#c: catwoman (2018)
sapphicomics · 11 days
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CATWOMAN #67 Written by TINI HOWARD Art by CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO Cover by DAVID NAKAYAMA Variant cover by RACHTA LIN Variant cover by PABLO VILLALOBOS 1:25 variant cover by OTTO SCHMIDT 1:50 variant cover by TIRSO CONS $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 7/17/24 “NINE LIVES” ENTERS ITS PENULTIMATE CHAPTER! Selina’s journey has brought her everywhere, from the deepest reaches of the ocean to the cold vacuum of space, but she’s out of places to hide. With enemies closing in all around her, there’s only one place left to go—home. Prepare for the fight of Selina’s life(s) as the WHITE GLOVE launch their attack on Gotham City!
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
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The Gotham City Sirens | By Jenny Frison
• Slightly Edited By: @poisonousquinzel
Catwoman (2018 - ) #35
Cover B; Card Stock Variant
Poison Ivy (2022 - ) #2
Cover B; Card Stock Variant
Harley Quinn (2021 - ) #25
Cover D Incentive 1:25; Card Stock Variant
Catwoman (2018 - ) #40
Cover B; Card Stock Variant
Poison Ivy (2022 - ) #10
Cover B; Card Stock Variant
Harley Quinn (2021 - ) #27
Cover C; Card Stock Variant
Poison Ivy (2022 - ) #8
Cover E Inc 1:50; Foil Card Stock Variant
Harley Quinn (2021 - ) #30
Cover B; Card Stock Variant
Catwoman (2018 - ) #26
Card Stock Variant Cover
Poison Ivy (2022 - ) #12
Cover B; Card Stock Variant
Catwoman (2018 - ) #36
Cover B; Card Stock Variant
Catwoman (2018 - ) #44
Cover B; Card Stock Variant
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saint-of-ossaville · 2 months
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“It is a sin to covet another man’s kill.”
— Karl Valley (Father Valley) shoots and kills a sniper belonging to Trish Rollins (Pit Rollins) for trying to kill Selina Kyle (Catwoman), when he was also hired to do just that by Oswald Cobblepot (The Penguin), in Catwoman Vol 5 #27 (Jan 2021; 2018, DC Comics) by Ram V (W), Fernando Blanco (A), FCO Plascenia (C), and Tom Napolitano (L).
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Looooong post incoming...
THE INCREDIBLES and INCREDIBLES 2 have been on my mind, lately.
Writer-director Brad Bird’s 2004 superhero movie, done up at Pixar in the days they weren’t owned by The Walt Disney Company, was like a formative film for me. Like STAR WARS was for many kids growing up in the ‘70s and ‘80s, THE INCREDIBLES was probably that for 12-year-old me, among a couple other movies. (That same year, I was also blown away by SPIDER-MAN 2 and… Umm… I, ROBOT?)
And I’m one of the few weirdos that really, really dug the contested sequel. Well, contested by people online. It did get good critical reception and got an Oscar nom, made a truck ton at the box office, but it’s one of those weird “big” movies that came out, made tons and tons of money, but I hear few talk about it to this day. I feel some other recent Pixar sequels fit that bill as well, like FINDING DORY and TOY STORY 4. These absolutely massive movies that people raced to see, because they love the originals and the characters in them so much, but then seemingly… Forgot about? I think it has a lot to do with just how much stuff comes out now, that it kinda all gets lost in the shuffle. They don’t stick the way TOY STORY 3 did back in 2010, before we got so inundated with lots and lots of stuff oozing out of every pore: TV, streaming, other movies, podcasts, more streaming, etc. etc. Plus, there's that special sauce with the originals that tends to make them hit different than the sequels, no matter how good the sequels may be...
But no matter, I loved INCREDIBLES 2 and still do, even if I think it falls a little bit short of the original. That was a hard act to follow, after all. I did go over some of the few things about the sequel that I thought could’ve been expanded a bit, a few months back… And I’m thinking about them again.
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I think the main point of contention with INCREDIBLES 2 was the Screenslaver, and the whole twist being that he was a fictional character, a face that was created by a disgruntled telecommunications company exec who wanted to keep superheroes illegal.
I get it, in a way. Screenslaver looks cool, and that one action sequence with him in the strobe light cage with Elastigirl? I fuckin’ LOVE it. Such a dynamic, well-done action sequence. I guess it made people wish that both Bob and Helen, and the kids and Frozone and maybe those weirdo superheroes like Screech and Reflux, took this guy on. A slender, creepy mask-wearing mind control villain… It's what you expect in a superhero movie, the heroes fighting a rather weird bad guy!
And yet, in a way, I feel like Screenslaver being a mere face. A distraction. Makes INCREDIBLES 2 every bit as subversive as the original. Especially since INCREDIBLES 2 came out in 2018, which was literally a superhero/comic book movie-heavy year. Maybe the heaviest? You had AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR, DEADPOOL 2, ANT-MAN AND THE WASP, TEEN TITANS GO! TO THE MOVIES, VENOM, SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE (!), am I missing anything? That year was S-T-A-C-K-E-D.
By contrast, in 2004, THE INCREDIBLES debuted opposite of SPIDER-MAN 2 and HELLBOY… And also BLADE: TRINITY, THE PUNISHER, and CATWOMAN… Much different times. Especially when it was greenlit by Pixar in the year 2000… What was happening in superhero movies that year? X-MEN had come out, and that was after a fairly successful BLADE movie… And years after BATMAN & ROBIN was lambasted and put the Batman movie format to rest for a good while. (Now it’s inescapable. Every few years, a new actor portrays Batman in live-action.)
THE INCREDIBLES stood out in 2004, I feel, not just because of the freedom animation allowed for the superhero concept (which put it above many of the live-action spectacles being made at the time), but also because it rung closer to a ‘60s spy movie than a typical beat-em-up extravaganza. It’s clearly set in a midcentury modern world, a stylized retro futuristic early ‘60s that is informed by the presence of superpowered beings. Or “Supers”, as this franchise has always called them. While there isn’t a wealth of material explaining how world events played out, it’s all implied and hinted at in both films.
By the mid-1960s, American animation had kinda been pigeonholed as an outlet for cheap, reliable kids’ entertainment on Saturday mornings. The closest thing to an American “spy” movie in the animated medium back then was, of all things, a FLINTSTONES movie: 1966’s THE MAN CALLED FLINTSTONE. THE INCREDIBLES almost feels like a lost animated movie made for a slightly older audience circa 1965, but dusted off decades later and done in CGI. That’s a Brad Bird staple. Born in 1957, he loves midcentury modern retrofutures, and just that setting in general. THE IRON GIANT is set in the late 1950s, he had a cancelled take on Will Eisner’s THE SPIRIT that was set around the time it was introduced, his long-gestating RAY GUNN has been described as a 1930s sci-fi noir retrofuture, MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE is of course a ‘60s spy show and a series of feature films (Brad’s feels the most ‘60s out of the movies), TOMORROWLAND… Need I say more? Even RATATOUILLE, which doesn’t involve super heroics or gadgets or futuristic technology… It’s literally a movie about cooking! Even that movie has a retro vibe to it. It’s set in the then-present, but it’s timeless in its look and feel.
Anyways, THE INCREDIBLES plays as much James Bond as it does, say, Batman. You have the whole Nomanisan Island lair, close-quarters fights with armed men, Michael Giacchino’s score, it’s a just-right mix. The first INCREDIBLES has a rather conventional bad guy in Syndrome. An evil guy in an eye-catching suit, with all these various man-made powers, as opposed to other Supers’ natural-born powers. INCREDIBLES 2’s villain is merely an average woman, roughly in her 30s? 40s? She has no powers, she’s just a master manipulator, almost a filmmaker in that regard. I mean she’s an artist and a designer, that’s made perfectly clear the minute you see her, so it makes sense that she could pull off this elaborate show. Mysterio in SPIDER-MAN: FAR FROM HOME - which was released a year after INCREDIBLES 2 - needed drones and such to do that. That the Screenslaver is merely a brainwashed pizza delivery guy is part of her brilliance.
So, that’s what makes INCREDIBLES 2 stick out from the other superhero movies circa 2018. A year where the majority of the villains were clear-cut, like a big purple alien guy who wipes out half the universe… and here’s INCREDIBLES 2 with a very crafty woman who essentially puts on a big show. And that in the second half, it’s her and her use of mind control technology that are the big obstacle for the Supers. Not a creature or a conventional superhero bad guy. I think it works, honestly. Like, what’s a different kind of challenge? What if all the good guys got brainwashed, leaving a few… Namely the KIDS, to fend for themselves? That’s a very cool idea, honestly. But again, I get why detractors wanted the shadowy mind control guy instead. Part of me would love to see that version of INCREDIBLES 2, too, if it ever existed. According to interviews w/ the filmmakers, Screenslaver was a late addition to the plot. INCREDIBLES 2 was supposed to come out in summer 2019, but Disney had pushed it up a year, which apparently affected a lot of the decision-making. For some, it shows.
Maybe if INCREDIBLES 2 came out in 2008 instead of 2018, and had the same exact villain twist… In a world where other Disney Animation and Pixar movies with twist villains didn’t yet exist (i.e. Hans, Callaghan, Bellwether, Ernesto), it’d be received differently? I do not know. But that’s why it all works for me. I can tune out the succession of “twist villain” movies, and take INCREDIBLES 2 on its own merits.
In my previous piece on INCREDIBLES 2, I did kind of find fault with its rather rushed third act and how the film doesn’t really bite into the meatier political aspect it kind of teases. The whole idea of a society being dependent on superheroes, rather than getting up and helping pitch in to make the world a better place. (Not dissimilar to TOMORROWLAND’s message.) It’s really all just there to serve Evelyn’s character, which I’m totally fine with… It works in that context. But on the other hand, I feel like this could’ve gone further and explored the whole idea of superheroes being - to quote Jenny Nicholson in her review of JOKER - a “band-aid solution” to crime. And it being a PG-rated mass-market Disney release is no reason to keep me from speculating about this version of INCREDIBLES 2.
I get that Brad Bird probably just wanted to keep it simple and streamlined, and that the “who needs Supers anyways” idea is just a device for Evelyn, not there to make a larger statement. I do believe all art is political, even these movies, but how far the creators want to go with the politics is another story. Ultimately, Evelyn’s methods of getting her way are wrong, but she has points… What if a better society could be created that didn’t depend on superpowered beings having to clobber criminals or threats to save the day?
Clearly the world of THE INCREDIBLES needs superheroes, though, because you have things like mole men with massive drill-mobiles cutting through cities like they’re nothing. But I feel that in a world where we are hyperaware of the system’s flaws and how it’s mostly a failure by design and pretty much creates crime (I’m getting political here, heads up), INCREDIBLES 2 could’ve possibly said something about that. Instead of having superheroes, a stand in for the police when the police themselves or the military can’t handle the threat, what’s causing all the crime in New Urbem and Municiberg in the first place? What systemic inequalities are happening? How progressive is this world because of the presence of superheroes/cool tech? Why are there are robberies? What’s the poverty rate? Etc. etc.
And you may be thinking, this is just an animated family movie, it doesn’t have to be that deep… But I disagree. Plenty of family films, and good stories in general, don’t shy away from this kind of stuff. Art is not made in a vacuum. A lot of actual real-life kids LIVE these sorts of things, too.
But even PG-13 Marvel movies, probably because they’re released by Disney - and Disney tries to play moderate when it comes to political stuff (though they are still too far left for dinguses who yell “WOKE” at everything), don’t really go that far either.
CAPTAIN AMERICA: CIVIL WAR chips at whether there should be government regulation of superheroes or not, until it settles for being a story about two friends turning against each other over a family death… and then a few MCU movies later, none of that matters - the superheroes are ultimately needed to stop the big purple guy in space… THE FALCON AND THE WINTER SOLDIER asks why, in a post-Blip world, a universe where half of all the living beings just ceased to be… Why are there still such inequalities on Earth, after Thanos’ snap and subsequent revival of everyone who was unalived? It’s all the catalyst for the Flagsmashers, and leader Karli herself. She was so nuanced as an antagonist, and you also had this ersatz Captain America guy who straight up murdered a person in cold blood. I was loving where it was all going, until a few episodes in, they just made Karli a straight-up murderer. All that nuance is flattened, and the final episode is just another big fight scene. Outside of Sam Wilson’s speech at the end, what really changed on MCU’s Earth? What did this Disney+ series have to say, really? Other than bringing up those very real problems we face in the U.S. and around the world?
I think INCREDIBLES 2 is just more interested in being about its characters first, which, again. Is fine. I don’t think less of the movie because of that. The first INCREDIBLES was about the family dynamic first and foremost, too, and not the spectacle. I don’t require Brad Bird to share all of his political views with me. I appreciate that the movie even posits the question to begin with, it’s ultimately why I’ve been thinking about it! Maybe Bird sees that world as simpler because it’s one where superheroes have been around since at least the turn of the 20th century, and things are different because of that.
This is probably why some people get a very Ayn Randian reading out of THE INCREDIBLES, when I think Bird’s conceit was merely “the villain is someone who uses technology to be a pretend-superhero”. It’s all there to inform Syndrome’s character, not necessarily to declare to the audience that people without powers CAN’T be superheroes. Syndrome kills several Supers so he can enact his plan and make everyone into Supers, because he’s big mad at Mr. Incredible, and that’s why he fails. He could’ve just grown up to make super technology to make other people super, not kill a bunch of them. Heck, if he had turned out better, he could’ve singlehandedly ended the outlawing of Supers… And not natural-born Supers… Imagine THAT movie…
The original movie, I feel, just doesn’t necessarily make a case for whether people born without superpowers can be Super. This dichotomy is just there to make the villain what he is, and hint at what he could’ve been instead of a villain. Sure, the Parr family and Frozone saving the day at the end upholds this apparent status quo, but I don’t think Bird was thinking about it like that. He had denied the Ayn Rand comparisons as far back as the release of the first movie.
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The likelier reading of this film, and some of Bird’s other films such as RATATOUILLE and TOMORROWLAND, is informed by Bird’s career trajectory. He was mentored by Milt Kahl, of all people! One of the greatest animators, one of Walt’s Nine Old Men… He was mentored by him as a teenager! But most of Bird’s career, as noted by Mark Mayerson, was a long series of denied opportunities. His aforementioned SPIRIT movie didn’t take off in the ‘80s because who during that period - a time when SECRET OF NIMH came and went, and when features like TWICE UPON A TIME couldn’t get an audience - wanted to sink money into an animated action movie of that caliber? RAY GUNN didn’t go through in the 1990s at Turner Animation, and Warner Bros. dumped THE IRON GIANT in the late summer of 1999 with an ineffective marketing campaign that caused it to flop at the box office.
Because IRON GIANT did so badly, Bird took his toys and left Warner Bros. He headed to Pixar with his superhero movie concept, and he got in despite those who didn’t quite want him around. John Lasseter was not fond of an outsider coming in with this very different pitch for a movie. Up until that point, Pixar was literally what I like to call “Team TOY STORY”. John Lasseter, TOY STORY’s director, also directed A BUG’S LIFE and TOY STORY 2. Pete Docter and Andrew Stanton, where instrumental in TOY STORY 1 & 2, directed MONSTERS, INC. and FINDING NEMO respectively. Lee Unkrich, an editor on TOY STORY, co-directed on TOY STORY 2, MONSTERS, INC. and FINDING NEMO. Lasseter fired Jorgen Klubien off of his CARS, which was in the works at the time, and took it over. Tight-knit building. Bird was an outsider, and Lasseter wasn’t thrilled about that. But luckily, Steve Jobs staved him off and also kept Michael Eisner’s doubts about THE INCREDIBLES at bay. Bird got to make his rather outre superhero movie at Pixar in spite of Lasseter, Eisner, etc…. And it was a big hit and an Oscar winner. Lasseter was singing a different tune after that.
Future directors didn’t have Jobs’ protection, though, which meant that Lasseter could fire them more easily… And he did… Brenda Chapman, Bob Peterson, etc.
So then after THE INCREDIBLES, Brad Bird really wanted to get a live-action adaptation of the novel 1906 off the ground, but that didn’t go anywhere. He took over RATATOUILLE at Pixar, made a big hit out of that, and then tried to pursue other endeavors. His MISSION: IMPOSSIBLE movie (GHOST PROTOCOL in 2011) did very well, but then after that, he made TOMORROWLAND and it bombed… And then took on an INCREDIBLES sequel. He is just now starting to get his cooler ideas off the ground, as his RAY GUNN is finally in production at Lasseter’s Skydance Animation. Funny how that works, right? The guy is over 60 years old and is just getting started.
If anything, his movies are more about that. He’s a guy with really cool, game-changing ideas for animated movies in an industry that isn’t interested in that… So… The INCREDIBLES movies being about superheroes who want to help people but not being allowed to by the system, RATATOUILLE being about an animal that doesn’t belong in a kitchen wanting to cook for people, GHOST PROTOCOL being about spies still trying to do the right thing and save the world after their unit has been shut down by the system, TOMORROWLAND being about people not subverting the system by pitching in to make the world a better place and also being barred from the utopia - by, again, the system - where they can make that happen… Yeah, it’s very clear that Bird’s movies are just him venting about his own hangups via fantastical concepts, not trying to espouse some sort of Ayn Randian ideology. How the hell do you get “if you’re naturally talented, you should hoard those gifts from the rest of society” out of THAT?
I think that’s what it is, and that’s what informs the world of THE INCREDIBLES. It’s simply an Earth where superheroes exist, and the system makes them illegal instead of finding other ways to correct accidents that have happened whenever they are around. Just outright ban them from doing what they do, instead. I mean, governments in real life ban all kinds of people for various reasons, strip away their rights, dehumanize them, criminalize them, etc… Sometimes mere circumstances, such as poverty, are viewed as personal failure and inherently criminal. There’s a level of relatability with superheroes for some people because of that. The late Kevin Conroy, for example, used his role as Batman in the 1992 animated series an outlet for his struggles as a gay man. X-Men stories, and the early 2000s X-MEN movies, are either interpreted as that or ARE largely about that.
But even then, Bird’s world still posits some interesting questions that it doesn’t fully answer. It’s busier focusing on the characters. This is more an observation, as I’m not trying to dock the original or the second movie any points… I just wonder why, in the sequel, the world the movies are set in was so quick to legalize Supers after everything that has happened. All it took was saving a boat and that was it? Not the defeat of Syndrome’s final Omnidroid? Not the other good deeds before that? I feel like that portion in the final third of the movie was strangely very rushed.
The thing is, before I wrap this up (phew), we only have two canonical movies in this series, and a handful of comedic/gag-based shorts. The world of the INCREDIBLES is wide and ripe for exploring, I’d argue, but Brad Bird’s not getting any younger and he should pursue the projects he really wants to make. Again, RAY GUNN, his Western, his horror movie, his musical, etc. Pixar honored him by not having someone else throw together a second INCREDIBLES sometime in the late 2000s/early 2010s. Like, Disney could’ve forced Pixar to make one without him anyways, but no. They waited. And if there’s a third one to be made, or a prequel set during the “Golden Age”, they’ll likely wait for him to be available and willing to do it. Or if he gives it his blessing and leaves it to another director… Like Pixar did with TOY STORY 4 and INSIDE OUT 2, and almost did with FINDING DORY. I wonder if he was gonna do the same with INCREDIBLES 2, had TOMORROWLAND done great and he went straight for a sequel to that.
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I’d like to see more of that universe, but it needn’t be forced out of the filmmakers at Pixar. Maybe the little we know of it is what kind of stokes our imaginations when it comes to this series? Look at something like STAR WARS now… There’s a ton of movies and shows and expanded universe stuff, which arguably dilutes the magic of its universe... THE INCREDIBLES isn’t that big wide despite the original movie almost being 20 years old. THE INCREDIBLES doesn’t need to be that huge, but I would like to see a little bit more of that world. Maybe another movie - be it INCREDIBLES 3 or a prequel called SUPERS or something - or a Disney+ series, but not the behemoth something like STAR WARS or the MCU have become.
I feel it’s worth playing around in a little bit more. I’m also biased, because I love the movies, particularly the first one.
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edward-lygma-ballz · 1 year
2006- Batman Begins: Gosh this movie is so good if I'm not being biased this is objectively the best movie in the dark knight trilogy. One thing I will say is I wish Scarecrow had more scenes in the movie but I absolutely love the one scene where he does spray Falcone but I wish I could've seen more. This was peak Christian Bale looks wise and I realized this last night when I was watching the movie. The Ra's Al Ghul plot twist was actually surprising the first time I watched this movie. Alfred was peak overall just amazing. VICTOR ZSASZ MENTION!?! Side note we need more live action Victor Zsasz. I would have to say this movie is S tier.
2008- The Dark Knight: HEATH LEDGER WAS EMACULATE. I do agree that he's just a film bros wet dream for the joker BUT I still love it. This move produced multiple iconic memes just overall so freaking good. If you want my biased opinion this is they best movie in the dark knight trilogy. I can quote most of the Jokers lines by heart and I once watched this movie 3 times in one day. The two downfalls of this movie are Rachel and Two-face. (Refer to meme in pt1) Harvy himself is fine but Two-Face just ain't it chief yknow. And I know Rachel's thing is that she's not like scared of criminals and not scared to stand up for what's right but something that really gives me the ick is when in the penthouse scene during jokers schpeel she just stands and and says "alright, that's enough." Or something like that. Idk it's just like did you really think that was going to stop this insane man?? This movie is A tier as well.
2012- The Dark Knight Rises: If mid was a movie it would be this one. While I absolutely love Bane in this movie I can't stand Catwoman (which is really weird for me cause I usually love her, and I've tried loving her but I just can't.) It's not like a horrible movie it's just not fantabulous. C tier.
2016- Batman Versus Superman: I saw it when I came out in theaters then never watched it again. It was okay??? Idk not much input, I was more interested in the origins of the other members of the Justice League tbh. C tier.
2016- The Killing Joke: Did not like the first 30 minutes. This was the first time I'd ever seen an animated movie based on a comic and don't know what I was expecting but it wasn't to see batman and Barbara Gordon make out w/ implied sex on a rooftop. The first 30mins aren't in the original comic at all. Last half of the movie sticks to the source material almost entirely and it was executed greatly. A tier.
2018- The Lego Batman Movie: OH GOSH this movie is really good. I can watch it with kids when I babysit and we can both enjoy it. Witty remarks, Robin is absolutely adorable, REFRENCES BATMAN (1989) MULTIPLE TIMES!!! Joker isn't a complete dick to Harley. PEAK JOKER DESIGN!! No bad remarks. S teir.
2021- The Long Halloween Pt1 and Pt2: Loved these movies. Wished they made Sofia Falcone look more like Carmine like they did in the comic but her character was still great. I also wish they would've kept the catwoman suit the same as in the comic. Was very easy to sit through almost 3 hrs of movies. Harvy Dent was portrayed amazingly. Once again nothing bad to say about these movies. A tier.
2022- The Batman: I LOVE LOVE LOVE INCEL RIDDLER AMD BATMAN!! I love paul dano in general but God he was so good even though he only had like 15min of screentime throughout the 3hr movie. Zoë Kravitz fucking killed it as Catwoman. Can't forget #daddyoz literally amazing. "what's black and blue and dead all, over? yyyoOOUUU." Bussin soundtrack, got me back into Nirvana tbh. I love the casting for Carmine, wait no I take that back. I love the casting for the whole movie, it was absolutely spectacular 👌. S tier
Anyway that's all guys, if you want to hear my rankings for other movies just ask and I can put them all into a big post. I can put this into picture format if yall want to see it but I'm too lazy to do it rn.
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rockin-robinz · 5 years
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It's Batman Day today (21 September) and to make it more special this year also celebrates the eightieth anniversary of the Dark Knight! To commemorate, I've done a photoset/collage of eighty different Batmen – one for each year. Related Post:
Batman Day 2015
Batman Day 2016
Batman Day 2017
Batman Day 2018
Image Source:
Alfred Pennyworth: Batman (Vol. 2) #5 by David Finch (R:3, C:1)
Bane: Forever Evil: Arkham Wars #3 by Scot Eaton (R:3, C:2)
Brane Taylor: Batman (Vol. 1) #700 by Richard Friend (R:3, C:3)
Bruce Wayne:
Earth –0: The Batman Who Laughs (Vol. 2) #1 Cover by Jason Fabok (R:5, C:X)
Earth –1: Batman: The Devastator Cover by Jason Fabok (R:4, C:1)
Earth –12: Batman: The Merciless by Francis Manapul (R:4, C:3)
Earth –22: Batman: The Batman Who Laughs Cover by Jason Fabok (R:4, C:4)
Earth –32: Batman: The Dawnbreaker Cover by Jason Fabok and Brad Anderson (R:5, C:7)
Earth –44: Batman: The Murder Machine Cover by Riccardo Federici (R:5, C:8)
Earth –52: Batman: The Red Death Cover by Jason Fabok, Dean White, and Riccardo Federici (R:5, C:9)
Earth 2: Earth 2 #1 by Nicola Scott (R:2, C7)
Earth 17: The Multiversity: Guidebook by Marcus To (R:8, C:8)
Earth-19: Convergence: Shazam #2 by Evan “Doc” Shaner (R:1, C:5)
Earth-22: Kingdom Come #4 by Alex Ross (R:8, C:4)
Earth-37: Thrillkiller #3 by Dan Brereton (R:1, C:3)
Earth-43: Countdown Presents The Search for Ray Palmer: Red Rain by Kelley Jones, Eric Battle, Angel Unzueta (R:1, C:6)
Earth-Two: Detective Comics (Vol. 1) #27 by Bob Kane (R: 1, C: 1)
Futures Ends: The New 52 Futures End FCBD Special Edition (R:8, C:9)
Gotham AD: Mother Panic: Gotham AD #2 by Paulina Ganucheau (R:8, C:5)
Gotham City Garage #12 by Javier Pina (R:1, C7)
Injustice: Injustice 2 #9 Cover (R:8, C:1)
Legends of the Death Earth: Catwoman Annual (Vol. 2) #3 by Michael Dutkiewicz (R:6, C:1)
Prime Earth: Batman (Vol. 3) #78 Cover by Tony S. Daniel (R:8, C:X)
Pulp Heroines: Bombshells United #13 by Aneke (R:1, C:4)
Sorcerer Kings: Superman/Batman #82 by ChrissCross (R:8, C:7)
World Without Young Justice: Robin (Vol. 4) #101 by Rebecca Woods (R:8, C:6)
Bruce Wayne (Clone)
Batman: Last Knight on Earth #2 by Greg Capullo (R:1, C:2)
Justice League 3000 #3 by Howard Porter (R:2, C:5)
Bruce Wayne XXIII: Shadow of the Bat Annual #4 by Brian Apthorp (R:6, C:3)
Bryce Gawain: Batman Annual #20 by Vincent Giarrano (R:6, C:4)
Bryce Wayne: Batman: The Drowned Cover by Jason Fabok (R:4, C:2)
Carrie Kelley: The Dark Knight III: The Master Race #1 by Andy Kubert and Frank Miller (R:3, C:4)
Clark Kent: Superma/Batman #55 by Rag Morales (R:3, C:7)
Damian Wayne:
Batman Beyond: Batman Beyond (Vol. 6) #9 by Bernard Chang (R:1, C:8)
Batman in Bethlehem: Batman #666 by Andy Kubert (R:5, C:3)
Earth 16: The Multiversity: The Just by Ben Oliver (R:5, C:2)
Generation Lost: Justice League-Generation Lost #14 by Aaron Lopresti (R:5, C:4)
Injustice: Injustice vs. Masters of the Universe #1 by Freddie E. Williams II (R:8, C:3)
Prime Earth: Batman and Robin Annual (Vol. 2) #1 by Ardian Syaf (R:5, C:1)
Dick Grayson:
Batman in Bethlehem: Damian: Son of Batman #1 by Andy Kubert (R:7, C:8)
Earth 2: Earth 2: Society #2 by Jorge Jimenez (R:2, C:9)
Earth 42: The Multiversity: Guidebook by Marcus To (R:7, C:X)
Earth-Two: Convergence: Detective Comics #2 by Denys Cowan (R:2, C:1)
Legends of the Death Earth: Batman: Shadow of the Bat Annual #4 by Brian Apthorp (R:6, C:2)
New Earth (Prodigal): Robin (Vol. 4) #0 by Tom Grummett (R:2, C:2)
New Earth: Batman (Vol. 1) #687 by Ed Benes (R:2, C:3)
Prime Earth (The Gift): Batman (Vol. 3) #45 by Tony S. Daniel (R:7, C:7)
Prime Earth: Batman (Vol. 2) #40 by Greg Capullo (R:2, C:4)
Sixth Dimension: Justice League #20 by Jorge Jimenez (R:7, C:9)
Titans Tomorrow: Detective Comics #965 by Eddy Barrows (R:4, C:5)
Eliot Ness: Batman: Scar of the Bat by Eduardo Barreto (R:3, C:8)
Fan, The: Justice League (Vol. 3) #36 by Pete Woods (R:7, C:2)
Helena Wayne: Earth 2: Society #22 by Vicente Cifuentes (R:2, CX)
Hugo Strange: Batman: Gotham Knights #11 by Roger Robinson (R:3, C:9)
James Gordon: Detective Comics #39 Cover by Tyler Kirkham and Tomeu Morey (R:3, C:X)
James Gordon II: Batman: Digital Justice by Pepe Morino Casaras (R:6, C:6)
Jason Todd:
Earth-15: Countdown #30 by Jesús Saíz (R:3, C:6)
Injustice: Injustice 2 #2 Cover (R:8, C:2)
New Earth: Batman: Battle for the Cowl #1 by Daniel S. Daniel (R:3, C:5)
Jean-Paul Valley, Jr.: Convergence: Batman Shadow of the Bat #1 by Philip Tan (R:6, C:7)
Jiro Osamu: Batman Incorporated (Vol. 2) #11 by Jorge Lucas (R:5, C:5)
Mack: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight #101 by Carlos Ezquerra (R:6, C:X)
Ravil: Batman and Robin (Vol. 2) #1 by Patrick Gleason (R:5, C:6)
Robert Kane: Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight Annual #6 by Vince Giarrano (R:6, C:5)
Roman Sionis: Detective Comics #810 by Pete Woods (R:6, C:9)
Slade Wilson: Outsiders #22 by Shawn Moll (R:7, C:1)
Terry McGinnis: Batman Beyond #1 Cover by Dustin Nguyen (R:1, C:9)
Thomas Wayne:
Earth 2: Earth 2: #17 Cover by Ethan Van Sciver (R:2, C: 8)
Flashpoint: Batman (Vol. 3) #22 Cover by Jason Fabok (R:7, C:3)
Tim Drake:
"The Batt", Solo #10 by Damian Scott (R:4, C:9)
Futures End: The New 52: Futures End #47 by Andy MacDonald, Alberto Ponticelli, and Allan Goldman (R:1, C:X)
New Earth: Batman: Battle for the Cowl #2 by Tony S. Daniel (R:4, C:7)
New Earth: JLA #8 by Oscar Jimenez (R:4, C:X)
New Earth: Sins of Youth: Batboy and Robin by Cary Nord (R:4, C:8)
Titans Tomorrow: Detective Comics #965 by Eddy Barrows (R:4, C:6)
Tina Sung: Justice League #3001 #5 by Howard Porter (R:2, C:6)
Tommy Carma: Batman (Vol. 1) #402 by Jim Starlin (R:7, C:4)
Wang Baixi: The New Super-Man #2 by Viktor Bogdanovic (R:7, C:5)
Wayne Williams: Batman: Just Image by Joe Kubert (R:7, C:6)
Unknown: Detective Comics #1000000 by Greg Land (R:6, C:8)
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ao3feed-lokiangst · 4 years
Alternate April
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fxPgoA
by MadameBaggio
The Crackship Fleet is back!
This month we’ll have Alternate Universes for everyone! How would those ships deal with a different setting? Let's find out.
Words: 480, Chapters: 1/51, Language: English
Series: Part 8 of The Crackship Fleet
Fandoms: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017), Game of Thrones (TV), The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015), The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (TV), Tomb Raider (Movie 2018), Wonder Woman (Movies - Jenkins), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, The Originals (TV), From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Kingsman (Movies), Gossip Girl (TV 2007), Teen Wolf (TV), IT (Movies - Muschietti), Stranger Things (TV 2016), Daredevil (TV), Catwoman (Comics), John Wick (Movies), Dredd (2012), The 100 (TV), Aquaman (2018), Supernatural, Wynonna Earp (TV), The Huntsman (Movies), Merlin (TV), Boondock Saints (Movies), Anna (2019), Transporter (Movies), Atomic Blonde (2017), Sucker Punch (2011), Priest (2011), Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013), Hellboy (Movies 2004-2008), Maleficent (Disney Movies), Labyrinth (1986), Killjoys (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), A Discovery of Witches (TV), Constantine (TV), Conan the Barbarian (2011), The Lord of the Rings (Movies), Underworld (Movies), G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (2009), Hitman: Agent 47 (2015), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), Batwoman (TV 2019), Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013), Hobbs & Shaw (2019), Charlie's Angels (2019), The A-Team (2010), RED (Movies), Eleventh Hour (US TV), Triple Frontier (2019), King Arthur (2004), The Witcher (TV), Ocean's 8 (2018), Dollface (TV 2019), The Punisher (TV 2017), Ready or Not (2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Robb Stark, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Miriam "Midge" Maisel, Napoleon Solo, Lara Croft, Diana (Wonder Woman), Sansa Stark, Vortigern (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Erik Lehnsherr, Susan Pevensie, James T. Kirk, Rey (Star Wars), Klaus Mikaelson, Santanico Pandemonium | Kisa, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Stiles Stilinski, Blair Waldorf, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Beverly Marsh, Selina Kyle, Matt Murdock, James "Bucky" Barnes, Lydia Martin, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), John Wick, Octavia Blake, Joseph Dredd, Derek Hale, Darcy Lewis, Maria Hill, Merlin (Kingsman), Loki (Marvel), Thranduil (Tolkien), Mera (DCU), Steve Rogers, Wynonna Earp, Dean Winchester, Clarke Griffin, Daenerys Targaryen, Morgana (Merlin), Ravenna (The Huntsman), Connor MacManus, Murphy MacManus, Anna Poliatova, Lorraine Broughton, Frank Martin, Baby Doll (Sucker Punch), Priest (Priest 2011), Gretel (Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters), Nuada (Hellboy), Margaery Tyrell, Roan (The 100), Jareth (Labyrinth), Maleficent (Disney), Dutch | Yalena Yardeen, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Felicity Smoak, Sam Winchester, Diana Bishop, John Constantine, Faramir (Son of Denethor II), Conan the Cimmerian, Freya (The Huntsman), Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Roxy Morton | Lancelot, Jon Snow, Lucian (Underworld), Tamara (Conan the Barbarian), Snake-Eyes, Katia van Dees, Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Kate Kane, Alison "Lady Jaye" R. Hart-Burnett, Darth Maul, Jane Kano, Hattie Shaw, Han Cho Bai, Templeton "Faceman" Peck, Jacob Hood, Santiago "Pope" Garcia, Mina Harker, Selene (Underworld), Agent 47 (Hitman), Elena Houghlin, Dagonet (King Arthur 2004), Brienne of Tarth, Borra (Disney), Princess Catia, Diaval (Disney), Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Daphne Kluger, Sabina Wilson, Sara (The Huntsman), Sif (Marvel), Chris Argent, Madison Maxwell, Frank Castle, Grace Le Domas
Relationships: Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword)/Robb Stark, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Miriam "Midge" Maisel/Napoleon Solo, Lara Croft/Diana (Wonder Woman), Sansa Stark/Vortigern (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Erik Lehnsherr/Susan Pevensie, James T. Kirk/Rey (Star Wars), Klaus Mikaelson/Santanico Pandemonium | Kisa, Skye | Daisy Johnson/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Stiles Stilinski/Blair Waldorf, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Beverly Marsh, Selina Kyle/Matt Murdock, James "Bucky" Barnes/Lydia Martin, Natasha Romanov/John Wick, Octavia Blake/Joseph Dredd, Derek Hale/Darcy Lewis, Maria Hill/Merlin (Kingsman), Loki (Marvel)/Thranduil (Tolkien), Mera (DCU)/Steve Rogers, Wynonna Earp/Dean Winchester, Clarke Griffin/Daenerys Targaryen, Morgana (Merlin)/Ravenna (The Huntsman), Connor MacManus/Murphy MacManus/Anna Poliatova, Lorraine Broughton/Frank Martin, Baby Doll (Sucker Punch)/Priest (Priest 2011), Gretel (Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters)/Nuada (Hellboy), Margaery Tyrell/Roan (The 100), Jareth (Labyrinth)/Maleficent (Disney), Dutch | Yalena Yardeen/Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Felicity Smoak/Sam Winchester, Diana Bishop/John Constantine, Conan the Cimmerian/Freya (The Huntsman), Leo Fitz/Roxy Morton | Lancelot/Jemma Simmons, Faramir (Son of Denethor II)/Jon Snow, Lucian (Underworld)/Tamara (Conan the Barbarian), Snake-Eyes (G. I. Joe)/Katia van Dees, Rosa Diaz/Kate Kane, Alison "Lady Jaye" R. Hart-Burnett/Darth Maul, Jane Kano/Hattie Shaw, Han Cho Bai/Templeton "Faceman" Peck, Jacob Hood/Santiago "Pope" Garcia, Mina Harker/Selene (Underworld), Agent 47 (Hitman)/Elena Houghlin, Dagonet (King Arthur 2004)/Brienne of Tarth, Borra (Disney)/Princess Catia (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Diaval (Disney)/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Daphne Kluger/Sabina Wilson, Sara (The Huntsman)/Sif (Marvel), Chris Argent/Madison Maxwell, Frank Castle/Grace Le Domas
Additional Tags: Crackship Fleet, Crack, Fluff and Crack, Fluff, Alternate Universe, too many AUs to name properly, Cross-Posted on Tumblr, Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Multiple Crossovers
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3fxPgoA
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ao3feed-merlin · 4 years
Kissy June
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eITHMj
by MadameBaggio
The Crackship Fleet is back!
This month we’ll have everybody kissing their special someone, because I love kissing! ;)
Words: 4425, Chapters: 23/51, Language: English
Series: Part 9 of The Crackship Fleet
Fandoms: King Arthur: Legend of the Sword (2017), Game of Thrones (TV), The Hobbit (Jackson Movies), Marvel Cinematic Universe, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. (2015), The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel (TV), Tomb Raider (Movie 2018), Wonder Woman (Movies - Jenkins), X-Men (Alternate Timeline Movies), Chronicles of Narnia - C. S. Lewis, Star Trek: Alternate Original Series (Movies), Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, The Originals (TV), From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. (TV), Kingsman (Movies), Gossip Girl (TV 2007), Teen Wolf (TV), IT (Movies - Muschietti), Stranger Things (TV 2016), Daredevil (TV), Catwoman (Comics), John Wick (Movies), Dredd (2012), The 100 (TV), Aquaman (2018), Supernatural, Wynonna Earp (TV), The Huntsman (Movies), Merlin (TV), Boondock Saints (Movies), Anna (2019), Transporter (Movies), Atomic Blonde (2017), Sucker Punch (2011), Priest (2011), Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters (2013), Hellboy (Movies 2004-2008), Maleficent (Disney Movies), Labyrinth (1986), Killjoys (TV), Arrow (TV 2012), A Discovery of Witches (TV), Conan the Barbarian (2011), Constantine (TV), The Lord of the Rings (Movies), Underworld (Movies), G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra (2009), Hitman: Agent 47 (2015), Brooklyn Nine-Nine (TV), Batwoman (TV 2019), Star Wars Prequel Trilogy, G.I. Joe: Retaliation (2013), Hobbs & Shaw (2019), Charlie's Angels (2019), The A-Team (2010), RED (Movies), Eleventh Hour (US TV), Triple Frontier (2019), King Arthur (2004), The Witcher (TV), Ocean's 8 (2018), Dollface (TV 2019), The Punisher (TV 2017), Ready or Not (2019)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Multi
Characters: Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Robb Stark, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel), Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Miriam "Midge" Maisel, Napoleon Solo, Lara Croft, Diana (Wonder Woman), Sansa Stark, Vortigern (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Erik Lehnsherr, Susan Pevensie, James T. Kirk, Rey (Star Wars), Klaus Mikaelson, Santanico Pandemonium | Kisa, Skye | Daisy Johnson, Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Stiles Stilinski, Blair Waldorf, Eleven | Jane Hopper, Beverly Marsh, Selina Kyle, Matt Murdock, James "Bucky" Barnes, Lydia Martin, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), John Wick, Octavia Blake, Joseph Dredd, Derek Hale, Darcy Lewis, Maria Hill, Merlin (Kingsman), Loki (Marvel), Thranduil (Tolkien), Mera (DCU), Steve Rogers, Wynonna Earp, Dean Winchester, Clarke Griffin, Daenerys Targaryen, Morgana (Merlin), Ravenna (The Huntsman), Connor MacManus, Murphy MacManus, Anna Poliatova, Lorraine Broughton, Frank Martin, Baby Doll (Sucker Punch), Priest (Priest 2011), Gretel (Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters), Nuada (Hellboy), Margaery Tyrell, Roan (The 100), Jareth (Labyrinth), Maleficent (Disney), Dutch | Yalena Yardeen, Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Felicity Smoak, Sam Winchester, Diana Bishop, John Constantine, Conan the Cimmerian, Freya (The Huntsman), Leo Fitz, Jemma Simmons, Roxy Morton | Lancelot, Faramir (Son of Denethor II), Jon Snow, Lucian (Underworld), Tamara (Conan the Barbarian), Snake-Eyes, Katia van Dees, Kate Kane, Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine), Alison "Lady Jaye" R. Hart-Burnett, Darth Maul, Jane Kano, Hattie Shaw, Han Cho Bai, Templeton "Faceman" Peck, Santiago "Pope" Garcia, Jacob Hood, Mina Harker, Selene (Underworld), Agent 47 (Hitman), Elena Houghlin, Dagonet (King Arthur 2004), Brienne of Tarth, Borra (Disney), Princess Catia, Diaval (Disney), Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Daphne Kluger, Sabina Wilson, Sara (The Huntsman), Sif (Marvel), Chris Argent, Madison Maxwell, Frank Castle, Grace Le Domas
Relationships: Arthur (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword)/Robb Stark, Brunnhilde | Valkyrie (Marvel)/Tauriel (Hobbit Movies), Miriam "Midge" Maisel/Napoleon Solo, Lara Croft/Diana (Wonder Woman), Sansa Stark/Vortigern (King Arthur: Legend of the Sword), Erik Lehnsherr/Susan Pevensie, James T. Kirk/Rey (Star Wars), Klaus Mikaelson/Santanico Pandemonium | Kisa, Skye | Daisy Johnson/Gary "Eggsy" Unwin, Stiles Stilinski/Blair Waldorf, Eleven | Jane Hopper/Beverly Marsh, Selina Kyle/Matt Murdock, James "Bucky" Barnes/Lydia Martin, Natasha Romanov/John Wick, Octavia Blake/Joseph Dredd, Derek Hale/Darcy Lewis, Maria Hill/Merlin (Kingsman), Loki (Marvel)/Thranduil (Tolkien), Mera (DCU)/Steve Rogers, Wynonna Earp/Dean Winchester, Clarke Griffin/Daenerys Targaryen, Morgana (Merlin)/Ravenna (The Huntsman), Connor MacManus/Murphy MacManus/Anna Poliatova, Lorraine Broughton/Frank Martin, Baby Doll (Sucker Punch)/Priest (Priest 2011), Gretel (Hansel and Gretel: Witch Hunters)/Nuada (Hellboy), Margaery Tyrell/Roan (The 100), Jareth (Labyrinth)/Maleficent (Disney), Dutch | Yalena Yardeen/Leonard "Bones" McCoy, Felicity Smoak/Sam Winchester, Diana Bishop/John Constantine, Conan the Cimmerian/Freya (The Huntsman), Leo Fitz/Roxy Morton | Lancelot/Jemma Simmons, Faramir (Son of Denethor II)/Jon Snow, Lucian (Underworld)/Tamara (Conan the Barbarian), Snake-Eyes (G. I. Joe)/Katia van Dees, Rosa Diaz (Brooklyn Nine-Nine)/Kate Kane, Alison "Lady Jaye" R. Hart-Burnett/Darth Maul, Jane Kano/Hattie Shaw, Han Cho Bai/Templeton "Faceman" Peck, Santiago "Pope" Garcia/Jacob Hood, Mina Harker/Selene (Underworld), Agent 47 (Hitman)/Elena Houghlin, Dagonet (King Arthur 2004)/Brienne of Tarth, Borra (Disney)/Princess Catia, Diaval (Disney)/Yennefer z Vengerbergu | Yennefer of Vengerberg, Daphne Kluger/Sabina Wilson, Sara (The Huntsman)/Sif (Marvel), Chris Argent/Madison Maxwell, Frank Castle/Grace Le Domas
Additional Tags: Crossover, Crossover Pairings, Cross-Posted on Tumblr, Snippets, Crack, Fluff and Crack, Multiple Crossovers, Kissing
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/3eITHMj
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triscribe · 5 years
(Follows the current Batman and new family members in order of appearance, their alter egos, their years of operation and ages. The Ultra Bomb Disaster of 2050 killed off a lot of superheroes, including twenty six of the active Gotham crimefighters, and also meant the remaining Bats took in a lot of orphaned meta kids who bolstered their ranks further with the next generation. Asterix symbol refers to someone returning to a uniform they wore previously):
Bruce Wayne (1997-2012) (22-37 years old):
Selina Kyle, Catwoman (1998-2023), Madam Cat (2023-2056) (22-47-80)
Dick Grayson, Robin (2000-2007), Nightwing (2007-2012) (10-17-22)
Barbara Gordon, Batgirl (2002-2008), Oracle (2008-2067) (15-21-80)
Jason Todd, Robin (2007-2009), Red Hood (2011-2039) (13-15, 17-45)
Tim Drake, Robin (2010-2012), Redbird (2012-2027), Bird’s Eye (2027-2048) (13-15-30-51)
Stephanie Brown, Spoiler (2010-2012), Batgirl (2012-18), Blonde Bat (2018-46) (14-16-22-50)
Cassandra Cain, Batgirl (2010-2012), Black Bat (2012-2050) (12-14-52)
Dick Grayson (2012-2014) (22-24):
Damian Wayne, Robin (2012-2020), Renegade (2020-2024) (8-16-20)
Colin Wilkes, Abuse (2012-2022) (9-19)
Kate Kane, Batwoman (2013-2025) (22-40)
Renee Montoya, Question (2013-2016) (23-26)
*Bruce Wayne (2014-2024) (39-49):
*Dick Grayson, Nightwing (2014-2026), Old Wing (2050) (24-36, 60)
Luke Fox, Batwing (2014-2048) (25-59)
Harper Row, Bluebird (2014-2015, 2020-2050) (14-15, 20-50)
Duke Thomas, Signal (2016-2050) (15-49)
Nell Little, Snitch (2017-2019), Spoiler (2019-2026), Snooper (2026-50) (12-14-21-45)
Tiffany Fox, Batgirl (2018-2025), Batwoman (2025-2050) (15-22-47)
Cullen Row, Agent C (2020-2091) (19-90)
Helena Wayne, Robin (2020-24), Batgirl (2024-27), Nightwing (2027-38) (11-15-18-29)
Mar’iand’r Grayson, Nightstar (2023-2050) (9-36)
Damian Wayne (2024-2038) (20-33):
Maya Ducard, Nobody (2013-2033), Shadowbird (2033-2063) (10-30-60)
Jake Grayson, Robin (2024-2030), Nightfire (2030-2050) (8-14-34)
Augusta Young-Gordon, Snitch (2025-2030), Spook (2030-50) (10-15-35)
Marigold Cain/Wayne, Batgirl (2027-2032), Gold Bat (2032-2050) (10-15-33)
Jasmine Todd, Robin (2030-2033), Catgirl (2033-39), Red Hood (2039-50) (12-15-21-32)
Jeremy Todd, Hoodlum (2032-2033), Red Bat (2035-2050) (12-13, 15-30)
Tawny Fox, Batgirl (2032-2037), Foxbat (2037-2048), Batwing (2048-) (13-18-29-)
Jack Drake, Robin (2033-2037), Redbird (2037-2050) (12-16-29)
Anne Drake, Spoiler (2033-2037), Batgirl (2037-42), Bird’s Eye (2048-) (12-16-21, 27-)
Richard Wayne, Impulse (2035-38), Dart (2038-45), Flash (2053-70) (10-13-20, 28-45)
Walter Brown, Spoiler (2037-43), Sparrow (2043-2050) (11-17-24)
Alf Wayne, Robin (2037-2045), Nightwing (2045-2050) (7-15-20)
Miguel Little-Reyes, Green Beetle (2037-2050) (13-26)
Helena Wayne (2038-2041) (29-32): (Yes, a girl can be Batman too)
Lyn Row, Harpy (2038-2050) (13-25)
Suze Bennett, Sphinx (2039-2050) (15-26)
Carmelita Little-Reyes, Snitch (2040-2043), Spoiler (2043-50), Snooper (2050-80) (10-13-20-50)
Sarah Wilkes, Ballpark (2040-2050) (16-26)
Louis Gibson, Flare (2040-2050), Signal (2050-70) (15-25-45)
*Damian Wayne (2041-2050) (36-46):
Helena Wayne, Catwoman (2041-2050) (32-41)
Melba Young-Gordon, Batgirl (2042-50), Batwoman (2050-70) (13-21-41)
Danny Wilkes, Cornerback (2043-2049) (15-21)
Tasha Teller Fox, Redwing (2043-2048), Foxbat (2048-2050) (19-24-26)
Luna Wayne, Robin (2045-2050), Batgirl (2050-60), Catwoman (2060-) (10-15-25-)
Alf Wayne (2050-2074) (20-44):
Haley~Harry Kent Grayson, Robin (2050-55), Nightwing (2055-65), Superman (2065-) (10-15-25-)
Corey Grayson, Nightfire (2051-) (10-)
Thyra Gardener, Black Ice (2051-) (13)
David Queen, Gold Bow (2052-2058), Green Arrow (2058-) (15-21-)
Sumi Brown, Spoiler (2052-2060), Batgirl (2060-63), Sparrow (2063-) (10-18-21-)
Cassidy Harper, Hawkgirl (2053-2063), Blackhawk (2063-) (10-20-)
Curt Batson, Superboy (2053-2063), Captain Marvel (2063-) (11-21-)
Sam Smith, Blue Tornado (2054-) (14-)
Mirabelle Hall, Snow Tiger (2054-) (15-)
Kelsey Todd, Robin (2055-2057), Catgirl (2057-2061), Catwoman (2061-) (14-16-20-)
Bethany Drake, Spook One (2055-2063), Redbird (2063-) (11-19-)
Beverly Drake, Spook Two (2055-2063), Batgirl (2063-2070), Batwoman (2070-) (11-19-26-)
Jett Todd, Street Rat (2056-2060), Red Hood (2060-) (13-17-)
Zaina Zatara, Stagehand (2056-2062), Zatara (2062-) (12-18-)
Rosa Reyes, Blue Beetle (2056-) (12-)
Robbie Hawkins, Spark (2057-2064), Static (2064-) (13-20-)
Terry McGinnis, Robin (2057-2061), Red Bat (2061-2074) (12-16-29)
Benjamin Drake, Kid Flash (2057-2070), Flash (2070-) (11-24-)
Joey Todd Allen, Kid Mercury (2058-2070), Mercury (2070-) (10-22-)
Vicky Logan, Menagerie (2059-) (16-)
Archie Bloomberg, Kid Devil (2059-2064), Red Devil (2064-) (13-18-)
Hanna Hawkins Wayne, Impulse (2059-2062), Silver Bat (2062-)(12-15-)
Ricardo Little-Reyes, Kid Lantern (2060-2062), Darklight (2062-) (13-15-)
Lucille Drake, Spoiler (2060-2065), Harpy (2065-) (15-20-)
June West, Spin (2060-) (11-)
Janus West, Twist (2060-) (11-)
Matt McGinnis, Robin (2061-2066), Redwing (2066-78) (12-17-29)
Dale Donovan, Animal Kid (2061-2065), Animal Man (2065-) (16-20-)
Liberty Free, Eve (2062-) (15-)
Angie Row, Sphinx (2062-) (15-)
Samantha Wilkes, Slamdunk (2064-) (15-)
Tom Wayne, Robin (2066-2070), Nightwing (2070-2085) (11-15-30)
Penny Wayne, Pigeon (2066-2070), Robin (2070-74), Greybird (2074-90) (6-10-14-30)
Maxine Gibson, Oracle (2067-) (21-)
Abby Brown, Spoiler (2069-2075), Batgirl (2075-2080), Snooper (2080-) (12-18-23-)
Maia Wayne-Queen, Speedy (2070-2076), Black Canary (2076-) (12-18-)
Terry McGinnis (2074-2078) (29-33):
Helen Kent-Grayson, Supergirl (2075-2085), Superwoman (2085-) (10-20-)
Sidney Hall-Smith, Blizzard (2075-) (14-)
Teddy Drake, Robin (2074-2076), Bluebird (2076-2090) (11-13-27)
Zeke Brown, Spoiler (2076-2085), Spook (2085-) (12-21-)
Iris McGinnis, Robin (2076-2078), Redwing (2078-) (9-11-)
*Alf Wayne (2078-2085) (48-55):
*Terry McGinnis, Red Bat (2078-) (33-)
Mason Todd, Robin (2078-2085), Stray (2085-) (11-18-)
Marisa Kent-Grayson, Nightstar (2078-) (10-)
Cici Batson, Gold Hawk (2079-) (13-)
Carson Batson, Marvel Kid (2079-2086), Olympian (2086-) (11-18-)
Toby Delmont, Roadrunner (2079-) (10-)
Darion Wayne-Queen, Gold Bow (2080-) (12-)
Bruce Kent-Grayson, Nightwing (2080-) (10-)
Riley Grayson, Starfire (2080-) (10-)
Finn Snart, Captain Cold (2080-) (19-)
Cera Little-Reyes, Green Beetle (2081-) (13-)
Vic Logan-Todd, Street Rat (2081-2085), Hybrid (2085-) (12-16-)
Scott Free Allen, Kid Mercury (2082-) (10-)
Tammy Row, Gryphon (2083-) (13-)
Remy Logan-Todd, Beast Boy (2084-2090), Beastial (2090-) (12-18-)
Tina Zatara, Conjure (2084-) (13-)
Sharise Hawkins, Spark (2084-) (15-)
Tom Wayne (2085-2090) (30-35):
Devin Wayne, Robin (2085-2090), Bluebird (2090-) (8-13-)
Shawn Wayne-Fox, Stopwatch (2085-) (12-)
Amara Drake, Red Beetle (2086-) (11-)
Kathy Row, Wyvern (2087-) (13-)
Ziva Zatara, Kid Devil (2088-) (12-)
Minnie Free Allen, Impulse (2088-) (10-)
Brian West, Kid Flash (2089-) (10-)
Penny Wayne (2090-) (30-): (Following in her great-aunt Helena’s example)
Martha “March” Snart-Wayne, Robin (2090-) (7-)
Valor McGinnis, Dart (2090-) (10-)
Selina Graysmith, Stormbird (2094-) (7-)
John Kent-Grayson, Superboy (2099-) (8-)
Joanna Todd, Cub (2100-) (10-)
Now, why did I put myself through this madness? Because I needed the full background prepared for my new story, HYPERTIME, starring March Wayne, Robin #26, and her cousin Lina Graysmith, the one and only Stormbird.
The multiverse is not prepared.
6 notes · View notes
coffeebooksorme · 6 years
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14 books this month AND I managed to hit my Goodreads goal of reading 100 books! I totally upped that ish to 150, though, because I think I can hit it. My reading this month was filled with excellent books, too, which makes me happy. I only really didn't 100% love 2 of the books I read so in my mind that's pretty great! Quality over quantity.
As usual, I went crazy with my buying. BAM had a 'buy 2, get the 3rd one free' deal so I picked up a few YA series I'd been eyeing, some new books that snagged my attention, and then some that I had on my TBR list but didn’t own physically. Speaking of which, I now have a double stack TBR on the shelf in my closet. My fiance thinks it's hilarious and it's kinda daunting to me but it's nice to think that if anything were to happen to me that I'd have a nice nest egg of books to go through!
He can’t say anything because I signed up for a subscription to Scribd, which is sorta like Netflix for books, and he’s used it more than me! It’s a generous mix of audio books and ebooks with a fairly good amount of new releases on there. I’ve never been one for audio books (I fall asleep or tune them out) but I figured I’d give it a shot!
Goals for next month are to get to sequels to my current series instead of reading older novels. Like, I love reading the older novels because hey, I can marathon a whole series but I need to stay up on my current series releases. I already have a hard enough time remembering everything that happened in the last book and I sure as hell don’t have time for rereads....though I think I might spend my last month of the year doing that. I’ve been hankering to reread certain books so I’m going to toy around with the idea. Hell, maybe even host my own readathon? IDK, would anyone be interested in that? Shit, if you made it this far in this post then you deserve a cookie.
The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang
Legend by Marie Lu
Binti by Nnedi Okorafor 
Dragon Teeth by Michael Crichton
My Plain Jane by Jodi Meadows, Cynthia Hand, and Brodi Ashton
Catwoman: Soulstealer by Sarah J. Maas
These Rebel Waves by Sara Raasch
Seafire by Natalie C. Parker
Dance of Thieves by Mary E. Pearson
To Be Honest by Maggie Ann Martin
City of Ghosts by Victoria Schwab
32 notes · View notes
collectorscorner · 6 years
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CC Blogger - New Arrivals @ Collectors Corner : Wednesday - 10/10/18
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ACTION LAB ENTERTAINMENT Albert Einstein Time Mason #1 (Cover A Dave Johnson), $3.99 Albert Einstein Time Mason #1 (Cover B Tony Donley), $3.99
AFTERSHOCK COMICS Animosity #16, $3.99 Hot Lunch Special #3, $3.99 Last Space Race #1 (Cover A Alex Shibao), $3.99 Last Space Race #1 (Cover B Juan Doe), $3.99 Moth And Whisper #2, $3.99
AHOY COMICS Wrong Earth #2, $3.99
ALBATROSS FUNNYBOOKS Spookhouse 2 #2 (c 4), $3.99
ARCANA STUDIO Supersonic GN, $14.95
ARCHIE COMIC PUBLICATIONS Archie Halloween Spectacular #1, $2.99 Archie Volume 6 TP, $17.99 Betty And Veronica Jumbo Comics Digest #267, $6.99 Jughead The Hunger #9 (Cover A Adam Gorham), $3.99 Jughead The Hunger #9 (Cover B Thomas Pitilli), $3.99 Jughead The Hunger #9 (Cover C Marguerite Sauvage), $3.99
ASPEN COMICS Artifact One #1 (Cover A Romina Moranelli), $3.99 Artifact One #1 (Cover B J. P. Mavinga), $3.99 Artifact One #1 (Cover C Romina Moranelli), AR
ATTA BOY Hi-Fructose Magazine Quarterly #49, $8.95
BLACK MASK COMICS Black AF Widows And Orphans #3, $3.99 Devil Within #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Maan House & Meghan Hetrick), $3.99 Devil Within #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Meghan Hetrick), $3.99 Oh S#!t It's Kim And Kim #3, $3.99 Survival Fetish #4, $3.99 We Are Danger #3, $3.99 Wilds #5, $3.99
BLIZZARD ENTERTAINMENT Warcraft The Sunwell Trilogy Volume 2 Shadows Of Ice TP, $12.95 Warcraft The Sunwell Trilogy Volume 3 Ghostlands TP, $12.95 World Of Warcraft Volume 4 HC, $14.95
BOOM! STUDIOS Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover A Jorge Corona), $3.99 Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover B Julie Benbasset), $3.99 Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover C Audrey Mok), AR Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover D Paul Pope), AR Adventure Time Season 11 #1 (Cover E Lucas Werneck), AR Amory Wars III Good Apollo I'm Burning Star IV #12 (Of 12)(Cover A Rags Morales), $3.99 Jim Henson's Fraggle Rock Journey To The Everspring GN, $9.99 Kong On The Planet Of The Apes TP, $19.99 Rugrats Volume 2 TP, $14.99 RuinWorld #4 (Of 5)(Cover A Derek Laufman), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #13 (Cover A Dan Mora), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #13 (Cover B Miguel Mercado Ranger Variant), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #13 (Cover C Audrey Mok), $3.99 Saban's Go Go Power Rangers #13 (Cover D Natacha Bustos Movie Variant), AR Thrilling Adventure Hour Volume 1 A Spirited Romance TP (not verified by Diamond), $14.99
CINESTATE FANGORIA Fangoria Volume 2 #1, $19.79
COMIC SHOP NEWS Comic Shop News #1634, AR
DANGER ZONE Dollface #16 (Cover A Dan Mendoza, $4.99 Zombie Tramp #53 (Cover A Celor), $4.99
DARK HORSE COMICS EC Archives The Haunt of Fear Volume 5 HC, $49.99 Gantz G Volume 2 TP, $13.99 Incognegro Renaissance HC, $19.99 Joe Golem Occult Detective The Drowning City #2 (Of 5), $3.99 Plants Vs Zombies Volume 11 War And Peas HC, $9.99 Quantum Age #3 (Cover A Wilfredo Torres), $3.99 Quantum Age #3 (Cover B Marco Rudy), $3.99 She Could Fly #4, $4.99
DC COMICS Absolute Kingdom Come HC (New Edition), $99.99 Border Town #1 (Ramon Villalobos 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Catwoman #4 (Cover A Joelle Jones), $3.99 Catwoman #4 (Cover B Stanley Artgerm Lau), AR Cursed Comics Cavalcade #1, $9.99 DC Essential Graphic Novels 2019, AR Detective Comics #990 (Cover A John Paul Leon), $3.99 Detective Comics #990 (Cover B Mark Brooks), AR Flash #56 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99 Flash #56 (Cover B Howard Porter), AR Hawkman #5 (Cover A Bryan Hitch), $3.99 Hawkman #5 (Cover B Matteo Scalera), AR House Of Whispers #2, $3.99 MAD Presents Don't Let The Penguin Drive The Batmobile HC, $14.99 Plastic Man #5 (Of 6), $3.99 Red Hood And The Outlaws The New 52 Omnibus Volume 1 HC, $99.99 Red Hood Outlaw #27 (Cover A Pete Woods), $3.99 Red Hood Outlaw #27 (Cover B Yasmine Putri), AR Scooby Apocalypse #30 (Cover A Patrick Olliffe & Tom Palmer), $3.99 Scooby Apocalypse #30 (Cover B James Harren), AR Suicide Squad #47 (Cover A Dan Panosian), $3.99 Suicide Squad #47 (Cover B Francesco Mattina), AR Supergirl #23 (Cover A Stanley Artgerm Lau), $3.99 Supergirl #23 (Cover B Amanda Conner), AR Superman #4 (Cover A Ivan Reis & Joe Prado), $3.99 Superman #4 (Cover B Adam Hughes), AR Terrifics Volume 1 Meet The Terrifics TP, $16.99 Titans #27 (Cover A Clayton Henry), $3.99 Titans #27 (Cover B Jose Luis), AR Wildstorm Michael Cray #12, $3.99 Wonder Woman #56 (Cover A Yasmine Putri), $3.99 Wonder Woman #56 (Cover B Jenny Frison), AR
DYNAMITE ENTERTAINMENT Art Of Troma HC, $34.99 Art Of Troma HC (Deluxe Edition), $129.99 Barbarella Volume 1 Red Hot Gospel TP, $17.99 Boys Volume 1 The Name Of The Game TP (Signed Edition)(not verified by Diamond), $16.99 Boys Volume 10 Butcher Baker TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 12 The Bloody Doors Off TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 2 Get Some TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 3 Good For The Soul TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 4 We Gotta Go Now TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 5 Herogasm TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 7 The Innocents TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 Boys Volume 8 Highland Laddie TP (Signed Edition), $24.99 Boys Volume 9 The Big Ride TP (Signed Edition), $19.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover A Mike S. Miller), $3.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover B Mel Rubi), $3.99 George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover C Mike S. Miller Black & White Variant), AR George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover D Mel Rubi Black & White Variant), AR George R.R. Martin's A Clash Of Kings #13 (Cover E Mike S. Miller Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover A Francesco Mattina), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover B Ed Benes), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover C John Royle), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover D Philip Tan), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover E Stephen Segovia), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover F Sergio Davila), $3.99 Project Superpowers #3 (Cover G Francesco Mattina Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover H Stephen Segovia Black & White Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover I Ed Benes Virgin Variant), AR Project Superpowers #3 (Cover J Stephen Segovia Virgin Variant), AR Pumpkinhead Volume 1 Sins Revisited TP (not verified by Diamond), $19.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover A Walter Geovani), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover B Sergio Davila), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover C Aaron Lopresti), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover D Roberto Castro), $3.99 Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover E Walter Geovani Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover F Sergio Davila Black & White Variant), AR Red Sonja Tarzan #5 (Cover G Aaron Lopresti Black & White Variant), AR Shadow The Death Of Margo Lane HC (Limited Edition), $39.99 Vampirella Volume 2 The God You Know TP, $19.99
FAB PRESS Renegade Westerns Movies That Shot Down Frontier Myths SC, $39.95
FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILMLAND Famous Monsters Of Filmland #290 (2018 Annual), $24.99
FANTAGRAPHICS BOOKS Disney Masters Volume 5 Romano Scarpa Walt Disney's Mickey Mouse The Phantom Blot's Double Mystery HC, $29.99 Pogo The Complete Syndicated Comic Strips Volume 5 Out Of This World At Home HC, $45.00
FILMFAX Filmfax #152, $9.95
FIRST SECOND Zita The Spacegirl Trilogy Box Set, $38.97
GALLERY 13 Stephen King's The Dark Tower Beginnings Volume 5 The Battle Of Jericho Hill HC, $24.99
HACHETTE PARTWORKS Doctor Who The Complete History Volume 78 The Twelfth Doctor Stories 259-261 HC, $18.99
HEAVY METAL MAGAZINE Iron Maiden Legacy Of The Beast TP, $9.99
HISTORY PRESS 007 Diaries Filming Live And Let Die HC, $24.95
IDW PUBLISHING Beauty Of Horror Ghosts Of Christmas Coloring Book SC, $12.99 Donald And Mickey The Walt Disney Showcase Collection TP, $24.99 Dread Gods #4 (Cover A Tom Raney), $3.99 Dread Gods #4 (Cover B Bart Sears), $3.99 Dread Gods #4 (Cover C Kelley Jones), AR Frankenstein Alive Alive The Complete Collection HC, $24.99 From Hell Master Edition #1 (Cover A Eddie Campbell), $7.99 Girl Town TP, $19.99 Great Treasury Of Christmas Comic Book Stories TP, $24.99 Impossible Incorporated #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Mike Cavallaro), $3.99 Jekyll Island Chronicles Volume 2 A Devil's Reach GN, $19.99 Magica De Spell Giant Halloween Hex #1 (Cover A Francisco Rodriguez Peinado), $5.99 My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Volume 15 TP, $17.99 My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1 (Cover A Tony Fleecs), $3.99 My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1 (Cover B Brenda Hickey), $3.99 My Little Pony Nightmare Knights #1 (Cover C Andy Price), AR Punks Not Dead Volume 1 Teenage Kicks TP, $19.99 Star Trek Discovery Succession TP, $19.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle #2 (Of 5)(Cover A Francesco Francavilla), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle #2 (Of 5)(Cover B Kelly Jones), $3.99 Star Wars Adventures Tales From Vader's Castle #2 (Of 5)(Cover C Francesco Francavilla Black & White Variant), AR Tangled Hair-Raising Adventures #1 (Of 3)(Cover A Eduard Petrovich & Rosa La Barbera), $3.99 Tangled Hair-Raising Adventures #1 (Of 3)(Cover B Gabby Zapata), AR Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Universe Volume 5 The Coming Doom TP, $19.99 Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover A Alex Milne), $4.99 Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover B James Raiz), $4.99 Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover C Fico Ossio), AR Transformers Unicron #5 (Of 6)(Cover D Francesco Francavilla), AR
IMAGE COMICS Beauty #24 (Cover A Jeremy Haun & Nick Filardi), $3.99 Beauty #24 (Cover B Thomas Nachlik & Nick Filardi), $3.99 Birthright #32, $3.99 Bully Wars #2 (Cover A Aaron Conley), $3.99 Bully Wars #2 (Cover B Skottie Young), $3.99 Bully Wars #2 (Cover C Matthew Allison), $3.99 Crowded #3 (Cover A Ro Stein/Ted Brandt/Triona Farrell), $3.99 Crowded #3 (Cover B Rosi Kampe), $3.99 Crowded #3 (Cover C Ro Stein/Ted Brandt/Triona Farrell We Believe Virgin Variant), $3.99 Farmhand #4, $3.99 Hey Kids Comics #3, $3.99 Infinite Dark #1, $3.99 Kick-Ass #8 (Cover A Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #8 (Cover B Marcelo Frusin), $3.99 Kick-Ass #8 (Cover C David Mack), $3.99 Murder Falcon #1 (Cover A Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer), $3.99 Murder Falcon #1 (Cover B Daniel Warren Johnson & Mike Spicer Heavy Metal Variant), $3.99 My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies HC, $16.99 Oblivion Song By Kirkman And De Felici #8, $3.99 Outpost Zero #4, $3.99 Rose #13 (Cover A Ig Guara), $3.99 Rose #13 (Cover B Jae Lee), $3.99 Rose #13 (Cover C Jon Lam), $3.99 Rose #13 (Cover D Patrick Ballesteros), $3.99 Royal City Volume 3 We All Float On TP, $16.99 Sleepless #8, $3.99 Unnatural #3 (Of 12)(Mirka Andolfo 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Unnatural #4 (Of 12)(Cover A Mirka Andolfo), $3.99 Unnatural #4 (Of 12)(Cover B Bengal), $3.99 Walking Dead #1 (15th Anniversary Edition), $2.99 Walking Dead #1 (15th Anniversary Edition)(Store Logo Variant Cover), $2.99 Walking Dead #1 (David Finch 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #100 (James Harren 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #108 (Emma Rios 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #127 (Matteo Scalera 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #132 (Ashley Wood 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #167 (Sana Takeda 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #171 (Jen Bartel 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #19 (J. Scott Campbell 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #2 (Chris Samnee 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #27 (Declan Shalvey 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #48 (Chris Burnham 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #53 (Kim Jung Gi 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #7 (Daniel Warren Johnson 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #92 (Cory Walker 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead #98 (Wes Craig 15th Anniversary Blind Bag Edition), $3.99 Walking Dead Day Special, AR Walking Dead Volume 15 HC, $34.99 Weatherman #5 (Cover A Nathan Fox), $3.99 Weatherman #5 (Cover B Marcos Martin), $3.99 Weatherman #5 (Cover C Ryan Sook), $3.99
KODANSHA COMICS Again Volume 5 GN, $12.99 Descending Stories Volume 9 GN, $12.99 Heroic Legend Of Arslan Volume 9 GN, $10.99 Waiting For Spring Volume 8 GN, $10.99
LION FORGE Catalyst Prime Astonisher #11, $3.99 Quantum Mechanics GN, $12.99 Timothy Top Volume 1 The Green Pig GN, $12.99 Voltron Legendary Defender Volume 3 #4 (Cover A Mariko Yamashin), $3.99 Voltron Legendary Defender Volume 3 #4 (Cover B Rubine), $3.99
MARVEL COMICS Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover A Humberto Ramos), $3.99 Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover B Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover C Terry Dodson MKXX Variant), AR Amazing Spider-Man #7 (Cover D Terry Dodson MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Asgardians Of The Galaxy #1 (Matteo Lolli 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers #2 (Ed McGuinness 5th Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers #7 (Sara Pichelli 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Avengers #9 (Cover A David Marquez), $3.99 Avengers #9 (Cover B Jong-Ju Kim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Avengers #9 (Cover C J. G. Jones MKXX Variant), AR Avengers #9 (Cover D J. G. Jones MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Ben Reilly The Scarlet Spider #25, $3.99 Blade Blood And Chaos TP, $34.99 Captain America #2 (Leinil Francis Yu 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Captain America #4 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Captain America #4 (Cover B Jack Kirby Remastered Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover C Jack Kirby Remastered Black & White Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover D Maxx Lim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover E John Cassaday MKXX Variant), AR Captain America #4 (Cover F John Cassaday MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Cosmic Ghost Rider #3 (Of 5)(Dylan Burnett 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Domino #7, $3.99 Edge Of Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 4)(Gerardo Sandoval 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Edge Of Spider-Geddon #2 (Of 4)(Alberto Alburquerque 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Exiles #9 (Cover A David Nakayama), $3.99 Exiles #9 (Cover B Rahzzah), AR Extermination #2 (Of 5)(Pepe Larraz 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Hunt For Wolverine Dead Ends #1 (Ramon Rosanas 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Iceman #2 (Of 5), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover A Alex Ross), $3.99 Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover B Maxx Lim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover C Mike Deodato Jr. MKXX Variant), AR Immortal Hulk #7 (Cover D Mike Deodato Jr. MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Infinity Wars #1 (Of 6)(Mike Deodato Jr. 3rd Printing Variant Cover), $5.99 Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover A Mike Deodato Jr.), $4.99 Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover B Ron Lim), AR Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover C Gerardo Sandoval), AR Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover D Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Infinity Wars #4 (Of 6)(Cover E Javier Garron Connecting Variant D), AR Marvel Knights Black Widow By Grayson And Rucka The Complete Collection TP, $19.99 Marvel Masterworks The Invincible Iron Man Volume 11 HC (Book Market Edition), $75.00 Marvel Masterworks The Invincible Iron Man Volume 11 HC (Direct Market Edition Volume 266), $75.00 Ms. Marvel #35, $3.99 New Mutants Dead Souls TP, $17.99 Quasar Cosmos In Collision TP, $34.99 Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover A Phil Noto), $4.99 Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover B Leonard Kirk), AR Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover C Luke Ross), AR Solo A Star Wars Story Adaptation #1 (Of 7)(Cover D Movie Variant), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Jorge Molina), $3.99 Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover B George Perez), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Javier Garron), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover D In-Hyuk Lee Connecting Variant), AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Mark Bagley Peter Parker The Spider-Man Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Pasquel Ferry Spider-Gwen Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover G Jay Fosgitt Spider-Ham Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover H Michael McKone Miles Morales Spider-Man Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover I David Nakayama PS4 Spider-Man Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover J Todd Nauck Peni Parker Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover K Gerald Parel Spider-Man Noir Variant) , AR Spider-Geddon #1 (Of 5)(Cover L Will Sliney Spider-Punk Variant) , AR Spider-Man Deadpool #40, $3.99 True Believers What If Dr. Doom Had Become A Hero #1, $1.00 True Believers What If Spider-Man Rescued Gwen Stacy #1, $1.00 Unbeatable Squirrel Girl #37, $3.99 Venom #1 (Ryan Stegman 5th Printing Variant Cover), $4.99 Venom #2 (Ryan Stegman 4th Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Venom #7 (Cover A Ryan Stegman), $3.99 Venom #7 (Cover B Sujin Jo Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR Venom #7 (Cover C Frank Cho MKXX Variant), AR Venom #7 (Cover D Frank Cho MKXX Virgin Variant), AR Venom First Host #1 (Of 5)(Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 Venom First Host #2 (Of 5)(Mark Bagley 2nd Printing Variant Cover), $3.99 What If? Punisher #1 (Cover A Christopher Stevens), $3.99 What If? Punisher #1 (Cover B John Tyler Christopher Action Figure Variant), AR X-23 #5 (Cover A Mike Choi), $3.99 X-23 #5 (Cover B Yoon Lee Kim Marvel Battle Lines Variant), AR X-Men Black Mojo #1 (Cover A J. Scott Campbell), $4.99 X-Men Black Mojo #1 (Cover B Salvador Larroca Mugshot Variant), AR X-Men Black Mojo #1 (Cover C J. Scott Campbell Virgin Variant), AR X-Men Cyclops And Phoenix Past And Future TP, $29.99 X-Men The Magneto War TP, $39.99 X-Men Uncanny Origins TP, $17.99
MARVEL PRESS Miles Morales Spider-Man Novel SC, $9.99
MYMOVIEMONSTERS.COM Scary Monsters Magazine #110, $9.95
NBM Breaking The 10 Set, $24.99
ONI PRESS Shadow Roads #4, $3.99
PANINI PUBLISHING Doctor Who Magazine #529, $11.99
PANTHEON BOOKS Anne Frank's Diary The Graphic Adaptation HC, $24.95
PEGASUS First Man GN, $25.95
REBELLION/2000AD 2000 AD Pack August 2018 (2079-2082), $27.00 Dredd Final Judgement #1, $3.99 Sniper Elite Resistance #2 (Cover A Patrick Goddard), $3.99 Sniper Elite Resistance #2 (Cover B Eduard Groult), $3.99
RETROFIT COMICS All The Sad Songs GN, $10.00
RUNNING PRESS Mini Zoltar He Speaks Kit SC, $12.95
SOLO PUBLISHING Cinema Retro Movie Classics #7 (Roadshow Epics Of The Sixties)(not verified by Diamond), $13.95
STARBURNS INDUSTRIES PRESS Hellicious Volume 1 TP, $9.99
STERLING PUBLISHING Make A Nerdy Living, $14.95
STONE ARCH BOOKS Scooby-Doo Encyclopedia SC, $9.95
SUBLIME Coyote Volume 1 GN, $12.99
TEN SPEED PRESS Comic Book Story Of Professional Wrestling GN, $18.99
TITAN COMICS Elric The White Wolf #2 (Of 2)(Cover A Gary Jamroz Palma), $3.99 Elric The White Wolf #2 (Of 2)(Cover B Julien Telo), $3.99 Newbury And Hobbes #2 The Undying (Of 4)(Cover A Dan Boultwood), $3.99 Newbury And Hobbes #2 The Undying (Of 4)(Cover B Claudia SG Iannicello), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover A Ryan Browne), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover B Action Figure Variant), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover C Gary G), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover D Sergio Quijada), $3.99 Robotech #13 (Cover E Blank Variant), $3.99 Shades Of Magic The Steel Prince #1 (Of 4)(Cover A Claudia SG Iannicello), $3.99 Shades Of Magic The Steel Prince #1 (Of 4)(Cover B Tomm Coker), $3.99 Shades Of Magic The Steel Prince #1 (Of 4)(Cover C Andrea Olimpieri), $3.99 Shades Of Magic The Steel Prince #1 (Of 4)(Cover D Novel Variant), $3.99 Shadow Of The Tomb Raider The Official Art Book HC, $39.95
TOHAN CORPORATION Megami August 2018, $20.00 Newtype August 2018, $20.00
TOKYOPOP Futaribeya Manga Volume 1 Room For Two GN, $12.99 Kamo Manga Volume 2 Pact With The Spirit World GN, $10.99 Konohana Kitan Manga Volume 2 GN, $12.99 Sword Princess Amaltea Manga Volume 2 GN, $10.99
TWOMORROWS PUBLISHING Back Issue #108, $8.95 BrickJournal #53, $8.95 Comic Book Creator #18, $9.95 Draw #35, $8.95 Mike Grell Life Is Drawing Without An Eraser HC (Limited Edition), $37.95 Mike Grell Life Is Drawing Without An Eraser SC, $27.95 RetroFan Magazine #2, $8.95
UNCIVILIZED BOOKS Cecil And Jordan In New York GN, $19.95
UNITED PLANKTON PICTURES SpongeBob Comics #85, $3.99
VALIANT ENTERTAINMENT Ninja-K #12 (Cover A Kano), $3.99 Ninja-K #12 (Cover B Koi Turnbull), $3.99 Ninja-K #12 (Cover C Adam Gorham Ninja-K Programme Variant), AR Ninja-K #12 (Cover D Philip Tan Pre-Order Edition Variant), AR Ninja-K Volume 2 The Coalition TP, $14.99
VERTICAL COMICS Pop Team Epic Volume 1 GN, $12.95
VIKING BOOKS FOR YOUNG READERS Edison Beaker Creature Seeker Volume 1 The Night Door HC, $15.99
VIZ MEDIA Case Closed Volume 68 GN, $9.99 Magi The Labyrinth Of Magic Volume 32 GN, $9.99 NieR:Automata Long Story Short Novel Volume 1 SC, $14.99 Sleepy Princess In The Demon Castle Volume 3 GN, $9.99
ZENESCOPE ENTERTAINMENT Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover A Sean Chen), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover B Igor Vitorino), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover C Jay Anacleto), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover D Alan Quah), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover E Leonardo Colapietro), $3.99 Black Knight #1 (Of 5)(Cover F Blank Variant), $10.00 Grimm Fairy Tales #21 (Cover A Sean Chen), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #21 (Cover B Bong Dazo), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #21 (Cover C Derlis Santacruz), $3.99 Grimm Fairy Tales #21 (Cover D Netho Diaz), $3.99
TOYS - T-SHIRTS & COLLECTIBLES 66 Action Mega Man Volume 2 10 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Alien Muscle Figure 36 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Aliens Wave 1 Muscle Figure 5 Piece Assortment, AR Aurora Sloth 11 Inch Plush, AR Aurora World Sloth 20 Inch Plush, AR Avengers Infinity War Black Widow S.H.Figuarts Action Figure, AR Avengers Infinity War Groot Head Knocker, AR Avengers Infinity War Thanos Head Knocker, AR Dark Souls Sculpt Collection V1 Faraam Knight Figure, AR Dark Souls Sculpt Collection V2 Artorias Abysswalker Figure, AR DC Batman Blood On Hands Heather/Black Raglan MED, AR DC Batman Japanese Knight Heather/Navy Raglan XL, AR DC Gallery Batman Comic Who Laughs PVC Figure, AR DC Gallery Suicide Squad Harley Quinn PVC Figure, AR DC Justice League Assemble White/Red Raglan MED, AR DC Wonder Woman Vintage Heather/Navy Raglan LG, AR Deadpool Chump 9Fifty Snap Back Cap, AR Deadpool Thinking About Tacos 5950 Fitted Cap 7 1/4, AR Deadpool Thinking About Tacos 5950 Fitted Cap 7 3/8, AR Deadpool Thinking About Tacos 5950 Fitted Cap 7 5/8, AR Disney Mickey Mouse Figuarts Zero 1920s Version, AR Disney Mickey Mouse Figuarts Zero Modern Version, AR Disney Traditions Nightmare Before Christmas Carved Nightmare Figurine, AR Dragon Ball Z Grandista Manga Dimensions SS Vegeta Figure, AR Dragon Ball Z Majin Buu S.H.Figuarts Action Figure (Zen Version), AR Dragonball Beerus FiGPiN, AR Evangelion EVA Second Unit NXEDGE STYLE Action Figure (TV Version), AR Fate/Stay Night Heavens Feel Saber Alter Figure, AR Friday The 13th Part V Dream Jason Ultimate 7 Inch Scale Action Figure, AR Funko 5 Star DC Classic Batgirl Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star DC Classic Harley Quinn Vinyl Figure, AR Funko 5 Star DC Classic Poison Ivy Vinyl Figure, AR Game Of Thrones Icy Viserion Jumbo Dragon Plush, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Flatline Frankie Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Frank N Freak Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Gill Creep Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Gill Freak Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Midnght Man Wolf Vac-Tastic Plstic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Shock Wolf Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Ghoulsville Day-Glo Son Of Frankie Vac-Tastic Plastic Mask, AR Godzilla S.H. 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With Cat Vinyl Figure, AR POP Star Wars Clone Wars Anakin Vinyl Figure, AR POP Star Wars Clone Wars Obi Wan Kenobi Vinyl Figure, AR POP Star Wars Clone Wars Yoda Vinyl Figure, AR Pusheen Stormy Witch 5 Inch Plush, AR Pusheen Witch 7.5 Inch Plush, AR Robotech Muscle Trash Can Figure Assortment, AR Sailor Chibi Moon Prism Heart Compact Proplica, AR Saint Seiya Andromeda Shun Saint Cloth Myth Action Figure, AR Shuri #1 Poster By Sam Spratt, AR Smiley The Psychotic Button Bottle Opener, AR Snowpinions Grinch Snow Throw Blanket, AR Spider-Geddon #1 By Jorge Molina Poster, AR Spider-Man 6 Inch Quick Shot Action Figure Assortment 201801, AR Star Trek Enterprise 1701-D Bluetooth Speaker/Sleep Machine, AR Star Wars Episode 8 Force FX Riot Control Baton, AR Star Wars Solo Black Series Enfys Nest Swoop Bike Figure Set, AR Stranger Things PEZ 12 Piece Blister Twin Pack Giftset, AR Street Fighter II Muscle Figure 36 Piece Blind Mystery Box, AR Super Minipla Mega Man Ride Armor, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Bruttino Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Cactus Dog Jr Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Porcino 10 Inch Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Sabochan 10 Inch Plush, AR Tokidoki Cactus Friends Sandy 9 Inch Plush, AR Tokidoki Unicorno Valentino Plush, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Legends Action Figure Assortment 201803, AR Transformers Generations Power Of The Primes Voyager Action Figure Assortment 201803, AR Uncanny X-Men 2018 By Leinil Francis Yu Poster, AR Vampirella Bottle Opener, AR Vintage DC Comics Batman 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage DC Comics Supergirl 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage DC Comics Superman 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage DC Comics Wonder Woman 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Vintage Sci Fi 2019 Wall Calendar, AR Walking Dead Compendium Group Comic Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Walking Dead Day 1 Inch Button, AR Walking Dead Day Walker Mask, AR Walking Dead Factions Comic Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Walking Dead Negan Limited Edition Statue, AR Walking Dead Saviors Comic Box (not verified by Diamond), AR Witcher Knit Scarf, AR WWE Superstars 144 Piece Bucket O Button Assortment, AR X-Files Agent Fox Mulder 1/6 Scale Figure, AR X-Men Black Emma Frost By J. Scott Campbell Poster, AR X-Men Black Magneto By J. Scott Campbell Poster, AR X-Men Black Mystique By J. Scott Campbell Poster, AR
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sapphicomics · 1 month
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CATWOMAN #66 Written by TINI HOWARD Art by CARMINE DI GIANDOMENICO Cover by DAVID NAKAYAMA Variant cover by RACHTA LIN Variant cover by PABLO VILLALOBOS 1:25 variant cover by OTTO SCHMIDT 1:50 variant cover by W. SCOTT FORBES $3.99 US | 32 pages | Variant $4.99 US (card stock) ON SALE 6/18/24 “Nine Lives” nears its lethal conclusion! Catwoman has escaped everything from the Suicide Squad to the clutches of death itself, but along the way, she’s made more than a few enemies—and their vengeance is rapidly approaching! Not even a tenth life could save Selina from what’s coming, but could an old friend help this cat land on her feet?
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poisonousquinzel · 1 year
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The Girlfriends! (⁠✿⁠ ⁠♡⁠‿⁠♡⁠) | Artist: Rian Gonzales
Harley Quinn (2021 - ) #12 | Cover C Incentive: 1:25; Card Stock Variant
Catwoman (2018 - ) #53 | Cover D Incentive: 1:25; Card Stock Variant
Poison Ivy (2022) #9 | Cover E Incentive: 1:25; Card Stock Variant
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purrpetrator · 6 years
character study » bruce wayne / batman 
** This really is a very very very long post. But it’s thorough, going from 1940 to 2018...you can reblog or bookmark if this serves as any point of reference. I feel like I just wrote a whole dissertation on my OTP. 
As unfortunate as it sounds, Catwoman would not exist without Batman. The story of the Bat & the Cat is a tale as old as time, starting with the very first issue of Batman back in 1940. Their relationship is characterized as volatile and passionate, full of thrill-seeking, competition, and regret. But with the culmination of a 78-year old relationship coming on July 4th, I thought it’d be a good time to talk about what role Bruce Wayne and Batman play for Selina Kyle and Catwoman. I’ll include some notes about my own interpretation and my own ideas, but this is all source material, 99% from the comics. 
Back in Batman #1, we are introduced to three distinct villains: Hugo Strange, the Joker, and Catwoman. Catwoman is naturally nothing like the other two, posing a much less considerable threat to Batman than they do. He catches her on a boat (which begins Bruce’s adamant stance that they first met on a boat) disguised as an elderly woman trying to steal a $500,000 diamond necklace. 
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He should’ve been able to turn her in, but alas, in Batman fashion, he does not try very hard -- saying something about ‘lovely eyes’ before watching her speed away on a boat, totally smitten. Typical. So the Catwoman appeared in several comics during the 1940s, used to add a layer of sex appeal to the Batman comics. 
Then some bullshit called the Comics Code Authority effectively banned Catwoman from the comics from 1954 to 1966, citing a violation of the rules of female characters, seduction, and illicit sex relations in comic books. I’m glad that thing is not in use anymore. 
So during this time, how were the writers going to appeal to their female readers who “were only interested in romance”? They brought in Kate Kane, Batwoman 1 (but not his cousin but his aunt-by-marriage ?) and married her to Batman. 
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Needless to say this was a big flop. They ended up scrapping it and calling it one of “Dick’s Dreams”. The larger effect this had on Batman lore was that it ultimately poised Batman to be a solitary figure without room for a serious or committed relationship. 
Surprisingly, though, Bruce Wayne does get involved, quite seriously, with Selina Kyle (knowing she is Catwoman, in an attempt to -- you guessed it -- rehabilitate her) to the point where she falls in love with him and decides to leave Batman. But, unsurprisingly, this relationship does not last very long.
The Silver and Bronze Age (c. 1956-1985) of DC Comics, like most other periods in DC Comics, was an unstable and ever-changing period with re-prioritizations and re-imaginings. This meant that, naturally, Bruce and Selina’s relationship would be difficult to pin down, therefore starting a legacy of the “on-again, off-again” dynamic. 
Throughout this period, though she sometimes helped him, Selina continued to act like a criminal, and was portrayed as increasingly obsessed with the Bat and having the goal of marrying him. Batman, on the other hand, was preoccupied with “rehabilitating” her -- whatever that really means, you sly fox. 
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That last one was a dream, but what a guest list, amirite??
But the Bat, according to the writers, isn’t really the marrying type. Not on Prime Earth, anyway. So, to salvage their female readership, the Batman team introduces Earth-Two, where Bruce and Selina marry and have Helena. It can’t go without angst, though, and naturally Selina dies young at the hands of a blackmailer, causing their daughter to become the Huntress.  
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Now, here’s where the Crisis on Infinite Earths (1985) resets everything. This is going to happen more than once, so buckle up. So now we go to Frank Miller’s Batman: Year One, where Selina Kyle is introduced as a ?? dominatrix-esque prostitute ?? who just casually decided to put on the Catsuit. (As you might tell, I am not a fan.) 
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This is where Selina’s version of how they met, “on the street”, comes about. Bruce is disguised as Matches Malone, doing his thing in the East End, when he gets involved in a scuffle with Stan, the Pimp, and accidentally whacks Holly. Selina, watching from her apartment, jumps in. Literally. And the two get into a nice little fight. 
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It’s during this period where Selina is more involved with serving her own brand of justice, which I am a fan of. Now, from 1985 to 2002, nothing particularly notable happens for the Bat and the Cat. What I mean is, Selina skirts on the fence between crime and justice, Batman stops her, sometimes imprisons her, and tries to change her. 
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Some things to note, though, during this period, Batman’s genuine belief in how good a person Selina really is starts to really shine through. It’s around this time that Selina’s pre-Crisis infatuation for the Bat melts away to genuine love. A sort of friendship built around familiarity and understanding begins to blossom between them, too, so even when they were “off” they still cared for one another. And naturally, sexual tension was always there. 
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They do their game of cat-and-mouse for almost two decades before Hush comes around. And Hush changes everything! I could do a character study on the Hush arc alone, but i’ll try to truncate it as much as possible. 
So we start out with he same old cat-and-mouse game, where Batman doesn’t turn Catwoman in, and Bruce dates Selina in real life because she’s one of the few people he actually cares for, both in and out of suit. His feelings for Selina become a liability as he’s constantly having to choose between saving her and staying with the mission. Selina, on the other hand, is not a fan of losing the bad guy. 
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And this is the first time we really have a post-Crisis Bat admitting his feelings for Selina, especially after Talia beat her to a pulp. (Mind you, these are two different scenes.) The biggest thing to happen in Hush, though, aside from Batman and Catwoman “finally” kissing--
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which is that kiss ! (the very one that got made into a collector’s figurine, sigh) 
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where he realizes how truly lonely he is :’( and he can’t stop thinking about it for the rest of the mission :’)
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-- is that Bruce reveals his identity to Selina, which was the ultimate testament of his trust for her. And this changes everything hereafter, because now Selina knows he’s Bruce Wayne.
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Anyway, Selina isn’t about to just jump in and be Bruce’s love interest because everything with Bruce and Selina is complicated and never easy and they can never be happy apparently. So they fight at the end of Hush and Bruce, naturally, overanalyzes their relationship so, basically, they break up (until he’s ready). Nice. 
But it’s not over yet! Tommy Elliot, aka Hush, realizes throughout this whole thing how truly important Selina is to Bruce. So, naturally, he targets her and steals her heart! Not in a fun, rom-com sort of way. He literally steals her beating heart to mess with Bruce. Talk about fucked up. 
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... quite literally. But, fortunately for us readers, it leads us to the biggest ?? confession of love from Batman. Y’all can cry with me as I did when I read this. 
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Bitch ! I cry every time. Ok, so moving on from Hush. 
We already talked about Helena, but it should be worth noting that Bruce, though often busy, played as much an active role as he could in giving Selina help. And this, naturally, added another layer of trust and love in their relationship. 
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Alright, so for the next nine years, Bruce and Selina share plenty of sweet moments outside of the cowl, usually beneath the pretense that they aren’t their nocturnal personas and that they can be normal for once. 
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Selina’s always wanting to leave Gotham and leave behind her life as Catwoman, but Bruce is the one thing that really keeps her there so, naturally, she’s always trying to get him to leave it with her. 
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(But we all know that’s a pipe dream.) 
And as an add-on to that same “let’s pretend we’re not Bat and Cat” trope, here’s one of the sweetest scenes in BatCat history, from Catwoman v3 #32: 
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And during their date, Selina tells him she doesn’t remember ever hearing him laugh like that. And he says: 
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That’s not to say their sweet moments are limited to being de-cowled. There are several times where Selina has pushed Bruce to try to be in touch with his human side, to be vulnerable, to feel. Because he’s the type to lock himself up in the Bat-Persona and forget who Bruce really is. 
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All is fine and dandy in the world of the Bat and the Cat, until the New 52 reboot comes about. Then, like most things in the New 52, it all went to shit. Batman and Catwoman’s relationship lost the element of trust that Hush had instilled with Bruce revealing his identity. Selina was depicted as more neurotic than she actually is and without the depth of emotion she felt for Batman/Bruce. 
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I still think it’s worth mentioning because ?? it changed so much for them in the most recent depictions. And y’all should be aware of everything, even the bad. 
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 It was a hyper sexualized arc that I personally did not enjoy. I don’t think anyone really enjoyed anything from the New 52 but hey.
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Like ?? Really? Anyway, this is why we don’t recognize that. Don’t even talk about it. 
So. Moving on to Rebirth. I won’t go too in-depth here because it’s the most current thing and I’m sure most of y’all are aware of what’s happening, but I will include some key panels. 
In short: Catwoman is accused of killing 237 terrorists who blow her old orphanage. Batman knows she’s innocent, but can’t prove it, so he takes her in. He then needs her help to beat Bane, and he also wants to work out her case to prove her innocence, so he breaks her out of death row and employs her help. She helps him, everything works out. Then, Gotham Girl (a new superhero) starts talking to him about what he wants/needs and he realizes how lonely he really is and what it is that he’s lacking. 
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Naturally, some several issues later, she says yes and the BatCat wedding is set to July 4th. 
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Another great thing that Tom King did was really encapsulate how well Selina understands Bruce. (Though I’m not a fan of the whole women-fighting-over-a-man thing, I think this was used to convey how Selina knows him best? But that’s just my interpretation.)
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A whole bunch of stuff happens and will happen from now till then, but this is where we are now. My two babies, getting some sort of closure after almost 80 years. And I really do hope it works out, because their Earth-Two counterparts seem really happy: 
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(Though I still don’t know how they ended up in that position ^ ) 
And, of course, I couldn’t go without mentioning the Bat and the Cat in their final years. 
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In conclusion: Throughout the past eighty years, the reboots, and the relaunches, the one thing that has remained constant has been their interconnectedness. Whether on opposite sides of the law or on the same team -- the similarities of their desires and fears, their common pain and their inescapable trauma, kept them coming back to one another. Bruce likes to think that he and Selina are very different (and to some degree, they are) but they’re both “creatures of the night” who aren’t entirely on the legal side of things. They get one another. They need one another. Selina brings out a part of his humanity; she gives him love, life, and laughter. Bruce, in turn, puts faith in her character that Selina has never had for herself. He makes her believe that she’s more than where she came from and she’s more than what she’s done. 
For Selina, Bruce will always be her one true love, whether she’s with him or not. For Bruce, I’d like to think, like Tommy said, that Selina was the only one to truly hold his heart (but I’m very biased hehe). In my eyes, they’ll always be friends, if not lovers, due to their shared history, their experiences, and all that they have sacrificed. 
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smashpages · 6 years
The 2018 Joe Shuster Award Nominations
The nominations for the 2018 Joe Shuster Awards have been announced this week.  Commonly nickednamed “The Shusters”, they are Canada’s national comic book awards that honours and raises the awareness of Canadians that create, self-publish and sell comic books, digital comics and graphic novels.
The award winners will be chosen by a jury vote to ensure every nominee is given adequate consideration.
The ceremony will take place at the Montreal Comic Con July 6-8, 2018 at the Palais des congrès, Montreal, QC.
And the nominees are:
Webcomics Creator / Créateur de Bandes Dessinées Web
Writer / Scénariste
Cover Artist / Dessinateur Couvertures
MICHAEL CHO – DC Comics, Marvel Comics
MIKE DEL MUNDO – Marvel Comics
DALE KEOWN – Marvel Comics, DC Comics
MIKAEL – Dargaud
DJIBRIL MORISSETTE-PHAN – Chapterhouse, Image Comics
FIONA STAPLES – Image Comics
Artist / Dessinateur
Cartoonist / Auteur
Gene Day Award (Self-Publishers) / Prix Gene Day (Auto-éditeurs)
Named after the late Howard Eugene Day (1951-1982), this award honours Canadian comic book creators or creative teams who self-published their work but did not have the books distributed by a third party such as Diamond Comic Distributors, Inc. The nominees were selected from individual publications submitted for review before the deadline of May 13th, 2017.
This year the award will be split into two categories:
Single Creator/Creative Team:
(C)=Cartoonist, (A)=Artist, (W)=Writer
Anthology Format:
Harry Kremer Award (Retailers) / Prix Harry Kremer (Détaillants)
Named after the Harry Kremer, the original owner of Now & Then Books (in Kitchener, Ontario). The CCBCAA maintains a list of active comic book stores across the country and a database of recommendations, referrals and secret shopper reports.
The Dragon Award (Comics for Kids) / Le Prix Dragon (Bandes Dessinées pour Enfants)
This award recognizes the works which capture the attention and fascination of young readers, and help to create a passion for life-long reading. Works considered for this award are comic books and graphic novels by Canadian creators that are targeted at readers 14 and under. Nominees for this award are selected by a team of educators led by Jennifer Haines, MA, B.Ed., who is also the proprietor of Guelph, Ontario’s The Dragon comic book shop.
Nominees List Pending 
The T.M. Maple Award / Prix T.M. Maple
The T.M. Maple Award will go to someone (living or deceased) selected from the Canadian comics community for achievements made outside of the creative and retail categories who have had a positive impact on the community.
2018 Recipient: MARK ASKWITH (1956-)
Producer, writer, interviewer (and sometime-publisher/editor), and a familiar name in the fields of science fiction and comics.
Canadian Comic Book Creator Hall of Fame / Temple de la renommée Créateur Canadien de Bandes Dessinées
SID BARRON (1917-2006) 
2018 sponsors include:
The Dragon
All New Comics
The Comic Legends Legal Defense Fund (CLLDF)
Montreal Comic Con
About The Joe Shuster Awards
Established in 2004, The Joe Shuster Awards are Canada’s national award recognizing outstanding achievement in the creation of comic books, graphic novels and webcomics. The awards are named after pioneering Toronto-born artist Joe Shuster who, along with writer Jerry Siegel, created the iconic super-powered hero, Superman. The name is used with the approval of the Estate of Joe Shuster – Michael Catron, Estate Agent.
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v4viola · 6 years
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It’s coming! DC’s Batgirl is at long last suiting up and starring in her very own live-action feature film! Previously played by Alicia Silverstone (Batman & Robin, 1997) and the “pioneer of female superheroes,” Yvonne Craig (1960′s tv series, Batman), the time has finally come for Commissioner James “Jim” Gordon’s niece, Barbara Gordon, to shine a spotlight with her very own Bat-signal.
Warner Bros. Studios is working with director/screenwriter Joss Whedon (The Avengers, Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Justice League, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D, The Avengers and Avengers: Age of Ultron), who's going to write and direct the exciting new superhero film for the DCU (DC Universe). The plot and the release date, however, are still up in the air, and the quest for the perfect actress is on-going!
With a clear call from audiences for more empowering female leads in major motion pictures, who is the most suitable to suit up as the caped-crusading vixen of Gotham?!
Here are my top 15 kick-ass choices (in no particular order):
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1. MADELAINE PETSCH Known for her breakout role as the sharp-tongued Cheryl Blossom on the hit TV show Riverdale, Madelaine Petsch fits Batgirl’s comic description perfectly. The young, sultry, fiery red-head has made her mark in the hallways of Riverdale High; could she leave an even bigger mark on Gotham?
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With five movies currently in post-production and a young-adult fanbase who will remember her from Family Channel’s Shake It Up and movies like The Duff and Amityville: The Awakening, Bella Thorne is a red-headed “it girl” with a bad-ass demeanour. She would fit into Batgirl’s boots perfectly. 
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Recently accepted to Harvard University, this breakout teen actress (ABC’s Black-ish and Grown-ish) has impressed on and off camera since she debuted in HBO’s Entourage in 2007. Should she have the time to kick it in Gotham, Yara Shahidi would sparkle as Barbara Gordan in Batgirl! Smart, beautiful, talented, popular...she’d be doing us the favour!
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Set to star as Lara Croft in March 2018′s Tomb Raider, it’s safe to say Alicia Vikander has some experience being an action hero. Not to mention, she won an Oscar for her supporting role in 2016′s The Danish Girl. She’d also be the second “Alicia” to play Batgirl since Alicia Silverstone in ‘97. Quick, Batsuit her up!
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“A girl is Arya Stark Barbara Gordon of Winterfell Gotham and she’s coming home!” Maise Williams is best known for her gripping role in HBO’s Game of Thrones, and if this young actress brings the same flair and determination she delivers in GOT to Batgirl, we’d have the perfect recipe for a coming-of-age origin story starring an already established action/adventure actress.
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This experienced actress, model, singer, and martial arts expert has been acting in China since she moved from the United States at the age of ten. Since then, she’s appeared in endless movies including 2008′s The Forbidden Kingdom, where she acted alongside Jet Li and Jackie Chan (the Batman and Robin of martial arts movies). She’s also signed on to play Mulan in the 2019 live-action Disney remake of the same name. Wait, is she already Batgirl?!
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Already a part of the Batman Universe (Poison Ivy in FOX’s Gotham), Maggie Greha and her rouge mane could easily step off the small screen and onto the big screen as Barbara Gordon in Batgirl. With Ivy being a supporting (and dwindling) character in the TV series, DC could propel in-house Maggie to superstardom overnight (and she’ll look amazing doing it).
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A movie and television star with the beauty and talent to take on any role she’s given, Evan Rachel Wood has intrigued fans over the years with her edgy private life (dating Marilyn Manson) and talented on-screen life (starring in critically acclaimed movies like Thirteen, Across the Universe and The Wrestler). Nominated for three Golden Globes and two Emmy’s, Evan is currently starring in the final season of Westworld but has yet to land a role playing a live-action superhero; Batgirl could be the leading role she’s been waiting for.
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Another Batman Universe alumni (Catwoman in 2017′s The LEGO Batman Movie), Zoë Kravitz is the gorgeous daughter of rock star Lenny Kravitz and actress Lisa Bonet. and she’s no stranger to action/adventure movies having starred in Mad Max, X-Men: First Class and the Divergent Trilogy. Landing the role of Barabara Gordon in Batgirl would not only garner intrigue, it would further her success in the genre like never before. Maybe shorten her name to Babs Gordan, too. It’s bad-ass like Zoë!
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Rising to fame as Tessa Altman on ABC’s sitcom-style TV series, Suburgatory, Jane Levy has moved onto to star in two back to back horror films with director Fede Álvarez (2013′s Evil Dead remake and 2014′s Don't Breathe). With three films in post-production and a recurring role as Elizabeth on SHOWTIME’s Twin Peaks, Jane has the look, experience, and tenacity to knock this role out of Gotham Park. 
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Landing the coveted role of Nancy Wheeler in the Netflix original series, Stranger Things, Natalia Dyer is riding a tidal wave of popularity. Her show is a global phenomenon and she has two feature films in post-production. If she’s lucky, Nancy Wheeler’s search for Barb in the Upside Down will metaphorically come full circle if she plays Barbara Gordon in Batgirl. 
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Releasing a new album and teasing several new movie projects this year (including Transformers: Bumble Bee), Hailee Steinfeld is at the top of her game. The fresh-faced 2010 Oscar nominee (True Grit) would bring a surge of interest to the Batgirl project and could even spawn sequels based on the success of her previous movies like the Pitch Perfect Trilogy. If director Joss Whedon is planning a teenaged coming-of-age story à la Marvel’s Spider-Man: Homecoming, Hailee is a perfect choice. 
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Singer Willow Smith is another beautiful celebrity child. Her parents, Will and Jada Pinkett Smith, have both played villains in the Batman Universe (her father played Deadshot in Suicide Squad and the upcoming Suicide Squad 2, and her mother played Fish Mooney in FOX’s Gotham). Willow has been a  successful recording artist from a very young age - ”I whip my hair back and forth” - but if she ever wants to branch out into acting, she has the lineage, wits, style and beauty to play a fierce Batgirl. Bonus Bat-points if her dad makes a cameo as Deadshot!
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Nominated for three Best Actress Oscars from 2008-2018 (Atonement, Brooklyn, and Ladybird) this young but layered actress would bring a much deeper level of emotion to Barbara Gordon’s character. A Saoirse Ronan Batgirl script would have to delve into the dark side of the heroes and villains of Gotham, like the Christopher Nolan trilogy. Maybe she’ll even get a fourth Oscar nod!
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Lindsay, Lindsay, Lindsay... Last but not least, what can anyone say about Lindsay Lohan that hasn’t already been said? The infamous actress recently took to Twitter posting a picture of herself next to a comic of Batgirl, then asked fans to Retweet it and/or reach out to director Joss Whedon and help get her the gig. The hustle is real! Lindsay is spicy and controversial, and although she hasn’t worked in years, she’s apparently ready to dive back into the world of acting in a very big way - the role of Barbara Gordon in Batgirl! She does have the look down!
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