#cole cash x reader
colecashlover · 2 years
Im in need of some comfort so here's a nice little fic of cole comforting you when you feel the urge to harm yourself
Gender neutral reader
Tw: self hatred, past sh mention, sh urges, past cutting
It was that time of the night again. The time your brain took over and told you every little thing that was wrong about yourself. Where your brain tells you how better off the world would be without you. You know how it is. Its fine. Or it was. Until you started getting the stupud urge for release again. You told yourself it would be fine. That you could get through it. But you knew you couldnt.... the last time this happened well... Cole had come home to you in a bathtub covered in blood and cuts. It broke his heart.
You dont want to hurt him again you realy dontbut with him not being home and you being all by yourself.... it was too much. You just wanted to cry. So you did. You sat in the corner and cried for who knows how long all while staring at that stupud knife Cole had hanging on the wall.
It was one of the only knives Cole didnt keep on him. A stupid bowie knife. Perfect for cutting. Just one cut thats all you needed.... cmon y/n.....just one...
You heard the window open suddenly and panicked sobbing even louder when you realised Cole had come home and would see you like this. You wiped at your face trying to clean the evidence off but he saw it immediatly. He quickly dropped his bag and ran to you getting down on his knees and carefull holding your face in his warm hands.
"Y/n, sweetie whats wrong baby?" He said obviously panicking. "Are you okay?"
That made you let out an even louder choked sob. You lunged towards him and wrapped your arms around him.
"Oh sweetheart its okay im here baby im here." He reasured you while rubbing one hand up and down your back soothing and holding your head against himself with his other hand.
"I need you to tell me whats wrong honey. I want to help pkease let me help you." He held you tighter and layed a kiss on the top of your head.
You looked up at him and choked a little. You tried to speak but it didnt want to come out so instead you motioned with your hands towards the knife and too your scars on your arms.
"Oh...oh honey..its okay im here. Ive got you. You dont have to think about that no more." He said before picking you up and placing you on the bed "stay here for just a second okay? I just need to go get something ill be right back baby doll."
You waited dor him to come back and squirmed on the bed trying to keep your urges at bay. When he finally came back he had a warm danp wash cloth in one hand and a bottle of water in the other. He kneeled down infront of you and started wiping gently at your face cleaning up the tears. After he wad finished he handed you the water bottle.
"Here darlin. You should probably drink some water" he sat down beside you and hugged you to him while whispering sweet nothings in your ear. He watched you drink the water and then took it from you and set it on the nightstand when you were finished.
"Talk to me baby. Please." He looked at you pleadingly trying to get you to talk to him.
"You know for the big bad Grifter your pretty soft" you said with a light hearted chuckle.
"Y/n baby im always soft for you. Always"
You smiled at that and hugged him. You were feeling a little bit better now that he was here with you. "Cuddles baby?" He asked.
You nodded and layed down under the blanket and wait for him to join you. He got up for a second and took his gear and shirt off and layed down next to you in just his cargo pants. You immediatly cuddled up to him and let him hold you. It was always nice feeling him do that. The warmth he gave off and the smell that could only be his was always good at calming you down.
He smiled down at you and said "feeling any better baby?" You nodded and poked his nose which made him let out a small chuckle.
"I love you i promise im always hear for you okay?" He said holding your face so you were looking at him.
"Okay." you said and smiled before laying you head on his chest and slowly drifted to sleep your troubles slowly fleeing from your brain while your pillow of a boyfriend stroked his fingers through your hair and hummed for you.
First fic ive written in a while so hopefully its okay. Hope you enjoyed it!
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bigtreefest · 7 months
Chapter 3: Honey Trap
From: You Catch More Bees With Honey Series
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Pairing: Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader
Summary: A Farmer’s Market and Pouring out your heart over a beer leads to Bucky learning more about his favorite mysterious farmer
Content/warnings: mentions of previous heartbreak and descriptions, a surprising amount of crying/near-crying, soft mobster Bucky, Heartless Jake, Creepy Cole, mentions of blood/period (not graphic and should be normalized because this happens to me all the time and I know I’m not alone in that), excessive drinking and lowkey alcoholism, cowboy hat rule, mutual pining and reluctance towards that, y/n used like three times
Word Count: 5,295
A/N: I didn’t mean for this chapter to be this long, but also, I definitely meant for it to be this long. Sorry for making dear, wonderful, Jake Jensen out to be a bad guy, and NOT sorry for making Cole Turner a creep. Likes, comments, reblogs, and asks are SUPER appreciated. Thank you for reading, I love you *gives forehead kiss*
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Bucky knew lots of languages. Country was not one of them. You would think it would be, with how many arms purchasers were from the south, but he kept his dealings with those folk as short and formal as possible. It was better for his sanity and everyone else that way.
He’d been running into a lot of country folk today, helping you run this farmer’s market out of one of your barns. Half of his conversations with people were full of twangy words and phrases he didn’t understand, so he just lightly laughed, hoping that was the right response. The other half were children, asking him what the bump was on the side of his head, the result of the bee incident earlier this week. Before, it was slightly swollen and red, but it was nearly back to normal. Darn kids have keen eyes, though, and no shame. He’d just about had enough. These people were too polite, besides their annoying children. Lucky for him, though, he’d sold off the last of the turnip greens, and his cash box was full, so he made his way over to you at the stand holding the freshly jarred honey you’d successfully, and he’d not-so-successfully harvested earlier in the week. It was just in time to catch the tail end of a conversation he saw you were having with a slightly older woman.
“You’re like our very own honeybee”
“Oh please, Mrs. Jensen, you know the bees do all the work. I just put it in a jar”
“You’re too modest, dear. My Jakey says no one makes sweeter honey than you. I always tell him to come back and help if he loves it that much, but it seems he’s too late now. Looks like you’ve got yourself a new farm hand who’s easy on the eyes”
Bucky glanced up at her through his eyelashes with his signature smirk, raising to a stand from setting the empty turnip green crate at your feet. “Well you know what they say, honeybees don’t work alone. And their hard work makes the world go round.”
For some reason unbeknownst to him, Bucky slung his hand over your shoulder. Was it jealousy he was feeling? Possessiveness? Why, he didn’t own you and he promised himself he wouldn’t fall, physically or metaphorically (although it was far too late physically, and he didn’t want to think about how close he truly was metaphorically). Plus, it’s not like he was having the best time right now. This whole week was a nightmare, and the only reason he was in a decent mood was from seeing your smile as you interacted with the town’s folk today. You were a person of the people, in juxtaposition to how Bucky was often only looking out for himself. So why did the mention of Jakey make this feel necessary and why did it feel so right? Either way, he was proud of you and your hard work and the way it made people beam as bright as Mrs. Jensen. But he’d never say that. Where he’s from, hard work is expected and definitely not praised, although not nearly as manual. But seeing all the effort for that couple jars of honey made him question if the work he was even doing was that hard. Maybe he’d been away from the city too long and was losing perspective. Yeah. That had to be it.
“Well, either way, bless y’all’s heart for putting in the work. I’ll tell Jake you say hello.”
You and Bucky both waved goodbye.
“Well how about it Honeybee, Jakey appreciates all your hard work” he smirked, but watched the smile slide off your face.
“Try telling me that with our awful breakup years ago” you shrugged off with a small chuckle, but Bucky could see the light drain out of your eyes a little. He had obviously struck a nerve, but didn’t want to push farther, at least not now when there were still a few customers aimlessly shopping around for the last bits of produce left. Maybe he’d catch you once the two of you were alone.
You turned away from him to hide your grimace. Thinking back to that whole situation with Jake, on top of serving others all morning had completely drained you and it was quickly catching up.
“Um, why don’t you finish cleaning up the rest of the empty crates after you ask those last few people how you can help them with anything” you waved off Bucky back towards the other end of the barn, head down, starting to look through the cash box he had handed you. You waited until you could hear his receding footsteps on the hay floor to sniffle and take a deep breath. Bucky had keen ears, though, and hesitated hearing your sigh, before he continued on, giving you your chance to regroup. He had never seen you like this before, you were normally chipper and full of energy, often a little too much for his liking, but luckily it was Friday, and after he closed these deals, you both were home free.
Bucky quickly helped the last few stragglers take their rather large haul back to their car. An older man and woman who owned the bar in town had come to get some fresh vegetables for their salads, and Bucky convinced them to take the lot with his charm. That, and he wanted to make sure he didn’t have to carry them all the way back to storage. That was a long way, and you made him walk it. He rolled his eyes when you had told him about the task, too, handing him the handle to a little red wagon with a beaming smile on your face, insisting “that’s how Pappy did it before his first tractor” and “what did you think, I like wasting diesel for food that’s supposed to have a low carbon footprint? That’s why I’ve got you, Bucket.” So Bucky grumbled under his breath at first light, angry, yet amused that the nickname stuck, but still too tired to react any differently when he started the first of his dozen trips to move the produce from storage into the farmer’s market barn. And there was no way he was gonna do that again, so he convinced the couple to take the lot, even offering to carry it out to the car for them, because that was better than the quarter mile walk both ways through the tall grass of your fallow fields to return them.
“Thank you so much for your help, Jamie. You’ve taken such good care of us, you should come by the bar later if you can get some free time from Miss Y/L/N over there. She’s quite the hard worker, maybe bring her along. Drinks on us.” The older lady looked at Bucky with a soft smile.
Jamie, no one had called him that since his mom. Country folk and their want for instant closeness. He hardly knew this lady and already she was trying to be endearing, but her forced charm was nothing compared yours even when you weren’t trying. She looked over Bucky’s shoulder at you carrying a stack of heavy wooden crates out of the barn, hardly struggling, but very determined before sliding them back into the truck. Bucky’s eyes followed hers, a small grin of admiration creeping onto his face at your independence and mastery at everything you do, no matter how simple.
“Yeah, hardest worker out there. I’ll see if I can convince her to take a break.” He turned back and walked the lady to her door, opening it for her to get in.
“Drive safely. Hope to see you later Mr. and Mrs. Carter.” He shut the door and made his way back over to your truck. You had already gotten in and started it with the windows down. Bucky slid into the bench seat to be met by you with your forehead resting on the wheel in between your hands. You took a sharp inhale and shot up, putting on a fake smile, albeit less forced than earlier.
“Ready to go meet Curtis? We’ve just gotta touch base with him and then we’re good to be done for the day.”
“Um, yeah. Sounds good.”
Bucky wasn’t sure how to continue with you in that mood. Should be keep talking? Did you prefer the silence to think? The radio was low on the dash, but not silent, so he decided to speak up.
“Did you see who I was helping? They said they own the bar in town. Maybe we can go for a drink tonight? Celebrate a long week done?”
You sighed. Again. “Um, yeah. I actually think that sounds really good. We both need the decompression. TGIF, ya know?” You forced out a small laugh which Bucky returned and he turned forward as you continued the drive back toward your house.
When the two of you entered the farmhouse, your were greeted by Curtis, your weekend farmhand, sitting at the dining room table. He had already helped himself to a glass of sweet tea you kept in the fridge, mainly for him, which was made from your Aunt’s recipe he loved so much.
“Oh, good, you’re back from chores already.” Curtis had been kind enough to come in today to work on some tasks since you and Bucky had your hands full with the market. He usually only worked Saturday and Sunday since this was his second job, but he’d sometimes come in to help extra, like today.
“Bucket, this is Curty b—oh sorry, Curtis. He’s the one that makes sure things run smoothly when I’m not. He’s a whiz at fixing the machinery, perks of him also being the best mechanic in town.”
Bucky warily stepped forward, eyes narrowed, barely noticeable, and shook Curtis’s hand. Who is this guy who let himself into your house? “Bucky is fine, really.”
Curtis let out a chuckle, “nice to meet you, Bucket. It’s ok, I talked to Y/N about making cheese curds once, and she’s called me ‘Curty boi’ ever since.”
Bucky laughed and shook his head, looking over his shoulder. You just shrugged with a small smile on your face, already more relaxed and relieved to be inside your home with someone you didn’t feel like you had to put up a front for, that was reassuring. Bucky went into the kitchen to get you both a glass of water as you sat next to Curtis at the table, joined by Bucky sitting across after he handed you your glass. The three of you briefly talked about the chores Curtis had done that day, how the farmer’s market went, and what all needed done that weekend.
Curtis seemed nice, not threatening. The visceral tinge of jealousy left Bucky’s body as the conversation went on. If Curtis was going to make a move, he would’ve done it by now, surely. But the two of you were clearly just close friends. Why did Bucky keep feeling like this?
As you wrapped up, Curtis slapped his knees with both his hands and went to stand. “Well, I better get going, sun’s starting to get pretty low.”
Curtis and Bucky had been getting along pretty well, so you spoke up. “Well actually, Bucky and I were gonna go to the bar in town tonight. Care to join?”
“Yeah, I’d love to. There are just a few things I’ve gotta check on in the shop first, but I can drop by after. Does that work?”
“For sure. We’ll see you then” You and Bucky shared a small smile before you closed the door behind Curtis and turned back to the mob boss standing in your foyer.
“Ok, Cowboy. Good job today. Go take a shower, we’re going out.” Bucky beamed, which you returned, and he felt a warmth bloom in his chest at your praise.
“Yes, ma’am, Miss Honeybee” you smiled and rolled your eyes as he ran up the steps, following behind to get ready, yourself. He was really glad your mood was starting to turn around.
As Bucky went to his room to gather his clothing, his mind started to drift towards why he cared how you felt. He was just here for business, right? So why did it bother him if you were sad? If anything, he should want you vulnerable to help him come out on top of your business, but something deep inside of him felt more satisfaction when you were winning. He shook the thoughts from his head. Maybe a cold shower could help him sort this out.
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Bucky came down the stairs and sat on the couch just as he heard your hair dryer start up. He had gotten ready quickly, throwing on one of his henleys, his nicer jeans, and a pair of boots Sam had sent him this week when he had heard about the whole ‘borrowing clothes situation.’
He shot Steve a text, telling him that the two of you were going out to the bar with Curtis, to which he replied Have fun, Bucket😉.
Ugh, why did he have to tell Steve about that, it was never gonna go away now. Bucky had gotten a call from Steve each evening giving updates on the business, with Bucky doing the same on his end, keeping it short, only noting the highlights and trying to keep his emotions in check and out of the updates. His best friend knew better, though, even if Bucky wasn’t fully aware of the extent of his feelings yet.
Bucky got up and walked around, looking through the photos and knick knacks in your living room, before stopping by the mirror behind your front door and checking his appearance. This look wasn’t what he was used to. He was extremely dressed down compared to the designer suit he’d likely be sporting in one of his clubs if he were back in the city. He hadn’t even bothered to gel his hair because it seemed you didn’t care when he did, plus, he wanted to save that valuable product for a real occasion, no use in wasting it to go slum with a bunch of hillbillies. He looked to the coatrack next to the mirror to see a hat that matched his boots perfectly and plopped it on his head, swaying side to side to see how it looked.
Just then, you started to make your way down the stairs but stopped in your tracks seeing Bucky in that hat. His head snapped up to look at you.
“What? Does this hat make me look dumb?”
You smiled and shook your head.
“No, not at all” Bucky could see tears well up in your eyes, accompanied by sparkles of fondness and, sadness?
“That was my uncle’s hat. He taught me everything I know”
“Oh, I’m so sorry” Bucky went to take the hat off but you stopped him.
“No- it’s okay. It looks good on you. Go ahead and wear it out tonight.”
Bucky looked back at you with a somber nod as you continued back down the stairs, taking a deep breath to settle the emotions that had nearly breached the surface.
Even in this state, you looked gorgeous. Hair flouncing in the breeze that was created as you drifted down the steps, wearing makeup he hadn’t seen since the first time you two had met and a sundress that blew him away. You were gorgeous in all states because you were you. Bucky looked down, kicking his feet, to pull his magnetic glance from you. He’s really gotta switch up the power dynamic here, and if there was one place Bucky could feel at home after a week of embarrassing himself, it was a bar. He grabbed the keys and you followed with an eye roll, getting into the passenger seat of your own truck. He didn’t even know where he was going, but he looked at you with a sly grin. Like for the first time, he had the upper hand, and that would only come from being anywhere but on your farm.
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Bucky was a good driver, despite his statements about some guy named ‘Gio’ and grumbles about Sam, who you had met once before. Besides that, the drive was filled with laughs reminiscing all the mishaps he went through that week, well, mostly you laughing, and Bucky doing his best to hold a smirk from showing too obviously, his eyes narrowed at you in contrast.
The two of you pulled into town as you pointed Bucky towards a decent-sized building which housed the bar, still nothing compared to what he was used to. The two of you hopped down from the truck and walked through the front door, which jingled, signaling your entrance.
Bucky was greeted by the smell of old wood and stale beer, the dim atmosphere lit with old neon beer signs and fluorescent lights which hung over the pool tables. You looked back at Bucky as you crossed the threshold where he held the door for you.
“Hey, all I’m saying is, I bet you wouldn’t last a week in my world the way I did in yours.”
You rolled your eyes as you sauntered up to the bar, taking a seat at the corner, Bucky next to you, and a few more empty seats to the other side of him that would hopefully stay that way until Curtis came. As the two of you had walked up to the bar, you had seen a bunch of girls groups whose heads turned, seeing the stranger that was Bucky make his way across the floor. Why couldn’t he be ugly? And why did you let him wear that hat? Bucky didn’t even notice. His eyes were only on you, besides his trained peripheral vision catching the eyes of men whose heads turned towards, doing the same.
“Oh please, Bucket, you hardly made it through this week. I’ve never seen anyone cut their finger on wheat before. How did you even do that? You were literally up on the tractor… wheat should not have been anywhere near your hands, yet you came to me with several paper cut-looking marks. And what do you even do all day? Your hands have calluses but a totally different kind. You can hardly toss a hay bale a story high into the barn loft. I’m sure it wouldn’t be that hard for me to just sit at a desk, bark orders, and sign paperwork all day.”
Bucky’s mouth gaped open as he feigned offense and put his hand on his chest.
You flashed a fleeting smile at him in satisfaction as you waved down the
bartender ordering two shots of whiskey and two beers.
“Now just because that’s all you’ve seen me do for work, doesn’t mean that’s all there is to it.”
“Oh really? Please, Bucket, then be my guest…indulge me.”
“Well, if I told you, I’d have to kill you, so take that as one of the common requisites.”
He smirked at you, obviously more comfortable in this bar environment before your phone dinged and it was a message from Curtis.
Hey Y/N. So sorry, something came up at the shop. Rain check?
Yeah, no problem. Hope all is good, see you tomorrow?
Yep! Ty
“Well, looks like Curty boi isn’t joining us, so it’s just you and me, Bucko”
At that moment, the bartender set down the drinks in front of you and you and Bucky took a shot together, ordering an appetizer sampler platter to go with your drinks.
As the two of you nursed your beers, you joked more about Bucky’s farm mishaps and talked about all the men you had turned down from Bucky’s organization to get him out here.
“I’ve gotta be honest, I don’t know how you turned down both Sam and Steve. I’m hardly immune to their charms some days”
You laughed and threw your head back. “It’s not easy. They’ve both got these puppy dog eyes they make when I say ‘no’ to them, but they seemed pretty satisfied with the fact I wanted to see you in person.”
“And why exactly was that? You never quite said”
“Well, at first, it started as a way to delay the deal, but then I realized, if I’m going to be making some major changes to somewhere I consider a sanctuary, I wanna make sure it’s with the right partner” you nudged him with your elbow playfully and Bucky gave you a small grin. “But honestly, if I’m going to do something these days, I wanna do it at the source. I hate hearing important news from third parties, I mean, you’ve seen how I do business. It’s all me at the end of the day. Sure, Curtis helps out, but otherwise, it’s better to deal with things on my own and a few trusted people” you finished that statement breathless from your heated ramble. This didn’t go unnoticed by Bucky at all. Where did that come from? At first, to him, you were just another bug to be squashed in order to get more control over his industry, but did he care now? Did he truly care about what was upsetting you? What caused that hurt you were obviously tampering down? Does this have to do with Jakey?
Bucky hadn’t realized he said that last part out loud until you responded.
“No! Well, maybe? Like, sort of?”
“Can I ask? Can I ask what happened there? Only if you want to share”
“Um… yeah, sure, I guess. You’ve embarrassed yourself enough this week so I think you’ve earned this a little bit.”
You took a deep breath and began. “Jake and I grew up together. We met in kindergarten in school and were instantly close. We were the only two gifted kids in class, so the teacher sent us to the side for extra lessons while the rest of the class learned with her. From that point on, we were inseparable. Two smart little twerps who took on the world together, but our lives were so different. In middle school, I started to take on more responsibility on the farm and he started getting into computers, but we’d still see each other. In high school we started officially dating, and I was so happy to be with someone who I felt like intellectually got me. I think it was the same way for him, too. He’d crack such nerdy jokes, and no one got them but me”
You smiled nostalgically at the memory. “When our senior year came along and my uncle wasn’t doing that well, I applied to more local schools, but he didn’t. We had always talked about going off to college and living together, but he wanted that life to be far away from here, and I had obligations. I got into the local college on a full ride for agriculture and civil engineering, and he decided he’d rather go to MIT for computer science. I asked if he’d be willing to stay since he got into college around here, too, but he said he wanted to be around people who were ‘more like-minded to him.’ As if we hadn’t been the only ones who had understood each other for over a decade.”
Bucky gave you a sullen look as your head fell and you looked down at your hands. He signaled to the bartender for a water and two more rounds of shots.
“I just, I just didn’t understand how he could act like that after so long. So I asked him when he was leaving so I could see him off. We were still friends, after all, but he left without a word. When I saw him again over Christmas break that winter, I felt like he had turned into some overweening, highfalutin, jerkwad. I didn’t really know him anymore, and I had enough to focus on already, so I just kinda stopped talking to him. As you could see today, his mom still comes around, but it’s not really the same. I don’t think she ever really truly saw the way he changed, she’s too caught up in having a son who lives in Silicon Valley now, but apparently he still asks for stuff from the farmers markets.” You shrugged and thanked the bartender for the shots, pounding all four before you excused yourself to the restroom, leaving Bucky to sit there shocked.
He had known where you went to college and how smart you are, but things like what happened with Jake don’t show up on paper. However he clocked you before, you were even stronger than that, because despite how you were hurt, you still wore your heart in your sleeve and showed compassion to everyone around.
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You washed your face and looked in the mirror. Sure, that experience with Jake sucked, but it’s been years and you were over it now. Didn’t mean it was fun to relive it all. You decided to go into one of the stalls, the alcohol already kicking in and making you have to pee. You sat down and that’s when you saw it: blood. So that’s the reason for the waterworks all day today. That’s why you felt so tired and couldn’t help tearing up at the slightest things. Luckily the girl in the stall next to you had some products. You cleaned up and washed your hands, forcing a smile in the mirror until it became real, honestly relieved at having a reason for your out-of-character behavior. You headed back out to Bucky in a much more chipper mood and he looked up at you with a quirked brow. He figured you’d taken the time you needed. He was appreciative of you being so open with him, and wasn’t going to question the switch-up since he was just so happy to see you being yourself again after a long day.
“Up for a game of pool, cowboy?”
“Oh, you’re signing up to lose, Honeybee”
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“Ok, ok, best four out of seven” Bucky whined as you giggled, whiskey shots catching up to you as you held another beer bottle in your hand. Bucky was hardly affected, he essentially rocked this much alcohol in his system by noon on a daily basis. Just then, his phone rang, and he motioned to show you it was Steve. You gave him a thumbs up and started to rack the balls to set up for the next game.
You watched Bucky walk out the door as you felt a presence looming behind you. You turned around and stood up, eyes tracing up a body dressed in brown hues until you reached a set of blue eyes shaded by a cowboy hat brim.
“Oh, howdy, can I help you?”
“I sure hope so. Can I get you a drink? Two whiskey sours” the stranger yelled over to the bar.
“Oh, uh, thanks.”
“My name’s Cole, Cole Turner. What’s a pretty girl like you doing here all alone?”
He was handsome, there was no denying that, but something seemed off. You plastered your best fake smile on your face. You didn’t need a confrontation tonight, not in your favorite dress. You didn’t want to taint the memory of it because of some rando. Wait. Was he a rando? Where have you heard the name ‘Turner’ before? Before you could continue your train of thought, a waiter came over with your drinks. They were very sweet compared to what you’d had all night, just like his demeanor, which seemed like a thin veil over the surface. You tried to channel your drink’s energy into your words to sweetly reply until you could properly remember who he was through your alcohol-fogged mind.
“Oh, I’m not here alone. I’m here with a friend”
“Hate to break it to you sweetheart, but I don’t see anyone around. You up for a game?”
Before you could even open your mouth to respond, he grabbed a pool cue and made a move to break. After that, he was keeping a little too close to you constantly. You did your best to stay kind, but must’ve been sending the wrong signals as he asked you “You wanna get out of here? I’ve got a hotel room down the road.”
In an attempt to change the subject you asked “Oh, so you’re not from around here? What are you doing in town?” Looking towards the door hoping Bucky would be done with his update any minute now.
“Ah, I used to live around here. My family owns a string of dairy farms. I’m here to try and convince these small-town farmers to give up the land.”
Your eyes went wide. Luckily you were facing away from him. He was that Cole Turner. The one whose family ran a packaged beverage empire and prided themselves on squashing the little guy. You were lucky he didn’t seem to recognize you yet, as the last remaining competitor in town. The one he had probably come in to squash. Just then, lost in thought, you felt a hand snake around your waist and you flinched.
“Relax, Honeybee, it’s just me” Bucky whispered in your ear. Your shoulders visibly relaxed as you turned around and threw your arms around his neck, holding on for dear life. You pulled away, but not enough for Bucky’s hand to leave your waist, and looked between the two men, grabbing Bucky’s hat and placing it on your head immediately.
“Uh, James, this is Cole. He’s visiting town.”
Bucky reached out his hand Cole shook it. Cole took a large step back after, respecting the hat on your head, and, was he intimidated by Bucky’s stature? Sensing your discomfort, Bucky spoke up. “Nice to meet you. Shame we’re heading out now.”
You grabbed Bucky’s hand, not looking back, and headed straight to the door as quickly as your numb, wobbly legs would take you. Once you were met by the cool, crisp night air, you sighed in relief and rested your forehead on Bucky’s shoulder.
“Thank you for helping me get out of there”
He shuddered at your proximity and the comfort you felt in this type of contact. It felt natural and he never wanted it to stop. With a soft smile and a glance at the top of the hat, he said, “No problem, Honeybee. Let’s get home.”
He helped you get up into the cab of the truck, sliding you across the bench seat before he got in and started it up.
“So what was the deal with the hat? And that guy?”
You yawned and stretched, settling in against Bucky’s shoulder.
“Uh, when a girl takes a guy’s hat and puts it on her head, it means she’s going home with him. And don’t worry, I didn’t mean it like that, I just wanted that guy to get off my back. We can talk more about that later.”
You wiggled to get more comfortable, your hand still in Bucky’s as he used the other to steer the truck down the old country roads. Your eyes fluttered shut as you fell asleep on him. His eyes flickered between you and the road in the headlights ahead. He luckily had a good sense of direction and was able to remember how to get home from your instructions earlier.
When he pulled into your gravel driveway, your were sound asleep, softly snoring, drool having dripped onto his Henley, but he didn’t mind at all. He lifted you out of the truck and carried you up the steps, taking off your boots before tucking you into bed for the night.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: so where I’m from, “Turner’s” really is a beverage empire and they make really good products. I just figured I can’t make a farm AU without putting Cole in it, no matter how inaccurate to character.
Series taglist:
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simpingforheros · 14 days
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Fluff - 💗
Hurt/Comfort - ❤️‍🩹
Angst - 💀
Spicy but Not Smut- 🥵
Smut - 🔥
Dark - ⛓️
Disclaimer: While I do my best to label any and all trigger warnings in my posts, I would like ask that yall take a good look at any warnings before you read anything online. Minors DNI as I intend for all my stories, whether NSFW and Dark or Fluffy and SFW, to be for an 18+ audience. While I do my part as the writer to accurately give trigger warnings and label my content appropriately, please be conscious of the triggers and take care of yourselves.
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Bruce Wayne
Dick Grayson
Jason Todd
Bring Me To Life (Arkham Knight! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💀❤️‍🩹⛓️ (One Shot, either a future series or rewritten someday)
Corruptions (Arkham Knighy! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹🔥⛓️ (part two to Bring me to Life)
Jason Todd Headcanons 1 💗🔥⛓️
Jason's Girl ?? (Jason Todd x Female! Reader) 🔥💗
Gifted with Love (Jason Todd x Female! Reader)🥵💗
You Belong to Me (Hush! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) (Coming soon)
Safe (Gotham Knights! Jason Todd X Female! Reader) ❤️‍🩹💀
Barbara Gordon
Clark Kent
Conner Kent
Diana Prince
Cole Cash
Oliver Queen
Dinah Lance/Queen
Roy Harper
Lay All Your Love On Me (Roy Harper x Single Mom! Female! Reader) 💗🥵 ((coming soon))
Barry Allen
Wally West
Martian Manhunter
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Steve Rogers
Tony Stark
Bruce Banner
Natasha Romanoff
Sam Wilson
Clint Barton
Bucky Barnes
Yelena Belova
Wanda Maximoff
Pietro Maximoff
Wade Wilson
Eddie Brock
Logan Howlett
Miguel O’Hara
Sunny X Miggy Series (Grumpy! Miguel O’Hara X Sunshine! Reader) 💗❤️‍🩹 (Retired series from old account)
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Moonlight Lies ( Bi-Han X Female! Reader) 💀🔥 ((coming soon))
Noob Saibot
Hanzo Hasashi (not the child)
Kuai Liang
Tomas Vrbada
Clearing the Smoke (Tomas ‘Smoke’ Vrbada X Female! Reader) 💗🔥❤️‍🩹💀 ((coming soon))
Johnny Cage
Kenshi Takahashi
Takeda Takahashi
Kung Lao
Liu Kang
Shang Tsung
Li Mei
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curiouscutie143 · 4 months
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🎉 HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!! 🎉 Been sitting on this piece for awhile and I couldn't wait to show you all! Art commissioned by the talented @almaadst Thank you for capturing this moment in the fan fic ❤️ *Song inspiration below *
Fanfic. Yes there's a fanfic to go with the art 😏 Commissioned by @jazzthatonewriterchick she did her thing! I will warn you warning ⚠️it's TRULY Toji’s style let's just put it like that.⚠️
Thank you Jazz for making my dark,freaky fantasies come to life through your brilliant work 👏🏾 🙌🏾 😈
If you like to treat the birthday kitty, not obligated BUT if you're feeling generous, I will leave a few links down below. Happy and hot reading to you all 💋
Cash App $VampyNeko
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queenpiranhadon · 6 months
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A/N: It makes me unnaturally happy to finally see my Rocky boy get some attention. Big thanks to @rainbow-flavoured-skittles for beta reading this!! Here's my masterlist!
Warning(s): This takes place after the fight with the Overlord, I haven't watched Dragons Rising nor do I plan to so it's only really cannon to Crystalize and prior, it IS Cole x reader but I did world build a little lol, reader is the Ninja of Nature (maybe related to Bolobo idk), reader is GN but is written with F!reader in mind, reader is called Blossom, reader calls Cole Rocky (Mister Dangerbuff supremacy)
Pairing(s): Cole Brookstone x Master of Nature!Reader
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After you fought the Overlord, it was quiet. 
Not in the sense of volume, but it was calm. Usually, you'd be restless, aching for a fight to keep the adrenaline pumping, but right now? 
You were happy to have a break. 
Especially with Cole. After months of figuring out feelings and sending mixed signals to each other (Cole had once thought you were in love with Jay — even though he was one, dating Nya, and two, you were asking the electricity ninja for tips on how to get Cole to like you back in the first place), he had confessed to you shyly and asked you out on a date. He took you to a coffee shop, and you guys just clicked. He made you happy, made you laugh, made you feel loved. And you loved him all the same.  
Seven months after dating, he asked you to move in with him, as if you didn't practically live with him from the amount of time you spent at his home. Moving in with him was seamless, it was like nothing changed, except now you woke up with an adorable, snoring Adonis of a man, and went to bed with a giant teddy bear who basically melted in your embrace. 
After you fought the Overlord, it was normal.  
It was like nothing happened, adjusting to your new lives immediately. Obviously, you and your fellow ninja were celebrities all over Ninjago - you all were probably asked to give autographs five times a day, minimum. Meeting up with your friends was a frequent occurrence, all going to Chen’s Noodle House and enjoying Skylar’s amazing cooking while catching up with the others.  
It was routine now, everything refreshingly the same, down to where you sat. You and Cole would take one of the booth seats, with Jay and Nya across from the two of you. Pixal sat down next to Nya, and Zane sat next to Cole, Lloyd and Kai at the head of the table (painfully single- much to Skylar and the rest of the ninja's annoyance).  
All of you had surprisingly adjusted to normal life without fighting opponents twenty-four -seven very easily, though some had more difficulty than others. 
 Jay worked as a event host at his local comic shop, organizing mini conventions and trivia nights for fellow geeks such as himself.  
Kai returned to the dojo he used to have, teaching children how to defend themselves so that they wouldn’t be as defenseless as he was when he lost his powers.  
Lloyd helped his mom and Master Wu reopen their tea shop from so long ago, working the cash register and making people’s lives a little happier with a bright smile every day.  
Nya worked as a mechanic in her free time, opening a garage and surrounding herself with what she did best: building. Jay stopped by on occasion, helping her with certain projects, but also joining her in tinkering with some spare 
parts sometimes. Zane and Pixal had the most difficulty adjusting, their different appearances making them stand out like sore thumbs. But eventually, they found their home giving lectures at schools with a different perspective on certain topics, enjoying the ability to share 
their infinite knowledge with others. And then there was Cole and yourself. Being a ninja of Nature, you worked at the local florist, finding it refreshing to be surrounded by so many plants whenever you could. You worked your magic with them, keeping the plants fresh and ending up owning the store yourself once the previous owner retired.  
Cole worked as a barista at the local coffee shop, and you stopped by to get food and give him some company on your breaks. It was nice, you think, to spend some time together with him after years of constantly fighting who knows what.  
You greet him, opening the door with a jingle, and walk up to him, as he was closing up.  
"Hey, Rocky," you hum, leaning against one of the tables as he sets his broom down. 
 He walks over to you, hugging you close by the waist and resting his chin on top of your head, placing a soft kiss on your forehead.  
"Hi, Blossom," he murmurs into your hair, and you take the time to just admire him. The curve of his nose, the small tilt of the corners of his mouth, showing that he was happy, the apples of his cheeks, the stubble that littered across his impeccable jawline. He smelled like the earth just after it rained, and ground coffee, one of the many things you love about him. His hair was artfully mussed, black tresses tucked underneath his visor, and you take it off his head, running your fingers through his hair. 
 It was just the two of you, standing inside the cafe in the light pf golden hour, drinking up each other’s warmth and love, together.  
After you fought the Overlord, it was nice.  
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Taglist: @tinadablackthorn
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Fallin’ In Heart First - Cole Turner x Country Singer!Reader
A/N: This is pretty much inspire by HEART FIRST by Kelsea Ballerini so definitely check it out!
Summary: Months after their break up Cole is still moping over Sadie, that is until he hears a certain voice
Word Count: 1.6k
Warnings: Fluff! Simp Behaviour!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics​
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“I have just the thing you’re looking for,” Cole says with a small wink, pointing to the customer who was at the stall.
He reaches out to grab just a plain jar of honey before presenting it to the allergy-suffering customer. She raises a brow in confusion as she takes the jar from him “honey?”
“Yep have some every day, in your tea or on your breakfast, it’s made locally using local pollen so it allows your body to get used to the pollen before allergy season kicks in” Cole explains pushing his hands into his jeans pockets.
The customer studies the jar for a moment before shrugging her shoulders “Worth a shot” she admits before passing over some cash for it.
“Used it all my life and it’s saved me,” Cole says with a small wink.
The lady lets out a small snort of laughter as she shakes her head and puts the jar of honey in her bag “Well thank you” she chuckles before turning and walking off to another stall.
Cole watches as she goes, she was pretty cute, almost certainly his type but his heart just wasn’t in it. He watched as she paused at the nearby flower stall and began admiring the cactus. Something that instantly made Cole sigh deeply as he was reminded of her.
“Oh my god that’s like the millionth sigh this morning!” Mattie exclaims loudly, pulling Cole from his thoughts.
“No, it's not” Cole argues turning around to face his younger sister who was reclined back in her chair.
“Uh yeah it is, you do it whenever you look over at the plant stall” Mattie says pointing over to the stall in question.
“No, I don’t” Cole states with a small scoff shaking his head at her.
“Yeah, you do!” Mattie laughs “Aren’t I right Dad?”
“Yeah you are sighing a lot, you can sit down if you’re asthma is acting up coleslaw” his dad offers making Cole roll his eyes.
“It's not his Asthma it's him still wallowing over Sadie,” Mattie says sending Cole a knowing look.
“No, I’m not, I’m over that” Cole argues but even he could hear how unconvincing he sounded.
Mattie burst out laughing shaking her head at him “You do hear yourself right?”
“Mattie leave him alone, he thought Sadie was the one” his dad chastises lightly.
“Yeah just like he thought Bonnie and Laurie and Peggy were the ones” Mattie mutters under her breath.
“Look Coleslaw we’re doing alright here, why don’t you go take a break, explore the rest of the fair?” His dad suggests.
“Dad I’m fine” Cole sighs.
“And that’s a million and one” Mattie smirks.
“Fine, fine I’m going” Cole exclaims holding his hands up in surrender, grabbing his inhaler as he stormed away ignoring his sister’s laughter.
Cole didn’t really know where to go, the annual county fair was always massive. He knew his dad needed a new part for the tractor so maybe he could go get that, or see if the book stand had anything interesting on agriculture.
He was just walking past one of the bar tents when he heard angelic-like singing that had him freezing. Turning in the direction of the singing he ducked into the large bar tent which was full of people enjoying local cider and listening to live music.
Cole gently pushed his way through the crowd so he could see who was on the small stage. His heart skipping a beat when he finally saw the singer. You were absolutely stunning, perched on a stool in a long floral dress, daisies carefully weaved into your hair. You had a warm smile on your face as you expertly strummed your guitar and sang about love.
Cole was completely enamoured and when your gaze met his the rest of the world melted away and it was just you and him in that tent. You sent him a bashful smile, glancing down for a moment before your gaze returned to him.
For the rest of your set your gaze repeatedly met his and Cole couldn’t help but think you were singing directly to him. So when you finally finished and began packing up Cole didn’t hesitate and made his way straight over to you.
“Hey,” he greeted, shoving his hands in his jean pockets nervously.
You glanced up from your guitar case, a smile growing on your face and you rose to your full height “Hey” you echoed.
“I um just wanted to say I really enjoyed your set, you’re voice is beautiful” Cole says smiling nervously over at you.
You nibble your lower lip and look down bashfully “Thank you” you smile looking back up at him.
Cole gives you a small nod of his head as silence fell between the two of you. He didn’t want to leave but he just couldn’t think of anything else to say. He began to turn away when he spotted a sign for a local cider and instantly spun back around to face you.
“Can I buy you a drink?” He asked suddenly.
You startle slightly at his outburst but a warm smile soon grows on your lips “Yeah that sounds nice”
“Perfect, great,” Cole says with a sigh of relief.
You let out a quiet chuckle as you close your guitar case and pick it up “let's go” you grin.
“Here let me,” Cole says quickly taking the case from you “I promise I won’t drop it”
You let out a loud warm chuckle at that “Don’t worry I trust you…” you say tailing off at the end.
“Cole. I’m Cole, Cole Turner” Cole finishes holding out his free hand.
“Y/N” you smile shaking his hand and Cole could swear he felt sparks fly.
Cole held out his arm signalling for you to go first, smiling, trying and failing to stop himself from doing a little happy dance when your back was turned. You then glanced over your shoulder at him making him quickly recover and flash you a smile.
When you reached the bar Cole ordered two ciders for the both of you and then set down your guitar case. As he did do he noticed all the stickers from different states and cities across the country.
“Are these all the places you’ve toured?” Cole asks as you took a large sip of your cider.
You quickly swallowed and shook your head “No, I’m not much of a traveller far too much of a homebody, my family is just pretty large and spread far and wide so those are just from when I’ve visited them” you explain.
Cole hums nodding his head “I get that, I did a bit of travelling across Europe not too long ago, it was fun but I definitely liked being home and back in my comfort zone”
“Need a holiday from your holiday” you chuckle making Cole laugh.
“Yup exactly that” he smiles “So you don’t travel for your music?” He asks arching a brow.
“No it's just a hobby, I don’t have any real desire to ‘make it’, I just enjoy doing stuff like this and I love my job too much to give it up” you explain.
“What do you do?” Cole asks tilting his head slightly.
“I’m a librarian, so diving into fantasy worlds and romance novels is enough travel for me” You smile bashfully as you take another sip of your cider “What do you do?”
“I’m a farmer, but I have also written a book on the history of agriculture, it was published a few months ago now” Cole answers as he takes a sip of his own cider.
“Wait.” You say holding out your hand “Cole, as in Cole Turner?”
Cole furrows his brows “Yeah….” He says confused.
“I’ve read your book!” You exclaim.
Cole’s eyes widened in surprise “You have!?” He says shaking his head in disbelief, he thought he’d be the only one who’d ever read it.
“Yeah! It came into the library and it looked interesting so I gave it a read and it was really cool! You have a way with words” you explain smiling over at him.
“Thank you” Cole smiles bashfully “but if anyone has a way with words it's you! I mean your songs, god… I’ve never heard someone summarise love and falling in love like you”
“Thank you, not everyone would agree, I’ve been called a hopeless romantic,” you say with a small shrug of your shoulders “Well that's putting it nicely, I’ve been called needy, incessant texter, leading with my heart rather than my head… but I guess I am someone who’d do anything for love”
“I get that,” Cole says with a small nod of his head, making you look back at him with an arched brow “I once travelled halfway around the world after a girl who I went on one date with and didn’t hear back from only to find out she’s a CIA agent and get dragged into her mission to recover a weapon of mass destruction, there were bounty hunters and everything” he rambles looking down at his cider.
Silence fell between the two of you making Cole worry that when he looked back up that he would see a look of horror on your face. But when he did eventually look up he just saw a warm smile on your face.
“You fall in love fast don’t you Cole?” You ask with a smirk, Cole could only nod and swallow nervously “Well I’m glad I’m not the only one” you smile holding your pint out for a toast.
A wide smile broke out on his face as he joined you in your toast. Yeah, he fell in love fast but this time he was sure that he’d met his match, his equal, his soulmate.
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Sharing is caring so please reblog if you enjoyed this and maybe even leave a comment to make my day!
I don’t have a taglist so follow @secretswiftymarvelfanlibrary​ and turn on post notifications to be kept up to date!
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papercuts33 · 11 months
.Roulette With My Heart.
Pairings: Colson Baker x Reader.
Warnings / Content: Alcohol, Mild Blood, Mild Violence, Gambling, Cheating, Suggestive Terms.
     (Y/N) placed another card down on the wooden table, facing another game of roulette. They were slowly climbing to the top of this game, yet wasting their life away. Their lips curl upwards into a small smile, complacent lines trace the futures of their beautiful face. Another card is flipped upwards on the table, spades. 
     “Better luck next time,” (Y/N) laughs weakly, waving their hand slightly at those trying to grab the cash from their hand. “I told y’all, better luck next time.” (Y/N) hisses between their teeth, venom drips from their slow yet firm words. 
      They turn around to walk out of the casino, but without warning, the grip of someone’s hand grabs for them from the darkness. (Y/N) muffles a scream as the figure places a hand over their mouth. “(Y/N), it’s me. Colson Baker.” 
    “Well, I’ll be, it’s Colson.” (Y/N) mocks, as Colson pushes them out into the back alleyway. Colson shoves (Y/N) against the brick wall as (Y/N) violently recoils with a flinch. “Cole, what the heck are you doing?!” 
   Colson’s calloused hands gently release (Y/N) neck. He leans inward to kiss (Y/N) with a slight restlessness, they fall into Colson’s firm embrace. “Where… the heck have you been?!” (Y/N) whispers, tears freckling in their eyes. In all honesty, they really hadn’t missed Colson at all. Yet, now that he is home... They never wanted him to leave. 
  “London, New York...” Colson states, he leans away and lights a cigarette. “Tour has kept us away for far too long.” He takes a puff of his cigarette, then leans in and kisses them much more roughly. His lips taste like the salt of tears. Of the bitterness of lost love. Of smoky cigarettes.       
   “Let me buy you a drink,” Colson offers, taking their pale hand into his own as he leads them back into the bustling bar. 
   “Depends on what kind of drink,” (Y/N) says darkly, engulfed by a wave of drunken people inside the bar. Colson gently protects them with his extended arm as they hurry through the thick mobs of people. 
   Finally, they make their way towards a small, wooden bar table in the back. Colson motions towards the obviously broken bar stool, (Y/N) cautiously takes a seat on it as it protests with loud squeaks. Colson sits down right next to (Y/N), the gaze of his ocean blue eyes vacantly set on studying the neon menu board. 
   “What are you in the mood for, babe?” Colson asks, slapping a wad of cash down upon the wooden table. His lips turn into a smirk. He calls out for a shot of whiskey and it’s immediately delivered to the table. 
    “Get me a cocktail.” (Y/N) demands sassily, their lips curl into a smirk as well - they reach over and grab for Colson’s calloused hand. “How long are you gonna stay now?” (Y/N) teases, they know he won’t stay for long - again, they don’t really understand how or why they missed him, he always plays roulette with their heart. 
    “You never know with me, baby.” Colson says he's still smirking in a way that causes (Y/N) stomach to churn inside. He squeezes their hand back and leans forward to press kisses on their temple. 
   A bartender walks over and places a cocktail glass onto the table - (Y/N) reaches for it and takes a long sip of the fruity concoction before glancing back up at Colson. 
   “Heard you’re with a new girl?” (Y/N) murmurs, they’re not particularly surprised - Colson has finished his shot of whiskey and stares blankly at the empty glass - (Y/N) taps their fingers impatiently on the wooden table and pushes their cocktail away. 
   “Why don’t we go on a walk?” Colson suggests, he just wants to get away - go somewhere. Colson pulls (Y/N) up, with his arm tightly around their waist - keeping them close against him. (Y/N) shadily pulls their hood up and slips on some black sunglasses - they have very slight hope to keep the clusters of paparazzi away from either themself or Cole. 
    “Colson? Colson Baker!” A paparazzi member sticks a microphone into their face violently and it collides with their upper lip - stars freckled through their blurry gaze. “Oh, fuck -!” (Y/N) startles and hurriedly holds a hand to their bleeding mouth. With stars in their eyes, they stumble backwards and collapse to the wooden floor - paparazzi swarms all around them. 
     Colson starts to retreat from within the bar but, when he notices that they’ve fallen, he instantly runs back to their side - seeing the tears falling down their glassy skin. “Oh god - you’re bleeding.” They can barely hear his soft murmur of a voice over the general deafening chatter of the bar - they look into his crystal blue eyes and he wipes the trickle of blood from underneath their nose. “Babe, you’re bleeding a lot.” Colson whispers softly, he grabs a wad of tissues from his pocket and gently dabs at their bloody lips - The tissues sops with blood and Colson grimaces. Paparazzi swarms closer and Colson shoves them all away, he shouts. “C’mon! They’re bleeding! Leave them the heck alone!” Colson burns with fury - he shuffles his feet and scoops you up in a bridal carry. Squeezing you to his tattooed, bare chest as he jogs out swiftly from the bar - proceeding to slam the door loudly right in the paparazzi's face. 
   “Shh... Baby girl, you’re alright.” Colson whispers, as they rest their head soundly in the crook of his neck - some dried blood smears on his bare skin. He kisses them and they wrap their arms tightly around his neck. 
  Rain begins falling heavily - and they shiver as Colson pulls them underneath the awning of the casino. (Y/N) tilts their face towards the gray sky, and feels cooling rain-droplets freckle their face. A shadow-y figure slowly approaches all of a sudden and cozies herself unnervingly close to Cole. 
   “Cols,” She purrs softly and kisses him on the lips, her slim hands with those perfectly manicured finger-nails suggestively trace the muscles on Colson’s bare chest. She attempts to kiss him again but Colson leans away nervously, his gaze flickering back and forth between her and them.   
   “M-Megan?” Colson questions in confusion and his hands immediately shoot up to push her away from him - She looks almost offended and her lips curl into a disgusted expression. 
  “Blonde angel, who the hell is that?” She coos smoothly, pushing back her perfectly styled jet black hair - she cups their face like a baby and playfully pinches at their cheeks, as if to mock them. (Y/N) automatically backs away, and rips her soft hand away from where it had been pinching their cheek. “Blonde angel, what the heck?” They challenge, their eyes flashing with anger as Megan begins to back off as she scoffs in a rude manner, swiftly fixing the creases in her leopard print mini-skirt. 
   (Y/N) tosses their head sassily, and their curls become slightly wild - their tongue pokes out slightly from between their lips. “I’m his girlfriend.” They say in an offended tone, they flip their hand into their air and swivel their hips - they light a blunt and begin nervously smoking it. 
     “Oh, sweetheart. I’m his wife.” She purrs, holding her slim hand up into the air to reveal it is decorated by one expensive ring and in the background, they can see a soft smile playing on Colson’s lips. He kisses Megan’s temple and traces her smirking lips as she cuddles into Colson’s embrace. “He’s my blonde angel baby.” She says sexily, messing her fingers through his soft, blonde curls. Colson nods in slight agreement, and flashes a tattoo on his forearm that says. ‘Megan Fox.’ He laughs evilly and continues kissing Megan’s puckered lips. “I’m genuinely surprised you didn’t see this coming, babe.” He says sadly, his blue eyes flashing with just a tiny hint of regret. 
    “You are a whore. Playing me like that.” (Y/N) hisses, they raise their hand and give Colson a firm smack across his awaiting cheek - He barely even flinches but leans forward to cup their face, they flinch away but Colson grabs them roughly by their pink choker. Megan watches on from the side, her face filled with lust and evil intent. She cheers him on. “C’mon, babe. Show that little slut who’s boss!” She encourages as Colson shakes them aggressively and they violently struggle to escape from him. Finally, he releases his threatening grip and drops (Y/N) right down to the wet concrete. They stare up at him and Megan, their eyes filling with tears that beg to escape as they choke out the last words which would ever be said to Colson Baker.
     “I’m begging you, stop playing roulette with my heart.” 
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findingmyself08 · 1 year
.Roulette With My Heart.
Pairings: Colson Baker x Reader.
Warnings / Content: Alcohol, Mild Blood, Mild Violence, Gambling, Cheating, Suggestive Terms.
     (Y/N) placed another card down on the wooden table, facing another game of roulette. They were slowly climbing to the top of this game, yet wasting their life away. Their lips curl upwards into a small smile, complacent lines trace the futures of their beautiful face. Another card is flipped upwards on the table, spades. 
     “Better luck next time,” (Y/N) laughs weakly, waving their hand slightly at those trying to grab the cash from their hand. “I told y’all, better luck next time.” (Y/N) hisses between their teeth, venom drips from their slow yet firm words. 
      They turn around to walk out of the casino, but without warning, the grip of someone’s hand grabs for them from the darkness. (Y/N) muffles a scream as the figure places a hand over their mouth. “(Y/N), it’s me. Colson Baker.” 
    “Well, I’ll be, it’s Colson.” (Y/N) mocks, as Colson pushes them out into the back alleyway. Colson shoves (Y/N) against the brick wall as (Y/N) violently recoils with a flinch. “Cole, what the heck are you doing?!” 
   Colson’s calloused hands gently release (Y/N) neck. He leans inward to kiss (Y/N) with a slight restlessness, they fall into Colson’s firm embrace. “Where… the heck have you been?!” (Y/N) whispers, tears freckling in their eyes. In all honesty, they really hadn’t missed Colson at all. Yet, now that he is home... They never wanted him to leave. 
  “London, New York...” Colson states, he leans away and lights a cigarette. “Tour has kept us away for far too long.” He takes a puff of his cigarette, then leans in and kisses them much more roughly. His lips taste like the salt of tears. Of the bitterness of lost love. Of smoky cigarettes.       
   “Let me buy you a drink,” Colson offers, taking their pale hand into his own as he leads them back into the bustling bar. 
   “Depends on what kind of drink,” (Y/N) says darkly, engulfed by a wave of drunken people inside the bar. Colson gently protects them with his extended arm as they hurry through the thick mobs of people. 
   Finally, they make their way towards a small, wooden bar table in the back. Colson motions towards the obviously broken bar stool, (Y/N) cautiously takes a seat on it as it protests with loud squeaks. Colson sits down right next to (Y/N), the gaze of his ocean blue eyes vacantly set on studying the neon menu board. 
   “What are you in the mood for, babe?” Colson asks, slapping a wad of cash down upon the wooden table. His lips turn into a smirk. He calls out for a shot of whiskey and it’s immediately delivered to the table. 
    “Get me a cocktail.” (Y/N) demands sassily, their lips curl into a smirk as well - they reach over and grab for Colson’s calloused hand. “How long are you gonna stay now?” (Y/N) teases, they know he won’t stay for long - again, they don’t really understand how or why they missed him, he always plays roulette with their heart. 
    “You never know with me, baby.” Colson says he's still smirking in a way that causes (Y/N) stomach to churn inside. He squeezes their hand back and leans forward to press kisses on their temple. 
   A bartender walks over and places a cocktail glass onto the table - (Y/N) reaches for it and takes a long sip of the fruity concoction before glancing back up at Colson. 
   “Heard you’re with a new girl?” (Y/N) murmurs, they’re not particularly surprised - Colson has finished his shot of whiskey and stares blankly at the empty glass - (Y/N) taps their fingers impatiently on the wooden table and pushes their cocktail away. 
   “Why don’t we go on a walk?” Colson suggests, he just wants to get away - go somewhere. Colson pulls (Y/N) up, with his arm tightly around their waist - keeping them close against him. (Y/N) shadily pulls their hood up and slips on some black sunglasses - they have very slight hope to keep the clusters of paparazzi away from either themself or Cole. 
    “Colson? Colson Baker!” A paparazzi member sticks a microphone into their face violently and it collides with their upper lip - stars freckled through their blurry gaze. “Oh, fuck -!” (Y/N) startles and hurriedly holds a hand to their bleeding mouth. With stars in their eyes, they stumble backwards and collapse to the wooden floor - paparazzi swarms all around them. 
     Colson starts to retreat from within the bar but, when he notices that they’ve fallen, he instantly runs back to their side - seeing the tears falling down their glassy skin. “Oh god - you’re bleeding.” They can barely hear his soft murmur of a voice over the general deafening chatter of the bar - they look into his crystal blue eyes and he wipes the trickle of blood from underneath their nose. “Babe, you’re bleeding a lot.” Colson whispers softly, he grabs a wad of tissues from his pocket and gently dabs at their bloody lips - The tissues sops with blood and Colson grimaces. Paparazzi swarms closer and Colson shoves them all away, he shouts. “C’mon! They’re bleeding! Leave them the heck alone!” Colson burns with fury - he shuffles his feet and scoops you up in a bridal carry. Squeezing you to his tattooed, bare chest as he jogs out swiftly from the bar - proceeding to slam the door loudly right in the paparazzi's face. 
   “Shh... Baby girl, you’re alright.” Colson whispers, as they rest their head soundly in the crook of his neck - some dried blood smears on his bare skin. He kisses them and they wrap their arms tightly around his neck. 
  Rain begins falling heavily - and they shiver as Colson pulls them underneath the awning of the casino. (Y/N) tilts their face towards the gray sky, and feels cooling rain-droplets freckle their face. A shadow-y figure slowly approaches all of a sudden and cozies herself unnervingly close to Cole. 
   “Cols,” She purrs softly and kisses him on the lips, her slim hands with those perfectly manicured finger-nails suggestively trace the muscles on Colson’s bare chest. She attempts to kiss him again but Colson leans away nervously, his gaze flickering back and forth between her and them.   
   “M-Megan?” Colson questions in confusion and his hands immediately shoot up to push her away from him - She looks almost offended and her lips curl into a disgusted expression. 
  “Blonde angel, who the hell is that?” She coos smoothly, pushing back her perfectly styled jet black hair - she cups their face like a baby and playfully pinches at their cheeks, as if to mock them. (Y/N) automatically backs away, and rips her soft hand away from where it had been pinching their cheek. “Blonde angel, what the heck?” They challenge, their eyes flashing with anger as Megan begins to back off as she scoffs in a rude manner, swiftly fixing the creases in her leopard print mini-skirt. 
   (Y/N) tosses their head sassily, and their curls become slightly wild - their tongue pokes out slightly from between their lips. “I’m his girlfriend.” They say in an offended tone, they flip their hand into their air and swivel their hips - they light a blunt and begin nervously smoking it. 
     “Oh, sweetheart. I’m his wife.” She purrs, holding her slim hand up into the air to reveal it is decorated by one expensive ring and in the background, they can see a soft smile playing on Colson’s lips. He kisses Megan’s temple and traces her smirking lips as she cuddles into Colson’s embrace. “He’s my blonde angel baby.” She says sexily, messing her fingers through his soft, blonde curls. Colson nods in slight agreement, and flashes a tattoo on his forearm that says. ‘Megan Fox.’ He laughs evilly and continues kissing Megan’s puckered lips. “I’m genuinely surprised you didn’t see this coming, babe.” He says sadly, his blue eyes flashing with just a tiny hint of regret. 
    “You are a whore. Playing me like that.” (Y/N) hisses, they raise their hand and give Colson a firm smack across his awaiting cheek - He barely even flinches but leans forward to cup their face, they flinch away but Colson grabs them roughly by their pink choker. Megan watches on from the side, her face filled with lust and evil intent. She cheers him on. “C’mon, babe. Show that little slut who’s boss!” She encourages as Colson shakes them aggressively and they violently struggle to escape from him. Finally, he releases his threatening grip and drops (Y/N) right down to the wet concrete. They stare up at him and Megan, their eyes filling with tears that beg to escape as they choke out the last words which would ever be said to Colson Baker.
     “I’m begging you, stop playing roulette with my heart.” 
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keysgrave · 2 years
Wrestlers I Write For
I write for both aew and wwe now!
* indicates my favorites to write for
Keep in mind I usually only write female or gender neutral reader as they are easiest for me
I'll also write certain ships(I added those at the bottom
Kenny Omega
Adam Cole
Adam Page
Chuck Taylor*
Kris Statlander*
Cash Wheeler
Dax Harwood
Kyle O'Reilly*
Orange Cassidy*
Nick Jackson
Matt Jackson*
Ricky Starks
Eddie Kingston*
Powerhouse Hobbs
Kip Sabian
Ruby Soho*
Buddy Matthews
Malakai Black
Daniel Garcia
Jamie Hayter*
Toni Storm*
Austin Theory*
Johnny Gargano*
Drew McIntyre
Roman Reigns
Jimmy Uso*
Jey Uso*
Shayna Baszler
Indi Hartwell
Seth Rollins*
Sami Zayn
Kevin Owens
Dominik Mysterio*
Rhea Ripley*
Damian Priest*
Finn Balor*
Dakota Kai*
Iyo Sky (Io Shirai)
Naomi (idk if she still counts as wwe tbh)
Alexa Bliss
Liv Morgan*
I will not write for any of the following
Sammy Guevara
Tay Conti
Anna Jay (it depends tbh, I'm willing to just not alot)
Jake Hager
Chris Jericho
Bryan Danielson (I dont like writing for him sorry)
Darby allin (I dont like writing for him)
CM Punk
Max Caster
The Miz
Dexter Lumis
Hook x Danhausen (hookhausen)
Trent x Chuck (best friends)
Dax x Cash (FTR)
Orange Cassidy x Chuck Taylor
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cockslutpadalecki · 3 years
Diamonds In The Rough
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Characters: Rick Flag x F!Reader.
Words: 386.
Warnings: mentions of oral sex, mentions of orgasms, implications of rough sex, a little throat grabbing, 18+.
A/N: Inspired by this ask. I wasn’t going to write anything, but then this happened, oops. I also decided to turn it into another entry for my Eleven Sentence challenge. Prompt is in bold. Please note that the picture used in the header is strictly for aesthetic purposes and is not indicative of reader’s ethnicity. While likes are gold, feedback/reblogs are golden. Please support your content creators. My work is my own, therefore I do not give consent for this story to be re-posted or translated to any other site.
He should know better, should turn you away when you slither up to his door like a snake searching for its next meal, but he can’t resist you— he can’t resist that doe-eyed look with the flutter of thick eyelashes, begging him to let you in. 
He’s weak when you step over the threshold, but the moment your lips are against his— your hand tucked beneath his pants, teasing the head of his cock with your thumb, he’s downright possessed by you, and he hates that he falls for it every time.
He thinks your charm itself is enough to put you in Belle Reve, except the only person you’re harming here is Rick and his ego and damn if it ain’t bruised by the time you leave in the early hours of the morning, pockets lined with cash and other valuables you can pawn.
He should turn you into the authorities for robbing him blind— Task Force X could use someone with your cunning and sleight of hand, then he could perhaps control these moments a little better. He has to admit to himself that not being in control of when you’ll show up is part of the thrill of it all, but then he remembers the taste of your salty-sweet nectar on his tongue as you come, stripped bare and vulnerable. That’s the true thrill, seeing the metaphorical mask you wear pulled back, showing Rick the real you, even if it is only fleeting. 
It’s been two weeks since he returned from a mission in Russia, and for a while, he thought you’d moved on to someone even more susceptible to your siren song than he is, but then came your familiar knock. 
“Missed you,” you whine like a puppy, voice dripping with honey and lust, “you were gone so long.” Rick growls under his breath as he feels you give his cock a gentle squeeze while sucking teasingly on his bottom lip before letting it spring back into place with the tiniest of pops.
Slipping his hand around your throat, he can feel your pulse beneath his fingertips, but he doesn’t press too hard— not yet— anything to prolong the moment before he gives into temptation.
You tsk softly, “why are you being so gentle with me? I like it when you’re rough.”
Rick Flag: @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @dopeqff​
Forever: @amandamdiehl​ @b3autyfuldisast3r​ @buttercandy16​ @crashdevlin​ @dangertoozmanykids101​ @daughterofthenight117​ @donnaintx​ @danneelsmain​ @dandywinchesterbras​ @deangirl93​ @doozywoozy​ @downanddirtydean​ @foxyjwls007​ @gayasslookinass​ @hoewkeyesblue​ @heyyouwiththeassbutt​ @hoboal87​ @ilovefanfic86​ @jewelswrites-ish​ @joseyrw​ @letsby​ @letsdisneythings​ @mogaruke​ @notyourtypicalrose​ @nik2write​ @novawillowbarnes @obsessivelycapricious​ @pinkshenanigan​ @princessmisery666​ @rattwritesfics​ @sea040561​ @sweeterthanthis​ @slutformarvelmen​ @simpformarvelmenandwoman​ @stoneyggirl​ @warriorqueen1991​ @wonder-cole​ @xoxabs88xox​ @zooaliaa​
145 notes · View notes
Last Updated: May, 2nd, 2024
98% of my writing is smut, so please be a responsible little bean! +18 readers only
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Roman Reigns 
Not Everything Is What It Seems 
Coping With Your Fears
A New Experience
Birthday Surprise
Taking Care Of Business
The Problem That Starts With An B
What’s Your Bet?
Guess Who?
The Perfect Opportunity
Miami Nights
To Catch A Thief
Taking The Reins
In Need For A Private Lesson
Never Forget The Rules
The Peace Maker
Sirius Part 2
Don’t You Just Love Birthdays?
Blue Is My Favorite Color
Things You Make Me Do
Prove Me Wrong
Acknowledge Me
A Night To Remember
Mr. Reigns
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Eddie Kingston
First Time
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Dexter Lumis
Limited Time
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Period Sex
Gentle Giant
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Aleister Black/Malakai Black
After Hours
Ask Drabble
Into The Woods
Unsolicited Visitor
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Jay Briscoe 
One Last Time
Kink List
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Mark Briscoe
Kink List
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Jay White
Better The Devil You Know
Ask Drabble
Sinful Sunday 2
It Will Come Back
Cold Blooded
Temper, Temper
Pop That Cherry
No Good
Love, hate, love
Behind The Curtains
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David Finlay
No Good
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Under The Water
Ghostly Entertaintment
Back To You
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Kenny Omega
Being With The Elite
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Matt Jackson
Being With The Elite
One’s Not Enough
Salty 2
Salty 3 (ask)
Salty 4
Take me to church
Sex w/ Vampire!Matt
Imposter Syndrome
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Nick Jackson
Sinful Sunday 3
Sinful Sunday 4
Being With The Elite
Yoga Partner Gone Wrong
NSFW Alphabet
One’s Not Enough
It Happened Quiet
A different Nick
Red lights
Take me to church
Good Boys Go To Hell Pt 2
The Purge
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Dan “Drilla” Moloney
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Adam Cole
Video Games
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Judgment Day
Pretty In Pink
Pink Lights
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Damian Priest
Just Pray
First Time....With A Twist
A Night To Remember
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Enjoy The Silence
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Tommaso Ciampa
Why So Cynical?
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Adam Page
Serve Me
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Drew McIntyre
Anger Management Part 1
Anger Management Part 2
A Friend To Help You Freshen Up
Let’s (Not) Keep It PG
Let’s (Not) Keep It PG Part 2
Let’s (Not) Keep It PG Part 3
(Her) Bitter Past
Childhood Games
Paul In Blue Overalls
A Little Reminder
In A Heartbeat
Difficult Times
Would You Fancy A Cup A Tea?
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Finn Bálor
A Wise Advise
A High Price To Pay
The Choice
Spa Day From Hell
Our Day Will Come
A Demon, But Also A Brat Tamer
Only For Tonight Pt.1
Only For Tonight Pt.2
Second Chance
Drunk In Love
Sinful Sunday 1
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Jon Moxley
Fire And Gasoline Part 1
Fire And Gasoline Part 2
A Song For You
New Tricks
Like Altair and Vega
Pleasant Surprise
One Bottle To Blame
Red Stains
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Claudio Castagnoli
Dubious Benefits
Not A Sound
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Baron Corbin
Cultural Differences
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Seth Rollins
Mrs. M
Maybe It’s Called Fate
Sunset Pt.2
Only For Tonight Pt.1
Only For Tonight Pt. 2
The Peace Maker
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Rhea Ripley
Work For That
Another Day, Another Lesson
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Cash Wheeler
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NSFW Alphabets
Kenny Omega
Jay Briscoe
Eddie Kingston
Malakai Black
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
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Chapter 1
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
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Capitulum I - Hellion
Capitulum II - Tēctus
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Bound: Part 1 (The Negotiation)
Bound Part 2 (The First Act)
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Roman Reigns
Ancestral Roots
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Baron Corbin
At Your Service
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Eddie Kingston
I’ve Got To See You Again
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Matt Jackson
Prettiest Star
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Adam Page
Prettiest Star
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Lazy On A Sunday Afternoon
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Drew McIntyre
Study Material
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Seth Rollins
Sunset  (pt.2 is in the One Shot’s section)
Turn On The Lights
Dirty Mouth
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Damian Priest
A Little Decor
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Sneaky - Alan 5 Angels (to writtingrose)
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Wrath (Drew McIntyre)
Envy (Seth Rollins)
Sloth (Seth Rollins)
Pride (Finn Bálor / Prince Devitt)
Greed (Roman Reigns / Tribal Chief)
Gluttony (Jon Moxley)
Lust (Can you guess who it is?)
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Captive Part 1
Captive Part 2 
Captive Part 3
Captive Part 4
Captive Part 5
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Chapter 1
Chapter 2 
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
1K notes · View notes
lovetorn · 4 years
iced caramel macchiato [dream's version]
dream x reader — coffee shop!au
summary: enemies? to lovers? or maybe dream just plays hard to get lmaoooo
word count: 1.7k+
warnings: swearing? sometimes.
a/n: my harry fic rewritten for dream :] i just changed the pov and some lines but its basically the same asdfghjk enjoy ig <3
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Service has been slow. So slow, that you’re sure your head will roll off your neck from the number of times you’ve looked at the clock behind you. The copper hands of the round object tick obnoxiously, making you bring a hand up to your temple to rub firmly.
Closing your eyes, you loll your head back to stare at the grainy ceiling in hopes that the bell above the glass door would chime. You move your head back to stare blankly at the door before you run your hands over the brown apron on your hips, the fabric harsh against your fingers.
You then bend down to lean your head on your palm in a bored manner while you watch the countless pedestrians walk past the coffee shop. Just one customer, please!
The light reflecting off of the glass is giving you a headache, but you still stare. In your state of utter boredom, anything would be exciting.
Your gaze shifts to the painting on the right wall when the glass door opens and a man stalks in. He is mumbling lowly into his phone, telling someone named George that he doesn’t know why Sapnap isn’t answering. You silently cheer at the sight of a customer, pleased to be productive on this slow workday.
The man has his light hair pulled into a small bun at the base of his neck and he looks borderline intimidating to you—maybe it’s his height, or perhaps it’s his cold stare. He scans the shop before he stalks towards the counter.
You’re slightly concerned at the sound of him not knowing where someone is, thinking that he will simply move off to the side to finish his call before ordering; but he doesn’t.
You seethe slightly at the blatant disrespect of the man. How are you supposed to catch a person’s order in between a string of conversation they’re having with someone else about something completely different? You don’t understand how someone can be that rude.
But nonetheless, the man stands there talking aimlessly before glancing up at you with an uninterested look on his face. You furrow your brows at him before your eyes flicker back to the cash register in front of you. You choose to pick at your chipped nail polish before the man decides to pause his phone call to order. But, the clearing of his throat catches you off guard and then you’re met the man’s hard stare.
“Well, aren’t you going to ask me what I want?”
Your eyebrows fly to your hairline as you stutter, “W-What?”
The man huffs as he switches his weight to his other foot and swaps his phone to his other ear, his eyes wide with irritation. He waves his hand in front of your face as you stand in shock at his rudeness. The man rolls his eyes before speaking to the person on the phone again. You reach over to pluck a plastic cup from the stack and grab a Sharpie pen, ready for his choice. However, you’ve soon got a death grip on the cup as he carries on talking to the person on the line.
“A cold caramel whatever.” You catch what he mumbles before he continues whispering into his phone. You grumble bitterly to yourself that it isn’t an order. But, not wanting to have to interact with him any longer, you ask for his name.
And with that, he steps to the side, laughing into his device. You stand in disbelief holding the black Sharpie marker in your hand. How can his demeanour shift so quickly? Pulling yourself together, you scribble quickly, ‘C-… Cray’? You cock your head at the spelling but shrug one shoulder and slide it towards the metal bench next to you.
When the barista at the other end of the bench calls ‘Cray’, the man either isn’t paying attention or doesn’t care because he takes his drink and leaves; not even sparing a glance at you, who had misspelt his name.
The next day’s rush is far more fast-paced. The chatter of people around the coffee shop makes it near impossible to hear the orders of customers at the counter—but it is the way you like it. The more customers, the faster the day goes. And at this pace, you swear your shift is almost over.
As you finish taking the order of a young girl, your mood instantly dims when the girl moves to the side. Head down, Clay stands in front of you typing on his phone, murmuring his order to you. You tilt your head as you huff. The plain disrespect, again.
“Excuse me?” You say while leaning closer to him.
He gives a quick glance towards you before sighing, “A caramel cold, no cream.” His irritated expression makes you stare blankly at him.
His bleak response earns a quick eyebrow raise from you, who struggles to understand his order, but grabs a cup anyway and scribbles ‘Cole’ on the side along with a whole bunch of jumble on ‘caramel cold’. You assume he means the same drink as yesterday. And as the same as yesterday, his hair is pulled back, leaving his forehead bare and the crease in between his brows evident. Why does he always look so angry?
Over the next few weeks, you had continually and deliberately gotten Clay’s name wrong. You had become quite creative with ridiculous nicknames when he ordered his boring ‘cold caramel’ drink and think he deserves it from how rude he was to you. As much as you disliked the man, you found fun in getting his name wrong.
Cloud, Clam, Cleo, and even clarinet. At this point, the barista at the other end of the counter could yell ‘cabbage’ and he’d just accept it.
You had the luck of not running into him anywhere outside of the coffee shop, saving yourself the embarrassment of confessing why you write his name like that on the cups. But you can’t help it, you hate when people are distracted whilst they order; as well as arsehole men who wave their hand in front of your face when you’re simply waiting for them to finish their call to tell you their order.
No matter how much you despised it, Clay never failed to walk into the shop without being on his phone in some way. And he never once looked at you when he walked out with his drink, only sparing you a glance when ordering. You just didn’t understand this man!
It’s Friday and it’s raining. The dark clouds hang in the sky like a bad smell and you can’t shake the feeling in your gut. It is 15 minutes to closing time and Clay hasn’t walked in today. A weird sense of disappointment washes over you as you gaze out of the glass door.
The bell chimed for the last time that day at 5:55 pm and as you wrote down the abbreviations of a latte on the top of a white coffee lid, you felt sadness. It was subtle but it was there. And you didn’t know why it sat at the bottom of your stomach for so long, but it wasn’t pleasant.
As you reach to close up the register, the bell at the door rings. Your head shoots up from looking at the numbers on the buttons and is met with Clay—with no phone in sight. As much as you were looking forward to writing down a new nickname for him, your thought process is interrupted.
Clay looks at you, straight in the eye, and smiles. You stand in confusion, the black sharpie dangling from your fingertips as he leans on the counter. The cup in your hands is close to falling on the floor when he nods towards it.
“Iced caramel. And get my name right this time.”
You feel your cheeks heat before you scrunch your nose in distaste, “So you did notice.”
The man hums in confirmation before he reaches over the register to snatch the cup from your grasp. “Of course I did. I’m gonna show you how to spell it right.”
You’re quick to bite back the urge to comment that you know how to spell his fucking name but you patiently wait for him to return the cup.
He hands the cup back to you, holding it teasingly above your head before he drops it onto the counter. You catch the cup before it rolls onto the floor and become confused at the scribble of numbers on the cup instead. You lift your head to meet his gaze when you see his lips drawn into a large grin. Your features soften as you give him a soft closed-lipped smile. You turn your head to look towards the menu behind you, the numbers next to the orders catching your attention.
“Are these all of the orders you want?” You ask. You furrow your eyebrows while you look back down at the cup. Oh.
Clay bites back a giggle and shakes his head at your expression. “It’s my number.”
As shocked as you are, you manage to keep your grip on the cup, despite it nearly falling from your hand again.
“W-Why?” You mumble, face flushing at the thought of Clay even thinking about you in that way.
Clay makes a smug face, shrugs, and then spins around before walking back towards the door. You stand frozen; like literally stuck in your spot as you watch Clay glance over his shoulder.
“This place closes in 5 right? I’ll wait outside while you finish up and we’ll go get dinner together.”
His statement lingers even after he leaves. You still hold the plastic cup in your hand as you stare at the spot he was last in. Your heartbeat is in your ears as you finally blink. No… I can’t, he’s—. You shift your eyes down to the cup and the haphazard writing and feel as your heart skip a beat.
And as soon as you step out of the shop, the rain patters lightly on the pavement and you spot his figure leaning against the side of the bookshop next door—typing on his phone. You scoff out a laugh as you begin approaching him. Clay lifts his head at the sound of someone nearing and smiles when he sees you.
“Ready?” He asks, offering you his elbow. You roll your eyes at his gesture, nod and place your hand on his bicep.
No matter what happened in the past, you’re willing to see where this goes… with Cray— I mean Clay.
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mayans-sauce · 4 years
Magic Mike
Pairing: Bishop Losa x Female Reader
Word Count: 800
Warnings: hint of smut if you squint really hard
Request by @withmyteeth which you can find HERE
A/N: thank you babe for helping with the request and coming up with ideas! Request has been changed up a little but I love how this turned out :D Enjoy <3
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Gif Credit: @pedropcl
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Driving home on Friday after work, you had your feel-good playlist coming through the speakers.
It was a hot summer day in Santo Padre, and of course, the air conditioning decided to take an early summer break which left you no other choice than to have the windows rolled down. The slight cool breeze felt good circulation the car as you rushed home to spend the rest of the day with your man.
As you rounded the corner to your street, you noticed an unusual amount of ladies jogging in almost little to no clothing. That was strange? Who is out running in weather like this? The hotness of the day had made it nearly impossible for you to function properly, and you couldn’t imagine yourself out for a run.
The closer you got, the more people were in the streets, mostly women but a few men as well. Once you saw the house in sight, the ladies jogging past it slowed down a bit, adjusting their too much-padded sports bra and giving volume to their hair. Their gaze was on the front of the house. Something had captivated their eyes for them to act like that, and as you parked the car, you saw what it was.
Yes, of course. That’s why. There he was, your man, out on the porch fixing and changing the light you had been nagging him about for the past two weeks. He had on a pair of ripped jeans. On his upper body, he wore that white cut-off shirt that just did something to your insides. A few drops of sweat ran down his perfectly sculpted body. His arm muscles tensed and flexed with every move he made, and it practically had you drooling all over yourself. He looked like a full course meal, so no wonder the ladies walking by almost dropped their panties on sight. Even your elderly neighbor Lois was out to enjoy the show. You couldn’t blame them; he was a sight for sore eyes. The radio was on with some music you didn’t recognize, and he had a cold beer by his feet.
As you walked towards him, you couldn’t help but to catcall. “Damn, look at you, baby! Looking like a full snack out here for everyone to see.” A throaty laugh rumbled in his chest at your comment. His face was lit up in the most beautiful smile at his breathtaking woman approaching him, wearing that summer dress that just took his breath away. “Hey, gorgeous. “Hi.” Your arms wrapped around his neck while he held your hips in a loving grip. Time to show these ladies who he belongs to.
Your lips found his, moving them together in a perfect dance. You kissed and loved each other for a minute or so to mark your territory. As you pulled away, he searched for your lips one last time to leave a loving kiss on them. He exhaled a puff of air from his lungs at you getting him so worked up with a kiss and simple touch.
“What was that for?” “Just to show these bitches that you’re mine.” He looked past your shoulder at all the eyes staring at you. Mostly disappointed and angry ones from both males and females. “I didn’t even realize I was gathering a crowd.” “You should take payment. If you’re going to show off all the goods, may as well get that cash.” He rolled his eyes at your comment.
“Babe, it’s so hot outside today; I’d hate for you to get a heat stroke; better take your shirt off just in case.” He didn’t hesitate with you helping him take off the thin piece of fabric, discarding it somewhere to the side. Your eyes took their sweet time to admire his firm torso. The sight of him had you release a small whimper. Your hand traced from his pecks to his abdomen, loving the feel of him under your palm. His whole body shudders at your touch.
“Do you want to take this inside, sweetheart?” The tone of his voice, husky and deep, told you that he had some impure thoughts racing through his mind. Ideas that would get you both sweaty and worked up in just a few minutes. “No,” you backed a little away from him, “no, you keep working, Obispo.” You took a seat at the lounge chair that was facing him. Legs crossed and arms behind your head. “You keep working while I enjoy my own personal Magic Mike show, and then you can take me inside for some more explicit entertainment.”
Thank you for reading❤️ a quick reblog and feedback would be so appreciated❤️ Let me know if you want to be added/removed from the taglist.
MAYANS MC TAGLIST: @blessedboo @60shannon @bellisperennis0 @capnsaveahoe @diaryofkali @behindmyeyes-insidemyhead @xvvalx @missswritings @theocatkov @pinguinstudiert @chibsytelford @encounterthepast @rawrlittlepanda-95 @beeroses @siriussnape07 @adaydreamaway08 @miss-nori85 @oldstuffnewstuff @omg-mymelaninisbeautiful @jatriciaaa @browneyes912 @cole-winchester @blackksunflower12 @phoenixhalliwell @cant-decide-at-this-moment @love-mesome-me @holl2712 @jennisdirtyimagines @balladbloodwrites @lilacyennefer @smallflower16 @marvelmaree @brwnlikefoxy @kaylaygrace @stupiddsapphicc @violet624 @boomclapxox @mijop @macgruberrr @queen-under-the-shire @missihart23 @vixemi @heeeeeres-saint
GENERAL TAGLIST: @everyhowlmarksthedead @-im-fantastic- @idorkish @megantelford @witching-hour @rosieposie0624 @jessprins13 @skyofficialxx
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maxfoxdbh · 3 years
Booze And an Empty Feeling
Hank Anderson x Reader
Summary: It's Coles’ birthday, and Hank needs to drown the sorrow away at Jimmy’s Bar.
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Hurt + Comfort
Mentions of death
Depressed Hank
Heavy topics, (alcoholism, suicide)
Gender neutral reader
Eleven p.m and still no Hank in sight. You were beginning to be concerned.
Typically, your boyfriend would be home by nine-thirty at the latest. He wasn't the type to work overtime. In fact, he’d like to spend the least amount of time at work as possible.
With that possibility aside, the only two places that he’d really be interested in being, well, besides home.
Jimmy's bar or Chicken feed.
You turned to Connor’s room, which, as far you understood, had been attached the the house a few years ago.
You knocked softly on the door with your knuckles, “Connor, can I come in?”
“Yes!” His voice protected through the wood.
You opened his door to see Connor sitting cross-legged in an office chair, reading an ebook. His usual android blazer was folded neatly on his bed, leaving him in his button down.
“Hank hasn't been answering my calls, ” You said, Sumo walking into Connor’s room with a wagging tail. “Is something wrong?”
“Something wrong...” Connor repeated, looking away as his LED spun yellow. His hands subconsciously reached down to scratch under Sumo’s ears.
Suddenly his eyes lit up, “Today is the eleventh of October, is it not?”
“Yeah, ” You tilted your head, “why?”
Connor creased his brows, “I think you should check Jimmy’s bar. There's an 85% probability that he’ll be there.”
“Okay, ” You nodded, “okay, I’ll do that. Thank you, Connor.”
He nodded, a small smile tugging on his lips, “Of course.”
And so you headed downtown towards Hank’s favorite bar. It was raining outside and you didn't like driving in the rain, but you felt that this was important.
You tried to call him again. Your phone rang on and on until you were finally sent to voicemail.
You huffed in frustration and concern as you shut your phone off and pulled into the bar’s parking lot.
You walked through the rain as fast as you could, and into the back door.
The bar was almost completely empty, music playing softly in the background. For a moment, you thought that your boyfriend might not be there at all. You considered the possibility that he’d gone to Chicken feed instead and turned on your heel to leave before doing a double take.
There he was, sitting on the last stool at the bar.
“Hank, ” You let out a breath, approaching him, “Honey, I was worried about you.” You gently shook his shoulder.
He was absolutely surrounded in shot glasses and beer bottles.
Hank grumbled something unintelligible and you sat beside him, one hand on his back. “I called you. You didn’t answer... Is everything okay?”
He stared ahead, eyes glazed over.
“Hank,” you wrapped one hand around his neck and drew yourself in against his shoulder, “Come on, let’s go home...” He smelled strongly of alcohol, but it didn’t bother you much. You were just glad he was okay.
He nodded wordlessly and you pulled off of him, reaching for his hand.
“I got you,” You mumbled, using your palm to support his shoulder as he stood up, “can you walk?”
“Yeah,” He grumbled.
You sighed. At least you’d managed to get him to speak. Putting a wad of cash down, you nodded or the bar tender, hoping it would be enough.
Jim and Hank were on good terms anyway.
“Sorry,” Hank said gruffly, eyes foggy.
“It’s okay,” You insisted, leading him out the back door.
“for not answering your calls.” He finished.
“I know,” You said, “It’s okay.”
You helped him into the car and he didn’t put up too much of a fight, staying quiet. You knew he felt bad, but you weren’t sure that he was in a good enough physical state to verbalize that.
You sat in the drivers seat, knowing it was an awful idea to let your boyfriend drive at the moment.
The two of you waited there for a moment, listening to the thunder roaring in the distance.
Hank shivered and turned up the heat, resting his head back against the seat.
You checked your phone.
One(1) new message from Connor🤖👮🏻...
Is Lieutenant Anderson alright?
You smiled down at the screen and typed back a yes. It was sweet how much Connor cared about Hank. He loved him like a father.
“You don’t like driving in the rain.” Hank mumbled, sighing.
“It’s alright,” You smiled softly.
“I’m sorry for making you come out here in the rain.” He said, “I should’ve came home.”
After a moment, his thick hand was holding yours and he mustered up the courage to look at you. “Today was my son’s birthday.”
You felt a sharp stab to your chest and you frowned, squeezing his palm, “Oh, Hank,” You whispered, “I’m sorry... I didn’t know. I-”
“There’s nothing you could’ve done.” He said quietly, “It’s the way things are.”
You had obviously never met Cole, and Hank didn’t usually feel comfortable talking about his son’s death, but you knew what happened, and you knew how heartbroken Hank was over it.
You ran your thumb over the top of his hand and he smiled sadly, sensing your apprehension, “It’s okay. Let’s go home. I’ve sat alone for long enough,” He grumbled.
You nodded and began to back the car up, “Do you wanna watch a movie together? With Connor, Sumo, and I?” You smiled slightly, “It could be nice...”
“Yeah,” He nodded, feeing a little better, “yeah, that’d be good.”
You couldn’t take away the sadness Hank felt due to the loss of his son, but you could try to make his night a little warmer, a little less lonely.
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reincarnated70sbaby · 3 years
maritime madness
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led zeppelin x reader
warnings: swearing, drug use
an: so I was sailing yesterday and I was thinking about this the entire time I might have nearly capsized the boat
“I can’t believe we’re actually doing this” I spoke, staring out at the large blue yacht that rested on the waters of Normandy. It all started the day before, when we were all throwing around tripped out ideas in our hotel room.
“What are we gonna do tomorrow?” Jimmy asked. I sat by his side, my head resting on his bony shoulder. My dose of LSD had just kicked it, and as it was my first time it probably hit me quicker than the others. I tried to speak, but it felt like every time I moved my mouth, it felt like I would stretch my mouth out of shape, like putty.
“Let’s go explore that cathedral, the big massive one, y’know? The one with the hunchback. Maybe we could bump into him or something”
As soon as the words left Robert’s lips, our entire entourage burst out in giggles. I myself, was having hard time controlling my breathing. I had to rest my head in Jimmy’s lap, Jimmy being doubled down over me clutching his stomach.
“Percy, you dumb fucker, y-you know that’s not a real story” Jonesy informed, all his words all broken up by loud chuckles.
Roberts jaw immediately dropped open in shock, along with his eyes widening and brown trashing in confusion.
“Nah, yeah it was, the uh, the hunchman did the um, bells. Yeah, the bells”
“No he didn’t, because he never existed you nonce. It’s a fairytale from the 19th century” Jimmy piped in, adding his extensive knowledge of mythology and folklore into the conversation.
“But me ma said he existed, you’re gonna say my mum lied to me all those years?”
“Well obviously Perce, it’s just a bedtime story” Jonesy added, still chuckling to himself at Robert’s gullible nature.
“Fine then, someone else give an idea since all of mine always get ridiculed” Robert stated, crossing his arms and craning his head back against the footboard of the bed and staring at the ceiling in a huff.
“How about Père Lachaise?”
“What the actual fuck is pear la chair Pagey?” Bonzo asked, pronouncing the words all wrong in his thick Englishman accent.
“It’s Père Lachaise” Jimmy corrected in a perfect French accent, “and it’s a graveyard in Paris, loads of famous people are buried there - Oscar Wilde, Frederic Chopin, Jim Morrison, Edith Piaf”
“Jimmy you must be as mad as Morrison to think we would waste our day off in a fucking dead person museum. Jesus Christ how did we pick you up” Bonzo sighed, rolling his eyes.
“Okay, what about Mont Saint-Michel? It’s this cool island off of the coast. There’s a bridge but once the tide comes in you can’t get in or out. Wouldn’t that be good craic eh?” Jonesy suggested
“No” Bonzo, Jimmy and Robert all said at the same time.
“Ah! You’ve been outnumbered Mr Jones haha. Maybe you and I could go out another time Jonny boy, we could go exploring and see the spirits trapped on the island” I said with a chuckle, the psychedelic in my system making this whole situation very funny.
“Jesus Christ what the fuck did she even say. That her first time on acid?” Robert asked to Jimmy.
“Must’ve been, it hit her pretty quickly” Jimmy replied, staring into my largely dilated pupils. He swore he could’ve seen something dancing in my pupils, but maybe that was just the drug in him.
We all sat in silence for a couple minutes, all of us enjoying our high.
“Innnnnnnnnnnnnnn fourteen hundred ninety two, Columbus sailed the ocean blueeee” I sang, the lyrics being the only words of a song I could think of to fill the silence. A beat of silence passed and I wondered if everybody suddenly passed out, either into sleep or another dimension.
As I started the next line, everyone else joined in with me. We eventually finished the entire song, even an encore requested by the boys. I sung the encore in a horrendous, deep operatic voice while prancing round the hotel room. A round of applause sounded, and I took my theatrical bows in front of my supportive crowd.
“That’s It! I know what we can do tomorrow. God that is a good idea!” Bonzo declared, jumping up to his feet, not before nearly tumbling backwards.
“Go on then Bonz, don’t leave us guessing mate” Jonesy suggested, breaking the dramatic silence that had ensued.
“Rent a yacht! We can go out early in the morning and stay overnight since our flight back home is in the evening anyway! All we need to do is hire a skipper or something”
We all were stoked at idea of having a private boat to ourselves. Sure, none of the boys were experienced sailors, but that’s what a professional skipper was for, driving rich people around in yachts right?
“Do we really have to do this” I said, making our way through the marina to our yacht.
“The skipper will probably dive off the boat when we get started tonight” Jonesy commented, sharing my lack of enthusiasm for the maritime adventure. “We should have ditched them and gone to Mont Saint-Michel”. I only hummed in response, dragging my overnight suitcase over the gaps in the planks of wood on the dock.
“Um yeah, about that skipper. We couldn’t exactly book one on such short notice” Cole confessed.
“What the actual fuck Cole? Are we just supposed to sail ourselves and drown? I can’t tie a knot to save my bloody life” Robert shrieked. We all stopped in our tracks and turned to the tour manager, glaring at him through our sunglasses.
“Of course not Percy, why would we do that to our cash cows hm? And this is a motorboat, no ropes involved. It’s basically like driving a car. In water. In fact, all you need to drive it is a drivers license, which I’m positive you all have judging by your expansive car choices. Forgot to mention that myself and Peter have opted out” With that note, Cole dropped the yacht keys into Bonzo’s hand and scuttled away.
We all stood there, bags in hand, confusion over our faces as we watched Cole’s figure disappear behind the hundred of other boats.
“Well shit” Jonesy said, the sourness in his voice barely hidden.
“Let’s just go check it out, we don’t even have to leave the marina if we can drive it, we’ll just park out all night” Bonzo affirmed, being unusually optimistic.
We all found the boat and as the boys started embarking aboard, I thought out loud.
“I can’t believe we’re doing this”
“Cmon darling, let’s just see what it’s like. If you hate it we’ll do something else” Jimmy compromised, outstretching his hand to me.
The boat bobbed a bit on the water as I stepped on.
“It’s not hating it I’m worried about, I was practically raised on a boat Jim, I’m just not sure 4 rockstars and a boat is a great combination”
“It’s okay we won’t go too hard, at least one of us won’t, I guess. Anyway, you were raised on a boat? Like a houseboat or something?”
“No, my dad was a skipper. Whenever he was home from trips, he would teach my and my siblings to sail. Y’know the whole nine yards, all the different knots, pulling in the ropes, steering, navigating charts. It’s just been a while since I’ve been on one and I hope I can remember everything”
“Gosh you are fabulous, my dear, I learn something new about you everyday” Jimmy said, pulling me in for a kiss. There was a loud bang of the engine, which we both jumped apart at.
“What the fuck are they at now, Christ” Jimmy sighed.
“Here, go set down our stuff in the biggest room, I’ll go see what they’re messing with”
We both parted, Jimmy heading downstairs, myself climbing onto the helm.
“Oi, Bonz, Percy, step away from the wheel until I get us out of this parking lot” I commanded. Both Robert and Bonzo looked at me funny, before slowly raising their arms and stepping away.
“And you know better?” Bonzo asked, still not sure where my bossiness came from.
“I think I do, unless you have your skipper license on hand?”
“Wait, you have a sailing license?” Robert interjected.
“I actually don’t, but I know everything you need to not drown. My father was a sailor and he taught me how to run a boat. Thank god we have a motorboat, as we might’ve been a little trouble if we have a proper sailing yacht. If we were, it wouldn’t have been as relaxing as simply steering a wheel” I answered, switching the engine on.
We warmed up the engine for a couple minutes, then casted off and finally escaped the madness of the marina. Soon were out on the French coastline. We continued sailing perpendicular to the coast, not wanting to stray too far. All the boys took turns steering, with Jonesy being the best skipper in-training out of all of them. Only once had we had anchored the boat again was the real party going to start.
if only sailing was this easy in reality 😒
anyway I’m gonna do a spicier part 2 riiight now😎
leave any comments/ideas down below!!!!
tag list : @rebel-without-a-zeppelin @princesspagey @dreamersdrowse
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smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
EUPHORIA - Chapter 15
Pairing: Dean Winchester x Reader
Summary: He’s Dean Winchester, owner of a shady night club. She’s a journalist who has been asked to write an article to expose the indecency and debauchery that’s going on behind closed doors. But he’s also Dean Winchester, the boy who sat next to her in class. The boy who was too cocky for his own good.
Chapter Warning: Angst mostly. Fluff, if you squint.
WC: 2710
A/N: This chapter fills my ‘crotchless underwear’ square for @spnkinkbingo​​​​​ Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
Beta’d by @deanwanddamons​​​​​​​​​​​​ <3
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Y/N’s piling her belongings into Dean’s car as Cas and Dean are both helping her move. It’s still early in the morning, and she doesn’t think that Cas has had any sleep at all. Dean had managed to sneak in a couple of hours because he left work earlier to spend the night with her. 
But Cas? She thinks that he came straight from work and he really didn’t have to, but Dean said that Cas insisted on helping and how could she say no to that? Rufus also said once that she should learn to accept help when it’s offered to her. She does — but it still needs a lot of getting used to.
They have to move in the morning as she has to go into work this afternoon, and Dean said that he has something too. Some family thing apparently, but she doesn’t really know, didn’t want to ask because she thinks that if he really wants to, he would tell her about it. She’s pretty chilled when it comes to private things like that, mainly because she doesn’t want to rush things with Dean. Y/N likes what they have now and she doesn’t like him forcing things on her and she gives him the same courtesy. 
When they are done, Cas leaves to go get some sleep and even though Dean asks if she wants to go grab lunch, she really has no time. She needs to go into work and actually she has a nice surprise for him in mind, if she can pull it off that is.
Y/N sits in the café, waiting for Jody Mills. There’s a bag of lingerie sitting next to her. She managed to go shopping before meeting Claire’s stepmother and she can’t wait for the meeting to be over so she can change into her newly bought lacy lingerie and show it to Dean. She gets excited just thinking about it. And that’s bad isn’t it? Y/N’s never been distracted from work but since she met Dean, he’s really the only thing that she can think about. Which is not good. Not good at all. But he makes her happy, so maybe she should hold on to that. Rufus wasn’t wrong.
She tries to calm down her heart and takes a sip from her coffee before staring at her phone on the table. There’s no message from Dean, but that’s okay because she knows that he’s busy. When she looks up again, Jody Mills is sitting across from her. Shocked by the appearance, she jumps a little in her seat and covers her mouth with her hand so as not to make a sound. 
How did the woman get here without her even noticing? She’s a fucking ninja for god’s sake!
“My god, you scared me,” She huffs out a breath but Jody doesn’t smile back. In fact, Y/N thinks that the woman looks really tired. There are dark circles beneath her eyes, and she looks older than she is. Is this because of Claire? Because Claire likes working for Dean instead of staying in college? She can’t help but pity the woman. She obviously has a hard time coming to terms with it.
“You’re Y/N?” The woman asks her, “I recognize you from the pictures.”
Y/N frowns. What pictures? She doesn’t remember ever sending Jody any pictures of her, so she asks, “What pictures?”
“Oh, you know, the one from the party? You were in his arms,” Mrs Mills scoffs. She’s less than hostile towards her, Y/N can feel it but she doesn’t really understand why.
“—How much did he pay you not to write that article, huh? Did he use his charm to get you to bed? Did he promise you something for it?” Mrs Mills cuts in, doesn’t even give her time to explain.
“Mrs Mills—” Y/N tries again.
“—Please, call me Jody. Mrs. Mills makes me feel so old,” The woman waves her hand and leans back in her seat. 
“Right,” Y/N sighs and nods, “Jody. Would you like something to drink?”
Jody snorts, “No, thank you.” 
Y/N raises her eyebrows, “Alright,” She inhales and lets the words she wants to say fly around in her head while she tries to sort them together, “First of all, Dean Winchester has no way pressured or manipulated me into anything.”
“Huh,” Jody interrupts, “That’s what they all say. That’s what Claire said.”
“It’s the truth. If you know me, you would know what I’ve been through with my ex boyfriend. You’d know that I do not condone such behaviour towards me and I do not let anyone dictate my life.”
Jody watches her, her brows are furrowed, as if she tries to listen, but doesn’t quite believe what Y/N is saying.
She continues when the other woman doesn’t say anything, “I’ve talked to your daughter and I’ve watched her. Mr. Winchester has minimal contact with his employees, he does not tell them what to do and Claire told me that she loves her job on many occasions.”
“Oh, please,” Jody grimaces.
“It’s true,” Y/N says, and that brings me to another point on my agenda, “After what you’ve accused me of, and him, I don’t think I can go on with the article. I’m sorry about that.”
“What do you mean?” Jody’s getting loud.
“What I’m saying is, I have a feeling that you won’t care what I find out, you won’t care about the article because whatever I write, it’s not going to be up to your standards. Even if it’s the truth. I have a feeling that you don’t really want to hear the truth.”
Jody’s smirking, which Y/N thinks is really weird. Why is she smirking? “So, you stop because of me and not because it could be a conflict of interest?”
“Well,” Y/N sighs, “It could be a conflict of interest, you are right. But Mr. Winchester has made it very clear that he wouldn’t oppose me writing that article.”
The woman leans closer, hunches over the table, “Do you really think you’re the only one, Y/N? Do you think that as soon as you move out of there he won’t have another girl lined up to take your place, huh?”
Moving out? How does she know that Y/N was living with Dean? Before Y/N could ask she went on.
“Does he know about Cole, huh? Does he know about the tape?”
Y/N’s really irritated now. Nobody knows about the fucking tape!
“Oh, please, if you think that you’re the only one, you’re dumber than I thought you were,” Jody stands up and leaves without any explanation, without giving Y/N a chance to say anything at all.
She tries not to dwell on the meeting with Jody, which was a total disaster to put it mildly. Y/N really tries not to mind Jody’s words but somehow she can’t stop thinking about them. How did she know that she was with Dean? How did she know about Cole? She can’t quite shake off the feeling that something’s not right with the woman and somehow, she knows how Claire must feel. Claire must be happy to get away from her mother’s tight grip, get away and explore the world, give in to her demands and want to experience her life to the fullest. She doesn’t blame the girl. Not one bit.
At her apartment, she follows through with her plans. Because why not, she’s spent so much money already, it would be a shame to back out now. 
Because that’s what she does. She looks forward, not back. Like she once said to Dean, looking forward is the only way to go. 
She showers and dresses herself in her lingerie. She even bought suspender belts and stockings. It’s still simple though, black lace, not too little but it’s probably enough to incite someone. Only now did she realize that her panties are fucking crotchless. Ugh. She doesn’t know what came over her when she bought it, and hasn't looked at them properly. She hopes Dean’s going to like them. But again, she thinks that Dean likes everything she wears, at least he gives her the impression that he does. She probably doesn’t even have to try too hard but she’s feeling playful, and it’s going to be a first for her because unlike other times, she won’t be able to spend the night with him. Y/N plans to go home, sleep in her own apartment for the first time, because there’s a team meeting at 8am the next morning.
She calls for an Uber, because there’s no way that she’s taking public transport dressed like this and when the time comes, she slips her phone and cash into her coat, securing the rope tightly around her waist. 
She knocks on the door to Dean’s apartment. She can hear people talking inside, and then hears heels clicking on the floor. The clicking noises come closer before the door is swung wide open. 
Y/N stares into the face of a tall woman. Her hair is long and wavy, and very blonde. Her lips are cherry red, a wide smile decorated her face. The woman wears a yellow summer dress with high heels to accenture her long legs. She is — evidently — everything Y/N is not.
“Can I help you?” The very beautiful girl asks and Y/N gasps like a fish on land.
Can she help her? She doesn’t know, alright? 
“Jess? Who is it?” A voice calls out from the back that clearly belongs to Dean. 
The woman, Jess, is still looking at her and she thinks they are both frowning at each other now.
“Sorry, wrong door,” Is all Y/N can think of and, it’s completely idiotic, but she wants to get away as quick as possible. She doesn’t even wait for Dean to come to the door, because she hears his footsteps in the back. Y/N takes the elevator right down, is thankful that it was already up there, and she didn’t have to wait for that one. Because that would have been awkward and embarrassing at the same time, wouldn’t it? More embarrassing than she was already feeling. 
Inside the elevator, she leans her head back against the wall, closes her eyes and cursing herself for being so fucking dumb. 
Jody has gotten into her head. And the woman was right, wasn’t she?
How could Y/N even think that someone like Dean fucking Winchester would want her for longer than a couple of good fucks. Of course, now that she’s gone he can get the next girl into his apartment until he’s tired of that one, and there will be a next, and a next. 
God, she feels so fucking dumb. And she was the one who told Jody that she won’t let anyone stomp on her feelings and make her feel like Cole did. She was so fucking wrong about that, wasn’t she. Serves her fucking right. 
When the elevator stops and she steps out of it, she can already hear footsteps on the staircase but they’re still too high up above, so she slips out quietly and walks out into the back alley of the club. Making her way to the front, she tries to get away as fast as possible, at least as fast as her heels allow. She just wants to put the club behind her, wants to walk to the next corner and hire a cab from there. It should be safer than doing it here, Dean could come out and honestly, she doesn’t want to see him or listen to his sorry excuses. He doesn’t even have to explain it to her. They’re not anything if she remembers correctly, so it’s not even his fault. Neither is it hers. The only fault she can find is that she thought they were something when they were clearly not in his eyes. And that’s not even on him. It’s all on her.
Oh, here it comes. 
She pulls her chin to her chest, ducks her head and tries to zone out, tries to walk faster too, can’t exactly run in those fucking stupid heels, dammit ! 
“For fuck’s sake, Y/N, wait!” Dean’s faster on his heels and he’s fucking running. She’s sure that he doesn’t even have to run to keep up with her because his legs are so long and her’s aren’t. 
She makes it around the corner and there’s the front entrance of the club and she has nowhere to fucking hide. The security guy sitting in the front eyes her up, and she wonders if Dean’s going to call out for him to help stop her. 
But Dean doesn’t because he’s caught up with her by the time she’s standing right in front of the club’s entrance. He grabs her by her shoulder, making her spin around to see him breathing heavily. There’s sweat forming on his forehead and she doesn’t want to look at him too long, so she looks away and down to her toes. There’s no running away, she guesses. The only thing she can do now is to face him. She sticks both her hands into the pocket of her coat, her gaze trained on her toes and on Dean’s shiny dress shoes. 
He braces both his hands on his knees to recover from the run and he’s breathing hard. His sweaty body produces an odor that mixes with his cologne, and it’s clouding her fucking mind. It’s not really fucking fair.
“Fuck,” He hisses, “I’m too old for this shit,” 
“I didn’t tell you to run after me,” She snaps, and Dean looks at her with a steely gaze. 
What? She really didn’t? Dean’s still staring. Maybe she should be intimidated but she’s really not. Maybe it would work on someone else, but it doesn’t work on her.
“Why did you leave?” He asks as soon as he catches his breath and places his hand on both her shoulders, lowering his face to be on level with her. His smell is fucking with her mind. 
She frowns, “Why did I leave? You ask me why I left?”
He says it like he really doesn’t understand and she lets out a frustrating sound that comes from the depths of her throat.
Dean just looks at her perplexed and the crease between his eyebrows deepen. 
“I don’t need this,” She hisses and turns around but Dean’s hand tugs her back.
“Come on,” He begins to walk to the entrance and pulls her with him. However, she manages to get out of his grip.
“Why do I have to go in there?” 
“Jesus fucking Christ, Y/N, I’m not arguing with you on the fucking street!” Dean’s getting loud and she’s getting annoyed.
“There’s nothing to argue about, Dean. I think I’ve seen enough.”
He takes a couple of steps towards her, leans down and places his hand on the back of her neck, draws her closer. “Fucking Christ, baby, listen alright? The woman is Jess, my future sister in law. She and Sam came around after we had lunch where they announced their engagement. Okay?” 
She feels even dumber than before if that’s even possible.
“I was in the bathroom when you knocked. So, please get inside, you can be mad at me all you want in there, okay?” 
Y/N gnaws on her bottom lip. Dean’s explanation sounds plausible but she just doesn’t know if she can trust it.
Before she can say anything Dean kisses her, hard and rough and it’s the same way she feels, and that’s totally not fair because she turns to putty in his hands. 
“Why do you care?” She mumbles, a little out of breath when he parts.
“Goddammit, don’t you see that all I fucking care about is you?” His voice is not loud, it’s smooth, it’s almost whiny, “Please let's go in, and I’ll explain.”
Reluctantly, she lets him, lets him pull her inside and the security guard opens the door for them with a courtesy nod to Dean.
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Chapter 16
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