#captain holt x reader
bonkwosher · 2 years
So I've literally just been watching Brooklyn Nine-Nine all day & I want to write for like half the characters lmao. If anyone wants of the characters x reader please request it I would be so happy to write headcanons/one shots for them.
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iliketopgun · 6 months
Y'all are gonna have to pry Brooklyn 99 from my cold dead hands
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ateotd-izzy · 1 year
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how you get the girl | jake peralta x fem!reader
summary: 6 months after your breakup, on a rainy night, jake turns up on your doorstep.
warnings: some swearing, kissing, nothing that big of a deal
taglist: @brvceyamada
stand there like a ghost shaking from the rain
you were sat on your couch. all the lights were off and you had a movie playing on the tv while you were curled on the couch and listening to the rain.
it was basically a perfect night.
then there was a knock at your door.
it was late. you checked your phone to see the time, 11:38 pm, and got up with a groan.
why was someone at your door this late at night?
she’ll open up the door and say, ‘are you insane?’
you unlocked the front door and once you pulled it open you found your ex-boyfriend, jake peralta, standing on your porch.
he was soaking wet, his hair sticking to his forehead and his clothes drenched, from the rain.
“jake, what are you doing here?” you asked, taking in his appearance. “it’s the middle of the night and it’s pouring! are you insane?”
say it’s been a long six months
“maybe.” he replied before going quiet again and staring at you. “it’s been… a long six months.”
“really, jake?” you sighed.
you had seen him almost every single day since he broke up with you due to the fact that you worked together.
“are you drunk or something?”
“no! no— i…” he sighed. “i just…”
and you were too afraid to tell her what you want
“i was… afraid.” jake paused. “of telling you the truth.”
“what do you mean?”
“i mean the truth about how i felt about our relationship. i was too scared to tell you what i really wanted.”
“i’m so confused right now.” your eyes flitted around his face.
and that’s how it works
“just… come inside, peralta. it’s raining.” you grabbed him by the sleeve of his leather jacket and pulled him into your house.
“it’s been a while since i’ve been here.” jake said, looking around at the house that hasn’t really changed in the six months since he had dumped you.
that’s how you get the girl
“okay, jake, just… can you please explain what you’re doing here?” you asked. “this is totally random, and i’d like to know what you’re doing and why.”
jake’s mouth went dry and he stopped looking up at the ceiling. his eyes stopped on you.
and then, you say
“okay.” jake took a deep breath. “here it goes.”
“here what goes?” you asked.
i want you for worse or for better
“i want you.” jake paused. “for worse or for better.”
you raised your eyebrows in surprise for a moment before staring at him with a blank look.
i would wait forever and ever
“and, look, i would wait forever and ever.” jake said.
“you’re joking, right?” you asked, one hand still on the handle to your front door. “you can’t possibly be serious.”
broke your heart, i’ll put it back together
“y/n, i know i broke your heart.” jake sighed and looked up from his shoes and took one step closer to you. “but i’ll put it back together.”
you narrowed your eyes at him for two reasons. one, in disbelief, and two, because something about the whole situation was familiar.
i would wait forever and ever
“again, i would wait forever. and ever.” jake mumbled and the two of you stood in your entryway, a few feet away from each other.
“jake, you have got to be kidding me.” you sighed and walked past him and back into the living room, where your movie was now paused on the tv.
and that’s how it works
“what do you mean?” he asked, following you into the room.
“i mean you turning up at my house in the middle of the night talking like a crazy person.”
“a person… crazy in love.” jake said with a wide smile, which he dropped after he saw your disappointed stare. “no? okay.”
that’s how you get the girl
“jake, what is up with you?” you questioned him. “why are you here and why are you saying all this stuff?”
he walked past you and sat down on your couch, still wet.
“off the couch.” you ordered and he got up quickly.
“sorry.” he slowly made his way around the room before stopping in front of a shelf.
remind her how it used to be
he picked up a framed photo off of it and turned to look at you. “you’ve still got these up?”
you shrugged, crossing your arms and holding your robe tight. “yeah.”
“do you remember the day we took this?” he asked.
the picture he held was a selfie he had taken when the two of you were on a date after finishing a big case.
he has caught the exact moment you kissed his cheek.
with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks
“mhm.” you didn’t want to say much. you didn’t like him being in your house, despite being the one who let him in. “right after we solved the mason murder case you took me out on that date.”
jake chuckled to himself and put the frame down. “yeah.”
the two of you had gone out for dinner, but then abandoned all plans for being in the outside world and decided to watch movies in jake’s apartment.
that same night, he told you that he loved you for the very first time.
tell her how you must’ve lost your mind
jake turned to look at you again.
he didn’t care if you were staring at him with a look that was a mix of both disapproval and disappointment, or that you clearly did not want him to be there.
jake’s eyes travelled from your eyes down your body and back to your face. he thought you looked beautiful.
“y/n, i swear, i must’ve lost my mind.” he forced out a very awkward chuckle, which he masked with a cough. “i did something so stupid, even for me.”
when you left her all alone, and never told her why
“which was?”
“dumping you. and not even telling you why.”
he did that.
six months earlier jake had come up to you at work and asked to talk to you privately.
and that’s how it works
“hey, babe, can i talk to you in private for one second?” jake had appeared at your side mid-conversation with rosa.
“oh, yeah, one sec.” you smiled and he nodded. jake started walking away and you told rosa you’d be right back before following jake.
the two of you soon ended up in the evidence room.
“what’s up?” you asked once the two of you were in the room with the door closed.
jake went silent in front of you. he seemed to freeze up.
“jake? you okay?”
“hmm? oh, yeah, totally, all good.” jake chuckled and cleared his throat. “but, um, anyway. so what i wanted to talk to you about was… i want…”
jake trailed off and stared you in the eyes. you waited for him to go on, giving him a weird look and he shook his head.
“i wanna break up!” jake basically spewed the words out as he yelled them loudly at you. “yup. that’s it. i want to break up… with you…”
jake nodded and turned on his heel, speeding out of the room.
that’s how you lost the girl
“i messed up. big time.”
“really?” you pretended to be surprised. “wow, i had no idea!”
jake stared back blankly. “okay. i get it.”
“do you, jake?” you asked. “because you turning up here and thinking i’d be okay with that tells me that maybe you don’t really get it.”
and now, you say
“no, i do.” he sighed. “i came here because i’ve been thinking. like, really thinking.”
you stared at him expectantly.
“i wanted to apologize.”
“after six months?” you almost laughed. “that’s half a year, jake.”
i want you for worse or for better
“i know.” jake buried his face in his hands. “but i swear, i’ve been thinking about this for… yeah, for literally the entire six months.”
“and what is this thing you’ve been thinking about?”
“i knew i had messed up immediately, and i freaked out and that’s why i ran away.”
you raised your eyebrows. “you messed up so you ran away instead of… talking about it like adults?”
i would wait forever and ever
“well, i did talk about it with charles.” jake said.
“i meant talk about it with me.” you stated. “as in the girl you broke up with without any explanation or another word that wasn’t work related for six months until you show up on her doorstep unannounced in the middle of the night when there’s a storm outside.”
as if on cue, thunder cracked outside.
“okay, keep it down, storm. we’re trying to have a conversation in here.” jake seemed to shout at your ceiling before looking at you with an amused smile.
broke your heart, i’ll put it back together
“okay, look,” he sighed. “i’ll be real with you right now. i want you back. i want us to be together again and i would literally wait forever and ever.”
“so you’ve said.” you nodded slightly, taking acknowledgment of the fact that jake’s hair had dried and had started to curl on top of his head.
not that you were looking at his hair. you were only listening to what he had to say.
you were totally over him.
“jake, i’ve finally… moved on. i’m over it.” you lied. “why did you decide to come here tonight?”
i would wait forever and ever
“because i still love you.” he stated. “and i never stopped loving you because i never wanted to break up in the first place.”
“then why did you break up with me?” you questioned him. “at work of all places, too. for all of our friends to find out immediately? for them to practically baby me for the next month until i finally snapped at them to stop? because that’s what happened.”
and that’s how it works
he sighed. “god, why does this have to be so hard?”
“‘god, why does this have to be so hard?’ title of your sex tape.” you said, practically on instinct, before awkwardly coughing at the sight of his smile.
jake didn’t say anything for a moment after that. he just stared at you with that beautifully stupid smile on his stupidly beautiful face.
that’s how you get the girl
“you were saying?”
“right.” jake nodded and cleared his throat. “um… i didn’t want to break up with you. i just freaked out because i couldn’t say what i wanted to say and then started overthinking everything in my head.”
“what were you going to say?” you asked. “you know, before you broke up with me.”
“i was, um… i was gonna suggest that, uh, i…” jake sighed. “i was gonna ask what your thoughts would be on me moving in with you here.”
he gestured around himself to the house the two of you stood in.
and that’s how it works
“i really do love you, y/n. i just… it was just such a big… thing.” jake cursed at himself under his breath. “it was a huge thing and, like, i worried that maybe i was going too fast or that you’d say no and crush my heart so…”
“so you just crushed my heart first to prevent any possible damage to yourself.”
“yup. i’m such an idiot.”
“yeah, you are.”
that’s how you get the girl
“look, i’m sorry for turning up here.” jake apologized and started walking towards the front door again. “i’ll just go and we can pretend none of this happened and go back to not talking to each other.”
“what if i don’t want that.” you spoke and jake turned to look at you.
“i mean… it’s raining outside.” nice save. “you don’t want to get sick or anything.”
and you know
“oh, right.” he moved away from the door a little. “smort. i mean, smart thinking, y/n.”
you nodded.
he then looked over at the tv. “die hard?”
you shrugged. “yeah. i was bored and lonely, so…”
“i get it.” he nodded.
“you can, um, watch it with me if you want.” you offered awkwardly. “i mean, it is your favourite movie of all time.”
jake smiled at you. “yeah, okay.”
“then maybe we can talk more about…” you gestured around at him. “this whole thing.”
that i don’t want you to go
the two of you sat down on the couch, but you didn’t put the movie back on. instead the two of you sat quietly.
“what made you decide to come here tonight? i mean, after six whole months?” you asked, breaking the silence.
“i don’t know. i was just in my apartment and listening to music… then i decided i couldn’t deal with us not being together anymore.”
remind me how it used to be
“for months… i don’t know why i didn’t do anything. i guess, i was scared?” he looked at you before laughing. “what am i saying? this is so dumb. whatever.”
“no, i sound ridiculously stupid. i broke up with you.” he rubbed his face. “i shouldn’t be acting like i was the one who was hurt.”
“at least you’re self-aware.” you mumbled before leaning back in your seat.
“y/n…” he reached out and took one of your hands in his. “i’m so sorry. for everything. for dumping you with no explanation, then acting as if nothing happened at all.”
with pictures in frames of kisses on cheeks
“why didn’t you just… explain to me you didn’t really want to break up right after it happened? or at least in the same day?” you asked.
“because… i kind of just assumed this was what you wanted.” jake gestured between the two of you. “you’re way too good for me. i mean, you’re smart, you’re funny, you’re an amazing detective, plus you’re super hot. i just guessed you didn’t really… i mean, look at me.”
“jacob peralta, you are such an idiot sometimes.” you deadpanned and he winced. “but, you do know that you’re also really smart, right? you’re one of the best detectives i know. you’re funny and you’re also super hot.”
“okay, i know you’re trying to make me feel better and this is the worst time to say this, but you feeding my ego and talking in that sexy voice is really turning me on.”
“oh, shut up.”
and say you want me
the silence between you returned for a moment before jake spoke again.
“y/n, i want you back.”
a part of you didn’t want to take him back. he had made you feel terrible for months and quite literally had broken your heart.
but on the other hand…
“jake…” you started and he met your eyes, looking almost desperate.
and then you say
then it clicked in your head. why the things he had been saying seemed to familiar to you.
“oh, my god. jacob peralta you did not.” you hit his arm and he gave you a confused look.
i want you for worse or for better
“i want you for worse or for better.” you spoke in a song-like tune and a small smile tugged on jake’s lips.
i would wait forever and ever
“i would wait forever and ever.” you chuckled and shook your head.
the way he smiled at you at that moment made your stomach flip.
broke your heart, i’ll put it back together
“broke your heart, i’ll put it back together.” you glared playfully. “i would wait forever and ever.”
i want you forever and ever
“i want you forever and ever.” jake replaced the line you sang with one later in the song, his face inching closer to yours.
“and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl.” you shook your head again in disbelief. “you really followed the steps from the song?”
jake shrugged, your lips almost touching. “did it work?”
and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl
you leaned forward and connected your lips with his.
jake’s hands held onto your hips while your hands ran up his chest and to his shoulders.
when you pulled apart, you smiled curiously and asked him, “when did you plan this, jake?”
“obviously it took months and months of planning to get it perfect.” he said and you gave him a look. “i didn’t plan it, i got the idea, like, five minutes before i left to come here.”
and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl
“you came here with no plan except for the lyrics to a taylor swift song?”
“i had faith. she’s a genius, i trusted her.”
you laughed and so did he before connecting your lips in another kiss.
“charles is gonna lose his shit when he hears about this.”
“how would he know if you don’t tell him?” you questioned.
“oh, he has some kind of sixth sense about this stuff.” jake stated.
“what stuff?”
“us. together.”
and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl
you paused. “you want us to be together again?”
jake’s mouth was parted slightly and he nodded in the dead silence of the room. “so badly.”
he connected his hand with yours and leaned closer.
“would you give me another chance? please?”
“are you gonna actually communicate with me and tell me how you feel instead of breaking up with me this time?”
jake’s hands held the sides of your face. “i promise. i’ve felt so horrible for the last 6 months and i swear i will never hurt you like that again.”
and that’s how it works, that’s how you get the girl
there was a quiet moment between the two of you.
“so, y/n l/n…” jake took a deep breath. “will you give me another chance and be my girlfriend again?”
and that’s how it works
“jake peralta, you’re one lucky son of a bitch.” you said before quickly adding, “i don’t mean that, i love your mom. she’s really great.”
he chuckled. “don’t worry about it.”
then he leaned forward and kissed you again.
that’s how you get the girl
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a/n: so this is something and idk how i feel about it but i love jake so here’s this
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thebrainofcorpse · 4 months
Lasers and Losers | Jake Peralta
trigger warnings: none
gender neutral reader with no specific description of appearance
word count: 1.3k
Officers and detectives of the 99th precinct crowded the small room, securing their vests and admiring the guns they were given. Their sergeant, Jeffords, stood before them beside their Captain, Holt. Serious expressions on both of their faces.
"I expect this to be taken extremely seriously." Holt spoke, eyeing his staff with a hard stare. "Treat it like a real case. Real lives on the line."
After a close call during a drug bust that became very violent, very quickly, both the Captain and Sergeant believed that it would be good for everyone to have more training on what to do in the field.
What better way to do that than by playing laser tag and pretending to take down criminals?
"We're serious, Peralta." Jeffords chimed in at the detective who was smiling like a child being given candy. "We don't want any of you getting hurt in the field. I can't imagine my daughters growing up without me."
"Don't worry serg', I'll take this so seriously, you'll be telling me to be unserious." Peralta replied before shifting his eyes towards his left where you stood. "I'm going to kill you."
His whisper didn't go unnoticed by Holt who glared down at the two of you. "Blue team are the police, green team are the criminals. It is the blue team's job to take down all the criminals before they get you first."
Peralta smirked at you, eyeing the green lights on your vest and gun, revealing the team you were on. His own vest and gun lit up blue and you couldn't help but roll your eyes. "Back off, Peralta."
"No can do, got'sta do right by the precinct, by the public, by America." He spoke, looking off into the distance as if he was in a movie.
"Yeah, alright." You huffed, letting out a slight laugh. "Let's see if you can even catch me."
"Green team have ten seconds to run and hide before we let blue team in." Holt spoke up, preventing Peralta from replying with something stupid. "Time starts now."
Following others from the green team, you ran into the dark room and forced your eyes to adjust to the contrast of the darkness and bright neon paints covering the walls.
You raced to find a hiding spot knowing that you wouldn't be there for long. Once the blue team were let in, you'd have to stay on the move as there was truly no place to hide.
Those ten seconds felt like one and the previously silent room was filled with threats from the blue team as they moved around, spreading out across the place. You did your best to keep silent, listening for any footsteps or sounds of breathing.
You held your gun tightly in your grasp as you watched for any reflection of lights from anyone's guns or vests.
You did not want to get caught, especially by Peralta. It would only fuel his ego. It was bad enough that the man thought you were in love with him.
He wasn't wrong. You were in love with him and you had been for a while. Everyone called him delusional, constantly reminding him that you would never like someone like him but that was because they never caught the looks you'd give him. The quick glances that only he seemed to notice.
You wanted to tell him about your feelings but you did not want to boost his ego. You did not want admit defeat.
Just like you did not want to be defeated by him right now.
Eyes widening at the sound of footsteps nearing, you aimed your gun and backed up to a wall so that no one could come at you from behind.
Mentally pleading with the universe for the person about to round the corner not to be Jake, you flinched in surprise as Scully appeared in front of you, his terrified scream filling the room.
"Oh, Y/n, it's only you!" He sighed, loudly. "I'm so glad we're on the same team, ya' know?"
"Scully!" You hissed as quietly as you could, panicking when you heard the blue team start to communicate with each other to find the two of you.
"Just come out L/N!" Peralta shouted and you immediately perked up, attempting to hear where in the room he was. "If you give yourself up, no one will have to get hurt, okay?"
You smirked as you somewhat located his position and carefully started in the opposite direction.
You paused.
What kind of idiot would sabotage themselves like that just to be funny?
You know Peralta isn't as stupid as he makes himself out to be.
Which means he intentionally gave up his position to make you go in the opposite direction where he plans to meet you.
But Jake knows you're smart too.
He knows you'd figure out his plan so he may very well be staying exactly where his voice was coming from in hopes that you'll walk yourself straight towards him.
If you weren't panicking before, you definitely were now.
As attractive as it was, you hated how much of a genius he really was sometimes.
"Tsk, tsk, tsk." You spun around coming face to face with the man himself, leaning on the wall with a smirk. "You make this too easy, detective."
The first thought you had was that he looked so attractive when he was proud of himself. You knew it wasn't the time and you hated yourself for not focusing but you couldn't help it.
"Shit." You muttered, holding your arms up in defeat as he pointed his gun directly at your vest.
He smirked. "Wanna know how I did it?"
"You're going to tell me anyway." You muttered, rolling your eyes which only made him more smug.
"You know me so well, detective." He began. "I knew that if you heard me, you'd go in the opposite direction of my voice."
"I know you better than that." You stated, watching him nod.
"But not as well as you think you do." He titled his head slightly and took a step towards you. "You'd think I was playing a trick on you, so obviously you'd rethink everything."
You tightened your lips. "Right."
He took another step. "While you stopped to think of what your next move could be, I was already right behind you. You see, L/N, you may be smart but you could never outsmart a genius."
By now, he was directly in front of you, staring down at you with such intensity and confidence that you could feel your face heating up. You didn't have time to come up with anything smart to say as the man backed you up into a wall and positioned his face in front of yours.
Your noses rubbed together, eyes not daring to look away as your lips connected. It felt like a surge of electricity moved through your body.
You dropped the laser gun, placing a hand on the back of his neck and the other on the side of his face, keeping him in place as if him moving would be the worst possible thing to happen.
His hands sat comfortably on your waist as he moaned into your mouth, kissing you like his life depended on it.
You could not believe it was happening.
Slowly, Jake started pulling back before things could go any further. Detectives were still running around the room and you know Holt would have both of your heads if you were caught making out instead of doing as told.
You opened your eyes and looked into Jake's, attempting to regulate your breathing.
"You're dead, sucker." He smirked, a red light flashing from your vest as he shot you.
Your eyes widened.
"You fucker." You gasped, looking at the gun he had pressed into your side that you knew you must have confused with his hand, too caught up in the kiss to notice.
You looked back up at his proud smile. "Sorry sweetheart, just doin' ma' job."
"This isn't the end, Peralta. I will get you back for this." You threatened, watching him turn and walk away proudly.
"Sure ya' will, loser."
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thewinterpoet2 · 7 months
Jake Peralta x Reader
In which the reader is a secret vocalist outside of work as a detective in the 99th precinct, Jake becomes suspicious which leads to feelings rising to the surface.
WARNINGS: Swearing, themes of crime, theft, interrogation.
Word count: 15,654
Y/N~ Your Name
L/N~ Last Name
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The first time Jake started to become suspicious of Y/N was on a random Thursday in December.
It was nearing Christmas which meant crime in Brooklyn had reached a new level of stupid, leading every Detective and Beat Cop to internally curse every black Friday sale to hell for eternity.
The squad of the 99th Precinct tended to be divided around the holidays, Boyle sprung into action, in true Boyle fashion, buying ridiculously expensive gifts for, well, everyone.
Santiago spent countless hours writing Christmas cards, and for the fifth year in a row, apologised incessantly to an exhausted UPS driver as she reluctantly returned all her holiday gifts for Captain Holt.
Gina loved Christmas and celebrated, to some, in what would be a very unusual way. But in her defence, setting up a PO box for her fans, meant she could have a very cheap Christmas. Thrifty and entrepreneurial, that's Gina.
Whereas, some members of the squad weren't as keen on Christmas. We know how Jake feels about Thanksgiving and with no suprise, this translates to his views around Christmas, too.
Rosa Diaz, although she hides it very well, spends Christmas with her family every year. Now her sexuality was out in the open, the healing her family went through have led, thankfully, to a much closer relationship. Rosa would never say this out loud, but knowing that they're fighting in her corner, is the best gift she could have ever asked for.
Oh, but if you asked she'd definitely tell you to "Mind your own fucking business before I get involved in yours" and according to her, "you definitely don't want that, do you?"
Jake Peralta was a great detective but a tricky human being. To put it bluntly, Jake hated Christmas. He hated carols, trees, "little scary elves that show up everywhere", and most of all, romcoms. Jake despised hallmark romance films. Was it because he was single for the 8th Christmas in a row? Who could tell, but he'd certainly deny it if anyone had the courage to ask.
Y/N, was definitely the wildcard out of the squad, especially when it came to the holidays. She'd told every detective the same bullshit tale of how she was going back to England to see her family for the holidays, how her least favourite gift is socks, how more than anything she hates carolling. Because, jesus, no one wants to hear her sing!
Detective L/N was a liar, for many reasons. Yes she was from England but she actually didn't mind socks and the biggest lie of all, maybe she'd convinced the detectives they wouldn't want to hear her sing... But her bandmates and their followers definitely did.
See, Y/N wasn't just a Detective, she was a trained singer, performer and songwriter. After work she tended to dodge Shaw's to head to band practice or straight to a gig, not that anyone had figured that out of course.
Not yet anyway.
Tne first time Jake became suspicious of Y/N was on a random Thursday in December.
Jake and Y/N were in the middle of interrogating a perp, nothing too gruesome or inhumane, a couple counts of petty theft and something that would hopefully have led to a new lead about a future bank heist.
William Dobson was his name.
"Why do all these perps have such boring names, why isn't he called Franco Goldminer"
Peralta turned around, slamming an evidence file onto the nearest desk. Y/N looked unamused at the topic of conversation but not surprised, it was Jake after all.
"Because I'm pretty sure 'Franco Goldminer' is A) too obvious for a criminal B) kind of ironic and C) sounds like an idiot that still lives with his mum in his 30s"
Jake's eyes twinkled at her quick and easy retort, not that she'd have seen that of course.
"Nah I stand by it, he's got a dumb name"
Scoffing Y/N stopped reading the provided statement, sighing in conclusion, rubbing her face with her hands,
"So we've got nothing, Jesus."
Peralta let out a sigh of annoyance,
"L/N why don't you go talk to him, I'll watch and see if he opens up to you"
Giving a cheeky grin he continued,
"I would say you could try annoy him into talking but you basically do that anyway"
Slapping his shoulder Y/N walked straight back into interrogation, ignoring his laughter trailing behind her.
William looks up at Y/N, recognition dawning on his face.
Fuck, this wasn't good.
"So Dobson, recount the night of the 16th for me again, seems some details don't match up from the tapes-"
Mid sentence you're cut off,
"Do I know you from somewhere?"
Y/N made a sound of aggravation at being cut off
"Small world, lots of people. Anyway the footage shows a different time to the one you claim you-"
"Roxanne on 5th right?"
Shit, shit, SHIT. Y/N's blood ran cold at the name of the club she performs at, it's nice to meet fans, just not in the middle of an interrogation.
Fuck she had to play this off cool, nochelant, like nothing happened.
"I don't care about your personal life Dobson, you're here because you're a criminal. Distraction techniques won't work with me, I don't recall being your best friend, Sir"
Awesome she thought, professional and managed to get an insult in at the same time.
"aren't you in that ba-"
Slamming her file onto the table
"Jesus give it a rest you don't know me"
Y/N's voice came out high pitched, aggravated and very, well, unlike her. This was enough to peek Peralta's interest from behind the glass, this wasn't the Y/N he knew, his coworker who hated anything boring but rarely took risks.
Hands up in defeat, Dobson backs down and the interrogation continues as it was before, absolutely useless.
What Y/N didn't know is Peralta was on the other side of the glass, a puzzled expression on his face;
This was the day Jake Peralta made it his mission to investigate further.
"Who are you Y/N?" He mumbled.
A few weeks later, Jake stopped going to Shaws with the squad.
This in itself was confusing for his fellow detectives, Boyle was practically heartbroken thinking that he'd done something to scare his best friend off.
This led to Boyle doing everything he could to try and entice Jake to their bar, regardless of how weird it was.
Boyle is Boyle, he's very extra, but he's got such a big heart and that's all that mattered to Jake.
However, Charles' interference was only causing Jake more stress, his plan needed to be a secret to be able to make this work.
It was a Friday night, the day before New Year's Eve. Y/N had requested annual leave tomorrow, something that was rarely granted on holiday's (thanks again New York) Jake managed to find this much out from a single conversation with Gina, oh, and because the holiday schedule was on a public server but that seemed too easy.
If he wasn't suspicious before, he definitely was now, something was in the water and he simply had to know what was going on.
It's not like Jake was OBSESSED with Y/N, he just wanted to know her on a more personal level and she made that incredibly difficult.
"I like to keep myself to myself, work is work, home is home. Keep them separate"
Her beautiful voice repeated the devastating series of words more times than he'd have liked to have heard them. Never. None. No thanks.
He'd invited her to Shaw's so many times he'd lost count, he'd asked if she wanted to watch Die Hard at his apartment, he'd even asked if he could do more overtime so he could spend more time with her. In the 6 years he'd worked with her he'd made absolutely zero progress, it's hard to fancy someone that doesn't acknowledge your existence.
Jake thinks Y/N is perfect.
Plain and simple.
Starring at her, lost in thought. He thinks about her eyes, how he wishes one day she'd look at him with the same love and happiness he looked at her with. He wonders what their kids would look like, okay Jake that's a bit far you're sounding a bit like Charles, he internally scolds himself.
"JAKE" Y/N snapped her fingers to get his attention, a look that can only be described as concern adorning her features.
"Huh? Oh yes, yes. I agree, yes let's do that. Whatever it was you said" He rambled at the speed of light, pretending to have acknowledged the last 20 mins that don't exist in his mind.
A smirk grew on Y/N's face, something he barely saw but made him feel like the room just got 20 times hotter.
"Oh so you were listening, yeah? Fabulous, so we can go ahead and schedule the hip replacement..."
Jake's eyes grew wide, babbling out some incoherent nonsense he managed to find two words; "HIP REPLACEMENT?"
Y/N couldn't hold back anymore and cried with laughter, barely being able to form any words.
"I was talking to you about someone I booked using their need for a hip replacement as an excuse, I joked she could use yours" wiping away tears, Y/N's laughter dies down seeing his daze and confusion.
"Are you okay, Jake?" Starring him down, he does what he does best, panics.
"I have to go" Jake stands up bolts out the room at top speed, leaving a very concerned Y/N.
Y/N has always liked Jake, he's bubbly, silly, but cares so much about everyone in his life, he'd go above and beyond for anyone and that's something you can't buy. She has wanted to let him into her personal life for a while but mixing personal and professional has never worked in her favour so she stops herself from letting things get weird and complicated again. Life is as complicated as she makes it after all.
Tomorrow Y/N's band were performing at Roxanne again for their NYE party, she was debuting the title song of their new cover album. Y/N has always been such a huge Fleetwood Mac fan, so "Go Your Own Way" definitely made the cut, providing, Jamie and Simon (her bandmates) were okay with that of course. She was excited, finally time to let her hair down and shed any stress from work.
Jake, after running out at top speed, took to his phone, made a few calls and booked a table tomorrow night for nine people.
At Roxanne.
Jake, Charles, Rosa, Amy, Terry, Captain Holt, Gina, Sully and Hitchcock.
And Y/N had no idea.
Well, neither did anyone other than Jake. This was going to be interesting.
The morning of NYE came and Y/N was ecstatic, eating breakfast at lighting speed, grabbing a coffee, brushing her teeth and then heading to the subway, felt like seconds. You know what they say, time flies when you're having fun.
Y/N arrived at Roxanne at just gone 1pm and immediately hugged Jamie who gave a huge grin seeing her arrival.
"Hi baby! Don't you look a treat, you excited for later?"
Blushing and hitting his shoulder Y/N laughed at his brash complimenting.
"Yeah, yeah, save it Jame, where's your boyfriend? He better not be hiding, we're fucked without him"
"Right here gorgeous"
Y/N jumped and let out a sharp gasp seeing him right behind her.
"Don't scare me like that, dick!"
Laughing he pulled her into a hug.
"Ready to blow the world away with your pipes tonight angel?"
Laughing gently she said "As ready as I'll ever be, right let's practice idiots. Then we can grab some food before we have to change"
Y/N had her mind free from work and Jake, but for Jake, well that was another story.
To Jake this was a stakeout, he had no idea whether he'd find a Mafia organisation or nothing at all. He phoned up Roxanne to ask about the event but all they said was to "Check the damn website, it's not 1942 anymore" and the website hadn't been updated in months.
Jake was terrified.
An afternoon turned into the evening and soon Y/N was slipping on a red sequined dress, black knee high boots, two lace black gloves, smokey, dark makeup and her hair was in curls, ready to take to the stage.
Roxanne was bustling already and it had only just gone 8, she was on in 30 mins and this was their moment.
Warmed up and excited, adrenaline coursing through her veins, she jumped up and down to hype herself up, she had got this.
Jake on the other hand, was only just getting ready, nothing too extravagant just a classic shirt, no tie and a jacket, but a clean jacket so it counts, right? The table was booked for 9 and he had no idea what was going to happen or what would be uncovered.
5 minutes to their opening call, Jamie, Simon and Y/N were all hugging and hyping up each other, knowing this was going to be the performance of a lifetime.
The crowd are cheering already, the bar is stacked and there's no space in the room, the floor is filled to the brim full of people and the only remaining space is one singular table on the balcony of the club, a reserved sign sitting neatly in the center.
Running out onto the stage, the heat from the stage lights hit Y/N and then everything changed, her body felt warm and she'd never felt more comfortable. The first notes started of Go Your Own Way and she took a breath then started to sing.
Loving you
Isn't the right thing to do
How can I ever change things
That I feel?
The crowd scream at the sound of her voice, the sweet melody carrying through the entire club, out the doors, into the night.
If I could
Baby, I'd give you my world
How can I
When you won't take it from me?
Y/N can't help but think about Jake as she sings, music really is true to the heart and god what her heart wants more than anything is him.
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it
Another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way
Jake and the squad pull up to the club, Terry already confused about why they're at such a random location on NYE when they could be at Shaws or "somewhere that doesn't look straight out of the Rocky Horror Picture Show"
Squeezing through the crowd blocking the entrance to the club, Jake heard Amy gasp.
"Oh my god, Jake"
"No fucking way" Rosa chimed in.
"This is unexpected" Gina remarked.
"Terry did not see this coming" Terry exclaimed.
Tell me why
Everything turned around
Packing up
Shacking up is all you want to do
Looking at his shocked colleagues, Jake followed their eyeline to the stage, seeing Y/N he unconsciously held his breath. She looked out of this world, so out of character from the person he shares a desk space with, but at the same time, she'd never looked more, her. His heart beating faster than the beat of the music, he turned to look at the squad once more, seeing Rosa's smirk, Amy's disbelief, Terry's enjoyment, Boyle squealing like a child at Jake's reaction.
"Oh Jakey, I knew you liked her, I knew it, I can't wait to be best man at your wedding" Charles then carried on monologuing but it all drowned out to Jake who only heard Y/N, oh boy, could she sing.
If I could
Baby, I'd give you my world
Open up
Everything's waiting for you
During this moment he imagined Y/N was singing directly to him, his heart fluttered and in that moment he knew he had to tell Y/N, he just had to. Or he'd explode.
You can go your own way
Go your own way
You can call it
Another lonely day
You can go your own way
Go your own way
All the squad started pushing past the crowd to try and get as near to the stage as possible, ignoring their table completely (well apart from Hitchcock and Scully) cheering, dancing and having a great time. Enjoying every second.
On the last note of Y/N's performance she took a breath and basked in the screaming of the crowd.
But before the first note could be sang Y/N made direct eye contact with Jake, who was fondly shaking his head in disbelief. She smiled widely and blushed a deep red.
She knew they'd talk after, and he did too. But for now she'd show how she loved him by showing him who she really was, Unapologetically and he loved nothing more.
AUTHORS NOTE: Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this fic, might do a part 2, if you want to be added to a taglist or if you want a part 2 full stop please let me know:) unedited so it's definitely not perfect haha. Enjoy!
#jakeperalta #jakeperaltaxreader #brooklyn99 #brooklyn99fanfic #brooklyn99jake #jake #jakeperalta #jacobperaltaxreader #xreader #charlesboyle #rosadiaz #amysantiago #captainholt #terryjeffords #ginalinetti #scully #hitchcock
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ilovesadiesink · 1 year
<six of crows as b99 quotes3
Kaz: Do not trust any child that chews bubble gum-flavored bubblegum.
Kaz: Do not trust any adult that chews gum at all.
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sketchingraccoon · 1 year
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gojo fam vacation drip 💧
bonus: here
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sketchy-rosewitch · 1 year
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My Masterlist for the Haunted Hoedown which was Created by @inklore and @psychedelic-ink
Day One: Keeping It Between Us: Murph Connors x afab!gn!reader
Day Two: Anything for You: Corey Cunningham x afab!gn!reader
Day Three: Play With Me Like a Child: 18 y/o!Carly Jones x 18y/o!Bo Sinclair
Day Four: Malfunction: Captain Denninger x android!gn!afab!reader
Day Five: Maybe There’s a God Above: priest!Bo Sinclair x nun!reader
Day Six: Moonlight Madness: Bo Sinclair x werewolf!reader x Vincent Sinclair
Day Seven: Wolves Eat Bunnies: Rusty Nail x afab!gn!reader
Day Eight: Vincent Sinclair x past victim!reader
Day Nine: Bo Sinclair x gn!afab!reader
Day Ten: Cade Ward x gn!afab!reader
Day Eleven: Dead Ringers au, Bo Sinclair x afab!gn!reader x Vincent Sinclair
Day Twelve: Bo Sinclair x afab!gn!reader
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It's a Match! || 141 x reader
[ Chapter 4 ] || [ Chapter 6 ]
Pairing: 141 x gn!Reader Words: 1.3K~ tags: a little bit of angst in this one, mentions of infidelity, also, Price is divorced. Summary: While overcoming recent heartbreak, you decide to join Tinder in search of a rebound. Your friends advise to just Swipe Right indiscriminately... What happens when 4 soldiers from the same squad match with you?
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Chapter 5: GET LAID?
[The scolding Price gives is fully inspired by Captain Holt from B99]
“YOU. DID. WHAT?!” Price’s voice was so loud it bounced off the walls and Soap could swear the door was rattling.
The environment inside of Price’s tiny little office was beyond tense. Gaz sat across from Price on the arm chair, with his hands clasped over his lap. Soap stood beside him, hands on the back of the other chair, constantly shuffling and readjusting. And Ghost was all the way in the back of the room, arms crossed and one foot scuffing up the wall he was leaning against.
They looked like a group of kids at the headmaster’s office, getting the reaming of a century and waiting for their parents to come get them, only to get reamed out some more by them. Except they’re grown adults and Price is, in a way, both the headmaster and their father.
Granted, they probably should’ve waited until tomorrow morning when they’re not all a bit buzzed from one too many beers…  It seemed tonight was just one of those nights where they have little to no restraint… and are incapable to be reasoned with.
“If it’s any consolation, I told them you wouldn’t be too keen on 'em buttin' in your life.” Ghost spoke up while dipping his head to the side in a lazy shrug.
This earned him a sharp look from Price, who swivelled on his executive chair, turning a bit to properly face Ghost. The man looked seconds away from blowing up, eyes widened and wild.
“And yet you still HELPED 'EM?!” The Captain scolded him, to which Simon replied with a full shrug.
“They made a compelling case. You’ve been insufferable, boss.” He remarked, causing Price to sputter a bit.
“I didn’t wanna say anything, but it’s true, Captain. You need to get laid.” Soap jumped in.
His hackles raised and he stood up, slamming his hands on the desk, causing a rattling in the white mug he used as a pen holder. Gaz couldn’t help but wonder if the Captain didn’t hurt his palms.
“GET LAID?!” Price shouted in a tone almost akin to panic. “MY LOVE LIFE IS NONE OF YOUR CONCERN!” Price scolded them all, rausing a hand and pointing his finger at no one in particular. 
“AND I WOULDN’T BE SO INSUFFERABLE IF YOU LOT DID YOUR JOBS. BUT NO, I’M HAVING TO FIX YOUR MESSES AND DEAL WITH ALL THIS BULLSHIT!” He shouted as he ran his hand over a pile of documents on the edge of his desk, sending them all flying to the floor.
None of the lads shook in the face of the Captain’s shouts. They were all used to it, having heard enough of them from other C.O.s in their careers and, especially, more than enough from John in the last year.
Price huffed through his nose and hung his head for a moment. Then, he tossed himself back in his chair, leaning it back and grumbling under his breath.
He sat with his legs parted, left arm over the desk top, the right one hanging limply over his lap. He grumbled under his breath, his mustache scrunching a bit as he raised his right hand to rub his eyes.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell…” Price grumbled and swiveled his chair back toward the desk, inadvertently toward Soap and Gaz as well, setting his elbows on either side of the black desk mat.
He held his head up with both hands, his blue eyes sliding downward to the phone they had set in front of him when explaining what they did, which now sat between his elbows. 
In it was the Tinder profile they had created, the gimmicky, silly little shite that includes grainy photos of him and a bio written in the 3rd person. What impressed him was the fact that somehow, despite only having been active for an hour, according to them, the account had already seen about 35 likes and a handful of DMs from people.
Most of them were curious about the bio, some of them asking a variation of ‘Does John know you made this account?’, etc.
However, it bothered him that they did this behind his back, never once stopping to ask if he needed or wanted their help (AND HE DIDN’T). “You need to delete this.” He ended up saying after a moment of silence.
He grabbed the phone and set it on the edge of his desk to be taken by either Gaz or Soap, with a bit more aggression than he meant to. “Deactivate it, whatever.” He added.
“But, sir-” Soap tried to say, being shushed by Price raising a hand to signal him to quiet down.
“No buts.” He said directly as he raised his head and glared right at Soap. “And you need to tell that person that you already promised a date to that I’m not interested and APOLOGIZE for leading them on.” He ordered.
“Boss… C’mon.” Ghost called for him from his corner, causing John’s head to slowly turn to face him, eyebrows scrunched when he noticed the gaze Simon was sending him.
Cursed be Simon Riley, the only tosser in the entire SAS other than MacMillan, who can read John like the open book that he prides himself in not being.
But of course Simon knows why he’s so reluctant. He was there 5 years ago… when Price called him from his car in a side road somewhere, so drunk that his words were more so obscene slurs than words themselves, spewing mentions of loss and betrayal and a visceral need to cave a man’s face in, of emptying magazine after magazine on his wife’s lover’s body.
Simon went to get him, took the man home to his own shitty little flat, let him sleep off the inebriation in his bed, looked after him just in case he’d choke on his own drunken vomit, and the next afternoon, when Price was more himself, he drove Price to his marital home and helped him pack his bags.
Price stayed at his apartment for almost 6 months before getting his own place. Not that Ghost minded. Returning to the barracks was embarrassing for the Captain… And getting his own place required time and patience, which Price was lacking. 
Eventually, Price signed the divorce papers, the matter was settled, and Price went on leave. Ghost took his as well and helped him settle into a flat, helped him assemble furniture, brought him meals.
Then started Price’s fuckboy era. Which is how Gaz and Soap heard of his proclivity to hook up with people. Gender didn’t matter, so much as getting momentary satisfaction and some of the shadows out of his bones. 
Then, Graves and Shepherd happened… And Price cut it cold turkey. He was pent up. Point blank. Went from getting regular satisfaction to getting nothing and burying himself in his work. Blaming himself for not noticing the signs earlier.
Sometimes Ghost wondered if the man was going through a mid-life crisis.
“You could use it, boss.” Ghost added as he looked Price right in the eyes. “What’s one night, huh? Just going for a drink with them?”
“Simon-” Price tried arguing.
“Please, sir. We promise you’ll like ‘em.” Gaz pleaded. 
“Yeah, sir, we all talked with ‘em and they’re a right laugh.” Soap added.
Taking a deep breath, John leaned back on his chair again and threw his hands in the air again.
“Alright.” He conceded. “BUT!” He interrupted them before they got too giddy. “None of this… Tinder shite.” He gestured vaguely to the phone at the edge of the desk.
“You set up a meet-up this Friday at a pub nearby. No more after that.” He ordered.
“On it!” Gaz said as he snatched the phone from the desk to dm you.
taglist: @daisychainsinknots , @bunnysdaydreams , @iite-cool , @lahniu , @pagesfalling , @tapioca-milktea1978 , @live-love-be-unique , @thelaisydazy , @littleghosthunter , @bossva , @emotion-no-hot-yes-hotel-trivago , @chamomiletealeaf , @ghosts-hoe , @kariiiel , @ltbarnes , @irregulardongyoung , @spacelia , @hayleybarnesx , @infpt-zylith , @xxshadowbabexx , @frescoisnotinthemilitary , @leeeenistop , @lucienbarkbark , @zombie-freak , @wittleespur , @agoodmoviekiss , @l0lziez , @whos-fran , @greatstormcat , @openup-yourmind , @neoarchipelago
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lulunothulu · 26 days
“What’s wrong, dear?”
Jake “Hangman” Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake knows something’s wrong so he makes it his life’s mission to 1. Make it better and 2. Find out what’s wrong.
Content: 18+ ONLY, sad boi hours, soft Jake, FLUFF, cuddling turned into cock warming, p in v sex, unprotected sex.
Masterlist here 💗🤠
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Jake had a pretty normal day at work. Nothing compared to the week before, but still pretty okay.
He’d just parked in the driveway, sighing as he finally sees his home. Y’all’s home.
Texas flag hanging proudly on a hook out front, white picket fence closing intruders out of y’all’s space.
The house itself wasn’t anything special, just a bungalow by the beach. What made it special was you. The warmth and light you brought in with just a smile could’ve lit the whole house.
That’s why when he enters the house and finds nothing but darkness and silence, he knows something’s wrong.
Kicking off his boots at the entryway, Jake looks around the house for any signs of you.
Your purse is on the table by the door, keys along with it. Your shoes, required for any Naval Medic, lined by his own boots. Your uniform shirt was neatly thrown on the couch a little walks away from the front door, pants in tow.
You were never home before he was, only on rare occasions so that didn’t throw him off. What threw him off was in the distance, Jake heard soft sniffles coming from your room.
Carefully, Jake padded toward the room, worry increasing deep in his chest.
“Darlin’?” He drawled, pushing the door to y’all’s bedroom open.
Curled up on the bed you lay, soft sniffles filling Jake’s ears.
Instantly, Jake is by your side. To hell with showering, you were all he needed to focus on.
“Baby?” He soothes your head, brushing your hair back and away from your face. Your face was splotchy, eyes rimmed red and lips puffy from crying.
“What’s wrong, dear?” he asks, patiently waiting for your sweet voice to respond.
But you don’t.
You just lay there, staring beyond you, eyes emotionless.
Fear began to creep into Jake’s mind. He knew you’d seen some things on your last deployment, but you never spoke of it. He could only imagine you were having another PTSD episode. The last one being a few months ago.
Wrapping his strong arms around your form, Jake nuzzles his face into your neck. “Darlin’, you gotta tell me what’s bothering you…please?”
Again, nothing.
Jake’s mind begins to race, he hated seeing you so low. He had to do something to make you feel better, but before he could even do that he had to figure out what was going on.
“Baby, is this about your deployment?” He asks softly.
You shake your head, no.
Jake sits up, looking down at you again. Life creeps back into your eyes but you’re still staring off beyond you.
Okay, so it wasn’t whatever happened during your deployment.
“Is it work?” He asks.
You sigh before croaking, “No.”
The sound of your voice was like music to his ears. He breathed a sigh of relief at that, thinking of his next best thing to ask.
“Are you just having a bad day?”
When you nod and hum a ‘mhmm’, Jake almost rejoices. He’d finally gotten an answer. Now to cheer you up.
“Tell me what happened today,” he half orders, half asks. “C’mon, talk to me baby.”
You turn to face him, finally resting those beautiful eyes on his sage green ones.
Jake wipes a tear that falls from your eyes, patiently waiting for your response.
He watches as you take a shaky breath before you finally spill.
“It started this morning,” you recounted.
——— This morning ———
You were already running late.
Your alarm hasn’t woken you up and while Jake’s alarms—yes plural alarms—usually do the trick for you, you were so tired from the day before, you barley felt when he kissed you goodbye.
By the time you were dressed and out the door, you were running ten minutes late.
You sprint into the hospital where you worked, smiling as your supervisor, Captain Holt, raised a bushy brow at you.
“You’re ten minutes late,” he states.
“I know, sir,” you say at attention. “My alarms didn’t go off.”
“Hmm,” he hums, looking you up and down. “Since you’re never late, I’ll let you off with a warning. But do not let it happen again, Lieutenant Seresin.”
“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” You reply, saluting when he dismisses you and walking to your station.
You sigh, realizing your forgot coffee this morning so you go to the break room to grab a cup before you settle back into your station.
However, after you made a cup, you’re bumped into on the way back to your station. Coffee spills down the front of your uniform shirt as you mentally scream.
“Watch where you’re going,” you yell at whoever just bumped into you.
You turn around to see a Petty Officer with wide eyes stare back at you.
“I’m so sorry, Lieutenant!” She cries, standing at attention and saluting you. “There’s a trauma coming in and Lieutenant Briggs said to grab some—”
“It’s fine, just don’t let it happen again,” you tell her. “Wait, a trauma so early in the morning?”
“Yes, one of the Aviators had an accident,” she tells you. “It’s sounds really bad.”
The only thing you can think of is Jake. Your mind was whirling, praying to whatever God that’ll listen, begging for it not to be Jake.
“Was it a male or female?” You ask.
“Answer the question!” You order.
“A f-female,” she tells you.
Heart starting to slow, you nod. “Alright, go ahead, Petty Officer…” you glance down at her name tag. “Vincent.”
You go back into the break room after she scurries away, grabbing the backup shirt you keep for times like this and choke down a sob.
It could’ve been Jake. But it wasn’t.
You take the deep breaths your therapist showed you how to do to calm yourself and wipe away any lingering tears before making another coffee and finally making it to your station.
Hours later, it’s three hours before the end of your shift when you respond to another trauma. This time a male who no one can recognize. In the back of your mind, you can hear yourself say, “It’s Jake this time. It’s Jake.”
After a few rounds of CPR, the aviator is pronounced dead, sending you into a panic. When a nurse tells you the name of the aviator though, you have to excuse yourself.
It wasn’t Jake, but it could’ve been him. God knows he’s got a cockiness to his flying ability.
You’d told him multiple times he has to fly safer. Especially after what happened with his last back seater. Even more after that last mission when he saved Pete and Bradley, you’d almost broken down in thanks that he came back home.
You knew the risks in being married to an Aviator, but with the things you saw at work and again on your deployment almost two years ago…you couldn’t help but think negatively every time a trauma came in.
“Seresin?” You hear your colleague, Lieutenant Casey, say. Her voice traveling to your ears in the quiet locker room.
You sniffle, wiping your eyes dry with the back of your palm. “Hey, sorry. I just needed some time to catch my breath.”
You look up at her from where you sit, knees to your chest.
“Hey, I talked to the Captain,” she starts, voice soft and soothing. “He said you can go home early. I’ll cover your patients.”
“Are you sure?” You ask feeling the tears threaten to reappear.
“Of course,” she tells you. She had lost her wife, an aviator, years ago and knew what it was like to worry. “You go home, meet your husband when he gets back.”
You thank her, hugging her tightly before grabbing your things and going home.
——— Now ———
“So I came home, and out your clothes on,” you tell Jake. “I wanted to be close to you.”
Jake’s heart ached for you. He couldn’t imagine what you were feeling and he mentally kicked himself in the balls for ever making you worry.
“I’m so sorry, baby,” he tells you, smoothing your hair back. “I have been flying a bit more carefully now so you don’t worry so much.”
You smile up at him and he can feel the worry he once felt disappear in the instant your lips formed the smile.
“Good,” you hiccup.
“Is there anything I can do to do?” Jake asks, willing to do anything and everything to make things better for you today.
You scrunch you nose and sniff. “You can go shower before you stink up the bed and then come cuddle me.”
Jake laughs at that, kissing your forehead before whispering, “I’ll be right back.”
Jake showers, scrubbing the jet fuel and grime from the day off his body and sighing. He was glad you tips him what happened and why you were so upset. He couldn’t wait to get out of the shower to hold you in his arms.
While he couldn’t wait, he made sure to scrub himself clean twice…just in case.
Walking back into y’all’s room, Jake smiles when he sees you’ve taken off the sweats you were wearing—now only in his shirt and your underwear— and eyeing him with hungry eyes.
He quickly grabs a pair of boxer briefs, not bothering with a shirt before climbing into bed. He takes you into his arms, letting your leg fall onto his legs and wrap around one. You place a hand on his lightly hairy chest and sigh.
“What is it, Darlin’?” He asks.
“You’re not close enough,” you tell him.
Jake chuckles, as you nuzzle your face into his neck, feeling you breathe him in.
“What do you suppose you need?” he asks, knowing where this might lead.
“Can I lay on top of you?” You ask.
“You don’t even need to ask.” Jake pulls you onto him, your body warm and legs opening to straddle him.
Your head is on his chest, belly right on top of his semi hard-on. He places his hands on the small of your back, lightly rubbing circles with the tip of his fingers. Almost as he predicted, you scoot higher, face now in his hair by his ear—and you begin nibbling on his lobe.
He groans into your hair, sniffling the sweet scent of your shampoo and hands trailing down to your ass, squeezing softly. When he feels the warmness of your ever growing wet cunt, Jake has to remind himself that he’s meant to be making you feel better.
Sex shouldn’t be on his mind…but then you grind on him.
“Darlin’,” he starts, licking his lips. “What do you need? Use your words.”
You pull away from his ear, looking down at him with those sultry eyes you only use when you’re wanting to get your way.
“I want you inside me,” you tell him.
Jake’s heart—and dick—was pulsing. It’s taking everything in him not to just take you right then and there. But he was a gentleman—for the most part—and he needed to wait for further instructions.
“Anything you want, my love,” he replies.
“But…” And there was the catch. “I only want to warm your cock.”
Jake swallows, it’s been a while since you cock-warmed him. That turned into hardcore sex, but that was another day.
This was now, and you were in need of intimacy. There would be no fucking tonight.
At least, that’s what he told himself to keep calm.
Jake nods at you, watching as you crawl off him and remove the soft fabric from your hips so slowly, he thought you were moving in slow motion.
But no.
You were doing it on purpose. The little smirk on your face said it all.
Jake stripped the boxers off his body, his cock flinging from his enclosure and beckoning you closer.
Painfully, you slowly climb back onto the bed, Jake’s shirt still on and nipples pebbled. You straddle Jake’s hips, your warm cunt flush with his extremely hard erection, and lean down to kiss him for the first time since he got home.
The kiss is soft but passionate on its own—barely a whisper of a peck.
Jake is fighting for his life. It’s taking everything in him not to line himself to your entrance and pull you down onto him.
You’re being a good husband right now. Calm down.
Jake watches as you pull away, one hand on his chest the other grabbing his cock and guiding the tip into your pussy.
He groans when the tip of him is finally inside you, vowing not to move until—and if—you wanted him to.
You, in turn, look down at him. Pride and love radiating from those beautiful eyes of yours as you take the rest of his cock, sighing at the way he fills you up completely.
You lay back down on Jake’s chest, him wrapping his arms you again and tracing down your back to your plump ass.
He feels you clench around him and sucks in a breath.
“Are you okay, baby?” You ask, blinking up at him with innocent eyes.
“Mhmm,” Jake mutters. “Never better.”
Jake feels you smile into his chest as you kiss his collarbone and neck.
“What?” You tease. “Did I do something?”
You knew exactly what it was doing to him and he was loving it…for the most part.
Jake looks down at you, finding you already smiling up at him from behind your lashes as you place a kiss on his chest.
Jake’s body was burning, no, itching to move. He willed his hips to buck into you, to free him from your torment.
But he wouldn’t. Not until you gave him the okay.
“Did I,” you start, clenching around him again. “Do something?”
Jake groans, eyes rolling to the back of his head and bottom lip between his teeth.
“You know,” he starts, stopping to suck in another breath and groan when you clench again. “Exactly what you’re doing to me, Y/N.”
You smile up at him and he swears he can see pure mischief behind them.
This is what he got for marrying a woman who matched his freak.
You sit up, fully taking him again. He watches as you remove his shirt and toss it to the side of the bed, eyes solely on him.
You lean in, pulling Jake about halfway out, before kissing him.
Your lips were like heaven to him, sweet and pillow soft against his thin ones. Your bare chest pressed against his own, warming him up more than he already was.
When you begin to move your hips, Jake’s eyes to the back of head, soft moans escaping his lips and crashing into yours.
You smile, working your magic and hips you slowly allow him to enter and exit you.
“Does my cunt feel nice?” You ask against his lips and Jake nearly chokes.
“Fuck yes baby,” he responds, squeezing your ass.
You moan as his touch and buck your hips a bit faster, pure fire and pleasure erupting into Jake’s stomach.
“How much do you love me?” you ask him.
Good God, you were going to kill him with that sweet voice of yours.
“I love you so much,” Jake replies, squeezing your ass even harder.
“Good,” you smile. “Do you want to move?”
Jake only nods, eyes wide and on yours. He watches as you smile, slowing your pace and leaning in so close, he can feel your breath on his ear.
“Do you want permission to move, Aviator?”
God, yes. Jake nods.
You click your tongue, pulling him out completely. Jake whines, pushing down on your ass to press you on him again. But you keep away, his dick tickling your belly.
“Use your words,” you command.
Jake swallows, eyes squeezing before locking on yours again. Pure burning desire leaks out of them and he watches as you squirm under his dark gaze.
“Please let me fuck you,” he says, deep and loud, just how he knows you like it.
The look on your face tells him you’re about to sink back into him when you bite your bottom lip and smirk, nodding fiercely.
Jake moves to action, flipping you on your back and lining himself back up to your still soaking cunt. He smiles down at you, pushing only the tip into your tight entrance and watching your eyes widen in pleasure.
“Now it’s my turn,” he says darkly.
You smile up and him and Jake nearly combusts at the way your lashes flutter.
“Tell me how deep you want me,” he orders.
“All the way in baby,” you tell him.
“How deep is that?” He smirks.
You’re about to answer when he fills you completely, stretching you until his whole cock rests inside you. Your mouth opens, an O forming on your pretty lips.
“Good girl,” Jake starts, pumping into you slowly then faster when he feels you relax around him. “Taking my cock like such a good wife.”
Your moans fill the room, causing Jake to buck into you, tip to base. He knows he’s hitting the right spot when your eyes squeeze shut and you begin whispering his name.
“Keep those pretty eyes on me,” he orders, watching as your eyes fly open. “And say my name louder, scream it if you must.”
“Fuck,” you mutter.
“I don’t think that’s my name, Sweetheart.” Jake chuckles.
“Fuck Jake!” You moan.
“There it is. You sound so fucking pretty when you moan my name.”
As if on cue, you moan his name again, practically babbling and repeating it over and over again.
“Jake, Jake, Jake!” You moan, tits bouncing at the jolting Jake was putting them through.
“Are you close, my sweets?” He asks, rubbing his thumb against your clit and feeling your clench around him.
“I’m so fucking close,” you scream. “I’m gonna come!”
“No,” he orders. “You wait for me. Be a good girl and wait for me.”
You’re a mess beneath him, nails scraping his chest and legs, eyes wild and pleading to come.
He wouldn’t let you, not until he felt—
Jake’s vision began to blur, he was tasting stars at this point and he knew he was just about ready to burst.
“Now, baby! Come with me babygirl!” He orders.
With your eyes still on his, Jake feels you begin to spasm and orgasm, his coming along side yours.
You both ride the waves of your orgasm, breathing heavily and chests pounding.
Jake bucks his hips, spilling himself inside you before slowly stopping, forehead touching yours.
Kissing you deeply, he slowly pulls out of you hearing you groan against his lips.
He quickly pulls away, grabbing a washcloth before helping you clean yourself up and carrying you to the shower.
Jake washes you, carefully massaging your swollen cunt before rinsing you and washing himself quickly.
He wraps you in a towel, pay drying you the way you’d taught him years ago, and then drying himself as you watch from the counter.
Once he was dry, he dressed you in his favorite Texas Longhorns shirt and underwear before getting himself dressed and quickly changing the sheets.
He lays you in bed before climbing in himself, arms wrapping around your body again.
“Jake,” you whisper.
“Yes, my love?”
“I love you so much,” you tell him. “Thank you for making my day better.”
Jake smiles into your neck, kissing you lightly before responding, “I love you too, Y/N. And I’ll always be here to make your day better.”
He falls asleep to the sounds of your breathing and soft hums of delight and contentment.
Mission accomplished.
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msfantasy-anime · 1 month
Sorry, I’m … married!
Monkey. D Luffy x Reader
Summary: An overly zealous marine by the name of Shimoi Zappa is enraptured by your beauty and just will not take no for an answer. Your final rejection comes in the form of a blow to his face which earns you a bounty and DoA wanted poster.
A/n: not my best, but I’m setting up the story to pushing Y/n into the straw hat crew for future adventures.
Part I • Part II • Part III •
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It’s been long since you parted ways with your ‘husband’ and the straw hat pirates on the docks that day.
Despite his incessant pleas, to join the crew. You were adamant on having a your own adventure. You weren’t quite ready to give up your freedom to serve in a wanted pirate crew, the world government chasing you until you are caught.
Piracy was always a dream of Sabo, Luffy and Aces, but yours was just to explore the world.
Despite all your reasonings, the tearful parting left you feeling unsure if you made the right decision. The New World is far more dangerous than the redline ever could be, maybe joining a strong and rambunctious pirate crew would’ve actually led to even greater adventures.
You continued to contemplate, your eyes glazed off into the distance sunset horizons as the merchants ship that granted you passage is offloading supplies onto a marine base island.
The captain of the merchants ship encouraged you to explore the island, but the marines on an isolated training island is begging for trouble. All of the officers are hyped up on self-importance, they’re all itching to prove their self worth by dominate any and all around them regardless if it was warranted enough. You’ve traveled enough to know that there are just as many corrupt marines as there are good marines. But you have truely had your fill for a life time and avoid them where possible.
It’s better to just stay nice and close to the ship and leave as soon as humanly possible.
Unfortunately, your train of thought comes to a crashing holt when you feel the intense sensation of being watched.
Springing from your seat, you turn around quickly, to see the creeping figure of a marine, slinking up behind you.
“Oh dear, oh my, what a sight you are.” The tall creepy marine exclaims, his cheeks blushing. “I knew you’d look pretty considering how gorgeous you look with just your back turned! My name is Shimoi Zappa. May I have your name miss?” The marine swoons. His flirtations make your stomach sink.
“Errrrrrm… it’s Y/n.”
“Y/n?! What a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.” He swoons yet again, making you wildly uncomfortable.
“Gee, thanks.” You dead pan, looking towards the merchants ship, begging silently for help escaping this weird encounter.
“Please Miss, my heart has never yearned for another like it has for you. Please do me the honour of becoming my wife!” With one knee to the ground, he snatches your hand and places a weirdly wet kiss along your knuckles.
“UGH! No, thanks anyway.” You try to add politely on the end, whipping the back of your hand.
Falling completely onto his hands and knees, he begins to sob hysterically into the ground. “No?! Why?!” He sobs once again, grabbing your hips pushing his teary eyes into your abdomen, making your squirm in discomfort.
“Sorry, you see I’m…” Your mind reels in search of the perfect answer that won’t offend the creep whilst also strongly reaffirming your unavailability. “Im married!”
“This cannot be, this can’t be! Where is this husband of yours.” He asks, looking around, as if a man would pop into immediate view. Your jaw clenches in irritation, why couldn’t he just believe your words?
“Well, he’s off exploring the world-“
“Without you?! What kind of husband abandons his wife like this?! He mustn’t be a good husband if he leaves you alone out in this world full of creeps.”
“Please reconsider leaving that useless husband of yours and marry me instead.” He begs once again, grabbing your hand once again and giving it a pleading squeeze.
“Listen buddie, shut up about my husband. He’s a great man. Someone as vile as you will never understand.” Your usual amicable nature goes flying out the window. The overbearing flirting was one thing, but no one will ever disrespect Luffy to your face and live to tell the tale.
All commonsense goes flying out the window as you hand a devastating heavy hit to his face, knocking him out instantly.
“Hey Luffy! Come and look! There’s a new pirate bounty out.” Brook exclaims excitedly.
Luffy launches himself with bountiful energy, keen to see his new bounty. Only to be faced with the non other than your bounty.
Monkey. Y/n 100,000,000 berries. Dead or Alive.
“Hahaha! She said she didn’t want to join because having a bounty would make it hard to travel- but the dumby went and got a bounty anyway! Hahaha!” Luffy cackles. “Huh? Hey, did you guys notice that Y/n has my last name? That’s weird- I wonder why they did that.” Luffy questions scratching his head.
“100,000,000 million berries! What did Y/n do?!” Nami asks Brook in horror.
“The article says that Y/n was visiting the marine training island on a merchants ship when she punched a marine after talking poorly of her husband Monkey. D Luffy.” Luffy’s cackle continues until it comes to an abrupt halt.
“What island was she on again? Let’s go pick her up on the way to Big Moms.” He announce with a wide toothy smile.
“Great, maybe we can also steal some food while we are at it.” Nami agrees, returning back to the helm.
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lenacosse · 8 months
In a world of boys, he’s a gentle man
pairings: Jake Peralta x female reader
warnings: Men being men. Angst with happy ending.
word count: 2.6k
summary: You’re having a hard time at work, things are stressing you out and you’re at a crossroad in your relationship with Jake but he’ll always fix his mistakes.
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The blaring of your obnoxious alarm fills your ears. Ripping you from your sleep for another day of work, another day of men undermining you, another day of unsolved crimes.
You reluctantly drag yourself out of your bed and get ready. To make matters worse you and your boyfriend Jake were fighting- you wanted him to move in but his fear of commitment made him laugh the topic off and diminish your feelings. You understood his issues, but it wasn’t fair. So you told him you needed space, and surprisingly he hasn’t contacted you yet. Not that you’re necessarily upset about that, you had mixed feelings.
You arrive to work at 9:12am. And there stands holt an eyebrow raised at you. You sigh and begin.
“I’m sorry sir. I got stuck in traffic.”
“So you’re the only one of my detectives late because of traffic, even though you live closest to the precinct.” Holt gives you a stern look and you just nod and walk into his office. He follows you in and shuts the door, you take a seat.
“I’m sorry captain. I don’t know what you expect me to say.”
“I appreciate the apology. But I’m worried about you (Y/L/N), you’re one of the finest detectives in the precinct yet you cannot unsolve simplest of cases?”
“I know. I just have a lot going on right now.”
“Well I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to take your cases and put you onto paperwork tasks. I understand it won’t help but it’s protocol.”
You just nod and exit his room, not looking where you’re going you walk right into Hitchcock who spills his coffee all over you. You take a long breath and look right at him. Violent outbursts weren’t your thing, but the stupidity of the situation is making it hard not to punch him in the face.
“Would you watch where you’re going!” You storm off into the women’s bathroom to dry your shirt off. A worried Amy follows you in.
“(Y/N)? Are you okay?” Amy asks, slowly moving towards you where you stand drying your coffee stained blouse.
You look at Amy and can’t help the tears that are filling your eyes. “I’m sorry i’m fine. It’s not big deal.”
Amy puts a hand on your arm, giving you a reassuring smile. “I know you’ve been stressed recently, and I’m sorry that your cases have been reassigned. But think of it as a break. Now you can have time to think.”
You nod and offer her a smile. Amy was undoubtedly your best friend, she had a way of understanding your feelings and you appreciated that more than you could explain.
“Thank you Ames. you’re amazing.” You and Amy share a hug before she leaves the bathroom. You dry your shirt by which time you’ve collected your thoughts. Allowing you to go back out there with a clear head and better intentions.
Walking back to your desk you get a few reluctant glances, you know it’s bad when people look at your like you’re Rosa. Half way through your first paper work task you get a short tap on your shoulder, you turn around to see Jake. He looks worn down, not as enthusiastic as usual. You would be lying if you said you didn’t feel a little bit bad, your aim was not to upset Jake when you said you wanted space, but to give yourself time to think. Which you haven’t even had a chance to do yet.
“I brought you a coffee.” Jake says, it was strange to see him so… calm? The main reason you agreed to go out with Jake was because he made you laugh. Because being with him was easy, you didn’t have to change yourself to be with him and that was all anyone could ask for. But the last few days he has been indifferent, you couldn’t help but blame yourself.
“Thank you.” You smile and take the coffee from his hands. Jake nods and starts to walk away, he glances back at you. Continues to walk, glances back again then walks back to you.
“Can.. we talk later? I know you want space but I hate this. I feel bad and it’s just..”
You cut him off with a sympathetic look. “Jake..” you begin, your tone flat.
“Yeah. sorry.” He walks away, this time not looking back.
You sigh and look to your left where Charles is sitting shaking his head and wiping his eyes. You furrow your brows at him and he takes that as an invite over. He walks over to your desk, his shoulders slumped.
“Can I help you Charles?”
“God. I’m so worried about you and jake. These last few days have been utter hell. I haven’t felt this helpless since Elenor and I divorced. I’m so upset I can’t even eat my stake tartare.”
“Maybe that’s for the best Charles, sounds absolutely disgusting.” You shake your head in disgust, “as for me and Jake we are grown adults and can sort it ourselves. Don’t stress.”
“That’s impossible! I’ll talk to Jake. I know how to solve the issue, a nurturing shower where he tenderly washes your hair with lavender shampoo.”
“Seriously?! Go back to your desk.” You shoo him away with your hand. Accepting defeat, sometimes you feel bad for dismissing Charles, but not today.
By lunch time you made a reasonable dent in your paperwork. You glance over to Jake, he’s doing paperwork too. But nothing is distracting him, not even the fact that captain Holt cracked a smile, at least someone’s in a good mood.
“Come on get your stuff we’re going to get lunch.” Rosa says standing in front of your desk with her arms crossed. Behind her is Gina.
“This doesn’t mean I care about you by the way girl. I need a break from my endless paperwork.”
You look over to Gina’s desk and roll your eyes, she had two files sitting there. “Wow I couldn’t imagine it. Is Amy coming?”
“It was her idea to bring you to lunch, then she got out her colour coordinated file of conflict resolution to help you lighten up. So I told her the wrong place, being around nerds is not what I need right now. Poor Amy sitting alone with nothing but her folder.” Gina shrugs.
You grab your jacket and go out with Gina and Rosa. You go to a cafe near the precinct, the cafe echoed with small talk and coffee pots brewing. It was peaceful compared to the loud precinct, the constant keyboard clicks and nonsense talk could of easily driven you mad.
“Damn I think you ruined Jake’s life, he’s a serious depresso these days.” Gina starts.
“I did not ruin his life. I needed space.”
“Why? Did his immaturity get the better of you?” Rosa questioned, you were slightly surprised at her input. Usually an outing with Rosa entails complete silence.
You sigh taking a sip of your drink. “I wanted us to move in together. He brushed it off saying there’s no need. So I told him I needed space from him and time to think, I feel bad sure but I don’t know what to do. It feels like he doesn’t love me enough to work through these issues.” You swallow back the lump in your throat.
“Mmkay well not to give you a compliment but Jake does love you.” Gina retorts. Rosa nods in agreement.
“You always try to get me to talk about my feelings, so take your own advice and go talk to him.” Rosa added.
“I don’t know what to say, we’ve been together for almost two years and it feels like we’re capped at the newly established relationship part.”
“I think that’s enough relationship talk. Who do you think we are, Amy Santiago? No.” Gina scoffed, as she did the food arrived. You sit with your friends eating lunch and listening to Gina talk about her upcoming dance competition and her love for Beyoncé.
“Thanks for lunch.” You smile at Gina and Rosa as you sit back at your desk.
“Yeah whatever you’re welcome.” Rosa shrugs. You continue with your work, peacefully getting through your tasks with your mood peaking by the minute.
“(Y/N) can you give these files down to officer Smith?” Your sarge Terry asks, you get the files off his desk and get into the elevator to go downstairs.
It was no secret that the officers downstairs were dicks. They didn’t like you, especially officer Smith as you rejected him years ago. Ever since then he’s been making remarks about you attempting to piss you off, this has been applied to Jake as well because he is your boyfriend. Right after stepping out of the elevator you hear a wolf whistle coming from officer Smith. you roll your eyes and walk to his desk handing him the files.
“A present for me? You shouldn’t have.”
You ignore his words and explain the contents of the files, he doesn’t seem to be even paying attention but you didn’t care. That was until he piped up.
“How come you’re giving me files and not Gina?” You go to speak and he puts his finger to his mouth silencing you. “Don’t tell me the nine nine’s lousiest detective has been placed on desk duty.”
“It’s absolutely none of your business. But even so desk duty is much better than being stuck as a first rate officer for eight wasteful years.”
“Ah typical (Y/L/N) being a bitch when she gets her feelings hurt.”
“You’re pathetic. Don’t you get bored of being a dick?”
“You’re Goddamn insufferable. Just shut the fuck up and clear off.”
“Gladly. When you get off your ass for the first time today make sure to leave these files back.”
With that you walk away, but the cruel words that he shouted after had you clenching your fists and unwillingly crying in the elevator. That man knew how to get under your skin and you hated him with a burning passion. As you walk out of the elevator you wipe your eyes trying to mask the fact you’ve been embarrassingly crying. And once again you collide with someone. Their hands steady you by grabbing your shoulders. You sigh and look up, seeing Jake with a concerned look plastered on his face.
“Are you crying?”
“No.” You scoff as if you’re offended by the accusation.
“What happened?”
“Just Officer Smith being a dick.” You mumble.
His thumb lightly brushes a stray tear from your eye, you unwillingly melt into his touch, it’s warm and makes you feel safe.
“Whatever he said to you is irrelevant. He’s the biggest jerk ever. Don’t stoop down to his level and listen to what he has to say. You’re worth so much more than that.”
“Thank you Jake.” You run your thumb over his knuckles, a soft smile apparent on your face. Jake squeezed your hand three times, and you return the gesture. His face immediately brightens up, your eyes meet and you find yourself getting lost in his.
You hear a clearing of a throat, you look to your side seeing captain Holt stood with him arms crossed. You immediately drop Jake’s hand and he lets go of your shoulder. You both go back to your own desks. Today has made you realise talking to Jake is the best solution, it was only making you both miserable being apart. So you write him a note reading: ‘want to come over later?’ You throw it at him and it hits him in the head.
You watch his reaction to reading it. He scribbles something back on the page and throws it in your direction, but unluckily it hits Holt right in the face as he walks past your desk. You watch Jake’s eyes widen like a deer in headlights as he quickly looks down and pretends to be writing.
“Who on earth threw that?!” Holt rages. Everyone looks up from their desks yet no one takes accountability. Holt picks up the paper and reads it out. “Want to come over later? As long as we can watch die hard. (Ps. that shirt you’re wearing looks hot af)”
Your face turns a deep crimson as you look down at your desk, refusing eye contact. Everyone is quiet, mostly likely mentally scarred by the note. until Charles pipes up.
“WOOHOO!” He yells. “my dream couple are back. Did take my advice Jakey?”
“No Charles. I did not spoon feed her duck soup!”
“Gosh it’s a miracle things worked out.” Charles replied. You look over to Amy who looks just as disgusted as you from Charles’ statement.
“You two my office. Now.” Holt says whilst walking back to his office.
Jake follows behind you into Holt’s office, you both take a seat as does Holt. He does not look happy, or so you assume. He was difficult to read.
“Today started wonderfully. Everyone had work done. I even cracked a smile.” Holt starts. “However you two acting like teenagers is ridiculous! Throwing notes to each other like you’re in middle school?”
“(Y/L/N) started it.” Jake shakes his head in dismay. “She’s such a child.”
“Shut up Peralta.” You smack his arm, making him pull a classic face at you. You roll your eyes and cross you arms looking back at your captain.
“If you two can’t act mature then I’ll have to come up with a plan to keep you apart.”
You both mutter a sorry and he dismisses you. Of course the second you step out of his office you look at Jake and the both of you burst out laughing.
“What did I just say!” Holt shouts out, you both stop laughing and immediately go back to your desks.
Your door knocked and you went to answer it. standing there is Jake with flowers, a tiny teddy bear and a bag full of snacks. You smile and let him in, letting him know the pizza is on its way.
“For you my lady.” Jake says in a God awful posh accent. You take the flowers and other things from him. You find yourself blushing at the thought of him buying you these things.
“Well aren’t you just a gentleman.” You kiss his cheek, he takes your chin in his hand and moves your face to look at him. Your foreheads touch and he leans in to kiss you, the kiss is tender and loving. You run your free hand through his hair and slowly pull back.
“I’m sorry for not taking things seriously.”
“It’s okay.”
“No I was being an idiot. I love what we have, and of course I want to move in with you. But that freaked me out and I was unfair. I want you to know that I would do anything for you. I want this for us, I want to come home with you every night, I want to wake up next to you every morning. I’m serious about you, I should have just told you that from the start. but I messed things up and to think that I almost ruined us-“
You shut him up by kissing him, you feel his smile against your lips. His hands go to your hips pulling you closer. You slowly pull away and he pulls you into a hug. The scent his cologne fades all the worries and doubts, it was simple. Jake was the only possible person you ever wanted to be with, and things would work out because you both were dedicated to making it work.
“Thank you.” You slowly pull back and stroke his cheek with your thumb.
“Okay I’m glad that worked out because I already sold my apartment.”
You roll your eyes. “Of course you did.” You tease.
The pizza arrives and the two of you lay on your couch together, eating pizza and watching die hard for the thousandth time. At this point you swear you could recite the script. But if it makes Jake happy then it makes you happy.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
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illdowhatiwantthanks · 3 months
hi! could i request a rosa diaz fic where rosa has a really awful stomachache while she’s at the precinct, but she doesn’t want to admit she doesn't feel good. she keeps trying to work until reader eventually pulls her aside and rosa opens up and tells reader (rosa and reader aren’t dating yet). then reader brings her home and they get all cozy, and reader stays until rosa feels better. at the end rosa finally admits she likes reader and they kiss and its all very fluffy and sweet. tysm!!
Hey, friend! Hope this is what you were looking for. 🥰 This one took me a little longer than usual, but I'm really pleased with how it turned out. And for all you Rosa Diaz fans, get ready because I've got a lot of Rosa requests in my inbox! —illdowhatiwantthanks
Just Playing
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Rosa Diaz x fem!reader Warnings: explicit language, cops (duh, but they don't do any cop things), mentions of periods, period pain, implied sex Word count: 2.9k
Summary: You take Rosa back to her apartment after she has a rough day at work thanks to period pains. But you never could have seen where the evening would take you.
Rosa was nearly bent double as she stood at the podium, reading notes from a clipboard on a new drug ring they’d be investigating over the next several weeks. Her teeth were gritted, and she looked for all the world like she could kill someone. Well, she looked more like she could kill someone than usual.
You were good at reading Rosa, better than the rest of the squad. Maybe because your job allowed you more observation time; you were an officer, sure, but you didn’t carry a gun and you didn’t police the streets. You were their digital analyst, doing your own investigations online and finding information for the squad to use in their investigations. As a result, you had a lot of time in the precinct.
You were quieter than the others, more reserved, more observant. You knew that Jake got loud when he got insecure. You knew that simply telling Amy she was doing a good job was enough to stop a spiral in its tracks. You knew that Captain Holt had a fondness for candy canes, so you kept some in your desk drawer all year round, just to pull one out when it seemed like he needed a pick-me-up. But you knew Rosa best of all.
You’d be lying if you said you watched Rosa for solely platonic reasons. She was pretty. She was smart. She worked hard, and she cared about people–no matter how much she tried to act like she didn’t. Best of all, you could make her smile. No one else made her smile. After your first month or so on the job, she started talking to you. At first you were taken aback. Why was she being nice to you!? Why was she approaching you at all!? Rosa didn’t do small talk. She didn’t do politeness for the sake of being nice. It had to be that she actually liked you. You were flattered. As far as you could tell, Rosa didn’t like many people.
She especially didn’t like people today. She was clearly not okay. And you weren’t the only one who could tell.
“Any questions?” Rosa asked, finishing up her presentation, and pressing a hand over her abdomen.
Jake raised his hand and Rosa rolled her eyes.
“What, Jake?”
“Are you feeling okay?”
She glared at him. “Why, fuckface? Do I not look okay?”
“No, no!” he squeaked, hands up in defense. “You look great. Everything’s great. Carry on.”
You fiddled around in your bag, waiting for everyone else to leave the room before approaching Rosa, who leaned heavily on the podium, eyes closed.
You approached her cautiously. After all, Rosa was known for her explosive temper. She’d never exploded at you, but there was a first time for everything you supposed.
“Are you really?” you asked quietly.
“Hmm?” Rosa grumbled, inhaling sharply.
“Feeling okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine.” Her voice was decisive, rough.
You lifted your eyes to study her face. When she finally looked at you–her expression pained, exhausted, embarrassed–you knew. She was not okay. The fact that she’d let you see that she wasn’t okay underlined just how not okay she was.
“What’s going on?” Your voice was low, your posture casual so that no one observing would be able to tell you were concerned about her.
“Cramps.” Her cheeks reddened a bit, and you nodded. She didn’t need to say anything else. You got it. Any woman would get it.
“Why don’t you go home?” you suggested.
“I can’t,” she said tersely, glancing into the squad room to make sure no one was watching you two.
“Rosa,” you scolded her. “It’s not gonna kill you to go home an hour early.”
“No, I mean, I can’t.” She grabbed your arm, and gently pulled you aside to where no one could see. Your stomach did little somersaults, and you felt bad for getting excited when Rosa was clearly in pain. “I tried getting on my motorcycle. It felt like I was being stabbed in the fucking uterus. I’m just gonna call a cab once everyone else heads out.”
“Well, that’s dumb,” you blurted out before you could stop yourself. Rosa raised her eyebrows at you. It’s true, you weren’t normally that blunt. “I’ll take you home. You shouldn’t have to stick around here just being in pain. That’s stupid.”
“No, Y/N, don’t need to do that. I’ll be fine.” She started walking away, and this time it was you who grabbed her.
“It’s fine, Rosa. I don’t mind. I’m done with my work for the day. We’re friends, right?”
Rosa looked at you long and hard, like she was thinking through a problem, before nodding thoughtfully. “Yeah. Yeah, we’re friends.”
“Okay, then.” You threw your bag over your shoulder. “This is what friends do.”
You started to walk out of the room, swinging your keys around your finger before stopping and turning back to Rosa. “It’ll, uh, be a minute, though. Just so you know. I parked… pretty far away.”
She grinned at you. “Yeah, I heard about that. You don’t use the precinct lot?”
“No! You have to pay for it! I’m not paying for parking at my job.”
“So where do you park then?” Rosa asked, sitting heavily in a chair and spinning.
You shrugged. “Wherever there’s street parking.”
“I’ll give it to you, Y/L/N,” she said, shaking her head. “You’re committed.”
You shot her an awkward, two-finger salute before walking out of the precinct and starting the several-block trek to your parked car.
You were kind of hanging out with Rosa tonight! Sure, she wasn’t feeling well. Sure, she might just be desperate for a ride home. But it counted… right? You’d parked just a block away from a bodega and silently thanked this morning’s parking gods. You picked up an assortment of things, some you knew Rosa liked, some that you’d want when you were on your period. And then, at the last moment as you waited to check out, you grabbed a bouquet of baby’s breath. It always made you feel better to have something pretty to look at. They might be a little too much, but it’s not like you’d gotten her roses or anything. Baby’s breath was a just friends flower? Right?
You threw your shopping bag in the backseat, then zoomed to the precinct for Rosa. You texted her, then waited, growing more nervous by the second. You’d never been alone with Rosa. Not like this, not in an enclosed space that wasn’t work. She sat with you at lunch sometimes or you went out for drinks with everyone after work, but this was different.
Pull yourself together, you thought, taking a deep breath as Rosa opened the passenger door and sat down heavily, leaning her head back.
“You alright?” you asked, trying to sound casual.
She nodded slowly. You waited for her to tell you where to go, but she was quiet.
“Uh… Rosa?”
She glanced at you.
“I kind of need to know where you live.”
Rosa seemed to think deeply about this, then leaned back and said, “Turn left up here. I’ll tell you where to go.”
You put the car in drive and simply followed.
When you pulled up next to Rosa’s building–a pre-war dairy refurbished as lofts–you followed her in quietly, stunned into silence, the bag of bodega groceries swinging at your wrist.
The elevator took you up to the fifth floor, and you couldn’t help but gape at her huge windows, the sealed concrete floor, the top-of-the-line appliances and expensive furniture.
You set the grocery bag on the kitchen island and took it all in, eyes wide.
“No offense or anything, but… how the hell do you live here on a police officer’s salary?”
“I don’t,” Rosa said bluntly, opening her medicine cabinet and rustling around. “I flip old cars in my spare time.”
“Oh.” You were glad Rosa was turned away from you so she couldn’t see you flush bright red at the thought of how she’d look fixing a car.
“Fuck!” she exclaimed, slamming the cabinet shut. You jumped. “I’m out of–”
“Midol?” you asked, pulling a series of medicines out of your bag. “Tylenol? Advil? Aleve? Pick your poison.”
Rosa looked at the pills, grabbing the Midol, then staring at you so hard you blushed and turned away, rummaging through the grocery bag. You couldn’t see it, but her eyes softened as she watched you.
“You brought me painkillers?” she asked, a faint smile playing on her lips.
“Mmhm.” You nodded, still avoiding her eyes. “And…” You pulled things out of the bag like it was a magic hat. “Takis, Hot Cheetos, chocolate, a frozen pizza, and Moose Tracks.”
Now it was Rosa’s turn to gape at you. But somehow that made you blush all the more. “I just…” You stumbled over your words. “I always like pizza and chocolate when I’m on my period. And I know you love Takis and Hot Cheetos. And you always have Moose Tracks in the freezer at work.” When Rosa didn’t respond, you kept talking, trying to fill the silence. “It’s no big deal or anything. I didn’t want you to have to go out later or–”
“You noticed my Moose Tracks?” she finally said, smirking, her eyes twinkling.
“Well, yeah.” You shrugged. “I notice a lot.”
“Uh-huh…” Rosa mumbled, watching you flutter around the kitchen, opening cabinet after cabinet to find a glass and get her and yourself some water. You were so nervous your mouth was dry.
“Go lay down or something!” you told her, flustered. “I’ll bring you some water. Do you want me to put the pizza in the oven for you?”
“That depends, will you stay and eat it with me?”
Rosa seemed to have transformed all of a sudden. She’d been largely preoccupied with her pain before, and you could tell she was still feeling it, but it was like a switch had been flipped. Where before she’d been, if not distant, just vaguely nice, now she seemed smug, confident, almost… flirty? As if she had something on you. You desperately hoped that what she had on you was not the fact that you had a massive crush on her.
“Uh… s-sure,” you mumbled. “If you want.”
“I do,” she said, flopping onto the couch and covering herself with a blanket. You brought her a glass of water so she could take her pills, then preheated the oven, fishing a sheet pan out of a cabinet and placing the pizza in to bake.
You sat down on the opposite side of the couch from Rosa, inching to the very edge, and trying your very best not to touch her. You never, ever wanted to make her feel uncomfortable by touching her, even by accident. But she spread out and pressed her feet against your thighs, making your breath catch in your throat.
She scrolled through shows on her TV, then asked you abruptly, “You ever watch Drake’s Hollow?”
You shook your head.
“You should. We could now, if you wanted to.”
“Yeah, okay,” you said encouragingly, willing to watch literally anything with Rosa.
“We’ll start at the beginning so you know what’s going on,” she said, searching for the right episode. “It’s not good. It’s like… the McDonald’s of television.”
You grinned. “Like the frozen pizza of television.”
“Yeah.” She smiled at you. “But sometimes it’s all you want, you know?”
Rosa was right. Drake’s Hollow was not good. The acting was awful. The plot? Melodramatic and borderline ridiculous. But it was fun. You loved to gasp at the hilarious twists and turns. The melodramatic, lovelorn speeches of the characters. To yell, “Boo! Dump his ass!” at the screen when the husband was revealed to be cheating on the wife.
For her part, Rosa loved watching you watch Drake’s Hollow. But you wouldn’t know that. You could hardly believe your luck that you were here. In Rosa’s apartment. With Rosa next to you, so close she was touching you! That you were watching this stupid, stupid show together and making a frozen pizza. You were on cloud nine. You couldn’t even bring yourself to look at her, so scared were you that you’d fumble and get awkward again and ruin everything.
“Bathroom?” you asked, standing during a commercial break.
“Down the hall to the right,” Rosa said, pointing behind her.
You stared at yourself in the mirror as you washed your hands, patting cool water on your cheeks in hopes that it’d bring down the flush that hadn’t left since the moment you’d stepped foot in Rosa’s house. You heard the oven timer go off and quickly dried your hands.
You walked into the kitchen, and your stomach dropped all the way to the floor. The pizza was out of the oven, cooling. And Rosa was standing at the island, pulling the slightly rumpled bouquet of baby’s breath out of the grocery bag. The bouquet you’d foregone, thinking it probably was too much.
She looked at you, and you looked away.
“Did you buy me flowers?” she asked.
Fuck, you thought to yourself. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
“Yep,” you sighed, trying to sound nonchalant. “I just… like to have something pretty to look at. You know, when I’m… on my period.”
It was a ridiculous excuse. You knew it. Rosa almost certainly knew it. She wasn’t stupid. You exhaled heavily and slapped a few slices of pizza onto a plate, hoping that a return to the couch, to Drake’s Hollow, would return everything else to normal, too.
You heard Rosa fill a vase with water, heard her arrange the flowers before grabbing her own pizza. Be cool, be cool, be cool, you told yourself as she sat back down, setting her plate next to yours on the coffee table.
You avoided her eyes, waiting for her to start the show again. You got more and more nervous the longer the silence went on, the longer the paused screen vibrated on the TV.
“Y/N,” Rosa finally said, her voice softer than normal.
Fuck, you cursed internally. You’d fucked it up. She knew. She knew and she didn’t feel the same because of course she didn’t, and now you’d ruined everything. It was all going to be awkward and weird now. Fuck.
“Flowers aren’t a thing that friends do.”
You let out a shaky breath. “They… could be?” you ventured, knowing as soon as it left your mouth that it wasn’t true, not for you and her.
She carefully slid her hand into yours, and you felt your heart stop.
“And what if I wanted to give you flowers?” she asked.
You blinked, not quite believing your ears, and turned to look at Rosa. Her face was light, playful, so much softer than usual. Was she teasing you? Tricking you? Making fun of you? Surely, she wasn’t that mean. She could be ruthless, sure. But she wasn’t cruel. Not to people she cared about it.
She gently grasped your chin, and your stomach did flips. Then she leaned forward and she kissed you. Just like that. So simple, so easy, so soft. Softer than you’d ever imagined Rosa to be. A softness she probably didn’t let many people see. She was so gentle, her fingers light as feathers against the skin of your face, her lips barely grazing yours, as if to ask for permission.
When she pulled away, you were breathless, even though she’d barely touched you, barely pressed her lips to yours. You just looked at each other for a moment, as if to gauge the other, as if to ask if this was real. But you–you’d wanted to kiss Rosa since the day you met her. The fact that she wanted to kiss you? Unbelievable. Beyond your wildest imagination. Rosa fucking Diaz. Absolute enigma. Terror of the Brooklyn 99. Wanted to kiss you.
Before you could even fully register what you were doing, you’d surged forward, grasping her face in your hands, pressing your lips to hers with all the fervor of an unrequited love that had, against all odds, become requited. She laughed, smiling into the kiss, pressing her hands against your collarbone, curling them around your neck.
When you finally ran out of breath, you leaned back, grinning, hand pressed to your forehead. Rosa laughed again, and you turned to her.
“This isn’t a prank, right?” you asked.
“No!” she scoffed, grabbing a slice of pizza and taking a bite. “I’m not that mean.”
You raised your eyebrows.
“Okay, I wouldn’t be that mean to you.”
“Wow,” you smirked, taking a bite of your own slice. “You really do like me.”
“Shut up, nerd,” she grumbled, mouth full, shoving her shoulder into you.
But you could tell by the way her eyes sparkled, by the way the corners of her mouth turned up, by the way she let herself linger next to you, skin touching, that she was playing when she called you names.
But she wasn’t playing when she kissed you. Wasn’t playing when she turned Drake’s Hollow back on and tentatively tucked herself into your side. And she certainly wasn’t playing when the pizza was done, the ice cream eaten, the show over, the night late. When she said, “You might as well stay if you want to. You’ll have to drive me in the morning anyway,” then stood and walked to her bedroom, giving you a look that let you know you were meant to follow. And you did.
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thecitysgraveyard · 1 year
Hey ! Can I request a Jake Peralta x reader ?
Where Jake is always all over reader hugging and kissing and the squad is found it annoyingly cute also reader is flustered, basically pure fluff
She/her pronouns please <3
oml yes thats so cute ahhh im gonna burst cause that's so cute, thank you for requesting nonnie <3
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jake loves to see you get flustered and blushing and shy, so he kisses you, hugs and brings you flowers out of wanting to see you fluster and love
he's always holding you in some way or another, that can be holding your hand, your hair, your face, and anything else he can hold at this point
he loves you and his insecurity of him thinking you're gonna leave him, makes him want to be as close to you as possible
boyle loves to see you both working on cases together, he would talk about it the entire time if he got the chance to
though rosa might tease you or jake a bit, she won't say anything that is like don't do this or that
surprisingly enough even captain holt doesn't say anything, he just looks and lets it happen, it kinda looks like he's smiling too which is a very rare sight to see
gina is going to be after you and jake taking a picture when you both are kissing or hugging or well anything of that sort
hitchcock just keeps staring at you and asking how jake got such a hot girl
as for sully he just gives jake advice on choosing his wife and it should be the right person
and santiago, she does get pretty annoyed when jake keeps on kissing you and hugging you but finds it cute, usually on breaks she comes over to you and asks you about how jake is
jake might say some things but he'll always love you, he doesn't want to leave you and neither does he want you to leave
you're his one and only as he says in his own words
he says and does things like "i love you so much it hurts" and fakes being hurt
you find it pretty funny and he looks at you with lovingly, he knows you love him and will always keep making you fluster, blush, and laugh no matter what
he pours all his love and affection into you and will always, and i mean always keep loving you
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thatgenericwriter · 2 months
Panic! at the Party || Jake Peralta
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Parining: Jake Peralta x gn! reader
Summary: reader works at the precinct and has anxiety so when the team goes to Holt's party.... it gets a little overwhelming
Warnings: mentions of an anxiety attack
Word Count: 1.5k
P.S. takes place during season 1 episode 16 "The Party"
You are excited to see what Captain Holt's home looks like and what his husband is like. You weren't excited about the number of people you have to be around.
Terry's compulsive need to make sure everything went perfectly tonight wasn't helping. You can feel yourself becoming more anxious by the second. You had only been at the party for 20 minutes but it felt like a lifetime.
You are practically glued to your boyfriend's side. Jake can tell that you are struggling but is proud that you have made it this far. He is trying his hardest to keep the conversations he has to a minimum as not to make Terry mad and to keep you calm.
When Kevin came up to Jake, however, you knew you were going to have to find another way to keep your anxiety at bay. And exactly as you predicted Jake completely forgot you existed.
Without Jake, you have to talk to everyone who approaches you. By the fourth person, you are ready to leave. You are desperately searching for Jake or anyone from the precinct. Gina and Rosa are surrounded by people asking Gina questions, Amy and Terry are fighting in the kitchen, and even Scully and Hitchcock are being social.
You can feel your panic rise, suffocating you. You can't stop yourself from pacing the library and your hands won't stop fidgeting. You try and calm yourself the best you can and yet you feel tears starting to fill your eyes.
The sound of your name being called pulls you back into reality. Turning around you find the last person you wanted to see standing there, Kevin. Your brain goes into overdrive, panic sweeps your entire body in a rush.
You feel vomit rising in your throat, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. He's speaking to you, but you can't focus on the words. All you can hear is the sound of your own rapid heartbeat ringing in your ears.
Quickly throwing out an apology, you turn and practically sprint out of the room searching for anywhere to hide. You swing open the coat closet, only to find Boyle making out with a woman.
You quickly slam the door and look around for somewhere else. You spot the stairs and make a beeline for them. You spare a quick glance around before stepping over the chain and making your way upstairs.
You throw yourself into the closest room, barely acknowledging that you are in a bedroom, before spotting an open door leading to a closet. You slam the door shut behind you and make yourself into a tight ball in the corner.
Trying desperately to stop the tears raining from your eyes, you steady your breathing the best you can. After a few minutes, the tears have stopped but you can still feel the anxiety eating away at you.
Just as you are about to grab your phone from your bag and call Jake, the door to the bedroom swings open. Your body goes ridged, praying that it's not Holt or Kevin coming to yell at you about being in a no-go party zone.
Instead, you're met with the voice of...Amy? Before you can even wonder why she was also in Holts's room with you, other voices joined hers.
Jake? And Terry? 'What the fuck is happening?' At this point, Terry is yelling at Jake and Amy and you have squeezed yourself farther into the corner, fearing being caught and yelled at by him as well.
Zoning out you subconsciously pull your legs closer to yourself, slowly rocking back and forth. You are vaguely aware of shuffling feet and the door opening again. But you're only pulled from your suffocating thoughts when you hear your name mentioned.
"And what about that y/n person? I barely said three words to them before they practically ran away from me." Your stomach flips. Kevin had just told Holt that you were rude to him. 'What if he hates me now? He has to right? I mean I did hurt Kevin's feeling enough that he complaining about me to Holt! What if he fires me? What if--'
"What! Do you know where she went?" You were expecting him to sound stern and uncaring, but he was actually worried about you. So were some other people apparently.
You hear a door open and the sound of shuffling feet again. "Peralta? Santiogo? Sargent? What are you doing in our bathroom?"
"Were we hiding in your bathroom? Yes. But you can yell at us later, I'm more concerned about y/n right now." Jake's words make you feel even worse. Having people worry about you made your stomach flip and the tears returned to your eyes.
'God, I'm so pathetic. People shouldn't have to worry about me at a party. They should be having fun. I should have stayed home.' These thoughts plague your mind. Tears freely falling down your cheeks as you quietly sob into your hands.
"Did they look anxious? Were they fiddling with their fingers, or looking around nervously? Anything like that?" You vaguely listen to the conversation happening outside the closet. More focused on keeping your sobs quiet.
"I guess they were fiddling with their hands a lot. Their eyes were a little glossy... oh." You hear Jake curse then you hear shuffling feet and people murmuring.
"Did you see where they went?" Jake asks Kevin hopeful for at least a general area of where you could be. All hope was lost, however, when Kevin replies with a sorrowful no.
"They would go somewhere without people. If they had gone outside I would have gotten a text at least letting me know, but I don't have any messages from them. So that means they are still in the house somewhere."
Your heart starts beating faster. You should have known Jake's detective skills would kick in. It was only a matter of minutes before they found you.
"They would have gone somewhere dark and quiet, like a closet, but in a place no one would look..." You hear footsteps getting closer to your hiding spot. You pull your body closer to yourself with each step, your heart pounding excruciatingly loud in your ears.
The door slowly opens revealing a very concerned looking Jake. "Hey, sweetheart." He crouches down to your level and gently pulls your face towards him. "It's okay now sweetie. I'm here for you."
He softly whips the tears off your cheeks with his thumbs before giving you a loving kiss on your forehead. Helping you stand up before giving you a bone crushing hug.
"I'm sorry." Jake hugs you even tighter at your words, his heart shattering. "No no no sweetheart. There is nothing you need to apologize for. I should be apologizing to you for abandoning you when you needed me."
Jake slowly releases you from his grasp and leads you out of the closet and into the Captin's bedroom, where you reluctantly meet the eyes of Holt and Kevin. Before you can apologize profusely to both of them Holt begins to talk.
"I also need to apologize to you y/n. I should have told Kevin about your anxiety before the event and tried to help you." Tears brim your eyes once more, but not out of anxiety, out of the feeling of being loved.
Kevin meets your eyes and you watch as his features soften at the site of your tear stained face.
"I am also sorry." Everyone turns to face Kevin, peering at him questionably. "I have been trying to push everyone Ray works with away. I was worried that he would be treated poorly once again because of his race and his sexuality. But now I see how much you care for each other."
He turns to look at everyone before making eye contact with Holt. They seem to have a silent conversation before both of them nod their heads and start heading for the door.
"Come on everybody do not keep standing in our bedroom like some common pervs." Holt's voice instantly makes us rush out of the room and follow them.
Standing awkwardly on the stairs you wait and watch as Holt and Kevin quickly usher everyone out of their house until only the squad remains.
"Finally, now the real party can begin," Holt gestures for all of us to join them as they walk out of the door to the house, "it feels a little stuffy in here. Let's go somewhere a little more...fun?"
"Raymond is always telling me about the little bar you guys go to after work. I think it is time for me to discover what makes it so great,"
You beam at them, and all feelings of anxiety leave your body as you exit the house. You feel Jake grab your hand and you smile up at him watching as a smile creeps its way onto his face.
He leans down and pecks your lips making your smile grow impossibly bigger.
"I love you."
"I love you more."
Author's note: hey guys its been a while that's because I have fallen extremely ill twice now in the span of like a month like so ill that I couldn't physically move without being in extreme pain and being so constantly dizzy that simply moving my head in anyway would cause me to be on the verge of throwing up and not being able to walk because the room was constantly spinning......anyways I'm back and I'm writing and I SWEAR THAT IM GETTING TO THE REQUESTS but this has been literally like one paragraph away from being done for like 2 months so I'm posting this first
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aphroditelovesu · 1 year
would you be interested in writing a jake peralta angsts kinda like jake saves reader form something maybe??? if not possibly a yandere? please and thank youuuu
❝👮‍♂️— lady l: it took a while but it came out! I don't have much practice with angst, but I tried it and I hope you like it. Forgive me for mistakes!
❝tw: anxiety, panic attacks, mention of murder, my poor attempt at angst.
❝👮‍♂️pairing: yandere!jake peralta x female!reader
❝—👮‍♂️word count: +1,6k ❝👮‍♂️tag: @flowercrowns-goodvibes
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You were in danger. You were in danger. You were in danger.
Jake's mind was just that, you were in danger and it scared the shit out of him. What had gone wrong? It was supposed to be just a simple undercover mission to catch a powerful drug dealer, but it all ended up going wrong.
What had happened to you?
Jake nearly passed out in panic when Captain Holt told him he'd lost communication with you, a big sign of trouble. You were supposed to be in contact with them all the time, but you stopped communicating and… Now none of them knew what happened to you. Were you alive? Hurt? By God, Jake will kill whoever hurt you, he was sure of it.
''Jakey'' Boyle's voice called to him, Jake looked at his friend and saw the concern on Charles's face. ''We will find her.'' He tried to reassure him, but even Boyle wasn't sure. The chances that you were murdered were high, although you were a well trained detective, there was always the chance, but he would never say that to his best friend. No one would say, everyone knew how obsessed Peralta was with you and knew how he reacted when it came to you.
''We will.'' Jake's voice was serious and full of hate. He was going to find you and he was going to punish the damned criminal who dared to try to hurt you.
Charles nodded and hugged Jake gently who returned the hug, but soon pulled away. ''Holt is trying to locate her and so is Terry. Soon (Y/N) will be with us again.''
Jake nodded calmly and something about that calmness startled Boyle. Why was Jake so calm? He knew his friend and he was scared to ask. Charles was never afraid of his friend, he revered and adored him, but something in Jake's eyes made him afraid. Almost like he was planning something and it wasn't something good.
''I will continue to work on the case. I'm going to visit the crime scene where she disappeared. I need to focus on finding her, because if I don't I am going to freak out.'' Jake finally said more than three words and sat down at his desk, the desk he shared with you. He mumbled something and smiled as he looked at the picture of the two of you together that he had placed next to his computer. You looked so happy.
He tried, he really tried, but he couldn't concentrate. Worry and fear seemed to eat him alive, his heart racing in panic and his mind conjuring up images of what could have happened to you or what you could be having to put up with right now.
Jake cringed as he remembered the gunshots that had echoed through the microphone you had in your ear to keep in touch with the 99.
You had to come back soon.
Everyone had agreed to that. Jake was freaking out and everyone around him. Nothing seemed to calm him down and the entire police station seemed to be affected by it, hampering the searches.
They all loved you. They were a family and you were a part of it and everyone was worried too.
Captain Holt and Rosa were the calmest ones, or at least they tried to remain calm, but he was also out of their mind with worry. Amy, Terry and Boyle just didn't freak out because they knew it wouldn't help anything, but Jake… Jake looked so distraught that he couldn't eat, drink and couldn't take his face away from the evidence they had found.
After searching the crime scene, they were able to find a few things that could lead to you. Or at least that's what they hoped, but Jake wasn't going to sit around waiting for the lab results.
Time was crucial and he wasn't going to waste it. Not when your life was in danger.
So he made a decision. A decision he knew he could regret for the rest of his life, but it wouldn't matter, not when he had you safe and sound in his arms again.
Jake sighed at the thought of the phone call he had received an hour ago and he felt trapped. The deal he had accepted was dangerous, but that was all for you.
''Jake was sitting at his desk, hunched over it, repeatedly reading the files on the drug dealer who had you. His name was Maximus Rodriguez, a notorious drug lord who had his petty dealers act for him and he had you. Jake clenched his fist in anger at the thought. Fuck.
Maximus was dead and so was his entire operation.
He grabbed his cell phone when it started to ring, an unknown number popping up on the screen. He frowned but accepted the call and a high pitched voice began to speak.
''Detective Peralta. What a pleasure.'' The voice said bored. ''Looking for your sweetheart?''
''Who is it?'' Jake asked irritably.
''You don't need to know my name. Yet. But you can call me Maury. I have information that I believe may be of interest to you.''
''Information?'' Jake was attentive. It was obvious this was about you and he was so desperate he would do anything to get you back.
''I know where your precious (Y/N) is being held and I know who her captors are.'' Maury said and Jake was sure the man was smiling.
''… What do you want in return?''
''Straight to the point? I liked. No big deal, I want you to agree to do a simple job for me in exchange for getting your (Y/N) back. Sounds fair to me.''
''What kind of work?'' Jake questioned suspiciously.
''You'll find out when the time comes. Do you accept?'' Jake mumbled a drawling ''yes''. ''Very good. Now pay attention…''
Jake knew where you were and had informed Holt that he had started to prepare to break in. He was asked how he got to know where you were, but Jake lied saying that the drug dealer's criminal record had hidden and useful information.
Nobody questioned him. They didn't believe it, of course, but Jake's look of despair and hatred was so great that they didn't dare question it further.
The focus was on bringing (Y/N) back. All that mattered now was her and he was willing to do anything to get her back.
The cops were in place and the SWAT team was preparing to break into the warehouse where (Y/N) was apparently being held. They were preparing for an ambush. It's always good to be prepared for anything and Holt had his detectives ready in case something goes wrong. It was a dangerous rescue mission, but everyone would do their best to retrieve (Y/N).
''We're going to count to 10 and go inside. Get ready.'' Holt said, getting into position.
''Right. Let's get on with it.'' Rosa grumbled and grabbed her gun, bracing herself for the chaos that could ensue.
''1, 2, 3…'' Holt started counting and everyone got into their agreed positions. Jake was by the door with one of the SWAT guys and he was shaking with anxiety and rage. ''…9, 10!''
The door was broken down and the police entered the warehouse. They were prepared for a firefight or something, but none of it came. They looked around and Jake sobbed when he saw you. You were tied to a chair, gagged and looking at them in fear and relief.
''Take a look around.'' Holt commanded and the others obeyed. Jake and he came running to you, pulling the ropes and gag out of your mouth.
As soon as you were released, you found yourself hugged tightly by Jake, who began to shed tears of relief onto your shoulder. ''You're alive…'' He sobbed and looked at your bruised face. Yours lip was a little swollen and there were small cuts on your cheek. Jake kissed your cheek gently, not wanting to aggravate any injuries.
Jake didn't let go of you for the next few minutes, clinging to you and whimpering. You didn't let go either. Finally relieved to see him again. Not when you feared you might never see him again and just the thought of it made you grip tighter.
A team of paramedics arrived to assess you and you were taken to the ambulance, where they treated you. Jake, of course, didn't leave your side, eyeing the paramedics suspiciously. You squeezed his hand gently and he kissed your head.
''I was so scared…'' Jake muttered, squeezing her hand tightly.
''Me too…'' You said, lightly stroking Jake's hand with your loose fingers.
''I'm never going to let you out of my sight again, understand?'' He was scared, very afraid that something like that would happen again and he wouldn't let it. He would hunt down your captors and kill them one by one. You would never be taken from him again.
''I love you.'' He uttered and you smiled, he bent down and placed a light kiss on your lips, very carefully to not hurt you.
''I love you too, you idiot.'' You laughed and laid your head against his shoulder as Jake sat down next to you.
Jake finally felt calm, you were where you belonged, beside him. He would find the bastards who hurt you and they would regret ever being born. He kissed your forehead gently. You were everything to him.
He knew he had to keep his end of the bargain, but he'd think about that later. You were more important and he would deal with the consequences later.
''I won't let anyone hurt you again.'' Jake swore, looking into your eyes deeply and you knew he wasn't lying.
It was a promise. An oath.
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