#cave hypothermia
clatterbane · 2 years
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[One cave open for touristy purposes, not far from where I grew up. Not my photo.]
I saw somebody half-joking earlier that one of the major drawbacks to living in Sweden was November. In this part of the country, about as far south as it's possible to get? The overcast skies with wind and cold rain are more of a whole winter phenomenon. But, at least it's less likely to happen in July! Which is a damn sight better than what I got almost-used to living around London for all those years. 🥴
It took me long enough, but then it finally occurred to me exactly what the special sort of deceptive harshness to the British climate reminded me of: sneaky cave hypothermia!
Yeah, I grew up on limestone karst and we actually got warned about that a lot. Because kids. Back home, down in caves it tends to stay somewhere around 52F/11C year round--which doesn't sound that bad at first! (Especially in a significantly colder winter climate than anywhere in the UK.)
But, that shit can sneak up and really start leaching the life out of you after a while. Especially with the constant damp and the cold water liable to keep dripping all down inside your clothes and quickly soaking your feet. 🥶 Nothing is going to dry out down there. It's also easy to get disoriented from the darkness, and pay less-good attention to what's going on.
Yep, kinda noticing some similarities there. 😒
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[Same cave, same source.]
In fact, the Virginia Tech Cave Club's list of required gear for their outings sounds pretty suitable if you may be spending half an hour or more walking around London under very typical weather conditions:
• Helmet with chinstrap (must be worn at all times)
• Three sources of light
• Water
• Large trash bag (for dirty clothes after the trip, and for warmth in the cave)
Maybe substitute something like the Seattle Sombrero I actually picked up the first winter here in Malmö for the helmet, and you could do worse. Or, maybe keep the helmet too, given how randos chucked shit out of their cars at me more than once. You might also prefer to carry along hot drinks in a Thermos, because yeah.
Further sensible suggestions there, btw:
Note that cotton clothing is not recommended, as some caves can be damp. Instead, try to find clothes made out of polypropylene, nylon, or other synthetic material.
• Boots (preferably with lug soles and ankle support)
• Heavy jeans
• Thick socks
• Long sleeve T-Shirt (extra shirts recommended for more insulation)
Please remember to bring a change of clothes for the ride back! You WILL be dirty!
In this case, you may as well wait until you get back to wherever you're going before you change. Because the whole outside environment is the dank cave. But, otherwise? You could do a lot worse.
They are also NOT factoring in windchill, which is generally not a major consideration down inside a cave. Better make sure to add a windproof layer too, at the very least.
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Similar does apply here in the winter, too. Only, it's cleaner and that shit does tend to clear up come late spring or so. Which is something, at any rate.
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aquarterasian · 7 months
saying that akira and yukari would die without each other isn’t even a joke because yukari did very much almost die without akira keeping her in check 😭
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citrine-elephant · 29 days
new headcanon:
leon is constantly fucking cold all the time
chris is constantly fucking hot all the time
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
Tiny borrower boyfriends climb on his back and cover his neck in itty bitty kisses and whisper praise on his ears until he's all red and wiggly. He can't escape because he's too scared of hurting tiny bfs while getting up
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thetimelordbatgirl · 11 months
This popped up in my feed, so I watched it and...yeah, its pretty good, would recommend watching it. Only con is that uh, it doesn't mention the spin offs like Sarah Jane Adventures (the only female led spin off) and Torchwood, cause I honestly feel it showed even more how RTD handled female characters versus the era of Steven Moffat (could have even compared what happens when RTD writes for the 11th doctor in his guest appearance in SJA versus....what happens when Steven's writing him).
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Inside a glacier in Antarctica without proper coats?
Just another day for the Inspector and Suri!
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crystaleclipse10 · 2 months
A look into the Ninja's powers
Welcome to my analysis of the powers of each of the 6 main Ninja. How each power feels and its source for each Elemental Master, and how it reflects in their personalities. This has headcanons and canon explanation. Hopefully it all makes sense
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Cole: Cole’s power comes from deep within the ground. He can feel the power of the earth in his guts, strong and steady. It’s grounding. It’s constant. The earth is always somewhere below him. No matter where he is, somewhere there’s earth—whether it’s deep within a mountain, everywhere; or leagues under the sea; or so far beneath the sky it is practically invisible—it will never not be there. It’s reliable. Yet it takes different forms: dirt, rocks, magma, sand; it’s all part of the ground, versatile. It’s protective; it encases and preserves ancient ruins and fossils, it gives shelter to those seeking refuge. It connects all living things—it reaches every part of the world. It cannot be forced to move, but it can be guided. It is the foundation of everything.
“You've never been farther underground. Never been more surrounded by the very thing that powers you. The Skull Sorcerer thought he was burying you, but what if he was actually bringing you closer to the earth? To the source of your elemental power?” “So what do I do? Try to connect with the earth?” “Perhaps. Or perhaps you just have to stop worrying so much and let the earth connect with you.”
Zane: Zane can sense his ice powers in his mind. It can exist in the coldest of climates, and when it melts, turns into something just as powerful; it is not wasted. It carves its way through anything—glaciers. The rivers of ice creep forward slowly but surely, taking everything in its path. It’s steady and cold, but its bite can be unrelenting. Frostbite, hypothermia—just as cold as ice is. And icicles, especially when shot as a projectile, are like daggers; sharp and dangerous. But it can numb pain. It tames something burning hot into something pleasantly warm. It is hard and strong, but it can crack—and if that happens, it can be made whole again with a little time. It is reliable and quiet. It can create a protective barrier. It’s there when it needs to be.
“This isn’t about numbers…it’s about family.” “He’s protecting us.” “I am a Nindroid, and Ninja never quit. Go Ninja, go!”
Jay: Lightning. He can feel it buzzing on his skin and nerves, able to be condensed and controlled. Pure energy, electricity. It’s volatile and dangerous. But it can be essential to life. It’s everywhere—thunderstorms, static, neurons firing in the brain. If it wasn’t for electricity, the brain would cease to function and life couldn’t exist. It’s quick—blink and it’s gone, just a thread of light that comes and goes. But its impact is remembered. A thunderous boom, a scar of soot, sometimes even a blaze set in its wake. Its glow is practically too bright to look at; a source of light for even the darkest of caves. Just one spark can start a fire or illuminate a building. It’s a source of power—for vehicles, technology, buildings. Even though it is not always visible, lightning and electricity are all around, ready to be called upon.
“Control the power inside you. When you feel a surge welling up, harness it.”
Kai: Kai’s power over fire comes from the breath—air is fuel for fire, and controlled breathing can control the blaze. It is not a matter of force—though hot anger can stoke fire—but harnessing the buzzing potential in the air. Fire can be destructive; a wildfire is chaotic, unyielding, and intense, burning everything in its path. But it can be life-giving, too. It’s cozy. It provides warmth on the coldest of nights. It can cook food, boil water, ward off frost. It is the essence of the sun—the largest blaze that allows life to exist. It burns with passion and ferocity, but if it loses strength, there will always be an ember remaining. Almost nothing can beat back a big, hot fire. It can be a weapon or a defense; it hurts to touch, and no one without immunity would dare go near. Without fire, life could not be sustained.
“I just wish I still had my powers. I was Master of Fire. I could've made a new fire like—like...like this.” “Oh, do not worry, Kai. Elemental Power comes from within, like courage. Sometimes it wanes, sometimes it waxes, but it cannot be stolen.”
Nya: The power of water flows through her veins. Water is ever-changing and powerful. Even the strongest rocks erode under the power of water. It’s relentless. It can defeat ghosts because it is always changing and shifting, while ghosts are stuck trying to be one thing and refuse to change. It cleanses and heals. The first thing to do for something dirty is to wash it with water. And it’s part of blood, something vital for people to live. It’s restless. The ocean never stays still; it does not like to be contained. The tides are as constant as they are powerful. The entire ocean moves with the tides; the constant in and out of so much water shapes the coasts. Rivers bend and flow around obstacles; no matter what is in the way, it will eventually reach the ocean—the largest body of water filled with plants and animals. Water supports life and creates ecosystems. It’s the heart of the wild.
“Jay, the ocean's good for much more than food. As we go deeper, I can feel its elemental power growing. It's almost overwhelming.”
Lloyd: Perhaps the most vague but also the most powerful element is Lloyd’s. Is it Power? Creation? Energy? Life? Lloyd is connected to the Source Dragon of Life, not Energy. Whatever the case, it comes from his heart. If it is Life, that is where it is strongest—the beating of a heart shows life in a living being; it is impossible to live without a heart. It’s everywhere—inside Lloyd, in his comrades, his students, his masters, nature around him. His love for the world is his true self and makes his heart powerful. His goodness gives him strength. His drive to save the world fuels his passion. Life is inside of him, but it can also be taken away. It can heal, but also hurt. When it is taken away, overused, or corrupted, it leaves him weakened and sick. But it can save his life in a fight—and it has. It is a combination of the core elements of Creation: Lightning, Ice, Fire, and Earth—LIFE (thank you @secretlyharumi for helping me realize this!). They can be utilized individually, but also combined into something potent and beautiful. Without life, nothing would exist. It is the thread of the universe, stitching together things similar and different; big and small.
“I’m already the Golden Ninja. How much more power do I need?” “You’ve only scratched the surface! You have the potential to move mountains. Power of the First Spinjitzu Master!”
I like the idea the Ninja's personalities and powers are mixed
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk
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pursuitseternal · 4 months
“Your body’s already given you away:” life-saving, body heat smut for “Bites in the Night”
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Spawn!Astarion x F!Reader |E| 4K
🎨by @zuzanamariana, @qveenofthorns on Twt— NSFW full version under the cut
Summary: Storms come quickly in the Mountain Pass, and they are brutally cold. What if your only chance for survival was in the hands of your well-fed Vampire love…
CW: oral sex, near deaths experience, fighting hypothermia, Astarion is bad at feelings, PiV, possessive, protective Astarion, a rescue mission that wishes they hadn’t found them the next morning.
Ao3 link |Series ao3 link| Masterlist
Night falls fast in the Mountain Pass, the thin air makes you struggle a bit harder to breathe… that, or it’s the way Astarion licks your folds clean of your mixture of cum after your rigorous coupling… Some hunting and foraging mission… you laugh at yourself. He lifts his head, lapping the blood on his chin from where he’s fed from you, cleaning himself of all that mess you made together.
“The camp might go hungry, darling… but I assuredly have not,” he flashes that wicked smirk as he moves to hover over your half-dressed body as you lay on the ground.
“You’ve never been a selfless one,” you tease, wiping your thumb to clean one last spot of blood from the side of his cheek.
“We only said we would try to find something to eat…” he runs a finger through the trail of blood on your neck that still dries and sucks his fingers clean. “I have found something to eat… and it was oh so delicious.” His voice is pure velvety seduction, and you’re sure you would risk anything in this cool Mountain Pass if he asked to take you again, one more time under the bright stars.
But as you open your eyes, you don’t see stars… you see a flash of light…. A rumble of thunder follows in the distance. “Shit,” you panic, shoving him off of you as you scramble to pull your breeches back on and fix your tunic and jacket. “We are a long way from camp… we need to beat the storm.”
Astarion only lays completely naked on the ground, smirking up at you. “The way your heart just pounds when you’re afraid is truly delightful, you know,” he taunts you, seemingly unwilling to leave. His hand reaches for yours as if to pull you back down for more of his attention, but you bat it away.
“No games, my vampire. Mountain storms are no laughing matter, not that you would know, city boy…”
He raises a defensive, ostentatious finger at you and waves it. “I’ll have you know, I didn’t always…”
A burst of light, a crack of thunder silences even his sass. A few drops of rain start to fall, and you just shake your head at your careless, foolish vampire as he tries to scramble into all his clothes. Picking up the packs of supplies, you start down the trail of the mountain, his feet hastening behind you as you make turn after turn.
Rain falls harder and harder until you can barely see. All that keeps you together is his vice-like grip on your elbow to keep you sure footed, a trait you characteristically lack without him. “We have to get out of the rain!” you scream at him, right for his pointy ear, as lighting illuminates the mountain path around you.
“Any brilliant ideas?” he belts back at you.
“You’re the elf, the vampire… what do your sharp eyes see?”
“Oh, same as yours, I imagine,” he snipes in reply. “Lots of fucking rain.” Suddenly he feels you shaking in his hand… You’re shivering and chattering, lips blue as the rain pours over your whole body. “What in the hells?” he asks himself more than you. “You… can’t be…” he watches your eyes rolling back in your head as your body collapses. “Oh for fucks sake, why can’t you also be undead for these sorts of things?” He teases exasperatedly to the silence, but only because his heart aches, his soul made heavy as he throws you over his shoulder and makes his way to the mountain side.
There’s a quick burst of lighting, just enough to reveal the mouth of a cave, and Astarion hopes it’s warm and dry and safe. He manages to fumble his way into the dark, every sense inside him scans for danger, but he hears nothing and smells nothing. He carefully sets your shivering body down. Sticks scattered around the cave floor are easy for him to collect; a simple spell casts enough fire to get a little warmth started. The storm rages just outside the shallow cave… and the light is enough for him to scan your face, your eyes shut and lips trembling and blue from the mountain chill and rain.
“Godsdammit, wake up,” he shakes you. His hands pull you against his chest. But both your bodies are soaked. His mind whirs, every instinct for survival kicking in. He searches through the pack; a single blanket near the bottom isn’t soaked. His hands work quickly over your own nearly-corpse-cold body to pull off your wet clothes from your numb limbs. Carefully he cradles your head, pulling you closer to the fire and wrapping you in the one dry thing he’s found.
Gods… this must be how I look… he stares at your ephemeral beauty, your skin devoid of color, chilling to the touch. The only differences are the slow rush of chattering breath in your lungs and the slightly faster beat of your heart than his own. Not that he’s counting every pulse that rushes in your carotid to make sure you’re still alive.
For your own sake. Not his…. He shakes his head in further denial.
But still, you shiver, moaning and mumbling to yourself, and not in that cute way you do when you sleep heavily in your mortal sleep as he watches you in his bedroll. This is… sickly… frail. Your skin is cold, even to him.
But if you are cold to his touch… he must be warmer. He pulls off his own wet clothes. Trying to dry his skin off as much as possible, he lays under the blanket beside you, covering your back with his flesh, and pressing you closer to the fire. Thank whatever gods were listening that he fed on you and fed so well before.. giving him just enough bloom of life in his undead body to share your body heat back with you.
“What good is a living, beating heart if you give up now?” He hisses vehemently to himself, taking your right arm, he rubs it, getting the blood to flow to warm your fingers, colder than he is in undeath. Huffing his mildly warm breath on his palms, he does the same with the other arm. Then he raises up the blanket, repeating that attentive rubbing and shaking with your legs. The scent of your coupling at the apex of your thighs makes his stomach turn. What in the hells had he been thinking…. Making you both stay out so far from camp…
That sharp slice of guilt gets pushed down quickly as he touches your thigh and rubs. Then your other leg. They both twitch, your breath starts to come a bit more pronounced.
Quickly, he throws two more large branches on the fire and slides under the blanket, wrapping his arms around you from behind. He slinks one hand under your nose to make certain you’re breathing. “For fucks sake,” he snarls. “You had better not die, don’t be selfish, darling…”
That’s when your eyes finally open, hearing that edge of sass in his voice. “Ast…ar…” your voice shakes as your teeth chatter still.
“Shh, back from the grips of death,” he smirks a bit cocky, “at least that’s one of us,” he gives that high-pitched, inane giggle. You struggle to sit up, but that arm just braces you back to the ground…
…not unlike the moment you met this Vampire. But your mind struggles to make sense of reality, the memories of that wreckage and the warm sun… the chill that still creeps over your bones.
You shiver hard, and he only holds you closer to his body, scooting you closer to the fire. “Please don’t insist on being stupid. Just hold still. We had the good sense to let me feed so much from… all those parts of you…” he feels you shiver at the memory of his tongue on your neck and between your thighs, “it’s given me enough of your blood in my veins to correct your foolishness.”
“My f-f-foolishness?” you fight the stutter on your tongue. You lie there, looking up at him as he lifts that haughty, grinning face to hover over yours. Head resting on his palm, elbow bent right beside your ear, he traces that lukewarm touch over the top of your arm.
“You’re in no condition to debate me, darling,” he smirks down at you. “Maybe you should save your strength and just let me try to warm you up for once.” He shakes his head, a disparaging grin as he raises up even higher, keeping those taunting, crimson eyes focused on the way his fingers run up and down your skin. “They say rubbing helps….” He flashes you that fanged grin and leans his face into yours. “Anywhere in particular you really want me to warm you up?”
You shiver still under his hand that is drawing your blood to pound a little warmer, a little more lively. “Fuck you,” you snipe back at him, managing not to chatter your teeth for once.
“Oh, you’re not ready for that again, my dear.” His voice is warmer than the fire, and makes your skin prickle more than the feeling that slowly returns to your body. If you weren’t still blue in the lips and weak in the hands, you’d be torn between slapping that conceited grin or kissing those irritating and attractively curling lips. “Now hush,” he furrows his brows as if he can chastise your thoughts, “and let me make you feel hot… all… over.”
“I hate you,” you hiss, his hands indeed dragging a lukewarm touch over your collarbone to trace around your upper body. He manages to touch you everywhere but your breasts, and even still your nipples seem to harden even more.
He tuts his tongue at you, leering now with an increasingly predatory gleam. “No, you don’t…” he gives a low, deep throated laugh, the likes of which you hear rarely, only in these moments when you feel totally played under his fingertips, that little edge of danger flitting behind his eyes. That wandering, teasing touch wanders lower, still touching you with a little hint of warmth and friction, but never anywhere you crave for it to brush.
“I… notice I’m naked…” you say as he brushes his fingers over your smooth skin.
“A necessity,” he grunts, feeling you shift your back against him more deliberately. “Wet clothes would only make it harder for you to thaw.”
“…and I notice you’re naked too…”
“Well,” he hems, his hand pausing right on the crest of your hip, “skin to skin is the best method of sharing heat, and given how little I am warmed even after your delicious blood today…”
“Seems like one of us is doing well for thems-s-selves,” you shiver hard one more time, your ass brushing against his belly, but he lacks that familiar prod of his erection against the backs of your thighs. Uncharacteristically soft.
He scoots back the moment he feels you brush him there… a tell-tale clearing of his throat as his hand starts to rub your side… your collarbone… harder and faster. “Ahhh,” he sighs dramatically, starting to press his lips to your pulse point, “there’s that merry dancing of your heart, darling. And all it took was a crooked touch…” he smirks down at you, “…easy…” He purrs in that same voice he uses to gloat when he cracks open a chest of loot.
Only the loot now is your life.
You do in fact sense the tingling beginning to fade, the numbness thawing in your hands and feet. You reach to catch his hand in yours. The shock of your cold touch makes him jump slightly for once. And you smirk a bit at the reversal, your moment of revenge. Pressing those magical lengths of his fingers to your lips, you breathe across the top of them. “A good thing you’re just so skilled with these, my rogue, even if, given the circumstances, you were more nervous today…”
“Nervous?” he scoffs at the words, letting you hold his hand to your lips again. “I am never nervous, darling. I knew you’d come around, knew you’d wake back up with the right tender care.” Those crimson eyes flicker as he inhales sharply, determinedly reaching his hand from your soft lips to grip your chin and turn your smirking face up into his.
But you just snicker softly, sliding your back until you’re flush against him. “Nervous,” you insist, another deliberate grind of your backside against his lower body, still stirring to life. “When have you ever held me naked in your arms and not been…”
“Alright, hush you,” his eyes narrow, a bit intimidating and playful at once, as he moves that grip on your chin to close your mouth. “Some way of thanking your saviour…” he smirks, tip twisting to that rakish angle. “It was cold…”
You nod your head, matching his gaze with an insolent one.
“…I was distracted, focused on keeping that pretty little heart of yours beating…”
“Uh huh…” you nod again, lifting your head a bit to close that distance on his defensive, impish half-smile.
“How dare you,” he hisses dramatically. “I am a vampire, forever young, seduction incarnate. I need but a drop of blood to make myself harder and as beautiful as marble sculptures.”
You grind against his hips, that cock of his still only semi-hard, cradled by those perfect balls of his.
“Seems like you could use a top off of my blood then…” you taunt with another grind of your ass cheek.
“Please…” he snips with a suck of his teeth. “I’m doing you a favor, I know how insatiable you are when I’m that excited. And you were in no state for rigorous activity.”
Another rub of your rear against his, your hand reaches to grip into that perfect arch of his own ass. Your voice sounds rough with need and edged with sultry mockery: “Alright, Mister Seduction Incarnate… ”
“Tut tut, you can’t tell me you disagree.” He brushes his lips to your ear, his breath cool again, your own pulse strong enough to thrum behind his voice as he rasps that familiar line: “Your body’s already given you away…. Warming up so quickly under my touch, coming back to life for your undead lover…”
Now it’s your turn to suck your teeth and act condescending. “Tch, you’re not that hot you know.”
“Now that your blood has receded I suppose my touch is cooler again, my heart beating so slow once more…” you feel his legs hook yours, slipping between your thighs, one rakish devil of a knee pushing your legs apart. “Unless you meant my ruinous good looks, in which case,” he pushes you into the dirt, the blanket and the campfire no longer the only things making your body warmed all over. “Good thing you’re not so freezing any more so I can prove it to you otherwise.”
He presses his mouth to your ear, his lips sucking the shell of your ear, fangs dragging over the soft lobe at the bottom. “All that grinding you did… you tease… that’s the thanks I get for saving your life.”
“I needed friction…” you pout, a little bratty in your tone.
He presses harder, his pelvis against yours. “Likely story from someone who thinks themselves oh so charming…” Bucking harder, you feel that revealing twitch against your mound. “Show me how lively you are now, darling, and I’m sure we can both warm up wonderfully.”
You arch your back into the dirt of the cave, a blush barely starting to bloom over your cheeks as he looks down at you, like you’re something precious and delicious all at once. That silken touch traces your rosy cheek, and for all his bravado and taunting, you see a light of relief in the deep crimson of his eyes. But before you can let it sink in how much he just might care for you… he dives for your neck and bites again.
For as sudden as his teeth break your sin, his lips and tongue caress you, delicate laps and tender little suckles. Just enough to bring an edge of warmth back in his hands that roams your collarbone and wanders down to clutch around your breast. The moment your blood hits his veins, you feel that hardness thicken.
You grin as he lifts that scarlet smile from your neck. “Seems like someone is happy to see me alive,” you taunt, raising your hips to rub against his increasing erection that prods up to your navel.
Astarion chuckles, that well practiced smile masking his thoughts as he slowly, agonizingly drags his length forward… and back… over your mound. Fingers tease your nipples, softly plucking them to little hard pebbles. “A little gratitude wouldn’t go amiss,” he rasps down at you, watching you grow pinker under his caresses with an eagerness that draws his face that much sharper.
“Say it…” you sigh as he continues to hump that mass of curls between your thighs so slowly. “Admit it.” Your voice is insistent, your hands grip into that perfect roundness of his ass.
“I’ll admit,” he gives that peeved little sigh, “you were trouble to carry over my shoulders in the rain. A miracle I didn’t drop you.” Nails dig slightly into your breast. “
“Insufferable,” you sigh, baiting him as your own hand slips between where he hovers over you to catch those perfectly rounded, smooth and velvety balls of his. “Admit you were… nervous.”
“I’m more nervous now that you’ve got those in your grip, darling,” he gives a pleasured, breathless laugh as you toy with them slowly.
“So you were a little nervous before, when I was nearly lifeless in your arms?” you push him with your words, a slightly rougher tug on his balls to emphasize your point.
He grabs for your wrist and pulls your hand to rest on his chest, an adoring little kiss on your palm before he puts it where his heart would be beating. For a moment he gives you a wordless answer, it’s small and subtle: just a softening of those taunting creases at the corner of his eyes as they go tender and wide. It’s just a hint of what had been raging inside, the inner tempest of his fear siphoning off to a single tear that remains unshed in the corner of his blood-red eyes.
A flash of his fangs in his smile, and it’s gone, that worry. He doesn’t even let you dwell on it, not as he grinds suddenly harder against your folds, angling perfectly to drag that rock hard, velvety length over your clit until…
…you gasp, suddenly filled to the brim as he slides his way inside. As if he would be unnoticed.
He laughs deep in his chest as you arch, receiving the welcome intrusion. Gripping the back of your knees, he splays you wide, that blanket long shrugged off now, leaving just your skin to glow in the firelight and the fading flashes of lighting from the cave mouth. “Well… it seems something has made you all hot and bothered, darling…” he purrs down at you, raising your right leg even higher as he makes slow, deliberate thrusts into your slick.
“Yeah, you did to make sure I didn’t slip away permanently on you…” you try to make light of your own near-death.
That softness returns for a moment. “Can you blame me?” he barely makes enough sound to be heard, something quieter, more secretive than a whisper. Then he shakes his head, returning to smirking and pounding harder into you, arm wrapped tightly around your leg to keep your folds close to him. “Or rather, can you thank me?” That haughty, velvet tone returns.
You reach a hand for his smirking, arrogant, gorgeous face, your lips softly smiling as he stills for a moment as you brush his cheek. “Thank you,” is all your whisper.
Floodgates burst, he lowers that leg and covers you with his body. Arms snug around your shoulders, legs pressed beneath yours to push your thighs high and wide for him. An embrace of lust… of a little death, where every inch of his body is aimed to possess you. Protect you.
He won’t say it outloud, his mouth too busy deeply diving into yours, dancing his tongue and consuming your every breath before it leaves your lips. Every slap of his body into yours makes your teeth rattle and your neck tight. Or maybe that’s the way he has one hand clawed into your hair at the nape of your neck, two fingers pressed into your pulse point. As if he’s just making triple sure your heart beats, alive still and always for him.
A wave of pleasure crashes into you, you didn’t even recognize where it began, barely feeling where it ends. It seems constant, a simultaneous rending and refilling of your body under his taught frame as he fucks you. His lips suck yours, as if he needs to know you breathe. His hand claws your left breast, as if he needs to feel the thumping of your living heart beneath it. Fangs grit, hips erratic, he drives into you harder and faster. A burst of wet, a groan in your mouth, and you finally feel him stilling and shuddering as he fills you with his seed. His full weight presses you into the cave floor, a smile of relief spreads on his lips as he nuzzles into the top of your breasts, squashed as they are under his shoulders.
“Warmer?” he grumbles, half into his trance already. “After all that hard work of mine, I sure hope so…” His sleepy voice warms your heart more than even his body could blushed with life from feeding.
“Mmhmm,” I all you manage to say against the tufted top of his white curls as you nod off too.
Before you know it, you’re waking up again to the sounds of birdsong outside the cave, the scent of faded fire in your nose, that meager pile of logs long gutted out. His mussy, unkempt hair tickles your face as you realize he’s still tranced on top of you. That when you hear soft laughter from the mouth of the cave.
Your companions… your rescue party, come to lend a hand… until they find you with more than a hand at your service.
“Hmm,” Gale’s blustering and flustered voice brings you soundly out of your sleep. “Seems a rescue mission wasn’t necessary after all…”
“And here we thought we’d play the hero,” Wyll’s good-humored laugh is tinged just a bit judgy.
Astarion grumbles as he comes too as well, naked body still blanketing yours beneath your single cover.
“No, no,” Shadowheart’s chortle irks you as you feel Astarion shift enough to raise his sleepy head… and reveal your bare breasts that had served as his pillow, “seems like the Vampire remembered that skin to skin is the best way to exchange body heat. Not that he has any, mind you…”
“They’re just jealous I saved your life, darling,” his voice crackles still with sleep even as he shifts to cover you naked body from their view with his own.
“Yes, I’m sure they totally buy the fact that you’re warming me with your corpse-cold body….” You taunt him with that sharp sarcasm of yours and run your hands under the blanket to squeeze his ass. “Even with your good looks, you’re not that convincing.” You kiss him, a simple caress he eagerly accepts and quickly turns deeper and ravenous as he groans between your lips….
…and the rest of your companions groan too as they leave you two to it.
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mandos-mind-trick · 1 year
Warm Me Up
Summary: A freak storm has you and Hunter seeking shelter in a cave. The desperation to get warm has some hidden feelings coming to light.
Pairing: Hunter x reader
Warnings: NSFW, 18+, unprotected sex, fingering, confession of feelings, snow storms, almost freezing to death (not really but close), hypothermia, survival skills, cuddling for warmth, fucking to survive, cock warming (literally and figuratively), post Order 66, bit of an AU
A/N: I am once again bringing you Hunter and reader fucking to survive only under different circumstances. I have been in a Hunter mood lately so you are welcome.
Thank you @starrylothcat for the idea for this one.
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It’s cold. 
The wind whips around you, finding every crack and crevice in your armor, numbing your skin. The storm had blown in out of nowhere, whipping big, wet snowflakes at you on a wind so strong it was hard to stand up straight. It’s a near whiteout, and even Hunter is struggling to break trail in front of you. 
He stops, turning to look at you a couple feet behind him, half to make sure you’re still following him. “There’s a cave up ahead.” He says, voice barely audible over the wind through the comms. 
Your fingers are going numb. You’d lost feeling in your feet not long after the storm started, already having been trekking through ankle deep snow. “Lead the way, Sarge.” You mumble, trying to convince your legs to start moving again. 
It’s slow moving for the few hundred yards until you see the mountainside jutting out in the blizzard. As you get closer, you can see the dark opening of the mouth of the cave like a monster waiting to devour you. You hope that’s not the case, but you suppose a monster’s mouth would be warmer than out here. 
You follow Hunter inside, the torch in his hand illuminating the small cavern. It’s not very wide, your shoulders would probably touch the walls if you stood side by side, but it’s deep enough to keep you from the howling wind outside. 
You’re shivering, teeth chattering as you stand in the dark cave. The storm was blocking your comms, preventing you from reaching the Marauder. This was supposed to be a quick mission, which was why you and Hunter had gone alone, leaving the others with the ship. Tech had assured you both the weather was going to be clear for the foreseeable future. 
You’re going to have words with him when you get back. 
“Kriff, it’s cold.” Hunter says, scanning the back of the cave before determining it clear. 
He turns back around, his torch illuminating your shivering figure. Neither of you had real cold weather gear, and Hunter’s armor was better protection against it than yours. 
“How are your toes?” He asks, stepping closer. 
“Numb.” You say, voice muffled by the scarf wrapped around your face. 
“And your fingers?” He asks. 
You lift your hands, fingers fumbling in an attempt to get your gloves off. He shines the torch on your exposed extremities as soon as they hit the floor, a curse crackling through his helmet. Your fingers are discolored and stiff, trembling as more shivers wrack your body. 
“We need to get warm.” He says, pulling you back towards the back of the cave. “We won’t last the night at this rate.” 
“H-How do we do that?” You stutter out between your chattering teeth. You were both ill prepared for this situation. 
“Take your clothes off.” 
You’re glad the cave is dark as the words leave Hunter’s mouth, the torch pointing at the wall as he removes his pack. You’re worried you may start steaming in embarrassment from the direct order. 
You’ve been harboring a crush on him for a while. It started during one of your first missions with them. Of course, you thought he was handsome when you first met him, but you didn’t start developing feelings until he saved your life. You were relatively new to combat, though fighting wasn’t anything new, and you had failed to see the explosive at your feet. Hunter had pulled you out of the way and shielded you with his body. 
He’d had his helmet on, but you couldn’t forget the way his hand felt on your arm, the way he looked hovering over you. You thought about it a lot. You still do. 
You had fallen in love with him after the war ended, and he had willingly gone toe-to-toe with Tarkin to keep you on the squad. Tarkin had wanted to reassign you, but Hunter had insisted you were part of Clone Force 99 and they wouldn’t be as efficient without you. 
You hadn’t dared act on it, though. He was technically your superior and you were not about to try pushing those boundaries. Plus, he’d never shown any interest in you in that way, and the last thing you wanted was to do was make things awkward. 
You also just haven’t had time. 
Between the Empire and deserting and being on the run and adjusting to having a literal child on board, you had little downtime for much else. You know Hunter’s stressed and has been feeling the effects of trying to keep everyone alive and deciding what to do next. 
The last thing you want to do is throw your feelings on him too. 
And now here he is, asking you to get naked in a cave with him. 
“What?” You stutter out, looking up at him, his face barely visible. He’s removed his helmet.
“Our clothes are wet. We can’t get warm wearing wet clothes. We’ll risk hypothermia, or worse.” He explains, his helmet hitting the ground with a thud. “Seeing as how we don’t know how long this storm will last and if we’ll be able to reach the Marauder by comm when it does end, getting warm is our priority.” 
His voice is so steady, so strong, reflecting every bit of the leader he is. 
This is moving much faster than you had expected. You’d thought maybe a nice dinner, or a walk on the beach, at least something before your clothes started coming off. Of course, survival was different. You would like to keep your toes if possible. 
Your numb fingers fumble to get your pack off as Hunter turns his back, digging through his pack. You’re glad for the darkness and the privacy as you tug at your own armor, fingers fumbling with clasps and straps as you slowly drop pieces onto the ground. 
You pause as Hunter turns slightly, putting something on the floor. The cave lights with a soft yellow glow of a heat lamp, a sigh of relief leaving your mouth. So you weren’t going to freeze completely. The walls of the cave glitter with frost, your breath visible in the air as you continue to strip out of your armor. 
You hesitate once your armor is off, staring at Hunter’s back. He’s making slow work of his armor, setting each piece in a pile next to his pack. You’ve watched them carefully stack their armor over and over. They always show it such reverence, though you suppose if it is your lifeline and one of your few belongings, you would treat it as such too. They always stack it in a way that would be quickest to get it back on and you can’t help but wonder if they practiced it. How fast can they get in and out of their armor if the need arose? 
You bend over your pack, fumbling through its contents before your fingers hit what you’re looking for. One of the spare GAR blankets that came in each survival kit the squad carried. Working separate from larger battalions meant you had to carry more supplies with you for situations like this one. 
You could cry as you pull the scratchy blanket from your pack. 
You would cry, except that it feels like all liquid is frozen in your body. 
You hesitate, eyeing Hunter’s back before you begin peeling your wet blacks off, goosebumps forming on your skin as it's exposed to the cold air in the cave. You fight off a shiver, shuffling closer to the heat lamp as you peel the rest off. You quickly wrap the blanket around your body, squatting down in front of the heat lamp. You can already feel the warmth from them on your exposed skin, toes starting to tingle. 
Your eyes move to Hunter, his back still turned to you. You swallow thickly as he tugs the top of his blacks over his head, revealing his back. Your eyes trail the tattoo on the right side until it disappears under his blacks. You’ve seen them all in various states of undress before. It was impossible in a confined space like the barracks or the Marauder. 
There had never been any insinuation, no lingering stares when you’d done a quick change. They were always so respectful, always so kind. 
You felt bad for ogling them sometimes. 
You quickly tuck your face in the blanket as Hunter tugs his pants down, praying you don’t start steaming. You want to look, you so badly want to look, but the last thing you need is to get caught being a creep. 
Hunter moves closer to you, spreading something on the ground behind you. You nearly jump as his hand touches your back, warm through the blanket against your cold skin. He’s squatting next to you, very close to you as you peek out from your blanket. 
“Do you trust me?” He asks, those stupid big, brown eyes shining in the low light from the heat lamp. 
You stare at him for a moment before you nod. He pulls the blanket from the death grip you have around it, eyes never leaving yours as he opens it up, slipping his arms inside. His bare skin meets yours, turning you until your back is to his chest. He maneuvers you so easily so you’re laying on the blanket he had spread on the ground, curling his body around yours before draping your blanket across you both. 
He sighs as he settles into place, his hand trailing down your arm. His hand is calloused from years of hard training, rough against your frigid skin. “Kriff, you’re freezing.” He murmurs, pulling you tighter against his chest. 
Your breath hitches as his skin meets yours, cold but not nearly as frozen as yours. You can feel every ridge of muscle, every line, every divot of his body. You can feel all of him. You try not to think about it, try not to picture every fantasy you’ve had, every daydream of being in this very position with him. 
Instead you focus on your shivering, the chill slowly abating as your shared warmth cumulates under the blanket. You can feel the heat lamp on your face, slowly thawing your frozen cheeks. You can also feel Hunter’s breath fanning over the top of your head. 
You let your eyes drift closed, trying to avoid the thoughts racing through your head. You’re naked. Hunter’s naked. You’re very, very close. You’ve imagined this moment many, many times. Of course, it’s always under different circumstances. Normally in your fantasies, he’d hold you like this after you fucked, or on those short trips between missions when you try to get as much rest as possible. In the deeper fantasies you wake in his arms in your quiet home, the early morning light shining through the window. You’d grind against him, teasing him until he slipped inside you, making sweet love to you as you have all the time in the world, and no cares whatsoever. 
Heat begins to bloom in your belly. You know it’s not just from the warmth beginning to return to you. You desperately fight it, trying to ignore the pulsing between your legs and instead focus on the roaring of the wind outside the cave, the painful throbbing in your toes, the scratchiness of the blanket, anything. 
Hunter shifts just slightly behind you, letting out a long breath. Kriff, he can probably smell it. He could probably smell it before your body even started reacting. He knows. He knows. 
You shift slightly, ignoring the way your thighs slide a little too easily against each other. “Sorry.” You breathe, nervously tugging on the edge of the blanket. 
He hums, his fingers trailing down your front. He presses his palm against your belly, causing your breath to hitch. He shifts his legs and suddenly there’s something pressing against your ass. Something hard. “Nothing to apologize for, mesh’la.” He murmurs in your ear, his voice so low and deep you can feel it vibrating through your back. 
"Hunter?" You ask, staring at the heat lamp. 
He hums, pressing closer to you, his breath fanning your ear. 
Your breath catches in your throat, your exhale shaky. "I'm still cold. Could you warm me up a little more?"
His arms wrap tighter around you, pulling you firmly against him as his lips meet the skin of your neck. He kisses a line from your ear to the junction of your shoulder, the hand that had been planted on your stomach slowly sliding lower. It slips between your thighs, grabbing one and lifting it over his hip. Your hands cling to the arm wrapped around you as he slides his fingers down your inner thigh. Your body is shivering for a different reason now. 
You gasp quietly as his fingers trail over your wet slit, hips pushing into his hand. It’s so much better than your fantasies, those dexterous fingers flicking over your clit. 
“All this just for me?” He murmurs in your ear, his voice low and rough. 
“Yes,” You gasp, nails biting into his skin as he works you up. “Been thinking of this for a long time.” 
“I know.” He says, sinking a finger into you. “I could sense it. At first I could smell it. I always wondered what you were thinking about.” He slips a second finger into you. “Didn’t take long to figure it out.” He kisses the side of your head. “Your heart rate would jump. Sometimes I’d smell it while you were looking at me. I was flattered. A gorgeous woman like you thinking about me like that.” 
You wiggle in his arms, just enough so you can see his face. “Why didn’t you say anything?” 
He pauses his movements, his fingers stilling inside you. “Didn’t want to complicate things. Then everything happened with the Empire and I just haven’t had the right moment.” 
“Fair.” You say, eyes dropping to his lips. “Not a whole lot of places to do things like this in the ship.” 
He grins. “No, especially not with the others there.” His thumb brushes over your clit, fingers starting to thrust into you once more. “I’m going to find us a safe place to stay.” He says, words broken by kisses as he trails them up your neck. “Build us a home with lots of privacy.” He kisses across your face to the corner of your lips. “So we can do this whenever we want.” 
You hum, backing away from his lips before he can kiss you. “Usually I require a date first, but I’ll make an exception.” 
“I’ll make it up to you.” He says, lips brushing yours as he speaks. “I promise.” 
You close the small distance between you, pressing your lips to his. He kisses you softly, lips slightly chapped from the cold. His fingers continue to move inside you, curling to find that spot that has your legs shaking. His thumb circles your clit, bringing you closer and closer to sweet release. 
You whine against his lips as you cum around his fingers, soaking his hand with your release. He pulls away from your lips, withdrawing his hand before he lifts his fingers, taking them into his mouth. You watch, slack-jawed as he sucks his fingers clean. 
“Fuck buying me dinner,” You say, rolling around to face him. “If you’re gonna act like that you can skip all those steps.” 
He laughs, rolling on top of you. It’s a mirror of the moment you first began to have feelings, when he’d saved your life. You suppose he also saved your life again in this situation. Perhaps he needs to save your life more often if it’s going to end with him on top of you. 
He lowers himself down, pressing his lips to yours once more. You kiss him hard, tangling a hand in his hair. You’ve always wanted to touch it, always wanted to run your fingers through it, pull on it to see if it makes him moan. You file that away for another day. 
He’s hard, pressed against your stomach. His hips rock against you, dragging his cock along your skin. You slide your hands down his back, grabbing a handful of his ass. You’ve always wanted to grab it, having spent way too much time memorizing the shape of his body. His broad shoulders and thin waist and round ass and thick thighs. 
He really is the perfect man. 
“Fuck,” He moans, pulling away from your lips to press himself up. 
He’s away just long enough to line his cock up, your legs parting even wider for him. You both moan as he sinks into you, your sensitive walls fluttering around the intrusion. You pull him back against you, securing him tightly to your chest. His lips find yours again, kissing and biting as he begins to move. 
His thrusts are slow, working you open for him. It feels better than you could ever imagine, better than your fantasies could come up with. You’re no longer cold, even your toes warmed by his body and his touch. The air in the cave even feels warm, the blizzard outside nothing compared to the fire ignited beneath your skin at Hunter’s touch. 
You move your hips as he picks up speed, your bodies moving fluidly together. You let go, moaning as loud as you can. You don’t care if you accidentally wake some beast deep in the mountains. You want the whole galaxy to know how good Hunter makes you feel. 
Hunter grunts and moans above you, snapping his hips into you. You cling onto him as you begin to feel the burning low in your stomach, the coil tightening more and more as you get closer and closer to the edge. 
“Cum for me.” Hunter growls, nipping at your lower lip. “Let me feel you.”
You cry out his name as you cum, back arching in pleasure. He’s not far behind you, his head falling back as he stutters to a stop, filling you with his cum. You let him fall on top of you, wrapping your arms around him. 
He lays there, both of you catching your breaths. He’s heavy, a solid weight, but you don’t complain. He’s warm, and he makes you feel safe. He kisses your neck, tongue darting out to taste the salty skin. He groans, already starting to go hard inside you again. 
You wake to a bright light in your eyes. You squint, ducking your head down under the blanket. Hunter groans, shifting his arms around you. It’s quiet outside, far quieter than it had been last night. 
“Storms over.” Hunter rasps, not making any attempt to move. 
He’s still inside you, his softened cock tucked inside your pussy. You’d fallen asleep after the third round, the exhaustion finally taking over after you were thoroughly warmed. You don’t really want to get up. You don’t really want to move. You know the others have to be worried, after all you hadn’t been able to contact them after the storm blew in. You’re not even sure how far you are from the Marauder. 
It may be a bit selfish, but you wish you could stay here. Build yourselves a tiny home in this cave and never leave. Just the two of you, alone, like your fantasies had once consisted of. 
You know it’s not possible now. You couldn’t abandon the others like that, and you could never convince Hunter to abandon Omega, not that you would ever want to. You’ll just have to find a place to build a big enough house for all of you. 
“We should get up.” Hunter says, still not making any attempts to move. “The others will be worried.” 
You hum, pressing a kiss to his chest. “Five more minutes?” 
He chuckles, lifting your chin so he can kiss you. “I suppose five minutes won’t hurt anything.” 
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@rosechi @bobaprint @star-trekker-0013 @wolffegirlsunite @jedi-hawkins @sinfulsalutations @freesia-writes @littlemissmanga @clio3kantarella @eris-k @thorsterstrudle @idontgetanysleep @anxiouspineapple99 @clonemedickix @moonlightwarriorqueen @sleepingsun501 @dystopicjumpsuit @wings-and-beskar @blueink-bluesoul @starrylothcat @523rdrebel @thrawnspetgoose @originalcollectionartistry @gwalchmai2970 @maddiedrmr @sunshinesdaydream @mooncommlink @deejadabbles @starqueensthings @multi-fan-dom-madness @wizardofrozz @mythical-illustrator
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luveline · 1 year
I am humbly requesting a steve zombie au where the reader gets hypothermia hehehe😌
ty for ur humble request babe ♡ steve zombie au —steve freaks when you show symptoms of hypothermia. fem!reader 2k
"Steve, I think there's something wrong." 
Steve raises his head to show he's listening, keeping his gaze on the map. You say it through shivers, sleeves pulled down over your makeshift mittens. "What's wrong, honey?"
He's noticed you aren't yourself today, and he thinks a soft tone is the least he can give you. The stupid map in his hand is tattered, creased down the middle from folding and unfolding. He thought getting to Michigan would be easy, walk in one direction and keep on, but you both need to eat and rest and the weather is too cold to go any further. He needs to find a residential, tonight. 
"I feel off. I'm tired and I…" Your mumbling drifts off. 
Steve shoves the map under his arm, "What? Tell me." 
"Cold," you say, slurred, offering your hands. "I can't feel my fingers." 
You're wearing socks over your hands, the best gloves Steve could offer. He takes them with a severe frown, unhappy when the cold of your skin permeates through. You're ice. 
"And you don't feel well?" he asks, feeling up your arm to your neck. 
Steve digs under the layers of your shirts, hoodie, coat, feeling for your pulse. It feels alarmingly slow. He'd never guess from looking at you how slow your heart is pumping. 
Steve doesn't know everything, but he knows you're not supposed to be this cold for this long. You shiver as his fingers warm your neck, a pained hum coming from the very back of your throat as he pulls you in for a hug. 
"Okay," he says, rubbing your back even though he knows it's pointless. "Don't worry. We can't stay outside anymore, huh?" 
Steve aches to have to drag you down road after road, stretches of streets littered with little protection to offer. The roadside stores here are rocked by the elements, windows smashed and ceilings caving in. You're stumbling by the time a crop of houses appear in the distance, lethargic. Steve thought it was bad that you were cold, of course, but this is a more primal fear. You're not cold, you're freezing, actively freezing. 
"You're okay," he says again, his gentlest reassurance. "Sweetheart, just a few more minutes. See that house, the big brown shutters? That's where we're going. Can you do it?" 
"I can do it," you murmur. 
"I know, but it's my turn to ask stupid questions." 
Dead trees line the street, a planter of flowers by the door turned to crisps. Steve props you against a beam of wood holding up the angled porch roof and opens the screen door. He tries the handle on the interior. It's locked, a good sign. 
He's admittedly feeling the adrenaline of your imminent demise. Furious with the world and circumstances and himself for letting this happen, Steve kicks the door down with three big kicks. The bang rings like a shot through the entire neighbourhood, he imagines, but there's no time to worry about it. 
"You have to–" little gasp, Steve's head hurts, "have to sweep the house," you say as he pulls you inside. 
If there's something in here, he has to risk it. Out of options. 
He's as softhanded as he can manage dropping you into a seemingly intact couch. The room appears untouched from whoever left it, rather plush, it's a room Steve would've liked to live in. 
He grabs your face. You meet his eyes, startled. 
"I'm going upstairs for blankets. If something happens, you yell for me as loudly as you can. You don't have to say anything, just scream. Seriously." 
"Yeah," you say breathlessly. The last street of walking and the few steps has exhausted you. 
"Don't sleep," he says severely. 
"No, I won't." 
Steve dumps his bag on the floor. He backtracks to the porch to grab yours and wedges the splintered door closed using your bag as a temporary stopper. 
You must be hypothermic, cold for days, too cold to sleep last night, and it's all Steve's fault. We can do it, he'd said, just another push. He hoped for better standing further out of Indiana. None of it will matter if you get sick. 
He spins to walk up the stairs, falls weak and rushes back into the living room to check on you. 
"Everything's okay," he says, taking your face again into his hands and kissing your forehead. It's purely selfish. 
You touch his elbow. "I know." 
Steve takes off his jacket and puts it over your lap. The house is vaguely warmer than outdoors but it's far from enough to make a difference to you. Heart in his throat, he bounds up the stairs and onto the landing, an L-shape with one bedroom straight in front and four doors on left. The smell of gore coming from the closed master bedroom explains how it could be this clean; it wasn't uncommon at the start of the apocalypse for people to lock themselves in, kill themselves and their families. He has no interest in seeing it, nor unleashing the mould spores that come with decomposition. Whatever blankets were in there are worthless now. 
He takes a left and opens the door with a slam. A teenage bedroom not unlike his own back home, a simple comforter on the bed. He grabs it and tosses it on the landing, dipping into the second room. Bathroom, nothing worth having. The third room is a utility room with a jackpot of folded sheets, towels, padded quilts, and a comforter rolled into a log. He throws everything onto the floor and forgets the fourth door, arms fit to burst with fabric as he descends back downstairs. 
"Steve?" you ask.
"Yep, yes. I'm here." He drops the blankets at your feet. "Are your clothes damp?" 
"I think… no." 
"I'd tell you to take off your jacket," he begins, shaking the biggest comforter out over you as he talks, "but I want as many layers as possible. Come here, sweetheart. Lift your back a little." He tucks you in like a pastry. "Good. Good, thank you, sweetheart." 
"You're being very nice," you mumble, your eyelashes twitching like you've dimes weighing down your eyelids. 
"I'm always nice." 
"No," you say, your head falling back into the couch cushions. It's a family couch made of soft fabrics, not the showy leather piece you'd expect in such a mammoth lodging. "You're okay, though." 
Steve piles blankets on top of you. The cold is eating at him too, his nose stiff, his hair standing on end as gooseflesh ripples over his arms. 
When you've been sufficiently sandwiched, he feels your face again. You're already warmer, his hand creeping down into your shirt to feel for your pulse. Ropey. 
"Sweetheart, I need you to try and perk up," he says, rubbing your cheek with his thumb. 
"Not feeling perky." 
"Ah, but you're always perky. You're my sun, 'cos I'm so awful," he says, panic lining his plea. "You are. I'm going to make you something hot to eat." 
"Hot air?" you ask, slinking further down into your hump of sheets. 
"I think we might be in luck." 
He speaks too soon, really. The cupboards are lackluster. The can of soup he'd been hoping to find doesn't materialise. But there's a small can of ravioli, enough salted fish to make any tom cat happy, and a jug of water beneath the sink. He looks at it and sighs in relief. You have two litres of rainwater in your bag, and that had been the rations. This is one less thing to worry about. 
Steve makes sure that there kitchen door and the patio doors in the lonely dining room are locked, taking a big cooking pot from the pantry (depressingly empty bar a bag of sugar spilled on its side and a sack of grain) and a saucepan from atop the stove. He checks the gass but he's never that lucky, resigning himself to a typical campfire when it doesn't work. 
"Steve, put it back on," you say as he comes back in, your eyes a little wider, slightly more alert. You've pulled your arms out from under the blankets, with his jacket in your hands. 
Steve has kissed you before. You haven't talked about it out loud —he'd like to think a lot has been said in hand-holding, in spooning, and in you hand carding through his hair. He's eager to kiss you again, dumping his findings to hold your wrists. "Thank you," he says, kissing you clumsily, your lips cold. "Now put your arms in. I'll pull the blankets up." 
"Can you kiss me again?" 
"I'm trying to make you some hot water." 
"I'm warm enough already. Please?" 
Steve kisses you again. This time, he closes his eyes, puts his hand against your jaw. The sound of your lips pressing to his seems loud in the quiet. 
He pulls away with a final peck. "Are you feeling warmer?" 
You blow breath up your face. "Bet so." 
Steve rolls his eyes and turns away to make a campfire in the stolen pot. He'll boil some water in the saucepan for you to hold like a risky hot water bottle, and make some warmed ravioli. It'll be sweet. And tomorrow, if you're feeling better, he'll scavenge for supplies in the neighbourhood. Tonight, he'll burn the kitchen chairs. They don't need them anymore. 
"Settle in," he says, opening his backpack for the fire starters and matches. "We'll stay for a while, okay?" 
"Yeah, okay. Sorry for the fuss." 
"Are you kidding?" He can't look at you. He'll probably cry. "It's cold. You were cold, and we didn't– I knew your coat wasn't good enough but I just thought… well, it's my fault. It is. And I– I care about you so much," —he says it in a rush, true but unused to admitting his feelings to you or anyone— "I can't do this without you. I'll take better care of you, I swear. It won't happen again." 
"You know what would really warm me up?" you ask. 
Steve turns on his heel. "Let me make you something to eat." 
"Not hungry, just cold." 
Steve tamps down a giddy smile into one more respectable. "Let me feel your pulse," he relents, lifting the heavy layer of blankets to climb inside. Its roasting, the warmest he's felt in weeks, and your arm is alive as he slides into your side. 
He puts his hand against your neck, waiting for a steady bump. 
"Am I cured?" you ask. 
Steve sighs in relief. "You're cured." 
You wrap your arms around him. Life with you and in this situation is an endless rise and fall. Something shitty happens, you scrape by, and, as a victory, he gets to hug you in the end. 
"Are you sure you're okay?" Steve asks. 
"You just said I was cured, Steve," you mumble, digging your face into his shoulder. "Just. Stay here. Keep feeling me up." 
"Not what I'm doing." 
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t-5seconds · 3 months
i'm doing a hunger games simulator of @linked-maze ! game under the cut- although i hit the tumblr image limit, so i will need to reblog this (here's a link to the reblog with the rest of the game in it)
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here's the lineup! i needed 24 characters, but linked maze doesn't quite have that many characters yet- so, some characters are in here twice, in both their hylian and animal forms. this gives them twice the chance to win, good odds, but in the hunger games, it's less about odds and more about blind luck. let's go!
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a lot of running away from the bloodbath. a reasonable but boring course of action
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a lot of weapon gathering as well, but still no violence. maybe this will be the first ever peaceful bloodbath
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more running, and koridai steals a mace from wolfy! i didn't know wolfy had hands
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wow. i can't believe it. a bloodbath with literally no blood. they all just ran away. onto day 1, let's see how long the peace lasts
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the peace did NOT last. wolf time attacks hylian time, despite the fact that A: they are on the same team and B: they're literally the same person. but both times survive. meanwhile, sheerow gets the first kill! rip minish
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compass kills hyrule (the hylian. fairy hyrule is still in the game)! meanwhile, everyone robs wind
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at the end of day 1, friendship blooms on the battlefield. that's nice
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minish and hyrule are dead. sheerow and compass have one kill each, meaning they're currently tied for first place!
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shadow makes four kill wolf time, but he spares bunny bunny! why did shadow do that to his own teammate? i don't know. at least hylian time is still alive. also, twilight kills wind. poor wind, everyone raided his camp and then he died.
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wild dies in a frozen lake... yeah, cold water is like the #1 most deadly thing in botw and totk, that's fair. rip. and djaevel kills warrior! i would not have thought he could do that, but i guess i thought wrong
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SHEEROW KILLS AGAIN! bunny is dead (the hylian one. bunny the bunny is fine). ravio lets time into his shelter, which i personally think is a bad idea but maybe it will work out. now for day 2
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twilight runs away from ravio. i think twilight would win that fight but i guess he's not as sure as i am
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sheerow continues to be a menace. now that wind is dead, everyone's stealing from four instead. djaevel falls in a hole and dies, which is embarrasing for him, and that's the end of day 2! 6 people died
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despite the deaths, no teams are wiped out yet. sheerow is in first place! for now. onto night 2
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i guess ravio letting time into his shelter did pay off after all! time is now extending kindness to world, and ravio gets to stay in someone else's shelter too
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everyone has a bad night. maybe sheerow is experiencing guilt for his murdering ways, and angel might be mourning djaevel, since he fell in a hole and died
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how did bunny start a fire? why did he cook his food, when bunnies do not need to do that? a mystery for the ages. onto day 3
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navi kills twilight! everyone else (including wolfy) just kind of runs around thinking about murder
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sheerow and koridai both discover a cave. is it the same cave? who knows! meanwhile angel does exactly what she usually does. a short and uneventful day (except for twilight dying, i guess)
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sheerow is still in first place! and there are still no eliminated teams. time for night 3
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four spares sky. angel dies of hypothermia? i guess she is naked, and it's cold. bunny cooks his food again. why does he keep doing that
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fairy friends! compass kills spirit! sheerow (who is a bird) loses sight of where he is, even though he can FLY. and that's the end of the night!
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everyone's doing well. or as well as they can be, given the circumstances
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bunny the bunny plans murder. what a short day!
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sheerow and compass are back to being tied for first! in an interesting twist, the first team to be wiped out was the twili siblings, followed shortly by wind and spirit.
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fairy hyrule spares compass, despite the fact that she killed hylian hyrule. time lets a wolf into his shelter like an idiot
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end of night 4! that was pretty short. hopefully day 5 is exciting
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day 5 is very short, but it is a little exciting! world makes sheerow kill koridai, putting sheerow back in first place!
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district two, minish and koridai's team, is wiped out. i'm starting to think sheerow is going to win, but you never know. onto night 5
(in the a reblog, because i hit the tumblr image limit. see the rest of the game here)
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clanwarrior-tumbly · 9 months
Ooo can I please request a drayton x reader, where the reader is really adventurous and reckless and is always putting themselves in harms way to have fun, despite his laid back personality, he absolutely worries about the reader, especially if they've been gone a long time, like bro just asks where they've been and why they disappeared for a couple days, and the reader was like oh, I was exploring with miraidon or practicing the new fly feature and training my team, bro was about to send out a search party for them lol. The rest of the BB league find it cute and amusing and poke fun of drayton, even though they were low key worried themselves. Oooft, sorry if this was a handful
Paldea, Kitakami, and the Terarium are all like huge playgrounds for you and your Pokémon...and oftentimes very dangerous ones at that.
As much as Drayton enjoys hearing about your adventures, he does show frequent concern about whether you're being careful or not while exploring.
But you're known for being quite the reckless trainer who loves taking risks and messing around all for the sake of "fun". And he gets it. He likes that carefree vibe you have.
It just worries him whenever you're gone for days at a time and nobody's heard from or seen you.
When you finally stop by the club room, Drayton asks where you've been and you'll say some shit like "oh I was bluetooth-ing my brain to my big pseudo-dragon legendary and beating up the local Dodrio population but I might've used the machine too long bc I got a killer migraine afterwards.......oh, and I flew up to that teraglobe thingy and found a cool bottle cap!"
"Sweet, that's worth a good----wait, how tf did you survive the trip up there???" He does the quickest double-take, shocked when you mentioned your 'raidon's new flying ability.
"Wanna take it for a spin?"
"...nah, I'll pass. I get motion sickness."
Lord help him if you're a shiny hunter.
You shared a story about the time you rushed headfirst into a Golurk outbreak zone on the steep slopes of the polar biome and damn near got hypothermia....
All because there was a slim chance that a different-colored one could be there and you wanted to catch it.
Man, and he thought Kieran was the crazy one...
Once, you got lost in the chargestone cave looking for a metal alloy for your Duraludon, and Drayton damn near sent out a search team (consisting of himself and all his dragons) to find you.
He's like "dude..if you wanted one you should've just asked".
"....but that's not as fun as risking life and limb to find it in the wild and wrestling with the nearby tera porygon for it :(("
As for the rest of the BB League, they're no strangers to your bizarre stories.
In fact they find it endearing how much Drayton worries about you or brings up your name during lunch.
Lacey and Amarys are the ones who usually tell him to chill, believing you're responsible enough and your Pokémon are strong enough to protect you....while Crispin's always like "I hope they don't forget to eat :O"
Then there's Kieran, who just looks at him like "hold on [y/n] did WHAT now????" and honestly getting a little jealous you didn't tell him those stories.
The one thing they can all agree on, though, is that he 100% has a crush on you...
But he denies it ofc.
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castielsprostate · 8 months
spn season 16 episode 4 ski vacation!!! sam and eileen are actually investigating the case (yeti) but they get trapped in a cave during a snow storm. dean is teaching castiel how to ski but doesn't know how to ski either so they fall and fuck behind some bushes and die to hypothermia in the snow storm but the yeti saves them. jack rowena and crowley are at the inn playing boardgames and don't know anything is wrong and have the best holiday ever. dean and cas have a threesome with the yeti
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chocogi · 2 years
Wherein the Creator is also known as the Holy Puppeteer, courtesy of the people she puppeteered around to see Teyvat in its glory.
Your hair stuck to the sides of your face. The trench coat you threw on to brave the snowy walk to the mall fluttered behind you, tattered and torn.
You were bleeding, you were tired, and you were running.
They shrieked and glared at you. Babbling about disrespect and Creator and death.
Hot tears slid off your cheeks and froze on the ground.
Your lungs burned; blood and soot decorated your clothes. The footsteps you left behind in the pristine snow of Dragonspine stood out with crimson charm.
Your blood stained the snow and laced it with gold. The snow foxes emerged from the icy corners and watched you flee.
You are alone.
Your skin is sickly pale and painful, golden strings erupted from your fingertips, grappling for anything that may save its master.
You play them around for your entertainment. You watch their stories play and do nothing. It is out of your hands, you didn’t know.
You didn’t know, you swear you didn’t know.
The strings thicken and wrap around you, hopelessly providing what little insulation it can to preserve your body heat. You’re getting desperate, the hot pain of the string and the stinging cold of the icy winds muddling your conscious. Everything’s a blur and you don’t know what’s happening anymore.
Why are you here?
The snow crunches under you as you fall, wrapped in a cold, golden cocoon of string. And suddenly, you cry out in relief.
Warmth spreads through you. You hug yourself and immediately flinch. It’s so warm, why is my skin so cold?
You distantly notice you stopped shivering.
The heat ramps up but your skin still feels freezing and soon you curl up and what is happening-
It’s too hot, why is it so hot-?
Your vision blurs; not that it matters, all you see is a wall of gold anyways. The heat feels like its boiling your blood and in response you try to rip off your clothes, push the pretty walls away, anything to balance out the sudden heat you’re feeling.
Black spots invade your sight and soon your wall of gold is a cold dark void.
Your body slowly stops moving as it puffs out your last breath.
A shimmery golden.. mass is not really what Albedo was expecting to see in the desolate land of Dragonspine, but here he is.
Even more surprising is the flora growing around and on it, uncaring of the freezing winds and the lack of soil.
If there’s no soil, there wouldn’t be enough nutrients for it to even bloom, right?
Maybe it’s another spectacle waiting for him to study.
Unsheathing his sword, he trims off the stray threads and cuts into the mass of suprisingly durable string.
The Cinnabar Spindle falls to the ground. Lifeless black, as cold as the snow around your carcass, bore dread into horrified teal.
Constellations littered your pale skin and the fading cosmos stay visible in your irises. If that wasn’t already a dead giveaway to who the body belonged to, the golden string from your fingertips is confirmation of your identity enough.
Without waiting another minute, he buries all the string, cuts it off and away from your fingers, picks you up, and bolts for his lab.
The rest of Teyvat who knew Albedo are left to question why Klee disappeared along with him, why neither of them can be found anywhere, and why Teyvat slowly caves in on itself.
They look to their statues of you only to be met with more puzzlement when they’re met with a cracked and curled statue, once smooth marble now jagged at the edges, and gold stripes from their anguished, stone eyes to the bottom of their cheeks.
The statue itself is surrounded by a puddle of molten gold and withered plants, the sight allowing the forming pit of despair in their guts to grow.
aka chocogi challenges themself on how to say you dont know anything about hypothermia without saying it directly
sorry lmao i was dead for some time
edit three people want a part two so have my brainrot
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whumper-whimsy · 2 months
@augusnippets day 9
Overheating/ Hypothermia/ Dehydration
Captivity, escape attempt, cold whump, recapture
Whumper glared around the snowy landscape, pulling his jacket tighter to his skin. It was absolutely freezing out here. Why had Whumpee decided to run off now? The stupid thing was going to freeze to death, for God's sake!
"Whumpee," he shouted irritably, keeping an eye out for his captive. "Where the hell did they run off to?
Then he saw it— a set of footprints in the snow. It seemed that Whumpee had taken a pair of shoes, at least.
Whumper trekked through the snow, frustration pushing him forward. Eventually, he spotted a small shape huddled against a large rock. Whumpee.
"You! What do you think you're doing, Whumpee?" Whumper snapped, storming over.
Immediately upon spotting him, Whumpee jumped up and sprinted away, their movements slower and clumsier than usual. Whumper had no idea how long they had been out here.
"Whumpee, come on. You don't want to die out here, do you?"
Whumpee backed into a flat area of snow with no trees or other features. "I'd rather try to survive out here than live with you!" Whumpee said fiercely, eyes full of rage.
"Whumpee, you're standing on a—"
A large groan sounded in the air, followed by several cracks.
The ice caved under the weight, and Whumpee plummeted into the cold water.
Whumper came to the frozen lake's edge, looking down at the hole Whumpee had fallen through. They were thrashing, slowly sinking and losing their fight against the water's pull.
Whumper reached in, pulling them out and onto the snowy bank. "Are you about done?"
Whumpee was still coughing, spitting the water out onto the ground. Whumper chuckled at the pathetic display.
"Well, I suppose I'll leave it up to you whether you want to come back..." Whumper shrugged, smirking at the captive.
"Please! Take me b- back, I'm so cold—" Whumpee pleaded, shivering. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, take me back..."
Whumper chuckled, scooping Whumpee up in his arms. Whumpee was freezing cold, his eyes hazy and tired.
"Now you know better, don't you? No more running off, dear." Whumper began carrying Whumpee back, feeling the smaller human clinging to his body.
"Y- yes sir, I know n-now..."
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cryptidcr3ature · 4 months
Do y’all want more drunk Charles stories? Bc too bad I have more. Charles has maybe been drunk like 8 times in his life and several times these stories happened in the same night.
1. Got really drunk and stripped to his underwear while camping, not realizing it was going to be freezing that night and he nearly got hypothermia.
2. Him and Hosea attempted to call a bear out of a cave by calling it like a dog.
3. Saw Taima and immediately started crying and petting her because she’s too cute.
4. Tried to take a shot without his hands and ended up slamming his head into the glass, leaving a round mark on his forehead.
5. Forgot his own strength and in a joking manner he punched Arthur’s arm and left a mark.
And you thought all of these would be fun, but I don’t believe in that.
6. The first time he got drunk, was when he was about 24, had a shockingly hard day, and decided to just have a couple shots at the saloon. He ended up renting a room for the night, saw himself in the mirror, and had a panic attack because of how much he looked like his dad and that he was about to end up just like him.
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