#children are growing up in a world that is not designed to keep them safe. happy or fulfilled.
strrwbrrryjam · 1 month
fucking hate the people who go into the replies of posts that say "hey, maybe don't hate literal children for simply existing," and go "Uhm! 🤓 Actually, 🤪 I am correct for hating on and beefing with literal babies as they are loud and annoying," as if you, yourself, aren't loud and annoying.
#like. okay. im biased i will admit that. i have kid siblings who are loud and annoying#but its like. so were you? when you were younger?#the whole purpose of a child is to grow and to learn#to learn what's right and what's wrong and how to act appropriately in a society#but to do so. they need help - but they arent getting that help#parents prefer to have ipads parent the children they chose to have#kid friendly spaces are either destroyed or abandoned or unsafe to be in#due to a variety of issues#like crime cars crazy adults etc#even online they arent safe. websites i used to go on when i was a children#literally built for children are gone#apps come with paywalls or in app purchases#cable is gone - which is like good sure except for the fact that all the television channels for children are all gone#there are really no good shows for children that are free anymore#there is no really safe online spaces for kids anymore. even when they try to stick to fandoms associated with children media like bluey#or trolls or mlp its dominated with adults who the space unsafe for them#yes it is annoying when children go into adult spaces and are loud and annoying. adults should have those spaces#and we do!#but have SOME sympathy please#children are growing up in a world that is not designed to keep them safe. happy or fulfilled.#they. like us. did not ask to be here - they had no choice in the matter#and im not saying you should love children. no thats not it#what im trying to say is to just. learn some patience and some empathy#and to not beef with LITERAL BABIES#idk if his is coherent im bareky awake as it is but god. god i had to get this out#also im not saying that adults cant be in fandoms meant for children. thats not it at all. im in the mlp and trolls fandom#but what im saying is you cant go into a daycare and get mad that babies are there. thats where theyre meant to be#strawberry speaks
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sebbianas · 9 months
After the war Minerva becomes Hogwarts’ Headmistress and so she had to finally clear out her beloved office and dorm in the Gryffindor Tower for the next Head of Gryffindor. Its been years since she started there and she knows she’ll have to go through a lot of old essays, books, and letters.
It was halfway through her cleaning did she discover a bunch of essay she did when she sat all her 7th year Gryffindor down to ask them what their plans are. The essay was simple, answer the question “where do you see yourself in 10 years?”. It’s a yearly thing she does with her graduating students just so she can keep track of where they’ll be and where she can finds them.
Minerva wasn’t sure which batch this essay belongs to so she was a bit excited to see who’s essay it all belongs to and see if they end up doing what they said they will. With a swish of her wand the papers straightened themselves and she was able to see the first essay on top.
Her heart immediately broke.
Sirius Black
I have no plans 10 years from now but inside those 10 years I want to explore the world. I want to see everything until I get sick of it, I want to be everywhere. I want to buy the stupidest shit things to bring home to my friends and hopefully my brother. 10 years is a long time to fix a broken relationship, right?
Minnie knew the other essay will destroy her but seeing these student’s handwriting would give her so much comfort.
Lily Evans
Quite realistically 10 years is a short time to be something great or historical, I wish to explore what this world can offer to me and show it what i can offer it. I want to prove myself more than just my magical blood. I am a great witch and I wish to prove that to the world. Along with this I hope to raise a family of my own, nurture a home that is full of compassion, kindness, and love.
Remus Lupin
I don’t have any great expectations for my future, if I get a stable job then I’ll be okay. What I hope to see in 10 years is that the family I have with me now are still there with me.
Mary MacDonald
10 years from now I hope the war is over and I am free to be a fashion designer for the muggle world and the wizarding world.
Marlene Mckinnon
I want to be the greatest quidditch player there is. I want little girls to look at me and realize they can do whatever they want, I want to give them hope that there is more to life than boys putting you down. I want to show them that there is strength in trying and there is strength in their femininity. I want to be the voice that I spent my whole childhood looking for.
Peter Pettigrew
I hope I’m braver than I am now, stronger than I am, and finally comfortable in who I am and who I become.
There was no controlling the tears that fell from Minnie’s eyes, she couldnt hole them back anymore. There was 1 more essay and she knew whatever’s inside it will destroy her even more.
James Potter
10 years from now, I hope the war is over and I was able to keep everyone I love safe.
Minnie holds the papers to her chest. She never had children of her own but these kids? These children she never watch grow up? These kids are hers.
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abductedlawnchair · 6 months
*ranting and raving and stomping on rooftops and flailing my arms about* HUMANS ARE AMIMALS!!! WE ARE ANIMALS!!! QUIT ACTING LIKE WE'RE NOT!!!
I am so goddamn tired of society acting like we're not!!! I am so goddamn tired of us as a society acting like we are above all the other animals!!! I do not care that we are the apex!!! We are fucking ANIMALS!!! Like, just take a step back and observe us like we have our own nature documentary on Nat Geo or something. Maybe with David Attenborough or whatever, idc. Just imagine it.
We are a species of apes that just so happened to gain the ability of extremely complex and abstract thought, capability of language, an almost absurd level of self-awareness, and the type of intelligence that allowed us to discover, invent, and develop tools. A species of apes that just so happen to have such a crazy level of curiosity that we have the capability to learn about the world around us, and beyond.
The way we learn and develop is fascinating. If you observe a toddler from that standpoint, watching them interact with the world around them, you'd see how natural curiosity is to us, in our human nature. Neil deGrasse Tyson has literally said that children are beings of chaos because they're curious and learning about the world around them.
We all have children in us, just like we have our ancestors in us!!! Our brains are wired like theirs. Relatively, we have been in this state of society for an extremely short amount of time!! Our brains and nervous systems are still wired to survive and keep us safe from predators and other dangers!!
We are social creatures!! We need love and connection to survive!! We can't do things on our own. The only reason we ever got to where we are is because we work together and communicate and share knowledge. The way society is right now is too isolating!! Humans aren't meant to be fighting for a place in society!! Haven't you seen zookeepers?? Or anyone who cares for nature in any capacity?? We have an incredible capacity for compassion and caretaking, because we have the capability to know and understand the inner workings of ourselves and countless other species!! Caretaking and compassion is literally an innate human trait!! We're supposed to take care of each other and the world around us!! We literally are capable of pack bonding with ROOMBAS, for fucks sake!! Little robots that our ape brains see moving around on its own, being part of our homes, and thinks "little guy is alive... I love him"!!! Isn't that beautiful???
We were an evolution of Mother Earth, Herself, to grow Her and expand Her and care for Her!!! Whether you believe in intelligent design or just the absurdity of it all, it still happened like that. We have the capacity to care for Her in an evolved level, yet we're fucking it up so badly right now.
Indigenous cultures have always been on the right track. They've always been right about this. They have always known that we are all pieces of the same organism, just like the atoms and cells and organs and electricity in your body are all part of one body!!
And btw, culture is another HUGE part of us being social creatures!! Being expressive and creative and connected!! That's part of our nature!! We're meant to sing and dance and laugh together!! That connectivity of us being a collective is So Important!!! Making fun of people for being "sheep", or having "herd mentality" every single time is so stupid because yes!!! Yes that's EXACTLY how we are supposed to be!!! We are social creatures, remember?? The whole point is that we do things together!!!
I know how society is rn isn't the end all, be all, but it just breaks my heart that this Capitalism shit goes against some of the most beautiful parts of humanity!! We are animals!!! We are cute and curious and compassionate and social and we need warmth and sunlight and sustenance from the earth and water and sleep and shelter from the elements!! We have instincts just like everything else!! We came from the dust and we will return to the dust because we will always be part of the Earth, just like all the other animals!! And somehow, despite all odds, despite how robotic Capitalism wants us to be, our human nature seeps into everything.
Take care of yourself! You are an animal, after all! <3
*climbs off rooftop... for now*
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absolutedoorknob · 1 year
Alicent’s perspective makes sense to me. Rhaenyra was only made heir because there was no other heir, and if she was supposed to be a permanent heir rather than a solution to keep the throne out of Daemon’s hands, then Viserys (who sucks) wouldn’t have remarried and he would have actually arranged for Rhaenyra to learn how to rule and, you know, had it made legal that women could be part of the line of succession, a decree that stated no matter what she was to be his heir. But no. The intention was always for Viserys to remarry.
So he picks Alicent, who he has presumably seen grow up, who is fifteen (not even old enough to have a drivers license in the modern world. She is below the age of consent throughout the entirety of America and Canada AND the UK. When I was fifteen I was in tenth grade.), and marries her regardless of what she wants because her father won’t let her say no and he’s the king so she can’t say no either. Alicent is very solidly isolated at this point. No friends, no one to speak up for her or support her, she’s just a pawn. She’s a victim of marital rape resulting in her becoming a teen mom, married to a crusty old guy who disregards her outside of fulfilling his own needs and neglects his own children.
So Alicent has her own children. Two boys and a girl. Legally, her oldest son is supposed to be in line for the throne (Rhaenyra was designated a successor only to alter the line of succession to keep the throne away from Daemon, there’s no legal precedent or evidence that she should still be heir after a prince is born) but the king says that no, Rhaenyra is still heir despite there being nothing legal cementing this, and even if Alicent was fine with Rhaenyra being queen, there’s still the fact that in order to fully secure her rule Rhaenyra would possibly have her half-siblings killed in an “accident” due to the fact that Aegon just existing is enough for people to oppose Rhaenyra’s rule. Alicent’s children are all she has, besides Criston Cole, and if there was even a chance that my kids would be killed, you bet I would do anything to keep them safe. Even if that means “usurping” a throne that legally should have belonged to Aegon to begin with.
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an-idyllic-novelist · 8 months
dark schneider with shinobu!reader headcanons - part two
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Warnings: ooc, violence, KNY manga spoilers, Bastard!! anime season two spoilers, strong language, violence, mentions of PTSD.
If you are not comfortable reading this type of story, please push the back button and read something more pleasant.
Hey guys, welcome to part two the fluffier version of the yandere headcanons, featuring the handsome, arrogant wizard Dark Schneider of the Netflix's anime series Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy and the character!reader who is Shinobi Kocho from the beloved world of Demon Slayer aka Kimetsu no Yaiba! The link to them will be here.
For those who just came here and haven’t read part one, please do so before proceeding. The link to part one is here.
As it is portrayed in the series, there will be multiple references to heavy metal bands. I claim no ownership over them, including the lyrics of Operation: Mindcrime, composed by the American heavy metal band Queensryche in 1988 under the album of the same name.
Special thanks to @ccruzmoon, @anniespostssworld, @enryegotrip, and @mitra555 for their feedback and help with making this one of the best sequels I’ve written for a headcanon series in a long while! :)
So, with that being said, sit back, relax, and let's dive back into a world of magic and musical mayhem!
Golems from the ancient world aren’t much different than the ones used today. They are sentient, programmed to perform certain tasks, and able to regenerate themselves should their bodies be destroyed by an enemy. In fact, they were deemed as prototypes of an ‘AI - Drone’. Yoko didn’t know much beyond what her father had shown her in the temple’s sacred texts, but she did emphasize just how lucky you were to have discovered one in a weapons’ storehouse belonging to the Dark Rebel Army, with its parts and programming still in excellent condition. You have had it for over a year, and you can certainly tell that it wasn’t used for thermal optics or firing weapons at opponents from great distances like the AI-Drones were originally designed to do in war. 
For one, Led Zeppelin was made of metal dripped in gold, with stubby legs and a long feathery tail as well as wings. It could change its body’s mass from the size of a dumpling to a pillow in the blink of an eye, and had a mouth of razor-sharp teeth that served two purposes: storing items in its body, and showing recordings it took from its point of view. Oh, and biting people who came too close to you, its owner. Apparently, according to the technicians in the samurai residence, Led Zeppelin immediately bonded with you, the first person it saw once they had reactivated its factory settings. 
Well…supposed it is still a tad bit rude to keep referring to Led Zeppelin as an ‘it’ when ‘he’ has always been by your side, acting as a personal assistant and a subsequent comfort pet because goldfish have been extinct for the last century. When the night terrors began occurring last month, however, your Zeppelin had been stuck in the mechanical shop for a month because a few of his corroding parts were getting more difficult to find, courtesy of the Dark Rebel’s Army growing power in the country. 
But now the remaining safe haven in A-Ian-Maide was under attack by two Samurai Shoguns and a herd of sphinxes, your golem’s role would be more important than ever. He would keep Lucien Renlen safe, along with the women and children and the samurai who are stationed to look after them. When you gave this order, the golem shook his body rapidly - clearly he wanted to follow you into the battlefield outside. 
You smiled sadly as you shook your head too, cradling the tiny Zeppelin in your hands. “You have to. If there is anyone in this world who is capable of defeating the Dark Rebel Army and preventing them from reviving the God of Destruction,” You looked up, seeing a raven-haired young man in standard leather armor and about to burst into tears as he looked at you with wide, dark blue eyes. “It is the boy you are protecting. This is my final command as your owner.” When you said this, Zeppelin started weeping. You were startled. Since when golems could cry?
“Ara, ara, come now.” You cooed, wiping away the golden, oily tears with your thumbs. “You must be brave for me, Led Zeppelin. Farewell, my dearest companion.” Pressing a kiss against his tiny horns, you reluctantly took a few steps forward and placed Led Zeppelin on top of Lucien’s head. Giving the golem one final pat on the head, you turned around, ready to sprint from the main lobby and toward what might become your tombstone when a pair of wiry arms wrapped around your waist, squeezing you tightly from behind.
“[First Name], please don’t go!” You couldn’t feel his tears through your leather armor, and yet his voice was cracked. Desperate to keep you here behind the safety of the castle’s walls….even when these walls may come crumbling down the longer you are here. Untangling Lucien’s arms from your body, you turned around and faced him, covering his quivering hands with your own. 
“Lucien, I can’t. I need to be there for them, for Yoko. I can’t fail as I…as I had failed the two of you in Meta-llicana, the citizens. If I had only been quicker, stronger….none of this would have happened. And you wouldn’t have taken so long to recover. I’m so, so, sorry.” For a brief moment, you saw a glimmer of recognition in Lucien’s eyes. Perhaps you were already losing your mind? 
Shaking your head, you released Lucien’s hands from your grasp….and pulled him into a tight embrace. “Remember this, Lucien. To be born is a blessing. Do not look back in remorse, because nothing good comes from it. And remember to smile, even when it seems like suffering is coming towards you like an avalanche and it’s hard to breathe. But above all else….never forget that you are loved. Yoko loves you, and I love you. You are strong, and even if something happens to me…I know you will keep moving forward.” 
Leaning forward, you gently kissed Lucien. This is the same ritual Yoko had secretly been performing when she thought no one was around, oblivious to just how many times Led Zeppelin has caught her in action and you’ve seen it via the recordings. As the high priest’s daughter, she was the only other person left who could perform the Accept spell that would release Dark Schneider. Yet for the last two years, Lucien’s second identity never emerged. 
But you had hope. You believe that he will return…because he is the handsome, unsaintly, powerful hero of this universe. The show wouldn’t be the same without its main star, and it’s already been five episodes into the second season. 
Reluctantly, you took a step back from Lucien and Led Zeppelin, then another before you turned around and blitzed down the carpeted corridor towards the sound of battle cries, spell-casting, and the deafening roar of the sphinxes. A genocide opera almost fitting for an Insect Hashira ready to lay her life on the line….and bring her enemies down with her, no matter the cost. 
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“Let me out! Damn it you brat, I said let me out! Let me help [First Name] or else she’ll get killed out there! Do you want her to die, or do you want her to live with us as the queen of the world we’ll conquer?!” Dark Schneider screamed inside Lucien’s head, pouring more of his magic through the seal that has kept him imprisoned in this weak body. “I’m ready! I’m strong enough to destroy these bastards now! SO LET ME OUT ALREADY, GODDAMMIT!!” 
The rain made the rocks slick, so blitzing from one area of the crumbling castle to another at your speed was almost impossible without slipping and spraining your ankle.  Leaving yourself wide open isn’t an option either, especially when one of the Shoguns was using wire to incapacitate his enemies, just like what he had done with Jorg. Making yourself scarce wasn’t your fighting style, but you couldn’t always do what you wanted to do on a battlefield. 
Still…the wires….
You carefully thumbed one of them, eyeing it carefully before recognition flashed through your mind. Ah, now  you remember! It had been when that girl who fancied herself as redeemable even after she allowed her little brother to kill so many humans and make them his spider familiars! If that’s the case….
You unsheathed your sword, palming the leather handle for a moment before you swiftly swung the blade, cutting down the wires that kept you from reaching the other samurai, Vai leading them. As you walked towards them, it took all of your willpower to not look down and see the bloodied corpses of the men sprawled at your feet. 
He was surprised, yelling how it was possible that you could see the threads. His statement made you blink in shock, pausing your treatment of an injured samurai. The wires were invisible, and yet you could see them? How odd. You were sure they could see it too. 
Shaking your head, you quickly administered the necessary aid to your patient from the sewed pockets of your haori. 
 A full vial of Dragon’s Breath to cauterize the wound, dried vermillion petals soaked in alcohol for disinfection, followed by bandages. “Believe me, I wish I knew too, but this is neither the time nor the place, Vai.” You said, helping the patient onto his feet. “All right, let’s get him somewhere where he can lay low -“ 
That was when you all heard it: a roar that shook the earth, ripping across the air through the valley followed by warmth seeping down your neck. Fear coiled itself in your stomach as the low thudding of footsteps grew closer. Blinking slowly, you turned your head and saw it. A magnificent specimen of a male sphinx, it’s orange mane bristled and teeth baring. 
Oh, dear. That is not good. It’s one thing to have a magical creature being controlled by a wizard, but an angry one? Definitely not good. You licked your cracked mouth. 
“Can you distract that sphinx?”
“I said, can you distract this incredibly terrifying animal long enough so I can strike it from behind?” You said, patience wearing thin. “Can you do it or not?” 
Vai faltered for a moment, glancing at the sphinx before he groaned. “F-Fine, but be quick! It’s resistant to magic!” He exclaimed, taking the injured samurai from you and passing him to another comrade. 
You grinned. “Good thing what I have in mind does not involve using spells.” Bending your knees, you leaned back and blitzed forward. The sphinx unfurled its massive feathered wings, releasing strong gusts of wind that blew most of the samurai away, and high up in the air. Just where you needed to be. You inhaled sharply through your teeth, spinning your body so you were facing the sphinx, your dominant arm pulled back and holding your gleaming ninichrin blade. 
“Insect Breathing: Butterfly Dance Caprice.” 
You lunged forward, stabbing the sphinx in its backside and hind legs with the poison you had applied to the sword prior to the invasion as part of your weekly maintenance routine. You could have targeted the chest and behind the ears, but it would have taken longer for the poison to be absorbed into its body. The areas you struck in the male were much more vulnerable simply because they were used to attract potential females through an intricate dance, similar to what certain exotic birds did during mating season, at least that’s what you read in the encyclopedias back in your old world. 
Landing on the fractured stones of a destroyed keep, you watched in sadistic satisfaction as the sphinx crumbled into a heap, struggling to stand up for just a brief moment before losing consciousness. Good. It’s working. You thought. 
“I’m going ahead!” You yelled. “I’ll take down as many of these sphinxes as I can, and provide cover! If you see any threads blocking your path, tell me and I’ll cut them!” 
“How are you even doing this?!”
“Strike first, ask questions later!” 
And that was exactly what you did. You struck down the sphinxes who weren’t too high up in the air with your poison and sliced through the wires that weren’t coated with the heavy oil Yoko had released, flying across the battlefield like a butterfly just as you had done as a Demon Slayer. 
Who would have thought that one of the people you had saved during an outbreak of purple fever had been a magician gifted in the art of reconstructing an entire object to its original condition, so long as she had a piece of it? 
But there was no time for being sentimental, even for a second. The samurai were counting on you to even the odds that were in their favor. 
 Darting across the ruins of the castle, you heard a maniacal, grating laugh from amongst the sphinx’s roars. Skidding to a halt, you glanced up and saw a figure dressed in white and balancing himself in midair on a wire, holding Joshua captive in a web. Ah, that must be the Sorcerer Shogun responsible for killing Jorg. 
Supposed….it’s time to also test that too, hm? 
You inhaled a deep breath, closing your eyes as you crouched down towards with your sword by your side. Focus on opening the blood vessels in your legs, pumping oxygen through every muscle fiber and remaining absolutely still until you’re ready. You waited…and then you felt it. The muscles in your legs grew taunt, like a bowstring being pulled back and the faintest trace of thunder crackling beneath your feet. You smiled sadly.  Forgive me for using your own Breathing Style, Zenitsu. 
[Eye Color] irises snapped open. “Thunder Breathing: Thunderclap and Flash!” 
You pushed on your back leg, catapulting through the air as blue-white bolts of lightning swept beneath your feet. You raised your sword, slicing through the threads and allowing Joshua to get free.  Because you were ‘running’ at a high speed, you were not able to stop until you collided with the cliffside. You backflipped, using the momentum from your feet and the remainder of the Thunder Breathing technique to propel from the rocky terrain and propel towards the Sorcerer Shogun.
Dark brown hair matted down, half of it covering the right side, with a single red eye widening in surprise as you flew towards him, smiling and inhaling through the mouth again. 
“Insect Breathing, Dance of the Centipede: Hundred Legged Zigzag. Thunder Breathing: Thunderclap and Flash!”
Using two separate Breathing Styles at once is almost impossible because of the strain it puts on the body and having complete control over both techniques without it faltering either of them. You zigzagged across the sky, and with the lightning under your feet, it allowed you to close the distance between you and the Sorcerer Shogun, sword aimed at his neck. But instead of putting the poor fool out of his misery, you just grazed his clavicle area. 
Still, a graze will allow the poison to seep into his body. Won’t be long before he’s knocked out as well. You thought, landing on the ground on wobbly feet. You blinked, steadying yourself and trying very hard to ignore the black dots clouding your vision. Oh dear, methinks that was a bit too much. Well, can’t stop now. You thought, sheathing your sword just when you heard your name being called. Turning around, you saw Joshua running towards you, his mouth open and….saying something? 
Darkness suddenly enveloped you from behind, yet before you could do anything you felt something heavy and furry collide against your back, knocking the air out of your lungs as you were suddenly planted face-first into the ground. You wheezed. You tried to push yourself up, but the pressure just increased. Damn it, you might have broken a rib. Maybe two of them. The deafening roar that pierced your ear told you what was pinning you down. A sphinx. Not the smaller males. This was a female, and it is the larger one of the aggressive species. More than that, she doesn’t play with her food. 
If she’s hungry, she’ll swallow you in a single gulp. 
Nausea clenched at your throat like a fist, making it difficult to breathe through your nose. Your vision was starting to grow blurry. No. No…I can’t…I need…to get…up! 
“It’s okay.”
You froze, startled upon hearing a very familiar voice inside the recesses of your mind. Lucien? Is that…how did you…?!
“Everything will be okay, [First Name]. We’re here now. Just hang tight.”  
That was when the smell of sulfur hit you. The sphinx’s paw that had you pinned down was suddenly off, allowing you to roll onto your back and let air enter your body, even as the flames were grazing  the sleeves of your haori.  You watched with blurry eyes as the magical creature was incinerated….along with the others that were in the sky…by vortexes of red flames that jutted…from the castle’s baileys and rooftops? 
There’s only one person in the world who could perform magic on that scale. You smiled. It’s him. He’s back, after two long years. 
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Dark Schneider is more than a little annoyed right now. 
He might have been able to take over after promising Lucien that he will keep [First Name] once he took possession of the body, but the badass comeback he had been planning to make in this series totally got screwed up by that weird-lookin’ peasant! Royal bodyguard? Sorry, no one gives orders to Dark Schneider, he’s the one that hands them out on a silver platter to his loyal servants. 
And why the fuck did the Sorcerer Shogun with Yorazashi threads quickly recover from the poison that his queen had personally given him?! No one is supposed to have plot immunity except for him, the gorgeous and saintly protagonist! 
He’s scripted to have a flashy battle with these clowns too, damn it! Macapine and Ba Thory are going down. He didn’t care if his salary was going to get cut in this episode, [First Name] needed him, right now. 
Raising his hand, the mighty evil wizard summoned the Goa Cyclone spell, followed by Spears ‘o Stone. The last one impaled the Shogun that had bugs in his body. Macapine was sent flying somewhere, and Dark Schneider hoped he would never come back for the rest of the season. Closing his eyes, he began to channel magic into the next incantation; this was a tricky spell, since it required a considerable amount of concentration for him to be able to accurately track down the person he wishes to find. 
Come, you know that you cannot refuse me
Let me into your mind,
So that we can watch the dragon burn 
Beneath the moonlight and stars of Revolution!
Operation Mindcrime!
Purple smoke and sparks of lightning billowed around him, swirling like a rising mist before immediately sinking into the crumbled stones beneath his feet. Dark Schneider’s magic thrummed as it traveled beneath the earth, driven by his desire to seek out the Insect Hashira, looking for the tiniest spec of her own white magic. Once his magic found that thin tendril, he was able to find her. 
She was being cradled by Kai’s arms while Yoko kneeled in front of her, the high priestess using her holy magic. Dark Schneider almost snarled at the sight of small lacerations on his queen’s face, the bruises on her hands and the sound of ribs being pushed back into place, eliciting a pained groan from her.
That’s enough. He thought, walking down the stairs, past the onlookers and Mifune, towards the battlefield with Lars tagging along behind him…and [First Name]’s golem. Yeah, the little bastard didn't like him one bit, not with how much he’s growling and snapping his teeth. He quickened his stride, almost blitzing through the carnage towards where the others were….wait, what is [First Name] doing?!
Yoko and Kai were yelling at her as she wobbled unsteadily towards a partially-eaten samurai, his lower half covered with what looked like the same creatures Ba Thory summoned to try to use on him, the greatest sorcerer in the world. 
“I appreciate your concern Yoko, Kai, but please let me…see what these creatures are. If they are what I think they are….we still have a chance to save everyone!” She looked at them with wide eyes, tired and desperate. “Please.”
Dark Schneider quickened his pace, almost running towards them with a furrowed brow. “Idiot.” He muttered. What could [First Name] even do in her current condition. Moreover, why is she trying so hard to save nobodies who barely made an impact on the second season of this show? She needed to take care of herself before taking care of others. How many close-calls of collapsing from overworking and suffering from night-terrors is it going to take until she understands that she can’t do everything if she’s weak? 
“Hey -” He called out, wanting to know what exactly is going on in this scenario when someone struck him in the back of the head with a fish. Glancing over his shoulder, the wizard felt annoyance and fear coil in his stomach simultaneously as he saw Yoko glowering down at him. 
“Late, late, late! You are so late!” She screamed, relentless in her assault as she continued to hit his head. “What took you so long?! What have you been up to for the past two years?! Almost the entire new cast of characters and we’re at risk of getting canceled unless we do something!” Her fists were quickly replaced with a mace that seemingly appeared out of nowhere. “But on top of it all, [First Name] says she can save everyone but we don’t even know how or what she’s talking about!”
“And why should I care what happens to them?” Dark Schneider barked as he rubbed his sore skull, his eyes narrowed in annoyance. “I don’t care about anyone else except for [First Name].”
The high priestess shook her fist in the air.  “What was that, you ungrateful little-!”
“That’s enough, Yoko!” [First Name] snapped, kneeling beside the fallen samurai next to Kai. Pulling out a scalpel, forceps and corked vial from her haori. 
She made an incision on one of the worms, causing it to squeal and writhe. Kai immediately plunged the tip of her sword into the leech, keeping it still long enough for [First Name] quickly used the forceps, pulling out a slimy, translucent worm about an inch, two inches long, holding it up in the air. 
“I knew it.” She whispered. “This is it.”
“What is it?” Kai asked. 
“This, my dear friend, is a regeneration worm. Difficult to find due to its rarity, but it is capable of healing wounds that cannot be repaired by magic,” [First Name] shared a hopeful smile with the taller woman. “Maybe…bring back our comrades from the brink of death. Like Schen Karr here.”
“You’re serious?”
“Quite.” [First Name] said. “Yoko! I need him!” 
“Trust me! Darsh, could you come here please? You too, Yoko!” [First Name] asked, waving her hand up and down in the air as she looked at him, hope and determination dancing in her eyes. 
Dark Schneider groaned. He knew that look. She wasn’t going to stop now until she collapses, so why does it turn him on so much? Well….he’ll just have to sweep her up in his arms like a princess and give some TLC later, right? Wait….did she just call him Darsh? He felt his face heat up a little. Damn it. Why does it sound so much better when she says than how Arshes called me that in the past?!
[First Name] quickly explained what he already knew about regeneration worms, and where Yoko’s healing magic comes into play. Kai was all for it and took off to inform the remaining samurai to gather what’s left of their fallen comrades. The high priestess went to work on Schen Karr, chanting blessed spells around Schen Karr while Dark Schneider and Led Zeppelin collected the worms. He had no problems finding the bastard Ba Thory and taking him apart piece by piece to get what his queen wanted, but how and why would a golem help out?
He knew about their storage capacity, nothing else beyond that. 
When he saw its jaws open and devour the leeches on the samurai’s body in three bites and regurgitate the worms on the ground in a neat pile by his feet, Dark Schneider withdrew his previous statement. 
While the handsome hero and his trusty sidekick Lars helped collect the worms, [First Name] would insert them inside her patients after she patched them up the wounds that Yoko's magic couldn’t reverse. The reddish-orange hues of dawn soon appeared over the mountainside as the heavy rain dissipated into a light sprinkle. The samurai crowded around, hugging each other or rushing around to help the citizens who got caught in the crossfire, bringing them to either Yoko or [First Name]. 
However, Dark Schneider could see that the healing process was taking its toll on his queen. She kept rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand, trying to keep them focused on her task. She needed to rest, and yet there was still a line of people who needed treatment. He commended [First Name] for being as patient as she had been, because he would’ve snapped the whiny warrior’s neck in half right now for refusing to lie still. No one wanted a weird-ass worm inside of them, but she would never deliberately endanger a patient. Yoko agreed, trying to coax the man that everything will be alright, yet he remained defiant. 
Dark Schneider’s eyes narrowed when the idiot slapped his queen’s shaky hand, causing her to drop the forceps and the worm to fall onto the ground. Led Zeppelin gobbled up the little bugger so it wouldn’t go to waste, and [First Name] had the patient pinned down by the throat.
 She needed to stop, now. 
He pushed past the crowd, walking right behind Shinobu and carefully removing her hand from the bastard, pressing his chest against her back for a moment before he scooped her up in his arms. 
“And you’re done! Hey asshole,” He glowered at the sniveling rat. “Show a little more compassion that it was my queen treating you second-rate servants and not me, or you’d be dead already. Actually,” The wizard turned to Yoko. “Let them  die if they keep acting like this. The casting department should have more than enough money left in the budget to hire more actors for this season.”
Yoko shook her head, the corners of her mouth tugging into a small smile before someone else, one of the civilians, came forward and offered to take over. The high priestess nodded, with Led Zeppelin reluctantly staying behind as Dark Schneider walked away with [First Name]. 
“Thank you, Darsh. Although if my memory serves me correctly, I did not say that I am your queen.” The Insect Hashira said, looking up at him with an inquisitive frown. 
“So you’re telling me there’s still a chance.” Dark Schenider responded with a grin.He watched in amusement as she just stared at him, wide-eyed before she sighed,  closing them as she shook her head at him fondly. “You haven’t changed a bit. Still…I’m glad you and Lucien are all right.” 
“Why wouldn’t we?”
“The last battle did take a toll on you, the both of you, Darsh, and if I-” 
“That wasn’t your fault.” 
“But -”
“You weren’t the one who summoned the Demon Mail and used it to attack Princess Sheila or me. That was Abigail. You did what you had to do to ensure everyone had a chance to survive. What happened to Meta-llicana was not your fault, so don’t you dare say it is or so help me I will drop you right now.” He hissed, halting in his trek to look down at her. “Do you understand?” [First Name] didn’t respond, instead she just blinked rapidly at him, face frozen with shock from the words he said before he scoffed, turning his attention to their surroundings. 
It’s not exactly an ideal place to rest, but this area wasn’t too far from the others and didn’t have as much debris lying around. Using his magic, Dark Schneider levitated and transformed  two of the largest rocks into a pillow and a small mattress. He remembered [First Name] referring to them as a ‘futon’. He remembered her telling him, as Lucien, the difference between a four poster bed and what she had been used to sleeping back in her old world. This was the closest thing he could create from how she described them
His queen was…well, she was in awe of his greatness. Her hands clenched, fisting and pulling on the fabric of his shirt before he set her down. Well, actually he kept her in his arms as he kneeled down and tucked her under the duvet. “There. All cozy, isn’t it?” He smirked, resting his chin with one hand as he laid on top of the futon while the other stroked the top of her head. 
Laying on his side next to her, the wizard smiled as he saw [Eye Color] irises fluttering beneath his touch, trying to fight off the exhaustion when it was already a losing battle for [First Name]. Then all of a sudden, she sat up from the futon and he felt something warm and soft press against his cheek. Her lips. She just kissed him. Willingly. Holy fuck. 
[First Name] smiled sleepily. “Thank you…Darsh.” Her serene voice muddled down to a soft, drowsy murmur before she laid flat on her back under the futon, her eyes closing. Five minutes later, her breathing slowed to soft inhaling and exhaling through the mouth. All Dark Schneider could do was stare down at her with a wide, goofy grin and pink cheeks while the dog ears on top of his head wiggled. 
[First Name] loves me. She loves us, Lucien! He exclaimed in his mind, the bushy tail behind him wagging in excitement. If everything goes well, we might even hit third base before the second season is over! When all he heard was a disapproving silence in the background, Dark Schneider chuckled weakly, continuing to pet [First Name]’s head gently. Okay, okay, maybe that’s a little too soon, but c’mon, not even a kiss for the handsome hero who busted his ass to save this show from being canceled forever? We gotta give these viewers something!
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[Next will be season 2’s famous bath scene 😉 who wants to get tagged?]
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frownyalfred · 5 months
I really enjoyed your latest fic, sever the blight! But what really fascinates me are those nutrient cubes. What do you hc them being made out of? I remember in the fic someone mentioning them tasting fishy? And thinking about the r&d work that went into developing them is making my brain turn! Just Bruce developing a way to process, cook, and package the cubes, AS WELL AS running shelf life studies on them (I know he would, he's the type to run a 2+ year shelf life study, he would be that thorough). And the thought and care that went into making those cubes might be another way of Bruce showing that he cares for his children (in his weird way). If they get stuck/trapped somewhere for a long period of time, he's going to make sure he has a reliable, (somewhat) healthy, and safe food source for his kids until help comes.
Again, excellent fic!
Ahh thank you for asking about those! I think I wrote them that way half because I've been reading too much Star Wars fic and half because I'm a weightlifter about to go into another cut, so I've been thinking a lot about optimal nutrition.
My (admittedly non-expert) hc for the cubes was that they were made of complete proteins, omega 3's (hence the slightly fishy smell Clark notes) and some essential vitamins, while being as calorically dense and compact as possible. You need protein, calories, and fat for the fat-soluble vitamins, and you need it to be small, essentially.
Bruce's cubes kind of tell us several things about him:
He keeps more than a month's worth of calories in his belt at any time
He keeps those calories in a form that his children or other humans can consume
He knows the exact nutritional value of each cube and has a plan already reviewed to ration them, if needed
He knows how long he himself can go without the cubes before experiencing a go/no go point
He has, like you pointed out, tested these cubes to the point of perfection. They are optimized for both maximum output and minimal use of space.
The fact that the boys are used to the cubes, as Clark notes, means Bruce has fed them the cubes before. Either on missions, as snacks, or something else. Testing, perhaps?
He has, either intentionally or somewhat intentionally, designed the cubes to fulfill multiple nutritional needs. i.e., those of teens, growing children, adults, and adults with metahuman or enhanced abilities.
Bruce has likely experienced a time, or several times, when food has been scarce or when carrying optimal nutrition while fighting has been difficult.
You're exactly right -- there's always going to be a safe, bioavailable source of optimal nutrition for him and/or his kids within his belt at any given time. If he's alive, or they have his belt, they're safe for at least a few weeks.
It's a small cube, and his kids barely blink at it. But there's a whole world of care, service, and love wrapped up in that tiny little fishy protein cube.
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sidraofthewildflowers · 8 months
The Story of Alicent and Criston
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~ Alicent Hightower and Criston Cole were both students at NYU. Alicent had a passion for design and was majoring in architecture, while Criston, known for his ability to remember even the most obscure historical trivia, was pursuing a degree in history.
~ The two of them met in their freshman year in a communications course where they had the world’s worst professor. Alicent wasn’t completely sold on a friendship with Criston at first, but his sense of humor grew on her. They bonded over their shared hatred of their teacher, their passion for their areas of study, and the fact that they were both English students attending school in the states.
~ After realizing they were both failing the class, they formed a two person study group, and constantly helped each other out in class. Fortunately, after many all nighters they both ended up passing and they never had to take another class with that professor again.
~ As time went on, they’d often be found studying/procrastinating together at one of the coffee shops on campus, where they agreed the coffee was terrible but never stopped going.
~ Criston had an annoying roommate during his freshman year and so he would spend most of his time at Alicent’s (and her strange but kind roommate’s) apartment.
~ Without thinking about it, the two of them began doing everyday tasks together like grocery shopping, cleaning their apartments, and studying (even though by junior year they didn’t share any classes anymore).
~ Criston smoked since before Alicent met him, and refused to quit even when she’d nag him and tell him how terrible it was for him! She smoked on and off throughout college though (mostly during stressful periods).
~ Their roommates, were convinced they were in love, and teased them constantly. They always denied having feelings for one another and both of them dated other people on and off through college.
~ In their senior year, Criston began dating a girl named Rhaenyra, and Alicent was introduced by her father to a man named Viserys, which caused some rifts in their friendship.
~ Upon graduating, Criston was offered a job in the states, which he took, while Alicent returned home to be closer to her dad. Though they told each other they’d keep in touch it became more and more difficult, especially after Alicent told Criston that Viserys proposed and that she was expecting her first child.
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~ 10 long years have gone by and Criston has moved back to London. He missed his family and he, luckily, found a teaching position at Oxford as a History professor. He’s excited to be back, to be home.
~ After a messy divorce, Alicent feels like she is finally free to live the life she’s always wanted. She can finally peruse a job within her field of study. Even if she’s constantly busy with her four children. They never seem to stop growing and they always have something for school due the next day. Aegon, her eldest, is 8. Helaena, her only girl, is 6. Aemond is 4 and Daeron had just turned 2 years old.
~ There was nothing she tried harder to do than to get herself and her children far away from her ex-husband. She needed to keep them safe, to let them live a normal life. It also helps that she was able to get a good amount of money from the divorce. Enough to buy a home in the city and get the uniforms her two eldest children need for school.
~ One day, after picking up the kids from school, she and her herd of children could be found shopping for groceries. Aegon was begging for a certain dinner, Helaena and Aemond wanted to buy a toy, and Daeron was busy chewing on his blanket. It was chaos, but the best kind. The one she loved.
~ She was listening to Aegon tell her about his day at school when her cart crashed into another’s. What she didn’t expect that day, was to look up and see her best friend, Criston Cole, standing there after 10 years of thinking she would never see him again.
~ The world seemed to stop when she saw him, and with the way that Criston was standing still, it was the same for him. The only thing that brought her back down to earth was Aegon pulling on her sleeve. “Mummy? Mummy?”
~ And so the next hour was spent with Criston helping her shop as they caught up with each other. She introduced him to the kids and while Daeron liked him, the others looked skeptical. He told her about his breakup with Rhaenyra, how hard he took it. She told him about her divorce and what she was doing now. He told her that he was back for good and that he had a teaching job at Oxford.
~ When he noticed just how many bags of groceries she had, he helped her bring all of them back to her house. Her house is only a short walk away and the both of them kept an eye on the kids whenever they crossed a street.
~ And so life went on. Criston was over all the time, he would take the kids out for fun activists. Alicent would take the kids to visit him at work. Aegon, Helaena, and Aemond became attached to Criston as time went on.
~ Alicent found an architecture job and before she knew it, she was finally letting her feelings for Criston come to light. After years of keeping quite, one night after the kids had gone to sleep, she told him that she had always loved him. And, luckily, he had said the same.
~ It was only a year or two after that when Criston moved in, and it wasn’t long before he was proposing. They were at Aegon’s soccer practice and Daeron was asleep between them. Criston turned to Alicent and said “Ali… would you wanna marry me?”. It didn’t take much convincing for her to say yes.
~ The wedding was a small one, full of friends and family members. The kids had fun on the dance floor and Alicent and Criston took as many pictures as they could.
~ The life that they had always wanted was finally theirs, after so many years, it was theirs.
With LOTS of writing help from @fatherforgivethem 🤍🤍🤍🤓
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elithemiar-blog · 2 years
Danny outlived his family, Vlad, and even Dani. In the effort to prevent himself from following the previous timeline of falling down a dark path. He travels, going all over the world to help people.
Since his time travel shenanigans, he is a legend to ancient civilizations and even a myth to others.
Stories change over time and can eventually die. As more heroes come to light, who grew up on hearing the legend of Phantom, Danny is having a hard time of staying, as many civilizations call him, a myth.
He retires, believing that the world is now in safe hands, and he can return to living life as a human.
Secrets kept him safe, and even as the Justice League forms, he still believes that it's safer for him and other residents of the afterlife to stay secret.
He still does small things that keeps his protection obsession at bay. Keeping the temperature low when it comes to blazing fires, slipping stolen items in open areas where they can be found, even dropping some information that's just subtle enough for some investigators.
Even with the years going by, he feels off. Contained, pressured, this overwhelming feeling of not belonging.  He's still human, well, half in his case. Truly half. His ghost side keeps him alive, simple as that.
His parents initial design of the proto portal had been modified and perfected. Working off his own ecto-energy that allows it to work. Allowing him to escape into the ghost zone whenever he's been human for just a smidge too long.
He's always gotta flip between the two.
Recently he's noticed, that whenever that feeling of not belonging appears he turns to the ghosts to calm down.
A Christmas truce one year, has Ember telling him that she herself gets like that sometimes. Socializing helps reign in that feeling.
Turning to Frostbite for more answers, he finds out that because of his halfa status he needs double the socialization. Some in his human form and in his ghost form.
During the spring, being reminded by the deaths of his family, he begins tracking down Jazz's descendants. Maybe he can be the family friend or even an uncle.
Starting to travel again, staying hidden in his Phantom form, he tracks his distant family down. It takes a few months, but he finds them.
The Wayne children reminds him of his friends and family. He can see each of their antics in them and can even sense the death. It's like he came home.
One or more of the Wayne children are descendants from Amity Parkers. Like maybe one is related to Paulina while another is related to Sam. Maybe three of the adopted children are the descendants of Sam, Tucker, and Jazz.
A bubbling feeling overwhelms him, and he has to leave, taking the moment to just breath in the city of Gotham.
These people are not his friends and family. This is not Amity Park.
Still, he looks back to the manor, and begins to look over the Wayne family.
Finding out that they are vigilantes was a moment of frustration but also pride. It ran in the family, in more ways than one, but they are helping those, protecting those that can't help themselves.
He keeps a closer eye on them. Particularly on Jason as the ecto-contamination is particularly high, he gets the barest sense from some of the others, but Jason's is on another level.
With Danny being in the living realm, his normal Rouge Gallery that had gotten to know the young kid start to grow concerned as he hadn't returned for his normal "session" of socializing.
They track him down and finding him in Gotham is when one of the vigilantes   get the chance to see Phantom and whoever he's talking with.
Then things snowball, researching what can be found.
Danny is fairly concerned that they're searching him out but can't blame them.
At some point, Pariah Dark is unsealed from the Sarcophagus. By a particular strong dark magic user that wants to kill him and absorb the life force of the Dark King.
Because the story of Phantom is ancient, there's not many resources nor knowledge of the reign of Pariah. Nor of GZ/IR ghosts in general. Rumors here and there but nothing substantial.
For some reason the ritual summoning works, and Pariah is unsealed. The ghosts flee to whatever portal is available, and suddenly the existence of ghosts is very real.
Then the JL get involved. Danny has to rise up as Phantom to figure out why they left the GZ/IR. Putting himself on the Batclan's radar which leads to many misunderstandings as he defends the ghosts from the vigilantes.
The batclan(s) that are descendants from the original Amity Parkers who grew up hearing stories of the famous hero of Amity, Phantom, is/are the one(s) that find him and calmly discuss the situation.
Through Batman, who is entirely on Phantom's side after getting all the information he can, go to JL to explain everything.
Some of the JL, like Diana, are shocked to find that Phantom is no myth. Others a skeptical, but with one call to JL Dark has them retrieving all information from all sides.
Danny has to enter the zone, carefully, to figure out the status. He finds the sarcophagus destroyed; the spell used leaves no way for Pariah to be placed down calmly.
Returning with no good news, it's one of the magic users that say that he just needs to end him permanently.
Danny doesn't take too kindly to that and is obviously unnerved.
Batman calms him down.
Perhaps time stops and Clockwork explains.
The Infinite realms needs a king to stay stable and prevent the two worlds from leaking into each other. While Pariah was sealed, he still held the title as king. Only a Champion, chosen by the Realms itself can end the dark king for good. Just more cryptic.
Time returns to normal with one question answered but many more follow. Danny relays the answers he got, which those that don't know of him are not trusting him. Still Batman and Diana defend him.
Due to the threat of a skeleton army, Danny takes his parents blueprints and starts to produce weapons that the JL and YJ can use. They're on a time limit.
Batman can tell that he's overwhelmed and takes him back to the cave to calm him down. The rest of the Batclan show to give him support, some family bonding happens.
Jason is in the cave when Danny finds out that he's the Champion, some of his titles from previous allies come crashing back. Danny has to be the one to end Pariah's existence. One panic attack later about the thought of taking a life, though not a true "living" life, he still believes that it'll take him down the dark path.
Carefully, and slowly, he explains this alternate timeline and what happened to Jason, who had been the one to calm him down. Jason absolutely tells him what he needs to hear, it helps but there's still that anxiety.
One nasty fight later, Danny ends Pariah and gains the new title of King. He does not want it, but reluctantly accepts it.
He now has allies all over that will be happy to help and a new kingdom he still doesn't want to rule over.
Danny and the Batclan return to the manor and relax, they deserve it.
Finally, they get the full story on why he was in Gotham, why he didn't reach out to the league sooner, and he shares stories about their ancestors.
Finally caught up on all the prompts, this shall be the last one...for now. There are a few on my FF profile from my Arrow phase, might do them too. Might also look into more of the magic and mystic stuff of DC to see if there’s a way to connect back to DP.
I need to get back and work on Superphantom series LOGA.
Three original stories that are potential books.
The POTC Fic of OC Raven (HC Jack has a daughter) that ran off into an unknown plot.
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voidchillz · 4 months
My thoughts on pro shippers (Important Post)
TW: mild swearing
I thought I’d make a post on this just to clarify my opinion so people can unfollow or block to their leisure, this is not a post inviting negative people into my comments or asks. This is also not a post advocating real world abuse, illegal activity, or inappropriate behaviour.
I won’t say I’ve had perfect opinions that everyone should listen to my entire life, because that’s blatantly not true, people change. And I obviously wish people on the internet were not as vindictive and cruel. For starters, during my first years in the undertale fandom, I of course had strong opinions encouraged by others to hate frans, and fontcest, and any denomination of pro ships. But that has clearly changed over time.
I’d like to make it clear there is a line as to which I enjoy problematic ships. I do not like non-consensual, I do not like underage, I do not like incest, I do not like abusive relationships, whether that is in fiction or reality. And I refuse to skirt lines and insist ‘oh I only like the design not the character’, or ‘oh I hate the creator I just enjoy the concept’, or make up some other bullshit excuse to fail to convince people that I deserve to be alive. Because ✨miraculously✨, what fictional characters and ships you enjoy DOES NOT REFLECT WHAT KIND OF PERSON YOU ARE.
It’s in the same vein as, if Person A likes the most depraved physical painful filthy fetishes, if at the same time they are a genuinely kind Human being that helps where they can and respects others without condition, it does not fucking matter✨💕 Person B is allowed to disagree and not have the same interests as Person A, but Person B does not then get to decide whether or not Person A deserves respect. Just the same way that Person A should not try to force Person B into liking what they like.
I’m not saying that people should be ashamed of what makes them uncomfortable because they’re insulting other people. This is not a post trying to coerce others into liking proships. You have complete freedom to disagree with others and avoid certain parts of your respective fandoms, just like I am by avoiding underage, non-con, or abuse. What I’m saying is that it is childish and ignorant to be outright threatening and disrespectful to people online for liking something you don’t.
There is no excuse for being a dick.
Now of course, if these people are actually harming others in real life, for example grooming or manipulating or any other form of abuse, by all means, tear their metaphorical testicles off and do whatever you can to ban their accounts and keep people safe from them. Because that is who they are as a person, harmful and dangerous to those around them.
Regarding children/minors/under 18s on the internet
Kids are being exposed to the internet way earlier than they probably should, likely because all the people that first started being exposed to it were already teenagers when it was invented. Keep in mind it was made public in the early 90s, meaning every adult using it now since the early days is in their thirties or twenties at the youngest, others currently growing into it.
There is not a single person on this planet who hasn’t experimented or tried to find communities to help them find safe places to learn about sexuality or adult concepts before they were 18. The reason 18+ accounts ask that minors do not interact is for a multitude of reasons, one being that if they are seen interacting with someone younger than them, even if it was an innocent interaction or someone in their late teens, they are liable to a heavy accusation of grooming. Another being they could likely be uncomfortable knowing minors see their content and feel like they have to censor themselves for this. Another is that it is very frustrating to try to block every single minor they see on their platform if they are an account with a high following. The point is, the internet has very easily accessible fucked up shit, and it is your own and your own responsibility only to avoid it.
Stop dehumanising kids. Stop dehumanising people you don’t know.
Thank you for coming to my ted talk.
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The Future Of Kids Smartwatches: What To Expect In The Next Five Years.
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Today's children are growing up in a world dominated by technology. From smartphones and tablets to smart home devices, technology is becoming an integral part of their lives. As parents, it is natural for us to want to keep an eye on our children's activities, and that's where kids smart watches come in. These wearable devices are specifically designed for children and offer a range of features to keep them safe and entertained. In this article, we will explore the future of kids smartwatches and what we can expect in the next five years.
Future trends in children's smartwatches
In the coming years, kids smartwatches are expected to witness several trends that will enhance their functionality while addressing the concerns of parents. Let's take a closer look at some of these exciting trends:
1. Safety
Safety has always been the primary concern for parents when it comes to their children. In the future, kids smartwatches are likely to incorporate advanced GPS tracking technology to provide real-time location monitoring. Parents will be able to track their children's whereabouts and set up safe zones, and receive notifications whenever their child leaves or enters a designated area. This feature will bring parents peace of mind, especially when their children are away from home, ensuring their safety at all times.
2. Health and Fitness Tracking
In an era where childhood obesity is a growing concern, kids smartwatches will play a crucial role in promoting fitness among children. Future wearables will feature enhanced Fitness tracking capabilities, such as heart rate monitoring, step counting, and sleep tracking. These features will enable parents to monitor their child's activity levels, encourage them to lead an active lifestyle, and ensure they are getting enough rest.
3. Educational Features
Kids smartwatches are not just limited to safety and fitness tracking. They are also excellent learning tools for children. In the next five years, we can expect to see more educational features incorporated into these devices. This could include interactive games, language learning apps, and even augmented reality experiences. These features will make learning fun and engaging for children, helping them develop essential skills while keeping them entertained.
4. Two-Way Communication
Communication is an essential aspect of any smartwatch, and kids' wearables are no exception. In the future, kids smartwatches will likely offer advanced two-way communication capabilities. Parents will be able to call or message their child directly from their smartphone, and vice versa. This feature will ensure that parents can stay connected with their children at all times, even when they are apart. It will also allow children to reach out to their parents in case of an emergency or any other concerns.
5. Customization
Children love expressing their individuality, and customizability will be a significant trend in kids smartwatches. In the future, these wearables will come in various colors, patterns, and designs to cater to different personalities and preferences. Kids will have the option to choose their favorite themes or characters, making their smartwatch truly their own.
Also Read: [Teaching Safety and Responsibility through Kids Smart Watches.]
Technological advancements in kids wearables
As technology continues to evolve rapidly, kids smartwatches will also witness significant advancements in terms of hardware and software. Let's explore some of the technological advancements we can expect in the next few years:
1. More Powerful Processors
As kids smartwatches become more sophisticated, they will require more powerful processors to handle complex tasks and deliver a seamless user experience. The future smartwatches for children will feature faster processors, enabling smooth multitasking and better performance.
2. Longer Battery Life
Battery life is always a concern when it comes to wearable devices. In the future, kids smartwatches will be equipped with more advanced battery technology, allowing them to last longer on a single charge. This will ensure that children can use their smartwatches throughout the day without worrying about running out of battery.
3. Improved Durability
Children can be rough with their toys and gadgets, so durability is a crucial factor to consider in kids smartwatches. In the coming years, we can expect these wearables to become even more rugged and resistant to water, dust, and accidental drops. This will make them more suitable for active and adventurous kids.
4. Enhanced User Interface
The user interface of kids smartwatches will also undergo significant improvements in the future. They will feature more intuitive touchscreens, voice recognition capabilities, and gesture-based controls, making it easier for children to navigate and interact with their smartwatches.
5. Integration with Other Devices
In the next five years, kids smartwatches will become more integrated with other devices and smart home ecosystems. They will be able to connect with smartphones, tablets, and even smart home devices, allowing parents to monitor and control various aspects of their child's environment through a single interface.
As we look to the future of kids smartwatches, it's evident that these wearable devices will continue to evolve and adapt to meet the needs of both parents and children. With advanced safety features, educational capabilities, and technological advancements, the next five years hold immense potential for kids wearables. Parents can look forward to enhanced peace of mind, while children can enjoy a fun and engaging experience with their smartwatches. So, buckle up and get ready for the exciting future of kids smartwatches!
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crystal-moon-101 · 11 months
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Species: Auridea Homeplanet: Letany Life-Span: 50-60 (80-100 Royals) Habitat: Flower Forests, Meadows, Plains Diet: Granivore/Palynivore/Nectarivore/Florivore Breeding: Sexual Reproduction
Sexual Dimorphism: Female and Males tend to physically be the same, the only noticeable difference being the wings. Females have purple wings, while males have golden wings. This also means the gender of children are hard to know until they grow in their wings.
Behaviour/Bio: The Aurideas are the other sapient species that live on Letany, sharing the world with the Ambsithurisms. Their entire planet is a plant paradise, full of flower forests and meadows, which are maintained by both species, though in different ways. The Auridea are quite advanced, and run civilizations that manage their plant life through strict systems, many kingdoms run by queens across the planet.
Because of this, they are hard workers, always on the go, and need to be busy with work. To outsiders it can make them come across as harsh and strict, and are known to criticise other alien races that have lazy work ethics. Individual families will often kick out their own children to work and be independent once they come of age. They can also be rather snobbish, but are good at politics, running many trading systems for their delicious honey, that seems to make any food taste good.
Kingdoms are always run by queens, a version of their species that is essentially biological upgraded through the use of royal honey, a product only queens can produce and will gift down to one of their daughters. However,royal jelly has been found to affect anyone, including males or other alien races, though the mutations are not often safe due to not being designed for them. This leads to royal jelly being sought out in the black market, queens often targeted to steal it, even a few royal members selling it behind the scene to get ahead of rivals.
Because of how different their system is compared to Ambsithurism, they have a complicated history, and how they act towards it each changes from kingdom to kingdom. Some work together with them, some make trades, some are at war, and some are just neutral towards each other. Though at the end of the day, they just can’t agree on how to help their planet, causing many discussions over the years between the two races.
Flight - They are incredibly fast in the air, along with being able to stop and hover in a moment’s notice. Often seen as a blur in the sky, they’re very agile and know their way around the air, and can outspeed many people.
360 Vision - Their eyes wrap around the back of their head, allowing them to seem the entire way around them. Literal eyes on the back of their head as it were. They’re alert beings by nature, so this helps in keeping an eye on things, and prevents people from sneaking up on them.
Grapple Stinger - Their stinger can be shot out like a grappling hook, either to stab something, or to yank it or themselves forwards for quicker movement. The stinger also has slight toxins in them, nothing that would kill you, but would cause a nasty itch, almost a burning feeling under your skin.
Honey Producing - Every member can produce honey, often storing a lot in their own body as a sugar reserve. But they can also use it in combat, spitting it out like webbing to trap people, or at the very least slow them down.
Wall Sticking - Like most insects, they can stick to walls, the roof and basically most surfaces. Their homes and buildings are often a maze-like mess that has furniture on the walls since the right way up isn’t something they care about often.
Hive Telepathy - Queens are able to mentally connect with their hive, able to give out orders, warnings or call for help at any time. Her hive can also communicate back, if they need her assistance or to give reminders.
Armoured Body - Not only do royals become noticeably bigger, but their normally squishy body turns into sturdy armour. It slows them down in flight, but it means they can defend themselves and their hive.
Royal Honey - Only queens can produce royal honey, which they use to grant a princess/daughter to become a queen. The rules on how to become a queen is different per kingdom/family.
Weaknesses: While things like light rain are fine, if their wings and fluff get drenched in water, they will struggle to fly, becoming too heavy (And just not naturally good swimmers). While the tether that keeps their stringer to their body is sturdy and strong, if cut off they will permanently lose their stringers. If their wings tear or become damaged enough, they will no longer fly. Honey isn’t something they magically produce, and will need to make more if they run out. They prefer to fight in units because on their own they are rather squishy, body isn’t designed to take major hits.
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nomsfaultau · 2 months
One potential bad ending for Fault
It's a degree more possessive and controlling than SCP Philza actually is, but I just have this vision of if SCP Tubbo really did try to abandon the group on the grounds of their moral principles:
It would be a gut punch to him to for any of his Collected to betray his vow like that. But I think he could almost manage enough when they left, on the grounds of it being a vicarious Collection. The main problem is Tommy's Collection of Tubbo, because if Tommy tries to leave with Tubbo there isn't a chance of Philza allowing it. He'll keep Tommy no matter what it takes, and console him if Tubbo still decides to leave.
...but only early on. Because the moment Philza finds out Tommy only survived his recent bout of suicidality was Tubbo, there isn't a chance he lets them go. Besides, they didn't stand a chance without the others for protection. He'd promise almost anything to make Tubbo stay, and in the angst scenario Tubbo just. Wouldn't buy it. And tried to leave.
But Philza wouldn't let them. Of course not. And honestly what could Tubbo do to stop him?
The moment they tried anything he can instantly smoke them. If Philza saw it as the only option he could keep Tubbo trapped in stasis indefinitely, dipping in and out of consciousness at his whim. Awake just long enough to eat, not really lucid enough to remember what's happening. Just curled up next to Philza with their head resting in his lap, unable to hurt themselves or Tommy in this state. He could set the entire world on fire just so he could sense every last Tubbo bee and capture them harmlessly. Philza is almost perfectly designed to Secure, Contain, and Protect Tubbo in a way that makes for a delicious reflection of the Foundation. Tubbo would never stop trying to escape.
The others would be horrified, of course, even once Philza explained exactly why he's doing it. The Blade would definitely try to break them out, and it would tangle in with the guilt that part of it was his fault since they were so much easier to imprison without their legs, which could barely heal when held in stasis for so long. Wil had this extra horror with the way his identity circles around the ability to escape, and he couldn't understand it. Maybe he should've seen it coming, though, with the way Philza followed after him no matter how many times he tried to run as a kid. Eventually he'd been convinced it was for the best, but was it?
And Tommy...well. Something in him broke that day. He never really recovered.
I just have this vision of it going on for years, and Philza melting sand into a dome to trap them under so that Tubbo doesn't have to be smoked any more. After so long exposed to an embodiment of nature, the dome is filled to the brim with flourishing plant life so dense it blocks out the sky. It's trapped in a perpetual Spring year round. Fire and smoke fills the only exit so no bees can escape, and intruders will be burned alive, and he'll know if any of his children enter. Well, Tommy never leaves the 'greenhouse', but beyond that. It's well defended from any threats, though the Foundation never stops trying. Philza more often than not is in dragon form, winding around the area in an impenetrable barrier to protect his hoard. He says it's to keep them safe. It's because he's alienated himself too much from his Collected to remain humanoid. Each year the giant ever bloody gouges in his body grow a little deeper.
In the center of the dome lays Tubbos' abandoned body. The swarms don't touch it anymore, preferring what little freedom they have. They scatter around the dome, dully poking at eternally blooming flowers. Some linger around Tommy. The swarms don't talk much, either. Tubbo is scarcely distinguishable from regular bees anymore.
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bellshazes · 11 months
something i think a lot about at my job vs. online culture is that terrible people deserve and need support. i'm not talking about supporting harmful ideology or politics, but at the level of parents and kids, community members - abusive parents need support, sexual offenders need it. but that doesn't mean it can or should come from the people they've harmed. you really need well-trained, experienced outside parties who can work, for example, with parents who cannot keep care of their children to become truly capable and safe at doing that.
one of the trainings i've been trained to give explicitly discussed how to work with parents who have perpetrated the exact type of trauma the training is designed to address. but many people can learn, and sometimes it's about finding ways the parents can engage with their kids even if the kids don't live with them, because if you do what we call TPR - termination of parental rights - you often end up with kids going back to their parents as soon as it's legal again when they come of age. removal of children from a home is just about one of the most traumatic things you can do to a child, and it's the state that does that, not the parents. that is additional trauma, always, no matter how bad the situation.
in a better world I think we'd have this culture embedded at the local and neighborhood and individual community levels, so that nobody ever has to bear it alone, so that there are additional supports for all kids (and parents, and community members) even beyond those close to the person. not everybody will have ideal outcomes, and people have to be willing to grow - but they won't ever become willing if they aren't engaged by people who can support them.
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bbgem329 · 2 years
Where’s My Love?—Chapter Five
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Two years ago, you and your husband built a life for your growing family at a safe camp during a world wide apocalypse. Everything is good until Bucky catches wind that a rival group is out to dominate the rest for their own gain.
What happens when, one day, the most capable men and your husband are out on a hunt when the camp is attacked? Will you be able to get your children and your heavily pregnant self to safety? Will Bucky find you before it’s too late?
MINORS DNI. 18+++. Angst. Language. Gore. Blood. Violence and death. Implied trafficking/kidnapping. Zombie apocalypse. Did I miss anything?
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Your feet pounded heavily against the ground, despite how much you willed your steps to be quiet. All of your senses were on overdrive, ears straining to hear the taunting shuffle of the man through the bush, stalking after you.
The fact he wasn’t running made you feel worse.
You were moving as quickly as your heavily pregnant body could carry you while lugging around three other kids and yet, it seemed it would never be fast enough. It was as if he was waiting for the perfect moment to kick it in and attack—as if he already knew had you and there was absolutely no reason for him to even bother putting effort into the chase.
The realization made you sick.
You could feel bile clawing its way up your throat with every labored breath and you were acutely aware of the tears streaming down your face, your choked back sobs falling in time with Jamie’s as you dragged him along with you. There was no use in attempting to be quiet, Rosie’s high pitched wails would catch the attention of anyone or anything within a two mile radius and there was nothing you could do to console her right now.
The only thing you could do was push on and keep as much distance between you and this man.
“It’s okay.” You mumbled, an attempt to console yourself or the kids you weren’t sure. “It’s okay. It’s okay. We’re going to be okay.” You stumbled over a root, almost losing your footing. Your knees felt like they were mere seconds away from buckling. One wrong move—one wrong step, and you’d be down for the count. “Come on. Come on.”
“You can run.” A voice drawled, closer than you thought and shivers danced up your spine, dread settling deep in your gut. “But you can’t fucking hide.”
This was all a game to him. If his tone and the amused laugh that echoed after was any indication, he got off on it. Got off on hunting you through the woods. Like he was the predator and you were nothing but his prey.
“It doesn’t have to be like this.” He called out, voice low and tone taunting, “You don’t have to die.”
You didn’t respond. You wouldn’t give him the satisfaction.
“Think about your kids.” He urged, voice closer now. He was picking up the pace. “You could give them a better life. I’ll make sure of it. Just stop and you can come back to camp with me.” He chuckled lowly, “You would be a perfect fit. We’re looking for a new doctor and,” He paused, snickering to himself, “I could treat you much better than that soldier husband of yours.”
Your heart plummeted into your gut.
How did he know? How did he know you were the designated ‘doctor’ of Brookstown? How did he know you were Bucky’s wife?
He laughed again, “Your little camp mate, Matt, told us all about how things run around here.”
Your breath caught in your throat, chest tightening and head spinning as you processed this new bout of information. Bucky had been right about Matt. Not that you ever doubted his intuition in the first place. Your husband could smell bullshit from a mile away and his gut was never off.
But was Matt really capable of something like this?
Would he really betray his own camp like that? How could he risk the lives of the very people who looked after and took care of him and his wife for two whole years? Would he risk his own wife’s life like that?
It didn’t make sense.
“Funny enough,” The man drawled, and you didn’t miss the slip of a slight accent. “He told me not to even bother with you. Said something about how ‘hooked up on your husband’ you were and you were better off dead. But,” He exhaled a soft sigh, “I’ve always loved the chase. I love it when my woman play.”
You choked back a whimper as the weight of his words settled over you. This man didn’t want to kill you, no, what he wanted to do was worse. You couldn’t let him take you nor your babies, you’d die before you let that happen.
“And the best part of it all…”
You pushed on, trying desperately to block his taunting words out of your head. Over the years, you hadn’t left camp much but from what you remember and from what Bucky had told you, you should be coming up on a road any minute. It would be best to stay in the woods, let the tree and the brush conceal you but your lover's directions were specific and you had follow the road to get there.
“No one is going to come looking for you. Matt made sure to draw the hunters out,” He chuckled, “More specifically that husband of yours. What was his name again?”
Bucky would come for you. There was no way they would be able to take him down. He’d put up a fight and he’d win. There wasn’t a single doubt that he knew what was going down—what had happened. He’d have recognized Matt’s intentions right away and he was more than likely on his way to you right now.
Bucky wouldn’t give up. He would fight like hell and do everything in his power to get back to you and your babies.
He was coming, you were confident of that.
He had to, right?
“James, right?”
“Momma.” Jamie whimpered, little hands wrapped tightly around your wrist as he stumbled after you. You looked down to find his cerulean hues red and shining with tears. “Momma.”
“It’s okay.” You whispered, “Just stay by momma. I won't,” You swallowed thickly, the words almost bitter on your tongue, “I won’t let anything happen to you. I won’t let him take us.” You shouldn’t promise him—you couldn't even bring yourself to, but you were going to try your hardest to get them out alive. “We just gotta keep moving. Daddy will come for us.”
Becca sobbed quietly into the back of your neck, her little cries almost drowned out by the wailing, wriggling baby tucked against your chest. There was no way either girls could understand what was happening but they knew well enough to be scared.
All of them were. Hell, you didn’t think you’d even been this scared in your life.
It wasn’t just your life in the balance, there were four more now.
And they were relying solely on you to protect them and keep them alive.
Even if you got them out of this alive, and you didn't survive, there was no telling how long it would take Bucky to find them. If he would even be able to before another group of men came along or one of the undead.
They needed you.
You were their only life line.
“He is long dead by now.” The man called out, and you didn’t miss the way his steps seemed to quicken. “Your beloved husband. There is no way he could’ve survived my men. We were ready for him and no amount of super strength would be enough against sixteen men.”
It wasn’t true, it couldn't be.
They may have had more in numbers but Bucky had something more to fight for, a reason to live. This sick man was just trying to get under your skin. Trying to make you falter—make you weak. Because the thought of losing him would drag you under and you couldn’t afford to lose hope yet.
Bucky would expect you to be waiting at your new home, greeting him with open arms and happy tears when he arrived and you couldn’t let him down. And then together, you would welcome your new baby and live out the rest of your days as a family in peace.
He needed you just desperately as you needed him.
You could do this, protect yourself and your children, for him.
“So you’re wasting both our time. He isn’t coming to save you this time.” He sounded a little out of breath, steps heavy as they thumped quicker after you. “And you’re starting to piss me off. I don’t want to kill you, sweetheart. Let’s just stop and talk about this. We both know how this ends.”
Yes. You did.
It was your life or his.
And you were gearing up for a fight.
A new found adrenaline burst through your chest and slipped through your veins. You had two options and you were feeling a bit more confident that you could pull this off if you acted quickly.
Option A, you keep running, try and put as much distance between the two of you and hope he wears himself out. He already sounded out of breath from picking up his pace but the man was gifted with a gun. You’d seen how effortlessly he’d shot Ruth down, the bullet landing perfectly between her eyes. If you had an aim like that, you wouldn’t waste time running either. Running could quite possibly lead you to ending up just like Ruth and what’s to say you wouldn’t tire out before he did.
Option B, you fight. If you could manage to get his gun away from him, you might have a fair chance at gaining the upper hand. You were trained by a professional after all and although you might not be the most experienced, you had a few special tricks up your sleeve. Not to mention a few weapons of your own. But how would you fight with two babies strapped to you? It wasn’t like you could hide and attack from behind either, their cries would give you away almost immediately.
Bucky would take option B. But then again he was never one to turn around or back down for a fight and the circumstances were much different.
You didn’t have any of that super serum running through your veins. You were nine months pregnant—days, weeks away from giving birth, and had three other kids under the age of four to look out for.
But did you really have a choice?
It was his life or yours.
You stole a quick glance back over your shoulder, ignoring the man’s taunting rambles. You couldn’t see him yet, which meant he most certainly couldn’t see you. You didn’t want to go off course but you were pretty confident that an opening to the road was just a few meters ahead and once this man was dealt with you could find your way. Without a second thought, you took a sharp left, pulling Jamie around the corner of a large tree surrounded by tall bushes.
“Shh.” You squat down in front of Jamie, “I need you to be very quiet, okay?” You carefully placed Rosie on the ground and worked to pull Becca from the sling on your back. You had to be quick, he wasn’t that far off and Rosie’s cries would lead him right to you. “I want you to sit quietly here with Becca, okay? Becca baby it’s okay. Sit with Jamie and Momma will take care of everything else.” You guided Jamie to sit between two bushes, with enough shrubs and brush to hide him from anyone or anything that passed. Once he was situated, you plopped Becca between his legs and he didn’t hesitate to wrap her in his arms, pressing a soft kiss to her head. “I love you both. Now be very quiet. This is important.”
You couldn’t leave Rosie with them, she would give their hiding spot away so you had no choice but to carry her with you. As quickly and carefully as possible, you scooped her up, shushing her softly as you settled her comfortably in the sling. Much to your surprise, her cries ceased completely.
You let out a soft breath of relief as you rose to your feet. You rocked slowly from side to side and gently pat Rosie’s butt, trying to keep her calm and quiet as you pulled a gun from the back pocket of your overalls.
“Hiding now, are we?”
You almost wanted to laugh.
He thought you were weak.
He expected you to run and run until your body gave out from exhaustion or you gave up and accepted defeat. That there was no chance that you might actually turn around to fight him.
And that you might win.
This man thought he knew it all. But if he really knew who your husband was, then he should know that Bucky Barnes, with all the life and experience he had lived, would never not teach his wife the basics of self defense.
And then some.
Cocky, sniper fuck man was about to get the wake up call of his life. Too bad he wouldn’t live to learn to never judge a book by it’s cover nor to underestimate a woman.
“Oh, this just got a lot more fun.”
Did he even realize he was giving himself away?
You crept further around the corner, steps light and soft against the dried grass. He might be bigger but you were lighter on your feet, even in your current state.
The bushes rustled and he stalked confidently out onto the open, makeshift pathway. Much to your relief he’d taken off the ski mask and you took a second to assess his appearance—cocky smirk, long greasy hair, broad shoulders, and decent sized bear belly.
Without that stupid piece of fabric covering his face, he didn’t look so intimidating.
No fucking wonder he was out breath. Bucky would rip him in half.
Your grip on the gun tightened, hands shaking as you lifted it to take aim but you weren’t that good of a shot, and you didn’t want to risk giving up your spot until you got his sniper away from him.
He stepped forward, eyes trailing over the bushes, grubs, and trees. He couldn’t hear you anymore, now he had to look. He grunted something to himself, rolling his dark eyes a little but the smirk on his face never faltered, in fact, it only seemed to grow.
“You wanna play, sweetheart?” He tsked softly, shaking his head, “Is that it?”
God, you couldn’t wait to knock that smug look off his face. He had no fucking idea who he was messing with.
He wished harm upon you and your babies, and because Bucky wasn’t here to deal with this situation, it was up to you.
“That’s fine with me.” He took a few steps forwards, his arms held out to the side, and bingo! He was right where you wanted him. “I’ve always-”
You didn't give him a chance to finish. You charged forward, shoving your hands as hard as possible into his chest. The look on his face was priceless as he stumbled back and just as you’d hoped, his gun slipped from his fingers and clattered to the ground a good foot or two away.
“You bitch.” He seethed, teeth grit as reared forward. He didn’t get very far before you slammed the butt of your gun hard into his temple. He fell back on his ass with a pathetic cry. “That wasn’t very nice.” He growled, crawling to his feet. He paused to wipe at the trickle of blood blooming from his temple.
Your lips corked slightly up in the corners, “Well, I don’t take too kindly to disturbing men who kill my friends.” You caught him eyeing his gun that lay a few feet to his left and just as he made a move towards it, you tucked your gun away and drew a couple knives from your pocket, throwing one with all your might.
You might not be good with a gun, but a knife you could handle.
It landed square in his gut. He let out a pained cry as he jolted back into a tree and you didn’t hesitate, throwing the second one, this one settling deeply his chest, and hopefully piercing his heart. You watched blankly as he slid down the tree, clutching the butt of both knives.
You knew it shouldn’t satisfy you this much to see the blood flowing from each wound nor should the way he was gasping and heaving for air, but it did.
He deserved this, to die alone in these woods, and have walkers feast on his dead corps.
Never again would he harm you, your babies, or anyone else for that matter. His sick, sadistic life was over.
You stepped a half a step forward, eyes wandering from his pallid face down to the knives nestled in his abdomen and chest.
“You know,” You drawled, pocketing your gun, “You really shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.” You cocked your head to the side, rubbing your hand up and down Rosie’s back as she started to whimper and whine again. You were pretty surprised she’d stayed quiet this entire time. “Nor should you ever get too cocky.”
You went to turn away, ready to leave this man behind to die a slow, lonely death.
“You know what I think,” He wheezed out, shifting slightly forward as you angled yourself just slightly towards him, “You should go fuck yourself.”
Before you had time to react, he drew the knife from his abdomen with what little strength he had left, he launched it at you. On instinct, you quickly snatched the gun out of your back pocket, clenched your eyes shut, and shot aimlessly in the nameless man’s direction. Once the shot rang out and a pained exhale sounded from your opponent you let out a breath of relief and opened your eyes to find said man slouched limply against the tree.
You did it.
You won.
Though your victory was short lived.
You pocketed your gun again, and lifted your hand to cup Rosie’s back, only to be met with the hard, unforgiving handle of the blade.
“No.” You gasped, dread tearing through you as you took in the sight of the knife sticking out of her back. “No. Oh god.” You fumbled forward, dropping to your knees and dragging the sling over your neck. “Rosie. Oh God.” You sobbed openly as you pulled the sling off of her tiny, limp body. “No. You can’t-”
Guilt surged through you as your eyes met her cold, lifeless mocha ones.
This was your fault. You got too cocky. You should’ve killed him right then and there. You shouldn’t have stuck around to gloat or speak to him. And now, because of your recklessness an innocent baby was dead.
You had failed her. You had failed Ruth.
And now Rosie’s blood was on your hands.
With shaking hands you pulled the blade from her back, watching helplessly as the blood spilled freely and rapidly from the wound. “I’m so sorry.” You cried softly as you gently laid her back on the ground, brushing your fingers over her hair and down her chubby cheeks. “I’m so fucking sorry.”
Your head jolted up at the sound of voice not too far off, scouring through the woods.
You had to go.
You couldn’t leave Rosie here–you wouldn’t.
Carefully, you wrapped the sling around her little body and picked her up, gently cradling her to your chest before climbing to your feet. You didn’t spare a glance back at the dead man as you raced back to where you’d left Jamie and Becca.
You needed to get as far away from this camp as possible and find somewhere safe to rest for the night, and then you would make sure that Rosie got the burial she deserved. Once you and your babies were safe, you would allow yourself to feel and mourn.
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rainbowcarousels · 1 year
What are some of your headcanons about Trinity Gate as a place of healing for Armand, Louis, Daniel, et al?
So I like this idea that Trinity Gate was initially set up as a place for Armand to deal with his shit at the same time as keeping Benji and Sybelle safe. It just happened that Louis had his Merrick-era meltdown and Lestat left not that long into it all happening, so Armand flew out and picked up Louis and it ended up becoming a place for all four of them to deal with some pretty big changes. Benji and Sybelle were newborn vampires, it’s a process that can be difficult especially for people prone to obsession like Sybelle is and Armand always prioritises safe spaces for loved ones first. 
As such, I think Trinity Gate has been a place for healing from design to current day. I think that when he found out about Daniel, he wanted to bring him there but didn’t want to make things worse for him so there has been a place for him for years. The same is true for Lestat, they were often worried about him and wanted him to come home, so there was always a place for him too.
In terms of specifics:
Louis spent most of the first time he was there in the libraries, but he branched out into the gardens as time went on. Armand invested in chairs for him to read in most of the communal rooms including the music room so he can listen to Sybelle play. There’s a lot of time spent without words when it comes to Louis, they understand each other well enough without it and as their romance blooms again, they start taking the steps forward together.
The garden has been Louis’ domain for a while; there is something about investing in helping something grow and the feeling of being part of the earth that helps ground him. I think he struggles with isolation when left to his own devices, so Armand begins dragging him out into the world before long and he begins to feel more like a person than someone who haunts the house. 
Armand for his part doesn’t think of himself as healing there, but he does – he finds his reasons to go on in his children, in falling in love again, and from there, begins to work backwards in dealing with his feelings about himself and his own autonomy. Trinity Gate and NY in general are his bubble in those years and he has the time to really settle down and consider himself, to confront things he hasn’t and admit things to himself that he has had trouble doing before. 
I think Armand finds himself thawing from a numbness he’s struggled with on and off since he was mortal in his little family era here. It makes him more comfortable when people begin to show up in Prince Lestat, it makes it easier for him to be open to what Gregory says and to know he doesn’t want to be the core. He’s learning about his own voice, his own autonomy and in some ways, this is something that he never gets to keep – the eras of Daniel and Louis are the closest, but he was catering more to their lives than his own, not ready to face it. His autonomy has been repeatedly lost ever since he was down in the caves, since the kidnapping, even to a degree in the erasure of his past identities both in Venice and under Santino and even though it was necessary, through Lestat. Getting time to be himself, feel his own emotions whether they’re good or bad, has been good for him. He’s learning.
Daniel at Trinity Gate is a case of learning to trust himself and his instincts. I think as much as he tried as a baby vampire, he struggled with being overwhelmed and this is the era where he starts to explore and really enjoy what it means to be an immortal. He floats from one thing to another, just trying to see what he wants and experience things as a vampire or experience things he has no history of like modern smart phones or VR. Armand helps him a lot with that and the humour of the role reversal isn’t lost on them. 
For Daniel, Trinity Gate is the place where he doesn’t so much fall in love again as feel ready to address it as a whole person when he’s been feeling fractured for so long. It’s a time for reunions – they go on dates, they’ll skip off to Miami or Tokyo for a week, they’ll spend nights curled up catching up on streamed television shows as Netflix becomes more of a thing. It’s an era of Daniel learning to feel comfortable in himself and his place, knowing he isn’t reliant on someone but instead is choosing to be there. I think that in my headcanon for their relationship, this is the turning point for it being a little more ot3 than otp because he and Louis come to their own understanding of their dynamic.
Lestat’s time at Trinity Gate is on and off, not unlike his relationship with Armand. He doesn’t know where he stands at Trinity Gate, he is The Prince, he is Louis’ maker and he and Armand have their on again/off again thing. I think the important part is when he stops looking at himself as his roles and starts figuring out how to just be who he is, not the roles he tries on like clothes and he gets scared to interact like that for any specific amount of time. It’s hard for him to shed that armour and not worry he’ll be abandoned or ridiculed – so he doesn’t really know what to do when he’s accepted into the Armand Bed Pile without question. Okay, maybe one question and it’s ‘can you get your hair out of my face’.
I think it helps him open himself up more - this makes their relationship less of a dalliance and more something they’re actively pursuing for both Armand and Louis. Daniel’s just along for the ride, it’s Lestat, but they do bond over the more difficult moments and build forts downstairs. They like to listen to music on shared headphones/pods and Lestat loves an audience that will listen to him ramble on and Daniel is a good, engaged listener. For Daniel’s part, Lestat’s happy to show him how to do a few more ‘tricks’ and help him gain confidence with what he has. Lestat had to figure his shit out alone, so having another chance to help someone else is good for him too – especially when it’s Armand’s only fledgling. It feels like coming full circle from Nicki.
On a similar vein, I think Antoine’s time here gives him a level of support he didn’t really get due to the circumstances in which he was made. He has a kindred spirit in Sybelle for music, and though he does follow Lestat to France, I think there had to be a small period of reconnection for them here. 
I want to believe Bianca stayed here for a while after losing her fledgling. Not right away, but perhaps a couple of years later when she’s trying to rebuild. I like to think at first, it was like having a sleepover, Bianca and Armand getting some time to reconnect with older parts of themselves, then Armand dragging her out to see the world she’s not familiar with. I want to believe Riccardo came along for the ride and for a couple of months, the three of them are thick as thieves. Playing games, running around in the world to bars and clubs and private establishments – it’s a time for them to reconnect as people.
It gives them all a chance to finally talk through their losses and experiences – Bianca leaving in Paris, Riccardo having been unable to corporealise but wanting to stay with him as much as he could but being unable to communicate and Armand talking about losing himself. They start their mourning process together, for their lives, for the boys, for what they lost along the way, but also learn to celebrate some that they’re here together. It makes all three a little more childish and silly, there’s multiple chases throughout the house and mucking around and it’s good for them to just feel young and free for a while. It’s a side Armand’s partners so rarely see of him and they love it, especially when Armand loses races down the stairs because Riccardo can teleport his way there by going incorporeal. (Armand insists it’s cheating, but his sulking just leads to more silly stories about his teenage years.)
There are others who come and go – Marius is there sometimes and not others, but he isn’t really ready to heal completely. He is learning more about flowers from Louis and spends more time around Daniel there than anyone else, but it’s a foot in the door when he’s ready. They have Pandora there for a bit when she needs time away, giving her the space she needs from the world while still keeping her in it until she’s ready to move on. Even Mael has crashed there, talking quietly about his experiences with going into the sun with Armand before retreating but seeming a little lighter for it. Jesse spends some of her grief there, talks about how the family that used to feel like it spanned the world feels like it’s dwindling and leaves feeling renewed by the way people make their own families in their world.
The tl;dr of this being that Trinity Gate is the Vampire Chronicles equivalent of going on a life changing adventure with Zuko. 
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
Hello anon :D
So can your tell us more info about the kids? like personality and stuff- like-like what is their fav food and stuff like that
Also how old are they-
For what? no reason :) /this is what i feel like when you publish smt sus 👁️👁️)
June 21 is his birthday (it’s the summer solstice)
He is the oldest.
He has Leo’s DNA giving him advanced strength and speed
He is very brave. He can be impulsive at times, especially when he is young but as he gets older he works on acting less on his impulsive thoughts.
He will one day be the leader of his sisters and their cousins as he is the oldest. When he is younger he can come off as bossy but as he grows he gets better at leadership and communication.
He learns to be responsible. I don’t think Leo and Usagi would put his siblings care on his shoulders, but he does grow up with Raph always checking in on them. He’s the biggest it’s his job to look after his little brother and his family. Jotaro takes that to head and wants to be responsible enough to look out for his sisters
This does give him some anxiety when it comes to his sisters. He was so young when the twins came into their lives. Yet his earliest memory is of his fathers whispering over his sisters cribs as the babies coughed and struggled to breath. Almost losing his little sister so something no one could fight terrified him. Couple that with Kaida’s size as a baby and Usagi’s stress over it. (Usagi never meant to pass his worries and fears onto his son but even the best parents pass on things they don’t mean to to their children) he is very scared that his sister will be taken from them and there is nothing he can do to stop it.
This does make him very protective of his family. Even his dads as Leo and Usagi come home with injuries sometimes. Jotaro wants to be strong to protect those he loves.
He loves training. Not just because it makes his stronger but because he enjoys spending time with his dads, uncles, aunts, and grandpas. He also thinks it’s fun. Leo and Usagi try very hard to not let the weight of the world fall in their children. They keep training light and fun as it is more so that their children can protect themselves if need be and not ‘Shredders return eminent.’ If there was one thing Splinter did well as a father it was to not put that weight on the boys to early and Leo doesn’t want that for their kids either.
He is very love if a giving. if you are someone he cares for their is no length he wouldn’t go for you.
He likes to cook and enjoys that it is a way he can care for his loved ones.
He is very athletic
Raph is his safe person. If his dads are unavailable he goes to Raph. Raph helps Jotaro with his anxities. He teaches him how to crochet and helps Jotaro make things for his family as they talk about anything that is bothering Jotaro. It’s health to have another outlet for his emotions and to have someone he knows understands how he is feeling.
Sakura & Ume
March 20 is their birthday (it is the first day of spring in the western world, the spring equinox and also the earliest that cherry blossom trees will bloom in Japan)
They do not have Leo’s DNA they will always be a weaker then their siblings.
Because of their premature birth they were sickly children
She switch’s between hobbies constantly.
She’s an artist. She loves painting and drawling. Her preferences are water colors and color pencils
She has a love of baking. She loves backing simple things like chocolate chip cookies but she also likes making and decorating complicated cakes.
She loves fashion to. With her art skills she likes designing her own clothes as she gets older. She is learning to sew her own clothes and likes making clothes for her family
She loves dancing. She likes all types of dancing but she is taking ballet classes and loves to perform in the hidden city. It’s the one hobby she is always doing. Ballet is her passion.
She is a brutal fighter. She took after Cassie in hand to hand. Her ballet training mixed with her rope dart makes her a dangerous combination. She will kick her enemies but and look flawless while doing it.
She is an extrovert. She is out going and loves making new friends.
April is her safe person.
She loves cooking. She spends time with Mikey learning to make new meals for her loved ones. It’s a passion for her.
She likes dancing to. She isn’t as passionate about it as her sister but she does enjoy learning different styles
She learned to play the violin from Leo and is actually quite good at it. It’s a comfort for her and she loves playing duets with her dad. She also likes playing while Sakura dances.
She enjoys reading and writing. She enjoys creating stories and developing plot. As a teen she talks her siblings into playing dnd with her. Mikey dms for them until Ume wants to take over.
She an introvert. She prefers to be alone/ with her loved ones then meeting new people.
She is very calm compared to her sisters excited attitude
She is a pacifist compared to her siblings. She would prefer to talk out a problem then fight. But she will when it is needed. She would do anything for her family.
Her safe person is Kitsune.
Jan 16 (appreciate a dragon day)
She has Leo’s DNA giving her I handed strength and speed. She is also the only turtle in the family. She is far more durable then her siblings
In the end she is also the tallest. Beating Jotaro by just a inch but it’s an inch she won’t let him forget.
She is chaotic. In both her energy and her fighting style. She trained with Cassie. She is a brutal fighter with her knifes and fists
She is an acrobat. She learned how to flip and twirl from Mikey and has made it her own. They hung up circus equipment for her in the lair. She loves it when she comes to visit.
She loves going swimming. It’s near impossible to get her from the pool/spring before she is ready.
She has a very sweet and positive personality but she is NOT the person you want to make upset. She is brutally honest and has the most out of pocket things to say. She also can hold a grudge like no other. (Like mother like daughter)
She is incredibly impulsive. She will rush into any situation without a care. (It stresses Jotaro out so much and is one of the main reasons he is working on his impulse control)
Mikey is her safe person
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