#by which I mean: a chaotic himbo
lore-pls · 6 months
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I've been unleashed on the universe.
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notebookqueenofnarnia · 4 months
Okay Demigods
now that Season 2 has been confirmed (!!!!!!!!!!) I am here to make my official appeal that you ALL read the books. and yes...i mean ALL the books. Because here is what you are missing if you don't:
(mostly spoiler free. mostly vibes and chaotic no context)
Percy's INCREDIBLE sarcasm
Lots of chaotic Mr. D moments
Percy's unending absolute obliviousness when it comes to: his own abilities/powers, his own feelings towards a certain daughter of Athena, and EVERYONE'S feelings towards him
the full list of Percy's felonies (it's longer than you think!)
how much Percy thinks about Annabeth, especially in the third book
The Hunters of Artemis (everyone's like 'which godly parent would you have?' but im like ??? who cares??? I'm running off with the girls to immortal to hunt men i mean monsters)
soooooooooo much Sally Jackson is the Best Mom (to everyone who walks through her door) content
Rachel. Elizabeth. Dare. (this is how the audiobook says her name every single time)
Paul Blofis
Sally Jackson, author
Poseidon: Blowfish?
If you don't read these books you are missing out on some of the coolest female characters Rick has created: PIPER (an iconic), HAZEL (unintentionally hilarious), REYNA (beautiful character arc), and ANNABETH's point of view will have you loving her on a whole other level, trust me
All The Ladies Love Leo
the audiobooks are INSANE. It felt like a full cast read the book, but no. it was just one insanely talented narrator.
Personally, I spent a lot of time reading the OG 5 wondering about how Roman mythology plays into Percy's world. Uncle Rick answered my questions and answered them SO WELL
Hazel the horse girl
Frank the horsebirddolphinman
Frank, gentle himbo, my beloved son
Forced Proximity for 7 teenagers and one chaotically violent satyr (that's Coach Hedge)
Eros/Cupid being one the most genius things Rick's ever written
Percy's hate of Ares transcending god magic
(also his love of Annabeth, but that's like obvious)
weird barely gnome things
this one giant whose name is definitely not pronounced like female anatomy
everyone thinking Percy and Annabeth are constantly getting up to the hanky panky
a statue made me cry
Gay Grumpy/Sunshine (or should that be Death/Sunshine) origins!!
Apollo, vain himbo of godly proportions is forced to live as Lester Papadopoulos
Percy: why
a very chaotic twelve year old daughter of Demeter
she commands Apollo around
plant magic
terrible great haikus at the start of every chapter
Sally Jackson being the best mom to everyone who comes to her door
magic shoes
a sassy magic prophetic arrow that talks in Shakespearean English
so much gay grumpydeath/sunshine content
also yes sunshine's dad is Apollo
Apollo sings
Grover! Piper! Reyna! Hazel! All the friends! Everyone
Jason! (also im sorry)
what if there were some trees who were an elite squad of warriors who also answer to the chaotic twelve year old
gay moms of the midwest
in the last book, chiron takes the campers on a 'field trip' to help take down the big baddie and he shows up dressed as a warrior soccer mom with granola bars, water bottles, and extra swords attached to his fanny pack
a different chaotic twelve year old while fighting to the death in a building that's on fire: "CAN WE GO ON FIELD TRIPS EVERY WEEK?"
okay im not going to spoil it but in the last book there is also this extremely horrifyingly violent moment that Uncle Rick somehow turns into one of the most hilarious things i've ever read
Piper in the epilogue
more insanely funny percy first person narration
Grover, Percy, Annabeth reunite ("the gang is back together!" "The three musketeers!" "Shrek, Fiona, and Donkey!" "Excuse me?")
have you met the god of himbos? (Percy has)
for Season one. you can totally see how Uncle Rick worked on the script and chalice together
if you liked Annabeth shoving Percy into the water....this one is for you
Percy, supreme god of snakes
the cutest cutest cutest cutest Percabeth content you will ever read
hippie gods (yes more than one)
Percy is literally obsessed with Annabeth
Annabeth already being the Jackson daughter in law
Sally Jackson and Paul and
For the record: You CAN read Chalice of the Gods without reading the other series, but please please please read all these books. The audiobooks are phenomenal.
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9miminana · 4 months
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new♡gen redesings!
so, this is the final result!
it's waayyy too early to be excited about the launching of the game (since there's no date for it yet), however i couldn't let go of this idea so i went w it lol
about the characters, i gave each of them some headcanons, like devon being the artistic one—the kind of boss who actually puts care into his workers. i've been imagining that genoveva (i think thats the name of the new MC) meets him in sucrette's coffee shop before her first day at job, so when she arrives to the office and meets him she's shocked not only he's her co-worker, but none other than the founder and boss of the company.
roy's a himbo. he's one of those guys who is so attractive you don't even realize he's actually pretty funny (lol). loves wearing crop-tops and defines his own style as 'genderless'. chaotic bisexual. cried watching JJK.
amanda is a cruel, hot mean lesbian who wont hesitate if you mess with her, but soft-spoken once you get to know her and realize that her interests are the cutest.
if you can count don't count on him—thomas is the youngest. trans and very likely aroace, he might be one of my favorite now. i loved drawing him on a skirt, which he wears as an accessory! he's all punk rock, messy hair, chipped nail polish and revolution.
jason takes care of a stray kitty, who won't be a stray much longer. pale, sickly looking man who knows just enough about you to make you suspect that he's been following you. the patch of white hair is a genetic condition.
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cassafrasscr · 6 months
Hear me out. Orym absolutely has a type, and it’s himbos.
For the sake of clarity: Himbo = big, strong, kind, and dumb as a post. 😂
To be clear, I know Orym’s INT stat is nothing worth writing home about at 13. He’s technically above the civilian NPC average of 10, but he only gets a +1 modifier. HOWEVER... when you compare Orym to the rest of his friends, he's consistently among the smartest in terms of stats. He's literally tied with MISTER for the highest INT in the Crown Keepers, lol.
Will - Granted, we don't really know very much about what Will was like, but we can extrapolate based on a few crucial details. Will trained in swordsmanship with Orym, and they were in the Tempest Blades together - meaning Will's class was probably Fighter (maybe multi-classed with Druid, but definitely at least a Fighter). If that's the case, INT was probably his dump stat.
Will was half-elven, so probably tall (not that the bar is very high for Orym at 3'3"... literally).
He probably also had decent strength. Especially if he was anything like Derrig, who had a STR stat of 18.
Dorian - Sweet, gentle, and charming. Tall (around 6 feet), with surprisingly high STR for a primary spellcaster (College of Swords Bard, baby!)
Not unintelligent per se (he's technically above the civilian average of 10), but not especially bright by PC standards. Has an INT stat of 12, which is 1 less than Orym’s. Definitely at least an Honorary Himbo, if not a True Himbo. Plus, his brother Cyrus is definitely a himbo, so clearly it runs in the family.
Ashton - I think most people wouldn't classify Ashton as a true himbo, and I am inclined to agree. Himbos are typically nice to people, and Ashton is not particularly nice before you get to know them. That said, Ashton is kind, particularly to people in unfortunate circumstances ("Never steal copper", how gentle they were with Professor Sumal after Ludinus scrambled her brain, etc.)
As Orym said to Ashton in e79: "Despite your stony exterior, you have a soft heart."
Ashton stands at 5'10" in his regular form, and just shy of 8' in his newly revealed Titan form, so he ranges from tall to Xtra Tall. And as a Barbarian, STR is naturally their best stat. Ashton actually has pretty decent intelligence for a Barbarian, with an INT stat of 12 (same as Dorian), but it is also still lower than Orym’s by 1.
Dariax - I'll be honest, Dariax is really only here because Orym once confessed to checking out his butt and liking what he saw, lol.
ANYWAY, Dariax has peak Himbo Energy TM. He's a little chaotic, sure, but Dariax is friendly, affectionate, and surprisingly charming. His STR is actually decent for a Sorceror at 14. Plus, with an INT of 8 and a WIS of 9, he is officially in Dumb-as-a-Bag-of-Hair territory, lol. Dariax isn't super tall, being a Dwarf, but Dwarves are still taller than Halflings by around a foot on average.
So yeah. Orym likes men, and he likes them tall, strong, nice, and none too bright. 😂
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orionhere · 1 year
Noctis' affection story is so domestic and chaotic I honestly can't believe it (well, as domestic as you can with Noctis)
I often find myself giggling and snorting bc he's such a fun guy. He has Kamui's personality but more violent (So a mix between Kamui & Camu?) and also a ✨HIMBO✨
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He attac, he protecc, but most importantly, he can bake
SPOILER from his affection story below:
(This became so long lmao I really love his interaction with Skk)
Important note: I can only read a little of chinese & with help of translator lol, so I'm so sorry if there's some mistranslation. Also his affection story is after Sands of Wrath event, so beware of spoilers from the main chapter!
Skk and Noctis work part-time in a store (bar?) on Pure Zone as a bartender and chef respectively. Pure Zone is an area that is safe for the human environment because of the blue Tower that purifies the Punishing Virus (Spiral of Chronos chapter).
Turns out it was because Nikola asked the Skk to "take a break" by helping out at the conservation area. Also to gain more publicity with the people in the Pure Zone.
With how famous Skk is, it's easier to attract customers' attention.
"Customer A: Your smile please."
"Customer B: And don't forget, the most important thing is to add a little bit of love."
Noctis being a knight in shining armor always meddles in the middle to stop the customers from pestering Skk too much lmao
After the store closed, Skk and Noctis tried to make their specialties. In this case, Noctis tried to make his special homemade hash browns and Skk tried to make a special drink. Both of them exchanged their "creation" and tried it together.
Hilariously, it ended in failure lmao
"So sour!! Commandant, what did you add to this drink?!"
"Yours too!! There's enough sugar on this hash brown to last the store for a year!"
Not believing the other's comment, they tried to taste their own dish.
" …. Let's just throw them…"
Noctis makes Skk a personal dish for lunch. When a customer saw the dish, they wanted Noctis to make it for them. But Noctis refuses.
"No no no, this is a private meal. We don't sell it in our store."
"Just a little bit please?"
"No means no. And don't make things difficult for Commandant here. This guy had a busy day and didn't have time to eat!"
Also, Noctis used all the ingredients that the boss just brought back to make Skk's meal (more cursing from the boss but he ignored it & ate together with Skk lmao)
Then we have a Karen here (lol) who asks where the chef is. The name is Sykes (I think). Said the "homeless pancakes" (?) that the store sells are not the same thing that he used to eat when he was wandering and accused the store of fraud. Many customers are afraid of Sykes or refuse to involve themselves with Sykes. This caused the store's income to decrease.
More Skk & Noctis' chaotic kitchen shenanigans
Noctis couldn't form the mixture like in the recipe with a mold, so Skk suggested using his hand to manually shape the mixture.
"Are you trying to choke someone to death…"
Skk went to Noctis' side and helped him mold the mixture by grabbing his hand and instructing him step by step which make Noctis blush.
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Skk wipes the crumbs and flour from Noctis' cheeks with a towel hshshshshshs-
A customer asks Noctis if he could 'surprise' them. Not knowing the meaning, he asks Skk and they replied that the customer want another dish. Noctis offers his homemade hash brown which Skk asks if Noctis finally mastering the said dish.
"Huh? Nope. I don't have the time. Just let them eat that poison-"
Skk then proceed to cover his face with a towel and rub it as hard as they could lmao. "Comm *—mph!* – mandant! Stop! I *gasp* can’t b–breathe! *pant*"
That night, Noctis asks the boss to use the Bluefin Tuna that the boss brought back. He thought that Noctis gonna use the fish for Sykes' dish, but turns out it was for Skk's dinner. More cursing from the boss (HE ALWAYS TRIES HIS BEST & USING THE BEST INGREDIENTS FOR SKK'S MEAL IM CRYING)
Skk was worried that Noctis was pushing himself. But Noctis refute that, saying that he likes the challenge and enjoys making the pancake. Then Noctis asks back how Skk was holding up with how they have to smile and chat to customers all day as a bartender. Skk assure him it was part of the job, as long the customer isn't Sykes.
"That's pretty tough. …… Want to switch? I'd like to try to manage the bar too."
"Okay, try to smile."
"Noctis was a little flustered but managed to squeeze out a smile at your request. It feels like staring at a great white shark."
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(Imagine you were drinking in a bar, and ask the bartender for a smile. This is how he smiles at you)
Remember when Skk tried to make their own special drink? Turns out they make an adjustment by adding 40 shots thanks to a customer who suggested it to them. Drunk Skk
"40 shots?! Isn't that the same as wine …… OK, I'll ask around tomorrow to find which genius suggests such an idea."
Noctis then give Skk his special homemade hash brown. But because Sykes' matters, he doesn't have time to improve his dish.
Which results Skk throwing up.
"How is it, Commandant? After you vomited it out, do you feel more awake now?"
Drunk and angry Skk swings a chair at Noctis.
"Who on earth came up with the idea to make Commandant drink 40 shots?! Hey hey hey, Commandant… You can’t be serious, can you?!"
This scared Noctis to the point whenever Skk asks him what happen that night, he always tries to cover it up.
Next day, they went out to ask others about the recipe. They met an old man who used to be a part of the wandering group with Sykes. Turns out the homeless pancake that Sykes want is just some various ingredients mixed together into a weird mixture and baked into pitch black. During that time, canned food and fresh ingredients are very precious and even a luxury.
The old man gestured to Skk to try it, but before they can put it in their mouth, Noctis eats it.
"....Commandant… It's better for you to not try it."
"How can I know what's wrong with it if I don't try it myself?"
More coughing and Noctis pat pat Skk's back
Knowing that Skk is a bit tired from today's walk, Noctis wash the dishes by himself.
Skk was a bit down after finding out about the homeless cake origin, so Noctis tried to cheer Skk up in his own way lol.
"Skk is really kind. If it was someone else, I would probably have said that this is none of my business, and then I would not care about it anymore. After all, thinking about this kind of thing will only add more trouble."
"How is this adding more trouble…"
"That's why I say that Commandant is very kind. You tried your best to do everything for the people on earth, but you still refuse to let yourself go on this matter. If it were me, I wouldn't care at all."
Noctis and Skk wash dishes together.
"This is a pain. Are you gonna help me wash the dishes or not?"
"But you're washing it right now?"
"No way! I don't want to enjoy such good thing alone! So you do it too!"
"…Commandant, if you keep pushing me, I'm gonna stuck in the wall. Tsk, why is the area around the sink so cramped?!"
It was time for Sykes to come back. Noctis finally finish the dish and present it to Sykes with the same recipe from the old man from before. But Noctis refuse to make it as black as the recipe says. "However, this store will never sell that kind of pitch-black food. It is our store principle to make it carefully with the right ingredients and utensils."
Tldr Sykes being a stubborn jerk shouting about 'the real homeless pancake' is the sole reason they're still alive & what Noctis did is just a gimmick to attract more customers.
"We are literally eating all of that stuff. Are they only worthy of being a gimmick to attract customers in the pure zone? Should the past just lie in our memory and become mere talk? Should we just pretend that nothing has happened?!" Basically just Sykes can't let go of the past.
Skk promises all of them to fight hard so they can retake the earth and the Great Arcadia Retreat won't happen again.
Sykes still being a stubborn bastard refuse to let this matter go and tried to attack Skk. But Noctis just stop him in time. It ended up with a bar fight lol
On their last day as a part-timer, while waiting for the boss to arrive in the morning, they decide to make their signature again. This time it was a success.
Skk and Noctis give the recipe to the boss so he can add it to the menu. He asks what it's going to be called.
"Vegetable Storm."
"Super Hash Brown!"
"I definitely don't want that kind of name on my menu. How about calling it '<Name>' and 'Noctis'? It's a good combination. And it added some emotional value."
Because of the last bar fight, they need to replace some furniture. They change the door to a new one, but Noctis painted graffiti on it because the color doesn't match the store. Skk also bought a lucky cat from Kowlong but Noctis modified it into a shark because it doesn't match the store's style. (Lucky shark??😂)
Noctis daydreams about life after Punishing virus is gone.
"These past few weeks felt like a dream. No missions, no enemies, no emergencies, no equipment for maintenance, not even weapons to use. Every day I'm with Commandant, taking orders, cooking, chatting…"
"Are you happy, Noctis?"
"It’s not bad, I’m very happy! I was so happy that I actually didn't want to go back."
"Commandant, do you think we can enjoy this leisurely life for the rest of our lives after the Punishing Virus is gone?"
"Of course we can, we already have the Pure Zone, and one day we will retake the earth completely. And then, you could do whatever you want to do."
"Then let's make a fortune with '<Name> and Noctis'! We could open a store, and then I'll let Commandant be the boss. Then you'll be in charge to manage the bar!" He even plans to open many branches, even on Babylonia (THAT'S SO SWEET WTH-)
The boss being a savage to Noctis lmao.
"Our store will always welcome you back, <Name>. As for Noctis, forget it. I just want you to know that no matter what happens, no matter how it ends, as long as this store exists, your aprons will always be there."
"Don't worry, Commandant is in my hands. When it's all over, we'll definitely come back."
"Maybe at that time, they will no longer be the Commandant of Gray Raven and a member of the Cerberus team. But just '[Name] and Noctis'." (I'M GETTING EMOTIONAL AT THIS LINE FCK)
All in all, this is really a fun and heartwarming story. I haven't finished Sands of Wrath chapter yet, so Noctis' interaction with Skk really caught me off guard. There's still a lot of his interaction that I couldn't fit in here because that's gonna be too long-
Also in the Sands of Wrath chapter, Skk and Noctis called each other 'partner' (In JP dub, he calls Skk 'aibou') I LOVE HIM SO MUCH ASDHFKA😭😭
Noctis is a malewife material you can't change my mind✨💕
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atlasdoe · 2 months
i'm writing a small american town au and it's going to be pure chaos
The plot is going to change throughout but for the beginning the main plot is that Sirius has escaped from prison. He was arrested for the murder of Effie and Monty Potter and wants to find the real murderer and clear his name.
I have no idea how this fic is going to play out or which ships are going to get together. All i know is that there's going to be wolfstar and edgarline and that James and Remus are going to be adopted brothers (and them and Mary will be my fave trio everrrrr)
i'm also giving everyone a stereotype to make this more fun for me
James Potter - The Jock
Hestia Jones - The Mean Girl
Mary MacDonald - The Cheerleader
Barty Crouch Jr - The Bad Boy
Dorcas Meadowes - The Tortured Artist
Remus Lupin - The Sheriffs Son
Amelia Bones - The Perfectionist
Regulus Black - The Missing Kid
Pandora Lovegood - The Spiritual Girl
Alice Fortescue - The Girl Next Door
Emmeline Vance - The IT Girl
Edgar Bones - The Skater Boy
Evan Rosier - The Emo
Lily Evans - The New Girl
Frank Longbottom - The Himbo
Sirius Black - The Criminal
Marlene McKinnon - The Rockstar
Severus Snape - The Outcast
Bruce Mulciber, Edmund Avery & Juliette Wilkes - Part of a Gang
more then just the people mentioned here. I need to think of more stereotypes
i want this fic to be the most chaotic thing i've ever written. so if you have any cursed things or ships you want to happen/randomly read about please send me an ask!!!!!! I really want to have fun with this
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melanielocke · 1 year
Book recommendations: queer adult fantasy romance
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This is a relatively new genre. Before, pretty much all YA fantasy books are heavy on the romance, but that's becoming more popular in adult, creating fantasy romance as a genre. I read mostly queer fantasy romance. Unfortunately, there aren't many traditionally published ones yet, I think the top rowin the left picture is all of them (if there are any I didn't know of, please let met know). I've excluded sci-fi romance for this post (which is why Winter's Orbit isn't here).
In indie books, I think there are some more, but I'm not super familiar with the indie market. The bottom three in the left picture are all indie books that also come in paperback (many are ebook only and I don't have an ereader). Most of these books I have talked about before but not all of them.
A Taste of Gold and Iron by Alexandra Rowland
This is a prince/bodyguard romance set in a kingdom inspired by the Ottoman empire. Kadou is the queen's younger brother, and after a mistake puts him in a bad situation with his sister and the body father of her child, he has to help her uncover a conspiracy to do with forged money.
He gets a new bodyguard, which in this case has both the task of being a guard and being a personal attendant. Evemer hates Kadou at first. He's very duty bound and thinks Kadou does not take his duties as prince seriously.
But they will have to trust each other if they want to get to the bottom of that forged money conspiracy.
Evemer is a very stoic guy. He doesn't talk much. He can go entire days only saying 'Yes, my prince' 'no, my prince' or simply 'my prince' when he tries to convey he is annoyed or disagrees.
Kadou has very well written anxiety, and deals with this in numerous ways, including at first drinking far too much wine to dull his fears. Evemer is at first very judgemental, but over time he comes to understand Kadou better.
There's lots of discussion of ethics in this book, partially to establish how a relationship between them could happen without there being a power imbalance because of it.
Also by this author: several self published books, in 2024 comes their next trad published book, Running Close to the Wind, which is a queer pirate book pitches as Our Flag Means Death x Six of Crows
A Marvellous Light & a Restless Truth by Freya Marske I've already talked about several time
And yet I'm going to do it again. I love the each book features a different couple structure and I'd love to see this more often. It's a great way to have many different major characters but also give all of them their moment to shine and have properly development instead of trying to balance three romances in the same book.
The overarching plot in the trilogy has to do with the conspiracy Robin and Edwin begin to uncover in the first book, something that threatens all magicians of england.
A Marvellous Light features a himbo x librarian m/m couple. They're the softest, sweetest couple of the three in the trilogy to be sure, and I'm planning to reread soon.
A Restless Truth features a sapphic rake x wallflower couple. They're both very chaotic, and I love Maud's energy, as well as the whole sexual awakening arc she has in here, which is so funny.
The third as of yet unpublished book is a Power Unbound, featuring a couple that I think is grump x sunshine but in a asshole x asshole way and it sounds like it's going to be amazing so definitely keep an eye out for that one coming November.
A Strange and Stubborn Endurance by Foz Meadows
This is one I don't think I've talked about before. Before reading this, definitely check the content warnings. There's a pretty graphic rape scene very early in the book, as well as several moments of suicidal ideation. That said, this is a healing story, and the character this happens to is doing a lot better when the story ends.
Vel is a prince who ends up in an arranged marriage to a noble girl from a different kingdom. When his preference for men is revealed in a pretty awful way, his family is ready to disown him. But the envoy of his betrothed's family had a better idea, marry his former intended's brother instead.
But before Vel arrives at the castle of his betrothed, he is attacked and nearly killed by assassins who clearly do not want his marriage to take place.
When attacks keep happening after Vel and Cae have gotten married, they will have to rely on each other to figure out what's going.
I love queer arranged marriages in stories, like in Winter's Orbit, so I was super excited when I first found out about this book. This book ends with everything wrapped up, but there is a sequel coming out this December. Unfortunately, that's still pretty far away, but there has been a cover reveal and blurb. The sequel will feature the same main characters.
Then to the indie books
Prince of the Sorrows and Lord of Silver Ashes
These are the first two books in the Rowan Blood series, which the author intends to be an eight book series in total. But since it's an indie series and the author is a pretty fast writer, they come pretty fast after one another. The first one came out last March, and the second one October, and the author released a different book this February. The next book in this series is schedule for late spring somewhere.
This series is set in a fae world, with a parallel historical human world we don't see much of.
Saffron is a beantighe, which is a human servant who is raised in the fae world after his parents made a deal with the fae. His patron sends all these children back to the human world once they become too old, but Saffron wants nothing more to stay in the fae world. To do that, he'll need an academic endorsement from a fae so he can stay and study.
When he accidentally finds out the true name of prince Cylvan, the two strike a deal, Saffron will help him find a way to remove the power on his true name, and Cylvan will give Saffron an endorsement. The only problem is, Saffron has no clue what he's doing and barely taught himself to read.
In the meantime, beantighes are getting killed one after another by a mysterious person known as "the wolf" and it will be up to Saffron to stop the killer, because no one else will.
The first book ends on a cliffhanger, but the second is a bit more wrapped up so I'm not sure what's going to happen in the next book since there will definitely be more. Fortunately, the wait is not super long, but the release date and covers are released much later than for trad publishing
Last is the Fox & the Dryad by Kellen Graves
This book is set in the same world as the Rowan Blood series, but it is a standalone in the modern time period.
Briar is a ballet dancer, and while he enchants many people on the stage, he cannot get the attention of the one person they really want to notice them. So they strike a deal with a fae lady, if he can perform one perfect dance she'll make him the most enchanting thing on two legs. Of course, a dance is never perfect and now he's stuck dancing for the fae lady whenever she asks him too, despite him getting worn out and injured from it.
Malric is the son of said fae lady and used to be a dancer himself. All his siblings are artists and their mother abuses their talents to entertain people at her revels, all at their cost. Malric left, but he finds out his mother struck a deal with Briar, who is now his replacement. Malric wants to rescue Briar, and tries to help him posing as his new dance teacher in the human world as well as a mysterious masked fey lord at the revels. But then he starts developing feelings for Briar, and he has to ask himself if what he's doing is really helping him.
This book takes place a lot more in the human world than the main Rowan Blood series, which ballet playing a big role which I think was done really well. Briar is a masc enby and uses he/they pronouns, and use alters through the book. I think this is the author's best book so far and if you're not looking to get invested in a long unfinished series yet I would try this one first and maybe start Rowan Blood afterwards.
I'll probably do trans characters next as the Wicked Bargain has arrived and I'll start reading it tomorrow
@alastaircarstairsdefenselawyer @life-through-the-eyes-of @astriefer @justanormaldemon @ipromiseiwillwrite @a-dream-dirty-and-bruised @amchara @all-for-the-fanfiction @imsoftforthomastair @ddepressedbookworm @queenlilith43 @wagner-fell @cant-think-of-anything @laylax13s @tessherongraystairs @boredfangirl16 @artist-in-soul @beyondlifebeyonddeath @ikissedsmithparker
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wasyago · 10 months
Love your art! I was super inspired by your Gillion design specially. He's so squishable (positive).
Do you have a specific process for designing characters? Be it original or reimagining canon designs of fandom
thank you!! :D
hmm, well, i don't remember the last time i properly designed an original character, so nothing on that front. for reimagining designs... i don't have a step by step way i do it, it varies from character to character, but i can point out some of the things i do that might be helpful?
i largely base my designs on the vibes the character gives me: their manner of speech, their actions, their story and personality. and also the world and environment around them if it affects the character. it sounds pretty obvious but like, duh.
im gonna try and explain on gillion's example since its the one you mentioned. he's a himbo, a swimmer and a paladin, so he's gonna be buff or at least a little thicker. he's a triton, so he's short. he's also short for the reason that he is in an unfamiliar for him world and he might feel small in it. he's also short because it makes him look almost child like, connecting it to his trauma and lack of childhood that manifests in his behavior now. gillion is kind or at least trying to be, so his features will be softer and rounder. but sometimes he's chaotic or harsh, so he has some sharp features too. though they're secondary, the softness is still the main focus.
i also really like to think and overthink the designs while drawing. i try to keep everything simpler and less detailed, showing personality with shapes rather than uhh presence(?), but that means that details i do include have a lot of thought behind them.
one of my favorite things is practically. i love to think about what a character would realistically wear in the climate they're in, which clothing would be comfortable for their anatomy and field of work. would certain things get in the way or would they be helpful? how would they style their hair, do they need it tied back or do they not care? would they wear make up, why yes or why not? etc etc etc. i like asking myself questions and answering them in the design.
continuing with the gillion example. he's constantly wet because he's a triton (again, yes), so it would be more comfortable for him to wear a wetsuit. other clothes may stick to him and be uncomfortable, or get stuck on his fins, etc. he doesn't have any piercings, there's no way he would've gotten them in the undersea, and on the surface i don't think there was anything meaningful enough to promt him to get it. plus fin ears. he doesn't have his hair styled in a complicated way because of the coral on his head. doesn't wear a lot of jewelry because he jumps in the water a lot and it'll easily get lost. no belts or flowy bits because they constrict the movement and might get in the way.
and then like. all the personal headcanons and preferences and little bits and things. there's a lot of elements that i draw just because i like how they look. or because that's a comfortable thing for me, or because it's cute or hot or sad or whatever. or because i saw it while looking for inspiration and i really liked it. just bullshitting with the design and making it my own, yknow?
for gillion. gave him a cool long tail and lots of fins everywhere because i like it when inhuman characters are openly and visibly inhuman and have distinct features. and gillion is VERY much not human, part of his personality is being confused about humans. big ol yellow eyes with slits — look cool, also doubles as an inhuman feature, also makes him look curious about the world. small black stripes all over his body — make him look more fishy, plus because there's a lot of them and they're all the same they form a pattern that looks more like a natural anatomical feature and draw less attention. coral that goes around his head and not only the front like a tiara— makes it feel more three dimensional and looks cool in perspective (also i kinda just drew it wrong and never fixed it). coral and fins are pink — adds some much needed color variation and contrast, plus pink is one of the more natural colors which again make him look animalistic and not magical, plus ties in with pretzel. his skin is closer to green than blue — removes blue from the color pallet (especially with his eyes being yellow instead of blue), making the design more coherent and pleasing, allows me to properly introduce reds and purples without it looking like a mess of colors (although it still does sometimes). sharp teeth — fish, cute. yellowish underbelly — supports the yellow for the eyes and makes it stand out less, plus again, animalistic feature. little to no details on the clothing — creates good negative space that lets the eyes rest and focus the attention on everything else. his fringe and hair are floating around and don't follow the laws of physics — personal headcanon that it always looks like he's under water, plus adds roundness to the design because of the waves and curls.
ookay haha sorry didn't mean to write down literally every design decision here-- kind of derailed the post again.
basically yeah, for me designing is like a dialog with myself where i ask and answer questions. also something that wasn't mentioned are references and inspiration. if i don't have a good idea when i start, i usually scroll through my gallery or pinterest for some time to get ideas and figure out the general direction i want to take the design, maybe also find some fun stuff to include, etc.
hopefully this long ramble was at least somewhat helpful or gave you insight on my progress. i wanted to draw some things to also visually explain the design decisions for gill, but i think I'll do it later and in a separate post, and maybe include chip and jay too...
umm good luck 👍👍
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the-whispers-of-death · 4 months
Why Those Nicknames?
If you ever looked at the basic info posts for my COD OCs and saw their nicknames and wondered, "why?", this is for you. Just something fun. This is solely for the COD OCs that are in "The Lions" squad (Kali, Sarabi, Simba, & Nala) because there's a post about why Stone's nicknames are his.
Mufasa- This is technically a callsign, but I put it in the nicknames section because only The Lions and Stone use it to refer to Kali. Everyone else, including me, uses Kali when referring to him.
The Phantom of the Opera- This was sorta touched upon but here's a more in-depth explanation. Kali's light on his feet, like a phantom, but he also sings (hence the opera part). During his earlier years in the Marine Corps, Kali used to sneak up on people and sing songs from the musical The Phantom of the Opera, just because he could and it sparked the nickname.
Harbinger of Death- Harbinger means a person who announces or signals the approach of something, which is fitting for Kali considering as a sniper, he kills people. But also no enemy has ever seen him and survived, hence the nickname.
True Leader of The Lions- Partly because he's the one that does the most of Kali's paperwork (because Kali, despite being a captain, hates paperwork) but also because it's a play on the fact that prides of lions are usually a matriarchy. So since Sarabi's callsign is a feminine name whereas Kali's (at least in the squad) is a masculine name, people joke Sarabi should be the actual captain of the squad.
Shadow-Man- Sarabi manages to blend in the shadows somehow, he hides there and no one really knows he's there because he usually doesn't talk much. Also, some people have said he manipulates shadows when he moves (which is just to further the legend of him).
Geek-Man- It's not because he's a math prodigy, I swear. It's because he has these "geek-outs" as he calls them, where he just info-dumps about a certain subject. It's mostly about math or animals, don't ask him about fun facts about zebras. He will talk your ear off about zebras.
Greene Day- He loves the band Green Day and if you hear him humming, it's most likely a Green Day song. Combine that with the fact that his last name is Greene, you get the nickname "Greene Day".
Chaos Himbo- You may be thinking, if he's smart, how can he be a himbo? It's the energy. He doesn't seem smart, especially not with the way he has often accidentally set a fire in the microwave by trying to microwave different things. He's also chaotic in the way he has run several times on all fours, like he's a four-legged animal. He surprisingly runs pretty well on all fours.
Daddy Williams- He got this nickname before he became an actual father and it's because he made the mistake of saying he once had a partner (not his wife) call him "Daddy" in bed. And no one let him live that down. It's gotten to the point where his daughters call him "Papa" and yes, that was his conscientious choice to teach them to call him that.
Man with a Bunker- It's self-explanatory; he has a bunker. Everyone found out when he just said "I do have a bunker" when someone joked he'd be the type to have a bunker. It's speculated that he might have more than one bunker, but he refuses to give a distinct answer on whether or not he has more than one.
Lord of the Weapons- Just a funny nickname because of the fact that he has a bunker and is a weapons expert. Other soldiers, non-weapons experts, revel at his knowledge of weapons and the fact that he can assemble and reassemble a sniper rifle blind-folded. Yes, people have actually seen him do it. In-universe, there are videos of him doing so.
Reblogs are welcomed & appreciated! Asks are open, feel free to pop in and talk or request something! (SFW requests only, please and thank you)
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topbanana-art · 7 months
Finally making an OC info post- by no means is this all of them, just ones that are most active and/or live in my head rent free.
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First up- Rhys (DnD 5e - Rime of the Frostmaiden)
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20 years Old, Half Orc, Half Elf (sweet baby angel) , He/Him
Fighter- Echo Knight
Absolute Ray of Sunshine; Rhys is from Icewind Dale; more specifically the Nomadic Reghed Tribe of the Elk.
He's unfamiliar with the outside world and even includes settlements in his own country
He's a Himbo basically a big dog.
This campaign lead him to leaving his tribe for the first time after an unfortunate accident which turned him into a small 'painted child' and searching for his missing sister. (both these are sorted now!)
*Rhys found an old oil painting of this child, blacked out and next thing he knew he was that small elf child. Her skin and clothing having the texture of painted canvas, and bleeds paint.
For a good chunk of the campaign he was just a totally normal elf- whose shadow didn't match with the body
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Dhalas (DnD 5e Annalor)
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36 Years Old, They/Him, Triton
Drunken Master Monk
Chill surfer dude vibes
Part of a travelling circus, They're a balancing act
Extremely laid back, Dhalas talks like they fight- dancing around, seemingly without rhyme or reason and occasionally clumsy.
Foxglove (BG3)
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138 Years old (tweaked her age a lil), She/They, Drow
Arcane Trickster Rogue
Guild Artisan Background- Locksmith & Apprentice Finesmith
Chill and sassy, that Tav who talks their way out of shit.
Skews Towards Chaotic Good
Presents Androgynous most of the time
Must lockpick everything- she's not actually super interested what's inside, she just wants to see the workmanship of the locks and trashtalk how bad they are.
Yeah she's smooching the vampire. (and Halsin)
Naturally cares for others, even at the cost of her own wellbeing.
Has a Phobia of anything touching/going near her eyes- so the start of the game is A Time for Fox.
Arslan Dhoro (FFXIV)
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21 Years Old (as of ARR), He/Them
Xaela AuRa
Dragoon - White Mage Main (All healer classes tbh)
Stoic, Resting Angry Face Himbo
He struggles to show emotion but he's just pretty shy and cautious about opening up to others.
From the Azim Steppe, he left in his early teens with his father after the death of his mother, to explore the world beyond the Steppe.
His Father Died in his late teens, attacked in Coerthas thinking he and Arslan were Dravanians.
He's extremely soft and protective for the Scions/his friends
Shiv (DnD 5e Saltmarsh- campaign completed)
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Awful, terrible lesbian
68 years old, She/Her, Halfling
Celestial Warlock - Unicorn Patron w/ a Baby Phoenix familiar, Toby
A piece of shit. Is an absolute asshole and wont let you know she cares.
Lowkey magical girl
Ex-smuggler, who's patron is literally 'I can fix her', 'she can be a better person'. Part of the 'Beyond Skeletons' Pirate crew, she's the medic of the crew.
Pymmyr Tathnel (DnD 5e)
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85 Years Old, He/They, Drow
Gloomstalker Ranger
Emotional Support Blink Dog, Princess Liquorice
This boy is scared all the time
Doesn't talk much, but speaks in a soft voice
Has disordered 'Sleeping' and Eating :)
His plague mask has tinted lenses to help ease the strain with how bright the surface is
I wont tell too much about them as a lot of their info is spoilers to other players. But this sad Drow just rocks up in my head on the regular.
Erebus (Anima Beyond Fantasy)
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AKA- My first TTRPG character! circa 2011-2 I think???
Real name Sho Yoshimitsu
22 Years Old, He/Him
Duk'Zarist Nephilim
Textbook 'strong silent and intimidating hot man'
But basically a big soft boy if you break past the mile thick ice
Tragic backstory™ , used to using his body for the job
He really enjoys cooking!
Also hopelessly in love with a small soft summoner, Caelum (the one hugging him), They're RedxBlue gays
I think I'll leave it there for now!
I may add more later, I hope it was interesting?? and I'm still pretty shy with yelling this much about my characters haha.
Thanks for reading if you made it this far! 💜
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windbelle · 5 months
Some thoughts about Astarion's INT
It's a bit weird to me that people are constantly saying Astarion should have INT 8 instead of INT 13. I mean, we all love a silly man for being silly, but the stats build has more to do with his initial class rather than his character. In DnD the INT means the ability to learn arcane magic, plus knowledge of history and ability in investigation check etc., iirc. I think it means the initial INT is really not something to be taken seriously when you are talking about his character. I don't see why he can't be silly while having 13 INT. His writer Stephen Rooney said he loved playing with the quirk of writing Astarion as a bit of a himbo, making people realize he is not as smart as he's supposed to be, so he definitely has that silliness in his character.
That said, his writer also mentioned that if the stats went too crazy against his character then he could suggest a change, so he probably agrees with the INT 13 as well as his 10 CHA. If I have to dig deeper into that, I would say he has that ability and knowledge in him because he is well educated, and being a high elf also gives him that +1 INT advantage, but he is not that smart in making sensible decisions. And he is very chaotic, which implies his brain would probably fuck up a lot.
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puella-1n-somn10 · 4 months
☀️What your favorite parent from the Sun and Moon anime says about you🌙
Kukui: There is a 70% chance that you are a gay man, and I mean this not out of a place of judgement, but experience with the fans. The cause tends to differ between his game and anime incarnations, but, in the latter's case, not only are you happy about his character being developed there, but also are happy to see Ash having that father figure he craved so badly.
Burnet: You've probably popped the BIGGEST bottles when you've recognized her all the way back from Dream Radar, and have managed to get even bigger bottles when she and Kukui got married. Honestly, most of the Burnet fans I saw were real chill people. So long as you're not one of those Gen 5 fans, I have no mean words. The chillest group.
Guzma: Oh, hello, LGBTQ+ community. Either that, or you relate to him and Team Skull on levels that may be deemed as unhealthy. You're a bit on the feral side; chaotic gremlins who will not only listen to whatever combination between Breakcore and Metal there is, but would also make it your neighbors' problem. You understand the pressure of having to succeed in life and inevitably breaking under it, only to receive no compassion nor any form of apology from your elders. Also, def neurodivergent.
Plumeria: Two possibilities; either you're definitely a lesbian and/or trans gal, or are a hardcore Guzmeria shipper- though, it is more than likely that you're both. You love a good ol' girlboss who is not necessarily a villain; someone who was hardened up by experience, but is still, at the day's end, a human. Either you were the one who needed protecting back in the day, or were that protector; either way, you, too, deserved better in life.
Lusamine: Just like Professor Kukui, the reason as to why she's your favorite depends HEAVILY on which Lusamine from which canon we're talking about. Maybe you like the overzealous Lusamine who is presented as a person with actual flaws that hurt everyone around her - including herself - without her knowledge. Maybe you like the prospect of a morally ambiguous Lusamine who is ready to do everything for "the greater good" even at the cost of hurting others, including her own family. Orrrrrrr maybe you have had a parent like Lusamine in the Sun/Moon games, a classic narcissistic parent, and want to hold out to the hopes that, just like her, your own folks would see the error of their ways; that they would actually apologize to you and finally start improving on themselves rather than drag everyone else around them through the mud of their own misery.
Mohn: There is a high chance that you just want the family back together; you reminisce on the old days where they were complete, before they incident with the ultra wormhole, before Lusamine inevitably lost her marbles, but such is the way of life, right? The ultra games were your golden era, and his anime debut? Let's just say that your wishes FINALLY came true after so long. You love fix-fics and those surrounding the pain of amnesia a bit too much.
Abe/Mallow's dad: Him being a hunk - a himbo - aside, the trauma, the potential, the raw emotion; all there as garnishes for this fine steak of a man and you love each and every one of them. His incompetence and portrayal as a neglectful parent in Mallow and the Forest Teacher forever gives you the ick, but you either tend to ignore it or use that as another source of angst potential.
Mallow's mom: I just know your ass is either suffering from trauma, sudden loss, anxiety, fear of death, or a combination of the above. Yes, you wish she could have been developed a little more, but at least we got a huge chunk of her personality and even development in one episode, which is nothing short of impressive. Also, you like hurt/comfort fics.
Sima/Kiawe's mom: You're right.
Rango/Kiawe's dad: Autism rep? In MY Pokémon anime?! Sorry, but it is so frustrating to see that ya'll are few and far between - just as shy and anxious as your husbando -, but I know you guys exist! Please, let yourselves be known! I would kill just to see some more content regarding him! Also, I just know you love meganes, and, of course, there's nothing wrong with that.
Sophocles' dad: Traumatized. You probably crave the very affection he's giving his wife and kid, and seeing an honest, brash, funny man like him who isn't an abusive rat gave you whiplash initially, but eventually you wanted more. Crafting and/or gardening lover, and maybe a lore fanatic as well because how the FUCK do you know about all the things he's done for Sophocles' happiness from scattered dialogue alone? Also, like Kukui fans, there's a high chance you're neither straight nor cis.
Sophocles' mom: Also traumatized. Maybe a little bit on the autism spectrum, too. Back when the anime first aired, you were scared that maybe the dynamic between and her hubby was imbalanced, until later episodes began to showcase that she is more in charge than he is. You're probably a quiet person irl who is hiding nothing but the most chaotic of thoughts. You wanna try the malasadas she makes at least once.
Lana's mom: I'm saying this right now; if you are well over the age of 20, you are not seeing the pearly gates after the Day of Resurrection.
Lana's dad: Nothing but respect. A man with a design that irradiates potential having less dialogue than Sophocles' mother is infuriating, and the lack of content being made around him by both canon and the fans is even worse, but you don't let that bother you. Either you're the less degenerate version of the fans of his wife, or just like him because he looks way too much like Archie for it to be a coincidence.
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simp-thingz · 1 year
Headcanons fir aizawa , present mic and hawks with chaotic himbo bf. Like he has a heart of gold and means well but always seems to cause mayhem even if he doesn't mean to
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(Thank you so much for the request, I’ve never written a himbo before but I hope you like it :)
-Shouta Aizawa
Someone save this man. But actually don’t. As someone who deals with raging and goofy teenagers (cough cough kaminari cough bakugou cough) he basically lives in chaos which is why so many people were shocked that he would willingly carry said chaos into his personal life. Y/N or H/N as many of the students know him is basically chaos wrapped up in a pretty package. Once, Aizawa had to leave work early because Y/n had gotten distracted while trying o cook the two of them dinner and accidently burnt his kitchen so bad that most of the counters and appliances had tol be replaced. “But Shoo I wanna do the cooking” Y/n whined as Aizawa shook his head “no, nope, not happening, you just sit there and look pretty” he smiled as Y/n became flustered but smiled “can you teach me how to make something next time?” the h/c man asked as the dark haired teacher smiled even wider “sure”. Let me just tell you, the amount of sexual tension could’ve steamed veggies during that cooking lesson.
-Hizashi Yamada
Honestly this man would just vibe with it, he brings you to work and teaches you how to run the sound booth for his radio show, let you help with his classes, and if you mess up? Oh well accidents happen. Accidently commit arson trying to bake? That’s fine. Lead a bunch of stray animals back home solely because they were cute? Guess you guys’ will need a bigger yard. In his eyes you can do almost no wrong, the only wrong someone as sweet as you can commit is using is precious hairgel. You could honestly commit murder and he would just brush it off regardless of the two of you being heros. Not to mention the way he absolutely melts when you come to him for help with simple household tasks that seem so difficult for one person. “Babe, have you seen my gel?” The bright haired man asked in a rush as his partner hummed combing the last of said gel through their own locks unknowingly. “Uh oh” The H/C man whispered knowing that he had messed up “Babe?” Hizashi’s voice came from much closer this time as his vibrant eyes locked onto the empt jar “Oops?”
-Keigo Takami
Not gonna lie this man is kind of a himbo himself sometimes so I feel like it would just be two himbos in a relationship trying not to accidentally kill someone with their shenanigans. Like Y/N could just be chillin' at home, trying to cook something nice when Hawks is at work and then, BAM Hawks accidentally flew into a window cause he thought the balcony was still open. Or, Keigo just trying to set up something romantic in the bathroom, and then the next thing he knows, Y/N’s favorite hairbrush is in the toilet. It’s honestly difficult for other people to see how they haven’t destroyed their apartment yet, but that’s because the two of them do manage to help each other out without absolute mayhem raining down upon them for no reason. “Hey Kei!” Y/N yelled running his hands through h/c hair “Yess? What’s up?” The winged hero popped his head into the bathroom to find his boyfriend frantically searching the bathroom drawers “Have you seen my favorite brush?” the question caused Keigo to sigh as he reached into the cabinet above the toilet “This one?” the blonde questioned with a smirk as he handed the object over “Thanks, babe!” The oblivious h/c hero smiled as Keigo quickly left the room. After a few minutes he hears Y/N huff  “Why does my brush smell weird?” and he never tells a single soul the reason the brush smells funny and simply replaces it with one identical to the first.
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seabysiren · 1 year
As much as my English sucks, I need to make this request about "streamer au". I don't know, I imagine the chat a lot treating Fantasma x Reader, as a couple and Sabão, getting encuimado (jealousy of the reader), but a silly jealousy, just to provoke both. Or, the Phantom watching a Sabão x Leitor edition (romantic imprint), on tiktok, and feeling jealous? Leaving something like "Why edit them? They're my...I mean, my best friends 😃". That would be great, and funny ;)
your english is ok! it took me a few moments and the few years of spanish i took to realize this was in spanish/english.
hope u enjoy this one!
sometimes soap feels like the third wheel. you and ghost are so tightly intertwined by the time he joins he feels out of place a bit. sure he loves the way ghost comments on things, and egging on his dark and bad humor. but he wishes that he could get involved a little more.
ghost and you work like a well oiled machine. but with a new part in play he has to adapt.
so that means he teases you constantly.
soap is already a very touchy feely person so its really easy to subtly flirt with you without breaking any boundaries. beacuse you like hugs, and claim soap gives the best hugs once he smothers you in his chest.
ghost gets jealous about your comment and refuses to give you hugs for a few days. not that you realized that.
soap also loves the cooking streams you do. so ghost, soap, and you would all be trying to bake a cake. cue a flour fight and the whole kitchen is messy.
soap licks his thumb to get flour off your face. his face is scrunched up as he tries to wipe a little bit of flour off your nose.
or giving your cheek a kiss when he jokingly says you got chocolate right there...
'right there. you're missing it. here let me get it.'
cue a teasing, loud smacking kiss on your cheek. you gasp offendedly as you wipe his germs off your face.
ghost throws more flour at soap in annoyance.
its not really annoyance he just wants soap to stop kissing you on stream.
when the three of you have media share on. its chaotic. because you're being the moderator and filtering through all these media clips. ghost and soap have their face cams on and something a little proactive post shows up.
someone had edited and clipped the amount of times in the baking stream soap had used his shirt as a rag to get flour off his face. that meant lifting his shirt and showing off his toned body underneath. and they had your reaction of your eyes darting to his body before you awkwardly smiled.
chat ate it up. because you usually don't get embarrassed and flustered too much.
its not just ghosthound anymore.
there's a new contender.
and its soaphound.
since that first post everyone just wants to show ghost and soap all the ship art and edits made.
people are arguing which is better, ghosthound or soaphound.
after a little bit of those media ghost asks you to filter those out. because he's getting a little irritated.
because these people have to right to assume what ya'll relationship is. nor should they be shipping you and ghost or you and soap or whatever.
because deep down ghost wants to know why you have such good chemistry with soap on camera. because he thought yall had good chemistry too.
when the livestream ends and soap leaves to go back to his own apartment ghost melts into simon. and simon gets all clingy and pouty. he doesn't say anything but you can sense the shift in body language.
he sits a bit closer than he normally would when you sit on the couch. or spreas his legs farther so his knee will press against yours under the table.
or overall just stalking you and initiating contanct, which simon doesn't do often. and you just smile and give him a headrub or a pat on the head, none the wiser to the boiling jealousy in his chest.
god sometimes you can be such a himbo and soap and ghost both love and hate it.
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izznts · 4 months
I hope this isn't weird or cliche but your oc couples seem like the type who gives each other cute nicknames
And they do for sure, with Izzy and his 4 canon boyfriends, the nicknames they gave for each other is very cute and cliché.
Izzy's common nicknames from his lovers would be Izzy Iz (reference to Iggy Ig's; Iggy Azalea), Izzybug, or the preds most favorite, Koala. Koala is a nickname Kyle gave him when he was drunk and he noticed Izzy snuggling on his bloated stomach (whether by eating someone or just lots of food) and he didn't budge or wanted to go anywhere; basically staying in one place until he was practically dragged off by one of his other boyfriends. This made the others agree within themselves that this nickname was the perfect one.
Kyle's nickname that Izzy gave him specifically is Koco Puffs; strange as it does resemble the cereal but Izzy always thought of Kyle's chaotic himbo-like behavior to be off that bird. Instead of cereal it's food (and/or prey); lots of it.
Sol's nicknames that was created for him were Soly, Sunny (as his origin name meaning means Sun), or Solmate. He always liked Soly more than the other nicknames, too him, it makes him feel like a playful person, which, that's up too debate ;). Solmate, if he hears that too much, his timeout session is 30 minutes safely in his gullet.
John's nickname is pretty straightforward, as his flirtatious and seductive behavior leads him to a simple name of JJ or Johnnykins, which he absolutely hates the most. He would give punishment to pretty much anyone that uses Johnnykins.
Hayes is the only pred that has the unique and playful nicknames, which has caused some jealousy from the other preds. They know it's really because of the unique and simple name. Izzy had lots of fun with choosing his nicknames; Hay-Hay and Haylo.
PET NAME wise, the most common pet name the preds are given is Teddy, as naturally of course they cuddle a whole lot and are very affectionate when in the mood. Another being Goober; mainly Goober is towards Hayes and Kyle for their himbo, playful behavior. The common pet name the preds give too Izzy is Sugar Plum, as he's very sweet and Hun Bun (mostly said from John when he's being extremely affectionate).
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lumilasi · 5 months
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Updated these two to add them to NCP. Also decided to change Silas into a girl instead, as otherwise their mom (design pending) would be stuck with FOUR gremlin boys lol
The Faylunes are probably the most well-adjusted family in this story (alongside the Knights), but even they aren't without tragedy in it.
Info below:
Age(s): 18
Heights: they're both roughly 167 cm tall
Milo: Gremlin I Celine: Cece
Alternate name: Celine & Milo Danau (Danau is the Fae bloodline surname)
(coming from the latin name danaus, referring to a tribe of tiger butterflies)
Family: older brothers Claude and Hayden, Mother (name pending)
Friends: Classmate Adam Knight, sometimes they also hang out with Ichirou's group. (Ichirou, Marco, Janus & Clover)
Occupation: High school students.
As a SPD, he can merge with shadows and traverse through them. He can also paralyse people by, er, chomping them, or in case of small children, just by staring at them.
His kind feed off of fear their presence causes, and so he naturally gives Spooky Vibes when in demon form, which can cause paranoia, anxiety or small unease in people. (His vibes aren't as strong as Hayden's yet)
As a moth/bug type, he can also fly and shrink into a tiny size if he wants to.
Having a fae heritage means he is able to summon his wings (and extra pair of arms) in fae/human form without needing to transform fully.
He's pretty good at smacking things with staff-like weapons.
She is highly intelligent, able to process information quickly and is curious/persistent enough to dig out things she doesn't know about, even if its hard
Excellent swordswoman, Celine's skill with her dual blades is considered highly impressive for her age.
She is incredibly stealthy, able to sneak up on even her brother Hayden, which is not an easy feat.
Fairly fast and agile at flying, though not as fast as Hayden who is Very Speedy Boi
Milo: A friendly, kind of a chaotic gremlin with himbo energy. Means well but has a bad habit of breaking things and causing chaos accidentally. Temperamental and ready to throw hands for his friends and family anytime. Dumb enough to not realize if someone has a crush on him, unless he gets told directly (might still not connect the dots lol)
Celine: Smart, seemingly the polite and level-headed one. An absolutely mischievous gremlin in truth who likes messing with people and causing chaos just like Milo - only intentionally, and she is typically able to cover her tracks. Really loves learning about new things and is pretty competitive, often wanting to prove she's smartest in the room, for better or worse.
Milo: Due to witnessing their father's death, Milo has a phobia of tight places/being buried alive and therefore doesn't enjoy being in cramped rooms or crowds that get too big. He is mute that does sometimes cause trouble with communication, as not everyone understands sign language, and he doesn't know any telepathy spells and struggles to learn such magic.
Celine: Sometimes a bit too smug for her own good, where she overestimates her own capabilities. Her competitiveness can lead to problems where she might lash out at her friends and family if she loses, and generally act kind of mean. She always does apologize once she realizes she's gone too far, though.
The Faylunes had a fairly normal and happy family life living at the glow apple farm they ran.
Things changed however as their father was crushed in an accident during a storm, where the barn collapsed onto him; a lightning had struck it and he'd gone there to try and put the fire out.
Milo had rushed to try and help his dad when he'd gotten stuck under fallen debris and due to being disoriented hadn't been able to use his shrinking ability to escape,. Unfortunately, Milo didn't make it on time, and the resulting sudden flash of fire from the collapse also hit Milo, resulting in him losing his other eye and later wearing an eyepatch. (There is regenerative magic in this world, but trying to regenerate such delicate organs like eyes to another person is very risky and often not worth the effort)
Since he's the only one who directly witnessed the event, he was hit the worst out of the whole family, going mute and developing severe fear of tight places that seem to threaten to collapse onto him, like the barn collapsed onto their father. (He didn't develop a fear of fire given it ultimately wasn't the blaze that killed their dad, and had he not gotten trapped, their father could've probably managed to put the fire out.)
Fun Facts
Every sibling in this family has a clothing piece referencing their butterfly/moth wings and theme made by their mom; Celine has her long-sleeved shirt, Milo his fluffy cardigan coat, Claude his jacket, and while Hayden has no natural wings, being a Moon Mage instead of Fae, he still has agreen butterfly themed shirt made to him by their mother.
Milo's SPD form is blue as the inverse of his wing colors is bunch of blues.
Celine is a huge fan of Avane Faydream, as she's seen how incredibly good fighter and tactician she is, and she really digs tough and smart ladies.
Another person she finds cool is Adam's oldest brother Chester(Azul) who is currently "away," (he's a wanted fugitive for stealing something highly valuable and dangerous from the Overshadower Council, a branch of their world's government), but Celine doesn't know that)
Generally, she tends to dig confident and intelligent people, who are able to use their tactical skill to defeat an opponent instead of brute forcing it.
Milo is closest with their oldest sibling Claude among the bunch, but generally all 4 siblings are fairly close and have their own inside jokes that others don't get.
Celine in turn, is closer with Hayden than Claude
Milo's wings are based on Atlas moth, and Celine's the tiger butterfly like their older brother Claude's wings.
Milo tends to want to keep his cardigan on even during summer, when its honestly too warm to wear. This tends to lead to him stripping naked apart from the said cardigan, up until his mom tells him off
Milo's shirt has the logo of his favorite in-world rockband, the Showman's Lament. His sister also loves it, and owns a similar shirt, just white instead of dark grey.
While, like their older siblings, the two go to school in the capital Chrysalis city, they always travel back home to their mom for weekends and holidays, as she's currently mostly by herself otherwise.
Their dad was the Sleep Paralysis Demon, while their mum is the tiger butterfly Fae
The siblings' style tends to be kind of a mix of urban, sporty and punky fashion when in the city, but at the farm they do wear more practical clothing to help out their mother. (Hayden and Claude do the same ofc)
Milo has a ravenous appetite and will easily devour meals meant for three people.
When he's stressed, Milo might monch on canvases, including their home curtains sometimes which are full of 'mysterious' holes as a result.
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