#can he just take me from behind like that 🤣😈
peaceloveelvis · 2 years
Don't mind me, just imagining myself sitting front row at the International Hotel in 1970 watching this fine specimen of a man, praying to God he'd pick me to come up to his hotel suite and... 😏
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honoviadakai · 8 months
Rating the Hazbin crew based on how much I trust them to drive me places 🚗 😈
(This idea comes from @not-just-another-hazbin don’t think I didn’t see your reblog my friend, it’s been making me cackle for a week now 🤣)
Charlie 🏨🎶:
Oh this is the SAFEST person you could get in a car with
9 times out of 10, she’s probably not the one driving
It would be Razzle and Dazzle
That being said
When she DOES drive, you’re guaranteed to get from point A to point B in one piece
She’s a little too safe though….
She follows all traffic laws to the letter
And that wouldn’t borne a problem…if you guys weren’t in hell
Traffic laws in hell are a suggestion more than anything else
So more often then not, people are yelling slurs and insults at you two
Also, she’s lowkey a s low driver
She refuses to go above 30mph unless absolutely necessary
And that’s usually never with her
So if you have an appointment at 4pm and she’s the one driving you
No you don’t
It’s at 2pm
3pm at latest
She honestly gives off massive “trying to be the cool mom” vibes when driving
But her some slack, it’s the daddy issues that make her give that vibe
Vaggie 🦋🗡️:
She’s pretty ok at driving tbh
She’s gonna keep you safe and she’s more than capable of navigating you through the hellscape of hell’s roads
But her road rage is insane
Like you’d think someone like Husk has horrible road rage right?
It’s Vaggie
She genuinely might actually start ramming into people if they’re being truly unreasonably unhinged and threaten your safety
She truly just wants to keep you safe so that’s exactly what she’s gonna do
Just keep your seatbelt on…please
She’s also just not gonna let anyone eat in her car
No exceptions
Why…oh why in the ever loving FUCK would you get in a car where the RADIO DEMON was behind the wheel!?!
Get out of the car!
He’s gonna cause an accident on the freeway on purpose!
And god help you if you say you’re in a hurry!
He’s gonna grove even slower than Charlie!
Like 5MPH kind of slow!
Angel Dust🕷️💕:
He’s an average driver tbh
When he’s being chill/sober
He’s pretty good at staying out of trouble and getting you from point A to B in the time you need
Now if he’s having a manic episode or had too much coke….
Please for the love of god buckle up
He’s speeding so fast it makes Sonic the Hedgehog look like a tortoise
He’s there for a good time, not a long time and he wants to see some shit get wrecked
But tbh he might not let you in the car if he’s doing this
He doesn’t care what happens to him
But you?
Your safety matters so much to him…
Thankfully he hasn’t done stuff like that in a long time so for the most part, he’s a good person to go to if you need a ride
He’s got the soul of a grumpy old man and he drives like one too
First of all
He’s gonna complain when you ask him to take you anywhere
He’s gonna drive you ofc
But he’s gonna act like you took him away from something important
It was booze
You took him away from his quiet drinking time
How dare you
He’s gonna get you from point A to B as quickly and as safely as he can
Nothing crazy, he just wants to hurry back home with as little chaos happening as possible
Low key I feel like he plays country, blues and/or rock music from around the time he was alive
It’s mostly sad music if you really listen to the lyrics
He honestly doesn’t care if you eat in the car but if you make a mess, he’s making you clean it
It’s honestly like getting a ride from you’re very tired and jaded uncle
Absolutely not
First of all
Look at her
She’s like 3 ft tall
How is she supposed to reach the pedals or look over the steering wheel????
Even if she was tall enough to drive properly….would you honestly get in the car with her???
The best way I can explain her driving….
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And even then…I think she’s 1000 times worse than this guy
She’d tumble it hard enough to make it explode while you’re both still inside
And she’s laugh gleefully….
Just get a cab…it’s much safer
Sir Pentious🐍🥚:
I know he’s capable of piloting his war machine
But piloting a ship and driving a car and very different for him
Ships are easy for him
But cars????
It’s like reading a foreign language to him
You’ll eventually reach your destination sure
But the town you just passed through is somehow on fire
And so is the car
And it’s only being held together by duct tape and prayers…
Just walk
Your chances of coming home in once piece is much higher that way
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I am so in to König and the confident solder lady (btw we need a tag name or a callsign for her, maybe a poll?) but anyway I go insane for that dynamic!❤️‍🔥 I am on FIRE after I read your stories and it's NEVER enough 😭🤣
so I imagined this scenario about them
They are out on a mission to capture someone. When König finds the target the lady solder, still under the effect of how brutal and efficient König is with his hands disposing of the enemies, says to him:
L - Bag n tag me...I mean HIM
K - *looks at lady solder while filthy thoughts run through his mind*
now both of their minds are in the gutter...as well as mine, but mine never left😈
Confident soldier lady is so unhinged even König is at a loss sometimes 🤨 And our soldier babe? She gets off on those baffled, bewildered looks a little too much (shame on her).
One day when they're cuddling, sweaty and spent after another heated session that was supposed to put her in her place – how curious that it does actually work, even if only for like 5 minutes – she crosses another line.
"König… Could you kidnap me sometime? You know, in a roleplay fashion," she asks while drawing circles on that godly, muscled, sweaty chest.
The said godly muscled sweaty chest almost stops breathing.
"Kidnap you?" König repeats, appalled and with pure loathing in his voice. "I hate kidnappers... And I hate slavery."
She nearly rises to give him a pointed remark about how funny it is that he hates that shit when at the same time, doesn't have a problem with treating her like a possession. But calling a man like König out on his double standards would be futile, so she settles for seething with quiet resentment while curled up there in his arms.
Yeah… Of course this guy wouldn't know what roleplay even means.
Next week she's walking back to the bus after visiting a sibling, a bit anxious about getting back to base and seeing König again. She still has over a week's worth of leave left, but she wants to go back to spend it with him.
It's sick... Everything about this relationship is sick, twisted, and crazy. She’s always running back to him like a cat who hears her owner has opened another canned tuna in oil. She's so in her thoughts about how to torture that jerk in return that she doesn't quite notice a white van pulling over right next to her.
He barely fits inside the cargo space with her, almost folds her in half while ducking and stepping inside. The car groans under the weight, slants slightly to the side, and she starts to panic and squirm from realizing this is actually happening.
Next thing she knows, she's being picked up from behind like she weighs nothing. A large palm lands over her mouth the minute she’s about to scream – she makes a tiny little noise through her nose but the palm moves to cover that as well.
The street is silent, it's a lazy afternoon in the suburbs, everyone is at work and children are at school, and no one can hear or see how some psycho hauls her inside that van.
"Shh. Stop fighting," a familiar voice bleeds into her ears, muffled and warm.
It can't be…
But then again, didn't she just make a wish upon a psycho star?
He notices she has stopped fighting, just like he ordered her to. He feels how she surrenders to a far stronger beast – just like she's supposed to. And then he purrs.
"Das ist eher so… Be good now. Be a good girl."
No one speaks German like that. No one calls her a gut girl like that.
The palm leaves her mouth, and she's being lowered gently on the floor of the van. She turns to look at her captor with both hope and dread pounding inside her chest.
It's pointless to utter that name when the man before her is exactly his size and build, moves like him, has those same cold, blue eyes that gain a warmer tone every time they land on her. The only thing that makes her take a double check is that he's not wearing a hood this time but a black balaclava. Oddly enough, it makes him look a bit more human. She can see the shape of his jaw, the perch of his nose, usually disguised by the baggy sniper hood he's so fond of...
But what the new mask also does is that it makes him look even more menacing: he looks like some of those terrorists they've always fought against. He looks like the biggest bank robber ever put to this earth, he looks like he's about to shoot dozens of innocent citizens and then kidnap someone to take as his prize and drag them into his rape lair.
The notion should not make her squeal like she's looking forward to being that person…
"You're mine now," he looks down at her, lying at his feet like a stray cat about to be taken back home, then turns to walk out of the van. By the time he slams the doors shut, she's smiling – she might be in need of some serious help, but she can't deny König is at his best when he comes out to play.
His house is surprisingly neat, albeit it is no doubt also a man cave for a soldier who rarely spends time at home.
She’s not carried into a cold lair or a secret dungeon underneath the house. No, she gets to stay in his bedroom, on a soft, king-sized bed. He "forces" her cook for him, and praises her meals like they’re some sort of gourmet dishes. It lights a little flame inside her chest, a fire that doesn’t burn but only feels warm. She starts to tidy his place on her own accord.
It's cute, and it's fun, their little kidnap game.
It’s also kind of entertaining to play house with König like this, especially when her "kidnapper" comes to her every night and takes her gently but intensely, with a passion that renders her silent.
It starts to resemble the most domestic little scene until after one week, she snaps out of it.
She doesn't fight back at all.
He calls her his, asks if she has everything she needs as they lay together on his ridiculously large and nice bed. She doesn’t miss her hard army bunk one bit.
She snaps out of it because he brings her a dress.
She fucking hates dresses.
Well, perhaps she doesn’t hate them... but she hates the particular dress he bought her. It's white and has flowers on it – yuck – is she supposed to cook him a nice, healthy meal while wearing that? Let him lift the hem and take her against a counter whenever he wants? Does he think she’s just going to open her legs for him every night after serving him like a docile, doting little wife?
That night, she fights like a wildcat when he comes to her. She enjoys the way he's panting by the time she finally surrenders to him. He sounds like a dog in heat, he's grunting like a man who has one job too many, trying to restrain his little alley cat so that he can push that heavenly cock inside her. She's dripping wet by the time he gets there, looking up at her captor with lightning and thunder in her eyes.
"What's gone into you now, meine Wildkatze?"
"That stupid dress, that's what's gone into me," she hisses as he tries to be gentle again – she suddenly hates it that he's gentle.
"You'd look good in it," he tries, and she almost spits on his face. Her heart hurts for some unfathomable reason, her lower lip juts out with a furious pout.
"Well you'd look good in rags…!"
And just when she thinks he couldn't make it worse… he makes it worse.
He just laughs. Gently, and heartily.
"Is that the best you can do, little one?"
"You'd make such a good wife..."
The only thing she can do is gasp for air as he makes love to her, as those eyes hold her captive gently, so gently – has he become so gentle just because she cooked him for a week and cleaned up his stupid man cave?
Did he kidnap her just because he realized that would be the perfect way to trick her and transform her into a good little housewife?
Good god...
"If you don't set me free tomorrow, I swear I'll… I'll run away!"
She’s the one panting now, and her threat has little effect save for the hauntingly familiar flash of dare that makes those blue eyes look brighter for a second.
"That's what cats do sooner or later," her King tilts his head – the cock inside her gives a demanding pulse, and she has to fight the urge to moan.
"…but they always return home."
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missbunnybunny · 1 year
Widow what shall i ever do with you.... Welcome to the short tales of Widow harrasing 141. König come get ya girl! 141 wondering how Widow is still alive after all the dumb shit she has done.
*Random recruit*: What's that smell?
Soap: ye' smells like smoke.
Ghost: price most be smokn'.
Price: 's no me, lutenent.
*Gaz just walking in*: ya know half the is on fire, right?
*141 at the same time*: what!?!?
Ghost: Where's Widow? Fuckin' hell, WIDOW!
- Meanwhile, with Widow -
*Widow Committed arsene part 2#*: Ah, Que lindo día~ (Ah, what a beautiful day)
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Widow: i like cha, and I want cha. Now, we can do this the easy way or the hard way.
Gaz: Try all ya wan' ya ain't gettin' it, am winning.
Widow: the choice is yours.
Gaz: And am gettin' that 1st place, one more run and I win🏆.
Widow: Okay, I see you choosin' the hard way. *throws a turtle shell at him*
Gaz: Widow, come on!
Widow: na na na na~ Take that L , I win
Gaz: I so, hate ya
Widow: Love ya, too.
*Random recruit: Am 20, so....
Widow: ur 20?!?
*stranger*: yeah....
Widow with a straight face: MF, you look 30.
König: maus, that's rude.
Widow: I ain't takin' it back.
König: but am older than you.
Widow: I love u, so eso no vale madre pa mi.( so, I don't give a fuck, about that.)
**Now, what is widow doing? You may ask. Well....**
*Widow with her hair down crawling on the floor, trying to scare 141*
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Soap: the fuck?
Gaz: Oh Hell, Nah. Am not white! My black ass is gettin' outta here
Ghost: ya seeing things. Nothins' there, ya wusses
*Widow grabbing soaps leg & whispering*: 7 days.....
Gaz & soap: AAAHHHHH!?!?! * they scream in a high peach*
*Ghost looking down at Widow* having fun there?
*Widow cry laughing*: Yup.... I love it
Ghost: good, price is coming in 5
Widow: oh, is he. Hehehaha, 😈
Ghost: Who the bloody hell melted, the frying pan?
Soap: How do you even melt it, that far?
Gaz: Half the pan is missing! did they use a bomb???
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............* slowly hiding behind könig*
Ghost: Widow... Why are you runn', Why are you runn'
*Widow running for her life*: am sorryyy! I don't know how it even happened.
Ghost: Widow what the fuck! * runs after her*
* Widow's war crimes against the kitchen continue. Who will win? Stay tune, until next time*
Well, folks, this the end of my tadtalk....hope ya enjoyed. Tiktok be giving me meme and crack ideas 🤣. Until I come back from the dead and we meet again. These are just a few reasons why widow should never be allowed in a kitchen. I mean, like, NEVER!
Also, should I:
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legacygirlingreen · 7 months
Burning Eyes & Laughter // Aesop Sharp NSFW
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A/N: I absolutely apologize for this unedited mess. It’s also a massive stray from my usual content but I just had to write one for my best friend around the anniversary of the games release. I know most of you follow me for Sebastian content and I’m working on updates for those, but this was a quick write for my favorite person. @strawberrypinky I absolutely adore you, and I dedicate this one to you.
This was using a Sharpuary prompt for today (which I was only made aware of via my favorite Potions professor loving girl 🤣) so if you want more content for this theme , the challenged was created by @ynyseira if you want to see the whole list. Also this is written to be whatever you prefer for insert: could be your OC, MC , yourself/ y/n (no judgement) and NO use of any of the above for whatever floats your boat the most. Just note it is AFAB for the ugh… *cough* content…. 😈
This was prompt 13. Alihotsy
Word count: 7k
Warnings : SMUT, mild dom tones (but still respectful), mentions of woman on top, swearing, character gets drugged with laughing potion
Aesop Sharp had been surprised when a professor rivaling even his own level of grumpiness joined their staff replacing poor Eleazar Fig following the man’s untimely death. When the end of term concluded, and the students sent home, Aesop was looking forward to a few months without Garreth Weasleys constant mischief, monitoring Sebastian Sallow’s detentions and just the general rude chatter provided by the students. It’s not that he hated kids directly… just struggled with their lack of maturity at times. 
When Phineas introduced a daughter of one of his friends - a young woman from a sacred 28 family who walked behind the man with annoyance even in her light footed steps- he had been… intrigued. This interest growing more so when Matilda informed the rest of the staff that the young woman was taking over for the late professor as the school’s Magical Theory educator. 
The final nail in the coffin so to speak came in the form of the polite but formal greeting she seemed to share with one of the only colleagues he actively enjoyed : Dinah Hecat. Upon further listening - or perhaps it was eavesdropping - he discovered she too had worked for the Ministry of Magic, often dropping off dark artifacts at the Unspeakable office, thus crossing paths with Dinah. 
It wasn’t until he was having the young woman stare in his direction, fire in her eyes as she raised an eyebrow he realized she had been talking to him. 
“Pardon?” He asked coming to his senses as the woman actually had the gall to role her eyes at him before snapping. 
“Can I help you?” She repeated, this time much firmer as he decided that perhaps the young woman, while having the appearance of a sweet and lovely maiden, was in fact much more nasty at heart than he could’ve imagined. 
“No”, he said curtly before turning to Hecat trying to excuse himself from the conversation as not only had the woman’s reaction brought annoyance to him, but deep down he was growing embarrassed. He had been out of line to stare and put a listening ear to a conversation he was not a part of. 
“Didn’t anyone ever educate you that it’s rude to stare?” She continued to berate him and despite knowing she had every right to do so. 
“Bold of you to assume that I was staring at you Ma’am. If it is such an offense than perhaps I shall make amends with your husband for being so rude to his-“ he started, the formality he was accustomed to especially with wealthy pure blood families coming to light. 
“You shall make your amends directly to me as I have no husband” she said once again with anger burning in her eyes. At her words she straightening, almost as if she was attempting to make herself taller. 
In all his years he had yet to meet a woman her age from a family like hers who remained this way. Being a spinster was often reserved for half blooded families or those less wealthy. 
Despite finding her words to be interesting he couldn’t stop the natural response he often had to terse conversations like this. Aesop would like to blame it on the years of being an auror, dealing with less than pleasant dark witches and wizards, but when he looked back on his life he always tended to have a bit of an edge that was never shakable. 
“Well perhaps if you did have a husband you would be much more agreeable. Excuse me.” Aesop said, straightening to full height and forcing the pain in his leg to quiet as much as possible so he could stomp away without giving allusions to his limp. 
The gasps leaving the staff members behind him initially being the only thing he heard, that was until her splintered tone muttered “cantankerous bastard” with a scoff. 
Aesop Sharp wasn’t proud of the small flame that started burning in his soul at hearing her open rebellion to his brash actions…
Whoever said that first impressions don’t matter surely hadn’t been in the room the day the potions professor first met the Magic Theory replacement. Ever since that moment they had been the definition of “water” and “oil”. Often exploding at each other in staff meetings and angrily squabbling as they planned their lessons in the library. 
As much as Aesop tried to blame his frustrating with children on their lack of maturity, he certainly continued to find himself reporting to such immature when trying to rile up the new professor. The woman, over a decade his junior and nearly half his size in stature carried a spitfire soul that continued to plague him when he was in his quarters alone at night. 
He found observing that inferno take hold in her eyes as she stared him down as she lashed out in retaliation to be something more intoxicating than the most expensive whiskeys he had ever consumed. The anger within her pulling him in like a sire luring sailors to shore. Essentially, he’d grown addicted to making her angry purely for the reaction she provided while fuming. 
If someone had told him that into his forties Aesop would be harassing a younger woman solely to see the rise out of her he’d have assumed them to be a liar. Yet, here he found himself stomping by her bedchambers, intentionally causing more noise than inherently necessary as he did so during the early hours of the morning. Knowing Abraham had returned home for the weekend he had little qualms of making the noise as they were the only two professors on this floor. And when she didn’t come bounding out to scold him, Aesop decided to take it a tiny bit further, intentionally dropping a book onto the floor right outside her door, despite knowing that it would be a pain to pick up.
When the wooden door flew open and she looked at him ready to draw blood he knew it had all been worth it.
“Merlin’s bloody ballsack!” The woman shouted, and despite her toned down attire and frustration he was almost surprised as she took one look at him directly outside her door and still bent down to retrieve the book. Despite her obvious annoyance with him, he wondered why she still felt the need to reach down and collect his fallen book. Inside he hoped that perhaps she didn’t fully hate him - even going as far to worry about him following over with his aliment - but when she stood back at full height again she instantly took to berating him. 
“What in Salazar’s name are you doing loudly stomping through the halls and dropping things right outside my door in the middle of the night? Honestly Sharp, this is getting out of line. It’s one thing to fight during the days, but to bother me when I’m alone is entirely another. I thought you were Peeves acting a fool, turns out you’ve decided to bring your childish antics into inappropriate hours as well. Not only is is just rude but it’s shameful knowing I could’ve come out indecent-“ she chastised in such a fast tone he was almost impressed with her ability to angrily yell at him so quickly without taking a breath. 
He caught the part about her possibly coming out indecent and the thought alone made his mind wander as he stood there, mouth agape all the while the young woman continued to yell at him. In her attempt to thrust the book back into his hands she dropped the arm wrapped around her abdomen, which was acting to keep her robe closed. As this happened he got a decent enough glance at her night-slip and as his eyes once again darted back up Aesop Sharp realized he had regretfully been caught gawking at the tiny sliver of indecency she accidentally had flashed.
“You are a swine Aesop Sharp!” She yelled promptly slamming the door in his face hard enough it echoed through the entire staff ward. 
“You’re the least agreeable woman I’ve been privy to encounter!” he responded though the door, turning on his heel as he began the ascent towards his own room and when he made it to the next floor he was met with the floating smirk of Peeves. 
Who would have thought 
the potions man does indeed have a heart…
“This is getting quite ridiculous you two both have to admit” Matilda said with a frustrated sigh. 
The young woman paced the floor while he leaned against the wall. The deputy headmistress had regretfully begun receiving complaints not just from other members of the staff, but even hearing from students how much the potions professor and the newest staff member were struggling to get along. Thus leading to one of the more awkward interventions she’d been forced to have in her career as an educator.
“I will not tolerate fighting amongst my staff. It is a shameful look, especially to our students, when two of our educators cannot act cordial” Matilda said with a frustrated sigh.  
Just as Aesop moved to apologize to Professor Weasley a small house elf he’d seen on occasion apparatus into the room startling the pair of quarreling professors.
“Professor Weasley, I have made all the arrangements you asked” he informed her as he stood on the woman’s desk. 
“Thank you Deek. Would you be willing to meet them in the astronomy tower corridor?” She asked the elf who only nodded before leaving once more. 
“I have asked Deek to assist you both in searching the room of requirement. The headmaster would like specific items currently stored for an alumni event coming up. Considering you both cannot get along I figured this would provide you both ample opportunity to either get out all the anger you have away from students or perhaps even come to a middle ground,” Professor Weasley spoke. 
Thats how Aesop found himself in the dark and cramped storage configuration of the room of requirement with the woman he found so attractive yet incredibly infuriating. 
“I’m going to look over that way for those wizard chess boards and awards, come and find me when you’ve finished looking for the quidditch trophies” she said with an annoyed sigh and abandoning him before he had the opportunity to say no. 
“Hobbling down the crowded walkways of the room he eventually made it to a broom rack surrounded by trophies. It wasn’t until he got closer he saw it. 
Amongst all the relics associated with the schools only sport, he found a framed photo of someone recognizable. As he came closer he realized why. There, holding the quidditch cup was the woman he had found to frequently be on his mind. She was happy as she sat amongst the shoulders of other teammates, holding the hand of another woman as they held the cup high. Underneath the text read: 
1880 Slytherin Quidditch Cup Winners 
As he kept reading he found two familiar names. The woman in the room with him, along with another name he had heard before. Gaunt. Noctua Gaunt 
Against his better nature Aesop Sharp found himself putting the small framed photo in his coat pocket for later as he heard her footsteps. 
“Find what you were looking for?” She asked, tense but not the fully rude tone he’d grown accustomed to. 
“Not quite. There’s much in here to get distracted by” he admitted as he turned back to look for the items he came for. Someday he’d ask her about the photo but for now, he’d just be content with the proof she had the ability to be happy.
“How dare you?!” She said as she stormed through his office door during a free period. 
“We’ve been over this before, if you were more agreeable and spoke like the adult you claim to be perhaps we could come to a common ground sensibly” he told her with an eye roll.
“I will approach you with sensibility when you learn how to be sensible” she snapped as her arms came to her chest as they crossed. 
“What am I being accused of this time?” He responded with an unimpressed tone.
“I was just informed that you refuse to allow accommodations to one of your students despite being told by the headmaster to do so” she explained and suddenly he knew what she was referring to. 
“Mr Gaunt is perfectly capable to preform in class without the aforementioned accommodations. Asking for such is unreasonable ” he told her knowing that she held a soft spot for the boy. 
“Making him guess what potion ingredients he’s adding is cruel, not to mention dangerous” she retorted and he scoffed.
“So I am to allow special treatment for all my students? Or perhaps only advantage those you hold sentiment towards?” He asked her with a scowl. 
“This has nothing to do with my connection to Omi-Mr Gaunt” she corrected herself as she tried not to think about her friendship with his late Aunt. Letting a small ounce of vulnerability show she sighed as for the first time she tried to speak to the man in a calm manner. “It’s not advantaging him, it’s purely making sure he’s not at a disadvantage compared to his classmates”
He tried to remember what had even been asked to help the young man. A way to identify his ingredients?
“How does Mr. Gaunt normally read?” He asked her.
“With his wand…” she trailed of knowing that to ask for usage of a wand during potions examinations was unreasonable. 
“Before he got a wand?” He asked her.
“We uh-“ she once again looked down unsure before clearing her throat to say, “he knows brail”
“Then I can arrange for ingrient bottles for him alone to use with brail on the labels. It will be on Mr. Gaunts accord to make sure prior to an examination that I confirm they are suitable to use. Is this agreeable?” He asked her.
“Yes” she told him, turning on her heel to leave. As she did so she looked over her shoulder briefly to say, “thank you Mr. Sharp” then leaving before he had a chance to reply. 
For the most part not much had changed after their one pleasant interaction. If one could call it pleasant that is. Aesop certainly did. Ever since then, it felt as if the young woman had intentionally been avoiding him. Every attempt he made to rile her up, ignored. He hardly saw her in the dining hall or in the corridors. Or was almost as if the young woman had vanished completely. 
Aesop tried not to let it bother him - in many ways it was good for his jobs sake that he wasn’t tempted by her immaturity - but a large part of him was starting to miss the anger behind her beautiful eyes.
“So I have gotten less complaints of a certain professor and you as of late? Am I to understand the matter has been resolved?” Matilda asked him as she stood in the entry way of his office. She had come to discuss more punishment options for Garreth as the boy had yet again stole from his stores to blow up another cauldron. After which the conversation shifted to his frustration with the Magic theory professor. 
At her inquiry he was reminded of their last encounter. He has yet again caught her in her night gown. This time it had actually been on accident as Peeves the poltergeist stole from his art room and was parading through the wing as he yelled after the entity of chaos. This woke the woman up as she stormed out of her room in yet another silk slip ready to draw blood. Before he could actually apologize for seeing her in such a state she snapped as she retreated into her room and he followed closely behind, pounding on her door until she opened up, this time covered but entirely flustered.
“What is it Sharp?” She hissed through clenched teeth.
“I was trying to apologize before you rudely took off” he huffed out.
“I was rude? I’m not the one staring at a woman in an improper state!” She countered and he laughed, once again setting that fire he’d missed.
“Perhaps if you stopped opening the door in these improper states it wouldn’t be an issue” he spoke with a smile as he turned to leave, not bothering to turn around, but from the way he didn’t hear her door close until he rounded the flight of stairs he knew he had left her speechless. 
“Well?” Matilda Weasley asked breaking him out of his memory. 
“I believe your prize new faculty member seems to be avoiding me” he responded honestly.
The older woman sighed in annoyance. “I really had hoped you two could get along. She has such a similar background to you. She often worked with both the Auror program and Dinah’s department. It’s a value to have such a person her. I hoped you could come together and better prepare those students who seek that lifestyle. Especially in encouraging those students whose family’s expect little to no career of challenge with such fortunes to fall back on. You both could lead by example. If I recall your parents wanted you to be a pencil pusher like your father Aesop, and you were adamant about taking your own path” she explained.
“What does that woman know of choosing to leave such expectations. She relied on her family name to get a job here? Connections through Phineas. And any ministry job -“ he tried to argue but the red head cut him off.
“She was nearly forced into marriage at such a young age like most pure blooded girls and she resisted it. She made a career. That is nearly unheard of with the sacred 28, especially those with close ties to the house you both called home while here” Matilda alluded to the common lifestyle of pure blooded families with obsession in maintaining that status. 
“Matilda you’ve met the woman, I suspect she sent any suitor her father picked running for the highlands” he grumpily responded. 
“Regardless I had hoped you both would find some common ground after you reached an agreement in assisting Mr. Gaunt” she said.
“I have hardly seen her since. She’s the one avoiding me. If anyone is to blame it’s her” he tried to reason with the deputy headmistress.
“Perhaps it is you who needs to extend the olive branch then. You are older and usually wiser than this Aesop. Yet when this woman is involved you resort to such childish manners and antics.” She told him.
Perhaps Matilda is right. 
“How do you suggest I even do that?” He asked her.
“I had picked up some wine last time I was in Hogsmeade since I know she’s struggled to acclimate. I would like you to deliver it and perhaps you can apologize for any unsavory behavior as you both attempt to make bygones by bygones” she explained and he sighed. 
“Fine. I shall take it to her” he said grabbing the bottle from her and grumbling as he began the long walk to the woman’s classroom. 
When he finally made it to the secluded classroom he walked inside to find her with Ominis Gaunt and his friend Sebastian Sallow, as the three were going over material. 
“This really is out of my wheelhouse Mr. Sallow, you really should reach out to Professor Sharp on your potion related questions. I am quite dreadful at them -“ she admitted and upon hearing her words he straightened up as he cleared his throat.
“What is it Mr. Sallow?” He asked, startling them all as the three heads turned around towards his direction. 
Aesop watched as the boys eyes darted from his to the other professor and she gave the brunette a reassuring nod before he relented.
“I needed more practice with some of the seventh year brews. I want to make sure my application to the Auror program is perfect and there’s a few potions I am really struggling to master. Anne was always the potioneer, not me” he admitted aloud.
“Perhaps if you stayed out of detention you would have more time to work on honing your craft-“ he started as the woman gave him an angered stare over the two students head.
“If you can manage to stay out of detention Mr. Sallow, then perhaps I might find myself staying after hours on the rare occasion to go over some of these particular brews” he further explained as shock crossed the young man’s face.
“I- thank you Professor Sharp” he said. Aesop nodded at the boy before turning towards the professor. 
“Might I have a word?” He asked her and she nodded. 
“Perhaps you boys can swing by after dinner for me to go over this again? I appreciate you both recounting in better detail about your… experience” she said softly as the boys nodded and left her.
Before Sharp had an opportunity to speak she closed the door to her classroom, muttering out “thank you”. The words held just as much vulnerability as the day she’d last spoken them.
“What for?”
“For offering to help young Mr. Sallow” she explained.
“You mean to thank me for doing my job?” He asked.
“Working after hours to help a student isn’t necessary.” She reasoned.
“No I suppose it isn’t. Yet you find yourself helping him” sharp pointed out.
“I dare say he was helping me more than I’ve helped him…” she explained sadly and instead of pressing he merely reached into his enchanted long coats pocket to retrieve the bottle and the reason he had hobbled up here. 
“Matilda asked me to bring this” he said bluntly.
“Oh, thank you. If I’d known she left it with you I’d have stopped by on my way to the library so you didn’t have to walk all the way here-“ 
“I am not incapable” he responded curtly.
“I - I know that. I still feel guilty you walked all the way here on my behalf” she explained. 
“It wasn’t entirely on your behalf” he explained.
“What do you mean?” 
“How else would I have offered to tutor Mr. Sallow?” He asked rhetorically.
“What really bringing you here?” She asked skeptically.
“I wanted to make sure you were alright. To be frank I’ve been worried with the lack of fire and brimstone exploding about the castle in your small form” he explained and she scoffed.
“I can assure you I’m fine-“ 
“You know, your eyes tell a different story” he explained as the words slipped through his lips before he could stop them.
Expecting her to be angry he was almost taken aback when her cheeks flushed red before she swallowed hardly and the fear in her eyes was replaced by that fire he knew. 
“Perhaps you should spend less time worrying over my eyes” she said, turning to go up to her office, bottle in hand.
“Unlikely when they so often contain daggers seeking to strike me down” he told her as she scoffed. 
“The door is behind you Sharp” she called over her shoulder as she entered her office at the back of the classroom and he couldn’t help but smile as he heard the small smirk in her voice.
It wasn’t that much later when he heard it. The smooth melodic sound filled the hall leading to his classroom as his ears perked like a dog discovering something.
Rushing to stand he begun hearing voices as well. 
“Hurry Ominis!” He recognized the voice of Sebastian Sallow just before the fellow Slytherin called out.
“I’m doing the best I can, she is heavier than she looks and I’m walking blind without my wand” the boy hissed.
Both voices were nearly drowned out by the sound that had caught his attention in the first place: laughter.
Sweet, rich, deep laughter.
Unlike anything he heard before he quickly flung open his office door to see both the young men with their arms holding up the poor unfortunate woman. 
Her body writhed as the uncontrollable laugher continued to pour past her lips and her cheeks collected the tears that spilled from her eyes. And although she was laughing he could see it there: anger in her eyes.
“What in Merlin’s name?” He asked as he begun searching for it. He knew he had Glumbumble somewhere in his stores. Treacle could relief the laughing potion she’d obviously been slipped.
“We came back after dinner and found her like this we swear professor. She couldn’t move. She has likely been this way for hours” Sebastian explained as he set the woman down on one of the desks, holding her up the best he could as she continued to lean forward, doubling over. 
Professor Sharp watched as the other Slytherin stood nearby, anxiety plastered on his features as he turned to him. 
“Mr Sallow I need you to help me find the antidote. This is a perfect opportunity to practice some of that potions knowledge. What plant causes uncontrollable laughter?” He asked, gently guiding the shoulders of Ominis towards the woman to hold her upright as he took the opportunity to educate.
“Uh… alihosty sir” Sebastian said after a moment of thinking.
“Good. And what plant reverses the effects of Alihosty?” He asked.
“It’s…” the boy looked back over his shoulder at the young professor who was still crying through the laughter and suddenly his eyes lit up. “Glumbumble!” Sebastian said quickly taking off in the direction of the store room and grabbing a vial. 
“Mr. Gaunt this shouldn’t take long, but please do not let our friend here fall to the floor” he explained as he begun instructing Sebastian through brewing the potion.
What the students and the woman didn’t know, was that he had the potion already brewed in his office for such emergencies. And his intentions hadn’t been in the vain of education either. He simply wanted to keep hearing the woman’s laughter, as it was the closest he’d been to seeing her happy since she arrived. Something about it warmed his heart despite the horrible situation that had brought about it.
It wasn’t long before he had the potion and was forcing the young men out since it was nearing curfew. Both of them looked sad as he slammed his classroom door in their faces without knowledge of their new favorite professor’s condition.
Walking back towards her, he knew she likely couldn’t hold the vial on her own, so he steadied her face with one hand, leaning her cheek back until she was looking upward. Gently bringing his thumb to holding her lips open, the sound of laughter still filling the air, he tipped it back, as he quickly used his hand to close her mouth so she could swallow them removing himself.
Her skin had been much warmer than he had anticipated but he knew that once the potion took effect she’d been out for blood. Not that he could entirely blame her. He would be furious in her shoes as well. Whoever it was that slipped her a laughing poison was going to get an earful from him. 
Walking into his office he anticipated her lashing simple due to him being the only person around to receive it. After a few seconds just that happened.
“This is a new low even for you Sharp!” She said storming in behind him as she wrapped her arms around her sore abdomen.
“I’m not following. I’m the one who just helped you” he explained.
“After you poisoned me” she scoffed.
“How on earth would I even do that?” He asked and she raised a brow.
“The wine!” She shouted and suddenly he remembered that Matilda had him deliver the bottle. But there’s no way the woman would’ve slipped a new professor a laughing potion, certainly not one that strong.
Regardless he still responded in anger to the accusation. “How dare you accuse me of such. I would never dare slip something into a young woman’s drink” he seethed at her insinuation despite knowing she had every right to question it. It didn’t stop his stubbornness from taking over.
She stepped further until their chests were nearly pressed together as she poked her finger into his lapel and continued “you haven’t liked me the moment I arrived. You have made my time here miserable. You were the one who gave me the poisoned wine. It’s not looking good for you Aesop” she spat and he immediately felt his blood begin to pump at hearing her use his first name and not his surname for the first time.
“Say it again” he said as he stared down at her. That inferno he so deeply coveted in her eyes burning more than it ever had as he told her to repeat it. 
The young woman mistook his request to mean the accusation as she once again repeated it, this time with the additional words “you don’t want me as an enemy Aesop” 
At hearing her venomed usage of his name he growled, stepped forward once more as she continued to hold her ground.
“You are so insufferable gorgeous when you are angry you know that?!” He nearly screamed at her, watching as confusion crossed her features. Her brow softened before once again her expression hardened. 
“I hardly think it matters at the current moment Sharp-“ she started and he stopped her, as his body seemingly reacted before his brain could process. Grabbing the young woman’s waist he gripped her tightly, hauling her into him as he stared her down. 
“Of course it matters” he told her through clenched teeth and once again he saw her waiver. She tried to step back and he tightened his hold once more as she looked up at him. 
“Aesop-“ her tone much softer and nervous than it was previously as she had said his name and he finally let go of the tense of his forearms, loosening his hold on her.
“If you want to go you’re free to” he told her as he allowed her the ability to remove herself from his arms.
Suddenly as if putting together all the pieces he realized that perhaps he hadn’t been so angry at her presence. It wasn’t frustration at her antics. It was lust driving him to act this way. This is why he felt the need to take her portrait from the room of requirement. This was why he always harassed her to get a rise. As he came to putting together the pieces, it seemed she did so as well. 
No longer behaving like a brute he reached a hand up to cup her cheek as gently as he could.
Your laughter has got to be the most beautiful sound I’ve ever heard.
He wasn’t sure who moved first, but he quickly became aware as the young woman’s lips met his harshly. Soon he was walking backwards to his desk, her hands pulling his hair as he clutched her waist. 
The sudden movement caused him to almost fall over as he wasn’t expecting it and she actually giggled as their kiss broke and he caught himself on his desk. Sliding up as he sat slightly, she pressed herself into his tall frame and resumed their kiss as he tried to wrap his mind around the exchange.
A part of him knew they should stop. Despite being after hours anyone could walk in and this was hardly appropriate. However finally kissing the woman he’d been so entranced by all year superseded his rationale. 
Aesop nipped at the young woman’s lip as she eagerly opened her mouth so their tongues could unify themselves in a dance. At the feeling of her warm appendage against his own he couldn’t help but groan as he placed his large hand against the small curve of her waist. 
Soon she broke apart, breathless as she looked up at him with a confused mix of emotions.
“Where is this heading?” She asked him as she gripped his jackets lapel in one hand and steadied herself against him with the other. 
“Do you wish to stop?” He asked, wanting confirmation she truly did want this as it wouldn’t be right to force himself upon such a woman.
“No it’s just…��� she trailed off and he leaned forward, seeking her eyes as he saw an unreadable look within their depths.
“What is it?” He asked her gently, his hand taking root along her cheek as he sought out an answer.
“I just do not wish for you to grow soft simply because, well, whatever this is” she frustratingly said and he took a moment to process her words before realizing that she enjoyed the banter, she enjoyed the frustration. She enjoyed his fire.
Chuckling darkly he pulled her closer this time with much more of the force he had used initially and told her “I can assure you that I am hardly soft at the moment…” he said, knowing that while crossing the line or crass she would probably enjoy such a statement.
The return of that glint in her eyes being confirmation. 
“Turn around” he told her as he let her go.
“What?” She asked.
“Turn around” he repeated as she arched an eyebrow. Suddenly a smirk crossed her face and just as he had reignited the spark in her eyes she lit his own by bringing the immature routine back to the forefront.
“I’m not sure…” she teased and he once again reached forward, grabbing her hips as he forced her to face his desk, loving the sound of the chuckle passing through her lips at his rough nature.
“When I tell you to do something, you do it” he hissed in her ear and he felt the small tremor run up her spine as she pressed herself into him without responding it.
“Do you understand?” He asked her and she didn’t respond at first but when he bit her earlobe and she once again pushed herself back into his dominating frame she shook her head yes. 
“Yes…” she whispered and she chuckled in her ear after gently licking the place he had bit.
“Yes what…?” He asked her.
“Yes sir..?” She asked him, unsure that’s what he wanted to hear.
“Aesop” he told her as he slowly reached a hand down to start lifting her long skirt upwards. At this her hips bucked slightly and he smirked as he watched her hands go down to help him lifting the thick material over her waist.
“I’ve got it…” he cooed as she dropped her hands and let him lift the skirt up.
“Yes sir” she whispered and he pushed her forward slightly.
“Try again” he told her and she hitched her breath, contemplating for a moment before she once again said “yes sir”
This caused him to push her forward, her bottom only covered now by undergarments as her skirt had been pushed over her waist. Her stomach laid flat on the desk as he bent her over his workspace. Once again leaning down into her ear, he frustratingly said “you’re such a brat” through clenched teeth as he reached a hand back to begin unbuckling his trousers while holding her lower back.
The girl let out a slight whine at his taunting as her hips bucked backwards seeking his. 
“You want this don’t you? Want me to take you over my desk? Teach you a lesson?” He asked as he finally removed himself from his trousers and underclothes as he pushed them down to his knees. 
His cock stood upright between them and he waited for her to continue.
“Yes…” she said as her cheek laid flat upon his desk.
Slowly he began to slip her underclothes down her thighs, revealing the globes of her ass to him as he reached around to feel if she was aroused. Sure enough his finger easily slid into her hole, coated in her wetness. 
“Yes what?” He once again asked 
“Yes Aesop” she whispered and as a reward for being such a good girl he pulled her into his frame as he shoved himself inside.
The young woman let out a shrill noise as he easily plunged within her walls, holding her close as he began to buck in and out of her.
“So perfect” he praised her as she continued to push herself back the best she could, trying to produce friction for the both of them to enjoy.
The lewd sounds filling the air as his body continued to make contact with hers. The slapping of bare skin against bare skin and the wet squelching of her cunt taking his cock mixed with the sounds of their joined moaning.
For the first time in years Aesop Sharp felt as if he was burning alive in the best possible way. 
The woman’s cries growing louder and louder as he slapped his hand over her mouth while pounding into her harder.
“Shhhhh… wouldn’t want anyone to find you with my cock buried within you now would we?” He asked her as she shook her head and he let go, watching over her shoulder as the woman took her bottom lip between her teeth and continued the muffled sounds.
Suddenly the grip on his manhood began to grow more intense as she seemingly grew closer and closer to release, him climbing right along side of her. 
“That’s right, keep taking me” he praised and she sighed, rolling her head back against his shoulder as he fought to hold them both up. Her hips began to move uncontrollably as he held on, his hand firmly against her waist as he tried to steady her wonton movements.
“Let go my little spitfire…” he told her and with that she let out a shrill noise and sobbed as she collapsed back on his desk. Not even a second later he exploded within her, his cock painting a masterpiece inside her inner walls as he flooded her with release, before collapsing onto her back. 
His nose found the skin of her nape as he caught his breath and removed himself so he wouldn’t crush her. Almost like an injured animal she pushed herself up and pulled her skirt back down as he tucked himself back into his pants.
They both looked to one another as the list filled moment wore off but the smell of sex continued to linger in the room.
“I apologize” he said after a moment, shake filling him as he realized what he had done.
“For?” She asked as she placed a hand to her forehead.
“For how ive acted all year. I’ve provoked you instead of being honest about how I felt… also that was wildly inappropriate” he admitted.
“It was inappropriate… but I quite enjoyed it” she admitted with a smirk as she turned to him.
Reaching forward she put an arm around his shoulder tentatively as he looked at her in shock before he put his hand on the small of her back.
“Well… I would be lying if I say I also didn’t enjoy that” he admitted. The young woman turned to face him as she smiled and pushed his hair out of his eyes. She looked at him, her eyes searching his dark ones for something before she whispered out, “did you mean it?”
“Mean what?” His eyebrows drew as he spoke.
“what you said… about my laugh?” She asked him and he smiled as he unwound himself from her affections to walk over to a small chest in his office, grabbing a vial before handing it to her.
Upon reading its contents she gasped then turned to him with the annoyed gleam in her eye he’d grown to enjoy as she smacked his shoulder. 
“I knew you had one brewed!” She snapped as he laughed.
“You wanted me to teach young Sallow… it’s partly your fault…” he explained as she set down the vial on his desk and groaned into his neck while he began to laugh harder.
“You are still a pig you know that?” She said into his skin as he pulled her tighter, knowing that whatever this was blossoming into was quite lovely…. 
Aesop Sharp did allow the woman to take out her frustrations over the already brewed remedy as she bounced on his cock in his desk chair while refusing to allow him to grab her unclothed breasts like he wanted. Not that he’d complain.
As the pair of them slipped into the faculty tower that night they were met with the sight of one Professor Weasley outside the door with her nephew.
“My nephew would like to apologize for trying to test a laughing brew on a wine he didn’t realize was meant to be a gift” she spoke sternly as she held the boys shoulders.
Aesop simply looked to the boy and back at the slightly dishelved young woman with a shrug before turning towards Matilda to say “accidents happen, everything was alright. Don’t you agree Miss?” He asked the young witch accompanying him. 
“It’s alright Garreth. That’s quite a powerful brew. Compliments” she said turning to leave. 
Matilda watched as the two professors slipped inside the faculty tower before she turned to her nephew and passed him a few galleons.
“finally see those two… resolved their differences. Thank you garreth” she told him before pushing him off the stairs to his own common room. As she walked by the newest staff members quarters she tried not to smile as she heard the muffled conversation between the woman and Professor Sharp about going to Hogsmeade that weekend.
They really do say that laughter is the best medicine… and in this case perhaps the remedy…
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juanarc-thethird · 2 years
The Queen of the Grimm can't be this cute Part 3
Salem: You warriors fought well. For that alone, allow me the honor of learning your names. What's your name boy?
Jaune: Dragon...
Salem: Dragon... what?
Jaune smiles
Jaune: Dragon dees nuts over your-
Ruby: And so, my friends and I, we saved the world from Salem.
Random stranger: Wow, I still can't believe that with a dumb joke you guys saved the world.
Nora: Is because that didn't happen.
Random stranger: What?! But you guys beat her! So was that Deez Nuts joke a lie?!
Ruby: Well...
Nora: Oh, not quite. Some nuts sure did help. Right, Ruby?~ *Smug*
Random stranger: What does she mean by that, hero?
Ruby: Nothing! Is nothing at all!
Random stranger: Okay? And what happened to your friend Jaune? Did he return home or is he on another mission?
Ruby: Well….
Nora: He's busy stuffing a-!
Ruby: NORA!!!!
Meanwhile inside Salem's chambers in the castle.
Salem: Oh yes!!! Take me you brute!!! Fill me up with your babies!!!!
Jaune: Oh FUcK!!
Cinder: I can't believe she's sleeping with the enemy!
Neo: "I don't mind🙂"
Emerald: Me too. Ever since he arrived, she's been in such a good mood that we don't have to worry about her killing us.
Neo: "Yeah!😆"
Cinder: You girls don't get it! This is a trap to take power so they can finish us off once and for all!
Neo: "You're just mad because you wanted to fuck him first😒"
Cinder: *Blushing* N-Noo!!
Emerald: You're right, the other time I found cinder saying his name while she was touching her-
Cinder: STOP! I would never sleep with a weakling like him!
Neo: "Really?🤔 Then you don't care to know that Salem is looking for someone to fuck her new husband."
Cinder: What did you say?
Neo: That she is looking for someone who can fuck her husband. Right Em?😏
Emerald: *Confuse* What?
Neo: "You know, that she is already very old and cannot keep up with her husband"
Emerald: What are you- *Gets elbows by her* Ouch! Ok I get it! Yes she said that.
Neo: "You see😉"
Cinder: She is looking for someone?… *Her nose starts bleeding*
Emerald: *Quietly* What are you planning?
Neo: "Just watch😈"
Cinder: Yes….Yes…. YES!! This is perfect! By taking this opportunity I can approach him and fu-I mean!! expose his plan once and for all. It's brilliant!!
Neo: "You're amazing Cinder.🤩 You know what, you should tell Salem right now. She'd love it.😁"
Cinder: Of course, I'll tell her right now!
Without wasting any time, Cinder walks over to the door of Salem's room and slams it open. Emerald tries to stop her but she fails.
Emerald: Cinder wait!!!
Cinder: My mistress, I want to offer myself as a tribute!!!
In front of her was Jaune lying on the bed holding Salem's waist, while she was sitting on his pelvis, both of them naked and surprised by Cinder's unexpected entrance.
Salem: *Covers herself* Cinder, what the hell are you doing here?!!
Cinder: I came to offer myself as a tribute!
Salem: *Confuse* Tribute? Tribute for what?
Cinder: For me to fuck your husband!
Salem: Excuse me?!!
Cinder: You said you were too old for you to keep up with him. So I'm here to help you, my mistress. *bows*
Salem: How dare you.
Cinder: Huh?
Salem: How dare you call me old! Get out!!
Salem makes some tentacles appear from the ground. They grab Cinder and throw her out of the room and into the hall, closing the door behind them. In the hallways, the girls just watch as Cinder is thrown into the wall like a rag doll.
Neo: "🤣🤣🤣"
Emerald: *Disappointed* Oh my god...
Inside the room
Salem: God, where did she get that ridiculous idea?
At that moment she feels something growing inside her.
Salem: Oh my! Did...Did you just get bigger?
Jaune: Sorry, it's just that you look very hot when you get angry.
Salem: *She takes his hands* I see~ So you like seeing me angry, huh?~
Jaune: *Nervous* Y-Yes
She yanks Jaune's arms out on either side of the bed.
Salem: Then let me show you how mad I can get~ *Kiss him*
Jaune: 💕!~
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sadruru · 4 months
In-character character development questions for Melissa!
🔮 CRYSTAL BALL — what is a core memory from your childhood that you think defines you today?
😶‍🌫️ FACE IN CLOUDS — is there something you're hiding from the people you love? if so, how urgent is it for them to hear it? what's holding you back from sharing it?
Thanks for the questions! I've already decided how I'm going to answer them, it's going to be a bit experimental 😈
Melissa will personally answer questions. Expect a cameo ~
😶‍🌫️ FACE IN CLOUDS — is there something you're hiding from the people you love? if so, how urgent is it for them to hear it? what's holding you back from sharing it?
"Well, well... All right! It's a miracle you could convince me, and I'll repay you for the drink and song. I don't like to stay in debt. First of all, let me say I'm not a very good storyteller, and my stories aren't very sweet. You won't be in Drezen for long, right? I doubt I'll see you again in the future. If I started telling my story, believe me, it would take a few nights. Hold on, what do you mean calling you by your name, sugar-voiced Lark? I won't, because it's more interesting!
…I hide a lot of things from those closest to me. If I have any. I often hear from others that I change topics too easily, especially from one restless boy. I've never liked looking into the future, because you never know what will happen tomorrow. On one hand, it sounds a little scary... Maybe one day I'll tell them, and him too.
I had too much shit behind me. So much that I should shut up. I don't think you'd believe me the first time.
You know, I used to not really care about this Crusade or the people around me. You should have seen how everyone reacted to me at first. The obscure bandit turned knight-commander, the tiefling, who looked like “ a succubus” or “ a whore”. Or whatever those "noble" paladins and knights called me for my looks and temper. Never mind. I've been called worse in the River Kingdoms. But now I see that they look at me with hope, despite what I do... It gives me a bitter taste in my mouth. I don't... I don't want to seem weak to everyone. It's really annoying.
Hmm… Did you see the adorable little elf with the burns? Ember. Sometimes she draws a crowd of onlookers. Her eyes, words and actions... When that girl looks at me, it's like she sees right through me. These moments make me feel pretty… Vulnerable? Oh, no. Too many bad thoughts in my head again. Now you owe me another pint!"
🔮 CRYSTAL BALL — what is a core memory from your childhood that you think defines you today?
"Ah, come on! Another tough question again? I really don't know! I had a lot of good and bad moments.
I don't know about you, little Lark, but my childhood ended quickly and darkly. I'll tell you about the good one. When I was five years old, I saw my dad carving something for me. It wasn't just another wooden toy, and he didn't say what it was. To be honest, I wanted a dragon toy so bad! I begged him long and impatiently until he finally finished and hung a simple amulet around my neck. The amulet bore the symbol of Cayden Cailean. Then he said to me, "Be brave, strong, and believe in good as always, Lissa. I can feel the spirit of adventure in you. Perhaps in the future you will continue our family business, or travel to other countries. That's your choice."
My first piece of jewelry... Ha ha! After that, I pounced on my mom's stuff and started imagining myself as a rich lady in a dress, with lots of gold rings and precious bling. I dreamed of getting rich, making our tavern bigger, buying a big house near the sea, with lots of servants and cats, maybe even finding a handsome husband and living happily ever after! Uh... My parents scolded me severely for making such a mess.
Believe in good, right? And foolish childish dreams... As you see, something went wrong."
Why little Lark? Because Siavash is half elf and taller than her 🤣
I hope I portrayed her character well. I don't know about the second question. Many memories in her childhood defined her. So I decided to show one of them - about her childhood dream of a good ending.
How it ended: Fluffy steals meat from hand.
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Better not look at what's going on in the background. I just like to draw funny sketches in the background. I wonder if people recognize their kids? Hehehe...
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vendetta-if · 2 years
Just finished reading chapter four and I love it! The talk with Yvette was very aggravating! (The fact that she came asking for help from the child she abandoned) But it was satisfying at the same time, I chose to still hate her, and I’m glad we get the chance to give her a piece of our mind. Couldn’t give her a second chance. Especially knowing that at Viktor’s funeral, Luka gave her a chance to take MC and acknowledge him, and she refused! And the fact that her only reason for abandoning her child is protecting her career and fame. And every time she says this excuse and brings up Belladonna, it makes me nauseous. She didn’t even deserve the chance Luka gave her at the funeral, but fine, she was the only parent left for MC now, so it makes sense for Luka to give her a chance in case she wants to raise her child now. But she still REFUSED! UNBELIEVABLE! I’m just very thankful for Uncle Luka and think he has all the right to prevent her for visiting MC at all. Anyway, I’m rambling 😂 because I’m so angry at this mother! XD I still chose that I agreed to the arrangement to help her too though. Even though I hate her, I don’t want her dead because then I won’t be able to hate her anymore.
Now Santana
HOW?! Just.. how?
I was so set on romancing Ash. I had no doubt that I WILL romance Ash and Ash alone. But THEN SANTANA CAME! And now I don’t know anymore! How can there be such a character in this book? He’s too pure for this world ;; And I thought no one can beat Ash in adorableness 🥹
So, I was thinking. My MC is ruthless but for some reason Santana makes me not wanna be ruthless. He’s so pure and I want to protect him so he stays that way. I want to help him and give him hope that he can succeed in this city with an upright moral compass. So I was wondering if we can maybe.. have Santana talk with ruthless MC about… their ruthlessness XD and then have a counter for when we pick merciful choices after that. Or when we avoid unnecessary killings and such. And have it acknowledged by people around MC that they changed after meeting Santana or something 🙈 I dunno why I want that it’s just Santana makes me want to be nice 🥺 You might have a totally different approach in mind though! So I’m so sorry if it sounded like I’m imposing what I’d like to happen. You can just totally ignore my suggestion. 🤣
Oh, one last question, during the mission after killing the police commissioner. We encounter five people. We kill four of them while one (their leader) escapes. Does she always escape or does it depend on our choices? (My ruthless MC don’t wanna leave loose ends 😈)
That’s why I released the Luka & Yvette Funeral Talk side story first; because I think it is quite important. Although, for now, I’m planning to also add an option for MC to ask Luka why he wouldn’t allow Yvette to visit in the next chapter, and he would basically tell the short of what happened in the side story.
Also, I’m glad that your MC still doesn’t want her dead, although for a less than ideal reason behind it 😂 Hey, Yvette will take it, alright.
As for Santana… Does this mean that Ash has been dethroned from your and your MC’s heart by Santana? 🥺🥺😆
As for your merciful suggestion… Hmm 🤔 It’s interesting, but also, could complicate some things. I’ll see once we’re nearing there and as I ruminate more on it 😄 If I were to implement it, I might implement similar thing with Skylar too, considering Skylar is the one who has the “I can fix them” mentality when dating Ruthless MC 😂 Thank you for the interesting suggestion! I’ll keep this in mind ❤️
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giggly-squiggily · 1 year
Ok so we talk about how Kazuki likes to start tickle fights, but have we ever considered that Miri is a big instigator for them too??? Like, I can totally see her (age 9 or so) sneaking behind her Papas in the kitchen and pinching at their sides and ribs, making it seem like they’re doing it to each other! 🤣 And then when they find out it was her, they get all the revenge tickles on their little girl 🥰 (she doesn’t learn her lesson and keeps doing this though heeheehee 😈)
Headcanons To Dabbles: Officially CLOSED!
Oh my god this is so freaking CUTE! *sobs* I've gotcha covered, friend! (Snuck in some extra Lee!Rei at the end because I could :D)
“Eh! Kazuki-” Rei jumped, nearly cutting his fingers off when he felt his side prodded. “Watch it- I’m chopping here.”
“Huh? I didn’t do anything?” The blonde replied, brows furrowing.
“You poked me.”
“No, I didn’t.”
“Whatever just- stay over there.” Rei glared, returning to his vegetables.
Kazuki resisted the urge to curse as he worked the rice cooker, mildly irritated. Why would he poke Rei and lie about it? Sure, he might have a bad habit of doing it upfront, but subtly-
“AH!” Rice scattered from his measuring cup when fingers pressed into his belly. Twisting around, he glared at Rei. “Dude!”
“What?” Rei asked, irritated now.
“Why did you tickle me?”
“I didn’t!”
“Well it wasn’t you, who the hell-” A pause. Rei and Kazuki looked at eachother.
Then, without another word, they slowly turned towards the sitting space, eyes falling on Miri. She sat by with a happy smile on her face, watching the little dog characters squeal and laugh on TV. A picture of innocent peace.
One that hid a sinister prankster.
“Miri.” Kazuki walked over, taking a seat to her left. “Whatcha doing?”
“Watching TV, Papa!” She answered, eyes never leaving the screen.
“You were sitting here the entire time?” Rei asked, sitting on her other side.
“Yes, Papa.”
“Miri…” Kazuki shared a look with Rei over her head, shooting up signals behind her back. “You know, your ears turn red when you lie.”
“What?” Her hands automatically came up.
“Gotcha!” Kazuki grabbed her, pulling the small girl in his lap while Rei tickled her belly and sides. “Silly little Miri, thinking she can play a prank on her papas!”
“Ahehahahhahhahha! Gehahhahahhahaha! Pahahhahhapahhahahahhas! Pleahhahahahahahse!” She squealed, smile wide and happy. “It tiihihihihihihickles!”
“Does it now?” Rei asked, barely fighting down a chuckle at Miri’s hiccupy snorts. Pulling his hands away, he and Kazuki nodded, satisfied. “That’s what happens when you try to tickle your Papas. Learned your lesson?”
Miri nodded, giggling still. Standing on the couch, she lunged at Rei, trying to tickle him back. “Tickle war! Help me Papa Kazuki!”
“No! Nohoohohoho, don’t you dahhahahhre!” Rei snickered, sinking back into the couch. “Kahahahazuki hehehehelp!”
“Well- I need to cook. Good luck Rei.” Kazuki laughed, returning to the kitchen and leaving his little family to play.
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If you ever see 4 Town in pillow fight this is how it mainly goes down 😀
For Ro he is quite the fighter! This man is doing his best to hit the others; however, he somehow always ends up tripping over something and falling which gives the members an advantage point to pound him with pillows. He almost almost never misses when it comes to hitting T! Like his aim is impeccable when it comes to T, but it truly irks him when it comes to Z and sometimes Tae but mainly Z! He can never hit that man at all. *sneaks up behind Z and is ready to swing as he thinks “FINALLY”*. *Z quickly turns around and wacks Ro in the face smiling*. “Bruh!!! how the Hell!!?!” Ro and Jess teams up a lot, which scares T when they corner him “hey wait, y’all chill *backing up* NO AHHSNF”
This Is Ro’s face when his attacks on Z doesn’t work
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When it comes to a pillow fight “old man jesse” is out the door! This man is on a mission! He will hover over someone and beat the shit out of them with the pillow until they tap out! He literally jumped on Tae and said “Hereeess JESSE 😈” It happened to everybody except Z. There is only two people that can truly can get Tae more than once and one of those people is Jesse. Tae might be fast, but Jesse can be a little bit faster surprisingly. Now when it comes to getting hit then old man Jesse is back. He’ll be on a roll when he’s fighting but once he’s hit, he loses it and he gets pounded!  I’m talking on the floor trying to crawl away😂 but he’s pretty good at recovery.
When he is done pounding someone with his pillow he’ll do his signature move by blowing as kiss just to piss whoever off
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Aaron T
No, I know It seems like he would be really good in a pillow fight and he can be! Believe me, he’s good when he is in control but he’s also very goofy as we all know, so therefore, he’s not that good😭 he has his moments where he is whacking people left from right but he’s also kind of similar to Jesse so once he gets hit he’s kind of out of it however it’s worst for T because he’ll be laughing too much that he can’t focus to get back up and fight his battles and he’s the main person that gets hit in the face. *giggling and shit while aimlessly swinging hitting no one because he is getting hit by Z and Ro*He’s great at hiding though, so he can make a great sneak attack which gets him some brownie points but for obvious reasons because he is silly, it doesn’t last long. Another though he will use parkour to his advantage! Hell be jumping over couches and tables and shit, he even will roll😂
Remember when I said Jess and Ro will team up? Yeah this is T’s face when that happens😭 it’s also his face when Tae betrays him
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Aaron Z
From the hints, I was throwing you already know this man goes untouched! Nobody not even Tae or Jesse  had a chance to hit Z he is too fast!  Not only is he great at dodging other peoples hits, but this man never misses! He is the second person that can get Tae with no problems. I know it seems like he wouldn’t play games like this, but he does and he will take it serious. He wants to win! he is like a ninja. He pulls out so many tricks that leaves the members jaw dropped which gives Z another chance to attack while they’re distracted🥷🏾
Z is the one in the red shoes and the others is the one in the sweatshirt 😂
He is another ninja, but not as slick as Z! But he will do math and shit in his head to attack 😭 he’ll be like “okay with the way Ro is standing he’ll swing with his right arm, so I’ll lean back to dodge it but swing my right arm at the same time to hit him in the head” he will do all that he can to not get hit, he will crawl under tables and legs so he can attack from behind! Just like Ro, Tae is upset that he can’t ever get Z but mainly because he himself is the king of pillow fights so it pisses him off😂 He is quite the trickster so he will tell T he wants to team up but back stab him 🤣 “I- AH- I thought we frie-AHH”
When Z or Jesse comes after Tae, this is the face he makes
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I came up with this idea out of thin air so please enjoy😂😂 (the video I put for z is taking me out🤣)
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luckydragon10 · 2 years
I loved the way we got to see Kinn’s mark in TKT. Sometimes in stories quite bit of time gets spend establishing how this one thing is impossible to do, then at the end bam the plot gets solved in the exact way we established was impossible. It’s fine mostly because I love happy endings but these endings generally feel underwhelming honestly. Which is why I loved the way we got to see Porsche’s flower in TKT, it didn’t break the impossible (it was not on Kinn, didn’t just repair soul recognition, etc.) and it had very logical explanation behind it.  Not only that, it was also in a way I didn’t guess at all, so it was a wonderful surprise. Before we got to see the epilogue though, I was thinking of ways we could get to see Porsche’s flower, this was what I had come up with:
(One thing with mark seeds not being literal seeds is that it breaks main premise of my idea, but the Note who have written it didn’t yet know the meta of mark seeds so we will have to overlook it)
Magic seed or not marks come from seeds, so the thing is if you preserve the taken-out seed properly it can grow in soil too!
Backstory would be: Kinn, the hopeless romantic, couldn’t get rid of his seed completely so he kept it (OR he couldn’t stomach taking it out then keeping the hope alive, so he thought to get rid of it completely, but Tankhun kept it secretly instead.)
And it doesn’t come up with Tawan because he is all like ‘it is too painful for me, let’s not talk about it’ or ‘we don’t need marks anyway, we are fine’ and Kinn doesn’t say anything to not hurt him. (Or in the scenario Tankhun kept it, he doesn’t believe Tawan at all, so he doesn’t say anything.)
Then Porsche comes and seed comes up too. (With Khun has the seed scenario, maybe Khun and Kinn have similar dialog about seed removal “Sorry I didn’t convince you to not take your seed out… But here I kept it for you.”)
And for growing the seed in the soil, it can be:
1- Different seeds need different environments, so Kinn and Porsche tries to grow the flower without killing it (angst maybe?) while trying to guess what it would need, what kind of flower it is.
2- Like the normal bond seeds it only needs affection and closeness from soulmate and environment doesn’t matter at all so all ends well.
3- (Gory?) It is a magical seed so the soil, temperature, etc. doesn’t matter but it was supposed to grow in body, so it not only needs Porsche’s closeness but also constant blood supply, or some kind of sacrifice, from Kinn.
“I think if I hadn't done what I did in the epilogue, I might have gotten pitchforks at my door demanding to know what the flower was.“
I’m not saying you would….but yes you would have definitely gotten pitchforks at your door😈
(For reference, the fic in question: The King's Tree)
D'AWWW, omg yeah, this is sweet. Although I went a different way with canon, I also love this imagery! I can also picture Kinn being very angsty over the survival of the plant. 🤣 Gardener!Kinn was not on my bingo card, but I'm very much in favor of it.
As for the pitchforks, whew, dodged that bullet.
Thank you, thank you, my precious, for sharing this brain worm of yours! I'm especially touched that you saved it all this long while. 🥰
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solomons-poison · 1 year
Hi Tarren! I read (and read and read and re-) your Geto Suguru + 'Sharing a kiss on new year's eve' and my oh my did it set off sparks (only good ones I promise 😉). It was a complete suprise but all the more welcomed after shedding tears from that fic which I shall not name again 😅 Now let me paint a picture for you.
12 days ago at an indeterminate time, I was listening to an old podcast that was discussing kissing at new years. I then retired for the night and began to dream. I do not remember all of the details but it was a sad dream about me struggling to make irl friends and I woke up with tears in my eyes. Wanting to take my mind off it, I decided to check my Tumblr and was met with this fic of yours 🙂
I immediately related to the reader from the get-go when they were nervous about spending time with their crush as well as worried about joining in a group that already have an established dynamic with each other. When you included the group sharing stories about encounters with weird curses, my mind went straight to that one curse suguru had that liked to kiss a lot 😂 Seeing how nothing was extremely damaged and nobody seemed to have sore feelings, I am going to assume they were not playing Mario kart 🤣 I can't think of a horror movie that would make me laugh at the monsters or the terrible sequel so I ask, what did you have in mind when writing that line? 😮
The brief cooking disaster brought me back to when my mom had something on fire on the stove (we both panicked but she was able to smother the fire) and when my dad had somehow set a part of the kitchen floor on fire (did not even realise until minutes after sitting in front of the tv when I see a flicker in the figured glass door in my peripheral vision but luckily it only was on the surface level of the floor so we lived with a kitchen that had different coloured laminated kitchen tiles till we moved out 🤔). What was your brief cooking disaster if I may ask? 😀 The group going outside for a break with sparklers and talking about a temple visit was nice but I cannot help but think satoru would go more buck wild with the fireworks. I think he would love this heart shaped one that spins and lights it behind shoko and suguru while they are focused on their sparklers 😈 (You get a cookie if you recognise the anime reference hahaha XD).
My favourite non dialogue line would have to be 'As the last minute ticked down, he looked over at you, and just that single moment of eye contact got your heart racing'. The anticipation may have been fictional but felt real to me 😊 The kiss was definitely thrilling and short lived (just like the fireworks *drum sound* ba dum tss~). Finally, I have one more question to ask before I end this feedback ask. ...What was shoko's drink choice? Okay, Talk to you later ^///^!
Haha well I had to make it up to you after making something that sad, I'm glad it was to your liking!!! And ooh sounds like this was good timing then! Definitely the three of them, Gojo and Geto and Shoko, are such an iconic trio, so I could imagine sticking a fourth person in there would be strange. But I also see Gojo and Shoko as being happy for any kind of company, the more the merrier!
Honestly they could be playing all sorts of video games. I doubt any of them had a Nintendo DS 😂 but New Super Mario Bros came out in 2006, which is when Hidden Inventory takes place! So if you want to imagine that, they could be playing that! However I do see them playing older classics too, like Pac-Man, Space Invaders, Dig Dug. Can you imagine them sharing an old Atari platform? 🤭 or maybe one of them even has a Game Boy Advance!
As for bad horror movies, I could see them watching the classics, too, particularly Shoko. After dealing with curses in real life, I feel like most movie monsters wouldn't bother them, especially older stuff with really obvious costumes and effects. But I can imagine them even watching stuff like The Ring and then trying to scare one of the others while it's playing
And oh my goodness! Honestly I wouldn't put it past the trio to accidentally cause a cooking fire. It could be anything, such as burning the food, realizing too late that they don't have enough/the right cooking utensils, don't have enough bowls, etc. So they have to use something definitely not intended for cooking
Ooh that sounds really familiar but I'm not sure on the anime :o whats the name? And haha maybe if he wasn't on school grounds, Gojo might go a little crazy with fireworks. But I'm not sure on Japan's laws on firework use, especially by regular citizens, so I wanted to be a little tame lol. And haha I wanted that little moment of tension. The last seconds of the year counting down, eye contact with your crush, and just that one little action changing everything~
I was going to say sake since she's a drinker and it's a holiday 😂 but we'll just go with some unsweetened chilled green tea, since she's not into sweets :3
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My Offical DA Cullen "Head Cannon" Post~
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( ๑>ᴗ<๑ )
that no one asked for
More under the cut if yah are interested:
If not then may you be blessed by his perfect smile~
*Oh yeah and spoilers for the Dragon age games and Cullen's romance in DA:I*
Honestly, I would say my head cannon for Cullen is close to how he is portrayed in the game:
He is shy and adorable when it comes to intimate matters.
Just the way he stutters and fumbles his words... Ahhhh soo cute *(≧▽≦)*
He never says nor thinks bad no no words-- since he was raised very strictly and honestly (to me) does not seem like he is capable.
Like I think it would actually like physically/ mentally hurt him to do or think so.
He swaps out curse words with "Maker" instead-- and the like. He is much more eloquent when it comes to blurting out words of surprise.
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("That scene" had me rolling) 🤣 🤣🤣
He is a very good boy who only followed his dreams and did as he was told... Even if it was not the best thing to do :(
(At least he realized it-- and does all he can to atone and change-- hopefully for the better. He had stated that he was not proud of things he had done in the past and the man that made him... He will carry that for the rest of his life-- if he does not succum to the negative effects of taking lyrium and getting off it.)
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It does take him a while to open up, he let love go-- once (if you were a female mage/charge in DA:O) and he sees another opportunity to have love. And be loved in DA:I. He will not let that opportunity pass again.
I think it's a very good choice (story wise) he ended up with a mage. Speaks volumes towards his growth as a person and character.
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And dat first kiss perfectly encapsulated how much he was willing to change and be open to change-- if given the opportunity to do so.
Also... sweet Maker that was HOT. Σd(●ω●)
Which leads into this next part...
NSFW stuff-- get outta here if you're not into that!
Run away like Cullen did in DAO-- save yourself from corruption and tempation 😈
Runnnn ruuunnn!!
Okaaay now that's taken care of... Onto the "steamy bits" the rest of us fithly animals are here for~ ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Cullen is a natural lover and very good in bed.
Like it baffles me he is a virgin (in my head cannon).
He just instinctually knows what to do-- and he may have borrowed some... books from Cassandra as his realtionship was getting more serious 😏
He claims to be not so great at intimate sort of things, but he again is a natural at flirting. Like seriously when he tries too hard he messes up more, but when he does not try his words just capture your heart.
And your pants hit the floor faster you can say "Andraste perserve me."
Cullen would prefer to go slowly-- but nothing ever seems to go according to "his plan" when it comes to his lover, and how he wishes to love them. However, he adapts quickly and again his natural instincts takes over.
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Mmmm and he is surpisingly kinky 🤤
Coming around to the idea that he "does not need a plan... only if you would..."
Favorite position(s)? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
I think he would like any position he can see his lovers whole body and facing him.
He wants to see and worship his lover.
He also has great respect for them.
(But his personal favorite is when his lover shamlessly "rides" ontop of and facing him ;)
(He thinks doing it from behind, binding, holding down and being forceful is not respectful, but he is not adversed to doing that-- if that's what his lover wants. He will be uncomfortable but so long as his lover is okay he is alright too. He will probably be praying for forgiveness after-- for being too naughty)
He puts his lover's satisfaction over his own.
He will never say if he is unsatisfied. His satisfaction comes from his lover's satisfaction. He is honestly just happy you two are together and can be together in a very special way.
Dirty talk?
To me, Cullen would not do the "usual" dirty talk. like bad cursing-- nor say vulgar swear words:
I think he would proclaim to the maker how much he loves his lover, how good they feel, and recite prayers/ chants of light out loud towards his lover as he is making passionate love-- because he believes his lover is his savour (sent by the Maker and the holy Andraste) and his belief is a thing that's been drilled into him for most of his life.
(If his lover is also religious they would probably pray and make love together.)
Cullen is not a sharer. He wants his lover to love him and only him. He gives his lover a devouted love and hopes that they return that in kind.
He is definitely the jealous and self defeating type.
He will be desevstated if betrayed or his lover entertains the idea of "sharing".
He is a very broken and frigile man. Trying to piece and put himself back together-- to be better than he was before. Handle with care. ( ๑˘ω˘ )
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Gif credits/ sources:
#ohsweetmaker - https://tenor.com/vank.gif
Desk Romance Scene- https://whatsgnat.tumblr.com/post/648837281053065216/jackicullen-c-this-war-wont-last-forever
-I did not make any of these gifs. I did my best to find the sources and credit them >.<
-will add credit upon request and proof if you're or know the orginal source.
Thank you for taking the time to read~ Nice feedback/ discussion is most welcomed :)
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pixie88 · 3 years
I'm in a prompt-y mood!
We all know Nina loves the good stuff 🍺, but what if Ellie was the one who gets wasted? Maybe she tries to give Adam a show? 😜😈🥳
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Chapter 6 - Yours Truly.
A/N | Hey @aussieez so you asked for it and here it is (FINALLY)! When I got this ask I thought yay! Nina, then I thought "oooh I could bring Nina into YT!" Hence why this ask has turned into a chapter rather than just an ask. Please don't hate me for this! I have kept away from the plot of the story for those who aren't up to date.
A/N 2 | This also includes @aussieez other ask “Nina, pissed as a fart and tries to say "she sells seashells by the sea shore" because, well ... why TF not? 🤣”
Comments & reblogs welcome! Let me know what you loved and hated about this chapter!
I understand if you don’t want to be tagged so just pop me a message to be removed, but also let me know if you would like to be tagged!
Summary | Nina and Ellie have a drunk night on the town.
Check out previous chapters here  - HERE.
Wattpad | Here.
Word count | 1.9k
Warnings | 18 + Only! Angst, Fluff & NSFW.
Pairings | Adam x Ellie.
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With all the stress of the last few weeks Nina had arranged a night out for her and Ellie, getting into the full swing of things she's had a few glasses of wine making her a little tipsy. She's looking through her wardrobe for something to wear when Adam walks into their bedroom, she looks over her shoulder at him. His eyes roam over l her body, black stockings and lacy lingerie "see something you like?" he smirks before wandering over to her.
He wraps his arms around her, his chest presses into her back. His lips pepper along her pulse line sending every nerve ending on edge, "Ah, ah, ah!" she dances out of his grasp "I need to get ready!" she pulls out a dusty pink dress from the hanger, placing it on the bed before checking over her makeup in the dresser mirror.
Bending over so her arse is in his direction as she straightens up again her fingers slip under the lace against her cheeks stretching fabric before it pings back against her skin. She heard him groan, smiling mischievously, she turns towards him "something wrong?" she bit her bottom lip, "I'm just admiring my beautiful wife!" he takes a seat on the edge of the bed.
"Admiring? Is all you want to do?" she teases him, grabbing a pair of heels from the wardrobe she steps between his legs, he looks up at her "I think you already know the answer to that!" she turns and sits on his lap bending to pull on her shoes making her cheeks rub against his crotch.
A growl catches in his throat, she leans back onto him, "Fuck, Ellie!" he whispers against the shell of her ear. She takes his hand and glides it along the inside of her thigh as he reaches her apex, his fingers slip under the lace, she stops him and replaces his finger with hers. "Ell?"
"If you touch me, I'll never leave this room on time!" she turns to straddle him, looking into his eyes as works her fingers against her core, he captures her lips. She can barely catch her breath, pulling away, she smirks "I want you to watch me!" he looks down, he can feel his own arousal begging to be released. She moans as she gets closer to her high, "scream my name, beautiful!"
She falls "God, Adam! Yes!" she pants as she comes down from her high. She smiles seeing him all flustered, climbing off his lap, he takes a deep breath. Leaning down, she presses her lips to his before pulling away, "I better get dressed!" she winks.
Pulling on the blush pink dress "Do you think this will be ok?" she looks herself over in the mirror one last time. He appears behind her "Stunning as always!" he wraps his arms around her and rests his head on her shoulder "Kids asleep?" she asks resting her hand over his.
"Yep, they went straight off. I think Mum and Dad shattered them!" He places a kiss against her neck "I hope you have fun tonight!" he reaches his back pocket, pulls out his wallet before pulling out a note and placing into her bra, "Adam are you tipping me?" she jokes.
"I just want to make sure you have a good time tonight!" he winks at her in the mirror.
An hour later...
"I can't believe that guy thought we were sisters!" Nina is giddy after the strangers comment, "you have aged well! Even Nan doesn't look like she's seventy odd!" Nina smile is beaming.
"Ok, stop!! I won't fit my head through the door if you continue! Subject change please tell me, you and Adam will have another baby soon?!" Ellie smugly smirked at Nina's question, "wait...are you?" she narrowed her eyes at Ellie. "No! I wouldn't be drinking if I was! We have talked about it, but we decided with everything going on at the moment, maybe now isn't the best time!" Nina sighs, "but you kids are having fun practicing!" she winks, Ellie almost chokes on her drink.
Nina turns towards the barmaid, "Give us three each of your best shots!" Ellie looks at her in horror "Come on, it's your night off! Blow off some steam!" Ellie doesn't argue instead she knocks them back with her.
After four more rounds of shots they are giggling like two school girls, "y-you gotta do it one more t-time!!" Nina begs her "F-fine, okaaay!" Ellie's words are slurred, but she clears her throat "How much wood would a woodchuck chuck, if a woodchuck could chuck wood?!" Nina howls again, "A-Adam t-tinks he c-cany thell h-how drunk I's am b-by getting moi to say that, but..." she points her finger "t-the j-jokes on h-him I's cany s-says zits d-drunk twos!"
"Als gets m-me t-to says seashell sells, she's by the sea door!" Nina looks confused "Waait t-that's n-not hows i-it hoes!" the pair laugh realizing what she said. "Ah Ellie, y-you knows I-I like y-you the bestest g-girlfriend..no w-wife Adams e-ever had! I-I thought I ad saw h-him in loves before b-b-butts...he worships y-you hands y-you d-does him!" Ellie blushes, "T-thank y-yous! N-now more shits...I's mean shots!" the pair cheer before ordering a few more rounds.
A few hours later...
Their bedroom was empty, she heard that the shower in the ensuite was on, biting her lip an idea pops into her head, and she stripes down until she's naked. The steam from the shower filled the bathroom. She reached for the curtain and jumps in behind him, he's washing his hair and hasn't noticed her jump in.
She notices the muscles on his back twitch at the realization that she's back from her night out. "Hey beautiful, did you have a good time?" he says washing the shampoo out, she presses her lips against his board shoulders. "Ah uh! You?" she asks, watching his body cover in goosebumps as she peppers kisses against his skin, he stops the shower.
"Yeah, we had a good night!" he says, running his fingers through hair, she grips his butt and squeezes his cheeks "What you doing, beautiful?" she moves closer and reaches to grasp his shaft "I'm just feeling up my husband." She works against his length, feeling it stiffen with each stroke, she hears him groan as he drops his head forward.
She continues to pepper kisses over his back, he can't bare it anymore spinning himself around he claims her lips. He pushes her against the tile wall, lifting her up wrapping her legs around him he smirks against her lips. "Is this what you wanted, Beautiful?" she gasped his lip between her teeth, "I think you already know the answer to that!" she mocks him.
The pads of his digits move over her already wet core making her moan, he pushes his fingers into her "Shit!" she hisses against his lips. She grasps at the nape of his neck, "let me take you to bed!" he groans against her lips.
Holding her close, he steps out of the shower with her still wrapped around him, he moves into the bedroom, and he pins her against the wall. She giggles, "all I've thought about all evening is your little performance! I'm going to make you scream so loud they will hear you from the house!" his lips move to her neck "I think we can be as loud as we like!" she baits him bucking her hips against his hard shaft "Ellie! Keep doing that, and I'll bend you over that bed!" she giggles "Is that a promise?" she asks.
He nips her earlobe on the way down to her collarbone, "what was that, Beautiful?" he smirks against her, "I said is that a promise?" he shushed her quickly pressing his lips to hers. She moans a little too loud against his lips, "don't hold back!" he smirks, "only if you don't?"
He answers her question by putting her down and pushing her towards the bed, laying her hand flat against it, he runs his cock over her throbbing heat before he pushes into her deep, his hands grasp her hips. He draws all the way out just leaving in the tip before he pistons his hips forward into her again, "Ohh!" she moans.
She clenches around him, his pace speeds up and she begins to move her hips to match his. He groans, "Ellie! Fuck! Keep doing that..." she continues her movements, which pushes him deeper with each thrust. He pushes her barriers, he's hitting the walls of her cervix, "that feels so good, Ellie! Fuck! I love you!!"
He leans over as he keeps moving, his finger's moves between her legs and works against her clit "Oh god!" she moans, he loves having her like this. "Adam...harder!" he flips her onto her back, pinning her to the mattress. He thrusts into her again making her arch off the bed, she pulls his lips to her "Ellie, I'm not going to last much longer!" she smirks against his lips "c'mon then handsome, give me everything you got!" he pistons his hips into hers as her own climax is building.
She gets closer to the edge until she falls over it "ADAM!! YES! YES! YES!" she moans. Not letting up each thrust is more powerful than the last, he slams into her over and over again, he quickly pushes her towards the edge again, "Come again, baby!" he says as he kisses her neck, "let me ride you!"
He pulls out of her before his back presses against the mattress and pulls her onto of him, parting her folds entering her again. She moves slowly making him groan, "baby, you got to move faster!" he grasps her hips as he bucks his. She grabs his wrist and pins them above his head, "you taking charge, beautiful?" he smirks up at her.
"Maybe!" she plunges down onto him, letting go of his arms, he groans, "Do you know how hot you looked on top?!" he grins running his forefinger down her body to her apex. He works against her clit, he captures her lips as she moves making her body tingle, he pumps into her fast and heavy, his nails dig into her skin at her hips.
She presses her hands against his chest and moves to meet his pace, her walls clenches round him, "Come on baby! Come for me!" he whispers against her lips. She hits her high "Ohhh!" she cries out. "Fuck!! Ellie!" he falls after her.
Panting trying to catch their breath, he claims her lips again, still in her state of euphoria she looks down at him smiling. She collapses on the bed next to him, "I love you, Adam!" he rolls onto his side "I love you more, Ellie!" his fingers trace the inside of her thigh before gliding over her slick slits, "Adam..whatcha doing?" his fingers push into her once more making her arch into his touch.
The next morning...
Tears roll down her face, her heart breaks "Adam...I love you more than I have ever loved anyone, but these last few weeks our lives have been flipped upside fucking down...and it's starting to make me wonder will our marriage survive this? Because if I'm completely honest?! I'm not sure it will!"
The blood drains from his face...is this the end of us?
Chapter 7
@aussieez @secretaryunpaid @lem-20 @irisofpurple @rookiemartin @gloriousalmondvoiddreamer @palmaviolet @wombatsxkookaburras @pixie-b
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humanuser0613 · 3 years
Our Sweet Euphoria Taekook
It's things like this that make me wonder if they truly understand how BH operates....🤔🤔🤔
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(obviously they're shading other members who also celebrated milestones this year, month, week, etc 🤦🏻‍♀️ and calling taekook a unit when their accomplishments were solo accomplishments is just...💀)
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They've done vocal line and rap line units previously and then PERSONA changed it up with a mixed subunit. Then we saw with BE that they chose their own subunits. And we've heard of when they wanted to choose their own subunits before as well and VMin was what Tae wanted (and didn't get). I don't think it's a stretch to think that they pitch the ideas to BH and they either get approved or denied to be reworked and tried again. (Some excerpts out of order - link attached below as well)
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Many businesses operate this way with their staff. Trust employees to get the work done and guide only. BSH himself has said he uses this approach.
That's not to say that Tae and JK have never pitched the idea. It's certainly possible. It's just...if they had pitched it and since the idea has so much popular support throughout the fandom and would certainly bring in more fans and definitely tons more money and recognition...why hasn't it been accomplished yet? 🤔
And yet if they have never proposed a subunit then what OG post is asking for is to force those two into a subunit. They assume they've been asking behind the scenes for a unit when the only time Tae has said he was mad about not getting one is when he didn't get his Christmas song with JM 🤣. I don't know if they've noticed, but Tae narcs on the agency. 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 We'd have heard about it if Tae had asked and been turned down for a subunit. Truly I fully expect the fans will be the first to know in a vlive or something if the subunit is turned down. Then we'll raise all holy hell 😈😈😈😈😈 and get that subunit for Tae/JK (and us, let's be real 🥵). 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
To further emphasize how BH operates let's consider how they've asked BH to limit interactions of certain members 🙃...and instead more content gets shown (ear biting, neck biting, lifts). Calling such interactions, whether on camera or off camera and only talked about, fanservice. The free JK # was the essence of taking away JK's free agency and homophobia by labeling JM as the aggressor. When, from the start, they've emphasized how genuine and sincere this group is:
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Think about how insulting it is to the members involved and the whole group. They interact and do what they want to do and get called fake (and much worse) for it when their entire brand is built on the sincerity and affection they've shown each other and the fans since day 1.
And then that BH just refines content instead of creating it...so think about where that ear biting, neck biting, the lifts in practice, the 'I was with JK at 4 am', the Weverse and Twitter posts, JK's GCF's...they originate with the members. They choose what they want to show the fans (and what they don't, think about Jin and YouQuiz).
And this 👇👇👇👇👇
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This here is how we got: "I want to go on a date with Jungkook" and the many iterations of "I like Jungkook." 🤷🏻‍♀️ And it's true that it didn't cause a scandal. But it's definitely left a footprint that can be brought out and potentially be troublesome if them being together does end up being a scandal instead of just accepted normal human behavior.
Anyway my 2¢ on this whole trend thing they did on Twitter.
(y'all just ignore that I decided to do this blog post off the cuff instead of focusing on the research for the other post I have in my drafts 🤡)
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lokisprettygirl · 2 years
Awww...these two are so cute and adorable. They're loving each other so much...and they both think it's to early to say 'l love you '. Maybe it is but sometimes things just feel right...but both want to take their time in everything with each other...and it's absolutely okay. I appreciate Loki's decision to take her not there and then. Y/n wants to torture herself 😏😏😉 they want to do it at a special place and/or time to create a wonderful new memory together, far away from this disgusting place full of disgusting people and horrible incidents. Loki thinking of his dead mother to calm himself down🥵🥵...it's sad that his mother is dead but I had to laugh loudly while reading it🤣🤣🤣.
They're both all in and tease each other like there's no tomorrow 🤣😉😏. I love how they clarified the 'daddy-baby-thing' and that they're both consent how they want to handle it...it seems they're really made for each other.🥰❤️💚🥵
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I hope Loki's plans work out. He's playing his cards right and it seems to work. He's really doing everything to protect y/n and to get them out of this situation and he feels so bad saying ugly things about her...and y/n plays her role perfectly. Aww and I love the text messages 😍😍😍 and I love the scene when Loki sat on his knees in front of her when he told her, when and how to use the Bluetooth recorder...I hope Steve burns in hell before the wedding and bitchannah...I don't care anymore...'call me Suzi' 🤮🤮 They can all go to hell😈😈😈
It won't be easy for y/n when she's going to leave the world of the rich...she never learned to cook or how to work for her money so you can pay your bills and food...but Loki mentioned he can cook and he could teach her or they can learn it together...both together cooking, feeding each other...ohhh the possibilities 😏😏...
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and I can picture y/n working in a kind of social business. She just wants Loki, nothing else is more important for her.
The real richness is to have a special someone by your side in good or bad times, love, health, trust, communication... yes, money is important but you can't buy real love with it. It's a development process but they can do it.😊🥰
I want to cuddle Loki, embrace him and tell him, you are enough, you've always been, you're worthy of true love and affection, you deserve only the best 🥺💚...and I'm sure y/n will give it all to him. Hopefully the sight of her in a wedding dress is a forshadowing of their possible future 💖🥰❤️💚. But we shouldn't think it's all over now, we shouldn't feel safe.
I'm looking forward to the next chapters, it's really exciting what's going to happen next.
An amazing chapter again, my Queen 👑
....I love you and I always will 🥰❤️💚
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Yes it might feel too soon as it's been like two months but sometimes when you know you know ;)
Yes it was very important for him to clarify that she's not replacing her dad with him because that's something that would concern him too greatly, she wants a daddy and there's a difference. He understands the difference 😜
He's so sweet trying to look out for her safety ☺️ yes he's going to talk shit about her behind her back but as long as they are both into it and communicating well nothing can harm them.
More text messages will come ;)
The thing is she knows she's being abused so all she wants fir now is to run away with him and she thinks shell be able to handle it but we will see if that's what would happen 👀
I love you too dear thank you 😭💚💚
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