#company data
yunisverse · 2 days
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pray for me, I have an incurable illness where very time i see crossover art of Funny Little Dude In Spacesuits games i think "hmm. digivolution stages"
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aviralz · 2 years
Unlocking Flexibility in Cloud Data Governance
A data governance strategy allows an organization to gain greater trust and loyalty from current and future customers and provide flexibility in the cloud.
Storing company data in the cloud can be empowering, and it also allows businesses to pivot rapidly and be proactive while non-cloud enterprises must zigzag. A clear data governance strategy – data management best practices for stewardship and quality – is essential.
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All of the Data in One Place
A cloud-based database can be highly flexible, but only if organizations don’t develop small, segregated databases that neither IT nor marketing are aware of.
Ease of Compliance
Using the cloud also allows businesses the flexibility they need to comply with stringent and constantly changing regulations such as CCPA, GDPR, and other state and local laws. This makes it easier to delete data because everything is in one location.
Unlocking the Full Flexibility of the Cloud
It may start slowly, but the flexibility, speed, and scalability are limitless once implemented and documented. The time it takes for processing changes to reach the market increases to boost productivity. As a result, it helps the company conceive big ideas, put those ideas into action through doing, and deliver those ideas via data-driven targeted marketing that generates engagement and conversion. Read More  Cloud Data Governance
For More Business solutions
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neomedievalist · 1 year
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she did nothing wrong
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scificrows · 10 months
Okay, my brain refuses to think about anything other than Murderbot, so I looked at every use of the word "friend[s]" in TMBD and... created some pie charts. Normal human activities.
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Some Thoughts™ I had while putting this together (under the cut):
In All Systems Red, Murderbot notes that the PresAux crew are all close friends (twice! and goes on to explain their internal relationships which I think is very cute). This is pretty much the only use of 'friends' in ASR, except for when Murderbot says that SecUnits can't be friends with each other.
It seems that this may be one of the first times Murderbot has ever really been around a group of friends before? Murderbot notes that this is not the norm for its contracts and admits that the fact that they are all friends and the way they interact with each other make it actually enjoy that contract (before!!!! the hostile attack, so it already enjoys this contract before they start seeing it as a person etc ghghhhh). [Inference: Friendship seems enjoyable.]
The first character that calls Murderbot its friend is ART in Artificial Condition. Murderbot immediately refutes this (and then goes on to call ART its friend to its clients for the rest of the book). [Inference: Maybe ART is Murderbot's friend. And maybe that is... agreeable]
Rogue Protocol has more than twice as many instances of the word 'friend' as any of the other novellas. Why? Miki. Friendship and its implications for non-humans are a central theme because Miki is friends with everyone. Murderbot initially scoffs at the notion that Miki and Miki's humans are friends. At the end of the book, after witnessing how desperately Don Abene tried to stop Miki from trying to save them, and her grief after its death, Murderbot has to admit that she had in fact been Miki's friend. [Inference: Humans can be friends with bots and can sincerely care about them]
In Exit Strategy, Murderbot tentatively uses the word "friends" for its humans for the first time (several times actually). It questions whether it can actually call them its friends or not and later realizes that it had been afraid what admitting that the humans are its friends would do to it. At the end of the book, Mensah tells Murderbot the PresAux crew are its friends, which is the first time a human has directly said that to it (at least on-page). [Inference: Humans can and want to be Murderbot's friends]
In Network Effect, Murderbot seems to be more habituated to the word 'friend', confidently calling ART and Ratthi its friends, like it is no longer just trying the concept on unsure if it fits. There are many instances in which other characters refer to MB as ART's friend or the other way around and Murderbot's humans refer to Murderbot as their friend several times. Generally, there seems to be less hesitancy, because yes, all of them are Murderbot's friends, why wouldn't they be. [Inference: SecUnits can have friends. This SecUnit has friends. They care about it a lot.]
Conclusion: The Murderbot Diaries tell the story of a construct that does not seem to consider the possibility of friendship for itself and is fine with that - until it accidentally starts caring a little too much and suddenly more and more people annex it as a friend (ew) to the point where it can no longer deny that this is happening and has to begrudgingly admit that yes, it has friends now and maybe that is actually not a bad thing.
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petraforgedyke · 7 months
i’m seeing a lot of fear today about Tumblr Shutting Down (Real) (Actually True) today and let peepaw seg tell you a story
i’ve been on this webbed site for fifteen years, believe it or not, since way back in the days of Tumblarity. now i was but a wee lad at the time, so i don’t remember the fine details, but rest assured, it doesn’t matter much for the story i’m about to tell you.
you see, i remember when tumblr was owned by tumblr. folk called its ceo (david karp) “daddy”, and were enthusiastic about his communications, even if on our own blogs, we’d bitch and moan about tumblr making changes to things we were used to. i remember the hubbub when tumblr removed tumblarity, and how this was surely going to be the end of tumblr.
all those fifteen (though it might be sixteen) years ago.
layouts changed, and we’d bitch and moan, and tumblr’d get sold, and we’d know for sure that This Was The End Of Tumblr, For Real This Time. this happened again and again and again, because this webbed site, you see, it makes no money, and companies, greedy things as they are, like money.
the porn ban, under the reign of YaHoo that was, was seen as another death knell. tumblr was going to die, for real, for sure, and i’m not proud to say that i was one of the ones who fell for it. peepaw seg needed to sow hir wild oats on other platforms.
now, i say this happened under yahoo, but it’s important to remember that this ban came in the wake of both the apple app store banning the tumblr app on account of real life csem being hosted on tumblr, and the new usamerican law SESTA-FOSTA being implemented, which made it so that companies such as tumblr would have to moderate the explicit content on them to make sure none of it breached sesta-fosta. tumblr, being a small fish in the grand scheme of thing, didn’t warrant that amount of financial effort on yahoo’s part, as the site was still not making any money, and it’s easier and cheaper to blanket ban than it is to moderate. all this to say, it’s important to vote, because if you don’t, your internet freedom will be curtailed.
and now we’re here, some sixteen years on, and i’ll say automattic has been not all good, but definitely not all bad for the site. they changed stuff we liked to our discontent (layouts), and added stuff we hated (live), but they also gave us stuff we like (polls) and an amount of open communication about tumblr’s inner workings not seen since the days of david “daddy” karp. and now they’re putting just a skeleton crew on the tumblr project.
and that’s going to be The End Of Tumblr For Sure For Real Actually This Time. Really. Promise. Abandon Ship.
and we come to the crux of this story.
which is that this has happened before, and it will happen again, because tumblr is surprisingly immune to making any money.
what we’re likely to see in the coming time is no new features (that’s reserved for projects that make money), and an increase in ads, until one day, and this might be in a few months, and maybe in a few years, there’ll be an announcement that tumblr’s been sold to one direction to a new company.
and we’ll start the whole rigmarole again. and this company might be good for tumblr’s userbase, or it might go against everything the tumblr community holds dear. no way of knowing which way it’ll go.
until one day, some parent company will have had enough, and will pull the plug.
but for now… well, i’m gonna sit here on my porch (blog), and we’ll see what happens. i'm not worried, tumblr’s survived worse things.
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vaspider · 8 months
The company said its systems were not breached and that attackers gathered the data by guessing the login credentials of a group of users and then scraping more people’s information from a feature known as DNA Relatives. Users opt into sharing their information through DNA Relatives for others to see. 
The full picture of why the data was stolen, how much more the attackers have, and whether it is actually focused entirely on Ashkenazim is still unclear.
Callow notes that the situation raises broader questions about keeping sensitive genetic information safe and the risks of making it available in services that are designed like social networks to facilitate sharing.
“This incident really highlights the risks associated with DNA databases,” Callow says. “The fact that accounts had reportedly opted into the ‘DNA Relatives’ feature is particularly concerning as it could potentially result in extremely sensitive information becoming public.”
Yeah, so, don't reuse passwords, and be careful what kind of information you share purposefully or opt in to passively sharing.
Jesus fucking Christ.
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primmsfairytale · 1 year
do you like video games and want to help an overachieving college student put way too much effort into their semester project?
well, do i have the opportunity for you! i'm trying to get more responses for this survey i made for my marketing class so i have a sample size that's actually, you know, useful. if you have a spare minute, i'd love if you could fill it out!
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melonisopod · 2 months
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Hon we need to get you some Adderall.
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stealingyourspins · 1 month
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(Click for better quality)
Ninjago Mermaid AU- Zane.
Species: Narwhal. Chosen because of their ability to withstand cold temperatures plus their color pallet.
Zane is a Marine “spy” Robot used by researchers to record and collect data of Merfolk in their natural environment. Made in a partnership with Borg Industries and Julien Laboratories, he is a revolutionary advancement in the robotics field, going past a simple language learning model level to becoming a true AI in the 25 years of development. Zane’s expedition is simple: to help marine biologists to study Merfolk and blend in the best he can.
(Alt version with no spots under the cut and non transparent versions)
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fafrogke · 5 months
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Inspired by THISSSS post that made a lot of sense and made my brain shake so hard it melted, i wanted to try to assign my angel's favorites so i put them together!
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thinking that Ren could make friends with pokemon... one can just dream.,.. they're a menace
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vidduality · 9 months
PSA that even accidentally clicking on that annoying Tumblr Live button appears to imply consent to Live's Terms of Service. Tumblr Live is owned by a 3rd party company called "The Meet Group," and their terms of service are HIGHLY invasive and collect way more data on you and your internet usage (and even location) than Tumblr itself.
Per Tumblr's own FAQ: "If you no longer wish to agree to the Tumblr Live terms of service, please contact support."
Maybe if enough of us demand to have our "consent" revoked to Tumblr Live's shady TOS, they will realize forcing this on us is NOT worth the hassle.
If you've EVER accidentally clicked on that damn camera button (that as of last week is no longer possible to snooze), send a support ticket to Tumblr to tell them you do NOT agree to the terms of service for Tumblr Live at:
Edit: If you are having trouble finding your Live ID to request removal from their TOS, click on the wrench, and then "more." They don't use email or Tumblr username. They likely make it hard to find on purpose so that it is difficult to request the removal of your data & "consent" to their terms. I've been going round with Tumblr support, and they asked for a screenshot of my Live ID or they wouldn't be able to help. So here is what it looks like to find it:
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notbecauseofvictories · 3 months
cute thing I have learned during this conference: a couple different players are working in the quantum computing space, and specifically working on encryption protection algorithms to defend against attacks---these algorithms are called "kyber" and "dilithium" respectively.
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lu-is-not-ok · 9 months
So about Sign of Roses
It just fucking hit me that the different Sin-drenched Roses it summons can actually give better understanding on what those Sins mean in the grand scheme of things. Why the fuck did I not explore this earlier?
Anyway this is just gonna be a post compiling all the info each Rose can give for its assigned Sin. Specifically the status effect/gameplay mechanic each Rose/Sin appears to be associated with, the epiphets the Roses use in their Skills and Passives to describe their associated Sins, and the words the Roses' main Bodies' Passives associate with those Sins as well.
Okay, here we go.
Mechanics: Burn, Damage Reflection upon Defeat, Offense Level Up with Defense Level Down
Epiphets: Burning, Scattering, Boiling
Keywords: Embers, Hatred
Mechanics: Bleed, Lowering own Stagger Threshold, Better Unopposed Attacks with Worse Clashes
Epiphets: Approaching, Burrowing, Shimmering
Keywords: One-sided Desire
Mechanics: Tremor, Protection, Guard
Epiphets: Petrified, Stubborn, Slumbering, Crushing
Keywords: Powerless
Mechanics: Rupture, Healing by Damage Dealt
Epiphets: Voracious, Prevalent, Restless, Growing
Keywords: Hunger
Mechanics: Sinking, Protection, Guard, Better Clashes with Worse Unopposed Attacks
Epiphets: Overflowing, Rising, Embracing, Shimmering
Keywords: Anxiety, Self Destruction
Mechanics: Poise, Counter, Crits
Epiphets: Spouting, Erect, Touchy, Overinflated
Keywords: Outlash, Superiority
Mechanics: Charge, Crits
Epiphets: Heaping, Spreading, Glaring
Keywords: Jealousness, Inferiority Complex
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nocturnalazure · 4 months
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Author's note: Reference is made to the following scenes: (1), (2), (3)
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staryarn · 11 months
This is so random but do you have the full image of the Ishmael CG from your pfp? The quality is so good and I’ve been searching for it
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(All 4.5 cgs)
(Ishmael icon)
Bonus: all cgs in game so far
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zagreus · 3 months
your last reblog might have some misinfo
genuinely, thanks for caring, but can you be more specific?
because if you mean the post about nightshade and glaze being ineffective and you're referencing the "debunk" in the notes from someone who clearly doesn't understand the technology involved and only cites the devs themselves (who obviously wouldnt be advertising the many ways in which the tech they're pushing fails to perform as intended), you're just mistaken I'm afraid.
also like. i know the op of that post and trust their knowledge on the subject a lot more than some rando misusing buzzwords
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