#celestial sunrise
madamepestilence · 1 year
An absolutely incredible win with my friends HarleyQuinzelle and Vile while I was streaming on Twitch! (https://twitch.tv/madamepestilence)
Make sure to also check out their Twitch channels here:
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halloween-sweets · 10 months
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inkyucu · 27 days
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So... This is the picture I've been having a rough time with.
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Do I know how this happened? No.
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Do I want to know how this happened? No.
Am I glad to finally just post this and move on with my life? Absolutely.
Hopefully I'll be able to post art more often now
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miiv12 · 7 months
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I read an amazing Sun/Moon fic where Sun gets a wet floor bot as a service animal/bot and it's so cute i had to draw it! Fic here go read it! https://archiveofourown.org/works/42396252
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celestial-equator · 7 months
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whales… mostly
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alexandraisyes · 5 months
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A hands tutorial! Brought to you by Twisted Celestials Sun and Moon!
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cheesecakelumpsart · 6 months
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More old art! A sort-of series of cats based on celestial bodies. Moon kitty is my favorite.
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allegrenix · 1 year
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A cloud practice that got turned into a full piece, rendering clouds for me is still difficult to get just right and it took me a while to get here.
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coughrat · 1 year
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This is from the Celestial Idiots -"Sun and Moon go on a horror ride" BUT you can see it as anything if you want :D (ik i spelled memories wrong lol)
[id- Sun is holding his arm with a distressed expression. He has his mouth open with sharp canine teeth and a tooth gap. They have some cracks and clips in there rays. They are slightly shaking and the text says in a droopy text bubble "This brings back not so fond memories". It is a dark yellow color with a lighter one in the back"- end Id]
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the photo you took of the detail of the golden reflection of the sun on the wet sand, with a wave rolling on in, is really beautiful and thoughtful. it moved me a little bit; i got a warm feeling in my chest looking at it. thank you for sharing it with us!
One of the mornings, my sister and my mother joined me for a dawn walk down the beach. At one point, my mother asked how the whole scene made us feel---the rush of the ocean, the sky paling, the quiet even of the other people gathered on the beach to watch the sunrise with us. Thoughtful? she asked. Does it make you think about the future?
And I answered very honestly that I couldn't stop thinking about how---this has been happening for so much longer than any of us could fathom. It was a deeply ancient thing, the sun rising over the sea; there had to have been thousands upon millions of mornings where where it happened just like this, whether anyone was there to witness it or not.
(This prompted a brief digression into how old the ocean actually was---after some back and forth, we decided that the ocean became the ocean when it was oxygenated, which according to my scientist sister is approximately 500 million years ago. On the timescale of the universe, the ocean is a baby. Humanity, though, has never existed without it.)
My sister added that when she looked at the sky and the waves, she was struck by how it would keep happening, long after we were gone---not just the three of us, but the whole human race. The vacation homes and the carefully-cultivated white sand beach might drown, collapse, or return to wilderness, but nothing else would change, because the sea and the sky were indifferent to our existence.
My mother, who clearly had not been expecting 6:55am meditations on humanity’s smallness and insignificance in the face of the universe, gave up.
All this to say...we have an almost embarrassingly short period of time in which to notice how beautiful the world is. And the awareness of that beauty, unlike the rest, will not outlast us. So we might as well cling to what we can.
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trampolin0 · 1 year
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kindheart525 · 6 months
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As promised, here’s a look at the Thirdverse cast’s pets! Most of the cast has a little critter to love and care for (whether it be their own pet or the family pet) and most of them should make at least an appearance or two in the story, if not more!
1, 2, and 3. Each of the SugarJack kids gets a loyal dog to call their own! All of them are littermates and Winona’s grandpuppies.  First is Winnie, Blackberry Maple’s dog who was named in honor of the grandmother she resembles. She embodies the term “stallion’s best friend” wholeheartedly, accompanying her owner on many of his travels. Every now and then he embarks on a trip that he anticipates being dangerous or generally not dog friendly, in which case he leaves her at home to spend time with her littermates. But she’s always over the moon when he comes back, as shown in this little doodle! Second is Ethel, Orchard Sunrise’s dog. Her owner has her very well trained; she knows all kinds of tricks beyond the basic “sit,” “stay,” and “come,” and is always happy to show them off. While herding was already an instinct for her breed, Orchard has Ethel specifically trained to herd the rest of her family over when she needs them to do something for her. And of course Orchard keeps her very clean and well-groomed, fit for a proper show dog! Last but not least is Fireside Jam’s pup, Wilbur! She—yes, Wilbur is a girl—was the runt of the litter, but Jammy fell in love from his first look at her. The name comes from him assuming she was a boy puppy at first, but it stuck and she doesn’t care about gendered names anyway. She has a little bit of catching up to do with her siblings, not just physically as the runt, but because Jammy is still learning how to train her. Despite not always understanding the word “sit,” Wilbur is surprisingly gentle for such an active breed, and she’s well taken care of both by her favorite boy and his parents who are still really the ones in charge of her. Jammy is still growing up, but he’ll have his dog to grow up with him.
4. Celestial Blessing may have a strong command of dark spells like nopony else, but that doesn’t mean occasional mishaps and surprises still don’t come up for them. Nothing world-ending, thankfully, but that’s how they ended up with a live, magically-created manticore under their care. Sombra is fierce and intimidating, with a sting that can paralyze the mighty, except when it comes to the little dachshund she shares an owner with. Stygian is just as judgmental as his owner, if not more. One glaring look from his piercing blue eyes turns Sombra into a frightened, mewling kitten. He has never laid a paw on her and she could physically overpower him easily, but somehow she wouldn’t dare.  Yes, they were both named after the villains that once terrorized Equestria.
5. Bismuth Sun is extra busy, and she has only so many hooves and wings to do all the things she needs to get done. Lucky for her she has a few extra hands—more than a few, actually—to help her out. Pictured here are just a few members of the colony of meerkats who assist in her daily tasks. Scheduling, packing, even basic physical upkeep, she never has to fall too far behind with them around. All of them are named after great Equestrian legends, in keeping with Bissy’s family’s values. They include Starswirl the Bearded, Clover the Clever, Gusty the Great, and many more. Starswirl is the matriarch of the colony which she rules with an iron paw (look up meerkat social behaviors to see how brutal they get), but she’s kind to Bismuth and makes sure her fellow meerkats get things done.
6. Once upon a time, Laffy Taffy had a hamster named Creeper, named for one of her favorite video games. She took pretty good care of him, feeding him regularly and making sure he got the amount of attention he needed. Plus she’s practically nocturnal like hamsters are, so they had that to bond over. But hamsters are fragile creatures, and all it took was Laffy yelling at a lagging game a single decibel too loud to give Creeper a fatal heart attack (even though he was all the way across the room from her). Laffy misses him, but she’s not going to get another hamster just to watch it meet the same fate. Instead, she has a furby to keep her company now. This furby might as well be alive with how interactive it is, especially since it connects to a video game which she’s playing in this doodle. She has named her furby Candy Chomper (AKA “Tay-boo”) and has a lot of fun with him, although she sometimes forgets to put him to “sleep” when she should and wakes up to some very unsettling vocalizations in the dead of night.
7. Alligators in captivity can reportedly live up to 70 years, so Gummy is very much alive and well. He’s definitely not a baby anymore, and his bigger size and mouth full of teeth make that clear. Still, he’s the same gator he always was, silently contemplating the world around him and eating whatever treats his owners give him. He especially loves the kids. While he may look like he’s about to eat baby Galatea in this doodle, it’s common for alligators to carry their babies in their mouths so he’s just following the instincts of his foremothers. Kind of like Galatea is his own baby! Most ponies would expect him to be very territorial if he’s claiming the kids as his own like this, but he’s happy to share them with their actual parents. Gummy’s just another part of the family!
8. Fluttershy’s bunny Angel was still alive to meet her firstborn, although by then he was already quite a bit older than most normal bunnies would live to. Like the brat he is, Angel never liked Fluttershy’s husbands and he especially didn’t like that she was “replacing” him with a new baby. No, that thumping on her pregnant belly was not the happy kind. But he managed to tolerate the toddler Tiger Lily, only giving her a couple scratches which is much less than he wanted to give. Death would take him soon anyway. Tiger loved him to bits even when he did scratch or bite her, and she was quite overzealous with her love too. Not much has changed since then, as she is the same way with all of her mom’s other pets even when some of them aren’t the affectionate kind.
9. Somewhat similar to Angel, Rarity’s cat Opalescence also had an unfounded grudge against her first (step)daughter. Diamond Tiara didn’t even really do anything wrong, but neither did Rarity or Sweetie Belle and she liked to torment them sometimes too. That’s just how Opal is. There was also a little bit of jealousy with Opal not being the center of Rarity’s attention at home anymore, and new ponies entering her territory. Diamond Tiara didn’t really like Opal in return, but at least they stayed out of each other’s way for the most part. Opal would consider herself lucky she didn’t live to meet Rarity’s actual baby.
10, 11, and 12.Tank is still very much an integral part of the Dash family, and with how long tortoises live, he will be long after Dash herself is gone. He’s seen a lot of chaos in his owner’s life, from being there for some of her most difficult moments to also just watching all the hijinks the kids get up to. The three younger kids especially love including Tank in their activities. He’s been Moonray’s fashion model, Lantern’s therapy animal, Strawberry’s spinning toy, and more. Some of it he enjoys and some of it he very much does not, but Tank is glad to be there for the family regardless. Still, the three months a year he goes into hibernation are about the only quiet time he gets nowadays.
13. When they grow up, Earth Day and Princess Cut are not the only ones to become a couple. Like a love story straight out of a fairytale, their little poodles, Peep and Meringue, also take a liking to each other. They literally pull on their leashes to see each other whenever they catch so much as a whiff of the other’s presence, and they love nothing more than walks in the park together. It’s a win-win since it also gives their owners an excuse to meet up and bond more. It was meant to be from the first time Peep and Meringue tangled their owners up in their leashes and accidentally toppled them into a lake, and the fashion disaster of sopping wet clothes was worth it. There’s no doubt that Earth and Princess dolled their little dogs up in a bedazzled suit and dress a “wedding,” almost as extravagant as the wedding they would have themselves. And of course it won’t be long until a litter of puppies is on its way~
The Auraverse pets can be found here
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al-live · 1 month
I'm reading you -song lyrics
I don't care what nobody says
Youre burnin slow inside that head
Sometimes that girl just can't read a room
I read your eyes, I read your sighs
Your open letters to the sky, and girl.
Girl, I'm reading you.
How you feelin', baby doll, how was today
Did you hit the night too hard, Was everything okay
It's like there's somethin' you wanna say
But sing it, walk it, write it, talk it.
It don't matter anyway.
What are you? where ya goin?
What do you wanna do? Is your cup not overflowin'
Do you sleep at night? Are you stayin' real kind?
Are you hidin' somethin youre not showin
in that beautiful mind
I don't care what nobody says
You're burnin' slow inside that head
sometimes that girl just can't read a room.
I read your eyes, I read your sighs,
Your open letters to the sky, and girl.
Girl, I'm readin' you.
How you doin'? I know you feel alone
You feel like noones on your side, or
noone even knows you right
Maybe you don't even know whats wrong
You know a big change comin' soon
You know you've got to make a move
Look around you, youre surrounded by drama queens
Trauma queens, you'll need dramamine,
to ride this ride, Ohio life, in this economy.
but one things true, i'm readin' you
I dont care what nobody says
Youre burnin slow inside that head
sometimes that girl just can't read a room.
I read your eyes, I read your sighs,
your open letters to the sky, and girl
Girl, Im readin you.
[You are somethin' people want around
Little gremlin, sister, or a clown
keep chasin' sunshine even when it goes down
I swear its there, hun. It's there
And I don't care what nobody says
Youre burnin slow inside that head.
You know we just love to see you smile, ooo
In your eyes and in your sighs,
your open letters to heavens sky, and girl.
Girl, Im readin you. Lina.
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rileycyriis · 2 months
Got to make out with my beautiful partners under the eclipse during totality 💖💕💖
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alexandraisyes · 6 months
I was in a doodling mood.
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Close ups under the cut
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