#celestial wip
juls-writes · 2 years
find the word!
again! I have severely underestimated the number of tags and discovered more in my notes so here we go: from @ceph-the-ghost-writer, layer, orange, miracle, guest, and rear and from @samplewriting, screen, cave, draw, and star
to shake things up a bit these snippets will be from all 3 of my main wips! I'll tag anyone who wants to play to avoid too many new tags... your words are stay, lavender or lilac, tower, peek, and curl
layer, bastards wip
I take the chance to survey the room and my surroundings. A window sits over the bed, framed by faded linen curtains. Rain spatters the glass and races itself down the panes. Humidity sticks to everything, weighing down a layer of dust covering the furniture and giving the room a musty smell that tickles my nose.
orange, celestial wip
Sidus smiled to himself, still staring out to sea as he ate, but Garen didn’t take his eyes off him. He’d seen it all a thousand times; the spotted rays in the crystal shallows, the ever-changing vistas of towering clouds looming on the horizon, the bustling docks. He’d tasted the neighbor’s oranges time and time again too, though it seemed sweeter today for having come from Sidus.
miracle, bastards wip
There’s a spot of teal night still above me, slowly encircled by evening’s clouds rolling in. I cast the sky a wary look of gratitude, and slow as I enter the sloping cobbled road that winds into town. Frankly, with only one good pub, miserable locals, freezing temperatures for half the year, and fuck all to do, it’s a miracle Bellevue is still on the map.
guest, flowers wip
“Hi, Jun,” Lucy said, pulling herself together as much as possible before politely shaking his hand. “Come on. We were just about to have some tea.”
“Actually, we-”
“You can fill us in on everything after,” Lucy interrupted Marietta with a smile and a stern raise of her eyebrows. There’d be no arguing with that, especially not with a guest in tow, even if it was Jun – and her stomach was growling. Better to eat and drink now, since there was no telling when next they’d get a chance.
rear, celestial wip
As Theo reached the edge of the fence, he glanced down to check his footing, and then he tripped. His back slammed into one of the fence pillars, and the bear reared up on its back legs again. With its ears pointed, it focused down as it fell upon him. The last thing June saw was the glint of Theo’s sword lifting and his other arm raising to protect his face.
screen, bastards wip
There’s an unsteadiness to it. It’s not just the ship rocking on the waves. It’s whatever’s between us, existing tenuously in the criss-cross of the screen I’ve put up. After so many years, this moment – all the moments since a few days ago – have felt impossible, yet inevitable.
cave, flowers wip
“This is a great place to get murdered and never be found,” Marietta exclaimed cheerily, fielding Jun’s scowl as he turned around at the entrance to the cave. “You told me your life story and now I must die, yeah?”
draw, bastards wip
“I didn’t say that,” he says. It sounds like a lie to me, but my better instincts are tangled. I can’t decide what’s more likely, and I can’t decide what I want more – nothing to do with him, or everything. Weighing the pros and cons is tough enough to do while naked, never mind while naked with him shamelessly baring himself to the crisp morning air. My eyes draw to his midsection, and I force them back up and away.
star, celestials wip
Sagittarius sidestepped to stop right in front of Theo. "You believe in the Old Gods?”
“Of course I do." Theo looked as if he were about to take a step back, but stopped himself. “You don’t?” 
Sagittarius stifled a laugh. “Why would I?” 
“Why wouldn’t you? You’re a myth come true, aren’t you?” 
“Oh stars, don’t flatter me,” Sagittarius replied instantly, and a grin spread on his lips faster than he seemed to be able to help it.
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chrono-phage · 2 years
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leidensygdom · 11 months
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Sketch of my celestial-aligned robot gal with the objectively funniest crop top she could wear (WIP, to be finished later!)
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aurosoulart · 11 months
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Moonflower (prints)
finally finished another celestial art again. ;w; this will have a companion piece titled 'Sunflower'!
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eyenaku · 1 year
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wip painting
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snailsnaps · 2 years
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Have I told you i'm in love with the Moon!Donnie (Monnie? Moonnie?) from @ashwii 's Celestial AU? I might render this someday
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paintedcrows · 3 months
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Empire of Death | The One Who Waits at the End of Everything
Choosing to believe One Who Waits is Death the eternal, until proven otherwise.
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dismas-n-dismay · 3 months
And I’m telling y’all right now. When I drop this moonpaw x moon pool animatic the yuri warrior cats community BETTER MAKE SOME NOISE
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eepsy · 1 year
I lost will to finish this 😞
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Oh well 😞
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bismutharts · 1 year
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inspired by @chrono-phage i am now also making these celestial themed squares!
the star one is free on youtube by AlyssiaCreates, if you, like me, aren't too fond of video tutorials, the written pattern is shown on screen so you can just pause it :)
the moon square, and sun square (not pictured) are paid, but for a VERY reasonable price, i paid less than 5 euros in canadian dollars. you can get them here!
the yarn i'm using is Durable Glam, which i'm rating a solid "Good As Far As Sparkles Go"
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leidensygdom · 2 years
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Pulsar, an Aasimar/Air Genasi cleric carrying plenty of divine blood, and kid of two of our BBEGs! 
Hello! I've decided I'll be sharing here some of the sketchier designs because people expressed interest on seeing them, so here's one I did a few days ago! We recently found out two of the BBEGs (Thunder and Solaralith) had a kid. Which is concerning, but they get to look very extra: They're quite literally a bunch of energy encased in marble and gold, with vaguely eldritch vibes. When they don't move, they look quite a lot like a statue, and spook people. 
However, they haven't seemingly inherited any of the evil of their two parents, which is always a reassurance. Specially when the party has already adopted them. (Also I think they’re an oracle in PF2? our group is now multitasking)  As always, reblogs are super appreciated!
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cosmokrill · 4 months
Goodness, I really did promise myself that I would wait until the little comic I was making was ALL finished to share it but... I'm sure sharing the roughs of the first 10 pages wouldn't harm anything! and anyways, I'm only going to be sharing this particular post here! I'll put the full one on Twitter as well once I'm FULLY done with it. In the meantime, um... if you guys would rather wait to see it when it's finished, I have the read more bar so you can just scroll right on past!
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you can tell I definitely started warming up after the first two pages, haha. And... yeahhh. that is Sun. Owlygem's Sun <3 Curse you Owl for making me silly about him again!!!
The base setup idea is definitely heavily inspired by Veronica Dolcich / @pazam (sorry for the mention ping!!)'s lovely lovely fan animatic! I'll put the links right here so you all can check it out for yourselves!
Seriously, they are fantastic! props again to my silly friend @owlfromthemeadow for showing them to me, even if it was under the assumption I had seen the first part before she showed it to me again so we could both watch the second part, haha....
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anxiescape · 1 month
I warned you >:3
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Gimme your latest snippets!!!!!
Aww, but I have so many!!! 😭😭😭
Hmm… you only get a maximum of 3 snippets per ask. (because I don’t want the post to get too long lol)
#1: Celestial Bodies
I know people were pretty excited about this fic (I am too tbh), so here’s a little snippet for the time being. This takes place after Macaque has fallen into a magical slumber, and he has been locked away in the highest room of Lao Tzu’s tower.
“Lao Tzu. Tell me what you have done.” The wise old god smiled, a proud gleam in his eye. “Oh, I have done much, Your Majesty. That ape won’t be waking, not even if a flock of roosters were to crow at the foot of his bed. No, not even if you were to set flame to his tail! No noise, no light, no pain will stir him from his slumber.” The god stroked his beard as he chuckled gleefully to himself. “Only the strongest of magic could have any chance of rousing him, and I can assure you that none other than you and me possess that power.” However, the Jade Emperor was not completely assured. “And what do you have in the way of his protection? What security do you have in place should Sun Wukong come for him?” Lao Tzu brushed away the emperor’s concern with a lazy wave of his hand. “Fear not. I am well prepared. I have guards patrolling the entirety of my palace, and a handful set aside specifically to guard his chamber. I then took two of the finest lightning dragons from the hatchery and set them to guard the doors of the tower. They will kill any that cross their path, except for me. Should they fail, however,” Lao Tzu scoffed incredulously at the very notion. “Then there is a seal on the door, that no measure of brute force can break through. It will respond only to my touch. And following that, I have cast a cocoon of vines to cover Macaque’s resting place. They are thorned and poisonous, with a toxin that would bring even the strongest celestial soldier to his knees in unbearable, paralyzing agony. Should any demon make it that far, they wouldn’t be able to so much as touch the hem of Macaque’s robes before becoming fully incapacitated.” Lao Tzu puffed up his chest, clearly rather proud of his work. “I worked hard developing that toxin. One drop is enough to stop the hearts of a whole pack of full grown tigers.” The Jade Emperor gave a small nod. Lao Tzu had gone above and beyond, as usual. Should any demons manage to breach Heaven’s gates again, then there was no chance they would reach the Six-Eared Macaque before they were dealt with. No, not even the Monkey King himself would succeed in rescuing the slumbering, star-speckled simian. Sun Wukong would never steal from the Jade Emperor again. “And as a final touch…” From the depths of his sleeve, Lao Tzu pulled out a single red flower petal. “Before I left, I placed a peony in Macaque’s hands.” The Jade Emperor tilted his head, confused. “And what purpose does it serve?” “Oh, nothing serious.” Lao Tzu turned the petal over in his hand, as if studying the fragile little thing. “Tell me, do you know what the red peony represents?” “No,” the Emperor admitted coolly, wondering where exactly the other was going with this. “I do not.” “It represents love. A deep passion and yearning for another person.” Lao Tzu’s smile turned somewhat wicked as he closed his fingers over the flower petal, crumbling it to dust in his palm. “That flower serves as nothing more than a bit of well placed irony. Wouldn’t you agree?”
#2: Stargaze
Next, how about another Stargaze snippet? I had originally picked a different snippet for this, but it was too spoiler-y and added a gore tag and I just figured: ehh, why not give a little bit of Mama Liu instead? Who doesn’t love Mama Liu?
This snippet is short, but that’s because its scene isn’t super planned out yet (even though it happens in the next couple of chapters 😬). It’s just Liu’er getting sick for the first time and his mama comforting him.
“Shhh…” Liu gave a few soft chirps, to which Liu’er responded instinctively, albeit weakly. Liu gently shushed him again, her cool fingers a relief against his burning skin. “Rest, my little star cub. You’ll feel better soon.”
#3: The Last of the Shadows
And lastly, hmm… how about a Last Shadows snippet? My current hyperfixation.
In this snippet, Macaque is one of the monkeys that has been captured by the Demon King of Havoc. 🤭
The little ones were the first to die. The normal monkeys, who didn’t speak the common language or understand what orders were being given. Without an ounce of magic in their bodies, they were useless when it came to doing the back-breaking work that they were all given. Macaque had no idea why any of them had even been taken, other than the Havoc King and his goons must have been too stupid to tell the difference between a plain monkey and a yaoguai monkey. And when it became clear to their captors that the little ones would be of no use, they were taken away, slaughtered, and eaten. “You better be on your best behavior!” One minion sneered between the bars of their cages. “Our king has developed a taste for ape flesh.” Of course, most of them hadn’t taken the threat to heart. They were all hard workers. It wouldn’t make sense to butcher the workforce just for a simple meal. But then the first yaoguai monkey was taken. A female gibbon, with sand-colored fur and dark gray skin and a white face marking. Macaque wasn’t sure of her name—Yuxi, maybe? But he wished he had known more about her before her end. He wished he knew her story, so that he could pass it on, but all he could do was watch and yell in dismay as she was dragged out of the dungeon by a couple of guards, a look of pure terror in her eyes. She didn’t return. But the next morning, her bones were tossed onto the dungeon floor as a warning to the others: keep up with the work, or die.
And that’s it! If you want more, then send another ask for more snippets. 😤 (👉👈)
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eyenaku · 2 years
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moon ward ready for bisque fire!! :3
his body'll be dark blue, head n tail'll be a cool off-white/grey, black and white eye and yellow cream stars!
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cloud-somersault · 10 months
uhmmm so...uhm i mentioned before that in order to work on constellations i needed to write established relationship to keep my sanity??
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alex-frostwalker · 2 months
Heh. 🤡
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