#but yeah i’m closer to my 30s now and itching to go back to playing sims and building in this game again
goldenhour-s · 1 year
HIII i might be coming back to playing sims soon!!! idk what’s up on simblr, though - i’m excited to catch up ♥️
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mindofharry · 3 years
Stepdadrry pleaseeeee ❤️❤️❤️❤️
A small little angsty blurb of harry having to deal with a moody child for the first time! enjoy!
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Being a dad is something harry has always wanted.
It’s something he’s dreamt about. So when he met you, it was like fate. You two had met at a museum, Y/N was doing the tours and harry was new to town. Harry had been looking for a home for quite a long time and finally found a good one. The only downside was it was in a small village — or maybe it was good. When Harry first moved, he realised everyone in the village knew everyone. So when Harry permanently moved in, he was the talk of the town.
It died down after a few weeks, but he felt like a proper celebrity.
After finding a job in a local café, Harry went exploring and came across Y/N’s small museum. It was nothing fancy, but it looked like the town came together and put this museum up with historical facts about the village. It was something super special, and harry was glad he got to be apart of this.
When he first saw Y/N, his heart practically burst out of his chest. Harry bit his lip and his eyes widened as she turned around from behind the desk. Her long hair was in neat braids, and she was wearing this beautiful yellow sun dress. Y/N had paint on her hands and arms and a flower tucked behind her ear. There was one word to describe Y/N and that word was; perfect.
“Are you new to town? I haven’t seen you around before” Y/N asked with a big smile, maybe because she was so excited a new person was here or because he was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen.
“Yeah, I moved here two weeks ago. You’re the first person to have an actual conversation with me” Harry said leaning against the wall. Y/N shook her head and took the flower out of her hair placing it on his harry coat pocket.
“Well, aren’t you lucky?”
And Harry was.
After asking her on a date he knew she was the one. Y/N is kind, selfless and so funny. He found is other match. On the third date, Y/N seemed nervous. Like she was itching to tell him something. Harry then started to get anxious, thinking this is it, this is the time she breaks up with me. So the night was tense, everyone felt it. When dinner was over, Harry drove you back to his and opened up a bottle of wine trying to ease the tension a little.
“I… I have to tell you something” Y/N said and put the glass of wine on the table. Harry nodded his head and took a deep breath in, preparing himself for the worst.
“I have a kid”
A kid?
Harry started to laugh.
“Baby, that’s what you were so afraid to tell me?” He giggled and Y/N nodded looking down at her feet. Harry sighed and placed his wine on the table, then lifting Y/N into his lap placing both of his hands on her cheeks.
“I do not care if you have children, Y/N. I like you and whatever comes with you. Tell me about them”
Y/N’s child is a boy, River, fours year old and a total sweetheart. He’s so smart and has the best manners. His dad is still in the picture, but he works a lot so he doesn’t get to see River as much as he’d like to. But there’s no bad blood between Y/N and River’s dad, the relationship just didn’t work out. But Y/N’s glad she’s gotten a second chance, because she’s found her soulmate. Some people aren’t ready to take on that role, and she’d never put anyone in that position unless they 110% ready for it. She knows River will absolutely love Harry.
Harry knew about River now, it was like a weight had lifted off of Y/N’s chest and she could fully relax now.
She wanted Harry to meet River as soon as possible, but she needed to wait it out a bit just in case something were to happen. She doesn’t want to introduce them and only for her and Harry to break up in a couple of weeks. It would be too confusing for everyone, so Harry and River didn’t meet until two months after Harry and Y/N made it official. Y/N had been dropping hints for those months, and River seems to like his dad’s girlfriend, so she thought now was the right time to do it.
“Hi buddy! I’m Harry” Harry introduced himself, giving River the teddy bear he picked up on the way here. Y/N smiled to herself as River hugged Harry. That surprised Harry a bit, but he quickly reciprocated the warm hug with a huge grin.
“You and mumma are together like daddy and Sandra?” River asked and Harry looked up to Y/N, she nodded.
“Yeah, we are together. Is that alright with you?”
River smiled and nodded, “Only if you watch Toy story with me.”
As time went on, River got more comfortable with Harry and vice versa. He didn’t call him dad or anything, nobody would force him to. But they do have special nicknames for each other and River once called Harry his best friend — which totally melted Y/N’s heart.
Harry is a such a great step dad. Y/N could ask for anyone better. He constantly supports Y/N and River in everything, and is just the best person to be around.
Harry and Y/N got married two years into their relationship when River turned six.
It’s been a tough year for River, since he just started school and is finding it hard to make friends. Y/N has talked to the school and they’ve said that this is very normal, and they’re going to encourage him and look after him every step of the way. Y/N has been looking for play therapists for days, but she’s still not sure on the idea.
But River has been acting out. Taking it out on Y/N and not being very nice to her. Harry hates it, he’s tried to tell him off in the nicest way possible, but he’s just not cut out for being bad cop. Usually Y/N says she can handle it, and she does.
But today was different.
After dropping River off at school Y/N and Harry decided to go out for brunch. Y/N hasn’t been herself with River in a mood, so Harry wanted to treat his wife to something nice. Something to cheer her up a little.
“Nice to see you smiling,” Harry said kissing her temple.
“Just worried about him. He’s never been like this before.”
“How about I talk to him? Tell him his behaviour is unacceptable. I hate seeing you so upset, baby.” Harry said and Y/N sighed pecking his lips.
“His dad is away on a work thing, so I guess me and you and can talk to him together? I just don’t want him to think this behaviour is ok, but I just wish his dad was here more often” Y/N stressed, Harry pulled her chair closer to his, placing both of his hands on her cheeks calming her slightly.
“We’ll talk to him after dinner. Together.”
And so dinner finally came and Harry was a little nervous, he’s not going to lie. Usually if Rivers being bold Y/N handles it, but he’s not usually like this — but they get it, going to big school is a huge change. River just needs to know his behaviour is not acceptable, but if he ever needs to talk about anything then they’ll be here.
“River, Harry and I need to talk to you.” Y/N said as River tried to disappear up to his room.
River shrugged and continued to walking.
“Buddy, your mums talking to you” Harry said placing a hand on Y/N’s hand. River pouted, but still stood in his spot. “Why don’t you come back over and sit with us?” Harry said and River shook his head. Y/N sighed placing a hand on her forehead, blinking away the tears.
“Fine, we’ll do this here then.”
“There’s something going on with you and we want to help. Your behaviour has been unacceptable the last couple of weeks. We just want to know what’s going on, ok? Mummy and Harry are here to help.”
River groaned and walked towards the table. “I don’t want to talk.” He said and Y/N nodded.
“That’s ok. You don’t have to talk to us right now. But you need to know that you can’t be cheeky with us like that anymore. It’s upsetting, River. If it keeps going on, they’ll be punishments and you don’t like them do you?” Y/N said trying to reason with him.
River was having absolutely none of this. Harry could tell. He didn’t want to get in the middle of Y/N’s parenting, but he didn’t want them to fight or end up saying something they’d regret.
“Riv, we just want to help-“
“Stop talking to me, you’re not even my real dad. You’ll be out of here in no time” River yelled, running out of the room.
It was quiet and Harry let out a little laugh, Y/N placed a hand on his and started to profusely apologise.
“I’m so sorry, Harry. I don’t know what’s gotten into him, you were just trying to help I get that. I’m so sorry”
Harry shook his head and sighed, “He’s right, i’m not his real dad. Was just trying to deescalate the situation. Bad move on my part” Harry said throwing the napkin on his plate.
“No, this is not on you. You did the same exact thing I would’ve.”
Y/N went to move, but harry put his hand in the air. “He’s angry, let’s just leave him for a bit. Let him calm down, then i’ll go talk to him.”
“You’re a good dad, Harry.” Y/N said kissing his forehead before bringing the plates over to the sink.
Harry let River calm down for about 30 minutes and then made Y/N a cup of tea. He didn’t like her being so anxious. After that, he made his way upstairs to Rivers room. The door had a note on it saying “Harry and mummy keep out”. He laughed to himself, before knocking on the door. There was a small grumble, so harry let himself in and leaned against the door frame. River was playing with his toys like nothing happened.
“Wanna play with me Harry?” River asked passing him a toy.
Harry sighed and sat down next to River.
“You know what you said really hurt my feelings?” Harry said and River pouted.
“And you’re behaviour has really upset mummy. Made her cry.” Harry said and River put down his car toy. “Just don’t like the school. Makes me nervous.” River said and Harry nodded placing the boy in his lap.
“And why does it make you nervous?”
“Because no one wants to be my friend, Harry.”
Harry sighed and kissed Rivers head.
“You know, me and mummy are going to go up to the school and yell so loud at the teachers” Harry joked and River giggled into harry’s chest.
“I’m sorry i said you’re not my real dad. You are my dad.” River said and Harrys eyes filled up with tears.
“I love you, River”
“Love you too”
“Now let’s go give mumma a kiss before she gets jealous.”
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nerd-at-sea5 · 2 years
theif // family?
mike dosent take max/el announcing their relationship duting movie night to well, even if he's the one who provoked it-and his reaction not only hurts max and el, but also robin and nancy in the process. and then ronance being ronance bc i had to add in some of that ;)
cw-slurs, homophobia
they/them max and robin, she/they el, he/they will and jonathan, everyone else is canon
max didn’t think they spent to much time with el, of course every now and then they’d get distracted and then it was two hours later and max was past curfew but most of the time they made it back! what’s the big deal, anyway?
so when the two arrived for the wheelers movie night 30 minutes after they’d agreed to, because max has agreed to teach el how to skateboard, apologies spilling from their mouths as robin laughed from her perch above nancy on the couch, and mike glared at the duo, max brushed it off-he was always mad for one reason or another.
dustin and steve came back in with giant bowls of popcorn that made max’s mouth water just looking at them, while will and lucas managed to find whipped cream and cookies, and-much to nancy and jonathan’s disgust, ate them in one bite.
“how do you not like whipped cream?” robin questioned nancy, now laying with their head on her lap, “i don’t know. it’s just not my thing.” whole jonathan nodded, eating his popcorn slowly, “texture.”
so steve flicked on the movie, and max watched mike look towards el with a hopeful expression, only for it to drop as he watched el snuggle into max’s side, the redhead fighting back a smile as they wrapped their arm around the other, playing with their hair as the opening credits rolled, ignoring dustin and lucas’ whispers.
“el!” mike whisper-shouted, drawing both el and max’s attention-trying to ignore the slow annoyance building in themself, while el moved closer to him, “el come sit with me.”
“no i want to sit with max.”
max could hear mike’s annoyed sigh, “why?!”
“i want to.”
max could have praised el for being so calm about it, but in the moment their hands were itching to slap mike-they didn’t, of course, but when he groaned again, “yeah but why?!” they turned to him, pissed off.
“because she’s my girlfriend, asshole. now shut the hell up and watch the goddamn movie.”
silence, and then mike’s face when impossibly red-the boys choking on snacks as they laughed at him before he blew up, and max shot to their feet to meet him.
robin and nancy’s heads whipped over, fear stricken across both of them and that’s when max realized why robin was always at the wheelers, why nancy was always sitting through play rehearsal, why she spent her saving every semester and bought a ticket to every single show even if robin was on crew and she never got to see them-all the other little things they did.
so they clenched their fists and stuff between mike and el, and robin and nancy. rage no longer hiding behind a mask, clear as day on the redhead’s face.
“got a problem with it, mini wheeler?”
he scoffed and they stood their ground while he pointed a finger at them-like an old lady-
“well-well-just ‘cause you grew up in san francisco doesn't mean you can turn my girlfriend into a lesbo!”
in a flash, robin’s on their feet, fire and rage in their eyes and mike is stumbling back in shock-nancy grabbing robin’s arm with a furious look at all three of them. “stop.” robin listened, a shock to most of the other kids in the room-robin never listened.
max glowered at her, acid pooling in her veins, threatening to spit out and infect the boy in front of her.
“no i’m not gonna stop! he and el broke up a hell of a long time ago-and he can’t just go around being a dick!!”
nancy paused, took a deep breathe, watching as steve pulled robin back, tears visibly welling up in the older kid’s eyes as he and jonathan put their arms around them, a dull rock of pain expanding in max’s stomach, while lucas and dustin watched in shock, will stayed quiet, next to his brother.
they wanted to make him understand-get that he wasn't just hurting max.
when el spoke, her voice was a deadly mask of calm and max watched lucas shiver at the tone, they felt cold themself-it was scary, hearing eleven’s voice drop like that. “go to bed, mike. stop being mean.”
dustin cleared his throat, “y-yeah. we all need to sleep.”
neither mike nor max moved, max refused to let him win until nancy groaned and dragged him to the stairs, they had a quick conversation before mike sulked to his room, and max stretched out on the couch, closing their eyes and breathing slowly.
el’s hand made it’s way to max’s stomach, silently tapping out seconds between breathes.
when they no longer felt homicidal, max leaned into el’s body, watching nancy and robin scoot closer and closer to the stairs before making eye contact with the older wheeler and smiling, ‘go up dummy!’ they mouthed, as nancy blushed and nodded, tugging robin after her
--pov switch to nancy // warning for heavily implied smut/nudity (nothing graphic, duh) --
as they reached nancy’s room, she opened it to apologize for mike, to get rid of the tears cropping up in robin’s eyes-anything. say something-
instead she found herself being pushed up onto her desk by the taller of the two, coming to stand in-between her legs and kissing her. hard.
involuntarily, nancy let her wrists loop robin’s neck, clasping her hands together and pulling the other closer to her.
when they pulled away, pink in the cheeks and grinning, robin cocked their head to the side, “your brother.” they kissed nancy’s neck and the short girl gasped, “is. a.” in-between each word robin moved her lips lower on nancy’s neck. “right. asshole.”
“i-...i-i know...i kn-know.”
she felt herself tense, forcing robin’s mouth away from her neck in order to roughly kiss the brunette, sliding her hands under their shirt and running them over the muscle beneath it.
robin fumbled with the buttons on nancy’s shirt, pausing to look her in the eyes with such care and love that nancy’s knees would have buckled had she not been sitting.
“is this ok?”
“more than.”
robin smiled, and went back to undoing the buttons, letting nancy tug steve’s old ac/dc shirt off and throw it somewhere in the dark room.
her stomach flipped-she could see robin shirtless a thousand times but every single time nancy would feel her face heat up and she’d freeze.
her hands snaked to robin’s belt loops, rubbing the denim between her fingers before pulling robin closer by the waist, her hips pressed between nancy’s legs.
they leaned back into the kiss, the heat from nancy’s face spreading to her whole body-red with temperature and blushing from robin.
she pushed forward, robin stepping back-not breaking the kiss but standing as tall as she could to stay in it, pushing the taller back until their legs hit nancy’s bed-they fell backwards and....
when nancy woke up, it smelled like fruit and the beach, robin’s arms wrapped protectively around her, their chest to nancy’s back-and for a brief moment nancy panicked-what would her mom say if she walked in right now?
the oldest wheeler sighed, her parents and holly were away for the week, something about a camp for holly and how mike and nancy would be fine with their friends.
robin shifted and nancy was brought back to reality.
she loved robin, she’d been sure of that for ages-but sometimes nancy forgot just how in love with robin she was.
the other shifted, their eyes opening slightly and nancy smiled, “good morning love.”
robin’s face broke into a grin, “morning yourself early bird.”
she laughed softly, pressing her face into robin’s shoulder, ending up laying on top of them-robin’s hands gently tracing patters on nancy’s back.
nancy loved this-how safe she felt when she was just with robin, but she wished they could be like this in public-in hawkins it was ok for girls to hold hands, but not kiss on the cheek. not share drinks with two straws-nancy hated it.
“i’m so sorry about mike.”
robin swallowed hard, and nancy closed her eyes, trying to burrow more into robin.
“it’s fine. i mean it’s not but he’ll learn. he’s in love with will, for god’s sake.”
nancy let out a giggle in spite of herself, “yeah i guess your right.”
“always am, wheeler.”
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gb-patch · 3 years
Ask Answers: June 6th, 2021
I’m back with more ask responses! You can also check our Frequently Asked Question sheet if there’s something you’re wondering that’s not answered here.
FAQ   Also, if you prefer to just see the main posts without all the asks/reblogs, feel free to follow our side account instead: GB Patch Updates Blog
Thank you for the patience with these questions  ♡
Hey in very beginning of step 3 in the scene where Mr.Holden had a thought dancing on the tip of his tongue but he kept it to himself after MC and Cove were being cute (idk if it makes a difference but this is when they're dating)... Can we know what he was thinking/ wanted to say? It's been bugging me lol 
He would’ve gone into a “look how much you’ve grown”, “your dad is so proud of you”, “I’m so glad things worked out with the MC”, and etc spiel, haha. But he resisted the urge to fawn on his baby boy, at least for that scene.
If we planned to move away for college/future plans in step 3, is it implied that MC and Cove would have a long distance relationship for sure? Could MC have convinced Cove to come with them? How is the dynamic of their relationship going to be addressed in Step 4, if that makes sense? 
Cove is willing to follow the MC where they went after everything is settled for them there, and if they’re sure they want him to come! You’ll get to decide how things shook out during those transitional years just by making choices about it during the opening prologue of Step 4.
Hi! First off, how does it feel to have created one of the best games when it comes to inclusion for lbtq+ peeps? I've never felt as validated with my identity and sexuality when playing a game and I'm seemingly not alone ♥ Second, and this might be a little too specific, but what kinds of drinks does Cove like as well as dislike? Thank you, you're the best ♥
Thank you for very much! It’s really nice to hear the game felt inclusive. Cove likes regular water and fruit juices/smoothies most! He dislikes coffee and cola, and he’s not super into most teas either.
Hi, may i ask what gb patch stands for? Specifically the gb part lol
It stands for my old, silly username I used in places like Neopets as a kid, aha. The company name wasn’t super thought out since it was originally just me making VNs as a hobby. Luckily, “GB Patch” kind of seems like it could mean something reasonable, so I didn’t have to rebrand when it did become a more serious, commercial group.
If we chose to not propose to cove in the step 3 dlc would he propose or would the mc propose in step 4 or the wedding dlc? 
Yeah, you or Cove can propose in Step 4 if you’re not already engaged! The Wedding DLC takes place after the engagement so the proposal scenes aren’t there.
will you guys announce if the early access for the new game is out on patreon ? 
When beta builds of Step 4 or whatever start coming out on the Patreon we will mention it here on social media too.
Heyy I just had a quick question about Baxter if that’s okay :)?
I saw in an ask+answer that it’s possible to casually date Baxter In step 3, but what leads up to that? I have the step 3 dlc and I’ve tried playing them In a different orders and ways but it doesn’t seem to get anywhere ^^;
The Step 3 DLC is Cove-based because he’s the default guy. There’s a separate Baxter romance DLC that’s not out yet. That’s where you can get him to date you. I’m sorry for the confusion!
Will we ever get any LI's or side characters with physical disabilities or deformities? I think your games would be a great place to have them in since they're always so accepting and safe! 
Yeah, we do hope to have representation for that in future projects ^^. Thank you for the confidence in us.
Is it possible to get Cove to take the bed and MC to sleep on the floor? 
Not in Step 3, I’m afraid.
So, I have played the prologue of Our Life countless times and I haven't gotten the [Your Life] achievement, why is that? 
Steam sometimes isn’t connected properly when an achievement unlocks and so it remains locked on your account. If that happens, unfortunately getting the scene again won’t unlock it. The achievement becomes inaccessible because the game thinks you already have it. Playing with the same Steam account on a different device or fully deleting your game data (more than the only the save files) are the only work arounds we’ve found.
Since when you talk with Jeremy in step 3 it's mentioned he goes on dates with someone (which assume is JB because who else would take this boy on dates) that makes him happy, does that sort of make JB and Jeremy the canon relationship in the first game?
The default for XOXO Droplets is that JB casually goes on dates with each of the jerks! Shiloh would’ve been harsher if Jeremy was the only guy getting her attention, haha. But the player can change that default by dating just one person the whole game for their own story and who she ends up with for real has no default.
Hi, hello! Huge OL fan, thank you so much for the wholesome content, it was very much needed during these times. Managed to get several people to join team Cove, so that's very exciting, I always have people to fawn over him with. I have a little question and I'm sorry if it was asked before, but does it ever come up in the game what Cove has told his mom about us? (who knows, with so many options, one can miss it) Or, alternatively, will it come up in the Step 4 DLC? 
Thank you very much for sharing the game with people <3. It’s really great to hear people are liking it. Right now that doesn’t come up in game. Kyra is willing to keep her mouth shut and Cove isn’t gonna have that conversation either. At least not when he’s younger, but yes, perhaps when he’s a fully grown big boy in Step 4 you can ask him about it.
I’ve been thinking about this ever since it has been confirmed that there would be two love interests for OL2, would there be the possibility of forming a polyamorous relationship with both love interests? I’m sorry if you answered this previously, I’m just curious. 
We are considering it, but it’s not a guarantee yet. It’d be really great to have but it’d add so many extra alterations that’d need to made, aha.
Hello! You mentioned how Cove would be uncomfortable with kids at 23, but how old would he be when he’s comfortable with having/adopting kids? (Same goes for the other LI’s.) btw, love your game!! 
He’d want to be at least 25, but even older would be good. Derek would want to have kids when he and his partner could reasonably support them, the age itself wouldn’t matter. If they were doing good at 22 and wanted kids, he’d be up for it. Or they could wait until their 30s or whatever. Baxter is also more of a “when it feels right” guy rather than having a specific age requirement. Cove is just especially wary of being a young parent because of his own parents. I’m happy you like the game!
does step 4 immediately play after you press "end summer" in step 3? or is there another button/transition (like the story text thingy) before the epilogue begins? what happens after the epilogue? roll credits? 😂 
Step 4 will have transition section always and there will be an extra button, if you own the Derek or Baxter DLC. By default the Cove-based version of Step 4 just plays once Step 3 is over. However, having the other guys’ storylines will mean you get to pick which version of Step 4 plays; Cove Step 4 (the basic one), Derek Step 4, or Baxter Step 4.
Happy pride, thank you for all you do for us🥰
I have a quick question though, I recently got a MacBook after my old windows computer broke, and now steam says I cannot download it, but it has no issues with other games, what can I do to download it?? I’m sorry if my English is bad
Happy pride month! Unfortunately, Our Life isn’t available for Mac on Steam right now. To be an approval application Apple requires having special notarization and we as a small group haven’t gotten that. Itch doesn’t care and lets us release the game for Mac there anyway, Steam does care so we’re locked out of putting the Mac build up on their storefront. Feel free to email us and we can try to help the situation out further!
Hello! I was jus wondering if the Baxter and Derek DLCs are still happening? I haven’t heard anything about them on here or patreon in a while so I just wanted to make sure ^^
They’re still coming and we just released a new sprite sketch on the Patreon for the Derek DLC c:. But right now Step 4 is still much more of a priority. Once that’s closer to being done we’ll focus way more on sharing previews for the other guys.
is it possible to tell cove you love him (platonically) at step 3 fondness/selecting him as basically family? i just love the mc and liz sibling interactions and it got me wondering about it (especially if you've selected that option)
You and Cove can be as close as family, but there’s not a specific scene in Step 3 where you say “I love you” in a family context. But there’s always Step 4~
do you intend on ever adding a collectors mode to Our Life? Like a way to collect achievements and CGs for the gallery without it effecting any save files? 
We weren’t considering it before. But if a lot of players would find that helpful, we could start thinking on that!
Sorry if it's a silly question haha, but (in crush/love) is Cove really aware of how cute and cuddly he seems to MC? If so, what does he think or do about it? Or does he just ignore it? 
He isn’t particular aware. Cove never truly stops being surprised that the MC is interested in/attracted to him, haha.
Would you say that the alone ending of xoxo droplets is worth playing again to get? 
Nope, haha. The goal is to make friends/get a boyfriend and so the alone ending is kind of the bad ending for the game. Though there is a consolation prize if you get it by accident.
Is there any possible situation which would ever prompt Pran to bake for his girlfriend? Like I know it's unlikely I mean even if JB broke her leg somehow I'm pretty sure he'd still be like "I considered baking you a cake and doing the frosting the way I think looks interesting but you don't deserve a cake, no one does." right but also ahhh it would be super nice if some day he just surprised her with baked goods one day out of nowhere. JB would be so shocked it would be cute. So is there any possible situation where that could/would be a thing that he would do? 
He might bake out of spite, like if he felt he had to prove her wrong on something. Or if JB used some good reverse psychology on him. Or he might do it in a relatively nice way if he could make his GF so shocked by the kind gesture that his amusement with that overrode his insistence on not being sweet. Pran is very difficult in high school, aha.
Is the "one route (where) it can be seen that Everett will drop his seemingly eternal waging with Jeremy pretty easily and can start getting along without thinking much on it" the Lucas route? I'm curious! 
Yep! Everett will side with Jeremy if it’s between him and Lucas.
Hi I hope you guys are having a great day :) I just had to ask how Cliff would feel about Cove's partner/fiancé Mc calling them dad whether it be accidental or otherwise and secondly I also wanted to ask how he would feel about being asked to be the one to give the mc away at their wedding. 
He would be very touched and excited! I hope you have a good day too :D
Hello! I saw an ask relating to whether Cliff "moves on" after Cove's grown up and stuff (and he stays single), but what about Kyra? Will she be with anyone else or will she stay single? 
She does start dating again, but she takes it slow.
Hi! I absolutely love the art for characters in OL and I wonder is this fine to draw my MC in same drawing style and upload online later? Is this something artists would be okay with? Thank you! 
Yeah, you can certainly do that C:
Hey there!
I wonder if I'm just being stupid here.. Is Step 4 a DLC? And if so, where can I find it? I can't seem to find it on Steam :< Thank you!
Step 4 is a free epilogue! It’s not done yet, but once it is finished you’ll just update your game file and Step 4 will be there after Step 3 ends.
hi! are step 4 and the wedding dlc two different things?
They are. Step 4 is a free epilogue that’ll be a default part of the game once it’s done, the wedding DLC is an optional paid expansion that takes place after Step 4.
Why did Baxter not receive a step 2 sprite seeing how he shows up later
Sprites are time consuming to draw and take money out of the budget that could’ve gone to other things. His tiny appearance in Step 2 wasn’t worth all the effort to make a sprite, aha.
I just realized, what happens if if you get the patreon exclusive moment but at a later date, when you don't have the membership anymore, it's updated (like a bugs fix update for example)? Would you have to get the membership again? 
You would have to get the membership again to redownload the build. But there’s very little chance there’s going to be an update once it’s been out for over a month. If a build gets released with errors, players catch/report them within the first few days. So by the time the first subscription period ends, any problems that were noticeable would already have been fixed. And we’re certainly not gonna be adding new content to it once it’s been released for a long time. There’s no need to worry about missing out on something worthwhile in the future if you cancel your membership. It’s being made with the idea in mind that many players are gonna be getting it and then going.
Hello! Wanted to ask about gaming choice in step 3? Once upon a playthorugh I got the option to buy Cove a bracelet for his graduation present. I played the same basic character again and that option wasn't there anymore. I'm not sure where I went wrong. My Cove wears a bracelet on each hand and my MC is into fashion and jewelry. Do I need to put an earring on him or? Sorry, love your game so much. 
He also needs to have liked bracelets in Step 2 for that to be considered a good gift option for him. Sorry for the confusion! I’m happy you love the game :)
Is Step 4 being released at the same time as the Wedding DLC or will the first come before the latter? Thank you! 
I’m not sure. Ideally they’ll come out at the same time, but the wedding DLC has a lot of art to get done and we may have to release it after Step 4.
Can mc still get confession from Cove at the end of step 3 even if mc casually dates Baxter in step 3? Such as in crush mode? 
I don’t think so. Maybe that’ll change, but generally there’s differences to the Step 3 ending if you were dating Baxter and those differences likely will conflict with getting the Cove confession.
For the patreon moments/dlcs, will it be available for all tiers? 
It’ll be available for tier 2 (Fans) and up!
169 notes · View notes
The Prodigal Daughter Chapter 2/?
Story Summary: As the secret daughter of Jason Gideon, you’ve always had a certain proclivity towards profiling. After finishing the Academy, you finally have your chance in the BAU- only months after your dad’s passing. Will it all be too much? Will you find yourself sharing another proclivity with your father for a certain genius with big puppy dog eyes? A/N: Thank you all for the amazing response to the first chapter! This one came quickly and I just couldn't stop writing it! I can’t believe people asked to be tagged in this already, but I guess if you want to be tagged, let me know in the comments! shoutout to @candlesandsoftrain for beta-ing! Couple: Spencer Reid/Fem!Reader
 Category: Fluff/getting to know you games with the team Content Warning: So much tension, mildly grumpy Spencer, sexually charged drinking games, etc. Later chapters will include NSFW Word Count: 7000+ (Sorry it really got away from me!)
Previous Chapter
Chapter 2
The rest of the day passed by with a lot of questions, a lot of pilfered off paperwork from each member of the team- it was your turn to help out with all there was to do today. Newbie had to be inducted somehow. Reid was the only one that didn’t offer you any of his- it probably had something to do with the fact that even though his pile was significantly larger than anyone else’s, he was getting through it almost at triple the speed. Dad had mentioned something about his quick reading skills, but you couldn’t remember the exact number of words he could read a second. That was a question you could ask him later, you reminded yourself.
Once Hotch’s voice sounded through the room signaling that it was time to head out for everyone, you could feel the energy in the room change. It was palpable. They clearly hadn’t gotten a chance to have a fun time with each other in a while.
You stood up and gathered your things slowly, letting everyone slowly filter out of the office. You had decided that you wanted to keep Dad's notebook in your go bag so you’d always have him with you on cases, but now as you had a moment alone, you slipped an old family picture of Dad, Stephen and yourself into your desk drawer, hiding under your files and paperwork. A little piece to always be here, in the bullpen, where he belonged.
You wiped a tear from your eye, and as you grabbed your bag to get going, you noticed Spencer watching you from the door. You smiled sheepishly at him. “Sorry, you didn’t have to wait for me. I just… wanted to take in the end of my first day. I’ve been waiting for this day a very long time. Didn’t think it would be quite this… uneventful, as far as BAU standards go, but I’m actually glad it was.” You said to him as you got closer, noticing him clutching his messenger bag.
Shrugging, he held the door open for you. “It’s not a problem. They get horse blinders when they finally get to go out together and forget that maybe some people don’t know where to go.” He pushed the button for the elevator. In this moment, you remembered what you’d said about comfortable silence. It was nice to be here with him, the hum of the AC around you, the sound of Spencer picking at something at the strap on his bag. You closed your eyes for a moment and took it all in… you could smell his cologne, he was so close to you. And something very reminiscent of… old books? He really must live in an apartment just surrounded by books.
“Thanks for waiting for me. I probably would have just called Unc-” You stopped yourself, hoping he didn’t notice. “Dave, if I got left behind. Since trying to go home would have resulted in being yelled at by him for a while.” You both entered the elevator, and he turned and looked at you as he pressed the button to go down to the ground floor.
“Dave?” He asked, eyebrow raised.
You blushed, shrugging. “I’ve known him for a long time. He’s a good family friend… through my mom. They knew each other when they were young.” God, you hated lying, but it was only a little bit of a lie. Your mom and Rossi DID know each other well, and they have known each other a long time. But Uncle Dave wasn’t a part of your circle because of your mom.
Spencer looked like he noticed the slight change in your tone, but he was polite enough not to press you for more. “Okay So the bar- it’s called The Greasy Pub and it’s on 7th. I’ll meet you there? I take the bus, so I’ll be a little later than everybody else.” He said, shifting his weight from side to side on his feet.
Your brows knit together, and you looked at him a little confused. “Why didn’t you hop in with someone else?”
The cutest blush stained his cheeks. “I have an eidetic memory, and I can remember what it felt like to be the new kid on this team like it happened yesterday. I hope to never let anyone feel the anxiety and fear of being left out like I did. I was also only 24 at the time, and was the youngest BAU member ever, so that didn’t help.”
More touched than you could lead on, you touched his bicep and squeezed it. “Thank you, that’s incredibly kind of you. I feel bad though, you lost a ride with one of your friends. Would… would you like a ride in my car? I’d hate for you to have to take the bus. I hated the bus when I had to take it. Did you know that out of all the bacteria found on New York City public transport, 32 per cent was associated with the gastrointestinal tract and 30 per cent was skin. Another 20 per cent was associated with the genital area.” You rattled off. Germs were a thing for you too, you just dealt with it and constantly washed your hands.
To say Spencer looked impressed would be an understatement, and the way his eye changed when you caught it… wow, you’d never felt a heat rage in your tummy like that look made you feel.
“It was actually 29 percent skin, mostly assumed to be hair follicles and from people scratching at anything itching them.” He said with a glint in his eye. You didn’t feel challenged, just… understood? And seen. “But yeah… I wouldn’t mind a ride, if you wouldn’t be opposed.”
You led him to where you parked once the elevator dinged, and you both got in and buckled up. Your favorite artist’s music immediately started playing, a lot of favorites from people who you’ve loved- you collected things that reminded you of those that were special to you.
You drove in comfortable silence, and though you both kept looking at eachother out of the corner of your eyes, neither of you said much. You’d never felt such automatic attraction to someone before. Could your view be skewed after so many years of stories and imagining him? Possibly. But the reality was so much better than your imagination ever could have put together.
When you arrived, Spencer led you both inside the bar, opening the door for you. It was immediately a sensory overload for you both, and you shifted a little closer to him subconsciously to quell your discomfort. His hand found its way to the small of your back, just the smallest touch, and you could have died right then and there. It was electric and somehow so soothing. You felt your breath even out, and your anxiety fall back like a distant memory. You looked up at him and smiled softly, finding he was already looking at you. Your eyes fell to his lips, which were the loveliest shade of pink and parted just a little, his tongue coming out to wet them as if they sensed the attention. You could have just leaned in a few inches… you just needed to get on your tip toes and you’d be right there…
“Pretty Boy! Y/N! We’re over here, little lovebirds!”
“Morgan, leave them alone!”
You snapped out of your reverie when you heard the voices of Derek Morgan and Emily Prentiss, the latter hitting the former in the arm yet again today. Spencer didn’t seem to mind, clearly used to the antics of his friends, but you were more or less a little red over it all. You were letting this little crush you had on the genius get a little too obvious, and you definitely needed to pull it back a little before you made a fool of yourself.
The two of you walked to the booth the others sat at, Emily and JJ and Garcia on one side, Rossi and Morgan on the other. Morgan got out and grabbed a loose chair from a table, pulling it up and sitting in it, gesturing to the open two spots for you two to take.
Sliding in next to Rossi, he gave you a look that you pointedly tried to ignore. “You all seem to have drinks already. Couldn’t wait for us?” You teased.
“Not when the lovebirds took so long!” Derek responded, making you roll your eyes. “What can I get for you two, pretty boy and girl?” He added, offering himself up for waiter service.
“Can… can I get a glass of moscato? I’ve always been a sweet wine kinda girl. It’s gentle and actually enjoyable, unlike most alcohol.” You requested, making Emily snort.
“Ohhh, a few weeks working with me and I’ll break you of that mindset. Alcohol is amazing. All of it. We’re going to do so many shots, you’re not going to be a lightweight for long! Derek, she would like a margarita… and for little miss “sweet tooth”, have the bartender add a little grenadine?”
You snickered. “Funnily enough, you just hit the nail on the head! Whenever anyone tries to make me drink drink, that’s almost exactly what I order. I usually just go light on the tequila.”
“DEREK! MAKE IT A DOUBLE!” That made the whole of the group laugh out loud, including yourself. You knew you were in for quite a night.
“What about you, Boy Sweet Tooth?” Derek prodded, poking Reid in the side of the face. He, in turn, swatted at Derek’s hand.
“I’ll take a Shirley Temple, thanks.” He said, ignoring the giggling from around him.
“Y/N, do you also take 5 pounds of sugar in your coffee like Spence over here?” JJ piped up. You caught on to the Spence and filed that away to ask someone about later. You… weren’t a fan of how lovingly she was looking at him, but couldn't decipher if it was sisterly affection or… well, the way you looked at him. You could swear you felt Emily looking at you like she could read your mind, and you decided that when the time came to ask some questions, you’d ask her.
“I actually am not the biggest fan of coffee. I drink a lot of energy drinks though.” You responded, earning a laugh from the team.
“That’s even worse!” Garcia said. “That’s even more sugar than Reid!”
Spencer nodded from your side, the movement making you suddenly very aware of how close the two of you were sitting. “Monster energy contains 28 grams of sugar per 8.4-ounce.” He said. “Which is much more than my cup of coffee, thank you all very much.” He smirked, looking down at you. He also seemed to suddenly realize how close you were sitting, then. He looked down at your thighs pressed together under the table and almost maybe tensed up a little bit? But then he noticed you smiling at him, biting your lip, and he relaxed, just in time for Derek to come back with the drinks.
“One sugary mess for Y/N and one for Pretty Boy.” Gladly accepting your drink, hoping it would calm down your rapidly increasing heart rate, you took a big gulp of it.
“So, Y/N,” Garcia started, “What brings you to the BAU? Did you have posters of Rossi and Gideon as a kid when they started it?”
You forced out a laugh, the sudden vocalization of your father’s name making tears prick your eyes, but Rossi was quick to distract them for you. “Are you kidding? Y/N’s taste is way too good for this old bag of fleas. Besides, she wasn’t born for another 15 years or so, right, Y/N?”
Nodding, his joke had given you enough time to pull yourself together. “Rossi has been a good friend of my family for a long time, and I was always interested in what he did. I looked up to him like he was a superhero, and when the time came to decide on what I wanted to do for a living, I guess I wanted to be the superhero I always grew up around.” You smiled at him, earning a proud grin back.
“How long have you two known each other?” Emily pressed, interested.
“Long enough. He… went to school with my mom, I think? At least, they were friends for a long time before I was born, and he’s just… always been around. Not many kids grow up with THE David Rossi sitting in their living room and telling real ghost stories on babysitting nights.”
Morgan perked up. “How old are you anyways?” He said it in such a way, you almost felt like you were being hit on. You were pretty sure it was just the way he was, because no one even batted an eye at his tone except for Garcia, who smacked him playfully from her seat beside him at the end of the booth, to which he wrapped his arm around her lovingly.
“27. Older than I look, I know. Everyone always thinks I’m a complete baby, but I’m a little more worldly than that. As to your question earlier Garcia, I’ve always wanted to be a profiler. To me, you guys have capes and costumes and fight the bad guys. I… wanted to do that too. And I was always told I have the gut for it- I’m highly empathetic, and I read a lot so I can understand what’s going on in other people’s brains to better get how the thought process of humans works. I worked really hard and never let anyone know that-” you took a breath, Rossi looking at you, “-that I knew Rossi. I wanted to make it of my own merit. I wouldn’t even tell Rossi or Hotch that I was planning on the Academy until I was well on my way to graduating. I didn’t want anyone’s influence in how I did or how far I got. You should have seen the look on my friends faces when they saw his name on the graduation speech list. And the looks they gave me when he pulled me in for a hug upon handing me my diploma? Might have been my favorite part of graduation!” You laughed, enjoying the memory, even if it was tainted with a lot of bittersweet feelings.
The night went by, and it was a lot more fun than you thought it was going to be. Your nerves dissolved with every sip of liquor you consumed, and by your third drink, the whole thing almost didn’t seem surreal anymore. You were actually here, a member of the BAU, out to drinks with Derek Morgan, David Rossi, Jennifer Jareau, Emily Prentiss and Spencer Reid. Your father talked about these people, you knew these people better than most first day members…
“Never have I ever!” Emily yelled, making you and Spencer shake your heads. “Awwwww come on, I wanna get to know the new girl on a deeper level! A dirtier level! Pleaaaaase Y/N?” Okay, so yeah, Spencer was definitely your new work crush, but Emily was trying very hard to be a close second. That little pout she was doing was so cute, and the drunk lilt to her voice was adorable.
“I… I don’t know.” You said, your anxiety fighting to take center stage, despite how comfortable the tequila was making you. “S-Sure.” You didn’t want to be the negative nancy of the night that ruined everyone's fun. You didn't notice you had started picking at your nails until you felt a soft touch, Spencer's warm hand ghosting over yours, and as you caught his eye, you knew he was in the same boat you were… especially when Derek's voice broke the moment. It was almost like Spencer was psychic in that moment. His eyes predicted it.
“What about you, Pretty Boy? You never play with us.” He teased, pinching his face, and then looking at you. “Baby Genius doesn’t like to play with us because he’s afraid of us finding out how few things he’s done.”
“I’m not a baby. I’m 35 years old!” Spencer whined, a little like a petulant child. “And I am not afraid. I just think this game is dumb and just a means to find out dirty things about your coworkers personal lives, which is a very weird thing to want to know about if you ask me!” He defended, and you had to agree, though you didn’t do so out loud.
“Never have I ever…” Emily started, and then paused and laughed. “I’m so bad at these, I can never think of things I haven’t done!” She took a sip of her drink and when it seemed like she was never going to come up with something, JJ finally pitched one in.
“Never have I ever been in a threesome.” Emily groaned. “What? It’s not my fault that you’re a horndog! I’m a one man kinda lady.” JJ smirked and shrugged. Emily rolled her eyes and put a finger down, taking another sip of her drink. Derek, Garcia and Rossi all joined her, making you almost gag.
“Guys I already hate this, I did NOT need to know that about Rossi!” You say, taking a huge gulp of your drink, hoping tequila would wash away that moment from your memory forever.
Derek kicked your foot under the table lightly. “Don't worry, Pretty Lady. Just think about me in a threesome and your mind will be put at ease from the pain of thinking about Rossi. It’s a much prettier picture, I promise you that.”
You blushed, because yes, that was a much prettier picture. “Okay, that’s fair, I accept that.” You heard and felt some shuffling next to you, and saw out of the corner of your eye Reid looking uncomfortable. And… sad? No, why would he look sad?
Rossi went next, on your right. “Never have I ever been intimate with a man.”
You rolled your eyes. That was an easy one, of course he’d go with that. To your surprise, everyone at the table besides Rossi put a finger down and took a sip, including you. You almost spit yours out when you saw Reids finger go down, but no one else seemed to notice. Maybe… had you been wrong about his flirting with you? His proximity and his touches… maybe… maybe he was…
“NO WAY. DEREK, REALLY?” Garcia suddenly shrieked. Derek laughed and shrugged. “A man has needs, and when a woman demands something special, well, you make it happen. Besides, I’m not above admitting that there are some attractive men out there. Derek has an open mind.” He smirked and took another sip.
All four women at the table stared at him in awe. “God, that’s hot.” Emily said out loud, voicing the thoughts of everyone looking at Derek.
“Exactly the reason Derek has an open mind, beautiful ladies. I know what women want.” He said, looking like the cat who got the cream.
Now it was your turn, and you… you had to know. “Never have I ever been with a woman intimately.”
Everyone at the table laughed and put a finger down, and you watched as Reid did too. The relieved breath that came out of you after that should have embarrassed you, but it didn’t until he looked at you, concerned that something was wrong. You just smiled and hid how absolutely thrilled you were that he might still like you some kind of way.
Emily looked properly offended. “Oh, we need to change that. I don’t think anyone should miss out on the experience of a beautiful woman.”
“Oooh, Prentiss, are you offering?” Derek joked, laughing. “I’d watch that.” He eyed you both, making clear implications.
You were about to make a comment back, but before you could Spencer beat you to it. “Shut up, Derek.” Everyone froze, looking at Reid in shock. “Just because Garcia is okay with your sexual harassment, doesn’t mean you should be treating a new teammember that way. That’s not the way you should talk to people you barely know. She’s a human being.”
The whole team was unmoving. You turned and looked at them both, and you reached under the table and put your hand on Reids. He was shaking. “I actually… I would be open to being with a woman, I’ve just never had an opportunity. I’m… I’m not against any kind of experience. Try anything twice, in my opinion. Never know if the first time sucked because of the partner or if you actually just don’t like it.”
Everyone moved their shocked looks over at you now, before JJ piped in. “Y/N is full of surprises apparently. A little bi-curious, huh? Emily is going to take turning you from innocent lightweight to experienced day drinker as a personal challenge now.”
The rest of the group tried to shake off Reid’s outburst, but it definitely still hung in the air. You tried to pretend like you didn’t notice his heartbeat speeding up in your hands when you mentioned being interested in women. Men were so typical. Even smart ones, clearly.
“Your turn.” You squeezed his hand before taking it away a moment later. You were still scared of over doing it. You barely knew each other, no matter how you felt like you’d known each other for years… he’d just met you. Yes, he was… weirdly okay with your touch, but you were really trying not to get too excited about that.
“Never have I ever…” He thought, taking a moment to think about it. Derek looked like he wanted to make some kind of comment, but also looked like he was thinking better of it. “Never have I ever been in love.” He said, eyes down on his drink. Everyone drank and put a finger down… except for the two of you. You could feel him looking at your hands, how your fingers hadn’t changed, and you almost wanted to scream but today is making me think that love at first sight is real and not just in Disney movies. But you kept it in, because you’re sure if you said it, you’d end up trying to kiss him and that was not appropriate.
The private moment between the two of you was broken then, Derek moving right along with the game. “Never have I ever had a thing for someone more than 5 years older than me.”
You wished you had something to throw at him. Every one of you put your fingers down, except the two boys at the end of the bar. Rossi snickered as he sipped his drink. “You’re missing out, son. Older women are incredible. Mature. Worldly.”
“And older men?” Prentiss added, to which the girls on either side of her made agreeing noises. “Well, let’s just say there’s a reason there’s such a thing as a daddy kink.”
You chuckled and sipped your drink before adding in, “Or a professor kink.” Everyone made noises of approval at that.
“Y/N is kinky! You had a thing for your professors in college?” Garcia laughed, and it was such an infectious sound, you couldn’t even try to be embarrassed, you just wanted to join her laughter.
“Not really, but I’ve always liked the idea of it.” You blamed the tequila for making your mouth move right now. “But I’ve always loved the idea of an older man in a little nerdy professor outfit who seems so uptight and so innocent keeping me late after class and teaching me a lesson, I guess.”
“Okay, I think we’re even now, kid. You know things about me you never wanted to know… and now I know things about you that I could have gone my whole life not knowing, thank you very much.” Rossi had quite the look on his face, and it made you giggle. You were so distracted by him, you didn’t notice Spencer’s demeanor change.
“Reid? What’s the matter?” JJ asked, concern lacing her voice. You turned and saw what she saw, a dark look having fallen over his usually soft features. You were reaching your hand out to touch his hand when he stood up rather abruptly.
“I’ll be right back.” He wasted no time running to where you could only assume was the bathroom.
“What crawled up his butt?” Garcia asked, laughing and leaning on Derek. “Oooh! It’s my turn! We’ll just catch him up when he gets back. Never have I ever sent anyone a nude!” She said, making everyone at the table groan except for you. After they all took a sip, they looked at you like you’d somehow betrayed them by not being guilty of the same thing.
“Oh come on, really, Garcia and Y/N? It’s the 21st century! You’re telling me you’ve never had someone far away that you’ve wanted to get all hot and bothered?” JJ said, starting to slur just a little. “Come on. With our jobs? I’m a married woman who never gets to see my hot husband… technology of today is an amazing help for that.”
You shrugged. “I’m not against it or anything. I’ve just… never had anyone who I wanted to send something like that to. Besides, I was raised to fear the idea of anyone getting any of my info online, so I’ve always been more on the careful side when it comes to that.” Your mom and dad had always been very- open, to say the least, about the dangers of predators online. So you’d never really gone through that rebellious teen phase, knowing what could actually happen if you did.
Garcia nodded. “Guys, I’m a tech genius, and I am… well, a little famous online because of my hacking skills. I’m not giving anyone access to this gorgeousness unless they are right in front of me.”
“Y/N, you’ve never had anyone you’d send a teasing picture to or something? Just to get them going and play that really hot game of ‘back and forth’ with?” Emily asked, gesturing to her empty drink, pouting at Derek, who relented and got up to get new drinks for everyone.
“No… I’ve been so focused on school and my career, and no one ever stood out like that for me before.” Spencer reappeared like magic, suddenly by your side again, sadly further away than before. You missed his warmth already, but tried to shake the thought out of your mind. You’d literally just met this guy this morning.
“Welcome back Genius boy, we’re talking about nudes! Have you ever sent nudes to a special someone?” Garcia prodded, her alcohol drowning brain not understanding the idea that maybe he wasn’t interested in playing anymore.
“N-No. I haven’t.” He said, playing with his hands on his lap. You wanted to reach out and take his hand, lace your fingers together and let him play with your fingers instead of his own.
“Me neither! Neither has Y/N- we’re all such good kids. The rest of you are all naughty and strangers have absolutely seen your junk!”
Emily smiled at you and looked over at Spencer, tilting her head in curiosity. “Is it your hatred towards technology or are you just shy?”
He shrugged. “Maybe a bit of both. I’ve… never had someone I had a desire to, well, send pictures of myself to. There’s a large level of trust that goes into that. Trust that it’ll remain private, trust that they would l-like what they see…” His eyes fell to his lap and you could have cried for how unsure he looked of himself.
Derek returned with drinks, one for you too even though you hadn’t finished yours yet. “Aww, Pretty Boy, anyone who would be lucky enough to get one of your nudes better consider themselves lucky. I don’t call you pretty boy for nothin’.” He mussed Reid’s hair again, but this time, Spencer didn’t seem to mind. Some of his tension slipped away, and you felt yourself relax too. You gulped down the rest of your drink so you could start in on the new one, the world starting to get a little topsy turvy. How many drinks had they put in front of you so far?
It was Emily’s turn, but she couldn’t for the life of her come up with something she hadn’t done, so she demanded the game end and they moved on to just bothering each other with questions. An hour passed by faster than you realized, and by the time you’d finished the drink Derek had put in front of you, you were more than a little sloppy. You were putting most of your weight on Spencer, your head feeling like it weighed 100 pounds as it drooped onto his shoulder. His mood seemed to improve over the time since he went to the bathroom, and he’d been shifting closer to you as you’d been doing to him. You were thigh to thigh again, and your arms were pressed together from shoulder to wrist. You drunkenly stared at your hands, laying side by side on each of your thighs, trying to use some kind of dormant magic inside of you to pull his hand to yours.
“I think Y/N’s had enough, tonight, guys.” Rossi’s voice filled your ears. You were too busy trying to focus on the scent of Spencer to care to listen. The bar was overwhelming your senses again, and you were trying to ground yourself in Spencer’s familiar warmth and smell. “We should probably get going before someone ends up in someone else’s lap.” He added, making the rest of your (very drunk) team laugh. “Who’s in my car and who else can drive?”
“I drove here but I don’t think I should drive.” You piped up, pulling your keys from your purse and putting them on the table.
“I-I’ll drive Y/N home.” Spencer said quickly, trying to ignore the hooting from the rest of the team at the offer.
“I’m going with them!” Emily and JJ yelled at the same time. Garcia and Derek’s mouths hanging open as they seemed to be about to say the same thing.
The latter two mumbled under their breath, damning Emily and JJ for “stealing the seats to the show” and both agreed to go with Rossi.
Reid helped you out of the booth, arm wrapping securely around your waist to keep you standing up. You tried to pull away, embarrassed that you needed so much help, but he just held you closer. “Don’t worry, Y/N.” His breath ghosted over your ear and made you shiver. “I’ve got you. I won’t let you fall.”
“I already have…” You said quietly, your drunk brain not knowing you’d whispered out loud. You focused on his smell and his touch, the way the warmth from his side and his hands set your skin on fire. Your embarrassment was a thing for future Y/N to worry about, because present Y/N was enthralled with the man helping you to the car.
After saying goodnight to the other three, JJ and Emily poured themselves into the back of your car, Spencer helping you into the passenger seat. He got into the drivers seat and chuckled as he watched you fight with the seat belt. “Let me help you, please.” He said, still laughing lightly, and you pouted, but relented. His hands brushed yours as they took the buckle, and he brushed your hip as he locked you in place. Every time he touched you, you could swear you felt shocks of electricity go through you.
“Speeeeeence, can you help me buckle in too?” You heard JJ call from the back in a sing song voice.
“Me too, Spenceyyyyy! Strap me in! Or down!” Emily added from beside her, making them break down in a fit of giggles. You wanted to pitch in that you would also be up for Spencer tying you down, but as the car lurched forward, your stomach followed suit and suddenly you lost the ability to talk. You were just focusing on not vomiting in your car and ruining all chances of Spencer ever seeing you as attractive ever again.
He was laughing at the ridiculousness of his friends as he started driving, but seemed to take immediate notice of something being wrong with you. “Y/N? Are you okay?” He asked, and the concern in his voice made you feel very guilty for putting it there. He seemed to reach out for you, but had apparently decided against it, putting his hand on the gear shift instead. He had such nice hands.
“Y-Yeah. I’m just a little dizzy, I’m fine, don’t you worry your pretty little head about me.” You smiled at him, watching him driving soothing your aching stomach. You felt like you were in an ocean, the waves crashing around you and making you sea sick. Spencer felt like a buoy for you to clutch onto so you wouldn’t drown. “C-Can I-” You reached for his hand, pulling it to your lap and playing with his fingers nervously, trying to focus on the way they felt rather than focus on the spinning in your head or the flipping of your stomach.
Spencer’s hand relaxed in your grip, allowing you the simple moment that, unfortunately, did not escape the two drunk ladies in the back. “Are you two gonna get married?” Emily asked.
“Awwww I’d finally get to be a godmother! I made everyone godparents and no one’s made me a fairy godmother yet! I wanna go godmother shopping with Pen so bad!” JJ added, bouncing next to her co-conspirator. You blushed and tried to let go of his hand, but he reacted immediately and took your hand back into his so you could keep playing with it. The fact that he was at least okay with whatever you felt about him and how you were acting on it made you feel light as air. He could just be allowing it while you were drunk because he felt sorry for you… but you held onto hope anyway. Even with your knowledge of his love of chess, you didn’t think he seemed like the kind of guy to play games.
“No, I want to be the godmother!” Emily whined.
“I’m Spencer’s best friend!” JJ countered, pushing Emily on the shoulder.
“I’m going to be Y/N’s best friend, just you wait! Y/N, wanna have a sleepover?” Emily asked, tapping you on your shoulder incessantly.
“Sure, Em.” You smiled to yourself. You liked the fact that she wanted to be your friend, but you hoped it was for more than possibly being a godmother to a child that could possibly not even exist.
“Yay!” She exclaimed, sticking her tongue out at JJ. “Oh shush. When they get married I’ll be Y/N’s maid of honor and you can be Spencey’s best man!”
Your heartbeat a little harder at the thought, and you chanced a glance at Spencer to see what he thought of their shenanigans. He seemed amused as he focused on the road, trying to pretend like he wasn’t paying them any mind.
JJ perked up and stopped pouting, ruffling Spencer’s hair from the back seat. “Awwwwww can I be your best man, Spence? I’ll wear a suit and everything! Derek would be soooooo mad! Imagine his face!”
Spencer laughed at that, the image somehow amusing to him. “We’ll see. Maybe let me decide if and when I want to get married first before you start planning my wedding?”
Oh. You deflated at that. He’d seemed so okay with all the teasing, you hoped... He pulled up to a house then, and considering JJ started to gather her things, you assumed this was her house. A man came to the porch and waved. You tried to focus on that, and let go of Reid’s hands in favor of forcing yourself to join the conversation. “Damn! JJ is that your husband?”
She giggled. “Yeah, that’s my Will!”
Emily sighed, leaning her head on the window. “Isn’t it a damn shame? She took the last eligible bachelor in the whole world? AND he’s a southern gentleman! JJ sucks.” You both laughed at her, JJ especially.
“Love you too. Have fun with Y/N while I have fun with my hot southern gentleman husband!” She called out as she got out, closing the door behind her. She ran up to Will and wrapped herself around him. They were a beautiful couple, and seemed so at ease with one another. You hoped you got to know what that felt like one day.
Emily seemed to start to drift off then, and you turned to look at Spencer again, who was staring at you. You blushed, unsure of why his gaze was so intense. “I uh… you know that coffee shop on Trumbull street? I live right over there.” You offered, hoping to go back to how happy and at ease he seemed to be before.
He nodded, clearly knowing where he was going with the directions you gave him. You drove in tense mostly silence for a while, Emily’s snoring the only sound besides the sounds of the road. “D-Did… did I do something wrong?” You asked suddenly, your voice quiet and unsure.
His shoulders fell from their tense position. “No, I just… I think I’m just tired. We had a hard case this week and going out drinking isn’t usually how I decompress.”
“How do you usually decompress?”
“I spend most of my free time at home reading. I read 20,000 words per minute and it soothes me. Morgan wasn’t completely dramatizing my apartment. It’s covered in books. They’re everywhere but the fridge and freezer.”
You laughed at that, starting to sober up a little bit. The world wasn’t quite so upside down anymore. “Me too, except most of my library is back at my moms house. We have a room dedicated to books… we’re a big reading family. Especially my dad.” You offered.
“My love of reading came from my mom. She read to me when I was little.”
“The best way is to have a book read to you! My dad used to read to me, too. I loved listening to him say big words I didn’t understand yet.” You smiled at the memory, closing your eyes and remembering, wishing it didn’t seem so far away and cloudy.
Spencer smiled. “My mom says that too. I can still close my eyes and remember every story she ever read to me.”
“I would kill for your memory.” You admitted sadly. “To be able to remember everything with such detail… it’s a gift I wish I had.”
“A gift.” He paused, looking sad. “A curse too, though. It’s not fun to remember every detail of the bad things.” He said, and you longed to know what those bad things were. Maybe one day you would.
You smiled, one that dripped in bittersweet, looking out the window. “‘The way I see it, every life is a pile of good things and bad things… The good things don't always soften the bad things, but vice-versa, the bad things don't necessarily spoil the good things and make them unimportant.’”
You looked back at him in time to see his surprised expression as he turned and looked at you before he had to look back at the road. “Doctor Who. Matt Smith, Vincent and the Doctor. Series 5, episode 10. Air date June 5th 2010.”
“Impressive!” Truly, you were impressed. Even knowing he remembered everything, you were sure it would never surprise you. “It’s one of my favorite episodes, actually. I have a lot of favorites, but that one never gets old.”
“Who’s your favorite Doctor?” He asked you, and you realized that you were getting close to your apartment. You wished the night didn’t have to end.
“I don’t think I could pick, honestly. They all have their merits, and they all definitely have their flaws… I loved David, just like every other girl in the world, but Matt’s chaotic energy was so fun. And Capaldi was just so… captivating. He’s an amazing actor. His work in Heaven Sent was… indescribable. That’s another one of my favorites. You can take a right up here, and then I’m in the big apartment building on the left.” You watched his arms as he turned the steering wheel, captivated by how strong they seemed underneath the button up and sweater vest.
“Thanks for driving us… you’re welcome to take my car home- it’s late, and I don’t want you to have to find a bus or train at this time.” You said, not making a move to get up. You’d only spent a day with him, and you already never wanted to be away from him.
He pulled up to the building and put the car in park before turning to look at you. “How will you get to work tomorrow?”
You hadn’t thought about that. You bit your lip and blushed all the way to your neck. “I… I can see if Emily can text JJ and have her pick us up?”
“Or I could come and pick you two up?” He offered. You nodded slowly.
“I… don’t want to inconvenience you. It’s not fair to inconvenience your new teammate.”
“It’s not an inconvenience. By letting me take your car, I don’t have to take the bus tomorrow… That’s actually pretty nice. And I’ll get to see you again… you know, so we can talk more Doctor Who.” He looked like he was blushing, but you couldn’t be sure in the dark of the car.
“O-Okay… It would be nice to see you tomorrow. Though I will probably be very embarrassed about tonight. I don’t usually do things like this. Get drunk and act like a fool.” You gestured at nothing, pointing between the two of you, indicating you were talking about how all over him you were all day.
“You have no reason to be embarrassed. The rest of the team was much more ridiculous than you were. Everyone acts different when under the influence of alcohol; Morgan gets even more forward and flirty, Garcia gets abrasive and asks invasive questions, Emily gets loud, JJ gets a little whiny and is what I’ve heard referred to as a ‘woo girl’? Rossi… Rossi doesn’t really act very different from himself sober, but I can guess that that comes with age. You… well, you were… a pretty adorable drunk, actually.” He said, almost too quiet. You almost missed it, but you were glad you didn’t.
Emily stirred behind you before you could respond. “Mmm, arewethereyet?” She yawned, making stretching sounds.
“Yeah, we are, Em. We just got here.” You sighed. “Thank you, Reid. For driving us home, for standing up for me earlier… you’ve been very kind and patient with my drunkenness tonight and I appreciate it. I hope I can make up for today and show you that I’m an okay person when Emily isn’t forcing tequila down my throat.”
“I already think you’re pretty cool, so there’s nothing to make up for. I’ll-” He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he looked back at Emily and then at you. “I’ll see you guys tomorrow bright and early. I’ll call you when I get here, okay Em?”
“Mm’Kay Spencer.” She replied sleepily, opening her door, making you feel the need to open yours too. The night was over much too fast in your opinion.
“Thanks again, Reid, have a good night.” You were about to shut the door when you heard his voice again, causing you to turn around.
“Y/N?” He leaned forward, his head tilted and hair falling to the side, messy and so attractive- you wanted to reach forward and run your fingers through it and know if it felt as soft as it looked.
“Yeah?” You bent down a little to meet his gaze.
His eyes were large and brown, the lights from the street lamps making them sparkle. “Please call me Spencer. All my friends call me Spencer.”
You could have danced, that had made you so happy. “O-Okay. Goodnight, Spencer. Thank you for everything.”
He smiled at you then, the biggest one you’d had the pleasure to see on his face so far in the 12 hours you’d known him. You hoped to see a million more of those in the future. “Goodnight, Y/N. Good luck with that drunk mess over there. See you tomorrow.” You and Emily headed up to your apartment building, and when you turned around from inside, he was still there, looking at you with a smile on his face.
Next Chapter
@rexorangecouny​ @asomers603​
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caramelcal · 4 years
the girl in the red dress
a/n: sorry for my lack of motivation and content...enjoy though : )
warnings: swearing
just to clear a few things up- in this, i would suspect after Luke got obsessed w/ her, reggie was told to never speak of her, even possible threatened, bribed not to do so etc so he didn’t speak. 
and luke became so obsessed w/ her that people thought he loved her...which, if set back in the 1800s or whatever, could have been possible cause he was like crazy obsessed even after only knowing her for like 30 mins. didn’t some of them meet for like two weeks before they got married and stuff lol idk.
plus, this was written purely because i was bored, wanted to produce some content and post, this wasn’t made to be 110% accurate, yet if there are things you think i could change just drop me a wee message :) 
Luke Tag: @rachmmb @phantompogues @meanergreener 
not my gif
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“Nana, why does everyone say that King Lucas is so unhappy?”
The older woman in the room looked up towards the small boy, a tuft of blond hair sprawled out on the top of his head, the features on his face only to be seen by the light given by the fire. She put her half-knitted blanket down onto her lap as she shuffled slightly, looking towards her grandson with a small smile.
“Why do you ask, dear?”
The small boy shuffled awkwardly, blue eyes looking towards the older woman with a curious glint in them that she knew all too well, “Well, I heard people talking about how sad he was, saying how bad it was he never got to marry the girl that he loved and I asked mama and she wouldn’t say.”
“Well, dear, there’s a legend about why King Lucas is unhappy but we can’t ever speak of it outside of these walls, alright?” She said to the young boy, who nodded eagerly in return, “Okay, have you ever heard of the girl in the red dress?”
Classical music played around them as she stood in hand with a flute of champagne in her hand. She was simply seventeen, not old enough to be drinking yet but it wasn’t like anyone would notice or care. A mask was situated proudly on her face, covering the area around her eyes and over her nose, leaving simply her lips and chin exposed, and the top of her forehead.
A red dress hugged her figure, corset pulled in uncomfortably tight, yet she was used to it. She had been wearing corsets for years. A boy stood to her side, leaning against the wall. He was a courtier, and one of the closest friends to the prince, but he was also your friend.
“Not enjoying yourself much I see,” He commented, looking over her figure with a small smirk. She turned back around to look at him, a playful smile on her lips as she rolled her eyes.
Walking closer to the boy, she flicked at a small piece of hair that strayed from the rest of his hair, trying to fix it but it simply fell back down again, “Can’t imagine you are either.”
“Only here for him, obviously. Emotional support,” His eyes are on the ballroom where the prince stands, pretty girls, possible suitors, surrounding him. He’s one of the only people without a mask on, even the girls around him have masks on.
It’s a known fact that these events were for the prince to find a possible suitor, despite wanting to marry for love. Sure, he knew that marrying to unite kingdoms was important, but he didn’t want to sell his life away to a woman that he didn’t know or like. He wanted to be with someone that he loved, he didn’t want to miss out on the experience everyone else got just because he was royalty.
“Yeah, he looks like he needs tons of emotional support,” She snorted lightly, looking over at the prince. He was basking in the attention he was given by the girls, a charming smile on his face that would win over any girl that he wanted.
“He doesn’t enjoy these nearly as much as you think he does,” The boy beside her spoke, making her roll her eyes.
“I’m sure he doesn’t,” She replied, arms crossing over her stomach yet still keeping the flute of champagne in her hand. Her back comes in contact with the wall so that she is standing beside her friend, but her eyes remain on the prince, “he sure looks like he’s suffering.”
The sarcasm that comes out of her mouth is something that the boy is used to, especially considering that he had known her for so long. A smile graced his face when he rolled his eyes, gaze briefly flickering over to her to see her staring at the prince on the dancefloor. He seemed to be finishing his conversation, itching to get away from the girl who was trying to get close to him, laughing obnoxiously loud that they can almost hear her from the other side of the ballroom.
“He’s not that bad you know.”
“Never said he was, Reg,” She sighed, dropping her arms slightly as she takes the last drink from her flute of champagne before placing it down on the table beside her. Her gaze strayed from the prince and towards her friend Reginald, who is already looking at her, “What?”
The boy doesn’t answer her question and instead continues to stare at her, making her huff out in annoyance. His lack of response urged her to ask again, “What, Reginald? Why are you looking at me like that? Is this still about the prince? Why are you so hellbent on making me befriend the entitled prick?”
“What was that, angel?” Her body went rigid from the sound of the voice behind her, making her eyes look back up to Reggie in alarm before turning around, seeing he was not going to be of any help.
She came face to face with the prince himself, who smirked down at her with a playful glint in his eyes. However, she didn’t back down like everyone else would with him and instead sent him a sarcastic smile in return, “I asked Reginald here why he was so hellbent in making me befriend an entitled prick.”
“Ohhh,” The prince reeled his head back slightly, nodding his head, and somehow his crown didn’t move, much less fall as she expected it to. It said mockingly on the top of his hair, glinting in the light provided by the overhead chandelier that probably cost more than her house.
He held his hand out with a smirk, raising an eyebrow at the younger girl clad in red as he asked, “Well would you be so courteous as to offering this entitled prick to a dance?”
His offer hung in the air as she hesitated to answer, an eyebrow raised, not sure if the prince had ulterior motives. That’s all she could have expected, given that she did call him an entitled prick. His hand never wavered nor did his smirk, eyes glinting as the girl’s green eyes met his.
Slowly, with a discrete nudge from Reggie, she slipped her hand into his and was whisked into the middle of the room, one hand at the crook of the Prince’s elbow and the other clasped in his other hand. He smiled down at her, giving her the same smile that he gave every girl but he knew this wouldn’t make her swoon as it did everyone else.
She wasn’t worshipping the ground he walked on unlike those other girls, but he always did like a challenge.
They moved expertly to the music and she kept up with his every move, challenging the grueling lessons that he had experienced to be good at ballroom dancing, making him thoroughly surprised. He had been expecting her to fall, to step on his newly polished dress shoes, to trip over her own crimson dress but she didn’t. She made it look easy, in fact.
“I’m surprised,” He commented, eyebrows raised as his eyes traveled down towards her high heel clad feet moving expertly. Her eyes looked up to meet his, noticing the smirk on his lips, “you’re quite good at this for a peasant.”
“Whoever said I was a peasant?”
He didn’t reply as she spun out, but he kept her hand clasped in his. Everyone’s eyes were on them, despite a few other people dancing. This girl was one they had never seen before, dancing with their beloved prince but he hardly paid any mind to the people that surrounded them and instead kept laser-focused on the brunette girl who spun back towards him.
She, however, was more bothered by their gaze, considering she wasn’t used to it. Despite her face being covered by a mask and providing a little protection to her identity, she was used to slipping into the shadows, going unnoticed by everyone. Yet now, she was standing in the middle of the ballroom with the prince, and everyone’s eyes on them as they danced to the music.
No one could hear them, and that somehow made their conversations even more exhilarating. Everyone was watching, but had no idea what was going on.
“Who are you?” He couldn’t help but ask the question that he had floating around in his head from the moment he caught sight of her standing beside Reginald, one of his closest advisors, talking like they were old friends. Ever since he had seen her, he had been itching to get away from the people that tried to strike up a conversation, his curiosity getting the best of him.
It was safe to say he was enraptured by her, not only how she looked in that incredibly flattering red dress or the way she presented herself, but the way that she wasn’t putty in his hands; not yet, anyway. He couldn’t see most of her face, and instead only seen the way her green eyes glowed under the chandelier’s light, and the way her lips curved into a smirk.
“Wouldn’t you like to know, your highness?”
“So we’re at your highness now, and not entitled prick, are we?” His question was taunting, but an amused tone underlined his words as he smirked down at her.
“We could always go back,” The girl suggested, a piece of her perfectly curled brown hair falling in front of her face.
He didn’t even think twice as he let go of her hand, using his thumb to wipe the hair out and away from her face, her green eyes peering up to him with uncertainty. They weren’t dancing anymore, and simply were standing in the middle of the ballroom with everyone’s eyes on them. He could see from the corner of his eye his mother coming across to get him, to introduce him to more possible brides now that he had had his fun.
“Personally, I like the way you say your highness, but I think Prince Lucas would sound even better,” He made no move to increase the distance between them, chests almost touching as his hand fell from her face and down to her shoulder, his other hand still tightened securely around her waist, “But you can only call me that if I get your name, angel.”
“Too bad you won’t find out, the music stopped minutes ago and the queen has almost reached us,” Just before he can tighten his hold on the shorter girl she slipped through his hold, stepping back with a smirk, “Have a nice night, prince Lucas.”
She didn’t look back as she walked away coolly, back off to the side where Reginald still stood. Even when the queen arrived beside her son, who now stood by himself on the dance floor, his eyes remained on the girl’s figure, not even noticing his mother was talking to him until he was whisked away and taken off to other people by her.
Even when he continued to go through his evening, meeting many more possible future wives and chatting up a conversation he couldn’t help but let his eyes wander back over to the girl. In fact, his thoughts never strayed once from her the entire evening, or for the several weeks after. He ran through their conversation, both on and off the ballroom floor, trying to pick at any possible clues to who she was, where she could be, or anything about her whatsoever.
Reginald was no help considering Lucas hadn’t seen him since the event but Lucas couldn’t help himself but be overcome with thoughts about her and without any new leads, he became more and more frustrated as the time went on. He couldn’t explain who she was, because there was no way to explain; they wouldn’t know who she was.
From his obsession grew whispers, rumors even, about the girl in the red dress. After he had asked so many people about her, these whispers grew and people believed that prince Lucas was in love and even ten, fifteen, twenty years later, people still talked about her. About the girl that the prince, now king, would have married if she didn’t disappear.
She became a legend, one that King Lucas was forbidden to talk about and one that got his wife, Queen Georgina, became furious about simply at the mention of the younger girl. It was a known fact that King Lucas wasn’t happy in his marriage with the Queen, but one they also could never talk about. He never got to marry for love, and instead had to marry to unite kingdoms as an allegiance to help the Queen’s kingdom from war.
So after the marriage of the royal couple, the girl in the red dress became a murmur, spoke about only behind closed doors, stories that the people in the kingdom would tell the children when they asked why King Lucas was so miserable.
“Well, it all started with the girl in the red dress...”
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orangeoctopi7 · 4 years
They’re Good Dogs, Stan
@forduary Week 2 is Fluff and Angsty, but this is ALL FLUFF! I’ve seen tons and tons of Gravity Falls AUs with Werewolf!Stan, but none with Ford as a werewolf. So I wanted to write one. I could’ve gone for Paranoid, pre-portal incident Ford and all the good angst that’d come with that, but I’m already a week behind, so pure fluff it is! * * *
Mid-September, 2013. Another summer has come and gone, the kids are back home in Piedmont, and the elder Pines twins are preparing for their next voyage. After a busy day of gathering supplies, Stan is ready to take the afternoon off. But Ford wouldn’t be Ford if he didn’t jump at every opportunity to study something strange. He’d gone off on his own, mentioning something about checking on a werewolf theory for Soos. Stan, after confirming that it was still a couple of days until the full moon, decided to stay home and catch a nap on the porch, enjoying the first cool evening in months.
It was now an hour later, and while the sun still hadn’t set, Stan was starting to get a little worried. If the supposed werewolf really wasn’t any trouble, surely his brother would’ve been back by now. Ford may have the tendency to get caught up in his work, but he wasn’t exactly the type to let a conversation or interview drag on and on.
In an effort to distract himself from worrying, Stan decided to help Soos wrap up the last tour of the day. He’d just seen the last bus off when he noticed a large, hump-backed animal moving through the forest. 
"What is that, a moose?" He squinted through the trees, trying to get a better look at it to see if it was something dangerous. It definitely went on four legs, so not a Manotaur. The only other thing that big around here that went on four legs was that Bear-bear friend of Dipper's, and he was a dark brown color. Whatever this was, its fur glinted silvery grey in the late afternoon sun.
Whatever it was, it was moving fast, and making its way towards the clearing that housed the Mystery Shack. In just a few seconds, Stan thought he could make out what it was, but his cataracts had to be playing tricks on him.
It wasn’t a moose. It was a wolf the size of a moose.
The closer it got, the more weird details he noticed about it. He’d never heard of a wolf with curly fur, and was it wagging its tail?
Where the heck was Ford? He’d love to see this. This was probably some giant’s pet woofdle (Half wolf half poodle).
Stan looked up at the almost full moon hanging just above the trees as the sun began to set.
He looked back at the running wolf just in time to see it burst out of the trees and tackle him to the ground, knocking the wind out of him. 
The wolf licked his face enthusiastically as he tried to catch his breath again.
“Ford, you didn’t!”
The fact that the wolf looked guilty was all the answer he needed.
* * *
When Soos shared his theory that the mailman was a werewolf with Ford, the old researcher had jumped at the opportunity. Here was a man who, from the looks of it, would have been a child when Ford first came to Gravity Falls. 
This meant one of two things: One, there had been child werewolves in Gravity Falls when he first started his research here, and he somehow completely missed it; or Two, this man had been turned to a werewolf in the last 30 years, which meant there had been an increase in werewolf activity while Ford was on the other side of the portal. Either way, Ford was very excited to ask him some questions.
He’d dashed off from the Mystery Shack, barely stopping to let Stanley know where he was going and confirming that the full moon wasn’t for a few more days. 
Once he arrived at the mail-man’s house, Ford knocked enthusiastically. The seconds slowly ticked by as he waited, but no answer came. After counting to 100, Ford knocked again, a little more insistently. He heard something moving behind the door. He started pounding on the door, and didn’t let up.
Finally, he heard several bolts being undone. 
“Hey, you need to leave in the next…” The stout red-haired man flipped open his phone and checked an app, “Two minutes.”
“Oh.” Ford answered with mild surprise. “Well, I’ll cut straight to the chase then! I wanted to know if there was any truth to the rumors that you might be a werewolf!”
The man gave Ford a confused look before answering. “Stick around for another minute and a half and you’ll find out.”
“Really!? But it won’t be a full moon for another three days! And sunset won’t be for another hour and a half!”
“No, but the moon’s rising in about a minute. Seriously, you need to leave.”
Ford’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. “Would you be willing to let me observe your transformation? It would be an unprecedented scientific opportunity!”
“Nope, too dangerous.”
With that, the man slammed the door in Ford’s face. He heard several bolts and locks being re-done. For a brief moment, Ford was reminded of a less pleasant time in his own life, when he himself had locked himself in his own house like that, both for his own protection and for the protection of the world outside.
The old researcher shook the thought out of his head. This was nothing like that.
Honestly, he just wanted to observe. It wasn’t like he was looking for trouble. He had survived for years in the multiverse, he could just peek through the window of a werewolf!
Luckily there were plenty of windows on the second floor that had the blinds and curtains wide open, presumably to let in plenty of sunlight. Or perhaps to let in plenty of moonlight? That was one of many theories he’d have to ask the man about once the moon had set again. Whatever the case, these windows would be perfect points of observation.
Ford climbed a nearby tree to get a better look into the werewolf’s home. He couldn’t see the transformation from here, but he could see what appeared to be the entire hind leg of an elk hanging by a couple of ropes in one room. Interesting… obviously this man prepared food for his wolf form, presumably to prevent any chance of the werewolf hunting local townsfolk or livestock, but why hang it in such a position? It wasn’t so high that the werewolf couldn’t reach it, but it would obviously take more work.
Well, he wasn’t going to see the transformation for himself from this window. The old researcher readied himself to jump to the tiny balcony in front of the next nearest window. Hopefully he’d find what he was looking for there. 
The old man took a leap-- misjudged the springiness of the branch beneath his feet-- and crashed through the window.
Ford picked himself up off the floor with a groan. That window should not have broken so easily. Surely, the home of a werewolf should be better fortified! He would have to block the window with something if he didn’t want a werewolf loose on the town. He was looking for a bookshelf or cabinet he could push in front of the opening, when he heard a low snuffling sound, followed by an angry growl.
A reddish-brown wolf, twice the size of any Ford had ever seen, with an abnormally large cranium, was standing at the top of the stairs, glaring daggers at him. Ford was torn between reaching for his blaster to protect himself, or reaching for the new journal Mabel had made for him to start writing down observations.
Drat, I missed the transformation. He thought to himself. So it must be a rapid process. I wonder if that makes it more or less painful?
The wolf growled again, hackles raised, and Ford finally pulled out his blaster, being sure to set it to stun. After all, it wasn’t the wolf’s fault he’d stumbled into the wolf’s territory.
Unfortunately, pulling a gun, even a sci-fi looking one, was the wrong move. The wolf lunged at him before he could pull the trigger, fangs sinking into his forearm. Ford yelled with pain, punching and kicking the beast to get it to let go.
The pain of the bite was soon replaced with a strange twitching, rippling, itching sensation, that quickly radiated outward from the wound. He looked down and noticed the hair on his arm growing thicker.
Well, it looks like I’ll get to observe the transformation after all! He thought as he fell to his knees.
* * *
Stan was absolutely flabbergasted by the moose-sized wolf currently pawing at his fridge. It barely fit in the room, and he was pretty sure that wagging tail was going to knock the table over.
“Yeah, yeah, I get it, you’re hungry.” Stan muscled his way past the mountain of fur and pulled out an entire container of bologna that hadn’t even been opened yet. “Here.” he peeled the seal off the package and tossed a slice like a little frisbee. Wolf!Ford snapped it up in one bite. He looked expectantly at Stan and gave a pathetic little whine, hoping for another.
“Uh, I dunno if you should even be eatin’ this stuff when you’re like that.” Stan protested. “Pretty sure wolves aren’t supposed to eat people food.”
The wolf gave a little huff, but nodded in agreement. And wasn’t that wild, seeing a curly-haired wolf just make a human gesture like that?
The wolf headed back to the back porch door. He pawed the doorknob, like it was instinctual, but gave a little annoyed grunt when he apparently remembered he didn’t have thumbs. Next he tried to grasp the doorknob between his jaws.
“Oh no you don’t!” Stan shouted. “I don’t want teeth-marks all over my doorknobs! Or wolf drool, for that matter!”
Wolf!Ford shot him another guilty look and whined plaintively. Stan sighed and opened the door for him.
“I just let you in, what the heck do you want out again for?”
The wolf made a series of grunts and groans that were probably supposed to mean something, but Stan didn’t get any of what he was trying to say.
“Whatever, just don’t go too far.”
* * *
The wolf actually rolled its eyes. Stan didn’t even think wolves could do that. Of course, this was a werewolf, so maybe it could do things a normal wolf couldn’t. It dashed away into the forest.
“Hey! I said don’t go too far!” Stan shouted after him. The wolf was already out of sight. The old con man groaned. “Alright, fine, just be careful!” Stan yelled even louder, hoping his transformed brother could still hear him. 
Ford was hungrier than he’d been since coming back to his home dimension, and while the slice of bologna had been tasty, it had been far from filling. Besides, Stan was right. Wolves probably shouldn’t eat processed meats. He was going to have to go hunting!
He took in a deep breath, enjoying all the diverse smells that had opened up to him with his transformation, trying to differentiate the smell of wild game from the smell of Farmer Sprott’s farm animals. 
It’s probably a good thing Mabel took Waddles home with her before this happened. Ford thought. 
He was able to pick out the scent of what he thought might be a mule deer. He snuck through the forest, finding that he could be surprisingly quiet for something so large. He got close enough to the mule deer that he could see the tiny twitching movements of its nose sniffing the air when it finally noticed him. When it finally caught his scent, it bounded away in an instant, and Ford gave chase.
As exhilarating as the case felt, there was also a sense of wrongness to it. He knew instinctively that he shouldn’t, couldn’t hunt on his own, and he found himself wishing desperately that Stanley was with him, even if he knew on some level that his brother wouldn’t want to hunt a deer and probably wouldn’t be much help even if he did.
The wind changed direction and a new scent, strange yet familiar, caught his attention. It was the synthetic, sterile smell of a human mixed with the pungent, musky smell of a wolf, not unlike his own. And he’d smelled it earlier, right after his transformation.
It was the mailman!
Another werewolf, stockier and more reddish brown than silver gray, was running through the forest, scaring the mule deer back in Ford’s direction with a loud howl. Now he wasn’t alone. Now the hunt felt right.
The deer zig-zagged between the two of them before the mailman finally came close enough to latch his jaws into its hind flank. It tried to kick the wolf off, but it had slowed enough that Ford was able to catch up himself, and then instinct completely took over. Before he knew it, the deer was dead on the ground, and the two werewolves were covered in blood, happily sharing the meal they’d taken down together. The one doe wasn’t enough to feed two enormous werewolves, but it definitely put more of a dent in Ford’s hunger than the slice of bologna had.
As they finished off the last of the deer carcase, the other wolf looked at Ford, and although no words were exchanged, a form of communication passed between them.
“You’re the idiot researcher who broke into my house.” The mailman didn’t seem angry, just bemused more than anything.
“It was an accident.” Ford’s tail and ears drooped.
“I told you to leave.” The mailman’s ears flattened and he gave a small annoyed growl. “But it is nice to go hunting with someone. I usually just hang up an elk flank for my own enrichment, so the local farmers and hunters don’t throw a tizzy, but this was much more fun!”
“I agree!” Ford wagged his tail, and his ears perked up again. “I’m still hungry, let’s find another deer!”
The two wolves continued to hunt together for another hour or so, taking down one more deer and finding a large nest of ground squirrels that finally filled them up. Eventually, dusk passed into full night, and the time that deer were the most active had passed.
“Well, we’d better do our best to cover our tracks and clean up after ourselves.” The mailman stretched and began burying the remains of the ground squirrels. “The local farmers and hunters will throw a tizzy fit if they realize there are a couple of wolves in town.”
“Is that why you usually lock yourself in your house?” Ford asked.
The other wolf nodded, and Ford was reminded that this was a man most of the time. “I’ve been chased by an angry mob a couple of times. Even shot at with silver bullets.”
“Really? Is there any truth to those old legends?”
“Well any bullet will kill you if it gets you in the heart or the brain.” the mailman replied with a growl. “Silver bullets will force you to transform back to normal, so as long as it’s not a serious injury, you’ll just heal while your body rearranges itself. I got shot in the hind leg, so the bullet just fell out as I transformed.”
“Faciniating! What is it about silver that causes the change? Is it just contact with silver in general, or does it have to be a bullet?”
Ford hadn’t realized that wolves could give blank stares like that. “No clue. I’m not rich enough to have access to pure silver.”
“Oh, it’s actually quite easy to precipitate out of Silver Nitrate, which you can purchase through most industrial chemical catalogs!”
* * *
It was getting late, and Stan was getting tired, but he was not going to bed until he knew Ford was safe. His brother had run off almost an hour and a half ago, and Stan had seen enough monster movies to worry what would happen to his brother if he ran into anyone else.
Unfortunately, following the wolf through the woods in the dark seemed more likely to get Stan into trouble than to get Ford out of it, so he decided to just keep vigil on the porch for now. He’d heard a few howls in the night, but nothing that sounded like a wolf in danger. He was just going to have to trust that his brother could take care of himself.
It was nearly midnight when Ford finally trotted out of the forest and into the light of the Mystery Shack’s back porch, dragging a mostly picked-clean deer carcase behind him.
“What the heck did you bring that back with you for!?” Stan exclaimed in disgust, looking at the trail of sineu, bones, and skin that now led up to the porch.
Ford looked expectantly between Stan and the carcase, nudging a bit of ribs that still had some meat on them closer to his brother.
“What are you thinkin’!? I’m not eatin’ that!”
The wolf actually did a double-take, as if he was just now remembering that his brother was a human who ate cooked meat that had already been butchered and prepared and sold in a supermarket, not the raw, still bloody remains of a deer that had been alive just three hours ago.
“I hope you realize, I’m not letting you in the house while you’re filthy like that.” Stan gestured to the dark brown dried blood that was flaking off Ford’s curly gray fur. 
The wolf looked thoroughly shamed, and began licking the blood from his paws and muzzle, but there was a lot he couldn’t reach on his own. Stan rolled his eyes and grabbed the hose. It was way too late for this.
Ford gave a surprised yelp when Stan turned the hose on him, and he looked absolutely pathetic as he sat there and took it, the water making him look much skinnier and bedraggled. He whined pitifully as Stan placed his thumb over the end to increase the water pressure, and did his best to power-spray the remaining blood and dirt out of his brother’s fur. When he was finally satisfied that no deer guts would be tracked inside, he nodded with approval and turned the hose of.
The wolf’s tail hung low as he climbed up to the porch.
“Serves you right! You had me worried sick!” Stan reprimanded him. “And I should’ve been in bed two hours ago!”
The wolf gave another sad whine and tried to lick Stan’s face. He pushed his brother off, but also gave him an affectionate scritch behind his ear.
“Yeah yeah, it’s hard to stay mad at you when you’re a big fluffy dog.” He opened the door and let Ford back inside.
As soon as Stan closed the door behind him, Ford gave a tremendous shake, sending water flying everywhere, and absolutely soaking everything in the entryway, including Stan. 
“Oh, I see how it is! You were just faking bein’ pathetic to take your revenge, huh?” 
Ford wagged his tail and huffed, a mischievous glint in his eyes. 
Stan stomped up the stairs to take a shower, while Ford picked his way towards the laundry room. The wolf pulled a towel onto the floor and rolled around on it to finish drying himself off. He would help clean up the entryway, but he didn’t have any opposable thumbs, so there wasn’t much he could do.
* * *
Stan went to bed immediately after getting out of the shower. It had been an exhausting day. He’d deal with Ford’s stupid werewolf escapades in the morning. Hopefully, his brother would be back to normal by then.
He’d just been about to drift off to sleep when he felt something huge and hairy flop down on the mattress next to him. Apparently, werewolf!Ford didn’t want to sleep alone, and honestly, Stan was too tired to try and shove him off, so he just snuggled into the great mound of fur and drifted off to sleep.
A few hours later, a loud cracking sound, like someone popping all their joints at once, woke Stan with a start. It was still dark out, although the first few rays of light were appearing on the horizon. Stan realized he was suddenly colder too, as though someone had pulled a blanket off him. He suddenly realized that the giant furry mass that had been sleeping next to him all night had been replaced by plain old human skin and bones.
“Ford?” Stan asked, squinting in the twilight to try and see if his brother had indeed returned to normal.
“Ugh… ow… It’s like having all your joints dislocated and then relocated at once… Ah, so I’m fully capable of human speech again!” The old researcher stretched and felt himself over. “Oh dear… I seem to have left my clothes back where I first transformed!” He pulled Stan’s blanket over himself.
“S’not like I can see you anyway.” Stan yanked his blanket back. It was cold this morning, especially now that the living space heater werewolf form was gone! “Go back to your own room and grab your PJ’s.”
The bed creaked as Ford climbed out of it, and Stan saw the blurry silhouette of his brother pause in the doorway.
“Stanley, I… I’m sorry.”
“Didja get hurt?” Stan asked sleepily.
“No. In fact, it was an incredible experience!”
“Then I ain’t even mad. Just lemme go back to sleep, ok?”
“It’s just… I know I worried you. And I’m sorry for that.”
“Great. Apology accepted. Go to bed.”
* * *
After the craziness of last night, Stan didn’t wake until almost 10:30 the next morning. He stumbled into breakfast the next morning to find the kitchen table absolutely covered in Ford’s notes, and his brother in the middle of recounting his experience to Soos.
“... And I’m not sure if it was some sort of telepathy that all werewolves share, or if my inner human consciousness was just translating the wolves body language and pheromone communication, but we were able to communicate perfectly, even about complex concepts like chemistry and legends and angry mobs!”
“Oh, hey Stan!” Soos greeted him cheerfully. “Turns out I was totally right about that mailman bein’ a werewolf!”
“Yeah, I’m aware.” Stan rolled his eyes and grabbed a packet of oatmeal.
“I promise, I only went there to observe!” Ford assured him, “I had no intention of turning into a werewolf myself. But now that it’s happened, I’ll actually be able to observe and study werewolves first-hand! Which is perfect, because there’s still so much we don’t know! Obviously, it doesn’t have to be a completely full moon to trigger the transformation, so how full does it have to be? How is the transformation transmitted from one person to the next?”
“How are you gonna take notes while you’re a wolf?” Stan pointed out.
Ford opened his mouth to answer, but quickly realized he didn’t have one.
“Oh, dude we should get you one of those sound boards like that one dog on the internet has!” Soos suggested. He pulled out his phone and showed them a video illustrating his point.
“Hmm, I’m sure I could ask Fiddleford to rig up something like this, but a full keyboard!” Ford nodded as he watched the video. “I’m still myself as the wolf, so I should be able to spell out what I want to say. We could even connect it to a computer, so I can type!
“If you’re still yourself, then why the heck did you try and bring me back a deer last night?” Stan asked grumpily.
“Ah…” Ford blushed. “Well, I still retain my typical level of intelligence, it just seems there’s quite a lot of wolf instinct that gets superimposed on top of that.”
“Great.” Stan pinched the bridge of his nose. “So, I get that you’re excited to learn more about how werewolves work and all that, but what about after that? Are you just gonna stay a werewolf forever, or is there a cure?”
“Well, last night, the mailman mentioned that getting shot with a silver bullet in the leg will change you back without doing any lasting harm.”
“Yeah, I’m not shooting you every time your transformation is inconvenient.”
“But he wasn’t sure if just any contact with pure silver would do the trick. That’s just one of many things I’ll have to research in the future!”
Stan swallowed a mouthful of oatmeal. “We’d better call the kids. I can’t wait to see the look on Mabel’s face when she finds out you transform into a giant silver poodle under the full moon!”
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mmvalentine · 3 years
But You pt 2 | Feysand
Modern AU. Read Part 1 Part 3
Rhys hadn't seen Feyre in a year.
He had meant to see her, of course, but their colleges were so far away, and both he and Feyre had been busier with their workloads than they had anticipated. Feyre, in fine arts, had been part of no less than four community exhibitions since she had started. And Rhys in journalism had been told it was compulsory for him to join the school newspaper in his first year, so that ate up a lot of spare time.
And then of course there was that little voice in his head that played Feyre's words back to him day in, day out.
"You always want to see just me."
Rhys didn't know if she had meant it to sound accusatory, but had realised that night that he had monopolised her their whole life. She had been so keen to leave town and it suddenly occurred to him that out in the world, she would be free of him, wouldn't have to look out for him all the time, wouldn't have to think about the weird little hermit who hadn't bothered to make any other friends.
So Rhys put a lot of effort into to trying to wait until she initiated contact, to make sure that she had enough room to breathe and grow like she deserved without the stress of him hanging onto her. There were phone calls here and there, and Feyre always forwarded him the pamphlets for her shows. They were often on weeknights when gallery spaces were cheap to rent, and so Rhys never went. But he followed voraciously on social media and made sure to always share her work.
Missing Feyre was... was something she'd never understand, because she had actual healthy social networks. For Rhys, it had always been just Feyre, and being so far away from her made him feel like he was missing a limb. His arms, his legs, his Feyre. That's how it always had been, and he carried the ache around with him like a phantom itch.
Then finally his semester ended and Feyre called him up.
"Rhys!" she said when he picked up. The sound of her voice sent shivers down his spine, and he pinched the bridge of his nose with his fingers before he answered. He didn't want her to hear the shake in his voice. Didn't want to put his weakness on her, like he always did.
"Hey you," he managed to say. "Rhys, how come I haven't seen you all year?" Feyre asked him. "Because we're first years and being at the bottom of the food chain is a full time gig?" Feyre laughed, the husky sound of it melting Rhys' insides. "Well, it's officially our day off. When do I get to see my best friend?" Rhys shoved his phone between his ear and his shoulder, and continued folding his shirts.
"Well," he said, "I'm actually in your neighbourhood this weekend for an event, if you want to catch up." He was lying. "That would be amazing!" Feyre yelled. "You sure it's not too far?" "Of course not, I need to be there anyway." He didn't. "I'm packing my bag as we speak." He was. "Alright well, give me a call when you get here. I can't wait to see you." "Me neither," Rhys said, and his heart squeezed so painfully he closed his eyes. "Okay I guess I'll see you soon then! Bye!" Don't go, Rhys wanted to beg. Instead, he forced himself to say "Bye, Feyre," and hang up the phone.
In the end it took him 30 hours to drive down the coast. He didn't tell Feyre that. Just arrived breathless at the address she had given him, and knocked on her front door. Waited a second, then the door opened, and Feyre appeared, and Rhys was whole once more.
"Hey," he said, and then Feyre was hugging him and he was burying his face in her masses of honey-gold hair.
Inside her house, Feyre made them hot bitter tea and sat opposite him at the kitchen bench. She leaned forward with her hands in the sleeves of her sweater, and Rhys instinctively leaned forward too. It had been so long since he had seen her in person, so long since he had touched her.
"So," she said. "What's this event that you're going to?" "Event?" Rhys stared into her grey-blue eyes. "Yeah, what's so important you crossed the country for?" "Oh." Rhys remembered his excuse for coming up. "Yeah. I'm on assignment for my school newspaper." "In California?" "Yes? It's, uh..." he glanced at the newspaper folded up on the table. "The Adult Convention." Adult convention?! Feyre just raised an eyebrow.
"Well, it's a controversial topic, you have to admit. It's been banned in some states." Probably. "Right. So, for the sake of public interest and social conversation, you're going to go hang out with a lot of nearly naked people, and peruse the latest technology in self-pleasure." Rhys cocked head. "Interested in coming along, Feyre darling?" She snorted. "Not really my scene," she said. Rhys' eyes sparked. "Then what does turn you on?" She reached out and smacked him upside the head.
Rhys caught her fingers, and brushed his lips against them.
"I've missed you," he said quietly. Feyre's face softened, and she stroked his cheek gently. "I've missed you, too," she said. She dropped her hand, but Rhys held onto it on the table top and rubbed his thumb in her palm. "You've no idea," he said. "I missed your skin." "You did always need a lot of affection," Feyre murmured. "Is no one giving you hugs up there?" Rhys shook his head. "Not one," he said. He slid his elbows forward and put Feyre's hands on his face. "I'm starved." She leaned a little closer, and smiled fondly at him. "You big baby," she crooned. He put his forehead on hers, the magnetic pull of her overwhelming.
"You know," he said. "I think that I spent so much time with you I got desensitised. Now that I've been away... I can barely handle you." "Rhys," she sighed. Her breath blew across his lips, and not for the first time, he wondered what it would be like to taste her. To just move an inch closer, and lick the air from her lungs off her tongue.
At that moment, the sound of keys in the front door startled them apart. Feyre sat up straight, her finger slipping through his grasp and he growled under his breath.
"Hey Feyre," came a voice. A male voice. "Hey guys," Feyre called back. Guys plural?
Next thing he knew, two enormous men shouldered through the door with grocery bags, and filled the kitchen immediately, breaking the little tea-steam bubble they had at the table.
"Guys, this is my best friend from home, Rhys. Rhys, these are my housemates Cass and Az."
Rhys just gave a curt nod of his head.
"Nice to meet you," the bigger one said. "We're going out later, our friends have just set up a bar downtown and it's opening night. You're welcome to join us." That was the smaller one.
"No thanks," Rhys said smoothly. "I'm not into crowds." Feyre frowned. "Come on, it'll be fun. I'm going." "Nah, I've got to be up early." "Well," Feyre said, "then I'll stay here with you. I don't get to see you very often." "Aw no Feyre you have to come!" the bigger one wheedled. Cass, possibly.
And then Rhys remembered that Feyre had been tied to him for eons, and no one was as unfair to her as he was.
"Feyre you go," he said. "I have to go to that event anyway, remember?" "I thought that was tomorrow," Feyre said sadly. It almost broke him. "It's tonight, I have to leave tomorrow. Deadlines, and all that."
"Okay, we're sorry you'll miss it," Az said. "Feyre, we'll head off about six, okay?" Feyre smiled and gave him a nod, and then they disappeared into one of the bedrooms.
"So... those are your housemates huh?" "Yeah, they're lovely." "And are you... dating either of them?" "Rhys they're dating each other. They literally just disappeared into the same room." "Right, right."
Feyre stared at him.
"What's going on with you?" "Nothing," Rhys said. Too quickly. "Well, I should get going." "What? You just got here," Feyre said. "I know, I'm sorry. I really do have to get to that event." "Don't you want to stay and meet Cass and Az properly?" Rhys rolled his eyes. "You know how I feel about other people." Feyre gave him a half smile, that didn't quite reach her eyes. "Yeah. I do."
Rhys headed to the door. Before he could turn the handle, Feyre wrapped her arms around him once more.
"Let's not leave it so long next time, okay?" she said. "Okay," Rhys agreed, and didn't mean it.
He drove the thirty hours home, and when he saw an ad for exchange students to Brazil a week later, he put in an application.
Is this toooo much angst?!
TAGLIST: @ghostlyrose2 @highladysith @stardelia @feysand-babies @tillyrubes10 @ratabrasileira @live-the-fangirl-life @maybekindasortaace @annejulianneh111 @thebonecarver @rowaelinismyotp @loosingdreams @whythefuckdoiexist @inejsarrow @swankii-art-teacher
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ILLICITUS: CHAPTER 2 Prompt: Y/N is a respectful narcotics agent, she worked hard to have her work recognized in a prominently male work field. She‘s assigned to the most important case of her whole career, investigate and apprehend the biggest drug dealer of U.S.A, the only thing she didn’t count on, was for the bastard to be so damn charming. Word count: It is kinda short, sorry Pairing: Mob!Roman Reigns x Reader Warnings: +18, cursing, small flirting and some secrets...(that’s all for now)
Tagging: @ziasaph, @mindofasagittaruis, @akiko-tanaka, @reigns-5sos and some of the lovely people who’ve encouraged me to continue with this @gamergirl929fan , @bayley-no-friends, @lilred91, @anyahsinc Notes: Sorry that it was too short, but if I didn't stopped, Lord knows how long it would have been. Y’all know the drill loves,sorry for misspellings,english isn’t my first language (bla bla bla),check out my other stories if you’d like to(it would make your girl here very happy 😊) and if you’re comfortable with it,please let me know what you think? Some feedback is always welcomed and appreciated ❤️You can check out my other stories typing ‘masochist writes’ on the search bar on my page and my newest story as a fixed post.Okay,now let’s get to the fun part,shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy 😉
"Good. At what time is your shift over?" He asks, fingers still caressing my neck "7 pm" I breath out "Should we schedule for 8:30, then?" His eyes glued to mine "Fine" I freed myself from his hypnotic spell "I'll see you at 8:30 then agent Y/L/N" He smirks .................................................................................................. "What the fuck did you just did Y/N? Are you insane, kid?" Jeff tries to silently whisper "Jeff...I need to know how much does he knows about this operation" "You must have a death wish, girl! If I knew you would be this reckless I wouldn't have designated you for this case!" He itches his beard, something he would often do, whenever he was frustrated or irritated. "Jeff, you gotta trust me on this ok?" "How the fuck am I supposed to trust you after this? The last thing you should have done kid, was freely walk into that man's house!" "And how am I supposed to extract information then? We both know how high level his informers can be, so you can't be naive Jeff, and tell me that you truly believe a judge would have signed a warrant!" I raise my eyebrows He sighed "I know kid...I know...Look, you're like a daughter to me ok? So yeah, I get a little nervous to know that you're going to be trapped inside that fucker's house for a 'dinner'. I assume you know what he will want for dessert?" "Oh please! I'm not gonna fuck him, if that's what you're implying" I scoffed "I know you won't kid, but he on the other hand..." "Jeffrey, I'm a big girl ok? I can take care of myself, thank you very much!" I huffed "Right...just be careful Y/N, please? I mean it" He looks at me with nothing but worry and compassion upon his brown eyes "He won't hurt me Jeff, I promise you that" He gave a sigh of relief, right after realising "Wait! That was not what I asked, kid" But it was too late, since I was already on my way to the elevator to meet my dinner partner ............................................................................................................................ I debated whether I should change my work close (Which were a pair of skinny jeans, black tank top and some adidas sneakers) or not. But I figured that would make him feel like I was trying to impress him, so I didn't bother. I rang the doorbell, and imagine my surprise, when he was the one who opened the door. "Oh good evening agent Y/L/N, you look stunning" He lazily smiled I rolled my eyes "It's the same outfit from this morning Mr.Reigns. But thank you, regardless" He step aside for me to enter his house "Please, this way" He offers me his arm, and I just ignored, passing through him and going to the dining room. I can hear him lightly chuckling behind me. "I didn't knew what you would like to eat so, I chose to wait until you arrived here" He says My eyes widened in shock "Does that mean I'll have to wait for dinner to get ready, with you?" My voice filled with scorn "Ouch, that hurt agent Y/L/N. I'm not that despicable, you know?" He tries to disguise, but I can see the amusement printed all over his smug face *Fuck! Maybe this WAS a bad idea, like Jeff said. I shouldn't have done this! Damn it, I need a fucking cigarette!* I thought "Do you have a place where I can smoke?" I quickly ask He crooks one eyebrow "You don't seem like the smoking type, agent Y/L/N" "Don't judge a book by its cover Mr.Reigns, you might fool yourself" "Indeed....Here" "Here what?" I asked "You can smoke here" He smiles "In the dining room?" I sarcastically say "It's my house, isn't it?" He smirks *Fuck it* I thought as I light up a cigarette, the familiar smell of burning tobacco, filled my nostrils and eased my rushed mind "If may I suggest, the chef does a marvelous steak, agent Y/L/N. Unless of course, you don't eat meat" He says as he slides me an ashtray I just nod in agreement "Great. I'll be right back" *Goddamn Y/N! What the fuck are you doing? You just look like a dumb bitch, who thinks she can fool this man! Maybe you're whole carreer was a mistake! You should've been a lovely prostitute, like your dear old mother! That tramp! It runs in your veins you know? The cheap whore DNA...* I could hear my father's voice in my head, telling me all the worst things he could think of...   I was pulled off of my memorie zone, by my cigarette being yanked off my lips. Roman was sitting on the dining table, in between my legs, staring at me. "Whatcha thinking about?" He asks, as he places my cigarette on his mouth giving it a long drag *Fuck, he looks hot...* "Nothing" I whipered He lightly blows the smoke on my face "Bullshit"  He put out the cigarette on the ashtray "Wine?" He crook his eyebrow as he takes two glasses of red wine from the table "Sure" I respond. As he offers me one glass, I take the other and he gives me a questioning look "I'm not going to accept the glass YOU want to give me Mr. Reigns. I'm not that stupid" He chuckles "Do you thing I roofied your wine?" I shrugged my shoulders "Oh baby, trust me, I don't need to roffie you...I want you to be as conscious as ever when you moan my name" He smirks and takes a sip of what should've been my glass of wine "Why did you wanted to have this dinner, Mr. Reigns?" I ask, ignoring his previous comment "Well, because I want to get to know you better, agent Y/L/N! I think it is only fair, since you're going to be digging through out my whole life, don't you think?" I sighed "I'm gonna recall you Mr. Reigns, that you are a target of an investigation. I'm not doing this because I want to and yes because I was assigned for it, sir. So I'm not here to flirt with you or to play hard to get, I'm just doing my job" He smirks "Please, call me Roman" "I'm afraid that's not very professional, Mr.Reigns" "And this dinner is?" He raises his eyebrows "I beg your pardon?" I gasped He leans in, his face mere inches from mine "Let's be honest here Y/N, you know what I meant by this dinner, don't pretend to be so naive. It doesn't suits you, baby" Something clicked on my mind "How do you know my name?" "What?" He asks confused "How do you know my name? I never told you my name" "C'mon now Y/N , you're not the only one who can do some research. The only thing that I don't get it, is" He leans closer, lips brushing mine with each word he spoke "How come can I only find records and documents on one Y/N and L/N from only 5 years ago? There's nothing before that, is like...she didn't existed 5 years ago, in anywhere in the world! Would you mind explaining to me why, baby?"
I could only stare at him in disbelief. Everything was so perfectly hidden back then, so how could he have found out about it?
                                      To Be Continued.....
Please let me know what do you think? Your feedback is always important and welcomed
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honestlyhappyharry · 3 years
Chapter 10
The Storm
Chapter 9
Something on Tuesday morning felt off. Harry had stayed over again, much to your delight. He didn't want to overstep the boundary lines but everything was falling into place between the two of you, it was like you had gone back to your old relationship. Warm and cozy was all you could feel.
But that morning was cold. Harry's side of the bed was cold, at only 6:30. While he'd not stayed over much you still felt like it was out of character.
You tried to push it out of your head and got out of bed to pack Lily's lunch for Pre K before making her breakfast.
At the bottom of the stairs, you peeked into the lounge to see Harry hunched over on the couch, phone in hand. "Are you okay?" He popped his head up and just started, blankly.
He was a lot different from his usual morning clinginess when he wrapped himself around you, not letting you get up.
"Get out your phone," Harry told you, the tone of his voice made you do it quickly. His tone wasn't mad but upset or a little hurt. You quickly pulled out your phone from your pyjama shorts and waited for his instruction. "Go on Twitter." That sent your head racing, Twitter had always been a wild place of quick-spreading news and all you could think about was what was written about you and Harry.
Lily never crossed your mind.
Harry watched you for a few minutes while you looked through the stream of tweets. "Oh, shit." Finally, you snapped up to meet Harry's eyes again. "This is really, really bad."
"I know," Harry stated, patting the seat next to him so you sat down beside him. "It started with an article on the Daily Mail with a photo of me and Lily from last night, you know when I was carrying her to the car?" You nodded at that. "I didn't even realise anyone was there and I think it was posted after we went to bed. Then, like most things about me, it blew right up on Twitter this morning in the UK before it was morning over here. Pretty much the whole world was tweeting about it before we woke up."
"It would be good if your fans slept." You joked, trying to lighten the mood.
He chuckled a little. "It's the top trending hashtag. The press is going insane and management have flipped out. I'm not even sure what the fans are thinking, maybe mad or confused or even happy."
Harry dropped his head into his hands and left his phone on the couch beside him. It was still unlocked and you could see more tweets flooding in. If you spent the whole day reading the tweets that were already tweeted, you wouldn't finish reading them for the whole day.
Something like the was bound to happen, Lily looked exactly like Harry so it wasn't hard to put two and two together, but you thought you'd have a few more months. Especially last night because you hadn't seen anyone who even looked interested in who Harry was.
"I'm really sorry, Haz. I know that was not how you wanted it to come out and it's not how I wanted it to come out either." You told him as you wrapped your arms around him, desperately trying to console him.
"I have to do an interview on Wednesday, you know, trying to explain it all. Until then please promise me something." Harry informed you and you nodded, anything he wanted you would agree to. "Please don't look at Twitter until it's all sorted. Or Instagram." He told you and you nodded in agreement.
"Okay, but you're also on a ban." You told him, knowing people would be saying worse about you but you hardly wanted him to see all the bad things that were being said about him.
"I promise." He agreed, before getting up. "I should go, though, got lots of music stuff to do." He told you as he walked to the door, you followed and waited for him to put his shoes on.
"I'll miss you." You told him before he spun around. His hands were instantly on your waist, yours moving to his chest. He kissed your lips for a few seconds, giving you the same electric feeling you always get around him.
He smiled once he pulled away. "I'll miss you more, baby. And I'll call you later." He left you standing there, wondering how wrong it was all about to get.
You woke up on Wednesday, hoping that it was all a bad dream. The worry was almost as bad as Monday. It was made worse by the fact Harry wasn't there. However, the little voice jumping on your bed urged you to get up.
"Mummy, mummy, get up." Lily cheered as she jumped on your bed making you sigh. Sleep-ins were a rarity in your house but no matter what you were grateful to get up to the little girl.
Rolling over to face her you opened your arms so she could fall into them. You placed a kiss on her head and inhaled her smell, it was something you never wanted to forget.
"Are you excited to get your nails done?" You ask her and she nodded quickly. She had been talking about it since you told her what was happening.
"I'm getting pink, remember." She told you excitedly, it wasn't her favourite, yellow was but she was decided.
After breakfast and you both got changed, Lily was in the car with you as you drove to the nail salon. Your nerves were getting worse as you got closer but you arrived 7 minutes early, also 7 minutes before Harry's interview. Thankfully a radio interview limited the face to face contact Harry could have with an interviewer. However, it was live which meant no editing.
"Gem!" Lily said as she saw Gemma. You could tell from dinner that they had clicked. Lily loved listening to her tease Harry and their personalities were a lot alike.
"Lily!" Gemma replied as she picked her up and hugged her. They really looked a lot alike and the few baby photos you could remember of her as a child rendered them identical.
They hugged and you gave Anne a hug. "I'm so sorry about what happened with the press." She whispered and you smiled at the fact that after so much time she still cared enough to say something. It was an ode to how close Harry and Anne were.
"It sucks, but Harry's interview is in a few minutes so hopefully it'll get cleared up." You told her and she nodded. You doubted it would but a little social media cleanse was nice.
Soon after you hugged Gemma who only said, "It'll be alright," to which you nodded, knowing, in the end, it would be.
There was a little bit of resentment towards the press because you wanted to be able to tell the world on your terms.
The nail bar was nice, modern and sleek. Unlike Lily's bold neon pink, you went for a plain white which you figured looked best with summer outfits. Summer was a very exciting idea, having all that time to spend with Harry and Lily.
Once your nails were done Gemma and Anne insisted that you and Lily came with them to lunch, which you gratefully agreed to. It was an incredible feeling to be fitting back into their family after so long apart and you were thankful they were so accepting.
You could tell Anne was itching to talk to you, a more nervous silence falling over the atmosphere. As soon as you got to the restaurant and ordered Anne made Gemma take Lily to the park across the road to play. There was an odd mix of gratitude and fear you were feeling.
"Did you know the first night Harry told me that he had Lily, I was over at his place and I just started crying?" She started and you shook your head before she continued her story. "I was mad at him, so upset with the whole situation but I felt a lot of sympathy for you both. I wouldn't tell him this but you went through worse, raising her all alone which is why I was mad at Harry. I don't know all the details of your breakup but I feel for him when he was in that state." She continued while you nodded, out of all of her qualities she was so emotionally intelligent. "I wanted to talk to you, but he wouldn't let me."
"I know." You said, there was still the unresolved guilt you felt. Anne had an amazing granddaughter she hadn't met until a long time after your parents had met her. But thankfully Anne was much smarter than to be jealous. "I wish you guys had met her before now." She could tell it was the truth. "I even wish I stayed with Harry or went back to tell him or just anything that didn't lead to today."
Anne wasn't going to let you take the fall. "I've never blamed you for what you did. I still blame him for driving you away but I know how hard it was for him." It was nice to pour your heart out to someone who was so neutral despite hearing her son's grief for years.
"It's nice to have someone else to talk to about this." You smile over at her and she returns it.
"Mummy!" A small voice called and Lily came walking over, hand in hand with Gemma. They were both wearing the same famous Styles smirk.
"Hey, how was the park?" You asked her, just before your phone started ringing. Embarrassed, you pulled it out to put it on silent but your eyes glanced at the name.
Harry <3
You look around at everyone else. "It's Harry."
"Take it," Anne told you quickly. "It'll be important or he'd text." She definitely knew him very well. Gemma nodded, taking her seat next to Anne while Lily sat next to you and coloured her colouring book.
"Thanks." You smiled, answering the call as you walked away to somewhere quieter. "Hey." You spoke into the phone.
"Baby." Harry's low voice came over the phone, making a shiver come over your spine. "Did you hear my interview?" He's quick to ask.
By now you had pushed open the doors and you were standing outside. Thankfully the wind wasn't too cold on your skin. There was a little park bench near the restaurant where you sat, phone to your ear. "No, how did it go?"
"It was okay. They asked about Lils, obviously. How old she was, you know the general stuff." You could tell there was something off in his voice, something he wasn't telling you so you didn't reply until he spilt the beans. "Then there was some personal questions about what happened between me and you and why Lily was never known to anyone." He continued, getting quieter.
"Are you alright though?" Even if you didn't want to hear the answer, you had to ask.
"Yeah, I am. I think it's good the story has been set straight. It's going to be better now though and I'm excited to talk you all out without the paparazzi finding out." The air felt lighter, and if you could see yourself you'd see how much more relaxed you looked.
You nodded before realising he couldn't see you. "I mean they'll still probably going to write some terrible stories."
"Yes, and maybe don't go on social media or those celebrity gossip websites, my team is still saying they're still slamming me." His tone was an indicator he was hurt about it, which made you hurt because this whole situation was partly your fault.
"I'm sure they're slamming me too." You laugh, unreciprocated.
His pause was an acknowledgement of his agreement. "Don't want you to get upset, so please don't."
"I should go, we're having lunch." You tell him, thinking back to who you left inside.
"Yeah, how's it all going though?" He asked, still wanting to talk.
"It was really fun, we're had our nails done, we talked a bit and now we're at lunch."You tell him and you can almost see him nod.
"Ooo, anything about me?" He asked quickly, he seemed back to his normal self.
"Hmm, maybe. Is there anything else?" You asked him.
"Can I come over later? I don't really know how this works." He sighs, it made you giggle a little bit about his shyness.
You thought about it for a second before you replied. "I think it works like it used to when we didn't live together but we might as well have been." You confirmed, only imagining his smile.
"Right, so I come over, we have sex, go to sleep and then have some more sex." His crude comments made your eyes widen.
"Harry Edward Styles, I meant you can come over whenever you'd like but maybe I'll retract that." You smirked to yourself as you heard him sigh.
"Okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry. I should also go but don't forget who's name you'll be screaming tonight."
There was no point in trying to reprimand him now. "I'll see you later." You said as you ended the phone call. It made you feel warm inside, as cliché as it was, knowing you'd be the one he fell asleep next to made everything seem better.
You walked the few metres back into the restaurant and talk a seat down at the table. Quickly you realised how long you had been on the phone with Harry.
All Lily, Anne and Gemma looked up at you. "What happened?" Anne was quick to ask.
"He just wanted to talk to me about the I-N-T-E-R-V-I-E-W." You spelt out so Lily remained unaware of what was going on. Not that she seemed to be paying attention to what was going on, she was still colouring.
"Oh, did he say how it went?" Gemma pipped up. She was always curious, that was something you learnt when you dated Harry all those years ago and she was asking how everything was going. Not that you minded it.
You nodded. "He said it was good to get it all out but the media and fans are still in a bit of a frenzy so he's said no social media for me." You let out a sigh, being in mock frustration.
"He's very sweet when he's in love." Gemma didn't even realise the words she was saying until they came out, that was when your eyes widened.
"Gemma," Anne growled, stopping her from talking about how much Harry loved you with a disappointed head tilt. You found it hard to keep the thoughts from racing after that. Did Harry love you? Did you love him? Did his feeling from all those years come back? Had it been long enough?
You hoped the answer was 'yes' but your mind forced some rationalisation. When you first told Harry you loved him you had only been together for 2 months and you had almost been dating him for 3 now. Maybe it was more innocent now.
After what Gemma said, the conversation slowed down a bit but by the time lunch was over you were on top of the world. Everything finally felt like it had fallen into place.
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pixie88 · 3 years
Laila's Birthday
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Chapter 15 - Always the Bridesmaid.
A/N: Sorry AGAIN I haven’t uploaded anything new in the last week. I have been away and writing loads. But today I think I wrote the last chapter for ATB maybe... I’m not sure yet. I don’t know how long I want to make this series. Thanks for being patience with me! I hope you like it.
If you would like to be ADDED or REMOVED just let me know! I hate to annoy people with tags.
Read previous chapters HERE!
Song: Bill Medley, Jennifer Warnes - (I've Had) The Time Of My Life
Warnings: Fluff & NSFW
Word Count: 2806 Sorry it’s a long one.
Pairings: Laila x Harry
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Daniel had worked his magic on them both "We'll see you tonight D" Nikki calls back as they leave. "Are the kids coming tonight?"
"I was going to bring them, but Stu's Mum said she would have them. So, I'm letting loose tonight" They both laugh "My dad has said Harry and I can stay the night. No need to worry about staggering home"
"Just the worry of keeping the noise down when you go to bed" Nikki winks at her "Oh god!" she rolls her eyes at her.
They say their goodbyes as the part ways to head home.
Laila decides on a blue floral wrap dress, she looks herself over in the mirror. Harry comes up behind her and rest his head on her shoulder as his arms wrap around her "Well, birthday girl, don't you look stunning!" she blushes "Why thank you!" she winks at his reflection.
"You ready to go?" He kisses her neck "Yeah, we better go now.... I have a feeling we won't leave otherwise," he chuckles "You're right, let's go!" they leave her flat and head to her parents house.
As soon as they arrive at her parents garden everyone wishes her a Happy birthday. Laila pulls Harry over to her Grandad "Grandad, this is Harry, Harry, this is my grandad Ezra" Harry smile and holds out his hand to Ezra, who takes it "Nice to meet you Ezra" Ezra smile "Nice to meet the guy who has made my granddaughter smile again!"
Harry looks over to her with a smile "No threats grandad?" Laila jokes "Poppet, does it look like I can take this fella?" they laugh. Nikki wanders over with a glass of Prosecco and a beer for the pair "Laila, you go have fun with ya friends" Ezra tells her. They go over to the group Rem hands the group a shot each "Rem!!" Laila whines, but Rem's laughs "Stop being a little girl" they all knock back the Sambuca shot, all hissing with disgust at the taste.
"Argh! That's awful!" Laila hisses, they do a few more shots before grabbing some food "Laila, will you come inside for a minute" Liz calls her over, Terry follows them. She leads them into the living room "Mum, what is it?" Terry moves to stand with his wife and they hand Laila an envelope "What's this?" Liz is over excited "Your birthday present from us"
"Oh, thanks. I'll open it later," she smiles at them "No, Laila could you open it now?" Terry pleads with her, she huffs opening the envelope as soon as she can't believe her eyes.
She's speechless, Terry and Liz are beaming.
Laila walks out into the garden still shocked over her parents gift "Lai?" Nate smiles at her "Are you OK?" he asks "Erm...I think so...Mum and Dad just gave me, my birthday present"
"Ah! The 31st birthday present," she looks over to him "You got it too?" he laughs "Lai, we all did!"
"I wasn't expecting it! Maybe at 18 but 31? Nate it's a lot of money! I feel bad for taking it!" she whispers "I'm glad they kept it until we are in our 30's. I would have wasted it at 18! Lai, don't! They have done this, so we can put down roots...You could buy your own salon... in or out of London. Don't feel bad" she starts to tear up "It's just so generous! I wasn't expecting it" he pulls his sister in for a hug "You doughnut!"
Harry spots Nate hugging Laila, he knows something is up with her. He makes his excuses and wanders over "Laila?" she hears him call over her shoulder, Nate loosens his arms from around his sister, he smiles as he leaves her with Harry. She turns, he notices she has been crying "Laila, what's wrong?" he cups her face and catches her tears with his thumb, his eyes burn into hers "Hey, it's my party and I'll cry if I want to! Right?" she laughs.
"But what has upset you?" He asks concerned "Can we go and speak somewhere quiet?" He nods. She leads him inside and up to her old bedroom, he chuckles "I remember the last time we were in here," she smirks "Are you going to tell me why you've been crying?" She sits on the bed, he takes his place next to her "It's stupid really. My parents, they gave me this as a birthday gift," she hands him the envelope "You can open it! I got a bit overwhelmed by it," he opens the envelope and looks down at it "Wow! That's a lot of money"
"They have been putting in since we were babies! But they have waited until we were in our 30's to give it us. Mum said we would appreciate it more! I just feel bad," he hands it back to her "No need to be! They did this for you because they love you" He pulls her to his chest and kisses the top of her head. He suddenly lays back onto the bed, pulling her with him, she looks up at him "Nate said I should get my own salon in or out of London" she laughs, "You'd leave London?"
"Maybe if I found the perfect place, but it's just an idea," she smiles at him "Hopefully not too soon?" she can tell he doesn't like the idea "I don't even know what to do yet," he cups he face "Whatever you decide whether it's in or out of the M25 I'm going to be right there with you" he brushes the stray strand of hair out of her face "Duuuuh! I need someone to lift those heavy boxes!" she teases him.
He laughs before flipping her onto her back, pinning her arms down "Just a removal man, ay?" she grins biting her lip "Maybe..." she winks up at him "So does this make you, my sugar mumma," she rolls her eyes "Depends what your limits are?" She cocks her brow at him "For you, I don't have any!"
His face moves closer to hers, this man has her weak with just one look, his scent, his touch. His lips hover just itches away from her, "We better get downstairs before people come looking for you," he whispers, his eyes never leave hers.
She composed herself, "You're right let's go!" he gets up and they head down. He's close behind "There you are!" Rem pulls them over for more shots "We are playing never have I ever" an unimpressed Alec informs them "Harry, why don't you get your brothers and sister over"
Laila calls them over Chris and Will sit it out "As Laila and Harry when off to play hide and seek they're next! Harry, you first!" Rem cheers, Harry thought hard for a few seconds "Never have I ever had sex in a car!" Rem, Nate, Max, Jade, Katrina, Priya, Izzy, Arthur,  Brad, Alec, Alene, Stu, Nikki and Laila all do a shot. He looks towards his girlfriend with a raised brow "My past is my past, but maybe it can be your future" she winks at him, he blushes. Rem pretends to gag!
"I guess it's my turn now! Never have I ever had sex against a tree," she laughs knowing already who will have to drink. She was right Nikki, Stu and Alene drink "Wait, that wasn't a 3 some, right?" Rem asks "What!! NO!" Alene hisses "It's me next?" Izzy questions.
Rem nods.
"Never have I ever gone down on a guy!" Rem, Nikki, Jade, Katrina, Priya, Alec and Laila, who looks up at Harry as she takes her shot he winks. Which didn't go unnoticed by Izzy "You guys are making me want to vom!" She jokes "How do you think I feel all of my brother's wives drank! Yes, I saw you Priya, Jade and Katrina" Max goes next to change the subject "Never have I ever slept with any other people than my wife" a few of the group huff. Laila, Harry, Alene, Izzy, Nate, Jade, Priya, Arthur, Brad, Rem and Alec drink.
This made Laila want to raise the question of how many women had he slept with? The game goes on by the end all are more than tipsy. Laila head over to get a glass of Prosecco, all the open bottles are empty. Terry comes over with a open one "Thanks dad!"
"You having fun sweetie?" She nods "Just these glasses aren't big enough!"
Josie chuckles over her shoulder "Just drink from the bottle, it's your birthday!" Laila contemplates it before grabbing the bottle and taking a swig as she sits "She might be a Carelli, but she's an Anderson at heart!" Ezra laughs, "Laila!! That's not very lady like!" Pat hisses at her "Wait! No, it's not!" Josie hands her an extra long straw "There that's better!" Josie baits Pat, who shook her head in disgust.
"What did your boyfriend get you poppet?" Ezra asks her as she starts to lean against him on the bench "Aww Grandad, he got me this," she raised her necklace from her neck, he takes a look "Aww Poppet that's like the one my mum had," she smiles at him, "It is!" Liz coos "That's why your dad was going through all our photo's a few weeks back" Terry winks "All I'm saying is that boy really put some thought in what to get you. Now are we doing the candles on this cake"
Liz rushes off to light the candles, everyone starts to sing happy birthday to her, she gets a bit teary. She blows out her candles, the music starts back up Time of my life - Bill Medley & Jennifer Warnes is playing Liz drags Terry to dance with her. Laila looks over to Harry, he shook his head as if to say no. She gets up and makes her way over to him giving him, her best pouty face, "Please? It is my birthday," he huffs but with a smile "Come on then! But I'll warn you my dance moves are aw..." she pulls him over to a free space.
They start dancing, he spins her "You said you couldn't dance!" he chuckles "I don't have any rhythm!" she grins,"Your rhythm is perfectly fine!" she winks as she whispers. He pulls her in close, so her body is pressed against his as they move, his lips come to her ear "That's a bit different...and it's a bit public to use those kinda moves" she blushes at his words.
He looks around at the others dancing "How big is this back garden?" he whispers, "Big enough..Why?" he grins, "Follow me!!" he takes her hand and walks towards the trees at the back, the further they walk the more the lights from the house fade. "Harry, where are you taking me?" she giggles, he turns to her smiling, he starts to run, pulling her with him, they get deeper into the trees.
"Harry?" suddenly he pins her body against one the trees, his lips roughly capture hers. His kiss is desperate, she barely catches her breath as his hands move over her curves. His lips move to her neck, nipping as they move, his hands slip to the back of her thighs lifting her. She drapes her arms over his shoulders, she pulls his lips back to hers. Her hands slip between them unbuckling his belt, he smirks against her lips "Are we OK out here?" he asks.
"I don't really know, but to be honest...I don't care" moving her underwear to the side as the pads of his fingers brush over her apex, he grins against her lips "Like I'll ever not be ready for you!" she whispers. He unzips his jeans, pushing them down just enough, he thrust into her, she moans aloud his lips crash to hers to drown out her cries.
Her nails dig into his shoulders, a growl escapes his lips. He clutches a fistful of her hair, pulling her head back "Still long enough to pull on!"  He smirks against her ear. His grip quickly loosens "Oh..hmm...Harry!!"
He groans against her skin, she clenches around him meaning she's close his pace speeds up. It's not long until she reaches her high "Harry! Yes!" she moans a little too loudly. She feels him smirk against her neck "There's no way they didn't hear that gorgeous!" She giggles "I don't care! It's my birthday!" He's close, moving faster, it's not long until he falls over the edge he grunts as his body jerks.
Both panting, trying to catch their breath, he rests his forehead against hers "Is that what you brought me out here for?" she's smirking at him "Maybe" he winks. Letting her down, he tucks his shirt back into his jeans "Harry, I can ask you anything right?" he looks over to her curious and nods.
"Max's never have I ever, how many have you slept with? You don't have to answer if you don't want to...it's just you know my number but I don't know yours" he chuckles and pulls her to his chest, "I don't mind! Our relationship is built on honesty right?" she nods "So including you? My magic and lucky number is...5" she looks up at him "5? That's it?" he chuckles "You know most girlfriends would be happy with a low number"
"I am but you had a 3 some?" he shook his head at her "Yeah, I had 1 girlfriend before the 3 some then that happened with 2 girls which happened because I was heartbroken. Gemma then you my lucky number 5!" he kisses the top of her head "You thought I was a man slut didn't you?" She laughs, "No..I just mean...well, look at you! Why haven't you been with more women?" he blushes "Because my love, you may think your boyfriend is the sexiest man alive but I'm not built for one night stands. I will only sleep with a girl if I see a future with her! That 3 some was a huge mistake one I can't take back but I have moved on from"
"So you see a future with me?!" she teases him "I do! But I have a question for you!" he smirks "What's your number?" she laughs, "That's a joke, right? But I'm game, including you?....Let me think," she begins to count on her fingers "....hmm...32..33...34...!" his fingers dig into her ribs tickling her "Ahhh! OK, it's 3!" she giggles "It's 3! You're my third time lucky" he stops, wrapping her in his arms "Come on, we better get back before people come looking for us" they take a slow walk back to the house.
A few more drinks later most have started heading home, it's late, Laila cuddles up to Harry "Shall we head up?" he asks stroking her arm, she nods "Laila, before you do...erm I have a lunch date, Wednesday are you free to come with me?" Alene asks "Erm..I'm working, but I can take my lunch break around the time you meet? Somewhere near the salon?" Alene nods "Maybe Harry could come? So, I'm not the third wheel?"
"I would love to gorgeous, but I'm back to back all day" Laila sighs "Maybe Rem?" she asks, "No!! Erm, don't want to do a meet the family on the first date," she awkwardly smiles at her "Oh, OK, I get it! So, just message me a time and place and I'll meet you. Right now I'm ready to crawl into bed!" she yawns "Come on, lets get you upstairs" Harry gets up and pulls her up with him, they say their good nights and head to bed.
They have no intention on sleep just yet.
Wednesday Laila finally reaches the restaurant she and Alene agreed to meet at on her lunch break. Laila walks in and the waitress take her to the table, Alene spots her, her date has her back toward Laila, but from what she could see from her clothes she was an older woman.
They reach the table, she soon recognizes the older lady, it may have been over 10 years since she last saw her, but she could never forget the face of the woman who disowned her son over his sexuality.
Continue reading this story here - Chapter 16.
@lem-20 @aussieez @secretaryunpaid @shewillreadyou @khoicesbyk @casualpostqueen @irisofpurple @tea-me-kah​  @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer​
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fearixfox · 4 years
jxjdskdnsk the gambling one shot you made was so cute! it reminded me of my mc sm. and cause of that can i request mammon with an mc whos parents regulate some of the biggest casinos? and mc is the next hier to a powerful mafia? pretty please :D
I had a lot of fun with this one and I’m sorry it took so long! It was a lot shorter but it just kept building so it took a while. https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLde0UQUs-l0KJ29TSCYYGjcrrGBkOjR7P  This is a playlist that I used for some scenes. Thank you for the ask <3
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“Wanna go?” You tease as you poke Mammon’s cheek.  “I mean, I-” He lets out a sigh. “I should go to keep an eye on you. I am your first anyway.” “First pact,” you correct him with a giggle. “I know Lucifer said he would go with me and you can’t defy him but I can. So, let’s go?”
Lord Diavolo has given you an extremely special present for your birthday. A weekend out in the human world. The only regulation is that a demon brother has to accompany you. The demons jumped on the opportunity immediately but you already had your heart set on a little avatar of greed. 
You say your goodbyes to the other brothers and thank Diavolo. “Make sure you’re back before midnight on Sunday. You still have your lessons to take care of,” he says with a smile. You nod to him and look over to Mammon who was being scolded by Lucifer. He nods and gives you a nervous smile that makes your stomach jump. “Jump in when you’re ready. It will take you wherever you want to be.” Diavolo said gesturing towards the hole. 
You dash over to Mammon, taking his hand and diving headfirst into the hole. You end up in a penthouse, looking over the vast craziness of New York City. “Brings back memories!” You hum looking out the window. “Um…why’re we in New York?! Is this your place?! You mentioned you lived a quiet life but I would say this isn’t that.” Mammon says with an awestruck look. He was shocked completely.  
“Mammon,” you chuckle at his child-like gaze, “when this present was given to me I saw it more as a chance to have fun than to go back to normal life. I couldn’t think of anything more fun than spending a weekend in the Big Apple, gambling my life savings off with you.” You poke his nose and he blushes, looking away. “The penthouse is a friend’s and I already arranged this trip a while ago. Just for you and me. Is that okay?” You say with pleading eyes. “Y-yeah, I mean of course it’s fine! You have the best gambler in all of the Devildom on your side. Ya won’t lose.” He says with a wink. You squeeze his hand. “Good! Lemme drop my stuff and we can go have some fun.” 
“How’s this look?” You say spinning in an outfit that accentuated your every feature. His eyes went wide and his mind went to other places. “Y/n, we are gambling, not going to-” You put a finger to his lips. “Shush, you are in the land of y/n. Let’s go. ” Mammon was clearly not fond of your garment but little did he know how safe it would keep him.
(Poker Face- Lady Gaga)
You and Mammon enter a casino and walk around the various tables and games. “Oi y/n, are you even good at gambling? I mean you’ve beat me once by luck but you never play at home. Ya sure you’re up for it?” He was clearly trying to keep himself composed at your side but you could tell he was itching to play. You walk over to a  black jack table  “Care to find out?”. As if you said the magic words, Mammon sits down and asks the dealer to put you guys in.
“Oh, do my eyes deceive me or is that the most magnificent ever beautifully cruel y/n?” A man said to the left of you and Mammon. You’ve gotta be kidding me. I didn’t realize it would be this quick. Mammon was ready to retort but you hold his wrist. “Kuroo, it’s been a while. I didn’t realize I had the courtesy to see your smug face.” You give him a fake smile. “Oi y/n, who’s the rooster head? He looks shady.” Mammon says, clearly wary of your relationship with him. 
Well he is the Consigliere somehow but there’s no way you’re going to tell him that. He was your nanny for a good part of your life and your advisor for the rest. You are technically the underboss but in this line of work it's not the greatest. What if he knew. Would he tell? He’s an idiot of course he would. 
You were raised to scare and torture so when you were teleported to hell itself, you weren’t surprised. Living amongst the demons made you feel less corrupted, pure even. You could have a life there when it’s all said and done. You’ve realized how soft you’ve become around the brothers...around Mammon... but now wasn’t the time for that.
“He’s my father’s friend. Think of him as my uncle.” You reassure him. “Ah you wound me y/n, I’m not that old at all. Only two years older than you if I recall.” He states clearly teasing Mammon. You glare at Kuroo. “He’s only trying to get a raise out of you, Mams. You can relax. He’s actually five years older than me, not that it matters.” You give him a gentle smile. “Let’s win.” 
You play through the rounds and your skills are a little rusty but you manage. You bust and it’s now Kuroo against Mammon. Sadly you knew the game, Kuroo already bought the dealer out and within 30 minutes it was a loss. “Ugh y/n, he is your uncle right? Can we get our money back? I can’t believe me the Great Mammon lost to a simple human.” Mammon huffs. You giggle at him “No, we have more money to burn I bet you we can make double what you lost. Just give it some y/n magic.” You smile sweetly at him. Kuroo’s eyes lowered at the sight. 
“Y/n, a word? Your father wanted me to pass on a message.” He says with a tone you know you can’t object. You turn to Mammon, “Hey, I’m going to be a minute can you play roulette for me? I was never good at it and would love some Mammoney luck.” He gave a light laugh at this. “Sure thing but don’t take too long, I’ll drain ya.” He says with your card in hand. 
You move with Kuroo to a room away from prying eyes. Your expression turns cold as soon as you step into the room. “So, what’s Boss want?”  You say clearly not wasting any time. “Oh child is that any way to talk about your old man?” Kuroo teases, his eyes filled with malice. “He’s been worried sick about his second in command, but little did he know they were laying low fuckin around with some low life pretty boy.” 
Kuroo’s words made your blood boil. In a way, he was your own Lucifer, always caring for you with an iron fist. When the time came he did take a bullet for you, but it didn’t make him less irritating. “And? Is that all you had to tell me? You’re managing.” Your expression was as cold as ice. It felt like slipping into a different personality. You couldn’t tell which one you were more. The kind person you were around the brothers or the brutal underboss of this world you were forced into. “Well, I guess you’re right. You must be glad Akaashi is so capable. You disappeared for a few months and the money keeps flowing.” Kuroo sits down with a laugh. 
Now you knew why he was here. You asked Akaashi for the penthouse and he can’t deny Boss. “Still babysitting I see, even though I’m grown.” You give a light laugh. “Well, tell Boss I’ll be away for a while longer and Akaashi can take care of things until then. I’m busy working out some things.” Kuroo’s interest was piqued.
 “Ah I was wondering about the boy. He looks so exotic and youn-” ''You lay a finger on him, you’ll be filled with lead by morning. I don’t give a fuck who you are.” You cut Kuroo off. “I promise, you won’t even be safe in Hell.” Kuroo had never seen you so stern towards him before but enjoyed your wrath. “I’ll pass on the message.” 
You find your white haired demon kicking some ass at roulette and basking in his own glory. Your heart melts at the sight and Mammon notices you. “Y/n! Guess how much we won?” He says waving chips around, giving a goofy smile. “I tripled the amount on your card!” Wait, he bet all of it? “Mams do you know how much money was on the card?” You say in a serious tone. “I hav’ta tell ya I don’t sweat the small stuff. Just be grateful. For the Great Mammon has claimed victory.” He lifts you up and spins you around in glee. You can’t help but smile at him. 
You play a few more games and head out to an expensive restaurant. "Y/n, are you sure you can afford all of this?" He clearly wanted to order the whole menu. "You tripled my card somehow so might as well use it." You smile back at him.  His eyes light up as he looks at the menu, looking forward to the meal. 
(Nana triste-Natalia Lacunza)
A slow song was playing on the dance floor and Mammon looked at you with a want in his eyes. "Care for this dance, my avatar of greed?" You ask for his hand. He blushes and gives it to you. 
"Wait a minute that was backwar-'' You pull him close to you and start dancing. "It's okay Tiger. You're cuter this way." He wants to retort but can only focus on how close your bodies are. 
"Ya know, Lucifer asked me to take care of you. It's like he was handing off his child to a husband. He's so irritating at times. I mean I'm totally reliable. Don't you think Y/n?" He says softly in your ear. You let out a soft laugh. "I think you would make a wonderful husband Mams. Be careful or I may make you mine.” You whisper so close he can feel your breath on his neck. He immediately jumps back. “Like I would ever marry a human even if they’re...they’re...” He trails off. “They’re what Mammon?” You step closer to him again. “Ahhh look, foods here. Let’s eat.” He says immediately retreating. 
You both eat and drink to your heart's content. By the end of the meal, Mammon was a babbling child.  “Ya know you should be more prouda me. I went outta ma way for y/n.” He slurs. “I could’ve let Lucifer take the human like was planned but I secretly begged ta go. Don’t tell, y/n.” He whispers to you. And that’s enough of that. You take away his alcohol and start feeding him water shots. He couldn’t tell the difference. “Ya know, I told y/n I wouldn’t never marry a human but secretly if it was them it wouldn be bad. If it was, maybe I could be happy all the time.” He smiles before immediately falling over. You couldn’t help but look at him fondly. “Me too.” 
You help him into the penthouse and lay him down on your bed. I totally could. I should. No I shouldn’t. You stare at Mammon’s sleeping figure and start unbuttoning his shirt just enough for him to breathe. He was sleeping so soundly that you wish you could stay in that moment forever. “I love you, Mammon.” You whisper and kiss his head. “Always have.” 
You decide to go to the convenience store and get some things to ease his hangover. You see a couple around the sunglasses rack trying all sorts of glasses on, laughing at each other. You couldn’t help but feel a little jealous at their simple life. Sadly, nothing ever came easy for you. You bring your supplies back to see an empty bed. “Mammon? Where’d you go buddy?” You examine the bed closely and find a symbol on a small piece of paper. You crumple it and walk briskly out the door.
(Riot - Hollywood Undead)
You were going to kill Kuroo. You meant what you said and did not have to think twice about seeing the floor spattered with his blood. He wanted you home. He didn’t care what it took to get you there. He will cage Mammon up and keep him as a pet and hang it over you if it meant you would take over. It was his job after all. You knew exactly where he would take him. Kuroo would take him to the only person you can’t deny. 
You bust the gates open to the old property to see only soldiers around. “Y/n, long time no see.” Your eyes lower at the sight of Tsukishima. “Where is he?” You sneer. “Oh, whoever are you talking about?” Tsukishima laughs at your angry expression. “Olala, you mean our new mutt. He’s chained up inside like the dog he is. However, you and I have some business.” Soldiers started to surround you. “Boss said to restrain you. As long as we don’t kill you, any way is fine.” You laugh at his statement. “As if, you can.” 
You immediately jump into action and dodge the knives that are flying towards you. Soldier after soldier comes at you with swinging fists and slicing knives. “It’s bad to ruin the merchandise,” you say dealing blow after blow, making sure not to fatally injure them. Tsukishima just watches as you pummel your way to the door not even bothering to stop you himself. “You must really care for this lousy mutt. Too bad you’ll never see him again.” You ignore him and head into the house and see Mammon gagged and chained to a chair. 
“Mmmm! MMMm!” Mammon desperately tried to call your name. He had a bruise on the left side of his face and tears in his eyes. You pay him no heed as you stare at the two men at the table with him. “Ah y/n, how nice of you to join us. I was just telling Boss what great work you’ve been doing and how your loyalty inspires the rest of us.” Kuroo hummed. 
(Body-mother mother)
“Boss, I apologize for not coming sooner. I have much to discuss with you. Beginning with letting that mutt go.” You say dropping on one knee. “I was worried about you, y/n. I expected better and ya let me down.” Boss says with a disappointed tone.
 “I know, but I want you to know I come with good news. I haven’t been goofin off I promise. I wouldn’t do ya that way.” You say desperately trying to sway the conversation. “Hear me out, Father. Please.”  You feel a grip on your head that turns soft as Boss speaks “I always liked ya, y/n. You’ve done good for this family so I’ll give ya a chance.” 
You explain yourself and what you have been doing for the past three months. You leave out parts and accentuate others. Your eyes flicker to Mammon who looks scared to death but continue to keep your cold demeanor. “So father, I hope to expand our casinos to the other realm and expand our influence. Consider it insurance for when you pass.” 
“What a load of shit,” Kuroo begins but Boss holds his hand up. “So why do you need mista pretty boy here?” You give your father a promising look. “He’s the sin of greed himself, we need him if we want the money to flow. Plus he can bleed us dry if we don’t let him go.” Your father looks at him with disgust. “This poser? I’m gonna need you to prove it, kid.” You nod. “Give me five minutes with him and I can prove it to ya.” “You have three.” Boss says motioning his underlings to release him. 
You take him to the bathroom and give him a crushing embrace. “I’m so sorry Mammon. I’m so fucking sorry.” Mammon wasn’t even processing what was going around him and pushed you away. “Who? Where? What in the livin hell is going on y/n?” You put your hands on his shoulders “Look we have a minute I need you to change to your demon form and mess up some dudes under my magic.” Mammon looked absolutely baffled.
 “What? No! I don’t wanna expose my form to roosterhead and that old guy. Plus you don’t have magic.” You push him up against the wall and he can’t help being a bit frightened but also other things.  “Listen Mams, they will kill you and me both if you don’t and Solomon gave me some of his.” You lift up a vial and down it immediately. “I need you to do this for me. I promise I’ll explain everything later.” He seems unsure but nods.  
You regain your cold composure and bring him before your father. You nod to Mammon who unleashes his demon form. Your father’s face remains neutral.  “That’s quite some get up he’s got there.” Kuroo laughs at Mammon's wings going up to touch them. “I wouldn’t if I were you. He’ll send you to where he came from.” You say giving Kuroo a cocky stare. 
“If you want a demonstration you can have one, Boss. Kuroo and I have some disputes and I would love to resolve them under your careful eye.” Your father smiles at your bloodlust. “Just leave him in tact.”  You smile with glee. “Mammon, attack him but leave his vitals alone.” 
Mammon couldn’t resist your order and went after him in hand to hand combat. Kuroo was one of the best fighters but against a demon he was a mere human. Mammon slashed him up and knocked him out cold within seconds. Mammon turned to you bloodied with glowing yellow-blue eyes. That’s hot. You knew Mammon was strong but he rarely used his demon strength. To see if fully utilized was like viewing a work of art.
 “You impress me, y/n.” Boss said, staring at Mammon’s wings. “Take care of the devildom or whatever ya call it. I want that place under our control by the time I get there.” You kneel down and nod your head. “Kid, I want ya to take care of my kin here while they’re carrying out my work. Can ya do that for me?” You can tell Mammon was blushing a little under the blood. “Yes I can, sir.” 
(Next to you-bigricepiano)
It was a few hours later and you both finally got to the penthouse exhausted and tense. You collapse falling asleep in each other's arms on the floor until morning. You wake up to the sound of Mammon snoring in your face. So beautifully irritating. You plant a kiss on his lips which causes him to jump up. “Who? What? Where?” He sees your laughing face. “Awww, y/n I was having the weirdest dream that you were a member of the mafia and I was forced ta beat up roosterhead and…” He slowly feels his face. “That wasn’t a dream was it.” 
“I wish it was and yes I know I owe you a lot of explanation but lemme clean you up first.” You say getting a rag and some hydrogen peroxide. You start cleaning his face and explaining your upbringing. Through this, Mammon’s face changed from frustrated to concerned. “I didn’t know you had it so rough, y/n. You never told us.” You smile and dab on his open wound. Mammon winces a little.
“You didn’t need to know. It’s not something I’m really proud of and I know you are all demons so sins don’t bother you as much but even so.” You laugh at your own silliness. “ I wanted to be your saving grace and live a happy life at least for the year we have.” Mammon holds onto your hand and kisses it. “Y/n, you’ve helped us so much.  It’s the least I coulda done for you.” Mammon wraps his arms and legs around you, holding you as if you were going to disappear that very minute. “If..If you had the option to stay with us forever...with me forever, would ya take it?” 
You were taken aback by his question. You loved your father and all the mafia had to offer but it could never measure up to the amount of love you felt from the demons in the short amount of time you’ve been with them. You melt into Mammon’s embrace and try to hold back tears. 
“Absolutely. Without a doubt.” 
Mammon looks at you and takes your face in the palm of his hand, wiping away your ever flowing tears. He kisses you softly, over and over until the tears are gone.
 “I love you, y/n.”
“I love you too, Mammon.” 
“I’m telling ya, y/n is part of the mafia! They beat up so many guys and run all the major casinos.” Mammon pleads at the breakfast table. “That’s absurd. Y/n doesn’t even gamble.” Satan retorts. “Satan’s right now please shut up about this before I string you up.” Lucifer says going through today’s paper. Mammon looks on the verge of tears and shoots you a glance to which you heartily ignore. 
“Aww, well I want it to be true. A mafia y/n sends shivers up my spine. Ne, ne, are you part of the mafia?” Asmo hums. You let out a laugh. “Absolutely not. I don’t know what Mammon’s on today but I wish I had some.”  “You and me both,” Belphie says through his pillow. “It would make a good anime for sure. The whole double agent thing with a princess that has to be saved and it would be called I wanted to save a princess but turned out they were a mafia member and I had to be saved instead. AAH, Beel don’t touch my food.”  Leviathan says pushing Beel off his oatmeal. 
“I told you no one would believe you.” You whisper to Mammon. Mammon just pouts and looks away. You drag your hand up his thigh and he shivers. “Don’t worry, they don’t need to know everything.” 
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infernwetrust · 4 years
Never Enough [Jim Mason x Fem Reader] Pt 1.
Summary: The one where you and Jim have been dating for about a year and a half. And even after a year and a half, he still feels like he’s not enough for you, but of course you know he’s more than enough. 
Warnings: drug use, swearing, mentions of drug use, mentions of drug abuse, teeny bit mentions of domestic violence, mentions of smut, (don’t worry it’s coming)
WC: 2.1k 
A/N: First time writing about Jim. Honestly, he came to me in a dream a few nights ago and I just had to write something. Part 1 of a 2 part series. Thank you for reading! -Juno
Jim had finally convinced you to come to a party hosted by one of his friends. The music was loud and the only thing that lit up the room was a set amount of strobe lights. As you danced next to Medina, you watched your boyfriend closely. It made you warm to see him so happy. Drink in his hand, joint between his lips, he shared laughs with his friends. His hair was a sweaty mess from dancing all evening or engaging in stupid stunts.
He noticed that your eyes were burning into him. He looked up from his cup, his blue eyes meeting yours in a haze and whirlpool of emotions. You could tell sober Jim was far gone, but he was still your Jim. Jim has had sex with you not sober more times than he was sober. Shrooms were his favorite. He liked how sometimes he felt like a feather and sometimes he felt like a brick.
Removing his lips from his cup, he smiled at you, motioning for you to come over, but as you told him, this was his night. You two spent most of the days wrapped up in each other and decided that a few hours not being down each others throats were okay. You shook your head no, biting your lip at him.
"Have fun with your friends." you mouthed causing him to give you a drunken grin.
"You are my friend." he mouthed back, motioning for you to come over again and of course you shook your head no again, turning your attention from him and back onto Medina. It's not that you didn't want to be around him, because trust me, you did. You wanted to walk over there, take a sip of his drink, and press your lips to his. You wanted to jump into his arms and carry you away, but, you meant what you said.
"He can't get enough of you, can he?" she asked, running her hands through her hair.
"I would hope not." you replied. "But it's also good to give the boy some space. We haven't had any time apart really and I know he's been wanting to hang out with his friends."
"Well, I'm getting pretty tired of being inside. Beach house, beach party. Did you remember to bring your surf board?"
"I did! It's in Jim's car and he has the keys.. which means I would have to go ask him for the keys."
"And you know that comes with 21 questions."
"Orrrrrrr, you could go ask him."
"Where's the fun in that?"
"It's not gonna be fun when I get trapped with Jim."
"As if you don't want to. I know you've been staring at him all night."
"Will you please just go get them? Pretty please." Medina giggled knowing that she was just messing with you. She made her way off to Jim, engulfing her brother into a hug before engaging in conversation. After what about 5 minutes but seemed like 30 due to your own mild intoxication, you assumed she asked for his keys because he darted his eyes back and forth between Medina and you. He took his keys out his pocket, placing them in her hands before running his hands messily in her hair and sending her on her way.
"Okay, come on." she said, grabbing your hand. "Let's go get that surf board and change into our suits." Changing, you and Medina stood on the beach, staring at the ocean as the sun set.
"I'm glad I met you." you say to her. "And I'm glad you introduced me to Jim. Surfing was never something I thought I would be doing, but look at me now."
"Do you always have to make me cry, Y/N?" she asked. "We love you, so much. I'm glad I met you too and that you haven't turned your back on Jim and I. Especially, Jim. He's so fragile nowadays, especially with, you know. I don't like to bring it up at all. You convinced Jim to stop abusing those pills, something I've been trying to do for a while. You saved his life, Y/N."
But all of that came with its consequences. In the beginning of your relationship with Jim, the two of you fought constantly. Argue, fuck, and then makeup. And that's all it was for about 2 months into your year and a half relationship. If you were fighting Jim about his pills or trying to throw them away, he was fighting you about another boy that talked to you that day. No matter how many times you tried to reassure Jim that you weren't going anywhere, for the first 2 months of your relationship, he didn't believe you. And of course, that crushed you, but it wasn't enough to make you leave him.
Jim has only ever gotten physical with you once. High off of whatever he did that day, he shoved you a little too hard, causing you to hit your head on the side of the door frame a little too hard. You saw stars before you blacked out and from that day on he never touched you in a way that wasn't caring. Of course you forgave him. When Jim wasn't acting crazy, he was the sweetest boy in the world. Beach campfires, dinners, shopping sprees, Jim showed you nothing but love, because you did the same for him. In reality, you and Medina are all he has.
But Jim doesn't know how much he's helped you either. He was your first. Your first love too. You love him. You are in love with him and he knows that. Because he feels the same about you. Yes, you've dated other guys, but they were no where close as worthy as Jim was to having you. He rushed nothing. You didn't want to be touched right now? He was okay with that. You wanted to make out all night and not go any further? He was okay with that. You wanted to dry hump him just enough for the itch even though you weren't ready? He was okay with that.
4 months. You made Jim wait 4 months for you and when you finally told him you wanted to go all the way, a fire ignited in him. He took care of you. He made it all about you. He made sure you came first and more than once. You still remember his sweet voice asking if this and that is okay or if he was hurting you, but all you kept telling him was that you need to feel him and that you need to feel him now. And once the pain turned into pleasure, you got lost in him. For the next week, all you wanted was Jim inside of you. He was covered, back, chest, arms, and ass, in scratches that stung like hell to touch. He would laugh as you apologized for it, kissing on them, cleaning them up so they wouldn't get infected, but he loved that you loved to mark him up. The two of you caused a great concern, being covered in hickeys. Your parents thought he was abusing you and Medina thought that he was on the streets fighting, but the both of you know why. Jim, he was, he was made for you.
"Medina." you said, snapping yourself out of your own thoughts.
"Hmmm?" she questioned as the two of you continued to stare off into the water.
"Thank you."
"For what?"
"Everything. Now let's go hit these waves." The evening, well into the night was spent with you and Medina laughing as you toppled over on your surf board a few times. You played in the sand, drawing random things, even playing tic tac toe. As soon as the two of you dried off and decided that you wanted to get back in the water again, just to swim, you felt a strong pair of hands around you. Whoever grabbed you smelt heavily of beer and weed. You were about to freak out when you saw the pair of hands that were wrapped around your body. Jim.
"Heyyyy." he slurred in your ear, wobbling as he struggled to hold himself up. "You two enjoying the ocean without me?" You turned around to meet him, he was so sweaty, not just his hair, but his whole body. His eyes were super red and bloodshot.
"Jim." you said. "Are you okay? You're burning up. Let's get you out of these clothes. Medina you can go ahead and get back in the water, I'll be out there with you in a minute."
"I'm fucking thriving, baby." Jim answered you, almost falling back into the sand, but you grabbed his shirt to hold him up.
"How many have you had and what did you have?"
"Shit, I don't fucking know. Maybe like 9. I smoked a little green. Just kidding, I smoked a lot of green and I took a shroom, baby, I am on cloud nine right now. They tried to get me to take a pill, but I said, no no no, Y/N wouldn't like that." He started to giggle.
"Jim you look like you're about to expire."
"Expire from happiness!" You sighed, getting Jim to sit down in the sand. You took his jacket off, followed by his shirt, moving his hair out his face so it wouldn't get into his eyes. You fought for a little bit to get his pants off, but he did let you take them off of him.
"Come on." you said, struggling to pick him back up. "Let's sit a little closer to the water, cool you down."
"Mhmmmmk." was all he said as stumbled getting up, falling back down hard into the sand. "Mmmph, shit. I'm okay. I'm okay."
"Is he gonna be okay?!" Medina shouted to ask you from the water.
"Yeah!" you responded. "He's just fucking out of it!"
"Hey, don't you talk about me." he slurred, finally getting back up on his own two feet. "I'm doing just fine." You wrapped your arm around his waist and the both of you, mostly because of him, stumbled closer to the water, sitting on the beginning of the sand bar. "You are so fucking pretty, has anyone told you that? Well no one besides me should be telling you that anyways."
"You do, all the time, baby." you replied, giving him a warm smile. As the waves came on shore and went, you made sure that Jim got wet to cool his body down. You got water in your hands to put on his hair, making sure none of it got in his eyes, because it is ocean water after all. And all while you were doing this, he was sitting there thinking how he didn't deserve you. He was sitting next to you, a drunken and high mess in the sand, wondering how he got so lucky.
"Why do you do this for me?" he asked, swaying a little bit.  
"Because I love you, Jim. No matter what. We all still have some demons to fight and we're going to fight them together."
"I'm so tired of fighting my demons." You could hear that he wanted to start crying. "I'm so fucked up. I feel like I'm never enough for you. You deserve so much more than what I give you."
"Jim do you remember what we said to each other the first time you ever spent the night at my house?" Well he probably doesn't because he's too intoxicated. You questioned yourself as to why you even asked, but then he gave you answer.
"If it ever gets too much, or you want out, or you feel like you can't do this anymore, the first sign, so we don't hurt each other, say something."
"And I haven't said anything and I don't plan on saying anything. Jim you are more than enough for me. Behind your hard exterior, is a caring guy and that's who I fell in love with." He sighed, slowly laying back into the sand, not caring how many times the water brushed up against him. You did the same, turning your head to meet his gaze. You ran your hand across his cheek, running your thumb over his perfectly shaped jaw. You could tell his was trying to calm down, trying to ride his intoxication, rather than letting it ride him. His breathing slowed from being erratic to almost normal. He grabbed onto your hand, giving it a gentle kiss before placing it on his chest.
"I love you so much, Y/N. And I know I'm a little fucked right now, but I mean that. Sober or not sober." he slurred. "I m-m-m" He hiccuped.
"Ssssh." You put your finger to his lips, just wanting him to focus on calming himself down. "Relax, baby. Close your eyes if you need to. I know and I'm right here with you."
I'll always be right here with you.
Taglist: @jimmason @angelicmichael @whatcodysaid
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themafia-terrapins · 3 years
“A Shot In The Dark” - Closed RP
Continued from here: X
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Raphael usually preferred something a little stronger in his beer but he settled for the drink nonetheless, gently lifting it from the plate. A jangle from the shop indicated someone’s presence and by the footsteps, he easily identified who it belonged to. 
“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Taking a sip of the drink he allowed it to wash over his tongue as the two intruders came in sight. His youngest brother and his assistant/close companion, Grayson. 
“Well I shouldn’t be surprised to see you drinking away your emotions, should I?” Mikey sighed, taking a seat opposite him while Grayson took place on the next seat. 
“So what’s the damage, Gray?” Ignoring the snide comment from Mikey, amber eyes settled upon the human instead. 
“Your brother is furious you’re gone and you’e also missed several meetings today. There’s one tonight, in around 30 minutes” He talked, looking over his notebook. Raph nodded to what he was saying but truth be told, the words simply went in one ear and came out the other. He was more so interested in the bar itself, how they seem to be treating the employees. Mainly the women.
And a woman in particular, his waitress, seating another table. It was the way they leered at her, filthy hands touching her skin making his hands itch with the need to punch the fool. His skin felt hot, anger pulsating through his veins at the audacity of this man. His laugh made Raph want to rip out his vocal chords and strangle him with it. Taking a breath, he controlled his wild thoughts. 
Ya don’t even know this person, calm tha’ fuck down
He fell in easy conversation with Grayson and Mikey before a familiar scent filled his senses again. It was sweet without being overbearingly heavy on the nose, it smelt comforting. 
Why can’t I figure you out?....What is it about you?
The table fell silent, awaiting his response but he hadn’t the faintest clue on what was just said. He was in deep within his thoughts, he hadn’t even realised she said something. Instead Mikey piped up, to which he was both grateful and annoyed for. 
“Tomorrow won’t work out but the day after, I’m sure he’s free.... aren’t you, brother?” There is a teasing tone in his voice, one that Raph could completely strangle him for. 
“Yeah... I’ll have ta check my schedule-” He began but was promptly cut off again but Mikey’s irritable voice. “Actually, me, Don and Leo are also available too. I hope that won’t be much of an issue, Miss?” He blinked sweetly at the waitress who shared a smile with him before she vanished, after irritation flashed through her irises. With a goodbye, she left him once more. 
“Well time ta go, fellas. I’ve avoided the music for too long” Raph inwardly groaned at the thought of dealing with Leonardo sooner rather than later but he knew he couldn’t avoid the inevitable. “I’ll start the car up” Grayson nodded and left with Mikey, leaving Raph to pay. 
Her interaction played on his mind but that thought slowly left when he saw his phone blow up with messages, the first being from Leonardo. “Fuckin hell...” Sighing, Raph opened his wallet and placed a generous tip for the woman. Something about her was alluring, perhaps it was the fact that she didn’t hesitate to come up to him. Or that she wasn’t scared of him. Did she know who he was? No, she couldn’t have. Otherwise she would have that judging look in her eyes. Or filled with fear. 
“Will that be all, sir?” A waiter comes to their table, noticing the troubled look on Raph’s face before it is set back to neutral. 
“Yes. I’d like ta personally thank one of yer waitress for the service so can ya make sure she receives the tip?” “Sure, what was her name?” He asked and Raph paused, panicking slightly. Shit, what was her name?? It begins with an I... Imani?? No, that’s not right 
“Immogene, her name is Immogene I believe” He nods and stands up while the waiter give his thanks again. Taking one last glance at the club, Raph moves towards the exit and leaves. He was about to head over to the car until a stranger bangs into his plastron effectively ruining the white shirt he had on. 
“Oh for fucks sake” The stranger slurs while Raph hisses in disgust, recoiling away from the stranger, 
“Oops, sorry about that pal....” There’s something about that laugh that he recognised, the same laugh from the man that had his grimy hands all over her. With a deep laugh, Raph punches him square on the jaw. The terrapin watches as he looses his footing, blood starting to run down the corner of his mouth. He gasps, eyes wide and fearful at the turtle who grins smugly. 
“Oops, sorry about that pal” He drags out the words sarcastically, stepping closer to the human. 
“Maybe that’ll teach ya to respect the employees. We don’t want another incident of this, do we?” Raph cocks his head, his pocket knife scratching the jaw of the human until it lifted his head level with the turtle. 
“Wha- What do you mean??-” “Don’t play dumb wit’ me, fucker. Yer lucky I’m in. rush tonight but if I see ya touching anyone inappropriately again, well... I’m sure you’ll know what happens” Flexing his wrist, the knife falls from the human’s face, leaving a deep red scratch in its wake. It brought a smirk to Raph’s face, standing up to his full stature. He walked towards his car and left, cleaning the edges of his knife. 
Smiling softly to himself, he knew he was visiting this bar sooner than later. Something about her caught his eyes and he wasn’t about to let go until he knew what was going on. For now, he would busy himself with the meetings but he had a feeling his mind would not shake images of her anytime soon.
What was it about her?
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softbiker · 4 years
Steve Rogers Oneshot
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Warnings: language, attempted sexual assault and harassment, mentions of past sexual assault and harassment - do not read if these situations are triggering for you.
Word count: 6.1k - am I capable of writing anything short anymore???
A/N: HI I’M FINALLY BACK AND POSTING SOMETHING FOR THE FIRST TIME IN ALMOST 3 MONTHS WOW. This story continues the Agent 14 series (so definitely check that out in my masterlist if you’re not familiar!) and...it’s something I’ve had on my mind for a while. I just needed to get it out. I hope that you like it and please share what you think! Feedback is appreciated!
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When her phone starts buzzing, she’s mid-swing at the faded sandbag hanging from the ceiling. 
She’s glad to have the place to herself - the dusty air and stale silence more of a comfort. A bead of sweat slides down her temple, itching past her ear, and her finger scratches at the spot absently, coming away salty wet. There’s sweat slicking her scalp, too; she feels it under the tight twist of her braids, heat trapped beneath the strands. Her dirty little basement gym - faded posters lining the walls, advertising fights long finished, flickering bulbs hanging from the ceiling, stained linoleum - is quiet in the mornings. A kind of quiet that is all too rare in the city, in her life. 
Sure, it was nice of Sam to continue inviting her on their morning runs - she has every intention of taking him up on his offer, when she finally gets off the opening shift at work. She sees his 4 a.m. offers a couple times a week, shooting back a quick response that she’s already up, heading in to open the cafe. He finds it all so funny; calls her “Agent Barista”, and endearingly teases her about her rigorous coffee training at the SHIELD Academy. 
Okay but real talk, 14 - what’s your top secret mission down at Starbucks? Pinged her phone as she brushed her teeth and concealed undereye circles with strategic swipes of makeup. 
Key word in your question is “top secret”, Wilson. As in, tell you but I’d have to kill you. You know the drill. 
Another ping. Yeah, yeah. Y’all agents talk a good game, but I know for a fact 41 can be bought with a box of See’s candies. Just gotta figure out your weakness. 
Good luck. 
No luck needed. I’ll bring a couple sweaty super soldiers your way around 8:30, you’re welcome. 
With a wrapped hand, she flicks one swinging braid back over her shoulder, turning to her duffel bag for her phone. It’s buried under a spare pair of socks and a sports bra she forgot to wash, still buzzing as she grasps it and flips the screen upwards in her hand. 
Unknown caller. 
She’d bet every cent to her name that she could guess who was on the other end of the line. Tongue pressed against her teeth, she dismisses the call and drops her phone back in her bag. Fury can wait. 
Turning back to the sandbag, she sucks a quick breath through her nose, curling power in her lean shoulders, and then unleashes a furious combination of jabs and kicks on the beaten plastic. Grunts and harsh pants slip past her lips, fists slinging blow after punishing blow, her weight held bouncing on the balls of her feet. The sandbag is a stoic opponent, taking her fists and feet without so much as a groan of protest, swinging back only a few inches on the chain even as she whips around high for a roundhouse kick. Growling, she rocks her weight back on her heels, before leaping forward off one leg to drive her knee into the bag with bruising force. More to herself than the bag, she thinks, glancing down at the tender skin on her bare knee, stinging from the impact. She leans an elbow against the bag and drops her head, swiping at the baby hairs along her forehead. 
The phone buzzes again, insistent and muffled, and she lets her head drop back with a heavy sigh, eyes closed. 
“Shut up,” she mutters, eyes narrowing in a nasty glare at the offending noise. 
“I didn’t say anything.” 
She whirls at the sound, fists raised - she hadn’t even heard him enter. 
Steve has the good grace to look sheepish as he approaches from a shadowed staircase in the corner of the room, his hands raised in surrender. Not many people have had the sheer dumb luck - and misfortune - of sneaking up on her, and the part of her brain not whiplashed by adrenaline grudgingly admires him for it. 
“Morning, Captain,” 14 sighs, her hands falling to her hips, rolling her neck against the tension in her shoulders. 
“Morning,” he smiles. He’s trimmed back the beard, she notices, closer to the sharp line of his jaw. Dust motes swirl around his golden head like fairy dust as he passes through the puddles of light cast from the weak overhead bulbs. It strikes her then, the unassuming slope of his shoulders, a little shuffle in his gait, not quite lifting his feet from the ground. Not a strut, no stalking or preening like the SHIELD boys she came up at the Academy with, eager to throw their weight around. Somehow, despite his height, he manages to duck his head, to look up at her under a fringe of enviable dark lashes. Disarming and soft, a wayward blond strand falling over his forehead, he tucks his hands into his pockets, standing just a few feet away from her. He nods at the hanging sandbag behind her. 
“Gave that thing quite a beating,” he says, tilting a dark eyebrow. She shrugs one shoulder. 
“Looked at me funny,” she quips back, still catching her breath from the last bout. Her tongue swipes at a drop of sweat on her upper lip. Sniffing, she turns her gaze down to the wrapping on her hands. “I don’t recall inviting you, Rogers - I thought this was a private session.” 
“Sorry for intruding,” he says, scrunching his nose and swiping at the errant lock of hair hanging before his eyes. With a jerk of his chin, he gestures towards her gym bag, where her phone has gone blessedly silent. “Fury had a feeling you would, um, how does Sam say it…’shady button’ him?” 
She snorts in spite of herself, just managing to slap a hand over her mouth before her laugh becomes obnoxious. Even in the dim light of the fluorescents, she can see the high flush creeping up those scruffy cheeks. Steve rubs the back of his neck, a familiar embarrassment curling in his belly; it’s a joke the team plays sometimes, and he gets it, he really does. Gotta laugh at your CO sometimes - it brings the team together; so he drops little phrases here and there, incongruous slang with his pleated slacks and old-fashioned manners. Even things that Sam says - the word “fam”, or adding “ass” as a suffix to virtually any word - from Steve’s mouth, they’re suddenly enough to have the team rolling with laughter, Tony red-faced, Wanda close to tears. The tips of his ears burn, and he always acts put out, lowers his stern father brows, but if there’s one thing he learned as a Brooklyn-born punk, it’s how to take his punches.
“Oh, I’m sorry - I’m sorry,” 14 says, hand still half-covering the silly grin tugging at her mouth. “It just sounded so funny coming from you. It was like-”
“Kinda like if your dad were saying it?” Steve purses his lips, tilts his head to the side.
“Oh god…yes, that’s exactly it.” It ignites a fresh burst of giggles, though she scrunches her nose and shakes her head at the image. “Uh, just do us both a favor and don’t say that again.” 
“I don’t think you can restrict Captain America’s freedom of speech.” He lifts his eyebrows, playful, considering. The slope of his nose casts a long shadow across his cheek, skin like Irish cream. She rolls her eyes, turning away to her duffel bag, using her teeth to tug at the wrappings on her hands. 
“So. You’re Nick’s new personal assistant or something?” Dropping to the bench, she rummages through her gym bag and takes a long gulp from her water bottle. She swipes at her phone screen - 3 missed calls now. 
Steve shrugs. 
“I volunteered,” he says simply, large knuckles still visible where they stay curled in his pockets. “Thought…hoped I might have better luck.”
She licks her lower lip, chasing a coveted drop of water. It’s not as though she’s tired of the job - it varies so much, from one day to the next, that it makes boredom impossible. No, it’s not the job, she’s just…tired. Of what, or why, she can’t really say. Steve is patient. He doesn’t say anymore, just waits, standing a few feet away and shifting his weight from one leg to the other, his soft eyes watchful. Her fingers go to her shoulders, massaging the oncoming ache in her muscles. 
“What’s the mission?” 
“You need some help there, punk?” Bucky leans a hip against the doorframe, arms crossed over his beloved NASA hoodie, an amused twitch tugging at the corner of his mouth. Across the room, Steve frowns at him in the mirror. 
“Never really got the hang of these damned things,” Steve huffs, fingers losing the knot on his bowtie and sighing again as the cloth falls loose from the crisp collar of his shirt. Hands falling to his narrow hips, he turns to Bucky, wearing a look of defeat rarely seen on Steve Rogers. 
Wordlessly, Bucky shuffles across the carpet and begins to knot the offending fabric, fingers of metal and flesh looping one strand over the other and back again. Chin lifted, brows furrowed, a marble bust of martyrdom, Steve is ever stoic while he works. 
“Thought you were gonna shave for this,” Bucky comments, his voice quiet, not lifting his eyes from the tie. Steve makes a dissenting noise from his throat. 
“Yeah, well, the beard makes it easier to keep a low profile,” he says, a hand reaching up to rub his whiskers absentmindedly. “And besides, I’m sort of attached to it now.” 
Bucky chuckles, a smile dimpling his own scruffy cheeks. 
“Know what you mean - God, but nobody looked like this when we were kids, ya know?” He steps back, finished with the tie, and gives Steve an appraising nod, pursing his lips. “Not too bad, Rogers, not too bad.” 
Raising a dubious brow, Steve turns back to the mirror, tugging at the sleeves and adjusting his shoulders in the tux. Strictly white tie - totally out of his element, but sometimes duty comes with a dress code. He wedges a thick finger between the starched white collar and his own tender skin. 
“In this get up?” Steve shakes his head. “Never did get used to wearing a monkey suit.” 
Tongue in his cheek, Bucky grins. 
“Have you seen yourself in your uniform?” 
Steve flings a fist back behind him, grinning triumphantly when his hit lands in Bucky’s gut; a metal fist swings in retaliation, but Steve manages to sidestep, his hands raised in quick surrender. 
“Hey, not too rough,” he says, tamping down a mischievous smile. “Tony will have my head if I ruin another one of these.” 
“Tony could buy you one for every day of the week,” Bucky scoffs, rolling his eyes. 
A knock on the doorframe makes them both turn. 
It’s been years now, since he met Natasha - wind whipping up familiar curls on the deck of the helicarrier, a watchful smile, wolves’ teeth hidden under a lamb-soft face. Even later, when he learned to trust her, he always found himself surprised at her startling contrasts, the ease with which she managed to be two things at once; ally and spy, friend then enemy then family. In truth, she was testing him. They both knew. Years of probing, disguised as teasing and sarcasm and near-insubordination - assessing his strength, his weakness, the man behind the shield. And after all this time, it was his steadiness at each of her own turns that pacified her, let her learn to lean on him in return. 
She smiles in the doorway now, her bright hair swept sleek behind her ears, revealing diamond teardrop earrings, probably on loan from Tony’s collection. The tips of her hair just brush her pale, bare shoulders, revealed by the strapless neckline of her jumpsuit. Black was always her signature color - never dull, though, because with Nat black is a spectrum, a rainbow refracted through her prism: intimidating, alluring, powerful, subtle. 
“You clean up good, Rogers,” she smirks, her hands tucked into her pockets as she gives him a look of approval. “Keeping the beard, though?” 
Steve’s hand idly brushes against his trimmed whiskers.
“It’s grown on me,” he admits. “And besides, I’ve got too much of a baby face without it.” 
“Some girls like that.” 
“Some guys like that,” Bucky adds, waggling his eyebrows. 
“Yeah, well,” Steve rubs the back of his neck, willing down the flush that crept up at his friends’ praise. “I’m not supposed to be the bait tonight.” 
“No, I guess that’s my job.” Another voice appears behind Nat, her head peaking around Nat’s shoulder as she steps forward to share the space in the doorway. 
Unbidden, Steve feels his mouth fall open. He always thought she was beautiful, from the first time he saw her, no makeup and the sleeves of her sweater splashed with coffee and mocha sauce; this morning, in the dusty half-light of the basement gym, sweat gleaming on her forehead and arms. But he wasn’t prepared to see her like this, glowing in his doorway, draped in a pink silk slip that exposed one of her thighs. She’d let her hair loose from it’s tight braids, her makeup bringing a dewy sheen to her cheeks - she looked…fresh, blooming like a rose. A clean swipe of red across her lips, almost an afterthought, as if she couldn’t be bothered to make more effort than that. Steve swipes his suddenly sweaty palms against his thighs and clears his throat. 
“Um, wow,” he says, wincing at his own voice, which nearly gave an embarrassingly pubescent crack. “I mean, you…uh, you look great.”
“Better than great,” Bucky pipes up, the amused tilt to his mouth the only hint that he enjoys Steve’s embarrassment. “She looks beautiful.” 
Nat nods in agreement. 
“The dress is perfect for you - is it one of Stark’s?” she asks. 14 shakes her head, modestly gesturing to the gown with her hand. 
“I’ve had it for a little while actually, I just couldn’t pass it up,” she sighs. “Just haven’t had the chance to wear it.” 
“Well, we’re finally gonna put some miles on it,” Natasha smiles, her eyes cutting to Steve, who has clamped his jaw shut to prevent himself from saying more. “We all ready? Happy’s pulling the car around.” 
14 nods, a shy smile tilting her mouth as she spares a glance at Steve before moving to follow Nat down the hall. She turns, and he sees that the cut of her dress falls low against the small of her back - almost low enough to glimpse the sweet dimples at the base of her spine. When they’re out of the doorway, he feels Bucky’s eyes on him - he’s perched on the edge of the bed, chewing his lip, one eyebrow lifted in an all-knowing look. He opens his mouth to speak but Steve lifts a hand. 
“Don’t,” Steve cuts him off. “I know what you’re gonna say Buck, but just- don’t.”
Bucky lifts his hands in surrender, standing from the bed and walking over to where Steve still stands in the middle of his room. 
“Fine, I won’t say a damn word,” Bucky sighs, shuffling across the thick carpet. He slaps his friend on the shoulder, gripping Steve with a firm hand. “Except you better move your ass instead of standing there like a dud - didn’t I tell you not to keep a lady waiting, Rogers?” 
Sam had whistled playfully as she glided out of the elevator on Steve’s arm, his eyebrows lifting halfway up his forehead. 
“Damn, girl - almost didn’t recognize you without your apron,” he winked, his gap-toothed grin charming as ever. 
“Didn’t match my shoes,” she winked back, flicking her hair over her shoulder. It sent a wave of her perfume drifting upwards; something bright and sweet, neroli, he thought, or orange blossom - maybe a hint of coconut. He had licked his lips without thinking; he’d like to smell it again, just to be sure. 
Here, in this stuffy ballroom across town, with eager officials and bourgeois brats trying to rub elbows with Captain America, he finds the smell much less appealing. Sweat and ambition, excess and greed, all covered in layers of atelier cologne (eau de aristocratie) and - well, Bucky heard enough of his socialist soapbox speeches back in the day, and his views certainly haven’t changed much. 
Still, he makes polite small talk with his admirers, rubs elbows, accepts drinks, all the while keeping one eye on the far corner of the room. It’s quiet, secluded, an overstuffed chaise with a soft cover tucked away from the buzz of the main dance floor. She’s perched there, ankles coquettishly crossed, the side slit of her dress revealing one leg and her glittering open-toed shoes; she leans on one arm, tilting her head towards the target, charming smile drawing up her lips as she hangs on his every word. Or pretends to, anyway. The target seems not to know the difference: Robbie Sinclair, a middle-aged man with the tanned smile of a Kennedy, salt and pepper hair slicked back from his face with a boyish cowlick escaping near the front, grins confidently as he talks to her. Steve watches him preen and puff his chest, spreading his legs to take up far more space than he needs. He stretches one arm along the back of the couch, leaning closer than appropriate, but she doesn’t move away. 
He doesn’t like this, any of it. To be fair, he’d never been a big fan of the espionage facet of his job; much to Nat’s chagrin, subtlety and subterfuge were not Steve’s strong suits. If he had his way, they’d come in swinging and arrest this creep (and his insider-trading Wall Street buddies, too). But shooting from the hip wouldn’t work here, not when they still needed hard evidence on this guy, something more substantial than rumors - heavy as those rumors might be, words like “human trafficking” and “slavery” coming up in his SHIELD files. He understood the necessity, and so did 14. 
Still, bringing her here and dangling her like a worm on a hook, hoping this asshole would take the bait…his stomach churned, whiskey bubbling unpleasantly at the thought. Steve angles his body around a chatty senator, trying to maintain his view on the corner. Sinclair looks about ready to take a bite, his head bent close to 14’s, sly smirk plastered on his face as he whispers something in her ear. Did her fist tighten around her glass? He can’t quite tell from this distance; he knows his own fingers are white-knuckled on his third whiskey. Or was it the fourth? 
In a blink, a stumble, a minute trapped in choked small talk with Miss New York (during which he wondered if her real teeth were filed down like a shark’s underneath that crown-winning smile like Sam told him), he’s lost her. 
A snowy static of panic whites out his brain, and his heart picks up against his ribcage as he all but shoves the beauty queen out of his way, his vision tunneling on the now-empty chaise in the corner. Where did she go? Where would she go? Barely managing subtlety know, he ducks his head, speaking to the comm device in his ear. 
“Natasha. Do you have eyes on them?” 
“…no, I was doing a sweep of the terrace outside,” she answers a moment later. “Did you lose them?”
Steve turns a circle where he stands, sharp eyes scanning each face and failing to find the one he wants to see. 
“They’re gone, I’ve lost visual.” He tries to keep his voice down, his tone tight and clipped. Through a break in the crowd, he thinks he catches a glimpse of her dress, but when he looks again it’s the wrong color, the wrong dress, the wrong woman-
“Alright, I’m heading back inside - I’ll go up the stairs to the next floor, see if they went up that way.” 
“Okay, I’ll take this floor,” Steve says, already making a beeline for the open doors of the ballroom, his tight-laced dress shoes clicking a solitary echo in the cavernous hallway just outside. Past the doors, and the gazes of nosy party-goers, he doubles his pace - the stiff starched tux protesting against the movement. 
They’re not tucked into the alcoves along this hallway, and he deliberates a moment where the hall forks in opposite directions, before darting to the left and continuing his clipped jog. In a small part of his brain, he knows he shouldn’t be this concerned about her. 14 was an agent - a highly trained, highly skilled agent; he’d worked with her enough by now to know firsthand how well she could handle herself. But the other part of him couldn’t shake the way Sinclair had looked at her - the way every man in the room had looked at her when she walked in, circling and waiting for their chance to close in. Not to mention the less-than-sterling reputation of Robbie Sinclair, who, aside from the trafficking conspiracy that put SHIELD on his scent, had a handful of secretaries threaten him with harassment suits, before they were quietly paid to keep their mouths shut. 
He comes to a dead end, a dancing nymph statue (far too baroque for his taste) mocking him with her tambourine against her hip. Doubling back, he curses under his breath and runs through the building schematics in his head, wondering where they could have slipped away to so quickly. 
“Natasha? Any luck?” 
“Negative. You?”
“No.” Steve clenches his fists and tries to force his heart back down from where it’s climbed up into his throat. His teeth grind together, jaw locked tight, holding in a frustrated growl. Unprompted, a wave of worst-case scenarios floods his mind - 14 dragged away by thugs, knocked unconscious, bleeding and gagged, unable to call for help. She’s a good agent. A good soldier. She can handle this. Try as he might to force them away, the tide of panic swells over and over inside him, the voice of his intuition telling him something must have gone wrong-
Behind him, an elevator dings. 
Steve turns to see the ancient metalwork door rattle open, Agent 14 stumbling out half a moment later. 
He blinks. She’s lost her shoes - no, she’s carrying them, the straps dangling from one hand. The side slit of her dress looks higher, and he notices the frayed edges along the top where the fabric has ripped. Her lipstick is smudged, her hair mussed, and she takes labored, panting breaths as she leans against the wall. 
It takes him a while to understand what he’s looking at. As his panic starts to ebb, something different, something wounded and green threatens to perch in its place, at the sight of her so disheveled, with swollen lips and rumpled clothes. He says nothing; he has nothing to say, shocked as he is by the bitter taste of his own thoughts, wondering if a rendezvous with Sinclair was worth the information she might have gained. 
It’s not until she starts sniffling that he notices the tears running down her cheeks.
The realization stops him cold, strangles the dark seed of doubt just starting to sprout in his heart, and fills him with shame and guilt. He takes a step forward. She’s not looking at him. 
“…14? Are you okay?” he asks, his voice hushed. “Are you hurt?” There were no visible wounds that he could see, though she had limped a little when coming out of the elevator. 
She nods, sniffing again.
“I’m-I’m fine,” she says, her voice scraping in her throat, barely holding back a sob. Squeezing her eyes shut, she presses a hand to her mouth, shoulders shaking with silent tears. 
In two steps he’s at her side, though unsure of what to do, what would be appropriate, what she wants or needs. Were they…friends? Acquaintances? Colleagues? Do work friends hug, comfort each other? 
“Can you tell me what happened?” he ventures softly, still not touching her, not crowding. He holds back a few inches, waiting, his hands feeling empty and heavy at his sides. “Do you want to?”
She nods, but it takes a few moments before she has regained her composure enough to lower her hand from her mouth and take a few rattling breaths, preparing to speak. 
“He…h-he,” she stutters over a sob, like a child who’s cried too hard for too long. “He grabbed me and-and was kissing me, and then he tried,” she’s interrupted by a hiccup and a shaky sigh. “He tried to…to…” 
She raises her eyes to his, tears welling up again, and shakes her head. She can’t say it, won’t say it - it is too much. It will make it real. 
For his part, Steve barely restrains himself from blacking out with rage. His jaw is so tight he can feel his teeth nearly crack from the strain, fists curled but unsatisfied with not being wrapped around Sinclair’s neck. How dare he? How dare anyone? When he gets his hands on this goddamned son of a bitch, he’ll-
His vengeful train of thought is interrupted when she collapses against his chest with a sob, gripping the lapels of his jacket for support. On instinct he wraps his arms around her, caging her in, his chin resting on top of her head. 
“I’m sorry - I’m so sorry,” he whispers as he hushes her and holds her, wishing there was more he could do, more he could say. He holds himself back from other platitudes, from it’s okay, and everything’s alright - he knows it’s not true. 
She shakes and cries and rides out the storm in his arms, full of anger and fear and shame and helplessness; all the while, he stands silent and solid, murmuring soothing words his mother might have said - in another life, when someone held him, protected him. 
Neither of them knows how much time has passed when her sobs become less violent, when her breathing calms, but she doesn’t step away. Her head doesn’t move from its place on his chest, and he makes no sign of wanting it to. Gently, slowly, he rocks her in his embrace, one hand smoothing over her back. 
After a while, she speaks. 
“I’m so tired,” she whispers. From this angle, he can see her blink slowly, tear tracks drying on her cheeks. He nods.
“You’re coming down from the adrenaline - that’s normal,” he murmurs, letting her weight sag against him, wondering if he’ll need to carry her.
“No,” she shakes her head. “Not like that…that’s not what I mean.”
“What do you mean?” 
She doesn’t answer, not right away; her breathing has settled into an easier rhythm, less frenzied and panting. Her fingers slide from their place at his chest to rest around his waist. 
“When I was in high school, there was this guy.” Her voice startles him when she finally speaks again, she’s been silent for so long. He makes a noise to let her know he’s listening before she goes on. “He was…I don’t know. Popular, I guess. Cute. Football player. Advanced classes. All the girls liked him.” She takes a shuddering breath before forging ahead. “And-and I guess he liked me because he couldn’t leave alone for a single fucking minute.
“God, it was constant. He’d grab my ass, or say dirty things about me to other guys…sometimes it wasn’t even sexual, it was like…he’d squeeze my waist or pinch the fat on the back of my arms and comment about my weight.” She sniffs, and Steve tightens his arms around her, not speaking. “One time, between classes, he grabbed me by the hips and bent me backwards over a desk - he wouldn’t let go, and he was just laughing…and no one said anything, none of the guys or my friends or anybody.” 
Steve frowns, feeling impotent and frustrated. “I’m so sorry.” She shakes her head again. 
“The worst thing is I just put up with it. I didn’t say anything…I didn’t think, I didn’t know-” she huffs a bitter laugh. “I guess I just thought it was flirting. Like I should’ve been flattered by it.” 
“You shouldn’t - you don’t have to take that,” Steve says, fighting to control his tone. “Not from anyone.” 
“I know that now,” she says. “But I was just a kid…nobody told me. Nobody helped me.”
He opens his mouth, tries to think of something to say, but she goes on.
“And nobody told me that it never gets better, it never changes.” He can feel how tightly her fists are clenched at his sides. “No one told me that this would be the rest of my fucking life. First it was him, and old men at the gas station where I got snacks after school, and truck loads of frat boys following me home. Jesus even the damn milk guy at the café calls me ’sexy’ and won’t leave me alone.” She sniffles again, voice tightening with anguish. “I’m tired, I’m so tired - I’m so fucking sick of all of it…of-of just being a thing, I’m tired of being looked at, and-” She tries to swallow back her sob, but it crests and stutters in her lungs, taking over her voice once again as she presses her face impossibly closer. 
It breaks his heart and stokes his rage, the helpless, hopeless weight of her bitter words. Here he is, over a century old, and still watching people fight the same battles; battles to be heard, to be seen, to be treated like humans. He’d seen it all his life, women like his mother, like Peggy, spines of steel and hearts made of diamonds, resisting a world that would grind them down and make them small. He wishes his shield were wider, stronger. He wishes he could protect them from this. 
“I can’t tell you it’s okay,” he murmurs. “Because it’s not. It’s not okay, I’m so sorry.” She squeezes his waist gratefully and nods her head a little. “But you…you don’t ever have to feel alone in this, okay?” He leans back a little, prompting her to lift her head, to meet her tear-bright eyes. “You’re not alone. I promise.” 
It’s not enough. It’s not over. But today, for now, it feels like something. 
Natasha pages Happy, who pulls the car around to the front of the building. She says nothing as 14 limps down the front steps, shoes in hand, one arm linked with Steve’s and wearing his jacket, the too-long sleeves covering her hands. Nat’s eyes slide up to his - their silent exchange lasts moments, microseconds; her lips pinch tightly and her elegant white fists curl tight. 
Happy holds the door, offering a hand as 14 drops inside, folding her legs and wrapping her torn skirt as tight as she can around the exposed length of her legs. Nat glances at the open door of the car and steps away, angling her back to the patient Happy. She juts her chin at Steve. 
“You need a hand, Rogers?” He knows the look in her eyes is mirrored in his own - the look of a boxer stepping in the ring, of a lion sighting prey, a shark scenting blood.
Steve shakes his head, a hand reaching up to loosen his tie. 
“No, it’s alright. You go on with 14.”
Happy peaks his head around. 
“You don’t want me to wait for you, Cap?” he frowns. “I can keep the car running.”
Steve glances over Nat’s shoulder at the town car, where 14 has curled up in the backseat, and rolls his sleeves up to his elbows. 
“Nah. I need to have a word with Mr. Sinclair.”
The arrest doesn’t make the front page. Or any page of the papers, in fact. Robbie Sinclair wakes in a hospital bed, in SHIELD custody, and ready to make deals with anyone who will bargain - provided his security detail keeps him well away from the Avengers and their Captain. 
When the file crosses his desk, courtesy of Natasha, he notices the long list of names Sinclair has provided them with - powerful men, Wall Street and Capitol Hill’s finest, who found their positions one dirty handshake at a time. It would take some time to build a case against them all, find sufficient evidence for arrests, but SHIELD was up for the task. There’s a note in the back of the file, a small article someone has attached with a paperclip. 
‘Executive’s Secretaries Speak Out’ reads the headline, with the subtext ‘Sinclair accused of sexual harassment, assault’. It appears a few women who had crossed his path were tired of being silenced; they had banded together, sharing pain and courage, to finally see him brought to justice. And combined with the charges SHIELD was bringing against him, it was unlikely he’d step foot outside of a prison for the next couple of decades. 
It’s a start. 
A few days later, Steve rises before the sun, a creature of habit. He takes his run alone, listening to a podcast that Sam had recommended. By 5:30, he’s stretching at the bench in front of the tower, before making his way down the street to the coffee shop. 
She does a double take when she sees him, surprise and (he hopes) excitement creeping up in her smile. There’s only a couple of baristas in the store at this time - they haven’t hit their peak yet - and she’s wiping down the bar in front of the espresso machines by herself. 
“Morning, Cap,” she smiles. There are tired little circles under her eyes. She looks beautiful. “You want your usual?” 
“Hmmm,” he pretends to think, narrowing his eyes at the menu. “Actually…how about you surprise me.” 
She raises her brows, a little impressed. “You sure? Anything goes?”
“Anything - I promise I’ll try it.” 
“Alright,” she smirks, mischievous and much too eager, and she turns away from the espresso machines to the blenders behind her. 
Milk, syrup, ice - other ingredients he can’t see or identify, all thrown into the pitcher and blended. She leans against the counter as the machine whirs loudly, a cheeky smile dimpling her cheeks. Just as the machine stops, the bell above the door chimes, both of them turning to look. 
A small, wiry, white-haired man backs his way into the store, pulling a dolly stacked high with milk crates. He looks around, making sure he’s not backing into anyone, and catches sight of her behind the counter. Steve doesn’t like the look of his smile, or the way 14 ducks back down to her blender, her shoulders inching upwards.  
“Morning, sweetheart,” the man says, a bit too loud, rattling the crates on his dolly as he wheels around tables, towards the back of house. 
“Morning,” 14 replies coolly, not looking up from where she’s carefully lining Steve’s cup with mocha sauce. She doesn’t say anything more, keeping her head down as she pours out the drink and reaches for a canister of whipped cream. Steve’s eyes cut between them, his hands in the pockets of his shorts. 
The milk man hustles back through the store with an empty dolly, on his way to collect the next load of crates, and 14 sighs a little when the bell chimes on his way out. She’s just turning around to hand Steve his drink, when she notices that the café is empty - he must have slipped out as well. 
“Hey, pal,” Steve claps a hand on the man’s shoulder, consciously withholding his full force. “I was wondering - you usually deliver the milk here?”
“Yeah,” the man huffs, a little confused, and in a hurry to unload his crates. He squints, the rising sun in his eyes. “Why?” 
“Oh, I just wanted to talk to you for a second, that’s all,” Steve smiles. His hand doesn’t move from it’s place on the man’s shoulder. 
When he comes back inside, his towering, chocolate-swirled beverage is waiting at the end of the bar. 14 is waiting, too, arms crossed, one hip propped up against the counter. She tilts her head to one side. 
“Do I wanna know?” she asks. Steve shrugs. 
“Nothing to know,” he says, shuffling up to the bar to claim his drink and stare at it, incredulous and amused. “Now what on earth is this thing, a milkshake?” 
She rolls her eyes.
“It’s called a frappucino, old man,” she grins. “Drink up - you promised.”
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waywardodysseys · 5 years
Round One - Oneshot
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Pairing: Pedro Pascal x female reader
Warnings: SMUT, blow job, unprotected sex (wrap it up), cussing, some roughness
Requested?: Yes from this ask - pedro pascal or maybe javier peña reacting to a petite reader in lingerie (i'm 4'10 and i haven't found any fics were the reader is short and i just want to b raw dogg'd by pedro/javier me being short) as for the lingerie- w/ pedro maybe its a photoshoot you're asked to do and he joins too and he fucks you in the middle of the photoshoot, if w/ javi maybe you send him photos while he's at work and he's all riled up especially becuz u work w/ him?? (you send the photos while ur in the restroom)
Author’s note: didn’t expect to end this the way I did so there might be a second part; enjoy!
~   ~   ~
“That’s it sweetheart,” the photographer says in his English accent, “work it for me.”
You’re under bright lights inside of a studio doing a lingerie photoshoot for a new company – Cherry Blossom.
You give your best sexy smiles, poses, pouts. The fan next to the camera is blowing lightly making your Y/H/C hair move in the hot air of the studio. You know it’s for the photos but the air the fan is blowing is also helping you keep cool.
“Alright, love,” the photographer says. “Take a break. Mister Pascal should be joining us soon.”
The lights are dimmed, and your assistant is standing off to the side, holding out a robe.
You step into the robe and cover yourself.
“Mister Pascal?” You ask your assistant Kat. She’s taller than your 4’10” frame by a few inches.
She swallows, “uh yes. Pedro Pascal. You know, from The Mandalorian. Plays Maxwell Lord in the Wonder Woman 1984 movie. The company reached out to him about being in the photoshoot. He said yes,” your assistant glances at you, “I thought you knew.”
You glance at her. “No, I didn’t know.”
Kat smiles kindly, “isn’t he one of your crushes? When Cosmo asked you about your celebrity crushes?”
You take a sip of bottled water as a rush of heat floods your body. Yes, Pedro Pascal was one of your top three celebrity crushes. The other two didn’t matter because your eyes moved to the front of the studio where Pedro was walking in with a small group of people.
“Ah, Pedro!” The photographer howls. “You made it.”
You watch as the photographer and Pedro shake hands.
You take in Pedro’s disheveled brown hair, his dark brown eyes. The way his eyes smile when Pedro smiles widely.
You inwardly moan and think, why the fuck we have to meet at a lingerie shoot?
You look over at your assistant. She’s taking in the tall man as well.
“Huh?” She asks, her focus remaining on the movie star.
Kat looks at you. “Sorry. It’s just in person,” she shrugs, “you know I still get star struck when meeting other celebrities.”
You laugh lightly, “yes, don’t I know it.”
“Did you want something?” Kat asks with a raised eyebrow.
“I want to go to my changing room.”
“Right,” Kat says as she follows you down a hallway and to the last door on the left.
Once inside the room you sit and fan yourself with some paper scattered on the vanity. You’re hot, not only because of the lights and modeling but because Pedro is here. In person. And you must do a lingerie photoshoot with him.
You bite your lip. You were already turned on he was there but having to take photos with him? Well, that was going to be a whole another story…
Minutes later there’s a light knock on the door.
Kat opens it slowly, “hi.”
“Hi,” Pedro’s voice carries into the room. “I’m Pedro. I was wondering if Y/N is in here. I was told this is her dressing room. I want to introduce myself to her.”
“Hold on,” Kat says before closing the door and finding your eyes in the mirror above the vanity.
You swallow and look at her in the mirror. You nod.
Kat opens the door again, “come in.”
“Thank you,” Pedro says as he walks into the room.
You turn in your chair and watch as Pedro walks into the room. You swallow. Him getting closer to you is sending more heatwaves through your body.
He holds his hand out and smiles, “Hi Y/N. I’m Pedro.”
You take his hand – it’s strong, his grasp is firm. You clear your throat before saying, “hi Pedro, I’m Y/N.”
“I hope it’s okay I came to say hi before we get started. I just don’t want it to be uncomfortable or anything.”
You shrug and smile. “It’s okay.”
You look down and realize your still holding onto his hand. You let go, already missing the warmth his hand provided in yours.
You eye Kat behind you smiling and motioning for you to keep talking.
“How are things?” You ask.
How are things?, you think as you frown.
What a great question, your mind hisses in sarcasm.
Pedro laughs, “things are good. Not your first photoshoot?”
You smile and stand. You realize Pedro Pascal stands nearly a foot taller than you. You look up into those smiling deep brown eyes of his.
“No,” you laugh. “You?”
Pedro looks down at you, looks into your Y/E/C eyes. “No but first lingerie. When my manager told me about it, I was a little hesitant but then he mentioned your name and I became curious and said yes.”
There’s a quick and loud knock on the door.
Kat opens the door.
“New outfit miss Y/L/N needs to wear for the next set.” The woman in the hallway says as she hands Kat a black garment bag.
“Okay,” Kat states as she walks over to the other side of the room and hangs the garment bag.
You and Pedro have had your eyes on each other the whole time.
Pedro breaks the stare and walks to the door. He turns and looks at you. “See you out there Y/N.”
Pedro closes the door behind him.
You release the breath you had been holding in.
Kat opens the garment bag. “Oh my.”
You walk over to the bag and see what you are to wear. “Are you fucking kidding me? I have to wear that in front of him?”
Kat laughs, “well at least it won’t be as bad as your how are things question.”
You sigh heavily, “shut up Kat! I was fucking nervous!”
You mumble, “I am fucking nervous.”
Kat looks at you, “come on. Let’s get this on you.”
Ten minutes later after your makeup is refreshed, you step back into the studio.
“Ready Y/N?” The photographer asks.
You nod.
“Alright, mister Pascal,” the photographer motions to Pedro who was standing off to the side.
Pedro is wearing a cotton white button down top, which is unbuttoned and revealing his chest and soft stomach. He’s wearing dark denim blue jeans as well.
You swallow and bite your lip. You’re nervous and don’t want to take off your robe but you know you have too.
The photographer places Pedro in the middle of the set. “We’ll do a few pictures of Pedro sitting and Y/N on his lap and then we’ll move to the both of you standing.”
Pedro nods and looks at you. He winks playfully.
What the…what?, your mind thinks.
Kat stands in front of you, “you ready?”
You swallow and nod. Your hands untie the robe.
You walk pass Kat and over to Pedro in a sheer cherry red mesh gown with a rhinestone embellished strappy neckline. The open back is strappy as well and the thong you are wearing is strappy too.
Straps everywhere!, was your first thought inside your dressing room.
“I bet you some money Pedro’s going to get a hard on,” Kat had told you when you walked out from behind the divider.
“Shut up Kat! I don’t need that thought in my head!” You had hissed back at her.
Kat had just laughed and helped placed your robe on.
Now you swallow as you approach Pedro who’s looking at you with his deep brown eyes. They’re serious now, not smiling like earlier.
You look down at his thighs, they look good enough to ride.
He opens his legs further and holds out a hand.
Your hand is faintly shaky, but you take it and he guides you in-between his legs. His eyes on you as you sit on one leg.
“You’re beautiful,” Pedro whispers against your ear.
You smile, “thanks.”
“Nervous?” Pedro asks as he traces a hand down your bare leg.
“Yes,” you hiss.
Pedro laughs deeply in his chest but only you hear it. “Don’t be.”
“Okay you two,” the photographer says after stepping away. “Let’s pose for the camera.”
The photographer begins snapping pictures and telling you two to look at each other, then telling you two to hold each other close.
With every action your heart beats loudly and quickly inside your chest. Heat is spread throughout your body, flooding your core. Pedro was making you horny and in the middle of a photoshoot, no less!
His hands on your bare skin, his mustache against your neck. His hands roaming your body send goosebumps all over your flesh.
God, you think, we should fuck and get this over with!
Time ticks by slowly as the photographer captures a few more snaps of you two sitting. He then asks you two to stand.
You face Pedro and are eye level with his chest. Your fingers itch out to touch it. You want to know how soft it is, how warm it is. You want to know how it would feel against your body.
Pedro palms your cheek and brings lifts your face up. Your eyes meet his and you swallow. You lick your lips.
Pedro runs his thumb over your lips. They’re soft just like he thought they’d be. He wonders if they’re just as kissable.
You hear a moan escape from Pedro. You look down and noticed his jeans are a little fuller.
Pedro leans down as his hand runs through your hair. “You’re making me hard Y/N. When I knew it was you doing this photoshoot I had to do because you’re one of my celebrity crushes too.”
“Pedro,” your voice is a whisper, and it’s infused with lust.
“Just turned on as I am?” He asks lightly.
“Yes,” you whisper.
“How about we ask for a break and I take you in your dressing room?”
You gulp. Did Pedro Pascal just ask for a quickie in your dressing room?
Pedro stands straight, “I need a break. If that’s okay?”
The photographer looks between the two of you and shrugs, “yeah that’s fine. Take about 30 minutes?”
Pedro nods then winks down at you.
You watch him walk away as Kat steps up behind you with your robe.
You look back at Kat. “Keep guard at my door.”
Kat grimaces at you, “I am not listening to you two have sex. Lock the door.”
You shove away the robe and walk down the hallway towards your dressing room. Once inside and you’ve closed the door, making sure to lock it, Pedro turns you around presses you against the door.
“I’ve never been more turned on in my life then looking at you in this,” Pedro says as his fingers reach under the straps of your thong.
“Pedro,” you moan.
Pedro leans down and presses his mouth against yours. Your lips are just as kissable as he thought they’d be. His tongue moves across your lips and as you let him in, he pulls you closer to him.
Your hands run up and down his chest. You moan as you finally touch the warm, soft skin.
You run hands down over his chest, his soft stomach. You stop once you reach his jeans, but you muster up courage and begin unbuttoning and unzipping them. You push them down along with his underwear and reveal his hardening cock.
Your hand strokes him from the tip down to the base. You stroke up his cock and swirl your thumb around the tip.
“Fuck Y/N,” Pedro hisses against your mouth.
You stand on tip toe as you kiss Pedro along his jawline, feeling the light fuzz which covers the bone. You move down his long neck and begin kissing and licking your way down his chest and stomach. You return to your full height once your midway in-between his chest and stomach.
You lower yourself to your knees and moan as you look at Pedro’s cock. It’s above average, bigger than some of the cocks you have had but Pedro’s – his is the biggest one you’ve seen.
Without a second thought, you engulf his cock with your mouth, your tongue swirling around his entire length as you take him fully into your mouth, deepthroating him.
“Fuck!” Pedro hisses as your warm mouth and throat take his cock deep. He can’t wait to feel his cock inside your pussy.
You reach up and squeeze his balls lightly then tightly.
“Fu—fuck!” Pedro growls. “I can’t wait any longer. I need to be inside you.”
Pedro grabs you by your arm and pulls you to your feet. He walks you backwards to the vanity and turns you around.
You are looking at each other in the mirror as he moves his hands down slowly, wraps his fingers under your strappy thong and pulls them down.
“Bend over baby,” Pedro growls.
You bend over, placing your hands on the vanity. You moan as Pedro strokes your cock along your ass and finds your slick pussy. He begins sinking into slowly.
“Fuck,” Pedro moans. “Just as hot, wet, and tight as I imagined.”
You grab onto the vanity as you feel Pedro’s cock fill your pussy. You clench your slick walls around him as he reaches the deepest depth of your pussy.
“Pedro, please,” you whisper.
Pedro grabs your hips as he begins thrusting in and out slowly, when his orgasm begins building his thrusts become quicker and rougher.
Your own orgasm begins cresting inside of you. You don’t mind the roughness, the quickest of his thrusts. You’re enjoying this as much as he is.
Pedro moves one hand down to your ass and squeezes it lightly, then squeezes it tightly.
“Fuck,” Pedro moans as he squeezes your ass, and thrusts in and out of you.
You reach down and find your clit hiding in your folds, you rub it lightly and moan loudly.
“Fuck Pedro!”
He finds your eyes in the mirror. “Oh, yes, baby,” Pedro pants, “touch yourself for me.”
You begin circling your clit as your orgasm reaches the edge.
You moan lowly as your orgasm crashes inside you. You place your one hand back on the vanity. Your orgasm almost made you collapse. It’s been one of the best, no it was the best orgasm you’ve ever experienced.
“Pedro, fu—fuck!” You pant as he still thrusts his hard cock into your pussy.
Pedro feels your pussy clench against his cock. He moans loudly at feeling of your pussy milking his cock with your orgasm. The sensation of your tightness and wetness milking his cock, sends his own orgasm into overdrive.
Pedro moans loudly as he thrusts roughly into your pussy, his stomach slapping your ass as his hands grasp tightly onto your hips.
“Fuck Y/N!”
You moan as you feel Pedro cum inside of you, your fingers still grasping the vanity tightly.
Pedro thrusts become slower and he finally withdraws from your heat.
You whimper as he withdraws. You know you want his cock again. You turn around and face him.
Pedro pulls his jeans and underwear up, stuffing his pussy juiced covered soft cock into his underwear.
You realize your thong is around your knees and pull it up. Not caring his cum is running down your leg. You’ll have time to clean up in the private bathroom in your dressing room.
Pedro leans down and kisses your mouth. “I want a round two. Later. Tonight.”
You kiss him back then pull away. “Yes. Round Two. Tonight.”
Pedro walks away.
At the door, he unlocks it then turns to look at you. He winks. “See you back out there.”
You forgot you need to finish the photoshoot.
At least you won’t be nervous, but you are going to be impatiently waiting for it to be over because round two with Pedro Pascal couldn’t come soon enough. 
Tags: @pascalisthepunkest​, @kaelyn-lobrutto24​, @knight-of-heart44​, @mandadl0rian​, @jokersdoll​, @longitud-de-onda​
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