous, but yeah. I’m ready to see him.” You reply, reaching out to rest your hands on each of theirs. Ryan and Blake had not only given you peace of mind, but memories that you would cherish forever. “I love you guys.” 
Ryan smiles and pecks your lips. Blake does the same, lingering as she pulls away. 
“We love you too.” 
Back in New York, you’re already deep in your work. It had been a full week since coming back from your trip and while you still regularly spoke with Blake and Ryan, even going so far as to spending the night with them, you still have yet to hear from Hugh. 
Hugh, Ryan, and Blake are walking, hearing the sounds of cameras going off as they pay no attention to the paparazzi. They’re making their way to your coffee shop, dressed so casually and completely different from what they had been wearing while in Hawaii. 
“Wait, wait, so you two–” Hugh says, looking down at Blake and then over at Ryan. 
Blake nods. “Ryan too.”
Hugh’s eyes widen, feeling jealousy settle in the pit of his stomach as he looks over at his best friend. “You and–”
“Don’t worry,” Ryan grins. “She’s only got eyes for you, which, by the way–” he says. “Dick move leaving her in Hawaii.”
“I needed time to think, mate.” Hugh says, shrugging a shoulder. “And you should have warned me that you had invited her.”
Blake gently nudges Hugh’s shoulder, arms crossed over his chest as they continue walk down the street. “By the way, was she naughty with you too?” Blake asks, biting her lower lip. “I mean, she’s just so innocent looking and then behind closed doors, it’s just the complete opposite.”
“Oh, I know!” Ryan chuckles. “I mean, she shut me up by riding my face–”
“Okay, okay,” Hugh says, shaking his head. “She does like to be dominant in bed,” he answers. “It’s quite hot, really.” Then, he points at Ryan and grins. “She rode my face too, but it’s not a competition, so…” 
Blake looks between the two and lets out a quiet chuckle, shaking her head. “Yeah, but I think I win. I’m not gonna tell you exactly what we did, but I will give you a number.”
“A number?” Hugh and Ryan ask, approaching your coffee shop.
Blake nods. “69.” Then, she steps inside and walks towards you, pulling you into a tight hug. Hugh and Ryan look at each other with wide eyes before they both step inside, watching as Blake’s hands run along your back and your face buried against the side of her neck.
“I just told the boys what we did,” Blake whispers, pulling away to look down at you. 
“Is that why they look like that?” you point out, looking over at Ryan and Hugh who both have slightly wide eyes and a shocked expression. 
Blake turns around and wraps an arm around your shoulders, leaning against your side as you both erupt into a fit of giggles. “Yeah,” she laughs. “That’s exactly why they look like that.” 
You shake your head with a smile and then look over at Hugh, eyes locking with his. You’re instantly aware of all the moments you shared in Hawaii, the deep conversations, the laughter, the sex… You wonder if he’s thinking the same thing and you have to let out a quiet laugh when you see Ryan gently nudge him forward. 
“I’ll leave you two to talk,” Blake says, kissing your cheek. “If you need anything, babe, just let us know.” 
You nod and then walk towards Hugh, meeting him in the middle of your coffee shop. 
“Hi,” you say quietly. 
“Hey, baby.” Hugh responds. “Can we go talk?” 
You nod and lead him to your office in the back. His hand rests lightly on your lower back, following you to your office. When you step inside with him, he shuts the door and takes a seat, pulling you gently down next to him. 
“I’m sorry,” he blurts out.
You don’t respond. You don’t even look at him because you know that if you do, you’re going to lose your resolve and give into him. 
“I just needed time to think and I couldn’t do that with you there,” Hugh admits. “But that doesn’t mean that I don’t want this,” he corrects himself.
“You left me in Hawaii,” you finally say. “After an amazing week with each other, you left. Don’t you think I had things to figure out too? That maybe I also needed time to think?” 
Hugh sighs. “It was selfish of me, and I’m sorry. I just got scared because I know what will happen if I give this my all. It’s just who I am. If you’re with me, I’m making you a priority.” he bites his lower lip, gently taking your hand in his. “If you’ll have me–”
“Of course I want you, Hugh,” you interrupt him. “I’ve wanted you for months now. I don’t know what’s going to happen, but I know that I want to give it a chance. I want to try.” 
Hugh breaks out into a small smile and then pulls you onto his lap, lips hovering against yours. “Me too, baby.” Then, he leans in to press his lips against yours. It’s a different type of kiss than what you’re used to. It’s not filled with an urgency to rip each other’s clothes off. Instead, it’s slow and soft – like it’s the first time he’s kissing you, memorizing every inch of your lips. 
You have to pull away, remembering that you’re still on the job. You look deeply into his eyes and rest your forehead against his. There’s a comfortable silence that fills the room, just gazing into each other’s eyes as an unspoken excitement engulfs the both of you. 
“So, Blake and Ryan, huh?” he says, breaking the moment with a smirk.
You blush and nod slowly, pulling away to look at him. “They were there for me.”
“Good,” Hugh says. “That photograph of you and Blake though…” he growls lowly. “I think you’ll have to tell me one day all the things you both did that night.”
“I can give you a number,” you repeat teasingly. 
Hugh smirks, standing to place you on the edge of your desk. “Maybe you and me will have to give that a try,” he says, standing between your legs. “What do you say?”
“Oh, I’d say yes please.” 
Hugh grins and then presses his lips back against your own. You know that this this only the beginning of a beautiful relationship with him.
On the other side of the door, Blake and Ryan are eavesdropping, a grin lining their lips as they lean against one another. “We did it,” he whispers. 
“We did,” Blake smiles proudly.
115 notes · View notes
Spring Flowers (Vere x gn!reader) (Touchstarved)
content: this is technically a sequel to this post, but it can be read as a stand alone. Vere x reader, gender neutral reader, tried to write this so any origin will work, Jealous Vere, SFW, cannon typical swearing, violence, etc
(optional) part one: Winter Nights, here
summary: Vere wants to go watch the flowers bloom, and you help him out (its lightly implied Leander has a crush on MC)
word count: 3.7k
A/N: i've decided to make a series out of my first fic, each one coordinating with a different season. this is technically part 2, works as a standalone. i've also been considering maybe some Kuras writings, if anyone is interested in that, lmk! enjoy :)
The winter in Eridia was especially long this season. That's what Mhin had told you at least. Not that they minded apparently. They had no strong dislike towards the colder months, unlike Vere. You didn’t go a single day without him complaining about the weather. But finally spring had begun to take over the city. While you were walking back to your lodgings in the Wet Wick sometime earlier this month, you had even seen crocus flowers popping up early, with a light dusting of snow on their purple petals. You imagined the melting ice and sunny days would put Vere in a better mood. And they did, for a time.
One lovely day he came to the Wick in a foul mood, and as he walked past your table he oh so very rudely shut the book you were reading while he walked past. You let out an offended cry but he didn’t even stop to look at you, he simply stomped right past and sat down at the bar, ordering something strong
Rude. More rude than normal. Usually when Vere did something like that, it was to tease or get your attention. But this time he just wanted to spread his sour mood. And it was working. The book you were reading was a tome of very basic yet interesting spells, something “almost anyone could master” according to Leander, the person who lent you the book. And now your place was lost because Vere made his attitude everyone’s problem.
Luckily, you were more mature than him. And deep down you also knew better. Vere was a fickle beast, but usually his reasons for being genuinely upset were pretty valid. 
You sighed, tucked your book away in your bag, and headed over to the bar where he was sitting. Without a word you sat in the seat next to his and turned towards him, arms crossed.
Vere was already slouched over the bar, scowling into his drink. 
“Oh for the love of- what do you want?” He groaned. 
“That wasn’t very nice.” You counter dryly. 
Vere scoffed, throwing his hands over his head. 
“It’s a damn book! It is not that big of a deal. You're really upset over that? What, do you have to spend two seconds of your day looking at something other than Leander’s book? Oh what a terrible fate.” He spat, his mocking tone rising in pitch at his clear annoyance. 
Bad mood indeed.
“I’m not really upset, no.” Your even tone only makes Veres' little rant sound even more immature. “But that was rude, and it’s not my job to put up with your pettiness when you're upset. It makes me not want to be around you.”
You watched as Veres' eyes narrowed and his ears slightly flatten against his head in response.
Usually you wouldn’t let anyone get away with half the shit Vere got away with, but you were basically his only friend besides Ace. And that relationship was all kinds of complicated. Vere was great at charming people, making them fall for him, manipulating them, the whole nine yards. But he wasn’t great at keeping actual friends. It was a bit of a new concept to him, and because of that you gave him some leeway. 
Of course part of the reason you gave him that grace was because he puts up with a fair amount of your shit too. And you enjoy being friends with him of course, but you’d never tell him that. 
You continued to stare him down and he continued to glare at his drink until finally he mumbled something under his breath at you.
“I’m sorry, what was that?” You questioned.
“I SAID I’m sorry I touched your precious book ok?!” Vere snapped back. 
Vere was no longer hunched over the bar but instead had laid his head down on the counter and was glaring up at you through strands of his scarlet hair.
You smirked and laid your head down on the bar as well, now eye level with him. He rolled his eyes, but there was a slight smile behind the snark. You could tell.
“So, why are you actually upset?” you question. 
Vere let out a long suffering sigh.
“Ugh. It’s something entirely stupid. I don’t even really care.” He responded. 
“Well that’s clearly not true, you obviously care.” You countered. “But that’s fine. It’s alright to be upset over shit that doesn’t really matter. Just yesterday I dropped my slice of cheesecake and declared the Gods hated me personally. Well, even more than they clearly already do.” As you state that last part you hold up your bandaged hands, accentuating your point. 
Vere let out a quiet chuckle. Then a few moments later he sighed and began to speak. 
“There’s this festival happening that the sinobium is hosting. A viewing of some flowering trees that’ll be in full bloom. I don’t even care about the damn things, but it’s a huge social event, and you know how I thrive on those.”
It was true. Vere was like a flame to moths. People swarmed towards his charismatic personality and sharp wit. Not to mention he was probably the most beautiful person to exist. (Not that you were biased in this opinion at all).
“So why aren’t you going?” You questioned, urging him to continue. 
Vere shrugged. “No monsters allowed.” 
You were disappointed, but not surprised. This type of event definitely sounded like a gathering for the people of high town, and people like that don’t enjoy rubbing shoulders with monsters. Only the richest people in the largest city still standing had the luxury of creating a whole event out of watching flowering trees bloom. You could definitely see how this event would be right up Veres' alley. You couldn't help but feel sorry for the fox devil sitting next to you, it wasn't fair he had to miss out on some boring stupid garden party because he was a monster. He should miss out on the boring stupid garden party because he's a menace and a psychopath. 
Still, he was your menace, and you wanted to make him feel better about missing out on the stupid fruffy party. 
Then a thought came to you.
You didn’t need to comfort him for missing the party if he didn’t miss the party. 
Vere stared at you in tired amusement. He knew you well enough to know you were going to do or say something stupid, by the look on your face. He just didn’t know what yet. 
“I have a plan.” You declare. 
“Of course you do.” He took another sip of his drink, waiting for you to continue.
“Well-“ you reopen your tome as you speak. “I just happened to be reading a disguise spell before you so rudely interrupted.”
“Mhm. And can you cast said spell?” He questioned lazily. 
-We can certainly try right? I’m sure I’ll pick it up naturally.”
“If you turn my hair green, I will kill you. I hope you know this.” Vere responded, sounding very serious.
You knew he wouldn’t, he lost interest in killing you after the first month.
Well, you wouldn't know unless you tried. Plus you actually needed some practice to get this right. Not that you would ever use any of your friends as test subjects (or at least ever admit to it).
You didnt turn Vere’s hair green. You did however turn it purple twice by accident. You two had spent the rest of the day trying to make vere look human. It was admittedly a lot less trial and error and more just-
It was a lot more frustrating for you than you'd assumed it would be. Which meant Vere had a lot more fun than he expected. But by the time sunset had come around, you had done it.
His scarlet hair was now a deep brown, and his magenta eyes were now a light chestnut color. The markings on his face were gone, as were his claws. The most shocking change of course was the lack of his fox ears and tail. They were still actually there of course, just invisible. After all it was a simple illusion spell, not the kind of magic that could actually change a person. 
It was…strange. You had never really thought of what Vere would ever look like as a human. His face was the same, but something about him felt like it was missing. Or incomplete. It was hard to describe the slight uncanny feeling you felt looking at this version of him.
A snap brought you out of your thoughts. 
“Hello? Still in there? You've been staring for like two minutes” Vere questioned.
“It's weird.” you defended.
“What? Why? What did you do to me?” Vere snapped as he grabbed a small silver mirror out of his pocket.
You watched as Veres eyebrows shot up at the sight of himself. He examined his reflection for a few more seconds, gingerly feeling where his ears were, and looking at the illusionary human ears that now graced the side of his head.
“That's….impressive” he finally stated. “I really look human.”  
“Which means you can go to the boring flower party!” You exclaimed, clearly delighted with your work. Oh yea, you were an incredible friend. 
“Well,-“ Vere pursed his lips. “-what if something happens to disturb the illusion? This kind of magic is easy to break. If only someone would come with me and make sure to be there so if the illusion breaks, they could recast it.” 
You felt yourself deflate slightly. A whole day of sitting around watching flowers bloom? When you could be working and making money? You hadn’t wasted time like that since before you moved to Eridia. 
But it was Vere. If he wanted you to go, you would go. And he already knew it, judging by the smirk on his face. 
You sighed, defeated.
“Fine, let’s go to the party where we all sit around and look at trees. How fun. When is it?”
Vere simply chuckled before looking back down at the mirror, examining his new human appearance. You could also feel him occasionally glance over at you. 
Hmph. Probably shocked you could pull off the spell. Oh he of little faith. 
Just as you were about to flick a peanut at Vere just to be annoying, a drink slid right in front of you, prompting you to look up.
You were greeted with a pair of green eyes and a wide smile. Leander. 
“You looked like you needed a drink. Make a new friend?” He questioned, eyes narrowing. 
“Huh?” You questioned. What new friend was he talking about?
Leander gestured to the now brown haired Vere, who was still looking down at his reflection.
At that moment Vere decided to stop preening and instead hopped off his own barstool, moving behind yours and resting his chin on your shoulder.
“Awe, can the great mage really be fooled so easily? Either they're better at this than I thought, or just as dense as I suspected.”
Leander’s eyebrows shot up. 
Leander’s look of bewilderment quickly turned into realization as he looked back at you. 
“Hey, you figured out that illusion spell from the book! Aren’t you a little prodigy?” He beamed. 
“Hmm. Yes, they are.” Vere smiled, putting his hands around your shoulders.
 Though his fangs were hidden behind your illusion, it was clear he didn’t need them. There was something dangerous about that smile, like the edge of a knife. You had no idea why he had gotten so hostile all of the sudden, and how Leander was keeping such a carefree look on his face.
“Now, they're taking me to the flower festival tomorrow with this lovely disguise, and I refuse to be seen with someone who smells this bad. So how about you head up to your room and hit the showers?”
As soon as Vere finished his sentence you saw a slight twitch in Leanders eye. But you were too busy with the smell comment from Vere to really care. 
To make his point Vere twirled a lock of your hair in his fingers and lightly sniffed it. 
Fucking rude. You didn’t smell that bad! Right? Maybe you should use more shampoo though… after all you don’t need to be so conservative with your products after Vere had gifted you quite a few of his own. Or maybe this was a bit of revenge for that time you had said he smelt like a wild animal? It had been a while since that night, but you did know Vere was one to hold a grudge. 
You lightly shoved him off you and headed upstairs (yes, to take a bath). 
Leaving the boys to glare at each other or whatever they were doing, you headed up and headed to bed. 
The next day, you were up bright and early to accompany Vere to his little party.
And unfortunately, as much as you loathe to admit it, the flowers took away your breath the moment you walked in.
The tiny pink blossoms softly shed their petals, coating the ground in a pale pink haze and leaving a sweet scent in the air.
Speaking of scent, you had made 100% sure you smelt incredible for this damn event. Suck it Fox boy. 
Vere scoped out a spot and called you over, motioning you to set down the outdoor blanket you had brought under one of the trees. 
“I’ll be right back, I’m going to buy some flower oils.” Vere beamed, clearly very pleased that his human disguise was holding up so well, and he had successfully fooled the sinobium. 
You signed and waved him off, plopping down on the blanket you had just laid out. 
As Veres' form receded into the crowd of people, a tall white silhouette appeared to your left.
You gave an easy smile. It was always nice to see Kuras. 
He gave you his own small smile, and you gestured for him to sit.
Vere may have issues with Kuras, but the two of you were perfectly cordial, and you’d even consider the two of you friends.
“So, you decided to go with Vere and not Leander. That’s certainly interesting.” He stated.
You tilted your head to the side in confusion. Why would you be here with Leander?
Kuras seemed to see your confusion, and you watched a familiar mischievous glint appear in his eyes.
“Oh, maybe he didn’t get the chance to ask. How peculiar. Leander was planning to ask you to see this blossom viewing with him.” Kuras stated, calm as ever.
You knew what you wanted to ask. And clearly Kuras also knew what you wanted to ask. But he was being mischievous. And you were being stubborn.
“Well I best be going. I only stopped by for a second, but I need to get back to my clinic.” Kuras stated as he stood up and lightly brushed himself off, looking immaculate as ever. 
He took a step to leave, then looked back at you.
“Yes. Vere knew.” 
And with that, he strode off into the crowd, sparing you from the embarrassment of him seeing your reddening cheeks. 
You were so focused on figuring out if that meant anything, you hadn’t even noticed that for some reason, Kuras had immediately recognized Vere, regardless of the illusion over him. 
You were so absorbed in your own thoughts, you didn’t even notice Vere had returned until he plopped his head right in your lap.
He gave a sniff and his eyes darkened.
“You smell like the doctor.” He spat.
You just shrugged.
“He stopped by for two seconds to say hi.” 
Vere snarled in response, and you couldn’t help but snort at his unfiltered displeasure. 
You began to gently stroke his ears, his real ears, invisible to sight currently, but you knew where they were without sight. 
Ever since he allowed you to touch his fluffy ears, it was one of your favorite things to do whenever he crashed at your place. 
He huffed in displeasure, but almost immediately leaned into your touch, his eyes fluttering closed in contentment as you gently traced your fingers along the back of his ears. He burrowed his head more into your thigh, and wrapped one of his arms around your back. 
“What did he say?” Vere questioned, his eyes still mostly closed. 
Clearly he was trying very hard not to drift off. 
“He just said hi.” You fibbed.
You didn’t know how to bring up what Kuras had told you about, doing so would imply you thought Vere didn’t want you to come here with Leander. Which opens a whole new can of worms.
Seeing that that was all you were going to tell him, he pushed himself up off your lap and leaned back against the tree, scowling. He knew that wasn’t the truth. But it seemed like he didn’t feel like prying either. 
Before you could say anything to cheer him up, he grabbed a bottle from his sack of purchases and took a long swig. It was strong alcohol, you could smell it from here. 
“Do me a favor,” he seethed, glaring at you through his bangs. “Don’t talk to me. I don’t want my flower viewing ruined by you.” 
You could only sigh. If you were going to be friends with Vere, you needed thick skin. Luckily, you had dealt with him enough to expect this. He knew you were omitting some information, and was pouting.
You did feel a little guilty, he wouldn’t be moody if you didn’t hide things from him. But at the end of the day, you were entitled to private conversation with whomever you choose. Vere knew this, which was probably why he resorted to pouting instead of interrogating you for information.
You simply gave him a smile and made the motion of locking your lips shut with a key. 
Vere rolled his eyes and took another heavy swig. Though you could see the sulky look on his face after just a few more sips. He always wore his emotions more plainly when drunk. 
The two of you sat in silence, both enjoying the flowers. It was around sunset when Vere finally seemed to be over being upset with you.
Or he was too drunk to remember. 
He leaned against you, clearly unsteady from all the alcohol.
“Hey.” He slurred.
“Hey.” You responded. 
-Do you like me like this?” He questioned. 
“What, absolutely wasted? I mean it is a little funny.” You smirked, and moved so that he could lean against your chest more fully. 
“Ugh. No. I mean human. Still beautiful, obviously, but with brown hair. Like Leanders. No fangs. No claws.”
His voice was slightly muffled as he spoke. 
“Can I be honest with you?” You asked.
“One second.” He responded.
He grabbed one of the bottles of alcohol and chugged the remains. That makes 3 bottles in under one day of some strong drink. Impressive and concerning. 
“Alright, shoot.” He grinned wildly, chuckling low to himself, Gesturing at you to continue. 
“Fuck no.” 
He removed his head from your chest, and leaned back on his arms, looking at you intently, the bewilderment clear on his face.
“You asked if I liked you better looking like this, the answer is fuck no I don’t. If I’m being honest it's a little unnerving. When you walked over earlier I didn’t even subconsciously realize it was you till you laid down on my leg.” You shrugged. 
“Even though my eyes are scary?” He asked.
You let out a bark of laughter.
“Your eyes are not scary.” 
“Even though my hair is blood red?”
“Why would that be a bad thing? It’s beautiful.” 
“Even though I've scratched before?”
“It didn’t even draw blood. And that was my fault. I forgot you had claws and basically rammed my shoulder into them.” 
“Even though I’ve got markings all over my face?” 
“It feels weird if you don’t have them on your face.”
Vere lapsed into silence, pointedly avoiding your gaze.
“I didn’t expect you to be the type to have insecurities.” You cautioned.
Now it was Veres' turn to laugh.
“Oh I assure you, I don’t. I find myself to be the most beautiful creature to exist. I just… wanted to know what you thought.” 
You sighed.
“I really hope you're too drunk to remember this tomorrow, but I think you're the most beautiful person I’ve ever met. Please don’t be insufferable about this.” 
Veres' face split into a lopsided wicked grin.
“Oh darling, I’m going to be so insufferable about this.” 
You just smiled and stood up, gently grabbing Veres arm and helping him stand as well.
“Alright. I need to get home before dark so I don’t get nearly eaten by a soulless. Again.” You say, worry slightly bleeding into your tone.
The sun was already starting to disappear completely from the sky, you needed to get back before the last rays faded. 
“You won’t make it in time. I’ll walk you home and crash at your place.” Vere stated, in a tone of finality.
“Sorry, no. You're far too wasted to fight anything.” You countered.
Vere let out a bitter laugh and tugged in the chain running down his chest. 
“Even with this damn thing limiting me, and 5 more bottles of that drink, I’d still be able to kill any of the pathetic soulless in eridia with one hand tied behind my back. I’m walking you back. That is final.” He declared, then looked at you as if to dare you to argue. 
Vere did a lot of shocking things, but that one motion affected you more than anything he had ever done before. He hated acknowledging the chains around his neck. No matter how much you had come to consider him a friend, you weren’t stupid enough to ever push too hard on that topic. 
You could only nod in agreement. 
“Let’s get out of here then.”
As the two of you walked out of the gates of the sinobium where the grove of flowering trees laid, you let out a sharp snap of your fingers, and the illusion surrounding Vere dropped instantly. 
“That's better.” You remarked.
“Agreed.” Vere smirked back.
The two of you walked back the wet wick in comfortable silence, arriving back well past when darkness had fallen. After all, there was no need to rush.
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starkeysprincess · 3 days
I just got a gr8 idea with Dom!Drew.
Reader is on a weeklong punishment of no cumming and going feral, she gets an idea to trick him into giving her what she wants by ordering a new toy. Once he’s less angry a few days in, she brings the package in like “wanna see what I got, daddy?” Drew acts all interested and when she asks if he can help test it out, he’s like “sure” and starts getting her all worked up but he knows better. And so does she than to think she can pull one over on him. He finally edges just enough to keep her wanting more but not enough to cum within a second; like halfway, but then stops at the last second like “you really thought I wouldn’t remember? Nice try. That’s another week. Get over my knee.”
you thought you could handle a weeklong punishment of no cumming but you’re such a needy little thing when it came to your boyfriend and it was merely two days in when you realized how much it affected you.
an idea popped into your head as you thought about what would make him break and forget about the punishment, resulting in you buying a new toy.
luckily, when your package arrived, his anger subsided, making it easier for you to go through with your plan.
“wanna see what i got, daddy?” your voice pulled him away from the tv in the living room and he eyed the package in your hands, tipping the neck of the beer bottle to his lips, “sure princess, show me what you got”.
you plopped onto the sofa next to him, opening the package to reveal a vibrator, and noticed his attention shifting to the toy resting in your palm, “there a reason why you bought that?” he grumbled.
“bought it for when i‘m lonely while you’re away filming” you mumbled, “yeah? is that so?” drew chuckled, earning a small hum from you as you toyed with it in your hand, “wanna help me test it out?”.
the smug look on his face as he pushed you to lay back should’ve made you aware he wasn’t going to give in as easily as you thought he would.
your legs were spread open, one resting on the sofa back while the other dangled off the cushions. the buzzing noise paired with your small moans filled the air as drew’s thick digits were stuffed deep in your cunt, the vibrator nestled against your clit.
the faster he pumped his fingers in and out of your tight hole, the higher he’d turn the setting on the vibrator.
“look at you…look so pretty when your little clit is being played with. is this what you wanted, baby? wanted daddy to play with your pretty little pussy?”.
the persistent abuse on your clit along with his fingers working and stretching your cunt open had you writhing under him, your thighs threatening to close as the knot in your lower stomach tightened.
“f-fuck daddy…’m close—“ you whimpered, rolling your hips against his fingers and the vibrator. you grasp at the cushions, nails digging into the material as your eyes roll back.
drew’s fingers slipped out of your cunt, turning the toy off within seconds and you couldn’t help but whine when your orgasm was ripped away from you.
“you really thought i wouldn’t remember and give in?” drew tsked, “nice try, princess but that’s gonna be another week”.
he settled back onto the sofa, “get over here and get over my knee, that little brain should know better than to think you could pull one over me”.
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nottswitch · 3 days
Hi!! :)
Congrats for your 1k hon! You deserve it🫶🏻
And for the celebration post I wanted to say Mattheo and 3 <3
hey there and thanks, babe!! i appreciate it <3 thanks for sending a request as well. yours turned out really cute! i will forever hold onto the hc that matty’s allergic to flowers. your aesthetic is…
— bloomcore
(based on the theme of flowers, gardens, gardening, and nature)
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۶ৎ navigation ; masterlist ; mattheo m-list ; how to request ; 1k celebration
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"…and this is our garden."
mattheo’s breath hitched when he saw the sheer expanse of the garden of your family home. it literally hitched – it was spring, and pollen was everywhere in the air, making his airways clog almost immediately. he swallowed, trying his hardest to will his allergies away, but unfortunately, it didn’t work like that.
"how… very nice, baby," he muttered after realizing that he’d been staring ahead like a dumbass for a solid minute.
to his relief, you seemed to take his state for being in awe instead of dread. however, then you gestured for him to follow you, which made him pray to everything that is holy to help him stay alive during the next… minutes? hours? it wouldn’t be that long, right? it was just a garden.
"…and this is where my mom keeps the daisies."
you glanced back at mattheo, your eyes gleaming with excitement – showing your boyfriend the pride and glory of your family estate had been a wish of yours for a while now. mattheo gave you a strained smile that reached his eyes, making it believable – but it only did so because his eyes were itching like hell. when you turned around and continued walking along the cobbled path of the garden, he discreetly rubbed his eyes, even though he knew he shouldn’t. great. now he looked high as fuck.
"babe, come here!"
mattheo’s head snapped to the side when she heard your voice coming from behind the nearest bushes. gathering the last bits of self-control, her walked around him, met by your shiny eyes. he really, really loved seeing you happy, which was why he agreed to this little tour – he just had to be the tough guy and take it. wasn’t the first time (although never quite in this type of a situation).
he started to really doubt his own ‘tough guy’ abilities when you shoved a flower right into his face, grinning widely at his dumbfounded expression that you took for simple surprise. "smell this! divine, right?"
"absolutely…" he muttered, feeling his eye twitch. he tried not to breathe but to appear like he was, which proved to be a practically impossible task. thankfully, you quickly took the flower away, your attention already focused on something else, which gave him an opportunity to blink and wipe away the tears that started streaming down his cheeks.
"…this is where the garden ends…"
a sigh of relief.
"…and the greenhouses begin!"
no. no, no, no, no, no.
"listen, babygirl… i have to tell you something, but please, promise not to laugh."
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❥ summer wine by lana del rey
❥ delicate but taylor swift
❥ lové by emma peters
❥ heartbreak weather by niall horan
❥ fall in love by damien lauretta
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rebouks · 3 hours
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Previous // Next
Robin: Dad? Oscar: Me. Robin: Are you busy? Oscar: Not too busy to talk about getting a call from school earlier-.. three hours into the first day of term, no less. [Robin huffed, his shoulders slumping; that wasn’t what he wanted to talk about] Oscar: Two-way street, pal.. you talk, I talk. Robin: Fine-.. what does it mean when someone who’s usually an asshole suddenly starts being nice? Oscar: I guess it depends on the asshole, do they want something? Robin: I don’t know, it’s hard to tell via messenger-.. or any other time. Oscar: [hums] I dunno, I wouldn’t dismiss it straight away but I wouldn’t let my guard down either-.. play it by ear y’know? Your mom’s always saying life’s too short for grudges, but she can be too nice sometimes. Robin: So, somewhere in the middle is good? Oscar: Maybe? Life’s messy, bud.. I don’t think I can give you any definitive answers on this kinda shit. [Robin heaved a weary sigh, wishing he’d just gone to bed] Oscar: Are you gonna tell me what happened today? Robin: I don’t wanna talk about it. Oscar: You can’t just up n’ leave at lunch, what’re you playing at? Robin: Sorry. Oscar: Sorry ain’t gonna cut it every time, Robin. I don’t wanna have to start getting on your case about school, but if you don’t sort your shit out, we’re gonna have to-.. and let’s be honest, no one can be arsed with that. [Oscar jostled Robin’s knee affectionately, he wasn’t really mad, but he wasn’t messing around either] Robin: I’ll try harder. Oscar: No one’s asking you for straight A’s but you’re taking the piss now. Apply yourself or whatever the teachers say-.. and keep your ass inside the gates ‘til three as well, okay? Robin: Okay, okay! Oscar: You better! I’ll pick up a military school pamphlet if you don’t. Robin: [snorts] Yeah, right.
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prinzrupprecht · 2 days
When someone else gives you gifts
Featuring: Tesla, Apollo, Qin, and Thor ( part 1 )
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Part 2 will be different characters
CW: mostly fluff and jealousy. Yandere tendencies with some of them
He came home from a long day of work expecting you to be asleep but he noticed you on the couch reading a book. “Why are you awake? You didn’t have to wait for me.” He was right, it was nearly midnight while you waited for him.
He was very into his research and his passion for science sometimes made you question your insanity as to why you fell for this man if science was more important than you— his partner.
“Oh, I did? I guess I was too into this book. Also, thanks for the flowers hun.” You walked over to him and raised your toes to kiss him on his nose. He looked at you with confusion. Flowers? He didn’t get you flowers.
“Flowers? I didn’t get you any,” he felt bad when he saw the large bouquet on the table. Did someone give these to you? An unknown feeling formed in his chest.
Quickly he walked over to it and grabbed them tossing them in the trash. “Hey! Why did you do that?!” You shouted angrily but he stopped you from taking them out of the trash.
“We’ll plant a whole garden of roses, besides…” he grabbed your waist.
“I prefer if other men didn’t give you such things when I am the only one that has that privilege,” he kept you close while your heart was racing in your chest. A whole garden? You liked the sound of that instead.
He noticed it right away. The new necklace that you were wearing. “This is new.” He lifted the chain up with one finger, but he knew it was a stupid question. You most likely found it in the pile of jewelry he has given you over the years.
You were dumbfounded at first and looked down at the necklace. “One of your followers… he— he gave it to me as a gift,” you stuttered. There was a long pause between you two before he clipped the necklace off.
Apollo didn’t like the idea of another giving you luxury things. He was trying to keep calm but he laughed while holding the necklace in between a few of his fingers while holding it up over his head.
“A cheap thing like this? I could give you anything you want," Apollo pulled you closer to him with his arms tugging around your small body. You knew you were trapped with him and he wouldn’t let go. Was he afraid that someone would steal you away from him? Nobody could steal you away from him. More so you used to be jealous of his herd of women and used to ignore him. He took more interest in you than the other way around in the beginning.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I— I won’t accept any more gifts from your followers.” Apollo liked hearing that as a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.
With you being his only beloved, he would be the only one to give you things. Was he jealous? He wouldn’t admit if he was. He believed that jealousy was a disgusting trait and nothing beautiful about it.
With you in his arms, he deeply sighed dramatically. “Now my dear, go put on something nice that was from me this time.” his lips were near your ears as his breath tickled down your spine. Without any hesitation, you nodded happily to your beloved before retreating to go back to your shared room.
Qin Shi Huang
You knew Qin as a child because of your affiliation with Chun Yan who introduced you two. You were treated like a daughter to her but she wasn’t your biological mother. You treated Ying as everyone else and not some creepy kid that everyone thought he was. Over time this made him fall for you and ask you to stay with him even after Chun Yan died.
Fast forward to the present as Qin Shi Huang— also known as Ying Zheng became king as he promised to Chun Yan. You still were by his side even when other nobles offered their daughters to him as concubines or an arranged marriage, he dismissed them all. Normally jealousy filled you and you thought there was no chance for a commoner like you could be his empress.
As you wandered the halls of his palace, you ran into one of the young maids who told you she had something for you. It was a very fine patterned robe that only nobles were granted to wear. “I can’t wear this, it’s forbidden for someone like me to—” she cut you off by telling you that it was fine and Qin said so. Qin?! Were you going to believe her? Did she have some ulterior motive? You reluctantly tried it on. It was dark red with flowers on it. The maid wasn’t around which was odd. Your former clothes were gone as well. Huh?!
You found the main hall looking for your room to possibly change, but Qin noticed you even with his blindfold on. Thank god he can’t see you with the noble robe on, right? “There you are, you had me worried for a minute.” He grabbed your arm but that was a mistake. He felt the expensive silk of the robe. The sleeves were long so of course he knew what kind of material you were wearing.
“Oh? It’s not like you to be wearing such a thing.” He chuckled before a smile appeared on his lips. He wasn’t mad?!
“Your maid told me to wear it and said that you were fine with it, but she left and took my clothes…” you frowned but Qin was more upset that someone was trying to get you in trouble. He could never get mad at you. You were too pure and kind. You had accepted him for who he is and stood by his side.
“Now tell me who it was, I’ll make sure she’ll get punished later.” You wanted to object but you can’t because he was your king. You nodded and felt bad that the maid would most likely lose her job. He still held onto you even though you were shaking a bit. He told you to wear more of those robes since they look good on you. Even just hearing him say that brought a bubbly feeling in your heart.
You were again stuck inside the Asgard palace bored again… The entire city was nearly destroyed by titans and many civilians were rebuilding their homes and businesses. You looked out of the window and spotted Forseti talking to a few of the officials. You loathed the man, he didn’t do anything during the invasion and only worried about Thor.
A knock was heard from your room, you had expected that Thor had returned but then you remembered he doesn’t knock. You grumbled a lowly come in and of course, Loki was at the door looking smug than ever. “The hell do you want?” You frowned, why would you ever be so hopeful that Thor would free his time up for you? You two weren’t even married either but acted like it. Odin had tried to forbid any relationship between you two, but Thor didn’t obey that order.
“Why so snarky? I just wanted to come to check up on my future sis-in-law,” he mocks that last part since the marriage thing was off the table. You didn’t say anything. Was he here to try to make you angry?
He quickly changed the subject and pulled out a small doll he made. “I made this, it does look like you, right? Here take it,” he put it next to you. It sort of creeped you out but you kept quiet. Were you terrified? Maybe.
“Why are you making voodoo dolls?” You detested the plushie and hoped Thor would come back sooner.
“Who said it was for that kind of sorcery? It’s just a gift! I swear!” Loki was faking his emotions while you quietly mumbled ‘whatever’ and reluctantly accepted it while holding the doll as he took his leave. What a weird guy…
Hours had passed by as you fell asleep on the couch but you had awoken to someone moving you. “You’re back?” You looked up to see Thor holding you with both of his arms. His expression wasn’t calm like usual. He seemed irritated. Did something happen?
“Mhm…” he was quiet but you saw how different his expressions were than usual.
“He came here when I was gone,” he grabbed the doll that was next to you squeezing it so hard that the head of the doll popped off. How his cousin was gifting you such things. Creepy things. Thor wanted to beat sense to him but held back his anger.
“Sorry, I didn’t know what he would do if I rejected it.” You frowned but Thor's left hand touched your cheek as you stared up at him. He genuinely smiled.
“He won’t hurt you… I’ll make sure of it.” The reassurance you wanted the most as you buried your face in his chest. You just wanted his comfort and nothing else.
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Note: no eta when part 2 will come but if I do another it’ll probably be Susano’o, Buddha, Loki and Anubis. Edit: I forgot about Poseidon. So probably 5 characters for part 2.
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adoresia · 21 hours
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coming to the end of your date with Satoru and you want to film a TikTok video of yourself in memory of the view and also how good you looked. But for extra effect you wanted the wind to blow your hair so it looked like it was flowing in the wind in front of the setting sun, unfortunately there was no wind. So you had to take matters into your own hands…
“Omg toru, I didn't get any good videos wait.” You paused everything you were doing and ran up to the balcony of the restaurant he took you too. The sun hastily setting creating a warm hue in the sky
“We can go take them now look the sun is setting and everything! Might even take some videos of myself ngl.” Gojo exclaimed excitedly, he never wanted to miss out on an opportunity of doing stuff with you, whether it be filming a TikTok, baking, shopping… he liked what you liked.
“Who is we? Boy come help me take this video.”
“Lame, who wouldn’t want to see videos of me I’m literally the strongest.” He argued smugly.
“The only person who would probably like your video is Me, and possibly Megumi out of pity.”
“Your so mean to me I literally brought you on this date” he sulked
“Stop complaining and come blow on my face, there isn’t enough wind.”
“Why the hell am I blowing on your face.”
“Because I did my hair extra good today and I want it to flow in the wind like those beach girls on TikTok.”
Without questioning you again, Gojo positions himself standing a little bit to your side making sure he wasn’t in the frame of the camera. And blew with all his might.
“Why are you blowing so HARD… you are NOT the big bad wolf.”
“Stop screaming at me you’re making me sad.” He cooed playfully
“You play too much. Never mind, let’s just go I give up.” You brushed off, you reconned you could just do it the next time he brought you out on a site-seeing date.
“No, please okay I won’t play around this time. I’ll do it properly.”
You stopped for a second debating if you really wanted to retry since you had already closed the app and put your phone away. However you gave in (very easily probably because of the forced pout Gojo had on his face.
“Omg okay fine stop making that face you’re scaring me.”
And so you go again, this time Gojo blows more gently, the air was more caressing as it blew past your face and through the strands your hair. However he stopped before the video had ended which confused you, causing you to turn slightly ready to be met with a harsh blow. But to your surprise, Gojo had walked into the frame dropping a gentle peck on your soft lips before taking your phone and smiling at the camera.
“Aww how nice, toru. I thought you were gonna start playing around again.”
“You didn’t expect me to kiss you huh? I’m so unpredictable.”
“No you’re just really silly, I already knew you were gonna do something like that.”
“Don’t lie now baby.”
You both watched as the video played on repeat, Gojo staring intently locking onto the features on your face and how the aroma of the sun setting behind you had enhanced your beauty even more. You were so enticing. He thought, he could never keep it to himself. That would be selfish
“You’re so beautiful, can I get a kiss back?”
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— I saw this TikTok before going to bed and was like wait this is kinda cute imagine how funny it would be with satoru, so here is my thoughts basically LOL. I’m tired now goodnight this drained me omg.
Video inspiration below!!
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Meeting Logan Howlett:
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Pairings: (DP3 Vers.) Logan Howlett x reader
Summary: You weren’t at the apartment when Wade brought Logan back to meet everyone. So, Wade and Tessa convince you to call out of work one day so you can watch over him while they go on a date.
Warnings: Cursing, mainly, some insults thrown back and forth.
Genre: Fluff, Angst.
Word Count: 1,562
Logan had heard Wade and Vanessa talk about a woman. A woman with (H/C) colored hair and dazzling (E/C) eyes. However, at the party Wade was determined to have to celebrate saving the timeline, everyone was there but the woman they spoke so highly about. There was bitch number 1, aka fox and friends, pinkie pie, blind Al, Peter, and plenty of others. The slightly disappointed expression on Vanessa’s face when Wade murmured to her that someone wouldn’t be coming, well, Logan could guess it was you they were discussing.
They acted as if it wasn’t bothersome that you weren’t there. Logan could tell though, he could practically smell it. The two of them, especially Wade, really wanted Logan to meet you.
“She’s my best friend!” Wade’s voice echoed in his head as he stared at the seat that was meant for you. It was across from him, clearly a set up. If you were his best friend, then why weren’t you here? It ticked him off, in all honestly. How could they think so highly of you but you couldn’t even come to their dinner party? Over the week, his mind would gloss back to that day whenever he heard Tessa and Wade mention you.
What could be so great about a woman that couldn’t even show up to celebrate a victory? They saved your damned timeline after all!
“I don’t get it.” Logan huffed out to Wade as they sat on the couch, beers in hand, television playing.
“What dont you get, Wolvie?” Wade spoke through the glass bottle, practically inhaling the beverage.
“This girl, what was her name?” Logan realized they had never actually told him your name. He waited for Wade to respond. However, he never did. He never told Logan your name because when one scheming door closes- another one always opens. And if it didn’t open, Wade planned to go all ‘Shinning’ on it till it did. “Now you go all quiet? Cat got your tongue, lip?” Logan tried to taunt the answer from him, but Wade remained strong. Something Logan never expected from Wade was him to actually hold onto a secret.
A few weeks later, Wade smiled at Logan, Vanessa by his side, as they entered the apartment. They didn’t shut the front door, something Logan observed. They kept it cracked slightly while Vanessa’s hand was through it.
“I have a surprise for you!” Wade grinned, clearly proud of himself.
“Whatever it is, I don’t-“ Logan found his words interrupted when the door swung open to reveal you. It was you, with the dazzling eyes and uncertain smile, clearly taken by surprise at the sudden introduction.
You were quick to extend a hand to shake his, “(Y/N), it’s nice to meet you.” Your smile turned strained when he didn’t move to shake your hand, instead, he preferred to stare at you. It felt unnerving to say the least. A tall man jacked with muscles was staring you down, his face stoic and cold, brows furrowed angrily. Or, atleast, you thought it was angrily. It was hard to tell, truth be told. Despite your hesitation on entering the apartment with the stranger scowling at you, Wade’s hand extended into the doorway where you stood and yanked you forward to land directly in front of Logan.
His senses were assaulted immediately by the smell of your perfume, the faded aroma of flowers that seemed to linger on you, and…god…What on earth was that other thing? He struggled to place it, scowl deepening as his nose scrunched. You found yourself intimidated, looking at Wade and Vanessa with concern as Logan’s scowl deepened on you. You had just met this man and he already hated you! Wade didn’t seem to think the same as he spoke up.
“Now that you two kids are all introduced, Ness and I are going out.” Wade’s arm slung over Vanessa’s waist as she smiled, blowing a playful goodbye kiss to you. You blew one back, playfully winking at Vanessa. Wade reached out, pretending to catch both kisses. “Hey now, no one’s making moves on my woman tonight.” With that, the two were gone. As you shut the apartment door, the sound of feet dragging on the ground caught your attention. Looking up, you realized Logan had grabbed another beer and was now sitting on the couch.
“Wade asked me to make you dinner and keep you company.” Your smile didn’t quite reach your eyes, it was hard to flash him an eager grin when he was ignoring you. When he didn’t respond, you awkwardly nodded, moving from the balls of your feet to your toes and back again. This was going so smooth, you sarcastically thought to yourself.
Had you even introduced yourself? You were pretty sure you did…but maybe you didn’t? If you hadn’t, that made you even more of an awkward stranger to him.
“My names-“
“You already said your damned name.” Logan interrupted with a rough tone, clearly agitated just by your presence.
“Oh…” You laughed softly, face reddening.
Logan fell silent once more, leaving you to stew. After a moment and a careful analyzation that lead you to realize he wouldn’t talk to you, you made your way to the kitchen. Going through the various cabinets and fridge as if you had Wade’s apartment memorized, you began to gather supplies for a simple pasta dinner. Meat for meatballs, butter-because who the hell eats food without butter?- marinara sauce, noodles, some seasoning, and bread. Logan, despite remaining on the couch, watched you work. His eyes scrutinized every little thing you did. Thankfully, your back was too him so he didn’t feel too ashamed. He didn’t need a damned babysitter, especially not the one who couldn’t be there for his friend at an incredibly important dinner. Wade claimed it was important, which meant you should’ve been there.
“Why weren’t you at the dinner?” Logan asked, coldly, as he got up from the couch whilst setting his empty beer bottle on the coffee table.
You felt your brows furrow slightly, it had been weeks ago…was that the reason why Logan was being hostile?
“I was visiting family.”
“He said it was important.”
“Wade thinks every dinner is important.” You retorted, finally looking up at Logan. During the time of your quick battle of words he had moved into the kitchen, standing over you with a glare. His lips pursed.
“We saved your damned timeline.” He growled at her in response.
“I didn’t ask you to do that, so don’t you go guilt tripping me.” You raised the spatula from the marina sauce on the stove. Pointing it at him with a sense of sass, you refused to let him bully you for something as small as a dinner.
“You smart ass.” He scoffed out, nose scrunching in annoyance.
“And I was visiting family, so I wasn’t even close enough to come to the dinner.” You huffed, turning away from him as you added the pasta to the sauce. You would’ve loved to have gone to the dinner, to see everyone. But…well, when family demands money after claiming you abandoned them…it’s hard to ignore that guilt trip. You hadn’t even abandoned them. All you were doing was avoiding the conflict going on between everyone only to find yourself soon in the middle of it.
Logan, still deep in a scowl, slightly relented. When you turned away from him, he huffed, crossing his arms as he leaned onto the counter. After a few moments, you extended the bowl of pasta to Logan. He expected you to say something, anything. Your mouth remained shut, a look of annoyance on your face as you shook the bowl, hinting for him to take it. Logan took it, reluctantly he might add. Because even though he wanted to punch you for being such a feisty smart ass, he was also starving.
You watched him snatch the pasta from you. As he sat in the couch, you remained in the kitchen, leaning on the counter as you ate. This was going to be a long night. Another few minutes passed until he finally spoke.
“Still shitty of you.”
You groaned mentally that he was still scolding you. “It was shitty of him to forget my birthday while he was off running about with you.” It was a bitchy comment, and sure as hell was one you’d regret later. You winced slightly as it left your mouth, you could taste the venom in each syllable. You could feel Logan’s eyes on you, pursing your lips, you kept your gaze to the counter as you ate. It was the final time you’d speak of the argument, to your gratefulness. The sound of the couch moving slightly caught your attention.
“Come on.” Was all he said. Looking up, you realized he had moved over on the couch so you could sit beside him. Reluctantly, you moved towards the couch. It wasn’t entirely of your own volition. The main reason you sat down next to him was because of the glare he had sent your way. A warning, one you didn’t want to test. By the time Wade and Vanessa returned, you had fallen asleep on the sofa and Logan was quietly doing the dishes for you. Logan decided that maybe you weren’t that bad, but you still missed his friend's dinner.
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starchbean · 2 days
Scummies--c'mere. Closer. CLOSER
I just learned about the Cakeverse. We NEED to make SVSSS fic for this! There's like ONE FIC and it's in Italian and I have a cousin but I CANT READ ITALIAN PLEASE CHAT DO IT FOR MEEEEE
**to clarify, I don't mean read the Italian for me, I NEED YOU TO WRITE SVSSS CAKEVERSE
Of course I'd be a hypocrite if I didn't at least offer a little something of my own, so here's the bit:
Shen Qingqiu was a fork, and everyone knew it. The readers of Proud Immortal Demon Way knew it. The Peak Lords and disciples alike of Cang Qiong knew. Hell, even people from other sects had heard the rumors about the Qing Jing Peak Lord.
As for Shen Yuan, the first few months of experiencing it had been really demoralizing! And worse–the cute little white lotus protagonist himself had taken the initiative to cook his meals, and he wouldn’t even be able to taste them at all! How could he appreciate them properly?! Luo Binghe knew this, and STILL he put his whole effort into cooking his best meals for his teacher. Ah, truly there was no disciple more filial than Binghe! 
If nothing else, Binghe’s cooking had been pleasing to look at, and the hot steam that wafted up from it felt soothing on Shen Qingqiu’s face, so of course he would eat it. He wasn’t going to waste food, okay?! He knew he was immensely blessed to experience Binghe’s cooking on any level at all. Still, it would have been nice to not leave the flavors to his imagination.
Thankfully, today’s breakfast brought a breath of hope to the poor transmigrator that caused him to shed a tear of joy behind his fan. It seemed his old sense of taste was starting to come back to him after all! Perhaps the System just needed some time to adapt Shen Qingqiu’s body to better suit its new occupant. 
The flavor wasn’t much, just a hint of something in the dough, vaguely sweet like icing. Thinking about it, it made sense that the power of the Protagonist’s cooking was enough to pierce through even the Scum Villain’s taste buds! At this rate, maybe he could avoid the original Scum Villain’s fate as a human stick for almost devouring Binghe after accidentally tasting his blood at the Immortal Alliance Conference! 
Luo Binghe eagerly watched as Shizun ate his breakfast with an intense glint in his eye. He knew what he was, and what he had done to his beloved teacher’s food this morning. It wasn’t much. He had just pressed a little kiss to each of the buns before cooking, but the effect of his saliva was just enough. Shizun did taste it, Binghe could tell. Shizun wasn’t reacting aggressively and seemed not to suspect Binghe at all. Maybe he would add something a little more of himself next time. Something that would prickle all of Shizun’s senses. That sounded delightful indeed.
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Best Friend’s Crush, pt. 2
(Harlow sister’s best friend reader x Jack)
T/W: smut❤️‍🔥
A/N: Thank you everyone who read Chapter 1, I hope you like Chapter 2 the same if not more. My anons are always open for any suggestions you wanna make for the next parts of the story.
~~ Chapter 2 ~~
The next few weeks, you would find yourself thinking about Jack sometimes. Every single time a thought about him came up, you would just rub it off and do something else. You stopped listening to his music for a few weeks, that really helped. You even debated on telling Sophia and just downright ask her to introduce the two of you. You were so down bad, and you couldn’t even make up your mind on how you even wanted to proceed.
You thought it would be a good idea to start dating around. Maybe that would help you focus on other guys and not think much about Jack. You did, and it was fun, but nothing ever came out of it. You were just dating around and having fun.
It was March 2023, at this point almost a year had already passed since you started heavily crushing on Jack. You were hanging, watching movies and eating dinner with Sophia when she asked you to go to Louisville with her for the weekend. She wanted to visit her parents and she thought it was the perfect opportunity for you to see the city and meet her parents.
You were looking forward to it, Sophia would always talk about Louisville and about her family, so to say you were excited was an understatement. You and Sophia got home, went up and settled into her room, unpacking some things. You both walked down the stairs and got to the dinner table. Jack was sitting at the table with his parents and Clay. Your breath hitched in your throat, and you were really hoping that your face hadn’t shown your reaction, you didn’t want Jack to think he has any effect on you. All of them immediately stood up and came to greet you. First his parents, then Clay, and finally Jack.
“I’m Jack, Y/n. Nice to meet you.” He extended his hand out to you like the true gentleman he is. You were so not expecting it, this was a casual setting. You gave him your hand and he lightly shook it, before going to give you a friendly hug which you very happily accepted. He smelled fantastic and you loved how his arms felt around your back.
“Have a seat, Y/n. And welcome home. Please make yourself at home and don’t hesitate asking us for anything you may need.” Brian smiled in your direction, which you gladly returned.
“Thanks, Mr. Harlow, I’m grateful for you and your family’s kindness.”
“Oh, just call me Brian.” Brian and Maggie laughed.
“Oh, you’re welcome sweetie, we love finally meeting Sophia’s best friend after all these years.” Maggie chimed in. You all comfortably had dinner and chatted about the different sightseeing options they were recommending you to do this weekend. Once you were finished, you and Sophia offered to help Maggie clean up, which she thanked but said wasn’t necessary. You and Sophia started making your way upstairs.
“Y/n.” Jack called out from the back. You tried to keep your composure and softly turned back.
“Yes, Jack?”. “Do you and Sophia want to later join Clay and I at the bar? I bought this new tequila I want to try. And well, I’m asking you cause you’re the guest. Sophia will eventually just have to do whatever you choose.” He chuckled, which sent shivers down your stomach. Fuck, the thought of drinking with Jack made you really nervous, you hoped you wouldn’t get flirty or anything.
“Oh, yes, Jack, of course. We’ll be right back down later. We’ll probably just take a short nap.”
“That’s great, Y/n.” He smiled. Sophia did not know one bit about your huge crush on her brother. What you didn’t know either, though, was that Jack had found you really fucking pretty. He had something for girls who looked like you, but you in particular mesmerized Jack, he was even starting to feel a bit nervous, which he usually didn’t. He quickly went to the bar to make sure it had everything you could need or want. He wanted you to think he was such a gentleman, which no doubt he was. He started thinking about what kind of things he could talk to you about, his mind then went to remember how your perky ass looked in those tight jeans you were wearing, he wondered how you smell. Fuck, he needed to focus if he wanted this to go well.
You and Sophia went upstairs to your room, and she quickly plopped down into the bed. It had been a long traveling day and you both were exhausted. You laid down and tried to fall asleep too, but your mind was racing.
“What did Jack think about me? I hope I made a good first impression. Fuck, he looked so damn handsome and his freshly cut curls framed his face and eyes perfectly. I wish I could touch his perfectly groomed beard. How am I going to be able to talk to him calmly downstairs?” you thought. You tried to shake off those thoughts because you knew you needed the rest if you didn’t want to fall asleep in front of Jack, which could not happen as this was your one opportunity to get his attention.
You tried to calm down and fall asleep, trying to remember there’s nothing to be scared of as you already know what you have to do. You have flirted with tons of cute guys before, especially during this past year, this shouldn’t have to be any different.
Two hours later, Jack and Clay heard your footsteps that were coming from the stairs. Jack and Clay were sitting there on the bar stools, waiting for you.
“Don’t you fucking dare trying to flirt with her. She’s mine, you understand?” Jack whispered. Clay’s heart dropped a bit. Of course, he was going to take you for himself, this always happened and Clay was tired of it. But this was no different from all the other times it had previously happened, so he gave in.
“Of course, Jack, that’s how it always goes anyway,” Clay said, rolling his eyes. You and Sophia arrived at the bar and saw them both sitting there. Jack quickly stood up.
“Y/n, do you want anything to drink? We have anything you want,” Clay immediately rolled his eyes once again. You blushed.
“Yes, Jack. Thank you so much. Can I have some tequila with mineral water and a sprinkle of lemon?”
“Yeah, of course,” he lightly smiled.
The four of you started drinking and chatting about nothing important, having fun and starting to get drunk. Sophia excused herself to the bathroom and Jack stood up to make you another glass, you followed behind him as if to help him. Jack was preparing the glass when he suddenly looked back at you, he didn’t care anymore because Sophia was not there, he was drunk, and to be fucking honest he didn’t care one bit about Clay listening and seeing.
You could feel his stare and knew he was about to say something. He handed you the glass and you thanked him.
“You are really beautiful, Y/n.” What the fuck? What was even happening? You blushed and you knew he probably noticed. Your tongue got stuck in your throat before finally being able to answer.
“Thanks so much, Jack,” he smiled in return. Jack started asking you about yourself and you felt like it was finally happening. At that point, Clay knew there was nothing else for him to do there and excused himself up the stairs. Sophia came back from the bathroom and saw the two of you having a casual conversation.
She quickly joined in as she didn’t even notice you two were flirting. You three continued on talking about random stuff and every single time you said something, you could feel Jack’s intense stare in your direction; and everytime he said something funny, you couldn’t stop giggling like an idiot and were always too worried he or Sophia would notice. This kept going on for like an hour or so, until Sophia started getting really tired and sleepy.
“I think I’m heading up to sleep, I’m really tired and today was a long day. You can stay here if you want, Y/n,” you could feel your stomach turning into knots.
“Okay, Sophia, have a good sleep. I’ll stay here for a little while,” you blushed, you couldn’t believe you were staying alone with Jack. You two kept on talking for a bit while Sophia was heading upstairs but at this point you could feel Jack’s intense stare in your eyes, he wasn’t hiding it anymore.
Once it was clear to Jack that Sophia was in her room and out of the picture, he took two steps closer to you and at this point you two were literally breathing each other’s air. He thought you would move back but was glad you didn’t. He had you, he thought.
“You said you like my music, right?” Jack began.
“Yes, I do. I like it.” Your breathing was uneasy and the proximity and eye contact were becoming very uncomfortable, you almost couldn’t breathe.
“Is that the only thing you like?” He smirked.
“What do you mean, Jack?”
“You know what I mean.”
“I’m telling you I don’t.”
“You never fantasized about me?”
“N-No, I didn’t. You are so full of yourself, Jack.”
“Prove it. I bet you’re so wet right now. Do I have your permission to touch you and judge for myself, pretty girl?”
“Yes,” you said while trying not to breathe and show his effect on you. He grabbed your butt, started drawing circles with his hands and started kissing down your neck. You let out a high-pitched squeal that almost sounded like a moan, and Jack smirked against your neck.
“Do you want me to stop, Y/n?”
“I said, do you want me to stop?”
“No, Jack.”
“That’s what I thought, baby.” With that he started to gently suck on your neck and collarbone, your mind was getting flooded with all these thoughts, and it felt so good to know Jack was worshipping your body. He could feel you starting to breathe heavily and he immediately put his hand over your mouth.
“Let’s go up to my room, Y/n.”
“Jack, Sophia is going to hear us. And even worse, we are going to wake her up.”
“I promise she won’t, just follow me.” He held his hand out for you and you quickly took it, he interlocked your fingers with his. Your tummy was full of butterflies and you thought you were about to explode. Your heart was beating a million miles a minute. He carefully took the both of you upstairs, going step by step as quiet as you could.
Once you got to his room, he carefully opened the door with his other hand and let the two of you in. He quietly closed it.
“Jump,” he whispered. You jumped and wrapped your legs around his waist, he harshly kissed you while walking to his bed and carefully put you down on it. You couldn’t believe your wildest fantasies were coming true.
He removed his lips from yours and unhooked your bra while he looked you firmly in the eyes, your breasts came into full sight and his eyes couldn’t stop staring at them. He took one of them in his mouth and started licking and sucking.
You pressed and pinched your other breast with one hand, and at this point your head was up in the clouds. He brought his head back up and gave you the biggest smile you’ve ever seen on him. God, you loved that smile, especially seeing as it was for you and because of you. He took his head down your body and gently kissed your pooch before grabbing the sides of the band of your panties. He looked up at you as if to ask for permission, and you nodded.
That was all he needed for him to pull down your panties. Your pussy came into sight and his breath hitched in his throat, it looked really wet, and it was glistening, he swore it was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. He couldn’t wait to taste you. He slipped two of his fingers through your wet folds and the sound of your wetness became apparent.
“Now, do you admit it? Because I in fact made you wet,” he smugly told you, referencing his previous comments downstairs. You instantly put up a front,
“It’s not you, Jack, I’ve just been really horny this week and needed some release. It’s not personal.”
“Oh, so why don’t I just get up and send you back to Sophia’s room with no relief and all needy, not able to sleep?” He said while slowly drawing circles around your clit with his index finger.
“Don’t act like you are not dying to taste me.”
Jack rolled his eyes, “You’re such a brat, Y/n.”
“But you want me like this, though.”
“I do, baby, I do.”
You reached to unbotton his pants and he quickly stood up to remove them. He sat back down, and you palmed him through his underwear, his breath getting faster, and you were enjoying this teasing game so fucking much. You toyed with the band of his boxers, you couldn’t wait to see his cock, and he helped you slide them down. His cock coming into full sight and standing tall against his tummy.
Your eyes went wide, and you bit your bottom lip, you could only imagine how good it would feel inside you. You reached to gently hold his dick, massaging it slowly but pulled your hand away before it became too much. His eyes went back to your pussy, his eyes were wide and full of curiosity.
“Can I taste you, baby?” You were growing impatient, you didn’t answer and just went to grab his head of curls to bring it into your pussy and directed your eyesight to the back of your head, in anticipation. He thought that was the hottest thing you could do. He started giving tiny little licks to your pussy while having the tip of his nose on your clit, his nose was boucing because of his tongue movements, and you thought you were already in ecstacy when all of a sudden he entered his tongue inside your pussy while starting to suck your clit with just the right speed and pressure.
You immediately put your hand over your own mouth and started moaning as low as you could. You were working so hard to contain your moans. He was sucking you like he had been starving and you were his favorite meal in the whole world. You knew you would come in no time. You removed your hand from your mouth and quietly voiced “Jj, Jaaaack, I’m”
“I know baby, I know.” He couldn’t wait for you to cum, he needed to be inside you so he could get any kind of relief. He moaned on your pussy which got you to do the same.
“Ahhhh,” you quietly moaned and with that you came. He kept on gently and slowly sucking your pussy lips so that you could come down. Your breathing started getting back to normal and he brought his head up. He licked his lips full of your cum and tasted it, you blushed.
“First of all, you taste delicious. Second of all, I can’t wait to be inside you.” He positioned his dick on your pussy and slid it along to tease you.
“I thought you said you couldn’t wait.”
“Shut up, Y/n.” He entered you slowly, wanting you to get used to his size. You squealed due to that size.
“Are you okay, princess?” You were breathing heavily.
“Yes, I’m ready,” and with that he started pounding in and out of you.
“Ahhh, Jack, you are so big,” you were whispering in his ear, moaning. You both thought it was so hot to whisper your moans in each other’s ears only for you two to hear, to prevent them from being heard outside the room.
“Fuck, you feel so good princess.” he whispered in your ear, moaning. He looked at you and saw you had your eyes completely rolled back.
“You look so pretty wrapped around me, Y/n,” that only made you moan hard in his ear.
“You are fucking me so good baby, I’ve been fantasizing about this for almost a year now, you fucking me exactly like this, moaning my name.” You knew you would regret it, but that only turned Jack on more, and he picked up his pace, going harder, deeper, and faster.
“Oh my god, Jackkk!!!” it was almost a little too loud, just quiet enough for no one to else to hear and wake up. He quickly put your hand over you mouth, you heavily ventilating behind it.
“As much as I love to hear your pretty little moans, that will have to wait for next time when we are alone.”
“What? There will be another time?”
“Oh trust me baby, there will be many of these times, you just need to prove you do it good, though.” Oh my god, he was such a motherfucker, of course he was going to give you payback for acting like a brat earlier. You wanted to prove you could fuck him better than anyone else so you turned the both of you around so you could be on top of him, and you started riding him fast and aggresively.
“Fuck, you are so hot baby. You look so pretty riding me like this.”
“You are so fucking handsome, baby, I wish I said it back earlier. I was really nervous and didn’t want you to know. You’re the hottest man ever.” Jack responded by moaning in your ear, and you grabbed his head, pulling it closer to your ear.
“Say it again baby, whisper it to me in my ear,” Jack whispered.
“You’re the hottest man ever, you really are very sexy Jack,” you whispered. Jack went and grabbed your hips to guide you with a faster and more agressive motion, moving you up and down, hitting your sweet spot perfectly. You both knew you were really close, it wasn’t even necessary to let each other know. Just sweet low moans being whispered in each other’s ear before he quickly put his hand over your mouth as he could tell yours were starting to get more intense.
You were quietly moaning behind the palm of his hand, when you grabbed Jack’s wrist and removed his hand from your mouth.
“Fuck, right there Jack, right fucking there, oh my god,” you screamed as low as you could, you swore someone would wake up. To be honest, you weren’t even thinking straight anymore, you had never been in so much pleasure.
“Quiet, princess,” he lowly whispered into your ear. “Shh, look at me.” God, he was perfect.
“Hmmm,” you softly moaned into his ear. Seconds after that, you both immediately came at the same time. He carefully tried to sit up so that the both of you were now sitting up, and he could be in control too, and he slowly pulled in and out of you to help you come down and enjoy this up until the last second.
“I hope you know you’re mine now, princess.”
“I wouldn’t want to be anyone else’s anyway.”
Instead of pulling out of you, he stayed like this and softly grabbed your face to kiss you, it was a cute and romantic kiss. Without stopping the kiss, he laid back down and embraced you in a hug, the two of you still kissing. Him inside you, you on top of him. After you got done kissing, you moved your head to the crook of his neck, staying like this for a few minutes in silence, neither of you wanting to move. It felt so good to know Jack was still inside of you, both of your cums safely kept in place inside the little cocoon you two had made. After Jack finally pulled out of you, he was the first to speak.
“Do you wanna sleep here with me, baby? I’ll wake you up early and you can go back before Sophia wakes up.” He asked while cleaning up the two of you with his nightstand wipes.
“Jack, you know I want to, but Sophia will probably wake up in the middle of the night.”
“I know she won’t, but if she does, you can always tell her you were just downstairs getting water.”
“Hmm, okay Jack, only because you’re worth it,” you blushed.
“You blushing as if we hadn’t just done the nastiest things imaginable is crazy to me.” God, that made you blush even more, making you hide inside his neck. He just laughed, holding you tight while pulling the sheets on top of you two. Seconds later, you were both fast asleep.
A/N: Ahhhh, they’re finally together 🙈🙈🙈 Lmk your thoughts everyone!! 🫣
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shegatsby · 2 days
Hello there!
Saw that your requests are open, so I thought I'd leave this here. What about a Hannibal x reader who is a lot like Amy Dunne (Gone girl)? Sorta like friends to enemies to lovers vibes.
Like, she is trying to escape the life she once had under a new identity. She wants a second chance ig. However, upon meeting Hannibal, the nosy bastard just can not stop himself from looking into her and only becomes even more intrigued when he notices her lack of well... authenticity?
She feels threatened by Hannibal just as much as she is attracted to him. Does she flee once more? Do they have a confrontation? Does he try coax or manipulate her back into old habits? Do they form some sort of alliance? Ugh if only I had the creativity and the ability to make choices when it comes to these things! (Totally up to you if you want to add fluff, or smut, or angst, btw)
Anyway, thank you :)
A/N: Hi! Thnak you so much for this request, it was interesting to write. Take care. xxx
Warnings: Smut! Unprotected sex! Minors get the f out or else!
Her mind was a dark place when it comes to men, if she avoided them her entire life none of this would have happened. She wouldn’t have to run to a different state and change her entire identity.. she cursed under her breath when she sat on her new couch in her new home. Now she was in Wolf Trap Virginia, it was moderately cold in winters and it was winter, she moved here in the spring. In the spring it was beautiful, she had always loved flowers and plants, sometimes she wished to be a plant and connect to the soil, it would be a lot easier than this. She bought this house with the money she had from her husband, ex husband who supposedly went ‘’missing’’ one day and left her, she had an excuse to start a new life and that she did. She didn’t want any former friends or family members to contact her thus the change came with its glory. New hair, new style of clothing, new house, new environment.
The house she bought was old and that’s why cheaper than others so she still had some money left, the only problem was that she had to renovate it on her own, sometimes she had cable issues or pipes were making noises etc. However, this time her luck was on her side because she met someone. One night a dog came up to her door, it was a cold night and she let the dog in, it had a name tag but no address so she thought the owner would look for it soon and she was right. The owner of the dog was her neighbor Will Graham, their houses weren’t that close but she had seen him at the supermarket or driving. He offered to help her with fixing the pipes etc. and she offered nice chats and warm meals. Over time they started to share information about each other, of course everything she said was false but Will was honest, he was a university teacher in the department of criminology also he was working for the FBI. She had wondered if Will ever saw her husband’s missing case. Their friendship developed and she started to go to his house, it was Christmas when she met him,
 Doctor Hannibal Lecter.
Will invited her for Christmas dinner and said his other friends and colleagues would be there, mostly FBI, at first she hesitated but wouldn’t be fun for them to be in a room with a killer, little did she know that she wasn’t the only killer in the house.
She wore a nice sweater and black pants, she was simple yet pure looking. She didn’t drive to his house but walked, it wasn’t close but it wasn’t far either. Light snow was falling from the sky, she liked snow and Christmas time, Will’s house was decorated nicely, it looked colorful and warm.
She held her breath and knocked on the door, soon Will answered, holding a mug, he looked cute in his brown sweater and his messy hair, ‘’Glad you could make it.’’ He let her in.
One by one Will introduced her to the others, it wasn’t crowded, before Will could speak the man standing before her extended his hand, ‘’Doctor Hannibal Lecter.’’ She shook his hand, ‘’Y/N,  nice to meet you.’’ She said shortly, feeling uncomfortable under his questioning gaze, Will’s boss Jack joked, ‘’Don’t worry Ms, Doctor Lecter loves to carry his psychiatric work to his social gatherings.’’
‘’A Psychiatrist? I must be careful in this room.’’ She thought to herself.
Rest of the night went smoothly, at the dinner table she had a nice chat with others especially Alana Bloom, she made her feel comfortable, however she kept feeling Dr. Lecter’s maroon gaze and every time she looked at him was watching her, he wasn’t shy of eye contact either. Y/N not saying her last name didn’t go unnoticed by him and he captured her under his observation. She looked extra careful, speaking slowly and choosing her words meticulously. Will and others were smart but they didn’t share his twisted mind and intellect.
After dinner people started to have conversations privately and she got a glass of eggnog and standing by the fire place, Will’s dogs sleeping at corners of the house, ‘’I haven’t got your full name Ms?’’ she heard his deep voice, he had a subtle accent underneath, maybe he was running just like her?
‘’Oh?’’ she asked turning to him, ‘’I apologies, its Y/N Y/L/N.’’ she smiled gently but her eyes were dead, he could see, ‘’It rhymes, your parents must have a good sense of humor.’’ He commented, she could understand that he was intrigued by her, he made a mental note to dig into her social media accounts and thanks to his work with the FBI he had access to search for people’s ID.
‘’May I ask,’’ he began wondering, ‘’what is the true nature of your relationship with Will?’’ because Will never mentioned her till tonight. Her eyes were on the flames, ‘’One night, his dog wandered to my door and he came back to take him, we have been friends since then.’’ She turned to him, there was a warmth to her eyes with the memory, Hannibal was sure now that she wasn’t a sociopath. She could feel things, it could come in handy one day.
‘’Such a sweet story. Will is very fond of his strays.’’ He threw a bait to see if she was going to get angry, because his comment had undertones. ‘’Aren’t we all?’’ she replied quickly. She was smart.
After that night she wished she never saw him again but fate had its own story. The very next day she received a note on her porch, it was printed, ‘’Save me a dance, Fondly.’’ As soon as she read it she dropped the note and called Will. Recently there was a killer on the loose, he was targeting young women who live alone. At first the women find the note and then they are kidnapped within few days, later they end up dead. It could be a stupid prank but she had to be sure, Will brought his team to investigate, the people you dined with yesterday evening now were in your living room questioning you. How odd.
‘’Can you tell us everything Ms Y/L/N?’’ Jack Crawford asked with his professional voice. She told them everything which wasn’t much, Will was sitting next to her, holding her hand in a friendly manner but it irritated Hannibal for some reason he couldn’t place and it made him more irritated. ‘’She has to leave, immediately.’’ His sudden comment made everyone look at him, ‘’Our killer is moving quickly these days. She should be in a protection program.’’ He was saying this on purpose, because he had a plan. ‘’You know what happened last time.’’ Jack replied calmly and yet she could sense that the last woman was most likely dead now. ‘’Before you can arrange accommodations she could stay with me, no one would suspect a thing.’’ Hannibal’s suggestion made her froze, she turned to Will to say something and Hannibal understood her intention and added quickly, ‘’Will lives too close to Ms Y/L/N, the killer is also a stalker. He knows your friendship with Will.’’ He was making sense which she hated. ‘’Ms Y/L/N, please pack yourself a bag.’’ Jack’s final decision was made and she had no choice. She had to survive.
The journey to Hannibal Lecter’s home was a long one, at first Hannibal explained the case to her and they talked about it for a while and then she fell asleep, in this state Hannibal could examine her face closely, she looked like an angel, so soft and innocent but he knew deep down she had deep secrets and he couldn’t wait to reveal them. He enjoyed this game and he wasn’t going to let go of her anytime soon.
His house made her feel like she shouldn’t touch anything, just sit straight and observe. He had expensive taste when it came to architecture and interior design,  paintings on the dark blue walls, every room had a marble fire place, the carpets felt soft under your feet.
‘’This is your room.’’ He walked her in the guest room, it had a queen sized bed with beige sheets, side tables, a big wardrobe which she didn’t even need because she brought a tiny bag, thankfully the room had bathroom and toilet side, in the bathroom there were various hair masks, face masks, shampoos and scrubs etc. ‘’I called a friend to bring these skincare products, I didn’t know which you usually use so my friend got various types. I hope they will be useful.’’
His gesture made her think about him again, it was nice but was he too enthusiastic?
‘’Thank you Doctor.’’ She replied shortly, ‘’Please, call me Hannibal.’’ He gave her a small smile, ‘’I’ll let you freshen up and dinner will be ready shortly.’’
‘’Its okay you don’t have to-‘’ he cut her short, ‘’Please, you are a guest under my roof, and I love to cook for my guests.’’ And he left without letting her speak, she took a long shower to relax and wore a long t-shirt and leggings, his house warm and she was getting more comfortable. She walked downstairs and Hanniabl’s high senses picked up on her fresh skin, she smelled of vanilla and he liked it very much. ‘’Dinner is ready.’’
He also freshened up, he was in more casual clothes but he still looked sophisticated, ‘’Smells delicious.’’ She commented and watched Hannibal pull up a chair for her, ‘’Tastes delicious too.’’ She could hear him close to her ear as she sat, he smelled manly and dominant. He sat to his place, and they started to eat, dinner was a warm soup ad fish with fresh bread, salad on the side and red wine. The fire place was lit in the dining room they were eating, ‘’Hmm,’’ she hummed when she tasted the fish it was so soft and tasty, ‘’You like it?’’ Hannibal shifted in his seat when he heard her, is dark mind went to imaginary intimate scenes with her… imaginary and yet for a second he craved them to be real. He had to give her credit she was a beautiful woman with a feminine aura, but he could sense that she was hiding things from her past and he had to know.
‘’Yes, Hannibal. Thank you.’’ She smiled kindly to him, ‘’How long do I have to stay here?’’ she asked curiously, ‘’As you know Jack is the head of the FBI, he has to make sure he finds a safe and secluded place for you and then I will help you move there. But these processes take time, a lot of paper work so you will be here for a while. I hope you will like it.’’ He explained, testing the waters.
‘’I like your home, especially the interior design, I love paintings, I often visit museums actually.’’ And the conversation of fine art and literature started. She was a well read woman which he admired and liked very much, they exchanged ideas about famous novels and later he played some music for her, he could play harpsichord and he played Vivaldi’s Winter. She sat near to him by the fire with a glass of red wine in her palm, it was delicious, she liked the atmosphere he provided.
The days have passed and made them grow close to each other, with time she started to cook dinner for him when he came from work, she started to clean the house, organize and help him host when he needed. She wondered why Jack still couldn’t find a safe house for her when in fact he kept sending houses to Hannibal via e-mail and Hannibal found excuses and declined on behalf of her, she had no idea about this. It had been a months since she moved in with him, in the mean time the killer didn’t kill no woman, he was silent and she prayed for him to be like that for a while.
One day Hannibal forgot to bring his laptop with him to his work, he left in a hurry because it was related to another case, he kissed her cheek, said goodbye and left, it became their custom. They were growing close but neither of them took a huge step, after he left she tidied around and was looking for a recipe and noticed that his laptop was open and he forgot so she went on Youtube, soon there was an email notification and she hesitated for a moment and then clicked on it. It was from Jack Crawford, sending him yet another safe house and she could feel her heart drop to her feet, she read all of the emails between them and Hannibal declining all of the houses Jack sent. Suddenly she felt trapped by a man.. again. That was the reason she had to killer ex husband and flee. He was an abusive man with drugs and often abused her and cheated on her, one day she had enough, she didn’t remember how she did it but when it was done her husband was on the floor with 50 stab wounds, she kept him in the freezer for a week, didn’t know what to do with him, she cleaned the entire home, burnt every piece of clothing that had blood and she melted the knife she had used, after contemplating for a week she burnt his finger tips and took off his teeth, just in case if his body parts were found she didn’t want any identification to be found.  Some of his parts were rotting under soil and some were deep in a lake or river, she survived and she was going to survive again.
She closed the email tab, and started to cook, she had a plan but so did Hannibal.
Hannibal had already learnt her past, one night after drinking few glasses of strong wine she told him where she was born and said she was divorced and that’s all he needed to know. Thanks to his connection to the FBI it wasn’t so hard to find her old ID. Yes, she was married once despite her young age, the husband was missing and she left their state and travelled all the way to start a new life. He knew that she was the one who made him go ‘’missing’’ and he found himself getting excited. Usually people get caught in their first kill because it is always a sloppy job but she managed to live and make every detail disappear from the public eye. He was just waiting for the right time to expose that he already knew. Tonight was the night.
He came back from work a bit late but as soon as he opened the door his nostrils picked up the delicious scent coming from the kitchen, since it was two of them most of the time they started to eat in the kitchen by the tall window looking outside and chatting about their day.
He walked to the kitchen and there she was, she was wearing a long black dress, covering her entire body but her curves were crystal clear, she was an astonishing woman and Hannibal was the one who could witness it. He was glad she killed her husband because he wanted her all to himself.
‘’Welcome back love.’’ She said and smiled, ‘’You go ahead and freshen up and then we can eat together.’’ He wasn’t an idiot, he picked up on her coldness, she was colder than usual. ‘’See you in a bit.’’ Hannibal replied and went upstairs, as usual he freshened up, didn’t forget to hide a small knife under his sleeve and came back to the kitchen, she smiled but it didn’t reach to her beautiful ears, he sat carefully on the kitchen stool, she brought the food, ‘’How was your day?’’ she asked casually, Hannibal’s eyes first roamed on her body, the white apron wrapped her body tight and made her body look pleasing, she looked much healthier than before, he did a great job taking care of her and so did she. Hannibal’s friends, especially Will and Jack kept mentioning how much Hannibal changed, there was a color to his face and his manners were warmer than before.
They chatted for a while, and then he watched her place her fork and knife on the empty plate, she drank her wine, ‘’I don’t want to beat around the bush anymore,’’ she began and Hannibal knew something was about to happen, ‘’you left your laptop and I saw the emails Jack kept sending you. You were declining his safe house offers for me.’’ Her bluntness made him more attracted.
‘’Give me a good reason.’’ Her voice was daring, he knew if he cannot give a good reason she is going to do something.
He could feel the cold blade in his sleeve, ‘’I simply do not see those houses fit. My house is the safest for you.’’
She stood up, ‘’You think you can put me in a cage!’’ her voice was threatening, ‘’I was trapped before and I’ll not be trapped again!’’
He knew she was traumatized by her marriage and she didn’t want to relive it, he could see it.
‘’That wasn’t my intention,’’ he stood up as well, there was space between them, she took off her apron and threw it on the floor, ‘’I’m leaving.’’ And as soon as she turned he grabbed her hand and made her clash onto his torso, ‘’You are not going anywhere darling.’’ He was so calm it made her question if he was human or not. ‘’Let go of me Hannibal!’’ she managed to get out of his grasp but this time he held her waist and pulled her again, he hugged her from behind, ‘’You cannot leave!’’ she could feel the blade and with a swift move she got the knife, it was sharp so it cut her finger, immediate blood running down her finger and coating her hand in crimson, ‘’Get back!’’ she tried to stab him but the knife was slippery in her hand, ‘’You cut yourself.’’ His voice was so soft and caring, tears running down her cheeks ‘’Please,’’ she begged, ‘’I can’t do it again..’’ she couldn’t help the tears, she couldn’t relive her past.
Hannibal was quick, he trapped her between his body and the kitchen island, he threw the knife on the floor, ‘’Listen to me Y/N.’’  their bodies were pressed, they were breathing heavily, ‘’I won’t do anything to hurt you,’’ she searched his maroon eyes, under the yellow warm lights she could see his dilated pupils, like a man who was drugged, ‘’I am not the man you think I am, I will never do anything to hurt you.’’ He was holding her firmly on both arms, ‘’I did everything for you!’’
She was trying hard to find a lie, or something suspicious in his eyes, but he was telling the truth.
She found herself hugging him, it had been so long since she hugged someone, maybe… maybe this could be it. He was startled at first but then he hugged her back, as they parted he captured her lips, he had wanted to do that for so long. The kiss was so passionate it knocked the breath out of her, his lips were plump and delicious, he was perfect.
As they were kissing their hands were exploring their bodies, his torso and arms were so firm and manly his hands went to the skirts of her dress, pulling up, she let him. Her hands went to his belt and he helped her, Hannibal had to be honest, he had been imagining this scene for weeks, he wanted to be at the comfort of his bed but both of them couldn’t wait that long for they were desperate.
He was biting her lips, moaning like a mad man, when her hand went to is boxers and she felt how hard he was and she moaned into his mouth which made him get more exited, she pumped him through his boxers, Hannibal wasn’t like this usually but something in her brought his dark animalistic side to the light and he felt like himself, without faking to fit in with the society. She was eager to pull his pants and bowers down and he quickly pulled everything down, she broke the kiss to look at his large cock, it was just as she expected, large and clean, his tip was covered in pre-cum, she looked up to meet his eyes, she could see the hunger and need, Hannibal made her sit on the kitchen island and positioned himself between her legs, he brought her black panties to the side, when he started to tease her with his tip she was a moaning mess, ‘’Hannibal..’’ she moaned in protest, it had been so long since she had slept with anyone.
He looked at her divine face, cheeks flushed, mouth parted, ‘’Do you want me?’’ he asked with a low baritone, ‘’Yes, please.’’ She replied eagerly and he slowly pushed his cock in her soaking core, Hannibal almost came with the contact because she was so tight it was unbelievable.
The blood on her hand dried but left marks on his clothes, neck, cheeks, he deeply buried himself and moaned in satisfaction, she was gripping him tight, he pulled back completely and pushed again and started a rhythm. His balls were slapping her, wet noises filling the kitchen, ‘’Kiss me.’’ She begged and he complied willingly, he was like a wild animal, she could feel his cock tearing her insides, when he grabbed her boob tightly they both felt the wetness growing inside her, even though they were fully clothed they didn’t care. He let his tip hit her insides fiercely and she had to break the kiss to moan loudly, he was hitting the spot which his ex husband could never do, this was something she was experiencing for the first time and her eyes rolled back, her head falling back and Hannibal buried his head to the crook of her neck, he kissed her neck, biting her and leaving bruises. ‘’Hannibal…’’ she moaned his name over and over again.
She was getting tense which Hannibal noticed and he soothed her, ‘’Shhh, let go, don’t be afraid..’’ he knew she was holding back and with his encouraging words she came in gush of water, it was her first time squirting and it was intense, Hannibal caressed her face, her hair and let her live it, experience it for the first time, he pulled out and didn’t mind the mess she made, matter of fact it was hot and he wanted to continue fucking her and leave her seed in her, would she allow it? He wanted to try.
When she relaxed a bit he pushed back in, he wasn’t done with her, and now she was more sensitive, the tiny voices she was making pushed him over the edge and he came inside her really hard, he was a moaning mess and she loved it, she kissed her as he came, when they were done she kissed her gently, he was still buried deep, ‘’It’s okay.’’ She said, noticing the worry in his eyes, he kissed her back, Hannibal knew that after tonight he wasn’t going to let her ago.
She was his.
Thank you for reading. :)
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eevylynn · 2 days
WIP Wednesday
Tagged by @endwersed and @violetfairydust
This is from my fic for the Sterek Reverse Bang
Eventually, they found themselves way in the middle of a clearing, a cliff rising high on one side, providing at least one wall of protection from anyone stumbling upon them. A stream flowed along the opposite side, adding a peaceful ambiance to the area.
“Well, this is pretty,” Stiles said, turning in place to observe the clearing around him. “How did you find this place?”
“I used to come out here with my Cora, Laura, and our cousins,” Derek replied softly.
Stiles turned to give him a soft look, but he didn’t say anything because he knew Derek wouldn’t want to dwell on it.
“So, what’s the plan?” Stiles asked, swinging his arms nervously but trying not to look like he was actually nervous.
“First things first,” Derek began, “we need to find out how strong you actually are.”
“Yeah, obviously,” Stiles said.
“So, we know that when the Nogitsune had full control of your body, it was stronger than me.”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Stiles winced, memories of the Nogitsune tossing Derek like a ragdoll flashing in his mind.
“Don’t worry about it,” Derek said firmly, dismissing Stiles’ concerns with a wave of his hand. “It wasn’t you.”
“We’re going to start with a warm up. What I want you to do first is climb that,” Derek said, pointing to the cliff that rose next to them. He pulled his phone out of his pocket. “I’m going to time you to see how fast you can climb up and then get back down.”
“What about you?” Stiles said. 
“I know how long it takes me,” Derek said simply.
“Well, I think you should climb with me,” Stiles said with a sly grin. “We’ll be able to compare better.”
“You just don’t want to face humiliating defeat if I beat you at this already,” Stiles taunted, his grin widening
Derek fought a smile, obviously debating internally whether or not he should give in. He shook his head with a sigh. “Fine,” he conceded, returning his phone back to his pocket. “Let’s get on with this.”
“And no jumping?” Stiles added quickly. “Just pure climbing, right?” He had seen how much the werewolves in his life took advantage of their ability to jump high and far.
“Just climbing,” Derek confirmed, a glint of amusement in his eyes. “We’ll test your jumping later.”
They walked over to the cliff and discussed the best spots for both to climb, ensuring the challenge was as fair as possible. Once they were in position, Derek counted down.
“Ready. Set. Go!”
At Derek’s signal, they both grabbed a hold of the cliff wall and began climbing. Stiles was thrilled by how quickly he could identify the best handholds and footholds, his muscles working in perfect coordination to propel him upward. Glancing quickly to his left, he saw that he and Derek were neck and neck. The surge of confidence pushed him to climb faster, and before he knew it, he was pulling himself over the top.
Mere seconds later, Derek joined him at the top, and Stiles couldn’t help but cheer.
“Nice work,” Derek said, a hint of pride in his voice.
Stiles grinned widely, soaking in the rare praise. “So, what’s next?”
“Next, jump down,” Derek instructed calmly.
Stiles’ grin faltered. “Wait, jump?”
“Jump…off the cliff?” Stiles asked, staring over the edge in disbelief.
“Yes, Stiles. Jump off of the cliff.”
“But…” Stiles hesitated, his brain short-circuiting as he looked down at the fifty-foot drop. “That’s over 50 feet.”
“Yes,” Derek confirmed, his tone unwavering. “And you can handle it.”
Stiles swallowed hard, nerves tingling in his gut. However, he trusted Derek, so he took a deep breath in and jumped, feeling the wind rush past him as he plummeted towards the ground.
Idk who hasn't done this yet, so I'm going to tag @hedwig221b @thotpuppy @rosieposiepuddingnpie and anyone else that wants to do it
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chevelleneech · 18 hours
Are You Sure? - Ep8
Here are my thoughts now that I finally watched the episode (I was at work all day, anon, lol).
I honestly don’t have too too many, because my main takeaway was that they seemed to have truly needed these trips together. They knew by Jeju they’d be enlisting together, so I feel like any thoughts I had about the trips being a sort of last hurrah before potentially being separated go out the window.
They knew they’d be together, so barring them being romantically involved in some way… I kind of don’t get the point of the series.
Had this been a special involving other members, then it being work related would make sense. Had this been more like the Jeju episodes where they weren’t as laid back, I’d get it, but it wasn’t. Five out of eight episodes focused on them not doing much else other than simply spending time together. Sight seeing and going out to eat, with a sprinkle of activities. We saw them shopping for food and driving more than anything else, but for some reason they both still say the whole experience and filming of the series was the best thing they’ve gotten to do.
That to me, and I say this with full honesty, does not make sense to me, if they’re strictly platonic. I don’t know, episode eight sees them putting a certain level of importance on these trips that many antis wanted to rip away, and surely they knew that. They know what people think about them in their own fandom, both for the better and the worse, and they didn’t care. Which, good for them.
Moving away from my confusion in an attempt to find another explanation, I also think their joint melancholy about having to leave triggered the dropping of their guards a little bit. Add that to them drinking some, and their whole reaction moment felt almost intrusive to see, lol. They kept gravitating toward each other the entire time, only for the editors to skip to them sitting back up with more space between them. Nevermind the footsie and Jimin walking by the room they were shown going to bed in, when he said he was going to wake JK up.
So unless Jungkook was already up and in the shower or something, which they conveniently didn’t mention despite doing it every other time… they either didn’t sleep in the room with the camera or JK moved rooms. But again, given they gave us updates about every other sleeping arrangement or change, why would their last night be different if nothing happened? (By “nothing” I genuinely mean I think they moved to a different room without a camera, likely to talk or simply be closer. Not necessarily sex, because again, I don’t see them going there with a house full of staff.)
Pure speculation of course, lol, but yeah. Those moments made me feel a little like, okay, they did this with the intent of making memories. They may have wanted to cement who they are to each other in this moment, because no matter how optimistic they were that things wouldn’t change and their friendship would be solid, no one can predict the future.
Couple that with them both starting Ep1 saying they hadn’t seen each other and Jimin not being sure (no pun intended) the trip was a good idea in the first place, to them ending Ep8 saying they didn’t want it to be over and spent the last few days happy… it’s a big deal, I think. Especially with how many times they spent their last day in Sapporo taking about how romantic and pretty everything was.
Per the words from their own mouths, they created a small, romantic, nice, and happy bubble they didn’t want to leave, and I love that for them. They got to be happy and cared for by one another, and want to spend many more years to come doing the same thing. I hope they get that.
Oh and final thought… I want that house! Their final Sapporo house was beautiful, as was the town. It felt like a holiday special!
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lynzishell · 7 hours
The Past 🩵 Asher
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Once we’re seated and buckled, Lex turns to me to begin her interrogation before I even have a chance to pull out of the parking garage. “Okay, so, first things first, did you sleep with him?”
I glance over at her, surprised by her question. I figured that was implied considering we left the club together last night and I didn’t come home until this afternoon, but good for her for not making assumptions, I guess. “Yeah, I did,” I say, fighting a losing battle with the smile spreading across my face. 
She smacks me in the arm and gasps, “Really? How was it?”
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This really isn’t the part of the night that I need to talk through, but I allow myself a moment to think about it anyway. I prop my arm up on the door so I can rest my head against my hand. My hair feels clean and soft, and still smells faintly of his shampoo, sparking a memory of running my hands over his body in the shower. The image makes my stomach flutter, and my voice comes out a little dreamy when I speak, “It was amazing.”
“Amazing? Well, I’m going to have follow-up questions.”
“And I won’t be answering any of those questions.”
“Ugh, fine,” she rolls her eyes in mock annoyance, “So, then what happened? How did things go from ‘amazing’ to you sobbing into my shoulder and getting snot all over my jacket?”
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“I don’t know. Like, the whole night was great. It was fun, and he was so sweet, and it really felt like… It wasn't just a hook up, it was more than that. Or at least I thought so. Maybe I was just projecting or seeing what I wanted to see because I… fuck, I’m so embarrassed… whatever, I kinda put myself out there today, really thinking he’d reciprocate, but—”
“He didn’t?”
“What did he say?”
“Same thing he always says. He doesn’t want to date me because we work together. He just wants to be friends. I don’t know, maybe I’m the asshole. How many times does he have to tell me he just wants to be friends? And I’m over here like, ‘are you sure? how ‘bout now?’ What the fuck is wrong with me? I need to stop.”
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“Babe, c’mon, I think you’re being too hard on yourself. I know you. You wouldn’t do that if you didn’t really believe he felt the same way. And I’ve seen the way he looks at you, you’re not imagining it. Sounds to me like he’s saying one thing but acting another and he’s fucking with your head and that’s not okay. If he truly wants to be your friend, then he needs to act like a friend, and he’s not. If you ask me, he’s the asshole, and you deserve a hell of a lot better.”
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“I hear you; I do. He’s not an asshole, though. He’s really not. I think maybe it’s more complicated than that. Like, he was so kind, and affectionate… I really felt like he cared. And then today, he just looked so sad when I was leaving. You know how he does sometimes. But I’ve never seen him more down than he looked today, and my heart just, I don’t know, I just want to take that sadness away. I feel like I could make him happy if he’d let me.”
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“Careful, Ash. Don’t do that. Don’t fall into that trap of thinking you can rescue him or fix him or something. That’s some toxic co-dependent shit. Pretty sure you get enough of that with your sister.”
“Ow.” Leave it to Lex to stab you in the heart with her honesty. I respect it, but that doesn’t make it hurt any less. 
“Did you or did you not drop everything to rush out to the Bay to help her the second she asked?”
“Yes, but—”
“Are your parents home?”
“So, in theory, they could help her with her baby furniture or whatever today?”
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I let her words sink in. I’ve gotten better at setting boundaries with Iris, but apparently, I still have some work to do. It didn’t even feel like an option to say no to her today, but now that seems ridiculous. Now, I wish I hadn’t rushed out on Atlas. Maybe we could’ve had a nice day together. Maybe I wouldn’t have made a fool of myself if I wasn’t so frazzled and trying to make everyone happy all at once. Damn. “I hate it when you’re right.”
“I know.”
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“I don’t think I’m doing that with Atlas though. Like, sure, I want to make him happy when he’s sad, and maybe I overestimate my ability to do so, but I’ve never felt a need to ‘save’ him or whatever. It’s not like that. I just… I like him so much, Lex. I really do. I love spending time with him. And I love the way he makes me feel when we’re together. I could’ve sworn he felt the same way. I mean, just the way he…” my voice trails off as I remember all the ways he looked at me and smiled at me and kissed me and touched me, and then his words “Ash, you’re perfect, you know that?”, and the tenderness in his voice and in his eyes when he said it. The sweet way he kissed my forehead in the bathroom. The way he held me as we slept.
“The way he what? Hello? Where did you go?”
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“You know what? I’m not fucking crazy. I’m not. I know he feels it too. So, maybe he really is just super weird about dating people he works with. I mean, on paper it seems logical, right? To not mix your professional life with your romantic one?”
“I don’t know. I guess? What are you getting at?”
“Well, it’s an easy enough obstacle to remove, don’t you think?”
“You’re gonna quit your job over a guy you’ve only known a few months?”
“Why not? It’s better than giving up on a great guy over some job I've only had a few months. I’m not just gonna quit though, don’t worry. I’ll get something else lined up first. But I have a decent portfolio. I don’t think it’ll be that hard.”
“Okay. Well, what if it doesn’t work? What if he’s full of shit, making excuses? What if you leave for him and he still just wants to be friends.”
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“Honestly, at this point, if there’s any chance of me being his friend, I think I’ll need some distance for a while to get over him. And also, if I call his bluff and tell him I’m going to quit, and he still doesn’t want to be with me, then hopefully he’ll at least have the decency to tell me the real reason why. Otherwise, maybe I shouldn’t even try being his friend. Maybe, in that case, I’d have to face that he’s not who I thought he was and move on. But I won’t be able to do that unless I know for sure. So yeah, the more I think about it, this seems like the obvious solution regardless of the outcome.”
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She pouts at me, clearly not happy, but she doesn’t have an argument against it, so she concedes, “I hate it when you’re right.”
“I know.” I reach over and hold her hand, giving it a little squeeze. “Sorry about your jacket.”
She smiles at that, “It’s okay. Do you feel better at least?”
“Yeah, I do.”
“Worth it then.”
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AN: Thank you so so much @madebycoffee for creating the perfect poses for this scene!!! This was my very first car scene and I was so nervous about it, but I love how it turned out and I couldn't have done it without you!! 🥹🩵🧡
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