#couldn’t sleep so I did these quick things to make myself sleepy hope it works out good night
Welcome Home Agere Fic - Sing Me to Sleep
Characters: Little!Howdy Pillar, CG!Barnaby B. Beagle
Setting: Howdy’s Bodega (Checkout Desk, Upstairs Breakroom)
Premise: Barnaby notices that his good pal Howdy is overworking himself to the point of losing sleep. Concerned and determined to help his buddy out, he decides to sing him a lullaby to help him sleep. The next morning, he discovers something about Howdy he initially didn’t think he did.
Author’s Note: Another agere fic, this time with Howdy!! I kinda headcanon Barnaby and Howdy as childhood friends, like Barnaby befriended him while he stayed at the farm with his ma, so here it’s mentioned for a bit at the beginning. Hope that’s ok!!
Also the lullaby that Barnaby sings is ai generated, not an original song, so don’t think I write songs too jfkgk
Ever since the bodega opened in the town of Welcome Home, the lovable yet goofy Barnaby B. Beagle always made a point of visiting. Considering it was run by an old pal of his - that being the ever so hardworking Howdy Pillar - he couldn’t just ignore it! It even had all his favorite things in it; rubber duckies, party horns, endless streams of ribbons, the whole nine! For the price of just a simple trade as well, it was a perfect store!
Of course, it wouldn’t be the same without the man of the hour - or say, caterpillar. Barnaby had always admired the blood and sweat put into every little detail of the bodega, from the paint jobs to the shelving and even to the currency. It was a marvelous sight to see, but he couldn’t expect less from such a diligent and determined shopkeeper. Always toiling and moiling and working himself to the bone to make sure that progress did well and that every customer left with a big smile on their face, he could do no bad.
That… did bring a glaring problem to the surface, however: he did this all the time.
Because his never-ending perseverance and his insistence to make sure that business was booming at the seams, he often tired himself out. And by often, that meant a lot.
The bags under the titular caterpillar’s eyes looked as if they’ve been personally drawn on with permanent marker, with how dark they were. Often times, Barnaby would accidentally catch Howdy almost falling asleep at his checkout desk, but immediately perking up when he noticed that the comedian was watching. He would wake up and catch Howdy still up at the tender hours of night sweeping the floors or wiping the windows or even restocking the shelves.
It was concerning, to say the least. He had occasionally brought up the idea that Howdy could at least lay low for a short while, take a small break. However, the poor shopkeeper would break into a nervous sweat and go, “Oh but who will run the front counter while I’m gone? I’m the only one who works here, I can’t stop now! This shop will go belly-up if I quit here, I just can’t!” It almost broke the dog’s beating heart to see him in such a fit of distress.
He wanted to fix that, and he knew exactly how.
The sun set behind the trees one hot and sweaty evening, and Howdy was finishing up the last of his chores for the night: restocking the shelves, sweeping up any dust and grime, and wiping the front windows squeaky clean. Barnaby took quick note of this and strolled towards him, humming a jovial tune.
“Well howdy do, Howdy! Lovely afternoon we got here, but golly is it sweltering! I feel like I’m on Hell’s front porch with a pipin’ fever right about now, huh?” Barnaby greeted himself, chuckling as he did. Howdy looked up from wiping the front window, rubbing his sleepy lids with his lower right hand and smiling drowsily.
“You’re not wrong Barnaby, heh! I can feel myself melting like a snow cone in Phoenix!” He replied, wiping his forehead of the pooling sweat and turning back to wiping the windows clean. Barnaby snickered, nodding his head to the statement.
An awkward silence fell on the two. Howdy cleared his throat.
“Ahem, uh… what brings you here, ol’ pal?”, he asked, “ya’ need something from my shop? Any horns or… fake teeth or spinning plates?” The shopkeeper began to put up his bucket of suds and washrag before being stopped by the comedian.
“Oh no, I’m fine as frog hair, buddy! I just came to ask ya’ something, if you have the time, of course.” Howdy perked up at the request, but paused and sighed wearily.
“If you’re asking for me to take a break, Barnaby, then no. I’m not letting this business fall because the one man working here-“
He quickly got interrupted.
“Aww, come on Howdy! You’re exhausted and practically sleepwalking, if you keep working in this state you’ll be dead on your feet!” Barnaby protested, crossing his arms and huffing.
“Barnaby, you really don’t understand,” Howdy rebutted, “this is a matter of needing rather than wanting. Anyone and everyone could come, and if they see me lounging around, doing everything but, I’ll be letting them down! Soon the progress of this whole business could go down, and take me with it. I can’t ‘take a break’ because I am literally against doing it.”
Barnaby sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Howdy sure dug his heels deep in this business, huh? The titular dog wracked his brain for quite a while, thinking of a good way to pry his four arms away from the building… until something popped up.
“Oh well, I guess you’re right… but I do still have something to ask of you.” Howdy sighed, lifting his head towards him with his brow furrowed.
“Will you at least let me sing something to you?”
This tripped the caterpillar upside for a moment. Sing for him? Why exactly would this dog want to sing for him in the dead of night?
“Uhh… may I ask why? That’s a rather odd question to ask, really,” Howdy questioned the dog.
“Oh, well I had been listening to the radio recently and I happened to stumble upon the most loveliest tune! It had me painting the town red, it was lovely!” Howdy tilted his head curiously.
“Hmmm… well what song was it? I think I may have some records inside so you can sing along.” Barnaby grinned widely. His plan was working perfectly.
“I’m pretty sure it was called…Sweet Dreams and Strawberry Milk? It was a guitar song too, very slow and calming.”
“Hmmm… I don’t seem to have that song on a record, from what I can remember.” Barnaby’s heart dropped.
“Buuuuut I do have a guitar! Maybe you can play it on that?” And just like that, the plan was still in motion.
“Oh, superb! You always seem to have something on you to fix a situation, don’tcha? Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s go inside before the wolves start howling!”
Barnaby quickly grabbed Howdy’s free arm and dragged him inside the bodega, leaving behind his sud bucket and rag. After a few quick directions, both the dog and caterpillar made their way to the upstairs breakroom.
The breakroom itself was quite large, to his surprise, it almost doubled as a separate house. In one section of the room, a small kitchenette with an oven, fridge, and sink, along with a sofa, record player, and television. In another section, a large bed spread along the room, with a dresser and closet on one side and a bookshelf on the other. In between both sections was a bathroom that he could conveniently walk into any time he wanted. The breakroom as a whole had a sort of forest or plant theme, with leaves and flower decorations galore, it was like shrinking and walking into Poppy’s garden.
Barnaby made their way towards the second section, sitting down on the edge of Howdy’s bed. Howdy strolled towards the closet, opening and rummaging through. He pulled out a large guitar and walked towards the bed where Barnaby sat, handing over the guitar.
“Do make this quick, ok pal?,” Howdy admonishes, slipping off his shoes and taking off his hat. He might as well get comfortable in case things get too long. Barnaby waved his hand dismissively, holding the guitar in his paws.
“Ahh, don’t you worry your pretty lil’ head, Howdy,” he reassured, “I’ll be quicker than green grass though a goose!” Howdy chuckled at that, smiling slightly.
The comedian took a minute to tune and adjust the chords to the guitar, making sure he wasn’t off-tune, before holding the guitar to his chest. He took a deep breath… and began to sing.
Close your eyes my little one
Drift away to sleep
Dream of fields of strawberries
Growing tall and deep
Sweet dreams my love
With strawberry milk in your cup
May your slumber be peaceful
And your dreams be sweet and lush
Imagine a garden of red
With vines and leaves so green
Picking the ripest berries
For the sweetest milk you've seen
Sweet dreams my love
With strawberry milk in your cup
May your slumber be peaceful
And your dreams be sweet and lush
As the peaceful lullaby rang throughout the bedroom, Howdy could feel his head begin to cloud up and his eyelids to feel heavy. He suppressed a yawn but caught himself stretching his arms and back.
He then decided that he rest his head for just a moment, if only for a second. He figured he would be awake by the time the song was finished, so it couldn’t be that bad.
As you lay here in my arms
With your eyes closed tight
Let the taste of strawberry milk
Take you through the night
Sweet dreams my love
With strawberry milk in your cup
May your slumber be peaceful
And your dreams be sweet and lush
Sleep now my little one
May your dreams be bright
With strawberry milk in your thoughts
All through the night.
Barnaby cleared his throat after finishing the song, gently placing the guitar to his left. He turned to face Howdy, who had been silent throughout the entire song, to ask him how he felt, but he instead found Howdy fast asleep beside him. How silly of him to drop off mid song, and in his work clothes too! Barnaby snickered to himself at the sight.
He decided that it would be best to stay the night. He pulled the blankets on the bed over the sleeping shopkeeper, tucking him in comfortably, before quietly leaving the bedroom. He made himself towards the other half of the breakroom and towards the couch, and pulled out the longer section to lie down. Turning off the lights and getting comfortable in the process, soon both of them were in a peaceful slumber.
The plan was a success.
Barnaby suddenly awoke to a strange noise.
He blinked himself awake to the sudden sound, trying to make sense of his vision. He could make out the kitchenette and the television, and what couch he was on.
Ah, yes, he was at Howdy’s place.
The sun was pooling through the closed curtains and birds were chirping their morning song, signifying a new morning for the sleepy beagle. He slowly stood up from his position and stretched his arms and back wide behind him, popping anything that needed popping.
His attention soon turned to the strange noise that woke him up. It was shrill and loud, yet desperate, if it made sense. It was occasionally interrupted by a slight hiccup or sniffle, before going right back to the shrillness.
Was that… Howdy?
It had the same voice as Howdy, had the same pitch (albeit a tad higher than usual), he could recognize it from a mile away. But what exactly is making him wail this loud?
He had to go investigate.
Barnaby slowly got up from the couch and quietly made his way through the breakroom towards Howdy’s bedroom. He hesitantly knocked one, two, three times, making sure it was quiet but noticeable.
“Howdy? Is that you in there?” Barnaby asked, hands on hips and his face screwed up into that of concern. If his suspicions were correct that this was indeed his pre-pupated pal, then this was quite out of character of him. He wasn’t that open with his inner feelings as he didn’t want them interfering with work, so hearing him so distressed was… odd.
He was quite surprised to see the door swing open not long after he knocked, but what surprised him more was what answered the door: a shaky and teary-eyed Howdy, covered in a colorful blanket and his thumb halfway in his mouth. It took him by surprise for a bit, before quickly being replaced with a brotherly concern.
“Oh jeez… you okay, bud? What happened?” Barnaby said, resting a gentle paw on the shivering shopkeeper’s shoulder and rubbing it slowly. Howdy only sniffled and hiccuped, lowering his head and covering his face with his hands as he continued to cry. The blue beagle took that opportunity to hesitantly wrap his arms around the both of them in a comforting embrace, letting Howdy rest his head on his shoulder.
“Deep breaths, bud… let’s go over here, ok?” Barnaby said quietly and reassuringly, taking one of Howdy’s hands and leading them to the nearby sofa. The titular caterpillar sniffled, wiping his eyes with his hands and popping his free thumb back between his lips. They both trudged towards the comfy cushions, sitting comfortably beside each other with hands clasped gently. Barnaby leaned his friend’s head towards the crook of his neck, letting Howdy rest against him as the bigger dog began to rub his back slowly.
“Hasn’t been your best morning, huh buddy?”, Barnaby said, his voice low and quiet and reassuring. Howdy sniffed, nodding his head silently.
“How’s about I settle here until you’re up and running again, hm?”, the blue beagle suggested, “It don’t seem like you can even walk properly, let alone run a store like this. Not good shape for a guy like you, huh?”
Howdy furiously shook his head no at that notion.
“I know, I know,” the blue dog continued, “you wanna run it. We can always take a day off though, can’t we? It can’t hurt to lay low for at least a day. It’s only about one in a few hundred days, isn’t it?” The small caterpillar sat there for a bit, his head filled with thought. Barnaby scratched his noggin for an idea, then snapped his fingers once it came.
“How about this,” he started, “maybe I can stay and settle with you for the day until you’re feeling better? That way you won’t have to worry about feeling lonely, ok? How does that sound?” Howdy looked down to his feet, wringing his lower hands together in thought. He didn’t want to let the business down, and he felt bad that he was so upset when Barnaby found him.
However, he wasn’t wrong. He had been quite stressed for a few weeks, and he was teetering towards passing out and never getting out of bed. Plus, in his state, how would he run the shop? He could barely talk. It wasn’t an argument at this point, really. He needed this break.
Howdy hesitantly nodded.
“Good to hear, bub,” Barnaby said, squeezing him towards himself a bit tighter. He then stood up and wipe his paws on his vest, and turned back to Howdy.
“You mind if I hold you, bud?”, he asked, lowering himself to the smaller caterpillar’s level. Howdy nodded, holding out his lower arms and flexing the fingers in a grabbing motion. Barnaby gripped his sides and hooked his hands underneath his upper arms. He lifted him up slowly and rested the caterpillar on his hip.
“Now there, how’s about we get you dressed in something nice, m’kay? Those slacks don’t feel so good now, I can find something better for today.”
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lil-scorpi69 · 1 year
Night of the Fallen Star (18+)
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Note/warnings: Art was found on Google - Story is MATURE (18+) This is the first fanfic I've written in some time, I hope you like it. If it gets good enough reviews, maybe I'll start taking requests again.
Story start
The night itself was calm and quiet; it was also cooler than the rest of the nights before. Autumn was upon the kingdom. I was in my own chambers as I was readying for the night. Everything was calm. I was human, something that wasn’t usually kept in the kingdom of Mirkwood. However the king kept me around for the things that I made, whether it was my odd handcrafted items, or the herbal remedies that kept his pain at bay. There was always something that he requested of me. Somedays I wondered if he kept me around just for company. Either way I didn’t mind his company. His grumpy demeanor wasn’t something that I found offensive. Often then not I found myself scolding or chiding the king for being quite angry with others. Apparently that was something that would often get me thrown in the prison if I were anyone else. But I wasn’t, I was me. 
Settling down for the night, I felt a yawn slip through my lips as I laid my head upon my pillow. My cheek brushing against the silky satin cover of the pillow. I never understood why the king gave me some of the best bedding that could be found in the kingdom, honestly I never really questioned why he did what he did most of the time as it was. I could feel myself drifting off to sleep when a knock suddenly woke me from my peaceful slumber. 
“C-Come in” I yawned sleepily. Who on earth could it be at this ungodly hour? I was off duty and it was quite late. A healer opened my door with a solemn expression on their face as they looked at me. I couldn’t help but feel slightly bad for them. Whatever reason they have to be awake at this hour and seeking me out, couldn’t be good. 
“My apologies to wake you Lady (Y/N), but it seems the king is in… need of some of your herbal salve. Do you happen to have any prepared?” The healer inquires about the salve I make. For whatever reason the properties in it seem to sooth the magical burn that the king suffers greatly from. However, I wasn’t expecting him to need anymore for a bit so I didn’t have any more prepared. 
“I don’t, but I can make something else that’ll work equally as well.” I yawn once more covering it with my hand trying to hide the exhaustion that was etching its way into my soul. I got to work making quick work with a salve that I already had made. It wasn’t exactly the salve that I had been giving to the king himself but it would have to make due. My hands quickly making work with what I have on hand, knowing I’d have to gather herbs tomorrow to make more salve would definitely be on top of my to do list. After finishing the makeshift salve, I walked towards the healer who looked sleepy yet grateful. Knowing the king he hadn’t been so kind to the healder that had come to my room to inform me. Therefore I knew I must deliver this myself. I needed to teach this man some manners. 
“Lady (Y/N), I can take it to the king, please you should rest up.” He hurriedly said as I kept walking my way towards the king's quarters. There was no way I was going to make the poor elf suffer more than he already has by the hand of the king.
“Nonsense, if I’m awoken to do this, then I shall deliver this myself.” I said sternly, a quick stride to my step even though I was quite short. I was between that of a hobbit’s size and that of a dwarf. Only standing merely 4’9 for a human. I was quite tiny. My curves however lacked none. I had a smaller waist, even though there was some plush stomach there. A chest of the blessed, as well as large hips, some often said they were perfect birthing hips, whatever that meant. 
“Please I beg of you, the king is in no mood to deal with anyone right now… if only you’d give me-” I cut him off by opening the king's quarters up and closing them right behind me, successfully closing him out behind me. I looked at the male who laid on the chaise in front of the fireplace who had a very scornful look on his face. Pain and irritation etched into his features. 
“You’ve brought the salve?” King Thranduil snapped without even turning his head to see whom it could be. I couldn’t help but shake my head at his demeanor. What a ruthless man, so cruel to his people. I couldn’t help but let out a soft sigh as I walked over with the salve in my hand. 
“Yes, of course I brought it. Although your people would be more reciprocal of you if you were kinder…” His head snapped around as his eyes met mine, something I wasn’t expecting was to see his face. The left side of it burned, the flesh almost as if it was melting off the bone. He looked away quickly as if to hide his face. 
“What are you doing here (Y/N). You shouldn’t be here!” He snapped at me, I shook my head before walking over towards him, opening the salve with one hand dipping three fingers into the ointment and taking his face carefully into my hands and carefully applying the ointment to his face delicately. 
“Shush you, just let me take care of you.” He stiffens underneath my touch especially when I inspect his injury further. He seemed quite distressed. But I was still gentle with him nonetheless. I wasn’t going to let him push me around. Once the ointment was applied I went to step back only for my wrists to be caught by the king himself. His glamor applied once more. 
“You have no right to tell me what to do… yet you have no problems telling me what to do.” I blinked as he removed the ointment from my hand, setting it upon the table next to him, my wrists still in his. I looked all over his face trying to determine what he was thinking. Was this the end of the line? Had I pushed too far out of bounds? 
“My apology-” I went to apologize but was cut off with a glare. 
“Don’t apologize, it would be an insult to yourself.” He snapped. I blinked back in shock at his tone before shaking my head with a soft smile on my face as I watched him. 
“You really are more of a gentle king then you led on aren’t you?” I asked him quite taken aback by everything that has transpired at this very moment. He, himself, looked taken aback by that very statement of my own. 
“And yet you weren’t frightened or disgusted by my face?” He asked almost hesitantly. I just shook my head. I have seen a great deal of many things in my lifetime. Things I wish I hadn’t seen. His face is just one more thing I’ve seen. 
“No, am I saddened? Of course, but I believe anyone would be saddened to know that their king is in such great pain…” I stood still, my hands still being held by his own large ones. 
“(Y/N)...” He says with such a softness that I’m unfamiliar with it that I couldn’t place it. What is this side of the king? 
“Yes? My king?” I asked him with equal softness to his call of my name. He pulled me onto the chaise with himself. I squeak at the sudden change of scenery. 
“Stay with me?” He asked softly. I couldn’t help but nod. What else could I do? Deny the king? He wants me to stay with him at the moment. Who am I to deny him? I continue to sit with the king on his chaise while I stare off into the fireplace. My mind wandered, what would he gain from keeping my company? Nothing? I couldn’t help but absently shrug at my own thoughts. There really wasn’t anything I could do… He took me in when I was injured. I couldn’t help but find him to be a very sweet person. Even if he was quite disagreeable to most people. I couldn’t help but stifle a laugh and a yawn all in one. That’s when I realized one very big important detail that I seemed to have missed during all of my dealings with the king tonight. I was wearing my short nightgown tonight. It hung low on my chest showing off quite the amount of cleavage and my nightgown came up to about my knees. I was barely wearing a summer robe as It was the first thing I had grabbed despite the chilly weather. The cold was the last thing on my mind. 
My robe slipped down my shoulder as I went to pull the sleeve back up. I felt his lips against my shoulder which caused me to stiffen. What could this mean? The cold king kissed my shoulder? What was going through his mind? 
“My king…?” I questioned softly before turning to look at him. My mind was running a thousand different things at once. He looked at me with a certain look in his eyes. I couldn't place it but it was there. Something maybe like longing or lust? But I wasn’t sure why he’d ever feel lustful towards me? I wasn’t elven? I wasn’t royal? I wasn’t anything special. So why? 
“Please… you’re the only one who’s been able to ease the pain in me. Both in my injury and in my heart. Please. Tell me, what do you feel? I am unsure myself but I do know that I need you… I want you. Any part that you’ll allow me to have.” He told me, nearly begged me. I could feel my eyes nearly bug out of my head as I listened to his very words. Was that a confession of a sort of even a fraction of attraction towards me? But how? Why? No, this wasn’t the king that I was familiar with. Placing a hand upon his forehead I pursed my lips.
“No fever, are you feeling alright.” His eyes narrowed as he watched me with almost a slight anger. 
“Do you think I lie about what I speak of?” his voice was almost cold, I couldn’t help but look at him with a certain sadness. It wasn’t that I necessarily didn’t believe him, it was just that. I wasn’t anything special. 
“No. I don’t think you lie, but I do think you’re not thinking straight… My king, I'm no elf, I’m not royal, I’m no one of significant importance, why would you say these things to me?” I asked him with a certain look of hurt. He cups my cheek and sits up straighter. 
“You may not be an elf, or of noble blood. You may simply be human, but that matters not for I am a selfish king and I will take what I wish. What I wish for is you. If you’ll allow me to have you.” I couldn’t help the tears well up in my eyes. The cruel king wanted me? I gave a half smile and cupped his good cheek. 
“Then me you shall have, for I am yours to take… My life you hold in your very hands. You’ve saved me, now, if you’ll allow me to do the same honor then I shall save you in return… My king.”  His eyes piercing blue like that of starlight staring into my very soul as he leans in close, capturing my lips with his very own. His hand came to cup the back of my head cradling it. Fingers entwined in my hair as I whimpered softly into the passionate kiss. There wasn’t anything else that I could find more perfect than in this very moment. The way the kiss tasted of the sweet wine he was just drinking moments earlier. His hand moved down from the base of my neck down towards my shoulder slowly removing the robe that I had on. I sat there nearly on his lap as his hands trailed all over my torso in sweet caressing movements. I couldn’t help but close my eyes humming a sweet tune in response to his actions. 
“Open your eyes Meleth Nin” I opened them in pure shock of what he called me. 
“Y-yes my king” I whimper as my own brown eyes meet his own icy blue ones. He moved forward against me, his lips brushing gently against my chest as I leaned my head back, ravishing in the affections he was gracing me with. I suppose even if this were to be a one time thing, I’d take it. 
“Call me Thranduil…Meleth Nin” he whispered as he pulled me into the most heated kiss that I’ve ever experienced in my life. His mouth moved with mine, not against it. His hands moved underneath my nightgown causing my skin to get little goosebumps all over. I couldn’t help but moan into the depths of the kiss itself in turn causing the male who sat below me to rally further on. Inspiring him to move quicker with more of a firm hand. The kiss grew heavily and needy. The sound of heavy breathing and whimpers echoes within his chambers. He pulled me on top of his lap fully allowing me to feel how large the man was endowed and he was by far not small. I felt the blush returning to my cheeks as I pulled away the need for air much to great for my little form. 
“Thranduil… Thranduil… my king, my sweet and kind king.” I whisper my legs on either side of his as I roll them down, the thin silks of my undergarments barely keeping me away from him. His own pants made of simple silk cloths did very little to barricade us. In one solid movement, but not without a squeak from me, he picked me promptly moving us towards his grandeur bed. He laid me down and hovered over my small form which was dwarfed by his own tall figure. “Please… I need you my sweet king” I whimper softly rolling my hips upwards against his own as they were still wrapped around his waist. His soft growl was short but not unnoticed. I shuddered as I watched him with bright eyes. 
“I will take you here, now, and on my own bed.” His voice was deep and husked as he pulled my nightgown off me leaving me only in my undergarment, my chest completely exposed leaving it open to the cold autumn air. This caused me to shiver but not for long as the king descended upon me in a quick moment, his own robe discarded somewhere on the floor. 
I took in everything that I saw before me, his silky smooth skin, the way his body was absolutely perfect even in the dimness of the room's light. I couldn’t help but reach out and touch him. He was hot under my palms. My eyes wandered over his chest, over his arms, and everywhere else I could cast my gaze on him. 
“Do you enjoy seeing Meleth Nin?” I blinked and blushed realizing I was staring far more than I should’ve. 
“I-I do, I very much enjoy what I see” I say my eyes half lidded the lust starting to ebb its way between my legs as I whimper his name once more arching myself against him. It wasn’t long before we were both naked amongst each other, our bodies intertwined with one another. I could feel everything about him. He laid me down on the bed while he kissed down my voluptuous body. Not leaving one spot untouched. 
“Your body is worth worshiping as it was made of beauty. He kissed further and further down before his mouth connected to my core. I couldn’t cover my mouth fast enough allowing a loud moan to slip out before covering my face with the back of my hand. The cries kept slipping out one by one as I arched into him. His large hands grabbed into my thighs digging into the meat as he dragged me closer. Ravishing my core with his tongue, sending me spiraling as if it was the most natural thing he could do. He moved a hand to slip a finger inside, sinking it deep inside my core making me both shudder and cry out in pleasure. He slipped a second one in before stretching me fully and wholly. The stars that I could I see were both blissful and not quite enough
“P-please my king, I need you wholly and fully.” I begged teetering on the edge once more. I couldn’t help but feel the feeling of emptiness between my legs only for it to be filled in a mere instant. He was seated within me, buried to the hilt. It hurt, and felt good all in one. He stretched and filled me, seating himself between my legs. My eyes widened at the sudden intrusion. I watched his face while his arms held me enclosed within him. His strong arms on either side of my head. It wasn’t long before he started thrusting his hips into mine. The soft mewls became harsh cries of pleasure. The sound of skin against skin echoing in his chambers as the scent of sex and sweat filled the air. 
“Fuck Thranduil! Meleth Nin!” I cried out clawing at his back as I arched into him, wanting more and more. He was harsh in his movements, ruthless even. I knew that I’d even have bruises on my thighs from where he was gripping them in the morning. 
“That’s it Meleth Nin, I want you to feel me… feel everything that I can give you” He whispered before kissing me, his hips sputtering as if I knew he was close. My own orgasm came to a close as my body began to shake with need. He kissed me before kissing down my neck biting it which sent me allowing me that sweet cusp to release into the peak of my orgasm. Crying out in the purest bliss my wall comes clamping down around him milking his cock of everything that he had to offer. I could hear the grunt in his voice as his hips sputtered a few more times only for him to slam harder and deeper into my core pushing as far as he could go, releasing his seed deep within me. I cried in the purest form of pleasure. 
“Oh Thranduil!!! My love!!! Meleth Nin!” I cried holding him closer before closing my eyes softly, the high slowly coming down. That is how we stayed for a long while, encircled in his arms  he was still buried deep withinside me. It was some time later he finally pulled from me allowing me to moan lowly a soft whimper of soreness slipping from my lips as well. 
“Be mine… Meleth Nin” He whispered into my temple as he pulled me closer in his arms only for us to slowly fall asleep. My response a gentle whisper on my tongue before drifting off into a deep slumber. 
“Always my king, I am yours.” With that, we had both fallen blissfully asleep encircled in one another's arms. Very much entranced with each other. The king who fell for the healer and the healer who fell for the king, who knew such a thing would be possible? Only the stars above would know such a fate would be so kind to the both of them as they slept under the same stars that fated them to be together. 
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Suffer In Silence II: Eddie Munson
Stranger Things Masterlist
word count: 934
description: Y/N hears Eddie say how he really feels about her which gives her the motivation to finally let him know that you feel that same way
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It had been a few weeks since Eddie got to see how sentimental and caring you were towards him when you thought he was sleeping and he couldn't get it out of his mind. He begin thinking that maybe you did feel the same way as he did and thought about telling you the truth about how he really felt.
Eddie went to school day hoping maybe to test the waters a little more with you but you weren't there which made him frown because where were you today, you never missed school. By the time lunch came he was already to ditch so he could go see where you were. He reached your house and knocked on the door, where you answered the door wrapped up in a blanket.
"Jesus, you look like crap, are you feeling okay?" He asked walking in.
"Wow that's whatever girl wants to hear Eds, but seriously I'm fine.....it's just mother nature paying me a visit." You said taking a seat on the couch.
"Ohhhh.....Do you need anything?" He asked.
"Umm honestly I could go for some snacks, my mom is supposed to stop by the store after work tonight but I don't think I can wait that long." You said.
"Say no more...I can go grab us some snacks and whatnot and we can watch some movies if you are up to it." He said as you nodded your head.
"Thanks, Eds." You said as he left.
While waiting for Eddie to return with your snacks, you felt the aspirin you had taken finally kick and make you feel sleepy, so you got up and headed to your room and got comfortable figuring a quick power nap wouldn't hurt before he returned.
Eddie returned about ten minutes into your nap and found you fast asleep in your room making him smile as he brushed some of your hair out of your face. He sat next to you admiring how peaceful you looked in your sleep while you had woken up when you felt him touch your face and were planning on getting him back for what he did a couple of weeks ago when you heard him start speaking.
"Look I know you are sleeping right now but I just wanted to tell you that I love you and have been in love with you for a while now, and I know you probably don't feel the same way as I do and I'm okay with that but I just needed to tell you."
You were honestly too stunned to do anything, you weren't honestly expecting to hear Eddie pour his heart out to you and it was killing you not to be able to let you know he felt the same because you felt like it was an invasion of privacy to be awake right now. You forced yourself back to sleep for another thirty minutes while thinking about how you were gonna tell Eddie how you felt without letting him know that you knew how he felt.
"Hey sleepyhead, how are you feeling?" He asked as you started waking up.
"A bit better, sorry for falling asleep." You said sitting up next to him.
"No need to apologize, I figured you were going to fall asleep at some point." He said offering you a small smile.
It was a couple of days later when you and Eddie were watching Porky's II when you two would finally land on the topic and give the gateway to tell Eddie how you felt.
"So can I ask you, something sweetheart?" Eddie asked you as you nodded your head at him to continue.
"Why haven't you gone out with any of those guys that have asked?" He asked you.
"Uh none of them are my type plus I've kinda my eye on someone for a while now." You said.
"And whose that? And why haven't you asked them out yet?" He asked you with his eyebrow raised.
"Well he's this guy I've known forever and he is probably one of the biggest sweethearts I know. He's got the prettiest brown eyes I've ever seen that I find myself getting lost in a lot, he's a talented musician and D&D player even if I can't understand the game 90% of the time, and I didn't know how to tell him because I didn't want to risk our friendship if he didn't feel the same way." You said looking at him.
"Trust me he's felt the same way for years...he's had that same fear for years but now he's see's what a mistake that was." He said as you realized how close your faces were now.
"Well is he gonna kiss me or do I got take charge in that aspect too?" You mused with a smile as you felt him cup your face, feeling the cold metal of rings on your face.
When your lips touched his, it was everything you imagined and more as you wrapped your arms around his neck. You two stayed like that for a few minutes until you had to pull apart for oxygen.
"That was...better than I imagined." He said making you laugh at him.
"So does this mean you'll be my girlfriend?" He asked looking at you.
"Hmm, I might need more kisses to make a decision like that." You said making him shake his head with a laugh as he gave you a couple of pecks and one long kiss.
"I would nothing more than to be your girlfriend officially" You said looking at him with a smile and watching as his own smile grew more.
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thefanficmonster · 4 years
Power Couple
Corpse Husband x Reader (Female)
Warnings: Swearing 
Genre: Fluff, Humor
Summary: Sean, Felix, Dave, and Joel welcome Corpse’s girlfriend to a game of Party Animals. It’s her first time playing and she has to deal with a lot more than just the controls and objectives - her boyfriend being a cute, cuddly sweetheart with ulterior motives to his clinginess.
Requested by @susceptible-but-siriusexual. Thank you so much for your request! Hope I captured what you wanted and how you wanted. Feel free to send any other requests you may have XOXO
It’s been one hell of a day. Had to correct twice as many documents as I was originally supposed to at work; found my car with a flat tire in the parking lot as I was about to go home; argued with my boss over the phone while stuck in a traffic jam. It’s been a rough twelve hours, but it has led me here and that’s what I’d rather think about.
By ‘here’ I mean I’m sitting on the couch in Corpse’s recording room, my computer in my lap, my screen displaying the screen to the game Party Animals. The suggestion was Corpse’s. He immediately picked up on my below par mood and wasted no time finding a solution to bright up the remainder of the day, shadowing the shitty portion of it. I am not what you would call a gamer. Sure I’ve played Among Us with Corpse and his friends a few times. Even that I struggle to do because I’m internally fangirling over all the people in the lobby. Yeah, dating a youtuber doesn’t mean you automatically stop gushing over the many content creators on the platform you’ve been watching for quite some time now. Corpse knows how nervous I get so he’s always near me when we play with Sean, Felix and the other. All he has to do is give me that encouraging smile and wink of his and I’m good to go. Side note: massive props to him for going easy on me in Among Us, getting teasingly called ‘simp’ by his friends in the process.
“You’ll love it.“ He promised me over and over again as the game was downloading on my computer.
“I don’t doubt that, Corpse. But I am going in completely blind and I seriously don’t wanna embarrass myself.“ I mumble a quick ‘nor you‘ under my breath, hoping he doesn’t catch it because I’m in for a pep talk if he does. 
To my dismay, he does, “Listen here, you couldn’t embarrass me even if you actively tried to do something outrageous. Most likely scenario, I’d join you in the act.” He ducks in front of the couch so we’re at eye level, his hand coming up to cup my cheek in the sweetest, most comforting gesture ever. “We’ll show em who’s the boss at stealing candy.”
I can’t help but laugh, feeling unable to express just how much this man means to me. Words can’t do the feeling justice.
“Corpse Wife has arrived!“
Hearing all the greetings lights a flame in my chest, the warmth spreading all the way to my neck and cheeks. “Hi guys! Missed playing with you!”
“We missed you too!“ Dave, the only one of the gaming gang I’ve actually met in person, replies to me, his words along with all the others’ wrapping around me like a comfort blanket. Despite them knowing I’m a fan of theirs, they’ve always made me feel welcomed, comfortable, nothing less than them.
“You know anything about this game?“ Felix asks me.
I shake my head, almost forgetting he can’t see me, “Corpse told me it’s funny and cute. It sounds like the perfect game for me.” 
“Oh no, this is a game of survival. Survival of the fittest!“ Sean shouts excitedly, a bang following his shout I can only assume was him hitting his desk.
“I’d like to think I’m pretty fit.“ I shrug my shoulders, laughing along with the guys.
“This is the only way to find out if you actually are.“ Joel’s voice comes through my headphones in the form of a tease.
Sean mumbles quietly to himself as he’s deciding how to separate us in two teams. “Guys, a little help here. We all suck at this game, it doesn’t really matter who’s in which team.”
“Actually...“ Felix trails off, “Corpse and Y/N are the ultimate power couple in Among Us. Chances are they will be in this as well. So, the only logical move would be to...“
“I’m taking Y/N, you take Corpse.“ Sean declares. “Joel, Dave, who do you guys wanna be with?“
And the game starts. Sean, Joel and I are the Meowfia while Corpse, Felix and Dave are yet to choose a team name. We throw around snarky, cocky comments at each other, taunting the opposite team as we struggle to take the candy to our respective sides of the map.
“Don’t you dare pull that lever, Dave!“ I launch at Dave, knocking his cute avatar away from the lever, buying Joel and Sean some time to steal back the gummy bear Corpse and Felix took from us.
“Y/N! Joel is out! Help me!“ Sean is freaking out now. I ditch Dave’s unconscious body and run to Sean’s aid. 
As I’m helping him push it towards out area a member from the opposite team latches onto my avatar, weighing me down and hindering me from doing anything.
“Hug!“ Corpse laughs as he has literally turned into a koala, holding onto my avatar.
“Corpse, you know you are actually supposed to hinder Y/N, not hug her. It’s cute though, don’t get me wrong.“ Felix laughs as him and Sean continue to struggle over the gummy bear.
“Nah, his tactic’s great. I can’t do shit.“ I desperately try and shake him off, “Babe, this is unfair. I can’t even be mad at you!“ I whine, staring to panic now that Dave is back to life and Joel is nowhere to be seen.
The round is won by Felix, Dave and Corpse who, if I might add, didn’t let go of me for the rest of the game.
We switch maps, now every man for himself. We’re on the submarine, recreating the Hunger Games with cute fuzzy animals. The thought passes through my mind, causing me to giggle.
“Y/N, you sound exactly like I’d imagine your avatar to sound. You’re so cute.“ Sean’s avatar circles mine a few times as he laughs.
He’s not wrong, my pale blue puppy is indeed cute. Apparently immortal as well.
“How is Y/N still alive?! Holy shit, her and Corpse really are a power couple.“ Dave shrieks when he sees me pick up the freeze gun. “NOOO!“ He shouts, devastated by the fact I shot him, sending him straight to his death.
“Chill, Dave. It’s all cool. Nothing personal.“ I struggle to hide my laughter, “No hard feelings, right?“
“Of course not, love.“ I can tell he grits the sentence through clenched teeth.
“Aw Dave, you are such an ice guy.“ I giggle, now shooting Joel with the gun.
“Someone take that gun from her!“ Sean cries as him and Felix race up the submarine.
Suddenly, the avatar of my boyfriend again wraps itself around mine. I hadn’t seen him in a while, considering Sean knocked him into the ocean earlier in the round. 
“How are you still alive?!“ I try to spin my puppy to get him to let go but he holds on tightly. “Babe, I swear, you are cute and I love you, but this is ridiculous. How and why are you alive?”
“That’s his superpower! He never fucking dies.“ Felix laughs, letting out a yelp when he briefly slips while climbing.
“Immortals!!! Immortals!!!“ Sean breaks out into a song, a song I really like, breaking the restraints I had on my laughter.
“Drop the gun or we’re dying together.“ He says almost seriously. Even though I can only see the back of his head I know he’s grinning.
“A Titanic/Romeo and Juliet mashup? Why not? I can live with dying a double historical death.“ Even though I appear accepting of his offer, I’m still trying to set myself free.
In the end, Sean claims his first win of the game and the rest of us are dead at the bottom of the ocean. Corpse and I did indeed die a Romeo and Juliet/Titanic death, getting everyone in their feels. We make a deal to get together and play again as soon as possible and we all go our separate ways, exiting the Discord call.
*Later that night* 
After a dinner consisting of takeout and two thirds of a shitty romantic comedies, Corpse shifts from next to me, starting to get up from the couch. I am surprised to feel jolted out of a half sleep as the room is now completely silent, the TV being turned off.
“Hey where’re you going?“ I ask groggily, rubbing my sleepy eyes.
“I have some editing to do. Don’t worry, I won’t stay up too late.“ He kisses my forehead before grabbing his phone from the coffee table.
Just as he’s about to walk away, I wrap my arms around his legs. He laughs, catching onto what I’m insinuating. His chuckle brings a smile to my face and butterflies in my belly. No matter how long we date for or how much time we spend together, some things never change. 
“Payback, huh?“ He asks, the smile audible in the question. I keep my eyes shut but nod, my arms still around his legs. “Alright, you koala. You’re coming with me.”
In his recording room, he settles in his chair placing me in his lap in a way that my legs dangling off to the side, my side leaning against his chest, my face hidden in the crook of his neck. We’re both comfortable, content and relaxed.
I don’t know when exactly it happens, but all my mind has registered is a quiet ‘I love you’ and the soft touch of Corpse’s lips on my temple. I manage to reply with an ‘I love you too’ before my sleepiness consumes me, my body completely relaxing against his, the warmth of his body, his scent, the sound of his breathing making me feel safe and loved: the two feelings I want him to feel with the same intensity when I’m in his arms.
Something tells me he does.
@simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @hacker-ghost  @itsminniekat  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17 @chrysanthykios  @annshit @i-cant-choose-a-username-help
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physicalturian · 3 years
[18+] Filthy Summer - Rengoku Kyojuro x GN!Reader (AFAB)
[No pronouns used for the reader, no physical description; Everyone +18] [AFAB Reader]
Words : 6710
Archive of our own
Follows the work of Gentle Summer or can be read on its own.
Synopsis : On a heated summer night, you and Rengoku decide to finally fuck after a pretty intimate moment.
Warning : Oral Sex / Light Bondage / Cunnilungus / Creampie / Cum play / Hair-Pulling / Power play / Marking / Aftercare / Fluff / Smut / Penis in vagina sex
If you feel like I should add more warnings, let's go gang.
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A comfortable silence had set in the night. I thought I would be exhausted. Wrapped in the safety of his arms, I was certain I would fall asleep in an instant, but my body did not want to listen to logic. Something else was doing the thinking, and that was my lust. My need for him. The moon outside was illuminating the inside of the room beautifully. I could not see much of Rengoku’s face because the light of the moon cast a shadow on it. The flame of the lantern had long since died out.
I brushed my hand delicately on his cheek and sighed in silence. There was nothing I could do to satiate that need that had built up inside me; he had fallen asleep almost instantly after laying down. It seems I was the only one who was left frustrated and wanting, it’s a shame, I thought I had done a great job at riling him up, I thought in disappointment. The image of his eyes widened in surprise and the feeling of his tight grip around my hand were carved inside my mind. No matter how hard I tried, I could not stop thinking about it.
Carefully, I brushed my thumb over his lips and smiled to myself as I moved his hand to rest it on my hip. Maybe his presence would help me fall asleep, maybe he would bring me closer and hold me tight and that would calm my stupidly awake mind. Closing my eyes once again, I tried to force myself to think of something other than his lips on my skin, or his hands on my stomach, or even his breath against my ear—it’s not working, it is like asking someone to not imagine a red balloon. Of course, they will think about it, I reprimanded myself as I opened my eyes again. “I need a cold bath, surely it will help,” I mumbled to myself. It was barely audible, and clearly not enough to awake anyone.
When I was about to move Kyojuro’s hand, I felt the grip tighten, “Where are you going?” His voice was nowhere close to sleepy, the clarity of it surprised me more than anything. Looking at him, I chuckled nervously and asked, “Were you not asleep?” He hummed deeply, thinking of his next words as his hand slid down my leg. He brought it over his thigh and moved his face closer to mine, our foreheads almost touching. “One can hardly sleep with how loud your thoughts are, my love,” I was about to ask what he meant when he pressed a slow kiss on my lips before continuing, “I am very flattered that you cannot keep my hands off of you.” His hands slithered to my kimono, the moonlight helping him see what he was doing. He chuckled softly at the knot I had tied around again and undid it effortlessly.
“Did you think tying it close would help those lewd thoughts that are plaguing your desperate mind?” He asked teasingly. I laughed and nodded sincerely, “In all honesty, I did. But you are right next to me, and those thoughts are only growing.” His beautiful laugh echoed while he pulled me even closer, I let my hand wander between us and lower on his body to part his kimono. He had not dressed back when we laid down, which made it easier to simply move his kimono out of the way to have him exposed in his full glory. “You are impatient, maybe I should do something about your hands, what would you say?” He asked teasingly as he helped my arms out of the sleeves before bringing them around his neck.
I gladly wrapped them around it and leaned in for a tender kiss that was quick to turn into something more needy. His hands did not join the mix, but I did hear the rustle of cloth which made me question what he was doing. I found out soon enough when his rough hands took hold of mine and wrapped my wrists with the cotton belt that only moments ago was around my waist. I broke the kiss in confusion, then felt him lift me onto his lap as he sat up, crossed-legged like he had earlier when he wanted us to hug. This hug was a lot different.
My knees were on each side of him and I could feel his hard cock against my stomach; my core ached to feel it, so I rolled my hips in the hope that he would let me do just that. With one hand back on my hip, he stopped me from moving and brought his other hand on his cock, “That neediness was not nearly as well depicted in your letters as it is right now, with your pretty legs open like this. It’s a sight that would make any man’s knees buckle, you are lucky I am seated.” His tone, while warm as usual, was not the same. The warmth that traveled my entire body was much more carnal, less charming. “Is that so? Being fully nude on your lap is all that is needed to make you weak?” I asked playfully. With the little access I had from having my wrists tied, I pulled his hair back gently to tilt his head up and look down at him.
A pretty grin was resting on his lips, it was inviting and what kind of guest would I be to refuse such an invitation... Slowly, I dipped my head and grazed my lips against his, making sure to exhale against his mouth as our noses brushed against one another. “Tell me, what else would make you weak?” I asked, my tone sultry and playful at the same time. I heard his breathless, yet choked laugh as he half-closed his eyes to look at me, “You remembered the hair, I like it. You seem to remember my letters so well… Tell me,” His lips were pressed teasingly on mine, I did not play along and kissed him with more fervor, only to have him push my face away by grabbing my jaw with a bit more force.
“Would you please wait? You seem so eager, but we are having a discussion, my love,” He trailed his open mouth from my chin to my ear then continued, “Then again, you were that eager even before that, who am I to act surprised?” He chuckled, kissing my jaw fully. I huffed a laugh to hide the fact that I was growing flustered and said, “So were you. Need I remind you how aroused you got the moment I started kissing your body? Such tender actions, tainted by your lewd thoughts... Quite sinful, wouldn’t you say?” The moment I finished talking, Rengoku placed his large hand on my lower back to push me closer as his other one was behind my head. He then leaned forward, making me fall back on my back on the futon.
I did not hit it hard thanks to his hands, but it felt weird not being able to catch my fall because of my tied hands. Another laugh escaped his lips, his eyes wide and bright as a proud smile adorned his lips. He slowly let go of my body and moved his head from my arms so that they were now still bound at the wrists, but resting between us. “Shall we re-enact those so-called tender actions of yours?” I was confused by his words, then felt his large hand grab mine and guide them to his cock. He then wrapped them around it, sighing in pleasure when I tightened my hold around his erected member. “Good, yes-“ A groan escaped his throat as he bucked his hips inside my hands, dropping his head onto my shoulder as he kept going, his mouth open as his breath was constricted.
“Those beautiful hands that-“ a salacious moan escaped his lips again, this time right next to my ear. I couldn’t help but try to bring him closer by bringing my foot on his back and digging my heel against it to push him closer. I wanted to feel him, not just hold his cock, even if the idea of being in control of his pleasure was more than exciting. “Were so gentle in taking care of me, but-“ I could hear the smile through his words, “...but all they are good for now-“ another deep groan muffled against my skin, I wanted to see how far he would go, if he would only find his own pleasure or if he was simply having fun. I was waiting for an opportunity. “Is to make my cock feel so good-“ Feeling like his thrusts were getting wilder, more desperate, I did the thing I found the most entertaining in times like these. The moment he bit into my shoulder in pleasure, I let go of his cock and heard him gasp loudly next to me in indignation.
“Do not talk about my hands as such, they can take as much as they give.” I said tauntingly as I pressed my cheek to his face only to have him lean back and look at me with an amused expression. “I suppose it is time to enjoy how beautiful your voice is,” He grinned as he moved back slightly and was now kneeling between my spread legs. I could not keep my gaze on his eyes, for mine kept looking down at his glorious cock that seemed to be needing attention. “Although I wish to make you moan loudly, you will have to be quiet-“ “What if my moans were muffled by… something?” I tried to make him understand by looking down between his legs. His expression faltered, seemingly surprised by my suggestion.
I did not miss the smile in the corner of his mouth as he threaded his hand through his hair before slowly standing up and lighting the lantern. He joined my side again, this time he brought a knee to his chest while his other leg was free in front of him. “Seeing how you seem almost hungry for it, I will not refuse.” He gestured for me to come closer. I sat up properly and knelt in front of him, only to have him spread my knees with a gentle laugh. “You look delicious like that, my dear.” He commented, his hands sliding to my slit to stroke it a few times, eliciting a gasp from my throat.
He brought his fingers back to his mouth and licked it, the action in itself was so vulgar but the smile on his face was soft. His words were a mix of both, “You know, you must always have a taste of your meal, in case it’s not to your liking.” He leaned in and kissed me tenderly, albeit shortly, leaving me wanting more with my mouth open. He filled it with his fingers to have me taste it too and added, as I licked them clean, “After all, I will eat you out once you have satiated that hunger for my cock.” I almost gagged on his fingers upon hearing his words, he pulled them out laughing before threading them in my hair and slowly pushing my head towards his cock.
“There, I did say I would work on that gagging, did I not? It is the perfect opportunity,” He was almost determined. His other hand placed itself under my chin and held it gently as he helped his cock inside my mouth, holding me still as he did so. His fingers drummed on my throat a few times as silent gasps escaped his lips. “Very—good, yes-“ He grunted in short sentences, if one could call them such. My tongue was pressed against his length, I could feel it hit the back of my throat and slightly push in, making my eyes tear up. Saliva was already drooling from my mouth, and down the length of his cock. Curiously, I looked up at him and was met with a look I would have never thought I would see on his face, something close to threatening, no… dangerous.
Slowly, I tried to bob my head onto his member, but without the support of my hands that had drifted between my legs, I had to rely on Kyojuro’s tight grip in my hair. Sliding his hand fully around my throat, he looked at me with what was supposed to be a reassuring smile. “Beautiful, so full-“ He hissed as he moved inside my mouth, lifting my head only to let it come back after. His hand tightened around my neck at the feeling, enjoying knowing he could feel himself there. “Will you allow me to fuck your throat good? I will not finish in your mouth,” I nodded the best I could with his cock in my mouth and started stimulating myself as he started bobbing my head on his cock. While he did so, he gritted through his teeth, beaming, “I reserve that for you needy- aching- hole,” The thoughts of having him fill me only aroused me more.
Pain joined the exquisite feeling of my fingers on my clitoris, his grip was not letting go of my hair one bit as he lowered my head down his cock before pulling back. At first he leaned his head back, enjoying the feeling greatly, the sound of my whimpers around him made him more than ecstatic. I knew it from his openmouthed moans that he was not muffling one bit. When I started rolling my hips against my hand, he looked down at me suddenly, stopping his actions. “My dearest, do you need attention?” He hummed inquisitively, his eyes traveling down my body to land on my hands. “I see what’s going on, you are very smart to enjoy yourself too,” He praised me before thrusting his hips once in my throat. I gagged at the feeling, more tears streaming down my face but held back anything that I could feel coming up. “I will stop for tonight, since you are so needy.” He cooed gently.
Delicately, he pulled out of my mouth, grunts leaving his throat as he did so. A trail of saliva connected my tongue to his tip; looking at him through half-lidded eyes, I leaned in and licked it painfully slow. He quickly pulled my head back roughly, then let go to cradle my face with both hands. “You did good.” A tender kiss followed, it turned more passionate when he pried my mouth open and let his tongue venture. As he did so, he pushed me back onto the futon and broke the kiss. “Will you forgive me if I tell you the sight of tears rolling down your cheeks, along the feeling of my cock in your throat, is one that I would like engraved in my mind? You have no idea how salacious and endearing it was at the same time.”
Both chuckling, he trailed kisses down my chest to my stomach. While he did so, I croaked, “I will forgive, simply because you must be quite the sight too with my thighs around your head.” I must have caught him off guard for he snorted without much charm upon hearing my words. “I will admit, it is the best accessory I can ask for,” He commented, his fingernails barely clawing at my inner thighs as he looked at me, “And I like colorful accessories, do you?” His tone was mischievous, his eyes too but his smile was sweet. Hesitantly, I nodded. It made him grin broadly as he started fervently kissing my thighs, sucking and licking. Nibbling on them too. While his mouth would be on my inner thighs, one hand would be gripping the one being attacked while the other wrapped around the other thigh and kept it close to him.
I would sometimes chuckle at the light feeling of his tongue on my skin, goosebumps raising all over my body. I threaded my fingers through his hair gently, needing to touch him but only being able to reach that part. My legs were over his shoulders; I could feel some pain coming on the parts of my legs he had been working on, but was able to not pay it any mind thanks to the frustration I was feeling. He was so close to giving me pleasure, but he was taking his sweet time. “Kyo, why are you taking so long? Please…” He looked up, his smile more teasing than ever. “My love…” He bit my leg gently, his eyes never leaving mine before continuing, “I assumed you were patient, considering it took some long, painful courting to get us right here.” He bit the other thigh, earning himself a groan from me. He grazed his teeth on it afterwards, “I remember the mention of not wanting to be inappropriate in those beautiful letters of yours.” He trailed off, his hands slithering between my legs and onto my ass as he suddenly pulled me closer.
“Tell me, don’t you believe it vulgar to be spread as such in front of me?” I felt warmth rushing to my cheeks and down between my legs, my back was oscillating between burning hot and cold from the shivers that kept coursing through my body. “If you do not like the sight, you may let go of them, I will close them to not look too vulgar.” I said in faux confidence, making him huff in response. Shaking his head, he made sure to spread them just a little bit more. His observant eyes travelled from my eyes down to my stomach then paused to slowly lower to my spread legs; there, a smirk drew itself on his lips, “You will close them, yes,” after saying that, he lowered his head onto my slit, “Around my head. Don’t be shy to wrap them real tight, I can assure you I will survive.” He winked, then dipped his head and started lapping at my cunt.
I wanted to cover my mouth and hold onto his hair, but could only do one. I chose the former, in order to not wake up everyone with the whimpers escaping my lips. With each movement of his tongue between my lower lips, I would arch my back when he’d graze my clit with the tip of his tongue. His nose would press against it from time to time, giving it a little bit of pressure, but not nearly as much as I would need. I tried to angle my hips to guide myself on a spot that would make me feel even better, but he made sure to hold me still by gripping my sides. Looking up with a glistening chin and out of breath, he gave a slow lick between my legs, “Are you alright? Perhaps, is it not good enough?” His tone was teasing, arrogant, but loving still. I wanted to grab his chin and kiss him deeply, but did not trust he would let me. Freeing my mouth, I uttered, “You are doing it on purpose, can you please…”
Tilting his head to the side he quirked a brow, “If you look at me like this, I can hardly refuse,” He started, there was something else he wanted to add. I knew it from the look he was giving me. He did not disappoint when he spoke up again. “But only if you bring those beautiful hands back on my hair. My purpose here is to make my songbird sing, I can hardly hear anything if your hands are covering your mouth my love.” Doing as he asked, I brought my hands to him, but instead of gripping his hair I gently took hold of his chin, “So you do keep that beautiful way with words,” I commented as I pressed my thumbs on his lower lip to open his mouth. He followed my moves and did so, his smile never leaving his face. “If filthy words will not leave that pretty mouth of yours, I suppose I’ll fill it with filth myself.”
I was thrilled to see his smile change from mischievous to excited, challenged. I mirrored it. He was quick to bring my hands away from his face and into his hair wordlessly. His only response was to resume his actions with a lot more fervor, his tongue lapping at my sex with the lewdest sounds. The ache I had been feeling for so long was growing and building up inside me, I only realized my thighs were tightening around his head when I felt him grunt against my sex as his nails dug deeper in my skin. Whimpers were flooding from my mouth; it was not nearly enough to drown the salacious wet sounds from his tongue between my legs. While it made my entire body heat up in embarrassment, I could not spare one ounce of energy to feel remotely ashamed of what was happening. Moans soon followed when he started sucking on my clit, his eyes lit up with pride when he elicited a louder one.
At that, his hands slithered to my thighs to hold them open instead of around his head. He looked up at me playfully as he did so, “I liked that one, I am sure you could do it again, for me?” “Kyo—Kyo we’re not alone, don’t-“ He did not listen and returned all his attention to my sensitive nerves. My brows knotted in pleasure, I let my head roll back. I was getting close to relief, my eyes riveted on the ceiling as my entire body tensed. He did not seem like stopping, nothing was leading me to that conclusion, and it made me happier the moment my vision filled with white, and I let out a cry of relief. Utter silence followed, I slumped back on the mattress and sighed in content, my hand had long since let go of Rengoku’s hair and was now resting on my stomach.
I gasped when I felt a lazy tongue lick between my folds then saw Kyojuro’s face right above mine, a stupid smile on his lips. His skin glistened from my filth. He was not grinning, but I knew something was going on when he kissed me softly and pried my mouth open to deepen the kiss. His tongue intruded my mouth with something more salty than saliva, it took me some time to come to the realization of what he had done; I quickly broke the kiss and swallowed to speak but was interrupted by the sliding of the door open. I looked behind Rengoku’s shoulder in panic, trying to bring him against me to cover my sweaty form. It was pointless to fake sleeping since the light was on and my eyes were wide in shock.
The sleepy form of Uzui stood there, his hair messy and his eyes, half-closed, focused on us. “It’s Tengen.” I whispered to Rengoku who still had his back facing the door. “He is half-asleep.” I added. The red-haired smirked and kissed my neck, “I’ll tell him to leave.” He chuckled before pulling the blanket on my form as he stood up. He did not bother to cover himself as he made his way to the door, fully nude and uncaring of anything. “Giyuu said he heard something, but since it was coming from your room he did not dare come in case y’all were…” the silver-haired man waved his hands in front of him to explain exactly what he meant; as he tried to look behind Kyojuro’s shoulder, the latter moved in the way to block his view. “In case you were fucking, clearly he guessed right.” He laughed, facing the Fire Pillar again. “We are, is there anything else?” Rengoku asked.
There was a pause, I was starting to calm down which made me feel annoyed since I wanted to finish what I had started with my lover. “Well, clearly the night has just started,” The Sound Pillar laughed again, “Just tone down the moans and all that, fuck all you want but just a bit more silent, yeah?” Kyo nodded and gestured for him to leave, still as confident as ever without needing to cover his cock, nor the marks all over his body. Before leaving, Uzui glanced behind Rengoku the best he could and covered his mouth in excitement before looking at my lover again. “Tied up? On the first fuck? You are wilder than I thought, Ren!” I heard him say, quickly I tried to cover my hands more. Uzui slapped his hand on the lion-like man’s shoulder and said, “Good for you, both of you. Have fun, don’t be late for training—and take a bath, there is paint all over the damn place. That’s some weird shit you’re into, not going to lie. Good night friend.” He then bid us goodbye and closed the door again.
Rengoku returned by my side in seconds, “Unnecessary interruption, I hope it did not turn you off my love.” He whispered softly as he removed the blanket from my form and pressed a kiss on my stomach. “All of this because you told me to uncover my mouth, it was obvious someone would hear.” I berated him playfully, thinking he would perhaps apologize but still say he did not regret it. While he did the latter, partially, he added more to it. “If it was that obvious, why did you do it?” He asked with a smug smile, his face close to mine once again as his fingers danced on my thighs. Slowly, they slid to the inner side of it while I stared at him confused, “Because you asked me to do it…” I told him with my cheeks heating up.
“You could have refused, my love.” He breathed, his lips ghosting over mine. “You know I would not have minded if you had refused.” He added, this time pressing a teasing kiss on my lips. I could feel the smile on his lips as his hair tickled the side of my face. Breaking the kiss for a moment, he pressed himself more against me and as he spoke, “Did you want to get caught?” he slid two fingers inside me, making me gasp silently at the unexpected feeling. I shut my mouth to hold back any groans from the thrusts of his fingers, but he was not having it; his free hand moved to my mouth and pried it open with his thumb, his expression softer than ever. “There, my love, I am sure you can give me a proper answer. Don’t be distracted by my fingers, focus on me.” As he said so, he made sure to add another finger and to rub his thumb on my clit.
Swearing under my breath, I tried to grab his shoulders, but was still bound and grunted in desperation. “Maybe you wanted that—“ He curled his fingers inside me, grunting in satisfaction at the sound that escaped my throat. ­Rengoku’s face was nested in my neck, his teeth grazing my skin as he whispered right next to my ear, “My love, you obeyed so dutifully when I told you to open your pretty mouth,” He chuckled to himself, never stopping his thrusts as I kept whimpering under him, trying hard to stay as silent as possible. When I rolled my hips against his hand, he kissed my temple softly and caressed my cheek. The tenderness of his actions could not balance the roughness of the one that followed when he grabbed my throat to bring me into a delicate kiss that he quickly broke. “Can you obey once more and answer my simple question? I’m sure you can be good and do that for me, hm?”
Giving him a long look, I smiled lazily and cradled his face in my hands to kiss him longingly, the sounds of my moans were muffled by his mouth. It did not take long for the kiss to grow more sloppy, more needy and clearly hungry. Feeling Kyojuro’s cock pressed against my thigh, I closed them around his cock and made him moan into the kiss, breaking it in the process. “Do not think I will be satisfied with just fucking your beautiful thighs, my love,” His gaze never leaving mine, he brushed his thumb on my throat and pulled his fingers out to spread my legs and instead place his between mine. Leaning over once again, he pressed the tip of his cock against my hole but did not move, instead he kissed my cheek, then my throat and grabbed my tied hands delicately. My eyes followed all of his movements, never leaving his body. I wanted to know what he wanted to do next, I wanted to be ready, to not be caught off guard again. “Would you like to use your hands again? I’d like to think it would feel better for both of us if you could use them.” He smiled gently, his hands playing with mine while waiting for an answer.
“I think you’ve held me down long enough; I would love to be able to run my hands all over your gorgeous body.” I said playfully, thrusting my hands towards him even more. I held back from smiling to not let him know what I was planning on doing. He scoffed and smiled before undoing the knot; the moment I was free, it did not take me more than a few seconds to bring him down and roll him over to be the one on top and pin his hands above his head.
The thrilled expression that was adorning his features filled me up with glee as I leaned over and ghosted my lips over his, just as he did before. “My turn,” I breathed with a smirk, “But I won’t tie your hands, I think they will be more than useful when you will be desperate to feel me more.” I taunted as I placed my hands on his hips and raised my hips above his hardened cock; I did not have time to lower myself that the Pillar held me in place and sat up. It made me move my hands on his shoulders and grip them tight, in case he decided to take control. “Do you remember my question? I believe I am still waiting for your answer.” He grinned darkly, an open kiss pressed at the spot where my neck and my shoulders met.
“It was… thrilling that Uzui was there, but it is simply because it is the boldest we’ve been in front of him,” I said softly, then lowered my tone and ghosted my lips against the shell of his ear as I added, “If I am being honest, seeing you walk there without covering yourself was a lot hotter than that idiot being there,” One of my hands placed itself on his jaw as I kissed his cheek, “And I got to see your beautiful bum too, which is more than a simple sight.” Chuckling, we kissed passionately, our hands traveling one another’s body. I could feel his cheeks were burning up, perhaps from the efforts and all the energy spent, but I liked to think he was flustered from my words. I realized his hands were not holding me anymore, while they were resting on my hips again by the end of our fiery kiss, they were doing just that, resting.
With my hands back on his shoulders, I did not waste time and lowered myself onto his cock. I tried hard to hold back the swearing from flooding out of my mouth, but the feeling of his cock stretching me out was painful and blissful at the same time. Without paying attention, I had spread my legs wider to get more of him inside me. Warmth spread all over my body when I heard him sigh in content, his hands gripping my waist to hold himself back from pulling me onto him with force. His nails were pressing hard into my skin and only dug more when I had him fully sheathed inside me and I rolled my hips once, twice. Looking up at him, I saw he was staring at me with hunger, a clear carnal desire that I matched by kissing him wantonly. One hand was splayed on his cheek while the other held onto his shoulder as I started lifting myself up and down his erected cock, rolling my hips as I did so. Soon enough, our grunts of pleasure started filling the room, our sweaty bodies melted into one when he wrapped his strong arm around my back and pulled me even closer.
The slick sound of his cock thrusting in and out of me made the act even more vulgar, but at this very moment I could not care less. I was focused on feeling each part of him, on feeling his burning touch traveling from my back to my shoulders as he tried to bring me even closer to bury his face in the crook of my neck. His moans were the most beautiful sounds I’ve ever heard coming from him, the heat emanating from his entire body was heating mine in return. His warm breath made my neck feel like it was on fire, even more so when he bit into it and groaned in pleasure as he started thrusting more. I had long since wrapped both of my arms around his neck and was holding onto him with force.
No words could escape my mouth, only whimpers and muffled moans as I tried to cover my mouth. I kept switching between covering my mouth or grabbing his shoulders, desperately trying to stay balanced but when he leaned forward, I let him tilt me back onto the floor with his hand resting behind my head. With his free hand, he held onto my waist and started ramming into me, his breath ragged and his mouth open as groans and moans escaped it, emphasizing each of his thrusts. Seeing him so primal was a sight I do not believe I could get tired of. Through high-pitched whimpers I reached out for his face, sliding my hand to the back of his hair as I pulled him closer once again. “Kiss me, please.” I pleaded. “Yes, of course, yes.” He replied, his speech hurried, tone desperate as he lifted my head from the ground with the hand resting behind it. The kiss was clumsy, dirty but it felt so good.
It felt so good to be this close to him, to not think of anything but the pleasure one was giving the other. He hiked my leg over his hip to angle himself better and as he did so, I arched my back in satisfaction, he had hit the perfect spot. He must have understood that since he swelled with pride and kept hitting that very spot over and over again, his speed decreased to a taunting one. “Look at you, squirming for more,” He huffed and caressed my stomach, down to my thighs, “Are you close, my love?” He had asked with a soft breathless smile, his hair covering the sides of his face. “Yes, please,” I let my head fall back once more and sighed, trying to catch my breath, “Please, make me cum, I’m aching for release, if you don’t—“ There was no need for threats, he was more than glad to resume his thorough fucking. There was no other word for it.
The entire evening had been love making, intimacy, gentle touches, but it had now turned into something so desperate that it could only be called fucking. Hands reaching for any sort of hold onto the other, sweat making the grip less secure, the paint from our bodies had long since tainted the sheets and was no longer adorning our backs. Our hands were covered in said paint, and as they traveled from back to shoulder to face, it left a colorful trail that made the body look even more like a work of art.
Soon enough, the tension that had built up inside me reached a peak. All I needed to break that tension was a few more thrusts that were strongly provided by Rengoku’s rough, heavy, forceful hips. At this blissful moment, all I managed to do was hold his arms in a death grip and mutter his name under my breath alongside swears as I felt myself tense for what felt like too long before letting my entire body relax and my hands fall back to my side. Kyojuro followed soon enough, one hand reaching for my cheek as he caressed me gently. His look was desperate as his thrusts became more erratic, seeing as if he was about to pull out, I wrapped my leg around his waist to stop him and with a tired arm reached out for the side of his neck to pull him close. “Don’t pull out, I want to feel you, all of you.” That was all he needed to finish, his movements stopping as his head fell back in utter pleasure.
Silence followed, moments after Kyojuro laid down next to me in exhaustion. He still had enough energy to help my head onto his chest to caress me gently, both of our bodies were dirty and reeked of sweat, but I could not care less. I did not want to think of anything but this very moment, from his words he wanted that too, “If you give me one hour, I am sure I could do that again.” He whispered, his eyes locked on the ceiling as a proud smile adorned his lips.
Trying to face him, I turned around on his chest with my chin resting on it. “Give me a few days, I am definitely not ready for more. As good as it was, I am out of commission for the time being.” I laughed as I trailed my hand on the scar on his stomach. I was relieved when he did not tense up and instead mimicked my actions but trailing a finger on the scar on my back. “Do you have energy to spare for a bath? I do not believe we’ll have time in the morning to bathe. It is already pretty late.” He explained softly as he rested his cheek against the side of my head, I was already starting to feel sleepy but knowing he was right, I pushed myself off of him and nodded sleepily. “I will find the energy. If I fall asleep in the bath, it is your responsibility. Understood?” I asked playfully as I handed him his kimono before draping mine over my form.
“I will keep you awake by talking to you without ever stopping, does that sound good?” He asked cutely as he stood up. He reached out for my hand, helping me stand up before pulling me close and hugging me gently.
“There is nothing more I could ask for than to hear you talk, please do.” I huffed a laugh then kissed him tenderly, enjoying each and every second spent by his side on this beautiful evening. When I pulled back, I tucked his hair behind his ears and grinned, “Tying your hair was not very helpful considering most of it fell from the ribbon.”
“It matters not! I looked very hot to you for a moment, I am sure you enjoyed it while it lasted.” He winked, his hand sliding down my arm to hold my hand. “Now you have the responsibility to wash my hair-“ “Mane,” I corrected him, “It is no longer hair seeing how many knots there are in it.” I continued playfully as we made our way out of the bedroom.
As we finished the night, I thought for a second I could imagine spending the rest of my life in this pure happiness, having someone I loved by my side, taking care of that someone as they took care of me.
Maybe everything will be alright, maybe I’m allowed some happiness.
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Requests are still open? If so, how about zhongli or kaeya with a GN reader that has trouble falling asleep? (bonus points if they look drowsy during daytime)
^ with the time change I’m feeling really sleepy most of the day. I would love for Zhongli to make me a cup of tea ... like I bet it's a treat. 
Warning -> none :) 
How about some tea?
Includes: Zhongli, Kaeya 
Character X GN reader  |  Anthology
There is something about this man's level of knowledge and insight into the things around him that’s incredible - somehow he knows the strangest of things while nothing of the simplest of things 
Ask him the price of a common item, he has no idea, but ask him why the sun dances across the sky and he will tell you a tale long forgotten to the sands of time 
So it’s both surprising and not that he knows something is strange about you 
“Your demeanor looks strange.” He states with his hand against his chin and head slightly tilted. 
“Oh, uh. Yeah, I just had a hard time sleeping last night is all.” You wave him away and continue with your task. You had started early with it, since you couldn’t sleep, and were nearly done. 
“If you’d like, I could brew you some tea with valerian root. It has an interesting flavor, but will suffice.” He hasn’t really moved from his place throughout your whole conversation. He’s almost like a statue, one hand at his chin, the other resting against the small of his back. 
“Uh, maybe.” You grab the large bag of items and lift it into your arms. You let out a sigh at its weight and try to shift it until it rests more comfortably in your arms. “I’ll get back to you.” With a warm smile, you give him a quick nod and head off. 
You look back at him and he is still standing there, just as he was before. 
Zhongli is a person who will keep his promises no matter what, even if you aren’t sure you created a promise with him
He can be very persistent and often takes people at their word - so when you see him show up later that day with all the material needed for a nice cup of tea, you shouldn’t be shocked 
“Zhongli?” You stand with your hand on your door and the other in your hair. You had returned only shortly before he arrived and thought a nice shower would help refresh your mind. 
“I was able to acquire the root I mentioned earlier today.” He’s just standing there, totally deadpan and serious. It makes you laugh. 
“You didn’t need to go out of your way for that.” You say through laughter, the lightness of it lifting the atmosphere. 
“I do recall I said I would brew you tea.” 
“Yes, you did. Come in.” 
You watch as he enters your home, something he hasn’t done very often. The two of you always found each other on the streets or walking along the harbor. Your relationship had always been friendly, and you enjoyed spending time with him. Truthfully, you longed for the relationship to be more. It somehow felt so domestic to see him moving through your kitchen with ease as if he’d lived there for years. 
You sit at the counter and watch as he nimbly gets everything ready. The way he cuts the root into small pieces, the way he collects water in the teapot and sets it over the stove. The skillful way he organizes the loose leaves of the tea he’s brought which, you knew, would complement nicely with the valerian. 
You enjoyed watching him as he prepared the tea. The simple process turned into an elegant orchestra of movement and execution. Once the water was at the right temperature, he poured the liquid into the cup and you watched as it turned a playful yellow. 
Elegantly, he placed a saucer before you before resting the cup quietly in its place. You take in the fragrance and catch the hint of wood and sweet flowers. 
“Do enjoy.” He gestured before following the same process to pour his own. 
You bring the liquid to your lips and are surprised at how perfect the water temperature is. As the contents fill your mouth, you immediately sense the earthy taste. It’s overpowering, but only for a moment. Once the initial aroma passes there is a relief of sweetness and floral, which is quite refreshing. 
“This is …” you pull your gaze from your cup before continuing, “kinda awesome.” 
“And it is much better when spent in good company.” There is a warm smile on his face and you wonder if the liquid was making you warm or if it was him. 
“I appreciate you doing this. It was nice of you.” 
“My pleasure. I could sense you were in need of something.” 
“I’ve just had a hard time sleeping lately, well, really most of the time.” You take another sip of the warm liquid. 
“Mmm, perhaps there is something plaguing you?” 
“Ha, not really. I’ve just always had a hard time sleeping at night. My mind won’t turn off I guess.” The soothing smell of the tea is starting to make your head heavy. 
“If this aids you, then I am happy to teach you how to make it. Or do so myself if you wish.” 
“Thank you, Zhongli.” You look back at the teacup and take a few more drinks before placing it on the saucer. Outside, you hear the citizens walking by and the distant shouting of those on the docks. Most of the time, you didn’t pay any attention to the sounds of the city, but today they seemed to be a soothing noise. Something about the way it all mixed and settled in your ears just felt right. 
“It must be working.” You catch his eyes and turn your head. For some reason, his eyes seem more powerful than normal. 
“It must be. I’m going to go rest on the couch for a minute.” 
“Please do, I will clean up here.” 
You settle into the couch and observe Zhongli from your place there. He’s already emptied your cup and cleaned it in the sink. His hands perfectly worked just the way he wanted them to. It feels like there are weights on your eyelids and it becomes harder and harder to keep them open. 
The last thing you see is Zhongli standing in your kitchen drinking his cup of tea as he looks out the window. 
He doesn’t let anything get past him, so he would definitely know something was up with you
“You look a little tired there.” Kaeya appeared out of thin air. You had been so distracted that you hadn’t noticed anything for a while. The passing of the time or the citizens walking from place to place, none of them registered. So when Kaeya’s face was suddenly before you and you caught his half-smile, you didn’t pay it much attention. 
“Do I?” Your head was fuzzy like someone had turned on the radio but all the channels were missing. This sensation had gotten so commonplace that you often ignored it too. 
“Yeah. Are you okay?” He leaned down, his smile gone and replaced with a concerned expression. 
“I’m okay. Thanks.” You try to give him a reassuring smile and hope he doesn’t worry. 
He watches as you walk away. There is something off about your steps, but he isn’t quite sure. 
He’d likely do his own background investigation to figure out what is troubling you. He’s ready to tackle any problem no matter the size in order to bring back your more cheery disposition 
When he finds out that it’s because you have trouble sleeping he gets to work. He’s asking the alchemists to come up with a potion, he goes to the church to see if the healers can assist in any way, he might even try some non-conventional tactics to help you sleep 
After many days of rain, the sun had started to return to the city. There was a cool chill that ran across your arms and the back of your neck as you bent down to pour out the excess water from the plants. I should probably replace this with some dry dirt, you think to yourself as the water spreads across the cobblestone. 
When you finish, you watch as the other citizens pass by. A few wave and some just keep on about their day. A few drops of cold water fall on your face and make you jump as it runs down your cheek. 
“Hello, again.” A familiar voice calls out to you and when you look, you see Kaeya confidently making his way toward you. 
“Hello.” You return and wipe the raindrops off of your face. You’re reminded how tall his when he stops but a few inches in front of you and stares down at you.
“Heading out now that the rain has stopped?” His hand is on his hip and he’s wearing his dashing smile. 
“Yeah, I was thinking of returning some books to the Library. I’m sure Lisa isn’t pleased I haven’t returned them yet.” 
“I’ll accompany you.” 
“You sure?” You give him a quizzical look. He’s always so busy, it’s strange for him to have extra time to spare. 
“Of course.” 
“Okay, well let me grab the books.” He waits patiently outside until you return, books in hand.
He’s a man with a plan, and he’s going to enact that plan 
He may have a pleasant smile plastered to his face, but he always has something working in the background, shifting in the shadows 
Somehow he has convinced you to visit his office. You aren’t sure how he convinced you, the conversation you had with him didn’t seem to discuss anything about having a cup of tea, and especially not in his office. 
“Thanks for the drink, it smells delicious.” You let the warm vapors run across your face and breath in the sweet smell. 
“Please take your time.” He sits in the chair next to you, his leg resting on his knee and his back against the plush cushion. 
You sit for a while and listen to the sounds of the room. The way the wind slides over the glass window, the sounds of footsteps walking through the hallways, voices of the knights growing and fading as they accomplish their tasks. The atmosphere starts to make you drowsy and you close your eyes for a minute, the warm cup resting on your legs. 
“You seem relaxed now.” You hear his voice and open your eyes again. 
“Yeah, there is something comforting about this place. I’m not sure why.” 
“Probably because I’m here.” You chuckle at his comment and take another sip of tea. When there are only a few drinks left you placed the cup back onto the saucer before preparing yourself to leave. 
“Well, thanks again.” You start to get up but he stops you. He’s grabbing your shoulder and ushering you down onto the couch. 
“You should rest.” 
“Huh, I don’t need to?” You try to sit back up, but he continues to push you down. 
“Yes, you do. I can tell how tired you are. When was the last time you slept.” 
“Kaeya, you’re being silly.” 
“When was the last time?” He asks again, sitting on the coffee table and crossing his arms. 
“... I don’t know … I tried to get some sleep last night but It didn’t really work.” You feel the soft cushion of the couch under you. It smells like Kaeya and it's pulling you in. 
“I have some more things to do, but you are welcome to rest here.” 
“I have a house…” 
“Yes, but you already said this place was comforting.” He smirks at you, again somehow convincing you his way is the best way. 
“I won’t fall asleep.” You retort, rubbing your eyes. 
“Just give it a try.” He stands up and you follow him with your gaze. You watch as he grabs a blanket and starts to unravel it over you. It’s thick and extremely soft. “Now, close your eyes.” 
“I’m telling you …” 
“Mmhm, just be good and do it.” 
Your eyes track him as he makes his way to his desk. The sun is hitting his back and the color of blue reflects against the wall. You blink a few times. The blanket is so warm and the pillow is just right. You close your eyes for just a few seconds, I definitely won’t fall asleep, you think to yourself before you slip into a world of pleasant dreams.
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authenticmiya · 4 years
Hey, how are you ?!!
I love your imagines !!
I was wondering if you could do one with Johnny Lawrence of 84!
It's a suggestion 🥺
He had a secret crush on Tommy's best friend, Y / N, so he wanted to talk to her, but was afraid he just ended his relationship with Alli. And he knew that she didn't want a relationship now, due to the various traumas that occurred, so much so that the day comes that he decides to tell his feelings!
My Girl - Johnny Lawrence x Reader
Summary - Reader and Tommy have been best friends since they could remember. Alongside Tommy, came the Cobra Kai’s. Meaning a certain blonde hair, blue eyed karate student, had his eyes on you.
Words - 2.1k
Warnings - mentions of toxic past relationships, fluff, angst.
A/N - I’m great Thankyou, how are you? Thankyou so much for sending in your suggestion! Anyone can feel free to send in any requests!
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To everyone else, you were one of the prettiest girls in school. Curvy, honest, caring, nurturing. You weren't the typical 'popular girl' who'd turn her nose up at other groups of students, and that's why you were so loved.
You lived at home alongside your older sister. Your parents tended to business all over the country, meaning it was usually just the two of you. The two of you were very close, and supported each-other through everything, just like how you and your best friend, Tommy.
"So tell me again why you didn't want to go to the beach tonight? All of your Cobra Kai's are there." Y/S/N plopped herself next to you on the couch.
"Can't I enjoy a peaceful night in with my sister?" You smirked and she rolled her eyes.
"Okay fine, Ali's there." You groaned.
"So what? She's your best friend Y/N?"
"No she was my best friend, she's been talking shit about the Cobra's - even Tommy. I get that her and Johnny aren't together anymore, but I've gotta look out for my boys." You admitted, throwing popcorn into your mouth.
"Your boys? You mean Johnny is your boy? The guy has had the hots for you since you were ten." She stated and now it was your turn to roll your eyes.
"Then why did he date Ali?" You questioned.
"Oh baby sister, you have so much to learn. It's obvious that he wasn't going to ask you out before her. You'd just come out of a sticky relationship." You shivered at the thought of your past.
"I get you were young and in love with that jackass, but just because you were young, doesn't mean he had the right to hit you left, right and centre." Maybe she was right, you hadn't really let your guard down with anybody after that.
"Let's not bring that up please." You told her.
"The only thing stopping you two from growing old together, is the fact that Tommy is practically like your big brother. He'd flip a table." Your sister grinned. Speaking of Cobra's, you heard some motorcycles pull up outside your house.
"Snakes in three, two, one." Your sister counted down and then your door knocked.
"Your hair looks a mess." You admitted to Tommy, ruffling up his hair as he walked into your home.
"Honesty is the best policy Y/L/N." Bobby laughed.
"What the hell happened to you?" You questioned Johnny, noticing how flustered and sad he looked.
"Lover boy had his first dosage of heartbreak tonight at the beach." Bobby called out to you from the kitchen.
"Yeah nice one man, thanks!" Johnny said sarcastically, making his way through your house. You shot your sister a confused look, and she just shrugged her shoulders.
"Tommy, your ass better not be eating my leftover pizza!" Your sister shouted and that's exactly what he was doing.
"I appreciate that I'm not having to fix any of your faces tonight guys, but what exactly do you want?" You asked them, grabbing some lemonade from the fridge.
"Well sweet-heart, there's a new kid on the block, Daniel Larusso. He was flirting with Ali." Tommy stole your drink from your hand.
"And how do you feel about that?" You asked Johnny.
"She wouldn't talk to me, so I broke her radio and gave him a seek in assist the old fashioned way." Johnny admitted.
"I take it he's not as good at Karate as you then Johnny?" You joked, trying to make light of the conversation.
"The sexual tension in this room is making me gag." Your sister shoved passed you and grabbed a drink from the refrigerator.
"You're delusional." You muttered.
"I'm sure you'll be lucky with Larusso if you haven't already made a pass at Johnny." Bobby joked, but none of you laughed.
"Like hell man, watch your damn mouth." Johnny snapped.
"Dude seriously?" Tommy glared at him.
"I was joking, come on guys." Bobby tried to defend himself and you all ignored him.
"Quit being mean so Bobby, he just wanted to be apart of the comedian club." You snickered, making everybody burst into laughter.
"I take it you guys are staying the night?" Your sister asked them all.
"It's an annual thing, so if you don't mind?" Tommy smiled.
"Dude, the three of you have sleepovers everyday of the week. It's a fucking daily thing at this rate." Your sister laughed, heading up the stairs to sort the sleeping arrangements out.
Once the beds were ready to go, everyone seemed fairly tired and headed upstairs.
"Y/N wait-" Johnny stopped you from outside your room. Unbeknownst to him that his two friends, and your sister were eavesdropping.
"Can I please talk to you? I kinda need a girl's help, and well you get Tommy through a lot of shit.." He began to rant and you stopped him.
"Calm down Johnny, let's talk." You ushered him into your room, and he laid on your bed, leaning against the bed frame.
"I didn't really know how to say it front of everyone, but you know what a breakup is like. How'd you get over it?" Johnny sighed and you frowned.
"I don't think I ever really got over it because of what he did to me. I'd like to have said I turned into some badass overnight but I didn't. It takes time, and the two of you only broke up a couple of weeks ago. The whole situation is still raw and you have to allow yourself time to heal." You admitted to him.
He couldn't help but stare at you, take in all of your perfections as you we're giving him advice.
"Young love is a load of ass Y/N. She didn't even care about what I had to say tonight." Johnny frowned and it really did look like he was about to cry.
"Jokes on her Johnny, because any girl should be blessed to have you." You smiled, making his stomach erupt into a million butterflies.
"I really appreciate that." He whispered, slowly leaning in, but you leaned back.
"I'm so sorry if you thought that's where I was going with this Johnny, I don't think either of us are ready for that just yet." You coughed out, not really sure how to deal with it.
"No I'm sorry Y/N, I shouldn't have done that. Shit." Johnny was quick to scramble out of your room, and it took you a few moments to comprehend the situation.
Chasing after him and staying in your room  were your thoughts for the night. You knew he'd probably be embarrassed, so you didn't wanna push that any further. But he wanted to kiss you. Was that because he wanted to use you as a rebound? To get over his eventful evening with his ex? You had no idea. Or was it because he had now genuinely come to terms of how he really felt towards you?
“Wake your ass up!” Tommy screamed as the morning sunshine came through your curtains.
“Tommy I’m giving you five seconds to get the heck out of my room, or I’m going to smack you silly.” You yawned, suddenly realising it was your first day back for senior year.
“You weren’t saying that to Johnny when he tried to kiss you last night.” Tommy whispered, and your eyes nearly fell out of your head.
“Your secrets safe with me sleepy head, but he wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t mean it.” Tommy gave you a half-hearted smile and left you alone.
“One year to make it all work Y/N.” You muttered, throwing on some clothes to start your senior year.
“The queen has finally made her entrance.” Tommy laughed, handing you a plate of pancakes.
“You look beautiful Y/N.” Bobby smiled, making Johnny clench his jaw.
“Wow it finally looks like a cat hasn’t dragged you through a bush.” Y/S/N ruffled up your hair.
“Well now if does.” You groaned, flattening your hair back out. Time was ticking and it was soon time for school.
“Have a good day you guys!” Your sister waved you all off. It was as if the Cobra’s had it planned all along, because Tommy and Bobby were quick to drive away on their motor-cycles, leaving you and Johnny.
“Can I pitch a ride please?” You asked Johnny with hopeful eyes.
“Of course.” He smiled lightly.
“Can we please talk about last night?” You asked and his smile soon faded.
“We’ve gotta get to school.” You nodded at him, before sitting behind him. The journey to school wasn’t long at all, and it was typical for you to spend your morning alongside the Cobra Kai’s motorcycles.
“I don’t want things to be awkward Johnny, you’re one of my best friends. I’ve got a lot of issues, despite how happy I come across. Maybe one day we can make a thing of us?” You suggested and he had nothing to say.
And so that’s how was it was like, for a very long few weeks after that. Johnny hadn’t said a lot to you, and it slowly made you realise, that you didn’t know what you had, until it started to go away.
“Johnny still not talking to you?” Tommy asked, as the two of you walked together in front of the Cobra Kai’s. You turned around, but Johnny avoided eye contact before turning around the corner to his class.
“He’s insanely in love with you Y/N, I guess he’s just scared.” In love? Come again?
“In love with me, why would you say that?” You asked.
“Trust me, I know.” The two of you continued walking towards your classroom, when you were stopped by a certain Daniel Larusso.
As Johnny was walking to class, he couldn’t help let the overwhelming sense of guilt override him.
“What’s going on with you and Y/N dude?” Bobby asked one of his best friends.
“I don’t know myself man.” Johnny responded.
“You two are so damn love blind.” Bobby groaned in annoyance that his two friends still hadn’t made moves on each-other.
“I can’t push the boundaries again, it’s obvious she’s afraid to be with someone new, and I don’t want to upset her.” Johnny admitted.
“That’s the thing though Johnny, you’re not someone new. Everyone knows about what happened with her ex, and you can be the one to make her trust again.” Bobby’s words were so convincing.
“I’ve gotta go and get my girl.” Johnny shoved his books into Bobby’s hands and rushed back to the other hallway you were in with Tommy. But Bobby didn’t stop there, of course he was going to watch the scene unfold.
“What the hell do you want Larusso?” Tommy stood protectively in front of you.
“You need to sort your boyfriend out Y/N, his attitude is kind of stinky.” Daniel teased.
“He’s not my boyfriend.” You muttered.
“I think he’s about to be.” Tommy noticed Johnny heading over to the two of you.
“Get the hell away from my girl, punk.” Johnny shoved Daniel out of the way, and you bit the inside of your cheek anxiously - not wanting your first day back to end up in a fight.
“Why does everyone think I’m you girlfriend?” You asked Johnny.
“Because I’ve waited so damn long to be able to call you mine Y/N, and I don’t want him taking you away from me, like he did with everything else.” Johnny admitted his feelings, regardless of everybody around him.
“Johnny what are you talking about?” You asked him.
“I’m not him Y/N. I will never be him. I think, I think I love you.” Johnny stepped forward and this time, you allowed him to kiss you. You felt yourself melting on the inside. Cheers and claps echoed through the school hallway as the bell rang.
“What do you say Y/N, will you please be my girlfriend?” He asked, lacing his hands with yours.
“Of course.” You blushed, wrapping your arms around him, and he felt the instant sigh of relief.
“You’re cute when you’re jealous.” You whispered.
“I was so not jealous, I was about to beat Larusso’s ass.” Johnny told you seriously.
“I think you’re forgetting about what Tommy might do to you.” You chuckled, looking over at your best friend and his attempt to look angry.
“It’s not half of the things that I’m going to do to you.” Johnny smirked. You could finally be free of your past, you finally had your man, and boy was he worth the wait.
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Shadow Monster x Female Reader (Commissioned Piece)
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So... I’m back. Been a while, but I have finished my third year at uni. Feels weird, but these three years have been a lot and I have many good memories. I look forward to the future and hope that I get to continue something I love.
Support me on Ko-fi!~  |  Patreon
Relationship: Male monster x human reader
Mornings Like These
On crisp days like these, mornings felt so much more appreciated.
Languid music filled the air as you poured your cup of coffee into the mug you got from the boys on Mother’s day, the same hum drawing from your lips, languorously continuing with your chores to yourself, when a pair of warm arms pulled you back into the reverberating chest of your lover.
“Mornin’,” you replied sweetly, earning a groan and kiss from Hank, his wispy black tendrils dipped in and out of the air when he was sleepy, trying his best to concentrate and not clip out. “Mornin’.” his voice was deep and rich like honey, always able to bring a smile to your lips and a shiver to reach down your spine. Maybe he was aware of how much you enjoyed his raspy voice every morning, teasingly luring you each time with it. 
“How’d you sleep?”
“Good, but I didn’t have you in my arms when I woke up.” Hank groaned against the back of your neck, idly sniffing your hair, but his arms would not budge when you tried moving to turn towards him. “I had to be up before the boys were,” you giggled when a wisp ticked the side of your cheek. “They’ve already gone out with Cerberus.”
“Good, that means I can have you all to myself,” he murmured incoherently, tugging you back. “Come back to bed, darlin’.”
“You know I can’t, I have to watch over breakfast.” You sang, turning a gaze to the pancakes already needing to be flipped. “They’ll burn.”
The sound he made was similar to a kicked puppy, whining in the back of his throat as he whined your name. “No buts, mister!” You giggled, enjoying how he grew lax around you, very much aware that he could phase-out of the air around you and head back to bed with a pout on his lips. “You can help by flipping the pancakes.”
“Or, I could help with something else…” he drawled, his entire demeanour changing so swiftly that you hadn’t been prepared. The mug in your grip almost fell to the counter had Hank, not been quick enough to pull it out of your grasp and put it down seamlessly. “You seem… tense.”
“I’m not tense, baby, I just want to make sure everyone eats and they don’t eat concrete spheres.” You twisted around to focus on the stove, but Hank was quick to pass through you, quickly to hug you now from the front. You halted, bumping head to chest almost clumsily, earning a deep rumble of mirth through your ears. “Oops.” He chortled, snuggling into you, pecking at your jaw.
“Hank, you know I don’t like it when you do that.” You sighed, earning the shadowy being to kiss everywhere but your lips in apology. “And now, you’re trying to make up for it.”
“No…” you snorted before you could even notice. “Come now, darlin’. I know something that could bring that pretty smile back on your face.”
“What would that be?”
“Well,” Hank slid his fingers into your hair, smoothing your scalp. “You, me and a warm bed that begs for you to come back.”
You finally looked up at him, the pout on your lips now was evident that his words were working on you. “Hank-”
“No, it’s fine, I’ll just go.” His grasp around you weakened but you had been quick to grasp his wrist before he had the chance to disappear. The look on his face told you that he was relieved you had pulled him back, his bright white eyes expecting and bold. “Is there something you need, darlin’?”
“Stay, here. With me.” You pulled him back to holding you, allowing him to peck and kiss at your face and neck. “Are you just going to continue doing this until the boys come back?”
“Maybe,” he hummed. “But I could also say things like how beautiful you look right now. How you’re practically glowing.” You scoffed, “Hardly, I haven’t had a shower.” Hank chuckled in your ear, nibbling your lobe, “We could always go for one, a quickie.” 
Your cheeks flushed as you startled yourself to almost knocking the batter of pancake mix to the floor, moving it just out of your view to turn and face your lover. “Hank.” “What? Am I making you flustered?” You felt his solid form ground yourself against your behind, grinding something against the small of your back. “Am I getting you a bit excited?
”“No,” you chewed your lip, turning so he couldn’t see how red your face was becoming, shifting eyes when you heard him laugh with amusement. “You’re just distracting me.”
“Oh? Am I?” Hank purred, grinding more of him against you, groaning at the small amounts of friction. “Maybe you need the distraction, my love.” The heavy weight from Hank was making you grow light in the head, your legs almost buckling from the feelings that were building in the pit of your stomach, fluttering with the familiar pleasures that roused when he brought the smallest of pleasures across your body.
You felt him turn you back around to face him, your hands wounding up being rested against his chest, pulling you to him to kiss your lips sweetly, his tongue swiping against your bottom lip silently, begging for an answer. You finally complied, delving into that sweetness as he held you so lovingly to you, forgetting about all but focusing on one another, tugging and pulling on one another for more.
What you failed to hear was the wide slam of the door, many footsteps coming through closer and closer into the kitchen, some laughter, some jovial conversations bouncing across the walls. “Hey, ma, you don’t know if you’ve seen- Oh my God!” The two of you swiftly pulled away from one another, flushed to the cheeks, when you looked back into the doorway, the wide eyes of Hank’s boys, Jason, Jacob, Jack and the youngest, Jeremiah staring back at you. Realising that Jack had been the one to ask the question, you looked to the boys: all similar in colourings of dark purple and blacks, their eyes a differing shade from the other of green, blue, yellow and fuchsia. At the front of them came padding in the large black hound that Hank had rescued, a fitting name of Cerberus, its shadowy form had billowing smoke trail off its large long legs, its large head fitting of a wolf than a family pet. Cerberus casually ignored the confrontation, wandering to his basket in the corner of the room.
The sight alone of the four boys made you want to burst out into laughter when you realised that you had been interrupted, but the wan look to their surprised, albeit revolted faces did bring the smile to curve the corner of your lips. “Eww, that’s so gross, guys!” Jason was the first to announce horrified, pretending to retch, Jack covering Jeremiah’s eyes before it was too late.
“Hey, it’s natural between adults who love each other very much,” Hank interjected, wrapping an arm around your waist, tugging you to him. “You would understand when you’re all older.”
“Yeah, but not like that!” Jacob exclaimed.
The youngest, Jeremiah was still attached “Yeah, get a room! Gross!” One look to one another and before long, yours and Hank’s laughter filled the room when he doubled over, you following, holding the side of the table for support as the two of you struggled to keep your composure. All boys seemed almost disappointed at the sight of you, especially the eldest two, both of their expressions matched how ‘parents’ would look to chastising their disobedient kids.
One look to one another and before long, yours and Hank’s laughter filled the room when he doubled over, you following, holding the side of the table for support as the two of you struggled to keep your composure. All boys seemed almost disappointed at the sight of you, expressions twisted to make them look like the ‘parents’ chastising their disobedient kids. “Alright, alright,” you cleared your throat, earning a roll of the eyes from Jason and Jack. “You two be off, be safe.”
“Yeah, yeah, take your time,” Jack remarked, grabbing the phone on the table before hurrying out the door, Cerberus striding by the hip of Jeremiah with little care of the situation.
“Well… that could’ve gone better.” Hank’s mirth was still warm like whiskey in his throat, pouring heavily over you as if to coat you in the deepness of his voice. A hand curled around the small of your back, pulling you close, distracted once more from the closed door and emptiness of the house. You scoffed, jabbing a finger into his shoulder playfully, “You’re a bad influence.”
“Me?” He laughed amusedly. “You see dear, I’m not the only one of a bad influence.” “Hmm, yeah, I beg to differ.” You kissed the corner of his mouth teasingly, earning the man wrapped around you to pout boyishly. “If you’re going to pout like that, you could at least help me, not wrap around me like a snake waiting for its meal.”
“Well… we do have the house to ourselves again,” Hank hummed, nuzzling your cheek affectionately. “The boys won’t be coming back for some time.”
“Hank… if you want to sleep on the sofa, so be it.” 
“No ma’am, I’ll help.”
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0celesteisthebest0 · 3 years
Take A Chance On Me
Word Count: 8,954
Pairing: Jack “Whiskey” Daniels x Fem! Reader(no y/n)
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Warnings: explicit language, fluff, anxiety, plot development, (tell me if I should anything else).
Authors notes: HELLO PEOPLE!!! I feel like I forgot how to talk to y’all in the author notes… cause I just want to ask how y’all are doing and if you’re feeling okay. I hope everyone is doing well and I hope I don’t repeat myself too often but I’m thankful for the people who read you deserve to know that. Alright couple of announcements, I’m going to post every weekend of March. April might be a break month and!!!! I have 50 planned chapters for the series so if you aren’t a fan of long series uhhh whoops sorry guys I have lots of thoughts and storylines relating to these characters 😌. Other than that… hugs and kisses to you readers and enjoy the chapter!!! Gif by castleamc
Chapter 27: Against the World
A stinging line of pain from your eyes to your temple bloomed when you opened your bleary eyes. In frustration with your headache you closed your eyes again and got closer to Jack and breathed in that familiar oaky scent. Sleeping more was obviously not the solution to fix this headache but it seemed like the most viable option that your tired mind supplied. Warm, nice feeling that you wouldn’t trade for the world. You understood that you might have been clinging on to him right now but your anxieties for that weren’t a priority all that was a priority was sleep. 
You stirred a bit trying to get back to that comfortable position you once were in and once you finally found it you snuggled into Jack. The headache continued to sting your temple but the warmth of Jack next to you eased the pain slightly. His even breaths were coaxing you back slowly to slumber. But the stinging seemed to only get worse and you groan quietly at the stinging expanding to the rest of your skull.
“You alright baby,” Jack said somewhat groggy, his voice still filled with sleep but with that quiet groan that escaped your lips whatever sleep he had was pushed aside. He's so sweet to you, worried about you when he doesn’t need to be. Forever a caring man especially now... your response to his question was to snuggle into his chest. 
“My head hurts, just need sleep,” you didn’t want to answer anything in sentences so you opted for quick statements. He hummed and his hand made his way to the back of your neck, he slowly started to run his fingers through your hair and that tingling feeling made you feel relaxed. 
“Your head hurts,” he continued to run his fingers through your hair and you hummed. “I don’t think that sleepin’ is gonna help sugar.” Your eyes were still closed and his soft words were making you sleepy. 
“Mmmm-don’t wanna get out of bed,” being next to him was all the comfort you needed at the moment. You nuzzled into him to prove that you’ll be alright and he hummed.
“Did you eat yesterday?” You shook your head and he sighed.
“Didn't have time.” Too many things were happening yesterday, skipping a meal was just… not the best idea but it was something that you did quite often when you were swamped with work. 
“Probably why your head hurts, stay here let me make some pancakes.” He softly grabbed your arm, removed it from his touch so he could get up from the plush comfort of his bed. He tilted your chin to give you a soft kiss which caused you to open your eyes and he officially got up from the bed. Jack started stretching his back and his arms from the position he was in. While stretching his arms upward you saw a glimpse of his stomach and the fine trail of hair going down his pants. “Well good mornin’ to you too. Someone has a starin’ problem,” Jack commented and you immediately stopped staring at his soft belly and went back to staring at his encaptring stare. 
“Morning, was just um,” his dimple was exemplified through his smile and you couldn’t find an excuse. 
“Admiring the view.” You nuzzled your cheek into the bed and brought the blanket closer to you, you really didn’t need to give him excuses anymore regarding how you feel about him but sometimes those old habits reared its ugly head. You wished you could be smoother.
“Darlin’ you are unbelievably adorable,” he kissed your forehead, “I’ll be in the kitchen, rest for a bit.” You weren’t gonna fight him on that, he went off to the kitchen and you relished the comfort of his bed and blankets. His bed was way better than yours, it didn’t creak when someone got out of it and your back didn’t hurt. You closed your eyes once more and dozed off for a couple of minutes before the biting pain of your headache became an annoying source and you finally woke you up. You rubbed the bleariness from your eyes and slowly sat yourself up and took note of your surroundings. The windows behind the bed showed peaks of warm sunlight enveloping the room. The warm lighting made you take note of the other potted plant that made home in Jack’s room. You didn’t realize it before but he really likes plants. Other than the plants nothing really stood out and it made you kinda sad?
He has such a big personality, so it felt strange that one of the rooms he spends most of his time in doesn’t have aspects of his personality. Maybe you shouldn’t be psychoanalyzing him from just his room? Your brain really couldn’t stop overthinking everything so easily. You groaned to yourself and got up to go to the kitchen and immediately the delicious smells of the kitchen hit your face. Walking in you were greeted with a beautiful image of Jack’s broad back flipping pancakes and humming a tune. This is the most at peace you’ve ever seen him. There was no tension in his shoulders which put you at ease. 
“I feel you starin’, admirn’ the view my dear,” he continued to flip pancakes and stacked them on a plate right next to the oven. You grinned at how he called you out again and stepped closer to him. 
“Yes I’m staring, you look nice like this,” you confessed quietly, continuing to stare at his calming movements. He stopped his movements and turned toward you with a cheeky grin that emphasized his dimple.
“Makin’ you breakfast?,” he got closer to you and your hands made way to his shoulders and his hands found home on your waist. 
“No… well yes but I like to see you like this, just calm and nice,” you weren’t elegant with your words but he knew the impact of what you meant and he beamed with pride. “Wanna see you like this always.” 
“Oh do you now,” he hummed and moved you closer to him, you embraced him lovingly, “If every mornin’ you're here then I’m a lucky man.” 
“Consider yourself a lucky man then Jack because I’m not going anywhere,” you grinned and that spurred him to hug you tighter. You weren’t going to leave him, that's one thing you are more than positive about. 
“You can’t joke like that sweetheart.”
“I’m more than serious Jack, I’m not going anywhere,” you promised him. “You’re stuck with me,” you said affectionately and the look on his face was a mixture of joy and tints of sadness in his eyes. You wanted to know why, but you weren’t going to force him to open up about the sadness behind that statement. So you did what comforted you with bouts of sadness and cupped his face. Touch him lovingly and his eyes sparked the way they did when you touched him, it was weird that you didn’t notice it before. “You got pretty eyes.” 
“Darlin’, you’re layin’ it on thick and I’m afraid my heart can’t take it. You really woke up affectionate and ready to show it,'' you giggled and kissed his cheek. 
“Yeah I did, I really wanted to tell this beautiful man in front of me that I cherish him,” you grinned at the somewhat flushed appearance of Jack and you couldn’t help but get happy that he got the same way he made you feel. Oh how you wanted to see him like this more now because you figured out that you can have this effect on him too. You couldn’t help but feel like love was in the air, and something that felt smelt like burnt pancakes? Oh shit.
 “Jack, the pancakes.” 
He quickly removed himself from your kind touch and went to salvage the burnt breakfast, a small giggle escaped his lips as he moved the burnt pancakes to their own plate. 
“Now sugar, love your attention truly, but don’t want another pancake ending up in a fiery fate. We can pick up on this topic durin’ breakfast.” He winked and you kissed the back of his neck. 
You went to sit down at the dinner table, where the plates were already ready from Jack’s quick pacing with letting you rest a bit after you woke up. He had poured out some orange juice for you, the maple syrup was placed in the middle of the table, and the plates were neat and organized. It was the same plates he used for when he had you and the other two over a couple days back. He also prepared a side of scrambled eggs and bacon for the two of you to enjoy and you just grew happier at the sight of this.
 This time around you were able to look at Jack’s kitchen with more detail, see how he organized everything and the decorations he used for the area. The kitchen was a bit messy compared to the living room but that is only in the clutter that was on the island that the kitchen had but other than that everything was well organized. He had a spice rack near the oven and the warm light cascading from the window brightened the room. It emphasized how beautiful Jack’s features were as he was focused on serving breakfast for the two of you. His messy locks and strong nose were highlighted by the sunlight, his figure in general was so enrapturing to look at. He quirked his lip because he felt you staring but you didn’t stop. Why would you, you had a work of masterpiece in front of you of course you’d spend your time looking at him. He turned off the stovetop and grabbed the stack of pancakes to place in front of you with a cheeky grin. 
“So… will you go back to serenadin’ my darlin’ girl,” he beamed and you cleared your throat.
“Jack-“ you licked your lips. There was a patient moment of silence as you stared into his brown eyes. 
“Put you on the spot,” he hummed as you fumbled for words on what you wanted to say. 
“Can’t force it,” you mumble and grab your fork to start haphazardly stacking the pancakes onto your plate. 
“You still take me by surprise, sugar,” he hummed looking at you with a bright smile.
“I can be quite a surprising person, an enigma of sorts,” you said somewhat jokingly while dumping maple syrup on the pancakes then stuffing your mouth with the buttery sweetness of them.
“Very mysterious my dear,” he grinned at you, stuffing pancakes in your mouth happily. You haven’t experienced such a good breakfast since he made an omelet for you months back. You really need to start cooking for yourself again…  
The two of you ate in silence basking in each other's presence and savoring the tastes of the food Jack prepared. He really put in effort to make you comfortable considering the consistent stressors that were placed upon the two of you.
“I’m glad you're eating now,” He interrupted the silence after you ate the majority of the food he prepared. “Work really has been abnormally cruel to you hasn’t it?”
You sighed and finished the rest of your drink. “It has…I’ve skipped meals cause of work before but.” 
Another sigh escaped your lips and you subconsciously started to pick at your nails again. He didn’t force you to talk further, just put a hand on yours and you looked at his gentle gaze.
“Too many things happened yesterday I kinda got swept up, didn’t help that the things with Scotch and Liz happened the same day,” you started to pick up your dishes to the sink. 
“Liz?” He asked, confused, following you to the sink with his own pair of dirty dishes. 
“Oh shit I forgot to tell you, man I was really out of it yesterday, after our call yesterday at work Liz knocked and told me someone took the flash drive,” you told him while cleaning your dishes so he wouldn’t have to do them later. 
“The one from Washington? Jesus sweetheart, were the two of you able to find it?” He sighed at the extra things from yesterday and stood next to you as you washed your dishes and started to grab his.
“Jack, it's a couple of dishes, let me clean them,” he put the rest of the dishes and he bumped your hip to move you from the sink so you weren’t directly in front of it. 
“Menace,” you grinned, “You are ridiculous, they’re just dishes.” You reached for the towel to dry your hands and he started chuckling at you.
“Don’t care, it’s my house so these are my dishes to deal with. Now sweetheart, were you able to find the drive?” You rolled your eyes at him and let him wash the dishes this time. 
“Actually I wasn’t the one to find it, Scotch took it for the mission,” you told him the last bit somewhat quietly. The mission…you couldn’t help but sigh and Jack glanced at you thinking about the future.
What might all of this do to you, to him. Jack flicked water in your face and you looked at him bewildered.
“Really?” You knew he was messing with you but you really didn’t think he would be so ridiculous.
“What?” He feigned innocence and continued to wash dishes.
“You’re lucky I didn’t smack you with this towel,” you hummed while leaning back on the counter. You focused on Jack’s wet hands cleaning the rest of the dishes and the previous worries of what’s next was drained in the sink. 
“Mmm very lucky…I think you’re a bit distracted right now, needed a little splash of water to get out of your head.” You continued to stare at his hands scrubbing the dish which exemplified the veins in his hands. “Well you’re distracted about two things but I think I’m more interested in the ladder.”
“Two? I mean okay yeah what’s next with the whole Golden Apple thing is making me a bit,” you made a movement with your hand trying to describe what exactly you’re feeling. 
“And telling Liz about what happened is making me nervous…not to mention telling her to come over after work and bringing Isaac but also I,”Jack flicked the water at your face once again halting your verbal spiral. You smacked him lightly with the towel in retaliation causing him to chuckle. 
“Wasn't talkin’ ‘bout that but sugar you gotta go step by step on what’s goin’ on ‘cause I can’t keep up,” he grabbed the towel from you to dry his hands then started to pat dry the droplets on your cheek. 
“I told Liz over the phone that I’ll tell her after work about everything, told her to bring Isaac but I’m regretting it now because if i- I tell them about all of this then it’s like me forcing this onto them and I don’t want to make them feel like they have to do this and,” you took a deep breath. 
“Take a moment,” he cupped your cheek and you closed your eyes from contact.
“I can’t…” your mind wouldn’t let you stop circling every single detail, every single thought that zapped through your skull in a millisecond. From the thought of having anyone get hurt in this stupid mission to the countless plans and ideas coursing through you so you can finish this as soon as humanly possible. You had to just let these thoughts go away and not linger but you couldn’t. Everything was important. How could you not focus on it?
“Baby, focus on me right now alright, not about what will happen. Just right now,” you sighed softly and opened your eyes to see Jack in front you. His caring eyes and soft touches were your lifeline causing you not to go careening into the depths of your mind. You leaned into his touch and the signature furrow Jack wore when he saw you distressed appeared. You kissed his forehead to make the furrow disappear. You focused on him, his strong nose, his calloused yet welcoming hands, his broad shoulders that seemed to carry the weight of what’s to come. You knew he was concealing his feelings with his need to protect you and it was evident with the way he looked at you that he was stressed. 
“Jack…” he held you close. 
“It’s okay to stress about this… it’s stressful I’m tryin’ not to overthink too but darlin’ we can’t let this take over our lives,” he was stressing too but it wasn’t as open and frantic as you. 
“I can’t help it,” it was a behavior that you tried your best to stomp out but it seemed that constant overthinking was going to be a burden that you'd have to carry. 
“I’m not shamin’ you my love. I don’t want you to interpret this as such okay,” you nodded and he stroked your back trying to stop the muscles from tensing. “Here, we can talk about this whole thing in detail with the others, thinkin’ ‘bout it now will only make you spiral. I know it’s stressful but goin’ at it bit by bit is the calmer way to do it.”
Clear solutions to complicated problems never seemed to be your forte and hearing him calmly tell you what seemed to be the better solution rather than overthinking was unbelievably helpful. 
He cupped your cheek and you continued to focus on the bright and beautiful man in front of you.
“How ‘bout I give you that tour I promised,” he continued to caress your cheek, his skin warm and familiar. “Get you focused on somethin’ else.” 
“I’d like that a lot,” you grin and he pecks your cheek.
He cleared his throat, grabbed your hand gingerly , “Where do you want to see my dear.” 
“Mmm, alright wait wait…” you let his hand go and went near the entrance, “ok so tell me why you organized your living room like this?”
He started giggling at your immediate interest in his choices of interior design and followed closely behind. 
“Are you criticizin’ my choices darlin’ ?” He remarked with a jokey tone causing you to shake your head and quickly defend yourself. 
“No, I’m just curious… wanna know why you have a ceramic chicken on your fireplace,” you made way to said plump chicken. It was such an odd object that you wanted to know more of. He giggled at the fact that that chicken was the object of your interests.
“It brings the room together,” he hugged you from behind. His warm body catches you off guard for any quick response. “Plus I like chickens.”
“why,” you cleared your voice before asking the question again. His touch did things to you that you couldn’t quite place and that awkward voice was the thing that showed through. “Why do you like them? Like ok- I like them too they are ridiculous it’s cute but you know is there any deeper meaning? Wait that- I don’t mean it to be,” you sighed because it sounded like you were over analyzing him. You felt him giggle behind you and you just closed your eyes in slight embarrassment. 
“Well I was raised with chickens if that’s what you’re askin’,” he hummed.
“Sorry,” you muttered out of habit and he continued to hug you from behind and intertwined his fingers with yours. He started to kiss your neck causing you to hum at his touch.
“S’okay, no need to apologize, you’re just curious,” he muttered against your skin. “Ask all the questions darlin’, I’d never be offended.” 
“Okay…can I ask about the plants?” You muttered still unsure and he nibbled on your neck. It made you make a small noise causing him to giggle again.
“You’re cute, you know that,” he nuzzled into you, “my curious girl.”
That statement caused you to unintentionally hide within yourself while getting unbelievably warm. His soft kisses and bites continued while you waited for an answer. 
“I like plants, gives me somethin’ to look forward too when I get home,” he hummed interrupting the kisses. “Always had a green thumb.” 
“Didn’t think you would honestly,” it was nice to see other parts of Jack’s personality that weren't specifically work related. It was like seeing new layers of him bloom right in front of your eyes. Expanding the personality of the man you loved and loving each and every piece of him that he shared. 
“Actually wait I can imagine it now, younger Jack covered in dirt and running around trying to catch chickens,” you giggled out. 
“My mama got angry when I came in covered in dirt after, in her words of course, I harassed the chickens,” you started laughing more at his comment. “So… that my dear is one accurate description.” 
“So… were you raised on a farm,” you continued the questions, getting more and more confident with each answer. His pleased hum made sure that, and he started to kiss the back of your neck again. Tingling with joy at the sensation of his mustache.
“Mhm, right here in the bluegrass of Kentucky. I got pictures if you wanna see ‘em?” You enthusiastically nodded and his soft rumbling laughter filled your ears. He removed himself from the warm embrace and grabbed your hand causing you to follow him to his room. It was still a jarring feeling to go from a decorated space to an empty room and considering you had built up some confidence with the questions you were going to ask.
You plopped on the bed again, let him get the photos from a drawer and sat next to you with them in hand. He didn’t have much but you could already tell that the few that he had made him smile. He handed you one of the pictures of him with his mother and what you assumed was his grandmother. 
“A little backstory on this one my pops was the one takin’ the photo and at the time I didn’t like standin’ in one place too much so they had to bribe me to stay still,' ' he giggled and you continued to stare at tiny Jack. He looked like a menace then too.
“What he bribe you with,” you hummed leaning to his touch.
“Sweets, my grandma knew how to bake,” he smiled and gave you another picture to hold onto. It was him a bit older than the last one with a cowboy hat riding a horse with his mom holding his hand so he wouldn’t fall. 
“Oh my god, look at you!” You grinned wide at the picture.
“Told ya I was a genuine cowboy,” he hummed with excitement when he showed you another picture but this time you assumed he was a teenager or young adult and it was him mid lasso. “I like this one.” He looked at it happily.
“Why don’t you frame it?” You asked and he collected the photos in a neat stack and put it at his side. 
“Don’t know where I’d put it,” he laid back on the bed and grabbed your waist so you'd lay down with him too. 
“You have so much wall space in your room Jack, I could help you find a spot,” you muttered while staring at his big brown eyes. 
“Your interior design skills are gonna help brighten up my room?” 
“Definitely, make it cool like my room.”
“What’s wrong with my room,” he queried.
“Nothing, it’s just a bit plain, has no flare I guess,” he huffed at the insinuation. 
“No flare?” He exclaimed and you started giggling, “alright hotshot what kinda things do you have in your place then?”
“First of all, thank you I am indeed a hotshot,” he smiled and kissed your cheek. “I mean baby, I got things on my wall and I have little knick-knacks on my counters you got….” You looked around the bare room and stared at his plants near the window.
“My plants, mmm you might have a point sweetheart,” he looked around and noticed the emptiness around him. “Well maybe I can get some ideas when I see your place in detail,” he hummed and put his face in the crook of your neck. 
“Ooo very smooth,” you hummed and closed your eyes out of comfort. “You know you’re welcomed at my place whenever.”
“I know.” He muttered on your skin and you nuzzled into him. 
“You still haven’t shown me the rest of your place lover,” your tired bones were telling you to take a nap with Jack and there were still so many things to do.
“I don’t think you’d find anythin’ interestin’ in the basement or my spare room,” he remarked. 
“Ooo basement,” you wiggled your eyebrows in emphasis. 
“There’s only laundry in the basement, I don’t have anythin’ of interest down there.”
“Mmm, still wanna see it, pretty boy”
“Darlin’…are you fallin’ asleep again,” he touched your back and you took your time answering. You were just way too comfortable here with him. 
“How ‘bout this, we take a little cat nap and then I’ll continue the tour?” It didn’t seem like there was any space in between you but to Jack even a millimeter was too much and he moved closer to you. His body radiated so much heat that it didn’t even seem like you needed a blanket. 
“That sounds nice,” you yawned quietly. His fingertips moved up and down your arm like in a metronome motion causing you to drift.  
Picking apart small details that many didn’t notice was a small habit of yours that he picked up on and with the continuance of the little tour he got more ecstatic to see what else you would tell him. After your little cat nap he promised to show you the basement even if there was nothing of interest. You always made something interesting even if it was considered boring to everyone else like the way he folded laundry. 
“Do you not have space in your drawer, they look like little cubes!” 
“They do not, do you not know basic geometry?” He joked and you looked at him shocked.
“Rude! Fine then they look cylindrical, still this is how you fold it.” You folded it in what he considered a haphazard fashion and he shook his head immediately. 
“Honey I love you but…” he quickly fixed the old shirt that didn’t quite fit anymore, “if you fold it like that it’ll snag on the drawer.”
“So you don’t have space in your drawer,” you looked at him knowingly. 
Conversations like that continued for most of the time the two of you stayed at Jack’s place. It filled him with ease seeing you by his side listening to his reasons on specific items being placed the way they were. The ease started to dwindle as the hour grew closer. The two of you would have to meet up with Isaac and Liz soon to tell them about this situation and he was dreading it as much as you were. What he wanted to do was for the two of you to continue this, this relaxation of not having to focus on anything other than details of stories he'd tell you or what movie you wanted to watch. That’s all he wanted, not the complications of this job. 
It didn’t get any better once you both left to your place, your anxiety was thick in the air and you started mumbling situations that can occur in the car. Overplanning, overthinking, and overall overwhelming sensations flooded the car. 
When you finally made it to your apartment the frantic energy consisted of you running back and forth hoping you had everything lined up to explain the best you could what was going to happen. He grabbed the files related to the Golden Apple issue and anything else on the kitchen table. Even with everything laid out you continued to run around the apartment trying to find something to expel this excess of energy. 
“Darlin,” he hummed as you went to your room for the fourth time trying to remember what you needed to get from there. “C’mere.”
You stopped your pacing and got close to Jack and he brought you close to him. You huffed and took a deep breath as Jack hugged you in your small kitchen.
“I feel like I might explode any minute,” you grumbled, getting frustrated with yourself.
“Let it out sweetheart,” you huffed again at what he said.
“If I let it out I’ll just be yelling for an hour straight,” you tried to joke about the situation but the stress still made your face waver. 
“How about instead of yellin’ I make you some tea?” He found another solution to the stress that was bubbling in the air and to be fair he thought that drinking some tea would ease his tension and not just yours. You nodded at his question and he kissed the top of your head to go heat up the kettle. You stayed at your spot looking over the mission report for what he counted as the second time since the two of you stepped in the apartment. He turned the kettle on and waited for the water to heat up. You stared at certain notes on the file and started writing things down on your notepad and stilled for a moment at the old file you tried to give him last night to prove that you were able to do this mission alone. He placed his hand on your back and that familiar warmth made you turn towards him and not at the endless notes in front of you. 
“Sweetheart,” he didn't know what to say regarding all of these so he continued to touch your back. You shut your eyes for a second and took a deep breath.
“You don’t know where the tea is right?” You avoided your growing tension by moving around again and grabbing the teabags from the top of your fridge. After that you scurried to get mugs. 
“Alright, I can handle it from here,” he kissed your cheek as thanks and the kettle on the stove started to whistle. He turned the stovetop off and readied the drinks. 
“Can I ask a weird question,” you muttered as you let him pour the boiling water in the mug. He quirked his brow and stopped pouring the water. “It’s nothing bad I just… nevermind.”
“What is it darlin’,” he hummed and continued to pour the water and let it cool. You bit your lips from nerves and you held his hand, initiating contact.
“Um-ok hypothetically, if Scotch came to you with this information would you have-done the same as me,” you reached for the hot tea and he absently took it from you. 
“You’re gonna burn yourself,” he put it down and grabbed your hand again. “Now, hypothetically, I would have made the same decision…are you okay with going through with this sweetheart?” 
“Yes I am I just-“ the door knocked and you somewhat tightened the grip you had on his hand. 
“Sorry,” you kissed his hand as an apology and let him go so you could answer the door. He followed after you and the door opened to reveal an already stressed out Liz and overall calm Isaac. Liz immediately gave you a big hug.
“You gave me a heart attack last night?!,” she removed herself from the tight hug to go inside the apartment so she could ask you more questions. Isaac slapped Jack's back and closed the door behind him.
“How you feeling old man,” he muttered as you moved to the kitchen telling Liz that you would explain everything. He sighed at the question and gave him a tired smile. “That bad?”
“It’s a lot, just prepare yourself right now,” he muttered as the pair got into the kitchen where Liz saw the open file on the table already wide eyed. He went to the warm mug on the counter and brought the drink to his lips. He needed some sort of warmth to quell the trickling of nerves down his spine. A feeling too similar to water dripping down him. 
The tea was still too hot and he burned the roof of his mouth trying to keep this coldness at bay. And the nervous look on your face caused him to subconsciously go near you. He didn’t know if touching you was okay or if you were too overwhelmed so he just hovered close to you.
“I need you both to know that what I’m going to show you stays between us and that you don’t have to deal with this if you don’t want to..” you were giving them an out. You gave him an out so many times yesterday but he just can’t live with himself if he let you do this alone.
“There’s more people like Moonshine isn’t there,” Liz grimaced as she scanned through the open documents. You nodded and you put the real flash drive on the table.
“Let me guess it’s stupid fucking Vodka,” Isaac muttered and looked through the files haphazardly.
“It’s not just him…stop looking at the file for a second we can go in depth about the notes in a minute but,” you bit your lip and grabbed Jack’s hand. He looked at your shiny eyes filled with unease. He nodded at you telling you that you could do this.
You focused your stare on the group again, still holding his hand out of comfort. “Scotch is the one who gave me this information, he wants me to restore the order of the Statesman and the only way to do that is to stop Golden Apple. He wants me to do all this without Statesman help and supervision of Champ. Initially I was going to do all this alone.``
“That’s a stupid idea,” Isaac muttered and you looked at him annoyed.
“I said I was, not I am… whatever, me and Jack are gonna do this and I don’t want the two of you to get involved in this mess either but it’s not my decision to make.” Isaac pinched his brow at the severity of the issue and Liz just looked over at the file trying to understand this. 
“Ok well… you are right this is our decision and,” Isaac interrupted Liz.
“And we’re doing it,” he grunted, annoyed that you’d assume they wouldn’t. Liz’s initial agitation dissipated with what Isaac said and she nodded in agreement.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to force either of you.” 
“Oh please, these assholes think they can just walk in and take over. Nah, no way in hell, what’s the plan poindexter I know you got one cooking up in that brain of yours,” he speculated in advance and you still seemed apprehensive in letting them help just like how you were apprehensive with him. 
“I have half a plan, it’s mostly past connections that could help but I-haven’t spoken to him for a long time,” you stuttered out not making eye contact with anyone and he could sense some unease. 
“Well we can check him out on my system if that helps out,” Liz proposed so your anxiety would decrease. Jack frowned slightly at that and took another sip of tea before chiming in.
“Liz, I think you should read the rest of the file,” he set his steaming cup of tea down. The pair read the rest of the contents of the file and Liz’s face creased from anger.
“Those little!! These lab techies know how my system works! That’s my whole job as lead lab director. I'm supposed to help them figure every nook and cranny of how this works and how to help on the field and they just! All my work! That I put in this stupid organization down the drain for money?” Liz exclaimed rightfully angry at the situation. They took her ideas, her hard work and her time and corrupted it into something that is beyond her control. You went to comfort Liz with the realization of how much these bastards took from the group.
“Hun I need a drink,” she grunted bitterly at the information in front of you and you nodded at her want for something to take the edge off. 
“Uh… I have water? I don’t have any alcohol here.” You looked around to double check but the result was the same. 
“Water is fine,” she muttered as Isaac picked up some notes relating to who's involved and the connections with one another. 
“Okay…so we can’t run whoever this contact is through the system, and we can’t use Liz’s tech so how exactly are we going to do anything.” Jack licked his lips at the amount of problems that the group was running into.
“Liz…correct me if I'm wrong and I have a belief that I am ‘cause there is no way I understand most of the things you do but can’t you make a new software?” She scoffed at the statement as soon as it left his mouth. “Correct me Elizabeth, don't scoff at my claim.” 
“Technically I can but that is going to take a lot more than just a couple of hours and considering we will be out on the field we need a form of communication. Which means not only do I need to make a new system, I need to make new earpieces, new bugs, hell even new weapons because we have trackers in all our weapons so no one steals our tech-” Jack stopped her from continuing. 
“Alright, alright I get your point.” You gave Liz a cup of water and she quietly thanked you and you went back to Jack’s side. You wrapped your arm around his waist and pulled him to your side snuggling close to him. 
“Can't we just steal back all your ideas and modify them? And then for good measure we throw a wrench in your old system?” Isaac brainstormed and Liz made another face at the thought of it and you hummed in agreement with Isaac. 
“It’s more complicated than that, I can do that with the weapons and the communication systems for sure but my system is a fortified wall against any secrets the Statesman acquires. I can't just make an exact copy of it and tweak it. Someone will notice,” she huffed while drinking the water. Jack turned towards you and saw that scrunched up face in thought trying to figure out what’s the next move. It’s like he saw a light bulb above your head because your eyes brightened up and was going to put an end to these circling conversations of the amount of problems the group is facing.
“Alright, so are you okay with doing that with the earpieces and weapons then,” you asked and Liz nodded and you were going to continue whatever this feeling of determination he saw bubble in your eyes.
“Liz, you don’t have to make the system from scratch or copy it completely from your old one. All we need is the bare minimum, so-“ you stopped for a second. “Liz don’t be upset but, I don’t think any of us other than you know how your system that the Statesman runs on works so can you summarize real quick.”
Liz gave you a bright half smile at your statement and merely nodded. 
“I figured… so how it functions is my tech bounces off of different radio towers so it doesn’t track the Statesman taking info from different governments. The earpieces work the same but I can modify it so it bounces through different towers.” Your face brightens up with that last part. 
“We don’t need a system like the Statesman if it’s just the four of us. Hear me out Liz, we are going to obviously need government records because we need to know who’s who but we don’t need any extra stuff like your face recognition software. All we need is the bare minimum,” she thought over your words and picked at the flash drive you tossed on the table.
“Do you have your laptop with you?” Liz held the flash drive tight and you remove yourself from Jack and ran off to get your work laptop. You handed her the laptop and she didn’t open it, instead turned it so the bottom was facing upward and started to unscrew the screws from the bottom.
“Where did you get-“ you were about to ask when Isaac started giggling.
“Best not to ask, we don’t want a screwdriver debate 2.0,”‘Isaac hummed and you continued to stare at what Liz was doing. Jack inches closer in curiosity at the dismemberment of your laptop. She carefully took out the green motherboard and started pulling other things out until there was a small s cartridge near the bottom with different wires. 
“I need scissors, don’t know if you have small ones but,” she was uttering and you quickly grabbed some and gave it to her. She started to pull at four different wires and cut both blue and green at the same time. Then clicked a button on the cartridge and cut black and red wires. The cartridge disengaged and she pulled it out and threw it in the sink.
Liz then turned the sink on, let the water ruin the cartridge then turned it off. She went back to assembling the laptop back to how it once was. As she turned it back on Liz finally eased her shoulders.
“Bare minimum is best, we don’t want to stand out. All we really need is a solid base where we can go undetected. I have something like this but it needs some work, I’m going to put it on here and your phones so..” she showed you the password screen and you inputted with ease. 
“Put your phones on the table,” she muttered absently as she fixed the system on your laptop. You were the first one to put your phone then it was Jack and Isaac exited off of certain tabs and put it down. “Once I fix the system I’ll look more up on your informant, speaking of which what’s that plan hun?”
You tensed up ever so slightly and you left the room. Jack looked at Isaac and Liz who were equally confused and you quickly came back with a medium cardboard box. Jack moved some space so you could set the box down and you placed it on the cluttered table. 
“Is all of that your plan?” Jack stuttered out amazed that you had so much and you chuckled. 
“Baby… no it’s- stuff that could help the plan but gimme a minute,” you rummaged through the old box trying to find what you needed.
“Sweetheart, can you inform us on the plan,” he rested his hand on your waist. You stopped rummaging and looked at the group's confused faces. 
“Right! Well we got the flash drive but it’s going to be a while until we get info from it so the plan is to make contact with the informant, Felix, in Chicago and see if he has information regarding Austin Robinson who has clubs there. I- Felix might not want to help so I have a backup in case he refuses to speak to me,” you state the last sentence by rummaging through the box again trying to find what was so important for this plan.
“Felix, he an ex?” Isaac looked to see what was in the box other than what you were looking for. 
“No, he’s complicated is what he is, Isaac don’t touch that,” he picked up an old shoebox and started to open it to see its contents. You snatched it from him before he could and placed it in another area. 
“What if it’s in there?”
“It’s not,” you replied, unable to look at his face and removed old papers and finally found two bent cards with information of a dry cleaners in Chicago and a hairstylist. “Right here.”
Jack picked up the dry cleaner card that had the number and location. It also had your handwriting in the back with a small note. 
Find soon!
Jack traced your scrawled handwriting admiring it.
“Can I see the card?” Liz said still uploading the system on your computer and Jack handed it to her. “His name isn’t on this.” 
“Well he worked there that’s why I still have it. His full name is Felix Santos and well that’s all I have on him. He’s good with getting information that’s how I got the info on- on,” you pointed at the old file you tried to give him yesterday. He didn’t want to reach for it because he saw how uncomfortable this whole topic made you so he pulled you closer to him hoping his warmth would make you feel better. 
“You okay?” He muttered as Isaac pulled the file towards him and Liz. You nuzzled into him sighing at the work ahead of the group. 
“I don’t know, maybe?” You muttered and he kissed your forehead. He saw you ease at that and he started to give you more kisses. From your cheeks to your nose to finally tender and small kisses on your lips. You smiled between kisses and sighed when he stopped for a second and in that second there was bound to be an interpretation.
“Um, Buddy I know you’re a bit busy at the moment but y’all can be lovey dovey after I ask about this,” Isaac shook the file at your face and your look of annoyance was shared with Jack.
“What is it,” you stayed in the embrace not moving from Jack.
“He gave you information to do this? You’re the person at the scene of the crime right? What the hell were you doing with a baseball bat where there are heavily armed people?” Jack frowned slightly at the information being told.
“Come again?” He looked at Isaac who looked completely serious about what he said and showed Jack what he was talking about. 
“Um…yes he gave me the information but he didn’t tell me to do it. It’s a long story really I don’t think-“ you stammered out. Imagining you recklessly running into a situation with minimal protection seemed like something you did consistently in the beginning of your time at the Statesman, hell even up until recently but the thought of it never sat right with him.
“We got time right,” Isaac argued and you shifted your weight from one leg to the other needing to move around.
“I was stupid okay, I- I would rather not talk about this topic alright, it’s not something I’m proud of. Let's just discuss details about the plan okay.” You avoided any more questions related to this issue.
“Talk to this Felix guy in Chicago I get it, that means we’ll be going on a road trip?” Isaac grinned and Liz was still inserting the systems on your phone this time. 
“When do you think we should go sweetheart?” Your face scrunched up in thought after Jack’s question. 
“Next weekend maybe, Liz, do you think that’s enough time to get everything ready? I don’t want to rush you,” you asked Liz who was waiting on your phone to say the system was set up and she was doing the math in her head. 
“A week is good. I'll have more than enough time for the bare minimum. What’s the transport looking like,” Liz responded, crossing her arms.
“We got a van that Scotch gave me, don’t know if the plates are clean but I’ll check it out.” 
“A van? Gross…ok follow up question but how are we gonna pay for all this? I’m just saying we should steal from the Statesman,” Isaac reiterated his point on stealing from the Statesman which Jack was partial to.
“Can’t I just dip into my funds of the company?” Jack pointed out straying away from stealing any money just yet.
“It’s too suspicious Jack, we can’t have a paper trail,” Liz stated. 
“Well, does anyone just have cash lying around?” Isaac stated sarcastically and you raised your hand thinking he was serious. “Buddy I’m joking, ain’t no way you’re serious right now.”
“I’m serious…you guys don’t have extra cash laying around just in case?” You went near the sink and opened the drawer looking for the cash.
“If you mean five dollars then yeah sure but I don’t-“ he stopped talking after the amount of cash you have in your hand. “Holy fucking shit! Where did you get that?”
“I saved it,” you muttered feeling somewhat embarrassed. 
“How much is that?” Liz asked intrigued with the amount you saved in what he believed was more than just a year.
“I- don’t know, I started saving when I started working for the Statesman. It was twenty dollars each check,” you recounted and this interested him. You stashed money just in case…what was the situation you were preparing for that made you plan for the worst?
“Well, fuck then I guess we have all issues quelled for now,” Isaac commented, still wide eyed about the amount of money you had in the sink drawer. “We gonna take these fuckers down?”
Liz's eyes burned with determination about the task at hand and Jack still noticed some unease bubbling within you. 
“You guys don’t have to-“ the three of them immediately interrupt your unease by letting them help you.
“Are you kidding! We are not going to let you do this alone hun.”
“No way in hell am I going to back out now. This fuckers deserve an ass kicking.”
“Sugar we are dead set on this, no one is backin’ out,” Jack was the final one to speak cemented the fact that this was a group effort. Your eyes sparkled up at him blinking away tears at this realization that they are here to help. No matter how hard it gets, they are by your side. 
You tried to quell the emotional tears but it was no use they were already welling. 
“Oh , don’t look at me,” you covered your face in slight embarrassment, “I’m crying way too often in front of y’all just don’t look.” 
“Oh darlin’- c’mere.” His arms reached out to pull you to him, “it’s alright we aren’t gonna judge you.” Isaac reached from behind you and wrapped his lanky arms around you and Jack.
“We got you,” he hummed as Liz reached out for you too
 “If you need tissues just use Jack.” Isaac was pinched by Jack and you just started giggling at the fact everyone started to hug you. The warmth and care that the group radiated feed Jack’s soul. The soft sniffling that you made were easing.
It was stagnant for moment until someone decided to tease to ease the quiet moment.
“Man Isaac you reek, what do you use axe body spray,” Liz huffed and you started to laugh and sniffle at the same time. 
“Oh fuck off, I don’t use that cheap shit, ” the tangle of limbs around you and Jack after Liz’s insult released it’s hold on you and Jack’s warm presence still surrounded you. He rubbed his thumb over your brow and he stared at how beautiful your eyes gleamed.
“You okay? Or do you need a moment,” he asked, still concerned about you. 
“I’m better now, thank you for asking pretty boy,” you pecked his cheek and he hummed at the pet name. He was glad that you didn’t have that unease about the affection anymore.
“Pretty boy?” Isaac chimed in and Jack glared at him subconsciously telling him if he said anything about it he’d regret it. 
“What? I’m one pretty motherfucker Isaac. You got a problem with that statement?” He was hundred percent serious telling that to Isaac. Isaac simply smiled and shaking his head not daring to say anything and Liz rolled her eyes at Jack. 
“Hun you gave him a big head,” she hummed. 
“He already had one. I just inflated it a bit,” you teased and he playfully glared at you. You always called him the menace when he believed that it was the other way around. 
“Mmm darlin’ how cruel,” he grinned at you knowing you didn’t mean it in any way. You giggled again and beckoned him to get close. He snuggled next to you and the other two still huddled somewhat close to you and Jack. You smiled wide at the people around you and he couldn’t help but mirror your actions.
“I appreciate you guys so much I hope you understand that,” you tell them earnestly, “I don’t want to imagine a world without you guys.” You're getting choked up again and Jack put his hand on your back. All of this was still so tender and the belief that you didn’t want to get them hurt was probably still in the back of your mind. It was still nagging at the back of his head.
“Ah you big ol softie, you’re gonna make me cry if you keep going,” Isaac patted your shoulder and you gave him a goofy grin after he said that. 
“We love you hun, and we’re glad that you’re letting us help. Even if you’re still uneasy about all this but it’s us against the world now,” Liz gazed at the three of them.
“And I wouldn’t have it any other way.” Jack adds on holding your hand and kissing it softly.
Taglist: @shadowolf993​ @salome-c​ @marydjarin​ @captainstormborn​ @athalien​
18 notes · View notes
brainrattlers · 2 years
Play It Cool - Tyson Jost (7/n)
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Author’s Notes: This section is LONG. But I couldn’t break it up without causing a lot of distress and none of us need that these days, you know? Continuing with Halloween, the team has a party. And Tyson can’t keep his eyes off of AJ in her costume. Things are heating up just a tad.
Pairing: Tyson Jost x OFC
Did you miss Part 6? https://brainrattlers.tumblr.com/post/686044348578709504/play-it-cool-tyson-jost-6n
Warnings: Language. We’re finally heading toward the 18+ section, sorry minors, you gotta go.
Word count: 4830ish. It’s long, you’ve been warned.
The week was a quick one, but work kept AJ busy, and practice and a couple of games kept Tyson busy. AJ got a text from Nate asking if he could give her number to Mikko, which confused her. She was under the assumption it was to fix something computer related, which, well, she didn’t LIKE doing but didn’t mind either as long as the friends IT privilege wasn’t abused. The text she got instead was a little bit of a surprise though.
Mikko: Halloween costume party on Sunday night. you in?
AJ: I don’t think I have anything going on that night, I’m down. Send me details.
AJ was glad because it wasn’t a “can you fix my computer/phone?” request, but also it felt like she was starting to make more friends as well. Time and place was shared. AJ asked if she could bring a friend to the party as well, and was met with no resistance, in fact, the more the merrier. Her first thought was to invite Jess to come with, especially knowing she wasn’t going to be able to spend much time with Tyson there. So texts were sent to Jess to see if she’d be interested in joining in the festivities, and one sent to Tyson to say she’d be at the party as an fyi, and asking what he was dressing up as.
Jess immediately responded that she was in and was planning her costume. Tyson texted back that he had no idea what his costume was going to be, but apparently was going to do something with Mikko and Susanna. AJ had to start thinking about a costume as well. Seeing as Halloween is the one time that it’s expected to kinda dress slutty, she figured out the perfect costume. She hoped that it would get a good laugh, and that Tyson would blush.
The week was a blur, with lots of work, a couple of games to watch, including one on Saturday night.Tyson swung by AJ’s after the game for a few minutes - he had to be up early for practice, and that weekend was also Fan Expo at the convention center downtown. AJ had gone to Friday and earlier Saturday programming, with still Sunday to go.
“It’s too bad that you have practice tomorrow, I’d have you come with me to Fan Expo. I think you’d enjoy it. There have been a few things I had to tell myself not to buy you in the artist alley… not that your place needs some art but I simply couldn’t choose which pieces to go with, and wanted to buy them all. They all seemed like things you’d love,” AJ was flipping through all the pieces of art and knicknacks she had purchased earlier in the day before the game, handing them to Tyson to inspect. “But if you see anything in these you’d like, by all means… I don’t think I have enough wall space for all of them.”
Tyson laughed while taking in the pieces AJ picked out for herself. He thought she had pretty good taste and made mental notes of which pieces made her eyes light up when she herself looked at them, so he wouldn’t pick those. All sorts of pop culture was represented by the art she had picked out. Cartoons, comic books, video games, anime, and movies. He was learning a lot about her in those few moments.
Unfortunately the adrenaline from the game was wearing off, and Tyson couldn’t stifle the yawns that were creeping up. And as they’re contagious, AJ was getting sleepy as well. Tyson admitted he needed some sleep before practice, and since it was going to be a late night, he definitely needed some sleep. AJ sleepily got up, and walked Tyson to the door, where he insisted she stay as it was starting to get slightly more chilly at night. A sweet, chaste kiss was shared, as it used up most of the energy the two had left after their days.
Sunday found AJ up early, preparing her costume for Fan Expo, while Tyson was making himself some Eggos with almond butter and maple syrup.  He texted a photo to AJ, which honestly made her question her taste in men suddenly. Nut butter on waffles? Not her forte.  She was definitely okay with the maple syrup though. She suddenly started laughing, and asked Tyson an odd question.
AJ: So hey I was thinking… talking in code to each other when we’re around others so they won’t get it. Like if I want to tell you I’m thinking about you, or miss you, or something… kind of like a Marco Polo thing.
Tyson: Go on…
AJ: Well you have eaten/talked quite a bit about Eggos with almond butter… and maple syrup. What if the first person would say something like “I could really go for some Eggos with almond butter.” And the second person would say, “with maple syrup!” I mean, if you wanted to.
Tyson: I like it. :D Wait… you could be my little Eggo lol Hey I gotta leave for practice. I’ll see you tonight? (kiss emoji)
AJ: In that case, especially since you’re my favorite Canadian, you’re my Maple Syrup. (laughing emoji) Yeah love, I’ll see you there. (heart emoji) On my way to Fan Expo.
Practice seemed to drag on and on, and the panels at Fan Expo actually seemed to go too fast. AJ could have listened to some of the speakers far longer than she was granted access to. With one more sweep of the show floor, and she was on her way home.  As she entered her apartment Jess was texting about last minute costume details. AJ was pulling off her costume from the comic con and trying to get into her costume for the party. And despite the next day being a work day, she decided to take a ride share rather than drive herself, she was going to have a good time and have a few drinks. With her hair up in space buns, glasses in place, and costume perfected, she hopped in her ride’s car, and headed off to the party.
As she arrived, AJ spied Jess’s car in the lot, and she knocked on the window. Jess got out to reveal a sexy nurse outfit. AJ nodded approvingly. Jess checked out what AJ was wearing. “He’s going to love it.” “He better. Although he can’t act on it in front of everyone!” AJ laughed, but suddenly realized maybe it wasn’t the best idea, her costume, but it was too late now. 
The two entered the bar, greeted with cheers from a few of the guys, as well as a few “Daaaaamn!”s and “Oh you two look GOOD tonight!”s.  Leave it to Halloween to let us all let out that sexy vixen that may be hiding normally. AJ introduced people to Jess, when she caught the attention of Nate on the other side of the room. AJ nodded at him and grabbed Jess’s hand to cross the crowded dance floor to get to where Nate was still seated… and dressed as a taco?
“Nice costume bud. Didn’t you wear that last year?” AJ teased. Nate eyed AJ up and down, raising an eyebrow and giving a low whistle that could not be heard over the music blasting and people talking in raised voices. But just as quickly, his eyes darted to AJ’s friend. “NATE. THIS IS Jess. Jess, Nate.”
The two stared at each other for a moment. AJ grabbed Nate’s hand and extended it to the other hand she grabbed, Jess’. Putting them together, AJ shook them and hollered, “Yes, it IS nice to meet you! And you too, finally!”
AJ rolled her eyes, adding “Okay I’m going to go get a drink. Do you two want anything? Jess I’m bringing you a marg, I know that already. Nate… Beer? Yeah? Okay. Good grief, y’all talk amongst yourselves, I’ll be back.” She left the two staring at each other like deer in headlights, but they would figure it out. As AJ headed for the bar, she scanned the room looking for any sign of Tyson but was not finding him. She saw a bunch of the other players and their significant others, but just not him. Her heart sank a bit as she headed up toward the bar.
Waiting on her order, AJ felt a hand slide along her lower back as someone sidled up next to her, and felt a presence lean in. “You are by far the sexiest nerd I’ve ever met… has anyone told you how hot you are?”
AJ shuddered at the voice in her ear, it slightly muffled by the mask being worn by the speaker. It wasn’t what was said, it was straight up the mask. Fun fact: AJ hates masks. However it made sense - she saw Mikko and Susanna on the dance floor in green track suits, and whomever this was, was wearing The Front Man’s mask, and an oversized, black Nike coat with hood, and black pants. Looking down, AJ recognized the shoes.
The masked man leaned in closer and lifted his mask to whisper-shout in her ear.
“HEY BABE! I mean it, holy smokes you look hot!” Tyson wasn’t the first to notice how different she looked this evening, but he probably stared the longest. His eyes first noticed the space buns, which made him giggle, and from behind, he saw her white shirt, black slacks and Chuck Taylors, but it wasn’t until she turned around that he nearly choked. He was never so thankful that he was wearing his mask at the time when he saw that the top few buttons of the white button-down shirt unbuttoned, a black necktie draped around her neck and laying nicely along her chest, showing off hints of a black lace bra underneath. This was by far the most skin he’d ever seen AJ show, and he was pretty okay with it. As soon as he could tear away his eyes from her pale skin, he started noticing all the little details to her costume - the pocket protector and pens, the glasses with tape, the calculator watch. He felt like he had the hottest date at the party, even if they weren’t on “a date.”
“You’re looking awfully mysterious, Front Man. Please tell me this was a last minute costume though, because… it’s kinda half-assed.” AJ started laughing. Tyson joined her.
“Oh yeah I had NO idea what to wear, so I asked around and this was the quickest thing I could figure out this afternoon.” He was still laughing at least.
AJ leaned in. “We need to play it cool though, okay? I’m going to hug you real quick, grab my drinks and head back over to my friend that I brought with, oh hell I’ve talked about Jess. She’s over there. I’ll bump into you later though?” She hugged him and pretended to laugh at something, nodding. Tyson was trying to piece this whole plan together, but followed it up with a smile and nodded back. Drinks in hand, AJ headed back to find that Nate and Jess finally sitting at the table sitting across from each other talking. Trying to not interrupt whatever the conversation was, drinks were placed in front of them, and AJ motioned she’d be back later. It looked like things were okay. After quickly finishing her drink, she found herself on the dancefloor with a crowd of people, bouncing around to the beat, finding her way to Mikko. Swaying to the music, she cut her way in.
“HEY I’m glad you made it!” Mikko was ecstatic, “Nice costume! I heard you’re good with computers, think you can help me with mine?” Laughter fell from his mouth when he saw the look on AJ’s face go from fun to are you kidding me right now? “Kidding, Nate was telling me that you do fix stuff, and thought that’s why I wanted your number.” He continued laughing.
“Do not even tease me like that… tonight, no work. Just fun. Tomorrow we can talk computers,” AJ smiled again and continued moving to the music along with Mikko. “Thank you for the invite for tonight though! Oh shit, I forgot about my friend…”
She looked over to find Nate and Jess were still sitting at the small table, but were far more relaxed looking. In fact, it looked as though Nate was leaning in closer. It could have been the noise level of the bar, the cheering and singing along with the music… or it could have been that the two were deep in conversation. In fact, Nate said something, Jess laughed and replied, and Nate busted up laughing.
“I think they’re doing quite alright over there,” Mikko had a mischievous glint in his eye, even more so after looking toward the bar, and back at AJ. He winked as he guided her by the waist, and pulled her in closer to him.
Unsure how to react, AJ continued dancing but tried to keep a little more distance than originally was given. Keeping a fun look on her face, she did try to scan the crowd to find Tyson, but didn’t have to look far as she felt him beside her. 
“Mind if I cut in, yeah?” 
This was probably the most gruff, irritated voice she’d ever heard Tyson use. It wasn’t his normal cheerful self. With the mask on top of his head, she could clearly see that Tyson was not playing around either with his facial expression. It was a funny looking scene with The Front Man talking to one of the Squid Game participants, all things considered. But Mikko backed off with a smile, giving another wink before he turned around and found Bo and his girlfriend dancing next to him. 
The crowd gathered more onto the dance floor, and it was a tight fit, but Tyson certainly didn’t mind. The scowl on his face he had toward Mikko instantly changed as soon as he looked down, past the taped glasses, and into AJ’s eyes. He wasn’t sure what color they were, but he loved them all the same, bright and clear. A soft smile soon made way and an intense staredown between the two began as his hand snaked around her midsection, and held AJ flush to his own body. His hand slid a little further south. With a little surprised look on her face, she looked up to find Tyson clearly looking at her chest - not that it truly bothered her in this situation, but she did take advantage.
“Eyes up here, Jost,” AJ pushed Tyson’s chin up slightly so his eyes met hers. She was the one suddenly giving a cheshire grin as she pressed up against him a bit more as the crowd moved in waves with the music. Eventually the song stopped and was replaced with a far slower, and infinitely more sexy one. 
Leaning over to speak into AJ’s ear, she was absolutely not prepared for what words dripped from Tyson’s lips.
“You’re making this really difficult tonight… I really… want… need.. you. Now.”
He saw the goosebumps form on her skin and knew the feeling was mutual. AJ took a deep breath to ground herself.
“I’m going to head toward the restrooms, it’s darker over there. Give me two minutes, then come find me over in the corner. Don’t make it look obvious,” AJ couldn’t even believe she was saying these things out loud. Maybe it was the alcohol of the night, maybe it was hormones and needing to feel Tyson’s touch, but for some reason she was feeling quite brazen, although still wanting to keep things quiet. Sliding her hand down Tyson’s arm, she disappeared into the crowd.
Before camouflaging herself into the dimly lit hallway to the restrooms, AJ looked over at the table where a taco and a sexy nurse were still talking. She happened to catch the exact moment that Jess looked into Nate’s eyes while saying something, and her fingers grazed over Nate’s forearm. Nate looked down and quickly back up, eyes sparkling as he smiled back at Jess.
“I knew that would work. To think, Nate was so damn stubborn about this… and look where they’re at now.” AJ thought to herself as she made her way to the back of the bar, heading toward the restroom. She said hello to a few other partygoers on her way, but made sure where she was as far from the crowd and as out of sight as possible once free from the party. Ducking into the bathroom, AJ wet a paper towel down and put it on the back of her neck, taking out some of the heat that had built up from drinking, dancing, and being riled up by Tyson. With a big inhale, she stepped through the door, turning the corner from the doorway. Her body smacked into a dark figure that pulled her in and pressed her against the wall.
AJ slid her arms inside the dark coat and pulled the torso it contained close to her own body. Lips crashed into each other, as if they hadn’t kissed in years. Tyson pinned her in with his hands at either side of her shoulders. Breathing hard, the two pulled slightly apart, but Tyson couldn’t keep his lips off of the skin of AJ’s neck, moving down to her collarbones. He could feel the low hum/whine that she was trying to suppress from escaping, which just encouraged him to continue more.
As much as she was enjoying herself, this was not the time nor the place for such activities, and it was very likely they were going to get caught by someone at some point. 
“Tys,” AJ tried to break his concentration on the task at hand. 
She felt her eyes start to flutter shut before she could snap herself back to reality, and in a last ditch effort, grabbed his ass to get his attention. “Babe we have got to simmer this down some, not here, not now…”
Tyson looked up, pupils blown, but still somehow with puppy dog eyes. Face? Innocent. Hands? Not even close, as they hovered on top of AJ’s hips, pulling her in close again.
“Fuck, seeing you with Mikko on the dance floor, something snapped, and I just need you right now, like RIGHT now,” Tyson’s grip held her in place, his voice intoxicating in her ears. He quieted for a moment, then let one hand drop, digging around in his pocket. “Here, take my keys. I have a plan this time.”
Tyson gave the details of the plan, leaving AJ nodding. He then hit up the restroom, leaving her in the hall. She smoothed out her hair and walked up to Jess and Nate who were clearly having a good time. AJ sighed to get Jess’s attention.
“Hey, I hate to be an awful friend, but I’m getting kinda tired, and I have work in the morning still, I think I’m going to head out, if you’re good with that. I don’t mean to just ditch you here,” AJ searched for any look of disbelief while saying it. She definitely caught Nate squinting for a moment, trying to figure out what’s up. “I’ve got a ride coming soon to pick me up, but you definitely feel free to stick around if you want. I think I’m just going to get some fresh air waiting for my car to show up, might clear my head a bit.”
Jess nodded that it was more than okay, giving *the eye*. AJ hugged both of the two at the table, before making her way toward the door. She waved and gave a few more hugs on her way out of the bar. She stayed on the sidewalk near the door for a few moments, then disappeared into the parking lot.
Meanwhile, inside, Tyson washed his hands in the bathroom, and then exited, out through the hallway, and into the main area of the venue. He chatted up a few teammates, and decided to call it a night. He exited the bar into the parking lot, finding his car. With a brief glance at his surroundings, he opened one of the back seat doors and climbed in, finding AJ already there.
“Hey you,” AJ smiled. 
“Hey, yourself.”
Without warning, AJ launched herself at Tyson, effectively pinning him down against the seat. Straddling his lap, she pressed her hips against Tyson’s, earning a groan from him as he resituated himself to get comfortable in the back seat, while still keeping AJ in place. Both parties’ hands roamed across expanses of the other person’s body, both on top and under layers of clothing. Tyson managed to wiggle out of the long coat, as it was far too warm in the car with it. At the same time, he watched eagerly as AJ unbuttoned the buttons on her shirt, one at a time, biting her lip as she pulled the shirt off.
“You swear we’re not going to get caught out here? What if someone comes outside?” “Nah, the party is in full-swing inside, yeah. We’re good. Now where was I before we got in my car… oh… that’s right,” Tyson started placing tiny kisses along AJ’s jaw, then down her neck and along the her collarbones again. “You know what’s funny? I don’t think I’ve ever been in the back seat of my own car before.”
Tyson looked up, and both he and AJ started laughing at the thought. But trying to keep the moment ignited, AJ smoothed her hands up Tyson’s chest, keeping one over his heart, the other playing with the curls at the base of his head. She watched in amusement as she tangled her fingers into them, and purposely pulled lightly. Tyson’s eyes met hers, and they went dark… fast. She gripped his hair again with a smirk on her face.
His voice dropped seemingly an octave.
“You’re playing with fire, baby girl.”
The words made AJ’s body shiver, but without missing a beat, she tugged lightly on his hair one last time, challenging him. Simultaneously she pressed her hips into his as his jumped at the feeling of his hair being pulled. That hungry look from that one night at Tyson’s place was back on his face, but she wasn’t nervous this time - other than if someone came near the vehicle  outside. Somehow in all this, a few more pieces of clothing were lost, and Tyson ended up on top, which he at least felt better about. If someone did come outside, and even walk by, he felt like he could at least shade AJ from anyone’s view passing by. 
Things progressed quite quickly, with the windows fogging up in Tyson’s vehicle. Suddenly AJ tapped Tyson’s shoulder and shushed him. 
Multiple voices got clearer as they neared the car, however, thankfully, they dispersed quickly and left the two silent in the back seat, until AJ lifted her head up and kissed Tyson slowly. Opening her eyes when his lips left hers, she squinted and smiled at Tyson. He was just smiling down at her face devoid of any sort of concern, letting a quick hum out.
“Whatcha thinking about, Tys?”
He shook his head, gave a tiny huff, and smiled bigger while searching her face. “Nothin’ babe. Just looking at you,” Tyson paused, suddenly thinking about something, but circled back. “You’re beautiful, you know that?”
The compliment hit her hard, as AJ doesn’t do well with praise like that. She was never one to take them well, but it was something she was working on, and Tyson knew it. AJ shook her head in disagreement, but before Tyson had a chance to respond back, a quick smile graced her lips and reconnected her lips to his to keep an argument from breaking out. The two lingered this way until the intense feelings had subsided. It was Tyson who broke the bubble first, clearly thinking about something, mind suddenly elsewhere. “You deserve better than this.”
AJ’s heart dropped. “What do you mean?” “I meant… I don’t want our first time to be in the backseat of my car, in a bar parking lot,” Tyson chuckled, “We’re not high schoolers. And despite the thrill, yeah, I don’t want to get caught either. I would never live that down in the locker room. Not that it’s you, they all love you, yeah? I mean they’d probably tease you a little too, but it’d be really really awkward at practice.”
AJ started laughing at the thought. “Aww Tyson… I don’t even know what to do with you.”
“Oh, I have a few ideas.” Tyson winked and lightly tickled AJ’s side. She squealed and giggled. It was a sound he felt like he could never get tired of.
It was getting late, and AJ really did need to get home and sleep, work was coming early in the morning. But that didn’t stop her for making a plan for the future. 
“How about a raincheck on those ideas? Sadly I need to get home, at least one of us has to be up early.”
Tyson nodded, even though he was definitely up for more, and handed her the shirt that was slung over the passenger seat. AJ sat up to start buttoning it when he flung himself on her and pushed her back onto the seat, hand over her mouth. The sound of Burky, his girlfriend, Mikko, and a few others AJ did not recognize neared Tyson’s car, and laughter ensued as it got closer.  But then the voices split off, saying they’d see one another soon. Tyson could feel AJ’s heart pounding against her ribs, her breath ragged against his hand. After a few moments, Tyson let her back up, and finished putting her shirt back on. She just smirked.
Was a quick drive to AJ’s, once everyone was street decent again. Once back at her place, Tyson brought up a work function he had going on later that week that wasn’t a game, but he had to be at. There was almost a question in his voice.
“So, I have this charity event on Thursday night, have to shake hands with a lot of people. You wouldn’t maybe… no, never mind.”
“Are you asking me to go with you?”
“I mean, if you want to? We can totally go as just friends, you know? Not that you’re just my friend. You are way more than that to me,” Tyson kissed AJ’s nose to make a point.
“As much as I would like to go, I have to work that night - being the newbie I’m on-call.”
Tyson’s face got a little sad, but she promised that she’d make it up to him. The two chatted a bit more before Tyson hopped out to walk her to her doorstep. With a quick goodnight kiss, the night ended for them. But not for AJ and Jess.
AJ wasn’t sure if she should text Jess because she was hoping it might interrupt something. But about 30 minutes later AJ herself received a text from Jess.
Jess: Tonight was so perfect!
The gasp that fell out of AJ’s mouth was more of a sound of “HA, I knew it!” than a shocked gasp.
AJ: I figured you wouldn’t mind me ducking out early. (laughing emoji) Everything you’d hoped for?
Jess: Well not EVERYTHING. But it was a good start. 
AJ: Glad I could finally get you two together. Told you he’s a pretty chill guy… but you knew that already too, just not in person. You home?
Jess: I am. Don’t think I’ll be able to sleep for a while though. I’m just super giddy right now! (smile emoji)
AJ: Why does that not surprise me?  I hate to say it though, I was about to pass out, I need to get some sleep as work comes early.
Jess: Wait, what happened with Tyson?
AJ: WHATEVER ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT? Nothing happened with Tyson (winking emoji) Seriously though I’m about to fall asleep. I can tell you what didn’t happen tomorrow (laughing emoji with tears) Sweet dreams about Naaaaaate!
AJ’s phone buzzed with one more message, but it was from Tyson.
Tyson: I’m home babe. Will be thinking about you in that costume all week until I see you again. You should dress like that more often (winking emoji) Night baby girl (kiss emoji)
AJ: I only dress up like that for Halloween. And maybe you if you’re good (winking emoji) Sweet dreams love. (heart emoji)
Tyson: Oh I’ll be on my best behavior here then. (heart emoji)
AJ rolled her eyes at the ridiculousness that is Tyson, set her phone down next to her on the nightstand, and promptly passed out. Part 8 is up! https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/brainrattlers/687046761391456256
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
I don’t know if it’s too much to ask, but when you’re done with all your requests, can you please do a part 2 of getting to know you?❤️
Hello darling!💕 Thank you for the request and I’m so sorry it took me so long; I was waiting for Cherry to come out to write this and I also have time to finally write. I hope you like it!💕 *CHERRY SPOLIERS*
A/n: Hello my loves! I just wanted to say that these kind of fics are the closest I will get to writing for Cherry. I will not be writing about the characters in the story, I will only be writing about the filming process, working with Tom, etc. Now that I mentioned that, I wanted to let you all know that this is going to be a bit more of a happier fic! I see a lot of people writing about the hard parts of filming Cherry so I thought why not have a little fun one? I’m sure they had some laughs on set, I briefly remember Ciara and Tom mentioning it. But yeah that’s all, enjoy the fic! Ally xx
I’m Really Happy You’re Here
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(GIF @thollandgifs )
Tom watched you from a distance. From where he was, he could hear the sound of your bubbly laugh and see that bright smile on your face. Your smile was contagious. The way your eyes crinkled at the ends and how your smile squished into your cheeks was something he’s grown fond of over the past eight weeks. Though the difference from the previous weeks was that your cheeks were fuller and the bleak expressions of Emily did not shadow your face anymore.
The last eight weeks of filming have been rough. Both on you and him, along with the rest of the cast and crew. Having to begin filming with the ‘Dope Life’ section of the movie was not a pleasant way of starting a months long project. He felt drained after every shoot, spending his time on set crying, kicking, and screaming. Not to mention he was also starving himself to enhance the ‘druggy’ look on his features. After those eight weeks they had to transition into the part of Cherry’s life where he’s falling in love with Emily. The transition from being an addict to becoming a lovesick college student was a tricky one for Tom. The sudden switch in the film’s dynamic, made Tom doubt himself. From the intense scenes and screaming to being all loving and sweet, he was self-conscious that he was not doing enough. Though you were quick to debunk his doubts. You kept your promise of being there for him and gave him the freedom to be vulnerable. You didn’t judge him, you listened to him ramble and understood the struggles he was facing. Because of this, you helped him through the transition of druggy to lovesick college student. 
It wasn’t hard to act like he was falling in love you. You have been so supportive and patient with him during the previous weeks that he’s grown to adore you. On and off set you made sure he knew you were not only his co-worker but his friend. When he had a rough day, you were there to pick him up. Or that one time when he had a bit of a panic attack and you were instantly by his side to guide him out of it. There were many reasons as to why you are so dear to him, he could have gone on for days listing them. But overall, it was your lovable nature that lured him in since the very beginning he’s met you.
He felt like Cherry in that one scene you guys shot in the classroom. The one where he’s gazing at Emily and admiring her features. Except you didn’t stare back at him, instead you were having a very animated conversation with your makeup artist and one of the stylists. You were dressed in Emily’s clothes, white stockings, a jean skirt, and that cherry pink jacket with flowers embroidered onto it. He thought you looked so adorable and carefree kicking around leaves with your brown ankle boots and playfully swinging your arms around. Tom felt his lips unconsciously twitch upwards at the sight of you.
Harry, who had been eyeing his older brother, nudged him roughly. Tom whips around to look at him, sending him a glare for rudely interrupting his train of thought.
“What?” Tom hissed.
Harry smirked, motioning to you, “(Y/n) looks really pretty today.” Tom distinctly squints an eye at Harry before looking over his shoulder. The glare for his brother softening once you come into view.
“I mean, doesn’t she always? She’s a beautiful woman.”
“And you’re absolutely whipped.” Harry remarked with a smug grin on his face.
“So I can’t call someone beautiful without being absolutely whipped for them now?” Tom retorted crossing his arms. Harry raised his hands up defensively, “You can mate, chill. I’m just saying that because you’re literally staring at her with a stupid love haze in your eyes.”
“No I’m not.” Tom scoffed, hoping to get his brother off his case. Harry stared at him blankly and rolled his eyes, “Whatever, they want you on your mark.”
The filming location was a secluded park located somewhere in Cleveland. The park was set up to appear as a cemetery, gray gravestones were placed on the ground and gothic statues scattered the place. The scene was supposed to be a meaningful one for Cherry and Emily. Emily was going to be telling Cherry about her abusive father and he was going to tell her he loved her.
Tom sat on the grass and leaned against the stone statue where his mark was located. He looked around his surroundings in curiosity. A few feet away from him was the crew, the Russos, and a tent that sheltered the monitors. He breathed in, wallowing in the crisp air of Cleveland’s autumn weather. It was a bit chilly, but not to the point where you were shivering and left with chattering teeth. The vintage looking jacket he was given and the black beanie on his head was enough to keep him warm. His eyes continued to wander around the park, shifting along the trees and studying the clusters of yellow and orange.
“Hey you.” Your gentle voice breaks through the quiet murmurs of nature and the crew surrounding him. Tom’s eyes instantly set themselves upon your figure, their focus on you and only you. The trees and cameras behind you faded in the background. His gaze followed your figure as you moved to sit beside him.
“Hey.” His voice is soft making you hum in response. Being the gentleman he was, Tom held out his hand to help you sit on the ground. You quietly thank him. He watches as you rest your head against the stone and shut your eyes.
“Still sleepy?” He chuckles nudging your shoulder. You giggle along, lazily nodding. Your eyes open again and he’s met with your stunning (eye color) orbs. They were bright and filled with joy even though you were clearly tired.
You turn your head to the side to face him, “I barely got any sleep last night.”
Tom’s brows drew together in concern, “Why didn’t you get any sleep?”
“I may or may not have watched The Nun by myself last night.” You cringed. Tom let out a dramatic gasp, “Darling, why would you do that to yourself?”
“I was bored and I couldn’t find anything else to watch. I thought watching a horror movie would be a good idea, but I was wrong.” You explained, shaking your head at yourself. You breathed out a laugh, remembering how terrified you were the night before.
Tom joined you, also shaking his head. “Why didn’t you ask Harry and I to join? We could’ve watched it for movie night. Then you wouldn’t have to be alone and you’d have two body guards to protect you from the scary nun.” He teased you poking your side. You squeaked and swatted his finger away.
“You guys were going out for dinner. I thought you might want to have some quality time with your brother.” You stifled a yawn, your nose scrunching after, making Tom pout at your sleepy state. He glanced in front of him to see everyone still occupied in side conversations. The Russos were haunched behind the tent discussing things about the scene.
Tom turns back to you and motions to his lap. You give him a questioning look. You glance at his lap, not completely understanding him. Tom followed your stare, realizing that you were probably getting the wrong message.
“Oh! No—I meant that you could sleep on my lap or something. I don’t think we’re gonna start filming for a few more minutes, so I thought you might want to squeeze in a little nap.” He explained, words jumbling together in panic. Your heart swelled at how sweet Tom was.
The two of you were silent, staring at each other before bursting out in laughter. Tom squeezed his eyes shut, fingers holding his temples, “God, I’m sorry, that was embarrassing.”
You chuckled resting your head on his shoulder, “It’s okay, you had good intentions.” When your laughs die down, you look up at him. “Does your offer for the nap still stand? I think I can use it.”
“Of course it does.” Tom shifts so there’s space on his thigh for you to rest your head on. He helps you lay down, fixing your hair so it’s not in your face. He leaves a hand to play with the strands, mesmerized at how luscious it was. He notices that he’s probably invading your space and pulls his hand away, apologizing.
You make a noise of disagreement, pulling his hand back. “It’s ok, feels nice.” You mumble, eyes closing and a content expression on your face. Tom played with your hair; being careful to not tangle any strands or pull on them too hard. He couldn’t help but study your features. To name a few, he took the time to memorize the way your lashes brushed against your cheeks, the shape of your nose, and the curve of your lips. Your lips. They looked remarkably soft and had a tint of pink to them. Tom found his eyes flickering down at your lips the most than your other features.
He was so caught up in admiring you that he didn’t notice the words coming out of his mouth.
“I’m really happy you’re here.”
Your eyes snap open dancing with amusement. A toothy grin forms on your mouth.
“Did you just quote the movie?” You question him, referring to the previous scene you were both shooting a couple of days ago. Tom becomes flustered, the blood rushing to his fair cheeks.
“Yes, shut up.” He muttered, bouncing his thigh, causing your head to loll to the side. You giggle elbowing his stomach. “Well were you practicing your lines? ‘Cause they’re for the wrong scene, Tommy.” You tease him.
Tom playfully rolls his eyes and looks down at you. His hands were still tangled in your hair, the soft strands like silk in between his fingers. “No, I know that—but I’m serious. I’m really happy you’re here with me. I know I’ve told you this so many times but I can’t imagine filming this movie with anyone else. And you’ve been so loyal and trusting, I feel so comfortable with you. You’ve always had my back and I’m really thankful for that. So thank you for—being you.”
You give him a lopsided grin, “You know, you don’t have to always thank me. We made a promise to always have each other’s back. I’m one to keep my word but at the same time you’re my friend, Tom. I’m not being nice to fulfill a promise, I genuinely care about you.” Tom beams while you continue.
“It honestly goes both ways, I should also be thanking you. The beginning of filming was very taxing and somehow you’ve made it bearable for me to come into work not worrying about losing my shit on everyone. So thank you, Tom.” You finish, reaching out to interlock your fingers with his free hand.
Tom sighs happily, “I guess we’re just happy to have each other, huh?”
“Yeah.” You agree, eyes trained on the way his giant hand enveloped yours. A peaceful silence lays upon the both of you. The melody of birds chirping and the sound of Tom’s breathing fill the air as you drift off to sleep.
Tom feels your hand loosen in his grip, your interlocked fingers resting on your stomach. He felt your stomach steadily raising up and down to the pace of your breathing. His hands remained where they were; one playing with your hair and the other holding one of your hands.
Joe approaches the both of you, gesturing to the position you and Tom were in. Though you were unaware, napping on Tom’s lap.
“Is this how you guys want to film the scene? We were gonna have you sitting beside each other instead.” Joe stood above you and Tom with his hands on his hips.
“I think this is actually better—don’t get me wrong, sitting beside each other and cuddling is pretty affectionate. But I think having someone rest their head on your lap is another level of intimacy.” Tom reasoned. He wanted to extend the amount of time you could ‘nap’ but he also thought the scene would be much better if your head was cradled on his lap. Personally, he believed it would show the audience how comfortable Cherry and Emily were with each other.
Joe nods his head, “Yeah, I get what you mean. I think I like that better, to be honest. What do you think, (Y/n)? Is Tom’s lap comfortable enough for you to shoot a few scenes on?” Joe asks, teasing you towards the end. He’s met with no response. He raises a brow at you, “Is she asleep?”
“Yup, long night.” Tom chuckled, running his hand through your hair soothingly.
Joe chuckles as well, “Is she all good though?”
“Oh, she’s fine. She just watched The Nun by herself and couldn’t catch any sleep after.” Tom reassured him.
“Ahh, alright.” Joe snickers, moving to make his way back to the crew. “She’s got a good 10 to 15 minutes to squeeze in a nap, monitors are acting up.”
“Gotcha’ boss.” Tom mentally notes, resuming to bask in the nature around him and your presence.
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chaoticpuff17 · 4 years
Baby Mine
ADG Yoongi
Hello my darlings! Just a reminder that all the mc’s in the ADG universe are named except for joon’s! This is to avoid confusion for all of us as the universe expands and the mcs run into each other! Love you all! Thanks for reading! —— chaotic puff
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She stared at herself in the bathroom mirror tilting her head from side to side as she tried to figure out if it was just her imagination or if there really was a small bump forming on her lower stomach. It had to be her imagination, or just some bloating. Birth control was a major part of her work. Jimin ensured that all of the girls were on some sort of contraception. Babies weren’t allowed. Pregnancies and babies meant that girls went out of commission. No one wanted to fuck a pregnant whore.  
Sen shook her head as though trying to shake the idea out entirely. It was near impossible for her to be pregnant. It was better not to think about it at all, but she’d get a pregnancy test later just to be safe. Jimin would kill her if she was pregnant. She was one of his best girls after all. She brought in a lot of money for him.
“Lola.” A rough voice called from behind her as an arm snaked around her waist.
Lola. It was a fake name to protect her. It was something Jimin had instigated when he’d taken over keeping charge of the girls. For as much of a dick as he could be, he did want the girls safe, and she was grateful for that. Jimin had picked the name himself. Lola from lotus because her name meant lotus. She still wasn’t sure how he’d gotten Lola from lotus, but she appreciated the thought, and it was better than have the men know her real name. She was able to keep that just for her, and for that she was grateful. So few things were hers here. It was nice to be able to keep her name to herself.    
She pasted on a sensual smile and turned to face the man before her winding her arms around her neck. “Leaving already?” She asked looking up at him and tilting her head to the side. “Or are you staying for another round?” She purred moving closer so that their chests were brushing against each other as she placed a soft kiss on the edge of his mouth.
“I have a mission.” He announced sleepily resting his head in the crook of her neck. “RM just called.”
She hummed gently. He liked verbal confirmation from her. She’d learned a lot about his likes and dislikes through the years.
For someone so feared, Suga could at times be a softy, especially after he’d just woken up. She’d learned through the years that he valued his sleep more than anything. Usually if Suga was visiting her, she wouldn’t expect another client for the rest of the night. He’d crash in her bed, and leave in the morning, or whenever he woke up. If the mission had been particularly hard, he’d crash for up to a full day in her bed before going on his way.  
The higher ups took first priority. Even if she’d had another client, the big seven took priority. She’d been lucky enough only to have had to service three of the big seven. Jimin tested all of the girls, but it was Hoseok and Yoongi that visited her regularly, sometimes together, sometimes not. But it was well known among the ranks that she was Suga’s favorite of the girls. She couldn’t count the number of times that Yoongi had come to her in the years she’d been working for BTS.
There were many nights when Suga would appear at her door, and more than once he’d kicked another client out of her bed, but he was allowed. He was one of the big bosses, and no one was going to argue with him. The only one that could have stopped him was RM himself, and so far Sen had been lucky enough never to have met the kingpin. But Suga hadn’t kicked anyone out of her bed in a long time. When it was well known that she was Suga’s bitch, other men no longer came to call. The only one besides him that came to visit her anymore was Hoseok. No one wanted to be on the receiving end of Suga’s wrath, and there were plenty of other girls for them to choose from. Hoseok was an exception. They didn’t mind sharing with each other, and it always made for an interesting night when they were there together. She was left sore for days.
“You’d better get going then.” She whispered running her fingers through his hair in the way she knew he liked. “I wouldn’t want to keep you.”
He lifted his head, dark eyes scanning her features before he sighed tiredly. “Money’s on the table.” He grumbled leaning his forehead against hers, still sleepy. “I’ll be back after this mission.”
“You always are.”
“Patch me up?”
“You really should go to Dr. Kim for that.” She scolded. “I’m not a medical professional.”
“Yeah, but he doesn’t do what you do.” He informed her with a smirk while she rolled her eyes at the suggestive tone of his voice.
He placed a quick, rough peck to her lips, and then he was gone.
Even if he was one of her only clients these days, he at least paid well. All the higher ups paid well, and she had a debt to repay. Well, the debt was repaid now, but she was trying to save up the money to leave this place. It was the debt that landed her in this position in the first place. She could blame her crackhead mother for that. The hag had skipped out of town and left her to pay off the debt. It had taken her years, but she’d finally done it. The next time her mother got herself in trouble, Sen was going to let her deal with it herself. It wasn’t her problem anymore.
She glanced over at the clock. It was way too early in the morning for her to consider running out to grab a pregnancy test, but she was going to do it anyway. Three in the morning was too early for most things, but her job had her keeping weird hours, and both Hoseok and Yoongi were well within their rights to wake her up at any time of the day or night. It was unlikely that either of them would come by for the rest of the night, and she wanted to put that nagging feeling at the back of her mind to rest as soon as possible.
To say that the two lines staring back at her were a shock would have been an understatement. This wasn’t supposed to happen. Those two little pink lines mocked her. The words in the Google search mocked her. Birth control was only 99% effective. Jimin was going to kill her. Suga was going to kill her. He was the only one that could possibly be the father. Jimin and Hoseok hadn't visited her recently, only Suga. But did she really have to tell either of them?
She had enough money to leave. Her debt was repaid. She could hand in her resignation to Jimin and go. She never had to tell either of them anything. She wasn’t showing enough for either of them to see, and if she moved quickly, she could be gone before anyone found out. Besides, she doubted that Suga wanted a child let alone a child from a whore.
Yes, that would be the best option.
She placed a hand over her belly, her mind whirring with possibilities. A baby. She was going to have a baby. Life was full of odd surprises, but this was not one she thought she would ever have to deal with. She’d never even considered being a mother let alone the mother of Min Yoongi’s baby.
“Okay, little dude.” She whispered to her belly. “We’re going to be okay.”
And it would be, as soon as she informed Jimin of her departure, she was gone. But first she actually had to talk to Jimin.
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“Sir.” She greeted bowing respectfully as she entered his office.
“Sen.” He greeted leaning back in his chair. “Is everything alright? You don’t usually come to visit me.” He sent her a charming smile. He was always charming, but she didn’t have time to flirt with him today.
“I wanted to inform you of my resignation in person.” It was best just to put it out there.
His small dropped, a frown taking its place as he leaned forward. “Resignation. You’re leaving us, Sen?”
“I paid off my debt. I think it’s time for me to go.”  
“Are you sure about this?”
She smiled even if the expression was strained. She couldn’t let him know that anything was off. “I’m sure. I want more for myself than this, Jimin. I’m sure you can understand that.”
“You have a good life here.” He pointed out. “Suga keeps you comfortable and protected. No one’s going to mess with his girl.”
“I’m not his girl, and you and I both know that this was never what I wanted from my life. I paid my debt. It’s time for me to go.” She held firm her lips pressed into a line as her smile fell.
“Suga will be disappointed to see you go.”
“I’m sure he’ll survive.”
“You’re sure I can’t convince you to stay?” Jimin might have appeared calm, but his mind was already busy thinking over the fall out of her decision. He didn’t even want to think of Yoongi’s reaction. “You’re my best girl.”
“I have one client.” She scoffed. “Two if Hoseok drops by, but he rarely does these days. I can’t be your best girl.” She pointed out leaning forward in her seat to match Jimin’s stance.
“Yeah, but you keep Suga hyung happy, and that’s worth a lot.”
“He’ll find another girl.”
“I’m not sure there is another girl like you, Sen. He likes you.”
She scoffed again moving a strand of hair away from her face as she leaned back again. “He’ll get over it.”
Jimin scoffed, but there was really nothing he could do to make her stay. She had kept her end of the deal and paid off her debt. Unless he planned on kidnapping her, she was free to go, and BTS wasn’t in the habit of forcing women to work for them.
“I’m sorry to see you go.”
“It’s for the best.”
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Jimin had been disappointed to see her go. It meant that Hoseok and Yoongi would need to find a new plaything, but Jimin was not looking forward to telling his hyungs that Sen had gone, especially not Yoongi. He visited her almost exclusively. She was his girl, even if neither of them would admit it.
He’d hoped that she would stick around a little while before she left that way she could be the one to tell Yoongi, but he was shocked at the speed with which she’d packed up her life and gone. It was as though she’d never been one of his girls at all, and it left him with the responsibility of telling Yoongi. Unfortunately for him, that moment came far quicker than he would have liked.
“Where’s Lola?” Yoongi asked barging into his office and plopping himself down on his sofa a scowl on his face.
“Lola?” Jimin asked keeping his tone light and breezy.
“She’s not at her apartment. She’s always at her apartment.”
“Ah.” Jimin gulped trying to find the right words. “Well, Sen left. That’s her real name you know. Lola’s just for work.” That hadn’t been what he was going for, but honesty is the best policy, or so they say.
“Left?” Yoongi arched a brow leaning forward suddenly interested.
“She paid off her debt.”
“She did that a while ago.” Yoongi scoffed brushing him off. “She didn’t leave then. Why now?”
Jimin shrugged. “She said she wanted to go. Something about it being time. Sorry, hyung. Jas is in though. You visit her sometimes.” He was hoping that his hyung would smoothly take on a new girl, but he doubted that the transition would be smooth.
Yoongi grumbled under his breath. He didn’t want Jas. He wanted Lola. He always went to Lola after a mission. She tended wounds he didn’t bother going to Jin for. She listened running her fingers through his hair as he told her about anything and everything. She knew more about him than just about anything else. No he never shared details of the business, but she knew him.
Jas expected sex. She expected the infamous assassin of BTS, and while she was good for a fuck, she certainly wasn’t going to be dressing wounds or letting him spend all night and half of the next day in her bed.
He couldn’t help a tinge of resentment as he thought of Lola, Sen. He provided for her. He made sure no other dirt bag touched her, but she left anyway. He and Hoseok treated her well, and she just left. She hadn’t even deigned to tell them her real name, but she wasn’t going to find a better life than the one she’d had under their protection. If she was stupid enough to leave, that was her problem, but he wasn’t about to let her go. She knew too much.
“Should I tell Jas you’re coming by?” Jimin offered already reaching for his phone even though he knew Yoongi would probably refuse.
“Don’t bother.” He grumbled pushing himself up from the sofa.
“Hyung!” Jimin called after him “Hyung!” He knew what was on Yoongi’s mind. He wasn’t a man to share, and Sen’s leaving wouldn’t be taken well. “She’s not in the city anymore.” He announced causing Yoongi to stop in his tracks. “The last time anyone saw her she was entering the airport. We didn’t keep track of where she was going. She’s free to go where she pleases. She’s not one of mine anymore.”
“The airport?” Yoongi asked turning with a scowl. “Where would she go? She doesn’t have any family.”  
“Just her crackhead mom, but I doubt she went looking for her.” Jimin agreed leaning back in his chair. He didn’t like the look In Yoongi’s eyes, but he wasn’t about to stop him if he decided to go after her. If he wanted her, he could have her. He’d just have to find her first.
“You gonna go looking for her?” He called as Yoongi turned to leave again taking note of the tight set of the other man’s shoulders.
“Why would I go looking for a whore?” He spat venom dripping from his tone his eyes flashing.
Jimin watched him go, doubting that this would be the end of it. Yoongi was angry, but Jimin knew his hyung enough to know that that hurt was coming from a place of betrayal. Yoongi, as much as he didn’t like to admit it, cared about Sen. No, this wouldn’t be the end of it.
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Sen was happy. She’d found herself a nice little apartment in Busan. She liked living so near to the sea, and she was sure that the little one would love it as well. She’d assembled a nursery for the little dude who she had recently found out was quite literally a little dude. As her bump grew, she collected strollers, blankets, stuffed animals for the little dude, and she was happy, happier than she’d been in years. She was excited to be a mother, excited to start over. She’d built a nice cozy life for them here, and she knew it was going to be a good one.
Her break from BTS had been clean. No one knew about the little secret she was carrying, and they had no reason to keep her, not when she’d paid them back everything that was owed. She still found herself looking over her shoulder though. She was always worried that Jimin or Hoseok or heaven forbid Yoongi was going to appear out of nowhere and see her heavy with Yoongi’s child. She doubted that she would have made a clean break if any of them had known. But this wasn’t their child. Her son didn’t belong to BTS. He was hers, her little dude. They didn’t get to have a say.
Her kitchen fridge proudly held the ultrasound from her twenty week scan. Baby books were littered across her coffee table, along with a book of baby names. Her life had been about survival for so long, but now the little dude kept her busy. He was her life now.
She had enough saved to keep them comfortable for a little bit, but she was lucky enough to find a job in Busan. She was working at a local restaurant. It was owned by a lovely couple whose only son was in college. They took every opportunity to brag about him. It was good work, honest work, and they didn’t seem to mind that she was an unwed mother. They’d also given her a very generous maternity leave.  
It was a good life. It wasn’t much, but it was good. And she only grew more excited as her due date drew closer. The excitement was partially driven by the excitement to meet the little dude, and the growing desire to get him out. She loved him, but he was a pain. Her ankles were swollen. Her back hurt, and she was getting really tired of the way this kid liked to sit directly on her bladder. But it would all be worth it as soon as the little dude arrived, and he was due any day now.
She had everything ready to go. There was a bag packed, and she had a plan in place to get to the hospital. One of the downsides of being a single mom was that there was no one there to help when the pregnancy got rough or to go with her to the hospital when the time came.
She’d debated finding a midwife and doing a home birth, just for the added security of not being in the hospital on the off chance that Yoongi or someone else from her old life had found out about the little dude, but she’d ultimately decided that the safety that the hospital provided for the birth was the better choice. She wanted all the nurses and doctors she could get since she had no family to support her through a home birth, and the hospital had the good drugs to help with the pain. She was a baby when it came to pain, and she was dreading the contractions.
She had to keep reminding herself that it would all worth it for the little dude. And it was. When the nurse handed her her son for the first time, she had never been more in love in her entire life.
He was small, so very small, and all read and wrinkly. His face was scrunched up like an old man’s, and there was something about him that was just so similar to Yoongi when she looked at him. It could have been the old man attitude, or it could have been the tuft of dark hair accompanied by those impossibly dark eyes. It didn’t matter though. Whether he looked like his father or not, she was completely in love with him.
Every sound that he made, every movement, had her enthralled. How could this tiny perfect being have come from her? How could she have made something so perfect? She knew that she would do anything for him, anything at all. Every terrible thing that had ever happened, her mother, the debt, working as a prostitute for BTS, it was all worth it, because it had brought her him.
It was with a heavy heart that she let the nurses take him away to the nursery, but she knew that she was going to need all the rest she could get before she took him home, and it was just the two of them. She would have plenty of long nights ahead of her, she could let the nurses take care of him for one night while she recovered from the birth.
When she woke up some hours later, it was to a dark room and the sound of those soft noises content newborns made. It took her a few minutes to wake up enough to realize that her baby wasn’t supposed to be with her. He was meant to be at the nursery.
She bolted up, ignoring the pain the sudden action caused as she frantically looked around the room looking for the source of the noise. Her frantic heartbeat stilled for a moment as she caught sight of her baby perfectly safe, but her blood turned to ice as she saw who held him.
“Suga.” She whimpered bracing herself against the rail of the hospital bed as she prepared to jump out of bed and seize her child from him arms.
“Sen.” Her heart stopped. How did he know that? Where had he learned that name? “You didn’t tell me you were expecting.”
“Suga.” She said his name like plea, begging him to give her back the baby.
“Shhhhh.” He hushed her walking over with her baby settling himself on the bed beside her before she could spring up. “You should be resting. You just gave birth, baby.”
“Give me the baby.” She pleaded reaching out to take her son, but Yoongi held him away fixing her with a dark, disapproving stare.
“You should have told me.” He scolded.
“Please, give me the baby.”
He shushed her again. “He’s fine. Look. He’s sleeping.” He angled his arms down so she could see the angelic face of her little one scrunched up in sleep. “You don’t want to wake him up.”
“Please.” She reached out for the little one again terrified of what Yoongi could do to him.
She knew she was in trouble. No one stole from Bangtan, and if Yoongi was here, he had clearly known about the pregnancy. Was he going to take the baby from her? Was he going to kill her for hiding it?
“He’s fine.” He scolded again maneuvering himself so that the baby was cradled in one arm while the other snaked around her shaking shoulders pulling her close in a position they had been in many times before, minus baby.
“Yoonho, huh?” He asked gazing down at the sleeping child. “Feeling nostalgic, Sen?”
He sighed shifting to ease the baby into her waiting arms much to her relief. Yoonho whimpered a little in his sleep unhappy with the transfer, but settled back quickly.
She looked over him checking for any signs of distress, but he seemed fine. He was sleeping like a champ, but that was what newborns did. They slept, and they ate. Yoonho didn’t even seem to know that anything was wrong, but Sen did.
“Why are you here?” She whispered gently tracing her son’s features as she refused to meet Yoongi’s eyes.
“I’m here for my kid.” He scoffed leaning over a bit and moving the blanket back so that he could have a better view of Yoonho’s face. “You didn’t think you could keep something like this hidden, did you?”
“I was hoping.” She whispered stiff in Yoongi’s arms. “What happens now?”
“I take Yoonho back to Seoul.”
Her eyes flew to his, wide with panic as she clutched her little dude closer to her chest. “No!”
Yoongi shot her a dark look, and she shut up immediately not wanting to push her luck when she was already in so much trouble. “I’m taking my kid back to Seoul with me.”
“Please no.” She whimpered staring up at him pleadingly. “You can’t take him.”
“I can, and I will.” He answered sharply silencing her again. “He’s my kid.”
She squared her shoulders and glared at him. “You don’t know that. He could be anyone’s.”
Yoongi chuckled darkly eyes sharp and dangerous as he stared her down. “You saying you were sleeping with other men?”
“I was a whore.” She pointed out.
He gripped her chin tightly bringing her face close to his as he hissed at her. “I know every man that touched you. No one has touched you other than me in some time. That kid could only be mine.”
“Just because you kept away other clients, doesn’t mean I wasn’t sleeping with other men. I had a life outside of you and yours.” She shot back. It was a lie, but he didn’t need to know that. She would say just about anything to get him to go and leaver her and Yoonho alone.
He released her chin leaning back against the bed with a gummy grin, but there was no mirth behind it. “No, baby. You couldn’t. Jimin doesn’t let his girls sleep around without getting paid. If anyone other than Hobi or I had touched that sweet little pussy, you would have been in big trouble.”
“You don’t know that.” She should really stop talking, stop antagonizing him, but she couldn’t. She needed to get him to believe the baby wasn’t his. She needed him to go, even if it was a long shot that he would.
“Baby, I know everything about you. You really think you could sneak around without one of us knowing?” She didn’t say anything, only trembled clinging onto Yoonho like an anchor. “You were sleeping with two of the big bosses. No one would touch you with a ten foot pole, and our guys certainly wouldn’t let you go sneaking around if they saw you. You want to try this again, baby girl?” He quirked a dark brow at her. “Who’s the father?”
“You.” She admitted the truth leaving a bitter taste in her mouth as she glared at him.
“Good girl.” He praised as he ran a long finger over Yoonho’s little nose staring down at the baby his eyes sparkling with something she had never seen before. He looked almost enamored. “That wasn’t so hard was it?”
“You can’t take him.”
“I can.” He shrugged pulling back with a gummy grin directed at the little one who was just opening his eyes to stare up at his parents. “You have two options, baby. I can shoot you, and take Yoonho. Or you can come back to Seoul with me, and be a good little wife and mother.”
“Wife?” She asked the offer coming as a complete shock. She had never pegged Yoongi as the family type of guy. “As in marriage?”
“You got another definition?”
“You want to marry me?” The words came out slowly as she tried to wrap her mind around the concept.
“Yoonho needs a mom.” He shrugged. “I’d prefer you do it. You’re his mom, but I have no problem getting rid of you and finding someone else if you’re going to be difficult.”
She shuddered at the though. Yoongi had never shared the details of his missions, but she knew the gist of what he did for Bangtan. He would have no trouble disposing of her if she didn’t cooperate.
It was a simple choice really. Go back with him and stay with her son, or wind up in a ditch somewhere.
He smiled, kissing her forehead lightly. “I’m glad you made the right choice.”
As soon as Sen and Yoonho were released from the hospital, Yoongi took them both back to Seoul. He didn’t even allow them to go back to her apartment to collect any of her things or any of the things she had put together for Yoonho. All they had was the bag she had packed for the hospital.
He didn’t return her to the apartment she’d operated out of when she’d worked for Bangtan. Instead he took them to what she had to assume was his home. She’d never been to Yoongi’s home before. Why would she? She’d just been one of the many girls at his disposal. She wasn’t special.
The apartment was spacious, but it was cold. There were no personal touches. Hardly anything suggested that it had been lived in. She could understand now why Yoongi spent so many nights in her bed instead of here. She wouldn’t have wanted to come back to a cold, lifeless apartment either.
“Yoongi.” She started softly, holding Yoonho to her chest as she finished exploring their new home. “There’s no crib.”
“What?” He asked not even opening his eyes to look at her as he remained sprawled across the sofa in the living room.
“There’s no crib, or changing table. There’s nothing for a baby here.” She pointed out bouncing the baby as he began to fuss. “There’s nothing for me either.”
He sighed heavily sinking further into the sofa as he did. “I’ll send out one of the boys for stuff later.”
“Yoongi.” She started again, her tone more sharp this time.
“What?” He shot back, tone equally as unhappy.
“There is nothing here. There are no diapers. There are no baby clothes. No wipes. No burp clothes, blankets, bottles. I don’t need someone to go out later. I need someone to go out now.”
He groaned opening his eyes to glare at her, but she was having none of it. He might hold her life in his hands, but he professed to want their baby, and she’d be damned if she stayed here when he was so ill prepared for said baby. “I can go out and grab some things myself if you don’t want to send someone, but we need at least diapers, wipes, and extra clothes. A crib would be nice too, unless you want your son sleeping in a car seat.”
He sat up still glaring at her. He was tired. She was tired, but at least she was looking out for their child’s welfare. “And how do I know if I let you out of her that you won’t take off with the kid?” She rolled her eyes shifting to move Yoonho to rest against her other shoulder as he fussed again. “Because if I tried anything you’d track me down, take Yoonho, and shoot me in the head. I’m not stupid.”
“Pretty stupid of you to run off in the first place.” He grumbled. “Almost as stupid as the boss’ wife.”
She scoffed at that. Everyone in Bangtan knew the story of what happened with RM’s wife. She’d disappeared at the New Year’s gala in spectacular fashion. The organization had been in chaos trying to find her ever since. But could she really blame the poor woman? If she thought she could safely get herself and Yoonho out of here, she would take off in a heartbeat. There was nothing stupid about it.
“You can go grab supplies then. I’ll make you a list.”
And then Yoonho started crying, stuttering little cries that were heartbreaking to hear but elicited a sigh from both parents.
“What is it now?” Yoongi asked getting up to check on them both. His words were gruff, but he was genuinely concerned for his son’s welfare.
“He’s probably just hungry.”
She shrugged moving to sit down on the sofa as she maneuvered herself and Yoonho into a more comfortable position for feeding. She wished she had a blanket to keep herself covered, but it was nothing that Yoongi hadn’t seen before, and yet he stared at her wide eyed as she got Yoonho to latch as though it was the most alien thing on earth. He still wasn’t used to the sight of her breast feeding. He wasn’t used to seeing her so domestic.
There was no soft lingerie or sheer robes. Her hair was swept up in a messy bun that threatened to fail at any moment, and she was dressed in a pair of soft leggings and a shirt that was comfortable on her still healing body and was easy to get out of the way when Yoonho got hungry. He also knew for a fact she was wearing the mesh panties that the hospital gave her. There was nothing sexy about it, but at the same time it felt right. It was domestic. It was motherly.  
After he unfroze from the sight, he moved to sit next to them both. “I’ll send someone out now.” He agreed taking off his hoodie and throwing it over her shoulders so she wouldn’t be cold.
Yoonho was bundled up in the only blanket they had available, but he couldn’t help but notice that her own clothing looked a little worn as though it was second hand. He’d have someone pickup clothes for her while they were out shopping for Yoonho. She was going to be a Min very shortly. She couldn’t go around in second hand clothing. He might not have loved her, not like Namjoon loved Y/N, but he had known Sen for a long time. He liked her well enough. More than that she had given him a son.  A perfect little heir.
If he had to choose a woman to mother his child, he was almost glad it had been her. It saved him the trouble of picking some girl from their allies, and Sen already knew him. She also knew how Bangtan worked. That was half the trouble that Namjoon and Jin both had with their women.
Y/N was a smart woman, and she knew how gangs worked, but she didn’t know her place in Bangtan. She gave Namjoon no end of trouble. She never settled. Jin’s girl was a weak little thing. She didn’t understand gang life at all. He kept her locked up tight so that she couldn’t go running for the hills. She’d bend soon enough though, and life could be worse than with Jin.
Sen was different. She was already accustomed to Bangtan. She knew what he was capable of. She knew the consequences if she stepped out of line. She might not like her situation, but she wasn’t going to openly defy him, not when her life and the life of her child were on the line. That gave him some peace of mind at least. He would though have to fend off Jimin and Hobi. If she was going to be his wife, he couldn’t have any of the other boys sniffing around her. Hopefully Hobi would find a girl of his own soon enough, and he wouldn’t have to worry about it.
“We need to talk about the wedding.”
She looked up from Yoonho to meet his eyes in confusion. “The wedding?”
“Nothing big. You’ve already had a baby. A courthouse wedding.”
She sighed before grimacing at the feel of Yoonho feeding. “I’m fine with whatever. Let’s just get it over with.”
He frowned at that. Marriage was a big deal, especially in his circles. When you chose a woman, you chose her for life. It wasn’t something you “just got over with”.  It was the reason that Namjoon wasn’t going to let Y/N go. It was why Jin kept Hayan locked away. He was choosing her, and she just wanted to “get it over with”.
“Sen.” He growled causing her to look up again in confusion. “We are going to be married. You’re my woman, and you’re going to act like it.”
Her eyes were wide as she took in his words, but she was in no position to argue with him. She was going to do it anyway though. “Is this really a marriage?” She asked. “We’re only in this position because of Yoonho. I don’t expect you to be faithful or act like a husband.” She shrugged as she moved Yoonho over to the other side. “Do you really expect me to act like a wife?”
Yoongi darted forward capturing her mouth in a rough kiss though he was careful not to disrupt his son one of his hands coming to overlap hers to keep him steady. “You are mine.” He growled dark, feline eyes boring into hers. “You were mine then, and you’re mine now. I was going to drag you back when Jimin said you left, but you’re a sneaky little vixen. You managed to get yourself to another city, and Jimin let you go. I should have dragged you back, Jimin’s rules be damned.”
“It doesn’t matter now.” He murmured pulling away and running a hand through his hair. “You’re here now, and neither you or Yoonho are leaving.”
“What are you talking about?”
He laughed the sound hollow and humorless. “Why do you think no one else has touched you for over a year besides Hosoek? They knew you were mine.”
“I thought I was Jimin’s.” She snarked back eyes narrowed. “Just another one of his whores.”
“You’re my whore. No one else is going to touch you.”
“Where you really going to shoot me if I refused to give you Yooonho and come back?” She asked suspicion creeping in the back of her mind.
“I would have dragged you back by your hair.” He promised. “The kid needs his mother.” He leaned in so that his lips brushed against the shell of her ear. “And I wasn’t about to let that sweet little pussy of yours go a second time.” She grimaced a combination of his words and the uncomfortable feeling of breastfeeding. No one had warned her that breastfeeding hurt. That should have been one of the first things that other mothers told you when you first got pregnant. They should warn you about what you’re in for.
“And who says I’m going to have sex with you?” She challenged eyes flashing.
He smirked against her ear. “We both know you’re not going to deny me.”
“Maybe you don’t know me as well as you think you do.” She shot back.
He shrugged pulling away a dark grin spreading across his features. “Doesn’t matter. We have a lifetime to figure it out.” He leaned closer again placing another short kiss to her lips. “You and Yoonho aren’t going anywhere.”
“I suppose we aren’t.” She agreed, her lips set in a grim line.
 The wedding didn’t take place for a few weeks. Yoongi and Sen needed some time to settle in as parents, and Sen had not only a newborn to contend with, but she had to whip the apartment into shape. But after a few weeks it looked lived in. Baby toys and paraphernalia littered the living room. One of the spare bedrooms had been converted into a nursery though there was a bassinet in the master bedroom where Yoonho spent most of his nights. Yoongi insisted that she share the master bedroom with him, and it was easier on both parents to keep the little dude in there when he was getting up every few hours for feeding, but they were settling into a schedule much to both Sen and Yoongi’s relief.
The wedding was a small affair. She and Yoongi went to the courthouse. He wore a casual suit, and she wore a knee length white dress, and just like that, she was married. She couldn’t get used to the ring that flashed on her finger. It was simple. Three cushion cut diamonds set on a gold band, but it was pretty.
Namjoon had made sure that all of the boys stayed away from Yoongi and Sen as they settled, but after the wedding, all six men were gathered in the apartment to greet their friend and the new Mrs. Min, as well as to meet the little one that had caused so much fuss.
Jimin was pleased to see her back where she belonged while Hoseok pouted that Yoongi wasn’t going to share anymore. Taehyung wouldn’t share the baby, and Sen was honestly happy for a break even if it was only a small one. Someone else could hold him for a while. Jungkook hovered close to Taehyung waiting for his turn to hold the little one that they all agreed bore a striking resemblance to Yoongi. Jin fussed over the new family’s health asking her questions about her and Yoonho’s health and telling her that she should come visit his own wife once she was recovered. Apparently she was ill and couldn’t attend the celebrations.
It was Namjoon that made her uneasy though. He hovered over the proceedings like a dark cloud. He’d congratulated Yoongi and said hello to the baby, but for the most part he stayed on to the side. She had to wonder if it was because of his own wife’s absence or if he just didn’t like her. As much as she was proud of the other woman for slipping away, she genuinely hoped it was the latter. Namjoon could make her life hell if he didn’t approve of her, and her life was going to be hard enough as Yoongi’s wife.
Yoongi had no real love for her. He liked her. There was even a small amount of respect there, but he didn’t love her. It was possessive. He liked the idea of having his family all together. He liked the idea of having her as his wife and the mother of his child. He’d always been a possessive lover though. She expected nothing less from him as a husband. He put her in her place when she stepped out of line, but for the most part, so long as she behaved and looked after Yoonho, he treated her well. It might not have been the life she wanted, but it could have been worse. It could always be worse.
“Sen.” A deep voice greeted from beside her.
She jumped a little in surprise but turned to find Namjoon seated beside her. “RM-ssi.” She greeted respectfully. She didn’t want any trouble with the leader.
“You have a beautiful son.”
“Thank you.” She eyed him warily wondering why he was really there. He had no reason to talk to her.
“It’s quite the story. How you and Yoongi met, I mean.” She waited to see where he was going to take this, but she had a bad feeling. “Bold of you to run off when you were carrying his child.” She stiffened not liking the sound of that. He leaned closer eyes glinting dangerously. “If you ever try anything like that again, I don’t care if Yoongi cares for you, I’ll put a bullet between your eyes myself. Am I clear?”
She gulped eyes wide and terrified. “Yes, sir.”
“Good!” His expression changed instantly, a charming grin spreading over his lips. “Welcome to the family.”  
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your-1up-girl · 3 years
When you remember their Starbucks order: 1A girls Edition
Okie dokie so the sweet @tryingmyves let me do a version of her Starbucks series on her blog but with the 1A girls. I hope you like it Ves and thank you again for giving me permission to write this.
No warnings (other than it bearly being proofread) for this one and a gender nutural reader. Also, I'm trying something new for this, instead of saying Y/N, I'm using Y/C (as in your character), just to see how I like that. anyways, please enjoy.
Characters: Tsuyu Asui, Ochaco Uraraka (I will write for the other girls don't worry)
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Tsuyu Asui
Okay, I have never done headcanons like this before soooooooooooo……yeah just be kind please? Also these are headcanons (using that word loosely) but I couldn’t help but turn it into a small fic.
Anyways, we know Tsu can’t handle the cold weather but I like to think that she enjoys cold drinks, especially during the summer
She isn’t much of a coffee drinker nor a tea drinker but she does like fruity drinks
So, her favorite cold thing to drink is a grande Iced Guava Passion Fruit with light ice. While she likes a Venti (she gets the larger size when it’s cold) Vanilla Crème Steamer as her hot drink
You noticed that when you went out with everyone on the bi-weekly Class 1A groceries run, she would get one or the other depending on the season.
You, being the loving significant other that you were, took this to memory and even if you didn’t go out on very many “Coffee Shop dates” together, you still kept the drinks in the back of your mind.
One afternoon when people were staying in the common room, the weather was bad with rain and it was surprisingly cold that day
So, everyone was vibing to the rain against the window, the soft sounds of Lo-fi that Jiro set up with her portable speaker, and the game that played on TV
Well, everyone except Tsu
She was currently struggling to stay awake as she glanced at the video game that flashed on screen. Wrapped in the fuzzy socks, plush blanket, and hoodie you got her
Anyone would have thought she was just sleepy; it was getting late and she’d been working hard all week but you knew that wasn’t the case this time
Her quirk makes it so she gets tired when it's too cold
So she tries to combat it at times like these so if this was a fight and she was battleing in the colder weather she would stay awake. But clearly she was losing.
The way Tsu’s head would gradually lower and closer to Kirashima’s arm. But when her temple just barely pressed against him, she would shoot back up again eyes wide, only for it to happen again. You watched this for a solid minute while trying to explain the point of the game to Todoroki. All you wanted to do was go over there and cuddle up next to her to maybe provide a bit of body heat. But she would always deny you.
“I need to be able to warm myself Y/N. It’s very sweet of you to help me but, I think I can do this if I just focus.”
And it seemed that Tsu was getting the hang of staying awake during the cold because she was able to focus on the screen and talk to Kirishima. Your focus returned to Todoroki after that and he had a plethora of questions that you happily answered with a few laughs in between.
That’s when you saw from the corner of your eye, a flash of green drop followed by a soft “oof”. Tsuyu had fallen asleep against Kirishima. A sigh escaped as you dug through your pockets. Finding a few dollars, you got up and shook your girlfriend awake.
“Hey. Hey, Tsu.” A small hum left her lips as she groggily looked up at you.
“Oh, I guess it’s colder than I thought ribbit.”
You and Kirishima both laughed, “Don’t worry about it sweetie you’ll get it. I just woke you up to let you know I’m heading out for a minute.”
“What?” That woke her up but not enough to get the sleep out of her eyes. “Then let me go with you.”
“No, no. It’s okay. It’s raining pretty bad out there and I’d hate for you to get worse.” You put a kiss on her forehead and she gave a content smile as you looked at Kirishima. “Try to make sure she doesn’t fall asleep again, yeah?”
With a signature shark-tooth grin, he gave you a thumbs up, “You can count on me boss.”
You left after sending Aizawa a quick text letting him know you would be out and grabbed your raincoat, boots to brace the elements. Luckily, the Starbucks wasn’t too busy. But, it was busier than usual considering that it is practically raining buckets outside. After ordering the steamer and leaving a tip for the barista, you nearly ran back to the dorms (just for good measure you ordered it extra hot so it would be good for Tsu).
Upon entering the dorms, the class was still scattered about the common room and Tsu was making light conversation with Kirishima. You ditched your coat and boots for your slippers and walked over to your froggy girlfriend and handed her the drink.
“Oh, Y/C, did you go out to get this just for me?”
“Yup, venti Vanilla Crème steamer. I also got it extra hot so that it wouldn’t get cold when I got here.”
Tsu took the cup with slightly shocked eyes but after the first sip, a content smile found its way to her lips. “I didn’t expect you to remember my drink. I didn’t think you even knew what I ordered, ribbit.”
You laughed softly, “We’ve been dating for a year now, I noticed that you get this one when it’s cold and the guava drink when it’s hot.” Said in a proud matter-of-fact tone you couldn’t help but smile at the blush that came across her cheeks.
“Aww Tsu, you’re blushing.” Kirishima teased. You carefully undid the blanket that she had wrapped herself in and got comfortable with her as she sat between your legs.
“Thank you for the drink Y/C; it makes me happy that you noticed things like that.”
You kissed her shoulder, “Anything for you Tsu.” Kirishima put an arm around your shoulder to offer more warmth and you all set your attention back to the screen; giving playful teases to Sero couldn’t find his way.
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babybluebex · 4 years
Hi, i was wondering if you could write something where Sebastian Stan is a dad to a little boy and the one who always reads to him before bed, but one night Seb is very tired after shooting, and reader is the one putting him to bed, but the little one refuses to go to sleep until Seb reads to him.
Sorry for my bad Engish, it's not my first languaje. Also, if you don't want to write this I totally understand. 🥰
no! i love the idea!! i tweaked it a bit to fit an idea i was already writing, so i hope you liked what i did with it :) and ur english is perfect my love
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goodnight, sleep tight [sebastian stan x reader]
➽ pairing: dad!sebastian stan x fem!reader( y/n) ➽ word count: 2.2k ➽ summary: see above! ➽ warnings: mentions of postpartum depression, angst ➽ a/n: the image of seb in bucky’s costume, getting a little baby to fall asleep makes me go uwu
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“Are you guys coming to set today?” Sebastian asked, pressing a kiss to my head. 
“I’ll see if Andy wants to,” I mumbled with a yawn. My husband’s call time was six AM, which was so much earlier than I ever wanted to be awake, so he usually woke me up with a goodbye kiss. “I think we can manage it, though.” 
“Ah, well,” Sebastian shrugged. “He’s barely a year old. I think he’ll like it.” 
“But he’s also your son,” I countered. 
“What does that mean?” Sebastian asked. Even in the dark of the room, I could see the happy glint in his blue eyes. 
“He’s stubborn,” I said. “Won’t do anything if he doesn’t want to.” 
“That’s not a ‘me’ thing,” Sebastian told me. “That’s a Romanian thing. We’re stubborn people.” 
“Regardless,” I sighed. “I think he might be scared of the costume. The mask and the arm and all; it might be a bit much.” 
“He’ll be able to tell it’s me,” Sebastian said. “Kids are like dogs, they can recognize people by smell. Right?” 
“Maybe your smell,” I chuckled, my throat dry from the night of sleep. “Mr. Bucket-Of-KY-Jelly.” 
“That was uncalled for,” Sebastian chuckled. He leaned over the bed, bracing his left hand next to me head, and I turned to fully look at him. “I smell great.” 
“When you shower, you do,” I said, scrunching my nose, and Sebastian laughed deep in his chest. He leaned down and brushed his lips against mine, giving me the gentlest of kisses. Sebastian wasn’t usually a gentle creature-- his kisses usually left me with bruised and puffy lips or marks littering my neck and breasts-- but, in the morning, he was so soft and sweet. 
“We’ll continue this later,” Sebastian said. His long hair fell into his face, and I tenderly pushed it behind his ear. Adjusting to the new everything that Seb required for this film was an experience; the long hair, the stubble, and the weight training was grueling for all three of us, especially little Andrei. He missed his daddy dearly, but Sebastian always made up for lost time with nightly tummy-time and stories. Andrei James Stan had loved his dad since before he was born-- the little bastard always kicked up a storm when Sebastian rubbed my belly or talked to me-- and, when he was gone filming something for a long time, Andy got a little upset and overly clingy. Call it separation anxiety or just plain missing his daddy, but Sebastian always made it up to Andy with a special Daddy/Andy night (which also gave me the opportunity to be by myself for a while). 
“I hope not too much later,” I whispered, pulling him down to kiss me again. “I miss you, Seb.” 
“I know, baby,” Sebastian whispered as he pressed his forehead to mine. “I miss you too. Maybe we can get a babysitter or something on Sunday.”
“Great idea,” I said. “Now, you gotta go or you’ll be late.” 
“Ugh,” Sebastian groaned. 
“Go!” I giggled. “My big super-soldier. You gotta show everyone what you’re made of.” 
Just as I spoke, from across the room, Andy made a squealing noise in his crib. The trailer we were living in while Sebastian shot Winter Soldier was a bit small, but it worked perfectly. “Oh, really?” Sebastian said, turning his head to look at Andy. “And what do you think I’m made of, mister?” 
Sebastian moved to his crib as I turned on the lamp, and I watched Sebastian, all muscles and beard and long hair, reach into the crib and pull his infant son into his arms. Andy was born premature, so he was still pretty small, and it made my heart melt. His fluffy hair was in-between a blond and a brown, sorta like how Sebastian’s hair was when he was little, and he had the most beautiful blue eyes. “Really?” Sebastian playfully grimaced, nuzzling his nose against Andy’s. “I think you’re made of yogurt and farts, young man.” 
“Seb!” I snorted. “Don’t say that to him!”
“He is, though!” Sebastian laughed, Andy’s little fist tightening around a lock of his hair. “I don’t see you denying it.” 
“Don’t say our son’s made of farts,” I protested, getting out of bed. “He’s made of wonderful things, like love and kindness--” 
“And yogurt,” Sebastian added. 
“And yogurt,” I acquiesced. Andy did eat a lot of yogurt. “Speaking of, is the little monster hungry? Is that why you’re up so early?” 
Andy nodded, patting his tummy, and Sebastian gave him to me. “Have a good day today, babies,” Sebastian told me, kissing my forehead, then brushing Andy’s hair back and kissing his soft head. “Just text me when you’re coming by.” 
“Sure thing.” 
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“This is Sebastian’s baby?” 
Scarlet held Andy in a tender embrace, gazing at him with surprise. She was looking at him with a look of wonderment, like she couldn’t believe that Sebastian of all people could be capable of producing another human being. Nobody on the cast had properly met Andy yet, hence why Andy and I visiting set was such a big deal. “Looks just like him,” she added. 
“Acts like him too,” I chuckled. “Stubborn as hell and eats everything in sight.” 
“Damn, this really is his kid,” Scarlet laughed, and Andy thumped his head down onto her shoulder. “He’s so sweet.”
Andy smiled at Scarlet and gave a happy squeal, and Scarlet turned to face me. “Who’s that?” She asked in a gentle voice, and Andy’s smile turned to me. 
“Mama!” He exclaimed, reaching for me, and Scarlet and I laughed. 
“Smart as hell,” Scarlet added. 
“That comes from me,” I chuckled. Andy took a fistful of my shirt and started to chew on the fabric, but I was used to it. He was teething and chewed on everything; most of my shirts were a little frayed from him. 
“Mean,” said Sebastian from behind me, and I turned and gave a gasp of surprise. I hadn’t ever seen him in full costume before, and it was a shock at first. A leather vest and tight dark jeans, tactical gear everywhere, and a dark mask obscuring the bottom half of his face. And, of course, covering his left arm, a cast-like structure that looked like silver metal with a red star on his shoulder. The arm was covered in little orange dots-- I’m assuming to assist in mo-cap during editing-- and he wore a leather glove on his left hand. 
“Jesus God,” I laughed. “Scared the hell outta me. You look good, babes.” 
“I know,” Sebastian told me, and I knew that he was smirking at me under the mask. “You look beautiful too.” 
“Not really,” I said. “I’m not even wearing makeup.” 
“Still beautiful,” he said, and he reached up and tugged the mask off. He leaned down and, cradling my cheek in his gloved hand, gently kissed my lips. “And the little rascal?” 
“Mm,” I hummed, breaking the kiss. “He’s sleepy. Getting cranky and all.” 
“Has he eaten?” 
“Just did,” I told him. “Before you ask, yes, it was yogurt. But I also gave him some of those blueberry puffy crackers.” 
“Did you save any for me?” Sebastian asked, his eyebrows raising. 
“In my pocket,” I replied. Sebastian and I had quickly discovered that certain baby foods were delicious, especially the fruit-flavored puffy crackers that Andy favored, and I always ended up bringing some with me wherever I went. 
“I know that you’re not eating baby food,” Scarlet laughed as Sebastian reached into my pocket and extracted the plastic bag of star-shaped crackers. 
“They’re good as hell,” Sebastian said, popping a handful into his mouth. “Want one?” 
“I’ll pass,” Scarlet laughed. 
“Ask Mackie, I’m sure he’ll tell you the same,” Sebastian said. Then, he turned his attention back to me. “I could read him a quick story to get him down, if you want.” 
I shrugged. “If you really want to,” I said. 
“Alright, stinker,” Sebastian said, exchanging the crackers for Andy. “Did you bring a book?” 
“Shit, no,” I mumbled. 
“Oh, c’mon, man,” I sighed as Scarlet laughed. I frequently forgot that Andy was at the stage where he was repeating things that he heard, and usually Sebastian and I were good about not cussing, because Andy would repeat it for the rest of time. “Don’t expose me like this.” 
“I can come up with a story,” Sebastian said through stifled laughter. “Let’s find a place to get comfy, huh, mister? A nice chair, maybe? I bet Uncle Chris has a really nice chair we can settle in…” 
As he walked away, I felt a presence behind me. I had briefly met Chris at the First Avenger premiere a few years ago, when Sebastian and I weren’t even properly dating yet, but Sebastian and I had eloped, hence no wedding to see him at. “Hey, Evans,” I said and gave him a quick fist bump. 
“Where’re they going?” Chris asked, munching at an orange. 
“To steal your chair in the shade,” I said. “Andy’s getting sleepy and only sleeps when Seb reads him a story.” 
“Cute,” Chris said. “Ya know, Sebastian never shuts up about the two of you.”
“Really?” I asked. “Like, what does he say?”
“Just little stories,” Chris said. “Something you said, or something Andy did. Or just the quick little ‘we had this for dinner’ or ‘we watched this movie last night’. He adores you two.” 
“That’s nice,” I said softly. “I always worry if he’s getting sick of having these two lives. It must be a lot for him.” 
“I can’t read minds,” Chris said. “But I don’t think he could ever get sick of you.”
I nodded slowly. “I was diagnosed with postpartum depression after Andy was born,” I started quietly. “I was so anxious that I wasn’t sleeping, I couldn’t stop crying, I… I even thought about packing a bag and leaving and not coming back. It was so fucking hard, and I thought for sure that Sebastian would ask for a divorce or something. I guess I’m still a little worried about that. But that’s… That’s really helpful, Chris. Thanks.” 
I tried to contain my tears, but Chris must have seen through my crumbling facade, because he wrapped me in a tight hug. “You’re so strong, Y/N,” he whispered. “Know that I’m proud of you, and Scar, and Mackie, and all of us, but especially Sebastian. Man, he fucking loves you so much. There’s nothing that you could do that would make him hate you or want to divorce you. I don’t know much about your relationship, but I know that.” 
I was glad I wasn’t wearing makeup, because I knew that it would be smeared across my cheeks by now. It was one thing to hear it from Sebastian, but from an outsider like Chris, it meant the world. “Thanks,” I whispered. “That means so fucking much.” 
“And, hey, I kinda know how it goes with a baby,” Chris began. “My sisters have kids, and I’ve played babysitter plenty of times. And I’d say I’m pretty good at it. No complaints so far. So, if you ever need a babysitter to get a break for a night, I’d love to help.” 
“That would be so nice,” I sighed into his shoulder. “Not to be TMI…” I paused to let him stop me, but his hand comfortingly ran up my back. “It’s been a while since it was just… Me and Seb, ya know what I mean?”
“I do,” Chris said. “You have my number.” 
I nodded and detached myself from Chris, and I chuckled as I wiped my face dry. “I’m gonna go find my boys,” I said. “Thanks for that, man.”
“Anytime, Mrs. Stan,” Chris said with a smile. 
It wasn’t hard to find Sebastian and Andrei. They were settled in a canvas chair under a tarp shade, with Andy’s little head resting on his shoulder. He seemed like he was already out like a light. “... So Steve is like ‘Bucky?’ and Bucky looks at his friend and he says ‘Who the hell is Bucky?’, which is not that good. Because Bucky should know who Steve is, right?” 
“Are you telling him spoilers for the movie?” I asked, putting my hand on Sebastian’s shoulder. 
“It’s the only story I could come up with on the spot,” Sebastian said. “But he seems to like it… Or not like it. Does it mean he thinks it’s boring if he falls asleep during it?” 
“I think it means that he loves you,” I said. “And he finds comfort in you, even when you look like that.”
“Look like what?” Sebastian asked. When I didn’t answer and only gave him a playful smile, he said, “When I look like what, Y/N Stan?” 
“So different than usual,” I offered with a shrug, and Sebastian rolled his eyes. 
“You’ll pay for that,” he told me, patting Andy’s back gently. “What were you talking to Chris about?” 
“He was just telling me some nice things,” I said simply. “About how you’re always talking about me and Andy. And he said that he’d babysit whenever we need him to.” 
“Hmm,” Sebastian hummed softly. “Sounds promising. I really miss you, baby.” 
“I miss you too,” I told him. “Now, my love, you have work. Be good and kill Chris for me.” 
“Anything for you, my baby.” 
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littledrummeraussie · 4 years
ANGIE CONGRATS BBY!!! you deserve everything & more!! Love you!!! 🍭Can I get a smutty/fluffy Calum fic him returning from tour?
Anna darling 😍 ❤️ what do you think about both? Cause I couldn’t help myself. 🥺🔥 😍
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”You’re awake, baby?”
You felt the end of the mattress dip, a body climbing up over yours, knees and arms bracketing you in as a soft kiss was pressed against your cheek.
”Calum?” you sleepily mumbled, not yet ready to open your eyes and risk your nice dream to slip away as reality took over.
”Were you hoping for someone else?” he chuckled, kissing your cheek once again before whispering in your ear. ”Open your eyes.”
”Promise me you’re not just a dream,” you rubbed your face against the pillow, not exactly convinced that he was there.
Calum hummed above you, clearly finding your sleepy thoughts funny before suddenly letting his weight drop against your back, making you shriek as he laughed into your neck. He wrapped his arms around you as much as he could, lips kissing your shoulders and neck as you tried to catch your breath, soon starting laughing with him as you were over your first shock.
”You’re unbelievable,” you shook your head, lightly pushing back against him as he buried his face in your hair, sighing happily. ”And heavy.”
”That’s muscle weight, baby,” he kissed into your ear, making you giggle again. ”Your man’s been working out.”
”So they’ve told me,” you rubbed your face against his stubbly cheek, feeling his smile on your skin. ”Alright, time for push-ups. I need to see you and I can’t move with all of that glorious weight on me.”
Calum’s chest rumbled against your back as he laughed at your remark, pushing up on his hands and knees again so you could turn around under him. And you did just that, finally able to look at your boyfriend – and what a sight he was; jaw stubbly, hair messy, longer than you’ve remembered with blond strikes, his tattoos peeking out from under his tank top. You wrapped your arms around his neck, fingers tangling into his hair as you pulled him back to you, and he leaned forward, foreheads resting together and his lips brushed a kiss against yours.
”Hey stranger,” you gave him a sleepy smile, still stroking his curling hair. ”Missed you around these parts. Thought you might have forgotten about little old me.”
”Could never,” he shook his head with a grin, kissing you again. ”Was busy taking over the world. But I always come home to you.”
”You better do that,” you chuckled, thumbs lightly running over his eyebrows. ”Gosh, Cal, I really did miss you like crazy.”
”Wanna prove it to me?” he bit his bottom lip, a sparkle in his eyes, and you knew you were lost.
Your hands slid down from his neck to his shoulder blades, down on his sides to curl your fingers into the elastic of his sweatpants, tugging on it a little before Calum had enough and grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand against his hardening cock. He let out a moan as your palm rubbed against him, fingers stroking him over the fabric, making him even harder. He cupped your jaw to kiss you hard, teeth sinking into your bottom lip as your fist tightened around him, and he swatted your hand away to kick off his sweats. Before you knew it he was already pulling off the blankets, his fingers quickly tugging off your sleep shorts as well, and in the next moment you found yourself above him, thighs resting on both sides of his hips.
Calum gave you a cheeky grin as he tickled your sides, squeezing your ass cheeks and pulling your closer, and you felt a shiver run through you when you’ve realized what his plan was. He took off his shirt, throwing it across the room, then curled his arms around your thighs, making you let out a squeal as he tugged you up and over his face. You grabbed onto the headboard as you felt his tongue slowly lick between your folds, swirling around your clit quickly before licking you again.
”Fuck, Cal, don’t tease,” your sigh was shaky as his fingers spread your pussy lips, and he hummed, clicking his tongue.
”I just came home from tour and you’re already bossing me around,” he lightly shook his head before licking around your hole, tongue slipping in slightly. ”It’s really cute, babe, how you think you are in charge.”
You already had a smart comment at the ready, but your choked on your words as Calum wrapped his arms around your thighs, pulling you impossibly close as he buried his face in your pussy, eating you out like it was the single most important thing in his life. When he wasn’t tongue fucking you he was sucking on your clit, and you felt dizzy as your hands slipped from the headboard to tangle into his hair, not sure if you wanted to push him away or pull him closer. Your moans were getting higher as you felt the pleasure start building inside of you, making your skin tingle and your toes curl.
Calum groaned as he looked up at you, the sound vibrating against your clit and making you whine. You bit your lip as you looked into his eyes, hips moving against his tongue as he worked you towards your orgasm. Then you pulled one of your hands out of his hair, reaching behind yourself to wrap your fingers around his cock, and started stroking him, trying to match his pace. Cal shifted under you to get more comfortable, his own hand reaching up to tug your shirt down until one of your tits slipped out, and he gave a hard tweak to your nipple, playing with it as he stilled licked you.
”Calum… Cal– Calum, I can’t… I’m close, I– fuck, Cal–” you babbled above him until you couldn’t take it anymore, your thighs squeezing around his head as you grabbed the headboard again, letting your orgasm wash through you.
Calum wrapped his arms back around your thighs, tongue and lips working tirelessly as he licked you through your pleasure, only stopping when he felt your hand in his hair again, your fingers aimlessly running through his messy locks. He pressed a kiss on the inside of your thigh, fingers caressing your skin as he waited for you to catch your breath.
”You’re so beautiful like this,” he licked his lips, and you felt yourself blush, a giggle leaving your lips.
”Shut up.”
Cal wrapped his arms around you again to lift you up until he could sit up, pulling you back into his lap and against his cock, his dick pressing between your wet pussy lips and you whined into your kiss. He tugged on your shirt again, palms cupping your breasts and massaging them, thumbs playing with your hard nipples, and you could only grind yourself against his cock, feeling helpless in his lap, and loving every second of it.
”Fuck me, please?” your fingers tangled into his hair to pull him to your mouth again, never getting tired of his kisses. ”Please Cal, missed you so much. Jus’ fuck me, please.”
”Beautiful and desperate,” he chuckled against your lips, adjusting you in his lap and lining up his cock with your entrance, pushing in just the tip. ”Hmm, more, baby?”
”More,” you lightly scratched at his chest with your nails, lips brushing against his ear as you whispered. ”All of it.”
A deep groan left Calum’s lips as he pulled you down on his cock, sinking his whole length into you before pulling out and pushing back again, fucking into you quickly. You buried your face in his neck as he grabbed your ass, moving you up and down on his dick, balls slapping against your ass. You needed to whine when he suddenly stopped, cock buried all the way inside you, and he pulled your face to his, kissing you with tongue and teeth before curling his fingers around your chin, tilting your face up to his.
”Ride me until I cum inside you,” he squeezed your hips, motioning you to start moving back and forth on his cock.
He didn’t need to ask you twice as you wrapped your arms around his neck, rocking your hips and moving up and down, quickly falling into a familiar rhythm and pace he liked. Calum’s arm wrapped around your back, his face tucked against your neck as he breathed you in, the hand on your ass slightly guiding you as both of you got lost in each other. His noises let you know that he was close, and you felt the tingles start up again, making you move a little faster in his lap. Suddenly Calum picked you up, lying back down on the bed and planting his feet into the mattress, pulling you back on his cock and fucking up into you, and you grabbed onto his shoulders, his name the only thing on your lips as the tip rubbed against your g-spot, and in seconds you started clenching around him, soaking his dick as he fucked you through your orgasm.
It only took a few more quick snaps of his hips for Calum to finally reach his own pleasure, pushing his head back against the pillow as he pulsed inside you, filling you up with his hot cum. Both of you whined as he pushed you down on his cock again, then he wrapped his arms around you to pull you to his chest, tucking your face against his exposed neck. You let your lips brush small kisses against his pulse point, his own lips kissing your temple sweetly as his fingers brushed through your hair, down on your back and then back up, his touches comforting and loving in your afterglow. You shifted in his lap, ready to let his cock slip out of you, but Calum grabbed your hips, squeezing them as he mumbled against your ear.
”Stay for a while,” he wrapped you tightly against his chest, and you let out a happy sigh, burrowing closer. ”Haven’t felt you this close since forever.”
”You just want me to keep your cock warm,” you pressed your lips against his throat, feeling his chuckle against your cheek. ”…and I’ll be happy to do that for you.”
”We were cold and lonely on tour,” he giggled, palm curling around your ass cheek before giving it a light tap.
”Well, now that you’re back home,” you pushed yourself up just enough to knock your forehead against his, smiling down at him. ”Guess we can make up for all those times when you had to be alone. You poor baby.”
”Buckle up, cause we won’t leave the bed until I’m done with you,” Calum tilted his head up to press a kiss on your nose, making you chuckle, then his eyes softened before pressing a kiss on your lips too. ”I love you. And I terribly missed you. You know that, right?”
”I know. And I missed you too,” you nuzzled against his hand as he brushed a lock of hair behind your ear. ”Thank God you’re finally home.”
”Not going anywhere for a while now. It’s just you and me and the old man snoring outside,” he grinned, nodding his head towards the living room where Duke was sleeping.
”Love you Cal,” you rested against his chest, and he kissed the top of your head, hands stroking your back lovingly. ”Can’t wait to catch up on cuddles and kisses and midnight snacks.”
”You and me both, sweetie. You and me both.”
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lilacyennefer · 4 years
It is You, it is Me, it is Us
Anon asked:  Hi! Can I request “ Person A: “....You have far too much faith in me.” Person B: “And you have far too little.” with Angel Reyes? Thank you! 
A/N: Hi there! This is my first time writing for Angel so I'm a little nervous, but I got this request and loved it so much I quickly had to wrtie this at work today lmao. Anyway, I don't have an Angel Reyes tag list yet so if you want to be on it please comment or send an ask. I hope you guys like this :) Have a nice weekend!
WARNING: mention of vomiting, a little angst, lot of fluff, that’s all I guess
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Angel always could count on you, he knew that. 
He always tried to keep you away from the club business, never really wanted to talk about it to you, he wanted to spare you, and he was afraid he’d get you into danger if you knew everything. 
But there was one point, a breaking point to Angel when he realised he only can count on you. 
EZ’s betrayal, and that Felipe took his little brother’s side, completely broke Angel. 
You were clueless when he came home, you had your own little secret that you kept from him, didn’t know how to tell him yet.
A baby. 
You figured it out two weeks ago that you were pregnant, and you were scared how Angel would react to this, so you didn’t tell him yet. 
You wanted to tell him that night when he came home, broken and angry, and hurt. 
Your heart broke when you saw how defeated he was, and again, you couldn’t make yourself to tell him, since you tried to pour some life back into him.
That night he told you everything that he was keeping from you, breaking down and needing someone to be there for him, telling him he wasn’t alone. 
You grabbed his hand, and your heart clenched when Angel looked at you with his teary eyes. 
You swallowed hard before you said anything.
“I’m here for you Angel, and with you.” You squeezed his hand “You can always count on me, no matter what. We are a family, and I’m always here. No matter what!” 
You take his face in your hands as you continue “I know you’re hurt right now, and you have every right to be. And you have to let yourself to feel this hurt, the anger. This house, and me, is your safe place, okay? You don’t have to hide any of your emotions, afraid that I’ll judge you for it. You know I would never. It’s okay to feel pain, to feel hurt, and ask someone to help you with it.” You gently wipe a tear off his cheek with your thumb “This is our safe place. You’re safe with me.” A small smile tugs the corner of your lips from your next sentence “And I’ll be damned if I’ll let anyone hurt you, ever. I’m gonna protect you, no matter what. I don’t care that you’re a giant compared to me,” Angel chuckles “I’m still going to protect you.
“That’s supposed to be my job.” Angel tells you.
You nod “You do the physical protecting, and I do the emotional. As a team.” 
Angel looks at you for a very long moment, his eyes are skimming over your face. 
“You mean everything to me, I hope you know that.” He whispers as he pulls you closer, wrapping his arms around you, holding you as close as possible. 
“Please never forget that.” You mutter against his chest, your secret is making your chest heavy.
A little bit over a week has passed some that night, and you still haven’t told Angel that you’re pregnant. 
One morning, you were laying in bed with him, he was still asleep, his head was resting on your chest, mouth open and slightly drooling on you, his tattooed arm was thrown around your belly, legs tangled together. 
Softly, careful not to wake him, you were running your fingers through his hair, when a sudden nausea hit you, and you could feel that you have to be in the bathroom in seconds.
“Oh god.” You whisper before you push Angel off of you, waking him, then you rush to the bathroom before you throw up. 
When Angel realised something was wrong, he rushed to the bathroom after you, squatting down next to you as he rubbed your back while you emptied your stomach into the toilet. 
“You shouldn’t see this.” You mutter.
“You saw me in worse states after parties.” Angel chuckled.
“Yeah, I’m afraid this isn't a hangover.”  
“Then what? Food poisoning? It seemed like you enjoyed the food last night.” 
“Angel, please can you get me a glass of water.” Is all you say.
“Shit, yeah!” He quickly gets up from the floor and goes to the kitchen to get you a glass of cold water. 
You gratefully take the glass from him and take a few sips in silence. 
You drank most of the water slowly, Angel was by your side the whole time, rubbing your back softly. 
“I’m gonna brush my teeth.” You mutter, and Angel leaves you alone while you get yourself together.
There’s no way of avoiding this anymore. 
After a quick shower, and brushing your teeth, you slightly felt better, until you stepped out of the bathroom and the strong smell of coffee hit your nose, and you can’t help but make a disgusted face. 
“What is this smell?” You ask Angel as you walk into the kitchen.
“Coffee.” He says simply.
“What? You love coffee, especially the smell of it.” He states when he sees your disgusted expression.
You take a deep breath. It’s now or never. 
“Angel, I have to tell you something.” You say nervously. 
Angel, seeing your serious expression, furrows his brows as he walks closer to you.
“What’s wrong, mi dulce?” He places his big hand on the side of your face, his palm covers the most of your cheek. 
You take another deep breath, then close your eyes before you whisper “I’m pregnant.” 
You don’t open your eyes as you wait for Angel’s reaction, but your eyes snap open when you hear laughing. 
“Yeah, that’s really funny Y/N.” 
You keep looking at him, as serious as you can to prove that you’re not joking.
Does he really think that you’re joking?
Angel is still smiling and shaking his head, but when he looks at you again, his smile fades.
“Wait, are you serious?” 
“Do you really think I would joke with something like this?” You snap “This has been killing me in the past few weeks! I’m constantly terrified of your reaction, that you’ll leave me, and you think I’m joking?!” 
Angel opens his mouth to say something, but he stops when he sees tears rolling down your cheeks.
“I wanted to tell you that night you came home and told me about EZ’s betrayal. I couldn’t make myself to do it, I was afraid it would break you even more.” You cry. “I’m so terrified, Angel, ever since I know it. We never talked about this, I have no idea what’s your opinion about this, I’m afraid you’ll think that I’m baby trapping you.” You sob “I’m confused, afraid, and all alone in this.” 
“You’re not alone!” Angel says firmly “Shit, I certainly wasn’t expecting this. I never imagined myself as a family type, as a father, but fuck, I also never imagined myself being so fucking in love with a woman, but here we are.” Angel takes your face in his hands. “Did we plan this? No. Am I terrified? Absolutely. But in no way, I’ll leave you, or force you into something that you don’t want.” The whole time your eyes are fixed on Angel’s chest, not meeting his eyes as you cry.
“Look at me, my love, please.” Angel asks you softly.
You look up at him.
“We are in no way ready for this, but the fact that we will have a mini us, the perfect mix of both of us, running around here in a few months makes me excited.” Angel smiles, and you can’t help but smile too.
“And if you’ll stay with me, I can promise you that I’ll keep knocking you up.” He winks, and you can’t help, but snort at his words. 
“Let’s wait and see how we can handle one baby, at first.” 
You’re six months pregnant now. 
Things were going easier than you thought they’ll go, and You and Angel were incredibly happy about your baby.
But you couldn’t ignore the fact that something was bothering Angel, you didn’t ask what is it, you’re almost sure that it’s club business, and if he wants to tell you, he will.
But you couldn’t ignore the mean thoughts in your brain, saying that he’s distant because he hates the sight of you, he hates the fact that you’re getting bigger and bigger, and he can’t look at you anymore, and he’s probably with one of Vicky’s girls. 
These thoughts made you break down in painful sobs. 
One night, you’re laying in bed, on your back, watching something on tv when Angel comes home. 
You hear him take his Kutte off, his shoes, as he slowly walks towards the bedroom that you share.
“You should be sleeping.” He says when he sees you being awake.
“I’m not sleepy. Hormones you know.” 
“I’m gonna take a shower quickly.” Angel says before he disappears in the bathroom.
You turn off the tv while you wait for him.
After like 5 minutes, Angel comes out of the bathroom, wearing only a loose black boxer that he loves to sleep in. 
He lays down next to you, turning towards you, drinking in the sight of you. 
Placing a hand on your round belly he whispers “You’re so beautiful.” 
It’s your turn now to turn your head towards him so you can look at him.
“And here I thought you hated the sight of me.” You whisper, voice so small you’re not sure that Angel heard you. 
But he did.
His head snapped up with a confused, and somehow offended expression.
“Why the fuck you’d say that?” 
“I can see that something is wrong. And I’m getting bigger, and bigger…”
“Stop right there!” Angel says forcefully. “You really think that’s the reason?”
You don’t reply.
Angel licks his lips, he’s no longer looking you in the eyes, but it’s fixed on your round belly. 
“I’m afraid I’ll fuck it up.” He confesses “I’m afraid that I’ll be a horrible father, and our child will hate me. All I can think about is that I will fuck it up.” 
“Angel.” You whisper “You won’t fuck this up. Not as long as I’m here and we do this together.”
“You can’t know that.” He shakes his head.
“Yes, I can. Because I know you Angel Reyes. You might fuck things up, but who doesn’t?!? Everyone makes mistakes, but the only thing important is that we learn from them. And you do, my love. You’re going to be the most amazing father. And you know why?” 
Angel shakes his head.
“Because you have a big heart. And when you love someone, you give everything you have to them, you love them more than anything, and you would do anything for them. I know it’s true, because I feel it everyday.” 
“You have far too much faith in me” Angel whispers.
“And you have far too little.” You reply “You have to start believing in yourself, mi Angelito.” 
“You’re going to be an amazing father, and this little one is lucky to have you as their dad.” 
Angel moves closer to you, placing a hand on your belly as he kisses you lovingly. 
“Thank you. For everything.” Angel whispers against your lips.
“Always, my Angel. Always. 
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