#clearly my og coat man
I think I know where my big coat kink originated….
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Yep yep. Definitely.
Neither of these gifs are mine.
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ddejavvu · 8 months
eddie brock is the og loser boyfriend and i can’t stop thinking about venom just like completely bullying him when he’s in a relationship like his partner is like this drop dead gorgeous person and eddie wears the same sweaty jacket all the time and eats frozen tater tots haha
"There are crumbs on your shirt." Venom observes, and when Eddie nods with a noncommittal grunt, he continues, "And it is not a shirt. It is a sweatshirt. A sweaty sweatshirt, Eddie. And you wore it yesterday."
"That I did," Eddie crams another handful of chips into his mouth, salted and straight from the bag. His attention remains solely on the television in front of him, and Venom's goopy form shakes its head.
"Y/N is coming over later." He reminds the human, watching with disdain as Eddie chokes slightly on his mouthful because of the way he's slouched in his seat. He swallows regardless, and when he speaks, his voice is gruff from the irritation in his throat.
"Yeah, she'll be here in a few minutes," Eddie nods, "Hey, do you think they fake this show? The drama, and all."
Venom has no interest in whether the trashy reality show that Eddie is so enraptured by is fake or not. He cares that you'll be here any minute now, and Eddie looks like a corpse that's been rotting for a few days.
When the doorbell rings, Eddie moves to get up. Crumbs begin raining onto the carpet and he groans as his lazy joints ache, so Venom shoves him back into place with a strong tentacle and uses another to stretch and open the door for you.
You're clearly expecting a person on the other side, but you're quick to recognize the tentacle you're met with instead. It wraps greedily around your waist and you place your hand over its sticky form, grinning as you're barely able to shut the door behind you before Venom yanks you over to the couch.
"Hi, baby," Eddie greets, tipping his head onto the back of the sofa to grin upside-down at you, "How are you?"
"Good," You lean down to kiss him upside down, and Venom is appalled that you're willing to put your lips on Eddie's crumb-coated ones.
"Sour cream and onion?" You guess, and you're rewarded with the near-empty bag of them that Eddie had been demolishing.
You settle happily onto the couch by Eddie's side with the chips in your hand, and when Venom begins to let go of you you hold his tentacle in place. The symbiote watches you silently for a moment, observing your behavior and thinking a whole host of unsavory thoughts about humans and their disgusting tendencies.
"I do not understand," Venom interrupts your gushy sentiments with Eddie about how terrible the acting is on so-called 'reality' shows, "Eddie is disgusting."
The man's nose wrinkles and you let out a scoff of a laugh.
"Thank you, Venom. That's very kind of you. Did you forget you're made of slime?"
"Slime does not sweat. And I do not have crumbs stuck all over me."
"Venom, being in a relationship with someone means that you need to be comfortable with them. We don't have to dress up all the time, Y/N knows what I look like in pajamas and I've seen her hair unbrushed in the morning."
Venom, too, recalls the rather impressive tangled mess of hair that you sport after a night of deep sleep.
"You do not mind that he smells?" Venom turns to you, his milky-white eyes blinking with a squelch.
"He's smelled worse," You give a half-shrug, only one of your shoulders moving as you squirm closer to Eddie beneath the blanket he's draped over you.
"You're both too good to me," Eddie grins, batting his lashes sarcastically, "Careful not to flatter me too much, don't want my head to get too big to fit in my helmet."
Venom regards Eddie for a moment, then thinks of the motorcycle helmet the man breathes into every day. It's repulsive.
"Your head is already abnormally large," Venom observes, settling into Eddie's shoulder opposite from you, "I will keep insulting you so that it does not get bigger. You are repulsive."
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levi-supreme · 2 months
Birthday morning
Characters: Diluc x gender neutral!reader
Genre: None (modern and canon works fine)
Warnings: SFW, fluff, established relationship (Diluc and reader are married)
A/N: Happy birthday to my OG genshin husband <333 finally writing for genshin after playing this game for 4 freaking years LOL I am finally doing it!!! I hope you all like it as I slowly get back to the writing grind too <3
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As the earth slowly woke up to the warm rays of the sun, the light shown through the windows, gently illuminating the bedroom and caressing the features of the man stirring beside you. 
You watched his chest rise and fall slowly, you felt the hot air escape from his lips as he breathed. You gazed at his sleeping form, wondering what he was dreaming of, and if you were in it. You raised your hand and stroked away an unruly strand of flaming red hair about to tickle his eyelashes, and you continued watching him, wondering how lucky you were to have him beside you like this. 
“For how long were you going to watch me?” a smooth velvet voice rumbled and you jumped in shock, not expecting him to wake up so soon, and clearly not expecting him to be aware of your stares. You didn’t know how long you had been staring at him too. Diluc let out a chuckle and snuggled deeper into the pillow, lacing an arm lazily across your waist to pull you closer. 
“For how long were you awake?” you teased in return, smiling as you saw the corners of his lips twitch ever so slightly. You let out a warm breath and snuggled closer to him, placing your palm on his chest to feel his steady heartbeat. 
“From the moment I felt you moving beside me.” your husband opened an eye slightly to look at you before placing a soft kiss on the tip of your nose. “It’s still early, sleep a little more.” it was indeed a lazy and slow morning, and as much as you wanted to continue lazing in bed with him, you knew you had to get up. 
“Can’t do that, love, I have to start preparing your birthday feast,” you smiled and kissed his cheek, “you can sleep a little more though, you had a late night yesterday.” Pushing yourself up, you interlocked your fingers and stretched a little. Your husband lazily grabbed your wrist and pulled you back into his embrace.
“Stay in bed with me a little longer,” he nuzzled against your neck, his ruby eyes staring deep into yours. “I can’t sleep well without you.” you looked at his sleepy face and bit your lip, hiding the urge to giggle. 
“Fine,” you relented, “but just five minutes, okay? There’s lots to do. I have to marinate the meat and prepare the drinks,” you turned away from him and faced the ceiling, mentally ticking off all the errands you had to do, “oh, I also have to pick up your birthday flowers. I have to pick up your coat, and I also have to meet Kaeya to take”—
—he decided to keep you quiet. 
“Shhh, you’re too noisy,” Diluc muttered against your lips, giving you another kiss before you could retort. “Just forget about the celebration for a while and stay here with me.” 
“Fine, fine, birthday boy.” you laughed and felt your husband pull you snugly against his chest once more. You remained in his embrace, counting the light freckles across his pretty face. “You’re lucky I love you.” 
“You wouldn’t have married me if you didn’t love me.” 
You had a cheeky response at the tip of your tongue, but you held those words back once you saw Diluc going back to sleep with a smile. You decided you weren’t going to tease him today, especially since it was his birthday. Kissing him softly on the lips, you whispered, “I love you, Diluc,” before slowly wiggling out of his embrace and quietly pushing yourself off the bed to get your day started. 
“I love you, more…” a faint reply came as you saw your husband shifting around, finally hugging your pillow tightly before letting out a satisfied sigh. You kissed him on the forehead before leaving the bedroom, thinking to yourself that you were indeed the luckiest person alive to be married to him.
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crow-aeris · 1 month
The og post here :3
i just wanted to expand on this world a bit (and also cos im tired and need an excuse to procrastinate both my schoolwork AND my other fics 😙)
Also, if enough ppl show interest, I’ll probably continue this au/world/verse/thing
Bruce never wanted kids- never. It's not because he hated kids or something like that- it was the complete opposite, he loved kids. Every time he goes out on the street, every time he dons that cowl and cape, every time he streaks through the air with vengeance screeching in his soul, Bruce does it for the children.
He loves children, and he wants ones of his own. He wants to hear their gleeful smiles, their bubbly laughter as little feet pitter down the halls of the open manor. He was to see their bright round eyes blink up at him with soul-searing love that he'd return without a single beat of hesitation. He wants to cradle their little face in his palms, sing them gentle lullabies and read them little story books to help them sleep.
But... He can't have that. Batman can't have that- Bruce can't have that.
This crusade- his crusade- against crime... he can't involve a child. Even if it shreds his heart apart and leaves this ever-growing monster of loneliness and isolation clawing and tearing at his chest... he won't ever involve a child in his messy coping mechanism.
So, rather than settling down like the board members (and Alfred) wish for him to do and make heirs to Wayne Enterprises, Bruce continues to go out every night, waging his war on crime. He was content to do so too, but… But it seems like the universe had other plans for him.
Bruce watched in quiet horror, Alfred tensing beside him as the Flying Grasons fell. Their son freezes, watching as dark crimson spills across the ground, the sound of bones snapping was lost in the cacophony of screams, the piercing and wailing faded to the background as Bruce shoved to his feet, hiis limbs moving without Bruce’s prompting as he surged forward, shrugging off his coat and draped it across the boy’s- Richard’s- shoulders as Alfred hurriedly called the police.
The boy jolted, turning his bright, watery, sapphire eyes onto Bruce- filled with uncertainty and anguish… Bruce was reminded of his that fateful night on their way to the theater, the sound of pearls clacking against the concrete pavement, echoed by the sound of gunshots, screaming, and red-red-red.
Sympathy seized Bruce’s throat like a vicious creature, and Bruce could barely shove away the need to gather Richard into his arms and sweep him away.
But, after Alfred’s pointed glare, Bruce reluctantly tries to hand the boy over… only for him to wail, clinging to Bruce’s shirt with fearful and wild eyes.
“Don’t- PLEASE!” Richard screams, writhing in the cop’s hold, “LET GO OF ME!”
Bruce was instantly at his son the boy’s side, prying the man’s hands from Richard’s shoulder with a narrowed eye glare so uncharacteristic of “Brucie” Wayne.
“We have to question the kid,” the cop tried to reach for the boy once again, but Bruce neatly twists away to keep Richard away from the man.
Bruce huffs, glaring at the man from the corner of his eyes, “You can do that later! He is very clearly distressed, young man, and I will not have you upsetting him any further!”
Without another word, Bruce turns away and headed toward Gordan with the eight-year-old balanced against his hips.
Bruce welcomes Richard- Dick- into the manor after a few weeks of battling with Gotham’s horrid foster system. The boy had a pale pelt clutched between his hands alongside the heavy coat Bruce had given him on that dreadful night.
“Do- do you want it back?” Dick had asked, his hands tightened around the coat before brandishing the garment with shaking, trembling hands.
He falters, swallowing thickly before gently pushing the coat back into the kid’s arms, “It’s okay, chum. I was just curious. You can keep it, okay? I don’t mind.”
“Are you sure?” the boy had asked.
“Of course I’m sure.”
Bruce smiles, slowly and gently stroking a hand through the boy’s thick hair.
Maybe… maybe having children wasn’t a bad idea?
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quetzlepretzel · 11 months
Videos Games #1, 7/30-8/5
I've always wanted a place to blab about whatever random game I'm playing. Livetweeting didn't work out, but maybe something like this will? If you don't want to see these posts, please block/filter the tag: #quetzlegaming
Games from this week: Pokemon Polished Crystal, Fool's Gold, Infinite Fusion. Palia MMO, and House Flipper (I fucking LOVE Johto)
Pokemon Polished Crystal
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I've got two badges and I just hit Goldenrod! Been loving all the upgrades this hack added to the main game: most HGSS stuff like Lyra, Proton, etc, mild "alt colors" for pokemon based on their DVs (you can see it most clearly in my slightly green Furret there), expanded route maps and hidden grottos... Oh there's in game wonder trade too! That's how I got Skarmory and Clefairy. The last egg there is the Odd Egg, still wondering what 'mon I'm gonna get from it. Pokemon Fool's Gold
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Wild looking, ain't it? Fool's Gold is a bit like... if every pokemon in Johto was a "regional form", including its OG cast. From left to right, that's Pidgeotto, Jolteon, Wartortle, Quilava, Corsola, and Houndoom. (Pidgeotto and Quilava are shiny, too.) (Yes I'm playing with the built in shiny code active). They're a pretty great team, have carried me through six badges. 🥰 Literally every pokemon is different, and I've loved playing through the game and seeing familiar faces with a fresh coat of pixels. Pokemon Infinite Fusion
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I went with a bit of a theme, obviously. Can you guess it? Can you guess all my favorite pokemons just from looking at one image? Jokes aside, I kind of loved how this team turned out in the end. Two witches and their familiars uwu. I played on the most chaotic randomizer settings, and I lucked out with it being generous with the eeveelutions. I beat IF this week, clearing Mt. Silver on Thursday. I know there's still some postgame stuff to do and I may get back to it eventually, but I think I'm ready to shelve the game for now. Some of the route design got hecka frustrating by the end. Man, I love Johto. Palia MMO
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I got in on the open beta this week! Just finished building my starter home last night. Really love the art style and environment design in this one, and goooosh the townsfolk are so cute. I already want to marry Jel. It's really scratching that farmer game itch, and I'm sure once they implement more minigames and areas to explore, I'm gonna get totally obsessed. Hopefully they'll have controller config set up for PC by full release, cuz my wrists are BEGGING me to play less KB+M games. Speaking of... House Flipper No pics for this one. I'm still in the early stages of the game where I only fix homes, not buy and flip 'em for sale, so I ain't got shit to show off. But GOSH it's like if they took AC's happy home paradise, mashed it with powerwash sim, and made a game *just* for me. It's so cathartic- at least when I'm not yelling at my customers for making TERRIBLE decisions that strip away any and all character in the home (yes, I'm complaining about the Michael B. job, you're a MONSTER sir/ma'am/they'm). Looking forward to making my first barbie dreamhouse at a later date.
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cwarscars · 2 years
*taps mic* hi hello good night! I'm here to talk about Magnar Valerio Heidegger because of course that is his canon name and I don't care what SE has to say about it. :) No, but really - I know I've said this in the past but Heid is an emotional muse for me and I'll do this again.
I don't think I was prepared for how much you made me care for him - it's fair that the remake made him more than a lil pixel in a green coat and thick beard, but I had no feelings or thoughts for Heid until I met you. I remember being a weird choice of a muse - Reeve and Scarlet (even Hojo with the yucky factor) were such popular directors, why would someone pick Heidegger?
All I can say is that I'm glad you did it because HOLY FUCK. I remember reading through this incredibly long and detailed bio and just... Fully seeing Heidegger as a fully-fleshed character. The abuse at the hands of the father he failed to recognize as such; the intense pressure to succeed and to please him nonetheless; the marriage that ended in heartbreak with two daughters he didn't spend nearly enough time with; the worship of Shinra Sr.; his views on world politics and how he so clearly sees himself as a man with the guts to do what needs to be done to achieve results.
With your writing, I just went from someone who largely ignored him to someone who frankly adores the character. There is just so MUCH room for growth, complicated themes to work with and you just turned him into this layered, complex asshole I love? That Melissa would definitely marry no matter the verse? I just cannot get enough of how much history you've given him, how plausible it all sounds and the fact that you write a villain we can relate/understand his reasoning without ever woobifying him.
You are THE Heidegger writer to me and I'm forever amazed and wowed by your headcanons and super well detailed posts. It all tracks to the OG or the remake in some way and it's just so good I forget it's not canon. Or fuck that - you're better than canon. PLUS Heidegger gave me you and 3 years later (3 years??? omg) we're here and having fun and I will never not love the husbando for it.
You're amazing and your Heidegger is a work of art. *mic drop*
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hey…how’s my portrayal? ♡
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i legit saw the start of this and thought 'ooohhhh, a nice tasty lil ask for heidegger & mel to have sexy times in' AND THEN I KEPT READING AND I WAS LIKE 'WAIT A SECOND'. you know something, i'm not much of an emotional bear - i think we both know this because i have n e r v e s of s t e e l but...this got my eyes damp? like, what the hell???
i feel emotional reading this, it's like how i mentioned to light; it feels good to have been given the platform and supported by you guys in writing heid. like, i feel as though these headcanons and storylines and stuff come out because of you guys. i sometimes feel so embarrassed by my love of this guy because he isn't cloud or sephiroth or even one of the lesser but still popular characters (ala rufus or tseng). like, who the hell would like heidegger? haha. well, me apparently :P
but it feels great because i get this support and this validation by people like yourself. you just DIVEBOMB into my inbox with this absolute love letter of goodness and it honestly has me feeling so warm and fuzzy. ive been so down these last few weeks just due to various bits and pieces and you know, when you reach a stage where you can't even cry* because you feel so shit? well, now i'm sat here with lil happy tears beading in the corners of my eyes - like, bruh- you did that, i love you for it.
of course - i can't just fawn on how much i love you and how sweet you are, mari. because our friendship is special and i'm so forever grateful to have started to write with you that one day and i'm so glad that everything from there has happened and we've always stayed in touch but like -
melissa. you KNOW i wouldn't have half the characterisation of heid if it wasn't for her. that initial meeting - the INITIAL plots we had with the blackmail and stuff before these two coconuts fell in love. their son and retirement to costa del sol. remember the bitchy neighbour that mel HATED? edlyn and dwayna befriending mel and mel restoring their relationship with their father? all of the smut and all of the wonderful things we've written together? mari, you're such a special writing partner to have. you're one in a million. your girl is the best and i (and my lil collection of men) will forever love her. i don't even need to tell you how much i adore your writing because you know i could read a novel of your works. please write mel into a book, i NEED
my final thing i wanna say is just -
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suns out, guns out - i love them and i love you ♡♡♡♡
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vulpiximisa · 4 months
Posting a proper review now that I’ve rewatched both parts because watching them with the gap in between didn’t stick.
So is this what it’s like to never watch Naruto and jump straight to Boruto, because that’s what I’m doing here lol Clearly I’m here because of my Ucchi/Ayu bias and I know nothing about NanaTai beforehand, so everything I know is from watching these two part movie/OVAs.
Here we go, Seven Deadly Sins: Grudge of Edinburgh
Anyway, I was really hoping to like Tristan. His design is everything to me, with his long hair and long eyelashes, his shorts and thigh high boots combination and his little tail coat. I don’t know anything about him, so seeing that this version of him only exists in this movie has piqued my interest, I’m definitely willing to start the Four Knight of the Apocalypse eventually. 
Unfortunately I don’t think I was too big on what we were given from the movie. I mean right off the bat he sounds too OP, given that he has both Goddess and Demon blood in him and they’re both present and usable. (Like saying Maka Albarn has Weapon and Meister blood in her. Sounds fake and something a 10 year old would write.) 
I prefer the parts where he’s a kind boy and afraid of his demon blood from coming out lest he hurt someone again. But then there’s the parts where he’s pretty generic shounen, jumping into situations without thinking and hoping to put on a brave hero front. (We have to do the right thing, save people, punish the bad guy.) I don’t actually know if this OVA/movie is written by the actual author/mangaka and I don’t know if he’s any different later when he shows up in 4KoA a bit older. 
Maybe it was just the writing of the movies, or the humor of the series just never really hit with me (either it’s too shounen comedy or its just too anime) or the fact that it was CG and not 2D animation that some scenes just felt like “okay, this is happening I guess”. (The scene of Tristan jumping off his horse trying to make a grand appearance and almost landing on his face. The  fact that he announces that he almost fell on his face instead of just thinking it?)
The first half of the movie really felt like we were going on Tristan’s journey of growth but the second half of the movie felt like it became the Lancelot show. Which, I don’t think is bad because Lancelot is fun but feels just as OP, if not even more OP than Tristan. (Having blood of both his parents and being able to use it. [TBF I don’t know what Ban’s abilities are, but I guess he’s strong and I don’t know if Lancelot inherited that or not] Being able to “tame” Tristan’s demon blood in a fight. Smart and calculative but also strong enough to wield two weapons.) The movie ends with Lance walk cycle, and I guess this would be a lead in to 4KoA since I think I know he’s in the main cast so far.
I don’t know anything about the original 7 Deadly Sins (if that’s what they even call themselves, I guess??), but seeing them take on the bunch of Empties could have been cool to me if I did watch the original series. I think I would have liked what Melodias and Ban had, if their few interactions in the movie was accurate to what they were like in-series. Also I also really like Elizabeth and Diane. I don’t think they’re doing anything groundbreaking, but I do like the gentle and kind but strong queen (like how I like Princess Peach) and a giant woman. The scene of Melodias rubbing into Elizabeth after her recovery would be a reason why I would never watch the OG, but I thought it was really sweet when it transitioned into “man I love my wife”. 
Also, I’m not familiar with what the 7DS world is like, but it does feel like a generic fantasy with the few different races. If more of the series had what was in GoE with Deathpierce being racist because of things that happened to him, I would like to think that it’s not all black and white in the story. I don’t know if certain races stick to their generic personalities (Tristan’s line about fairy-form Lance not feeling like a fairy and feeling more like a human) but I hope not. 
Anyway, I came in for Ucchi/Ayu interactions and I’m glad I got the food I came here to eat, because I wasn’t actually expecting much from Tristan and Lancelot besides maybe being old friends, or their dads knew each other so we could be friends. Part one was good, some silly banter here and there and Tristan’s traumatic flashback of their fight. Part two had me sold, not only from how Lance always seems to be babysitting Tristan but also how he’s pushing him to go all out. Yeah it’s because Lance is strong, but I like that Tristan trusts him enough to stop him. Also, the movie is telling me that they’re something, so I’m taking it. I'd like to see more of them, I want to see Tristan doing something for Lance, because Lance seems too OP. Like I never for a second doubted he could get out of any of the trouble he was in. 
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dream-dove · 2 years
Writing Sample
Just to show how I basically role-play. Of course the two examples would be from two movies. One is Scream for the following character Stu. And the other is my other oc for a movie called Black Christmas. The OG version and not the crappy remakes.
Stu Macher
Honestly most men within high school would have two ideas running in their head. One was trying to set a career for themselves for future and the other was at least gaining some girl affection. But for a guy like Stu Macher well his mindset was wired differently as to him the whole world was treating him like some outcast. That this boring world didn’t give no spark of joy until he met Billy Loomis. Oh boy did this those brought a twist to fun with the replacement of murder. Billy was the mastermind while Stu was the back seat rider that tag along out of peer pressure. Stu clearly didn’t have guts to do anything insane before Billy. Like playing out a scary movie where the killers would leave a deep impression on endless victims.
It was only 3 days after Casey and Steve deaths that still rang mystery. No one knew who would do such a horrific crime. Oh wait Stu knew the reason since he did killed that bitch. In his mind she had it coming for dumping him for some dumb jock guy. What a joke! Stu venture forth to one of his favorite diner that had a killing grilled cheese he loved so much. Entering the place as his nose immediately picked up the delicious smell of fry food. “Like heaven I tell you.” He said with a smile before taking seat, waiting for anyone to take this mad man order. His best friend Billy texted him about coming 10 minutes late. Telling him to order something as well. “I bet he’s with that Sindey chick kissing away like a horny bear he is.”
Bella Wilton
Bella arrived at Pi Kappa Sigma on a cold winter morning. Some red roses peeked gingerly at the low sun, shaking off some snow as they opened to the kiss of light. Mrs Mac marched up the steps and past the balustrade with great purpose, leaving Bella trailing quietly in her wake. Mrs Mac chatted about the house and its present inhabitants with affection and frustration by turns but it seemed good-natured, as it often was with her.
Bella tilted her head slightly, her brown leather suitcase in one hand, her coat and scarf draped over the other. 6 Belmont Street was grand in a mature, if slightly jaded way. It was made of brown stone with large windows and a small garden that stretched around it in a smartly-clipped square. There was a trellis criss-crossing up the wall towards some of the highest windows, which were small and dark and undoubtedly in the attic. The trellis was beginning to flourish too, with dark-green leaves and the faintest hint of honeysuckle emanating from delicate white flowers.
“You’ll meet the girls very soon, I should expect,” Mrs Mac said before tutting as she struggled to open the door. After a few attempts at rattling the brass knob, Mrs Mac cursed and set her bags down. “Goddamn it, this needs fixed.”
Once the door had finally opened and Mrs Mac had staggered through it, they were inside. The interior of the house matched quite well with what was outside of it. It was rather dark and smelled of wood polish and smoke from the hearth in the sitting room. There were stairs that led up towards the dorm rooms on the first floor and the corridor leading to the left of the stairs seemed to follow towards the kitchen. Sounds of morning chatter came from it and the clanking of cutlery against plates and glasses being shifted on the countertop. “Girls,” Mrs Mac called as she made her way towards the kitchen. Bella lingered in the hallway, looking around in demure silence. Mrs Mac looked back to her and smiled a slightly yellow smile. “ Bella, dear, hang up your coat and I’ll show you to your room in a moment.”
Bella nodded and did as she was told, hanging her white wool coat up by the loop at the collar on an already-full peg on the wall. Mrs Mac disappeared into the kitchen and she heard conversation. Excited voices along with Mrs Mac slightly chiding but playful tone. The grandfather clock ticked steadily as it had done presumably for decades. Bella waited. She had not expected Mrs Mae to reappear with two other girls; one slender and brunette with a cigarette hanging from her bottom lip, the other with a long mass of black waist-long jet hair a gentle expression.
“Now you two behave yourselves. This is Bella. She is the newest addition to our sorority.” Mrs Mac puffed out like a mother hen, lifting her chin proudly as the two girls at her back inspected Bella; the brunette with a pointed look and the black with gleeful anticipation.
“She looks real sweet, Mrs Mac,’ said the brunette, huffing smoke out of her mouth. “Can’t wait to see her try to fit in around here with a face like that. I’ll show her to he room.” The brunette explained before guiding Bella to her room which surprisingly was closer to the little hatch to the attic. “I’m Barb. I’m a sense I’m the fun one so keep that a small note. I might be a trouble maker Mrs Mac likes to say.” Bella couldn’t help but chuckle, “It’s fine. I don’t mind. I like trouble.”
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sl-walker · 3 years
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All right, since I’m in the middle of a flare and have to work manual labor for the next four days despite it, I figured I would make myself -- and hopefully other people -- laugh by talking about one of my favorite OG Captain Marvel stories. Namely, from Whiz #50, with a cover date of January, 1944, meaning it was probably produced sometime in late 1943.
I want to share it because why not, this is some absurdly charming stuff.
I’ll get more into why it’s one of my favorites as we go, in the form of running commentary. So, full story (with said commentary) under the cut. If you wanna just read the story without my commentary, stick to the pictures. XD
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First, let me say that the cover and splash page definitely live up to the story, though the cover’s a bit more sensationalized. But the premise is pretty damn simple: Our intrepid hero and his newsboy alter ego are on vacation. Cap decides to go swimming. It goes hilariously wrong and thus ensues a bit of a madcap adventure, no puns intended.
Second, the fact that Cap and Billy are depicted as essentially different entities makes what Billy does next the ultimate trolling:
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Gee, airing out the stolen laundry on the radio? Really? I’ll leave it up to you, gentle reader, whether Billy actually was trolling his own alter-ego for ratings or whether he was just innocently sharing the story while his other-self winced quietly in whatever ether-space he exists in when not front-and-center.
Either way, I love it.
Continuing on...
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I get a kick out of the fact that Billy’s monologue is that he’s no dare-devil. One, because that’s so obviously not true in any way -- (that kid is awesomely, sometimes recklessly brave on the regular even without Cap) -- but two, because the bridge is actually named Dare-Devil Bridge. We aren’t given any reason why this dangerous potential death-trap is there, hanging without so much as a gate or a warning sign or anything, because we don’t need one. It’s there specifically for what happens next.
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Which, of course, is Billy calling in Captain Marvel, who does some light complaining about the situation Billy left him in. There’s no bite to it, which I find adorable -- Cap actually does get frustrated once or twice in other issues with Billy calling on him for mundane stuff, though he’s never mean about it -- but there is a bit of the sense of being put-upon there that’s just-- I dunno, cute. It’s something I miss a lot in the various post-crisis takes on the character: That duality, that difference in personality, and the way each of them responds to different situations. Often, they’re on the same page, but notably, sometimes, they aren’t.
Someday, I promise, I need to sit down and write how I think that works between those two without being a truly frightening mental illness manifested, what with them being the same person but not the same person. Because I have so many ideas, and I’ve only had since the early-2000s to percolate them. LOL! But until then, just enjoy this.
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Here is another reason why I love the Golden Age Captain Marvel books and why I love this specific story: This is an absolutely normal, mundane thing to do. It’s the human thing to do. These aren’t the actions of some super-serious superdude. These are the actions of a pretty shockingly normal guy doing something mundane. And a whole story is built around that normalcy.
It’s cute. It’s funny. It’s the reader already knowing that he’s getting himself into a situation that he absolutely could have avoided, but also completely understanding how it happened anyway. It’s pretty brilliant writing: I say this as a pretty damned good writer myself.
So much of the reason why, I think, Cap was so endearing as a hero is that humanity. He’s got pretty much god-tier power in the Golden Age, once his powerset is established. He’s utterly invulnerable to all physical harm while powered up. But-- he’s human. He knows he’s human. He acts like it, and decides, “You know what? I’m going skinny-dipping.”
He and Billy are both characters it’s so easy to empathize with.
Also, a reminder that the art under Chief Artist C.C. Beck is really, really good. (He had a whole stable of artists to help produce this stuff!) Ignoring registration issues on the printing press, the actual line art is amazingly good; proportion and perspective and consistency.
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But anyway--Cap does get to enjoy his swim. But, then, oh no.
I love the idea of a world where the prime hero -- and he definitely is in that world -- can take off his suit and go swimming, and where someone else is bold enough to steal the damn suit off of him. The first time I read this, I started laughing here. Not at him, but at the situation he’s found himself in. At the idea that some random passer-by saw Captain Marvel’s costume and went yoink!
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Another thing I love about this particular story is how much Cap and Billy have to work together, just by necessity. Like-- it’s just really good. But anyway, thank everything Billy Batson is on the ball, coming to the rescue.
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Sheer bad luck via the weather keeps this story rolling along in hilarious misdirections. Realistically, that uniform probably wouldn’t be all buttoned together (we see Cap take off pieces of it aside the pants in other issues, including socks!), but who cares? The point of the story is that giant bear rug on the floor’s gonna get put to use.
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Man, when have you ever seen Superman creeping naked through some stranger’s house wearing nothing but a random polar bear because he went skinny dipping? No wonder these comics sold so well. This next panel is when I start wheezing, though, and pretty much keep wheezing.
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“A lady, too! I’ve got to get away from here!”
I’m dying at this point. That’s such a characteristic response, and yet, I think that’s why it’s funny.
Anyway, because this is an excellent story (I mean this without an ounce of irony, too), our dynamic duo stumbles across a plot in play to rob the hotel they’re staying at.
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Here’s a big part of why this is such a good tale: Everything fits. Even when it isn’t explained, like Dare-Devil Bridge, it still fits. Why is the tree down? Because there was just a thunder storm, the same one that blew Cap’s suit into the room with the gangsters.
I don’t know if this is Otto Binder’s story, but I wouldn’t be surprised in the least. It’s a complete story told in relatively few pages that accomplishes everything it’s meant to.
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Anyway, using foliage as cover, Cap gets to be heroic----then Billy gets to get back to the business of trying to stop the robbery of the hotel and get his heroic alter-ego dressed again.  Which leads to a rather adorable and funny scene of Billy not only trying to describe what Captain Marvel wears, but what size it would need to be tailored in.
(Cap is supposedly a 44 for a suit coat, we find in some earlier appearance, which would refer to his chest size.  So, an XL for shirts and suit-coats.  He’s a big guy, but he’s actually not a hulking huge guy.  But more on that later.)
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I love the fact Billy tries to like-- use himself as a model.  Maybe in another ten years, kiddo.  Billy’s actually pretty buff for like a 12-14 year old, he’s not a scrawny kid at this point, but yeah, no.  LOL!
Another thing I also really, really love about this style, though, is that they draw Captain Marvel as being strong, as having a powerful build-- but not as a dehydrated body-builder with deep cuts. He’s got human proportions, regardless of his strength; he’s got a human build, not a superhuman one.
C.C. Beck had a lot of things to say about superheroes who were just muscles on top of muscles, all clearly defined, and he didn’t like it.  As someone who first got into comics in the early 90s with Jim Lee’s X-Men--
I do get Beck’s point.  I not only get it, but I really highly approve of it.  He maintained to the end that he drew (and oversaw) the Marvel family to look like high school and college athletes, and I can see that.  I think the one person who’s gotten it right in the modern era is Evan “Doc” Shaner, who did Convergence: Shazam!  He not only nailed that strong-but-not-hulking build for Cap, but also how young he looked.  College-age, in fact.
But anyway, enough digression into art and why I like this better than most modern takes on the character.  Also, that’s just a cute set of panels.
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I also like that there wasn’t an easy fix there.  Cap’s still in his not-birthday suit, and Billy’s still stuck running around trying to solve the issues at hand.  Next comes some other really good panels:
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-snorts-  He’s locked in.  Yeah, that’ll hold him.
Anyway, what I really liked here was again that tandem working; Billy can’t punch through a wall, but Cap can.  Cap can’t crawl out while he’s au natural -- well, he could, but he’d probably rather die first -- but Billy’s got no such issue.  It’s just fun when you get to see them doing something like that.  You have to really think for a minute about the trust each of them must have in their alter-ego.
ANYWAY, we get the rare treat then--
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--of Captain Marvel not only yoinking a dude into a dark room, but then stealing his clothes.  Except, not his underwear.  Because that’s nasty.  LOL!
I love that in this series, you do actually get to see him wear other stuff.  Go incognito.  Get his red suit messed up enough to take it to a dry cleaner’s, wherein he ends up dressed like a musketeer after.  Jerry Ordway’s series is, I think, the only other time we see Cap not wearing his famous suit, but it happened enough in the Golden Age that it wasn’t a shock.
Like, I hate to be the one to say this, but I do think DC drops the ball often on just how much you can do with Captain Marvel (or Shazam, depending on timeline, but that’s the wizard’s name to me so mostly I’ll stick with the original name) if you unbend enough to.  It’s not just the costume change, or the duality of him and Billy being the same but not, but also his inherent, essential humanity.
But I am digressing again, sorry. XD  I just feel strongly enough about these versions of these characters to spend hours writing this.
Anyway, only a single panel later:
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And that’s that!  Billy Batson has just outed his own alter-ego’s most embarrassing moment to whomever’s listening to WHIZ radio -- thank everything podcasts and the internet weren’t available then, ha! -- and we get to see a recounting of a very fun story.
Like I said earlier, I love this one for its essential humanity.  The hero got himself into this mess, he and Billy got him out of this mess, and stopping the criminals was actually just kind of a lucky stroke thrown in there.  But even though Cap got himself into this, the story never treats him like he’s stupid.  It never treats him like he’s some kind of idiot.  You’re laughing, but-- not in a mean way.
I love how human it is.  How complete it is.  How genuinely funny it is.  It’s a thousand times more funny when you genuinely love and respect Captain Marvel and Billy Batson, too.
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this dissertation on a skinny-dipping hero.  LOL!  I enjoyed sharing it with you.
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forever-rogue · 4 years
Of Princes & Berries - Part 1
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A/N: Yeah, so I have like zero self control, and I’m so deep in my Pedro feels and Oberyn is one of my og loves. In this family we throw canon out the window. Canon? I don’t know her. Anyways, this will probably be like 2-3 parts, y’all will get some sexy times, so hold tight. As always, feedback and comments are welcome, and if you’d like to be tagged, let me know! xx
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Reader
Word Count: 3.6k
Warnings: slight language
PART 2 | PART 3 | PART 4 | PART 5 | PART 6 | PART 7 | PART 8
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Popping a few of the fresh, succulent berries into your mouth, you received a tut and playful glare from the chef that was busy preparing various foods for feasts throughout the day. You gave him an innocent smile before putting a finger to your lips.
"Those are for the prince," he reminded you playfully, passing a jug of wine towards you, "those were imported just for him, best not eat them all."
"Oh relax," you gently bumped him with your hip as you loaded everything onto your serving tray, "our esteemed guest won't be missing a few of them. Besides, these are so much mode delicious than the ones we have here. Ours are so lackluster and have no flavor. These are practically bursting with juice and flavor. Maybe the best I’ve ever had!”
"Why do you think he specifically asked for them?" he turned back to the pot he was stirring, giving you a little sigh.
"Because he's the fucking prince of Dorne?" you started to lift the tray up to carry it to the gardens where he was no doubt waiting, "and he's got impeccable taste. Looks, taste, people throwing themselves at him left and right? What a life he leads.”
"Just make sure this gets out to him," he insisted and you gave him a small salute as you headed out of the dim kitchens, “and no detours to eat more berries!”
A small sigh escaped your lips as you stepped into the daylight and felt the sun's rays hit you and instantly warm you up. Everything felt lighter already. Most days in King's Landing were overcast and not this beautiful, at least not during this time of year, and you planned on taking full advantage of it. Perhaps later, when you were done with morning duties, you’d go and set by the sea for a while. It always relaxed something deep within you.
As soon as you spied the prince, staring out into sea, a smile grew on your face. You'd spoken to him a few times here and there, mostly in passing, since his arrival at King's Landing. He was a bright spot, a welcome interruption in our normally monotonous and drool days.
He always spoke to you in a kind manner, taking the time to ask your name, how you were doing, small things. But unlike most people in the court, he seemed genuine in his actions, kind even. He truly listened when you spoke, rather than just blowing you off.
As you approached him, a smile stretched across his handsome features when he realized it was you, causing a small flutter in your heart.
"Good morning, Y/N," he stood and offered you a small bow as you set the tray down on the table in front of him. It was a sign of respect; reverence. Proprietary would have you bowing to him, but he never was one for rules, "how are you on this fair day?"
"Your highness," you beamed at him, pushing a plate of berries at him, "I dare say my day has been much improved. What good luck it was that they sent me to serve you."
"Good fortune, even a wonderful twist of fate," he sat back and watched you intently, "or perhaps I made a simple request."
"A request," you raised an eyebrow as you sneaked a berry, which just made him chuckle at you. Normally, with almost anyone else, you'd never be so bold. But with Oberyn...it felt normal, right even, "you asked for me?"
"You sound surprised," he mused as you leaned against the table, trying to soak up as much sun as possible, "why does it surprise you so?"
"I don't know," you said quietly, "I just never thought I'd make that much of an impression on anyone. I prefer to pass by quietly, generally."
"You've made quite the impression on me, sweet girl," he said softly. You caught your bottom lip in between your teeth as his words fell over you, "I'll take every opportunity I can to look at that lovely face."
"You flatter me," but a content sigh escaped your lips nonetheless, "it is I who am in awe of your beauty, your highness. Surely."
“Now you’re just flattering me, fanning my ego like everyone else,” he waved his hand at you laughed at him, “I didn’t specifically ask for you just because you fall in line like everyone else.”
“I’m sorry then,” you playfully stuck your tongue out at him, “I shall never flatter you again. Nothing but complete honesty.”
“A simple request, no?” he teased, letting his fingers linger near yours. You studied his hands, the few scars that had marred the warm, tan skin. He was really was beautiful, such a sight to behold in your otherwise dreary life, “can I ask you something...perhaps too forward?”
“Yes,” permission was given without hesitation, and worry. Nothing about him worried in you in that sense. Sure, he was the Red Viper, deadly, feared, and brutal in his own way, but you saw past that...he was also kind, gentle, surprisingly soft spot and quick as a whip, “anything.”
“Have you been with a prince before?” 
“I’ve been with many men who call themselves all sort of things,” you shrugged your shoulders as you poured more wine into his goblet, “kings, princes, knights, lords. You name it and I’ve been with one.”
“And have they lived up to your expectations?”
“Hardly,” you grabbed a berry and popped into your mouth, and raising an eyebrow at him, “the only time I’ve experienced true pleasure, it has certainly not been at the hands of a man.”
“Yes,” you sat down across from him, far overstepping any boundaries that remained. But Oberyn was different; he wasn’t like all the other princes and lords who spoke down to you like you were some sort of mere peasant. He treated you like an actual person. That in itself was enough to keep you intrigued; his delicious, warm accent didn’t hurt either. It was like music to your ears, sweet like the wine that flowed freely throughout the court, and much more pleasant than the harsh accents of the King’s Landing that you’d have grown accustomed to.
“You prefer the company of women?”
“I do enjoy the company of women,” you gave him a lazy half smile, “very much so. They’re beautiful creatures, soft, and warm, kind. Unlike men, they know how to touch other women, how to make love and make it a pleasurable experience, not just spend five minutes pounding into you until they’ve found release like a common barnyard animal. And then again, if all else fails, there is also the undeniable pleasure you can give yourself.”
“Very valid points,” he eat a few of the fresh berries, his dark eyes never leaving yours. A smile played on his features as relaxed in his seat, letting the sun warm him, “clearly you haven’t been with the right men.”
“Do you think you’re different?”
“I know I’m different.”
“Hmm,” you mused, “you’re very sure of yourself, my prince. Is your reputation well deserved? Are you as good of a lover as they all say?”
“I am,” a small smirk played on his lips as he crossed his legs, gauging your every reaction closely. He was curious, almost deathly curious to see what you hid under your cool exterior. You acted like you belonged in the court, under the direction of the Lannisters, but he could see through right through you. He knew you weren’t fully invested in your job or life here; hells, anyone that spared you more than a passing glance could see that much, “do you care to find out?”
“I appreciate the forwardness,” you gave him a wicked little smile of your own, “but surely you’ve got better things, and individuals, to shower in your worship. I am a simple servant, not worthy of anyone’s time, something I am made sure never to forget.”
You didn’t wait for a response before standing up and brushing your skirts off as you turned to head back inside. You’d been gone for some time now, surely you’d be attracting some unwanted attention any minute. You’d only been meant to serve the prince, not converse as though you were fast friends, shamelessly flirting in the open where anyone could stumble upon the two of you.
Oberyn was a welcome change to the cold atmosphere of the court you were used to. He brought a certain liveliness, warmth, and you swore more sunlight, with him. You could only imagine how wonderful it must be back in Dorne, where he got to spread that same radiance day in and day out. 
“Where are you from?” he asked as you turned to leave. You paused and tensed up, surprised by the sudden question. He didn’t move as he waited for answer; part of you was tempted to pretend that you hadn’t heard him, but you knew better than to defy the prince.
“I’m just a servant, your highness,” you gave him a saccharine smile as you watched his expression falter slightly. It wasn’t the answer he was expecting, “I am from wherever I am situated. My job isn’t to have a personality, it’s to serve others.”
“That’s not what I asked,” he grabbed a particularly plump looking strawberry, took a bite before standing up and striding over to you. His caramel gaze was focused on yours as he gently grabbed your jaw with one hand raised the berry to your lips. It was a question of sorts, to see if you trusted him. Without hesitation, you parted your lips slightly, letting him pop the berry into your mouth. You let the juices coat your mouth before swallowing, your eyes never leaving his. Oberyn traced his thumb delicately along your bottom lip, wiping away the small bit of lingering juice, “where are you from, my sweet girl?”
“Your highness-”
“It’s a simple question,” he let go of your jaw, his face moving into a softer expression as his eyes slowly raked over you. If it had been almost any other man, you would have been disgusted, but there was some gentle about when it was Oberyn. 
“Honeyholt,” the name of your birthplace fell off your lips almost like a whisper, and your eyes darted around to make sure no one had heard. When you worked for the Lannisters, personal matters as such were best left unsaid; they paid you, albeit barely, for your service, not to moan about your previous life. 
“That’s rather far from here,” he mused and you shrugged lightly. You were a a child, a mere young thing the last time you had visited your place of origin. You didn’t remember enough of it to truly miss. King’s Landing had been your home since, “what brings you here, to the harsh life of the court?”
“I didn’t have a choice,” you bit your lip, unsure of how far he wanted you to go into detail, “I...was brought here by parents. They needed the money, and I was their only source of commodity. For them it was an easy decision. I haven’t seen them since.”
“I could tell you were not from this forsaken place,” you wondered what he meant, how easily he could tell you were different. You’d spent most of your life trying to blend and not stick out, you’d thought you’d been doing a fairly decent job. Most people didn’t spare you a passing glance, unless they desired something from you.
“And just how is that, if you don’t my asking?”
“You’re much too beautiful to be from here,” he answered and your entire body suddenly felt like it was on fire. You turned your head, gaze intently trained on the cracked ground of the aging palace as you avoided his inquisitive looks. He reached over and with a few gentle fingers tilted your chin up to face him, “do not shy away from your beauty.”
“I do not,” your voice was but a whisper, “people do not usually show me such...reverence.”
“You have kind eyes,” he carried on, “the sweetest smile, hair fair more beautiful than the Lannister gold they love so much here. Your accent gives you away, it is very slight, but anyone with a keen ear will be able to pick up on it. These barbarians here no doubt have come to ignore it.”
“You...” no one had pointed out that fact that you have a slight lilt to your voice in years. You’d lost the majority of any accent as a child, having come to court as such a young one, and being surrounded by nothing but the gruff voices of the crownlands.
“And if you don’t mind my saying so,” he took a step closer and ran a gentle hand down your body, fingers grazing down your side and sending a shiver down your spine, “a figure that any man or woman would be blessed by the gods to know. Beautiful breasts, a round bottom, lovely thighs, I can only imagine how exquisite everything I’m not seeing is.”
His large hand gave your ass a firm squeeze, and a small sound escaped your lips; a mixture of surprise and pleasure. He was forward, there was no doubt about that, but nothing about it felt...wrong, or unwelcome. You could tell he was making sure every touch and word off of his lips that he was making sure you were okay with it. And you were. Everywhere he went, women, and men, fawned over him, dying for even a bit of affection and attention from the prince. Here you were, having down nothing and you were the object of his desire. 
“You flatter me far more than I deserve, your highness,” your cheeks were on fire as he smiled at you, trying to reassure you that his affection was well deserved.
“Please,” he insisted, bringing a hand back up to your face, “enough with the formalities. Oberyn.”
“Oberyn,” you repeated, enjoying how it felt on your tongue, so sweet and foreign, much more interesting than anyone you encountered through your daily duties.
“What was your name?”
“It doesn’t matter,” you insisted, but he was not fooled by your attempts at deflection. Instead, he leaned against the carved marble pillar, arms crossing his chest as he analyzed you, “you know my name.”
“My dear, sweet little one,” you sighed lightly at the sound of his voice, so rich and warm, hitting each last nerve within you, “everyone has a name. It means something, even if that of a bastard.”
“What if I don’t want to have a name? What if I want to be no one?” you shrugged as you leaned against the column facing him, “what if I want to hide in the shadows?”
“Y/N,” your name had never sounded more lovely or magical than when it came off of his lips. It sounded pretty, beautiful almost, “it matters. You should be proud of who you are...unless you are some sort of monster, which I already know you are not.”
“You already know my name.”
“And you know exactly what I’m referring to you. I am a prince, sweet one, not a fool.”
“Flowers,” you gave him a soft smile, “just like all bastards of the Reach.”
“But you’re not a bastard,” he pointed out as you nodded, “so why do you claim the name?”
“So I can be no one.”
“You, my sweet girl,” he was by your side again in no time, leaning only mere inches between the two of you. He smelled warm and sweet, likes spices and exotic fruit. Enchanting. Lovely, “are destined to be so much more than no one.”
“I assure you, it doesn’t matter,” you said after a few beats of silence, “my family was once one of the many great houses, just like so many others. But they fell and were broken apart over the years. The remainder of them are common merchants now. It’s easier to claim the name of a bastard than to receive pity for your family’s misfortunes from the likes of Lannisters and Starks and whomever else.”
“I am sure you far outshine them in every way,” he pushed a few locks of your hair out of your face, “your kindness is fair greater.”
“I...I know why you’re here, your hi- Oberyn,” you were scared that you had overstepped your boundaries, but weren’t able to hold back your tongue. He was so forward and open with you, surely he wouldn’t mind if you did the same. 
“And why is that?” his curiosity was piqued as he tried to read your expression.
“Your sister,” you answered softly and he shifted on his feet, shoulders tensing slightly, “I used to work for her...when I was just a child...before. She was the kindest woman I had ever met, gentle and sweet to everyone she ever encountered. Beautiful to no ends and her smile could light up the entire kingdom. Her babes were just as sweet, they would grown up to be the kindest people.”
“You knew Elia?” he was quieter now, and had a soft pang to his voice. He still missed and longed for his sister. Even though she had been gone for some time now, he still mourned for her and her children every day.
“She’s probably the reason I’m still alive,” you admitted, “she took me under her wing when I was brought here. I miss her too. I cannot imagine the sadness and burden it must have placed upon you and I would not dare to imagine. But I know how hard it was on someone like me, just a servant.”
“I think of her every day,” he admitted, “I know I cannot get her back, but it doesn’t dull the pain; Dorne has mourned her loss every day. Instead we must honor the memory of those we’ve lost, instead of letting grief consume us, no?”
“Yes,” you agreed, placing a small smile back on your face. You hadn’t meant to bring the mood down, but you wanted to let him know where you stood, that you were on his side, “I...I blame myself some days. When they attacked...I just ran and hide. I ran and ran and ran until it felt like I couldn’t breathe and then I hid and waited, waited till the smoke had cleared and it was safe to come out. I didn’t even try to help her or her babies. I just wonder if...I had stayed if I could have done something.”
“You were a child,” he could imagine the horrors you had seen, all the thoughts and emotions that had stayed with you throughout the years, “it was not your place to do anything. You protected yourself; it is our instinct to flee and hide, especially as children.”
“I was a coward.”
“You were a child,” he repeated firmly, “you were not a coward and it was not your duty to protect anyone. They should have protected you.”
You weren’t even aware of the fact that a few tears had rolled down your cheeks, but Oberyn was quick to wipe them away. He brushed a thumb over your cheeks, in such a soft and intimate gesture, offering you a small, reassuring smile in return. You put your hand on his wrist and gave it a firm squeeze, “thank you.”
“Y/N,” you almost jumped out of skin at the sound of Cersei’s grating voice. Swiftly wiping the rest of your tears away with the back of your hand, you took a step back from the prince, who seemed completely nonplussed, “surely you’ve got other duties to attend to. I’m sure the prince’s wine and berry need has been satiated for now. We know where to find you if we want more. Go on and apologize to his highness for your folly and distraction.”
Your eyes widened in surprise as you let out a shaky breath and gave her a nod. She had her trademark smirk on her face and you wished you could slap it off of her pinched features. She really was cruel down to her core, and you often wondered when the last bits of humanity had left her. You wondered how much she had seen or heard. Hopefully not enough to warrant any sort of punishment. 
Instead, you gave her a nod and small bow before turning back to Oberyn, “I apologize for my indiscretions, your highness. Please let me know if I can be of service at any time.”
“What did I tell you, my sweet girl, call me Oberyn,” he was not bothered by Cersei in the slightest and her jaw dropped in surprise. You couldn’t hide the small smile that crept onto your face, “and do not apologize for a conversation I have initiated. Surely even the lovely Cersei can understand that people enjoy conversation.”
“I...yes,” you returned his warm smile, unable to contain yourself and enjoying the little thrill that defying Cersei had placed in your bones. He reached for your hand and placed a kiss, chaste kiss to the back of it. You knew Cersei must have been dying on the inside at the exchange, frankly, so were you, “thank you, Oberyn.”
“I’ll see you soon,” he promised, making it a point to look directly at Cersei, who was fuming silently. If she had been a kettle, steam would have been exploding out of her ears, “I’ll find you.”
Just before you could turn to return to the kitchen and go about the rest of your daily duties, Oberyn trailed his fingers over your face, letting his gaze linger on your lips, “until later, dear Y/N.”
You turned to go back inside without another word, a bounce in your step at what had just happened. But just before you got inside, you heard him call after you, “I’m glad you enjoyed my berries, sweet girl!”
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Oberyn Taglist: @rosetophighlander​  @someplace-darker​  @hystericalmedicine​  @fioccodineveautunnale​  @huliabitch​
1K notes · View notes
shintorikhazumi · 3 years
English! AU (1): “My Name is Hannah England.”
A/N: Yeah, it only took me like... 3 years to release this. Wow. Nice. If you’ve seen the OG post for the details for this AU, then you’ve seen it.
Hannah England. I love her.
Enough said.
~Shintori Khazumi
"What do you mean I have to come back?!"
An impatient tapping of a foot.
"Well, I can tell you that I bloody won't! Wasn't I removed from the- No! He said it himself. If I were to choose to be a witch, I'd- Mother! NO! Are you listening- Mother I cannot, WILL NOT- We had an agreement!"
She twirled the telephone wire around her finger anxiously until it was so short she had to release it.
No. This could not be happening. No, not now. They had promised! They'd talked about this! This wasn't fair! She had held up her end of the bargain-
"...HAH?! You've sent them to- NO, NO, NO... NO!"
There wasn't even a knock. There was barely even a warning.
It wasn't a cliche breaking down of doors, or smashing of windows, however. It was a swift opening of the door, so fast it barely made a sound.
And there they were.
"Miss England."
"No... NO! NO, you- YOU CAN'T TAKE ME!"
"These are national orders. I'm afraid there is nothing we can do."
There was nothing she could do.
"W-why..." She choked out, still in a defensive stance, a candleholder held up as a weapon. "We... My grandfather and I agreed on this. I was not to be included in the run-"
"Miss England- no." The bespectacled man caught himself, clearing his throat once before staring at the young girl dead on. "Miss Windsor."
Her eyes widened upon hearing that name, weapon dropping to the floor. She quickly narrowed those same eyes however as she remembered what it meant.
It filled her with rage.
"I- that's no longer-"
"You may only be the fourth in line. However..."
A document was presented to her, with the official signature of... the king... and...
"The prime minister is your primary backer. Do you really think you are in a position to reject?"
"You have been chosen by most ambassadors."
"Why." It pissed her off. It made her fume. Why. After so long. After all these years. After they'd agreed not to-
"Because according to his majesty... no one is better suited for winning the crown..."
She stepped back as he came forward, grasping her by the arm.
"Than the one who does not want to win the fight for it at all."
"Hannah? Hannah?" Barbara called out. "We're back?" She went to check Diana's section of the room, the bathroom, and even the closets, hoping to find her best friend in the room. "Hmm... maybe she went for dinner first?"
"Barbara? What's wrong?" Diana walked into the room, brushing some dirt off her coat. This made Barbara automatically check her appearance in the mirror.
"Oh... nothing." Though maybe she should have said that they looked all wrong.
Gosh. They both needed a bath. That five-day mission didn't do their appearances and smells too kindly, it seemed.
She couldn't face Hannah like this. She needed to wash up before meeting the person she'd missed the most these past few days.
Oh, just why did the latest missions have to be pair missions? At least Hannah had gone with Amanda. That put Barbara at ease with regards to her safety. Though, she admitted she was just a little jealous that two of her- ehem- “potential love interests” had been able to go with each other, enjoying themselves without her.
Yes, she’d boldly admit to liking them both.
Sucy’s shaming should never get to her!
Shaking such thoughts and feelings out of her head, she focused on the task at hand. The sooner she got cleaned up, the sooner she could see Hannah! (And Maybe Amanda at dinner, too.)
A warm shower was only half as good without Hannah.
Ahhhh... just where was she? Barbara could barely wait to sneak into her bed and cuddle 'til daybreak-
"Barbara?" A muffled voice came from the other side of the bathroom door.
Turning the running water off, she replied to the call, "Yes, Diana?"
"Did Hannah mention anything about another mission? I was under the impression she'd just gotten back from the previous one she'd told us about. Or has she not arrived yet?"
Huh? That was strange. Hannah was supposed to have arrived a day or two after she and Diana left.
Wiping herself down and wrapping a towel about her, she exited the steaming room, a frown decorating her features.
"Not that I know of. I didn't notice any notes or letters either..." Now she was beginning to feel strange. "She didn't send any familiar or anything, right?"
Diana mirrored her frown.
"...No. She did not."
A knock came against their door.
"Yes?" Diana answered it as her companion inside quickly got dressed, now in more casual wear.
"Diana! Hannah! Oh, thank goodness you're back!" Akko lunged at her bestfriend, holding tight, that faint blush on the heiress' face going unnoticed. "I was wondering if you knew! I just had to ask! I mean, I'm not that close with her and all yet, but I thought we were friends at least! She didn't say a word! Oh! But I figured you two would know, right? Strange that even Amanda doesn't know... I know they don't always get along, and quarrel and stuff, but Sucy always called them lovers' spats and-"
"Akko." Diana stilled Akko's rambling, grasping her face with both hands, then quickly noticing the intimacy of that gesture and stepping away, releasing the girl. "S-sorry."
"A-ah.. n-no... I-"
"Um... what was... what are you talking about?" Diana tried as she regained her composure. Barbara rolled her eyes fondly at the exchange.
"Oh right!" The girl rushed forward into the room to grab Barbara by the wrist, as well as Diana, dragging them out into the corridors towards the direction of the mess hall.
"I wanted to ask you!"
They had finally arrived in the dining room, quickly approaching their usual table where the group of friends were gathered about Lotte's magical orb that was now projecting something akin to what one would see on a television screen.
"This!" She pointed.
"Why is Hannah on TV?"
"...Huh?!" Barbara suddenly slammed her hands on the table at that sight, surprising everyone including herself because why was Hannah on TV?! And... Why was she next to...
"Also, why did Hannah suddenly have to leave school? It was announced during homeroom for the ones already back from missions."
"What?!" Now Barbara was even more confused. Hannah hadn't mentioned anything about this at all!
"Akko! Shhh!" Lotte scolded, Amanda clamping a hand over their loveable dork's mouth. "We're trying to find out what's going on!"
["The situation in the palace has not been disclosed to the press; however, it seems to be confirmed that dire conditions are currently in place as more and more of the possible successors have returned to the capitol."]
"That reporter is kinda my type- oof!"
"You deserved that." Sucy grinned as Amanda rubbed the sore spot Barbara had inflicted pain on.
"Fuck you."
"No thanks."
["None have been willing to give their statements thus far, but... Oh! We have here the fourth in line! Martin, go get her more focused in the shot since she's the closest- no! Miss Windsor!]
"Windsor?" Akko cocked her head to the side, clearly very confused. "But aren't they calling Hannah? They are calling Hannah... right?"
Barbara didn't really know anymore.
She didn’t know anymore.
Suddenly, a scary looking man came into view, the typical visage of a bodyguard. A low voice growled.
["It was announced that the press was not allowed to interview any of the returning heirs and heiresses. Please return back behind the line."]
The camera view had become shaky, as if the person holding it was being pushed away.
["Miss Windsor! Miss Windsor!"]
["Hey! Didn’t I just-"]
["Miss Hannah Windsor!"]
Barbara stared at the moving image in front of her. This was...There was no mistaking it.
["You're wrong."]
Those words may have seemingly contradicted her inner thoughts, but Barbara knew one thing. This person....
"Hannah..." She murmured, hand clenched over her heart. The girl had spoken up, camera focused on her even at its odd angle. Barbara’s heart couldn’t help but flutter at the voice she’d missed for days. But... it also hurt. To only hear it through a medium like this... “Hannah.”
["You're wrong. My name... isn't Hannah Windsor...] The girl on camera stated with shaky breaths. 
She was right. This wasn’t some Hannah Windsor or someone Barbara didn’t know. This was Hannah England. Her Hannah.
So why...?
[It isn’t that... not... any- oi!"]
“Hannah!” Barbara exclaimed, reaching for a Hannah she couldn’t even touch.
["The press shall not receive any statement from any of the arrivals until further notice. Good day."]
A glasses-wearing man had said before speedily ushering Hannah into the gates, figure going further and further away from Barbara's view.
["We have a scoop! Did you hear that?! Did you-"]
"Heh... think they got shut down?" Amanda commented, everyone still focused on the now-static-filled projection.
"Maybe. But it's too late to hide some weird statement scandal like that. News spreads annoyingly fast." Sucy responded, taking a bite from her mushroom.
"Still... it's weird." Akko chirped. "Why'd they call Hannah, "Windsor"? That was Hannah, right? Or was she a look-alike? Doppleganger?" She proposed excitedly. "But... she's not here either." She deflated.
The fact that her mission partner, Amanda, was here, and Hannah wasn't ruled out a possibility of it just being a mere double existence.
"Windsor...? WIndsor... Hmmm... Windsor? Why do I feel like I've... heard of that.. before..." Barbara watched Akko wrack her brain for an answer, brows scrunched up in intense thought. "Windsor... that's the name of..."
"The royal family." Diana cut in after having watched everything unfold silently.
"Oh! That's right! The Royal family!" Akko exclaimed, happy to finally get that out of mind... before doing a double take, hurting her neck in the process. "THE ROYAL FAMILY?!"
"Akko, shhh!!"
"She can scream it all she wants, Lotte. Not gonna make a difference." Sucy pointed out. "It's already on the news."
Yes. It was indeed.
The fact that...
"Miss Hannah England is Royalty. Some of you may have caught wind of this kind of rumors or news." Finnelan spoke during the morning assembly. "This statement is something we have no right to confirm or deny. However, Miss Hannah, has been pulled out of school for personal reasons that shall not be disclosed. No questions shall be asked regarding Miss Eng-Windsor... er... ehem... England anymore.”
“So much for confidentiality and defeating rumors.” Sucy rolled her eyes, Jasminka nodding in agreement next to her.
“That is all. Now, with regards to the third years' mission statuses-"
Barbara had tuned out completely at that point.
Windsor this, Windsor that.
She hated it. Barbara hated it.
Hannah Windsor on news and articles.
Hannah Windsor here. Hannah Windsor... Hannah Windsor... HANNAH WINDSOR.
She... Hannah... Hannah wasn't Hannah Windsor... Hannah was...
"Barbara? Are you okay?" Diana whispered, covering Barbara's clenched one in her own. "Do you want to leave the hall? Get some air?"
"No... I'm fine." Barbara looked up, smiling at Diana unconvincingly. "I'm fine."
“Really. I am.”
Barbara ignored Diana’s concerned gazes, not wanting to talk about this anymore.
She could handle this.
She said it herself. She was fine. And she was.
But... even though she said she was fine...
Was Hannah fine?
["Hey. Nice to meet you."
"You're rather shy." The girl said with a grin. "You're really pretty too."
She felt herself flush red.
"What's your name?"
"B-Barbara... Barbara... Parker."
"That's a really pretty name, Barbara!" The girl held her hand out for a shake. "Let's get along well!"]
Barbara woke up. with a start, eyes immediately scanning the room, going over the spot next to her on the bed.
Cold. Empty.
Barbara held back a sob, hugging her knees tight to her chest.
Her dream... right. That girl. The one who has been by her side for years now, always there. Always so kind... sort of.
That girl... Barbara's best friend, the one who disappeared all of a sudden, the one who showed up on the news yesterday, who had left Luna Nova... She...
She wasn't Hannah Windsor. No.
She was...
["Oh right! I have to introduce myself as well! Silly me.
Hi! I'll be your friend starting today. And My name is...
Hannah England."]
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whatisgoingonpaul · 4 years
Lost boys the beginning (prequel script.) review-
I said I would do this and here I am, my fascination for the sequel started when I read the wiki page for it and now that I have gotten my hands on it. I still maintain my view that I would give my blood for this have to been made, with the og actors and all. Shut the hell up and get in the time machine boys were making a movie.
I want to get one of my criticisms out of the way right off the bat, it’s more me nitpicking it anything. “How do we make it clear it’s in the past?” “Deep southern accents” I’m not kidding. Despite taking place in literally San Francisco, everyone says ain’t or drops the G off of ing words (Nothing< Nothin’) or this may also be something in California? Is it clear I’m from the east coast. Yet? They do also make no attempts at changing the language to fit the time as quote “party pooper” (I’m not kidding I’m deadass) but this is just me nit picking as I’m very much a period piece person.
It’s 1906 boys and we open on David, noted to be bearded and in a fur coat(good to know.). Basically the lost boys were originally street kids grouped together in a little gang well more teens now anyway. They pickpocket and sleep on the beach but David says “ethical pickpocketing” so no stealing from families. Paul can punch real good, we needed to know that for reasons. There’s also a point that the adult gangs kinda go after them as “who’s kid is this” basically but they aren’t really around that much. So a boat arrives , with no one alive on board and boxes of dirt. That’s right mf’s VLAD FUCKING DRACULA, and they do connect him to the impaler(mainly for cool kills) so basically they robbery goes wrong and David shoots the guys everyone panics for a good five minutes because not one of them actually killed a guy before. Long story short after Marko gets a broken hand they get on horses and ride up to the grand hotel with the gold and get a lick at living lavida loca at the hotel , food, a roof, women all that stuff. David gets a thing for the literal I kid you not PRINCESS ANASTASIA(it does not go well.) vlad shows up alive and they ride off again only for what can be described as the coolest shit where the boys basically get picked off their saddles and yanked off into foggy nowhere one by one which leaves only David. Spooky, cool , wild. No one remembers the night before everyone has a good panic sesh, they go do work for vlad because yeah OK, wanna steal the gold but bat boy shows up and says “my boys” so they kinda listen to him. Also Marko and Paul eat a dude. That happens. They basically have a casino night and vlad pulls a maggots trick basically getting all but David to drink. Blah blah blah David is all goo goo eyes for girly , boys on fire some stuff. Later that night I find hysterical is that Paul and Marko have the nerve to go “we hungy ;-;” despite literally eating a dude not even two scenes ago. Dracula plays more mind games David whoops his ass then his friends proceed to try and eat him on a train as said, they hungy. David is basically the Micheal. A lot of stuff happens and the earthquake Dracula is dead whoo but so is David’s girl so rip. Max shows up at the end “oh no. Anyway-.” And isn’t a general manipulative dick like Dracula and says it how it is. They join him the end. They don’t explain how the sire thing switches though...
David: he is the Micheal. The most emotional yet level headed at the same time, he was clearly always the leader with Marko as his right hand man. Though he does not as easily follow vlad as the others, he spits out the blood but it’s? Oh my god the just utter loyalty and love he has for the other boys makes my heart ache. The guy literally dies for them and it’s great. However after being a vamp he becomes the more cool more indifferent little emotion showing David we know. Rip David his crushes either grow To hate him or fucking die
Marko: I will kill for him. A bit more wild then David he doesn’t particularly care for who they steal from, he HATES having to wear the fancy clothing and match the style of the rich people in the hotel getting all snappy. He’s clearly young and snappy most lines after David really, and he’s INCREDIBLY close to Paul. They are literally constantly together, they share a bed, comments and Paul literally lunges to help Marko from the sun despite wounding himself worse in that. They dating. He also says ‘looky’ rip markos right hand which was: Crushed; lit on fire,’lit on fire again.
Paul: himbo. He Aparently is the best fist fighter in San Francisco, good to know. He speaks a lot but it’s mainly “I’m scared what’s going on” or “I’m hungry” along those lines. Super close to Marko.
Dwayne: silent type still but gets to speak a hell of a lot more, clearly a good rider and about everything else. Oh! And there’s this charecter named jasper who turns out to be his brother???? He’s completely useless and is only there to give him something to cry over and steal lines that could be given to the others he’s seriously completely pointless
There is the two .. I don’t remember what they are but they are kitchen staff from Romania who know about vamps and warn David about his friends etc. they are clearly a take on the frog brothers but explicitly middle aged. Are they trying to add a reincarnation subplot? There is also a 5 year old who is only here to steal root beer and it is stated he is “grandpa” so only shit Emerson your old. Vlad I’m sort of indifferent about he’s just here to be a ass, to be Dracula - really he didn’t have to be spesifically dracula. Max only shows up at the end which I don’t really like as I think it would have been better to show him building the trust and relationship better? As he’s just overall better then vlad and that’s saying a lot.
There is other parallels to the og movie:
-Vlad ripping the roof off a carriage to eat the couple inside
-The horse scene over the cliff is easily the night ride with Micheal as it’s equally foggy
-David is basically a mix of himself, Micheal and Sam
- the waiters are a form of the frog brothers
Overall I think it is actually really really good? The script bleeds a little to 80s and I think they should benifit from some older language. Also drop Jasper he serves no purpose as he dies and said very little to begin with, drop little grandpa to a implied cameo, give more time with max instead of mainly vlad, like did it need to be literally Dracula? However I still love it, it’s David desperately trying to save his friends, their makeshift family. There’s parts were fear just drips off of the boys and it shows! Genuine fear! Genuine panic! Etc. also gives a explanation to the whole free bird thing because David said “fuck you dracula we ain’t yo slaves” (something like that) over all I take it as cannon, with some liberties I like it as a backstory to the boys and it fills in and explains a lot of things. Not to mention it was actually written by the same people?
Honestly give it a read.
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freddiesaysalright · 3 years
Which of your fics...
Tagged by @snugglyducklingbrewhouse  and @crazylittlethingcalledobsession Thank you both for thinking of me, I’m really excited for this one! I’m gonna stick with my multi-chapter/long fics for these.
Which fic did you think would get a bigger reaction/audience than it got? Tale as Old as Time. The fairy tale AU with Rami as Prince Adam. But, as usual, Rami fics don’t tend to do as well as the others. 
Got a better reaction than you expected? The Most Dramatic Season Ever. I really thought no one would be into the idea of a Bachelorette AU since I don’t see much Bachelor content here on tumblr. But the fic did really well. It still gets notes here and there. 
Is your funniest? Just Like a Woman has to be some of the best comedy I’ve written. Or the bits of standup in Peace Like a River.
Is your darkest/angstiest? Peace Like a River had dark moments, but I think this one actually has to go to Beautiful Mess. So much sadness happened in that fic. Poor Bri got shot. Oof.
Is your absolute favourite? This is tough. My fics are my babies, but I’m gonna have to go with my OG fic of the Queen fandom that started it all - My Man. 
Is your least favourite? I don’t love Soft in Love. Idk why, but I don’t feel like my heart was totally in that one and I think it shows.
Was the easiest to write? Part of Your World. I had soooooooo many ideas for that fic going in and when I started writing, it flowed out of me. That was the fairy tale AU I was most excited about. 
Was the hardest to write? Journey to the Past. I feel like I’m rushing the story in that one, and I’m not proud of the stuff I have so far, which is making my motivation to finish it even worse. 
Has your favourite line/exchange/paragraph? I Don’t Like You or Your Band has most of my favorites overall but this one was the big moment: 
You arrived to the studio early the next morning. It was raining heavily as thunder rolled in the distance. Cosmically, John was the only other person there. You didn’t let the fact that you’d gotten off to the thought of him throw you. You just took your seat on the couch, ringing out your hair, and waited in silence with him. You pulled out the book you were reading and dove in. The only sound was the patter of the rain on the roof. “Why didn’t you tell me what happened to you when you came to London?” he asked suddenly. You snapped the book shut and looked at him icily. “I didn’t realize that was any of your business.” “I know you’re not this person,” he said. “When you looked at Cora yesterday, you were yourself again.” “You don’t know anything about who I am, John Deacon,” you said. “A lot has changed since we left Oadby.” “You’re avoiding my question.” “You’re assuming you have a right to an answer.” “I think I do have a right,” he said hotly. “A lot of this anger you’ve got is clearly directed at me. Maybe if you stopped biting everyone’s head off and talked about it, you wouldn’t be so pissed off.” There was that look again. The pity guilt combination that made your stomach roil. “Fine,” you snipped. “You wanna know what happened to me? Yes, I got robbed and left naked behind a building. I took a job as a waitress to scrape by and pay back a fraction of debt I owed Cora. And there were a few regulars at the bar who I fucked for money. Anything else?” “How’d you get a writing position?” he asked levelly. “One of the regulars introduced me to an editor friend of his,” you said. “I submitted my first article to him, and he took me on. I got better and was eventually offered the job I’ve got now.” “Okay, how is any of this my fault?” “Is that what you think?” you laughed. “I don’t blame you for any of that shit. You weren’t even in my life anymore.” “Then why are you so angry at me?!” he demanded, getting to his feet. You jumped up too. “I’m angry at you because you lied to me!” “What?!” “You did!” you cried. “You broke up with me, and it broke my heart. But it was okay because we were supposed to be friends. And yet I was the only one who made any effort. Then suddenly you were off to London and then I never heard a thing from you! And I wrote you every day! Every day until I came here looking for you! And you promised you’d write to me, John!” You choked on his name as your throat got thick with the old wound. “You promised,” you repeated with childish stubbornness. “I’m sorry,” he said earnestly. You rolled your eyes. “What do you want from me, John? My forgiveness?” “Well, it was only letters,” he said. “Only letters?” you repeated quietly. “John, it’s not about the letters. It’s the fact that you didn’t give enough of a shit about me to pick up a goddamn pen. Our relationship meant that little to you. I meant that little to you.” You had scarcely gotten the words out when Roger and Brian walked in, both rain soaked, and flicking water off their coats. 
Have you re-read the most? Lingerie and I’m sure we all know why lmao
Would you recommend to someone reading your work for the first time? Just Like a Woman or Catching Up. Those are the most my style I think. 
Are you most proud of? Dancing With Ben. A lot of work went into that fic - finding the dances and figuring out how to describe them. And I think the pacing worked great, and I just loved how it ended. Story structure wise, I felt like it was my best. 
Tagging: Anyone who wants to! I’m not really sure who’s still writing anymore, so I don’t wanna put the pressure on lol
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
immj2 13 + 14.11.20 lbs
i’m just gonna skim through this one, coz i don’t wanna dwell on the death and maatam and all.
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hahahahahahahahaha riddhima is screaming at god for letting this happen and kabir is like “bhagwaan ko beech mein kyun laa rahi ho, mujhe bhi toh credit do!” i truly love this crazyass fucker.
riddhima continuing to scream at god about vansh jissne “KOI KABHI BURA KAAM NAHI KIYA HAI” ?!?!?!!?!?!?!? sis what the fuck???? first of all, none of us over the age of like...... 7, are truly sinless. and THIS MAN PARALYZED AND THREATENED TO KILL YOU MULTIPLE TIMES, FFS.
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now she trying to throw herself off the cliff and for some reason i cannot understand, kabir is holding her back????? literally why, my bro????? let her die, saaari musibatein khatam. ugh, you still have some kinda residual feelings for her from your not-that-kameena days, don’t you?
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asalkdjaldkjsaldkjsalkdjl riddhima ke andar OG prerna ka bhoot chadh gaya, she hitting kabir with danda the way Mother India did dhulaayi of yudi in the disco (still one of the most iconic scenes of tellywood for me, istg)
dude, idk if it’s just ego waale possesive issues or he still has feelings for her, but kabir def wants riddhima to be “his girl”. even after danda beating he’s trying to help her as she stumbles around in sadma.
anyway she sauntered off rubbing that stupid muffler of vansh’s on her face. SIS YOU GONNA BREAK OUT IF YOU RUB SUCH GANDA KAPDA ON YOUR FACE.
5 min of flashbacks of vansh. fwding.
family (dadi, chanchal, and all the rest of the riff-raff) has come back home and ghar is all dark.
weird how angre is also with them. i woulda thought he’d be on whatever tasks vansh set him on, instead of doing mandir yatras with these assholes.
mummy has decided to break news in most non-tactful way ever. wearing all white and has set up photu with haar already.
yeah, requisite screaming and crying blah blah. nahi dekhna.
i’m only here for ishani and angre’s reactions. bechaare look genuinely devastated. i mean dadi does too, but bohut hi zyaaaada overdramatic and i’m getting uncomfortable.
riddhima has returned.
to her surprise everyone already knows. zara dimaag lagao behen, how they even found out before you reached??? (ok no i understand you’re numb from trauma rn and can’t think of all this, but i hope your idiot brain thinks of it later.)
holy shit she’s actually saying, “tu toh uski dhaal thi, uske liye tuney goli khaayi thi, iss baar kaise chook gayi????” MAN, FAMILIES OF DESI BOYS REALLY BE FUCKIN WILDDDDDDDDDDDDDD WITH THEIR EXPECTATIONS FROM BAHUS. one time she took a bullet for him wasn’t enough????? you want her to actually fucking die before something happens to him. god forgive me but i really wanna slap this dadi rn.
mummy cooking up some fucking ridiculousssssss story about gunde in the house and how vansh was chasing them and gaadi khaayi mein gir gayi and god knows whatttt
ok she’s saying siya got the call about it and she was running down the stairs while in shock and now whoopsie daisy, she’s in critical condition (probably in a coma or some shit.)
aryan looks sad at the siya news. thank god this mummy ka niyana has basic consideration for someone else other than himself and his mother.
mummy ka rona dhona drama fwding.
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ishani is now yelling at angre. which..... kinda deserved. you’re his safety person dude.
ok too much crying. fwding.
riddhima asking mummy why you lie to family about how he died. mummy like how tf i tell them police dragged him out and he died in an encounter for trying to escape. it’s better for them to not know the truth. which.............. ok fair, but coming from this shadyassss woman......
god this mummy ka ainvayi praising vansh waala scene is going on too long. fwding.
riddhima back to room. some more flashbacks. OUFF. FWDING.
obligatory kamre ka tod-phod scene. FWDING!!!!!!!!!!
fell asleep crying and holding one of his coats.
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dadi slapping ishani for doing what any one of us would do, honestly, so.... whatever. fuck off dadi.
ishani telling 100% truth ki jabse this useless b has entered my bhai’s life, his problems have been never ending, i’m fucking sureeeeeeeeee she’s the reason he’s dead. the only voice of reason in this show, truly.
dadi all WOH EK HAADSAAAA THAAAA, NOONE CAN CONTROLLLL THOSEEEE, oh yeah, not the sentiment that you were expressing to riddhima when she walked in, you stupid old bat. whatever, i’m fwding this scene.
kabir and mishra have entered house. coz they are awwal no. ke sadists. need to get off on watching this family cry and suffer.
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angre bhi staring daggers at kabir. chal hatt, i know for sure you’re behind saving vansh and stashing him somewhere to crawl out whenever it’s the right time. 
body nahi mili blah blah blah
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lol this one’s face clearly says milegi bhi kaise, main tum logon ki tarah nikamma nahi hoon. i have 16% success rate. it’s low but it’s more than y’all 0%.
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lmaoooooo oh DOW DIGGY DIGGY DOW DIGGY DOW DOW, i love you sooooooooo much.
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yup. appropriate response. to just generally all the men in your life.
lmao riddhima like you arrested vansh ONLY COZ I LOVEDDDDDDD HIMMMMMMMMMMMM. lol the amount of self delusion. sis, his feelings for vansh were faaaaaaar more powerful and intense than anything he ever felt for your dumb ass.
kabir saying there’s nothing left for you here, why don’t you come back to me and lmao............... he tried.
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 “riddhima nahi. riddhima vansh raisinghania.” 
ok whatever you say, sis. i’m just grateful to god this manhoos episode is finally over.
redo of last scene.
lmao kabir is like I HATED VANSH WAAAAAAAAAAAAY BEFORE YOUR DUMB ASS FELL FOR HIM. YEAH I DON’T LIKE THAT YOU PICKED HIM OVER ME, BUT I’M NOT SO BAD THAT I’D TAKE REVENGE FROM HIM FOR THAT. yeah, dude. he just wanted his money; not youuuuuu. like..... chillll. kahaan se aata hai logon ko itnaaaaa confidence khud pe???
kabir saying i had proof vansh killed ragini, i found his watch there next to the body. she’s like i had it, i took it to repair it, and ragini died in front of me. vansh wasn’t anywhere near there.
lmao she’s back to shoving him around. what an annoying bitch she is. 
kabir like did you SEE who shot ragini? no????????? then it could very well have been vansh, right????? plus i got that footage from 3 years ago.
kabir saying someone from inside the house probably saved it and sent it. and that vansh made all this happen by taking mishra’s gunnnn and forcing them to take the sunsaaaan paaath and he tried to runnn and blah blah blah.
again he’s asking her to come be with him and she’s like gtfo i don’t wanna see your cuteass face anymore, you’re dead to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ok she didn’t say the cute bit, i did. i think y’all already knew that. but how to resist??? he sho cute!!!!!! 
mishra like this b kuch zyaada nahi bol gayi???? 
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“dil par jo chot lagti hai, woh nazar nahi aati, but ghaav bohut gehra hota hai. yeh dard maine bhi mehsoos kiya tha, jab riddhima mujhe chod ke chali gayi thi vansh ke paas.” heinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn? now he suddenly is/was truly in love with her again???? bhai, tu decide karle, ki if she’s just a pawn to you or something more. ainvayi jhool raha hai idhar udhar.
mishra like, ok whatever, but where vansh’s body tho???
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clearly not him. the head shape alllllll different.
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again, no wedding ring. dead body is not vansh.
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“bhagwaan jaane kahaan chali gayi uski laash.” lmao i really loled the way he delivered the line. i really love him the mostttttttttt.
kabir you are honestly suchhhhhhhhhhhhhh an idiot, if you think not getting his body is a good thing. DON’T YOU KNOW HIM AT ALL??????? AT ALLLLLLLL????? NO BODY MEANS HE’S STILL OUT THERE, BIDING HIS TIME TO FUCKING COME GET YOUUUUUU.
he’s like good, vansh didn’t even get antim sanskaaaar. who knew kabir was sooooo religious??????
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vansh so efficient and independent ki khud ka kriyakaram kar raha hai. aatmanirbhar ho toh aise!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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not before he maarofied his own pocket tho.
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“bohut jald iss VR mansion ke aage KR mansion ka signboard hoga.” hein???????? the R in there is for RAISINGHANIA. why the hell would you add one random surname to your name??????
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helllllllllllllllllllllllo hunny. NOW YOU’VE MADE THIS SHOW FINALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY WORTH WATCHING. bas thodaaaa saa tharakkkkk ka maska i need to make my tellywood viewing experience sooooooo much easier. AUR WOH MUJHE AAAAAAJ SE MIL GAYAAAAAAAAAAA.
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ok 13 days later.
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bitch looks better after going through life-altering trauma than i do on my most stable mental health days.
talking to portrait about how the misery is unending, etc. etc.
kabir still calling her. WHY??????? dude just take the L and move the fuck on.
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lmaooooooo mummy is like 13 din rone ki acting kar karke aankhon ki band baj gayiiiiii. 
standard mwahahahahaha we succedded bufoonery from too complacent evil ppl. dumb dumb dumbbbbb!
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but let’s admire this evil cutie bean.
riddhima’s mangalsutra which she justttttt set down on that bureau missing. she in a panic.
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ofc these two are behind it.
ishani wants the truth about that dayyyyyyy and aryan jumping in about how riddhima never loved vansh and just always doubted him and blah blah.
my question is since when aryan loves vansh bhaiiiiiii so much huh???????
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anyway. this happens. and those two are left plotting some more about getting the truth out.
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VIHAAAAAAAAAAAN is the new name.
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seeeeee????? i knew his ass had some lucrative skill in the current economy. he some tech bro types.
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unf, boy got cake. that ass just needed shirali to stay tf away from it.
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also askdjalskjdlsakdjlaskjdlkj they turned ragini’s container waala room into his hacker man cave. what a wonderfully multipurpose room!
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honestly, i’m just soooooooooo relieved i can just watch this show for eyecandy now. kaleje ko suchhhhhhhh thandak, yougaizzzzz.
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banda khud vansh ke net worth (5000 cr.) ko dekh kar hairaan pareshaan. yeah, this much wealth accumulation is fucking immoral, asshole. you vansh did deserve to get thrown off a fucking cliff.
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show laaaaaaaaaakh convince karne ki koshish karle ki yeh koi aur hai, my bullshit meter says it’s vansh vansh and no one else but vansh.
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unrealistic af, someone PRINTING photos out in this day and age. what kinda tech person are you???????
lmao he’s checking out each photo for each family member and the commentssssssss.....
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rudra chacha and chanchal chachi: “kaafi expressive faces! koshish bhi kare chupaane ki toh bhi chupaa nahi paa rahe ke lomdiii hain yeh ghar ke.”
aslkdjaslkdjlsakjdlskjdlksj i already like him better than old vansh.
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aryan: “doosron ke bharose jeene waala.”
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ishani: “raisinghania hone ka bohut ghamand hai, magar bechaari ki shaadi angre se ho gayi.”
how he know that if he not vansh????? angre not even in this set of pics.
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siya: “kehte hain jo chal nahi sakte, unka wifi network bohut strong hota hai..... kab, kahaan, kya pakad le, koi nahi jaanta.”
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“aur yeh hai....... RIDDHIMAAAAA....... iss parivaar ka most special aur khoobsoorat member.”
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“moh aur maaya...... dono ka mel [...]”
yup, i definitely like this cheeky and cheesy persona better than the murder-threatening-paralyzing shit we had to put up with earlier. happy days, you guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! happy days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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supercasey · 3 years
TMA PMV Idea “The Dreamland Archives”
Fuck it, TMA ended so now I’m gonna post my draft sheet for a PMV I desperately wish to make, but don’t have the skills to do so. If anyone wants to use it, go ahead, but I’d like to at least know about it beforehand because I am INVESTED in this idea. (Spoilers for seasons 1-4)
(Credits/intro plays before the vocals begin)
Song: Dreamland by Glass Animals
All characters belong to Rusty Quill
*Insert list of PMV participants*
Supertheodore presents: The Dreamland Archives
Pullin' down backstreets, deep in your head [Camera is focused on the door to the archives, which opens by itself after the word “backstreets”] Slippin' through dreamland like a tourist [Camera shows the archives empty, and then filled with all of Jon's assistants after the word “dreamland” (including OG!Sasha, though her and Tim appear to be ghosts), all of them appearing happy and hard at work] Pullin' down backstreets, deep in your head [A photograph of Jon with all of the S1 assistants + Elias, everyone smiling; after the word “backstreets” it’s the S3 crew, everyone appearing upset/angry, save for Jon, who’s crying and covering his face with his hands, and Elias, who’s still smiling and has his hands on both of Jon’s shoulders] Slippin' through dreamland like a tourist [Jon is on his knees as he looks through a filing cabinet, clearly frustrated; after the word “dreamland” a ghost of Gertrude appears behind him, her arms crossed as she stands behind him, appearing disappointed]
That first friend you had, that worst thing you said [Martin is bringing a very tired Jon, who has his head in his hands, a cup of tea; Jon looks up and snaps at him after the word “had”, causing Martin to startle] That perfect moment, that last tear you shed [Tim, Martin, and even Jon are laughing at a joke that Sasha said, all three of them surrounding her desk; after the word “moment” Sasha is gone, and the others are left crying/upset] All you've done in bed, all on Memorex [Martin is alone in the archive’s storage room bed, wide awake and holding a corkscrew for dear life; after the word “bed” it cuts to Tim, who is angrily throwing a tape recorder against the nearest wall] All 'round-'round your head, all 'round-'round your head [Camera pans down from a single light-bulb to focus on Jon, who's silently crying in his office chair and surrounded by tape recorders splattered with blood (all in the shape of eyes, all staring at him)]
Pullin' down backstreets, deep in your head [Jon is traveling the tunnels alone as he uses a flashlight to light his way; after the word “backstreets” it's a similar shot, but now he's running for his life from Not!Sasha] Slippin’ through dreamland like a tourist [Jon is sitting in front of Jurgen Leitner as Jurgen explains what’s really going on to him; after the word “dreamland” Jurgen is bloodied up and dead, with Jon looking horrified, a bloody pipe rests on the table between them] Pullin' down backstreets, deep in your head [Martin and Tim run into Michael in the tunnels; after the word “backstreets” they find themselves in the realm of the Spiral] Slippin' through dreamland like a tourist [Martin and Tim are both shocked upon finding Jurgen Leitner's body; Tim becomes angry while Martin becomes worried after the word “dreamland”]
You've had too much of the digital love [Jon is sitting on the floor of Georgie's apartment, one hand holding a tape recorder, the other holding his head; after the word “much” the Admiral crawls into his lap, making Jon smile slightly] You want everything live, you want things you can touch [Jon is sitting across from Jude Perry at a cafe, looking nervous while she gives him a mischievous grin; after the word “live” it cuts to Jon free falling through the sky with Mike Crew, Mike seemingly unbothered by the whole thing while Jon looks terrified] Make it feel like a movie you saw in your youth [Shows the scene of Jon, at 8 years old, following his childhood bully to Mr. Spider’s house; the door opens and several spiders legs come out and take the bully after the word “movie”, leaving Jon terrified and covering his mouth to keep back a scream] Make it feel like that song that just unopened you [Camera is focused on Jon tied up and gagged in a chair as Nikola Orsinov brags into his tape recorder about having kidnapped him, her back turned to him the entire time; however, Michael and his door appear beside Jon after the word “song”, Jon looking very surprised/scared to see him] You were ten years old, holdin' hands in the classroom [Tim is helping Jon limp through the tunnels under the institute, the two of them looking pretty beat up; their holds tighten on each other after the word “old”, with Jon pressing his face into Tim’s shirt. Even though they’re scared, they still have each other’s backs] He had a gun on the first day of high school [Tim has his back to the camera and is facing a burning circus, triumphantly holding the detonation switch over his head; after the word “the” he presses it, causing the circus to explode, with Tim being lost to the explosion after the word “of”]  ((This line and the one before it are the reasons why this stupid idea exists)) You want something bizarre, old conceptual cars [Helen is standing in the doorway of the Spiral, grinning at the camera; after the word "bizarre” Peter Lukas is standing at the frontmost part of the Tundra, smoking a pipe with one hand while the other is in his coat pocket] You want girls dressed in drag, you want boys with guitars [Melanie slashes at the camera with a knife, her eyes glowing red; after the word “drag” we see Gerry as ghost levitating in the air and lying on his back, his arms behind his head and a content smile on his face while Jon’s panicking right next to him (and wearing a tacky “I <3 NY” t-shirt ‘cus I said so)]
Pullin' down backstreets, deep in your head [Jon is lying in a hospital bed during his coma, fast asleep, with Elias sitting in a chair beside him, reading a statement aloud; Elias lays a hand on Jon’s forehead after the word “backstreets”] Slippin' through dreamland like a tourist [Oliver comes to visit Jon at the hospital, and is leaned over Jon (from Jon’s POV for the camera angle); after the word “dreamland” it cuts to him having his back to Jon, hands up in surrender as he faces a suspicious Georgie] Pullin' down backstreets, deep in your head [Jon looks incredibly stressed in a shot of the archives, looking around for Martin; after the word “backstreets” Martin shows up in a cloud of fog behind him, visibly sad] Slippin' through dreamland like a tourist [Jon is crawling through the Buried, looking for Daisy, who he finds as a disheveled mess after the word “dreamland”]
You see Kodachrome, you see pink and gold [Melanie is laughing while sitting on Jon’s desk facing Basira after recording a statement; after the word “Kodachrome” it’s the same scene, but her and Jon are standing up, and she’s hugging Jon before she’s about to go and blind herself] You see Mulholland glow, you see in airplane mode [Jon and Daisy are sprawled out together on the floor of the archives, listening to the Archers and laughing; after the word “glow” it’s Basira and Daisy kneeling in the same spot, Basira trying to hold onto Daisy and keep her from giving into the Hunt as she begins to change into a werewolf] All 'round-'round your head, all 'round-'round your head [Jon and Basira are interrogating Manuela about the location of the dark sun; after the first use of the word “head” it cuts to Jon seeing the dark sun with his own eyes, tears running down his face as he smiles at it] All 'round-'round your head, all 'round-'round your head [Martin and Peter are navigating the tunnels together, Martin looking frustrated while Peter smiles; after the first use of the word “head” it cuts to Martin discovering the body of Jonah Magnus, his expression one of terror]
You float in the pool where the soundtrack is canned [Jon is searching the Lonely for Martin, calling out for him through the fog; after the word “pool” a smug looking Peter appears behind him, causing Jon to jolt in surprise] You go ask your questions like, “What makes a man?” [Jon confronts Peter, screaming at him from a few feet away; after the word “like” his eyes begin to glow green, and several glowing green eyes surround him and Peter, with Peter bending forward and clutching his head in pain] Oh, it's 2020, so it's time to change that [Jon is facing Martin in the Lonely, pleading with him face to face with his hands on his cheeks; after the word “2020” Martin’s eyes light up as he finally breaks free of the Lonely’s influence] So you go make an album and call it Dreamland [Jon and Martin are seen hugging each other for dear life; after the word “album” the scene cuts to them walking out of the Lonely together, hand in hand with their backs to the camera; the camera zooms in on their hands holding onto each other at the word “Dreamland”]
((I’m open to a few changes, but I will die before I let go of the Tim & Jon scene, which lives in my brain rent free))
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wasabi-mommy · 4 years
Hello, this is a short 3 part fic I’m in process of writing.
Summary: Kakashi has lost the one he loves most, how? He doesn’t know. How is he is still alive? Also, he doesn’t know. Dealing with the intense emotions, the stress of change, and living without the love of his life is tearing him apart. Kakashi doesn’t know it, but he has people looking out for him though, Even if he doesn’t feel like it.
(Let’s base this before he has OG team 7)
Day By Day (1/3)
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He didn’t know what was worse. Couldn’t tell what hurt more... the first night knowing that she’s gone, or every single day after.
Kakashi was still awake, like he had been for the last 6 days.. no.. no it was almost morning now. No.. 7 days.. a week. His eyes glued to the ceiling of his “old” apartment.
Once more in his life he felt empty. He felt like a fucking idiot.. letting his guard down again- letting someone in. Again. Of course they would be doomed to die as everyone else Kakashi cared for would.
He didn’t even know how she died. He woke up to her body lifeless on top of his... He doesn’t remember who carried him to safety.. he doesn’t remember who hauled his half dead body 100 miles back to the village, he doesn’t even remember being in a medically induced coma.
All Kakashi can recall.. is waking up to his lover’s body on top of his, stained with cold blood , yelling her name and shaking her to wake up- to open her eyes.
Then it was black.
He remembers shooting up from the hospital bed, ripping off the wires and tubes attached to him, he remembers practically interrogating the doctors and hospital staff...”She bled out” the medics told him.
He sat up slowly, he was disgusted with himself, his body felt like sludge. His head fell into his hands, his face unyielding of any emotion but the tears streaming down his cheeks clearly say otherwise.
He crossed his legs as he stifled a silent sob.
He loved her. She was the kind, unselfish,sweetest, intelligent laidback person he had ever known.. and she didn’t even have to try, because that’s how genuine she was. Kakashi’s breathing gradually slowed and he lifted his head from his hands. He threw his legs over to the side of the bed and with all the effort of whatever was left in him, pushed himself up.
The funeral or the preparations atleast.. was what he would genuinely crushed him. She didn’t have any family, no next of kin, only him. He had to sign the release forms for her body at the morgue, he had to handle the paperwork regarding funeral arrangements. It was a constant sick reminder from the minute he woke up on an active battlefield.. that she was dead.
Kakashi’s legs were numb but managed to carry him to the bathroom just fine. He scanned himself in the mirror. His silver hair thrown in every direction, dark bags forming under his eyes from sleepless nights, his maskless face covered in scruff. He let out a short laugh followed by a small cry.
‘I should be ashamed of myself’ he thought staring down his own reflection.
The anger was carved into Kakashi’s face and he couldn’t hold it in anymore, with his knuckles white and a quick cock back of his fist, he’d lost it. The sound that escaped his lips as his fist easily went through the dry wall was one he’d never actually heard from himself before. It wasn’t like him to be this extremely outwardly violent.
The mirror fell off the wall and shattered on the tile floor, Kakashi’s breaths were heavy and his eyes fell below him. The glass had sliced his ankles and feet. For some reason.. he couldnt feel the pain, but he could see the blood starting to seep from the cuts. Other than that.. nothing.
“MR. HATAKE! WHAT IS GOING ON?!” A raspy female voice called out as she banged loudly on the front door.
“Shit” He mumbled. He’d forgotten, his neighbor was actually his landlord. He let out a sigh and rand his hand through his tangled hair. He can’t feel anything- at least in the moment so he walked without a care over the shattered glass on the bathroom floor.
He slowly turned the knob of the door revealing the short chubby grey haired women standing with her arms crossed.
“Mr.Hatake do you understand it is 4 in the Morning!? What are you doing punching holes through my walls?!” She yelled flailing her knobby arms around.
“I’m sorry Mrs. Roshi” she arms fell, she opened her eyes to get a closer look at his.
“Mr. Hatake! You’re bleeding!” Ms. Roshi grabbed his hand before he could protest and guided him through the door to the right of his.
“You sit down, I’ll fix you up!” She motion him to the living room while she waddled away. Kakashi found himself sitting on the sofa, hand folded in his lap, he could feel the dried tears along his cheeks, and a headache was sure to be coming along.
‘She won’t be offended if I just leave right? ..no i already put a hole through her wall.. she’d probably evict me at that point..’ he thought folding his hands into his lap.
Ms. Roshi came back with a large bowl of water, a small metallic bowl, medical tweezers, surgical sutures, alcohol pads, and bandages. She set everything down on the floor and looked up at Kakashi. She frowned, there was an emptiness that she could she through his dark eyes. Roshi herself had a feeling what had happened seeing that look in a mans before.
She lightly lifted up his heel and began to observe the wound soon plunking away at glass shards. Kakashi felt embarrassed, but he felt like he deserved this, this punishment or whatever this feeling was. The only noise filling the apartment where the small clinks of glass begin dropped in a metal pan.
Roshi broke the silence, “ what has you hollowed away Mr. Hatake?” Her voice was steady and calm, almost nurturing.
Kakashi’s eyes grew wide for a second and then appeared once again lifeless.
“I..” it was still so fucking hard to admit. Because when he would say it.. then it would become real, “ I lost a loved one”
Roshi nodded, “ I see... I’m sorry for your loss” Kakashi’s shoulders fell, even though he had to keep still for her he just wanted to fall apart.
“If I may ask, how did she pass?” Roshi asked plucking out a very large piece of glass from the side of Kakashi’s ankle. He felt like his heart would stop any minute with how shallow it felt.
“I-I don’t know..”
Roshi cocked her brow before she could say anything Kakashi continued,” I remember waking up during the battle..she- she was on top of me. I- she died.. she bled out on top of me”
Roshi’s face grew grim, “ that is terrible, I’m so sorry.” She began working on stitches the deeper cuts at this point. Old woman worked fast.
“How about I put on a pot of tea,Hn? Then I would like to talk to you Kakashi”
Kakashi’s head perked up, it caught him completely off guard, using his first name.
“I would like that, Thankyou” he hated how disgustingly pathetic he sounded. He just wanted to shrivel up and die in complete honesty. Ms. Roshi finished stitching up the silver haired mans feet and ankles and had wrapped them in bandages.
“Put on these socks for now, you shouldn’t walk bare foot with fresh bandages” she tossed him a pair of fluffy grey socks. Kakashi slipped them on and Ms.Roshi eventually slipped to the kitchen for a short and and brought two cups of hot tea and set them on the coffee table. She took her place in an arm chair across from Kakashi and sighed. Kakashi blew gently on the hot glass and began to sip the sweet warm liquid.
“I remember when I first met you and Sakumo,”
Kakashi almost choked on his tea, he put the cut down on the table, “you knew my father?”
Roshi smiled and nodded putting her tea down as well, “of course! I’ve rented to Sakumo all of your life Kakashi, I was very close friends with Sakumo until the end, I remember tiny little you..and now look another Hatake is renting from me now.”
She smiled, “ Besides who else would rent to a man with such bad credit like Sakumo”
Kakashi scratched the back of his head. “Uuuh well..”
Roshi Scoffed, “Kakashi you don’t even have credit, so shush, I promised Sakumo I’d give you somewhere to stay, why do you think you rent is only $50?”
Kakashi sweat dropped, he was learning a little more than needed about his father now.
“I’m not going to sugar coat it Kakashi, I’ve lost my Husband, 3 sons, and 2 daughters.. all Shinobi, some fighting for the village, some becoming their own demise..” she looked at Kakashi with serious eyes. Kakashi’s mismatched colored eyes locked with hers in the subtle moonlight of the living room.
“I need to know if you’re going to be okay Kakashi. I’ve lost two sons to suicide, and I wouldn’t want the same to happen to a dear companions son”
Kakashi tensed up. No, he wouldn’t come to that point.. a part of him wouldnt fathom the thought of taking his own life, only from the fear of not having succeeded and having to deal with the aftermath. There was a sick part of him deep inside that wanted to give in and waste away. Kakashi picked his cup back up,
“No.. I couldn’t” he mumbled gazing at his reflection in the tea, god he looked like shit enough for someone to ask him that?
A huff came from Roshi and she crossed her arms. “Good. You’re a gentle young man Kakashi, I know everything you’ve been through has been hard- but you cannot be lead astray by violence and self destruction”
Everything she was saying.. resonate led with him. Staring blankly into the dark liquid refracting the gleam of moon light that had slipped through the window.
Kakashi set the cup down and got up from the sofa. He flinched, yes he could feel what the broken mirror had done to his feet now. What a stupid, stupid, stupid thing for him to do.
“Thankyou Ms. Roshi, I’m sorry about your wall,” Kakashi’s eyes glanced to his left where he could see a hole clear through the drywall.
“... I will fix it in the morning, Thankyou for everything.” He bowed his head to her and turned to leave.
He looked over his shoulder, his hand already gripping the door knob. “... please come and visit me more often, talking can help.”
Kakashi looked back at her and forced a small closed eye smile.
“Thankyou Ms. Roshi” he said quietly leaving the old woman apartment.
He closed the door silently and slipped back into his apartment where the bathroom light was still on. Making his way towards the bathroom he saw how much of a mess their actually was, blood, glass, chunks of drywall. It earned him sliced up feet and ankles and still.. nothing has changed.
Lol I hope you enjoyed, this is part one of three, inbox me suggestion and stuff.. please don’t be rude this is my first fic that I’m posting on this blog publicly.
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