#cosplay as a whole is too expensive for me at the moment but i do plan on returning to it when i can
creaturecorpse · 2 years
Just a heads up cause I still get followers sometimes for my old homestuck cosplay but I most likely won't post any hs content again
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i-am-adlocked · 2 days
I was introverted (a coping mechanism) but I am actually an extrovert. Now I’m reverting back
Just a rant.
A timeline of significant moments that made me stop being an extrovert.
January 2021. I planned my 24th birthday two years prior. I made a group chat (gc) to inform everyone what I planned and why it’s important to me. And the gc will be updated if ever lockdown gets lifted.
November 2022. Two months prior to the bday, I informed the bday gc, and each circle’s gcs, to block their calendars. 40 replied they will. I asked those if they will join. They said yes. I booked a place to fit 40 people.
December 2022. 1st week. I started dming each of the 40 and to give me some information so I can send the formal physical invite I custom-made myself a year ago. It includes a stamp system, a letter for why they’re important to me, a map of the venue, a letter showing the details and program setting. The dm was the official RSVP. The letter was the advanced “thanks for celebrating me.”
I dmed them and put the first message as: Please reply in a week for my bday.
So even if they don’t read it, the preview would show when I needed a reply in a week so I can have the invites printed, enveloped, and sealed and mailed in the post office two weeks before my bday so they will receive it a week before my birthday.
Less than 10 replied within a day. Less than 10 informed me they will have to cancel within the week.
December 2022. 2nd week. The rest took this week to reply even though all of them read my message. They all said the same thing. “Give me a week to confirm my schedule.”
December 2022. 3rd week. They said the same thing. I ran out of time. Even if I get them printed in the shop which will last at least a day, then put them in envelopes which I would have sealed with wax, and then have them delivered to the post office myself… Delivery time takes two weeks. No time left.
A day before my birthday. Those 20+ people finally said they were gonna cancel.
January 2023. 1st half. 13 out of 40 came. I told the bar I didn’t need the whole venue anymore (fee was expensive) and thankfully they let me cancel the reservation for the whole venue the night before but we can still keep a reservation for the longest table in the bar. They can let in walk-ins.
So we couldn’t use the lights and speakers the way I planned to, to be considerate of other customers. No crazy party.
One of my high-school-friends wore a striped shirt. When I specifically said to only wear plain black from top to bottom (except for shoes) and he said he couldn’t find one and he was too lazy to buy new clothes. Note that in another birthday a year later he willingly bought a set of clothes for their color theme.
The other high-school-friend wore a cosplay. It was mostly black save for the white button-down, grey vest, and brown details on the hat and sleeves. But he asked permission a month prior if he can do it and I gave him the go signal.
I couldn’t do the funeral picture I wanted. I was gonna lay on one of the bar’s areas and have all of them surround me in all black with the sunglasses I was supposed to give them if they had the invites stamped. No sunglasses. No more reservation to that part of the venue and there were already other customers. No funeral pic.
I said fine. Let’s have a normal bday pic. One of the girls put on a yellow jacket and when I asked if she can take it off for the pic because I’m the only one who should have color (I have a red blazer on). She said it’s too cold.
Regarding the invites. It had to be mailed because the theme was “formal vs informal” wherein everything is formal: the invites, the clothes (there was a color theme which was black), how to enter the venue (stamp system where they have to get the circle with the logo of the bday group chat (which i also edited) stamped so they can get the free sunglasses.
A little minor theme was that it was my “funeral”. The last year of my first quarter. The beginning of my death as a first quarter person.
The informal: it’s actually in a bar (they know it’s a bar since the letter invite would include the venue time and all that crap). And we were gonna get hella wasted and the inside will be like a hella club.
So I was deeply disappointed.
January 2023. 2nd half. I planned my 25th birthday to have a “reminiscing the childhood” theme because even though I really wanted a Spongebob birthday, I was unemployed and had no funds.
So the plan was to go to my house, watch a horror movie in pajamas, and just be kids again. Because I’m finally in my quarter life crisis.
July 2023. Out with my high-school-friends and when I was on my phone, they started talking about what they were gonna do about one of our friend’s birthday next month. The same friend who was my longest friend out of all of them since we met even before high school. We were friends since the first grade. I realized he didn’t invite me because they were talking about the venue. I didn’t do anything wrong. We didn’t fight. He just… didn’t invite me. It was a roadtrip.
August 2023. The whole group was there except me. I found out my girl bff was invited (but that’s cos she became my boy high school bff’s girlfriend after I told them to get together) because of a picture posted as they met up which my other friend posted and I texted my girl bff why I wasn’t invited if she knew. She said she didn’t know I wasn’t. She was quite surprised I wasn’t there. She assumed I was.
December 2023. I made a new gc and only invited 25 people. The same ones plus a few who came last year. Some couldn’t go. But around 18-20 confirmed. I kept asking for confirmation every week of December. They all said yes. I informed them that that’s great because my mom will be cooking us the food.
But most complained about the theme. That I was asking too much that they had to buy clothes just for my birthday.
I snapped.
So I said fine. I’ll change the theme. The theme is there is “nonchalant”. Just come. I don’t care what you wear.
Our only important thing is to watch a movie, eat snacks, and just celebrate me.
January 2024. Only 8 came. The others only informed me they were cancelling on the day itself.
I was pissed for my mom. I told her not to cook for them and that I’ll just buy pizza but she said it’s fine because I rarely bring people in the house anyway except for my boyfriend and it’s good to prepare for 15-20 people once in a while. She even bought specific plastic cups and paper plates. I was so pissed that her effort was so wasteful. We only got to eat less than half. I was so guilty for my parents.
Except those who came to my birthday and the friend who informed she couldn’t go the first time I invited her, no one greeted me on my birthday. Even in my family, the only one who greeted me who wasn’t physically in the house was my sister (she’s in Canada).
That one friend technically didn’t greet me on my birthday… she accidentally dmed me a day before but at exactly midnight. I was like I rly love that you waited for midnight to be the first one to greet but you are 24hrs too early 🤣 she still greeted me on my actual bday but less enthusiastic but it’s ok because the effort the day before already moved me
Anyway I felt like I deserved a greeting at least? Especially those I invited even tho they couldn’t go? Because at least they would have known when my birthday was?
I only received greetings when I posted about my bday and all my acquaintances and not close people in my social media saw it and commented on my post.
February 2024. Started pulling away from my friends. They didn’t notice. I merely just stopped talking about myself. Never let them know what I was doing. I’d still reply in discussions or send memes. But I never talked about what’s going on in my life. Since I’m unemployed, they just thought I probably have nothing to be doing hence the lack of stories.
April 2024. Calling my boyfriend in distress (btw he is included in the counts of people above tho he’s the only one I am 100% sure won’t fail me) because I realized it’s April and I never even bothered to plan for my 26th. I cried that this is the first time I never planned on my birthday a year prior.
July 2024. I told my boyfriend I’m starting to go crazy from lack of social events. I’m an extrovert who likes being around people. Who likes having many people to talk to. I love making people laugh. And the lack of hangouts with friends is making me insane. He tried initiating hangouts for me but the others say they’re busy. I said oh well. More time with my bf then.
August 2024. Found out that one high-school-friend didn’t invite me to his birthday again. He was in my birthday this year. In his birthday, the whole squad was there (as well as my girl bff again) and it was at an out-of-town resort. And our old friends from Singapore were there. We’ve been close since 2014… I haven’t seen them since 2019. I was the first of our group to fly to Singapore to meet them face to face.
We are still friendly. And we are still in contact idk anymore.
My childhood best friend finally came home from Australia after three months. She also couldn’t go to my birthday this year because she was going to Australia for 2 months. But she didn’t greet me either. Anyway, I went to the airport to welcome her back to the country and I dressed up as a limousine driver to make her laugh. Since we also missed her birthday and I’m unemployed, I told her my only gift is picking her up from the airport.
September 2024. I told my bf I don’t wanna celebrate my birthday anymore. I’d rather celebrate it with just us two. He told me he knew what I really wanted was a big party with a theatrical theme. I told him I’m tired of being disappointed and unappreciated. I don’t trust anyone else except him and my family. He understood I both want and don’t want celebrating with just him. But he knew I made a choice.
I finally landed a job. I told no one except my boyfriend. But I had to tell my groups cos I asked for advice on how to email my manager that my trainor is harsh and unprofessional and yelling at me when I do something faster in excel because I wasn’t told to do that so why am I doing that but then not apologizing when I showed all the right results but faster. She told me before she trained me that the work I was about to do can take all eight hours. I did it in 45 minutes.
When I showed her why I was so fast, I explained to her the methods I made. She told me I was NOT ALLOWED FORMULAS ON EXCEL. Told me I was NOT ALLOWED TO COPY PASTE EQUATIONS even if it would have been the same. Kept yelling at me that I was doing things wrong that I have to finish each sheet (the workbook has 31 sheets) by copying the whole sheet first, formatting the appearance of the sheet based on how accounting likes it before moving to the next sheet, and only then can I go back to the first sheet and change the details for some data for each sheet first, then calculating each column every 2 rows manually in each sheet first, and then finally doing the total for each sheet.
Even though it’s more efficient to format everything, and then open the first sheet and change the details, calculate each column every 2 rows with the equations I can’t copy paste (take note it has like 50-100 cells to be filled each sheet), and total them… before moving to the next sheet. Because all the data involved is in a folder per branch. Which is the 31 sheets that represent the 31 branches.
The CEO/President himself hired me because he’s aware the old process is way too slow and outdated. And he’s been frustrated with the other officers. And he wanted an excel proficient employee to make it fast.
I asked the gcs for advice on how to tell my manager that I am being hindered for my objectives assigned to me for this role by the CEO himself.
Most of them said I’m being stupid and reckless and dumb and I shouldn’t say anything. And I’m just doing this as revenge for my co-worker being a pain. And I’m just being a lil btch. And that this is so me, the extroverted girl who keeps confronting people as soon as they make me feel bad. And I’m not being careful because I never really think when I’m being treated unfairly.
This was the only time I talked to them about a serious thing that happened to me this year.
It’s so bad
I didn’t tell them about how utterly depressed I was. Didn’t even telling them I applied for a job and got contacted by the CEO himself. Didn’t tell them I was given a laptop by a friend abroad because she saw a post of mine saying I can’t land a job because most jobs ask that you have your own computer.
And even if I still have it a bit hard, I wouldn’t be able to edit fanvids on YouTube which give me a lil bit from people donating in my ko-fi.
I didn’t even tell them I’m severely underpaid. That I will be working a lot of overtime shifts because of the nature of my job but I won’t receive extra pay for them (however I can “earn” the extra hours and use them to offset days I don’t feel like going to work).
I didn’t tell them my schizophrenia meds were finally removed from my list of meds. I didn’t tell them I spend half a month at my bf’s house every month now. I didn’t tell them my bf and I have talked about our plans for our wedding (like for real and we’re literally doing our best now for our future together). I didn’t tell them ANYTHING.
An example on why I feel entitled to be a little appreciated on my birthday with a greeting.
My college-friend group has a “tradition” to buy a gift for each other’s birthdays. One gift from the whole group. I always plan them because they can’t think of anything. I box them, wrap them, have them delivered, write notes. If they’re handmade gifts (like us writing letters and stuff like that), I tell them to send their words online and I will compile them and have it handwritten with calligraphy, enveloped, sealed with wax, and be delivered via mail post.
The gifts I planned for the people in this group in just the past year:
handwritten letters to a friend who’s love language is words of affirmation
visiting a friend’s house since they usually can’t join us physically because they’re so far away so I planned our travels surprised them and their mom helped me with it so they wouldn’t have plans that day
a mandalorian figurine because they love star wars
a cute well-packed cat goodies and toys and other essentials for cats for our friend who has a cat and had told us over the years how expensive cat treats are
an air mattress because our friend’s been stressing out the past months about saving money to buy an extra mattress
a makeup set that fits our friend’s features better because they keep complaining people treat them like a child so we gave them some more “mature” colors
perfume with a scent made of several flowers in which those flowers represent a specific trait and all three traits fit them perfectly
Their gift for me as a group this year
a cake (ive told them over and over i dont eat anything sweet and we always go back to the “WHY YOURE SO WEIRD” debate over and over, the only sweet thing i consume is soda)
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yostresswritinggirl · 4 years
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@butterfly-mochi​ Rewrote this freaking thing thrice because it keeps getting deleted wth tumblr agjvahkfajkvk- I enjoyed writing it a lot tho and since I’m too weak to the characters I ended up writing for all of them (except for Sucrose, im sorry bb huhu, I ran out of brain power). This is my first time writing for so many of them in one go so please excuse me for any mistakes or blandness ywy thank you for letting me write for my baby Ganyu too hhhhh
Universe Reversal 2
Genshin Impact Character Reader and Modern Players with Zhongli, Childe & Ganyu (how they simp for you) (event masterlist / Part 1 / Part 3)
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Zhongli the F2P
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The most relatable out of the bunch because this man is still broke and can only rely on the primogems he can farm. And he had a LOT. The one thing he doesn’t have a lot on, however, is his luck.
So how did he manage to pull you?: Well after exhausting all his primogem on your banner with nothing but weapons and other characters, he has lost his resolve. But by some weird luck, there was a character bug that was fixed and in his email was the almighty consolation primogem. Enough for ONE pull. And by the Gods he FINALLY got you.
He’d nonchalantly post his screenshot of pulling you using a single acquaint fate in his friend group without any words and everyone else just loses their shit. “You got them in one pull?!” “Yeah” A riot.
This was partnered with the fact that not only is Zhongli an F2P player, but also barely has any five star characters.
He looks calm and apathetic over the news, but behind the screen he’s exhausted and relieved, silently livid.
He has no primogems left to squeeze for a constellation so you’re instead pampered with the best weapon suitable for you (because that’s all he keeps getting).
Zhongles spends most of his time farming for materials to quickly level you up, unlocking all your stories and voiceline, but he fucked up on your build (his artifacts are messy).
He follows communities, forums and videos regarding your character to know all the things he needs to perfect your build. You can barely make a dent against normal mobs, so he knew he was doing something VERY wrong.
Is the type of person to keep refreshing the page for new content, very updated.
Ask him a question about your character and he’s gonna bring you the word vomit that is his research. He’s not gonna stop- probably accidentally developed a copypasta for you.
Also follows your VA in both Tiktok and Twitter to indulge in every bit of content. He also has that screenshot of his pull saved and locked.
On his birthday, a friend of his gifted him a chibi plushie of you and he has treasured it ever since, treating and handling it like its a figurine.
“It is merely pure luck and grace from the gacha gods that I got this character, and I will make sure that they know I am very grateful for this fortune.”
Favorite Voiceline: Birthday Message
Childe The Whaler
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This lucky wealthy bastard with no remorse for his money whales for EVERY character. He’s making a collection, which is to get all the characters, especially the five stars. So when your banner finally popped up, he’s gonna square up and trigger a whole ass meteor shower.
How he pulled you: Money. His luck with this games are actually not the best so he always compensates with money, he got you halfway through the first failed pity, almost giving him a heart attack that he might actually break the bank just to get you.
And then he pulls more to raise your constellation lol.
The first thing he does is look over your character info and read through it all; constellation infos, your base stats, artifact compatibility.
At the end when he’s maximized everything, he would then focus on playing around with your character *coughs climbing noises coughs*
He thought you’d just be another part of his collection but playing with your character was very enjoyable and in-line with his playstyle- oops 100 screenshots with the Kamera-
Any and all merchandise that he fancies would be his, and he’s definitely flexing it to the other sweetie nerds who call themselves simps. He’s fighting for the simping title, and he’s currently neck and neck with this fanartist in Pixiv.
Speaking of that fanartist, he definitely commissioned an expensive and detailed portrait of you, full rights and everything. No one else was allowed to use it but him.
Was also the first one with the audacity to call out your VA to create an account on Tiktok to create more content with your voice. He was successful.
His obssession also comes in the form of self-indulgent contents, and had been keeping track of the ship wars happening. During conventions, he cosplays as the character shipped with you the most (or the character he thinks should end up with you).
Silently scrutinizing those who cosplay you, only ever taking pictures with/of the best looking one, sorry haha
Definitely flaunts that you are his waifu/husbando and will fight for best girl/best boy during debates or polls. Has mobilized the community to vote for you once. He’s very persuasive.
“Hm? Why I’m just the best collector in the game, and I am more than happy to let everyone know that I am their number one fan haha, everyone who claims otherwise is definitely wrong!”
Favorite Voiceline: More About (Y/N) I-IV, (Y/N)’s Hobbies...
Ganyu the Employed
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Ganyu, our dearest overworker, is one of the players in the older stage who actually has a job but still plays Genshin for their past times. The gorgeous sceneries and the music is her main focus in playing the game, not much of a try-hard but still decent in the combat mechanics.
How she pulled you: You came home within 50 pulls! And you appeared again after another 10 pull! Ganyu was so SHOOKT and so distressed because oh goodness, what does she do? She doesn’t know anything much about you!
Will rewatch your three trailers to try and understand your skills better, ended up saving the soundtracks from them because that was such a nice trailer music! Tnbee gains a new follower!
Ganyu will take a while before she can properly play or build you up because she’s so busy with work, she only ever plays when she feels fully done with her work.
During her break she plays with your character while multi-tasking on eating, earphones plugged in and sight on the phone as she farms materials and artifacts for you.
The moment she gets more help from her player friends tho, holy shit, you just ended up being so OP. She had so many good artifacts and weapons for you because she didn’t know what they were for before.
She loves how you’re so easy to use and can easily solo the enemies and even the boss fights. A huge breather, because now Ganyu can cheese the battles that takes a while, to give her more time to focus on the storyline and lores.
Since Ganyu plays for the story and aesthetic, she’ll find you almost always in her team. Still very proud of her pull, she makes the best screenshots of your fights or in the best angle through exploration.
Treasures you so much she starts talking to her phone- “Ah, no, please don’t fall.” “There’s violetgrass up there, let’s try and get it”
Blushes everytime you produce a sound when climbing, doesn’t change you anyways tho
Hums to your trailer music while working, and if permitted, would have the song on repeat while she buries herself in work. She finds it really refreshing and the time she spends in work miraculously flies by fast when she gets lost in the sound.
At one point, when she was given a day-off or if the convention was on her free time, she attends to look for cosplayers of you and take a picture. No one rejects her because she’s so adorable and cute when asking shyly.
Had brought a decent amount of merchandise, preferably the functional/practical ones like a phone cover, mug or keychain. Also has an earphones clamp with your little chibi self as the holder.
When asked, she would shyly announce that she likes your character the most.
“Their character theme and music really soothes me during work, it feels nice to have them, and I have not once regretted ever pulling for them. They are the best.”
Favorite Voicelines: Good Night/Afternoon..., About Us, Something To Share..., Interesting Things...
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so enjoyable...
@moaa @zelos-simp @legionqueensav @dandelion-dreams @snackgod @rxsalinee
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bvckys-doll · 4 years
Let me take care of you
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x female!reader
Word count: 2.7k
Summary: Bucky broke up with (Y/N) a month ago and she still doesn’t know why. When she decides to visit the HQ for the first time after their break up to get the rest of her stuff, the whole team is out on a mission. (Y/N) is not prepared to meet her ex soon after her arrival. Heavily injured.
Warnings: bloody wound. (Y/N) needs to stitch him up. Blood, duh. Angsty fic with a happy ending!
Author’s note: This one-shot sat in my Bucky folder for too long so now I finally got the chance to post it. Italics is the past. I hope you like it and might leave a comment in the reply section! PLEASE! Take care of yourself, stay safe and healthy! Cosplay the Winter Soldier and PUT ON A FCKING MASK!
You can find my main masterlist here!
It was a strange feeling to walk through the hallways of the headquarters without being able to call it her home. Bucky and (Y/N) had broken off their relationship a month ago and it was still hard to process everything. Normally she wouldn’t be so tense and would walk down the hallway without a bad feeling, but the bad feeling was omnipresent.
After more than a year of their relationship, it was Bucky’s decision to end it. It had happened out of the blue, but he thought it was for the best, as the missions were getting harder and harder each time and Barnes knew that (Y/N) was worried sick.
He had often come home in the evening and found her still awake on the couch. She could not sleep if she knew that the rest of the team was on a risky mission that she could not or was not allowed to participate in.
Bucky loved (Y/N). He still knew that. Yet he had never said it out loud. Bucky knew after the first three months of their relationship that he loved her, but he was too much of a coward to tell (Y/N) the truth. What if she turned him down? What if she thought they were moving to fast? So, Bucky kept it that way and tried to show her his affection in different ways.
But in the end, the former Winter Soldier knew he could no longer keep it from her. So, James chose the simplest method: to let her go. Of course, he knew from the start that (Y/N) wouldn’t just leave. After a year of dating, she wouldn’t just leave if Bucky told her to. She would ask questions, probably cry, and beg him to try again. There was only one option: he would have to break her heart.
With a broad smile on her lips, (Y/N) opened the door to her room, while trying not to drop the plate of the fresh cookies she had baked and brought with her.
“Baby, you’re not gonna believe what Sam just said. ” (Y/N) chuckled and put the plate on the coffee table next to the couch when Bucky came out of the bathroom. Before she could speak up again, she paused, and her eyes widened. His eyes were swollen and red. He must have cried. A lot.
“James, what’s going on?” (Y/N) approached him and put her hands on his cheeks. Meanwhile Bucky was clenching his hands in fists to prevent himself from pulling (Y/N) close. The next words that passed his lips would not only break her heart, but also him.
“I want you to go.”
“W-what? I don’t understand. Shall I go down to the living room and leave you alone?” (Y/N) tried to make sense of his words. Another tear ran down Bucky’s cheek. Immediately she wiped it away and watched him anxiously. Slowly, he grabbed her wrists and pulled her hands from his face, whereupon (Y/N) looked at him completely disillusioned.
“I can’t be with you anymore. We are too different” James replied and stepped past her as (Y/N) froze at her place. She couldn’t quite believe what he had just said. Before she could say another word, he continued and pulled the final straw “I don’t love you…and I never loved you. This...was all just a pastime for me to feel a little better after everything that’s happened to me.”
Her back was still turned to him as Bucky saw how (Y/N) now clenched her hands into fists as well and a sob escaped her lips. How he would have loved to take her in his arms. Tell her it was all a lie to protect her. But he didn't. He stood firm and left it at that.
Without another word, (Y/N) turned on her heel and left their shared bedroom, pulling the door shut behind her with a loud bang.
Since the confrontation, they hadn't seen each other or exchanged another word. Natasha had packed a few things and left with (Y/N) only a few hours later after the incident. Natasha hadn't spoken a word to him since that day either.
Meanwhile, (Y/N) had been staying in a hotel for the past four weeks because she couldn’t find a new apartment so quickly. In New York it is never easy to find a good apartment and most of them are incredibly expensive. Despite (Y/N)’s constant reluctance, Tony insisted on paying for her accommodation at the hotel because she was one of his best employees.
Most of the time she worked from her hotel room, which Tony fortunately allowed her to do. Still, (Y/N) knew it couldn’t go on like this forever. Sooner or later, she’d see Bucky and the pain would come back.
According to the team’s entries in the system, everyone was on a mission near Rio de Janeiro. No one had told her why and for how long, but she knew they were not back yet. At least, that is what (Y/N) thought.
Since she still had some clothes and other stuff in their old, shared room, (Y/N) wanted to get them before the rest of the team started running around the headquarters again. So, with a moving box under her arm, she made her way to the room where she entered the usual code.
Pushing the door open with her hip, (Y/N) groped for the light switch with her free hand. Briefly, (Y/N) squinted her eyes as the bright light illuminated the room. Why did Bucky always leave the curtains closed when he was away?
With a glance around the room, her question was answered.
The room has been left in a great mess. His shirts, shoes and sweatpants were scattered on the floor and his bed looked as if he had just got up. The cushions were either at the foot of the bed or in another corner of the room.
One of the signs for his nightmares. Things that (Y/N) wouldn’t have to deal with anymore.
Murmuring, she made room on his desk and set the box down. The first mission: the wardrobe. One of the doors was already open and one of Bucky’s knives laid on the floor. She opened the other door as well and pulled her clothes and blouses off the hangers before carefully packing them into the box.
Now it came to the sweaters.
To be honest, she sometimes didn’t even remember which ones belonged to her and which ones to Bucky, since she had usually put his shirts on instead of her own.
While (Y/N) was busy with her other t-shirts, Bucky’s red Henley shirt fell into her arms. Sighing, she held the thin, dark red material in her hands and looked at the thin seam. She probably had to mend the shirt five times already.
Suddenly the door of the room opened, and (Y/N) turned around in shock when she saw Bucky standing in the door frame. For a short moment none of them moved and they just stared at each other. (Y/N) was still holding his shirt in her hand before she quickly threw it behind her on the bed.
“What are you doing here?” they asked at the same time before Bucky raised an eyebrow and added a bit abruptly, “I live here. What’s your excuse?”
“I’m just going to get the rest of my stuff. I’ll be gone before you can count to three”, she snorted at his tone “Actually, I was hoping that- …you’re bleeding.”
(Y/N)’s gaze went to his hand, which seemed to squeeze a wound. Not successful, however, because the blood swelled through his fingers. Bucky briefly looked down at himself, pressing his hand further into his side, and gritting his teeth briefly “No shit, Sherlock.”
“Do you think now is the right time to make jokes, Barnes?” (Y/N) growled in a serious tone as Bucky pushed past her towards the bathroom. He got out of his jacket and closed his eyes while gritting his teeth. In the bright light of the ceiling lamp, (Y/N) could see the blood in his hair and the slight scratches on his face. Apparently, it had been a pretty rough mission.
“Why didn’t you go straight to Helen with an injury like that?” (Y/N) watched him throw his leather jacket into the bathtub and then leaned on the edge of the sink. Before James was about to lose consciousness, (Y/N) quickly came up to him and wrapped his arm around her shoulder, while his other hand was still pressing on the wound. He had already lost a lot of blood.
With the last strength James had left in his legs, he made it to his bed with (Y/N)’s help, where he laid down and squeezed his eyes in pain. (Y/N) quickly ran into the bathroom and dug the first aid kit out of the drawer before sitting on the edge of the bed next to Bucky, who was breathing slowly.
“You don’t need to help me” his voice was raspy as his eyelids slowly dropped.
“Hey, you’re staying with me” (Y/N) patted his cheek “Where are the others?”
(Y/N) took the scissors out of the box and used them to cut his shirt open so she could get a better view of his wound. His voice was still raspy as he replied, "There were too many. They surprised us and we weren't prepared for it. Some bastard caught me pushing Steve out of the way. What's he got that stupid shield for if it doesn't even help?"
"Is the bullet still in there?", (Y/N) asked him as she pressed a couple of compresses into his hand so he could use them to stop the bleeding, which was slowly but surely receding. Relieved, (Y/N) slumped her shoulders as he shook his head before replying, "Helen wasn't there and I didn't feel like looking for anyone else. I don't necessarily trust the others. Clint flew me in quickly and then flew right back. I told him the wound was already closing up."
“This lie could have killed you, you know that, right? If I hadn’t been here, you would have collapsed in the bathroom and probably died of blood loss.” (Y/N) answered as she tried to get the thread through the head of the needle, which was not as easy as she thought. Probably it was also because her hands were shaking, which Bucky noticed when he watched (Y/N) “I would have made it somehow.”
But the way (Y/N) looked down at him was enough for him to shut up. Knowing it was a straight lie. And he had to admit that he wouldn’t have cared if it had happened like that. (Y/N) was gone. He had lost her, and that was all his fault.
Attentively James watched her as she prepared everything and checked again and again if the wound was still bleeding heavily. After it had slowly but surely subsided, (Y/N) removed the compress from his stomach and glanced at the gaping wound. Sighing, she took the disinfectant and dripped some onto a cloth before looking at James, who understood immediately before he said “I'm used to the pain, you know that. Don't worry about it. "
“You don't need to play hero here, James. I know how much that it hurts.” (Y/N) muttered, holding the cloth tightly before pressing it to the wound. Briefly, Bucky's chest heaved, and he growled in pain, breaking (Y/N)'s heart in the process, before she finally managed to take the cloth down and throw it away.
Quickly she took some of the numbing gel and smeared it around the wound before looking to Bucky, “I'm stitching it up now as best as I can. I'll have Helen look at it as soon as she gets back.”
Without another word from Bucky, (Y/N) began stitching up his wound. She was still shaking a little, but slowly it was getting better. Finally, she bandaged the wound with a compress and took care of the small scratches on his cheek.
They hadn't been this close in a long time. (Y/N) didn't even notice how she held her breath as she ran the disinfectant over the wounds. Bucky gritted his teeth again for a moment, but his gaze didn't avert from her.
Calmly, she stuck a band-aid over the wound and gave it another quick brush with her thumb as it blurted out of Bucky, "I lied."
Bucky watched her reaction carefully as she removed her hand from his cheek and held his gaze. His gaze wandered to the ceiling, kneading his hands nervously. He added, "When I said you were just a pastime and I didn't love you, I lied. That's not true. "
"Then why do you say such a thing?", (Y/N) asked him in a calm voice that didn't show if she was amazed, sad, or angry. Bucky himself was afraid of any of these reactions.
Desperately, he tried to find the right words "I was worried about you. This life with me could break you. You haven’t slept for weeks because of me. Because you're always so worried about me and while doing so, you forget to take care of you. When I…come back from missions, you're still awake because you want to know that I got home safely. You…you're too good for me and I don't want to destroy you like I've already destroyed everything else around me. I got you-. "
"You've already destroyed me, James. ", (Y/N) interrupted, looking at him with glazed eyes. This was exactly what he tried to avoid. He never wanted to be the reason why she felt bad, but now his worst fear had come true.
"You successfully broke my heart when you told me I was nothing more than a silly pastime you're done with now. I thought that you…I thought that we will go on like this forever. Do you know how happy you've made me? You were the one I could imagine anything with. I never wanted kids. I never wanted to get married, only to get divorced three years later. I never wanted this. But then you came along and showed me that there is a man who could make this all a possibility. A family. A life together. . . "
Tears were streaming down his cheeks when he saw her sitting in front of him throwing all this at his head. He had been such a coward. If he had just talked to her and told her everything, it would never have come to this.
But he was scared. Scared of being rejected again like all the other women did it before. But his (Y/N) wasn’t like them, but he couldn’t bear the thought that she might be.
“I love you, doll. I really do.” Bucky sobbed and wiped the tears from her eyes as (Y/N) looked at him and her eyes were just as swollen as his own before he continued, “I love you more than anything and I-I was stupid because I once again thought only of myself and…and not of the consequences. I love you and I don’t want to lose you. You’re all I have left. ”
Sniffing, (Y/N) looked at the man she loved more than anything. How he lay there on the bed, showing his most vulnerable side. He always appeared so strong in front of everyone so they would not see the real Bucky. But this man was so exhausted by everything that had happened to him. He didn’t want to have those thoughts. These doubts. That fear. He just wanted to live a happy and fulfilled life with (Y/N).
Slowly, she moved closer to him on the mattress and brushed the hair out of his face, which was still a bit sticky because of the blood. Gently, she leaned down to him and embraces him as best she could without touching his wound.
At first, he remained calm, then he wrapped his arms around her center and pulled her into his arms until finally she lay next to him in the bed. The two were sobbing in each other’s arms with (Y/N) running her fingers through his hair. Again, and again.
“I love you, James Barnes. So so much.” (Y/N) muttered as she buried her face in his neck while she was still fondled the back of his head. “But I swear to God, if you do this again, I’ll send Natasha after you and you know what she is capable of.”
“Of course, I know that. I taught her well.” Bucky mumbled while he held her close “I’ll never let you go again. I promise.”
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ch1giri · 4 years
What side of TikTok would the blue lock guys be on
Characters: Isagi Yoichi, Bachira Meguru, Chigiri Hyoma, Kunigami Rensuke, Nagi Seishiro, Reo Mikage, Baro Shoei, Rin Itoshi, Shidou Ryusei, Sae Itoshi and Aryu Jyubei
Warnings: None!
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Isagi Yoichi
• He would definitely be on football tiktok if that even exists
• Also, he is on motivational tiktok because you know, shit just gets hard in bllk and he needs a good pick-me-up
• Bachira once sent him a deep fried tiktok and poor Isagi could've sworn he felt his brain cells just exploding
Bachira Meguru
• He is for sure on deep fried tiktok and on cosplay tiktok
• Coming back to cosplay tiktok, he LOVES seeing people add accessories to their costumes!
• He also somehow ended up on WitchTok but hey he is not complaining.
Chigiri Hyoma
• Dude is all over the place. He is on Dark academia tiktok, book review and on historical tiktok
• One word CATS so many cats are on his fyp
• He once filmed an aesthetic tiktok and literally everyone went wild and honestly I would too
Kunigami Rensuke
• Workout routines are constantly on his fyp and he loves trying them out
• He loves seeing cute animals pop up on his fyp!
• Once he saw this sad E.T edit and he actually cried
Nagi Seishiro
• Of course he is on gaming tiktok, he likes seeing other's setups and I just know that he has multiple screens and a razer keyboard
• At the moment he is really into genshin impact so there is a lot of it on his fyp
• He is the only one who isn't on football tiktok, the only reason he knows that it even exists is because Reo kept sending him some clips saying "Yo dude we should try this"
Reo Mikage
• He is on economics and football tiktok!
• Nagi got him into playing genshin so a lot of genshin tiktoks pop on his page
• He got annoyed watching ppl flex on his fyp so he decided to film a tiktok with all of his expensive stuff basically calling everyone broke lol
Baro Shoei
• He is on cleaning tiktok and football tiktok ofc
• He actually has a secret cleaning tiktok account and it's doing pretty good.
• He is also on art tiktok. He loves supporting small artist!
Rin Itoshi
• He saw Sae one too many times on his fyp so he just blocked the hashtag ItoshiSae
• He started posting tiktoks of him playing football in hopes of ppl finally seeing that he is the best. But people just call him a fanboy and say that he is pretending to be related to Sae
• So he got pissed and deleted the app
Shidou Ryusei
• He is on Parkour and football tiktok
• When he sees buildings that are super tall he always gets the urge to re-create one of the awesome clips he saw
• Someone stop him please that boy has no regard for his safety
Sae Itoshi
• He has a whole team that films his practices and put them on tiktok
• He has like two million followers, some ppl follow him just because he is cute
• When Sae is in Japan he likes to watch travelling videos just so he can feel like he is somewhere else
Aryu Jyubei
• Aryu is on fashion tiktok and on beauty tiktok
• It helps him keep up with all the new stylish trends
• And he tries every skincare product he sees, he made a tier list with every product he tried so far
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166 notes · View notes
misterewrites · 3 years
Intro to Caitlyn 101 (Mirror’s Edge)
Summary:  Caitlyn is a thief looking for the next big score. Used to taking wristwatches and wallets from rich folk, she's aiming to take down bigger game as she discovers the hidden magical world within her hometown. Her first mark is an unassuming shopkeeper and his collect of ancient relics. All set with a plan, Caitlyn makes her move. Though plans rarely go off without a hitch.
Hello everyone! E here, hoping you are all well and staying safe. So the next chapter of my little side project is here! Honestly wasn't planning on getting back to this so soon but I was having fun worldbuilding and character creating and here we are. You can blame my friend @hains-mae for enabling me.
Right so the next thing I write will probably be the part two to this then the next chapter of the Underground. Umm that's really it for me so have a great week, be safe, wear your mask, take care of yourself and your loved ones. Please feel free to reblog, share, leave kudos or leave comments with things you liked or feedback if you read it on a03. I promised I'd try to promote myself more and it feels weird haha.
E is out, have a great one everyone! and here’s the link to the doobly do 
---> https://archiveofourown.org/works/30599756/chapters/76014323
There was an arrogance that seemed deeply etched into every aspect of the magical world. She stood among valuable, ancient relics from throughout human history: Vases from Greece lined the shelf above her. A row of Roman gladius blades in various states of decay with only a flimsy glass case between them and Caitlyn’s pocket. Tarnished Victorian era slivered lockets left about like loose change.
Millions dollars worth of the past and she, a stranger, was left unattended with it all.
Technically she wasn’t supposed to be in here with the locked door and close sign but the fact in the 5 minutes it took her to pick the lock and scout the first floor without a single soul attempting to stop her really was a testimony to the haughtiness of the ‘shopkeeper’.
It had been only few months since she saw past the false reality that was superimposed onto hers and she was still readjusting: Magic was real. Elves, dwarves, little halfing folk? Real. People shooting bolts of lightning and flames while riding storm clouds? Real. The guy who kept awkwardly hitting on her every time she tried to get a hotdog from the cart at the corner? Just a regular creep BUT could’ve been magical.
Even their currency was a show of their excessive wealth: Sliver, gold, platinum coins Actual platinum traded away like it was nothing! People starving and helpless on the streets and these bastards just walked with some of the rarest metal on the planet in their pockets like chump change.
Anger bubbled within her stomach along with self righteousness and a bit of her breakfast but she took a deep calming breath, closing her bluish gray eyes. ‘Calm down Cait’ she scolded herself ‘This isn’t the first time you’ve seen excessive wealth squandered and wasted. You’re here for a job so do it and never come back.’
She glanced around the waiting room she found herself in. It was off to the side of the shopping front andthere were very few things of interest in the tiny room: Some old, tattered chairs that had seen better days. A very, very tacky abstract painting hung over a bricked up fireplace. There was a scattering of magazines older than her with loose stables and free roaming pages everywhere.
A place of show and very little use.
“Hello my angel.”
Caitlyn seized up. She had been so caught up in her rage she hadn’t been paying attention to anyone coming down the stairs. Three stories with a handful of people about and nary a sound could heard. Must be some sort of magic.
She shook herself out of her stupor, slowly exhaling to calm her nerves. She forced her lips to curve into the cutest, lost smile she could muster. She opened her purple jacket a bit further so the guy could get a clearer view of her tight white tank top and running shorts.
“Helpless. Remember you’re helpless.” She whispered to herself before whirling about, her long black hair with dyed purple coloring flowed behind her gracefully as if she was an actress in those stupid hair product commercials.
“Oh!” she spoke with mock surprise, scrunching her face cutely as possible “I’m so, so, so sorry! I’m lost and the door was open and sorry!”
She leaned forward, sheepishly scratching the back of her neck as she gave whoever it was a better view of her outfit.
Hook, line and sinker.
“No problem sweetie. No need to lie to me.”
Hook, line and sunk apparently.
She blinked, unsure if she heard what she thought she heard. She glanced up to find a strangely dressed man with the goofiest grin.
He was cute in a ‘I dress as an obscure, indie character for cosplay’kind of way: His messy, unkempt black hair sat under a black fedora. He wore a long black trench coat that had seen better days. At least he preferred more colors than black on black. His collared shirt was a nice baby blue with an equally nice light brown vest. Black dress pants because men’s fashion is incredibly boring and shiny loafers to completed the look. Whatever the look was.
She expected him to be taking a good look at her attire.
What she found was him staring at her.
His warm dark brown eyes were soft, gentle and he refused to break his gaze from her bluish grays even though there were more tempting sights on offer.
She was on the back foot. No wandering glances, no self pleasured smiles. Not even a creepy chuckle. Just a strangely dressed, inch shorter guy looking like he just found the love of his life in this moment.
“I…” she cleared her throat “Umm….did you hear me?”
He gave a quick nod “Yeah. You broke in and you were trying to cover your tracks.”
It wasn’t that he guessed correctly what was she up to that threw her off. It was how casually he said it. More discussing the weather than committing a felony.
She raised an eyebrow, not sure how to proceed from whatever this was. There were always some people who caught on about her intentions fairly quickly but no one had ever been so….indifferent about it.
“I don’t work here.” the man offered, slowly closing the distance between them but leaving the doorframe wide open “I really don’t care that you’re here to rob the place.”
This has to be a trap. This had to be. No one was ever this….laidback. Were the other goons on the side waiting to jump her when she bolted? Was she on camera and he was letting her go knowing full well he had all the evidence he needed to track her down?
Or maybe he really didn’t care. He seemed more interested in talking than stopping her and there was this strange presence about him. A calm she’d never felt before even when her parents were alive. It was odd and foreign to her but she felt safe. Protected.
She shook her head, slowly inching closer to the doorway. The man made no attempt stop her. He just stood there, smiling, hands in his pocket.
The rational part of her brain said to run. This whole thing was botched and it was better to cut her losses than find out first hand what magical creatures could do to her. The less rational side of her head told her to wait, to talk this guy. Lying was obviously pointless but she had a feeling he would answer any questions she’d had and she had plenty.
“So…” she rose a suspicious eyebrow “Not gonna stop me?”
He shook his head “I wish you’d stay but I understand if you don’t want to be found in Andor’s shop. He’s one of those new elves. Less honor more power.”
She blinked. He said elves right? Just threw it out there like it was an everyday matter of fact and not a deeply held secret of her hometown.
“Elves aren’t real.’ Caitlyn said matter of fact.
“We both know better than that.” The man gave a bright smile.
“What do you want?”
The words spilled out of her mouth despite her best attempts but this guy was throwing her off so badly she forgot how to function.
“Talk to you of course.”
The worst kind of people were the sincere ones. They were sappy and gooey. They just so happy it was sickening. They had to be up to something. They had to some scheme or scam or something they were waiting to drop on you. No one was that happy, that purely honest. They were the liars who were so good they convinced themselves they were good people. No one was good and everyone had a dark corner in their soul they hid from the world.
Caitlyn knew she had plenty in whatever was left of her ratty soul.
“And if we talk? Will you let me go?”
The man nodded as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Caitlyn licked her lips anxiously “Promise?”
Promise? What was she 12? No one kept their promises. Not even her.
He placed his hand over his heart “Cross my heart.”
“Let’s talk,”
He jerked his head towards the door “Outside. Don’t want you to ruin your heist.”
Today was not going how she was expecting. She was thought she was going to break into an elf ran front, scout the area and come back in the middle of the night. She hadn’t been expecting to have coffee and bread with a random stranger on the street.
Well she had coffee, mystery man opted for hot chocolate.
They stood in a strangely comfortable silence a block from Andor’s. The man offered to pay for whatever she wanted and she took him up on it. Couple of baked goods, a sandwich for lunch, some water and of course her cup of wake up juice. If he was mad at her for her splurging at his expense, he hid it well. He just took his coco and some fancy elvish bread. Looked good but Caitlyn wasn’t up for trying other beings food. She didn’t know how it would sit with her stomach.
The elf who ran the cart, a few months ago human to her, waved goodbye to the pair as he counted the human cash the man gave him.
The trench coat cosplay stood patiently, sipping his drink and waited for her to break the silence.
She refused to break the silence first. Not wanting to sound too eager. Eagerness was a weakness and this guy was already throwing her off her rhythm.
“I’m Finnrick by the way.”
She turned to him, unsure if he was messing with her or not.
He gave her the same goofy smile “Finnrick Drift, private investigator.”
“Ah huh.” She nodded slowly “So you’re a magical P.I.? Like elves cheating on their wives, dwarves dodging their taxes P.I.?”
“Sometimes.” He shrugged his shoulders “Ironically elves like dodging on their taxes more than dwarves.”
“You’re new to the whole other side of Newton Haven huh?”
She glanced at her coffee “Lived here my whole life. Really makes me wonder if I lost my mind.”
“Don’t worry, we’re all mad here Alice.”
Why was she talking to him? Why was she being honest? This was weirder and getting weirder every passing second.
Finnrick changed subject “So, robbing Andor? Any particular loot you are after?”
Caitlyn narrowed her eyes “Trying to fish something out of me Finny?”
“Guilty as charged” He beamed with pure happiness “Don’t want you wasting your time on shiny trinkets he cares nothing about.”
Caitlyn remained silent. She wasn’t used to such transparency. Normally this would be the point where the guy would lie or pretend to not have heard or awkwardly switch the subject but Finnrick answered openly and honestly. So far.
“So” Caitlyn straightened up, pulling her jacket wide open “What do you think? Great outfit right?”
Finnrick turned to her with a grin, his cheeks turning a pinkish hue as his eyes locked onto hers “Your body is absolutely lovely but your eyes even more so.”
Caitlyn could feel the flush coming. She coughed loudly, focusing on her drink as she willed the embarrassment away.
Finnrick chuckled lightly but returned to his drink. The silence returned, still comfortable as before.
This is was bad whatever this was. She needed to regain some level of control and stop acting like a teenage girl on her first garbage fire of a date.
“So” she cleared her throat “Mister P.I. what would you recommend taking if not all those millions of dollars of historical items he leaves about?”
Finnrick crushed the foam cup effortlessly as he gestured to the third floor of the shop “His office has a pretty simple safe. He keeps loads of paperwork. His various contracts, accounts, treasure hoards”
Caitlyn scoffed in disbelief even though her eyes shone with excitement “Treasure hoards? Elves? I thought dragons were the hoarders. Weren’t elves supposed to be above all that lovely corruption?”
“No one is above corruption.’ Finnrick answered “Elves are just like everyone else.”
Caitlyn crossed her arms and leaned back with a cocky swagger “And why, pray tell, would I care about boring paperwork?”
“Because it really hurt him in the pride.”
Damn Finnrick was good. Not only she was eager to learn more, she could already feel the smug satisfaction of bringing a powerful prick down a peg fill her cause.
Finnrick seemed to notice this because he went on “Andor is a young elf. 100 years give or take.”
“A hundred years is young?”
“When you live a thousand years every other race is a child to you. Andor’s old man is a swell guy. He’s one of those good elves you see in Tolkien.”
“Tolkien?” Caitlyn furrowed her brow “He wrote the books that those Lord of the Rings films are based on right?”
“Yeah actually.”
“Oh and the Hob…”
“We don’t talk about that.” Finnrick quickly added “But see the problem is Andor’s old man doesn’t know his son has become the small time crime lord. Thinks he’s running an antique business selling off old junk that was gathering dust in the family’s attic.”
Something clicked into place for Caitlyn “Wait. Junk from the attic? You mean all those relics on the shop floor?! THAT’S OLD JUNK!?”
Finnrick gave a casual shrug “Elves are weird. Andor don’t know shit about selling, all his money comes from his illegal business practices. That’s how he keeps the shop afloat.”
“I see” Caitlyn spoke, her bluish grays sparkling with mischievous intent “If those records disappeared, his shop sinks and he has to run back home to daddy.”
“And out of the city” Finnrick finished with a smile “And those records are pretty valuable to loads of people. Easier to fence and less messy to explain than a long lost Greek vase showing up in someone’s private collection. You’d get good prices for those hoard locations alone. Better than trying to carry tons of stolen and lost treasure back to your house.”
Caitlyn eyed Finnrick carefully “And you’re doing this out of the kindness of your heart? Trying to do your ‘civic’ duty to our fair city?”
“Among other things” Finnrick admitted “But mostly for the greater good.”
“Pfft, greater good? Yeah sure buddy. Like you know what’s the greater good.”
“Will you do it?”
Caitlyn paused, allowing all this information sink in. It was much better than she had planned and while she wasn’t sure of Finnrick’s angle, he seemed honest enough. Of course everyone seems honest enough the first time you meet them.
“Let’s say I do” she spoke, placing her hands on her hips to play the part “What’s in it for you?”
“A favor” He replied simply.
She rose a curious eyebrow “A favor? It’s not date with me, is it?”
“No, I plan to earn that one myself.” Finnrick answered cheerfully.
Caitlyn coughed “Fine, good. Not a date. Least you’re not a creep. But a favor is pretty vague.”
“It’ll be simple I promise.”
Caitlyn narrowed her gaze suspiciously “You promise?”
Finnrick put his hand over his heart again “Cross my heart.”
Caitlyn took a moment, weighing the pros and cons of the situation.
Caitlyn offered her hand towards the trench coat cosplayer “You got yourself a deal.”
He gently took her hand in his own and gave it a firm shake. She was surprised when, as he pulled back, she felt a strange metallic item left behind.
She looked at the crystal butterfly hair clip he placed in her hand: It was a beautiful with sliver hues and multi-colored shards of glass across its wings.
“What’s this?”
“A gift.”
Caitlyn felt uneasy with the ornament in her palm: It felt cold and distant like it was feeling her out and wasn’t liking what it found.
“It’s attuning to you.” Finnrick explained “It’s syncing up to your whole aura.”
“Aura?” Caitlyn shot him a glare of disbelief “This isn’t one of those new age hippie things is it?”
Finnrick shook his head “It’s a magical item. Yours specifically. Everything alive has a deep and very convoluted to explain connection to this plane. The hairclip is trying to match yours so you and only you can use it.”
“It feels wrong.”
“Because it doesn’t know you yet. It will.”
Caitlyn felt unease about whatever this was. Part of her wanted to toss it as far as she could. The worst part was she felt the item probing at her, changing temperatures as if trying find a comfortable setting for both of them. Burning one moment and too cold the next. This was magic and it made her felt like she knew nothing.
But part of her felt it slowly and subtly trying to match her, focusing on her and on her place in the universe. It felt more natural each passing moment and she’d be lying if she said she wasn’t curious what mister detective over here was letting her borrow.
Caitlyn blew a strand of hair out of her face “How long does this usually take?”
“An hour.” Finnrick reached into his pocket and pulled out a cell phone “Oh shoot I have a meeting to get to.”
He turned to leave and suddenly Caitlyn felt alone. Awkward just standing in the street without someone to talk to.
“Wait!” She reached for him but quickly pulled back when he faced her “….any advice?”
Finnrick scratched his chin for a moment “Red tiles. Avoid them or they’ll blast you off the roof.”
“G-gotcha.” Caitlyn didn’t want to know what blast off the roof was code for “A-and the hairclip? What’s it do?”
Finnrick gave a cheeky grin and Caitlyn could feel her face flush “I guess you’ll have to find out angel. Bye for now. May we meet again soon.”
And like that, he was off. Strolling down the straight with a bounce in his step and humming a tune.
Caitlyn glanced at the ornate hairclip in her hand.
Turns out there was a lot more to this magical world than she thought.
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mammons-tax-returns · 4 years
How would the brothers react to a very punk goth Mc like platforms and all black and just the whole shebang he’s very nice but also will throw hands (there’s not enough male Mc your doing the good work my dude)
Perfect way to start off the new blog !! Thank you for requesting, hope this is what you had in mind <3 (and that it’s not too apparent that i’m not super well versed in punk or goth culture ACK)
I hope that you guys don’t mind some being shorter than others, I’m still getting a hang of personalities!
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ♫ ⋅.} ───── ⊰
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Lucifer is probably one of the ones that’s into the style from the very beginning.
As soon as he sees MC, his interest is clearly shown on his face.
Sometimes, he’ll drop compliments on his fashion. Depending on his reponses, he’ll start getting more apparent with just how much he enjoys seeing his outfit everyday.
GIFTS!! He’s not mammon level of stacks upon stacks of gift wrapped boxes, but he’ll certainly stop by your room every once in a while with a new accessory he saw while shopping.
MC will probably notice that he is especially keen on chokers :).
Stares discreetly, but consistently. When Lucifer invites him to listen to music in his room, he waits until MC is occupied with something like a book or the music. Then sneaks glances at him to see how his clothing moves every time he reaches over for something, or how the necklace he bought the other day glints in the light radiating off of the fireplace.
He knows that MC is nice, and grows increasingly more and more worried for his sake because of that. The exchange program is important, but his treasure perpetually adorned in black garbs is significantly more prominent in his concerns.
So when he sees MC readily defending himself against some low level demon with no hesitation? Holy fuck. He starts to panic, but there’s nothing surpressing his respect for him, as it only grows stronger.
Although, it becomes very apparent that he’d have to do something about all of his brothers’ staring at MC.
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Mammon is so into it. Like... So into it.
We all know and love that our tsundere boy has a problem with getting embarrassed, but how could he NOT get flustered everytime he’s face to face with an alternative KING
At first, he actually tries to tell MC how much he appreciates his aesthetic, but fails every time. Stuttering is a difficult thing to overcome when you can barely breathe out of embarrassment.
When he finally brings himself to actually get a compliment out, it’s accompanied with his signature bashful look. Downcast gaze and shifting posture and everything.
Upon recieving a positive response to his words, he takes it as a sign that he should start doing it more often. And so... That’s exactly what he does!
Compliments upon compliments, expensive outfits and accessories finding their way into his room, MC gets it all.
He ADORES the nice personality. So really. This MC is one of the people that Mammon can’t help but get along with. Nice, can throw hands, AND IS FASHIONABLE? Now you’re speaking his language.
They definitely get called a model power couple, even if MC isn’t a model.
Will definitely mention the idea of MC doing a photoshoot with him for work, but won’t press further if he says he’s not comfortable with it.
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Levi geeks out so badly
So yeah, his initial interest in MC is kickstarted by his fashion reminding him of a badass video game character, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t appreciate him for who he is!!
He actually doesn’t know whether to be sad that he doesn’t have the same amount of fashion sense or to be happy that he has MC as his best friend that does.
But after a bit of positive affirmation from MC, he’ll surely settle with the latter. (and also hope for them to become more than best friends :). )
He finds himself subconsciously posting about MC in his socials. Normally it’s filled with “Lucifer just did (blank)” but now, it’s ALL about MC. Nothing else. MC fan account.
We know that Levi draws, and so I have no doubts that he would be drawing every outfit he sees MC in.
At first, he’s only drawing faceless figures in the clothes, probably adding his own personal flair. But as time progresses and Levi gets closer to him, he starts subconsciously conpleting the figure’s appearance (hair, face, stature, etc). And before he knows it, half of his pages are filled with doodles of MC.
But if he were to ever find out that MC saw his art, RIP Leviathan 2020
And who’s to say he’s not drawing him in... Risqué outfits.
But if MC says that he doesn’t mind getting drawn, then Levi will activate cute fanboy mode again.
He’ll ask him to model outfits for him as he draws, sometimes in cosplay.
MC would just be chillin’ with him in his room, and when Levi finally looks up from his tv after finishing an anime, he’ll sometimes gasp and immediately say, “Stay right there, I HAVE to draw this!”
Although drawing wasn’t and will likely never be his favorite thing to do in comparison to video games/anime, it gives him an excuse to stare at his best friend with minimal blushing.
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Satan is good at hiding his appreciation for MC’s outfits. At least, he’s good at it to everyone BUT MC.
If anyone asks, he’s indifferent about MC and his dashing looks and fashion.
But as soon as MC confronts him... Oh boy.
Red-faced, he’ll compliment his clothing on occasion, then wave it off as “something everyone does”. Which is true, but we know that it’s more than just that.
Similarly to Lucifer, he finds himself staring at him secretly. Except, I like to think that he’s less careful about it. Often MC will look up to meet his eyes, before he ducks his head back into his book, acting nonchalant.
Not a single person can convince me that he hasn’t found a stray black cat and discreetly named it after MC.
He wouldn’t hide the fact, but instead would actually bring it up at the right time. Ex: Right before some dramantic moment like before proclaiming how much MC means to him. Both as the cat and human.
The cat’s collars are decorated similarly to the clothing that MC wears! Satan is a diligent worker (especially when putting lucifer through immense stress) and a lover of arts, so he’s pays attention to little details like that.
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This is Asmo we’re talking about.
He ADORES the aesthetic.
It’s not something that he himself would wear, but damn is it appealing to the eye.
Once you get him started on all the things he’d do if given the chance to dress MC up in whatever he wanted, you’ll never hear the end of it.
(^ especially when he starts talking about the undressing)
He loves a monochromatic color pallet, but every once in a while he’ll push for a pop of color in MC’s outfit for the day.
If MC wears minimal/no makeup, Asmo will constantly ask if he can use his face as a canvas for makeup experimentation while he rants about his nail tech.
Asmo’s favorite activity is going through MC’s closet. He gets to not only try things on, but he also gets to know what he has to work with when choosing MC’s outfits for their days out together.
Knows the perfect boutiques to bring him to
“You know, the color black really accentuates your figure... And if you look this good with it on, I wonder how great you look with it off~”
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Beel isn’t interested in fashion or anything related to it. He isn’t picky about the presentation of things (namely; food.)
So he wouldn’t be immediately enticed upon first meeting MC.
But that is not to say that he doesn’t find him VERY pleasing to the eye.
Our sweet boy is not afraid to express his love for those boots!! For the destressed fabrics!! He hangs around him often just so he can sit and ogle at how cool MC looks!! All the damn time!!
Asks MC to come with him to work out just so he could have some motivation by seeing him. And his GAMES. He’s gonna love to see him cheering him on in the stands.
Beel would admit that he himself couldn’t bring himself to care so much about his clothes or ‘aesthetic’ , and couldn’t imagine having such a consistent style.
^ And because of that! He’s dying to see what he looks like in other styles. Of course, if he doesn’t want to change out of the usual attire, just seeing him wearing beel’s huge ass jacket is enough.
Wouldn’t care to buy clothing items for him, but will most certainly stop by devildom’s no. 1 bakery, grab some sweets with that signature gothic devildom appearance and bring it back to the House of Lamentation for him. (Given that he didn’t already eat them.)
In comparison to his personality, MC’s closet isn’t very important.
Beel loves his kind nature! But he will always be there to defend him in any sort of risky situation, especially when any low level demons would like to try and take advantage of MC’s niceness.
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Belphie is taken aback the first time he sees him. In the best way possible.
It’s like he just knows that he’s going to be interesting to be with just by seeing his clothing style
He actually probably assumed that MC would be very different from what he’s really like. (Like how people will assume that everyone who wears dark colors often are always sad)
But both to his surprise and not, MC is nothing but kind to him! And he’s kinda like 😳. Damn. Alright. I can get down to this.
Fashion isn’t his expertise, so he isn’t as forward with compliments. It’s mostly, “As long as I’m comfortable when I lay on you, the clothes are fine. Right?”
“I had a dream about you last night... It was like you were some prince clad in black chain mail armor... I suppose we couldn’t make that a reality though, huh? You can be my prince in band tees and ripped jeans.”
The only reason he starts dressing similarly to MC is because of how many times he’ll fall asleep beside him. He knows MC will probably offer one of his jackets or extra shirts, and that he’ll likely get to keep it. (He gives it back eventually, it’s just nice sentiment.)
It’s also kind of entertaining to see some of his brothers go ballistic in response to seeing him adorned in MC’s signature clothes.
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A Miraculous TikTok Account
Part 18
The previous night, Chloe and Chat had been standing on the table, arms wrapped around each other as they screamed for the help of the other house members.
Rena, the only person home at the time, had run in. Her brown eyes were wide and frantic as she looked around for some kind of threat.
“What?! What is it?! Why’re you --?!”
“Roach!” Said Chat, his voice high. “Kill it!”
Instead of killing it like the two had hoped, she screeched and immediately jumped for the safety of the table.
Except… it was a table. And it definitely wasn’t made to hold the weight of three fully grown adults. It collapsed under their weight.
This wasn’t their main concern, though, because she sat up and looked around for the roach, only to find that it wasn’t where she’d last spotted it.
“Where did it go?! Who has eyes on it?!”
The three of them scrambled from the room as quickly as they possibly could, shoving each other around in attempts to be the first to the maybe-safety of the living room. They got up on the couch after brief scans to check for the roach and none of them relaxed until they were completely sure the roach hadn’t followed them into the room.
And then they all tensed up again because they realized what they’d done.
Ladybug and Carapace were going to kill them.
(Well, Ladybug was going to kill them, Carapace would just give them the Exasperated Dad Sigh and tell them how he wasn’t mad just disappointed which was WAY worse and --!)
“We’re screwed,” mumbled Chat, hugging his knees to his chest as tears threatened to spill from the corners of his eyes.
Chloe rested her head in her hands. “I just got back to normal after all the salsa, I can’t handle another one of their passive-aggressive punishments.”
There was a beat before the couch shifted. Chloe peeked through her fingers to see Rena was pacing around, trying to think.
“Listen, they can only get mad if they find out. Chat, you go out and see if you can find a new table. Chloe and I are going to try and see if we can fix it.”
They all looked at each other, considering their options. They figured it was better than nothing, might as well try.
He took a shaky breath to steel himself and then nodded. He got up and grabbed the envelope with their monthly allowance from Fu before beginning his mission.
The women were left to rebuild a table.
It… might have worked. They were using glue to try and make it harder to see and they managed to put all the pieces together in a way that made them look more or less like normal. Sure, there were a lot of cracks, but Ladybug and Carapace were sleep deprived pretty much at all times, they probably wouldn’t notice.
Rena set the centerpiece -- a vase of flowers -- in the center of the table and they held their breath as they waited for the table to break under the little weight.
It didn't!
They breathed a sigh of relief.
It collapsed.
Chloe stared at the pile that had once been their table. “Hopefully, Chat managed to find a table.”
“I’ll clean,” said Rena.
Chloe shook her head and waved her hands vaguely. This got a confused look from the other woman, but only for a few moments before a swarm of bees floated down the stairs and started working together to carry pieces out the open window and to the dumpster.
“... you’ve been able to help clean the house this whole time and you’ve never once offered.”
“Never bothered me before,” explained Chloe, grinning at the obviously annoyed miraculous holder.
Thankfully, Rena didn’t have enough time to strangle her properly before they heard Chat yelling for help getting the table inside.
They walked out and looked at the table and exchanged worried glances. It was obviously different, the quality of the wood was way better than the first table (who knows, this one might have actually been able to withstand all of their weights). The color was also slightly off, which wasn’t great.
“It was... the closest... I could find,” he said through pants.
Chloe wondered, vaguely, how far he had dragged it.
“They’re gonna know,” said Rena.
“They’re... not going to know,” argued Chat, though it seemed like he was only trying to reassure himself.
Rena pinched the bridge of her nose. “They’re going to know.”
“... how would they know?”
Chloe leveled him with a cold stare. “They have eyes.”
The three of them all looked at the table with dejected expressions before Rena snapped her fingers.
“I’ve got it: tablecloth. We need a tablecloth.”
Chloe took off in the direction of a store without another word.
They laid the tablecloth on top of the table and then set the vase down. This table didn’t break, it would have been weird if it had, but that didn’t stop the women from taking a step back before they sighed in relief.
They heard the doorknob jingle and Carapace curse outside as he fetched his keys and the three looked at each other with wide eyes.
Act natural.
They scrambled to the living room for the second time that night (or, rather, the second time in twenty four hours, since it was now daybreak). Chat booted up a game on the console. She grabbed the controllers. Rena took a seat on the arm of the couch and allowed a mischievous smile to grace her face (she’d been fighting it almost all day).
The impulse control stepped in and seemed to instantly figure out something was wrong…
But apparently patrols had tired them out, because they didn’t say anything as they went to join them.
Ladybug looked at the tablecloth for a few moments before she turned to give Chloe a questioning look.
Chloe sent her her brightest smile. “I thought it would look nice.”
The miraculous holder blinked.
“I… I suppose it doesn’t look bad…?”
“Of course not, I chose it.”
This pulled Ladybug’s attention away from the table, if only temporarily, and Chloe only smiled wider at the eyeroll she was sent.
Carapace raised his eyebrows as he picked up the envelope. He slowly pulled the money out and looked around at the unlucky pair who happened to be in the room.
She met Chat’s eyes. Had he really forgotten to put back the money for the table?
He gave her a sheepish smile.
She scoffed a little and then turned to look at Carapace, who had a shockingly calculated expression on his face as he looked at the money.
And then he sighed. “That was one expensive tablecloth.”
Chloe’s forehead beaded with sweat. Time to lean into her rich kid-ness and hope that was enough to convince him. “Is that so? I hadn’t thought it was that bad. Should I pay it back?”
He sighed again. “No. It’s fine, we have enough for the month, it’s just… talk to me before you buy anything? You, too, Chat. Both of you have no concept of money.”
They both nodded their understanding and Carapace left to go grocery shopping.
She relaxed, her head tipping back against the chair. They had gotten away with it.
Chloe hummed as she considered the two video ideas.
The first video was the edited down footage of when she’d gone shopping with Rena and Ladybug and all the dumb things people had said to them while they thought they were cosplayers. It was a fun video and she was actually kind of proud of it.
The other was a video of her calling people out for the dumb things they did. It was on brand and what she was going to devote her entire account to it, because Parisians had… let’s call them ‘interesting’ thought processes. (Also, she liked calling people stupid. Sue her.)
She drummed her fingers on the keyboard as if they would type out an answer for her, then reluctantly came to her conclusion: she should make her debut video representative of her account so people knew what they were signing up for when they followed her.
… but she would also upload the ‘cosplay’ video the next day. For fun.
Time to film.
Chloe rested her head on her hand, glaring at the camera.
“Hey, Paris. Queen Bee here to call you out because none of the people I live with have the balls to do it.”
Her lip barely twitched at the quiet whine of protest that Rena made, but apparently she didn’t care enough to look up from her cleaning.
“Listen, if you’re scared of walking home alone and you happen to see one of us on patrols, wave us down. I know you’re all worried and you think it isn’t our jobs to help you, and you’d be right… if our jobs didn’t hinge on everyone in Paris being mentally stable.”
“We’d rather take a few minutes out of our days to walk -- or even carry -- you home than spend half an hour or more fighting you off as an akuma.”
“And, hey, if an akuma does happen to crop up we’ll take you to the nearest akuma shelter. One less civilian to worry about, right?”
She smiled now. “Stop being stupid. Thanks!”
She turned off the video and looked up to see Rena giving her an odd look.
Chloe scoffed and crossed her arms over her chest. “What? Are you surprised I’m a nice person...?”
The word ‘too’ died on her tongue.
Rena slowly shook her head. “I don’t think you’re nice.”
Oh. Okay. Ow.
An angry buzz started under her skin, but Rena held up a hand to stop her before she could say anything.
“Let me explain. I think you’re kind, but you’re not nice.”
Now it was Chloe’s turn to give her a confused look, the buzz lowering to a dull thrum. What does that even mean?
Rena was off cleaning another room before Chloe even thought to ask her.
The next video started out shaky because the phone hadn’t had a stable place to rest.
The camera focused until people could make out Rena, in her costume, talking to a person who’d been carefully blurred. The both of them were clearly excited about something, waving their hands around wildly as they spoke, but the cameraperson had to get closer for anyone to understand what they were saying.
“-- always wondered whether or not Queen Bee and Ladybug actually need the wings or if they’re just for show,” the stranger was saying.
“Too coordinated for it to be fake wings,” said Rena with a shake of her head. “They’re real. I wonder if they have to watch their weight to make sure they can still fly.”
“But then wouldn’t they be easier for akumas to hit around --?”
The camera panned to Chloe’s deadpan expression. “You can believe that Ladybug can create anything she wants with her yoyo but the problem is her wings?”
The camera cut.
Now the viewers were looking at Ladybug, who was smiling at what was obviously a little kid due to all the pink in her outfit. She had lifted the polka dotted red part of her dress up manually to reveal the shimmering wings in question.
“They’re so shiny! What’re they made of?”
Ladybug smiled and knelt down so the kid could reach out and touch her wings. “I’m gonna let you in on a secret --” The audio was temporarily muted to hide the name. “I’m actually Ladybug.”
“No way!” She yelled in her excitement. (Rena stiffened in the background.) “Are you really --?”
Ladybug held a finger to her lips. “Shhhh! It’s a secret, remember?”
The kid lowered her voice to what basically amounted to a stage-whisper. “Are you really Ladybug?!”
Ladybug smiled and nodded her head. “Yeah, but don’t tell anyone, okay?”
The girl gave her a salute.
The next few cuts were just Chloe taking pictures with people. Why was she doing that when their faces were blurred for privacy? Because her hair and makeup had looked really good that day and she was proud, dang it!
The next cut was to Rena and a new guy, though the viewers wouldn’t be able to tell until they heard a distinctly different voice:
“Your outfit is really good, but you got the shading wrong. The orange is lighter than that.”
Rena stared at him for five seconds, jaw slack, eyes wide. The next five seconds were spent opening and closing her mouth without sound coming out. And then she finally got a hold of herself.
“Okay,” she said, apparently too stunned to even be sarcastic about it.
The last cut had all three miraculous holders in frame, they were talking to someone offscreen.
“Who do you guys ship?”
The three of them had looked at each other awkwardly and then Rena’s face split into a mischievous grin.
“If we’re going on who has the most chemistry, I’d have to say QueenBug.”
A blush spread across Ladybug’s cheeks and she made a move like she was going to bury her face in Chloe’s shoulder before she thought better of it and rested her face in her hands instead.
(If anyone had noticed the steady warming of Chloe’s face, no they didn’t.)
The woman they were talking to sounded confused: “QueenBug? I always heard people calling it ChloeBug.”
Chloe tried not to laugh at Ladybug’s clear distress, but she couldn’t help but tease her a little bit. “ChloeBug? QueenBug? I thought it was LadyBee.”
Rena had no such reservations against laughing. “Whatever the ship name, it’s pretty popular.”
“Of course it is, they team up the most. And did you see that thirst trap prank video? If they’re not dating, I’d eat my shoe,” said the woman who had a shoe in her future.
Ladybug, who was still bright red but had gained back some of her functionality now, whispered: “I thought we were called The Lovebugs.”
The video zoomed in on the stunned faces of Rena and Chloe individually before cutting out.
@nathleigh @sassakitty @th1s-1s-my-aesthet1c @blueslushgueen @woe-is-me0 @ladybug-182 @cas-and-their-refusal-to-write
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ramen-rambles · 5 years
HC: Going On A Disney Date
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x Reader, Kirishima Eijirou x Reader, Kaminari Denki x Reader, Todoroki Shouto x Reader, Midoriya Izuku x Reader
Warnings: None! Just fluffy goodness
Word Count: 1.9K
Summary: Just some headcanons on what spending a day at the parks would be like with your favorite boys. (btw, this is based on the Disney parks in Anaheim!)
A/N: S/O to the discord for indulging me in my Disney obsession :’D Fun fact, when I went to Disneyland for Halloween, I borrowed my friend’s Pikachu kigurumi so that I could lowkey cosplay as Denki LOL
Taglist: @jojosmilktea
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜
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You had to do so much convincing to get him to even go to one park, let alone two
Teases you and smirks saying, “Why do you want to go to some lame theme park? I’m all the fun you need, princess.” 
Bakugou ends up giving in to your begging because… how can he resist such a cute face? 
He is super whiny in the beginning, literally complaining about every little thing
“Why the fuck is all the shit here so damn expensive?”, “The lines are too fucking long!” 
Don’t even bother trying to get him to wear any kind of Mickey Ears either
He thinks it looks adorable on you though, not that he’d admit it 
However, after seeing how much fun you were having, he eases up a bit and begins to enjoy himself too
Actually, he ends up becoming more excited than you
Once you start getting tired from all the walking and constant queuing, he mocks you and says “What? You’re tired already? I could keep this up for hours!” 
His go-to pose for the ride photos is to flip off the camera
And yes, you guys end up buying a copy of all the pictures because he thinks it’s fucking hilarious
His favorite attraction to go on is Toy Story Midway Mania because he knows he’ll kick your ass and get a higher score than you; or Radiator Springs Racers, so he can win the race and kick other people’s ass 
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He’s such a child at heart that he was actually the one who asked you to go to Disneyland
Had already bought the tickets in advance because he already knew you’d say yes. You felt kind of bad that he had to spend all that money for both of your tickets
“E-eji, are you sure you don’t want me to pay you back? These tickets must have been so expensive!” 
“Don’t worry about it babe, I’ve been saving my allowance to buy us these tickets. I wanted to take you out on a magical date at the happiest place on earth!” 
He really was the sweetest boyfriend
On the days leading up to your date, you two start planning out matching outfits, what rides you guys for sure want to go on, and all the new foods you can’t want to try! 
The night before, the two of you have a Disney movie marathon, snuggled up on the couch eating popcorn while watching all those childhood classics! 
His favorite movie is The Little Mermaid because where else did you think he got the inspiration to dye his hair red? Princess Ariel
Day of, you guys are BEYOND excited
Kirishima wakes up extra early to start getting ready, letting you get in a few more minutes of sleep
Once you get there, the first thing you both do is take a picture in front of Main Street! He pretty much documents your entire trip on his phone, taking candid photos of you being the cutie you were
He makes it his new lockscreen wallpaper
While he was waiting in line to buy some food, you went to the shop and bought a matching pair of Mickey and Minnie ears, wanting to surprise him
Smothered you in smooches because he was so happy you guys were matching head to toe, literally 
“Thanks babe! I’m never gonna take this off!” 
And he never took his ears off. He wore it all day. How it didn’t fall of his head was a question you had no answer to
You two were the definition of cringey couple; matching outfits, constant PDA
Not that he cared what other people thought. He was happy and you were happy, that’s all that mattered to him
Go-to ride pose is leaning over next to you, grabbing your entire face, and giving you a big kiss on the cheek 
Favorite ride is Hyperspace Mountain, loves the thrill of it plus, it makes his hair look extra spikey because the wind pushes it back up 
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You guys are such kids, after you guys went the first time, you came back so often and ultimately decided that it would be better to buy annual passes
Your guy’s Disney trips were always very spontaneous, to say the least 
Kaminari would be like, “Hey babe, what if we go to Disneyland tomorrow?” 
“Come again? You want to go to Disneyland tomorrow?” 
“Yeah, why not? We haven’t been in awhile” He says, nonchalantly 
Giving in to his pouting, that’s how the two of you usually end up at the parks
You go so often you basically have a routine down
You two take turns doing everything; driving, paying for parking, paying for food, etc
During the drive there, you guys are singing non-stop. For some reason, he knows almost all the lyrics to every single song, making you wonder how he can memorize all those words and somehow still have no clue how to remember a simple math formula
You guys also try to Disney Bound (basically, it’s a lowkey cosplay) most of the time, but if not, you guys will always wear matching outfits
Unlike most people, he actually really enjoys wearing the Mickey ears, he thinks he looks extra cute in them. You agree
His ride pose often changes, from ‘hitting the woah’ to literally bringing a prop on the ride, he just does whatever he thinks is funny
But you often collaborate with each other while waiting in line to decide what pose you should do together; if no ideas come up, throwing up a peace sign is the standard move
Favorite ride to go on is Splash Mountain, hands down. He always asks to sit in the front. For some reason, he loves the feeling of getting absolutely fucking drenched
As a tradition, you two always make it your last ride of the night. Since it’s colder, there’s really not much of a wait, meaning you guys have an entire log to yourselves and can pretty much go on it as many times as your hearts desire 
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You were aware that Todoroki had probably never been to Disneyland before, considering he spent most of his childhood training
So when you asked him if he’s ever actually gone to the parks, he was like, “Isn’t that the amusement park who has a rat as their mascot? His name is Mikey, right?”, “So, Elsa has an ice quirk too?” 
You swore that this boy would be the death of you
You were quick to educate him on all things Disney, telling him stories of when you were younger and how they were some of your fondest memories as a kid
Wanting your boyfriend to share the same experience as you, you eagerly suggested that the two of you must go together one day, and he seemed just as eager with his response
He said, “Okay then, let’s go this Saturday. It’s the weekend so we most likely won’t be busy anyways.”
“Uh Shouto, honey, I’d love to go but I’m pretty broke right now, tickets are expensive so it’ll probably take me a few weeks to save up for —“ you complained
He cut you off right there and says that he’ll pay for everything, whipping out Endeavor’s credit card 
Why did he have that on him??
Before you could protest and scold him for using someone else’s card, it was too late because he already bought them
Once in the parks, he seems to be quite fascinated by everything, but his focus tends to stay on you, watching how excited you get over every little thing
You guys get matching ears, but he’s not too keen on wearing them. At most, he’ll wear it for pictures, but that’s about it. But he also can’t help but admire how cute you look in them 
Buys you literally anything you want. Overpriced merchandise? Done. Overpriced food? You bet. Overpriced everything? Abso-fucking-lutely. Doesn’t care about the price, as long as you’re happy
Even if he doesn’t explicitly show it, he’s actually having a lot of fun! 
Being in such a magical place with his favorite person in the world makes him want to go back, reliving those childhood moments he didn’t really have
Inevitably, he ends up upgrading your tickets to an annual pass 
“You bought us annual passes?! Why did you do that, and when?!” 
“I did it on the app, while you were in that long line for the bathroom.” He said, feigning innocence
You two end up going at least twice a month, if not more. Pretty much going there to just hang out and walk around 
His poses for the rides aren’t really poses per se, it’s really just his poker face. Occasionally, you’ll pinch his cheeks to give a little flare to your photos 
Favorite ride is Soarin’ Around The World. He likes the visual appeal. Plus, the orange scent smells really good 
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Both of you guys were equally excited to go! 
You two had planned to go for some time now, saving up enough money to buy tickets and acknowledging the fact that you guys would spend a lot on food and other things 
Izuku is such a nerd that he basically makes an entire schedule of your guy’s stay, morning until night
He grabs a copy of the park map and actually brings a pen to circle which rides you guys want to go on throughout the day
He will definitely download the app in order to keep track of wait times 
Plans for which rides you guys should go on first, taking into account the the events that people would be watching instead of waiting in lines, making the most of your time
“Okay, if the wait time for Radiator Springs Racers is 90 minutes, by the time we’re done, we should make it just in time to use our fastpass for Grizzly River Run…”
It kind of amazes you how articulate he was about this whole thing
“Wow, babe. I can’t believe you planned for all of that, I thought we were just going with the flow.” You said, teasing him for being such a nerd. How cute
His hero costume basically had bunny ears on them, so he didn’t complain about wearing the Mickey ears 
You two take lots of pictures, you guys even wait in that long line to take that cliché couple photo in front of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle
Go-to pose varies depending on the ride, usually the camera catches him by surprise, so in almost all of the pictures, he looks like he’s about to cry 
Doesn’t really have a favorite ride but his absolute favorite thing to do is to watch the fireworks towards the end of the night
He enjoys just sitting there and holding you close in his arms while you two watch the show and sing along to the music
♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜・。. ♡ ⌒*゚.❉・゜
Hope you liked these! Thank you for reading~
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Title: of justice and catalysis
Author: hajimehinataisnothim / @whatsupscythia (AmericanFrankenstein)
For: @coockiedrop
Pairings/Characters: Hinata Hajime/Komaeda Nagito, Hinata Hajime, Komaeda Nagito, Ikusaba Mukuro, Ishimaru Kiyotaka (mentioned)
Rating/Warnings: T
Prompt: Secret identities (Maybe one of them being a vigilante and other being a cop?)
Author’s notes: One of the prompts was secret identities and I fell in love. I don’t know how the Japanese police systems work, I just know they have some heavy corruption issues but honestly what police don’t? Another point; do you know how hard it was to write this without using Nagito’s name? Also Hinata says ACAB.
You can also read it directly on Ao3
The streets of Tokyo were boring.
Well, no, that wasn’t entirely true, Hinata supposed. He took a bite from the donut in his hand, absentminded. Because he wasn’t a slob it was wrapped in a napkin, the other hand clutching bitter black coffee.
The streets themselves were pristine, the trees lush with pink blossoms with petals that swirled into the air at the faintest breeze, and even the nights were tenuous work at their worst. The problem was that his mind often drifted to more exciting work in the field: chasing down criminals, precisely anticipating where gang warfare was likely to occur, and conducting behavioral analysis to catch a killer.
It was a shame, then, that he had never been good at any of those.
No, Hinata Hajime was a rookie in a sleepy prefecture in the middle of a spring afternoon. It wasn’t his first day on the job but the routine was solidified and unchanging. When school let out he would meander to the crosswalk and usher the traffic across, and when there was a storm he would patrol the bridges to see if the water overflowed. Crime was contained to a multitude of domestic affairs and drunken insults. Nothing worth serious dedication or dignity.
Still, a deep undefinable part of him could not help but crave excitement. It was why he had joined the police academy a year ago. The idea of cutting off a bank robbery, of saving someone’s life when they needed him most was riveting. It gave spark to his step and a smile to his face. To be the hero, the protagonist, to save the day at its darkest hour.
But how could he do that when the world was perfect?
“Check your ten, Hinata.”
He was still being shadowed by their squad leader Ikusaba Mukuro. As a rookie, he still had a lot to learn. Mukuro was the best of the best. She had risen through the ranks faster than any woman before her, breaking barriers along the way. Her uniform was always perfectly pressed, her stance steady and balanced, and her eyes cold as steel. While she was slim, she was also pure muscle. Rumors circulated that before she returned to Japan she had been part of a militia in the Middle East.
Hajime couldn’t help but be intimidated by her.
“Sorry, Ikusaba-san.”
It took him a moment to remember where ten’s hand on the clock face was (even though he could have mirrored Ikusaba’s gaze had he thought for one second). When Hajime had worked it out, he peered across the street to see a man shuffling down the sidewalk. In many instances he was normal, if not strange, with one exception:
He was wearing a gas mask.
“Is that normal?” Ikusaba turned to face him and he withered beneath her cold gaze. “Right. I’ll go check on him.”
(What an annoyance.)
He placed his breakfast atop the wall he had been leaning on beneath the bushes. It was unlikely this would take long, but he didn’t want a cat to run away with his food or a thousand other trivial annoyances that would make the day worse. Hajime found it wasn’t the hard grind that defined the day, but the moment-to-moment interaction that solidified the result.
Today was shaping up poorly.
He headed to the crosswalk to cross the road. Ikusaba’s eyes had to still be on him, and the last thing he wanted was to disappoint her. This didn’t appear to be the time for jaywalking. It was likely a kid cosplaying or being edgy for the day, they’d get a talking to, and that would be it.
While he was moving, he kept his focus on whom Ikusaba had pointed out. The man stumbled and shuffled, not to the point of obvious drunkenness. It was a pattern of uncaring aloofness, how he floated and swayed as he moved, entirely uncaring. Hajime took note of the scuff marks branding his formerly-expensive name-brand shoes.
(Is this habitual?)
Whatever. He didn’t care.
His focused target hesitated at the outskirt of the wall, lingering one moment with his long jacket brushing the concrete. His hair was wild and completely white, too similar to how bleach left fabric to be real. His hands were swept into his jacket pockets, blending his arms into the folds of the fabric. All of his mannerisms were unkempt, careless. Odd.
When he ducked into the alleyway, Hajime didn’t hesitate to follow.
He didn’t often find himself in the sidestreets of his prefecture. In contrast to the sunny disposition of the main roads, the offshoots were cramped and cluttered, bins set aside on the street. It was muddy between the tile outline of a path that the stranger continued to trod down, into darker yet darker regions. The standing water from the previous nights’ rain splashed against Hinata’s tight-laced boots, staining them with dirt. Another annoyance added to the list on a shitty day.
Finally, the dirt path gave way to a concrete flooring behind an equally filthy restaurant. Hajime had seen the establishment often on his patrols; the food was excellent and the service was terrible. He didn’t visit often. The walls were coated with posters, promotions, and sports of graffiti he didn’t have time to give attention. Instead, his focus was drawn to the four foot stack of something shoved onto a pallet covered in a gray tarp. His target had stopped in front of it, his foot tapping idly.
Hajime reached for his radio, his hand hovering over his belt.
Then the man turned around, drew a gloved hand from his pocket, and waved.
Hajime looked behind him. No one else had entered the alley.
(Is this some kind of signal?)
He looked back.
The stranger was inches from Hajime’s face, tilting his head to the left.
“Oh good, you’re here! You’ve been following for a while. Join me.”
Hajime jumped back and fell backwards, down onto the concrete.
“You’re under arrest!” He barked out even though his back stung. It was the first thing that came to mind, unfortunately for his pride.
The man laughed. Whether it was his remark or the fall that elicited it, Hajime couldn’t tell. What he could tell now that he was up close was that the mask was a custom creation. While his voice would usually be muffled with a mask in the way, this one had small speakers built into the side. It was also actively distorting his voice.
“For what? I haven’t even committed a crime yet. What would you even arrest me for?” He took another step closer.
“Yet?” (Was this person stupid? Dangerous? Dangerously stupid?) “ That’s not how this works! At the very least this is suspicious activity!”
“So you’ll arrest me from the ground? I guess they don’t make them like they used to. Officer Ishimaru gave me a rundown yesterday.”
Hinata overlooked the fact that apparently this twig of a man outran Kiyotaka for the time being. “I’m a rookie. This isn’t my forte. What are you doing here?”
Instead of answering, the stranger knelt down and offered a hand.
Hajime hesitated, then took it.
His target was oddly strong, pulling him up on one solid motion. It brought a heat to his face that he couldn’t quite place as he steadied his feet on the ground.
He kept their hands clasped for a moment longer than necessary, then pulled away and let go.
(Oh well, more to over-analyze when I’m trying to sleep tonight. He’s talking again.)
“What’s your name?”
“Hinata Hajime.”
“Well Officer Hinata, I’m sorry, but I can’t come with you. I’m preoccupied.“ He swept his same right hand to the side, gesturing to the tarp while keeping the left in his pocket.
“I—You answer my questions! What is this for!?” He could feel his face growing flustered in frustration. The sheer inanity of it all was getting to him.
“Isn’t it obvious? It’s a bomb.”
(. . . a bomb. A bomb? An explosive bomb!?)
“A bomb!?”
The man rolled his eyes under the mask. “Don’t be dramatic.”
“This isn’t dramatic at all! Thank you, because now I know what I’m arresting you for. Domestic terrorism!”
He was ignored yet again.
“Do you know where we are?”
Hajime blinked.
“No? Well, I guess I could tell you. We’re back behind the main bridge. This alleyway is a dead-end junk heap beside the intersection.”
“What does this have to do with—”
“Don’t interrupt.”
Hajime’s jaw dropped. It did little to affect the man in the mask.
“This bridge is essential for the people that use it every day. It’s become a crutch, a reliance. To lose it would be devastating, would it not? Despair-inducing? Imagine what kind of hope that could bring afterwards!”
“That doesn’t make any sense.”
“It does! But I understand what you’re thinking. You know, someone as awful, as terrible, as lowly as me can’t possibly make a change. In fact, the only thing beneath me… is you.”
“The police state. The whole system is so thoroughly corrupted, rotten all the way through. Don’t tell me that you don’t see it. Or are you simply not looking? Is that it?”
“You doubt my candor? Then let me ask you this: you too crave the abnormal to compensate for your painfully boring, normal existence. Am I right?”
“Who knows. I’m probably wrong. Who am I kidding, I’m definitely wrong!”
Hajime whipped out the baton at his side.
(It’s time to make him shut up.)
“Or perhaps there’s more to you than meets the eye.” The man’s tone stayed even. “Do you know what catalysis is, Hinata-kun?”
“We are not friends.”
“That’s harsh, but I understand. I am the scum of the earth, after all. I understand if you wouldn’t want me to explain it, I’m sure someone like you knows all about—”
Hajime’s patience had worn thin. “Go ahead and tell me!”
(Let him talk. Wait him out and Ikusaba will show up. She’ll know what to do.)
The man stilled.
Hinata felt as if he was being smiled at. Dread piled in his stomach—something was awfully wrong.
With a surprising amount of elegance, the criminal began his speech.
“It’s a chemistry term used for describing chemical reactions. Specifically, an increased rate of a reaction with the assistance of a catalyst. However, there is another meaning that often goes unrecognized; dissolution, destruction, and decay. These are all tied to the catalyst, of course, so the catalyst receives the credit. Don’t you think that the environment, the solution, deserves most of the credit?”
“I don’t understand what you’re talking about.”
“I am a catalyst, Hinata Hajime. A sickly symptom of this world. And this is my catalysis.”
(He’s fucking insane.)
The tiredness he had fought off with coffee and unfettered optimism was beginning to set in his bones again.
“I didn’t expect you to understand,” he continued as if he could read Hajime’s thoughts (or perhaps he wore too many emotions on his sleeve; his bulged-out eyes were quite noticeable), “But I have a purpose. You have your ideals and justice, and I have my destruction. I think that makes us alike. One and the same. For you justice is your harbor, your anchor to the ordinary while allowing the hammer of the law to pound down and smooth the unnatural, the strange, the unwanted. And that is what you truly crave, is it not? The unusual? To be different?”
“You don’t know me at all.”
Hajime approached him. At the moment it was none of his concern that he wasn’t supposed to be using weaponry yet. All this talk about catalysts, justice, and destruction was not conducive to a safe, peaceful town.
The man shrugged. “And you don’t know me.”
He pulled his left hand from his jacket and along with it a stainless steel capsule not dissimilar from a water bottle. He tossed it underhanded to the ground towards the policeman.
“Who the hell are you?” Hajime put a foot on the canister, stopping it in place.
(If this is a distraction, it’s a bad one.)
“Finally, he asks! Now you’re making it fun, Hinata-kun!”
The canister spewed smoke into the air. Hajime realized his mistake too late.
“Call me the Ultimate Hope.”
Hinata coughed, waving in front of him to disperse the chemical spray. The baton did little to dissuade the atmosphere that covered him. Upset, he tossed it to the side and stepped forward.
Somewhere, there was a faint click.
It was then he noticed, faintly through the spray, a faint orange light.
At first he was confused.
(A flame?)
His eyes widened.
(A lighter!)
He clawed his way closer, eyes stinging.
(This is what that gas mask was for, wasn’t it?)
He was mentally cursing himself out for not doing anything to stop The Ultimate Hope (?) sooner. Waiting out a madman was a ridiculous idea. All he had to do was get him away from the bomb, and that would be that. He followed like a moth to flame, watching as it dipped and lowered.
Then he heard it.
A hiss.
The cloud in front of him grew darker, and suddenly, a force pushed into Hinata throwing him back. It wasn’t aggressive, it wasn’t an attack, no: the twisted vigilante was on top of him. His hands framed the rookie’s face like a portrait, arms wrapping around his chest and hips at an angle too impractical to attribute to anything but pure, dumb luck.
“I’m not sorry Officer, but I don’t want you getting hurt.” His voice was thick with sarcasm, and Hajime could only imagine the look on his face.
Little did he know he wouldn’t have to imagine for long.
The explosive went off.
The world shook and groaned around them. Fire cascaded up into the air like a signal flare, highlighting his enemy—and savior’s—wild mane of hair like a hellfire halo.
Hajime was staring.
The back of his green jacket was also burning. Before he could speak to address it, the stranger chuckled.
“Oh that? It’s fine.” He patted his back as if it were nothing but a mere botherance. He pushed himself up, unfurling his arms from Hinata’s and drawing his hand up to his face. The metal of the mask jingled.
As he blinked to clear the gas from his eyes, Hajime felt a soft press against his forehead.
(Wait. .  .)
The Ultimate had slipped off the gas mask for a phantom mockery of a kiss.
When he pulled back, Hajime could finally see him.
The stranger was beautiful in the most grotesque of ways. His face was pale and thin, gaunt even, with dark circles beneath irises devoid of any color. His lips were red, cracked as if he were parched, and twisted into the most frightening smile Hinata had ever seen.
He stood up above him and cackled.
(That is not fair.)
His laugh was insane, and Hinata knew that he shouldn’t be feeling breathless for this reason but he couldn’t help it.
He was so caught up in the moment he didn’t notice that the Ultimate Hope had started walking.
The man, who Hinata could not possibly know was one Komaeda Nagito, walked over to the wreckage and chaos before them, threw up a peace sign with his fingers, and fell backward off the broken railing.
Hajime couldn’t help himself. He snapped out of his fever, sitting up immediately upright, then broke into a run to the new hole between the alley and the main road.
There he was, the Ultimate Hope, saved by the trash bags stacked beside the stream. He stood up, brushed himself off, and smiled. Then he slipped the gas mask back on and slunk away, only to turn back once.
Komaeda gave Hajime a short, mocking salute.
A soft, “oh,” escaped Hajime’s lips, but he would never admit it.
He stood in the center of the aftermath, his hat clutched in his hands and his world view thoroughly destroyed along with the bridge.
“Hinata.” It was the first time he’d ever heard Mukuro’s voice trill.
“What? Oh! Right. Right, the bridge.” The bridge was the last thought on his mind at the moment, but Ikusaba was attentive as always. She was behind him. Only now she must have considered this worthy of pursuit.
“Did you get a look at his face?”
Hajime thought of the walk, the wave, and the lighter. He thought of the gas mask, a helping hand up, and the fog screen. He thought about the crazy, rambling speeches and the ghost of his arms pushing Hinata down. He thought of the face of the Ultimate Hope himself.
His ears were bright red with blush.
(To hell with it.)
“No. No, I didn’t.” He lied.
“Did he give his ID? Or did he give a name?” Ikusaba demanded.
Hajime had only one answer.
“He called himself ‘The Ultimate Hope’.”
She crossed her arms.
“I hope we never see him again. For his sake.”
(I hope I do.)
Because for the first time in his entire normal life, Hajime’s heart raced with excitement.
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cosplayinamerica · 3 years
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COSPLAY THEME PAGE : ShareMyCosplay.com
Tell us about ShareMyCosplay, what was the genesis of the ShareMyCosplay? 
Share My Cosplay has gone through quite the journey to get to what you see today. I can still remember the day that I came up with the idea that would eventually lead to Share My Cosplay. I was eating lunch with a few friends at my day job. A friend of mine showed me a cosplay of Jessica Nigri as Pikachu, and because I worked in IT,  for some reason had an idea of doing a website related to cosplay. The actual website took a while to set up, but I started off slowly, with an initial launch on social media. We launched with Tumblr and Twitter, slowly building an audience. Then eventually a little bit later adding Facebook, and eventually much later introducing Instagram into the “family’. Eventually we added the website and have been going strong since then. We’ve of course made tons of adjustments over the years, and most recently started adding content on YouTube. It’s been a great ride so far, and hopefully it will continue.
What was your first experience with cosplay as well as the convention scene?
Like a lot of people who are into gaming and comic books, I was aware of cosplay, but didn’t really know much about it. It was only after looking into the idea of starting a site that I really got to know what goes on behind the scenes. It was meeting and talking to people in the scene that made me realize what an amazing community of people are involved. That is why I have continued the site for so long. As our social media following grew, I got to know more and more of the cosplayers, and was so happy I was able to use what I had created to help them gain more exposure. Share My Cosplay exists as a place where all cosplayers can have their work properly showcased.
As for conventions. While I live in the capital city of Canada, Ottawa is a relatively small city of one million people. Conventions have only really made it big in the last 5 years or so and before that were never a really big thing. I had travelled to other cities within Canada for some conventions, but those were mainly toy based conventions, so there would just be a handful of devoted cosplayers hanging out. It wasn’t until much later, when conventions started to take off, that our city got it’s own “Comic-con”. Then things exploded quickly. When our first Ottawa Comic-con launched, I was there day one, and the lineup was out of the building and wrapped around the whole building. I think it took a couple of hours to actually get into the convention floor. I could only assume it was similar to something like entering SDCC, but on a much smaller scale.
So while that has been a staple in our city for the last 10 years, I’ve also been traveling to Montreal Comic-con, which is a little bigger. Since there are maybe fewer conventions in Canada, people seem to come from great distances to show off the cosplays they had worked out. The dream has always been to try and get to SDCC, but that hasn’t happened yet. Travel is so expensive from Canada.
So for the short term I had set my sights on visiting NYCC, which is a “quick” drive from my area of Canada. However like all plans, they fell through. I had plans to go to NYCC and E3 in 2020, but of course those fell through because of what happened around the world. I miss conventions. One because they are such a great way to meet and interact with the cosplayers, and two, it’s one of the primary places we get content to share on our site and pages. So that has been lacking for us recently. Fingers crossed things will get back to normal soon.
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How has cosplay changed over the years in your perspective?
Like everything you get to know, it evolves and grows over time. Being knee deep in cosplay all the time (my inbox once had 100+gb of cosplay submissions), I have certainly seen it change over the years. Obviously cosplays have become more elaborate in construction. Things like LEDs are so cheap now, I always find it amazing when people incorporate them into a costume. So the cosplay builds just get bigger and better every year. Also I find the resources on the internet have gotten better. Cosplayers are now able to find more detailed pictures of what they want to create, giving them a way better idea of what and how they will do it for a certain character.
Another thing that has changed, are the absolutely stunning Cosplay edits you’ll see on social media. So why the cosplay photographers have always been an integral part of the equation (we try hard to tag them when people include their details on submissions), the level that the editing on pictures has changed over the years is dramatic. You’ll often see the time-lapsed photo creations on Social, and they are just mesmerizing to watch. People put so much time into creating these worlds to help elevate the cosplay to the next level. That has certainly changed over the years. That being said, we still love regular shots of cosplay too, the amount of photographers that specialize in cosplay has jumped a lot too.
In general, it seems cosplay has evolved from a simple hobby where you could throw something together to wear to a weekend convention, to a full time gig where people spend months on at a time for each one of their creations.
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How has ShareMyCosplay changed over the years?
In my eyes SMC has evolved greatly over the years. As the editor there have been two major changes, and I think it has improved the way we do things. The first thing would be, when we first started I used to go “collect” the cosplay that we shared. So I had to either go find it, or reach out to people. I spent a lot of time tracking down cosplay to share, that I personally thought was cool or very creative. As you can imagine this took a lot of time. So this has changed dramatically over the past 3 -  5 years. Now I’m happy to say that we are 99.9% based on submissions from users. So while there is less than 1% of content that we do go out and ask for, it is basically all based on what people send us to share. So that is why you see such a great variety of cosplay content on our pages. There is a downside to this in a way, as compared to some other pages out there that only feature certain types of cosplayers, some people enjoy that a bit more and those pages can have more of a following then we do. However we are really happy with the content we put out. 
Then the second big change, that has certainly led to better content for our pages, is the introduction of automation. When SMC first started, I had to do everything manually. Like I would be on Twitter or my phone doing everything live, and sharing items. It took up a lot of my time, and greatly affected my personal life. At times I think I must have been crazy, as this is a free service that we provide, and I was putting hours into each day. Now of course things have changed and the Social Media aspect of SMC is way easier to manage. Facebook, Twitter and Instagram all have official tools available that allow you to schedule your posts. So you can easily take an hour or 2 and work on several days of a week at the same time, or if you were really organized, schedule the whole week. So I’ve learned to embrace this a bit more and learn the ins and outs of it. This leads to a more constant stream of content that our followers seem to enjoy. Which seems to lead to more engagement from our followers.
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What’s the best part / worst part of running a cosplay theme page? 
The best part has obviously been meeting & interacting with the community throughout the years. We do our best to present a positive place where everyone can share their cosplay creations. We’ve been invited to some really cool events over the years, and our team has been able to go to a lot of conventions all over the world. It’s been a fun ride.
The worst part for me personally, is that while our team has grown and shrank over the years, I do most of the work by myself. Sharemycosplay.com is run by a single person, me. Also for the most part there is a single person doing all of the social media. So I do my best to have content up all of the time, but sometimes life gets in the way. We’ve put a few calls out for people that might want to help with content creation for the site, but sometimes it’s hard to attract people interested in helping. Right now I’d love a few writers that could write articles that I could wrap around cosplay posts for the page. We will have to see how that turns out.
What future plans do you have for ShareMyCosplay?
I’m always looking to expand Sharemycosplay.com with new content. During the pandemic I’ve been off my normal schedule so unfortunately updates have been a bit slow, but hoping to get back to things. With conventions off the table for now for the most part, I’m trying to move in different directions. I’ve recently tried to put more effort into YouTube, but even that has been impacted by the Pandemic, so I’ve leaned more on gaming content. That is going to change as I’ve started a new initiative that I just launched on our page a few days ago called “CosplaySELF''. Basically we are looking to have cosplayers interview themselves, and us edit the footage into the “episodes' ' featuring 3 cosplayers. Hopefully those will start to be live very soon. We are already into the editing phase and hope to have the first episode live soon, over on our YouTube page. Keep your eyes peeled. Hopefully, as long as people show interest, this is something we will continue to create and upload on a regular schedule.
Is there anything that wasn’t covered you like to talk about?
 Lastly I want to thank you for taking the time to include Share My Cosplay in this interview. It really means a lot when someone else in the community that you respect, takes a moment out of their busy life to recognize the work you’ve done. There have been times in the past where I have considered possibly giving up doing SMC, but getting some recognition really helps put things in perspective and allows me to continue on. Hopefully Share My Cosplay will continue to grow over the coming years, and continue as a great tool for all cosplayers to use.
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bakusoftie · 5 years
getting shitfaced w/ bakuhoe + izubitch + shigaratking
(a/n: bakugou’s birthday is literally 4/20 you cannot tell me he isn't the weed master)
Warnings: a lil NSFW, drugs and slight mention of some gay shit
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💥 bakuhoe 💥
he tries to make himself seem like he’s 100% bad bitch but I think we all know bakugou-goes-to-sleep-at-8:30pm katsuki-calls-everyone-a-nerd-but-is-one-of-the-top-academic-students is a fucking pussy when it comes to things like this
he will explode your juul if you shove that shit in his face or even just have it in his presence
but,,,one day,,,Sero the stoner king™️ invites the bakusquad (which includes you bbygorl/bbyboi/bbypwerson)
and y’all do normal things like play video games and call kaminari a fucking lowlife idiot whose sole purpose is to be class 1-A’s human charger
and then the plus ultra tape daddy brings out his fucking rainbow bong and starts hitting that shit
soon enough, everyone joins in- except for bakubitchbaby
so,,,the only way you know you’re gonna get this man to relax for one night is CHALLENGE THE FUCKER
“Hey Bakugou, are you too much of a weakling to get high? Oh wait, you must be scared.”
don’t actually say that i think he’ll murter you
but it fucking works
his crush saying that he’s too weak or scared to do something
when he first hits it, he’s hesitant at first because he doesn’t actually know what being high is like and he hates be vulnerable and giving up control so pwease comfort this man he’s such bottom energy sometimes
when he finally feels that shit tho 👀
this man is a horny,clingy fucking mess
for the first time, you actually get to see his features clearly because he’s not tense or angry-looking anymore. Although, he's not exactly smiling- he looks so peaceful and calm.
I mean he looks peaceful and calm until he stares at you for a little too long and his eyes darkened and become clouded with lust and you look down at his BULGING FUCKING CROTCH WHAT THE FUCK SUJWBEUXH
he’ll just crawl over to you and hump your thigh like a fucking dog in heat
He does not give a single goddamn shit if the extras watch him devour you so be prepared to nipple twist him into submission
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🥦 izubitch 🥦
First of all,,,how dare you trick this innocent little broccoli floret into eating one of Denki’s space cakes!!! YOU KNOW HE HAS AN UNCONTROLLABLE SWEETTOOTH!!
He just wanted,,,a,,,brownie 🥺
You and Dekuwu were studying for a huge midterm exam that was coming up and your anxiety ball of a boyfriend was so nervous that he started quaking in his All Might undies.
You thought it would be a good idea if he relaxed a bit, ya know?
So you excused yourself for a snack break and snuck in Denki’s mess of a room (where he was no homo cuddling with Kirishima yes I ship kirikami don’t come for me) and you “borrowed” a couple of weed brownies which he bought from one of the many drug dealers in the support course.
When you came back, Izuku was too busy in his muttering headspace to notice you so you took the opportunity to shove a brownie in his mouth to calm him down
He was s h o o k but also very warmed to know that you thought of him and brought him a snacc
If only he knew 😔👊
You two got back to studying and you were so focused on a certain paragraph of your textbook that you weren’t aware that your boyfriend had left the bed he was once sitting on.
Fear struck your heart when you couldn’t feel his warmth next to you anymore,,,uh
That was until you looked over to his closet where he was struggling putting on his Naruto Uzumaki cosplay
“s/o...can you help me tie the headband,pwease”
“Izuku ‘DeKU’ Midoriya, wHat the fuck are you doing?”
“Getting Tik-Tok famous incase this whole hero shit fails,baby”
he tells you to record him doing the e-boy eye tap and that’s when you knew you fucked up
the worst part is how devastated he looks when you told him he can never be hokage
now he’s fucking crying in a Naruto cosplay at 3 in the fucking morning and you know if he wakes up Bakugou, he’ll have a real reason to cry
At this point, it’s like taking care of a child because the moment you rush over to him and cradle him to your chest; he goes dead silent
He is staring at your titties and pressing his cheek against your chest so he can hear your heartbeat and honestly it’s a very tender and sweet moment
“Damn,,,your tiddies bigger than All Mights”
😑 put his ass to sleep already
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🐀 shigaratking 🐀
Tomura already looks like teenage boy who never left his safety of his dead parent’s garage and does nothing but eat Cheetos and get high when he plays Call Of Duty so,,,,he’s got the look
It’s pretty obvious that he does not take care of himself so Shigiraki does not like things like medicine or CHAPSTICK or A SHOWER
He doesn’t trust medical stuff and believes that anything bad with him will just fade away with time (*cough* antivaxx *cough* dumbass *cough*)
So when you told him that a weird plant that you smoke makes you feel better he’s like,,,?!!? whet.
But he also doesn’t want you to think he’s a pussy or anything
he thinks if he rejects you then you’ll ask Dabi and what if that patchwork of an eggplant thinks he could make a move when your inhibitions are lowered
He agrees—begrudgingly but at least you can see how he is when he isn’t complaining about how the world is fucked and how he turned his doggie into dust
You decide that you’d hold the blunt as he takes a hit, in the case that he disintegrates the joint (this shit expensive okay? Also you wanted to be close to him 😳)
He coughs like an 1700s European with the Plague at first so you try to calm him down by patting him on the back and caressing his chest and all Shigaraki can think about is
how fucking glad he is that he’s doing this with you while Dabi is left reminiscing about why his mommy ignored him the moment his little brother was born (👀 y’all he touya)
anyway,,,you’re a thirsty ass thot and Tomura is loving it
He’s without Father on his face so you get the honor of seeing his beautiful wholesome smile as he looks at you with hazy eyes
you suggest shot-gunning and now he has a hard on
when you come close to him with smoke in your mouth and gesture him to open his mouth,,,he just slams his chapped lips onto yours but honestly 🥴 you don’t mind some crustyness
there’s no way this doesn’t end up with him making you screaming his name so loud that Kurogiri’s ears bleed
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maisstories · 5 years
I Need Your Help
To be more precise, my girlfriend needs your help. The reason I am the one writing this text is because right now she is so depressed and discouraged that she doesn’t have the strength to believe asking for help would make a difference, and that… that terrifies me.
For those who don’t know us, I am Mai, and my girlfriend is Kari. Under different circumstances, we should have our lives all nicely sorted out, but as we are all aware, we live in the kind of dystopian world society at large likes to pretend only happens in fiction. Especially Kari. You see, I’m from Spain, and Kari is from the US. This means an entire ocean separates us (otherwise I would’ve bundled her up and brought her home, believe me).
Kari is a poor wlw who lives in a very conservative area (as in, Bible Belt conservative). She has ADHD, which went untreated most of her life, hampering her at every turn. First, because she grew up in a very conservative Catholic family and most Catholic families just Don’t Believe in Those Things. Now… well, now because she has no medical insurance and can’t afford to pay for medication. Cute, isn’t it? And that’s not even the best part. Kari has depression, that I mentioned, but this whole situation, and the hopelessness it causes her, has brought forth suicidal ideation. I don’t have the words to express just how scared I am by this. It paralyzes me. There is nothing, physically nothing I can do if they ever get the better of her.
To add to this, it has been made abundantly clear to Kari that her parents won’t help her if she becomes homeless. They didn’t want a child to begin with. A gay child? Yeah, no, forget about it.
(On a bit of a bright note, Kari has two adopted cats, which are the cutest fur balls over. They’re her closest emotional support most days, and I am very grateful for them. I can’t cuddle her or be physically there for her at all, but I can at least ask her to go cuddle them. They’re not even on the particularly scratchy side for cats).
Currently, Kari has a job, but despite taking on as many extra hours as possible, she cannot make enough money for rent. In fact, she cannot make many other basic necessities, which I will list here because they’re important, I am worried sick, and we really do need help:
-Work: Kari lost her previous job for one of those completely absurd, US-only reasons back in late October. I say absurd because any company trying to pull that shit here in Spain, and most likely anywhere in the European Union, would’ve been fined out of business. But hey, Country of Freedom and all that, isn’t it? She finally found a new job mid-November. Lower pay, though, which means it doesn’t help her cover full rent.
-Rent: As many people in the US will know, and others not from the US will have heard, rent outside of isolated areas is ridiculously expensive, especially for such a large and unpopulated country. The Wonders of Capitalism. As such, Kari is forced to pay a truly monstrous amount of money for a minuscule space to live in, one that ate up most of her previous salary and that surpasses her current one.
-Bills: Let’s not forget these. She rations. As much as she can. Electricity, water, internet… she goes for cheapest and least use, so far as to monitor her use of water during showers, but this still adds to her expenses.
-Food: Now’s where things get to a truly awful degree. When she moved to the place she lives in now (and if anyone wants the story that led to this move, please ask, because that’s an entirely other level of fucked up), she had to apply for food stamps, because she had barely no money left to feed herself and her two adopted cats after all the mandatory expenses. Food stamps people don’t look at the money you have left after bills, they just look at your income, so she was allotted $16. Useful, right? Anyway, fast forward to late October: Kari loses her job, so, obviously, one of the first things she does is contact the food stamps people to update her situation and have her allotment reevaluated. No response. Contact again. No response. This keeps going on. Mid-November, she gets a new job (still no response from the food stamps people despite the many attempts to contact them). Last Friday, her food supplies consisted of a bit of chicken, two fish fillets, and a couple eggs. I do not kid you. Today, the food stamp people finally answered her call: they won’t look into her case until, at least, December.
That’s it for the basics. As you see, it’s a wonderful situation.
Now, my role in this, as I’m sure some of you are wondering.
Let me start by saying this: I am a heavily disabled woman (nearly blind) living in an isolated area with the worst public transport system this side of the Mediterranean Sea. I am incapable of even getting out of home without assistance and someone to drive me at the moment. This means, having a job where I currently live is out of the question (I’m working on getting a job somewhere else where I’ll be able to live on my own. Sort of). My only source of income right now is my Patreon account, the earnings of which go fully to Kari because my girlfriend’s wellbeing matters to me much more than anything I could ever need for myself. I may say whatever I want about my parents’ belief that my relationship isn’t real because they don’t believe you can forge real connections through the internet (or the fact they want me to have a BOYfriend because they want grandchildren), but at least they’re so terrified I’ll break the moment I step outside on my own that they take good care of me.
Still, unfortunately, I’m only a writer, and a writer’s Patreon doesn’t make enough money to cover for such serious issues.
But Kari is the most important person in my life. I’m not exaggerating. I never thought I’d fall in love. I’ve always been the weird one out, the blind kid teachers coddled too much out of pity so other kids disliked and picked on, the one who was so odd that didn’t even fit with the weird kids in school. That happened everywhere, anywhere I went. Even in some fandom groups. It came to the point I stopped trying. It came to the point I thought once my parents died I wouldn’t have anyone. I’d stopped making plans for the future. There was no future for me.
And then I met Kari. She can make me smile with a silly gif and an obscure quote I thought no one else knew at 3am when I’m on the verge of tears because I feel trapped in my own house; she can get me excited about doing a joint cosplay in the distant future when I’d given up on cosplay years ago because I had no one who wanted to go to cons with me; she listens to my stupid history rants and even shows interest in them, when the most I’m used to getting are eye rolls and a change of topic.
Kari is the best that’s happened to me. Ever. And I want her to be happy. I want her to not have to worry about rent; I want her to be able to buy herself a chocolate bar because she feels like it without having to feel guilty for wasting the money. I want her to be able to live without the fear of being evicted every month, without having to worry about tomorrow’s meals because she ran out of food stamps and the fridge has only a can of soup left for the weekend. I want her to be able to go to the doctor when she’s sick and buy the medication she needs to get better.
But I don’t have the power to do this. Not now, not yet. So I’m asking you, everyone out there, to please help us. Help her.
And, I’m afraid, November is an awful month for Kari. Due to the late date at which she found her new job, she is missing a large chunk of rent. I’m doing everything in my power to gather money, and I ask —no, beg— you to help. Donate something, anything. Even if it is small, many small donations can make a difference.
Originally, we wanted to do a GoFundMe page with a three-month goal of 975 dollars to cover that period’s expenses (yes, guys, we’re missing about 500 this month. It’s that horrible), but every single crowdfunding website we have found works through bank accounts. Banks in the US are sharks; they tax you for not having enough income, for not having enough activity… Basically, if you’re poor in the US, you have to pay to have a bank account that will never have any money in it because the bank will eat it up. So, until we find an alternate crowdfunding site that allows to collect through paypal, we have set us several other safe forms through which you guys can donate to help Kari.
Paypal.Me: https://paypal.me/findyourwaycrafts
Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/findyourway
Kari has a crafts store, because she is a fantastic artist (and you should totally check it out), with much stuff already on it and other stuff planned to come:
Store: https://findyourway.storenvy.com/
Store Tumblr: https://findyourwaycrafts.tumblr.com/
However, these things take time to take off, and we are running out of time in November. So please, please, help us cover the remainder of Kari’s rent for this month. Even if it’s just a dollar, three, five, a purchase of a necklace. Anything. Please, help us. Help Kari keep a roof over her head this Winter.
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readyplayerhobi · 5 years
Caramel Latte
Tumblr media
; Hoseok x Reader
; Genre: Fluff
; Word Count: 2k
; Synopsis: You take Hoseok to a popular convention as a birthday present and get to see him in his element for once.
; A/N: Short and sweet, don’t expect much from it! :)
Peppermint 01
Saturday mornings are normally for sleeping in. Or at least, they are at Hoseok’s place you’ve discovered. He liked to either game or watch films till the early hours of the morning with you before crashing in bed for the next few hours. The lack of work the next day meant that he fully engaged in his night owl activities, even if you preferred to be in bed by 11. 
Recent events mean that sometimes he’ll change it up a little and go to bed at 2am instead of 3am, only he’ll spend that remaining time entertaining himself with you instead. Apparently, you were a worthy enough distraction to break him away from his important gaming sessions.
What that means normally, is that you can’t raise the man until at least 10am. Sometimes even 11. Or, after that intense StarCraft session he’d had the other month, 1pm. You’d soon discovered that your boyfriend sleeps like a rock and is nigh on impossible to wake until he’s ready, but you can never find it in yourself to be annoyed at him when he sleeps so cutely.
Dark hair a messy pile on his head, soft lashes creating dark shadows on his cheeks while his lips pursed out in the sweetest pout. And that’s to say nothing of the odd positions he gets himself into during the night hours. Yes, he’s a cute sleeper along with being a very, very deep sleeper.
But not today. Today, Jung Hoseok had woken far earlier than you had. In fact, by the time you were blinking blearily at the clock on the hotel bedside table he’d already showered and was halfway into his clothes. 
It takes you a few moments to recognise what you’re looking at before you’re sighing and rolling your eyes with a slight smile. A month ago, for his 31st birthday, you’d surprised him with tickets to GeekinCon, the largest pop culture convention in the country. It was ridiculously expensive, but it had been worth it to see his face light up with sheer excitement in a way that you’d never seen before.
He hadn’t even been this excited when you’d gotten together, or the first time you’d slept together. Which had made it all the more sweeter when he’d bounced, no vibrated, on the sofa next to you with the biggest smile on his face.
The last month had thus been spent with Hoseok frantically spending his free time constructing an outfit to wear. You hadn’t particularly understood what on earth he was on about at first, until he’d shown you pictures and you’d realised with growing horror that your awkward boyfriend, so shy that he flushed just being looked at, wanted to dress up as one of his favourite comic book characters.
And not only that, he’d wanted you to dress up too.
You hadn’t wanted to, but it was hard to say no when you’re notoriously timid and nervous boyfriend was so willing to do it. So you’d said yes, and he’d happily made a costume for you too.
Which meant that you spend the next hour getting ready and carefully applying makeup to match the character he’d chosen. But you have to admit, it’s completely worth it as you both stand in front of the full length mirror that hangs on the back of the bathroom door and you get to see the blindingly white smile of Hoseok’s, the heart shape taking over while his eyes narrowed into crescents of pure happiness.
God, you were so whipped for this guy.
He’d chosen to dress as Doctor Strange, meaning that he had a rather magnificent looking red cape over his blue outfit and an intricate looking chain around his neck. You weren’t familiar with the comics, but you’d seen the film and thought he looked pretty damn good either way.
Benedict Cumberbatch, eat your heart out.
And he also looked rather dashing with the white streaking through the sides of his hair, the top gelled back off his forehead. He’d had to forego the whole moustache business, but still. Hoseok made a rather enchanting Steven Strange.
Given the short time frame and the amount of time he’d spent on his own, and boy was it a surprise discovering that he could sew and all that, your own costume was much simpler. The Scarlet Witch from the film universe, made easier as all it had truly required was buying matching clothing. He’d made mutterings that the purists wouldn’t like it, but you didn’t understand what he was on about honestly.
It just made him happy to have you dress up with him, so you did it.
You thought it looked nice though, and the red leather jacket was pretty enough that you were pretty positive that you were going to wear it after the convention. It was easily recognisable who you both were thankfully and you were just content that he was.
The next hour is spent just getting into the convention centre itself, waiting in the queue before finally being let loose in the cavernous halls. You’ve never been to one before, and you can’t help but look around in admiration at the sheer scale of everything.
The main floor is split into booths, with each one being occupied by a different company or series. Some are purely sales booths, hawking their posters and figurines to the legions of equally geeky people walking around while other booths are gargantuan monoliths to the game, film or television series they’re promoting.
They’re full on with a complete immersion of the senses with your eyes and ears being bombarded with lights and music, almost to the point of it all being a little overwhelming.
You see a full scale police car advertising some zombie horror game along with an incredible display of cool models at the Marvel stand, the very sight of it making Hoseok practically squeal with excitement. In fact, you seem to spend a lot of time taking photographs of him stood in front of a lot of the stuff while he smiles and poses brightly.
It’s cute, and his sheer enthusiasm for the whole event is infectious. 
“Come on, t-take a picture with me! We have to! It’s Thor’s hammer and Cap’s shield!” Hoseok says eagerly, gesturing to you before leaning forward and taking your hand. Your cheeks heat slightly at the sight of everyone waiting for you both to finish so they too can have a turn before you lift up your phone and turn it into selfie mode.
The screen fills with both your faces and you angle it until you have the models in view as well; Hoseok’s smile so vivid that it’s all you can see when your thumb snaps the photo. Before you can even say anything, he’s taken your phone and is pleadingly asking the next person to take a proper photo.
You’re beyond fascinated that your introverted boyfriend has suddenly become this extroverted ball of animation. He didn’t even stutter when asking that and you just look up at him with wide eyes as the photo is taken. The phone is handed back to you by the person, who you only just note is wearing a Captain America outfit.
“You two are cute together.” He says, grinning before standing in place while Hoseok’s reaches for your hand once more, fingers twining together before he’s pulling you through the crowd.
It’s only when he stops in front of the DC booth that you get a chance to run your hand along his arm, getting his attention as he looks down with a raised brow. A bit of his hair has slipped out of position and is laid against his forehead roguishly, causing you to reach up and move it out of the way.
“What’s up? Are you okay? Do you need the restroom? Are you hungry? I think the food place is over th-” You stop him with a hand to his chest, letting it rest there against the smooth clothing before your fingers play with the chains of his necklace idly.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this happy. Or confident.” He pauses for a moment, lips pursing before they turn up in a bashful smile, his cheeks turning a soft golden pink as he looks down at your interlinked hands.
“I love these things. It’s...everything I love in one place. I’m too excited to be shy. Besides, everyone here is like me. Nerdy, and I think a lot of them want to pretend to be someone else too. And I get to share it all with you.” Hoseok looks around wistfully, biting his lip and you look around too.
There’s plenty of other people who are dressed up as their favourite characters, being stopped by random people for photographs as they pose happily. You’d both been stopped plenty of times already, and you’d watched with wide eyed amazement as Hoseok of all people had posed with plenty of vigour and excitement every time.
This was the man that was often too shy to take photos properly  with youand yet you were pretty sure that you had more photos today on your phone of him than from the last 9 months of dating. He really had become another person when he’d put on that cosplay, and you enjoyed his bout of self-confidence.
“That’s good, I’m glad that you’re happy and enjoying it. We’ll have to do this again then. Only you can have more time for your outfit.” Hoseok’s eyes brighten, the harsh lighting of the centre making them almost look like they sparkle as his smile spreads once more. You’re half convinced that he’s never going to smile again after today because he’s done it so much.
“Really? You’d really come back? Or go to another? With me? And dress up?” Snorting, you lean into him and push him towards the DC booth where a giant Batmobile is set up. Despite his avid arguments, you know that he secretly loves everything DC just as much Marvel.
“Yes, I’ll go with you again. This is nice, it’s like I’m seeing an unfiltered you. You cranked up to eleven. The you that I know and love but in public. And next time, I want to be Batgirl and you can be my Batman.” He looks dubious at that for a moment, eyes narrowing as you wait in line for the new photo op.
“I dunno...I don’t think I’d suit a Batman. I’m not...buff. Nor am I all,” He proceeds to make some unintelligible noises that are a few octaves below his normal voice, causing you to laugh. “No...I can be...ooh, Nightwing. He has a cool suit.”
“Sure babe, you can be whoever you want. As long as you keep smiling at me like that and looking this happy, I don’t care.” Hoseok looks at you for a moment, eyes scanning you over before he smiles big and presses his lips to your forehead firmly.
“I love you. Have I told you that today?” You smile and shake your head almost childishly, enjoying the way he looks at you so purely. Once you go home, you have no doubt that he’ll revert back to himself but for now, you just want to enjoy this outgoing Hoseok in his element.
“Well I do. I love you, and thank you.” His voice starts off strong before tailing off, cheeks reddening while his eyes lose their confidence as you stare at him firmly. There he is; your Jung Hoseok is still there. Just hidden for a little while.
That’s fine, you think to yourself as you tell him you love him too and wrap your arms around his waist, as long as you’re happy.
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aegon · 5 years
now that I’ve had time to process what happened, I’m not as emotional about the ending as I am just fucking furious at the insult.
you spend years - I still had goddamn braces, put hearts over my i’s and was at my peak gothic phase when this bullshit first started so fucking years - building an inherently thoughtful narrative that was just so rich and complex and emotional with a fascinating range of strong characters, all leading towards an epic conclusion of the end of the world, of the ultimate fight for survival that explored such intricate concepts as life, death, justice blah dee fucking blah.
you spend so much time making me give a shit about these characters, of showing me how painfully human they are, their tragedies, their journeys, their redemptions, their rise and fall and every bullshit in-between.
for it all to the thrown away in single-handedly the most expensive piece of shit I’ve ever seen. the producers pretty much took a massive dump while jerking each other off, sprinkled it with benjamin franklins, threw in some gratuitous dragon cgi, and called it a day.
nothing matters. that’s the lesson. the ones that won are the ones that did fucking nothing to deserve it, and the ones who lost are the ones who sacrificed everything for the ungrateful gremlins we’re apparently supposed to be rooting for.
and everything else? yeah, fuck you and your redemption arc, jaime. oh hey rhaegar, guess what, you asshole? your kids mean diddly squat. no, really, the whole prophecy and prince who was promised garbage was all shits and giggles. the wood witch was high on crack and azor ahai is an anagram for “kiss my ass, you dumbfucks.”
arya didn’t need to learn how to change faces. she could have literally spent years learning how to knife flip and stabbing a block of ice, and nothing would need to change from this last season. nymeria? wolf pack? lmao who gives a fuck, certainly not the writers. then she peaces the fuck out after spending five hot minutes with her fucked up family, probably to find some good plot because fuck knows you can’t find it in this wankfest.
bran’s warging abilities and his grand mystical journey were all about him eyefucking whatever poor soul walked by or cosplaying as a bird and flapping about fucking uselessly until he could roll up dramatically in the end like “hey fam I’m here to be king lmao, look I brought starbucks.”
jon didn’t actually come back to serve some great purpose. the truth is, he fucking bored everyone in the afterlife with his impressions of a miserable puppy so the lord of light told mel to get him the fuck out because he was ruining game night.
and sansa? oh well our darling sansa did nothing for two seasons but sow discord in her own family and endanger a valuable alliance that was made to save her useless sack of shit of a home. if we’re supposed to see dany executing slavers as villainous, why in the fuckity fuck should I be rooting for a girl whose greatest asset USED to be courtesy and being kind and missing her family, but who’s now some knock-off cersei/littlefinger lovechild whose throne is built on the ashes of the bridges she burned to get there. she’s left all alone in some cold ass, broke ass, racist ass kingdom with no one she loves and no one who loves her because they’ve all peaced out, and that’s supposed to be a happy ending. power cravings are a hell of a drug. but hey, we got our yaaaasssss queeeeeeen moment and that’s enough for a certain portion of her fandom so good for her.
and dany? dany spends years fighting for the people and for freedom and justice and to break away from the toxicity of her family’s tarnished legacy to reestablish the vision of what house targaryen should always have been. but fuck that bullshit, bells are her kryptonite, and she’s the big bad evil for using harsh methods to rid the world of assholes. the audacity. dany should have done what tyrion and jon do to their enemies which is give them a hug and ask them pretty please with sugar on top not to be evil because westeros is a pacifist continent and no one has ever used violence ever. fuck me.
the dothraki just kinda forgot they’re supposed to follow a khal but it was really very sweet of them and the unsullied to care so much about westerosi customs as to wait for the punishment of the man who murdered their queen to be processed in an orderly and lawful fashion. how quaint.
and then they kindly fucked off before seeing the sentence through because they’re so stupidly trusting of a bunch of dickwad lords who wanted their queen dead. mmkay. also let’s just ignore the fact that either sansa or bran could issue jon a pardon the way robert issued jaime a pardon but clearly neither of them gave enough of a fuck for their brother to give him the choice for where he’d like to spend the rest of his life. also his name and blood makes him a threat to both their thrones so condemning him to the wall strips him of any right, whether he likes it or not....so bye forever jon try not to die again xxxx
the pack survives? nah, the pack used each other as a means of reaching their goals then cast each other side the moment they had what they wanted.
ned stark’s legacy, my fucking ass.
but all that aside, you know what the most insulting part of all this is?
in their pursuit to break clichés and give us some bullshit moral lesson about leadership, they contradict themselves to an idiotic degree where even the biggest dumbass could see through it.
the whole argument that was literally shoved into our face for episodes and used against dany was that the “one who doesn’t want to be king, would be a good king.” ignoring the fact that ambition is an incredibly important factor in any good leader, this lesson serves to insult d&d’s favourite character.
enter: sansa stark, character dreaming of the throne for an entire eight seasons. are d&d implying she won’t be a good queen because everything she’s done is because she wants to be queen? or were they too busy jerking themselves off to sansa to see the picture they were painting of her reign?
the next argument the show failed to realise they fucked up: the lannisters, the tyrells, petyr baelish - all were punished for adopting a ruthless machiavellian sociopathic mindset to win the game of thrones, betraying everyone around them and sacrificing family and allies along the way.
enter: house stark. sansa betrays jon’s trust (and is rightfully not given forgiveness for it because fuck that). bran apparently knew that king’s landing would burn and that his brother and sister would suffer for it but lmao he’s about to be king so who gives a fuck. arya does not see or feel the need to stand by her family to see them through this fragile transition of power because she wants to go exploring. no one in this godforsaken family apparently loved each other enough. and yeah, welcome to the new house lannister. wolves and lions aren’t so different. both prey on the weak, after all.
and finally, fuck you, bronn, you fan-serviced jumped up fuck. a mercenary with zero development and who offers nothing to the narrative is now the lord of the richest region in the realm. nice.
okay, i’m done now.
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supernoondles · 5 years
The last day of 2019 was also the day I fainted for the first time--a fitting metaphor for the year.
2019 was overall very emotionally taxing. This year was emotionally defined by falling intensely, deeply in love with someone (who is a very private person so I will try to be vague to respect that) and being in a lot of pain because of situations mostly outside of our control. There were a lot of intensely joyous moments, and a lot of intensely sad ones. Throughout it all I wish I had communicated better. I also made some bad decisions with another person I really loved and cared about that resulted in us growing apart. Do I think I grew from the experiences? For sure. Do I wish I could have come upon these realizations through a different course of action? Also yes. Am I fully healed from the experiences? Not really, but I've been getting better.
2019 was also very bad in terms of research. It was the 2nd year of my PhD. After I submitted my rotation project I basically felt stuck in the swamp of my advisors rejecting new project ideas for like literally half a year. This, combined with my high emotional volatility (partially due to starting birth control), made me really sad, unmotivated, and susceptible to self-blame. I definitely had high expectations for myself and became frustrated at my lack of progress and felt a lot of pressure from myself to get my shit together. I also felt incredibly bad after most advisor meetings and not supported by one of them to the point where I had to have a conversation with him about the lack of support (which was very scary)! Things started picking up, though, near the end of the year. I published a paper in collaboration with a former post-doc/now professor elsewhere whom I learned a lot from, and started finally building out another system. I also started mentoring an undergrad who at some point told me I helped him feel like he had something important to say and belong at Stanford for the first time and those words meant a lot to me. I think I'm continuing to refine what I value as research contributions and increasingly think about what it means to build systems that aren't used outside of the lab to satisfy the annual conference publishing cycle. I'm also starting to feel the pressure of doing work that follows a narrative rather than random projects that interest me.
Oh, I guess in terms of "program requirements," I did finish taking required classes, passed qualifying exams, and got a master's degree. But honestly those weren't hard at all nor do I think are externally valued in the larger research community, so I don't really celebrate them as accomplishments beyond surface level.
In 2019 I saw two different therapists. The first one was awful, I think directly influenced some of my bad decisions, and also didn't respect my gender identity??? The second one is a lot better and I'm grateful to see her, even if 90% of our sessions are just talking about my relationship (romantic/advisor) issues, which is something I want to move away from in the future. But I also feel incredibly privileged when relationship issues are the primary stressors in my life--I am grateful I feel equipped to handle other crap, like deadlines, and don't have to worry about my own health.
Those were the main things that have colored this year. We'll now move into the section of this post where I go through my photos to jog my memory of other events.
New years started a tradition of getting dim sum with Jasper, Matthew, and Michelle dear to my heart. My high school friend was also visiting and we all attended a really awesome new year's eve party. I was also going on a lot of dates and having a lot of good sex, which made me really happy, and at the same time crying all the time at work. In February I received probably the best gift anyone has ever given me and saw Panic! at the Disco, which I said in an end of the year group meeting was a good memory of my year (it was, to relive my scene days!). In March I roadtripped both to Marin (which I had never to been before, despite all my years in the bay) and LA for Wondercon; it was nice to both see high school friends and go on a trip with the boo. In April I went on a hike with my office which was probably the start of us all becoming closer (we are the social office in the wing now, which I take pride in! Also we draw a lot of Pokemon which warms my heart). In May I went to CHI in Glasgow and then to Paris afterward, and the entire experience was very weird and bad and also too many flights were canceled and/or missed and I vowed to not return to Europe for a while, but man do I love the noodles at Trois Fois plus de Piment. In June we hosted a double apartment party with my downstairs neighbors (side note: I am really appreciative of the place I live in, for the community, convenience, and large-ass space and will be really sad to be kicked out fall 2020) and I started a friendship important to me. I cat-sat for my advisor (the one who doesn't make me feel bad) twice. I went to Redwood State Park with my family and hosted a summer solstice celebration. Over the summer a friend I met in Paris back in 2017 moved in with me. I had a much needed escape from the bay to Seattle where I was reminded how abundant the world can be. I also went to Tahoe to celebrate my parents' anniversary, and really liked stumbling upon a smaller lake with a cheap boat rental. Then I became FOMO about the highly competitive Bay Area camping and did a last minute walk-in at Redwood Basin in Santa Cruz, which made me realize that I don't actually love camping (but was nice nonetheless). I ate an expensive meal at Commonwealth before they closed. For my birthday we made a friendship quilt and I served my favorite dish of cumin lamb but it was also 90 degrees in my apartment (I felt really bad and bought two fans afterwards). I started buying many cartoon frog plush after being gifted a $3.99 on sale Safeway frog (called Baby!). I went on Tinder dates (one of which was at a quaker yard sale marketed as Harvest Festival where I got a 1970s Kermit puppet for like $2) that largely went nowhere. My high school friend visited and we were both sad about break ups. I did Inktober before I went to New Orleans for a conference on Bourbon St where everything felt like it was coated in a sticky film of alcohol. I almost missed my flight home because I fell asleep in a sculpture garden but I had the most amazing Uber driver who snaked his way through traffic (oh and the flight was delayed by like 3 hours). I went to kind of embarrassing haunted houses and pumpkin patches over Halloween, but also had the most incredible bowl of ramen at Mensho. My whole office dressed up as Zootopia characters which warmed my furry heart. I spent like $120 on a Pokemon shirt. I started playing Arkham Horror and rekindled another friendship important to me. In November went on a road trip to Big Sur because again, I had to escape it all. For Christmas Eve dinner I roasted a duck for the first time (which was delicious). Shortly after I waited in line for 2 hours for a rollercoaster at Great America, which taught me the value of buying a fast pass because at this point in my life that money is worth it, and then waited 2 hours in line at the DMV to get a RealID (I had made an appointment, which was the fast pass).
Okay, now we move to the hobby section!
I got really into sewing in 2019, having received a sewing machine last Christmas. I made a Judy Hopps (which I wore to CrunchyRoll Expo) and Korok cosplay (Fanime), several unsuccessful garments, a crab bean bag, a dice bag, a fanny pack, and put hearts nipples on a jumpsuit.
Shows! I think I went to way fewer shows this year. The ones I can remember are Elephant Gym, Thom Yorke the night before I had an 8am flight, Carly Rae Jepsen over pride weekend (also, she is my #1 artist of the year, which makes a lot of sense given my emotional space), Mitski at Stern Grove, Capitol Hill Bloc Party (which was super lame, except for Lizzo, where I cried), and the National (which was a fucking surreal experience as they played on Stanford's campus, I was the only one within earshot of myself who knew the words to Crybaby Geeks, and then the white catalog moms came up to me after to thank me for singing the song).
I also started playing my own music! I started playing viola again for the first time in 7 years (lol) in both pop-up concerts with the Awesome Orchestra (one in Golden Gate Park, one at the Exploratorium) and a string quartet through my school. Sometimes I am filled with joy and delight. Other times interpersonal tensions run high and also I am very bad at being in tune. It's life.
Media! I really liked Mob Psycho 100 Season 2 and Beastars. I feel like those were the only notable anime I watched this year? I saw the Farewell three times--first in Seattle where I sobbed for like 1 hour after the movie, the second time with my parents, and the third where Awkwafina was present for a Q&A. I thought Parasite was incredible and Promare was OK. I have spent an unfortunately large amount of my time playing Pokemon Masters. I finally beat BOTW and completed my Pokedex in Shield like 2 weeks after getting the game.
Resolutions! In my draft of my 2018 end of year post (which I never polished and posted, sorry), I said my resolutions were 1. come out to my parents 2. draw enough to table at an anime con 3. be disciplined about paper reading and have a doc. I did none of these things!!! However, for 1, I feel like I am well equipped to have this conversation but am waiting for my sibling to do it first out of respect. 2 was just bad. I barely drew this year except for gifts. 3 was okay--I did have a large doc in the beginning of the year when I was looking for ideas, but as time went on I abandoned it (I also stopped reading papers, which I don't think you're supposed to do as a grad student...)
My resolutions this year are phrased as intentions (-(c) Matthew). They span several categories. Relationships: I want to open myself to and actively seek experiences of love, because I miss that. That being said, I will only date someone if 1. they have their life together 2. they love themselves and 3. they challenge me to grow. (I do think you can experience love without dating; the thing I'm after is love in an expansive sense.) Work: I want to do enough work so I don't feel guilty about not doing enough work, and also not berate myself for taking a long time to do things. Hobbies: I want to sew at least one thing a month. Chinese: I want to improve my Chinese, especially pronunciation.
Having written this 20 days into 2020, it's not been so bad so far. But I was also really happy in the beginning of 2019. Here's to no global maxima, a monotonically increasing year!
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