#cloud storage options
hesina · 11 months
I hate that we got rid of the gallery app and now everything's on the cloud. Why can't I have a storage of my photos that I take ON MY PHONE and keep it on my phone??? I'm out of Google storage because I've had this Google account for 10 years or smth and I am not gonna buy "more storage" I HAVE plenty of storage. On my phone. Why can't I store them there.
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techtoio · 3 months
Cloud Storage Solutions: Which One is Right for You?
Reliable cloud storage is a must in today’s digital era. Whether you’re a business owner, a student, or someone who loves taking photos, choosing the right cloud storage solution can make a huge difference. It can be difficult to determine which option is best for you given the vast array of choices. In this article, we’ll break down some of the top cloud storage solutions to help you make an informed decision.
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legalfirmindia · 5 months
Data Protection: Legal Safeguards for Your Business
In today’s digital age, data is the lifeblood of most businesses. Customer information, financial records, and intellectual property – all this valuable data resides within your systems. However, with this digital wealth comes a significant responsibility: protecting it from unauthorized access, misuse, or loss. Data breaches can have devastating consequences, damaging your reputation, incurring…
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totodiletears · 7 months
Trying to decide if I want to spend money on a decent book bundle deal or not.
On the one hand, lots and lots of books to read for a good price, yay! On the other hand, I want to buy a new microSD and HDD for Wii U purposes very soon, and I've already committed to lunch out with my sister in a couple days, and mom's birthday is this weekend so that's eating out at a restaurant AGAIN. If I spring for the books I'll have to wait a little bit longer to start picking up important things for my Wii U.
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Apologies for the multiple reblogs of the Google Drive post but I can't be the only one with something irreplaceable in Google Drive.
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newkiqx · 2 years
I just found some pictures I thought I lost (hard drive failure mid 2021). So god damn happy now 😄
While i'm on the subject / for those who need to hear this rn:
Make backups. Yes, especially you.
Even a year and a half later, i want to time travel back and hit myself in the face for being such an idiot and procrastinating
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copperbadge · 4 months
I have a lot of feelings about the use of AI in Everything These Days, but they're not particularly strong feelings, like I've got other shit going on. That said, when I use a desktop computer, every single file I use in Google Drive now has a constant irritating popup on the right-hand side asking me how Gemini AI Can Help Me. You can't, Gemini. You are in the way. I'm not even mad there's an AI there, I'm mad there's a constantly recurring popup taking up space and attention on my screen.
Here's the problem, however: even Gemini doesn't know how to disable Gemini. I did my own research and then finally, with a deep appreciation of the irony of this, I asked it how to turn it off. It said in any google drive file go to Help > Gemini and there will be an option to turn it off. Guess what isn't a menu item under Help?
I've had a look around at web tutorials for removing or blocking it, but they are either out of date or for the Gemini personal assistant, which I already don't have, and thus cannot turn off. Gemini for Drive is an integrated "service" within Google Drive, which I guess means I'm going to have to look into moving off Google Drive.
So, does anyone have references for a service as seamless and accessible as Google Drive? I need document, spreadsheet, slideshow, and storage, but I don't have any fancy widgets installed or anything. I do technically own Microsoft Office so I suppose I could use that but I've never found its cloud function to actually, uh, function. I could use OneNote for documents if things get desperate but OneNote is very limited overall. I want to be able to open and edit files, including on an Android phone, and I'd prefer if I didn't have to receive a security code in my text messages every time I log in. I also will likely need to be able to give non-users access, but I suppose I could kludge that in Drive as long as I only have to deal with it short-term.
Any thoughts, friends? If I find a good functional replacement I'm happy to post about it once I've tested it.
Also, saying this because I love you guys but if I don't spell it out I will get a bunch of comments about it: If you yourself have managed to banish Gemini from your Drive account including from popping up in individual files, I'm interested! Please share. If you have not actually implemented a solution yourself, rest assured, anything you find I have already tried and it does not work.
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sirfrogsworth · 1 year
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I'm not upset that blu-rays are being phased out. Formats all become obsolete and then die out.
My worry is there is not an adequate replacement for physical media. If you stream a 4K movie, it is usually over compressed and has a lossy audio track. Usually the quality *improves* when you move on to the next thing. But in this case, only the convenience is improved.
And there is no way to truly own the media you buy online. Even on Amazon when you "buy" something, that just means you have indefinite access to the file on their server. But if they lose the rights to that content or decide to delete it for tax purposes, you lose it too.
There is a service called Kaleidescape. It allows you to download blu-ray quality movie files onto local storage. Unfortunately the service has way too many caveats. You can only play the movies on their proprietary equipment. If they go out of business you will lose all of your movie purchases. And while they have a lot of mainstream, big budget movies, their selection is far from vast.
Oh, and their hardware starts at $8,000 and each movie is between $10 and $30 to purchase. And if you want to save more than 125 movies, the cost balloons to nearly $20K for the hardware.
The quality issue will eventually solve itself. New codecs like AV1 and H.266 will allow files to be compressed without losing any quality.
But I have no idea what to do about being unable to truly own your media. No studio will agree to DRM-free downloads that you can store anywhere and play with any device.
Maybe they can create a system where you can register any device you own and be allowed to play the file on those registered devices. So you get a file you can download, but the DRM requires verification you own the device it is being played on.
Perhaps they could designate a few cloud storage services as approved download platforms. You are free to shift your media from cloud to cloud, but it must always stay on the cloud and be registered to you. That way if a cloud storage company bites the dust, you still have the option to move your media to another place.
It's not as good as DRM-free local storage, but I don't see studios agreeing to anything else.
In truth, people are probably never going to buy movies in the future. If you have the option to rent for $3 or buy for $20, people probably aren't going to see the value in spending that much to own a movie.
Maybe the solution lies in some kind of law. If a platform no longer wishes to host a show or movie and they can't sell it to another streaming service, then they must give up the rights and allow the Library of Congress to save and distribute it.
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fabaulti · 1 year
I think most of us should take the whole ai scraping situation as a sign that we should maybe stop giving google/facebook/big corps all our data and look into alternatives that actually value your privacy.
i know this is easier said than done because everybody under the sun seems to use these services, but I promise you it’s not impossible. In fact, I made a list of a few alternatives to popular apps and services, alternatives that are privacy first, open source and don’t sell your data.
right off the bat I suggest you stop using gmail. it’s trash and not secure at all. google can read your emails. in fact, google has acces to all the data on your account and while what they do with it is already shady, I don’t even want to know what the whole ai situation is going to bring. a good alternative to a few google services is skiff. they provide a secure, e3ee mail service along with a workspace that can easily import google documents, a calendar and 10 gb free storage. i’ve been using it for a while and it’s great.
a good alternative to google drive is either koofr or filen. I use filen because everything you upload on there is end to end encrypted with zero knowledge. they offer 10 gb of free storage and really affordable lifetime plans.
google docs? i don’t know her. instead, try cryptpad. I don’t have the spoons to list all the great features of this service, you just have to believe me. nothing you write there will be used to train ai and you can share it just as easily. if skiff is too limited for you and you also need stuff like sheets or forms, cryptpad is here for you. the only downside i could think of is that they don’t have a mobile app, but the site works great in a browser too.
since there is no real alternative to youtube I recommend watching your little slime videos through a streaming frontend like freetube or new pipe. besides the fact that they remove ads, they also stop google from tracking what you watch. there is a bit of functionality loss with these services, but if you just want to watch videos privately they’re great.
if you’re looking for an alternative to google photos that is secure and end to end encrypted you might want to look into stingle, although in my experience filen’s photos tab works pretty well too.
oh, also, for the love of god, stop using whatsapp, facebook messenger or instagram for messaging. just stop. signal and telegram are literally here and they’re free. spread the word, educate your friends, ask them if they really want anyone to snoop around their private conversations.
regarding browser, you know the drill. throw google chrome/edge in the trash (they really basically spyware disguised as browsers) and download either librewolf or brave. mozilla can be a great secure option too, with a bit of tinkering.
if you wanna get a vpn (and I recommend you do) be wary that some of them are scammy. do your research, read their terms and conditions, familiarise yourself with their model. if you don’t wanna do that and are willing to trust my word, go with mullvad. they don’t keep any logs. it’s 5 euros a month with no different pricing plans or other bullshit.
lastly, whatever alternative you decide on, what matters most is that you don’t keep all your data in one place. don’t trust a service to take care of your emails, documents, photos and messages. store all these things in different, trustworthy (preferably open source) places. there is absolutely no reason google has to know everything about you.
do your own research as well, don’t just trust the first vpn service your favourite youtube gets sponsored by. don’t trust random tech blogs to tell you what the best cloud storage service is — they get good money for advertising one or the other. compare shit on your own or ask a tech savvy friend to help you. you’ve got this.
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leveragehunters · 1 year
Downloading fanfic from AO3
I've been downloading a lot of fanfic lately for personal archival purposes, and I figured I'd share how I do it in case it's useful to anyone else (and so I have it written down in case I forget!).
There are lots of different ways to save fic, including the file download built into AO3, but I find that this gives me the nicest ebooks in the most efficient way.
(Under a cut cause long.)
Download Calibre: https://calibre-ebook.com/ or (clickable link).
Calibre is about the best ebook management and control program around and it's free. You can get it for windows, mac, and linux or download and run it from a portable storage device (I'm using a windows PC).
Install it and run it. It's gonna ask you where you want to put your library. Dealer's choice on this one. I recommend your internal drive (and then back up to external/cloud), but YMMV.
If you want to keep fanfic separate from the rest of your ebooks, you can create multiple libraries. I do, and my libraries are creatively named 'Books' and 'Fic'.
Customise Calibre
Now you're gonna install some plugins. Go to Preferences on the menu bar (far right), click its little side arrow, then choose 'Get plugins to enhance Calibre'.
At the top right of the box that pops up is 'Filter by name'. The plugins you want to get are:
Install them one at a time. It will ask you where you want them. I recommend 'the main bar' and 'the main bar when device is attached' (should be selected by default). When you're done, close and reopen Calibre.
The plugins you just installed should appear on the far right of the toolbar, but if you can't see one or both of them, fear not! Just click Preferences (the button, not the side arrow), then Toolbars and Menus (in the 'Interface' section) then choose the main toolbar from the drop down menu. That will let you add and remove things - I suggest getting rid of Donate, Connect Share, and News. That'll leave you room to add your new plugins to the menu bar.
(Do donate, though, if you can afford it. This is a hell of a program.)
Now you're ready to start saving your fave fanfic!
Saving fanfic
I'll go through both methods I use, but pick whatever makes you happy (and/or works best for what you're downloading).
ETA: if the fics are locked you can't easily use FanFicFare. Skip down to the next section. (It does ask for a username/password if you try and get a locked fic, but it's never worked for me - I had to edit the personal.ini in the configuration options, and even then it skips locked fics in a series.)
Calibre and FanFicFare
You can work from entirely within Calibre using the FanFicFare plugin. Just click its side arrow and pick from the menu. The three main options I use are download from URL, make anthology from a webpage, and update story/anthology.
Download from URL: pick Download from URL (or just click the FanFicFare button) and paste the fic's URL into the box (if you've copied it to your clipboard, it will be there automatically). You can do more than one fic at a time - just paste the URLs in one after the other (each on a new line). When you're done, make sure you have the output format you want and then go.
Make Anthology Epub From Web Page: if you want a whole series as a single ebook, pick Anthology Options, then Make Anthology Epub From Webpage. Paste the series URL into the box (if you've copied it to your clipboard, it will be there automatically), click okay when it displays the story URLs, check your output format and go.
Update series/anthology: if you downloaded an unfinished fic or series and the author updates, you can automatically add the update to your ebook. Just click on the ebook in Calibre, open the FanFicFare menu using its side arrow, and select either Update Existing FanFic Books or Anthology Options, Update Anthology epub. Okay the URLs and/or the output format, then go.
Any fic downloaded using FanFicFare will be given an automatically generated Calibre cover. You can change the cover and the metadata by right clicking on the title and picking edit metadata. You can do it individually, to change the cover or anything else specific to that ebook, or in bulk, which is great for adding a tag or series name to multiple fics. Make sure you generate a new cover if you change the metadata.
Browser plugins, Calibre, and EpubMerge
You can also use a browser addon/plugin to download from AO3. I use FicLab (Firefox/Chrome), but I believe there's others. FicLab: https://www.ficlab.com/ (clickable link).
FicLab puts a 'Save' button next to fic when you're looking at a list of fics, eg search results, series page, author's work list etc. Just click the 'Save' button, adjust the settings, and download the fic. You can also use it from within the fic by clicking the toolbar icon and running it.
FicLab is great if you're reading and come across a fic you want to save. It also generates a much nicer (IMO) cover than Calibre.
You can add the downloaded fic to Calibre (just drag and drop) or save it wherever. The advantage to dropping it into Calibre is that all your fic stays nicely organised, you can adjust the metadata, and you can easily combine fics.
Combining fics
You can combine multiple fics into an anthology using EpubMerge. This is great if you want a single ebook of an author's short fics, or their AUs, or their fics in a specific ship that aren't part of a series. (It only works on epubs, so if you've saved as some other format, you'll need to convert using Calibre's Convert books button.)
Select the ones you want to combine, click EpubMerge, adjust the order if necessary, and go.
The cover of the merged epubs will be the cover of the first fic in the merge list. You can add a new cover by editing the metadata and generating a new cover.
Combing with FanFicFare
You can also combine nonseries fics using FanFicFare's Make Anthology ePub from URLs option by pasting the individual fic URLs into the box.
Where there's more than a few fics, I find it easier to download them with FicLab and combine them with EpubMerge, and I prefer keeping both the combined and the individual versions of fic, but again YMMV.
Reconverting and Converting
Once I'm done fussing, I reconvert the ebook to the same format, to ensure everything is embedded in the file. Is this necessary? YMMV, but it's a quick and easy step that does zero harm.
If you don't want your final ebook to be an epub, just convert it to whatever format you like.
Save fanfic for your own personal enjoyment/offline reading/safeguarding against the future. If it's not your fic, don't distribute it, or upload it to other sites, or otherwise be a dick. Especially if the author deletes it. Respect their wishes and their rights.
This may work on other fanfic sites, eg FFN, but I've never tried so I don't know.
If you download a fic, do leave the author a kudo or a comment; you'll make them so happy.
This is how I save fic. I'm not pretending it's the only way, or even the best way! This is just the way that works for me.
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ms-demeanor · 2 years
A lot of recent privacy news has catalyzed my longstanding desire to De-Google my life and online presence; with that said, I'm a little overwhelmed as to the details of how. Because they're the point of contact for some academic and family things, I don't have the option of fully deleting my account, and I'm not sure how much good just denying every google app on my phone all permissions and not backing anything up to their cloud if I can help it does. If you have the time and spoons, could you recommend a guide or resources for this purpose?
Hello it took me a while to gather the time and spoons for this (you asked me this in August, it is now October) but in answer I give you this 4800-word, 9-page book, including such lines as:
Even the smallest thing that you can take away from Google is worth it. Fuck Google. They want to own the world and they don't get to, we're taking away what we can, even if it's only scraps. They may be scraps, but they are my scraps, not Google's scraps. And eventually, if all of us collect enough scraps, we can sew together one big "Fuck Google" quilt. Or something. This metaphor got away from me.
In case you hadn't guessed, this document is being written in Libre Office Writer. The font is called Liberation Serif, because that's freedom, baby. This program will never snitch on me to its manufacturer, it knows all the words I need it to even if the internet goes down and never comes back, and it cost me zero dollars and asked me for zero information.
So! ProtonDrive, physical storage media, and not having constant global internet access to every bit of digital data you've ever owned. That's the pain-in-the-ass recommendation I've got for you. "You don't actually need all that storage and you shouldn't want it" probably isn't the answer you're looking for, but it's what I've got for you. Convenience is killing the world. Say goodbye to Google Cloud and next-day shipping and look forward to a better tomorrow.
Fuck Google. They Get nothing.
Anyway, thank you very much for your question and also fuck google.
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motherofagony · 11 months
joel miller x f!reader
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pairing: post outbreak!joel x f!reader setting: jackson, wy (think tlou pt. 2 minus the golfing) rating: mature, 18+, minors dni word count: 8.7k series summary: a vicious raider attack robs you of human connection and lights a fire of destruction in your life in jackson. joel's fixated on you, and your lives tangle. revenge becomes a needful thing. chapter summary: you take care of joel after a patrol injury, but you suspect there's more to it than he's telling you. the atmosphere shifts as you and joel grow (begrudgingly) closer. content warnings + tags: age gap (we'll say 15-20 years), protective!joel, brief masturbation (f!reader), praise kink for two seconds, blood, bodily injuries, needles (reader gives joel stitches), dissociation/triggers, alcohol, angst, sexual tension intensifies, The First Kiss™, soft!joel vol. 1 // vol. 2 series playlist a/n: we're picking up speed, folks. world-building is my weakness, so i hope you enjoy this nonetheless. honorable mention goes to the readers in the trenches, waiting patiently for joel to [redacted] reader senseless until she [redacted] all over his [redacted]. thank you for the love on the series so far. taglist: @ghostwritesthings, @widowssbite, @p3rkerr, @eternallyvenus, @punkshort if anyone would like to be added/removed to the taglist (or if i missed anyone), please send me a DM!
You’ve always hated flying.
In the great before, the stone ages of family vacations and things to look forward to, fears were singular and planes were yours.
Your family never had a lot of money, not really, but on the special occasion of a death in the family, you’d find yourself trapped to a seat in a metal tube. Going nowhere but up. Sitting through safety instructions that came from smiling, lipsticked mouths that were only hypotheticals until they weren’t.
It’s like a rollercoaster, your dad would say, amused in the way only a dad can be and sleeping through damn near anything in the same fashion. It did nothing to calm the knocking of your knees, to quell the flip of your stomach as you climbed higher and higher until you couldn’t see anything but cotton ball clouds.
It was always unnatural to you that something so heavy could float, that you were supposed to go on doing human things and drinking your ginger ale and munching your pre-packaged snack option. As if you weren’t being hurled into the sky with no one walking you through it.
As if the plummet onto tarmac meant no harm, just completely normal erratic braking that felt a lot like the moments before a crash.
There was no control — it was in someone else’s hands that you never saw. And as you fell, you were supposed to say thank you, that’s exactly what I paid for.
This is your version of the oxygen mask. This is you putting yours on before you help Joel.
You’re on your knees digging through your med bag, thumbing through bandages, checking for a quick count of gloves, antibiotics, wash cloths. You fumble with the zipper, fighting with the tremor that starts in your forearms and liquifies into your wrists. There isn’t much in the way of supplies unless you ransack what’s kept in storage, but there’s no time, and you’re not sure of what you’re about to walk into.
Waiting any moment for a scream, or the blast of a gun when they realize Joel’s not Joel anymore.
And it isn’t really a big possibility in the grand scheme of things, if you consider that he would’ve likely turned on the route home. But it’s still there, tickling the back of your head, nudging your navel uncomfortably. Nothing’s impossible.
You of all people know that.
You linger in your living room, giving a final sweep. Worst case, you can run back for what’s forgotten, but something about the idea of abandoning a vulnerable Joel – if only for a minute – doesn’t settle right in your stomach.
Before you can stop yourself, you’re shoving a bottle of whiskey into the bag, the only anesthetic on hand. And if you’re being honest with yourself, you need to score back some points.
The steps leading up to Joel’s house are sturdy, and you imagine it’s because of the pride he takes in what’s his. Before this, his house was just another skeleton of roof, foundation, windows, and siding.
The kind of houses you pass by every day that are rife with familiarity but you don’t know what it’s like to see the people inside eat dinner, brush their teeth. Fight. Fuck.
Fresh paint from only two seasons ago, reinforced porch posts. A swing. It’s weird to see permanence in this day and age, but his intention to anchor himself and grow roots here flutters meaningfully inside you.
It’s always been a sacred thing to you, you don’t know why. A place you’d never dreamed of entering, but dreamed about what it would smell like. A pair of boots haphazard by the front door, small piles of organized chaos, of collected tangibles. A you never know if you’ll need this in one corner, a saving that for a rainy day shelved in another.
So when you raise your hand to knock, you feel like an intruder, an unwelcome invasion of privacy. And you don’t know why you knock at all, you nearly think better of it given the circumstances, but you’re testing the atmosphere, hoping for voices inside instead of a struggle.
Ellie’s swinging the door open, relief smoothing out the lines in her forehead when she sees you. Her presence seems to answer any unspoken questions you had about Joel being infected, and you don’t voice them to her when you can see unrest in her antsy legs.
“Hey. Sorry for the wait. He alright?”
Her teeth are worrying her lip, probably more traumatized by the sight of him than anything. A few strands of hair have freed themselves from her lazy half-bun at the base of her neck, caught in the crossfire when she ran her hands through it, you think.
“Yeah,” Ellie breathes, committing to it. “Yeah, he’s okay. Bleeding stopped, nothing seems broken. Just needs stitches, I think.”
It sounds more to convince herself than anything else. There’s a foreign fragility to her, and you hate it.
“He tell you what happened?”
The question strikes a nerve. Ellie’s shaking her bowed head, scoffing in a half-laugh that doesn’t touch her eyes. Her hand wraps around her knuckles, cracking slowly in an effort to alleviate the tension that’s reached a fever pitch inside her.
“He won’t tell me, says it doesn’t matter. He shouldn’t have gone alone anyway, he was bein’ a dick. ‘I wanna think, kiddo - need t’clear my head,’” she mocks in a gruff, rolling pitch, the perfect dosage of Texas.
It levels you, potent. Are you the thing Joel needed to clear his head of?
You’re weirdly longing for it, but being flicked away like a bug, peeled away layer by layer from him isn’t something you want.
There’s hope that you’re contagious. That you’re haunting him and lurking in the darkest corners of his mind like an apparition like he has yours. And maybe there’s hope after all, something left to salvage.
But you play dumb, furrow your brow a little too expertly.
Ellie’s measuring you, and there’s a glimpse of worry but she hides it in a way that you wouldn’t know what you were looking for if you hadn’t already found it.
“Anything you wanna tell me about the other night? He was pissed when he left,” she tacks on quietly.
You go a little slack-jawed. You don’t even know how to put it into words, and you couldn’t tell her what it meant even if you tried.
What’s there to even say?
“You know what, none of my business,” she says, her hands lifting in tired surrender when you don’t answer, ignoring your near-sputter. “But you’re not off the hook, just make sure the old man doesn’t croak. And tell him he scared the shit outta me.”
You exhale and hope it doesn’t read too much as relief. You’ll have to answer to her later, but at least you might have an answer to give.
“Handful of salt in the wound, rub in circular motions – got it. Tell Tommy I’ll catch up later.”
Your shoulders scrape affectionately as you nudge past each other, and you cast a wide look at the periphery of Joel Miller’s house. The feeling of unwelcome disappears, and if anything, you’re being tugged further inside. Imagining what it’s like to be a fixture, an adornment in his weird little life.
Nooks that you assumed would be messy are neat, coiffed even. There’s that unavoidable smudge of secondhand all over the furniture – mottled ever so slightly, aged uneven in places that only an apocalypse can do. But it’s an otherwise tidy existence. Another surprise from Joel that you’d never pick up on if you only witnessed him nursing a drink at the bar.
An oak bookshelf props itself at the bottom of the stairs and it rivals your own, dust gathering in thin lines where he’s repeatedly shelved this, reread that. There are paintings hung decisively on most of the walls, breathtaking rural landscapes of wherever.
You’re lugging the bag upstairs, counting your breaths with each step. The whiskey rattles mutely against the first aid tin, and it’s a toss-up now of who you really brought it for.
The landing mirrors the ground level, a purposeful littering of tchotchkes. Doors line the second floor, some closed, some ajar but not inviting, and you realize you have no idea which one you’re looking for. You sway uninvited by the bannister until you hear the unmistakable hiss of breath between clenched teeth, then a soft moan as his weight shifts.
And you’re stepping inside a room – his bedroom – warmed in the soft beginnings of sunset. Joel’s sprawled asymmetrically on his bed, eyes pinched shut, delirious with blood loss but already looking substantially less like a corpse. A damp rag settles just above his brow, and the handiwork of Ellie.
There’s an unrecognizable hurt in him, wounded in ways that he shouldn’t be capable of.
He doesn’t give any indication that he knows you’re here until he’s rasping out something weak disguised as stern.
“I ain’t bit. Shut the door behind you.”
Your mouth goes dry.
“How did you –?”
Joel just huffs in response, as indignant as his body lets him be.
“You see anyone else here? They might as well’ve jumped out the window, as fast as they dumped me ‘n left. I ain’t stupid.”
You accept that and drop the pretense, pursing your lips with a nod. He doesn’t seem that offended, knows it’s just the nature of the beast.
You move over to his bedside, unpacking the bag quickly on a side table, looping your metaphorical stethoscope around your neck and switching gears into a mode that’s strictly doctoral.
Yet, there’s still that hum beneath your skin, the fizzle of unfinished business. It’s thick in the space between you, in the way he flicks his gaze at you lazily. You’ll let him foster the anger, giving it a home. You can be the martyr he says you are.
This new lens feels calmer, almost professional. Your nerves are still firing rapidly, and your composure is forced, but it’s better than nothing.
You drag a chair from the corner up to Joel’s bed, not letting your eyes wander too far into the depths of the space. You don’t have time to dissect the idiosyncrasies of his life. Not yet.
He still hasn’t opened his eyes, but you get the sense that he’s tracking your every move. His limbs are concrete, the tendons in his forearms so tense and coiled like any and every movement is forbidden.
He grunts, a pained translation. Still no effort to move.
“I need to take a look at you,” you say patiently, bargaining like you would with a kid. “Wanna tell me what hurts?”
Another grunt, softer this time. He motions vaguely, weakly to his head, then the left flank of his abdomen.
You already know what you’ll find under the rag on his head, and it bodes well that the bleeding looks to have stopped. His stomach wound, on the other hand, was enough to bleed through two layers.
“Alright. Lemme see.”
A muted whimper echoes in his throat, so uncharacteristically that it tugs on your heart. Still statuesque, unmoving.
Your fingers are deft, careful as they unbutton the first, second, third buttons of his flannel. Joel’s stock-still, and his breath comes in sharp, slow waves through his nose. Your own breath kind of sits in the back of your throat, and you pretend with a hurried exhale that you weren’t just holding it.
Your fingers reach his navel on the last button, and you’re gently tucking each panel of his shirt under him on either side, focusing too hard on not touching him. It feels like something is somersaulting low in your stomach.
You can’t even dare yourself to look at his chest, his stomach. The patch of hair leading down to the band of his pants.
Get it together. That’s not what this is.
An angry gash looks up at you, thankfully clotted with dried patches of blood. It’s about two delicate fingers long, a nasty slice. It looks clean, abrupt in shape but suspiciously manmade. Not too deep, but not superficial enough to heal without some assistance.
And thank god, not nearly as bad as you thought it would be.
Joel’s looking at you now through heavy lids, wary of you, but something like fear touches the corners of his eyes. You fight to stay medical, methodical in your diagnosis. No emotion slips out, nothing allowed in.
You sit back calmly, letting loose a sigh. Not letting yourself bathe in the intimacy of the moment, in the way he’s staring.
“You need stitches,” you announce simply.
“Like hell.”
He’s scowling, a hurt animal pissed at its own vulnerability. Silence passes like a ship between you, and for a moment, you think he’ll really fight you on this. He can’t hide anything when he’s like this, the weighing of his options evident in the tick of his jaw, the pathetic pinch just in the center of his brows.
“Fine,” he grits out. “Make it quick.”
This fucker.
You’re rolling your eyes, unceremoniously tugging the rag from his forehead. The cloth is red but not soaked, just twinged pink around the edges. Joel curses, just an octave above unintelligible.
His hand is shooting to the cut near his hairline and you’re smacking it away before he can pollute it.
“Lay still, fuck’s sake,” you chastise. “An infection’ll put you out longer than a few days. Unless you have a puzzle you been meaning to get around to?”
The faux-threat calms him immediately, and the shift in restraint doesn’t go unchecked. He doesn’t say another word, but you catch a glare and a twitch of his mouth.
You make quick work of cleaning him up, squeezing rubbing alcohol on a clean towel and scrubbing patient circles through the mess of dried blood. Joel releases sharp noises you can only describe as growls when you get too close to the border of his cuts.
It’s primal, a dog asserting dominance with his leg caught in a trap.
You try to lose the attitude, and it’s difficult when your patient hates you, doesn’t hate you, won’t clarify either way.
There’s a hint of purple that’s developing like fresh film on the mountains of his knuckles that doesn’t go unnoticed. Places on the most taut peaks of flesh where his skin has split, marred with scrapes that look like indents of teeth. And in the right light, there’s a discoloration of something in the same family splayed on his ribs.
And that… you know that when you see it. Even if everything else can be explained away.
“You wanna talk about it?” you say quietly.
There’s an intermission where he doesn’t respond. Too long to be the truth, too short to come up with a lie. And you know he’s been waiting for this question, might’ve already thought of a story.
“Got clumsy,” Joel recites. “Tripped on some stairs that were caving in, hit my head.”
“Bullshit.” And it’s a statement, not an insult. It doesn’t cover why he has a certified stab wound in his side.
Another stretch of silence, lack of defensiveness, makes it clear that he knows you know. But he doesn’t elaborate, and for whatever reason, you don’t push it.
And maybe it’s enough to acknowledge this sort of thing for now. You can stow it away, let it keep you up at night. Draw parallels where there possibly aren’t any. If he’d run into a human thing, he’d be much worse off, right?
Just like you were.
You take care in lining up the supplies to stitch in neat order beside you, mulling over each step in your mind. Stalling, maybe.
You pull the whiskey bottle out of your bag by the neck and nudge Joel with the cap.
“Something to take the edge off.”
He kind of hesitates, but there’s a tenderness. Recognizing it as an act of mercy, a peace offering.
There’s nothing said, but he takes the bait, spinning off the top and swallowing a messy mouthful. A drip escapes through the corner of his mouth and slips into his beard.
You can feel the taste of it blossoming on your tongue.
He grunts his thanks and keeps a steady grip on the neck of the bottle, and the network of veins in his forearm unwind.
You clamp the needle, laced through with something thicker than thread but not quite medical grade. Joel exhales a shaky whine when you pierce the skin, and his fist grips the sheets when you twist clockwise to push the needle through to the other side.
“You’re doing great,” you murmur.
The needle weaves over the cut, greeting the other side. You pull it through and up, and his lower lip trembles, sweat beading his forehead.
“First one done,” you say, praising him but also yourself.
Joel’s still clenching the linens on the bed, ignoring you and hiding out in his own mind somewhere.
You don’t tell him that you’ve only ever practiced on fruit, that your suture knowledge comes exclusively from the one medical text you have and endless hours of TV you grew up on.
Silence envelopes you again, heavier than before if possible. The pressure waxes and wanes like nighttime waves, licking the shore between you. And it’s not angry, just something… else.
“Some house you got,” you note casually as a distraction, like you’re commenting on the weather. It comes off relaxed enough, though any conversation between you feels like flossing a crowded mouth.
His eyes sharpen, and you think it’s in excruciation, but there’s a twinge of apprehension. You straighten for a moment, hands fixed mid-stitch, and roll your eyes.
“Okay, cool it, Home Alone, I’m not casing the place.”
Joel takes a turn rolling his eyes. You swear that you see his mouth twitch again, but you hang your head, dabbing a cloth where pinpricks of blood form.
You try again.
“I like your paintings.”
You dare to look up, and his mouth is in a tight line.
“You like my paintings.” he repeats dully, not a question. Joel’s as cynical as you, and he thinks it’s a jab, not sincere.
“You’re not gonna make this easy on me, are you?”
“Wasn’t plannin’ on it.”
Now’s as good a time as any. You sigh at that.
“Look, the other night wasn’t my finest moment. It didn’t need to go that way,” you mutter, leaning on the concentration of sewing up Joel’s skin. Otherwise, you might feel too strongly, dissect your word choice with an uncomfortable linger. “Sorry. I know you were trying to help.”
He goes rigid as your second stitch meets a third. The bottle tips to his lips again, and you wonder if it’s an act of liquid courage. You boldly hope so.
“Nah, I shoulda kept my mouth shut. Been thinkin’ I needed to apologize anyway,” he admits, and you know he’s happy you made the first move. You can already feel him loosen, but maybe it’s the alcohol. “You ain’t a martyr, y’know.”
The needle hooks into the final sliver of skin, your handiwork tightening into a neat line. You sit back, wiping your brow with the ungloved section of your wrist. It’s a treaty, a handshake at the very least.
“Actually, I think you hit the nail on the head with that one,” you smirk, olive branch fully hanging between your teeth now. “Keeping up the charade is so exhausting.”
Joel presses out a pained half-laugh, and you feel something crumbling between you.
You tie off the last stitch, trimming the excess thread off the knot. The clamp clatters into the tray, and you give it a final once-over before peeling a large rectangle of bandage from your kit and pressing it gently over the wound.
“All done,” you quip, peeling your gloves off. “Didn’t even have to amputate.”
“Not too bad,” he grunts.
“I’ll add it to your tab.”
While you’re riding the high of approval, you stand and move to the foot of the bed. Joel’s boots are still on, laced messily.
And for some reason, you don’t even ask permission, you just start untying, tipping them off and lining them next to one another on the hardwood.
He doesn’t say a word. Out of confusion, maybe.
You scoot your chair and makeshift flatlay along with you, positioning yourself at Joel’s head. That look is back, a side-stare that steals your breath.
That look that knows you could absolutely ruin him, and he’d either thank you or kill you.
The pads of your fingers brush back the hair from his forehead, still slightly matted with blood. It’s a surface cut, but crescent-shaped and easily hidden by a curl of brown, peppered with grey. Butterfly closure it is.
No signs of a concussion show themselves. At least there’s that.
“You might have a scar,” you murmur. Being this close to Joel makes you feel like you’re wearing two layers too many.
And he hasn’t broken the stare, not even minutely.
“Add it to the collection,” he says lowly, not an ounce of self-pity.
Your eyes flash to the scar near his temple. You’re exercising full-on restraint not to ask him about it. But it’s not the time, something you could try to pry out of him later. And knowing there’ll be a later makes you relax your shoulders, unclench your jaw.
He’s nice enough to pretend not to notice, or he’s in too much pain to mention it.
You dab the damp rag around the border of his cut again, mopping up any excess. You reach for the isopropyl.
“You might wanna take another swig,” you warn. And he obeys, down the hatch and white-knuckling through it.
“Good boy,” you’re murmuring automatically, and it just slips out.
Your mouth falls open just so, and Joel’s coughing, clearing his throat against the burn of whiskey. You’re pleading with the universe that his cough was close enough, loud enough to cover the words, but his face has turned a shade of red that’s probably rivaling the heat that reaches your ears.
Good boy? Jesus Christ.
If there was ever a heightened moment of being fucking touch-starved, it’s this.
You make haste with the disinfectant and place the closures over the cut. The bloodied towels and scraps from the DIY surgery are cleaned up, tied neatly into a plastic bag. And now, this is the part where you run and never face him again.
You’re already making plans to board up your windows, maybe have Ellie deliver your meals solely through a slot in the door.
But Joel’s pain is overriding everything, and he’s sunken even further back into the pillow, his head lolling to prop on his shoulder. He’s whispering a weak thanks that’s incoherent at best. You tug the blanket up and over him.
You grab a glass from downstairs, fill it to the brim with water and bring it to him. He groans at the sight, petulant.
“I’m not leaving until you finish this.”
His lifts his arm for it, scowling. “Gimme the damn thing.”
Satisfied, you hand it over and watch him drink it down, his throat bobbing in a hearty gulp. Your gaze can’t help but snag on it.
You have got to get the fuck out of here.
You come back with a refilled glass and sit it on his bedside table, close enough within reach. The medical bag is packed up and ready, sagging slightly in areas where you’ve emptied it. It knocks against your already-knocking knees, and you’re grateful to use its weight as an excuse for how blurred you feel.
“I need to talk to Tommy. You gonna be alright for a bit?”
His eyes are closed again, on the outskirts of rest, but his mouth pulls up in the ghost of smile.
“Ain’t goin’ nowhere, sweetheart.”
And you hope he means it.
You track down an unsettled Tommy, finding him pacing in the back of the general store. He’s restocking some shelves but not quite – there’s an gross pairing of tinned fish and fresh eggs sitting on a display that’s unappetizing at best.
“He’s okay. No bite,” you add lowly, acutely aware of how many pairs of ears are in the store. “But he needs to be monitored.”
Tommy slackens, rubbing his eyes that are full of exhaustion and bruised with worry. Index finger and thumb stroking the respective tails of his mustache one, two, three times as the gravity of that strikes him.
He loops you into an embrace, and it’s kind, full of ease. The smell of firewood and smoke tickles your nose. His worry evaporates then, and honestly, so does yours.
“He doin’ alright?”
You chew on that for a moment and nod. There are complications, but nothing to do with Joel’s health.
“He was pissed about the stitches, but I didn’t have a choice. Cut was pretty deep.”
“So… he tell you what happened, then?”
There’s that question again. You feel like you should have an answer, but if he wouldn’t clue in Ellie, you sure as hell wouldn’t be.
Like squeezing blood from a stone, your dad used to say.
“No,” you lie instinctively. You don’t know why.
But it isn’t really. Not if you don’t know the full truth yourself. There’s just something about Joel’s omission that makes you feel entitled to find out first.
“He said he fell down some stairs,” you amend, “just didn’t say where or how.”
Tommy offers you the same look that Ellie gave you – a raised brow coupled with a touch of disbelief.
“If you say so.”
You shrug, playing it as cool as’ll come natural to you. “You know Joel. Doesn’t want to make a fuss.”
He chuckles, shaking his head and rolling out his shoulders that you know have been holding tension. He believes that, at least.
“Sounds like you know him, too.”
A few days come and go.
Ellie takes on a lot of the recovery, but she doesn’t like messing with stitches — creeps me the fuck out that you did that without puking all over him, she claims — and she’s eager to substitute for the patrol routes while Joel’s down and out. You offer to step in, with a totally normal and selfless motive.
If she thinks anything else of it, you’d be the last to know.
Your new itinerary consists of changing Joel’s bandages, cleaning up through his hissed breaths and every goddamn it. Twice a day, morning and night and sometimes in closer intervals, but never approaching the cusp of any boundary.
Joel’s fiercely independent, swatting your hands when you try to help. Donning a clean flannel in the space between your lunchtime visit and your nightcap, despite you telling him that he shouldn’t be pushing his mobility.
That said, he’s marginally better about following doctor’s orders, drinking the water you leave on his nightstand but neglecting the pills that would stop him from coiling in on himself like a ready spring. And he doesn’t say it but you know it’s because he thinks it’d be a waste.
You trade regular formalities at first, each of you standing behind your respective walls, daring the other to toe a bit closer.
Joel doesn’t ask, but you bring him some short stories to pass the time and he devours them. You didn’t think much of it other than just straying past the point of being nice, but your heart sings a bit at how he leaves his shell at your coaxing.
You learn Bradbury is his favorite, but when he finishes The Most Dangerous Game, it’s the most he’s ever spoken to you in one sitting, astounded at the perfectly tied bow of an ending, asking you questions that only the author could answer. But it’s a marvel to witness, something you think about when you’re cleaning stables or washing dishes.
He’s unraveling for you, a loose thread tugged too hard on your favorite sweater. He talks of the places in the paintings, sometimes abruptly, like he isn’t sure what his cue is or if he has one.
Mentions of pre-Jackson when there was so much uncertainty and isolation, but it was coupled with those types of watercolor skies that you couldn’t paint if you tried.
These little pieces of him that make him whole – it’s like you’re both in on the same secret. And Joel isn’t doing it to lighten the tension, to be nice; that isn’t his brand of politeness. He just revels in the holy act of confession with you as his witness.
You come to learn that his room is modest, different from the rest of his house. Clues of hobbies sprawled on his desk – leatherworking tools and hand drawn blueprints that you can’t get a good look at with just a sidelong glance.
There’s a dusty stereo tucked at the back towards the wall, and you picture a content Joel, sketching new plans for a porch swing or some small addition while old bluesy country croons from the speakers.
You like this daydream, placing him in something lighthearted where his only worry is that he’s losing daylight on yardwork.
The two of you talk about little bits of everything and nothing. Reminiscing about sending snail mail, discussing what you think places like Italy look like now. How close you came to crossing an ocean in another life.
Tonight, you have a night terror that clings to you like wet denim. Stop-motion, nonsensical. Your head ricocheting into concrete, hitting your temple just so. Flashes of the people that used to be your parents, your friends.
And just as the life drains from you, blood seeping onto the floor and into spidering cracks, you wake up a flailing mess.
You practice your routine, twisting on knobs of lamps and plugging in the twinkling lights hanging around the perimeter of the living room. You press your cheek to the floor, checking under your bed for monsters for good measure.
Bleary-eyed, you’re climbing back under the covers, pulling them snug up to your chin.
There’s a neediness crawling its way through your organs with a one-way ticket south. The juxtaposition of fear mingles with an otherness, and it anchors itself to Joel.
You never cared for a protector, still don’t, but the eagerness that sprouts from him to defend your honor — and for nothing in return — magnetizes you on a cellular level.
Your fingers are dipping into the band of your already-damp underwear, taking inventory of what the thought of him does to you. Body on auto-pilot. A pool of dripping neediness, so slick that you’re coating your clit in excess and rubbing in tight circles.
He doesn’t even have to touch you, and it’s pathetic.
Images of Joel’s beard scratching your thighs swirls behind your eyelids, your hand gliding between the glistening of your folds. Fingers crook inside you, dipping into the last knuckle, and you’re choking on a gasp, already on the edge.
You wish they were more calloused, thicker, with length that can hit the spot that’s desperately out of reach.
You wish they were Joel’s.
It takes only a minute, some curling and pumping of your wrist to make it quick in case it’ll only ever be a fantasy. The wet noises of your arousal are nothing short of obscene, and you’re coming loudly, sharply on a string of moans.
In some ways, you think, you have already died.
And fuck. It’s so poetic it makes you sick.
On the fourth day, Maria sends you to Joel’s with some stew — two hearty containers that're meant for the both of you.
She’s been taking her shift at his place, carrying over containers of this and that to keep him fed. You wonder how often she takes on that role anyway, sans injury. You don’t peg Joel as the type to eat three square meals a day of his own accord.
Tell Joel I can’t make it tonight. Gotta do inventory.
She makes no room for elaboration, so you don’t ask. But you thank her with a hug, and you could swear that she’s giving you a conspiratorial smirk.
When you knock on Joel’s bedroom, he gives a new, warm invitation, coated in subtle hospitality. It’s a far stretch from the unaffected what? you might’ve received a week ago.
You place the stew down on the bedside table, along with some bowls and spoons you plucked from his kitchen. He just looks up at you from his bed, uncertainty reaching the lines of his forehead.
“It’s all Maria,” you explain and he hums, catching up.
“Explains a lot,” he mutters.
You eat quietly for a little over ten minutes. Joel’s flannel today boasts a rich navy, buttoned up to the top but not far enough to hide the sprinkling of hair that peeks through.
He catches you staring and pins you with a dark glance.
“You afraid of the dark or somethin’?”
Joel’s ask cuts through the air, and your spoon stops mid-route to your open mouth. It’s so out of the blue that it stuns you momentarily.
“You turn the lights on at night.”
What you thought to be private moments of fear were actually on display for all to see.
For Joel to see.
And the memory of your thighs trapping your hand as you came over and over again on your fingers… you’re grateful to at least have had some decorum to draw your bedroom curtains.
“Um.” You dig for a way to say nope, I’m actually just a pussy and I see things that aren’t there. Also, I was touching myself thinking about you last night. “No, just nightmares.”
Every inch of your skin feels like it’s searing. A bead of sweat makes a slow descent down your spine to your tailbone. You laugh lightly to deflect.
Joel’s mouth thins into a tight line.
“It’s nothing,” you promise.
“Ain’t nothin’,” he snaps. His brows are knitted in fury, misdirected. But you get it.
Your stomach is rumbling, but you’ve effectively lost whatever appetite you had. The bowl finds a space on the side table, and you’re pulling your knees to your chest protectively, thumbing at the fray on the cuff of your jeans.
You don’t mean to scowl, but you can’t help it. You can’t even meet his eyes.
Joel’s sighing, his own bowl discarded on the nightstand, grazing the lip of yours.
“Look, it’s not my business,” he starts, choosing his words carefully, “but that kinda shit worries me.”
When you do look up, he’s rubbing his beard with rigid fingers. You should feel nice and fuzzy that he cares enough to point it out, but it’s just embarrassment instead.
That, on top of everything else, you can’t even get through the night without waking up in a cold sweat.
“I know how it looks,” you say in surrender, “but I swear I’m fine.”
You can imagine what it would feel like to really mean it; it’s just on the tip of your tongue. There is a defiance there, it’s just struggling to find a way out.
“You sure about that?”
You let your feet touch the floor, straightening out your legs and busying yourself with smoothing the creases in your pants.
“You worry about everyone else like this?” you muse, hoping to redirect.
Joel’s scratching the back of his neck, eyes fixed anywhere else.
“Always worried about you.”
If you were any farther away, you wouldn’t have heard him.
Outside, kids are yelling, playing tag. You watch in jealousy, can almost hear the crunch of their boots and their tiny, inconsequential conversations. It takes you longer than intended to give a response, and he waits, patiently. Just trickles a look from the crown of your head to your hands to your face. Searching for a reaction.
“You’re about ten months late, Miller.” And you’re smiling briefly. You mean it as playful, but it’s colored with sadness.
His eyes glaze, and the wheels are turning, wondering if that also means too late.
“Didn’t want you to think I was takin’ advantage of the situation. And I thought Max —” Joel bites down on the name.
“Fuck Max,” you spit in disgust. “That was never a thing.”
You don’t have to make eye contact to see that he’s pleased by that. He hums in the back of his throat. Resists a shit-eating grin. From the looks of Joel connecting the dots, you don’t need say much else.
“Yeah, well. We all failed you,” he insists. “I failed you.”
It sets an incredulous spark in some hidden part of you. Nails cut into your palm, your fists balling harshly. Everyone else? Sure, you’d give him that. Jackson spit you out, with the exception of a select few.
But Joel?
“You saved me.”
“Not good enough,” he says under his breath.
The next day, you let yourself inside, already learning the language of Joel’s house when you press a little extra weight against the door to seal it shut when it sticks.
It’s quiet, on the cusp of 8, and you wouldn’t be surprised if Joel’s on the brink of sleep.
The sun’s long settled over the mountain, so there’s not much in the way of guidance.
It’s dark, but you expected it to be. You draw the curtains one by one, moving blindly from room to room yet knowing exactly where your feet are. It strikes you as odd, a visitor keeping pace with an unfamiliar house.
But if Joel’s anything, it’s predictable. Unfussy in the way he keeps out of the way, even in his own space. Takes pride in it, sure, but lives in a way that demands nothing but cherishes everything, even the absence of something.
Meaning there’s nothing too unexpected, too risky in its placement. He doesn’t take up too much room in the event that it’s gone tomorrow.
When your hands fumble for the switch of the living room lamp, the bulb springs to life and bathes a wary Joel in light. Sitting on the couch, slouched with residual soreness, but waiting.
For you.
“Jesus, fuck — what the fuck, Joel —”
“You’re late.”
“— sitting in the fucking dark like a lunatic —”
He puts a hand up to stop you, as if to press your mute button.
“I didn’t fall down any stairs.”
Your hands have risen to your chest in the shock of him there, and you’re gripping your shirt in the way he had almost a week ago. You don’t miss that little detail, so much so that you struggle to piece together what he’s saying.
It punches you abnormal; you kept so busy with leaving the subject alone that it slipped your mind that he lied.
“Sit down.”
You’re obedient and you don’t know why. You find a seat across from him, pulling up a stool that’s meant for feet, not your ass. Something crackles beside you, and the embers of a dying fire glow and warm to the left of you.
Your leg crosses over your knee, creating a 45-degree angle that you rest your elbows on. “Yeah, I gathered as much, thanks. You’re a terrible liar.”
Joel’s just eyeing you. And it’s not in a way that sizes you up, more of a calculation of what to say next. What to give away. There’s a beat of this, then another, then another.
“I thought ‘bed rest’ was pretty self-explanatory.”
You’re growing impatient, filling the room just to do it. You both know what happened, and maybe that’s what’s needling at you. That you’re the one person who’d understand the most, but the one person he doesn’t want to know.
It feels wretched and seething, knowing something but not enough.
“I’m gonna need you to cut to the part where you tell me what happened, Joel.”
At that, Joel drags in a breath and leans deeper into the couch. His gaze has moved to somewhere far off, burning into the drawn curtains like he can see outside, can see directly into the window of your kitchen. And with sudden clarity, you realize that he could — it’s a clean diagonal stare.
Are you afraid of the dark?
How many times has he sat in this very spot, taking in the show, watching you make tea, watching you read, watching you stutter and shake with sobs? Witnessing the onslaught of a nightmare?
Touching yourself? Watching you undress?
You aren’t the voyeuristic type, just uncaring to the point of defenseless. But Joel keeping an eye on you in this way is the coup de grâce that does you in. There’s no question now of whether he cares.
“I took Mountain View, headed for the outpost. Not much up that way lately, maybe one or two infected every once ‘n a while,” he says, and it’s unsettling that he’s talking in a way that could be to anyone or no one at all. “Thought I’d stop at the pharmacy on the way up, check that off, too. ‘Cept I wasn’t the only one with that idea.”
He pauses only to crack his knuckles for effect. Fingertips splay on his spread knees, and what seemed so fragile earlier, watercolors of bruises stretching from ligament to tendon, seems threatening now.
“One was lootin’ in the back, didn’t hear me come in. I thought he mighta been alone ‘til his friend followed me in,” he pauses, lost in thought. “Got into it with him.”
As if on cue, the gory split-skin of his hands flexes. Offensive wounds.
You were right, but you wish you weren’t.
“His friend came up from the back, ‘n they took turns for a minute. Long enough for me to get a good look. I ended up takin’ out the shorter one, other one was gone before I could get up.”
Joel doesn’t lift his head, just his eyes. The skin around them crinkles in sinister shapes, lids disappeared, lashes nearly touching brow. You know it’s not anger directed at you, but it’s shrinking you back down into an armchair, your fingers digging and clawing at the fabric without recognizing it.
“Know what’s funny about that?”
You don’t think you can answer with the desert that runs through your mouth. And whatever it is, it’s anything but.
“Not a lot of activity along the outposts this way, unless it’s infected. Everyone else comes straight through to Jackson. The logs say we’ve only run into two groups of raiders in the last five years along the patrol route,” another pause for emphasis. “And one of them was ten months ago.”
Something catches in your chest.
And then there’s a dam that breaks, pure relief. Relief that Joel’s seen the thing you’ve been pointing and screaming at while everyone else shrugs their shoulders and squints.
Then — panic.
Ice sneaks into your veins. The tips of your fingers run numb. It strikes you that you’re standing, that the foot stool is tipped on its side.
He doesn’t move, but there’s a contained rage in his eyes and his voice. A temper bubbling now that you’ve confirmed what he suspected.
“He have any tattoos?” Joel asks roughly.
There’s a flash of stars, hand-poked, bordering on downright sloppy.
“Who?” You say dumbly, but it’s obvious what he’s referring to. He’s seen it, too, and he’s seen it this week.
“You know who.”
You do.
You could draw it from memory if he asked.
Your weight becomes too much for your legs, and you collapse back down, this time into a chair that supports your amoeba-like state as everything in you turns to jelly.
“They’re getting closer. We were in Teton, so if they made it this far —” you jumble out, not sure if it’s just meaningless vomit to his ears. By his solemn nod, it isn’t.
He’s up and out of his seat with a wince that’s not as severe as before, his eyes careful on you, on your hands that you’re gripping together tightly to keep them still.
The isolation of his side is evident in the way he closes the space between you, but he masks the grimace as best he can. There’s a reprimand in you somewhere that he should be resting, lying down at least, but you know it’s pointless.
He’s kneeling as much as his flank will allow, a pain in his eyes that isn’t for himself. Those fingertips scale the cliff of your jaw, ghosting as if he’s afraid to overstep. They’re prodding you to meet his eyes, and when you do, he drops his hand like he’s been burned.
It connects fiercely to a memory that you try to hold in your hands. A snowy, reminiscent one that slips through like a ribbon of smoke.
“Ain’t gotta worry about him. I’ll take care of it.”
You laugh, a real one that’s stained with sarcasm.
“What does that mean?”
Joel softens now, and the shift startles you. He thinks for a beat before answering.
“Whatever you need it to mean.”
It feels incomprehensible that anyone would willingly put themselves in danger for you, even adjacently, but then who noticed you were missing that day? Who led the pack, found you bleeding out?
The weather was violent, incoherent — a lost cause, a needle in the proverbial haystack. He already toed the line of a dangerous, potentially fruitless rescue mission.
And you never even thanked him.
“Why?” You ask it for the second time in as much as a week. It’s disjointed in conversation, but he knows that you need this answer.
“You remember how you were before?”
And for a split-second, you try.
There are glimpses, a rickety reel of kids tugging on your pant leg as they beg you to join them during recess, a glittering spray of laughter with Ellie as empty beer cans and discarded guitars litter her living room floor.
Of your friends’ faces on too many relaxed, sunny patrols, sometimes forcing them into a detour into the abandoned record store through Alpine so you can see what’s left.
Dinner in warm houses like Tommy and Maria’s, so full to the brim of love and potatoes and mead that you stumble on down to your house with cheeks burning and tuck yourself in with all of the lights off.
Visions of Joel that are fleeting, taped in frames on a film strip, but friendly exchanges.
But it’s a faceless narration. The accident wiped clean of any room for interpretation. Any visitation with these memories. You can place yourself in them, but can’t for the life of you feel tethered to her.
Frustrated, eyes watering, you shake your head.
“That’s why.”
Now he’s holding your jaw like he would some fragile thing, slotting his thumb just under the pulse thrumming in your neck, feeling the echo of it in his hand. There’s a silence, as if he’s straining to hear, to know the sound and syllables of your livelihood. You wish he’d press harder, bring you to the precipice of pleasure and death.
If only to know what it feels to be glass in Joel Miller’s hands, to be given the taste of death after he’d given you the gift of life all those months ago.
Your heart is hammering against your ribs. You know he can feel the adrenaline in your pulse point.
“Joel,” it falls out as a whisper, and you hate how good his name feels in your mouth.
He’s looking at you with empathy, thumbing through the pages of every agony you’ve succumbed to. It’s new and buzzing, knowing that there’s nothing you’d ever have to explain to Joel. No reasoning or fine print for how you are, he just knows. And he stays anyway.
A tear tracks a salty line down your face and it meets the pad of his thumb, an easy swipe.
And there’s a surge low in your throat, seesawing with satisfaction and the tell-tale lump of more tears if you lean in hard enough. Joel never shows his hand, the last to fold, but it feels a lot like you’re the prize he was waiting to throw cards down for.
So, you lean. Concave cheek into his calloused hand, tears without sobs leaking between his fingers down into his sleeve. The weight of only the world — your world, plural and shared — pushing you into him. The cataclysmic release that you’ve been aching for.
Your head is against his chest, cheek pressed against flannel because he’s guided you there. And it’s nice, you think, nice that he’s being a gentleman about the whole thing.
A gentleman just finger-combing through your hair, tucking it behind your ear.
It’s serene, and you’d happily make a home there and fall asleep if it wasn’t for the hammering of your heartbeat. You know he can feel it, and your quickened breath is the cherry on top.
Joel levels your faces, and his fingers are deja vu on the braille of each ridged cheekbone. He’s waiting on a cue, a line to be given to him from offstage, but you see flames licking through each darkened iris.
Something keeps holding him back, keeps holding you back. He’s too careful, afraid of cutting his hands on you. And in exploring every facet of that, it’s because he doesn’t want to bleed on you, not because the sharpest parts of you could hurt him.
You keep telling yourself it’s foreign and you’re strangers to one another.
But is it? Are you?
As if he’s reading your mind, Joel closes the distance in one fell swoop, and he kisses you.
It’s clumsy at first, in the way that clumsy is when you’re learning each other’s mouths. You taste the dregs of whiskey, of something wanton, and every unspoken word that’s ever misted between you. Years of forming smile lines and the prickle of his unkempt beard against your chin, taste the stories of every scar.
You’re tangling with him, lips pressing urgently against Joel. His tongue’s expert but gentle when he dips it inside your mouth, and you’re swapping breathless sighs. You can only imagine what he’s tasting of you, what flavor he’s been dreaming of.
His hands are still at either side of your face, thumbs pressing sweetly into the bony part of your jaw. Joel’s stilling the unrest in you that’s put its bags down and refused to leave. It quiets, tips a hat and walks out, leaving a welcome calm in place.
There’s a chasteness, but you know he’s just as desperate and hungry as you are. Wanting to claim, to devour each other entirely. And it’s not lost on you that he’s on his knees, hands clasping your face in prayer like you’re some communion he’s drinking from.
He engulfs you, and you’re moving together, fitting together like you were poured from the same mold. Joel’s fingers have moved to thread through your hair, one of his hands cradling the back of your head and tugging just barely.
Enough that magma pools in between your hips.
But he slows, letting loose a low groan into the heat of your mouth. It’s helpless, like he’s accepted he can’t swim and has submerged his head underwater.
And when you finally break apart, Joel’s pupils are dilated, on the cusp of black. Your collective breaths are uneven. He looks at you in awe.
“Been wantin’ to do that for a long, long time,” he’s saying, but you can barely hear him. Not when your heart is catching up with the rest of you, roaring above everything else. His thumb skates over your bottom lip, and the instinct to unhinge your jaw for him shouldn’t be there, but it is.
Maybe this sort of suffering is worth it, if it’s Joel you’re suffering for.
If you weren’t in trouble before, you sure as fuck are now.
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rivatar · 8 months
Hi! Love ur writing! Can you do a cute short story where the reader introduces neteyam and loak to cotton candy?
Cotton Candy 🍬
A/N: Hi anon!! Thank you for the request and compliment!! This was such a cute idea. I hope y’all enjoy this short lil story :)
Warnings: None, just fluff!! And like one curse word (Lo’ak’s potty mouth lol)
Pairing: Neteyam&Loak w/ Human!reader
Neteyam and Lo’ak were excited to try this new tawtute treat you spoke of. You had already introduced them to ice cream, chocolate, and suckers, so they figure anything with this so-called sugar ingredient from the human world would be just as good.
They followed behind you like little puppies as you went into the food storage room to get to the stash of cotton candy, one of your favorite options to satisfy a sweet tooth.
The cotton candy was neatly stacked up in individual cups in the box, so you grabbed 3 for each of you.
They grabbed the cup in their large hands and brought it up for a close inspection.
“It weighs like- nothing,” Lo’ak mused as he easily tossed it up in the air and caught it.
Neteyam was just eyeing it with a curious look in his eyes that made you silently laugh to yourself.
You take the lid off of yours and they imitate your action, making sure they are doing everything like you’re how doing.
You grab a little chunk with your thumb and index finger and hold it up to Lo’ak, who was closest to you. He bent down to reach it with his mouth like you were suggesting.
“Holy shit- it just melted on my tongue like a little cloud” he laughed, eyes wide as the sweetness burst onto his taste buds. “You have to try it, brother!”
“You heard the man, my turn” Neteyam said as he leaned down, mouth open and tongue out. His tail was swishing playfully.
You giggled at the sight as you could also see his fangs sticking out which may have frightened anybody else not used to them, but to you it was cute.
“You know I gave you your own for a reason” you joked and he rolled his eyes, but you still took out a piece for him and placed it on his tongue.
His eyes grew wide at the overwhelming sweetness, too. Meanwhile, Lo’ak was already digging into his portion and playing with the food.
You couldn’t help but smile at their enjoyment and approval. They were always showing you the foods of Pandora, so it was nice to impress them with some human things every now and then.
“Watch this,” you put a piece on your mouth and opened your mouth so they could see it melt into nothing.
“Bro, it disappeared!” Lo’ak laughed as he hit Neteyam’s arm in amusement.
“Tawtute things never fail to surprise me” Neteyam shook his head in disbelief while smiling with his arms crossed, cup still in hand and not opened.
“Are you gonna eat that?” You asked Neteyam.
“Can I not take it with me and save it for later?”
“Yes of course. Just don’t show anyone please”
He tilted his head, wondering why you requested this. “Why not?”
“I need my supply to last!”
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thirtyknives · 8 months
Back Up Often, Back Up Local.
Hey kids, it's your local elder millenial coming at you live to remind you that anything on a cloud server or a social media network (including this one) is not to be considered secure. If you have artwork or writing you value, back up often, and back up local. Storage space is cheap, get yourself some USB sticks or an external drive and store that shit, or god forbid, if you're lucky enough to have access to an optical drive every so often burn a disc of archived works. There is no promise that an online server you post to will be there tomorrow. I've just learned that ello shuttered overnight and took down all the artwork stored there. It's no big one to me because I store local, but there's a lot of people who are hurting due to the loss, and I've been there kids. I did heaps of really interesting writing and artwork that I published on servers that don't even exist anymore. Even well maintained, well loved servers reach the end of their lifespan and are switched off, decommissioned, and or compromised. Power outages, natural disaster, the works - keep it in your own hands, and you know exactly where it is and what state it's in.
If you have questionable living arrangements or dangerous people around you that make your art or writing insecure at home, the next best thing is to email to a trusted friend and get them to download and store local.
Storing across multiple platforms is better than nothing, I guess, if you don't have that option - so Google Drive and Protondrive, multiple different email addresses (mail them back and forth) and private posts on networks on which you don't usually publish (Dreamwidth is still going strong and is actively involved in fighting restrictive social media laws - they deserve your attention).
If you write in Google docs, for the love of pterry back it up or post it privately somewhere else once it's done.
No one tells the young people, so I am going to - back up often, and back up local. If you live through your art, keep it in your own hands. Do not trust corporations to keep your shit safe for you, and remember - you can never have too many backups.
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ejacutastic · 5 months
cannot express enough how important it is to have multiple copies of important digital data.
like use whatever method works for you to do so whether that's cloud data or having a 3.5" HDD you plug in or making your own home server or whatever, it's worth the time and effort. there's pros and cons to a lot of options and a lot of minutiae you can dive into about data storage options, but generally using drives at a good age from reliable brands and having multiple copies (ideally one stored off site) will be more than adequate.
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allonsybadwolf · 2 years
VIDEO: Severance Outie Cut, Season 1 Episode 9
Okay ya’ll, I believe I have done everything I need to do to make the Innie and Outie Supercuts that I made of Severance available. I looked into a lot of different free storage options out there and unfortunately none of them had enough space (the cuts together are ~35GB), so I landed on creating a torrent file to share it, which just means I’m sending it directly from my computer to your computer without the middleman of cloud storage
This is the first time I’ve ever created a torrent to share, so I had to follow a tutorial. I believe everything worked correctly. Please let me know if there’s any problems (or if you know more about torrents than I do and see any immediate glaring issues.)
Here’s what you’ll need to do:
1. Download a bittorrent client (I recommend qbittorrent.) 2. Grab the .torrent file from the google drive I created: here 3. Side note, I created the file in qbittorrent but I believe you can use it in any client. Someone correct me if that’s wrong. 4. In your bittorrent client, look for an option that says something like “add torrent file” and use that to select the file 5. Choose where to download the file and click “okay” 6. You’re done! Wait for it to download and you’re good to go!
You don’t need to go to any sketchy torrent sites, you can check the file contents in the bittorrent client when you add it to make sure it is what I say it is (it will contain two video files, and two image files for those of you who use something like plex and want title cards), and yeah I think that’s it
Please let me know what you think of it if/when you watch it! I put a lot of hours into it and I really enjoyed watching it, so I hope you guys do as well.
OH ALSO. If you know anyone who is willing to sacrifice their first Severance watch through and watch these cuts first as an experiment, I am extremely curious to hear about how the experience differs when you watch it as intended vs. watching it from each perspective individually.
I have it ordered as Outie Cut first, then Innie Cut second. You’re welcome to watch in whatever order you like, though, obviously.
My thought process here is that the Outie perspective is more interesting as a mystery where you don’t know what is happening at Lumon. You’re discovering things along with oMark, you don’t have any more information than he does.
And I think the Innie perspective could be interesting either way, but I think most of the interest just comes from discovering the world of Lumon here. It definitely could be interesting to see the Innie perspective with no knowledge of the outside world, though. Let me know what you think about the watch order!
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