#cause i had fun doing it last time but last time the books were 10 years old so 🤷🏻‍♀️
giftedpoison · 5 months
Just heard the paperback for TSC came out (it is purchased and should arrive on Saturday for me)
I'm tempted to live blog my reactions to things like I did for when I read AFTG and just tag it for spoilers. Idk tho.
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coco-loco-nut · 5 months
Book Club - Part 7
Pairing: The Grid x Reader, Lance x Reader
Summary: reader in a crash, book club dads worried af abt her
requests open masterlist
You felt nervous going into Spa, a feeling that you just couldn’t shake. You had talked to Kimi about it and even crashed the Haas garage to talk to your best friends, but nothing could shake the pit as you climbed into the pit as the light rain started. Max looked at you and gave you a thumbs up before getting into his car.
You’ve never done great at Spa, the only reason you are P4 is because of the rocket ship that is you car. That was one lap, this is 44 laps. You release a shaky breath and focus on the lights above you. Not even 10 laps later the pit in your stomach increases due to the increased rainfall. You can’t get rid of the feeling despite your intense concentration on driving.
My tires aren’t going to last much longer, I’m losing grip.
Copy, Y/n, push one more lap then we will bring you in.
By the time you reported the tire conditions you were already mostly through sector three. You resteel yourself and push the car as hard as you could while managing the tires.
It’s when you enter sector two that you panic a little. You are losing grip faster than you thought and have begun fighting the steering.
Y/n? Are you okay? Y/n!
Your wheels lose grip to the track and send you into the wall. It’s a nasty crash that immediately red flags, the debris across the track plus the rain increasing was enough for the FIA to red flag it. Your head is pounding and your vision a little blurry. Only when your ears stop ringing do you hear the radio.
Fuck, yeah I’m okay
You slur the words and pull yourself out of the car, immediately collapsing when you stand up as everything fades to black.
Lance, slow down, red flag, red flag.
Andrew? Who was that, don’t tell me it was Y/n. Fuck, is my wife ok?
It was her, no word back yet. Nothing over her radio from what we can tell.
Andrew, I need to know. Is. She. Ok.
She just said she was ok over the radio. There is debris across the track, stop the car and a marshall will get you back to the garage.
Shit, that’s bad. Andrew, what are you hiding from me?
Lance stops the car and gets out when it is safe to do so, as indicated by the marshal, but his heart drops when he sees you being put into ambulance.
“Mr Stroll, please let me at least let me get you back to the garage,” the marshal senses that he wants to fun over to the scene. Lance reluctantly goes back to the garage where he immediately pulls out of the race and goes to the hospital where they are taking his wife.
Max, Y/n crashed behind you, red flag.
Shit, is she okay?
No confirmation yet, make your way back to the pit lane.
Max feels his heart drop. He knew how uncomfortable you were going into the race and he would do anything to go back and time and tell her not to race. The red flag ended the race, and every driver had a similar reaction to Max and Lance. Max felt sick that that’s how he won, and he said as much in the post-race interviews. It was visible how much he and the paddock cared about you. Every one of your grid dads, as you affectionately called them when talking to Max, came over to him asking for updates, hoping Max would know more since he was your teammate.
“Lance, take a seat, pacing won’t help,” Kimi tells Lance, equally worried and frustrated at the lack of information as they wait in the hospital. Kimi was already on his way after the phone call this morning, this wasn’t what he expected when he touched down. Half the grid is sitting in the room, their legs bouncing or anxiously conversing.
“Mr. Stroll,” a nurse says, causing the both of them to hop up and walk to the desk.
“Who is Mr. Stroll?” she asks and Lance slightly raises his hand.
“I am, this is her father,” Lance says, the nurse motions for the two of them to follow.
“The doctor is in the private room waiting for you,” she closes the door behind Lance and Kimi.
“Hi, I’m Doctor Janssens. I have a bit of good and bad news. Good news is that Y/n only has a mild concussion, some whiplash, sprained wrist, and a small hairline fracture of the wrist. Bad news is that she’ll be out of racing for at least a month,” both Kimi and Lance cringe at the news.
“That’s all? It was a nasty crash,” Lance asks a bit skeptically, looking at your sleeping figure.
“Based on tests and scans, we have ruled out any head, neck, and back breaks. We have her pain meds, which is why she’s sleeping. She will likely be under observation for another day or two,” the doctor says, trying to relay the information in a delicate manor.
“Thank you,” Kimi dismisses the doctor, a hand resting on your shoulder. He and Lance sit in silence for a minute, gathering feelings and thoughts.
“She looks so peaceful,” Lance says softly, holding his sleeping wife’s hand.
“I’ll give you a moment while I talk to Christian and the drivers. Think about when you want to make a statement. I may hate the media, but you don’t want them to be hounding the hospital,” Kimi says before stepping out. Kimi and Christian quickly come to an agreement about the seat, the later not wanting to lose out on his second driver. The grid takes the news relatively well, but they all know how lucky they were, especially you. Pierre and Charles may have been handling it the worst.
“Kimi, will you look over this statement?” Lance asks, knowing the older man is an expert in saying things vaguely.
We want to thank you for your support following Y/n’s crash. She is currently in the hospital under the care of great doctors. We are thankful that she is okay and look forward to a smooth recovery.
- The Räikkönens and Strolls
“Looks fine to me, I will take care of the outside stuff. You focus on our girl,” Kimi goes into Dad mode, sending the message to Red Bull and Lawrence. He posts the statement first on his account, Red Bull and Lawrence following shortly afterwards. Red Bull edited it slightly to reassure fans that you still had your seat waiting for you.
“Lance? You ask as you wake up, wincing from the pain. The room is dimmer, as to not strain you.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” he says softly, brushing hair from your eyes.
“Everything hurts,” you groan.
“Going into the wall will do that to you, you got lucky,” Kimi says from beside Lance.
“Dad? What did the doctor say, when can I get back into the car?” your vision slightly blurry as your eyes adjust to being awake.
“You have a concussion, whiplash, wrist sprain, and a hairline fracture. You’ll be out for about a month,” Kimi says, heart aching.
“Some of the guys are here? Want me to bring them in?” Lance asks, doing his best to distract you from the amount of time you will be out.
“Yeah,” you verbally confirm, not able to nod your head due to the neck pain. Lance leaves the room to grab the grid.
“I’m sorry, crashes like this are the worst,” Kimi tells you, clearly still affected by your crash.
“Thanks for being here, you didn’t have to leave everyone for me,” you says softly, thinking about your family back in Finland.
“They want to know that you are ok, and you are still my daughter, of course I will be here,” he replies, his softer side showing.
“I didn’t mean to scare everyone. Robin, Rianna, and Grace weren’t watching, right?” you panic a little, scared for their young minds.
“No, they know you are hurt, but they think it’s just a boo boo,” Kimi reassures you. The grid comes in and sufficiently distracts you, happy to know you’re okay.
You spend the next month in Finland with Kimi and your family, working back to 100%. Kimi takes you karting when you are almost fully recovered, getting you back to normal. Lance visits when he isn’t racing.
“Sissy, why do you have to go?” Robin asks, you tested in F1 cars again and got the green light to race again.
“I have to go drive in circles really really fast, just like Papa used to,” you crouch down to his level. Your sisters equally sad at your departure.
“What if you get a boo boo again?” Rianna asks, and you pause, thinking about how to explain it well.
“Do you stop going to the park even after your fall and get a boo boo there? Sometimes we get hurt, but that’s ok,” you don’t promise that you won’t get hurt, that’s not a promise you can keep. Rianna nods, understanding but sad you aren’t staying.
“Will Lancie come back next time?” Robin asks, not wanting to let you go.
“He will, I’ll be back in a couple weeks, it’ll fly by,” you give you siblings one last hug. Kimi hugs you goodbye as well, he spent the past week going over the track with you and talking about strategies.
When you get to the track, you are stopped by every driver, asking how you are and saying how much they missed you.
“Welcome back,” Fernando greets you when you walk into the club meeting.
“I listened to the audiobook, let’s get this party started,” you smile, happily listening to Lewis and Daniel fight about some symbolism. Your boys pampered you for your return. George brought you coffee from Mercedes, Logan brought you a pastry that he picked up from a bakery. Valtteri gave you some home remedies for your sore muscles that he swore works wonders. Kevin and Nico just hugged you but that was enough for you.
“Max was freaking out, he chewed out the Red Bull team for not pitting you earlier,” Daniel tells you, having filled in for you while you were hurt.
“That’s nice of him,” you smile to yourself. Lewis had also been vocal in interviews about how your crash could’ve been prevented if the race had ended sooner due to the rain.
“Y/n! Have a second?” a reporter asks and you nod.
“See you later, Danny,” you wave goodbye to him and approach the mic.
“Thanks for joining me, I just have a couple quick questions. First off, how are you feeling?”
“I’m really good, a little sore, but itching to get into the car again,” you reply, not giving away more than that regarding your injuries.
“You certainly seemed to scare the grid when you weren’t responding after the crash. How has your welcome back been?” the reporter pushes for more information.
“They’ve been great, they all came to the hospital to visit and have taken great care of me today. I obviously feel bad for scaring them, but they are the best competitors I could ask for,” you smile, before leaving the interview.
“Welcome back, kid,” Max hugs you when you walk into the Red Bull motorhome. You sing Super Max when you see him, having spent the last month listening to the silly songs that have been written for the drivers
“Thanks Maxie. Who is the better teammate, me or Daniel?” you grin, putting the dutchman in a tough spot.
“Daniel, for sure,” Max jokes. Your jaw drops and you turn around, leaving to go to another motorhome. You find yourself in McLaren, singing Let’s Go, Lando, with Lando himself who was happy to join in with your under-the-breath singing. Oscar wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh at or murder the two of you.
“What brings you to our home?” Oscar asks once you both stop singing.
“Max said he liked Daniel more than me as a teammate,” you pout, not revealing that you knew he was joking.
“Right, I’m texting Lance,” Oscar shakes his head with a laugh, leaving you and Lando to chat.
“Y/n, love, you just healed, let’s not get hurt by forcing McLaren security to kick you out,” Lance laughs when he sees you and Lando bonding.
“Noooo, we were just becoming friends, she never hands out with drivers that are her age,” Lando whines. You give him an ick face.
“For good reason, you are all icky,” you quickly turn to Lance, “not you, baby,” you smile and turn back to Lando, “why would I hang out with you all and party after races when I can spend time with the older drivers whose company I prefer,” your eyebrow quirks.
“Say what you want, I’ve seen you at our parties. You have more fun than Lance,” Lando grins.
“Alright Lance, let’s go,” you get up, Lance assisting you since you are still a little slow due to the aches still in your muscles. He walks with you hand in hand back to Red Bull where your trainer helps work out your neck muscles and tape your neck and wrist.
“Let us know if you are feeling pain, if you have to pull out of free practice early, pull out. There is no shame if you are hurting,” Christian tells you, before you get to your car.
“I know, I’ll let you know,” you smile, feeling good in the car. After FP1, all of your grid dads found you after weigh ins, checking you over.
“Mi hija, are you okay? Does anything hurt? How is your hand,” Fernando asks, filling his usual position as the overprotective grid dad.
“A little sore, yeah,” you groan as you roll your shoulders.
“Don’t do that, let’s get you to an ice bath, then some heat,” Kevin says. Lance and your trainer don’t bother checking in on you.
“Let’s have a, well what your would call, a girls night. Help you recover,” Lewis suggests. And that’s how you spend the next few nights, in pajamas, with fluffy blankets, alternating cold and heat on your neck, watching movies of books you had read with the club.
“Petition to make this an occurrence each race?” Valtteri proposes at one point, getting eight voices in agreement back. They did a wonderful job of helping you recover, and the encouraging phone calls to Kimi helped you feel more than ready to race when race day approaches.
“IT’S LIGHTS OUT AND AWAY WE GO! GREAT START FROM RÄIKKÖNEN!” The announcer yells into the mic as you gain a few places, toe to toe with Max.
Can I race?
Permission to Race, give em hell, Y/n
You end up winning the race with a 1-2 finish, pulling a Carlos Sainz and Ferrari after his appendix removal. Your first F1 win.
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warabidakihime · 3 months
Rules and Roses Chapter 3
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★ characters: kibutsuji muzan x reader x akaza
★ plot summary: Kibutsuji Muzan has finally decided to expand his empire, and the way he intends to do so is by running for the highest political position. With you, his darling wife, at his side, he believes he can achieve and have everything the world has to offer. He is, after all, the Phoenix of Phario.
★ fic playlist: sometimes, same day, as time stops, wolf’s song (this is also the vision board for the fic). 
★ content warnings : implied violence and abuse, profanities, toxic relationships, smut. MINORS DNI.
comments are always welcome and greatly appreciated! hearing your thoughts motivates me to write more, so please leave a comment. have fun reading!
"Hey Akaza, good morning! Sorry to message you so early, but I need to let you know I'll be meeting with Ms. Rivera at her place today before lunch. Please have the car ready by 10:30 am. Thank you!"
Akaza, huh?
Akaza stared at your message, his eyes fixed on his phone screen, but his mind wandered. Minutes passed as thoughts raced through his head. Finally, with a deep sigh, he shook off his distractions, put down his phone, and began getting ready for the day.
One thing about you: you hated delays, whether caused by you or someone else.
There was a time when Akaza accidentally overslept, and you had an early doctor's appointment. Because he was late, you drove yourself and got annoyed at him for messing up your schedule. Eventually, you calmed down and reminded him that time is something you don’t like wasting.
Since then, Akaza has never missed an alarm and has always been punctual.
However, he was confused as to why you didn’t tell your husband about what happened that day. You're usually an open book and a chatterbox with your husband, so it came as a surprise Muzan wasn’t informed of his little oopsie. 
He didn’t ask you why, though. 
First, he didn’t want to push his luck, and second, he didn’t exactly want Muzan to find out. Muzan was known to be strict and blunt with everyone except you.
You have your rules, but Muzan has his demands.
Akaza knows this well since he was Muzan’s bodyguard before being assigned to you after your marriage. This change in his role was rather unexpected, considering your... dynamic.
As his mind wandered down this path, Akaza shook his head, his eyes closing in frustration.
“Don’t even think about going there,” he muttered to himself, knowing he didn’t have the patience to entertain such thoughts.
With another deep sigh, he continued getting ready. Once finished, he almost sprinted out of his room to start the car, ensuring everything was set for you to leave as soon as you were ready.
"Sign here, Ms. Rivera."
Since it was a weekday, traffic in the capital city was manageable, and you arrived at your client's home right on time.
Muzan’s busy campaign schedule meant you often had to accompany him. If he wins the election, you’ll be the first lady, a role with its own important responsibilities.
Time flew by, and since your last meeting with Ms. Rivera a month ago, you were now down to the final run-through of her wedding plans for next month.
The only thing left was for your client to pay the remaining balance for your services.
After collecting the payment and discussing final details with Ms. Rivera, your meeting ended after nearly an hour. Akaza was there in the living room with you and the client, keeping himself busy with phone games,playing silently out of respect.
As he noticed the meeting wrapping up, he excused himself to prepare the car so you could leave promptly.
"Where to?" Akaza asked as he drove off.
"Hmm... let’s eat somewhere before going home. Are you craving something?" You looked at him, and he responded with a sheepish chuckle, "Don't worry about me, madam. You choose what you want."
"Honestly, I don’t know what I want to eat. I’m hungry but can’t decide what I’m in the mood for."
Akaza navigated the highway smoothly, one hand on the wheel, the other propped on the door with his chin resting on his palm. He hummed as he thought about where to eat.
"There's this burger joint I know. It’s a bit far, but their food is good and cheap," he suggested. His tone exuded excitement, and as you listened to him, you noticed the excited tone, which for some reason made you equally excited as well.
"Sure! That sounds great. I don’t have any other plans, so we can take our time," you replied just as eagerly.
Akaza looked over to you for a minute, catching the pretty smile plastered on your face. Without his permission, his heart skipped a beat, and warmth seeped through his veins, softening his usually stoic demeanor.
Today, with the sun shining brightly and the breeze feeling wonderful against your skin, Akaza allowed himself to let his guard down just a bit and let his inhibitions win for once and just this once.
"It's decided, then."
With a fond smile, he nodded at you before stepping on the gas, determined to get you to the burger joint he enthusiastically vouched for.
The place where the remnant of your past lingered—the place where your Pandora's box awaits.
"This is so good!" you exclaimed as you took your first bite of the burger you ordered.
Akaza merely chuckled while watching you eat, his eyes filled with fondness and a little bit of pride. He was clearly pleased that you liked his suggestion when the two of you were deciding what to eat for lunch.
Through the years of serving you as your bodyguard, he learned that you were rather picky with the foods you ete. You have sensory issues, so certain food textures and scents are not to your liking.
You also don't like eating foods you hadn't tried before when you were very hungry, because what if you didn't like them? It would ruin your appetite right there and then. But this time, you had hearts in your eyes after taking your first bite of the burger.
"See? I told you it's good and mad cheap too. A little bit greasy, but we'll live," Akaza said with a chuckle.
You nodded enthusiastically in response. "Yeah, but to be honest, for some reason, the taste is familiar to me."
You looked around the burger joint, scanning every nook and cranny as you tried to gather your thoughts. "It's my first time here, yet this place feels so familiar, and the taste of their food reminds me of something, but I just can't pinpoint what it is."
Still lost in your own little world as you enjoyed your meal, a spark twinkled in Akaza's eyes as he listened to you.
"Maybe you've been here before, but you can't remember. I mean, if my schedule were as hectic and loaded as yours, I'd also forget stuff every now and then."
You hummed as you took another hearty bite, your pupils dilating at how much you loved it, making your bodyguard chuckle fondly at you. He didn't say anything more, knowing you were in the process of gathering your thoughts.
"I guess so, but I figure if I liked their food here so much, I wouldn't be able to forget this place. You know me and my obsession with food, Akaza."
Yeah, I know.
How could I ever forget?
"Most of what you make me do is either order you food or buy you iced coffee. How could I forget?" he replied with a teasing smile.
You playfully swatted him on the head.
Akaza snickered, finding absolute pleasure in teasing you.
"What? It's true! Check our chatbox—it's full of your food orders."
Rolling your eyes, you shot back, "And who’s the one who enjoys eating half of those orders with me?"
Akaza grinned, leaning back in his chair. "Well, can you blame me? You tend to overorder, and most of the time you persuade me to eat the rest of it."
"Overorder? That's rich coming from the guy who always insists on extra fries," you retorted with a smirk.
"Hey, those fries are amazing, and you know it. And I'm not one to deny free food," Akaza said defensively and quite audaciously as he is having this conversation with you, his main source of income, but over the years of working for you and spending time with you, the two of you have grown close and a lot comfortable with each other's company.
"Yeah, yeah, just admit you can't resist good food either," you teased.
"Alright, alright," Akaza conceded, laughing. "You got me. But seriously, if I didn’t help you out, you’d probably be buried under a mountain of food by now."
You couldn't help but laugh. "Okay, maybe I do get a little carried away sometimes."
"A little?" Akaza raised an eyebrow, grinning.
"Remember that time you ordered enough sushi to feed an army? I had to go buy you medicine in the middle of the night because you got a bad stomach ache."
You rolled your eyes again, your cheeks a bit red due to a slight embarrassment, but you tried to cover it with a sheepish smile.
"It was a new place, and I wanted to try everything!"
"You certainly did," Akaza said, shaking his head. "But it’s all part of the job—keeping you happy and well-fed."
"And teasing me endlessly," you added.
"Of course," Akaza said while still wearing that damn teasing smile on his face. "It's also part of my KPIs."
You couldn't help but laugh, shaking your head at his cheekiness. "Well, as long as you’re enjoying yourself."
Akaza leaned back, his expression softening. "I am. Besides, someone has to keep you grounded."
"Grounded, huh? More like keep me entertained," you retorted, smiling.
"That too," he admitted with a chuckle. "Ready to head back?"
You nodded, feeling satisfied both with the meal and the company. "Yeah, let’s go. Thanks for lunch, Akaza."
"Anytime, boss," he replied, standing up and offering you a hand.
With a shared smile, you both left the burger joint and headed back home.
Still on cloud nine from your spontaneous lunch out with Akaza, you entered the mansion, still chatting and laughing with one another. You didn't notice Muzan in the kitchen, helping himself to a glass of wine.
He had just come back from a busy day, which included attending business meetings at Obelisk Kibutsuji, participating in media interviews with his running mate Douma, and going to a fitting for an upcoming event you both would attend in about two months.
After such a hectic day, he rewarded himself with a drink to unwind.
At the sound of your melodious laugh chiming like bells in the hallway, his ears perked up, and he immediately looked up, his curiosity piqued. What could be the reason you were in such a good mood?
"Oh, hey, my love. You're home," you said lovingly as soon as you saw your husband in the kitchen.
"Yeah. The fitting ended a lot earlier, so I headed straight home," he responded with an equally loving smile.
Clearly elated to see him, you immediately sprinted with light steps towards Muzan, giving him the tightest bear hug and a smooch to match. Muzan happily reciprocated the kiss, making you giggle in between kisses.
Meanwhile, Akaza stood on one side of the room, waiting for you to either dismiss him or have him remain in his post should you have other tasks for him.
After a few more moments, you both pulled away and smiled at each other.
"How was your day, darling?" Muzan asked, still holding you in his embrace.
"It was great!" you replied.
"Oho? And may I know why?" Muzan asked again, his voice lacking the usual professional tone he used.
"My meeting with Ms. Rivera was successful, and we will be proceeding to the actual wedding preparations. And then, Akaza introduced me to this burger joint downtown, and it was so good! I need to take you there, my love. They have the best iced coffee too!"
"Oh, did he?" Muzan said, his scarlet eyes darting towards your bodyguard, who was currently wearing a polite smile as he regarded your husband with a nod and bow.
Muzan replicated his smile, although it didn't quite reach his eyes.
Turning back to you, Muzan said, "Well, when I'm not too busy or when we're in the area, let's eat there, hm?"
"It's a date," you giggled. Then you turned to Akaza and said, "You can go ahead and rest now, Akaza. Thank you so much for today."
"Yes, madam," he replied before bowing and retreating to his room at the far end of the mansion, beside Kokushibo and the maids' quarters.
Unbeknownst to you, Muzan was trailing your bodyguard's disappearing figure, and just as you were about to look up at him again, his undivided attention was back on you.
Giving your hips a good-hearted squeeze, he pointed to his half-empty wine glass and said, "Want a drink, darling?"
You nodded. "I'd love to."
The two of you walked back to the spacious kitchen. You sat on the countertop, your legs swinging merrily, as you watched your husband pour you a glass of red wine. After handing it to you, he walked over to the other side of the kitchen to look for something.
"How was your day, my love?" It was your turn to ask. Muzan smiled handsomely and replied in a relaxed manner, "Chaotic as always. To be quite honest, I think the fatigue is catching up to me."
You frowned at this. "It's because you're pushing yourself too hard. Why don't you take a day or two to rest?"
"Hmm... I might. I'll check my calendar, and if it's not too full, I will move those schedules to a later date," he replied while rummaging through a kitchen drawer.
"Want me to give you a massage later?"
Muzan finally returned to you after finding what he was looking for, a familiar smile now plastered on his face. He walked closer until your knees were against his torso, and both of his arms were securely placed on each of your sides, caging you in place.
"Just a massage? I think I'm going to need more than that, Y/N."
Already understanding what he was implying, you mirrored his smile, wrapped your arms around his neck, and invited him in between your legs. "What do you mean?"
Muzan chuckled seductively, his face only inches away from yours, the tip of his nose touching yours, his scarlet pupils mesmerizing you.
"I need you naked and moaning for me, darling. Can you do that?"
You chuckled just as seductively, already feeling aroused. You could only nod in response, much to your husband's delight.
"Hmm... it's decided then. But wait, before I get sidetracked, let's take our night supplements first."
You rolled your eyes at that. "Not you edging me before we even get started, Muzan."
Muzan let out a hearty chuckle, highly amused at your choice of words. "I'll make sure to repent later."
"You're forgiven," you replied with a chuckle, then took the pills your husband prepared for you. While you were preoccupied, a rather odd expression was plastered on Muzan's face, but it quickly reverted back to 'normal' once you're done.
"That's a new brand, by the way. Douma introduced it to me. He said it's way more effective than the one we're taking."
"Really? Hmm... I've not heard of this brand before. Is it imported?" you asked while gulping down a glass of water.
"Yeah, it's made in Italy."
You hummed in response, and in a split second, you found yourself being embraced by your husband again. In all honesty, he nearly gave you whiplash, but that's just one of Muzan's many quirks you fell in love with.
Then you felt him place a sensual kiss on your neck, immediately turning you into a puddle, even more so when you felt his teeth puncture your flesh. Afterwards, he dragged his kisses from your neck to your jaw, then finally to your lips.
"M-Muzan." You moaned as you felt his hands roam around your body, leaving chills in their wake.
"Already, darling? I'm just getting started." He didn't give you a chance to respond, as the moment you were about to, he glided his tongue between your plump lips and invited yours to a dance of tango.
The kiss left you so hazy that you didn't even notice Muzan had already discarded your pencil skirt, your undergarments dangling on your foot, and your blouse and bra fully undone by his skillful hands.
"I missed you so much, Y/N. It's been a while, huh?" Muzan asked after pulling away momentarily before diving down to one of your breasts, immediately nubbing on your nipples, making you gasp and moan out loud.
"Y-yes," you breathed out.
It was already well into the night, and usually the both of you were already in bed given that you were always busy with your respective work. But at this very moment, you'd never felt more alive and hungry for each other.
It really has been a while since you last had sex. Heck, it had also been a while since you last went on a proper date. So craving each other like rabbits in heat wouldn't surprise anyone, considering the two of you were borderline obsessed with one another.
"Ahhh," you gasped, your back arching as you felt your husband's tongue glide over your needy clit.
Muzan continued his magic in your nether region, quickly sending you over the edge. You had one hand clamped over your mouth, nervous that if you let any more lewd sounds escape, you would wake the maids and bodyguards.
"Let me hear you, darling," your husband hummed between your legs.
Unbeknownst to you, Muzan had his eyes wide open and focused on the entrance of the kitchen. Even in the dimly lit room, he could see someone's shadow.
Still concentrating his gaze there, he spoke again.
"Come on, Y/N. Let me hear you sing. Say my name, darling. Who's making you feel good?"
As if on cue, you reached climax; your eyes shot open and then closed shut again in sheer pleasure.
"Ah, fuc—Muzan!"
Muzan smirked as he watched the shadow slowly disappear.
"Good girl."
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littlxpxtal · 5 months
Therefore I Am
TYRANTS || STORY MASTERLIST PAIRING: rafe cameron x fem!reader WARNINGS: MDNI 18+ Content, swearing, sexual content, drug and alcohol use, violence WORD COUNT: 3.7K
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Don't talk 'bout me like how you might know how I feel
Top of the world, but your world isn't real
Your world's an ideal
So, go have fun
I really couldn't care less
And you can give 'em my best, but just know
I'm not your friend or anything, damn
You think that you're the man
“Okay so I made this cute ass invite on this website and you can send it out as a text blast.” Sabrina explains to me as we walk to first period together. 
“Sab who are you planning on inviting?” I ask. She was keen on throwing me a huge blowout for my 18th. I had gotten better at making friends on Figure 8 but there was a pit of doubt inside me that anyone would actually show up.
“We have to invite everyone whos anyone. Adn they’ll forsure come cus we haven’t had a big rager since Halloween. Everyone is fiending for a party. And everyone is talking about how cool you are.” I roll my eyes at this last declaration.
“No they are not Sab what are you even talking about.” I ask before we walk into the classroom.
“You’ve really impressed everyone at all of my pregames, and even Rafe’s friend group thinks you’re cool. Everyones obsessed with your style, and are dying to know why you’ve spent the last three years wasting time on the cut.” she whispers as we take our seats.
“How do you even know Rafe’s friends like me?” I pull out my history book and homework, feeling my face flush at the thought of them talking about me.
“Just trust me I know.”
“You know, I’m inviting my friends from the cut.” I say with a straight face, dreading her response.
“Y/N … Why would you do that?” she asks, pulling out her supplies.
“Cus they’re my friends. If it’s my party I should be able to invite whoever I want.” I state matterof factly. 
“That may cause some problems.” she mumbles before the bell rings. “Im sending the text blast out at lunch. If there’s anyone you dont want there let me know, or else its going to my entire contacts list.” she hisses to me before the teacher starts taking attendance. 
I adjust the strapless black mini dress on my chest, fidgeting with the zipper on the side before Sabrina walks into my room. 
“People are going to start coming in 10 are you ready yet?” she asks, holding a red solo cup out to me.
“Yea, just gotta put on my lipstick. Whats this?”
She smirks and walks over to my full length mirror.
“A concoction just for the birthday girl.” she teases, pulling out her phone to take a picture.
“Get in this with me.” she says. I pose in the mirror with her and take a small sip of the drink, practically choking.
“What the fuck is in this Sab?” I ask, stuggling to keep myself from yakking.
“My version of a tequila sunrise. Mostly tequila.” she says sweetly, taking a sip form her own cup.
“Yea I can tell.” The doorbell rings and my eyes widen.
“I’ll get it. Hurry up!” she exclaims, running out of my room. I take a deep breath and take the berry shade of lipstick I bought for tonight out and start applying in the mirror. I decide to take a selfie of myself, admiring the way the dress fit around my curves. 
Somehow Sabrina convinced my parents to let me have this party at my place and got them out of town for the weekend. They were easily convinced by her sweet talk, and were encouraged by the fact that I had been making friends at Kildare Academy. They were more than happy to give Sabrina and me their credit card to buy decorations and even allowed us to use some of the liquor from their cabinet. 
I made my way up the stairs to see the living room was starting to fill with familiar faces I had seen in the hallways. I admired my house filled with helium balloons and silver streamer curtains. The room was illuminated with a large disco ball and LED lights. The DJ started playing music in the backyard.
“I think we’re gonna have a big turn out.” Sabrina says when she finally reaches me.
“Do these people actually know what they’re even here for?”
“Of course they do. I even made a card box for people to give you gifts.”
“Sabrina, I don’t want any of these peoples money.” I say confused.
“These people come from old money its practically tradition. Plus theyre drinking the booze we bought so its like an entry fee.” she says giggling and grabbing my hand, leading me to the backyard.
“You got the playlist I sent right?” she asks the DJ. I recognized him immediately, he was a barista at the cafe I always went to when I used to hang in the cut. He smiles softly at me and I thank him for being here tonight. 
“There’s the birthday girl!” I hear someone shout from the backdoor. I turn around to see Topper, Kelce, Rafe a group of random girls surrounding them. He’s holding a handle of Titos up in the air.
“TOP!” Sabrina exclaims, dragging me over to greet them.
“Happy birthday Y/N” he says, greeting me in a hug. “This is for you, from all of us.” he says handing me the large bottle. I stare at in shock and laugh.
“Thanks guys.” I respond. Before I can greet Kelce or Rafe, Sabrina takes the bottle from my hands.
“Shots?” she asks the group. The guys cheer in response and she leads them back inside the the kitchen where the cups were.
“Happy birthday.” Rafe whispers in my ear, trailing right behind me. I feel goosebumps rise on my arms. “You look good.” he murmurs as we reach the counter.
“TO Y/N” Sabrina declares and we raise the shot glasses up to the cieling
“TO ME!” I Cheer before downing the shot. I hiss at the burning in my throat and squeeze my eyes closed. 
More people fill into my living room and start piling into the backyard. I’m greeted with hugs and fist bumps from people I vaguely remember, they thank me for inviting them and I have to pretend like I’m the one who even made the invite in the first place. 
I finally check my phone for the first time since people started arriving.
Sarah Cameron
We’re pulling up in a sec
I smile at my phone and scan the room to see if they’ve arrived.
“You waitin on someone?” I hear Rafe ask from behind me.
“Yea Sarah’s comin.” I say without looking back at him. 
“I assume that means the clowns will be making an appearance as well.” he asks, finally standing next to me, his arm brushing against my shoulder.
“Play nice it’s my birthday.” I remind him, taking a sip from my birthday concoction.
“Long as they play nice too.” he responds before walking off. I roll my eyes and scan the room again. They still weren’t anywhere in sight, so I walk off to mingle with my guests.
I find a familiar face in the sea of people and make my way to him.
“Hi Noah.” I say, interrupting his conversation with a girl I had never seen befroe.
“Hey Y/N . Happy birthday!” he says before pulling me into a hug. It lingers for a little too long and I feel my cheeks blush when he finally releases me. 
“This is a great party. Much better than my 18th.” he says, standing close and leaning down to be eye level with me.
“Whadid you do for yours?” I ask, trying to hide my disgust as I take another sip from the drink Sab made me.
“I had the flu. I had to go to the hospital and everything.” he says shurgging his shoulders.
“Damn that sounds awful. You can pretend tonights your birthday if you want.” I say, trying to cheer him up. I feel his eyes scan my body up and down and he inches closer.
“Well I know what I would want for my present.” he whispers. I bite my lip and giggle.
“Cute” I say in response. From the corner of my eye I spot JJ and I run towards him.
“JJ!” I shriek, throwing myself into his arms. He lifts me up and spins me around.
“Happy birthday doll. You have hella friends now huh?” he asks giving me a quick kiss on the cheek.
“I dont know half of these people. Sabrina just invited them.” I say in response. He smirks and scans the room.
“Whos the dude who was practically eye fucking you?” he says, I glance over to see he’s giving a death glare to Noah.
“Kid I know from Kook academy.” I shrug.
“BIRTHDAY GIRL!” Kiara shouts, popping up from behind JJ.
“Kie!” I squeeze her with all my might. I feel a rush of excitement fill my body as people I actually knew and loved were finally here. John B and Pope pile into our hug.
“Where’s Sarah?” 
“She went looking for you. Looks like she ran into her brother though.” John B says, nudging his head over towards the back of the kitchen. I direct the group to follow me, leading them through the crowd of people stuffed into my living room. I trip over a ballon on the floor, and feel an arm reach out to help me gain my balance. I look up to see its Rafe.
“Thanks” I mumble, pulling my arm away from his grip. I direct my attention away from him and smile at Sarah
“Happy birthday girl! I heard Rafe got you a present and I think it’s only appropriate that we indulge.” she says, wiggling her eyebrows and holding up the half empty handle of titos up at me.
She fills up shots enough for everyone including Rafe. His body is blocking me from being in the circle, so I shove past him, forcing my way into the center. 
I look at Kiara and smirk, “arriba! abajo! al centro! pa dentro!” We cheer. The group finishes the shot and I find myself brave from the liquid courage I had just been given. I pull a chair out from behind the counter and stand on top of it.
“THANK YOU FOR COMING AND CELEBRATING MY 18TH WITH ME!” I Shout to the crowd of people in the kitchen and dining area. “LETS GET FUCKED UP!” I shout.
Pope hands me a Natty Lite from his book bag and I tip it to its side, cracking the bottom open with my teeth. For a second I realize my inner pogue is coming out. But I decide I didn’t give a fuck. It was my fucking birthday. 
I crack open the can and inhale the beer in 3 chugs. I crush the can with my hand and toss it out into the crowd. The room erupts in cheers and I turn around to my friends seeing their shocked yet excited expressions on their faces.
“Lets fucking dance.” I say. JJ walks up to the chair and puts out his arms.
“Lets go dance princess.” he says, pulling me down into his arms, placing me softly on the ground. I grab his hand,  leading them to the backyard where the DJ began blasting the Pursuit of Happiness remix. 
The backyard area is filled with people already dancing. I squish us into the center of the crowd and notice that Rafe and his friends decided to join. 
I feel my body moving along to the beat, not giving a care in the world, sticking my hands up in the air and letting the crowd's movements take me around the circle. Dancing face to face with Sarah, her back against John B’s.
Our bodies are squeezed together and I slowly grind against hers before I’m pushed to the side and end up in front of Kiara. She’s dancing against Pope and I remember I need to ask her how that situation is coming along. Before I can lean into ask, my body is moved again to be in the center of the circle.  I take a few steps back to the beat and spin around.
Losing my balance, I end up with my back pressed against a tall figure. His arms softly grab my hips. If I didn’t know any better I would assume it was JJ. But I look over to see him standing in between John B and Pope. I crane my neck to look and see its Rafe, with a slight smirk on his face. 
I decide to play along, turning my body to face his. His hands move furth up my back, running them up and down as I grind my body against his. I keep my eyes closed, refusing to make eye contact with him, trying to show that I would dance with literally anyone like this. I wrap my hands up around his neck and jump around to the beat before the song stops and there’s silence amongst the crowd. I drop my hands from his neck and whip my head towards the DJ, and see Sabrina standing up there with a lit up cake.
She grabs a microphone from the DJ and begins singing Happy Birthday to me. I feel my face get hot and body tense, realizing that everyone was staring at me, singing along in unison. My worst nightmare. She makes her way through the crowd, everyone making a path for her to reach me. 
When she finally does the song is almost over and I feel tears brimming in my eyes. Mainly becomes I’m so drunk and overwhelmed with anxiety from what was happening. 
“Make a wish!” I close my eyes and blow the candles out. The crowd erupts into a cheer and the DJ starts up a new song, everyone returning back to where they were before the serenading.
“I hate you.” I say, as we walk to the kitchen.
“Noooo you love me. And look at all these people here for YOU.” I give her side hug as she places the cake on the counter.
“Thanks for doing this for me.” I say. She turns to face me with a large grin spread across her face. “I’m glad we met.”
“Stop being sappy and go back out and dance.” she says, pushing me towards the back door.
“I have to pee first” I say, making my way towards the basement door. I make my way down the stairs to my room. After finishing my business I walk back into my room and see Rafe inspecting my bookshelf.
“What the fuck are you doing in here?” I ask, startled at his intrusion.
He doesn't respond, just glances over, eyeing my body up and down before picking a book off of the shelf. 
“You read a lot of fiction.” he states.
I walk over and grab the book out of his hand. 
“I asked you a question.” I place the book back in its place and turn to face him.
“I was curious.” he says, shrugging.
“Okay, well I’d like you to leave now.” I say pointing towards the door.
“No you don’t,” he says, stepping closer to me. So close I can smell his cologne. It was woody yet musky. Dior Sauvage I would guess, making a mental note to check it out at the mall next time I got the chance. 
“You say that like you know what I want.”
“Cause I do.” he says, staring down into my eyes.
“Who the fuck do you think you are?”
“I’m Rafe fucking Cameron. And you’re just some girl who has a birthday party with kids she doesnt even know. I see right through you.”
“Im not just some girl, who do you think you are talking to me like that?” I feel rage flowing through my body and I take a step closer, our chests practically touching. His chest is rising with deep breaths and I glance at his hands that are balled into fists.
“You think you’re hot shit now that you hang with kids on figure 8. But they won’t forget where your loyalties lie. You proved it tonight by inviting your fucking pogues.” I roll my eyes.
“Is that what this is about? Cus I invited my best friends? They’re just people Rafe. You and your loser friends only care about labels. We’re not even fucking friends why are you here if you’re so hung up on who I invited?” 
“You think anyone would be here if I wasn’t?” I scoff at his arrogance.
“God you’re so full of yourself. Get a grip.” 
Everything happens in an instant. His body moves forcefully against mine, pushing me into my closet door. I wince at the abrupt force. His arms are planted on the door above my head and he dips his face to meet mine.
“You're not as cool as you think you are pretty girl. You can stand on a table and shotgun all the beers you want. You can dance like a fucking slut at any party but that’s all anyone gonna remember you by. A party girl with no personality.” I feel tears well in my eyes at his bitter words.
“You act like your entire personality isnt partying. You live in a fucking fantasy world where its cool to do coke and fuck random girls like its a well respected hobby. You don’t know shit about my personality because I would never let someone like you know anything about me.” I spit back.
He stands silent for a second, his breathing hard and heavy. My eyes meet his, tears no longer threatening to spill over. All I feel is hot rage and red staring into his blue eyes. His right-hand moves from above my head to grip the back of my neck. He pauses as if he's second-guessing his next move.
Before I can think of a response his mouth collides with mine. I melt into his touch, tasting the liquor shared between our breath and his cool tongue grazing over my bottom lip. Reluctantly I let out a groan, frustrated that he was a good kisser. He moves his mouth aggressively against mine, pushing me hard against the wall. My hands finally move from my sides up into his hair giving a slight tug. 
He finally releases his grip from the back of my neck and I gasp out trying to catch my breath when I hear screaming from outside. I decided it would be quicker to get to the back through the sliding door in my room that leads to a small patio on the side of the house. I run out and around the house to see a commotion happening on the dance floor.
My breath hitches and goosebumps rise across my body as I realize what is happening. Rafe trails behind me as I get closer to the group of people fighting, seeing JJ and Pope getting kicked around on the ground
“WHAT THE FUCK” I screech, pushing through the crowd, trying to pull the guys off of my friends. I turn around to Rafe.
“HELP ME” I ask, He runs his hands through his hair, contemplating on what he should do
“Please” I beg before turning around to try and pick JJ off the ground. I turn around to see Rafe grab the idiot off of Pope and help Pope stand up.
“PARTYS OVER” He roars across the crowd. The DJ instantly turns off the music and I see Sabrina running over to the scene. I’m holding JJ up with my arms as he limps over with blood smeared across his face. 
“JJ what happened? Where’s Sarah and John B?” I ask. I then realize JJ is drunk out of his mind and cant even look straight. 
I turn around to see Pope is sitting on a chair with Rafe standing next to him.
“Pope what happened, where is everyone?”
The crowd starts to clear and I tug JJ along to sit next to Pope.
“They went looking for you and some kooks started talking shit about us being here and…” he trails off. “Sorry to ruin your birthday Y/N”
“I know its your birthday n all but I really dont think these people wanted us here.” JJ finally says.
“No shit.” I hear John B saying behind me.
“There you guys are. What the fuck happened I left for 5 minutes and these fools are getting curb stomped?”
“These are your new fucking friends lets remember that” JJ Says, finally standing. “Look, we love you Y/N. But its not a good idea for us to be comin to any of these events again.” he says harshly.
“But I wanted you guys here.”
“And we wanted to be here to support you but, JJs right Y/N. Its never a good outcome for us to be in Figure 8.” John B says, pulling Pope off of the chair. “Lets go guys.”
I stand there feeling hopeless. I wasnt allowed back on the cut, and if my friends wouldnt come to my side of the island, I would never see them.
“But- but” I stammer. 
Sabrina interrupts the moment tugging my arm to face her.
“Hey, I’m gonna go but I’ll be back in the morning to help you clean okay?” Sabrina says, nudging her head over to the top of the patio where the DJ was standing there, with all his stuff packed up. “He’s gonna walk me home.” she says with a smirk. 
“Okay I’ll see you.” I turned to realize my friends were making their way towards the front door. 
“Guys please dont leave.” I plead catching up with them.
“We gotta get them home Y/N,” Kie says, holding Popes hand. 
“I’ll text you when were back okay? I hope you had a good birthday.” she says, giving me a kiss on my cheek and opening the front door.
“I’ll see you soon okay?” Sarah says, giving me a tight squeeze before walking out with the rest of them. I watch them walk down my driveway, feeling defeated and angry. 
I turn around and slam the front door shut, looking around the room to see a mess of red solo cups, streamers and popped balloons all over the floor. I rip my heels off my feet and walk towards my basement door before I hear the back door slide open.
“I don’t think we were finished.”
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unamused-boss · 1 year
Kiss the Chef
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Billy Hargrove x Fem Reader
Summary: You and Billy had to take career tests at school to see were you should go in life... and you got baker. Well it says banker but you like the sound of baker way better! So you decide to practice your baking. While your loving boyfriend gets to taste everything!
(yes I am basing reader off of Aimee from sex education)
At the ring of the bell at 3:15; those were the holy trumpets that released you and Billy from school for the weekend. You sigh with such relief knowing you have no homework to do over the weekend. Putting your books into your locker to not be touched for the next two days. Just as you were putting you last book up, you felt two bulky arm wrap around your waist. Giving it a good squeeze.
"What do you want Billy." You giggled to your boyfriend. Billy kept his arms in place on your waist. You feel his head dip into your neck slightly giving you a light kiss on the neck. You giggled once again taking your neck away from his lips. Giving a quiet "Stop".
"What?" Billy questioned. "Can I not kiss my pretty girlfriend?"
"You can... just when there aren't as many people around." You said with a smile. You take Billy's hand within yours to make your way out of the school to the parking lot. Once to Billy's car you both wait outside of it for Max to come from the middle school.
"What did you get on that test thingy today?" You asked. Billy turned to you, a little confused, with a cigarette in his mouth as he lit it.
"What test?" He said as he puffed.
"The career test, silly." You said it like it was obvious. Which it should have been if he was in class. Billy gave an acknowledged "Oh" before reaching into his pocket for a piece of paper before handing it to you.
"I didn't read all of it, but most of it is true." Billy said taking another huff of his cigarette. You look over his results.
"Mechanic, Marine Biologist? ooh that sounds fun." You said as you read through the rest of them. "Yours fit pretty well baby."
"Thank you, gorgeous." Billy smiled. "What did you get?"
"Oh the usual." You started, taking out your paper. "Teacher, veterinarian, baker-" You were about to continue when Billy stopped you.
"What did you say babe?"
"Sweetheart, baker wasn't one of the options." Billy said, stomping out his cigarette then taking your form to look over. "Babe this says banker."
"Well I like baker better." You put it straightly.
Billy laughed," Whatever you say, pretty girl." Handing you your paper back when Max finally arrived. "In the back shit-bird." Billy said.
"Hey be nice." You softly snapped to him.
"Okay." He breathed. Max laughed a bit at the interaction; Max saw a slight change in Billy when you guys started dating. Plus she loved you. You were so nice and mellowed Billy out a lot. Tones of people say you're a bit ditsy, but Max knows you're just really sweet. Billy drops Max off first so he can get some more time with you. Once you reach your house, you collect your things to go in. Giving Billy a quick kiss you say.
"Can you be here later on Saturday?"
"Of course sweetheart." Billy answered.
"Great see you then." You smiled, then shutting the door of the car to make your way up to your house to get inside. Once Billy saw you were inside he made his way home.
For the next 10 hours you worked your butt off on baking a cake from scratch. It was a simple vanilla cake with home made whipped frosting. It was adorable. You did everything the way you were supposed to. Flour may have gotten everywhere, plus you spilt a lot of salt but your parents don't come home till Sunday so you're fine. You put your heart into making this cake just for your boyfriend. And just in character you didn't taste the cake, cause to you it would already be wonderful. So you set your cake in the fridge for the night. Was it mentioned that the cake was shaped like a heart... well an uneven heart with as well as uneven pink icing spread on it. But you knew Billy was going to love it. So you cleaned the kitchen, got ready for bed, and couldn't wait to see your boyfriend tomorrow.
Billy made it over to your house at 12:30. He couldn't wait to see you, seeing you is the best part of his day. He knocked on the front door waiting for you to come answer it. When you opened the door you gave Billy the biggest smile you could jumping into his arms giving him a hug. Once he puts you down you take his hand and lead him into you house to your dining table.
"Okay sit down, I have a surprise for you." You say. Billy takes his seat as you rush to the fridge to grab his cake. Coming back over with the cake tray in your arms you place it down on the table. Billy just stares at it.
"You made me a cake?" Billy said, somewhat shocked.
"Yes, you're my boyfriend." You answered. "And I love you, so it's made with love. Here let me get you a plate." You get up to grab a plate for him as well as some silverware. You cut Billy a slice hand it over to him, all the while Billy is still sitting there shocked. Shocked that you made him a cake. The last person that made him a cake was his mom on his ninth birthday. Billy really did love you.
As you set the cake in front of him, he take the fork digging a piece of the baked good out. Bringing it up to his mouth to take a bite. And.. with one chew...
It was the worst thing Billy has ever eaten. But he couldn't tell you that. He sat there, with the piece of brick in his mouth, looking at your beaming face waiting for his response. But Billy was panicking, what was he going to tell you.
"So?" You asked Billy. "What do you think?"
"It's.. It's good, really good." Billy answered. "It's really good pound cake, sweetheart." Billy was fighting for his life eating this piece of cake. He started rot slouch over cause of the intense chewing he was doing, he jaw was starting to somewhat hurt. It didn't help that the cake was dry and the frosting was salty.
"What? It's not pound cake?" You said, confused.
"It's not?" Billy's head shot up, hoping you didn't catch him in his small lie.
"No, it's vanilla cake." You said. Billy had a small sigh of relief, you didn't catch him.
"Oh... well it's a great piece of cake." He just conformed to his fate.
"Why are you making that face?" You ask innocently. Billy froze.
"What face?"
"That face, you look stranded." You say.
"No I'm not, I'm just enjoying the cake my girlfriend made me." Billy finally being able to swallow down the piece of cake that was in his mouth. "And I don't think I can eat anymore, I'm gonna get water to wash it down." He said as he made his way to get up.
"Billy you only took one bite?" You said. Billy froze again.
"Babe, it's was so good I just can't eat anymore right now." Billy said getting a cup from your cupboard to drink some water.
"Billy, If you didn't like it just tell me it won't hurt my feelings." You reassured.
"Babe, I am telling you it was a great tasting cake." He said after drinking some water. As he went to get another cup you take the fork an grab a piece for yourself to eat.
"Wait babe..." But Billy couldn't save you. You were already eating the cake. By the contentment of your face, you now understood Billy now.
"Oh my god Billy!" You ran to spit the cake into the trash, "Why did you eat the?!"
"Cause you made it for me."
"But it was awful, why would you do that?!!" Still shocked that he actually ate your disgusting cake.
"Like I said, you made it for me." Billy answered " And I love you, and didn't want to hurt you feelings."
"Well hurt them next time." You laughed. You walk up to Billy taking him into a hug. He held you at your waist, while you held him at his back. Just standing there for a moment. You bring you head back to look up to him, you chests being pressed together.
"I don't get you Hargrove, and I never will." You said, "But I do know the I love you."
"I love you to baby." Billy answered. Both of you brought your lips together for a soft kiss. After a second or two you pull away.
"So, I guess being a baker is out of the question?" You laughed, Billy laughed as well to your joke.
"I don't know, you got one hot buns yourself." He flirted.
"Og shut up." You laughed. "You're so corny."
"Hey, you said yes to me." Belling retorted. "That sounds like a you problem."
"So, what are we gonna do with the cake?"
"Eh, I can give it to Max or Harrington as a peace offering."
"Oh my god, shut up Billy." You laughed. Billy pulled you tighter into another hug, this time you bath stay in the position. Embracing each others warmth.
Hey! Hope you enjoyed this. This was a cute idea I had, I hope y'all like it.
Part 3 to California Dreaming is in the works, I'v just had writers block and school. So I decided to write y'all a cute story real quick!
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videogamelover99 · 29 days
Update for the Human Bill AU
It’s me, uh, Vee! Wait, like the LETTER? Seriously?! Talk about originality. 
ANYWAY! Word around the block is that BEST SELLING AUTHOR BILL CIPHER (pretty cool guy btw makes great deals) released a book into the PUBLIC COLLECTIVE that was SO GOOD it melted all of your brains into the primordial forms they were in when you were 10 years younger! Which is great news, cause it means more of you are down to contribute to the cause. What cause? Summoning Bill Cipher back into the mortal realm of course! I KNOW after his last SHOWSTOPPING lore drop you’re just dying to meet this guy, I get it! And you can! All you gotta do is pledge your allegiance to me, B- I mean, Vee! Who is not in any way, shape, or form possessed by a demon right now! They’re fine! I’m fine! Everything’s fi-
Ahem. Sorry. Bill took over my brain for the 30th time this week. It’s Vee. Hi.
Seriously though, actual Bill Cipher might not be hijacking my brain right now, but his character might as well be. I’m back to 2016, spinning him around like a rotisserie chicken. He is my little guy. He did nothing wrong, I promise. 
Honestly, I didn’t know if A Different Form a Different Time was ever gonna come back. It started as a collaboration with @doodledrawsthings on Tumblr, and after they moved on to do other stuff I did the same. And yet, this au changed the trajectory of my life. After all the support and enthusiasm from you guys, I realized how much writing and storytelling meant to me. I’m now a Narrative Game Designer, writing scripts and stories on a professional level, which I would not have gotten do to had I not had the experience of writing for this AU. 
For years, I kept getting DMs telling me someone was leaving kudos and comments on fics I wrote when I was a teenager, and that always just…blew me away. From the bottom of my heart, thank you for showing me how much my writing meant to you because I would not have gotten this far without that message being reiterated over and over again. 
And then the Book of Bill happened, and suddenly this dead au Mak and I crafted got 20k+ words of new material. Oops. Haha. 
So are you finally continuing this fic?
Yes and no. I’m rebooting it. After improving as a writer I’m hoping to bring something new to the table while following what’s already established in the series. Waking Days is gonna be rewritten, with new plotlines, new adventures, better, more coherent plot. I’ll still keep the old fic up so people can read it if they want, but I’ll re-order it to be at the end of the series for a more clear continuation. 
Will you finally give us a finished product?
The genuine answer is I don’t know! I don’t have a good track record for finishing fics, which is not exactly a vice, since I’m not getting paid for any of it. It’s just for fun. All I can promise is that I’ll give you new adventures in this universe, and maybe, together, we’ll get to the end. I was always of the opinion that people don’t owe writers and artists kudos or likes or comments, because once you put something out there, it’s not up to you how it’s consumed. I’m writing this for fun, and to improve my skills. But I will say that kudos and comments help a TON with people’s motivation. Seeing someone be enthusiastic about your work just does it sometimes, ok? And if you want this fic to be continued, if you like what’s happening, then let your voice be heard. 
Is Mak (aka doodledrawsthings) involved again?
Nope! They gave me their blessing to continue this AU, and it’s gonna branch out a lot from the original vision. I’d be down to work with them again, but as far as I know, they have their own stuff going on (they’re a professional storyboard artist now and have been for a while!) Please don’t harass them about this. If they want to work on GF stuff again, they will choose to do that on their own. 
Upload Schedule
If anyone noticed, I did a little poll recently (if you missed it, follow me guys!) and most people preferred shorter updates once a week. That’s what we’re gonna try. So, keep an eye out for a new fic in this series next Friday. I’ll add another chapter to this one even so people can keep track. I’ll be posting on my AO3 as well as on Tumblr, and tagging it as “A Different Form a Different Time”. 
Sneak Peek?? Please?
Sure. Here’s some stuff I wrote:
Deep in the redwood forests of central Oregon lay a small little town called Gravity Falls. With a population of a few thousand, low on tourism, and high on mosquito bites, the town was hard to find on any of the maps, and some might have claimed that the town hadn’t even existed. 
Fewer still knew of the oddities that made the town their home, passerbys had nothing to say outside of an “eerie feeling” and a glimpse of tiny men in pointed caps in the corner of their vision. 
But the town was real, and the oddities were more real still. 
In the outskirts of that town, down a dilapidated forest path, in a clearing sat The Mystery Shack, an old scientist’s lab turned tourist attraction. It was in this house, on a stiff, plushy couch, framed by the light of a seemingly empty water tank, that Bill Cipher, the monster with one eye, harbinger of chaos and trillion-year-old mind demon awoke, in a body that was not his and whose irritating human instincts he deeply resented. 
Instincts like rapid breathing, sweatiness, and overall shakiness usually meant one of these dozen organs wasn’t working properly. Unfortunately, after waking up for the dozenth time in this manner, Bill had to admit that the organs weren’t the problem. 
Not that he could remember what the problem was. Whatever dream or nightmare had caused this current inconvenient bout of terror, whatever remnants of it were blank, fuzzy static on a rotting television screen. 
It was more annoying than anything. 
Bill started his nightly routine of picking himself off the floor. The blanket he had was tangled around his legs, which were somehow still on the sofa. After a moment or two of clumsily getting the appendages to move, Bill managed to heave himself upright.
Bill rubbed his eyes, he had two now. So weird. 
Mabel's pig sat on the rug next to his head, staring blankly.
"What're you looking at, huh?"
"None of your business."
"Oik oik!"
"No, what do I look like, a snack machine?"
"Ha! So's your mother!"
Waddles chose that moment to get up and trot away, done with the conversation. Well, good, Bill was done with him, too.
He stole a glance at the water tank. Still empty. Figures old Frilly wouldn't be there when Bill had a bone to pick with him. Maybe he should put some mercury in the water. As a surprise.
What was the point of stuffing him in this body, anyway? Did the ol’ salamander really think it would do anything? Was it to scare him? To torture him? To tell him how awful and evil he was and all those other meaningless statements that Bill had found hilarious in his time? 
Crimes against the second dimension? It was a crime that the place had existed the way it did. A rotten, broken building called for a demolition. He’d just had the detonator. 
Why would you do this?
Ugh, not again.
I-I wish I was dead! I wish I wouldn’t have to see what a monster you’ve-
Bill pulled himself up onto the couch and raised the blanket over his head. As if that could block out the incessant voice that only showed up at the worst of times. 
He would not sleep again.
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m00nlight-ramblings · 8 months
Like Real People Do: Chapter 2
Chapter 2 of "Like Real People Do"
After a slight mishap in the admissions office, you find yourself in the same History class as Eddie, pushing your friendship forwards (thanks to the help of Dustin Henderson).
Read Chapter 1 here
Pairing: Eddie x AFAB reader (named "Brooke" because I hate using Y/N, but will also be using "you" to make it reader-centric!)
Warnings: Swearing, dual pov. This entire series is 18+ MINORS DNI!
Word Count: 2.4k
A/N: I'm so happy so many people are liking this one...I love writing about Eddie *kicking my feet*. I've also noted that some people are wanting a tag list for this one, so if you want to be added, let me know!
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The heat inside the class room was stifling – one last heat spike seemed to be in full effect in Hawkins, and the lack of air conditioning inside Hawkins High really put a damper on any chance of comfortability. Eddie fanned himself with his hand, rolling his eyes at the sweat he felt pooling slightly at his collar.
Mr. Binkins, the history teacher, was droning on an on about World War I, much to the dissatisfaction of what seemed like the whole class. Eddie’s eyes wandered to outside the window, Mr. Binkins’ voice slowly morphing into the Charlie Brown adults – womp womp WOMP wOmP womp. This was his second time taking this particular class, and even though he got a D+ the last time, he had still retained the information somewhat.
In other words, he was really, really bored.
Eddie resisted the urge to start tapping a drum beat to the latest Metallica song he heard on the radio, his pencil resting between his fingers, ready for him to say “when”. No…he wouldn’t be that annoying in first period – besides, Mr. Binkins would probably tell him to stop within 10 seconds of him starting, and where the hell was the fun in that?
His mind wandered, running down his usual daydream subjects: music, his DnD campaign, the newest issue of Playboy Wayne was hiding under his bed that he thought Eddie had no idea about…
He sat straighter in his seat. You’d been in classes for a few days now, but Eddie had only seen you in the hallway a couple of times. You’d pass by and offer a polite smile, or even a friendly wave, and he would return the favor. He noticed you hadn’t seemed to be initiated into any cliques yet, and that you were equally friendly to everyone you came across whenever he saw you. At lunch, you were either sitting by yourself, or not there at all. Eddie hadn’t gotten the courage to ask you to sit with him and the Hellfire Club just yet.
Suddenly, the door to the classroom opened and in you walked, holding your books in front of you. Eddie’s heart lurched and he furrowed his brows.
Had he…conjured you? Like straight up wizard-ed you into the classroom?
“Can I help you?” Mr. Binkins asked, all heads turning to you. You offered him a smile – your trademark smile – and handed him a pink slip from the office.
“I was apparently put in the wrong history class for the past few days. The office told me I should’ve been in this one.” You scanned the class quickly, and when your eyes passed by Eddie’s, you deepened your smile, causing Eddie to blush.
Jesus, dude. Get a grip! You thought, slouching in your chair again to try and regain any sense of cool you had left in your body.
“Huh. Okay, Miss…Henway. Welcome! Tell the class a little about yourself.” He gestured to the rest of class and you turned.
“Okay. Um…hi,” You offered a little wave, “I’m Brooke. I moved here from Ohio at the end of June…um…” You made a face, pursing your lips together to try and think of something, “I’m a junior? And I work at the library. And I have a dog! Her name is Molly. Um…I think that’s it?”
“Very good. Have a seat anywhere that’s empty. Quite exciting…not only that you’re a new student, but that you’re in a senior class! Very good.” Mr. Binkins clapped his hands together, “Now, as soon as Miss Henway takes her seat, we can continue you.”
Eddie watched you scan the room again, and once you noticed the empty desk next to him, you made your way over, sitting in the seat and plopping your books on the desk. You turned to him and smiled.
“Hi again.”
“Hey,” He said, returning the smile. Lowering his voice down to a whisper, he spoke again, “So you’re in this class now? Cool.”
You nodded, “Yep. I guess the office messed up. Based on my transcripts I should be in this class. Do you know what page we’re on?” You asked, point to the textbook. Eddie shrugged.
“No idea?”
You raised your hand, “Sorry, Mr. …”
“Binkins.” The teacher said, turning around from the blackboard.
“Right. Mr. Binkins, what page are we on?”
“Great, thanks.” You started flipping through the book and snorted, your eyes darting over to Eddie. You whispered, “I don’t mean to sound rude but…Mr. Binkins sounds like he should be related to Bilbo Baggins with a name like that.”
Eddie chuckled and his heart flipped. “Fan of ‘The Hobbit’?”
“I read a lot.” You shrugged and gave him one last smile before turning your attention back to the lesson.
Eddie leaned back in his chair, his mind starting to swirl. So, he had met a cute – beautiful, really – girl, who was also really nice, and now in one of his classes. And on top of that, she seemed to share some similar interests? He blew out some air, trying to slow down the rapid pace of his heart.
He had a feeling he was going to be in a lot of trouble.
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Lunch period came quickly – thank god – and once you had grabbed your tray from the cafeteria lady, you turned to face the lunchroom. You had spent your lunch periods either sitting by yourself at the end of a table, in the library, or taken in by various random students like an orphaned colonial child. Which, really, you didn’t mind – you didn’t mind being by yourself all that much, especially when you remembered to bring something to read, or had some homework to catch up on.
You started to make your way to your favorite empty table when you heard a voice shouting behind you. “Hey! Hey!” Turning, you saw Dustin, waving his arms in the air with enthusiasm. Eddie and Mike were sitting next to him, hanging their heads in embarrassment. The other few at the table were snickering, smiling at you. Dustin waved you over and motioned to sit.
You sat down across from Eddie, sliding your bookbag underneath the table. “Hi, everyone.” You greeted.
“Hi! I’m so happy I noticed you walking to your usual empty table – you should sit with us instead from now on!” Dustin said, sitting back in his seat and smiling, “If you want!”
“Oh, thanks!” You said, “Yeah, maybe I will, if you don’t mind.” You eyed Eddie and he immediately smiled back at you, nodding slowly.
“Yeah, sure, of course.” He said.
“Great, then it’s settled! You can be apart of the lunch crew!” Dustin smiled proudly and ripped into his sandwich, chewing with his mouth open slightly, “How have your first few days been?”
You shrugged, pushing the salad you had gotten around with your fork, “Oh, it’s fine. I like school so it’s not too bad, but…” You trailed off, crossing your feet at the ankle, “Just an adjustment, is all.”
“Have you made any friends?”
“Dude!” Mike hissed, looking at Dustin, “You can’t just like, ask a new kid if they’ve made any friends yet. That’s rude.”
“No, it’s okay!” You offered, trying to lighten the mood, “I have…kinda? No one that I’ve hung out with outside of school yet…I have a bunch of classes with Nancy? Wheeler? So we’ve been chatting. Do you know her?”
Mike rolled his eyes and Dustin barked out a laugh, “Yeah, we know her. That’s Mike’s sister!”
“Oh! Oh, okay. Cool! She’s really nice.”
“Yeah…” Mike grumbled, in only the way younger brothers could. You shoved some salad in your mouth to shut yourself up, nodding and hoping someone else would take over the conversation.
“You could hang out with us, if you wanted!” Dustin offered, leaning in, “Do you play Dungeons and Dragons?”
“Dustin…” Eddie quietly groaned, “Please stop interrogating her. She’s only been able to take like, one bite of her food because you won’t stop asking her about her life story.”
“I…don’t, sorry,” You said, “Is that the game with like…dwarves and stuff?”
“Uh-huh! It’s really cool…if I do say myself.” Dustin reminded you of an over-enthusiastic puppy, which was really endearing. You noticed that Eddie, though seemingly annoyed with him, couldn’t help but have an affectionate air towards him. “I mean, we do other stuff too…not just DnD. We do movie nights, and go to the mall, and stuff.”
“I like the mall.” You offered politely, “I like to do a lot of stuff. And I like movie nights, too.”
“Next time we have one, we’ll invite you! Right, Eddie?”
Suddenly, Dustin shot up in his seat and yelped in pain, reaching down to his foot. Everyone at the table stopped to stare at him, including yourself.
“Jesus, that hurt, Eddie! Why did you kick me?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Eddie said, in monotone. His eyes flickered to yours and back to Dustin, “I say we let her decide if she wants to hang out with us. Stop peer pressuring the poor lady to go to a movie night with us for Christ’s sake.”
Your heart sank a little – even though Eddie was friendly enough, it didn’t really seem like he wanted you to hang out with his group. Which was fine, since you didn’t know each other very well, but it still would’ve been nice if he had been a little more welcoming. Especially, considering you thought he was really handsome…in a rockstar, grungy kind of way.
“Um…well…I work weekends sometimes for the library so…I don’t really know my schedule. So who knows when I can even go to a movie night…” Pushing your food with your fork again, you tried your best to sound nonchalant, and not like a movie night would be the most fun you’ve had in a while.
Dustin frowned a little and took another bite of his sandwich, “Yeah, yeah. Okay…well…let us know…” He focused on his food and trailed off. You quickly looked up to Eddie, who was looking at you, but then looked away at his own food.
The rest of lunch was kind of awkward, with everyone making polite conversation about their “newest campaign” (whatever that was), and peppering questions in for you about your previous life in Ohio. Soon, the bell rang, and you made your way to the garbage can, throwing away the leftovers and sliding the tray on the collectable surface on top.
“Hey…” Eddie slid next to you, falling in line while you started to walk to your next class, “I’m sorry about Dustin. We don’t get a lot of…um, excitement? In Hawkins, so a new girl is quite a big deal for him, I guess,” He offered a smile, shoving his hands in his jeans pockets.
“Oh, it’s okay. It’s kind of sweet, actually. I like him…he seems nice.”
“Yeah…he is. He’s really nice.”
Your heart felt like it was being squeezed with the obvious tenderness Eddie had for Dustin. You both walked in silence for a second before he spoke again.
“Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that the next time we do have a movie night, you are more than welcome to come. In fact, we’d love to have you. If you want, of course.” He said, avoiding eye contact. You brightened a bit.
“Yeah? Okay, then. I’d like that.”
“I’ll let you know, then. I do have to warn you, though – we usually watch strictly horror flicks.”
“Oh, no!” You squealed, a laugh rising within you, “I love horror movies but I get scared so easily…just make sure I have something to hold on to so when I jump in fear, I don’t fall off the couch!”
As soon as the words left your mouth, your mind immediately flashed an image of you in Eddie’s arms, nuzzling into his neck to hide from the movie playing on the television. Heat creeped into your neck, no doubt causing you to blush.
Eddie awkwardly cleared his throat, looking away, “Yeah, I’ll make sure to have a blanket or something…a super special blanket made to protect you from the big bad scary man on T.V.” He ended the sentence in a goofy voice, wiggling his fingers for affect. You scrunched your nose and giggled, both of you walking up to the entrance to your classroom.
Suddenly, the bell rang, giving you one minute to get to class. “Well…thanks for lunch today. And for the movie invite. I’ll see you around?” You said, smiling. Eddie nodded, rocking on his heels.
“Yeah, see you around.”
You turned to head into class and for some reason, looked back at Eddie. He was inching his way away from the door of your classroom, but made sure you were fully in your seat before walking away. Smiling to yourself, you sat down.
You were really starting to like Hawkins.
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Saturday night, you found yourself in front of Eddie’s trailer, smoothing your shirt and taking a deep breath to calm your nerves. Your first time hanging out with someone from Hawkins – hanging out with anyone in months, really – and you were a bit nervous. Never mind the fact that you were seeing Eddie.
No…those nervous butterflies definitely didn’t have anything to do with that.
The trailer was on the smaller side, so you heard multiple voices right away. It seemed like you were one of the last ones to arrive, even though you were right on time. Suddenly, the door opened, and Eddie’s smiling face greeted you.
“You made it!” He said, ushering you inside. “Did you find my place okay?”
“Yeah, it was easy! You’re close to my house.” You said, walking into the trailer. Eddie shut the door behind you.
The trailer was homey – full of knick-knacks and memorabilia. Though the amount of stuff was overwhelming (in a good way), it was meticulously clean. You immediately felt at ease – almost at home.
The rest of Hellfire looked up at you in surprise. Eventually, Dustin smiled and stood up.
“Hey! I didn’t know you were coming!” He said, almost too excitedly. Immediately behind him, Mike rolled his eyes and Gareth, Jeff, and Dougie chuckled.
“Must have forgotten to mention it,” Eddie murmured quickly, guiding you to the couch, “Okay, who’s ready for the movie?!” He moved on quickly, shutting down any conversation Dustin was about to start. Dustin shot him a curious look and shrugged, heading to the kitchen.
“I’ll start to popcorn!” He called, opening the microwave.
You sat on the couch and Eddie immediately handed you a crocheted blanket. You looked at him, confused.
“The blanket…you know…to protect you from the big bad man on T.V…” He answered sheepishly, turning a light shade of scarlet. Your heart flipped at the recognition from the conversation you had a few days ago. Taking the blanket, you unfolded it and smiled.
“Oh, Eddie. Thanks. That’s so sweet.”
Eddie shrugged and sat down on the other side of the couch, leaving at least two people’s worth of space between you, “Yeah well, I couldn’t have you scared shitless your first time in my place.” He tried to wave it off like it was no big deal.
“So I’m assuming we’re watching a scary movie?”
“Not one, not two, but THREE scary movies!” Dougie said, holding up three fingers, “If you can handle it, that is.”
“Oh, she’ll be able to handle it,” Dustin said, coming back with a big bowl of popcorn. He sat next to you, offering the bowl, “Right, Brooke?”
You nodded, taking some popcorn. “I hope so.” You looked towards Eddie, only to find that he was already staring at you. When you made eye contact, he immediately looked away, fiddling with the remote in his hand. Your heart did a cartwheel, and you stifled a blush rising on your neck.
You certainly hoped so.  
Thank you all so much for reading! As always, comments, reblogs, and likes mean more than you know!
Taglist: @cosmicdanielle @sapphire4082
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foxymoxynoona · 3 months
Could you do a drabble for Amended where Jungkook & Bella are out with all of their kids having family time and suddenly run into his evil ex from school and she tries to make Bella feel insecure because she is salty🧂 but Jungkook puts her in her place since he regretted not defending Bella from her back then and this is the perfect opportunity to show her he is happy with his family 🙏🏼🥹 ❤️
I have not deleted any of these drabble requests! bet you thougth I'd forgotten but I have not! I just wait for the right moment and inspiration. I hope you enjoy this.
Story: Amended Length: 4321 words CW: language, some innuendo, fluff Timeline: June, Kai is almost 10 months old
“You didn’t have to come,” Jungkook said, hand on her lower back as the sliding doors opened to greet them. “Me and the kids could have handled it.”
“I want out of the house,” Isabella gritted out. “You didn’t have to come.” Jungkook gave her a look, not even bothering with that. No way was he going to let Isabella make a baby supply run by herself, not when he felt like it was his fault they’d run so low on everything in the first place. Usually he swung by the grocery store or Target on his way home from work to grab the diapers, wipes, baby food pouches, Desitin, replacement pacifiers or teething rings or more socks because Kai seemed to have been born with an anti-sock forcefield that made them evaporate within minutes of being put on, but Eomma and Isabella were determined he was going to wear grippy socks as he began toddling around the house. 
Lily sighed dramatically and dangled from the handle of the cart, “I’m boring.”
“You’re bored,” Ezra corrected, then amended, “Actually you’re pretty boring too.”
“Ezra,” Isabella warned.
“Ok guys, we can divide and conquer and get this over quickly,” Jungkook suggested. Isabella admired his pep, even if it was also grating right now. They were all staticky. In the past four weeks they’d passed head colds around twice, with Kai teething and not sleeping on top of it. How could he sleep when he had just discovered how to get to his feet and how much more trouble he could cause in that position? Isabella felt like she hadn’t let the house for anything except work in three weeks, and not even that in four days since she’d been the last –and hopefully the very last– round of the cold. 
Ezra sniffled and Isabella eyed him suspiciously. There better not be another round. It was June! The weather was finally starting to warm up, shouldn’t they be free of colds now? She was not sure that Jungkook was right that the warmer weather made cold viruses thaw out and be active… but she also hadn’t remembered to google it to disprove it yet…
“Kids,” Jungkook warned as Lily’s and Ezra’s bickering bubbled up. Isabella was better at tuning it out. They were all just so restless, and a trip to Baby Depot definitely wasn’t going to fix it, but maybe if they hurried it up here, they could do something fun. Like what? She had no fucking clue, but she’d think of it in the car. Was the ice cream place open yet? Playground? Kai was probably going to be ready for a nap by then though… 
“List?” Jungkook asked Isabella. “Break it out for us, who’s doing what.”
Isabella decided maybe Jungkook’s tactic was right here. Divide and conquer. So she divvied up the list: Ezra on unscented wipes and diapers, Lily on exactly three new baby books, Jungkook on a baby fence they could set up in the yard and maybe a ride on toy because Kai seemed jealous of Ezra and Lily riding their bikes in the driveway during the nicer weather, and Isabella would fill up on baby snacks and formula. Last time Jungkook and Ezra had made the choices and when she had pointed they seemed to have forgotten the beet-banana cereal puffs Kai liked, the two had responded simultaneously “Yuck.” 
Jungkook took Kai, Ezra took the cart, Lily dragged her feet as if she had the worst job in the world even though Isabella knew she’d probably forget herself reading all the baby books and they’d have to go fetch her. The brief silence of standing alone unnerved Isabella. How strange to be alone. 
She grabbed a basket and set out for the baby food aisle. Feeding Kai had been such a different experience from the very beginning, when she’d struggled and then given up on nursing. That had been hard to accept but ultimately it had removed such a major stressor from his babyhood, and made her realize just how much time she had spent stressed about it with Lily and Ezra, worried if they were getting enough, worried why they didn’t like the solid foods she tried to introduce later, worried if she was nursing them at the wrong times and that’s why they didn’t want to sleep through the night, worry if she was eating or drinking the wrong things for them to get secondhand through her milk. Damn it was nice that Jungkook could and did handle so many of the feedings. Nothing sexier than watching Jungkook bounce a baby in one arm and mix a bottle one-handed –except maybe watching him airplane Kai on his shoulder as they passed the end of Isabella’s aisle in search of their items. 
Bottles weren’t the end of Kai’s difference in food. His first solid food had been a dumpling stolen from Jungkook’s plate in a split second at just over five months. He’d quickly learned that grabbing fistfuls of rice was impossible for his parents to wrestle away. Beyond the Asian foods that were a diet staple so young, Isabella also had the time and money and energy to make finger foods for him alongside their meals. She’d about killed herself trying to get the same healthy diet for Ezra and Lily, but also been very reliant on the pouches she could get through food donation programs. Feeding Kai was more joy than stress, and the whole family got in on seeing how he would react to whatever food they had him try. The weirdo had a particular love for lemons –which had Jungkook demanding to know what happened, since he happened to hate lemons, as if Kai would just inherit his exact food tastes!
Smiling at all of this, Isabella perused the “quick” meals available –the little trays of cut up turkey and mashed potatoes and peas or macaroni and cheese they kept stocked for quick meals when they needed to be out the door for kids’ activities. She actually looked forward to that kind of busy again. Being stuck at home with sick kids, managing without a sick husband, or languishing with her own sickness knowing Jungkook was carrying more of the load solo had been frustrating, to say the least. Now it was back to normal, for a whole two weeks until the kids got out of school for the summer. Time moved so quickly.
Healthy healthy, we’re all healthy now, what’s good for immune support? She mused, chucking her selections into the basket until it grew heavy on her forearm. She still needed to get the formula too. What a great feeling. She had grown used to not having to count coins after years of living in what felt like luxury with Jungkook, but she wondered when the day would come that she stopped noticing that she wasn’t thinking about it. Would she ever truly take it for granted?
She heard the shriek of a baby and glanced over her shoulder as a toddler sprinted past –not hers. The little girl ran to her parent in another aisle, out of Isabella’s view and concern, but the glance trailed her vision across another woman in the aisle, heavily pregnant and staring right back at her.
“Isabella,” she greeted evenly.
“Jasmin,” Isabella returned, mirroring her tone. She looked casually back to the food, feeling prickles of displeasure along her scalp but not wanting to let Jasmin know she felt any which way about seeing her. Pregnant, huh? Isabella would admit only to herself she wasn’t thrilled to learn of any positive developments in Jasmin’s life. She didn’t want to be petty. Much. 
To her surprise, Jasmin followed up with, “How’s it going?”
“Good.” Isabella knocked a few more things into her basket before reciprocating, “How about you?”
Was there hesitation in Jasmin’s voice, or was she only waiting for Isabella to look at her before she rushed out, “Great. Things have been busy.” 
“I imagine so.” 
“I’m due in six weeks,” Jasmin volunteered and Isabella didn’t know whether to hide or convey her feelings of I could not care less and never want to see you again. Jasmin continued regardless, “I feel as big as a house! But Daniel says it didn’t go to my face, probably because of all the prenatal pilates I did.”
“I… didn’t know you did pilates,” Isabella said because of everything suddenly happening, that felt like the most surprising thing, even more so than Jasmin suddenly chatting her up with a tone that didn’t sound totally nice but also not totally bitchy. Obviously she was trying to brag, but Isabella was around a lot of pregnant women and that was pretty normal… oh geez, had she done that too?
“I have for years, since I moved to LA. Daniel wanted me to take a rest but I wasn’t about to let this baby ruin my body.”
Isabella couldn’t resist it, she shrugged and said, “I’ve had three and don’t feel ruined at all, but I can’t imagine the pressure you live under when that’s your thing. I’m glad you’ve found something to help–”
“I wouldn’t say it’s my thing– what do you mean by that?” Jasmin asked, head tilting. “Caring about the way I look?”
“Being fit and attractive and all that,” Isabella offered. She meant it as an insult but suspected it didn’t sound that way in her voice, but that Jasmin was likely looking for the insult anyway.
“Oh,” Jasmin laughed, “I guess my style has changed.” It was clearly Isabella’s cue to notice for real just how fully Jasmin’s style really had shifted. She’d come from money but made such an effort to be cool and anti-everything in high school. Isabella couldn’t recall what she’d worn the last time they ran into each other in the jewelry store. “I guess soon I’ll be dressing like you.”
Isabella heard it as an insult and felt her haunches raise as she resisted the urge to look down at her own outfit, as if Jasmin had any power to make her feel unworthy. So what, black leggings and a heather gray top from a six-month Stitch Fix subscription she’d let Mikayla talk her into might not be the height of fashion, but fuck off maybe?
“Because I am so fucking sick of maternity dresses,” Jasmin continued as if there hadn’t been an uncomfortable pause. “Even the tailored ones. It’s not about showing off my body, I just feel… I can’t believe you did this twice but it was probably easier since you were so young, hm?”
“Um… I’ve done it three times,” Isabella said again. “And…” She didn’t know how to respond to this because, try as she might, she couldn’t find anything mean in it. Jasmin just seemed to be…sharing? Maybe it was a little barbed but… definitely nothing compared to her old hostility.
“Three times?” Jasmin clarified. She glanced at the baby foods in Isabella’s basket, mouth open, before realizing, “Oh, you and… you had another one?”
“Wow. Three is– I can’t imagine. I’m definitely done after this. Daniel said he’d like two but he can be pregnant next time if he wants it so bad,” Jasmin said, and laughed and gave Isabella this look like you know what I mean? 
Isabella stumbled over her answer, “I think Jungkook would have liked more too but… three is good.”
“Three is great,” the very man said from behind her, shuffling noisily into the aisle with Kai supermanning on his shoulder and the awkward babygate in hand while he kicked a box ahead of him. “Hi,” he said breezily to Jasmin, then to Isabella, “I got the pink and purple little scooter thing for him instead of the red one since his bouncer was blue so he doesn’t get weird ideas about colors for boys or girls.”
“Oh. Great.” Isabella nodded. This was actually something they had agreed on before Kai was born, so she did not understand why he was clarifying that now. 
He set the babygate down and flipped Kai into his arms, their precious son squealing with deep belly giggles about it, exacerbated by Jungkook’s fingers tickling his belly.
“Wow. He’s cute,” Jasmin commented, watching every movement Jungkook and Kai made. Isabella would have loved to read her mind just then. Kai was really fucking cute, and so was Jungkook, and the two of them together were painfully cute to witness. Was Jasmin thinking how that could have been her? Wondering if having such a cute baby was the only reason Jungkook had gotten together with Isabella? Wishing her husband could compare in any way to Jungkook (Isabella was sure he could not)? 
Or was she simply seeing her future, when the baby in her own belly would be out in the world and giggling upside down playing with his dad?
“He is,” Isabella belatedly added. “We lucked out, each kid was just so much better than I imagined. Everything worked out so well.”
Jasmin flipped her hair over her shoulder and agreed, “Daniel always says that, how you know it’s not the end until things have worked out.”
“Daniel is her husband,” Isabella explained to Jungkook.
“Well, fiance,” Jasmin said and flapped her hand with a honking big ring on it, as if she both wanted them to see and not see. “I didn’t want to be pregnant at the wedding and have guests thinking that’s why we got married, so we’ll do it in Bali next year.”
“Oh, that’s a big trip with a baby,” Jungkook mused. “We didn’t take the kids to Korea until they were older, now Kai will have to wait for a bit. I think he’d drive us nuts on the plane, he wants to move all the time.”
“Maybe you can fly private,” Isabella suggested, not sure what else to say. She trained her gaze on Kai, wishing she could just scoop her son up and skip away from this awkward conversation. 
Jasmin laughed, “Ok, Daniel is a C.O.O. but we aren’t that rich. Maybe in a few years. He’s been so successful and now he and my dad are thinking about a joint venture together. It’s… you know, work stuff,” she said with a grin. “I won’t explain venture capital.”
It must be a jab, and yet Jungkook didn’t seem to feel it, just agreed, “Good, I don’t have the brain cells to spare because apparently I have more kiddie books to memorize– Lily, that is way more than three,” he called as Lily shuffled down the aisle, at least eight books stacked precariously in her arms. 
“Yeah I know but I can’t decide if Kai needs to learn colors or numbers or letters or shapes first and those books are cute but kind of boring, so I think we should get him these ones about bugs and sharks too.”
Jungkook clicked his tongue and flipped Kai again and then gave Isabella a playful look, lips pursed until he asked, “What do you think, Mom, it’s a good point.” 
“We already have so many books,” Isabella reminded him.
“Yeah but maybe if I’d read more, I wouldn’t have done so much dumb shit as a teenager,” he pointed out. 
“I don’t think literacy was your problem,” Isabella countered.
Jungkook laughed and in a surprising twist, asked Jasmin, “What do you think?” 
Jasmin could not have looked more flustered. Isabella couldn’t understand what was going through her head at all right now as she looked between the four of them and stammered out, 
“I think… that… reading is good. Maybe I should have read more too.”
Lily shuffled through the books in her arms, then handed over a board book with the suggestion, “Here you go, you should get this for your baby. It’s a good one. I already read it.”
“Oh. I guess… ok…” Jasmin glanced at the cover of the book but mostly at Lily, probably trying to figure out whether Jungkook was actually her biological dad or not. Lily always thought it was funny when people thought he was and didn’t bother to correct them because why bother? She loved mysteries and unknowns.
“Why did you pick that one up, we already have that one,” Jungkook realized. 
“I was too lazy to put it back.”
Kai mirrored Jungkook’s laughter, and Isabella too rolled her eyes and snickered and didn’t stop Lily as she wedged the books into the basket on her arm. All of them
“Where’s Ezra with the cart?” Isabella wondered. Being on edge near Jasmin was wearing her out and she was ready to be gone from this confusing encounter. Was she paranoid or did the way Jasmin kept looking between them mean something? It wasn’t bad, but that made it even more alarming. Jasmin was not behaving like she should.
“Ezra!” Jungkook called. Kai’s eyes went wide, then he laughed and let out a loud babble, clearly trying to mimic the yell. 
“Appa!” Ezra called back from a few aisles over.
“You must all be very… busy,” Jasmin said. Kai suddenly decided he wanted Isabella to hold him and tried to leap from Jungkook’s arms, but in doing so saw Lily and decided he wanted his sister to hold him instead.
“Don’t set him down,” Isabella warned, “He’ll take off.”
“He started walking early,” Jungkook explained to Jasmin. “You’ll think they’re terrors once they start crawling because they’re so damn fast, but just wait.”
“Thanks, I’ll remember that…” She trailed off as Ezra appeared with the cart at the far end of the aisle, lanky frame riding the footbar as he pushed it along. 
“They didn’t have the wipes we usually get so I got a different kind,” he announced. “They’re still unscented though. Kai-Kai, do you want to ride in the cart?” Ezra asked, hunching down in front of his little brother wedged in Lily’s arms.
In the moment of watching her kids –and checking the label to make sure the wipes were genuinely unscented so as not to aggravate Kai’s skin or cause Jungkook to whine about the overpowering scent– she started as Jungkook’s hand slid up her back on his way to grab the basket of baby food and books she’d set on the floor
“Is that everything? Can we get out of here? Monkeybars are calling my name,” Jungkook announced as he set the basket in the cart.
“Noooo,” Lily whined.
“Look, I’m sorry that you still can’t beat me in a monkeybar race. Get good,” Jungkook teased.
“Daaaad,” Lily scowled and punched his arm playfully.
“What did I tell you, thumbs out,” he corrected, but her thumbs were out and she used them to give him two thumbs down and stick her tongue out. “Yeah I’m leaving you in the monkeybar dust.”
Through all this Jasmin just watched, until Isabella joked, “Something for you and Daniel to look forward to.”
“I don’t know yet if we’re having a boy or a girl,” she said. “I want it to be a surprise.”
“Either one is good, and they’ll surprise you either way.”
Lily set Kai down, exactly as she had been told not to do. Kai took his little uncertain toddling steps away –not even that fast, but Lily and Ezra playfully pretended like he was zooming full speed, slow-running after him and shouting, “Catch that baby!” Kai clearly thought he was really hauling ass and getting away with something.
Jungkook’s hand slid around Isabella’s waist, a firm but subtle hold as he stared after the kids, a bright smile on his face. Isabella appreciated the touch but also felt embarrassed for Jasmin to see it, ike she might think this was a performance for her. It might be, but it also wasn’t. Jungkook was a handsy guy.
If Jasmin noticed the hand, she didn’t show it, just agreed, “Yes. It’s going to be great.” Isabella found herself hoping that was sincere, that Jasmin felt that way about her life, and Daniel, and this baby she had on the way which may or may not have been planned. She certainly wasn’t going to ask. She of all people knew the planning didn’t dictate the love and joy that came afterwards, and that life had a way of surprising you with the absolute worst but also, sometimes, the absolute best. Maybe Jasmin would wind up being a good mom, the way Jungkook and Isabella had wound up being pretty good parents too. 
Jungkook pulled away to wedge the gate and scooter into the cart, before saying to Jasmin,
“Well, good luck and congratulations. We’ve got to get these kids some ice cream and to a playground.”
“Wait, why the ice cream?” Isabella caught, because that had not been part of the plan.
He dropped his voice lower and leaned in and whined, “Because I want some, it’s finally warm enough outside it won’t give me brain freeze.”
“That’s not how brain freeze works,” she laughed.
“Bellaaaa, buy us ice cream.”
“Yeah yeah, go,” she laughed, “Push the cart, Muscles.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
Isabella paused, turning back to Jasmin, belatedly considering that she hadn’t been thinking or feeling anything at all about Jasmin for the last few minutes, really. The thing she’d feared, the jab she had waited for, didn’t come. It was like running into anyone else from high school in the store: a little awkward but inoffensive. 
If Jungkook was making a point right now, he’d done it exactly right, by being playful and casual. This was exactly what Isabella would have wanted Jasmin to see, their family close and loving and happy. It didn’t feel like an act because it wasn’t. Jasmin could see that, she must. Maybe she was jealous or maybe she was just as happy with her C.O.O. fiance and Bali wedding and baby on the way, but Isabella found she just… didn’t really care. Jasmin’s life or feelings had no bearing on her at all. She didn’t even feel the need for any kind of revenge, or confirmation that Jasmin’s life was worse or anything like that. It didn’t matter. Jasmin didn’t need to fail for Isabella to know that her life had taken a major winning turn. She had no envy for anyone. She had exactly what she wanted.
“I hope things go well for you. New babies can be hard but just remember it gets better every week. I’m sure you’ll do great.”
“I know that,” Jasmin said, maybe a little snippy. Isabella snorted. Ok, still a bitch maybe? “Anyway. Have fun with your ice cream.”
“Oh, we do,” Isabella assured her, then strolled off before realizing it might have sounded a little more coy than she really meant it. Uh well, whatever! If Jasmin thought she and Jungkook got freaky with ice cream, so be it. She took the last few steps in the aisle at a faster pace and jumped into Jungkook’s back just before he’d disappeared from view of the aisle. His response was to reach back and smack her on the ass loudly. 
“Hey yourself, I thought we had a family rule about jumping on people without warning,” he reminded, which they did, and everyone in the family sucked at it. Kids and over-energetic husbands would be themselves, so why couldn’t she get away with it too?
“No that way, that way Kai!” the kids cheered, herding Kai towards the cash registers at the front. Isabella rested her chin on top of Jungkook’s head and squeezed his shoulders before sliding off. Rather than let her go, he threw his arm around her shoulder and pulled her into his side.
“You ok?” he asked.
“I’m very ok.”
“I didn’t know how to handle it,” he admitted. “Never expected to run into her here. I can’t imagine her as a mom.”
“Well… people probably said that about me too,” Isabella pointed out. “Maybe it changes her for the better. She wasn’t as bitchy as she used to be.”
“Was she being… nice?” he asked, incredulous.
“Maybe? I don’t know. And I weirdly… don’t care. I mean, it was fucking high school.”
He kissed her temple and whispered, “Yeah, but I’m still sorry.”
“It’s been one hell of an apology,” she whispered back. 
“Want me to say it again tonight?” he whispered again. “Down… there?” He wiggled his eyebrows.
“No. ‘I’m sorry’ is too short. Maybe…all these books you’ve been memorizing?”
“Fuck, I’ll be down there all night!”
“Hm,” she grinned. “Hm,” she said again, and giggled and dove ahead as he swatted at her ass, off to scoop up Kai before he pulled down a rack of toddler sunglasses because Ezra and Lily were distracted by someone’s small dog they’d brought into the store.
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theunhingedcowboy · 1 month
A List of things that happened at Collision and ROH taping from this weekend.
First of all getting to be in the environment that has been created at the e-sports from this residency is phenomenal and I hope that it will happen again in the future.
Getting seats four rows back from the ring and we were still so close (that will change I'll explain) and getting to go with both my dad and cousin was so much fun
FINALLY getting to see Darby wrestle in person was amazing
The bull rope match was fucking brutal and the TV broadcast did not do it justice the crowd was so fucking over for Rosa it was awesome
So right in front of us about 30 minutes into the show there was a row of 8 seats that were empty right at the barricade and no one had shown up. So my cousin may have taken initiative and got up to the seats and by the Rush and Vance match we were all up front and no one said anything
My cousin saying to Turbo of the Outrunners that "he was like Hogan without the racism and an actual 10 incher" which Turbo totally popped for
Rush and Vance match was so much fun. Getting on tv for most of that match and me cackling like a psychopath made it loud and clear on the broadcast
Me screaming like a lunatic during swerves's match and afterward the cameraman came over to film me (thank God that didn't make the broadcast)
Swerve v Ishii was so fucking awesome
Heart eyes at Stat
Me handing my dad $10 when Christian walked out in the turtleneck ref sweater
Getting to see HoB so close was so fucking awesome
Juice being the chaos junkie that he is
Shayna talking shit to my cousin and then blowing him a kiss after beating up BBG and HOB
Flipping off the patriarchy
RoH Taping
Having beef with the premier athletes
Abadon, my beloved
Getting to see Sammy wrestle was also a lot of fun
Mina, my beloved
Toa mean mugging me when I did the claw for the von erichs
My cousin cheered on Cage of Agony only to accidentally drop his phone over the barricade and Cage to look at him and call him an idiot even though he wanted Cage to win
My cousin continues his years long beef with Matt Taven and Taven shouting at him "you don't have a wiener"
The Von Erichs and Sammy came over to sign my little autograph book, Sammy was so nice and it was so nice to see the Von Erichs again since I met them last year
This was the next day continuing ROH tapings
Tony coming out to say that someone wanted to say hi to the kids and me fully believing that it was gonna be Mortos until Hologram came out
I love Lance Archer. The guy in front of us had a bunch of signs and one of them saying "The murderhawk just needs a hug" and Lance coming over like he was going to give a hug only to rip up the sign
Watching Ari get beat up by Ishii made my day
Cheering so loud for Rocky Romero and him noticing me and giving me a wink (can confirm I am dead)
8 man tag match between Sammy, Dustin, and the Von Erichs v Dark Order and Undisputed Kingdom, once again keeping up the beef and telling the dark order they can do so much better than undisputed kingdom
When Harley Cameron came out and I told my dad to "get his girl"
Queen Aminata is one of the best female wrestlers right now I genuinely love her so much she is so cool
The Righteous reminding me in person that Vincent looks almost exactly like a friend of mine but with dreads
Taya v Mina was fun
Watching the Premiere Athletes at least 8 times over the course of 48 hours and continuing to make sure that we have beef
Also after the match my cousin and I were booing Tony Neese and he tried to get security to kick us out and my cousin blew Tony a kiss
Getting to see Briscoe wrestle this close was so cool and Mortos is so fucking over I love it.
And that concludes my weekend I will make another post like this next week cause I am going back to collision for the final show. This was the most fun I have had all year and something that I really hope AEW does again in the future
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My problem with Mal Bertha from Disney Descendants
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I know that probably nobody is gonna read this but idc.
I think enough time has pass, so it's time to have this conversation. Mal is the worst character from all the franchise (ik this might upset some people since she is the protagonist but she's is a horrible person and that has to be acknowledged)
This is going to be based in the movies, books and the mini series
Also I want to make clear that this is not against Dove Cameron(that's gonna be for another post) . With that being said let's start.
1) She's a bully
This is the most obvious reason and it makes me mad that she got away with it.
During the book and movies she bullied Evie, Carlos, Uma, Mad Maddy and Jane
in the first book she basically ruined Evie's life just because The Evil Queen didn't invite her to Evie's sixth birthday. First made her mother (Maleficent) put under home arrest Evie and her mom for literally 10 years and when the girl finally get the courage to get out of her house thinking that everything is forgotten, Mal tried to killed her multiple times
Mal literally locked Evie in Cruella's closed during Carlos's party knowing that they were traps in there and she could have been extremely injured (that was actually her plan but luckily Carlos saved Evie)
And that's not even the worst, because Mal was also planing on using Evie to get Maleficent's scepter back by letting her grab the scepter and get the same curse that maleficent gave to Aurora (fall sleep for 100 years).
And mentioning Carlos's party I need to add that kinda threatened him to make the party just so she could have her "revenge". It's important also to mention that Carlos didn't wanted to make the party because that would have caused him problems with his mom.
And the worst about this is that they both ending being her friends like nothing happened and being Mal's minions for the rest of their lifes
And some people in the fandom dare to call Evie "a bad friend" In the last to movies just because she stand up to Mal.
Maddy and Uma are kind of the same but in different ways
Because Mal was bestfriends with both but then betrayed them and humiliated then like the Judas she is.
(But Evie is the bad friend?)
With Maddy she literally threw lye on her, completely ruining her hair, forcing her to change her hair from purple to aqua green just because Mal felt like she should be the only purple hair girl on the Isle.
As I said Uma was a similar case because Mal also ruined her hair by throwing a bucket of shrimps on her, leaving the stink on her hair forever and then maked fun of her because of that calling her "shrimpy"
Jane was an insecure girl with no friends that was constantly bullied for her looks and Mal literally used that in her favor, manipulating her by using every single one of her insecurities against her.
And at the end she just had to say "I'm sorry" and everything was forgotten and she literally received no consequences. (And in some cases like Maddy and Uma' s she didn't even apologize)
And to finish this point I just want to mention that she was abusive to Ben and ALL AURADON KNEW IT, because Audrey in "Audrey's royal return mentions Mal's two attempts at spelling Ben. The first one is understandable to think that she knew that something was wrong with Ben and that she probably drugged him (which she did)
But how did she knew about the second one?
The only answer is that someone must have tell her about that and also that Mal run away to the isle opening the barrier and putting Auradon in danger and also causing Ben's (The king) kidnap
which mean that probably everyone in the kingdom knew about it AND DID NOTHING, not even Ben's parents, like why do you let your son get married with someone who is constantly putting him in danger?
And talking about the wedding and Mal being a bully just imagine the reaction of all of those children when they saw that their bully was gonna be their Queen. Life sucks!
2) she's a liar/ manipulator that victimize herself
If I could describe Mal in one word would be selfish because most of the time she only thinks about herself and what would be the best for her not minding if she affects others in the way.
I already mentioned how she manipulated Jane in the first movie
But now let's talk about the second movie
Basically this whole movie was her playing the victim when everything was technically her fault
Ben calling her out by ILLEGALLY using her magic and then her victimizing herself by playing the Jughead Jones "I don't fit in" card
Her running away indirectly causing Ben's kidnap and Uma's scape
Literally if she had just talk to Ben about how she felt instead of lying and using her magic to make everything easier for her, everything could have been avoided.
The third movie is when Mal selfishness and manipulative behavior is more noticeable
Let's star with Audrey becoming the villian in consequence for Mal giving Ben the love potion causing Ben not only dumping Audrey but also humiliating her in from of the whole school, so I'm sorry but she had every right to be mad at Mal.
Then, her wanting to close the barrier forever leaving all that innocent children to die in hunger and poverty just because she didn't wanna risk her perfect life in Auradon is just pure selfishness. Literally everyone else in the room thought that was a drastic solution.
To make it even worse she just lied to everyone for the rest of the movie.
She lied to Evie saying that was theirs idea and later when she gets caught she just plays the victim once again by saying she didn't have a choice and also confirming her selfishness by saying "I did it for us" NOT THE KINGDOM and even Evie's says that she did it for herself.
And do not forget how she lied to Uma, Harry and Gil by promising them that she was going to take all of the children from the isle to Auradon (even though she knew that that was never gonna happen) only for make them help her to defeat Audrey.
And in my opinion destroying the barrier was she stupidest decision ever made. The villains will try to get revenge.
But this is just my opinion.
Next I will be writing about my problem with the saga in general and I'll try to fix it. Follow me if you want to read it
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To Be Loved | To Be Alone With You
Luke Hughes x Austen Kelce
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"Luke? What are you doing at my brother's front door?"
He stands there, curls I love so much hidden under a devils hat and sweats on, a tote bag I had left in Jersey on his shoulder.
"Wow, act like you miss me a little less, yeah?" He retorts, albeit jokingly as his brows raise.
"You know that's not what I meant," I remind, brows still as furrowed as before. "Don't you have a game tomorrow?"
"It's at home, which is all of an hour and a half from here," Is his returned reasoning this time.
"And the reason you're at my brother's door is? I remember telling you I offered to babysit for Jason and Kylie weeks ago when you asked about Valentine's day plans?"
"And I called him up and told him that he was more than welcome to help you watch the girls, given they're all already in bed and you're going to be all by your lonesome," my sister-in-law chimes, coming up behind me and wrapping her arms around my neck in a hug. "I wasn't going to let you spend your first Valentine's day together apart when the kid lives in Jersey."
I can't help but look between Lu and Ky, Luke looking hesitant in her presence as he holds my tote out to me in offering.
"I brought your favorite takeout from the joint in jersey we can warm up, matching pajama bottoms and my red Devs hoodie you always steal," He seems to feel the need to explain. "And I brought you three of those "Blind Date with a Book" things you were showing me at the book store last month. I figured you'd enjoy them."
"I hate you," I can't help but mumble, the tears in my eyes causing him to step forward and wrap me in his arms, eyes wide as they make contact with Ky.
"Don't worry, Kid. It means she loves you," Jason's voice is the next to join the conversation, coming up beside his wife. "Now, ground rules. No kissing, no touching, no naked touching, nothing rated more than G on the TV-"
"And that's enough out of him," Ky hushes Jas, putting a hand over his mouth. "You can ignore everything he just said, I trust you guys to not do something stupid," She assures as Lu and I chuckle at the behavior I wish I could say is unusual for my brothers. "We're going to go, call us if you need anything."
"We won't, have fun tonight," I assure, Luke shifting us out of the older couple's way to allow them to leave.
"I'm serious! If you make me an uncle in my own home I'm calling Trav and we're killing you, Hughes," Jason threats, the words ringing as Ky shoves him down the front walk, Luke nodding in a wordless answer as they go, Ky only shooting us a smile before shutting the door behind them.
"You drove all the way here and packed us dinner, just because I was busy?" I can't help but ask, turning in his arms and craning my neck.
"I'd drive any distance to get to see you," He answers, cupping my cheeks with large hands and giving me a kiss. "Now, I'm going to go put dinner in the oven to warm up, you want to go change and we can reconvene in 10 in front of the tv?"
All I can do is smile and nod, stealing the pjs and hoodie he brought me from the bag with dinner and all and handing the bag back to his waiting hand.
One more peck and a promise to meet me in the living room sends me off, and he fulfills his promise when I see him sat behind the coffee table, dinner in front of him while he clicks through the tv for a movie.
"Tadah!" I exclaim, throwing my hands up as I move into his view, his hoodie sleeves pooling at my elbows due to their length.
Red plaid pj pants that I can see he's in his own pair of, the red hoodie matching exactly in a way that makes my head happy.
"You look gorgeous, Baby," He compliments, waving me over to his side, and tucking me into it and kissing the top of my head.
"Thank you for driving here," I mumble, enjoying his warmth.
"We'll have to thank Kylie when she gets home, she's the one who called me up," A shy smile taking over at the admittance.
"God, what did my brother do to deserve her."
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Costume Party
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Steven x Reader
Summary: You and Steven go to a party held by one of your friends as Milo and Kida.
Warnings: none. Pure Fluff.
When Gwen had called you last week, asking you to come to come to a costume party, you were going to say no. Parties weren't really your thing, let alone costume parties.
You tried to remember the last time you had dressed up at all, and that had been world book say when you were 10 years old. Not that you thought there was anything wrong with cosplaying as an adult, you just never had any reason to do it.
"Come on Y/N please. You can bring Steven with you. It's a couples thing. Well. Kinda. Well, not really. You can come alone, but I'm telling everyone who's not single to have their outfit match their partners. I'll even help you make your costume."
You sighed, looking over at Steven who was hunched over his desk. You weren't sure how he would react, if he'd ever even been to a party before.
"OK. But I'm only going if he goes."
"Yes!" Gwen cried " thank you, thank you, thank you. I'll text you the details, it's happening at Arthur's house. Arthur was your Gwen's boyfriend. You'd met him on occasion, and he seemed alright. She certainly seemed happy, at least.
"Wait. Who are you and him going as?"
"Well, it's kinda cliché but Robin Hood and Maid Marian."
"Not cliché. Cute.:
"Yeah, it was his idea, actually. Most people would expect him to go as King Arthur cause his name's Arthur, but he wanted to surprise people, and we couldn't think of anything else, lol."
After you finished talking to Gwen, you placed your phone down on the table and headed over to Steven, who sat hunched over on his desk, carefully highlighting pages of his books. He was currently in the first year of his PhD, while working another job at another museum, so he was a little busy. Often, you guys didn't see each other till late at night when he curled up beside you in bed, and you snuggled into his warm body
As if he could sense your prescence he looked up with a smile
"Hello love."
You felt your heart lift at his warmness, stepping forward, and Steven instinctively pulled you in, wrapping an arm around your waist, his head resting on your abdomen, and you played with his curls.
"What's up?"
"Nothing just....Gwen invited us to a party."
"Hmm." He mused, trying to remember her. "Work friend, black hair-
"In a bob, yeah."
"Mm." Steven replied, using his thumb to stroke your hip, and you blushed.
"I said I'd ask you first. You wanna go? I know how sometimes these things can be overwhelming for you, so it's up to you. We don't have to. I won't be disappointed or anything if you don't in fact we can-
"I'd love to go with you, Y/N." Steven almost blurted out. He knew sometimes his eagerness could be a little off-putting, especially when he was talking about Egypt, something he loved wholeheartedly. "That is, only if you want to, love." He looked up at you, a warm smile on yourface
"I'd love to go, only with you." You kissed his head of curls and Steven could feel the warmth spreading throughout his body, "Only thing is though, its a costume party."
Steven paused for a moment as you sat down on the desk
"Who would we go as?" He asked, now holding your hand.
"I don't know..."
"Maybe those geologists or whatever from Jurassic Park."
"Ellie Sattler and Alan Grant? Nah, someone else's taken them. So far, I think there are The flintstones, simpsons, pirates of the carribean couple, oh, and Mario and Princess Peach.
"Yeah just a bit of fun to be honest."
"Whose Gwen and Sam going as?"
"Maid Marian and Robin Hood."
Steven paused before spotting your dvd on the table in front of the TV.
"What about them?"
You picked up your old copy of Atlantis you had gotten as a child, going to sit back on his desk.
"Milo and Kida? You think I could pull her off?"
"I think you'd look ho-
Steven laughed as you raised an eyebrow. The blush was spreading on his face and it was hard not to smirk
"You look...amazing...in anything...Y/N." He turned back to his work, clearing his throat."When's the Party?"
"This coming Friday. Are you sure you can make it? You can spare some time? I can go alone if you can't, or just cancel."
Steven stood up, stretching and giving your forehead a kiss
"Wouldn't dream of missing it. And there's always time for you." He kissed your forehead again.
Now it was Thursday night, and you sat on the floor in Gwen's room, a mannequin out in front of you, and carefully cut fabric on the floor. You had requested the skirt to be floor length, only cause it got bloody cold and it was still winter. You'd gotten golden earrings, an amulet necklace, and an arm band, along with a white wig. Kida walked barefoot, but in London, that wasn't exactly advised, so you got some gold sandals. Lying there, the fabric looked so beautiful.
You were worried you were going to ruin it just by wearing it. Body image had never been something you had the best relationship with, and so coming to this place was way out of your comfort zone. Especially weemaring an outfit like Kida's.
Gwen had just measured you and cut the material, and now you were just sitting on the living room floor, watching a movie, eating popcorn and talking about work and other things. It was about 9 o'clock when you finally finished the outfit (you had lost a lot of time movie watching) and she made you try it on, wig and all.
Before you stepped out of the bathroom, you were coming up with excuses in your head, so you didn't have to show her. The dress didn't fit right, the wig was a little stuffy. To be honest, you thought you would look terrible, that's why you didn't look at yourself before you stepped out.
Gwen wolf-whistled when you came out
"Shit, Y/N you look hot. I wish I was Steven."
You blushed, "shut up."
"No but seriously, you do look really hot. Spin around for me."
You did so
"And the dress fits perfect. Eat shit Mrs Zimmer."
"Whose Mrs Zimmer?"
"My design and textiles teacher who used to tell me I was crap at this sort of stuff. Heck, Y/N you look damn good. I really should have pursued a career in fashion."
After you got changed back into your regular clothes, I was a little more confident for when Steven would see you tomorrow. Marc was fronting when you got back into the shared flat.
"Hey baby."
"Hey Marc."
"Is that your costume?" You blushed. You had tried to cover it up in your bag, still a little unsure of whether they would like it on you, but your bag was still open from when you gotten your keys.
"Yeah." You said hurrying towards your wardrobe
"Can I see it?" You shoved it inside.
"Why not?"
"Cause," you blushed, a grin on your face. "You'll see it tomorrow."
You stuffed it in the back of your wardrobe. When the morning came, you said goodbye to Steven and headed over to work. Gwen seemed very excited, and everyone at work wished he happy birthday, but your heart pounded in your throat all day. Even though you tried to act like you were happy for her. And you were. But you were also nervous. What if Steven and the boys hated it?
You pushed the thought away as you entered your flat, holding a bag of cans of fizzy drinks/soda. Steven came and met you at the door, already in full Milo cute. If it was possible, he looked even more cute and handsome (at the same time).
You grinned at him as he kissed your cheek and took the drinks you'd bought on Gwen's request.
"You look really, handsome Stevie."
"Thanks." He rubbed his arm a little. "I got this stuff thrifted, and I already had a ton of old looking notebooks, though." He explained before casting a grin."Where's your?"
"Oh uh, in the cupboard. I think I'll change later though." You smiled, trying to stall as much as possible "right before we leave."'
He nodded, and you felt the room was suddenly too hot even though it was the middle of winter. You opened a couple of windows, trying to calm yourself and dreading for whem he and the others would see you.
So, that's how you ended up hiding out in the bathroom before you were due to leave. You were in full Kida mode, and the skirt still hugged you the way it did before, but you still didn't know. Surmounting all your strength you finally looked up. Everything looked wrong on you, so wrong you wanted the ground to swallow you hope. You were gearing up to tell Steven you didn't want to go anymore when you heard a knock on the door
"Love," he said, opening the door "just letting you know that-
"don't open it!" You jumped but it was too late. He had already seen you. You wanted to run into bed and huddle up in the covers.
Steven stood their breathless, mesmerised. The blue was great against your skin tone, the dress long and flowing. Your eyes sparkled, glowing almost, the dress hugging your figure perfectly. Steven could've sworn that moment he first saw you lasted forever. He spent forever getting lost in your waters before submerging again
"Steven?" He blinked as you rubbed your arm sheepishly. Your call had brought him back to reality.
"Oh yeah." He shook his head and stepped forward, laying both of his hands over your arms. "Y/N. You look beautiful. Really. You do."
He lifted your chin up and kissed you deeply.
"Bloody Brilliant babes. " He winked at the end, and you could feel your insides melt.
The headspace certainly thought that too.
Jake wolf-whistled, 'Mierda, debería vestirse así más a menudo'
'Damn. You're one lucky guy, Steven. Wish I was fronting tonight.' Marc added
When you finally had gotten there, the music was already pumping. Steven held your hand tight as you walked up to Gwen's front door and rang it. As if she was waiting there, Gwen answered the door immediately, excited and slightly tipsy
"Hey, hey Steven. Hey Y/N! You brought the drinks!"
Arthur came over to say hi as well, shaking Steven's hand and giving you a hug. You gave one to Gwen as well, and she took the drinks from you before ushering you inside with a wave of her hand.
"Drinks are on that table, food and shit on the other. Dump your stuff in my room," She handed a key "remember to lock it. Don't want any strays in there."
You hadn't brought much, expect a few essential items in your brought handbag. Steven came with you upstairs to make sure the door was locked (he said it was Marc's paranoia) but once you were done, he pulled you in by the waist, before moving the locks out of your face, and kissing you softly, then harder, and you did too. Even though you had spent the evening with him, every time you kissed it, it felt like you hadn't seen him in ages. Like you needed him.
You finally pulled away, when you felt like you were losing your breath, staring into Steven's eyes.
"I have to go to the bathroom." You pecked him on the cheeks."See you downstairs."
He nodded
"I'll get you a drink."
You headed over to bathroom, freshened up and then went back downstairs, looking for him. More people had arrived, and it was hard to see him over the masses. The music was pumping, and people were either dancing or huddled together talking. You decided to brave the crowd and go looking for Steven on foot, but before you could make it across the room, Gwen called your name.
"Oh Y/N! This is ny cousin Sam. Came as King Arthur. See if you can find him a woman to talk too. Bye!"
She waved goodbye and disappeared into the crowd again so quickly you had wondered whether she had ever been there
Sam laughed a little awkwardly
"I have to apologise for my cousin's behaviour. I went through a rough breakup a couple months ago and she's been trying to set me up ever since."
You smiled. "It's ok. Gwen likes to play matchmaker. She's still convinced she introduced me to my boyfriend, yet I'd met him before."
You hadn't told Gwen about the DID. You'd met Marc first, then Steven, and then finally Jake. It'd been a long time coming getting Marc to open up about his DID, and you didn't feel like it was your place to tell people without his or the other altars permission.
Sam rolled his eyes, releasing a pent up laug
"Yeah that sounds like her. She's trying to set me up. Said she invited a lot of sexy women for me to pick from."
You laughed
"OK she is definitely drunk."
"Very." Sam laughed, and your eyes scanned over his costume
"You're Arthur."
"What? Sorry."
"Arthur. You're King Arthur."
He blinked as his expression changed from confused to realising.
"Oh shit. Oh yeah." He laughed again
"You're just missing a Guinevere."
Sam smiled, before looking back at you.
"Honestly, I was hoping to find her tonight."
You moved to say something "Well maybe I can help, I've got a-
"Wait. Hold on. Sorry." He leaned closer to you."It's just, I wanna give you my full attention, and I can't see you properly if it's like this."
He moved a strand of white hair away from your cheek.
You stepped back a little, a blush rising in your cheeks, surprised and nervous at how forward his action was. A part of you sighed in relief once you had spotted Steven walking towards you.
Steven had been watching the whole exchange, drinking from a bottle of beer. He didn't even like beer. That was more of Marc's thing, but he kept drinking it either way. It wasn't that he didn't trust you was that he didn't trust the guy right next to you.
'Whose that guy?' Marc asked
'I don't know Marc. Friend of Gwen's maybe. She seems to know him.'
'Well, he's getting a little close.'
'De acuerdo. Si él la toca solo sabe, voy a patearle el trasero.'
'Jake, they're hardly kissing.' Steven chuckled, though his own insecurity was running high. He took another swig of beer. 'Besides, Y/N's not like that. She wouldn't cheat.'
'We know that, but it's not like this guy wouldn't try something.'
Steven didn't reply, instead choosing to watch, a little riled up.
He watched at how Sam seemed to make you laugh with every word that came out of your mouth and the bright smile that seemed to grace your features when you were talking to him. He even watched as Sam moved a piece of hair away from your face, something only he and the boys did.
Jake swore very loudly.
'El cabrón. Te dije que este tipo era un problema'
'Go get him, Steven.' Marc said, though the former had already started walking towards you.
You noticed Steven coming up to you and smiled at him, though he didn't see it, instead slipping an arm around your waist, pulling you into him. You blushed.
"This is my boyfriend Steven." He shook Sam's hand a little too tightly before placing his back on your waist. A silent reminder that you belonged to someone else
"Sam, yeah? He took a swig of his beer. "So what'd you do for a living? Make a lot of money."
"Steven." You raised your eyebrows a little, and Steven took another gulp of his drink
Sam laughed "No it's alright. In just a software engineer. I make money to live on, but not as much as I'd like, you know?"
You nodded eagerly, and Steven wondered if you cared more about what Sam said than he did. You never seemed this eager whenever he told you about his interests. He wondered if he had been this blind all along. Of course you didn't care Egypt, people never cared about what he was into.
"Well, I better go find Gwen. See you around Y/N. Steven." Sam waved himself off.
'Good job Steven you scared him off.'
'Sí, nadie se lleva a nuestra chica.'
You turned towards him and smiled, though he looked away. Even though you hadn't done anything wrong, his actions made you feel a little guilty.
"Steven? Steven?"
"I just remembered, I've got some coursework to do. I'll see you at home, Y/N." He started moving to the front door.
"Wait, Steven. What's going on? I thought you were having a good time."
"Well, I'm not anymore."
"What? Why?"
He sighed, turning back around to face you.
"Y/N, come on, don't play dumb with me. He was flirting with you." He paused. "And you didn't exactly seem like you hated it."
"What? Steven, come on. Why would I enjoy him flirting with me?
"I don't know, you tell me." Those words stung a little, and you could feel yourself getting more pissed off. "You were the one flirting back."
"Flirting back? What do you mean flirting back?!"
"You were laughing, and whispering to him. I saw you. Then you let him touch you."
"I didn't let him do anything. I was about to tell him I had a boyfriend again, then you came up.
"Were you really? Looked like you were gonna exchange numbers to me."
"Steven." You stepped in closer to him, the strong scent of beer hitting your nostrils. "Baby, are you drunk? I promise you it wasn't like that. Don't you trust me?" You reached for him, and he pushed you hand away.
"No." He answered a little too quickly. "How can I trust a flirt?"
He turned back around to see your eyes brimming with tears, and reality suddenly hit him again.
"Oh shit, Y/N. Love, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to-
You turned from him, and ran upstairs. There were people going into the room to dump their stuff so you took that as an opportunity to grab yours.
You walked past Steven.
"Y/N. Love, wait. You're right. I am drunk."
"Walk yourself home tonight, Grant."
'Nice going, Steven.'
He followed you out to the car.
"Y/N. Love. Wait. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it-
"Then why did you say it, Steven?!" You were still angry, but he could see the tears rolling down your cheeks "I love you all more than anything. Why would you say something like that?"
"I just didn't like it when..." he trails off at the end "When he touched you. It was our thing. And, you seemed so much more happy with him then you ever did with me. I was a little jealous I guess."
"A little?" You chuckled, wiping your eyes, and he knew he could approach you again. He wrapped his arms around you, slowly stroking your back, calming you down.
"Steven." You whispered once you had calmed down. He looked down below at you. "You make me happy. You, Marc, and Jake. More than anyone in the world. I know you think you're so flawed. But to me, you're all perfect. All of you."
You nuzzled his nose, leaning him
"I wouldn't trade a million you guys for one Sam."
"Technically it would be 3 million."
You rolled your eyes playfully, leaning into him
"Love you, Y/N." He replied, kissing your head
"Love you too, Stevie. And you Marc. And you, Jake."
"Can we go home?"
"Yeah, baby. We can go home."
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Messy Christmas: The Perfect Hallmark Christmas Movie Fanfiction
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(so sugarsweet/crazy you might want to rethink what you’ve done with your time)
(aka a pretty realistic summary of all Hallmark movies as a whole)
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x reader, Ransom Drysdale x reader
Summary: imagine all Hallmark movies but then with Bucky and a little bit of Ransom...I seriously don't know how to summarize this. Just sit back read, and let the magic of Christmas flow through you.
Word count: 1680
No Warnings 👍🏻 (technically cheating, because; Hallmark🤷🏻‍♀️.) Also confusing options because I had to capture most tropes in one.
Notes: this was written last Christmas in fun and is therefore silly and not meant to be taken serious in any way. It was caused by a Hallmark challenge, and this just popped out. ... And then I also made that picture above🤦‍♀️👍🏻
Only for the most hardened readers... You might regret this but you are an experience richer... Not a good experience but let's face it, can it get worse then this? It can only go up from here. 🫣
You had forgotten how small the town was. 
You had left 10 years ago for a reason, you needed to get out of there. Spread your wings and have opportunities you'd never get there. Sure, you loved your family, but you could do that at a distance, only a phone call away. Besides, they weren't going anywhere, no one was down here. Except you. 
Sometimes you felt a little guilty, it wasn't your fault you were amazingly talented at business, unlike the rest of your town, but you realized they just missed you, because you were a really nice person. No one in your new town thought so, because everyone else was also busy with business, and not busy with people, but luckily you had met the second love of your life, Ransom.
Ransom and you had met at his business, when he tried to make a deal with yours, and it was love at third date. He was a little boring at times, with the routine he kept at all times, but his hair and clothing sense was spectacular! You really fell for *insert haircut* and his perfect white teeth. In return he liked your work ethic and your cozy but clean apartment that didn't have any personal decorations.
It all went perfectly, he had even proposed, just before the phone rang and informed you of an emergency in your old town. It was a shock to find out your dad got sick/your family tree business was failing/cookies needed to be baked for charity/the Christmas Parade needed to be handled, and only you had the skills to pull it off/you got fired at your job and had to go home to lick your wounds/your parents lied to trick you to come back/you needed something from someone else to succeed more at your current business. There was barely time to say yes to your now fiance, before you booked your ticket and went straight to the airport.
The trip only seemed to be about 10 minutes, which was lucky because you needed to be home soon, but you had just enough time to reminisce about your past. All the faces of old friends popped up inside your brain like a weird montage reminding  you of all the things you had tried to forget.
Then you arrived home.
Nothing changed, including your bedroom. Everyone had remembered what an amazing person you were and was very glad to see you back, almost like they'd been stuck in time waiting for your arrival. This made you feel warmer than ever, a feeling you had forgotten all these years, but you also reminded yourself you had business to return to.
Oh and a fiancee. But you hadn't told your family yet, surely there was time for that later? You weren't even sure if you were going to invite everyone to the wedding. They would probably not fit in with the rest of the well dressed people, so they probably didn't even want to come.
After walking through town - which took about 30 minutes and you basically met everyone right away who started bringing up old random, but cute, memories with you, causing you to smile so much it hurt the corners of your mouth and made you look slightly insane - you finally bumped into your old flame, Bucky.
Like literally bumped into him. It was weird because he hadn't been there a second before, but you might've been distracted by warm cozy feelings.
It was awkward at first, but also because all your old feelings caused you to have more feelings now! And you shouldn't because you were engaged, but no one knew that.
So when Bucky invited you for coffee/baking with his niece/helping with a show for the school/ice skating, you accepted.
Just like old friends!
Who used to fuck a lot. But just because you've seen him naked a lot, didn't mean you couldn't see him as a person, so you would see him exactly like that. A person with a brain and interests and feelings…just like the feelings you had for each other when you were younger…before you left town to grow up.
During the date, you kept gazing into his beautiful eyes, and smiling every time he said something funny. And you were genuinely happy, because it was so easy to be around Bucky, even if his hair was stylishly disheveled, and he wore a very simple sweater and boots that showed he wasn't paying 6 months paychecks for business clothes, but he was so kind and giving.
It seemed all his time was spent helping others! He was such a good person. You’d forgotten what it was like to not only be a nice person, but a giving person, and he had this sense of community you only ever had in this old town of yours.
And then you tripped and he caught you/you and him were left alone after family dinner he was also invited to - even if it was your parents house - and they were suddenly gone/you went outside to say goodbye while snow was falling around you, and he kissed you!
And you kissed back because you suddenly realized all those old feelings had come back.
And just when you were going to make a confession (perhaps about your fiance, but maybe just confess your eternal feelings; you didn't know), Ransom showed up.
It was so very awkward. Not even because of the kiss, but because he clearly didn't fit into the family. Suddenly he was rude and uncaring, said things you had also said before, but suddenly sounded worse coming from his mouth! And he seemed to look down on your family, perhaps because you had as well all these years, but now you were here and just been kissed by a hunk, this behavior was unacceptable!
You told him off, but he didn't get it. Even if you were very clear, suddenly his intelligence had left him and he had forgotten his manners too!
And then Bucky stepped in telling him off when Ransom was kind of slightly raising his voice - because you had been acting weird and weren't answering his questions what was going on - it wasn't like you were in danger since Ransom kept a good distance, and had never been violent and just seemed a little frustrated. But he figured out instantly what was going on. So he asked to talk to you privately.
And you two went alone, 2 meters away, so Bucky could listen in on the conversation, but also didn't seem to hear anything that was being said. He could see your expressions of heartache clearly though. The tears in your eyes, and eventually the hugging you did with your fiance.
He left with a very sad expression on his face while he walked home, where he soon arrived even if the distance should’ve been farther, and then sat alone in the living room, staring at a picture from when you were much younger and clearly happy.
But meanwhile you were looking for him because your fiance had just broken up with you, since he didn't know how to handle the fact you had feelings in general, but especially for Bucky. He left without saying goodbye to your parents, even if he only just arrived 2 hours before.
You found Bucky easily, because there had only been 3 settings where he could be. And when you arrived, your nose was so red from the cold, but in a cute way, not with snot running down your face and watery eyes. But in a glowing beautiful kind of way?
And Bucky was hesitant, because you had just broken his heart all over again, but your hopeful small smile gave him hope anyway.
You admitted to having been engaged, but you were not engaged anymore because you loved Bucky!
Then you were worried. What if he didn't love you back?
He had kissed you, but people did that all the time! Like when your boss’s assistant kissed him when he made a good deal. That didn't mean anything either, because he was married, so…
But then Bucky stared into your eyes from really uncomfortably close, and told you he had always loved you, since you were kids.
You wondered for a moment if he had even been with anyone else, with how intense he was speaking. If he had always only loved you, and was kind of hoping you came back all this time…jeez he was going to pop as soon as you grabbed him!
But your thoughts halted when he kissed you again. He was a very good kisser, and there was a lot of kissing and did you hear music somewhere??
Next thing you knew it was a year later and you and bucky were at your parents for another Christmas. Hadn't you just celebrated Christmas? Bucky was again kissing you, and then finished with a very sweet kiss to your ringed hand, showing you had gotten married. And your kid looked just like Bucky. You just hoped it was going to have the same caring helping personally their father had! And his baking skills. And his handyman skills. And his ice-skating skills. And his Theatre skills. And his Christmas trees selling skills.. And his- your mother put a cookie into your mouth unexpectedly, causing you to focus on nibbling on it, without ever really eating it.
And you were very happy with your love. You'd given up your business to start a bakery/run for mayor/start the same business in this town/working for prosperity for the whole town/be a family woman.
With Bucky by your side you'd never want for anything, and now you always kept smiling this wide smile, a smile that hadn't yet reached your eyes.
The End.
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stuckintheanimus · 2 years
König HC’s
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König has a large scar on the left side of his face, currently saving up to have it surgically removed.
König grew up up in the outskirts of Vienna, I imagine in a pretty suburban area with middle class parents.
König’s name is Benedikt Krueger, but he goes by Ben for short (only Ghost is allowed to call him Benny).
His childhood nickname growing up was Ben 10.
König is a blonde with blue eyes, he has a roman nose with a scar that goes across it, and his skin is extremely pale from spending years in his bedroom all by himself.
König is very tattooed.
His body is littered with scars, which makes him feel super feel conscious, got into tattooing to cover up the scars.
König is a mama’s boy, he absolutely loves his mother, and he makes sure to call her at least once a day to check on how she’s doing.
I imagine his father (who is just as tall as him) would’ve been ex-military or worked closely with the army, has a deep admiration for his father and wanted to follow in his footsteps from an early age.
Grew up idolizing Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Owns a pet cat, who he babies a lot.
He and Sebastian Krueger are siblings, he’s the younger one. They have a younger sister.
Is a BIG nerd, and loves fantasy. Lord of the rings, dungeons & dragons, Harry Potter, etc. I imagine he’d have a collection of lotr and HP books also tabletop roleplaying games, yes, he’s into anime.
Bc of his social anxiety, he doesn’t like to go out to heavy public places. He already gets enough stares due to his height.
König was a very small, thin, and sickly child growing up, he would a lot of time in the hospital. As a result, missed out on a lot during his childhood (especially socializing).
Had braces in middle school.
Had undiagnosed ADHD, and wouldn’t receive an official diagnosis until his late teens.
König got bullied during his youth for being small and having social anxiety (also for having braces), he had a growth spurt in his teens causing him to be his current height and also started lifting weights around this time.
His new height had ups and downs, the bullying ceased (nobody wants to mess with a dude who’s 6’10) and brought him some confidence, but also brought a lot of unwanted attention, particularly from girls, a lot of whom were the same girls who made fun of him.
Wouldn’t have his first girlfriend until his last year of school/first year of University.
Was a very good student in school (had a side hustle writing other people's essays).
Studied Biochemistry at University.
Works out to Rammstein.
Isn’t exactly fluent in English.
He and Ghost are buddies, not best friends, but buddies, and they go out drinking once in a while.
Sends Ghost memes at 3 am.
Has a solid group of friends who he is still in regular contact with.
Konig has gone as pyramid head at least once for Halloween.
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coolguypluiplup · 11 months
Flower Husbands Florist AU
have a flower husbands oneshot loosely based on this tumblr post :)
word count: 1228
full fic under the cut!!
It had been a long shift. Jimmy wasn't normally one to complain (he's lying about this) but he feels like he deserves it today. His boss had booked him in to make 20 flower crowns for a hen party happening tonight that he didn't find out about 'till this morning, he had couples in and out all day for valentines' flowers and had to do the displays for tomorrow. And no one else was working this week! What a joke.
He was slumped against the counter, face pressed to his palm and eyes fighting to stay open. He had 10 minutes 'till closing and was practically counting down the seconds. The flowers in the display case glistened against the rim lights pointed at them causing a ripple of light against the wall facing Jimmy. He should really turn them off. No one had come in for 20 minutes and it's not like anyone's gonna come in at quarter to 10-
“Oh thank god. I've been searching for a place still open.” A man entered hastily, the doorbell ringing as he did. Teal hair stuck to his forehead in clumps and eyeliner ran down his face. He put his collapsed umbrella onto the counter. “I need a bouquet to tell someone I hate them.”
“Hm?” Jimmy spoke- nearly asleep.
“It is valentine's day tomorrow, right?”
Jimmy sat back on the stool, trying to avoid the rainwater pooling near the cash register. “Yeah.“
”Okay, so I need, like, a reverse 'I love you' bouquet.“
Jimmy stared at the man. He sighed and pulled out his floriography book.
”Anything in particular you fancy?“
”Nah. You're the flower boy, anyway.“
Jimmy made a noise of disagreement but started flicking through the pages of the book anyway. “I might need a bit more context to pick the right thing.”
The man sighed. “It's gonna take a while, you sure?”
“Mhm.” Jimmy said, instinctively. He was still exhausted but this was more fun than sleeping.
“Well, tl;dr or whatever, My ex is in town. She still has a thing for me, and I don’t.
He stopped flicking through the pages. “That's... a story. Not normally what I make this time of year,”
“Yep. And I'm gay, which I don’t even think she knows yet.”
”So. Flowers?“
Jimmy flicked through the pages briskly, scanning each page for something suitable. ”I'm intrigued now. How'd that all go down, then?“ He was never one for small talk.
”Well. We met in year 9 and dated that entire time 'til uni. She was getting fed up that we'd never done any of the romantic stuff our friends did. I genuinely had no clue that that was kinda strange, so I didn't see the problem. And before I knew it, she'd run off with the ex of my best friend. They weren't exes at the time, but trust me, after this it was fallout. I was angry, naturally, and she told me that it was my fault for not trying to fix our relationship before it got too bad. So, I broke it off. Hadn't seen her since.
"Until last week, when my friend told me she was in town. So I invited her round our house. Me and Cleo thought 'no harm done now. We're over it, we know why me and her were having problems, should be fine now'. Couldn't be farther from the truth. She comes round and immediately starts talking about how much she misses me. Says that now we're 'more mature' we can work it out like adults and that she still has feelings for me. Didn't even get to tell her I found out I was gay after I left her.” 
The man had been looking at the displays while speaking, so he probably didn’t catch Jimmy’s jaw dropping before he could catch himself. He turned around to face him. “So, any good picks for the bouquet, then?”
Jimmy hesitantly flips to a page he dog-eared and turns it to face the stranger. They both move closer to the page to read it. ”Foxglove might be a good pick. 'Means insincerity. In older things it even means secrets and complicated situations, which seems fitting. And it's quite pretty, but that's more an aesthetic choice.”
“I like them.“ He stared up at Jimmy. Their faces were mere inches apart. His eyes were a light hazel with gold flecks nearly colour matched the piercings running down his ears. ”You alright?“
Jimmy blinked and moved back. ”Uhm, yeah. Sorry.“ He picked up the book and moved to the greenhouse door behind him. ”I've got a few picks that'll go great with the message. Should take, like, 20 minutes?“
”Okay. Thanks for doing this, by the way. I know it's, like, nearly ten right now,“
”No, don't worry, really. Uhm, can I get a name for the order?”
Jimmy smiled as he spoke. “Scott. That name suits you.” He shut the door before Scott could respond.
The bouquet was placed on the counter with a thud, shaking Scott from his thoughts. The florist he was just thinking about stood with a smile. He got up and tried to shift his hair from his face (a pointless effort, he knew. Scott had checked how he looked in his phone camera while the guy was making his bouquet, and by god did he look dreadful. Make-up pouring down his face and clothes soaked through. Rained on just wasn't his look.) and walked towards the counter. ”Wow. These are beautiful.“
Scott wasn't lying. The foxgloves he'd recognised from earlier framed intricately placed white flowers. The vase the florist put them in was stunning too, glass patterns mirroring the stems of the flowers fractionally across its surface. 
”Thank you. The purple are foxgloves, like I said, and meadowsweet is the white one. It means uselessness in floriography. Um, I would've put more flowers but I guess not a lot of people need 'I hate you' flowers.” He laughed awkwardly at that last bit.
His laugh was nice. It was higher pitched than normal, but fit him perfectly. Scott smiled along, pretending like he wasn't just staring at him. 
Scott paid for the flowers (Jimmy gave him money off, not that he would find out until months later) and picked up his bouquet. 
”Wait. Uhm,“
Scott turned to face the florist. ”Hm?“
”I have, uh, something else to give you,“ He held out a singular poppy with a slip of paper wrapped around it. ”'s just- Don't take it if you don't wan' it, but-“
Scott took the poppy before he finished speaking. He unravelled the piece of paper and read it carefully. ”'Jimmy'. That name suits you, you know.“
He blushed and turned away from him. ”Aw. Don't use my own words against me!“ He feigned anger but was smiling too much for it to have any bite.
Scott put the piece of paper with Jimmy's number in his pocket and took the poppy and tucked behind his ear. ”Thank you, Jimmy. I'll call later to tell you how the flowers went down.“
”Don't spare any details, I'm properly invested.“
Scott laughed as he opened the door. The moonlight had illuminated the wet concrete. When had it stopped raining? He couldn't have been in there that long. Scott turned to face Jimmy. “See you later, Jimmy.”
”You too.“
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honestmouse20 · 2 months
okay now that all 10 episodes are out on youtube in english, Ful lthoughts on monkie kid s5! spoilers under the cut :)
So, the big one. I really hardly notice the chance in animiation studio. I still see people being upset about it and saying its worse. But if no one had told me, I wouldn't have noticed.
On to the Fun stuff (pain)
This season is so freaking heartbeaking yall. Like MK has always felt like things were His fault, that he was bringing the chaos to the world. And then his Worst fear comes true. Nyua tells him that she created him For that reason. He exists for taht sacrafice and the demon (what's his name? the guy at the end?) only sped things up. Woke him up early. That's Insane! He really is the beginning of the end. And even when he Tried to do the right thing, sacrafice himself so everyone else would be safe, the universe/gods/whatever still were going to take his sacrafice and rewrite the world again anyway. And that's what Gets me about this season. Bc yeah MK listens at first and sacrafices himself. But the seccond he learns they've been pulling his strings this whole time and that his friends Won't be safe, he realizes taht he's still in control. He goes back to spend their last moments with his family and That ends up being waht saves everything. They share the power and prove that they don't need someone else calling every shot. it's just... a Lot for a lego show and im so so pleased with it.
Second thing! Uh we need to talk about Wukong in episode 9 and 10 bc oooh boy. NOt only was the man who was Terrified of dying to the point of becoming multiple times over imortal and taking his name out of the book of the dead WILLING to die so that MK wouldn't. But he fought MK with what I am assuming was his full power for the first time. MK wasn't holding back either. And that means a lot I think. MK is finally stronger (or maybe AS strong as him). Also the fact that MK used the circlet on him guts me everytime.
Also, adding onto the whole Wukong those last two episodes. What the Hell were those screams when MK 'dies'??? I have never heard something like that in a lego show. it gave me Chills. Like I fully expected him to yk get angry get Mean again but not just LIke That. That was so real sounding. Props to his va bc Shit dudes
third thing! Speaking of VA's god MK's was doing Just as good. All those little moments where his voice wavers as he comes to belive that sacraficing himself is the only way. God and the way his voice sounds as he tells Piggsy that 'jsut because it's hard doesn't mean it's not the right thing' (or something along those lines). This season Hurt me so much yall. Especially as MK chose to come back and Wukong catches him. And he just keeps telling him he's okay??? PAIN??
Oh and at the end when MK is just crying??? IM fine. Yep. His voice actor really nailed all of this. 10/10
Fourth thing! I said it in my other post but uhhhh Macaque?? He sacrafices himself Twice in this season. First into the Pagoda and then by using up a lot of his strength getting them all out of those bindings so SWK can save MK. For all their bickering this season (some might say like an old married couple) Maqaque and Wukong really do seem to be making up yk? and i mean not to mention at the end when they all think it's over and Wukong reaches for him????
Fifth! Are we gonna talk about the memory demon thign showing Wukong The fight with Macaque???? Like of all the shitty/awful things he's done and lived through, That is what the demon shows him to hurt him the most. And it is the Most painful thing bc MK's is all about his monkie side and sacraficing himself. And that's His biggest fear. SO it makes sense that Wukong( and the others) were shown Their worst memories. And yk the fact taht after he's cut free there are Tears in his eyes??? god Im gonna have to watch this season a few more times to pick out all the little details cause the tears thing I only noticed bc someone pointed it out in the comments on the video i was watching.
Final thoughts lol
This season was Incredible! Not only did everything MK has been through Finally catch up with him, something they've been hinting at since s1, but it did in a very satisfying way. I was on the edge of my seat all through the 9th and 10th episodes. I genuinly didn't know who was gonna do the sacrafice. And then when MK jumpped in, I was in awe bc this is a lego show. They wouldn't kill the main charcter. But I really like how they got around that. BC it doesn't Feel like getting around it. It feels like the thing mk Would have done. IF the goddess had told him that his friends were safe, MK would have stayed. 100%. The way his voice breaks as his knees give out when he realizes (incorectly) that they're safe. He'd have died to save them. The only reason he comes back is bc it was a pointless sacrafice.
The season as a whole was also really good. I was a bit confused why it was so easy for MK to get al the stones but then it was revealed that it was Meant to be. This was supposed to be his destiny so things litterally fell into his lap. That was a really nice touch I think. I also really loved all the character interactions! Piggsy calling him son Repeatedly. MK saying he has a ton of dads. Just. Big emphasis on family and i Can't Wait to see how MK's almost sacrafice is gonna change things in following seasons! Bc that was a suicide attempt guys. He saw a world better without him in it and tried to die. if you take away all the fancy wording that's what it is. And ik lego would never yk Say that. but they're already tackling bigger themes than they have before (in this show and dreams and ninjago) so I have faith that they'll go somewhere with this too. Clearly Mk is still terrified and hurt by everything so I really hope eveyrone will come together to try and help him through all this. And yk the next big bad. Can Chaos be a big bad??? I'm so excited for S6!
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