#constitutional morality
impishglee · 1 year
it’s wild to me the way a lot of skinny people think weight works like they really genuinely believe that fat people could only be the size they are and continue to exist at that size because they eat “too much” and exercise “too little” and that losing weight is a straight forward process.
like, i started a job last spring that meant i went from getting very little physical activity to typically walking 5-7 miles a day on uneven terrain, carrying shit. My eating habits have remained more or less consistent.
I have not lost weight. My proportions have remained more or less the same. My clothes fit me about the same. I think any fat person would not find this particularly surprising but isn’t calories in calories out the gospel people constantly preach? you’d think dramatically and consistently increasing my physical activity would accomplish this but it obviously didn’t. I am not complaining, changing the size or shape of my body is not a goal of mine, but it’s notable that the actions the medical institutions endorse as ways to achieve that sure don’t actually work.
but while my body has not visibly changed, it’s definitely been great for my health! my mood and energy are significantly better. My resting heart rate dropped by ~10 bpm. I have stronger legs and better stamina. But I do not think anyone would look at me and think of me as someone who lives an “active lifestyle” despite the fact that i do. it’s amazing and depressing to me how many people have bought into the complete lie that you can judge health from appearances and the myth that fat people just lack discipline or someshit
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queerism1969 · 1 year
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spectrumos · 4 days
Moore and the Forager Brood
really throw a big moral wrench into the idea of cutting off the Outer Gods completely.
The two most difficult parts of any Gods in Elden Ring being worshipped at all is
The absurd exploitation of their worshippers
The forcible enacting of that worship.
It's easy to look at what they do as something explicitly evil because of these things. The Formless Mother is literally a predator. She preys on the rejected downtrodden and vulnerable of society.
In exchange for pain and blood, she gives... That part's vague.
Like, I enjoy blood as much as the next person, but there's the eroticism of vampires and the exploitation of masses. (Yeah, I know there's a lot of vampires exploiting masses. I get it, dark shit be hot, whatever.)
Of course there's the Bloodfiends of the Shadow Lands and the lore around the fly people. Seriously continuing the theme of predatory shit.
I aint into mommy kink abuse goddess, okay? Okay!
But The rot!
fucking rots all life it encounters until it's own life is born from it, which is obviously simply a massive, dense, and somehow both alien and familiar feeling version of pretty much all life. (to a degree)
Alien in that while rot is normal, Scarlet Rot is very much not. Rot is a natural process and scarlet rot is pretty much an invasive species that is extremely difficult to stop.
But there's such beauty in it! Malenia says we'll witness true horror when we fight her, but when she blooms, the Goddess of Rot she becomes is a literal fucking butterfly angel!
Ultimately that beauty is hollow, because Malenia never wanted to be that. She had to abandon entire fractions of her very self to bloom in Caelid. She was chosen to be the vessel for a capital G God before she was even born. (Because of Radagon breaking his vow to Rellana, I might add.)
The Rot is so easy to hate, for good reason. But Moore and his kin are fucking heartbreaking. Malenia's rejection of her curse rejects the life it creates.
The kindred brood continues to worship no matter what. They don't really care about her rejection and continues to expand.
The forager brood accepted her rejection, no matter how much it hurt.
Moore is literally a single fucking conversation option from death when Miquella's charm breaks.
All of this new information on Moore and the Forager Brood really just adds to the consistent theme of Elden Ring in that there's almost no such thing is inherent evil, or that good can come form evil.
I obviously firmly believe that the Formless Mother and the God of Rot are evil beings.
But if finding a way to cut them off kills all the kindred?
I'm not so sure I could do it anymore.
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gawayne · 8 months
if I’m honest I’m kind of baffled that there’s anti-voting content going around. again. you cannot have forgotten so quickly how bad trump was and how hard the republicans tried to prevent you from voting. did you forget the russian bots??
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malscare · 5 months
thinking abt the 25 year old my friend dated when she was 17 that like staunchly refused to buy us alcohol. like sexting minors is ok for you but ur really gonna draw the line at teen drinking
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nando161mando · 3 months
Clarence Thomas takes aim at a new target: Eliminating OSHA
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batemanofficial · 11 days
can somebody please restrain me from swinging a bat at a hornet's nest re: some current discourse. i have something to say but i can't be allowed to say it else i will get tarred and feathered
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mayorofcattown · 10 months
Spent an embarrassing amount of time reading abt bento boxes for a single throw away line in my fic, which then also sent me down the rabbit hole of 'wait do Buddhist monks even eat meat? is Tanuma's dad vegetarian??' to which the answer was (at least according to what I could find on Google) 'they aren't technically required to be in Japan, even if some may choose to, but they are required to not eat anything they (or someone else) killed specifically for them to eat'
which. doesn't really affect my throw away bento line. but it does offer a pretty solid explanation as to why Tanuma never goes on fishing trips with the Boys (aside from like. one piece of official art where he looks vaguely uncomfortable abt the whole thing) despite otherwise consistently hanging out with them
while Tanuma isn't a monk himself, he was still brought up by one, so he'd likely follow at least some of the same principles as his father, so if he's been brought up to never take the life of a living creature for himself, he'd probably not be very comfortable going fishing lol
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ask-runaan-anything · 3 months
Has Rayla ever wet the bed?
Only when she deliberately poured a cup of moonberry juice over her pajamas and tried to claim that dark forces had stabbed her and that's why she was late coming down to breakfast.
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personal-blog243 · 2 months
Thoughts on a particular brand of Christian interpretation of the Bible that grooms them to support authoritarianism…
(Disclaimer: I am not an expert please don’t use me as your only source on this topic)
in my experience most Christians have an extremely hyper-literal interpretation of the Bible that I don’t necessarily agree with, particularly not when combined with the doctrine that the Bible is completely 100% inerrant and infallible and is the absolute highest authority and is the one and only completely true word of God in a very strict literal sense.
It’s a very brutally honest “facts don’t care about your feelings” way to view God and the violence of the Old Testament.
This means that most Christians really DO believe that all of the rape, slavery, war, genocide, etc. in the Bible is totally 100% genuinely perfectly fine with God and that that must be what God himself actually wants to this day in a modern context as well!
Your personal morals be damned. Your feelings about all of this are irrelevant because it is what the book says. Most Christians really believe that if you want to identity as a Christian or a follower of Jesus in any way, you must accept and be perfectly okay with all of the bad things in the Old Testament as well. It’s all or nothing, take it or leave it. You can’t pick and choose. Facts don’t care about your feelings. This is what it means to be a real Christian whether you like it or not.
If you don’t like hearing any of that, or interpret the Bible differently, you clearly disagree with God himself about rape, slavery, homophobia, and genocide and that is all your fault. If you’ve got a problem with God then that’s on you. Surely God believes that you are wrong about these things and you are the problem. Do you think you are smarter than God???? Who are you to complain and question?
Christians are used to hearing these bad things and putting aside their own feelings and basic morals for the sake of the truth (or what they believe is true whether they like it or not 🤷🏼‍♀️). They are used to doing this for the sake of respecting tradition and authority and thinking their emotions and ethical philosophy doesn’t matter when there is a higher authority.
Just keep in mind that this is how most conservative Christians view both the Bible AND the U.S. Constitution! 😳! They are authoritative texts that can’t and shouldn’t be changed and to have an ethical philosophy that is different from the men who wrote these texts is an attack on the abstract concept of truth and authority itself.
This is why they are primed for authoritarianism. They think that having a different understanding of the role of these texts and how to interpret them means you think you are smarter or better than the the founding fathers (in the case of the constitution) and of God himself (in the case of the Bible).
Obviously not ALL Christians necessarily think this way I’m just cautioning against this mentality of having to accept terrible things in the name of truth and authority.
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megkuna · 2 months
i still think the term "ethically" nonmonogamous is stupid i wish we could get rid of it. there's nothing inherently ethical about it shut the fuck up
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slotumn · 13 hours
as always i must specify that this blog is not a safe zone for americanoids (canadians included as they are basically america-lite)
your government is braindead and so is your population. everyone in the world is, but your country holds disproportionate influence over others and adds in more doses of dumbfuckery to other countries' politics like our own organic homegrown morons aren't annoying enough to deal with
also americans spread fundie evangelical christianity to korea and now every time i go to The Motherland™ and get off the biggest stations in seoul i hear some braindead fuck screeching "JESUS HEAVEN DISBELIEF HELL" over megaphones in the middle of the square. they do that shit every fucking day even when it's raining
in the very least america should take all the annoying screeching fundies and braindead neoliberal politicians trying to turn our healthcare system american. koreans do not need them but you guys probably do bc they're still better at math than you. also my country should get to have nukes and american opinion should be irrelevant on the matter
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ivan-fyodorovich-k · 10 months
we had three sad little slices of bacon left in a package in the 'fridge that I decided to cook up and I feel compelled to confess I had an embarrassingly long internal struggle over whether I was going to share it with my family
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prettyboykatsuki · 3 months
Hii fang, I wanted to ask you if you’ve read or watched Tokyo Revengers, and if you’ve done a character analysis on Mikey? ? I feel like he’s such a complex character and I’m super interested to hear about your thoughts on him. Sorry if you’ve answered this before or haven’t watched it! I just wanted to ask just in case
i have read all of TR and ending aside im a huge fan of the manga
i love mikey!! i think i've written about him once or twice. if i were to read TR in the good year of 2024, i would definitely yanderify the fuck out of that guy LMAOO.
i think he's ultimately just a very damaged character who i'll always defend. he was very clearly unstable for a lot of the series and his general apathy and immorality in other timelines were because of the overarching and inescapable themes of loss in each one. i think the way a lot of people wrote about him at TRs peak was really unsymapthetic djfjsdkksd.
i understand peoples frustration with him i just find him to be a hugely tragic character because he very clearly wants to be because he often contradicts himself . but most importantly he's my handsome and silly little guy
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happi-tree · 2 years
happi!!! tell me about this hermie kid of yours 👀👀👀
Lemon. Lemon Drop, you beautiful, beautiful mind reader, you *kisses you on the forehead*
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In all honesty MORE of these could've been circled but like. yeah he is quite literally the little guy of all time!!! MY freak of the week. *pats him on the head* this bad boy can fit SO many batman supervillains in him 💚💚💚
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“Unless we understand the dire nature of the threat now facing our nation due to the efforts of committed Marxist-Leninists now occupying positions of power and trust throughout America, we soon will very possibly be an easy target for those countries who envy and fear our successes—and freedoms.”
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