#but yeah im gonna start putting my book reviews here
chainsawseesaw · 7 months
Renegades and Arch-Enemies - Marrissa Meyer
Renegades by Marissa Meyer My rating: 5 of 5 stars I enjoyed this book a lot. Though it was a bit slow at catching me, once it got me, I really struggled to put it down. It was full of twists and turns, and though at first the romance annoyed me, in time it came into its own and became endearing. The last 100 pages threw so much at me at once, and I loved it. I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys a good story. Even if you aren't much of a superhero fan (like myself), this book is still a fantastic ride. I am very excited to begin the sequel.
Archenemies by Marissa Meyer My rating: 4 of 5 stars I enjoyed this book just as much as the first. It is a stunning sequel and continues the story beautifully. Each character is complex and well written; even down to the smaller background characters, no one is black or white; they are all shades of grey. The last few chapters were a gorgeous whirlwind, and I am very excited to finish this series.
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mattsobvimyfav · 6 days
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For Sport (Matthew Sturniolo & Chris Sturniolo) PT 20
A.n—Hey, y'all, this is gonna be a very, very slow burn. I already have some chapters written, so I will probably fire them quickly. It will be toxic, with angst, smut, and everything you can possibly think of. It happens.
y/n POV
The bell rang, signaling the start of another school day. I walked into the classroom, my heart fluttered seeing Matt, after making up with him I stupidly let my feelings for him come back. There he was, sitting at his desk, his hair slightly tousled and a mischievous grin on his face.
As I made my way to my seat, he looked up and caught my eye. "Hey," he said, his voice warm and inviting. "Did you finish the homework for science?"
I nodded "Yeah, it was hard though. It took me all Sunday"
"Maybe you can help me with it during lunch," he suggested “I didn't even start it”
I laughed. "Sure, you can just copy me."
The morning classes dragged on, but I found myself glancing at him more often than not. Each time our eyes met, he would flash me a smile that made my heart skip a beat.
By the time lunch rolled around, I was actually felt butterflies for the first time in a while with him. I found him waiting by the lockers, leaning casually against the wall. "Ready to teach me science?" he asked, a playful smirk on his face.
We found a quiet corner in the cafeteria and spread out our books. Acting as if he wasn't just copying all my answers.
"You know," he said after a particularly funny comment, "I really like spending time with you. Im glad you giving me another chance."
I felt my cheeks flush, and I looked down at my notes to hide my smile. "Just dont fuck it up again Matthew.”
As we packed up our things, he gently touched my arm. "Hey, Do you wanna go on a date this weekend, just us an actual date?"
I looked up, meeting his gaze. "I'd love to."
The rest of the day passed in a blur. He continued to flirt in his easy, charming way.
As we walked out of the school together, he brushed a strand of hair from my face and smiled. "Are we coming over?" he asked. Nodding back towards Chris and Nick who were walking behind us.
"Definitely," I replied “Chris do you or Nick wanna ride with me?”
“I will!” Said Chris hoping into the front seat of my car. “Race you there suckers” I rolled my eyes at him thinking I was going to race my car.
"So, what are we ordering for food?" I asked, pulling out my phone.
"Pizza," said Matt. "You can never go wrong with pizza."
"I'm in," agreed the Chris, nodding enthusiastically.
"Extra cheese and pepperoni?" Nick suggested, raising an eyebrow.
I laughed. "Sounds like a plan." I quickly placed the order, and we made our way to the living room. The triplets sprawled out on the couches, making themselves at home.
"So, what movie are we watching?" I asked, scrolling through the options on the streaming service.
"We should watch something scary," Nick suggested.
"Or maybe something funny," Chris countered. "I'm not in the mood to be scared out of my mind."
"Thriller it is," I agreed, settling on a popular movie that had been getting good reviews. As the opening credits rolled, We sat watching the movie for about a half hour when the door rang.
"Food's here!" Chris exclaimed, jumping up to answer the door.
We sat around the coffee table on the ground and start eating.
Halfway through the movie, Matt nudged me. "This is the best way to spend the night" he said, smirking putting his arm around my shoulder.
I nodded cuddling into his chest.
As the movie reached its climax, we all huddled closer together, the suspense drawing us in. When the credits finally rolled, we all let out a collective breath.
"That was intense," Chris said, leaning back and stretching.
"But so good," Nick added, grinning. "Let's go get ice cream” Nick continues raising his eyebrow at Matt.
I looked down at my phone and saw it was only six grateful I didn't have ice skating today. I agreed to ice cream and we all stood up getting our shoes on to leave.
“Hold on, Don't judge me” I said running up the stairs and grabbing a pre-roll from my drawer “I want to smoke this while we drive there, so we can take my car but your driving Matt” Matt nodded and Chris started jumping up and down excited.
We got into my car and I sparked the joint taking a couple of hits before passing it off to Chris. After about fifteen hits, we put out the joint and had some red eyes. Once we arrived to the ice cream place we got out and walked towards the frozen yogurt store because Nick decided froyo was better than ice cream.
We walked up to the counter and I made eye contact with none other than Maddy. “Oh my god” I said and started laughing, Chris who was equally as high started laughing with me “Your actually so ugly up cl-” I was cut off by a hand over my mouth and Matt and Nick dragging me and Chris hysterically laughing out of the shop. “Ice cream it is.” Nick said as he dragged us to the car.
@worldlxvlys @larnieboox88 @luvangelbreak @maryx2xx @rockstarchr1s @ponyosturniolo
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gayandtierdoflife · 2 years
Radio Silence
okay so im gonna start with some trigger warnings ( please tell me if I missed anything), they are not necessarily in this "review" but good to know about.
TW: Mental illness, animal abuse (ish), abusive parents
So I just finished reading radio silence last night, and I am obsessed.
I am really bad at describing my feelings and stuff but I'm gonna do my best ig
Aled Last is my favorite bean and I would literally die for him. obviously I knew him from heartstopper already, but this is like HIS book and I love him so much. I would just like to give him a hug and therapy bc he needs it
Carol last is the devil in human form, I hate her so fucking much. Put me in a room with her, that bitch is dead
Frances is really sweet and I do love her very much. I believe that we have *similar* experiences with school etc. with is why she is so relatable for me. ofc im not as driven as she is but I do feel like there's a lot expected of me, school vise. I do have good grades and so, and I really fell a lot of pressure, mostly from myself around it. anyway, what I feel like I can relate mostly to is the whole "school friends" situation. okay I just started ranting here literally no one cares but yeah anyway
i'm not gonna go in on the other characters as much but yeah a little bit 'bout each of them can't hurt
Carys - a queen, respectful, love it
Daniel: I love him so much I can't even
Raine: slay. just slay.
Lana: Best mom award goes to-, Carol and charlies mom wishes that they could be as slaying as ms gurl here but nu uh, perfect, an angel
I can't remember any more significant/important characters rn so yeah.
One of the things I really thought about, reading this book, is how well written and easy to read it is. I believe that I really noticed it because of the fact that I read "call me by your name" - a pretty complex book, that I found really hard to read, right before I started radio silence. the contrast just really made me appreciate her writing 110% more. everything just flows, and that is a thing that I rarely reflect over, because it so rarely occurs in the books I read.
If you are looking for platonic relationships, this is the book for you. Aled and Frances's relationship is the DEFINITION of platonic soulmates and you cannot tell me otherwise. I love that this tory isn't centered around romance. oftentimes books will start with a plot, good characters, and then after like 100 pages the story is about a white cishet relationship, and all the characters loses their personality. I personally love that Frances doesn't "end up" with anyone. There is romance in the book, but it is barely even a subplot tbh and I adore that so much.
the REPRESENTATION - ofc this is an Alice Oseman book, so im not really "surprised", it just still makes me so happy to see such good representation in media. its just so rare to read a book about a biracial bisexual girl, a gay demi bestie, his asian gay bf and a whole cast full of queer, diverse people.I have in fact not, in a long time if at all.
there are of course thousands of more things to be said about this masterpiece, but I unfortunately do not have time to do so at the moment so this will have to do :)
love ya bye
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sugarcherriess · 1 year
Uh. Heyyyyy, how y’all doin 🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣🫣
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I’M NOT DEAD 😋🥰😘 I just went off the grid for a while just because I have been working constantly since last year and then one day I woke up and was like “I don’t wanna do anything anymore” and didn’t realise two weeks have passed since my last update😭😭😭😭
A few updates and reviews:
1. I’m a university professor now 👁👄👁
Monday will be my first day. Remember how we used to joke about my students coming across my blog. Yeah 👤
BRO????? STRAIGHT FUCKING FIRE?????? LIKE I HAVE NOT STOPPED LISTENING TO DEVIL BY THE WINDOW BEOMGYUS SEXY PART?????? THE TREMENDOUS BEAT???? TINNITUS???? OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK THEIR OUTFITS ARE SO SO FUCKING GOOD I LOVE THE CHOREO SO MUCH. 100000000000000000/10. Chefs kiss. “Stay you can stay if you’re tempted to leave” i will keep you as my sex slave do Not tempt me.
3. The Boyz comeback teaser
The. I. He. Yeah. High quality movie trailer fs. ♾/10. I’m so excited for it i already want to inject it in my veins.
4. Beomgyu
I want him so bad you don’t understand
5. Hyunjae
I. I can’t seem to stop crying about him to pup every other night so like improvement🤙🏼 im still emotionally constipated bc Hyunjae 🤢🤢🤢 but yk. Also his. Teaser photos for the. Book. Im malfunction every tims I remember bwbsbbdjskqoanan NOBODY LOOK AT HIM HES MINE.
6. Cats&Soup
I love this game so much. Pup introduced me to it and I haven’t stopped playing it. Another reason why I haven’t been on here. I kind of just woke up, played catsnsoup, fell asleep
7. This blog
I put this at the end because I didn’t want you to wanna kill me right off the bat. NO IM NOT CLOSING THE BLOG. I love love love interacting with all of you so much and i wanna keep it going but honestly i have no motivation to write anything. Even though my recent even requests are all so fucking good like i Want to write them but im so tired and im going to be tired after my classes start– both student and prof wise.
I’m not saying I’m gonna stop writing or not do the requests. I WILL. I’m just saying that updates will be real slow and I do hope you guys don’t get too impatient. Writing fics was a big part of my routine last year even though i was so occupied but now it’s going to have to be a hobby instead since i have so many more priorities i need to juggle I KNOW IM SORRY BUT IT CANT BE HELPED 😭😭😭😔😔😔
8. I love you
Im sorry if i worried you guys bc I disappeared out of nowhere but i didnt plan it at all honestly i had no idea its been so long. But thank you so much for still thinkign of me and keeping in touch i love you fr😔💘💘
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merrrrrrrrry · 2 years
hiiii 🫶🏻
that sounds like so much fun!! it’s so cool that you get to do that for your internship and that you enjoy it so much!!
so i was studying accounting but to start i was doing like a bunch of business classes and the law class i took was super introductory and focused primarily on contract law (i think) and so that’s how i was able to take it even though i wasn’t studying law!! i still don’t understand why my professor wanted us to go to a hearing as part of our final but it was interesting regardless 🤷🏼‍♀️
as for the tumblr edits i looked through your tag and i think they’re really nice!!! that sounds super frustrating honestly. it’s horrible to be so enthusiastic about something and have the people essentially running it not put in the effort to keep it enjoyable for everyone 😔
oooh i’ve never heard of that before, what is tiffin? it’s nice that you got to enjoy lunch with a group of good people!! and i love that for you!!! a good sandwich is always a bright spot in any day 🥹
it sucks you’re having trouble with the book and completing the review, but i’m sure you’re doing a good job regardless!!! hopefully it’ll all get easier along the way as you become more familiar with your area of study 🫶🏻 you were able to get into your program without any preparation so you must be considerably more prepared and capable than you feel right now 💗
okay some things about me..genuinely would spend every waking minute doing crafts if i could. like i don’t even care what i’m doing i just like creating things 🥺 my favorite drink is genuinely so boring i just really like water dhshshs like 9 times out of 10 if given the choice of drinks im gonna pick water! as for music i try to listen to a lot of different genres but i generally stick to pop (mostly bc 1d and the boys are pop-y) and then whatever like 4/5 songs im obsessed with!
good luck on your assignment, im sending you all the spare energy i have 💗💗
-✨holiday pal✨
(i hope this sends okay because i wrote it out in my notes app and copy pasted it bc it was getting incredibly long djshshs)
Hellloooo 💕💕
I'm so so so so so so sorry for the late reply
I do the same thing of writing in notes and copying here sometimes 🤣🙈
That's really cool. Contract law will be introduced as a subject to us this coming semester. I could talk to you about it!
Yeah, just today the posts I made which they approved was supposed to be posted and a few hours before posting time, one of the seniors suddenly had a problem with it and I had to do one of the things all over
Tiffin! Omg I keep forgetting it's such an Indian thing. So this is the Wikipedia definition - Tiffin is an Indian English word for a type of meal. It refers to a light breakfast or a light tea-time meal at about 3 p.m., consisting of typical tea-time foods. In certain parts of India, it can also refer to the midday luncheon or, in some regions of the Indian subcontinent, a between-meal snack.
For me midday luncheon is the best word for it. You'd eat breakfast at home, then have tiffin during break time at school and come back home and have lunch. But right now I'm working the whole day, so i take my lunch with me to court in a tiffin box(mine is just like an off-brand Tupperware kinda thing) and that's my tiffin.
I had Poha today in the morning and chicken curry and pulao for lunch. Sunday special!! What about you?
Thank you so much for that. I pray you're right and i finish my work on time. "Tumhare mooh mein ghee shakkar". It literally means may your mouth be full of ghee and sugar but actually it means what you said was very sweet and may what you said come true.
Water is my favourite drink!!! Oh god, I love water. And I love analysing how different the tastes of water in different places are, not out loud, just to myself.
I admire people who do arts and crafts soo so much. What kind of crafts do you do? The max that I can do is cross stitching.
Have a beautiful day 💕💕💕
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bbarican · 2 years
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casita 🤍 a little room tour as requested by @buhaybabae 🤪
here's a little rundown on my room: (photos are from L-R going down)
i painted my closet myself so the flowers and whatever else you see on there was all by me back in 2020; green hanging organizer is where i store my masks, masks lanyards, and headbands; ofcourse there is also my tote bag collection for easy access when i need them (thats why theyre all by the door)
prints/artworks are tbh just from pinterest and i printed them on some glossy photo paper and the ink just kept going everything - stick to matte photo paper, everyody!
my vanity which im pretty proud to say was all done by my dad - yung kalat, thats all me; before i started working, thats the table i used to work on or sit at most of the time plus selfies here are top tier; very proud of my book collection too - lahat yan nabasa ko na except siguro like 5 books
my work station - obviously not that much of a fan of blank walls; artworks on that wall is a combo of either something i made myself or those photocards from shopee or something i printed off of pinterest; shelf was installed by my dad; table is literally just a lifetime table from snr; syempre lahat ng important kalat ko nandiyan sa "desk" ko and at the coffee table turned storage table beneath it
queen sized bed that i only sleep on siguro 2-3 times a month depending on when my lola is here kasi dito kami both sa kwarto ko natutulog; tapestry is a gift from my bestfriend; dreamcatcher is from my debut since it was coachella themed wew; there are indeed fairylights on that wall since i am very basic
that medyo pale look simple corner is basically my lola's side of the bed and thats her little table where she stores her bible and cosmetics; my dad wanted to put a tv on that shelf over there but nope its too high so i just displayed a monet print (my favorite artist), my college diploma, and my certificate stating that i was an honorable mention
thats my drafting table turned catch all table kasi hindi ko pa naman siya ulit gagamitin now so it just holds random stuff; black trolley is from ikea pero TRUST ME you can find a cheaper version on shopee or lazada but hey atleast the quality is good! - the trolley has my supplier catalogs and a bunch of other necessities
and last but not the least, just some extra storage cabinets plus my very old thrifted record player and my very little vinyl collection, which is a combo of records that my dad and grandfather used to own and some that we bought back in like 2015-2016; and that green crate full of books is my to be read stash which i will start on tonight
so yeah - again i dont stay here that much, i only started staying in here more once i started reviewing for the boards and when i got a job
i never sleep here by myself kasi we all actually sleep in one room to save energy, but nevertheless, ofcourse i was gonna design my room the way i wanted to and with the fact that i am stuck in here for atleast a week more, i might just even add more paintings to the cabinets doors, who knows?
but yeah i hope you guys enjoyed my not so short room tour!
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actualbird · 3 years
me, scrolling thru ur blog for my daily regularly scheduled serotonin: wow a marluke update! gonna save that for myself as a treat
oh, what’s this ?
what if vyn and artem had tumblr blogs
look what you’ve done to me i’m in sheer pain
HELLO, CLOWN!!! i cant remember if youve messaged before with this designated emoji but the clown after This Whole Ask made me cackle. i honk my clown nose along with you.
man, i KNOW luke was into fandoms. i KNOW he has discord, in fact i have an entire fic draft that has this whole fucking premise, it's titled "→ lukeonthebrightside just slid into the server."
lemme get the rest of it, heres the summary without any scene excerpts:
The year is 2021. Luke Pearce, fifteen years old, is told by the school guidance counselor that he needs more friends. Too shy to interact with his non-Ria classmates, he ends up going online and joining an ACD Sherlock Holmes fandom Discord server.
heres a scene i managed to scribble before i made 85 more tot wips:
thegeekery You can’t be serious. Please tell me you’re not serious. You Cannot be 15 years old, holy shit. How are you 15 years old and in a server for Arthur Conan Doyle Sherlock fans. The books. You're messing with us, you are not 15. lukeonthebrightside ? why would i lie about being fifteen? thegeekery To give us an ulcer, like you usually do? I mean this in the most loving way possible, btw. WaffleTime YEAH LMAO, TO PUNK US? it’s not out of character for u lol lukeonthebrightside [attachment.png] thegeekery Uh. WaffleTime BOY??? IS THAT YOUR FUCKING BIRTH CERTIFICATE???? OH MY GOD thegeekery Okay, no, hold up, real talk Luke, you should not. Be sending stuff like this. To a server full of strangers. Actually, can we get a @mod in here? I don’t think I have the EQ to handle this very well. lukeonthebrightside huh why did i do something wrong thegeekery Luke, that has your address on it. jeeperscreepers Give me a moment, I’m backreading. Oh, geez. Hm. lukeonthebrightside meet me in DMs please. WaffleTime ohhhhh somebodys in TROUBLEEEEEE
i got super emo about this wip actually, i wanna go back to it because i wanna explore luke's younger days before super spy training and terminal illness fucked with his head. i am convinced that even before those things, inside of luke, there was like...this want to be with people. and yet this fear that he doesnt deserve to be.
also i just want to write luke being a stupid kid doing stupid kid things on the internet and having a server of very protective fandom adults bonking him on the head and telling him to be safer online and also to be less hard on himself
irt to marius on the internet, i talk about that (and vyn being hilarious on twitter) in these posts!!: nxx boys on social media: part 1 tiktok. part 2 vyn on twitter.
i.....do not believe vyn would be on tumblr. if he did, you will have to give me some time to figure it out. artem, however, i have thought about and to me, it's possible he would have a tumblr.
actually, heres a secret: i was planning on making a STUPIDLY IN CHARACTER artem rp blog. like, not even styled as an rp blog. it's. it's Artem's Blog. the blog title would be "My Thoughts" and his bio is just "Hello. I hope you find this interesting." and his theme is the default theme and all he reblogs are movie reviews and recipes. nothing in the tags ever. and many long posts about his interests with linked and Chicago Manual Of Style cited sources. no pictures. he was born in 2001, the era of "dont even put ur name online."
im....still on the fence whether i wanna do that blog actually kJBSJDKFS IT WOULD BE SO FUNNY
in this entire response, i did not tackle how luke interacts with homestuck. because im saving this for another ask i have in my inbox, asking me what luke's classpect would be. and now i have to become a hermit in the mountains, studying the lore and theses on classpects, to come up with my view and opinion.
youre in pain, clown? i am too.
and ive come to enjoy it :')
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theimmaterialplace · 3 years
i’ll give you all you want if you just ask | spencer reid x f!reader | ch. 1 of 2: all i need
Summary: It doesn’t take a profiler to notice that Spencer Reid is nervous around you. Half of the team finds it funny and the other half just ignores it. What you don’t know is why. Well, you have an idea but you’d rather not be wrong in your deduction and make a fool of yourself and make him just avoid you completely.
See, it’s not that you just make him nervous, it’s that you make him excited. He perks up every time you enter a room and shoots you a shy smile, never making eye contact. He shivers any time you accidentally, or purposefully because you can’t help yourself, brush against him. He follows your lead eagerly and without complaint, able to connect the pieces you’ve put together. Perhaps the most damning piece of evidence is the way he reacts to your praise.
Oh, how his reactions always excite you.  
Contains: hints of light dom/sub undertones, teasing, praise kink. no actual smut yet, just a bit of kissing and allusions to sex. enabler!hotch. 
Word Count: 1.7k
Comments: hello im back this very self indulgent fic! i just love sub!spencer to pieces and there aren't enough fics with him featuring that so i'm here to remedy that! also just assume rossi had a date or something and couldn't make it! i'd say this takes place before a bit before the reaper arc! also i fucking adore hotch and HAD to make him an enabler because he just wants his team to be happy!! he cares for them!! if you’d rather read this on ao3, here’s the link! finally, leave a comment/review so ik how yall feel! reblogs are also highly appreciated! :)
It doesn’t take a profiler to notice that Spencer Reid is nervous around you. Half of the team finds it funny and the other half just ignores it. What you don’t know is why . Well, you have an idea but you’d rather not be wrong in your deduction and make a fool of yourself and make him just avoid you completely.
See, it’s not that you just make him nervous, it’s that you make him excited . He perks up every time you enter a room and shoots you a shy smile, never making eye contact. He shivers any time you accidentally, or purposefully because you can’t help yourself, brush against him. He follows your lead eagerly and without complaint, able to connect the pieces you’ve put together. Perhaps the most damning piece of evidence is the way he reacts to your praise.
Oh, how his reactions always excite you.  
You’d conducted an experiment over the past few months. At first, you had given him compliments such as “I like your outfit today” or “good work on today’s case”, harmless things. He had reacted as well as you expected, blushing the tiniest bit and muttering a thank you in response.
Next, you decided to take a page out of Morgan’s book and call him pretty boy which eventually turned into a whole slew of nicknames revolving around praising him. The first time you had called him pretty boy, he had burned his mouth because he gulped his coffee too quickly. His face was a bright red and he was incapable of meeting your eyes for the rest of the day. As it was, that was a great reaction but your favorite had to be the time you called him a good boy. He had looked up at you with wide eyes and his pupils had dilated so much that you barely saw his original eye color. Now that should’ve been enough to confirm your beliefs but you decided to take it a step farther.
The most recent trial had you calling him your boy, a possessive indicator. There was no hiding your intentions with this one so you made sure to only call him that in private; no need for the team to know. It seemed like no matter how many times you called him yours, one way or another, it still had the same effect on him.
With this information, you had no doubt that Spencer was interested in you and seemed to lean on the sub side of things. It was cute. He was cute. He was just your type in men. You loved nothing more than a man who was intellectual and would let you take control, which you had no doubt Spencer would allow.
It’s on a Saturday night when everyone decides to get drinks, a rare occasion, that you decide to make a move. Well, you’re actually encouraged to by someone you would least expect.
“So, when do you plan on making a move on Spencer?” It takes everything in you not to choke on the fruity drink you were sipping on when Hotch speaks up. You turn your head to look at him and find him staring at you with a smug, knowing look on his face.
“I’d say I have no idea what you’re talking about, but that’d be a lie and also an insult to you.” A small grin creeps onto his face with your response. It’s nice to see him so relaxed because god only knows how much your boss deserves to let loose every once in a while.
“Hm, you’re avoiding the question. Don’t tell me that all those pet names and touches were for nothing.” It’s a good thing you’re lightly buzzed because otherwise you’d feel completely mortified over the revelation that your boss had picked up on your actions. As you are now though, you can only let out a laugh and smile sharply at his remark.
“Course not, Hotch. As for an answer to your question,” you pause and look across the bar to where he’s laughing at something Penelope said, “I think it won’t be too long now. He’s just so… receptive .” He only hums, taking another sip of what you think is whiskey.
“Well don’t take too long.” And perhaps it’s his encouragement or just the liquid courage but you decide that now is a good time to get your boy. You excuse yourself quietly and give Hotch a small wave which he returns with a small smirk on his face.
When you finally reach Spencer, it’s to him saying goodbye to the rest of the team.
“Come on, stay for a bit longer. We’ll have a fun time. We always do.” Derek might be able to convince him if he keeps going on like this so you decide to interrupt.
“Hey, guys!” Everyone turns to look at you and they all clammer to ask you how you’ve been, giving Spencer the out he needed.
“So, what were you talking about with the boss man? I saw some very interesting expressions over there, babe.” Penelope has a sly grin on her face as the rest of the team “oohs” at her statement.
“Oh, just a little bit of this, little bit of that. Don’t tell me you thought I was flirting with him…” at this, their shoulders drop a little, “Oh my god, come on, you guys! As if I’d flirt with Hotch. You guys though…. You’re all free real estate.” You wink at them in good fun.
“You’re almost as bad as Derek with your flirting, you know that?” Emily takes a sip of her drink and JJ nods, agreeing with her completely.
“Now, there’s no need to insult me like that, ladies. At least I take my flirting seriously. When was the last time you even got laid?” You can feel Spencer’s eyes on you so you decide not to answer.
“I plead the fifth!” This gets you a round of laughs and you decide now is a good time to tell them you’re leaving and start your plan.
“Well, I’m glad everyone is having a good time but I really gotta go,” this earns you a round of “boos”, “I know. I know. Sure it may be old lady behavior but I have plans tomorrow morning. You guys have fun for me though!”
JJ speaks up, “Oh, since you’re leaving right now, would you mind taking Spencer home? I was going to give him a ride since the metro is closed tonight but you’re already leaving so I figured why not?” You only nod while internally you can’t help but think this is going even more perfectly than you originally thought.
You look over to Spencer who’s already looking at you. “You okay with that, pretty boy?” He nods and even with the lighting of the club, you can recognize his cheeks flushing.
You turn back to the rest of them to address them,“Well, goodnight guys! Be safe and I’ll see you Monday if everything goes well! Love you!”
After receiving the mandatory goodbye hugs and kisses, you grab Spencer’s hand and lead him out of the club. It’s a good thing you parked far away because now you have time to set the mood.
“How many drinks have you had tonight? You look moderately red, Spence.” It’s a good starter because you need to know he’s not drunk and that this is fully consensual but also to call him out on his blushing.
“I didn’t drink tonight. Didn’t really feel like it so I just nursed a coke and I think the team thought it was a mixed drink.” His voice is heavenly and you personally can’t wait to hear what he sounds like moaning your name or any other name you both decide on.
You stop for a moment and place the back of your hand on his forehead before you announce, “Good news, you don’t have a fever! Bad news, I can’t place why else you’d be so red.” He splutters for a moment and your red only turns him more red.
“Yeah,” his voice cracks and you feel his palm become sweaty despite the cool temperature, “I don’t know why either.”
He’s so adorable if he thinks you’re gonna let him off the hook so easily. You lean in closer to him and whisper, “You know, my darling… I think I do know why you’re so red right now and it’s the same reason you’re always blushing around me,” you can hear him audibly gulp but he doesn't display any signals for you to stop so you continue, “The team used to think it was because I made you nervous and while that is partially correct, I think it’s because I made you excited, right?”
You stop in your tracks and you’re grateful you timed this correctly because you’re able to back him onto your car.
He’s looking down at you, eyes wide and pupils dilated, and you can’t help the smirk that graces your face. He looks so good like this but you think he’d look better looking up at you from his knees.
You reach up to cradle his face in your hands and say,“Tell me if you want this, Spencer. If you say no, I’ll stop and we’ll never have to speak of this again but… If you do want this, say please and I’ll take you home.”
He’s looking at you with something close to adoration and his admission is so quiet that if you hadn’t been staring so intently at him, you wouldn’t have heard him or read the plea that fell from his lips.
Oh, how that one little word sounded like music to your ears.
You take the last leap and lean forward to kiss him. His lips are exactly how you pictured and he tastes like the chapstick you gave him on that case to Alaska. This makes you feel unbearably smug because if he’s been using this chapstick rather than his usual one, it means you’ve affected even more than you thought.
When you finally pull away, Spencer looks confused and very rumpled.
“As much as I would love to continue this, I’d rather we didn’t do this in a parking lot for our first time.” He perks up at “first time” and you smile at him, “and there will be plenty of times to do this later. You’re not getting rid of me now that you’ve finally succumbed to my advances.”
“I agree.” He smiles at you and you take his hand into your own, giving it a light squeeze.
“Now, let’s get to my apartment so we can continue this."
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Interlude - Rewrite POYW - Part 5 - Future vision and new VKs
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-two days later(August 2016)-
Uma perked up from the small sea glass bead bracelet she was working on, a smirk growing on her face as you appeared from the brush of the forest and walked toward her, a black bag in your right hand full of food. “Took you long enough, I even started working on this!” Uma held up the unfinished bracelet and set it to her side, making grabby hands at your bag as you stepped closer to her “Gimmie, I know you brought pineapple wedges.”
You laughed a bit and held out the bag to her, taking the bag off your back and taking out a towel and laying it down on the sand before sitting next to Uma “I brought your pineapple wedges” which Uma was already getting into “Some mac and cheese that Gil made, chicken breast, cornbread, and some packs of apple juice. bone app a teeth” Uma gave you a look at your last couple of words but shook her head at your grin.
“Weirdo” she mumbled, pulling out the containers filled with chicken and a fork, popping open the lip, and chowing down “Damn, who made the chicken?”
“Someone in the kitchen” you chuckled, picking up the box of cornbread and grabbing one to eat “Harry, Gil, and I didn’t feel like eating in the cafeteria last night so we took some of the food from the kitchen that the students have access to that was in the ‘take whatever you want’ fridge that the chefs load up with so much shit, and Gil made the mac and cheese like a day ago, everything is pretty fresh” Uma shoveled some of the mac and cheese into her mouth and groaned, her eyes fluttering.
“Fuck that’s good, even on the isle Gil was a good chef, he needs to cook more” you laughed at that, grabbing a box of apple juice and stabbing it into the top.
“He does, he makes bomb cookies too.” Uma perked up at that, giving you a look that said ‘bring me the cookies or I drown you’ “Hey! Don’t give me that look! Next time he makes cookies I’ll bring ‘em, okay??” Uma continued to stare at you with that look before nodding, satisfied with your answer.
“So?” Uma swallowed her food and dug out an apple juice box from your back, pointing at you with it in her hand “Updates, what happened with the new vks? I saw the limo go in and out two days ago.”
“Complete success, we got Harriet, CJ, Sammy Smee, Skipper and Sterling, and Dizzy all off the isle, and they’re all at the dorms now, Harriet’s gonna be transferred to the college next quarter and school starts next-next week” Uma nodded at your explanation, twirling the fork in her hands. “Your hair looks really good by the way” Uma looked at you, a soft smile on her face.
She had undone her braids about a week ago, to let the ocean water properly flow through the strands, and now rested against her back and shoulders in thick curls. “Thank you” she hummed, picking at her cornbread “I've been trying to get the…shrimp smell out”
You furrowed your brows and reached up, stopping yourself a few inches from her hair “May I touch your hair?” Uma glanced at you, slightly surprised you had asked, and nodded. Tilting her head a bit as you gently tugged on a lock of her hair. “it’s really soft, and personally I don’t smell anything bad, especially not shrimp, more…the ocean and coconut” Uma laughed a bit as you released her hair and set your hand back on your knee.
“I've been using coconut to take care of my hair…good to know it's working” you smiled to yourself as a soft grin grew on Uma’s face, one of her hands reaching up and curling a lock around her finger.
“Yeah… Evie's business is picking up” Uma raised her brow, as if saying ‘nice subject change, and I care why?’ “Well” you laughed, pushing Uma’s shoulder a bit as she rolled her eyes “hold up a moment im getting to the good part, but her business is picking up and Harry works for her as a model” Uma’s brows raised at that, “Told you, anyway he works for her as a model and with her business picking up, he models for her more often and she's paying him for it, soooo Harry’s getting fucking moneys~”
Uma hummed and picked at her chicken slice “Really? How much?” you grinned, making Uma sit up and grab at your shoulders “Okay how fucking much is Harry making from modeling; because that grin tells me he’s already rich.”
“He very well might be in a year or two” you laughed, gently removing her hands from your shoulders and readjusting your sitting position. “somewhere between 30 and a thousand per paycheck” Uma gave you a blank stare for a few moments before she rolled her eyes.
“Okay don’t tell me then, sheesh” you fell back as you laughed, Uma twisting around and sitting cross-legged, picking up another apple juice box and sipping at it.
“I’m sorry I’m sorry, um, Harry and Evie said it should increase as her business grows n stuff, but right now he’s making about eight hundred a paycheck.” Uma turned to you with wide eyes, mouth dropping open slightly in shock.
“whaaat?!” she screeched, dropping the now empty apple juice box into the sand “Eight-hundred?! That’s more-that’s more than I've made in a month at my ma’s shop!!” you laughed a bit, nodding your head as Uma continued to stare at you bewildered.
“Yeah, he’s already put a lot of it into a savings account, something about getting an apartment for us in the future with room for the Smee boys and his sisters if they ever needed a place to stay, but that won't be for another year or two since you have to be 18 to rent an apartment without parental permission.” Uma smiled a bit, Harry was one to think of the future, even on the isle. He would stash away rubies and gold coins in a savings stash under a floorboard in his old apartment for when they got off the isle.
“That sounds nice, make sure he gets one with a pool for me yeah?” you laughed again, shaking your head a bit as you and Uma side fist-bumped.
“I’ll make sure of that yeah” you took out your phone and sighed, standing from the beach and wiping the sand from your pants “I got to go, Ben wanted me for a meeting at 1, I'll get the bag when I come back tomorrow, see you!” Uma accepted the crouch side hug from you and waved you off, casting a spell to keep water off and out of the containers of food and the bag as she packed it up and dove into the sea, swimming back out to her mother's old hideout.
She slowed to a stop in front of the main opening, stepping through the air bubble she had made a while back and snapping her fingers, the water disappearing off her body by magic. “There we go” she mumbled, swinging the backpack off her shoulder and walking over to the “kitchen” area of the old hideout. She stashed away the food into the “fridge” aka old spell and potion cabinet that she had cast a cold holding spell onto to turn it into a makeshift fridge.
With a wave of her hand, her clothes transformed from a tank top and calf cut cargo pants to a long-sleeved red shirt with a hook stitched to the chest and black leggings. She stretched her arms behind her back and groaned as her back pop slightly.
Uma sighed and looked around the hideout, eyes landing on the claw-shaped cauldron in the middle of the room. it was odd, being in her mother's famous lair, but…also comforting, in a strange way.
She couldn't explain it, but…she felt safe. Probably because the only people that came around here were teens or kids on a dare and were easily scared off. So Uma was pretty much alone in the deep of the ocean.
Uma walked over to the little corner she had turned into her bedroom and sat on her bed, picking up the orange blanket you had given her cotillion night and curling it around her, staring off into space as she thought about…well everything.
From the new vks, the transfer plan, her boys, you, the isle, the vks still on the isle…the future was so unknown, what she would give for just a glimpse, just so she wasn’t so scared for it.
Uma’s eyes widened, drifting between the clawed cauldron and a small set of books that were hidden behind her mother's vanity.
She could see into the future!
Uma lept off her bed and towards the books, pulling them out until she found one with the symbol of twisting water and tentacles appeared in her hands “there you are” she whispered, she had gone through these books when she found the lair and in them, she found hundreds of spells and potion instructions ranging from simple hair or visualization spells to transfiguration and curses.
“Future vision, future vision, future-ah!” Uma landed on the page she needed and stood, walking over to the cauldron and conjuring a stand for her to set the book on. She set it down and read the instructions, it seemed she would need to both make a potion and use an incantation.
“Okay, I got this” she let out a breath, rubbing her hands together as she spun around and walked over to her mother's old ingredient cabinet.
The tail of a sea worm, the clenched fist of a long-dead merman, the head of a fish, wings of a dust fairy pixie, and the eye of a seer. She carried the items over to the cauldron, casting a levitating spell to keep them next to her as she reviewed the spell.
“Okay, okay I got this” she took another breath, opening the caldron and tossing the ingredients in, leaning back a bit as smoke and vapor released from the cauldron. “Oof, okay”
Uma took one last look at the book, muttering the incantation to herself as she held the eye of a seer above the cauldron.
Finally, as she dropped the eye into the brew, and she clutched her necklace as the incantation echoed around her.
“Though winters past and summers morn, the future will be shown/the sight clear and sounds echo, I see into a world unknown”
Uma leaned back a bit as golden shimmering dust rose from the cauldron, slowly forming into a shape…of the isle. “The isle?” Uma mumbled, leaning closer to the image, squinting as she watched the golden magic bridge build and a limo enter the isle, the main bridge part looked very different than the rundown broken castle-like area she was used to, it looked to be rebuilt with signs on the front. “They’re getting more kids, when is this?”
The isle disappeared and was replaced with the image of a golden calendar, showing the present date then suddenly the pages were torn off at a rapid pace, Uma desperately trying to keep up with the passing dates before it stopped.
Uma blinked and looked closer, her brows furrowing as she looked at the circled date. “August 2nd…2019?!” Uma took a step back, her hands clenching at her side, three years? The vision she had seen before was in almost three years? But…it could possibly be one of many pick-ups? “How many vks have been picked up between the six from two days ago and the vks from the vision just before” Uma hoped the spell worked like this, she was in for shit if it didn’t.
Thankfully, that’s how the spell seemed to work, the image of the calendar disappeared and the sand like magic stayed dormant, shifting within the caldron…it seemed the spell didn’t know how to answer that question “Maybe I need to make it clearer?” Uma hummed, tapping her fingers against the rim of the cauldron before it came it her “How long will it be between the six vks two days ago and the next transfer of vks.”
The calendar appeared again, now first showing the date of two days ago, and then ripping off the pages rapidly “Oh no.” Uma muttered, sinking down to her knees slightly as the calendar stopped at August 2nd 2019 again. “two and a half years? Seriously?! What the fuck?!” Uma growled and knocked over the stand that held the spellbook and whirled back around at the cauldron “Why does it take so long!?”
The calendar disappeared again and was replaced with a long table with about twelve people sitting around it, and she could recognize King Ben sitting at the end, his head held in his hands as the others all held a hand up, glowering at the young king. “His council?” Uma murmured, looking at the faces of the people to see if she recognized anybody, only able to pick out Aurora mother, who had her hand up, and ex-king Luis, Cinderella’s father-in-law, who had his hand down, seeming to be on Ben’s side of whatever they were debating.
“What did they vote for?” Uma asked, biting her lip as the council disappeared and a paper took its place, the top reading ‘Application for juvenile Reunification’. Uma furrowed her brows, confused for a moment before she kept reading, rage bubbling in her gut as she did. “They have to fucking apply??! Just to get the freedom they deserve?! Do they agree to this?!”
The application disappeared and was replaced with the moving image of Ben and (y/n), Harry glaring at the king just behind (y/n). (y/n) was yelling, so was Ben, both motioning to the paper in (y/n)s hand. “That must be the application thing or whatever” Uma muttered, smirking as (y/n) crumbling it in her fist and shook it in Ben’s face.
Ben seemed to nod and point at it, and Uma leaned in reading his lips ‘that’s what I want to do (y/n), but I can’t! When they overrule me, I can't do anything about it! I’m sorry, but if we don’t go by their rules then we don’t get kids off the isle im sorry!’
(y/n) shook her fist in his face again and turned, walking towards Harry and burying her face in his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and glared at Ben, Uma leaning in again to read their lips. Ben spoke first ‘I am sorry, I’ll try to get everything ready as soon as possible, but some of it is going to take almost two years, maybe almost three! Especially the shelter and cps agency, and the council required those to be done before we can even send out the applications’ Harry stared at Ben for a moment before looking down at (y/n) and pulling her tighter into him.
‘Get it done beasty boy’ Harry seemed to growl, his lip set in a slight snarl ‘and quick, if this takes longer than yeh say, you’ll be hanging from the mast’ Ben nodded, turning back to his desk and picking up a thick folder.
‘I'll hold you to that’ Ben said back, about to say something else but the image disappeared before Uma’s eyes before he could finish.
“Dammit,” Uma muttered, rubbing her with her palms as she grit her teeth. It was the same reason they had taken so long after Ben had promised to get her off the isle after the coronation, the council kept pushing back everything, so stuck in their old ways of thought that they just couldn’t bear to have more vks in Auradon.
“Bastards” Uma growled, standing from the floor and looking back in the cauldron, it seemed the spell had finished, and she wouldn’t be able to ask any more questions about the future. “Ben, (y/n), I hope to Hades you don’t fuck this up for those kids”
Celia couldn’t help but keep her eyes locked on the spot where the Auradon limo had been parked only two days ago, the spot where Dizzy had left her on the isle.
Dizzy had promised to get her off next, whispering it in Celia’s ear as Dizzy hugged her tightly just before she left. Dizzy was hardly one to break a promise, even in a place where promises were never kept, so Celia trusted her.
She just hoped that trust wouldn’t be proved wrong.
Celia sighed, looked at her watch, and realized she had to go pick up some stuff for Hades before her usual fortune-telling shift in front of the arcade.
She quickly traveled to the market and snatched up some cans of corn, cans of refried beans, and a large loaf of bread, that was only a day past its baking date. Celia took another loaf for herself and her dad, suppressing the smile she had as she walked towards the mines.
it was nice having actual food to eat, Celia no longer went hungry every other night and no longer needed to scrounge for money to get the food that was being kept on the market thanks to Harriet's crew that was making sure the merchants weren’t keeping the food away from everybody due to selling it at a high price as they usually did for the better food as they did before the program.
“Celia~” A velvety voice cooed behind her, and Celia turned, raising her brow as she spotted Ginny Gothel, Mother Gothel’s daughter. Ginny Gothel was a flirt, a heavy-set young woman who dared to blow a kiss to Harriet and survive. her dark curly hair was in a short bob that showed the shaved part of her neck. her face, which was always either set in a glare or a flirtatious smirk, was painted with dark makeup. she collected crystals and rings to adorn herself, black and dark red fabrics flowed around her body when she strut down the market place with pride. she was a part of the older villain kids, so respect came with her presence.
“Celia darling~” Ginny cooed; Celia just slowly nodded to show she was listening “do you think you can ask Dizzy if she's got an opening? I need a touch up” Ginny's hand reached up and brushed against the back of her neck where her hair was beginning to overgrow where it was supposed to be. Celia huffed, fixing her grip on her supplies for hades.
“First, I ain't in charge of her and you can go find out yourself I ain't your errand rant, second, Dizzy left two days ago” Ginny's eyes went wide at that “She's in Auradon now, with all those prissy people, so tough luck, eh?” Ginny groaned and leaned heavily back against the wall she was next to, throwing her arm over her eyes.
“Noooo how am I ever going to get my hair cut now?! Dizzy was the only one to understand exactly what I needed!...” her arm dropped to her side as she pouted, looking back at Celia who just stared at her with bored eyes “Well I could go to the hearts salon but I do not trust that mad queen with those sheers”
“Suck it up and get it cut you weenie” Celia snarked, smirking as Ginny scoffed at her and walked off, presumably to the queen of hearts salon.
Celia shrugged Ginny's dramatic attitude off and made her way to the mines.
Ginny sighed dramatically, rubbing her hands against the back of her neck again, she really did need a touch-up. But Dizzy was in Auradon and she was the only hair person Ginny trusted with her hair. The last time she went to the hearts salon she ended up with the wrong cut and length.
But then again. Ginny stopped in the middle of the street, hands on her hips as she pouted at the floor, she really-really needed a touch-up on her undercut.
Fuck it, if it got fucked up, she’d fix it herself.
She twisted on her heel and walked over to the side of the isle that housed the red-hearts salon. She pushed the main door open and crossed her arms, her dark amber eyes scanning the customers and workers.
“Ey darling, you here for a cut or a dye?” Ginny turned, smirking as she locked eyes with one of her closest cohorts on the isle, Colin Hearts. The only other person she trusted with her hair, she had hoped they were working today, and lucky for her they were.
Colin was a lanky teen, their heels making them seem taller than they really were. they always seemed to wear flowing shirts and tight pants, and wore five-inch heels more often than not. Their natural dark red hair had been cut into a fluffy bright red Mohawk and their brown eyes were hidden behind purple contact lenses. Their teasing lips were always painted with black lipstick, and their nails sharp and red.
Ginny walked to her “friend” and they shared a quick handshake they had made when both of them were young. “Yeah, due for a buzz on my undercut, think you can do that for me, hun?” Colin looked up at the ceiling, their painted lips in a false thinking pout “Colin.” Colin smirked at Ginny's low tone and nodded.
“Yeah, I can do that for you, come on~ you know my station~” Ginny gave tight-lipped smile to Colin and strut over to the scarlet red chair with painted white hearts that Colin had decked out a while ago to claim it as their station.
Ginny sat down and crossed her legs, examining her black nails as Colin settled behind her. “So just a touch up, eh?” Colin murmured aloud, Ginny nodded in confirmation, leaning her head back to peer at Colin.
“Don’t fuck it up or I take those red lace pumps you treasure so much” Ginny grinned as Colin gasped at that and pushed their hand to their chest at her threat.
“How dare you~!” the two shared a nasty grin and Colin reached for their electric clippers, throwing the hair catcher towel around Ginny's neck and turning the clippers on. “So did you hear that Harriet ‘n her sister left to Auradon two days ago?” Ginny gasped at that “Really?” Colin leaned into Ginny's line of sight “You’re obsessed with that girl; I’m surprised you didn’t sense the moment she left the barrier” Colin chuckled at Ginny's glare and went back to her hair.
“Dizzy’s left too” Ginny sighed, twitching as Colin let out a small laugh.
“I know, if she wasn’t you wouldn’t be here” Colin lifted up the back of Ginny's hair and started to buzz her undercut, going quiet as they focused on not cutting more than Ginny wanted.
“Smee’s boys left too, all three of ‘em” Colin muttered, shaving the design into Ginny’s undercut “Six more vks off the isle, wonder if any more will follow” Ginny hummed at that, watching Colin in the mirror as they worked at her hair. That was a question, would there be more vks to follow the six that left two days ago?… Ginny hoped so, she would love to get off the isle and away from her mother.
“Think they’ll pick any of us if it continues?” Ginny asked, leaning on her hand as Colin tilted her head. Colin shrugged after a moment.
“Dunno, maybe not us, but-” they nodded their head to the right, Ginny's eyes following to see Diego De’vil sitting in the salon chair reading a book as one of Colin’s coworkers finished on cutting his hair “-Diego maybe, considering he and Carlos are cousins there might be more of a reason” Diego looked over at them, raising his brow “Ey im not talking negative, just possibilities” he sighed and went back to his book, rolling his shoulders a bit.
Diego was a strapping young man, the older cousin of Carlos and the lead singer and guitarist of the Bad Apples. when he was younger, he would sneer at those who would either compare his looks to his much smaller at the time cousin or accidentally call him Carlos. nowadays he took a bit more pride in being Carlos’ cousin. his hair was cut into a short-brushed back Mohawk that transitioned from black at the roots to white at the edges, similar to Carlos’ hair. he wore red and black most of the time, decorated with spikes and pins with hard combat boots and patched-up jeans. his fingers were calloused from years of guitar picking and freckles decorated his face and shoulders.
Colin's coworker finished up refining his mohawk and took the towel from his shoulders, Diego stood and placed a handful of silver coins into the worker's hands. They nodded and walked to the register as Diego examined himself in the mirror “so De’vil?” He turned to look at Colin, who was brushing off the buzzed hair from Ginny's shoulders “Do ya think your cousin will get you off of here or nah?” Diego stared at them for a moment then shrugged.
“Dunno” he grumbled, grabbing his jacket from the counter and slipping it on “Not up to me, but I’ll do anything to get away from my maniac of an aunt, she keeps mistaking me for Carlos” Ginny and Colin winced at that, remembering the old days when the once runt-like Carlos would run out from Hell Hall with a screaming Cruella behind him, a burning cigarette in her hand.
Pity wasn’t a thing on the isle but many of the younger isle residents would take it upon themselves to keep Carlos away from his deranged mother when possible, even Mal had done it when she was younger and much more…nasty, it was like seeing a puppy being kicked while it was already down, you couldn’t help but just care for it.
Then once Mal created her little group the incidents where Carlos ran away from his brother bruised and bloody lessened, until they completely stopped because he was in Auradon.
Now Cruella, ever the insane woman, attempted to chase after Diego, but Diego was stronger and taller than Carlos ever was against Cruella, and easily battered her away when he needed to.
Cruella didn’t bother him much after the first fist to her face.
Diego waved Colin and Ginny goodbye and walked out of the salon, making his way towards the rundown movie theater for band practice. He turned down an ally for a shortcut and appeared on the other side in the market, making his way down the market to get to the other side of the main street, where the theater was.
As he walked someone caught his eye, and he looked to his right, seeing Claudine Frollo picking through a basket of apples for whatever reason, probably her father making her do the grocery shopping.
Claudine was the bell ringer for dragon hall, she was quiet and soft-spoken, hardly talking to anyone her father didn't approve of. she wore clothes that covered her almost completely, as her father said it ‘keeps the sinful eyes of others away’. her sunflower curly blonde hair was always wrapped in a tight bun, it always got caught in her cross-necklace chain if it was let free. many assumed Claudine was a weak girl, her small frame and wide doe-like green eyes didn't help with the assumption, only to be in for a surprise when it was learned she could knock someone out with one clean punch, bell-ringing every day wasn't an easy task after all. she had many pursuers, many of which didn't go any farther after they were reminded of who her father was.
Diego stepped next to her and grabbed an apple, remembering he was wanting a snack before he had gone in for a haircut. She jumped slightly, turning to him with scared eyes before she realized it was him.
“Oh, hi Diego” Claudine mumbled, going back to grabbing some apples and stuffing them in her black and violet messenger bag.
“Hey” he mumbled back, picking up a sturdy-looking apple and biting into it, suppressing a smile at the crisp texture and sweet taste, fresh apples were so much better than he’d ever thought it be.
Claudine finished filling her bag and nodded at Diego, bidding him ‘adieu’ and turning to go the opposite way Diego had been going. Diego watched her for a moment before turning on his heel and resuming his walk towards the theater.
He arrived soon after and pushed open the doors, walking down towards the left hall past the broken-down arcade and stepping into the 2nd theater on the right.
“Eyyyyy look whose finally ‘ere~” his drummer, Ezekiel, called out to him, as he was sitting down on the stage in front of the screen. Diego nodded to him and climbed up the steps up to the stage, nodding at his bass player and secondary guitarist as they messed with their instruments “What took ya so long?”
“Haircut and snack” Diego shrugged, tossing the apple core to Ezekiel, who gagged and tossed the core into the trash a few feet away “let's get to it”
“Yeah~” Eva, his secondary guitarist and support singer, finished with her guitar and set up the mics and speakers. “Let's do dis~”
Kuvira, his bass player, nodded swinging their bass onto their back, and helped Eva set up the last of their gear.
Ezekiel plopped into his chair and spun his drumsticks between his fingers, grinning at Diego as he took out his guitar and threw the strap around his neck “So what shall we start with~”
“…” Diego looked off to the side for a moment, going through the mental list of their songs. “Different Evil Incoming, let's do that, it’s a wicked warm-up song” his band members nodded, setting up their instruments, following Diego’s lead as he started to shred on his guitar.
Claudine let out a sigh of relief as she stepped into her ‘home’, her father must have still been at his church service. She glanced at the calendar on the wall and closed her eyes, he had marked it as an all-day service which meant she was alone in the house until midnight.
Thank the gods.
She walked up the stairs to her room and unpacked her food into the fridge in her room, going back downstairs to pack away her father's food in the cabinets. Her father shunned modern technology, calling it the devil's work.
But Claudine would rather have her food last just a bit longer than they did in the cabinets.
Claudine took off her jacket and stretched her arms, groaning a bit as her back popped, she scanned the living room/kitchen once to look for anything out of place, and when she found nothing, she grabbed her jacket and ran back up to her room.
She closed the door behind her and took off her thick sweater, grabbing a thinner long-sleeved shirt and pulling it on, sighing in relief to be free of the slightly constricting fabric.
She glanced at her clock and smiled, it was hardly even one-thirty, she had plenty of alone time before her ‘father’ was home. As she grabbed her favorite book and walked to her closet, which was the only way to access the attic of the apartment, her mind flashed back to when she was much younger.
She was barely 4 years old when her mother died, leaving her scared and alone in their home. She didn’t know how much time had passed after that but she knew she was very hungry and very tired, that’s when Claude Frollo stepped into her mother's home and found her.
He had been looking for her mother after her mother had missed several church services, and with how devoted her mother was to the church it had ticked off the ‘that’s odd’ box for Frollo.
He found her, and in thanks to her mother for being so devoted to the church, adopted her, claiming her as his own and raising her under the name of ‘god’.
It had been 13 years since then, and Claudine had all but forgotten the face of her mother. She brushed away the memory of the day she had been found by her adoptive father and pulled herself into the attic carefully stepping around her piles of books, pillows, and blankets and settling into the corner next to the window, where she could read in peace with the natural light illuminating her favorite fantasy book.
Her father always said these books were works of the devil, but Claudine loved them too much to care, she knew they were fake but they allowed her mind to wander to a place far from the isle of the lost.
She set the book on her lap and opened it, beginning to read.
Once there were four children whose names were Peter, Susan, Edmund, and Lucy.
-one week after the new vks are transferred to Auradon-
Ben growled into his hand as he glared down at the new documents the council had presented to him. ‘we hereby overrule the vk transfer plan, it is rushed and unplanned, you bringing six villain children over with no security checks or going through their history on the isle will doom Auradon’
While he and (y/n) had figured out the council couldn’t change the rules of his first proclamation or straight up say no to it, they had forgotten if they got enough evidence or if the whole council agreed they could shut the program down.
Luckily Ben had been able to salvage the isles fresh food and necessities program as it had high security going in and out of the barrier and the Auradon guards personally handed out the shipments to make sure no one snuck anyone or anything back into the ship.
Only one person on the council had gone against the rest, ex-king Luis, Prince Charming’s father. He understood the need to continue to get innocent children off the isle and had adamantly refused to vote against it, and helped Ben salvage the fresh food program.
Ex-queen Leah had been the biggest voice against Ben, and he knew she had orchestrated the meeting and the others to cut off the transfer program, she was still angry at Ben for bringing over the daughter of the fae that had “ruined” her daughter's childhood and ruined her motherhood.
Luckily, Ben had found a loophole, he had shown them his plans for the CPS and shelter, where each vk would have an adult to be in charge of them and a place to stay away from the general population and the council agreed that he could continue the vk transfer plan.
But only once he had finished building both the CPS and the shelter, then they demanded that there would be a more thorough screening of the villain children. In the way of applications, they would give their name, parents' name, fingerprints, an essay about why they wanted to come to Auradon, and then a section for the villain children to tell them about their lives on the isle. And then the council would go through the applications and THEY would approve of who was allowed to come to Auradon, and then Ben could choose out of their approved applications
Ben was angry, very, very angry. All the progress that he made within the last two months, gone. Only a day ago he was able to just point at a vk and say ‘you’re coming to Auradon’ and it could happen, with hardly any mess, yes, he would have to get a guardian for them and then get them approved by the school board for a new student and then get the new vk approved to live in the dorms but, that was a lot fewer hoops to jump through then this new application bullshit which would take so much more time.
And he wouldn’t even be able to be the first person to look at the applications as an unbiased person, they would go through cooky old people who still held on to their grudges against these kids’ parents, and pass that grudge onto the kid who wasn’t even born during that time!
Ben threw down the file containing the new guidelines for the transfer plan and buried his face in his hands. The shelter alone would take almost a year to be fully refurbished to be able to comfortably house hundreds of kids that ranged from toddlers to barely adults, then the CPS?? There was so much more to that than on the surface, he had to hire people, make sure they were certified, give them a place to base out of, get them trained to be able to handle the kids off the isle who most of which were probably traumatized! Get therapists ready, medical staff, kitchen staff, living wages, and so much more that just made Ben's head hurt.
Who the fuck thought it was a good idea to make a sixteen-year-old a king? His own father wasn’t king until he was well past his teens, why did he think his kid would be ready for all of this so much earlier than he did?
Ben sighed, lifting his head and rubbing his eyes, this was all going to take over a year, at least, possibly two, maybe almost 3. so the vks would just sit there and wait until they in Auradon were ready to have them come.
Ben felt rage bubbling in his gut, he just wanted to say fuck it and continue doing it the way he was, except with more kids each round. He wanted to go to the isle and just scream at the top of his lungs ‘those who wish to live in Auradon follow me!’ and be able to give those kids the freedom they deserved.
Ben’s anger-filled thought stopped at the sound of slamming on his door. ‘(y/n)’ Ben thought, slightly nervous. He had sent a text to the group chat telling everyone about the council's interference and it was safe to say no one was happy.
Mal had never responded but he heard that there was a new hole in the dorm building wall (which she thankfully repaired but it didn’t stop her from being pissed and deciding to go out for a fly to burn off her anger), Evie had let off a wide range of curse words, some of which were definitely not English, Jay had sent a flurry of random letters and a small rant, Carlos had chucked his phone and was busy repairing it.
And (y/n), Harry, and Gil? Gil was understanding, knowing Ben had no part in it, but the other two? (y/n) had gone silent, and so had Harry.
That was never a good thing.
Ben stood and walked over to his door, dragging his feet slightly as he did. He unlocked it and quickly took a step back as the door swung open and he was greeted by (y/n) and Harry's pissed-off faces.
“So what's this I hear about a meddling council” (y/n) hissed, stepping into the room with Harry following her, closing the door with his foot, and locking it. Watching as (y/n) stormed over to Ben's desk and picked up the file. “How could you let them do this?! Do you know how long it been for those kids?! Eight months!! And now you are going to let them wait even longer!? Fuck that!” (y/n) crumbled the file in her hands and Ben gestured to it as he gave a pleading look to (y/n)
“That’s what I want to do (y/n), but I can’t! When they overrule me, I can't do anything about it! I’m sorry, but if we don’t go by their rules then we don’t get kids off the isle…I’m sorry.”
(y/n) shook her fist in his face again and turned, walking towards Harry and burying her face in his chest, he wrapped his arms around her and glared at Ben. The two stared at each other for a moment, waiting to see who spoke first. Ben took the first word “I really am sorry, I’ll try to get everything ready as soon as possible, but some of it is going to take almost two years, maybe almost three! especially the shelter and CPS agency, and the council required those to be done before we can even send out the applications”
Harry stared at Ben for a moment before looking down at (y/n) and pulling her tighter into him.
“Get it done beasty boy” Harry seemed to growl, his lip set in a slight snarl “And quick, if this takes longer than yeh say, you’ll be hanging from the mast” Ben nodded, stepping towards (y/n) slightly and taking the crumbled file from her hands.
“I'll hold you to that” Ben sighed, stepping back and setting the file on his desk “In fact I’ll remind you if it does…what are we going to do about those kids in the meantime?”
“We can't let them sit there in the dark.” (y/n) mumbled, pulling away from Harry's chest and looking towards Ben “You remember the last time we did that, with Uma? You said she thought Harry and Gil abandoned her. We can't let those kids think we are abandoning them again; we need to let them know we’re doing everything we can”
“And we will” Ben nodded, the fire igniting in his chest again as he realized not all hope was lost “Those kids will know that we aren’t abandoning them. Through a newscast or a radio, I don’t know, but we'll let them know”
You and Harry nodded at Ben, who nodded back. “We'll figure this out.” Ben walked around his desk and sat down, glaring at the file. “We won't let them down.”
-end of part 5-
 Part 5! and Uma can see into the future~!! also yep the council are dicks and prevent Ben from doing everything easily. also yep more vks! more to come about them in future parts! hope you enjoyed!
@queer-cosette @sephiralorange
@lunanight2012 @daughter-of-the-stars11​
@musicarose​ @random-thoughts-003​
@remembered-license​ @rintheemolion​
@verboetoperee​ @imtryingthisout​ @thecaptainsgingersnap​ @jatp-rules-my-life​ 
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jazajas · 4 years
okay so i finished love, victor a while ago and i saw some other reviews and thoughts about it here so now i've got a pretty good list on my thoughts and feelings.
tl;dr: it has some issues, yes, but im gonna hold out and hope it gets better later on because the same thing happened with the first few eps, i wasn't that into it but then it got good, and nothing is ever great with the first season, because at that point we're getting used to those characters.
⚠️caution: spoilers ahead (im on mobile, i cant get an under-the-cut)⚠️
1. while a leah on the offbeat movie would have been amazing movie sequel (even tho i havent read the book yet, im just here for the wlw content) i am kind of glad we got this instead. mostly because I've seen book series where one movie was good, so they decide to do the rest, turn out bad (hunger games? divergent? percy jackson? the hobbit?) because so much was cut from the book-to-first movie writing, that other scenes wouldn't make sense to future movies if they had those in while cutting others. however, i am sad that i didn't get to make the choice of deciding whether what was cut was wrong etc. about future movies, but i'll take what i can get.
2. LGBTQ+ POC as a lead! that's amazing! as a ace/bi lantina that's close to home (it also is great that victor's from texas and so is ya gorl) and even then it's a mixed latinx family! i think pilar mentioned that at least the grandmother left Colombia and i saw the Puerto Rican flag in victor's room. also the salazar's are definitely from small town texas, even without knowing the name. (church barbeques, the use of the words "such a diverse city" in regards to atlanta)
3. a lack of actual lgbtq+ main storylines (so far) is kind of sad for a show like this. i was getting serious bi/pan vibes (as a lot of other people) from victor from the beginning, and when it was implied that victor was actually gay (while great, not shaming) as it has been brought to my attention, there was a lot of looking at a lot of straight relationship problems (please let us know more about benji)- edit 6/18: upon further consideration, it very much is a show about questioning your sexuality, I'm speaking about the other straight relationship issues, not mia and Victor's, its just the first season.
4. let us talk about cheating for a sec. never okay, in any circumstance. i feel sorry for mia that she saw victor making out with benji and the fact that he was doing any of that in the first place. victor made a choice to lie about the espresso machine and then kissed benji at the hotel and then when benji was fighting with derek, basically confessed his love and mistakes, then proceeded to makeout with benji after he broke up with derek, he built that grave and now he must lie in it. i get having feelings for a guy when you are in a relationship with a girl, and not accepting yourself enough to end that relationship but you really want it to work so you can be "normal". really, he should have told mia after he got back from the trip tho. i get being in highschool and doing stupid stuff and making dumb decisions, but for a show aimed at teens i think we should also remind said teens to make good choices even if we have to lose some realism within the character choices.
4. pilar and her decisions based off her brother pissed me off. because i honestly think that if she'd kept her mouth shut about what she knew or confronted victor about it in the first place we could have avoided a LOT of mess. did she not learn from snooping around her mother's business about her relationships that going behind a person's back doesnt end well? i did, however, like the pilar/felix friendship and was really kind of hoping that they'd get together during their coffee hangout (although now im glad that didn't happen) because they had a deeper understanding of each other. same with wendy/felix, although they do seem to much alike to work out in the long run but i still feel bad for wendy.
5. i don't know how i feel about lake and andrew, as people separate from each other. both seem to be the way they are from their upbringing (not confirmed why andrew is such an ass, but if his comment about his dad is anything to go by i bet it's got something to do with attention) but andrew seems to be less, idk, superficial? like he turned down mia because he didn't want to be a rebound, he didn't out victor, he actually stood up to early teasing the other dudes in the lockerroom were doing at victor (with teasing of his own obviously but that interaction had him on my nice list until much later). lake? lake. i honestly don't have an opinion of her? not really. i mean after hanging out with pilar i was hoping felix wouldn't go back to lake. is her name laken? i feel like her full name is laken. but they also played the "im only like this because my mom is really superficial about stuff and i do like the geeky nice guy but appearances" to "actually screw the norms im gonna makeout with him infront of the whole student body". i honestly thought she was gonna be bi because she kept hitting on mia when she was helping set up for her "date" and "big night" and there was one point where i saw her face fall at something mia said in relation to her and idk i was hoping she'd be bi (i figured early on that victor/mia wasnt gonna work and was like "oh mia/lake would be cute" but now idk.
6. okay on to the "big night", i have one word. NO. i didn't like the peer pressure into having sex. i agreed with felix when he said "your body your choice" but im also disappointed that victor made out with mia and when lake was talking to felix after victor left he didn't try to stand up for victor.
7. on to age gaps because i hadn't really thought of this at first. we'll start with benji/derek: WHAT GRADE IS BENJI?! because that determines my thoughts. if he's a sophomore that meant that he and Derek started dating benji's freshman year and thats eugh, don't do that, don't care if its a gay couple that shouldn't be happening because the maturity of the two characters is DRASTICALLY different (this is also a reason i am not a fan of cmbyn) but that would explain why they were so rocky. hoping the event at the gay bar was open to anyone not just for drinking, but not liking that fact that not one of the adults with victor were like: hey, this is a 16 year old, that's kind of wack when that dude was hitting on victor. that made me question some stuff. although i figure it might be making up for the lack of a gay bar scene in love, simon. but even then, in svthsa it's a restaurant with a bar that some people go to just to drink at, it wasn't just a bar, simon could be there but should NOT have accepted drinks from college kids, not matter how attractive.
8. i loved how bram and simon and their friends helped victor out though. i like how bram was like: hey i know my friends are a lot so here's a gay basketball league becaue there's no one way to be gay. i like how Simon talked about needing help himself just to help victor and how he said his friends were cool with it because it's a community. i like of justin(?) mentioned how being what his parents wanted was putting on a mask and pretending, not him doing drag. my favorite lines from that ep are: "and before you ask my pronouns are they/them/theirs" "'they're all gay? even that guy? he's like [insert really tall number]' 'yeah. you should see him in heels'" "or in simon's case: really unathletic" "and also because bram said that if i wore [the jean jacket] one more time he'd burn it". also katya was there. and the group hug too!
9. the back hand homophobia in relation to family is sad, but realistic and i sincerely hope his parents are kind enough not to be too harsh on victor because of it. anything they say that isn't positive or supportive of victor is bad but i hope they realize that there is more to him than that and that they can come to terms with it because it's not always that hard to be a part of that community and super religious. i am biromantic and catholic. and while there are some things i wont agree on my mom with, i know that it's more of a strike against God for kicking out gay kids from families than it is to be gay, because those parents were given trust by GOD to love those kids no matter what, and be good parents. so in the end, the parents are wrong and harmful and in the case of christians against jesus's teachings to love everyone.
10. this is fan speculation but dont think simon/bram are going through a rough patch? i honestly think it'd be a little cruel to the characters to have on of their actors be producing but then not have that relationship stay. and while it's not set in stone and obviously things happen in the real world, we have no proof script wise about there being a rift. all we have are bad photoshopped ig photos and scenes where two characters are never standing next to each other probably beccaue schedules never link up correctly for minor characters. who knows, maybe nick robinson was filming for a movie where is does have an even more major role than victor's gay guru in a series about victor so his filming time was around that. im gonna keep hope that things are okay.
11. that being said: we need more mainstream wlw content, because someone said it earlier and it really does seem to be catering to straight girls. i'll admit i did freak out when benji played call me maybe which is something i associated with him and victor but then kissed a guy because who wouldn't? we get that serenade and sweetness and then it'a ripped from us. but i did mellow out. if i flipped later it was because victor was making dumb decisions and i had to give myself a moment of compsure before i continued.
in the end, i'd say that there is a lot of growth this series needs to go through, but i also know that some people just aren't going to like it and i get that. but i also know that sometimes the best of stories have rocky starts, nothing is ever perfect from the beginning. and besides, further seasons are on hold until we figure out this covid thing, which means that you bet they're gonna be looking at our feedback. they saw what we thought before, they can do it again
i really did like it but we need more ACTUAL lgbtq+ relationship stuff from this series and better decisions on what we are teaching the younger generations, as well as what we want to focus on and realism within characters. i'm giving it an 8/10, because there is always room for growth and i really hope we get better things out of this than what we have been given in season 2.
edit: someone mentioned it really seeming like it was meant for Disney+ and i felt that. also to anyone who reaches the tags agter reading ALL OF THIS: i am sorry
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Merry Band of Misfits
Fandom: Alex Rider/ Hawaii Five-0
Summary: After an incident, child services questions whether Steve is truly a good fit for Alex. Steve won’t stand for Alex being taken from him of course, and Danny is right there with him.
A/N: This started out as a little angst, a little comfort, and a whole lot of cheese, but somehow it turned into a little cheese, probably a lot of inaccuracy of how the system works, and a ton of angst sprinkled with comfort. What ya gonna do, tho, lol.
. . . .
They were still chasing their suspect through the crowded outdoor market when Steve’s phone vibrated incessantly in his pocket for the third time. His mind immediately jumped to Alex, wondering if he was okay, but he couldn’t exactly answer at the moment. Ready to be done with this chase and praying the call wasn’t anything too serious, he jumped up onto a low, narrow wall. Now moving faster than the man attempting to push his way through, it took less than a minute to catch up. Launching himself off the wall, Steve tackled the man to the ground.
“Oh, just give it up,” Steve grumbled at the still-struggling man underneath him as he wrenched the suspect’s arms around and zip-tied his wrists together. He pulled the man back up to his feet as the rest of his team finally caught up. “Book ‘im, Danno.”
After they had pushed their way back out of the market, Steve finally fished his phone out of his pocket.
3 Missed Calls - Kapi’olani Medical Center
He stopped dead in his tracks, heart in his throat, as he played back the voicemail they’d left for him. It didn’t give him much to go on, unfortunately, but since the woman had introduced herself as a child advocate with the hospital, that didn’t bode well. He didn’t hesitate to call her back.
The other end rang twice before the same woman who left the message, Alana Kelekolio, answered.
“Yeah, this is Commander McGarrett. You called about Alex? Is everything okay?”
. . .
As Steve stormed into the office, he didn’t fail to notice the two people in the room who were clearly not medical staff, but for the moment he ignored them, opting to head straight for Alex, who had stood up as he had entered.
“Hey, you all right, kiddo?” Steve asked, wrapping him in a hug.
“Shoulder hurts, but otherwise I’m fine.”
Steve snorted. “Yeah, that happens when you dislocate it. What happened?”
Alex shrugged his good shoulder. “Got my feet tangled up with Nathan’s fighting for the ball during practice and fell.”
“Yeah, you might need to spice that story up a bit before you tell it to anyone else.” That comment finally pulled a small smile out of the teen as Steve turned to address the other two people in the room. “So we’re good to go then?”
“Not quite, Commander.” A man Steve vaguely recognized as Alex’s social worker stood up and stepped forward. He’d been by the house a handful of times, but Steve honestly had a hard time remembering his name; he didn’t leave much of an impression. Robert something, maybe? Robert Kent? That sounded right. “If I could have a word with you alone?” he asked, gesturing towards the door.
Once they had stepped out and the door had clicked shut behind them, Robert continued. “This is negligence at best, Commander.”
“What do you mean?”
“You are Alex’s only emergency contact.”
“Yes, and here I am. So what?”
“The only reason I am here is because the hospital couldn’t get a hold of you.”
“I was literally in the middle of chasing a human trafficker through Chinatown. What was I supposed to do, huh? Ask him to wait while I answer my phone?”
“And that is exactly why Alex’s case is going to be reviewed.”
For the second time in an hour, Steve felt his heart jump into his throat. “What does that mean?”
“It means I think someone was a little quick to hand you Alex’s custody, so there is going to be some careful thought as to if this is really the best situation for Alex.”
. . .
“I could have punched him, Danny. Was it oversight on my part? Yes, I’ll admit that it was. Initially I wasn’t sure who else to put down since chances are if they can’t get me then they wouldn’t be able to get any of you guys either. So I put it off -- a little too long evidently -- but reviewing his case over that?”
Danny sat quietly, watching as Steve paced, waiting for him to finish.
“I mean, isn’t that a little extreme? Especially coming from a guy who talks to Alex for maybe ten minutes in a month. He doesn’t know anything.” Steve stopped with his back to Danny, a long sigh escaping. “He’s finally starting to settle a little and they’re about to take all of the progress he’s made away.”
“That does seem like a little much,” Danny sighed when it seemed like Steve was done. “Especially for something that’s a quick fix. Did he tell you how soon they’d make a decision?”
“End of the week.” Steve plopped down into one of the chairs opposite Danny’s desk, rubbing wearily at his temples.
Danny nodded. “Okay. I’m assuming you plan to fight this if they decide to pull him, right?”
“You have to ask?”
“If it comes to that, you know I’ll do whatever I can to help. I’ve got your back, babe.”
Some of the tension bled out of Steve’s shoulders at Danny’s words. “I know. I know you do. Thank you.”
. . .
Alex stopped at the end of the driveway, staring at Steve’s truck with a frown. They’d left at the same time that morning so Alex knew Steve had driven himself to work. If it was here, that meant Steve was home already -- very, very early.
Which likely meant something was wrong.
He parked his bike next to the garage and went inside to find Steve sitting on the couch, elbows on his knees, chin resting on his clasped hands, face pensive.
Steve dropped his hands, face softening slightly, when he noticed Alex. “Hey.”
“You’re home early, which is never a good thing. What’s wrong?”
Sighing deeply, Steve motioned to the spot next to him on the couch.
Alex dropped his bag onto the stairs and sat down.
“I already tipped you off, so I’ll just get right to the point. You -uh, you remember on Tuesday when you got hurt at practice?”
“Hard to forget. Go on.”
“The hospital called in child services when they couldn’t get me right away, and that made them...less than happy.”
Alex’s stomach dropped. When he spoke, the words didn’t feel like they were coming from his own mouth. “They’re taking me away, aren’t they?”
Steve sighed again. “They want to, but I’m not letting that happen without a fight. I told you from the start that I’m not gonna leave you on your own, and I meant it -- I still mean it. I have a hearing with a family court judge in a few weeks to decide the final verdict.” He wrapped an arm around Alex’s shoulders, and the teen easily melted into his side. “I’m not going to let them take you, Alex. Okay?”
“Okay. I trust you.”
As true as those words were, they still felt hollow on Alex’s tongue. He wanted to believe them but he knew it wasn’t as simply as that either. No matter how much faith he had in Steve, they could still take him away.
And there would be nothing either of them could do about it.
. . .
The hearing was not going well and Danny knew it. Robert Kent seemed bent on removing Alex from Steve’s custody and was bringing up every even slightly questionable thing Steve had ever done, whether it related to Alex’s care or not.
And Danny was done listening.
“And furthermore, it was clearly negligence on Commander McGarrett’s part in failing to list a second emergency contact.”
“Your Honor, I’m sorry to interrupt, but to be honest, none of this is in any way relevant.”
“Detective Williams, this is not your forum, and I do believe I am perfectly capable of determining what is relevant and what is not.”
“Yes, I am aware of that, and I apologize -- I really do -- but if I may, I have something I need to say.”
“I do believe you will already be giving a statement.”
“I will be, but this has nothing to do with what I’ve planned to say, your Honor.”
The judge was silent for a moment before saying. “I’ll allow it, but keep it brief, Detective.”
“Your Honor, with all due respect, if you allow Alex to be taken from Commander McGarrett’s custody based only on what you have heard so far, then you will be making a huge mistake.” He paused, taking a deep breath. Steve was either going to hug him or kill him for this later. “I’ve known Commander McGarrett for a long time now, and I will be the first to admit that I hated his guts back then. I thought he was completely irresponsible and reckless. But here’s the thing: he’s downright terrible at first impressions. So forget the bad first impression you’ve been given here so far today because what you are probably thinking is exactly what I thought, too. But the fact of the matter is, your Honor, that I trust him with my life and, moreover, with the lives of my own children.
“See, first impressions don’t tell you everything about a person. My first impression didn’t tell me that his guy was going to give me a place to belong in a place that I hated and a family in a place where I had no one.
“If the other members of Five-0 could be here right now, I know they’d say the same because Steve McGarrett likes to fix broken things. He has again and again taken the outcasts and the misfits and given them a place to call home. All of us at Five-0 are a family.
“And Alex is part of that family now, too.”
Danny paused; he’d been told to keep it short and he was sure he’d already talked longer than the judge wanted, but he hadn’t been stopped yet either.
“Right now, Mr Kent is trying to tell you from a collection of ‘first impressions’ why Commander McGarrett is unfit to be a parent, so allow me to tell you why Mr Kent is dead wrong.
“In the past eleven months, Alex has gone from withdrawn and emotionally volatile to outgoing and emotionally stable -- as stable as any teenager can be, anyway. In the first three months alone Alex was diagnosed with PTSD, properly medicated to help mitigate symptoms, and started in therapy -- all things that should have happened much sooner but were easily overlooked as he was written off as a ‘problem child’ and quickly passed around between homes like he didn’t matter -- and maybe to those people, he didn’t.
“But therein lies the fundamental differences between everyone else Alex has been placed with and Commander McGarrett: instead of calling Alex the problem, he addressed the problems Alex had, and -- maybe even more importantly -- he has never once even considered giving up on Alex.
“Commander McGarrett may not be the perfect parent, but he is a good one, and he does genuinely care about Alex’s well-being and wants the best for him. One oversight that is easily corrected -- because make no mistake, that’s the real reason why we’re here right now -- should not detract from all the good that has already happened -- and it has happened, your Honor; I’ve witnessed it myself. And that is how I can say with absolute confidence, your Honor, that if you allow this to happen, you will be making a huge mistake.”
Danny sat back down in the eerily quiet courtroom.
The judge cleared her throat. “Thank you, Detective Williams. Your words will be taken into consideration.”
. . .
Alex couldn’t concentrate, plain and simple. Steve had offered to let him stay home from school but Alex had declined, thinking it would be a good distraction. But it wasn’t, and he was seriously considering going to the office and signing himself out for the day. His anxiety was the worst it had been in months so he doubted they would make him stay, but would it really be any better if he went home? He doubted it. So at school he would stay for the long four hours that still remained.
He really wasn’t sold on the idea.
(But, again, being home alone probably wasn’t the best idea either, but those were his only two options.)
He forced himself to take a couple of deep breaths; having a panic attack in the middle of World History would not do.
Somehow he made it through the rest of the class and to lunch, skipping the line and heading straight to his usual table, folding his arms and resting his head on them. Maybe if he could close his eyes and focus on his breathing for a minute then his stomach would dislodge itself from his throat and go back to where it belonged.
“Alex?” The clunk of a tray against the table and the thud of a bad against the floor accompanied the voice.
“Maybe you should go home, man.”
“‘M fine.”
“Yup. That’s very convincing.”
Alex took a breath and raised his head just enough to glare at his friend. “I’m fine, Koa.”
“Ya know, I actually have to agree with him for once,” Nathan said as he slid into the seat next Koa. “You really don’t look good, man.”
Letting his head thump back down, Alex muttered, “It’s just anxiety. It’s nothing.”
A pause, then, “Alex. Go home. I’m serious.”
Alex knew they were right, but… He pushed himself all the way up, meeting their concerned gazes. “I really don’t want to be alone so school is the better option right now.”
Koa shrugged. “Then call Commander McGarrett.”
“Can’t. He’s in court right now, and I don’t know when he’ll be out.”
As if on cue, his phone vibrated in his pocket with a text from Steve.
Steve McGarrett: Hearing’s over. They’ll call with the decision sometime this evening. Are you doing okay?
Alex sighed in relief; Steve always seemed to know when he was struggling and Alex didn’t feel guilty about admitting it if someone asked first as opposed to him just saying it.
Alex Rider: Honestly not really. Steve McGarrett: Omw
“He’s coming to get you, isn’t he.” It wasn’t a question.
Alex nodded. “Yeah. I’m just...gonna head to the office then. See you guys tomorrow.”
“No, you won’t.”
Alex glanced at Nathan as he stood up. “What?”
“No school? It’s Thanksgiving.”
Alex stared blankly for a moment. “Oh. Right. Forgot. Uhm, Monday -- I’ll see you Monday.” I hope.
By the time he got to the office, Steve was already there, still in his dress blues from the hearing, and it took Alex a minute to realize that Steve must have been headed this way to get him already even as he’d texted.
“So how’d it go?” Alex asked as he settled into the passenger seat of the truck.
Steve let out a heavy sigh. “Well, not as good as I’d been hoping, honestly, but not horribly either. We’ve still got a shot.” He paused, shifting into drive and pulling away from the curb. “So what would you like to do with this suddenly school-free afternoon?”
Alex shrugged, worrying his bottom lip. His anxiety was still through the roof so he honestly didn’t want to do much of anything.
“Did you eat?”
Busted. Once again, Steve always seemed to know. Swallowing around the lump in his throat, he shook his head, stomach still rather queasy.
Expression full of understanding, Steve nodded once. “Okay. I want you to try when we get home though, all right?”
Alex took a deep breath. “No promises on success.”
“That’s okay. Just try.”
The rest of the ride was relatively silent apart from Steve assuring him that he didn’t need to worry about school or homework, that they would just relax until they had news. 
Once home, Alex changed from jeans to sweats; no need to be anything less than completely comfortable all things considered. Alex sat down on his bed, listening as Steve went down to the kitchen to find something for them both to eat. Simultaneously exhausted and restless, he honestly didn’t know if he’d rather take a nap or run a marathon. His breathing hitched, and he tried to push everything he was feeling into nice, neat compartments. He knew he shouldn’t, that he should just get it over with and deal with it now, but if he could shove it away for only a few more hours, then he wouldn’t have to deal with it at all. (Because in a few hours they would get word that he was staying -- he would be -- because if he wasn’t, he didn’t know what he would do.)
Calloused hands gently pried his apart, and as Alex’s eyes slowly focused on where Steve knelt in front of him, he wondered when the man had even come in. How long had he been sitting here that Steve had had to come up to get him?
“Oh, kid.”
Those two words were all it took to open the floodgates. An ugly, hysterical sob tore out at the same time Steve pulled him into a hug.
Alex wasn’t sure how long they sat there before the knot in his chest eased and the sobs pettered off into hiccups, but he did know that he didn’t feel any better. Wasn’t that what was supposed to happen? But he didn’t, exhaustion settling even thicker in his bones, his stomach still uncomfortably lodged in his throat. If anything, he only felt worse.
“How are you feeling, buddy? Any better?”
“Not really.”
Steve hummed in thought before he said, “Why don’t you come lay down on the couch and watch a movie with me, and we can go from there. Okay?”
He didn’t want to move, but lying down definitely sounded nice. “‘Kay.”
Steve took one corner of the couch, and Alex curled up next to him, head on the man’s thigh. Some Disney movie played quietly on the TV, but Alex wasn’t really paying attention. Time seemed to drag on; it could have been hours or only minutes before Steve asked if he was feeling up to eating. Alex could only shake his head in response and, strangely enough, Steve didn’t push it.
Then finally -- finally -- Steve’s phone vibrated with an incoming call. Glancing at the ID displayed on the screen, Steve murmured, “This is them,” before picking up. “Steve McGarrett.”
Alex sat up. He had thought he’d feel something when the call came, but all he felt was numb.
After a moment, Steve said, “Thank you very much for calling.” As soon as he’d set his phone down, he turned to Alex and wrapped him in a hug. “Remind me to thank Danny by picking up his tab at Side Street next time. Looks like you’re stuck with me for a little bit longer, buddy.”
It took a moment longer than it should have for the meaning of those words to register, but when they did, Alex almost felt like crying all over again. Instead he tightened his grip and breathed for what felt like the first time in weeks. He couldn’t help but think that maybe Steve really had been telling him the truth all along, that maybe it would actually be true this time.
Maybe he really would never have to be alone again.
. . .
“So, a little birdy named Lou told me you might be needing someone as a second emergency contact for Alex,” Renee commented as she mixed up a salad at the counter. “If you haven’t figured someone else out already, you can always put me down, you know; I don’t mind.”
“Really?” Steve asked, glancing up from the pan he’d just pulled from the oven. “I hadn’t figured that out yet, so I’d really appreciate that actually.”
“Shoots, a sista beat me to it,” Kamekona said from the doorway. “I was gon’ offer, too.”
“As was I,” Max added as Steve turned the corner, carrying the turkey to the table. “Given my profession, I surmised it to be highly unlikely I would not be able to get away if called upon.”
“Great minds think alike,” Jerry piped up next. “I mean, I don’t exactly ever have anything I couldn’t step away from if you needed me, after all, and when I work with you guys I’m not really in the field for all the dangerous stuff, anyway.”
Danny laughed as he came out of the kitchen, carrying more dishes. “So, uh, you think child services will be happy now with that many numbers to choose from?”
Steve couldn’t help but chuckle. As Alex came up beside him, he threw an arm around the teen’s shoulders. “I’ve definitely got a lot to be thankful for his year, you know that? So, thank you, guys -- I mean that; it’s been quite a year and I couldn’t have done this without all of you.”
“You don’t need to thank us,” Chin replied with a smile. “We’re ohana; it’s what we do.”
“Yeah, if anything we should be thanking you,” Kono added. “None of us would be here right now without you.”
Steve looked around at the people he called family and realized that Danny had been only partially correct. He may have created a space for them all to belong, but he needed it just as much as everyone else did. They had rescued him just as much as he had rescued them.
A merry band of misfits -- maybe that was just how it was always meant to be.
. . . .
Tags: @diekatimitdemhutohnehut @just-add-butter
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harleyliloquin88 · 4 years
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Memories ( Dean x Reader)
Warning:/sadness/ heartache/ heartbreak/ tension/ depression/ pain
FYI I wrote this while I was watching the notebook lol
Hey guys sorry its been a while since i wrote, took  a year off and needed to get some ideas and was reading others work and it helped me to do better writing and put more of me in writing so , sorry its so long was just really was in the mood. 
Summary: Dean and you broke up many months ago You both decide it was best after everything that went on, but one night changed for the two of you.
Tagged list @deanwanddamons @holylulusworld @marvelfansworld @donnaintx @katymacsupernatural @myinconnelly1 @amanda-teaches​@nikki082489​ @flamencodiva
let me know what you think and reviews and thanks so much​
(Dean pov)
She was my everything. O client ask for a better girl. It was like that one movie she made me watch. Beauty and the beast. That movie was one of her favorites. I didn't understand why she told me it was our love story. Pssshhh me And love stories ha.
I didn't understand what she meant by it but later I knew what she was telling me. The beast was a mean person who was cursed and didn't have many friends or family. Until one day belle showed up and taught him how to live and learn to love again. I could see why she called me the beast. She was my belle. No matter where she was she always call me her beast and I would call her my belle.
Walking to to old bedroom we use to sleep in together. I turn on the light. So empty and quiet her stuff is gone and the room feels cold and lifeless. Sighing to myself I lay down on the bed. Placing my head on the pillow. The sweet smell still lingers on the pillows. That sweet scented lavender honey mixture she loved. Closing my eyes for a few seconds it feels like she still here.
Few hours later I slowly wale up. Sam wasn't home yet so I decided to get dinner ready. As I started getting out of bed I noticed something odd. The book shelf that was near my bed had some kinda of box.
I reached over to the side pulling it towards me. Taking into my hands. I notice it had belong to (y/n). It wasn't just any box it was one of those chinese boxes she tried to get me interested in(fyi my dad has these when I was kind I loved them so much )
Trying for about ten minutes I was about to give up when I slid one more piece and it popped right open. Placing the box down on the bed I remove the two items from the box .
As I remove the items from the box I find a picture and a letter. i Uncrumpled the picture. It was from when me and (y/n) met for the first time. She was so beautiful and she was so perfect, Moving my finger across the picture. My eyes start to well up. Sniffing a little bit, As I put the picture down I find a note. Opening the note.
August 12. 2013
Dear, Dean
I have had to write this note about 100 times, im not even sure how I am gonna give this to you or maybe send it, ummm. Dean there is so much I wanna tell you but I am not sure how the words can come out. Dean I know life hasnt been easy for you and sam. I know you try to play this tough guy but i know deep down your afraid but its okay. Its okay to someone in. I know i know i have my own issues that i have to slove but Hey we are a team.
He laughs a bit. Runnin his finger down the letter. Few droplets start falling on his face. He finishes reading.
'Dean i hope you know that no matter what happends in life or even in choas times you will always be my beast and i will always be your Belle.
I love you dean more then you know.
Love (y/n)
Dean rubs his hand over his face sighs to himself and sets the paper down. Looking one more time at the picture. Something clicks in his head. He grabs his keys and heads out to find you and tell you he needs you.
Driving for a few hours i decided to stop a motel. I called sam letting him know i was okay. He gave me information on (y/n) .i needed to see her .
Putting my key into the lock of my room. Opening up the room had a very errie look to it. Walls painted like a yellow vomit with a few chipped paint. Walking in i set my bag down on the bed.a part of me wanted to just say fuck it and go back home she wouldnt wanna talk to me.. what could i say to her. A millon thoughts running in my head. I decided to just relax and try to call her. Making my way to thw bathroom when my phone lit up.i grab my phone before i could answer it was (y/n) number lighting up. I quickly answered it.
'(Y/n) i said with a hushed whispear
'dean' she says with a quite sleepy voice.
'Umm hi" i can hear the nervous way of her talking.
'Where are you' she ask me.
'Im in georgia just needed sometime and a vacation"
''IS sam with you'
'Nope just me'
I could hear the nervouseness in her voice. My thoughs were running a millon times fast. I could hear the movement of.my heart muscles beatting so fast it was like it was gonna fault out. For a few minutes there was nothing but silence.
'Is everything alright are you okay? Do you need me to come-
"No sam okay everything fine" i say with a bit of a laugh.
"I just needed time to think and gwt my thoughts in order. I say scratching under my chin.
“Hmmm dean Winchester traveling without his brother  wow sounds very serious” you say with a small chuckle .
'I got the letter you wrote me on the first night we met' i say breathing slowly,
I hear a small laugh on the other end.
'Oh that letter yeah i meant to give it to you but i guess i never did. I rewrote that letter like over a thousand times. It was when i wanted to tell you instead of face 
Remember to let her into your heart
Then you can start to make it better 
I close my eyes and listen to her soothing voice
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
Hey Jude, don't be afraid
You were made to go out and get her
The minute you let her under your skin
Then you begin to make it better
a tear drop falls from my eye, Trying my best to stay strong and not given in, I remember that song, I would sing it  to her when she was sad or when she needed a friend. My heart started to beat more and more it, I was scared it was gonna fall out of my body.
And anytime you feel the pain
Hey Jude, refrain
Don't carry the world upon your shoulders
For well you know that it's a fool
Who plays it cool
By making his world a little colder
Na-na-na, na, na
Na-na-na, na
“Dean” You say as tears fall down your face, Trying you best not to break down in front of him. you breath in then out,
“Yes baby” I say 
“I miss you” You say trying bot to breakdown and wantng him to come find you and just hold you until you feel whole again.
“what happened between us (y/n)” We use to talk about everything and anything and even when we couldn't  talk we just be there. Dean says breathing softly.
“i think we just stop fighting for each other and just didn't care anymore “ You sit down at the kitchen table,
“i  think everything changed once you went to hell and you became a different person it was like no matter how hard i fought myself to stay with you in the end i just couldn't do it anymore  Breathing and sighing a bit,
I swallow a huge lump in throat.tears falling down my face and brushing them away with my face.
“(y/n) Im so sorry i should have never put you through what i did. i wasn't even thinking of your safety or was thinking about you. Dean says rubbing his neck.
“Dean it wasn't your fault you had so much going on and you had to do what was best for you” 
“Dean” You say with a whispear.
“ Never In a million years did i think having this life would make things seem less crazy but the one thing in my life that was normal and happiness was you”
“after we broke up nothing felt right everything just seemed like i was living in a nightmare and i didn't wanna  wake up” Dean says pulling out a tiny small box with gold writing.
“No matter how many bars i went or drinks i had i cloud not stop  thinking about you” A part of me wanted to find you and bring you back here and try again.” but i knew I cloud not  be that guy i once way. 
“Hell changed me in a way i cant explain so many things so many emotion. so much horrible things i cant even put into words princess” Dean says shaking his head and tears falling down  his face.
you can feel the pain in deans voice, you can hear him crying and trying his best to stay so long. You knew he had been struggling and you knew he wasn't the same. A part of you blamed yourself for why you and dean fell apart, Hearing the man you love trying this best not to fall to pieces you cant help but feel your heart ripping into two.
"baby I need to know one thing and please tell me' you can hear the pain and sadness in his voice.
"what dean" you say with a hush of your voice.
"I need to see you. I need to feel you with me. All I wanna do is hold you in my arms just hear the you laugh .
"dean" you know you needed dean touch you needed to see him so bad but you didn't know if you let him back in would you go back to normal or would you try to fix it.
"dean" you sigh closing your eyes and breathing deeply.
"I ___ phone goes dead'(y/n(yn)
Dean throws the phone on the bed
"dean dean" she about to call him back when she looks up to see the one man she fears.
"hello(y/n) we meet again soon everything goes black.
"put her in the car come on boys we have a play date"
What do you guys think I may make a second one not sure. I know this isn't my best but I'll be working more on my writting so bye ;)
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iwilleatratfood · 3 years
happy holidays fellers heres my review of the newest madhouse post
long ass post that deals with abuse and a very thinly veiled death threat, read at your own caution
TW Abuse
im not gonna go too grammar insane as a writer especially since a lot of pokemon grammar is hotly contested. however like in the second paragraph lily makes a pretty obvious tense error lmfao. theres tons of little ones scattered around. obviously not proofread lol
“She didn’t know, Bonnie. This lady…” G racked her brain, looking for a way to communicate the problem in a way Bonnie would understand. “…She was kinda like the Sun.”
Bonnie prickled, her face contorting into pure, unadulterated horror. “BUT THE SUN IS PURE EVIL!” She made it very clear to the entire household how little favor she had of the sun, the bright thing in the sky that always made her head hurt.
was this necessary? this may surprise you lily but the people reading madhouse have basic reading skills. you dont have to explain this to us like we’re three. 
“Your Mom wouldn’t let her split us up, though. It was the one thing she refused to cave on,” she continued. “And the lady got more and more angry over not controlling her completely. So one Christmas, she broke your Mom’s heart more than it had ever been broken.” G’s mind flooded with memories of that day. The aftermath of what was supposed to be a cheerful getaway christmas vacation for Lily and her then fiance. G awoke one night to find that Lily had come home earlier than expected bawling her eyes out on the couch. The look of absolute despair on the face of her lifelong friend. The things she spoke of. It still made G’s blood boil over ‘the last one’.
first off this shouldn’t be one paragraph if you want your readers to not immediately skip over it. the reason why authors like david foster wallace use it in books like infinite jest is to create prose that is painful and hard to look at. i dont think that was your intent.
second, i made a post on this shit and deleted it before lizzy told her side of the story because i wanted to not come off as a complete asshole. but i really dont care anymore. 
putting your real life relationship problems, about a person whos accused you of sexual coercion (bc lets not mince words here, that’s what it is) is literally one of the lowest things you could do. this isn’t for “healing”, this is trying to weaponize your fanbase to harass your ex.
“You were going to have to tell her eventually,” G argued as she took a step back and glanced at Mikaila and Ginger, who had both clued in to the conversation and were looking at her disapprovingly. “What?”
“Yeah, but not when she’s still so small and baby,” Lily pouted before going back to comforting Bonnie. “It’s okay, sweetie. The last one is gone and she’s never coming back. Mommy is much happier now that she’s gone. It’s okay.”
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“Then Momma will eat her,” Lily said with a warm smile.
“Oh don’t call me Momma!” G groaned.
Lily snickered. “Your Godmom will eat her.”
“That’s better,” G huffed. “And yes, I will. I’ll bury every fang in her sternum. I’ll purge her evil from the world with the unstoppable power of my digestive tract.”
hm wonder why this couldn’t make it into a comic. wonder why it couldnt be put to a visual medium right after lizzy’s twitlonger. hmmmm
“Was G like this when you guys were little?” Ginger asked.
“Sort of? When we were little, G’s psychic powers were still developing so she couldn’t really read people as effectively,” Lily explained. “And since we were both little, we had little kid things to worry about. Telling Bonnie about Kirsten only made her understand the feelings she picks up better. That’s why we have to be careful what we tell her.”
ok again with the past tense shit. i noticed this before and im starting to get annoyed. if this is happening now and its not a memory, use the present tense speaking verbs ffs.
my real point here is why is this a pokemon work. like whats the point of having G be a pokemon or this taking place within the canon universe. this is a ultimate flaw with a lot of sentient pokemon works, so lily you’re not exactly special here, but i feel like recently its become more glaring.
 if all the pokemon act like humans and are sentient like humans, why are they owned by them? if i made G a sentient alien and removed all the pokemon shit, not a whole lot would change, and thats a fucking problem if ur making a work within that universe.
“I look forward to it every year,” G smiled as she hugged Bonnie tightly.
Ginger turned a smirk back to Lily. “So it’s like an anniversary?”
“It’s not an anniversary!” Lily exclaimed, wheeling around with pursed lips. “Why do the two of you always go there?”
if pokemon/human is morally wrong stop teasing it in your work.
“Why not?” Bonnie pouted.
“Because… dear lord, how do I explain this to a baby?” Lily let her head fall back against the couch.
“Because it would make both of us unhappy,” G explained as she ran her fingers through Bonnie’s hair.
Bonnie blinked, looking up at her Godmother in complete and utter bewilderment. “What do you mean?”
G bit the inside of her cheek slightly as she took a moment to consider her next words. “Well… a lot of reasons really,” she started. “A big reason is If she and I were together, I would only want to have her all to myself. Your mom isn’t like that. She needs to share her love with everyone she feels it for. She’d have to give that up just to appease my insecurities. Mikaila and Ginger wouldn’t be here to spend time with you or tell you fun stories.”
so why is G still here if she would be so abusive and controlling?
rest of the post is boring and not worth my time to review but seriously. why is this a pokemon story  still, why is this G even with lily still after how controlling and obsessive she’s been in the past... typical questions that come up whenever new madhouse is posted.
and like. holy shit for a “damn good writer” lily cannot fucking seem to follow basic writing rules and/or basic grammar. even i know this shit, and i consider myself a writer that needs to improve. tons of basic tense shit that grammarly will hit you for, a fundemental lack of understanding on how fucking dialogue is formatted, and just massive paragraphs that need to be broken up so the reader can actually read the shit your posting.
merry christmas, i will be reviewing the next post as well. 
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wormmomma · 4 years
tyler, the creator: the very queer discography review!!!
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Im bored of writing overly long threads on twitter so i wrote a look at tyler the creators discography and why hes gay and im gay and deserved to have his dick immortalized in gold when he dies. So tyler gregory okanma is a black man born in ladera heights california. He’s also my third favorite rapper and since he discovered my favorite rapper earl sweatshirt I guess he deserves goat status for that shit too. Tyler started his career around 17 years old as the ace the creator. He did features at the time with casey veggies and the inspirations in his flow to mf doom where already apparent even back then. From ace the creator mixtape you can already hear the very digital and jazz inspired pharrell production. Funny story if you look up any of his ace stuff now you'll mostly find some really old production that in the age of tyler the creator type beats doesn't really hold u all that great. From there Tyler went on to create odd futures and his first album bastard. He quite quickly followed up bastard with godlin. Goblin, bastard, and the OF tape vol.1 all feel pretty interconnected so im gonna speed round from worst to best. So odd future tape volume one is fun and punk and really crass, it's also completely eclipsed by odd futures other releases. I love odd future and the collective's ability too be both edgy teen skate rap garbage, and a risky artistic rap collective all at the same time. In odd future's first tape it seems pretty clear that tylers description of the groups early work as a bunch of niggas joking around in a studio is very apparent for better or worse. If you wanna get high with some friends can listen to some funny edgy and downright grimey tracks over left brains booking production skip this and listen to odd future's next mixtape but come back here to listen to some funny skits and a few proto mellowhype track with domo genesis. Goblin is Tyler's attempt to do a bigger darker more sprawling version of bastard but misses the mark. I like the album and I love singles on the album. Goblin the opening track is amazing and is a great look at tylers mental state attempting to live up to his newfound fame and anxiety about his infamy. I love yonkers and tron cat. Tyler says alot at this time that he doesn't make horrorcore and he's correct but the lack of emotional honesty and his immature deflections is really going off on all cylinders. If you dont wanna hear skits like “my bitch suck dick” and lines like “im not homophobic faggot” i would probably call it his worst album. Before i talk about bastard id like to go over his use of slurs and rape in his work. Tylers consistent lyrics about violence towards women and use of the lgbtq community really don't insult me. I feel like his lyrical content is filled with a clear look of how angry and insecure tyler was about not having a father or any way of processing his angst. Did he have to sound like a incel threatening to stalk and murder women who refuse to love him for over 3 albums? No, but i really enjoy looking at his early music. He doesn't shy away from how angry, sad and desperate he was at the time. That synthesis of need for fatherly love, anger from a lack of it and deteriorating mental state honestly makes the content more palatable. Also as a black trans women id rather hear tranny an faggot bars from a male rapper making intreeating music. Tyler at the time was being honest, angry and vulnerable not like eminem and action bronson who spit these bars with all the same rap bravado and violent anger toward women with zero pathos. Bastard is amazing, it's an intimate dark album. At the time it felt like it was tapping right into where I was at the time. The amount of mental anguish on bastards opening track really hit me. I was an angry kid with a lot of angst and bipolar disease so hearing a rapper yell about that same dysfunction really meant alot to me. The flows are amazing and it was a really good look at tylers ability to build a narrative. Wolf was tyler's next album. For a while wolf was my favorite album by tyler. His look at relationships and breakups on bimmer and ifhy are amazing and are expanded on his future releases. Find your wings and treehome are also a good look at his more melodic influence. It was such a good album I actually bought the mrech for and went to see Tyler at afropunk. Also hearing an entire song about the death of his grandma really hit me, my grandfather died around the same time. Cherry bomb was bad, now moving one. Ok im  joking i've listened to it two or three times but its really not worth going back to even though tyler put his all into it. The soul features and amazing production is worth listening to but even Tyler admits he rushed the album a little and that he needed to blow people away next time. Flower boy, is one of the most important albums in hip hop. That's it. Bar none. It was my favorite release of 2018. Flower boy is about tylers newfound isolation with his fame, and how he drives cars by himself in beautiful la vistas. Its also about how he’s gay (or bisexual). There are ALOT of stupid takes on this album. There is a contingency of tyler stans that think tyler has been “playing a character” since bastard. Now I'll admit that wolf haley and dr.teecee are clearly characters; they are also artists' representations of tyler's mental state. If wolf haley has adhd and no father that means tyler also has those issues. So whether or not Tyler is playing a character he has in fact “been kissing white boys since 2004”. I also have seen an insipid article that asks if “tyler the creator should be accepted into the lgbtq community” due to his homophobia? Much more controversial and actually homophobic and transphobic people are in this community hes tyler the creator, not milo yinnaoplous. I also dont think that it occurs to the reviewer that alot of gay men are very hmophobic before they come out and that self hate is very common. Lyrics like “im not gay i just wanna dance to some marvin” also has a much deeper context now. Listening to older releases you can see how in your face tyler was about his queerness. He even said he filmed himself kissing his friend Lucas to prove he wasn't a homophobe. I'm happy Tyler grew enough to make an album not only about being attracted to men but how lonely he felt in and out of the closet. As someone who came out as bisexual at the time it came at a perfect time. Being  gay is isolating and confusing and when you do you lose alot of friends and family. Garden shed, who dat boy, and 911 are real standouts. His collaboration with kali uchis was also so fucking smooth and she a born r&b star. Tyler gained a grammy nomination off the album and said he loved the feeling of finally making popular catchy music people wanna sing the lyrics too, so he followed it with igor. Igor opens with this addendum on the back of the physical album: 
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This might be fiction, this might be about igor but it is fully about tyler okanga. The album is very hard to parse and barely has any rapping. It's more of a pop experimental album with a lot of lofi synth production. Tylers production chops are full force here. Igor is melodic, sad and full of the same anger and obsession from his previous albums. Its just more mature and really gay, and i fucking love it. Tyler was dealing with a tumultuous relationship with a guy and his refusal to be with tyler exclusively. Its about a breakup. A love tragedy that only becomes more depressing after the argument on a boy is a gun, the breakup in my love is gone, and the sad slump back into needing closure in can we be friends. The album is fun to sing to, and fucking devestating. I've dealt with a lot of similar issues with love and obsession so to hear it so clearly illustrated on igor really hit me. I think the album becomes even more depressing with the unreleased track best interest, about tyler being a side nigga. This is the kind of music that's sometimes made in r&b and pop but never in rap. There was an interview where Tyler says he hated his voice which is why he edits it so evident on igor. Tyler also said he wanted to send these songs to rihanna and Justin Beiber but they didn't want them, as cool as it sounds. I'm happy tyler was able to tell his own story. I would also recommend magic wand since it's my favorite track on the album and kicks you in the face with how angry and heartbroken Tyler was at the time. 
Tyler is an artist that talks and speaks about how he feels all the time, he's also a person who feels enigmatic and mysterious somehow. I think it has to do with how constantly he's put to the side of his other hip hop contemporaries. He always seems to be making music Tom weird, controversial and experimental to be treated like asap rocky, vince staples, or the late mac miller. A fact that feels ironic since he worked with all of those artists, lil wayne, and even kanye west. I'm as big a stan for tyler as he is for Pharrell, if it wherent forever I'd never take rap seriously and would never have chosen to make my own music. As a black trans woman I find a lot of tylers work really relatable. I've been in alot of the angry hopeless situations Tyler talks about in his music. I think he's the artist who hits me the most on a personal level and yeah when i was depressed i sat in my bedroom and listened to bastard in my low moments. I like riding in the car and listening to all of flowerboy. Igor is amazing as well for almost half a decade it's been amazing growing up and hitting the same emotional beats Tyler went through5 in his work. Hearing about him coming out as gay ajd dealing with very similar backlash mad me feel less alone if im being honest. Tyler has said he wants to take a more production heavy role in the industry moving forward but he says that a lot, i think as long as he has a story to tell he's always going to make music. His music feels like a diary and I'm happy to read it and sonnet to it in all its beauty and ugliness. 
Hi my name is lua o'reilly i make music on soundcloud.com/wormmother
If you liked this review let me know and I'll do a look into earl sweatshirt.
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lemmynizzl · 3 years
U ain't boyfriend, boyfriend
I ain't your girlfriend, girlfriend
But I don't you to see nobody else and I don't want you to see no body .....
Baby we just didn't love , baby we were pushed on to show
Baby I'm a Trainwreck too
I lose my mind when it comes to you
Loving you sometimes drive .... Neither can you .. I ain't your boyfriend , boyfriend and you ain't girlfriend , girlfriend but I don't want you to see nobody else and I don't want you to see nobody.
Yo, so this was ariana's song that went on crazily in my head guys!!!
And your gonna gear me roaoooooor Roaaaaaar , Roaaaaaar , roar.
I got life of a tiger , lion dancing through the fire and I'm the chance girl..... Hear me roar
That's Katy's yes , busy in American idol and being new mom and now here me messing up with the lyrics. What to do songs in my head. So what I was saying was , no actually I didn't start saying anything in the first place. What was the purpose of writing ahh?? Undetermined.
I read a book called The People's act of love by James Meek yes!!! It's quite intense, well written , and tooo complicated fir my little head. It's surrounded in late 1917s , post first World war in yazsky ( forgive me if spellings wrong) in Siberia and also people believe in throwing away their key to hell and beliefs in God and all , atheist and everything. Most importantly cannibalism, yeah that's there. And also a hopeless woman trying to find a man after here husband's castration and moving to living hell of Siberia. Her name is quite interesting, Ana petrovna. Yeah I forgot that's all in Russia and chess people a Jew lover and military officer, Mutz ... And blah blah.... It's intense, people really intense with awesome plot and mind-blowing structure of events. Samarin's the intresting guy there, who has Enigmatic charisma, manipulative, and has powere of putting sorting many stories into one. U know that intimidating person , who can just enter your mind and take out the information he wants. Well he's my favourite but unfortunately he also ends up being castrated ufff..
I apologise guys cuz you could have gotten a better review of the book somewhere else but I here somewhat ruined it . Whatever. It was running in my head so I had write it.
My phone is running out of battery, it's gonna die soon and I gotta a medicine to take and so I leave.
I really don't know what tags to put , I'm soo hopeless
People are less active here I see, it's kinda boring even Im not that active . Umm... I'm new here . Please support me and I love you anyone who sees it.
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nervouscoffeeheart · 4 years
Yup yup! I'm back again!
With Part 4🎶
*everyone sitting quietly in lounge with pin drop silence*
Tsuzuru: sigh... I'm finally back.... Wait... Explaintion time?
Sakuya: yes.
Tsuzuru: ....
Izumi: ......
Kamekichi: haha, and I meet a new hot girl! And guess what, I got her number!
Manager: Well, can't argue with that today is the most amazing day ev-
Everyone: *glazing at Manager and Kamekichi*
Manager & Kamekichi: ...gulp...
Izumi: *door closed* Everyone's here?
Izumi: Good. ..... Okay now, let's start. So, who's first?
Everyone: *trying not making eye contact with Izumi*
Izumi: Okay, then we will start from... Homare, Itaru, Omi and Taichi's story.
Homare: Oh well... *Homare looking at Taichi, Omi and Itaru* ..gulp... Them let me explain.. Actually.... Wait, Taichi, you'll explain first, please?
Taichi: HUH?! oh well... Actually... Remember what happened yesterday night?
*night before this all happened*
Omi: Here you go!
Taichi: Thanks for the dinner!
Guy: As always, Fushimi makes the most amazing looking and delicious food.
Omi: haha, thanks again, Guy.
Kazunari: Hey, I've heard that there's an app which delivers fresh meat and seafoods!
Itaru: oh yeah, I've heard about that one!
Sakyo: well, it sounds useful, but can we trust them that they'll really sell fresh food?
Kazunari: don't worry, Frooch! If they did that we can complain them!
Muku: well, looking at the reviews, people gave them 5 stars and they said that they are trustworthy.
Taichi: Yeah! Hey Sakyo-nii! Let's eat something amazing tomorrow! Please!please!
Sakyo: ..... Well I don't have any issue with that.
Tenma: wait, for real?!
Banri: who are you? And how did you kill or kidnapped Sakyo? Please tell me how?
Sakyo: ......
Banri: haha... I shouldn't have asked that...
Sakyo: it's good to eat something new once in a while, what about you, Director?
Izumi: hm? Well, I don't have any problem.
Taichi: YAY!
Omi: hmm. Let's make Crab tomorrow! -of course we'll make sushi and some other fried foods with it!
Homare: Thanks, Omi. I knew you'd understand that I don't like seafood that much...
Hisoka: well, I don't think you're alone.
Chikage: Yes, Chigasaki also don't like seafood.
Itaru: Yup, Yup.
Guy: I'll help you, Fushimi.
Omi: Thanks, Guy!
Azuma: Then, I'll take that new sake I got tomorrow!
Taichi: Yay! I'm so excited for tomorrow!
~~~~~~~Time before Izumi came home~~~~~
Delivery man: Excuse me, You're order.
Izumi: oh, Umm, thanks! Uhhh... Taichi! Can you take this? I have paid for it. And I'm in a hurry so...
Taichi: it's okay, Director! Take care!
Izumi: Thank you, bye!
[In Lounge]
Taichi: Omi, we've got that Crab!
Omi: Nice! But... Taichi keep it there, I'll keep it in fridge later.
Taichi: okay~
Itaru: Argh! Why! Won't that SSR comes Home!?
Itaru: ....hey Homare... Wanna pull?
Homare: hm? But what?
Itaru: An SSR Card...? Just click this!
Homare: oh, okay!
Itaru: ..... YES! I got it!!! Thanks, Homare!
Homare: well, thank you as well Itaru! My poetic inspiration is coming out! Do you want to hear it?
Itaru: Yeah, No.
Homare: Aww... Hmm... Anyways, Itaru, have you seen my pen?
Itaru: ha? I thought it was in your hand, when you said you got an inspiration.
Homare: hmm..... Wait a minute.... Is that box is...moving...?...... Uh? Must be my imagination.
*box moving*
Itaru: Yes!, Hahaha. I got it! .... Hm? That box.... Ah, no how can that box move...
Omi: hmm.... Where's that box...? Taichi! Where's that box?
Taichi: Huh? I kept it here!
Omi: you sure?
Taichi: yes!, I'm sure. ....Itaru, Homare, do you guys know where's that crab box?
Homare: Well, I don't really know...but, I think I saw that box moving around, haha, I have a quiet imagination!
Itaru: ...wait...you also saw that..?
Homare: .....?
Omi: ....wait look! ....that box...
Itaru: it's torn apart....
Taichi: then...that means...someone took that crab awa-
Homare: Taichi!, On your Hair!!!
Taichi: huh? My hair... WOAH WAAAAHHHAHAHAH!
Omi: don't worry, Taichi, I got you covered!
Taichi: ha... Thanks Omi!!!!
Itaru: wait... That crab was alive the whole time?!
Omi: I agree with you!
Homare: wait that crab is going somewhere...
*crab going towards the table in lounge...and grab itaru's phone*
Itaru: WAIT WHAT?!
Itaru: I'm not gonna forgive him! } toge-
Homare: I'm not going to forgive him! } -ther
Izumi: I see, this much explaintion is enough for now...
Homare: sigh...
Taichi: gulp...
Omi: haha...
Itaru: well, after that me and Homare were trying to find that crab...
Omi: Turns out that both of 'em wanted to kill that crab...
Izumi: Okay. Now, Tsumugi, Yuki and Azami. Explain.
Azami: don't look at me.
Yuki: sigh...
Tsumugi: Well, ummm.....
Tsumugi: .... Oh Azami, welcome back!
Azami: Thanks, Tsumugi.
Tsuzuru: Wait! Don't run!
Azami: huh? Children?
Tsuzuru: Ah, sorry Azami, these are my three youngest siblings.
Tsumugi: Aww, if I'm correct, this one is Mitsuru, the last Third one, and this one is Takeru, last second one, and then Yuzuru the last!.
Tsuzuru: Haha, yes, you're right Tsumugi.
Azami: Hah? Y'all so cute!
Tsumugi: That's true! ~
Yuzuru: thank you, uncle...
Azami: ..u-Uncle?! Haha, I'm like your brother!
Tsumugi: Fufu, well I think he meant by me.
Takeru: I don't think only you, Onii-chan.
Mitsuru: hey, don't disturb Onii-chan.
Tsuzuru: Yes, Mitsuru is right!
Tsumugi: haha, well aren't they funny as well?
Azami: yeah..!
Tsuzuru: well, all my brothers were busy, that's why they told me if I can take care of them... But seems like I've got a little meeting with Sakyo today.
Tsumugi: then, I can help you, Tsuzuru!
Tsuzuru: oh no, Tsumugi. I think your busy...
Tsumugi: no! It's nothing! I can at least help you with this! After all you wrote our scripts and rest very rarely. It's okay I can handle!
Tsuzuru: Umm, well, if you say so... Thank you Tsumugi! But don't worry let them. They'll be fine.
Tsumugi: hmm... If you're sure... If anything happens I'll take care of them.
Tsuzuru: yes, thank you, also I'll be here so you don't need to worry, okay?
Tsumugi: okay...
Azami: hey! Don't touch my face that much!
Tsumugi: Seems like they like Azami!
Yuki: I'm back.
Tsuzuru: Welcome back!
Yuki: Woah, what a coincidence, I was just about to come and ask you that if I can borrow your little brothers for a while.
Tsuzuru: borrow..?
Yuki: well, you see my neighbor told me to make a costume for their youngest son and daughter. That's why I wanted a little model.
Azami: Ah, if that's the case... I can also help. There's a new cream I got. I wanted to try it on Banri, but he told me that he's a little busy... That's why I wanted someone to try it.
Tsuzuru: well, as long as they're happy with it...
Tsuzuru's siblings: YAY!
Tsumugi: Can I come to? I can help you guys.
Yuki: Of course you can!
Tsuzuru: then I should go too. Bye.
Everyone: bye, bye~
Yuki: huh? Why are you sniffing around, stupid dog?
Taichi: YUKI! Azami and Tsumugi! Ahh... You see the-
Omi: well, are you guys going somewhere with these children? Looks like they're Tsuzuru's Siblings.
Tsumugi: oh yes, we are going to Yuki's room.
Omi: oh okay then, have fun!
Omi: I don't think we should tell them about that crab... They have kids with them... They'll get panic...
Taichi: guess you're right...
[Tenma/Yuki's Room]
Yuki: Okay, thank God, that hack is not here. Okay, Umm sorry I forgot your names.. Mitsuru...right?
Azami: we'll start with you, Mitsuru.
Mitsuru: oh okay...
Tsumugi: good luck!
Yuzuru: hey, look! A pigeon!
Takeru: Shhh.
Tsumugi: oh yes, that's a nice pigeon!
Yuki: Tsumugi, can you help a bit here?
Takeru: Now's our chance! Yuzuru, hold my hand and don't make noise.
Yuzuru: Shhh... Okay..!
*Yuzuru and Takeru slowly escaping*
Tsumugi: Wait... Where are you two thinking you're going, hm?
Takeru: ?!, haha...ahno... Haha.. Just going to bathroom... Yuzuru wanted to go...
Tsumugi: Then, don't worry I'll take you there, Yuzuru. Come on.
Yuzuru: okay...
Takeru: Awww...
Yuki: Heyyy, Takeru, you wanna do something drawing..?
Takeru: huh? Well, okay.
Yuki: here are pencils and book.
Azami: is that Tenma's book?
Yuki: ...haha what...? No. Well, it would've been fun but... Unfortunately, it's not.
Azami: don't worry, I can understand, if we were in my room I would've gave him Sakyo's book.
Yuki: haha, so true!, That Money Grubbing Yakuza, But it's not hack's book, though...
Mitsuru: t-There's a hack and money grubbing Yakuza here?!
Azami: haha, don't worry Mitsuru.
Takeru: ........
*slowly escaped while they were talking*
Takeru: haha! Now, let's explore this dorm like a big boy!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of Part 4~~~~~~~~~~~~
(If there's any mistake, error or any sentence that doesn't make any sense so, my apologies for that....)
Note: I actually don't know much about Tsuzuru's Siblings... But, I'm just putting the stuff I know about them. Also they're super cute (ノ*>∀<)ノ♡
Thank you for reading this post until the end♪ ♬ ヾ(´︶`♡)ノ ♬ ♪
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~§tay Δuned~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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