mrsmarlasinger · 2 years
🌈 Queerstake!! 🌈
As I mentioned during the morning session, one of my very last assignments at BYUH was to create a recommendation report. For mine, I decided to recommend strategies for increasing queer acceptance on Church-run campuses. It's a little long, but here it is!
You might actually recognize some of the quotes used, because I conducted an anonymous survey of queer CES students which I advertised on Tumblr (no one was quoted without permission) and included a few queerstake posts in my literature review. If your experience helped me produce this paper in any way, I am so so so grateful.
Hope you guys enjoy my research! Feel free to reblog so other queerstake members can take a look if they're interested!
(Btw, this document shouldn't dox me because it's on a throwaway Google account and I removed the title page with my name, but please lmk if there's anything I should've taken out but forgot to 🥲)
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For everybody who was so kind as to assist with the first portion of my battle for equality and modernity in the Dress and Grooming Standards- and for those who would like to join! Thank you all so much!
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Today's LGBT+ Headcanon is;
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Link from the Legend of Zelda Franchise-Genderfluid Bisexual
Species: Hylian
Requested by @pawes
Status: Alive
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sojutrait · 10 months
everyone in ur current household is so hot why do you always make me simp for pixels HUH
anyways if you see me randomly comment on your random posts it's bc tumblr shows old posts on my timeline for some reason like i saw your month old current household post like yesterday and was so confused😭
HEHEHE TYYYY they got good genes 🤧🤧
and HELPP honestly that’s my fault i need to tzr more bc i always realize it must be so easy to accidentally skip a post 😭😭
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Divination by walking.
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nerdygaymormon · 2 years
Gather Conference
This looks like it will be very good! It is for LGBTQ Latter-day Saints and those who love them. September 15-16th in Provo, Utah.
I’m really impressed at the group of people they have involved in this.
Here is a list of presenters:
Steve Young - famous football player, stood against Prop 8 in California and for the LDS Church being more loving & inclusive of the LGBTQ community
Darius Gray - a Black man who joined the LDS Church in 1964, one of the first Black students at BYU, one of the founders of the Genesis Group, involved in the "Race and the Priesthood" essay, a supporter of LGBTQ rights and the church expanding to fully include them 
Charlie Bird - gained fame as the BYU mascot Cosmo the Cougar who publicly came out as gay, author of the books “Behind the Mask” and “Expanding the Borders of Zion”, co-hosts the podcast Questions from the Closet, is an active LDS church member and public about having a boyfriend
Ben Schilaty - co-hosts the podcast Questions from the Podcast with Charlie Bird, they are the two most well-known gay men still active in the LDS Church. Ben wrote the book “A Walk in My Shoes: Questions I'm Often Asked as a Gay Latter-day Saint”, and works for the BYU Honor Code Office
Tom Christofferson - older brother of the LDS apostle Todd Christofferson. Is best known for leaving his long-time partner in order to rejoin the LDS Church and writing “That We My Be One: A Gay Mormon's Perspective on Faith and Family”, then publicly announced that he has begun dating
Allison Dayton - is founder of Lift+Love which seeks to provide a positive, uplifting space for LGBTQIA+ LDS church members and their families & friends
Liv Mendoza Haynes - best known from the 2021 BYU Women's Conference when Sharon Eubank presented her and Liv announced she is queer and that she once left the LDS Church but returned and shared the story of a bishop who made her feel welcome and asked how to make the ward a safe space. Liv is married to a husband and is a busy mom
Meghan Decker - is married to a husband, loves being a grandma, but she also is attracted to women, wrote the book “Tender Leaves of Hope: Finding Belonging as LGBTQ Latter-day Saint Women”
Michael Soto - a trans man who grew up LDS and spent the last 25 years being an advocate for LGBTQ+ rights, including co-founding the Equality and Fairness Coalition, former CEO of Equality Arizona, and now is Chief Advocacy Officer for One Community
Iese Wilson - best known for his work of building bridges at BYU-Hawaii, where he publicly came out gay. His efforts include co-founding Hawaii’s first LDS LGBTQ+ support group off campus for students and staff of BYU-H, helped create and host the first LGBTQ+ fireside on the BYUH campus, and offered the first LGBTQ+ awareness training for the Guest Services Department at the Polynesian Cultural Center
Richard Ostler - host of the podcast Listen, Learn and Love and author of two books, “Listen, Learn and Love: Embracing LGBTQ Latter-day Saints” and “Listen, Learn and Love: Improving Latter-Day Saint Culture”
These individuals aren’t listed as presenting at the Gather Conference, but are shown to be involved in some way:
Bree Borrowman - a science teacher in Bountiful, UT who transitioned during the pandemic and provides a safe space for students, co-hosts the Lift+Love Adult Gender Identity support group. Bree is an active member of the LDS Church and is helping her stake and ward move towards being more inclusive & accepting
Jess Case - a clinical psychologist who identifies as gay and is married to a woman, an active member of the LDS Church. His work focuses on helping youth and adults feel safe in their communities and suicide prevention
Clare Dalton -  a seminary teacher and CES employee. She came out as lesbian in 2021 and is open about her faith, her orientation, and her career as a way to exemplify that Christ meant everyone when He said, “Come, follow me” 
John Gustav-Wrathel - Was raised LDS, married his husband, raised children, and then decided to return to church where because he is excommunicated he attends each week as a visitor. He is a former president of Affirmation and co-founded Emmaus LGBTQ Ministry which aims to works for the safety, well-being and happiness of LGBTQ people in and adjacent to the LDS Church
Ally Isom - a public affairs professional who has worked for LDS Church as head of global branding, in 2021 ran against Senator Mike Lee to be the  Republican nominee for senate, known for her work for gender equity. In 2017 she helped the church restructure the mormonandgay website by changing the language to be less divisive and to include videos of queer members sharing their stories. She works to improve understanding between the Church and the LGBTQ community
Erika Munson - in 2012 she co-founded Mormons Building Bridges which is most famous for having LDS people dressed in their Sunday best march in Pride parades, and in 2019 co-founded Emmaus LGBTQ Ministry which provides affirming monthly devotionals and events to LGBTQ people and their families in and adjacent to the LDS Church
Austin Peterson - a gay member of the LDS Church who works in IT at BYU and serves in a bishopric
Jordan Sharp - VP of Marketing & Communication at Utah Tech University, active member of the LDS Church, and father of a gay son. Jordan wrote a Facebook post about the LDS Church needing to be more loving and accepting of LGBTQ individuals
David Smurthwaite - co-hosts the Lift+Love Adult Gender Identity support group, identifies as gender expansive, active member of the LDS Church, married to a wife and is father to 4 children
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skrunglebeasts · 1 year
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anisahmahar · 2 years
Rendani 2022 (part 1)
Satu minggu menjelang 17 Agustus 2022 lalu. 
Rencana perjalanan sudah dipersiapkan. Aku bolak-balik cek tiket, bekal, dan berkas-berkas. Khawatir ada yang tertinggal. Hari itu menjadi hari penting. Menjadi salah satu keputusan besar untuk melakukan perjalanan sendirian ke tanah Papua. Sebenarnya, aku hendak memulai perjalanan itu sepekan kemudian. Namun, saat negosiasi dengan Ibu, beliau malah memberikan komentar tak terduga. 
“Kalau bisa berangkat pekan ini, mengapa harus menunggu pekan depan?” Kata beliau tanpa ada rasa beban.
Tepat di hari Kamis. Hari itu rasanya sangat panjang dan sedikit melelahkan. Sempat tidak bisa tidur nyeyak di hari sebelumnya. Bagaimana bisa? Maklum saja. Perbekalan di koper dan ransel belum selesai, tetapi aku harus berangkat di pagi buta. Hari itu akan menjadi perjalanan dengan berbagai moda transportasi. Paginya harus naik kereta ke Surabaya. Sesampainya di Surabaya, harus berganti mobil tuk kunjungan ke luar kota. Seperti biasa. 
Siang berselang. Audit ke industri packaging plastik belum usai. Aku dan rekan kerjaku masih disibukkan memeriksa gudang bahan baku dan produk jadi. Mengecek sampel bahan, dokumen, dan sistem online perusahaan yang terdaftar sertifikasi halal. Sudah hampir pukul 15.00 WIB. Lantaran pekerjaan belum ada tanda-tanda selesai, aku terpaksa mencukupkannya lebih awal.
“Mohon maaf Pak. Karena nanti saya harus ke bandara, maka saya harus segera menyelesaikan ini. Sementara audit bisa dicukupkan.”
Byuh.... Cukup lega setelah berkata apa adanya. Malahan, Manager perusahaan itu menyarankan agar aku segera check in pesawat secara online. Dan ku rasa, informasi itu cukup menolong. Aku segera minta bantuan kepada Ibu agar menyiapkan koper dan segala printilan yang aku bawa beberapa hari ke depan. Supaya sampai rumah nantinya, aku segera berangkat ke bandara. Semoga perjalanan lancar.
Pukul 16.30 WIB aku baru sampai rumah. Dengan persiapan ala kadarnya, segera ku berkemas. Yang agak was-was, mobil jemputan yang aku sewa baru datang 17.15 WIB. Duh, semoga tidak ada kemacetan di jalan raya. Semoga dimudahkan Allah subhanahu wa ta’ala. Syukurlah, sepanjang perjalanan lancar.
Hari itu, menjadi sejarah bagiku. Di keluargaku, baru aku saja yang berkelana ke tanah Papua. Solo travelling ini diupayakan karena ada suatu hal. Agenda keluarga yang cukup besar untuk beberapa bulan ke depan. 
Sesampainya di Juanda, lekas saja untuk mengurus segala keperluan. Ku coba untuk mencari tempat duduk yang nyaman. Memastikan semua perbekalan aman. Lalu, tak jauh dari bangku tempatku beristirahat, ada seorang Bapak paruh baya yang sedang asyik mengerjakan tugas di laptop mungilnya. Ku pastikan bahwa perjalananku rutenya sudah sesuai. Pasalnya, dulu saat solo travelling ke Bima, aku pernah hampir salah naik pesawat. Untung saja.
“Bapak tujuan ke mana?” Aku memulai pembicaraan.
“Saya ke Makassar. Kalau Mbaknya?” Beliau berbalik tanya.
“Ke Manokwaari Pak,” Sahutku.
“Berarti nanti ke dari Bandara Hassanudin Makassar, transit dulu ke Sorong. Setelah itu baru ke Rendani.” Dengan santainya beliau memberi penjelasan.
Lho, ke Sorong dulu? Apa ndak salah? Batinku mulai bergejolak.
Setelah ku cek rute pesawat lewat apkasi, flight radar, dan memastikan tiket secara online, ternyata benar. Aku harus transit dulu ke Sorong. Sungguh di luar dugaan. Ada perbedaan antara informasi di web dengan keadaan di lapangan.
Seolah Allah sedang ingin menghiburku, di ruang tunggu kudapati pemandangan haru. Ya, sebelum lepas landas aku dipertemukan dengan salah seorang penumpang yang sedang murojaah tilawahnya. Seketika ruangan menjadi syahdu. Terdengar suara merdu dari pemuda seusiaku. Hal ini mengingatkan pada pemandangan pagi itu. Di gerbong kereta komuter, aku juga dipertemukan oleh seorang Bapak lansia yang membaca Al Quran kecil di sepanjang perjalanan. MasyaAllah tabarakallah.
Hari itu, menjadi perjalanan panjang yang insyaAllah banyak sekali keberkahan. Meskipun secara sadar, aku harus bersiap agar tidak tidur semalaman. Takut ketinggalan pesawat di tanah orang. Pukul 20.00 WIB akhirnya pesawat lepas landas.
Selamat datang WITA, WIB beberapa jam kemudian. 
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dirtykpopsnaps · 2 years
I've realized my voice more so my accent changes when I get angry and mad. It goes to a more Irish or Scottish accent.
So, I’m American. Was born and raised in my little town. I don’t have the Maryland accent. water is “wah-ter” not “wooder”. An ambulance is “am-byuh-lince” not “am-blance”. Baltimore is “Ball-tih-more” not “Ball-mur”. But, when I get bored or excited, I can go either southern or British, which is REALLY weird.
But, if anyone wants to hear what I sound like, drop some words, I’ll say ‘em
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muichinno · 1 year
Today is something special Can you guess what it is? Today is me and mitsuri's friendship anniversary, Today me and mitsuri share an account, So my account is now called MAKI AND MITSURI, Tommorow ill change it back because today is our Anniversary So please Celebrate they day with (MAKI AND MITSURI) Ill even make a fanfic of it!~ *Mitsuri shoves a sakura mochi in maki's mouth* BUh Byuhe!
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mrsmarlasinger · 1 year
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ask-wordgirl · 1 year
Relating to the business of running an organization, or government.
Overly concerned with procedure at the expense of efficiency or common sense
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daytomad · 1 year
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ngomongin grounding
susah emang, kalau baca tulisan orang terus kita dibuatnya melambung 🤣🤣
buruknya tuh kalo seakan akan memposisikan diri jadi pihak yang berada didalam bahasan
terus pie grounding e
gocelan too gocelaaaan, awas angin e banter
ojo sampe katut mubuuuuur !!
oke kata "baperan"
apa kau dan aku (byuh byuh) emang... 💭💭💭 ...... masuk kategori itu?
A:terus pie grounding e cok?
B: sik tak ngopi sek! (ngolah pikir, noto ati)
B:ntenono ae, nko tak kabari!
a view moment
malah keluar pertanyaan,
sulit mana menimbulkan rasa, atau membenamkan rasa?
jika ada ucapan
tresno jalaran soko kulino.
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sojutrait · 11 months
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abby wasn't too happy about having to wake up at 4am to pick chu hua up from the county jail 😭😭so now they're awaiting her trial byuh. worse part is that she still had to go to school that day because it was exam day. so she slept through one exam in the teachers lounge, flunked the other, got detention, then threw up in the hallway 😭😭😭
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sh4k-thing · 2 years
yeah. Wayyyy cleaner then mine igushxjshcishxjsjx
Hehehe shrine of old oc
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beegerbucket-blog · 5 years
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When your religion resorts to extortion in order to get you to attend church.
Students of LDS colleges can be kicked out of school for not attending church services. The entire time of education can be put at risk if some fundamentalist bureaucrat decides you broke the rules.
Before attending a Mormon University you need to know you are signing a contract for them to own you and a BYU diploma is not a good value. 
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