#chris evan looks fine too I guess
evansbby · 7 months
14 notes · View notes
megalony · 8 months
Disciplinary Action
This is a new Eddie x Evan x Reader imagine that I had an idea for. I hope you will all like it, any feedback is always amazing and spurrs me on.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover
911 Masterlist
Summary: When someone at the station starts harassing (Y/n), she tries to keep it to herself. She doesn't want to cause a commotion. Until the boys witness it and start a fight.
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"Morning," A bright grin spread across Evan's lips when his eyes locked on Hen walking sluggishly towards the ambulance.
He relished in the frown that took over her face and the way she tilted her chin down and rose her brows when she looked his way. Her eyes gave away everything. She was feeling rough after their night out last night. Her eyes were barely open and she was walking like she was dragging her feet while her shoulders were hunched forward.
She would rather be anywhere but on shift. She wanted to be back in bed.
A grimace pulled at Hen's lips when she looked Evan up and down. He was dressed properly, no slacks, he didn't have his trousers on backwards or his shirt inside out. He didn't look like he had crawled through the front door at two in the morning and then had to head back out the door six hours later.
"Why aren't you hungover?" Hen tucked her clipboard under her arm and tightened her grip on her mug of coffee. Even the smell of coffee hadn't done anything to liven her up yet, she felt half dead.
Her and Evan had gone out drinking last night while (Y/n) stayed home with Chris and Eddie was on the night shift into the day shift today. It had been good for the two of them to catch up and have a laugh, but Hen was regretting choosing the night before a shift to have their night out. Next time, she wasn't making that mistake again.
"Because I can hold my liquor," He quipped back, holding his chin up high while he tightened his arm around (Y/n)'s shoulders and tugged her back into his side. He pressed his lips to the back of her head when (Y/n) reached her hand up to hold his hand that was on her shoulder.
"Hm." Hen scrunched her nose and continued walking towards the ambulance while (Y/n) and Evan walked down towards the back of the station.
"I'm gonna find Eddie and hit the gym."
Evan knew he would be fine today. He would do a quick work out before they had their first call of the day. Then by the time he and (Y/n) headed back home tonight, he would be tired enough to sleep through the night. Evan had a lot of trouble falling asleep and staying asleep. It was why he functioned so well on night shifts and when they pulled a double shift. He had too much energy and needed to have a burn-out in order to catch a full nights rest.
He squeezed (Y/n)'s shoulder and kissed her temple again before he let her slide out from under his arm and move towards the stairs.
(Y/n) climbed the stairs and headed up into the annex towards the kitchen. She glanced her eyes around, surprised to find no one else in the kitchen. She guessed Chimney was somewhere downstairs tidying up and sorting out like Hen was. And Bobby would probably be in his office sorting through paperwork. She already knew Eddie would be in the gym, that was his routine and why Evan was heading that way now.
Idling through the kitchen, (Y/n) headed over to the fridge and grabbed one of her juice bottles out before she moved over to the cupboard above the sink.
Bobby let them put any snacks, biscuits and drinks in the cupboards and everyone had their own little baskets and sections in the kitchen. (Y/n) knew her boy's routines. They would have a protein shake each before they went out on their first call of the day so (Y/n) may as well grab them one now in case the bell went off soon.
"Jesus, Evan." She grumbled quietly when she looked up into the cupboard and realised how far back Evan had pushed the pack of shakes. He clearly thought someone might come along and take a few and since he was over six foot, it was easy for him to put them at the back of the shelf. Ready so only he could reach them if he wanted one.
(Y/n) pushed up on her toes and pressed her hips into the counter, barely skimming her hand along the plastic packaged bottless that she couldn't quite grasp.
A gasp burned at the back of her throat when she felt a hand suddenly clamp down on her hip and a chest push into her back.
For a brief second, (Y/n) thought it was one of her boys and her first guess was Eddie. She knew if it were Evan behind her, she would of felt his chin perch on her head and he would tease her straight away for not being able to reach. Evan had a tendancy to hide things in high places because he was taller than both (Y/n) and Eddie and he loved them to ask him for help, despite how much it annoyed Eddie.
But she quickly realised it wasn't either of her men. Eddie had a firmer chest and broader shoulders than whoever was behind her.
"Need some help?"
Panic built up in (Y/n)'s stomach and burned up into her chest. That definitely wasn't either of her men. That was a voice she only faintly recognised, it wasn't someone she had the pleasure of working with on most of her shifts.
"I- I got it." (Y/n) held her breath and pushed further into the counter to try and get away from him. Her finger hooked into the plastic but whoever was behind her managed to drag the pack down and let it land on the sink with a thud.
When it didn't feel like he was going to move away from caging her in, (Y/n) clung to the counter and shuffled to the right.
Her arms felt tense and stiff at her sides as she tried to take a deep breath and compose herself. She tore into the six-pack and removed two bottles before she tossed the pack back up. Evan wouldn't mind that (Y/n) had gotten them out because she wasn't drinking or taking them, she was getting them for him and Eddie. Anyone else tried, and they would be sorely reprimanded.
"Thanks," She mumbled quietly, although (Y/n) wasn't sure she had anything to thank him for. But she wanted to keep the peace and be civil, it wouldn't do well starting an argument this early in the morning, and he hadn't technically done anything wrong.
"It's (Y/n), right?"
She nodded, trying to smile as she placed all three drinks down on the counter beside her. She pushed her hip into the cupboard and crossed her arms over her chest. She recognised his face. He was called Darren. They didn't really work closely together, he seemed to be on most of her opposite shifts, they didn't see much of each other.
"You're Buck's girlfriend, aren't you?" He gripped the counter while he stuffed his other hand into his pocket and leaned to the left with one leg crossed over the other. There was something about his smile that made (Y/n) feel on edge but she didn't know why.
"Yeah… I'd best go find him."
She pinned two bottles in the crook of her elbow and grabbed her own drink before she went to walk past him.
"Or are you Eddie's girl?"
The way he said that made (Y/n)'s blood run cold and fizzle down to her toes. She could feel herself becoming lightheaded already. She didn't want to have this conversation. His tone was crude and his smile was sickly, he was looking for some sort of argument or a way to tease and prod at her.
(Y/n), Eddie and Evan had all been lucky so far. No one at the station had made one remark about any of them being in a poly relationship. No one cared. They didn't tut or laugh or tease them or make any sort of crude comments. Bobby was thrilled for all of them and Hen and Chimney were accepting and treated it as if it were such a normal thing around here.
No one else in the station cared or made a scene. (Y/n) thought they had done so well not to have any controversy or any looks or remarks.
Darren had never said anything to (Y/n) before. He barely spoke to her when she was on shift with him, they seemed to move in different circles. So why was he bothering with her now?
"I'm gonna go," There was no way (Y/n) was hanging around Darren when he was looking down at her like that.
When he clamped his hand down on the counter in front of her to act as a barrier in her path, (Y/n) frowned. She took a deep breath, kept her back straight and rammed her side into his arm with enough force to knock him back. She bypassed him and turned the corner with her head held high and a fluttering of panic burning away like an ember in her chest.
Darren had other plans.
Both his hands clamped down on (Y/n)'s hips tight enough to leave imprints and he spun her round and pushed her until her back clashed into the fridge.
She choked on her breath, feeling like her lungs had been shocked into a restart as pain jolted down her spine and along the back of her neck. Her arms bashed out in front of her, dropping all the plastic bottles down to their feet with a clatter but she didn't care.
Her arms crossed in front of her and she thrust them into his chest to push him back but he rammed his knee into the fridge between her thighs to pin her in place.
"Get off! What the Hell are you doing?!" (Y/n) couldn't hide the panic from her voice.
She'd never been in a situation like this before.
A few people had catcalled her over the years, some had been handsy or frisky when she went out to night clubs, but no one had ever actually grabbed her or tried to pin her up like this. He was mad. He had to have a screw loose to be doing this. They were colleagues. They were on shift, it wasn't like they were in a bar or a dark street. Anyone could come up the stairs and see what Darren was doing.
Maybe that was what he wanted. Maybe he wanted to embarrass (Y/n) or have one of the boys to see so he could pretend she was trying to come onto him. Whatever he was doing, he was certainly going to make an enemy of (Y/n) whether this was a joke or not.
(Y/n)'s pupils blew wide and her heart dropped down to her stomach so fast she felt like she had fallen through the floor when Darren grabbed her. One hand stayed on her hip but his other hand suddenly pinched (Y/n)'s jaw in his harsh, cold grip.
He squeezed his fingers into her cheeks and tilted her head up so he could leer over her with a sickening smirk.
"This is what you're into, isn't it? You're balling every guy in the station. Don't you want me too?"
He leaned down close enough so (Y/n) could smell the toothpaste on his breath and see the white flecks lingering at the corners of his mouth. When it looked like he was about to move in to kiss her, (Y/n) fought in his grip until she could wrench her head to the side. She wouldn't look at him. She wasn't going to give him the satisfaction.
With his knee pinned between her thighs, it gave (Y/n) the angle to suddenly jolt her leg up and smash her knee into his groin. It was enough to loosen his grip on her jaw when he doubled over and spat a few curse words her way.
Her eyes snapped closed and she cried out when he slammed her head back into the fridge.
(Y/n) kept her arms crossed and thrust them down on his shoulders, forcing him back until she could stumble forwards and push him down onto his back. She ran, doubled over with one hand cradling the back of her head and her other arm around her stomach to try and tell herself to breathe and calm down and stop panicking.
"S-stay the fuck away from me!" (Y/n) spat down towards him, trying to keep her voice quiet in case anyone was close enough to hear them. She didn't want to cause a scene.
She couldn't tell anyone what he'd done. Telling Bobby would spark an internal investigation because Bobby wouldn't let harrassment go unpunished in his station. And (Y/n) didn't want to cause trouble or more paperwork and have everyone know and look at her. And she couldn't tell the boys. They would lose their minds if they found out what he'd done and (Y/n) wouldn't risk them getting reprimanded for starting a fight.
Straightening up, (Y/n) bolted towards the stairs, leaving the drinks long-forgotten on the floor next to Darren.
Her feet skidded and slipped beneath her as she jolted down the stairs, clinging to the rail to stop herself from falling down on her bum. The last thing she needed was an accident or an injury after that commotion.
Her heart lit up like a fire igniting in her chest when she saw Eddie at the bottom of the stairs. He was stood just to the side of the stairs, tucking his shirt into his trousers. He'd clearly gotten changed from being in the gym earlier which was presumably where Evan still was.
"Morning babe." He pulled his trousers a bit higher up on his hips before he reached his hand out and gripped the bottom of the railing.
Eddie's eyes narrowed a little at how fast (Y/n) came speeding down the stairs and his jaw slacked when she reached out for him before her feet touched the floor. Her arms deadlocked around his neck and she crashed into him, slamming her chest into his so fast Eddie had to take a few steps back to steady the pair of them. He locked his arms around her waist and pressed his lips against the side of her head, grinning as he kissed her temple.
"I guess you both missed me last night, huh?" He mumbled quietly against her temple as he started to rub his hand up and down her back. But his smile began to fade when he realised (Y/n) was shaking against him. "Babe, everything okay?"
(Y/n) tightened her arms around Eddie's neck and burrowed her face into his neck, breathing harshly against his skin when he tried to pull back. She pressed her chest so tightly into his that she could almost feel his heartbeat pulsing through his skin.
It was hard to fight off the tears threatening to pour down her face, but they were at work. (Y/n) didn't want to cause a scene or make issues and she didn't want to cry on shift. She had to compose herself and carry on as if everything was okay.
It wasn't as if she was partnered up with Darren, she barely went out on any calls with him and she wasn't likely to in the future either. She just had to make sure she didn't bump into him around the station- and pray he wouldn't bump into the boys either. And everything would be alright.
"I missed you."
She kept her face tucked into his neck and her lips tickled his skin when she wouldn't pull away enough to speak clearly. But Eddie still heard her and he shivered when she kissed his neck.
"You're shaking because you missed me? I don't buy it. Try again."
Eddie tightened his hands on (Y/n)'s hips and leaned back until she finally lifted her head to look up at him. He could tell something wasn't quite right and she couldn't fool him. She was shaking because of something else, not because she hadn't seen Eddie since early yesterday evening.
"I felt a bit panicky, that's all. I'm okay, just needed a hug." She could see the wheels turning in his mind when his eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips. The small hum he let out showed he was a little more convinced, but not totally accepting that everything was okay.
But he was willing to let it go for now and that was all that (Y/n) needed. She reached her hand round to cup his jaw and pressed a tender, if eager, kiss to his lips that did the trick to calm them both down and make him groan. He leaned forward into the kiss and grazed his teeth over her bottom lip but he growled against her lips again when the bell sounded. He tilted his forehead into hers when they parted and dug his fingers into her hip.
"Stopped by the bell," He murmured against her lips before he turned them both around to face the truck.
Off they went.
"You sure you're okay… you're rather quiet babe." Evan kept his voice low enough that (Y/n) barely heard his words. He hovered his lips against the side of her head and swooped his arm around her waist, reeling her into him until her back was pressed up against his chest.
He knew (Y/n) had woken up with the same level of energy as him this morning and she had seemed fine when they arrived to work. But she had barely spoken a word at the dinner table and she hadn't eaten much either. Evan didn't like it when she went quiet, it made him worry and then he would automatically fill the air because he hated silence.
"Just drifting, I guess."
She forced herself to smile and leaned her head back on Evan's shoulder, reaching her hand up so she could cup his cheek and press a tender kiss against his jaw.
She didn't feel shaky like she had this morning and being busy on shift had made her feel a lot better. But what happened this morning had dampened her mood a lot and (Y/n) felt like she had deflated. She didn't feel the energy to start a conversation or join in with the team, she just wanted to sit in silence and dwell for a while.
A grimace pulled on Evan's lips and he leaned forward to tuck his face into (Y/n)'s shoulder when the bell sounded. "At least we've had lunch," He kissed her neck and smiled as they both moved towards the stairs. He was glad they had managed to get through lunch today without rushing or gobbling food down and then feeling sick. They got to eat in peace and relax for ten minutes afterwards before the bell went off.
Evan's arm stayed looped around (Y/n)'s waist as they headed down the stairs, merged together like they were conjoined and it made (Y/n) relax. Her heart fluttered in her chest and her stomach jumped when Evan pushed further into her hips as they jogged down the stairs, but it was such a good feeling compared to the panic she had felt all morning.
Evan tilted his head back and listened to the speaker as he and (Y/n) moved to stand with the others in front of Bobby. This was a big call. A large fire was spreading through a field and catching the trees on fire. No casualties as of yet.
"I want everyone out on this call please." Bobby started pointing to divert people where he needed them. The whole station was going to be out on this one. "Hen, take the ambulance in case we have any casualties. Buck, Chim, Rhonda, head in truck one." He pointed around the floor and motioned for them to get their gear and head into the truck.
"Meet you there." Evan pecked the side of (Y/n)'s head and smiled into her skin when she squeezed his wrist before he unravelled from her and moved to grab his stuff.
"(Y/n), truck two."
She found herself nodding along, about to smile until she saw who else Bobby was motioning towards the second truck.
Oh no. Please no!
(Y/n)'s feet started to move before she knew what she was doing and she hurried over towards the locker. Her arms began to tremble as she slid them into her jacket and grabbed her helmet. Darren was going in truck two. He was going to be within close proximity of her. Why couldn't she head in the other truck with Evan? Why was Bobby doing this to her?
If (Y/n) asked someone to trade or she climbed into the other truck, someone would say she was doing it to be with Evan. She had to work alongside him, that was the agreement they all had. They could work alongside each other on shift but they couldn't always partner up or try to be together all the time. They had to work within the team, not just with each other. (Y/n) couldn't switch trucks without causing a commotion or raising questions and that was the last thing she wanted to do.
Her throat began to close up and she could feel tears welling in her eyes as her body started to tremble all over. She couldn't breathe. This wasn't fair. She knew what Darren would do, he would sit as close to her as he could. He would strike up a conversation and force her to be civil and pretend he was being kind when really he would try and torment her.
Maybe if she threw up she could hang back at the station. But would anyone say something if she did? Would Darren know she was avoiding him? Could she avoid him?
A fire sparked to life in (Y/n)'s chest when her eyes landed on a familiar mop of chocolate brown hair.
He was making a beeline for the second truck. He would be in there with her. This was her saving grace. She could sit with Eddie or just sit opposite him because he would be enough to ward Darren away from her. He wouldn't try anything if one of her partners was in the truck with them and if he did, Eddie would notice and he wouldn't let anything slide.
Shivers rolled down (Y/n)'s spine and through to her fingertips as she started to run towards the truck. She hazardly leaned around Bobby so she could toss her helmet in the compartment before she clambered up into the truck.
Eddie was sat next to the window and there was a seat free next to him.
(Y/n) didn't waste a second. She moved across and landed down in the seat with a thump. Her hands started to shake when she coiled her belt around her chest and clipped it in, but she could feel herself relaxing already. And when Eddie looked down at her with that dopey grin and handed her a headset, (Y/n) found his smile contagious.
Her smile began to fade when she realised who had sat down next to her on her right.
That was on purpose.
Darren could have chosen any of the two seats across from her. He didn't have to plonk himself down next to her but he did because he was doing this to torment her. He was getting payback for her thumping him earlier and brushing off his horrible advances. Surely he wouldn't try anything when Eddie was right there?
(Y/n) did her level best to keep the smile on her face but she wouldn't give Darren a single glance. She shifted round in her seat so her body was turned towards Eddie just as two more colleagues piled in. They were all sat together, squashed like sardines and a steady conversation floated through the speakers when Bobby got in the driver's seat and started their journey.
Her knees tensed together and her thighs quaked from how tightly she was pressing them together. She shifted her legs a little more to the left until her knees bumped into Eddie's thigh. He was sat with one hand on his thigh and the other arm resting casually against the window like he was posing for a picture and it made (Y/n) smile again.
When she felt Darren lean her way, whether it was on purpose or not she didn't care. She leaned into Eddie until her face was nuzzled into his florescent jacket and her arms were pressing into his side.
Eddie looked away from the window and glanced down at (Y/n) with a soft smile. But when she burrowed closer into his side, he took a deep breath and tilted his head back to see who was sat next to her. The seats weren't exactly large or spacious but they weren't tiny either, she shouldn't feel squashed or hemmed in.
Something unsettled Eddie but he didn't know why. He moved his right arm up and looped it around the back of (Y/n)'s shoulders so she could lean into his chest. His hand curled around her shoulder and he glided his fingertips up and down her arm while her head pressed into his chest.
"Okay?" He murmured into the top of her hair so it wouldn't go through the speakers and catch anyone's attention.
He felt her nod into his chest and it was enough to calm him down and reassure him that she wasn't suddenly feeling panicked or scared about anything. His lips pressed to the top of her head before he went back to looking out the window while his hand rhythmically rubbed up and down her arm to keep her calm.
(Y/n) swiped the helmet from her head and dropped it down on the floor along with her jacket and gloves. She left them next to Hen's equipment for the time being and moved to grab the hose so she could wind it up and lock it away in the truck.
The fire had taken a while to put out.
Half the trees in the open field had caught alight and were now burnt to cinders. The grass was dead and crunched beneath their boots along with the black and grey flakes of ash on the floor. At least they had managed to put the fire out before it spread too far into the surrounding area. And they had no casualties to take care of this time which was another relief.
Sweat rolled down the back of (Y/n)'s neck and slithered beneath the collar of her shirt and she rolled her shoulders to try and get rid of the feeling. Her sweaty palms reached down for the hose and she held it in her left hand and started to slowly coil it up.
She wound it from her wrist and down around her elbow in a large circle as she walked back towards the truck. They were almost finished packing all the equipment away, then they could get back to the station.
Once the hose was locked away, (Y/n) retraced her steps and grabbed her equipment and the few other helmets that had been piled up on the floor when the fires were all out. She made her way round the back of the truck to the other side and started neatly lining everything up in the compartment. If the helmets weren't piled together and stacked carefully, nothing else would fit in the small compartment.
"Alright there?"
The helmet in (Y/n)'s hands toppled down onto her boot before it bounced off and crashed on the floor next to her.
What was he doing? Where was everyone else? Couldn't someone round the corner so Darren wouldn't dare try anything? What had (Y/n) done to upset or annoy him enough to make him try and torment her like this? How was this any fun for him?
"Fine." (Y/n) kept her tone level and her voice loud so he wouldn't think he was intimidating her at all.
She leaned down and grabbed the helmet, trying to stop her sweaty hands from trembling when she shoved the helmet back with a thud and slammed the compartment shut. She wanted to find someone else on the team- someone she trusted, and hover by them. She didn't want to be anywhere near Darren, and especially not when no one else was around.
"Where are you going?" His tone was sickly sweet and the smile on his lips looked somewhat devilish and cruel. But it was the look in his eyes that set (Y/n) on edge and made her want to back away.
When he reached out, either to grab or touch her, (Y/n) flung her arm out to bat him away as she took a few cautious steps back.
"I told you this morning, stay away from me." There was no point side-stepping this conversation when (Y/n) didn't want to speak to him. She wasn't playing nice or talking pleasantries with him, she wanted to be as far away from Darren as possible and she wasn't going to talk to him unless it was strictly necessary.
"Why? Don't you have a thing for the guys at our station?"
"What are you trying to do?" (Y/n) rose her shoulders and held her hands out at her sides as anger boiled through her. She couldn't see his point or why he was doing this, was it fun for him? Did he relish in causing problems and making her uneasy? Did he have a vendetta against her? "Or do you just like being rejected?"
She tossed the insult his way with a look of hatred burning in her eyes. If he wanted to be rejected so badly (Y/n) would keep doing it the more he tried to mess with her. She had no problem telling him to get lost and stay away if he somehow thrived off of that, but it was getting ridiculous now.
She saw him coming.
She saw the way he lunged forward the moment she insulted him and it almost made her smile. (Y/n) lashed her arm out and grabbed his wrist, twisting it away from her before she reached forward and slapped him across the face.
"You're a bastard." Her free hand reached out for the truck to steady herself while she tried to turn around and leave.
(Y/n) needed to get back near the field and out from the shadows cast by the truck and the ambulance. She was penned in behind here, hidden from plain sight with someone she didn't trust and was starting to fear. (Y/n) needed to be somewhere where the rest of the team could see her so Darren couldn't try and play these games with her anymore.
But she didn't get far before he reached out and grabbed her before she could round the back of the truck.
Her body shuddered and her arms thrashed out in front of her but it didn't do anything when Darren's hands pushed her back into the truck. But instead of grabbing her chin like he had done this morning, his hand latched around her throat. The action made tears automatically well up in (Y/n)'s eyes and her lips parted but no air came in or out of her system.
She could feel her boots scraping against the grass, leaving indents and slash marks in the mud where she tried to hold her balance and push up to somehow allow herself to breathe.
Both her hands moved to grab at his wrist and try to claw at his face but she couldn't do very much when his other hand pinned her wrist into the truck and a clatter that resounded through her ears.
Why was he doing this?
(Y/n) tried to slam her shoulders back into the truck and find the momentum to push forward and thrust her weight onto him but he had her pinned like she was glued to the truck. His fingers dug into her neck like pinchers or sharp teeth puncturing into her neck and if she had enough breath, she would have hissed at the feeling.
Tears slid down her face as her shoulders burned and thrashed back into the truck and her back slid down when her feet started to slide in the dirt.
"Isn't this what you want?" His words leered in her ear and made her shiver and (Y/n) closed her eyes as tightly as she could so she wouldn't have to see his face hovering over hers. "How rough do you like it, sleeping with the whole team?"
He wouldn't let go. He wouldn't let her breathe. Stars were dancing across her eyes and blinkering in her vision. She was going to pass out.
(Y/n) did her best to scratch her own nails up and down his exposed arm to cause him some pain and try to get him to release her or just let her breathe. Her throat was starting to burn, his fingers were crushing her windpipe like it was a plastic bottle. He was going to damage her throat he he carried on for much longer.
Stop. Stop. Stop!
"Oi! What the fuck are you doing?!" Evan's dark, clawing voice ripped through the air but (Y/n) barely heard a word he said over the static building up in her ears.
When she opened her eyes, black dots sparkled in front of her like stars twinkling in the sky and she couldn't see Darren leering in front of her anymore. Her body tensed and pushed further back into the truck and her hands let go to slam back into the truck when she felt Evan beside her. She tried to brace herself and remain calm and as still as possible so Evan could get this maniac off of her.
Evan braced one hand on Darren's shoulder and moved the other to his wrist which he twisted to the right until he felt the joint tremor and jolt beneath his touch. He ripped Darren's fingers away from (Y/n)'s throat and pushed him back until he was stumbling over his feet.
Evan spared a quick glance over at (Y/n) and his heart dropped to his stomach when she slid down the truck and landed on her bum with a thud. Her arms cocooned to her chest and she sat, gasping and coughing for air like she had been drowning.
A sheet of red clouded Evan's vision, causing his eyes to squint, his nose to scrunch up and his upper lip to curl into a rabid snarl.
When Darren tried to slam his hands into Evan's arms to get him to let go, Evan scrunched Daren's shirt in his fists and yanked him closer. He didn't think twice before he thrust his head forward and slammed his temple down into Darren's nose until he heard it crack. The pain that blinded Evan's forehead and struck down behind his eyes faded out with the adrenaline that overpowered everything else. And he watched the blood pour down from Darren's nose, finally letting go of him to watch Darren stumble backwards and cradle his nose with a howl.
(Y/n) moved her shaking hands to touch her throat that felt like it was swollen up. Her skin felt raw as if she had been set on fire and her lungs were heaving and aching in her chest, trying to scramble for as much air as she could. It left her sat on the floor, wheezing and spluttering as her chest rose and fell horribly.
"Buck- what are you doing, what's going on?"
Her eyes started to focus again when Eddie's voice rang out through the air and she managed to turn her head to see him speeding across to them with Hen and Bobby following close behind.
Had they heard the commotion? Did they hear Evan start to shout and Darren scream in pain?
Oh God, they were going to have to find out what Darren had done now. (Y/n) would have to make a statement of how he had been acting towards her. This was the last thing she wanted.
She could feel the tears pouring down her face before Eddie even got close to her. He looked perplexed, wanting to comfort her but also wanting to stop Evan from making this situation any worse. Their partner was stood leering over Darren with clenched fists and his shoulders tensed and hunched up, ready to start a brawl here in front of everyone. But Eddie had to go down on his knees next to (Y/n) because she was clearly hurt and she was sobbing, that meant she was in more need of help right now.
His hands reached out for her and he shuffled closer so he could cup her face in his hands. His thumbs brushed across her cheeks, wiping away the torrential downpour of tears that made his heart shatter.
"Sweetheart, what's happened?" Eddie kept his voice low and he dared to trace his thumb along (Y/n)'s lower lip before he held her chin and carefully tilted her head up so he could see why she was gasping so badly.
His blood ran cold when he saw the discolouration around her neck in the shape of fingerprints.
It was hard for Eddie to control the rage burning up inside of him but he did his best to stop himself from moving away or saying something he shouldn't. They were on shift and Evan had already started throwing punches by the look of things. They didn't need Eddie getting involved too.
He pressed his fingers beneath (Y/n)'s jaw and felt her pulse until her hand clamped down on his wrist and she leaned forward. She tucked her face into his neck and pressed herself as close into his chest as she could until her shaking started to make Eddie tremble too. He curled an arm around her waist and pressed his lips to the top of her head.
"Buck- Buck stop! That's enough!" Bobby wrapped both his arms around Evan's biceps and pinned his arms behind him. He took three steps back and dragged Evan with him after Evan pulled his knee up and smashed it into Darren's groin.
Hen moved to stand in front of him and she reached out to give Darren a nudge until he flopped back and sat down on the floor. He had blood gushing down from his broken nose, drenching the rest of his face and now he was sat groaning and whimpering. He needed to sit down before he fell down.
"What are you doing?"
"I walked round the corner and found him pinning (Y/n) to the truck by her throat! The bastard was strangling her so I taught him a lesson." Evan pulled his arms out of Bobby's grip and stumbled forward. He wasn't about to lunge into another attack but he didn't want to be restrained.
There was no way Evan would just stand there and watch someone attack his girlfriend in broad daylight, while they were on shift no less. Whatever Darren thought he was doing, he wasn't about to get away with it and if they weren't at work, Evan would have given him more than a bruised ego and a broken nose. He barely knew Darren as it was, he didn't work with him on many shifts and he didn't think (Y/n) did either. He couldn't see why he would suddenly attack her out of nowhere but Evan didn't really care why.
Nothing Darren said would explain this and he wasn't going to get away with it.
(Y/n) scrunched her fingers into Eddie's shirt and moved her head to press her face into his shoulder when his hands slid round to cup her hips. He kept his lips pressed against her head and gently lifted her up with him.
Once they were both back on their feet, Eddie nudged (Y/n) back until she was propped up against the truck and he was stood between her legs. His fingers squeezed soothingly into her hips and he tilted his head to the side, pressing his temple against the side of her head while his lips hovered over her cheek near the corner of her mouth.
"Did he do something this morning? You came downstairs in a panic… was that because of him?" Eddie kept his voice quiet as he kissed the corner of her mouth and nudged his nose against hers.
There had to be more to it than this. Darren couldn't just attack (Y/n) out of the blue, he had to have a reason no matter how stupid it was. And Eddie refused to believe something hadn't been wrong this morning when (Y/n) was almost slipping into a panic attack.
Coupled with the way he'd seen her burrow into his side in the truck to distance herself from Darren cemented everything in his mind.
"Sweetheart, tell me."
(Y/n) closed her eyes and slid her hands up Eddie's chest to cup his neck. She tried to stop her breathing from running away without her but it was hard when the shaking wouldn't subside and her chest felt like it was restarting itself. She knew she would have to explain. She couldn't hide this from them and Bobby would need an explanation soon for a report about all of this.
Her nose brushed against Eddie's cheek as she leaned up to whisper in his ear. "He cornered me in the kitchen, he t… he tried to pin me up… said I was fucking half the station."
(Y/n)'s blood ran cold when Eddie tensed up against her like he was turning to stone before her eyes.
A jolt ran down her spine when Eddie smashed his fist into the side of the truck and turned around so quickly (Y/n) barely saw him move. Her heart jumped up into her throat while a stone set deep in her stomach. She stumbled forward, reaching her hands out to latch them around Eddie's bicep and pull him back before he had chance to get near Darren. She couldn't be the cause of any more fights or arguments.
"Eddie no-"
"He tried it on this morning! The jealous little prick tried to hurt her this morning too."
"She was asking for it."
(Y/n) pushed herself into Eddie's back and pressed her face into the back of his shoulder, keeping her arms tightly bound around his bicep. She felt his hand reach back to clamp down on her hip, making sure she stayed behind him and so he could ground himself to her so he didn't go and start a fight he desperately wanted to win.
"You'd better shut up before I break your neck!" Evan shook off Bobby's hold when he tried to reach out for him again. It was Darren they needed to restrain, not Evan.
He turned his back on the man sat on the floor, coughing and spewing up blood that was pouring down from his nose. He made a beeline over for his partners despite the fury burning deep within his eyes and the blood rushing along his neck to taint his face.
"Enough! Hen, take him back to the station in the ambulance, I'll deal with your disciplinary action when we get back. You three, in the truck please before I have to write you up too." Bobby didn't want to have to do any more paperwork than necessary and he wasn't going to tell Evan off when he was defending his partner. But he couldn't have them fighting any more than this.
"Are you alright?" Evan ran his hands up and down (Y/n)'s arms and kissed the back of her head while she loosened her grip on Eddie's arm so he could turn around and face them both.
She found herself nodding but neither of them believed her. (Y/n) wasn't even sure she believed herself.
Her throat was killing and throbbing and aching and it felt like her neck had been stretched. Her chest was still shuddering and quaking and her heart was battering in her chest like it was about to give out.
(Y/n) let herself sink back into Evan's chest while Eddie went back to cupping her hips and leaned over so he could kiss her temple.
"Don't worry, he won't dare come anywhere near you again. I'll break his legs if he does."
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pahtoosh · 1 year
apologies and kisses
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[image ID: pictures on a light purple background. there are five different baby blankets, a few different bottles of laundry detergent, and an image of chris evans as steve rogers looking smug and another of sebastian stan looking comedically distraught/.end ID]
summer celebration masterlist
wc: ~2200 words
warnings: having to do chores. baby is kind of dramatic in this(but justified!)
a/n: the movies moodboards are back. this is the first post of my summer celebration!!! also my first "and kisses" piece!!! "and kisses" just means there are lots of kisses and this is important because i love kisses :)
pairing: stucky x gn!little!reader (Dada = Steve, Baba = Bucky, Daddies = both Steve and Bucky)
summary: Steve leaves you and Bucky alone for a day and your Baba manages to make a mistake worthy of an apology and lots of kisses
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆ ⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚
“Okay, I’m leaving for my meeting now!” Steve called out. “Just making this announcement in case one of my loves wants to show me some love before I go!” 
Your dada would never leave without a proper goodbye unless it was an emergency, but he likes teasing you. You took the bait every time. 
“Dada! Dada wait!” You rushed to the door and “caught” Steve just as he was about to open the door. 
“Oh goodness! You just barely made it, pumpkin. I was practically out the door!” He set down his briefcase and gave you a hug and kiss. He looked over your shoulder for any sign of Bucky. “Hm. Only one of my loves came to say goodbye. I guess that’s it then. Bye sweetheart, I’ll see you later tonight.”
“No! No! Baba! Baba, come say bye bye to Dada, you have to!”
Bucky shook his head at your and Steve’s antics. He walked leisurely down the hallway before kissing Steve goodbye. 
“You sure took your time,” Dada teased. 
“I can’t be spoiling you now. Sometimes ya gotta play a lil’ hard to get.” Bucky winked. 
Steve laughed and muttered idiot before returning the kiss. “You two gonna be okay without me?”
“Yes, Steve. I’ve got the schedule and the chore chart and the MyPlate chart that you printed out for me. Twice. Relax, I’ve got this. They’re my baby too, you know.”
Your dada sighed. “I know, and I trust you but it’s been a while since we’ve been separated.”
Bucky rubbed his shoulders. “We’re gonna be fine, it’s only for a few hours-”
“Six hours.”
“And those six hours will be fun and productive thanks to the schedule you lovingly created for us. We’ll be okay, you can just focus on your meeting. Unless that’s why you’re acting like a mother hen right now.” Bucky raised an eyebrow. “Are you worrying about us so you don’t have to think about your meeting?”
Steve stood a little straighter and fixed his tie. “Steve Rogers doesn’t run away from his problems. But if he did, that’d be a pretty darn good reason.”
Bucky laughed. “Okay, Captain. Whatever you say, now go kick some ass.”
“Language.” He kissed you one more time. “Bye, sweetheart.” He kissed Bucky. “Be good.”
“Why am I being told to ‘be good’?”
“Because our sweet little angel is always good. You’re the trouble around here.” Steve smiled at you and walked out the door, closing it behind him before your baba could respond. 
“Unbelievable. Did you hear that, lovie? Dada’s talking as if he wasn’t the biggest troublemaker his whole life.” He stopped looking at the door to face you. “How ‘bout those chores? Should we get started on them?”
“Don’t wannaaaa,” you whined. 
“I know, me neither but we gotta show Dada how responsible I can be. Will you help me with that, baby?”
“Mmm. Okay. But then I don’t have to eat Dada’s veggie sprouts for dinner.”
Your baba threw his head back in laughter. “Trust me, angel. Baba wouldn’t make you eat that mess even if you were the naughtiest baby in the world.”
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Two hours later, you and Bucky had finished watering the plants, cleaning your playroom, and doing the dishes. The only two chores left on Steve’s list were to dust all the shelves and lamps in the house and do the laundry. Bucky hated dusting, so he was saving that task for last. 
He stood a little straighter and used his sergeant voice to grab your attention. “Agent baby, I have a very important task for you.”
You copied his posture. “I’m listenin’, sargan’ baba!”
“I need you to round up all the blankies in the playroom and living room and escort them to the laundry room. And bring any loose socks you see on your way. Those tricky little guys have escaped us for the last time.”
“Yes, sargan’ baba!” You did as he said, gathering the lightweight blankets that collected on the back of the couch and in one of your playroom’s baskets. You carefully walked to the laundry room with your huge pile of blankets nearly blocking your whole face. 
“I gots dem, Baba!”
“That’s very impressive, baby! And in record time too,” Bucky praised. He took the blankets from your hands and placed them into the machine. “One, two, three, four, five, si- wait, we’re missing one. Where’s your blankie, lovie?”
You looked up innocently. “Bankie’s not dirty.”
“Now I know that’s not true. I can’t remember the last time we washed blankie.”
“But, but what if bankie don’ like the water?” You pouted and formed a crease between your brows. 
“Blankie will be fine, sweetheart. Blankets are meant to be washed! And don’t you want your blankie to be fresh and clean? Think about how you feel after a nice bath. Good, right?”
You looked down and played with the hem of your shirt. “Yah, feels good.”
“Okay, then can you get blankie for me? Or do you want sergeant baba to come with you?”
“No, I do it!” You straightened up and rushed to get your blankie, wanting to show Baba your independence. 
You carefully handed blankie to Bucky. 
“Thank you, doll. Now blankie’s gonna take a little trip with these other blankies and when they’re done they’re gonna be all clean! While I do this can you look for the feather duster in the closet? I’ll be back out in a minute.”
“Okay, Baba!”
Now alone with the washing machine, Bucky turned the knob to the correct settings and reached for the detergent. There were three different bottles on the shelf. Wait, which brand is used for blankets? How much are you supposed to use? And who needs three different kinds of laundry detergent?
Steve had been taking care of the laundry lately in exchange for Bucky cleaning the kitchen. Steve was also more particular about how fabrics felt after washing, explaining the need for different detergents. Bucky decided to put a little bit of each detergent in the machine and hope for the best. He pressed the start button and left to find you and the feather duster. 
𓏲 ࣪₊♡
Not too long later, every bookshelf and lampshade in the house was dust-free, Bucky put the blankets in the dryer, and you both ate lunch. By the time the dishes were cleaned, the dryer played a happy tune signaling that the blankets were dry. 
“Baba! Is blankie time!”
He gasped. “Blankie time? We gotta move fast! Hold on baby, Baba’s gonna get you there!” He lifted you off his lap and carried you to the laundry room, moving up and down while making airplane noises. 
“Wooosh! Wooosh! Wow, baby, look at how fast you’re going!”
You squealed and held onto Bucky’s Henley for dear life. “I’m zoomin! I go so high so fast!”
“Aaaand we’ve made it to blankieland!” He put on a voice and pretended to talk into a radio. “Passengers, we have just landed in blankieland. Please stay still while we take out the blankies and give your Babas a kiss for the ride.”
You giggled and kissed Bucky on the cheek before wiggling out of his arms. “Mwah! Down please!”
He set you down and opened the dryer, putting all the blankets into a clean basket so he could take out the dryer lint while you got your blankie. He closed the door and then turned to you. 
“So, how’s blankie? All clean and fresh?”
“B-Baba?” Your lip was trembling and your eyes were filling up with tears. 
“Oh, baby what’s wrong?” He crouched down to your level.
“My blankie! You ruined blankie!” You dropped blankie and ran to your room crying. 
Confused, Bucky picked up your blanket from the floor and a pant of guilt hit him. Blotches of the fabric were discolored. It made your blanket look like someone spilled Steve’s green juice on it. He inspected the other blankets and for some reason, only yours was affected. 
Baba felt so bad for ruining something that meant so much to you. He wanted to go comfort you, but sometimes you needed time alone after a conflict. 
While giving you some space, Bucky tried to fix his mistake. He thought about all the ways he could get the stains out. He tried a stain-removing pen, but there was no change. He got a small part wet and blotted it with a towel. Again, nothing happened. Surely putting it into the machine again wouldn’t fix things, that's how he got into this mess. And he was hesitant to try vinegar, the idea of your blanket being stained and smelly was too much. With no other solutions left to try, Bucky went to go check on you. 
Luckily, you left your door wide open. You were so distracted that you just ran straight toward crying into your pillow and stuffies. Bucky could hear your cries all around the house. He was concerned about how long you’d been crying for. How much time did he spend in that laundry room?
“Baby? Baby, I’m so sorry. Baba’s so sorry he ruined your blankie.” Bucky carefully sat down on your bed and rubbed your back in a soothing gesture. “I’ll buy you a new blankie, yeah? I’ll buy you as many as you want, as big as you want, as colorful as you want.”
He couldn’t be too sure, but he might’ve heard you sob the word “no” three times. 
“Angel, I’m so sorry. I just wanted you to have a clean blankie. When Dada gets back I’ll have him teach me how to clean blankie the correct way, okay? Maybe he can fix this.” Bucky actually wasn’t sure this was something that could be fixed, but he’d say anything to make you happy. “It was an honest mistake, angel. Can you forgive me?”
“I never forgive you, Baba! Never ever ever ever!” You smashed your face into a pillow and kept sobbing. 
Bucky sighed and held his head in his hands. He was hoping for an ounce of Steve’s patience right now. He thought about taking you over to the tower himself. You could see Steve sooner. Maybe some of the other Avengers would still be there and they could help cheer you up. Or maybe he could bribe you with treats, he did just go grocery shopping yesterday...
Luckily, your Dada was just about to park the car. He opened the door expecting to see either you running up to him or you and Bucky sleeping on the couch, exhausted from all the chores. He was not expecting to hear you crying. Steve quickly took off his shoes and found the two of you. 
“What’s going on?” It was an odd scene, you lying face down in the middle of the bed, sobbing while Bucky was perched on the edge about to pull his hair out. 
You turned over and reached out to Dada, still whimpering. He picked you up and reached for a tissue to clean your face. “What’s got my little sweetheart so worked up, hmm?��
“B-Baba wuined bankie.” You hid your face in Steve’s neck, too tired to do anything else. 
Dada looked over to Bucky with a raised brow. 
“I was doing the laundry and I messed up blankie.”
“Show me.”
Bucky left to get blankie while Steve sat on your bed with you in his lap. “Sweetheart, look at me.”
You whined and nuzzled deeper into Steve’s shoulder. 
He sighed and rubbed your back, beginning to talk anyway. “I know how much blankie means to you, baby. I’m sorry Baba ruined it. Did Baba say sorry to you?”
You sniffled. “Ya.”
“And did you forgive him?”
You didn’t answer. 
“Babyyy,” he said in a warning tone. Steve did not appreciate unanswered questions. 
“No. I say I never forgive him.”
He sucked in a breath. “That’s harsh, now why would you say that?”
“Because blankie!”
“I know, I know. But don’t you think Baba is a little more important than blankie? I bet Baba’s real sorry even without your crying.”
Bucky came into your room with blankie. Steve reached for it and inspected the damage. 
“You poured the detergent straight onto it instead of using the slot, didn’t you?”
“How did you know that?”
Steve grimaced. “I made that mistake too. With my own blanket, thankfully. This kind of fabric just soaks it up. And why are the splotches different colors? Which detergent did you use?”
Bucky scratched the back of his neck. “All of them?” Steve’s eyes widened. “I didn’t use a lot! Just a little of each. Why do we need three different kinds anyway?”
Steve laughed. “It’s okay, Buck. I’ll show you the ropes next time.” He turned to you. “See, baby? It was an accident. Baba was trying so hard to clean blankie that he used three whole different soaps!”
You giggled softly and snuck a peek at your daddies. Steve looked hopeful while Bucky still looked sad and a little embarrassed. You didn’t like seeing Baba so down. You reached out to him. 
He looked surprised. “You want me to hold you?” When you nodded, he reached out to pick you up. He pressed his forehead to yours, closing his eyes. “Again, I’m so sorry baby. Baba didn’t know.”
You held his face with both hands. “Is okay Baba. Sorry for being a meanie.”
He laughed. “You’re no meanie, angel.” He kissed you and then cuddled you, mouthing thank you to Steve over your shoulder. 
The next day, your daddies took you on a trip to buy a new blankie and Steve spent an hour showing Bucky how to do the laundry. He even took notes and laminated them to keep in the laundry room.
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sergeantbarnessdoll · 6 months
Love You Forever » Chris Evans
Pairings: Best Friend!Chris Evans x Best Friend!Female Reader
Summary: Chris and Y/N have been best friends for years and they finally tell each other how they feel about one another.
Warnings: Fluff, language, best friends to lovers, kissing, use of pet names
A/N: Thank you to @buckys-wintersoldier for this wonderful idea and finding the aesthetics!🩵
Written on my phone. I’m sorry for any mistakes and typos.
Header made by @buckys-wintersoldier
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“Guess who.” You say, wrapping your arms around Chris’s waist from behind.
Chris smiles, already knowing it’s you. He unwraps your arms from his waist and turned around so he could give you a proper hug.
“Why didn’t you tell me you were coming to set?” Chris asks, looking down at you.
“I wanted to surprise you!” You say with a smile.
“Believe me, I’m definitely surprised.” He says, kissing your forehead.
You got butterflies in your stomach when he kissed your forehead. You always get butterflies when Chris is around. You and him have been best friends for a few years, but you want more than that. You’ve been in love with him since the day you two met. You kept it to yourself, because you don’t want to ruin the friendship you have with him so you tried your best to bury your crush for him deep in your mind.
“You ok?” He asks.
“Hmm? Yea, I’m fine.” You say.
“You sure? You were kinda zoned out there.” He says.
You thought about it for a moment. You might as well tell him now.
“I have something important to tell you, but I don’t want to say it here.” You say, feeling blush creeping up on your cheeks.
“We can talk in my trailer.” Chris says.
Chris grabs your hand and led you to his trailer.
“What do you want to talk to me about?” He asks.
You took a deep breath before saying anything.
“I’m in love with you.” You say fast.
“What?” Chris asks, making sure he heard you right.
“I’m in love with you.” You said a little slower. “I’ve been in love with you forever. If you don’t feel the same way about me, I completely understand. We can go back to being best friends.” You say.
You and Chris stood there in silence. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment, thinking that you overstepped and wishing that you kept it to yourself, but there’s no turning back now.
“Chris, say something please.” You say, almost in a desperate voice.
Chris didn’t say anything. He cupped your cheeks and kissed you passionately, catching you off guard. The kiss was breathtaking.
“I’m in love with you too.” Chris says, looking deep in your eyes.
“You are?” You asked.
“Of course I am.” He smiles. “I’ve been in love with you since the day we met. I just didn’t want to say anything and ruin our friendship.” He confesses.
You smiled widely, feeling relief wash over you, knowing that Chris feels the same way as you. You stood on your tippy toes and kissed him. Both of you smiled into the kiss. You two stood in the middle of his trailer kissing for what seemed like forever cause when you two pulled away from each other, you guys were breathless.
“Does this mean you’ll be my girl?” Chris asks.
“If you kiss me like that all the time, yes.” You say with a small giggle.
Chris smiles and kisses you again. You almost whined when he pulled away unexpectedly.
“As much as I would love to stay here and kiss you, I have to get back to work, but I’ll come to your hotel room tonight.” He says.
“Promise?” You asked with a playful pout.
“Promise.” He says, pecking your lips softly.
“Love you forever.” You say, looking up at him.
“Love you forever too, sweetheart.” He says with a smile.
-Bucky’s Doll
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Fuck, Marry ,Kill. A game that the Justice League, Outlaws and some of the original Titans will never play again - Part 1
Masterlist of fics
Part 2
Summary: Almost the entire hero community know each other's identities. The only group that remains a mystery are the bats. Most know that they're based out of Gotham and they're a team. That's about it - Clark wants the team to play a game for a team bonding exercise, Hal choses FMK, and Batman hates everything.
Clark had been insisting that they needed to do some ‘team bonding’. A waste of time if you asked Bruce, but of course, no one asked him. The founding members of the team sat around the table. No one had a mask on except for Batman, who still hadn’t revealed his identity to anyone.
“So I was thinking, we could do a game or something. You know, one of those where we go around, answering questions or something like that,” Clark sat at the head of the table, smiling at everyone. The grin on Hal’s face could mean nothing good as he leaned against the table, “Let’s play Fuck, Marry, Kill.”
"Excuse me?” Clark frowned, looking confused. Snorting, Oliver said, “What? Are we in middle school?” ”Come on, it’ll be fun.” Barry seems to agree with Hal, wanting to play the game. “I do not understand, what is the premise of this game?” J’onn asked. “So someone will say three names, and everyone will go around the room, saying which of the three people they’d fuck, who they’d marry, and who they’d kill.” “But what if I do not want to kill anyone?” ”Don’t worry J’onn, you don’t have to do anything with the people, it’s fake, just a fun game.”
To Bruce’s horror, everyone seemed to agree to play the game. Pushing against the table he stood up. He will not sit through this. “Batman, this is mandatory for the team,” Clark stopped him. Bruce reminded himself that they were allies. His children wanted him to make friends with the Justice League members. They seemed to think he had no friends. He grunted as he sat back down.
“So we do this with random people?” Diana questioned, seeming into the idea of the game. “Yeah, but I think we should do famous people,” Hal looked very pleased with himself. “Ok, first let’s start off easy. Chris Evans, Jennifer Lawrence and Idris Elba.” ”Oh fuck Idris Elba. Without a doubt.” Dinah said quickly, no hesitation in her voice. “Then marry Chris Evans and I guess I’d have to kill Jennifer Lawrence.” “Gonna have to agree with you on that one, pretty bird,” Oliver nodded his head, a light smile on his face. Clark seemed to really be thinking about it, “If I’d have to, I guess I’d have sex with Chris Evans, marry Idris Elba, and yeah, kill Jennifer Lawrence. So sorry to her.”
“I’m not familiar with those people, could I see a photo of them?” Barry quickly pulled out his phone, searching up each person and showing Diana the photos. “I would fuck this Idris Elba, marry Jennifer Lawrence and kill Chris Evans.” Barry spoke next, “Yeah, I’m going to go with Dinah’s one. Fuck Idris Elba, marry Chris Evans and kill Jennifer Lawrence.” Hal still had that stupid grin on his face, “Fuck Jennifer Lawrence, marry Idris Elba and kill Chris Evans. What about you spooky? Who’d you fuck?” ”I am not playing this juvenile game. I will stay for the team bonding but do not expect me to partake.” Bruce knew way too many celebrities to join in on this game. He was friends with so many of them. So was Oliver, how could he do it?
Barry had a thought that instantly brought a smile to his face, “Ok, billionaire edition. Lex Luthor, Pavel Durov and Bruce Wayne. For me, I’d definitely marry Bruce Wayne. He is so fine and it can’t hurt to be with someone that rich. Kill Lex Luthor without a doubt and fuck Pavel I guess.” Could Bruce call Jason to come and shoot him? Maybe Oliver would stab him if he asked nicely. Diana nodded in agreement, “Bruce Wayne is an attractive man. I would marry him too, fuck this Pavel Durov and kill Luthor.” Maybe Bruce could break one of the windows and jump out. The emptiness of space would be better than this conversation.
“I have done a few interviews with Bruce, he is a good man. His looks are quite impressive and he is one of the richest men on the planet. He uses his money for good, I’d definitely marry him. Um, I do not know much about Pavel Durov, and definitely kill Lex.” Clark seems to have put thought into his answer. Bruce would rather be fighting all of his rogues simultaneously than being a part of this conversation. J’onn spoke, “Yes, I have heard of Bruce Wayne. He is quite an honourable man. I too would marry him, and kill Lex Luthor.” When Oliver started speaking, Bruce rolled his eyes behind his mask. “Brucie is a friend, we’ve known each other since we were kids. I don’t think he’s marriage material though, he has too many kids. I’d fuck him. Kill Luthor, marry the other guy.”
“Sorry babe,” Dinah put her arm on Oliver’s arm as she spoke, “but I would definitely marry Bruce Wayne. There’s just something about him, did you see that recent beach photoshoot? He’s really in shape. Obviously I’d kill Lex.” He could pull out a batarang and stab himself. That seems like a good option. Hal shot up in his seat, “Oh Bruce Wayne, the love of my life. That man is so hot. Marry him because that way we could fuck anytime we’d want to. Fuck Pavel Durov and obviously kill Luthor.”
Bruce cannot do this. Secret identity be dammed, he could not sit through this anymore. He pushed his seat back again which unfortunately attracted everyones attention. Hal once again speaking to him, asked, “I know you said you’re not playing but as a Gothamite, who’s saved Bruce Wayne many times, any comment about how attractive he really is?” Bruce looked right at Hal, staying in his seat. He reached up and slowly removed his cowl. Oliver let out a soft “Oh my gosh”, everyone stared in shock. Hal screamed.
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Fuck, Marry ,Kill. A game that the Justice League, Outlaws and some of the original Titans will never play again.
This is an old-ish fic so ignore the errors and bad grammar. I promise I've improved. Not that this i bad (I still enjoy rereading it) but I can do better now.
Likes and Reblogs are greatly appreciated :)
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rockermybuddie · 5 days
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Tommy x Evan “Buck”
A/n: i write a lot of Tommy and Buck. Imma write something different. Eventually.
Summary: Its Bucks off day and he decided he was going to bake some cookies and bring them to Tommy at work. When he arrives he spots Tommy talking to someone hes never seen before. Hes about to walk over to his boyfriend when the man kisses Tommy. Buck stops and turns around walking away before seeing or hearing Tommys reaction.
~Bucks POV~
I feel Tommys lips on mine as he gives me a goodbye kiss. “See you later.” He whispers. I hear the bedroom door click shut and drift back into sleeping.
When i woke up i made me some oatmeal and watched an episode of The Bachelor. When i was done i was bored. Eddie went down to Texas to vist with Christopher. I’m glad the two are making mends, i know it hurt Eddie when Chris left to live with his grandparents in Texas.
Maddie and Chim are taking a short trip to Long Beach. And Hen and Karin are dealing with the foster people to get Nia. So im out of options when it comes to hanging out with someone.
I decided im going to bake some cookies for Tommy and his station, so i get to work. I’m going to make a variety and an allergy free batch.
Once i finished i put the cookies in some boxes and loaded them into my jeep. I didnt text Tommy that i was coming because i want it to be a surprise.
When i arrived i parked my jeep and grabbed the boxes of cookies with a big smile on my face. I walked into the station and scanned the area looking for Tommy.
“Looking for Tommy?” Someone asks. “Yes.” I answer. Everyone here knows who i am. “Hes upstairs in the kitchen.” The person says. “Thanks.” I smile and make my way up the stairs.
When i get to the top i turn the corner and see Tommy talking to someone i’ve never seen before. Hes tall and skinny but well built, he has short curly blonde hair. I cant tell what color his eyes are but the way he is looking at Tommy is making me uneasy and hes standing really close to Tommy. Tommy is leaning against the counter just keeping conversation.
I was about to say his name when the guy leans forwards giving Tommy a kiss. That was all i needed to see even though thats not what i wanted to see. My heart instantly sank and i turned away and got out of there as fast as i could.
I threw the boxes of cookies in the trunk not caring if they spilled out and drove out of there as fast as I could.
I drove to my apartment because i obviously didnt want to go back to Tommys bouse where i’ve been staying at most of the time anyways.
When i walked in it was kind of cold but it didn’t bother me because i was flamming with anger. I cant believe Tommy kissed another guy. I tried not to cry but it was too hard to hold back. I really thought he was the one, that he wouldnt cheat on me. I guess i was wrong.
~Tommys POV~
Everything was going fine at work, had a few easy calls. We got a new person his name is Kaleb Green, great young kid. Hes been doing really good.
We were in the kitchen just talking about why we wanted to become a firefighter and the craziest calls we have ever been on.
“So is your locker the one with the gay pride flag on it?” He asks me. “Yes?” I answer carefully. I dont think this kid is a homophobe or anything but im alway cautious when it comes to telling people. I have no shame in being a gay man but having such a masculine job some people may see me differently.
“Thats so cool. Another gay firefighter. I’ve never met another one. I dont feel so alone now.” He says. “Oh, well actually…” i was going to tell him about Evan but before i could finish my sentence he leaned forward and kissed me. I definitely was not expecting that.
“Dude! What the hell?!” I shout shoving him off of me. “Sorry. Too far?” He stupidly asks. “Yes way too far! Plus i have a boyfriend. He happens to be a firefighter too.” I snap. “Please dont report me. I really like it here” he begs. “Too late.” I tell him walking out of the kitchen.
I walk downstairs to report him when i see a familiar grey jeep leaving the parking lot pretty fast. I hope that wasnt Evan.
“Hey Kinard, what did Evan bring you?” Steven asks from a far. “Shit” i say under my breath that was Evan and he probably saw what happened in the kitchen because i never saw him.
I was about to ask if i could handle this when a call came through. I had to push down my anger and my worries about what just happened and focus on the call. God i hope its a simple call so it goes by fast.
It was not. It was a warehouse fire and the warehouse contained toxic chemicals so everything we did had to be done carefully and correctly. It took the rest of the shift.
We finally got back to the station at 11pm. I grabbed my bag and headed straight for my truck. “Hey Kinard.” I hear Kaleb call out behind me. “Dont talk to me. You most likely just ended my relationship with Evan and he was the best thing thats ever came into my life.” I snap at him. Which I probably said too much, based off his facial expressions, but i need to talk to Evan tell him what happened and pray that he believes me. “Let me talk to him, then i’ll ask for a new placement.” Kaleb says, “let me fix this.” He adds. “No you are not talking to him and yes find a new placement. Its not going to work for you here.” I tell him throwing my bag in the truck and drove home.
When i arrive home i dont see Evans jeep which means hes not here. I dont know why i thought he would be at my house after all. I mean yeah hes been staying here most of his time anyways but this would be the last place he would come after seeing another guy kiss me.
I try calling him and texting him but hes not answering, rightfully so. I drive over to his apartment next. I see his jeep parked in its usual spot so i know hes here.
I knock on his door immediately when i arrive. No response. “Evan its me. Please can we talk?” I ask through the door loud enough he should be able to here me. After a few more moments of knocking and asking nicely I threaten to do a welfare check and kick down his door.
I then heard the sound of locks unlocking and the door opened to a cold apartment and a tall Evan with a tear stained face and a angry blank expression.
“Evan please listen, i didnt kiss him. He kissed me.”i say, this is a lot more nerve racking than i thought. Its so hard not to stutter and to hse the right wording. “I saw you Tommy.” Evans voice cracks, he walks to the other end of the table while im at the other. Hes so close but het so far.
“Evan i would never cheat on you. Please believe me. We were talking and he asked if my locker was the one with the gay pride flag. Next thing i felt his lips on mine and i pushed him away. I swear.” I tell him the whole story but i cant tell if he believes me or not.
How do you convince your partner that you aren’t cheating on them when they saw another guy kiss you? I feel like im losing him and i really dont want to.
~Bucks POV~
I listen to what Tommy is telling me and my brain is telling me not to believe him but my heart is telling me that hes telling the truth. Because Tommy is the first person to ever so me the type of personal affection, how it feels to be loved. Even though we haven’t said it yet we can feel it when we cuddle, when we get intimate, and when we say the same thing at the same time.
But in this case what do i go with my brain or my heart? Part of me wants to just believe him and go back to how things were but the other half wants to kick him out of my apartment and never talk to him again.
“Evan everyone in this situation had a misunderstanding.” Tommy says. “How am I misunderstanding this Tommy?” I ask in anger. “Okay, okah, im sorry. Wrong words here. Kaleb had a misunderstanding with what i said and he didnt let me finish talking before he kissed me. I was literally about to tell him about you when he kissed me.” Tommy explains.
“Thats what they all say.” I mumble under my breath. “Say what?” Tommy asks. “That the other person kissed them.” I answer. “Evan….” Tommy says, he can tell hes losing me.
It was quiet for a few moments as each of us trys to think of something. “I’ll come get my stuff tomorrow.” I say finally breaking the silence. “W-w-w-what?” Tommy stutters. “I said i’ll come get my stuff from your house tomorrow. While your at work so we dont see each other.” I repeat. Evans face goes into panic mode as he runs a frantic hand through his rough hair.
“Evan please. Im telling the truth. Listen Kaleb said he will talk to you. He’ll tell you everything i just said is true.” Tommy says all in one breath trying to convince me. “Please leave Tommy.” I ask. I’ve been hurt by too many people that are supposed to love me to try again and risk getting hurt again and again and again.
“Evan, baby please.” Tommy begs. “Stop. Get out Tommy. Get out before i call the police.” I command. Tommy rubs his chin with his hand as he turns to the door. He looks back at me one more time before he forces himself out the door.
Now im all alone, again. I should just stay single the rest of my life clearly everyone is going to hurt me when i get close to them.
The next day i wait intil i know Tommy is going to be at work so i can go get my clothes from over there.
When i arrive i dont see his truck which means he went to work today. I walk up to the door and i go to type in the code to unlock the door when the door opens. I look up and see the guy from yesterday. Kaleb.
I wanted to punch the guy so bad. He messed up the one good thing i had in my life. “Evan, right?” He asks. “So you’re Tommys new side piece huh?” I snarl. “Please let me explain myself. I never ment for any of this to happen. Can we just talk?” He asks stepping aside for me to come in. I roll my eyes and walk into the house.
I took a seat at the island in the kitchen as I listened to Kaleb talk. He basically said that it was his fault that he made the move and he ruined his chance at the firehouse. He said that he’s been transferred to a new one.
“So do you believe Tommy now? That he wouldn’t cheat on you?” Kaleb asks. “He was going to come tell you instantly but we got a call. You know how it is.” “Yeah.” Is all i say. “Well i have to get going. I really hope you can forgive Tommy. He really loves you.” Kaleb says as he lets himself out.
I sat at the kitchen island with my head in my hands thinking about what to do when i saw Tommy standing in the entrance of the kitchen leaning against the wall frame.
His body language was soft and his face was filled with regret. Hearing both sides of the story and that basically Tommy was telling the truth made it a little easier to go with my heart. But still knowing another guy kissed him hurts a little.
~Tomms POV~
I stood there and watched Evan as he proceeded what Kaleb told him. I can’t believe i caved and let Kaleb talk to Evan but its the only thing I could think of that could save mine and Evans relationship.
“So its true.” Evan finally says. “Yes.” I say. “A lot of people hurt me in the last Tommy.” He says. “I know. I never wanted to be one of them.” I try to control my voice to keep it steady.
“I know.” Evan says, “it still hurts that another guy kissed you.” He says. “It wont happen again. I swear to you Evan.” I promise him. “I know.” He says, a small smile spread across my face.
I walk towards him keeping an eye on his body language. “So do you forgive me?” I ask when im standing in front of him. I feel like im shaking as i wait for an answer. “Yes.” Evan tilts his head up and makes eye contact with me.
A smile spread my face as i lifted his chin up with my finger and connected my lips to his. God it felt so good to feel his lips against mine again. “What were you bringing me yesterday?” I ask out of curiosity. “Cookies. They are spilled in the back of my jeep.” He answers. “You taste better than cookies.” I say shrugging my shoulders. He smiles at that.
“I missed you so much.” I say against his lips resting my forehead against his. “I missed you too.” He says. I cradle the back of his head with my hand as i take his mouth back into mine.
I have him back and im never letting him go again.
A/n: I hope you enjoyed the story!
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I Just had a Baby with Chris
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We all have our favorite Hollywood Chris so choose your favorite to have a child with.... at least fictional chose your favorite but I did write in Christopher Robert Evans name (I do not know him personally and this is an alternative Universe with how my version of Chris would act. )
Comments Welcome nd reblogs welcome to not repost translate or publish anywhere
18+ just in case as always language, mentions of breastfeeding a baby just hours of childbirth nothing graphic fluff a tiny tiny bit of angst because someone wants to hold thier daughter while the other- oh well you'll see but totally fluff:
"Hey look its Mommy she's waking up, say hi Mommy" Chris placed a gentle kiss to to his sleepy newborn daughter and waved her tiny hand. He was walking around the room with his shirt off and the baby just in her diaper
"Honey she's 12 hours old I think the skin to skin contact is-"
"Hey," he whined "you get skin to skin"
"Well I'm breastfeeding her, its inevitable."
"Let me have her now." He moved sideways half in possession had in teasing.
"Chris she's not going to automatically because a daddys girl just cause of that."
He pouted "I can try."
I smiled it was cute he's been waiting so long for this and all he wanted was just to hold her. But I didn't want her to get cold. But I guess Chris body heat helps. I looked at the time.
"Gimmie she gunna be hungrey"
"No she's fine." He gave her a few kisses on the side of her head."
"Christopher Robert Evans are you withholding our daughter from me?"
"No I-"
"Need I remind you who spent 18 hours of labor I. Want. My. Child." I growled because oh hell no "Dont you dare-"
"Ok, ok. Look Mamas all protective she loves you so much. Daddy knows better than to say no."
"You already did now give me my child." I don't know why but at this moment I was ready to kill him.
Then she started getting fussy and the started crying within seconds.
"Sweetheart now look what you did she's crying she needs her mother."
"She needs her father too."
"Don't make me throw this tissue box. Give me my child I will not ask again." She was full on crying and I need my child I was thinking of how I could kill him and not let our baby fall to the floor.
"Ok ok" Chris handed her over.
"Hi there baby" she was still crying
"I know Daddy doesn't listen to Mommy he loves you but Mommy know when you need food doesn't she." I cooed "yea I know you're Hangrey just like Mama"
She cried harder with a higher pitch, making Chris wince,
"Just like Mama," I smiled. She is definitely my kid.
I got my chest out and arranged to hold her and within seconds she was feeding and calming down. Frankly so was I.
I looked at him with an I told you so.
"How'd you know?"
"Chris she's been eating every like 4 or 5 hours- I just knew. I'm sorry I got aggressive I just." I sigh "I know how long you've wanted to be a Father for but I wanted to hold her I knew she was gunna be fussy I just knew. "
"Honey it's ok the doctor said your hormones will be a bit outta wack."
"Out of wack I threatened to hit you with the tissue box"
"I refused to give you or child."
"Ok your right I win." I smiled. He rolled his eyes- I wasn't going to argue when I already won.
And then looked down at our now sleeping and eatting angel.
Then I heard his camera phone.
"Chris I am half naked."
"Come in its a beautiful thing"
"Breastfeeding, my chest or our child?"
"All three." It sounded like half question half statement
"You learn fast. "
He chuckled. "I love you so much I didnt think I could love you any more than I do or did but seeing you bring her into this world giving me the family I wanted making it complete and then all this love I have for this little one all because of you l. You're amazing.?
"Thank you." I looked at our little bundle of joy and she truly was. I cannot believe is ours I can't believe I gee. I can't believe I pushed something this sized out if my body.
" I mean it I'm I don't have the words right now and all the thank you and all the "I love yous" in the world dont even begin to scratch the service.
" How about you get some sleep and let the nurses in the nursery take her for a bit hm?
You need rest. Its their job."
She grabbed my finger in her sleep.
"And miss out on these moments. No." He took another picture.
"Hmm yea she is a calm baby when she gets what she wants. Just like mama was wasn't she? No really tho I'd wake up half the nursery plus And we're doating over her. She knows already we're hooked."
There was a small knock on the door.
"Hey how are you two doing I brought some food I figured you'd both be awake.
How'd you know
"I was, our first born is always special.
"Thanks Ma" he deadpanned.
"Chris hasn't gotten any sleep he's very insistent on the skin to skin content I think the nursery should be fine taking care of her so we sleep after all we won't have help like that for at least 18 years. "
"I can always watch her when you get home if you need seep"
"Really? Oh you are the best mother in law ever"
I sigh, "Sorry I'm tired. I shouldn't be just had a nap but I am"
"You napped for 20 minutes darling. After 18 hours of labor you deserve sleep."
"Only 20 minutes? She's still feeding dont let me sleep."
"It's ok if you do"
"I just don't want to miss a second. Besides I bullied Christopher enough for her."
"Oh really" the grandmother smirked.
"Yea I knew she was going to want to eat and I wanted my daughter and he wouldn't hand her over...but I also threatened him with the tissue box. "
"Chris you knew better than to come between a mother and her child."
"I just wanted to hold her," he defended himself "Half that cute butt is mine."
"Yea her butt is cute. come'er on the side she's feeding just sit behind me can barely keep my eyes open. Just just in case."
"You sure"
"Chris its not like you haven't touched them before"
"Well you said you didn't want me touching you again."
I rolled my eyes. Thinking back to the l8 hours of labor where at one point I said i never want you to touch me ever again and then then damn idiot took his hand away the one I was holding onto for dear life, which I then yelled at him to give me his hand back and then he said "You didnt want me to touch you." I still don't know if he was trying to be a smart ass or if he actually thought he was doing what I wanted.
"Just make sure she's OK hold her. "
"Rest my love"he kissed the side of my head.
"I got her I got you both." He held his head just under her pillow and then I fell asleep at that.
Point of View Change
She the had comfort of knowing Chris has her back their daughter's back and head as well and she couldn't ask for more.
"You wouldn't give her her child?
"I was bon- you know she's half min too but me and her were bonding. I was telling her how she needs to let Mommy sleep and how I'd take care of her, she was so silent. I and I want to get skin to skin contact in as much as I can. I'm nervous about letting her out of my sight. It feels like a dream all the love I have for my two girls I just I never thought. I know how I felt when my neices and nephews were born but this this doesn't even compare."
"It never does Sweetheart. You will always love her that much and worry."
"I'm never going to sleep again am I?"
"Probably not. "
"You'll be a good girl for daddy won't you?" The newborn just flexed her hand and Chris took that as a yes.
He relax into the bed.
He fell asleep after a few minutes Chris hand was still holding the little newborn who still feeding. And then when she was done she had moved herself off and then onto her mothers chest as if it was a pillow for sleep, just like her mother said she was like as an infant. The new grandmother took some pictures of the sweet new family sleeping these were the best moment the kindest moments in parent hood. The child was safe and the parents sleep soundly knowing thier child was safe. But she knew this would end soon and they never sleep peacefully again. Knowing parents never stop worring about thier children.
Point of View Change
I woke up and was calm for about half a second before I realized she was in my arms when I feel asleep- I was suddenly in a panic
"Chris chris where is she-"
"I brought her to the nursey she's fine." The ran his hand over my hair a few times and kissed my temple as I I sighed in relief
"God I got terrified thought maybe I dropped her."
"Shh go back to sleep. Hmmm" he caressed my face and gave me a long deep kiss.
"Chris don't start that thats how we got here in the first place." I joke
"Oh and it's getting us here again. Now sleep."
"Only if you do."
"I did."
"Ok only if you sleep more than 10 minutes."
"Even Steven baby you keep waking up she's fine I promise. I'll wake you at the first thing."
"I love you Chris."
"I love you to more then I can say. Rest you need it, you deserve it my love." He said giving me a soft kiss before I fell back asleep.
Check out my other Chris work here:
Thanks to @chrisevansdaughter for her encouragement
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eva-knits12 · 10 months
Can we behave like adults, and not middle schoolers?
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Because of some recent controversy involving Chris Evans, can we please start behaving more like adults, and not like middle schoolers? Since a lot of people are angry about the last few days, and today, guess what? You're feelings are valid. If you feel upset and sad, guess what? You're feelings are valid. If you feel calm, and know that this is going to blow over in a day or so, guess what? Your feelings are valid. If you think that Chris Evans is a horrible person, guess what? Your feelings are valid. If you think that the trash princess is the greatest thing since sliced bread? Your feelings are valid.
Guess what? We are all adults. We are people. We are people who have different feelings and we are people with different opinions.
If someone has a different opinion than you, fine. That person's opinion is valid. If you think someone is wrong, don't get angry at them, when a simple I disagree will suffice. You are all angry and shocked again over a few rings that are making this whole thing laughable. You had to see this coming again. You are giving this attention, because this is what the trash princess wants. This is the last time I'm going to say this, but the less attention you give this entire PR stunt, the better, and guess what? The sooner it ends.
I've said what I needed to say, so I'm going to stop saying anything about this right now. I've expressed my opinion, and my opinion is just as valid as anyone else's, but guess what? I'm adult enough to express my opinion and move on, I don't try to shut the other person down, I don't get angry and I don't force my opinion down someone else's throat. Instead, I'm grown up enough to let them express their opinion, and if I disagree with that person, then a simple I disagree suffices. There's no need to act like a bunch of middle schoolers because both teams seem to be the in-clique to be in right now.
There's other things we can talk about. Talk about obsessed. I think both Team PR and Team Real are too obsessed about every little thing Chris Evans does. I don't even pay too much attention to the tabloids, in fact, I don't read them. But guess what? If I don't want to read an article, then I don't read it. If tabloids are even claiming that this is PR stunt is BS, that's saying something!
Team PR, you're feelings and your opinions are valid. Team Real, who I think are delusional, their opinions and feelings are also valid. Can we all stop pretending to be in middle school cliques? Guess what? If you don't want to respond to a person, then don't respond to them.
Your pissed because Chris did the same thing on a TV show that nobody watches? Boy, I don't even feel sorry for anyone right now.
I know that this is PR. I don't watch The View, so his appearance on it was no skin off my nose. Guess what I did? I went to the fancy mall in my area, Somerset Collection, had lunch with my mom and aunt, then we went and picked up my mom's package. We went shopping after, and didn't buy anything. We were looking for ideas for Christmas presents. In other words, I got out and was living life.
Now, I'm watching Cinderella in my PJ's and knitting a keyhole scarf. Yes, I'm a Disney adult. I have other interests, too. I'm complicated.
I'm 44 years old. To quote Danny Glover, I'm too old for this shit.
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Thanks for coming to my TED talk.
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Be excellent to each other.
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Going with these four this time! I love seeing the stories come together a little bit at a time!
Thank you! It's really fun for me to share the journey this way, too!
21 for 👑:
“Wow, I’d love to ask you questions about it if you-”
Maddie clears her throat, cutting him off. 
Evan looks at her, cheeks going a little pink. 
“I’d love to ask you another time,” Evan amends. “I’m just gonna… Go talk to someone else. Bye, guys.”
“Bye, Evan,” Maddie smiles.
“Nice to meet you!” Chim calls as Evan strides off. He turns back to Maddie. “He seems nice.”
“He is,” Maddie nods. “He’s a sweetheart. Just enthusiastic.”
“Eh, that’s a good thing,” Chim shrugs. 
“I think so,” she smiles. “Um, well, can I give you a tour?” 
As long as she keeps talking to him? Absolutely.
“I’d love that.”
21 for 🔮:
 Eddie would’ve never let it go even this long, if it was Chris. But, it’s still infinitely quicker than Buck’s own parents would have ever come. They just wouldn’t have. 
“Bobby?” She asks, cracking the door open. “Are you awake?”
Is he awake? 
Is that what his silence is being mistaken for? Sleeping? 
“Yeah,” Bobby murmurs. He doesn’t roll over in bed to face her. 
She slips inside the room and shuts the door behind her. 
“Can we talk honey?” She asks, walking over to sit on the edge of his bed. She rests a gentle hand on his shoulder. 
Bobby shrugs. 
She sighs. 
“I know it’s been a really long day. A really hard day. And I know you miss your dad.”
Bobby’s whole body tenses.
21 for 💐:
“No…” She tries. “No, you… You do!��
“I definitely don’t,” April frowns. “Why else would I be trying so hard to be your friend?”
“You…” May blanks. This can’t be happening. “No?”
“It’s fine,” April shrugs. “Guess I wasn’t communicating very well.”
She turns around and walks off towards her room. The door shuts behind her, a little too heavily. May is left there, in the kitchen, feeling completely gobsmacked. 
“Am I a total dick?” She whispers to herself. 
The answer might be yes. 
Which is crazy, right? May has always prided herself on being kind and fair. And the worst part?
21 for 🦮:
But Cranberry loves fetch nevertheless. She’s honestly a little neurotic about it. Like a kid that won’t get out of the pool until they’re shivering and pruny. He thinks she’d play fetch until she collapsed. 
Chris is throwing for her when the idea occurs to Buck. He likes to make her do a series of half-baked little tricks before he launches it clumsily across the yard.
“Sit!” He commands.
She sits, eyes glued to the ball.
She lies down, tail wagging. 
She pops up onto all fours. 
Christopher chucks the orange rubber ball. Cranberry goes tearing after it. 
“I wonder if we could get her to do cooler stuff for that ball,” Buck thinks aloud. 
“What cooler stuff?” Chris asks. 
“I don’t know. Like shaking a paw? Spin around?”
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lover-of-mine · 1 year
I guess I overthink the pattern of the use of different colors with Buck now and I NEED to talk about the use of the orange range of the color wheel in his wardrobe.
Because like, it's the therapy color, is the color he's wearing when we find out he's seeing Dr. Copeland (on 4x02). (Go back to therapy Buck)
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But looking for all the colors he wears, I noticed he's wearing a darker shade of it when he first talks to Mackey which is the thing that starts the lawsuit which is interesting when you look at the way Buck's loneliness makes him do stupid shit and yes, the lawsuit happens before the therapy, but the therapy session is literally where he talks about hiding "his true feelings" so the use of the same color he's wearing here is interesting (on 3x04)
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Because he turns loneliness into resentment leading to the whole mess with the lawsuit and it all starts in fucking burnt orange. And it's also the color he's wearing in the situation that ends the lawsuit mess, so nice little full-circle moment where he thinks he's not enough without the uniform but saves 2 people without it (on 3x06).
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But what are other moments baby boy is in this color?
When he's at madney's apartment stress baby proofing it before he tells Maddie about the therapy but is also very vague about why he needs therapy. And also when he tells Maddie about how she called him sad and lonely and how he's fine but just wants to be "finer" which, you know, doesn't really feel like he's being completely honest. (on 4x03)
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Also when he finds out about Daniel and we all know he represses the shit out of that information. And the thing about the scene where he finds out about him is that he's making light of what Maddie's baby box means to him then he gets hit in the face with a 30-year-long lie and he just walks away (on 4x04 and 4x05).
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Also when he's lying to Chim about not knowing about why Maddie left. A lighter more yellow shade, but still in the same range.
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And outside the family drama, we have the first time we see him and Taylor in what could be interpreted as a date. They're grabbing lunch, no hookups in the bathroom or leaving him with his pants down in a parking lot, just them talking, hanging out. Buck is talking around his point because he needs something from Taylor, I wouldn't say he's hiding true feelings here unless we want to discuss how soon after we see them reconnect, Buck decided he wanted more with her and the hiding thing is him saying she's just a friend, but it's a possibility (on 4x11)
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But it is interesting when you pair that with the fact that he was also wearing that color on his first date with Natalia because if we want to talk about Buck hiding his true feelings, that boy being all bashful about his death is definitely high up on the list (on 6x15).
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And the second date too, where he's all this is the real Evan Buckley but we can hear the narrator's voice going "this was not the real Evan Buckley" (rip math powers :/) (on 6x17)
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He's also wearing it after the blackout when he lets Eddie walk away after he pretty much told him to break up with Ana and Eddie tells him he's doing it and when we see him alone in the loft after (on 5x03).
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This particular interpretation of this particular chain of events can absolutely be called a stretch, but, how excited Buck looks asking Eddie if Chris already knows he's going home and the way he walks into the loft looking defeated and the way he says "hey honey I'm home" to the ceiling can absolutely be seen as "this is not the home I want to be in" considering the way Buck is bad with being alone, he just spent 5 days at the station with most of the people he loves and the first thing he does when he notices Eddie in the locker room is to ask about Chris, maybe he was waiting for an invitation from Eddie? Feels plausible to me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
He's also wearing it when Taylor kisses him and consequentially when he goes to see Eddie after he wakes up. Because when he's talking to Taylor he's making light of the way he went up that crane and when he's talking to Eddie he's severely downplaying how affected he is about the situation so Eddie won't worry about him (all of the below are on 4x14).
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And there's the major I'm hiding how I'm truly feeling moment that he's wearing this color, because he's wearing it during the will reveal.
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Because let's be real, Buck is not saying anything about how he's really feeling in this scene, Eddie completely shifts his worldview in 5 minutes but he doesn't say it. He just accepts it.
And that leading to him standing by the door, not going in, watching Eddie and Christopher? Come on.
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(Side note, he's wearing this burnt orange/ochre color in every major conversation he has in this episode, except for when he's talking to Carla about how it's all affecting Chris, where he's wearing grey, and when Taylor comes back and they get together, where he's wearing black, so neutral colors in a sense, there's also the uniform but the uniform doesn't count, I think the uniform counts as neutral, except for when he's telling Christopher about what happened when he's wearing red and honestly, I think it's the only bit of the episode that he's being honest about how he feels about the situation which is interesting with the use of color with him)
I'm gonna tell you it's also the color of the couch his mother picked for no reason really I just noticed and felt like sharing lol
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I can't think of any other uses of this color so I think this is all for now.
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Best Friend’s Brother Headcanon: The Best Man of Honour
A/N: This is my submission for @the-slumberparty​ week two challege: blast from the past! This actually worked out perfectly because I had this already written and if you answered my poll to pick the next oneshot this was one of the options! (and it was one of the most popular too!)
A/N 2: This is an extension to my Chris Evans x Reader Series: Best Friend’s Brother! And it take place before the epilogue! No context is really needed but check it out if you want!
Summary: Wedding planning is stressful meaning arguments are always enivitable
Warnings: Angst kinda? Fluff!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
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To date this was the longest-running, unresolved argument you and Chris ever had
It has been going on for weeks now and you had still yet to find a solution or compromise
The longer it went on the worse it got until Scott was sat like a child between two arguing parents
“He’s my childhood best friend! We’ve known each other for years, I don’t have anyone else like him!” You shouted stamping your foot in frustration.
“He’s MY brother! I’ve known him since I was two!” Chris fired back
“But he ticks all the boxes of the man of honour” you argue
Chris throws his hands up “he ticks all the boxes for best man!”
“I don’t have anyone else!”
“I don’t want anyone else!”
“Maybe I should be neither” Scott pipes up looking up at the two of you from his spot on the couch
“What!?” Both you and Chris exclaim looking down at him in shock.
“Whoa” Scott mutters visibly baulking when he sees the look on your faces.
“Look you’re both right, I should be on both your sides but I can’t physically split myself in two” Scott sighs holding his hands up in surrender.
You sigh pinching the bridge of your nose “fine why don’t you pick what side you have to be on, we’re getting nowhere” you say gesturing between you and Chris.
“No I don’t wanna pick” Scott states making both you and Chris groan in annoyance “I can’t pick, I want to be there for both of you”
Chris sighs dropping his head and shaking it “well what do you suggest because we need to make a decision” he huffs.
“Well why don’t you just not have a best man or a man of honour?” Scott suggests making both you and Chris frown at him “hear me out” Scott says before either of you had a chance to say anything “you guys are having a small private wedding right? So you don’t really need to have me or anyone else at your side”
“Yeah I guess but what about all the things the best man and man of honour are supposed to do?” You point out.
I’ll do them both, I’ll fluff your dress and stop Chris from doing a runner,” Scott says with a smirk.
•If I’m running it’s towards the alter not away” Chris huffs pulling a smile from you.
“And I’ll have Steve to help, I’ll be there for both of you,” Scott says.
“That does make sense” you hum biting your lip as you looked over at Chris.
“Stella could still be the flower girl, Miles and Ethan be the ring bearers and they could just sit down during the ceremony, which saves them having to stand in front of everyone,” Chris says nodding his head.
“There we go! sorted!” Scott exclaims happily “and I get to go to two parties” he smirks wiggling his eyebrows.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
Series Masterlist / Masterlist
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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buddiesholly · 1 year
Pairing: Evan Buckley x Eddie Diaz
Description: Eddie shows up at Buck’s apartment unannounced. It’s almost midnight. It’s pouring outside. And things will never be the same between them again. Basically a lot of yearning.
Word Count: 1106 words
Notes: Hi everyone! This is my first ever imagine so please excuse me if it’s cringe or awkward or bad LMAO. I just really wanted to try it out and I’m kinda proud of this but I also really want to learn and improve so any critiques or suggestions are very welcomed and accepted! please!
(also I’ve never dated someone, I don’t know what it’s like to want to fuck someone, so sorry if this is so unrealistic and not how it works!)
(I’ve also never written like a make out scene)
(Overall I don’t know why this is where I decided to go to for my first imagine but it happened and I just wrote)
Three minutes and seventeen seconds.
That’s how long Buck was dead. Three minutes and seventeen seconds.
That’s also how long it took for him to respond to Eddie standing at his doorway.
“So, can I come in?”
Eddie was soaking wet - and not in the way Buck would have liked. It was pouring outside, and it was definitely too dangerous to drive. Yet here he was, standing at the entrance of Buck’s apartment, looking as beautiful as ever.
“Yeah, uh, sorry. Come in.”
Eddie took his shoes off and placed his coat on the kitchen counter. He opened the cabinet and filled two glasses of water: one for himself and one for Buck. It was a routine at this point; he claimed he had to do it because Buck was like a child and never drank enough, especially since him and Natalia broke things off.
Secretly, Eddie just liked taking care of him.
“What are you doing here?” Buck was confused. As much as he always welcomed Eddie’s presence wholeheartedly, he didn’t expect a visitor at this hour. It was almost midnight.
Eddie opened his mouth before realizing he didn’t know. He didn’t know why he was at Buck’s place this late. He didn’t know why his mind drove himself here without a single thought. He didn’t know what he could say- there was no emergency, Chris was fine with Carla, and Eddie was well over his breakup with Marisol. So why was he here?
Through Eddie’s silence, his face spoke volumes.
Buck analyzed him, every piece of his stubble and how it would feel against his skin. How his shirt clung to his chest due to the weight of the rain and how it defined every inch of his body so willingly, so openly in Buck’s kitchen. The fluorescents shined over him but even they couldn’t take away from the everlasting glow of Eddie Diaz and how he could always make Buck’s knees buckle, all puns intended.
Three minutes and seventeen seconds.
That’s how long it took for Buck to take a chance. That’s how long it took Buck to slowly walk towards Eddie and call his name. That’s how long it took Buck to second guess himself, but it was too late now and he knew he had to go for it.
“Do you know why Natalia and I broke up?”
Eddie’s head snapped up, only to immediately look down at the intensity of Buck’s eyes. That name was long forgotten in his head, yet still somehow permanently burned there along with all of Buck’s exes.
A reminder that he would never be Buck’s type.
Yet as Buck stared at him - or at what Eddie assumed was him as he still hadn’t looked back up - he couldn’t stop himself from being snarky at the idea of the woman.
“I don’t know, because she helped you pick out a couch.”
What Eddie really wanted to do was ask why Buck had even asked her in the first place, why Buck wouldn’t ask him after taking shelter at his home every week. All Eddie wanted to do was ask why his couch wasn’t good enough.
Buck sighed, his gaze from Eddie unwavering.
“No, Eddie. Because she knew I didn’t feel the same, that I couldn’t feel the same.”
They were now exactly 5 inches away from each other, both of their eyes trained on a pair they’ve seen a million times. They both knew that this time was different.
It felt like forever, blue against brown. Blue eyes moved closer, now 3 inches apart from the brown ones it so desperately craved.
Buck touched the bottom of Eddie’s shirt, playing with it and ignoring the fact that he heard Eddie take a sharp breath. Eddie felt lightheaded with the way Buck’s hands were dangerously close to the hem of his pants.
“Why couldn’t you feel the same?” Eddie whispered, the urge to look at Buck’s lips overwhelming him. Buck kept his eyes on Eddie’s lips but continued playing with his shirt, twisting and moving it as much as he could without touching skin.
They were both breathing heavily now. Eddie’s hands were so close to Buck’s hips he swore he could almost feel heat. His fingers were tingling, wanting to reach out.
Buck didn’t answer the question. He only whispered back, “Why did you come here tonight?”
Eddie almost let out a groan as Buck’s hands brushed against his stomach. Even the lightest touch made him go insane. Eddie closed his eyes, breathing in the scent of his best friend.
And suddenly, he was gone.
Eddie opened his eyes in shock, a sudden cold coming over him at the absence of Buck’s touch.
Buck stood a foot away now, gulping down the water Eddie had previously poured for him. His mind was racing a million miles a minute and the itch in his pants was only intensified by the look Eddie was giving him.
“Eddie,” Buck winced at the sound of his own whine. In an instant, Eddie was next to him, holding his hand and guiding the glass to Buck’s mouth. As soon as Buck had swallowed it all, he barely had a second to breathe before plump lips met his own and he felt a hand run through his hair. Eddie groaned against Buck’s lips as Buck took the lead and turned them around so now Eddie was against the kitchen counter instead. Buck put his hands on Eddie’s hips and lifted him up so that he was sitting on the counter, his legs surrounding Buck’s aching body.
Eddie started kissing his birthmark and Buck swore he had died when he got struck by lightning and that this was heaven.
Eddie pulled away and looked at Buck’s still closed eyes as Buck chased his lips. Eddie pushed him back slightly, enough to get down from the counter despite the excitement running through his body.
“Where do you think you’re going?” Buck was growing antsy and he waited too long for this moment to get ruined by something out of his control.
Eddie smiled at the messy hair adorning his best friend’s head and let out a short laugh before he hit the first step.
“Upstairs, you coming?”
That was all it took for Buck to snap out of whatever trance Eddie Diaz always had him in and follow the man to Buck’s bed.
And later that night, Buck swore that the three minutes and seventeen seconds that he was dead were the worst moments of his life and that he would gladly jump over the gates of heaven, and into Eddie Diaz’s arms, any day.
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braveclementine · 3 months
January 13, 2015; 5:15 P.M.
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Warnings: None, Readers under 18 can read this book.
Copyright: My OCs are Coach Yonce, Emma, Ila, Tempus, and Itty Bitty. I own these characters. I do not condone any copying of this.
I was on my knees, my arms locked behind me. Emma had been killed and I knew it was only a matter of time that they killed Itty and I.
I knew Ila hadn't killed herself, because she had been in the cell next to me. I barely slept in this room- it was to cold to sleep. I had heard muffled shouts and the sounds of struggling. I knew she really had been hung, under pretenses of suicide, but I knew it was false.
It was all false, just like the other facility. They were still trying to kill us.
I wondered if they'd leave me the last one alive just so that they could say the main character had survived. I had overheard some of them talking about the movie almost being finished and put together.
I wondered if there would be any theaters that would play it.
I wondered if I'd be alive to see it.
But now, Itty and I were forced on our knees in the shower room. Our bodies positioned perfectly over the drains.
"Kill her first." The doctor- Rum- ordered, passing one of the guns to the guard. He put the gun to Itty's head.
"STOP!" I shouted. I already had one of my best friends die. I didn't need Itty to be killed too. "STOP! ITTY!"
One of the guards kicked me in the stomach and the wind was knocked out of me as I curled into myself, wheezing.
Suddenly, the door burst open behind me. I collapsed to the floor as I heard gunshots. I heard a grunt of pain, but the doctors fell around me.
I rolled over onto my back to see Sebastian leaning over me. There was a handgun in his right hand, his left hand holding a bloody spot on his side.
"Sebastian! Are you alright?" I asked, sitting up, looking around quickly. Itty was fine, getting to her feet shakily, hugging her arms around her body.
"Yes, but we need to go." Sebastian said firmly. "Your parents are outside along with the FBI, Mr. Trump, Downey, and Evans."
I nodded, feeling relieved. "C'mon Itty."
Itty and I headed out of the room, following Sebastian who didn't lower his gun until we were outside.
"Y/N!" My mom shrieked, pulling me into a tight hug. Over her shoulder I could see Itty's parents running down the slope, breaking through the FBI ring to envelope Itty into a tight, tear-filled hug.
"Hi mom." I whispered weakly.
I hugged my dad next and then took a good look at my surroundings.
Sebastian was being attended to by a handful of medics while Christina Bobb- Mr. Trump's lawyer- stood watch over everything they did.
Downey and Trump were working together, talking to several FBI agents as they rounded up what looked like the guards of the ward.
I just hoped the FBI weren't as corrupt as the police force.
Chris Evans looked completely out of place. I assumed he was simply there for Sebastian.
"Are you guys okay?" I asked, looking at my parents.
"We are now that you're with us." My dad said, hugging me again.
I had only seen my dad cry twice. Once when someone he'd been close to at Church had passed away. And a second time when his brother had passed away.
Oh and I guess a third time when he'd come and seen me in the hospital.
The FBI started to push people into their large black vans, while another half started to infiltrate the rest of the building. They came out with several more people, including Doctor Rum who- though shot and in critical condition- was still alive.
I squeezed my parents hands and carefully made my way over to where Sebastian was sitting alone.
"Are you alright?" I asked softly.
"Yes, don't worry about me." Sebastian said, picking up my hand and kissing the back of it. "What about you? Did they hurt you? Physically? Mentally? Did any of the male doctors break your personal bubble?"
"Just some bruises." I whispered. "But no, none of them tried to rape me or even touch me. I'm okay Sebastian."
"Good." He whispered. "I mean, I know you're not really okay, but I'm glad you're safe."
I smiled, sitting down next to him. "So I see Downey and Trump are becoming great friends."
"Well they have a common goal." Sebastian laughed. "But their huge egos clash with each other."
I giggled, resting my head on Sebastian's shoulder. "So, meet any interesting girls during therapy?'
"Well, my therapist seems a little crazy. Her name is Virginia. You might like her actually. But nope. The only woman I have my eyes set on is you." Sebastian said, wrapping his arm around my shoulder to pull me closer.
"Where'd you learn to shoot like that?" I asked curiously. "I thought Hollywood stars were adverse to weapons. You know, ban the second amendment and all of that."
"Well, usually." Sebastian said. "And I was one of those people. Kind've stupid now, look what good use it came in. I think I'm going to keep it too. Make sure I can protect you for as long as you stay with me. But yeah, I kind've practiced in a shooting range in Arizona."
"Well a man with a gun is a very sexy thing." I teased, kissing his cheek. "Thank you for protecting me."
"I'll always be here for you." Sebastian murmured. "I promise."
We were quiet for a moment and then Sebastian asked, "Will your dad shoot me if I ask for his permission to marry you?"
"Um, maybe." I laughed.
"Oh well, I'll just make sure to put on some bullet proof vests then." Sebastian said.
"Don't you want to get to know me first?" I teased.
Sebastian stared at me with those blue eyes that I found irresistible. "I know everything I need to know to know I want to spend the rest of my life with you. And everything else that I don't know yet, I can learn over the years of us being married."
"Hmm." I teased. "So even if I'm a Republican?"
"Even then." Sebastian smirked, leaning in and I closed my eyes as we kissed.
"Alright love birds." Downey's care free voice interrupted us. "Break it up. I don't need to see that."
I rolled my eyes as I pulled back from Sebastian.
Downey pointed at me, "Are you sure you want this old man anyways? Evans is free too you know."
"Chris is a year older than me." Sebastian rolled his eyes. "If I'm old, he's ancient."
I giggled. "Yes, I'm sure."
"Oh well." Downey sighed. "Welcome to the Marvel family."
"Not yet." Sebastian said in a fake serious voice. "First I gotta make sure not to get shot by her father."
"Oh true." Downey said thoughtfully. "I'd shoot anyone who asked for my daughters' hand in marriage."
I smiled. "What are you guys going to do?"
"Well, Donald over here is thinking about running for Presidency. He wants me to run as Vice President. Maybe I can add politician to my resume." Downey said with a grin.
"Really?" Sebastian asked, sounding surprised.
"Nope. Well, not about joining. I have a movie contract that'll prevent me from running with him." Downey said with a shrug. "Oh well, maybe the second term."
My parents came over then. They seemed much calmer now. My father was even smiling as Evans and Trump spoke to them.
My father glared at Sebastian though, when his eyes landed on him. I just smiled, lacing my fingers through Sebastian's.
"So." My dad said, moving between the two of us, threatening to sit on our arms still we snatched our hands back to our bodies. He looked between the two of us, crossing his arms over his chest. "Was there something you two would like to tell me?"
"Well, I was going to wait. . ." Sebastian muttered. "But I would like your permission to marry your daughter."
"I'm sure you would like that." Dad said.
I smiled a little. I knew dad liked him much more than he was letting on.
Sebastian looked nervous and said, "Er- may I marry your daughter?"
"When you sound less uncertain." my father deadpanned.
"Should I demand it?" Sebastian pretended to whisper over to me.
I giggled. "Dad, lighten up."
Dad did lighten up, pulling me into a hug, kissing the top of my head, "Are you sure this is what you want?" My dad asked me quietly. "He is substantially older than you. At least ten years. That's a mighty gap, especially when you guys get older with health problems."
"Yes dad, I'm sure." I whispered.
"You have my permission." My father said to Sebastian. "But if you hurt her once you'll be spitting bullets out of your asshole."
"Yes sir." Sebastian said, looking alarmed.
My dad kissed the top of my head once more before leaving the two of us alone so that he could go back over to my mother, pulling her into a side hug.
"He didn't shoot me." Sebastian said happily.
I giggled. "What a relief."
I quieted down a little and asked, "Is Emma. . ."
"Sorry doll." Sebastian said quietly. "Trump and Bobb really did almost get her out. They were supposed to get her the same day she died."
I nodded. "Thank you for trying at least. I'll make sure to thank Mr. Trump later."
It was another couple of hours before we could actually leave. My parents were going to take me back home and Sebastian was to return to California with Downey.
"I'm gonna be back next week." Sebastian said, pulling me into a hug. "With a proper ring and all of that. I love you."
I smiled. "I love you too."
"C'mon Pumpkin." My dad said, and I pulled away from Sebastian slowly to join my parents side. My parents had me sit between them in the car so that they could ruffle my hair affectionately or hold my hand. My mother burst into happy tears again.
I was finally on my way home.
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calyssmarviss · 6 months
Okay i got obsessed again with star wars here for a minute, legit started working on tthat one fic again because my vpn was making the episode charge dreadfully slow but now i turned it off and BUCK WHAT ARE YOU DOING I MEAN YEAH I MEAN WHAT THE HELL IS EDDIE DOING THERE I MEAN GO IT FOR KING I MEAN NO YOU DON’T DESERVE IT AFTER THAT CATCH YOU LATER BUCK that was bitchy as fuck wow they’re both jealous and it’s incredible
(Much later: well this has turned into a whole ass shoke full of spoilers reaction post didn’t it)
That’s insane dialogue, what do you mean “jumping ship” and “keeping options fluids”, mhm, boys? Like on a surface level Eddie’s asking if Buck is thinking about a new career option, and the metaphor makes it not even sound that deep, but you know they have some history with the concept of leaving the 118 and it either did not go down at all or didn’t go well. So Buck’s answer is like, probably not the best one to hear if you’re Eddie Diaz, but it’s banter in front of a thir party so even if he’s thinking about that he has to let it fly. Then if you put your buddie goggles on, it can be him asking, are you interested in that guy?
That’s not Harry. Aintnoway he went through his whole ass puberty in less than a year!
Look, Bobby can spot the impostor too.
Hey girlies how does it feel to be so right and never lose? Ngl feels so good to me.
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He’s so revolted this was the perfect moment to pause at
Oh god the next frame tho.
The rope going down the pipe exept they’re both on top now
Eddie now you’re doing it on purpose. Buck just said “you never have enough friends” and you just… piled on top of it. Like. I get you, i really get you. All’s fair. But that’s Buck and you know he has abandonment issues, man.
oh Nooo
Oh you didn’t didn’t edmundo diaz
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Oh god i stopped to type and didn’t hear the dialogue yet this is insane Eddie you babby trapped him and he was your second choice and it’s your third date with Tommy already. *cough*whore*cough*/affectionate
No fr real Eddie Diaz pettiest bitch in Los Angeles. He’s gonna make Buck come to his senses the haaaaaard way.
Insane shit.
You bet he’s bothered and bewildered.
BITCHING TO HIS SISTER he’s so precious (Eddie it’s working)
Revenge of the Sith is the best Star Wars tho Buck, I’m in Tommy and Chris’s camp on this. Guess you’ll have to be the babysitter from now on.
“I didn’t have to (in the bitchiest tone Oliver Stark has ever used). Eddie, on his fridge (!) has a day calendar, under a take out menu: Thursday: BBPU, Double-U, back slash(okay you insane man), Tommy. And it’s circled.”
I’m dying and it’s from pure glee.
“Is it circled with a heart around it?”
“We have a problem.”
Yeah, that kid’s not Harry!
Lmao he’s on the run from the cops!
Yeah she can’t recognise her son because that’s not Harry!
Why is the show encouraging me???
Okay, that’s Harry, fine.
Oh now who’s inside looking in, looking through the glass closet locker room no less
Wait, isn’t that what leads to those stills i’ve seen of that convo? Are they gonna have a serious talk?
I need all the gifs from that episode.
Making sure he’s in line of sight, uh.
You’re not the one he wants Ravi, sorry.
asdfghjkl evan buckley you got it bad
Eddie stop it, you’re not looking but I’m going to have to look at Buck’s face next frame
Bros when no hoes i guess
Okay that faceblindness case is genuinely awful
Lmao are Eddie and Tommy gonna be there?
Oh yeah, here they are
This is about to get bloody
“So I’m your basketball beard. I feel so bonded.” pffFf
Oh this is both hot and kind of embar at the same time
So, what do you thought of that chest Buck, did it give you insecurities
You knkw what Eddie, you kind of deserved it FOR ONCE you shouldn’t play with the feelings of a guy that huge
Oh this isn’t good and I’m not talking about Eddie’s foot here
“So how’s he feeling?”
“I don’t know.”
That’s what i though you were going to say.
“I felt left out. I was trying to get his attention.” 😭
You know, he’s so valid for that, because Eddie’s attention on him is just… it’s always there, you know? And seeing it being, well, not there, it’s reall day and night. It feels unnatural, which is why i can’t think it’s genuine (but off brand haha). Whether it’s fully intentional on Eddie’s part or not.
Where the hell is this going. I mean the one spoiler i saw makes me think Tommy is coming onto Buck, but… look that episode went places that…. Okay I’ll just press play and see!
Buck now you’re the stop stepping a bit too close.
What is this episode guys.
Basically every line is taking me at the knees, this is so awesome.
That’s his flirting smile and i don’t know if i love or hate to see it rn.
They are so petty,
Evan Buckley you liar.
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O ye of little faith
911 is delivering
“Please call Eddie.”
And then his face did something complicated idk Buck’s got kissed by a dude and he liked it and we just got delivered an absolute mess of a situation in 42 minutes and i can’t fucking wait to see what’s next oh my god.
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White Bread
Chris Evans x Actress!Reader Summary: Literally all the evidence suggests you and Chris are together, just give up. "No (:" -you Word Count: 2k+ Warnings: Fluff, i still used Y/N grrrrrrrrr, actress au, crack fic lol, etc.
A/N: So this is kind of like a part 2 to 'Dude She's Just Not Into You' but not really cos you dont need the context of the first one for this ALSO this is not a series, I just felt there was still inspiration from the last fic so like I'm making another one!!! Here's a p3 i guess lol
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I raise a hand and shake my head, "okay, let's get one thing straight. I do not call Chris white bread because of what you may think."
Chris bursts into laughter. The interviewer in front of us chuckles and motions that I continue. I shift in my seat, "one day-"
"Oh my gosh," Chris sighs, knowing where it was going.
"I was eating a sandwich with chocolate spread--"
"It was one time!" he says, pitch rising.
I snap at him, "one time is all it takes, white bread."
"Dear goodness, I regret it everyday."
"You better," I raise my brows, "anyway, he took the sandwich from my hand and ate it in front of me."
"I gave it back! It was a joke."
I scoff and cross my arms, "oh, okay, so I'm just a joke to you?"
Chris sighs and shakes his head, "mom, I wanna go home."
"Well too darn bad!"
@cornspice: okay hear me out. if water is a liquid but can turn into solid and gas, chris evans and y/f/n HAVE to be dating @chrisevansdailykrr: Chris and Y/N where spotted walking holding hands. [image attatched] @y/f/nsource: [replying to @chrisevansdailykrr] yes but y/n be doing that to everyone rip @y/ny/nily: [replying to @y/f/nsource] sadly yes, bruv aint special 💔 @marrymeplzy/n: IM GOING FERAL @ChrisEvans JUST WENT ON A DATE WITH Y/N IN A PARK HOLDING HANDS N SAME COLORED TOPS F- @marvelsloot: Okay. So. Chris. And. Y/N. Are. Just. Randomly. Saying. They. Are. Dating. ?. What. About. My. Mental. Health. ? @muricasass: [replying to @marvelsloot] LITERALLY THEY JUST SAY FINE WERE DATING UH WHAT MAAM @buckysthiqthighs: [replying to @marvelsloot] IT HURTS CAUSE I CANT TELL IF THEYRE SARCASTIC OR NOT @wankanda4evah: [replying to @buckysthiqthighs] This is what we get for stanning sarcastic actors 😭
5 minute TMZ video of paparazzi following Chris and Y/N captioned: "We're just friends," yeah right.
One of the guys in the TMZ office explains to their boss, "we found Chris Evans and Y/F/N walking around," the room gets excited, the dude does jazz hands and makes a face, "holding hands, eating ice cream, y'know things friends would do."
One of the girls sat down looks to that man who was speaking, "that's a lot of bullshit."
"Right?" one chimes in.
Another points out, "they even confirmed they were dating in one interview--"
Cut to the narrator explaining that "they're so darn sarcastic, it's hard to say if they were serious or not."
Back to one of the girls, "I think they're actually dating and sarcastically confirmed it to throw people off."
There is a unison of agreement.
Then flashes the actual clip of Chris and Y/N walking around and the TMZ paps meeting them halfway.
The scene is set in a park. I was wearing a cute little baby blue sundress and Chris was looking like a trust fund college frat dude in his khakis. There's an ice cream stand nearby.
"How you guys doing?" one of the paps ask, meriting no response.
The grip I had on Chris' hand tightens as I tug on him. He turns to me and I give him a soft smile, which is honestly more like showing him my teeth, "I wan' ice cream."
"Ice cream?" he repeats then say, "okay."
I break into a smile and do a small hop because of this.
Cut back to the guy in the office, explaining, "when I tell you Y/N is so darn adorable--"
"Yeah, she is."
"--how could he not date her?"
"For real, mans was whipped for her."
Back to the ice cream truck.
I turn to Chris, "I want vanilla."
He does not reply and only pulls out his wallet. He then turns to me and gruffs, "tell that to the guy sellin' the ice cream, doll."
I turn to the said man and raise a finger, "one vanilla, and..." I turn to Chris and ask, "strawberry for you?"
He nods.
The paparazzi asks, "do you two do this often?"
We ignore it but I decide to answer when he clarifies with, "buy ice cream and hold hands?"
I turn to the guy, "if we were friends, I'd do it with you to."
Chris chuckles.
The one holding the camera then asks, "aye, I'm free on Friday, I'm down to chill."
No one gets to answer him because the ice cream man asks for a picture.
20+ mins of Y/F/N talking about her domestic life with Chris Evans
There's an intro of the video:
Hello. I have compiled some of the moments where y/n and chris just weren't slick and basically exposed themselves to the world. Is it far fetched, maybe, but look at this photo [image of Chris looking at each other in the middle of a press photo op] and look me dead in the eye and tell me im wrong oh wait you cant bitch
Chris and I are sitting next to each other. The interviewer asks, "when you're not working, how do you two unwind."
I think for a moment, "I loosen the screws in his head, then I probably make pancakes."
Chris suddenly comes to life, "oh, she makes good pancakes."
---CUT TO---
A clip of one of my solo interviews.
I am read one of the questions, "what is your happy place?"
My eyes widen and I sigh, "dang, that's like a really deep question." I cross my arms and shake my head, "y'know, I'm not going to waste everyone's time trying to answer this properly, so I'm just going to answer the first thing that popped in my head, which is defeating America's favorite white bread in Uno, multiple times."
*A harsh zoom onto y/n's face*
---CUT TO---
It was a long interview and basically it lead to Chris and I talking about ideal types.
"I dunno, I don't really have a type," I say shrugging, then crossing my arms.
Chris purses his lips and nods, "no, I think you have a type."
I turn to him, mildly shocked, "I have a type?"
Chris begins to laugh.
"No, for real, I'm asking. I have no idea if I have a type," I say, which makes him roll his eyes and shake his head. I begin to think, "I- gosh- you know, I watched this thing where they said humans are naturally narcissistic and will go for someone that looks like them, then there was another thing that said, like, if you're attracted to guys, you usually base your standards of your dad and vice versa. I mean, I'm sure this doesn't apply to everyone, but I will say I think guys that are, like, good with kids, patient, and reliable are definitely guys I could categorize as my type. Plus, I am kind of like the mom friend, so..."
Chris turns to me then mutters, "just say you're into dads."
I turn to him, shocked, then burst out, "I COULD SAY THE SAME THING ABOUT YOU!"
"Oh, but you're a big mama's boy."
He nods and whispers softly, "I am a big mama's boy."
I make a face, "too bad your mom likes me better than you now."
"She would leave you in the desert for me."
"Noooooo she would nooooooottttt."
---CUT TO---
A puppy interview.
I turn to the crew on set and coo at the puppies running up to me and being all adorable. "You if Chris were here, he'd cry, spontaneously combust then just cease."
I make kissy faces to the dogs, "he might also try to steal all of them and I would help."
@mackiesbootie: THIS IS NOT A DRILL. SCOTT JUST POSTED A VIDEO OF CHRIS AND Y/N DANCING WITH THE EVANS NIECES AND NEPHEWS-- @mackiesbootie: YALL SERIOUSLY CANT MAKE ME BELIEVE THEYRE NOT MARRIED AT THIS POINT WTF @chrisevansdailykrr: BITCH [image attatched] @hailhydrax: [replying to @chrisevansdailykrr] @ChrisEvans and Y/N you broke @chrisevansdailykrr, are you satisfied? @Wandas2020vision: [replying to @chrisevansdailykrr] issa mood im dying 👨‍🚀💀 @teaspillzislyf: Chris Evans & Y/F/N are full of shit: a thread @y/ncutebooty: What she says: I'm okay What she means: Chris and Y/N are clearly dating and the only reason why they haven't officially confirmed it is because-- @steverogerswife: yall keep talking sh but just remember y/n has a private account somewhere on twt @poeticb00bs: the fact that y/n knows hers and chris's niche memes is actually kinda scary @steverogerswife: [replying to @poeticb00bs] Evans-Y/L/N is real. Y/N has a private twt. Next question
The said post by scott evans on instagram that made the internet have a meltdown
The caption:
Dont let their size fool you. @ChrisEvans and y/n are about the same age of my nieces and nephews 😂😂
The video is about only 1 minute long. Chris and I were sitting on the carpet in the middle of the Evan's living room. The TV was playing a Barney song but when a kid-favorite started playing, the young ones stood up and starting belting out. This clearly called for a dance break as well.
I picked up Chris' niece and spun her around while we danced. She began to giggle. It was everything
Chris and the other kids began to rip up the dance floor.
And for a moment, Chris and I turn to each other, sharing a laugh. There was nothing said, nothing to say, but still we had a warm, knowing look between us.
Scott, who was filming the whole thing made a, 'oop', sound then ended the video.
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thelonesomequeen · 1 year
" Am I the only one who thinks he looks fine? "
This happens often in another one of my fandoms. Anytime something unagreeable happens it's a flood of he looks tired, he looks angry, he's on drugs/drinking/partying too much. A Fandom is a Fandom I guess. (I also he agree he looks fine 😉)
I’m just going to say it. Chris Evans has ALWAYS looked super pale. So I’m not sure where the complexion comments are coming from. Did he look like he had a nice tan glow last summer? Yes. But nearly everyone called out that spray tan for exactly what it was. I’m not saying it didn’t look good. It did. But a fake bake is a fake bake babies. That man has always naturally been as pale as a Michael Myers mask on Halloween. 🦎
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