#cause correct me if i'm wrong but aren't they going to be arguing over how tim got into metro????
dylanconrique · 2 years
oh i hope we get a super soft “i don’t wanna be mad at you” chenford hug and tim wipes away a single tear from lucy’s cheek.
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caesarinsalata · 8 months
A List of My Headcanons for Edward Elric: Full Throttle Edition!
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What I mean by the subtitle, is what I think happened in the parts of the story, between, that weren't shown. Like what happened during their travels and locations they went too or things they did that are NOT in canon
Share your thoughts if you share any Headcanons with me or have any ideas to expand upon these, because I feel these are topics and ideas that are so interesting to ponder!
Onto the List!
(I'm adding a break cause this post is VERY wordy~)
The precursor to the rest to "set the scene":
HC 1 - Ed does NOT have a sexist or elitist bone in his little body!
This is something EVERYONE knows about him. Given the plethora of female role models in his entire life, he grows to respect and/or fear women. He treats everyone equally and bases his opinion on them based on their actions.
As well as despite having a fat pocket full of cash because of his status, it never goes to his head. He happily gives his money to those that help him. He sometimes uses his status to get what he wants, but not always for selfish reasons. It's usually to help his cause or someone else.
HC 2 - Edward wore Winry's clothes when he was hiding out in Resembool waiting for her and Al.
Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but these boys burned EVERYTHING they owned. Maybe except for what Ed carries with him in his trunk, whereever that thing may be on the regular basis no one knows. But! I'd like to believe that after the incident and the time skip, Ed most likely didn't have ANY of his original belongings, right? I mean yeah, he could go to fabric stores and transmute himself some stuff while passing towns. At the same time, he probably couldnt just walk into a store or town very often for fear of being recognized because of being a fugitive at the time. He could always have his big strong body guards go get him clothes, but they don't understand his style, so he wouldn't ask, right? Besides, what's the fun in that?
I believe, that while he was waiting in Resembool and Pinako told him to go take a shower, because imagine how dirty and stinky they'd be traveling in the forest and by night for days?? I feel she would've given him Winry's clothes, to change into.
And you can very well argue 'His clothes look like they're made for men. They aren't women's clothes. They aren't the same size and Eds grown, they wouldn't fit!' Ah! But what if, he just transmutes them to better fit his shoulder width and leg length?
That's what's fun about this thought, he could very well still have clothes at the Rockbells and just transmutes them bigger when they don't fit by combining fabrics. But if he did in fact burn everything he owned in the fire, he'd have to use something for material for clothes when he's under the radar.
But if he didn't wear Winry's clothes, what do you think he grabbed to transmute himself some clothes while down in Resembool? If he doesn't transmute himself clothes in hiding, then what if he uses Pinako's sons old clothes or old clothes from hohenheim? Pinako's bound to have clothes laying around her house from all the boys running around.
HC 3 - Ed PREFERS his hair up (braided or tied) over down.
Okay, so hear me out....if you put aside the fact that he obviously wears it tied back for convenience purposes because of being very mobile and active. BUT! At the same time when you think about when Ed comes back after the time skip and he reads the note of the description they're looking for: Red coat, blonde w/braid, and short. And he says: "Guess I'm stuck with this look for now..." It makes me think:
Obviously, he cares about his looks, right? Not in a selfish way, but he cares about his appearance and he feels confident in his old red and black attire with his signature braid. But he can't have that right now because he'd be easy to spot.
So, Ed's OKAY with his hair being down, but only if he's not doing anything. As soon as they get caught and he's carried to the car, he puts his hair up. It would just get in the way.
But like I said, I believe, he just prefers it being up, especially when he's doing something. In this instance, since he cant braid it, he just puts it in a ponytail.
Which this preference for his braid makes sense later when he's fighting Pride, cause it's in a braid again. So he obviously feels he looks better with the braid.
But when he changes it to a ponytail when he's older is probably just for mature reasons so he looks older. Plus he's letting it grow, so it's harder for him to braid when it's much longer than his shoulders, so I feel he's just like 'Fuck it, ponytail it is!'
Before this post gets too long, I'll stop here and maybe make continuations as I think of them. Feel free to expand upon these ideas or tell me your ideas! I love delving deeper into character personalities and properties they have.
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sluttyskullowner · 2 years
"drunk on jealousy" Rodrick x fem! jealous! Reader
TW: (story is supposed to be angst into fluff) this story includes; yelling, arguing, alcohol //abuse//, underage drinking, jealousy. she went out back to the party, walking over to her younger sister Holly. "Where's Heather?" Y/n asked, avoiding talking to anyone in the room that she forced a smile when they passed by. "Uhm..." Holly pondered, before pointing out Heather who was rolling her eyes to Rodrick's flirting attempts. Y/n felt her fist ball up before she stormed over to some guys who were serving totally not alcoholic spiked drinks, She snagged at least 4 of those and gulped them down. The taste was terrible, A mixture of strawberry, bubblegum and cotton candy packed up into only a few drinks, After Y/n chugged the drinks she stole someone's redbull that was halfway empty and forced it down her throat to be rid of the horrible taste in her mouth. Y/n soon enough was drunk enough to stomp over to Heather, who started bragging about how much she was enjoying her party. Y/n grabbed Heather by the arm, who turned to look at our drunk little pissed off queen. "Ew, What do you want?" Heather aked, disgusted. "We're twins, It's our birthday, stop saying it's yours." Y/n corrected Heather, glaring up at her blonde preppy sister who just glared back. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to, Y/n!?" Heather yelled, beginning to cause a scene. Heather wants to cause a fight? She'll get one. Y/n began to yell at her, her fist balled up and fuming with rage. "We're siblings! How are you this much of a dick to me?! To fuckin' everyone?! Hell, The guy who I've loved for almost three years is obsessed with YOU. You fucking HATE him, And you know I like him-- Like the bitch you are!" Y/n yelled right in Heather's face, glaring harshly before Heather slapped Y/n across the face, Which made Holly, Heather, Y/n, Rodrick and everyone else either flinch, their eyes widen or gasp. Y/n got pushed back a little by the slap, staring at her hand that was holding her cheek a moment ago. Y/n screamed, launching at Heather before grabbing her hair, pulling it and beginning to start a fight, Until a few classmates pulled Y/n off of her sister. The enraged drunk girl panted heavily, glancing over at Holly before her friend.. before Rodrick. Y/n quickly ran out of the party, holding onto her dress while looking for a place to let the tears fall that teased her eyes like how her sister had teased her for years, she eventually hid behind her house and began crying so much that her makeup was ruined, before she heard rustling, before she could react though, someone sat down next to her, she turned her hair to see who the culprit was and her eyes widened to see the infamous Rodrick Heffley again, y/n's eyes softened before looking down at the ground. "Go ahead, Laugh at me.." y/n said softly. "what?" Rodrick asked, confused and a bit concerned for her. "You aren't gonna laugh at me? Really? I just made a fool of myself.." y/n whimpered, rubbing her eyes before sniffling. "I'm the wrong person to compare that too, y'know.. Remember Heather's sweet sixteen?" Rodrick chuckled. "you mean.. my sweet sixteen? yeah i do. i just went out and got drunk with my friends, though for the two weeks i heard about someone ruining heathers part-- ohh! Oh shit, that was you?!" y/n yelled, grinning with a laugh. "damn, good work there. yeah, that was me-- a full accident though." rodrick laughed, messing with his dark brown hair. "do you uhm.. want to hang out with me and my band? we can play you something special for your birthday?" rodrick suggested, smiling bashfully. "..really?" y/n questioned, rodrick just gave a single nod in response. "yeah, i'd like that.." y/n said, dreamily before wiping away her ruined makeup.
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wickedts4finds · 11 months
Equiliberty Transphobia and Censorship - Jocelyn and company react to my departure
Thrilling followup of Jocelyn/Moe/Crownhill EC/cathcc/cath-creative-corner/bambisimmer responding to the farewell message I had to post as a screenshot because she blocked the word 'transphobe' from the server to keep people from talking about her revolting behavior and bigotry.
Red mark-out indicates her complicit (at BEST) mods - people who are morally okay with working along someone who believes pronouns are "political", loudly argues that there are only two genders, misgenders people (even calling one trans person it), comes onto posts about respectfully playing Native American characters complaining about cultural sensitivity, and more!
You'll notice Jocelyn's typical victim complex behavior here and emotional immaturity - she is being attacked, she is being bullied, not the transgender people she's treating like dogshit.
Jocelyn, I want you to know that there's not a damn thing that's going to deliver you from the community's wrath on this one.
There's nowhere you can run to get away from your choices. You can change your url or the name of the server or delete channels over and over again as many times as you want, but this community has a long-ass memory. Make a new account! Change your username again! We're going to find you. There are eyes on you in that server. There are eyes on you frankly most places you post. I want you to know it's not safe to vomit up your hateful "opinions" anywhere on god's green earth without it ending up in another public post, and honestly, you're going to be exceptionally lucky if youtube's simmers don't pick up on this one for views from the controversy. You had an okayish rep as a creator back in TS3's equine community and you, nobody but you, threw that all away why? To hurt other people who did nothing to you.
Most of us are LGBT+ in some way and those who aren't are almost always allies, not fellow bigots.
Without further ado! Here's my post in the 2 minutes before Jocelyn deleted it (after saying to me specifically 10-15mins prior she was going to stop deleting posts she just didn't agree with).
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Sooo much here.
"when people aren't older" This is deranged behavior from someone who's allegedly not a minor.
"If it causes drama, hurts someone or the like it should go to be honest." I guess the exception is if it hurts trans people, right, Mod?
"I didn't call the person an it on purpose" 1) oops accidentally fell on my keyboard, hit the I and T keys in the correct order followed by space, then finished my sentence & 2) the way she avoids saying "them" EVEN NOW by saying "the person" instead lmfao
"What I'm upset about is people painting me bad, when I'm not" Girl you are a bad person. You are not kind to people who are already oppressed. You're immature, incapable of leadership at 30something years old, desperately clinging to a failing server which you imploded with YOUR OWN hateful diatribes against people who did NOTHING to you, trying to jealously hoard members and talking about "poaching". You had to create an entire server because you were not welcome elsewhere simply because of your personality before you even started spewing hate speech!!!! Honestly when I joined the discord I kind of anticipated a fall of Rome scenario given who was at the helm, just tried to not interact with her, etc, but nah man. Nah.
"and try ruining my rep" You already ruined it.
But my favorite of all, from the mouth of the bully herself, is this:
It's not okay to post, I'm being attacked. Can't you see how wrong that is?
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alexandraisyes · 6 months
Initial Bloodmoon Thoughts - New vs Old
Disclaimer, this ramble/analysis was made 01/11/2024 and is copy-pasted from the original (me) source on Discord in TSBS server. I have a thread there. There are a few ss of the original thread for when other people came into the conversation.
Thoughts under the cut.
My brain is stuck on BM. I remember how angry everyone was with Earth for saying that she didn't think they could be redeemed because she's supposed to be the "therapist" character but like She's just as much a person as the other animatronics and just because she's "understanding" doesn't mean she has to be forgiving of her literal murderer, I can imagine dying messes a person up (we all saw how Lunar handled it) And where she has to be perfect, she has to be the better bigger person, it's part of her code to always take the moral high ground and turn the other cheek so to speak I'd bet you money she is compartmentalizing the heck out of life So no, I don't blame her for not wanting anything to do with Bloodmoon and thinking he's beyond saving If someone killed me I would write them off too
However Sun on the other hand I'm mostly just crouchy that he's being a spineless cunt He was willing to argue with Moon about BM because he knew that they couldn't help it But he's not saying anything about Eclipse and I'm so grrr Like I get it, Eclipse was kinda crappy, but you aren't stepping back and looking at this rationally Sun, and someone needs to step back and look at it rationally because Moon is way too emotional and always has been, and Sun feeds off of his brother's anxiety and always has
It feels like a double standard on the Celestial Twin's part (cause it is lmao)
"He can't help it, it's all he knows" For Bloodmoon And then "I'm gonna torture that inserts insult" For Eclipse like come on He hasn't even done anything (yet) I can understand why Moon would be more understanding towards BM than Eclipse, but it doesn't mean I have to like it
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I've said it once and I will say it time and time again Eclipse is the product of an unhospitable environment that was left to his own devices long enough that he drowned in his own self-loathing and the only anchor that he could perceive was taking that out on those around him All of the Eclipse issues could have been solved if one: Old Moon treated him as more than just a parasite And two: Sun had a single thought in that pretty little head that wasn't just an echo of Moon's
I love Sun to death, don't get me wrong I loathe the fact that even now, with a 'new' Moon, he is still just going along with everything Moon says and decides upon He does not think for himself The one time he did, the one time he tried to escape Moon's hands around his choices, what happened? He failed to kill Eclipse and was goaded into destroying Moon's magic Which did what? ding ding ding Only reaffirmed his prior belief that he's A screw-up, stupid, the dumb one, incapable, unreliable And that Moon is Correct, the smart one, capable, and the one who should be trusted with decisions Which is so so so bad for Sun's psyche
Whereas with Bloodmoon, Sun and Moon cannot seem to get over this idea that he's "like the old Moon he can't help it we understand" Sure, Bloodmoon has a want to kill that is so strong it feels like a need And so did the old Moon But that's where the similarities end They fail to take into consideration bloodmoon's feelings when they talk about 'redeeming him' As well as his origins They only see the surface value because they've already written him off And yeah, bloodmoon is awful Bloodmoon is an awful awful creature who has done horrible things to the celestial family And his instincts do not excuse his behavior However, I hesitate to write him off for similar reasons I won't write Eclipse off He's a product of his environment and Ruin's crappy programming (Not that Ruin is bad at programming, per say, more that Ruin only programmed him in what he thought would make BM a good tool, which leaves out a lot of higher cognitive functions.) As we've already seen, this BM is a lot dumber than the first BM when it comes to rationalizing and recognizing issues past the immediate here and now in specifically their bubble
I think, and this is just a theory, but I think that Sun was thinking of the old BM when he was trying to get through to the BM now. Because the old BM was a lot more complex, a lot smarter, and was able to rationalize with others. This one isn't. This one is vey obviously missing very large chunks of development and personality, and I don't know if it would be kinder to just straight up put him down or try to reprogram him. The issue with reprogramming him is it might break him beyond what he already is. Or it might cause a similar crisis that Moon has when he thinks about "old moon". Not the same, of course, but similar. Or it may just completely erase BM entirely because the celestial idiots have no idea what he was like before Sun killed him past what they see on the surface. So if they were to go the reprogramming route, they'd have to turn to dun dun dun Eclipse Because even if old BM and Eclipse weren't on the best of terms, Eclipse would be able to fix what is missing because he knows the missing peices. Now of course, this only works if it's Eclipse 1.0 or 2.0. If the Eclipse we have now is Eclipse 3.0 then he can't do crap unless the entirety of the BM schematics were in the files Ruin stole, that Eclipse then stole back. And even then, he still can't fully get it if he's Eclipse 3.0 because he's missing the memories of what BM was like. So, with all of that complication, at this point it's easier (not necessarily right) to just put him down. He's dangerous, right? (Rhetorical)
Past Sun's POV on BM, I get the feeling that Moon let Sun try to rationalize with BM because, in Moon's mind, BM and Old Moon are basically the same person. Maybe even KC too. An irrational need to kill is embedded in their codes, and they are powerless to stop it, etc etc. And Moon was probably thinking, "Well, Old me and KC both managed to fight their instincts, so surely BM can too." He fails to recognize that BM doesn't have a support system. Old Moon had Sun, and he was friends with the other animatronics as well. Old Moon also had a best friend, Monty. Monty isn't the best influence, but he is still a friend. And Sun was a good influence on Old Moon. Killcode had a good influence too. He had Sun, Glamrock Freddy, and to an extent, Moon. He had a reason to hold back his violent urges, it would be counterproductive to lash out at old BM and Eclipse 2.0 when they were his allies. Acting on said urges outside of the area would also be counterproductive bc that could endanger the host of the body he was sharing, which would end his own life as well.
BM 2.0 has… no one. Ruin was a bad influence. The stitchwraith was a bad influence. Rodrick was a bad influence. Ruin was manipulating them by being kind, so of course BM 2.0 is going to react poorly to kindness and compassion. It is, in their eyes, just another ploy to make him a tool. He can't trust a helping hand because the first kind hands in his life were lying to him. When you wake up, and all that you know is kindness being a mask, that's what you expect from everyone. And when you're offered help, you react poorly and with hatred because you are expecting to be used just like the person you trusted used you. The only reason he let Solar help him was because Solar was upfront with his intentions, and didn't try to sugarcoat it or play 'friends'. He knew that it was a situation in which they would be taking advantage of each other, but the key there was he knew. Ruin literally destroyed his psyche in the worst ways possible by programming him to be a tool, only showing him the parts of the show that were beneficial to Ruin's plans, and using kindness to manipulate him. BM has every right to be angry and distrustful because the person he considered family was the person who broke him beyond repair. And Sun and Moon don't understand that because they don't understand psychology. Earth may have been able to understand (therapist coding), but BM purposefully made her hate them (perhaps to avoid the kindness they know she gives everyone?). Out of all of the people they could have attacked, they attacked the one person who could have puzzled them out. At this point, the only hope for BM is either Eclipse or a literal miracle.
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*Ten hour timeskip*
Okay so I’ve been thinking about Bloodmoon and my earlier statement of “At this point, the only hope for BM is either Eclipse or a literal miracle.” I’d like to rescind that statement to add the potential of Solar Flare since there is talk of bringing him back. I’ll elaborate once I get to my computer, but my mind is buzzing with the idea and the logic that would allow it to work. Because on the surface one squints and goes “And Alex is crazy talking again” But it will make sense once I explain how it could work
So Flare We love Flare I love Flare Flare
Flare has been known for a few things in the show. He's a tool. He was made to protect Killcode. He has limited emotional capacity. He's basically a super computer with a consciousness. He's an absolute beast of an animatronic, and is probably the most dangerous person we have seen on the show. He's also upfront, honest, non-deceptive, and has never shown a preference towards one side or the other. Nor is he friendly. He's not unfriendly, but he doesn't go out of his way to be nice. He gave Moon the schematics to the satellite because it was in KC's best interest, not because he liked Moon or hated Eclipse. There could honeslty be debate on if he's even capable of liking or disliking things, considering how emotionally incapable he is. He's very logical, analytical, etc.
So how does Bloodmoon 2.0 factor into this?
Well, as stated earlier, BM doesn't want kindness. He doesn't want pity, he doesn't want niceness. Flare wouldn't extend him those to start with, so that's one thing crossed off the list. Flare would also be upfront with BM about his intentions, he did straight up tell Eclipse he was helping to kill him, although he omitted the way he was planning to do that. So Flare wouldn't be trying to manipulate BM either. Bloodmoon may also feel some kind of companionship purely from the fact they were both made to be tools. Flare has no need to be loyal to the celestial twins or to Eclipse. I can see him going rogue like KC did. It wouldn't be unplausable that he would seek out BM purely since the twins were considered by KC to be family. And since there isn't a Killcode anymore for Flare to look after, his sons may be the next best thing, even if it isn't BM 1.0. Flare doesn't give a crap, honestly. He can defend himself, but he's also able to just sit there and take a hit. It's unlikely the twins would even be able to damage him were they to try to attack him. He'd probably be able to just let them wear themselves out until they are tired enough they can just be picked up like kittens and taken care of. Due to his stubborn nature mixed with the apathy we've seen displayed, I can see him able to help the twins because he's not gonna just "give up" on them. He can sit back and let them run themselves ragged and then do what he has to once they're all tired out. It wouldn't be the kind of redemption we're used to seeing in the show, and would probably not be a total redemption, but he may be able to tame them enough that they can be handled and fixed by the others. Flare taming BM twins and then reuniting with Eclipse so he can fix them? Interesting thought. Bring the family back together.
Obviously, I'm not saying this is even likely to happen. This won't happen, of course. But it could, in a different universe, I suppose. This was just to serve the purpose of explaining how Flare would be able to help the twins tbh.
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Flare is too smart and apathetic to get hung up by a detail like that (in my opinion based off of my observation of him). He’d be pretty quick to piece together that the twins killed KC because they were manipulated into perceiving the older animatronic as a threat. (Once again Ruin why did you have to break them like that). Kinda like how they wanted to kill Monty (maybe still do?) because Ruin talked them into believing that Monty was a threat. Not, not a physical threat, but an emotional one. He (ruin) leaned on the fact that BM was “tricked” in the past by the people that Ruin saw as obstacles to convince BM to take them out
Pair that with volatile emotions and aggressive tendencies and you get a red goblin on a murder spree to avenge BM 1.0 more or less. I don’t think Flare would hold that against him cause he’s always been good at tearing through people’s psyches and finding the root motivations and issues.
And for BM 2.0 those issues and motivations both stem from Ruin’s manipulation
The thing is, I don’t think Flare really cared about KC. For him, it seemed more like protecting KC was just a protocol. Kinda like the protocol to kill for Moon 1.0. It’s just something that he was supposed to do. Which is just further reason why the twins killing KC wouldn’t be a hang-up for him
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mytheoristavenue · 2 years
OP Usopp x Jealous!Reader - Attention Pt. 1
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Summary: During Uta's concert, you find yourself growing spiteful of her due to Usopp's constant fawning over her.
Warnings: Film Red spoilers, dangerous situations, mean and bitter reader.
Note: This will be the first part of two. I had originally intended for it all to be one, but while writing I realized it'd become too long, so I divided it!
"C'mon, (Y/N), why aren't you ready yet?" Usopp whined, glancing at your plain face and hair. "You promised you'd dress up with me!" You sighed, flipping open a handheld mirror, and began to apply the glam rock make up look that he'd picked out for you. You couldn't take him seriously when he was dressed like that, but you'd do anything to make him happy, and he knew that, so it was useless to argue further.
As you did, you vaguely listened to Jinbe inquire about the consumes nearly everyone wore, to which Usopp explained that there'd be some sort of reward for doing so, showing off a set of commemorative pins between his fingers. "You're making us all dress up for buttons?" you deadpanned, shoulders slumping, not deeming that as reason enough.
"For free!" he argued as you rolled your eyes. "Besides, this is her first live show, so they'll be worth a ton of money one day!"
"Uta is a pop idol," you pointed out with a grumble. "What's the point in making us look like we just stepped off stage with KISS?"
Usopp simply brushed off your comments as the lights began to dim. You used the lack of illumination as an excuse to give up on your make up and came to sit on the grass of the pillar you'd all set up shop on. Glancing up at him, you watched his face light up as his eyes traced her movements. Usopp was one of her biggest fans, you knew that much, just from how many times you'd had to tell him to shut off his transponder in the middle of the night. You knew practically all her songs by heart, not by choice, but by how often he repeated them. This was a big moment and you were happy he got to experience it, but you couldn't put away the pang of envy that his undivided attention caused.
"He's totally lost it, right?" you coughed, frozen as your captain walked himself right up on stage while Uta was performing. "Surely this is a bad idea, I mean, she's probably got security, right?"
"I'm sure she does," Nami replied, equally as worried, her brow furrowing. "Probably not enough to take him down, but still. It's attention we definitely don't need."
You couldn't hear the conversation that followed, but you watched on anyways, gasping when Luffy enveloped Uta in a strong hug. "There's no way they know each other, right?" you fretted.
"They better not!" Usopp growled, his fists balling with jealousy. "Man, why does Luffy always know the hottest girls!"
"Usopp!" you shrieked. "Go to hell!"
"What?" he asked, looking around to his friends for backup, wondering what he'd done wrong, only for the ones who cared enough about his question to reply with a disappointed shaking of the head. "What'd I say?"
"I wonder how they know each other though," Robin thought aloud, collecting everyone's attention. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but Uta's been in hiding up until now, hasn't she?"
"Well, yeah." The sniper replied, shrugging. "So what?"
"And we've never met her, so she must be some sort of ghost from Luffy's past."
Usopp's expression shifted from his brief curiosity, back into envy over his friend's privileges' to know his crush on a personal level. "Well, we'll just have to ask him then!" He determined, before turning back to face the stage as, ferocity in his eyes. "Hey, Luffy! Since when are you so chummy with Princess Uta?!"
Your stomach churned at his phasing. 'Princess' Uta? She wasn't a princess, it wasn't even a part of her stage name! You were about to confront his words before Chopper pushed past your legs, jumping in the air, and waving his glowsticks in the air. "Yeah, tell us!"
Curiosity disarmed your anger as you captain turned back to his crew with a gleeful grin, one hand still around the pop star's shoulders, and the other holding his hat to his head. "Since forever," he laughed, eyes closed peacefully. "Uta's is Shanks's daughter!"
A shocked hush fell over the crowd, which seemed to encapsulate the whole stadium itself, you and your friends included. A few concert goers shouted out to the singer, asking if what Luffy had said was true. Before she could confirm, however, the show was put to an abrupt pause by the sudden appearance of new faces on the stage.
You grabbed your weapon an prepared to move in with your nakamas upon collectively recognizing a few of them as enemy pirates. "No way," you breathed, brows knit. "Is that-?"
"Brulee." Snaji answered. "Oven too."
"What are the Big Mom pirates doing here?" you asked quietly, backing behind him nervously.
"Don't know," he answered, parting his lips and tossing his spent cigarette to the ground before stomping it out. "But whatever it is, it's got something to do with Uta."
Before you could gather your bearings on what was going on, the Straw Hats were charging into battle to defend the idol, only to be swiftly stopped short by her surprisingly laid back attitude. She kept going on and on about how her would-be captures were, in reality, just overly excited fans. Of course, your valiant sniper had something say about that as well.
"Hold on," he said cautiously, lowering his slingshot, if only slightly. "These guys aren't your fans, they're gonna hurt you!"
The smug look on Uta's face sent chills down your spine as she stepped forward, seemingly to address the crowd, yet she never did. She wasn't really going to sing at a time like this, was she? "Then I guess I'll just have to make a song out of them."
Before you had time to inquire, an angelic voice filled the stadium with the beginning of another set, golden armor materializing on Uta's skin as she danced. To your disturbance, the other pirates you'd been ready to defend her against were forced against the invisible walls of the stadium, suspended in mid air by some sort of sticky white strip.
When the song concluded, Uta gracefully floated back down to solid ground, battle equipment shattering into puffs of glitter as she finally spoke to her audience. "You're all safe now, I taught those mean old pirates a lesson!" You swore you could almost make out tears rolling down her cheeks as you began to return to your camp. "I promise, as long as you're here, nothing will hurt you ever again!" she fluffed, reaching her hands out. "We're gonna have so much fun together, forever!"
You halted in your tracks at her words. Something about how she'd phrased her last address to her fans deeply unsettled you. What did she mean 'Forever'?
The was a recess in the show, where Uta had busied herself with providing all her fans with snacks and commemorative trinkets. She'd even be so kind as to grace your crew with all the resources necessary to have a comfortable cook out. You listened idly as your friends remarked about the blessings they were most thankful for. Sanji mentioned that there were a few ingredients he'd been supplied with that he hadn't used since he left the Baratie, simply for their rarity or high price.
It saddened you to see your nakamas having such a good time, while you were stuck with this pit in your stomach. Did not a single one of them have a bad feeling about this concert, or was it possible that it was only you that hated being here? You had considered the fact that maybe your distain for the idol had an ulterior motive- a silly one at that. Surely, there was no way she'd reciprocate Usopp's feelings and magically steal him away, right?
"Uhm, Robin?" you breathed, sliding into a lawncare beside the woman as she set down her novel to assist you in whatever you needed. "Could I ask you a silly question?"
"No question is silly, as long as you learn something from it." she smiled, turning to sit on her thigh, in order to face you. "What's on your mind?"
You blushed a bit, feeling embarrassed about sharing your suspicions, now shy at the prospect of sharing them with the most intelligent person you knew. "W-well..."
"Is it about Usopp?" she interjected with a knowing giggle. "It's perfectly natural to be jealous with how he's been acting all day."
"W-What?!" you flustered, eyes wide and lips hung again in surprise. "N-No! It's not about him! I-"
"So, you admit he is an issue, just not the most pressing one."
"Robin!" you whined. "I don't have an issue with Usopp!" You whispered, or at least you thought you had. Unbeknownst to you, the sniper had perked at hearing his name, and silently tuned into your conversation, politely parting from his own, in favor of inching closer. "My problem is with Uta."
"Oh?" the archeologist replied, feigning surprise. "What would be the issue with her? You know she isn't influencing his actions in any way."
You huffed, regretting coming to her for advice in the first place, unsure if she was just having a dense moment, or toying with you, considering how common bother were. "Robin, I swear this has nothing to do with Usopp, or how annoying he is when he talks about her, or how jealous I-" you stopped yourself short, back tracking and correcting. "-you think I might be."
"Then what's bothering you so much about her?"
"I've just got a bad feeling about her, I can't put my finger on it." You confessed with a defeated sigh. "I just feel like some of the things she's been saying are kind of...weird?"
"Could you give me an example?" she asked patiently, interest now peaked, especially at the prospect on an observation she may have missed.
"Like that forever thing," you answered. "She said this concert was gonna last forever, that doesn't strike you as odd?"
Robin thought for a moment, admitting that you did have a point. "That is odd, but I would chalk it up to how emotional she is. She said it herself after her first song, all this praise is a lot to take in at once. It may be easy to see her as other worldly, but she's actually just a girl, your age, actually. After living in secret for so long, I could understand wanting such a life changing moment to last forever."
After things had been made clear for you, your vision flashed back to when you'd thought you'd seen Uta crying on stage earlier. You supposed that this was an emotional time for her, maybe Robin had a point. "Okay," you accepted, reloading another example of behavior that you found abnormal. "What about that second song?" you asked, brow cocked, and tossing a thumb in the direction of the other pirates, still hanging in mid air. "How could she possibly do that, just by singing?"
"I thought about that too," she confessed. "It has to be some sort of devil fruit power."
"Yeah, a dangerous one." Before you could talk further your conversation was interrupted the raging of the Straw Hat sniper.
"Are you serious right now?" Usopp spat, fists clenched at his sides. "Are you really shit talking Uta at her own concert? How petty is that?"
You were stunned by his sudden outburst, before you came to an angering realization. "You were evesdropping? What the hell, you creep?!"
"Kinda hard not to when you said my name like four times!" he shot back. "Honestly, I gotta say it's really frustrating to see you stoop so low, (Y/N), over jealousy no less."
Your knuckles whitened with the tightness of your fist as you began to see red. "Jealous?! Don't flatter yourself, Big Nose!"
"Oh, now we're name calling?" he growled, eye twitching with anger. On the sidelines, Robin carefully slipped off her chair, not wanting to be apart of this drama. A few others crowded around the both of you, some to watch you fight, and the others to break you up. "Well, I might have a big nose, but at least I've got damn brain to compensate, unlike you!"
"Puh-lease, you and Luffy might as well share a devil fruit, because you've got a fucking rubber brain!"
"Oh no, is everything okay over here?" A sweeet and gentle voice soothed, one that was foreign to your crew. Glancing to your left, you froze, Usopp, as well as the rest of the Straw Hats following suit. "Please don't fight, we're here to have fun, remember?"
Usopp instantly straighten his back, dusting himself off and clearing his throat. "P-Princess! We weren't fight we were just-uh..." frantically, he hooked a tan arm around your neck, pulling you into a friendly embrace with nervous grin on his plush lips. "Playing, yeah!"
Uta's smile returned, replacing her concern as she giggled at his antics. "What a relief. I hate seeing good friends fight!" With that, she turned away from the pair of you, walking over to Luffy to catch up with him. As soon as her back was turned the sniper relaxed and withdrew from you with a scowl.
"Nice going, you almost ruined my chances with Uta." His words and tone broke your heart. He really was perusing her after all, this wasn't just some silly crush. And now he was unhappy and it was your fault.
"Usopp, I-" you began, guilt tugging at your heart stings. Robin was right, you were just jealous.
"Save it." he snapped, turning away from you to join your friends in swarming the childhood friends as they bickered over the score of a game they played as kids. You sat to the side by yourself, on the ground and hugging your knees as the pair prepared for another round of this game.
You sighed as they finished, both returning to the camp, still arguing over who won. You tried your hardest not to listen, but you couldn't resist when her tone changed.
"Luffy, why don't you stop being a pirate?" she asked sternly, a harsh juxtaposition for the fun loving attitude she'd kept so far. "You could stay here with me forever, all of you. Wouldn't that be fun?"
For the first time, Usopp seeming uncomfortable by Uta's presence, seemingly wanting out of it as soon as possible. You wished you could have taken a bit of pleasure in noticing, but this was not the right time.
"That sounds great...but," Nami began, laughing nervously. "We can't just stay here forever."
"Yes you can," the idol insisted. "I can give you food and shelter and all the things you could ever want!" she chirped, trying so hard to keep up her friendly demeanor, and failing miserably.
"Sorry, but no." your captain finally said, making an executive order. "Becoming a pirate was always my dream, you know that." He gave her a kind smile, turning to descend the steps of the rock formation you stood atop, laughing her offer off. "Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go back to the Sunny and take a nap!"
"No," she finally growled, head hung in fury. "I wont let you leave."
Pt. 2 coming soon!
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sysshitig · 1 month
no dni just stances
-while I am not against dnis (helps me prepare for the blog ahead) I think we should all acknowledge that they need more elaboration, because putting a discourse stance next to "dni racists" can come off as saying they're on the same level esp if you're just saying dni because it makes you uncomfortable (I know they aren't but do you?) which is why I have a stances instead of dni.
-don't know what pro recovery or anti recovery means but I do believe when it comes to someone elses mental health issues all we can do is take their words for it especially online when you don't know them that well, and I do believe you can find joy in your mental health issues. It's at the end of the day up the to the person suffering from it and their therapist to decide how it's handled end of story. If you don't want to "encourage a delusion" than just block them. They know how it affects them best, you are a stranger on the internet.
-Pro Endo and not willing to engage in syscourse (on this blog at least) because it's just petty at this point. If I want to talk about the syspunk tag or whatever we're arguing over now I'll bring it up first. (We're ok with anti endos interacting but if you start shit you'll get blocked, end of story)
-I believe that everyone is allowed to make jokes about their mental health (if the joke isn't going to make it worse) shit like "adhd moment" and "haha autism" isn't going to hurt anyone but people who are not adhd or autistic making fun of adhd and autism is. Joking about it can help ease the pain of it all and clapping back with "just wait till you've suffered like I have" isn't helping? Yes they are suffering that's why they're making these jokes. To cope with their suffering.
-I don't believe the media you consume defines you just how you consume it.
-queer discourse is weird, chat we're all supposed to be in this together right? Because together ape strong right chat??? RIGHT??? (for clarification: straight Alloaces Ily, straight Aroallos Ily, lesboys ily, I don't think anyone outside of internet spaces cares that much nor will this hurt anyone)
-I consider myself Alterhuman and I am an alterhuman friendly space
-please ask me to trigger tag I'm not good at it but I can try
-blog may contain unreality and etc proceed with caution.
-I use tone tags and don't see the harm in them but will prefer to use stuff like this: (serious) (joking) around strangers, cause I can understand how they can be confusing and having to learn them can be a chore, but the concept is overall good and if you're against the concept in general I can't help you.
-I believe in a free palestine and will try and reblog fundraisers and such, please correct me if I get anything wrong.
-We consider ourselves a system and you have no right to know if we have trauma or not as a stranger on the internet end of story.
-main blog: @notarobotsadly
-Willaim: @scottjustletmedie
-Sun: @mikumikuyoucancallm3miku
-Malhare: @malharevrthepcport
-Jevil: @thedungeonv2
all of them are under construction btw.
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brownflower23 · 3 years
Not My Father
Aaron Hotchner x Reader
*Mature Content Warning*
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Summary: Reader gets arrested at a bar. Her boss comes to save her, but after months of frustration she doesn't get the response she expects. However, she receives much more than she can handle. 
"That pervert is lucky all I did was break his nose" You roll your eyes at officer idiot questioning you. Treating you as some sort of criminal, when in actuality you put the worst of criminals away. "Well we called your supervisor; you can take it up with him" The officer snickered, a lump instantly formed in your throat.
"You called who?" You yell at the dumbstruck officer in front of you, clearly not expecting your panicked response. Just after the words left your mouth, your boss crossed the barrier into the holding room. Your stomach instantly flipped, as if you had been caught by a parent as a child. Your eyes meeting his; he stared with the same scolding glare you were expecting. The same look you'd seen many times; it always gave you chills. However, you had never been the one sitting on this side of the table feeling its full force. He folded his arms tightly over his broad chest, eyes lingering at the cuffs connected to your wrist.
At that moment, you couldn't find words to defend what he was seeing, you could only imagine his thoughts. Your barely appropriate dress, your makeup, unlike anything he had seen at work. He finally peeled his eyes off of you, somehow that making you feel even worse.
"Please remove the cuffs, I can handle it from here. Thank you again for the call." Hotch finally spoke, but only to the officer, nodding to him. He returned the nod and quickly walked over removing your restraints.
"Thanks." You gripped at the idiot who arrested you, rolling your eyes at him again. Hotch shot you a warning glare, causing you to sigh while massaging your wrists. This night was utter bullshit. The officer finally left the room, you stood expecting to follow.
"Where do you think you're going?" His stern voice forcing your body to freeze, sending chills down your entire spine. "Um, I thought I was allowed to leave." You replied without looking directly at him, you didn't think you could handle it right now. "You have nothing to say for yourself?" Hotch scoffed.
"I'm sorry?" You questioned, failing to sound sincere. He doesn't respond this time, after an uncomfortable moment of silence you finally looked to meet his stare. He let out a frustrated sigh "Let's go. Before I change my mind." He cautions before leading us through the police station, again thanking the captain and same officer.
"Where is my car?" You ask once outside after you were returned your phone and I.D. "I'm guessing still at the bar you were picked up at, or by now at a towing company. You can deal with that in the morning, get in." He answers not stopping his strides toward the black SUV. You hurry to enter, afraid he might leave you here, the cool night air sending additional chills over your body, still buzzing from earlier.
The ride has an eerie silence, you had never made Hotch this mad at you, the feeling honestly made you want to hurl. You notice you aren't familiar with the street signs you were passing. "Can I ask where we are going?" You break the silence. "My place." He answers blankly, not removing his attention from the road. "Why?" You dare to question. "Because it is late, and you were picked up from a bar." He shot back gripping the steering wheel tighter, not seeming to give you another option.
After ten more agonizing minutes, he finally pulls into a parking garage. You quickly jump out of the car, following Hotch through a few hallways. You felt a wave of awkwardness once he finally stopped at the door. He quickly unlocked it and opened the door for you. You look at the open door, feeling like it was a threshold you shouldn't enter.
"Look I'm fine, I can call a cab to take me to my car." You insist, still not crossing the threshold. "No. You shouldn't be driving, you can stay here." He replied like it was an order. "We aren't at work." You spat not believing him. "Lower your voice, your yelling will wake others." He corrected you again, you noticing the clenching of his jaw. You groaned pushing past him into the apartment.
"Look I appreciate this but.." you start to continue your previous argument but his deep voice cuts you off. "You're correct agent, we are not at work. Meaning, that I did not have to leave my home in the middle of the night, coming to save you from being thrown in jail. You're lucky Jack is away or you would've been there until Monday." He chastised you again, but this time he was right. Although; still being a dick to you of all people.
"I didn't ask you to, I didn't even tell them I was an agent so don't try to make me feel guilty." You plead your case as he began to walk away. "I'm not trying to make you feel anything, maybe if you had more control of your actions you wouldn't be in this situation." He argues turning back in your direction. You finally noticed his different appearance, no jacket or tie, but jeans with an athletic shirt, his hair not styled but falling casually onto his face.
"I don't even want to be in this situation, I'll just go to my car." You huff turning back walking to the door. You just reached the handle, when a large hand came in your line of sight, pushing against the door.
"I'm not letting you leave like this. I don't know your mental state." You hear spoken close behind you. You spin on your heels, slightly taken back by how close your boss was to you. "I promise I'm fine. I wasn't drunk, and it's been hours." You roll your eyes again. "Obviously not, I have never seen you act like this." His voice was desperately trying to hide his frustration with you for the evening, you could see his chest rising against the fitted shirt.
"What? Not perfectly following your orders? Not everyone is perfect like you Hotch." You were yelling at this point, and you didn't care. You had never seen a person with more patience and composure than Hotch, but you finally broke him. "You allegedly assaulted someone at a bar drunk, get arrested, risk your career, the reputation of the BAU, and my credibility as Supervisor. You honestly think you should go back out right now?" He yelled back shocking you, feeling his minty breath fan across your face.
"You don't even know my side of the story!" You gasp at his assumptions. "How am I supposed to when you wouldn't tell me?" He hisses, still holding his same position, you had never seen such fire in his eyes.
"You are not my fucking father Hotch" You yell again, refusing to let him overpower you.
Your back hit the door with a thud, causing you to groan into his mouth. His hands gripping onto your hips roughly, pulling your bodies as close as possible. One of your hands latching his shoulder to steady yourself, while your other tugged at his soft hair.
"Then stop being a damn brat" He all out growls directly in your face, not missing a beat. Your not sure who moves first, you honestly think it was instantaneous, but before you blinked your mouths clash desperately, hands frantically grasping onto wherever you could reach first.
You purposely tugged harder, retrieving a groan from him, hearing it igniting a hunger in you. His lips slightly parted, so you took advantage sliding your tongue over his, still determined not to be overpowered.
Your control is short-lived, as he shifts his leg up, making you gasp at the contact, your head craning against the cold door. Even on your tiptoes, you couldn't relieve the pressure, perching you upon his thick thigh, causing your dress to bunch leaving only your damp underwear as a barrier.
"Did you think after your little game, I'd let you control me, sweetheart?" He huffs against your ear, in an even deeper tone than he usually held. You had never been affected by a pet name, but just coming from him made your walls clench, further agonizing you. You finally open your eyes, batting up at his dark eyes innocently. "I don't know what you mean" you smirk. You felt a low chuckle in his chest, and then you were swiftly moved, flipping you to face the door.
"I'm having a hard time believing that y/n. You've spent months purposely teasing and frustrating me. This..." he pauses his sentence, using his foot to spread your ankles, gripping your wrist together. "Is exactly what you wanted correct?" He completes the question as a whisper against your ear, making you shutter against him. You weren't giving in that easy.
"I honestly didn't think you had it in you...old man." You further push him, knowing your slight age difference being one of the things you regularly tease him about. He groans lowly at your words, pushing you harder against the door. "I still remember exactly how to handle a brat like you"
He punctuates the end of his sentence by effortlessly ripping your thin underwear from under your skirt, throwing the torn fabric to the floor. You shook at the cool air hitting your core, finally noticing how wet you were. His fingers brush over your center, gently spreading your arousal. You bite your lip to keep in the moans your body desperately want to release.
"Then why are you so wet for me sweetheart, hum?" Hotch hums in your ear, pushing his thick finger slowly into your pussy. You don't bother trying to hold in your moans this time, overwhelmed by the feeling of your muscles clenching around this finger, attempting to take it as deep as possible.
As if a single finger wasn't enough, he added a second stretching you delightfully. You scratch against his hand, as if some sort of plea, but the last thing you wanted was for him to stop as you could feel the pleasure building in your stomach. "Something wrong?" He coos arrogantly, watching your face morphing, as your pants of pleasure increase.
"Nothing" You manage to smart back without it sounding completely of a moan. By this point, you drenched his fingers, coating them entirely, letting him fuck his fingers into you as fast as he pleased. You hear a faint growl come deep from Hotch's chest, almost sounding frustrated. "Don't you lie to me; If you are not honest you don't get what you want sweetheart" "And what do I want?" You laugh through a heavy breath.
He shifts an unoccupied finger up to graze your clit every time his fingers plunge into you, making you gasp against the cold door. He leans down to your neck, tickling your skin with his beard. "To be fucked like you wish those boys you entertain would fuck you." Hearing your boss talk like that sends you spiraling, throwing your head back onto his chest to support you as your legs began to feel weak. Just as you clench around his fingers he retracts them, leaving you dripping down your thigh, craving satisfaction.
"What the fuck?" You yell spinning quickly to face him, he catches you by the neck placing you against the door again. Your breath caught, you felt like you didn't have a voice with his large hand around your throat. The way he was staring at you, like his prey. It made your knees weak.
He lifts his other hand between your bodies, you could see his middle fingers glistening. He keeps his eyes nailed to yours, you still trying to calm your pathetic pants. Your mouth gapes as you watch him take the fingers in his mouth, he groans out twirling his tongue, his eyes fluttering shut for a moment savoring your taste. You were fucked.
He removes his fingers slowly, still watching you staring at him with big doe eyes. Then wiping the edge of his mouth with his hand. "Watch it, sweetheart. I'm not sure if you haven't caught on... but I always give the orders. You will not cum until I allow." You whimper loudly at his declaration, you had never had a man command you like this, but you couldn't deny the effect it was having on your body.
"I'll do what you say." You whisper, barely audible, looking away from his eyes. Loosening his hand on your neck, using it to make you look back up to him. A faint smirk now played at the corner of his lips. "What was that?" He lightly chuckles. You suppress the urge to roll your eyes.
"I said I'll do what you say. Happy?" You return the smirk. "Hmm, honestly I thought you'd be harder to break. I think you're just trying to get what you want." He informs you, moving his face closer to yours. You shrug your shoulders innocently. "Is it working?" You breathe against his lips before gripping onto his shirt pulling him flush against you.
His mouth explores yours again; it's without a doubt the best kiss of your life. He was so skilled in his movements, and how he taunted you with his hands without actually pleasuring you. Maybe you had been dealing with boys before.
Hotch gripping into your hips, lifting you slightly before walking your bodies away from the door. You hardly notice he was moving you until your legs hit the back of a couch. He instantly spun you around making you a bit dizzy, folding you at the waist over the couch.
You couldn't help the smirk that grew on your face hearing the chime of his belt buckle, you were getting exactly what you wanted. "I wouldn't gloat so quickly y/n" Hotch warns. You try to look back to observe but cannot move from him keeping a hand on your neck, pushing your chest into the oversized cushion.
"And I shouldn't because?" You entertain his warning. "Because this" is the only answer he provides, and you then feel the pressure. That of him forcing his cock in you with a single plunge, burying himself to your brim, ripping through any defiance left in you.
"Aaron!" You scream out his first name, gasping for the air he just knocked from your stomach. He was massive, stretching you uncomfortably, you didn't have to see it to know you had never taken a cock this big. You were also sinfully a sucker for pain.
"Fuck" he groans above you, surly your tightness was affecting him also. You knew that he rammed into you purposely, not wanting you to be able to conform to his size before punishing you.
He made the single motion again, burying himself again and stopping, making you cry out again. "What's wrong sweetheart? A brat like you can take it right?" His breathing is labored now, one hand still tightly holding you down, the other now roughly gripping your hip. He repeats the same hard single thrust, you can feel tears building at your lashes. The way he filled you was overwhelming.
"Please" you beg, squirming under him. You weren't sure what you were begging for at this point, you just needed him. Every time he stills you could feel his cock pulsing deep in you, not delivering enough pleasure to relieve you, but only to further drive you mad.
"Oh, now you want to do what you're told huh? Now you beg like a pathetic whore." He responds with another snap of his hips. You couldn't take much more, you felt as if you could combust at any second. "Aaron I can't..please" you cry, feeling the tears stream over your face, he had finally broken you.
"Go ahead baby, call me what you really want. Go ahead." He groans, pulling your head back by a fist full of your hair. He didn't have to say it, you knew exactly what he meant, and he knew you wanted it. So you let everything out, all the months of frustration boiling over.
"Daddy, please...I'm yours...please" You wish you could've recorded the sound that escaped Aaron at that moment, a loud groan mixed with a needy whine. Matched by feeling his cock twitch inside you, struggling to stay composed hearing that name.
He throws his hips into you again, but this time it follows with another quick thrust, over and over, filling the room with a slapping noise and your moans. He keeps your hair pulled back, making your body hold the arch for him to angle deeper, brushing your g spot with each hard thrust.
"Yes yes yes, don't stop" You scream, him finally giving you what you needed. "Can you take it, baby? You're so damn tight" He grunts, you weren't going to last with him calling you baby. "Yes, daddy, harder please" you plea, wanting him to ruin you. He grants your wish, fucking you harder, you gasping feeling it all the way in your stomach. You would certainly be bruised tomorrow, but the pain would be worth it.
"Fuck daddy. So good... so fucking deep." You cry, feeling your body begin to tingle, your legs shaking against him. He groans feeling you tightening "Cum for daddy sweetheart." He encourages through his heavy breaths, and that's all it takes to make your body snap. He slows his motions slightly letting you ride out your orgasm, your walls still fluttering around his thick cock.
He releases your head, you not having the energy to stay upright you letting it hang down against the couch. "Shit that's was amazing" You whisper, causing him to chuckle and slowly begin to move into you again. Your eyes flash open realizing he still hadn't finished.
"Aaron I can't" you whine, your body couldn't possibly take more of this. "Oh I'm not finished, and neither are you" He growls in your ear, you couldn't help but moan out at his tone. "I can't take anymore" You whine again, only fueling him. He releases the hand that was holding you, now gripping onto both of your hips harshly, definitely leaving a mark. There was no reason to restrain you anymore, he knew you were his.
Hotch returns to the same pace he held previously, causing your eyes to roll back as you yelp, grasping onto the couch for dear life it felt. "Don't forget your place sweetheart. You're done when I say brat..." he pauses his sentence, repositioning one of his hands to your front. "And I think you can give me one more." He states as he set fire to your body rubbing fiercely over your clit, steadily pushing himself deep, determined to make you unravel again.
"Daddy" You scream, feeling your body giving in to him, his thrust becoming frantic, his moans become beastly with each thrust. "Give it to me y/n. Ahh... fuck. I know you want to baby." Is his final pleasuring cry to take you with him, as he made a final slap against your body to sheathe himself fully.
"Oh, Aaron" Is all you can cry as the air hitches in your throat. All at once, your body erupts again, feeling him filling you with his seed. Grasping onto him to anchor yourself to reality, uncertain this level if euphoria is real, or if you'll ever get to relive it again.
Drained of any energy, your body collapses into his, feeling his arms catch you and lifting you sweetly into his embrace. Although; unable to open your eyes, you feel him carefully carrying you, and then the soft cushion of a bed. You weren't sure how long he was gone, but your body slightly jumps at the feeling of a wet cloth between your thighs.
"Wha..what are you doing?" You mutter against a pillow and hear him softly laugh at you. "I've got you, sweetheart, just rest" He replies in a very tender voice. He softly wipes your leg, erasing the proof of your shared pleasure. Even half-conscious you had never felt so adored. Following; you feel him slide the heels off your feet, and then tug at the end of your dress to remove it. Your dress is finally off, and you feel it would be silly to care about after the deed you two just committed.
You are only naked for a couple of seconds before he wiggles a soft t-shirt over your body, oversized enough to be a nightgown. It smells strongly of him, which comforted you, but not as much as him pulling you into his bare chest, kissing your forehead just as you slip into an exhausted sleep.
Please let me know if this should be turned into a short series! Thanks loves!
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hogwartsmarvelmommy · 3 years
Empty Mugs and Unexpected Hugs (H.O) 🔥
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Word count: 3.3K
Enemies to lovers
Warnings: Smut (fingering, unprotected sex *Wrap it up*) cussing, that’s probably it..
With Tom came Harrison, you knew that. What you didn't know was when you had agreed to a roommate situation with Tom, you were also agreeing to one with Haz. “Tom, you said ‘would you like to live with me.’ not ‘me and Haz’” you told him as you stared at the blonde boy who was carrying box after box. He opted to do this shirtless, despite the cold London breeze. A sheen layer of sweat glistened on his overly defined chest, and you hated the way you longed to reach out and touch him.
“I figured you just knew?” Tom said coyly rubbing the back of his neck as he saw the way you stared down his best friend. He wasn't blind, he knew the hatred you supposedly had towards Haz was something with much deeper roots, but anytime he tried to figure it out, you would deflect and change the subject.
“I'm not doing either of your dishes,” you said loudly enough to catch Harrison's attention.
“Wouldn't expect you to, princess,” he winked at you. With a loud groan, and a dramatic flip of your hair, you proceed to your empty room to unpack your things.
Living with Tom and Harrison was way more entertaining than you had ever thought possible. Most nights were spent at the dining room table with one to many empty beer bottles laid out in front of you, while you laughed and joked about things that were probably not funny. Of course there were also the quiet days when Tom was away filming with Haz in tow, and on those days you would usually have the company of one or both of the twins.
“You should just admit you love him,” Sam said suddenly while you were taking a sip of your beer, causing you to spit your drink all over the table.
“Sammy!” You cried out the sting of beer in your nostrils. “I do not,”
“Y/N, It's written all over your face,” Harry argued. They were supposed to be on your side, you had been friends with the twins for years, the only reason you even knew Tom, was because of Sam and Harry..
“I do not love Harrison,” You told them, but even you were unconvinced by your own words.
It was late when you heard the front door to the flat open. The twins had left a few hours prior, Tom was in the states, and Harrison was with him, so who was coming into the apartment?
You were in just a shirt, an old one of Harrison's you had taken a while back, and a pair of cheeky underwear. Tip toeing to your bedroom door and grabbing a golf club from your bag, you proceeded to sneak down the hallway to the large living area where the front door was. Your heart was pounding with the thought of having to defend the place against an intruder, in just your underwear nonetheless. You saw a shadow, next to the couch, and raised the club ready to attack. As soon as you went for it, the lamp flicked on and Harrison saw you charging towards him with a golf club. Luckily he had fast reflexes, catching the club in one hand and your quickly moving body in the other. “Christ Y/N. What are you doing?” he asked, holding your body close to his. You felt your muscles relax into him, thankful he was in fact not an intruder, and you wouldn't have to explain why there was an intruder beaten and bloody by your hand to the authorities.
“I thought you were a robber,” You admitted coyly, stepping back a bit to look at him. His piercing blue eyes looked deep into yours, a small smile on his lips as his eyes trailed down your overly exposed body.
“So you would charge at an intruder with a bright pink putter, in just your underwear?” he asked you. “Also is that my shirt?” you could feel your cheeks heat up. You pushed away from his body with a scoff and turned to go back to your room, already done with him, but his hand caught your wrist, pulling your body back into his arms. His grip was tight as he held your body close to his. Something was off. Something was wrong. This was abnormal, Haz without Tom, and showing you any sort of affection.
“Hazzy, why are you home?” You asked, finally wrapping your arms around his waist, accepting the unexpected hug that you usually would not share with Him.
“Family stuff, I've been back for a few days. Just been with my mom,” He said, still holding you. You instinctively hug him tighter, getting the feeling that something bad had happened.
“You okay?” You asked him quietly. To which he just hummed into your head, still holding you.
“Better now,” He whispers. You're so confused, and exposed. You hear the twins' voices in the back of your head. ‘Just admit it, you love him.’ Was that what you had been feeling for months on end? Is that the feeling you were feeling now, making your stomach turn? “I missed you,” He whispers and you swear you could feel him press a kiss against the top of your head. It's too much, so suddenly.
“I need to..” you push your body away, scrambling to find any words to get you away, your mind is clouded by thoughts and feelings. “Pants,” You finally let out, leaving Harrison in the living room, stunned at how flustered you had become in the matter of a millisecond.
As soon as you're back in your room, you let out a groan, you're so confused. He missed you? You? y/n? Why would he miss you? All the two of you did was bicker, bicker and flirt. Flirt. Because you did in fact have feelings for Harrison. Feelings that were not not supposed to be had towards him..
“Y/N? Can I come in?” you haven't even put on pants yet when his voice calls to you through the closed door.
“Sure,” You call out to him, desperately searching your floor for the discarded sweats you had had on a few hours before. Nowhere, great. He cleared his throat from behind you, while you were bent over, ass on full display. Fully aware now, of how exposed you are you decide to just crawl under your blanket on your bed.
“Did I do something?” He asked, concern plastered all over his face.
“What? No, why would you think-”
“You just ran from me, like literally ran, after trying to attack me with a golf club,” He points out, making you cringe.
“I- Uh, yeah. I'm sorry about nearly attacking you,” You mumble, a little more embarrassed than you'd like to admit.
“So why'd you run away?” he pondered, watching you closely as you struggled to find your words. Unbeknownst to you Harrison was also having an internal crisis. You were Y/N. Someone Tom considered a little sister, Harry and Sam's best friend, but he couldn't help the way that you made him smile every time you couldn't open a jar, and would defeatedly ask him for help after way too long of attempting it yourself. Or the way you would curse at the line of dirt that you could never seem to sweep into the dustpan. The way you would always make a cup of tea before finishing the last, leaving so many mugs with a single drink all over the place, something that would drive any other person crazy, but he just found it endearing, and was sure if it ever stopped, he would miss it.
“You said you missed me,” You finally managed to say, making a smile spread over Harrison's lips. He took a chance, stepping into your room, towards where you were sitting on the bed, and when you didn't object, he crossed the empty space sitting right next to you.
“I did miss you,” He said, grabbing your hand and squeezing it gently.
“We fight, and argue,” You started, obviously ready to explain all the reasons he shouldn't have missed you.
“And we flirt, and share memories, and glances. You drive me nuts y/n. But the second I step out that door, I miss it all. The obnoxious quirks, the way you can't pronounce some things correctly, no matter how often I correct you. I miss hearing you call out goodnight to me in the nighttime, and how you always wish me to have sweet dreams. I don't know when, or why it happened, but yeah. When I'm gone I miss you,” you feel a tear escape your eye at his confession, not sure exactly what to say or think for that matter. His finger caresses your cheek wiping the tear from your face.
“Haz?” You whisper.
“Yes?” He asks, full attention turned to you.
“I miss you when you're gone too,” You finally admit, a weight lifting from your chest. He's thankful to know his feelings aren't completely one sided. Your admission of missing him is at least enough to confirm that you don't actually hate him. “Can I be honest?” You ask, catching even yourself off guard.
“Please,” He says, waiting for you to say whatever you had to say.
“I- '' You take a deep breath, bracing yourself for rejection and embarrassment, but if you wait much longer, you'll never say what you have to. “I get so irritated with you, because everything you do just draws me in. I can't not stare, or listen. It drives me nuts, to be so flustered by everything that you do, and it's the simple things Haz, the way you insist on sitting on the left side of the couch, or how you always make sure I've eaten after a long day. The way you constantly clean up my mugs that I leave everywhere, and you have never once said a thing about them, even if you have had every right to,” you don't even want to look at him, afraid he will be appalled, but you have to say it. “I’m pretty sure I've managed to fall in love with you, while trying desperately to hate you,” you whisper.
That's enough of a confirmation for Harrison, that you're on the same page. With his hand gently on your face, pulling your chin up towards him, he leans in, pressing his lips ever so gently against yours. And the electricity that you both feel from the slightest touch? Fucking magic.
“I tried so hard not to love you,” He whispers. You look up at him through your lashes, his eyes gazing directly into yours, and it's like you're looking at the sky on a clear summer day. “And dear God did I fail,” he whispers, making you melt. He leans back down, this time kissing you with something so much more. It's meaningful, it's beautiful, it's everything you have wanted without realizing it. Your hands are against his chest, feeling each thud of his heart, while his are cupping your face. He kisses you like his life depends on it, and in that moment it surely feels like it does. He deepens the kiss, his tongue making its appearance in your mouth. It's everything and more. You wrap your arms around his neck, wanting to extend this moment forever, and his slip down to your waist, pulling you closer. He pulls away, and a soft whine escapes your lips.
“Tell me to stop,” He whispers, as he caresses your cheek. Eyes searching your face, making sure he's not crossing a line. You lean into his hand, closing your eyes and letting a soft humm leave your lips. With no objection from you, he reconnects your lips for a third time tonight. This time it's hot, so so hot. You can feel the ache forming in your stomach as his lips move from yours to your neck. You need him, you have to have him, just a little taste and you realize you have been starving. With a swift motion you're straddling him now, leaning down into him instead of leaning up, giving him so much more access to your neck and jaw, and then he remembers an unanswered question from before.
“This is my shirt,” He says, this time it's not a question, just a statement.
“Yeah,” You giggle. His eyebrows raise a bit as he remembers all the shirts that have seemingly disappeared over the last few months.
“Do you have others?” He asks. You feel like you have been caught red handed, nowhere to go or hide.
“I- Yes,” You admit. “I like to sleep in them,”
“In just your underwear?” He asks, to which you shyly nod. He throws his head back and lets out a dramatic sigh. He's done for, “That is so fucking hot,” he mutters before leaning back in taking your bottom lip between his and sucking it slightly. He feels his pants tighten as your hips grind into him instinctively, and you're so wet and warm he can practically feel it through his jeans.
“Hazzy,” you moan as he pushes you down onto him, providing a friction you desperately need, even though it's not what you want.
“What is it?” He asks you, as he does it a second time. Your head falls down onto his shoulder, and you don't know if you can even express what it is you want.
“Can you..” You trail off.
“Can i?” he asks, needing to hear you say it out loud.
“Touch me?” The words are like music to his ears, flipping you onto your back as he slips his hand between your bodies, running his fingers along the damp fabric of your ruined panties. The fact that you're this wet from just kissing is driving him crazy. He slips his hand into your panties, finally sliding his long digits along your slit. One thing about Harrison that drove you absolutely crazy was his hands, because dear god were they perfect, his long fingers and veiny tops, you'd be lying if you said you had never gotten off imagining his fingers in the place of yours, and now, actually having the real thing, you felt like you were flying.
As he slid his finger inside you, you let out a gasp, his being so much bigger than your own, and it being way too long since you had been with anyone.
“Say the word and I'll stop,” He says, as he looks at your face twisted in pleasure, but he can't tell that it's not pain, he's never seen you like this before. This is a whole new territory.
“Please.. Please don't,” You nearly beg as your hips buck against his hand. The smirk that replaces the concern on his face is unbelievably hot, his pupils are blown with lust and you're sure yours are as well. He thrusts his one finger in and out grazing against your spot each and every time, his palm rubbing your clit as he does so. You're going to lose it, this is so much better than you could have ever imagined. He pulls his finger out, causing a whine from you, which quickly turns to a gasp as he replaces it with two. If you're falling apart to his fingers you're not sure how you'll be able to handle his cock.
“Hazzy,” You moan out, right on the brink of losing it.
“Come on my fingers princess,” He coos, and that is precisely what you do, your whole body shakes in pleasure, and your toes curl, and he keeps going, as your walls squeeze tightly around his fingers.
Once your legs finally stop shaking he pulls his hand away, and although that was probably the most powerful orgasm you had ever had, it is not nearly enough. “Haz.” You say quietly as he peppers kisses on your neck.
“Hmm?” He hums.
“Need more, need you,” you say, and his head peaks up, a smile on his face, a bit in excitement, a bit in surprise.
“You sure?” he asks, to which you respond by kissing him, you nibble at his bottom lip, and he lets out a moan. You reach down unbuttoning his jeans and sliding his zipper down, and he assists you in pulling them down. You can clearly see his length through his boxers, his cock, rock hard and leaking on to his boxers, it's flattering. You let your fingers trail his length and you can feel his eyes on your hand, and you're not sure if he's worried, nervous, or excited. You slide his boxers down and his cock springs free, and you can see the violent red hue of the tip, he's begging to be touched and he hasn't even said a thing. You wrap your hand around him and he lets out a gasp at the sudden contact, you stroke your hand up and down a few times before, he pushes you back onto the bed and climbs over you. He slides his fingers in the hem of your panties and slowly drags them down your legs, before dropping them to the floor, and then takes his time lifting his shirt over his head, exposing his chest, you follow suit, and throw the shirt you had on to the ground. You're both completely naked now, no turning back, you've made it this far already.
"Y/n, baby we don't have to," he whispers against your ear.
"Hazzy, stop worrying and fuck me please," you nearly beg as you pull his lips to yours in a desperately hungry kiss.
"Christ," he mutters as he lines himself at your entrance, pushing into you at a slow, agonizing speed. Of course he's only doing this to make sure you're ok, his fingers seemed like so much to your tight pussy he's worried he's going to hurt you. But the way you moan out his name gives him full confidence that you in fact are fine. Once he's fully sure you're fine to take him, he speeds up his thrusts, finding a place that is perfect for the both of you. Your legs wrap around his waist as he pounds into you. You're not sure you're going to last long.
"Not gonna last," you moan into his lips.
"S'okay, me either," he says back. He slips his hand down, rubbing your clit strategically. You let out another loud moan before his name leaves your lips, repeatedly as you convulse around his cock, and it's only one more thrust before he completely empties himself into you.
It's a few quiet moments of your bodies laying flush against each other, enjoying the afterglow of sex. "I'm gonna clean you up," he whispers in your ear before pushing himself up and off of you. He disappears from the room for what feels like an eternity, but is back within a minute with a warm rag and a glass of water, and he then cleans you up, being gentle with how sensitive you now are.
Your eyes get heavy after everything is said and done, and you're worried he's going to disappear from your room, but he lays next to you instead. Pulling you into his arms.
"Hazzy?" You whisper after a few minutes.
"Is everything ok with your family?" You ask, getting worried this may have been a lapse in judgement on his part because of heightened emotions.
"Yes. Char decided to give us a scare and disappear for a weekend, so I came back to try and keep my mom from murdering her," he admitted with a chuckle.
"Oh," you giggled.
"Y/n?" He whispers.
"I meant it. I missed you," he says, pressing a kiss atop of your head. You smile before falling asleep in his arms. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe it would be forever. All you knew was it felt right.
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bumblesimagines · 3 years
Green Thumb
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Part 4
Request: Yes or No
TW: Drug mention, needle mention, overdose mention
I'm still unsure on the twins ages in age of ultron since one source says 16 and the other says 26 lmao. Imma just say the twins are 17 or 18.
You stared down at the city below with a frown. You knew Clint wouldn't rest until Natasha was found. Everything had happened so quickly and even if you had tried to catch her with a root, you would've been pulled along. A sigh left you as you sat down at your desk. Your room in the tower felt like a cell. Gray walls, white bed, white desk. The only real color in the room came from the line of potted flowers on the desk. You felt your stomach grumble, standing up and leaving the room. You headed to the kitchen, getting a granola bar. You opened it, taking a bite from it. You almost choked, hearing crashing and arguing. You swallowed the bits of granola as you followed the noises to the laboratory. You headed up the stairs, dodging a flying Steve.
"What the fuck?" You turned your head, seeing the Maximoff twins. "What the fuck?" You repeated, watching them in bewilderment. Another one left you when Thor crashed through a window, raising his hammer and letting the electricity power the cradle. Nothing happened for a moment before the cradle burst open, causing Thor to fly back.
"I should've stayed with Laura." You whispered, staring at the red man that emerged from the cradle. He slowly stood, looking between everyone. His gaze settled on Thor, lunging for him but Thor grabbed him and threw him to the side, causing another crash.
"(Y/N), stay close." Clint called, eyeing the twins. You quickly walked over to him, hearing the crunching of glass beneth your shoes. While Thor and Steve took the dramatic way, you chose to use the door and head to the room Vision was in. Thor raised his hand, stopping Steve from attacked. The man stared out into the city, staying silent and motionless. Thor set down his hammer as the man landed on the door, apologizing to Thor and mimicking his cape.
"Thor, you helped create this?"
"I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all forms of life and at its center is that." Thor explained, pointing at the crystal in the mans forehead.
"What, the gem?" Bruce asked, watching Thor look at him.
"The mind stone." He corrected. "It's one of the six infinity stones. The greatest power in the universe with destructive abilities." Thor explained as he faced everyone.
"It looks like a citrine." You muttered, continuing to unwrap the rest of your granola bar, swiping away the crumbs that fell on the floor with your foot.
"A what?" Clint asked softly. You glanced at him.
"It's a type of gemstone. It's supposed to motivate you to take action." You shrugged lightly. Gemstones were pretty interesting to study, even more so when they had so called 'destructive abilities.'
"Stark's right."
"Oh, it's definitely the end." Bruce said quietly.
"Why does your vision sound like J.A.R.V.I.S?" Steve asked as he watched the man walk forward. Tony explained why, still in awe and surprise. The man looked at Steve.
"You think I'm a child of Ultron?" Though it sounded like a question, it was obvious it was a statement.
"You're not?"
"I'm not Ultron." The man replied softly, almost confused. "And.. I'm not J.A.R.V.I.S either."
"I looked in your head and saw annihilation." Wanda said, stepping forward as she glared at him. Clint scoffed softly, walking towards everyone. You followed, tossing the wrapper into the trashcan.
"Look again."
"Your approval seems jack to me." Clint said, gaze staying locked on the twins. Wanda's gaze went to Clint before going to you. You maintained brief eye contact. It wasn't everyday you met another meta.
"Her powers, the horrors in our heads, Ultrons powers.. They all came from the mind stone. Nothing compares to what it can unleash." Thor revealed. "And with it on our side-"
"Is it?" Steve interrupted, looking at the man again.
"Are you? On our side?"
"I don't think it's that simple." He replied softly.
"Sounds pretty simple. Death or life for humanity." You said, shrugging. He looked at you, giving a small nod before looking at the others.
"Then.. I'm on the side of life. Ultron isn't." He took small steps forward, not wanting to agitate anyone.
"What's he waiting for?"
"You." The man stared at Tony. You were already coming up with names for him. Tony Jr was the one sticking.
"Sokavia's our best bet." Tony said.
"Nat's there too." Clint told them, looking at Bruce when he approached the man.
"If we're wrong about you..." Bruce started softly. His threats were always amusing until he turned green. He stared at Tony Jr, letting it up to his imagination, if he had that.
"I don't want to kill Ultron." Tony Jr walked around Bruce, continuing past everyone.
"He's weak.. And in pain but that pain will roll over the Earth, so he must be destroyed. Every forms he's built, every sense of his presence on the net. We have to act now and not one of us can do it without the other." Tony Jr turned, facing them. He looked down at his hands.
"Maybe I am a monster. I don't know if I will become one.. I'm not what you are. I'm not what you intended. So there may be no way for you to trust me but we need to go." Tony Jr finished his speech, picking up Thors hammer and handing it to him. The room stayed silent as everyone took it in. Thor took his hammer, clearing his throat and nodding.
"Alright." He gave a small smile, walking away. You sighed, turning around and walking towards the bar.
"Don't even think about it." Clint called as he walked past you. You huffed, watching him go.
"Seriously?" You rolled your eyes, looking over your shoulder at the twins. They walked away in amusement, following Steve's directions to the lockers. You walked to your room, putting on the outfit Clint had designed for you. You looked at a picture of you and Clint, smiling softly. You left the room, walking down the hall. You noticed Thor and Tony Jr talking outside, arms crossing as you approached the glass. You stared at the two, gaze locking onto the reflection of the twins. You turned to face them, seeing Wanda pause and stay in her spot.
"Sorry about choking you." You spoke first, looking between them. Wanda gave a small nod, hand gently gripping her arm.
"Did you get experimented on like us?" Pietro asked, head tilting. Some white strands fell over his face. You shook your head, biting your bottom lip as you thought on how to explain it.
"From what Bruce told me, my mother had drugs in her system during labor. It was an unknown drug that they still haven't identified but Bruce says that it might've given me some freak cell mutation that gave me these powerd. It's weird. Clint said it took a long time to even find any information on my family. I don't know if it's true or something that they told me to make me feel better about being orphaned." The twins gaze softened, glancing at each other. Wanda licked her lips, glancing at the ground.
"When were you orphaned?" She asked softly.
"When I was a baby. My mom died in labor and my dad had been found dead with a needle in his arm a day later. I was put into an orphanage cause my parents were seen as a Jane Doe and John Doe. Again, it's weird." You told them, shrugging lightly. Pietro took in a soft breath, gaze becoming distant.
"We're orphans too. I'm sure you already know what happened by now but.. A bomb killed them." Pietro said softly. He took in a deeper breath, giving a small smile to lighten the mood.
"I suppose that's another thing we have in common." He pointed out with a small shrug. You nodded, smiling softly. It was nice to be around people your age who understood you. Even Wanda seemed relaxed and more comfortable.
"(Y/N), what'd I say?" You looked up upon hearing Clint's voice.
"You were the one who left me alone to change." You reminded him with a soft huff, going around the twins and approaching him. Clint shot you a pointed look, glancing at the twins. You understood why he was distrustful of them.
"Clint, they're like me." You said quietly as you walked with him to the aircraft.
"You're not like them."
"Yes, I am. They're metas and around my age. Weren't you the one who said I had to work on my people skills?" You cocked a brow as you stared at him. Clint stayed silent, giving you the answer.
"They were fighting for their country after it was attacked. They have all the right to be distrustful-"
"After one conversation, you can tell apart the difference between good guys and bad guys?"
"I don't know, Clint, you tell me. You were the one who chose to take in a kid who almost choked your best friend to death and attempted to impale Americas biggest playboy with a fucking branch." You hissed lowly, frowning and looking forward.
"You were, and still are, a kid." Clint said, voice becoming hard and stricter.
"Oh, well, fuck me, I didn't realize the twins were in their eighties."
"Quit giving me attitude, (Y/N). I want to protect you. You don't know if they're gonna stab us in the back when we least expect it. If we destroy Ultron and they stay on our side, you can play dolls with them." Clint said, approaching the aircraft.
"Whatever." You entered the aircraft, taking a seat. The others entered not long after. The twins sat down beside you as Clint headed to the front.
"We didn't get you in trouble, did we?" Wanda asked quietly, glancing over at Clint. You shook your head, toying with the roots in order to relax.
"No, just.. Strict dad drama." You muttered. Wanda tilted her head, making eye contact with Pietro before it clicked.
"Oh.. He adopted you? That's nice." Wanda gave a small smile. "Maybe the Avengers aren't so heartless."
"We aren't." You assured, looking between her and Pietro. "It'll take a while but.. We can all grow to trust each other."
"I hope so." Pietro breathed out, hands going to the belt as the aircraft lifted up. You chuckled at the nervous look on his face.
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thyandrawrites · 3 years
Hello~ I wanted to reply to something in one of your ask responses! You said "I think it'll involve self-sacrifice in some shape or form. A selfless action that will help someone else and finally 'redeem' Hawks to the audience." When Hawks is already self-sacrificing to an unhealthy degree, destroying himself for the sake of others time and time again, would that really be a good end to his character arc? There wouldn't be much change there. I just have no idea what his character is anymore...
well, talking about good writing is a little pointless imho, because Hawks is past the stage where there can be a neat wrap up for him.
Ideally, he should've been allowed to be selfish and to have a growth that involved him to consciously choose himself over the greater good, but that potential exploration of his character was thrown away when he killed Jin. In my opinion, the moment he chose to screw over another victim of the system who in so many ways was similar to him, instead of attempting to save him, he stopped "self-sacrificing to an unhealthy degree", as you put it.
Sure, it can be argued that he's sacrificing his own sense of self. That would be absolutely correct. He's chosing to deny his own victimhood by sticking with the people who made him one in the first place. But he's not paralleling Endvr for nothing. The choice to kill Jin, narratively, is a big bad that he needs to fix, the same way that Endvr's choice not to recognize Touya's needs is a big bad that needs fixing.
And as it stands, the only way Hawks could correct that was if he chose to save someone who doesn't want to be saved. It's all nice and good when you only save those who want to be helped. But it's not a narrative challenge, in much the same way that Endvr's choice to stick to fistfights instead of trying to connect emotionally with his family is not a way to correct his past actions. For there to be growth, there needs to be a stepping away from a behavior that was addressed as bad.
Don't get me wrong, I too hate the idea that Hawks needs to lay down his life cause imho it never should've gotten to this point (and could've easily been avoided if his character arc had actual consistency and wasn't halted midway to make him suck up to Endvr).
But ever since the war arc there has been a costant framing of Hawks and Endvr as heroes who are not particularly heroic anymore. The only way for them to redeem themselves is if they start acting like heroes again. In Hawks' case, I expect this to play out with a self-sacrifice because his set up has always hinted that there would be some major fall for him in sight. Do I hate it? yes. Do I wish he was allowed to just exist and to be given a chance to heal, same as the villains? also yes. but that's the direction I see the writing going for.
At least, it was up until I was still reading the manga. I'm not caught up on any recent development that might influence that prediction (I don't know anything about Lady Nagant in particular, tho I heard she's basically replacing Hawks' role in the story as the hero who lost faith in heroics, which might or might not hint towards the idea that Hawks might never break free from his mindset).
that being said, these are just my opinions! you are welcome to disagree or to think my predictions aren't that good. Personally, I tend to avoid making any because my expectations for where the writing is headed tend to change a lot as the story progresses. For example, at first I was convinced that Dabi wasn't going to survive the manga, while now I'm certain of the opposite, because of how the story evolved. Stories aren't written in stone so there typically is wiggle room, especially with ongoing weekly series. Plus hori so clearly changed his plans for a few of his characters midway through writing them, so who's to say the current set up will stay that way till the end, really
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katsukikitten · 4 years
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Warning : 18 plus AU, adult themes, collage au
Part one Part two
"Mina, I really don't see why I have to wear this Bikini, I prefer a cutout  one piece." You say sipping your iced coffee as Mina packs her beach bag with sponges, rags, and tons of bottled water. You wait impatiently by the door of your shared, temporary dorm. 
"Becauuuusssse, I already told you! That Instagram post I made of all of us blew up, even with my large following. Remember how many people we brought in last time?"
"Yes, we made 45% more profit…" You bite at the inside of your lip as you think, adjusting your white t-shirt so it sat nicely above the black bikini bottoms. You weren't one to argue with numbers.
"Well now with the combined efforts with the shirtless boys we can actually use that allowance you got us for unlimited kegs." 
"No, Mina new windows and installation. They said the house was hot, which means winter will be brutal." You roll your eyes, "Unless you want to freeze this winter, personally I have no problem with freezing." 
She giggles at your joke, pulling you along as if you were the reason for being late instead of her. Mina spies Uraraka and Jiro waving them towards the two of you before she whispers softly to you.  
"Just, try to have fun today no matter what." 
You wondered if that was an omen, a jinx or if she already knew what lied ahead. Either way you would not being having too much fun. 
The four of you arrive just before the first customer's begin to line up and already you want to organize. Counting the heads until you see a certain ash blonde causing your normally cold blood to run hot. Too hot. 
"Mina?" Your voice dips low, as ice dances in the air around you, "What is he doing here?" 
"Who?" She plays dumb as the other two women greet the group of men. Harsh garnet cut to you as you steel your glare. 
"Oi, Icy Brat. What are you fucking doing here?" His voice grates your nerves and for a moment you see red. Thinking of freezing him and going about your day. Instead you choose to give him the cold shoulder, averting your gaze. 
"We're doing pairs for washing today. I'm glad you could make it" Kirishima beams, coming in for a hug, you take a step back offering him a polite smile. His smile doesn't lose an ounce of shine, it makes you respect him a bit more. 
"I'll handle the cash and direct cars then." You say pointing to the box, ready to grab the fanny pack and head to the street. Denki grabs onto you gently, releasing you as if you were hot to the touch.  
"No it has to be a boy girl ratio. I promise the outcome will be worth it, please!" This won't be the first or last time both Denki and Mina beg for your help. You look around at what must be their subconscious pairings. Jiro calls Denki over as the first car pulls up, Kirishima seems to wait patiently, his eyes lingering on bubble gum pink skin, while Sero is already guiding cars with Uraraka in tow. 
That leaves you and Bakugou who has his arms crossed, sneering at the customers. 
Your hope dwindles that today would be a good day.
Sero points to a blue car indicating that this was going to be yours to share with the hot head. Sighing you waltz over in your black wedge heels and begin your work. Bakugou looms over the wet car, sponge in hand. The two of you work in silence until the third car, a red coupe with a couple inside about to receive the show of their bi lives. 
They comment on the tension they feel between the two of you right away, they notice the glares and lack of communication. Even making small jokes about how funny it would be to see one of those cliche water fights between the two of you. 
"Icebrat, you're doing it fuckin wrong." Bakuogu barks, you ignore him, continuing to wash the car. Anger burns in his chest, never understanding why you acted so high and mighty. 
"Gonna give me the cold shoulder are ya?" He growls, eyeing the dirty water before a thought crosses his mind, "Love to see you ignore this."
His voice is sadistic before he throws the dirty water across the car onto your frame, suds and water cling to your white t, showcasing the black bikini top underneath. Your temper spikes enough that your shirt collects frost at the seams before you slowly remove it. Glaring at the hot head when you're done.  
"Fuck." The couple say aloud grabbing onto each other as they watch the scene unfold. Your powerful frame guiding you with a deadly clack of your heels. Your hands find the bucket of water Mina and Kirishima were using, your fingers tap the bucket and the water forms a film of ice at the top. Meanwhile Bakugou goes to "correct" whatever mistake you were making. The couple's eyes watch the unsuspecting Bakugou reach up their hood to clean a particular spot before water is dumped over his spiky blonde hair. 
You tap the back of his shirt making it stiff with frost, when he moves to face you it shatters away from his body. Revealing the sculpted plans of his abs and the scars of untold stories. 
If it weren't for all of that ice water Bakugou would have blown you sky high, he comes close to you. Huffing as his eyes become wild and wide. All you offer him is a deadly polite smile as you stare him in the face, unbothered and unphased by his towering presence. 
"What? I was only getting the spot you missed." When he says nothing you allow yourself to relish the silence, placing your hand on his shoulder capping it in obvious ice. 
"Are you giving me the cold shoulder now?" The question is nonchalant before you signal to Sero for another car as you walk to get more supplies. Sero whistles at a bristling Bakugou before leaning into the driver's side window to give directions. Before he can ask for a tip the driver is offering a twenty dollar bill while his eyes are flickering between yourself and Bakugou. 
"Mark us down as a regular." He sighs as his girlfriend does too.  Sero happily tucks the money into the fanny pack.
"Will do." 
Somehow the two of you manage quips and water pranks back and forth without killing each other. Making it through the long day but earning a high amount of tips. Mina clings to you as you count cash, sweat on her brow as the sun settles into an unbearable afternoon heat. 
"Uuugghhh how much longer mom?" She asks, sighing at your icy touch. You roll your eyes as you count the last stack. 
"Not too much hush." You place the money into the lock box, wondering how the hell the eight of you made so much money in just seven hours. 
"But I'm starving! Plus we still have to pick our rooms!" 
"You're that excited to move all of our items into what was a male dominated space?" You ask coolly as Jiro and Uraraka lean against the collapsible table. 
"I'm stoked." Jiro comments, her earjacks twirling themself as her eyes wander.
"It will be nice to be settled before the fall term." Uraraka sighs looking down at her phone, idly scrolling through her socials. The two women nod as the guys approach. You purposely ignore the hot head and allow your eyes to meet Denki's, although it takes him a few long seconds to meet your gaze. He was a little preoccupied with a black and white checkered bikini with matching Van's. 
"Earth to space cadet." Sero nudges his ribs subtly pointing to you as you gaze at him as a teacher would a student caught daydreaming. He clears his throat. 
"Well it seems your theory has paid off. We've made quite a bit of cash today." You lock the box before standing, reluctantly adding, "The pairing of female and male will be standard from here on out. Although we should only need a few more fundraising events depending on what the house needs. Which I trust won't be too much."
Three of the four boys shared a concerned look while the fourth knows how bitter your words were going to taste.
"We'll meet you at the house." 
The four of you cannot deny the excitement you feel as yall walk up to the historical home. The upper balcony seems to wrap around the back but only partially in the front while the porch below stretches across the front of the home. The siding had been repainted and the banisters above and below are wrapped in what will be sparkling lights at night. A stately set of double doors catch your eye before they yawn open by the hands of Denki Kaminari who is trying not to visibly sweat. 
"Home sweet home!" Denki steps aside to let the four of you in with your belongings. Your eyes dissect the place as you press your tongue into your bottom lip, trying your best to keep your cool. This place needed a lot of what you deemed necessities. You notice the familiar dining room table as the foldable card table they had at the carwash surrounded by the cheap camping chairs you thought you had replaced. 
The only decent looking room was the living room and even then it was only thanks to you. The leather arm chairs were placed haphazardly around the new sectional you had delivered as it circled around the TV you demanded from the dean.
Denki watches your manicured nails rap against your skin as you think.  
"The window installation and insulation went smoothly?" 
"Yes." Sero answers as your eyes wander around the room landing on your mattress and platform bed frame resting against the wall in the nook by the study turned bedroom. 
"We didn't know where to put it since the bedrooms aren't sorted out for you lovely ladies just yet." Kirishima smiles but your mind isn't on why it is there. No, your mind is wondering why there is only one.
"Was I the only one to order my mattress?" You look towards your sorority who holds a guilty look before you glance at the three men who mirror the women. 
"Well I guess that is for the better. We can spend extra on them now anyway." 
"Are you sure? I thought the budget was tight." Denki asks, earning a rare boasting smile from you. You make your way into the kitchen and six ducklings follow. Your nail taps the stainless steel of a high end commercial fridge. 
"It was tight before but not after I got this." Smile remaining on your lips as you speak, "It was 3,000 off due to some cosmetic dents but I got it as a donation. An alumni donation." 
"Wow for free?!" Denki and Sero ask in unison, amazed by your skill. 
"For free boys." 
"Wow, Bakugou might love that fridge even more now. Every time he cooks he mentions how great it is." Kirishama laughs but a certain name causes you to freeze to the tiled floor. 
"Bakugou…" You turn to Mina with a deadly glare as ice crystals form in your hair, "As in Bakugou lives here?!" 
The silence echoes throughout the kitchen and all that can be heard is the hum of the fancy fridge. Just as you're about to snap, Denki intervenes. 
"Uh. Did you want to talk bedrooms?" 
"YES!" The girls yell pulling the boys back into the safety of the living room as you collect yourself for a moment. 
God you hated the effect his name had on you but even more so how stupid you felt. As if this was some half baked plan to leave out the important detail that the man you loathed most would be under the same roof. Finally after a few deep breaths the ice in your hair melts and you step into the living room with a level head. Reminding yourself that this house was going to be rent free. You would have a full sized kitchen and your own bedroom, this was a much better option than the dorms even if it meant Bakugou came with it. 
"There is one bedroom upstairs not claimed, the rest of us guys are up there too. Then that door next to the nook is the study, it's not huge but it has a lot of shelves and big enough to fit a queen. Um there are two bedrooms in the basement but it's not totally dark down there. Plus the second living room with the pong table is down there. What else?" Denki taps his finger to his lips, "Oh half bath is here. Full bathroom is upstairs and there is technically another full bath in the basement, it's just more 'open concept'." 
"Open concept?" Jiro asks, earjacks perking with curiosity. 
"He means no walls. Just a toilet and a shower head chilling next to the laundry sink and washer, dryer." Sero explains, again you tongue the inside of your bottom lip. 
"Girl huddle!" Mina shouts, pulling the three of you into a small circle, "I personally really would like one of the bedrooms in the basement. I'm loud and I wouldn't mind the late hours that come with the pong table. I am the QUEEN after all." 
"I want a bedroom in the basement too. You know my music gets super loud!" Jiro pipes in. Uraraka wants to say something but politely waits for you, instead you gesture for her to speak first. 
"I...I would be much more comfortable in the study. I don't mind it being small." Her brown eyes bore holes into the floorboards as you read between the lines. 
"I would be much more comfortable on a different level than all four men." Is what she means, you sigh internally, swearing this will be the last compromise you make for these women. 
"Then I'll take the room upstairs." You state before telling the boys the arrangements. You look at your watch to check the time. 
"If we leave now in the college van and trailer I borrowed we could get everyone else's mattresses tonight." You look around the room before asking, "So where is Bakugou anyway?" 
The three boys glance at one another, Kirishima speaks up. 
"He had a….previous obligation." He laughs, rubbing the back of his head. You narrow your eyes. 
"Let me call him. This is more important than whatever he is doing. It clearly isn't school related." You hold out your hand for the red head's phone, he pulls it from his pocket reluctantly. 
It rings before going to voicemail but that's never stopped you before. You call until he picks up screaming into the receiver. 
"Enough with the dramatics, what could be more important than your other roommates deciding bedrooms in the house?" 
"Is that?!" A female voice screeches your name once she figured out who you are, "Listen here slut, I'm in the middle of getting my back broken and…" 
"Bakugou we are leaving in fifteen minutes. I advise that you get here on time. Otherwise we will leave without you." You interrupt the angry booty call. 
"And if I fucking don't, Icebrat?" You roll your eyes at the nickname as you sigh. 
"Then I'll spend your portion of the allowance on something else. Fifteen minutes." 
"OI!" Bakugou shouts before a woman's voice comes across the speaker.
"Stop ignoring me bitch and stop talking to my man!"
"Oh sweetheart your 'man' is only going to your place cause he sleeps on a crusty ass futon not because he actually likes you." Your voice is honeyed in venom before dipping low, "Bakugou be home or you forfeit the fucking funding for your bed."  
With that you hang up, passing Kirishima's phone back to him. Everyone shares a glance as they remember just how icy you can be, there was no threat in your voice. Only a promise to Bakugou. 
"Sero be a dear and help me take my mattress up." You ask lifting the box with the unbuilt frame with ease. Suddenly skittish Sero takes a moment to grab your mattress as Denki helps him bring it up the stairs but abandons Sero by the bathroom at the top of the stairs, forcing the tape hero to face this challenge alone. Sero only hopes the room neighboring yours is shut and he sighs with relief when it is. 
He helps you set the items into your room that is located in the front of the house.  You take in the view of the perfectly sized yet small bedroom. Two large sets of sliding doors that meet in the corner force you to place your bed against what you assume is the shared wall of one of your roommates. Sero swallows thickly as he realizes just why Denki abandoned him. He can see it in your eyes, the curiosity sparkling as you turn to face him, you're going to inquire about the room next door. 
Please Gods do not ask him. 
Don't fucking asking him please. 
"Who do I owe the pleasure?" You smile sweetly, praying it is Kirishima or Sero at the very least. Hell you'd even take Denki who sings loudly off key, as long as it wasn't Bakugou. You watch the raven hair man's face fall, his dark eyes avoiding yours as he answers and yet somehow you already knew. 
"Ba-Bakugou's" The room drops twenty degrees as the floor freezes beneath your feet, snow floating gently to the floor as Sero's breath puffs in the new found tundra. 
"SERO I NEED YOUR HELP MAN! JIRO'S DRUM SET AND AMPS ARE HEAVY!" Denki calls from downstairs, saving Sero's hide. The man rushes and catches himself from slipping before he practically jumps down the entire set of stairs. 
"How did she take it?" Mina whispers before following Sero's eyes to where your bedroom should be. Urakaka comes from the study with snowflakes dusting her hair and a shiver. 
"Well at least I'll never be hot in the summer." 
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slyther-bi · 3 years
I finished it yay! Probably not the best but whatever, I kept losing focus when writing this. Tho I'm glad I finished it regardless, enjoy.
also it's a few minutes after 12 so happy late birthday @snapewrld
Red, that was all Lily saw when James spoke. Everything happened so fast you'd have missed it if you blinked.
No one noticed Lily raise her arm and form a fist in the midst of James attempting to ask her out and no one noticed the clear look of seething anger in her eye. It was only after Lily's fist had collided with James's face along with hearing a horrible cracking noise did they notice how angry Lily was.
Yet for some reason James nor his other friends seemed to understand why she did what she did. They all stood there in shock as James stumbled to the ground while holding his nose. There was blood running down his face and he was confused on what just happened.
"What the hell?! What was that for!!?" James shouted out as he stood up. Lily glared at him and was ready to deliver another punch "Are you kidding me?! You're seriously asking me why the bloody hell I punched you! Are you that fucking ignorant!!" She shouted out, it took everything in her power and will not to kill James right then and there.
"Listen to me Potter, I want you to stay the bloody hell away from me and from Severus. The same goes for your pathetic friends, I want nothing to do with any of you arrogant pricks" Lily stated and stormed off. She needed to go to a quiet place and calm down before she did something irrational.
As she was thinking about where to go she didn't notice the person she bumped into. 'Great...' she thought, she let out a snarl and was ready to say something but was stunned into silence when she realized who it was she bumped into. "Oh...Severus" She spoke softly her anger seeming to fade at the sight of her best friend. Severus gave her a smile "Hi Lils, have you got your heads in the clouds again?" He asked which caused Lily to laugh.
She smiled "Yeah, yeah I do. Sorry about bumping into you" Severus let out a soft chuckle "It's alright, I'm heading to the library do you wanna come along?" Lily nodded and together the two made their way to the library.
Once at the library the pair sat somewhere near the back. "Hey Lils, is everything alright? you seemed annoyed when we ran into eachother earlier?" Severus asked with deep concern. For some reason he felt like he had done something wrong but wasn't sure what. Lily let out a sigh and rested her head on the table "No everything is not alright, Potter and his stupid friends pissed me off. Potter tried to blackmail me, he said if I go out with that he'll leave you alone and I felt so goddamn sick hearing him say that" She explained and tears began to form, it was still hard for her to believe that that had actually happened.
"He kept talking most of it was insulting stuff about you and somewhere along the way I ended up punching him in the face. Everything he said pissed me off so much, I'm almost certain I broke his nose." She added and let out a forced chuckle. Severus pulled her into a hug and she clung to him for dear life "Don't worry Lily, they'll get what's coming to them" He spoke.
After several minutes they both pulled away and where soon interrupted by Professor McGonagall. "Sorry to disturb you kids but Miss Evans the headmaster wishes to see you right away" She stated sternly, Lily looked over at Severus who gave her a reassuring smile. She looked back at McGonagall and nodded before standing up and following her to Dumbledore's office.
When they have arrived she was greeted by Dumbledore and she was also greeted by James Potter. Seeing him there made her blood boil and she felt like tackling him to ground and punch him or to just simply hex him. Tho instead she took a deep breath and sat in the other empty chair in front of his desk.
"Headmaster you wanted to see me" Lily said as calmly as she could.
"Ah yes miss Evans, I have something to discuss with you along with Mister Potter here. It has come to my attention that you miss Evans punched mister Potter which resulted in him having a broken nose. Would you care to explain why that is?"
Lily clenched at the hem of her skirt and forced herself to smile "Well Headmaster, I did what I did because Potter here decided to try and blackmail me by using the safety of my best friend Severus Snape. Someone who he seems to go after a lot, I would have simply said no but it's seems that Potter only hears what he wants to hear because he keeps coming back to ruin my day as well as ruin the day of my best friend and everyone else in this school along with his friends" She stated through gritted teeth 'I hope to Merlin this is over soon or else I'm going to explode' she thought to herself 'Don't worry Lils, soon the Headmaster will punish Potter and all will be well' she added and waited patiently for Dumbledore's response.
It felt like hours before Dumbledore spoke again "Well, well this is very problematic but I must say that there were other ways to solve the issues miss Evans instead of using physical violence" He stated calmly like always. Lily frowned, she'll admit she could have done something other then to punch Potter but she was too blinded by anger that she didn't think rationally at the moment.
"You're right headmaster and I apologize" Lily spoke and looked down at her lap. Dumbledore nodded "Good, now for your punishment, miss Evans you are to have detention with Mister Filch for a month" He explained which caused Lily to gasp, she opened her mouth to argue but Dumbledore held up a hand to silence her.
Lily looked back down at lap and waited for Dumbledore to continue. "Mister Potter you will also receive detention but with Professor Slughorn for two weeks" He stated "And 50 house points will be taken from both of you" He added. Once Dumbledore spoke those words Lily quickly stood up which resulted in knocking back her chair.
Dumbledore opened his mouth to speak but was stopped by Minerva giving him an intense glare of her own. "Miss Evans is correct, it seems that anytime Mister Potter and his friends break the rules you turn a blind eye to it" She explained and crossed her arms.
After several more minutes speaking, well more like arguing, did Dumbledore provide a punishment suitable for Potter and his friends. Tho sadly neither would be expelled this was enough for Lily cause atleast not if they ever tried anything again she could simply go to Professor McGonagall who for now on will handle any punishment given to the Marauders.
Lily walked down the halls feeling a little better then before. Minerva had gotten Dumbledore to lower her punishment so now she wasn't allowed to attend Hogsmeade and she'd have a week's detention with Professor Flitwick. Not only that but Potter was given detention with Mister Filch for the remainder of the school year plus he and Sirius were both removed from the quidditch team even tho it pained Minerva to do so it had to be done. Sirius, Peter, and Remus will also be given detention with Mister Filch for the rest of the year and they all will not be allowed to attend Hogsmeade ever again.
Lily couldn't help but smile "Oh I can't wait to tell Sev the good news" She said to herself. She had stopped by the library but it seems that Severus had left. Next she went to the Slytherin's room and after some threats were exchanged a roommate of Severus's told her that he hadn't returned. She let out a huff and frowned "Where on earth could that boy be?" She muttered. Lily continued her search for her best friend, after a few minutes she heard some faint shouting.
She quickly began running to the source of the shouting and saw a sight that made her blood absolutely boil. There right in front of her were the Marauders tossings hex after hex to the very person she calls her best friend, Severus. Lily quickly pulled out her wand quickly casted the expelliarmus spell to expel the Marauder's wands.
The boys in question turned around in shock, anger, and confusion only to come face to face with a very pissed off Lily. She stepped towards them wand still pointed at them "I told you to stay away from him.......I TOLD YOU IGNORANT AND ARROGANT BASTARDS TO STAY THE BLOODY HELL AWAY FROM HIM!!!!!" She shouted out and casted the knock back jinx.
The jinx hit James and she quickly casted it again while aiming for Sirius. Both Peter and Remus stood there practically frozen, well that was because when Lily casted the first knockback jinx it had given Severus enough time to grab his wand and cast the stunning spell on them both. Lily turned her attention to them both and decided not to cast the jinx on them, instead she rushed over to help Severus up off the ground.
"I'm taking you to Madam Pomfrey's" She said but Severus shook his head "Don't, just take me back to the slytherin common room" Lily opened her mouth to protest but Severus held up a hand the same way Dumbledore did to stop her. "Please Lily, just listen to me, just this once" He spoke and Lily simply nodded.
The pair quickly made their way to the Slytherin common room. Once they reached the entrance Severus spoke the password and soon the common room was revealed to them both. They quickly went inside and Lily guided Severus towards the long couch. She carefully sat him down "Sev are you sure you shouldn't go see Madam Pomfrey?" She asked in concern. Severus simply shock his head "I'm sure, Lily I need you walk up the stairs leading to the boys dorm, the seventh door is my room. When you reach it ask for Rosier, he has blonde hair, just tell him it's the marauders and that's it" He said softly.
Lily nodded and did what she was told, she ran up the stairs when she reached the top she began counting the rooms "One, two, three..." she mumbled to herself. Once she reached the 7th room she hastily knocked on the door. A few seconds later the door opened and she came face to face with the very person Severus had asked her to speak too, Evan Rosier. 'Just tell him it's the marauder's and that's it' she thought "Severus, the marauders" She spoke out and as quick as she spoke the door slammed shut.
She stood there confused and upset "Hey!" she shouted out and began banging on the door. A few minutes later the door swung open, Rosier stepped out of the room with a bag in his hand "Follow" was all he said as he made his way downstairs. Lily quickly followed him, once they reached the bottom she watched as Rosier made his way towards Severus. He knelt down in front of him and opened up the bag he had. Rosier began pulling out several potion and made Severus drink them.
Once he was done doing that he picked up the bag and exited the common room. Lily walked over to Severus "Don't worry Lils, he gave me some healing potions I made myself" He said and leaned his head on her shoulder.
"Where is he going?"
"I'm not sure but I know it's best not to question it"
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im-the-punk-who · 4 years
Idk if ur the right person to send this to so feel free to ignore if you aren't but I'm beginning to realize that I might be a trans guy after years of thinking I'm enby and I'm really struggling with that? I've received a lot of the messages over the years about how men are bad and violent and I've also experienced a lot of gender based violence before I was out. I know intellectually that there's nothing wrong with manhood and yet I'm still really struggling. Idk do you have any thoughts on learning to accept your own manhood
Okay! Sorry this took a few days to answer but this is...definitely still a complicated thing for me, too.
First off I wanna say that whether you end up identifying as a binary trans man or somewhere in between that and nonbinary, that is very cool and valid and all of this can apply no matter where on the spectrum of masculinity you ultimately end up falling.
I saw a post which explains the basic thesis of what I'm gonna say, which is that your gender does not equal your morality. 
Tumblr in particular really likes to go hard on the misandry and it can be really hard not to internalize that. Especially when it comes in the form of so many jokes, and especially especially when some of it does line up with experiences you’ve had. The biggest thing to realize, is that just *being a man* doesn't make you inherently violent or toxic or bad. All of the things that Tumblr and feminism in general tends to equate to “being a man = bad” are things that are learned or encouraged over time, no matter how much terfs like to insist they are traits inherent in being born with a y chromosome. 
(And yes, these misandry arguments ALL have their basis in gender essentialism and in arguing why trans people can’t exist.)
As this relates to trans men, it becomes akin to walking a tightrope our entire lives. In both society at large and LGBT spaces we're made to fit as close as possible into gender norms to avoid violence or oppression(or the insistence we’re really just lesbians or self-hating cishets). But we also have first hand experience of the ways in which men are *socialized* to behave being harmful and don’t want to perpetuate them and be labeled a ‘bad person’. So we have to constantly walk this line of, I suppose trying to act manly enough while also trying not to cause waves (And, AS A NOTE, does that sound eerily similar to the argument most feminists say is purely a feminine experience? Is it almost like the very system that seeks to free cis women through hatred of men perpetrates those exact same systems onto other marginalized communities?)
And I will say, this is something I still struggle with. A lot. It's not going to be something you can take a magic pill for and never have to worry about again. I started transitioning almost a decade ago and I'm still trying to find the balance. Cis men can spend their *whole lives* trying to find that balance. I know quite a few - in case it feels like this is a purely trans experience. Reckoning with the way that male privilege has socialized men to harm at the same time radical feminism has socialized everyone it can that all men intentionally cause harm is a universal experience among men who are aware of it. 
It's not easy, and I guess just...if you feel like you're struggling on that front as you continue your gender journey(Laynie i hate you i hate you i hate you) try to remind yourself that you're not alone. And that what you’re fighting against is a systemic socialization, not something inherent in yourself. You’re going to screw up - that doesn't make you a bad person or a bad man.
I listen a lot to Brene Brown. 
I know people are probably sick of hearing me talk about her, but she is a shame researcher who honestly helped me a LOT in realizing why I was feeling so bad about parts of my personality or my gender expression. She’s excellent. If you find you’re having a lot of trouble reckoning with being this thing you have perceived as bad for a very long time, I highly recommend listening to some of her ted talks and other speeches. Most of them are on youtube. 
For a long time I was trying to base my gender off of what I thought people would love. I went over the top, dressed in popular styles, was WAY more feminine than I actually feel, and tried to make myself as unassuming as possible - in part because of childhood trauma but also because I was genuinely ashamed to be a man(particularly a gay man) because I had internalized the idea that men - especially gay men - were woman-haters. (And, because I hated *myself* as a woman, I thought that I also hated women, and I thought that I must be one of those Bad Gays.)
But once I stopped trying to do that? Once I was like ‘no I’m actually a gay-up man’ and stopped berating myself for not liking my feminie body and hating the parts of myself that I didn’t identify with but felt forced to perform? Once I started looking at what made *me* happy and not other people? It became so much easier to not feel those things. 
SO I guess, what I’m saying is that the best way to deal with internalized misandry is to try to forgive yourself, and recognize that the things that men perpetrated against you and that people say are ‘toxic male traits’ are not *inherent* to being a man. They are things that are taught to men(both cis and trans) by society. And also that like, these are also things that are not just inherent to men. Any toxic trait that a man exhibits a woman can too - and yeah there’s a discussion about how the general power imbalance between men and women makes it less likely a woman would cause as much damage but honestly? If you’re on tumblr you’re most likely in female dominated spaces where arguably that isn’t true, especially with the number of fucking TERFS on this website. 
Also....you do not inherit cismale privilege just by identifying as a man. No matter how far you take your transition, you are *always* going to be at a different level of privilege from a cisman. Even if you transition as far as you are able to right now and live and pass as a cisman for the rest of your life, you are not a cisman and that is going to affect how you move through the world.
(That doesn’t mean you are not a *man* because you are not cis, btw. Just that there are things that cismen don’t have to worry about that are going to affect your life - things like ovarian cancer, breast cancer, hormonal dependence, corrective abuse, medical shortages, physical differences that out transpeople - there are a hundred things that trans men have to experience throughout their lives that cismen are never, ever going to deal with. And yes, this goes for transwomen / cis women as well.)
Something that helped me become comfortable living as a man was to look at specific traits of the men in my life. Why did I feel comfortable around this man, but not others, what red flags physically or emotionally did this behavior set off in me? And then focusing on those specific *behaviors* rather than the men themselves. If you can separate the individual traits from an overarching idea of 'manhood' that might be helpful in feeling like you can inhabit manhood without being toxic. 
Basically, my best advice is to tell yourself that what makes you a man does not make you inherently toxic. In fact what makes *all* men, men, does not make them inherently toxic. Men are not trash just because they’re men, and the fight against misandry *is* a fight for marginalized people. It hurts transmasculine people in exactly the ways you are hurting. No matter what TERFs say - no matter what male-critical or whatever they’re calling themselves to not have to call themselves TERFs say - men are not born evil, or bad, or trash. 
Toxic masculinity is a learned behavior. It is not something you are given the day you start identifying as a man, and it is not something you have to perpetuate. 
Calling it anything else does a disservice to everyone who identifies as masculine of center but especially trans men, who have to reckon with this exact knowledge that in affirming who they are, certain people are going to hate them and call them monsters and tell them they are trash and unworthy of loving without hurting. 
And that shit just isn’t true. It isn’t fucking true! Men are not toxic just because they are men, and you are not a bad person just because you are a transman. That’s, I suppose, the best advice I can offer you. I hope it helps, and I also just want to reiterate that I hope you find affirmation in whatever you end up deciding. <3 <3 <3
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