#but you can enjoy something and not support the creator and their beliefs
nyancrimew · 3 months
Sorry, it was unfair of me to send that to you without proper context since you might not be aware of these issues. Irredeemable media refers to any thing with a creator or content  that is harmful and/or bigoted. Of course every piece of media has problems, but irredeemable media is when those problems cannot be ignored and are an indicator of someone's beliefs. 
For example, Harry Potter is irredeemable media because every one knows that JK Rowling is a transphobe, but some other piece of media like Twilight would not be considered irredeemable because even though Stephanie Meyer has done some bad things, they are not as widely talked about, so someone who posts about Twilight on here isn't completely likely to be a bigot, but a Harry Potter blogger would. Also, I know the "to be cringe is to be free" people like your blog, but a lot of the time, what is considered cringey on here is actually based on what is irredeemable. No progressive person or reputable blogger genuinely makes fun of My Little Pony fans any more, however plenty make fun of Hazbin Hotel fans and the such because that content is irredeemable and shows someone's beliefs. So usually, a piece of media being considered embarassing to like on here usually indicates that it is irredeemable.
As for why the other pieces of media are irredeemable, Hazbin Hotel is made by a woman who has many well-documented accusations of bigotry against her and has drawn zoophilia art, not to mention how her work leans into stereotypes about gay people (having a gay man character be a sex addict, a lesbian be named after the female body part Vagina, etc.) or at least that's what I've heard. Attack on Titan is created by a known fascist and many illusions are made to nazi imagery and nationalism in the anime. Captive Prince has a racist premise that sexualizes slavery and non-con. 
People can tell you that liking irredeemable media doesn't say something about who they are, but that's fundamentally false. If someone is uncaring enough to still post openly about these types of media, it's clear they don't care enough about not supporting bigotry. Yes, even if they don't give money to the creators, because they are still willingly exposing themselves to bigoted or harmful content and enjoying it.
The previous ask was not meant to be accusatory. Rather it was meant as a concerned question. Believe it or not, there are still some users on here who indulge in these pieces of content, a few of which hide behind the excuse of being part of a minority (Black, trans, whatever) or simply deny how bad their media consumption is to escape accountability. I wouldn't want you associating with those types of people and have that ruin your reliability on this website.
Hopefully this ask has educated you more on these issues and you'll be able to spot irredeemable media in the future and block it out.
incredible essay, you get a C for Creativity
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smalljxnnie · 1 year
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˒ 🥛 ៸៸ ꒰ disclaimer ୨୧ ⋆
All of the images was collected and saved through pinterest. Take all everything as grain of salt as no one can really truly predict the future. Any resonated results are purely product of the current energy. Every option for each pile are from left to right.
˒ 🧂 ៸៸ ꒰ copyright ୨୧ ⋆
All right reserved by smalljxnnie 2023. Do not copy, re-publish, transmit, and exploit this reading in any way. Please do obtain permission of the creator. Any infringement of copyright are punishable by the law.
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Pile 1
cards: strength - ii of cups - iv of wands
brave, confident, the one who you will tame, loves being at control, offers love in you, happy being with you, only have eyes for you, lots of eye contacts, being friends/partner with them, balance, equally love, attractive, could be an ex, will meet in them in an engagement or marriage, bless person, stable, protective & secure, love of aesthetic things, might be a successful or abundant person, enjoy family gatherings, might meet them on your way home and reunions/parties/ events, have self esteem and pride, people welcome them everytime they come home, have great neighborhood and family, isn't selfish and share success in others, has happy community or family, home person or likes being at home, often feels happy whenever they are in home, contented to everything they have, have happy work environment such as supportive co workers and a boss, might travel for work/ work overseas, have supportive environment, somewhat popular or famous, Leo sign (may name as Leo), Cancer.
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Pile 2
cards: king of swords - ace of wands - vi of swords
mature, powerful, intelligent and analytical, authority level, likes to speak the truth and brutal honest, communicate well, disciplinarian, set some standard for themselves and to others, more on reasoning and logic, head and not heart, heartless (cold), unbiased to people and a situation, detached and aloof person, strict, follow all the rules and regulations in every situation, splitting painful facts, detailed oriented, black and white is their favorite color, more on private side, the gifted or full of talent, ideas = action, driven individual, ambitious, charismatic, motivate and empower people, fast in action or the way of speak, accept every challenge, keep calm and cool every moment, racer, pretty daring in way of speaking and act, older, always wanted to be on top and at first, take risks, want to be original and unique, never be afraid to start over, slow in healing and moving on, often finding safest place, feels defeated when they are not on the top, carries negative attitude or beliefs, distance themselves to people, trust issues, likes boats or own one, Aries sign (may name as Aries) and air signs such as Gemini, Libra, Aquarius
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Pile 3
cards: v of cups, the tower - 6 of pentacles - 7 of cups
experience trauma in life, appear as sad, not feelin' satisfied in everything they have, multiple heartbreaks, have regret and shame, always blaming themselves, focus much in past events, lonely, isolate themselves from the others, feel that they are disappoint in life, have inner anger, have many what ifs, doesn't want to embrace change, fear of change, loss something or someone into their life, in pain, was abused, loss something because of natural disasters, loves to share to people who are less, help people in their needs, likes donating and leave tips, care for humanity, doesn't judge easily, give and will receive a lot, fair person, desire to understand themselves more, wanted to be honest to themselves, has priorities, hide their true identity, imagination and illusion, daydream, plenty of choices, too much opportunities and doesn't able to know what to grab to, can be lazy, isn't organize, unable to think clearly when lots of opportunities come together,
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Pile 4
cards: wheel of fortune - ix of wands - 10 of pentacles
good luck, destined to be each other, soulmate, fortunate, anxious about something, guarded most of the time, a hero?, someone who have more experience, patient and perseverance, strength, determine to anything, could be defensive, protective about themselves and the others, competitive, often stand alone, doesn't fight without a cause, lonely, competitive, desire of support and backups, thinking about the past mistakes, overwhelmed about too much commitments, responsibilities and burdens, prefer they were the only owner of something, financially stable, materialistic person, got high ambition in life, luxury, want comfort in life, value family, their family is supportive, wealthy/rich, came from wealthy family, have family business, celebrate a lot with family, an old school, respect elders, conservative, old fashioned person, some people here would only marry them for money, contracts, arranged marriage for money and power, at the same time doing a job and parenting.
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Pile 5
cards: vi of wands - 10 of cups - queen of wands
successful, lots of achievements and rewards, always at the top, the of all the people you meet, in higher position, a natural leader, stability, go getter, acknowledge by people, praise and support by everyone, supportive environment, supportive person, famous or popular, V.I.P, as always the centre of attention, particularly most of the time they were in spotlight, not selfish and share what they got(success), treat everyone with proper fairness, confident, can be prideful, may work in politics, often free in troubles, happy in what they have and got, there family is the sweetest people, likes children, is your soulmate, you were both destined to each other, will be in long term relationship, they are loving, good luck, blessed person, give gifts or have lots of gifts, contented to everything, relax, comfortable at home, home person, secure or stable in family and finances, fun to be with, playful, caring and supportjve, will give you a happy home life, grew up in a happy family, you already dream them before inside of your home, mature and strong, capable of doing most the things, independent, proud for who they are, might outgoing, doesn't fear to someone or to something, ambitious, determine in everything, inspire people, attractive, appear as sexy, fun and do jokes around, dramatic, can be friendly, offer a hand to people who needs help, protective and defend people who are close to them, bold and is daring, sunny, keeps healthy, eat healthy, athletic and sporty, athletic body.
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Pile 6
cards: the devil - king of pentacles - page of wands - ix of wands
depressed, have mental health issues, has addiction or obsessed person, materialistic, sensual, abusive/violence or were once experience abuse, mature, someone older, successful, rich (wealthy), midas touch, likes luxurious and expensive things, may own a bussiness, have too many qualifications, ambitious, lots of assets and possessions, high status, comfortable life, lots of money, has ability to buy whatever they want, secure and a protective about themselves, a hard worker, patient, someone who is cautious and people don't want to cross paths with them, skillful, the one who provides and earn, down to earth, resourceful especially to people who were need them, bussiness minded, can be friendly, supportive and likes to encourage people around them, generous in everything, faithful and committed in a relationship or to their career, set a standard, traditional, conservative, stubborn but they are slow to anger, value their worth, healthy physique, exercise, may own land/property, adventurous, intelligent and creative, travel, take the risk, entrepreneur, an inspiration, confident, childhood is important for them, may have child, loves children, often curious about something that caught there interest, open minded, charismatic, brave and has courage to do what is needed to, doesn't fear for the challenges, extrovert, extravagant, handsome/pretty, might be a student atm, playful and likes to have fun, likes sports, play sports, athletic, athletic body, lots of experience, prove themselves and what they can able to do, ready for the fight, too many commitments and burdens, responsibilities, force to do something that they don't want to, protective, tough person. competitive, likes to compete with people.
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buskingalbatross · 3 months
I've been a part of the phandom since I was fourteen back in 2012, but i've only recently deviated from my lurker ways and started being active in this community on tumblr. which I have been enjoying immensely! I'm super confused about something however, and so i'm making a post about it. please help.
often when I see the word "parasocial" used among the dnp audience, I've noticed that it's used with really negative connotations. Or with the implication that having a parasocial relationship is inherently bad and terrible. today, for instance, I've seen the term parasocial likened directly to "creepy."
I'd like to ask why that is-what has led to the perception of a parasocial relationship in this fandom as one that is intrinsically invasive and creepy. And I'd like also to put forth my own thoughts on why I think it's unhelpful and incorrect that we use this term to be a near synonym for creepy.
first, a definition. I'm turning to Hank Green for this, as he succinctly sums up what a parasocial relationship is in this vlogbrothers video (a recommended watch). He says a parasocial relationship forms "when the parts of your brain that are designed to have a social relationship between you and another person are used to have a relationship with a person who does not know who you are or, sometimes, cannot know who you are... because they're Huckleberry Finn."
At its most basic, a parasocial relationship is a relationship between you and someone fictional or nonfictional who doesn't know who you are. Hank goes on to say, importantly! that parasocial relationships have been happening since the beginning of time. People have been fans of famous or talented people since time immemorial, people have cared for fictional people since the first stories were told among humans.
~ ✌🏻continued below✌🏻 ~
Similarly, in one of his Am I The Hole videos, Phil says that becoming obsessed with things is normal. "People hyperfixate on stuff. It's fine." We all do it.
In many ways, parasocial relationships are as natural as myriad other forms of human bonds. Humans can't help but connect to each other. To other living and even non-living things. Bonding and connecting and forming communities is what we do. And because of that, I think it's a disservice to oneself be ashamed of being in a parasocial relationship, or to use parasocial as a term to serve as a stand in for a disrespectful fan of someone. I think it fosters a sense of guilt where there shouldn't necessarily be any, especially if you as a viewer of Dan and Phil are respecting the boundaries they have set. You are doing something so normal! So human! You are finding support and comfort and empowerment and motivation and creativity and any number of other things from other people.
There is great joy and great good that can come from parasocial relationships. Obviously! Think of Phil's birthday stream, the feelings you experienced when the lights came on in the theater after TATINOF, all the laughs (among other things) Dan and Phil have gotten from our memes and art.
And it's important to consider the other side of this as well. Dan and Phil also have a parasocial relationship with us. It's different, of course, but they do think of us, make decisions because of us, without truly knowing us. At different points in time maybe they know the loudest of us, a few individuals, but for the most part they do not know who we are. They don't know who you are. But they do think about you. They think about what ties us together, our queerness, our beliefs about the world, the internet, our status as socially awkward and or mentally ill nerds etc. They think about how certain videos or projects or merch will be received. All creators are in a relationship with their audience. And it is often a parasocial one.
Basically i find myself exasperated with stumbling over the word 'parasocial' in this fandom. I want to have the information and know the truth and add my own thoughts! Maybe parasocial is used by other people elsewhere on the internet to mean something bad, but my thesis is this: it's not a bad word. It's a descriptor. And it's a normal thing. Those people are wrong. You shouldn't feel bad about being in a parasocial relationship with Dan and Phil! You should call that relationship what it is with pride! And do as much good with it as you can.
conclusion: talk to me about this! What is your perspective, what am I missing? let me know please. would be happy to talk about this with anyone.
(ok what do i do now do i thank you for reading? i don't do this. text post over.)
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thedreamgemini · 2 years
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The pictures above are not mine and I don’t know who the original creator or creators are for most of them but I found the pictures on either Pinterest or google! And the creator of the picture on the bottom left is “Alice X. Zhang” on Instagram.
❤️ Having mars in the 1st house can represent having mental problems, being a slow learner, slow problem solving skills, slow comprehension skills, or these people might just feel like they aren’t as smart as most people or the people around them.It can also represent being made fun of for your physical appearance, how you act, dress, or express yourself.🙁
❤️ Having mars in the 12th house can represent having some very strong religious or spiritual opinions, views, and beliefs.⛪️
❤️ Sun or Saturn in the 12th house can represent having a father or father figure who gaslighted.☹️
❤️ I’ve noticed that Virgo stelliums wear baggy clothing often. And I also noticed that they like their hair to be cut short.🧐🧐🧐🧐
❤️ Air moons can forgive so easily ESPECIALLY when it comes to their families.🌬🌙
❤️ Sagittarius in the 5th house people could’ve hated getting their hair done as a child or they still do. And as they got older they also might’ve developed a problem of taking forever to do their hair. Like, these the type of people to always wait till the last minute to do their hair.Or at the very least they have trouble picking out hair styles that they like. 💇🏽‍♀️
❤️ Moon in the 7th house can represent having an emotionally or physically codependent mother. Or it can represent being very emotionally or physically codependent as a child. Like, these people could’ve needed help to do a lot of things like chores or homework as kids.👩‍👦
❤️ Aquarius moons could’ve had some type of limited or restricted relationship with their mothers as babies or toddlers. Like, their mothers could’ve had to work a lot when they were babies or toddlers so they didn’t get to see them a lot.☹️ Or it could just be something small like they bottle fed instead of breast fed for whatever reason.🍼
❤️ I’ve noticed that air moons prefer cats over dogs.🐶🥊🐱
If you enjoyed my astrology observations and notes then don't don't forget to like, reblog, comment, and follow so you can see more of my content and I'll get more support.✨🧜🏽‍♀️✨🧜🏽‍♀️✨🧜🏽‍♀️✨💕💕💕💕
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sagezora · 1 year
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*please pick a card that you are attracted.
*take what resonates! leave what doesn’t. Enjoy 🫶🏾
this lunar eclipse is bringing a big focus on your faith and perspective . its time to expand your mind. participate in soul connecting practices like meditation or reiki. something that connects with you deeply. It is time to be fully aware, enlightened and awakened. this is also a time for deep healing to release past trauma and limiting beliefs. Its time to go within and reprogram your thoughts and remove what no longer is serving you. Know that you are worthy of what you desire. It’s all about keeping a positive and open mindset. Accept that you may need some extra to help (going to therapy, talking to friends, etc.) to actually heal and move on. take a chance, don’t let your fears and doubts hold you back. its time to release and let go to move on to make room for what’s next and for most of you its love partnership and new projects. Setting healthy boundaries will help with promoting growth within your relationship with yourself and others. This will help with being giving and compassionate.
thirteen moons.
this lunar eclipse is waking up your creative side. you are an artist at heart. the more you try to avoid your true passions the more miserable you will get. giving yourself the space to be a creative being is important. being able to go after your heart’s desires is important! there may be some burdens that are holding you back from going towards your desires. It’s time to conquer your shadows and blockages. Work towards nurturing and healing yourself. A lot of you need to forgive yourself for your past decisions. Forgive those who have betrayed and hurt you in the past. It is only holding you back from the many possibilities and options that are out there for you. letting go will bring you peace of mind. you deserve to be calm and at peace with yourself and your relationship with others. connect with your intuition and emotions . trust the signs. make the time in your busy day to go within and be reflective to gain clarity. participate in self care as well. Your needs deserve your attention.
fallopian tubes.
this lunar eclipse is bringing a focus to your unique spiritual journey. Embrace your individuality. take time to explore yourself as a creator by connecting through spiritual soul searching/connecting practices that resonate with you. it is time for you to embrace the truth. this eclipse is calling for your awareness and presence to really connect with the truth. This will also help with bringing you awareness to any destructive patterns that may be holding you back. Its time to break the cycles and heal past wounds. Call for help and support from friends throughout this releasing process. don’t let pride get in your way. Take time to slow down and take a moment to yourself to relax so you can thrive. No need to make major decisions during this time. let your mind wonder for healing purposes. Being creative is healing. Connect with your pleasures. Experience the world with new lenses. Connect with your senses. Your ancestors are also helping with guiding you throughout this journey. Look to them during your challenging times. Gratitude and faith will take you far as well.
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l8dyvenus · 2 years
what hidden ancestral power was pass down to you and how can you tap into it?
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NOTE: I decided to do something different and do a PAC based off of just oracles, channeled songs, and my intuition, using the theme of Kanye West’s fourth studio album “My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy.” but please note, this is a general read. take what resonates and leave what doesn’t, enjoy 💥
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channeled song:
+ manifestation
+ compassion
unaware of how powerful you are, you hold the key of creating all you desire pile one. the key to all you are destined for. your hidden powers are that you are the creator and a alchemist. you may come from a troubled family or experienced traumatic events pertaining to your family. or for some, your childhood wasn’t as great as others. you could have been bullied whether it be at school or home. could’ve been toyed with, manipulated, and had ups and downs with your confidence because of this. even could’ve been told your dreams will not happen or not received support wether it be physical, mental, or emotional from loved ones. you never had that listening ear or unconditional love where someone told you “it will be alright” even when sometimes it wasn’t. often you even felt misunderstood and lonely emotionally while everyone around you struggled with their own lives as well. without you knowing it, you are one with the universe and they see your hardships. your angels and guides watch over you, protect you, and they want you to know that your life will not always be like this. but to make your dreams reality, there needs to be an out with the old and in with the new. you need to work with them to come out of conflicted thoughts and negative beliefs others have placed you in, as you are only victimizing yourself. they are telling me you manifest little things and don’t even realize it, or sometimes you do and just shrug it off as if it’s something that just naturally occurred. but imagine if you believe it in…believed in yourself…you can have bigger and better. the main message that you need to hear right now is to have compassion towards yourself and others. whomever may have hurt you or wasn’t there for you, it wasn’t intentional. often times people hold on to unprocessed, unhealed trauma because their parents or the people around them experienced similar. they never knew HOW to heal and be better, but to change everything, YOU need to do better. holding grudges only puts a hold on you and your life, but having boundaries and sticking to it will make things easier and create a relief. be more open and receptive. learn to surrender and let go of doubts. the power of the universe is within you. you carry the guidance, support, abundance, and healing you already need. don’t let past experiences and the unjust of others continue to steal your joy. the more you resist and fight and try to prove your point with others, the more you will feel drained when you can use this energy to have compassion and respect for yourself. you are only blocking yourself by blinding yourself with frustration and anger for things and people who no longer serve you. see from a higher level, your guides are wrapping their arms around you.
channelled messages:
+ “stop whining and FIGHT!”
+ “666”
+ “1010”
+ “if you fail to plan, than you plan to fail”
+ “appraise the value of your attachments in terms of your individual long term goals”
+ “be careful”
+ “increase your efforts to ensure victory”
< PS - this is just the beginning, not the end. FUCK anybody who has something to say about you! now give me a virtual hug 🫂 >
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channeled song:
+ romance & connection
+ healing energy
+ take a step back
I’m getting heavy Venusian vibes so pile two you could have prominent Libra/Taurus placements or be a Venus Dominant but you don’t have to be. you are very elegant and joyous. you bring people together and everyone loves you but with that comes a lot of haters as well. the vibe you give off is someone caring, nurturing, and vibrant. so though you maybe be good at relationships of all kinds, you may also struggle with them as well. relationships with people may play a big factor in your physical/emotional world. I hear you attract a lot of energy vampires because of this. you tend to give too much of yourself to others while they give crumbs or nothing at all in return and you are being advised to take a step back from doing that. they are draining you of your energy, even hurting you. I’m getting that you guys could be very emotional. probably wondering why you keep getting into romantic or platonic relationships with people who do nothing but take from you and you allow it. it’s a reason behind that. a reason why you are so giving because maybe growing up people weren’t as giving to you so unconsciously, you try to be like that for others. or maybe even, your parents were a bit demanding and controlling with every decision and choice in your life which caused you to lack boundaries. you haven’t unlearned this conditioning so you try to give the love and support that you lacked to others when you should be giving it to yourself. but in the end result, naturally you are a healer, that is your gift. your hidden power is that you can love and heal the most deceptive person and wouldn’t give a second thought on why you’re doing it, you will just do it and that’s okay. the world needs more people like you. you are rare, one of a kind, and beyond impeccable. but in this lifetime, this will be one of your biggest challenges. you need to find balance and set boundaries on how much love you give, and decipher on who and what deserves it or you will be left with a broken heart at the end every time. you won’t find the love you are looking for in the people who only take from you. to begin to ever create boundaries, you need to take a step back and reflect on your life. shadow work is highly encouraged. ask yourself “why do I lack boundaries?” “why do I always feel the need to over give and please others?“ “why do entertain the people who take from me?” “is my relationships just based on half hope and half escape?” “what fears, insecurities, and trauma do I have that ties me to these people?” etc. your gift is having the power and being the embodiment of the empress, the true divine feminine, but you cannot share your love properly when you are wounded. take some time alone to figure this out to heal and when you are ready, share your love with the world and good things will come back to you. doing this will be the catalyst of guiding other people who are like you, to you. this will open doors to more opportunities to build your dream lifestyle/career/family, have the right people in your corner to and receive the love/support/friends you deserve. it’s okay to not be around or give to people all the time when you do recuperate. from time to time, find solitude in nature and reflect and listen. take sundays to yourself and call it “self care sundays.” please cut those trauma bonds that you have with losers. you are so amazing, I truly need you to see this love.
channeled messages:
+ “888”
+ “333”
+ “humble yourself”
+ “self acceptance”
+ “11:11”
+ “cute doesn’t last”
+ “you are blocking yourself”
< PS - love yourself first. put yourself first. you know the patterns when someone is just trying to take from you. the first red flag you get, LEAVE. the first time you see someone put something/someone before you, LEAVE. leave people who drain you alone, stay away from them. they cross your boundary, you don’t shut up and not say anything, you SPEAK! and if they can’t respect that, cut the muhfucka loose! you are a fucking goddess. the goddamn empress, act like it! 💅🏾 >
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channeled song:
+ “yes!”
+ “blessings and abundance”
pile three, it seems you have no hidden ancestral powers. you are already in touch with your guides, fully aware, but not tapped in. I get the feeling you may be in your head a lot, sometimes not believing things are real. maybe you feel like you’re going through a spiritual awakening? but this one is waaay different than any one you ever had before which means you’ve leveled up. there’s hesitation and doubt about the power you possess but you are still being advised to go forth. explore and expand your mind with knowledge and wisdom on your blessings. a major way you can do this is by meditating more to channel what you need to hear/know rather than listening to intrusive thoughts whether it comes from you or others. the more you tap into your energy, the more abundance and prosperity you shall receive but you need more knowledge. whatever you are doing, keep doing it. don’t be reluctant to go deeper and explore further. and don’t be too scared to get lost into your crafts. there’s peace and happiness in the unknown. if you are accepting and kind to it, it will be accepting and kind to you. you are being called to trust your intuition because it is right and it is guiding you. this will lead to more tremendous growth and fulfillment. you have to trust and completely surrender to the divine. you may have been feeling very sensitive and overwhelmed but that is just your guides near you, letting you know that you are on the right path and they are supporting you. let go of all concerns and trust in them. don’t hold back, don’t get scared now. if you’ve been holding off on anything, if there is a decision that needs to be made, now is the time to start taking action. raise your vibrations and believe that all your endeavors is unfolding right in front of your eyes. it’s okay to take the next step. the world is literally at your feet, it’s time to express and show everyone what talents you acquire.
channeled messages: (a lot came out so I took all :) )
+ “increase your efforts to ensure victory”
+ “444”
+ “this was fated”
+ “be patient”
+ “1212”
+ “your luck is about to change”
+ “peace is priceless”
+ “slow down and consult your inner voice”
+ “work things out”
< PS - you got this. when you think of things before doing it, you always create a certain expectation of the outcome. don’t do that, just make the decision. spirituality is nothing logical itself. if you want to think about the situation or possible outcomes, at least try not to see it from a 3D perspective. you are protected at all times. just close your eyes and take the leap 🌬 >
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channeled song:
+ raise your vibrations
+ vulnerability & freedom
+ angelic protection
im getting big ass Leo/Aries energy right off of the bat LOL. pile four, you are very confident and you are not ashamed to be vulnerable with how you express yourself, your feelings, and what makes you unique. your hidden power is just being your true unapologetic, unexplainable, authentic self. because of this, people who showcase a facade think you are stuck up, a know it all, etc, but in reality all they are doing is projecting their negative insecurities onto you. there a lot of people who do not know themselves or scared to be themselves that are jealous of you. watch out for your friends and family that surround you, because the people you are closes with tend to be the main ones who hold judgement—not to say that they are, but it is a possibility. because of power that was passed down to you, you bring freshness into this world, and your guides are protecting you. you are meant for something greater, something big, which will inspire those who feel ashamed about being themselves. your journey in this life time is to be a speaker of some sort. maybe even perhaps a mentor, a guide yourself, or someone who just presents to the world what it is truly like to live comfortable in your skin through film, art, events, etc. anything that unites people together or gets their attention to showcase this. maybe even YouTube or movies of some sort. but like with pile two—which may resonate with you—there is no love without hate. you will go through trials and tribulations, heart aches and heart breaks just by being yourself. there are a lot of envious people and energy vampires, but I got a good feeling that you have firm boundaries and know when to say no. whatever you do, never lose your spunk. never not be honest with people or lower your standards for someone else. continue to always do things for you and help others who lack this mentality. I’m getting big sister/brother vibes from you. whatever moves you make, it will get quite scary but you are being guided to trust your intuition and listen to your guides when you are placed in positions where it feels like you are stuck between a hard rock and a shell. just always remember, you have that angelic protection around you.
channeled messages:
+ “take charge of whatever is going on in your life”
+ “increase your chances of winning by having the right spiritual teachers in your corner”
+ “if you fail to plan, than you plan to fail”
+ “accept any consequences of your actions”
+ “increase your efforts to insure victory”
+ “999”
+ “make what you desire manifest”
< PS - strut your shit girl ! fuck what anybody has to say, they are just intimidated and as they should be! I don’t even know you personally and I just know you’re a bad bitch whether you’re a girl or a boy. whole energy was just giving me femme fatale. your meant to be a star, so go ahead and shine like one! 😮‍💨 >
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icypantherwrites · 6 months
So I received this absolute gem of a comment today. /s Ironically enough, contrary to this "person's" writing, they did in fact seek out this story (given that its been finished for several months and is quite far down on my profile at this point) and they did in fact spend the time to read a 50,000 word story given that they opted to leave this hateful, vitriol spewed comment on the final chapter. Not sure how that's actively avoiding but take a look for yourself. The comment has already been deleted as trying to respond or reason with people like this is a waste of my energy and sanity.
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I'm going to go ahead and give a quick analogy to this situation that maybe a few more people can identify with rather than just fellow creators so you can see how hurtful words like this are. Someone (the author) throws a party. For the sake of structure we're going to call it an open house party where people can come and go as they please without any set activities or timelines. A person (this commenter) arrives to the party. They don't bring a host gift; perfectly fine, the open house is free and open to everyone to enjoy and celebrate (in this case enjoy a like fandom together) regardless of how long you've known the host or how close you are to them (in this scenario the person had left a single line comment on a single work in 2021 and that was the only interaction they'd ever had, just to set the scene further).
This person comes in and doesn't seek out the host to say hello or let them know they've arrived. They spend their entire time at the party eating and drinking and having fun. They leave without ever speaking to the host to say thank you, what a great time they had/are having, great party. They're a ghost. Maybe, maybe, the host caught a glimpse of them in the crowd (leaving a kudo or a bookmark) but otherwise they came, they partied, and they left without ever even acknowledging the host's effort, time, or energy spent to put on the party. It sucks and the host is hurt but there's nothing they can do.
But then, in this scenario, the attendee reaches out after the fact to send a scathing text to the host about all the things wrong with the party. The host had run out of their favorite food, the drink selection was poor, there weren't enough chairs to sit on, the music was too loud. They literally have to have the last word of hate and cruelty and stomp all over a free event that was put on for them to enjoy without any expectations except the polite and kind thank you for hosting, had a great time. Quite honestly, who the fuck does that? This person, apparently, and they are unfortunately far from the first I've encountered.
So to all of this, if you are someone who is so offended to an author saying something in their notes like "please don't read and run," or "if you enjoyed the story I'd really appreciate hearing from you in the comments," or "please share a little love with the author and leave a comment," or "this was a really hard story for me to write, it'd mean a lot to hear from you," and have to react in the above way of spending all that time to spew hate when they could have easily just left a 'enjoyed the story' or even just walked away with a kudo (or not) ... then please don't read my works. I don't have the energy any more to deal with just hateful, cruel people, and I don't want them reading my works about support and teamwork and being there for each other. I don't honestly even know why they'd want to when clearly those sorts of messages are at odds with their personal beliefs.
It costs nothing to be kind. And while I would love for everyone to write detailed comments with favorite scenes and parts and feedback, I appreciate just as much the person who says "thanks for the story" and leave it at that because at least they took the few seconds, a single moment, to give back to that author after reading their time and effort and energy. And if you have nothing nice to say, then don't say anything at all and just walk away. Better to be a ghost than someone who actively seeks to hurt others.
Between comments like these and all the AI-stuff still floating about I have really been waffling between setting my AO3 to logged-in users only. I'm trying not to do that as I know there are many who don't have accounts for one reason or another and this is how they are able to access my works, but it's becoming a more distinct possibility. I really hope I don't have to resort to that. Please don't make that have to be the only outlet I have left to protect myself (although, this was a logged in user so even that isn't foolproof.)
If you read this and want to help make a positive difference, go out there today and spread some love. Leave a comment -- short and sweet or super detailed, whatever you feel comfortable with doing -- on story you read today. Tag a favorite author in a post. Draw fanart. Compliment someone in person on their smile. Do a random act of kindness. Donate to a favorite charity or help someone in need. Please, please help put kindness back into the world because right now, at least to me, it just feels very very dark and it definitely needs some more bright lights.
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ronanwazlib · 9 months
even though i’m no longer as active here, nor do i currently write fic, i’ve wrestled with the repercussions of continuing to engage in the marauders/hp fandoms (such as just leaving this blog up and archiving my older fanworks here or on ao3 with disclaimers) after everything jkr has said and done (and continues to do) despite the extreme importance and comfort they once provided me. obviously, this decision has created a divide both in fan spaces and between average tumblr users over whether one should completely give up everything harry potter altogether or if you can denounce j*anne while still maintaining your presence in the fandom (either as a creator/artist/writer or just an observer) because it does not directly benefit the author monetarily as licensed merchandise and games, box office and book sales, or theme park attractions do.
the author has stated she sees any sort of support for her series as support for her beliefs or approval by fans that she’s justified in her behavior. i personally disagree with this, as i know better than she does how i feel about her politics and her bigotry, despite the fact that there is still an emotional attachment to fanon versions of her characters for me, and i already know she’d see all the ways in which i once enjoyed them as not supportive but mockery or bastardization or something. still, it must be taken into account. i don’t want to speak for minority groups i am not myself a part of on whether each individual is “valid” in reclaiming hp or not as that isn’t my place. as it is, i personally struggle enough with whether it’s okay to retain some sentimentality for the fandom and series at all as a queer person and whether i’m “trans enough” for it to be seen as justified. that is something we all must decide for ourselves and help each other to conclude. so although i’m not here to try and convince you one way or the other, i will recognize there IS an undeniable, tangible (if not financial) impact of creating fanworks and engaging in fandom practices. she has perpetuated so, so much harm, and her series itself was and has always been, rife with problematic themes, imagery, and worldbuilding. it is not enough to simply say you “reclaim” hp and put “jk sucks” in your bio; if you’re going to remain in the fandom you have to actively speak out against the systems she supports and upholds today and be critical of the flaws within the series itself. if you cannot completely let hp go right now, i encourage you to renounce jkr’s beliefs always, entirely stop supporting her through purchases or words, and contribute to lgbt/jewish/bipoc rights through donations to verified charities + legal support and/or their ability to survive and thrive through mutual aid funds so long as you continue to keep the hp series culturally relevant. it’s the least we can do, really.
of course i recognize this viewpoint will likely be upsetting to some who may want to block me. i completely respect that. i also welcome civil discussion in the replies, however i refuse to respond to discourse or trolling as that is a response to conflict i am actively trying to unlearn.
as always, terfs/bigots/homophobes/racists/antisemites are NOT welcome here
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beesmygod · 2 years
i watched that newest video by that guy super eye patch wolf about the blatant scam business that is selling courses on “how to succeed on youtube” and i have some serious problems with the framing of nearly everything and the lengths it goes to portray people infested with the embarrassing illness of being obsessed with metrics and numbers as pure victims of youtube’s apparent mind control abilities. in order to believe this, you would have to accept that people who go through great lengths to willingly engage with a career that they chose for themselves and maintain unilateral control over are completely helpless. i copy pasted most of this from a forum post right after i watched it lol but ill edit it into a more coherent and cohesive set of thoughts. 1. first of all, the people buying these youtube courses are suckers with money to (apparently) burn falling for a very blatant “get rich quick” scheme with the belief that they can “jump the line” straight into fame and fortune with little effort on their part. these motives should be mocked, mercilessly, without restraint or pity. there is quite literally no other reason to invest in something so blatantly and obviously designed to siphon money from your wallet unless you are both stupid and desperate for attention.
either way, if you spend money you dont have on this crap it's on you lol. its like claiming you got taken advantage of by the guy who sold you the brooklyn bridge. no shit, idiot.
it was suggested that the people buying these programs are “victims of capitalism” and i am confident that this does not excuses their behavior. we all are! the vast majority of us recognize that paying people so you can skip to the good parts of working in entertainment is pathetic, at best. pathological at worst.
additionally, i should add for context that i am a native from nevada, the state in the union with state-wide legalized gambling. one thing you will notice about nevada is, despite being named the #1 state of gambling addicts by the most whack study i have ever seen in my life (it rates states by “casino friendliness”. that’s literally the point of nevada?! anyway), i think you would be very hard pressed to find a local who gambles because that’s for the stupid tourists to blow money on to support us. i do not have a lot of sympathy for the people who throw money away on something that famously “always wins”.
 2. the youtube creators whining about how hard it is to look at analytics pages and how bad it makes them feel should be embarrassed of themselves. if looking at the data legitimately upsets you and has a death grip on your life (like the guy who said his wife hated how much he checked it and it was causing problems) then there are no shortage of extensions and tools to block pages or sections of pages in order to prevent yourself from staring into the abyss.
every artist who was on deviantart has already had this obsession with numbers long knocked out of them and the remaining stragglers who still cling to metrics and likes as proof of their worthiness are viewed as fucked up fame-obsessed weirdos. as they should be. i cannot think of a single other artistic pursuit that has people talk so openly about how data poisoned they are and have it treated like its a perfectly acceptable or legitimate means of measurement. 3. everyone gets less return on projects they worked hardest on. everyone enjoys the lowest-brow entertainment over effort and education. this is not a problem that is unique to youtube creators. visual artists have been bitching about this since time immemorial. it is a frequent, tacky talking point to complain about how your doodles get more likes than the work you labor over. there have been at least 10000000 posts about this subject. the solution is so simply get the hell over it lol wtf. the rest of us manage to cope so come learn from the best of the best.
everyone is going to become irrelevant. this is the reality of the entertainment business. framing it as a fail state rather than an inevitability would eliminate a lot of anxiety about having to be perfect and constantly keep to a schedule and maybe, just maybe, discourage people from attempting to make this dumb shit their fucking job. making your money via ad revenue and sponsorships should be considered a deeply immoral way to make money in the first place but: thats a whole other can of worms.
the k-pop guy who said he would cry if he couldnt do youtube for a living needs to hang it up right this second bc that's such a fucked up way to waste your life lol. 8 years of doing shit he hates just to see the number go up in the miserable hope that some day this activity that he despises doing will be lucrative. just keep it as a hobby wtf. what could he possibly be getting out of this? like, what is his end goal? after he makes youtube, which he hates doing, his full time job....then what?
i dont get it. i dont understand coddling these poorly thought out impulses like they're natural or that youtube is a real or viable career for anyone. i think no one should be talking about entertainment, right now at this moment, with any kind of certainty for what the future might hold. [scary voice] the truth is that it could and likely will come all falling down at any moment. and its possible that there is literally nothing you can do about it. 4. its luck. the secret ingredient to success is luck. you can alter your chances (specifically by being rich and/or attractive), you can do everything you’re supposed to do when it comes to self-promotion, editing, presentation, and information. but in the end its still almost entirely based on luck. he does say this but i was in the middle of my post when he said it lol
this doesn’t mean that no one but the most shining stars become household names. it means that you should not treat a video sharing site as anything more than a way to share information or entertainment with people and expect very little. you’ll either be pleasantly surprised or youll explode and die. who knows. 5. him attributing jake paul and that insane lady who made her kid cry for a youtube thumbnail to a desire for higher views was insane lol. they're sociopaths dude. come on. they are not motivated purely by wanting to see a number go up, the level of deluded self-interest that one needs festering in their body to abuse their child for money or take financial advantage of a stranger’s suicide is extraordinarily abnormal human behavior and does not even remotely compare to people who have just caught the madness after clicking on the analytics page. you have to be able to differentiate between a person who is pathologically ruthless to the point of being dangerous and losers.
the last section where he tries to impart to you what its like to blow up is so unrelatable lol and not just bc im ms sour grapes and im just jealous, which is usually the go-to defense people whip out when you try to criticize the way people interact with their fame, but rather the expectation that other people, strangers would celebrate your financial success is weird. additionally, there are two old maxims that fit the problem of attracting a group of hatewatchers:
if you try to please everyone, you end up pleasing no one.
if you can’t stand the heat get out of the kitchen!!!! computer send post thank you
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killian-whump · 1 year
Five Posts I Hate:
#1: This blog is safe for ________.
Like, my blog isn’t dangerous for anyone, aside from fictional characters played by Colin O’Donoghue. It is literally safe for everyone and anyone else. Saying your blog is a safe place for [fill in the blank] kinda implies there are people / groups / individuals that your blog is NOT safe for. And that just leaves me wondering if you’ve got booby traps laid around the place or something. I suppose it would make sense if the blank was filled with “minors” or “work” but I can’t even remember the last time I saw someone post either of those - as that seems more like something you’d put in your header if it was important enough that you wanted people to actually see it when they come to your blog. Otherwise, it would just be pointless one-time posturing, wouldn’t it?
#2: Unfollow me if you ________.
Well, that’s just not how any of this works. Content creators of any kind don’t get to dictate who consumes their content, let alone based on arbitrary things like their personal / political / religious views. I mean, if you have a real beef with someone specific, you can block them, but you can’t ask people to self-censor your content from their view because something they do / believe is unappealing to you. Hitler himself could reanimate his corpse just to quietly follow your blog and there is nothing you can do to stop that motherfucker’s eyeballs from devouring every post you make - short of not making those posts.
Mind you, if people are doing it for the viewer’s benefit (say a whump blog warning folks, “Don’t follow me if you faint at the sight of blood”) then that’s another thing entirely. In that case, you’re warning people that if they ignore your warning, it’s at their own risk. Otherwise, it’s basically saying, “Punish yourself for holding this belief that I find abhorrent” and, like, no one’s going to do that? Why would they? Why should they? It’s 20-fucking-23 and it has always been true that people you don’t like are going to consume and even enjoy your content. Get over it.
#3: Reblog this to show you care about _______.
Fuck you. Just... fuck you. I care about whatever I care about, and it’s my business what those things are. I share them if I want to share them. I leave them unspoken if I want to leave them unspoken. NO ONE should ever assume people care about or don’t care about things based on what they post (or don’t post) on their little internet blog. I could care about an issue with the power of a thousand suns and I still won’t reblog a post that contains this wording or anything like it, because fuck you for implying that anyone who doesn’t reblog your shitty ass do-nothing post on the interwebs doesn’t care about whatever it is your post is about. Seriously. Fuck off with that shit.
#4: Vote for ________.
I’m as apolitical as they come, but I’m all for politically-minded people encouraging others to get out there and vote. I even think it’s great when celebrities support those kinds of messages. I DON’T like it when non-voters are shunned or not voting is treated like an invalid choice for citizens to make, but I’m 100% for people reminding others when an important election is near and giving positive encouragement to take part in the process.
But such messages stop being okay the moment someone starts telling people who to vote for. Now you’re no longer trying to get others actively involved in the electoral process - now you’re trying to game the system by increasing the number of votes your chosen candidate receives. Adding those few words has now turned your entire post into nothing more than political propaganda. EVERY individual has the right - and the responsibility - to vote for whichever options THEY feel are best, NOT the ones YOU feel are best. Encouraging others to read up on all of the issues, candidates, and offices involved is responsible citizenship. Telling them to go vote for your candidate because you said so is utter bullshit.
#5: Tag five friends / blogs...
How ‘bout I tag NOBODY, so I don’t give five people warm fuzzies at the cost of everyone else’s feelings? How ‘bout I tag NOBODY, so everybody can decide whether they want to take part in whatever shenanigans the post is up to? How ‘bout I do whatever the fuck I want and you stop telling me what to do?
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darrowsrising · 5 months
How do you feel about the author being a Zionist? Do you think supporting/promoting his works is seperate from supporting the author?
I don't think he is one per se, but it does not look good. He is keeping PR silence and that does not help at all, so when people call him that and end any link to the series, it's their right.
I do think that it has not gone down the deep end and can still be separated and enjoyed regardless of Brown's failings. Unlike the r*wling situation where support is literally agreeing and giving money towards beliefs - I don't expect the authors I read to be morally flawless, but I do understand that support matters directly at times.
I, myself, tried to find out things and ended up having to remind my gov about some home truths via petitions and local support.
Technically speaking, I ended 'promotions' when I quit instagram. I kept tumblr as it is a pleasure for me and there is warmth and safety here. Has been so for a few years, given the situations I am in, externally. Obviously, that has been due to various events, but I won't judge anyone who keeps loving and supporting the series, as I still do myself.
I do believe Darrow is a symbol of hope beyond even his creator. I obviously chose to keep this series close, thinking that rather than debating the morality of it, I'd get off my arse and do something good. I do think the series itself is rather very separate from this, but obviously, not everyone will agree.
This is where I am at right now, plainly speaking. I am sure things will evolve - for better or worse - and then I will see from then.
But yeah, that is all I can say from my own experience so far.
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thedreamgemini · 2 years
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The art work above is not mine and I don’t know who the original creator of the picture on the left is but I found both the pictures on Pinterest! The original creator of the picture on the right is jademaduike on Instagram! And if anyone knows who the creator on the other drawing is pls tell me in the community and I’ll edit my post so the original creator can get their credit!❤️✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
❤️ Mars in the 12th house can represent being scared of men or having a bad history with men. It can also be an indicator of men bullying you, intimidating you, harassing you, trying to control you, and physically or emotionally hurting you.
❤️ I’ve noticed that Virgos have very white eyes. And I don’t mean just regular eye white I mean like their eyes are white asl.
❤️ Having your north node opposite ascendent can represent having or a wanting a job that doesn’t match your personality or how others might see you. For example, let’s say you are or people see you as a very irresponsible or immature person but you want to be or you are a doctor.That’s an example of what I mean by your personality or how people see you not matching up with want your job is or what you want to do as a job.
❤️ Whatever planets is the 11th house in your birth chart or the lord/ruling planet of your 11th house sign can show what you want to do as a job or something you once really wanted to do for a job. For example, if you have sun in the 11th house or the sun is the lord /ruler of your 11th house then you might’ve wanted to be or still want to be an actor, singer, painter, or something along the lines of that.And if your confused on what I mean by lord/ruler of the 11th house here’s an example to help you. For example let’s say you have Gemini in the 11th house that means that Mercury is the lord/ruling planet of your 11th house. The same logic applies to the other signs. The lord/ruler of the 11th house is just the planet that is related to that sign. And if you go have Mercury as lord/ruler or Mercury in the 11th house then this can represent wanting or you wanted to be a to be a teacher, writer, doctor, vet, or a job along those lines.
❤️ I’ve noticed that a lot of people with Mercury in the 12th house want to be or wanted to be an animator.This can apply to the pladiciuos and whole sign housing system. This can also apply to Pisces Mercurys.
❤️ Neptune in the 11th house can represent not knowing a lot about technology or not being on social media much. You also might hood some strong conservative beliefs.
❤️ Ive noticed that people with sun in the 9th house. Or People with their sun’s lord/ruler in the 9th house tend to have Father’s with a lot of money. And they were probably emotionally or physically absent.
❤️ Whatever house your mars falls into can represent what you find interesting or what your passionate about. For example, Mars in the 8th house people tend to like dark, creepy, and taboo things. I’ve also notice these people can have some strong conservative values/beliefs.
❤️ I’ve noticed that Virgo mars people wanted to work in the medical field at some point of their lives.
❤️ Having your 4th house in Taurus can be an indicator of being an only child. And it can also represent growing up in a very expensive place and it can also represent growing up with a lot of money.
❤️ Having your 4th house ruler or lord in the 1st house can represent someone who really values family.
If you enjoyed my astrology observations and notes then don't don't forget to like, reblog, comment, and follow so you can see more of my content and I'll get more support.✨🧚🏽✨🧚🏽✨🧚🏽✨🧚🏽
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cathsith · 1 year
Hi, reddit people. I hope you're encountering more friendly people than douchey people.
There's a shit ton of useful and thorough guides that provide instructions on how to use the site. This is more of a "shit that's good to know, in no particular order" type of guide
Random thoughts:
💠 Profile: put whatever you want, as long as you put something. It's up to you what you want to share. Just practice common sense internet safety.
💠 People have some really, um, interesting names here, many NSFW. Personally, I think it's hilarious to reblog deep social commentary from someone with a porny name, but if you're concerned about having that on your blog, maybe make sure to check.
💠 I'm sure some of you are old enough that maybe you were on livejournal and are still mourning its loss. I miss it too, especially for fandom. Your best bet at recreating some of that experience is to find creators you like (many fic writers include their Tumblr on their ao3 profile or fics) and following and interacting with them here.
💠 You can either comment on or reblog posts if you want. Some people seem to have *opinions* as to whether it's better to comment or reblog but it sort of seems like a generational divide. I decide which one to do based on how much I want to add and if it's particularly interesting, well thought out, and/or funny.
💠 A lot of people talk about how likes are useless, but I personally think it's a YMMV type of thing. For a while I tried to keep my likes limited to things I wanted to save, since you can't save posts here unless you bookmark it on your browser. But I also tend to like personal posts or reblogs from mutuals as a mark of support. Yes, you should reblog art to boost the artist's exposure. And no one does what they should do every time and I'm sure artists still like getting likes even if they'd prefer reblogs.
💠 Some people have started putting DNI (do not interact) in their info on their blogs and may get mad if you reblog from them. Sometimes people reblog stuff that you like and then you find out that you strongly disagree with their politics/beliefs etc. No one sensible expects you to vet every single person you reblog and if anyone puts up a fuss, you can probably safely ignore them unless they report you for abuse. I've never heard of that happening.
💠 You can contact people two ways: asks and messages. Asks have a word limit and if you go past it, will broken up and may be sent in reverse order. Asks also allow you to be anonymous. People can reply publicly or privately. If you want it to stay private, you should probably state that. If you are anonymous, obviously the response can only come publicly. Messages are essentially chats. A lot of people are cool with getting messages, but I personally am too awkward to use them except with mutuals. (But I'm totally cool with getting them, if you are so inclined)
💠 Mutuals: some people follow others back everytime, some never do. But there's a funny thing where we (tumblr people) get deeply attached to mutuals even if we've never had an actual conversation beyond a comment or two. It's a thing, but a nice thing.
💠 There are a couple famous people hanging around. They're great and surprisingly good at tumblr. Be cool.
💠 Blaze posts are relatively new. You can pay like $10 to have your post shown to people like an ad. Some people use it to advertise their etsy or personal store site, but plenty of people also post pictures of their pets or reminders to drink water or hopes that you have a good day. I usually enjoy them but they're fairly unobtrusive if you don't.
💠 Because there isn't much of an algorithm here, ads can be really random and really strange. You can get rid of ads entirely with a paid account. I think that includes blaze posts but I'm not positive.
💠 Tags here are weird. They fall into a few categories:
🔹 Subject tags: fandoms, music, sports, current events, medical or psychological conditions, history, science, etc
🔹 Warning tags: they're obviously not required, but they're not hard to add and are really important for a lot of people. Sometimes they're posted as "cw: warning" or "tw: warning" but sometimes it's just the warning itself. Just do your best. If you see something tagged "unreality" it means that what you're reading isn't real, but may be presented as if it is. This is (to the best of my knowledge) a warning for people with delusional disorders. It's also generally acceptable to request that someone add a content warning.
🔹 Personal tags: people come up with tags they use on their own blogs for categorization. Some of them are pretty clever. If something is just tagged "personal" then it's considered rude to reblog unless the poster says it's okay.
🔹 Conversation tags: I've been here for ages, but I still don't know the origin of "talking in the tags." Whatever the reason, we do it a lot here. Sometimes it's a quick reference or quip, sometimes it's a dissertation. The longer the tags, the more entertaining they tend to be. If you see a screenshot of tags, that means that they have undergone "peer review"and deemed important or funny enough to be moved into the post itself. It's a high honor.
💠 Tumblr holidays - I think this list has most of them
💠 There is some AMAZING original fiction and artwork here, some of which has been deemed Tumblr Folklore. Check out this list
💠 Okay I'm gonna stop now because I keep adding shit and I've had this draft going for almost 24 hours now and I would like my tumbr app back now
Hope somebody finds this helpful! Feel free to say hi if you want
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luupetitek · 2 years
I'm still alive! Aka BIG UPDATE on my life
Hello everyone! Hello to my old and my new followers! And thank you so much for staying with me, even though I’ve disappeared quite abruptly. It’s been a looooong time since we last “saw” each other x’) I’m sorry for being so inactive through the last… how long… 2 years?? Wow... so yeah. It’s been a while x’V
And a lot of it was caused because of my work and lack of motivation to draw anything not job oriented, or be active on any social media, just hidden inside my comfort bubble with my closest friends. But as the time passed I started to grow more and more into showing up and at least giving you some update on what’s going on. Though, since there’s A LOT of things that happened through those years, I’ve decided to group it into some smaller sections, to make it more ordered and readable x’) And for those who don’t feel like reading EVERYTHING, I’ve prepared some TL;DR at the bottom too :v so don’t worry seeing this WALL of text. (Btw, this journal doesn't contain spoilers. Alerts are just announcements)
Let’s get started!
1. Job
You may remember from my last post that I’m currently working for an animation studio, creating a new Netflix cartoon - "Kajko and Kokosz”, which, to this day, is true. I’ve had some other additional jobs here and there in the meantime, but this one didn’t change, and what’s more, I’ve even got a promotion! I’m no longer working just on the backgrounds. I’m also a layout creator and an animator!!! :D And what’s even more, recently I’ve become an animation lead assistant too! You have no idea how HAPPY I am, as it was always my dream to work as an animator for some bigger production! That’s why with the future releases of new seasons, you’ll not only see illustrations done by me, but also CHARACTERS ANIMATED by me! ٩(>∀<)۶
And who knows, maybe one day, as I’ll progress more, I’ll get a chance to be a lead animator in some future productions as well! Sooo happy to finally be able to move further with my career ♥
2. My life and debt
Along with promotion, a rise came as well, which made me less stressed in the money field, as for now I’m finally able to fully support my family and not overwork myself. Although less stressed doesn’t mean completely stress free, as the problems with my parents' debts and the issues connected to it are still following us and I’m still struggling to break free from them. Not to mention the latest problems with inflation in my country, which also made my rent go up by 30%. That’s why I still feel under pressure and that also makes me unmotivated for many things, as I still need to focus on getting out of this situation rather than on making my life happy. And I can see how much the last years have changed me into a stressed, very insecure, workaholic scrooge, that’s jealous of those who can spend their money as they please, on some entertainment and not just to live and not be homeless. Who feels like time not spent on working and earning money is wasted, the same with money spent on things that aren’t truly a super necessity. Which resulted in my health getting worse, as I felt like spending money on doctors is a waste as well, as I’m still walking and breathing and only my looks and mental health suffer because of it. Which, at that time, didn’t feel like a big sacrifice, since working as a freelancer and living with my mom, who’s responsible for groceries, I’m very rarely going out anyway, becoming sort of a hikikomori. Though now, feeling a bit of a relief with my more stable incomes, and finally health insurance, I’m trying to fight these beliefs, even if it’s not easy and will probably take some time to fix. Still my situation is getting better and now I’m trying to respect my free time and really do something I enjoy, starting to care for myself too. For the first time in those 5/6 years even taking some days off to go on vacation! Trying to grab some of my youth, before it will be gone forever and the only thing I will be able to recall will be staring at my monitor, working. I already feel very bad with all those lost years that have passed on just working and saving what’s yet to save and I can’t not feel bitter about it. But the only thing I can change now is my future, hoping it will become a bit brighter and not throw any more big problems my way. Which I wish for all of you as well! I know the world struggles with its own problems everywhere. Wars, where the recent one affects even my country, as a close neighbour to the victims; escalating prices, global warming, cataclysms… but hopefully there are going to be some good changes to get uplifting news as well. It may take time, but let’s wait.
3. My RPG
In those last two years I’ve started writing a new RPG with my friends. You may remember me mentioning it, as I’ve posted a sketch of one of my characters from it, Bear. It’s the very same one, based on the Zero Escape series, but since then we’ve moved from the first chapter, went through VLR, wrote some additional stories, like childhoods or things in between the events and now are starting to write the last (sadly) ZTD chapter. So no spoilers please! As I’m still in the unknown, while my friend, who already knows the plot, is walking us through it as a DM, revealing new information bit by bit 👀 And what can I say other than… OH MY GOOOD THIS GAME IS AMAAAZING! IT’S ONE OF THE BEST RPGS I'VE EVER BEEN INTO AND I'M SUPER HYPED AND I LOVE THIS GAME!!11!!1 Yes, it's exactly the same as I wrote before, but what can I say! It’s really a very goood story and I can’t wait to learn the big reveal! And I ttly love the characters we’ve created and I can’t have enough playing as them ♥ Yes, they’re based on the ones from the original game, but other than some basic things that were needed for the plot, I’d say they’re far from being the same (especially as I couldn’t really meet the true 999 characters as it would result in spoilers x’) ). They’re ones of my most thought-through and deeply planned characters that are just a pleasure to play. The more I’m sad there are no more chapters to play and soon I will have to say goodbye to all those characters that I grew to love through all those years. But once we’ll go through the whole series, I’ll stop being forbidden to play the original and I’d really like to give it a try, to see the differences. Though I might already be biased with our own version x’V Still, even though I can’t say much, based on what I know already, I truly recommend the game! I’ve heard the second chapter is the worst one, and I can see why, but the first one and last one are worth it, I promise! So better start playing, before I’ll upload some spoilers! ;P Which takes us to…
4. My art (SPOILERS coming soon!) and commissions
My lack of submitting anything new was connected to my lack of time, just as well as my lack of motivation. As I mentioned in a previous post, I was just so drained from creative energy, I just didn’t want to look at my tablet any more, as just a thought of having to start a drawing, making a sketch, linearting it and then even coloring was too big of a struggle (and “waste of time” in my workaholic eyes). That’s why most of my drawings ended up in a rough sketch stage, never to be opened again. Right now I’m still struggling with coming back to drawing anything not job oriented, but I’m slowly starting to discover this “phenomenon” anew.
And to answer some of your questions: No, unfortunately, I’m not opening my commissions again. With my current responsibilities, I just don’t have much time for it. Not to mention that I’m trying to cool down with my work time and find some for myself. That’s why I also don’t know when I’d be able to open them once more. But with that gained time I’m trying to come back to my own art, so you can expect some new drawings! I already have some works prepared, that just waited for me to upload and as mentioned above, I still have some unfinished sketches and not started ideas that I’d like to take care of. Though even if I’m probably not gonna come back to my previous rate, I’ll try to upload here more often… like… something. Hoping you’ll like the new content as well! Which, btw, will be highly connected to my new RPG, so ZERO ESCAPE SPOILERS ALERT. Even though the characters are not exactly the same, the plot and many things connected to their stories are, as it was the base that couldn’t be changed. So if you’re planning to play the games, be aware of it while looking at my upcoming works and reading the descriptions. But don’t worry, Zero Escape things won’t be the only ones I’m about to post ;) As there’s also something new, I’m very passionate about lately~
5. New, old hobby - SPACE!
I’ve always been a big space fan. Even at school, if there were some science contests, I couldn’t ignore the astronomy ones. Unfortunately physics, which should also contain astronomy, usually had a very small portion of it, focusing on other branches, mostly classical physics, that were less interesting to me. So the maximum amount of knowledge I got were some basics like how many of the planets in the solar system there are or the most known astronauts and that’s quite it. That made the school subject not very interesting to me and lessened my interest in astronomy and physics as well, as I wasn’t getting anything to fuel my curiosity, having to focus on the things I’d actually have at my exams. But now, after playing the new RPG, that contained a big portion of quantum physics and astronomy knowledge, kind of forcing me to learn things about it to understand it better, it reminded me of my early childhood affection and my love blossomed again, strong as never before ✨ Since that I spend most of my free time learning new things about astronomy and some quantum physics, trying to make up for all those “lost years” and be up to date with news about space, learning about constellations and astrophotography as well. I don’t have the best equipment for that, nor money to buy some better lenses or cameras x’) Though it’s still cool to experiment and to actually see more of the stars and night sky after exposing it. Or the Andromeda galaxy! Maybe just as a blurry dot, but the fact is exciting nevertheless. Here are some examples of my best photos I’ve taken so far (in a big city, so guess they’re not the worst :P ). Featuring Mars with Pleiades on a first one and Saturn and Jupiter on the bottom.
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As for the upcoming events, I can’t wait for Jupiter’s great opposition on September 26th, which will make the closest approach to Earth since 1963! Very good opportunity to observe it even without a telescope and it’s so beautifully bright on the sky ♥
The other one would be more local, as it’s gonna be a partial solar eclipse on October 25th, but maybe some of you will got a chance to see a total one~ jealous.
Anyway, don’t be surprised to see some more signs of me being a space freak as I’m preparing some new series about the topic :D
6. My hair
At first I wasn’t going to add an update to this one, thinking no one would probably remember about my goal to reach Vasdorl’s hair length, but I’ve been proven wrong as some people asked me about it, to know how is it going. So! Here is the photo from this year’s spring, showing the maximal length I’ve managed to grew my hair :D From which I’m quite proud, as it’s also the longest hair I’ve had in my life, and I was trying to grow my hair before too.
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Though it unfortunately didn’t change the fact it wasn't in the best shape. I was both super proud of it and super self-conscious, as together with my problems with excessive hair loss and my depression, made caring for them way harder and turned them more into uneven, broken shreds of my dream. That’s why this summer I decided to close this chapter and cut it short.
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I’ve been wanting this type of hairstyle for some time already, but I still wasn’t sure if I should scrap so many years of dedication. But as my long hair was gradually making me more unhappy than anything, there was no going back. And I have to say I’m not regretting it at all! I also realized that as much as I still adore long hair and people who can do wonders with it, it’s not something for me and I feel much more comfortable with a so called “men’s haircut”, giving me that more agender look that I’m aspiring to. That’s why I’m not bothered by it that much and I like the change
7. My cats
Fortunately, nothing changed here, in a positive way. I’m still an owner of two cute fluffy siblings <3 Kajtek ♂ and Sasza ⧬
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Lately Kajtek’s been a bit ill (bladder infection), but it’s nothing very serious and since he’s getting his medications, he’s getting better, so nothing to be worried about! And as always, he can keep bothering helping me at work.
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-TL;DR summary-
I still work at the same place and on the same series, but I’ve got a promotion to an animation lead assistant! With a more stable paycheck and with a health insurance. Now working not only on background illustrations, but also layouts and animations which was always my dream ♥
Still struggling with my parent’s debts and some problems associated with it, but it’s better than it used to be and now I’m able to fully support my family and not overwork myself. Though it’s still serious enough to keep me stressed and make me unable to close that chapter, to take a big relieved breath. Still I’m trying to fight my demons and focus not just on work, but myself too, to not only live, but also enjoy my life.
PLAYING THE BEST RPG I'VE EVER BEEN INTO AND I'M SUPER HYPED AND I LOVE THIS GAME! It’s based on a Zero Escape series, but I’ve never played it before so everything that’s happening is a surprise for me. If you’ve never played it, go do it! ;D Currently starting to play the last, ZTD chapter.
I’m not opening my commissions and since I’m not very productive lately, there’s not gonna be tons of new artworks showing up, but you still can expect new works soon. Mostly connected to my new RPG, that’s why… ZERO ESCAPE SPOILERS ALERT! Even though the characters are not exactly the same, the plot and many things connected to their stories are, as it’s just the base that couldn’t be changed. So if you’re planning to play the games, be aware of it while looking at my upcoming works and reading the descriptions. But don’t worry, Zero Escape things won’t be the only ones I’m about to post ;)
I’M A SPACE FREAK NOW! 🪐💫✨ Hope you like the photos and look out for the great Jupiter opposition and eclipse!
I’ve grown my hair, but due to some health problems, I’ve cut them short and I’m happy with my decision (*¯︶¯*)
My cats are still cute and fluffy ଲ(=①ω①=)And Kajtek still likes to bother help me at work.
Well, that’s everything I can think of right now and I think it sums those last two years quite nicely. If you’d have any more questions about any of the topics, feel free to ask. And also hope you’ve been doing fine! Or at least better too …and that this place is not dead yet x’) I’d gladly see who’s still here and meet new people. Not sure if artists have already found the perfect site to be active on? Still not moving from here, but I’ve heard about the big migration to Instagram, but I’ve never liked it and since it’s starting to change into another TikTok lately, focusing and promoting mostly reels, I’m not sure if it’s gonna stay the same, as it’s already been quite hard to be noticed there, without being popular already on some other sites and with the algorithm hiding your posts even from your own followers. Please, let me know what you think!
By that time, happy to be here again! And thanks for your support. Stay safe (´。• ᵕ •。`) ♡
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gallifreyriver · 2 years
I have a question for Harry Potter fans- current and former.
Please don't take this wrong and respond hatefully because this is a genuine, good-faith question about something I've been wondering.
Ok so- JK Rowling is a terf; The Harry Potter fandom is huge; There's a ton of controversy on whether you can separate art from the artist or carry on liking HP without supporting her views.
On one hand, you can say people fell in love with the world she created, not her. On the other, she's come out saying she believes anyone still buying HP merch supports her, and she doesn't seem to care that she's lost a whole audience that used to love her books, saying that "I read my most recent royalty cheques and find the pain goes away pretty quickly."
My question is, since the Harry Potter fandom is/was so huge, had created so many of their own works within the fandom- both in fic and in art, and hell I know a lot of you guys likely even created your own fan merch- why wouldn't just cutting her completely away from the story be an option? Why wouldn't that be a bigger "Fuck you"?
I mean, yeah I used to like the books too, though I was never super involved in the fandom and honestly thinking about the series anymore makes me sad because what she's done is just so disappointing, and obviously I totally support anyone else who just can't look at the books the same way again and would prefer to leave it behind.
But for the rest of you, instead of fighting with yourselves about which is correct why not just... reclaim the story from her for yourselves? You don't need her. What you all fell in love with was the story you (the fandom) created in your heads around her words. Her words were only the scaffold for the world you all built on your own, and you even created new stories and art based on that world. Your world. Not hers.
You don't need to buy more books or movies from her. You already wrote your own.
You don't need to buy her posters, or her merch, or her toys. You already made your own.
Not one dime needs to go to her as long as she holds her hateful beliefs, especially when you (the fandom) just always made stuff on your own and shared it because you loved to, so why not just... do that? Want more story? Someone's written fic. Want some art? Someone made that too. Want some merch? A scarf? A wand? Mug? (idk) Like I said, one of you is out there making it if it hasn't been done already. Fandom is a conversation, you don't need to include her in it when she now only says hateful things.
And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying everyone shouldn't branch out to other, better, stories- absolutely do that- but it does seem sad that she just gets to rip away from all of you what isn't even hers.
I don't know if I'm even making sense, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that you all built this community around a story she might have written, but you all built it better. You made it bigger, you gave it it's "muchness." I saw you all "fix-it" to parts that were problematic even before she became this bad. I remember reading posts over the years about how people in the LGBT communities related to the characters and found comfort in the community and even more recently I've seen people in the trans communities creating their own representation in HP universe- for the world you all created. Not JKR.
I ask because I've seen on here similar suggestions like with Amazon's Rings Of Power- to not watch (because Amazon/ exploitation), and how if you want more LOTR content fandom already made it and can always make more. And I read how any mention of Minecraft's shitty creator was completely wiped from the game so people could still enjoy without being exposed to/promoting his shittiness. Would doing the same with JKR be possible? Cutting her out of HP and reclaiming it for yourselves? I know I've seen some people say that having fandom still keeps her relevant, but wouldn't this be more like a Morbius situation? They see "oh everyone's talking about this online!" but then everything they put out flops because no one actually went to see the movie/buy the merch/etc?
And idk, but this just seems more effective/sends more of a message of disappointment in what she's become and how she hurt everyone who used to love her story. Like a, "Yeah, we're still doing HP, but the one we built. No, you can't sit with us."
(I'm going to say again because I know people are going to have some strong feelings surrounding HP and JKR. This a question I feel like we can have a good-faith discussion about. I'm not interested in anyone starting fights over this post and I won't be interacting with anyone coming at this in bad faith or screaming at me or others because they've chosen to take a question as somehow an endorsement of JKR's hateful behavior.)
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fugamalefica · 1 year
For some reason, I only read about Tolkien's Secondary Belief concept a few days ago, and it is completely in alignment with how I have always enjoyed fiction and still do. Suspension of disbelief, on the other hand, has always seemed counterproductive and overly empiricist to me. How are you going to enjoy art to the fullest when you begin with suspension, which is negation, something that takes away rather than add, something temporary, unnatural, and hence, fickle? Why insert the non-fictional world where it does not belong?
Children are capable, of course, of literary belief, when the story-maker's art is good enough to produce it. That state of mind has been called “willing suspension of disbelief.” But this does not seem to me a good description of what happens. What really happens is that the story-maker proves a successful “sub-creator.” He makes a Secondary World which your mind can enter. Inside it, what he relates is “true”: it accords with the laws of that world. You therefore believe it, while you are, as it were, inside. The moment disbelief arises, the spell is broken; the magic, or rather art, has failed. You are then out in the Primary World again, looking at the little abortive Secondary World from outside. If you are obliged, by kindliness or circumstance, to stay, then disbelief must be suspended (or stifled), otherwise listening and looking would become intolerable. But this suspension of disbelief is a substitute for the genuine thing, a subterfuge we use when condescending to games or make-believe, or when trying (more or less willingly) to find what virtue we can in the work of an art that has for us failed.
A real enthusiast for cricket is in the enchanted state: Secondary Belief. I, when I watch a match, am on the lower level. I can achieve (more or less) willing suspension of disbelief, when I am held there and supported by some other motive that will keep away boredom: for instance, a wild, heraldic, preference for dark blue rather than light. This suspension of disbelief may thus be a somewhat tired, shabby, or sentimental state of mind, and so lean to the “adult.” I fancy it is often the state of adults in the presence of a fairy-story. They are held there and supported by sentiment (memories of childhood, or notions of what childhood ought to be like); they think they ought to like the tale. But if they really liked it, for itself, they would not have to suspend disbelief: they would believe—in this sense.
- On Fairy-Stories by J.R.R. Tolkien
I need to read more of his essays.
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