#comics: marvel
sounds-of-some-day · 11 months
Captain America Issues 5-7 (1941) Observations
Cap finally makes it to Europe in this one. He goes undercover as an old woman, including wearing a corset. So there you go. Canonically Steve has worn a corset at least once.
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Steve (as Private Rogers) is stationed at Camp Lehigh, and he is constantly being yelled at by his superior officers. Like constantly. Like he gets in trouble for being AWOL when he was in Europe rescuing people.
Because, it seems, the only person that knows he's Captain America is Bucky? I think maybe because everyone that was there at the procedure was killed, but I'm not sure.
So like, Captain America doesn't seem to take orders from anyone, or answer to anyone, because literally no one knows who he is.
But again, he's still super chill about everything. He takes every one of his punishments with a smile.
He calls the Nazis "Ratzis"
He lets Bucky drive a tank. I need to emphasize again that Bucky is a child.
Did I say Steve was super chill about the way he's treated in the army? I take it back.
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Steve. Steeeeve.
ETA: KP means "Kitchen Patrol". I think he's actually threatening to have Steve reassigned to just working the kitchens permanently, but Steve is also shown to be made to peel potatoes as a punishment so he may just mean that, I'm not sure.
So I don't know how these were sold. If they were sold with multiple copies in a book. On the app it says "Issue 1" and then that has the first four cases (story arcs) but case 1 is the entirety of the first issue, if the Captain America history book I have is correct.
But anyway, at the end of each issue on the app there's like, a short story featuring Cap and Bucky. I thought that was interesting. It's only about a page-ish long, like a mini case.
Also interesting that they call the storylines cases. "Captain America and the Case of the [blank]". Again, it gives a strong Scooby Doo or Nancy Drew vibe.
Up next: The Return of the Red Skull. Ooh. Our first repeat villain. Wonder if it's the same dude or someone picking up his mantle.
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Spider-punk and Noir in btsv scene leaked
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crystal-bytes · 7 months
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Spider-Man 3 (2007) / The Amazing Spider-Man (2012) / Donald Glover: Weirdo (2012) / Community 2x01 "Anthropology 101" (2010) / Ultimate Fallout #4 (2011) / "Not Going Back" Live Performance (2011) / Ultimate Spider-Man 3x11 "The Spider-Verse: Part Three" (2015) / Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017) / Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018) / Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (2023)
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Something REALLY interesting about this scene
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At the beginning of the scene Miles confronts Gwen about the 'small elite strike-team' comment.
Gwen lies and plays it off, saying that most of them are part-time anyway.
IMMEDIATELY after that in the next line dialogue, Hobie confronts Gwen and asks her 'Gwendy, how much have you told him about his place in all this? - Maybe not enough.'
Hobie is expressioning disappointment towards Gwen. He doesn't approve of her lying to Miles, knowing what's gonna happen to him. He doesn't agree with them keeping him in the dark - which is why later in the scene he says
'I haven't gotten a Scooby Doo, mate. But that's what they want.'
He's warning Miles that they're keeping in him the dark, on purpose.
ONCE AGAIN Hobie showing foward thinking and outwardly disapproving of the obviously unfair treatment that Miles is given. He's not angry at Gwen, but he's willing to tell her straight up that she's not doing or telling Miles enough to protect him.
Miles deserved to know Miguel's motives BEFORE meeting him. That's why he pointed it out then.
He's ALWAYS looking out for Miles
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let-them-fight · 6 months
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can we stop doing this trope
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My favorite thing about J. Jonah Jameson is that he just hates Spider-Man. He supports mutants and doesn't hate enhanced people. He's not racist, sexist, homophobic, or transphobic. He just hates Spider-Man. And I'm half convinced that he's faking for the publicity.
He'd probably get pissed if he hears someone hating on Spider-Man for being enhanced.
"Spiderman isn't a menace because he can climb walls! He's a menace because he's climbing walls without a license or safety equipment! He's setting a bad example!"
"I just want you to know that you that your identity as an enhanced person is valid. Your identity as Spiderman is trash."
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spiderpussinc · 10 months
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saw this grindr screenshot that really spoke to me
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universalhorrorblog · 20 days
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danzigmcfly · 1 year
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sounds-of-some-day · 11 months
So I just read the first four issues of the original 1940s Captain America run.
Some observations:
It's still kinda weird for Bucky to be a child.
Steve is a private in the military (to maintain his secret identity I guess).
It's very much not what you think of when you think comic-booky. There's no, like, comic book science or whatever. Outside of I guess the serum. But that's still plausible.
So all of Steve's villains are just normal guys. All spies so far, but also very ordinary.
It's funny because each "case" (issue story arc) is presented as if it's going to be some supernatural phenomenon and then it's just some dude.
Very Scooby-Doo villain.
Even the Red Skull, who of course, originally was not German (all Steve's early villains are essentially American traitors). Red Skull was a capitalist, basically a military contractor for planes, doing it for the money.
Before Red Skull is outed, as the business guy, he laments a plane crashing because the plane was beautiful (and expensive to build) and Steve is like "Uh... And there were people on that plane, and they died, what the fuck dude??? Get your priorities right," and this is why I love Steve.
Anyway, Red Skull dies in his first issue because he rolls over on his hypodermic needle full of poison and Steve just lets him.
Every story arc is contained within one issue.
Steve is like, extremely chill. Every time someone tells him he can't do something, he's just like "Okeydoke, I won't do anything.... but Captain America, on the other hand, he's definitely gonna go fuck some Nazi spies up."
Also, he's always telling Bucky to stay behind, and then Bucky does, like the exact opposite of that, and Steve (sorry "Captain America" because Steve is being a good boy and staying out of it like he was told) always has to bust in and save him, and then he's always just like "Bucky, I told you to stay home and you didn't listen to me, you little rascal, you." And I'm like, Steve. Steve, this kid is going to get himself killed.
Also it's hilarious to me that Steve has a secret identity, because everyone knows his sidekick is a child named Bucky, and yet no one thinks anything about the big blond guy in the army that hangs out with a child named Bucky all the time.
Also, yes, Bucky is also in the army, kinda, cause each battalion has a... child... mascot.... for some reason?!? Like, I know they shoehorned in Bucky so that little boys reading the comics could imagine themselves fighting alongside Captain America, but the whole time I'm just like who is allowing this child to run around with Captain America and risk his life??
Because Bucky is his sidekick because he accidentally walked into Steve's tent when he was changing out of the uniform and Steve is just like, "Welp, you know my secret identity now, so I guess you gotta be my sidekick." And I'm just like, what? Steve. What are you doing?!?
Anyway, those are my thoughts on the first four issues of Captain America (1941).
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c1nnam00n · 3 months
me seeing that my fav character barely/doesn’t have any fanfics OR imagines
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iamthedukeofurl · 6 months
"Is Superman stronger than the Hulk" "Is Hawkeye a better archer than Green Arrow" "Dr. Strange vs Doctor Fate" All bullshit. I only have one DC/Marvel crossover question. If Squirrel Girl was dropped in Gotham City, how long would it take for her to realize that Batman cannot talk to Bats.
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yourangle-yuordevil · 5 months
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If you can't see them they can't see you, right?
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watcherinthesky225 · 8 months
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softpastelqueer · 4 months
Jean Grey the second she sees Ice Man
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ppeanutz · 1 year
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this has probably happened in the marvel canon hasn't it.
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