#can you velieve this!?!?
physics-engine · 7 months
[+ 1 autism creature]
[+ 1 partially ooc reminder for mod to go to bed]
*Wait what the fuck*
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edsbacktattoo · 1 year
he did a punch! :D
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midnighticee · 9 months
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citrusinicake · 2 years
my parents might straight up kill me cause of a haircut ✨poggers✨
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vlouette · 3 months
: ̗̀➛𝓐𝓫𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓥𝓮𝓵 ✩‧₊˚
• 𝟐𝟎
• she/her
• infj
• ♑
• jegulus child
(𝓯𝓾𝓷) 𝓯𝓪𝓬𝓽𝓼
I have no talents, I can't draw nor write fics
I can play the piano (not like it's useful)
• The Marauders
FAQ, my ships, socials, and BOUNDARIES under the cut
• What pronoun(s) can I use for you?
I'd prefer being referred as she/her
• How old are you?
I'm 20
• Can I DM you stuff?
YES! I'd love to have some people to talk to in the fandom
• Remus Lupin/Sirius Black (Wolfstar)
• James Potter/Regulus Black (Jegulus, Starchaser, Sunseeker)
• Peter Pettigrew/Benjy Fenwick
• Lily Evans/Pandora Rosier/Lovegood/Lestrange (Pandalily)
• Barty Crouch Jr/Evan Rosier (Rosekiller)
• Marlene McKinnon/Dorcas Meadows (Dorlene)
• Mary Macdonald/Emmeline Vance (Emmary)
I'm usually a multi-shipper but those are my main ships.
Instagram: velizavie
AO3: velieve
other blog: @aelianaseren
do NOT ask me for a pic of myself unless if I'm the one offering.
do NOT try to get me to tell you where I live.
do NOT ask for any of my personal information(s).
I will tell you stuff I'm fine with and if I don't tell you some stuff do not pressure me into telling you anything. this normally means I either do not know you well enough OR I'm not comfortable with the information you're trying to get.
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kokorowoutsu · 7 months
-- RP: @pokemon-experiments
He chuckled when she was amazed by the softness of his paw pad. He was about to remind her when she began to drag him along until the came to a cave and met Whimsy. "Greetings Whimsy. And is indeed nice to meet another steel-type." He was about ask how they can stay in a place like this until he got dragged along to the back of the cave. He was impressed by the set-up they had. And it seemed like they were working on all kinds of things that the ranch needed. Treating it with something he could really see until the got to the end of the cave. There he would look to Tinkerbell and bow his head. This was her home and he was going to show her the respect that he velieved she deserved. "I am. As for why I came, she's my niece. I needed to make sure that the path was safe, and that she was not being taking advantage of." He hoped the explanation was good enough for the, he assumed, leader of this group. "And you lot are fairy-types." That explained why the energy had become so dense with fae energy. But they were also steel-types. They were working with the oil that Morgan made. The same oil that he treated his legs with. "But I'd like to know why you wish to keep hidden from Ashe. Especially since it seems that your group is connected to her mother." This is what made the least sense to him. If Morgan knew about this group than why would it be an issue if Ashe knew as well.
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"Unkwool! I'mma go see the o'hers!" She pointed at the forge nearby which was now officially on break since they had visitors. With that, Willow was off, pulling something out of her bag and speaking to them in Fae as they gathered around which contained berries and books that had been... borrowed on mechanics and things that Willow didn't understand but these pokemon did. Happily cheering, they soon wheeled over some books that Willow stuffed back into her bag, thanking them. It appeared they borrowed the books for ideas and then gave them back after reading.
[ It's because we're steel-types that we keep hidden. ] Tinkerbell started, eyes on Willow and the fire-types and fellow underlings of hers. [ The little one is only a quarter fae and at most just sneezes every now and then around us. She's not at risk of allergies. ] She pauses and sighs. [ There's a misunderstanding though that we choose to keep from the little one, believe it or not, to make her think she's got a secret to keep. We were told secrets are sometimes good for kids as tests. ] She shrugs and goes over to pull out something from underneath some rocks. Bringing it over, she hands him the Grandcrest Sigil. [ We were given this by her mother. She brought us here since we were displaced from our home in Paldea... that and we saved her and her team from a hot spot of trouble. ] She wouldn't go into that story though.
[ Everyone on the ranch knows about us... it's just a game for the little one to teach her about secrets and to teach her, in her mother's opinion, and mine, a vital life skill. She'll need to know to keep her mouth shut at times as it were. ] She shrugs. [ In exchange for letting us live here, the Boss asked us to make things to help and repair around the ranch. The Fluffy Man comes by with his pack to pick up things and in exchange he brings us berries as well as fresh steel-types. ] She looked to her own hammer in particular. [ The only rules we got are we can't tell the little one about the arrangement and we can't kill the Corviknight that her mate has... no matter how tempting it is. ] She huffs.
[ ... We're pretty sure the icy one knows too as well as her mate but they choose not to say anything. The Lady of the Wood -- the Boss mom -- she gave us the oil you saw. We apply it to everything we use ten times over. We're learning to make it ourselves... but i'm rambling. What brings you two by? ]
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kmp78 · 6 months
"Not even JL boasting how one of the biggest names in music these days wrote him a song?"
God forbid no. It's against his ego to publicly admit such a thing! Every single damn new album he goes oooon and oooon how he "wrote 200 songs for the album" and then had to narrow them down. If he talks about Ed, that means he's so out of muse and songs of his own, that he now has to rely on others for inspiration and material. And it's not the only song on the album that other writers got credit. The man is burnt, had to turn to others for help. For him to admit that, out loud? No way. He's way too proud, and you're the first to know that and say that about him.
And even if you don't velieve me, believe this: He used to write almost everything on his own in the past, and now he co-writes songs with others (whatever that means, you and I have a disagreement here). Even this simple fact is enough to show he's ran out...
And yet!
JL still writes his own repetetive lyrics and honestly if you can´t figure that out, then there´s no hope for you. 🙄
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wetslug · 3 years
i warned yall last year that tic content online might cause more issues for the OP + viewers and now its a studied phenomenon that is being researched so :///
if i can speak to my younger followers.... if you know you’re empathetic,  or often take on the behavior of your friends/fave characters, or already have a psych history...dont watch these videos. i know theyre interesting/entertaining/are popular online but just dont take the chance. if youre interested in the advocacy or the disorders themselves its much less risky to find written content thru blogs, FB groups, etc 
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seblore · 4 years
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shoreearchive · 4 years
goodnight to emma perkins she has to get married tomorrow she must rest
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candiedvalley · 5 years
umm.. callout for @mordecaistitties um... go larryfucker go
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moonenjoyer · 5 years
ok ive read some stuff about taking indoor cats outside with you for short periods of time so me and seline are in the backyard rn and idk why but im so nervous...
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aroceu · 5 years
Smokey: how are you gonna kill me jack?
Jack, who has no idea how: it’s a surprise
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shatteredfears-arch · 2 years
hi, fae have a pheromone around them that often tricks humans into instantly trusting and believing them, and it’s a trance they don’t control and is really difficult to escape from.
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Hi! I was wondering if you could do a headcanon on the Brothers where it is raining in the Devildom and the MC (gender neutral if you feel more comfortable about it) starts singing "Singing in the Rain"- you know, that song from the hit movie musical? MC even starts doing the choreography as the boys are watching. I am already imagining MC getting mixed reactions.
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You were just walking back to the house of lamentation after a long day at RAD with you're favorite boi. Even though today felt eternal you were happy to be walking back home with your favoeite demon, and he is also happy to be walking home with you.
You two are just talking about stuff when suddenly... it starts to rain... "oh no MC here let me-" before you even let them finish you grab the umbrella from their hand and then you started to walk away from them.
- "MC where are you going? Open the umbrella, MC!"
- will watch upset as he gets wet and as you dance and sing in the rain.
- yeah sure its cute seeing you recreate this scene from the musical but he really isnt so concentrated on that but more on trying to get you to pass him the umbrella
- "MC please its cold-"
- "MC!"
- by the time you finish the choreography you two are a wet mess, and boy oh boy is he pissed about it
- "...thanks MC that was nice now lets hope neither of us get sick"
- now lets hope he doesnt hand you like a piece of clothing that just came out of the washing machine from you not opening the umbrella when he asked you to do so
- "oi! MC! What do you think you are doing!?"
- will proceed to watch in both amazement and annoyance as you bust a move in the rain
- "MC this is nice and all but cant i at least have the umbrella?"
- slowly starts to get more and more annoyed by the fact that he is getting wet.
- will start running towards you to try to get the umbrella from your hands
- will end up being dragged by you to follow your steps
- even though it seems that he ends up getting in the mood like you he will quickly snap out of the trance and grab the umbrella to open it once you two finish dancing
- "great job MC now we both are wet"
- " yeah but you seemed to enjoy it"
- " yea- well- that isnt THE POINT-"
- now he nervous
- great. Today. When he had came to RAD for a meeting. It just HAD to start raining huh?
- well at least he came prepared-
- " MC why did you take my umbrel- MC please its getting heavy!"
- watches confused as you starting singing
- the more attention he pays to what you are saying however the more he thinks its either from a musical or for someone
- he wont complain anymore and will just stand under a treee and under a store or something as you finish your moment
- dont be surprised if he starts to get embarresed or even jealous who knows by the people watching you
- " wow MC that was so nice, can we get home now?"
- you'll hand him the umbrella and you two will walk home as you hum the tune
- not only will he recognize what scene it is that you are recreating but he will join you
-" im singing in the rain~"
- "just singing in the rain~"
- "what are glorious feeling~"
- " im happy again~"
- he wont even notice how wet he is getting from the rain while he is dancing with you
- if he notices anyone starring he'll just give them an ugly look and continue dancing with you
- its only when it starts to get really cold and that he notices that he is soaked that he'll try to stop you from continuing
- " that was fun, but do you know what will be even more fun MC?"
- " what?"
- "lucifer's reaction when he sees how wet we'll get the house once we enter" he answers while giving a mischevious smile
- will happily get dry with you (whether its at the fireplace or by hand or whatever) after getting scolded by lucifer for getting wet
- "MC where are you going with that umbrella? I need it or else i'll get soaked and my hair-"
- is probably the grumpiest after lucifer forgetting wet
- dont misinterpretate him, he loves seeing you dancing and singing in the rain but he isnt really fond of getting wet
- "MC you arent even using the umbrella..."
- will stand under a tree or under the roof of a store too if you dont hand him the umbrella and pout at you for it
- " this isnt very attractive of you MC, im getting wet and its cold"
- he is the one that just might get sick from this from all of the 7 brothers
- once you are done he will grab the umbrella from your hands and open it while telling you that you could get sick
- oh the horror that will arrive for him....
- will stare confused when you take the umbrella from him and start recreating that scene
- "MC?" He'll try to get your attention but will end up staying silent as you start singing
- will literally just watch where he is standing, he doesnt really mind getting wet and is quite interested in seeing you singing and dancing
- he doesnt even realize he too is getting wet
- the only reason he grabbed the umbrella actually was so that you didnt get wet, however he now velieves you enjoy the rain
- will clap at you once you are done
- he is however more worried that you'll get sick than both of you getting wet.
- will happily help you get dry once back at the HoL
- "are you sure you dont want anything to warm up MC?" He'll offer you hot cocoa or something warm to drink if you end up too cold
- so basically one of the few days where he gathers the strenght to stay awake for most of the day is when probably the nicest of raining arrives for probably one of the nicest naps ever?
- now not only is he mad that he needs to make it home FIRST to sleep but now he is getting wet becuaseyou took the umbrella
- "mc... im tireeeeeeed..." he'll whine
- dont be surprised if you find him sleeping under the roof of some random building or even inside some shop sleeping because he wasnt going to wait and watch
- if he does end up watching however then he will just stand under somewhere where he wont get wet and clap for you once youre done withthe act
- either way he is still going to end up asleep by the end of today
- "nice moves MC, but im tired now so can we please get home quickly"
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thepig · 2 years
can you velieve tumblr users sangfielle and zevunzolia are posting about freinds at the table
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