#castlevania critical
demigoddessqueens · 9 months
Thinking of touch-starved men…, their eyes follow your hands and fingers so carefully, anxiously, getting easily jealous at how casual your touches are with others who are not them; always lingering where you are, seeking out your presence and just wanting a sliver of your attention away from everyone else; touch-starved ones who have a quiet gasp whenever you place your hands over theirs or just a casual friendly touch; chills along their spine and entire body as you play with their hair; hugs make them freeze in their tracks before arms tentatively wrap around you like your made of glass or a stardust that will vanish the second it’s over
EDIT: they can’t help but swallow down their moan(s) when your fingers brush through their hair, lightly touching the exposed back of their neck
Just….touch starved characters…
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mrsdulac · 8 months
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Castlevania: Nocturne + text posts
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metamaudmedia · 2 years
...is just some...
... OF MANY.
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Helluva Boss Is On The Cartoon Base Awards (Including Velma And Harley Quinn)
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Man, this is an abysmal choice of finalists. I don't care what people say Harley was only good in season one but after that just got worse. Velma was just shit and Mindy Kahling totally bribed someone. The only one I see worthy is Blue Samurai because Castlevania: Nocturne was crap as well. And we all know what Helluva Boss has become.
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woodchipp · 3 months
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the quartet of "wow your story hates your guts for no reason can I adopt you" rise up
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iamafanofcartoons · 7 months
I always hate it when people compare RWBY to other series. They never do it to see which series does certain things better, they instead just endlessly praise the other series and talk badly about RWBY. There are some things RWBY does better than certain series but of course these people are against RWBY being praised.
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While your question WAS RWBY-Focused? I feel this covers things like Castlevania Nocturne, Legend of Korra, and a few others. So if you don't mind, I'm going to make this meme open-ended so that others can make use of it for their related fandoms.
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ultimateinferno · 8 months
Yknow. I do forsee a potential plot point for Netflix-levania to somehow have Dracula as a villain back, even with the end of the previous series. Obligation. He's no longer the weary widower, and with Lisa's return there's closure. He's lived as a man. He understands man. He may not even hate man. Maybe.
And yet he's back because the other Vampires are fucking it up and now daddy's home to bring back order. He's no longer gunning for genocide, but honestly, the politicking of the vampires who are so far up their own asses, they need to be reminded who's really in charge. His death left a power vacuum, a particularly annoying vacuum. Maybe the little things of humanity irk him, but vampires are everything they have but turned up to 11.
So at the end it's a formality. He'll come back, clean things up among vampire society, make enough of a mess to get a Belmont to kill him, then turn in for another 100 years.
Does this make him too noble? Probably. If you want the grandiose "What is a man" Dracula, you can extrapolate from "It's an obligation" and have him actively resent people pulling him out of the afterlife from Lisa so fucking much, that he leans too hard into the role. The part of him who's evil out of obligation and the part who's evil out of resentment begin to blur the lines. Is he the lord of darkness because that's the role he's been cast and is simply going through the motions or his he just so simply done with the whole process that he refuses to give up an inch of power to any other Vampire (or human) because they're all just children in his eyes?
It could still ultimately culminate in a Soma Cruz plot line where after 1999 he quits so hard that he refuses to even return to the role properly but it doesn't matter because his mere presence fills the vacuum, even when he does nothing (not for the lack of trying from others).
Maybe that's a bit petulant in its own right. YMMV, but I think that's the point. For being such an archetypal lord of all evil villains, how he fills it is shockingly dynamic. He's evil for evils sake, a beacon of arrogance, or a truly tragic villain. Depends on what's needed. If he does come back, I do want to really see a "Castlevania does Bram Stoker's Dracula. Genuinely. It's just an adaptation for the original novel because that's Canon to the original Castlevania timeline, and it'd be funny to properly reveal that Quincy Morris is a Belmont (And his son fights WW1 vampires and grandson WW2)."
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autumnmobile12 · 7 months
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Richter’s character…I feel like they tried to do another version of Trevor.  And that’s the problem.  If I wanted to see Trevor, I’d go back and I'd watch the original, so I wish Nocturne had given us more differentiation between the two characters.
However, the big reason why Trevor’s snarky personality doesn’t work on Richter is the circumstances of their upbringings: Richter lost his mother at nine but seems to have lived an otherwise peaceful life barring the frequent monster hunts.  He lived in a stable home and was looked after by Tera for years and seems to have a good relationship with Maria.  In contrast, Trevor lost his entire family at twelve and lived as a drifter for years afterward without that kind of security.
So Trevor earned his cynicism.  On Richter, that same cynicism just comes off as mean-spirited and unnecessary bravado.  He’s an annoying teenager. “And you just happened to stumble upon it one day while you were out picking flowers?” - That line isn’t funny.  Like, really dude?  You’re going to talk like that to the woman who raised you?  That was an asshole thing to say.
So it was a little vindicating when Olrox appeared at the end of Episode 4 and Richter freaked out and showed that he's a shit-talker. (Remember Trevor's 'killing you was the point, living was a luxury' line?)  I'm hoping this is the starting point of his character growth, but so far, Richter is the sort of protagonist I really dislike. I don't hate him, but I'm also not going to continue Nocturne for him. I'll be sticking around to see where Alucard, Annette, Olrox, and Mizrak go.
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aurexaldori · 8 months
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This is an old picture I did when season 2 of Castlevania came out. :P It's been a while since I was on Tumblr, but now that Twitter is biting the dust, I figured it was time to come crawling back to where I belong. If you want to check out my twitter though, it still exists. I posted a lot of Critical Role Fanart there. :) @aurex.aldori I have a Bluesky too, but it's brand new. :) More to come. @aurexaldori.bsky.social
Also my ♦Commissions♦ are open for the winter! More info on my main page!
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oxymoronnonsense · 7 months
people who fight vampires with guns are simply on another level
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demigoddessqueens · 3 months
thinking of the tightest hugs possible, ones that start so slow and hesitant with arms slowly circling around before they get tight, burying their head in the crook of the neck to hide the betraying emotions behind eyes screwed shut, perhaps flirting with the idea of a kiss on the cheek, fingers digging into the shoulders and where they meet the back to hold on as if it feels like the last time, a forlorn grimace when one pulls away because it wasn’t enough time to savor the feel/touch of another, interlocking fingers when you pull away as if it’s still enough (it’s not)
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robyncvhart · 5 months
Castlevania-inspired Revolutionary Scanlan
Chiptune Your Turn To Roll theme: Kate Jacobs
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kachimera · 10 months
I am thinking about... Dracula and his biases regarding his opinions on his two forgemasters
This is mostly just me and myheadcanons but: Dracula seeing traits of his former life in his two apprentices. Hector is the perfect extra competent man, cold and in control of himself, the person he wanted to be and thought of himself to be. Meanwhile Isaac is someone who's smart and hardworking but dramatic and keeps getting dragged around by his too strong emotions. And that last part does not bother Dracula bc he never lost control of his emotions as a human w his intelligence making it it worse, he did not dishonored the two people he loved the most and did not coldly planned the murder of an innocent kind woman who just wanted to help him, he did not created his nemesis in the VK and the Belmont clan, and he definitely did not cursed his own being and soul for eternity. Besides, he is a perfectly controlled and reasonal vampire lord now and not a simple animalistic human, he's beyond those things now.
So basically Hector, aside from being a special little guy and looking like his hot ex, reminds him of the traits he favored of his human self, while Isaac reminds him of the traits he disliked. And Dracula, an expert in denial and carefully crafted self delusions, probably doesn't realizes this, but at least on a subconcious level he isn't happy with Isaac.
And i'm sure he mostly kept this to himself, after all this kid is still excelent at his craft, blindly loyal, and it's always better to have two forgemasters rather than one. The people around him (specially Isaac) would still be able to notice but it's nothing out of the norm.
But after Lisa died and he went mad, he very openly manifests his favoritism to the detriment of both forgemasters (yea Hector didn't came out unscathed from his Lord's appreciation) and it gets worse after Alucard, him and Lisa's child and his number 1 specialest little guy, decides to oppose him. He's on a bad mental state and the last thing he'd want to see is the reminder of his lack of control, of how much yet how little he has changed.
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ennawrite · 2 days
watching Castlevania and Belmont & Sypha are exactly how I imagined Cassian & Nesta in my head
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give Alucard red hair and he’s basically Eris Vanserra.
Now imagine THAT love triangle 😏
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theroseandthebeast · 5 months
Yuletide 2023 Recs, Batch Two
17 recs for Castlevania: Nocturne, The Chronicles of Riddick, Crimson Peak, Critical Role / EXU Calamity, Daisy Jones & The Six, The Devil Went Down To Georgia, Dracula, Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
The Safety of Abstaining, Courteously, Olrox/Original Male Character + Mizrak/Olrox
Love is a dangerous thing for all vampires. It makes them vulnerable. Olrox has had the misfortune of experiencing this first hand. He is not doing that again.
Strange Allies, Olrox/Mizrak + Mizrak/Richter Belmont
Mizrak can’t figure out why Richter Belmont is still alive.
Three Principles, Dame Vaako/Vaako
Society among the Necromongers is cruel and ruthless. Death is the natural order of things, and life is to be endured. This is the story of the man and woman who would become Lord and Dame Vaako. Don't forget: you keep what you kill.
Blood in the Snow, Lucille Sharpe/Thomas Sharpe
Before the house, there was the earth, and the blood.
tempter or the tempted, Asmodeus the Lord of the Nine Hells/Zerxus Ilerez
“The tempter or the tempted, who sins most?” - William Shakespeare Zerxus won't give up trying to save Asmodeus. Asmodeus won't stop trying to damn Zerxus.
You Wanna Try That Again?, Billy Dunne/Daisy Jones
There are so many lines in the sand between Daisy and Billy - boundaries they won't cross, words they won't say, urges they won't give into. Right up until they do.
The Devil Went Down to Georgia Station, Gen, The Devil & Johnny
Me, I was just about ready to play the fool myself when the Devil arrived. You see, the sector sheriff had died a little while back, and the spaceways were so infested with bandits that no law-abiding ship dared to fly. The bandits didn't come stop at Georgia Station for a drink and a fiddler either—nobody comes down here unless they've got a resupply contract, for there's only one safe route in. I was feeling my old wanderlust, what with being cooped up in one place for so long, and besides my free meals were getting smaller by the day. That's why, when the Devil came sauntering into the station's only saloon and slid into the booth across from me, bringing out her fiddle from Devil-knows-where, I listened when she made me a deal.
The Calm before the Storm, Gen, The Captain of the Demeter
The Demeter's log was not the only tale of note to be found upon the ship.
Sanguine, Gen, John Seward
John is having bad dreams. Most of all, he dreams that Quincey might not be as dead as everyone thinks he is.
Into That, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Edgin returns the Helmet of Disjunction. Xenk rewards him.
Not Certainty, But Hope, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
In which Xenk proposes. "I'm sorry, but I'm going to need you to repeat that," Edgin said. "I have come here to ask your hand in marriage," Xenk said in that annoyingly calm voice, like dropping in on someone at their local pub and asking them to marry you was just like popping next door and asking for a cup of sugar from the neighbor, "that we might infiltrate a temple of Ilmater and discover the means by which so many happy couples have disappeared."
Deception Check, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Ed had lied a lot. Did lie a lot. There was a lot of lying, was his point. But the trouble and the lying did not typically involve Xenk Yendar, and this was proving to be the problem. (or, Edgin Darvis attempts to lie and rolls a one.)
Legends & Lore, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Xenk gets truth potioned and doesn't say anything interesting at all.
Ink of the Covenant, Gen, Edgin Darvis & Holga Kilgore
Holga and Edgin get drunk. Edgin gets a tattoo. Standard 8th day in Targos, really.
it's a (fake) love story, baby (just say yes), Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
“Back up,” Edgin said. “Explain how that’s connected to me going with you to a wedding.”
Perception Check (Roll for Romance), Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
"I bet Xenk fucks like a metronome, too. You know." Holga makes a highly suggestive, repetitive gesture. "In, out. In, out. No variation. Same exact rhythm every time. Boring." Edgin stares at her, torn between horror and fascination. "You've really thought about this, huh?" (So has he. Unfortunately.)
you'll find us in the meadowland, Edgin Darvis/Xenk Yendar
Xenk let himself in with a slow turn of his key in the lock. The obedient door let out not a solitary creak or groan. It had better not; he plied the thing with oil as often as he cleaned any of his gear. There was a little moonlight seeping in through the window - enough to see the shape of the man rifling through his things. He was standing at Xenk’s desk, tucked into the corner and lined by shelves stacked with holy texts. Not his most valuable, of course - he wouldn’t be so careless as to keep the most precious of his collection here - but any one of them would feed a hungry man for a few days, at least. And yet this man wasn’t hungry, and he was no ordinary thief. Xenk judged this not only by the strong slope of his shoulders and broad back and the fine weave of his coat but also by the fact that he had recently been awarded the highest honours the Lord of Neverwinter could bestow. No, Edgin could want for nothing; even he could not have spent his rewards so quickly. There was only one explanation. This was an affliction of the soul.
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godalyn · 8 months
Can't wait to see people making more shipping content for Richter and Alucard despite them not being together over the canon relationship of Richter and Annette:)
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