#child labor/slavery
isawthismeme · 4 months
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hersheysmcboom · 1 month
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mahoganygold213 · 9 months
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freaven · 10 months
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Boycott Starbucks for Palestine and boycott Starbucks for those workers. If it's not enough to give up your overpriced coffee, you're a piece of shit.
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repotting · 10 months
a pet peeve of mine is stuff proudly labelled vegan but it's farmed w slave labor. like how is that vegan then.
we made this without exploiting or harming any animals!!! (but the human children forced into dangerous and underpaid agricultural labour to make this product don't matter i guess???)
like how are you gonna try to sell me child abuse chocolate and tell me it's vegan like come on
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intomore · 6 months
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August Sander, Bricklayer, 1928,
Silver print,
Image measuring 8 3/8x5 3/4 inches (21.3x14.6 cm.),
Courtesy: Swann Galleries
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dougielombax · 4 months
Let me make something clear.
Anyone who still supports child labour in this day and age should be violently berated and then promptly beaten to death with frying pans and exploding hammers by a mob of angry Bengali factory workers!
No I don’t think Tiny Tim should have “just gotten a job” disregarding that he’s a fiction, you fucking shite-coated-flint-hearted spineless shitgibbon poltroon!
You servile, bootlicker, corporate fucking DICKWIG!!!!
Get in the bin with that shite!
Get SHAT ON!!!!
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nando161mando · 10 days
Child Labor in the American Meatpacking Industry Is a Real Problem, Alice Driver Finds in New Book
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arcadianambivalence · 2 months
How was your day? I totally didn't spend mine trying to meticulously map how little Armand could have feasibly made it from Delhi to Venice in the first two decades of the 16th century. And then somehow deleted two hours of notes.
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indigo-greene · 8 months
Whats happening in Congo is absolutely vile and the fact that some of you know yet do nothing makes me sick. The condition under which people fo Congo have to work are inhumane, amnesty international has said things like sexual asault, arson and abuse are the norm. Children are being forced to work, every day people are dying. Siddharth Kara, British Academy Global Professor and an associate professor at the University of Nottingham. Has said that they work under slave-like working conditions here are some highlights of the article I read:
"rechargeable batteries are frequently powered by cobalt mined by workers laboring in slave-like conditions in the Democratic Republic of Congo."
"People are working in subhuman, grinding, degrading conditions. They use pickaxes, shovels, stretches of rebar to hack and scrounge at the earth in trenches and pits and tunnels to gather cobalt and feed it up the formal supply chain."
"There's complete cross-contamination between industrial excavator-derived cobalt and cobalt dug by women and children with their bare hands," he says. "Industrial mines, almost all of them, have artisanal miners working, digging in and around them, feeding cobalt into the formal supply chain."
Siddharth Kara has been researching modern day slavery, human trafficking and child labour's for 2 decades, listen to what he si saying about this. This is a violation of human rights, and we as humans should not sit and watch. Speak up.
It is expected that the demand for cobalt is going to go up by 300 Percent, which most likely means even worse working conditions for the people of Congo. Please if your Phone works, don't buy a new one. And use your voice! Speak up about what's happening
artisanal miners= freelance workers who do extremely dangerous labor for the equivalent of just a few dollars a day.
(It's in Dutch.)
Please read the articles, if you don't speak Dutch at least read the second one, it's in English.
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news4dzhozhar · 9 months
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sapphicautistic · 7 months
they should make little treats identical to unreal brand peanut butter cups but with chewy caramel or something in the center instead of peanut butter
i really like the texture/shape/consistency of the chocolate in peanut butter cups but i do not really care for peanut butter and i can't be alone in this
honestly food manufacturers should be way more interested in texture (i say as a texture obsessed autistic person)
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pleckthaniel · 2 years
One thing is that as I do more therapy and more fully accept that I went through a truly fucking traumatic childhood I only get more passionate about the idea of youth liberation. A lot of people think this is totally kooky, and I know because I have gotten into many arguments about it at this point in my life lol. But I truly think that real liberation would end like 98% of childhood abuse. Our culture of allowing parents near total control over their child's life until the day they turn 18 practically sets parents up to traumatize their children. Like if we adopted the mindset that children are primarily People who just have significantly less life experience than the average and therefore need extra help, compassion, & protection - wouldn't you think children would have a much better experience of the world? Instead of publicly regarding then as trophies, pets, nuisances, or scapegoats depending on their age and disposition. Surely you remember how that felt, being treated like an object by most adults for nearly two decades! Do you really think it was right for you to feel that way? We can end this madness. But it starts with accepting that children are a socially oppressed class.
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absurdist-void · 7 months
I don’t know how people don’t go insane after knowing the extent of corporate crimes across the planet. Nearly everything we interact with in the west was produced through slavery and poor working conditions. Everything is tainted.
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dazedasian · 3 months
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