#contamination anxiety
Why are showers so many steps I want to be unconscious
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I've been meaning to post about this. If you struggle to wash dishes because of the sensory input or because your bare hands have to touch gross stuff,, try gloves! And get ones that go further up the arm so you're not getting water in them. Mine are insulated which is nice but ngl idk what it does lol. But I do like that mine are thicker so I don't get as much anxiety about cutting them or myself and I don't have to worry about them ripping like you would with disposable/thinner ones.
Most of the time I just avoided doing dishes but now I don't have to which is cool. Means I can cook and bake more without worrying about how many dishes I'm making! It actually makes me so happy!! This is so helpful for my sensory processing disorder and my (relatively minor) contamination anxiety. I'm literally so happy I decided this was a good idea and didn't force myself to just "not make a big deal out of it" 🥲
Reminder that your needs are important and it's okay if they look different!! Do what's going to make it easiest for you! Just because you *can* do it the harder way doesn't mean you have to or should. You deserve to be able to use methods that work for you :)
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canisalbus · 4 months
I'm definitely projecting but Machete with religous/contamination OCD with a particular emphasis on cleanliness of the soul.
At least to some degree, I'd say.
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vicktoryscreech · 1 year
pretty sure i’m gonna die from some type of 100% treatable disease bc i’m so scared to leave my house for a check up with any doctor
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im-nothing-and-n0body · 8 months
I went to a restaurant in a group with 14 other people and ordered and ate food and spoke to people and everything. Literally like… I dunno 5 months ago I couldn’t even imagine going places without a mask or really eating at restaurants without freaking out. And I mean I was still anxious, one guy was like constantly triggering my emetophobia, and my arfid has been terrible I’m disgusted by most of my safe foods now, BUT I WAS OKAY. AND I HAD AN OVERALL FUN TIME. I never thought I could make progress with that so soon :)
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One thing that really bothers me in the OCD community is the way we fight over representation.
There are many different ways to experience OCD, because OCD has quite a vague definition, only describing the cognitive process and not going into specifics. And there's nothing wrong with that, it just means there are many different themes, different obsessions, different compulsions.
However the general public only knows OCD through incorrect stereotypes and media representation, which the OCD community attempts to fight. But it's happened in a sort of counterintuitive way.
It's started with the stereotype of OCD meaning you like things clean and organized as a quirk. Then people with contamination OCD and incompleteness OCD said "Actually, we don't do this because we think it's quirky, we do it because we feel in danger if we don't." But then people with magical thinking OCD, attempting to fight the original stereotype, said "No, OCD never looks like cleaning and organization. OCD is having irrational fears and compulsions that don't make sense, like flipping a light switch so your mother doesn't die." Then, in order to combat that stereotype that magical thinking people created, people with HOCD and ROCD said "No, OCD never looks like that. It looks like fearing hurting people or fearing that your partner doesn't love you."
That's where we're up to now, and I'm not looking forward to the next development, haha.
But as I said, OCD is a very broad disorder, it can be experienced in many different ways. None of those people were wrong about their OCD, but they were wrong about their OCD being the only kind of OCD. And many people know this, but still say things like "No, OCD doesn't look like that", full well knowing it can, because they want their type to get more attention. We don't need to do that. We should say "Yes, OCD can look like that, but it can't also look like this."
I don't know, just an observation.
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rimouskis · 15 days
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birbsandbreads · 2 years
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dancingdisabled · 3 months
Hello! This is another side blog of @thiccydriftyy. The goal of this blog is to raise awareness about what it’s like to dance while being physically and mentally disabled and also to get my feelings out
Some information about me:
I recently became a professional dancer last year. I am in my company’s “senior” division, which dancers in that division move on to more professional levels of dancing once they reach the age of 15. I have been dancing for 8 years, and doing pointe work for 4 years. I do mostly ballet but I do other things like contemporary, modern, jazz, and heels. I also have done but not currently taking any classes for tap, aerial, acrobatics, hip-hop, afro-jazz and afro-fusion. I had to quit acro and aerial due to my declining health. I also act and entertain.
My pronouns are she/they.
My disabilities:
Mentally I have undiagnosed low support needs autism, ADHD, anxiety, depression, dyscalculia, contamination/health/and moral OCD, and undiagnosed PTSD.
Physically I have long covid, POTS, undiagnosed chronic fatigue syndrome, possible essential tremor. My physical problems are a recent issue due to long covid.
This blog will focus on what it’s like to dance with… all of that.
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hairtusk · 11 months
i never usually ask for this but. if we're mutuals who interact often would you please tag any rotten or unsanitary food. thank you <3
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dreadfuldevotee · 2 months
bitches be like, "Im not an anxious person" and then spends 20 minutes having a waking nightmare about contaminating their kitchen with salmonella
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blujayonthewing · 2 months
weird to be a person with anxiety and also, separately, a person with a lifelong fascination with wilderness survival
I feel like people catch wind of my desire to have, like, a backcountry water filter or multiple firemaking methods with me for car camping or day-hiking or whatever else and think I'm catastrophizing and overpreparing because of The Neuroses but I can't emphasize enough that I don't actually have any fears about The Shit Hitting The Fan or whatever preppers are on about, I just really really really like the idea of drinking out of a river or building a little fire
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gilgamesh-enjoyer · 2 months
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justin-peudeau-reblog · 11 months
I would have loved Jesus in his enterity if he didn't bring the eternal suffering in Hell stuff into his story. It just feels soooo tyrannical and imposing. If it wasn't for that, unironically, I would have follow him way more easily.
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legobabyofficial · 3 months
every couple of years I read more about OCD and go "huh. I think I, my mother, her mother, and her father all have moderate to severe OCD" and then forget about it until a couple years later when I read more about OCD and go "huh,
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i hate contamination ocd so much, i used to love plants, gardening birds animals everything. but seeing a stray cat gave me so much fear i had a panic attack, its been over a month but I still can't touch pretty much anything I had with me on that day. im sick of going to urgent care because i convinced myself i have disease after disease. i go through a whole thing of hand sanitizer in a day, i'm starting to get afraid of going outside, i can't touch anything "dirty", even when its perfectly fucking clean. my hands are scaly and bleeding because im washing them too much, im sick of being on the verge of a panic attack
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