#classic trope
bugsbenefit · 1 year
casually rewatching the Hunger Games because you know how it is
but then the parallels slap you in the face and the serious moments get way too funny
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spoiler: she does in fact not love him. romantically at least
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tieronecrush · 1 year
had an idea of javier x glitch by taylor…….the situationship that is going to occur in this………….
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allright · 2 years
came back wrong trope but the character knows that they came back wrong. they’re so acutely aware of how different they are now from how they were before that it drives them fucking insane. they’re stuck trying to return to somebody that’s long dead. they can never be the person they once were. everybody around them knows it. deep down, they know it too, but they’re trapped in a cycle of their own making. of trying to revive someone that no longer exists.
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becomingvecna · 8 months
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choccy-milky · 2 months
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🖤 his light 🤍
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cepheusgalaxy · 3 months
Classic: character compulsively washing their hands trying to get rid of blood stains that nobody but them can see, after having had to kill someone or watching someonde die in their arms, but the stains won't go away.
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feline-evil · 1 year
I love the universal concept of Big Worm In The Desert; if youare making ANYTHING set in a fictional desert it is seemingly IMPERATIVE you put a worm of considerable size in there. Be it friend or foe, simply large or absolutely ginormous, all that's important is it is a Big Worm or Wormlike-Being In The Desert
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adastra121 · 6 months
You know what. I’m gonna ramble about the Touchstarved LIs favourite places to kiss (based on the polls from @cacaobean760) — the most popular results — because I have thoughts!
Leander’s is the hands, because. He likes to be the special person, the only one who can actually touch MC’s hands without being affected, kissing them on the hand is a possessive thing. But also, even without the curse, he strikes me as someone who likes to kiss people on the hand in that classic romantic, gentlemanly fashion. He’s a performer, of course he’d go for that classic romantic gesture, raising your hand to his lips and kissing the knuckles. Kissing the inside of your wrist, your pulse point, he likes the amount of trust you place in him. And apparently he’s ticklish, so. Tickling under his jaw, he laughs and then he holds your hand there, and kisses your palm.
Ais likes the forehead or anywhere on the head, because he likes your mind the most, having lived in the Groupmind for so long, I don’t think he wants you to lose it and everything that makes you you. He strikes me as someone who really likes people’s minds, judging from the way he likes to listen to Kuras ramble about alchemy, judging from the questions he asks MC in the demo. He just seems the type to be genuinely curious and interested in what’s going on in your head. Kissing you on the forehead or temple whenever you’re lost in thought in those comfortable, quiet moments with him just to bring you back like: “Where’d you fly off to just now, sparrow?” Also he’s tall, so he can reach your forehead more easily.
Vere likes the intimacy, sensuality and power behind neck kisses. He likes the warmth, how your scent is stronger there. He likes how he can hear and feel your pulse under his lips. Gently tracing his sharp teeth along your pulse point, your carotid artery. With just enough pressure to make you hyper aware of his every movement. It would just take one bite. One quick slice of his fang, a spray of red and you’d bleed out in his arms. He thinks you’d taste heavenly. It doesn’t mean that he wants to kill you, he just likes that he can, he likes the amount of power he has over you — and maybe that you trusted him enough to give that to him.
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notabeanie · 9 months
"I'm being followed Curio. I'm being followed by heaven knows who," is the first thing Imelda Pulse says to Hunch Curio in her introductory scene in episode one of Mentopolis. The first thing. Impulse. Being followed. Following your impulses. I've been sleeping for two weeks and I've just sat bolt upright sweating. All the powerful parts of the brain, all the logic and ambition and avarice. They have goals. They have plans. And yet at the end of the day what are they stuck doing? Helplessly following impulse and trying and failing to control her.
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Joseph Edward Southall (English, 1861-1944) Sigismonda Drinking The Poison, 1897 Birmingham Museums Trust
The subject of this painting comes from "Sigismonda and Guiscardo". In this tale Tancred, King of Salerno, kills his daughter's lover and sends her his heart in a golden goblet. She kisses the heart, fills the cup with poison, drinks, and dies.
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callmefirefly · 7 months
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Okay you know that classic: person went to bed and while they were asleep they became a giant and they thought the whole thing was a dream but it keeps happening every night and their are news reports about it?
Imagine that this happens to our main character. When they go to sleep, a giant version of themself spawns in near a city. They think it’s just a dream, but they aren’t the type to just wreck things. So they just walk around the city, carefully stepping around cars and stuff. They see people running away and they think that it makes sense, they are a giant. Although they kinda wish they could interact with someone without diving for them or aggressively grabbing them. They eventually notice someone frozen in fear and they think the dream has answered their call. They lower themselves down and gently scoop the terrified person up. Remarking how cute the person is and that they aren’t going to harm them. They give ‘em a gentle kiss or gently rub the person’s head before putting them down.
They then wake up and think about how the dream was nice. Despite everyone running away, they still got to hold someone. They go on about their morning routine, until they see the news about a giant roaming a city. Spitting out their coffee they watch the clips of themself walking around the city. The news doesn’t know if the giant is friendly or not but says that law enforcement is ready if the giant returns. Our giant has no clue what to think or do in that moment and just awkwardly goes to work, where everyone is obviously chatting about it. Especially about the interaction between the giant and the one person who got snatched by them, but was let go. Our giant joins in and says that maybe the giant is friendly and just wants friends or something. To which most say maybe or perhaps that’s just how the giant plans to trick them.
Later on they go to get lunch or something, and they are so happy that their giant form looks different from them, even just slightly, as no one has put two and two together. While at lunch someone walks in with a crowd of people asking them questions, they look embarrassed and our giant realizes that this person was the person they picked up last night and that they are being hounded for questions. Luckily the store owner kicks out everyone bugging the person because they are too loud and he doesn’t like the news people for whatever reason. They thank the owner and sit down nearby our giant who is feeling very embarrassed right now. They ask what’s bothering the person and they just sigh and explain that ever since they froze last night and got scooped by a giant, people haven’t stopped bugging them about it. People wanting to know their thoughts, what it felt like, how’s they feel, and so many more questions. The giant just nods and says that they did get a unique experience and the giant probably did too, before chuckling. The person smiles and starts asking the giant questions. Eventually a bond is made before they have to leave to get back to work.
That night the giant wonders if they’ll become a giant again and what the law enforcements will do to them. They told themself before falling asleep to be careful again, just in case and to be a gentle giant.
Who knows what happens next. Perhaps they keep becoming a giant every night and interact with people who slowly want to meet with them. Maybe the person they first picked up comes back and they bond even more, to the point they share their secret with them. Maybe every night they are put near a new place to explore. There are endless possibilities for it and I find that super cool tbh. To be a giant while asleep and a person while awake, and no one can stop or capture you cause you “de-spawn” when you wake up. It’s perfect…until they find out your secret that is.
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averagegtenjoyer · 6 months
I love that trope where the giant gets tied down like in Gulliver’s Travels. Whether its one tiny or a hundred tinies tying down the giant, whether the giant is afraid or confident, fearplay or not, it always HITS
Giant that gets tied down by the monster-slayer (who’s never killed a humanoid monster before) and looks so sad and eepy that they just cant bring themself to do it, and lets them go.
Giant who pretends to be caught and completely submits to the tinies because its amusing, only to break out and cause havoc moments after the tinies think they’ve won.
Giant who gets tied down and ask if the tinies really, truly think this is going to hold them?
Humans who get tied to the kitchen floor by a group of borrowers (whom they did not know existed) who are tired of them stomping around in the early morning hours all the time.
Giant who tries to be scary and cocky but actually these ropes are very tight and… they cant break out for the life of them, making their threats meaningless.
Giant who gets tied down and keeps trying to tell the tinies they’re not a bad giant, promise! The tinies do not believe this despite the sincerity of the claim. Shocker
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choccy-milky · 1 month
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modern AU seb and clora's first interaction 📘📗 (and by modern AU i actually mean super trope-filled high school romance set in the 80's/90's LOL)
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bylertruther · 1 year
personally, i think they should've included a scene in s4 where argyle is at the wheel and does a crazy turn that makes will fall into mike's lap or something and they're both like "😰😳🫣😵‍💫🏳️‍🌈⁉️‼️ sORRysorrysorry that was an accident i didn't mean to do tht oh sorry i um . =>.<= ahem. wow.... look at all tht cool dirt outside haha >_> ... .. . ." will is messing with the sleeves of his shirt and staring resolutely out the window like his face isn't on fire rn and mike is staring down at his arm where will fell on him and putting his hand over it with that breathless look on his face and jonathan is up front trying his best to pretend like he didn't just witness a category 5 lgbt event amen 🙏
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marrissacooper · 1 year
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I’m not going to even ask what this is.
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