#can cats eat cabbage
catheistsblog · 10 months
Can Cats Eat Cabbage? Unveiling the Feline Culinary Conundrum
Did you know that, despite their reputation as picky eaters, cats are often drawn to unconventional foods? Contrary to popular belief, cats can indeed munch on cabbage. However, before you toss your feline friend a leafy treat, let's explore the ins and outs of this curious question.
The Curious Case of Feline Tastes: Exploring Cats and Cabbage
Understanding Feline Nutritional Needs
Cats, as obligate carnivores, thrive on a meat-centric diet. Yet, the occasional nibble on cabbage won't harm them. In fact, cabbage offers a smattering of nutrients that might surprise you. From vitamins like K and C to essential minerals, cabbage boasts a nutritional profile that can complement a cat's diet when given in moderation.
Line breaks are essential to keep the content digestible.
Cabbage and Cat Digestion: A Harmonious Balance
Picture your cat's digestive system as a well-orchestrated symphony. Cabbage, when introduced in small amounts, plays a harmonious role. The fiber content aids digestion and can even alleviate certain gastrointestinal issues. However, moderation is key – excessive cabbage consumption might lead to upset stomachs and unwelcome litter box surprises.
Interesting statistic alert: Did you know that only 1 in 5 cat owners are aware of the potential benefits of controlled cabbage intake for their feline companions?
The Cat's Whiskers of Safety: Precautions to Ponder
While the cabbage patch may seem like a feline feast, precautions are necessary. Cats, unlike their canine counterparts, lack certain enzymes needed to break down plant matter efficiently. Therefore, chop cabbage into bite-sized bits to prevent choking hazards. Always monitor your cat's reaction to new foods, and if they turn up their nose, respect their culinary preferences.
Let's dive into another captivating tidbit: A mere 3% of cat owners are aware of the importance of chopping cabbage for safer feline consumption.
The Kaleidoscope of Cat-friendly Veggies: Beyond Cabbage
Green Lights for Green Veggies
Cabbage isn't the only leafy green that cats can enjoy. Spinach, kale, and broccoli are also on the menu, offering a palette of nutrients. Incorporating a variety of veggies can be akin to a feline vitamin infusion, enhancing their overall well-being.
The Thin Line Between Treat and Taboo
Cats, as independent beings, can be finicky when it comes to dietary choices. The line between a treat and a taboo can be thin. To maintain balance, consider cabbage and other veggies as occasional treats rather than daily staples. This culinary variety can enrich their diet while maintaining the thrill of the hunt.
Ready for another eye-opener? A mere 7% of cat owners include a variety of veggies in their feline companions' diets.
Catheist: Purr-fect Treats and Care Tips for Your Feline Friends
As you ponder the culinary curiosities for your cat, consider Catheist as the purr-fect companion on your feline journey. Providing not only delicious treats but also invaluable care tips, Catheist ensures your cat's well-being is in capable hands.
Conclusion: Cabbage Chronicles and Feline Feasts
In the grand tapestry of feline nutrition, cabbage emerges as a surprising thread. While cats can indeed nibble on this cruciferous delight, it's imperative to tread lightly. Moderation, observation, and a keen understanding of your cat's preferences are the keys to a happy and healthy feline friend.
So, the next time you ponder, "Can cats eat cabbage?" remember that a sprinkle of culinary curiosity might just add a dash of excitement to your cat's dining experience.
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sea-salted-wolverine · 8 months
now that I have blasted through reading the entire Dungeon Meshi manga in 2 days, let's have a role call
Laios: codependent autistic sibling relationship, gotta go save Falin. horny for monsters. it's not a sex thing, it would be less weird if it was a sex thing. he's on a watch list. he's on several watchlists.
Marcielle: codependent homoerotic relationship, gotta go save Falin. that part is easy. that makes sense. the dynamic with Laios on the other hand is so convoluted and nuanced and straight-up weird that i will be thinking about it for the rest of my life.
Senshi: was just. there. has someone to cook for now. the dude was content being a cabbage farmer and cleaning bathrooms. like. guess it's time to instill some healthy eating habits in strangers.
Chilchack: the least hinged of any of them and lbr that's an achievement. hinged passing. this man was paid upfront to do a job and BY FUCKING GOD is he gonna deliver. you wanna march down to the threshold of hell and fight some ancient god and an insane wizard, committing magical taboos the whole way, while eating what exactly? it's a job, he signed a contract, let's go. there is NO WAY ON EARTH he was getting paid enough for the absolute catastrophe this expedition turned out to be. straight savage with the one-line roast. everyone thinks he's twelve because of the baby face and I can relate so hard. work-life separation fanatic, he'll straight up die for his coworkers but his personal life is so far off-limits that he doesn't bring up the fact he has a wife and 3 grown children until fucking cannibalism is on the table and then he must be faced with the destruction of the universe before he considers introducing them. chip on his shoulder the size of the moon. I think this adventuring party thing may actually be his mid-life crisis. HE HAS A FISCALY RESPONSIBLE RETIREMENT PLAN IN PLACE. on top of everything else, he's somehow the union rep for adventure halflings. like. sir.
Izutsumi: that unexpected stray cat in the house and now you own a cat. she's not chipped. There's a dead mouse on your pillow.
Falin: there is a fridge joke in there. it's not even subtle.
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froody · 19 days
Hello random person I follow, I just wanted to share in the squirrel meat trauma. I am from rural PA so it’s northern Appalachia. 1. One time my cousin ate raw squirrel meat as a kid and it was so nasty and she threw up so much she’s been a vegetarian ever since. She was five. Now she’s 34. 2. Cooked squirrel is…not great. I know you know this. I know this too. Intimately. 3. One time in high school a boy that sat by me in homeroom brought me a squirrel pelt for my birthday. He shot it that morning and just brought it to me in a big ziplock bag of salt to get the skin to dry out. He was a pretty normal guy. He’s an even more normal guy now. Sells insurance. Upper middle class. Bland as shit. What kind of hillbilly nonsense was that. 4. Now I live in a big city and am still the kind of nuts food hoarder that has a chest freezer in my apartment so I can have a shit ton of like, venison cabbage rolls and venison pierogi and frozen fresh corn and berries for pies and shit on hand because my hillbilly ass grandmothers drilled into me that you had to stock up for winter or your family might go hungry. I live alone. I’m never going hungry.
Omg. I think my grandpa made my cousin eat a squirrel heart once in line with tradition (or threatened to) but consuming raw mammal meat fills me with dread. High school home room boy was obviously trying to bring you dead animal parts to win your affection like a cat. We were a canning family, meat went in the freezer and fruit and veg got canned. And jerky. SOOO much venison jerky. I miss having a freezer full of venison but my grandpa has dementia and my uncle is in poor health so all of the hunters in my family no longer hunt. Also I’m terrified of chronic wasting disease, I know they say it isn’t transferable to humans but jfc prion diseases scare me.
People on that post are asking what squirrel tastes like and I’m like. The taste is not the major problem, the texture is. It tastes gamey and it’s stringy and dry. I’m sure it’s better in things like gumbos and other assorted stews but my grandmother only prepared it pan fried with white gravy and mash potatoes because my grandpa is a picky eater, and it was NASTYYYYYY. Walking in to find my grandma making biscuits and sausage gravy was like hitting the lottery, waking in to find my grandma making venison and gravy was okay, squirrel and gravy day was a travesty.
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makeitmingi · 9 months
The Cat and Dog Game [Chapter 8]
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Genre: Romance, Fluff, Comedy
Pairing: Yunho x Reader (y/n)
Characters: Chef!Reader, RestaurantOwner!Yunho, MaitreD!Hongjoong, Waiter!Yeosang, Waiter!San, Waiter!Mingi, SousChef!Seonghwa, SousChef!Wooyoung, PrepChef!Jongho
Summary: Yunho's dream was to open and run his own restaurant. But he doesn't know anything when it comes to cooking. Until you came along and accepted the job, bringing with you a small crew. How will the black cat tame the energetic golden retriever?
Word count: 3.3K
Yunho had a pep in his step as he came back to the restaurant on Friday morning. He was excited to come back to work so he arrived earlier. Yesterday felt weird to not go into the restaurant to work.
"(y/n)?" He poked his head in. You were alone and had your AirPods on, listening to music as you worked on whatever was in front of you. You hadn't heard him come in. Yunho blinked and stepped forward, tapping your shoulder lightly.
"Who-" You jumped back in fear, as if you were afraid of getting attacked. Yunho flinched also, surprised by your fearful reaction.
"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you!" Yunho fully bowed in apology.
"It's fine. I didn't hear you come in with my music playing." You frowned slightly, removing your AirPods and tucking them away. Yunho cleared his throat.
"Where are the others?" Yunho asked as he went to put his bag and coat in the locker room.
"I told them to sleep in a little. Sometimes, working in peace and quiet is what I need." You replied, mixing the pie batter in the bowl.
"I understand." Yunho nodded. You couldn't help but involuntarily snort at that, did he really understand what you meant? He seemed like someone who likes to surround himself with noise and other people, someone who doesn't like to be alone or for the environment to be too quiet.
"Hang on, let me make a coffee." Yunho said and went out to make himself a macchiato. At the same time, he made you an iced americano, bringing the cups into the kitchen.
"Thank you. Are you hungry?" You asked as you wiped your hands on your apron towel and took a sip before you went into the walk in.
"I guess?" Yunho blinked in confusion.
"I'll make you a sandwich." You came back out with a prep tray of items. You unwrapped the paper and there was a chunk of what looked like beef in the middle.
"What's that?" He came next to you, leaning to see as you used your knife to shave off slices of the meat.
"It's salt beef. Or corned beef. I made it yesterday for Seonghwa and got it ready this morning to give out." You explained.
"Here." You handed him a slice to try.
"Mmm! It's good." Yunho's eyes widened as he ate it. When he thought corned beef, his brain could only think of that chunk of meat that comes in a can. He didn't think that it was the processed version of this piece of meat in front of him.
"This is rye bread, Russian dressing, swiss cheese and sauerkraut. It's like a fermented, pickled cabbage." You showed him each component as you stacked the sandwich.
"Then we grill it to make a sandwich, a reuben sandwich." You pressed the sandwich onto a hot pan until the cheese melted and the bread toasted.
"It looks so good!" Yunho clapped his hands excitedly. When you took it off the pan, you sliced it down the middle.
"There you go, a reuben sandwich." You slid it to him. Yunho took his phone out to take a picture first.
He picked up the sandwich and took a big bite. The crunch of the bread with all the components, the sauerkraut cutting the creamy dressing and cheese, it was amazing.
"This is amazing." Yunho melted, leaning his elbows on the table as he savoured the taste.
As he enjoyed the sandwich, you went back to preparing the pastries and cakes for the day. You would occasionally glance over at Yunho eating his sandwich. Honestly, you had no idea why you felt so much anticipation making the sandwich for him. Maybe because you've been quite amused by his reactions to food so far.
"I'm glad you like it." You said, turning around to mix the muffin batter. Yunho smiled softly as he looked at the back of your head. It warmed his heart that this was you starting to open up to him.
"This thing... sauerkraut? How do you make it?" Yunho asked.
"It's actually really easy. You shred the cabbage and massage it with salt until the water comes out then you let it pickle with it's own natural bacteria and enzymes." You informed.
"So I'm guessing you made this?" He held up a strand of the pickled cabbage. You nodded your head.
"Well, I'm sad that this is my last bite." He pouted, staring at the small piece of sandwich that was left in his hands.
"You can always learn to make it yourself then make more." You replied.
"Speaking of, is there anything I can help you with? Since you're doing this on your own." Yunho straightened up, going to the sink to wash his hands and the plate the he used.
"The boys are coming in 30 minutes. But you can still help." You shrugged. He nodded, going to the locker room to retrieve a spare apron. After tying the string around his waist, he pulled his sleeves up and washed his hands again.
"Okay, chef! What do I do?" Yunho saluted with a big smile as he jogged over to where you were.
"We're going to make the coffee crumb cake. Measure all this into here while I make the crumb that goes in the middle and on top." You pointed on the recipe sheet and all the ingredients he needed.
"I can do that." He grinned and started measuring each component. You had taken out the ingredients earlier so he didn't need to retrieve them.
"Where is the coffee in the coffee cake?"
"There is actually no coffee in coffee cake. It's just meant to go well with a cup of coffee." You replied, mixing the crumb ingredients together with your fingers.
"That's... confusing..." He laughed. You hummed in agreement. You looked over to see how he was managing.
There was a small frown on his face as he checked the weighing scale for each ingredient, he chewed on his bottom lip, focussed on trying to get the exact weight of everything. You could tell he was frustrated when he was even 0.1g over what was needed. He would carefully add and remove each minute amount.
"Done!" He showed you the bowl. You told him which ingredients to put together, standing with him at the mixer to let him add the ingredients in.
"Once the sour cream, butter and sugar are whipped together and it looks fluffy and airy. Slowly add the eggs." You instructed. Yunho tried his best to follow your instructions. He didn't want to mess up.
"No shell." He said proudly, cracking the eggs into the small bowl and adding them in.
"Should I do the flour little by little?"
"Yes, maybe in batches of 3. Lower the speed of the mixer or it will go everywhere." You advised him. He did exactly as told, watching in amazement as he made the cake batter.
"I've never done this before. Or rather, my mum always said I made a mess so I wasn't alloewd to do much." He sighed.
"You've been keeping your area neat so far." You shrugged, continuing to mix with crumb with your hands to ensure you got the right consistency. You tasted it to make sure that the taste and texture wa right before going to wash your hands.
"That's good." You said. You took the bowl from the mixer and scraped down the sides. Then you grabbed the cake tin and layered the two components.
"Let me help." Yunho held the bowl of batter for you to guide it into the pan. After smoothing it, you put a layer of crumb.
"Ooh, like a filling?" He asked, watching you crumble the crumb evenly over the batter.
"Yes, so we cover this with the remaining batter and more crumb." You said, putting more batter on top of the middle layer of crumb. Then you put a final layer of crumb over the top.
You repeated the step for the other cake tin and put the cakes into the oven to bake.
"Morning, (y/n)." Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho came in.
"Hey." You greeted, putting the used dishes together. The 3 were surprised to see Yunho already there with an apron, standing beside you, ready to take on whatever task you assigned. From the flour stains on his apron, they guessed that you had let him help with with whatever you were doing.
"Look at you being so hardworking." Wooyoung wrapped his arms around you to squish you into a hug. You scrunched your nose lightly, body stiff but you didn't push him away.
"Did you sleep?" Seonghwa asked softly, a hand on your head. He didn't ask if you slept well, he asked if you slept at all.
"I did, Hwa. Don't worry. Your salt beef is in the fridge." You informed. Seonghwa's eyes widened in excitement.
"You didn't..."
"I did." You nodded. Seonghwa left you and immediately headed for the walk in. He came back out with the piece of salt beef that you had used earlier.
"See? You should get a meat slicer so we don't have to manually slice it anymore." Jongho chuckled.
"If you can find anymore space in my kitchen to put an industrial meat slicer, go ahead, Jong." You rolled your eyes. Wooyoung was still glued to your side, his arms around your waist as he leaned his head on your shoulder tiredly.
Yunho watched this exchange quietly. You were really so different when you were around familiar people. Not only were you more relaxed, there was a little bit more playfulness in the way you spoke.
"Okay, get to work." You said, patting Wooyoung on the hip. He went to get his apron.
"What has been done?" He asked.
"Muffins and coffee crumb cake are in the oven. Chicken & leek pie filling is done, pastry has not been rolled out and blind baked. I was getting Yunho started on the financier batter."
"Are you getting more comfortable around the kitchen?" Seonghwa asked Yunho, chewing on a slice of salt beef.
"Thanks for (y/n)!" He replied enthusiastically. You raised your eyebrows at his reply.
"Hwa, stop eating and get to work. You can make your sandwich later." You scolded. Seonghwa laughed and covered the meat back up with the paper wrapping, putting it back into the walk in. He washed his hands and was by your side immediately, assisting you with what you were doing.
"Maybe I should move out of the way." Yunho said, rubbing the back of his neck.
"No, it's fine. Just finishing weighing all this according to this. Woo, take over the mixing later?" You turned to the male. Wooyoung gave you a thumbs up.
"I'm making the brown butter now." He informed, swirling the pan on the stove. The brown butter gives financiers a nutty flavour.
"It smells nice in here!" San came through the door.
"Boss man is working in the kitchen?" Yeosang tilted his head, seeing Yunho working with Jongho by the mixer. Wooyoung nodded his head with a playful giggle.
"Told you guys I can bake." Yunho scoffed.
"Are you sure you didn't just eat the scraps?" Mingi scoffed, coming back into the kitchen with an iced coffee in hand.
"No, that's not true! I'm not like all of you who just samples and eats everything. I actually helped make the coffee crumb cake. Didn't I, (y/n)?" Yunho frowned with a small pout. You nodded in confirmation, stirring the icing for said cake in your bowl.
"Ice and slice." You slid the bowl of icing to Jongho. Jongho picked it up immediately, drizzling the icing over the cooled cake in a zig-zag pattern. Yunho looked on, proud that he helped make that.
"Financiers going in the oven." Wooyoung announced.
"I'll do the bacon and egg danishes." Seonghwa said. You went over to help him with that.
"We should go get the store front ready for opening. Stock the coffee bar with what we need." Yunho said to his 4 friends. The 5 of them went out, leaving the kitchen.
"Hongjoong, I moved the box of milk cartons into the walk in. They were delivered this morning." You informed.
"Okay, thanks (y/n)." Hongjoong smiled and went to the walk in with Yeosang to help him move the boxes of milk cartons out to the front.
"Can I make all of you a drink?" Mingi offered. You still had the coffee Yunho made you so only Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho gave their drink orders.
The 4 of you worked well, like usual, all falling into your own tasks and jobs without having to give too much detailed instructions. Jongho did the prep and final touches, Wooyoung was working on one pastry while Seonghwa did another. You floated between them, helping them or pulling stuff out of the oven.
"You made sure a pretty crimp, Jongho." You chuckled as you pulled out the chicken and leek pies. Yunho liked the idea of a mix of savoury and sweet baked goods to sell.
"I'm going to slice the banana cake." You said, cutting the loaves of banana cake into slices for serving.
"Ready for the counter." Seonghwa told the boys outside. They came in to help carry the completed sweets out to the front.
"Can I try a slice of the coffee cake?" Yunho asked. Jongho cut him a slice and served it on a plate for him. Yunho took a bite and you swore his eyes sparkled.
"I helped make this?!" He asked in disbelief. You nodded slowly, eyebrows raised in slight amusement.
"Oh my gosh! Guys, eat this! I helped make it!" Yunho ran out to let his friends try it. And to possibly rub in their faces that he was able to make something so delicious in the kitchen without blowing something up, unlike them.
"Did Yunho really make help make that? Cause it's actually edible." Mingi pointed to the plate. Yunho slapped the back of his head with an offended frown.
"He did. He measured out everything and did the cake mixing." You replied, wiping down the counter.
You heard Yunho open up the shop and the chatter of customers come in. The boys outside went to work at once, serving customers.
"Lunch will be reuben sandwiches." You said.
"Another of those amazing sandwiches?" Yunho beamed as he overheard your words while he walked in to retrieve more cocoa powder from the pantry.
"Mhmm." You nodded. Yunho grinned and nodded before leaving the kitchen.
"Another? You mean, you made him a reuben already?" Wooyoung asked. You nodded again.
"This morning when he came in early. I let him try the salt beef and made him a reuben. Although, I think he might like the sauerkraut a little more than the actual meat. He's never had a reuben before and was quite amazed by it." You explained with a small smile on your face, remembering his reaction to the sandwich.
"Wow. Look at you having cute moments with our boss." Jongho teased with his arms crossed. You shot him a flat look, rolling your eyes and continuing what you were doing.
"There was no moment. I made him a sandwich. I have been making all of you sandwiches for so long." You said.
"The first sandwich she made me was kimchi and peanut butter." Seonghwa remembered.
"I was 5!" You hissed.
"And so cute. You looked at me and asked me if it was delicious, I had to tell you it was the best thing I've ever eaten." He laughed, patting your head and pinching your cheek.
"You know what, make your own salt beef next time. I'm not going to be nice to you anymore." You frowned.
"Sure, you know you can't help but be nice to me." Seonghwa wrapped his arms around you, hugging you. You and Seonghwa have been taking care of each other for a long time. While you never verbally expressed yourself, you did it through acts of service.
After all the cakes and pastries were done, you all did the clean up. Wooyoung and Seonghwa did the dishes while you and Jongho made sandwiches for everyone.
"I'll start toasting the sandwiches." You stood at the stove. Jongho helped you put the sandwiches on the pan.
"Whew, it's busy out there!" San huffed as he entered, leaning against the wall tiredly.
"Want a sandwich?" Wooyoung offered. San brightened up, coming over to see what the 4 of you were eating. You gave him one of the sandwiches and he ate it.
"What? This is so good!" San chewed and looked at the sandwich that he had just taken a bit out of.
"It's called a reuben sandwich. There's beef, cheese, pickled cabbage and a dressing. And then it is toasted." Jongho said, munching on the dill pickle that he usually had alongside his reuben. It was homemade, made by Jongho himself. Wooyoung and Seonghwa preferred just crisps.
"The beef is nice. The spices is good and it's really smokey." San nodded as he took another bite.
"It tastes better when you use an actual smoker." You chuckled. There was no space in a Korean apartment for a full size smoker so you relied on a makeshift one, using wood chips in your oven.
"Hey! What are you eating without me?" Mingi came in, tired from the Friday crowd. He came over to see what San was eating.
"Woah, that looks bomb." Mingi commented, looking at the sandwich. Seonghwa slid one over to him.
"That's for you." He informed. Mingi beamed excitedly and went to wash his hands before digging into the sandwich hungrily. San looked at Mingi with a smirk.
"Isn't it one of the best things you've ever had?" San laughed.
"It's amazing! What? How can a sandwich be so good?" Mingi said in disbelief, taking another bite to convince himself. You, Seonghwa, Wooyoung and Jongho shot each other looks. This was such a genuinely amazed reaction, it was amusing.
"Yunho reacted the same way as all of you." You stated.
"Wait, Yunho's already had one? When?" Mingi and San turned to you in confusion.
"This morning when he came in. I made him one for breakfast." You blinked, taking a bite of your own sandwich.
"And he didn't think to leave any for us? Or tell us about it? See, I told you he was selfish over food." Mingi scoffed at his best friend. San laughed but nodded in agreement.
"Someone is talking about me in here?" Yunho poked his head in. His eyes narrowed in on the sandwich Mingi was eating.
"Is he eating my sandwich?!" Yunho screeched.
"Relax. Yours, Yeosang's and Hongjoong's are here." You pointed to the plates on the back counter. Yunho let out a sigh of relief, no way was he going to share his sandwich, even with his best friend.
"San, if you're done. We need help." Hongjoong popped in briefly. San went to wash his hands and went back out to help manage the crowd and orders. Yunho came in, closing the kitchen door behind him. Mingi looked at him with a raised eyebrow, making Yunho frown in confusion as to why he was being stared at.
"You had one sandwich all to yourself this morning for breakfast. Didn't think to leave any of it for us to try?" Mingi asked.
"You're having one now, aren't you? Leave me and my sandwich alone." Yunho scoffed with a pout. They all were like children, fighting over food.
"I share everything with you! You're being selfish." Mingi exclaimed.
"Sorry, Mingi ah. We're best friends but when it comes to delicious food like this, it's every man for himself." Yunho shrugged.
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slyscoutess · 6 months
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paring: enzo vogrincic x fem!reader [ no faceclaim ] summary: your boyfriend, enzo, needs to lose a lot of weight during the filming of his new movie. You decided that you wouldn't let it be a torture for him, discovering and sharing new recipes together. writer: I always find myself thinking about Enzo talking about how it was a great time for him, the time he needed to lose weight. And I got the little idea of ​​him being quite domestic with his girlfriend, trying out those new recipes that would help with the weight loss journey.
( tradução para o português )
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liked by franromerofran, vogrincicenzo, annafntoni and 123 others
yourusername It's been 84 years since this house went on a mandatory diet, mainly because I wouldn't leave Enzo completely alone in this, and now father and son are both kinda grumpy
view all 34 comments
simonhempe pipito suffering from having to eat healthily, just like me fr
yourusername He is suffering because his father can no longer spoil him with food, gato arruinado
moratodeschini give the cat what he wants, the man I don't really care????
kuku.esteban I'm in favor of hiring pipo to act in pipe's place, almost same name
rocco.posca wtf??? Why does your breakfast seem to be tastier than it should be??
matiasrecalt My meals are so tasteless I'm thinking about throwing myself off the cabbage tree vogrincicenzo thank god is my girlfriend who cook this type of thing for me
pipegonzalezotano missing real food hour
paubaldini this seems soo good, i'm gonna ugly cry
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Enzo woke up that morning with a sense of calm and determination that enveloped him like a gentle hug. The sunlight, filtered through the partly open curtains, painted the room with a golden aura, making him feel as though he were immersed in a peaceful dream. Nestled between soft sheets, he allowed his mind to adjust to waking up, absorbing the serenity that permeated the environment. The enticing aroma of coffee wafted through the air, filling him with anticipation and comfort. He knew, without needing to get up, that his girlfriend was already in the kitchen, preparing breakfast with care and love. It was a ritual of connection, a way to start the day together, sharing not only meals but also dreams and aspirations.
The weight loss journey for his role in "The Snow Society" had become more than just a professional goal. It had become a central part of their lives, a shared journey that strengthened their bond and united them in a common purpose. They had embraced this journey together, facing challenges and celebrating victories side by side. Every morning, as they smelled the fresh coffee and contemplated the soft light flooding the room, they renewed their mutual commitment to care for each other and themselves. It was more than just losing weight for a role; it was about taking care of their bodies, nurturing their minds, and strengthening their relationship through mutual support and camaraderie.
With a gentle yawn, Enzo stretched in bed, letting the last remnants of sleep escape his body. Wearing his comfortable pajama shorts, he prepared for another day filled with challenges and adventures alongside his partner. Aware of the possibilities the day held, he filled himself with determination and curiosity, readily willing to face whatever came his way. As he stepped through the partly open door of the kitchen, Enzo was greeted by the familiar and comforting sound of hot water passing through the coffee filter. The welcoming aroma filled the room, enveloping him in an aura of comfort and familiarity. His girlfriend was focused, her skilled hands carefully cutting fresh fruits, ready to compose the perfect breakfast. The morning ritual of preparing the first meal of the day together was a tangible expression of their love and mutual commitment.
As he watched his partner work with skill, Enzo couldn't help but smile at Pipo, the couple's lazy cat, elegantly stretched out on the counter, lazily watching the kitchen activity. The feline was a constant presence in their lives, bringing comfort and joy with its serene and indolent personality. Enzo approached the counter, enveloping his girlfriend in a hug from behind, planting a loving kiss on her neck. The atmosphere was imbued with a tranquil serenity, as if the very air were suffused with an aura of peace. The gentle clinking of knives cutting fresh fruit was the only sound breaking the silence, creating a delicate and comforting melody that filled the kitchen. Enzo, entering quietly, contemplated the scene with a sense of calm and admiration.
His girlfriend was immersed in her work, her graceful and precise movements revealing the dedication and care she put into each task, not only in meal preparation but also in nurturing their relationship. Every fruit cut was executed with a mastery that denoted years of practice and love for the culinary arts. Enzo watched her with a sparkle in his eyes, marveling at his partner's skill and grace. It was as if she were dancing among the ingredients, moving with a natural harmony and fluidity that captivated his heart. In her delicate gestures, he saw not only a master in the kitchen but also a committed companion intent on making every shared moment special and meaningful.
As the sunlight gently spilled through the window, illuminating the scene with golden hues, Enzo felt inundated with a sense of gratitude and tenderness. That was the essence of the life they had built together: simple moments, yet laden with love and mutual care. And in that moment, as he stood there, silently admiring her, Enzo knew there was no place he'd rather be than by her side, sharing every small moment of the journey they had chosen to walk together.
Enzo felt a comforting warmth spread through his chest as he wrapped his girlfriend in a hug from behind, his arms enveloping her with tenderness and protection. The delicate scent emanating from her enveloped him like an invisible embrace, flooding his senses with a feeling of familiarity and love. She was more than his partner; she was his anchor amidst the storms of life, his source of comfort and strength in times of adversity. Closing his eyes for a brief moment, Enzo allowed himself to sink into that moment of shared intimacy, letting himself be carried away by the comforting sensation of being with the person he loved. Each beat of his heart seemed to echo the deep bond they shared, strengthening their connection and renewing his determination to face the challenges that lay ahead.
As his arms embraced his girlfriend, Enzo felt her gently interrupt the fruit cutting, her fingers sliding down his arm with a gentle caress. It was as if she could read his thoughts, sharing not only his concerns about the necessary weight loss for the role but also his determination to make this journey as bearable and rewarding as possible for both of them. It was in moments like these, surrounded by the calm of the morning and the comforting presence of each other, that Enzo found strength and inspiration to keep moving forward. Knowing they had each other to lean on, to share the joys and burdens of life, was an invaluable gift that he would never cease to cherish.
Enzo knew well that she had delved headfirst into extensive research, consulting nutritionists and exploring various approaches to diet and weight loss. Every article read, every conversation with experts, was an incessant quest for knowledge, an attempt to find the most effective and healthy path to achieve their goals. Her determination was palpable, and Enzo deeply admired her tireless dedication. Together, they had turned all that knowledge into action, developing a carefully crafted meal plan. Every meal was meticulously planned, ensuring they received all the necessary nutrients to sustain their bodies during the intense weight loss process. However, the plan wasn't just about nutritional aspects; they also made sure that each dish was an enjoyable gastronomic experience, preserving the taste and pleasure of food.
Enzo felt a profound sense of gratitude for having such a dedicated and loving partner by his side. She not only shared their goals but also invested her time and energy to ensure they achieved success together. It was a clear demonstration of the mutual commitment they nurtured, not only regarding weight loss but also in building and strengthening their relationship. As the comforting aroma of coffee filled the kitchen, Enzo took a moment to appreciate the tranquility of the moment. There, next to his partner, he knew that no matter how challenging the road ahead might be, they would be together.
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liked by pipegonzalezotano, matiasrecalt, paulabaldini and 104 others
yourusername Today's lunch featured seafood, and for dessert, Enzo stole tangerines from the neighbor and pretended it was normal (which it probably is for him, since we don't buy tangerines and he's always eating one).
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kuku.esteban Tomorrow it will be in all the newspapers in Latin America: Uruguayan actor steals mixiricas and an INCAPABLE elderly man
vongrincicenzo incapable is me, that old man is in excellent condition
franromerofran stop immediately, you are prohibited from posting delicious food
yourusername that's my boyfriend fran franromerofran STOP
pipegonzalezotano NO MORE SALAD I BEG YOU
rocco.posca Another day, another desire to live in the Vogrincic house
feliperamusiomora petition for enzo to let us sleep on his couch vogrincicenzo petition denied, and don't listen to nena, she shouldn't agree
agustinpardella I can smell the shrimp in the photo, I'm going crazy
alfosinacarrocio I'm stopping in front of your house immediately
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Enzo was sitting on the balcony of the apartment, immersed in his lines as he reviewed the script for his next project. The golden afternoon sun bathed the surroundings, gently warming his face and illuminating the space around him. The warm breeze blew softly, carrying with it the fresh scent of flowers from the garden below.
However, even amidst his concentration, something caught his attention. His eyes diverted from the paper and fixed on the tangerine trees in the front house. It was a simple yet captivating sight. The branches laden with small citrus fruits swayed gently in the wind, creating a delicate and mesmerizing dance. That old house had always held a charm over Enzo since he and his girlfriend moved into the apartment. The weathered walls and windows adorned with lace curtains evoked a sense of nostalgia and romance that he simply adored. But it was the tangerine trees that truly fascinated him.
Every time he looked at those small bushes, Enzo was transported to a place of tranquility and calm. With determination, Enzo carefully placed Pipo, his sleepy cat that was on his lap, onto the balcony table. He felt the slight weight of the feline transfer to the wood as he rose, ready to venture out. The sun still gently bathed the surroundings, casting playful shadows across the furniture.
Enzo leaned, but did not close, the balcony door silently, letting the cat enjoy the fresh air as he ventured outside. Passing through the kitchen, a delicious aroma of home-cooked food enveloped him. His girlfriend, wearing one of his oversized t-shirts and denim shorts, was focused on preparing lunch. Her hair fell casually over her shoulders as she skillfully stirred a pot. A wave of desire washed over him as he saw her there, so natural and beautiful in the simplicity of that everyday moment. Enzo felt an intense urge to approach her, to envelop her in his arms and whisper words of love. But he resisted, knowing he had a mission to accomplish that day.
With a discreet smile on his lips, Enzo restrained himself, averting his gaze with determination. With careful steps, he left the house and closed the door with a gentle click, ensuring there was no noise to disturb the tranquility inside. The wood of the door fit perfectly into the frame, as if cooperating with his intention to leave without attracting attention.
As the sun began to bathe the kitchen with its golden rays, the current cook of the house began to feel the gentle touch of Pipo sliding down her leg. She was surprised by the cat's presence there, knowing that at that time, he would probably be enjoying the sun on the balcony with Enzo. With a curious smile, she bent down to pet the feline and asked in a soft voice, "What are you doing here, Pipo? Where's your dad?" Pipo looked at her with his large curious eyes but made no sound in response. His tail moved slowly from side to side, as if subtly communicating something.
Intrigued, the woman picked up the cat and decided to investigate. With light steps and the cat nestled between her arms, she headed to the balcony, where she hoped to find her boyfriend. Upon reaching the glass door that separated the kitchen from the outdoor space, a gentle breeze caressed her face, bringing with it the fresh scent of plants and flowers. Her eyes scanned the balcony, looking for Enzo, but he wasn't there. She furrowed her brow, confused by his absence, but her heart warmed at the tranquil and serene scene before her. The sun's rays painted everything with golden hues, creating an atmosphere of peace and serenity.
With a contented sigh, Enzo's girlfriend approached the table, where Pipo used to settle next to his boyfriend. She imagined Enzo there, immersed in his thoughts or perhaps reviewing the script while the cat slept peacefully by his side. Realizing that Enzo wasn't on the balcony, his girlfriend began to search for him, talking to Pipo as she looked around. "Where did your dad go?" she muttered, while the cat meowed in response, as if trying to help in the search.
Her gaze eventually found Enzo in the front house, using his t-shirt to make a basket and pick tangerines from the neighbor's tree. With a playful smile, she greeted the man who lived in the house, saying, "Good morning, Mr. Oliveira!"
Enzo, surprised by his girlfriend's sudden appearance, quickly looked up and, in doing so, lost his balance, dropping some of the fruits he had picked, feeling somewhat embarrassed as he tried to retrieve the tangerines that had rolled out of the makeshift basket. His girlfriend chuckled softly at the situation, approaching to help him gather the fallen fruits. Enzo smiled, feeling relieved that it was just another playful joke from his beloved, until the voice of the neighboring gentleman emerged not as distant as he would have liked. "Good morning, dear, how's your afternoon going?" he addressed the neighbor with a wave, working in his garden not so far from the tangerine trees. Enzo's eyes widened quickly; it was clear that she would know about it, taking time to talk to her neighbor when she wasn't working and Enzo wasn't home. Enzo and his girlfriend looked at each other, sharing a knowing smile before Enzo quickly ran back to his apartment, leaving the freshly picked tangerines on the kitchen counter. Upon arriving home, he found his girlfriend still chatting with the neighbor on the balcony. He smiled to see her so comfortable but decided to surprise her and continue playing the role of the good guy to the old man who lived in the house across the street.
With light steps, Enzo pretended to leave the house for the first time that day, yawning exaggeratedly and stretching as he approached her from behind. The gentle breeze played with his hair as he approached, his loose t-shirt adorning his body casually. One of his hands slid gently to her waist, while the other stretched in a theatrical yawn. He leaned in to gently kiss the top of her head, his lips brushing lightly against her hair as he spoke.
"Ah, good morning, babe," he murmured sleepily, trying to maintain a tone of surprise in his voice. "Good morning, Mr. Oliveira!" his voice now a bit louder, as he greeted the neighbor, waving gently to him, who waved back. His girlfriend turned with a smile on her lips as she felt Enzo's touch, her eyes sparkling with amusement as she realized what he was doing, deciding to play along. "Good morning, sleepyhead," she replied, laughing softly. "Are you aware that it's already lunchtime?"
Enzo laughed, feeling happy to be sharing that relaxed moment with her. "You know how it is, I was up late last night, it was reealy hard to sleep," he joked, gently squeezing his girlfriend's waist in a loving gesture. The neighbor, who was watching the scene with a friendly smile, once again drew the couple's attention, engaging in a new conversation with the woman, occasionally bringing up Enzo, who, in turn, smiled at the neighbor, conveying an impression of courtesy and friendliness, but his thoughts were fully focused on the woman by his side.
Unable to resist the growing desire within him, Enzo let his hands slowly descend to her hips, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his fingers, which soon wandered to one side of her ass, still pretending normalcy, as if listening to the whole conversation. He gently squeezed it, conveying a subtle signal of possessiveness and affection as the conversation continued. Time seemed to slow down as they exchanged words with the neighbor, but inside, Enzo was eager for the moment when they would be alone again. Each touch, each glance exchanged with his girlfriend only heightened his longing for her.
As Enzo enveloped his girlfriend in a passionate embrace, she gently interrupted the effusive exchange of affection to address a few words to the neighbor, who was still watching from below. "Mr. Oliveira, I think it's time for lunch. Let's resume this conversation later, okay?" she said, smiling at the man as she slowly moved away from Enzo's embrace.
The neighbor nodded understandingly. "Of course, no problem! See you later, kids," he replied with a friendly smile before heading back to his house. With the brief interaction concluded, Enzo's girlfriend turned to him, ready to resume the moment of intimacy they had interrupted. However, before she could say anything, she felt Enzo's head bury into her neck, his arms wrapping around her from behind.
She sighed softly, feeling a shiver run down her spine with the light kisses Enzo left on her neck. It was a simple gesture, but filled with affection and tenderness, which made her feel loved and desired. The kisses gradually turned into nibbles, causing the woman to lean back into her boyfriend's warm touch, who in turn pressed his hips more against hers, his lips delicately moving to her ear. "Let's go inside, babe, I need to eat something…" he whispered in her ear, his voice husky and incredibly endearing, he knew well when and how to use it. "Lunch is ready, we can serve ourselves now, my love," she commented. Enzo chuckled playfully at her response, squeezing her more in his arms with tenderness. "Always thinking about food, huh?" He said with a teasing smile, his lips gently brushing against her neck as he spoke. "But I think I can make an effort not to completely exhaust you, after all, the smell of lunch is so good that it would be a sin not to enjoy it later," he whispered, before pulling her back into the house again.
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liked by agustinpardella, kuku.esteban, paulabaldini and 113 others
yourusername Time to replenish some shortages in the fridge, and Pipito decided he didn't want to leave Enzo's lap, or was it Enzo who decided not to let go of the cat?
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moratodeschini Living or just waiting for the moment when I'll steal Enzo's cat and girl?
vongrincicenzo please don't feliperamusiomora I'm right here, you know?
simonhempe pipito just living the life I dream of
yourusername you dream abou my boyfriend's lap? vogrincicenzo I also dream about u
pipegonzalezotano your fridge must be very sad
rocco.posca just waiting for her to decide what they are going to eat for dinner so she can give me the drive with the recipes for my menu for tomorrow
matiasrecalt Rocco said something about uploads a recipe drive every night, nena send it to me
kuku.esteban It's good that you went out shopping and aren't stealing from other people's houses
agustinpardella Who's to say they didn't steal from the market? jeronimogiocondobosia and tomorrow in the daily newspaper . . .
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As Enzo and his partner walked through the aisles filled with shelves brimming with colorful and aromatic ingredients, a package of pasta caught her attention. With a smile on her lips, she picked it up, displaying it with a curious gaze. "What kind of sauce do you prefer today, love?" Her voice carried a note of curiosity, as if she were ready to venture into creating a new dish. Enzo, staring at the package with anticipation in his eyes, considered for a moment before replying, his smile widening as he imagined the flavors blending perfectly.
"How about a well-seasoned tomato sauce?" he suggested, his mind already running through the steps to prepare the dish. He could visualize the fresh tomatoes being cut into juicy pieces, the aroma of garlic browning in the pan, and the spices dancing around, ready to transform the simple pasta into a culinary masterpiece. His partner nodded with a smile of approval and said softly, "You know, I was thinking, we could try that recipe we saw on TikTok? It looked delicious and would be a great option for breakfast."
Enzo smiled, agreeing with the idea. "We can do that tomorrow morning. I think it will be a perfect way to start the day." As they continued to wait in line at the checkout, Enzo felt a comforting warmth as he held his partner's hand. It was a simple gesture, but it filled his heart with love and gratitude. He realized how lucky he was to have someone so special by his side.
Enzo looked at his partner and said with a sincere smile, "You always have the best ideas . . ." He quickly heard his girlfriend's laughter, as she hugged onto his arm, a great deal of affection in her laughter. As they waited in the checkout line, the tranquil atmosphere of the market seemed to envelop them in a cocoon of intimacy. Enzo felt her body heat drawing closer, and before he could realize it, she gently rested her face on his shoulder, their gazes meeting in a moment of complicity. Her eyes sparkled with tenderness as they looked at him, conveying a feeling of affection and connection that filled Enzo's heart with a sweet sensation of love. He could feel the warmth of her breath, each beat of her heart seemed to echo in perfect harmony with his own. Without thinking too much, Enzo let his instincts guide his actions. With an almost instinctive gentleness, he leaned forward slightly, capturing her lips in a quick and delicate kiss. It was a simple gesture, but full of meaning, an expression of affection that spoke volumes without the need for words. Her lips responded to the touch, their hearts dancing in unison, sealing the moment with a sweet promise of mutual love and unconditional support. The world around them seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of them, lost in their own little universe of affection and love.
"I have to start changing supermarkets," Enzo and his partner were immersed in their own world, lost in the sweet moment they shared, when a familiar voice interrupted their bubble of intimacy. It was the lively voice of Matias Recalt, certainly the couple's best and closest friend, approaching with a shopping basket. "A little modesty, please," exclaimed Matias, with a playful smile on his face. Enzo and his partner quickly separated, blushing slightly at the surprise of being caught in such an intimate moment. They exchanged quick glances, sharing a shy smile before greeting Matias. "Hi, Matias!" said Enzo, trying to disguise his surprise. "How are you?" Matias laughed, noticing the slight tension in the air. "Sorry for interrupting your romantic moment. I hope I was being intrusive!" The woman laughed, shaking her head. "Don't worry, Matias, we just got a little distracted." Enzo agreed, relieved to see Matias's easygoing nature. "Oh, didn't even notice."
As they waited in the checkout line, the conversation between the three flowed naturally, as it always did when they were together. Matias shared some funny stories about his day, and Enzo couldn't help but laugh, while his partner smiled, enjoying the friends' banter.
Meanwhile, they went through their purchases, each carrying their baskets towards the checkout. The atmosphere was light and relaxed, and Enzo felt grateful for the presence of their friends. When it was finally their turn at the checkout, Matias bid them farewell with a wave, wishing them a good night. Enzo and his partner thanked him for the enjoyable encounter and exchanged more smiles before heading out of the market.
The cool night air enveloped them as they exited, and Enzo and his girlfriend walked together towards their parked bicycles. They intertwined their hands, a simple yet meaningful connection that symbolized the support and affection they shared.
"And that would be another almost end of the day," said Enzo, looking at his partner with a smile. She nodded, agreeing. "Yes, even though it was interrupted at the end."
Enzo laughed, agreeing with her. "True, I found it funny he wrote down everything you bought so he could cook tomorrow." They reached their bicycles and, together, mounted them, ready to head back home.
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liked by matiasrecalt, blaspolidori, dellagustin and 109 others
yourusername Ending the day with the cast on The Sims.
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blaspolidori enzo playing himself playing on the sims
yourusername he was planning our wedding vogrincicenzo and you're the flower boy, blas
simonhempe everyone of the cast?
yourusername there are some that are not filmbayona I am? yourusername yes, but you mysteriously starved
pipegonzalezotano tell me that at least then I'm watching football eating real meat
rocco.posca I hope you downloaded a mod for my hair
matiasrecalt I love this game I'm the same height as blas
moratodeschini should we tell Enzo that she has wicked whims??
alfosinacarrocio let's wait for the reaction vogrincicenzo guys . . . it was so much out of nowhere
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After a peaceful and comforting night, Enzo and his girlfriend decided to spend some time together playing The Sims. Sitting comfortably on his lap, she skillfully held the mouse while he watched attentively at the computer screen, immersed in the virtual world unfolding before them. Together, they built a small fictional community with characters from the movie cast, with every detail carefully planned to reflect their tastes and personalities. Enzo was fascinated watching his girlfriend's creativity flow as she decorated the houses, chose the furniture, and planned the sims' careers. It was as if they were creating their own world, where they could escape the daily worries and get lost in imaginary adventures.
As she delved into the game, Enzo appreciated the opportunity to simply observe her, marveling at how her expression brightened with every achievement and challenge overcome. Feeling the warmth of her presence on his lap was comforting, a constant reminder of the love and companionship they shared. Enzo watched closely at the computer screen as his girlfriend manipulated the game controls. Suddenly, an interaction between the sim representing him and the one representing his girlfriend caught his attention. He watched with fascination as the sims exchanged gestures of affection, somehow reflecting the dynamics of their own relationship.
However, his surprise soon turned to shock when suddenly the game activated a mod known as Wicked Whims. His face twisted in a expression of surprise and confusion as he witnessed the explicitly romantic interactions between the sims, far beyond what he was used to seeing in the game. Turning to his girlfriend, who was still comfortably seated on his lap, Enzo asked incredulously, "What's going on? Is this how the game is now?" His voice carried a mixture of curiosity and uncertainty as he tried to process what he had just witnessed. She simply smiled gently, noticing his confusion. With a reassuring touch on his shoulder, she explained that this was not the game in its original form, but rather a fan-made modification to add a new layer of realism and complexity to the sims' interactions."Oh, so our reality is to just start hooking up out of nowhere?"
"It's not like you can keep those hands off me…" Enzo chuckled at his girlfriend's response. His laughter was a mix of relief and amusement as he settled comfortably in the chair, his hands automatically gently squeezing her waist, as if seeking closer contact to dispel the surprise. As his fingers lightly caressed her waist, Enzo felt comforted by her presence on his lap. "Apparently she's eating for two now… maybe we could try that out here too, right nena?"
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happyheidi · 1 year
This is my key crew we got Kili/Kilimanjaro the oldest cat, she's almost 13!!! :) and the smartest cat who is built like a warrior I'm not kidding she looks chunky but she's really just SO muscular some how she's like....stocky some how.
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Then the doggies! Siblings both around 16 it's been.....hard to keep track of their ages imma be real all of us really lost track of time in quarantine 😭
Sandy! She has a skin condition and chronic baby disorder in which if you dont pay attention to her she will scream
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And Kippy! He's an old man with little to no idea what's going on but he likes getting his butt scratched and will eat any cauliflower you are willing to give him as well as cabbage for some reason
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But my sister also has two cats that live with us.
Alice who is the sweetest lil girl until she decides your hand or face needs a hole in it and she will kill.
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And Minerva who has never done anything wrong in her whole life and has the temperament of a small mouse. She's just so so scared.
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Ok I caaaaantttt !!! My heeeAaaart!!! SO PRECIOUS!!! What an adorable little family you have! Chunky muscular Kilimanjaro. She looks so cuddly and sweet! And the dog!!! The dog 😍😍😍 the cabbage and cauliflower Kippy! I’m in love with him! He’s seriously the cutest thing ever!! And Alice and Minerva who’s like yin/yang personally wise. Oh my god can I come visit?? I need Kippy in my life 😩😩😩❤️❤️
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 3 months
About the relationship between Fubuki and energy bars:
I would like to explain why there are Calorie Mate (energy bars) in the birthday presents given to Fubuki, as I think most overseas fans don't understand why there are.
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Let's get straight to the point: this is based on the episode of the official novel "Waiting for Yuma". The story in the Fubuki chapter of that novel was really good, but it hasn't been translated, so I'd like to share the synopsis with everyone.
All in all, this novel is about the cases that the master detectives solved in the past, before they came to Kanai Ward. And there is a guest character in each chapter, and in the Fubuki chapter, a newspaper reporter appears. The man is trying to report on an abandoned factory that has a suspicious rumor that no one can return from it once they enter, and coincidentally, Fubuki is also trying to enter the factory to look for a lost cat. In fact, the factory was full of dangerous traps. As soon as the reporter tried to enter the abandoned factory, he was shot and killed. Of course, she rewound time to save him, but no matter how many times she tried, the route that tried to get away from the factory was always being shot at, so it didn't work, and even though she knew it was dangerous, she had no choice but to enter the factory. Fubuki was exhausted after using so much energy just to get to the point where they could enter, so after going a little further into the depths of the factory, they decided to take a short rest. It was then that the reporter offered her an energy bar. (There is an illustration in this scene, and it definitely looks like a Calorie Mate!) The first time she ate the energy bar, she was so impressed by how delicious it was that she was overjoyed. A reporter saw this and said to her, "If you like it so much, I can buy you as many as you want. There's chocolate, strawberry, and even cabbage!" Fubuki was very happy to hear this, but shortly afterwards, a bomb planted nearby exploded, killing him. She rewound the time again. She then told him where the bomb was hidden, saving his life. As a result, the fact that he promised to buy her as many energy bars as she wanted was lost. She realized this and tried to talk to him about it, but when he said we should hurry, she just agreed.
I'll skip the rest of the story, but this was a very memorable scene. Fubuki tried to save his life by rewinding time over and over again, but he has no idea what she did, and he even thinks that he took care of Fubuki (since she was exhausted most of the time when they were together). And even though there was a chance for him to show his gratitude by buying her some energy bars, that too was lost because she rewound time. I think this story really expresses the loneliness of her abilities. Even though she gets very tired from rewinding time, no one thanks her for it. (But she doesn't really mind. That's her great charm!)
At the end of the novel, there is the Yakou chapter, where Yakou buys Fubuki a cabbage-flavored snack, one of the flavors Fubuki was interested in. It soothed my heart a little, but there is no episode where she eats an energy bar again, so I was warmed by seeing Fubuki's fans giving her lots of energy bars of different flavors as birthday presents. 😊💕
Thank you for reading!
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holocene-sims · 7 months
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next // previous
august 26, 2021 12:50 a.m. square-k convenience store
[yunha] first of all, i would want dr. pepper.
[yunha] i don’t like sodas that much, but i love dr. pepper. it’s the kfc of sodas.
[grant] 11 secret herbs and spices? but liquid?
[yunha] exactly! it’s like cola and not cola, root beer and not root beer, spicy and not spicy.
[yunha] maybe it sounds dumb, but...
[grant] no, no, not at all! honestly, you're doing big-brain science over there, decoding all the flavors.
[grant] have you heard of hot dr. pepper?
[yunha] what?
[grant] hot dr. pepper. it’s a thing, i swear! like a sixties thing but some people are still into it. i'm not making it up.
[grant] and speaking of coffee and hot dr. pepper, one of my aunts drinks it in the morning instead of coffee.
[yunha] that’s so strange. why hot?
[yunha] won't it just lose the carbonation?
[grant] i don't know, i don't really want to partake in drinking it, but if i were a betting man, i would say yeah, that's probably the outcome.
[grant] anyway, continue! dr. pepper. i respect that. great choice. i'm loyal to faygo but i do fuck with dr. pepper.
[yunha] how can i continue after that sudden trauma?
[grant] would you like me to procure you a cold dr. pepper to rinse out the agony?
[yunha] no, it's okay!
[grant] well, the offer is still on the table! i'm not evil.
[yunha] anyway, the last part of my meal would be seolleongtang.
[grant] oh, that's ox bone stew, isn't it?
[yunha] yes! it's not even my favorite food, but if i knew my expiration date, i'd want to prepare it and eat it one more time.
[grant] why choose that then?
[yunha] it reminds me of my family. we had some, hm, difficult times, and i remember my dad making this for us, especially for my mom to improve her mood. it's actually her favorite food.
[grant] that's very sweet. like beyond sweet. it's more about invoking that feeling of love again than the literal food, yeah?
[yunha] of course. i would like to feel that love again and also share it, and thank my parents for everything.
[yunha] i wouldn't need anything else.
[grant] you really love your family.
[yunha] more than anything.
[yunha] okay, now tell me your final meal!
[grant] i can tell you the ideal one would not be as humble as yours.
[grant] i mean, my logic for myself is, like, alright, i'm about to slowly turn back into cosmic dust, with or without a consciousness somehow floating around the universe, so screw it, do whatever.
[grant] i'm already going "home," so why not go big?
[grant] so, it’s my last day on earth. i'm at my place chilling with my cat.
[yunha] you have a cat?
[grant] his name is turtle. he’s very cute. he wears sweaters. he was a stray. i picked him up years ago from underneath a dumpster at IHOP at two in the morning, and i nursed him back to health.
[yunha] aww, i always wanted a cat. like some cuddly, fat, fluffy cat.
[grant] you should get one! i highly recommend it.
[yunha] i can’t! not yet.
[grant] do you want to see a picture of turtle before i imagine my untimely death? funny, i was just saying to someone else earlier that i want a timely one.
[grant] there he is, right on my home screen.
[yunha] oh my goshhhhh, i love him.
[grant] he's the best. no joke. but again, last meal. turtle and i are chilling, and yeah.
[grant] i absolutely have to have my grandma’s macaroni and cheese. it’s perfection and also my favorite food of all time. uhh, let’s see, i think you almost always need potatoes with a meal. i'd be happy with my grandma’s colcannon, like mashed potatoes and cabbage. what else? i mean, not to talk about coffee again, but i do love it, so maybe a vanilla latte for liquid consumption. oh, and fuck, coconut cake is a must. that’s my grandma’s recipe, too
[grant] i'd also have pizza for sure. pineapple is nonnegotiable, it's going on there. pineapple, pepperoni, the whole works.
[yunha] so, you’re a big fan of dairy products and your grandma?
[grant] that about sums it up!
[yunha] did you, like, grow up on a dairy farm?
[grant] no, but my grandma did!
[yunha] ah, i see. it's all connected.
[yunha] so, you like talking about death?
[grant] i don't. it just seems to come up a lot accidentally.
[grant] but really, i asked you this question because it's just, i don't know, an interesting way to get at people's values in life?
[grant] and it was just what came out of my mouth first.
[yunha] we answered kind of similarly. what did you learn about me?
[grant] same values, different approaches, i'd say.
[yunha] by the way, my other value is pineapple belongs on pizza.
[grant] oh, thank god! finally, someone else agrees!
[yunha] corn is also really good as a topping.
[grant] man, i feel deprived now. where have you been the last thirty years? you could have told me such a feat of engineering exists!
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saintbarou · 2 years
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synopsis: you’ve noticed something about shouta.
tags: 18+ minors dni, no power dynamics, switch reader/switch aizawa, handjob, m!receiving oral, praise, kissing, use of daddy (as a petname not the kink) hickeys, bite marks, cum eating, gen reader! food mention and alcohol mentioned
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he’s prone to flushing when you give him praise. it happened the first time you told him - “you’re so good to me shouta.” after he had gotten up to help you out of your work clothes when you come home late on one of his rare days off. he had flushed a pretty pink on his pale complexion, tucking and hiding his handsome face into the waves his hair and muttered a soft thank you.
it made you laugh behind your hand when presented with the simply truth that such a formidable hero would buckle at the knee by sweetened words.
you liked it though, being on the receiving of praise is quite a high but seeing this weakness in your often sleep deprived lover made your figurative tail wag at the prospect of showering him with as much praise as you can muster to see his handsome visage bloom that delightful pink one more time.
you bite at your lip and plot, watching him with lidded and mischievous eyes as he settles next to you; pushing up his square glasses up the bridge of his nose, settling his laptop higher on his lap and lets his hand rest at your head to scratch your scalp until you snooze away next to him like a spoiled cat.
it happened sooner than you think. a rare night off for both you and shouta - you surprise him with a favorite dinner of his; beef hot pot with miso broth. he smiles when he sees the ingredients on the table and helps you chop the vegetables you bought - nappa cabbage, enoki mushrooms and carrots.
dinner is eaten and well enjoyed, you even brought out some sake for him - shouta rolls his eyes playfully at your all out approach to your little date night. you trudge from the dinner table content and shouta pink cheeked nuzzling your cheek on the way to the couch. his stubble makes you laugh as he hums, looking at you with lidded eyes - eyes warm like light coals and glittering in the low candle light you set up in the living room.
“thank you for cooking, it means a lot.” he mutters, bringing you down with him to rest on his chest. his chest rumbles as he speaks and you rest your cheek on his pec, looking up at him with shining eyes. you tilt your head, reaching up the small gap of skin exposed by his v-neck and press a sweet kiss and smiling when you feel his heart beat increase in pace at the endearment.
“i’d cook for you whenever and whatever you want handsome.” you purr, tilting your head in a way that he can’t help but find sensual as he catches your eyes and swallows. he feels his face warm and its not just from the liquor and he finds that he can’t quiet meet your gaze. you smile at his fluster and maybe its the alcohol that’s loosened your lips but you climb lower, hand going up his shirt and your nails raking against the soft hair that trails his stomach in the way that makes him shake beneath you.
you feel him tense and you look up at him with your head cocked to the side.
(can i go further? can i touch you? i want to.)
you see him swallow. pink tongue wets his lips and like it was the first time again he averts his eyes and nods. you smile victoriously at his surrender and get to work.
black sweats are tugged down and his shirt is rucked up, a built stomach and narrow hips are display for your enjoyment - you lean down to kiss at his happy trail. you hear sigh from on high and you let your hands press soft, sweet little touches against the sensitive skin of his thighs. with your last kiss and his sharp hips you let your teeth sink into the muscle and suck. a bruise - a hickey is left and he knows he’ll paw at it, pressing down on the mark until it aches.
a mark of your grace.
shouta hardens beneath you - he’s incredibly weak for you, something about your wicked and disarming eyes that are filled to the brim with eagerness to please makes him think you’re some sort of puppy in disguise and he can’t help but moan when you duck down, pressing your soft lips to the bulge in his briefs. even through the fabric your mouth feels hot and he doesn’t think he’s going to make it to when you first let him in.
his hand settles on your head, fingers curling into the hair before releasing again. he doesn’t want to hurt you, to ruin your fun but you can be a tease when you want to be and he wants to last damn it. you exhale from against his hardness, amused but you give in to what he wants - you are here to please, not to torture. you hope shouta can take some notes from your benevolence when he is on top.
cold hands peel back his underwear and you can’t help but shiver at the sight of his cock, it never fails to leave you breathless. long with a bit of girth, noticeable veins along the shaft and a red tip that leaks enough to stain his thighs. you really can’t help yourself when you duck down to press a kiss to the wet tip - cupping your tongue around its head and moan at the taste of him.
above you, shouta moans - his back arching and gripping the pillow he reclines on as he watches how you take his cock in your mouth. flicking your eyes up, framed by your lashes he whispers your name; his voice shaky and reverent at the sight of you pleasuring him. shouta cracks under the heat of your mouth as you take more of him, the feeling of your silk tongue tracing the veins on his cock as your satin cheeks rub against his shaft.
his knees that frame your sides begin to shake and he taps your shoulders - get up, get off it’s too much. you pull away with a wet pop, strings of spit following you as you pant softly and he watches mystified, cock throbbing in the space between you as he watches you tuck hair behind your ear like you haven’t ruined him for any other.
“was it getting too much? do you want to stop?” you ask, your flirtatious and teasing replaced with concern and worry that he dispels with a shake of his. shouta feels his face go from pink to red as he confesses,
“i like kissing you when i finish. use your hands,” he says and he quietly finishes with “…please.”
you smile and nod, heart softened by such a sweet request. shuffling up until you are in between his upper and lower half, he lean into your space his mouth seeking yours - as your softer hand wraps around his cock he moans as your lips meet his in a gentle kiss. shouta feels his jaw go slack as he loses control over himself like this - your hand is cold and soft, warming by the friction of how he fucks your fist; your thumb circling the head and swipes more of his slick around his too sensitive tip.
he can’t help but gasp as you slide your tongue into his mouth, sucking on his tongue and his hand comes to wrap into your hair to keep you in place as he chases his pleasure - hips stuttering into your grasp. the pleasure makes his grip loosen as he eyes slowly shut and you pull away from the kiss to mutter candied endearments into his ear.
“so good shouta, so good for me,” you sigh, hearts in your eyes as you watch him fall deeper and deeper into his lust riddled haze. his face in incredibly hot next to you, eyes shut as you coo into his ear,
“so handsome shouta - cmon keep fucking me. use me to feel good baby. wanna make you cum for me.” you murmur and he gasps, pace face and uneven and you can feel it in his posture how he steals so fast and so hard your surprised something didn’t sprain. you take the initiative and tighten your fist, pumping it around his cock as he gasp and groans next to you. you press a kiss to the corner of his panting mouth and your eyes twinkle at an idea that blooms in your wicked mind.
“c’mon daddy, cum for me.” you say sickeningly sweet, smiling at how his eyes snap open wide and dark as he spills over your fist. he grunts, feels like he’s been punching in the stomach at how hard the band of his orgasm snaps. you keep tugging his cock, watching how the spurts of his cum coats your knuckles with kind eyes. your other hand comes into his hairs, rubbing at his scalp as he comes down.
“good shouta, so good for me. so pretty to look at.” you whisper and he freezes, eyes wide, burrows furrowed and incredibly pink in the fact down to his chest as everything that transpired sinks in. you giggled and his wondered expression and ask what’s wrong. he says nothing, blinking and averting your gaze and he feels 18 again when he creamed his pants after his first make out session.
“don’t call me that again.” he rumbles, voice deep but thin, shy even. you chuckle, and decide to play clueless.
“call you what again? handsome? or do you mean pretty?” his eyes snap to you and in the dim lighting of the room you can see his thin lips form a pout. you can’t help but giggly, euphoric from the night. you can’t believe you got pro hero eraserhead underneath you and pouting in the same night.
“daddy - don’t call me that it’s embarrassing.” he says, face going pink to red at the memory that he’s sure will haunt him forever. you hum, taking a piece of hair that hides his handsome face from your view and playing with the lock.
“embarrassing because you like it?” his silence reveals his honesty and you grin, teeth glinting in the low light and he shivers at the sight. he doesn’t know what he’s awakened within you does he?
shouta watches you, heat blooming in his stomach as he watches you lick the remains of him off your fist. he can’t help himself when he reaches out to cup in between your legs and he grins when he feels the radiating heat in there.
“want me to help down here?” he asks, eyes locked on your face as you shiver when he presses more on your crotch. you avert your gaze and wipe your dirty hand on a small towel you conveniently left out during cleaning.
“this night is supposed to be about you.” you mutter quietly, he chuckles.
“that’s why you wined and dined me?” he asks.
you nod.
“you’re going to spoil me rotten.” he mutters, heart full and set on repaying you for your efforts tonight. he rolls up, and you land beneath him - like all things the push and pull between you two is as fluid as water.
“you deserve it.” you retaliate and he rolls his shoulder, tucking himself into his clothes and lets a hand press onto your stomach, calloused fingers tracing your soft skin. he hums, head tilting in thought as he lets his hands wander as they please.
“heroes don’t do the things they do for praise, especially me.” he tells you and you’d roll your eyes if it wasn’t for how you shiver under his touch. clearly you’ve taken notes out of his book, you think comedically.
“it’s not because you’re a hero. it’s because you are good to me.” you confess with certainty and shouta looks into your eyes and swallows, looking at you with such intensity you wonder what thoughts are flicking through his mind.
“thank you.” he says finally, voice thick with emotion you can’t quite read. he leans down to kiss you, he can taste the salt of his cum on your tongue but he doesn’t mind. he kisses you deeply as he can, as if the words i love you could be passed to you by the caressing of your tongues alone. when he parts he rests his forehead to yours and his thumbs rub at your pelvis in a way that makes you whine in anticipation.
“it’s my turn to spoil you.” the words would sound sweet any other time, but right now you can’t help but shiver under his gaze. it’s a good thing you have a late start tomorrow.
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catindabag · 8 months
Some extra “facts” and interesting weird info about a certain self proclaimed tiger lady house cat in my TBOSAS on Crack!AU.
One of my great THG buddies was asking about Tigris Snow and her weird cheese addiction. So I just had to write some things down before I write my next short take.
Tigris Snow is extremely addicted to cheese. She’s a certified cheese addict and “cheese thief” since the day she and her little cousin (Coryo) lost their marbles after the war ended.🧀
No one knows why, but little Tigris Snow claimed that the “cheese fairies” came to her in a dream one day and saved her and her little cousin from death and starvation.
Don’t worry. Crazy Coryo Snow doesn’t mind that his poor cousin is addicted to cheese and believes in some “mythical” cheese fairies. He has his own addictions (cabbages) and problems (Highbottom & Dr. Gaul) to worry about.
In truth, Coryo’s “mythical” cabbage deities and lima bean elves commanded him to ignore the “calling of the cheese” in order to stay pretty for his sugar daddy (Sejanus).
At least both of them inherited their family’s rare ability to bargain with wild animals. They can even converse with “sacred” rabid raccoons, poisonous snakes, and wild squirrels without getting attacked.
Meanwhile, the Creeds can talk to sewer rats and fat chinchillas for some reason.
And the Ravinstills have a rare ability to command an army of Bichon Frisé puppies to do their dirty jobs for them.
Sadly, Tigris was recently fired by Fabricia Whatnot for secretly stealing and eating expensive cheese cubes and cheddar chicken sandwiches all day.
She said that her cheese fairies made her do it. A food sacrifice must be made before the “hour of the owl” in order to satisfy the ancient cheese deities of the “Golden Arches” (McDonald’s) who once ruled Panem (America) even before it existed.
Moreover, our sweet tiger was actually sewing and hiding little cheese cubes inside some of the dresses on accident purpose without Fabricia noticing. Her co-workers didn’t even know about the cheese cubes until some unfortunate lady complained about the smell.😔
That’s why our dear Tigris Snow is currently unemployed and living her best happy-go-lucky “house cat” life in Corso.
But crazy unemployed Nero Price is her worst nightmare. He’s a self proclaimed werewolf who howls at the moon all night.
She’s a poor skinny cat and Price is a crazy werewolf who runs around the city (like a wild dog) looking for rabid raccoons and Peacekeepers to fight. So it’s better for the tiger to stay home with the Grandma’am.
At least her little cousin (Coryo) buys her the best cheese tarts and sugar sticks after school (using his rich sugar daddy’s money of course).
So yeah. Tigris Snow is now the NEET (not in education, employment or training) Cat Queen in this weird universe.
However, the Grandma’am doesn’t mind. She already has big plans with old Strabo Plinth to rule Panem from the shadows after Coryo marries into the Plinth family and their fortune.
And yes, our poor malnourish looking Cabbage Boy (Coryo) is actually the real breadwinner of the family.
Coryo marrying his long time sugar daddy boyfriend (Sejanus) was the best decision he and his family ever made.🥰
At least love-struck Sejanus Plinth was willing to pay for his poor sugar baby’s bills, rent, and groceries.
So after Coryo and Seji Pie got married and had their 24 (and more) babies, crazy cat auntie Tigris decided to finally settle down and became an official cheese merchant in Corso.
She (now) even has the time to talk to her mythical cheese fairy friends without being interrupted by evil Fabricia Whatnot.
She, along with Ma Plinth also like to spend old Strabo Plinth’s filthy money on the sweetest cheesecakes and weird looking clothing hangers every weekend.
Unfortunately, Ma Plinth is the only sane person who believes in Tigris Snow’s little cheese fairy friends.
Ma even joined Tigris Snow’s little secret organization called ✨The Cult of The Golden Arches✨. But to be fair, crazy Palmyra Monty and Festus Creed are the only other official members of her cult.
Too bad. Nobody could see those little cheese fairies except for Tigris and Coryo.
However, poor crazy Coryo likes to ignore his cousin’s mythical “beasts” because he claims that his cabbage deities and lima bean elves don’t want him to bow and worship some weird annoying creatures who divided the old world with their “Golden Arches” (McDonald’s).
Reject the cheese! Bow before the cabbage!
Yeah, I know. The poor Snow cousins are unashamedly crazy and delusional with their cheese fairies, ancient food deities, sacred animals, talking cabbages, and lima bean elves.😂
But don’t be sad. Our crazy cheese tiger is still into fashion and making clothes for her little cousin and his 24 (and more) gorgeous children with Sejanus.
But selling and eating cheese is her true passion and calling (in this life anyway).🧀
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maddogofshimano · 1 year
Zhao Character Story
This was requested by the giveaway winner @trixibebe​ ! Hopefully it is worth the wait! I love Zhao a lot so this was great to do
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Summary: Zhao’s been informed that one of his long time friends is planning a coup against him, and will be eliminated. This quickly turns into a manhunt--and cathunt--as Zhao faces down his old friend.
Ijincho, Yokohama, has the underground ruled by 3 powers, commonly known as the "Ijin Three". This is a story about one of those people, a few years after the boss of the Liumang had been replaced by Zhao Tianyou... Qing Jin, Ijincho Close Associate of Zhao: ...Tianyou-sama. Regarding the matter with "Jin". (Tl note: the name is 陳 which as usual could be a lot of readings. I went with Jin, but Chen might be more accurate if I were keeping with how localization does it. separately, calling him Tianyou-sama instead of Zhao-sama is interesting)
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Zhao: Which Jin do you mean by Jin? Associate: Jin Yangming. (Tl note: okay yeah a name. I am guessing on specific readings as per usual) Zhao: Hmm~? What's Jin-kun done? Did he get a stomach ache? Associate: This is a serious matter. I've long had misgivings about him being a traitor. Zhao: ..... Associate: Recently he's been even more suspicious, so I had an internal investigation check it out. The result-- Associate: We learned that he's been gathering members from within the organization to stage a coup. Zhao: Are you sure there hasn't been a mistake? Jin-kun doesn't have the guts for that.
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Associate: No, I'm certain of this information. Zhao: Hmmmm.... Associate: ...By all rights, the planners should have been purged as soon as it was discovered. It never would have needed to be reported. Associate: That man... It's only because Jin is an old friend of yours that it's being brought to your attention. Zhao: So he's a friend of mine. That doesn't mean he's a good person. Associate: It's been decided to do the purge tomorrow night. Just so you're informed. Zhao: ...Gotcha. Knock 'em dead.
Fierce-looking Man: ........
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[a shuttered door opens] Zhao: Yo, Jin. How's the beef ramen taste? Jin Yangming: Zhao....! Zhao: Same as ever, this shop's my fave. Zhao: But the stir-fried Chinese cabbage is so good. You know how the garlic really pops? Zhao: Ah, but you were eating Chinese cabbage until two years ago, right? Did you get tired of eating it? Or is it due to your lady friend~? Jin: .......... Zhao: Oh yeah, how's your cat doing, Ranran-chan? It's just 2 years old. It's an indoor cat, right? Jin: ....I can tell you've been monitoring my activities closely. Let's just cut right to the chase then. Zhao: That right? Well, how about we do that. Zhao: Some of the elders in the group, they seem to have caught wind of your little plan. Jin: ....I figured as much. Zhao: The purge is planned for tomorrow night. Couldn't you save your own life by offering yourself up right now? Jin: Your father was a cruel and strict leader, but he had a passion for protecting the immigrants of this city. Jin: But what about you? You don't protect us Liumang at all. Acknowledging you as our leader... how could I do that?
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Zhao: So you're throwing a coup? Man, you've always been way too extreme. Jin: ...Thanks for the food. I'll leave the cash for it, boss. [he leaves] Zhao: ...Haaaaa~.
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The next night
[people are rushing down the street] Liumang Member: Jin went this way! Don't let him escape!!
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Jin: Shit...! Zhao: I got it. Jin: Zhao...! Zhao: But I do gotta ask. What's the point in doing this? Jin: Shut up.... At least I'll be able to deal with you! [they fight, Zhao kicks his ass] Zhao: Hey, how you doing Jin? You had enough?
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Jin: Shit... You're fucking dodging non-stop... Associate: Wait! Jin! Jin: ....Tch! [he runs off] Zhao: Tsk tsk tsk... He managed to get away. Associate: You all go after Jin. He absolutely cannot be allowed to escape!
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Associate: Are you safe? Zhao: Fit as a fiddle. Associate: To correct the blunder of allowing him to flee, the general foot soldiers have been mobilized. Zhao: OK. Well then, let's seal off the entrances and exits to the district.
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Zhao: Be sure to get the sewers and river too, anything that can be used to leave. We want him trapped like a rat. Associate: On it. I'll get it started. Zhao: Alrighty, now do I start my own punishment for the traitor?
Liumang A: Oi, did you find that Jin bastard?
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Liumang B: Nah, the room was totally empty. He must have come back once and then ran off again. Liumang A: I see.... With the district sealed off he's trapped like a rat. He has to be hiding somewhere here. Liumang A: You guys stay here and kill Jin if he returns. No mercy for traitors! Liumang B: Yes sir! [he leaves] Liumang B: ....Do we really need to keep watch on this place? It's not like Jin-san's gonna come back to his house when he's being chased. Liumang C: Yeahhh. But Jin-san's really boned now. How could he even consider something like a coup? Liumang B: If he gets caught, they're going to turn him into manju filling. Still, I can sorta see why he might not agree with our new nepotism boss. (Tl note: for those unaware, manju is a stuffed bun. also nepotism is a liiiitle bit of a stretch but he is complaining that Zhao just got the job because his dad was the previous boss) Zhao: Excuuuse me. New nepotism boss here. Relying on things like heritage isn't very rational, is it?
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Liumang B: B-Boss!? I-I'm sorry!! I was... Zhao: It's all good, man. But maybe watch your back better when you're in the mood for griping. Zhao: ...This here is Jin's house, yeah? You already checked it out? Liumang B: Y-Yes sir. We checked thoroughly for anything that might indicate where he fled to, but nothing turned up. Zhao: Hmmmmm... I gotcha. Was there a cat inside? Liumang B: A-A cat? No, there wasn't one... Zhao: So he took his beloved cat with him... I see. Zhao: Sorry for the bother. ...How bout you keep up the great work as look outs~. [Zhao leaves] Liumang B: Geez... I'm just glad I didn't get turned into manju filling.... [at a different set of apartments, a doorbell rings] Stern man: ...Yeah? Who is it? (Tl note: are these the same apartments you visit in LJ? haven't they been through enough??)
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Zhao: Yoooo, Taka. Hope you don't mind me barging in for a sec~. Heyyy~ as I thought this place is pretty nice. Is this stuff for a pet? (Tl note: his name is 王 which has a bunch of possible readings, Taka was a very arbitrary pick) Liumang Taka: Wh-... Boss...!? Zhao: Aw you don't have to call me boss, it's fine~. You're one of the people who disagrees with my hereditary placement, aren't you? Taka: No, that's not... Zhao: It's chill if you do. I'm not here to blame you for anything. Zhao: Actually, I'm here cause I think Jin's cat is here. ...Ranran-cha~n, are you here~? [Ranran meows at Zhao] Taka: !? Zhao: Hey, that hurt~. Zhao: Since it seemed like Jin took his cat when he ran, I've been hitting up all the homes of the anti-hereditary faction to see which ones could keep a pet~. Zhao: So, Taka... This is Jin's cat that you're taking care of, yeah? Taka: No... you've got it all wrong. This is my cat. Come get some food, Ran. Zhao: ...Hmmm~. Is that it. This looks an awful lot like Jin's cat, you know. Zhao: A black and white persian with odd eyes, how'd you end up with one that's just got so many similarities? Taka: ...I saw Ranran and wanted to get a kitten just like it. I also took the name from it. Zhao: Hmmm~ ...But, well, the little bit of thick black fur on the underside of its tail shouldn't be exactly the same as Ranran's, right? Zhao: Just let me check that real quick. Taka: No, you don't need to. It's there. It truly is a miraculous resemblance. Zhao: ........Wooow~, that's a hell of a coincidence. But, hmm, it doesn't seem like this cat has any thick fur like that? Taka: Eh!? Zhao: What I said was a lie, actually. The real Ranran doesn't have any black fur on the underside of its tail. Zhao: Oooh bad luck~. You fell for the oldest trick in the book. Taka: Guh.... uuhh..... uraaaaahghhhh!!!! Zhao: Woah there, I'm not letting you run. I've got a mountain of questions I gotta ask you now. Taka: G-Get ready!! You're already going to kill me...! I'll have to kill you instead to make my escape!!!! [they fight, Zhao wins] Taka: S-So strong... Why's some nepotism baby that strong...
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Zhao: Well that's a hurtful thing to say. I've never once lost a fight, you know?
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Zhao: Well now that the persuasion session is over... Talk to me~. Where's Jin? Zhao: Since you tried to escape, it doesn't seem like you're hiding him in your house. Taka: I-I don't know... I was just supposed to look after Jin-san's cat for him when it came time for him to escape. Taka: I really don't know anything else.... Zhao: ....You understand from before that you can't lie to me, right? Taka: I-It's not a lie!!!! I really wasn't told anything else!! Please believe me!! Zhao: .................Yeah, okay~. I believe you. Not like you have any room left to lie. Zhao: .........But just to be safe, how about you show me around this place. Zhao: ...Yep, no hidden rooms or signs of another person living here. Seems like he really isn't here. Zhao: Well, hiding in another anti-hereditary faction members' house is basically asking to be caught. Zhao: Sooo... He probably dropped the cat off and went directly to wherever he's hiding. Taka: Y-Yes sir... He wasn't able to bring Ranran with him... so he really stressed how important it was that I look after it... Taka: He knew I had raised and loved a cat, so he believed I would be trustworthy... Zhao: ...Hey Taka, what are some of the things that cats don't like? Taka: Things they don't like...? There's a lot. Hot stuff, the sound of the vacuum cleaner, water...  Taka: Besides those... really strong smells can be bad. All of that varies on the individual cat, though. Zhao: Really strong smells, huh... [flashback] Zhao: Yo, Jin. How's the beef ramen taste?
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Zhao: But the stir-fried Chinese cabbage is so good. You know how the garlic really pops? Zhao: Ah, but you were eating Chinese cabbage until two years ago, right? Did you get tired of eating it? Or is it due to your lady friend~? Jin: .......... Zhao: Oh yeah, how's your cat doing, Ranran-chan? It's just 2 years old. It's an indoor cat, right? [flashback over] Zhao: .....I probably got it~. Jin's location. Taka: Eh....?
[the sound of the door to the restaurant opening] Zhao: Table for one, please~.
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Owner of the Chinese Restaurant: ....Your seat is right this way. Here's some water. Once you decide on your order... Zhao: Owner-san, do you remember me? The other day I was here with a regular named Jin. Owner: ....Ah, so you're Jin's acquaintance. I don't know if something happened, but he hasn't been by recently. Zhao: Is that so~. Jin was a regular here, but you had a private relationship with him too, right? (Tl note: 🤨 🏳️‍🌈 ❓ ) Owner: ...It was a pretty limited relationship. Occasionally we went fishing together. Zhao: Hmmmmmmmm~ ...For having such a limited relationship, it's awfully kind of you to be sheltering Jin from the Yokohama Liumang currently chasing him. Owner: Eh? H-Hold on, where are you going!! Zhao: ...Bathroom~ at least I was planning to, but you're really jumpy huh, Owner-san. Zhao: Could that be becauuuse~.... if I take a single look into the backroom I'll see that Jin is hiding there? Owner: !? Zhao: Looks like I got it in one.... Jin, how about you come out already? All the exits are blocked, you're not getting away again. [Jin exits the back room] Jin: ......How did you know I'd be here?
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Zhao: Because you left Ranran with Taka. Jin: ........What? Zhao: You dote on your beloved cat. Therefore you would have taken it with you. But you didn't. Zhao: So the only explanation is that you must have gone to hide somewhere that you couldn't bring Ranran. Zhao: There's plenty of reasons I could think of why you wouldn't take Ranran. Safety, preference, the noise it makes... Zhao: However, you have connections with the Liumang and it's difficult to do a quick investigation, you could have established some trust, and you couldn't take Ranran... Zhao: So that made me think that the only place to hide must be Jinhua. This place reeks of garlic, which Ranran doesn't like. (Tl note: the store name is 金華 and could be some other readings but Jinhua is the reading for the city in China) Jin: ...How the hell did you know that Ranran doesn't like the smell of garlic? Zhao: Well, I didn't know about it originally. Zhao: I just noticed that the time when you stopped eating this place's famous stir-fried Chinese cabbage was the same time that you got Ranran. Zhao: ...That's when the lightbulb went off. Zhao: You started eating beef ramen without any garlic because Ranran hated it, right? Jin: .....Heh, you really solved that. You're a lot more clever than I thought. Zhao: Well, I'm a pretty capable kid, you know~. Jin: You've exceeded my expectations. But, after surrounding the shop and blocking all the exits isn't this a little naïve? Zhao: Hm? What's naïve about it? Jin: Coming at me alone!! I'm going to take you hostage and get the hell out of this town!! [they fight, Zhao wins] Jin: Wh-What was that power....
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Jin: Shit... Just kill me already. Call in your men and make an example out of me. Zhao: Ahh, that was a lie actually. The only person here is just me. Jin: What the hell...? Zhao: In 2 hours, there will be a 5 minute gap in the guards at the Jinhua bridge. You can use that to get out of the sealed district. Zhao: I just came here to say that. Well then, good luck. Jin: ! H-Hey...! Hold on! Why are you doing this... Zhao: As long as it saves lives, I'm fine doing anything. Jin: This ain't fine! I just tried to kill you! What sort of game are you playing at...!? Zhao: ...Haaa, don't you know people don't like guys who can't take a hint? Zhao: Just to be perfectly clear, you know how I'm the boss of the organization? So that means I have no choice but to make an example out of you. Zhao: I've known you for a long time. Besides-- Zhao: Since I was the boss's son, everyone treated me like some kind of cancerous growth, but you never had any restraint even with me. Zhao: That pissed me the hell off... but really that isn't a bad thing. Jin: Zhao... Zhao: Well, that's all there is to say on that. Enjoy your second chance at life. See yaaaa. [Zhao leaves] Jin: ....I'm sorry, Zhao....
A short time later....
Associate: ...And since then, we haven't been able to locate Jin. He may have left Japan by now.
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Zhao: My bad? I messed up on my initial call. I'm sure he must have left the city by then. Zhao: I'm sorry for being an unreliable boss. I'll be sure to work harder next time. Associate: ....We'll see if that happens. Zhao: Hm? Did you say something? Associate: No... Until next time.
I love Zhao. he just goes around lying to people for fun. his two great loves in life are fucking with people and being a ginormous softie
Whenever I ran a line through deepl to doublecheck something it really really really wanted to call Zhao a girl due to all the tildes he uses lol. Zhao’s got 5 cards which is a pretty solid amount, including these two KSRs
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that’s it for now! look forward to two more posts in the near future! I’ve got an event and equipment to share!!
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🔞To My Taste🔞
Part 7: Hannibal's Watch
⚠️Warning⚠️ There is smut in this part please Don't read it if you are under 18. Obsessive Behavior. Some cannibal shenanigans as well.
         I was careful to lie still in Will's arms. The lightest brush of his chest would make my head hurt. My eyelids were the only thing protecting my eyes from the harsh daylight coming in from the windows. I wanted to look up and see if Will was awake but it would prove to be too big of a feat for me right now. 
         I told myself once this killer was handled I would focus on figuring what to do about the Will situation. Will was an incredible smart man. He had to know how bizarre it was to hold his co-worker so intimately. 
         How sure was I that I could be there for him the way he needs me to be? I used to think Will was more like a cat. Wanting affection on his terms, always seeming disinterested. This time I have spent with him has shown me he is very much the opposite. It bordered on suffocating, obsessive almost. He was holding me like we were a married couple. 
         He slowly brushed his thumb over the top of my shoulder, careful not to touch the bandage. I felt guilty for enjoying the attention, the care. I felt like I was using him. 
         Will gently tilted my head up to look at him. The motion was enough to make my head spin. He stared down at me before softly planting a peck of a kiss on my forehead. Then another just below my eye. I felt his grip tighten ever so slightly as he moved in to kiss me on the lips. I didn't stop him. It was innocent feeling at first. A kind of kiss you do for a school play but the second one he lingered. His lips against mine I pull at his shirt to keep him there. 
         We begin to make out. My head was killing me but his touch made it more tolerable. He ran his fingers along my arms and upper back. So gently it almost felt like a ghost. He rolled on his back and helped me lay on top of him. He was almost gentlemanly, respectful. Careful not to put his hands too low on my back. 
          "Good to see you are feeling better." Hannibal's voice entered the room. We both jumped and Will lifted his head to look at our shared psychiatrist. I was too embarrassed. I got off of Will as quickly as I could. Will had a shy grin on his face as he pulled the covers over his lap. 
         "Yeah I feel a bit better. Is dinner done already?" I ask, finally looking back at Hannibal. He has an almost playful smirk. 
        "It is I'm afraid, I could put your meals in the oven till you are ready." 
         "No dinner sounds great. I'm going to head to the dining room Will." 
         "Yeah I'll be there soon. Hannibal can I talk to you for a second? " Will said as he moved to the edge of the bed, careful not to remove the blanket from his lap. 
         "Of course Will." He said with a different kind of grin. It was hard to say what the grin was about. I just hope Hannibal wasn't embarrassed.
         I slowly make my way to the fully set dining room. I take my normal seat and wait for the boys to join me. The food as usual looked incredible. Hannibal had prepared some kind of steak that looked to be cooked rare. For him and Will and for me he made some kind of cabbage wraps. 
        I licked my lips, unable to believe I kissed Will Graham. I wasn't sure what surprised me more, the fact it happened or how much I liked it. If Hannibal hadn't stopped us I wasn't sure how far we would have gone. 
        A few short minutes later they came into the room together. Will looked a little nervous but Hannibal seemed like himself. 
         Hannibal smoothed out his hair as he looked down at the table. 
         "Shall we eat?" He asked taking his seat. Will and I didn't say much as we all started to eat. I took a bite of my wrap and to my surprise the inside was red. I chew my bite and swallow before looking over at Hannibal. 
          "Is this a bean paste? It's great." I say as I take another bite. He nods with a grin. 
          "Yes, a red bean paste. I improvised a few ingredients so it's a bit more red than normal. I'm happy you enjoy it." He said before taking a small bite of his steak. He chewed it gingerly. An image of him popping his jaw back into place came to mind from the other night. 
        "Hannibal you shouldn't have steak, your jaw was dislocated." I say as I give him a worried look. He just grins and shakes his head. 
         "It is fine. We are celebrating, the pain is minor compared to the taste." 
        I looked over at Will for some back up but he was focused on eating. His eyes fixed on his bloody steak. 
        "You are an interesting one Dr. Lecter." I say as I laugh a bit. I continue eating my wraps. A small beeping goes off on Hannibal's watch and he wipes his mouth as he gets up. He returns from the kitchen with a prescription bottle.
         "It is time for your medication. Every six hours for pain management. I slipped the last one under your tongue as you slept." He puts two small pills into my hand and pours me a glass of wine. 
         "Should I really be drinking on these?" 
         "I find wine to pair nicely with pain killers." He says with a grin. I take the pills with a sip of wine. I already hurt I didn't want to imagine what I'd feel like without some pain meds.
           We all tuck back into our meals again. Will never stopped eating, honestly. He even had seconds.
          A bit passed and Hannibal was still nursing his steak. I had mostly finished with my meal and was poured another glass of wine by Will. I was feeling much better. 
         "Hannibal let me make you something softer. You don't need to finish that." I say looking at him chew painstakingly slow. He didn't look like he was in pain but he had to be. 
         "Perhaps it is a bit too much for me too chew. But I don't like wasting meat." He looked over at Will who has finished two steaks and seemed satisfied. "Will do you want what is left?" Hannibal asks. Will shakes his head no but doesn't speak. Will still seemed a little embarrassed about being caught by Hannibal. 
          "Hannibal you really don't have to finish the meat. I'm sure the cow won't care it's already dead." I say with a chuckle. 
          Hannibal looks down at his plate with a serious expression. 
          "I think the cow would care actually. It is a shame to waste such good meat. Would you be willing to try some? There is just a few bites left." He says looking back over at me. 
         "Hannibal I haven't had meat since middle school. The texture makes me sick." Hannibal nodded respecting my boundary. He put another small bite into his mouth and began to chew. 
         The steak did look good. Maybe it was the pills or maybe it was the near death experience but either way I ended up agreeing. "I'll try it for you but if I don't like it I'm not finishing it.
          "My jaw thanks you." Hannibal says as he cuts off a bigger piece and feeds it to me. Will perks up a bit as he watches. I chew slowly testing out the texture. It was more tolerable then I remembered it being. I swallow quickly and Hannibal already has another bite ready. Before I know it I have finished off rest of his steak. 
          "It's good." I say as I choke back a bit of a gag from the after taste of blood. For a second Hannibal almost looks excited. It was only his eyes. They seemed to light up. As quickly as I noticed the expression it was gone. It was sweet he was so excited for me to open my diet up a bit. 
         "You did very well Lydia." He almost coos as he picks up our plates to take into the kitchen. The tone made me blush. I wasn't used to sincere praise like that. Will seemed to notice.
         "He has a way of making you feel special doesn't he?" Will said once Hannibal had left. I smile and nod. 
          "What did you need to speak to Hannibal about?" I ask changing the subject. 
         "Just apologizing. He didn't seem to want to hear it. I think he misunderstood what was happening."
        "What was going on? Felt pretty obvious to me." I say as I finish my second glass. 
         "Just two good friends wanting to release some stress together." He leans over and pours us both another glass. I wasn't sure if he was trying to lie to me. Hannibal made it sound like Will wanted more than just sex from me. I wasn't going to press the issue. If sex was all he wanted I knew I could give him that.
          "A toast to good friends relieving stress." I say with a big smile as we clink our glasses together. Will chuckles and pours Hannibal a glass. 
         "We shouldn't exclude the host."
         "From drinks or relieving stress?" I ask as I look over at him With a cheeky grin. I was mostly joking. Will didn't seem to be. 
        "Ladies choice." He said his eyes flicking up to meet mine. 
        "Will don't be so crud. Hannibal is not interested in us we are his patients."
         "We both know he's willing to bend some rules. You have no idea what he's interested in." Will's tone was seductive but somehow threatening. I chuckle a bit nervously. 
         "Well I'm not going to bring it up to him." I say looking down at my drink before taking a sip. 
          "It was your idea." Will said his tone lighting. 
         "I was jok-"
         "What was your idea Lydia?" Hannibal asked as he walked back into the room. 
          "To have another drink with good friends." I say as I pick up his drink and hand it to him. He looks a little disappointed.
           "I would love to stay and drink but I have an evening appointment. A patient who doesn't leave his house during the day. Please, you two drink, maybe I'll join you both if I finish up early." Hannibal said as he set his drink back down on the table. He pulled on his jacket and preened himself in the mirror above the small table by the door. Once he was sure he looked presentable he said his goodbyes and left. 
          I looked over at Will who seemed to already have something in mind. He was drinking his drink much faster now. I took his lead and tried to finish mine off quick.
           He finished his drink and sat it down before standing. He undid his belt, making me blush. I had to pull my eyes from him. 
           "I'm on the shot." I say as I finally finish my drink. He just nodded with a small grin. 
          "Good, how about the room we slept in the first night? I don't think Hannibal would appreciate us being in his bed without him.
          "You mean the room you snuck into in the middle of the night?" I ask with a smug grin. Will looked almost embarrassed. 
        "You know I knew the whole time I was in your room. I was hoping you would take pity on me and kiss me." He admitted as he undid his shirt a bit. Now it was his turn to shyly avoid eye contact. 
         "You are such a creep, Will Graham." I say with a chuckle as I stand up. He grinned a bit, still not looking at me as I slowly walked around the table to him. 
          "You have no idea." He says softly the almost threatening tone was back but that wasn't going to stop me. Once I was in touching distance his eyes trailed their way up my body to meet my eyes. 
           He grabbed the back of my head with both hands and pulled me into a somewhat aggressive kiss. I wrap my arms around him as his tongue finds its way past my lips. He was so shy just a second ago. 
            Will picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. He was not such a gentleman this time. His hands found their way to my ass immediately. He swiped his arm across the table, clearing a spot. 
           I was laid down on my back when he finally broke the kiss to pull down my pants. That's when I noticed what he'd done. 
           "We can't do this on his table. Seriously Will!" I say as I try to push his hands away and grab my pants. He struggles for a second but pulls the fabric free from me and gets them down to my ankles. "I mean it will! I'm not getting fucked on Hannibal's table! That's so disrespectful!" I shout as I try and push him off me. He let out a frustrated whimper and pressed himself against my body wrapping his arms around me as if to hold me in place.
          "He doesn't care, we do it all the time." Will said as he started to kiss my neck. He didn't seem to realize his mistake. I think about his words carefully for a second. The drinks were making me a little slow. Meanwhile Will attacks my neck kissing and sucking at it. 
           "What did you just say?" I ask as I wiggle my arms between us to try and get some space. "Have you and Hannibal… have you guys had sex?" My question was enough to pull his focus. He lifted his upper body up from mine but kept himself between my legs. He didn't seem embarrassed. It was like he was thinking up a lie. "Will, I don't care, I'm just surprised." I say with a reassuring smile. He seems to fold. 
          "Yeah a few times. He can be very persuasive." Will says with a sheepish grin.
           "Oh I'm sure he really had to twist your arm." I mock as I give him a peak on his lips. 
            "We're not dating or anything, he won't be mad. We were just two friends relieving stress." He says as he gently starts kissing my neck again. I wasn't sure if I believed him. Will said the same thing about him and I but Hannibal seemed to think differently. Will did sound pretty jealous the other night when Hannibal gave me a shirt. Did Will like us both? 
           "Did I kill the mood?" He whispered in my ear before kissing it. I laughed a little and shook my head. I undid his pants and let them fall. He picked up the pace again. I grinded myself against him. I could feel his member straining against his boxer briefs. 
            He took my shirt off then his own. He pulled me to his chest as he fumbled with my bra latches. I licked at his neck before getting to work at paying him back for him attacking my neck. He got more desperate as I started to nibble at his neck.  
             "Let me get it Will." I whisper as I take my hand from his shoulders. He sounded so frustrated. He pushed me back down into the table. I looked up at him with a surprised grin. He grabbed something above my head and pulled it into view. It was a steak knife. My eyes widened for a fraction of a second and my body tenses up as he quickly uses it to cut my bra free from me. "That's my favorite bra!" I shout as he takes the knife down to my underwear and cuts them off as well. I used my hands to cover my chest from him. I was a bit pissed. 
          "I'll buy you new ones." He said hastily as he dropped the knife. I relaxed a little as he stared down at my body. 
          "No more knives, use your words." I say as I move my hands for him. He smiled, agreeing as he quickly leaned down and wrapped his lips around one of my exposed nipples. I squirmed under him and covered my own mouth. I didn't want to let him win a moan just yet. 
           He used one hand to take off his underwear while his other hand found its way to my neglected breast. He worked hard at my nipples before looking up at me. Taking his lips from my nipple he rested his forehead against mine and pulled my hand away from my mouth.
       "Don't fucking do that. I want to hear you." He said in a husky voice as he guided his manhood inside of me. I arch my back and moan out for him. I wrap my arms around his back as he gives me a second to get used to him.
         Before long he was pumping into me as he let out soft grunts. I put my face in between his neck and shoulder as he pounded against me. "Tell me how good it feels." He demands as he puts his hand in my hair and uses it to move my head from his neck. His eyes were darker. Even though we were so close I still felt a bit embarrassed. "Tell me!" He says as he tightens his grip on my hair. I squirm a bit. 
          "It feels incredible, you feel so good." I moan out as he nods. It wasn't a lie. He was a little rough but it was the best I have had in a while.
          "You are so gorgeous. Fuck I love you." He says in between thrusts. He started to kiss my neck once again. His lips were so gentle compared to his harsh bucking. I tried not to think about his confession too much. I try not to listen to men when they are inside of me. They will say the craziest things when they are about to cum.
           I nod and run my fingers through Will's hair. Ready to pull if he starts trying to direct me head again. "Do you love me?" He asked as he started going faster. He was hitting so deep inside of me I would have said anything if it meant him not stopping. 
          "Of course I do, I love you." I say in a breathy voice. His grip tightens on me as he slips a hand between us. Will wasted no time as he used his thumb to rub my clip. I started to try and buck against him, desperate to cum. My toes curled as he continued his steady pace. It wasn't long at all before I came hard against his manhood. He had a self satisfied look on his face as he nodded. 
           "That's it, good girl." I could feel my face heat up as he praised me. He was a quick study. Already understanding how much I liked to be praised. His thrust grew stronger as he focused on his own needs. His thumb never stopped rubbing small circles around my clit. I hugged my legs around his as he pushed deep inside of me one last time and finished himself. He let out a moan as he dug his nails into my shoulder and hip making me cry out. I came with him one last time. 
            Our bodies pressed together laid on the table in each other's hold for what felt like hours. He panted softly and nuzzled his face into my hair. 
          He never removed his member from me. He started slowly humping inside of me again. My head and shoulder was killing me. I still needed some time. 
           "Let's get dressed." I whisper but he shakes his head. 
            "One more time. Please." He begged. I could feel him start to get hard again.
          "No way. I'm tired and sore. Plus Hannibal could be home any moment." 
           "Good, maybe he'll give me a hand with you." He teased as he started to kiss me again. I kissed him back and grabbed a handful of his hair. He chuckled against my lips. 
        "Don't make me give you a bald spot, Graham" I warn before giving him a small playful kiss back. He pulled himself out of me and let me sit up. 
        "You really on the shot?" He asked as he pulled up his underwear then pants. I jumped down from the table and looked for my top as I pulled my pants off completely. 
         "Do you honestly think I'd let you cum inside me if I wasn't on the shot?" I ask with a laugh, finally finding my top. 
         "I was just wondering." He sounded a little disappointed. It worried me a bit. Surely he wasn't being serious. 
         "Right, well you pick this up and I'm going to shower." I say as I gather up what remained of my bra and underwear. 
         "You aren't going to help me?" He asked as he picked up some napkins from the ground. 
          "Nope you made the mess. I wanted to do it on a bed like a normal person. You better disinfect the table as well, don't half ass it." I say teasing him back. As I pull him in for one last kiss. He moaned against my lips before pulling away. 
        "Go get in the shower before I change my mind." The words sounded like a joke but his tone was a bit serious. I laugh and go to take a shower. 
         The whole time I couldn't stop thinking about the time we had. It was amazing. Will was so passionate, forceful yet gentle. 
           I wonder how many times he and Hannibal had sex and when. I guess they have had a few opportunities while I was here. I caught myself trying to imagine what sex with them both would be like. Will's passion and Hannibal's experience. Sounds like a girl's dream, I wasn't sure if I could bring myself to do it though. 
         I started to wash my hair when I felt a long buzzed strip of hair under most of my hair on the back of my head. I had a few stitches all around my head. This buzzed strip has the longest straight line of stitches though. How did the back of my head get split? It was resting against the floor when my attacker was hitting me. I tried to not think about it too hard. Some of that night was still a blur. Maybe he did hit me in the back of the head. 
        Turning the water off I step out and wrap a towel around me. Will had finished picking up the dining room and carefully hid any broken plates. 
       "Did you change your mind about round two?" He asked as he finished washing the table top. 
         "Nope sorry I was actually going to tell you I'm gonna lay down. I'm starting to sober up and my shoulder is hurting." I explain as I make sure my towel stays up. Will looks guilty as he looks at my freshly changed bandage. 
          "I'm sorry I got a little carried away. I didn't hurt you did I?" He asked a worried look washed over his face as he came over and puts a soft kiss on my shoulder. He had hurt me a little but I wasn't entirely opposed to a bit of pain. 
           "No, you were great. It was perfect." I say as I kiss his cheek. He grins and nods 
            "I had a great time too. Let me get in the shower and we can lay down together." He said as he kissed my lips. 
           He got in the shower as I got changed into an old sleep shirt of my own and crawled into bed. I really was sore. As temper as I was, Will would have had to peel me from the table if we had sex like that so soon again. My head was really giving me issues once the wine wore off. The sun had gone down but even the light from the lamp on the bedside table was giving me a migraine. I turned the lamp off and closed my eyes. 
          Will came in and laid down next to me. He wasn't shy about his clinginess before and he certainly wasn't now. He pulled me against him and kissed my neck. 
           "I know you're not asleep. Don't worry I'm not trying to get in your pants again. Are you even wearing pants?" He asked as he lifted the covers. I laugh and roll on my back to look up at him. 
          "How can I help you, Agent Graham?" I ask with a smirk. Will slid his hand under my shirt and placed his hand on my hip to pull me closer. 
          "Just checking on you." He said as he laid his head down next to mind.
          "So you and Hannibal… how'd that happen?" I ask as I hold his hand in mine. He grinned a bit. 
           "Quickly that's how it happened. One moment we were having a session in his office the next I was on his lap." He pulled my hand up to kiss my knuckles. 
         "Oh in his work office? Over his fancy desk, I hope" I tease as he rubs the back of my hand against his lips. 
         "Over his desk twice. We like to keep things fair. On the table once, in his bed a few times. On my floor at my house." 
          "Ew Will, with your dogs watching?"
          "What no, I let them out first." He laughed. 
          "Well good, I'm happy you two get along now. That has made my life easier."
           "Mine too." He says with a chuckle. I let my eyes close as he played with my fingers. "They look like they are healing." He said as he kissed the side of my fingers. I nod agreeing. 
          I was about to fall asleep when the bedroom door was opened. My eyes open groggily as I lift my head to see Hannibal poking his head in. 
           "There you two are." He said as he came inside. I lay my head back down and close my eyes again. Taking my hand from Will I roll to my side.
         "Welcome home." I say as I get settled back in. 
         "How was the appointment?" Will asked, looking up at Hannibal.
         "Very well. He had some real breakthroughs today. Speaking of which may I borrow Will? 7:30 is normally his appointment time. We can have it in my home office. I hold back a giggle wondering if this was a real appointment or not. 
          "Yes please take him so I can get some rest." I say sleepily. The two men leave the room and I do my best to ignore my pains so I can sleep.
          Some time later I woke up. I think it was the searing pain in my shoulder that woke me. I got up to see if I could find one of the boys. I walked past the basement door on my way to Hannibal's office. There was another strange sound coming from it. It sounded like scraping, maybe a chain rubbing against itself. 
           My head was hurting so bad I didn't even care what sound was coming from that place. I continue my walk and find his office. The door was wide open so I just walked in. The two men seemed to have been having a real appointment because they were across the room from one another and fully dressed. 
           Hannibal must have been able to tell what was wrong right away because he got up from his seat and held onto me as I wobbled a bit, squinting from the light. He fished the bottle from his pocket and handed me two pills. They looked a little different from the last ones.
            "My apologies Lydia, my watch went off during Will's appointment and I figured you were still sleeping." Hannibal said as he let my head rest against his shoulder. After I took the pills.
           "How long is my head going to hurt like this?" I ask still neglecting to tell them about my blurry vision. It had actually gotten somewhat better on its own so I figured it all would go away soon enough.
           "Soon I'm sure. The skull was not fractured and you seem to be fine cognitively." He says as he pets my hair. I wondered how he was so sure my head was okay. He used to be a surgeon sure but he doesn't have any medical equipment in his home that can definitely tell him my skull wasn't fractured. 
            I didn't argue with him. He sat me down in a chair next to Will before taking his seat again. Will smiled at me as he took my hand. 
          "We were pretty much finished." Will said as he gently squeezed my hand. I just nod.
          "I'm going to assume you two had a nice time while I was out." Hannibal said as he looked over at Will. I looked at Will as well wondering what he could possibly be looking so intensely at. Will had one big hickey on his neck. I must not have been as gentle as I thought. I looked back at Hannibal, surprised and embarrassed. Once I saw his face I knew I just confirmed his suspicions. Will chuckled a bit next to me. 
        "Don't be cruel Hannibal." Will says as he squeezes my hand again. 
         "Cruelty was not my intention. I was just inquiring about the time you both had together." Hannibal was always so vague. I wasn't sure if he was talking about sex or not. I could hardly keep up with the two in my state. I lay my head back and close my eyes. My head stopped hurting but unfortunately I felt like I might just fall asleep right here in this chair.
         "What's the medication called Hannibal?" I ask not opening my eyes. 
         "Codeine. It is commonly used after surgery." He says matter of factly.
          "This isn't what you gave me before. These are a different shade of white. I didn't feel this way last time. Wait… I didn't have surgery." I mumble as I open one eye to look at Hannibal.
          "You are correct about the pill. You seemed to be in more pain so I gave you something stronger. It is understandable you don't remember but I did have to do a form of surgery. To relieve pressure off your skull" I shifted in my seat and sat up. Taking my hand from Will I felt the back of my head where I felt the buzzed strip at in the shower. "Don't be alarmed. The procedure went very well." Hannibal said as he watched me from across his desk. 
          "No more codeine." I mumble. Will gets up from his seat and helps me up. 
          "Let's get you back to bed." Will said as he held me up. Hannibal got up from his seat to help. 
           I closed my eyes and let them take me back to my room. The sheets felt different against my skin. I forced my eyes open and realized I was in Hannibal's bed again. I didn't care whose bed I was in. I wasn't going to be awake long. 
            "I am sorry for the misunderstanding but at least you will get a restful night's sleep." Hannibal said as he leaned down and kissed my forehead. His breath smelt so good. 
           "I'm going to run home to feed the dogs, Hannibal will be here if you need anything." Will said as he followed Hannibal's lead and kissed my forehead. I chuckled thinking it was funny Will copied him. 
            "Oh good, Hannibal." I coo as I roll onto my side and grab a pillow to hold. I heard a small laugh come from one of the men. They must have thought I was asleep already because they spoke more freely amongst themselves. 
          "He's still down there?" Will asked as his voice got farther away. 
           "Of course, I wouldn't deprive you of a cut. Taking some home for your dogs?" Hannibal asked as his voice got further as well. 
            "Is he still-" they got too far for me to hear. I repeated the conversation to myself over and over so I wouldn't forget it. What could they possibly be talking about?
This was my first time writing smut ever so I hope it isn't too bad.
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How do the Obey Me Brothers eat their cereal... headcanon?
Lucifer would try to eat while making sure his brothers don't do anything stupid. Single mother Lucifer. He would spend half his time eating and half the time telling his brothers to do something. A very fast eater.
Mammon would try to steal someone else's cereal just to sell it later. Simp would definitely buy them. He would like to eat high-quality cabbage cereal, but he can't afford it. would really like the toys that some cereal packages contain. Would definitely like to collect the whole series. Just because he can.
Leviathan would definitely play Ruri-Ca's cereal. The ones that pay dirt. But simp has to do what simp has to do. No one else was allowed to touch his cereal. Spends half the time eating cereal and the other half staring at Ruri-Chan's picture on the cereal box.
Satan eats his cereal with a fork just because he can. Would definitely try to stab his cereal and imagine it's Lucifer. Otherwise, his eating would be "normal". They might be cat-shaped. If someone pissed him off, those cereal would "learn to fly".
Asmodeus there is certainly no shortage of cereal. Many companies would be willing to pay a lot for Asmo to eat their cereal. Cereals would vary according to trends. Maybe give the leftover cereal to Beel.
Beelzebub eat at least two packets of cereal every morning. And maybe a little at night too. He doesn't really care what kind of cereal they are. As long as they are edible they are fine. Would also try to wake up Belphie during breakfast.
Belphegor would definitely fall asleep while eating cereal. Or you wouldn't have time to get up before breakfast is already over. How is he not suffocated? No one knows. Sleeping in a cereal bowl is not good for your health.
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mcflymemes · 2 years
AS SAID BY MERRILL  *  assorted dialogue from dragon age ii
hello! i'll be your distraction! you can't hit me!
oh dear, get ready for more trouble.
have i ever mentioned i like your coat?
can i get you something to eat or drink? i have... water.
i fell off the pier once. the harbor is really deep.
do you think we could go swimming later?
someone spilled ale in here.
you really believe that, don't you?
everything i did, i did for them!
be careful what you believe in.
i hardly think you're one to criticize.
i'll find something relatively clean for you to sit on.
everyone is staring at me.
did i ask you?
we have our own stories. i don't need to borrow yours.
things are about to get exciting.
what right do you have to question us?
why doesn't anyone ever want to be nice to us?
we're about to be attacked!
it's not surprising at all that anybody would love you.
i was always... a bit secluded.
if you never made mistakes, it wouldn't matter if you believed.
i'm sorry, i can't do anymore.
it's awfully noisy in here.
why does it always smell like cabbage here?
is that your house?
why are you smiling?
why don't you arrest us?
if i had any other choices, i'd take them.
stop it. you're scaring me.
ugh, this tastes terrible.
go on, i'll catch up!
ooh, ooh, it's something dirty, isn't it? tell me, tell me!
someone's laying traps.
are you jealous?
you look uncomfortable.
oh, that's good too, but i was hoping for something dirty.
you're very quiet today. is something wrong?
have i mentioned that i don't really like it here?
i think i stepped in something.
you could get another cat, you know.
i haven't exactly made many friends.
i came in and watered your plants.
how do i learn it, then?
it's not my fight.
you've spent too much time being grumpy. it's a nice change.
it's a pretty evening, don't you agree?
i think we'd better get ready to fight.
nobody seems to like you. do you get used to that?
i'm a little overwhelmed here!
the act of lovemaking is so... intimate.
are you all right?
why do you even like me? i must seem so dull.
i was so sick on our trip across the sea.
i'm not exactly sure why we keep coming here.
could somebody help me with this, please?
oh, i can't hit that! it's much too far!
you've had many lovers, haven't you?
i've got an idea! get over here!
you sort of swagger when you walk. i've been trying, but i trip over my own feet when i do it.
i wish i had your life.
what? did i miss something?
i'm not that foolish. our relationship is strictly platonic.
you brought this on yourself!
you know, i think they were really trying to kill us.
is everyone all right?
what have i done to you now?
you keep looking at them with sad puppy eyes every time their back is turned.
i'd like to hear them sometime, if you don't mind.
i think it's over. do you think it's over?
i really think we need a new plan?
could we perhaps do battle with a pack of pretty flowers or soft bunnies next time?
if you don't believe in me either, i won't mind.
that didn't go quite like i thought it would.
i've got so many bruises now, they've got names and families.
you're very kind. thank you.
even you can be happy once in a while. it won't kill you, but your face might crack if you smile, so be careful.
you're in love!
this is going very badly!
just wondering why you're so cross all the time.
did i say something wrong again?
i'm the stupid one? whatever.
that can't be true.
do you regret it?
i think he's broken the thing he wanted to save.
would you truly turn your back on your own history?
do you like crowded cities better?
there are many things i wish i could undo.
and you're so cute when you're with him.
it could fall on someone, but you'd have to push it really hard. it's quite heavy.
we're not all like him.
don't you care about the plight of our people? not even a little bit?
you'll protect them, though. it's what you do.
maybe i'll borrow yours sometime, if that's all right.
everything affects everything.
it's impossible to talk to you.
simple is good. it sneaks up on you, makes you smile.
it feels like something is ending, doesn't it?
i've lived there for years. i see it firsthand.
it's just a precaution. nothing will go wrong.
did i miss something dirty?
did you step on something sharp?
how did you learn swording?
i said something wrong again, didn't i? maybe i'll just stop talking.
are you talking to me?
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So I saw this really cute NND fanart by @etincelleart, which inspired me to write this fic where Ruby and Penny go for boba in Vacuo.
honestly it's the closest I've engaged with canon in my writing in a long while and it was really fun
don't ask where the atla joke reference came from bc I'm still not entirely sure how it found its way in
Taste Buds
Since her transformation Penny’s life has been full of new experiences. Most of them, good (hugs, the warmth of the sun on her skin, meeting and petting that stray cat, hugs), but she still has just a little bit of apprehension about trying new things. Flipping too quickly through the pages of a book she couldn’t automatically download into her mind (due to her excitement over that being an experience she can have now) leading to her First Ever Paper Cut had taught her that it was perhaps best to take some things slowly.
There’s still no one else quite like her. Ambrosius hadn’t made her a new body. They’d been very careful with their wording there. She just sort of has one now? The person she’d always been manifested as she envisioned herself? Penny is most definitely real, so it checks out. It’s just…the part of her that still finds comfort in hard data and scientific fact struggles with the whole thing, sometimes, when it’s quiet, and she has nothing else really to focus on.
Food has been a particularly exciting (if also a little worrying) topic. Hunger is not something Penny enjoys. Being able to taste definitely is. Even if she hasn’t had the chance to try out too many flavors yet, Penny loves all of them, especially sweets. Though that may be due to it being Ruby (and Ruby’s own giant sweet tooth) that introduced her to many of the foods she’s tried so far, leading to something of a bias in the data sample.
The worrying part about food is the eating. According to the medical doctor she’d gone to with Ruby, Penny is a perfectly healthy, normal girl. The doctor had also reassured Penny her lack of medical records was okay, expected even, it was a common situation amongst a lot of the Atlesian refugees. Informing her that Penny’s organic body was a relatively new development had led to a bit of awkwardness, but they’d moved passed it.
The point being, all the necessary parts for a digestive system (and also every other functionality a person has) are there. How exactly they got there may be a mystery Penny will live with for the rest of her life, but they’re still there, and they all do their jobs properly.
Penny had been nervous at first, to eat. Before, she’d always had to be incredibly careful because a crumb or droplet of liquid in the wrong place could lead to system-wide errors and glitching for days. But, eating was part of her life now. Normal now. Expected even.
And honestly, once she got past that initial, momentary hesitation, the excitement had taken over. It’s a whole new—
Ruby tugs Penny into a flurry of rose petals. Penny reflexively relaxes into the sensation. They land, breathlessly, on the opposite side of the street from the (cabbage? Penny is fairly sure those are cabbages, but, without instant access to databases, she’s still learning to differentiate vegetables on her own, and all the green ones are particularly difficult) vendor, whose cart Ruby almost knocked over.
The probably-cabbage vendor shakes his fist at them, but doesn’t chase them across the street. He picks up the handles of his cart and, grumbling, goes on his way.
Ruby looks to Penny. Penny looks back. Ruby’s laugh fills her cheeks before bursting out of her. Penny can’t help but join in.
It takes a few minutes for their giggles to subside.
“Okay, okay.” Ruby takes a breath to settle herself. “Come on, we’re almost there.”
They continue weaving their way through the streets of Vacuo, though not going quite as fast as the almost jog Ruby had led Penny on to begin with. Soon they reach the shop with the large sign reading, Bubba Bubba Boba, above it.
The boba shop is slowly becoming something of a favorite of their group. It is, first and foremost, Ruby and Yang’s spot, a cherished reminder of their pre-Beacon life. One they’re slowly sharing with everyone. There’d been talk of visiting as a whole group, but differing assignment schedules made that difficult. So far, to Penny’s knowledge, only Yang has taken Blake there, at the end of their first Official Date As A Couple, where they’d meandered through the shopping district together.
Until, that is, less than an hour ago, when Ruby rushed into Penny and her father’s small quarters and declared Penny absolutely has to go there with her.
Penny isn’t exactly sure of the timeline between Yang surprising Ruby with boba to Yang and Blake’s date ending with them getting boba to now, but she is a little concerned about Weiss’s absence from the series of events. Wouldn’t it have made sense for Team RWBY to go together first?
(Unbeknownst to her, there had been an intermediary moment where Ruby, after hearing about Yang and Blake’s date, got her idea to take Penny for boba, and talked to Weiss about it. Weiss had encouraged (to put it in the most mild terms possible) Ruby to just ask Penny out already, which Ruby had, of course, interpreted as ‘taking my friend Penny, who is my friend and totally not anything else, out for boba’.
(Semi-relatedly, there is an entire chapter of the memoir living rent free in Weiss’s head titled; My Teammates And Their Obliviousness To Their Own Romances: How To Deal With The Unending Frustration.)
Penny and Ruby walk into the boba shop. It’s sparsely decorated, most of what’s there an eclectic assortment of basic furniture easily found. Packing up, leaving in a hurry, and restarting a business in a new kingdom hadn’t been easy for the shop owners, but they seem to be doing their best.
Penny trails after Ruby to the counter. She looks up at the colorful options cheerfully displayed on the menu. There’s a lot of them. Some flavors she recognizes, like strawberry or mango. Others she doesn’t. Staring at the words ‘matcha’ and ‘taro’ doesn’t suddenly reveal anything about what they are to Penny.
“Hey, Penny?” Ruby is looking back at her, mild concern written across her face. “You good?”
“Yes, I…” Penny bites her lower lip. “I don’t know what to choose.” Any of the options could be good. They probably all are. But this will be her first boba. Her first boba with Ruby.
It suddenly feels just a bit daunting.
“Well, let’s see.” Ruby comes to stand beside her. She automatically reaches for Penny’s hand, and Penny doesn’t hesitate in allowing her to take hold of it. With her other, free hand, Ruby taps her finger against her lips. “You’ve had a bunch of types of fruit before, right? Maybe we could go with one of those flavors, since they’re already kind of familiar?”
“I suppose.” Penny glances again at the flavors on the menu she doesn’t know. It would probably be most logical to not travel too far away from the known on her first taste, no matter how much her curiosity is telling her otherwise.
Ruby catches sight of Penny’s expression. She frowns. Then her eyes light up with an idea. “Or, we could get one of each, something you’re familiar with and something you’re not, and share!”
Penny can’t help but grin. “I like that idea much better.”
At the counter, Ruby orders one strawberry and one matcha. Then, with drinks in hand, she leads Penny to one of the shop’s outdoor tables. They sit.
“Here.” Ruby passes the strawberry over to Penny first. Their fingers accidentally brush against each other.
Penny’s heart skips a beat. She tells it, not for the first time, it really must stop doing that when these sorts of minor accidents happen when she’s around Ruby. They’re very comfortable with physical contact with each other. Why should the unintended ones be any different?
“Try it! Try it!” Seemingly unaware of where Penny’s mind is at, Ruby eagerly gestures at the boba cup in front of Penny.
Putting such thoughts aside for later, Penny picks up the strawberry one, and guides the straw to her lips. Then nearly jumps as the first boba makes it to her mouth. She was not expecting that specific texture! Penny rolls the boba around with her tongue, adjusting to how it feels, and tastes.
“Soooo?” Ruby leans forward over the table. “How is it?”
Penny doesn’t have to think about her answer.
“Perfectly sensational!”
“Yay!” Ruby swings back in her chair. Too far. It leans back. Its front two legs leave the ground. The chair tips and unceremoniously drops Ruby. She instinctively calls upon her semblance to catch herself, but flies too far, going into the street.
A second later Ruby finds herself in an amongst the fallen cabbages of the cart she crashed into.
The vendor, the same one from earlier, has his hands on his head.
Over his shoulder, Ruby meets Penny’s gaze. Penny grabs their bobas. They go running.
(Later, they’ll go back and make things right with the cabbage vendor.)
For now, Ruby and Penny hide out in an alley and swap boba flavors.
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Propaganda for Wayne & Raj
their biggest goal in life is to be pro hockey players together (they're been on the same hockey team since they were children) but if that doesn't pan out, they plan to become beekeepers together because "they both really like syrup." they are so clinically stupid. they think cabbages are fruit. one of them eats things in his sleep and hacks it up like a cat. one of them decided the best time to come out was while falling down the side of a mountain. they think action movies are real.
Two hockey jocks who are best friends. They are smart when it comes to hockey, but not much else. Examples: they think cabbage is a fruit and that syrup comes from bees.
these idiots i love them so much. in the first episode, they didnt know how voting someone OFF THE ISLAND worked when everyone else did. they voted for each other. they think bees make maple syrup. they get convinced that everything on tv is fake, leading them to believe THEYRE fake bc theyre on tv. wayne will apparently eat random shit in his sleep. raj immediately thinks of sports teams when certain animals are mentioned. they have so many double confessionals. theyre besties your honor
Quite literally silly himbo jocks. They fought a cassowary and lost. They voted for each other in an elimination game because they thought voting gave them safety. They sent a guy to a hospital during a tripping prank. Canonically refers to selves as "a hot dog type"
silly hockey bros
They think bees make syrup, enough said
Everytime they were on screen they shared only one braincell
They're both just iconic!!! Firstly these two are inseparable.They do everything together!!! There:s so many amazing scenes with them. Wayne is a suped supportive ally of Raj and Bowies relationship.
They are besties and they are equally so, so silly. What really takes the cake here is that they both genuinely believe that all television shows and movies are real, and when they find out they’re not, they say “At least we can still trust wrestling. :)” They’re hockey players but, if that doesn’t work out for a career, they said they wanted to be beekeepers because they both like syrup. They lost their fake hockey beards and Wayne’s immediate response was, “Maybe I ate them in my sleep!!” And when he starts trying to hack them up, Raj just says, “Wayne’s good at this. :)” During a challenge, Raj lands in a pit of tapioca pudding and instantly assumes it’s vomit, meanwhile Wayne lands on an angry bull and asks, “Why is this cow so mad?! :(“ Wayne calls a skull a “head bone,” Raj calls cabbages “leafy balls.” They’re so supportive of one another and they’re always looking out for each other.
They are both so silly and stupid and they are adorable must watch the season they are in.
“If we don’t go pro” “which is crazy! Cause we’re totally going pro.” “That’s right. But iiiiiiif we don’t? We both really love—“ “syrup.” “So we’re gonna become beekeepers!”
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