#can't they just make a different variation and just say it's a variation of it instead
sinswithpleasure · 10 hours
Addressing My Ask Box
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Hey guys, Sins here.
I'm sorry if this might seem rude and/or entitled, but I feel that I have to get this off my chest.
First of all, I really appreciate the flood of asks just off today. I like that you readers are actively willing to engage me and reach out in any shape or form, but I have to set some ground rules.
Nearly every ask since my last fic in July has been the same variation of "idol and idol cuddling" and "idol x idol sex", and I'm really getting burnt out on these. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate that you all have put in the time to type all of it out, but I'm really not sure if you want a fic, you're just dumping random things, or...?
I've seen my fair share of "top 5 idols whose pits u wanna lick" to just, pure statements that i can't reply to, such as "i think chaewon has great tits" or "wony can't stop eating gaeul's cunt". Most of the time, I'm actively not sure what to do with this—I'm very lost on your intentions and would prefer more clarity.
I've actually said this privately to a lot of other writers: low effort ask means low effort reply. Any ask I don't understand either gets deleted or answered with one word only. I really don't want to give low effort replies because to me, being a writer is akin to being a customer service representative—my job is to serve up stuff that makes you enjoy yourself, and part of that is giving you good replies to the asks that you put time into to type into my ask box. However, there's really not much I can work on with one liners without context other than "nise" because I really don't know what to do with them, and I do not want to delete asks so readily since you have put effort into them.
I've always found how sapphics send asks to wlw blogs here, as well as on platforms like CuriousCat or Retrospring so wonderful. For example:
kmj saying on live that the other members would be different baseball positions and she would be the cheerleader...three way gang bang for mj in a tiny little skirt please
was a literal ask a friend of mine on twt got about aespa, and it's stuff like this where I can expand on and help you realise a fantasy. Not only that, it's also fun for me because there is context. I need more than sex to build up any piece of a fic for you—idea generation is not as easy as it seems. The example above at least has a setting I can imagine, characters that I can explore, and all in all has space for inspirational expansion.
Tldr—Help me help you. Give me more context, give me something more than the sex acts. This goes for a lot of suggestion-type asks—the more effort you put into an idea to suggest, the more receptive most writers will be.
Thank you.
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hellohoihey · 2 years
why do i need to explain why these researchers are legit in my text. like i get that the studies need to be credible and stuff but I already suck at keeping my texts short and consice and this will make it so much worse
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versegm · 4 months
"Intersex" means "someone born with sexual characteristics that don't fit quite well in the male/female sex binary."
"Intersex" is not synonymous to "non-binary". In fact, being intersex has nothing to do with gender at all. Intersex and trans people have many struggles in common, but if you're talking about trans-specific issues you really don't need to say "intersex and trans people".
Intersex people can be trans. Intersex people can also be cis. Intersex people, in the majority of countries, are assigned a gender at birth just like everyone else.
"Intersex" doesn't necessarily relate to genitals. When I say "sexual characteristics" it can also mean secondary sexual characteristics, hormone levels, chromosomes, and probably a bunch of other shit I forgot about. Please stop reducing intersex people to their genitals.
(On that note, having both working sets of genitals is at best extremely rare and at worst physically impossible. Sorry, intersex people can't fulfill your futa fantasies. Please stop tagging futa shit as intersex. The two are unrelated.)
Please. This pride month remember that intersex people like. Exist. Intersex folks are not hypotheticals they're not "that one letter we gotta tack at the end of every queer post and never think about any further" they're. People. Remember that they exist. Every year I have to make a post like this one where I explain the very basic things you can learn by reading the intersex wikipedia page because people see "intersex" and make assumptions as to what the word means without actually reading the dictionary definition. Please remember that intersex people exist, I looked up "intersex pride" on tumblr and half the posts I saw were a variation of "happy pride to people of all genders and sexualities!" when being intersex has nothing to do with either gender or sexuality. Please. I understand that you guys don't mean any ill, but I am very tired of making basic posts over and over.
And inb4 someone tries to strike dumb discourse on this post: I live in a country where it is legal and encouraged to perform surgery on intersex infants. Looking up "intersex athlete controversy" returned to me like three different cases of athletes who were coerced into surgery without being informed of all the risks and having to lead with lifelong consequences for it. When I say "remember intersex people" I don't mean "uwu intersex people are valid" I mean they're a demographic whose literal human rights are constantly spit upon. I don't give a shit if you think intersex people belong or not under the queer umbrella or what you think are the proper qualifications to identify as intersex literally everytime I talk to an intersex person I hear a variation of "my doctor straight-up lied to me to get me to undergo medical procedures to make me normal without my consent or input" I think people should be aware of that actually I think it's more important than arguing over labels.
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The creator had a:
sea streaked child
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Cw: reader is said to breastfeed but isn't written doing so
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Checking the blinds to make sure they were clean, remaking the ruffles so they are even.
Furina had spent her entire morning jittery walking everywhere in the palais mermonia.
Now across the room she is digging in between the blue roses hiding any less than stellar bloom under one of its prettier sisters.
Changing the tea set on the table in the middle of the room, cerulean blue, cobalt blue and sky blue swapping places faster than Neuvillette can pay any mind to.
She sighs, looking defeated at the sets and almost begging them to tell her which one is supposed to be best yet for one second the teapots looked like mocking faces. Throwing herself on a loveseat the room starts to feel smaller and she isn't even totally sure what tea to serve.
“Breath” neuvillette says from the desk, ever since he took over the leading role in Fontaine he spent more time between pages of legal documents, if that is even possible “they are arriving for a simple chat to check on the general management of the region”
“How do you even expect me to be calm when they themselves asked for my attendance for this meeting!” she sits up wobbly, the soft swirling getting worse “I can't even remember what cake you told me they liked… this is going to be a mess”
“Their grace has quite the sweet tooth, as long as what you planned doesn't have coffee it's going to be alright”
“Why no coffee?”
“miss furina… they gave birth a few days ago, it’s disadvised to breastfeed and have caffeinated drinks” seeing her nod and her little ahoge bobbing along he feels the need to confirm “that not only includes coffee and variations but also most teas” and with that she jumps to her feet, quickly excusing herself to make some changes.
“That child…” he sighs as he reviews the documents he wanted to show you and a rough overview, his head resting against his hand and a finger between his teeth. Feeling the door whining softly he laughs from the bottom of his throat “back soon early?”
And as his heart skipped a beat as you spoke “Oh, my, I know I am 30 minutes early but I thought you would like to meet me particularly” you walk deeper inside the room, past the meticulously fixed flowers that you wouldn't have noticed the mistakes on and past the three teapots on the table, each a slightly different shade of blue. Now standing besides neuvillette and facing the documents he just noticed the bundle of white cloth you held onto.
“Did the crops get better with the method I recommended? It left me worried when I left”
“The production got better, if you want to check the report is here” he offers the three papers stuck together by a metal clip when he notices that doing it with a single hand might be hard “if I might help you” he positions his arms to grab the baby and you let her between his arms
“Let's hope she stays asleep, she is such a colicky baby” you whisper but as soon as you finish the sentence she opens her eyes and starts wailing “my goodness…” you sigh deeply.
“Let me take care of it, just focus on that” he stands up and tries to mimic what he saw parents do with their small children whenever something upsetting might come up during the trials and small children would cry.
He grabs her neck and head with one hand and her legs with another, cradling her like you. As he was swaying softly the blanket covering her hair slid down to show pointy ears and softly cartilage mixing on her thin white hair.
“Is she…” but is soon shushed by you, pointing at the door and then to your ears, the message very clear ‘someone might be listening’ but he keeps his eyes glued to you only to catch you mouthing a soundless yes. His hands cradle her head onto his neck, soft blue cartilage sneaking past his fingers.
Now soothed, you two find comfort on the soft sound of passing the pages and Cordelia's breathing, the baby's name he would later find out.
“NEUVI I managed to get a cheesecake and fontas did i save this?!” Furina pushes past the door, holding a full size strawberry cheesecake and hugging three fontas against her chest but seeing you head on thinking you weren't on Fontaine yet “HIYY”
The screech caused Cornelia to get startled and start wailing “Miss Furina.” neuvillette says sternly, almost like a father telling off his daughter. But the only thing it caused was for her to see him hugging a baby suspiciously similar to him which didn't take her long to join the dots.
“Furina please stop scaring my daughter!”
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ugly-anarchist · 15 days
While yes intersex people can use intersex as their gender identity, that isn't what intersex is. Intersex is a natural biological variation that cannot be transitioned into or out of. It is a description of the natural state of our bodies. It is the same as me being autistic, white, and short. These are descriptions of things about me that I cannot change but are still important facets of my life as a human being. (Obviously some are more important than others)
(While the body can be changed, there are separate words for someone who willingly changes the natural state of their body, like altersex. Intersex people can also be altersex.)
On the other hand, gender identity and transness are personal identifiers that can be chosen. (And by chosen I mean that while you can't choose your gender you can choose the label you use for it) And it is also fluid and can change over time. Gender looks different for everyone and isn't based on any material thing that can be observed in the physical world. Gender is based more-so in what makes you happiest, and the most satisfied with your life. Gender is just as real as everything else I've mentioned, but it's just not a physical thing.
This is why transness is self determined and intersexuality is not.
Trans and cis are adjectives that describe a person's experience with their gender. A trans man/woman is just a man/woman who has a different experience with their gender than cis people do.
But if a person exists who is rejected by both cis and trans people, then what are they? What are they supposed to do? How are they supposed to identify? Cis and trans as labels were not designed with intersex people in mind and often do not fit our experiences, but we're forced to use this binary because perisex trans people insist that you must be one if you're not the other.
But, trans people also insist that being intersex is inherently trans. Any deviation from the sex binary is seen as trans. Intersex history is seen as trans history, intersex animals are called biologically trans, and intersex experiences and terms are often taken by trans people and applied to themselves.
We're inherently trans but the trans experience is inherently a perisex one. Our experiences are identical to trans experiences but only trans people are allowed to say that. Our bodies are deemed the ideal trans bodies but the natural state of our bodies is used as proof that we don't fit in with trans people. Trans people wish they could gain access to the violence done to our bodies. Our bodies are held up as proof that gender and sex is a spectrum but if we talk about our complicated experiences with sex and gender then we're called terf psyops and cis invaders.
Where exactly are intersex people supposed to fit into the trans/cis binary? Our experiences cannot be defined in the same way that perisex trans people define themselves.
When an intersex person identifies as transfem when they were afab or as transmasc while they were amab or calls themselves cistrans or transmascfem or transfemmasc, this isn't an attempt to invade spaces we don't belong or destroy the trans community. We're trying to describe our very complicated experiences with gender with the limited tools that we have, the tools that have been forced on us but simultaneously denied to us.
Can we just let intersex trans people have their weird gender labels in peace? This isn't about you, it's not an attack on you or your community, it's just us trying to exist comfortably.
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birdofmay · 3 months
Ok, so there are some people who don't understand why it's insensitive to say that kids learning sign language is great because "they have so much fun having a little secret language", and I take that in good faith and assume that you simply don't know much about history and culture regarding sign languages.
So here's a comparison with oral languages; with minority and endangered languages, to be precise.
I'll start with my own culture, with North Frisian.
North Frisian was prohibited multiple times in history, or at least seen as a "lesser" language, and native speakers were seen as "lesser" as well. There was a lot of discrimination, and as a result my grandma completely forgot her North Frisian variation and her kids didn't learn it. This language is actively revived now, but my grandparents are too old to successfully learn another language, and I have a disability that makes it impossible to learn new grammar. We can't read old letters in that language, a huge chunk of history is permanently lost for us.
If you learn North Frisian while ignoring the culture and discriminatory history of Frisian people, you reinforce the sentiment that it's a "lesser" language; not worth acknowledging that we suffered and sometimes still do. East Frisian is completely extinct, by the way. Most East Frisians speak Low German variations now, but even THAT is a minority language. Even that.
Another example. Australia. Indigenous languages of Australia. You know that native speakers still face discrimination to this day, don't you? You don't? Oh, well they do, they're also seen as "lesser" people and so are their languages. If you learn one of their languages just for fun while ignoring their history and culture, you reinforce the sentiment that these languages are unimportant, not real languages, "lesser" languages.
African languages? You know that these languages aren't dialects but real languages, don't you? You know that you can't ignore culture and history when learning these languages, right? Because, yeah, otherwise you reinforce the sentiment that they're "lesser" languages and that the people who speak it are "lesser".
Alright, most of you people are from the U.S., so... Your indigenous people. Their languages. It's the same here, prohibition, seen as "lesser" people and "lesser" languages. I think you get it by now, right? There was discrimination, there still is discrimination, and the minority language can't be separated from that discrimination because the language itself was discriminated against.
Now... Most sign languages are real languages that developed naturally, did you know that? Most sign languages aren't constructed languages. These languages developed over time just as oral languages did. That's why they're so different from country to county. And most sign languages, just as most oral minority languages, were prohibited at some point because they were, and still are, seen as "lesser". In my country, native sign language speakers were forced to learn to speak with their mouth. There was and is a lot of oralism going on. People speaking sign language were discriminated against and seen as "lesser". Sign language wasn't considered a real language, even though it developed naturally.
And this is still happening, this is still going on today.
Do you see my point? Learning a minority language for fun while ignoring the discrimination native speakers faced and still face, while ignoring the culture that can't be separated from this discrimination, while ignoring the history of that language... reinforces the sentiment that it's a lesser language and that native speakers are lesser.
And this goes for sign languages too. Especially for sign languages, to be honest, because people usually can understand this when it comes to oral languages, but somehow not for sign languages.
That's why it's insensitive to say that learning sign language is fun because it's a "secret language". In doing so, you ignore the culture and history of a minority language.
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felassan · 3 months
Snippets. 🐺💜
The Game Informer article approximately covered the first 4 hours of the game. [source]
Twitter user: "Please please please let me make a feminine shaped body with no chest, begging for non-binary to be something I can present not just a pronoun slap" Saira: "this will be entirely possible with the body sliders!" [source]
''the characters you don’t romance WILL romance each other which can showcase different straight and queer relationships.'' [source] (So it's not only Harding/Taash, but more companion-companion pairings will be possible, and these will be diverse? ^^)
the game will have Brazilian Portuguese subtitles [source].
the community Council, which had long-term fans of the series on it, also had folks on it who had never played a DA game before [source] (this is good! a good mix)
another detail was that they ranged in age from 20s-40s, unfortunately I can't recall the source for this rn but yea.
"Last names are based on your faction. You can customize your first name, however." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"In-world - Rook is a nickname you're given before the events of the game, and it's what everyone refers to you as. It allows for other characters to refer to you in dialogue without awkwardly having to write around not having a defined title, while still allowing for name customization." Also, in the game, it is explained why we got the nickname Rook in the past. [source: the BioWare Discord]
"There are specific lines and dialogue options for different lineages, as well as different backgrounds, and classes, including at least a handful that are unique to lineage/background combinations. No specifics but we wanted to make sure the game felt reactive to the choices you made in creating your Rook." [source: the BioWare Discord] (lineage as in: human, elf, dwarf, qunari)
A user asked whether elven Rook is Dalish or City. Answer: "It'll depend on your background. As mentioned previously, certain lineages will have variations of that background that go into more detail where appropriate." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"Every faction is, ultimately, made up of people. Some good, some bad, and some trying (and failing) to do their best. So it's fair to say that different people in the world might have a different perspective on how the various factions fit in and what they're trying to do." [source: the BioWare Discord]
"Without getting into spoiler territory - Rook's a hero because they chose to be, not because they were chosen. Your choice of background fills in some of the details - and you get opportunities to define it further - but some things we leave up to you to fill in." [source: the BioWare Discord]
A user asked "In what capacity is the Inquisitor going to return? Can we expect something similar to Hawke’s return in Inquisition?" Answer: "This one you'll just have to wait and see as this is well into serious spoiler territory. But more generally, as I said in the Q&A - the Inquisitor's been part of this story all along, and it would be very strange for them to suddenly fall out of it."
"Much of what would have been abilities or “spells” in the past are now accessed in real-time from the core buttons on the controller! Mana Shield, Mage Beam, Bolts, Magical Blasts, Orb Toss, and Elemental Bomb. Not to mention the elemental types change depending on your weapon. It very much feels like casting spells, but don’t just take my word for it. I’m excited to show more Mage gameplay as we get closer to launch." [source] There will be quick buttons on the keyboard for PC people too. [source]
The Veil Ranger spec can be built around charged ranged attacks, lightning damage, and stagger [source]
Many builds are possible in the game and this is highly variable with gear and companion-set up [source]
At some point this summer, they will be showing more of the skill trees [source]
The music score has variation, flourishes, and great tavern songs [source]
Corinne: "everyone at EA has been incredible in their support for the game and commitment to quality. Hopefully we’ll have a chance to do it [Discord Q&A] again. In the meantime I watch the Discord comments fairly regularly, even if I don’t respond often." [source]
A user asked about cameos of previous characters. "Seeing the surprise appearances for the first time is half the fun! There are some good ones, but I’ll leave the discoveries to you all" [source]
On a post of the table team gathering picture - Corinne: "The moments where you gather the whole team like this are some of my favorites." [source]
When Solas shot Bianca during the prologue during SGF, "Some of the journalists in the live demo audibly gasped!" [source]
In combat there are primers and detonators [source]
Lots of beloved elements from previous DA games inspired the combat of DA:TV [source]
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grllmx · 8 months
"Ragatha in Wonderland"
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🌻 Them side by side for height difference 🌻
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Heya!! Y'all wouldn't mind some info dump, would ya?
But before I share my thoughts and ideas for this au, note that I am making this all for fun and that I am only merging two concepts at once because they sound fun in my head!
-- So without further ado, let's start shall we?
Ragatha in Wonderland is a fun silly lil' au I thought about in my spare time (Though I am aware that I'm not the only person who had similar ideas) buuut! Here's my take on how this concept goes ~
💜🟣🎀- - - - - RAGATHA IN WONDERLAND - - - - -🎀🟣💜
🌻 Wonderland is similar yet different from the Circus. Many possibilities await in this newly found land, but wait... How odd, suddenly everyone and everything is of new variation! Did things really stay the same? Are things different? It's a confusing world that warped and transformed the original digital land into something new. New places to explore, new outfits! New concepts... New people? It seems everything changed. Perhaps even... True death is possible now.
Ragatha - Plays the role as Alice. Confused and bewildered at first but Ragatha progressively adapts to the world and the surroundings around her. Acts like herself for the first portions of the story but as she dwells longer in this 'wonderland' she loses herself, her identity, as if the place was sucking out all of 'her'. She'll meet a lot of familiar faces. She feels comforted, knowing that she isn't alone in this newly found world but little does she know - they are not what she seemed.
Jax - The white rabbit leading Ragatha to wonderland. Jax was the one who dragged her in this, so Ragatha's first instincts was to follow him, hoping he knows where the exit is. Though he often plays tricks, teasing and playing with Ragatha's head whenever given the chance. Maybe he doesn't sound like a reliable shoulder to lean on, but he is Ragatha's key in terms of escaping wonderland.
Gangle - Starring as the mouse and the dormouse. The first person (other than Jax) Ragatha meets in wonderland. Gangle is skittish and has an extreme fear of cats. She does not like hearing or mentioning them, her mouse-like features says so otherwise. Though, in later unfortunate events, Ragatha scares her by mentioning, you guess it, cats. And then flees elsewhere.
Zooble - Following the (possibly tobacco) smoke trails, enters in the wise caterpillar. Meeting for the first time was not fun, in Ragatha's case mostly. Zooble asks Ragatha a lot of questions, typically centering around herself which gradually starts her descend into madness. Zooble's questions hit hard for Ragatha, making her realize a lot of things and learn more about the world. Though one question stuck the most, "who are YOU?"
Caine - The Hatter/Mad hatter. Need I say more? Hehe, anyways... Caine, alongside Bubble, is notably the most mad or insane person living in wonderland. Always yapping about random things (Riddles, jokes, factual statement... you name it) that can either be truth or made up, which Ragatha can't tell the difference of since they are always so surreal and deranged, or in other words, utter nonsense! He is another character that made Ragatha's mental state and mindset deteriorate. (Ragatha wishes to never meet him again)
Pomni - It's Pomni! Though, something is off... Pomni's role is the Cheshire cat. She's willing to help Ragatha escape, even suggesting ideas that felt to be possible, but are things really that easy? No, of course not! She is a red herring, a person filled with mischief that fools and plays with her victims until she deems them boring. Ragatha meets Pomni in the woods right after she ran away from Caine, and just like Jax, Pomni plays with Ragatha's head. But eventually helps her out and leads her to the kingdom's garden.
Kinger - Sometimes, a king is fit to be queen. Kinger is the Queen of Hearts, a short tempered, bossy but childish queen. After first meeting, Ragatha didn't deem Kinger as a threat at first, even playing a simple game of croquet with him. But as she starves and remembers that hunger was present in this land, she secretly ate the queen's well-known 'tarts'. This resulted into the seething rage of Kinger, declaring a court trial in which Ragatha was later proven to be 'guilty'. Hence, "OFF WITH HER HEAD!"
🌻 So, spoiler alert -- Just like in original tales and stories inspired by Alice in Wonderland, this was all in Ragatha's head, a dream! I'm debating to either turn this into a comic or not, because I think it helps further explain my ideas, but who knows? Maybe with the right motivation and energy, I might do it.
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Thank you for reading! Have a nice day/night 🌻
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strwbivy · 3 months
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synopsis. i think the title pretty much sums it up, just short scenarios when you ask them to buy pads :)
wc. 1.4k words | genre. fluffy, w/ sight crack | cw. f!reader (obv), romantic relationship, slightly suggestive flirting (~ ̄▽ ̄)~ featuring. ❛ TSUKI, KAGEYAMA, HINATA, KUROO, BOKUTO❜ parts. Ⅰ. Ⅱ.
m.list // hq. masterlist
you've got mail ✉ ! reposted post i remember having sm fun writing this! i'm having mixed feelings with the manga headers grr, i really have nothing else to say so, READ WELL READER !
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he knows what pads are, but when it comes to buying them, he feels slightly embarrassed, but with you in need of them, he gathers all his courage and goes out to buy it. and after making his purchase, he comes at your house with your (fav food) in hand and your requested item in his other hand, and surprisingly enough, he got the right one. but little did you know he actually stood at the display of pads and napkins for a good few minutes and stood there clueless. overnight pads? liners? pads with wings!? what are those?!? he's so confused with the different kinds of types! so he decided to close his eyes and let his hand randomly pick a pack. he made his way to the cashier and hesitantly placed the item on the checkout, and he managed to pay for without making eye contact with the cashier.
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he probably doesn't quite know anything about pads, so he asks you about it, and he'll buy it without any shyness. he asked one of the workers where the pad section was, and he made his way there. he was in awe on how many variations pads actually had! he eyed each kind and tried to make his choice, but he realized, 'what if you needed this kind? or this other one?' he didn't know what pick, so as a solution to his problem, he bought one of each type. when he was paying, he didn't notice that there were a few women wowed and maybe even overwhelmed at how much he was buying. and so here we are, he stood at the front door of your home, he was holding a heavy paper bag full of pads. just right about when he was about to knock, the door was swung open by you. you stood there, having your mouth agape to the brown bag he was holding. he literally bought you a one whole year supply of napkins!
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he's similar to tsuki, except that he knows that pads have different kinds. he doesn't quite know what they are for but will buy what you need specifically. just right after you texted him, he was already at the door?! you swore that only a few minutes passed by after you texted him, well he did say he was gonna be there in a minute. how did he get there immediately? well. after he received your 'urgent' text, he ran his little legs in an instant. and when he got to the store, he acted hastily and grabbed the kind of pad you needed, and he also took a bar of chocolate for you. then he paid for it before running out of the store again. so here we are, his hands rested on his knees. he was letting out quick breaths while beads of sweat were coming down from his forehead. "here.. i ran as fast .. i could!" he said, almost having a breath between each word. he gave you the bag, and you thanked him with a kiss on the face—causing him to show his signature winning smile.
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he knows what pads are for and how periods work, but he can't understand why you need them when he can make it make one's period (yours) be gone for 9 months. he's slightly saddened, but he knows that there will be a time soon he'll be able to do it.. soon enough. but he just simply walks to a store and buys you a pack of regular pads, and he makes his way to your beloved home, and he gives your needed item. smiling at you, he plants a kiss on both of your cheeks, and he stays at your humble abode for a while to take care of you because your period cramps started to get worse. he brewed you some tea and heated up your heating pad to help lessen the pain. you thanked him for being a helpful boyfriend while he placed the heating pad on your belly, and the both of you sweetly cuddled in each others arms ♡
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he has no idea what pads are exactly for, but he did just as what you had asked for. he took the pink ones— and just like what you said pink, and he bought it. he then cheerfully skipped to your house, his arms swaying the bag with your needed item in it. just as he reached your front door, he rang on your doorbell and waited patiently. he was oddly eager to see you, but it wasn't really surprising for him to be. a v-smiled shaped appeared when he saw you opening the door, and he straight away hugged you, causing you to lose your balance, making the two of you stumble right there on the floor. thank god you didn't hit your head on the floor, or else things would have taken for a turn. he said his sorry's, but he didn't bother to get up. "y/n! i bought you the thing!" he said, putting up his arm to show you the bag. you can't tell if he's ignoring the fact he's on top of you or he just doesn't mind it. "kotaro.. get up," you said as you pushed him by the chest, and he just let out a joy-filled laugh. though he helped you get up and he gave you the bag. you thanked him by rewarding him with a kiss on his cheek. and just as you opened the bag, you took a look at the pad he bought. it was.. the wrong one. you probably could have specified it more. but sure he did bought the pink one.. turning your head at the smiling owl, you smiled at him sheepishly. he tilted his head in confusion. if there's one thing that bokuto very much knows, it's how your smiles looks, and the smile you have right now.. isn't your usual cheery smile. so he moved closer. "y/nnn?? is there something wrong?", you tried to say no but saying the truth is more likely better. "ahh..eh.. kotaro.." you sighed before continuing, "you bought the wrong one.", the contoured parts of his hair then curved downwards representing the new mood he's in right now. he then resented his disappointment as he rested his on the crook of your shoulder. "augh... please don't ever let me buy anything again y/n!' the pout on his mouth only growing more as he hugged you tightly. you only giggled at him and said that it's okay. the owl was once again, in his emo mode o(TヘTo)
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copyright © strwbivy ↣ do not copy, translate or repost.
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anzulvr · 5 months
May I request Karma with a fashionsta s/o? They love dressing up, makeup, jewellery, and are super trendy?
Can it be written like a fic and not headcanons?
I love your work, and take your time lovely!! ☆•☆!!
Karma x Fashionista Reader (2 mini stories, both separate from one another!)
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. ˚◞ ✧ You said like a fic I hope a double one-shot is okay ˘͈ᵕ˘͈ sorry this took so long I've been drowning in work and haven't had time for writing ´ˎ˗ I really appreciate how you always like my post it means a lot! ✧. ˚◞
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— Story 1) Online Shopping
You have been scrolling through online stores for half an hour now.
With no understanding of personal space, Karma hovers over your shoulder trying to catch a glimpse of your screen.
"You're so heavy, get off meee..."
“Don't you have those shoes already?”
"No. I have them in black but the pink and white variation is so cute!"
He raises his eyebrows in confusion, "Same difference to me."
You sigh "Yeah 'cause you wear the same things most days."
He spoke, "I'm only lazy about it because I don't want to outshine you."
"I just love how humble you are. Ah you distracted me, the shoes are sold out now."
You laugh lightly shoving him off your shoulders, "There's no way to make it up to me! Well actually you could-"
"I'm not giving you my console [Name]."
"Worth a shot... if I can't have your console I want to dress you up!"
He thinks it over for a second and gives in to your hopeful smile, "Alright, but no hair gel."
You rush up the stairs "Deal! I’ll go get the stuff!”
A week later, the shoes you wanted were delivered to your doorstep. Karma didn't tell you, but you knew he was the one who bought them for you.
— Story 2) Makeup
“This looks weird on me, maybe I should give it to Rio? It would suit her." You frown as you grab a wipe to remove the lip-liner off, You realize it's about time you stop buying from influencer advertisements.
His eyes move down to your lips, "I think it's pretty on you?"
"Don't lie to me."
Karma deadpans "Fine then it's ugly."
You push his cheek away playfully, "Wow I appreciate the honesty."
"I was kidding! It looks good."
"I'm sure you think so."
Without missing a beat and as if to make a point, he kisses you and you can feel his smile growing wider on yours.
When he moves away from your face; you burst out laughing at his stained lips.
"Why does it look nicer on you?!"
He wipes his mouth and shrugs, "I can make anything work."
He grabs the pencil in an attempt to re-line your lips himself.
He mumbles “this looks easy enough.”
He moves back to admire his line work "You're just not used to it, but you look cute either way."
Safe to say these are your new favorite lip products.
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reitski · 2 years
❝𝐛𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤! ―♡→ 𝐬𝐥𝐞𝐞𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐧𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐲❞ (𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐)
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𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 they have to get up early for morning practice but you unconsciously start to whining in your sleep, fluff, gn!reader, timeskip characters 𓏲 ࣪₊♡𓂃 𝑓𝑡 : rin, bachira, sae, isagi, kunigami
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏: kaiser, chigiri, nagi, reo, barou
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▸he's not very affectionate when he's awake, but he takes care to hug you as much as you want while you sleep
▸he had to get up early to practice, so he tried his best to get out of bed without disturbing you, but didn't quite manage
▸you grunted in your sleep, reaching out and grabbing the hem of his sweatpants before he could fully get out of bed
▸he sighed and gently took your hand off his sweatpants, this time you hold his hand,
▸''i have to go dumbass, let me go'', he grunted
▸you moaned in your sleep as you pulled his hand to your chest
▸you almost hugged his hand as he tried to stay balanced
▸but in the end, he patted your head, woke you up to let him go
▸"rin", you whined while rubbing your eyes
▸''i have to go and you're holding me hostage'' he smiled, leaning down to give you a kiss
▸''since you're so clingy, i thought i could at least kiss you goodbye''
▸''i hate you''
▸''i hate you too, my dear''
▸he was sneaking out of bed to prepare breakfast for both of you
▸when he came back from the kitchen to wake you up, he chuckled at the tiny pout on your lips and the way you hugged the pillow
▸your arms were wrapped in the pillow, lying on his side and he fell a little more in love with you
▸''y/n, babe it's time to get up'' he said in a singing voice, chuckled at the twitch of your lips when you heard his voice
▸giving up to wake you up like that, he leaned close to the bed, nose to nose
▸''i cooked your favorites,'' he said, running his fingers over your bare shoulder
▸you sighed softly at his touch
▸''HEY BABE!''
▸you jumped suddenly, almost banged your head against him
▸''meguru, what's going on?'' you whined, pouting and rubbing your eyes
▸''i made you breakfast, let's eat!''
▸you couldn't be mad at his cute face
▸you both spent the rest of the day cuddling in bed
▸he is a famous and professional player, he should practice without wasting a moment
▸but the way you whined touched his heart
▸he was trying to get out of bed quietly but your hand reached for him and when you couldn't find him, a slight whimper came from your lips
▸what was he supposed to do? will he leave you here, like this? no, he can't do that…
▸he stopped moving, he wanted to see what more you would do
▸your hand touched his shirt and then you hugged him, humming happily
▸he sighed and muttered to himself "just for a few minutes"
▸while you were sleeping peacefully, he placed a light kiss on your forehead.
▸it wasn't just for a few minutes, he had already missed half of that practice before you woke up
▸''sae! you are late!'' yes, and whose fault is this?
▸he loves you being clingy when you are sleeping, even if he's been making fun of you for weeks
▸isagi is a little bit awkward at physical contact, no matter how long the two of you have been together, he still blushes and sometimes gets nervous
▸his argument is that you're the most beautiful person he's ever seen and he doesn't even know how he convinced you to go out with him, let alone move in with him
▸he had a flight to catch in a few hours this morning and needed to pack his things
▸he tends to hug you in his sleep so when he wakes up hugging you, he smiles and slowly gets out of bed
▸he managed to pack most of his stuff before he noticed you were whining in your sleep
▸when he saw you lying down and hugging the pillow he had just slept on, he stopped and started to watch you
▸"they're so cute" he thought, his brain was literally full of different variations of 'cute' while watching you
▸he knew you would be really upset if he left without saying goodbye so he went back to bed, kissed your cheek and whispered a soft 'goodbye'
▸with the sigh pouring from your lips, he began to have an inner conflict between sleeping with you or catching his flight
▸his teammates called him because he didn't come to the airport, and it woke you up
▸''oh, yoichi, i'm sorry! go, you'll miss your flight! i love you!''
▸''i-i love you too''
▸like the others, he didn't want to leave you while you were unwittingly whining for him.
▸he still had half an hour before his training started, and he could get there in ten minutes, so he went back to bed, next to you
▸when he curled up next to you, you were smiling in your sleep and it melted his heart
▸he cuddled you as best he could, dressed quickly when he had to go
▸you were supposed to get up soon after he left anyway, he laughed when your alarm started ringing and you were still asleep
▸''sweetheart,'' he muttered against your hair, ran his fingers over your bare back
▸you muttered in your sleep, wrinkled your nose. ''you need to wake up and i need to go to practice'' he said. ''five more minutes'' you murmured. "i'll be late then..." he said with a smile
▸as you two got ready together, he pressed a kiss to your lips before leaving
▸"i'll give you a lot of cuddle when i come home"
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amourtoken · 4 months
ykkkkkkk I've been sitting on these thoughts for a while and bounce back and forth between shit so let me just write it out finally.
Here are some Eepy boy HC's of mine
(No edits, we die like men)
*nsfw below the cut, MDNI*
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he's definitely the most primal, but I feel like he sees any kind of sexual activity as something to be taken seriously. It's an act of devotion, he's worshipping your body and plans to treat it as religiously as it sounds.
he uses his size to his advantage, big hands splaying across your torso while he's above you or running down your spine as he manipulates you into whatever position he likes. When he's fucking you from behind he can drape his entire body over your back. Loves picking you up like a toy and fucking into you like you're weightless. His favorite position is some variation of London Bridge (has nothing to do with being British but yk)
Speaking of size: the man is packing. Not like this comes as a surprise, you can see him pretty clearly through his usual stage clothes bur seeing him undressed is a different story. His body paint fades the further down his hips you go and frames his cock so nicely. He's about 8 inches and fuckin thickkkkk. Usually I'd say this is a cliche, but he's huge and lanky, ofc his cock is included. He loves pressing his hand on your lower stomach during sex and feeling how far in your guts he can get, makes his head spin when he can see the bulge just below your navel.
Part of being so primal, breeding kink. Every time he fucks you, he's got purpose. He's holding your hips so tight you thought he'd draw blood, fucking into you and dragging you to meet his thrusts halfway. He's draped over you, whispering disgusting praise in your ear about how good you're taking him, how beautiful you are and how much more so you'd be full with his kids. The thought of you bring claimed so permanently has his cock twitching and leaking
this mf has an oral fixation like no other. Needs to feel you between his teeth or taste you however he can, constantly leaving messy kisses all over your neck and chest or leaving littered bite marks all across your inner thighs. Loves having your nipples in his mouth, and dare I say spit kink? Likes seeing you messy and claimed however he can, how much more messy can you get than having him grip your jaw with his big hand and spitting in your mouth?? Alongside his oral fixation, he could happily live between your legs eating you like a man starved. He stops when he's done, not when you're begging him to cause you're cripplingly overstimulated.
Vocal. As fuck. This man cannot shut the fuck up!!! I think all the boys are vocal to a degree but he just can't help himself. Constantly whispering and humming against your ear about how beautiful you are, how lucky he is, all the depraved things he plans on doing to you in painstaking detail. During the act, he praises you nonstop and pants pathetically. The closer he gets the more it seems he struggles for air, voice catching in his throat and moans pitching higher until he actually cums which is when he makes the most head spinning animalistic sounds. High pitched whines mixed with deep chested growls and broken whimpers when he digs his fingers into your hips hard enough to leave bruises and presses his head back into the sheets ughhhh :((((
Big on aftercare, not that he would've been degrading but he can still be intense and wants to be sure you're cared for. Holds you close and continues whispering praises against your skin, he feels blessed to have you. Presses kisses to your temple and cheekbones while breathing in your scent and sighing heavily. He could stay here forever happily.
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ii my beloved ugHhh
I hate to say it but he's a lil mean lol
He comes offstage so fucking amped sometimes, he would never ever hurt you (without you asking) but I'll be damned if he isn't rough. He takes his extra energy out on you, which you happily take. Your dynamic is definitely on a dom/sub plane and he thrives in that dominant caretaker role.
Very touchy. Always has a hand on your thigh if you're sitting near him, lacing his fingers with yours, brushing your hair back behind your ear, sometimes he'll walk up behind you and hold you by your hips, strong hands kneading the soft flesh before he presses a kiss to your temple and heads off. He'd glue you to his lap if he were allowed, you're his baby he's gotta take care of you and it's much easier the closer you are.
Ass man!!!!
The touchiness extends to the bedroom. This man lovesss fucking you from behind and watching your ass ripple against his hips during every harsh thrust. He grabs handfuls of your hips and yanks you back against him to meet his thrusts, more often than not leaving Bruises where his fingers dug the deepest. His absolute favorite position is when he wraps an arm around your throat and drags you upwards, his chest to your back while he fucks into you, held up in a headlock. His free hand roams your body, tweaking your nipples or dragging orgasm after orgasm from you as he nearly abuses your pussy.
Not quite as long as Ves, but thicker. Solid 6.5 inches, but you can barely wrap your fingers around him. The stretch when he first slides in is enough to bring tears to your eyes and he fills you so so fucking good.
He's the least vocal of the group but that doesn't mean he's silent. He likes leaning in and whispering filth to you in public then acting on those words later. Loves how you flush pathetically as he walks off like he's done nothing at all. He's almost condescending as he fucks you, teasing you about how loud you're being for him and how well you're taking his fat cock. You better be quiet, unless you want the other boys to hear? He constantly teases about how he should call them and have them watch as you unravel on his length, maybe they'd tease you for it too. You're just so sensitive, maybe they should all get a turn? Usually not big on moaning but will growl and groan from deep in his chest, breath catching as he cums and it sounds like all the wind was knocked from his chest.
Essentially collapses on top of you after he cums, might laugh as you whine in protest, cock still inside of you while you're both trying to catch your breath. Presses apologetic kisses to your neck and shoulders before pulling out. On nights where he's been particularly rough, loves catching a shower with you and massaging your spent joints. He's enamored by you, he feels so lucky to have you around and needs you to know.
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He's the most energetic, not necessarily the roughest but this man has some mf stamina that's for sure.
He's the most experimental. Always wanting to try new things out no matter what, be it toys, or new and somewhat odd positions. He always asks you beforehand of course, sometimes very nonchalantly as you flush pink and reprimand him for being so direct in front of other people. There have been many times where he'll plant himself on the couch next to you, tossing an arm on your shoulder before pointing his phone screen to you to show you an incredibly esoteric amateur porn or some new techy sex toy.
he's happy being in the dominant role most of the time but the moment you show signs of wanting to top him, the blood rushes from his brain directly to his cock so fast he nearly blacks out. Put this man on a leash and tell him he's a good boy while he fucks into you so desperately he could cry and he's the happiest he could be. Other days, he's got you bent into some strange position and growling out about how good you take him and what a good slut you are for his dick. (He apologizes profusely after the fact for calling you a slut but will absolutely do it again)
Breathy, whiny, high pitched moans most often. He's so fucking loud there's no way the others don't hear when he's hammering into you and near sobbing against your ear about how fucking good your pussy feels and how close he is. When you're topping, you're used to gagging him or holding a hand over his mouth while riding his cock just to get him to be a bit quieter. Both of these things only serve to make him louder as his cock twitches pathetically inside you.
Most likely to invite the other boys in for a threesome (or more). Loves getting to please you in more than one way, and can't help himself when he watches one of his band mates taking you. It's almost pathetic how hard he gets when he's watching you put a show on for him with one of them.
Not as thick as Ves or ii, but he's long lol. 7 inches and has a nice curve that always hits the right spots.
Loves when you pull his hair. Whether you're underneath him begging him to fuck you harder and switching between drawing blood on his shoulders and tugging his hair like it's the only thing holding you down to earth or you're lacing your fingers in it to direct him between your legs while he's lazily eating you out. Doesn't matter, makes his cock throb whenever you tug on it. Doesn't mind doing the same for you either, gathering a handful while he's fucking you from behind or pulling it all into a messy ponytail while he gags you on his length.
Cuddly afterwards. Always wants to hold you close and enjoy the afterglow. Presses kisses everywhere he can and reminds you how gorgeous you are and how amazing you are. Due to the fact he goes so many rounds in a row, he's the most likely to fall asleep afterwards, holding you tight to his chest while he dozes off.
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Unexpected, this one.
He seemed reserved when you first got together but that's definitely not the case. He's been growing into himself as time goes and becoming more open to new things.
He's good with his hands onstage and off, his favorite past time his pulling you onto his lap and playing with your pussy until you're literally in tears. He'll hike your skirt up, yanking your panties off as he presses messy kisses to your neck and teases you by running his hands up and down your torso and thighs. He'll use one hand to spread you open and the other to tease your clit till you're shaking. Lovesss doing this in front of a mirror as well, wrapping a hand around your throat to keep your gaze on the reflection of him burying his fingers in your soaked pussy. He loves how easily he can melt you in his hands.
He's an enjoyer of discrete exhibitionism. Absolutely loves the Bluetooth vibrator he got you as a valentines gift one year, he's been reprimanded more than a handful of times for using it at the *worst* moment. Alternatively, loves knowing that just underneath the hem of your skirt or collar of your shirt you're absolutely covered in deep purple hickeys and love bites. Claimed as his and just out of reach for everyone else. He's taken you countless times in endless green rooms, dressing rooms, venue bathrooms, the list goes on. If he wants you, he knows you'll give in wherever or whenever he wants.
bringing mirrors back in, loves watching you from behind in the floor length mirror next to your bed as you're settled between his legs. Your lingerie frames your ass perfectly while you're sucking his cock, his fingers laced in your hair to guide you as he gently fucks up into your pretty mouth. Also absolutely adores fucking you from behind in front of said mirror, tugging your hair so you can watch as he fills you up so fucking good.
Groans and breathes heavily, very languid with his sounds but that doesn't mean he isn't enjoying it. iv prefers things to be deep and hard rather than fast and rough, so he's fine with taking his time. He'll roll his hips against yours just so he knows you feel the tip of his cock right against your cervix or he'll rub the tip of his cock against your lips before slapping it on your tongue. He enjoys the little details and the time it takes to really get to them.
He's the most well rounded of the 4, just as long as ii but comfortably thick and you swear he was made for you the way he feels when he's inside you. He buries his face tight against your neck when he cums, groaning harshly and grinding himself as deep as he can into your pussy.
He's gonna give you his oversized shirt to wear after he's done with you, adoring how you look in his clothes. He'll put on a movie you both enjoy and it won't take long before you both pass out even though you swore you'd finally finish said movie. He'll wake up before you to run you both a bath though and he swears he's the luckiest man alive to have someone like you around.
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highlandwhackamole · 6 months
A Grand(ish) Theory of What the Heck
I love the utterly unhinged, super detailed theories about what's going on in Good Omens, especially in season 2. I hope one or more of them turn out to be true, as some kind of glorious puzzle-box-hidden-code monstrosity. And also I think that there has to be a simpler explanation for things, for the people who are at least Somewhat Normal (tm) about this show. (... I assume such people do exist somewhere...) This is what I have been pondering recently.
The thing that started me thinking about this was this post, containing some promotional materials for season 2 that feature main characters with scenes in their heads. Like this:
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Seeing this created a very similar situation in my own head, but with a nice shiny lightbulb.
All the weirdness: the car, the sideburns, the clock, the behavior of the folks of Soho, the vanishing storefront signs. The absence of God. I think this is all because everything we see is in their heads.
I don't mean it's made up. At least not entirely. Memory is already a plot point. Why not explore it on a deeper level? I've read theories emphasizing the minisodes' stories being retold by Aziraphale and Crowley. I think the whole season is like that.
You know that sort of conventional-wisdom-fact-concept that you can only dream faces of people you've seen before (or variations therein), because your brain can't make new faces up? So it just fills in what it thinks is close enough? I think that idea, applied to remembering or recollecting things, could explain so many things that are wonky in this show.
Wonky Things
Crowley parking in an impossible London location? He definitely remembers it was in London, so his brain just stuck some obvious London landmarks in there.
Awkward clattering happening when Crowley throws the stacks of books he's inexplicably carrying around the bookshop? He wouldn't actually throw Aziraphale's books! But he'd like to think he's cool and nonchalant enough to do that, and if he did it would definitely make Some Kind of Noise.
Jim walking toward the bookshop from somewhere mysterious? Maggie and Nina saw him first, and he came from that direction, so he must've walked all that way. They don't know about the elevator in the Donkey.
Aziraphale remembers tartan hills and the Loch Ness monster because he was having a jolly time driving through Scotland, so obviously the scenery must've been whimsical Scottish things.
Nina put the Honolulu roast sign up, so she remembers its presence, but perhaps the occult/ethereal visitors to her shop do not.
Maggie really did text Aziraphale about the rent, but a note through the mail slot is a much more dignified way for a scholarly angel to imagine he received a message.
On the Fallibility of Recall
This season is loaded with unrealistic inclusions. The colors are turned up to 11. Some of the scenes are more caricature than believable interaction. Remembering things never copies or reproduces them with what one might call high fidelity.
Scenes recalled by separate memories will inherently vary. One person's hefty jigger might be another person's dash. Who knows for sure where the sun was that day? You and I might recall an event having different lighting or a different color palette, sort of like viewing something with different lens filters.
According to Neil, Crowley is an unreliable narrator of the story of his Fall. He labels the variations in clock times as a continuity error in a show where Everything Is Meant, but he doesn't say whose continuity error it is. He insists that the Bentley is the same through the whole season; maybe it was the same, but remembered differently. Maybe this is part of why there's more CGI but it's harder to spot.
So What?
Is this all there is to it? I sure hope not. I like my Good Omens with enough layers to put to shame an onion wrapped in a cake and covered in a parfait.
Is this possibly the fancy footwork that's distracting from the real magic trick? I wouldn't put it past Our Gaiman. There are a lot of things one could hide in the narrative of unreliable memory.
Is this going to stop me from rewatching and repondering and remaking theories for the next couple years? Not even at gunpoint.
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Zuko and Katara Aren't Toxic to Each Other
I keep hearing this take that's biasically just different variations of this:
Zuko and Katara would bring out the worst in each other. They would be fighting constantly, and their similar tendency to anger will escalate these situations. They'd both grow miserable and bitter.
I don't like this argument for a number of reasons, but I'll adress just one: I feel as though these takes miss how Zuko and Katara have been shown to respond to each other's anger in canon.
For most of the story, they're enemies. Prince of the Fire Nation and the Avatar's friend & teacher. They fight because they're on opposite sides of a war. They do have an arc before they reconcile, there are fights from The Crossroads of Destiny to The Southern Raiders. But in my opinion they don't point at toxicity. They show how Zuko actually reacts to Katara's rage. And it simply doesn't escalate even before they become friends. So let's take a look at a few of said arguments:
The Crossroads of Destiny
At this point they are pure enemies. Katara didn't see Zuko's journy in the Earth Kingdom and they don't know anything about each other.
Zuko and Katara are in the crystal catacombs and Katara starts yelling & preaching at Zuko for all he did do them. At first Zuko just takes it all, just listens to her. But he hit his breaking point.
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Zuko (calmly): You don't know what you're talking about.
Katara then rightfully gets angry. And opens up about how the Fire Nation hurt her personally – they took away her mother. Instantly, Zuko isn't angry anymore.
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Zuko: I'm sorry.
He immediatly understands and offers comfort. And even, connect with his enemy.
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Zuko: That's something we have in common.
Katara: I'm sorry I yelled at you before.
Now the argument is over. They were enemies just a second ago, but Zuko was able to put it aside, realize that Katara was well within her rights to get angry, see her pain and connect with her. So much so, that he tells her about his destiny, about how he feels he's free. And Katara offers to heal his scar to help him too. She too understood his pain, calmed down instantly and helpped.
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The Western Air Temple
Zuko has redeemed himself, but not in Katara's eyes. She still suspects him after he betrayed her. She confronts him.
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Zuko doesn't get angry if defensive, he knows why she's yelling and lets it happen. He understands her and knows his place.
Then, she threatens him with death. And what did Zuko do?
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Nothing. It's not his place. He has gained the emotional maturiny needed to do nothing. To take her rage, knowing it's deserved.
The Southern Raiders
At this point Zuko is completely redeemed, he saved the Gaang just this day and proved he's trust worthy on multiple occasions. But that's still not enough for Katara. She makes a mean spirited comment about him not deserving any credit and leaves. Zuko follows her.
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Thus the hostility begins. Zuko asks Katara why can't she trust him? He's proven himself, everyone already trusts him. It's a fair question, and fair frustration. Katara didn't provide substantial reasons to why she still doesn't trusts him yet. She just reminded him she was the first to trust him.
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Zuko: What can I do to make it up to you?
He calmed down and tried to help, even when he had every right to be upset. In her next line, it became clear that she was projecting her grief onto him. Zuko realized this, what did he do? What did he do after finding out that Katara's rage at him isn't even about anything he personally did? What did he do after finding out that her rage is unfair and rooted in projection?
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Says nothing & goes to her brother to help her solve her trauma. Regardless of it was healthy or not, Zuko was trying to help – not get angry at her.
All of these arguments happen before they even become friends. After they did, they are nothing but wholesome.
This argument that they'd bring out the worst in each other has no basis in canon.
"But it doesn't need to be prominent in canon! They didn't disagree yet, and we don't know what it'd look like".
They did once: Zuko agreed to an Agni Kai with Azula. He invited Katara just so he wouldn't have to do this. Katara finds it unreasonable. But she hears him out and trusts his judgement.
Yes, it does need to be backed up by canon. If it doesn't need to, you can pick any two traits of any two characters and think of how they could be miserable. It doesn't matter that that's not how they are, because it's a hypothetical. It doesn't need to be backed up in canon. Now I'm suggesting that Zukka would be toxic because Sokka's sillyness would clash with Zuko's anger. Sokka would joke around and Zuko would be irrutated & ask him to take it seriously. But it's stupid. I just picked two traits and went wild with it. Same goes for Zutara. They don't act like this, so it's irrelevant.
In conclusion: When Zuko and Katara were "fighting constantly" they were on opposite sides of a war. The first time they talked, it naturally starts as an argument, but turns into a beautiful moment where they both understand each other. When Zuko joins the Gaang, he waits pationetly to Katara's forgiveness, takes all her anger without being at all hostile, does everything he can to prove himself, stays calm even when it's unfair and helps her resolve her trauma. After they reconcile Zuko and Katara don't have a hinch of toxicity. They don't bring out the worst in each other.
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trans-axolotl · 2 months
hi! saw your recent posts and wanted to ask for some advice, if that's okay. I'm a wheelchair user and I really want to get more involved in protests, but I feel pretty out of my depth. A lot of protests seem inaccessible and I just have a lot of questions about how things would work as a wheelchair user. I guess, do you have any tips about protesting as a wheelchair user and how you deal with inaccessibility?
Thank you!!
Hey anon! completely okay to ask for advice about this--I feel very passionate about this topic and am happy to share some tips! disclaimer that not all of the tips I share here are going to be applicable to everyone's situation--even among wheelchair users, we have so many unique situations, types of wheelchairs, health variations, other medical devices, etc etc. and many of us are multiply marginalized, which can also shape our experiences pretty significantly. so i'll share some general tips, and feel free to take what works for you and ignore the rest! most of this is based on my experience in the type of protests I go to in my city, so I also understand that this advice might not be applicable to every type of protest in every location. i've been involved in many types of protests for the past 9 years, from marches to die-ins to encampments, and have dealt with many situations including tear gas, riot cops, police brutality, fascist agitators, getting arrested, and many different types of high risk tactics. i don't want to position myself as an expert or anything, because i'm always learning and growing, but I do just want to share that for context!
I think the first thing I want to say is just to affirm that it is absolutely possible for wheelchair users to get involved in all kinds of protests, including higher risk and escalated protests. I'll focus on actual on the ground protests in this post because that's what you asked about, but know there are many many ways to get involved with organizing if protesting in the streets is not accessible for you. There are many of us involved in these type of actions already and figuring out ways to make it work for us, so you are not alone in that. I won't lie that it can be complicated, there's a lot of inaccessibility, and some shit might not be possible, but a lot of stuff can be made possible if we get creative.
Before the Protest
For me, one of the most helpful things is trying to find out as much information as possible before the protest, so that I can have a really good plan going in. Sometimes this might be more difficult, because there might be legitimate security culture reasons that a march route can't be announced publicly, for example, or specific tactics aren't posted about on social media in order to keep people safe from police surveillance. But when it is possible, this is the type of information I like to figure out:
What is the location? is it a stationary protest like a sit in or an encampment? is it a march? what is the route? how long is the route? are there obstacles in the route? are there curb cuts? is there hills? construction? other barriers? are there easily accessible exit routes? is there pavement, grass, gravel, etc? are there accessible transit stops nearby? are there accessible bathrooms nearby? if it's indoors, are there elevators and ramps?
A lot of times, to find out this information, I look through google maps street view, ask friends, or go in person if i can beforehand. for me, as a manual wheelchair user, I can deal with a lot of of nonideal circumstances such as hills, curbs, rough terrain, especially when I have a protest buddy who can help push me when needed, but it helps to know if i'm going to have to deal with those situations. Often times, protests are held in pretty inaccessible locations. Sometimes, this is because organizers are not considering accessibility which pisses me off, but sometimes, there are legitimate strategic reasons that we might need to protest at an inaccessible location because of the specific circumstances of the protest. (maybe we're even protesting at it because it's inaccessible!) You'll know best about what geographic features are inaccessible deal breakers for you and having that kind of information can help you make a decision about whether it's possible to attend.
What is the risk level? What tactics are being used? Are people intentionally risking arrest? What patterns of repression and brutality are most commonly used by cops in your city? How high is the risk of chemical weapons?
This can be really hard to predict--there's no way to ever say for certain how cops are going to respond and we can't see the future. But paying attention to how cops in your city have been responding to protests and learning the patterns of what types of protests are more high risk can help us make more informed guesses. We can reasonably estimate that a silent vigil in the daytime is likely going to be lower risk than a occupation of a building, for example. And for some of these things--there's no real way to make getting tear gassed an "accessible" experience for anyone, but for some of us, the consequences might be more severe than others. I have a comrade who uses a ventilator who cannot come to protests where we think there's a risk of chemical weapons, so that can be really important information to try to figure out beforehand.
What do I need to practice? Do I need to teach my comrades how to de-arrest a wheelchair user? Do we need to practice lifting me and my wheelchair over a barricade? Do I need to teach my comrades the safest places to hold onto my wheelchair if we're locking arms and moving as a line? Do I need to practice wheelies to get over curbs? How will I plan to protect the electrical parts of my wheelchair from chemical weapons? etc.
For higher risk protests there might be a lot of different tactics that we can use to navigate things like barricades, arrests, facing down a riot line of cops, etc. It is so, so helpful to be able to practice these skills with your protest buddies before a protest, so that when these situations start happening in a chaotic, fast moving environment, you and your comrades are prepared to navigate the inaccessibility that can come with a lot of these situations. You'll know what is possible for you and be the expert on what feels important to prepare for before an action.
2. At the Protest
Navigating a Crowd. To be honest this can be one of the most frustrating things for me to deal with while at protests. A lot of people are not aware of their surroundings, areas will get very crowded with little space to navigate, and people will block my view. The main ways I try to deal with this are by trying to be in the front of a march or on the sides of a march when possible, to try to have the most space to navigate. As we move, I continually scan our location to find the closest accessible exit route, paying attention to where cops are, curb cuts, etc. My protest buddies know that if we're in a middle of a crowd, they need to provide me with updates about cop movements or any other information that I can't see. I get loud and tell people to get out of my way when I need to. I try to stay near other mobility aid users, bike marshals, or people with wagons because they often leave more room for me to navigate.
Roles. There are lots of different roles we can take on at a protest that might make it easier for us to navigate. I sometimes like to join the bike marshals and help block off roads and intersections. Maybe you have medic training and you act as a street medic. Maybe it's more accessible to act as a scout and communicate police movement to your comrades. Other roles could include leading chants, handing out supplies like water and masks, acting as a legal observer, filming the cops, organizing art builds beforehand, etc.
Community. It's been super, super important for me to always go to a protest with a protest buddy so that we can watch out for each other and keep each other safe. Oftentimes, situations can change rapidly at higher risk protests, and we might end up in an inaccessible situation that we didn't plan for. If I don't have a protest buddy, I usually just turn to the nearest person next to me and start saying loudly "I need you to help me exit this situation/grab my handles and get me up this curb/tell me what the cops are doing etc." It can feel really scary and vulnerable to have to rely on complete strangers in these type of situations, but I've found that a lot of people are really willing to help if I tell them exactly what I need from them.
Surveillance. A lot of us really can't bloc up or hide our identities, because our wheelchairs are easily identifiable. This might shape what tactics we use, and also means there might be added surveillance concerns after a protest. When thinking about your own risk tolerance, grappling with the fact we are visible in a crowd is a really important consideration. This might mean we need to be even more careful about security culture, use encrypted messaging to communicate, avoid cameras, stay in a middle of a crowd to block visibility, and other things like that.
Unique advantages. There can be advantages and skills that we bring as wheelchair users! In flat locations and downhills, I'm much, much faster than my comrades who are walking--I can easily pass messages or get in front of a line of bike cops. I can usually carry a lot more supplies on my wheelchair backpack without getting tired. In my city, there's only one cop van that has a wheelchair lift, and at a recent protest where there were multiple of us in wheelchairs, I heard a cop say on their radio that "There are too many people in wheelchairs and we don't know how to arrest them all." In situations where it's logistically difficult to arrest us or the cops think the optics are bad, that can allow us to cause a LOT of logistical delays, act as a front line, get in between the cops and other people, and just generally make the cops lives a little more difficult.
3. After the Protest
Arrests. If we're risking arrest, there's a lot of wheelchair specific information we need to know. Theoretically, under the ADA, cops are supposed to arrest us with our mobility aid and let us have access to our mobility aid in jail. In practice, this doesn't always happen. Cops might arrest us with our wheelchair but then take it away from us in the holding cell, make us use the jail's standard transfer wheelchair instead, or just completely take away our mobility aid altogether. Cops might zip tie our hands so that we have no way to independently move. The cops in your city might have a van with a lift, or might try to get you to fold or disassemble your wheelchair and put it in a standard car. If they don't have a van with a lift and your wheelchair doesn't disassemble, they might have a contract with a wheelchair van company. Once we're taken to a holding cell, there's a lot higher chance we might get put in solitary. We often won't have access to wheelchair accessible restrooms. We might get separated from all of our comrades--at my last arrest, all my other comrades were taken to a location that processes mass arrests, while I was taken to a separate, wheelchair accessible location and held in solitary. It's super important that whoever's running jail support knows these things and can advocate for us and also track us in the system, especially if we're taken to a different location. If your area has a chapter of the National Lawyer's Guild, they often have a designated person running a hotline. It can be super important to memorize that number, and also to reach out beforehand and explain your needs as a wheelchair user if you're risking arrest.
Overall, there are a lot of considerations for protesting as a wheelchair user, and you are going to be the expert on what is important for you! My general approach is that I want to have as much information as possible so that I can make an informed decision about if I want to attend a particular action. Then, when I'm at an action, I expect my comrades to respect my autonomy and support me in making sure that I can participate and that all of us can stay safe.
Also, for any abled people reading this post, I want you to read this very carefully and understand just how many barriers there can be at protests for wheelchair users. You have a responsibility to your community to whenever possible, mitigate these barriers, choose accessible locations, communicate with your disabled comrades, and support us in the moment. If your excuse is that "oh there aren't any disabled people at our protests, so we don't need to think about these things," you're wrong, and this attitude ensures that no disabled people can show up to your protests. and if that's the case, you're missing out on so much meaningful experience and knowledge that your disabled comrades could bring to the table. "We keep us safe" means that we actually work to meet everyone's needs, including the needs of your disabled comrades.
anyway, this turned into a very long post, but any other wheelchair users feel free to add on your own advice! love to share as much community knowledge as possible, especially advice from people who have different access needs than my particular situation.
anon, please let me know if you have any other specific questions that i didn't cover, and best of luck!
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thenewgirl76 · 7 months
I'll Make You Believe
While the whole "asking a ghost how they died is the worst taboo ever, so don't do it or you'll be in a world of hurt" headcanon is always fun to implement to either create temporary conflict or simply move the story along, I think it'd work just as well on both ends if it was only a minor offense.
Like if you were to ask a once living ecto being how they died the most negative response you'd get would either be some variation of "None of your business puny mortal" or an explanation using the most vividly graphic, stomach turning details as an act of petty revenge as well as insurance you never ask again.
So what could possibly be a way more serious, far more dangerous no-no when it comes to ghosts instead? Well, how about stating ghosts don't exist/there's no such things as ghosts? The reason why being you're invalidating the trauma they've experienced in their last moments.
Makes no difference whether you were aware of this or not. If they find out or worse, it's said to their face? You better hope they'll settle for beating you black-and-blue. Because the alternative is becoming a ghost yourself by the time they're done with you.
Now in dpxyj fics when Danny interacts with Wally and the whole "ghost are/aren't real" argument between them comes into play it's usually depicted as a trivial disagreement. But what if you were to make it more angsty by inserting this take on lack of ghostly etiquette?
Let's say after getting to know his teammates better Danny starts talking about his origins (in vague detail) and exploits, only to eventually be interrupted by Kid Flash declaring that he can't possibly be a ghost as they don't exist. And Robin, Aqualad, Miss Martian, and Superboy all become quite alarmed watching Danny go from easygoing to looking ready to beat Kid Flash to a pulp, as he's now fighting back his ghostly nature. To avoid giving in to the urge he abruptly leaves with a dismissive attitude, much to KF's confusion.
From there it spirals. KF, not realizing he's poking a hornets nest continuing to voice his skepticism whenever the opportunity comes up and each time Danny barely manages to keep it together. Until one day Danny in an explosive rage snatches up KF and in a tone colder than ice tells him he knows what he is, what he went through to reach that state, and that he has no need to justify any of it to him.
Then he leaves once more before he really loses it. Before going after him Miss Martian informs KF of how Danny opened his mind to her and that for his sake she hopes he never shares those memories of what he went through with him. Feeling bad now, KF tries to apologize once Danny returns. Which results in failure again and again since Danny keeps giving him the cold shoulder.
After having yet another apology disregarded KF, in mounting frustration blurts out that he wishes he understood what has Danny so convinced he's a ghost, unaware a certain wish twisting genie he was warned about had been invisibly lurking in the vicinity the instant Danny was elsewhere. Along with the rest of the regulars, as soon as KF's denials had spread to the Ghost Zone Desiree was on the warpath, intent on showing just how real ghosts truly were. By sheer spite and determination she beat everyone else to him, just in time to hear him say the forbidden word, presenting her with the perfect means of retribution.
With a "So you have wished it so shall it be" KF is magically transported to an underwater submarine, occupied by Black Manta. Unable to run as freely without potentially damaging the sub and causing it to flood, the fight upon his unexpected arrival is drawn out to the point KF starts to feel his hyper metabolism weakening him. It's when he's close to dying of starvation that one of the more incompetent goons sends him crashing into the stash of ectoplasm Manta had smuggled with the intent of using it to pollute the waters of Aquaman's Kingdom. The last thing KF sees before blacking out is Desiree looming over him with a smirk of satisfaction.
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