#chris hemsworth oneshot
mirkwoodshewolf · 1 year
All we have; Thor x sister reader
*Author’s note*
So this fic took me some time but after a while I finally came up with how to come about this. To the anon who sent this all the way back close to the beginning of the year hope this story finds you and thank you for being so patient.
Warnings: ANGST!!! Events of infinity war, main character (death)? Reader was blipped, depression, denial. Sad Thor basically.
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*Thor’s POV*
Failure.  A feeling I never once felt before up until now. Even when I was banished by my father and lost my hammer, it was nothing compared to now.  My father, my home, nearly half of my people, my brother, and now—now my sister.
And only two of those things weren’t taken by the same person.  When Thanos came for us after Asgard was destroyed by Sutar in order to defeat Hela, we could only manage to send half of the people down to Earth before we were attacked, but even with those people safe the rest could not. Heimdell was one of my dear friends to die first after he used the last bit of strength to send Banner to warn the Avengers of Thanos.
My sister and I did our best but with him already in possession of the Power Stone, he had us badly outmatched and out strengthened.  Then he had Loki killed right before our eyes, the two of us helpless and could only watch as he snapped his neck.  For a brief moment I thought we were dead when our ship was destroyed but then we came across the Morons.  Led by a rabbit and his tree companion.
After getting Storm breaker forged for myself and my sister even obtaining a newly gifted gauntlets to harness her power of Starlight.  Next to me, I would say she’s the strongest Avenger (even though she never wanted to be one).  Her being the Goddess of the Stars, she is basically a star in human form with enhanced strength, speed, can fire star beams from her eyes and star bolts from her hands. That’s why some people on Earth called her ‘Star bolt’ or something along those lines.
Together we came to Earth with the rabbit and tree and we were on the verge of victory until Thanos arrived.  I had him, as did my little sister.  She fired with all her might as soon as he had completed the gauntlet and retrieved the last of the Infinity stones.  Then I used Storm-breaker to impale Thanos before he could do the snap.  I had shoved the blade of my newly forged axe into his chest, as deep as it could go and had the Mad Titan on his knees.
His final words were that I should’ve gone for the head, then he lifted the gauntlet and snapped his fingers as a bright light flashed before my eyes.  I had demanded him that he tell me what he had done when I saw the gauntlet burnt to a crisp, but the coward fled through a portal.  Next thing I knew, people were disappearing into dust.
“Brother?” I heard my sister say and when I turned to her I saw her clutching her stomach.  “I—I don’t feel so good.” I soon took notice of the same dusty flakes coming off of her.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no hey. Hey (Y/n) come here, come here little sister.” I held her together burying my face into her neck.  “You’re right here. You’re right here with me, yes? Just like the old days, the two of us together. We’re okay, we’ll be okay.” She smiled solemnly as tears glistened in her eyes.
“Goodbye brother.” She whispered.
“No, no there’s no goodbyes not for us. Please my little starlight, stay with me. I-I can’t lose you too!” but soon she faded away and all that was left was dust in my hands.
All of that happened just 4 weeks ago.  The week before, we found Thanos and hoped we’d use the stones to bring everyone back only to find out that he used them to destroy them.
Not wanting to hear anymore, I did what I should’ve done at that very day I lost everything. I went for the head.
After that, I couldn’t take it.  Numbness and emptiness overtook me.  What was life on Earth without my only family left? She was my little sister, she was my best friend, my guiding star.  From the day she was born, I made an oath to always watch out for her.
I had promised mother and father that I’d never let anything happen to her.  Before Loki came along, it was just the two of us.  We got into the worst sort of trouble, but she was always there to get us out of it using her charm and wit.  Thinking back now, that’s probably how Loki learned to be the silver tongue he came to be.
But now they were both gone.  Leaving me as the last of Odin’s children.
*Present day 4 weeks after Blip*
The humans were calling it The Blip.  After half of the universe had been snapped away, that’s what they called this tragic event.  Their governments and politicians trying to get the records of everyone around the world who had been blipped, trying to rebuild, but there was nothing I could do to help them.
“Hey Thor.” Banner’s voice spoke up.  I didn’t respond.  “I managed to locate Valkyrie and Korg. They said they’ve settled all the remaining Asgardians in a small town in Norway called Tønsberg.” I remained sitting in my chair looking out the window.  “Look buddy, I know that—things hadn’t been easy. But don’t you think your people need you? Or at least let them know you’re okay?”
“And what do I tell them? Hmm? Can you-can you answer me that Banner? When I go there the first thing they’ll ask me is where is…..” I stopped and brushed away the tears from my eyes.  No scratch that, not tears I just have something in my eye.
“I get it. I miss her too man. Your sister was—someone really special. Remember she helped me after I found out that I had been the Hulk for two years.”
“I helped too you know.”
“Yeah but not as much as she did.” I shook my head softly chuckling.
“Yeah she—she always did like helping those who needed it. The stars seemed to have dimmed without her here.” There was silence before I finally stood up and turned to Banner. “Thank you for finding them for me Bruce.”
“You gonna be okay pal?” he asked me.
“Yeah, yeah I’ll be fine. I’ll be sure to keep in touch about how things are going.” I gave him a firm pat on the back before I took Storm breaker into my hands and flew off towards Norway.
When I got there, New Asgard was a small little town on the edge of some fishing docks where I saw the remaining few of my people all trying to rebuild our new home.  When they saw me, they bowed their heads but I didn’t acknowledge them.
“Hey Thor you’re alive!” up ahead I saw Korg, Meek and Valkyrie gathering up some kegs of beer. I walked up to them and hugged Korg (even though there was no emotion to said hug).
“Where’s (Y/n)?” asked Valkyrie.  I breathed heavily and asked her redirecting the question.
“How many of our people are left after the Statesman was attacked?” she looked at me skeptically but answered.
“We were just about to land our rescue ship when suddenly half of those that were saved turned to dust.” So even when half of the people managed to escape, they too were cut in half and Blipped away.  My sister’s escape plan for our people was in vain.
“Right well, you two continue doing what you were doing. I’m just going to uhh—” I took one of the kegs from Korg and walked off without another word.
I managed to find me a small cabin that hadn’t been claimed by anyone and decided that this would be my cabin from now on.  It was the furthest cabin than the rest of the village so thankfully no one should suddenly burst in on me.
I set the keg down before plopping myself down on the floor next to it.  I looked down at my wrist to see the old bracelet (Y/n) had made for me back when we were kids.  I took it off my right wrist and examined it.
It wasn’t much just made from the finest Asgardian thread and the jewels were of pure diamonds, rubies and a couple of emeralds.  In fact it was a sibling bracelet that she had made for all three of us. The ruby represented me, the emeralds were of Loki and she was the diamond.
I clenched it in my hand and raised it up ready to throw it as far as I could, hoping that it would be lost forever but something held me back.  My arm trembled before I brought the bracelet to my chest and held it over my heart as I felt tears falling down my face.
“I’m sorry (Y/n).” I wept.  “I’m so sorry little sister.” I continued to weep as the memories of my sister flashed through my mind like a film on constant repeat.
*1 month after The Blip*
I hadn’t really stepped out of my cabin since I had first claimed it.  I kept the windows shut and bolted, hardly any light really came into this cabin really.  Why should I deserve the light after my failure to kill Thanos? But I knew I had to step out because I had run out of beer from the keg I had taken a month ago.
So after restocking some more kegs, beer bottles, whiskey, tequila, whatever alcohol I could get my hands on at the time, I should be good for a couple of months or so, hopefully.  As I drank my fifth beer bottle a knock was heard at the door.
“Thor?” Valkyrie. “Thor come on open up it’s just me.”
“It’s unlocked as always.” I told her.  I heard the door open and she let out a cough.
“Geez what rolled up and died in here?”
“What are you doing here Valkyrie?” I asked her.
“Well our brewery ran out of whiskey and I figured only one person could be responsible for that so I came to collect some from you. Running this place is a lot harder than you think.” She said as she helped herself to some of my whiskey.
“Try dealing with keeping the peace of all nine realms on top of that.” I scoffed remembering after my first battle with the Avengers when I tried to keep the peace between the nine realms before father thought I was once again ready to take the throne.
“I can only imagine that. Definitely would take more than whiskey to take that hangover off.”
“Why have you really come Valkyrie?” she and I looked at each other and she said.
“To check on my friend who may I remind you hasn’t been outside in over a month except this past Tuesday to take most of our brewery.”
“I’ve told you as I have told everyone else, I’m fine.”
“Is that why you haven’t bathed in that time? No offense but you’re starting to smell worse than Sakaar.”
“Bathing is a lifestyle choice. If I choose the bathe or shower I will do so whenever I please.” She let out a heavy sigh.
“Thor, I know why you’re doing this.”
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do.”
“No you don’t.”
“Yes I do. Did you honestly forget why I went to Sakaar in the first place?” I remained silent. “Drinking my own problems away because I lost all my sisters including the love of my life. Who sacrificed herself to save me. You’re not the only one who lost someone you love. Take it from me, drowning your sorrows can only do so much, eventually the call to action will find you and you’ll have no choice but to get off your ass and fight.”
“Thanos is already dead, but even killing him didn’t bring anyone back. Much less bring her back. What call to action will there be?” I said brokenly.
“How about instead of focusing on the broken past? You help your people? They need a king.”
“No one needs me.” I sat down in my chair and turned away from her as I grabbed an old bag of Doritos and ate whatever was left in the bag.  I heard Valkyrie let out a heavy sigh before she left my cabin slamming the door.
Leaving me once again alone in darkness and solitude.
*6 months after The Blip*
‘It has been six months since the Blip when an alien wiped out half of Earth’s population. World governments continue to find an equal consensus but with the world still grieving can we truly move on? Our team has tried to reach out to any remaining members of the Avengers who have all but seemed to disappear from the public eye. Tony Stark aka Ironman has…..’
“Korg you mind shutting that blasted thing off? I thought we were going to begin Fortnite?” I told him.
“Sorry Thor. Just so you know I didn’t turn the channel to the news, it was just on there. Earth seems to have nothing but bad news to tell.”
“Yeah that’s all they really have to say these days.”
“Earth news is depressing.”
“You don’t know the half of it.” I muttered.  As we got the gaming system started up, Korg told me.
“Speaking of, there were reporters that came over the other day wanting to talk to you about the battle you had with Thanos back in that Wakanda place.”
“Hopefully either you or Valkyrie told them to screw off and to never come back here again.”
“Valkyrie took care of them. And she even called them some very nasty things.”
“And another good reason to put her in charge.” I muttered.  As the menu opened up and we picked our avatars we proceeded with the game.
“Just asking out of pure curiosity Thor, will there be a time you come out that doesn’t imply you stealing half of the brewery’s supplies? We really do miss you out there.”
“Who wants to go out when there’s a whole lot to do in here? You can’t get all these video game time out there? And here you don’t have to pay for any alcohol. Sure the cable’s a bit of a pain in the ass but what more could you want right here?”
“It does sound like a load of fun and a huge convenience but at the same time you might probably be doing all of this due to the loss of your sister.” I rolled my eyes and blew a nonchalant raspberry.
“These are just life choices, I can go out whenever I want to for whatever reason I want. My sister—” I trailed off thinking about her.
Just what would she say in this moment? How would she even react to seeing me like this? Most likely she’d be disappointed, she never did like it when either Loki or I got into one of our ‘moods’ (whatever she means by that).  Felt like she had been stuck in the middle and having to be the problem solver out of the three of us.
But now she’s just—she’s gone.  In all honesty, I’m glad she’s not here to see me like this.  Like I said, she’d most likely be disappointed that I’ve shut everyone out and refuse to do anything to help rebuild our new home.
“My sister isn’t even here. So why even try to speak as if she’s still here?” Korg remained silent. I took a deep breath in before exhaling and spoke in a more optimistic manner (or at least tried to anyway. I just wanted this conversation to be done.)  “Now then, let’s hurry and beat this round before that little douchebag Noobmaster69 logs on.”
“Yeah. I still can’t believe he called me a dickhead.” Korg said as we continued to play our game long into the night and even until the next morning.
*1 year and 4 months after The Blip*
Today seemed so empty. Much more so than any other day because today should’ve been a day of remembrance, of birth, a milestone for Asgardian Gods. Today would’ve been (Y/n)’s birthday, but just any ordinary birthday.  Today she would’ve been 1500 years old.  The big 1500.
She could’ve participated on her first ever hunting party and claim a prized boar to be eaten at a feast worthy of Valhalla, music and dancers, and at the end of the night the very stars themselves would dance for her (all thanks to her powers).  But there will be no hunt, nor song in her name, for she was one of the many who Blipped away.
I did, however, ask Korg whenever he came up for our annual video game binge to bring up a cake that I knew (Y/n) would love.  She always had a weakness for sweet treats, especially when we first came to Earth after Loki tried to take the Tesseract.  Boy was that a wild time when she went on that sugar craze and Steve had to coax her down from it but she refused to surrender her candy to him.
“Hey Thor, Meek and I are here and we brought the cake like you asked of us.” Korg’s voice called out.
“Bring it in here my friends.” They came in and there it was.  A three layered chocolate cake with dipped chocolate strawberries.
“So Thor is this another one of your monthly big dessert binges?” asked Korg.
“Not for myself.” I answered as I went over and dug through the drawers until I found some old candles and put them on top of the cake.  “You know, today would’ve been (Y/n)’s 1500th birthday. A big milestone in Asgardian culture.”
“Really? Is 1000 not worthy?”
“It is but it’s the 1500th that’s even bigger. Compared to Earth I’d say it lines with one’s 16th birthday. Where Earth teens can drive legally and all that fun stuff, in Asgard, when a god turns 1500 they are honored to lead a hunting party to find and skewer a prized boar. To be eaten at a feast worthy of Valhalla itself. Oh I remember my 1500th birthday hunt so well, I made (Y/n) my lead scouter and she dreamed of the day of her birthday hunting party.”
“Oh I see. And your sister, she liked chocolate?”
“Probably one of the few things she loved about Earth. Oh Korg you should’ve seen it. The first time she tried chocolate, I thought her head was going to explode.”
“Thankfully it didn’t otherwise how can one function without a head?” Korg said.  I lit the candles up and stared at them for a bit before blowing them out in honor of my sister.
“Happy 1500th little sister. If only I could’ve done more.” I then blew them out in her stand before taking them off the cake.
“She would’ve been happy either way Thor. Hunting party or no hunting party, she would’ve loved it either way.”
“You speak as thought my sister is still here.”
“She is. In a way. Though she is not here physically, she is all around us. Being the goddess of the stars, it’s like she’s still watching over us every night. At least that’s what the Earthlings say about her in their stories, right?” I shook my head chuckling icily.
“I appreciate the words of comfort Korg, but we all know the real truth. She’s gone, and there’s no way of bringing her back. And it’s all my fault.”
“Sorry Korg, guess I don’t feel much like Fortnite tonight, sorry.” I started to walk off but I grabbed (Y/n)’s cake and left my cabin.
It was now nightfall and I had been standing looking over the cliff’s and the sea ahead.  I was at the last piece of my sister’s cake and I looked up at the stars that didn’t seem to shine as brightly as they used to. My heart felt heavy and tears built into my eyes and I wept.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t do more for you little sister. For anyone. It’s all because of me. It’s my fault. It’s my fault!” I stayed there for the rest of the night weeping under the very stars my sister once made shine.
Time just went by in a blur.  In fact time was irrelevant to me.  Only when I needed supplies like more alcohol did I ever show my face to my people. Valkyrie was proving to be a better King than I, I mean how can a King rule his people when he couldn’t even protect them? Let alone his own sister?
I was just—drifting at this point.  The only times I felt even the slightest bit of joy was video game nights with Korg and Meek.  Life may continue on, but I will always be burdened with the weight of my greatest failure and nothing was ever going to get me out of it.
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shabou11 · 1 month
Forgotten birthday (Tom hiddleston x reader x Marvel Cast)
Summary : it's Y/N's birthday but everyone seems to have forgotten about it.
Warnings : none
Requests accepted (I don't write smut sorry)
Y/N woke up on her birthday to the soft morning light filtering through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the bedroom she shared with Tom. She stretched lazily, feeling the familiar comfort of Tom’s presence beside her. As she turned to face him, she found him still fast asleep, his face peaceful and relaxed. For a moment, she simply watched him, a small smile tugging at her lips.
Today was a special day, and while they both had to work, Y/N couldn't help but feel a twinge of excitement. It was her birthday, after all, and Tom had always made it a point to make the day special for her. Last year, they’d spent the day exploring Paris, indulging in pastries and champagne, and ending the evening with a romantic dinner by the Seine. This year, however, they were both busy filming the new Avengers movie, and their schedules were packed. She wasn’t expecting anything as grand as last year, but she still looked forward to whatever small surprises Tom might have planned.
She slipped out of bed quietly, trying not to wake him, and padded to the bathroom. After getting ready, she returned to the bedroom to find Tom stirring awake, his eyes blinking open as he adjusted to the morning light.
“Morning, love,” he murmured, his voice deep and husky from sleep. He smiled as he reached out to her, pulling her into his arms for a warm embrace.
“Morning,” she replied, snuggling into his chest, breathing in his familiar scent. For a moment, she simply enjoyed the warmth of his arms around her, feeling safe and loved.
Tom kissed the top of her head, then pulled back slightly to look at her. “Ready for another day on set?” he asked, his tone casual.
The girl nodded, though she couldn’t help but feel a tiny bit disappointed. There was no mention of her birthday, no hint of the excitement she’d hoped for. But she quickly brushed the feeling aside, reminding herself that they had a long day of filming ahead and that Tom might just be waiting for the right moment to surprise her.
They got dressed and headed to the kitchen for breakfast. Tom made them both coffee, and they chatted about the scenes they would be filming that day. Y/N noticed that Tom seemed particularly focused on the work, discussing the stunts and dialogue with unusual intensity. She tried to match his enthusiasm, but the little voice in the back of her mind couldn’t help but wonder why he hadn’t even mentioned her birthday.
By the time they arrived on set, Y/N had managed to push her disappointment down. It was just another day of filming, and maybe Tom was planning something for later. As they walked through the bustling set, they were greeted by the cast and crew, all of whom seemed cheerful and energetic, but no one mentioned her birthday.
“Hey, Y/N/N! Brother!” Chris Hemsworth called out as they passed him. “Ready to kick some butt today?”
“Always,” Tom replied with a grin, giving Chris a playful punch on the shoulder. Y/N smiled at the interaction, but couldn’t help noticing that Chris, too, made no mention of her birthday.
The morning went by in a blur of rehearsals, costume fittings, and makeup touch-ups. Y/N was busy with her own scenes, and Tom was often on the other side of the set, working on a particularly challenging fight sequence. She tried to stay focused, but the nagging feeling of being forgotten tugged at her.
During lunch, she sat with Scarlett Johansson and Chris Evans, hoping for some friendly conversation to lift her spirits. But even as they chatted about the latest scenes, the banter remained strictly work-related, with no hint of birthday wishes.
“How’s the choreography going?” Scarlett asked, taking a sip of her water.
“Pretty good,” Y/N replied, managing a smile. “It’s a lot of work, but I think we’re getting there.”
“That’s great to hear,” Chris said with an encouraging nod. “You’ve been doing an awesome job.”
“Thanks,” Y/N said, her smile fading as she glanced over at Tom, who was deep in conversation with the director. She couldn’t help but feel a little sad. Had everyone really forgotten?
The afternoon dragged on, with Y/N trying her best to stay upbeat despite the growing sense of disappointment. The scenes were intense and required her full concentration, but every now and then, her mind would wander, wondering if maybe she was just expecting too much. After all, they were in the middle of a massive production. Birthdays could easily get lost in the shuffle.
As the day finally began to wind down, Y/N found herself exhausted, both physically and emotionally. She hadn’t said anything to Tom about how she was feeling, not wanting to sound ungrateful or whiny, but it was hard not to feel a little let down.
When the director finally called it a wrap for the day, she was more than ready to go home and put her feet up. She was about to head to her trailer to change out of her costume when Tom caught up to her.
“Hey,” he said, slipping his hand into hers. “You did amazing today.”
“Thanks,” the girl replied, trying to muster some enthusiasm. “You too.”
Tom gave her a curious look, sensing something was off. “You okay?” he asked, his voice full of concern.
She forced a smile and nodded. “Yeah, just tired.”
Tom studied her for a moment longer, then smiled. “Come with me. There’s something I want to show you.”
She raised an eyebrow, intrigued despite her exhaustion. “What is it?”
“You’ll see,” Tom said with a mysterious grin, leading her away from the set. They walked hand in hand through the backlot, weaving between trailers and equipment until they reached a large soundstage. Tom pushed open the door and gestured for her to go inside.
The room was dark, and Y/N hesitated for a moment before stepping in. As soon as she did, the lights flickered on, and she was greeted by a chorus of voices shouting, “Surprise!”
Her eyes widened in shock as she took in the scene before her. The entire cast and crew were gathered in the soundstage, which had been transformed into a festive celebration. There were balloons, streamers, and a large banner that read, “Happy Birthday, Y/N!” A table was set up with a huge cake, and there were presents piled up next to it.
For a moment, Y/N was speechless, her heart swelling with emotion as she looked around at all the smiling faces. “You guys…” she finally managed to say, her voice trembling with surprise and happiness.
Tom stepped forward, pulling her into a warm embrace. “Did you really think we’d forget your birthday?” he whispered in her ear, his breath warm against her skin.
She laughed, tears welling up in her eyes as she wrapped her arms around him. “I wasn’t sure,” she admitted, her voice thick with emotion. “I thought maybe everyone was too busy.”
“We would never forget,” Tom said, pulling back to look into her eyes. “We just wanted to surprise you.”
Scarlett, Chris E, Robert and the rest of the Avengers cast gathered around, each of them offering their own birthday wishes and hugs. Y/N couldn’t stop smiling, overwhelmed by the outpouring of love and friendship.
“This is amazing,” she said, still in awe of the effort they had all gone to. “Thank you, everyone.”
Robert grinned, holding up a glass of champagne that had been passed to him. “Here’s to Y/N/N,” he said, his voice full of warmth and affection. “The most kick-ass member of our team.”
Everyone raised their glasses in a toast, and Y/N felt a rush of happiness as she clinked glasses with Tom, her heart overflowing with gratitude.
The party was everything she could have hoped for and more. They laughed, danced, and shared stories from the set, and Y/N couldn’t remember the last time she had felt so cherished. The cake was delicious, the presents were thoughtful and fun, but the best part was simply being surrounded by the people she cared about.
As the evening wore on and the festivities began to wind down, the girl found herself standing with Tom in a quieter corner of the soundstage. The lights had dimmed, and soft music played in the background as they swayed together, wrapped in each other’s arms.
“This has been the best birthday,” she said, resting her head against Tom’s chest, feeling the steady beat of his heart.
“I’m glad,” Tom murmured, pressing a kiss to her forehead. “You deserve nothing less.”
She looked up at him, her eyes shining with love. “Thank you for everything, Tom. I was feeling a little down earlier, but this… this was perfect.”
Tom smiled, brushing a strand of hair away from her face. “I’m sorry we made you worry,” he said softly. “But I wanted to make sure it was a day you’d never forget.”
“You succeeded,” she replied, her voice full of affection. “I’ll remember this forever.”
They stood there for a long moment, lost in each other’s eyes, before Tom leaned down and captured her lips in a tender kiss. It was a kiss full of love, promise, and the shared joy of a life built together.
When they finally pulled back, Y/N sighed contentedly, resting her head against his chest once more. “I can’t wait to see what you come up with next year,” she teased, her voice playful.
Tom chuckled, tightening his arms around his wife.
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asterkiss · 8 months
Preview of a long oneshot which is a reworking of the setup in Homecoming/Seven Minutes in Heaven which follows the whole "fake dating" scenario between Mabel and Bill in more detail as requested by @korla-the-kenku This bit is just a rework of the first bit of Homecoming which now comes with more humour, Candy and Grenda, and a nice build up to Bill's namedrop. Aiming to have the whole thing out by next week? (We shall see). Haven't got a title for this thing yet.
Mabel Pines, seventeen years old, was proud of who she was. (Even if who she was got classed as “weird” by many of her peers). But so what? The teenager didn’t pay any mind to the whispers behind her back when she made up her own songs and dances in the school hallways; nor did she care when the popular girls giggled and pointed in her direction on the days she wore her homemade sweaters. 
She was weird, and proud of it! And she wasn’t going to change for anyone, let alone a bunch of mean classmates she wouldn’t ever see or hang out with again after graduation.
....Still, when Pacifica Northwest, the most popular girl in town, made constant needling comments every chance she could get, Mabel would be lying if she didn’t say she was frustrated. She may or may not have wished on more than one occasion that the girl would wake up with the biggest pimple on the end of her nose but so far her wishing skills hadn’t mounted to much so she obviously didn’t have that secret superpower.
And when Pacifica had mocked her love life and lack of a date to Homecoming in front of a whole crowd of people, Mabel may have snapped. Just a teensy little bit. Really, it wasn’t that big a deal!
“Actually, I do have a date! And he's great and handsome and even better than your boyfriend, Pacifica!”
Okay, it was a big deal.
‘Urghhhh, why did I say that guys? Whyyyyyyy!?’ The teenager slowly hit her head against her locker repeatedly. Maybe if she did this enough times she’d get minor brain damage and be excused from school for the rest of the year. That would get her out of this conundrum of her own making.
‘You need to stop letting Pacifica get to you,’ Candy replied, swapping out books in her own locker beside. ‘So what if we don’t have dates? It’ll be a fun night either way with just us girls.’
Mabel groaned. ‘You weren’t there. I really exaggerated just how great my date was.’
Grenda, stood on the other side, raised an eyebrow. ‘Like how great? Zac Efron great?’
‘Surely not Chris Hemsworth great?’ Candy asked, starting to look concerned when Mabel didn’t respond immediately.
The brunette glanced down at her feet. ‘More like Henry Cavill great.’
Both girls gasped, grabbing her by the arm and shaking the brunette frantically.
‘But Mabel, we don’t even know anyone that great!’ Candy cried.
‘Yeah, and you’re like the furthest from having a date or boyfriend. Are you forgetting that you got turned down twice last month?’ Grenda added in.
‘Actually, it was three times,’ Candy quipped in as Mabel slouched further and further down between them, expression grim.
‘Gee, thanks.’
Candy offered an apologetic smile. ‘I think you have dug your own grave here, Mabel. I am not sure how we can help you with this one.’
Mabel sighed dramatically. ‘Yeah….’ She’d definitely sealed her fate with the last comment. Pacifica was dating the high school quarterback in typical cliché fashion, and he was a beautiful hottie wrapped up in like, even more hottiness! How was she meant to top that!?
As the bell went off and the trio began making their way to the next class, Candy patted Mabel sympathetically on the shoulder. ‘It will be alright, we have one more year and then we can leave. Right?’
The smaller girl glanced aside to her friend for agreement but found Grenda deep in thought which was unusual. 
The large girl came to a stop, looking towards the pair. She looked serious. ‘Mabel, how badly do you want to one-up Pacifica?’
Sensing the tense atmosphere, Mabel straightened up with imploring eyes as she raised her fists. ‘I’ll do whatever it takes.’
Grenda nodded, placing a firm hand on her shoulder whilst leaning in. ‘Then there’s only one boy I can think of that will work.’
Mabel grinned widely, excitement bubbling in her stomach at the prospect of actually pulling this off. ‘Who!?’
A deep breath. ‘Bill Cipher.’
And just like that the bubble popped, and instead of excitement, it was only uneasiness and anxiety that flowed out. The teenager’s grin faded, and her imploring gaze was now one begging her friend to say “psyche!”. 
But the "psyche" never came. Instead, Candy also placed a hand on the brunette’s other shoulder, offering only a smile of condolence.
‘Good luck, Mabel.’
Well crap.
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New Character/Actors on my blog?
Thinking of writing some PWP Drabbles/Oneshots to get myself back into the swing of things since baby girl was born...
I'd also like to broaden my horizons a bit.
Alternatively, if you want to see more of certain Jensen/Jared/Jeff characters let me know those too!
*The fandoms I'm mainly into are SPN, MCU, The Boys, TVD... think that's about it in terms of FF. (I did just start watching The Witcher (Finally) and do plan on starting to write for that fandom and Henry soon! )
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thefudge · 4 months
idk if you’ve seen furiosa but i just KNOW you’ll dig furiosa/dementus or furiosa/immortan joe!! it’s like they’re just waiting to be written by you i swear!!!
I know!!! Omg I know. Ever since I saw the trailer where Chris hemsworth is mugging for the camera while Anya swears revenge I knew the oneshot would be so fun. Immortan Joe/furiosa sounds good too, I remember I found that dynamic interesting in the first movie too. I’m currently knee deep in grading season and shouldn’t be writing new fanfic lol but we’ll see what I think after I watch the movie.
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Celebrity Masterlist (A-K)
In an attempt to organize the blog and keep everything in order, masterlists are being made to join together into a masterlist of masterlists to make it easier for those on mobile. Thanks for being patient! 
smut is indicated with a ⭐
Adrien Brody
Imagine being married to Adrien Brody, and both of you being petty after an argument.
Imagine getting your boyfriend, Adrien Brody, into board games.
Alton Brown
Imagine Alton Brown giving you tastes of his desserts.
Andrew Garfield
Where is the Line?
Adore ⭐
Imaging falling for Andrew Garfield after filming together.
Imagine surprising Andrew Garfield with a new tattoo.
Imagine a late afternoon tea with Andrew Garfield. 
Imagine getting caught with Andrew Garfield in the rain, and him surrendering his umbrella to you.
Imagine making out with Andrew Garfield and your parents come home.
Imagine bringing Andrew Garfield to your house for the first time.
Imagine Andrew Garfield listening to you talk but thinking instead of the things he wants to do to you.  
Andrew Scott
Imagine Andrew Scott catching you baby-talking with the family pet.
Imagine Andrew Scott making sure you get home okay.
Imagine being a morning person while your husband, Andrew Scott, is not.
Imagine Andrew Scott describing you in an interview.
Imagine making a bet with Andrew that he would win an award.    
Andy Serkis
Ben Barnes
Imagine surprising Ben Barnes with breakfast, but him being upset that you left bed.
Imagine Ben Barnes working on a love letter for you.
Imagine playing a character in a movie starring Ben Barnes, and his expression when he sees you in your costume for the first time.
Imagine Ben Barnes seeing you dance with another man.
Imagine your family telling you and Ben Barnes they don’t want you to be together.
Benedict Cumberbatch 
Imagine spending a cloudy day on the beach with Benedict Cumberbatch.
Imagine having a romantic candlelight dinner with Benedict Cumberbatch.
Imagine yourself and Benedict taking your child to their first day of school.
Bill Skarsgard
Losing Touch
Bruce Langley
Imagine teasing Bruce Langley about his fluffy hair.
Cara Delevingne
Imagine taking a trip with Cara Delevinge.
Imagine coming home on yours and Cara Delevingne‘s anniversary.
Channing Tatum
Imagine house hunting with Channing Tatum.
Imagine being in class with Channing Tatum and him trying to make you laugh.
Charlie Hunnam
Imagine your boyfriend Charlie Hunnam being proud of you when you win a Grammy.
Chase Crawford
Imagine thinking you’re alone in a room and singing to yourself, and turning around to see Chase Crawford watching you.
Imagine Chase is feeling down, so you rake up the most perfect pile of leaves to jump in.
Chris Evans
Imagine buying Chris Evans an array of hats for Christmas since you understand his anxiety.
Imagine taking your child to visit their daddy, Chris Evans, on set.
Imagine being on your first date with Chris Evans.  
Chris Hemsworth
Classic Scrapes
Imagine winning a contest to meet Chris Hemsworth.
Imagine coming out to Chris Hemsworth.
Imagine Chris Hemsworth giving you a footrub.  
Chris Pine
Pregnancy is Agony
Imagine your daughter wanting you and Chris Pine to be together.
Imagine Chris Pine surprising you by showing up at your charity event with a very large donation.
Imagine Chris Pine picking you up for your first date.
Chris Pratt
Imagine a cottage retreat with Chris Pratt.
Imagine shopping for your new house with Chris Pratt.
Christian Bale
Video Kid
Imagine being nervous to attend Christian Bale’s movie premiere.
Imagine Christian Bale taking you to a special place.
Imagine Christian Bale falling in love with you.
Imagine practicing your acting on Christian Bale.
Imagine Christian Bale catching you, his assistant, tipsy at a bar.
Imagine Christian Bale trying to make things good again after an argument.
Imagine telling Christian Bale that you’re pregnant with his baby.
Imagine doing tiktok pranks on your husband, Christian Bale.
Imagine coming home to find your daughter braiding your husband’s hair.
Imagine surprising Christian Bale on set with your daughter.  
Cillian Murphy
Imagine Cillian Murphy admitting his love to you for the first time.
Imagine meeting Cillian Murphy at a bar, and him buying you a drink.
Cole Sprouse
Empty Handed
Daniel Radcliffe
Imagine Daniel Radcliffe coming to your play debut.
Imagine Daniel Radcliffe dressing up to take you on a romantic walk.
Imagine Daniel Radcliffe trying out pick-up lines on you.
Imagine Daniel Radcliffe saying Hello to you right before commercial on a talk show.
Dave Franco
Evening Wear
Imagine being Dave Franco’s childhood best friend.
Imagine Dave Franco getting angry because you’re wearing too much clothing.
Imagine surprise tickling Dave Franco.
Imagine being the youngest Franco and having Dave and James finding out that you have a tattoo.
Imagine Dave Franco distracting you while you’re attempting an audition tape.
Imagine going over to Dave’s house for some Netflix and Chill.  
David Tennant
Imagine David Tennant finding out that you’re pregnant.
Imagine having a movie night with David Tennant.
Imagine waking up in the hospital to find David Tennant worried about you.
Dev Patel
Give and Take
He Will Love You
Imagine Dev Patel surprising you at work.
Imagine getting into a huge fight with Dev Patel.
Imagine Dev Patel being struck with awe when he sees you for the first time.
Imagine Dev Patel taking you out for an early breakfast.
Dita Von Teese
Imagine surprising Dita with roses after her show.
Imagine meeting Dita Von Teese at a party.
Dwayne The Rock Johnson
Imagine accidentally blurting out to Dwayne Johnson that you’re attracted to his black wrestling gear look.
Imagine rewarding Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson during his workout routine.
Elijah Wood
Imagine telling Elijah Wood you’re pregnant.
Imagine trying to take care of Elijah Wood when he’s been overworking.
Imagine catching Elijah Wood taking photos of you.
Imagine adopting a puppy with Elijah Wood.
Imagine arguing with Elijah Wood and him asking for forgiveness afterwards.
Elizabeth Olsen
Imagine watching Wandavision with Elizabeth Olsen.
Imagine being a DC actor and getting married to Elizabeth Olsen.
Imagine preparing for your second child with Elizabeth, and thinking about the work load.
Elliot Page
Imagine moving in with Elliot Page
Imagine Elliot Page surprising you at school.
Emma Stone
Imagine working with Emma Stone, and realizing you have feelings for her.
Evan Peters
Imagine making Build-A-Bears with Evan Peters.
Freddie Highmore
Imagine Freddie Highmore talking about your son in interviews.
Imagine being a young director, and bringing Freddie Highmore to your premiere.
Imagine filming a scene in Bates Motel with Freddie Highmore.
Imagine going to a meet and greet for Freddie Highmore, and him being enamored with you.
Imagine your ex bugging you while on a walk with Freddie.
Imagine meeting Freddie Highmore at a coffee shop.
Gaspard Ulliel
Dark Light
Imagine Gaspard Ulliel saving you from a drink-spiker.
Imagine being pregnant with Gaspard’s baby.
Imagine bringing Gaspard Ulliel to your first awards show, and him being extremely proud of you.
Imagine Gaspard Ulliel wanting to spoil you.
Imagine Gaspard Ulliel attending your book reading.
Imagine Gaspard Ulliel bringing you flowers.
Imagine being seated with Gaspard Ulliel on a train. 
Heath Ledger
Saying Goodbye is Never Easy
Tears on the Red Carpet
Imagine yours and Heath’s first day at home as a new parent.
Imagine being married to Heath Ledger
Imagine going camping with Heath Ledger, and taking in the beautiful sights of nature, but all he does is smile at you.
Imagine being pregnant with Heath’s baby, and him seeing you eat your strange pregnancy cravings.
Henry Cavill
Imagine Henry Cavill building you something special.
Imagine going on a camping trip with Henry Cavill and forgetting your sleeping bag so you have to share with him.
Imagine being told you would meet your soulmate by a fortune teller, then running into Henry Cavill.
Imagine a rather disheveled Henry Cavill leaving your hotel room in the morning.
Imagine flirting with Henry Cavill while doing an interview with him.
Imagine looking at fanart of your character, Doctor Doom, and Superman, with your best friend Henry.
Iwan Rheon
Imagine Iwan Rheon taking a chance and asking you out on a date.
Imagine Iwan Rheon seeing you getting assaulted.
Imagine Iwan Rheon getting ready to propose.
Imagine Iwan Rheon surprising you with his musical side.
Imagine Iwan Rheon waiting for you with flowers.
Imagine spending a weekend in a summer cottage with Iwan Rheon.
Imagine Iwan Rheon stealing your glasses during an interview.
Imagine Iwan Rheon being constantly teased on set for having an obvious crush on you.
Jaden Smith
Imagine cozying up with Jaden Smith after a long day.
Imagine Jaden Smith being utterly smitten with you.
Imagine Jaden Smith thinking that you two are alone in the house.
Imagine Jaden Smith giving you a night to remember in a hotel.
Imagine Jaden taking you to one of his favorite spots to eat.
Imagine attending an awards show with your sisters Kylie and Kendall, and Jaden Smith makes an announcement to you.
Jaeden Martell
Play Dead
Jake Gyllenhaal
Imagine phone sex with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Imagine making out with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Imagine trying to have a baby with Jake Gyllenhaal but it continuously failing.
Imagine being a small town girl and Jake Gyllenhaal falling for you.
Imagine spending your birthday with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Imagine Jake seeing you out with someone else and growing jealous.
Imagine being an actress and going on your first date with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Imagine Jake Gyllenhaal spending his time off with you.
Imagine trying for a baby with Jake Gyllenhaal.
Imagine Jake Gyllenhaal realizing how lucky he is to have you.
Imagine Jake Gyllenhaal sneaking into your house to surprise you.
Imagine Jake Gyllenhaal bringing Winter to LA for you.
Imagine Jake Gyllenhaal erupting after a fight with you.
Imagining winning your tenth Oscar, and celebrating with your husband Jake Gyllenhall at the after party.
James Franco
Imagine being the youngest Franco and having Dave and James finding out that you have a tattoo.
Imagine tickling James Franco.
Imagine James Franco letting you stay overnight.
James McAvoy
Killing Loneliness
Every Me and Every You
All This and Heaven Too
Itsy Bitsy Spider
Imagine James McAvoy being your Valentine. 
Imagine a cold evening walk with James McAvoy.
Imagine being in an interview with your husband, and being asked when you knew he was the one.
Imagine celebrating Halloween with James McAvoy.
Imagine James McAvoy seeing you self-harm.
James Ransone
On It
Jamie Bell
Imagine Jamie Bell stopping a mugger.
Imagine going to the beach with Jamie Bell and your child.
Jeremy Renner
Bang! Bang!
Imagine sticking with Jeremy Renner, even when there’s speculations about him as a person.
Imagine defending Jeremy Renner against slander.
Imagine Jeremy Renner helping you out of the rain.
Imagine walking in on Jeremy Renner practicing his wedding proposal speech.
Jesse Williams
Imagine flirting with Jesse Williams using puns and pick-up lines.
Imagine Jesse Williams finally shooting his shot with you.
Jimmi Simpson
Imagine Jimmi Simpson running lines with you.
Imagine filming a rough, emotional scene with Jimmi Simpson.
Imagine being in an interview with Jimmi Simpson, and the interviewer teasing you two about the tension.
Joseph Gordon Levitt
Imagine Joseph Gordon Levitt trying to convince you to stay home with him rather than go to work.
Imagine Joseph Gordon-Levitt being possessive over you.
Karl Urban
Imagine Karl Urban showing you around New Zealand.
Imagine Karl Urban surprising you with a picnic.
Kiernan Shipka
In Between Days
Imagine a glamorous trip to France with Kiernan Shipka.
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storiesavenged · 22 days
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hello!! i just made this account to post some oneshots i have in mind for mcu characters and cast. asks are open, if you have a request feel free to send it in and i may write it. check here for characters i write for and what subjects i will write.
about me;
• joy
• they/them
• 20
• newer marvel fan
• mainly tony stark, doctor strange, bruce banner and thor odinson <3
• absolutely will not write smut.
• lowercase is purposeful
• all works will have a gender neutral, non race/look specific reader unless otherwise specified (ie. plus size, disabled, etc)
Writing For;
• Bruce Banner (Hulk) // Mark Ruffalo
• Thor Odinson // Chris Hemsworth
• Tony Stark (Iron Man) // RDJ
• Doctor Stephen Strange
• Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
• Rhodey (War Machine)
• Bucky Barnes (Winter Soldier)
• Peter Parker (Spiderman) // Tom Holland
• Steve Rodgers (Captain America) // Chris Evans
• Sam Wilson (The Falcon)
i am an angst lover so there will be lots of angst. i do write lots of triggering topics (see list below), overall DD;DNE warning. my writing will contain swearing.
i am not okay with reposting, translating or copying of my work. if my stories are seen elsewhere in a different language or otherwise it has been taken without my permission.
please read at your own discretion!!
i am not responsible for the media you choose to consume.
• abuse/torture
• kidnapping
• eating disorders
• violence
• drugs/alcohol
• character death
• sexual assualt
• suicidal ideation
• anxiety/panic disorder
• bullying
etc... all works will have individual trigger warnings attached for what content is in them.
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Masterlist ;;
a : angst
f : fluff
Tony Stark // RDJ ;; assistant {a/f}
Steve Rodgers // Chris Evans ;; coming soon
Bruce Banner // Mark Ruffalo ;; experiment 03 (series) {a, f} |
Doctor Stephen Strange ;; rivalry {a, f} |
Thor Odinson // Chris Hemsworth ;; nightmare {a, f} |
Clint Barton ;; coming soon
Rhodey ;; coming soon
Bucky Barnes ;; coming soon
Sam Wilson ;; coming soon
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bluebirdsboi · 1 year
MCU Masterlist | Last Updated: 7/24/23
Fluff = 🥰 | Angst = 😢 | Smut = 🥵 | Hurt Comfort = 🩹 Platonic = 🤝 Headcanons = 📝 | ABC Headcanons = 👩‍🏫 | Oneshot = 📘 | Series = 📚 AU = 🌎 | Songfic = 🎵 Male Reader = 💙 | Gender Neutral Reader = 💜 | Female x Female = 💖 Story on hold = ✋| Character on hold = 🔒 
Augustus “Pug” Pugliese (Josh Segarra)
Coming soon... 
Bucky Barnes (Sebastian Stan)
Coming soon...
Clint Barton (Jeremy Renner)
The New Guy 🥰(🥵) | 📘 | 💙
Dane Whitman (Kit Harington)
Coming soon...
Daniel Sousa (Enver Gjokaj)
Coming soon...
Druig (Barry Keoghan)
Coming soon...
Everett Ross (Martin Freeman
Coming soon...
Frank Castel (Jon Bernthal) 
Coming soon...
Helmut Zemo (Daniel Brühl)
Coming soon..
Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper)
Coming soon...
Ikaris (Richard Madden)
Coming soon...
Jack Russell (Gael García Bernal)
Coming soon...
Joaquín Torres (Danny Ramirez)
Coming soon...
Kingo (Kumail Nanjiani)
Coming soon...
Leo Fitz (Iain De Caestecker)
Coming soon...
Marc Spector (Oscar Isaac)
He Won’t Have You 🥵🩹 | 📘 | 💙
Solace 🩹 | 📘 | 💙
Matt Murdock (Charlie Cox) 
Coming soon...
Namor (Tenoch Huerta)
Coming soon...
N’Jadaka (Killmonger) (Michael B. Jordan)
Coming soon...
Peter Parker (Tobey Maguire | Andrew Garfield | Tom Holland)
Coming soon...
Peter Quill (Chris Pratt)
Coming soon...
Pietro Maximoff (Aaron Taylor-Johnson)
Coming soon...
Quentin Beck (Jake Gyllenhaal)
Coming soon...
Sam Wilson (Anthony Mackie)
Coming soon...
Scott Lang (Paul Rudd)
Coming soon...
Stephen Strange (Benedict Cumberbatch)
Coming soon...
Steve Rogers (Chris Evans)
Coming soon...
Steven Grant (Oscar Isaac)
Coming soon...
T’Challa (Chadwick Boseman)
Coming soon...
Thor Odinson (Chris Hemsworth)
Coming soon...
Tony Stark (Robert Downey Jr.)
Coming soon...
Xu Shang-Chi (Simu Liu)
Coming soon...
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artemiseamoon · 2 years
Writing round up
September 2022 - March 2023
Most recent round up
Previous writing round ups
💫💫💫Feb 2023 updates 💫💫💫
✋🏾 = on hold coming eventually unless noted otherwise
🌸 = complete
💜 = actively in progress
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Complete (oneshots, fics, etc) 🌸
***See more at @artemiseamoon-updates (more than I can list here) ***
A lighthouse in the dark (triple frontier, Ofc, the boys)
Make it out alive (ft Frankie and Will, part of Frightfest) - triple frontier
After this is over (Calderoni, Slate, Walt &crew) - narcos mx
A hermits journey (Jax, brother omc fc Garrett h.) - Soa
Nocturna sanguine (my indulgent vamp fic based off an original short story of mine. Ofc fc is Kat Graham ft modern Ivar and Roman Godfrey)
Milk & Honey (werebear Bjorn x ofc | Vikings)
Flirting with Danger (narcos Mc Ramón x reader)
Milk & Honey (Werebear! Bjorn x ofc)
Under a Golden sun (ft Benny and ATJ as an omc)
Outshine the sun (extended) (Frankie x ofc ft. Benny)
The Barmaid & the Spaniard (Pero Tovar x plus! F reader)
Neptunium (vampire John Wick x f reader)
Wisteria & moonlight (ft my Ocs and werewolf Will miller and Benny miller)
Previously started & In progress 💜
Damage control (see link below)
Triple frontier
Damage control (ft private security Frankie)
Every breath, every heartbeat (will x ex fiancé oc) ✋🏾tba
Sweet Melancholy 👋🏾 tba
Have you even seen a vampire
Sin (Miguel, Pacho, RC) ✋🏾 tba
Playing with Fire (Poison x f reader/Oc) ✋🏾 tba
My world and yours (Barron x ofc coming mid January) - ✋🏾 (April 2023)
Reflections in the mirror (April or May 2023) Javi x ofc ✋🏾
Werewolf Ezra x huntress Nyx - queen of poisons
Marcus Moreno
Tell me no lies ✋🏾 (April 2023)
Pero Tovar
the terms of enchantment -✋🏾(May 2023)
Ricky Hauk
It’s all poetry (Ricky x ofc) 👋🏾 tba
Untitled - King Harald ( his pov to this) -✋🏾tba
When night comes - incubus Ragnar -✋🏾tba
Deep in the woods, the Goatman lives Satyr Ubbe -✋🏾(May move yo Halloween)
New to my masterlist!
Ryan Corr
Ser Harwin
Laena Velaryon
The Gray Man
The Sandman
Chris Hemsworth
On the road (movie Garret H.)
Maurice Compte
Chopping block, might get canceled
MCU - what comes next -✋🏾
Not canceled but not sure when I’ll start again
Some kind of blue (Thomas Shelby x ofc)
Writing celebrations, challenges
Frightfest -✋🏾
Writer Iron Chef 💜
Writer Wednesday ✋🏾
Other challenges
* on hold, creator had left tumblr but I’d like to finish these after I get some wips done , also see pinned post
Vikings x
Triple frontier /Soa crossover x
Finished fics & almost finished fics
🦋 remember
Previews post to tumblr (minus some exceptions) and full work only posts to A03
I do not do taglists
Reblogs mean more and do more than likes
Minors DNI , this is an adult 18 + account
I do not do requests anymore. That era is over.
I mainly reblog others via reblog accounts. Saving; @artesreadinglist | read @arte-is-now-reading | narcos home @narcos-narcosmx | gifs, art, etc @adrikamoon (I have some others too, these are the main ones) main is for random stuff, personal, my previews, etc
Update only account @artemiseamoon-updates
I don’t do tags, but you can follow there. You can also subscribe to select works or follow me on A03
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cindywindyminty · 6 years
Chris Hemsworth - Ride
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Gif credit to owner Word Count: 299
"Right, so all I do is, release the button?" you inquired.
Chris, your boyfriend, grinned at you.
"Right. You think you can do this babe?" he asked, smirking at you.
Rolling your eyes, you shove him lightly before hopping onto the bike. Stretching your legs down, you manage to touch the ground. Nervously, you clutched the handles of the motorcycle. Your hands were slippery with sweat and your throat was dry. Taking a deep breath, you insert the key. You jump in surprise when the bike comes to life under you with a smooth purr.
"Right, just remember what we went over and you'll be fine."
Smiling weakly, you flash a thumbs up at Chris. You do as you're told. With a jolt, the motorcycle moves forwards. Shrieking, you go faster and faster, unable to stop. Paralyzed in fear, you watch as the bike speeds towards the highway. Behind you, you can hear Chris yelling at you to brake. At the last moment, you swing your bike to the right. The motorcycle tips over and crashes to the side, with one of your legs under it. The last thing you see before you black out is the very worried face of your boyfriend.
You wake up in the hospital, with wires and machines hooked up to you. Groaning, you lift up your head, only to nearly blank out again from the pain. Beside you, you see your boyfriend slumped over, fast asleep. Grunting, you manage to sit up. Leaning against the wall, you wait for Chris to wake up.
When he wakes, the two of you spend the rest of the day chatting quietly. As night comes, he gets up and makes to leave, but now before leaning down and kissing you on the head, promising to visit tomorrow.
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Isn’t It Enough?
Author: Nat / @idontgiveaflyinggrayson69
Requested: No
Fandom: Avengers
Tagging: @thisismysecrethappyplace​
Relationship: Pre-Established; Thor x Male!Reader
Summary: Thor was expected to marry a woman, but he fell for a man.
Word Count: 1.1k
Warnings: None.
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There was no sexuality on Asgard as there was on Earth, Thor realized. On Earth people were still fighting for same sex marriage and a work place free from discrimination. That was not the case on Asgard. On Asgard, you simply loved who you loved, and that was the end of it.
On Asgard it wasn’t look down on or odd for two men or two women to be together, nor did anyone think twice when someone transitioned from ‘male’ to ‘female’ or something else. Loki, for one, fluctuated between male and female on the regular.
But, Thor was the heir to the throne of Asgard and the nine realms. No one cared when two men were together, but Thor was expected to take a Queen and produce an heir for himself. That was simply tradition. What use was a King with no successor?
If Thor were to marry a man, then he would be forced to take a concubine to produce an heir and thatwas looked down upon. On Asgard, you were expected to remain faithful to your partner, regardless of the circumstances. Andeveryone would know that Thor had used a concubine andthe child would be illegitimate and therefore not be able to succeed their father.
So, even if same sex relationships were completely normal and there was no such thing as sexuality on Asgard, Thor couldn’t marry a man. Thor understood that from a young age, but the older he got, the more he realized he didn’t take to women the way his friends did. The Warriors Three all flocked to women like it was Valhalla before them, and Thor never understood how someone could feel that way about another person, until he met you.
You, the God of Compassion.
You cared and loved and gave so much to the community and Thor had butterflies in his stomach from the moment he met you. It took a while, but Thor finally managed to intergrade you into his friend group and Thor soon afterwards realized it had been a mistake.
You were so soft and sweet and kind. And funny and handsome and strong.
Thor didn’t want to spend time with the Warriors Three or anyone else, he just wanted to spend time with you. With you Thor felt like he had died and gone to Valhalla. And that was when Thor made a very shocking realization.
It wasn’t you. Well, of course it was you, but it was about more than just you. Thor preferred the company of men over the company of women.
But Thor knew that he couldn’t have a man by his side, so he threw himself full force into women in an attempt to all in love with women, or at least onewoman. Which was how Thor earned himself a playboy reputation and broke your heart.
You thought that you and Thor had something, why else would he invite you into his friend group and spend countless hours in just your company? And you liked Thor. Thor was strong, hot, funny, and he had a big heart, if he let you see it. And Thor had shown his heart to you.  
Then Thor began bedding women left, right and center, and you realized how stupid it was for you to think that you had a chance with the heir to Asgard’s throne. Thor, you realized, needed to marry a woman to produce an heir, and you were not a woman.
But still, your heart broke. You knew it was stupid and pointless, but Thor had hurt you and you couldn’t help but feel heartbroken over Asgard’s Prince. You were the God of Compassion and empathy and Thor broke your heart. Your heart was once filled with love and warmth and then Thor broke your heart and your heart turned to ice.
Everyone around you could feel the change within you, but no one knew what it was that changed you. And you continued on living with your broken heart, even in Thor’s company. And Thor wasn’t doing much better. His own heart was in pieces. All Thor wanted was to be with you and he was in so much pain not having you, and fucking women only made him feel worse, and on top of that, he, like everyone else, could feel your pain, which made Thor feel worse.
Thor just wanted to be with you and have you, and neither was happening. All around it was a shitty situation.
Until, finally, Thor snapped.
He and you were both miserable and the unspoken rule that he could only be with women wasn’t worth his happiness. Thor realized that he would rather die than be forced to marry a woman for the good of Asgard. There was always Loki, Thor decided. Loki had always been the politically involved brother. Maybe it would be for the best if Thor remained Asgard’s protector and Loki became King.
It was the middle of the night when you heard a knock at your door. You were confused, but opened the door regardless. The last person you were expecting to see on the other side was Thor, yet there he stood.
“What are you doing?” You asked him.
“You and I have something and I’m done trying to suppress it.” Thor replied, stepping forwards.
You could have stood your ground and kept Thor on your porch, but instead you stepped back as he stepped forwards and let him into home.
“What are you doing?” You repeated, tightening your lips. You didn’t want Thor to do something he would regret or something that would hurt you further.
“I pushed you away because I was afraid of my feelings towards you and the repercussions due to my royal blood, but I can’t do that anymore. I don’t want a woman, I never have. I want you, and if you come with the cost of the throne, Loki can have it. I want you.” Thor said, stepping close enough to you that his chest touched yours.
“Thor…” You whispered, not sure what to say.
Thor swallowed. “Have I misunderstood things? Do you not care about me?”
“Of course I care about you. I loveyou, Thor. It’s just—“ Thor cut you off by pressing his lips against yours.
Thor’s lips were warm and soft and his scruff rubbed against your cheek. The kiss was everything you had ever wanted. Thor pulled back after a moment.
“You love me and I love you, isn’t that enough?” Thor whispered.
You looked at Thor for a long while. You fell for the God of Thunder and you feltfor him.
You nodded. “I hope it will be, Thor.” You pressed your lips to his once again and you hoped that what you and him had would be enough.  
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fluffyprettykitty · 2 years
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Pairing: Thor Odinson x asgardian! female reader (no other specifications!)
Word Count: 1820 words
Outline: The grandmaster grants you the best prize in Sakaar. But does he want to be your prize?
Warnings: feather play, fingering, penetrative vaginal sex, oral (f! receiving), face riding, power play, praise kink, rough play, size kink, the reader has golden tattoos.
Author’s Note: Requested by @mercurial-make-em-ups here. Set during Thor's time in Sakaar. Thanks to @heygoodgirly for choosing the positions for me :) Was tons of fun to write!
dividers by @firefly-graphics ​//​ banners by @maysdigitalarts
Main Masterlist ・❥・Thor Odinson Masterlist
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“Look at you, my shiny prize all ready for me, who would have thought?” 
You smirk as you walk inside the vast room, your heels clicking on the floor making your way to him. Thor Odinson, the famous Asgardian prince who has now fallen of grace here, only for you, in Sakaar. 
You were wearing a golden wrap dress, opting for no underwear since there was truly only one thing you wanted from this night. The grandmaster was kind enough to grant you a whole night with the prince making him your precious champion and prize. 
You were a powerful rich woman, self-made, thrice a widow and you had been living close by to this planet for a while now, long before the destruction of Asgard. Yet you never had the pleasure to meet Thor before.
Thor is sitting on the bed, his arms and legs crossed looking at you. Somehow he looked much more handsome with the short hair and his eye patch, something raggedy, rough, and far more human. He was hard to resist and he was everything you ever wanted. 
“I’m all yours my lady.” He smiles softly and gestures for you to sit. You shake your head at his reaction and move closer to him. 
“Do you know what I want from you?”
“Oh, I know. I know very well.”
“Good. Very good. And would you do anything I ask of you?”
“Anything for you, my lady.” 
“Start with your armor. I wanna see you.” 
You look at him to just see how obedient he could be and you watch him as he carefully disposes of all of his clothes. Starting from the breastplate and going to the heavy pants and then he seemingly teases you as he is taking off his underwear. Your mouth hangs open at the sight of his cock. Enormous, girthy, and ever so veiny. You salivate at the thought and the sight as he sits back in the bed with a smirk on his face. Oh, he knew the effect he had on you, on any woman really. 
It almost made you wonder who was truly in control.
You place a finger in your hair, tied to a loose bun, and by pulling off a golden feather you set them free and loose, holding the feather. Then you bring it to his body, dragging it slowly from his inner thighs to his chest, and watch him as he breathes in and out at your actions. 
Thor looked so beautiful, all naked illuminated by the night lights coming in from the bedroom window. You move the feather across his cock, which is now getting twitchy for you, growing bigger and bigger. It makes your heart beat faster knowing you can tease him like that. 
After a few more minutes of teasing him with the feather, you set it aside and climb on the bed. You pull another feather that’s on your side, holding the golden fabric together, and allow him to watch your body bare and naked just for him. Your chest was covered in different golden scribblings, phrases, and mantras from the celestials and the ancient ones. 
“Is that..” Thor reaches out curiously with his hand but you only push it away. You settle on the other end of the bed with your legs open and he watches you with his mouth hanging open. He can’t figure out what you want. 
“Write.” You smirk. “Write what you can read on me.” Thor’s eyes open wide and he reaches for the papyrus by his bedside table, picking it up alongside the feather and ink. 
“Right here.” You gesture to him, to the area between your bare legs, and watch him as he obediently, lays on his stomach placing the papyrus very close to your pussy. With the end of the feather, he could touch your pussy, teasing you as well. 
He stares at your body and touches you with his fingertips when he needs to look at the different words and symbols. Every time he writes down the right sentence, you compliment him with a smile and a “good boy”. Thor is fascinated by you and that makes you feel incredibly happy. 
Your fingers are on his cheek softly caressing him as he scribbles looking at you with his beautiful blue eyes. He drags the top of the feather against your pussy lips with an innocent move as your pussy begins to wet. 
“You want help with that?” He asks, raising an eyebrow. 
“You seem like a very hungry boy.”
“Oh, I am.”
He puts the feather down and hands you the papyrus before placing his hands on your thighs and his tongue on your pussy. 
You are reading the content of the papyrus to him as his tongue works on you. He starts with the flat of his tongue dragging it up and down, tasting your sweet juices, followed by teasing your clit with the tip of your tongue, circling it around. 
You can’t help but moan between words, trying hard not to grab his hair and force-feed him your pussy. You are curious about what he likes to do and he is also curious about what you like. 
He continues though more forcefully dragging and working his tongue and his lips on your pussy, alternating between soft kisses too long licks. Then he adds a scissored finger, followed by another one, stretching you open. You drop the paper off your hands and grip his head while you start to move your pussy against his face. You couldn’t resist it anymore.
He smirks at your reaction and lets you ride his face however you like, pressing and pressing your pussy against his face, him holding you by your thighs wrapping his hands around them. 
“Thor, fuck me, please!” You plead out as your orgasm hits you, causing his beard to drench in your juices. 
Your body is trembling but you want more, so much more…
Thor lets go of your pussy sitting back against the bed frame and pulling you alongside him. Your legs on his legs, sitting in his embrace. It felt incredibly romantic given the circumstances and you knew that Thor wanted this as much as you did. He grabs your legs and brings them closer to him before gripping you on the hips.
You quickly realize what he wants to do, as he pushes his cockhead inside you and settles your legs on his shoulders. 
He already makes you feel so full. His hands move to your ass and he grabs it as he slowly moves his cock inside your pussy, looking down to watch as you easily swallow him in. 
“You ever gotten fucked by a fat cock before?” He asks you and his breath feels hot against your face. Your lean your body backward, shoving your breasts at his face as his cock is stretching you out, making it hard for you to reply. 
“With the way you moan, I know it’s been a while.” He chuckles and gradually sets a pace, that lets him move his cock further and further inside you until he hits your g-spot. It fills glorious like your tightness is swallowing his cock whole like his cock was meant to fuck you like that.
The position eased him very well, to look at you and fuck you deeply. Exactly how he always liked it. 
He continues, for as long as he likes, watching you moan and try to fuck yourself back to him whenever he stops for a break.
“Can’t seem to want to spend one moment unfucked?”
“Is…only one night…” You mewl, staring at him. 
“Then you need a break or several, trust me. I’ve seen girls break their backs before on my cock and is not funny. Imagine your body hurting so much you can no longer take me.” He raises an eyebrow, almost scolding you. “We wouldn’t want that to happen, do we?”
You pout at him, you were supposed to be in control but you know he is right. He carefully slips out his cock as he is kissing your neck and shoulders, easing your legs down and massaging your muscles. 
After a few more moments, he lays you down, turning you to your side and pulling you close to him, he kisses your face sweetly before seemingly getting up from the bed. You settle your weight on your hand as you watch him, stand close to the edge of the bed, and rub his cock a few times.
Then his attention returns to you, he moves his palm against your pussy and you rise up your legs to which he tells you no. “Keep 'em closed. I want you tight for me.”
Then Thor enters you again, pushing his cockhead against your pussy lips from the back, straddling your body.
You knew what Thor liked for sure. Deep ass penetration. That one thing was for sure. He does the same as before resting both of his hands on your body and pushing his cock inside you. 
The twisted angle from this position feels so good, it allows Thor’s cock to hit you deep and fill you up exactly how he likes. He goes slowly thrusting gently almost romantically until he is sure you have rested a little and then he sets a brutal pace.
Now the room is filled with the sound of slapping skin on skin, your wetness dripping on the sheets on the bed as he fucks you like he wants to own you. 
He grunts as he does so. You were keeping your legs so tightly together for him, giving a firm hold on his fat cock, almost struggling to keep your body up, glancing to look at his concentrated face, fucking your pussy like that.  
He is brutal and fast and rough and you can’t help but beg him to cum inside you, but he only laughs at you.
“You know I’m the god of fertility, right?” He stops his movements and slips his cock out of your hole grunting for the last time about the tightness. 
“Come here, open your mouth.” You obey, hopping around quickly like a bunny, hanging your mouth open and your tongue just for him.
And with a couple more strokes he shoots his load inside your mouth and it feels so warm and so good. Watching this specimen of men holding his fat cock with his huge arm, his eyes lightening up with his cum. What an image. 
When he pushes you back down on the bed and towers your body with his shoving his cock back to your pussy, you don’t protest, you only let him show you well and thoroughly that he can fuck a lady. 
That’s truly what you wanted anyway. And perhaps you make plans to keep the grandmaster happy with various gifts to potentially keep Thor as your own champion…
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For updates please follow @fluffyprettykittylibrary, you could even turn on post notifications, my inbox is always open!
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littlelioncub43 · 3 years
Thunder and Flowers
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Summary: You and Thor haven’t been able to spend some time together in so long. He misses you, you miss him. A cozy night in will fix all that ;)
Pairing: Chubby!Thor x female!Reader
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: Smut 18+ ONLY (MINORS DNI), spit kink (you’re welcome.), slight dom!reader, slight sub!Thor (YOU’RE WELCOME), unprotected sex (use protection people, seriously, please), vocal Thor, needy Thor, feral Thor, slightly chubby!Thor, one mention of “breeding” but not necessarily breeding kink. I think that’s all. 
A/N: Alright! I kept thinking about this and I just decided to make it a fic, because why not! We all deserve slightly sub!Thor content. I hope you like it! Please reblog, leave a cheeky little comment, let me know what you think, if you want more Thor content or whatnot. I love hearing from you guys! I love you all
It was going to be a quiet night in, movies, tea, a nice home cooked meal—the whole nine yards. Thor made sure to finish up any business he had so he could dedicate his entire evening to vegging out with you on the couch. He’d been busier than he liked in the recent weeks, new meetings or missions with the Avengers pulling him away from you more and more frequently. He knew you understood, and he was grateful that you didn’t mind spending some quality time with yourself for a while, but he missed you terribly. He missed sleeping over for more than 2 nights at a time, going grocery shopping with you, talking to you about the book he was reading—just being with you. The moment you got home, Thor was already putting the groceries he bought for your little date night away in your fridge.
“Hi, Flower,” he sung with his sweet smile, it never failed to make you grin back.
“Hey there, hot stuff,” you sung back, tossing your keys and bag aside as you kick your shoes off without another thought. Thor gives a chuckle at that, making his way over to you. You meet him half way, wrapping your arms around him with a deep sigh. His arms winding around your waist on instinct, his head tilting to rest against yours as his muscular arms squeeze you to him. He lets out his own deep sigh, basking in the sweet cherry blossom scent of your shampoo and the comfortable heat radiating from your body.
“I missed you,” he hears you mumble into his shoulder. His heart twists at the thought of leaving you so often.
“I missed you too, Flower,” he whispers and presses a sweet kiss to the top of your head before pulling you back to smile down at you. His heart soars when he sees you beaming up at him, he can’t fight the urge to kiss you, so he does. His lips press against yours for the first time in weeks, the softness of your lips has his mind reeling, his tongue searching for yours, a deep hunger craving the taste of you. You moan softly when his tongue fills your mouth passionately, swirling around your mouth, desperate for a taste. The little sound you let out goes straight to Thor’s cock, lust beginning to cloud his mind as his primal instincts take over. You reluctantly pull back to catch your breath, panting and gasping into his open mouth as you look up at him. He gives you a crooked smirk, loving knowing that he affects you as much as you do him.
“Go get cleaned up, Flower, I’ll start making dinner,” he whispers and presses one more kiss to your kiss bruised lips. You giggle and nod as you skip to your room on wobbly legs.
A hot shower and home cooked meal later, you and your Thunder God lay curled up on the couch, your back resting on the couch with Thor laying on his side, his head propped up on his elbow as he gazed down at you. He had been telling you about the happenings in Asgard, what funny trick Loki pulled on Sif, and what’s happened in the latest chapter of the book he was currently reading. You told him about the new project you picked up at work, the juicy work gossip about your coworker Sandra sleeping with one of the guys from IT that happened to be your boss’s ex boyfriend, and about the book you just finished while he played with your hair.
The next thing you know your mouth is being devoured by Thor’s as if he hadn’t just eaten dinner an hour earlier. Your hands slot through his hair slowly, relishing in the softness of the shorter strands that adorn his head. He lets out a rumbling growl when your nails scrape across his scalp, something that you know drives him wild. The playful giggle you let out has him grinning ear to ear and pulling you up into his lap as he sits up properly. You hear the distant rumble of thunder in the distance.
“Come here, little Flower,” he chuckles and reattaches his mouth to yours with a groan. Your soft body presses his into the couch, the teal silk robe he bought you for your birthday falling open as you straddle his ungodly thick thighs. Thor takes advantage of the exposed skin and immediately slides his large hands up your legs, grabbing a handful of your ass to pull you against the bulge in the front of his grey sweatpants. Your hips naturally grind down on him the moment you feel that familiar hardness against your core. It makes you shiver, a fluttering sigh leaving your lips. Thor groans, this one deeper in his throat when your pussy grinds on him. A bolt of lightning flashes across the sky followed by the low growls of the thunder. “Oh, Gods, Flower, I’ve missed this…”
“Me too,” you whisper against his lips, your mouth moving along his jaw sloppily, he always loved when you did, “missed riding you, baby.”  The undeniable shudder that shook his hulking frame made you smirk, you loved making him shiver and shake. You found that sweet spot near his ear that had Thor groaning in shaky tones, his hips rising to rut into yours, trying desperately to satisfy his needs. “You want me to ride you, Thor? Bounce on that fat cock, nice and hard until you cum?”
“Fuck, yes, ride me, Flower,” he nods and starts pulling off his clothes. Soon, he’s bare beneath you, your robe simply untied, you hadn’t bothered to put on anything underneath it. Thor’s hands are everywhere, pawing at your breasts, grabbing handfuls of your ass, kneading the supple flesh of your thighs, touching any and everything he possibly can while you continue to suck at his neck. You sneak a hand down his front, tracing over the muscles that rest underneath his tanned skin. He’d filled out a bit in the recent year and you were not complaining. His torso was still firm but less defined, giving him an inviting softness that made you want to snuggle against him forever. Your hand reaches its destination the moment you feel the throbbing length of his cock in your palm, a sharp inhale breaks from Thor’s mouth at the contact as another bolt of lightning crashes down. He was always so sensitive, so responsive, so vocal.
“Such a pretty cock, baby,” you whisper in his ear just how he liked, all breathy and mockingly sweet. “Is this all for me?” You ask and give his fat tip a loving pet, your thumb swiping away the beads of precum.
“Of course, it’s all for you, Flower, only for you,” he whispers back, his voice strained and hushed with pleasure, the small act having his eyes sliding shut. You kiss his temple sweetly and begin to stroke him at a teasingly slow pace, building him up.
“Such an angel,” you mutter mostly to yourself, his cheeks flushing even more at the compliment, his dick twitching happily in your palm. You giggle gently and speed up, jerking him off quicker and quicker. “Always so kind, so thoughtful…”
“Gods,” he curses under his breath, cock twitching uncontrollably as you shower him with praises. “Flower, please, need be inside you.”
His hand gripping your wrist to stop your hand from stroking him, his chest heaving with excitement. The moment your hand releases its grip, he’s once again devouring your mouth. You feel his fingers trailing along your inner thigh slowly before cupping your heat in one giant hand. He growls when he feels how soaked you are for him, swearing to himself he’ll spend the rest of the night worshipping this delicious heaven between your legs. Two thick, long fingers suddenly push into your entrance, your body stretching to accommodate his digits.
“T-Thor!” Your head tips back, your hands pulling at his hair as he begins to pump in and out of you slowly, letting your body adjust to the feeling of his fingers. He bites his lip when you clench down around his knuckles. Thor doesn’t know how he doesn’t blow his load right then and there, your tight pussy sucking his fingers deeper and deeper.
“You’re so tight, Flower, still don’t know how I fit inside this sweet cunt,” he growls as sucks a deep hickey into the column of your throat, “but I make it fit, don’t I, Sweetheart?”
You whimper in response when the pads of his fingers brush against that sweet spot deep inside you, your walls tightening even more, a fresh wave of arousal soaks his palm, making him groan happily. “That’s enough,” you say and push his hand away from your core, spreading gripping the base of his dick with your other hand and guiding him to your entrance.
“Wait, I didn’t stretch you o—Oh, Gods!!” He bellows as you sink down on him slowly. Deafening thunder shakes the earth, rain beating down steadily on your windows. His eyes squeeze shut as your tight walls wrap around his girth, pulsing wildly with your heartbeat, head falling back to rest on the back of the couch, his own chest heaving to try and calm himself down. You sigh a sweet moan into his ear, the delicious burn that comes with that first thrust leaves you dizzy and clawing into the meaty flesh of his shoulders. Your hips grind against his in nice slow movements, letting you both adjust to each other until Thor starts to push his hips up into yours.
“Fuck, Thor, so fuckin’ big, baby,” you nibble on his ear, pulling yourself up slowly to feel every ridge and vein of his cock drag along your most sensitive skin, and letting gravity pull you back down. The bounce knocks the air from your lungs in the sound of a throaty moan, your hands clinging to Thor’s neck and shoulders as you find a steady rhythm that has you both needy and feral.
“Y’feel so fucking good, Flower—oh fuck!” He grits through his teeth when your walls clamp down around him, the tightness almost unbearable, the fluttering of your cunt tempting him to blow his load right then and there, but by the Grace of Odin, he manages to hold himself back. Soon, he starts to meet you thrust for thrust, his resolve to hold back slowly slipping away with each of the intoxicating noises you make for him. The storm outside growing stronger and stronger as you ride him. You couldn’t believe that you could get him like this: the powerful God of Thunder, trembling and unable to control his power just because you were bouncing on his dick. The silky feeling of your supple skin rubbing against his has you both foggy headed, having been apart for so long, you almost forgot how good it felt to be intimate with him. Thor pulled you from your place on his shoulder to look up at you, his thrusts turning brutal as he speeds up, the salacious sound of skin slapping together fills your living room. Thor’s cool blue eyes burn as he stares up at you, entranced at the expression of pure ecstasy on your face. How he had gone more that a day without seeing you make this face, he has no clue.
A shaky hand slides across his skin and cups his jaw, tilting his head back even more to look directly up at you. Your other hand pushes through his hair, massaging his scalp sensually, a stark contrast to his vigorous thrusts. He feels your thumb pet at his parted lips, silently telling him what to do. He groans and opens his mouth even more for you, his tongue hanging out. You moan and glide your tongue along your teeth, collecting as much saliva as your grip on his jaw tightens. Leaning over him, you let a string of your spit fall from your mouths and on to his tongue slowly. The feeling of your spit in his mouth has Thor’s hips stuttering, a possessive growl vibrating in your chest proudly. A loud, high pitched moan flies from his chest as he swallows your saliva happily. Another bolt of lightning, this time closer.
A sweet smile splitting his face in half as soon as he’s finished. It was a sin to look so cute after swallowing your spit, yet here he was looking like an angel. “I love you so much, Flower.”
“I love you too,” you grinned back at him, a playful giggle bubbling from your lips as you began to move in perfect time with him. A calloused hand slips in between your thighs, finding your clit with ease. A violent jolt of pleasure shoots through you as he begins to furiously rub your sensitive clit in sloppy circles.
“Need y’to cum, Flower, please,” he gasps to you, his pace rushed and hard, trying his best to push you over the edge. You nod and press your lips to his, letting your tongue dominate his mouth with ease. The tension in your bones pulling tighter and tighter as he grunts into your mouth. A soft chant of his name leaving your swollen lips, you were going to kill him, he was certain of it. Thor muttered a soft “please,” and that was all it took.
You all but screamed as your orgasm tore through you, your thighs quivering around his as he worked you through it, whining at the tightness of your cunt around him. Nails bit into his scalp as you gushed around his length, your vision blurred white with pleasure as you claw at his skin. You hear the ringing in your ears fall away to be replaced with his animalistic grunts and growls as he chases his own high. Blinking your eyes a few times, you find that he’s wound his arms around your middle in a bear hug, holding you in place for him to ravage like a beast, his head tucked into the crook of your neck as he loses himself in your pussy. You hear his breathing stutter and his pace begin to falter, so you hold him just as tight, your mouth right at his ear so he can hear all the noises you make for him.
“So good, Thor, feels so fucking good,” he gasps and you have to fight from smirking, he was a God, he loved praise. “You’re such a good boy, m’so lucky to have you, baby, want you to cum, need to feel you cum inside me, please? Can you do that for me? Please, Thor, please,” You keened seductively. Thor never stood a chance.
A bellowing shout tore from your Asgardian God as the storm comes to a climax. His arms flexing around you so tightly it hurt, his primal instincts telling him to hold you down so he can breed you good. You feel his hot seed flooding your cunt in thick ropes, a nearly unending stream bursting from his cock. He shakes underneath you, his body rigid and taught as he spills into you for the first time in what feels like years. Thor’s lungs burn from holding his breath, a deep gulp of air making him feel even more lightheaded. Fluttering moans spill from his lips freely, his mind completely mush as he begins to relax, you both sag backwards into the couch, clinging to each other.
You groan with him, your head resting on his shoulder and listen to the sound of his heavy breathing mixing with yours. The storm outside still blowing but much more relaxed now that their God has relaxed. He sighs deeply and lets his eyes stay shut as he rubs your back soothingly. You hum softly and look up at him, a satisfied smile on your face. He peeks his eyes open and mirrors your lovely smile with his own boyish charm.
“Good, Flower?” He asks with a raised eyebrow, his voice huskier from all his shouting. You nod and kiss his chest, tasting the faint flavor of salty sweat on his skin.
“Very good,” you say with a wink. He hums and brings his lips to yours once more, the simple action already having him hardening again inside you. You shiver when you feel him coming to life again. He groans when you accidentally grind on him.
“Oh, Flower, I think I have to make up for lost time.”
Taglist: @slothspaghettiwrites​ @littlenymphie​ @tumblin-theworldaway​ @inlovewithsebstan​ @runawayolives​ @smokememories​ 
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vrittivsanghavi · 2 years
Hey Guys, this is the first time I am putting out a prompt list kind of thing. Lemme know how was it.
Prompt List
"We'll be alright, love"
"When will you actually start looking after yourself more?"
"In the end, it is him and you always!"
"Do you even love me at this point?!"
"Maybe it is better if we stay apart for a few months"
"I am sorry I won't be able to make to your tour"
"I am fucking exhausted"
"It is just a little bit of flu"
"Don't worry baby, I just have a fractured arm nothing intense for you to come back lovie"
"I am better when I am with you"
"I gotta kiss you before I leave"
"I noticed that you need this so I got it for you"
"I am scared at the thought of you leaving me one day"
"We lose track of time"
"Free for you, busy for others"
"Hey, my phone is half dead, wanna text on Google docs?"
"Babyyyy, I am jealous!"
"My biggest fear is someone better than me might see her the way I do"
"Did you take your medicines sweetheart?"
"You are sick, goddammit listen to me!"
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georgiaheartsdilfs · 3 years
→ sex scenes chris e x f!reader
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prompt ↪you and chris have been friends since captain america's first movie and have been dating for a year or two and you recently released a new movie, whilst in another country you and chris are doing an online interview with the same person but since you are not out to the public yet you have to pretend like you arent in the same room. "how was is filming the sex scenes with chris?" warnings/other notes ↪this is short and has mentions of sex Chris and I had been sitting around for a couple of hours before our interview, we have been able to keep our relationship a secret for almost two years but recently we've been sloppy. Since the release of our new movie we have been caught out eating a few times which I suppose doesn't suggest we are dating but it does suggest we are friends outside of work. We had gone to London for a press conference on our new movie 'Fate' which is about a man and woman who constantly keep meeting each other in the most random places and eventually realise that they are in love just from every encounter, every glimpse. "Why can't we tell everyone" Chris whined, he liked the idea of telling everyone but clearly I didn't given the hate comments and all the jealous fans. I wasn't quite ready "you don't need to read them i'll even block every bad comment about you" he smiled sweetly. I kiss his cheek "Chris you know I would but it's just scary, why does the whole world have to be invested in our relationship" I say checking the watch "oh shoot the interview is in ten minutes" I continue standing up as does Chris. "how do I look hunny" he asked and I chuckle "wipe your cheek I left a mark and you look handsome as always" I say as he blushes "i'll see you in the interview partner" he winks and I laugh walking off into the bedroom.
Chris had joined the interview call before me since I struggled to type in my password, I join a minute or two late laughing "sorry my fat fingers kept missing the last few letters of my password" I smile as Chris and the interviewer chuckled. "no worries, are we all ready?" the interview Kerry said, Chris and I both nod with a smile. "hello everyone welcome to the first ever virtual interview for the movie Fate, joined with me are the two stars Chris Evans and Y/n Y/l/n" Kerry said and Chris laughs and I start clapping "whoop whoop" I say making everyone laugh. "Let's just start of about how are you both, how are you feeling I know you're in London for the press conference" she smiles and I wait for Chris to say something. "oh its great you know we get to meet all these people, new faces but we still get to do it with our friends you know so we aren't alone in London yeah its fun" He says "Yeah" I agree with him. "If you both were to message Sebastian Stan who would he respond first to?" Kerry asked "oh definitely me" I say and Chris laughs "I was messaging him on the couch right before the interview" he says "yeah but sebastian loves me way more than you" I point at my camera "Why don't we test it" he says cocking an eyebrow. I grab my phone out of my pocket quickly typing in Sebastian's name before typing a message hey buddy, how are you? miss you x "I sent it" I smirk "that's unfair you literally spend all your time on your phone" Chris whines "oh not so confident now huh" I laugh. "Now I just want to get this questions out in the wind you know, what was it like filming the sex scenes. Obviously you guys are great friends, was it awkward?" Kerry says and Chris and I laugh, of course it wasn't weird given the amount it times we've done it but we couldn't say obviously. "Chris?" I ask as cheeks go red thinking about last night "Oh uh it's not awkward at all, I think we are in the part of the friendship where everything goes i guess" he says laughing "thats a part of a friendship?" I question him and we laugh. "HE MESSAGED ME" I yell sort of loud and it echos through to Chris's microphone and Chris goes read. I immediately cover my mouth in embarrassment "what did he say?" Kerry asks thankfully she didn't hear. "uh I said hey buddy, how are you? I miss you and then I added a little kiss because i always kiss him on the cheek" I say clearing my throat "and he responded, you beat him by a second i'm good just the same old how are you? and he added a yellow heart" I continue and Kerry claps "well that settles it. Chris laughs looking at his phone "he just messaged me back with, sorry buddy she beat you by a second love you both so much" he says and I laugh. "Sebastian loves me more that's why, I'm telling you" I chuckle, my phone went off and Chris had messaged me you were so loud 🥲 I respond with obviously, I love Sebastian why would I not be loud and Chris rolls his eyes. "Now relationship rumors, we need to get this one out too. We see that you two go everywhere together. Of course you guys could just be bestfriends but we just want to know are you both dating?" Kerry had asked and I go red. "Chris I am so in love you with" I say jokingly "you have it there folks, y/n is in love with me" Chris says pointing at his camera "and you're not?" I ask him "sure I am" he says. "is this official" Kerry says "nah i'm kidding, he's my best mate, always and forever". The interview ends and I let out a loud and frustrated sigh. My door swings open and Chris runs over picking me up "sex scenes" he says spinning me around "out of all words" i laugh as he slows down carrying me to our bed. "should we do a sex scene without the camera?" he asks "right now?" I ask "mhm" he nods "lets do it" I say. you can imagine the rest.
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Classic Scrapes {Chris Hemsworth x Actress!Reader Oneshot}
Requested by: @kajjaka Wordcount: 2231 Summary: After a pretty easy-going break up, you and Chris run into one another again. And of course, a pesky matchmaker is there, coming up with ideas.
From the outside perspective, your relationship with Chris Hemsworth might have seemed really damn good. Two of Hollywood’s elite, having met and fallen in love over the course of a movie that you weren’t even the stars of. You had both been in the Ghostbusters remake, where the main focus had been the four women playing the actual Ghostbusters, while Chris played a dorky himbo - yes, even he agreed with the term, and you just had a cameo in it. That’s all that it took. A week. And you were bound together by your hearts. He went on to do more Thor movies, his popularity rising. You went on to do a successful action trilogy of your own, kicking butt and taking names. The hot Hollywood couple taking the world by storm. Cute pictures taken the paps smeared all over the gossip magazines. Not a single sign of turmoil.
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You didn’t even fight. There were no big arguments that ended up in anger or in shameful tears. That was the odd part because usually the way things go is that those fights happen and then the break up.
But it didn’t end up that way for you and Chris. It actually ended up being on the verge of too mature rather than passionate. Your breaking up was more like something happening in court. Without the yelling and arguing of divorcing couples. It was just ‘this is the time that I have to offer’ and ‘this is what I can give in return.’ When it wasn’t good enough,  you both agreed that it was better to split up before things got more carried away. Before there was talks of marriage. Or children. Your schedules didn’t allow for such things. And with you both having budding careers, something that was so rare and only a few hundred people in all of America got to have that, people moving from all over the world to try their hand in it, well, you both decided what was more important.
The tabloids, for once, didn’t know what to say. The split was amicable. Neither of you went on to date for a while so they couldn’t even put out their ridiculous rumors. Neither of you said anything bad about one another. The only thing that either of you ever complained about was the heavy work schedules and how you just didn’t have enough time to be together the way that you felt like the other deserved. You didn’t work with one another for a while. He continued through Marvel and then some action flicks. You went the romance and comedy route. There were awards shows that you were both at, where there were more than a couple of eyes on the both of you when the other was mentioned, but you did truly support one another despite not talking. Claps whenever you were mentioned. Clapping whenever his name came up. It was working out well. Time would heal the inner wounds.
It had been two years since you saw him in person. You tried once more for a relationship with Tom Ellis. But he was going strong with Lucifer, and the same problem arose. And though this also ended on a more amicable note, you were starting to realize just how much you were missing out on by becoming a workaholic. Even your friendships were lacking, growing strong while filming with them but fading out once the project was over and you could no longer find the time to even call out and get lunch.
So you started to change your life. You took on a TV show rather than a movie because it felt more stable, you could stay in one place more often, you could keep up with friends that you made because you’d be seeing them day in and day out. It was a success as soon as the pilot aired. You signed on for at least three seasons. There was a break in between for your life when you caught up with friends and did the whole award season thing. You weren’t actively dating again. You didn’t feel ready to jump headfirst back into a relationship without knowing if it was going to work. You were growing up. It wasn’t about pretty boy faces anymore. You were even bringing your mother as your date to the Teen Choice Awards this year.
There was a lot of cheering as you walked the red carpet. You stopped to take some pictures with fans, the smile on your face absolutely genuine. You caught up with a couple of other A-Listers that you knew, chatting with Scarlett for a couple of minutes before the fans around you started to go absolutely nuts.
“Which Chris do you think that is?” Scarlett leaned in to whisper to you, making you laugh.
."With that sort of screaming, it’s either Evans or Hemsworth,” You speculated, having no problem letting your ex’s last name pass through your lips. You both turned to watch, seeing the black suit first. That didn’t give many clues. It was the height that did it though. Hemsworth was just that little bit taller. And you knew those shoulders well. “Hemsworth,” You confirmed.
“You alright?” Scarlett asked. You just brushed off her question with a laugh.
“I’m great. Maybe I’ll say a quick hello and then go and see where my mom got off too. I’m a little worried about her being unsupervised around Ryan Reynolds,” You joked, and excused yourself from the conversation to see Chris Hemsworth walking inside, the flashing photographers left by the door.
He seemed a little surprised to see you, but his grin was large. He opened up his arms for a hug which you returned. Surprisingly, there was no feeling of awkwardness there. It felt as if almost no time had passed at all. “Hello future winner,” You said with a smile. “Long time no see.”
“I don’t think you’ll be leaving without something of your own,” He said, stepping back to take a look at you in the dress that you had chosen. “You look - you look... incredible.”
“You don’t look so bad yourself,” You said, taking in the shorter hair. The bright blue eyes. The Thor like muscles. He had always been a very good looking man but time had been good to him. That and the new addition of the stubble. You quite liked that. “Well, I’d better go back to my date. I have no idea where they went though-”
“Oh, are you here with uhh - Tom, right?” Chris asked, nearly pulling you back into the conversation.
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“No, no, that ended months ago,” You shook your head. “I brought mom, actually. If you wanted to come and say hi. I’m sure that she’d love that. If your own date doesn’t mind.”
“Yeah, I’d love to,” Chris clapped his hands together. “I came stag, thought I’d have a night out with my friends.”
“Good idea,” You nodded. He asked you what you nominations you were up for, and you told him about your show, as you looked around for the familiar head of hair that was your mothers. As expected, you found her chatting up the Deadpool actor and his wife, Blake. You waved at her and caught her attention. She smiled and then turned back to Blake, only to do a double take. She patted Ryan on the arm, making you laugh, and she made her way towards where you and Chris were standing.
“Well, aren’t you looking well,” Your mother said, going in for a hug which Chris returned. Your mother had been more devastated than you had when you and Chris broke up. She had adored him from the start. But who didn’t?
“And so are you, y/m/n,” Chris said with a grin, picking the woman off of the ground. He was so tall, it was easy for him to do it. You started to laugh when one of your mom’s shoes fell on the ground and she sheepishly put it back on once she had both feet down. “Pleasure seeing you here!”
“I’ll leave you two to catch up, I’m going to need a cocktail,” You grinned. “I’ll find you in a few.”
It didn’t take very long for your mother to try to set you and Chris back up. But you weren’t actually that mad about it. You sat amused in your mother’s dining room, sipping at the after-dinner cup of tea that you were having while your mother was telling Chris about a recent trip that she had.
“Oh it was just gorgeous there, Chris, you gotta go and see it. I’ve been telling y/n that for weeks. You two should go together. It could be a real romantic place if you do it right.”
“The Grand Canyon is romantic?” You asked, holding your teacup with both hands, the comforting steam rolling out and over your face. “I’ve never heard it being called that before.”
“If you do it right,” Your mother said again. “Oh hold on a second, I think I hear my phone in the other room. I’ll be right back,” She busied herself by getting up, bringing some of the dishes with her into the kitchen.
“Her phone is still right there,” Chris whispered, poking at it with his elbow. You had to put your cup down and hold your laughter inside. Oh, that woman never changed. “So - grand canyon?”
“Do you really want to go?” You asked him.
“Why not, I hear it can be romantic,” He said, that lazy but charming smile taking over his features.
“A big crack in the ground made by centuries of erosion is somehow romantic? Boy, I wonder what you think when you see things like Mount Everest. You gonna start bringing girls to all the natural wonders?”
“Mount Everest is nice, but I’d say that the Northern Lights are the most romantic, if we’re going with natural wonders. But I know you don’t like the cold. Arizona’s hot, isn’t it?”
You made a face, scrunching your nose when he brought up that you didn’t like the cold - which was fair enough, you really didn’t, but that he had remembered it at all. “Yeah, it’s pretty hot there.”
“So I should pack shorts for when we go?”
“For the grand canyon? Probably. Though I don’t understand why it would be such an exciting place to visit.Maybe if you flew over it and were able to get a real look at how big it is. But just standing and looking into a fissure? Sounds a little boring.”
“Alright, how about this,” He leaned forward, elbows on the table - such bad manners. “If we go and you have fun, then maybe... maybe you get to be my slave for a day.”
“Your slave?” You asked, raising an eyebrow. “Are you determined to make sure I don’t have a good time?”
“I think you’d enjoy it,” He said, a smirk now taking over his lips. “Like the good old days?” He was leaning in closer of the table, his large frame taking up a large amount of space in the room. He was so close. You lifted the tea cup again. At least you could hide your face behind it. Hide the fact that you were warming up to the idea.
“And if I do remain miserable? Does that mean that you have to be my slave for a day?” You questioned, an eyebrow cocked at him. Despite the heat, you kept up eye contact. Damn those blue eyes and the weakness that you had for them in particular.
“That would only be fair,” He grinned. His accent was coming out the more comfortable that he felt. That Australian twang. The one that he used to whisper sweet things to you in. And dirty things. Oh, all of those dirty things.
“How about next weekend?”
“We can rent a trailer and drive there together. I’ve got a bit of a break, what about you?”
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“Yeah, I’ve got a month to myself, I was going to spend it with mom but-”
“Oh, don’t worry about me, I’ve got plenty to keep me busy,” Your mother called out from the kitchen, clearly eavesdropping. You and Chris both burst out in laughter, tears actually coming to your eyes. “I told you it could be romantic!” She continued, making you nearly snort.
“Alright, alright, let’s hit up the grand canyon,” You finally agreed, your ankle catching Chris’s under the table, linking it with yours so that you were connected, the way you always did at restaurants. Things felt - natural this way, like the past few years hadn’t passed. “But prepare to be my slave because I’m telling you, it’s going to be boring and I’m going to say I told you so the whole time.”
“Are you going to ask me to do that thing that you like?” He asked, that smirk resting back on his face. “The thing with my tongue and the-”
“Oh my god, don’t give my mom any more fuel,” You said, lunging forward and putting your hand over his mouth. But it was decided. You and Chris still had that chemistry, no doubt about that. Enough to fill the Grand Canyon, more than likely, which you were soon going to find out.
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