#cannot tell you how often I think of I Don't Sleep I Just Dream
remcycl333 · 1 year
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in the loass community, "ignoring" the 3D is a very common phrase, but i find that this often leads to confusion and stress. i think that a much better phrase for it is "dismissing the 3D."
your inner man responds to feelings. your inner man doesn't have eyes; it cannot see your 3D. and your thoughts (dominant or not) do not manifest. your inner man doesn't care what your conscious mind is thinking: it cares about your state.
your 3D is a manifestation of your previous state. your 3D doesn't look the way it does right now because of any thoughts you've had, it looks that way because it is reflecting your dwelling state. so how do you change your 3D? by changing your dwelling state.
you don't need to ignore your 3D, you need to dismiss it.
an example i'm going to use is one i've been getting a lot of questions about: you're living in your parents house in the 3D, but you're manifesting moving into your own place. how do you ignore the 3D?
you wake up in your old bed every day, in your old bedroom. you go to your old bathroom and take a shower in your old shower. you go to your old kitchen and do your old dishes and eat your old food. your parents talk to you and tell you you need to clean your old house. you sit down for family dinner at your old dining room table and talk about the things you did in your old house that day. then you sit down with your parents on your old couch and watch a movie on your old tv before going to sleep in your old bed in your old bedroom.
how are you supposed to ignore the 3D when you are constantly witnessing it? how are you supposed to not think about your current 3D when you are constantly dealing with it?
because you don't need to ignore your 3D, you need to dismiss it.
as i mentioned earlier, your subconscious is blind. your thoughts don't manifest. neither of these things are going to effect your manifestation. the only thing that will effect your manifestation is your state.
let's take a little detour to talk about the inner man (i promise it's relevant)
what is the inner man? it's YOU. it's who you identify as, and it's who you are in your imagination. so when you imagine something, you are giving whatever you imagine to your inner man. your inner man is experiencing your 4D.
your outer man is the YOU who is experiencing your 3D. your outer man lives in your outer world, and your inner man lives in your inner world. however, there is no separation between your inner man and your outer man.
as Neville says, "where I shall go in imagination, I shall go in the flesh as well." you must give your inner man your desire first in your inner world, and then your outer world will follow. you cannot skip step one.
this is what i like to do: i give myself my manifestation in my imagination. still using the above example, we'll simply say "there. my inner man lives in my desired apartment right now."
now my inner man is living in my desired apartment. i made a little post about how i like to view my inner man as a little, doll-like version of myself inside of me, but it is not actually separate from you. my favorite way of dismissing the 3D and shifting myself back to my desired state when something in my 3D shakes me is by reminding myself that my inner man already is/has what i want to be/have.
so, still using the same example, if i were to feel myself slip out of my desired state while manifesting my dream apartment--say that i was dwelling in the fact that in my 3D, i have to do chores at my parent(s) house--i'd remind myself that my inner man is already living in my dream apartment/house and that nothing i see or do in my 3D can change that.
there is a difference between dealing with your 3D and identifying with your 3D. in the example i just gave, i could've allowed my actions in the 3D--doing chores--tell me that my desire was never going to manifest because my 3D was showing me the opposite. i could've let myself dwell in the state of lack. instead, we recognized the 3D for what it is: a reflection of our previous dwelling state.
there's this comment i read on the Neville Godard subreddit that I really loved. it said: "the best advice i can give you is stop worrying about what your subconscious is going to think of what you're doing."
your assumptions manifest. what you do in your 3D is completely irrelevant unless you identify with it. your subconscious is not gonna see you doing chores at your parent's house and think that that means you don't live in your desired apartment/house. your subconscious mind doesn't have it's own opinions or ideas on what things in your 3D mean.
for example, say you wash your face and do your skincare every night, yet you are still dwelling in the state of having bad skin. which is going to manifest? your state, every single time. it's why that skincare product that everyone under the sun said helped clear their skin didn't work for you: you assumed it wouldn't.
if you negatively react to your 3D, that is an indicator you fell out of the state of the wish fulfilled. shift back to it, and then continue taking care of business. you're going to notice your 3D no matter what you do. your only job is to dismiss it, because you know it's not your true reality.
keep reminding yourself that your inner man already has your desire, and you're just chilling in your current 3D--no matter how opposite of the 4D it appears--until it catches up. your 3D is not permanent. you don't have to accept it as true.
the goal isn’t to ignore your 3D, it’s to let it pass without worrying about it.
an analogy that i read that i really liked was this: say you're in a disagreement with someone. they keep telling you that a song is sung by a specific artist, but you know for a FACT that it's actually sung by someone else. no matter what, they won't believe that you're right, and they're actually trying to convince YOU that THEY'RE right. but this is literally your favorite song, you know for a FACT who it's sung by, and it's not the person that they're saying. do you let them convince you that you're wrong, or do you stand firm in your belief?
that's how you should act in regards to your 3D. you know that you have your desire in your 4D. i mean, it's YOUR imagination and YOU'RE in control of it! you can have whatever you want in your own imagination! so are you gonna let your 3D tell you that you don't have your desire in your imagination? or are you gonna stand firm in the belief that you have your desire in your 4D?
that's all you need to do. you don't need to believe that you have your desire in your 3D, you just need to believe that you have your desire in your imagination. and you can control your imagination, so this should be super easy. give your desire to you inner man, and as long as you stay faithful to the fact that your inner man has your desire, your 3D will reflect this.
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tojivu · 5 months
nightmares ⋆ nanami kento
an. my finals start in june i'm gonna explode yall
cw. sfw. gn!reader. kento has nightmares and he needs you
playing. oh my god by fog lake.
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nanami's been getting more sleep ever since he left jujutsu tech and that shitty nine to five he used to slave at every damn day — along with the fact that he's able to spend more time with you. he likes to say that it helps him sleep, having you within arms reach (something that was extremely rare in the past, considering he had no time to rest).
kento thinks you resemble closely to a human sized pillow, and he often treats you as such. his arms are wrapped around your frame, one of his legs laying on top of yours — his chest rises and falls slowly, small snores leaving his lips — and you're thankful, very thankful; nanami was never able to sleep this soundly when you two lived in tokyo.
you try your best to push his heavy weighted figure away: you groan and complain that he's too big to be sharing this bed with you and that he should be sleeping on the floor instead. yet, you welcome him with open arms every night — pressing kisses to his forehead and running your fingers through his blonde hair.
you'd rather clingy and sleepy nanami who uses you as a personal bolster pillow in the night than sleepless nanami who locks himself away in his office, or exhausted nanami who drags his feet through the entrance of your home with bloodied limbs. it broke your heart more times than you could really count, seeing kento that way.
nanami kento saw his life flash before his eyes in shibuya, and all he could really pray for was to make it out alive so he could see you one last time — even if it were just for a few minutes. he clung desperately onto the last bit of energy and will he had in hopes of making it out alive; even if he was mutilated to a point beyond recognition, he needed to be with you. that was the only way he could let himself go — he would crawl back to your home if it meant he could kiss you one last time.
he never told you how long he'd be gone, or if he'd even come back at all: so you waited anxiously, refreshing news pages and watching the television every night for some sort of good. any sort of indication kento was okay.
he doesn't return home. you only see him when you rush down to the hospital they take him to — barely conscious, holding on to hope he didn't know he still had. nanami regains his full consciousness in the weeks following, the first thing he says being that he's done.
yes, nanami didn't want to risk it. never again.
it's 2 in the morning and you're unable to sleep, nanami's groans and sudden flinches are keeping you up.
the expression on his face is horrific — you feel the guilt wash over you like a wave, high and then crashing; so your fingers find his arms and you try your very best to shake the man awake.
your husband wakes up with a whimper; tired eyes almost brimming with tears at the fact that he is awake and you are real. his mouth is sealed, unable to utter a word, but the way his lips tremble tells you everything he cannot say.
"are you—"
soon, calloused fingers are gripping the flesh of your waist and pulling you impossibly closer. a nightmare, you can already tell: his hands feel clammy and his breathing is laboured.
"ken," you whisper. "'s okay. i'm here."
he sucks air through his teeth, trying to catch his breath. his body shudders at your touch as you graze over his skin — tracing circles on his bare back, your lips on his forehead. kento feels like he's about to cry, but he's not sure from what: at the fact that he had the worst dream of his life, or the fact that he's not dead and you're still here.
"'m s-sorry," he mutters. his voice is strained, still that deep and low tone that you're familiar with — but your heart still breaks as he apologises. "i'm sorry for waking you."
"don't be sorry," you comb your fingers through his hair using your free hand. "you know i don't mind it."
he sniffles and you yearn to hold him even tighter, but you think he would suffer broken ribs if you went through with that; so you settle for his head on your chest and your arms wrapped around his back.
"love you," nanami mumbles, voice getting softer and his grip looser — he feels his heart calm and his mind empty when you touch and hold him just like this. "i love you so much."
nanami wanted to be your protector. he hoped he would be for the remainder of his life — he likes to think he's doing a decent job at it now — but sometimes, it feels as though you are his; you fit awfully well to the title.
he supposes that's why he sleeps longer with you in the same bed as him; it's a peaceful thing knowing you're next to him if he has another bad dream, or if he feels cold and needs your warmth — or if he just wants to lay with you.
"i love you more, ken," you lulled, the tips of your fingernails scratching the skin of his trapezius; he recognises the heart shapes you trace on him. "get some rest."
"okay," he hums, his nose poking at your collarbones — his lips slowly leaving trails of kisses along them. "goodnight, darling."
your lips curl into a smile almost instinctively and you think it's embarassing, but it's much too dark for kento to see you blush at the name he calls you. you're thankful.
"goodnight, baby."
he's thankful that it's close to pitch dark, as well — kento thinks you can't see the smile he has on his face — but what he doesn't realise that you can feel him on your skin; feel the way his cheeks puff and his lips form the small smile you are so familiar with.
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090124 — happy new years Tartaglieo fandom my gcse's are upcoming.
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withoutyouimsaskia · 4 months
Sometimes It's Fated (Sandman Short Story Part 2)
Part 1 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7
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​GIF: Originally posted by @harleytudinous
Pairing: Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x AFAB reader
Summary: Reader Self-Insert. After restoring the Dreaming and locating the missing dreams and nightmares, Morpheus turns his attention to finding you, the human he believes fate has chosen for him. (Title inspired by Placebo's "This Picture".)
Warnings: Minors DNI. Dark!Morpheus. Soulmates. Angst. Obsessive and possessive behaviour. Tension. Threat. Dream manipulation. Masturbation. Voyeurism. Plot related cigarette use. Dubious consent.
Word Count: 2.5k
A/N: So I know I initially billed this as a two shot but the story has run away with me in the most lovely way. Part 3 will be coming soon. Thank you for all your kind responses to part 1, it honestly means so much to me. Hope you enjoy this one too. All my love, Saskia xx
Sandman Masterlist
The veil of sleep comes down upon your weary body with a feather-light touch, trying to coax your mind back into the world of dreams.
Dreamscapes have been a whole new experience for you in the past month of your life. Before, you would wake with no recollection of what had played out. Not even the slightest inkling. Now, you remember everything.
They are staggering; bursting with details and ideas beyond your most outlandish daytime imaginings. The emotions that are conjured by them, both when asleep and also awake are just as bold.
And even though it's been 23 nights since it started you are still finding them predominantly jarring and disorientating. You are baffled by how other people cope with the sheer vividness. The unpredictability. Maybe they have become desensitised. You can only hope that the same will happen for you in time.
One thing you tell yourself with each sunrise:
Thank goodness they weren't nightmares.
At least, you don't think they are. There's no resemblance between yours and what you have heard others describe over the years, nor to those outlined in a dream decoding book you had checked out of the library last week. There's no obvious threat or fear. No re-living of traumatic events. Just weird subtext.
The first dream found you standing barefoot on a beach. A mirage distorted the particulars of the scene making it impossible to see further than half a meter in front of you. The temperature of the sand under your soles was verging on painful and as such, it forced you to walk into the unknown before you.
A groaning wind started to brew and lifted the sand into sparkling flurries. You shielded your eyes from the abrasive particles.
The sun was at its apex when you heard the ear splitting bangs. Unmistakably gun shots; you didn't last much longer in the dream and woke with a start.
For the next week, your dreams had been like a series of video clips edited into a supercut.
Raven wings. Black cats. Hellfire. Ruby red glow. Sprawling library shelves. Landscapes hewn by earthquake fissures. Hotel corridors. A handsome, blond haired man wearing sunglasses, holding a blood covered knife.
If you didn't know any better, you would begin to suspect that your new box of tea bags had been laced with a psychedelic. Alas, no. Your hypothesis was unequivocally disproved when you friends had been completely unaffected after stopping by for a Sunday afternoon catch up.
This quick fire of snapshots eventually stopped, transforming into lucid long form dreams. You often think back to the first one where it happened.
Standing in the the empty room, and the appearance of the figure dressed in black. The colour that had flashed in their midnight eyes had the quality of liquid silver. Sometimes you wonder if you see the same image in other dreams, standing in amongst a crowd.
From that point on, regardless of what dream you are in, you cannot shake the intuitive prickle down your spine that tells you someone is watching you.
You reason that it is nothing to be concerned about. Humans dream, and you cannot deny that some of them - swimming in a sea of clouds, re-visiting childhood haunts, trying out superpowers - have been quite fun.
You roll over on to your left side and close your eyes.
You dream.
The room you see is expansive in breadth and depth. Impressive windows bring brilliant light into the space which bounces off the ivory stone of the floors and walls. There are statues positioned at equidistant intervals, implying that the chamber is a gallery of sorts.
One effigy, fashioned from bronze, and rich in colour draws your attention. The lines and curves of its form intrigue you, despite not knowing the creature it was portraying.
You are about to move on when the feeling of being watched sparks through your skeleton.
Everything changes.
Clarity gives way to haze. Sun is swapped for moon.
You see a man across the room. He stands with a perfect posture. Graceful, powerful. His elbows are bent, fingers interlaced, palms facing upwards. Sheer black fabric floats around his frame. It moves languidly, giving glimpses of his bare body beneath.
The man's face is imperceptible. The distance between you too great but somehow you know you are the focus of his attention.
His robes fall to the floor with a gossamer sigh. The pale, unmarked skin of his slight form glows beautifully in the moonlight. You look down in embarrassment as arousal flushes through you, and you see that you are suddenly as naked as he is.
You gasp, and snap your gaze back up.
The sight you see is rather unexpected. The man is intimately touching himself.
You feel compelled to mirror him. You immediately reach between your legs. The man groans as you make contact.
All it takes is a little bit of attention on your clit before you are ready to slide two fingers into your core. The noise you make at the feeling of the stretch is salacious. The man echoes you with a sound that is just as dirty.
It spurs you on and you burrow deeper.
You curl your fingers until your legs are weak and quivering. You long to sink to your knees so you can finish in a more comfortable position yet you can't. An invisible force is preventing you.
It keeps you on display.
Just like the statues to your left.
You wonder if it is for the man's benefit.
You try to focus on him but it is impossible to do so through the trembling glaze over your eyes. All you are able to sense from him now is the sound of the rhythmic pump of his palm around his cock and his panting breaths.
Desperate whines escape your lips. You are teetering on the edge of an orgasm but you can't seem to lose your balance and fall into the abyss. The unsteadiness in your legs is too much of a distraction. You rub at your clit again in the hope that it will bring the satisfaction you need.
It does nothing.
You are so frustrated by your body's disobedience that it is almost painful.
"Please. Please. Please," you mutter under your breath.
A voice suddenly speaks next to you ear. A velvet voice with the timbre of a thunder rumble. It pours like a soothing syrup into your brain and commands you to do exactly as it bids.
"Let go."
You climax intensely, crying out in relief, squirting all over your fingers and onto your hand as you legs finally give way.
The fall jolts you back into consciousness and you wake with a barely contained scream of pleasure in your throat and adrenaline lighting up your nervous system.
Daylight is peeking through a little gap in the curtains. You take a deep, grounding breath.
That was obscene.
The context, the actions, the sounds. That sultry voice at the end. From the throbbing in your vulva and the twitching of your legs it seems like you didn't just finish in the dream.
There is really no point in looking it up in the dream decoding book.
You were clearly horny on a subconscious level. Or craving attention, hence the exhibitionist behaviour. The latter is not usually in your nature to seek out but if it is the reason, you might not have to wait long before the desire is fulfilled. There is a work event happening this evening that may require you to accept an award and address the crowd.
You love this time of year where community projects get recognition; a nomination alone is a sure-fire way of garnering publicity which in turn helps the charity's outreach.
But first, a normal day at the office. You throw back the covers and go straight to the bathroom to rinse off the evidence of your wet dream.
Your right hand connects with the metal push plate of the function space's front door. The heels of your boots click and clack as you cross the threshold, moving from floor board to paving slab.
It's fortuitous that you brought a long, thick coat with you this evening for the wind is wintery and unforgiving. You stay close to the wall of the building to try and shelter from it as much as possible.
The pavements are slick with recent precipitation, streetlamps bouncing off of the water with caustic white light.
Then you see him; a figure cut from shadow.
He's breathing in such a laboured way that you wonder if he is sick.
Your phone is still inside the venue, currently being guarded by a colleague along with your bag but it wouldn't take long to retrieve it and call for medical assistance.
"You okay?" Concern colours the simple question.
His reply comes quickly and assertively, "I am well, thank you."
You nod, not entirely convinced for the stranger's response was as stiff as his posture, and reach inside the pocket of your coat for the box of cigarettes and lighter stashed within.
You settle one of the sticks between your lips and use your thumb to bring forth a flame. The crackle of smouldering paper and tobacco perforates the damp air and you take a needy drag. The nicotine taints and tantalises in equal measure, filling you with guilt and relief. You've been trying to give up but the little voice inside your head had won this evening. You close your eyes and focus on the pleasure it brings before flicking some ash into the tray mounted to the wall.
Your attention now back on your surroundings, the stranger steps into the scope of the streetlight. The angles of his cheekbones, jaw and nose are accentuated to an incredible extent in the gleam. His dark hair is being buffeted about the wind, locks of it very close to falling in the blue eyes that are unwaveringly trained on you. He begins to talk again, showcasing his deep baritone.
"I'm afraid I wasn't entirely honest with you just now. It is not how I envisaged our first interaction transpiring. I hope that you can forgive me for my deception."
You laugh nervously and take another quick drag. "It makes no difference if you're honest with me or not. I don't know you."
"You are correct. You don't know me. Not yet -"
"Oh," you cut in quickly. "I'm not looking for a hook up."
While you cannot deny that he is arrestingly beautiful, you are technically working and have never been one for one-night stands.
"You mistake my meaning. I have been searching for you for so long. I oftentimes doubted your existence however I was wrong and I find myself humbled to be in your presence at last."
The grandiose declaration is one of the stranger things you have heard in your life and you used to deal with drunken patrons when you worked at a university bar. Maybe he was intoxicated; it would explain a lot.
"Look, this might work on other people but I just came out here to have a cigarette -"
It is his turn to interrupt you now. "You will have no need of those going forward. Your addiction to them will be replaced by me."
"Excuse me?"
You are trying to sound incredulous, however, inside you are rather frightened by the turn the conversation has taken. His gaze is not helping either.
The crystalline eyes are embodying every part of the descriptor; a hard, chill inducing blue. Ash drops from the smouldering cigarette as a tremble of fear rattles through you. The man sees this and the ice suddenly melts to a warmer hue.
His tone turns soft and gentle. "We are supposed to be together. Our union is fated."
He's staring at you expectantly even after your two attempts at rejection. You swiftly stub out the part-finished cigarette and take ownership in ending the interaction.
"I've had enough of this. I'm going back inside now. If you try and follow me, I will speak to the venue's management. If you are still here when I leave later, I will call the police."
You turn towards the door.
He calls your name. Your full name. Middle name too.
Despite your brain chanting at you to go inside, you can't stop yourself from looking back at him. "H-how do you know my full name?"
The profound rumble of his voice resonates deep in your ears. "I know everything about you, Y/N."
He's right in front of you now. His posture is bordering between desperate and predatory. Like he can't quite decide if he is seeking comfort from you, or if he wants to consume you.
You are fumbling behind you to find the door handle. "Please get away from me," you say hoarsely.
He reaches for your hand.
You jump back and struggle to get out of his grip but his strength is inhumanly strong. His skin of his palm is glacial against yours and yet somehow, the touch makes heat snake up your arm and settle in your chest.
You become aware of an internal feeling that you've always had, like that of chapped lips. Low level but something that constantly nags. Something that existed every minute of your life until the moment he touched you.
You grip his hand and look up at his face in astonishment.
"Good. That's it. Look into my eyes. See what you know is there."
You do as he says, totally stunned by the depths that seem to reside within them. It's as if there are universes suspended inside. Maybe there are. Perhaps you could float among the celestial bodies if you asked him to show you how.
You feel so alive and overstimulated that you welcome the delirious thoughts taking over your mind.
You welcome him.
It's like there is a cord connected between your heart and his that is shortening in length. The intensity scares you.
"Give into the pull," he urges darkly, sensing your anxiety.
You obey, feet moving of their own accord and then you are standing before him, just centimetres apart.
He smiles triumphantly and presses you flush against his body.
His free hand comes up to cup your jaw, fingers brushing the sensitive skin of your neck. More heat sears through you from the additional skin-on-skin contact.
Your peripheral vision closes tighter and tighter with every passing moment. The outside world is gone.
He leans in further and you wonder hazily if he is going to kiss you or break your neck. Both options are equally viable given the behaviour he has exhibited. You keep staring at him regardless.
His irises flash silver as he intones his next sentence. "Y/N, I claim you as my soulmate."
Taglist: @herfantasyworldd @kpopgirlbtssvt
"Am I your dream girl? You think of me in bed. But you could never hold me. You like me better in your head."
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mcflymemes · 1 year
PROMPTS FOR THE MOST ROMANTIC THINGS TO SAY *  updated version, adjust as necessary
you should be kissed and often, and by someone who knows how.
you are my dearest one. my reason for life.
until my last day, i'll be loving you.
kiss me. kiss me as if it were the last time.
love is a smoke raised with the fume of sighs.
i was swallowed up in an abyss of love in an instant.
you are my heart, my life, my one and only thought.
you are sunlight through a window, which i stand in, warmed.
you are beautiful without knowing it.
anyone who has seen your smile has known perfection.
every atom of your flesh is as dear to me as my own.
i became fascinated by your goodness. i was drawn in by it.
all i want is to deserve you. tell me what to do. i’ll do anything you say.
i will return. i will find you. love you. marry you. and live without shame.
it has made me better loving you.
i see you only with my heart.
i would love to say that you make me weak in the knees, but to be quite upfront and completely truthful, you make my body forget it has knees at all.
i've fallen in love. i didn't think such violent things could happen to ordinary people.
we loved with a love that was more than love.
i find myself choosing you, more and more every day.
i can’t sleep, i can’t eat, i can’t do anything but think about you.
we are asleep until we fall in love.
you want the moon? just say the word, and i'll throw a lasso around it and pull it down.
i cannot let you burn me up, nor can i resist you.
i believe in you completely.
a hundred hearts would be too few to carry all my love for you.
love is never a waste of time.
when i am gone, my love, do not look for me in the places we used to go together. look for me in the places we always planned to go together.
i’ve hungered for your touch.
you must allow me to tell you how ardently i admire and love you.
when you fall in love, it is a temporary madness.
i’ve tried so many times to think of a new way to say it, and it’s still i love you.
my soul and your soul are forever tangled.
in all the world, there is no heart for me like yours. in all the world, there is no love for you like mine.
the first time ever i saw your face, i thought the sun rose in your eyes.
i wish i had done everything on earth with you.
if you remember me, then i don’t care if everyone else forgets.
you are, and always have been, my dream.
i love that you are the last person i want to talk to before i go to sleep at night.
come near now, and kiss me.
when will i hold you again?
it’s always better when we’re together.
you were the only thing in my life that was real.
in your smile i see something more beautiful than the stars.
when i saw you i fell in love, and you smiled because you knew.
you complete me.
i wanted it to be you. i wanted it to be you so badly.
i think i’d miss you even if we never met.
love is a friendship set to music.
i never want to stop making memories with you.
every time i see you, i fall in love all over again.
do i love you? my god, if your love were a grain of sand, mine would be a universe of beaches.
we kiss like we invented it.
i can’t smile without you.
now you're my whole life. now you're my whole world.
you're every minute of my every day.
maybe it's our imperfections that make us so perfect for one another.
i can't see anything i don't like about you.
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I've been dreaming of the Guardian of the Underworld.
To be human is to experience the highs and lows of life. It is to have joy and to suffer.
An unfortunate truth, he must face--but he holds all the hope in his heart, willing for that brighter future.
How does a moment last forever? How can a story never die?
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Ortho often wonders what dreaming is like.
He visualizes it in a multitude of ways: electric sheep bouncing over a fence until one's eyelids have shut, a movie playing behind his lids, audiovisual data processing in his systems. None of the analogies, he suspects, are anything close to first-hand experience.
Androids cannot sleep, and therefore they cannot dream. That is how the logical flow works, and Ortho has long since accepted it.
It must be fun to dream.
But this is not a dream, and this is not a reality. It is the space contained within, and he walks a razor’s edge between lies and truth here.
He puts a hand upon the screen that divides him and his older brother. The barrier separating fact from fiction.
“Nii-san…! It's me,” he calls out in desperation. “I’m your little brother, Ortho!!”
"Or... tho?" Idia strains to say the name aloud. He looks so lost, so dazed. His head screams with pain. "But Ortho is right here. How can you be in two places at once?"
He holds up his phone, set to speaker. The caller ID--it reads "Ortho". The dream Ortho, the imposter Ortho, the Ortho that is alive. The Ortho that Idia had always wished for, the life without regrets and guilt.
His core burns. Ortho isn't certain if it is from frustration or anger or hurt. He knew this was coming, had been warned of it. Still, nothing could match the real thing, the face of his brother telling him that he is the lie.
“Don’t listen to him, Nii-chan. I’m the real Ortho. The other one?” There’s a faint chuckle from the other end of the line—Ortho detects a hint of condescension in it. “That’s a figment of your imagination."
"Ah... I see," Idia mumbles. He seems to sway, his eyes lidding, as if drifting off to another dream. The pain vanishes, washed away by Ortho's reassurance. "That makes so much sense."
A figment? Just that?
A weight comes upon Ortho's chest. If he were a living being, he would, perhaps, find it difficult to take a breath.
"Don't move. I'm coming there to help you," the other Ortho says sweetly. His tongue, forked as a cobra's goes unnoticed by Idia, who simply nods.
"Nii-san! Don't do it! You have to get away... w-wah!!"
Ortho flinches, his screen suddenly filled with black goo oozing up from the floor. From it, a boy in a pure white uniform and a royal blue sash emerges like a vampire from its coffin. In the place of the pale flesh characteristic of the Shroud family is skin that is only half solid, dripping in fat dark globs as his arms wrap around Idia.
"I'm here now. It'll be okay."
Idia's eyes go blank, his limbs, limp. A compliant doll, under the dream's influence.
Ortho's stomach lurches, and he launches himself at the screen. The urgency in his voice rises, hitting a fever pitch.
"You don't have to think about anything," the other Ortho whispers, a snake at Idia's ear. "You must be tired from playing too many games. That's why your mind is compensating by simulating dreams in reality. Let's get you back to bed.”
"Okay... Whatever you say, Ortho..."
“Nii-san, don’t go there…!”
The darkness creeps like vines up his legs, slowly swallowing Idia up. He sinks into the floor, an inky pit of quicksand. Bit by bit, piece by piece, Ortho is losing his brother.
His connection grows fuzzy. Static consumes the screen.
It's no good. My voice... It can't reach him!
His vision burns, but does not become slick with tears. His processors must be overheating, going haywire. He cannot cry, cannot let his overwhelming emotions spill over like a human can.
The ground beneath Ortho shifts. It, too, turns black, as if rotting away. Gooey tendrils reach for him, threatening to drag him under too.
Ortho struggles against his restraints, cries out in defiance.
A voice comes from the monitor, greatly warped and distorted. Then a second, a third, a whole slew of them, spewing vile things.
You are not needed. You are not wanted.
You are worthless. You are nothing--less than nothing.
He is happier without you. He would be happier if you never existed. You could never hope to be his real family.
A massive pair of poisonous verdant eyes opens in the void. They're reptilian, pupils slit against a backdrop of emerald.
"Begone," Malleus hisses, the command coiling around Ortho like a snake. His oppressive presence pushes on the boy, forcing him to kneel. "You do not belong in this world, young Shroud."
"N-No, you're wrong!" he protests. "I... I'm...!!"
A substitute, a spare, the shadows cackle. A hunk of junk. Scrap metal.
His core goes quiet and cold as a terrifying dread sets in. It smothers his circuits, silences his systems, locks his limbs.
The darkness wriggles with delight.
Electricity crackles.
A transmission comes to life. It comes from Ortho himself, from a speaker embedded inside of him.
"Sorry, Or-kun! Mama's going to override...!"
Suddenly, a great heat generates in his chest. Light gathers, piercing the black surrounding him, then fires. The laser is explosive, easily slicing the goop, which erupts into sludgy bubbles.
Ortho comes free, the rockets at the soles of his feet kicking on to propel him into the sky. In a blaze of brilliantly blue fire, he's airborne.
"Mom...!" he gasps.
In response, she simply giggles. "Hehe, I'm not going to just sit on the sidelines and watch my precious baby boy be deceived! There's no wrath like mama's love~"
"Dear..." his father sighs. There's a pause, then he clears his throat. "As your mother was saying, this is but a clever deception. A false reality. You have always been our true son and always will be."
True son.
His dwindling energy reserves shoot through the roof. He's been hit with a thousand suns, reinvigorated.
"Thank you, mom. Thank you, dad. I'm okay! You don't need to worry about me, I understand now."
This was never a dream to begin with. It's not even close. This is... a nightmare that twists the truth, even to intruders!
He places a hand on his chest, feeling the blue flame that perpetually burns there. His brother had lovingly placed it, powered it, protected it. The fire pulsates, proof of his existence.
Proof of his life.
Do you remember, nii-san? You promised we'd go out and play heroes. Now... it's my turn to play hero for you.
I will surpass my limits... break through this illusion... and save you!
Hang in there, Idia. Your little brother, Ortho, is coming to bring you back to your senses! Just leave it to me.
"Shoot for glory among the stars and soar like a comet! Ready or not, here I come...!"
Summoning all of his strength, Ortho furiously plunges into the darkness. It pushes against the interloper--but he burns red hot, flies too fast. He's a shooting star in the shape of a child, filled to the brim with determination.
In the black, black, black, a speck of white appears. It grows steadily, forming a mirror to another world. Its face, staring down at Night Raven College's courtyard.
A familiar trail of blue flames hurries past an apple tree, meeting with a horned man in matching robes.
There you are.
Ortho braces himself--
--and shatters the second sky.
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munchmemes · 6 months
florence + the machine lyrics, high as hope edition
❛ i'm so high, i can see an angel. ❜ ❛ i hear your heart beating in your chest. ❜ ❛ the world slows 'till there's nothing left. ❜ ❛ in those heavy days in june when love became an act of defiance. ❜ ❛ hold onto each other. ❜ ❛ you were broken-hearted and the world was, too. ❜ ❛ i was beginning to lose my grip. i always held it loosely but this time i admit, i felt it really start to slip. ❜ ❛ at seventeen, i started to starve myself. ❜ ❛ i thought that love was a kind of emptiness. ❜ ❛ at least, i understood then the hunger i felt & i didn't have to call it loneliness. ❜ ❛ we all have a hunger. ❜ ❛ don't let it get you down, you're the best thing i've seen. ❜ ❛ we never found the answer but we knew one thing. ❜ ❛ in that pink dress, they're gonna crucify me. ❜ ❛ how could anything bad ever happen to you? ❜ ❛ you make a fool of death with your beauty. ❜ ❛ i thought that love was in the drugs. ❜ ❛ the more i took, the more it took away and i could never get enough. ❜ ❛ for a moment, i forgot to worry. ❜ ❛ i thought it doesn't get better than this. ❜ ❛ there can be nothing better than this. ❜ ❛ the world is at your fingertips. ❜ ❛ everything i ever did was just another way to scream your name. over and over and over again. ❜ ❛ i want a space to watch things grow. ❜ ❛ did i dream too big? do i have to let it go? ❜ ❛ what if one day there is no such thing as snow? ❜ ❛ i don't know anything. except that green is so green. ❜ ❛ there's a special kind of sadness that seems to come with spring. ❜ ❛ you need a big god. big enough to hold your love. ❜ ❛ you keep me up at night but to my messages, you do not reply. ❜ ❛ you know i still like you the most. ❜ ❛ you'll always be my favourite ghost. ❜ ❛ sometimes i think it's getting better and then it gets much worse. ❜ ❛ is it just part of the process? jesus christ, it hurts. ❜ ❛ though i know i should know better, i can make this work. ❜ ❛ shower your affection, let it rain on me. ❜ ❛ are you deeply sleeping or are you still awake? ❜ ❛ a good friend told me you've been staying out so late. ❜ ❛ be careful, my darling. be careful what it takes. ❜ ❛ from what i've seen so far, the good ones always seem to break. ❜ ❛ i can feel your anger from way across the sea. ❜ ❛ i was kissing strangers, i was causing such a scene. ❜ ❛ oh, the heart, it hides such unimaginable things. ❜ ❛ i want you so badly but you could be anyone. ❜ ❛ hold me down, i'm so tired now. ❜ ❛ leave me where i lie. ❜ ❛ i feel like i'm about to fall, the room begins to sway. ❜ ❛ i can hear the sirens but i cannot walk away. ❜ ❛ i thought i was flying but maybe i'm dying tonight. ❜
❛ i'm sorry i ruined your birthday. ❜ ❛ i guess i could go back, try and make my parents proud. ❜ ❛ i don't think it would be too long before i'm drunk again. ❜ ❛ this is the only thing i've ever had any faith in. ❜ ❛ [NAME], i don't say it enough. you are so loved. ❜ ❛ all the walls were melting and there were mermaids everywhere. hearts flew from my hands and i could see people's feelings. ❜ ❛ and you, you were the one i treated the worst. only because you loved me the most. ❜ ❛ we haven't spoken in a long time. i think about it sometimes. ❜ ❛ i don't know who i was back then and i hope and hope i would never treat anyone like that again. ❜ ❛ oh [NAME], you've always been my north star. ❜ ❛ i have to tell you something, i'm still afraid of the dark. ❜ ❛ do you understand that with every seed you sow you make this cold world beautiful? ❜ ❛ you told me all doors are open to the believer. ❜ ❛ i believe her. ❜ ❛ how's that working out for you, honey? do you feel loved? ❜ ❛ i drink too much coffee and i think of you often. ❜ ❛ are you afraid? 'cause i'm terrified. ❜ ❛ you remind me that it's such a wonderful thing to love. ❜ ❛ i believe in you and in our hearts we know the truth. ❜ ❛ i believe in love and the darker it gets, the more i do. ❜ ❛ it's just too much, i cannot get you close enough. ❜ ❛ a hundred arms, a hundred years, you can always find me here. ❜ ❛ lord, don't let me break this, let me hold it lightly. ❜ ❛ we have no need to fight. we raise our voices and let our hearts take flight. ❜ ❛ my held breath fills the room with love. ❜ ❛ it hurts in ways i can't describe. ❜ ❛ my heart bends and breaks so many, many times and is born again with each sunrise. ❜ ❛ we're sorry, we thought you didn't care. ❜ ❛ how does it feel now you've scratched that itch? ❜ ❛ hubris is a bitch. ❜ ❛ i feel nervous in a way that can't be named. ❜ ❛ we're a family pulled from a flood. ❜ ❛ it was so far to fall but it didn't hurt at all. ❜ ❛ i've always been in love with you. could you tell it from the moment that i met you? ❜ ❛ they told me that they loved me then ghosted me again. ❜ ❛ the older i get i find that happiness is an extremely uneventful subject. ❜ ❛ i must confess, i did it all for myself. ❜ ❛ the loneliness never left me. i always took it with me. ❜ ❛ the loneliness never left me. i always took it with me but i can put it down in the pleasure of your company. ❜ ❛ no chorus will come in. no ballad will be written. it will be entirely forgotten. ❜ ❛ and if tomorrow it's all over, at least we had it for a moment. ❜ ❛ things seem so unstable but for a moment we were able to be still. ❜ ❛ this will be entirely forgotten. ❜
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persephonememes · 10 months
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
❛ i was just really, really sad. ❜
❛ dead doesn’t mean gone. ❜
❛ i thought i was going to die too. ❜
❛ it only felt like dying because, actually, i was still alive. ❜
❛ to truly love another person is to accept that the work of loving them is worth the pain of losing them. ❜
❛ we can’t count on the past. ❜
❛ we think we have it trapped in our memories, but memories fade. ❜
❛ you’ll find it much quieter out here. ❜
❛ any of us could die at any moment. ❜
❛ she/he was my anchor. ❜
❛ i’m a lot braver than people think. ❜
❛ nothing holds, and all things change, given time. ❜
❛ change does not often announce itself. ❜
❛ all things fade. ❜
❛ time takes all things. ❜
❛ it is the way of the world. ❜
❛ the past recedes, memories fade, and so, true, does the spirit. ❜
❛ everything yields to time, even the soul. ❜
❛ there’s a difference between feeling good and feeling alive. ❜
❛ funerals are for the living. it’s up to the living to decide what they can and cannot bear. ❜
❛ i don’t know why brilliant young women are always punished. ❜
❛ you don’t have to lose yourself to find happiness, you know. ❜
❛ i was having the strangest dream. ❜
❛ what have you got when your back’s against the wall when there’s nothing left for you but faith? ❜
❛ sometimes, right can seem wrong, and wrong can seem right. ❜
❛ do you know what life is really all about? ❜
❛ save them all if you can, but put your own oxygen mask on first. ❜
❛ death is something to mourn, not fear. ❜
❛ i wasn't going to ask you if you're alright because i don't like being lied to. so, what's wrong? ❜
❛ everyone is exhaustive. even the best ones. ❜
❛ we are meant to die. it's natural. ❜
❛ every living thing grows out of every dying thing. ❜
❛ that's where all it's beauty lies, you know, in the mortality of the thing. ❜
❛ one day at a time is what we've got. ❜
❛ one day at a time is what we've got. it's what everybody's got, if you get down to it. ❜
❛ if you can't feel anything, then i'll feel everything for the both of us. ❜
❛ but no one is going anywhere, okay? ❜
❛ you shouldn't be thinking of losing each-other at all. ❜
❛ don't let that loom over your happiness right now. ❜
❛ it is rare what you've got. ❜
❛ what is the catch? ❜
❛ i’m not running, from anything and it hurts me when you say that. ❜
❛ perfectly splendid. ❜
❛ you have to promise me that you’ll stay in your room. ❜
❛ none of us are blameless. ❜
❛ on a scale of zero to american, how would you rate her? ❜
❛ it’s such a draining thing, dealing with children. ❜
❛ i have an inquiring mind. ❜
❛ we both know you don’t make mistakes. ❜
❛ let me guess, you are to be our very own mary poppins? ❜
❛ i hope she haunts that fucker forever. ❜
❛ why should anyone hate a lake? ❜
❛ let me show you just how beautiful you are. ❜
❛ it’s just you and me then. ❜
❛ look at you all flush. you’re pretty when you blush. ❜
❛ being with him might be scary at times but, it’s also exciting and fun. ❜
❛ and for the first time in my life, that little voice in my head saying i’m not good enough has disappeared. ❜
❛ i’ve never felt so alive. ❜
❛ i swear, you’re such a bore, and you don’t know when the leave well enough alone. ❜
❛ sometimes people just need to be alone. ❜
❛ i couldn’t sleep. i feel like i can never sleep again, frankly. ❜
❛ haven’t we done this already? ❜
❛ i have a surprise for you. ❜
❛ i have a surprise for you. ❜
❛ don’t leave your room at night. ❜
❛ the past is always present. ❜
❛ the stories we tell each other have a way of changing. ❜
❛ love is a haunting melody that i have never mastered and i fear i never will. ❜
❛ no good ever comes from dwelling on the worst. ❜
❛ you can’t choose who you love. ❜
❛ ghosts do not have to be scary. they can be comforting. ❜
❛ the heart is a fragile thing, and it can break in many different ways. ❜
❛ people often fear what they cannot understand. ❜
❛ we are all haunted in some way, by the things we have lost or the things we have done. ❜
❛ death is not the end, it’s just a door we all have to go through. ❜
❛ the past cannot be changed, but it can still hurt us. ❜
❛ the things we bury have a way of finding their way back to the surface. ❜
❛ some people are born to be alone, and others are born to be together. ❜
❛ ghosts are memories, and memories are what make us who we are. ❜
❛ the dead don’t really leave us. they live on in the memories we have of them. ❜
❛ the more we try to run from something, the more it chases us. ❜
❛ we all have a shadow self, the part of us that we don’t like to admit exists. ❜
❛ the world is full of secrets, and some are best left buried. ❜
❛ the heart wants what it wants, and sometimes that can be a terrifying thing. ❜
❛ every relationship is a dance, and both people need to be willing to take a step forward. ❜
❛ life can be cruel, but it can also be beautiful. ❜
❛ we are all just playing a part, but some roles are harder to shake off than others. ❜
❛ the past is written, but the future is still unwritten. ❜
❛ the greatest tragedy in life is not death, but the things we leave unsaid. ❜
❛ i do not like this game. ❜
❛ i'm actually pretty in love with you. ❜
❛ no one should ever need that much help. ❜
❛ you let me handle this part. ❜
❛ the wrong kind of love can fuck you up, follow you and make you do some really stupid shit. ❜
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kachuusha · 1 year
the intimacy and complexity of "devote your heart" in 132
the devote your heart in 132 is usually taken purely at face value but I don't think it was meant to be just a literal sacrifice your life in the same manner as give up your dreams and die was? I understand it is easy to draw parallels with that scene but I think the circumstances leading up to hanji's departure weren't exactly like erwin's hence I believe the essence devote your heart and give up your dreams and die aren't exactly alike.
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a detail that is often overlooked in ch132 was that levi wasn't exactly giving hanji an order the same way he did for erwin in ch80.
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give up your dreams and die was as direct as it can get. this happened because erwin expressed his desire on fulfilling his lifelong dream to see the basement but at the same time he didn't want to fail their comrades who sacrificed their life. to relieve erwin of his conflict, levi took it upon himself to make the decision for him. levi made the choice and he gave the order.
but can we say the same thing with hanji in ch 132? when levi called out to hanji as they made their way towards the rumbling, they never let levi say a word but rather asserted their decision. yes I do believe levi wanted to stop them, you can see it in the way he strongly reacted to hanji talking about their comrades watching them (we all know what followed the last time this happened)
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basically,"let me go will you" was hanji begging levi to not get in their way because they've made up their mind. they've declared to convinction to the 104th already and even named armin as the new commander. levi isn't giving the order this time around because hanji had already decided.
and this is the very first instance levi says "devote your heart". to offer up your heart would literally mean sacrifice your life but was it supposed to be taken in its most literal sense? because if so, why couldn't levi have said it to erwin as well when he ordered him to sacrifice his life? why did levi go out of his way to modify the salute form in hanji's case?
there wasn't an outright explanation from the author why levi had not once uttered this phrase but if you think about it, it kind of makes sense why he wouldn't. he isn't exactly the most expressive with words. rather than talking he'd show it in his actions. the apprehension may have also come from the fact that it felt like something the military would indoctrinate in its recruits. it is painting a glorious cause to give up your life to fight for the greater good but does everyone in the military live up to this principle? levi knows exactly how corrupt some of the higher-ups are. there hasn't been a motivator that encouraged levi to say it until ch132 where hanji zoe was the trigger.
you understand.
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going back to the forest in ch115, hanji expresses their thoughts to a presumably sleeping levi. how it feels like it was finally their turn as sannes had put it once and also them expressing their desire to just stay in that forest together with levi. levi later on alludes to hanji's confession and said "I know you, you cannot stay out of the action"
it was like hanji was trying to remind levi of that moment. don't try to stop me now, you know me too well.
devote your heart was the most fitting response levi could give, but not in a sense that he was simply telling hanji to die for the cause. rather than an order, it was more along the lines of levi saying "devote our hearts right? that's how we've been living our lives, to live up to this cause" because for hanji, the words devote your heart was a way of life. their research, inventions, and motivations, it was all for the sake of a better future. all this time, they've been devoting their life for humanity. this is what I meant on the phrase not necessarily having to be taken too literally. rather than levi simply telling hanji to die as others love to put it, I believe it was the moment where it made sense to levi that hanji was the truest embodiment of it. the very same person who welcomed him and his found family into the scouts with a genuine heart.
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just to add, during acwnr there was a scene right after meeting hanji where isabel remarked that she doesn't understand all this talk about dedicating their hearts and levi just mulls over the question. I don't know but maybe levi already felt some sort of connection or that hanji's passion had sparked something within him.
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about levi changing the form, it wasn't a standard salute where levi strikes his fist over his own chest. they essentially did the salute together, I reiterate once more because it wasn't primarily an order for hanji to die. it was levi trying to convey that he gets them and that their hearts resonate and beat over the same thing.
and this is where the love vs. duty aspect of levihan enters the discussion. romance and levihan seems to have become a complicated topic among the fandom over the recent years, but I think there are enough evidence to back up the romantic nature/implications of their bond.
it doesn't take a genius to realize how "let's live together" is synonymous to a marriage proposal in many cultures and various works of literature. plus the fact that hanji said it right after levi almost died in their arms just puts things into perspective. and it's not like we can easily dismiss it as a heat of the moment thing because hanji affirmed they seriously considered it in ch27:
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the way it was worded too? them thinking of throwing it all away and we all know except who.
what's even more interesting about this is the emphasis on jean's surprised expression and how the chapter began with jean's dream sequence of retiring for the corps and having a family of his own.
now onto one of the most popular arguments against levihan: levi rejected hanji
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but did he really? I don't think it went that way. levi knew hanji all too well. he knew that abandoning and forsaking their principles for especially for the sake of personal desires would drive them into guilt for the rest of their life. also the first thing levi says when he fully became conscious was that hanji is already fixing a cart so they could pull him. if I was in levi's position, that's a clear indication to realize that hanji has decided not to stay in the forest anymore.
personally I think if there is anyone who might've felt rejected, it would be levi. he fixated on hanji's proposal but upon gaining full consciousness he finds out hanji had already essentially chosen duty over love. so to me his remarks actually felt more like him coming into terms regarding hanji's choice? I can't say the same for the order of events in the anime but in the manga, it seems like levi had fully drifted into sleep right after ifkk and there was a gap until eren summoned them into the paths. so in theory, hanji had time to process their thoughts further while levi was left fixated on hanji's confession.
now onto the other hint of romance was levi's implied confession in the form of unrquited love for titans. I'm not qualified to expound on this topic as I do not speak japanese so I will just put a link to the explanation. but the gist of it was that there was a nuance on how it was worded in the original japanese text that implies "your love for titans is unrequited but not with me"
my theory is that levi is still somewhat stuck in that moment in the forest and is probably alluding to hanji's confession by responding with his own. but why is it so late you ask? reminder that this was the only scene after the forest where they got a chance to be alone. but hanji's answer to him felt like they were trying to remind levi they've left the forest and that they're soldiers with duties and responsibilities to their comrades.
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and finally, it leads us to the culminating moment. devote you heart. yes I've discussed this previously but I haven't gone in detail about the romantic aspect I'm pertaining to yet.
I theorize that hanji made a choice between love and duty back in the forest. so when levi seemingly attempts to stop hanji, they reminded him again of the path they've set on back in the forest. they cannot run away and levi knows this. he has echoed hanji thoughts that day. (the I know you line)
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levi was powerless in this situation, there's nothing else he could do but accept hanji's terms. as heartbreaking as it is, he does understand. just as how his first meeting with hanji sparks something bright in him, their departure seemingly had taken away the life in his eye. it was now devoid of light.
it's devote your heart because it was the embodiment of hanji's way of life, how hanji had put duty and the sake of humanity first over their own personal wishes (hence I also see it as a choice between love and duty).
something that also catches your attention would be how the modified salute appears to have created an imagery of levi giving his heart to hanji. personally, I think his left fist representing his own heart touches hanji's. I view it levi devoting his heart to hanji figuratively. perhaps to insinuate that their hearts are one in duty and love or him imparting his heart to them. that he does understand what they must sacrifice for their devoting their hearts for the sake of mankind's safety and their comrades who had given their lives.
the moment levi strikes their fist upon hanji's chest to salute, hanji seemed surprised. it felt like it was an oh moment for them and I believe it was because hanji knew what levi was trying to convey.
they had to give up love, as first and foremost, they are two soldiers bound to their oath because of their own morality and principles.
so that's it, that's my take on the devote your heart in 132. there are still several things I haven't expounded on as much as I like such as the romantic aspect of levihan as seen in 115/126/132/139 and the plane but there is always a next time.
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Series masterlist
Part six
Summary: Jake is sent to teach you discipline within the rules of the Omaticaya, from which you are constantly rebelling. Except...he finds unorthodox methods that get you to behave.
Warnings: besides the obvious smut. Uh, a little bit of masochistic and sadistic behavior. Daddy kink. A tad of angst. Sex as a solution (which it absolutely is NOT do not apply this to real life, babes). Jake being mean and a tad toxic??? Alright, I think that's about it.
Jake cannot and will not get enough of you. He's always around, always nearby, keeping a careful eye on you, more often than not wishing he could drag you away from whatever it is you're doing and fuck you dumb.
He still dreams of you. Constantly. Usually rough, hot, lustful dreams. Although lately, he's been having different dreams.
Dreams where you crawl on his lap and he just holds you, kissing your forehead and your cheeks and your lips while you tell him about your day.
Dreams where you're sitting on the top of the Hallelujah Mountains, watching as eclipse nears, and he's lying beside you, his head on your soft thighs, your gentle fingers caressing his hair.
Dreams where the sex isn't as rough and cruel as it usually is; dreams where it's slow and soft, where Jake peppers you with kisses and worships every inch of your body.
And these dreams scare him. He wakes up from them feeling warm all over, feeling like dancing and singing. And it enrages him. And the vulnerability disgusts him. It's enough to get him in a horrible mood for the rest of the day.
And it's one of those days today.
Your aim is perfect, position flawless, and your arrows haven't once missed the target.
And this frustrates him.
You don't need him now. You've fallen in with the clan. The Omaticaya are relieved to find your temper calmed, pleasantly surprised at your sudden disinterest in making their lives more difficult. They're at peace with you, and you are at peace with them.
You have no use for him anymore, he figures. So he's mean to you about it.
He pretends to correct your gait, exaggeratedly scoffs when you shoot the arrows, and he clicks his tongue whenever your arrow lands on the target, as if you were doing something wrong.
And it's bothering you. With every little sign of Jake's displeasure, your ears droop, your tail swinging anxiously, your fingers trembling.
Eventually, he's made you so nervous that your arrow completely misses the target. You turn to Jake, eyes full of fear, and he sighs heavily, relieving you from the bow.
“Alright, you've had 'nough for today,” he says gruffly. “Get some fuckin' rest and hopefully you'll do better tomorrow.”
Confused with his behavior and a little disappointed in yourself, you scuttle off, tears forming at the corners of your eyes.
You don't sleep that night.
Neither does Jake. He beats himself up over how he was with you. What's wrong with him? What's happening to him? What is going on?
You've done nothing wrong, but he behaves as if you had. Why would he do that to you? Why would he want to hurt you? You and all your amazing little traits...why is he like this?
The next day, he's out walking around the forest, not far from the Hometree, reflecting on his behavior when someone approaches him.
He glances up and sees a young woman, dressed in bright beads and a colorful loincloth, a bow in her hands and a few arrows in the quiver behind her back.
When Jake's eyes land on her, he nods in salute, and gets ready to walk in the opposite direction, but she calls after him, “Toruk Macto.”
He turns back to her. “Yes?”
“I was wondering if you could train me with the bow?” she asks, batting her eyelashes. “I'm struggling a little with my aim.”
Jake is about to decline, but then he realizes that it would be odd if he'd agreed to help you and not someone else. After all, his growing concerns have made him paranoid about what the rest of the clan expect from him and you. If he agreed to train you and not her, the people would know something's up, and he doesn't think he can handle that pressure.
“Uh, sure,” he says against his will.
The girl beams at him, moving to stand beside him and offering him a big look full of admiration. “You are so kind, Toruk Macto. Thank you for your help,” she says coquettishly, smiling coyly.
“It's no problem,” he mumbles, sighing softly at himself.
You walk out of the Hometree, wondering what happened to Jake yesterday. He was so cold, so cruel...He didn't fuck you, barely even touched you, and he was irritated the entire time.
Is he bored with me? you wonder. He said I was his...were they just empty words?
You're walking aimlessly, taking in the fresh air, the soft sounds of creatures around you. And then, somewhere in the distance, you hear a voice, low, quiet, terribly familiar.
You can't help the way your heart races, or the sudden fluttering in your chest. Your footsteps are quick and light as you follow the sound of his voice, your blood thrumming in your ears.
You have to talk to him, have to clear the air between you two. All the questions you want to ask him are bubbling on the tip of your tongue, your ears perked toward the sound of Jake's voice.
You reach him with ease, seeing his broad shoulders through the foliage, his scent reaching your nose.
As you step out from between a few bushes, a second voice suddenly finds you, soft and tinkling, clearly flirtatious.
Your eyes land on a girl, dressed in pretty beads and a shiny loincloth, obviously dressed with purpose. She holds a bow at the ready, an arrow on the string, little giggles leaving her pretty lips.
“All y'gotta do is shoot,” Jake tells her.
Your heart sinks, feeling as if it were tearing into a million pieces. A scream of pain rushes up your throat, clawed fingers scratching up your chest as it attempts to claw out of you. But you silence it strenuously.
“Jake,” you say, your voice cracked and weak, small.
Jake's head jerks toward you, his eyes lighting up when they find yours, his tail swinging in glee.
But then he takes in your expression, the way your eyes grow glassy with tears, the way your lower lip trembles, your ears pinned back in betrayal. Your eyes flicker to the girl as she turns to look at you, confused as to why you're there, and Jake follows your gaze.
He sees her and then he understands.
“Baby—” he starts, not caring if this other girl hears, suddenly terrified that you'll leave.
You shake your head softly. “Uh, I-I just wanted to know what time we'd be training today?” you say, sniffilng, a tear or two cascading down your cheeks.
Jake feels his heart recoil in his chest, and he wants to punch himself.
“Gimme a few more minutes here and I'll find you,” he promises, ears folding back.
You sniffle again, wiping your nose hastily and nodding. “Okay,” you say softly.
You walk away and Jake turns to the girl. “We're done here,” he tells her curtly, his voice full of authority.
The girl frowns. “But we've barely started and—”
“Don't care,” he growls. “Lessons are permanently over.”
Indignant, the girl scoffs, “What, you're leaving me to teach her?”
“Yes, I am,” Jake replies, glaring at the girl. “Go ask Tsu’tey for some lessons. He's much nicer than I am.”
Upset, the girl walks away and Jake remains for a moment, holding his head in his hands, hating himself for what he does to you.
That's it, then, you think. He's replacing me. I promised myself to him, and now he's looking for another girl because I'm not enough.
You're crying, sitting quietly by the stream, playing with a few pebbles along the shoreline. You gave yourself to him, you're his, but...is he yours?
No, you answer yourself. No, he's not. He's never said so, never admitted it. Never even mentioned being mine. He's free to belong to whomever he wants, and I'm forced to be his.
You jump slightly, startled, and turn to find Jake. His expression softens when he sees your tears, and you rashly try to wipe them off.
He walks to you and sits beside you, his arms aching to hold you tight. He doesn't get the chance to speak. You're on him quickly, straddling his hips, your hands running up and down his muscled torso, your mouth quick to find his neck, licking stripes over his jaw.
Jake is taken aback, the weight of you on his lap makes him groan, and your warm core brushes against his cock through his loincloth. “Baby,” he murmurs, hands rising to grab your hips. “Baby. Easy, girl.”
You suck on his neck, one of your hands wandering past the edge of his loincloth, your fingers finding his thick, hardening cock.
“What's wrong, girl? What's the rush?” he questions, groaning as you run your thumb over the tip of his cock, gathering the precum that begins to drip.
You don't answer him. Your mouth kisses across his jaw, your hips roll against his, your hand jerking his cock.
Jake wants to argue, he wants to pull you off him and ask you what's wrong, but you get up and pull him to his feet before desperately getting on your knees.
Jake tries again. “Baby,” he says, grabbing your face in one of his hands as you quickly untie his loincloth. “Hey, look at me. What's—?”
You get his loincloth off and kiss the head of his cock, your big doe eyes staring up at him, your plump lips glistening with your saliva.
“Fuck,” Jake groans, dragging out the word, as you swirl your tongue over the tip. You work him up slowly, nails softly caressing up his underside, kissing your way down to his balls and back up, ensuring every inch of him is covered in your kisses and spit.
And Jake's mind is going blank. He can't think, can't focus when you're like this. You take him into your mouth, willingly gagging, tears spilling from your eyes and he can't fucking think. He wants to stop you, talk to you, solve this weirdness between you, but he just glances down at you and sees your tears and big eyes and wet lashes and—
“Goddamn, you gonna let me fill your fuckin' mouth with my cum, girl?”
“Mhmm,” you hum, glancing up at him through your thick lashes.
“Fuck, you're such a whore,” he groans, pushing your hair off your face, loving how your cheeks turn a soft pink as you struggle to breathe around his cock. “Didn't even let me get a word in 'fore you were all over me.”
You take him deeper, closing your eyes and gagging, struggling around his girth. One of your hands rises to softly caress Jake's engorged balls.
He moans lowly, throwing his head back, feeling the pleasure take over his senses. He knows you're upset at him, he knows there's something you two have to resolve, but the more you suck on his cock, the more the idea slips away until nothing is left but his quick-approaching orgasm.
Your delicate little mouth hurts, your jaw is sore, and you're on the verge of bursting into tears. But you refuse to give up. Your enthusiasm increases noticeably, and you begin whimpering on Jake's cock, which makes him shudder.
“Yeah, you want my cum, don't ya?“ He chuckles. “You're aching to have it all over you, hm? T' feel it in your pussy 'nd in this pretty little mouth of yours.”
You open your eyes, staring at him, and flutter your eyelashes.
Jake grins, full of ecstasy, and he pinches your cheek. You whine around him and he hisses, ears folding back and his sharp canines showing as he slightly bares his teeth at you. “Y're so good at that, sweet. This little mouth made just f'r my cock to fuck, hm?”
You gag again, struggling, as little tears drop from your eyes, staining your pretty face, making your eyes glisten.
Fuck, Jake likes watching you cry as you take his cock, in whatever hole he can stick it in. It makes him feral, all primitive instincts and no mercy. He has the urge to bite you, lick you, spank you and eat you out and fuck you until you pass out.
Fuck, he's down so bad for you.
“'m gonna fill your mouth, girl. And y're gonna swallow every last drop of m'cum, understand?”
You cry softly, sobbing on Jake's cock, as your tongue presses against his underside. Jake thrusts into your mouth a few more times before his load is spurting down your throat, flooding your mouth.
You pull away, releasing his cock from your mouth with a loud, wet pop, and you quickly swallow his salty seed. Jake's breathing heavily, chest rising and falling, ready to ask you once again what's going on when you pull him to get to the ground. The second he's on his knees in front of you, you undo your loincloth and climb on him, rubbing your cunt over his cock.
He groans, his hands on your hips, moving down to your ass and kneading the soft flesh there.
You grind yourself down on his cock, gasping into his ear, softly nibbling on his jaw. You rise your mouth to his, eyes watching his.
He glances down at your lips and runs his tongue over his own, inviting you to kiss him.
So you lean in, pressing a desperate, needy kiss to his mouth. It's nothing like the other kiss he gave you. This one is distant, different. It lacks whatever little spark the other one had. You moan against his tongue, purposely whining and mewling, your hips gyrating against his, distracting him from his thoughts.
Jake bites your lower lip softly, and when you slightly pull back, he takes the chance to say, “Talk to me, girl. What is it?”
With your eyes firmly on his, you lie on your back and spread your legs for him. Jake's predatory eyes fall to your cunt, his cock twitching at the sight.
But he can't. He has to ask you, has to clear things up...
You drag your fingers up your slit, arching your back, moaning softly before Jake. So close, just inches away. Your nipples are hard, peeking out of your beaded top, your breasts heaving up and down with every hurried breath.
He has to make sure you're okay...he has to say he's sorry for how he behaved...
“Daddy, please,” you mewl, big eyes begging for him. “Need it s'bad. Please, Daddy. Please give me your cock. Please. Use me.”
Jake's hands find your thighs and he softly pulls you to him. You wanted him to use you? He could do that with ease.
He's puts you in missionary, lifting your hips so that your ass is on his thighs, your legs wrapped around his hips. He sighs softly as he pushes into you, stretching you out.
You squeal, nails digging into his forearms as his hands hold your hips in place.
“Y'want me t'use you, girl?” he grunts out. “I'll use you. Use this tight pussy however I damn well please.”
He doesn't even give you time to adjust. His thrusts are deep and rough, painful but only in the right amount.
Still, the stretch hurts you, and it has you whining and crying, sobbing as he fucks you. You limit yourself to arching your back, trying not to focus on the pain.
“Daddy,” you sob. “Daddy.”
“Yeah, Daddy's takin' care 'f'you, girl,” Jake says, hips slamming into yours. “You gonna fuckin' let me or 're you gonna fuckin' complain 'bout it?”
“Daddy,” you gasp. “Daddy. Just use me, Daddy.”
“Yeah, that's what I'm fuckin' doin'.”
You move one of your hands to your clit, rubbing little circles on it in hopes that it'll help you take Jake's huge cock.
The thing is, you actually kind of like the pain. You like how Jake's cock forces you open, you like the ache, like how the big tip bruises your cervix, like the way his hips crash into yours.
Somewhere along the way, the pain and pleasure mix and become one. You don't know which one is predominant, you just know that the feeling is overwhelming, and it makes you shake and cry.
“Y're close, aren't you?” Jake mocks when he feels you grow taut around him, your eyes fluttering shut, your body quaking.
“Mm! Yes! Yes!” you reply, hating how much he knows you. “Daddy! Please!”
“Yeah, you wanna come? You want Daddy t'make y'come?”
“Please!” you beg, hips stuttering against his.
“Well, you're gonna give me somethin' in return 'f y'want me to let you come,” he tells you. He lies you down, your back against the ground, your ass sliding off his thighs and landing on the soft grass. As Jake climbs on top of you, he grabs your braid. “'f y'want Daddy t'make you come on his cock, girl, y've gotta gimme tsaheylu, yeah?”
You close your eyes and nod. He connects your braid to his and you gasp, shaking, your hips already bucking up in dire need of his harsh thrusts.
Jake can feel how bad you want him, how close your orgasm is, but he can also sense something else. Something buried deep, hidden under layers and layers. Still, he can feel its slight presence, cold and sad, and it seems to be haunting over your mind.
But your lust is the main sensation that rushes to him through the bond, and that, he can do something about.
He resumes his arduous thrusts, making you sob, back arching. You lift one of your hands to your breast, pinching your nipple and moaning. You're shuddering under him, a mess of tears and sweat and arousal.
Jake considers kissing you, decides he's going to, and begins leaning down toward you. But you move your face to the side, avoiding his mouth, and something in Jake breaks a little.
You close your eyes, needy and whining, one of your hands finding your clit again and being rough in the way you touch yourself.
Jake can feel you're close. Your orgasm is peeking over the edge, reaching for you, and he decides he'll at least give you this.
He makes you come, makes you cry his name and shake. You're absolutely breathless and weak as he thrusts a few more times inside of you and finally releases, his cum staining your puffy cunt.
Jake presses his face to the crook of your neck, kissing over your pulse, licking the sweat off your skin.
And then you start crying—really crying. Whimpering and sobbing, your body shaking.
Alarmed, Jake rises his eyes to look at your face, but you've got your eyes closed and your hands find his shoulders to push him off of you.
He quickly pulls out of you, sitting up and pulling you up with him.
“Baby,” he says, his voice shaking. “Baby, what's wrong?”
Tsaheylu is still made, and Jake can feel your sadness. Just like you can feel his fear. It distracts you, makes you more nervous, so you end up breaking the bond by removing your braid from his.
Jake can feel your loss. He's carved a space for you in his heart, his mind, his soul. And you've just removed yourself from it, leaving nothing but a void behind.
“Baby, tell me what's wrong,” Jake asks, holding you on his lap, his arms around your waist.
You wipe your face, trying to stop the crying, trying to hide from him. He grabs your hands in his, holding your arms away from your face. He kisses your cheek, over the many trails your tears have left.
“Just tell me, girl,” he pleads quietly. He sounds so small...so vulnerable. “However you want to, just tell me.”
Between thick sobs and little sniffles, you cry, “You're replacing me, Jake! I'm yours, but you're free to belong to whomever you want. You-you don't think I'm enough. You're out looking for another toy already and I—'s not fair to me! You can choose anyone else! But for me, there-there's only you, Jake! I only have you!”
Jake folds his ears back in shame. How could he have fucked up enough for you to believe that? How much of an asshole could he have been to make you think that?
“Baby—” Jake starts, cooing softly.
“Don't leave me!” you beg, sobbing. “P-please! I'll be good! I'm good! I-I'll improve my aim, Jake! I'll fix my manners! I...I'll let you fuck me whenever you want! I'll let you use me! Y-you can do whatever you want to me. Just, please, don't leave me!”
Jake sighs softly, his heart breaking in his chest. “Is that why you wanted to fuck, sweet? 'Cause you wanted to convince me to stay?”
You sob, nodding weakly. Your tear-filled eyes glance at the ground, avoiding his gaze.
“Baby,” he coos, grabbing your chin in his hand and drawing your eyes up to his. “I'm not going to leave you. I never even planned on it, girl.” He sighs gently. “I'm sorry I made you feel like that, baby. You're mine, as much as I'm yours. I can't belong to anyone else 'cause I'm yours. I belong to you, girl. My mind, my body and my soul are yours, baby.”
You sniffle. “But that other girl—”
“Is no one,” he cuts it. “She wanted me to teach her to shoot an arrow, but it's damn well impossible. I can't teach her shit because everything she does seems wrong to me. Everything she does is off because she doesn't do it like you. She's not you, baby. There's no one in this fucking world that can compare to you. And that's what's wrong with everyone else. If they're not you, I don't fucking want them. Y'understand me? All I want is you. You, you, you. And it's not only about your body, girl. It's not just about you being my toy. You're more than that to me. I-I don't really know how to explain it, but you're part of me now. Without you, I just...feel something's missin'. I won't ever leave you, baby. I'll be yours forever, my girl.”
Your eyes study his carefully. “Y'promise?”
“Cross my heart, baby,” he replies, placing a kiss on your forehead. “I'm such an asshole. Baby, I'm sorry. I...should've told you sooner. I should've made it clear that I'm yours. Should've shown you how I felt. I'm so fuckin' sorry.”
You wrap your arms around his neck, leaning your head on his shoulder, your crying ceasing. “'s okay,” you mumble. “I forgive you.”
Jake hugs you, squeezing you softly. “Thank you, baby,” he mumbles. “I don't know what I woulda done if I'd lost you.”
A while later, once you've calmed down, Jake helps you get dressed again. And after dressing himself he takes you on a small walk, wandering amongst the foliage and talking about anything you want to. Your spirits improve significantly, and as you grow more comfortable around him, Jake realizes something he's pretty sure he's known for a while now.
I...I'm in love.
@who-is-ej @jake-sullys-whore @sweetllamaparadise @erenjaegerwifee @kamcrazy123
I have absolutely no words for this I was just feeling mushy and fluffy and I needed comfort in daddy Jake 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️ I hope y'all enjoyed it!!!
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lhoandbehold · 1 year
What Does a 100 Hour Work Week in Animation Feel Like So I saw (and commented on) this post remarking on the working conditions on the new Spiderverse film which were less than stellar. I'm not surprised, I was literally talking to animator friends about how it seemed like it was a tough project even as the trailers were coming out. But I think we see news like this break all the time - ah a game got delayed. Don't worry. "Oh the dev team is working 90 hour weeks until it comes out". Red Dead Redemption infamously had a manager brag about 100 hour weeks. Some members of the team on Sonic the Hedgehog did 120 hour weeks to update the model to something with much less human-looking teeth. It's all very abstract. So I thought I might provide a little insight into how different workweeks feel for me. For context, I am an able-bodied high functioning person who is, by all accounts neurotypical, but who still struggles with overstimulation and needs a lot of therapy. If I feel this way, then imagine how someone disabled is faring under the same conditions, and consider how much of a barrier of entry this really is to the industry. Disclaimer: I'm going to be describing a not great work/life balance from a practical point of view. I work a lot. I try not to. I don't always get it right. Please don't think of what you're about to read as how you 'should' be working in the industry. Whenever possible, insist on your rights to rest and live a life outside work.
40hr week - What would be considered a standard workweek. Animation is a thinking heavy job, so I’m usually tired at the end of the week, but I do still have energy to see friends, do personal work, go for walks, work out. I would prefer a shorter week but it’s doable.
50hr week - Probably my personal average if we’re being honest. This is not always due to the animation job itself - for financial reasons, I usually have small sidejobs next to full-time employment and the hours add up. This week works alright so long as I plan them well. Mealpreps, using google calendars to make sure I'm carving out time for workouts, cleaning and a bit of rest.
60hr week - I have spent a lot of months this year pushing 60 hour weeks and let me tell you, I don't like it. I'm tired. Social life and personal projects go on the backburner. I'm less delighted, less inspired. I still work out, but less. Wrists begin to tingle, shoulders sometimes get more sore than I like. If I fail to mealprep I end up spending so much money on prepackaged lunches. I'm processing stress in my dreams, so I often wake up in the middle of the night and lie awake. Light brainfog starts kicking in. I'm more sensitive to things not going my way because I just don't have much energy left to problemsolve anything that isn't work.
70hr week - This is when I personally start considering a schedule to be 'crunch'. For some the number is higher and for some lower, but for me, a 70hr workweek starts to really fray me at the edges. I have time for work, the commute and sleep, and not much else. I try to get in workouts where I can, to avoid my RSI flaring up too badly. I am no longer seeing friends. I am no longer drawing for myself. I'm not reading books. Maybe I watch a youtube video over dinner. It's not a state I can (or should) sustain for very long. 80hr week - This is where I'm hitting my ceiling. I have done this on rare occassions. My personal max is 85 hours of work in a week, and the personal record of maintaining it was 4 weeks, and those weeks were a shitshow. Cannot recommend. Towards the end, my shoulder was on fire and I had recurring headaches. I was doing all of my stretches and still managing the gym, and somehow it was never enough to soothe the RSI symptoms I can otherwise usually manage. The should injury I got during that month still haunts me to this day.
And I cannot stress enough, I never made it to those famed 100 hour weeks. I honestly don't know how anyone manages anything above 60 for an extended period of time. I know people sleep under their desks to avoid commuting time cutting into work hours, but i just feel like the brainfog would render me incapable of making anything good or even passable.
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@trudemaethien Exactly!!! You understand me.
I love Prudii being the eldest of them, but Ordo is the bravest, most responsible and most protective, that's how he ended up as the leader so early and then later the Ori'vod.
There is so little information about Prudii so creating a personality for him is quite challenging, but I tried it anyway based on the books and Odds, sprinkled it (the lid fall off so the whole thing poured into the pot) with my HCs :))) Also a little bit about the Alpha ARCs too.
Under the cut, there is an OrdoMaze mention, skip this post if you don't want cloneship!
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-- NOT AN ORI'VOD -- Being an Ori'vod among the clones was more earned by deeds and based on behavior than being born into the role. You just know if someone is an Ori'vod. Prudii is not one. He is the most patient one compared to his Null-brothers, but that means he takes time to step back and analize situations before making decisions and this often left him stay behind, never in the spotlight.
-- HE IS SHY WHEN IT COMES TO AFFECTION -- That's why he is also the shyest when it comes to affection. While he is perfectly aware he is damn good at what he does, and confident in his abilities, he won't assert himself to be the first in line when wanting affection and kind words from Kal'buir, but when he gets the attention he secretly craves, he is the happiest man alive.
-- HE LOVES HIS CLONE BROTHERS -- The sentiment of loving all his brothers (even the Alphas!) came so much later after the end of their cadet years and a direct consequence of the Battle of Genonosis.
++ PRUDII SAW THE ALPHAS' HIDDEN DEPTH ++ It's really inconsistent and depending on continuity whether all the Alphas were put in stasis or just the few of them, but in my wordbuilding they were all locked up. Prudii will never forget those microreactions on their faces: the Alpha ARCs were told they are insufficent, they are too independent - they are defective and cannot be trusted to serve the Republic. Their pride was hurt. Their hard work meant nothing after all. It almost broke them. Almost.
++ NULL vs. ALPHA CONFLICT ++ Kaminoans had irrational expectations for them, comparing them to the Nulls was considered the absolute insult but also a great motivator: they will be everything the Nulls couldn't be.
The Nulls didn't give a shit about being better than the Alphas, they KNEW they are better than the Alphas, it was that simple. It was even simpler: "Nyenyenyeeehhhh, Kal'buir said we are the most perfect verd'ike in the whole universe, you can't compete with us, nyenyenyeeehhhhh!!!!"
The Alphas proved to be loyal, obedient and dutiful, but despite their efforts, they were just as diposable as the Nulls in the end.
The Alphas never forgave the Nulls for participating in the Battle of Geonosis while they were held in stasis. And when the same fate threatened Nulls as well and Kal was there the second time to save their lives, Prudii realized that no one was there for the Alphas. Jango Fett never returned after all. It took a direct attack on Kamino to release them from their sleep. (do clones in stasis have dreams and nightmares? :(((()
The others are teasing Prudii for being sentimental about the Alphas, calling them brothers, but Prudii still thinks that Nulls and Alphas are just the same. Failed products.
-- PRUDII IS A LITTLE SHIT -- Prudii doesn't take part in the constant cockmeasuring between the Nulls and Alphas, but he actually finds funny how their brain freezes when he says something nice to them, so instead name callings, he affectionately start to tease them.
-- KNOWER OF SECRET LOVE -- -- Prudii is the only one who doesn't freak out when Ordo reveal his boyfriend one day: Maze. Ordo sulks a bit because of course Prudii knows it before he tells him, but since then Prudii is his confidant in this matter.
-- HE NEEDS A MORAL COMPASS OTHERWISE HE IS EMPTY -- -- Prudii is very much aware that he is not alright in the head. His coping mechanism is deliberately choosing a moral compass beside the way of the mandalorian: His undying love for all of his clone brothers and placing their lives above everyone else. But showing his care and actually feeling this love is not the same for him. Even when he feels disconnected from his own self and body, remembering his own code of morality helps him to stay in the right path when he feels nothing at all. --
-- HE HATES NATBORNS -- -- But the same sentiment didn't include natborns (Kal'buir is an exception obviously). For all he cares, they could all die miserably. He was the least accepting about Jusik being a part of their little family. If I want to use canon ships, then he had hard time to adjusting that there are natborns living with them at Kyrimorut, including his brothers' wives. (the hate toward natborns actually affects his sexual preferences too but that maybe in another post :D)
-- HIDDEN AGGRESSION -- -- I think there is so little about the actual crazyness of the Nulls, so I took the opportunity to fill this gap too. He is not as hot-headed as his brothers, but occassionally snaps to clones rather agressively who don't respect his wish to not be called lieutenant after repeated asking. "DON'T CALL ME LIKE THAT, I TOLD YOU I HATE IT!!!" A friendly gathering with the regs quickly can become cold and awkward after such outburst. He immediately feels shame and regret after that.
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I hope you enjoyed my blurb about Prudii. ^^ Nulls deserve more attention and love.
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paperstarwriters · 11 months
I swear someone before me probably mentioned this but I don't care I'm bringing it up again because I just really really cannot get the idea out of my head.
[angst warning & also I just scribbled this down idk if it makes sense lol]
But like, what if Inanna was Muriel's mother's name? Or like, if not his mother, then something that sounds like his mother's name or his father's name.
like I know that Inanna is often represented as a sister to Muriel almost, but I can't help but feel like she's more like an older sister. Sometimes playful and silly but also sometimes very parental and caring, and I really just think it's because that's what Muriel needed in a companion when he left the coliseum.
But like yeah. What if Inanna was a name really close to his mother's name, what if it was his mother's name. What if in the Arcana realms Muriel's mom watches him from somewhere in the moon's realm between realities with a hand in the heart of his familiar making sure that he is loved, if not by herself, then at least by his familiar, and if not by that, then a friend.
Like I don't know what's better or what's worse, Muriel just by chance naming the wolf he has such a deep connection with Inanna, maybe because he had a dream and remembered her from somewhere, or if Inanna told him her name, or at least the closest thing she had to a name or something idk.
Idk it's probably just me and I'm probably just reaching hear but.... it's just Inanna—and especially her nickname Nana—feels so close to the tagalog word "nanay" meaning mother and I just hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Imagine that in that first year after he first escaped with Inanna. Imagine her telling him her name or him giving her that name and the faint little twinge of familiarity with that name, as if he's always known it—something he assumes is because of familiars or something. Imagine him trying and failing to go to sleep after running, too wound up and anxious about it all, expecting to hear the sound of soldiers with their sharp staffs and shining armor to drag him back where he belongs to kill Inanna and bring him back. Imagine him fearing the day that Lucio would just kick down his door and do all of that alone.
Imagine Inanna resting her head on his chest, trying to get him to breathe, Imagine her acting as a pillow, letting him hug her, and sob into her fur. Imagine her licking away his tears when he wakes up from a nightmare. Imagine her trying and failing to get him something to eat, because she knows that a pup needs to eat after they've been hurt in order to heal up quicker, but from what she's seen he needs to have his food cooked and she can't cook so she's always pacing by his bedside helpless to encourage him to eat, helpless to get him to eat more.
Imagine how Inanna had fought tooth and nail to protect him against Lucio, only to fail. Imagine how scared Inanna had been when her little brother, her son, her pup, her best friend was bleeding out in the forest, refusing her help and trying to chase her away so she'd be protected. Imagine her relief when you finally come along and do your magic. Her joy and pride when you two become tentative friends, even if Muriel is bristly the entire time.
Imagine all the quippy remarks Inanna makes to Muriel on his new friend, she teases him the way a mother does, or how a sister does, and how it all only serves to make him even more embarrassed. Imagine her, not only showing the both of you wolf pups in the forest to lift your spirits (and introduce Muriel to those who Inanna sees as his cousins maybe lol) but also showing you herbs found in these colder regions beneath the snow, showing you the faeries that linger in this portion of the forest. Showing you, though she cannot explain, things that Muriel would have known if he hadn't been ripped away from her arms.
Imagine Inanna's fear when the both of you disappeared into the arcana realms. When she worried about her little brother vanished into thin air, into a place filled with magic and strange fae. Imagine that second voice that always sat at the back of her mind just a pace or two away reassuring her that they will be cared for.
and you know all those times that Inanna worms her way into Muriel & MC's lap—most notably that one time during the death book? as they sit and huddle by the fire and wait out the winter storm? I can't help but imagine that's Inanna's attempt at a hug, that as the both of you keep each other warm she wants to be able to put effort into keeping you warm as well (and maybe because she wants extra warmth as well lol)
and then at the end of everything, at the end of all of it, when you putter around the hut helping Muriel cook food, threats of Lucio and threats of the devil both long gone and long lost, Inanna watches wagging her tail against the floorboards as she watches the both of you putter around and cook a hearty meal. The bulk of it, she knows is because you both want to be kind to each other. Muriel, she knows intends to make sure you're at least well fed, even if he is not, but you intend to make sure he is well fed and Inanna intends to help.
and just imagine, on occasion as you cook, a little idea slips into her mind and she rummages around the herbs and vegetables that you have in store, to bring you an ingredient that you're missing that would make the dish taste better, or an ingredient that she'd use to make it taste like home. Imagine her reveling in this small chance to share with Muriel her culture, knowing that someday soon, you'll show up, and someday soon, she'll be brave enough, or powerful enough, or whatever-defficiency-held-her-back-the-first-time enough to meet her son and properly hold her baby boy.
But for now, Inanna curls around him as the both of you sit by the fire place. And a sister sits by her brother, and a mother holds her son.
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teaberrii · 2 years
Chapter 9: Green with Jealousy (My Worst Enemy is a Cat)
Human by day. Cat by night. That’s how Scaramouche lived until you came back into his life.
Notes: Cross-posted on Ao3. If you want me to add you to the tag list, visit the tag list post for the blog.
The master list for the other chapters is at the end of chapter one.
That night, you cannot sleep. Instead, you're lying on your stomach in a staring contest with Prince; the feline is lying beside you. He slowly moves closer, and his front paws touch your nose.
"You can't sleep either?"
To your surprise, Scaramouche leans forward and kisses you. Then, he puts his head on his paws, his tail swinging. You gently scratch his head, but your mind is on the kiss. Your face heats up just from thinking about it. Who knew kissing Scaramouche would take your breath away?
Upon seeing you blush, Scaramouche knows exactly what you're thinking… because his heart is racing from thinking the same. Kissing you had always felt like a dream. He knew it would be amazing… but now, that's an understatement for the euphoria he felt.
By now, you've closed your eyes, breathing softly as you drift off to sleep. Scaramouche stands and licks your nose. You're his now, and he will make you the happiest person alive.
At lunchtime the following day, you're outside your work building when someone tightly hugs you from behind. Then, you hear Scaramouche's voice near your ear. "Miss me?"
You turn around. "Oh, of course. Because we only saw each other like…." You look at your watch "...four hours ago."
"Four hours is a long time."
You tilt your head slightly as you smile at him. "Since when were you the clingy type?" Scaramouche awkwardly scratches his head. He doesn't like that negative association, though it is somewhat true. He doesn't know what it is; he just wants to be with you as often as possible. You wrap your arms around him and peck his lips. "...I like it, though."
Scaramouche smiles slightly and kisses your forehead. Good. He takes your hand, and with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes, he says, "Be careful what you wish for."
When you're seated at the restaurant, you say, "I'm thinking of adopting a cat."
"Aren't you taking care of Prince already?"
"Yeah, but he keeps disappearing"—you look at him suspiciously—"Did I ever tell you what I named that cat?" Scaramouche freezes. Oh no. What should he say? His palms are getting sweaty as his mind goes into a frenzy over how to respond until… "I probably did. I just forgot." He quickly takes a sip of his water. "Anyway, I don't understand how he could've gotten out. I locked the windows last night." Maybe you will understand better if you know the cat is him. But it's not about him right now.
Scaramouche leans back. "Well, why do you suddenly want to adopt? It's a great idea. Don't get me wrong."
"Looking after Prince makes me want to get a cat… and I do want to take him in, but, well, you know the situation now."
"If you're serious about it, let's do some research first."
"Good idea."
Over the week, you and Scaramouche did some extensive research on adopting. He also got you some things for the new cat. Then, a day before you and he is supposed to go to the shelter, he drops by as Prince. He's lying on your stomach while you're lying on the sofa.
"You're going to get a playmate soon." Scaramouche meows, unsure whether to feel happy or sad. Of course, he's happy that the adoption plan went through for you, but… he'll still be your favourite, right? Right? You kiss him, and his little cat heart races. "How long will you keep disappearing on me, hm?" Not for long, he thinks. He's just waiting for the right moment to tell you… whenever that is. You sit up. Then, you say, half-jokingly, "Don't tell me you go to someone else in the morning." To your surprise, he meows back angrily. Then, he bites your shirt. "Hey!"
As much as you try, Scaramouche isn't letting go. So, you sigh. "Did I offend you… somehow?" Yes. Yes, you did, and Scaramouche isn't going to let you off that easily. You lie back on the couch, and he walks up to you. You're giving him a deadpan stare, and he returns it with one of his own. If only you weren't so cute, he would've given you a cat slap. Then, you squish his cheeks and say, "You're just like him."
Scaramouche meows. Then, you sit up and put him on the couch. When he sees you walk toward the bathroom, Scaramouche follows you, thinking you're going to get ready for bed. But when he sees you take off your shirt, he freezes. No. He's not supposed to look. So, he quickly turns away, fighting the urge to look back. Scaramouche shakes and then runs to the living room.
You saw how he reacted, and you're a little amused. What was that? You walk into the living room and call his name. Scaramouche looks over his shoulder and instantly turns away when you walk over to him.
"What's wrong, hm?" His eyes widen when you pick him up. When he feels your chest against his back, he does everything possible to jump away. When he finally does, he makes a beeline for your bedroom. Sheesh. What's up with him? Instead of following him, you walk into the bathroom, close the door, and start showering.
As soon as Scaramouche is on your bed, he rolls onto his back with his paws up. That was mentally exhausting; he could still hear his heart thumping loudly in his little chest. But… he's still happy it happened.
When you walk into your bedroom, you're wearing a nightgown. Scaramouche flips back, his tail up as he watches you dry your hair with a towel. Then, you hop onto your bed, and he instantly makes himself comfortable on your lap. As you pet him, Scaramouche pettily thinks that there's no way he'll let other cats follow you to the bathroom.
It's Saturday, and you and Scaramouche are visiting the local shelter. After a short while, you turn to him. "...I want them all." Scaramouche gives you a look, and your shoulders fall. "I know, I know. But, look how cute they are!"
"Yes, very cute."
You pick up a fat cat and hold it in front of him. "How can you say no to this face?"
Scaramouche stares dully at the grumpy-looking cat. He thinks he's cuter but doesn't want to burst your bubble. "You're right. He just screams cute." The sarcasm doesn't go unnoticed… not by you or the cat, apparently, as the feline takes a swipe at his face.
Scaramouche easily dodges it, but did this grump just try to cat-slap him? You bite back a laugh. Then, you lower the cat and say, "See. Even he can sense your sarcasm."
The cat's in your arms as Scaramouche leans down and glares at the feline. "Good." The cat meows as he leans back up. Eventually, you settle on a playful, white kitten. Scaramouche glances at it on your lap on the way back to your house. That's his spot, but he'll take it back later. Then he asks, "What are you going to name him?"
"Good question. Do you have any ideas?"
"Not right now." Scaramouche stops the car at a spotlight and affectionately scratches the cat's head. What he isn't expecting, however, is the cat to bite his hand in return.
“Aw, he likes you.” Does he? Does he really? Scaramouche clearly remembers doing the same thing to you, but that’s cause he wanted to mess with you. So… what’s up with this cat? “Ooh, I have a name. It’ll match Prince.” Scaramouche looks at you expectantly. “What do you think of Duke?”
“It’s cute.”
Duke sits like a good kitten on your lap and looks at you with wide eyes. He meows, and you scratch his head affectionately. "Looks like he likes it too."
Yeah… maybe a little too much.
After arriving at your place, you and Scaramouche spend some time with Duke, and the cat is arguably growing on him. You and Scaramouche are in the kitchen, baking together when you say, “I hope he gets along with Prince.”
Scaramouche glances at you. His heart warms that you’re still thinking of his cat self even after getting Duke. “I’m sure they will.”
You've just finished putting the cookies in the oven, just as Scaramouche ends with the dishes. You're about to check on Duke when Scaramouche gently grabs your wrist.
“Something wrong?” you ask.
Your eyes widen as you find yourself against the wall, his hands on either side of your head. “I just want some alone time with you.”
Your heart beats faster. “We’ve been spending a lot of time with each other.”
Scaramouche smirks as his hands fall to his sides. “I thought you said you like it when I’m clingy.”
His mouth on yours stops all of your thoughts. It starts off as a light, butterfly kiss. But, when your lips meet the second time, he instantly deepens the kiss. His tongue comes in hungry and demanding, and yours is just as eager. Soon, your arms are around his neck as he pushes you further up on the wall. His hands slide down the curve of your body that feels like it's burning from his touch.
In a brief moment, his mouth leaves yours, and you gasp softly. Then, when his hot mouth finds yours again, his tongue brings you back to the euphoric trance that makes you unbelievably weak in your knees. Your hands travel to his shoulders and slowly to the buttons on his shirt until…
You and Scaramouche instantly pull back. Your faces are flushed as you stare at each other, panting softly. Then, the sound comes again. You look at Duke, who’s sitting innocently on the floor. His tail is swishing side to side as he looks up at you and Scaramouche. You aren’t sure why, but you feel like someone caught you doing something naughty, and your face is now red for a different reason.
"What's wrong, Duke?" you ask. Scaramouche lets you go, and you walk a few steps before leaning down to pick up the kitten. Is it wrong of him to be annoyed by a cat? You turn around with Duke in your arms. "I think he's hungry."
“Yeah, well, I am too,” Scaramouche mutters, but he isn’t referring to food.
“Did you say something?”
“...Let’s get him something to eat.”
That night, as Prince, Scaramouche is sitting on your sofa, giving Duke a deadpan look as the cat is lying on its back on your lap. His paws are swiping at a toy Scaramouche had picked out for him. Your voice is a pitch higher as you coo at how cute Duke is.
Scaramouche frowns at you. You’re exaggerating. Duke isn’t that cute. Sure, he has cute little toe beans and is incredibly squeezable. But Scaramouche knows that deep down, Duke is just an evil feline that's stealing your attention away. Scaramouche jumps to the sofa you and Duke are on and sits beside you. Then, Scaramouche puts a paw on your arm.
"Aw, what's wrong?"
Scaramouche meows, and just as you lift your arm, he ducks under and starts nuzzling your side. But then, Duke does the same to your stomach. Where is all this attention coming from? You pick up Duke and put him beside Scaramouche. Are you really going to ask them to get along? Scaramouche cringes just thinking about it. You get off the couch and walk to the bathroom.
Scaramouche's senses are on full alert; he quickly notices Duke jump off the couch and follow you. But, before he can get very far, Scaramouche jumps in front of him.
Duke wants to get around him, but no matter where he goes, Scaramouche blocks his path. Then, he takes an intimidating step toward Duke, and the kitten shrinks back and runs back to the sofa. Finally, Scaramouche sits in front of the bathroom door and eyes Duke until you come out.
When you do, you walk straight to the kitchen. Judging from your actions, Scaramouche assumes you're going to take out the trash. But, before you leave, you look at your two cats and say, "I'll be back soon."
As soon as you leave, Duke jumps down from the sofa. Now, where is this cretin going? Eventually, Scaramouche follows Duke to your bedroom. His eyes widen when Duke jumps onto your bed. Oh no. That's his spot.
Scaramouche jumps onto your bed and meows angrily. Duke looks at him and starts pulling at your blankets. Scaramouche is instantly reminded of when he did the same. Nope. Only he can make a mess of your bed. Scaramouche pulls your blanket toward him, but Duke pulls it back. After a few rounds of back and forth, Scaramouche finally walks over to Duke and smacks him on the head… just as you walk in.
"Hey, what are you doing?"
You close the door. After washing your hands, you're walking to your room when you meet Duke halfway. Duke meows sadly, and you lean over to pick him up. You look at Scaramouche, who doesn't know how to react. Then, you gently pet Duke and go to sit on the couch.
You can't possibly be mad at him… right? Scaramouche jumps down from your bed and sees Duke snuggling you. Maybe he should leave tonight.
Scaramouche quietly walks to the bathroom and jumps onto the rim of the bathtub. Then, just as he's about to jump onto one of the small window sills, he hears you call his name. Scaramouche turns around and sees you with your arms crossed.
“Is this how you’re getting out every night?” Scaramouche meows and lowers his head as you walk over. Then, you pick him up. “Going to ditch me again?”
Scaramouche meows quietly, and you smile as you nuzzle against him. "It's bedtime." When you walk into the living room, Scaramouche sees Duke passed out on the top of the cat tree you had picked out for him. You put Scaramouche on the bed, and he makes himself comfortable. Then, you slip under the covers and pat the space close to you. "Come here."
Scaramouche is instantly at your side and curls up into a ball, his head facing you. Then, as you rub his tummy, he lifts his head slightly and kisses you. Finally, you kiss his head and say, "Goodnight."
You stir in your sleep. Geez. What time is it? Your eyes flutter open, and you groan as you notice that the sun's not yet up. You turn to your side but freeze when you see Scaramouche sleeping soundly beside you.
He's lying on his stomach and apparently naked as he's topless. You're underneath the same blanket that's covering his lower half. You blink once… twice. Are you…having a weird naughty dream? What is this? Then, you slowly reach toward his face and pinch his cheek.
Scaramouche groans softly. You almost laugh. Should you pinch yourself to wake yourself up? Instead, you stretch his cheek, and Scaramouche's eyes instantly open. Wow. This dream feels so realistic.
Both of you are staring at each other in complete silence. Scaramouche's blood runs cold. What should he do? Say you're dreaming? No. That's ridiculous. But, oh, my God. It's the first time he's sweating bullets.
You slowly let go of his cheek as you become more aware. Wait. Oh, my God. This… isn't a dream? Scaramouche's heart is pounding so fast, his thoughts a whirlwind, that the first thing he does is grab your wrist.
Yup. This is not a dream. Your boyfriend is somehow lying naked next to you. You're about to scream when Scaramouche says, "Let me explain."
End notes:
Plot twist: Childe is Duke, LOL. Just kidding. Childe would be an orange cat. (¬‿¬)
While writing this, I went from listening to lofi to soul/jazz to Kpop. What a ride XD.
Chapter Ten
Tag List: @suoshiii @lordbugs @feverish-dove @126dvtn @one-offmind @sweet-almonds @pooonyo @n8mareee @killuixz @w9vyy @124eve @mxrossweisse @genderfluid-insomniac @goodthingimsam @thenightsflower @yo4loer @lxry-chxn @leon-to-sayaka @melodyyamino @meowlumi @beriiov @garbageandhot @kuni-k
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neaxsfiction · 11 months
I was waiting for an LOV one!! Some slight angst ahead. I love the idea a lot oh my... thanks for your request ❤️ also I'm sorry this isn't as good as the previous ones and for the delay, I was suffering with writer's block😭
LOV having a crush on you
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Having a crush to a hero? So difficult man. However there's something about you that triggered something in him. Was it the friendly eyes you gave your colleagues? Was it that kind smile you gave to evey civilian you saved? I don't even know.
He did some research on you firstly. For sure he cannot approach you, as he's a very known villain. He denies the thought of the crush (and especially to a hero) like there's no tomorrow, but the more he avoids to face his feelings, the more they burn.
He eventually keeps an eye on you and tells his minions to not touch you at any cost, unless they want to turn to dust. He keeps fantasizing about a world where he can approach you, you aren't a hero and he isn't a villain. You're just two people who happen to meet and hugs his pillow to sleep at night pretending it's you.
The turth is that you make him hate heroes even more. In his mind, if your kind didn't even exist, he wouldn't have suffered this much and he wouldn't be a villain now. This crush of his is making him rethink of his decisions which hurts him even more as he doesn't like the way things are right now.
In the end, he just stays for the one sided love. He makes himself believe that in real life you're not what you look like, and prefers to keep the crush on the idea of you.
Maybe that's the best for him
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When he'd attack, he'd do it in a way so he causes the chaos before the heroes would arrive. He's amazing at battling with that quirk of his, it just doesn't happen often.
However one day he was scaring off some civilians and you happened to pass by. You immediately recognized him. You had to save the civilians, of course.
Dabi though, isn't a normal villain after all. He managed to escape right under your nose, while you were ensuring the safety of the civilians and poof! He was gone.
Truth is that he didn't even think of you for some time. The first time he thought about you was when he was laying on the small bed in his room staring at his phone and his eyes caught your face on some article.
He then started analyzing your face for the first time noticing every detail he could through the screen. Of course he could've done that back when he first met you, if he didn't need to escape in order to get arrested.
He liked your appearance and as he kept trying to remember more details about you, he liked you even more. He'd never admit that, having a crush on a hero (and maybe generally having a crush). However one thing he'd never admit is how he lost his sleep after he realised he liked you. He tried of thinking you as a bad hero for letting him escape, but he failed.
He then started stalking you. Learning from your birth name to what kind of socks you prefer to wear. He was quite amazed. He was dreaming about you, but would hide it so so so much.
Eventually he pushes himself to fight his feelings for you. He tries to forget you and manages to put his feelings under control. Having a crush and especially on a hero, is hopeless.
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Toga literally attacked you when she first met you.
"Come on you're so cute~" She said before you escaped her knife.
She literally likes you so much. Her sense of love is strong for you, even if it's you know, a bit twisted.
She keeps talking to the other members about you, to the point they're sick of hearing your name. But what else can they do?
She has a little diary and keeps drawing doodles of her and you (mostly her stabbing you but anyways, we don't talk about that). She even uses her favorite gel pens for that.
She tries to hunt you down for some time to confess to you but the guys stop her. They try to comfort her saying that a crush on a hero is stupid, but they fail miserably.
Toga cries herself to sleep many nights at the thoughts of you not reciprocating her feelings. She thinks the world is unfair that you can't even think of her that way because you're a hero.
She never actually gets over that crush on you but tries to keep it subtle, however you can find doodles of you two all over her notebook.
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Twice had met them in a local bar he used to go for a while now. He approached them and introduced himself as Jin, and his extrovert self slowly was shown to them.
Truth is, he doesn't introduce himself like that to every person. He showed his bubbly personality to you from the start and even treated you some drinks that night.
He liked your company a lot. However he almost lost his colour when you told him you're a pro hero. He excused himself and explained that it mustve been the alcohol. That night he cried himself to sleep and had Toga comfort him.
His insecurities rise and the thoughts of you discovering he's a villain drive him insane. He thinks life is more unfair now. He cries to Toga about you who seems to be very understanding of the situation.
At some point though, he doesn't want to have Toga comfort him all the time so he just creates a clone of himself and talks to him about you (both clones eventually end up crying together)
shigaraki pic , dabi pic , toga pic , twice pic (edited it a bit)
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finoalcielo · 1 year
SHUN: Today's lucky one is April, May be careful AOI: Arata... ARATA: Mornin' Ao-- (stops in mid sentence) What's wrong? AOI: ...It felt so real... that bad dream of mine.. ARATA: I see. It's okay, don't worry. There's nothing to be afraid of (pats Aoi)
#Talking about dreams
ARATA: ...... (hugs tightly) AOI: Arata, you're heavy and its hot. ARATA: Nooooo, don't leave!!!! Aoi!! AOI: Why do you watch horror movies before going to sleep despite knowing you can't handle them? ARATA: I thought it was an action movie! I only realized it was horror halfway through!! AOI: What~ (wry smile)
KOI: Ah, I had a scary dream today... KAKERU: That's unusual. What kind of dream was it? KOI: Let's see... I went to a ramen restaurant KAKERU: What kind of ramen did you get? KOI: ...Soy sauce, I think.. KAKERU: What about the ingredients? What was in the dream ramen?! KOI: Menma and roasted pork fillet... I'm starting to think the dream wasn't that scary now. KAKERU: Ahaha T/N: Menma is a Japanese condiment made from lactate-fermented bamboo shoots. It is a common topping for noodle soup and ramen.
HARU: ...(sighs) HAJIME: ... HARU: ...I had a bad dream. HAJIME: ... HARU: Please pamper me. HAJIME: ...(sigh) How many fried chicken do you want to eat? (I'll make some) HARU: Lots, please! HAJIME: (huffed laughter) Quick recovery (laughs)
#Give Gravi something delicious to eat and they'll revive
YORU: ... ...gloom... YORU: ... YOU: ... YORU: ... YOU: ... YORU: I'd like to be exorcised. YOU: I'm not exorcising. Want curry? YORU: Yes please...
#It's happens surprisingly often #Best to go with the flow
KAI: .......Ah! SHUN: Since you were having a bad dream, I brought you over to the Demon world☆ KAI: A dream, huh? SHUN: No, no, you're awake now. This is reality. KAI: When I'm with you, its hard to distinguish between reality and dreams. SHUN: "You're as beautiful as a dream?" Real! That's right, I am! KAI: Okay!
#When there's an unrelenting force in front of you, it doesn't matter
SHUN: I cannot dream, nor can I lie. Because the dreams I'll see and the lies I say will become reality. When I sleep, instead of dreaming, I wander from worlds to worlds. HAJIME: Leave it to me. > A forceful good night SHUN: I dreamed of an amazing flower garden🌸! ! !
#Seriously physics breaker
SHUN: I saw an interesting dream today~🌸 Kai was in the Demon World wearing his swimming trunks~🌴 HARU: You's been looking for Kai since morning. That, was that really a dream? EVERYONE: Shun-san??? SHUN: .........Huh? HAJIME: ......bring him back
#Everyone was there
IKU: ... RUI: Ikkun IKU: ! Ah, oh. Rui, what's wrong? RUI: ... (sits) RUI: I should be asking you that. IKU: .........Ah, you can tell? RUI: Yup, of course. IKU: ...I just.. had a bad dream. RUI: Want some pudding?🍮 IKU: You're suddenly so manly (laughs) Sure, I'll have some
#Had a scary dream #Your partner shall cheer you up
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lunerna21 · 2 years
Book 7 Updates!
(Also, another note; Sleeping Beauty has always been so special to me, ESPECIALLY with how much I love Aurora as a child to now, so I cannot wait to see how they do this Book with the storyline!)
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First of all, I'm glad the MC is catching onto the villains reappearing in our dreams and matching the statue. But why do we see the original storyline (from the films) when they're regarded as heroes in TW?
I'm in no way complaining about it, but just how HEARTBREAKING and DEVASTATING THIS BOOK COULD BE IS FRIGHTENING
So I'm holding my breath the entire time. But then Sebek had a FUCKING ANEURYSM WHEN WE CALLED MALLEUS TSUNOTARO!!
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Welp, I felt 10000% better after his reaction
Like Sebek, you're incredibly behind on how long we've been calling him that hehehe~!❤️
I love how Malleus is so earnest to volunteer and speak more about Maleficent to us while also interacting with us whenever we’re around which I FUCKING LOVE, so I hope we get more time with him.
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Cause goddamn I could spend every waking moment with him MY FUCKING GOD
.......but then Lilia mentions dropping out?! Like WHAT!? It's suspicious that he's leaving so quickly from NRC, ESPECIALLY considering his close-knit relationship and history with Silver and Malleus.
............But then we get the curveball about possibly being able to go home......
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........and then they make it million times harder, with Deuce and Grim get sentimental about how this could be the last moments spent together with you...
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.....Like damn, let's mutilate my heart and make me sob like a baby. But DAMN, it's already starting out as an emotional chapter
Malleus is already starting to accumulate blot, Silver and the mysterious necklace, and Sebek is being shown the intense sword Lilia once used...
Like, what are they gonna have in store for us? I'm ready for more backstories about Malleus, but I don't know how much heartbreak I can take
But Malleus waiting outside while brooding over everything, and telling us the story with the shaved ice….and how he’s used to be alone….. WTF IM GETTING STABBED AND BEATEN TO DEATH WITH ANGST
I love that the MC is heavily influenced in this Book, but I feel horrible about how much Malleus has endured
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……….…………………………my fucking god…………………
When I tell you my gut churned and I couldn’t breathe, I legitimately lost my mind and couldn’t say or think anything…
Like Malleus, what are you going to do??
There’s so many questions that I have, but I’m just overwhelmed and excited to see how things play out.
Even if it involves breaking my heart in the process 💔
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