#creative grooming tool
opawz · 2 years
OPAWZ Wool Swatch For Creative Grooming Pet Hair Dye Color Testing
OPAWZ Wool Swatch For Creative Grooming Pet Hair Dye Color Testing
Make it easier for customers to choose colors! Use OPAWZ Wool Swatch to know colors better. Try different color mixing and get the closest to ctual dyeing result. Great for showing examples of the final coloring result with clients! OPAWZ Wool Swatch For Creative Grooming https://www.opawz.com/collections/grooming-accessories/products/opawz-pet-hair-dye-color-swatch OPAWZ Pet Hair…
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theambitiouswoman · 6 months
How To Become A Brand New Person ✨✨
Self Reflect:
Journal daily.
Think about past decisions and how they impacted your life.
Meditate regularly.
Create a vision board to visualize your goals.
Review your strengths and weaknesses.
Identify your core values and beliefs.
Figure out your passions and interests.
Think about your childhood dreams and aspirations.
Evaluate your current state of happiness and fulfillment.
Set Clear Goals:
Define specific career goals, like "Get promoted within two years."
Set health goals, like "Lose 20 pounds in six months."
Create financial goals such as "Save $10,000 for a vacation."
Establish personal development goals, like "Read 24 books in a year."
Set relationship goals, such as "Improve communication with my partner."
Define education goals, like "Complete a master's degree in three years."
Set travel goals, like "Visit five new countries in the next two years."
Create hobbies and interests goals, such as "Learn to play a musical instrument."
Set community or volunteer goals, like "Volunteer 100 hours this year."
Establish mindfulness or self-care goals, such as "Practice meditation daily."
Self Care:
Exercise for at least 30 minutes a day.
Follow a balanced diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Prioritize getting 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.
Practice in relaxation techniques like deep breathing or yoga.
Take regular breaks at work to avoid burnout.
Schedule "me time" for activities you enjoy.
Limit exposure to stressors and toxic people.
Practice regular skincare and grooming routines.
Seek regular medical check-ups and screenings.
Stay hydrated by drinking enough water daily.
Personal Development:
Read a book every month from various genres.
Attend workshops or seminars on topics of interest.
Learn a new language or musical instrument.
Take online courses to acquire new skills.
Set aside time for daily reflection and self improvement.
Seek a mentor in your field for guidance.
Attend conferences and networking events.
Start a side project or hobby to expand your abilities.
Practice public speaking or communication skills.
Do creative activities like painting, writing, or photography.
Create a Support System:
Build a close knit group of friends who uplift and inspire you.
Join clubs or organizations aligned with your interests.
Connect with a mentor or life coach.
Attend family gatherings to maintain bonds.
Be open and honest in your communication with loved ones.
Seek advice from trusted colleagues or supervisors.
Attend support groups for specific challenges (e.g., addiction recovery).
Cultivate online connections through social media.
Find a therapist or counselor for emotional support.
Participate in community or volunteer activities to meet like minded people.
Change Habits:
Cut back on sugary or processed foods.
Reduce screen time and increase physical activity.
Practice gratitude by keeping a daily journal.
Manage stress through mindfulness meditation.
Limit procrastination by setting specific deadlines.
Reduce negative self-talk by practicing self-compassion.
Establish a regular exercise routine.
Create a budget and stick to it.
Develop a morning and evening routine for consistency.
Overcome Fear and Self Doubt:
Face a specific fear head-on (example: public speaking).
Challenge your negative thoughts with positive affirmations.
Seek therapy to address underlying fears or traumas.
Take small, calculated risks to build confidence.
Visualize success in challenging situations.
Surround yourself with supportive and encouraging people.
Journal about your fears and doubts to gain clarity.
Celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.
Focus on your strengths and accomplishments.
Embrace failure as a valuable learning experience.
Embrace Change:
Relocate to a new city or country.
Switch careers or industries to pursue your passion.
Take on leadership roles in your workplace.
Volunteer for projects outside your comfort zone.
Embrace new technologies and digital tools.
Travel to unfamiliar destinations.
Start a new hobby or creative endeavor.
Change your daily routine to add variety.
Adjust your mindset to see change as an opportunity.
Seek out diverse perspectives and viewpoints.
Practice Gratitude:
Write down three things you're grateful for each day.
Express gratitude to loved ones regularly.
Create a gratitude jar and add notes of appreciation.
Reflect on the positive aspects of challenging situations.
Show gratitude by volunteering or helping others in need.
Send thank-you notes or messages to people who've helped you.
Keep a gratitude journal and review it regularly.
Share your gratitude openly during family meals or gatherings.
Focus on the present moment and appreciate the little things.
Practice gratitude even in times of adversity.
Be Patient:
Set realistic expectations for your progress.
Accept that personal growth takes time.
Focus on the journey rather than the destination.
Learn from setbacks and view them as opportunities to improve.
Celebrate small milestones along the way.
Practice self-compassion during challenging times.
Stay committed to your goals, even when progress is slow.
Keep a journal to track your personal growth.
Recognize that patience is a valuable skill in personal transformation.
Celebrate Small Wins:
Treat yourself to your favorite meal or dessert.
Reward yourself with a spa day or self-care activity.
Share your achievements with friends and loved ones.
Create a vision board to visualize your successes.
Acknowledge and congratulate yourself in a journal.
Give yourself permission to take a break and relax.
Display reminders of your accomplishments in your workspace.
Take a day off to celebrate a major milestone.
Host a small gathering to mark your achievements.
Set aside time to reflect on how far you've come.
Maintain Balance:
Set clear boundaries in your personal and work life.
Prioritize self care activities in your daily routine.
Schedule regular breaks and downtime.
Learn to say "no" when necessary to avoid overcommitment.
Evaluate your work life balance regularly.
Seek support from friends and family to avoid burnout.
Be kind to yourself and accept imperfections.
Practice mindfulness to stay present and grounded.
Revisit your priorities and adjust them as needed.
Embrace self love and self acceptance as part of your daily life.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 20 days
Autism awareness month is over but that does NOT mean we stop spreading awareness and acceptance!
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• Late Talker/Early Talker
• Good vocab, with difficulty saying wants/needs
• Delay/decreased use of gestures, pointing
• Echolalia .and scripting after age 2.5
• Uses words or phrases repeatedly/often
• High pitch, melodic, sing-song voice
• Uses another's hand/body as a tool to get help/gain access
Interests & Routines:
• Prefers sameness and routine, may struggle with changes and become anxious and dysregulated
• Has strong, focused interests, may be early interest in letters/reading
• Focuses on details and likes things to be "just right" (labeled OCD)
• Repeats play activities or scenes (dumping/crashing, creative play)
• Carries comfort items around
• Creates walking routines/patterns
• Eye contact: intense, avoidant, or inconsistent
• Inconsistent response to name
• May be "overly" friendly/ lack stranger danger
• May prefer to play alone or parallel play longer than others
• May be better at responding to others than initiating social contact
• Differences in joint attention
• May need to direct/control play
Sensory Processing:
• Selective (picky) eating habits
• Covers ears to loud sounds/ puts sounds up to ears, listens to sounds/songs on repeat
• Watches items up close to study spinning or how they work, may look at eye level or side of eyes
• Enjoys tight hugs, avoids hugs
• Seeks movement: jumping, pacing, rocking back and forth, crashing
• Sensitivity to grooming, washing,
Sensory Processing:
• Selective (picky) eating habits
• Covers ears to loud sounds/ puts sounds up to ears, listens to sounds/songs on repeat
• Watches items up close to study spinning or how they work, may look at eye level or side of eyes
• Enjoys tight hugs, avoids hugs
• Seeks movement: jumping, pacing, rocking back and forth, crashing
• Sensitivity to grooming, washing,
Mrs Speechie P
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calware · 2 months
dear calware, I'm not sure how much you know on the topic of Doc Scratch, but I was wondering, why is the common consensus around him that he's like a creepy pedophile? after rereading his messages with Rose, he seems more tone deaf and weird than a fully on creep. is there something I'm missing?
scratch isn't "literally" a pedophile (or a hebephile, which is the accurate term for this situation) which we know because of this
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but at the same time, that is still the Way he's written
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(i'm sorry if this following explanation is confusing.... i really do not have the right wording to describe it) it's almost like a metaphorical representation. he's a child predator in every way but the actual sexual attraction. the way he's written references the behavior of actual child predators and is meant to signal to the audience that this is the Kind Of Character he is. it's a literary tool(?)to tell the audience that he is literally taking advantage of characters in various ways (as well as straight up abusing damara) while at the time comparing it to child sexual abuse
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but if you do want literal actions on his part, he does Literally groom young girls and they are his targets for manipulation
also, directly from the author commentary (which. is not 100% serious at times. but i do think it sometimes offers some actual insight):
I know I just said a bunch of stuff about [DD] maybe being a creep. But look, this is just my OPINION here. I don't think he's actually being creepy about this. I think he has a genuinely parental attitude toward Aradia and wants to see her succeed in her violent and underhanded schemes. See how he wants them to conduct their business with efficiency? He's way too professional to go Full Doc on these girls.
Another peek at Rose suggests she's still at it with her creepy uncle, Doc Scratch.
Then you have a few beats of conversation which bring Equius to mind, such as the creep-factor
[Dirk and Equius] have this creepy-guy streak running through them, with strange or offputting interests, and seem to get a quiet kick out of making others uncomfortable through demonstrations of these fascinations. [...] I'd say these self-examined qualities are just drawn out, isolated, and inflated both for dramatic effect, and also as critical write-up of those qualities existing within many human beings in general, which I would like to think is grounded in a creative process involving a certain degree of humility about some of this bullshit. I like all these characters here, but that doesn't mean I think their unpleasant qualities are good. It just means I am harnessing and heightening those qualities for creating strong villainous portraits.
We start getting the sense that the entire purpose of this conversation, from Doc's vantage point, is just to passive-aggressively manipulate Rose into peering directly into one of his cursed testicles. Wait, my youth pastor is literally barking like a dog right now for some reason. Probably because I put him on a leash and tied him to a post in the backyard. I guess I fucked up again? I mean one of Doc's seeds.
Maybe it's fair to say I have a higher than average tolerance troubling content. But even I have to admit to shuddering a little when I read Doc's creepy lines toward Rose. I think Doc's creep factor toward girls is most likely channeling part of Caliborn's personality, which almost seems to revolve around his horrid attitude toward women. For Caliborn, this weird combination of wrathful misogyny, yet fixation and obsession with certain girls, is obviously central to the type of real-world profile he's meant to portray. But when his personality is more muted among the collective in Doc's head, those qualities come across as more "restrained," "polite," and "flattering," which arguably just makes it all creepier. The result is a creepy dude profile that also exists in the real world, sort of adjacent to the Full Caliborns out there. There seem to be many stripes of this kind of unfortunate male behavior, which all exists in a broader family of sub-Caliborns. The Docs, the Eridans, the Cronuses… They're all sketchy in different ways.
Doc sitting back just to "watch" is another creepy Equiusism. Remember that was a thing with him.
I wonder what Jade would think if she knew she had in her possession since childhood one of Doc's testicORACLES!!! Oracles. The word I meant to say was oracles, not anything else. Anyway, like I was saying, how would Jade react if she realized every time she played with one of her beloved toys, she was actually fondling this weirdo's plump, juicy oracle. I know you think my youth pastor may have something to do with this peculiar outburst, but you're wrong. I "dismissed" him recently, because he told me with great pride that I learned everything he had to teach me. I don't need anyone to keep me from shoving my foot in my mouth anymore, I'm sure you'll be pleased to know. Now let's watch this grieving teen receive a demonic message from an evil puppet's big fat nut.
bonus commentary from book 6 that has nothing to do with the post:
We're reaching a specific kind of story partition. Not the end of an act, but the end of a year. Also an end of "disc," which is a kind of meta-partitioning I just made up for the purpose of closing the book on two years of content, as well as being a good meta-device for introducing the Doc sequence we're about to get into in the next book.
"next book"...... sad
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rottingraisins · 4 months
this is a post i would really rather not make because i think the degree of petty drama its caused is in itself symptomatic of how childishly hung up we are on this one fucking character but:
admin bright has actively leveraged the notoriety of their character for grooming as recently as 2020. it is impossible to separate the art from the artist in this case, as the art has been, and might still be used as a tool for luring in victims. the continued prevalence bright both on the wiki itself and in fandom is actively providing a platform to a groomer. creating fanwork of the character is a genuine moral failing at this point.
the scp canon possesses a uniquely immense breadth and variety of ideas and stories. you can find something else to get attached to in there, or if you can't let go of scp-963, engage in a bit of creative writing yourself and create an oc to fill its slot. the world is your oyster here.
i won't ever make anything with bright in it again, and neither should you. and i'd honestly rather you get off my blog if you can't muster up that bit of spine.
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coockie8 · 1 year
I fucking hate so much when antis are all like "X, Y, Z type of fiction was used to groom me so it shouldn't exist!" Like??? Comic books, dogs, and my own artwork were used to groom me, we banning comics, pets, and creative expression now because some asshole used them to take advantage of a child? The logic simply does not compute.
If one grooming instrument should be banned, then they all should be banned, which is like literally every single fucking thing that exists because if a predator wants to groom you, they are going to find some way to groom you. The predator is the problem here. Not the tool they use to perpetrate their abuse. Stop giving abusers scapegoats and hold them fucking responsible for their own god damn actions!
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septemberrie · 1 year
Rivusa Recs: FitzTragedy
I have to thank @fitztragedy for so much beauty and joy that has entered my life since March of 2021 when I peeked into the Rivusa tag on tumblr and found my fandom fam. Your birthday gift this year is a rec list of all my favorite of your works! 
Val and I often have different tastes in genres, but she’s taught me that the stakes don’t have to be literal life and death to be interesting or dramatic or discerning. Val’s stories excel in the quiet moments, the dialogue, the intimacies; it’s chasing after your lover in the pouring rain, it’s waking up next to someone with a stunning realization, it’s your friends having your back while also encouraging you out of your comfort zone (sound familiar? Because of Val I flew halfway around the world to meet up with friends that I met because of Rivusa, because of Val).
Love you, Val! Without further ado, here are my faves:
✨Smoking Hot (collab with @gossipqueen2000) Word Count: 6k Tags: Rivusa, side Skloom, firefighter AU, humor Summary: “AFD! Open the door!” “AFD?” “…Fire department!” “….STRIPPERS!” Rec: I think the summary captures this delightful romp quite well. Mo and Val managed to craft the story of a drunken bachelorette party WITHOUT turning all the fairies into annoying caricatures of themselves. The party’s aftermath features the Specialists as firefighters, Riven and Sky up to single guy shenanigans, led by an increasingly wearied Saul wearied by their antics. This story is an instant pick-me-up.
✨An Innocent Trust Exercise Word Count: 11k Tags: Rivusa, forced proximity, smut Summary: In order to teach the fairies and Specialists to trust and learn from each other, Farah and Saul create a school-wide exercise: fairy & Specialist partners will be literally tied up for a week. Rec: Written in the beginnings of the FTWS fandom, this fic cemented for me how much Val doesn’t let ideas go once they’re in her head. Expect fun banter, steamy smut, and worldbuilding crack treated seriously. Val takes a great premise and totally delivers. Fave exchange: 
“Can’t sleep with your face this close.” 
“Too distracting?”
“I just don’t wanna have nightmares.”
✨The Most Powerful Mind Fairy in Alfea Word Count: 5k (WIP) Tags: Rivusa, pre-breakup Samusa, mind fairy stuff, S2 missing scene Summary: In Season 2, Ep 4, Rosalind calls Musa “the most powerful mind fairy here.” Missing scenes that slot into canon to explain Rosalind’s opinion. Rec: This rec is a bit personal; S2 left me reeling with where a lot of characters ended up and I had a hard time feeling creative about it, but then Val swept in and dropped this fic shortly after the premiere. I love how dark Val took this one, not shying away from Rosalind using torture to weed out the students she wanted to groom. Read for a great way to fill in the gaps S2 left us with.
✨Tolerable Word Count: 9k Tags: Rivusa, kink meme prompt, arranged marriage, dubious consent (sorta) Summary:  In order to recruit the best specialists to fight in their army and protect the Queen, Solaria promises certain qualified candidates an arranged marriage to a powerful fairy that will increase their social status and income. Riven wants to prove to his father that he can make it on his own, regardless of whether the mind fairy he's paired with wants to marry him or not. All he has to do is get her pregnant to seal the deal. Rec: I’m actually a huge sucker for arranged marriage, and apparently I also have a thing for exploring sex: is it a tool for control? for whose control? or for intimacy? What even is intimacy? I love the exploration of what healthy sex is, with a dash of insane kinky worldbuilding.
✨Thin Walls (collab with @theperfectrose) Word Count: 37k Tags: Rivusa, Modern/Non-Magical AU, And They Were Roommates, Smut Summary: Musa is in desperate need of a roommate. Riven is available. Only problem is their apartment walls are very thin. Rec: Look, I have to include Val’s magnum opus. I love that in every universe, in every timeline, not only will Rivusa get together, but Val will be there writing about it--featuring snappy banter, unrequited pining (until it’s requited ofc) and falling first into bed and then in love. Not to mention the steamiest of all smuts when Iva joined the story in the later stages. Brava, ladies!
Honorable Mention
✨Tempting Fate her collab with meeee 🥰 I can’t praise Val enough for elevating this story not only with her storytelling, but also with her graphic design to make the text-based parts of this story so fun and engaging. I’m so proud of this story!
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divinerapturesys · 3 months
Can i ask how you gave up on rp because of did?
😃 oh a fun ask
we had to give it up because A) we were splitting alters from the oc’s created/characters used and B) for the majority of the time we were an active RP-er, we were a minor doing nsfw rp’s with adults 💀 (no we shouldn’t have, no we didn’t truly know any better, and yeah, the adults knew how old we were)
More specifically, we went through a 2-3 year long era of being groomed from 16-18 by an older woman who roleplayed pretty heavy nsfw shit with us; we subsequently split alters from those rps’ oc’s, and they are super fucked in the head from it lmao; they were heavily attached to her and because of daily rp-ing, were incredibly source heavy and struggled badly. She was an irl friend as well, so it didn’t go so great for us 😅
Now that we’re an adult and keenly aware of our DID, aware of being polyfrag + knowing how oftentimes a hyperfixation on an oc/character can spiral into a split, we’ve chosen not to rp anymore. Alters in the past used nsfw rp’s as coping mechanisms and as self harm tactics, and often the alters that split from those rp’s are pretty fucked up lmao. Overall, it’s just healthier for us to abstain from roleplay. We still make oc’s and enjoy world building, au making, headcanons, etc, but when it comes to the actual writing, we won’t.
I know roleplay for some systems can be healthy and/or helpful, and obviously not every system that rp’s splits from it. A lot of systems do it for fun and as a creative outlet, esp bc it’s so popular in fandoms n shit. But for us, it was a tool utilized by adults/older teens almost daily to groom us for years as well as used to fetishize our csa history and it sexually conditioned alters.
- Shiloh ❄️
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Characteristics of Father's Day gifts often include:
Personalized and Thoughtful: Father's Day gifts tend to be personalized and chosen with the recipient's interests, hobbies, or preferences in mind. They reflect a thoughtful consideration of what the father figure enjoys.
Sentimental Value: Many Father's Day gifts hold sentimental value, emphasizing the emotional connection between the giver and the recipient. They might include handwritten letters, personalized keepsakes, or items that evoke cherished memories.
Practical or Useful: Gifts for dads often lean towards practicality or utility, such as tools, gadgets, accessories, or items related to hobbies or activities the father enjoys. These gifts are chosen to be functional and useful in the recipient's life.
Quality Time Experiences: Some gifts focus on experiences rather than physical items, offering opportunities for shared quality time. This could involve tickets to events, outings, or activities that the father and family can enjoy together.
Humor and Fun: Certain gifts may incorporate humor or elements of fun, reflecting the lighthearted side of the father-child relationship. These could be gag gifts, funny cards, or items that bring laughter and joy.
Recognition and Appreciation: The primary characteristic of a Father's Day gift is its expression of recognition and appreciation for the father figure's role, sacrifices, and contributions to the family.
Diverse Range of Gifts: Father's Day gifts can vary widely based on the giver's budget, creativity, and the father's preferences. They could include anything from DIY crafts, customized items, tech gadgets, books, clothing, grooming products, to experiences like cooking classes, adventure activities, or travel vouchers.
Surprise and Delight: Many people aim to surprise their fathers with gifts that bring delight and happiness. The element of surprise often enhances the emotional impact of the gift.
Ultimately, the characteristics of Father's Day gifts revolve around conveying love, appreciation, and gratitude for fathers or father figures, ensuring the chosen gifts reflect the unique bond between the giver and the recipient.
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petgroomingblog · 8 days
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Meow Makeovers : A Look at Trendsetting Cat Grooming Services in Dubai
Welcome to the dazzling world of feline fashion and pampering! Cat grooming services in Dubai have undergone a remarkable evolution, embracing trends that go beyond mere hygiene to create a luxurious and personalized experience for our beloved furry companions.
In this comprehensive guide, we'll embark on a journey through the hottest trends shaping the cat grooming industry in Dubai today. From natural and organic products to creative grooming styles, mobile grooming services, wellness packages, and tech-driven solutions, get ready to discover how modern cat grooming is redefining elegance, convenience, and well-being for our purr-fact friends. Let's dive into the details and uncover what you need to know to keep your cat looking and feeling fabulous!
Natural and Organic Products: Cat grooming products in Dubai have evolved to prioritize natural and organic ingredients. These products are free from harsh chemicals like parabens and sulfate, which can irritate sensitive cat skin.
Instead, they feature nourishing ingredients such as aloe vera, oatmeal, and essential oils. Not only do these products leave cats with a healthy coat, but they also promote overall skin wellness.
Creative Grooming Styles: Creative grooming in Dubai is all about pushing boundaries and expressing personality through fur art. Groomers use pet-safe dyes to create eye-catching designs, from intricate patterns to whimsical themes like unicorns or superheroes.
This trend isn't just for special occasions; many cat owners in Dubai opt for creative grooming as a fun way to showcase their cat's unique style year-round.
Mobile Grooming Services: Mobile grooming services Dubai have revolutionized the grooming experience for cats and their owners. Groomers equipped with mobile grooming vans or trailers bring the salon to your doorstep.
This eliminates the stress of car rides and unfamiliar environments for cats, making the grooming process more comfortable and convenient. Mobile cat groomers offer a range of services, from baths and trims to nail clipping and dental care, all in the comfort of your home.
Wellness Grooming Packages: Wellness grooming in Dubai goes beyond aesthetics to prioritize the health and well-being of cats. These packages often include spa-like treatments such as aromatherapy baths, which use calming scents like lavender or chamomile to reduce stress and anxiety.
Massage sessions are another popular component, providing therapeutic benefits for cats with muscle tension or joint stiffness. Pedicures, complete with nail trimming and paw massages, ensure that every aspect of your cat's grooming experience in Dubai is relaxing and enjoyable.
Technology-Driven Grooming Solutions: Technology has enhanced the grooming process in Dubai with innovative tools and services. Automated brushing stations use gentle brushes to remove loose fur and prevent matting, keeping your cat's coat healthy and tangle-free.
Virtual grooming consultations allow cat owners in Dubai to connect with experienced groomers remotely, receiving personalized grooming advice and recommendations. Some grooming salons even offer smart grooming schedules that track your cat's grooming needs and send reminders for appointments, ensuring they always look their best.
In conclusion, the world of cat grooming in Dubai is a vibrant and ever-evolving landscape where innovation meets care. By staying informed about the latest trends, groomers can provide exceptional services that not only keep cats looking stylish but also promote their well-being. From the use of natural products that nourish the skin and coat to creative grooming styles that showcase individuality, the options are limitless. Whether you're a grooming service provider or a cat owner looking to pamper your furry friend in Dubai, remember that staying ahead of trends means staying ahead of the curve in delivering top-notch grooming experiences. Here's to a future filled with happy, stylish, and healthy cats!
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earthnashes · 2 years
The costumes (and maybe the cutlure), how do you come up with those, and where do you get the inspiration?
I am by no means an expert but I'll try to answer! So I'm gonna answer the question of costume design and culture design separately for the sake of what I hope is simplicity. But for both, my general advice is to:
A) Keep it simple B) Constantly ask for the why, specifically for culture worldbuilding
As far as wordbuilding goes for culture, I personally like to try and make the shit up on the fly as I go cuz I find it a fun challenge, but it never hurts to look at existing cultures for some inspiration! That said, keep in mind there's a difference between drawing inspiration from a culture and attempting to represent it, and if you're going for the latter and have no lived-in experience with the culture, research research research.
That said, there are basic nuances in culture that are always present no matter what culture it may be: how and what the people eat, what the people don't and do believe in, how they creatively express themselves (art, music, dance, writing). Basically, how they exist in, interact with, and view the world.
SO! A few tips to building a culture based on how I typically go about it!
-Consider the environment your fictional peeps live in. What's the weather? What's the native flora and fauna? What's their technology like? Is their magic? If so, how does that influence the environment and the people in it? Ask yourself these questions when worldbuilding in general, but I think it's a neat place to start because environment influences how a culture may develop over time.
-Once you figure out some of the environmental elements your peeps have to deal with, you can get creative with it. How do they build their houses? What do they wear and what do they eat? How do they eat? What are the tools they use on the daily? What, to them, is considered abundant and what is considered scarce, how do they react to that?
-Get creative! Think about what makes your race unique and maybe consider how that affects their culture. I like to pick out unusual details about my fictional societies/races and try to consider how that would influence their overall culture. For example: a world with a race that has no magic vs a race that does. A race that are, say, covered in fur, or have sensitive hearing, or perhaps are largely blind. Maybe the people don't have a means to vocally communicate, or perhaps they have no arms, or they have extra parts (wings, tail, additional arms/legs, eyes ect). Maybe the women grow beards and the men don't, maybe they don't actually have any distinct sex or gender; you get it. Everything and all of these things can be used to get the ball rolling in creating something unique and fun for the culture, like how they interact, how they exist, what they believe in. Having an origin for a cultural development will help answer the question why, and knowing the why (which doesn't necessarily have to be super intricate btw) will help give your culture a little more believability. Because everything has a why in context, even if it's a very simple one.
If you don't mind a personal example: my race the Spirits in my OC story. For a simple example, they are magical and they have horns. That lead to the idea that they believe their horns store a large portion of their magic, and that led to the idea that the horns play a huge role in both intimacy and basic interaction in their lives. Touching the horns with hands = only allowed with friends. Lowering the horns = a sign of submission or a challenge. Touching horns to horns = intimate, reserved for close friends, family, partners. Bashing horns = aggression, incredibly rude, or rough play. And that's just for the basic social interaction; this little detail can lead into ideas for personal grooming, what could generally be considered attractive, how they view people without them, how they decorate them, so on.
-My final tip with fictional culture building is to try not to worry about the super fine intricacies, especially when you start to build your world. Try to let it flow as organically as you can, and brainstorm brainstorm brainstorm. Play with the ideas, don't shy away from crazy or simple ideas. A culture-- and for that case a world-- doesn't necessarily have to make complete sense for it to work, largely because it's... a part of being human is the best way I can put it? It's usually messy, and some of it you may not understand even from a creator standpoint, but that's what makes it beautiful man.
NOW! As for costume design! Because I got lengthy with the previous I'mma keep this as short and simple as I can!
-When designing an outfit/costume for a character, consider who they are and what their purpose is in the story. Think about their personality, their occupation, their environment: how does that translate to how they dress?
-Use references. Use them. Find characters that have the general vibe you're going for and note how they look, dress. Look up fashion from different periods in history (especially if you're lookin' to make it based on a specific time period), take some inspiration from that.
-Keep in mind the 70-20-10 rule. This is specifically for color design in both your character and your character's costume. In general terms, a character's design is made up of 70% of one color, 20% of a secondary color, and 10% of an accent color. This helps with cohesiveness; be mindful of what those colors could tell the viewer about the character at just a glance.
aaaaand that's all I got. I hope this helps in some capacity! ;w;
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lboogie1906 · 3 months
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William Edmondson (c. December 1874 - February 7, 1951) was the first African American artist to have a solo show at the Museum of Modern Art, New York in 1937. He grew up near Nashville, Tennessee. Edmondson’s father, George, died when he was quite young and his mother Jane became a farm worker to support the family. He began carving tombstones and expanded his work to include sports heroes, animals, birdbaths, and figures from the Bible.
He had very little formal education and as a young man he worked for railway shops in Nashville, Chattanooga, and St. Louis. He was employed at various times as a farmhand, horse groom, orderly, fireman, and handyman. He began work as a helper for a stonemason, he discovered his talent for stone carving and built his carving tools by forging railroad spikes. In the early 1930s, he began carving tombstones for Nashville’s African American community using pieces of limestone that had been thrown away. People stopped by and bought tombstones for a few dollars. He never married.
He believed that God guided his creative endeavors and the subject matter reflected his faith. He created Martha and Mary, a sculpture based on these prominent Biblical figures. His sculpture was displayed in 1937 at his first one-person exhibition at MOMA. At the end of the exhibit, it was sold to a prominent collector. From that point, his work was recognized in national art circles.
He connected with Harlem Renaissance artist Aaron Douglas and writer James Weldon Johnson in a discussion about art and ideas. He worked as an artist on Works Progress Administration projects in Nashville (1939-41).
He had solo shows at The Montclair Art Museum The Cheekwood Fine Arts Center, The Nashville Artist Guild, and The Tennessee State Museum. His work was included in group exhibitions in DC, New York, San Francisco, and Paris. His work is in the permanent collections of The Montclair Art Museum. The University of Rochester, the San Francisco Museum of Art, and at The Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, The National Museum of American Art, and the Smithsonian Institution. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence
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apocamarchive · 1 year
Apocamarc lore part 8: Marc and Apocalypse’s parallels
This one’s big, and also the current last lore drop for now! Enjoy :-)
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Expanding on previous convo on sleep:
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And to wrap up thoughts here on general stuff and scale difference, since we didn’t quite have an ending:
Both Marc and Apocalypse have been raised to believe in their own overinflated or under inflated worth. Apocalypse was groomed to be a weapon and a conqueror and set on that path, divorced from his humanity and ability to see human life as worthwhile and able to be connected to because he was put on a pedestal so far above them his set of morals changed. There was no reason for him not to believe himself a god in the same way of any other in myth, the ones that cause mass destruction and plagues and floods and set off wars because it is their choice and will to. And as a result he nearly achieved that. But he didn’t. And now he has to reckon with never being a god at all, but a dehumanized and grandiose human mutant set up for power before he could be understood. His belief in betterment and in his choices being right almost caused mass destruction on a global scale.
Marc, on the other hand, is the same and opposite. He was taught to believe his worth did not matter, that he caused problems to those close to him and was not deserving of care. As a result he is set on a path for manipulation. He joins the army, then becomes a mercenary, and then Moon Knight, each time being an extension of someone else’s will, used as a tool in a personal crusade of political power, money, or revenge. And he wreaks havoc on small targets and his personal life in the process. He destabilizes groups, places, crime rings. He cuts people off, ghosts people, isolates himself. And it is because he believes himself to be so harmful that he should never be touched and as such builds a web of distrust and violence around him. He thinks he can do everything alone and that he has to, that he is the only one capable and bringing anyone else in would only hurt them, so he has to be the only party responsible, even though that’s never been the case, not with his friends or his headmates or anyone. His price of protection and doing what he believes is the cost of himself and his own relationships and morals. But he is painfully aware of that connection throughout.
Neither of them are right, but both intensely skewed world views stem from a similar yet opposite place of origin: from believing that worldview to be wholly correct, that it can do no wrong, and that actions taken for it are justified. There is a strange understanding in the middle. One that requires unearthing pain, shifting the view of the self drastically, and understanding that at the center, both of them are inescapably human. Something that, in many ways, is an idea they have to reckon with.
(IDs in ALT for all)
It will all be discussion n hcs and creative content from here until new convos happen! Feel free to send anything in, tag this account in any posts, whatever ;-D
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vlccinstitutecourses · 7 months
the beauty parlor journey from the past to the present
Many of us dream of joining the beauty industry and making our career. But most of us must be aware of the beauty industry's history and exciting journey. Most people believe cosmetics are a recent invention and associate their use in modern times. In reality, however, cosmetics have an account that can be seen stretching back to ancient times, notably in Egypt and Rome. Delving deeper into the past allows us to gain insight into the origins of beauty parlors, their evolution with time, and the significance they carry for individuals pursuing their dreams.
The use of beauty parlors, which are also called salons, has been growing steadily and rapidly. They have been around for as long as people have been conscious about their looks and search for ways of enhancement. Parlors gradually became a part of our culture. One such example can be traced back centuries ago to ancient Egypt, where people indulged in cosmetics and perfumes. These were not only used for personal use but also considered as tools of regaling someone. Even in Rome, public baths were famous as places not just for cleanliness but for grooming and social interactions.
When the concept of beauty parlors was new, the services offered were also fundamental. However, only the wealthy could afford to go to the parlors and enjoy the benefits. But things changed with time, and the beauty industry continued to evolve according to the demands. Bit by bit, beauty parlors also started including many other services like manicures, pedicures, facials, hair treatments, and much more.
If you look at the present times, it can be seen that beauty parlors have become accessible to nearly everyone. It is a refreshing change that has made self-care and grooming available to all. As the demand for receiving beauty services increased, there was also a rise in the requirement for beauty professionals. This further gave rise to many beauty schools offering beauty courses and teaching the art of looking and feeling fabulous.
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Beauty parlors are not merely places to get a new hairstyle or a lovely manicure. These magical sanctuaries allow you to transform yourself and let your hidden beauty grow, boosting your self-confidence. These are havens for self-care and relaxation, empowering you to feel your best inside and out.
Beyond the personal benefits, beauty parlors are detrimental in their contribution towards job creation, employing millions - from makeup artists to spa therapists. It is a thriving industry that constantly adapts to changing times and evolving trends, meeting the increasing demands of people. VLCC School of Beauty understands the industry's needs and keeps up with the times, passing on that knowledge to its students.
So, if you are all set to take that leap and join the beauty industry, your journey will be filled with history, creativity, and endless opportunities. Follow your dreams, enroll in a beauty parlor course at a renowned school like VLCC School of Beauty, and get ready to help people look and feel fabulous—it will surely be a beautiful ride!
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xipiti · 1 year
Would you rather be a front-desk clerk or "Director of First Impressions"? A barber or a "Grooming Manager"?
How you answer could mean a significant difference in annual earnings. That's because companies routinely inflate workers' titles to avoid paying them in full for overtime work, according to researchers from the University of Texas and Harvard Business School.
It's no secret companies go to great lengths to keep their labor costs down. What the new working paper reveals is that firms save a total of $4 billion in overtime payments a year simply by getting creative with titles. For employees, however, these inflated titles result in 13% less pay than they might otherwise get.
"If you're relying on cheap labor — you're a labor-intensive company and you can get away with it — this becomes a tool that you can use to lower your costs," said Umit Gurun, professor of accounting and finance at the University of Texas at Dallas and one of the report's authors.
Gurun said he and coauthor N. Bugra Ozel hit on the idea for the study, published by the National Bureau for Economic Research, while they were traveling through an airport and overheard two workers talking about a delayed flight.
"One said, 'I don't complain because I get overtime.' The other guy was a manager, so he didn't," Gurun recalled. "But they were doing exactly the same job."
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jaliadp · 11 months
Jalia Pettis Crowned Winner of USA Title, Secures Spot in Global Competition
Phoenix, Arizona – In an exceptional display of talent, Jalia Pettis has emerged as the victor in the Denman Stage Star USA. As a result of the remarkable achievement Jalia Pettis will represent the USA in the upcoming Global Competition solidifying her status as a leading figure in the beauty industry.
Two stylists were selected as finalists in the USA, and each were assigned fifteen minutes to showcase their best work in styling and finishing LIVE on Instagram on June 19, 2023. Pettis showcased her creativity, knowledge of product all while allowing her personality to shine through.
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Denman Stage Star has grown to be one of the world's leading creative hairstyling competitions. Each country’s winner will travel to London during the month of October and compete for that global title on October 16. 2023. The US hair community should be elated by Pettis’ triumph as she has been a force to be reckoned with relating to her skills as a Makeup Artist for the last three years. “I am deeply honored and grateful for the opportunity to represent the US on a global stage. I get to flex my muscles as a hair stylist which I don’t take lightly so I am spending the next few months preparing for that global stage,” expressed Pettis. “This win means so much to me and I plan to bring it!”
By winning the Denman Stage Star USA, Jalia Pettis has earned a coveted spot and will be afforded the opportunity to showcase her work at Salon International. In addition, she will go head-to-head against talents representing Asia, Europe, UK & Ireland. This exceptional opportunity will not only allow Pettis to showcase her skills on an international platform but also contribute to the recognition and growth of the hair industry in the United States.
As Pettis gears up for the global competition, her dedication to her craft and artistry will continue to inspire both aspiring stylist and beauty enthusiasts nationwide. Her success serves as a testament to the flourishing talent within the American hair community.
For media inquiries or interview requests, please contact:
3Jay Productions LLC – [email protected] – 386.866.1114
About Jalia Pettis: An Arizona-based makeup artist, hairstylist, and educator. Her passion and ability have been recognized with numerous awards, including NAHA Makeup Artist of the Year (2022) and the International Beauty Industry Award (2020-2021). Pettis’ work spans a variety of settings, from film, television, and editorial, to creative direction and business development. In addition, she has worked with a range of clients, from internationally recognized brands to musicians, celebrities, athletes, and more. A truly multifaceted artist, Pettis excels in a broad spectrum of specialties, from clean beauty to men’s grooming, natural hair, high-octane glamor, and much more. As an educator, her goal is to equip others with the tools and self-confidence to start their industry adventure.
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