#can you tell that i wrote this after eating a whole bag of chocolates and was on a sugar high
nakasomethingkun · 1 year
i need to gush about step by step episode 7 because it’s another episode that makes me love this show more and more!!
i know that some people are very unhappy that pat got back together with put, but honestly, i’m glad he did, and i understood why he did it. from the very first episode, it’s established that pat is young and single and very ready to mingle. plus, he and put used to be very in love, and it seems like they didn’t have proper closure. spending more time with put probably rekindled some of those fond feelings they used to share, and who here isn’t a sucker for nostalgia? and, on a less serious note, like hello have you see put?? why WOULDN’T pat want to take him back?? if my ex looked like up poompat and he begged me to give him another chance while flaunting the shark he crocheted to take advantage of my fixation on sharks and all things cute, i’d give him another chance too.
anyway. this episode showed us why pat and put used to work and why they didn’t, and it showed us why they’re not going to work in the present. for example, food is very important to pat, and yet during the dinner scene, put didn’t seem to be interested in the food (or in pat, tbh) or in the effort pat put into preparing it, which serves as a stark contrast to how jeng is wrt food. with that said, i appreciate how put is not a bad person (or a dramatized villain). he seemed genuinely remorseful of his past actions that led to their break up, yes, but he knows to apologize when he realizes he’s hurt pat about the meal and he respects pat’s boundaries during their night at the hotel. the thing is, he and pat have changed. they used to be in love, and put might still love pat, but time has passed, and things can’t be the same between them between they are different people now.
plot wise, obviously getting back together with put is important for pat’s character to realize his feelings and work through them, but it’s also important for put’s character, i think, because the man needs to let pat go and accept that they won’t work out (and i think he knows this too, deep down).
i also love that this episode is starting to get at the main “problem” at hand: jeng and pat being boss and subordinate. jeng’s feelings are very obvious - jaab seems to have gotten an inkling, and so does chot. but as jaab said at the start of the episode, it’s all very unprofessional if he really does go out with pat. given the power imbalance, it would also be very inappropriate and easily become unhealthy. i look forward to how this show will handle this aspect, since - in terms of the romance plot - the boss-subordinate dynamic would be one of their biggest hurdles.
jaab of course assumed wrong (i.e., jeng did not have dinner with pat), but his point still stands. even his little brother knows it’s not professional! of course jeng is taking things fucking slow and being really careful about what to do about his feelings!! plus, he and pat are in different phases of their lives. pat is young and emotional and has a lot to prove to the world - and do you know how hard it can be, to be in your 20s? well, it’s fucking hard. pat dating his boss is just gonna create a whole new fucking mess in his already stressful life.
so to the folks complaining why pat is looking at other men when jeng is right there: first, jeng is his boss. second, jeng is his fucking boss. third, dating your boss would be the last thing on your mind when you just started your career, work in what used to be a toxic and highly stressful environment, and your boss used to be really rude to you and made you cry. shifting from seeing jeng as his boss to a potential romantic interest is going to take time, and i like that the show is giving pat that space. also, i think that we would like jeng a lot less if he isn’t so professional lmao. jeng told put to separate his personal life from his work, and i think he’s telling this to himself too.
which brings me to another thing i love from this episode: more put and jeng interactions. ever since episode 5, i have always enjoyed seeing the tension between them. they always say one thing that means a different thing, and episode 7 gave us more of this. side note: i thought the seafood dinner scene in ep 5 was BRILLIANT, because at first glance it’s just the characters saying not much of anything, but it’s more than that. it was trying to further establish how jeng is the born winner that put just accused him of being earlier (e.g., he co-own a successful restaurant, he’s a good cook, he doesn’t mind hosting a wedding for free and giving his brother money because he’s filthy rich).
this is just word vomit, but god, i love this show. waiting 2 weeks for episode 7 was so worth it. other than all of the above, we also got to see chot singing up’s song and the ost for lovely writer lmaooo and if the translation is correct wrt his period, he might be trans?? diversity win!!!!
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kristenwell · 8 months
Leo Valdez x gn!reader - on their period
(a/n = yes, I wrote this while suffering)
Number one best boyfriend incoming
He’s seriously so sweet
At first he was confused why you weren’t at breakfast, he got worried that maybe you got sick so he went to your siblings.
He went to your cabin as soon when he found out the reason.
He hurried towards the g/p cabin, getting weird looks from nearby campers. Leo didn’t pay them any attention, his only objective was to get to his s/o asap. He finally reached the cabin door and knocked.
After not receiving an answer he opened the door slowly and entered. The interior of the cabin itself was tidied, surely not because of an upcoming inspection, aside from one bed.
There was definitely something human sized curled and hidden under the sheets. Leo crept slowly toward the ball and tapped it as he grinned.
„Go away, sis. I told you I’m not in the mood.“ The voice from underneath grumled.
„What a shame, and I brought snacks too. Guess I’ll eat them all by myself.“ Leo’s shit-eating grin still prominent.
Y/N peeked from underneath the blanket. Their eyes were slightly wet, hair messy and Leo could tell they didn’t get much sleep.
„Leo?“ they rubbed their eye, surprised by the presence of their boyfriend. Usually they wouldn’t want anyone to breathe in their direction when on their period but Leo is a different case. He was holding a medium size bag filled with hygiene products, snacks and drinks.
„Yours truly, mi amor. Now scooch a little so I can join you.“ He placed the bag on a nearby table and took of his shoes.
Y/N unwrapped themselves from their blanket burrito and opened their arms, awaiting for a hug.
Leo couldn’t help but stare at them with pure adoration. He dove into their embrace without hesitation and cuddled them closely to his body.
„How are you feeling?“ He asked carefully, he’s seen his s/o like this many times and everytime it tears his heart.
„Like I just got hit by a bus and then trampled by wild centaurs.“ Y/N snuggled into their boyfrien’s chest, his warmth never failed to comfort them but during their period it acted as a natural painkiller. Leo kissed their forehead lovingly and put a hand on their lower stomach, which instantly helped. He reached for his bag and pulled out a bar of dark chocolate.
„I heard that it should help with the pain, so eat up, cariño.“ He unwrapped it and held it out for them and they ate it from his hand in content. Y/N really couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend. They looked up at his soft brown eyes and his dark curly hair sprawled all over their pillow, he truly looked adorable.
„Do you wanna stay in the whole day?“ He sent them his usualy mischevious grin,Y/N couldn’t help but reciprocate it.
„Won’t we get in trouble?“
„Without a doubt.“ And that’s a risk he’s willing to take.
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Le Capitaine
Summary:The reader gets a call from Kylian telling her important news
A/N: This can be part 2 to "suprise" the previous Kylian Fan fic I wrote or it can be it's own part it's up too you how you wanna read it
Also don't play the song yet I'll let you know when though
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Kylian just left for the International break and he's meeting the rest of the French team today for the first time after the world cup, I'm sitting in the living room scrolling on my phone while eating my chocolate chip cookies,that rest on top of my bump
Kylian was so happy to leave the house and meet his teammates, he wouldn't shut up about how excited he is to see them again
As I'm scrolling on my phone I see that the FFF has posted on their Instagram story
I see the reel of the players arriving
That's until I see Kylian
Wearing, his Jean's, turtle neck ,shades and nikes with a long coat
I'm so glad I picked the look out for him because he looks more handsome than he usually looks, instead he wanted to wear sweatpants and a hoodie
Before Kylian left (play song above)
"Put those back in the closet"
"No, I'm putting them on"
He puts the clothes in the closet and walks out asking
"What must I wear then?"
"Here I already picked out your outfit while you were in the shower"
"Ooh this looks nice"
"I know, now go get dressed"
He grabs the clothes and starts walking to bathroom until he stops in his tracks
"What, what is it"
He turns around and runs towards me, grabs my face and starts kissing my face,then he bends down,lifts my shirt up and kisses my belly
He looks me in the eyes and says
"J t'aime"
"J t'aime Aussi,what was that for?
"I'm just thinking how lucky I am to have you in my life"
"You're so corny" I say with a bright smile that can't resist giving
"Now go get dressed" I say and I push him to the bathroom"
I finish packing his clothes and zip his bag up and putting it on the floor
Then I feel my stomach get kicked from the inside
"Ooh" I say putting my hand on my stomach
"What is it?" Kylian asks
"She's kicking" I say
"Can I feel"
I sit on the edge of the bed and Kylian goes on his knees and in between my legs , then slightly lifts my shirt up"
He puts his hand on my belly and the baby starts kicking where is hand is
Kylian slightly laughs and looks at me
I smile at him and he does the same
"Hey little one, are you giving your mom trouble? Huh, I can already tell you're gonna be a hand full when you get here"
"I can't wait for you to be here, you're gonna have the best mom in the whole entire world, she's gonna love you to death, and I'll be here to protect you from the dangers of the world, I promise, to always try to keep you happy and love you no matter what happens, and we promise to support you and your dreams and wishes no matter what they are"
As I hear Kylian speaking I end up crying,I don't know what it is but I think it's my hormones
It warms my heart to hear him speak like that
I know it won't be easy being a mother and all but I know that if I have Kylian, it'll be manageable
He stands up and towers over me and looks me in the eyes
He wipes my tears away and pulls me up, and kisses me
"Don't cry, you're suppose to be happy"
"It's tears of joy"
He kisses me again and wipes my tears
I pull away and sniff a little
"Ok,come on you're gonna be late"
He grabs his bags and rolls them downstairs
"J t'aime"
"J t'aime mon Amour"
He kisses me one last time and with that he's out the door
Present Time
I get off the couch and head to the room to take an afternoon nap
2 hours later
My phone ringing wakes me up
I see that it's Kylian face timing me
"Oui, what happened is everything fine"
"Yeah everything's fine, everything is great"
"Oh then what is it then"
"I have very big news"
"What is it"
"Wait are you ok you sound down"
"Yeah I'm fine I was just sleeping"
"Oh, sorry"
"It's fine, now tell me the big news"
" ok I didn't want you to hear it from Social Media, so I wanna tell you now"
" so I just got out of a meeting with the coach and he said I'm gonna be the Captain of the Team"
"What?, are you joking?"
"No I'm being serious they're announcing it in a few hours"
"Babe I'm so happy for you and I'm proud of you as well"
"Merci, I miss you so much"
"I miss you too but we'll be together again, I promise"
"Yeah, I know"
"Kylian, come on bro we gotta go" I hear someone in the background say
"Ok babe I gotta go, but I love you and I'll see you soon, ok"
"Give the baby a kiss for me"
"Love you"
And he hangs up
I sigh again and go to the kitchen to go make food for myself
The rest of the day is spent watching movies and serial Killer documentaries
The next day Fayza comes and picks me up and we head to the airport
We're suprising Kylian at his match tomorrow
"So hows my gran baby" she ask when we're on the plane
"She's fine she's been kicking a lot recently"
"That means she's healthy"
"Have you been ok though, I know how all this can strain you, I don't want you to be stressed it's not good for you and the baby"
"Yeah I'm fine, I don't know honestly, I'm really scared though"
"Of what?"
"Being a mother, and Kylian is not going to be there most of the time he's going to be training and playing matches and I don't blame him, and I know he's gonna want to spend as much time with her but still, I don't want to be alone"
"You won't be alone, you'll have me and I'll be there for you every step of the way"
I look at her with tears my eyes and she pulls me into a hug
"Thank you Fay"
"No problem sweety"
After we arive we head to the hotel and I immediately want to sleep
"Get some rest I'll see you in the morning ok?:
"Ok, goodnight Fay"
"Night sweetheart"
I head to my room and fall asleep the minute my head touches the pillow
The next morning Fay and I are watching our favorite series because the game is only tonight so we'll only get ready a bit later
In the meantime Fay and I are having a girls day in the hotel
"Are you excited to see him playing"
"More than excited, I can't believe he got picked to be captain"
"Yeah me too"
Later in the day
"Are you ready to go"
"Yeah, let's go"
We had to car and and drive to the Stadium
When we get there we find them warming up and doing they're warm up routine
I take my seat next to Hugo
"Salut, Hugo, ça va"
"Tres bien et toi"
"Salut Fay" he greets Fay
"Bonsoir ,ça va"
We hug everyone else and we watch them carry on with their routine
"They were just here like 30 minutes ago, they came to say hi
"Oh it's fine we wanted to suprise Kylian anyway and we don't want him to see us yet"
"Aww how sweet of you"
"He's lucky to have you in his life"
" so am I"
The match starts and we watch with our full attention nobody saying a word
But half time We're 2 point up and the Netherlands haven't scored
At the end of the match we won 0-4
To say I was proud of Kylian would be an understatement
His first debut as Captain of France and he's scored 2 out of 4 of the goals for France
I see him celebrating with his teammates
He faces Hugo and Raphaël and gives them a Wave
Until he spots me at first he looks like he can't believe it then reality sets in and he runs towards us and I run towards him to give him a hug
"DON'T RUN YOU'LL HURT YHE BABY" he says with a smile o his face
But I don't care u just run even faster into his arms
"You're here, you're here, you're here, how are you here"
"You didn't think I'd miss your first Match as Captain did you?"
"I thought you were at home"
"Nope I came to support my husband"
"I love you so much"
"I love you more"
"I really am lucky yo have you in my life y/n"
"And I'm happy I'm in it"
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stardustinmyhands · 4 months
I still won’t say what my jealousy is ok. I told a few people. I don’t need to reveal it at all, and I feel a little guilty about it.
Today I’m just sore, no pain. Taking meds to help it. My stomach hurts a little bit. And somehow I got chub rub on my thigh well I slept, baby powder is helping.
Our car completely died on Sunday. We are gonna go look at cars on Saturday after work. Wish us luck. 🍀
I have to appointments this week, luckily I get free rides through my insurance to medical appointments. So I set those up. Tomorrow is my infusion and Friday I see a cardiologist.
I’ve been staying on top of taking my medicines as I should. So I don’t emotionally spiral again like I did a few weeks ago. It didn’t it like it, I felt so out of control. Like I just cried and felt so helpless. I like that I can control most of my emotions.
I take my Adderall everyday now cause it helps me human. I have its molecule tattooed on me. I wanna add more molecules to it of the medications I take to regulate myself. I’m thankful I found medicine that works beautifully for me.
All cause about 20 plus years ago psychiatrists said let’s try a seizure medication with an antipsychotic medicine. I was put on lamictal and Abilify. Today I’m on triliptal and Abilify, trileptal is a seizure medicine so that combo works amazing for me.
I didn’t get put on adderall till I was in my 30’s. It was a fucking game changer, even my gf cried at improvement she saw in me. I was on several other stimulants before I got put on adderall. I even tried Ritalin, which helped some but not nearly as much as adderall improves my life. My doctor even gives a big dose. I’m on 50 mgs a day. He said the highest dose gives out is 60 a day.
I felt jealousy over not having babies. I told my boyfriend there is a part of me who still wants to get pregnant. And I said I know it would be selfish and dangerous to me and the baby. He said yes it would. I also said I wouldn’t even attempt to get pregnant without his ok. That would also be getting my mirena out, which I wouldn’t without his ok either. For two years I had unprotected sex with my donor, no baby. I wrote in my journal I told the universe since I was a kid, I wanted to be a mom. I mean I was raised that everything happens for a reason, my name literally means that I was told that my whole life. I guess kids were not in my life book this life anyway.
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Look how fucking that smile is. I love her so much. I’m 43 and proud to be a Little Monster. One of my managers said when he first met me he wonder what my sexuality was, then he saw my Lady Gaga necklace and knew then. I love that story. I felt safe enough to tell him I was bisexual and polyamorous, and that I have a gf and boyfriend. Where I live now is very Mormon-ville, so I was weary to reveal who I really am till I trusted a few people.
I put cinnamon in my coffee and I’m drinking it with a chocolate protein shake. It’s so good.
Tomorrow is my IVIG infusion. This hospital doesn’t use the bottles they come in, when you arrive the let pharmacy know and the pharmacy put it into a little bag. So I get no bubbles. 🫧 I liked seeing the bubbles. My port Tony makes my infusions so much easier. I have an endoscopy next Friday, that will make it easier too. No iv’s for this girl. I’m getting to infusion early tomorrow so I can eat breakfast at the cafeteria and find the infusion center. It’s like on the second floor in the middle of the hospital. At the Phoenix hospital it was like 100 feet from the entrance, which was right by the parking garage, with covered parking.
I will watch the Chromatica Ball tomorrow while getting my infusion. I watch it at least once a day now. I also have to search for car dealerships, and call and make an appointment with my rheumatologist, I don’t have a follow up yet, and it’s a several month wait to get into him.
I rambled on a lot today. Ok I’m done for today. I have to finish my 2nd coffee and finish cleaning the kitchen.
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taiyakiiwrites · 3 years
just gonna go ahead and drop this here for whenever
hawks with an s/o who has really painful periods (headcannons, drabble, one shot, idc what it is)
— period pain hcs
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pairing(s): keigo takami x gn!reader
wc: 1.1k+ words
content: hawks is a simp,,,, that’s it
notes: to anyone who can relate to this, hope you feel better soon ;-; also it’s been a hot minute since i wrote headcanons so get ready for another round of shitposting *puts on sunglasses*
⇉ requests are open!! || main masterlist || rules
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i say this in the nicest and loving way possible,,,
but the first time you bring it up, he’ll just be like
“sorry you’re on a what now 😀”
it’ll take him a while at first to understand how it all works: moodswings, cravings, cramp levels, all that jazz—but he promises he will try is best
he doesn’t want to see you in pain :((
you mention that eating chocolate helps ONCE and this man just jumps out the window and flies to the nearest convenience store like “hi i’m the number two hero so give me all the chocolate you have”
okay OKAY he doesn’t abuse his position
,,, there’s still a 70% chance he’ll jump out a window though
one of the main perks of having wings besides being a hero: you can jump out of nearby windows whenever you need to ✨✨
anyways sorry for that, back to the actual post
fockin loses it when you tell him that your cramps are above average:
refuses to let you go to work
lots of whining if you put up a fight:
“you’re in pain, you need to rest, let me take care of youuu”
a good part of the whole experience will probably feed the hero complex that i truly believe he has (i think all pro heroes and UA students have it) so
just let him help you
though be ready if you run out of your personal preference of product (that’s a lotta p’s), because if he has to go out to buy them for you,,,, uh—
go easy on him, he’s trying
also moodswings are a thing
if you’re pissed off after texting a friend or a bad day at work (if you somehow convinced him to let you go), he’ll just listen to you rant for however long you need to
and then the next second you’re crying? cry into his chest—he doesn’t mind. he’ll run his fingers through your hair and lay down with you on the couch, maybe put on a good move
you’d think he’s just really good with handling moodswings
to that i say: partly
as a hero, he does need to be able to handle civilians in distress, which does mean learning to deal with any sort of emotional state and the states in between switching from one to another
but on the other hand?
,, he’s just letting whatever happens happen
however, once he’s fully adjusted to your needs and wants, your days of agony are now comforted with good food, comfy blankets, and a whipped boyfriend who only wants the best for you
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hawks closed the door behind him and walked into his penthouse, instantly looking around. “babe? where are you?” he called out.
the only response he got in return was a loud groan coming from the living room. once the realization passed, he sighed with a smile and hurried over, double checking the items he had with him in the bag slung over his shoulder.
you were found lying on the couch, wrapped up in a blanket hawks bought you not too long ago. with your knees tucked into your chest and your eyes shut tight, it seemed that you barely even moved since hawks left for patrol in the morning.
“babe?” hawks let out a small laugh. “you doing okay there?”
you grumbled. “what did i do to deserve this pain?” you whined, letting yourself sink into the cushions even more.
hawks sighed again and sat down beside you. you’d move to look at him, but you knew damn well it’d be too painful. “well, it’s the last day of your period, right? it’ll be over soon.” he rummaged through his bag and pulled out a bar of chocolate. “here.” he nudged your shoulder. “got you a few snacks.”
you merely reached out your hand and hawks placed it in your palm.
“anything in particular you wanna watch today?” hawks asked, picking up a remote. “netflix has a couple new movies.”
you turned ever so slightly in his direction. “m’not in the mood for television right now, to be honest.” you looked at him through the corner of your eye. “can we just… talk?”
hawks eyebrows raised for a moment in surprise, but he soon relaxed. “of course.” he placed the remote and the bag of snacks down onto a nearby coffee table. “what do you want to talk about?”
“hm…” you looked up for a moment in thought. “how was your day today?”
your boyfriend chuckled. “it was actually rather interesting today,” he admitted, turning to face you. as a response, you only let out a hum, raising the pitch at the end to show your curiosity. he nodded.
“yup!” he adjusted the blanket around you. “i think you’ll enjoy this little story.”
and so, off he went, telling you about the strange pattern of fans he interacted with that day and a weird criminal he happened to bump into, his story filled with exaggerated hand motions, small one liners—your own personal stand up comedy routine. you listened to every word.
well, you had to admit that you did start to doze off during the end, but it was just so nice knowing hawks was by your side once again. it relaxed you more than your cramps bothered you, his presence distracting you from the pain. in fact, him being with you was all you probably even needed.
“and then it was just gone! i asked tokoyami about it but all he said was—” hawks’ words were cut off with the sound of a quiet snore. he turned to his side. you were fast asleep. he didn’t know the exact time in his storytelling that you drifted off, but that was the last thing on his mind.
he smiled to himself. “you’re right: it’s late. guess i got carried away with my story, didn’t i?”
with one quick swoop of his arms, he picked you up and carried you to your shared bedroom. carefully, he rested you on your side of the bed and placed the sheets over you, your blanket soon after. “i’d be tired too if my insides were going through that level of hell,” he mentioned.
he stared at you for a moment. you looked so peaceful now that you were asleep. he kissed you on the forehead and pushed a few strands of your hair out of your face.
“i’ll see you in the morning, dove.”
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
When Their S/o is on Their Period || BNHA Boy Headcanons
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Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Fem!Reader, Katsuki Bakugou x Fem!Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Fem!Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Fem!Reader, and Denki Kaminari x Fem!Reader
Summary: How the boys act when you’re on your period
Word Count: 1.6k
A/n: I wrote this because my period is supposed to come in like two days and I am not very excited at all. Anyway, I hope you like these headcanons, and requests are still open and all that, just read the rules first. Also, thanks for everyone who has liked/reblogged any of my posts or even followed me, I really appreciate it. Hope you all have a great day/night! :) -Danielle <3
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Izuku Midoriya:
If you don’t tell him ahead of time that you’re going to be on your period and you snap at him he’s gonna get so upset
Like he’s going to think about every little thing that happened for the past few weeks and try to see where he went wrong
Then when you tell him you’re on your period, he’s going to just freeze, and then start to panic
His face gets all red, but he still asks if you if you need anything
If you send this boy to the store to get pads/tampons, expect him to be gone for a solid few hours
When he firsts gets to aisle, he stands there, because he knows absolutely nothing about pad/tampons, and he doesn’t know what brand to get
So then, he takes out his phone and starts typing, and trying to do research, but google isn’t helping him decide what to get at all
So, then the nice old lady restocking the shelves, offers to help, noticing how he’s panicking
He still ends up getting a few different brands, but that’s okay
If you get bad cramps, like really bad, he’s definitely going to cry
He hates seeing you in pain
If you are having cramps he’ll give you some medicine he bought and offer you a heating pad
After he gets you feeling a little better, he’s going to give you all the snacks he got you and offer to cuddle and watch whatever you want with him
Overall, even though he gets really embarrassed about it, he’ll still help you if you need him to
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Katsuki Bakugou:
If you snap at him, he’s going to like brush it off, but after the second or third time he’s going to go off on you
But once you tell him you’re on your period he’s going to be so confused
Not because he doesn’t know what it is, but because he has no clue what he’s supposed to do about it
He’ll apologize for going off on you
By apologize I mean that he’ll mumble sorry under his breath so that you can barely hear it
But I mean it’s Bakugou, so just take what you can get
He probably wouldn’t offer to go anywhere to get you anything
But if you ask him, he’ll go (Only after complaining the whole time getting ready to leave though)
He’s going to make sure you tell him what brand of pads/tampons to get so he doesn’t have to embarrass himself in front of people in the store
If the cashier says one word about him buying them or gives him a weird look, he’s going to get very pissed
“They’re for my girlfriend, now stop giving me weird ass looks and comments and just scan the damn things!”
He’ll probably end up grabbing more snacks or chocolate than you asked for but if you ask why he did that, he’s going to say it was a total accident, even though it wasn’t
After he brings you the stuff he’ll just crash in your bed, and demand cuddles
But he won’t ask, he’ll just pull you to him and cuddle you
The first time you’re on your period around him, he’s pretty embarrassed but hides it, but with time, he gets used to it and it doesn’t bother him anymore
Although no matter if he’s sixteen and buying pads/tampons for you or seventy and buying pads/tampons for you, he’s still going to end up yelling at the poor cashier, even if they don’t comment or give him a look
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Eijiro Kirishima:
I may be a bit biased because I absolutely love Kirishima (if you couldn’t tell), but I am convinced that he would be the best boyfriend in every way
And that includes when you’re on your period
If you snap at him, he’s going to get a little upset, but immediately ask what’s wrong and try to figure out what the issue is
After you tell him, he’s going to panic but hide it so he doesn’t alarm you
Immediately offers to go get you anything you need
But he’s so eager to help you out, he forgets to ask what brand of pads or tampons to buy 
So now he’s in the feminine hygiene product aisle, standing next to some twelve year old girl whose low key too embarrassed to grab a box of pads in front of some teenage boy
So she’s just standing there, waiting for him to leave, but he’s trying to figure out which box to buy, so he’s like looking at all of them and picking them up, trying to figure out the difference between all of them
And the girl goes to quickly grab a box and run off, but then he speaks
“Wait, can you help me?”
And the girl low key just wants to disappear right then and there, but she helps him anyway
This man walks away with a few different brands of pads/tampons in his arms not realizing he just traumatized some little girl by asking her for advice on getting his girlfriend pads/tampons
Then he grabs you some snacks, medicine, and whatever else you wanted, before checking out and leaving
He like rushes home because he was taking so long and he was worried about you
But when he like bursts into your room, you’re literally fine, and just chilling eating some stale chips, and watching some Netflix
Kirishima immediately takes away your stale chips, and gives you the stuff he bought
So now you guys are eating the new and not stale chips while binge watching your favorite Netflix show for the fiftieth time
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Shoto Todoroki:
I only have three words: Human Heating Pad
But seriously, if you have cramps, and you tell him heat helps, he’s definitely going to offer for you to use his hand as a heating pad
Once he learns that you’re on your period, he’s going to try his best to help, but he knows nothing about them despite having a sister
After taking a moment to compose himself after initial shock of you telling him, he’s going to offer to go to the store for you
So, now he’s in the aisle, trying to figure out what brand to get
He had tried calling you, but you must of been napping, because you didn’t pick up
Eventually he decides to call his sister and ask for some help
His sister proceeds to tell him about pads and tampons and how they work
He ends up writing some of the stuff down in his notes on his phone so he knows for next time and doesn’t forget
Then he’ll get whatever else you want
He’ll probably end up grabbing something extra too
Like a little gift such a plushie or a necklace, since he now knows periods really suck
He ends up getting you a gift every time your on your period (with Endeavor’s credit card of course), so it kind of morphs into a little tradition even though you insist that he doesn’t need to do it
But once he returns to home, you apologize for not answering, since you were in fact napping, but he quickly shuts you down and gives you everything he had got for you
Then you use his hand as your personal heating pad and talk about your lives
Overall, he’s pretty calm about the situation, and doesn’t make it a bigger deal than it needs to be
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Denki Kaminari:
When you snap, or if you snap, he’s probably just going to brush it off
But the second time you snap at him, he makes some dumb remark
Probably something like, “Damn is it that time of the month or something?”
That gets him a textbook to his face
He’s honestly surprised with your response to his question
“Actually, yeah! Asshole! Now, if you’re gonna be a jerk, get the hell out and leave me alone!”
He was only joking and didn’t expect you to actually say yes
After you admit that you being on your period is the problem, he doesn’t know what to do
He knows the basics of a period, he knows you bleed, and like chocolate, and you sometimes get cramps, but other than that he has no idea how to handle the situation
After a moment of trying to figure out what to do, he asks if you need anything
Now he’s in the store, trying to figure out what a ‘flow’ is, and why pads and tampons are so expensive
He ends up calling Kirishima to come help, who has no clue what to do either
Then they turn it into a group call by adding Bakugou and Sero
Bakugou calls them ‘fucking stupid’ but doesn’t know shit about periods either so when they ask him for help he makes up some excuse for not telling Kaminari what to do
Sero is actually helpful and tells him to just get one of each type of flow, since Kaminari refuses to call you and ask (R.I.P. Kaminari’s wallet)
Kaminari thanks him, and then they end the call
Then he gets whatever else you asked for, before heading home
When he gets there, he awkwardly hands you the bag and asks if you need anything else
When you say you want him to stay, he’s immediately jumping into your bed and cuddling with you
He thought since you were on your period, you wouldn’t want to be around him and it low key made him kind of sad, cause he would miss you
Then you guys spend the rest of the night scrolling through Tik Tok, and laughing along to videos
At some point, you end up seeing the thing girls do on Tik Tok where they ask their boyfriend’s how pads work
When Kaminari continues watching the video, and learns how pads actually work, he’s like turns to you and is like
“Wait, the sticky part doesn’t stick to your vagina?”
Somebody please help this poor idiot
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lysung · 3 years
happy first times - bang chan
you and bang chan's daughter comes back home from school earlier than expected and started acting weird, as if she's hiding something.
A/N: hi hi! sorry for being so inactive, uni had me messed up the whole year :( anyways. it's been quite some time since i wrote and posted anything in here, and i haven't been practicing english often either, i'm not sure if i'm doing anything right in here but i hope it's understandable and enjoyable 😭 also, i'm not sure how things work where you live, but at the elementary school where i studied, if you weren't feeling well, felt lots of pain or anything like this, and no one were home to get you back home, someone specific would drop you home. i wrote this based on this vague memory. you can pretend this happens where you live too if it doesn't lol and a fun fact: i've been struggling trying to pay attention to stuff that i wondered if my mind was still working properly, and after watching a clip of chan talking about periods, i was more than sure it was working very well 🥴. took the chance to write this.
genre: fluff
cw: overflowing cuteness, bang chan being the best man ever you'll ba your eyes out because you still can't believe someone this precious exist.
reader's gender is neutral! your daughter can be biological or adopted if you want to, all up to you! feel comfortable <3
this wasn't proofread because it's literally 6am when i'm posting this and maybe i didn't sleep at all just to finish this, but i'll try to remember to do so later today! pls tell me if you find any mistake too <3
hope you guys enjoy it! requests are open ✨
today is a sunny, fresh and bright day. bang chan, your husband, is taking some time off after his promotions were finally over. although you still had to go to work, today's the day when you're supposed to leave earlier. today just couldn't feel any better than this.
while waiting for you, chan was watching tv until he hears a noise coming from the front door. immediately he thought you would be home, but got confused as he saw your daughter coming in by herself.
- baby? what are you doing here this early? you're supposed to be at-
- iknow, i know. one of my teachers had to leave earlier today and she left me here, because you just wouldn't pick up your phone... — she cut him off with a sad and tired gaze, and chan instantly regretted leaving his phone so far from him earlier.
- ohhhh, i'm sorry so sorry my angeeel — he hugged her while carressing her hair, and she just responded with a quiet yet lovely "it's okay, dad" — but are you okay? what happened that you had to come back home this early?
- i just... don't feel good, my stomach aches way too much... but you don't have to worry, they just- they told me to take some medicine and rest for today — she explained, her voice crackling a bit, as if she was looking for the right words and was about to cry.
chan noticed her unusual behaviour and expressions. at first, he didn't intend to tell her about it or get mad, and just decided to pay extra attention for the rest of the day. as she distanced herself from him, he notices something else - the vivid red stain on her pants, on the inner side of her legs.
reality never hit him this hard. both of you were aware she was growing up, that's just how tome works, but once again, time felt like flying. as if watching her taking her first steps, saying her first words, making her first dawings and friends... everything felt like it hadn't been this long. every moment felt like a blessing. everything gives you two a specific feeling that probably no one will ever be able to put in perfect words.
chan felt his eyes tearing up as so many memories flashed one after another, finding himself at loss of words from the insane mix of feelings.
she turned to him to ask for something, just to find him with his head down, coverig his own face with one hand, sobbing quietly. the feeling of rgret instantly filled her up, as she was still confused and scared, fearing bad things to happen. she was so afraid and ashamed that she could barely tell or show it to anyone at school. but she calms down as she hears his words noticeably filled with love:
- my baby... i love you so much. but do you know what's happening to you now? — chan got closer to his precious daughter to hold her face with his hands and stare deeply into her eyes.
- ah, n-no... it's nothing bad, right? everything is gonna be fine, right? — she asked, fear still clear on her eyes and voice.
- no, it's nothing bad. you're just growing up and this is completely normal for you. i'll grab you a cup of warm water, sit down and i'll tell you everything i know about it. but relax, you're fine, baby. — he calmed her down while trying to control his proud smile, and ended with a kiss on her forehead before leaving, taking a little longer as expected to get a bag of warm water as well.
sat down next to each other, she drank her water calmly as she listened to her dad. she always knew how understanding chan can be, but this sudden situation made every kind of thought come to her head to the point nothing from the outside world would get in or make sense to her. yet, each and every word that came out of him would tranquilize her more and more. he felt like heaven to her, and she couldn't feel any more safer and happier with her precious dad.
while she showered and changed, chan left to buy meds and chocolate, hoping it would make her feel at least a little bit better. he spent the next few hours taking care of her as much as possible - making hot chocolate for her, listening to everything she wanted to say, watching her favorite series with her, massaging her wherever it hurted, trying his best to make her feel as comfortable as possible.
- honey, i'm home! — you announced happily after a long and exausting day. work felt endless and you couldn't wait to eat a little bit and sleep a little more. you were about to say something more, until you found the loves of your life sleeping next to each other on your sofabed, a movie playing on the tv, mugs on the tables next to them - a cute, calm smile on your sleeping daughter's face.
you went to the kitchen to grab water and noticed a paper on the table, which said "don't be scared, she's growing up faster than we thought and had her period at school today. she's fine! sorry for not telling you earlier. love you!"
you watched them sleep a little bit more. it was the best view you could have - your incredible and beautiful family. the moment also made you tear up a little bit, but it didn't take long for you to hold it and lay with them. it was unfortunate that you couldn't take care of your daughter as well, but there was nothing to worry or feel upset about. you knew both you and your daughter would be safe and sound if you have bang chan - the best friend, husband, dad and person.
you two couldn't love him any more than this.
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13uswntimagines · 4 years
Secret Santa (Alex Morgan x Reader)
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Reader is in the military and surprises her wife and daughter (with a little help from Preath). Merry Christmas from @literaryhedgehog and Me!!!
“Little bit still hasn’t told you what she wants for Christmas yet?” Kelley asked, munching on some pretzels and hummus.  
Alex rolled her eyes sliding into a seat next to her. “No, she utterly convinced that it won’t come true if she tells anyone but Santa.” 
“Didn't she write a letter? Why didn’t you just take a peek?” Tobin interjected, sitting on Kelley’s other side. Her fiancé had been so excited to have her niece for the day. 
“She mailed it to god knows where with Christen before I could,” Alex sighed, shaking her head. She had been fine with the whole mailing letters thing (actually watching your four-year old try to write out something heartfelt in blue crayon was kinda adorable), but then Camren had insisted on mailing it herself. Alex felt a little bad for the person in Antarctica who was getting the random letter. 
“Damn,” Kelley huffed, blowing her cheeks out, trying to drum up ideas. 
“Yeah, apparently it’s a Press family tradition or whatever, and Chris did it because Y/n isn’t here to. If she was she at least could have curbed some of her enthusiasm long enough to take a picture of the letter.” Alex grumbled, chewing thoughtfully on a pretzel. Your big sister had been picking up a lot of slack while you were away with the SEALs, but it just wasn’t the same as having you there. 
“We hired a Santa, so just listen to whatever she tells him,” Tobin shrugged, a look that Alex didn’t recognize crossing her features. 
“And pray to god it gets here overnight,” Kelley snorted. Hopefully whatever Camren wanted could be found at a local Walmart. 
The holiday party was in full bustle. There were benefits to doing training in Florida, so while Camren still had her heart set on snow for christmas, the adults had strung the outdoor tent with string lights and decorated it with holly and mistletoe. Camren had promised to eat at least two bites of every food there -- even the healthy ones that looked weird (her words not Alex’s) -- before she ate too many of Emily’s double chocolate chunk brownies, and so Alex was feeling rather proud of herself. She and her daughter were both there, dressed up, and only 15 minutes late for the party-- not bad for single parenting skills. Maybe after Camren was done talking to Santa, Carlie or Lindsey could be persuaded to babysit for a bit so Alex could go introduce herself to that lovely bottle of merlot she saw hiding in the corner. 
Alex was surprised with how comfortable her daughter seemed on Santa’s lap. Camren was a bit nervous walking over, but it was nothing compared to her fear last year, when she had bawled until you eventually gave up and held her behind the poor man. Perhaps it had to do with how tenderly the poor suited person seemed to hold the small child, and the little glimmer in their eyes. . 
Santa’s eyes met Alex’s for a split second, and the sense of security the slight contact brought her was slightly alarming. They looked so familiar and sent warm tingles through her chest. 
“Did you get my letter?” The little girl asked, drawing the bearded one’s attention back to her. Alex bit her lip, there was no way this random stranger got the letter addressed to Rudolph at the North Pole. 
The Santa nodded, their features softening. “I did. It seems you were very concerned about your mama getting her gift?”
The little girl nodded rapidly. “How do you know where to take it, if she’s on top secret missions all da time?” Her brow furrowed, “what if she doesn’t have a chimney to hang her stocking on?”
“I just know. Remember I know if you’ve been good or bad, or if you move. I promise she’ll get everything she wants. Now back to you. What do you want for Christmas?” Santa tried to explain. 
The little girl thought for a moment, her finger tapping on her chin, before she leaned up to cup the person’s ear. She whispered a few words, leaned back to look the bearded person in the eye. The (very fake) white beard at the top of the red coat bobbed up and down in a nod, and Alex saw a sparkle in their eye as their lips twitched above it. 
“Well that’s quite the order.” 
“Pwease? Its not that tall, and It’s the only thing I really want,” Camren pouted, pulling the puppy dog eyes that never ceased to make her parents melt. This was important, and if she only got one real chance to talk to the person who could make it happen, she wanted them to know just how much she wanted it. 
“I’ll see what I can do,” the Santa said, nodding seriously and stroking the beard as Camren jumped up and ran back to Alex. 
“What did you ask for?” Alex whispered. Good grief, wasn’t the whole point of hiring a Santa to hear what the munchkin wanted?
“Can’t say. Want it to happen,” Camren whispered back, twirling slightly as she buried herself in the hem of her mom’s skirt. This was going to be the best Christmas ever. 
Alex smiled widely as the Santa pulled another wrapped present from the gaudy red bag. It was a nice spin on their usual tradition, and she just hoped Pino didn’t get her for a secret Santa. That woman forgot every year, and Alex’s name hadn’t come up yet and that bag looked suspiciously empty. No wait, there was one- nope, that was Beckey’s present from Alyssa. Maybe there was a gift card in there somewhere? Alex looked down at Camren, who despite practically nodding off in Sonnet’s arms an hour ago, had woken up during the secret santa exchange. She was now sitting on the ground playing with the toy horses, blind to her surroundings.
“Hey, um Kelley? Who was running the secret santa exchange again?” Alex whispered, grabbing her arm. “I think my person forgot to get me a present.”
“What?” Kelley, turned to her shocked. “I think maybe Tobin was in charge this year, we’ll ask her if someone wrote down who your person was.”
“Oh that’s not necessary,” Christen’s voice broke in. Alex and Kelley turned to look at her and Tobin, who were standing with a very confused Emily.  “I’m really sorry, we just didn’t get a chance to wrap your gift. You’ll get it at the end of the party.” 
“Isn’t it like against the rules for Christen to get Alex since they actually spend Christmas together every year?” Sonnett whined. If she couldn’t buy presents for Lindsey, and Sam couldn’t do it for Kristie then that totally wasn’t fair.Sister-in-law and fiance-of-sister-in-law definitely had an unfair advantage on the ”knowing what presents to buy” front. She had to buy Jullie’s gift, and had just settled on some tea-rex patterned socks and a starbucks gift card. 
Lindsey glared in her direction. “Can it disonny,” she wasn’t about to let her girlfriend mess up a surprise that had been 6 months in the making. 
“It’s fine Chris, you didn’t have to get me anything,” Alex smiled sadly. 
“I mean that would have been cruel since Camren has been campaigning pretty hard for your present,” Christen snorted. It was all your daughter could talk about. She had even harassed every Santa she saw while they went Christmas shopping, and wrote several letters (that she forwarded to you) about the issue. 
“She told you what she wants, and you didn’t tell me?” Alex asked exasperated. She had been fighting with your daughter for a month to know what she actually wanted. Why on earth would she tell her aunt but not her mom? She was going to have to have a conversation with Camren about how Santa had different rules from wishing on a star or a birthday candle. Namely that she should tell her mom what she wanted!
Christen shrugged, a smile pulling at her lips, though Alex didn’t know what she was so amused about. “Well, it was for you, so I get a pass,”
“I for one think that Christen’s present is totally on point, even if it’s wrapped in ugly, sweaty red velvet,” A new voice joined the conversation, just as arms wrapped snugly around Alex’s waist. 
Alex froze, her eyes going wide and her mouth opening and closing several times. 
You chucked from behind her, spinning her around so you were face to face for the first time in almost a year. 
“Hi love.”
“Holy shit,” Alex breathed. Her hands reached up to touch your cheeks, the sense of touch confirming what she couldn’t trust her eyes to see. 
“Surprise,” You mumbled, leaning in and finally connecting your lips. You sighed into the kiss, thoroughly enjoying the way they moved together, and the taste of your wife. She impatiently pulled down the beard when you paused to breathe, and your hands found her hips, pulling her closer, while her fingers tangled in that baby hairs at the base of your neck. “Let’s do that again,” you said, your breath fanning against her lips before she pulled you back in. You had an awful lot of time to make up for. 
“Why is mommy kissing Santa Claus,” Camren asked from somewhere below your feet. You were fairly certain you heard one of your wife’s teammates explaining in the background that Santa left a little while ago, and Mama had just dressed like him to surprise Mommy. You were a tad busy to explain anything right now.
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you-can-stay-mp3 · 3 years
✎ stray kids as your classmates headcannons
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masterlist | navi
the chaos. the idiocy. the lack of sleep
these hcs are also ?? so specific to my school ?? my friend and i wrote them so long ago and i figured they were pretty solid 💪💪
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˗ˏˋ bang chan ˎˊ˗
↠ studies english, maths, physics and history
↠ does four a levels and has left the mortal realm
↠ for some reason you can find him in every subject department ????
↠ he only gets away with it because every teacher LOVES him
↠ he gets to keep his break in the staff fridge
↠ at lunch, he brings you out to eat
↠ always has snacks in his blazer for when jisung gets fidgety during maths
↠ chan used to be allowed in the recording rooms in music until he started bringing hyunjin
↠ he lost recording room privileges and was moved to one of the mac rooms instead
↠ i say ‘bringing’ but it’s more like hyunjin ‘followed and would not leave’
↠ takes technology classes after school for fun - he’s really good and gets a kick out of his work being used as a good example
↠ gets to keep his break in the staff fridge
↠ he’s either really great to sit beside or really annoying
↠ on one hand he’s hardworking and smart and will help you with answers and let you copy off of him on tests
↠ on the other hand when he’s in a super playful mood he will not stop poking you in the ribs for no reason
↠ his school bag is worryingly heavy
˗ˏˋ minho ˎˊ˗
↠ does triple award science and digital technology
↠ likes science :)
↠ also does four a levels but is glowing
↠ every teacher loves him??
↠ like you get away with so much shit because they see minho with you and go ‘ah this is all a misunderstanding minho wouldn’t set the bin on fire :)’
↠ minho just shows up to orchestra rehearsals sometimes like baby you don’t belong here
↠ he only turns up because he has a few friends who do it but every year for their concerts he gets roped into playing the bodhran
↠ it started in third year by mistake and every year he announces he hates doing it and just won’t this year but he always comes crawling back
↠ he always gets something to share at lunch and ends up throwing bits of it at you
↠ complains the whole time and you’d just be like ??? i didn’t ask you to get me anything???
↠ he’d tell you to shut up and eat it.
↠ chooses his snacks with you in mind
↠ always has plasters and painkillers on hand
↠ drives to school
↠ won’t give you a lift
↠ tells you to get the bus like a common wench
↠ they all come up with a random catchphrase every other week and minho is losing his mind
↠ ‘if chan says that boils my piss ONE MORE TIME-‘
˗ˏˋ changbin ˎˊ˗
↠ does physical ed, art, english and technology
↠ goes to lunch with felix but will always bring you back a snack
↠ always has a hoodie in his bag and an earphone ready for you when you’ve had a bad day
↠ has an extra tie in his bag because all of his friends are dumbasses and he KNOWS they’ll forget it at least once a week
↠ also drives to school
↠ he brings jeongin
↠ if he sees you walking to school on his way he’ll let you get in
↠ everyone steals his t-shirts purely because of the big arms and they’re comfy
↠ no more fitted shirts the world has surpassed the need for fitted shirts
↠ will always ask to copy your homework but when you ask to copy his he says no
˗ˏˋ hyunjin ˎˊ˗
↠ does history, religion and single chemistry
↠ he’s,,,, not so good at chemistry
↠ considered taking drama but realised he’d have to actually participate in productions and shows
↠ he does drama club after school instead
↠ but would never be caught dead in the department during school hours
↠ also takes technology classes after school
↠ only because his mum makes him
↠ sleeps on the bus home and often misses his spot
↠ sleeps over with whoever’s stop he wakes up closest to
↠ everyone in the group has a collection of his clothes in their houses for when he decides to do this
↠ for lunch, he always leaves his chocolate milk aside for you
↠ Does Not Know His Timetable and relies on you to tell him what class he’s in next
↠ if you’re working in the library together, he’ll try his best to be super quiet and will help you tie your hair back because he knows you can’t do it properly yourself
˗ˏˋ jisung ˎˊ˗
↠ does chemistry, maths and english
↠ no one knows why he does english but they don’t question it
↠ he sits in the back corner and throws paper balls at the back of your head and kicks your seat
↠ chan tried to stop him, he really did
↠ his subject choices are fucking atrocious
↠ he took technology but dropped it after two weeks
↠ he’s oddly good at chemistry???
↠ when you ask him a question he shrugs and says he guessed it
↠ you know he’s full of it and studies at every chance he gets
↠ he took german a few years ago and won’t shut up about it
↠ would buy lunch for himself
↠ when you ask for some he says no.
↠ don’t be fooled he pretends to be annoyed but he always planned to give you some anyway
↠ always accuses everyone of stealing his clothes when in fact it’s him who has the most of other people’s clothes
↠ chan has to call him every morning to wake him up so he won’t miss the bus
↠ makes you buy him bottles of water at all hours of the day
↠ will not stop whining if you don’t
˗ˏˋ felix ˎˊ˗
↠ does art, french and home ec
↠ ngl he goes to lunch with changbin
↠ will scrounge the snack changbin brought back for you
↠ makes up for it every friday when there was a home ec practical and he got to bake
↠ the type to push you into an open classroom door while you’re walking past
↠ like there’s always some sort of physical affection; linking pinkies, arm over your shoulder, just general poking and prodding
↠ minho has to separate you
↠ also throws paper balls at you in class but you can’t be mad because he just wants to play hangman
↠ the most active in the groupchat
↠ please turn off your notifications when you go to sleep
↠ will actually help you with your homework, but also makes sure you’re not taking everything too seriously and reminds you to enjoy yourself
˗ˏˋ seungmin ˎˊ˗
↠ does english and triple award science
↠ curses the day he chose science
↠ he hasn’t done the english homework
↠ he will call you at 4:27am to get it
↠ played cello in orchestra for a few years
↠ least active in the groupchat
↠ exclusively steals your food at lunch
↠ he used to bring his own but when he realised you were willing to share / he could just take some of your food, he just stopped
↠ will still buy a cookie and when you ask for one always says no
↠ he brings one back anyway
↠ makes you come study at the library with him because he knows you won’t do it if you’re left to your own devices
˗ˏˋ jeongin ˎˊ˗
↠ takes english, sociology and french
↠ jeongin is the only one who does choir
↠ but somehow ?? jisung is always at their concerts ???
↠ makes you bring him back lunch and then ends up stealing half of yours
↠ he shares his drinks with you if that’s any condolences
↠ he does not come to class
↠ ever
↠ always gets a ride to and from school from changbin
↠ he always calls you at the same time every night just to talk because he didn’t see you much that day :(
↠ uses his baby status to his advantage
↠ decides he’s coming to your house after school
↠ you don’t get a choice in the matter
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monstas1ut2 · 4 years
Hi just wanted to say I love your Diabolik Lovers scenarios, and I also wanted to ask if you would do “They see your beauty for the first time” for the Mukamis?
Diabolik Lovers x POC!Reader!
((Honestly, I have never wrote for them... I know this is not perfect, I hope you understand this won’t be perfect lmao uhm tho I tried, couldn’t say no to you~ because you said you liked my stuff~... thx btw💚 I also made random headers for them too, they aren’t that cute tho))
•Hints Of Steamy Acts
•May be terrible
"He Sees Your Beauty For The First Time" (Mukami Brothers Edition)
-Ruki Mukami
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This plan to him was quite odd and he honestly didn't see which route this man was going. Yes he chose to be in cahoots with this man but only to be free... Coming to America was probably the oddest thing he's ever done.. of course moving from home to here was simple, no commotion.. but he could tell his brothers were on edge.
Ruki, after the whole livestock-Yui- dying thing... He most definitely blamed it on the other brothers... I mean who wouldn't... Anyways, after that he didn't know what he was doing still following orders for Karlheinz. Did he have something planned or... did he just do this to cause some ruckus?
Ruki didn't see any issue with going to school here, especially since the blood smelt oddly amazing... but he doesn't have any interest in anyone here... he can say that the females here are quite expressive and they sort of have their own flow... though when his eyes gazed upon someone else.. his eyes widened..
The male didn't expect to see such beauty casted before his eyes. The sunlight was beaming off the darker skin of a girl. Her eyelashes long and her attire.. not so slutty, but enough to show off her curves. Ruki wasn't blind to American knowledge, and he knows you're a black woman obviously... Though he can't understand why he hasn't seen this in person.
"(Y/n) (L/n)... please answer question thirty five... just to see if you understand...?"
Ruki watched as your eyes glared the teacher, he could already tell from where he was sitting.. that you were a handful... though that only caused him to make up these scenarios in his mind... he wanted you to be his of course, he wanted to rip the attitude away from you... make you call him master... and in his way of thinking... he already knew of a way to get you hooked...
Let's just say, later on in the week... his body was in front of you... that nasty smirk casted on his face... listening to your loud beating heart.. he already had you under his control.. well.. mostly.
"A woman.. such as yourself would know how to properly cover that up..."
"Ruki you don't own me-..."
"Control your language when talking to your master, hm? Also, this..."
He hooked his finger under the tight collar that was around your neck. How did he get you to wear that you may ask? Because he's hot..
"This says otherwise..."
-Kou Mukami
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The only brother really taking it hard? Though not so much because he found out that he has actually more fans here than.... over at his old school. Reasons unknown... though he wasn't complaining.. especially with the millions of different toned females.. Kou had never seen such beauty...
Kou is used to the pale skin, he himself has pale skin... though seeing these other females who had brown skin, dark skin... his first thought was 'goddesses..?' But that wasn't the case. He also liked the different scents of blood. They were all oddly stronger than more paler people.. he just couldn't wait to sink his teeth into one of them... one of them would have to be fascinated with him.
The females in this school tend to be more on the sneaky side of things, Kou noticed that but his hearing is enhanced so he listens to conversations when he passes by... he may give the girl a flirty smile too... only to see her cover her mouth and look away in embarrassment.
Kou also noticed how many people had earbuds in, closing themselves from the outside world. But he was more interested in this one girl who was sitting alone at lunch. Her hair was so pretty to him, as well as the nails that happened to match her outfit.. he could tell people fawned over her.. considering the people staring at her.. though he couldn't help but realize that she didn't care... softly mumbling the most seductive words to a song with her glossy lips...
He wanted to see her under him, he wanted to see her moaning his name.. Let's just say he's pretty close to doing so... because it wasn't a week later until he had you interested in him.
"Kou, don't fuckin play with me..."
"If you'd like your phone back, kitty... you'll have to give me something in return~!"
"Damn Whatchu want? Not me because you... can't handle me..."
Kou loved your sass... to the point where he did things like this.. just to see you try to get rough with him..
"Kitty... that's where you're wrong.."
-Yuma Mukami
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Yuma wouldn't say... he didn't like this huge change.. he wouldn't say he liked it either.. he was in the firm middle. Obviously he has to plant new tomatoes in his new garden.. and he obviously has to get used to the new people.. they seemed aggressive like him so he actually found it funny...
He found himself being stared at most the time because well, he is tall.. but he also is quite fine. Yuma figured these girls were crazy, he wouldn't say he didn't have fangirls at his old school but they were mostly into his other brothers or the Sakamaki brothers.. but it seemed like he got the more attention now...
He even found himself being invited to watch a whole cheerleading practice.. in which Kou came along because he'd never seen a cheerleading team before.. their old school didn't allow it.
Anyways, Yuma figured he'd be bored about this whole thing but he ended up choking on a sugar cube when he saw one of the girls on the floor doing a dance routine that caused her thighs to jiggle like jello... and the way she moved... she did it fiercely... We all know Yuma likes rude females... so when he heard how loud you were, commanding the other girls to follow your lead... he felt his ears get red.
The dude was in such a trance, especially since your hair was in a cute puff/bun with braids/bun. He also couldn't help but stare at your skin, yeah everyone else had the same dark skin... different shade of course but yours mixed with your beauty was alluring.
He then noticed that the females stopped cheering and your (e/c) eyes were staring right at him when you walked up the bleachers... a smirk casting upon your face when you grabbed your bag that was right beside him...
Oh yeah, he wanted to see you in action... so to test your limit.. over the past weeks he's just been being such a child... but you were used to it at this point.
"Oi, get ya panties outta my Damn face"
You just rolled your eyes as you stood up straight from bending over, looking back at him.
"Shut the fuck up befo I chop yo Dick off... don't play with me..."
Yuma didn't know he loved aggressive girls until now.. like.. in his mind he was like 'please do'
"I wanna see ya try, dumbass..."
-Azusa Mukami
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Maybe this whole moving thing was a bit frustrating to him as well... but when arriving to America... he noticed a few things... there were people who didn't know how to stop staring but there were also people who tend to mind their business..
People would always criticize him but now it's like.. nobody was really bold enough to do so.. It made him feel more better about doing the things he does.. Though there was multiple teachers asking if he was alright.. and actually he couldn't really respond to them.. so they let him go most of the time.. right now he was in the nurses office... some teacher saw him with a deep cut...
Anyways, Azusa was sure his brothers were frantically looking for him.. considering when Azusa leaves a spot from them.. it's never alright or good..? They were also in a whole new area...
"I'll be with you in a moment (y/n).."
The deep and rich scent coming from around the corner made him slightly jolt. He wasn't expecting such a nice scent to burst into this room.. though when he saw your chocolate/caramel skin come through the door... he immediately forgotten that staring wasn't really something you shouldn't do in America. Though he couldn't stop, his eyes hazily looking up to the top of your head. He noticed that your eyelashes were pretty and long, your lips smelled like cherry, he could smell it from where he was sitting.. but he would compare you to a nice piece of chocolate.. even though he doesn't really.. eat.
Apparently you had a deep cut from a box... you were helping one of the teachers out and got punished for it? That was just rude of the box...
Anyways, your (e/c) eyes looked around before landing on Azusa. His eyes softly staring at you, and lord did he look sad.. his whole aura was depressing but also happy? You gave him a light smile and it made his stomach flutter... just smiling back slowly as he looked down at his hands in his lap... you were pretty to him.. and you had this sense of love coming from you... like a mother..
Over time, his brothers noticed him acting somewhat different? Eventually he'd gotten advice and now you were just so attached to him.
"Azusa, baby.. I know you can't help it but..." you couldn't say more, you just started wrapping up his wounds.
"I'm... sorry (y/n)....."
"I know... don't worry bout it.."
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inskz · 4 years
lucky charm - lee minho
pairing - lee minho x reader
genre - college!au, best friends to lovers, very cliche fluff (lucky girl starring lindsey lohan kinda vibes???)
words - 4k
note - this is just a cute little drabble i wrote while im still waiting for my covid test results to come back so that i can leave my room and see the sun again 🤪 pls be careful everybody take care of your health 💚 enjoy!!!
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“You must be kidding me,” you sigh when you see Minho’s hand has turned into a fist, his rock crushing miserably your scissors. Once again, you lost at rock, paper, scissors. And once again, you’re the one that is going to wash your best friend’s dishes that have piled up in is tiny kitchen sink throughout the week.
“Fuck that. This is so unfair,” you grumble, throwing the dishtowel in Minho’s stupid yet perfectly chiseled face.
You make a beeline for his bed, which is actually only a few steps away from the kitchen. Being a broke college student definitely doesn’t allow him to rent a spacious studio, let alone a two-room apartment. You throw yourself headfirst onto his uncomfortable mattress, whose springs always poke your back at night.
“Life is so unfair,” your friend mocks you, dragging out every vowel of his sentence dramatically.
No doubt, you would be strangling him at that very moment if you weren’t so busy playing dead, hoping he would forget about your pitiful existence.
But there is no way mister Lee Minho would miss out on an opportunity to have his gross plates cleaned by someone else. Grabbing onto your ankle, he drags you out of bed until you plop down on the dirty carpeted floor (Minho has the unfortunate tendency to procrastinate vacuuming too). At this point, you are fake crying, throwing a literal tantrum, like a 6 years old child would.
“Life is unfair!” you yell, your feet kicking in the air in pure anger.
At least it is to you. You can’t remember the last time you’ve been lucky. The only instance you got remotely close to it was when you found a four-leaf clover last summer. Well, only if you disregard the fact you stepped into dog poop  on your way to picking it. Oh and that you were wearing brand new white Converse. 
On the other hand, it seems like the boy has the whole crew of the Olympus gods on his side. Not one day goes by without his guardian angel manifesting its presence. 
Minho has always been the lucky type. The type to get an extra nugget in his box of 10. To find 20 dollars bills on the ground. To win every single Instagram giveaway he participates to (and lord knows how much he likes participating to them). 
But how can you be mad at him when he always happily shares his food with you, invites you to the restaurant without you even asking, and gives you his prizes, pretending he doesn’t need them? You don’t believe him when he says he see no use in a panda onesie or a waterproof bluetooth speaker. Deep down, you know it’s his way to silently love you. 
But well, you can still blame him for occasionally taking advantage of your misfortune to make you do his dreaded house chores, just like right now. 
Everyone thinks you are a bizarre duo. Even you can’t fathom how in hell you two became best friends, considering how awfully your first encounter went three years ago. 
On orientation day, he asked you for the time, probably because his phone was dead (or maybe because he was dying to talk to you?)
Without hesitation, you lifted and rotated your wrist so that you could see your watch. Little did you remember; you never actually owned a watch and you were holding a fancy 7 dollars iced coffee, which, of course, did not have a lid on because plastic is bad for the environment (duh). 
Minho couldn’t help but burst out in hysterical laughter when the whole drink spilled on your jeans. For your defense, you didn’t sleep at all the night before  since you were terrified of being alone in your new dorm room the first few days (weird stuff happens all the time in dorms, okay?). If he had asked you for your name, you probably wouldn’t even have been able to tell him. 
But Minho thought you were the funniest person on campus, and he really needed a clown like you to entertain him throughout his endless college semesters. That’s what he told you anyways. Not that he thought you were the cutest human being he had ever seen. 
Why would he when you are the literal definition of a mess: always having toothpaste stains on your sweater, bags under your eyes, messy hair, tripping and falling, missing buses, breaking things, losing stuff. 
Most of the time, you just forget your keys and Minho lets you crash at his place since he hasn’t got any roommate and he isn’t used to sleeping alone, especially without his cats. It surely isn’t because he loves waking up next to a very groggy but adorable you every single morning, no.  
Minho manages to bring you back to the countertop despite your reluctance. Positioned behind you, his arms trapping your body to make sure you can’t run away from your duties, he dips your hands into the soapy water, and you can’t help but squirm at the touch of an unknown substance sticking to a plate that has probably been soaking here for a week. You despise doing the dishes and your friend knows it.
You hear him giggle in your ear while he is playing with your arms like you are some type of marionette, making you to take the sponge and squeeze dish soap onto it. 
You’ve never been the kind to like proximity nor seemed to be Minho, but for some reason, you always end up glued to each other. You hate public displays of attention and pet names a little less when it comes from him. Or maybe you don’t hate it at all and actually crave it every single minute that goes by.
Before he has the time to come up with the Machiavellian idea to soak your pajamas in dirty water (because you know he would inevitably have at some point), you yank his hands off of you and start scrubbing angrily the dirty cups. 
Minho stays behind you anyways, observing your every move, his chin propped up on your shoulder like a curious little bird. To be honest, his presence is kind of getting overwhelming. But whatever, it’s not like his slightest touch makes your heart warm up in comfort or that he smells like fresh linen drying out on the porch of a cottage house on a sunny Sunday morning or anything. 
“You missed a spot. Here” he murmurs teasingly, his lips almost touching your earlobe, while he points at the handle of his hideous ‘world’s greatest dad’ mug Jisung gifted him last christmas. 
You know he has noticed the way you shivered violently at the feeling of his breath tickling your skin because he starts snickering loudly. 
“I swear to god if you don’t shut up and go seat on the couch, I’ll slap you so hard with this spatula you’ll regret you were even born,” you say, turning around suddenly to menace him with the plastic utensil. 
Of course, he isn’t afraid one bit. Right now, you really wish you could make the smug, but oh so attractive, look on his face disappear. 
“Alright, ma’am” he laughs, holding up his hands in surrender. “I’ll let you do your thing”. He lets himself fall onto his dingy couch. 
You can hear him humming one of his favorite songs above the sound of the water running. It would probably be getting on your nerves if his voice wasn’t so pretty.  
“Chan’s sick, so we’re not going to the gym tomorrow night. Do you wanna eat tacos? El Huero has even better deals than usual” he asks you, scrolling mindlessly through his phone. 
“Aren’t the deals supposed to be on Tuesdays?” You frown and scrub a little harder the frying pan Minho has burnt the night before while trying to make chocolate chips pancakes for diner, because why eat savory food when you can have dessert for every meal, right? It is one of the few advantages of living without your parents you both truly enjoy. 
“Yeah, that’s what I said. Tomorrow,” he yawns, probably exhausted after what you put him through last night. You forced him to catch up on the entire season of Love Island because you desperately needed someone to bitch with, and what better partner than Lee Minho.  
You take a quick glance at him and see him stretching himself across the cushions like a cat. You always thought there was something feline about his features. While you’re drying the mugs with the dishtowel, your mind wanders uncontrollably, thinking about his piercing eyes, his delicate nose, the corners of his lips that curl up a little… 
All of the sudden, your hands freeze. Minho is too immersed in TikToks to notice the stupor on your face. “Wait. Today is… Monday?” you stutter. 
Alarmed by the sound of your voice, his eyes finally leave his phone’s screen to look up at you. “Yeah” he repeats slowly as if you are the dumbest person he has ever encountered. 
And you truly are. You are pretty sure your heart has stopped beating. Minho’s “world’s greatest dad” mug you’re holding slips between your fingers and comes crashing on the floor with a deafening sound. The pieces are now scattered all around you, making you unable to make out what’s written on it anymore. Not a big loss, if you ask. 
“Y/N, you know that’s my favorite mug!” he exclaims, leaping up from the couch. “I’m sure you did it on purpose,” he mutters while he’s trying to collect the small fragments, in vain. 
But you’re too shocked at this very moment to pay attention to the glare your friend is giving you. To be honest, Minho has only two moods: glaring at you or teasing you.  
“My interview,” you finally manage to say, and Minho’s eyes go wide as he realizes the critical situation you’re in. 
You check the time on the microwave: 10:45. In 30 minutes, you’re supposed to be on the other side of town, being interrogated by boring businessmen that are going to decide whether or not you’ll be accepted for a paid internship in one of the most reputable music label of the country. Basically, decide whether you’ll live a happy and fulfilling life, working in the sector you’ve always dreamed of or end up miserable with a boring office job and a massive college debt. 
“Holy shit,” Minho whispers. You can see a wave of panic washing across his face for a split second, but, as always, he manages to find his composure back immediately. 
He has never been the kind to lose his cool, except to scold you when you forget the names of his cats and their respective coats’ color (which you unfortunately often did forget). 
“What are you doing? Get dressed!” He tells you when he sees you’re still standing there dumbfounded in the kitchen, like the famous Robert Pattinson meme, wearing an oversize Kermit the frog shirt with a dozen holes in it and his favorite Adidas sweatpants you always stole from him.
“No, it’s too late. I can’t make it,” you mutter, your breath short. You’re paralyzed, as if there is a 20lbs rock sitting at the bottom of your stomach, pinning you to the ground. 
This isn’t bad luck, you think. This is karma. This is what you get for skipping classes to watch telereality shows in your bed with your best friend and not even realizing it isn’t the weekend anymore.
“Miss me with that bullshit.” He runs to his closet and rummages through his drawers, throwing every piece of clothing that’s on his way to find an appropriate outfit that would fit you. 
“You’re gonna go do this interview even if I have to drag you all the way there.” He pushes you into his bathroom since you still haven’t moved an inch. 
You manage to brush your teeth and your hair, fighting through the nauseous feeling that is building up in your tummy. 
When you come back to the living room, Minho has found dress pants and a sweater that might not look utterly ridiculous on you. He lets you change in a corner, while he runs around the room collecting all your essentials. 
“You’re coming?” you ask him when you see he is already wearing his puffer jacket.  
“You really think I’m gonna let you go all by yourself when you’re literally not even able to put your shoes on properly”. You are, indeed, struggling with your laces, as if your fingers are suddenly made out of butter. 
Minho ties them up for you and you literally feel like he’s your babysitter. You know you’re gonna hear about this for months – what are you saying- years! But all you can think about at the moment though, is the fact that sneakers are definitely not appropriate for an interview. 
He throws your warmest coat at you, grab his keys, and by some type of miracle, you’re both out to the door in less than 10 minutes. 
You try to call the elevator, but Minho grabs your arm and leads you to the staircase. His hand never leaving yours, he runs down the stairs and you have no choice but to follow him as fast as you can. 
You can’t count how many times you missed a step and fell at this particularly slippery spot, between the 5th and the 4th floor, but weirdly enough, it doesn’t happen today. 
When you finally reach the ground floor, you exit the complex and Minho hops on his old and rusty bike that he had attached to nearest tree the night before.
“There’s no way I’m riding behind you on this death machine,” you laugh nervously. The memory of that one time Minho convinced you to seat into his bicycle basket (as if you could even realistically fit in it) and you both fell seconds after he started to pedal is coming back to your mind.
Sure, it was after a long night of drinking, you were both tipsy and it was the only way to get you home since you had spent all your uber money at the bar, but still! You’re pretty sure the bruise on your butt hasn’t disappeared to this day.  
“Hurry up,” Minho groans, ignoring your complaint. You unwillingly seat on his flimsy pannier rack and wrap your arms around his torso. 
You haven’t even left, yet you’re already holding onto his puffer jacket for dear life. A giggle escapes your friend’s mouth (which you think is very inappropriate in such a desperate situation) before he lifts his feet off the ground and starts pedaling. 
You try to ignore the loud squeaking of the bicycle drive by shutting your eyes tighter and rehearsing your introduction you have prepared over and over in your head. No matter how hard you are trying, you can’t remember what you are supposed to say just after your age (which, as you can imagine, isn’t really far into your monologue). 
By the way the wind is lashing your face, you can tell Minho has picked up the speed. His breathing is getting louder, his heartbeat faster and you can’t help but think you’re probably way too heavy for him to bike you around like that. Maybe he shouldn’t skip his gym sessions with Chan so often. Or maybe you shouldn’t have eaten the leftover pancakes for breakfast after all.
You find the courage to open your eyelids and are pleased to see you’re already halfway there, probably because every single one of the traffic lights you encounter is green, and your friend is going surprisingly fast. Is luck finally starting to smile upon you? 
Your mad race comes to a halt when you reach the address of your interview. You hop off the bike and so does Minho who, by the way, is a panting mess. He’s barely able to catch his breath, strands of hair sticking to his sweaty forehead, but he’s beaming at you when he realizes you’re just on time. 
“Go” he gasps, pushing you in the direction of the building’s hall. 
You walk up to the glass door but as your hands are about to push it, you pull a 180. Your friend sighs loudly, already knowing what’s coming next. 
“Wait. No. I can’t do this. I’m not prepared” you tell him frantically. “I’m freaking out. I think I’m gonna pass out.” You are now walking in circles, mumbling incoherently. 
“Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.” 
Your heart is racing in your chest and your hands are getting clammy at the simple thought of failure. But guess what? You can’t fail if you don’t even try! One more good reason to just go back to bed and forget about your sad life for a good 8 hours, right? 
“Y/N, you’re the most talented person I know, you’re gonna do just fine” Minho catches you in his arm to stop your endless pacing. You would probably think this gesture is endearing if it wasn’t just meant to make sure you couldn’t run for your life.  
“No, I’m not. What if I throw up in front of everybody like that one time during the Romeo and Juliet musical?” You look up at him and his face is only inches away from yours. You’re sure you would be swooning at how beautiful he looks if you weren’t so terrified at this very moment.
“You were nine,” your best friend says, and you swear you have never heard him speak to you in such a sweet tone before. His voice is like honey and lavander but it doesn’t soothe you like it should. 
You manage to break free from his embrace to crouch down, in an attempt to slow down your breathing. If only you had data left, you could be watching those short relaxing videos on your phone. They always work. But no, you had to spent it all on online games, just one week into the month. You really are beyond help.  
“Y/N I know you’re scared, but if you miss out on this opportunity, you’re gonna regret it for the rest of your life.” Minho is lowering himself so that you can hear him, even though you’re curled up in a ball. 
“And I’m warning you, I won’t want to hear you complain about it,” he adds, this whole situation obviously starting to get on his nerves. 
If you were him, you would have probably left a long time ago. But this isn’t your best friend’s way of behaving. You know he would never abandon you no matter how annoying you could be (and you could be very annoying sometimes). After all, he is always the one holding your hair while you puke in the toilets when you had a couple too many drinks.
It takes all your willpower to stand up but there is no other way, you have to do it. You can hear the time ticking dangerously in your mind, as if your brain had turned into a clock.
“You’re right. Slap me,” you say, looking at him straight in the eyes, dead serious. 
“Wha -“
“Slap some sense into me. They do that in movies when people are panicking. It’s like throwing a bucket of cold water in someone’s face. But clearly we don’t have a bucket and we don’t have cold wa- “ you start blabbering. 
“What the fuck are you talking about? I’m not gonna slap you!” Your friend isn’t usually that horrified at the thought of beating your ass. In fact, he has felt the desire to rip your head off more than once, especially when you’d steal all the duvet at night, but at this moment he is just scared you might have actually lost your mind.  
“Just fucking do it Minho!” you scream, your hands clenching the front of his grey hoodie he always looks so divine in. 
Minho has never obeyed you, and this is not the day he is going to start. 
He puts both of his hands on the sides of your face and crashes his lips onto yours. 
You would be lying if you said you have never imagined the day your best friend would kiss you. It happens pretty much every single time you look at his cute pout a little too long. But one thing is certain, it isn’t like you pictured it to be at all.
You were convinced your heart would go so wild it would burst out of your chest and your head would spin so furiously you’d lose your balance. You thought your stomach would fill with butterflies to the brim and your whole body would be on fire.
But none of that is happening. On the contrary, every single muscle in your body relaxes under his touch. The way his soft mouth presses gently against yours makes you calmer, almost at peace amongst all this turmoil. 
Minho is kissing all your tension and stress away and you catch yourself letting a sigh of relief escape your parted lips.
As if you have kissed him already hundreds of times in your past life, Minho feels like home. He’s a safe haven you can always take refuge in during troubled times. Ever since the day you met, he has never left your side.
When he breaks away from the kiss, you notice your breath isn’t so ragged and your mind isn’t so foggy anymore. You’re serene. His cold hands are still cupping your face, slightly squishing your cheeks, and you feel like an idiot sandwich for asking him to slap you seconds before.
“That can work too, I guess…” you mutter.  
“You’re okay?” he asks, staring at you with the softest eyes you’ve ever seen.
You just nod, unable to say one more word, and sprint to the entrance, not wanting to make your interviewers wait any longer than they already have.
“Good luck!” You hear him yell just before the door closes behind you and you can’t help but grin from ear to ear.
- - - - - 
Thirty minutes later, you finally step out of the fancy lobby to find a very bored Minho leaning against a tree, patiently waiting for you.
“You’re still here?”
“Of course, I am,” he says, his mouth full of croissant. He gives you a large iced coffee he probably went buying to kill time. Your lips unconsciously curl up into a smile when you notice it comes from the same chain that the one you spilled on your lap on the day you first met him. 
“How did it go?” he asks you, sticking his buttery pastry into your mouth so that you can take a bite.
“Way better than I thought” you answer, right after you swallowed. You hate the way flakes would always get stuck between your teeth. But Minho is always there to warn you about it before anyone else notices, and even pick them for you if you can’t manage to, which, when you think about it, is kind of gross. 
There are two things the boy knows about you: you’re the greatest pessimist on earth and you’d rather die than admit you were wrong (especially if it meant he was right). So for you to even say it wasn’t that bad, means it went phenomenal. 
“I don’t want to say ‘I told you so’ but I told you so.” He smiles so wide you can barely see his eyes anymore. You have to look away, otherwise you know you might become instantly blinded by love.
“Maybe I could use some more of your luck” you mumble, staring at your shoes and kicking the red leaves that were surrounding your feet on this sunny autumn morning. 
“Really? And what makes you think I’ll share it with you,” he teases you, leaning forward to incite you to look at him in the eyes. 
Your hand finds the back of his neck and pulls him in, in order to close the space that is still left between your mouths.
At first, Minho stiffens, taken aback by your bold move. But soon enough, he caves into your touch. He kisses you back fervently, like he means it. 
His fingers entagle in your hair, his arm wraps around your waist and his chest presses against your body. You’re melting in his embrace, submerged by a wave of bliss which he alone seems to know the recipe. 
It feels new, yet so familiar. Like it was supposed to happen, like it was written in the stars. 
He tastes like croissant and Americano. Like fortune and fate. 
And you can’t help but think you’re the luckiest person on earth.
Who cares about winning the lottery when Lee Minho is your lucky charm? 
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jadedxrealityw · 4 years
-Secret Admirer- Draco Malfoy x Female Reader.
    Request:  Hello, are your orders open?  Could you write to Draco?  Where is he in love with a Hufflepuff girl and starts sending small gifts as a secret admirer?  She thinks it's a joke, but then likes to find out who he is. Could it be a cute and happy thing?
   Kody- YESSSS
   Warning: nervous Draco, possible cursing and Blaise, Theo, and Pansy making fun of Draco for being a pussy.
   House: Hufflepuff
   “Draco your drooling” Theo says, the other two laugh as the flustered platinum blond face flushes. “Seriously, why don’t you- you know? Ask her out?” Blaise cuts in, crossing his arms “Yeah! You’ve been friends for what three months now. Sooner or later someone else is going to sweep her off her feet”
   Draco looked at the three and sighed “It’s not that easy okay! She’s just so kind and sweet and i’m so-”
   the blond rolls his eyes “i was going to say terrified, but yes thank you for the words of encouragement. I feel the love” he says, tone laced in sarcasm. Pansy chuckles “Terrified? of what?” “oh, i don’t know. Maybe rejection Parkinson?” he snaps, making her roll her eyes 
   “oh! start sending her love letters in secret!” Theo speaks up, making the platinum blond boy sigh deeply “What is that supposed to accomplish?” he says harshly “When she gets the letter, see how she reacts” he shrugs. Draco thinks for a moment and a small smile graces his lips.
   “That’s not a bad idea Nott”
   you were packing up your potions textbook as class ended when a flying paper dove landed right on your desk. You raise a brow and look up to see multiple students walking out of class, so you couldn’t tell who sent you it. YOu shrug your shoulders before grabbing the dove from your desk.
   you begin to unfold it and a small white flower falls out onto your bag. Ignoring it for a moment you finish unfolding it and smile at the words.
   ‘You way you walked into class today with your bright smile almost made my heart thump out of my chest -?’
   you raise a brow and flip it over. No signature. Was this a love letter. You smile at the words as you grab the flower and smell it’s fresh scent. What a funny joke. Not. You place the letter in your bag and hold the flower as you sling the bag over your shoulder and walk out.
  you were in the library looking for a novel that been checked out the whole month. As you gazed through the shelves, you saw the title on the spine of a book and grabbed it. You smiled and flipped through the books, a letter falling out of it and onto the ground.
   you raise a brow and bend down to pick it up from the ground. You spot the handwriting and sighed. Alright then.
   ‘I want to recreate every romantic scene you want in this book, only if you allow me too’
   you smile at the words, before raising a brow. How did they know you were going to check out this book, on this day. Maybe it was a strange coincidence? You grab the note and fold it up, sticking it in your pocket. You were now very curious on who this person was.
   as you flipped through your book, you felt someone tap your shoulder “Cedric?” he smiles lightly and places a small box of chocolate frogs on the couch next to you, along with a note “What’s this?” you ask, closing the novel you were reading on your lap.
   “Someone left them outside the common room door. Had your name on it so figured it was yours” he shrugs. You pick up the note seeing none other than your name on it. Opening you see the same handwriting as the other note.
   ‘Just some sweets to show how sweet you are -?’
   you sigh, holding the letter up to show him “Aw Y/n as a secret admirer” Cedric teases and you roll your eyes “I don’t want somebody i don’t know spending money on me. It makes me feel bad” you protest and he chuckles “Only you would worry about that”
   after that, you got sweets and small presents every day for a whole week and as much as you liked the compliments, you didn’t like not being able to pay the person back. You wanted to thank them for there nice gesture and also wanted to let whoever was sending you the letter know you weren’t interested.
   yeah, you had the biggest crush on Draco Malfoy, but lately he had been busy so you found a slight comfort in the compliments the letters gave you, but you wished he would say those things to you. To your face, while holding your hand and looking into your eyes with his grey ones. Wow. You fell hard.
   the next day you were in the great hall eating a chocolate chip muffin that one of your friends had made. As you were about to take another bite, your owl came flying down towards the table. You look up and watch as it drops a letter and a pack of sugar quills.
    “Oh, look at Y/n. Your boyfriend send you something else?” some Hufflepuff said out loud and the table erupts in laughter. You sigh and harshly open the letter 
   ‘I love how nice you are to everyone around you even to people who don’t deserve it. Just like i don’t deserve your love’
   as you read the words your eyes widened. Oh. OH! You knew exactly who this person was. The only one who you told about the book you wanted to check out to the the same words you had heard so long ago. You close the letter and look down. 
   as the Hufflepuffs laughed, Draco felt his chest tighten “Oh no” he mumbles while the other three slowly nod “Yeah, nice going there Malfoy” Blaise pats his back with a smile. Draco hits his arm away and hits his head on the table. “I didn’t know they would laugh at her”
   “Your going to have to tell her now” Pansy says, making the boys eyes widened “No! I can never tell her now, she’ll hate me forever!” he shouts. The other Slytherins looked at him weirdly and he very harshly pulls the hood of his robe over his head.
   “Then talk to her as a friend. She’d want some comfort right now” Theo suggests. The two nod while Draco sighs, rubbing his face with his hand “Yeah i can do that”
   sitting down in the courtyard, you flipped through your novel again. “Y/n?” you turn your head to see the one and only Draco Malfoy. You close your book slowly and place it down “Hey” you smile. He smiles back and takes a seat in the grass with you. “I’m sorry about what happened to you at lunch”
   you narrow your eyes “you should be, considering you wrote them!” you shout and start to wack him with your book. Draco puts his arms up and grabs it quickly from you “What! How!” he shouts and you roll your eyes “Your the only person i told about my book!”
   “also! You told me the exact same thing when i said i wanted to be friends. That you didn’t deserve me” you shout back. Draco looks down in shame and groans “I wanted to tell you, but i was avoiding this. You thinking i was weird and hating me because i have feelings for you”
   you sigh softly. ‘this guy’ you thought. You reach into your bag and grab his letters and hand them to him “Your right about one thing. I do think your weird”you say and watch as he frowns “But not because that you like me, but because you didn’t tell me in person”
   his brows furrow as he looks you in the eyes “I like you too, you big idiot Draco Malfoy” his face changes into one of happiness as he drops the letters, grabbing your face and pressing a tender kiss to your lips. It’s your turn for your eyes to widened. It takes a second for your hands to grab at his robe and pull him closer.
   you feel him smile against your lips as he deepens your exchange. He pulls away and looks back down on the letters “I knew i shouldn’t have listened to Nott” he chuckles. You laugh and nod your head “Yeah that was your first mistake”
   Kody- i’m so mad that this is crap, it makes me wanna cry, but i swear i tried. Anyways, peace.
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killuwumi · 4 years
Christmas with the BSD Cast!
a/n! Okay so I really wanna write a part two, so PLEASE if you want a character from BSD send me an ask, I know its close to the end of the holiday season but any requests are welcome! These are just my takes on how they’d spend the holidays!
Includes; Dazai, Atsushi, Ranpo, Kunikida, Yosano, Chuuya, Akutagawa, Oda.
some inspo credits to my friend theo! @theodora3022 bc our convos gave me lots of ideas !!
I believe there are a lot more fem!reader elements than I meant there to be, but I tried to keep it neutral I apologize!
Christmas with the BSD Cast PT2
-Definitely plays in the snow, can't change my mind.
-You'll probably be out around Yokohama looking at lights and seeing how pretty it is covered in snow.
-Makes you wear his coat around because he thinks you look adorable.
-Never wants you to be cold, and forces you to bundle up to the gods due to it.
-Takes you to cafes for hot chocolate (with Kunikida's money ofc). Also totally wants to go ice skating with you, because you just KNOW this man is graceful and he wants to teach you.
-He'd probably get you something you've been talking about all year but didn't realize it. Like a certain manga, pair of shoes, article of clothing etc. He's very observant. Maybe something to match with him :). He's much more about the experiences rather than the gift giving though.
-He likes going out as well, but his favorite is when you stay inside with him.
-Wants to watch cheesy Hallmark movies with you because they're heartwarming.
-Definitely a big fan of helping you decorate his place for the holidays, since he's never done it before. His favorite is putting the lights up and watching them turn on after all the hard work!
-Buys you something comfy, like a comfort item. Maybe a teddy bear (tiger ofc) but probably not a tiger on purpose, and he won't realize why that's adorable until you tell him and he's a blushing mess.
-Ever seen a bakery at Christmas? Well fear not, now you will.
-He's taking you to all the best places for Christmas themed snacks, and will most certainly buy Christmas cookies for you to bake while he sits on the counter watching you.
-Enjoys watching you dance around the kitchen to Christmas music, he could watch that all day.
-Ranpo is for sure taking you to spend time at the with Fukuzawa, because the two of you are very important to him. Look forward to fun dinners with the ADA.
-Most likely buys you books or art supplies if you do that. He loves when you sit at his desk with him when you visit and you read those predictable novels of yours. Definitely gets you a side present of a baking book on all his favorite snacks. ;)
-Stays at home with you, holidays are hectic and he likes the peace and quiet of just relaxing with you at home.
-You probably eat popcorn and watch something while he goes over his schedule a billion times until you curl up next to him and he stops.
-Naps together! It's cold outside but the two of you can be warm together. He likes to cuddle you on the couch in front of the fire place.
-Gets you something simple and thoughtful, but practical. I could honestly see him getting you a bonus gift of a taser for when people get too creepy with you. But still gets you something more meaningful. Maybe a planner full of cute plan ideas for the two of you in the upcoming months.
-Shopping, tons of it.
-You are out at the mall with her a lot, hitting every sale and outlet there is. She likes buying you things, and you can pick things out for her in return.
-She doesn't mind the crowds, but if you do, she'll go at a later time when less people are out.
-Will never have you carrying bags, she'll drag someone who doesn't have plans along to carry the items.
-Christmas present is a fancy new outfit tailored just for you. She loves fashion, and if you share that love she is over the moon to get you whatever dress/outfit you want.
-This man is not short on any money, so whatever you wanna do is on the table. He just wants to be around you at all times, that's all.
-Dinners are very important to him, so taking you to his favorite places or even cooking at home with you will be his favorite part.
-Likes to enjoy the finest wine with you in front of a warm fireplace, just cuddled next to each other.
-Matching pjs, do it, he'll pretend he hates it but he loves it. Thinks you both look amazing and will take pictures. Its going on his desk in a frame.
-Buys you whatever you look at for too long. He wants you to have everything you've ever wanted because he loves you.
-Totally the type to buy you a beautiful necklace or bracelet with his name on it. Not only is it hot af to him, he likes his name and knowing you wear it. Could buy you a whole ass vacation or car if you wanted, but he thinks its the little fancy things.
-When he sees you decorating home, he takes you to his office because he wants you to teach him how to decorate it. It will remind him of you when he has to go into work during December.
-You spend time with his fam! You enjoy being around them and visiting, maybe more than Akutagawa. Gin is always so sweet to you.
-Another at home kind of man. Everyone pushing and shoving him at stores while trying to get presents will result in murder, so he'd rather not. Got your present months in advance to avoid such nonsense.
-Lays in your lap on the couch and let's you tell him stories or just talks. Not a big fan of the movies because he thinks they're overrated, but loves hearing your voice. Play with his hair until you both fall asleep please.
-As for a gift, he had to ask Gin a lot of questions, reluctantly of course. She told him to maybe not get you a gun, and instead opt for something more meaningful.
-That's right, tiny Rashomon plushie, you adore his Rashomon and he was absolutely taken aback when you said it was cute. This plushie means the world to you.
-To the orphans! He is so in awe when you play with the kids, whether it be tag or hide and seek. He loves taking you to see them.
-Probably takes you shopping, but the two of you are buying presents to donate and give to the kids that you two have basically adopted.
-Most likely to dress up as Santa for them, and in doing such makes you his Mrs. Claus.
-Takes you to the place where he realized he wanted to be a writer. The both of you just read, (or write) and on the way back home you enjoy a talk of books and fantasy worlds.
-Likes when you lean on his shoulder or lay in his lap, will watch or do whatever you want as long as you're happy.
-His gift was super handmade, a book of all the things you've done together, a scrapbook sort of. The kids probably helped him decorate it, but he wrote all the lovely words inside. Detailing how happy he is to be with you.
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sayonarasanity · 3 years
Chapter V
link to AO3
Chapter 1 - 2 - 3 - 4
notes: the song that will be mentioned in this chapter is She's a Rainbow by Lola Marsh and also here is the Spotify link. I highly recommend you to listen to it especially while reading that part. it's truly an incredible song
The first year of high school passed by in the blink of an eye. Between the adjustment of classes, advanced math, and literature, teachers of idiosyncratic character treats and a variety of teens in the class he didn’t even understand the period between September and June. If he was being honest there wasn’t much noteworthy difference between middle school and high school except for the lessons and maybe some physical changes among his peers as well as himself. Save for the height part. Apparently, he wasn’t gifted like that giant Mike or the very sophisticated Erwin Smith.
There was nothing much to do during the summer break. He worked alongside his uncle in the market to at least gain some money and not spend his whole time lying on his bed, sweaty and gasping for a breath while a single leaf on a tree begged for a tiny breeze to make it wiggle. He read some books, watched some TV shows, played soccer with the other boys in class; Mike, Erwin, Oluo, Guther, Eld and even Moblit when or if they were around. Went to the beach with the same squad in addition to girls like Petra, Nifa, Nanaba and Hanji.
Most of his time was spent with Hanji, of course. On the roof, in the attic, in each other’s rooms, sometimes at the library—because the heat didn’t stop Hanji from being a complete nerd—and sometimes she helped him in the market while stuffing his mind with countless  mind-blowing  topics.
And so came the second year of high school.
And it took Hanji only two weeks to be late for the first class in the morning.
“I can’t believe you actually slept in,” Levi told her after she came inside the class during the break, gasping, her face flushed red possibly from running, hair dishevelled and absolutely not  combed,  and sat down on her desk in front of him.
She was trying to adjust her breaths as she turned over to face him. The dispersed, brown strands were covering her face, some of them had stuck on her reddened cheek and forehead. After the not so successful haircut, Levi had given her, she had also gotten bangs. Courtesy of her mother. “I was reading a book last night.”
“And?” He raised a brow.
She pushed the glasses up, and leaned in closer, putting an elbow on top of his desk. “I couldn’t sleep.”
“What kind of book could possibly make you stay awake all night?”
“It’s called The Blind Owl.” She shivered as if a chill had gone through her body. “It was the most disturbing thing I’ve ever read. And the thing is I couldn’t stop reading it because it was also ridiculously intriguing,” she sighed and rubbed her eyes under her glasses. “It cost me my sleep though.”
“That bad, huh?” Levi asked, but it was obvious from the dark circles under her eyes.
“I mean, it wasn’t that bad actually. It was masterfully written for sure. It was just—”
“Yes. There is no other word to explain it.” She ran a hand through her dispersed hair, but her fingers got stuck between the knots. Then she looked at her wrist and groaned frustrated. “I forgot my hair tie.”
One of the things the almost six years of friendship with Hanji had thought him was to collect the items she had a habit of forgetting, mostly in his room. He had a drawer full of her lost, black hair ties. He kept a few on his pencil case or sometimes, like today, he carried one of them on his wrist. “Here,” he said extending it to her.
“What would do without you?” she whined as she took the tie from him.
“You wouldn’t survive a day,” Levi pointed out. It wasn’t even half-joke.
“Agreed,” she nodded. She had finished tying up her hair. Now her face was more on display, the flush on her cheeks was nearly gone. Levi realized that her nape was not covered with the too-short strands that couldn’t make it into her sloppy, little ponytail.
His hand moved instinctively, naturally even. “Your hair has grown long again,” he told her with a frown. And when his fingers touched her bare nape, she winced quite clearly for his frown to get deeper. He retreated his hand upon her reaction.
Her hand held the place he had barely touched seconds ago and when she noticed his expression she laughed. “God, your fingers are cold.”
Levi folded his hand as a fist, pressing his fingertips on his palm to see if his fingers were indeed cold as she had said. His body temperature was low, it was no news to him but at the moment his fingertips was not that cold for her to give such a reaction. Maybe because she had run here it was her body which was unnaturally hot, he reasoned, not really satisfied but he would accept it for the time being.
“Do you want me to cut it?”
“No,” she objected, avoiding his stare. “I’ll use it like this for a while.”
Her hand went on rubbing her neck, it seemed like an almost unintentional, absent-minded motion at this point.
“I made some research,” Hanji said when the silence got a little awkward for their standards. She then looked through her bag with both hands and slammed a wrinkled piece of paper on his desk.
“What’s this?” He examined her inelaborate handwriting but couldn’t understand the overall concept of what was written. Meanwhile, Hanji brought a pen over the page and underlined two words that were written in capital letters.
“These two are the best universities of the country,” she started to explain. “Both in terms of education and in terms of different opportunities for students. Student clubs are very much active also the campuses are huge.”
Levi had heard of the universities of course. They were named after the cities they were located in. Sina was almost three hours away from their town and Rose was even further in the opposite direction. But they had to leave the town at some point if they wanted to receive a good education. As Hanji had told the two of them were probably their best options and if they manage to keep their grades high enough there was a chance for both of them to make it into the same university. But, which one?
“But” she carried the pen over the word Sina and drew a circle around it. “Since Sina is a technical university, I think it is a far better option for us considering the departments we want to study.”
Levi hummed thoughtfully. She did have a point.
“Also,” she continued, eyes glittering. “Great professors like Keith Shadis, Theo Magath and Darius Zackly are teaching there. Imagine the lectures…” she shrieked with excitement and wiggled in her seat. “It’s gonna be so fun!”
Levi shook his head at her quite early thrill and snatched the pencil out of her hand. He drew an arrow to the word Sina and wrote elegantly above: GOAL. “Sina it is then.”
Hanji took the pencil back and while nodding she scratched the word he had just written and instead, bringing the pencil a little to the crosswise she wrote: DREAM.
She looked at him then as if to confirm, with a bright smile on her lips and eyes full of the glitter of the dream she held so close to her heart. It was contagious. Levi felt his lips curling up, and maybe a tiny bit of that lustre in her eyes had reached out to his own. And he thought that maybe it wasn’t that hard after all.
How naïve, a sly, foreign voice whispered in the back of his mind. Little boy, how naïve.
“So, what’s going on between you two?”
Hanji lifted her eyebrows upon Nifa’s question and moved her stare to whom the question was directed. Nanaba gulped her bite with seemingly a little more force than necessary and blinked innocently at Nifa. “What do you mean?”
“You know what I mean,” Nifa wiggled her brows, smirking mischievously at their suffering friend. “You and Mike.”
Petra hid a chuckle behind her hand as Hanji bit her cheek inside to stop her smile from shaping so obviously. They were sitting in the backyard of the school on an arbour for lunch. There was still for about half an hour until their next class and from the looks of it, Nifa had decided to use it for some gossip.
“Nothing,” Nanaba answered nonchalantly then she brought the straw of her peach juice to her mouth and took a very long sip. Hanji didn’t miss the faint blush on her cheekbones. “We’re friends.”
“You’re a little too close for being friends, don’t you think?” Nifa asked with a sweet voice, dropping her chin on top of her intertwined fingers, smiling.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about?” Nanaba brushed her off, taking another bite from her sandwich.
“Stop tormenting her, Nifa,” Hanji interrupted just as Nifa was about to say something else. “She can tell us when she feels like it.” Hanji then smirked at a very pissed Nanaba, who was glaring at her so hard Hanji thought she could catch flames just by responding to her stare.
Suddenly, someone dropped something in front of her with a loud “pat” and Hanji looked down, startled, to a packet of chocolate milk, then looked up to a frowning Levi.
“Did you eat?”
“Yep!” Hanji rested her chin on her palm and smiled at him. “Did you?”
He nodded silently and gestured at the milk standing on the wooden table. “You’re gonna pay me back for that later.”
“Stingy,” she murmured as he turned his back to her. Hanji saw the other boys gathered up around a bench a little away from where she and the girls sat. And before Levi went too far away, she shouted behind him, “When shall we meet again?”
He glanced at her above his shoulder. “After school,” he said, flatly.
“Come on, Levi!” She lifted her chin from her palm, disappointed. “You should’ve said “when the hurly-burly is done”, I thought you were better than that!”
He turned his whole body to her this time, walking backwards. A smirk played on one corner of his lips, midday sun caught his eyes, and her heart skipped a beat. “And you should’ve asked, “in thunder, lightning or in rain?” I thought you were better than  that , genius.”
Take him and cut him out in the little stars.
Levi was beautiful. Hanji recalled the day she had first realized it, the faint yellow leaves and the crackling sound of fire. The realization had hit hard, and she couldn’t have understood the reason why right away. It was startling that was for sure but after some thorough and logical consideration, she had decided that it was all about being a teenager.
It was that simple. Thinking a boy was beautiful was natural. Besides, it wasn’t just Levi. Erwin, for instance, was attractive. With a sharp chin, bright, blue eyes and that shiny yellow hair that always looked so soft like cotton. He wasn’t necessarily beautiful though but attractive still, handsome even.
And he will make the face of Heaven so fine.
Levi turned his back to her again and Hanji snorted, opening the straw of her chocolate milk. “He got me bad.”
When she put the straw between her lips for a long sip, she realized the silence that has settled on the table and when she took a glance above her glasses, she saw the three other girls looking at her.
“What?” she asked after gulping.
“What’s with you two?”
It was Nifa again and this time the question was directed at her. “You and Levi?”
Hanji blinked, trying to reason her question. “What about us?”
“You seem close,” Petra added instead of Nifa. Her hazel eyes curious as she observed Hanji. “Like real close.”
Hanji frowned and pushed her glasses back to their proper place. “We are best friends.” They seriously hadn’t understood it for a year?
“I bet everyone thinks you’re dating,” Nifa said laughing.
Oh? “That’s ridiculous,” Hanji said, shaking her head. “Why would I date my best friend?”
Nifa shrugged, and Petra looked thoughtful. “How long have you been friends?”
Hanji didn’t know why but she felt her stomach curl. “Since we were eleven.”
Petra hummed and the conversation seemed to be over like that. Hanji chewed the plastic stick thoughtfully and with distress, she couldn’t find the reason why. The curl stayed solid in her stomach, sharp and insistent. Absently she noticed that Petra was staring somewhere with a strange expression in her eyes and when Hanji followed her stare, she saw Levi standing in front of the bench the other boys were sitting. Mike who was standing next to him had wrapped an arm around his shoulders, and he looked content, his features relaxed, his black hair looked smooth touching his forehead.
That all the world will be in love with the night.
Goddamn Juliet, she thought bitterly, frowning she took her eyes away from him. Goddamn Shakespeare.
“What did you want to talk to me about?”
It was Wednesday afternoon on a nice autumn day. Near them was a tree slowly getting peeled off its leaves, and the clouds were reflecting the orange light the sun created. It was also reflecting on her ginger hair, making it shine almost yellow.
“I, uh…” Petra cleared her throat, squeezed her hair behind her ear as the blush that had appeared on her cheeks gradually became more visible. “This is harder than I expected.”
Levi raised his brows. He had been wondering what Petra wanted to talk to him ever since she asked him if they could meet after school in the backyard this morning. He had found it a little awkward because it had felt like she wanted to talk to him in private and he couldn’t have thought of any reason why she would wish for that.
“You look nervous,” he told her.
“Well, of course, I am,” Petra laughed, not a cheerful one. “I am trying to…”
She let out a sharp breath as if she was angry at herself and she wasn’t looking at him too. Her eyes were scanning their feet, her fingers were fidgeting, brows furrowed.
And Levi was quietly getting an idea about why she wanted to talk to him.
“Just tell me,” He tried to encourage her, feeling his own heartbeat getting faster abruptly.  
Finally, she looked up at him, her cheeks painted crimson and she took a long, deep breath before she said, “Would you like to go to the cinema with me?”
“Oh,” he said.
Not the kind of reaction he should’ve given apparently. Petra bit her lower lip anxiously at first, searching his eyes. He must be pretty shocked for she looked a little discouraged upon his reaction. But within seconds she gathered herself up, her shoulders held high.
“I… liked you since the seventh grade,” she said, the blush spread from her cheeks to her neck, but she continued to be resolute without looking anywhere else than him. “And I thought that there is nothing wrong with asking a boy out if that boy doesn’t seem to be doing it anytime close.”
Levi felt his own cheeks heating up. Admittedly, he had never realized Petra had such feelings for him. “Sorry.”
Petra laughed, somewhat forcefully. “It’s okay,” she gulped, and a weak smile vibrated on her lips. “Just don’t be harsh if you’re gonna say no.”
Levi considered her offer quietly. Petra had always been a good friend and she was a nice person too. Kind, tidy and even funny. She loved painting and drawing and was pretty gifted at them as well. And she smelled fresh, Levi guessed it was because of the softener she used on her clothes, her hair was soft, and her eyes were pretty.
“When do you want to go?”
Said pretty eyes glittered as she beamed at him. For a second, in the back of his mind, he saw a very similar image belonging to another girl with auburn hair and hazel-brown eyes who had a smile that reminded him of the rainbow after rain and sun.
“What about this Friday after school?” Petra asked, excitedly.
“Sure,” Levi responded, trying to smile and ignore the weird feeling in his stomach.
When he stepped into the roof, the night was chilly, the sky was full of transparent, quietly moving clouds, the stars were shining behind them, the Wanning Gibbous was hanging low on the horizon, and Hanji was standing on the edge of the roof, her head laid backwards.
Levi didn’t even know if he breathed, his heart jumped to his throat as he threw his schoolbag to the ground and walked closer to her from behind cautiously. “Hanji, what the fuck are you doing?”
“Watching the sky,” she replied, smiling.
Levi felt a muscle move on his jaw; his heart was beating so loud it almost hurt his ears. He focused on adjusting his breaths. In and out. “Don’t be ridiculous. Get back down.”
Hanji shrugged and Levi nearly had a heart attack right then and there. He felt his eyes widen, and his breath hitched. “I feel closer to the clouds like this.”
“Hanji,” he took slow, careful steps towards her. The night breeze was toying with her dispersed hair, her face was tranquil, her eyes never left the sight of the clouds. The smile that was drawn on her lips was unmoving like it was craved there by the hands of a masterful sculptor. And he watched her, his heart still beating fast and loud, his breaths irregular, and his eyes wide, and he thought about—
how free she looked at that moment like she belonged to the sky, the stars and the moon. As if they shone for her only.
hide your fires.  
Brown hair and brown eyes but Hanji was luminous. She kept the colours hidden, had a brush and a palette ready in her hand. The murky night did nothing but to contrast the light, she had a way with the world which made her stood out among the dullest of sounds and faces. Even on top of a derelict building, she was—
Let not light see—
the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
He grabbed her wrist, inhaling hard and thick then he drew her back with a quick move of his arm. Her body turned and crashed against him, and he stumbled backwards a few steps, but he kept his balance, wrapping his arms around her waist securely, without any intention of letting go. He vaguely heard the surprised shriek Hanji made upon his unexpected move. And he half-expected her to push him back, to laugh it off and to say that he was being dramatic again. That nothing was going to happen anyway, it wasn’t like she was going to jump.
Yet instead, her arms circled his neck as she rested her cheek on his head and at that very moment Levi realized that he had never thought of losing her, of what would happen if she were to leave his life. Just like he had never imagined a day without the sun rising. The thought was uninvited and unwelcomed, and it cropped a fear in his heart so profound, he drew a shivering breath in before he buried his face on her neck. Then he pushed that thought deep down to the dungeon in his head never to see daylight again.
“I’m okay, you know,” Hanji spoke after seconds.
“Stupid,” he said, holding her tighter. “Stupid four-eyes.”
“Mm,” she muttered, amused. Then she started to move left and right making him follow her movements as if they were dancing. “I’m going to let all the world know that Levi Ackerman cares for me.”
Levi placed his forehead on her shoulder, pressing hard. “Someone needs to care for your sorry ass, or you’ll drop it down a goddamn building.”
She laughed, and it felt so good to hear it he immediately craved the sound soon as it faded away. Hanji stopped moving afterwards, then put her hands on his shoulder to push him slightly back. He withdrew reluctantly but kept his hands on either side of her waist not ready to let go just yet.
Her eyes were somewhat misty as she watched him, as the sharp peak of a mountain lost behind a grey fog. Levi frowned at her, searching for a sturdy branch to hold and to obtain some kind of a clue about what she was thinking. He came back empty-handed, and Hanji snapped out of it soon after, smiling at him brightly and warm. Her hair was all over her face, her glasses were askew, and he brought a hand up to fix them.
Then he flicked her forehead instead.
“Ouch!” She exclaimed, touching the slightly damaged skin.
“That was for almost giving me a heart attack,” Levi said nonchalantly and walked past her to grab his schoolbag. Then he sat down, bag between his legs as he searched for the snacks he bought after school.
“Geez, I’m sorry,” Hanji muttered as she placed herself next to him. “But you were just being dramatic. I wasn’t going to jump anyway.”
So, here was the thing, he needed to tell Hanji.
But he didn’t know how. Through all those years they had been friends, there had never been a secret among them. He knew everything about her. From the fact that she had fed a frog in her room when she was only seven without telling neither of her parents and how she accidentally killed the poor animal by forgetting to feed it properly. And to the very first crush, she secretly had on a boy who didn’t even know who she was when she was ten. Each and every detail in between had been craved in his head, everything about her was a book he had learnt by heart, and he knew that for her it was the same.
He didn’t understand why he was so unwilling now about telling her about Petra. Frankly, he was going to tell her yesterday but when he saw her standing on the edge of the goddamn roof, he had forgotten all about it in a second. Thursday, which was today, he couldn’t have found a chance to talk to her alone and tomorrow was Friday. And he had no idea what the hell he was supposed to do.
Levi traced the shadows on the ceiling with his eyes, lying on his bed. It was near eleven pm but he didn’t have any sleep. Should he call Hanji? But no. It wasn’t something he could tell on the phone. It would be absurd and out of nowhere—
His phone started to vibrate on the bedside table.
He jumped a little, surprised at hearing a sound other than the voices in his head then stared at the phone for a while until he decided that it was going to ring till he opened it. And so, he did.
“I thought you had fallen asleep,” Hanji spoke before him as he lied back down, eyes fixed on the ceiling.
“I was trying to,” he lied.
“Oh, sorry,” she apologized without sounding a bit sincere. “But this is more important than your sleep so…”
He raised a brow. “What did you learn again?”
“A lot of things. But that is not the reason why I called.” Levi heard some clatter he guessed it was the pressing of the computer keys. “I found a new song.”
He exhaled, wearily. “Seriously?”
“Wait before you judge,” she said. “Do you remember the time when you said, this is going to sound weird but, I was a rainbow?”
“I hate you,” she said, darkly. “It was our first time in the attic. I had told you about –”
“I know, Hanji.” He rolled his eyes. “Of course, I remember.”
She grunted and said some things he couldn’t quite pick clearly under her breath. “You don’t really deserve this but since I’m a nice person I’ll let you listen to it.”
He snorted, lips curling on the corners, and he waited for the song to start. And not long after, he heard the first notes, then a soft voice of a woman followed. He also heard Hanji accompanying quietly behind, murmuring the lyrics alongside. Then he closed his eyes to focus on the song properly.
Dearest, I'm broken
My body is unspoken
How could I be loved?
Wake up in the morning
Feeling uncertain
Like a burning old scar
For I remember
The joy I’ve had as a child
Various colours I’m hiding inside
She’s a rainbow
And I am
A difficult man
It was as if the song, the lyrics, the notes, the singer’s voice were each had little hooks, they captured his soul relentlessly. He felt captive, unable to move. The song made him feel way too many things, with an intensity that nearly choke him as he lied there. His throat felt tight, even after the song ended, notes faded, and all he could hear was Hanji’s regular breaths a complete opposite of how his heart pounded at the moment.
“So?” She asked when he was unable to speak. “What do you think?”
Levi cleared his throat, he needed to talk dammit. “It was nice.”
“Just nice?” She didn’t sound pleased at his response. “But you have to listen to it every day Levi so that you wouldn’t forget me.”
“Forget you?” Was she kidding?
“We don’t know where life would take us,” Hanji told him, her voice calm now. “It’s the reality of the world. I’m just guarantying myself.”
Oh, so she didn’t know? That no matter where life carried him, no matter how high and wild the waves would be it would change nothing. The sun would rise from the west, and all the world would crumble, melt and disappear. But he wouldn’t forget her.
“What if you forget me?” Levi redirected the question to her, wondering her answer.
“I wouldn’t,” she said, not hesitating.
“How do you know?”
“If I’m a rainbow then that would make you the sky, remember?” Some distinct shuffling came to his ears, and he imagined her lying on her side, the phone still on speaker resting on top of her pillow. “Whenever I look up at the sky, I will think about you.”
“Sappy,” he whispered, ignoring the aftershock her words caused.
She chuckled in response and yawned loudly. “Only for you, clean-freak.”
Friday after the last class ended Hanji gathered up her things quickly. It had been an incredibly long and tiring week. She couldn’t wait to spend some time with Levi on the roof, just talking about things that didn’t matter, things that were easy to speak of because they were still young and had years ahead to take them seriously.
She waited for Levi outside, leaning against the school building as he went to the bathroom. She busied herself with observing the exhausted students leaving the school borders, chattering between themselves. It was getting chilly and the black denim jacket she was wearing didn’t do a good job at protecting her. She pulled the sleeves of her sweater to her palms to at least cover her hands. She spotted Petra a few inches away from where she was standing. She was walking back and forth, fiddling with a piece of paper she held in her hands. Hanji found it a little strange but shrugged, deciding it wasn’t her business.
Finally, among the rain of students that walked through the school gate, Levi appeared. His face and some parts of his hair damp, indicating that he had just washed his face.
“Feeling refreshed enough?” Hanji asked, smirking.
“Yeah,” Levi murmured, and he looked around briefly.
“Come on,” Hanji pushed herself up from the wall. “Let’s go. We better grab something to eat on the way. I’m starving.”
She had taken only a few steps when she heard Levi calling out to her quietly. “Hanji.”
He appeared to be uneasy as he looked at her, brows knitted, and lips pressed. Curiosity rose within her swiftly as she expected the words he was about to say.
“I can’t come to the roof with you today.”
Of all the things she thought about that was the least, she had expected to hear. Her stomach started to burn again, and she imagined a cauldron inside. Burning so fiercely and it never promised anything good. “Why?” Hanji asked, sounding just as surprised as she possibly looked.
Levi’s eyes moved to somewhere above her shoulder. She wanted to trace his stare but was too busy observing his expression, a little anxious, tense and what? Embarrassed? But why?
“I… am going to the cinema,” he blurted eventually, his eyes finding her again. “With Petra.”
Cinema… with Petra?
“As a date?” She sounded bewildered again as if she couldn’t believe her ears. It wasn’t something to be that surprised about considering their age, hormones and everything. But it was Levi. Levi… It had always been the two of them, now imagining him spending time alone with someone else—she hadn’t prepared herself for that.
“I guess,” Levi rubbed his neck. Oh, he was shy about it too? Was he excited, was he looking forward to it? Was he going to hold her hand as he held hers? Did he even  like  her? When had this thing happened anyway?
“Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
He seemed guilty, and he should be too. They were best friends for a reason. If she wasn’t going to be the first one to know about his first  date, what was the point to it?
“It happened just this Wednesday. I couldn’t find a proper time—”
“This Wednesday?” She tried not to reflect her disappointment in her voice. “It was two days ago, mind you. You had plenty of time.”
“Did you ask her out?” Hanji went on, not giving him any chance to speak. “How long have you liked her?”
“It’s not—” He frowned, his jaw tightened, and a blaze came to life in his eyes. “She asked me.”
“Oh? How brave!” She felt like laughing and somewhere deep inside she knew that she was exaggerating, that she should be happy for him instead. Yet the disappointment was much heavier, and it stood out so blatantly, so arrogantly that it didn’t give her any time to think reasonably.  
“Hanji, don’t.” He stepped forward but she withdrew in an instant.
“Have a nice date,” she said, and she failed at hiding the sarcasm behind. And she thought she saw a flickering of hurt in his eyes but didn’t stay long enough to acknowledge it. With a final look she gave to a confused Petra, she walked out of school. And the cauldron bubbled, bubbled and it burned, and it hurt. Then Hanji wished it would turn the wildflower to ashes to its roots so that it wouldn’t spring again. Wishful thinking it was because the wildflower was already the reason why the flames come alive in the first place.
Hanji didn’t quite remember when or how but she was sitting on the swing on the park near Levi’s house, the park they had buried the dead bird all those years ago. Strange how the years passed. She felt old for some reason despite the fact that she was only sixteen and life hadn’t even started for her yet. But she yearned for that little girl now, playing snowball fight with a boy who drank a little too much tea and swore a little too much for their age. Then she cursed at herself for being so frail, for letting her emotions draw the road she would walk.
The streetlamp near the park had a weak light. It trembled from time to time, squeaking as if it was at death’s door. She pondered it was a good metaphor as to how she felt now. Exaggerating? Maybe. But Levi had become such a constant in her life, it felt like the time Jack had crashed her glasses. She remembered how blurry everything seemed and how dizzy she had felt.
She blinked and following the voice she lifted her eyes up from the ground. It was Erwin, standing in front of her, with a curious expression painted on his face. What was he doing here?
“Are you okay?”
“Huh?” Hanji shook her head, realizing that she had been blinking at Erwin absently. Then nodded, voicing a half-hearted chuckle. “Yeah, I’m fine. What are you doing here?”
He sat down on the swing next to her, dropping his school bag on the ground. It was a funny sight. A boy of Erwin’s age and height sitting on a child swing. His legs were much too long for that, but he used them to move back and forth slowly.
“I was just passing by,” he said, shrugging. “What are you doing here alone? Where’s Levi?”
She didn’t need to be reminded of the fact that whenever someone saw one of them alone, they immediately wondered where the other was.  I am acting like a child.  Then she started to move back and forth herself, holding the chains on either side. “He is on a date,” she informed Erwin. “With Petra.”
Then the movements of her legs fastened to the point where she had to curl them so that they wouldn’t slow her down. She used her body against the wind, it ruffled her hair, and her hair blocked her vision. And she thought about Levi who was with Petra and Petra who was kind and pretty. Petra who had shiny hair which was always combed and tidy. Petra who was funny and nice and—
Ah, her vision was blurry. Had she dropped her glasses again?
“Hey, slow down!”
She couldn’t slow down but someone, Erwin, she remembered, made her. He was holding the sides of the swing, kneeling down in front of her, he looked into her eyes. Hanji noticed his eyes were a different kind of blue not so fierce like the winter ocean, but kind and worried at the moment. Yellow, thick eyebrows knitted, “Are you okay?” Erwin asked.
It was the second time he had asked the same question and it confused her a bit. Did she look that bad? “Yeah,” she confirmed. Her voice came out cracked.
Then Erwin reached out with his hand. Hanji waited silently as he wiped her cheek with his thumb and under her chin with his knuckles. His hand shone under the shrieking light of the streetlamp when he withdrew it, with tears, she realized with a startle. She lifted her hand then, her eyes wide and touched her damp cheek.
“I can walk you home if you’d like,” Erwin offered with a voice so gentle Hanji thought she hated it. Hated because she didn’t want pity when she was the one that had brought this upon herself.
She blinked at her wet fingers, her sight getting blurry again and used her other hand to adjust her glasses.  She could walk herself home, and she opened her mouth to say that much to Erwin. But words betrayed her half-way and what came out was, “I’d appreciate that,” instead, as she accepted, silently. “Thank you.”
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thora-jane · 4 years
Twin-Way Mirror Pt. 1 (Weasley Twins/Reader Love Triangle)
Series Summary: You've been friends with the Weasley twins since your first train to Hogwarts, but as the three of you start your 6th year, you start to question if your feelings go beyond friendship.
Summary for Pt 1: as Summer draws to a close, some old friends come to take you off to the Quidditch World Cup
Warnings: none, I don't think. Maybe some tension between you and your parents.
Word count: 2,200
female!reader, 2nd person POV
Summer Holidays were special, you supposed, what with everyone taking a break from classes and unwinding for a couple months. You personally hadn’t been as big of a fan since you started Hogwarts. You were a Muggleborn, and Hogwarts was the first time you felt you actually understood school. You had been a horrible student in muggle school and consistently got terrible marks, but at Hogwarts? You were the brightest witch of your year. Even before your first day of classes, you had poured over every book cover to cover, examined your wand and robes for hours on end, and it took everything inside you not to start making potions.
Summer holidays were just the months in between. The time when you would lie to all your muggle friends about your new school (a private school, meant to reform students doing poorly in the academics department), and hold your breath amidst the tension of your muggle parents heavily encouraging you to continue to study muggle subjects and go to a muggle university after you graduate (“Come now, (y/n), you can’t possibly think you can just live out your life as a witch, do you?”).
A silver lining to all of this were the letters you would get from your friends. Once the sun had gone down and you could release your pet owl, Eros, with a letter or two strapped to his foot. In the morning, he would fly back with a letter or package before falling asleep in his cage. The letters would be from a few different friends every once in a while; Angelina would write to you about the latest news in Quidditch, always assuring you that this would be the year you make it onto the team, Hermione would send you newspaper clippings as your parents didn’t want you subscribing to a wizard newspaper, even Oliver would write and tell you about how his summers were going since he knew you didn’t see your friends much. And of course, there were the letters from the Weasleys.
You were in the same year as the twins, Fred and George, but no one could ever be friends with just a few of the Weasleys, it was always all or nothing. Ginny would write to you about quidditch (also assuring you you’d make the team, though you never did), Mr. Weasely would write and ask for common muggle objects, or with a whole laundry list of questions about muggle life, Mrs. Weasely would write asking you if you were being taken care of, sending you recipes and craft patterns, knowing how much you loved to cook and work with yarn, even Ron and Percy would write you, though mostly because Mrs. Weasley made them. Percy never let on as he scribbled about ministry business, but almost all of Ron’s consisted of “How are you, I am fine, mum wants me to write you. The twins miss you. xoxo Sorry, that was Fred and George.”
Ah, the Twins. Their letters were always your favorite, filled with page-long jokes or stories of their epic pranks and escapades, sometimes with a chocolate frog or some other sweet taped to the inside of the letter. Of course, when they mentioned making a line of pranking sweets, you were a bit hesitant to eat some of the things they sent. But you always seemed to walk away from the experience with all your teeth and toes, so you figured you wouldn’t get pranked unless they were there in person.
You kept all the letters and souvenirs and clippings sent, and even hung some up on your bedroom wall. Of course, none of the letters sent to you went unanswered, there would be days on end when you would write and craft responses to them, especially when one of the twins sent you a letter. You always closed out their responses assuring them that the three of you would see eachother again soon, and that next term would arrive before they knew it.
Granted, when you said this, you didn’t expect anyone to show up on your doorstep one day.
You were up in your room, writing out a response to George’s most recent letter and scrounging around for one of the candybars you had bought for him after finally convincing him to try muggle candy. It was then that you heard the doorbell ring. You paid it no attention, and chalked it all up to one of your mum’s friends stopping by for a coffee.
This of course, was not the case. You heard a few different voices, besides your mum, one or two of them belonged to who you assumed were women, but the others sounded much deeper. Then you heard thumping footsteps coming up the stairs and down the hall. The next thing you knew, there was a loud pounding on the door.
Then there was silence.
You weren’t quite sure who was there, but you hadn’t heard anything from your parents about company. And if there was one thing you’ve learned at Hogwarts, in these past few years especially, is that you always need to be on your toes.
You drew your wand out from your tied back hair and, holding it at the ready, opened up the door.
You weren’t quite sure who you were expecting, but not a second later two messes of red and black hair came flying towards you as Harry and Ron yanked you into a half-hug, half-tackle.
“(y/n)!” Harry laughed, moving your hand holding your wand so it didn’t stab him in the face, “the look on your face!”
Ron almost snorted, “Bloody hell, the twins would have paid galleons to see that!”
It took you a moment to recover your breath, but once the two boys stepped back from their hug, you managed to stutter out a question.
“Why are...uh...what are you doing here? And where are the twins?” You turned to Ron, who had walked over to your desk and started looking up at all the letters tapped to the wall, he started talking, but you could tell he was much more absorbed in all the papers and pictures and doodles.
“We’re here to pick you up, you’re all packed, aren’t you? The cup is in a few days and-say, were you going to eat this?” he interrupted himself, holding up one of the candy bars.
You walked past your bed and yanked a pillow out from Harry, who had seemed to make himself comfortable before you hit him with a pillow, then did the same to Ron.
“No, you may not eat that, that isn’t for you. And what cup? What do you mean all packed?” You tossed the pillow back onto your bed, and it landed on Harry’s face with an ‘oof’ before you pulled your trunk out of the closet and started tossing some of your cleaner and folded laundry in there, “Ronald I have no clue what you’re talking about. Harry, what does he mean?”
Although neither of you were in the Weasely family, you and Harry treated each other like siblings. Maybe not close friends, but the two of you were close enough that talking to him wasn’t too difficult.
“The Quidditch World Cup. Ron, didn’t you tell her?” He sat back up on your bed, looking over at Ron with his brow furrowed, “Your mum had you write her about it the other day, yeah?”
Ron smacked himself in the head, “I knew I was forgetting something! (Y/n), Dad got enough tickets to the Quidditch World Cup and you’re coming with us. Now, mum thought I wrote you and you’re supposed to be packed for school too, we’re taking all your stuff to the burrow and dropping you off at the Hogwarts express with the rest of us.”
“You’re only just now telling me?!” You tried not to shriek as you started packing faster, racking through your brain for all the things you’d need. You hadn’t gotten the list of books yet this year, but you intended on going before the year started. After running to the closet again and tossing your school uniform into the trunk, you ran over to the desk and shoved Ron aside to grab your box of letter writing things and some of the magical books you thought might be useful this year. While hastily stacking the boxes and books into your trunk, you ordered Ron and Harry from over your shoulder, “Ron, my potions kit should be under the bed. Harry, run to the bathroom and grab the small bag with butterflies on it, it should have my toothbrush, soap, shampoo, makeup -bathroom stuff. Well?”
The two boys nodded, a little intimidated at the speed you were packing. As Harry Ran to the bathroom, you turned to Ron.
“Do you remember the extra thing on the list this year? Fourth years and up needed…?”
“Don’t remind me. Fourth years and up need dress robes. I hate mine, they’re bloody awful,” he sighed, looking morose as he handed you your cauldron full of potion tools, “I’ll look like an old lady in them. What about you?”
You ran over to the closet, rifling through the jumpers and other clothes, tossing a Mrs.-Weasley-Handmade-Jumper into the trunk, “My mum took me out to get a dress a few days back, it should be...ah yes, here it is,” You pulled out a dress with see-through billowy sleeves and a skirt that went almost to the floor when you wore it, “You think this is good enough?” He raised his eyebrows, nodding.
“It looks nice,” You could tell he wasn’t too interested and agreed only to be polite, but you appreciate the sentiment as you carefully tucked it into your trunk. Harry came back and tossed the bag to you and you added it to your trunk before closing the lid and placing Eros’s cage on top. Sticking your wand back into your hair and slinging your yarn bag over your shoulder, you looked back at the two boys.
“Where are the twins? I thought they would have wanted to come pick me up?”
Ron tossed you the candy bars on your desk before walking to the other side of the trunk and helping you lift it, “Well, mum needed Hermione and Harry to help us get to a muggle house, and I tagged along. They wanted to come, but mum said she wanted to make a good impression on your parents and the last time they picked someone up from a muggle house dad had to go to at least a dozen ministry hearings.”
You chuckled, remembering how back in their third year they stole the car to pick up Harry from his aunt and uncle’s, “That sounds about right, Harry, could you get the door?”
Harry picked up Eros’s cage and held the door wide open as you and Ron waddled the trunk out of your room, stopping as you got to the edge of the stairs.
Your mum, Hermione, and Mrs. Weasley turned at the sound of you making your way down the hall. The two witches waved, their faces lighting up as you greeted them, then Mrs. Weasley pulled out her wand and waved it gently, “Let me help you with that, dearie,” She smiled as your trunk delicately floated down the stairs.
“(y/n), Mrs. Weasely and Miss-” She looked over at Hermione for a second, before Hermione answered. “Granger,” She smiled politely.
“Yes, Miss Granger just explained to me that their family was going to take you to a...Wizard Football match?” She smiled a little, puzzled by the own words coming out of her mouth, “they offered to have you stay at their house,” She glanced at your trunk and the wide grin on your face, “I take it you’re interested in going?”
You nodded vigorously before pausing, “Is...Is that alright with you?”
She smiled, though it looked a bit forced, “Yes, yes it is. Just make sure you brush up on your real school subjects, please. And do mind your manners.”
You practically squealed, your hands shaking excitedly as you ran to grab your normal shoes (school shoes and dress shoes had been packed in the trunk).
Mrs. Weasely thanked your mum again and the boys and Hermione helped carry your trunk out to the car. Once you had all settled in and started to drive off, Mrs. Weasley looked at you through the rearview mirror.
“Your mum seems like a wonderful lady, but she isn’t too fond of magic, is she?” She asked gently, and you noticed the whole car go a bit quiet.
“No, she isn’t. I think she’d rather I focus more on traditional muggle subjects than magic,” You answered shyly, looking down at the yarn in your bag.
“Ah well, I wouldn’t fret too much over that, dearie. Muggles can be like that sometimes, but she’ll come around,” She offered a smile through the mirror again. Before you knew it, you were back to talking with your younger friends, excitedly asking about their summers as the five of you made your trip back to the burrow.
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k-comfyspace · 4 years
Right Here
Idol: Kim Minju (Izone)
Request: No
Valentines day Special since I didn’t get to update on her birthday!
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You opened your eyes, squinting at the bright light that welcomed you before your ears registered the beeping sounds beside you.
You turned your head to the side, wanting to stop the annoying sounds but a sharp pain shot through your head, you lifted your arm to clutch your head groaning but something was weighing your arm down.
You slowly turned your head, the pounding increasing as you moved until it landed on the sleeping form beside the bed. You squint your eyes removing the blurriness before it adjusted and you saw the familiar pink hair.
You furrowed your eyebrows before roaming your eyes around the room where you saw the other 11 girls sleeping on the seats and couches.
Then trying to raise your head slowly to avoid the pain, but regret your decision when you audibly released a groan, a stinging pain worse to what you felt earlier spread throughout your head.
On the couches Yena stirred because of the noise, her eyes opening before she saw your struggling form. She stood and padded towards you carefully pushing you down by your shoulders as she shook her You opened your eyes, squinting at the bright light that welcomed you before your ears registered the beeping sounds beside you.
You turned your head to the side, wanting to stop the annoying sounds but a sharp pain shot through your head, you lifted your arm to clutch your head groaning but something was weighing your arm down.
You slowly turned your head, the pounding increasing as you moved until it landed on the sleeping form beside the bed. You squint your eyes removing the blurriness before it adjusted and you saw the familiar pink hair.
You came home from schedule around midnight and your manager dropped you off to your dorm. The whole day was hard for you, since not only did you record for half of the day but you also worked on half of your choreo for your latest comeback.
“Me and the unnies finished early, can I stop by?” You read the text from Minju and wrote a quick reply heating some food before taking a shower. When the warm water hit your body, you groaned as your muscles gave you the karma for pushing them too hard today.
You felt so tired that you wanted to crash on the bed and sleep, but you couldn’t waste the opportunity to eat with your girlfriend and eat food, so after you took a shower you dressed yourself and went down.
Hearing the apartment door closing and a smile spread on your face when you heard your girlfriend’s voice calling you.
You were about to reply but suddenly your vision blurred and your surroundings spun, your ears ring before you felt yourself drifting.
Your body weighing itself down until you felt a cool breeze brush on your skin before everything turned black.
Her voice was the only thing registering in your head before it became quiet.
You blinked your eyes and stared at your best friend, then you noticed how tired her face looked, her nose was red, and she had bags under her eyes.
“How lo—“
“Two days,” both of you turned your attention to Eunbi as she stood rubbing her eyes, the guilt consuming you as you noticed her tired state.
“You’re stubborn, your manager said you didn’t eat and sleep for a week. Do you know how worried we were when your manager called saying you and Minju were at the hospital?”
You lowered your head, guilt rushing in. Yena turned her head to her leader, looking at her with annoyance,
“Unnie, you’re not helping, Y/n didn’t do it on purpose. You overwork yourself all the time at least you have Hyewon unnie to tell you off,”
You heard your best friend scold her leader before hearing a sigh, feeling a hand rest on your shoulder, you glanced up looking at Eunbi as her eyes softened at you before she smiled.
“Sorry, I’m just worried, you know since you started dating our Minju that you became a official member of the family,”
She said and you nodded muttering a short apology before the door opened.
The doctor came inside and smiled when they saw you awake, Eunbi shook Minju beside you, waking her up and pulling her aside so the doctors could check up on you.
Minju took a moment to process everything, shaking out of her sleep. The time she noticed that you were awake was when you spoke to the doctor, her eyes widened as she gazed at you badly wanting to rush into your arms.
You shifted your gaze and met with her glossy eyes, trying your best to answer the doctor's questions as clearly as you could without taking your eyes off your girlfriend.
When they replaced your bandages they gave you some pain killers for your head before leaving the room.
When the door closed, the room was filled with silence before you heard sniffling. You looked at the girls and saw your girlfriend looking at you, tears streaming down her face before she ran towards your body.
Pushing her face to the crook of your neck and wrapping her arms around you.
You flinched at the pain that followed but you didn’t complain, wrapping your arms around her and hugging her with the same energy.
As she crumbled around you, her members were quick to leave the room, each giving you a soft glance before you two were the only ones inside the room.
You nuzzled Minju, halfway pulling her up on the bed. You felt so sorry for not taking care of yourself, the worry she must’ve felt and the stress of seeing you like that was heartbreaking.
So you just hugged her, pulling away all her worries before she finally pulled away. Her tear struck face looking at you, almost longingly, while you wiped her tears with the pad of your thumb and she snuggled her face on your palms.
Missing the warmth that you haven’t given her in so long.
You gazed into her before leaning in, pressing your lips onto hers, all the emotion causing Minju to start tearing up again.
When you both pulled apart, you leaned your forehead on hers and closed your eyes, “I’m sorry,” you apologized and she pulled you closer, clutching at your shirt as she rested her head on your shoulder sniffling lightly.
“J-just promise me y-you won’t do this a-again,”
She said, her voice shaking and you nodded pressing a kiss to her forehead making her relax slightly.
“Please, don’t go,”
After a week the hospital lets you go back to your dorm but has strict directions to your company to let you rest for at least two more weeks before you can go back to work.
Which your manager and girlfriend are enforcing on you, hard.
Not only were you forced to stay in bed, because Minju didn’t want you to hurt your head, your comeback was also delayed making the fans both worry and be sad.
But due to your company’s statement fans were quick to support you and wish you a fast recovery.
Minju has taken the opportunity to move in for the past week to take care of you and make sure you didn’t move an inch, making sure you regained all the energy and nutrients your body lacked for the past month.
Though you told her countless times that cooking and cleaning up wasn’t going to need your head to finish, she was still insistent on doing it.
When you woke up one morning, she greeted you with a smile on her face as she littered your face with kisses making you giggle before pulling her down on top of you.
“Good morning, babe,”
“Happy Valentines Day, Minguri,”
You smiled at her and pressed a kiss on her lips, feeling giddy when you felt hers smiled into it.
“Sorry we can’t do anything because of this,” you pointed to your head that had a scar from your accident but she shook her head, giving the scar a small kiss before pressing one to your nose.
Normally every year you had Valentines, there would be breakfast waiting for her, a box of chocolates, and a fun filled day where you two did all the cliche things couples would so for Valentines.
But due to your mishap, today wouldn’t be the same. She pulled away and cooed at the cute pout on your face.
“Don’t worry about it. Valentines isn’t about those presents we had or the surprises we did the past years,”
She said and cupped your face, looking into your eyes with so much love that she could show you,
“Why would I need to go out when I have you right here,”
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